[CTRL] Who's Kissing 'er Now

2001-04-18 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

Nation article @


The Trial of Henry Kissinger
by Christopher Hitchens

Hardcover - 160 pages

(May 2001)

Verso Books;

ISBN: 1859846319

Amazon.com Sales Rank: 345
Avg. Customer Rating:

Number of Reviews: 1
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Editorial Reviews
Book Description
'His own lonely impunity is rank; it smells to heaven. If it is allowed to persist
then we shall shamefully vindicate the ancient philosopher Anacharsis, who
maintained that laws were like cobwebs; strong enough to detain only the weak, and
too weak to hold the strong. In the name of innumerable victims known and unknown,
it is time for justice to take a hand.'
With the detention of Augusto Pinochet, and intense international pressure for the
arrest of Slobodan Milosevic, the possibility of international law acting against
tyrants around the world is emerging as a reality. Yet, as Christopher Hitchens
demonstrates in this compact, incendiary book, the West need not look far to find
suitable candidates for the dock. The United States is home to an individual whose
record of war crimes bears comparison with the worst dictators of recent history.
Please stand, ex-Secretary of State and National Security Advisor, Henry A.
Weighing the evidence with judicial care, and developing his case with scrupulous
parsing of the written record, Hitchens takes the floor as prosecuting counsel. He
investigates, in turn, Kissinger's involvement in the war in Indochina, mass murder
in Bangladesh, planned assassinations in Santiago, Nicosia and Washington DC, and
genocide in East Timor. Drawing on first-hand testimony, previously unpublished
documentation, and broad sweeps through material released under the Freedom of
Information Act, he mounts a devastating indictment of a man whose ambition and
ruthlessness have directly resulted in both individual murders and widespread,
indiscriminate slaughter.


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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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[CTRL] Is America the real terrorist?

2001-04-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Is America the real terrorist?
Anthony Lappé

04/17/01 11:19pm

The trial of the three Osama Bin Laden operatives accused of
the 1998 US embassy bombing in Nairobi, Kenya just got
interesting, very interesting. In a NY federal court last
week, defense attorneys took a novel track: arguing the
bombing was not a terrorist attack, but an act of war - and
thus was no different than similar actions taken by another
notoriously violent actor on the world stage: the United
"Whenever you try to coerce a political result by bombing
and killing people, that is classified under the federal
code as terrorism," David P. Baugh, a lawyer for the defense
said. "Unfortunately, we do it, they do it, everybody does
it." (NYT, 3/30/01)

The argument, morally vacuous as it is - the bombing killed
213 people including 167 Kenyan civilians - raises a
politically explosive question: Who is the real terrorist?
As evidence, Baugh is seeking to introduce information about
a litany of American military actions that have resulted in
civilians causalities: these include the scores of post-Gulf
War attacks on Iraq, the 1989 invasion of Panama, the
bombing of Muammar el-Qaddafi's headquarters in Libya in
1986, and other major American military strikes. The Panama
invasion alone, for instance, is believed to have killed up
to 3,000 civilians.

The argument that America is by far the world's most violent
power has best been made by Noam Chomsky, who has detailed
how the US has consistently subverted international law in
pursuit of its corporate and state interests. For most of
the 1980s, Chomsky writes, the US sponsored so-called
low-intensity conflicts throughout the world in which
civilians were not only inconvenient victims they many times
were the targets - witness: El Salvador, East Timor,
Guatemala, and others. More recently, the US has launched
larger more direct operations such as the on-going
US-British aerial attacks against Iraq. According the to the
Dubai-based Gulf News, since December '98 these attacks have
killed 317 civilians and left 936 wounded. In January 2001
alone, 6 were killed and 9 injured, though if you got your
news from America's major news outlets you would probably
never have heard this.

One of the most notorious US military actions which resulted
in civilian causalities was Reagan's 1986 attack on Qaddafi'
s headquarters. The bombing left the Libyan leader's
daughter dead. A thought experiment: Imagine how much of
Tripoli would be left standing tomorrow if today Libyan
bombs rained down on Austin, Texas leaving the First
Daughter and her dorm-mates buried in a pile of rubble.

For more info on the on-going US-UK strikes against Iraq:

For a more extensive analysis of US state-sponsored
terrorism and America's flagrant disregard for international
law explore the Noam Chomsky archives:

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[CTRL] Mississippi sticks with Confederate flag

2001-04-18 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Mississippi sticks with Confederate flag

Supporters of the state flag see it as a mark of pride

Mississippians have voted overwhelmingly in favour of keeping the
controversial state flag and its Confederate emblem.

The 1894 flag represents heritage, honour, sacrifice, duty and history

Earl Faggert, the Sons of Confederate Veterans
With 94% of precincts reporting, almost 66% voted to retain the old flag
while 34% voted to replace it.
Mississippi is the last US state to prominently display the Confederate
emblem on its flag.
Opponents of the emblem consider it a symbol of slavery and racial
segregation, while supporters see it as a mark of southern pride.
More recently the Confederate symbol has been adopted by some extreme
right-wing and racist groups as a symbol of resistance to federal

Supporters of the existing flag are celebrating

Supporters of the existing flag immediately launched their celebrations.
"The initial polls coming from around the state look very good. We believe
tonight we'll have a victory celebration," said a state flag supporter.
But advocates of replacing the flag say they will continue their campaign.
"We are going to get back out diligently with the governor and legislators
and try to put this issue back on the ballot," said Wayne McDaniels, a
representative of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured
People (NAACP).
Tie to heritage
Under pressure from civil rights organisations, a number of southern states
have removed or downplayed the Confederate cross in recent years, but
Mississippi was the first state to allow its voters to decide on the issue
in a referendum.

In a global economy, Mississippi needs to present a flag that represents all
its people

Eugene Bryant, Mississippi branch of the NAACP
Backers of the 1894 flag see it as a tie to Mississippi's heritage.
"The 1894 flag represents heritage, honour, sacrifice, duty and history,"
said Earl Faggert, heritage spokesman for the Mississippi division of the
Sons of Confederate Veterans.
"It's a symbol of our state. It represents our families. It represents the
fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers of all Mississippians who
fought under that banner," he added.

The current flag was adopted in 1894

But opponents of the old flag argue that it isolates Mississippi from the
rest of the country.
"Mississippi has the perception of a racist state," Eugene Bryant, president
of the Mississippi branch of the NAACP.
"In a global economy, Mississippi needs to present a flag that represents
all its people," Mr Bryant said.
Poorest state
Voters had the option of replacing the current flag with a new flag showing
concentric circles of 20 stars, representing the fact that Mississippi was
the 20th state to join the US.
Once a bastion of racial violence, Mississippi has for generations been one
of the poorest states in the US.
The state is about two-thirds white and one-third black.
The current flag was adopted in 1894, almost 30 years after the defeat of
the Confederacy.
In May, the State Supreme Court ruled that the flag has no legal status
under the state's current constitution, which dates from 1906.

foot tapping mentalism for all ages


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[CTRL] FC: Feds question woman after she emails homophobic politician (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


I originally saw this on soc.youth.support.gay-lesbian-bi and thought
you might be interested.  The incident that provoked the e-mail is
detailed at
and continued at



Associated Press, April 17, 2001

Secret Service questions woman about e-mail sent to lawmakers

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) -- A woman upset at a state lawmaker for
criticizing four gay activists was questioned by two U.S.
Secret Service agents after she sent the legislator, Gov. Jeb Bush and
President Bush a scathing e-mail about the comments.

Margaret Richards, a 58-year-old seamstress, said she sent Rep. Allen
Trovillion an e-mail saying a firing squad would be
lenient punishment for making the comments and blaming him for helping
"appoint a dictator to the White House."

Richards said she sent carbon copies of the message to the governor and
President. The two agents then went to her house
Saturday and asked her if she belonged to a terrorist group, owned any
weapons or had ever been committed to a mental
institution, she said.

"I was floored," Richards said. "When they showed up at the door, the
first thing I thought was, 'This must be a joke."'

Richards also said the agents searched her house, photographed her and
convinced her to sign a waiver that lets them check her
medical records.


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2001-04-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/15/2001 12:42:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

In making his case for tax cuts, President Bush said, "No
 one should pay more than a third of the money they earn in
 federal income taxes." Actually, this is not a problem for
 99 percent of the American people. In fact, in 1996 less
 than two-tenths of 1 percent of filers with incomes over
 $200,000 paid more than 30 percent of their adjusted gross
 incomes in taxes. More than 1,000 taxpayers in that group,
 including 101 millionaires, paid absolutely nothing in
 income taxes. In other words, the millionaire next door
 might be a tax cheat. 

Remember poor Leona Helmsly (sp?) who went to jail supposedly for income tax
evasion?  I always said she didn't go to jail for income tax evasion, but
because she said out loud, "Only the little people pay taxes."  She was right
of course, but you're not supposed to publicize the fact, and I always said
she went to jail to remind her of that fact.  The rich and powerful don't
like it when anyone discloses their secrets, but they really get torqued when
one of their own lets the cat out of the bag.   Amusing.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Bush is Right on the Environment - But He Needs Help to Prove It (...

2001-04-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/15/2001 1:12:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Bush is Right on the Environment - But He Needs Help to Prove It

 by Amy Ridenour

 Although you wouldn't know it from his critics, President Bush has so far
 taken the correct actions on environmental issues - including his
 controversial decisions to end U.S. consideration of the Kyoto global warming
 treaty and against regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant. 

Gee thanks, Amy.  With Amy and the National Center for Public Policy Research
on our side, we can rest easy.  I was a mite alarmed at Dubya's behavior.
How could I have known just how environmentally sound his actions really
were?  I'm so relieved.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Turner Diaries

2001-04-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/15/2001 2:36:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  should Christian children have
  sodomy classes in school?

 It'd be more useful in the real world than bible study!


This is really funny, because once when I was listening to C-SPAN,  a very
old, quavery voiced, retired preacher called in.  Brian Lamb and some quite
respected media type were holding forth, and the old guy said the following:
"You know, the Bible is very specific in both Genesis and (I think)
Leviticus.  There is a big difference between sex and sodomy."   Lamb and
friend looked questioningly at each other, thanked him for his call and
disconnected him.  They then went on another caller.  I, however, jumped up
and looked up the word sodomy in the dictionary.  The old guy was absolutely
right as far as the English language is concerned, and I assume he knew the
Bible fairly well.  So if Webster and the Bible are to be given any credence
at all, Bill didn't have "sex" with that woman.  Maybe our children should be
taught sodomy in school.  Prudy

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[CTRL] [Spy News] McVeigh netcast (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Company argues for McVeigh netcast

Tuesday, 17 April 2001 14:50 (ET)

 INDIANAPOLIS, April 17 (UPI) -- A Florida-based Internet company that
wants to live stream the scheduled May 16 execution of Timothy McVeigh
argued its case Tuesday in a federal court.

 Attorney General John Ashcroft already has said he will not permit any
broadcast of the McVeigh execution, except for a closed-circuit viewing for
the families of the 168 people killed by McVeigh in the 1995 explosion of
the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

 Entertainment Network Inc. officials of Tampa, Fla., say the decision is
wrong and they asked U.S. District Judge John Tinder to issue an order
against the Department of Justice that would open the way for a broadcast on
the Internet.

 "There aren't any overriding government issues that would justify the
prohibition of audio/visual images of the execution," attorney Derek Newman

 The lawsuit seeks permission for ENI, which operates adult-oriented Webcam
sites, to send one person into the execution chamber with a hand-held video
camera that would provide live pictures of the execution to an ENI web site.

 Newman said the company also would be willing to consider taking a video
feed from the closed-circuit video that victim family members will witness.

 Newman said such a Webcast would improve the free flow of information
related to the scheduled death by lethal injection of McVeigh.

 Officials with the correctional center in Terre Haute, Ind., where McVeigh
is being held and where the execution will take place, said they fear any
type of broadcast could incite inmates to act violently.

 Assistant U.S. Attorney Gerald Coras argued permitting the company to have
such pictures would amount to special treatment since no other media
organization would be allowed similar rights -- even though 10 reporters
will be allowed to witness the event from the execution chamber.

 "The Constitution does not require that those who wish to record ...
executions be allowed to do so," Coras said. "The legislatures of every
state that has executions, and the federal government, have decided that
executions should not be public spectacles."

 ENI officials admit they would charge $1.95 for the right to view the
execution and donate the proceeds to charities established for the memory of
the Oklahoma City bombing victims.

 Tinder said he expects to make his ruling in the case by Friday.

 The McVeigh case has resurrected the debate over whether executions should
once again become public spectacles.

 Modern executions are conducted within prison walls and out of the view of
the public although McVeigh himself has said he would support the televising
of his own death.

 Some death penalty opponents have said they would support such a
broadcast, believing people would be so disgusted by what they see that they
would then turn against capital punishment.

 Opponents of broadcasts believe that such events would give McVeigh an
additional forum for his extremist views.

 McVeigh has said he orchestrated the federal building bombing as a protest
against the 1993 standoff in Waco, Texas, between the FBI and David Koresh's
Branch Davidian followers.
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Re: [CTRL] FC: Feds question woman after she emails homophobic politician (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

  a firing squad would be
 lenient punishment for making the comments and blaming him for helping
 "appoint a dictator to the White House."

DUH!...what the hell did she expect after making a statement like that.

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Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft, TV and McVeigh

2001-04-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/16/2001 12:45:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 TV news officials pledge to honor McVeigh limits
 Television news executives are grappling with the restrictions laid
 out last week by U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft on media
 access to Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh as his execution
 date approaches next month. Saying he wanted to prevent McVeigh
 from using the media as a "public podium," Ashcroft said Thursday
 that no extended interviews will be permitted, nor will television
 interviews be granted. In the weeks leading up to his May 16
 execution, McVeigh will be able to talk to the media by telephone for
 as much as 15 minutes a day, but the calls cannot be recorded. The
 limitations were strongly criticized by the Radio-Television News
 Directors Assn., but network news executives said they will abide
 by the Justice Department's guidelines. 

I'm still trying to figure out what it is that McVeigh knows they don't want
us to hear.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Special report: globalisation

2001-04-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Corporate rule

Democracy is in hock to an idea of economic and technical progress
that ignores people's true concerns

Special report: globalisation

Zac Goldsmith
Wednesday April 18, 2001
The Guardian

On the big issues of the day, three virtually identical political
parties will be competing at the forthcoming general election. There
are, of course, differences between them. But we live in an age of
dangerous consensus, in which every mainstream party supports the
same model of deregulated corporate economics that renders their
differences virtually irrelevant.

All, for instance, regard attracting "foreign direct investment" as a
prime economic goal, and it is through flirting with big business
that they hope to achieve it. Yet just 100 companies control more
than a third of all such investments, with the result that we are
experiencing a global "race to the bottom" - a lowering of every
conceivable standard in an international contest for corporate
affections. What we are seeing, in fact, is the hijacking of
democracy by business - and one result is the death of choice for us

Such globalisation centralises power in the hands of vast
multinational companies which increasingly dominate politics. It is
this system which homogenises cultures and places, kills off local
businesses, leads to increased traffic and pollution as its goods are
transported across the world, destroys local democracy, and ravages
the environment.

Yet nowhere in the electoral debates will we see discussion or even
acknowledgement of the biggest problems that confront us today. The
future of the environment, for example, will merit barely a whisper.
Climate change, pollution, the cancer epidemic, the centralisation of
economic power by fewer and fewer corporations, the death of the high
street: these are issues that confront ordinary people every day, yet
politicians rarely mention them.

Why? Probably because to do so would necessitate an examination of
the root causes - the global economic system that all parties
unquestioningly support.

Last weekend the Guardian released some of the results of a sweeping
opinion poll commissioned by the Ecologist magazine. Combined, the
results are astonishing, and will shock our political leaders. A
striking pattern emerged. For one only had to wonder how each of the
main political parties would respond to the questions asked to
understand how very wide has the gulf between politicians and the
public become. The people have spotted this - and they are way ahead
of the politicians.

Most people (87%), for instance, would like to see measures applied
which would protect small producers from corporate predators - a
practice that is currently illegal under the rules of the World Trade
Organisation, which all three parties endorse.

A huge majority of respondents (89%) would prefer to buy British food
if it were available - which is at odds with the political consensus
that increased international trade is our nation's primary objective.

Almost half of all respondents (49%) believe advances in science and
technology will harm more than they will benefit society - a view at
odds with the government's massive investment in biotechnology and
obsession with technological "progress".

On other issues, too, the public want action taken that no major
party seems prepared to deliver. For instance, 77% believe there is a
clear link between the devastating floods last year and climate
change. To that end, 61% believe our money should be spent on
alternatives to roads, and 72% believe the rail networks should be

Yet this, too, fails to match up to the policies of either Labour or
the Conservatives, the former having pledged to invest less into
renewable energies than it recently invested into a single giant

Asked if the government should spend more on researching organic
agriculture than it spends on biotechnology, 66% agreed. Only 7% felt
biotechnology should receive more. As things stand today, organic
food research is allocated a mere 2% of the total budget, while
biotechnology receives 30%. Furthermore, nearly half (45%) of those
questioned want a complete ban on the import, testing and sale of all
genetically modified products.

What is also clear from these results is the astonishing lack of
trust with which people view their leaders. More than half (54%)
would like to see an end to the corporate purchase of our political
system. Still more (72%) do not believe the government when it
assures the public that something is safe. And 73% would like to
remove big decision-making from government altogether, with the use
of national referendums.

This is not the picture of a people satisfied with the manner in
which their taxes are being spent and their futures dictated, but
rather a public with a healthy scepticism towards politicians,
corporations and even the current definition of "progress". Rather,
it is a picture of a public that cares a lot about 

Re: [CTRL] Who's Kissing 'er Now

2001-04-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Taercel is a very creative subject line title-er.
Very creative.


Taercel wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Nation article @


 The Trial of Henry Kissinger
 by Christopher Hitchens

 Hardcover - 160 pages

 (May 2001)

 Verso Books;

 ISBN: 1859846319

 Amazon.com Sales Rank: 345
 Avg. Customer Rating:

 Number of Reviews: 1
 Customers who bought this book also bought:
 Unacknowledged Legislation: Writers in the Public Sphere
 by Christopher Hitchens
 Hostage to History : Cyprus from the Ottomans to Kissinger
 by Christopher Hitchens
 No One Left To Lie To: The Values of the Worst Family
 by Christopher Hitchens

 The Missionary Position : Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice
 by Christopher
  Explore similar items
 Editorial Reviews
 Book Description
 'His own lonely impunity is rank; it smells to heaven. If it is allowed to persist
 then we shall shamefully vindicate the ancient philosopher Anacharsis, who
 maintained that laws were like cobwebs; strong enough to detain only the weak, and
 too weak to hold the strong. In the name of innumerable victims known and unknown,
 it is time for justice to take a hand.'
 With the detention of Augusto Pinochet, and intense international pressure for the
 arrest of Slobodan Milosevic, the possibility of international law acting against
 tyrants around the world is emerging as a reality. Yet, as Christopher Hitchens
 demonstrates in this compact, incendiary book, the West need not look far to find
 suitable candidates for the dock. The United States is home to an individual whose
 record of war crimes bears comparison with the worst dictators of recent history.
 Please stand, ex-Secretary of State and National Security Advisor, Henry A.
 Weighing the evidence with judicial care, and developing his case with scrupulous
 parsing of the written record, Hitchens takes the floor as prosecuting counsel. He
 investigates, in turn, Kissinger's involvement in the war in Indochina, mass murder
 in Bangladesh, planned assassinations in Santiago, Nicosia and Washington DC, and
 genocide in East Timor. Drawing on first-hand testimony, previously unpublished
 documentation, and broad sweeps through material released under the Freedom of
 Information Act, he mounts a devastating indictment of a man whose ambition and
 ruthlessness have directly resulted in both individual murders and widespread,
 indiscriminate slaughter.


 Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
 is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
 expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
 for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
 new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
 The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
 tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
 State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
 repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
 "democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
 by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
 of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
 taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
 the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
 the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
 has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
 accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
 share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
 [[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
 Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 

[CTRL] What lies behind Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)?

2001-04-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Just posted - -

THE QUEBEC WALL: What lies behind Free Trade Area of the
Americas (FTAA)?
by Michel Chossudovsky
Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa [18 April 2001]

The Summit of the Americas will be held inside a four kilometer
"bunker" made of concrete and galvanized steel fencing. The 10
feet high "Quebec Wall" encircles part of the historic city center
including the parliamentary compound of the National Assembly,
hotels and shopping areas. Cars will enter through closely guarded
checkpoints; laissez-passers have been issued to official
delegations, to the CEOs of major banks and corporations, as well
as approved media and "selected invitees." (Click to see map of
the "Security Perimeter" at

Outside the bunker, more than 6,000 police and security forces are
on hand, equipped not only with "pepper spray" but also with "multi-
shot" Arwen 37 guns shooting hard-coated plastic bullets. The
latter --according to a RCMP spokesperson-- are

"... 'meant to crack a rib and put them in a lot of pain', ... Tactical
squads are usually required to test such less-lethal weapons --
such as Tasers, which deliver electric shocks-- on themselves. But
Toronto Police Constable Leighton said it would be 'too dangerous'
to do so with the Arwen." 1

With Canadian Armed Forces personnel dispatched to Quebec's
capital from military bases in Nova Scotia, the security apparatus
in Quebec promises to be "better organized" than at the Seattle
WTO Millenium Summit in 1999. In Seattle, the city's riot police
was integrated with Gang Squads and SWAT teams of the Tactical
Operations Divisions constituting the "more militarized
components" of the police force.

By any standard this is the largest police operation in North
America directed against ordinary citizens. Rather than "cordoning
off" the conference center which is standard practice in
international summits-- the Canadian authorities have chosen to
"fence in" a large part of the downtown area --not only denying the
rights of citizens to protest but also preventing residents from
moving around within their own city.

And those who defy the Quebec Wall will be taken to Orsainville
penitentiary which has been emptied of its entire prison population
(including several members of the Hells Angels) to make room for
these more dangerous "troublemakers."


Barely a week before the Summit, the Canadian and provincial
governments, the City of Quebec and Quebec City's Police force
were taken to court by a Montreal lawyer and the Vancouver based
Canadian Liberty Committee (CLC). In a signed affidavit, the
Canadian government representative stated that democracy was
not under threat, to ensure:

''freedom of expression ... the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade has [sent] invitations to the Summit to
approximately 60 representatives of interest groups and lobby
groups." 2

Moreover, "alternative protest sites" ("sites alternatifs de
manifestation") have been designated --on the other side of the
Wall-- so that the rank and file of these same civil society
organisations can do their own thing.

The "People's Summit", organized by NGOs and major trade
unions-- will receive "financial contributions for the holding of
seminars, colloquia and public meetings."3 The federal government
has allocated Can$287,000-- a comfortable amount of money, but
"peanuts" in comparison to the 46 million dollar budget allocated
by Ottawa for the police operation and the erection of the Wall.


The official list of civil society invitees has not been made public
but we have a good idea who the "partner" civil society
organizations are. The invitees include leaders of major trade union
federations as well as several CEOs of mainstream NGOs. 4

The ritual is broadly similar to that of the 1999 Seattle World Trade
Organization (WTO) Millenium Summit. Several months ahead of
time, the WTO and Western governments had called for a
"dialogue" with the leaders of selected civil society organisations.
A carefully worded AFL-CIO petition had been drafted urging the
WTO Summit to adopt "trade and investment rules [which] protect
workers' rights and the environment". In Seattle, Labor's buzzword
was to "make the global economy work for working families". 5

Similarly, last January at the global business Summit in Davos --
regrouping the World's top corporate execs, heads of State and
VIPs, the leaders of some 59 "civil society" organisations --
including the CEOs of Greenpeace, Oxfam UK, Amnesty
International and Save the Children Alliance-- were also in

The ploy is to selectively handpick civil society leaders "whom we
can trust" and integrate them into a "dialogue", cut them off from
their rank and file, make them feel that they are "global citizens"
acting on behalf of their fellow workers but make them act in a way
which serves the interests of 

[CTRL] FC: U.K. libertarian writer publishes home addresses of Euro supporters (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[This reminds me of 1. Nuremberg files (abortion doctors), 2. Jim Bell
(federal agents, to some extent), 3. Justicefiles.org (police). Though in
Sweden, as Jacob Palme notes (http://www.politechbot.com/p-01165.html),
an activist posting the names of some bank directors he believed
were acting unethically was prosecuted under the country's implementation
of the European Data Directive. It'll be interesting to see how this plays
out; the page appears to be at http://www.candidlist.demon.co.uk/ --DBM]


   Pro-euro directors 'shamed'
   By Benedict Brogan, Political Correspondent

   COMPANY directors face being "shamed" in their homes by anti-euro
   protesters who are copying animal rights extremists with an internet
   campaign targeted at firms that support the single currency.

   Details of 50 companies and their senior executives have been posted
   on a website that warns "they are betraying their country". People are
   urged to boycott their products and "communicate your anger".

   The campaign emerged as the Government repeated its commitment against
   "bullying and intimidation" by animal rights "criminals" who have
   terrorised workers at Huntingdon Life Sciences. Last night the
   Candidlist website was condemned by MPs, and the Institute of
   Directors said it was "sinister".

   The website, which tracks the European sympathies of parliamentary
   candidates, has launched a "Roll of Shame" that promises to publish
   home addresses of pro-euro company directors from firms including
   British Airways and Unilever. Others on the list include British
   Midland, Dyson, Kellogg's, Diageo, ICI, Mitsubishi and Sony.

   Its creator, Sean Gabb, the libertarian writer, describes the
   companies as "active supporters of the drive to destroy British
   self-government". In an explicit invitation to persecute senior
   executives of the firms listed, he says: "Should you wish to
   communicate your anger at the activities of these companies, you can
   find details of how to do so by clicking on the name of the relevant
   company. Please note that we provide the home addresses of directors
   together with other useful information. We advise all our readers to
   use this material legally and responsibly."


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[CTRL] Advertisements

2001-04-18 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

Check this review I submitted to Amazon the other day, and which they published:


Following auctions may interest some on the list:

'The Mars Mystery' Hancock, Bauval  Grigsby


'The Alien Files' Gregory Van Dyk New PB


'UFO retrievals' Jenny Randles New Paperback


'UFO Crash Landing? Friend or Foe' Randles


'The Book of Werewolves' Sabine Baring-Gould


'Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.?' by James


'The Uninvited' Nick Pope New PB


'Alien Base' Timothy Good New PB


'Confirmation' Whitley Strieber New PB


'Breakthrough' Whitley Strieber New PB


'Their Kingdom Come' Opus Dei Hutchison NewPB


Or you can see it all at


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] [Spy News] McVeigh netcast (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Entertainment Network does not like the decision?

No doubt they also considered the Gulf War entertainment, war in Balkans
pure love of watching people torn apart, and Waco - golly gee the press
was there threatening to go home if there wasn't soon some action for

Well that's show biz; but Entertainment?

Wonder what is wrong with the kids in this country and why some are
pushed into situations over which they have no control?  Drugs, violent
TV - and now the real thing.

Well that's entertainment . traumatize the kids good, and let them
see what happens to those who take the law into their own hands - but
first let them see the scenes from Waco - the incinerated bodies of
little children, the tricycles parked outside in the debris -

And then remember one thing - McVeigh did not know about the Nursery in
the building, but the FBI and BATF and a Judge did and they stayed home;
and at Waco, the FBI and BATF and death squads knew there were children
in the little church, which they labeled a compound.

Taking everything into consideration, Clinton murdered more children
than McVeigh - only he knew it.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Scumbag to cost taxpayers millions

2001-04-18 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

Check my blog, updated several times daily (exhaustion notwithstanding)


From http://www.theage.com.au/news/2001/04/19/FFX533UYNLC.html

Sex crime victims to sue state

Thursday 19 April 2001

Legal action by two victims of former politician and convicted paedophile Bill D'Arcy 
has been given the go-ahead despite Queensland Government attempts to have it struck 

The two women, aged in their 40s, were victims of D'arcy when he was their teacher at 
a primary school in central Queensland between 1963 and 1965.

They are seeking up to $250,000 each for psychological harm and personal indignity. 
They allege the Queensland Government and education minister breached their duty of 

One of the women was raped by D'Arcy in front of her class. The other was indecently 

Last November, D'Arcy, 61, a former Queensland Labor MP, was convicted of 18 child sex 
charges, including three of rape. He was jailed for 14 years.

His appeal against the conviction and sentence will be heard in May.

The government wanted the action struck out on the basis that the claim was 

The government conceded it owed a duty of care, but it was argued that the school 
system's only failure was that D'Arcy sexually assaulted the children at school.

District Court Judge Hugh Botting found the government and the education minister had 
a duty to ensure that reasonable care was taken.

Judge Botting said in his written judgment that if it could be established that the 
assaults occurred, then it would have been demonstrated that the government or the 
minister were in breach of that duty.

Premier Peter Beattie said on Tuesday that he was concerned about the legal action, 
but was unable to comment further for legal reasons.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan

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Admiral Prueher helped to successfully gain the release of our 24 hostages. Why is 
President Bush replacing him? He appears to be a REAL American Hero!!

What is NOT told in the article about Admiral Prueher (which is inserted at the end) 
is the REASON Bush REALLY replaced Prueher!!

Prueher is a traitor!  He's one of Bill's Boys and he follows the dictates of the NWO! 
I will let you draw your own conclusions... but I have often said that a MOB BOSS will 
NOT willingly bow to another MOB BOSS. In other words, the Bush Family Crime 
Synidicate does NOT want to take orders from the NWO CRIME SYNDICATE! You can draw 
your own conclusions after you read the article about Admiral Prueher coming up with 
the idea to have Green Berets teach the Red Chinese Special Ops!

You will see the evidence regarding Admiral Prueher when you read this article which 
was written in 1998. I have inserted an excerpt here:



 Posted by Bill Fuller:

Take a look at this excerpt from an article that was published in September of 1998!

..."this kind of thing" was already in
the planning stages through Admiral Joseph Prueher, the commander in chief
for the Pacific Command, and Brigadier General Norton Schwartz, commander in
chief of Special Operations Command for the Pacific Command.

Admiral Prueher gets his direction from chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, General Hugh Shelton. General Shelton, it will be recalled, is the
enthusiastic "Hero of Haiti," whose XVIII Airborne Corps spearheaded the
ouster of anti-communist Raul Cedras in September 1994, and reinstalled, at
U.S. Army bayonet point, Parti Unification Communiste leader (and darling of
our own Congressional Black Caucus) Bertrand Aristide on October 15, 1994
but only after Haitian anti-communist opposition had been crushed by the
U.S. Army.

Admiral Prueher is now Ambassador to China, he was given this position by Bill Clinton 
over other far more qualified candidates. Now Prueher has recently 'negotiated' the 
release of our hostages.

If Prueher was in on the training of eleite Red Chinese "Green Berets", then it is NO 
WONDER that Navy SEALS or other special operations teams couldn't be sent in to rescue 
the "American 24"... because the Chinese already had all the Green Berets, Navy SEALS 
game plans!

If Prueher and Shelton gave the Red Chinese the secrets of our elite fightng forces, 
then this is TREASON and needs to be dealt with in the harshest possible terms.

It is time to bring back the TREASON TRIALS!

McCarthy was right!

G.W. needs to recall Prueher right now and retire Shelton!

They are both Bill's Boys!


The above was posted by Bill Fuller -- It looks like Bill got it right AGAIN!!  George 
Bush has JUST recalled Prueher... think of the timing of this recall and then wonder!!

Thanks Bill for keeping us so educated!




Tuesday April 17 12:49 PM ET
Bush Picks U.S. Ambassador to China

By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites) is expected to name Clark Randt 
Jr., a lawyer and businessman based in Hong Kong, as the next U.S. ambassador to China.

Randt was a classmate of Bush at Yale. He would succeed Joseph W. Prueher, a retired 
Navy admiral, who was named to the post by former President Bill Clinton in 1999 after 
a long search.

Prueher played a leading role in negotiations that led to the release of the American 
crew of the U.S. surveillance plane that collided with a Chinese fighter jet and 
landed in southern China April 1 and is the focus of negotiations due to open 
Wednesday in Beijing.

Prueher, who was praised by the White House for his diplomatic efforts, reportedly was 
interested in remaining in the post. He was not named to the Pentagon (news - web 
sites)-led U.S. delegation to the Beijing talks, and a well-placed U.S. official said 
Tuesday Bush intended to name Randt as the next ambassador.

Prueher succeeded former Sen. James Sasser, D-Tenn., in Beijing after Clinton 
approached several potential nominees who turned him down. They were said to include 
Anthony Lake, the president's former national security assistant; former Rep. Lee 
Hamilton, D-Ind.; and former Sens. Dale Bumpers and David Pryor of Arkansas.


[CTRL] Fwd: [news] Back on Bended Knee

2001-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan

consortiumnews.com - http://www.consortiumnews.com

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The Washington press corps is wowed by George W. Bush's handling of the
China-plane crisis. Major papers call his performance "vigorous," yet
humble. Indeed, the credulous treatment of the spin coming out of the
White House is reminiscent of the Reagan-Bush era when author Mark
Hertsgaard aptly described the national press corps as "on bended knee"
before Ronald Reagan -- and later, before George H.W. Bush. Now, after
eight years of kicking Bill Clinton and Al Gore for every offense
imaginable -- and some that were simply imagined -- the big-name
journalists are back on their knees again before George W. Bush, oohing
and aahing about his understated leadership.

For the full story of America's supplicant press corp, go to
Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Bush Picks Classmate As China Ambassador

2001-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Source: Bush Picks Classmate As China Ambassador

Tuesday, April 17, 2001

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush has chosen Clark Randt Jr., a Yale 
classmate and expert on Chinese business, to succeed spy-plane standoff 
figure Joseph Prueher as U.S. ambassador to Beijing, a U.S. official said on 

Randt is a Hong Kong-based lawyer and former commercial attache to the U.S. 
embassy in China. The U.S. official said Bush had decided to nominate him as 
ambassador to China. 

Prueher, who played a central role in the resolution last week of the 
standoff over a U.S. reconnaissance plane that made an emergency landing in 
China, was appointed by Clinton in 1999 and the Bush administration had made 
it known before the standoff that it intended to replace him. 

Randt is a lawyer with the law firm Shearman and Sterling, and a partner in 
the firm's mergers and acquisitions and corporate finance groups. He speaks 
Mandarin, according to his biography on the law firm's Web site, and served 
as commercial attache at the U.S. embassy in Beijing from 1982-1984. 

He has represented major international corporations including G.E. Capital, 
Apple, and Viag AG in investment projects in China, worked on privatization 
of Chinese companies, and represented China-related initial public offerings 
on the New York Stock Exchange, the biography said. 

In a Wall Street Journal article in 1999, Randt was described as the social 
chairman of Bush's fraternity at Yale University and was quoted in denying 
rumors of drug use by Bush. "We lived for Saturday night," Randt said. "We 
drank a lot of beer but nothing more than that." 

Copyright 2001 Reuters Limited. 

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Copyright  2001 Lycos, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Lycos is a
registered trademark of Carnegie Mellon University. 

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[CTRL] Beautiful...and bulletproof (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Miss Israel to wear bulletproof dress
  to pageant

  Miss Israel will wear a bulletproof gown to
next month's Miss
  Universe beauty pageant.

  The top of the silk dress, embroidered with
diamonds and
  pearls, is covered by an army-issue flak jacket
adorned with
  diamonds for a so-called softer look.

  The dress sends a message that everyday life
should go on
  despite renewed violence, its designer said.

  "I want people in Israel to continue to go
out," said Galit Levi, a
  Tel Aviv fashion designer. "But be careful."

  Levi also designed two prior Miss Universe
dresses. In 1998,
  her design featured the faces of Yitzhak Rabin,
Yasser Arafat
  and Bill Clinton, leaders known for Middle
East peace efforts. In
  1999, the first Arab Miss Israel, Rana Raslan,
wore a dress
  with a large red Star of David, an Israeli

  Ilanit Levy, an 18-year-old soldier from Haifa,
will wear the
  bulletproof dress in the Miss Universe competition
May 11 in
  Puerto Rico.

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Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or Deliberate Terrorism) Is BeyondThe Pale

2001-04-18 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

Did I miss something? I flushed a few days worth of posts over Easter due to work 
pressure, and am catching up now. Was there a virus on the list? If this quesiton is 
answered somewhere in the 200 or so outstanding emails I have, I'll find it myself. 

On Sun, 15 Apr 2001 20:12:18 -0400 YnrChyldzWyld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 15 Apr 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
BB you are a liar; the "virus
had been deactivated.


My virus program picked it up as an ACTIVE virus, too.  Luckily it
deleted it before it could do any damage.

There is no way to 'deactivate' a virus, at least not in the manner you
claim to have done

I still say your pathetic ass should be banned from this list forever for
pulling this stunt!


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Beautiful...and bulletproof (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So where is Israel getting all the diamonds?   Diamonds are so cheap now
the Russian KGB paid off their agent in our FBI with diamonds.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or Deliberate Terrorism) Is BeyondThe Pale

2001-04-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Yes, June got a "full blown case of AIDS" from a quarantined virus -

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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] FC: Epilogue: Federal worker fired over web map of Arctic caribou ...

2001-04-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

He sounds like a good guy to me.  We need more people who want to save the
environment from the exploiters.  We sure can't depend on our Republican
controlled House and Senate, our Judiciary and least of all on our
compassionate, conservative president.  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or Deliberate Terrorism) Is BeyondThe Pale

2001-04-18 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

Helpful suggestions.

Kris: Set the list to refuse attachments

Everyone: Do what i do and don't open any attachments from anyone. This inlcudes all 
the stuff (primarily from Kris and Bill Shannon) which AOL converts to an attachment. 
It all gets dumped. And I (of course) use a freemailer. I don't know how anyone could 
get this list on their home email program (between the size and the government 
harrasment, why not use a freemailer such as those found at http://www.evilemail.com)

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 11:27:43 -0400 Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

Yes, June got a "full blown case of AIDS" from a quarantined virus -

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Is America the real terrorist?

2001-04-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now here is one good lawyer;  does it make sense that we bomb the hell
out of the Balkans and Iraq and these people are to sit back without

Remember Waco - and that horrible Nacy Sinatra song (even with her nose
job she is still ugly) - this song goes "these boots were made for
walking ..all over you" and then boots walked over the incinerated
bodies of the people in the little church and the children..so a
McVeigh retaliates - or did he?   Strange, ADL told FBI attack would be
by MidEast Terrorists?

Make a nice movie wouldn't it - Waco with this beautiful music playing

Jihud is forever?  So they came onto our turf and in our back yards -
what did they expect, a dozen roses in remembrance of the bombs over
Iraq and in the Balkans?

Why are we supposed to hate the Arabs?  Ask, why we are supposed to hate
the Militias?   This country has a good line of defense with Militias -
yet ADL puts them on FBI Hate Hit List?   Why?  For Timothy McVeigh in
the first place, had Made in America written all over him.the
private war of Timothy McVeigh?

See CNN and MSNBC put on the Saturday Night specials - bombs over Iraq
for entertainment tonight?

Wasn't so funny, when it hit Oklahoma but it was still entertainment for
the news media who can hardly wait for one disaster after another - big

Hope they all go bus.FOX is in, CNN and MSNBC, is out.

America is turning them off, for they see in their children the end
result of terrorism on the television designed to instill fear in the
hearts of the children, to be good or Big Brother will get you.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Koresh DID escape! (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-



 Wed Apr 18 10:20:30 2001

 Koresh DID escape. As for other "davidians" I personally interviewed
(visited) several who were ALIVE after the fact. I must say that in the
interviews, it was very obvious that they were VERY "Brainwashed" and still
considered Koresh a great man! The home that I visited was also considered
to be "bugged". These people are not and have not been endangered since
the holocaust. I realize that many versions of the whole mess.

 Since I am also "friendly" with operatives of the FBI and especially
at the time..One "higher-up" in the FBI has since retired..and was a really
close friend as well. I have also been an FBI informant since 1983. We have
discussed the REAL scenarios and both agree that KORESH IS STILL ALIVE and
living in my home-town state!

 I suggest that you NOT believe everything you hear much less learn from
dissident sources. This endangers not only the REAL truth, but possibly some
innocent lives as well!

 There is a lot more to this story, but I shall NOT divulge anymore
than I already have! Ob1
The Aftermath of Koresh's Waco:
Labeling, Reconstruction, Identification

 #1. Letter: From Dr. Ronald S. Carlson (Dental Surgeon) to Congressman
William McCollum, dated June 10, 1995  (4 pages)

  #2. Letter: from Dr. Ronald S. Carlson (Dental Surgeon) to Mr. William
Clinton, President of U.S.A., dated April 20, 1993 (2 pages)

   #3 Letter: From Dr. Ronald S. Carlson (Dental Surgeon) to DATELINE,
NBC, dated June 21, 1995 (2 pages)

 #4. FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY Magazine: Author: Ronald S. Carlson D.D.S., and
by Rebecca Love, DDS, Jim McCoy, DDS, and Gary Greer, DDS, dated June 10,
1995 (7 pages w/color graphics)--(PROOF)

Paul Wilcher's exPOSE (2 pages)

Paul Wilcher's FULL REPORT w/ letter (103 pages)

Jack Thompson Exposes Reno at IBT  (Part #1-#4) 1 hr. 56 min.

Dick DeGuerin, Koresh's Attorney (on 60 Minutes)


An un-edited Satellite News Broadcast - April 19, 1993
(WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER) (see for yourself, the burning of Mt. Carmel)

...more un-edited Satellite News - April 19, 1993

Texas Ranger Report on Waco

Why Waco?

Bring The Waco Murders To Justice! CLASS ACTION SUIT


FBI issues advisory on April 19 violence

Oklahoma City Bombing

    Patrick Henry

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [corp-focus] Time to Permanently Replace Weak Labor Law

2001-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Time to Permanently Replace Weak Labor Law
by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

The recent Cincinnati riots are a jarring reminder to white people in the
United States, and anyone else who needs reminding, that the basic civil
rights of racial minorities are all too regularly violated in a country
that fancies itself the land of the free.

Maybe it's time for working people of all races to undertake a similarly
eye-opening, nonviolent insurrection to remind the country how routinely
another set of civil rights -- workers' rights to organize and
collectively bargain -- are trampled.

In U.S. union organizing contests, employers illegally fire an estimated
one in ten union supporters. In half of all organizing drives, employers
threaten to shut down or move operations. Among the most powerful of all
coercive techniques, employer threats to close are illegal, but may be
issued in a way that makes them technically legal.

Employers resist unionization through a wide array of anti-union tactics,
legal and illegal, and all designed to interfere with workers' right to
self-organize. These tactics range from captive meetings where employers
or their consultants deliver anti-union jeremiads to their employees, to
surveillance, to bribes or special favors to employees who oppose the
union. Kate Bronfenbrenner of Cornell University, the leading U.S.
researcher of union organizing practices and employer responses, finds
that more than 60 percent of employers confronting a union organizing
drive use five or more anti-union tactics.

When workers do succeed in organizing, they often confront employers who
simply refuse to bargain. Less than half of new unions are successfully
able to win a first contract.

Even the rights of workers with well-established unions are violated. Most
importantly, unionized workers' most powerful bargaining tool, the right
to strike, is effectively neutered by a preposterous Supreme Court
doctrine which holds that while workers cannot be fired for exercising
their right to strike, they can be "permanently replaced." There are some
slight differences between being fired and permanently replaced, but none
so consequential as to make a difference to workers considering striking.
In the last two decades, employers have become increasingly willing to
permanently replace striking workers -- with the result that strikes are
at record lows.

One man who explicitly makes the links between civil rights and labor
rights is William Gould, who from 1993 to 1998 was the chair of the
National Labor Relations Board -- the body which adjudicates allegations
of labor law violations. Gould views the 1935 National Labor Relations Act
as continuing the mission of the Thirteenth Amendment, adopted in the wake
of the Civil War, of making labor free.

If basic worker rights are to be respected in the United States, Gould
says, labor law needs to be revitalized to provide meaningful protections
to workers.

"It makes a mockery of the law to say as we do that the law protects the
right to strike," he points out, "and yet simultaneously say that for all
practical purposes you can lose your job as a result of the strike."

"The remedies at the disposal of the Board are extremely limited," Gould
told us. "All too frequently the remedies are a license fee for illegal
behavior." The penalty for illegal firings, for example, is payment of
back pay minus what the fired worker earned between the firing and
issuance of judgment.

Having witnessed the widespread abuse of worker rights as head of
the agency charged with protecting those rights, Gould stands by the
reform proposals he put forward in a 1993 book, Agenda for Reform. We
don't agree with all of Gould's reform agenda -- notably, his support for
certain kinds of labor-management cooperation and some limits on union
action -- but many of his proposals are essential if workers' basic rights
are to be vindicated.

Among the changes in labor law Gould says should be enacted:

* Treble damages for illegal firings and egregious misconduct by

* Mandated access for unions to employees they are seeking to organize,
through presence on plant property and access to names and addresses of
employees at an early stage in the organizing campaign;

* The recognition of unions that sign up a majority of a workplace's
employees ("card check") or snap elections upon union request;

* Mandatory arbitration of first contracts, where union and employer are
unable to arrive at an initial collective bargaining agreement; and

* Repeal of the absurd permanent replacement doctrine, to give life to the
right to strike.

Unfortunately, there is a paucity of instances in U.S. history where
documented need has been sufficient to spur the creation or full
enforcement of fundamental civil rights. Such changes rarely emerge from
anything but sustained social protest and disruption of business as usual.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime

Re: [CTRL] Koresh DID escape! (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Informant - did he get paid his 30 pieces of silver - the Judas, the
Brutus and the Spy?

Kore(sh) alive - well there were a lot of dead bodies bulldozed over.
I always wondered about the well, which was eventually covered by a

So this guy worked both sides of the fence?   Now a spy, is a spy; but
an informer is just that, an informer - one who looks like you, dresses
like you, acts like you - but as Cicero said beware he is the Enemy
Within - often the Judas Sheep.

David Kore(sh) was waiting for help - stalling for time, and that was
quite obvious..so read the psalms and Story of Korah swallowed up in
the earth and then consider a read along day by day to the holocaust.
He was revealing the deep and secret meanings of the bible - can't have
that, what some call religion I call genocide and Kore(sh) knew it - the
slaughter was to begin and the killing of the cattle (both real and
human) was to begin - some call us Sheeple - I have never been one to
follow the false Shepard.a good shepard knows his flock.

Heavens Gate and Kore(sh) knew what this great master plan was - they
new the genocide was to begin, and not a thing is done.

People go to church and read along and visions of slaughter and
starvation and plaagues swim in their little heads and they say Oh, it
is prophesied - God works in mysterious ways and the more devout do not
question the good book which is being used for EVIL.

Evil is as evil does; so now they teach the kids that good is bad and
bad is good - sodomy is in, decent marriages between men and women oh
that is out, AIDS in in. for marriages between men and women, they
produce children...innocents slaughtered as they take a fresh breath
of life - they call it abortion.and then sell the little baby body
parts for profit.

If there is a God - I say Go Get the Bastards God.a nation of
traumatized children need to be avenged.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Links/Info on Russian-US Organized Crime

2001-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan


We continue to research rumors alleging money laundered from Russia being
used to finance the purchase by Goldman Sachs, BlackRock (PNC) and their bid
partners of up to $4.7 billion of HUD loan sales between 1994-97 as well as
how the use of PROMIS and other technologies may have been used in moving so
much money out of the Russian banking systems through the international
settlement systems to the US and offshore during that period.

I would appreciate if you could circulate these links far and wide. All
feedback welcome.


Catherine Austin Fitts



The estimates of how much was drawn out of Russia during the 1994-98 period
range from the 100's of billions into the trillions, much of it through
organized crime. In 1994, Louis Freeh, head of the FBI, testified that
Russian organized crime was one of the greatest threats to national

The nexus to Clinton and DNC fundraising---and no doubt Republican
fundraising--is a subtext. The house finished a large investigation last
year which is posted on the House website:

RUSSIA's ROAD TO CORRUPTION by House of Representatives Speakers Advisory


I recently finished the best book I could find on US-Russian Organized


Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert I Friedman.
Published in 2000 by Little Brown and Company

According to Friedman, the US Russian mafia is predominately all Jewish and
gathered in New York starting in the 70's. They worked closely and
intimately with the Italian mobs throughout the eighties, pouring money into
both Governor Carey and Cuomo's campaigns. The book describes a fundraiser
for Mario Cuomo in 1994. The Russian Jews specialty is financial fraud. They
have invested substantial monies in Israel as well as both Democratic and
Republican campaigns. Their relations with the intelligence communities are
strong, one of the reasons the book said that the FBI and others have been
slow to go after them. Their ties to Wall Street and the New York Jewish
community appear to be many and deep.

It was the first time that the BONY story and the various rumors around
Goldman started to make any sense in terms of being operationally possible.

One of the top journalists on Russia over the last decade is Anne
Williamson. She believes that the firm that laundered the most money from
Russia is Goldman Sachs. Given the amounts involved, no firm could not have
possible done this amount without the support or "look the other way" of the
Administration. Other names  mentioned are BONY, Harvard and AIG.


The following link is to a copy of the qui tam adopted by DOJ against
Harvard for its role in the rape of Russia. I believe the Boston US Attorney
is handling the prosecution.



Attached is a copy of one of the shareholder suits against BONY. The case
has standing in Chin's court in NY Southern District and discovery is
proceeding. This is the suit in which a subsidiary of AIG, as EO carrier,
is providing a defense (Sullivan  Cromwell) for the Bank of New York and
its board and senior management on the sharedholder suit accusing them of
intentionally laundering money from Russia.

The following is Kelly O'Meara latest article in Insight Magazine on the

FYIBONY's error and omissions insurance is a sub of AIG. AIG is paying
for Sullivan and Cromwell's defense . Apparently the reality of fraud as
plead by bank officers and admitted by the bank is not a problem.


  Has Dirty Money Polluted

  By Kelly Patricia O’Meara

  The Bank of New York’s chairman/CEO and its
  board of directors are being sued for their alleged
  involvement in the laundering of billions of dollars
  stolen from Russia.

  Last year Thomas Renyi, chairman of the board and chief executive
  officer (CEO) of the Bank of New York (BNY) received more than
  $20 million in salary and other compensation for his management of
  the nation’s oldest financial institution. This represents a more than 50
  percent increase from what Renyi received in 1999 — the year in
  which he was called to testify before the House Banking and Financial
  Services Committee regarding allegations that BNY was involved in
  laundering at least $7 billion from what law-enforcement officials have
  described as dubious financial institutions and other entities in the
  former Soviet Union.
 In the course of his testimony, Renyi told federal lawmakers that
  he was “dismayed” by the “suggestions in the press that the Bank of

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] New report on El Andar on Money Launderers and the press

2001-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan

April 18, 2001

Dear Colleague,

Julie Reynolds, the courageous reporter for El Andar (the major 
Latino magazine in the U.S.) reports on narco-lawsuits against the 
First Amendment:

"These days, those suspected of money laundering and other crimes 
linked to Amrica's "narcosistema" don't send out hit men or mob 
lawyers to take care of nosy reporters and researchers. Instead, they 
employ former FBI agents, private investigators and high-powered 
Washington law firms to keep a rein on the media. They spy, they 
entrap, and they use lawsuits — not bullets — to silence the press."


We've linked to this important story from page one of Narco News.

Anyone sense a pattern here?

Narco News expresses its solidarity and support for the journalists 
and researchers targetted by the Laredo National Bank and the Hank 
family empire whose Free Speech rights are threatened by yet another 
set of frivilous lawsuits in the United States.

From somewhere on an island in Amrica,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or Deliberate Terrorism) Is BeyondThe Pale

2001-04-18 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

if i were you i would keep my mouth shut on the subject of virii. it was
with some restraint that no-one pilloried you for your infantile
understanding of the machines you use to spread your poisonous dissembling-
so have some humility and keep your dribbling regarding virii to your own
ignorant self
i wonder how your posting fits in with needing "godlike understanding"(mary
callnon) to interpret your mails? maybe once mary develops some basic
understanding of soul she may discover that those impressively complicated
theories are the false gods as the God/dess is simple and intuitive- not
a mask of circles within circles, myred in spite and bitter worded as our
own dear el saba's.

- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or Deliberate Terrorism) Is
BeyondThe Pale

 -Caveat Lector-

 Yes, June got a "full blown case of AIDS" from a quarantined virus -

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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What Lies Behind The FTAA? The Quebec Wall.

2001-04-18 Thread William Shannon

What lies behind the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)? 
by Michel Chossudovsky 
Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa [18 April 2001]

The Summit of the Americas will be held inside a four kilometer "bunker" made 
of concrete and galvanized steel fencing. The 10 feet high "Quebec Wall" 
encircles part of the historic city center including the parliamentary 
compound of the National Assembly, hotels and shopping areas. Cars will enter 
through closely guarded checkpoints; laissez-passers have been issued to 
official delegations, to the CEOs of major banks and corporations, as well as 
approved media and "selected invitees." (Click to see map of the "Security 
Perimeter" at http://www.securitesommet.ca/pages/p_citoyen/p_cito_pe_f.html). 

Outside the bunker, more than 6,000 police and security forces are on hand, 
equipped not only with "pepper spray" but also with "multi-shot" Arwen 37 
guns shooting hard-coated plastic bullets. The latter --according to a RCMP 
spokesperson-- are 

"... 'meant to crack a rib and put them in a lot of pain', ... Tactical 
squads are usually required to test such less-lethal weapons --such as 
Tasers, which deliver electric shocks-- on themselves. But Toronto Police 
Constable Leighton said it would be 'too dangerous' to do so with the Arwen." 

With Canadian Armed Forces personnel dispatched to Quebec's capital from 
military bases in Nova Scotia, the security apparatus in Quebec promises to 
be "better organized" than at the Seattle WTO Millenium Summit in 1999. In 
Seattle, the city's riot police was integrated with Gang Squads and SWAT 
teams of the Tactical Operations Divisions constituting the "more militarized 
components" of the police force. 

By any standard this is the largest police operation in North America 
directed against ordinary citizens. Rather than "cordoning off" the 
conference center which is standard practice in international summits-- the 
Canadian authorities have chosen to "fence in" a large part of the downtown 
area --not only denying the rights of citizens to protest but also preventing 
residents from moving around within their own city. 

And those who defy the Quebec Wall will be taken to Orsainville penitentiary 
which has been emptied of its entire prison population (including several 
members of the Hells Angels) to make room for these more dangerous 


Barely a week before the Summit, the Canadian and provincial governments, the 
City of Quebec and Quebec City's Police force were taken to court by a 
Montreal lawyer and the Vancouver based Canadian Liberty Committee (CLC). In 
a signed affidavit, the Canadian government representative stated that 
democracy was not under threat, to ensure: 

''freedom of expression ... the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International 
Trade has [sent] invitations to the Summit to approximately 60 
representatives of interest groups and lobby groups." 2 

Moreover, "alternative protest sites" ("sites alternatifs de manifestation") 
have been designated --on the other side of the Wall-- so that the rank and 
file of these same civil society organisations can do their own thing. 

The "People's Summit", organized by NGOs and major trade unions-- will 
receive "financial contributions for the holding of seminars, colloquia and 
public meetings."3 The federal government has allocated Can$287,000-- a 
comfortable amount of money, but "peanuts" in comparison to the 46 million 
dollar budget allocated by Ottawa for the police operation and the erection 
of the Wall. 


The official list of civil society invitees has not been made public but we 
have a good idea who the "partner" civil society organizations are. The 
invitees include leaders of major trade union federations as well as several 
CEOs of mainstream NGOs. 4 

The ritual is broadly similar to that of the 1999 Seattle World Trade 
Organization (WTO) Millenium Summit. Several months ahead of time, the WTO 
and Western governments had called for a "dialogue" with the leaders of 
selected civil society organisations. A carefully worded AFL-CIO petition had 
been drafted urging the WTO Summit to adopt "trade and investment rules 
[which] protect workers' rights and the environment". In Seattle, Labor's 
buzzword was to "make the global economy work for working families". 5 

Similarly, last January at the global business Summit in Davos --regrouping 
the World's top corporate execs, heads of State and VIPs, the leaders of some 
59 "civil society" organisations --including the CEOs of Greenpeace, Oxfam 
UK, Amnesty International and Save the Children Alliance-- were also in 

The ploy is to selectively handpick civil society leaders "whom we can trust" 
and integrate them into a "dialogue", cut them off from their rank and file, 
make them feel that they are "global 

[CTRL] Marc Rich - Accused of Racketeering.....USA Victims

2001-04-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Digest Nation World Africa Americas Asia/PacificEurope   - Central
Europe   - Eastern Europe   - Western Europe Former
USSR Middle East Columnists Search the World Special
Rich Made His Fortune by Breaking the Rules
  The villa of metals dealer Marc Rich sits near the lake
Vierwaldstaettersee in Meggen, Switzerland.  (Dani Tischler - AP)
_The Marc Rich File_
• Letters to Bill Clinton: 21 prominent public figures beg pardon
for the fugitive financier.
_Clinton Accused_
•   Background:   Pardons and Gifts
_Post-ABC Poll_
• Tax Cuts, Pardons
What's Your Opinion?
E-Mail This Article
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By Michael Dobbs

Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, March 13, 2001; Page A01
ZUG, Switzerland --

For decades, traders from all over Europe have flocked to this lakeside
Alpine town, attracted by stringent privacy laws, low tax rates and
guarantees of corporate anonymity. But none has achieved the dominance
of Marc Rich, the billionaire metals dealer and indicted tax fugitive
pardoned by Bill Clinton in one of the last acts of his presidency.

At the age of 66, after a lifetime of deal-making and
sanctions-breaking, Rich is the uncrowned king of Zug, a place that
boasts 10,000 international companies, or roughly one corporation for
every two residents. He is rarely seen but constantly talked about, his
exploits buying and selling the world's natural resources becoming the
stuff of legend -- and scandal.

During the quarter-century that he has been operating from Zug,
including 17 years hiding from U.S. marshals, Rich has mastered the art
of clinching a deal with everyone from Communist bureaucrats to Third
World dictators to Iranian ayatollahs. Many of the business practices
cited in his 1983 indictment for racketeering by the Southern District
of New York -- trading with pariah states, manipulating the market for
huge personal gain, hiding profits in a thicket of offshore companies --
are techniques that he perfected here both before and after he got into
trouble in the United States.

The list of countries that Rich has traded with reads like a compendium
of rogue states: Iran during the hostage crisis, apartheid-era South
Africa, Slobodan Milosevic's Yugoslavia, North Korea, Moammar Gaddafi's
Libya, the Soviet Union under Leonid Brezhnev.

"He sees himself as a citizen of the world, unencumbered by the laws of
sovereign nations," said Howard Safir, a former U.S. marshal, who lay in
wait outside Rich's Swiss residence in 1985 in one of several futile
attempts to enforce an arrest warrant against Rich on charges of
swindling U.S. taxpayers of nearly $50 million. "His view is that
everything and everyone can be bought and sold, and government is

In keeping with his usual practice, Rich declined to be interviewed for
this article, although he released a statement last month saying he did
not think he could receive a fair trial in the United States. For the
past few weeks, he has kept out of sight, holed up at his luxurious
estate in the village of Meggen, 15 miles away, with his collection of
Van Goghs, Picassos and Miros, and a breathtaking view of the mountains
rising above the shimmering waters of Lake Lucerne.
According to his supporters, Rich is waiting for the controversy
generated by Clinton's pardon to blow over before speaking out. "There
is nothing mysterious about him," said Georg Stucky, a former finance
minister from the canton of Zug who now runs Rich's charitable
foundation in Switzerland. "He is just a normal businessman who does not
like publicity. He is a very shy person."

Here in Switzerland's wealthiest canton, in one of the world's
wealthiest countries, there is a saying that "money doesn't smell,"
according to local Green party leader Josef Lang, who has waged a
20-year campaign to expose alleged wrongdoing by Rich and other
international traders, and their cozy links with local politicians. In
Zug, Lang said in a tone of disgust, "you don't ask where the money
comes from, you just ask how much."

University Dropout

He was born Marc Reich on Dec. 18, 1934, in the Belgian city of Antwerp,
the only child of a prosperous Jewish family.

When the Nazis took over Belgium in 1942, the family fled to the United
States, settling first in Kansas City, Mo., and then in New York, where
Rich's father David went into the burlap bag business.

The Korean War created huge demand for burlap bags, pushing prices
sky-high and turning David Rich into a millionaire. For Marc, it was an
early lesson in the economics of scarcity. Dropping out of New York
University at age 19, he set his sights on becoming a commodities

The company that Rich joined, Philipp Brothers, was the largest raw
materials trading company in the world. He started in the mailroom but
soon came to the attention of Ludwig Jesselson, a legendary trader
skilled in the art of concluding long-term contracts with Third World

[CTRL] Jim Bell's Show Trial

2001-04-18 Thread William Shannon


Jim Bell's show trial
Cypherpunk Jim Bell was found guilty of making the feds nervous 
Dateline: 4/11/01
 Jim Bell has been probed, raided and arrested. He spent time in prison for 
"obstructing" Internal Revenue Service agents and using a false Social 
Security number. Now Bell has been convicted for — get this — stalking 
government arm-twisters.

 Stalking? Well ... that's what they call it. Bell gathered the sort of 
information on them that they compiled on him — and many, many other people 
— for years. For that offense, the feds decided to send Bell away again, and 
they did everything in their power to fix the trial.

 A cypherpunk and libertarian, Bell originally got official skirts in a bind 
when he penned Assassination Politics, a provocative think piece that 
postulated an Internet-based system for anonymously rewarding people who 
knock off abusive government officials. All hot and bothered by the article, 
the feds made Bell a target of an intense investigation. Soon, he was an 
unwilling guest of the government, and the powers that be thought they were 
done with yet one more thorn in their sides.

 Well, some thorns grow back. Outraged by his treatment, upon his release, 
Bell began compiling information on the agents who had previously put his 
life under the microscope — in particular, a Treasury Department agent by the 
name of Jeff Gordon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). To find evidence backing 
his claim that he's been the target of illegal surveillance, Bell openly 
purchased motor vehicle databases and performed Internet searches in a mirror 
image of the sort of scrutiny to which he was subjected. Well, a crude sort 
of mirror image, since Bell doesn't have access to the resources and neat-o 
toys with which the feds play.

 And those toys are neat, indeed. An agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco 
and Firearms admitted that Bell's car was tagged with a transmitter that 
monitored his location for the edification of agents who tracked his every 
move with mapping software.

 All this for a fellow who originally attracted attention for penning a 
strongly worded, heavily philosophical, anti-government screed.

 The BATF's admission that agents spent their time watching a pamphleteer's 
trips to the grocery store came during the course of the latest trial, and 
that's another story in itself.

 Bell was charged for his data-gathering under a statute penalizing anybody 
who crosses a state line "with the intent to injure or harass another 
person." But a trial isn't just a chance for officials to shuffle a few 
papers around while a scaffold is hammered together in the public square. The 
defendant is supposed to have a chance to present his argument, and perhaps 
demonstrate that the prosecution is off-base, overzealous, or just plain 
wrong. This requires that the defendant have legal representation and access 
to witnesses and evidence.

 That's where matters turned odd. The government was happily knocking 
together that scaffold and didn't want any diversions along the way — 
diversions such as an adequate defense. Bell was represented by Robert Leen, 
an attorney in who he apparently has no faith and who he tried to fire — to 
no effect, since the court essentially ignored Bell. Bell claimed that his 
lawyer admitted to having been threatened by officials, and that Leen 
colluded with prosecutor Robb London and Judge Jack Tanner to hurry things 
along with no more than a nominal defense offered to slow the rush of events.

 Bell's assertions about his attorney appeared in a series of court documents 
he himself prepared. In them, he made no pretense of legal knowledge — he 
admits that he's completely unqualified to act in any formal capacity in 
court at all. The readings are eccentric and acerbic and very funny, if 
lacking in legal niceties. Whatever the truth of Bell's representations about 
his relationship with his lawyer, it's clear that they went through the trial 
barely on speaking terms, and that made for a shaky defense.

 It's also clear that Judge Jack Tanner did his best to block Bell's access 
to information that might support his case. In his filings with the court, 
Bell complained that the government denied him documents that might bolster 
his defense, on the grounds that they contain identifying information about 
federal agents.

 Why it would be so dangerous for Bell, who wasn't charged with any violent 
crime, to have such data is unclear. Nor is it apparent why allegedly 
sensitive information can't be redacted so that Bell can use the rest of the 
documents in his defense.

 Likewise, Bell was unable to call witnesses. According to an article in Wired
, "[Judge] Tanner has quashed all of Bell's subpoenas for defense witnesses."

 The list of prosecution witnesses, on the other hand, was a long one indeed. 
It even included reporters who covered the case and who had to be 

[CTRL] Echelon For Dummies

2001-04-18 Thread William Shannon

[CTRL] Fw: Turkey: No to the F-type prisons! Free all political prisoners!

2001-04-18 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 10:38 AM
Subject: Turkey: No to the F-type prisons! Free all political prisoners!

 No to the F-type prisons!
 Free all political prisoners!

 Again two political prisoners died in a turkish F-type prison, after an
hunger strike lasting more than 150 days. The hunger strike began last year
as a protest against the planned transfer of the political prisoners to the
F-type prisons. The aim of the government was to dissolve the collectives of
the prisoners and to destroy the resistance within the prison walls by this
way. The hunger strike caused problems for the turkish government and rose
the political pressure to negotiate with the strikers. But as the government
would not leave its position of transferring the prisoners to the isolation
cells, and the hunger strike would not end without any outcome in favour of
the prisoners and their forms of organisation in the prisons, the government
decided to attack the revolutionaries by pure pyhsical violence and started
last december the massacre called hypocrisly "Back to life". The prisons
were bombed and burnt, prisoners were taken by force to the new F-type
prisons. Duri!
 ng the operation 30 prisoners were murdered., many were injured and
tortured, but nevertheless the hunger strike, that became a death fast,

 The step that was undertaken by the turkish government did not have,
although it was condemned by human rights organisations from all over the
world, any real impact on the position Turkey takes on the global scale.
Still it is a very important NATO-partner and for the USA a strategic
partner for their militry force in this region. It is  through the control
of the rivers Euphrat and Tigris the key to threat Iraq by stealing the
water. All this shows once more the hypocrisis of the so-called defenders of
democracy and human rights, who work together and support activly the
turkish government, which is guilty of the worst human rights violations and
far away from democracy.

 While the burtal injustice in the prisons continues, the social situation
is getting worse. The turkish Lira lost 30 per cent of its worth compared to
the US-dollar. The high and quick risings of prices were followed by
demonstrations and protests of angry people who could not afford the most
essential goods anymore. The only condition the International Monetary Fund
and the G-8 States have, which Turkey has already promised to fulfill, does
not concern the human rights situation but reforms in the turkish economy.
If the re-structuring of the turkish economy under the principles of
globalisation is fullfilled, high investments and economic aid are promised
by the international finance organisations.

 Again it could not be shown more openly, what the real principles of the
democratic western hemisphere and its globalisation are: Neither human
rights nor social rights are important, the only parameter that counts, is
the economic outcome the western countries and their allies have by
exploiting the masses.

 It is obviously that the EU will not wait until the human rights
conditions become better to let Turkey become a member. The main barrier for
Turkey to take a step nearer to the EU are not their criminal actions
against social, democratic and leftist organisations as well as against
national minorities, but the economic instability and weakness of the

 We condemn strongly the repression in the prisons and call for an
immediate fullfilling of all the demands of the political prisoners by the
turkish government. We express our strongest solidarity with the relatives
of the prisoners, the democratic lawyers and all those who work against the
official media, that spreads the government propaganda, and call upon the
turkish government to stop immediately the repression and the terror against
democratic organisations and persons.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests 

[CTRL] FBI Issues Advisory On April 19 Violence

2001-04-18 Thread William Shannon

FBI issues advisory on April 19 violence

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The FBI's counterterrorism office says it knows of "no
specific, credible threat" of violence connected to Thursday's anniversary of
the Branch Davidian fire at Waco, Texas, and the bombing of the Murrah
Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
Nonetheless, the bureau has issued an advisory for law enforcement agencies
across the country to be aware that April 19 marks not only those events, but
also the anniversary of the 1775 battles between minutemen and British troops
at Lexington and Concord, "which is meaningful to many of the self-styled
'patriots' in the current militia movement."
FBI officials emphasize the message, which was sent last Friday to state and
local officials over the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems,
is a routine advisory similar to those sent to officials coast to coast as a
precaution before anniversaries, trials, executions, or other events that
could potentially provoke a violent response.
Counterterrorism officials openly worried about a domestic terrorism incident
on April 19, 1996 -- one year after the Oklahoma City blast and three years
after Waco. But each of the past five years the anniversary has come and gone
without incident.

"The anxiety level has waned each year," acknowledged one FBI agent who asked
not to be identified.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms did not send out any special
notice to its field offices regarding precautions for the anniversary, but
did note it in a calendar of events distributed to its offices around the
The ATF is particularly sensitive to the anniversary because four of its
agents were killed in the deadly Waco shootout that started the siege that
ended with the Branch Davidian fire on April 19, 1993.
"It remains a significant date in our history," said ATF chief spokesman
Brian Burns. "But it wouldn't be prudent to talk about things like the
security of our facilities. We wouldn't want anyone to think we're more
concerned or less concerned on that date than any other."

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Turkey: No to the F-type prisons! Free all political prisoners!

2001-04-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

You can see the conspiracy here - Israel will import water from Turkey?

This huge water line from Turkey to Israel ought to be something; I
remember all the oil lines that were sabotaged during shortages and how
easy it would be to sabotage this water line, or in a hidden place
divert the water back to place of origin?

This is the beginning of the great water conspiracy; now will they pay
for it wil stolen diamonds?

Friend of mine owns a smaller oil company; he once told me he was always
hitting that water, the sulphur water befoe he struck oil.this was
in 1985 or so when I was researching an artesian well and wanted to know
more about them.

So with all that oil Sadaam controls - be assured they have plenty of

Wonder what source of these rivers are - Bible notes three rivers,
Hidekell name for one of the rivers, and Pison - but the bible is a big
geography book with key locaitons of gold and oil and water.which
has been known to also come out of a rock?

So on with privatization of water?   Wonder what Marc Rich has to do
with this, for that creep is in with Soros and it is their goal to
destroy Americathink not?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Telling The Truth About Israel

2001-04-18 Thread William Shannon

Robert Fisk: When journalists refuse to tell the truth about Israel

'Fear of being slandered as "anti-Semites" means we are abetting terrible 
deeds in the Middle East'

17 April 2001

What if we had supported the apartheid regime of South Africa against the 
majority black population? What if we had lauded the South African white 
leadership as "hard-line warriors" rather than racists? What if we had 
explained the shooting of 56 black protesters at Sharpeville as an 
understandable "security crackdown" by the South African police. And 
described black children shot by the police as an act of "child sacrifice" by 
their parents? What if we had called upon the "terrorist" ANC leadership to 
"control their own people".

Almost every day that is exactly the way we are playing the 
Israeli-Palestinian war. No matter how many youths are shot dead by the 
Israelis, no matter how many murders – by either side – and no matter how 
bloody the reputation of the Israeli Prime Minister, we are reporting this 
terrible conflict as if we supported the South African whites against the 
blacks. No, Israel is not South Africa (though it happily supported the 
apartheid regime) and no, the Palestinians are not the blacks of the shanty 
towns. But there's not much difference between Gaza and the black slums of 
Johannesburg; and there's not much difference between the tactics of the 
Israeli army in the occupied territories and that of the South African 
police. The apartheid regime had death squads, just as Israel has today. Yet 
even they did not use helicopter gunships and missiles.

Rarely since the Second World War has a people been so vilified as the 
Palestinians. And rarely has a people been so frequently excused and placated 
as the Israelis. Israeli embassies are now buttonholing editors around the 
world, saying that it's not fair to call Israel's Prime Minister "hard-line". 
And the reporters are falling into line.

Sharon, we are told, may turn into a pragmatist, another De Gaulle; in truth 
he's more like the French putschist generals in Algeria. They also used 
torture and massacred their Arab opponents. It needed an Israeli writer – 
Nehemia Strasler, in Ha'aretz – to point out that Sharon's career spells 
anything but peace. He voted against the peace treaty with Egypt in 1979. He 
voted against a withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 1985. He opposed Israel's 
participation in the Madrid peace conference in 1991. He opposed the Knesset 
plenum vote on the Oslo agreement in 1993. He abstained on a vote for peace 
with Jordan in 1994. He voted against the Hebron agreement in 1997. He 
condemned the manner of Israel's retreat from Lebanon in 2000. He is now 
building Jewish settlements on occupied Arab land – in total violation of 
international law ­ at a faster rate than his predecessor.

Yet we are to believe that it is the corrupt, Parkinson's-haunted Yasser 
Arafat who is to blame for the war. He will not "control" his people. He is 
chastised by George Bush while his people are bestialised by the Israeli 
leadership. Rafael Eytan, the former Israeli chief of staff, used to talk of 
the Palestinians as "cockroaches in a glass jar". Menachem Begin called them 
"two-legged beasts". Rabbi Ovdia Yousef, the spiritual head of the Shas 
party, called them "serpents". In August last year, Ehud Barak called them 
"crocodiles". Last month, the Israeli tourism minister, Rehavem Zeevi, called 
Arafat a "scorpion". Even the South African regime never called the blacks by 
such vile names.

And woe betide the diplomat or journalist who points this out. Earlier this 
year, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, in Paris, accused the Swedish president of 
the European Union of "encouraging anti-Jewish violence". To condemn Israel 
for "eliminating terrorists", the centre wrote in a letter to the Swedish 
prime minister, "recalls the allied argument during the Second World War, 
according to which bombing the railways leading to Auschwitz would encourage 
anti-Semitism among the Germans". Sweden was making "a unilateral attack 
against the state of the survivors of the Holocaust". And the Swedish 
president's crime? She had dared to say that "the practice of eliminations 
constitutes an obstacle to peace and could provoke new violence". She did not 
even refer to death squads.

In February Newsweek propagated a virtual fraud on its cover by showing – 
under the headline "Terror Goes Global – Exclusive: Bin Laden's International 
Network" – a frightening photograph of a man (head and shoulders), his face 
covered in an Arab scarf, holding a rifle in his right hand. The reader would 
imagine this to be a member of Osama bin Laden's network of "global terror". 
But I traced the Finnish photographer who took this picture. He snapped it at 
a funeral on the West Bank. The man was an armed member of the Palestinian 
Tanzim militia -- and had nothing to do with Bin Laden. 

[CTRL] Special Thanks and Appreciation

2001-04-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

to Tenorlove for all her help, not only with this post but
for her personal help to me off list. I post it again for
Johannes and anyone else who might have missed it. She has
tirelessly answered my innumerable questions and never once
implied that I am some how mentally defective for not being
born knowing how to use a PC.  Some of us were too busy
rearing others of us (no, not you personally, Silly, but
your generation) to take classes and learn professionally
how to use our PC's.  Please show us the same patience we
granted to you in, for example, learning to tie your shoes,

And June, as for the life-time banning of Aleisha~~you have
made that rather impractical by accusing half the active
list of actually BEING Aleisha at one time or another.  I
suppose you are including all of us, myself most certainly
included, of whom you have made this accusation.  Otherwise,
if would be impartial and fruitless.  So by your own
actions, you have made your rather drastic request
impossible.  Perhaps there are those among us who think your
unwarranted attacks and unsubstantiated claims should result
in your own banning.  I assure you that all of us who have
been subjected to your viciousness remember it well and
there are many of us, thanks to your own actions.

Aleisha has apologized and said she would not send
attachments.  Can we please let this be the end of this?
Those who only post to bash others are usually the first to
decry waste of bandwidth. Apparently bashing is not a waste?
Anyone who opened the attachment after she clearly stated
that she thought it was a virus asked for it.  Listserve
quarantined it if received in text form as does AOL and most
other servers.  If you feel you incurred damage, you might
want to check for other sources as the majority obviously
did not have any damage from this at all.  These days, a
good virus protection if not a firewall is always
recommended and I cannot imagine being active on the
Internet without one. That is rather like having casual,
unprotected sex, if you will pardon my bad analogy.

But thanks again, Tenorlove and all the Peacemakers.  I
continue to learn more about my PC all the time and do
appreciate any help I receive.  Yours is always THE BEST!

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 1:40 AM
Subject: [CTRL] On viruses -- including ways to protect

-Caveat Lector-

Anyone who opens an .exe file from their email deserves
every bit of
havoc it wreaks on one's computer. This is no-brainer, email
101 stuff.
Same with just about any other type of applicaton: vbs, dll,
doc, html,
all those other dot-alphabet programs, etc. I've never heard
of a virus
being passed via JPEG or GIF, but that doesn't mean it's not
Other ways to protect yourself:

1. Use Web-based email rather than email software on your
computer. You
won't be able to read your email offline, but everything is
kept on
their servers, not on your hard drive.

2. Disable Windows Scripting Host. Many viruses use this
program to

3. Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and in the
body type


This means all posts from CTRL will arrive in your mailbox
in plain

4. Yahoogroups: If you subscribe to any of those, set your
to Digest mode. That strips out all the attachments

5. Most important, install and update your virus protection
regularly. Make sure that it is turned on, too.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list.
Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!
These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many
half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by
different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of
time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of
posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL
gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
es of


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[CTRL] Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed--Important!

2001-04-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 {{This is where massive amounts of our tax dollars are
concealed.  This is just for the State of New Jersey but
every state and teh Federal government has this report.  I
have a friend who has been trying to get a current one for
months, one from the governor of my state and one from Sen.
Shelby for the Federal budget.  This is for the GROSS
receipts.  Guess what?  The budgets do not start out with
the same amount as was collected.  If it is not listed in
the budget to start with, we have no way of knowing it ever
existed EXCEPT by this report.  And we cannot get our hands
on this report.  If the budgets start out billions less than
collected, what is being done with all that collected but
never subjected to budgeting?
   The Biggest Game in Town
   Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed
   by Walter J. Burien
   This is part one of a rather lengthy transcript of
   the CAFR video as
   aired on public access
   Part One
   The Biggest Game In Town is of major importance to
   every American. This
   program is a
   comprehensive disclosure of governmental financial
   operations that have
   been deliberately
   concealed and kept from the American people by the
   financial agencies as
   well as by the syndicated media. The scope is huge;
   the personal
   financial impact of vital
   concern to all.
   Do the people of this great land own the government
   or do the collective
   think they own the people?
   Is it time to mandate "effective action" through
   united efforts of the
   American people?
   Can David still fling the rock true and straight to
   hit its mark and
   defeat Goliath?
   Are you aware that 30 years ago only 8 to 12 percent
   of the financial
   activity and
   ownership of our nation resulted from the activity
   of the government,
   but today the figure
   is conservatively 48 percent?
   We the People have been victimized by the largest
   organized syndicate on
   the face of the
   Earth. The Constitution declares that all political
   power is inherent in
   the people and that
   all powers not directly and specifically delegated
   to public servants
   remain with the
   Our public servants are accountable to us and it's
   time we hold them
   accountable with
   genuine liability and cause the profits resulting
   from governmental
   activity to directly
   benefit the people!!!
   Walter Burien: Good morning. What we're going to be
   talking about today
   is what I've
   called The Biggest Game in Town. My name is Walter
   Burien. I live in
   Prescott, Arizona. I
   became aware of something approximately 10 years
   ago, which changed my
   life. I will give
   you a little analogy of how I learned about the
   complete financial
   takeover of the wealth
   of this country by composite government.
   Back in 1989 I lived in New Jersey. There was a
   governor by the name of
   Jim Florio who
   was running for office under a no-new-tax platform.
   He won, and as soon
   as he got into
   office, a $2.8 billion tax increase was enacted -
   the largest in the
   state's history.
   It was obvious that the public was not too thrilled
   about Mr. Florio's
   actions and one of
   the local radio stations, 101.5 FM, started doing
   some rabble-rousing,
   taking calls from
   listeners on examples of waste and misspending in
   The first two days I was listening, and I heard
   people calling in with
   examples of $5,000,
   $15,000; $85,000 was the highest figure I heard. I
   pulled out the State
   of New Jersey's
   budget report, which is the only thing I was aware
   of at that time. They
   had $11 billion on
   budget, $6 billion off budget; the total annual
   service budget was $17
   billion a year. I
   called in to the show and I made the comment, "Come
   on, guys; you're
   missing the whole
   point. The highest figure I heard was $85,000. The
   state's dealing with
   billions of dollars."
   I read off the figures. I said, "If there's fraud,
   waste and misspending
   taking place, it's
   taking on tunes of tens of millions, if not hundreds
   of millions of
   The DJ at that time challenged us, the listeners, to
   start a tax protest
   organization to
   repeal the $2.8 billion tax increase.
   Ten of us got together the next day and incorporated
   a group called
   Hands Across New
   Jersey. We scheduled our first rally ten days out
   from that point. And
   basically, with the
   help of 101.5, we had 115,000 people converge on
   Trenton from all the
   shore points in
   New Jersey, effectively shutting the city down. Now,
   during the course
   of organizing that
   rally, I took over looking at the budget, revenue
   and finance of the
   For about 15 years I was a Commodity Trading
   Advisor. I was one of the
   first tenants of
   the World 

[CTRL] Asian dust storm spreads pollution across West

2001-04-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{I suppose Disney is right, "It's a Small World, After
All"!  And would this not mean that OUR OWN pollution
spreads to others, too?

Asian dust storm spreads pollution across West
By ROBERT WELLER Associated Press Writer
DENVER (AP) -- A dust storm that started in Mongolia and
picked up industrial pollution from China has spread a haze
across a quarter of the mainland United States, experts said

The whitish haze has been seen from Calgary, Alberta, to
Arizona to Aspen, where weekend levels of particulate --
matter that reduces visibility and can cause respiratory
problems -- quadrupled from the previous weekend.

Gene Feldman, an oceanographer from NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., said aircraft have been
monitoring matter in the dust clouds.

"At one time, this dust cloud was bigger than Japan," he

Russ Schnell, director of observatory operations for
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder,
said the cloud will reach the East Coast, but should
dissipate in the next several days.

In late 1998, scientists claimed to have documented the
spread of industrial pollution from China to the United
States, where it caused pollution levels as high as
two-thirds of federal health limits.

"This storm is a godsend to pollution researchers," Schnell
said. "People are finally realizing that what have been
saying for years is true. Pollution from Asia is being
carried across the oceans."

The two experts said it was unusual for such matter to be so
visible to the naked eye. In Aspen, particulate levels
measured 58 millionths of a gram per cubic meter of air,
compared with 14 millionths of a gram a week earlier.

"We had the same kind of haze when Mount St. Helen's erupted
but the particulate didn't come down to the ground level as
much," said Lee Cassin, director of Aspen's environmental
health department.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Thawing Permafrost Threatens Northern Hemisphere

2001-04-18 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

April 18, 2001

Thawing Permafrost Threatens Northern Hemisphere


Filed at 3:49 p.m. ET

LONDON (Reuters) - Global warming is thawing permafrost in the northern
hemisphere and making large areas vulnerable to subsidence, American
researchers said on Wednesday.

The disappearance of permafrost, soil that has been below freezing point
for long periods, has accelerated in recent decades and is threatening
infrastructure in northern regions, including nuclear power stations.

``A zone in the high-risk categoryextends discontinuously around the Arctic
Ocean, indicating that there is a high potential for coastal erosion,'' said
Frederick Nelson of the Department of Geography and Center for
Climactic Research at the University of Delaware.

In a report in the science journal Nature, Nelson and his colleagues used a
mathematical model to map areas at the greatest risk.

They include populous centers in the Arctic region such as Barrow in
Alaska, Inuvik in Canada as well as Yakutsk, Noril'sk and Vorkuta in
Siberia, Russia.

The researchers said the Bilibino nuclear power stations in the Russian far
east were also in a high-risk area along with pipeline corridors in parts of
northwestern North America.

But Nelson added that changes in permafrost could be predicted and
catastrophes could be avoided by careful planning.

``Areas at risk can be partitioned into those with low, moderate or high
susceptibility to thaw-induced settlement,'' he said.

The researchers advised careful monitoring of permafrost conditions in
high priority areas near the Bering Sea and in Siberia.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Report: Feds track Web site users

2001-04-18 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) . People who log onto dozens of federal government Web
sites may be unknowingly tracked despite a privacy policy forbidding it,
investigators say.

In one case, a government contractor was even given ownership of all the
information collected from a Web site, said the congressional report
released Monday.

The scope of the problem hasn't been nailed down. For example, the
report said NASA hasn't determined how many Web sites it operates so
officials don't know how many might be gathering the information.

The report, culled from audits of 16 agencies, found 64 federal Web
sites used files that allow them to track the browsing and buying habits
of Internet users.

The departments of Education, Treasury, Energy, Interior and
Transportation used such unauthorized files, as did NASA and the General
Services Administration, the report said.

It did not estimate how many people may have visited the sites. But the
company Jupiter Media Metrix, which tracks Internet usage, says
government sites are popular. The company estimates that 3.5 million
Internet users went to NASA's Web site in March, and 2.2 million people
visited the Education Department's site.

Ari Schwartz, senior policy analyst for the Center for Democracy and
Technology, which follows privacy issues, called the report troubling.

``Generally when we think about privacy and the government, we want to
make sure that the government is transparent and does protect privacy
over and above the rest of the Internet and the rest of the private and
nonprofit sector,'' Schwartz said.

His organization was one of several that signed a letter Monday urging
the Bush administration to promptly fill a post created by President
Clinton to see that agencies adhere to privacy policies.

The new report was released by Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., the chairman
of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee. He said he was upset by
the findings and planned to introduce legislation that would establish a
commission to examine government privacy practices.

Congress ordered all agency inspector generals to investigate the use of
unauthorized tracking devices after the General Accounting Office
reported in October that about a dozen agency Web sites were using the
technology even though the Clinton administration issued a memo
restricting the practice in June.

The only time agencies are supposed to be able to use such software is
when there is a compelling need and agency heads say it is OK. In those
instances, the Web sites must explicitly tell Internet users about the

Contractors operating Web sites on behalf of the government also must
abide by the policy.

The White House referred questions to the Office of Management and
Budget, where spokesman Chris Ullman would say only that the policy
remains in effect and the issue is ``something that we certainly are
keeping an eye on.''

Eleven Energy Department Web sites used the unauthorized files, known as
``cookies,'' prompting Inspector General Gregory Friedman to say the
department ``cannot provide reasonable assurance'' the privacy of Web
site visitors will be protected.

GSA Inspector General William Barton found that a contractor managed the
business operations of an agency site that used the tracking technology.
The agreement gave the contractor ownership of all the information about
the Internet users who visited the site.

Of the agencies surveyed, the Transportation Department was most likely
to use the tracking files, according to the report. It had them on 23
Web pages, but the devices have since been removed, according to John
Meche, the agency's deputy assistant inspector general.

``Protecting Web privacy is an ongoing challenge because Web sites are
constantly revised or reconfigured,'' Meche said in his report.

NASA Inspector General Roberta Gross found three Web sites using
unauthorized files, and she indicated the number could be higher.

Gross said NASA does not inventory its Web sites and is unable to
reliably determine how many it owns or whether they are in compliance
with government policies.

Copyright 2001 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used 

[CTRL] The Nation: How the GOP Gamed the System in Florida

2001-04-18 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Long, but worth the read.]

How the GOP Gamed the System in Florida


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Echelon: The secret is out.

2001-04-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Echelon satellites can eavesdrop on your telephone calls,
faxes and e-mail. Tempest looks through walls to see
 what is on your TV and PC.

   BY JIM WILSON, Illustration by Paul DiMare

 The secret is out. Two powerful intelligence gathering tools that the
 United States created to eavesdrop on Soviet leaders and to track KGB
 spies are now being used to monitor Americans. One system, known as
 Echelon, intercepts and analyzes telephone calls, faxes and e-mail sent to
 and from the United States. The other system, Tempest, can secretly read
 the displays on personal computers, cash registers and automatic teller
 machines, from as far as a half mile away. Although the inner workings of
 both systems remain classified, fueling exaggerated claims about their
 capabilities on Internet sites, credible detail has at last begun to emerge.It
 comes chiefly from foreign governments that began investigating
 American surveillance activities after discovering that the Echelon system
 had been used to spy on their defense contractors. From those documents
 it is possible to obtain the first accurate view of the threats high-tech
 spying poses to our right to privacy. We think you will agree it also creates
 a real and present threat to our freedom.

 No Such Agency
 Echelon is perhaps the best
 known and least understood
 spy tool. Although it is run
 by the U.S. National Security
 Agency (NSA), and paid for
 almost entirely by American
 taxpayers, it is a
 multinational spying effort
 that involves the United
 Kingdom, Canada, Australia,
 New Zealand and, to a lesser
 degree, Italy and Turkey. It wasn’t until 1957, five years after NSA was
 created, that the federal government would admit that it even existed.

 Simply put, the agency’s job is to eavesdrop and share its notes. On a
 day-to-day basis, this means intercepting radio signals, unscrambling
 encrypted messages, and distributing the resulting information to a host of
 espionage organizations. Its chief “customer” is the Central Intelligence

The intelligence gathering network that captures the
electronic signals that NSA needs to do its work is
popularly called Echelon. NSA does not use this
term, and it is generally believed the word Echelon
is part of a two-word code name for the space-based
part of the system. Whatever the terminology,
Echelon, like NSA itself, is the outgrowth of a
World War II British-American intelligence sharing
 agreement. During the Cold War the United States and its allies began to
 eavesdrop on overseas phone calls in an effort to catch Soviet spies. This
 was done by intercepting the signals from the microwave relay stations
 that formed the backbone of long-distance telephone systems.

 When the telecommunications satellite industry took off, NSA followed it
 into space by building ground-based and orbiting listening posts, hence the
 need for participation by Australia, New Zealand, Italy and Turkey. Based
 on what isknown about the location of Echelon bases and satellites, it is
 estimated that there is a 90 percent chance that NSA is listening when you
 pick up the phone to place or answer an overseas call. In theory, but
 obviously not in practice, Echelon’s supercomputers are so fast, they can
 identify Saddam Hussein by the sound of his voice the moment he begins
 speaking on the phone.

 The power to eavesdrop on specific individuals nearly proved to be NSA’s
 undoing. A commission organized by President Gerald Ford discovered
 that Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were unable to resist the
 temptation of using NSA to amass files on more than 7000 U.S. citizens
 and 1000 organizations, mostly those opposed to the Vietnam War. In
 1975, Congress decided it had had enough, and created the Select
 Intelligence Committee to keep watch over NSA activities.

 With the Cold War over, and fearful of being embarrassed by revelations
 about Echelon’s espionage excesses, high-ranking officials in Australia
 and New Zealand began going public with details.

 How Echelon Works
 Slowly the pieces of the Echelon puzzle began to fall into place. The
 operation proved to be more extensive than anyone had thought. From
 foreign governments, Americans learned that NSA not only had listening
 posts in West Virginia, Colorado and the state of Washington, but that its
 headquarters in Fort George Meade, Md., was that state’s largest
 employer. NSA won’t say how many people it currently employs, but hints
 that if it were an industrial company it would be on the Fortune 500 list.

 The electronic signals that Echelon satellites and listening posts capture
 are separated into two streams, depending upon whether the
 communications are sent with or without encryption. Scrambled signals
 are converted into their original language, and then, along 

[CTRL] WT: Reno´s halfway house

2001-04-18 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


April 17, 2001

Renos halfway house

Eric Christensen

Accounts of the misadventures of the Clinton presidency are already
thick on the ground, and promise to grow even more numerous as the Clintons
and their accomplices survive the statutes of limitations that have so far
enforced silence upon them. The only safe prediction one can make about any
of the books of this genre is that none will be as good as David Limbaughs
"Absolute Power: The Legacy of Corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice

Mr. Limbaugh takes a unique, highly organized, lawyers-eye view of the
Clinton scandals and misdeeds from the one venue that enabled the president,
his wife and their cohorts to survive them all: Janet Renos Department of
Justice. He assembles a damning Everest of evidence that demonstrates how
Miss Reno and her cohorts were little more than legal barbarians at the
Justice Department gates who thwarted every investigation into wrongdoings
at the White House, in the Clinton-Gore campaigns and the Democratic
National Committee (DNC).

The author effectively details every major episode of corruption by
Miss Reno and her department, from the political and legal attacks on
tobacco companies, the abuse of the presidential appointment process in the
Bill Lann Lee nomination, the departments disgraceful conduct in the Elian
Gonzalez case to its enthusiastic support for the numerous frivolous claims
of privilege advanced by President Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

His treatment of the 1993 Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas, is one
of the best on the issue and an excellent example of the substance and depth
Mr. Limbaugh brings to his subject. He weaves a compelling and meticulously
detailed narrative about how the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
(ATF) launched a Hollywood-style raid ("showtime" was the ATF agents actual
code word for the operation) against the cult and its leader, David Koresh,
principally to burnish the ATFs image.

The ATF with the approval of the top management at Justice unearthed a
years-old, meritless drug charge against Koresh to justify staging the
initial raid on the Davidian complex even after losing the element of
surprise. When the public began to tire of the standoff and attention moved
to the Justice Departments conduct of the affair, more baseless charges
were raised to warrant an armed attack on the cult. It is clear from Mr.
Limbaughs account that the deaths of four federal agents and 80-plus
Davidians were at least indirectly caused by inept handling of the crisis by
the Justice Department, the FBI and the ATF.

The heart of "Absolute Power," however, is Mr. Limbaughs unequalled
account of the central roles played by Miss Reno and her departmental
under-bosses in the efforts to impede every investigation into illegal
campaign finance activities by the Clinton-Gore campaigns and the DNC.
Juxtaposing the key players own statements with the public record of their
actions, Mr. Limbaugh methodically strips away the excuses and lies the
administration erected to protect itself and to assassinate the characters
of everyone who challenged them.

Mr. Limbaugh shows how Miss Reno, in the face of the requirements of
the Independent Counsel Act and overwhelming, impeccable evidence,
repeatedly interfered with the efforts of career investigators, including
FBI Director, Louis Freeh, and Charles LaBella, the head of Miss Renos own
campaign-finance task force. The author also conclusively documents how Miss
Reno repeatedly refused to name outside prosecutors to oversee
investigations into Mr. Clinton, Vice President Gore, John Huang and the
rest of the Gang That Couldnt Give Straight Answers, and the massive influx
of illegal foreign contributions to their campaigns and the DNC.

David Limbaugh has done an invaluable service to the historical record
of the Clinton administration. He has provided a comprehensive road map for
future historians to follow to gain a true picture of the systemic
improprieties of Miss Renos tenure as attorney general. The impression of
ethical purity and the impartial administration of justice she tried to
create for herself was an illusion. Mr. Limbaugh concludes that she and her
underlings did serious harm to the department they ran and the rule of law
they purported to serve. He also warns that vigilance by Congress and the
public are the only weapons America has to prevent its recurrence in a
future administration. "Absolute Power" is an open and shut indictment of an
attorney general who will go down in history as one of the weakest and least
ethical to occupy that office.

Eric Christensen is vice president for development and communications
at the Landmark Legal Foundation.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

   *Michael Spitzer* 

[CTRL] [BIOWAR] Human Genome Project Opens the Door to Ethnically Specific Bioweapens (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Wes Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 1:14 AM
Subject: [BIOWAR] Human Genome Project Opens the Door to Ethnically Specific

 From a press release, April 10th, 2001:

 Project Censored's top 25 Censored stories from Censored 2001: 25 Years of
 Censored News and the Top Censored Stories of the Year are now available
 viewing here at Project Censored.org.
 (http://www.projectcensored.org/intro.htm). Of relevance to the BIOWAR
 (the following is largely undocumented but cited URLs may provide

 Human Genome Project Opens the Door to Ethnically Specific Bioweapens

 Washington Free Press
 Jan./ Feb. 2000
 Titles: Genetic Bullets, Ethnically Specific Bioweapons
 Author: Roy Blake

 March 2000
 Title: Ethnic Weapons for Ethnic Cleansing
 Author Greg Bishop

 North Coast Xpress
 Fall 2000
 The Human Genome Project and Eugenics
 Author Robert Lederman

 Corporate news coverage: Daily Telegraph (London) 7/7/00, Agence France
 Presse 1/21/99, The Gazette (Montreal) A-4, Baltimore Sun 1/22/99 A-18,
 Salt Lake City Tribune 1/27/99 A-13, The Times Union (Albany) 2/2/99 D-2,

 Faculty/Community Evaluators: Rabbi Michael Robinson, Velma
 Student Researchers: Terrie Girdner, Karen Parlette, Jennifer Swift

 The Human Genome Project may now open the door to the development and use
 genetic weapons targeted at specific ethnic groups. This project is
 currently being conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Energy
 which also oversees America's nuclear weapon arsenal.
 In October 1997, Dr. Wayne Nathanson, chief of the Science and Ethics
 Department of the Medical Society of the United Kingdom, warned the annual
 meeting of the Society that "gene therapy" might possibly be turned into
 "gene weapons" which could potentially be used to target particular genes
 possessed by certain groups of people. These weapons, Nathanson warned,
 could be delivered not only in the forms already seen in warfare such as
 and aerosol, but could also be added to water supplies, causing not only
 death but sterility and birth defects in targeted groups.
 Current estimates of the cost of developing a "gene weapon" have been
 at around $50 million, still quite a stretch for an isolated band of
 neo-Nazis, but well within the capabilities of covert government programs.
 On November 15, 1998, the London Times reported that Israel claimed to
 successfully developed a genetically specific "ethnic bullet" that targets
 Arabs. When an Israeli government spokesman was asked to confirm the
 existence of ethnic weapons, he did not deny that they had them, but
 said, "we have a basket full of serious surprises that we will not
 to use if we feel that the state of Israel is under serious threat."
 Some scientists worry that the modified genes that corporations have
 into fish, fowl, fruit and vegetables have permanently altered the world's
 food supply. Some may be intended to reduce populations.
 The U.S. has a long history of interest in such genetic research. The
 current home of the Human Genome Project is the Cold Springs Harbor
 laboratory on Long Island, NY-the exact site of the notorious Eugenics
 Research Office that was started in 1910 by the Harriman family. The
 's 1910 agenda included governmental imposition of sanctions on such human
 rights as reproduction, and on U.S. immigration, based on the alleged
 inferiority of particular ethnic groups. The Eugenics Research Project
 established medical and psychological conditions that would qualify one
 sterilization or euthanasia. Prominent advocates of the program such as
 Rockefeller family, Henry Ford, and Margaret Sanger helped smooth the way
 for the passage of forcible sterilization laws in 25 states. These laws
 allowed the forcible sterilization of tens of thousands of people, mostly
 minority status, during the first half of the 20th century.
 The November 1970 issue of the Military Review published an article
 "Ethnic Weapons" for command-level military personnel. The author of the
 article was Dr. Carl Larson, head of the Department of Human Genetics at
 Institute of Genetics in Lund, Sweden. Dr Larson wrote of how genetic
 variations in races are concurrent with differences in tolerances for
 various substances. For instance, large segments of Southeast Asian
 populations display a lactose intolerance due to the absence of the enzyme
 lactase in the digestive system. A biological weapon could conceivably
 advantage of this genetic variance and incapacitate or kill an entire

 Update by Greg Bishop
 The ubiquitous nature of racism and the ruling power structure's history
 handling "undesirables," as well as dealing with an enemy 

[CTRL] Conspiracy Con Discount Tickets Still Available! (fwd)

2001-04-18 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 2:09 AM
Subject: Conspiracy Con Discount Tickets Still Available!

 to be removed from this list see below

 Greetings to all concerned citizens!
 Due to overwhelming response, tickets to "CONSPIRACY CON" are selling
 Hurry, and don't miss an opportunity to get seats to the hottest event of
 year while they are still available. We are generously extending the
 pre-registration price to Friday, April 27th.  Come and see for yourself
 conference that SOME don't want you know about, let alone attend.

 Controversy is already surrounding this exciting new event.  Don't miss

 The People Who Bring You The BAY AREA UFO EXPO Present...

 * * * CONSPIRACY CON * * *

 May 26th and 27th, 2001

 Santa Clara Convention Center

 5001 Great America Parkway

 Santa Clara, CA 95054 -- On the second floor inside the Amphitheater!

 Speaker Lineup: (all confirmed)

 David Icke ~ (The Biggest Secret / Children of the Matrix)

 Jordan Maxwell ~ (Toxic Religion / Uniform Commercial Code)

 Leonard Horowitz ~ (Emerging Viruses / Global Genocide)

 William Thomas ~ (Chemtrails!!!)

 Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips ~ (MK Ultra / Trance-Formation of America)

 William Lyne ~ (Suppressed Tesla Technology / Pentagon Aliens)

 Brian Hall ~ Producer/Host

 Robert Perala ~ Co-Host.

 NOTE:  David Icke and Jordan Maxwell to present on both days!

 Discount Ticket Prices extended to April 27th!

 Our original deadline was Friday, April 13th to postmark a discount
 However, we mailed our program guides out later than expected. As a
 to the people on our mailing list we are offering an extended deadline.
 Discount tickets are now available through Friday, April 27th for

 Discount ticket prices:

 One-Day Pass $59.00

 Two-Day Pass$99.00

 Meet-Your-Speaker Reception:  $25.00 (only 200 of these available)

 Regular Ticket Pricing -
 Postmarked after Friday, April 27th: (And "at door" - if available)

 One day Pass $69.00

 Two Day Pass$119.00

 Meet-Your-Speaker Reception:  $30.00 (only 200 of these available!)
 If this conference interests you, do NOT wait to purchase your tickets at

 Discount on Hotel Rooms still available:

 Special Group Rate at the Westin Hotel of just $89.00/night!

 Call (888) 627-8405 and mention "CONSPIRACY CON" to get the rate.

 NOTE: Discount on  hotel ends May 4th!

 To all interested exhibitors!
 Exhibit space is still available and we have very reasonable rates.

 Please go to www.conspiracycon.com and navigate to the "Exhibits" section
 the website or call
 (408) 266-4749 or email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more

 Make checks or money orders payable to:

 Brian Hall c/o CONSPIRACY CON

 Mail to:

 Brian Hall


 1706 Hogar Drive

 San Jose, CA 95124

 Phone: (408) 266-4749

 FAX:   (408) 723-4149


 For more information about this world class line-up of presenters please

 to:   http://www.conspiracycon.com.

 Where Other Conferences End... CONSPIRACY CON Begins!!!

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 Conspiracy Con Discount Tickets Still Available!

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] USAToday: FEMA preps for foot-and-mouth in U.S.

2001-04-18 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From USA Today,


04/17/2001 - Updated 12:13 AM ET

Foot-and-mouth 'probable' in U.S.

By Jim Drinkard

WASHINGTON - Federal emergency officials are preparing for a U.S. outbreak
of foot-and-mouth disease, a prospect they see as highly likely. About 75
federal officials from agencies ranging from the Agriculture Department to
the CIA met Wednesday to review plans for addressing an outbreak of the
highly infectious animal virus. The group also included officials from the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Army's biological warfare office,
the Coast Guard, the Interior Department and the Food and Drug

FEMA official Bruce Baughman said the plans call for treating an outbreak
much the same as a natural disaster, in which states take primary
responsibility and call on federal resources as needed. "We are certainly
treating it like it's a probable likelihood," he said.

Others present at the meeting said the chances that the disease will spread
to the United States were described as very high, fueling an intensive
planning effort. Until now, the government has focused in its public
statements on efforts to keep the disease from reaching the United States.

At last week's meeting, officials described arrangements for earth-moving
equipment to bury thousands of animal carcasses, and the drafting of
emergency orders that could suspend some environmental regulations to allow
quick burial of afflicted livestock.

Inquiries about the government's assessment of the risk of a U.S. outbreak
of the disease were referred to Cliff Oliver, who is heading emergency
response plans for the Agriculture Department. Telephone calls to his home
Monday night were unanswered.

Later, USDA spokesman Kevin Herglotz described the meeting as a standard
planning session and said his department does not believe an outbreak is

"I was in the military for 10 years. We did mock exercises every month. That
didn't mean war was imminent," he said. Herglotz didn't attend the meeting
but says he was briefed on it.

Foot-and-mouth disease affects pigs, cattle and other cloven-hoofed animals
but is not generally harmful to humans.

The United States has not had a case of foot-and-mouth disease since 1929.
In England, the current outbreak began in February and quickly spread.

Cases also have been confirmed in the Netherlands, France and Ireland.
Recent outbreaks have occurred in Saudi Arabia, Argentina, South Korea and

The U.S. government has added hundreds of inspectors at airports and ports
in an effort to keep the disease out, but the battle is made more difficult
because of booming global travel and trade.

Contributing: Anita Manning and Mark Memmott

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[CTRL] AT: Article Misled Service Members

2001-04-18 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Army Times

April 23, 2001
Pg. 61

Article Misled Service Members

I was very disappointed with your April 9 "Shots in the Dark" article. Its
"tabloid-like" treatment of a vitally important
issue was misleading and the "facts" presented were old news, already
disproved in other writings and congressional
testimony - some in your own earlier issues.

I have always thought of the Times as a professional source of information
for people in uniform. This article's innuendo,
misinformation and misleading headlines contradict this opinion.

The article claims the Pentagon doesn't want troops to know details about
anthrax vaccine adsorbed, or AVA. If this were so, DoD would not have put
massive numbers of documents dating back to the 1950s on the program's Web


The questions raised in the article have been repeatedly addressed to the
satisfaction of the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease
Control, civilian experts and multiple independent panels.

Why not inform readers that civilian physicians on the Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices found AVA to be safe and effective in June 2000?
Or report on the Institute of Medicine's two hearings on scientific evidence
AVA or on its report dispelling the squalene myth?

Why not explain the historic role of civilian scientists on the Armed
Forces Epidemiological Board, who have safeguarded
troops' health for 60 years? Or the vaccine-affirming report by Oxford's
evidence-based medicine group, the Cochrane

Why not query America's true experts in our universities, who have devoted
decades to understanding vaccines? If our
program is so amiss, where is the uproar from America's real scientists?

Why not ask America's universities how they would investigate vaccine
safety, and then compare those recommendations to
what DoD has already accomplished? Why not report on the 13 safety studies
conducted so far among more than 366,000
AVA recipients? Why not a more objective treatment of the Brachman
inhalational/cutaneous human study with more than
1,100 participants and the nonhuman primate studies with aerosolized
anthrax challenges?

Why not inform your readers that the FDA has the authority to determine if
AVA is used according to its label and has
concurred with DoD policy? Where are the up-to-date quotes from FDA
officials, our most experienced people in drug
regulation and vaccine quality?

Finally, if the Times helps mislead servicemen and women, causing them not
to take a vaccine designed to protect them,
where will its conscience be after their careers are damaged or lives
endangered when they go into harm's way
unprotected? Aerosolized anthrax is colorless, odorless and tasteless and
is available for use by potential adversaries. If
unprotected people breathe it, they will die. Why your paper is choosing
to ignore expert opinions and mountains of
scientific data is a mystery.

In the 1899 Boer War, the British learned of a vaccine that would protect
their force against deadly typhoid. Before they
could administer it, an opposition group arose. Their leaders decided to
make the shot voluntary. Only 14,000 people took
it. More than 58,000 came down with typhoid. More than 9,000 died. Let us
never duplicate that mistake!

I led troops in Desert Storm and know firsthand that the enemy had anthrax
weapons and was prepared to use them. No one
should face that threat unprotected. I have taken the shots and encourage
my troops to do likewise. After examining the
evidence, I believe in its safety and efficacy.

There are no 'shots' in the dark, no human guinea pigs, and there is
nothing about the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization
Program that we don't want our people to know!

Your periodicals have been too good for too long to be so misleading.

Maj. Gen. Randall L. West, USMC
Senior advisor to the deputy secretary of defense for chemical and
biological protection, Washington

Editor's Note: The article referred to appeared in the Current News
Supplement, April 3, 2001.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] UPI: FBI subpoenas St. Louis voting records

2001-04-18 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FBI subpoenas St. Louis voting records


ST. LOUIS, Apr 17, 2001 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- A
federal investigation into voting irregularities appeared to be under
way Tuesday with the subpoena of St. Louis Election Board records of all
people who registered to vote but were not allowed to cast ballots in
the November general election.

The FBI subpoenaed records covering the period between Oct. 1 and March
6 and also calls for examination of absentee ballots, at least 143
people who were not registered but allowed to cast votes and 3,800
suspect voter cards, which included the names of several deceased
aldermen and a dog.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported it witnessed the serving of the
subpoena at 3:30 p.m. Monday. No board officials or commissioners were
present. The elections board has until 9:30 a.m. May 6 to comply.

Attorney General John Ashcroft was expected to recuse himself from the
investigation because the possible voter fraud would have played a role
in his re-election defeat. Missouri state officials already are
investigating the situation but Sen. Christopher Bond, R-Mo., had been
urging federal involvement.

Vote fraud charges began to fly when the 3,800 suspect voter cards
surfaced just before the March 6 mayoral primary.

Copyright 2001 by United Press International.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] LT: First cyborg is looking just a little down at eel

2001-04-18 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



First cyborg is looking just a little down at eel


IT CANNOT yet do the housework nor repel alien invaders, but the first
functioning cyborg - combining a living brain with high technology - has
arrived in the form of a machine that whizzes around looking for light and
thinks like an eel.

Scientists in Chicago have created a robot guided by the extracted brain of
a tiny eel-like lamprey, in a breakthrough paving the way for a new
generation of inventions merging living tissue with high technology.

The machine, about the size of a cigarette packet, is attached to the brain
of a lamprey kept alive in an oxygenated saline solution. When it detects a
light, the electronic eyes on the device send a signal to the live brain,
which then commands the wheels to roll via a microprocessor.

In a specially designed pit, the cyborg dashes back and forth in pursuit of
the flashing lights. "Until the recent past, people were using biological
nervous systems to inspire technology," Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi, of Northwestern
University's Rehabilitation Institute in Chicago, told The Washington Post.
"Now we have gone one step beyond, to tap into the nervous system itself."

The inventors of the device say that it could eventually lead to the
development of prostheses and machines to help stroke victims and others
suffering disability due to nerve damage.

Similar experiments combining animal tissue with microelectronics are under
way with numerous potential applications, including the use of genetically
engineered bacteria to identify pollutants and adapting moth antennae to
pick up the presence of land-mines.

As microelectronics grow ever smaller, the technology is becoming compatible
with even the smallest living creatures.

"We are asking the question: 'Can we make machines with living components
and make them work?'" said Alan Rudolph, of the Defence Advanced Research
Projects Agency.

The science is in its infancy, and there are few obvious uses for the
lamprey-brain lighthunter. Our own brains can tell us when the light is on,
and electronics can already do the job without resorting to the brainpower
of the lamprey.

There is another problem with the invention - and cyborg science in general:
even by the standards of modern high-tech gadgets, it does not last very
long, and requires a surfeit of lampreys to keep running.

The brain remains alive for only a few days in its special solution before
the machine expires, and another lamprey must die.

Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is provided on Times
Newspapers' standard terms and conditions. To inquire about a licence to
reproduce material from The Times, visit the Syndication website.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Special Thanks and Appreciation

2001-04-18 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

on the contrary- it is a well used and accurate analogy- it is called Safe
Hex- and has been around since i was just a young slip of a lad when 16
colour displays were a novelty etc.

- Original Message -
From: "Amelia" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 8:50 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Special Thanks and Appreciation

 That is rather like having casual,
 unprotected sex, if you will pardon my bad analogy.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NM: Hillary 'Tell-All' Book Expected to Tell Little

2001-04-18 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Surprise Surprise

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Wednesday April 18, 2001; 11:11 a.m. EDT

Hillary 'Tell-All' Book Expected to Tell Little

When former first lady Hillary Clinton announced last December that she
was ready to pen her memoirs, book publishers couldn't wait to outbid
one another.

But the expected Hillary 'tell-all' is now expected to reveal few, if
any, Clinton secrets, leaving Simon  Schuster holding the bag on the
newly minted Senator's $8 million advance.

 "To land the deal, Hillary Clinton didn't even promise a sensational
tell-all," reveals Newsweek in a Wednesday internet report.

 "In her oral book pitch, she offered only a 'dignified discussion' of
her marriage and of her husband's impeachment. Publishers, for fear of
offending her, did not push for details, and the name Monica Lewinsky
was reportedly never uttered during the discussions."

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Kansas City Cannibal

2001-04-18 Thread M. F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

"Davenport said Sappington told him he was acting on voices he heard in
his head ..."

These 'voices' *never* seem to tell people to do good things...
why is that?


Prosecutors File Fourth Murder Charge Against Man, Cite Cannibalism

April 17, 2001

JOSH FREED, Associated Press Writer

KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) _ Prosecutors filed a fourth murder charge Monday
against a man police allege cannibalized one of his victims. Police said
they believe Marc V. Sappington, 21, began his killing spree March 16
when he and Armando Gaitan, 16, killed David Mashak in Kansas City, Kan.
Sappington was charged Monday with the slaying during a routine hearing
on the other three murder charges.

``I can say that of the three victims, one was mutilated, and there was
evidence of cannibalism. And that the core motivation for all three
killings, of the recent killings, was cannibalism,'' Police Lt. Vince
Davenport said. Sappington pleaded innocent in all four cases.

The earlier charges stemmed from the discovery of three bodies on April
10. Michael Weaver Jr., 22, was found stabbed in his car a block from
his Kansas City, Kan., home. Terry T. Green Jr., 25, was found dead in a
car in Kansas City, Mo. Police believe he was killed three days earlier
in Sappington's home. After nightfall, police found the dismembered body
of 16-year-old Alton ``Fred'' Brown in Sappington's basement.

Davenport said Sappington told him he was acting on voices he heard in
his head and apparently knew Weaver, Brown and Green.

Mashak's shooting appears to have been a simple armed robbery, Davenport
said. Gaitan remains jailed and faces a first-degree murder charge in
juvenile court.



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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Thawing Permafrost Threatens Northern Hemisphere

2001-04-18 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Today, April 18, 2001, I awoke to SNOW and ICE in my yard. I live in
New Jersey, which falls well within the confines of the Northern
Hemisphere. What was that about global warming? snort


 Thawing Permafrost Threatens Northern Hemisphere


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Thawing Permafrost Threatens Northern Hemisphere

2001-04-18 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Local temperature variations do not disprove the reality of global warming.

On 18 Apr 01, at 17:34, Tenorlove wrote:

 Today, April 18, 2001, I awoke to SNOW and ICE in my yard. I live in
 New Jersey, which falls well within the confines of the Northern
 Hemisphere. What was that about global warming? snort


  Thawing Permafrost Threatens Northern Hemisphere


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Re: [CTRL] Kansas City Cannibal

2001-04-18 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/18/01 4:44:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 These 'voices' *never* seem to tell people to do good things...
why is that? 

Because the voices are telling the people to do the things that they really
want to do but are afried to do, when they are in a normal state of mind,
because of social and legal restraints.

Bill H

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[CTRL] MS Drug Company Conspiracy

2001-04-18 Thread Alice Webster

-Caveat Lector-

Meet Dr. Omar Khan: a multiple sclerosis researcher
intent on degrading scientific methodology in favor of
a drug company's $$$.


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Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or Deliberate Terrorism) Is BeyondThe Pale

2001-04-18 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
Yes, June got a "full blown case of AIDS" from a quarantined virus -

Aleisha is obviously too obtuse to understand even the basics of how
computer viruses work...

But for the rest of the list, Saba only 'quarantined' the virus on her
own internet device, but then proceeded to send the live virus to the
list, not once, but 3 times, asking 'Is this a virus?'

And no, my PC did NOT get infected...luckily my virus checker grabbed it
before it could do any damage.


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2001-04-18 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

 by Sherman H. Skolnick 04/11/01


The Red Chinese are to get massive funds and terms in the secret deals
brokered by Federal Reserve Commissar Alan Greenspan. The
agreements, European intelligence sources contend, would never, if soon
fully revealed, get the approval of top honchos of both political parties in the
U.S. Congress.

The protocols, forms of clandestine U.S. Treaties, are highly favorable to
mainland China and extremely adverse to the American White House
occupied by what European and non-European sources aver is a highly
tainted, and conflict-of-interest presidency. The secret deals, ending the
ordeal of China holding 24 U.S. spy-plane airpeople hostages on an island
offshore the China mainland, were hammered out with the help, among
others of the following, many of whom have large business interests in Red

(1)The deals were orchestrated (maybe the "accident" also "created"?) by
George Herbert Walker Bush, in supervising his son, George W. Bush. The
Elder Bush has a long history in strange events. With the American CIA
since at least 1959, he was part of the cover up of the plot to assassinate
President John F. Kennedy in 1963, as implicit in an FBI document that has
surfaced. In 1976, for less than a year, he was Director of Central
Intelligence, heading up the American spy community. In the late 1970s,
before the U.S. began official diplomatic relations with Red China, the
Elder Bush was U.S. envoy to Beijing, traveling and living, not with his wife
but his mistress. The Elder Bush's brother, uncle of George W., Prescott
Bush, Jr., has been a behind-the-scenes expert as a reputed money
laundry expert, aiding criminally-inclined members of the Red Chinese
Military and the Te-Wu, the Red Chinese Secret Police, in penetrating
foreign currency and commodity markets, such as on the Chicago Board of
Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. [Visit our website stories
about the Red Chinese Secret Police operating on U.S. soil, arranging, for
example, the shipments of human body parts harvested from Chinese
dissidents condemned to death, as the body organs are ordered by the
Rockefeller hospitals at the University of Chicago, major center of

In October, 1980, the Elder Bush, briefly visiting a Paris suburb, arranged a
treasonous deal to supply weapons to Iran via Israel. In exchange, Iran
agreed to keep holding 52 U.S. hostages to aid the Reagan/Bush ticket to
win the 1980 Presidential election by showing Jimmy Carter, running for re-
election, as a wimp not able to get the hostage release. The affair was
called "The October Surprise". The hostages were released just at the
moment in January, 1981, when Reagan/Bush were successfully
inaugurated, as President and Vice President.

(2) Another participant of the U.S.-China hostage pacts, has been U.S.
Secretary of State, General Colin Powell along with his sidekick, Richard
Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State. The foreign press, unlike the captive
U.S. mass media, have not hesitated in the past to point out that a
Burmese General, in an apparently authentic videoed interview. contended
from first-hand knowledge that three top-level Americans have been his
worldwide dope trafficking partners in shipments from the "Golden
Triangle", Southeast Asia including Southwest China. In fact, they built him
a highway through the jungle to facilitate the shipments, he asserts.
Identified by this Asian dope kingpin as his long-time business partners
reportedly have been George Herbert Walker Bush, General Colin Powell
[who during the Viet Nam War covered up the Mai Li mass civilian murder
incident], and Powell's ever-present crony Richard Armitage.

(3) Reportedly aiding in the hostage deals translations and terms has been
the Younger Bush Administration's Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, wife
of Senator Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) a husband and wife team that
reportedly fronts for the Beijing government in Washington. Chao has
numerous business links with the Red Chinese Secret Police. For
example, she has held a seat on the board of Protective Life Corp., which
owns 50 per cent of CRC Protective Life Insurance, as shown on Senate
financial-disclosure documents. [Lippo Group, tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton
as well as George W. Bush, owned First National Bank of Mena, Arkansas,
arranging to launder hundreds of millions of dollars, proceeds of the
American CIA dope shipments through the nearby airport at Mena.] The
other half of the Hong Kong-located unit is owned by Lippo jointly with
China Resources Holdings Co., a unit of the Red Chinese Secret Police
and China's Military.

Elaine L. Chao's father, born in China, James S.C. Chao, is closely tied in
business to the top officials of the Beijing government and owns a shipping
company with business with the Beijing government.

Re: [CTRL] Special Thanks and Appreciation

2001-04-18 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Amelia wrote:
to Tenorlove for all her help, not only with this post but
for her personal help to me off list. I post it again for
Johannes and anyone else who might have missed it. She has
tirelessly answered my innumerable questions and never once
implied that I am some how mentally defective for not being
born knowing how to use a PC.  Some of us were too busy
rearing others of us (no, not you personally, Silly, but
your generation) to take classes and learn professionally
how to use our PC's.  Please show us the same patience we
granted to you in, for example, learning to tie your shoes,

I'm 48 years old.  I never took a class on how to use a PC, I just bought
one and sat down and taught myself.  I made it a point to read everything
I could regarding home computers, including info on computer viruses and
how they work.

And June, as for the life-time banning of Aleisha~~you have
made that rather impractical by accusing half the active
list of actually BEING Aleisha at one time or another.  I
suppose you are including all of us, myself most certainly

Not half the list, but YOU, most certainly

So by your own
actions, you have made your rather drastic request

Perhaps drastic, but it is an action which most list managers take in
such a case

Perhaps there are those among us who think your
unwarranted attacks and unsubstantiated claims should result
in your own banning.

Provide ONE case where an 'attack' was unwarranted, or a claim I made was

I assure you that all of us who have
been subjected to your viciousness remember it well and
there are many of us, thanks to your own actions.

And the exact number iswhat?

Aleisha has apologized and said she would not send
attachments.  Can we please let this be the end of this?

Then why are YOU dragging it on?

Anyone who opened the attachment after she clearly stated
that she thought it was a virus asked for it.


Both of your sorry asses should be banned from this list...Saba, for
sending the thing three freakin' times, and you for CONDONING it.

quarantined it if received in text form as does AOL and most
other servers.

Idiot.  You either are too stupid to understand how computer viruses
work, or you are deliberately trying to confuse listmembers who may not
be too computer savvy...

If you feel you incurred damage, you might
want to check for other sources as the majority obviously
did not have any damage from this at all.

And how is it that YOU have been given the right to speak for the
majority of the list?

And why should anyone listen to you about computers and viruses and such,
when you're too ignorant to even strip off all the 'garbage' from the
posts you reply to?


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Crude oil-saltwater spill soaks Alaskan tundra

2001-04-18 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Crude oil-saltwater spill soaks Alaskan tundra

Copyright  2001 Nando Media
Copyright  2001 Scripps Howard News Service

By BEN SPIESS, Anchorage Daily News

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (April 17, 2001 10:43 a.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) - In what may be one of the largest spills ever
on the North Slope, 92,400 gallons of crude oil and saltwater leaked from a
pipeline at the Kuparuk, Alaska, oil field Sunday night.

The mixture, which was more than 97 percent saltwater, leaked from a 10-
inch pipeline at a temperature of more than 100 degrees. The spill
saturated nearly an acre of tundra, said Ed Meggert, head of oil spill
response with the state Department of Environmental Conservation in

No exact cause has been determined, but Meggert said "it looks like
erosion or corrosion to the pipe is the cause."

This is the fourth major spill on the North Slope this winter and the second
due to erosion or corrosion.

By midday Monday, Phillips, which operates the Kuparuk oil field, North
America's second-largest, said it had cleaned up most of the spill.

Corrosion from water and erosion from abrasive material such as sand is a
growing problem on the North Slope. As Kuparuk and Prudhoe Bay age,
the companies are grappling with internal pipe corrosion from water
running through lines and external corrosion from water seeping between
pipe insulation and hot steel pipe walls, where it eats at the metal.

The accident timing is bad for Alaska's big oil companies - Phillips, BP
and Exxon Mobil - and state leaders who are trying to put a positive spin on
the oil industry's environmental record in an effort to open the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. The refuge is about 90 miles east of
existing oil fields and, according to government geologists, may hold the
largest undeveloped oil reserves in the nation.

The temperature was 9 degrees Fahrenheit at the time of the spill.

While Meggert said that the oil content in the water was low, about 1
percent, the huge spill size means that independent of the saltwater, nearly
1,000 gallons of crude hit the tundra. That crude spill would be one of the
10 largest spills on the North Slope in the past five years, according to
state statistics. The high temperature as it left the pipe may mean the
mixture penetrated into the ground.

Meggert said the saltwater may be more damaging to the tundra than oil.

"It's just as toxic as diesel," he said. "The plants that normally grow die. The
crude will only coat but the saltwater penetrates."

By 1 p.m. Monday, Phillips spokeswoman Dawn Patience said, Phillips
and its contractors had cleaned up more than 92,000 gallons of fluid. Much
of that may have been snow and ice melted by the hot crude and water

Meggert said that in the coming days the spill area will likely be diked with
sandbags and flooded with freshwater and, possibly, a chemical agent to
flush the salt and crude from the tundra.

Meanwhile, the cause of the spill was under investigation.


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[CTRL] McVeigh at McDonald's

2001-04-18 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

Video of Tim McVeigh
from a security camera
at McDonald's in
Junction City, taken
at the exact same time
the government claims McVeigh
was renting the Ryder truck in
another city.

Also links to official reports of multiple
bombs in the Murrah Building.



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Would you like fries with that?

2001-04-18 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

Video of Tim McVeigh
from a security camera
at McDonald's in
Junction City, taken
at the exact same time
the government claims McVeigh
was renting the Ryder truck in
another city.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Bible Calendar Code

2001-04-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Johannes:  You once indicated an interest in this bible calendar code -
when I sent this information on the web, within a few minutes I was sent
this "virus" and in my opinion if came from someone on list.
Zulu Time was  Plus 7.

So inasmuch as you seemed to have missed some mail, here is the
connection to McVeigh and Bible Calendar code - for the bible used is
the Gideon Bible - the calendar I have was in this very special edition
in 1954 when Civil Rights, etc., was being prepared for the Rising of
the Moon and in 60 period there was no doubt in my mind this element was
attempting to lead this country into a Civil War.

So in the event you are still interested,  this is the reference to
McVeigh and the Gideon Biblewhich is placed in nearly every country
in the world.might add, in every prison nearly in the
world.Manson, Sirhan, etc., all have access to the bible.

So here it is:

Sent message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba) Date: Sun, Apr 15, 2001, 1:23am
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Bible Calendar Code
Some time ago a few people off list inquired re a bible calendar/code I
had inadvertenly discovered way back in 1968 in an old Gideon Bible
dated 1954..
For 12 years I worked with an MI6 Agent by the name of Sybil Leek who I
understand now had connections to MKUltra - whether true or not I do not
know, but she did work with psychics and National Enquirer which was
somewhat of a front for CIA at the time..she resided in Melbourne
Beach, Florida and Coca Beach until her death..she was astrologer to
Ronald Reagan and Queen Maria and Charles DeGalle and was trained by Ian
She had heard of this code/calendar bu had never seen it - she said
prior to her death my calendar had brought "trouble into her own house'
for she had ventured into the drug world - after big shp RIO which was
busted and brought "wrath of God" upon her in form of death threats,
So on CTRL I sent out this letter today and thought would share with you
or with the people who had questioned me about same.
It is my belief this calendar which went back to Spandau where the 7
Nazis were held - this is watchword calendar taken from the Baron von
Schirach - you may read reference to it in Albert Speer's Diary, one of
the men whom Nixon had befriendedkeep in mind, most Nazis went with
Russian KGB after WWII but the great von Braun went with USA and due to
his efforts and genius he assisted USA to the moon - for he had always
stated he would rather go to the moon than win the war.many stories
are circulated about von Braun primarily by same people who tried to
destroy Militias and Christians in general - this ADL - you know, the
ones who told the FBI, BATF and a Judge to stay home that day in
Oklahoma and let the babies in the cribs die along with other slaughter
of innocents?
So this has to do with McVeigh and communications - keep in mind too,
that McVeigh is in prison with or was until his last days, with the
Unibomber and one other notorious killerremember too Charles Manson
was in prison with Jimmy Carter's nepher and their close connection to
Larry Flynt.and Clintons brother was in prison on drug charges and
Clintono had such good connections with the front man for the drug
So I reproduce this in part for those who might want to see a connection
to this bible calendar and code.
And remember this please always - the Militias were virtually maligned
with the bombing of the Murrah Building --and consider those bastard
ADL criminals - whose head Abraham Foxman took money from Denise Rich as
bribe to President - Marc Rich worked with Israelies selling munitions,
etc. to Iran during hostage crisis - and this man tried to destroy steel
workers union in this country and Clinton pardoned him in order he could
come back to do our country more harm..all fits together in the big
The Gideon Bible is basis of my theory copyrighted in 1968 keyed to
murder of JFK, RFK, the sabotage of Apollo (Acts 19) and many other
murders the assassins use this bible as a communication and
codeKGB and Mossad connected - note KGB in our FBI for 16 years just
one of which we are aware and then ask why did FBI and BATF stay home
that day and why was militia put of course on the FBI HATE List by ADL
and Morris Dees? Along with other Christian Orders and other groups
opposing Federal Reserve System?   See the return of the sixty period
right on schedule with NAACP formed by Communists leading Charge?
For you see this was to be year of Zionist takeover.
Sent message
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba) Date: Sat, Apr 14, 2001, 1:18pm
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conspiracy Theory Research List) Subject: Re:
[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] Lee Harvey Oswald Must Die! This Time by Injection.
Notice in First item (at end of this letter)- notice the Gideon Bible
reference in which McVeigh circled passage in this bible - my one old
bible had circled passages - and 

Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or Deliberate Terrorism) IsBeyondThe Pale

2001-04-18 Thread BB

You ARE the weakest link ... good
I wonder if keyboards have an upper case, or if the school system teaches
grammer and punctuation nowadays in the U.K.
Boy, c. is a cranky person.

"c." wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
if i were you i would keep my mouth shut on the subject of virii. it
with some restraint that no-one pilloried you for your infantile
understanding of the machines you use to spread your poisonous dissembling-
so have some humility and keep your dribbling regarding virii to your
ignorant self
i wonder how your posting fits in with needing "godlike understanding"(mary
callnon) to interpret your mails? maybe once mary develops some basic
understanding of soul she may discover that those impressively complicated
theories are the false gods as the God/dess is simple and intuitive-
a mask of circles within circles, myred in spite and bitter worded
as our
own dear el saba's.
- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or Deliberate Terrorism) Is
BeyondThe Pale
> -Caveat Lector-
> Yes, June got a "full blown case of AIDS" from a quarantined virus
> A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org/A>
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease! These
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths,
> directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Art Bell mind control image

2001-04-18 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Art Bell is a Mason and possibly a member of the CFR. Does not want to
interrupt the flow ($$$). He knows the limits, and ENFORCES them every
night. (Woah, the satellite just went out!!!) --SW)

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:00:46 -0700
From:   Wes Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: [MC]  Art Bell mind control image
To: "Mc@Topica. Com" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Know the answer? Go to iGeneration.com.
Don't know it? Go to iGeneration.com. Get going. Go.

Regarding the Art Bell Web site image showing an apparent mind control
victim at
http://artbell.com/art/artlogo51.jpg, has anyone looked closely at it? Items
to note:

- All-seeing eye in a pyramid (Iluminati symbol, also found in AOL logo)

- Or right: hooded figures with heads forward apparently marching in chain
gang (requires magnification)

- "Join the JAMS" is an apparent reference to Illuminatus trilogy by R.A.
Wilson and Bob Shea:

"'Illuminatus!' tells the tale of the international conspiracy the
Illuminati, who attempt to order and control mankind, and receive individual
power (become illuminated) by causing mass deaths. Their arch enemies The
Justified Ancients of Mummu (The JAMs), are "an organization (or
disorganization) who are at least as old as the Illuminati and represent the
primeval power of Chaos". Along with afiliated groups the LDD and the ELF
(Erisian Liberation Front), the JAMs are engaged in a secret war to prevent
the Illuminati from 'immanatizing the eshcaton' (bringing closer the end of
the world). The JAMs were members of the Illuminati, but were expelled at
the behest of a faction protesting "kick out the JAMs". The illuminati
control all the record companies, which is why all music is very dull, and
how they managed to incorporate the anti-JAMs gibe "kick out the jams" into
a MC5 song."  (http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~stuey/klf/23.htm)

- I haven't decoded "17235" yet but the "23" is there (see Illuminatus). And
a very weird thing happens when you search for "17235" plus "JAMS" in
Google: all 11 hits show what appears to be coded transmissions, such as
"Representative dragoons switch hindsight jams anger spoken you may. Deal
dead appointment members young invoked identically impassively payment?"
These words do NOT appear on the actual pages, including metatags. I can't
explain that, unless Google is in on the joke (conspiracy?).

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