[CTRL] Fwd: No Way Out of Debt-Slavery

2001-03-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Q&A About Bankruptcy Legislation

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Sweeping legislation passed last week by the House and
Senate and supported by President Bush would rewrite the nation's bankruptcy
laws. Questions about the changes:

Q: What does the legislation do?

A: It would make it harder for people to erase their credit card and other
debts in bankruptcy court. It applies new standards for determining whether
people filing for bankruptcy should be forced to repay their debts under a
court-approved reorganization plan, under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code,
rather than having their unsecured debt dissolved under Chapter 7 of the

If a debtor is found to have enough income to repay at least 25 percent over
five years, a reorganization plan generally would be required. Bankruptcy
judges would have less discretion than they do now.

Q: How did the legislation develop?

A: Some lawmakers in both parties started pushing for it about three years
ago. They were concerned over a jump in personal bankruptcy filings amid a
prosperous economy and what they viewed as abuse of the bankruptcy system.
New bankruptcy filings reached a record 1.4 million in 1998, an increase of
more than 300 percent since 1980. They declined to about 1.3 million in 1999
and 1.2 million last year.

Banks, credit card companies and retail credit businesses pushed hard for
legislation, spending millions of dollars in campaign contributions and
lobbying activities.

Q: Who opposes it?

A: Consumer groups, unions, and some groups representing women and children.
They contend it is overly harsh on working families driven into financial
disaster by job loss, divorce or huge medical bills.

Opponents also criticize the credit card companies for mailing out billions
of solicitations and trying to hook college students and low-income people
who may get deep into debt and have trouble repaying.

Q: If I file for bankruptcy protection, what would happen to me under the

A: First, you would be required to take part in a credit counseling program.
You probably would be told of the potential consequences of bankruptcy, such
as the impact on your credit rating. Many counseling programs are free for

Q: If I did file in bankruptcy court, could I keep my house?

A: Under the Senate version of the legislation, you would be able to keep up
to $125,000 of the equity in your home out of creditors' reach in bankruptcy
court. The House bill applies existing state limits on equity in most cases.
The exception: if you bought the home and established state residency within
two years of your bankruptcy filing; in that case, the limit on protected
home equity would be $100,000.

Texas and Florida have unlimited homestead exemptions. Some famous and
wealthy people - including actor Burt Reynolds - have written off millions in
debt in bankruptcy court but kept their mansions in Florida.

Q: Are most people who file for bankruptcy that wealthy?

A: No. The median annual income of people filing for bankruptcy protection in
1998 was $22,000, according to a study by federal judges.

Q: What about my car loan?

A: Under the legislation, you probably would have to repay the full value of
your outstanding auto loan. Debtors now are generally allowed to repay only
the market value of the vehicle plus interest.

Q: My husband and I are separated. Would his income be counted when the court
was determining whether I would have to file under a Chapter 13
reorganization instead of Chapter 7?

A: No, it wouldn't be counted.

Q: What's the status of the legislation?

A: Differences between the Senate and House versions have to be ironed out
before a final package can be enacted and sent to Bush, who has indicated he
would sign it. Many observers expect that to happen sometime this year.

On the Net:

Information on the bills, S. 420 and H.R. 333, can be found at

American Bankruptcy Institute: http://www.abiworld.org

[CTRL] Fwd: National Energy Crisis

2001-03-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Abraham Says US Facing Crisis on Energy Supplies

Washington, March 19 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. is facing its worst energy
crisis since the 1970s, and California's power shortages could spread to
other parts of the country, including the Northeast, Energy Secretary Spencer
Abraham said.

``The power crisis isn't just pinching our wallets, it's changing the way we
live our lives,'' he said during an energy summit at the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, the largest business lobbying group in the country.

Abraham spoke before meeting with President George W. Bush and other Cabinet
officials to start work on a national energy policy to head off energy
shortages that Abraham said may ``threaten our nation's economic prosperity''
and ``compromise our national security.''

Development of a White House energy policy has been given greater urgency by
the crisis in California. Businesses and consumers in the state, the most
populous in the U.S., were warned of a new round of rolling blackouts today
as alternative energy producers stop selling power on concerns they won't be
paid. The state's two biggest utilities, PG&E Corp. and Edison International,
have run up more than $12 billion in debt and are on the verge of bankruptcy.

``The bad news is that the situation in California is not isolated, it is not
temporary, and it won't fix itself,'' Abraham said.

Opening the Refuge

``There are no short-term fixes,'' Bush said at the start of the energy
policy meeting, which included Abraham, Vice President Dick Cheney, Commerce
Secretary Don Evans, Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, Transportation
Secretary Norm Mineta and economic adviser Lawrence Lindsey.

Bush has said that a centerpiece of his energy policy will be opening more
U.S. land, including 1.5 million acres in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge, for oil and natural gas drilling and coal mining to decrease
dependence of foreign energy sources. The policy should not rely on new tax
breaks or subsidies to encourage exploration and production, Abraham said.

``It is a myth to think that special incentives are the way to generate more
supply,'' he said. ``Capital is best allocated to it highest use through the
workings of the free market, not the manipulation of the tax code. Government
regulatory policy should not be aimed at picking winners and losers in any
market, including energy. Neither should tax policy.''

Companies such as Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and BP Amoco Plc favor
Bush's plan to open the Alaska wildlife refuge to drilling, which is part of
the budget resolution that the U.S. Senate will vote on in early April.

Legislation in the Works

Republican Frank Murkowski of Alaska, chairman of the Senate Energy
Committee, has introduced a bill to open the refuge and other U.S. lands to
oil exploration. Abraham said the Bush administration will propose its own
legislation in the coming months aimed at that same goal.

In addition to a lack of new energy exploration, Bush said today that the
U.S. needs more power plants.

``We're not building enough power-generating plants to meet demand, and we're
beginning to pay the price,'' he said.

The decision Saturday by members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries on to reduce daily production quotes by 1 million barrels also
makes the case for increased oil exploration and drilling in the U.S.,
Abraham said. The OPEC reduction, the second this year, was aimed at
bolstering prices as milder weather lowers demand for heating fuel and the
economy slows. Abraham was in contact with OPEC members before the cut was
announced, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said.

``While this administration does not agree with OPEC's decision, that
decision demonstrates the importance of increasing America's production of
oil,'' Abraham said.

Crude oil fell Monday to a 2 1/2 month low on expectations that weakening
demand will leave refiners well-supplied, even after the latest production
cut by OPEC.

Bush said at his meeting of his energy task force that ``the Saudi minister
made it clear that he and his friends would not allow the price of crude oil
to exceed $28 a barrel.''

Demand on Rise

Bush also signaled a reluctance to tap the U.S.'s Strategic Petroleum Reserve
to deal with rising energy demand this summer.

``We've been through that before, and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is
meant for a national emergency when it comes to war,'' he said. Earlier,
Fleischer said Bush ``has never ruled out'' tapping the reserve, though he
sees it as a step to be taken in ``national security emergencies,'' and not
``as a consequence of ``supply-and-demand imbalances.''

The U.S.'s demand for oil is projected to increase by 33 percent in the next
20 years, according to estimates by the Energy Information Administration.
Yet the U.S. produces 39 percent less oil than it did in 1970, losing nearly
4 million barrels a day in the process, Abraham said. Production will slip to
5.1 million barrels a day by 2020 unle

[CTRL] Fwd: A Load of Krapf

2001-03-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Phillip H. Krapf
"The Contact Has Begun"

Review by George A. Filer, MUFON Eastern Director

Phillip H. Krapf, The Metro Desk editor of the Los Angeles Times (ret.), has
written a new book called "The Contact Has Begun." Krapf claims to have been
contacted by visiting aliens who told him to write this book in June of
1997. Most journalists are skeptical of stories about UFOs and visitors from
space. This book is important because a key member of the news industry is
putting his reputation on the line telling others we are being visited.
Essentially a peaceful race of extraterrestrials is making contact with
Earth's leaders from an Intergalactic Federation. The editor of the Los
Angeles Times is a skeptical journalist, who with his won acclaim for his
coverage of the Los Angeles riots. He claims to have been taken aboard a
craft from another world. Krapf's claims he was instructed to help other
humans accept we are not alone. Now is the time for us to prepare to enter
the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. Important people from all
over the world are being contacted by the extraterrestrials to serve as
ambassadors to the human race. The aliens claim to carry no weapons and are
peaceful, promise a new wonderful world and call themselves, Verdants. Their
planet is 14 million light-years from Earth and is more than twice the size
of Earth. They assured him that the universe is teaming with life and there
are hundreds of thousands of inhabited planets. Dan Smith interviewed
Phillip Krapf in California and found him to be a warm, intelligent person
with no apparent mental problems. He certainly believed his story and
assured us that other important people will be speaking out in the coming
years concerning their contact. He claims that he recognized many important
people aboard the space ship who were also undergoing edification and
indoctrination. All have been given a mission to meet with Earth's leaders
and to prepare them for the future summit and contact. A new city will be
constructed by the extraterrestrials overnight and called, "Genesis." Key
leaders from all backgrounds will go to Genesis and be trained to
participate in the confederation. The essential message is that they come in
peace, they have discovered the light and they will shine it on our path.
Humanity is on the threshold of rebirth. They will be our shepherd and watch
over us like lambs. The first announcements will come in 2002. The book is
from Hay House Publishers and local stores. Note: This is pretty wild stuff
even for a UFO investigator.

[CTRL] Fwd: [corp-focus] Corporate Manslaughter?

2001-03-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Corporate Manslaughter?
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Let us now turn to Hyatt Hotel in lovely Crystal City, Virginia, across
the Potomac River from our nation's capital.

The date: March 22, 2001.

The time: 1:30 p.m.

Our man on the scene, environmental activist Dave DeRosa, has infiltrated
the Vinyl Formulators Environmental Forum.

The group of about 30 chemical company executives has gathered to discuss
"damage control."

And what damage are they seeking to control?

The damage that will surely be done tonight (March 26, 2001) when the
Public Broadcasting System (PBS) seeks to defy its well- deserved image as
the Petroleum Broadcasting System and run a 90-minute indictment of the
chemical industry and how it killed off the people on the front lines --
also known as workers.

The words "homicide" and "manslaughter" aren't mentioned in the Moyers
documentary -- but we suggest that the all of the nation's prosecutors --
including U.S. Attorneys, Attorneys General from the fifty states, and
district attorneys -- tune in and take notes -- or just transcribe the
thing and attach it to an indictment.

We see workers dying. We see Dan Ross, who died at age 46 of a rare brain
cancer. Ross was convinced that his job killed him. And he died not
knowing how right he was.

We see spouses grieving. Elaine Ross vows to her dying husband that she
would "never, ever let the chemical industry forget who he was -- never."

She joins up with Lake Charles, Louisiana trial attorney Billy Baggett,
who through discovery amasses thousands of internal company documents.

The documents formed the basis of a twelve-part series by then Houston
Chronicle reporter Jim Morris (titled "In Strictest Confidence") that ran
from June 1998 to December 1998 -- outlining the story that Moyers tells
in graphic detail tonight. (www.chron.com/strictestconfidence)

Morris and Moyers report on a 1959 Dow Chemical memo showing that vinyl
chloride exposure at 500 mg "is going to produce rather appreciable injury
when inhaled seven hours a day, five days a week for an extended period."

"As you can appreciate, this opinion is not ready for dissemination yet
and I would appreciate it if you would hold it in confidence but use it as
you see fit in your own operations," the memo says.

Then there is the 1973 Ethyl Corp. memo claiming that rat tests results
"certainly indicate a positive carcinogenic effect."

And there's the classic 1971 Union Carbide internal memo that voices
general worry about the political climate in the United States and warns
that: "a campaign by Mr. R. Nader and others could force an industrial
upheaval via new laws or strict interpretation of pollution and
occupational health laws."

Thank goodness, for the sake of the chemical industry, that the populace
is now once again distracted -- watching the Sopranos, the Oscar awards,
the NCAAs -- instead of paying attention to Morris and Moyers.

Now back to the hotel and the industry session on damage control.

There is Mark Sofman, director of flexible vinyl at the Vinyl Institute.
According to DeRosa, Sofman tells the assembled executives that a
concerted chemical industry campaign against the Moyers show led to a
breakthrough -- the trial lawyer, Billy Baggett, will only have a minor
part in the show -- and indeed, Baggett is effectively gagged in the final
cut. ("It's simply not true that Billy Baggett's role was reduced," says a
Moyers' spokesperson.)

According to DeRosa, Bill Carroll, a vice president at Occidental Chemical
Company, told the group that the Moyers show "will be a painful 120
minutes to watch."

He compared this kind of "unwanted attention" to the heartbreak of
psoriasis -- "It's sometimes in remission but it's never cured." (How, in
a democracy, could the industry cure it?)

According to DeRosa, Nick Nichols, an industry flak who has been working
on damage control on the Moyers show for eight weeks, advised the industry
executives to "pick a good messenger."

He suggested somebody with charisma and credibility. Ideally, it would not
be an old balding guy. Preferably it would be a woman -- with credentials.
This led one of the vinyl executives from the audience to say -- "Like
tobacco guys have been using." Nichols agreed.

According to DeRosa, Nichols claimed that the premise of the show is that
"the industry engaged in pre-meditated murder."

In one of the articles in the Houston Chronicle series from 1998, Morris
writes about prosecutors in Venice, Italy who brought manslaughter charges
against 31 chemical industry executives in the deaths of workers exposed
to vinyl chloride and other chemical carcinogens. (According to
Greenpeace, the case is still pending.)

Will the prosecutors of America please pay some attention tonight? The
hard work has been done for you. More than 35,000 documents detailing the
wrongdoing will appear on a website tomorrow morning (www.ewg.org). All
you have to do is research the law, and apply the facts. America awai

[CTRL] Fw: Follow the money

2001-03-26 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

>Feature April 2, 2001/Vol 6, Number 28
>Follow the Money
>The Jesse Jackson story
>By Noah D. Oppenheim
>On March 8, the Reverend Jesse Jackson held a press
conference in
>Chicago. All the country's major newspapers sent
reporters, and all
>three cable news networks covered the event live.
Jackson had
> promised
>to explain the byzantine finances of his nonprofit
>particular, the omission from tax forms of payments to
employee Karin
>Stanford, the mother of his illegitimate child.
>Jackson would eventually get around to offering his
>simple accounting oversight, devoid of "improprietybut
only after
> most
>TV networks had tuned out, apparently bored by the
testimonials from
> a
>long parade of Jackson's friends.
>The most memorable of these character witnesses was Jim
>owner of Loop Capital Markets, a Chicago investment
bank. Before
>singing Jackson's praises, Reynolds described how,
after 20 years in
>the world of finance, he had founded his own firm.
Reynolds boasted
> of
>Loop, "We're the number one underwriter of public
securities . . . in
>this city and state. We've been at business
approximately three
>years." And Reynolds explained his firm's meteoric
rise: "A
>significant part of the access that we've enjoyed . . .
has only been
>made possible through the tireless efforts of Reverend
>In the weeks since his press conference, Jackson's
dealings have come
>under heightened scrutiny. Questions have arisen about
more than the
>personal embarrassment that originally sparked the
public's interest.
>Even more troubling than the apparent misuse of
charitable dollars to
>conceal an extramarital affair are Jackson's "tireless
efforts" on
>behalf of minority businessmen such as Reynolds. While
Jackson says
> he
>is working to tear down the walls of "economic
apartheid," his
> tactics
>bring to mind an old-style protection racket.
>Thanks to the reporting of Tim Novak, Chuck Neubauer,
and Abdon M.
>Pallasch in the Chicago Sun-Times and Eric Slater and
Myron Levin in
>the Los Angeles Times in the past two months, a clear
pattern can be
>traced in Jackson's dealings with corporate America:
Under the guise
>of "civil rights activism," Jackson coerces companies
into conducting
>business with his friends and, very often, donating
large sums of
>money to his own organizations. Rather than threaten
broken kneecaps,
>Jackson threatens boycotts and the stigma of being
labeled racist by
>this country's most prominent black leader.
>Some of Jackson's shakedowns:
>  * In 1997, Viacom announced its intent to sell 10
radio stations to
>two other companies for $1.1 billion. Jackson's
>coalition filed a petition with the FCC, seeking to
block the
>deal. After negotiating with Jackson, Viacom and
the two buyers
>set aside $2 million to "promote minority ownership
of broadcast
>properties." Jackson dropped his opposition to the
deal. His
>Citizenship Education Fund received $680,000 to
organize two
>  * In May 1998, telecommunications firms SBC and
Ameritech reported
>their desire to merge. Jackson declared the merger
>undemocratic" and proclaimed, "Consumers, workers,
women, and
>people of color are being excluded and left
behind." As their
>fight with Jackson dragged into the following year,
SBC and
>Ameritech contributed $500,000 to his Citizenship
Education Fund.
>Ameritech also sold a portion of its $3.3 billion
>business to Jackson's friend Chester Davenport.
Soon thereafter,
>Jackson pronounced the merger "in the public
>  * In January 1999, Jackson flew to Seattle, where
thousands of
>Boeing employees had filed a racial discrimination
>Negotiations had been going on for over a year.
Jackson met with
>Boeing head Phil Condit and reached a settlement in
days. Less
>than a week later, Boeing made a $50,000 donation
to the
>Citizenship Education Fund-the first of several. In
the following
>months, Boeing also directed hundreds of millions
of dollars in
>pension funds to be managed by minority-owned
banks, many with
>connections to Jackson. Meanwhile, almost 2,000 of
the original
>13,000 minority plaintiffs in the Boeing suit
formally protested
>to the court that the proposed settlement was
>  * In May 1999, the Pepsi Bottling Group was preparing
a $2.3
> billion
>public offering. Jackson pressured Pepsico CEO
Roger Enrico to
>involve a minority-owned investment bank in the
>Against the objections of his top financial
officers, Enr

[CTRL] Fw: JoelSkousen.com: Analysis of Strategic Threats (Long Article)

2001-03-26 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 10:02 PM
Subject: JoelSkousen.com: Analysis of Strategic Threats

> http://www.joelskousen.com/threats.html

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Mad Government Disease

2001-03-26 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Mad Government Disease
by Christopher Westley

Farmer Freeman woke up one morning last week to find
two dozen armed federal officers on his Vermont farm,
gathering up his sheep. They were taking them to
Iowa, where the sheep would be slaughtered and then
tested for mad cow disease.

This wasn't Freeman's first mad-cow encounter with
the government. Last summer, Freeman and other sheep
farmers rejected an offer to voluntarily liquidate
their herds in exchange for $2.4 million in payment.
A legal battle ensued, in which the courts rebuffed
the government's sheep buy-back program. The government
decided to start taking sheep anyway.

It is a frightening Reno-like episode of the state
resorting to legal coercive power after its efforts
have been thwarted in the courts. Moral justification
is based on the assumption that markets are inherently
instable and, if left to operate on their own,
inevitably would infect us all with sickness and

The truth of the matter, of course, is that government
policy worsens the dangers of outbreaks such as mad
cow disease. Much of this mad cow crisis, in fact,
has been fabricated so as to justify the already
bloated budgets of the Department of Agriculture and
the Food and Drug Administration.

Freeman raises sheep, not for their meat or wool, but
for their milk, which is used in the production of
exotic cheeses. Last summer, the Vermont Health
Department asked sheep owners to stop selling the
cheese, even though there is no evidence that mad
cow disease can be spread through milk.

The USDA has said that four sheep from Freeman's flock
showed signs of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy,
which is a class of neurological diseases that includes
both bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad
cow disease, and scrapie, a sheep disease which has
been in the United States since 1947 and which is
not harmful to humans. Although there have been no
confirmed cases of mad cow disease in the United
States, the government said that Freeman's sheep
could possibly have BSE because they might possibly
have been exposed to mad cow disease through
contaminated European feed.

The USDA tests could not confirm whether the sheep
have BSE or scrapie. The animals will be killed and
their brain tissue studied at a USDA lab in Ames,
Iowa. We can assume there will be enormous political
pressure on the lab workers there to find something
egregious with the sheep in order to justify the
government's egregious actions that were employed
in getting them there.

George Gray, a government scientist employed at
Harvard University, admitted the risk posed by the
animals is small. But, he added, "You can construct
a chain of possibilities" leading to widespread
contamination. "It's impossible to say never," he
said. "It's impossible to say it couldn't happen."

On any given day, there are an infinite number of
bad things that technically could happen. If this
has become the argument for infinite government
intervention in our livesintervention which, by
the way, makes for a pretty nice living for Harvard
scientiststhen we might as well file away the
Constitution and declare the framers' experiment

What's irritating about mad cow disease is that
it has been the actions of the British government
that have made the problem grow to its present
proportions. In a market setting, farmers have
an incentive to reduce the incidence of such
diseases because of the impact on profits.
Farmers would institute precautionary measures
while purchasing insurance to cover their losses.

However, when the benevolent British state
reimburses farmers for livestock lost to mad cow
disease, the market's tendency toward minimizing
the effect of such diseases is impeded. In fact,
the farmer who plans poorly is compensated for his
bad decisions on his farm. Moral hazard exists in
any setting.

Robert Higgs' analysis from his book Crisis and
Leviathan is especially applicable here. The
incentives that exist to the public-sector actor
are completely different from that which influences
his private-sector counterpart. A mad cow scare
allows the Department of Agriculture bureaucrat
to achieve his goal of spending his budgetor
even exceeding it, perhaps, so as to justify
larger budgets in the future.

Politicians have the incentive to comply with this
scheme, since public-sector employees represent a
large voting bloc. In the process, new layers of
bureaucracy will be created, and they will remain
after the crisis recedes. We should expect more
talk of crises in the news whenever bureaucrats
feel pressure from politicians to reduce spending.

And so government grows, like a disease. The
cure involves dividing it and reducing its size
before it kills the body politic. It remains to
be seen whether any cases of mad cow are ever
found in the U.S. It's clear, however, that we
should be much more concerned about the state's
response to the d

[CTRL] Rules for Oklahoma Bomber's Last Meal

2001-03-26 Thread Mr. Shane A. Saylor

-Caveat Lector-

Monday March 26 7:46 AM ET
Rules for Oklahoma Bomber's Last Meal

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (Reuters) - Federal prison officials in Indiana have told
an animal protection group they cannot compel condemned Oklahoma City bomber
Timothy McVeigh to have a vegetarian dinner for his last meal.

McVeigh is scheduled to be executed May 16 at the federal prison in Terre
Haute for killing 168 men, women and children in the 1995 bombing of the
Alfred P. Murrah federal building.

He will be able to choose anything he wants ``within reason'' meatless or
not, for his final meal, Harley Lappin, warden of the prison, told People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in a letter released by the group on

The group had sent a letter to the warden earlier in the week asking that
McVeigh not be allowed to ``take even one more life'' and be required to eat
a meatless meal as his last one. Whether McVeigh has made any last meal
request was not known.

``Nonviolence begins at the table,'' said the group.

Lappin's reply said the Federal Bureau of Prisons was ''sensitive to animal
rights and the issues you raised have been carefully considered. The Bureau
of Prisons provides inmates with alternative food options as their last meal
prior to execution.

``Inmates are allowed to select, within reason, the food that is prepared
provided it does not contain alcohol, tobacco or illegal substances,'' he
added. ``However, if they so chose, inmates may select meat...''

The federal government has not carried out an execution since 1963, when
Victor Feuger, convicted of a kidnap-murder, was hanged in Iowa. For his
last meal Feuger chose an olive, with a pit, reportedly saying he hoped the
tree that symbolizes peace would sprout from his grave.

Sec. 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a
copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or
phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes
such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple
copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement
of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any
particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include -

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a
commercial nature or is for nonprofit
educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the
copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the
copyrighted work. The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a
finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the
above factors.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Supreme Court Plans to Review Arbitration, Death-Penalty Cases

2001-03-26 Thread Mr. Shane A. Saylor

-Caveat Lector-

Supreme Court Plans to Review
Arbitration, Death-Penalty Cases

WASHINGTON -- A week after deciding that most workers may be required to
resolve job disputes through arbitration, the Supreme Court said it will
review whether federal agencies may sue companies for additional awards on
behalf of aggrieved employees.

In other actions, the high court agreed to look again at whether a federal
affirmative-action program to aid disadvantaged businesses unlawfully
discriminates against whites. The court may use the case to underscore its
displeasure with the way lower courts -- and the Clinton administration --
failed to follow closely one of its earlier rulings on the issue.

And the justices will review whether the Constitution bars execution of
mentally retarded people as cruel and unusual punishment.

The arbitration case involves the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
which filed an action against Waffle House Inc., on behalf of a worker, Eric
Scott Baker. In 1994, Mr. Baker applied for a job at a Waffle House in
Columbia, S.C., filling out an employment contract that included a
binding-arbitration agreement. Mr. Baker wasn't offered a job but found work
at another Waffle House, in West Columbia.

Less than a month after he was hired, Mr. Baker, who had a seizure disorder,
suffered a seizure at work. He was fired shortly thereafter. Mr. Baker filed
a charge with the EEOC, which brought an action on his behalf, saying the
termination violated a provision of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The company filed a petition with a local magistrate to compel arbitration
to resolve the dispute, and the judge agreed. The U.S. District Court for
the District of South Carolina reversed that ruling, finding there had been
no agreement to arbitrate disputes because Mr. Baker signed the employment
contract at the first Waffle House.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, in Richmond, Va.,
disagreed. First, it said that Mr. Baker was covered by the
binding-arbitration clause. Second, it ruled Mr. Baker's obligation to
submit to arbitration precluded the EEOC from suing on his behalf for
damages such as back pay, reinstatement or damages.

The EEOC asked the high court to review the case, saying the appeals court's
ruling "threatens serious harm to the EEOC's enforcement role under federal
antidiscrimination statutes."

The high court is expected to decided the case during its next term, which
begins in October. (EEOC v. Waffle House)

The affirmative-action case was brought more than a decade ago by Adarand
Constructors Inc., of Colorado Springs, Colo. The firm sued the Department
of Transportation, challenging a federal program under which highway
construction projects were awarded, based on race, to businesses owned by
"socially and economically disadvantaged" individuals.

Adarand argued that the program discriminated against the firm based on
race. In 1995, the Supreme Court sharply curtailed such programs, saying
that the government must meet a strict standard by showing it has compelling
interest in using race in such programs, and the use of race must be
tailored narrowly to promote such interests. The test is difficult for many
affirmative-action programs to meet.

Following the ruling, changes were made in the DOT program. The U.S. Court
of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, in Denver, upheld the new program last

But Adarand, in its petition to the high court for further review, complains
that the circuit court is "applying a far more lenient standard … to acts of
Congress than [it] applies to the actions of state and local governments."

Several people familiar with the case say the Supreme Court may have decided
to take another look at the case to underscore its displeasure that its
instructions aren't being closely followed. In its filing with the court,
Adarand claims that with the single exception of dropping a provision that
gave cash bonuses to contractors if at least 10% of their subcontracts went
to "disadvantaged" minority firms, the old program remains intact.

The Clinton administration's Solicitor General, however, filed a brief in
January saying that Adarand "mostly ignores the numerous ways" in which the
program has been altered. The Bush administration, which will argue the case
before the high court, is critical of many affirmative-action programs.
(Adarand v. Slater, Secretary of Transportation)

The court also agreed to review an appeal by Ernest McCarver, a North
Carolina death-row inmate whose execution the court halted earlier this
month hours before his scheduled execution. In what could be a major ruling,
the Justices will revisit whether imposing the death penalty on mentally
retarded people is "cruel and unusual" punishment. The justices decided in
1989 that there was no constitutional bar against execution of mentally
retarded killers. Mr. McCarver's lawyers say Americans' s

[CTRL] Rupert Murdoch and his son genuflect before Chinese communists.

2001-03-26 Thread Mr. Shane A. Saylor

-Caveat Lector-


Bad Company
Rupert Murdoch and his son genuflect before Chinese communists.

Monday, March 26, 2001 12:01 a.m. EST

Rupert Murdoch, a master practitioner of the corporate kowtow, has
instructed his son James perfectly in the craft of craven submission to the
communist regime in China. The young Murdoch--a college dropout, now
chairman and CEO of his father's Hong Kong-based Star TV company--gave an
impressive, almost balletic, performance of the genuflectory arts last week
in an address to the Milken Institute in Beverly Hills.

In words that astonished those gathered for the institute's annual business
conference, James Murdoch, all of 28 years, lit into the Falun Gong
religious resistance movement in China, describing it as a "dangerous" and
"apocalyptic cult," which "clearly does not have the success of China at
heart." He criticized the Western media and the Hong Kong press for their
negative coverage of human-rights issues in China, concluding with the
lament that "these destabilizing forces today are very, very dangerous for
the Chinese government." Young Mr. Murdoch, who described himself as
"apolitical," counseled Hong Kong's beleaguered democracy advocates to
resign themselves to the reality of life under an "absolutist" government.

The youthful CEO made no mention of the 150 Falun Gong members who have died
in Chinese police custody, nor of the approximately 10,000 who languish in
prison. Nor did he mention threats to Taiwan, slave labor, Tibet, arbitrary
executions or the removal for sale of organs from the bodies of those
executed. But let us not go there.

The Murdochs have obviously had considerable success in China with their
lapdog approach, and they must see no reason why this approach need change.
This is far from the first time a News Corp. executive has brown-nosed
Beijing since a gung-ho little speech, made by Rupert Murdoch in 1993. In
that speech Mr. Murdoch said satellite television was "an unambiguous threat
to totalitarian regimes everywhere." A month later the Chinese government
clamped down on the installation of satellite dishes, much to the chagrin of
Mr. Murdoch, who had purchased Star TV in the hope of capturing the
satellite market in China. The media magnate had never run up against real
totalitarians before, and was rather startled.

In a bid to undo the commercial damage caused by his speech, Mr. Murdoch
abased himself immediately, dropping the BBC's World Service Television from
the China beam of Star TV's satellite. This he did shamelessly, telling all
the world that he'd always believed that the folks at the BBC were pesky
liberals who were out to portray China in the worst possible light. No
wonder that Christopher Patten, the last British governor of Hong Kong,
called Mr. Murdoch's decision to pull the BBC from Star's menu "the most
seedy of betrayals." In an interview with Ken Auletta for a New Yorker
profile, Mr. Murdoch said: "The BBC was driving them"--the Chinese
regime--"nuts. It wasn't worth it."

Mr. Patten was later the victim of another seedy betrayal. His book, "East
and West," which was to be published by the Murdoch-owned HaperCollins, was
dumped after Mr. Murdoch decided it was too critical of Beijing. In a
pre-emptive smear, designed to ward off accusations that Mr. Murdoch was
prostrating himself before the Chinese communists, flacks at HarperCollins
put out the word that the Patten book was dropped for being "too boring."
This lie was nailed by the editor who commissioned the book, who lauded it
as "probably the best written and most compelling book I have read by a
politician since I came into publishing." Mr. Murdoch, let us remember,
suffered a huge moral defeat when he was compelled to apologize
"unreservedly" to Mr. Patten, as well as to pay him an undisclosed
out-of-court settlement.

There are other examples, some boorish, some insidious, of Mr. Murdoch's
willingness to sing Beijing's tune. He has described the Dalai Lama as "a
very political old monk shuffling around in Gucci shoes," and has spoken of
pre-1950 Tibet, before the illegal Chinese occupation, as being "a pretty
terrible old autocratic society out of the Middle Ages. . . . Maybe I'm
falling for propaganda, but it was an authoritarian medieval society without
any basic services." As Jonathan Mirsky, a peerless authority on China,
responded in the New Statesman of London, "Murdoch is not falling for
Chinese propaganda. He's repeating it word for word."
Mr. Mirsky has firsthand experience of how Murdoch-owned media have drawn in
their horns on the subject of China. In the last year of his five-year stint
as the East Asia editor of the London Times, Mr. Mirsky found that much of
his copy--invariably critical of the Beijing regime--failed to make it into
the paper. He felt compelled to resign. He had harsh things to say about Mr.
Murdoch then, and he has harsh things to say about him now. In an e-mail to
me over the weekend

[CTRL] Is Bush Using a Phony 'Energy Crisis' for Cover on the Environment?

2001-03-26 Thread William Shannon

Monday, March 26, 2001

 Is Bush Using a Phony 'Energy Crisis' for Cover on the Environment? 

Beyond Alaska and CO2, the administration continues to blame California for 
its slide to the environmental right. Why they'll probably get away with it


When George W. Bush first shattered the illusions — perhaps delusions is the 
better word — of environmentalists everywhere last week by reversing his 
stance on carbon dioxide emissions, he had a handy excuse: The economy — 
specifically the energy crisis — made me do it. 

"Including caps on carbon dioxide emissions as part of a multiple emissions 
strategy would lead to an even more dramatic shift from coal to natural gas 
for electric power generation and significantly higher electricity prices," 
Bush wrote in his March 13 letter to Chuck Hagel informing Congress of his 
change in policy. A few days later, Christie Whitman (whose own wishful 
thinking had probably gotten Bush into the mess in the first place) finally 
climbed on board, telling the National Press Club the country was "in the 
midst of a national energy crisis — this is a long way from being over." 

And you aint' seen nothin' yet 

Bush still got his three days of bashing in the press from editorial writers 
and environmental groups for marching directly into the arms of Big Coal, but 
the heat obviously wasn't enough to drive the White House back toward the 
middle of the environmental road. Because this week it seemed determined to 
stretch that economic cover just as far as it will go — and it ain't just 
drilling in Alaska. 

Tuesday, the administration announced it was withdrawing tough new limits 
(set by an outgoing President Clinton) on the amount of arsenic allowable in 
drinking water, pending further review. Wednesday, the administration said it 
would seek to undo regulations forcing more hard-rock miners in the West to 
post cleanup bonds. And Thursday, Vice President Dick Cheney told "Hardball" 
that if it's emissions environmentalists are worried about, his energy-policy 
task force may well recommend that more nuclear power be part of the 

The solution: More is more 

"We do not support the approach of the Kyoto treaty," Cheney said. "If you're 
really serious about greenhouse gases, one of the solutions to that problem 
is to go back, and let's take another another look at nuclear power, use that 
to generate electricity without having any adverse consequences." 

Except, of course, the radioactive waste. 

For the Bush-Cheney crowd, weaned on Big Oil and elected with Enron dollars, 
the worst "adverse consequences" are the economic kind, in which Big Business 
suffers at the hands of tree-huggers. For Republicans, the energy crisis — a 
term that Democrats have given up objecting to — demands more supply, more 
fuel for the U.S. economic engine. More drilling, more production, more oil, 
more coal. The only thing it demands less of is "onerous regulation" and 
environmental extremism.

 The public is, ah, well, hard to read 

To the environmentalists, of course, it's Bush's energy Rasputins who are the 
extremists — the sputtering economy and the California crisis are just the 
excuses. After the CO2 turnabout, Rep. George Miller, a California Democrat 
on the House Resources Committee, called Bush on the carpet.

 "It is insulting to the American people that President Bush is using the 
electricity crisis in California as an excuse to allow old, inefficient power 
plants to continue polluting our air," Miller said in a statement. "It is a 
strong indication that the Bush administration is kowtowing to the oil and 
coal industry and is not listening to science or public opinion."

 Maybe not science. But public opinion, when it comes to environmentalism, is 
a notoriously lazy watchdog. Polls on the Alaska drilling issue were 
inconclusive. (The modification of "oil drilling" with the words 
"environmentally responsible" tended to take the teeth right out of the 
opposition, even though the term is as murky as the air over Los Angeles.) 

And the public is spoiled to boot 

The problem is that while everybody likes the idea of a clean Earth, 
Americans aren't much for self-sacrifice. We drive SUVs and eschew public 
transportation, but can't bear high prices at the pump — and the "gas 
consumption tax" is political poison, deadlier than any arsenic. We own 
multiple TVs, surf the Internet, and run the air-conditioning while we're at 
work so the house is cool when we get home, but even in California, the most 
environmentally progressive state we've got, the mere mention of higher 
electricity bills as a demand-reducing measure sends shivers down Gray 
Davis's spine. 

Democrats are trying — Tom Daschle, introducing a rival energy proposal, 
accused Bush on Thursday of trying to "drill our way out of this problem... 
we cannot use our coming energy challenges as justification 

Re: [CTRL] REU: Alberta to license beggars

2001-03-26 Thread Foxter

Got a notation "this message is being 
Anybody have any scoop on 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 5:45 
  Subject: [CTRL] REU: Alberta to license 
  -Caveat Lector-Posted 
  at 7:35 a.m. PST Sunday, March 25, 2001Spare change? not without the 
  proper IDCALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - Hey, buddy -- one of 
  Canada'srichest cities could soon force its panhandlers to wear 
  photoidentification as a way of controlling a handful of beggars 
  whohound passersby for spare change.City council in Calgary, 
  Alberta, the country's gleamingoil-industry center, votes April 2 on the 
  plan that would requirepanhandlers to agree to a code of conduct before 
  they are grantedID badges allowing them to hit people up for coins 
  andcigarettes.``It's intended to reduce any potential disruptive 
  behavior orharassment or confrontations with the public,'' said 
  citycouncilor Bob Hawkesworth, vice-chairman of the committeestudying 
  the proposal.The licensing scheme, based on the ID tags charity 
  fund-raiserswear when going door-to-door, would also require panhandlers 
  toundergo counseling and job-search workshops.The western Canadian 
  city of almost 900,000 people has relativelyfew beggars compared with 
  other major metropolitan areas. About40 regulars are said to dot the 
  downtown core, although numbersswell in the summer. Only a fraction are 
  known as aggressive.Calgary passed a bylaw last year prohibiting 
  panhandlers fromplying their trade near transit shelters or automatic 
  tellermachines. This year, the committee sought other ways to 
  tacklethe problem. It even held panhandler focus groups.``That's 
  the genesis of this idea. It came from those discussionsas another way to 
  address the problem,'' Hawkesworth said.Some panhandlers expressed 
  skepticism over the plan.``You give some a license or a card, that 
  darn well won't stopother guys from putting their hand out,'' David Young, 
  44, saidafter extracting some change from a pedestrian on 
  Friday.``The panhandlers that do have a license, they're not going 
  tosay, 'Hey, get out of here. We're calling the cops.' That's justnot 
  done on the street,'' added Young, who said he had lived onthe streets of 
  Calgary for 20 years.One concern among city council members is that 
  licensing may beconstrued as condoning begging, Hawkesworth 
  said.``That's a reservation I have about this approach. This 
  conceptsuggests that we try it for a year and see if it has any good 
  orbad impact and evaluate it after a 
  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT  FROM THE DESK 
  *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  ~~~  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To 
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  'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
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[CTRL] Ex-McVeigh Attorney May Testify

2001-03-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, March 26, 2001

Ex-McVeigh Attorney May Testify

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) _ Timothy McVeigh's former lead trial lawyer said he is
willing to testify against Oklahoma City bombing co-conspirator Terry
Nichols if McVeigh tries to take sole responsibility for the deadly attack.
Stephen Jones spoke to The Sunday Oklahoman about his concerns over an
upcoming biography, "American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma
City Bombing," which he expects will play down Nichols' role in the April
1995 bombing that killed 168 people.
If prosecutors subpoena him in the pending state murder case against
Nichols, Jones said, he would not object. Nichols already has been
convicted in a federal trial of the bombing conspiracy.
"I would say that any statement that Tim McVeigh acted alone is false. I
will answer any questions put to me," Jones said.
Jones said he has not read the biography, which was written by two
reporters who spent 75 hours with McVeigh. But he told the Oklahoman that
he believes the book, due out next week, will claim "that no one else was
criminally involved, specifically Michael Fortier and Terry Nichols, and
that if they did anything to assist it was only because they were duped or
manipulated ... or they didn't know what they were doing."
Attorneys for Nichols are aware of the new book and may seek a videotaped
statement from McVeigh to use on Nichols' behalf in his state murder trial,
the newspaper reported. McVeigh is scheduled to be executed in May. Nichols
has already been convicted in federal court of conspiracy and sentenced to
life. Fortier pleaded guilty to failing to report bombing scheme and lying
to investigators and is serving a 12-year sentence.
Jones said he believes usual attorney-client privilege _ which prohibits
attorneys from disclosing what defendants tell them _ no longer applies in
the case.
McVeigh had a falling-out with Jones after the 1997 federal trial and last
year sought a new trial on grounds that Jones was incompetent and
unethical. Jones said McVeigh gave up the right to confidentiality by
making the attack.
"I felt my work spoke for myself and I didn't need to defend myself. This
is different. ...  It is an attempt to influence judicial proceedings by
making false statements to reporters who will repeat those false statements.
"If I remain silent, my silence could be taken ... as condoning what he has
said and I can't do that," Jones said.
"McVeigh is putting me in that position," Jones said. "He has waived the
attorney-client privilege. I'm just any other citizen served a subpoena."
Meanwhile, in a series of letters to be published in the May issue of
Esquire magazine, McVeigh berates Oklahoma County District Attorney Bob
Macy for continuing to pursue state charges after the federal trial and
describes bombing survivors as the "'woe-is me' crowd."
"I am so sick of hearing 'Bozo' brag about how he's going to press state
charges," he wrote in a letter on April 2, 1998. "He is really milking it
for all it's worth, and the taxpayers of Oklahoma are the ones who will end
up sucked dry. Macy is a punk.
"Listen ... I have nothing against the citizens of Oklahoma (except the
continuing 'woe-is-me' crowd), and I hate to have to use them as 'funding
pawns' in a game with Macy and I _ but if Macy persists, I will engage him."
McVeigh also calls the FBI "wizards at propaganda," saying agents
manipulated the facts of the fire that killed members of the Branch
Davidian sect near Waco, Texas, in 1993. Prosecutors have said the bombing,
which happened on the second anniversary of the fire, was in part a
retaliation for it.
"The public never saw the Davidians' home video of their cute babies,
adorable children, loving mothers, or protective fathers," McVeigh wrote in
one letter. "...
Therefore, they didn't care when these families died a slow, torturous
death at the hands of the FBI."
The letters, none of which directly addressed the Oklahoma City bombing,
were part of McVeigh's two-year correspondence with Phil Bacharach, former
reporter for the Oklahoma Gazette. The reporter said it was an unwritten
rule that he never asked McVeigh about his role in the attack.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Kidnapping Creates Global Business

2001-03-26 Thread radman

Monday, March 26, 2001 

Kidnapping Creates Global Business

Associated Press Writer 

When Americans and others are kidnapped overseas and held for ransom, it
means more business and sky-high fees for a small band of consultants who
specialize in dealing with kidnappers. 
An increase in recent years in hostage-taking in volatile places like
Ecuador, Colombia, Nigeria, Yemen and Chechnya keeps such consultants
busy and makes their expertise invaluable. 
“Kidnapping for ransom has become big business, particularly on the part
of extremist groups who use it to finance their other activities,” said
Clark Staten, director of Emergency Response and Research Institute of
Chicago, a security consulting firm. 
“The consultant is sent out to simplify a problem,” said Peter Dobbs of
London, one of the world’s top kidnap and ransom experts whose firm
advises companies how to avoid kidnappings, helps them find insurance
against that risk, and negotiates ransom payments when it happens. 
The U.S. government tries to discourage American companies from making
ransom payments, saying it encourages terrorism. 
But companies frequently feel they have no choice _ especially when
hostage-takers start killing captives, as happened in late January with
one of 10 foreign oil workers who were kidnapped Oct. 12 in Ecuador.

The other hostages _ four of them Americans _ were released March 1.
There was a price: $13 million in ransom reportedly paid by an
international oil consortium after the murder of hostage Ronald Sander of
Sunrise Beach, Mo. 
Between 70 and 80 percent of kidnap cases end in a ransom payment, Dobbs
said.  Many ransom payments are negotiated by people like Dobbs,
consultants who charge up to $2,000 a day for their services plus
expenses such as hiring a helicopter, travel and lodging. 
Dobbs’ list of clients reflects the growing worry felt by international
“We have about 2,500 clients, more than a million insured people,” said
Dobbs, who was a consultant on the film “Proof of Life,” the story of an
American oil company executive kidnapped by Latin American guerrillas and
held until ransom negotiators deal for his freedom. 
His firm worked on 24 kidnappings last year, 26 in 1999 and 16 in 1998.
So far this year, his “incident board” includes six kidnappings in
Colombia, three each in Zimbabwe and the Philippines, and one each in
Ecuador, Mexico and an unidentified Southeast Asian nation. 
Employees of international oil, gas and mining firms are most at risk,
because there are more of them working abroad, and because their
companies can afford ransom payments. 
“The magnitude of the problem has increased over the last 10 years,” said
Eleni Jacub, a senior risk manager for the security consulting firm
Control Risks Group, which counts 91 of the top Fortune 100 companies
among its clients. 
Of the 1,000 hostage cases that Control Risks has worked on in the past
25 years, half have occurred over the past decade. 
Control Risks’ records show 300 foreign nationals have been kidnapped in
Colombia since 1991; more than 100 in the former states of the Soviet
Union, including Russia’s restive republic of Chechnya; and about 100 in
the Philippines and the same number in Yemen. 
The State Department’s overseas security council notes: “There is a
greater risk of being kidnapped in Colombia than in any other country in
the world. More than a dozen U.S. citizens were kidnapped in Colombia in
1999, twice as many as in 1998.” 
Though politics and economics often blur in hostage takings by many
groups, sometimes the motive appears purely political. 
That seems to have been the case in Chechnya, where Radio Liberty
reporter Andrei Babitsky was kidnapped last year and Doctors Without
Borders medical worker Kenneth Gluck was grabbed in January. It also
appears to have been the motivation for the murder of three American
Indian leaders by Colombian guerrillas two years ago. 
In the case of the oil workers kidnapped in Ecuador, the families of the
hostages went public with demands that their employers pay ransom. 
Such public pressure _ along with media reports of other ransom payments
_ puts increasing pressure on multinational firms to bargain with
The companies often turn to professional consultants, most of them with
extensive contacts in the U.S. intelligence community and foreign and
domestic law enforcement agencies. 
The consultants usually negotiate with kidnappers via intermediaries from
local police or military. 
Ransom demands vary, as do ransom payments. 
“We have had demands for up to $100 million,” Dobbs said. 
In 10 years, his firm has helped arrange three ransom payments exceeding
$1 million and about 10 payments in excess of $500,000, he said. The
average ransom payment has been $250,000. 
Mike Ackerman, founder of the Ackerman Group of Miami, another top
political risk analysis firm, says kidnapping in the 

Re: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles

2001-03-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

> a 30 or 40 year headstart

Consider when  clones of J.Edgar Hoover, George Herbert Walker Bush and
Lyndon Johnson would have needed to have been born.

ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles

2001-03-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

> The following quote from Glenn

Anything that a successful politician says must be evaluated within the
context of the ability to lie with a straight face being one of the
skills necessary to the job.

ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles

2001-03-26 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

Cloning has been theoretically possible for decades. There has been speculation for 
many years that wealthy individuals were paying to have themselves cloned (probably 
without much success). There was a book in the 70's (widely believed to be a hoax) 
claiming to be a (French?) journalist's account of a wealthy US businessman's 
sucessful raising of his clone as his son. I'm sure others on the list know the book 
I'm talking about.

The older version of 'cloning' was to take an ovum and a sperm/DNA sample and 
manually, with very tiny instruments, insert the desired DNA material into the ovum, 
and then the whole into the 'mother' (like normal in vitro fertilisation) hopefully 
leading to the person/animal being born again.

And then there's the Yeltsin business. How was it that he'd be staggering around in 
public and then have a massive heart attack, and a few weeks later he'd be back to 
normal only to rapidly deteriorate again (all this was in front of the world's 
television cameras.) Theory: He got to the technology late, but found some Soviet era 
lab who whipped him up some 'carbon copy' type clones. This is well advanced to what 
cloning in the west is currently, but then maybe they've had a 30 or 40 year headstart?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Flat Earth Society head Charles Johnson, dead at 76

2001-03-26 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

I'm sure there are quite a few different 'Flat Earth Societies' all over the, err, 

I gave a quite succesful talk on this topic at the Speaker's Forum in Melbourne 
(Australia) a couple of years back. I think I convinced quite a few of the audience. 
One guy (who habitually has a big placard and is a campaigner against 'psychic 
groping') claimed that he knew the Earth was round because of the satellite photos on 
the weather report. I said "Everything else on the news is made up, why shouldn't the 
weather report be any different?'.

You can often head of a heavily scientific argument by claiming that the other 
person's calculations/hypothesis is obviously flawed due to it's adherence to the 
spherical Earth model.

On Mon, 26 Mar 2001 00:01:14 -0400 Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>-Caveat Lector-
>I always thought the Flat Earth Society was based in New Hampshire, USA or
>is it that an/the American adjunct of the Society is HQ'ed there?
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
>screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
>sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
>directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
>major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
>That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
>always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
>credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles

2001-03-26 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- Calvin Burgin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"...a total of 8 astronauts were MURDERED
 the same year because they resisted the hoax.
 The rest of the astronauts got the message and went
 along with the program."

Nakano comments:
For those not old enough to remember,
Senator John Glenn was one of the original
Mercury Astronauts. He was the first American
to orbit the earth.  The following quote from
Glenn indicates he was one who "got the message."

"Back in those glory days, I was very uncomfortable
when they asked us to say things we didn't want to say
and deny other things. Some people asked, you know,
were you alone out there? We never gave the real
answer, and yet we see things out there, strange
things, but we know what we saw out there. And we
couldn't really say anything. The bosses were really
afraid of this, they were afraid of the War of the
Worlds type stuff, and about panic in the streets. So
we had to keep quiet. And now we only see these things
in our nightmares or maybe in the movies, and some of
them are pretty close to being the truth."
  -- Senator John Glenn

(Quoted from Richard Hoagland's enterprisemission.com

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Terrorists 'helped by CIA' to stop rise of left in Italy

2001-03-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Terrorists 'helped by CIA' to stop rise of left in Italy


Philip Willan in Milan
Monday March 26, 2001
The Guardian

US intelligence services instigated and abetted rightwing terrorism in Italy
during the 1970s, a former Italian secret service general has claimed.

The allegation was made by General Gianadelio Maletti, a former head of
military counter-intelligence, at the trial last week of rightwing
extremists accused of killing 16 people in the bombing of a Milan bank in
1969 - the first time such a charge has been made in a court of law by a
senior Italian intelligence figure.

Gen Maletti, comannder of the counter-intelligence section of the military
intelligence service from 1971 to 1975, said his men had discovered that a
rightwing terrorist cell in the Venice region had been supplied with
military explosives from Germany.

Those explosives may have been obtained with the help of members of the US
intelligence community, an indication that the Americans had gone beyond the
infiltration and monitoring of extremist groups to instigating acts of
violence, he said.

"The CIA [Central Intelligence Agency], following the directives of its
government, wanted to create an Italian nationalism capable of halting what
it saw as a slide to the left and, for this purpose, it may have made use of
rightwing terrorism," Gen Maletti told the Milan court. "I believe this is
what happened in other countries as well."

The general has been living in South Africa for the last 21 years as a
fugitive from Italian justice. He has been sentenced to 14 years
imprisonment for leaking a secret service document to the press and last
year received a 15-year sentence for obstructing justice. He was granted a
special 15-day immunity from arrest to enable him to give evidence at the
trial for the bombing of a bank in Milan's Piazza Fontana, the atrocity that
inaugurated the "strategy of tension", a series of bombings intended to
shift the country's political centre of gravity to the right.

"The impression was that the Americans would do anything to stop Italy from
sliding to the left," Gen Maletti said during an interview at his Milan

"Don't forget that [former US president Richard] Nixon was in charge and
Nixon was a strange man, a very intelligent politician but a man of rather
unorthodox initiatives."

The CIA supported SID, the Italian defence intelligence service,
financially, but Gen Maletti's US counterparts were rarely willing to share
information. There may have been good reason for the American caginess. In a
posthumous memoir published last year, the wartime resistance hero Count
Edgardo Sogno described how he visited the CIA station chief in Rome in July
1974 to inform him of his plans for an anti-communist coup.

"I told him that I was informing him as an ally in the struggle for the
freedom of the west and asked him what the attitude of the American
government would be," Mr Sogno wrote. "He answered what I already knew: the
United States would have supported any initiative tending to keep the
communists out of government."

Despite contacts with his CIA counterparts, no word of the Sogno plot was
uttered. "I, for one, didn't know about the Sogno thing. I knew Mr Sogno was
being investigated by a Turin magistrate but I didn't know he had such
important contacts with US agencies in the United States and Italy," Gen
Maletti said. "Clearly, Sogno had great confidence in the complicity of the
American service."

The lucid 79-year-old general, whose English is almost perfect, has spent
his retirement in South Africa painting and writing his memoirs, which are
due to be published soon. He admits to feeling nostalgic for his homeland.

But the judges who convicted him in absentia last year were far from
convinced of his gentlemanly qualities. In their written verdict they said
he had obstructed an investigation into a 1973 attack on the interior
minister by withholding crucial information from the magistrates.

Four members of the public were killed and 45 injured when an anarchist,
Gianfranco Bertoli, hurled a grenade into a crowd outside police
headquarters in Milan. Bertoli, according to the judges, was really a man of
right-wing sympathies and a long-standing SID informant, codenamed Negro.
Gen Maletti's men were warned in advance of the attack on the minister,
Mariano Rumor, but took no action to prevent it and failed to pass on their
information on Bertoli even after the killings.

Gen Maletti's role at the heart of the complex intrigues makes him an
illuminating witness. Italy must clarify the mysteries of that time if it is
to recover its national dignity and sovereignty, he said.

"Among the larger western European countries, Italy has been dealt with as a
sort of protectorate. I am ashamed to think that we are still subject to
special supervision."


[CTRL] [BRIGADE] Ezola 's Reform Campaign in Full Swing

2001-03-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

Here is the latest info on Ezola.  As you know she is running for House of
Representatives in CA for the 32nd District.   The election will be on April
2001. In the event that there is no winner with 51%, the run-off election
will be
June 5, 2001.

Conservative Republicans in this district and across the country are
Ezola. They recognize that she is their only chance to defeat the ultra-left
in this

Below please read:
*Endorsement by VCT
*Article: Ezola Foster Breathes New Life Into Reform Party
*Brigade Field Report: Ezola Fundraiser - Fun with Freepers -
  with quotes from Ezola's speech.

Brigade, I'm supporting Ezola, not because she is a Reformer, or even because
she was Pat's VP, but because I can trust her to stand 100% with us on the

Send her a check - consider it an investment in America's future.  If you are
southern CA, call and volunteer to help the campaign.

Ezola Foster for Congress - (800) 839-6925
2554 Lincoln Blvd. - Suite #264
Venice, CA. 90291-5082

Please read the articles below and forward this email to all.


Behalf Of Robert T. Bevill
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 7:07 PM
Subject: [EZOLA] Campaign in full swing

Well Ezola supporters,

The campaign is in full swing, and Ezola is receiving many invitations and
speaking engagements.  The donations are coming in daily, and I am amiss in
my duties to get our thank-yous out to each of you.  So, please don't be
with Ezola.  Things are beginning to pick up steam, as the Democrats try to
jockey for position, and the Republicans jockey to be heard.

Thank you very much for your continued words of encouragement, and donations.
 Although our expenses have been quite minimal up until now,  we are in the
process of locating a campaign headquarters, with ample parking, and easy
access for the many volunteers who have asked to participate.

We now have yard signs, hats, and T-shirts, and will be glad to send you one,
a handsome donation, of course.  Let's see if we can fire up the voters to
turn out
for Ezola on April 10th.  Even though Ezola will automatically be on the
ballot on June 6th, it is important that we help turn out the vote for the
primary election.  There will be an important Los Angeles city election, with
own issues to consider. But for now, be sure that you call the LA County
Elections office [(562) 462-2748], and ask for your absentee ballot, if you
will be
out of town on April 10th.

I will continue to update the web site with upcoming events, as soon as we
receive them.

Best Regards, Bob Bevill
Ezola for Congress


Voice of Citizens together - VCT
American Patrol Website - http://www.americanpatrol.org/

Ezola Foster for Congress

Ezola Foster, a friend of the United States Constitution and a true Patriot,
announced her plans to run for Congress. If elected Mrs. Foster will replace
Julian Dixon (D-CA), who passed away on December 8th, as the representative
for the 32nd California Congressional District.

There is so much to say about Ezola and what she can do to assist Ron Paul (R-
Tx) and other Pro-American representatives, of both parties, in Congress.

Ezola Foster is an active member of the Reform Party of California and when
elected will be the first member of the Reform Party USA to be seated in the
House of Representatives. Truly, a victory for all Reformers.

It is with this in mind that I ask all of you to dig deep and send in your
now (limited to $1,000.00 per person). The campaign need donations to get the
word out, Ezola is the Right person to represent those in her district and
the rest
of us in America.

The election is only 60 days away! Please, send you donation today.

Make your personal check payable to:

Ezola Foster for Congress
2554 Lincoln Blvd. - Suite #264
Venice, CA. 90291-5082
(800) 839-6925

VCT Web Posted 2/11/01

From: "Aakash Raut" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001

Ezola Foster Breathes New Life Into Reform Party
With Run For Congress
by Reed R. Heustis, Jr. - 02/23/2001

Just when people thought that the Reform Party was dead in the water, Ezola
Foster has emerged by announcing her candidacy for the 32nd District
Congressional seat. Foster, a former Los Angeles educator and Patrick J.
Buchanan's 2000 Vice Presidential running mate, breathes life into the Reform
Party just when it needs it most. With the Republican and Democratic parties
continuing to ignore nationalist issues, Foster is primed to fight for the
causes of immigration reform, education reform, English preservation, and
sovereignty reform. Foster's campaign can energize the Reform Party and may
even shock the 32nd District.

When Buchanan received just under 500,000 votes nati

[CTRL] U.S. deports only 1%

2001-03-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. deports only 1%
of illegal aliens
University study sees 11 million immigrants here unlawfully



Editor's note: In collaboration with the hard-hitting Washington, D.C.,
newsweekly Human Events, WorldNetDaily brings you this special report every
Monday. Readers can subscribe to Human Events through WND's online store.
By Joseph A. D'Agostino
© 2001 Human Events

There may have been as many as 11 million illegal immigrants residing in the
United States last year, according to a study by Northeastern University, but
the federal government, charged by the Constitution with regulating
immigration and defending the nation's borders, deported only about 1 percent
of them.

The rest were allowed to stay and -- if liberal Democrats have their way --
may someday be given amnesty and allowed to become full-fledged U.S.
citizens, and thus voters.

17 congressional districts

They would equal the total population of 17 congressional districts and
amount to about 20 times the difference in the popular vote in last
November's presidential election.

Following the 2000 Census, the U.S. Census Bureau originally estimated there
were 6 million illegal immigrants in the country as of last year. But last
month the bureau said it was revising that estimate, and might increase it to
9 million. Meanwhile, researchers at Northeastern University have released a
report arguing that the real number of illegal immigrants residing in the
U.S. is 11 million.

In fiscal 1999, the Immigration and Naturalization Service and other agencies
intercepted at or near the border and deported approximately 1.6 million
people trying to enter the country illegally or found ineligible for entry.

But once illegal aliens get past the border, enforcement of U.S. immigration
laws virtually stops. In 1999, the INS managed to deport only 72,000 illegal
aliens who were willing to leave voluntarily, and another 47,000, who left
involuntarily after proceedings. That total, 119,000, is only about 1.08
percent of the total number of illegals that Northeastern estimated are now
living in the United States.

Furthermore, according to the Census Bureau, each year about 400,000 new
illegal immigrants sneak across our borders and settle permanently in the

U.S. immigration laws, in other words, have become a dead letter. They are
completely meaningless -- at least for people who are wealthy enough, or
geographically close enough to the United States, to make it here without a
legitimate visa.

"Our Interior Enforcement units have limited resources," said an INS
spokeswoman. "There are civil liberties issued involved in trying to identify
illegal residents. Very often their employers protect them because they want
inexpensive labor. But we have stepped up our targeting of employers since
the 1996 immigration reform." She noted that the number of immigrants ruled
inadmissible or found and deported, despite being minuscule in absolute
terms, was a record for the period since 1965, when the current system of
immigration laws was largely put in place.

"The INS's budget has doubled in the last five years," countered a staffer
for outgoing House Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith,
R.-Texas, who counts himself an illegal-immigration hawk. "The INS has not
been enforcing the law against illegal immigrants, especially the provisions
in the 1996 bill that make worksite enforcement easier. We need an INS
commissioner who will aggressively enforce the law at the border and
everywhere else. … And as the congressman has said many times, President
Clinton's proposals for amnesties just encouraged more people to enter this
country illegally."

Kent Wissinger, spokesman for incoming subcommittee Chairman Rep. George
Gekas, R.-Pa., said, "Congressman Gekas hasn't come to a conclusion on what
needs to be done yet."

It was over 45 years ago -- from 1953 to 1955 -- that the INS conducted the
last comprehensive push to root out illegal immigrants in the United States.
"Some 2.1 million, mostly Mexican, illegal aliens were removed between 1953
and 1955," wrote David Simcox in a paper for the Center for Immigration
Studies, which he chairs. "While abuses marred the effort, illegal
immigration stayed under control for more than a decade."

The INS says that alien-smuggling is now an $8-billion-a-year industry and
that smuggling rings are a top focus of its law enforcement efforts.

"We believe this is a good way to target our limited resources and if we make
it unprofitable for the smugglers, fewer people will come," said the INS
official. She noted that the daily average detention population of the INS
has grown to 20,000 detainees, up from 8,200 in 1997. "Our enforcement
efforts have increased tremendously," she said.

Illegal aliens who reside in the country have the right to

[CTRL] Two U.S. F-15 Fighters Missing Over Scotland

2001-03-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Monday March 26 11:52 AM ET

Photos Two U.S. F-15 Fighters Missing Over Scotland

  U.S. Fighter Jets Missing over Scottish Highlands - (KHOU, Houston)

LONDON (Reuters) - Two U.S. F-15 fighters went missing on a low-flying
training mission over the Scottish Highlands Monday and rescue workers were
increasingly pessimistic after reports of an explosion.

``As each hour and minute goes by, we are profoundly concerned about their
fate,'' Royal Air Force spokesman Michael Mulford told Reuters after the
fighters were reported overdue.

``In search and rescue, one never says never but at this point it is
difficult to be anything but pessimistic,'' he said.

Contact was lost on both radar and radio from the fighters, on a training
flight from their Lakenheath base in England.

``Someone has reported an explosion in the Cairngorms. We now have two Nimrod
aircraft, three helicopters, two RAF mountain rescue teams and several
civilian teams all searching,'' the spokesman said.

He said there were no reports of distress beacons. ``This is something of a
mystery. We are very concerned about the fate of these two pilots as there is
simply no trace,'' Mulford added.

Mulford told Reuters: ``Two F15 figher-bombers left Lakenheath at 1230
heading toward Scotland on a low-fly exercise with enough fuel for three

``At 1315, they were on a routine switch between two military air traffic
control points, one at RAF Leuchars, the other at RAF Lossiemouth. During the
call, radar and radio contact was lost so a major search was mounted.

``Subsequently someone rang up and said they had heard an explosion in the
area and timed it at 1315.''

The large and powerful F-15, the U.S. Air Force's most effective fighter, is
a twin-engine machine that serves as an air-superiority plane to shoot down
enemy aircraft and as a versatile strike bomber.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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Re: [CTRL] 2 X F15s down in Europe ?

2001-03-26 Thread Tony Dickinson

-Caveat Lector-

and... at about the same time, and not to far away, a modified twin-pro
Beachcraft (a 'Guardrail RC-12) belonging to the 205th Military
Intelligence Brigade out of Wiesbarden (Germany) also crashed, killing two

> . meanwhile two US fighter planes are reported to have crashed in
> Scotish Mountains ? Hikers in the Cairngorms heard explosions.
> RAF Leuchars confirms reports overdue by some 3 hrs now.
> TD

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] hersha's radio interview on mc

2001-03-26 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Info on this is below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be very triggering, please use caution.

Dreamland Special: Children Dreamland Special: Children In Trouble. Kids Who
Kill and Kids Used in Cold War Spy Programs - 3/25/01 -  An interview with
Secret Weapons - co-authors Cheryl and Lynn Hersha


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Maj. Gen MacKenzie-Time to stop the Mr. Nice Guy act

2001-03-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Maj. Gen MacKenzie-Time to stop the Mr. Nice Guy act
"NATO Bombing Enhanced Milosevic's Grip on Power
Maj.-Gen. Lewis MacKenzie
Citizen Special


While it can't be admitted publicly, the West is getting more than a little
tired of the Balkans and the inability of too many of its citizens to act
like civilized human beings.

Handicapped by too many centuries of mistrust, foreign exploitation,
atrocities and war, various ethnic communities seem incapable of putting the
past behind them in the pursuit of real peace.

During the last decade and continuing today, the United Nations and NATO have
invested billions of their member countries' tax dollars and hundreds of
their lives in the region with very questionable results. An obsession with
quick fixes and an inclination to opt for easy, risk-free, short-term
solutions has mired both alliances in the all too familiar Balkan quagmire.

Those of us who argued in 1993 for a three-republic solution for
Bosnia-Herzegovina as proposed by the European Union were branded as
appeasers. Two years later a major, U.S.-inspired, Croatian ground offensive
combined with NATO air strikes against the Bosnian Serbs resulted in the
Dayton Accords which saw Bosnia divided into two parts, one a Bosnian Muslim
and Bosnian Croat federation, and the other a Bosnian Serb republic.

The artificial shotgun marriage between the Bosnian Croats and the Bosnian
Muslims was doomed to fail. Two weeks ago, the Bosnia Croats indicated they
were no longer prepared to co-operate within the federation and wanted to
become part of neighbouring Croatia. There is now renewed interest in
Sarajevo in reverting to the EU's original three-republic solution.

Too bad the more challenging, long-term solution was not implemented eight
years ago.

If you consider the situation in Bosnia deja vu all over again, have a look
at what is happening in Kosovo. In the mid-90s, following five years of
heavy- handed, but far from brutal domination of the Albanian majority by
Yugoslavia's then-president Slobodan Milosevic, an independence-seeking
terrorist movement within the Kosovo Albanian community started to kidnap and
murder Serbian security personnel.

Major fighting developed as the Belgrade authorities moved to put down the
rebellion on their sovereign territory. In 1998, NATO threatened to bomb the
Serbs if they continued to react to the independence-seeking Kosovo
terrorists (the CIA's term, not mine) with what NATO described as
"disproportional force."

The Rambouillet talks held in February 1999 were designed to guarantee the
bombing of the Serbs as NATO had convinced itself Milosevic had to be
contained, and the best cover for such an undertaking was a humanitarian
intervention. The fact that the humanitarian disaster, which included massive
ethnic cleansing, occurred after the bombing started, continues to be
conveniently ignored.

Equally ignored is the fact that NATO, in a desperate attempt to reach a
ceasefire with Belgrade before the NATO coalition fell apart, 70 days into
the bombing campaign, quietly removed the two requirements in the Rambouillet
agreement that caused Milosevic not to sign it in the first place.

As a result of the changes, there would be no freedom of movement for NATO
forces in Serbia, and there would be no referendum on independence in Kosovo
within three years.

In other words, Kosovo would remain under Yugoslavian sovereignty
administered for the time being by the UN. By taking the easy way out,

NATO and the UN had created a solution guaranteed to fail.

Needless to say, the Kosovo Albanians were incredulous that their dreams of
independence were now thwarted by the very international community that had
bombed and killed their enemies.

By force, intimidation, coercion and good old diplomacy, the leaders from the
terrorist independence movement managed to take over key positions in the
UN-supervised Kosovo administration. Financed by drug running, a slave trade
in prostitutes and industrial- strength black market activities, the outlawed
military arm of the Kosovo Albanians moved into the UN-mandated demilitarized
buffer zone between Kosovo and Serbia, and started killing Serbian security
personnel -- presumably hoping that the Serbs would overreact and the
international community would once again come to the Albanians' assistance.

Not content with just intimidating the Serbs, the terrorists, more recently
elevated to the more prestigious-sounding "separatist guerrillas" in the
North American press, have started to link up with their Albanian brothers
inside Macedonia itself, and are exchanging fire with Macedonian security and
military forces and NATO peacekeepers.

A greater Albania is their stated objective, and the UN-mandated NATO force
in Kosovo now finds itself under significant international pressure to thwart

[CTRL] West urges Macedonian restraint

2001-03-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

West urges Macedonian restraint
NATO, EU fear conflict could become full-scale Balkan war


  TETOVO, Macedonia, March 26 —  After gaining ground against ethnic
Albanian rebels surrounding the city of Tetovo, the Macedonian government
came under pressure Monday from NATO and the European Union to show restraint
in its crackdown, signaling new momentum for a political solution to end the
six-week standoff. Western nations feared the conflict could develop into
another full-scale Balkan war.

  Juliette Terzieff reports on the Macedonian army offensive.
 Terzieff on tension in the streets of Tetovo.
U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE Colin Powell signaled Monday that he believed
the conflict was far from over.
   Powell, speaking at a news conference with French Foreign Minister
Hubert Vedrine, said Macedonian forces “had some success getting part way up
that hill.”
   But he added, “I don’t think the battle is anywhere near over or that
the crisis is yet resolved.”
   Newsweek’s Juliette Terzieff reported that sporadic firing continued
Monday around Tetovo. More civilians took to the streets during the relative
lull, but most businesses remained closed.   Unrest in the Balkans

With the battlegrounds quiet, NATO Secretary-General George Robertson and EU
security affairs chief Javier Solana arrived in the former Yugoslav republic
for talks.
   Referring to gains made by the Macedonian army in recent fighting,
Robertson said on arriving: “They have taken the military high ground above
Tetovo. Now is the time [for the government] to take the political high
   Similarly, Solana, who arrived later, told reporters: “Now is the
moment for politics. Objectives cannot be met through violent acts.”
   Robertson and Solana both held talks with Macedonian President Boris

   Macedonian forces dug in overnight after piercing rebel lines and
retaking ground held by ethnic Albanian insurgents, and they vowed that their
offensive would continue until the rebels were driven out of the country.
   The ragtag infantry punched through rebel positions in a day of fierce
battle Sunday that raged in the hills just outside Macedonia’s second-largest
city, spraying houses with bullets and forcing the guerrillas to pull back.
   Even while saying the time had come for a political effort, Solana and
Robertson underlined NATO and EU support for the Skopje government’s action.
NATO has worried that the rebel insurgency could widen ethnic divisions in
Macedonia — where at least of the quarter of the population are ethnic
Albanians living with a Slav majority — and open up a new Balkan war.
   “My message in Skopje is to keep the country united against its
external enemy and to make sure the internal unity is safeguarded,” Robertson
said. “No one wants to see another Balkan bloodbath.”
   “Macedonia enjoys the firm support of the international community to
act against those who use the bullet rather than the ballot box,” he said.

   The guerrillas say they are fighting for greater rights for
Macedonia’s ethnic Albanians, accusing the Skopje government of
discrimination. The government, however, says they are separatists seeking
ultimately to split away northern Macedonia to create an independent state
with mostly ethnic Albanian Kosovo.
   An opposition ethnic Albanian party in Macedonia, the Democratic
Prosperity Party, announced it was boycotting parliament beginning Monday.
Party leader Imer Imeri demanded that Trajkovski end the army offensive and
that the rebels lay down their arms.
   Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Tony Blair promised to reinforce
NATO-led peacekeepers in Kosovo, from which guerrillas are said to smuggle
weapons and fighters across the border into Macedonia.
   Blair said a unit with an unmanned reconnaissance plane would deploy
to Kosovo to provide peacekeepers with a clearer picture of activity in the
border region.
   Robertson made a stopover in Rome, where Italian Foreign Minister
Lamberto Dini said Italy supported calls for restraint by the Macedonian
government — but admitted that these “haven’t been successful so far.”

Robertson said NATO would continue to strengthen its policing of
Kosovo’s border with Macedonia to cut off the rebel’s military supplies but
ruled out direct intervention in the conflict by international peacekeepers.
   Finland and Bulgaria also urged Macedonia to moderate its stance,
urging it to stop using heavy weapons against the rebels. Finnish Prime
Minister Paavo Lipponen said the government’s use of force was “legitimate,”
but “it should be proportionate to the threat.”
   “I can’t see a military solution. It is abso

[CTRL] U.S. Facing U.N.-Mideast Dilemma

2001-03-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. Facing U.N.-Mideast Dilemma
  As Violence Rages On, Mideast Peace Efforts Continue - (Reuters)

By CHRIS HAWLEY, Associated Press Writer

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United States faced a diplomatic dilemma Sunday:
how to say ``no'' to sending U.N. observers to the West Bank and Gaza Strip
(news - web sites) without worsening the violence or enraging the Arab world.

The Palestinians want the U.N. Security Council to back the deployment of
observers to help stop six months of bloodshed, and say they have mustered
the nine council votes needed to pass such a resolution.

Standing in the way during negotiations Sunday was the United States,
Israel's strongest ally in the United Nations (news - web sites). Israel
opposes sending observers and wants direct talks with the Palestinians

The United States could use its veto to block the resolution. But Washington
fears a veto could trigger more violence and anger oil-rich Arab countries
whose support it needs to strengthen sanctions against Afghanistan (news -
web sites) and Iraq.

``It's our feeling that the Americans are not taking the issue of a veto
lightly,'' said the Palestinian representative, Nasser Al-Kidwa.

The Security Council met Saturday and again Sunday afternoon in search of a
compromise. The talks were expected to continue Monday.

European nations in the council fielded a watered-down resolution that
postponed any decision on an observer force but criticized the Israelis for
expanding settlements and imposing blockades on Palestinian towns. It also
noted that most of the more than 400 people who have died in the violence
since late September have been Palestinians.

Negotiators want to find a compromise before a summit of Arab leaders Tuesday
in Amman, Jordan. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites)
arrived in Amman on Sunday, and the council wants to arm him with a
resolution that will satisfy Arab leaders increasingly concerned about the

``We believe that through this resolution we'll be able to give a fresh
momentum to the resumption of (Israeli-Palestinian) talks,'' said Bangladeshi
Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, who heads the block of developing nations on
the council that support the Palestinians.

``And we believe the secretary-general ... should know what this
organization, the Security Council, is telling him to do,'' Chowdhury said.

Acting U.S. Ambassador James Cunningham would not comment on the closed-door
talks in the Security Council on Sunday.

Only the five permanent Security Council members - the United States, Russia,
China, France and Britain - can issue vetoes. They try to be sparing with
them, in part because vetoes anger less powerful members who are resentful
that five countries can essentially dictate U.N. policy.

The United States has only vetoed five resolutions since 1990 - four of them
dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. The last U.S. veto, in 1997,
quashed a resolution demanding that Israel stop construction of a settlement
in east Jerusalem.

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[CTRL] 2 X F15s down in Europe ?

2001-03-26 Thread Tony Dickinson

-Caveat Lector-

. meanwhile two US fighter planes are reported to have crashed in
Scotish Mountains ? Hikers in the Cairngorms heard explosions.
RAF Leuchars confirms reports overdue by some 3 hrs now.


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[CTRL] US identifies Beijing as its enemy number one

2001-03-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

US identifies Beijing as its enemy number one

By James Langton in New York

The prospect of a new arms race and a deterioration in relations between
Washington and Beijing rose sharply at the weekend after reports of a switch
in United States defence strategy, with China supplanting Russia as the US's
primary foe.

The Defence Secretary, Mr Donald Rumsfeld, has told President George Bush
that he plans sweeping changes in military policy to redirect the thrust of
US strategic planning towards China.

Despite the growing chill towards Russia, prompted by last week's tit-for-tat
spy expulsions, and signs of a return to Cold War politics, the Bush
Administration is convinced that China's growing military and economic
strength makes it the real threat to world peace.

Mr Bush was presented with the outline of the defence review at a meeting
with Mr Rumsfeld on Friday. It is believed to have avoided decisions on
specific weapons programs, such as the new Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).

The White House is instead concentrating on strategy, with officials
preparing the ground for policy changes that will direct planning away from
the possibility of a war with Russia.

A White House official said: "The secretary made clear that China and Asia -
and the distances involved there - are looming ever larger on our radar."

Defence planners have argued that the $US60 billion ($120 billion) JSF would
be useless in the Far East arena because it lacks range.

Other changes could include more long-range bombers such as the B-2 and a
trend towards smaller aircraft carriers, which are less vulnerable to missile
attack. The review is also likely to recommend further cuts in troops
stationed in Europe.

Mr Bush has presented an interim military budget for next year of
$US310billion, which does not represent a significant rise over this year,
but has said he will delay any decision on increasing defence spending until
after the review.

Mr Rumsfeld signalled new White House thinking in a recent interview, saying:
"The threat of an invasion of Soviet and Warsaw Pact tanks coming across the
German plain is past."

The defence review was disclosed as President Jiang Zemin of China warned the
US against selling advanced weapons systems to Taiwan, which has requested
four destroyers equipped with long-range Aegis radar to guard against Chinese

In an interview in The Washington Post on Saturday, Mr Jiang urged Washington
to "think strategically", saying that if the US were to sell Tiawan advanced
weapons it "would be very detrimental to China-US relations".

He said he feared a new arms race in the region, and rejected US suggestions
that China should pull back its missiles from the Taiwan Strait.

"The more weapons you sell, the more we will prepare ourselves in terms of
our national defence. This is logical."

Tensions between the two governments have been heightened by the news that a
senior Chinese army officer, said to be an expert on disarmament, defected
recently to the US.

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Re: [CTRL] gardner's theories and opinions

2001-03-26 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find information on this below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse to read.

from http://www.geocities.com/nafcj/Dr.RichardGardnerAReviewof.html

Dr. Richard Gardner: A Review of His Theories and Opinions on Atypical
Sexuality, Pedophilia, and Treatment Issues  by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN,

Please note: I do not agree with Gardner's ideas. "Richard A. Gardner, M.D.,
is a prominent forensic expert with an extensive career of evaluating
children, especially during custody disputes between parents." "Gardner
(1992, p. 588) does not believe in doing therapy with fathers who deny
committing sexual molestation. If father desires treatment, the therapist
should focus on enhancing his self-esteem. This is accomplished by helping
him to appreciate that "there is a certain amount of pedophilia in all of us"
and that "pedophilia has been considered the norm by the vast majority of
individuals in the history of the world"(Gardner 1992, ppi.592-3)."
"Gardner's Views on Pedophilia - "The sexually abused child is generally
considered to be the victim," though the child may initiate sexual encounters
by 'seducing' the adult." "Gardner (1991, p. 118) suggests that Western
society's is "excessively moralistic and punitive" toward pedophiles."

from http://www.geocities.com/nafcj/PASreview.htm

The Evidence for Parental Alienation Syndrome: An Examination of Gardner's
Theories and Opinions by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP, Paralegal "It
should be noted that Gardner's views on pedophilia are at odds with the
scientific research on child sexual abuse which has consistently and
conclusively shown the negative long-term effect of sexual abuse on

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles

2001-03-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>Ever see anything you couldn't explain or didn't understand?

Of course. But I never see two things I can't explain and automatically
assume they have the same explanation. 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-03-26 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

Timeline of Treason




can be read at:
The Joshua Report

Michael & The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report
If One Forgets The Past, He Will
Not Be Prepared For The Future

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Blaming the 'Defective' People (fwd)

2001-03-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 Blaming the 'Defective' People (Technology 2:00 a.m. PST)

 People worry about a lot of things during economic hard times. Should
we fear eugenics being used once again by people who want to blame our
country's problems on 'bad genes'? By Kristen Philipkoski.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] HUD money and San Fran

2001-03-26 Thread Kris Millegan

March 23, 2001

Election fraud deja vu

For those those might have missed the story,
Ronnie Davis, head of SF Public Housing, was
recently indicted for fraud by an Ohio Grand


This is the SECOND time a Willie Brown ally and SF
Public Housing official, who was implicated in an election
fraud that benefited Brown, ran afoul of the law in a
big way. The first time was Jim Jones of Jonestown infamy:


In 1997, Davis, using HUD money, opened up secret
polling places on behalf of the DeBartolo family,
owners of the 49ers. No charges were filed thanks
to San Francisco DA Terrence Hallinan, an ally of
Brown's who benefited from the alleged fraud.

In 1978, Jones, appointed as Public Housing
Commissioner by close Brown political ally
George Moscone, reportedly brought busloads
of voters into the city to vote illegally.
No charges were ever filed thanks to San Francisco
DA Joseph Freitas, an ally of Brown's who benefited
from the alleged fraud.

In 2001, the electoral system of San Francisco
remains as corrupt and open to fraud as it ever
was. And NO ONE wants to report on it.

This message brought to you by the site that brought
you the "chad" debate three years before it was


Mention of this site is *still* entirely blacked out by
the San Francisco media including the pseudo-progressive
"Bay Guardian" and "SF Weekly." If you lived in San
Francisco and depended on the news media, you'd
never know it exits.

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-~>
Make good on the promise you made at graduation to keep
in touch. Classmates.com has over 14 million registered
high school alumni--chances are you'll find your friends!

Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
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-Home Page- www.cia-drugs.org

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Re: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles

2001-03-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>Sorry about the flattery. It won't happen again.

I din't mean to sound ungrateful. I really do appreciate it. I'm just
concerned that some people might stop thinking for themselves and just
let me think for them. This would be a major error on their parts. I'm
not nearly as smart as I sound. I'm just good with words, that's all.

ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Konformist: full jenna bush boyfriend article (fwd)

2001-03-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Published on Sunday, March 25, 2001 in the San Jose Mercury News
Pitching Softballs
Why are Journalists Going Easy on Bush?

by Jeff Cohen

Imagine that while Bill Clinton was president, Secret Service agents had
gone to fetch Chelsea Clinton's boyfriend from jail, where he'd been
arrested for public drunkenness. One could imagine days of righteous
indignation on talk radio and pundit television about misuse of the Secret
Service and the lack of dignity surrounding the Clinton family.
In fact, the Secret Service did go to the aid of a drunken friend of the
first family -- not the Clintons, but the family of George W. Bush.

The incident occurred in Fort Worth a few weeks ago when an intoxicated
college student was arrested at a rowdy fraternity party and was, according
to the county sheriff, ``very vocal about the fact that he was Jenna Bush's
boyfriend.'' Partygoers said George W. Bush's 19-year-old daughter, a
freshman at the University of Texas in Austin, attended the party.

After the student used his cellular phone to make a call from his cell,
Secret Service agents arrived at the jail to get him out. It was reported
that Jenna Bush waited outside the jail in a Secret Service vehicle. The
White House didn't comment on the matter, and the story disappeared from the
news in a day.

Lack of scrutiny

Perhaps the incident got little media attention because of solicitude for a
teenager's privacy. Perhaps it wasn't well-scrutinized because it occurred
early enough in the Bush tenure that the administration was still enjoying a
bit of a honeymoon with the press.

But it's also possible that the lack of fuss points to a double standard in
coverage of Democratic and Republican presidents, and that the flip side of
the press corps' often justified obsession with Clinton administration spin
and flimflam seems to be an overly indulgent view of the Bush camp.

Need another example? The national press and pundit corps frequently howled
about the devious methods of the Clintonites. But they were largely silent
when an embarrassing memo surfaced March 9, exposing a bit of Republican
fakery on behalf of President Bush's tax cut. The memo was circulated by the
National Association of Manufacturers in response to a call from the office
of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill. It urged corporate lobbyists to
camouflage themselves as working-class folks for a GOP tax-cut rally on
Capitol Hill.

A copy of the memo reached the Washington Post, which quoted from it: ``The
theme involves working Americans. The speaker's office was very clear in
saying that they do not need people in suits. If people want to
participate -- AND WE DO NEED BODIES -- they must be DRESSED DOWN, appear to
be REAL WORKER types, etc. We plan to have hard hats for people to wear.
Other groups are providing waiters/waitresses, and other types of workers.''

According to the Post, the political director of the manufacturers'
association, Fred Nichols, who normally wears a suit and tie, attended the
Republican rally in a faded ``Farm Credit'' hat, rugby shirt and green
pants. (``It's casual day,'' he said, adding, ``My family farms in
Missouri.'') The Capitol Hill photo-op, with its sea of hard hats, looked
good on television for the Bush team.

One wonders if Washington journalists have been intimidated by years of
charges of ``liberal bias'' from the GOP.

Because reporters are stereotyped as liberal, there's a perception that
Democratic presidents would get favorable coverage. In fact, studies of
presidential news coverage -- including Mark Hertsgaard's ``On Bended Knee:
The Press and the Reagan Presidency'' and Robert M. Entman's ``Democracy
Without Citizens: Media and the Decay of American Politics'' -- suggest that
the two most recent Democratic presidents -- Clinton and Jimmy Carter --
received tougher media scrutiny than the two most recent Republicans --
George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

Strategy of intimidation

In 1992, Republican National Chairman Rich Bond acknowledged that
intimidation is indeed a goal of media-bashing from the right: ``There is
some strategy to it,'' Bond told journalists at the 1992 Republican National
Convention in Houston. His explanation cast the media as referees in a
sports metaphor. ``If you watch any great coach, what they try to do is
`work the refs.' Maybe the ref will cut you a little slack next time.''

Whatever the reason, there's been a willingness to give credence to Bush
administration declarations that are stretched or distorted. Case in point:
a March 3 Washington Post article headlined ``Richest 1% will get 22% of
cut, Bush says.'' Only a close reader of the story would notice that Bush's
claim was based on ignoring two key components of his tax plan: repeal of
the estate tax and income-tax cuts that kick in in 2006.

True tax-cut figures

Consideration of the full Bush plan shows the richest 1 percent of taxpayers
will get roughly 40 pe

Re: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles

2001-03-26 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

> This is how children
> think. Get over it. Grow up. Think like a scientist. Every event is a
> separate event and must be analyzed on the basis of the empirical data
> available.
OK, Nessie, now that we know you can explain everything, one question:

Ever see anything you couldn't explain or didn't understand?

All the people I know who think they know everything are teenagers. What's
your excuse?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles

2001-03-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>The significance of this series, to me, was that it explained what
to the U.S. Space Program after 1975 better than anything else I have

That doesn’t mean it’s true.

>Prior to then there are good histories by many astronauts and others
associated with the space program. Most write very little or nothing
the space program after Project Apollo ended. Could that be because the
Shuttle program was rushed into use as spy apparatus after all U.S. spy
satellites were destroyed, as stated in "Fire From The Sky?" If anyone
has a
better explanation I would love to see it.

Maybe they have trouble finding publishers because there isn’t much of a
market. On the whole, the public is bored to tears with NASA.

>Unfortunately many took the significance of the series to be that the
escaped. That, to me, was a side issue. I was accused of being a
an anti-semite and a "Nazi historian" when I didn't even write the

The essence of effective disinformation is that it is almost all true.
The lies are slipped in, usually as tangents. In fact, the Nazi
hierarchy did get away and they got away with the money. They  had major
assistance from western especially US, intelligence and from the
Vatican. All this saucer/Antarctica hooey is disinfo to cover up how it
really happened.

>The other unfortunate aspect of this is the absence of good information
gives credence to the ridiculous claims that Project Apollo astronauts
went to the moon.

Only to the gullible. It does, however, raise some interesting questions
which should be investigated. There is, for example, the distinct
possibility that the Biefeld-Brown effect has made rocketry obsolete,
that this has been covered up (for a variety of reasons) and that NASA
is essentially a massive boondoggle, an enormous black hole into which
money can be made to disappear.

See: http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/15.html

>I find it interesting that Nessie and "One Who Knows" used some of the
sources in their research. Research, which I might add, is confined to
published material in print and on the web. As far as I know, neither
interviewed anyone with first-hand knowledge.

Yeah, that’s a real problem. I, personally, wasn’t born till 1948, so I
missed out on the Nazi escape. But even if I had been alive and of age,
unless I had been in with the in crowd, I never would have been told
what was happening.

The same problem exists with modern covert activities, especially when
they concern such a massive and layered entity as NASA. NASA, we must
remember, was founded primarily by Nazi scientists. It would be foolish
to assume that they stopped being Nazis, or part of the underground Nazi
apparatus, just because they were Paperclipped into this country.  For
details, read the Torbitt Document.

>The primary difference is that "One Who Knows" used the writings of
Commander Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, as channeled through George Green and

Channeling is a lot of superstitious clap-trap. It’s nothing but
Nineteenth Century spiritualism dressed up in modern clothes. It’s
swapped frocked coats and bustles for tie-dye and crystals, but it’s
still just as hollow inside. Fools believe in channeling and, like the
fools of the Nineteenth Century are soon parted from their money.

>A word of warning: Calvin is quite sensitive about any questioning of
conclusions about the world. When I suggested by email last year that
group that was heard planning the JFK assassination which included J.
Hoover, George Herbert Walker Bush and Lyndon Johnson (among others)
have been shapeshifting aliens or clones of those people, he stopped
communicating with me.

Neither of these things are even remotely possible. Cloning wasn’t
possible early enough. Shape shifting defies the laws of physics. 

>Things that don't
make sense begin to make a lot more sense, especially the way the U.S.
government acts in the face of anything it cannot rationally explain.

If by “make sense” you mean that the theory has internal logic and
consistency, then yes it does. However, a valid theory must have more
than internal logic and consistency. it must be grounded in empirical

>Falkland Islands. 

Can be easily explained by internal Argentine politics.


By the airstrip.


Happened three days after conviction, at their second trial, of two of
the cops who beat Rodney King. Even holding a second trial was a sing of
weakness and a concession to the mob. Waco was Uncle Sam’s way of
showing he could still get it up. 

Also, Waco, spawned a panoply of resistance grouplets, many armed. This
in turn served to justify the dramatic increase in repression and
surveillance we have seen and the accompanying reduction in basic civil
rights and liberties. This was further exasperated by 

>World Trade Center.  


>Oklahoma City.

Both of which were the work of agents provocateur.


was in all likelihood a 

Re: [CTRL] NM: The Clinton Effect: More of the Truth Dribbles Out

2001-03-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/24/2001 11:36:09 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 The fact of the matter is that the position of president
 basically means that all things and every thing is fair game.
 Presidents have no privacy. And they know it when they decide to
 run for office >>

Yeah.  I was hoping to actually view the picture of Dubya standing on a bar
mooning the room, but somehow it got confiscated.  Just our luck.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] FR: Globe: Monica's secrets

2001-03-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

I do want to know Monica's secret.  So, who was the junior Republican
congressman she was sleeping with while she was beguiling Bill Clinton?  I've
heard of this matter a dozen times, but no one ever mentions his name.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] New roadless poll (fwd)

2001-03-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

My opinions are always unpopular.  Not only would I favor the Clinton
"roadless rules," I'd have half the roads already there abandoned.  Prudy

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2001-03-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/24/2001 7:46:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< (Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the non-partisan public
 interest law firm that combats government corruption and abuse,
 announced findings today that it has filed a complaint with the
 Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Hillary Clinton over
 her role Pardongate. The complaint alleges that Hillary Clinton
 illegally took cash, gifts, and other benefits from Denise Rich
 and other supporters in exchange for help in obtaining the
 pardons of March Rich and others. Rich was a fugitive accused of
 trading with the enemy at the time the pardons were issued. Mrs.
 Clinton had received campaign contributions and gifts of
 furniture from Rich’s ex-wife in the weeks and months running up
 to Rich’s pardon (The gifts of furniture are campaign gifts under
 the law, but were never reported as such by Mrs. Clinton). >>

Oh thank you, Lord, I've really missed Judicial Watch's daily suits against
the Clintons.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Iniquities of Fathers Visited Upon Children - Communist Time Table

2001-03-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Elridge Cleaver used that line over and over in his book Soul on Ice -
this illiterate did not write this book for the words do not match the
intelligence of the alleged authori.

There is a book called Secret Societies by Norman McKenzie which I read
many years ago searching for documentation of my bible calendar
codefor Martin Luther King used this communist calendar sermon for
sermon until he died on Mt. Nebo?   Deut. 38 and 39. Timed
datewise to bible calendar code.

Jomo Kenyatta too played a Mosesbut in this book it is noted he
wanted to avoid crucifixionlately I have been reading along and
today is a day which had so many terrible readings - from the 108 to
109th psalms - the vendetta for if you kill the kids (them of old
murderers bible) you wipe out the line of the entire family - note JFK

One reading in particular I read yesterday - the 78th
psalm..yesterday also spent some time going back into data I had re
Apollo where three brave men died a fiery death..

This story today is an example of an internatinoal conspiracy against
the kids and the iniquities of the fathers being visited upon the
children?   Remember Littleton - and that school was to have been
blown to hell and back but the kids and their mentors did not succeed
even though the propane gas tanks were all set to go.


Note these were  all young boys ...the smell of petrol. this
was only a one story building

Psalms, psalm 78
(One of Key Readings for the Assassins Leave clues along the way)

1: Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the
words of my mouth.
2: I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:
3: Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us.
4: We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation
to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful
works that he hath done
63: The fire consumed their young men; and their maidens were not given
to marriage.
As 109th psalm is the vendentta - so vicous, but this is wiping out of
all desdendents like a royal vendetta?   Communist style - the Kennedy
brothers to even little John John and Princess of Wales

Who is murdering the children?   Clinton said it?   The Davidians
murdered themselves - and look to the fiery death of the children of
Waco David Kore(sh) was consumed by fire - he was on to this bunch
and maybe went too far.

Remember Clinton a lawyer used the word "murdered".

Maybe this is just another form of "birth control".for as Lieberman
said the poor you have with you always and even that statement is linkd
to this date(also said in New Testament)

- so read the 109th psalm for additional reading linked to date of this
fire...toss in a little AIDS and cattle being butchered and
burned alive - rather symbolic?

A student from Kyanguli secondary school in Machakos, east of Nairobi,
is wheeled into a hospital with serious burns on Monday.
  Lovgren reports from the scene of the deadly school fire.
 Lovgren on early suspicions of arson.
58 students die in Kenya school firePolice suspect arson caused deadly
MACHAKOS, Kenya, March 26 —  Fifty-eight teen-aged boys were
burned to death early on Monday when Kenya's deadliest fire in recent
times ripped through their boarding school dormitory near the capital
Nairobi. Police said they suspected arson.

  'I could smell petrol. Somebody must have planned this.' — JUSTICE
SurvivorLOCAL POLICE chief Julius Narangui said he
suspected arson caused the fire at the Kyanguli co-ed secondary school
near Machakos town 40 miles east of Nairobi, and the police criminal
investigation service had been called in."It is one of
the worst things I have ever seen," he said. "The number is so high and
they are all burned beyond recognition. There was a scramble but many
people were trapped by the flames."Machakos district
police commissioner Hussein Dado said many of the 130 boys sleeping in
the dormitory when the fire broke out had scrambled to safety but 58
were killed and 28 were injured, many with serious burns. Those who died
were aged between 14 and 20."First the fumes engulfed
them, and then the roof caved in. The fire spread very quickly," Dado
said.Weeping relatives milled outside the blackened
single-story brick building some three miles from Machakos, as emergency
workers picked through the charred wreckage of wooden furniture
searching for clues to the cause of the blaze.Inside the
dormitory, a pile of about 15 charred bodies lay huddled in a corridor
dividing rows of beds."It is sad and pathetic. I feel so
bad," said local resident Judy Ngina.

   MSNBC.com's Stefan Lovgren reported from the scene that
survivors spoke of

[CTRL] (no subject)

2001-03-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/23/2001 6:12:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Adm. Dennis Blair, speaking to reporters in Seoul on Tuesday, also touted
 U.S.-South Korean alliance as the major bulwark against North Korean

 "I would define North Korea as the No. 1 enemy state when I look across my
 area of responsibility," Blair said. >

Evidence of this kind of mini-mind in charge really worries me.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] USAT: Bush, aides boost access of conservative medi

2001-03-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/22/2001 8:25:29 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< WASHINGTON ‹ On his fifth day in office, Vice President Cheney
 granted his first radio interview to Common Sense Radio and its
 conservative host, Oliver North. At his first news conference as
 president, on a trip to Mexico last month, President Bush skipped
 over the major TV network correspondents and turned to Fox News
 Channel's Jim Angle. "You're next," he told the cable network's
 correspondent after wire service reporters, who by custom go
 first at presidential news conferences, asked their questions.

 And this month, when Cheney gave his first vice-presidential
 interview to a Washington newspaper, the outlet he chose was not
 The Washington Post, the capital city's traditional must-read for
 politicians and journalists. Instead, Cheney talked to The
 Washington Times, a much smaller newspaper known for its
 conservative tilt ‹ and its access to important conservatives in
 government. >>

We rather suspected that the Republicans were not willing to fairly represent
all the people of the United States.  Seems we were right.  They are
preaching to the choir, and if folks are smart they will start singing the
Republican/Conservative song.  The "right" is really serious about defunding
the "left."  This time they have the Congress, the Executive Branch and the
Supreme Court held in the palms of their hands.  It's get in tune or go
hungry.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] RC: Clinton Gifts Spark Reform

2001-03-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/22/2001 8:24:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Clinton's acceptance of tens of thousands of dollars in gifts of
 fine china, flatware and furniture after her victory last
 November caused an uproar and focused attention on the obscure
 loophole. >>

It would be cutting off their noses to spite their faces, but I'd love to see
the loophole closed.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Contact Paper

2001-03-26 Thread Rob G

-Caveat Lector-

What caused the dissolution of Contact Magazine? I subscribed for a few
years and the end times were kind of cloudy. Does anyone know if the Ekkers
are still around. Some of their people started a similar paper called
Spectrum, but I've always wondered if the Ekkers made it through.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: TDI - Flat Earth

2001-03-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Bruce H.G. Calder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Your Daily Info Has Arrived" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 12:34 AM

> Bruce H.G. Calder'sMarch 26, 2001
> *
> *  Charles Johnson (Mr. Flat Earth) is dead *
> *
> *
> * Charles K. Johnson, president of the International Flat Earth
> * Research Society since 1972 died several days ago at his home
> * in Lancaster California at the age of 76. Johnson steadfastly
> * insisted that the Earth is flat and those who believe
> * otherwise have been tricked.
> *
> * Johnson's secretary, Jill Fear says she will try to carry on
> * with the promotion of the view that the world is actually a
> * flat disk floating on primordial waters, and not a big ball
> * spinning through space.
> *
> * Johnson looked upon scientists with the same regard as witch
> * doctors who are advancing this "round Earth" hoax in order
> * to replace religion with science, and based his own beliefs
> * on Old Testament references to a flat Earth.
> *
> * In 1984, Mr. Johnson told Newsweek Magazine, "If Earth were
> * a ball spinning in space, there would be no up or down."
> *
> * He said that people should trust their own eyes; "Reasonable,
> * intelligent people have always recognized that the Earth is
> * flat."
> *
> * Producing quarterly newsletters, Johnson would have an answer
> * for all doubters. Sunrises and sunsets are an optical
> * illusion. The moon landing was an elaborate hoax, staged in
> * Arizona, and scripted by Arthur C. Clarke. Eclipses are not
> * even worth considering as he told the New York Times in 1979
> * because "The Bible tells us the heavens are a mystery."
> *
> * Johnson was frequently interviewed and asked to speak and
> * once did a commercial for Dreyer's Ice Cream.
> *
> * International Flat Earth Research Society
> *   http://holysmoke.org/hs00/flaterth.htm
> *
> * Earth Orbits? Moon Landings? A Fraud! Says This Prophet
> *   http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/fe-scidi.htm
> *
> *
> * Fact : In 1994, a Washington Post poll found that 9% of
> *Americans thought the moon landing was faked.
> *
> * Source : The New York Times
> *  http://www.newyorktimes.com/
> *
> * The Moon Landing was a hoax...not!
> *   http://www.redzero.demon.co.uk/moonhoax/
> *
> * Landing Hoax Theory
> _ Copyright notice 
> © 2001 Bruce H.G. Calder http://www.calder.net/
> You may forward this mailing in its entirety, or any individual
> item as long as this copyright notice is included.
> ___

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Re: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles

2001-03-26 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

> -Original Message-
> From: Calvin Burgin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 8:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space
> Shuttles
> By the way, I appreciate your posting the Fire From The Sky
> document on the internet, at the time I did not know how and was
> not even on the internet (except for some business networks that
> technically was internet I suppose).


Thanks for the VERY enlightening response to my half-enlightened post. To be
honest I did not know you subscribed to CTRL.

There's more to the story of Fire From the Sky. Back in 1996 I got a call
from someone wanting to know if it had been published in print form. About
the same time Bob Girard of Arcuturus Books in Port St. Lucie, FL was
listing a printed version in his catalog. I told the fellow about the
copyright policy of Contact and that I thought it would not violate
copyright law.

Soon the series was listed in the catalog again, but this time with only
parts 1-14 included. It seems someone, perhaps Girard, was wary of the
material on the fate of the Third Reich, which did not jive with
conventional history.

Then it disappeared altogether, and as far as I know still has not been
published or distributed outside the internet except by you personally.

The unfortunate aspect of this is that as a result of Steve Wingate
including my name in the introduction to FFS on his website, many people
assumed I had written the series. Prior to changing my email address I
received mail from some people who were quite upset.

As recently as last summer I got a phone call from a fellow in Maine who
emails UFO information to a small list, profusely thanking me for writing
Fire From the Sky, how it explained everything. He pointed me to the
members-only area of CSETI where he had read the series. I explained who had
really written it.

I STILL think FFS is the most important information in one source I have
seen because it shows the conspiracy can be successful when control of
information is the method used. They push black-and-white thinking from
kindergarten on and that eliminates rational thinking in most people. Those
who break out of that do something I call "breaking hypnosis" and it can be
quite a shock to the system.
> As to Bush, Hoover, etc. being shape-shifters, I did not think
> that was a question -- how would I know whether they are or not?

It just seems they are responsible for more than one physical being can
possibly be involved in, thus the question of the possibility there could be
more than one of certain individuals.

> most everything I wrote was already written somewhere
> else.  Although I am the author of the Fire From The Sky
> document, I point out that it is just quotations from others.  I
> was a compiler more than an author.

FFS was thoroughly documented for anyone who wants to check the sources. I
have seen some of the out-of-print books you quoted at flea markets and
other places.
> 8 astronauts were MURDERED
> the same year because they resisted the hoax.  The rest of the
> astronauts got the message and went along with the program.

Do you know what the "quarantine" the astronauts endured was designed to
> "Contact was financed primarily through money provided by a
> wealthy eccentric from Austin, TX."  Once again, no.

Thanks for clearing that up. What was the story behind Contact's demise?

> Calvin Burgin AKA "One Who Knows" (how would you like to be stuck
> with that name? grin)

I hope everyone understands now that you are a real person just like the
rest of us. Now if Branton would only claim his real identity it would do a
lot for his credibility.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Review of "Thy Will Be Done"

2001-03-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Marilyn Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> {PRIVATE}I don't remember who the Pews are, \

The Pews are an old-money family. The Pew Charitable Trust is one of
the big donors to the Metropolitan Opera in New York.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] NYT: Despite Emboldened Critics, Jesse Jackson Isn't Yielding

2001-03-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Geeze.  Not that I condone his shit (cuz I DON'T, and I ain't no
hyprocrit), ...but REALLY, "today," shouldn't he be granted the
same "sanctions," or, "allowances" as would any in the "Lime
Light," circa, 2001?  I mean, CommON!?!  --MS}

March 26, 2001

Despite Emboldened Critics, Jesse Jackson Isn't Yielding

By PAM BELLUCK, and Steve Kagan The New York Times

CHICAGO, March 25 ó The Rev. Jesse Jackson could not have picked
a better place to make his point.

It was a high school basketball championship game at the United
Center, the huge arena where the Chicago Bulls usually play, and
it was packed to the rafters.

When Mr. Jackson arrived unannounced to take a courtside seat,
the crowd's reaction was explosive. There was thunderous
applause, scattered standing ovations, teenagers squealing and
whooping. Throughout the game, people embraced him, slapped his
back or asked for autographs.

"Do you see people reacting to me adversely tonight?" Mr. Jackson
asked. "Do you see how the people are responding?"

Mr. Jackson's point was obvious: that despite his recent round of
troubles ó from the disclosure in January that he had fathered a
child during an extramarital affair to questions about the way he
raises money for his nonprofit groups ó his popularity was as
strong as ever.

But while Mr. Jackson's fans and allies here and elsewhere
clearly remain committed, it is equally clear that he is enduring
the rockiest episode of his four decades in public life.

Longtime conservative opponents have been energized, filing
complaints with the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal
Election Commission over the financial practices of Mr. Jackson's

Ambitious members of the black clergy have begun suggesting
publicly that Mr. Jackson's role as the nation's pre-eminent
African-American figure is on the wane and that the time is right
for a new generation of leadership. And a spate of newspaper
articles and columns, concentrating mostly on the fact that Mr.
Jackson's groups accept money from corporations he criticizes,
have forced him to spend time defending his operation.

"He's going through, without a doubt, the deepest valley he has
gone through," said Marshall Frady, the author of several
biographies, including one of Mr. Jackson.

"Among the conventional power estate, I assume a number who have
kind of accommodated him, indulged him and abided him will see
this as a marvelous opportunity to get him out of their hair,"
Mr. Frady said.

The disclosures come at a time of great paradox for Mr. Jackson,
59. In some ways he is now a more respected member of the
establishment than ever before. When Bill Clinton was president,
he was a special envoy to Africa and persuaded Mr. Clinton and
others to sign on to his antipoverty campaign.

Mr. Jackson was also a high-profile counselor to Mr. Clinton when
the president's affair with a White House intern became public
and led to his impeachment. And for the last several years, Mr.
Jackson has been holding conventions on Wall Street to persuade
hundreds of business leaders to invest in minority businesses.

Yet at the same time, Mr. Jackson's political luster has dimmed
considerably from 1984 and 1988, when he made bids for the
presidency. At last summer's Democratic National Convention, he
was sidelined during the prime-time events.

Among blacks, the attitudes toward Mr. Jackson seem just as
contradictory, if not more so. Some civil rights leaders, like
the Rev. Al Sharpton, suggest he has become too caught up in the
political mainstream, while some black ministers believe he is
still too much of an outsider.

Even before Mr. Jackson's recent troubles, a group of 20
lesser-known black ministers, veering away from Mr. Jackson's
drumbeat of criticism of President Bush, wrote to Mr. Bush to
congratulate him on his victory. Last week the same group
embraced Mr. Bush's proposal to give religious organizations more
access to federal money.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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