2001-07-16 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: Aleisha Saba
What got me was the old sympathy routine where it was tossed out
Condit's wife was very ill

A tabloid I read this weekend stated that Mrs. Condit suffered from
encephalitis as a child, which indeed can leave some aftereffects, but that
she's been relatively hale and hearty as an adult...

I suspect the 'ill wife' was both Condit's ploy to get his chippies to go to
bed with him (My wife is very sick and we've hadn't had sex in years...),
and his excuse when they pressured him for marriage (My wife is too ill for
me to divorce at this time...)...

A very informative site on encephalitis is:


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Israeli Ambassador To Denmark Supports Torture

2001-07-16 Thread William Shannon

Sunday July 15, 10:29 PM

Uproar in Denmark as Israeli ambassador supports use of torture

COPENHAGEN, July 15 (AFP) - Human rights organisations in Denmark have urged
the government to reject the appointment of Israel's new ambassador to
Denmark, Carmi Gillon, after he told Danish media that he supported the use
of torture on suspected Palestinian militants.

Gillon, who was the head of the Israeli secret service in the mid-1990s,
recently told Danish media he supported the use of "moderate physical
pressure" on suspected Palestinians.

A number of human rights organisations have urged the Danish government to
either reject Gillon's appointment or pursue him in court for breach of the
United Nations convention on torture.

"We cannot have a situation where torturers are allowed to walk freely in
Denmark," said Jens Modvig, general secretary of the Copenhagen-based
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims.

"It would be an insult to torture victims and to the many years of
international efforts against torture if a man who has hundreds of cases of
torture on his conscience were allowed to walk freely on the streets of
Copenhagen," Modvig said.

"Under the UN convention, Denmark has a duty to pursue suspected torturers in
justice, and if the Danish government refuses to reject Gillon outright then
it should take measures to pursue him in court when he arrives," Modvig said.

He also urged the government to revoke the immunity granted to diplomats in
order to pursue Gillon.

Gillon is scheduled to take up his post in September.

Danish Foreign Minister Mogens Lykketoft said in a statement he would not
block Gillon's appointment.

"During many years of uninterrupted practice, it has been the responsibility
of foreign governments to decide who they deem appropriate to represent them
in Denmark," he said.

However, he made clear Denmark's opposition to the use of torture.

"We distance ourselves strongly from any use of torture. We will protest
against any country whose actions violate the UN convention on torture," he

"The newly appointed Israeli ambassador has in recent days indicated that
there may be a need to reintroduce methods of moderate torture. There shall
be no doubt that the Danish government strongly opposes this stance, which is
in direct breach of the convention on torture which Israel has signed,"
Lykketoft said.


2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The New York Post

July 15, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - From the hats and sunglasses he wore when he
took his mistresses to dinner to the alias he used when he visited a tony
Washington spa, Rep. Gary Condit was well practiced in the art of leading a
secret life.

At the Ilo spa in D.C.'s trendy Georgetown - where Monica Lewinsky once was
a regular - the California Democrat embroiled in the missing-intern mystery
has used an alias for the seven years he has been a customer, the spa owner
told The Post yesterday.

I can confirm that the congressman has been a client here since 1994,
said Gary Walker, who has owned the spa for 21 years.

I also can confirm that he came here under an alias.

Walker, a Scotsman, is not the only one to describe Condit as nearly
obsessive about trying to live anonymously in the nation's capital.

Condit's ex-girlfriend, flight attendant Anne Marie Smith, says Condit wore
different hats and sunglasses - even to dinner - when they dated.

And to get in touch with Condit, his girlfriends have said, they had to
dial a special phone number - that apparently didn't ring at his home or
office - and leave a message after a recording that just played music.

Even Condit's given age of 53 might not be real. The Post reported
yesterday that Condit lied about his age when he got married at 18. He
claimed he was 25 to marry his wife, Carolyn, who was pregnant at the time.

At Ilo - where Tipper Gore has also been a customer - prices start at $70
for a woman's haircut, $48 for a man's haircut, and zoom to $267 for a
woman's tint, full highlights, haircut and finish. A half-hour Swedish
massage starts at $45, but special care soars to $318 and a day of beauty
costs $245.

Walker said he couldn't give details about Condit's visit to the elegant
spa - or say what alias he used - because of the ongoing probe.

I have been told by the U.S. attorney's office to shut up, he said.

There have been allegations that Condit made improper overtures to the
stunning women who make up the staff.

I can't confirm or deny those allegations. I'm just doing what the federal
prosecutors asked me to do, Walker said.

Condit's lawyer and spokeswoman didn't return phone calls, and the
congressman himself has been mum since police started focusing on whether
he had any role in the strange and sudden disappearance of 24-year-old
intern Chandra Levy.

Condit admitted having an affair with Levy just last week, during his third
interview with D.C. cops.

Yesterday, Levy's parents fled their home in Modesto, Calif., to spend a
getaway weekend at the Grass Valley Music Festival outside Sacramento.

They're going because they like music, Chandra's aunt, Linda Zamsky, told
The Post.

We're all doing the same thing. Regardless of what's happening with this
ordeal, we have to be able to go about - and live our lives - the best we
can. We're not doing too well, but we're trying our very best, Zamsky

Yesterday marked the 75th day since Chandra vanished - and one D.C. cop
said they're no closer to finding her.

We're flailing, he said.

Zamsky said, I'm more mystified than all of you. It's just a nightmare.
Our family just keeps waiting to wake up.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Robbed Cossack

2001-07-16 Thread William Shannon

The Robbed Cossack  

by Uri Avnery 

The Cossacks were settlers in Southern Russia who were granted land by the 
Czars in return for their obligation to defend the border. They were known as 
fierce and ruthless fighters, and in Jewish memory they became notorious as 
the perpetrators of the most abominable pogroms.

Therefore, there is a lot of bitter irony in the old Jewish adage "a robbed 
Cossack". It describes a Cossack who not only causes havoc, murders, rapes 
and plunders, but also accuses his victims of robbing him. The perpetrator 
pretends to be the victim, the robber pretends to be robbed.

Israel is gradually becoming a "robbed Cossack". An alien on Mars, following 
Israeli broadcasts on inter-stellar satellite, would get the impression that 
it is the Palestinians who are maintaining a cruel occupation of Israel and 
that Palestinian soldiers are roaming the Israeli towns.

This is explained by the competition for the international media. Each side 
to the conflict paints itself as the victim in order to gain the support of 
world public opinion, which always tends towards the weak. The 
Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a kind of championship fight between 
two grand masters of victimization.

But the phenomenon is more profound. For generations the Jews were persecuted 
in many countries and developed the consciousness of victims. It could almost 
been said that most of the Jewish culture created during the last two or 
three centuries revolves around this axis. The Holocaust, of course, 
strengthened this central motif even further.

The Zionist enterprise in this country should have changed this pattern. 
After all, the Zionist penetration drove the Palestinians from their lands 
and turned most of them into refugees. In this historic struggle, the 
Palestinians lost: lands, villages, great parts of the country. This process 
is still going on daily.

Now the Palestinians have come and demanded for themselves the victim’s crown 
of thorns. Nothing offends the Israelis more. It seems to us the height of 
Chutzpah, an attack on the core of our national consciousness. Therefore we 
react with fury. We describe the intifada as a malicious attack on our 
existence. We have brought back from the junk-yard the slogans of past 
generations: the Arabs want to throw us into the sea, they want to take Haifa 
and Jaffa from us. Forgotten is the fact that we have the mightiest army in 
the region, that Israel within the Green Line possesses 78% of the country, 
that we now control the rest of the country (the West Bank and the Gaza 
Strip) too, that we enjoy a vast superiority in almost all fields. Forgotten 
is the fact that the Palestinians demand for themselves a mere 22% of the 
country and that the intifada is an uprising against an occupation that has 
been going on with increasing brutality for 34 years already.

Never mind! We are the victims, and we shall bash the head of anyone who 
tries to rob us of this title.

And if Israel is the robbed Cossack par excellence, then the settlers even 
more so.

True, they are in a very difficult situation. They are being attacked daily, 
their families live in constant danger, they are being killed and wounded. 
Nobody can envy them.

But it cannot be forgotten that they put themselves into this situation, with 
open eyes and deliberate forethought. Even those who dreamed only about 
"quality of life" on stolen land and of amusing themselves in swimming pools 
filled with stolen water cannot complain about the rude awakening. Not to 
mention the hard core of the settlement movement, the Gush Emunim fanatics 
and their ilk.

They settled in the midst of a dense Palestinian population, on land stolen 
from the people who became their neighbors. After settling, they expanded, 
taking over more and more lands, quarreling with the nearby villagers, 
talking highly of "co-existence" while treating the "locals" with arrogance 
and contempt. Every Palestinian on the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip, who 
woke in the morning and looked through the window saw that the red roofs of 
the adjacent settlement had come even closer to his yard.

What did they think, these settlers? What did their leaders and rabbis think? 
How did they intend to survive in the middle of a population whose hatred 
became stronger from day to day? Well, it’s no secret: they hoped that this 
population would disappear. Their aim was not only to settle the whole of 
Eretz Israel, but also to have an Eretz Israel empty of Goyim. The "dream" of 
Rabbi Ovadia Joseph, to which he confessed some days ago, of a country 
between the sea and the Jordan in which there was not a single non-Jew, is 
not new for them. It had been proclaimed in the past by the Judea-and-Samaria 
rabbis, who inspired the Jewish underground that aimed at blowing up the Dome 
of the Rock, who sang the praises of the mass-murderer Baruch Goldstein in 
public and of the 

[CTRL] [2] Arms Assassinations, by Zola

2001-07-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=;Arms 
Assassinations, by Zola/A
Costa Rica, Past  Present

Part 2: Arms  Assassinations

by Zola

Arms for Drugs

The Panamanian pilot Floyd Carlton Caceres began flying for General Manuel
Antonio Noriega in 1980. Noriega was selling arms to the rebels in El
Salvador—the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional de El
Salvador (FMLN). Carlton's network of pilots made 17 flights carrying arms to
Then in 1982 Carlton helped foment a business relationship between Noriega
and two Medellin cartel leaders (Pablo Escobar Gaviria and Gustavo de Jesus
Gaviria). Noriega would provide security for drug shipments by allowing
flights out of Colombia to land in Panamanian government-controlled runways.
Noriega would also help with money laundering by picking up cash shipments
and depositing them in the Panamanian banking system (the US dollar is the
currency in Panama).
Carlton's man in charge of money laundering was Alfredo Caballero, who in
1983 began giving assistance to Eden Pastora Gomez, who became commander of
the ARDE (Alianza Revoluncionaria Democratica) forces of the Contra Southern
Front, in northern Costa Rica and southern Nicaragua (Public Prosecutors
Investigation on 'La Penca' Case, San Jose, Costa Rica, 26 December 1989).
Carlton got the drugs to Costa Rica. The CIA often took it from there.
The early CIA mixing of arms and drug shipments can be seen in the roundabout
flight John Hull and some members of ARDE took in June 1983. They left Tobia
Bolanos Airport in San Jose, Costa Rica, and flew to the Opa-Loca Airport in
Miami where they picked up a shipment of grenade launchers. The arms were
flown to Ilopango, El Salvador and stored. The plane was refueled and flown
on to Rio Hacha in Colombia. There it picked up a cargo of marijuana, and
flew back to the United States.
John Hull was also on hand to meet numerous flights of arms out of Florida to
Costa Rica. The arms would be unloaded, the planes would be loaded with
cocaine, then return to Florida. Included were a flight out of Fort
Lauderdale of M-60 machine guns, M-16 rifles, and C-4 explosive, that landed
at Hull's farm in Muelle de San Carlos, and another flight of armaments out
of the Opa-Loca Airport that landed in Los Llanos. Both flights took place in
July 1984. Arms flew out of the US and into Costa Rica; cocaine flew out of
Costa Rica and into the US.
Hull never made a move without the okay of CIA Chief of Station Joe
Some of the money from narcotrafficking ended up in Frigorificos de
Puntarenas S.A. in Costa Rica, from whence it was delivered to the Contras.
Frigorificos de Puntarenas had an agent representative in Miami called Ocean
Hunter Inc. Both these entities would also be used by Oliver North to channel
humanitarian funds to the Contras.

Joe Fernandez, CIA

Looking at the documentary evidence, it is not clear whether Joe Fernandez,
the CIA Chief of Station in Costa Rica thought he was working for his CIA
boss (who, after October 1984, was Alan D. Fiers, Jr., the Chief of the CIA's
Central American Task Force), or for Oliver North. Clearly Fernandez had a
lot of contact with Ollie North he didn't tell the Fiers about.
North had given Fernandez an NSA KL-43 encrypted communication device for
security. Fernandez would sit in his office in the American Embassy in San
Jose and dial up Oliver North in Washington or wherever. The KL-43 has a
keyboard and a liquid crystal display (LCD). Fernandez would type out his
message on the keyboard, and the message would show up on the LCDs at both
ends of the communication. In between (over the telephone lines) the message
would be encrypted.
Fernandez thought he had a nifty secure channel to North, and that when he
severed the connection all traces of their secret communication disappeared.
What he didn't know was that North, at his end, had a printer attached, would
print out copies of their correspondence, and have them filed away.
Later when Fernandez freely lied to the Tower Commission and the CIA Office
of Inspector General, he did so with the confidence instilled by encryption.
Then he found himself caught in the trap of North's decrypted message files.
At one point Fernandez had Eva Groening, a State Department employee, remove
all records of his phone calls and lock them in a safe. When the Walsh
Commission later subpoenaed them, they couldn't be found. (Iran-Contra: The
Final Report, Lawrence E. Walsh, Independent Counsel, Times Books, 1994). Not
to worry. The Costa Rican phone company promptly produced them. (Many of us
wish the CR phone company was as good at producing phone service as it is at
keeping records.)
There was something strange about Joe Fernandez. Most CIA Chiefs of Station
are administrators kept away from operations. But clearly Fernandez was a
hands-on guy. When a DC-3 crashed into a mountain near the 

[CTRL] Agriculture After Global Warming

2001-07-16 Thread William Shannon

Scientists Test Crop Growth in Climate Forecast for 2050

Environmental News Network
July 11, 2001

Researchers at the University of Illinois in Champaign are raising soybeans 
in the kind of atmospheric conditions forecast for the year 2050. 

By 2050, carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are expected to be about 1.5 times 
greater than the current 370 parts per million, while daytime ozone levels 
during the growing season could peak on average at 80 parts per billion—now 
60 parts per billion. 

Most scientists agree that the levels of the greenhouse gas CO2 in the 
atmosphere are rising due to the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas. Since 
the Industrial Revolution, the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has 
increased from approximately 290 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to 
greater than 370 ppmv today. 

One unknown effect of this concentration is how well food crops will grow in 
a CO2-rich atmosphere. The conversion of sunlight through the green pigment 
chlorophyll in plants uses carbon dioxide and water and releases oxygen. 

Portions of 40 acres (16 hectares) of University of Illinois farmland this 
summer are sprouting soybeans grown in the presence of higher CO2 levels. 

Next summer, elevated levels of ozone will join the mix in an experiment 
called SoyFACE that is the first of its kind.

 Global Food Security 

"When you consider the importance of the Midwest in terms of global food 
security, it is important to do this research here," said Stephen Long, a 
photosynthesis professor of plant biology at the University of Illinois. 

"Up to now, experiments related to global warming on many crops have been 
done in locations on the periphery of major food production areas," he 
pointed out. 

SoyFACE (Free Air Gas Concentration Enrichment) is the first test of crop 
growth in the presence of both increased carbon dioxide and ozone. 

Researchers want to know how soybeans may be affected, and what scientists 
might do to assure the integrity of yields and quality as the climate 
changes, the university said in a statement July 2. 

Five University of Illinois departments, the Agricultural Research Service of 
the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Illinois State Water Survey, as well 
as researchers from four other nations and two other U.S. universities are 
participating this summer. 

FACE research projects are being conducted in many places across the United 
States and around the world. In Oak Ridge, Tennessee, a sweetgum plantation 
is being grown in a CO2-rich environment, while in Rhinelander, Wisconsin an 
aspen forest is getting the CO2 treatment. Swiss scientists are testing 
grasslands and a bog in high CO2 concentrations, while in Brazil a tropical 
rain forest is being fed a CO2-rich diet. 

In Champaign, Illinois, four control and four experimental 70-foot-diameter 
(21-meter) rings now surround 24 varieties of soybeans. The experimental 
rings have vertical plastic pipes that deliver at crop level a precisely 
regulated flow of carbon dioxide, based on wind speed and direction, pumped 
from a 50-ton solar powered tank. 

Next summer, soybeans will grow on an adjacent 40 acres (16 hectares) dotted 
with 24 of the octagon shaped rings. Four rings will pump carbon dioxide, 
four will provide just ozone, and four will provide ozone and carbon dioxide. 

Natural conditions will exist in an equal number of control rings for each 

Next summer, eight more rings, including four experimental rings delivering 
CO2, will be placed among corn on the same 40 acres (16 hectares) being used 
this year for soybeans. 

50 Percent Loss in Yield 

Soybeans are sensitive to ozone. In August 1999, for instance, ozone levels 
in central Illinois exceeded the crop threshold for damage on 28 days. 
Greenhouse experiments suggest a 50 percent loss in crop yield under constant 
2050 levels. 

But under elevated CO2 levels, greenhouse work has shown increases in yields. 

This SoyFACE experiment, Long said, will provide insight as to what happens 
in real field conditions. 

Studies earlier this year by researchers at the U.S. Department of 
Agriculture Research Service (ARS) found that cropland and grassland in the 
United States could potentially store enough carbon to offset up to 14 
percent of the carbon dioxide emitted from vehicle tailpipes and industrial 
smokestacks in this country. 

The first national estimate of how much carbon these lands are storing and 
how much more they could store was developed by Marlen Eve, an ARS soil 
scientist in Fort Collins, Colorado. Eve and colleagues developed the actual 
storage estimate for use in international climate change agreement 
discussions: 20 million tons of carbon a year. 

If crops of the future utilize more CO2 than plants of today, that carbon 
storage estimate could rise. 

[CTRL] [1] Drug Trafficking by the US National Security Co…

2001-07-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=;Drug
Trafficking by the US National Security Co…/A
Costa Rica, Past  Present

Part 1: Drug Trafficking by the US National Security Council

by Zola

We call it the Ollie North International Airport. I have flown in and out of
it many times. It lies out on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, near Nosara.
It is a tiny airstrip for small planes, originally constructed for training
(touch-and-go exercises) and for refueling. It is one of about eight
airstrips built by Oliver North in Costa Rica for support of the Contras.
And, as it turns out, it is one of the reasons that three individuals working
for the US National Security Council, along with the US ambassador and the
local CIA Chief of Station, were barred from Costa Rica for narcotrafficking.
I had heard rumors about this on the Internet. One hears many things on the
Internet—some of them true, some of them not. It is not always easy to get
the facts. This has been the case especially since a CIA-drugs research
industry emerged. Some of the kingpins of this research group are into
exposure for the same reason that Elmer Gantry was into religion, or that
Christine Keeler was into politicians: namely, it's way to make a buck. So
they deliver fire and brimstone, and then pass the collection plate. They
aren't very concerned whether their information is accurate—only that it
supports their thesis.
So I went digging for verification, and found it in the archives of the Costa
Rican legislative assembly (Asamblea Legislativa). A special commission had
been appointed to investigate the facts concerning narcotrafficking in Costa
Rica (Comision Especial Nombrada para Investigar los Hechos Denunciados Sobre
Narcotrafico), and it issued its final report on July 20, 1989 in San Jose (
Expediente 10.684, Informe Final, San Jose, 20 de Julio de 1989). It wasn't
easy to find: they had buried the report down here also.
Recommendation number 13 reads:

13. Que el señor Lewis Tambs, Joe Fernández, Oliver North, John M.
Poindexter, Richard V. Secord, no se les permita la entrada al pais. [p. 74]
Here we have three individuals associated with the US National Security
Council—John M. Poindexter, Oliver North, Richard V. Secord—as well as the
local CIA Chief of Station, Joe Fernández, and the US Ambassador to Costa
Rica, Lewis Tambs, all barred from the country. Fifty members of the
legislative assembly voted to approve the report with its recommendations.
Two members did not. One of these two—Leonel Salazar Villalobos—is now
himself in prison for narcotrafficking.
General Manuel Noriega of Panama is important to the story. Noriega was the
key to drug transport through Central America during the early to mid-1980s.
My story, however, will not stop with the Costa Rican legislative report of
July 1989. Rather, it will be brought forward to the present day, to the year
2001. For there is a new drug kingpin in town, a new General Noriega, a new
man who is key to the Central American transport and distribution zone. In
due course in this series I will name him, and I will back up my assertions
with documented facts.
But first things first. Let's begin in the 1980s when Oliver North opened up
a narcotrafficking pipeline through Costa Rica. The pipeline is still here,
and Ollie North is still persona non grata.

The Southern Front, Noriega, and North

It is a simple fact of geography that Costa Rica lies between Panama, to the
south, and Nicaragua, to the north. The Southern Front were the Contras
under Eden Pastora on the southern border of Nicaragua—in the northern
frontier of Costa Rica. North's objective was to supply them with arms, food,
fuel, and whatever else was needed to fight the Sandinistas. In this respect,
there were already remnants of a network in place—one that had been used
previously to supply the Sandinistas themselves against the Nicaraguan
government of Somoza. This group was already experienced in dealing with the
logistic problems.
A key person used by North in organizing the Southern Front was John Floyd
Hull Clark (John Hull), who had lived in Costa Rica for about 20 years at
the time he applied for Costa Rican citizenship in 1983. Sometime in the
early 1980s he became a CIA asset—convenient, since he owned a lot of
property in the north of Costa Rica. Since CIA funds for the Contras had been
largely cut off, CIA Director Bill Casey had given North access to many of
the CIA's Central American assets.
Now, the legislative report and the accompanying documents are specific in
many details, but are weak in others. I have supplemented them with various
firsthand sources—Costa Rican and others. These sources generally express
respect for Richard Secord, contempt for Oliver North, and say Hull was not
a bad guy. For whatever reason, Hull had become a tool of the CIA and did
what he was told. For this, he suffered. Drug 

[CTRL] IW: Russian Mafia Net Threat

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday July 16 11:15 AM EDT

Russian Mafia Net Threat

By Laura Lorek
Interactive Week

Organized crime rings in Russia and the rest of the former Soviet Union are
increasingly hacking into U.S. e-commerce and banking Web sites, posing an
enormous economic threat.

Hackers have launched computer viruses and disruptive denial-of-service
attacks, but the biggest danger comes from hackers with ties to organized
crime breaking into computers, FBI officials said.

Spearheading the organized hacking rings is the Russian Mafia, security
experts say. The Russian Mafia has infiltrated many businesses in the
former Soviet Union, and is becoming increasingly sophisticated in computer

These groups are penetrating computers in the U.S. and other Western
countries to obtain illegal profits, said John Collingwood, FBI assistant
director for public affairs, during a briefing at FBI headquarters in
Washington, D.C., recently.

For the foreseeable future, we are going to see an explosion in this
area, Collingwood said. It's literally a brand new area for us. And it is
one where no one is sure of what the implications will be.

The FBI said that 40 companies in 20 states have been identified as targets
of what the agency euphemistically calls Eastern European organized crime
groups. More than 1 million credit card numbers have been stolen by the

The Russian Mafia is operating in 50 countries, including the U.S., with
representatives in every major city, according to Jeffrey Robinson, an
expert on the Russian Mafia and author of The Merger. He said it has
created a wealthy cabal destined to become the most powerful special
interest group in the world.

Russian hackers pose one of the biggest threats to the United States'
vibrant e-commerce and computer industry, said Julie Fergerson, a fraud
detective and co-founder of ClearCommerce, a security company for
e-commerce firms in Austin, Texas. We are seeing more and more
sophisticated attacks coming from that part of the world, Fergerson said.

Security experts said the Russian Mafia hacking rings are often run by
former KGB agents who recruit hackers in their 20s to do the dirty work.
The young hackers typically answer Internet advertisements for computer
programmers, planted by organized crime outfits in Moscow, St. Petersburg
and Murmansk.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs estimated that 5,600 criminal
groups with more than 100,000 members are primarily involved in money
laundering, the drug business and extortion.

The hackers hired by the Russian Mafia break into e-commerce computers and
steal credit card and bank account numbers. Some of them even resort to
extortion, pledging to release the data if companies do not pay them off,
security experts said.

The FBI said such hackers have penetrated U.S. e-commerce computers by
exploiting vulnerabilities in unpatched Microsoft Windows NT operating
systems. Microsoft has known about the holes since 1998 and has posted
patches to fix them on its Web site. But many companies have still not
taken steps to fix the holes, according to the FBI.

Authorities said the Russian Mafia members gain access to a company's
computer systems, download proprietary information - such as trade secrets,
customer databases and credit card information - and then demand money to
patch the system against other hackers.

We are seeing more and more clients being victims of cyberextortion
because it's so easy to launch a cyberattack, said Ty R. Sagalow, chief
operating officer of AIG eBusiness Risk Solutions, a company that writes
insurance policies against hacking attacks for companies. American
International Group hires an investigator to look into the break-in, but
under many circumstances, it will actually pay off the extortionist.

If our clients are going to lose money by getting attacked, then we pay
him off, Sagalow said. But right after we pay him off, we post a $50,000
reward for information leading to an arrest.

Eastern Europe's computer crackers and hackers are the most skillful in the
world, said Joe Rosetti, senior vice president of Ipsa International, a New
York security company.

Incidences of Russian hackers breaking into e-commerce sites abound, but it
is unclear whether they are tied to the Russian Mafia. The FBI would not
provide details on the organized hacking rings in Eastern Europe because it
has an ongoing investigation, a spokesman said.

In May, Russian police arrested a gang of suspected hackers led by a
63-year-old man. The hackers used Internet cafZ*s in Moscow to steal about
300 credit card numbers from people in Western countries, the chief of
Moscow's police computer crime unit said.

Last year, a Russian cyberthief known as Maxus stole credit card numbers
from Internet retailer CD Universe. He demanded a $100,000 ransom, but when
this was denied, he placed 25,000 of the numbers on a Web site, said Yaron
Galant, director of product development at Sanctum, an Internet 

Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

2001-07-16 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 So it is illogical to assume that the climate cycles will continue as before with
 this most unnatural and unprecedented disturbance of Planet Earth.


You demonstrate little awareness of the geo forces continually at work
on the planet. One major volcano eruption releases more so called
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere then all the worlds industrial
production for that year. A minor shift in the earth's tilt towards the sun
can suddenly lower or raise the average mean temperature several degrees
which can (and has) have dramatic effect causing sudden shifts from ice age to

Stop buying into all the hyperbolic propaganda. There clearly is an agenda
behind the global warming posturingwhat the agenda is, I am not sure.
I suspect it is a multinational corporate plan to shift industrial resources to
the Third World in order to open up the huge consumer base of the underdeveloped
world economy.

Follow the money: corporate funded Foundations provide grants to environmental
groups / environmental researchers to political minions. Add into the mix the
unquestioning breathless global warming reporting by the corporate media and
you have an ongoing formulated plan.

But of course that is just a theory.

Wouldn't want to appear paranoid now would I?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Condit Men No Strangers To Criticism

2001-07-16 Thread William Shannon

Condit family men are no strangers to criticism


(Published: Monday, July 16, 2001)

For more than 30 years, the Condit name has been familiar, first in Ceres,
later in Stanislaus County.

And long before the world ever heard of the relationship between Rep. Gary
Condit and missing intern Chandra Levy, the men of the family received
attention for triumphs and troubles.

They include a politically active police officer, a repeat criminal offender,
a congressman, a Baptist minister and an aide to the governor.

No Condit family members could be reached for comment on the history, though
the congressman's spokesman said last week that they are holding up under the
recent controversy.

"I'm sure this has been painful to all of them," chief of staff Mike Lynch
said. "It's a strong family, and a fundamentally sound group of people."

It is also a family that has faced controversies before, as chronicled in
decades of articles in The Bee archives.

Burl Condit, Gary's older brother, is a longtime Modesto police officer who
served on the Ceres school board and ran twice, unsuccessfully, for
Stanislaus County sheriff.

Over the years, Burl Condit, now 55, has received recognition and criticism.

Early in his career, he was named law enforcement Officer of the Year by the
Modesto Civitan Club, in part for capturing a man who killed a Turlock police

During his 1986 race for sheriff, though, he was criticized for involving his
brother in his campaign. Jim Trevena, who ultimately won the job, complained
that Gary Condit, then an assemblyman, was using his campaign money to fund
Burl's race.

Gary Condit dismissed the remarks as political rhetoric.

In 1993, Burl Condit was demoted from lieutenant to sergeant for secretly
giving away a police dog he claimed that he had destroyed. Two years ago, he
was one of several officers involved in a controversy surrounding the
improper sale of Police Department guns. Burl Condit never was charged with
wrongdoing, but a report by the district attorney said he may have improperly
bought as many as nine guns.

The person in the Condit family most often associated with trouble has been
Darrell Condit, the youngest brother. Now 49, he has been in and out of jail
since at least 1968, when he was arrested on suspicion of drug sales at age
16. Over the years, he has been arrested on charges ranging from armed
robbery to forgery to theft.

A recent account in the New York Daily News said Darrell Condit threatened
political retaliation in 1998 against an officer who stopped him in Ceres for
riding his bicycle on the wrong side of the road. He had an outstanding
warrant in Florida for driving under the influence at that time.

"Condit told me that I was going to be in big trouble for arresting him on
this warrant because his brother, Congressman Gary Condit, and his other
brother, Sgt. Burl Condit, from the Modesto Police Department would get him
out of this incident," the Ceres officer wrote in his report, according to
the Daily News.

Gary Condit, now 53, always has been the shining star of the family. He was
elected to the Ceres City Council at age 23 and steadily climbed up the
political ladder, serving on the county Board of Supervisors, then in the
state Assembly -- and finally going to Congress. He has enjoyed popularity
among voters in his conservative district, who have appreciated his prompt
service and his public statements that he does not drink or smoke.

But he, too, has received his share of criticism. In 1988, the California
Journal, a magazine of state government and politics, portrayed the Ceres
Democrat as having a double life. The article, based on anonymous sources,
said Condit acted the part of a solid family man in his home district but was
something different in the capital -- "a flamboyant party boy who uses his
prestige as an assemblyman to fuel his busy social life."

Condit adamantly disputed the article and said, after The Bee reported the
Journal's report, that the magazine "has always been inaccurate."

A year later, he told The Bee that he was the target of "yellow journalism"
and "the cheapest kind of innuendo."

Through the ups and downs, the Rev. Adrian Condit, the family patriarch, has
always supported his sons. During a 1985 interview with The Bee, Gary Condit
praised his father for being a role model.

"He encouraged us to always stand by each other and stand by your
commitments," he said.

A chaplain at Memorial Medical Center for nearly 20 years, Rev. Condit has
had a strong commitment to God and family. His commitment to the ministry was
the reason the family moved to Ceres from Oklahoma in 1967. He served as
pastor of Village Chapel Free Will Baptist Church in Ceres for 16 years.

Once, shortly after he arrived at the church, Rev. Condit wondered if he
would have to leave the ministry because of his youngest son's troubles with
the law. He 

Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of all Presi dents of Past 50 Years

2001-07-16 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

it amazes me how people tend to say such terrible things about Carter, but
when pressed for what he did wrong you hear about Billy pissing in public.

a sector of society hates Carter because he asked Americans to take
responsibility for their actions, so when Poppa Reagan came along and told
them they not have to worry about it anymore (and forged a deal to keep
Americans hostage until after the election) they voted him in gleefully.
-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd


 From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 14:44:24 -0400
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of all Presi
 dents of Past 50 Years

 Fact is fact - and me I thought that piece was written by Democrat
 propagandists - as for Carter, I remember when he took his problems on
 the neutron bomb home to little pigeon toed Amy.for advice.and
 when his brother like Clinton put on the performance of their lives,
 urinating in public

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sunday Silence

2001-07-16 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday Silence
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Washington, D.C. politics revolve around issues related to corporate
-- from trade agreements to the minimum wage, from environmental
protection to antitrust enforcement.

It stands to reason that conversations about politics in Washington
naturally touch on these corporate power concerns, though of course many
discussants may not talk about them in terms of corporate power.

Or at least that is what would seem to be natural.

In the case of the Sunday morning political talk shows, however, it
out that exactly the opposite is the case. The environment, labor
corporate welfare, the corporate crime epidemic and victims' right to
corporate bullies go virtually unmentioned on the Sunday talk shows.

A new report issued by our colleagues Justin Elga and George Farah finds
that topics loosely related to corporate power make up only 4 percent of
the discussion topics on the talk shows. [see] Elga and
Farah's conclusions are based on a review of every transcript of Meet
Press, Face the Nation, The Mclaughlin Group, and This Week aired
June 1995 and June 1996 and during the last six months of 1999.

The report also highlights the shows' near total exclusion of newsmaker
guests from the ranks of labor, environmental, consumer, anti-corporate
globalization or other public interest groups. The shows' almost
preference is for presidential candidates, high administration officials
or Congressional leaders -- though former Christian Coalition leader
Reed was a frequent guest when he headed that right-wing lobby.

Horserace politics dominates the political gabfests, with corporate
shunted to the sidelines.

Elga and Farah's juxtapositions of what was and was not discussed on the
shows are particularly revealing:

During the June 1995 - June 1996 period, they note, Colin Powell was
the topic of Sunday morning conversation 47 times, corporate crime 0.
Travelgate was an issue 27 times, whereas corporate welfare was
once in a list of Clinton's accomplishments. The shows discussed O.J.
Simpson 16 times, environmental matters 0. They talked about the
right 9 times, but never about consumer issues such as bank charges,
charges, HMO abuses. ... Roundtable pundits argued about Oliver Stone's
Nixon on 2 occasions but never discussed renewable energy, redlining
blockbusting. The shows never even mentioned the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund, or foreign aid, but one show made the
weather, complete with a guest from the National Weather Service, the
center of discussion. Only a single program, This Week, so much as
discussed the telecommunications bill and media mergers, which relate
closely to the owners of these Sunday programs.

In the first six months of 1999, they report, Aside from the
McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill, the most discussed issue
concerning corporate power was HMOs and a Patient Bill of Rights, ranked
26, well after Ken Starr, the Middle East peace process, the
Brooklyn art exhibit, Egypt Air Flight 990 and Jesse Ventura. The only
other issues concerning corporate power discussed during the second half
of 1999 were free trade with China and the Microsoft antitrust case. The
Mclaughlin Group also devoted a segment of a single episode to urban
sprawl. Instead of addressing consumer issues, environmental matters,
corporate crime, the IMF, the WTO, labor rights or the minimum wage,
devoted time to topics like the women's World Cup soccer victory, a moon
landing tribute, Jerry Springer's possible senatorial campaign, a heat
wave, Tina Brown's kickoff party for Talk Magazine, mail order brides,
father's day, and football player Reggie White's religious views.

Elga and Farah don't have an answer for why this state of affairs is so,
but they permit themselves some speculation.

Is it possible, they ask, that the silence on corporate power issues is
related to the shows' sponsorship by the likes of General Electric and
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)?

The shows' failed to mention -- let alone discuss -- that in 1996 ADM
guilty to criminal price-fixing charges and agreed to what was at the
the largest antitrust fine ever. The ADM plea made banner headlines in
print press. Did the company's close ties to the Sunday shows have
anything to do with their silence?

Is the Mclaughlin Group really likely to talk critically about GE --
about the company's controversial effort to block cleanup of the Hudson
River of toxic PCBs -- given General Electric's sponsorship?

On the whole, the Sunday shows are excruciating to watch. They are full
bombast and self-interested posturing. They are the stuff of
Their national ratings are miniscule.

But the talk shows are watched by journalists and policymakers in
Washington, and they work to frame news 

[CTRL] Mideast Flash Point?

2001-07-16 Thread br wahl

-Caveat Lector-

--- byron r wahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 10:31:18 -0300
 Subject: Mideast Flash Point?
 From: byron r wahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 We may be facing a bad transit of classic
 proportions 14 August 2001.
 The charts for three prominent mideast leaders are
 especially afflicted:
 Ariel Sharon, Jordan's Abdullah II, and Bashar
 al-Asad, President of
 Syria. This in addition to the intrinsic conflicts
 seen when the natal
 chart of Ariel Sharon is compared to the nativities
 of Abdullah II and
 Bashar al-Asad. The prospect is both stark and

 Comparing the geo transits 14 August 2001 to
 Sharon's geo radix note
 trans Mars conjunct his natal Saturn while
 transiting Jupiter squares
 natal Jupiter. Trans Venus conj natal Pluto.
 (Aspects described here are
 exact to within 56 arc minutes.)

 The same transits, compared to Abdullah II radix,
 reveal trans Uranus
 conj natal Mercury, trans Node quincunx natal
 Saturn, trans Saturn
 quincunx his natal Neptune, trans Sun in opposition
 to his natal Mercury
 while trans Mars is in an exact trine aspect to his
 Node (mean ascending
 lunar node, natal). Quincunx = 150deg aspect which
 can be quite nasty.

 The natal chart of President Bashar al-Asad is also
 under transiting
 planetary siege 14 August 2001. Transiting Mars will
 be in square
 (quadrature) aspect to his natal Sun. Trans Saturn
 will be quincunx his
 natal Mars while simultaneously in square aspect to
 his natal Saturn.
 Transiting Pluto will be square natal Saturn. Trans
 Venus will exactly
 trine his natal Mars. (An EXACT trine aspect is
 potentially very
 dangerous, particularly when the transiting body is
 in retrograde

 The transiting Moon contributes additional weight to
 the afflictions. It
 will oppose Sharon's natal Saturn while being
 simultaneously in square
 aspect to Bashar al-Asad's natal Sun and quincunx
 his natal Neptune.

 The transiting factors, 14 August 2001, exacerbate
 the conflicts seen when
 the nativity of Sharon is compared to those of King
 Abdullah II and
 President Bashar al-Asad:

 Sharon Node square Uranus, Bashar al-Asad; Sharon
 Mars quincunx Jupiter,
 Bashar al-Asad;  Sharon Node quincunx Mars, Bashar
 al-Asad; Sharon Saturn
 square Sun, Bashar al-Asad.

 Sharon Mars quincunx Uranus, Abdullah II; Sharon
 Saturn trine Node,
 Abdullah II; Sharon Neptune square Moon, Abdullah
 II; Sharon Neptune
 quincunx Mars, Abdullah II.

 ..Byron  (BR Wahl)  16 July 2001.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Capitalism at work: Are YOU doing enough for the corporate economy?

2001-07-16 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

  Commissioned study found smokers' early deaths helped Czech Republic

July 16, 2001: 2:24 p.m. ET

NEW YORK (CNNfn) - Smokers' early deaths may be a boon to
the Czech Republic's finances, a study
commissioned last year by Philip Morris Cos. said,
according to a published report Monday.

U.S. consulting firm Arthur D. Little International
said it studied the impact of smoking on Czech public finances
at Philip Morris' request in November 2000. According
to a Wall Street Journal report, the study found the benefit
of smokers' early mortality, together with
cigarette-tax revenue, outweighed the economic drawbacks of
health-care and other smoking-related costs.
[ That's economics in a nutshell: murder for hire. ]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Wired Left Awakens

2001-07-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[See website for embedded links.]

July 12, 2001

The Wired Left Awakens

AlterNet leads a resurgence of progressive news sites

By J.D. Lasica, OJR Senior Columnist

Will a handful of big corporations control virtually all the news published
on the Internet? On some days it certainly appears that way, especially in
light of the report last month that four companies control half of all the
traffic on the Web.
The prospects for independent content sites seem grim today, what with
Salon running low on cash and the zines Feed and Suck closing up shop.
But one voice of grassroots independent journalism has recently begun to
thrive. More surprising still, its point of view offers a decidedly
left-of-center tilt.
The secrets of AlterNet's success? It's not out to make money. And it's
riding a wave of public anger about the Bush administration's
less-than-compassionate policies on the environment, energy, civil rights
and other issues that tend to send progressives into a frothy lather.
While the right has long ruled the Net by dominating message boards, polls
and peer-to-peer sites like FreeRepublic (see my column last fall on
conservative news sites), the political left has been comparatively silent.
That may be changing.
Don Hazen, AlterNet's executive editor, says the site's traffic has soared
500 percent since President Bush took office, in much the same way that
conservative sites and publications flourished under Clinton. The site now
attracts about 200,000 unique visitors and gets 1.6 million page views a
month  numbers akin to Suck's and higher than Feed's  compared with 40,000
visitors nine months ago.
The conservative slant of Bush's administration has been a Godsend for us,
and for other left-leaning organizations, says Hazen, former publisher of
Mother Jones magazine.
The left wakes up and smells the coffee
Other left-leaning news sites have also begun to make Net denizens sit up
and take notice:, funded by the non-profit Florence Fund, publishes
commentaries and stories on subjects overlooked by the mainstream media.
The site runs ads on the op-ed page of the New York Times on topics like
the drug war and welfare reform., a slick, left-leaning news and links site, was
launched in spring 2000. It's run by a shoe-string staff and owned by the
do-gooder long-distance telephone company Working Assets.
The CommonDreams news service offers breaking news and views for the
progressive community.
This abbreviated list doesn't include online magazines that publish
original Web content like Mother Jones, The American Prospect and The
Nation, advocacy groups like CorpWatch, publications like Grist Magazine or
The Black World Today, and organizations like the ACLU, Greenpeace and
Rainforest Action Network.
AlterNet, which launched on the Web in 1998, is a branch of the Independent
Media Institute, a not-for-profit public interest media company in San
Francisco. Originally called the Institute for Alternative Journalism, IMI
was formed in 1983 by a group of alternative-newspaper editors as a
syndication service for weeklies, and it continues to do so today, with 160
papers using stories written for the service.
Recalls Hazen: Several years ago we realized we had all this great
content, and it just made sense to make it available to the public on the
The early versions of AlterNet had a funky design, but the site underwent a
major overhaul on May 29. The result? A more sophisticated look and
back-end functionality (discussion boards, searches, article purchases)
powered by RealImpact, a division of Seattle's RealNetworks that has
provided online technical services at cost to progressive organizations
since March 1998.
AlterNet relies on 300 different sources for its content offerings  some
from publications like Salon or The Nation, others written by staffers or
free-lancers.  Of its $600,000 annual budget, a third comes from
syndication income and much of the remainder from foundation grants.
The syndication arrangement is simple enough: Client newspapers select the
stories they want through an online selection process and pay a modest fee
(say, 10 cents a word). AlterNet shares half the revenue with the writer,
who retains all publication rights. The stories also appear on AlterNet's
Web site.
The site has an executive editor, creative director, managing editor, a
senior editor/staff writer, and two part-time writers. Last month AlterNet
reorganized its content and broadened its reach to concentrate on five
hot-button news categories: the drug war, globalization, health and the
environment, human rights in the United States and the concentration of
media ownership.
The death of content sites
While part of the site's success is driven by users seeking an alternative
to the conservative political headwinds, AlterNet also benefits from the
dwindling number of free-standing content 

[CTRL] Fw: Death Fast

2001-07-16 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

 The Balancesheet of the Resistance: 60 Martyrs, including 5 
Tayad members. 60 Living Dead. Hundreds of lives on the brink of 
2001 No: 273  URGENT URGENT URGENT  Sevgi 
ERDOGAN from the DHKP-C has lost her life today at 15:00 on the 267th 
day of her Death Fast action. She is a decades long revolutionary and 
she has proven once again that our beliefs and willpower can never be 
submitted, she did this by challenging death for 267 days and by 
becoming immortal. Sevgi Erdogan was born in 1956 in Erzurum, North-East 
Turkey, and graduated from Istanbul University, department of economy. 
In 1974 she was married to Ibrahim ERDOGAN. Their daughter Sirvan was 
born in 1979. She was arrested in 1981 together with her husband 
and sent to Istanbul Metris prison. Her husband Ibrahim Erdogan 
was massacred on July 12, 1991 together with his 11 comrades. Sevgi 
Erdogan, was arrested once again in 1994 in Mersin. She was sentenced to 
12 1/2 years imprisonment and stayed in Konya and Usak prison. There 
will be a funeral ceremony today at 21:00in Armutlu / Istanbul. 

[CTRL] Fw: (Fwd) Opening Pandora's box

2001-07-16 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

From: Sonja 
Opening Pandora's boxDate sent: Mon, 16 Jul 
2001 02:53:35 -0500Sonja Myers2602 WerleinHouston, TX 
77005Tel: 713 668-4524Fax: 713 668-4547Sir,Re: Opening 
Pandora's box (July 12, 2001). Kudos to Mr. Paul CraigRoberts and your paper 
for seeing and publishing the facts as they are aboutthe"trial" of the 
former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic at the UN 
"warcrimestribunal." Apart from hypocrisy, the West has so far displayed 
anastonishingdisrespect for everything they supposedly stand for. Above 
all - for theconceptof law. The question is why is the civilized world 
supporting the Haguetribunalwhen it does not recognize even the common 
rules of procedure. In thispolitically motivated "court" things like sheer 
"hear-says" are admitted ashardevidence and the right of accused to face 
his accuser is denied. We did notdothat even in the Nuremberg "victor's 
court"! Where are all the men of lawandjustice? Where is the outrage? 
Nowhere!The reason for it is very clear. "There is something rotten in 
the land" ofAmerica. And it starts from the top. From the President. The 
formerPresidentClinton replaced his failed diplomacy by bombing a 
sovereign country. Ourcurrent president, while continuing the same misguided 
policy towards Serbs,does it in a "humble way." Just as he promised in his 
election campaign. Mr.Bush is replacing his non-existent foreign policy with 
blackmail andextortion,e.g. exerting "pressure". Only, when he and his 
European allies succeeded inthis less than noble action - they decided not 
honor the deal. The Serbiangovernment has just been told that out of the 
$256 million reward (due to bepaid in August) for kidnapping and delivering 
Mr. Milosevic to Hague, the$192.3million will be paid towards Serbia's 
current debt. The remaining $64.3million"aid" will be given to Serbia in 
October. "Too little and too late", saystheSerbian prime minister Mr. 
Djindjic who believes that this will topple hisgovernment. So it should! 
There is a price to pay for doing dirty businesswithevil partners. 
Especially when one is selling the country's sovereignty andthenation's 
dignity - on top of all - for cheap. This lesson will not gounnoticedby 
the rest of the world or by all decent Americans. I will remember it 
andknowwho NOT to vote for the next time we have presidential 
elections.RespectfullySonja Myers


2001-07-16 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

Forward from mart,
From Pravda July 10, 2001.
Please distribute widely.
From Pravda Ru. 


  leaders of ethnic Albanian political parties have rejected the peace 
  plan developed with the active participation of NATO and EU (the plan 
  envisages disarmament of the Albanian guerrillas with a simultaneous 
  insertion of the respective amendments in the Macedonian constitution.). 
  According to the Albanians, the measures suggested cannot stop the civil 
  war. So, further negotiations are being called into question. Availing 
  themselves of the truce, separatists are virtually taking control of the 
  countrys various regions, keeping government forces out. The same picture 
  could be seen at the final stage of the conflict in Kosovo. NATO has 
  been too mild with terrorists and Albanian extremists, says Ljupco 
  Georgievski, Macedonias prime minister. What is going on around the 
  Albanian militants represents the worst flirting by the international 
  community with terrorist groups we have ever seen. According to Mr. 
  Georgijevski, we are witnessing a monster actually created by NATO. So, 
  NATO appears to hinder government troops efforts to oust the guerrillas 
  from the Macedonian territory. =

[CTRL] WP: Toxic Chemical Review Process Faulted Scientists on EPA Advisory Panels Often Have Conflicts of Interest, GAO Says

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Toxic Chemical Review Process Faulted Scientists on EPA Advisory Panels
Often Have Conflicts of Interest, GAO Says

By Eric Pianin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 16, 2001; Page A02

Scientists and experts who advise the Environmental Protection Agency on a
broad range of regulations governing toxic chemicals and air and water
quality frequently have ties to the affected industries or other conflicts
of interest, according to a new government study.

The General Accounting Office report found serious deficiencies in the
EPA's procedures for preventing conflicts of interest and ensuring a proper
balance of views among members of Science Advisory Board panels.

For example, four of the 13 panel members who studied the cancer risks of
the toxic chemical 1,3-butadiene in 1998 had worked for chemical companies
or industry-affiliated research organizations -- including one who had
worked for a company that manufactured 1,3-butadiene, according to the

The GAO found similar problems on three other cancer-risk assessment panels
in recent years. In one case, seven of 17 advisory board members worked for
chemical companies or for industry-affiliated research organizations. Five
other panelists had received consulting or other fees from chemical

The regulatory process benefits from scientific and technical knowledge,
expertise and competencies of panel members, the report stated. However,
the work of fully competent peer review panels can be undermined by
allegations of conflict of interest and bias.

The study, requested by Rep. Henry A. Waxman (Calif.), ranking Democrat on
the House Government Reform Committee, is scheduled to be released today.
The GAO review comes at a time of growing concern about industry's
influence over government rule-making and regulations.

The American people expect decisions that affect environmental and public
health regulations to be based on unbiased science, Waxman said, but this
GAO study reveals polluting industries are in a position to influence panel

The director of the EPA's Science Advisory Board staff generally agreed
with the report's findings and recommendations and pledged to improve
operations and procedures, according to the GAO report. A spokesman for EPA
Administrator Christine Todd Whitman said late Friday she had not seen the
report and declined to comment.

The Science Advisory Board was established by Congress in 1978 to provide
independent scientific and engineering advice to EPA administrators on the
technical basis for EPA regulations. The board often convenes peer review
panels to assess the scientific and technical rationales underlying current
or proposed EPA regulations and policies.

By law, the panels must be fairly balanced in terms of the points of view
represented, and the advice should reflect members' independent judgment,
without improper influences from special interests.

Earlier this year, Greenpeace and the Center for Health, Environment and
Justice, two environmental groups, complained about the makeup of a
subcommittee of an EPA scientific advisory panel assessing the health
threats of the chemical dioxin. About one-third of the 21 panel members
were scientists and scholars who have worked as paid consultants to the
chemical industry.

According to the GAO report, EPA officials have failed to provide for
adequate determinations of conflicts of interest when panels are formed and
do not obtain sufficient information to evaluate conflicts of interest. The
report said the EPA also fails to obtain appropriate information on
financial disclosure forms, fails to review disclosure forms in a timely
fashion and fails to adequately disclose potential conflicts of interest to
the public.

Although the GAO did not assess whether the makeup of the panels affected
the deliberations, the 1,3-butadiene panel recommended downgrading the
significance of exposure to the synthetic chemical compound that is used in
manufacturing synthetic rubber and nylon.

Based on studies that show high rates of leukemia in exposed workers, an
EPA senior staff scientist had recommended that 1,3-butadiene be classified
as a known human carcinogen. Although the panel did not reach a
consensus, a majority of the panelists recommended that the chemical be
classified as a probable human carcinogen.

A federal financial conflict-of-interest statute prohibits federal
employees from acting personally and substantially in any particular
matter that has a direct and predictable effect on their financial
interests. However, an exemption allows special government employees
serving on advisory panels to participate in matters that directly affect
their employer's financial interest if the employer is not singularly

Routt Reigart, professor of pediatrics at the Medical University of South
Carolina and a former member of a scientific advisory 

[CTRL] The Media Is the Mess

2001-07-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The Media Is the Mess

By Robert Parry
July 17, 2001

The belated discovery that George W. Bush's campaign applied two disparate
standards for counting overseas ballots in Florida  liberal for Bush
strongholds and stringent for counties carried by Al Gore  underscores
again the huge advantage that the well-funded conservative news media gives
to the Republicans.
By having a powerful media of its own  from TV networks to nationwide talk
radio, from news magazines to daily newspapers  the conservative movement
can give its stamp to events during the crucial few days when the public is
paying attention. By the time, the truth comes out  if it does  it's often
too late to change the outcome.
Now, eight months after the razor-thin Florida vote  and nearly six months
into Bush's presidency  The New York Times reveals that a key moment of
Election 2000 came when the Bush campaign labeled Gore unpatriotic for
insisting that Florida's law be followed in counting overseas absentee
votes, including those from military personnel.
Immediately, the Gore-as-unpatriotic charge was picked up by the
conservative press and echoed on the TV talk shows. The mainstream press
joined the stampede.
Gore also faced accusations of hypocrisy for seeking hand recounts for
ballots kicked out by vote-counting machines while urging that legal
requirements be met for overseas ballots. Sen. Joe Lieberman, Gore's
running mate, was verbally bludgeoned on NBC's Meet the Press until he
agreed that the overseas military votes should be given the benefit of the
The Bush strategy opened the door for Republicans to press for lax
standards on overseas votes in pro-Bush counties while enforcing narrow
rules for pro-Gore counties, a six-month New York Times investigation
found. The result was that about 680 questionable ballots were counted that
would have been rejected under the terms of Florida's election statute.
Those overseas ballots lacked required postmarks, were postmarked after
Election Day, were mailed inside the United States, were cast by voters who
had already voted, were missing signatures or contained other
irregularities. Meanwhile, hundreds of ballots with similar flaws in
pro-Gore counties were thrown away.
It could not be determined exactly how many votes Bush gained from the
disparate standards used to count flawed ballots. But the Times reported
that a statistical analysis of the 680 questionable ballots indicated that
Bush probably netted about 292 votes, meaning that his official victory
margin of 537 votes would have been trimmed to 245 votes if those ballots
had not been counted. [NYT, July 15, 2001]
Adding the Tallies
That finding  combined with newspaper analyses of Florida ballots that were
kicked out by voting machines but that indicated a presidential
choice  means that Gore most likely would have won the state and thus the
presidency if a statewide recount had been conducted and the flawed
overseas ballots had been excluded.
The Miami Herald and USA Today reported that Gore registered a net gain of
682 if so-called overvotes had been checked by hand. That number alone
would be more than enough to erase Bush's 537-vote margin, but the
newspapers made other adjustments to the tally as they incorporated
uncounted ballots that showed intent of the voters.
The newspapers concluded that Gore would have won by 242 if ballots with
multiple indentations, indicating a malfunctioning machine, were counted.
Gore's margin would have swelled to 332 if ballots with indentations only
for president were counted. If all indented ballots were thrown out,
however, Bush would have won by margins of 407 or 152, depending on whether
ballots with hanging chads or only fully punched through chads were
counted, the newspapers reported.
The New York Times' finding suggests that if the faulty overseas votes were
disqualified, trimming Bush's lead to 245 votes, Gore would have won under
three of the four standards for counting ballots.
Additionally, USA Today reported that Gore lost about 15,000 to 25,000
votes from ballot errors that resulted from confusing ballot designs in
some counties.
In another move that cut into Gore's tally, Gov. Jeb Bush's administration
improperly purged hundreds of voters  predominately African-American  after
falsely identifying them as felons. According to exit polls, Gore carried
the African-American vote by a 9-to-1 margin, so the phony felon purge
predictably hit him hardest.
Now, with The New York Times' findings, it is even clearer that Gore was
the choice of Florida voters as well as the U.S. electorate which favored
him by more than a half million ballots. Nevertheless, the American people
ended up with George W. Bush in the White House.
Media Edge
The will of the American voters was overturned in large part because the
Bush campaign and its  conservative media allies 


2001-07-16 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

(Part 4)

What IS mankind's origin? Evolution or Creation? Is there REAL
scientific evidence supporting the
Bible? The Story of Jesus? Could these really be the End Times? Should I
trust My Government? My
Church? The Media? Be forewarned: this report is NOT politically
correct. It scientifically examines
documents that have been hidden away for centuries, exposing the
conspiracy to suppress evidence
PROVING there is a God! Who ARE the Illuminati? WHY would they do
something so monstrous?
Prepare yourself for some major shocks:

   PART 4: 1 CHANCE IN 100,000,000,000,000,000!

Author and top physiologist Dr. A.C. Ivy answers the skeptics and
scientific community: ...I am
not ashamed to let the world know what I believe, and that I can
intellectually defend my belief...On the
basis of historical evidence of existing biological knowledge, the
scientist who is TRUE TO THE
PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE can doubt the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ,
but he cannot DENY it.
resurrection of Jesus Christ on the basis of what biology now knows is
to manifest an UNSCIENTIFIC
attitude according to my philosopy of the true scientific attitude.

Part 4 can be read at:
The Joshua Report
Michael  The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report
If One Forgets The Past, He Will
Not Be Prepared For The Future

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fw: Milosevic Has a Point

2001-07-16 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
To: Mrs. 
Jela Jovanovic ; 

Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: Milosevic Has a Point

  THE 15 
  4 / FOR 
  Please repeat the above appeal, until the day 
  the real war criminals sit down before the justice. 
  General Kostas X. Konstantinidis(Ret)
  Original Message - 
  Mrs. Jela 
  Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 12:29 
  Subject: Milosevic Has a Point

Published on Friday, July 6, 2001 in the Toronto Globe  Mail

Milosevic Has a PointThe former Serb leader has about as much chance of getting a fair 
trial from this court as he had of defeating NATO in an air war, says 
law professor 

by Michael Mandel


  Legal experts this week dismissed 
Slobodan Milosevic's condemnation of The Hague Tribunal as "unhelpful to 
his defence" and "unlikely to help him win an acquittal." 
That's really rich. Mr. Milosevic has about as much chance of getting 
a fair trial from this court as he had of defeating NATO in an air 
In fact there is a lot to be said for Mr. Milosevic's claim that the 
tribunal is "false tribunal, and indictments false indictments." When 
the former Serb leader said "This trial's aim is to produce false 
justification for the war crimes of NATO, committed in Yugoslavia," he 
was, in fact, just echoing the words of Michael Scharf, the man who 
wrote the original tribunal statute for then U.S. secretary of state 
Madeleine Albright.
Mr. Scharf wrote in October, 1999, in the Washington Post that "the 
tribunal was widely perceived within the government as little more than 
a public relations device and as a potentially useful policy tool." He 
said that indictments would serve "to isolate offending leaders 
diplomatically, strengthen the hand of their domestic rivals and fortify 
the international political will to employ economic sanctions or use 
Treating the tribunal as a propaganda arm of NATO is, in fact, the 
only way to make sense of its violation of the principles of judicial 
impartiality. The indictment against Mr. Milosevic was issued on May 22, 
1999, even as NATO's bombs were falling on Yugoslavia; most of the 
charges, concerning actions alleged to have occurred after the 
bombing had commenced, relied on undisclosed evidence supplied by none 
other than NATO itself. This in the middle of a war! An impartial 
prosecutor should have viewed such evidence as questionable.
If there were an honest tribunal in The Hague, Mr. Milosevic would 
not be the only government leader on trial. NATO's leaders, from Bill 
Clinton and Jean Chrétien to Tony Blair and Jose Maria Aznar committed 
what the Nuremberg judgment called "the supreme international crime" -- 
resorting to war.
As chief prosecutor Robert Jackson said at Nuremberg: "An honestly 

Re: [CTRL] WP: Levy Looked Up Map Of a 'Rock Creek' Site

2001-07-16 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

On 16 Jul 01, at 9:46, MIKE SPITZER wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 If infidelity is the test, there would be a number of members of
 Congress that should resign, Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) said on
 CNN's Late Edition.

 [Lol! Try *ALL* members of the House and Senate!!  I heard Ramsey last
 night on CNN's Face the Nation.  Rock Creek Park will be the first to
 be searched today by a large number of police academy cadets and
 recruits that he called in to do the now nearly random searching as
 they begin to run out of more productive leads to run.  Walsh
 (America's Most Wanted) was also a guest on the show.  He said that
 his show's Sat night Levy segment generated 160 seemingly decent
 leads.  While they wait forensic lab results, the detectives will
 reinterview ppl and follow-up on most of the AMW generated leads while
 the cadets/recrutes randomly search wider and wider circles from
 Levy's apt.  Btw, for the ongoing FR thread on this stuff, see: .   --MS]

Maybe Condit's wife took the body home and put it through the
wood chipper.

I keep hearing stories on the news asking why the public should be
so concerned about Chandra Levy when so many others disappear
and it is not major news.

I would think the answer would be that a young woman, a
Washington intern keeping company with the nation's most
prestigious, respected men--the men who run our government and
are supposed to be the nation's most trusted figures-- ought to be
considered to be in safe company. When something happens to
her in those circumstances, it IS major news.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] George Bush is a gentleman.....

2001-07-16 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

On 16 Jul 01, at 14:44, Aleisha Saba wrote:

 George Bush is a gentleman - too bad he is not like a Clinton who
 sells snake oil, or even Clayton Powell - for Powell and Clinton and
 even Alan Keyes are well trained, well programmed parrots for this New
 World Order.if you cannot tell the programmed idiots by now, well
 continue to vote democrat.

A gentleman who's brothers (they are not gentlemen?) have stolen
over $5 million dollars right out from under the public's nose--all of
which has already been reported on and written about in major

We should all be such gentlefolk. I suppose the gentle part is that
they are, for some inexplicable reason (Dad head of CIA?) able to
get away with it and we are not.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Civilian Work Camps, Police State Weaponry, Counter-Insurgency Com...

2001-07-16 Thread Dr Umbji

-Caveat Lector-

The new weapons are intended primarily to suppress civil unrest - and have
been used extensively at recent global trade and other largely peaceful
protests in Seattle, Washington DC, Philadelphia, LA, Prague and Davos.

Peaceful eh? A likely story, but an Orwellian truth the organisers of these
revolutionary gatherings to save the world are want to spread near and far
with the implication that a peaceful gathering only turned nasty due to
policy heavyhandedness.

Globalisation is a problem, but the response thus far has not been inspiring,
especially the willingness of protesters to lie or divert blame about the
violence and property destruction that has accompanied their noble
gatherings. But I fear that the brave revolutionary story of a peaceful
blockade  innocently attempting to shut down yet another meeting of the
nefarious capitalists plotting to plunder the world, only to be broken up by
the brutal police with their tear gas and provocative security barriers,
the resulting turmoil causing the unjustly treated protesters to wreak wanton
destruction on anything close to hand (that doesn't belong to them, but no
matter) will continue for some time yet.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-16 Thread Dr Umbji

-Caveat Lector-

And that's all true ?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The state is more powerful than ever

2001-07-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The state is more powerful than ever; the view that big business alone
shapes the new world order is wrong.

by John Pilger :09 Jul 2001

  There is a view fashionable in the media that the world is being taken over
by huge multinational corporations, accountable to no one. Governments are
reduced to playing the role of servile lackeys to big business, Noreena
Hertz, the dissident financier, wrote in these pages recently. Even the US
government has surrendered state power, she says, citing George W Bush's
shameful obsequiousness to big energy corporations.

For all the vivid examples of modern corporate power, such as the annual
income of Motorola being equal to the annual income of Nigeria's 118 million
people, it is folly to believe that big business on its own is shaping the
new world order. This allows the argument against globalisation to be
depoliticised, reducing it to single issues of ethical trading and codes
of conduct, and inviting its co-option. Above all, it misses the point that
state power in the west is accelerating.

Globalisation does not mean the impotence of the state, wrote the Russian
economist and activist Boris Kagarlitsky, but the rejection by the state of
its social functions in favour of repressive ones, irresponsibility on the
part of governments and the ending of democratic freedoms. The illusion of
a weakened state is enticing: indeed, it is the smokescreen thrown up by the
designers of modern, centralised power. Margaret Thatcher concentrated
executive power while claiming the opposite; Tony Blair has done the same.
The European project is all about extending the frontiers of the state.
Totalitarian China has embraced the free market while consolidating its
vast state apparatus. The autocracies in Singapore and Malaysia achieved the
same while growing stronger. (Not surprisingly, Blair is an admirer of

It is the American state that surpasses them all, and it has never been more
powerful. The notion that George Bush is obsequious to big energy
corporations (and ought to be ashamed of himself) is naive. Big oil, like
big weapons manufacturing and big agribusiness, has always been as one with
the occupants of the White House and the US government; they are
interchangeable. That is the American way. Without government patronage,
some of the greatest corporations would fail. The Cargill Corporation, which
dominates the world trade in food grains, would not enjoy its monopoly, were
it not for years of big subsidies to American agribusiness, as well as US
government policies that used food aid to subvert the agriculture of
developing countries.

It was the triumphant American state that fashioned the present global
economy at Bretton Woods in 1944, so that its military and corporate arms
would have unlimited access to minerals, oil, markets and cheap labour. In
1948, the State Department's senior imperial planner, George Kennan, wrote:
We have 50 per cent of the world's wealth, but only 6.3 per cent of its
population. In this situation, our real job in the coming period is to
devise a pattern of relationships which permit us to maintain this position
of disparity. To do so, we have to dispense with all sentimentality . . . we
should cease thinking about human rights, the raising of living standards
and democratisation. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
were invented to implement this strategy. Their base is Washington, where
they are joined by an umbilical cord to the US Treasury, a few blocks away.
This is where the globalisation of poverty and the use of debt as a weapon
of control was conceived. When John Maynard Keynes, the British
representative at Bretton Woods, proposed a tax on creditor nations,
designed to prevent poor countries falling into perpetual debt, he was told
by the Americans that if he persisted, Britain would not get its desperately
needed war loans. More than half a century later, the gap between the
richest 20 per cent of humanity and the poorest 20 per cent has doubled; and
structural adjustment programmes have secured an indebted imperium greater
than the British empire at its height.

The danger of the moderate view, which refuses to contemplate the sheer
rapacity of western state power, is that it can be co-opted. The World Bank
and the IMF, now under siege as never before, have devised their survival
tactics in relation to this. Overnight, the IMF, the greatest of the loan
sharks, has begun to sound like an institutional Mother Teresa, with a
mission to defeat poverty. Together with the World Bank, and the World
Trade Organisation, it now promotes dialogue with moderate
non-governmental organisations (NGOs) opposed to globalisation, anointing
them as serious opponents, in contrast to the hooligans on the streets.
Clare Short's Department for International Development employs this tactic,
co-opting leading NGOs for consultation, even commissioning them to
contribute to 


2001-07-16 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

and you'rea doctor of what exactly ?
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] THE TRUE HISTORY OF HUMANITY [hennessey]

 -Caveat Lector-

 And that's all true ?

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Civilian Work Camps, Police State Weaponry, Counter-Insurgency Com...

2001-07-16 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

sorry Dr Who - but life really isn't a pro-establishment

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Civilian Work Camps, Police State Weaponry,
Counter-Insurgency Com...

 -Caveat Lector-

 The new weapons are intended primarily to suppress civil unrest - and
 been used extensively at recent global trade and other largely peaceful
 protests in Seattle, Washington DC, Philadelphia, LA, Prague and Davos.

 Peaceful eh? A likely story, but an Orwellian truth the organisers of
 revolutionary gatherings to save the world are want to spread near and far
 with the implication that a peaceful gathering only turned nasty due to
 policy heavyhandedness.

 Globalisation is a problem, but the response thus far has not been
 especially the willingness of protesters to lie or divert blame about the
 violence and property destruction that has accompanied their noble
 gatherings. But I fear that the brave revolutionary story of a peaceful
 blockade  innocently attempting to shut down yet another meeting of the
 nefarious capitalists plotting to plunder the world, only to be broken up
 the brutal police with their tear gas and provocative security
 the resulting turmoil causing the unjustly treated protesters to wreak
 destruction on anything close to hand (that doesn't belong to them, but no
 matter) will continue for some time yet.


 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NewsMax: Secret Foster Witness Speaks after 7-Year Silence

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-
Monday, July 16, 2001 1:02 p.m. EDT

Secret Foster Case Witness Speaks Out After 7-Year Silence

It's been seven years since the man who discovered Vincent Foster's
lifeless body in a Virginia Park was interviewed by Whitewater

His explosive testimony was deemed credible by Special Counsel Robert
Fiske, who sent FBI agents to his home for four separate interrogations.

His bombshell account has never been refuted by investigators working for
Fiske's successor, independent counsel Kenneth Starr, the Senate Banking
Committee, GOP Foster case prober the late Rep. Steven Schiff, or any other
government entity charged with investigating Foster's death.

And if what this key witness says is true - that Vincent Foster had no gun
in either hand before U.S. Park Police and the Fairfax County Fire and
Rescue Squad found his body eight years ago this week - then the official
conclusion that Foster shot himself in Fort Marcy Park was startlingly and
unequivocally wrong.

To this day the man who discovered the Clinton deputy White House counsel
in Fort Marcy still fears for his safety, guarding his true identity with
the initials CW, the acronym for the name given to him by Fiske's Foster
case probers: Confidential Witness.

Saturday night, for the first time since he went public briefly in 1994, CW
spoke out - in an exclusive two-hour interview with WABC Radio's John
Batchelor and Paul Alexander.

Also on hand was's Carl Limbacher.

Some highlights:

ALEXANDER: Can you describe what you first saw?

CW: The very first thing I saw was something white through the trees.
Investigating, I saw that it was a body. So, very, very carefully, making
sure that I didn't disturb anything, I went over to see what it could be.
You know, I didn't have a clue who it was - I approached the body straight
from his head. He was feet down on a 45-degree angle down the embankment.

ALEXANDER: Was he face up? Was he face down?

CW: Face straight up. Hands on each side of his body straight away. Just
like he was - just laid down.

ALEXANDER: Could you tell immediately that he was dead?

CW: Oh, yes. There was black dried blood on his lips and his nose. Just
white glazed eyes.

ALEXANDER: Were the eyes open?

CW: His eyes were maybe one third of the way open.

ALEXANDER: So you're standing there, you see this body. What do you think
at this point?

CW: Well, the first thing I thought was that somebody knocked him in the
head because I couldn't see any sign of any blood on his shirt and
trousers. Just the blood around his mouth and his nose.

ALEXANDER: So you thought he had been hit by someone?

CW: I thought somebody hit him in the head.

ALEXANDER: And killed him by hitting him in the head?

CW: That's what I thought when I first saw it. ... I looked to see if he
had something in his hands that he could defend himself with - maybe a rock
or something like that.

ALEXANDER: And did you find anything?

CW: No. And that's why I was so adamant and so sure [that Foster had no
gun]. Because I clearly looked at both hands. And they were straight down
by his sides, fully extended, straight as can be, and both hands were palm

ALEXANDER: Both hands were palm up?

CW: There was zero doubt. None. Both hands were palm up. [Note: in the
single Foster death scene photo released by investigators, Foster's hand is
turned on its side, palm facing toward the ground, with a gun clearly

ALEXANDER: When you first saw the body, did you see any gun anywhere?

CW: None ...

CW: Several things led me to believe he had been placed there.

ALEXANDER: What was that? What made you believe that he had been placed

CW: The embankment is very, very steep. [Fort Marcy Park] is a Civil War
fort - very densely overgrown. ... The leaves were at least four to six
inches deep in that area where he was lying. But the leaves from just about
his waist down to the bottom of the 45-degree slope, for an area that was
approximately four to five feet wide, below his body and up to just about
his waist, had all been tramped down. It was as if somebody had walked back
and forth at least a dozen times. ...

BATCHELOR: CW, I want to take you to the body again. Let's look down at the
body. You're looking down at it now. You're within a foot, two feet of the
body, looking from the head to the feet?

CW: My foot is about two feet from the top of his head. ... I'm leaning
over and looking directly down into his face. My face is approximately
three, three and a half feet from his face.

BATCHELOR: And the body could not be seen from the other side of the berm?

CW: No. Unless you went over the side of the berm you would never see it.

BATCHELOR: You said he had a white shirt on. CW: A very expensive white
shirt and a very expensive pair of pants and also a very expensive pair of

BATCHELOR: Now go back to the shirt. The shirt was buttoned all the way to
the top?

CW: Yes, sir.

BATCHELOR: And there was a 

Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of all Presi dents of Past 50 Years

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

I agree 100%!

Carter is my favorite President, circa my life time...mainly because I put
an extremely high premium on honesty and integrity.  Carter was a genuinely
good guy.  In fact, I see him as the *only* ethical Pres. this country has
had since...???...since I don't even know when.  Ford may have been a good
guy, and got a bum rap??  Seems ethics and being a good Pres. are almost
mutually exclusive concepts, huh?  :-(

My second favorite is JFK...and, as strange as it may sound (I never
thought I'd be saying this!), I like Clinton.  I didn't vote for him, but
looking back, and comparing him to the likes of a Bush, he's was a saint!
As someone on list wrote yesterday, it definitely WILL take a LONG time to
get over the Bush we have in office now, just as it did with his dad!

Best regards,


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of all Presi
dents of Past 50 Years

-Caveat Lector-

it amazes me how people tend to say such terrible things about Carter, but
when pressed for what he did wrong you hear about Billy pissing in public.

a sector of society hates Carter because he asked Americans to take
responsibility for their actions, so when Poppa Reagan came along and told
them they not have to worry about it anymore (and forged a deal to keep
Americans hostage until after the election) they voted him in gleefully.

-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-07-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


by Brian Onley, antiMatter columnist

July 15, 2001

Take our cameras away and only twits will have cameras...
--National Covert Surveillance Association

For a long time now, surveillance imaging has been a multi-billion dollar
industry. Everyone from the Defense Department all the way down to the
convenience store on your local street corner has gobs of cameras in plain
sight. In most cases this surveillance gear has primarily been used for
protection from possible theft, robbery, or my personal favorite  other
criminal activity. Currently though, a disturbing trend towards the use of
surveillance equipment for outright spying on common people going about
normal daily activities in the public community has become equivalent to a
dictatorial police state  something akin to what Russia and Nazi Germany
experienced for so many years.
The increasing use of so-called speed-trap-cameras and facial recognition
systems recently in the news has a more insidious ring to it than anyone is
willing to talk much about.
Since this technology has been staring the general public in the face for
quite awhile, it appears some feel there is not a problem using it for what
borders on questionable issues of constitutionality. Further, at what point
do the machinations of duly elected officials' decisions to implement
public safety measures using such technology perform anything but
governmental safety measures and ultimately total control?
After all, paranoia in both government and the private sector has reared
its ugly head in other ways, each time chipping away the gray areas around
our fundamental rights and freedoms. These attempts at chipping are
coming dangerously close to the ultimate removal of any personal rights for
what they deem to be the greater good.
This in turn leads to the question  the greater good for whom and why?
The form of law under which the use of these cameras falls is Search 
Seizure, or SS. The cameras search for your car tags or face in a crowd
and then they seize your money or your freedom, or both. The pure essence
of SS can be summed up as clearly warrantless and as we have seen in the
past, does not legally fall under the U.S. Constitution in this particular
Most searches occur without warrants being issued. Over the years, the
courts have defined a number of situations in which a search warrant is not
necessary, either because the search is per se reasonable under the
circumstances or because, due to a lack of a reasonable expectation of
privacy, the Fourth Amendment doesn't apply at all.1
It is the 'reasonable expectation of privacy' at issue here and what
exactly defines 'reasonable expectation.'
Seated within the confines of your privately owned vehicle, you are no
longer within the private domain. Since you are now in public, on a public
street in full view of the authorities at all times, you now have lost the
constitutional rights based solely on privacy.
Decisions to expand the SS process parameters were simple. What if someone
was in their car on their way to commit a crime, and had a firearm in clear
view on the front seat? Obviously if they were stopped by a police officer
in a routine manner, the sight of the gun on the seat would allow the
officer to conduct a further search of the driver and/or the vehicle
without first obtaining a warrant, based solely upon the officer's judgment
of the circumstances at the time.
This indefinable judgment is another tidy little piece of law referred to
as Probable Cause, which defines the grounds for SS:
The Fourth Amendment doesn't define probable cause. Its meaning remains
fuzzy. What is clear is that after 200 years of court interpretations, the
affidavits submitted by police officers to judges have to identify
objectively suspicious activities rather than simply recite the officer's
subjective beliefs. The affidavits also have to establish more than a
suspicion that criminal activity is afoot, but do not have to show proof
beyond a reasonable doubt. The information in the affidavit need not be in
a form that would make it
admissible at trial. However, the circumstances set forth in the affidavit
as a whole should demonstrate the reliability of the information.2
Of course, our patrol officers are only following guidelines passed down to
them by their superiors, the result of decisions ultimately made
elsewhere.  In essence, the officers are only doing their job.
Though both SS and probable cause have become formal policy and are
designed to aid the enforcement of law, the issue which comes dangerously
close to a state dictatorial power is the gradual inclusion of what
constitutes the basis for Probable Cause, and hence SS.
Public safety has always been the calling card for new and improved
restrictions on personal liberties. Let's face it; society has changed
somewhat in over 200 years. Advances in 'probable 

Re: [CTRL] CNN Time Warner AOL Conspiracy

2001-07-16 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 16 Jul 01, at 9:11, MIKE SPITZER wrote:

 Steve,  what's the URL for WinMx?

Mike, the link is



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] DetroitNews: The Graduation Gap: Colleges' retention of blacks dis...

2001-07-16 Thread Don Daniels
The fact of the matter is that most of these blacks simply don't possess the
natural intelligence requred for college, and all this "affirmative action"
nonsense is a modern-day attempt to make the proverbial silk purse out of the
proverbial sow's ear.

Of course, since this theory violates political correctness, it's naturally
not mentioned in the article.

Re: [CTRL] CNSNews: Chicago Jail Inmates Courted For Absentee Voting

2001-07-16 Thread Don Daniels
The city's going-allout efforts to make sure these hooligans get to vote
certainly does add dignity to the electoral process.

It's enough to make George Washington barf his dentures out.

Re: [CTRL] IW: Russian Mafia Net Threat

2001-07-16 Thread Don Daniels
The end of the Cold War isn't, unfortunately, what it was cracked up to be
all those years when we were yearning for the time when Russia would abandon


[CTRL] FC: Condit-Levy update: Web page woes, Levy's web browsing (fwd)

2001-07-16 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

By Allan Lengel and Sari Horwitz
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, July 16, 2001; Page B01

Chandra Levy looked up a map site on the Internet for the Klingle
Mansion in Rock Creek Park before logging off her laptop computer for
the last time, a senior police official said yesterday.

For more than three hours starting about 9:30 a.m. May 1, Levy was on
her computer, looking up the Rock Creek site and other locations as
well as Web pages for airline and train tickets to California, where
she planned to attend her graduation ceremony at the University of
Southern California, Executive Assistant Police Chief Terrance W.
Gainer said. Police said they are not sure whether Levy, 24, ever
visited Klingle Mansion, and they declined to disclose the other
locations that she was checking on the Internet. Levy was last seen at
her D.C. health club April 30.


Yo, Condit: Update Your Web Page
By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
2:00 a.m. July 14, 2001 PDT

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Gary Condit must own the most ironic Web page on
Capitol Hill.

Gary Technically Not a Suspect Condit, who's ensnared in the hunt
for Chandra Levy, has a typically nondescript home page that really,
really should have been updated after news of the scandal broke.

One thing you'll find is a prominent graphical link to the National
Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which one imagines might
have some harsh words for the 53-year-old Democrat who's being
investigated for obstructing a police inquiry into Levy's current

And the first line of his bio probably shouldn't read: Life in
politics has been anything but dull for Gary Condit.

After all, we already knew that.


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[CTRL] Support for Klamath Farmers Grows (fwd)

2001-07-16 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Support for Klamath Farmers Grows
By John Carty Correspondent
July 11, 2001

An on-line petition drive to support the farmers of Oregon's Klamath Basin in
their battle to regain water rights that the federal government stripped away
in order to protect endangered and threatened species of fish, now has
more than 3,700 signatures.

The Klamath Water Users Association, which is responsible for the Klamath
Basin Crisis website, introduced the petition which urges immediate action
to reverse a decision that the group claims interferes with [the farmers']
God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The controvery revolves around the Endangered Species Act. The Klamath Basin
has been found to be the home of sucker fish and the Coho salmon, which are
listed as endangered and threatened species, respectively. The basin also
supplies water to over 210,000 acres of farmland, which were included in a
government deal called the Klamath Project.. One thousand, four hundred
families depend on this farmland for their livelihood.

The irrigation gates at Klamath Lake have been closed since April 7th,
shutting off the flow of water to the farmland. Furthermore, the farmers have
been offered no restitution for their resulting losses, depite a ruling
earlier this year in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims which stated that the
government must compensate property owners if the government takes away their
water sources to protect endangered fish.

The Klamath Water Users Association finds the actions of the government to be
reprehensible and intolerable. In its petition, addressed to political
leaders ranging from the Klamath County Sheriff and Commissioners to
President Bush and the U.S. Congress, the association calls for all federal
government agencies to immediately cease and desist from any activities that
are denying the farmers their water rights.

These rights were granted to the farmers in 1902 under the Reclamation Act,
in which Oregon and California ceded areas of the Klamath Basin to the
federal government so they could refurbish the land in an effort to promote
homesteading. Under the provisions of the act, all unappropriated water use
rights in the basin were to go to the Klamath Project. The United States
Bureau of Reclamation has since rescinded those rights on the grounds of
protecting the fish.

Because the farmers do not actually own the Klamath Basin but rather were
only granted rights to its use, the law of eminent domain, which states that
landowners must be compensated with the fair-market value for any land taken
by the government for the public good, does not apply. Nevertheless, the
farmers say they have been cheated.

They call the Endangered Species Act, an unconstitutional encumbrance on the
lives of local citizens all over this nation. Their petition claims that the
act is used frivolously to deprive citizens of their lawful property rights,
in violation of limits on federal government powers as described in the
Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

In addition to the restoration of its water rights, the association is
calling for monetary relief and assistance from Congress and the cutting
off of funding for the Endangered Species Act.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Gays/NAMBLA/Erotica

2001-07-16 Thread Yardbird

[I'm not trying to link these three just saving posts :)]

Rainbow Symbol 'Hijacked' by Homosexuals, Says Pro-Family Group
( - The rainbow, considered by many to be a biblical symbol full of hope 
and promise, is used widely today by homosexuals as a symbol of their activism. And 
some conservative pro-family groups charge that the rainbow symbol not only has been 
hijacked, but that institutions like the University of Hawaii have caved in to 
homosexuals in order to be politically correct..\Culture\archive\200107\CUL20010716c.html

Court to Hear NAMBLA Literature Case
( - A U.S. District Court judge in Massachusetts this week will conduct an 
open hearing into whether incriminating background information about the North 
American Man-Boy Love Association should be included in a wrongful death lawsuit 
against the group. The American Civil Liberties Union (ALCU) is defending NAMBLA in 
the suit that was filed last year by the parents of Jeffrey Curley.\Nation\archive\200107\NAT20010716a.html

Adult Entertainment Event Attracts Conservatives, Too
Los Angeles, Calif. ( - Erotica-LA, a three-day event at the Los Angeles 
Convention Center, is billed as an attempt to bridge the chasm between the adult 
industry and mainstream America. For three days, more than one hundred vendors will 
sell every type of adult product imaginable, from videos to sexual aides to clothing.\Culture\archive\200107\CUL20010716b.html


2001-07-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

For interviews contact: 800 556-2012
July 16,2001


An aide to Senator Patrick Leahy’s (D-Vt.) Senate Judiciary Committee said
that the Committee is “not interested” in probing links to drug smugglers of
Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchinson in his confirmation hearing Tuesday to be the
new head of America’s Drug Enforcement Administration.

“Its not our job to conduct any investigation into the matters you’ve brought
up,” Mary DeOreo told Daniel Hopsicker, author of a new book with damaging
information about Hutchinson in a phone call Monday. The book, “Barry  ‘the
boys’” (MadCowPress) due out in September, documents Hutchinson’s recent ties
with one of Mena drug smuggler Barry Seal’s top operatives in the cocaine
smuggling which took place while Hutchinson was US Attorney for the Western
District of Arkansas, encompassing Mena.

“Asa Hutchinson has documented recent ties with one of the principals in
Barry Seal's smuggling organization, Michael Roy Fugler, that operated with
impunity while numerous law enforcement officials accused Hutchinson of doing
nothing to stop it, and of, in fact, protecting the operation,” Hopsicker

“Its shocking that the Senate Judiciary Committee, which must approve
Hutchinson’s nomination, is uninterested in the fact that Hutchinson became
the marketing poster boy for a company recently taken public by a member of
Seal’s drug ring.”

The book quotes Arkansas State Police Commander, Finis Duvall, whose area
included Mena, as saying that on at least one occasion then-US Attorney Asa
Hutchinson ‘took care’ of a Mena legal entanglement for Barry Seal that has
never been surfaced in the press. Duvall states the Arkansas State police
didn't even try to develop a case against the Mena drug smuggling, because it
was well known that it was being 'protected.' We always knew we couldn't
prosecute Barry Seal, no matter what we got on him, because of the politics
involved in the Western Judicial District, said the former Arkansas State
Police Commander, referring to Hutchinson.

“Barry  ‘the boys, The CIA, the Mob, and America’s Secret History” is the
result of a three-year long investigation into Barry Seal, who government
attorneys called the biggest drug smuggler in American history, contains
revelations about Seal’s involvement with top officials in both major
political parties, including Republican Attorney General Ed Meese, former
Democratic National Chairman Charles Manatt, and Al Gore's campaign chairman
Tony Coelho.

According to informed sources like Miami private investigator Gary McDaniel,
Every successful drug smuggling organization needs four things: Production,
distribution, transportation, and protection. Did the man about to be in
charge of America’s Drug War provide protection to the biggest smuggling
operation in American history?
Apparently, the Senate Judiciary Committee is afraid to find out.

(“Barry  ‘the boys,’” in bookstores in September, is currently available in
a pre-publication release at, or by calling

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [news] The Media Is the Mess

2001-07-16 Thread Kris Millegan -

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A newspaper's finding that George W. Bush padded his narrow lead in
Florida by getting lax standards applied to overseas ballots in his
strongholds while using stringent standards in Al Gore's counties adds
some historical details to Election 2000. But the bigger picture is the
failure of the national news media to inform the American people in a
timely way and to protect their democratic rights.

Indeed, last year's campaign and election were replete with examples of
the news media misreporting key facts and missing important stories.
Through to the end, the press corps was complicit in the overturning of
the voters' will. For the full story on how the media has become the mess,
go to at

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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of allPresidents ofPast 50 Years

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of
allPresidents ofPast 50 Years

On 15 Jul 01, at 23:22, BB wrote:

  He won ...Get over it.

Steve, who was it that wrote the above, I forgot?

Here's what I have to say to whomever it was: Man, if you would have been
reading the posts regarding the FINAL FINDINGS regarding the FL ballot
miscounting and theft that has appeared in the main stream media over the
last several days, ... well, it is beyond me how anyone that has been on
this list, AND READ THE STUFF POSTED ON IT, could even POSSIBLY have any
doubt as to who REALLY WON!

Can you read lips, Einstein?

Here, let me speak louder, for the benefit of the hearing impaired:


I mean, DUH!

 So does that mean we should not examine the President critically?

 Not even a Bush?


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Barry Chamish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Roslyn [EMAIL PROTECTED]; People:
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 11:20 AM


by Barry Chamish

Okay, I believe you but what can I do?

Even if you're right, there's nothing we can do to change things.

Fine, you identified the problem, what's the solution?

Yes, there are ways. With lots of flair and imagination, we CAN change

1. A Law To Revoke - In November, 1993, the Rabin government passed a law
retroactively legalizing meetings between Israelis and members of the PLO.
Until then, such meetings were illegal treason. The law saved the likes of
Shimon Peres, Yossi Beilin, Ron Pundak, Yair Hirschfeld and Uri Savir from
prison for illegally meeting the PLO.

Let's revoke it. From a jurisdictive point of view, we have all the high
cards. Numerous legalists have explained that there is no precedent for a
retroactive law protecting criminals from high crime. One can no more
retroactively legalize treason than murder or rape.

Many, many people have tried to have the Oslo Accord repealed because the
PLO have broken its clauses thousands of times. But getting rid of an
internationally sanctioned treaty is not simple. Rescinding the retroactive
meeting law is, legalistically speaking, a snap. It is an unbelievably
non-binding piece of legislation. A few good arguments to the Supreme Court
could do the trick.

And imagine the fine results after: No one, not Sharon, not Peres could
meet any PLO leader until a new law was passed. And we'll fight that one as
well. And best of all, the Oslo criminals could finally be prosecuted.

So where are a gutsy attorney or two?

2. Get the CIA - Now that the Israeli Defence Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer
has acknowledged that the CIA trained the PLO death squads, with agreement
from Shimon Peres; and now that a wide range of experts have acknowledged
that the CIA trained numerous PLO policemen in the fine arts of advanced
snipery and sundry deadly operations, let's get the CIA and hard.

Why says the American taxpayer would have agreed to foot the bill for the
PLO's training in sophisticated murder techniques? Who says the CIA had any
legal right to train these squads, which have murdered over 100 Jews and
maimed five times that number, even with the permission of Peres?

Investigate George Tenet's direct role in the mass murder of Israeli
citizens. Prosecute him if he overstepped ANY law.

And while you're at it, you may as well expose the further training of the
PLO at Lackland Airforce Base in Texas. My sources assure me, the
policemen are there right now taking courses in the slaughter of

American lawyers, where are you?

3. No Place To Hide Anymore For Yoram Rubin - Yes, the State Prosecutor
found a trick to drop one of the two charges against Avishai Raviv. Yes,
the ploy is to delay his trial until the statute of limitations for
indictment on new charges passes. So let's open a new front. Rabin's last
bodyguard, Yoram Rubin, testifying to the Shamgar Commission, lied that
Yigal Amir shot a bullet in his arm while he was protecting the prime
minister. We have his clinical report; he got caught in his lie. Rubin
testified at Amir's trial that Rabin jumped head-first into his car. We
have the amateur murder film; he lied again. Rubin was the one who
murdered Rabin but there's no point going for the home run ball. Let's get
him on deep perjury. It's like shooting a fish in a barrel.

So far, Rubin has evaded scrutiny. He DID have a most unlikely car accident
two years ago that almost killed him but that's internal Shabak diplomacy.
Now it's time to have Rubin stand trial for perjury and let's see where it
leads. I'll provide all the official records anyone could ever need to
prove the charge.

He must be made to know, he will not escape his crimes. Journalists,
researchers, truthseekers, lawyers and the interested public, here is how
to reach him. Yoram Rubin's work number is 09 8611122; fax: 8625831. His
work address is the cellar of Herzl 53, Netanya.

4. Gillon's Huge Mistake - It took a lot of e-mailing, but it worked. Carmi
Gillon's role in the Rabin murder made front page headlines in Denmark's
largest circulation newspaper this past Thursday. Simply, I exploited an
opening. Gillon's appointment as the Israeli ambassador to Denmark is
causing a huge ruckus in that country. Now, of course, Danes will be Danes
and the issue is his rough treatment of Arabs while head of the Shabak.

Now that the Danes are in the mist of Gillonmania, let's spread the word
about who Gillon REALLY is. Go to your favorite search engine and seek
lists of influential Danes in all fields; journalism, academia, government,
diplomacy, then copy and paste your version, the real version, of who the
Danes now have as their Israeli ambassador. With enough letters floating
around the country, even the princes of modern humanity in Denmark, will
get the 

Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

2001-07-16 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

And you can add to these a considerable list of important things such
as: variables in the earth's orbital path and distance from the sun, and
volcanic activity.

And don't forget the Milankovitch cycles.

But at least we can agree the earth is getting warmer for some reason.
See? We CAN all get along.

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Antarctic Lake with deadly critters?

2001-07-16 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

(Fascinating, Joe. I'm forwarding this to several other lists. Does anyone else
reading this have any more info? --SW)

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 15 Jul 2001 17:15:33 -0700 (PDT)
From:   Joe Held [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Antarctic Lake with deadly critters?
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is part of a conversation I had last night with
my friend Bill, a down to earth ex air force man who's
seen enough things to know we are not alone. Anyway,
this has to do with Antarctica, it's kinda spooky, so
I thought I'd share it with you. Joe

Joe: Havent heard anything more about vostok lately.
It's been hushed up.

Bill: Yeh! I noticed that. When I was working with old
navy divers working on Ice Harbor dam I heard an
interesting story. They were in the Antartic diving in
a secret location way below the ice. They wouldn't say
where. They had one buddy that was deep and panicked
when something came at him. Whatever it was got him.
They said it was not a whale or shark because it was
in a fresh water lake. Inland. These guys had been
professional divers their whole life. Made me realize
that these guys were either diving in Vostok or there
is a similar place somewhere else in the Anartic that
is secret. They said they refused to work any more at
that location and the Navy flew them out debriefed and
discharged them. But it was supposed to be quite close
to McMurdo station and that is a long way from Vostok.
I listened real good. As you know stories are what
keep me going. Yeh! they were diving at the dam
working for me. I was the forman. They were doing the
underwater work on the new spillways. When they were
out of the water decompressing I would chat with them
and this story came out. Yeh! It rang my bell at the
time. In light of the Vostok story it has renewed my
interest in the conversation. Strange goings on at the
bottom of the world. They said that the guy underwater
said a few words. It's horrible I don't have a
chance! and don't come down here. before he
screamed. I would like to know the real story on that
one. You know that these sorts of things contain only
a grain of the real facts. But these guys were so
serious. And they were a couple of real serious first
rate people. I'm sure about the fatality they were too
serious about that.

Joe: The facility wasnt the McMurdo station, but
somewhere else?

Bill: No Lake Vostok is way up in the central part of
Anartica in the region the Russians have claimed.
McMurdo is on the western coastline. Somewhere close
to McMurdo in fresh water. I know that there is no
such known place. But I'm remembering them saying
something about fresh water in caves. And that it was
secret. I remember the conversation started with me
talking about Ham Radio and how my favorite radio
contact had been with McMurdo station on CW. These two
guys were real interested.

Check out Bill's site for some other interesting

Extraterrestrial Empire Topsites, never resets
Mysteries of the Universe Topsites resets every month
add your website to any of the above

--- End of forwarded message ---


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[CTRL] NR: On Condit: A Man You Don't Know (and weren't supposed to meet)

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

...heed this description of Condit, from Willie Brown himself: That man
has ice water in his veins.

A Man You Don't Know
And weren't supposed to meet.

By Jonathan Wilcox, former speechwriter for California Governor Pete Wilson

July 13, 2001 8:55 a.m.

Many people must think they know a good deal about Rep. Gary Condit, the
most famous congressman they never heard of 60 days ago.

But no matter how often one sees the ubiquitous television images of Condit
dashing across streets, into waiting cars, or down stairways (usually with
cameras and reporters in hot pursuit), that will offer no inner view into
one of California's most enigmatic elected officials.

While the boyish-looking 53 year old was hardly a household name, he has
enjoyed a rich political life that upon examination offers a glimpse into
what is happening to him now, and why it represents what is wrong with
California politics.

Condit has long had a reputation for being a groping lecher often seen -
how shall we say it? - in the close and suggestive company of women who
were not his wife. An acquaintance of mine that does occasional television
punditry even let it be known that Condit once chased her around a desk and
physically blocked her exit from a room.

I doubt I would have ever heard the story had Chandra Levy not disappeared
and her relationship with Condit revealed. I am confident, however, that if
he were a Republican, his conduct would have been exposed long ago. And I
am certain that if he were a Republican embroiled in similar scandal, he
would have already been forced to resign.

Condit has always portrayed a man of contrast: A Democrat representing a
Republican-leaning district of the Central Valley. A prodigious fundraiser
who gives campaign cash to charities. A Baptist minister's son who rides a
Harley-Davidson and attends Pearl Jam and Rolling Stones concerts.

But most of all, Condit is a classic opportunist who possesses that most
priceless political commodity - a Democrat viewed as both a moderate and
well versed in the Bible. This has given him untold political advantage;
Democrats view him as someone who can win a marginal political district,
while Republicans view him as someone they can do business with. The first
group is right; the second dead wrong.

Condit was elected to the California assembly in 1982, where he compiled a
moderate record many issues. In 1988, he joined with four other Democrats
to form a Gang of Five intending to align with Republicans and topple to
Ayatollah of the Lower House himself, Speaker Willie Brown.

Proving there's no honor among conspirators, some Republicans betrayed the
plan, making for a veritable Bay of Pigs in the state capitol. Robbed of
air cover from their temporary GOP allies, the Gang of Five was left on
the beach and slaughtered.

Brown himself held true to Oliver Wendell Holmes's admonition that When
you strike at a king, you must kill him. He punished the turncoats,
stripping them of perks and power, even moving them into cramped offices
befitting their status in purgatory.

Four of the gang begged forgiveness, and Brown slowly rehabilitated them.

Condit refused. For the next year, he remained virtually isolated, but
despite the entreaties of Republicans (and his treatment at the hands of
Democrats) he didn't switch parties. This should have been a warning sign
that Condit is as cold and as calculating as they come.

His patience paid off in 1989 when Tony Coelho, the third-ranking Democrat
in the House, resigned in disgrace. Already representing the area, Condit
won the special election that followed, aided by an unprecedented
absentee-ballot effort by the state Democratic party. Willie Brown could
have prevented this, but didn't.

Just as in Sacramento, Condit's Washington career has been marked by
Republican collegiality. Recall that Rep. John Kasich, the House Budget
chairman, pledged to make a personal campaign contribution to Condit,
before reversing under pressure.

Even the usually reliable Almanac of American Politics got it wrong,
attributing Condit's popularity to his apparent lack of guile.

For years, politics in California has largely been an exercise in Democrat
hardball and Republican beanbag. For example, Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Maxine
Waters have reportedly acted as a human shield for Condit on the House
floor, protecting him from prying eyes and probing questions. How many
seconds do you think they would tolerate a similar stonewall from the GOP?

Republicans should let go of the Condit myth - that he's basically a
conservative guy who is more comfortable with them than on the other side
of the aisle. Rather, like the legion of women now coming forward, they
should feel used and abused.

Finally, they should stop waiting for a demonstration of humility or
humanity from the man from Modesto and instead heed this description of
Condit, from Willie Brown himself: That 

Re: [CTRL] NR: On Condit: A Man You Don't Know (and weren't supposed to meet)

2001-07-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/16/2001 5:32:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Republicans should let go of the Condit myth - that he's basically a
 conservative guy who is more comfortable with them than on the other side
 of the aisle. Rather, like the legion of women now coming forward, they
 should feel used and abused. 

Well, I guess I wasn't aware that there were Democrats who were so very comfy
with the Republicans that they wanted to reward him with cash.  It appears
that Condit was a Democrat in name only.  No wonder his Republican leaning
constituents were so very happy with him.

I've no idea why all this legion of women should feel used and abused.  When
did everybody rediscover the old Victorian idea that every woman under forty
is at the mercy of every man who looks at her.  Take it from me, women are
every bit as rapacious as they have always been, and there are a whole group
of them lying in wait for any man who has money and power, married or not.
Most of them figure it's worth the chance that they just might get the guy to
divorce his wife and marry them.
It can work.  Remember that John Lennon had a close girl friend who went away
for a few days.  When she got back, there was Yoko Ono.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] CNN Time Warner AOL Conspiracy

2001-07-16 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

CNN Time Warner AOL Conspiracy

That about says it all.

In addition, have you noticed the way that CNN reports Napster being offline
as if that is the only reasonable alternative to downloading music, videos, etc.

Something smells fishy, or perhaps AOHellishly-sulfurous. (They never report
alternatives such as WinMx a very viable peer to peer exchange network
which I have personally used many times and which in my experience works
better than Napster ever did, even though this would no doubt be of interest
to AOLers as well as others on the Internet. But that would not be $ufficiently

We're watching You, CNN-Time Warner-AOHell!



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-07-16 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

This is a very cool site. I wish I had the room to make an antenna. This ELF
stuff affects my mind and yours and we need  to know about this on a daily
basis. No wonder disturbed individuals are killing their own children,
coworkers, etc.



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of allPresidents ofPast ...

2001-07-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/16/2001 1:22:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 He won ...Get over it. 

No, he didn't win.  He got over that necessity quite nicely.  He has the
presidency.  We do have to adjust to the Republican way of taking over the
country.  Most of us have resigned ourselves to having a Bush Boob in office
who is making sure that his corporate benefactors get to rape and exploit us.
 It will take this country a long, long time to get over it.  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-07-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/16/2001 12:24:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Just the other day, the ACLU’s Hawaii branch scrapped plans to invite
 Clarence Thomas to speak. One ACLU board member compared Thomas to Hitler and
 called him an anti-Christ. 

I can't imagine anyone thinking of Clarence Thomas as the anti-Christ.  The
man is a conservative toady.  His votes are simply a carbon copy of Rehnquist
and Scalia.  I don't know what whip they use to keep him in line, but the man
is not his own person.  I'm not sure there's a person in there.  Clarence
Thomas is the middle zero in a thousand.   Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] DetroitNews: The Graduation Gap: Colleges' retention of blacks dismal

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, July 15, 2001
The Detroit News.

The Graduation Gap: A Detroit News Special Report

Colleges' retention of blacks dismal

Analysis shows just 40% of blacks graduated compared to 61% of whites in
Mich. schools

By Janet Vandenabeele, and Jodi Upton
The Detroit News

African-American students are dropping out of Michigan universities at
rates far greater than whites, adrift at schools that vigorously recruited

A Detroit News investigation of seven Michigan universities shows that
among black students who were freshmen in 1994, just 40 percent got their
diplomas after six years, compared to 61 percent of white students and 74
percent of Asians.

We're throwing them out after taking their money and they're getting
nothing out of it, said Barry Mehler, a history professor at Ferris State
University, who helped start a program to keep minority students in
college. We're mugging (the majority) of them, taking their money, taking
their dignity.

I feel like I am participating in a vast criminal conspiracy.

The falloff between white and black graduation rates here raises
high-impact issues, because Michigan sits in the epicenter of the national
debate over affirmative action in college admissions:

* The state's universities have special programs aimed at helping black
students meet financial, social and academic challenges, but graduation
rates for blacks haven't improved consistently over the past decade, The
News found.

* Universities knowingly admit students who have a high chance of failing.

* Michigan has presented itself as a test case for affirmative action in
higher education, but the state is no national model on how to retain black

Experts blame a variety of reasons for high dropout rates among
African-American students, from money to inadequate academic preparation to
an unfriendly campus climate.

A lot of students don't feel like there's a true effort to make
universities diverse, said Bryan Cook, a doctoral student who advises
black fraternities at the University of Michigan. They think it's a show
commitment and the programs they offer are watered-down.

Knowing why blacks are dropping out doesn't mean the universities are on
top of the issue.

It's the nature of the beast, said Lester Monts, U-M's senior
vice-provost for academic affairs. We just don't have a handle on this.
Most universities don't have a handle on this at all.

When Mario Harper of Oak Park looks at pictures from his freshman year at
Michigan State University, he realizes that a lot of African-American
classmates who started with him are no longer around.

There are so many who've just dropped out of sight, nowhere to be found,
said Harper, an MSU senior who graduated from Shrine Catholic High School
in Royal Oak. I make sure I do the best I can. I want to get rid of that
stereotype of the lazy black male. But it is a lot of pressure.

Better than average

U-M, Michigan State and Central Michigan are the only Division I schools in
Michigan whose black graduate rates are better than the national average --
which, at 39 percent, is nothing to brag about. The reason: They are the
more selective, and tend to get better-prepared and better-financed

The 10 years' worth of data analyzed by The News shows that the more
selective a university is in choosing its students, the more likely its
students are to graduate. That's clearly illustrated by U-M, whose
admission standards are the state's toughest. Conversely, those that are
less choosey about admissions have higher dropout rates.

Of the seven schools studied by The News, the graduation rate for black
students is highest at U-M (about 64 percent over the past decade) and
lowest at Oakland University (about 22 percent).

That compares to white graduation rates of 86 percent at U-M and 43 percent
at Oakland University.

U-M, cheered on by other Michigan universities and blue-chip corporations,
currently is defending legal challenges to its admissions policy, which
favors black applicants over whites and Asians with stronger academic
credentials. The case is likely to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

U-M administrators and supporters say a diverse student body is crucial to
the quality of education -- and to the total college experience -- of all

Dropout figures, however, show there's not much racial diversity left, by
the time students are upperclassmen.

Example: When U-M freshmen began in 1993, 67 percent of the class was white
and 9 percent black. By graduation, the percentage of African-American
students had fallen by a third, to just 6 percent of the class.

Graduation rates among black students are worse at MSU, Central, Eastern
Michigan, Western Michigan, Northern Michigan and Oakland universities. The
News reviewed 10 years of graduation rates at NCAA Division I schools,
because those are the only ones for which national rates are kept. (Wayne

[CTRL] U.N. to rule over America? (fwd)

2001-07-16 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.
To view this item online, visit

Sunday, July 15, 2001

U.N. to rule over America?
Geoff Metcalf interviews journalist, author William Jasper on global tyranny

Editor's note: Ask someone what globalism means and you are likely to get
answers ranging from world trade to world peace to I don't know. Any
suggestion that it amounts to world government or tyranny brings with
it the risk of being pegged as a conspiracy nut.

Yet, there is clear and mounting evidence that a handful of organizations -
most notably the United Nations - are actively working to diminish U.S.
sovereignty and the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens in order to
promote an ever-increasing level of global governance.

Today, WorldNetDaily staff writer and talk-show host Geoff Metcalf talks
with journalist and author William Jasper, senior editor for The New
American magazine. Jasper's previous book, Global Tyranny, focused on the
goals, objectives and actions of the United Nations. Now, in The United
Nations Exposed, he continues to focus on the primary mechanism of
would-be global controllers and what they have been up to since 1992, when
Global Tyranny was first published.

Metcalf's daily streaming radio show can be heard on TalkNetDaily weekdays
from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time.

By Geoff Metcalf

© 2001

Question: You wrote Global Tyranny in 1992. What have you added that
wasn't covered in Global Tyranny?

Answer: Unfortunately, a great deal because a lot has happened in those
last eight or nine years. In fact, far more than had happened in the
previous 40 years. I've been covering the United Nations for 25 years now
and at many summits - including the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the
International Criminal Court Summit in Rome and the 50th Anniversary and
the Millennium Summit and all those things - and many of the things we
warned about in Global Tyranny have come, or are rapidly coming, to
fruition. When I went to the Millennium Summit last September in New York,
the big word on everyone's lips, as it has been for the past several years,
is empowerment ... empowering ... empower. That's the word you hear.
They are talking about empowering the United Nations with vast legislative,
judicial and executive powers, backed up by military and police force.

Q: Ultimately what they are trying to create is a global legislative body
with a for-real military to back it up.

A: That's right. With the executive, and now with the push on for the
International Criminal Court, a full judiciary that claims jurisdiction
over individuals - not just the World Court for adjudicating disputes.

Q: Bill, for over a decade now, I've been warning listeners and readers
that we spend a lot of time itching and moaning about all this bad
legislation that keeps coming down the pike, but the way our freedoms and
liberty are going to be attacked isn't going to be from legislation but
from international treaties. And now, we're seeing it happen. From the
International Criminal Court treaty to this gun-control stuff.

A: And, in July, they are going to be having the United Nations Summit on
small arms. We first warned about this about eight years ago in The New
American magazine - actually a little before that, but in 1994, they had
the first big summit. As usual, as they are getting their ducks lined up,
in '94 they did it as a sub-rosa conference. It wasn't really publicized.
And when they came out with their proposal - their report in 1994 - they
kept it very quiet and only a little bit of it leaked out. I tried to get a
hold of the conference report and I contacted the rabateur for the summit
and he said, No, no - you'll have to go to your own State Department. So
I went to the State Department and they said, Oh no - you'll have to go
back to the U.N. They kept giving us that run around.

Q: Did you eventually get it?

A: Yes. But here was a report on the small arms conference - this was back
in '94, seven years ago - and it's taken them that long to get it all lined
up to where we are going to have this big open summit on small arms where
the push is really on for global gun control. We were able, back in '94, to
eventually squeeze out a copy of that initial report and start alerting
people. And when we first did that, some of our readers who were members of
the NRA would either call up or write to the NRA and say, Did you know
this was happening?

Q: And what was their response?

A: The first response from the NRA, and from many other gun rights
advocates was, Oh, that's nonsense. There is nothing like that happening
at the U.N. Fortunately, now, the NRA has it on their front cover.

Q: They finally got the memo. Except for fund raising, they don't move too

A: This is what people need to 

[CTRL] NYT: U.S. Opposes Plan for Financing of Clean Energy Over Fossil Fuel

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Saturday July 14 08:30 AM EDT

U.S. Opposes Plan for Financing of Clean Energy Over Fossil Fuel

The New York Times

WASHINGTON, July 13 #151; The Bush administration plans to oppose an
international drive to phase out fossil fuel subsidies and increase
financing for nonpolluting energy sources worldwide, administration
officials said today.

The proposals are contained in a report commissioned by the Group of 8
industrial nations, which will hold its annual summit meeting in Genoa,
Italy, next week. The proposals would commit rich nations to help one
billion people around the world get their power from renewable energy
sources, like wind, water and the sun.

The White House says its opposition to the proposals is based on a desire
to let the marketplace, rather than government, decide how quickly
renewable energy sources are adopted worldwide. But critics say it is yet
another instance of the Bush administration's placing the interest of oil
and gas companies ahead of the drive to reduce global warming.

That debate notwithstanding, the administration's decision #151; along
with objections today by Canadian officials, who also oppose elements of
the report #151; could prevent the G-8 from endorsing the proposals. The
group usually works by consensus, and proposals are generally not adopted
if any members object.

European leaders had hoped to use the summit meeting to jump-start talks on
global warming and to salvage what they could of the Kyoto Protocol, the
treaty to fight global warming, which the Bush administration also opposes.
Some European officials and environmental groups viewed the report by the
G-8 task force as a major rallying point.

A final draft copy of the report calls on rich nations to remove
incentives and other supports for environmentally harmful energy
technologies. It also encourages them to shift the priorities of
international lending agencies, like the World Bank, to support more clean
energy projects in poor countries.

People who helped prepare the report said one important goal was to
persuade wealthy nations to stop promoting fossil fuel projects in the
developing world, a step that could reduce sales of power plants,
pipelines, drilling equipment and other goods used in producing energy from
oil and coal. The effort is directly related to fighting global warming.

The task force recommended that the G-8 nations use their public financing
leverage with national and international lending institutions to support
more clean energy projects.

A Bush administration official said the United States did not support the
report even though the high-profile task force rewrote it to reflect some
American objections.

The task force included a number of government officials as well as leaders
of multinational businesses and environmental groups. Co-chairmen of the
group were Corado Clini, Italy's top environmental official, and Mark Moody
Stuart, chairman of the oil giant Royal Dutch Shell.

A draft copy of the report was provided to The New York Times by people who
support its goals and who want to call attention to the administration's

While the administration supports the idea of expanding use of renewable
energy sources, it does not favor the task force's emphasis on
government-to-government financing, the administration official said. He
said the goal of having one billion people rely on clean energy sources
within a decade was a target that had no analytical basis.

While we are committed to expanding the use of renewables, there was a
sense that this task force was more focused on government funding #151;
throwing money at the problem, the official said. We are more interested
in looking at how to leverage private sector efforts.

He said the final communiqué of the summit meeting next week was likely to
include language that supports the spread of clean energy even if the
report is not endorsed.

President Bush announced in the spring that the United States had no
intention of meeting targets set in the Kyoto treaty.

By rejecting the task force's recommendations, President Bush is once
again undermining any attempt to take serious action on global warming,
said Daphne Wysham, a fellow with the Institute for Policy Studies in

The institute and Friends of the Earth, an environmental organization, did
a study that found that the export promotion agencies of rich nations, like
the Export-Import Bank of the United States, are the world's largest public
backers of fossil fuels, the main causes of global warming. The credit
agencies supported $115 billion in such projects in the five years through
1999, the study said.

About two billion people on this planet are not served by electricity, and
the most cost effective approach for them is often solar or biomass, not
fossil fuels, said Dan Reicher, who served on the G-8 task force as a
Clinton administration official. But it takes real targets #151;
numerical goals #151; if we 

[CTRL] Chicago Police Confiscate Registered Guns (fwd)

2001-07-16 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

FWD thanks to Larry:


Thanks to a ruling by a liberal federal judge, the CAGE unit (Chicago Anti
Gun Efforcement) now has the name of every single person in the United
States who, since 1992, lawfully purchased more than one handgun in the
period of a week. The CAGE unit also has all the makes, models and serial
numbers of those guns. In essence, the Chicago Police Department is now
registering guns and gun owners nationwide.

It Has Started! Illinois Begins to Confiscate Registered Guns

The Chicago Police Department and the Illinois State Police have teamed up
to make good on Mayor Daley's pledge that, if it were up to him, nobody
would have a gun. Daley and his elite CAGE unit are apparently taking
advantage of gun privacy loopholes to pinpoint certain individuals for
inclusion in the confiscation program.

The ISRA is following up on leads in one case that has distrubing
implications. An elderly first-generation Chicago resident was recently
paid a visit by an Illinois State Police trooper. After asking to come
inside the man's home, the trooper asked if the man owned a gun - to which
he replied yes. The trooper then directed the individual to surrender the
firearm. The man complied with the officer's demand and the trooper left
with the gun. And the story gets better...

The gun in question was purchased legally by the man in the 1970s shortly
after he became a U.S. citizen. When Chicago's infamous gun registration
scheme went into effect in the early 1980s, the man registered the firearm
as per the requirement. However, over the years, the fellow apparenlty
forgot to re-register the firearm, and forgot to renew his Illinois FOID

So...what does this all mean?

In the last edition of The Illinois Shooter, we reported on the activities
of a shady taskforce known as the Chicago Anti Gun Efforcement (CAGE) unit.
This elite squad, operated jointly by the Illinois State Police, the
Chicago Police Department, and the Cook County State's Attorney's Office,
supposedly exists to identify illegal gunrunners. However, information
gained by the ISRA makes it clear that the CAGE unit is targeting
law-abiding citizens, not criminal gunrunners.

Thanks to a ruling by a liberal federal judge, the CAGE unit now has the
name of every single person in the United States who, since 1992, lawfully
purchased more than one handgun in the period of a week. The CAGE unit also
has all the makes, models and serial numbers of those guns. In essence, the
Chicago Police Department is now registering guns and gun owners nationwide.

The ISRA has also learned that the CAGE unit has compiled a list of
families where more than one person in that family holds a FOID card.
Acting on that information, the CAGE unit is now contacting gun shops where
those families have shopped, and is illegally registering all guns
purchased by those families.

Now, it appears that the CAGE unit is scrubbing Chicago's gun registration
list against the list of FOID card holders. Indications are that folks who
have let their registrations and FOIDs lapse will have their guns
confiscated. We have to wonder how long it will be until state troopers
show up at the doors to confiscate the guns of non-Chicago residents who
have let their FOIDs expire.

More later as this story develops.

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

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Law is often the tyrant's will, and always so
when it violates the right of an individual.
Thomas Jefferson to I. Tiffany, 1819

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[CTRL] Selling Out America

2001-07-16 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Delegates May Be Selling Out America at U.N. Anti-gun Conference

Lawrence Auster
Friday, July 13, 2001

As NewsMax readers were warned in a previous article, the regular U.S.
delegates to the United Nations small arms conference are failing to
provide firm support for Undersecretary of State John Bolton's principled
position against global gun control. Instead, according to observer sources
at the U.N., the U.S. delegation is looking for compromise language with
the enemies of freedom.

Bolton's powerful speech on Monday is thus turning out to be, not America's
bottom line against a U.N. grab for power, but only the opening bid in
negotiations that could result in a radical Program of Action directly
threatening gun owners' rights in the United States.

Behind Closed Doors

At issue is a document with the incredible title Draft Program of Action
to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light
Weapons in All Its Aspects. Delegates are meeting this week and next - in
closed-door sessions - to hammer out a final agreement.

Section II, Paragraph 20 of this remarkable document states that the member
nations undertake [t]o seriously consider the prohibition of unrestricted
trade and private ownership of small arms and light weapons specifically
designed for military purposes.

Let us understand first of all that the phrase designed for military
purposes is a mere fig leaf. According to the definitions provided in the
foundational reports for the conference, weapons of military design would
cover 90 percent of hunting rifles as well as handguns.

We should also take no comfort from the fact that the signatories are
agreeing only to consider a prohibition on private weapons. As
Undersecretary Bolton pointed out to the press on Monday, you start with an
agreement to consider something, and the next thing you know, you find
yourself in a binding treaty.

Accordingly, Bolton declared that the United States would not sign any
Program of Action containing such language, or any other language that
would violate America's own Constitution.

In his Monday speech in the General Assembly chamber, Bolton also rejected
Section II, Paragraph 13 of the Draft Program of Action, in which the
member nations undertake to supply small arms and light weapons only to
governments, either directly or through entities authorized to procure arms
on behalf of governments.

The undersecretary insisted on America's right to transfer weapons to
non-state actors resisting tyrannical governments, such as the Nicaraguan
Contras or domestic opponents of Saddam Hussein. Because such freedom
fighters by definition are not part of the government, Paragraph 13 would
forbid America's giving arms to them, just as it would have prohibited
France's support to George Washington's rebel army during the American War
of Independence.

The Clinton Influence

Though Bolton was crystal clear on these fundamental points, one of the
problems is that after he gave his speech he went back to Washington,
leaving the regular U.S. State Department delegates - who were appointed
during the Clinton administration - to act on their own.

Another problem is that even Bolton's courageous and articulate stand left
a lot to be desired. For example, he did not object to Section II,
paragraph 7, which commits the signatory nations to ensure that
comprehensive and accurate records are kept for as long as possible on the
manufacture, holding and transfer of small arms and light weapons within
their jurisdiction.

The language transfer of small arms could easily be interpreted to cover
the sale of handguns, meaning that the U.S. would be required to keep
permanent records on every handgun purchase in the United States. This
would go directly against Attorney General John Ashcroft's assurance that
information resulting from background checks on gun purchasers would not be
kept on file.

While Bolton's position is less than perfect, the line he has drawn against
an international regime of gun control is the only thing the lovers of
freedom have going for them at the moment. The White House needs to be
warned against a possible sellout by the U.S. delegation.

Lawrence Auster can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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A.K. Pritchard

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If we accept the view that the American people cannot be trusted
with the material objects [firearms] necessary to defend their
liberty, we will surely accept as well the view that the American
people  cannot be trusted with liberty itself.

Alan Keyes
The armed defense of liberty
7/30/1999 - WorldNetDaily


[CTRL] NYT: How Bush Took Florida:

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

How Bush Took Florida: Mining the Overseas Absentee Vote

The New York Times

A six-month investigation by The Times shows that under intense pressure
from Republicans, Florida officials accepted hundreds of overseas absentee
ballots that failed to comply with state election laws.

On the morning after Election Day, George W. Bush held an unofficial lead
of 1,784 votes in Florida, but to his campaign strategists the margin felt
perilously slim.

They were right to worry. Within a week, recounts would erode Mr. Bush's
unofficial lead to just 300 votes.

With the presidency hanging on the outcome in Florida, the Bush team
quickly grasped that the best hope of ensuring victory was the trove of
ballots still arriving in the mail from Florida residents living abroad.
Over the next 18 days, the Republicans mounted a legal and public relations
campaign to persuade canvassing boards in Bush strongholds to waive the
state's election laws when counting overseas absentee ballots.

Their goal was simple: to count the maximum number of overseas ballots in
counties won by Mr. Bush, particularly those with a high concentration of
military voters, while seeking to disqualify overseas ballots in counties
won by Vice President Al Gore.

A six-month investigation by The New York Times of this chapter in the
closest presidential election in American history shows that the Republican
effort had a decided impact. Under intense pressure from the Republicans,
Florida officials accepted hundreds of overseas absentee ballots that
failed to comply with state election laws.

In an analysis of the 2,490 ballots from Americans living abroad that were
counted as legal votes after Election Day, The Times found 680 questionable
votes. Although it is not known for whom the flawed ballots were cast, four
out of five were accepted in counties carried by Mr. Bush, The Times found.
Mr. Bush's final margin in the official total was 537 votes.

The flawed votes included ballots without postmarks, ballots postmarked
after the election, ballots without witness signatures, ballots mailed from
towns and cities within the United States and even ballots from voters who
voted twice. All would have been disqualified had the state's election laws
been strictly enforced.

The Republican push on absentee ballots became an effective counterweight
to the Gore campaign's push for manual recounts in mainly Democratic
counties in southern Florida.

In its investigation, The Times found that these overseas ballots - the
only votes that could legally be received and counted after Election Day -
were judged by markedly different standards, depending on where they were

The unequal treatment of these ballots is at odds with statements by Bush
campaign leaders and by the Florida secretary of state, Katherine Harris,
that rules should be applied uniformly and certainly not changed in the
middle of a contested election. It also conflicts with the equal protection
guarantee that the United States Supreme Court invoked in December when it
halted a statewide manual recount and effectively handed Florida to Mr.

After being told of The Times's findings, Ari Fleischer, the White House
spokesman, said: ``This election was decided by the voters of Florida a
long time ago. And the nation, the president and all but the most partisan
Americans have moved on.''

The Times study found no evidence of vote fraud by either party. In
particular, while some voters admitted in interviews that they had cast
illegal ballots after Election Day, the investigation found no support for
the suspicions of Democrats that the Bush campaign had organized an effort
to solicit late votes.

Rather, the Republicans poured their energy into the speedy delivery and
liberal treatment of likely Bush ballots from abroad. In a Tallahassee
``war room'' within the offices of Ms. Harris, veteran Republican political
consultants helped shape the post-election instructions to county
canvassing boards. In Washington, senior Bush campaign officials urged the
Pentagon to accelerate the collection and delivery of military ballots, and
indeed ballots arrived more quickly than in previous elections.

Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee helped the campaign
obtain private contact information for military voters.

Republicans provided their lawyers with a detailed playbook that included
instructions on how to challenge likely Gore votes while fighting for the
inclusion of likely Bush votes. In some counties where Mr. Gore was strong,
Bush lawyers stood by silently while Gore lawyers challenged overseas
ballots, even likely Gore ballots.

The effectiveness of the Republican effort is demonstrated by striking
disparities in how different counties treated ballots with similar defects.
For instance, counties carried by Mr. Gore accepted 2 in 10 ballots that
had no evidence they were mailed on or before Election Day. Counties
carried by 

Re: [CTRL] CNN Time Warner AOL Conspiracy

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 3:16 AM
Subject: SNET: CNN Time Warner AOL Conspiracy

 CNN Time Warner AOL Conspiracy

 That about says it all.

 In addition, have you noticed the way that CNN reports Napster being
 as if that is the only reasonable alternative to downloading music,
videos, etc.

 Something smells fishy, or perhaps AOHellishly-sulfurous. (They never
 alternatives such as WinMx a very viable peer to peer exchange network
 which I have personally used many times and which in my experience works
 better than Napster ever did,

Steve,  what's the URL for WinMx?

I have been using a few that are better than Napster, as well.  They trade
all types of files, e.g., videos, FIRST RUN MOVIES, audio books, and of
course, music, ESPECIALLY copyrighted stuff!


and, .

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [toeslist] Global Warming Fear Growing Over a Sharp Climate]

2001-07-16 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [toeslist] Global Warming Fear Growing Over a Sharp Climate
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 00:53:04 -0500 (CDT)
From: Michael Givel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Published on Friday, July 13, 2001 in the Los Angeles Times
Global Warming Fear Growing Over a Sharp Climate Shift
by Usha Lee McFarling

AMSTERDAM -- As climatologists gather here this week to discuss
new research on global warming, a disquieting idea has been
gaining currency -- the possibility that small shifts in global
temperature could lead to sudden and abrupt climate changes.

What makes such projections important is not their likelihood,
which is uncertain, although a growing number of scientists
believe that sudden changes in climate are a possibility.
Instead, the chief significance for policymakers and the public
lies in what the new research suggests about scientific
uncertainty and risk.

Until recently, much of the climate debate has centered on
whether global warming is occurring at all. Most climate models
had assumed a slow, steady increase in temperature and forecast
gradual changes with gradual effects. But newer, more
sophisticated models suggest that the Earth's climate system is
nonlinear -- in other words, small changes can have large
effects on everything from ocean and land temperatures to drought
and monsoon patterns, icecaps and tropical rain forests.

Though loath to cry wolf, more and more experts are beginning to
publicly discuss--and personally   fear--changes that are far
more dramatic, and potentially faster, than those at the center
of discussion so far. Some events could permanently alter life on

For example, one projection is that melting Arctic ice could
cause a flow of fresh water into the North Atlantic that would
shut down the Gulf Stream this century. That warm current
moderates the European climate, and turning it off would make a
swath of land from London to Stockholm miserable.

Sometimes very small, innocent changes can trigger huge
changes, said Will Steffen, executive director of the
Sweden-based International Geosphere-Biosphere Program, or IGBP,
which is coordinating the Amsterdam conference. Sometimes you
hit it with a hammer and nothing happens. We simply do not know.
We are heading into uncharted waters.

In the global warming debate, a chief argument of industry,
joined by Bush administration officials  and some scientists, is
that the U.S. and its allies should not rush into potentially
costly measures to head off possible climate change because our
knowledge of the subject is limited.

Many scientists, however, say that argument is precisely
backward. The possibility of sudden, dramatic climate shifts
means that, although there is a risk that current models are too
pessimistic, there is also a substantial risk that they are too

A prominent advocate of the go-slow school of thought is Sallie
Baliunas of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, an
expert on how the sun and its heat output have varied through

Her research is funded by federal agencies but she accepts money
-- to travel around and speak -- from firms that have advocated
a go-slow approach on global warming. She argues that computer
models are unreliable, exaggerate warming trends, fail to
adequately take into account natural fluctuations in temperature
and do not explain why no warming has been seen in the upper

The best evidence says [climate change] is slow to work, so we
have a window of opportunity,  she said.

As advocates of that school of thought note, many climate
scientists a decade ago feared that global warming could cause a
catastrophic melting of the massive West Antarctic ice sheet.
Such an event would release huge amounts of water into the seas,
devastating many of the world's highly populated, low-lying
coastal areas.

Recent studies, though, suggest that the Antarctic icecap is
stable -- and actually growing as more precipitation falls

Other scientists argue that because knowledge is uncertain, it is
crucial to begin cutting emissions of carbon dioxide and other
so-called greenhouse gases to slow the rate of climate change.

We could be either under- or overestimating the effect of human
activities on climate, said Robert Watson, chief scientist at
the World Bank and head of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change. So why should we be complacent?

Paul Crutzen, an atmospheric chemist working in Germany who won
the Nobel Prize for explaining the hole in the atmosphere's ozone
layer, makes a similar point. There is not enough room to take
chances with the climate, he argues.

The chief cause of the hole, which appeared over Antarctica in
the final decades of the 20th century, was chlorofluorocarbons --
chemicals used as refrigerants and as propellants in spray cans.
Had chemists earlier in the century decided to use bromine
instead of chlorine to produce 

[CTRL] Bush Kyoto Compromise

2001-07-16 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe if we issued cards for free Beano to all the old farts over, say 55,
then maybe we could comply with the Kyoto protocol? What do you think,

GW Bush Beans  Oil Inc.


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Re: [CTRL] CNN Time Warner AOL Conspiracy

2001-07-16 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/16/01 4:17:32 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

 Something smells fishy, or perhaps AOHellishly-sulfurous. (They never
 alternatives such as WinMx a very viable peer to peer exchange network
 which I have personally used many times and which in my experience works
 better than Napster ever did, even though this would no doubt be of interest
 to AOLers as well as others on the Internet. But that would not be

I downloaded WinMx the other day, but haven't had time to use it much.  I've
been using which worked really good a couple of months ago,
but now is much slower since many members have joined.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

2001-07-16 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Nakano comments: tilt, magnetic shifts, solar eruptions.
 And you can add to these a considerable list of
 important things such as: variables in the earth's
 orbital path and distance from the sun, and
 volcanic activity.
 Until very recently, man's presence on this planet
 was a piddling and insignificant part of the mix.
 But man is now manipulating the earth's ionosphere
 and magnetosphere.  This is serious stuff!
 This is much more than piddling.
 We are dealing with vast forces and energies.
 Much like the Sorcerer's Apprentice, we may not
 have the knowledge and ability to control these
 The consequences could be catastrophic...or worse!

I am no expert on HARP and electromagnetic atmospheric manipulation.
However being aware of the utter stupidity of the government and its
secret plans and schemes...your thesis cannot be discounted.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

2001-07-16 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

And don't forget the Milankovitch cycles.
But at least we can agree the earth is getting warmer for some reason.
See? We CAN all get along.

I am not sure about that. It is possible but the data is conflicting. I recall all the
proof only 20 years ago that the earth was cooling. What is interesting is that
recent geological studies have confirmed that past warming and cooling often
occured very quickly (in as little as 20 years). It had been assumed that climate
change only occurred slowly over hundreds if not thousands of years.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Climate Follies

2001-07-16 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 Given the inevitability of increasingly intense floods,
 droughts, heat waves, and storms--
 as well as the warming-driven proliferation of infectious
 diseases like West Nile virus
 and Lyme disease--

This is all interesting but it misses the fact that planet Earth will decide
when things have gotten too far out of hand and will simply destroy the
offending life forms which are causing the problem. Swallow them up, if you

About the only thing I agree with Rush Limbaugh on is that man is arrogant
to think he has the ability to create or destroy an ecosystem. Earth is in
charge of that.

As a wise indigenous person once said, Earth does not belong to the people;
people belong to the Earth. She'll get rid of us if it becomes necessary.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Chandra Levy Timeline 7/15 (fwd)

2001-07-16 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

I've added a few more items to this timelinesee below


Sometime around June, or generally in the summer of this year (2000),
Anna Marie Smith starts her affair with Condit (she claims they had a
relationship for approx. 10 months at the time Levy disappeared).

 Nov. L visits her Aunt in Maryland from Washington during
  Thanksgiving. The two discuss Levy's romantic life,
  according to the Washington Post, a discussion which
  contradicts the denials later issued by Condit's office
  about an affair between the intern and the congressman

It would seem that the affair with Levy must have begun immediately upon
their first meeting; keep in mind that Condit's affair with Smith had
been going on for some months at this time...


 Jan. About now L was telling both her aunt and her landlord
  that she might leave her apartment and move in with her
  boyfriend (Slate)

 01/20L attends one of President Bush's inaugural balls (WP)


 @April: Friday before Passover, visits aunt. Parents arrive next day.
 Levy shows aunt the bracelet she says was given to her by Rep. Gary A.

Sometime at the beginning of April, Anna Marie Smith visits Condit at
his apartment, and discovers at least one hair that she IDs as Levy's,
even though Smith claims to have never met Levy and indeed claims to not
have known Condit was seeing anyone else but her (Smith).  Smith also
claims to have seen something which suggested bondage games were occuring
in Condit's bedroom, and claims that this along with some vague 'other
things' now makes her afraid of Condit.

 Apr.During Passover L sees the relative who visited during
 Thanksgiving, and again they discuss Levy's romantic life
 reports the Washington Post. The relative tells
 Chandra's mother, the news. Susan calls Chandra and asks
 her if she's been seeing Condit. Susan Levy says Chandra
 replies, 'How did you know?' (Slate)

 4/14 S  L's 24th BD party. Chandra bursting with plans (NYDN)

 @April 14: Levy's birthday celebrated at godparents' house in the
Washington area.

Sometime around this time -- around the middle of April -- Levy
reportedly has 'a discussion' with Condit at his apartment regarding
Jennifer Thomas, the intern who purportedly had not only an affair with
Condit but his love child also, some 5 to 7 years before.

 @April 20:  Bureau of Prisons tells her internship is over. 

 4/23 M  Internship abruptly ended (BOP says routinely
 ended) (NYDN)

Is it merely coincidence that the BoP suddenly discovered Levy's
graduation status and routinely ends Levy's internship in an abrupt
manner, only a short time after Levy's purported 'discussion' with Condit
about Jennifer Thomas?

 *4/28 S Levy leaves two messages on landlord's machine saying that
 her job had ended abruptly. She e-mails that she would
 like to move out soon - May 5 or 6 - because I have no
 real reason to stay around here.

SoLevy finds out either on Friday, 4/20, or Monday, 4/23, that her
internship was ended...yet she waits until the following Saturday, 4/28,
to contact her landlord to say she'll be moving out in a few days...

The fact that she didn't contact the landlord immediately suggests that
she spent the week trying to make arrangements of some sort..and by 4/28
she realized that nothing was going to pan out, at least anytime soon...

 4/29 S   Condit and L last speak by phone (per Condit)
  L calls aunt announcing she had big news! (NYDN)
  L videotaped at 7-11 in Arlington, VA though she
  has no car (NYDN)

The 'big news', in the context of this timeline, would seem to probably
be in regards to Levy's job prospects, and whether she'd be able to
remain living in D.C.  The 'big news' (whether coming from Condit, or
from another source) may have been in regards to her being offered a job,
albeit one that wouldn't start for some weeks, hence Levy's plans to go
home for a week or more to visit her parents weren't changed.

 5/01 T 10:45 amChandra emails mother about flight home in general,
there seems to have been no flight selected by then.

Or someone with access to Levy's apartment and who knew her ID and
password logged on and sent the email to Levy's mother.

 *5/03 T Landlord calls and e-mails Levy, thinking something
 is wrong because of her usually meticulous nature.
 There is no response Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

 *5/03 T Levy's parents call the apartment's building manager
 and ask him to open Chandra's apartment and see if
 she's there. The manager refuses, saying he can't

Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of all Presi dents of Past 50 Years

2001-07-16 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 If late night TV comedy is an indicator, then there has never been as
 widespread a perception that a president is not
 intellectually qualified
 for the position he holds as there is with President GW Bush.

 In a report published Monday, the Lovenstein Institute of Scranton,
 Pennsylvania detailed its findings of a four month study of the
 intelligence quotient of President George W. Bush.

People who found it a good idea to vote for a borderline intellect must like
the idea of having a president who is as dumb or dumber than they are. This
is one of the drawbacks of letting everyone vote; they don't have to pick
the best or smartest candidate. Maybe we need an IQ qualification for the
right to vote. I think the Third Reich may have considered doing just that.

The image of the USA will suffer during the Bush administration, but the
American people will survive it, just as we survived other
less-than-brilliant presidents. And if Nixon is an indication, intellect
isn't always used to the country's benefit. And the brains of Jimmy Carter
that we loved so much didn't make him a great leader.

Maybe intellect is overrated.

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Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

2001-07-16 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sure feels like 'global warming' here in DC.
59 degrees at night, days in the 70s, no humidity. TOTALLY UNLIKE
the typical DC July.

Just to clarify matters, my post neither supports or seeks to negate
arguments pro or con for global warming or global cooling...

What I was trying to point out is that the argument for either case can
be as factual or otherwise as the opposing argument...proponents of
either argument have any number of supposedly verified scientific studies
which they trot out to 'prove' their can both be right?

The issue is really one of who exactly is manipulating the issue?  Cui

BTW, it is a common fallacy to think that global warming will mean that
we all suddenly start experiencing tropical weather; in global warming,
some areas will indeed experience abnormal COLD, as weather patterns are


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2001-07-16 Thread Kris Millegan

From the Rumor Mill News  Forum


When Gary Condit Was Chosen
By the California Democratic Party
To Run For the Congressional Seat Vacated
by Tony Coehlo Due to Scandal,

By Rayelan Allan, Publisher, Rumor Mill News

I have known Tony Coehlo most of my life. I grew up in central California in a 
small farming community that is in the Congressional District served by Coehlo and 
Condit. I went to school with Tony Coehlo's nieces, one of whom was recently 
implicated in the Portuguese Scandal along with her infamous uncle.

In 1989, when Democratic Speaker of the House, Jim Wright, was forced to 
resign in a ethics scandal, Coehlo was second in power in the position of Majority 
Whip. Coehlo was caught up in a personal financial scandal and was also forced out.

I was living in Washington D.C. and New York City at the time this was going 
on. Shortly after Coehlo and Wright were forced out, I moved back to California and 
bought a house with my mother in my home town, which was right in the heart of 
Coehlo's Congressional District.

After two more trips to Washington D.C., I was approached by the Condit 
Campaign and asked to join. I declined due to illness. One of my nieces took the job. 
As a result of her involvement, I was asked to host a small party for the Condit 
family. During that party, Condit himself asked me to join his campaign. He had heard 
from my niece that I was thinking about accepting a job on Capitol Hill and he put in 
a pitch to get me to go to work for him instead of Senator Claiborne Pell.

One month later, I married Gunther Russbacher, a Naval officer I had first met 
in 1976, at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

Two days after Gunther and I married, he was arrested, by the FBI, in front of 
my entire family. We were all told that he was a con man on a crime spree, marrying 
and defrauding wealthy widows. Gunther was taken to the Stanislaus County Jail in 
Modesto, California. Gary Condit's brother is a sheriff in this County.

I was not allowed to talk to him or see him until I had hand delivered a 
letter to the Sheriff's Office stating that I wanted to see and hear from him. Shortly 
after I delivered the letter, Gunther called. One of the first things he said was, 
Tony Coehlo and Gary Condit are behind this.

I was incredulous. How could Tony Coehlo and Gary Condit be behind his arrest? 
Over the next few weeks and months, the entire story came out. Gunther said Coehlo 
worked closely with the CIA in many of the Savings and Loan Scandals. He also worked 
closely with Michael Milken in the junk bond scandal of the 80's. Gunther said Coehlo 
skimmed a lot more money out of these scandals than has ever been revealed.

Evidently the fact that I had recently been living in Washington, D.C., and 
had JUST moved back to Coehlo's district, made Coehlo believe that Gunther and I had 
come into the area to expose ALL of Coehlo's scandals and thereby derail any hope the 
Democrats had of hanging on to the Congressional seat.

Tony Coehlo has a LONG history of unscrupulous activity. The following 
comments are not my own, they are taken from the various articles that follow:

a.. Coelho was notorious for his ability to shake down any lobbyist with 
business before Congress.

a.. Author Brooks Jackson wrote a whole book, called Honest Graft, about 
Coelho's ability to rake in campaign cash, especially from shady SL execs.

a.. Power, privilege and cutthroat politics-for Coelho, they're not a problem 
but a way of life. (Los Angeles Times, 8-16-94)

a.. As the House Democrats' campaign chief, Coelho subordinated ideas to 
attacks: `My job is to be the hit man.' (Los Angeles Times, 8-16-94)

a.. Coelho had burnished his lifestyle considerably upon being elected to 
Congress, accepting approximately $80,000 per year in honoraria and speaking fees. 
Coelho used the money to make extensive renovations to his Alexandria home, which he 
proudly referred to as the house honoraria built. I'm earning more money than I 
ever dreamed of making, he gloated... (New Republic, 12-25-94)

a.. Influence peddling, it's recalled, was the Coelho political specialty as 
he rose in Congress from a back-bencher to party whip... (Scripps Howard News 
Service, 8-24-94)

a.. [Coelho] went so far as to sell access to the Democratic leadership of 
the House. He invented the Speaker's Club, which granted lobbyists and their clients 
the ability to meet socially with the speaker of the House and other top Democrats for 
$5,000 per year for individuals and $15,000 for PACS. (New Republic, 12-25-94)

a.. [Coelho] made a name for 

Re: [CTRL] [ ! ! ! ] UPI: Screams heard before Chandra disappeared

2001-07-16 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

We did dispatch someone to the scene, didn't find anything, Ramsey said.

But we do know that Ms. Levy was very active on her computer more than
three hours after that particular call came in.

Again, as I pointed out, all that can be said with any certainty is that
email purporting to come from Levy was sent at that time, ostensibly
from the computer in her apartment.  There's no proof that it was
actually Levy sitting at the computer at that point in time...

When Levy first was reported missing, Condit said he and Levy had a
plutonic friendship in public statements and two police interviews.

Plutonic?  ;-)

Anyone who has an understanding of astrology will understand how
interesting this 'Freudian slip' is...  ;-)


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2001-07-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I would like to know more about the Hell's Angels connection and some of
the associates of Condit who, like a Godfather you just mention you have
a problem, someone giving you some trouble, and like a headache -
suddenly, it is gone.

Had it not been for the mother and the father, this matter would have
been shoved under a rug, for what is just another little intern doing
mundane work in Washington?   Nothing - absolutely nothing to anybody.

Be interesting to know how this old man and I mean OLD MAN seduced this
little girl with the Rose Tattoo?   Drugs used - is this how the door
was opened to such an affair?

Would like to know which Discos this man patronized - did he pick up
women, go in disguise - why did they really call him blow dry and why
did the press on numerous occasions call him the handsom Gary Condit,
for he isnot handsome, he is a little twerp trying to be a man and does
not know how -  chasing women with him is a sickness,  and oboviously
with him it is lust, not love which draws him to his target.\

One thing sure - June is quite accurate in stating that no way you can
tell who wrote the E Mails - sending information without flights was a
waste of timelooks like if Gary Condit bought her ticket this
time, it was a one way ticket ..

What got me was the old sympathy routine where it was tossed out
Condit's wife was very ill - what did that guy do before he got into
politics?   Well he made a movie once - seems Roger Clinton made a
trashy movie too - some kind of a payoff no doubt?

Or was Condit just high on Viagra and having the time of his life until
along came a little girl with a Rose Tattoo and the big bad wolf
.well who did the woodchopper get?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: 07-16-01: What price a constant state of anxiety?

2001-07-16 Thread Samantha L.
Become a Friend of Online Journal™ and help further our
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07-16-01: What is the price of a constant state of anxiety?

By Bev Conover

July 16, 2001-Since we have become a society that measures everything in terms of 
money, what is the cost to us all when 80 to 90 percent of our population finds itself 
in a constant state of anxiety?

Think about it.

The average American toils longer and harder, and for relatively less pay, than his 
counterparts in other Western industrialized societies. Yet, he has no real job 
security and he's lucky if he isn't working two jobs or more to make ends meet.

The average family can't cut it without two paychecks. Add one or two children and the 
family is likely to be just one or two paychecks away from bankruptcy. Factor in an 
elderly parent or two who needs help and the situation becomes a nightmare.

Few employers provide child care, adding another anxiety to a parent in finding 
affordable, decent care. It is not unusual for single mothers with low paying jobs, 
who can't afford a day care center, to wind up being charged with child neglect or 
worse and losing custody of their children.

Some 43 million people, and the number continues to climb, have no medical insurance. 
The lucky ones (we say that sarcastically) whose incomes are low enough can throw 
themselves on the mercy of the state. The others can either do without medical 
attention or face instant bankruptcy. They live with the constant fear of becoming 
ill, injured or disabled.

The largest group in this country find themselves forced into HMOs whose only interest 
is their bottom lines. The luckiest few still have fee for service medical plans that 
don't come cheaply, require co-payments, have deductibles, and pay from 75 to 80 
percent of the negotiated adjustment (meaning the doctors get stuck, too), don't 
cover everything, and that can leave the patient with enormous out-of-pocket expenses 
due to the deductible, coupled with the co-payment and the 15 to 20 percent of the 
negotiated adjustment they have to pay.

Worse, whether it's an HMO or fee for service plan, the patient is often at the mercy 
of a clerk or a nurse, legally practicing medicine as a doctor, who decides if a 
treatment or procedure is medically necessary.

But our compassionate conservative Presidunce (we borrowed that from The Nation) 
Bush doesn't want you to have the right to sue if you are damaged by the actions or 
negligence of the insurer, a doctor or a hospital. You see, in Bush's Amerika, only 
corporations have the right to sue each other and you.

People are literally dying in the richest country on earth for lack of medical care or 
because they can't afford the necessary prescription medications. And woe be to those 
whose illness or disability requires skilled nursing care. They wind up in hell holes 
with Medicare paying for a relatively few days, stripped of any assets they might have 
when Medicare runs out and tossed onto Medicaid.

Not to worry our presidunce, his corporate cohorts and the criminals he has stuffed 
his illegitimate administration with, who made gone with a projected $3 trillion 
budget surplus in less than six months with a tax cut gift to the rich, are going to 
take care of the poor by delivering them up to religious organizations financed with 
your tax dollars. Does anyone remember Lyndon Guns and Butter Johnson's Great 
Society? Numerous secular charities were given millions in federal grants to help the 
poor. Shoot, you had charitable groups spring up like mushrooms to swill at the public 
trough. And millions of those dollars went straight into the pockets of those running 
the charities. But George W. has a thing for back to the past. Only this time, the 
poor will have to take a spoonful of religion if they hope to get a bowl of soup.

If Secretary of the Treasury Paul Alcoa O'Neill gets his way, corporations, while 
retaining their insane status of personhood, will no longer pay taxes-not that they 
pay much now, given the creativeness of their tax lawyers and accountants. That 
little burden will be shifted onto individual taxpayers-read that the Great Middle. 
O'Neill also wants to do away with Social Security and Medicare. After all, says 
Millionaire (or is that Billionaire?) O'Neill, people should provide for their own 
retirement and health care, and if they can't, let them work until they drop dead.

First, the corporations got away with making gone with pension funds and forcing 
workers into 401Ks. Notice the corporate media aren't reporting much about the hit 
401Ks have taken with the market slides. Then Congress killed the last of the banking 
safeguards put in place during the Great Depression, so the banks can again play in 

[CTRL] ['s a joke] Re: Study:Clinton IQ Rated Twice That of Bush

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The below excerpts from this article (i.e., About the authors) were just
pointed out to me.



They got me, and it was even my kinda toungue-in-cheek satire, too (i.e.,
the egg-on-your-face variety, and I haven't even eaten breakfast yet;-).

You gotta admit, it WAS well done (see below):

...About the authors: Cristina L. Borenstein and Lana Taamar are both
recently off the campaign trail where they served as receptionists for the
Pennsylvania chapter of Gore For President, Inc., and have co-written the
eBook Gore Got Gored. Together they publish the The
Pennsylvania Court Observer which has a circulation of 5.

Dr. Lovenstein lives in a mobile home in Scranton, Pennsylvania with his
long time companion Patricia F. Dilliams. When the two are not publishing
reports for their Lovenstein Institute, they run an internet business .

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Wayne's World and Dayton

2001-07-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=;wayne.html/A
Wayne's World and Dayton

Wayne Huizenga, the kingpin behind the growth of Waste Management (WMX) and
then Blockbuster Video, developed businesses that practice racism,
environmental degradation, government exploitation and law breaking.

Huizenga and his cousins, Waste Management immediate past president Dean
Buntrock and Board member Peter Huizenga, followed their immigrant
grandfather into the scavenger business. In their first year in business,
Huizenga crusaded across the country purchasing 90 scavenger companies.
Following the tradition of placing dumps in neighborhoods inhabited by the
powerless, they sited more and more of them in Black and Hispanic communities
across America. In Dayton, Ohio, the largest waste management company (WMX)
in the world is racist. WMX selected a site in the African-American community
inhabited not by poor but by middle and upper income people. The landmark
study by the United Church of Christ has documented their racist activity.

WMX undermines the environment. In Dayton, Ohio, Waste Management chose their
site in a highly populated area. Worse still, it is right at the sole source
aquifer line. The aquifer provides fresh drinking water for the metropolis.
Eventually, the business-oriented Ohio Environmental Protection Agency forced
WMX to eliminate a section of the landfill because it was over the aquifer!
The dump is still over watery sand and is a threat to the entire Dayton area
water supply.

In Dayton, Ohio, Waste Management refused to compete for the landfill site
bidding. Instead they sued the City of Dayton and settled out of court with a
$26 million payoff to the city. WMX cajoled the city into an agreement.
Huizenga has succeeded in monopolizing the waste management industry and
video distribution (through Blockbuster) by eliminating competition with the
same ruthlessness. Monopolies are illegal in the United States. Huizenga's
history exemplifies how the Federal government refuses to enforce its Sherman
Anti-Trust laws.

WMX compromises government. In Dayton, Ohio, Waste Management exploited
Dayton's government with its payoff. It gained huge favors from Ohio's EPA
for a 40% site enlargement so that the dump would become Dayton's highest
landmark, visible to all. WMX's history is strewn with convictions for
government corruption and exploitation. It hires former government officials
at a rapid pace. In 1996 INFACT singled it out with a corruption award. WMX

WMX the Huizenga family have no respect for the law and manipulate it with
regularity. In Dayton, Ohio, WMX broke the law by siting over an aquifer,
siting in a minority community, concealing its survey showing that the site
was dangerously over the aquifer, and misusing the judicial and legislative
systems to gain an agreement with the City of Dayton. WMX and Huizenga have
no respect for the law and manipulate it with regularity.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CNSNews: Chicago Jail Inmates Courted For Absentee Voting

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-\Politics\archive\200107\POL20

Chicago Jail Inmates Courted For Absentee Voting

By Gene J. Koprowski Correspondent
July 16, 2001

Chicago ( - The Chicago Board of Election Commissioners made
special provisions in the weeks before last fall's presidential election to
ensure that county jail prisoners registered to vote absentee, and that
approximately 1,900 absentee ballots from those inmates were promptly and
properly tabulated, according to information obtained by via
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The commissioners are formally appointed by the Cook County Circuit Court
for three-year terms. However, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, the brother of
Al Gore's campaign manager, Bill Daley, has influence over who gets

Preferential registration accommodations, however, were not made by the
commissioners for military or overseas absentee voters, officials said.

Being 'Very Helpful' to Inmates

On Tuesday, October 24th, we will receive approximately 1,500 applications
for absentee ballots from the Cook County Department of Corrections, reads
an October 2, 2000 memorandum by Celine O'Sullivan, manager of election
support activities for the board.

The memo, entitled Processing Pretrial Detainee Applications for Absentee
Ballots, was obtained following a three-month FOIA probe conducted by

Since we only have a week to process the applications in order to deliver
the ballots on November 2nd, it would be very helpful if we could have the
Data Processing personnel enter the applications on Wednesday, October
25th, the memo advised.

The memorandum was sent to Dan Doyle, the election board's manager of
records processing, registration and file maintenance.

Also receiving a copy of the memo was Rose Torres, a supervisor in the
absentee balloting department.

Exercising a Right Before It's Taken Away

A spokesman for the board, Thomas Leach, said the city has put in place a
process to ensure that the accused criminals can exercise their right to
vote before it is taken away in the event the inmate is convicted of a
felony charge.

What this is, is a program that we have with the Cook County Department of
Corrections to both register and vote by absentee ballot persons who are
being detained in the Department of Corrections, pretrial, said Leach.

According to Leach, the program is an effort to ensure that eligible voters
who are behind bars are able to cast their ballot. Under Illinois law,
once you're incarcerated on a crime, you cannot vote at that time. However,
if you are awaiting trial in jail, or in the Cook County Jail, you are
allowed to cast a ballot, said Leach.

Getting Out the Inmate Vote

In the weeks before the election, Leach said, the board dispatched
representatives of its Community Services department to the Department of
Corrections to undertake a special voter registration drive.

Working with the Department of Corrections, we register to vote anyone who
is not registered and wishes to do so, said Leach. We then set up, the
weekend before the election, absentee voting. We have several locations
throughout the jail.

At these prison polling places, the inmates line up, and their voting
information, address, and signature - all of the data on their absentee
voting applications - is checked. The prisoners then are voted, said

Leach said there are provisions to ensure that convicted felons are not
allowed to vote, but those safeguards are not undertaken by election
officials. Instead, Leach said that task is left to jailers.

It's up to the Department of Corrections, and they do this for us, since
they have the first-hand knowledge, and anybody who is actually serving a
sentence [for a felony conviction], that ballot is then pulled and they are
not allowed to vote, said Leach.

After the votes are cast, Leach said the ballots are transported to several
locations before being counted.

If they are still awaiting trial, they are allowed to vote. Those ballots
are then brought down here to our office. They are then sent out to their
original [home precinct] polling place, said Leach.

Because the ballots are counted by election judges at precinct polling
places outside the jail, it's impossible to tell how many votes any of the
presidential candidates received from the inmates.

All told, Leach confirmed that about 1,900 jail inmates voted in the
federal election in Chicago, exceeding the prisoner estimate noted in the
October memo by O'Sullivan.

Voter eligibility among Cook County Jail inmates is relatively low compared
with voter turnout among non-incarcerated voters, with about 15 percent of
the jail population casting ballots last year.

Nationally, voter participation in presidential elections has hovered
around 50% over the last two elections.

The county jail averages between 10,500 and 11,000 prisoners on any given
day, according to Cook 

Re: [CTRL] ['s a joke] Re: Study:Clinton IQ Rated Twice That of Bush

2001-07-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now Mike I knew that was not a true story - but I thought it was just
more Democrat Propaganda..

Bush said it all - he said He was President because he graduated from
Yale, while Dick Cheney was a Yale dropout - therefore, that is why he
was President, and Cheney was working for him.

That about sums it up, right?

Nothing wrong with those Gentleman C's for sometimes you must consider
this - nobody likes a smart ass (but it sure beats the hell out of an
old dumb ass).


PS - Mike since your are interested in Chandra Levy - do you think
somebody could have called his wife to say - better watch that husband
of yours or did brother Rat (Condit) call his sick wife to Washington
for protection as an excuse to get rid of Chandra for what if Chandra
had done the unforgivable and called him at home, at his other life?

When she suddenly got the boot - for she had not qualified for the job
for some time period - did she panic and there is a story now she began
to threaten Condit so Condit callled in his wife to hide behind her
skirts and it did not work?

Just a thought - for Eastern Stars do this - they did here at least,
they keep track of their wayward masonic brothers?   Anything they hate
also, is a other woman..

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Re: [CTRL] CNSNews: Chicago Jail Inmates Courted For Absentee Voting

2001-07-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hey they let Bill Clinton vote so why not these guys?

Somehow I wonder, do you think anyone in such a situation gives a damn
about an election?

I would sure want to find some of these people and say - hey, is this
your ballot?   Are you a first time voter?   Would run a check the whole
10 yards from point of origin to the polls.

In Columbus years ago they used street people and even went into mental
institutions and MRDD agencies and people voted with IQs of 5 years old
- this was CFR Celeste when Govenor who pulled that one off before they

released the prisoners and dumpted them into little prisons they call
home now run by former CFR henchmen?  Cui Bono?

Maybe I will do a little check up here too however I do not think they
have sunk so low yet as to try to pull this off in the small towns but
in the cities its anything goes?

Want to see Dead Men Walking?Dead Men Voting?   Go to the Board of

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Re: [CTRL] CNN Time Warner AOL Conspiracy

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

I forgot to mention that they trade all kinds of copyrighted software, as

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 4:28 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] CNN Time Warner AOL Conspiracy

Steve,  what's the URL for WinMx?

I have been using a few that are better than Napster, as well.  They trade
all types of files, e.g., videos, FIRST RUN MOVIES, audio books, and of
course, music, ESPECIALLY copyrighted stuff!


and, .

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bush Saw Through the Phoney Smoke and Mirrors.......

2001-07-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting item here which I finally found; however, enclosed the
Google Search with all the different theories and propaganda re Smoke
and Mirrors of Global Warming - a UN fraud designed to gouge Americans
out of more of their hard earned tax money.

Want Peace in our Time - Cut off the Foreign Aid for War Mongering;
Want the Weather back we once enjoyed - stop the Weather Modification
Program - for now you see both are used as Weapons of War.

This is interesting item..there is nothing new under the sun but the
works of Colonel Thoman Beardon goes back many years and as a nuclear
engineer and familiar with weather engineering he knows how the jet
streams are being maniipulated to cause chaos in particular to the
American Farmers in my opinion.

Part of Weather War is Kissinger's Dream to corner market on food, now
they want the water, and they the air we breathe we will have to pay the
UN for this too?

This weather control changed to modification program was being worked
on in he early 50 period...2nd only to the absorbing of the colored
race by the Pentagon and I ought to know, for I was witness to may
different conversations involving same

For I was never an Alice In Wonderland, I did my own thinking and
researwch based upon inside knowlege and research..let us say there
is nothing new under the sun.


A New Enlightenment On The Global Warming Hoax

E. Ralph Hostetter

  Toogood Reports [Thursday, April 5, 2001; 12:01 a.m. ET]

Some of the best news we´ve heard in years came from the White House
recently. President George W. Bush, singly-handedly, kicked the
so-called Kyoto Treaty on global warming right out the door.

Our heartfelt thanks to a president who was smart enough to see through
the smoke and mirrors of this global warming hoax, and who had the
courage to stick a pin in the big hot air balloon of engineered climate
change – a balloon filled with nothing more than the over-inflated
egos of a gang of pseudo-scientists.

At the core of the Kyoto Treaty was a draconian plan to turn all United
States energy polices over to the United Nations. Control would include
all our energy sources and resources.

The Kyoto Treaty, upon ratification by the signatory nations, would
become the Kyoto Protocol, much as the Montreal Protocol banned all use
of chlorofluorocarbons (Freon) in the world. And ban it, it did. A
change in the protocol, under United Nation´s rules, would require a
majority vote. The United States would have one vote out of 180, with no
veto power.

The purpose of the Kyoto Treaty was to penalize all the modern
industrial nations – North America and Europe – for their wasteful
energy use. These nations were identified as the largest emitters of
carbon dioxide through the use of fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas.
The Kyoto Treaty would require these nations to reduce carbon dioxide
emissions and thereby energy use (electricity, gasoline and fuel oil) to
a point five percent below those of 1990 by the year 2012.

As an example, California is using 50 percent more energy than it used
in 1990 – by the year 2012 it would be using much more. To reduce
California to less than half of the energy it consumed in 1990 would
effectively shut California down much as the Sierra Club, one of the
principle backers of the treaty, is doing now.

The Kyoto Treaty was the centerpiece of then Vice President Al Gore´s
effort to create a lasting legacy as the environmental giant he hoped to
become. He referred to the Kyoto Treaty as his Marshall Plan.

The treaty identified the industrial western world as the culprit. Those
nations used more energy than the so-called developing world. China,
Russia, India, all of Africa and South America were exempt. The exempt
nations were to be issued energy credits.

Energy in the industrial western countries would have to be rationed
immediately to reduce energy use to pre-1990 levels by the year 2012.

In the event the U.S. was starving energy-wise, it could purchase energy
credits, for example, from China, or from Russia, to survive. The
billions of dollars sent to these other countries, according to Gore,
would be spent by them to clean up their own environments, and presto,
the entire world would be pollution free.

What evil lurks in the hearts of men? Only the shadow of Clinton
knows. The Kyoto Protocol would have been nothing more than a Marxist,
communist, socialist plot to redistribute the western industrial wealth
to the old communist block nations.

The Kyoto Treaty was presented for approval b the United Nations to
member countries of the world at the Hague in the Netherlands last
November. Many western industrial nations began to smell a rat and the
meeting ended in disarray with a friendly environmentalist pushing a
pie in the face of the American delegate.

The. U.S. Senate in 1997 voted 97-0 to reject the Kyoto Treaty. In
defiance of the U.S. Senate vote rejecting the treaty, both 

[CTRL] Martin- Seized Weapons Sent To Cuba

2001-07-16 Thread William Shannon

Illegal Weapons Seized By FBI Sent to Cuba
by Al Martin
The illegal weapons en route from Huntsville, Alabama to New Orleans, seized 
and temporarily held by the FBI, have been dispatched to a naval base on Cuba.

Afterwards this shipment of "lemmings" (explosive bolts used in multi-stage 
missiles) was sent to Russia. And "Mr. Murphy," the Chinese arms dealer went 
along with it.

The weapons will be resold from Russia. A reliable inside source alleges that 
"that's why the US Government is part of it," i.e., why there was no 
continuing "interference" by the FBI. Evidently the weapons and the drivers 
were released by the FBI after being briefly detained.

Formally the FBI claims they know nothing about this incident, which means 
that they are indeed covering it up. (See previous story on Al Martin Raw)

What's being covered-up is that Cuba is being used as a trans-shipping point, 
which makes the entire transaction illegal, since Cuba is still an embargoed 

Most likely the shipment of weapons went through Cienfuegos, the site of the 
old Russian submarine base and the only place in Cuba where they still have 
naval facilities.

Russia then is simply a reseller to its former client states. This particular 
shipment of "lemmings" went via Cuba to Russia to one of Russia's end users. 
There are only several former client states of the USSR that could use 
explosive bolts in missile separations, and those would be Iran or India.

India is now building two-stage missile systems, and so is Pakistan, which is 
a little further behind. These are theater nukes. Both India and Pakistan 
have developed and tested thermo-nuclear weapons. They both have them pointed 
at each other.

The only modern weapons the Pakis continue to get are through the Chinese. 
They get US weapons, which have been sold to the Chinese. The Chinese resell 
them to the Pakis.

The ultimate end user of these missile bolts (lemmings) is probably India 
because the Iranian missile program is not advanced enough yet to need them.

The logical conclusion is that India would be the only potential country that 
is a client state of Russia that could use them.

This is very explosive news since the FBI has hinted (if they were asked 
about this cover-up of illegal weapons seizure) that they would say that this 
was a legal transaction. If anyone discovered enough to put it into print, 
the FBI would take the attitude that this was a lawful transaction. They 
simply wouldn't mention however that it was being shipped to Cuba first. 
That's the part that makes it unlawful because Cuba is still embargoed.

The FBI continues to attempt to keep this entire situation quiet and make it 
appear as if nothing happened.

Illegal weapons shipments in the US continue to move apace to their final 

The final irony is that India and Pakistan are currently in negotiation 
regarding their so-called "nuclear security."   

[CTRL] Fwd: Police ‘not buying’ Condit polygraph

2001-07-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

Parks are always notorious meeting grounds for perverts and such a place
would be Condit Territory without a doubt...Great News - lured in
the net with offer of a good job?


D.C. parks combed for signs of Levy
U.S. Park Police on horseback ride through Rock Creek Park Monday as
part of the search for clues in the disappearance of Chandra Levy.

July 16 -- Washington, D.C., Police Chief Charles Ramsey says on NBC's
Today show that a park that Chandra Levy may have intended to visit
will be among the areas searched.

WASHINGTON, July 16 —   Police fanned out Monday for a foot-by-foot
search of several Washington parks, including one that Chandra Levy
apparently explored from her home computer hours before she vanished
without a trace 11 weeks ago. A small bone was found in the early hours
of the hunt, but it was unclear whether it was a human bone. 
July 16 — Police are fanning out across the nation's capital, as the
search for Chandra Levy intensifies. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.
       POLICE PLACED A flag at the site in Rock Creek Park where
the 4-inch-by-1-inch bone was discovered and shooed reporters and
photographers away as they assessed their find.
       Police officials were expected to discuss the find
       Parts of Rock Creek Park were searched early in the
investigation and the more-comprehensive hunt at the 1,754-acre enclave
and other secluded areas was being conducted to see if we missed
something, Police Chief Charles Ramsey said Monday on NBC's Today
       Earlier, The Washington Post reported that Levy was on
her computer for more than three hours starting about 9:30 a.m. May 1,
and during the session, looked up a map site for the Klingle Mansion in
the 1,754-acre park.
       Police said they are not sure whether Levy ever visited
the Klingle Mansion, which serves as park headquarters.
       The Rock Creek Web site tells prospective visitors that
the park is relatively safe, but cautions that it is best to be with
another person if you are hiking or running (as a precaution —
especially for women).
       Ramsey confirmed the Post report, which noted that Levy
looked up other locations in the capital, and also visited Web pages to
get information on airline and train tickets to California.
       Three other parks in the southeast portion of the city
— Fort Dupont Park, Kenilworth Park and Anacostia Park — also are
expected to be searched this week, police told NBC News.
       The grid search, in which police officers and academy
recruits painstakingly comb an area foot by foot, could be expanded to
include other parks and will last about two weeks if nothing is found in
the meantime, police said.
       The effort continues a search that began Thursday when
police combed through vacant buildings near where Levy was last seen.
       Investigators also are examining 166 tips received after
a one-hour broadcast Saturday of America's Most Wanted devoted to the
Levy case.
       Meanwhile, police on Sunday turned up their public
pressure on Rep. Gary Condit, D-Calif., dismissing a private polygraph
test his lawyer says he passed last week as meaningless. We're not
buying that, Ramsey said, saying he was not satisfied that Condit had
been totally up front with his officers.

       Ramsey made the rounds of Sunday talk shows to make it
clear how disappointed he was with Condit, 53, who sources say
admitted he was having an affair with 24-year-old Levy in his third
interview with police after initially denying a romantic entanglement.
       In an interview with NBC's Tim Russert on Meet the
Press, Ramsey disputed the contention of Condit's lawyer, Abbe Lowell,
that Condit had cooperated fully with police from the beginning of the
investigation of Levy's disappearance on May 1.
       In terms of just being totally up front with us
throughout this entire investigation, there has been some information
that we wish we'd gotten earlier, Ramsey said.
       Ramsey said police wanted Condit to undergo their own
polygraph test to lock down the accuracy of information he gave
investigators during his three interviews about the nature of his
relationship with Levy.
       There are other things that we would like to know, he
said. It's not just whether there was any direct involvement, but what
about indirect involvement? Could she have been introduced to others …
that she may have left with? … And there may be some follow-up
questions that should've been asked.
       Speaking to reporters outside NBC's Washington studios
after appearing on Meet the Press, Ramsey said he was disappointed
that Condit and Lowell were trying to make [the privately conducted
polygraph] the official one.
       We're not buying that, he added.
 More coverage
•Latest developments  •Newsweek: The odyssey of Gary Condit
•WashPost: Another affair alleged  

[CTRL] JW: Peter Paul to Answer Questions By Telephone Over Illegal Hillary Fundraising

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Press Office



ABC's 20/20 Piece of Friday, July 13, 2001, Shows Video of Scam

DATE: Monday, July 16, 2001
TIME: 12:00 Noon ET
The Murrow Room
14th and F Street, NW
Washington, DC
(202) 882-7500

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch's client, Peter Paul, will answer questions
from Brazil concerning the largest unreported illegal campaign contribution
in history - the $2 million in campaign contributions to finance the
Hollywood Tribute to Bill Clinton.

The event netted Mrs. Clinton's Senate Campaign in excess of $1.5 million.

Others involved in the scandal include multitudes of Hollywood stars,
former DNC Chairman Ed Rendell, current DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe, and

In addition to Mr. Paul's live questioning, copies of video with Bill and
Hillary Clinton and other key documents will be made available at the press

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Italian police raid Revolutionary United Front chief arms supplier

2001-07-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Sierra Leone: Italian police raid Revolutionary United Front chief arms

AFP2001071152 Freetown Concord Times (Internet Version-WWW) in English
9 Jul 01
[Unattributed article: Italian Police Nab RUF's Chief Arms

 Italian police have raided the modest two-room apartment home of
Leonid Efimovich Minin, an international arms dealer and business partner
and confidant of Charles Taylor, near Milan. The raid smashed an
international arms-smuggling ring involving Russian organised crime that
has been supplying weapons to the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), reports
The Times of London.

 Times reports that the raid was the culmination of months of
painstaking detective work aimed at halting the trade.

 When the Squadra Mobile, or flying squad, pulled Leonid out of bed,
the Ukrainian-born, who operates under at least 30 nicknames, remained
silent and calm. He had 20 grams of cocaine on him.

 Leonid, now under Italian police custody has been charged with
international arms trafficking, a crime for which he faces a sentence of up
to 12 years if convicted.

 The police first started surveillance on Leonid when they were tipped
off about his arrival in Italy early last year. Arresting him last August
for drugs trafficking, they found him in the company of two prostitutes.
They confiscated £300,000 worth of diamonds and cocaine and photographs of
a variety of weapons. He was placed under house arrest and then released.

 Times newspaper quotes Walter Mapelli, the public prosecutor, as
saying that the investigation focuses on two shipments of arms from eastern
European countries to Africa
- 68 tons of light weapons in March 1999 and a consignment of 113 tons last
July which included assault rifles, Russian-made rocket-propelled grenades
and ammunition.

 The arms, believed to be of Ukrainian, Russian and Bulgarian origin
and including 10,500 Kalashnikov rifles, were falsely certified as destined
for African countries, including Burkina Faso, which were not subject to
the arms embargoes that the UN has slapped on Liberia and Sierra Leone.

 Leonid speaks Ukrainian, Russian, English, French, German and Italian,
and is believed to have made an annual profit of about £125m from his
rackets. When they seized his mobile telephone and other belongings,
however, the police found almost no trace of phone numbers. It seemed that
Minin had been punching out the numbers of his associates from memory. He
had no computer at his disposal, only three mobile phones and a fax machine.

[Description of Source: Freetown Concord Times (Internet Version-WWW) in
English -- independent daily newspaper; root URL as of filing date:]

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[CTRL] Reu: Climate Talks Start But Hopes of Deal Fade

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday July 16 7:36 AM ET

Climate Talks Start But Hopes of Deal Fade

By Matt Daily

BONN, Germany (Reuters) - Talks opened in Germany on Monday to try to
salvage the international Kyoto agreement, a pact many scientists believe
may be the last chance to save the environment from the destructive impact
of global warming.

With the United States and Europe at daggers drawn over the 1997
U.N.-sponsored Kyoto Protocol, which would force industrial powers to cut
greenhouse gas emissions, chances seem slim of an accord during two weeks
of meetings in Bonn.

Japan has emerged as a pivotal player between the other two polluting,
industrial regions. But Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has said it will
take more talks in Morocco in October to reach an overall deal.

Dutch Environment Minister Jan Pronk opened the Bonn talks, saying he had
brought forward some elements of the negotiating process to try to speed up
progress following the failure of a summit he hosted at The Hague last

``It's crucial that we bring our four years of work to completion,'' he
told reporters.

President Bush has renounced the backing for the pact given by his
predecessor, Bill Clinton. Washington says Kyoto was based on dubious
science and would hurt the economy.

That has angered Europeans, some of whom accuse Bush, a former Texas
oilman, of putting the business interests of the world's biggest polluter
ahead of saving the planet.


Koizumi's cautious pessimism brought angry responses from environmental
campaigners who say delay can only increase the threat that global warming
will melt polar ice-caps and flood coastlines and islands.

``There is huge black cloud over the conference --
it's caused by Japan not willing to go ahead without the U.S.,'' Bill Hare,
Greenpeace's climate change campaign head, told Reuters.

``All the issues are going to be held hostage by this.''

Some European officials and other observers said they were still hopeful
that Japan could be persuaded to back European Union efforts to have the
pact ratified by a majority of key states to try to increase pressure on
Washington to back it.

``The negotiations will be very difficult and it could be that the whole
enterprise collapses,'' German Environment Minister Juergen Trittin told
German television.

``Japan helped with the birth of Kyoto but it also could contribute to
burying Bonn...Now we have to make that leap...The main question is whether
the United States will come around to being more efficient in their use of
energy,'' he said.

Dismissing chances of changing Bush's mind any time soon, Trittin, a member
of the environmentalist Greens party, said it was more important to get
Japan and Russia to agree the pact: ''That's the aim of negotiations in
Bonn. If we succeed, or if Japan buries the Kyoto protocol, remains to be
seen,'' he said.

The talks in the former West German capital on the Rhine will focus on
detailed issues like deadlines for cutting gas emissions, mechanisms for
trading emissions allowances among countries and formulae for offsetting
gas emissions against forests, which can turn carbon dioxide pollution back
to oxygen.

Government ministers are not due to join civil servants at the meetings
until Thursday. And much of the high-level political arm twisting -- as
well as potentially violent protests -- is likely to be reserved for this
weekend's Group of Eight (G8) summit of leading industrial powers at Genoa,

European leaders, including German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, French
President Jacques Chirac and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, are likely
to press Bush and Koizumi on the issue.

In order to be binding on those taking part, the pact must be ratified by
at least 55 countries which also account for 55 percent of the
industrialized world's greenhouse gas emissions.

That means that without the United States, which alone accounts for 36.1
percent of those emissions, most of the other big industrial nations must
sign up together --
the EU's 15 states account for 24.2 percent and Japan 8.5 percent.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you 

[CTRL] The Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance

2001-07-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

 From Pravda,




Unknown to most of the world, satellites can perform astonishing and often
menacing feats. This should come as no surprise when one reflects on the
massive effort poured into satellite technology since the Soviet satellite
Sputnik, launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A spy satellite can
monitor a person's every movement, even when the target is indoors or deep
in the interior of a building or traveling rapidly down the highway in a
car, in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy). There is no place to
hide on the face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to blanket the
world with detection capacity. Besides tracking a person's every action and
relaying the data to a computer screen on earth, amazing powers of
satellites include reading a person's mind, monitoring conversations,
manipulating electronic instruments and physically assaulting someone with a
laser beam. Remote reading of someone's mind through satellite technology is
quite bizarre, yet it is being done; it is a reality at present, not a
chimera from a futuristic dystopia! To those who might disbelieve my
description of satellite surveillance, I'd simply cite a tried-and-true
Roman proverb: Time reveals all things (tempus omnia revelat).

As extraordinary as clandestine satellite powers are, nevertheless prosaic
satellite technology is much evident in daily life. Satellite businesses
reportedly earned $26 billion in 1998. We can watch transcontinental
television broadcasts via satellite, make long-distance phone calls
relayed by satellite, be informed of cloud cover and weather conditions
through satellite images shown on television, and find our geographical
bearings with the aid of satellites in the GPS (Global Positioning System).
But behind the facade of useful satellite technology is a Pandora's box of
surreptitious technology. Spy satellites--as opposed to satellites for
broadcasting and exploration of space--have little or no civilian
use--except, perhaps, to subject one's enemy or favorite malefactor to
surveillance. With reference to detecting things from space, Ford Rowan,
author of Techno Spies, wrote some U.S. military satellites are equipped
with infra-red sensors that can pick up the heat generated on earth by
trucks, airplanes, missiles, and cars, so that even on cloudy days the
sensors can penetrate beneath the clouds and reproduce the patterns of heat
emission on a TV-type screen. During the Vietnam War sky high infra-red
sensors were tested which detect individual enemy soldiers walking around on
the ground. Using this reference, we can establish 1970 as the approximate
date of the beginning of satellite surveillance--and the end of the
possibility of privacy for several people.

The government agency most heavily involved in satellite surveillance
technology is the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an arm of the
Pentagon. NASA is concerned with civilian satellites, but there is no hard
and fast line between civilian and military satellites. NASA launches all
satellites, from either Cape Kennedy in Florida or Vandenberg Air Force Base
in California, whether they are military-operated, CIA-operated,
corporate-operated or NASA's own. Blasting satellites into orbit is a major
expense. It is also difficult to make a quick distinction between government
and private satellites; research by NASA is often applicable to all types of
satellites. Neither the ARPA nor NASA makes satellites; instead, they
underwrite the technology while various corporations produce the hardware.
Corporations involved in the satellite business include Lockheed, General
Dynamics, RCA, General Electric, Westinghouse, Comsat, Boeing, Hughes
Aircraft, Rockwell International, Grumman Corp., CAE Electronics, Trimble
Navigation and TRW.

The World Satellite Directory, 14th edition (1992), lists about a thousand
companies concerned with satellites in one way or another. Many are merely
in the broadcasting business, but there are also product headings like
remote sensing imagery, which includes Earth Observation Satellite Co. of
Lanham, Maryland, Downl Inc. of Denver, and Spot Image Corp. of Reston,
Virginia. There are five product categories referring to transponders. Other
product categories include earth stations (14 types), military products and
systems, microwave equipment, video processors, spectrum analyzers.
The category remote sensors lists eight companies, including ITM Systems
Inc., in Grants Pass, Oregon, Yool Engineering of Phoenix, and Satellite
Technology Management of Costa Mesa, California. Sixty-five satellite
associations are listed from all around the world, such as Aerospace
Industries Association, American Astronautical Society, Amsat and several
others in the U.S.

Spy satellites were already functioning and violating people's right to
privacy when President 


2001-07-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


A pro-gun lobby group has attacked the government over laws that made
handgun ownership illegal, after a study it commissioned found that
the criminal use of handguns went up by 40% in the two years after
the weapons were banned. A study commissioned by the Countryside
Alliance's Campaign for Shooting found that the number of crimes that
involved a handgun increased from 2,648 in 1997-98 to 3,685 in

Full story - Guardian Unlimited
Special report: Gun violence in Britain - Guardian Unlimited
Key player - Campaign for Shooting

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: New Age Books Supplies: Search for: black pullet

2001-07-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

So is the secret to the disappearance of the little girl with the Rose
Tattoo based upon the black magic of the organized crime unit and the
black pullet - note her golden ring was missing - how do they know she
was not wearing it?

What kind of a ring was it - Jack the Ripper and you find his rituals in
the bible - took off the rings of his victims in some instances, and lay
them at their feet - with a few coins.

Would sure like to know if Chandra was an Eastern Star - and I say no
way, would she go to those woods infested with gay pride alone.

Isn't there a biblical story where a Princess passes herself off as a
harlot - and takes the King's Ring?

We know now what Condit is - a bum of the lowest degree..a little
twerp hanging around with the cream of the scum?

Black Magic and VooDoo has always been used in inelligence circles -
read Cavendish and his knowledge of the Black Pullet who is brought in
from the East to do his master's bidding but when one is about to ask
something of the gods, it is said to be damn sure you know what you did the little twerp drop a hint he was having a
problemand the messenger delivered the message - for any mason
searches the scriptures for keys to many murders.


Books  Supplies at     Search for: black pullet 
 Most relevant 20 items found shown.
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The BLACK PULLET -  Anonymous   $12.95     Put In Cart   BLPU
    Science of Magical Talisman
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First surfacing in France in the 18th century, The BLACK PULLET is a
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use of these rings, people attained extraordinary powers. Perhaps the
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otherwise known as the Hen with the Golden Eggs. Unlimited wealth was
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  • Category: Rituals, Spells
BLACK And White Magic - Marie Laveau   $4.95     Put In Cart  
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  • Category: Rituals, Spells
The BLACK Books Of Elverum - Mary Rustad, Editor   $19.95    
Put In Cart   BLBOEL 5086
    Galde   Hardcover  176 Pp.   1-880090-75-9
In a dusty old attic in central Norway, Mary Rustad came upon two
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BLACK Holes And Energy Pirates - Jesse Reeder   $14.95     Put
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    How to Recognize and Release Them
    Crossing   Paper  176 Pp.   1-58091-048-3
Two phenomena that keep people from reaching their creative potential
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energy pirates-the maneuvering and dodging people do to disguise these
patterns and beliefs. Using her personal story as a starting point, the
author explains how to reverse the process of undermining oneself by
enhancing inner resources.
  • Category: Personal Growth
The BLACK Moon Book - Francis Santoni Et Al   $12.00     Put In
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    Sum   Paper  126 Pp.   0-9629352-2-0
Combines The Dark Goddess Lilith by Demetra George, Basics to
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George explores the symbolism of Lilith and how She affects us.
  • Category: Astrological Readings
Book Of BLACK Magic - A. E. Waite   $12.95     Put In Cart  
    Weiser   Paper  328 Pp.   0-87728-207-2
Includes the Rites and Mysteries of Goetic Theurgy, Sorcery and Infernal
  • Category: Rituals, Spells
A Mand®an Book Of BLACK Magic - E. S. Drower   $5.95     Put
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    Holmes   Staplebound Paper  24 Pp.   1-55818-139-3
Unusual work by this acknowledged authority on the Mandaans, a secret
society of the Middle East.
  • Category: Rituals, Spells
Secret BLACK Projects Of The New World Order - Tim Swartz  
$12.95     Put In Cart   SEBLPR 2916
    Abelard   Large Format Paper  112 Pp.   0-938294-80-6
This book includes information on various classified Top Secret
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Mach 2 that are solely under the command of the New World Order forces.
The author is an Emmy-Award-winnning television producer who maintains
that his research shows that all 

Re: [CTRL] amirault case poll

2001-07-16 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

If you're online, you might want to go to

and vote NO regarding your opinion of the parole board's decision in the
Amirault case. (abuse, day care centre)

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Pravda: Cuba Aaccuses CIA of Attacks with Biological Weapons!

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

11:04 2001-07-13



The transcript from a recent Cuban Council of State meeting provides
evidence that Havana is convinced the CIA was behind many attacks on Cuba
with biological weapons between 1961 and 1981.

According to this transcript, the CIA launched attacks with biological
weapons on Cuba's agricultural workers at the sugar harvest time in 1961
and 1962, in an attempt to paralyse the Cuban economy at the height of the
international crisis.

A decade later, it is claimed, the CIA introduced swine fever into the
island, an epidemic which culminated in the death of 500,000 pigs.

In 1979, the Washington Post wrote an article stating that the CIA had a
secret programme to destroy Cuban agriculture and that since 1962, the
Pentagon had been producing biological agents to use against Cuba's sugar
cane and tobacco production. Sugar cane and tobacco are two mainstays of
the Cuban economy.

In 1984, Eduardo Arosena, leader of the terrorist group OMEGA-7, admitted
to an American jury that he had taken part in operations to introduce
deadly viruses into Cuba as part of a secret biological warfare programme
against Havana.

Spokesperson of the Council of State meeting Randy Alonso claims Cuba has
been the victim of the investigation and development of deadly viruses in
North American Laboratories. We must not forget the cases of haemorrhagic
dengue and haemorrhagic conjunctivitis.

The Council of State meeting revealed evidence that the epidemic of
haemorrhagic dengue in 1981 killed 158 people, 191 of them children. It is
claimed that this virus was cultivated especially for Cuba because it is a
virus that is not endemic in the island and it was only here that this
strain was to be found, being unknown in the rest of the American

Dr. Eric Martinez confirmed this and remembers that at the height of the
crisis, when we had 300,000 people sick, and we had the possibility of
acquiring one of the products (Abate) that we needed to use to stop the
spread of this disease. Due to the blockade, the access to this medicine
was denied to us.

Accusations of this kind are unfortunately not a surprise in South America,
a continent which the USA has always used and abused in a tissue of power
games as it divides and rules and keeps its economic stranglehold over the
continent it loves to dominate.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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2001-07-16 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-



see  [there can be only everyone !!]
[local researchers at]

EASTERN STANDARD TIME   nightsearch 17.00pm



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] WP: Levy Looked Up Map Of a 'Rock Creek' Site

2001-07-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

If infidelity is the test, there would be a number of members of Congress
that should resign, Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) said on CNN's Late

[Lol! Try *ALL* members of the House and Senate!!  I heard Ramsey last
night on CNN's Face the Nation.  Rock Creek Park will be the first to be
searched today by a large number of police academy cadets and recruits that
he called in to do the now nearly random searching as they begin to run out
of more productive leads to run.  Walsh (America's Most Wanted) was also a
guest on the show.  He said that his show's Sat night Levy segment
generated 160 seemingly decent leads.  While they wait forensic lab
results, the detectives will reinterview ppl and follow-up on most of the
AMW generated leads while the cadets/recrutes randomly search wider and
wider circles from Levy's apt.  Btw, for the ongoing FR thread on this
stuff, see: .   --MS]

Levy Looked Up Map Of a Rock Creek Site

Intern Was on Computer May 1, D.C. Police Say

By Allan Lengel and Sari Horwitz
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, July 16, 2001; Page B01

Chandra Levy looked up a map site on the Internet for the Klingle Mansion
in Rock Creek Park before logging off her laptop computer for the last
time, a senior police official said yesterday.

For more than three hours starting about 9:30 a.m. May 1, Levy was on her
computer, looking up the Rock Creek site and other locations as well as Web
pages for airline and train tickets to California, where she planned to
attend her graduation ceremony at the University of Southern California,
Executive Assistant Police Chief Terrance W. Gainer said.

Police said they are not sure whether Levy, 24, ever visited Klingle
Mansion, and they declined to disclose the other locations that she was
checking on the Internet. Levy was last seen at her D.C. health club April

Meanwhile, as police released more details about her last known movements,
Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) called for Rep. Gary A. Condit
(D-Calif.), to resign if these allegations are true that he had a
romantic relationship with Levy, a recent intern at the U.S. Bureau of
Prisons who has been missing for 11 weeks.

Infidelity is always unacceptable, but particularly when you have an
elected official involved in a position of trust with a young girl, an
intern, Lott said on Fox News Sunday.

Marina Ein, a publicist for Condit, declined to comment on Lott's remarks.

According to sources, Condit -- whom police have interviewed three times --
told investigators in his most recent interview that he was having an
affair with Levy when she disappeared. Police have said that he is not a
suspect in what is still classified as a missing persons case.

Police have not ruled out suicide, homicide or the possibility that Levy
ran off on her own. But D.C. Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey said yesterday
on Face the Nation that he thought it unlikely that Levy was abducted by
a stranger because she was a pretty cautious woman and just wasn't one to
just throw her door open to anybody if there was a knock at the door and
things like that.

Today, police plan to launch a two-week search throughout the city, using
about 50 police recruits to look for a body or a fresh burial spot in areas
where people picnic, park or have romantic liaisons, Gainer said.

The search will include the Klingle Mansion, the area of which police
searched about four weeks ago, Gainer said. The three-story, gray stone
Pennsylvania Dutch-style farmhouse, which was built in 1823, sits on a
weedy hill overlooking a block of large homes near a shallow wooded area.
It is a popular destination for dog walkers, bikers, hikers and joggers.

The mansion is about two miles north of Levy's apartment in the 1200 block
of 21st Street NW and about a mile from Adams Morgan, where she was known
to visit restaurants and Condit's apartment.

Gainer said police have also contacted the D.C. Taxicab Commission and
asked for all 1,600 registered drivers in the city to submit their logs
from April 30 to May 2 to see whether anyone took Levy to the mansion or
anywhere else. Levy did not have a car in the District.

As part of the probe, investigators, at the invitation of Condit's
attorney, Abbe D. Lowell, interviewed members of Condit's staff in recent
days. Over the weekend, they searched a car of a staff member who on more
than one occasion recently has picked up the congressman at his apartment,
Gainer said.

Many leads in the case have proved fruitless. Police examined a 911 call
made at 4:37 a.m. May 1 from a woman in Levy's apartment building who said
she heard a scream for help outside the building. Nothing was found. Gainer
said Levy appeared to have been on her computer five hours after the call,
leading police to believe it was not relevant to the case.

Police said they plan to release 

Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of all Presi dents of Past 50 Years

2001-07-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So you all got suckered in on this one?   First place anyone who watches
Jay Leno cannot be too bright for even his script writers leave much to
be desired.

So, I thought gee whiz, my IQ was 2 points under FDR: and I wondered,
for I always knew he was what some believed to be a great leader, and he
used that little lame Prince bit for all it was worth.

Fact is fact - and me I thought that piece was written by Democrat
propagandists - as for Carter, I remember when he took his problems on
the neutron bomb home to little pigeon toed Amy.for advice.and
when his brother like Clinton put on the performance of their lives,
urinating in public.

George Bush is a gentleman - too bad he is not like a Clinton who sells
snake oil, or even Clayton Powell - for Powell and Clinton and even Alan
Keyes are well trained, well programmed parrots for this New World
Order.if you cannot tell the programmed idiots by now, well continue
to vote democrat.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Vatican Harboring War Criminal

2001-07-16 Thread William Shannon

Vatican 'saves priest' from genocide trial
Jon Swain

ITALY is refusing to hand over to the international war crimes tribunal a
Rwandan Catholic priest wanted on genocide charges. He is accused of ordering
his own church to be bulldozed, crushing and killing up to 2,500

Italian judicial authorities claim that an ad hoc decree is required for them
to co-operate with the United Nations tribunal for Rwanda. Authoritative
sources say the true reason for Italy's stalling is discreet pressure from
the Vatican.

Carla Del Ponte, the tribunal's chief prosecutor, says that, as a UN member
state, Italy is in breach of its international obligations. "It's a scandal.
Belgrade has handed over Milosevic, but Rome won't grant me this arrest," she
complained after announcing that three other Rwandan suspects, including a
priest, had been arrested on the tribunal's orders in Belgium, Switzerland
and the Netherlands on Thursday.

Del Ponte did not identify her target in Italy, who is the subject of a
secret indictment, but well-informed sources in the Hague and in Rome
confirmed that the wanted priest is Father Athanase Seromba.

A Hutu, Seromba had allegedly sided in 1994 with a campaign to exterminate
Rwanda's Tutsi minority. The destruction of his church at Nyange on April 16,
1994, was one of the most notorious massacres of the genocide in which
800,000 died.

Seromba travelled afterwards to Florence with the help of supporters in the
Catholic church. He rejoined the priesthood under an assumed name. In
November 1999 The Sunday Times found he had established a new life for
himself as a deputy priest at a church in Florence under the name of Don
Anastasio Sumba Bura.

The UN tribunal, based in Arusha, Tanzania, opened an investigation and began
collecting evidence. Del Ponte formally requested Seromba's extradition from
Italy at the beginning of this month. But statements emanating from the
Catholic church in Florence suggest it stands by him.

"Everyone has a positive impression of him," said Riccardo Bigi, a spokesman
for the diocese. "He's definitely not willing to talk about Rwanda, but that
is understandable because he suffered a great deal. From what we know of him,
it's highly improbable that the accusations against him are true."

In Rwanda in 1994 the church was the single most powerful institution after
the government. But its clergy were not exempt from the country's pervasive
racism and it failed miserably to prevent the genocide.

The Vatican has since ignored appeals to purge its ranks of suspected
killers. A few weeks ago it even questioned the objectivity of a Belgian
court that gave two Rwandan Benedictine nuns long jail sentences for

Rakiya Omaar, the director of African Rights, a respected London-based human
rights organisation, said: "At the very least the church should have mounted
an inquiry."

Callers to the parish church of San Mauro a Signa in Florence yesterday were
first told that Seromba was on holiday, but he later emerged briefly to deny
the accusations.

" I had nothing to do with the Nyange massacre," he said. "Leave me in peace,
I don't want to talk." The Vatican declined to comment on allegations that it
had put pressure on Italy to block Seromba's arrest.

The priest's comfortable exile cannot end soon enough for the small band of
survivors of Nyange, however. "I lost my father, my wife, my child, my
stepmother, my young brother, my sisters and many others in the church," said
Bertin Ndakubana, a parish councillor. "Where was the servant of God,
Seromba, at that moment?"

Additional reporting: John Follain, Rome