[CTRL] Afghani Tribal Dances

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

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From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News  Analysis : The US War in Afghanistan
The Taliban, the US and the resources of Central Asia
Part 1
By Peter Symonds
24 October 2001
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The following is the first article in a two-part series on the
history of the Taliban movement in Afghanistan. The concluding part
will be published tomorrow.
The target of the latest US military aggression in Afghanistan is the
Taliban. However, one searches in vain in the extensive media
coverage of the “war on terrorism” for any coherent explanation of
the origins of this Islamic extremist organisation, its social and
ideological base, and its rise to power. The omission is no accident.
Any serious examination of the Taliban reveals the culpability of
Washington in fostering the current theocratic regime in Kabul.
The Bush administration rails against the Taliban for harbouring the
Islamic extremist Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda organisation. But
throughout the 1980s, successive US administrations spent billions of
dollars funding the Islamic holy war or jihad by Mujaheddin fighters
against the Moscow-backed regime in Kabul in order to undermine the
Soviet Union. Moreover, until the late 1990s, the US turned a blind
eye to the Islamic fundamentalism and regressive social policies of
the Taliban, which was backed and funded by two of Washington’s
closest allies in the region—Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
The primary factor in determining the twists and turns of
Washington’s orientation in Afghanistan has not been the threat from
Islamic extremism but how best to exploit the new opportunities that
opened up in Central Asia following the collapse of the Soviet Union
in 1991. Throughout the last decade, the US has been vying with
Russia, China, the European powers and Japan for political influence
in this key strategic region and for the right to exploit the world’s
largest untapped reserves of oil and gas in the newly formed Central
Asian republics—Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and

The key to the huge potential profits in Central Asia was
distribution—how to transport the oil and gas from this isolated,
backward and landlocked region to the world’s main energy markets.
The only existing pipelines were those of the old Soviet distribution
network through Russia. As the scramble for resources in the region
intensified, the US aims were clear. It wanted to undermine Russia’s
economic monopoly while at the same time making sure that other
rivals were kept out of the race. The pipelines therefore had to run
through countries over which the US could exert substantial political
influence, which excluded China and Iran.
The Central Asian republics were previously part of the Soviet Union
and had long borders with both China and Iran. So a pipeline that
excluded Russia, China and Iran left two alternatives. One was a
convoluted route under the Caspian Sea, through the Caucasus via
Azerbaijan and Georgia, and then across Turkey. The second through
Afghanistan and Pakistan was shorter, but immediately raised
difficult political questions. With whom was one to negotiate in
Afghanistan and how could the political stability necessary to
construct and maintain pipelines be guaranteed?
Following the fall of the Soviet-backed regime of Mohammad Najibullah
in 1992, Kabul had been turned into a battleground by competing
Mujaheddin militia. The nominal head of government was Professor
Burhanuddin Rabbani, who presided over a highly unstable and shifting
coalition, based mainly on ethnic Tajiks and Uzbeks from northern
Afghanistan. The rival Hizb-e-Islami militia, drawn from the Pashtun
majority in southern Afghanistan, was also entrenched in the suburbs
of Kabul. Led by Gulbuddin Hikmetyar, it was subjecting government
positions in the capital to withering rocket barrages.
Arrayed on either side of the conflict, which was reducing the
capital to rubble and producing wave after wave of refugees, were
other militia groups reflecting the country’s myriad of ethnic and
religious divisions. The rivalries reflected not only local
animosities but the interests of various sponsor states, each seeking
to establish its own predominance. Pakistan supported Hikmetyar, Iran
backed the Shiite Hazaras, and Saudi Arabia financed a number of
groups, particularly those sympathetic to its brand of
Islam—Wahabbism. The Central Asian republics had connections to the
ethnic groups in northern Afghanistan and, in the background, India,
Russia and the US all had a hand in Afghani political affairs.
The situation in Kabul was a microcosm of the country as a whole. The
Rabbani government exercised no real authority beyond the areas under
its immediate military control. The country was carved up among rival
militia, the economy was in ruins and the social fabric in tatters.
Over a million people died in the war against the Soviet-backed
regime in the 1980s and many more were 

[CTRL] War not a matter of conscience

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org

 The lengths to which the government is prepared to go in stifling
 opposition to its war drive is revealed ...

}}}This is almost getting to be funny, in a cliche' sense.  Every
time these lame brained politicians need to drive their point home,
they invoke the Spectre of none other than Der Phooey himself in
order to heap insult upon their opponents.  The irony is -- of course
-- that they are striving for exactly what Der Phooey had in his
times of crisis, a bunch of people who waved at him, indicating their
assent to whatever he thunked up during his hours of revelry.  Now,
we have a Britlander Hilary, who, without the benefit of being able
to acquire the Britlandic equivalent of a Selective Service System
Card or an International Most Dangerous Game Hunting License, can
easily put war as matter of conscience out of her mind (which she
may be anyway: out of her mind).  But, it's still nice to know there
is such a thing a conscience ovah theyah.  AER {{{


WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Britain
Britain: Government member says war is not a matter of conscience
By Richard Tyler
24 October 2001
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Cabinet member Hilary Armstrong said last week that war was “not a
matter of conscience”. The outburst came when Armstrong, Labour’s
Chief Whip, responsible for ensuring backbenchers support the
government in the House of Commons, called MP Paul Marsden into her
office to give him a dressing down.
Armstrong berated Marsden for publicly opposing the war in
Afghanistan, threatening him, “Those that aren’t with us are against
On October 13, the backbench Labour MP spoke out against the war at a
march and rally organised by CND in London that attracted up to
50,000 protestors. Prior to this on October 8, in the third debate on
the “international coalition against terrorism”, Marsden had raised a
point of order calling for a Commons’ vote on the conduct of the war.
Marsden also asked, “When will British citizens be given a written
constitution so that Parliament, not a prime minister, authorises a
declaration of war?” Both questions were brushed aside.
The lengths to which the government is prepared to go in stifling
opposition to its war drive is revealed by last week’s exchange in
the Chief Whip’s office, which Marsden subsequently passed on to the
Armstrong: “We may hold a vote [on the war]... but it will be whipped
[i.e., support for the war would be made compulsory for Labour MPs].”
Marsden: “That is outrageous. You won’t even give us a free vote on
whether we go to war, which should be a matter of conscience.”
Armstrong: “War is not a matter of conscience. Abortion and embryo
research, they are matters of conscience.”
Marsden: “Are you seriously saying that blowing people up and killing
people is not a moral issue?”
Armstrong: “It is government policy that we are at war... anyway you
must stop using the media.”
Marsden: “That’s a bit rich coming from people like you and Downing
Street when [Transport Secretary] Stephen Byers’ spin doctor Jo Moore
says September 11 is a good day to bury bad news.”
Armstrong: “Jo Moore didn’t say that.”
Marsden: “That is exactly what she said in her email.”
Armstrong: “We don’t have spin doctors in No 10 [Downing Street], or
anywhere else.”
Marsden: (laughing) “You aren’t seriously telling me that you don’t
have spin doctors and they don’t exist. You are losing it, Hilary.”
Armstrong: (shouting) “You wait until I really do lose it. I am not
going to have a dialogue with you about that. It was people like you
who appeased Hitler in 1938.”
(The Whips take their name from the “whippers-in”, who kept hunting
hounds in line. Labour Whips are answerable directly to the prime
minister, until recently being housed adjacent to his official
residence at No 10 Downing Street. When they call a “three-line
whip”, every Labour MP is required to attend the Commons to support
the government in any vote.)
Not only did Marsden refuse to submit to the Chief Whip’s
remonstrations, he then provided the press with his own verbatim
account of the confrontation. This is considered an almost
unpardonable breach of parliamentary etiquette, according to which
the actions of the Whips are not subject to any public scrutiny.
Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, who had been the first government
member to liken those opposing the war with supporters of appeasement
with Nazi Germany, also attacked Marsden for publishing his account
of what Straw described as a “private conversation” with the Chief
Following publication of the exchange between Armstrong and Marsden
in the Mail on Sunday, armed forces minister Adam Ingram told Sky
television that Labour MPs opposed to the bombing were “moving
towards” those who appeased the Nazi regime in the 1930s.
The pressure was kept up on Monday, when Defence Minister Geoff Hoon
said, “Labour members... know what are the consequences of crossing

[CTRL] Armchair Worriers

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


 The Rules of War?

Paul Weber

When, after
centuries of warfare, Rome finally managed to conquer Carthage,
the Roman
general Scipio Africanus ordered the city to be leveled such that
no stone
stood upon another and the soil be sown with salt so that nothing
might ever
grow there again. When the warrior-king Tamerlane swept out of
central Asia,
pillaging and destroying every city along the way, for a brief
moment in
time establishing the largest empire the world has known (in
terms of sheer
geography), he set up monuments along the roads his army had
consisting of pyramids of human skulls. When Tamerlane fell into the hands
of his enemies, however, they all wanted to participate in his demise. It is
said they killed him by setting a huge board on him, then gathering around
the makeshift table. On a signal, they all leaned their weight on the
tabletop, crushing Tamerlane to death. Then, they proceeded to have a hearty
dinner on the tabletop. All's well that ends well. In most of the wars of 
antiquity, the conquered
peoples were routinely butchered, and their wives and daughters sold into
slavery. The Romans, realizing this might breed a bit of resentment and
eventually weaken their empire, gave the conquered peoples the option of
joining their conquerors, even giving them the high honor of having their
own gods worshipped as part of the Roman pantheon. We must note, however,
that such gestures of magnanimity were only offered after the enemy was
decisively conquered. These gestures of magnanimity seem to be early
examples of what we now call Rules of War--guidelines of conduct
that are inevitably broken in the course of warfare, since victory often
goes to those who are willing to be the most brutal. The German word for 
war--Krieg--comes from the verb meaning to acquire, reflecting the old view of war 
that you waged it in order to
get something, or steal a bunch of loot from the tribe on the other side of
the hill. Well, John-Boy, things were a lot simpler--and honest--back then.
If you asked Tamerlane or Genghis Khan why they went to war, they would probably 
had thought you awfully dull-witted. They went to war to get stuff! To rape, to 
pillage, to enjoy some spectacular arson, and then move
on. The
Romans undoubtedly invented some fine fictions to explain why they went to
war--the greater glory of the empire, the service of the god-emperor, the
spreading of culture to the far corners of the world--but if we really cut
to the chase, Roman war was all about getting a bunch of stuff, mainly for
the pleasure of the ruling classes, but also for the entertainment and
mollification of the proletarians. You see, we human beings secretly love war. 
Now, don’t get all huffy on me with denials. Face it: we love it! Why else would any 
species engage in deliberate self-destruction on such
 an awe-inspiring level, unless, to some degree, we loved it? Oh, I know--people claim 
to hate war when they experience the aftermath, like a drunkard bemoaning his 
hangover, but still, most people love it. Why else do yo
u go to the bookstore, and find shelf after shelf filled with books rehashing, over 
and over again, the history of wars, in every nauseating detail? In response to the 
atrocity of September 11, several commentators, left
and right, have been whooping it up for war, almost as though they’ve been waiting for 
an opportunity like this for years. There is definitely
some weird, twisted aspect of the human psyche that we need to explore regarding 
war: people who were otherwise normal human beings suddenly start
ranting like schoolboys, fairly drooling about how bad we’re gonna hurt bin Laden, 
the convenient Hitler of the moment. Then come the demands that
everyone in the entire country think exactly the same way. Seriously, folks--read 
the recent columns by Michael Kelly in the Wall Street
Journal in which he says that anyone who is for peace is on the side of bin Laden. 
sure Mr. Kelly, when he strips off his editorial tunic and goes home, is otherwise 
a normal human being. But something about the prospect of war turns him into a 
megalomaniac. Surely there is some deep-seated biologic
al drive that takes over the majority of the species from time to time, egging people 
on to kill each other. Just a few deep thinkers--libertarians and free-market 
advocates, mostly--sit on the sidelines and wonder why ev
is acting so crazy. Man, it’s tough being right all the time. After the Romans, 
the excuses for war started to get a little more clever. Religious rationalizations 
became all the rage as the Muslim armies stormed out
of Arabia, conquering kingdom after kingdom and demanding--surprise!--that everyone 
think like them or be put to the

[CTRL] Looney In WashingToon

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

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Figures of Childish Imagination
Occupy High Positions in American Government
Bert's Collaboration With Osama Bin Laden
Shown to Be Tip of the Iceberg.


WASHINGTON, DC-The revelations of Sesame Street character Bert’s
partnership with
Osama bin Laden sent shockwaves through official Washington.
However, new
discoveries are now beginning to overshadow even that scandal.
investigators have found that cartoon and muppet infiltration
extends deeper
than anyone had previously suspected. Figures of childish
imagination now
occupy a surprising number of official positions, including one
who works as
a communications adviser for the American president.
Mr. Pig has been a loyal employee and has always given the
president excellent advice, said Senior White House Counselor
Hughes. Sure, Porky has his speech impediment, but he can turn
elegant phrase when the situation calls for it, and he’s great
closing lines. Our only mistake was allowing him to dictate the
final drafts
for President Bush’s speeches.
When asked how the president could allow an imaginary figure to help
craft policy, Ms Hughes defended the administration, President Bush
has made it very clear that there will be no discrimination on his watch.
Almost everyone agrees that no matter what a person’s color, gender,
religion, or sexual orientation is they should not be denied an opportunity
to contribute. I don’t see why we should act any differently when it comes
to a person’s fictional status. Compassionate conservatism, if it is to
mean anything, cannot allow any undue realism to affect policy.
Cartoon policy makers have also been found in the center of some rather high level 
disputes. The recent feud between the Defense and State Departments, it has been 
learned, was really nothing more than a dispute between t
wo cartoon aides. Mr. Daffy Duck, who is an assistant to Paul Wolfowitz, the 
Undersecretary of Defense, and Mr. Bugs Bunny, an assistant
to Colin Powell, the Secretary of State disagreed on whether US policy in
the Middle East should lean towards Israel or accommodate Arabic concerns.
It’s Arafat season, screamed Mr. Duck at one meeting.
No, it’s Sharon season, responded Mr. Bunny.
Reportedly, this exchange repeated itself for over an hour until,
finally, an agreement was reached when Mr. Bunny riposted, Look,
Daffy, it’s Arafat season, and you know it.
The heck you say, rabbit. It’s Sharon season, and I’m not
leaving here until you ‘fess up to it.
Okay, Daffy, you win, Mr. Bunny relented. Let me clear
it with Colin, and we’ll send the papers over to you.
Later Bugs Bunny claimed that there really was no division between the
two departments, or even between him and his colleague Daffy. Said the cartoon 
hare, No, no. We get along fine. Daffy’s a great guy. We
play golf on the weekends, you know. Actually, his joining Wolfowitz’s
team has been a blessing as he’s been able to act as something of a stable
element over there.
In this same interview, Bugs Bunny talked about other cartoon figures working in 
Washington: Sure, doc, there’s lots of us out there. Pepe
le Pew made some very significant contributions to our chemical warfare divisions. 
OK, so he was fired because of sexual harassment issues, but that
cat had it coming to her. Who else? Oh, yeah, there’s also Wile E. Coyote.
He had a position in RD. I hear he was working on a laser-guided anvil,
but the Pentagon had to let him go later because they found out he was
getting kickbacks from the boys at Acme.
Other government agencies beyond the State and Defense Departments have
been found using cartoon labor, too. In the newly organized Office of Homeland 
Security, Linus from the Peanuts Gang was found distributing blankets. When 
questioned, the Head of Homeland Security, former Governor
Tom Ridge, defended Linus’ actions, saying, C’mon, it’s a more effective form of 
security than what we had in place beforehand.
At the Immigration and Naturalization Service, one Mr. Magoo was found processing 
applicants for naturalization. Answered Agent Magoo when asked
about his qualifications: Why, I can spot the best of’em, my boy. No
one gets past ol’ Magoo without a thorough check. This is the INS, you know. Now, 
if you’ll excuse me, that nice Middle Eastern fellow who was just in here dropped this 
taped-up bundle of Linkin’ Logs, and I’d like
to return it to him. Oh, my! What a pretty sparkler it has on the end!
Listen to it hiss.
Oh my yes, that boy will make an excellent addition to our
country, continued Agent Magoo, who at this point was addressing his
hatrack. Said he was going to Wall Street and wanted to make a
killing. I think he’s going to invest in Pork Bellies. He kept talking
about a company called -umm, oh yes!- ‘Infidel Swine’ I think it was.

Re: [CTRL] Wrenching, incriminating quotes - Dick Eastman

2001-10-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


From:  Dick Eastman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Wed Oct 17, 2001  12:12 pm
Subject:  Wrenching, incriminating quotations -- Top Establishment
disposition for crashbombing frame-up, war provocation

What I found infinitely disturbing and compelling was this page of
quotations -- many of which I too have located and confirmed over the years
and so know to be genuine.  But I am dumbfounded at all I missed!  These
quotations are historical data, not interpretation, not theory.  These
well-positioned and much-honored men actaully did reach these consistent
--Dick Eastman, Yakima

We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in
blood as well as in words and money. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign
Affairs (July/August 1995)

The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world
government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all
under their control Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there
is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and
incredibly evil in intent. Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in
the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine
and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and
respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have
been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been
subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work
is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world
government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world
bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in
past centuries. DAVID ROCKEFELLER, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in
an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

From the days of Sparticus, Wieskhopf, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemberg,
and Emma Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This
conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French
revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during
the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities
from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped
the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed
masters of that enormous empire. WINSTON CHURCHILL, stated to the London
Press, in l922.

In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and
powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men
high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most
influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to
control generally the policy of the daily pressThey found it was only
necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.

An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid
for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly
supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness,
militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and
international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.
U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

The world can therefore seize the opportunity [Persian Gulf crisis] to
fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are
drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of

In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states
will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such
a great idea after all. STROBE TALBOT, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary
of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.

We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or
consent. Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James
Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950
The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other
governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret
societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the
last moment upset all the governments' plans.  British Prime Minister
Benjamin Disraeli, 1876

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me
privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of
commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a
power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so
complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when
they speak in condemnation of it. Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom 

Re: [CTRL] Is Camel Pox Coming? - Maureen Dowd

2001-10-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


Is Camel Pox Coming?
October 21, 2001


John McCain called to try to talk me down.

I put aside Scourge, the book I was reading about
smallpox - It covered the skin with hideous, painful
boils, killed a third of its victims, and left the
survivors disfigured for life - and listened.

There's nothing wrong with being afraid, the senator said
in that soft, reassuring voice. Every time I heard the
guard's key chain rattle when he came to my cell at an odd
hour, I felt fear, but it didn't incapacitate me.

Easy for him to say. He's a national hero who was tortured
in Vietnam. I'm a spoiled yuppie who desperately wants to
go back to a time before we'd heard of microns and milling,
aerosolization and clumps in the alveoli.

Mr. McCain advised me to channel my fear into something

O.K. I am channeling my fear of terrorism into a fear of
bureaucracy. Many government officials here do not yet have
a grip on an enemy etched in disappearing ink.

Washington is rife with contradictory signals. The White
House urges us to go out while Dick Cheney is under wraps.
Congress urges us to stay calm and go about our business
while the entire House takes a powder at the first sign of
powder. We are supposed to shop till we drop, literally, as
the F.B.I. and C.I.A. warn of major attacks at any moment.

The capital is the heart of confusion. The U.S. has been
at war with the Taliban for two weeks so . . . we can
reinstate the Taliban? The Post Office is sending us mail
warning us . . . about opening mail?

Nothing seems to track: Gov. George Pataki said he was
taking Cipro but wouldn't get tested. Senator John Breaux
said he got tested but might not take Cipro. Dan Rather
said he hadn't been tested or taken Cipro. Tom Brokaw ended
the NBC news with In Cipro we trust.

I went to the White House, seeking some answers from Tom
Ridge at his briefing on Friday. But he looked a bit like a
big Pennsylvania deer in the headlights. He didn't even
know what CNN had been running - that an assistant to a New
York Post editor had contracted anthrax.

When Mr. Ridge said they didn't know if the anthrax came
from a foreign or a domestic source, he was slapped around
by Helen Thomas, doyenne of the homeland. And why are you
so slow in finding the actual source? she asked tartly. I
mean, is it that difficult really?

Tommy Plenty for Everyone Thompson was still buddying up
to the pharmaceutical industry, refusing to break Bayer's
patent to ensure generic Cipro for everyone.

A grandfatherly looking man stood at the edge of the stage.
Mr. Ridge introduced him as D. A. Henderson, head of his
science advisory committee and the father of the
eradication of smallpox. At first I was relieved to see
Dr. Henderson, a public health legend. But I began to fret
that he was like a detective brought out of retirement to
catch a criminal he thought he'd locked up long ago.

I ran into my colleague Judy Miller, a bioterrorism expert,
and asked if we should be worried about smallpox, camel pox
and mouse pox.

We should be worried for the next few years, she said
briskly, and then we'll be fine.

The next few years?

An F.B.I. swat team descended on a mailbox in the Jersey
suburbs, but the agency still has no idea who's doing the
mailings or where the anthrax was procured or made, and
hasn't had one big break in the Sept. 11 investigation.

The C.I.A. and the F.B.I. keep telling reporters how close
they came to breaking up the hijackers' plot - if only they
had had cooperation from the other agency. It's irritating
to hear lame after-the-fact excuses in romance, but it's
infuriating to hear them in national security.

The F.B.I. is remaking itself to focus on counterterrorism.
But when it can't figure out the last attack, how can it
prevent the next?

I called a reporter who's covered Central Asia and the
Mideast. I said, despite news of an anthrax letter sent to
the Times's Rio bureau and postmarked New York, I would get
beyond my phobia about germ warfare.

Anthrax is not the problem, he agreed. I'm afraid we're
going to have a nuclear exchange in the next four weeks.
Sharon's about to go to war with the Palestinians. India
could use that as a cover to provoke Pakistan. Then
Pakistan might nuke India. All these friction points will
be a huge test of Bush.

Oh, Senator McCain . . . ?



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[CTRL] Pres. Bush Sees Vast Conspiracy

2001-10-24 Thread lloyd

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From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: Brian Redman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Pres. Bush Sees Vast Conspiracy
Date: Saturday, October 20, 2001 3:38 PM

Pres. Bush Sees Vast Conspiracy

(Conspiracy Nation, 10/20/01) -- U.S. president George W. Bush is
calling the Sept. 11th terror attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon a vast, global conspiracy. But less paranoid observers
scoff at the notion.

This is a common American reaction to what are in reality merely
random events, stated professor G. Steadfast of Oberlin college.
President Bush is exhibiting paranoid symptoms, part of what I call
'the paranoid style' in American politics.

Author Gerald Poser concurs: What you have on September 11th is just
three, random, lone nuts, who simultaneously hijacked planes. Because
of the chance synchronicity of the events, which according to Chaos
Theory, *can* happen, president Bush has jumped to paranoid
conclusions. Case closed.

But conspiracy theorists throughout the world, drinking gallons of
coffee and with tired eyes glued to Internet late at night, aren't so
sure. Some even venture beyond what president Bush has said. I see an
evil man with a towel wrapped around his head, sitting in a cave, as
being the ultimate mastermind of the plot, said one of these
caffeinated theorists.

Chirp Ballet, noted writer, laughs at the multiplying theories born
from president Bush's original theory. Of course, there are no
conspiracies, he chuckled. But beware of the crypto-fascists, he
added, as an afterthought.

Also dismissing notions of a conspiracy behind the Sept. 11 terror
attacks is Umberto Eco, author of Foucault's Pendulum. Eco offered
his own scholarly perspective on the Bush conspiracy theory: Ever
since Nietzche dethroned God, with his statement 'God is dead,' there
has been a 'God vacuum.' People such as president Bush seek to fill
that void by creating a new 'God,' in the form of a vast conspiracy,
he proselytized. Hence, Mr. Bush *needs* to see a 'vast conspiracy,' as
security blanket against God's demise.

But president Bush is adamant. The attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon were the acts of crazed assassins, coordinated by the
Devil, he insisted.

And, Bush adds, What about that fourth plane that crashed in

Merely a random event, allowable in the framework of Chaos Theory,
responded Poser.

Brian Redman   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
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Conspiracy Nation  |   The perfect slave thinks he's free.

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   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The War Against Humanity: Afghan front

2001-10-24 Thread Chris Case

-Caveat Lector-

from Richard K. Moore

Aid officials estimate that up to 7.5 million Afghans might
be threatened with starvation.
- from article below


The evidence seems to be that more people will die in
Afghanistan this winter than died in all of Hitler's
concentration camps.  During these last few weeks when
something might still be done about it, the US-UK Axis
continues the bombing raids and drops token food packages -
not enough to feed a single village.  And these are dropped
in the wrong places, often in fields infested with land

There is no possibility that the Axis leaders are unaware of
the genocidal consequences of their acts, and the token food
drops amount to a cynical propaganda ploy to distract public
attention from those consequences.  Add this to the 1.5
million Iraqi's killed by Axis sanctions, and millions
killed by IMF/CIA actions in Rwanda and elsewhere in Africa
-- we are witnessing history's greatest intentional

Following a brief report on the humanitarian disaster, and
another about U.S. cover-up measures, there's a longer piece
from ZNet.


Today's commentary on the web:

ZNet Commentary
What's So Complex About It? October 19, 2001
By Michael Albert

In the past few weeks I have minutely explored, often with
Stephen Shalom, multifold concerns about September 11 and
the war on terrorism. With him I have tried to calmly and
soberly respond to all kinds of concerns people feel. I
recommend doing it. We all need to become adept at rebutting
the insanely manipulative media messages that crowd into so
many people's minds, and into our own as well. But going
straight to the uncomplicated heart of the matter sometimes
has merit, too.

The U.S. bombing of Afghanistan is a barbaric assault on
defenseless civilians. It threatens a nearly
incomprehensible human calamity. It is pursuing abominable

The bombing is not a just war, as Richard Falk labels it
in The Nation, but a vigilante attack. No, it is not a
vigilante attack; it is a vigilante lynch-mob assault writ
large. No, it is not even a vigilante lynch mob assault writ
large--even vigilante lynch mobs go after only those they
think are culprits and not innocent bystanders. The bombing
of Afghanistan is a gargantuan repugnance hurled against
some of the poorest people on the planet. And this
gargantuan repugnance is undertaken not out of sincere if
horrendously misguided desires to curtail terrorism--since
the bombing undeniably manifests terror and feeds the
wellsprings of more terrorism to come--but out of malicious
desires to establish a new elite-serving logic of U.S.
policy-making via an endless War on Terrorism to replace the
defunct Cold War. This is rehashed Reaganism made more
cataclysmic than even his dismal mind could conceive.

When people say, but doesn't the U.S. have a right to defend
itself?. I understand their hurt, pain, anger, and
confusion. But I also have to admit that I want to scream
that the U.S. is increasing the likelihood that a million or
more souls will suffer fatal starvation. Is that self

Put differently, what kind of thinking sees denying food to
humans as self defense? The answer is thinking like Bush's,
thinking like bin Laden's, thinking that treats innocent
human lives as chess pieces, as checkers, as tidily winks,
in pursuit of its own deadly agendas. Thinking that is
willing to rocket a plane into a building to take 6,000
innocent lives, or thinking that is willing to drop bombs
into an already devastated country abetting cataclysmic
starvation. Or, more often, it is thinking that has been
systematically denied the most basic information relevant to
the issues at hand, and that is too fearful, depressed,
angry, or cynical to admit disturbing truths.

You think I exaggerate?

Jean Ziegler, Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food to the
U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said October 15,
The bombing has to stop right now. There is a humanitarian
emergency. Lest anyone miss the point, he continued, In
winter the lorries cannot go in any more. Millions of
Afghans will be unreachable in winter and winter is coming
very, very soon. As Reuters reported (and AP carried as
well, but not any U.S. newspaper or other major media
outlet, as best I can tell), the United Nations has warned
of a catastrophe unless aid can get through for up to seven
million Afghans. Ziegler continues, We must give the
(humanitarian) organizations a chance to save the millions
of people who are internally displaced (inside
Afghanistan), adding that he was echoing an (essentially
unreported) appeal made by U.N. Human Rights Commissioner
Mary Robinson a few days earlier, who was in turn echoing
reports that go back to before the bombing. Ziegler called
the bombing a catastrophe for humanitarian work. Or in the
words of Christian Aid Spokesman 

[CTRL] FW: check it out

2001-10-24 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -
He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of
freedom, truth and duty.

   Kahil Gibran, Spirits Rebellious

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew


 Guess the warnings were true. Federal Bill 602P 5-cents per
 sent. It figures! No more free E-mail! We knew this was coming!! Bill
 will permit the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent charge on every
 delivered E-mail. Please read the following carefully if you intend to
 online and continue using E-mail. The last few months have revealed an
 alarming trend in the Government of the United States attempting to
 push through legislation that will affect our use of the Internet. Under

 proposed legislation, the US Postal Service will be attempting to bill
 E-mail users out of alternative postage fees. Bill 602P will permit
 Federal Government to charge a 5-cent surcharge on! every e-mail
 by billing Internet Service Providers at source. The consumer would then
 billed in turn by the ISP. Washington DC lawyer Richard Stepp is working

 without pay to prevent this legislation from becoming law. The US Postal

 Service is claiming lost revenue, due to the proliferation of E-mail, is

 costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue per year. You may have noticed
 recent ad campaign: There is nothing like a letter. Since the average
 person received about 10 pieces of E-mail per day in 1998, the cost of
 typical individual would be an additional 50 cents a day - or over $180
 year - above and beyond their regular Internet costs. Note that this
 be money paid directly to the US Postal Service for a service they do
 even provide. The whole point of the Internet is democracy and
 non-interference. You are already paying an exorbitant price for snail
 because of bureaucratic inefficiency. It currently takes up to 6 days
 for a
 letter t! o be delivered from coast to coast. If the US Postal Service
 allowed to tinker with E-mail, it will mark the end of the free
 in the United States. Congressional representative, Tony Schnell (R) has

 even suggested a $20-$40 per month surcharge on all Internet service
 above and beyond the governments proposed E-mail charges. Note that most
 the major newspapers have ignored the story the only exception being the

 Washingtonian which called the idea of E-mail surcharge a useful
 who's time has come (March 6th, 1999 Editorial)

 Do not sit by and watch your freedom erode away! Send this E-mail to
 EVERYONE on your list, and tell all your friends andrelatives to write
 their congressional representative and say NO to Bill 602P. It will
 take a few moments of your time and could very well be instrumental in
 killing a bill we do not want.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Afghani Tribal Dances

2001-10-24 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

once again- this is a twisting of facts
it is WIDELY reported about the US role in the rise of the taliban, even on
the most mainstream news sources such as cnn, and the networks.
   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 01:43:34 -0500
 Subject: [CTRL] Afghani Tribal Dances

 -Caveat Lector-

 From www.wsws.org
 WSWS : News  Analysis : The US War in Afghanistan
 The Taliban, the US and the resources of Central Asia
 Part 1
 By Peter Symonds
 24 October 2001
 Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author
 The following is the first article in a two-part series on the
 history of the Taliban movement in Afghanistan. The concluding part
 will be published tomorrow.
 The target of the latest US military aggression in Afghanistan is the
 Taliban. However, one searches in vain in the extensive media
 coverage of the “war on terrorism” for any coherent explanation of
 the origins of this Islamic extremist organisation, its social and
 ideological base, and its rise to power. The omission is no accident.
 Any serious examination of the Taliban reveals the culpability of
 Washington in fostering the current theocratic regime in Kabul.
 The Bush administration rails against the Taliban for harbouring the
 Islamic extremist Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda organisation. But
 throughout the 1980s, successive US administrations spent billions of
 dollars funding the Islamic holy war or jihad by Mujaheddin fighters
 against the Moscow-backed regime in Kabul in order to undermine the
 Soviet Union. Moreover, until the late 1990s, the US turned a blind
 eye to the Islamic fundamentalism and regressive social policies of
 the Taliban, which was backed and funded by two of Washington’s
 closest allies in the region—Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
 The primary factor in determining the twists and turns of
 Washington’s orientation in Afghanistan has not been the threat from
 Islamic extremism but how best to exploit the new opportunities that
 opened up in Central Asia following the collapse of the Soviet Union
 in 1991. Throughout the last decade, the US has been vying with
 Russia, China, the European powers and Japan for political influence
 in this key strategic region and for the right to exploit the world’s
 largest untapped reserves of oil and gas in the newly formed Central
 Asian republics—Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and

 The key to the huge potential profits in Central Asia was
 distribution—how to transport the oil and gas from this isolated,
 backward and landlocked region to the world’s main energy markets.
 The only existing pipelines were those of the old Soviet distribution
 network through Russia. As the scramble for resources in the region
 intensified, the US aims were clear. It wanted to undermine Russia’s
 economic monopoly while at the same time making sure that other
 rivals were kept out of the race. The pipelines therefore had to run
 through countries over which the US could exert substantial political
 influence, which excluded China and Iran.
 The Central Asian republics were previously part of the Soviet Union
 and had long borders with both China and Iran. So a pipeline that
 excluded Russia, China and Iran left two alternatives. One was a
 convoluted route under the Caspian Sea, through the Caucasus via
 Azerbaijan and Georgia, and then across Turkey. The second through
 Afghanistan and Pakistan was shorter, but immediately raised
 difficult political questions. With whom was one to negotiate in
 Afghanistan and how could the political stability necessary to
 construct and maintain pipelines be guaranteed?
 Following the fall of the Soviet-backed regime of Mohammad Najibullah
 in 1992, Kabul had been turned into a battleground by competing
 Mujaheddin militia. The nominal head of government was Professor
 Burhanuddin Rabbani, who presided over a highly unstable and shifting
 coalition, based mainly on ethnic Tajiks and Uzbeks from northern
 Afghanistan. The rival Hizb-e-Islami militia, drawn from the Pashtun
 majority in southern Afghanistan, was also entrenched in the suburbs
 of Kabul. Led by Gulbuddin Hikmetyar, it was subjecting government
 positions in the capital to withering rocket barrages.
 Arrayed on either side of the 

Re: [CTRL] I smell a skunk in BioPort....

2001-10-24 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

In early 1970 my son got meningitis; it was then when I was at the
hospital, I had a medical book out in the libriary and looked up
meningitis - and it said see Anthrax.   Yesterday I asked my doctor
about this and he said well it must have been an old book.yes it
was, but what an answer.the doctor at the hospital nearly 30 years
ago took the book away from me when he saw me in the library.

When my son was there a man in USAF uniform came into our isolated room
where another child also lay - and walked over to my son and just stared
at him, and then looked at me - and I got the message who he was just by
looking at him .

So later I did more research and found that Battelle Memorial in our
area had an entire floor devoted to germ warfare.I was horrified by
this but what can one do?
Now Admiral Crowe I have followed off and on and I never liked him but I
did not know about this Clinton connection - this man, Crowe, teamed up
with a man from Battelle Memorial - so this means they not only know how
to get into the germ warfare but now they also have alleged cure.

And further - my son was treated with penicillin for a cold for a week
before it was discovered he had meningitis - but at the hospital they
had to find the right strain before they could put him on the right

It was then I found that two Air Force Bases, meningitis outbreaks and
in Brazil there was anthrax and Mafia delivered a lot of bad mean up

Point I am trying to make is this - you get more meningitis and whatever
from eating bad meat than you do from the germ warfarewe now have
labs coming up with diagnosis some of which may not be accuraate.

These tests are not accurate - and some of the labs employeeds are

This sudden attack of anthrax at the White House, etcSenate and
Congress closing down - maybe a better word is this - they fear the city
of Washington is going to be blown apart and why not - they have sat
back for years, and they control believe it or not, what you see in
Hollywood and on TV - the experimentor and the experimentees - consider
Larry Flynt in like Flyn with TWO Presidents, Carter and Clinton and
under their administrations - Carter made his first appearance of notice
in Playboy Magazinefrom there it went to an introduction of Hustler
whereby Larry Flynt attempted to stand in Kennedy spotlight, by
professing to be interested in the Kennedy conspiracy and I have some
first hand information here - this guy was nothing but front for DRUGS,
Pornography and in with Meyer Lansky.
So he was gunned down when he decided to bypass the Lansky local machine
and not pay his dues, and he was gunned down.

And all this, and meningitis and anthrax too.

So slowly the picture has been drawn by Hollywood aided by the Congress
and people like this degenerate Gary Condit - to portray America as a
receptacle for a Sodom and Gomorrah..and it has been successful.

That we have sat back and let these people do as they have done in
silence, permitted our television to be so corupted it is not fit to
watch - well put it this way, this terrorism is home grown and I hope
Washington gets the message..

For if they have not, their days are numbered for the terrorists have
been very selective in their targets.

World Trade Center?   This building had to go and what a set up.what
a set up..cui bono?Why the same people who caused the demolition
of these buildings will now profit for 99 year lease? Get real.who
ever heard of a 99 year lease - these are long range plans.

We have Murder Inc. calling the shots nowwe have a Senate and
Congress who have left a yellow streak from the Halls of Congress to
their hole in the wall where they now live in fear.

Anthrax attack..how many people died of heart attacks this year, or
cancer, or accidents in their own home and must we be consumed by their

Something really wrong in America - but Osama bin Laden did not take
down the Twin Towers..

We have put our boys in harms way for a handful of people who profit -
for Schumberger stocks was going up while other stocks were giong down -
and the gold market...Schlumberger of course was the munitions
company that was robbed by the Bay of Pigs conspirators in which Gordon
Novel, was involved - and they got caught.

Justice Department, and how odd - believed the Schlumberger munitions
had been hidden on a farm outside my town, where a doctor and a mafia
hit man lived, all of whom entertained Meyer Lansky during the 70 period
and involved in murder, murder murder.

Same old secret societies just a new cast of characters.

Some say all roads lead to Rome, but my bet is all roads lead to
Jerusalem?   Jerry Falwell's new Cog for the big Wheel of the World
which will be get this - the World Trade Center?

Odds are, the new World Trade Center - no more tallest building in the
world,  if the assassins have their way.

Seems the assassins have an 


2001-10-24 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

October 24, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - Terror master Osama
bin Laden bought samples of anthrax by mail from shady
laboratories in Eastern Europe and Asia for as little as $10,000,
a former follower has told authorities in Egypt.
The astonishing claim of how easily - and cheaply - the world's
most wanted terrorist was able to acquire anthrax and other
deadly germ agents was made in a 143-page confession of
former extremist Ahmad Ibrahim al-Najjar at a recent trial of
more than 100 members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.
Al-Najjar, serving a life sentence in Egypt, was among several
Islamic Jihad operatives arrested in Albania in 1999 and
brought home to Egypt to face trial for a series of attempts to
destabilize the pro-Western government of President Hosni
According to translated accounts of his testimony obtained by
The Post, al-Najjar told authorities there was nothing cloak-
and-dagger about bin Laden's transactions involving deadly
biological agents.
Factories in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in Eastern
Europe supplied deadly bacteria, including e-coli and
salmonella, by mail without checking the identities of the
purchasers as long as bin Laden's agents paid $7,500 up front,
al-Najjar said.
Bin Laden's group was able to get the anthrax germ from
another factory in Southeast Asia, which supplied it to the
Indonesian-based Islamic Moro Front, a terror group closely
associated with bin Laden.
The price for the anthrax spores, al-Najjar said, was $3,685,
plus shipping costs.
U.S. officials say they don't yet know whether bin Laden is
responsible for the anthrax scare gripping the nation, although
President Bush and other senior officials say they are
Bin Laden is known to have contacts with Iraqi officials and
mafia groups in former Soviet republics - nations that have
extensive chemical- and biological-weapons programs and that
are known to have experimented with anthrax.

Best wishes

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Interventionist-Internationalist Complex

2001-10-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: M.A. Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Recipient list suppressed
Subject: The Interventionist-Internationalist Complex
Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:16 PM

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

The Interventionist-Internationalist Complex
by Gary North

In a previous essay, I expressed admiration for the
non-interventionist foreign policy set forth by George
Washington in what we call the Farewell Address (1796).
I stated that the American way of life is best expressed
by the phrase, live and let live. George Washington's
foreign policy of peaceful neutrality  basically, what
Switzerland's policy has been for five centuries  is an
application of live and let live.

This view of the American way has always had two major
rivals. The first rival view has shaped American foreign
policy for almost two centuries, and American economic
policy since Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal. This view
can also be stated in four words: Defend the little
guy. Hans Krepelene coined a word for this outlook over
30 years ago: infracaninophilia  love of the underdog.

The second rival view can be also expressed in four
words: Do it our way. We used this phrase with the
tribes that originally occupied North America above
the Rio Grande, and also on Spanish-speaking people who
came under our jurisdiction as a result of the war for
Texas, the Mexican War, and the Spanish-American War. In
the case of the colonies that we gained during the
Spanish-American war  Puerto Rico and the Philippines  we
justified the theft in terms of defending the little guy,
and then we ran things our way, but officially on behalf of
the little guys. We became the overdog. As for the American
tribes, we placed them on reservations, and, after the Civil
War ended, began the initial American experiment in welfarism,
which is still going on. When you think welfare State,
think Bureau of Indian Affairs. When you think socialized
medicine, think Indian Health Service.

Defend the little guy was the ethical impulse, and when
it was combined with the secularized postmillennial vision
of America's manifest destiny, it produced modern
interventionist foreign policy. It was the ethical-racial
vision of the English-speaking man's burden that led to
the creation of the Council of Foreign Relations in 1921.
The CFR was an extension of the Rhodes-Milner group,
represented by the Royal Institute of International Affairs
(RIIA). (On this point, see The Anglo-American Establishment,
written by Carroll Quigley, who taught Bill Clinton history
at Georgetown University. Even better is Part I of Otto
Scott's 1985 book on South Africa, The Other End of the

I have described the racial aspect of this vision in a
chapter on William Jennings Bryan, who opposed it. The
Aryan triumphalism of the Progressives, 1910-1939, was an
extension of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species by way of
the work of his cousin, Francis Galton. Anyone who has
studied the history of the eugenics movement in the United
States is familiar with this dark side of the Progressive
movement. Eugenics was bankrolled by the Eastern
Establishment, especially John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

The use of foreign policy as a way to uplift other nations,
but always at a profit for large corporate interests, was
basic to British-American foreign policy in the twentieth
century. Consider the career of Raymond Fosdick (1883-1972).
He was the brother of Harry Emerson Fosdick, who was
Rockefeller's pastor and for whom Rockefeller built the
Riverside Church in the mid-1920's. Raymond Fosdick had
gone on Rockefeller's payroll in 1913. He had been sent
to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 as part of Col.
Edward Mandell House's group, the Inquiry, which ran the
American team at Paris. At the League of Nations, Fosdick,
as Under Secretary General, worked daily with 31-year-old
Jean Monnet, France's Under Secretary General. Fosdick
wrote to his wife that he, Monnet, and the British Under
Secretary General were working to lay the foundations of
the framework of international government. . . . (Letter
of July 31, 1919; in Fosdick, ed., Letters on the League
of Nations [Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University
Press, 1966], p. 18.)

This was no idle boast. Over the next six decades, Monnet
became the driving force behind the creation of the European
Common Market and the New European order. He died in 1979.
Meanwhile, Fosdick returned to the United States, became
Rockefeller's attorney in 1920, and ran the Rockefeller
Foundation's empire for the next three decades. He wrote
Rockefeller's authorized biography, published in 1956. He
was a founding member of the CFR in 1921, along with many
other members of the Inquiry.

To justify the 

[CTRL] Fwd: War and Inflation

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

War and Inflation




* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*** Gold down. Euro down. Commodities down. Deflation

*** Consumers give credit cards a rest...

*** Ad budgets slashed...employees slashed...
entertainment budgets slashed...slash, slash, slash...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Gold dropped $4.50 yesterday - to $263. The euro
fell to 89 cents. Commodities fell to a new low. For
the first time in years, Americans start to give their
credit cards a rest..., declares a Houston Chronicle

And...Virtually all of the world's major
economies have broken decisively to the downside in the
past few months, reports Stephen Roach from Tokyo.

Prices are falling in Taiwan, with the CPI down
.5% year to year...and wholesale prices down even more.
Japan, meanwhile, is in its 4th recession in a decade.

Worldwide deflation...get used to it.

The glass-half-empty folks might see our country
today as a land of frightening terrorist plots, falling
corporate earnings and bad TV sitcoms, writes Eric Fry
from New York, but clearly, Mr. Market sees something
else altogether - something hopeful, something upbeat,
something so positively marvelous that it is worth
almost 40 times annual earnings. Though they suffer the
torments of Job...investors still believe...

Here's the rest of Eric's report:


Mr. Eric Fry in New York:

- The stock market is going up because it is going up.
Who are we to quarrel with it? Like pierced tongues and
facial tattoos, some things just seem to happen...for no
good reason.

- The Dow gained nearly 2% yesterday, rising 173 points
to 9,377, while the Nasdaq advanced more than 2%, to

- It would be nice if Mr. Market would let us in on what
he sees because, to the naked eye, the economy and the
stock market don't look so good.

- Case-in-point: SBC Communications announced yesterday
it would cut several thousand jobs, trim next year's
capital budget by 20% in and delay the build-out of its
broadband network. The telecom giant is hardly alone in
declaring that it plans to save money next year, not
spend it. (To refresh: spending is good and saving is

- Company after company has been reporting terrible
earnings lately...the market is rallying anyway, which
prompts smartmoney.com's Igor Greenwald to suggest doing
away with reporting season this quarter. The hundreds
of public companies reporting earnings over the coming
week should save their breath, red ink and crocodile
tears, he writes. A single press release will do: 'The
170-odd SP 500 companies reporting this week announced
a 20%+ drop in third-quarter profits, after subtracting
very special charges in a procedure no one should try at
home. Those results beat, by a penny a share here and
there, forecasts those companies supplied three weeks
ago...Business, meanwhile, is still slow.' No fuss, no
muss, no annoying conference calls. Igor's got a point.
Business, indeed, is still slow.

- Many companies are slashing their advertising budgets,
along with every other budget they can find. The media
executives from across the country who convened at the
annual American Magazine Conference in Manhattan
yesterday all griped about the grim outlook for ad
spending. Frederick Hill, executive vice president of
marketing and communication for J.P. Morgan Chase told
Crain's magazine, Our advertising dollars will be
curtailed until the second quarter of 2002.

- As ad budgets fall, so do entertainment budgets, and
that's bad news for the restaurant trade. Many Manhattan
restaurants continue to do a steady business in the
aftermath of skyscraper bombings and anthrax attacks,
although most are not serving organic mixed greens,
seared tuna steaks and tiramisus the way they used
to. According to Crain's, some 15,000 jobs have been
lost and hundreds of eateries in the highly fragmented
industry face the possibility of going out of business
by the beginning of next year...

- But the Big Apple's loss is the burbs' gain. I dined
Saturday night at a restaurant in Westchester County,
about an hour north of Manhattan. The place was packed
to its rustic 300-year-old rafters. Ever since Sept.
11th, the manager explained, we've been very busy.
Customers say they don't want to go into Manhattan. So -
I hate to say it - but terrorism has been good for us.

- Terrorism might also be good for the oil market. John
Myers, editor of the Resource Trader Alert, is not
afraid to say it: Osama bin Laden and the Taliban are
getting the lion's share of attention, but the most
important player in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia.
Beneath the Saudi desert sands lie one-third of the
world's oil reserves, much of which can be developed for
less than $2 a barrel. The pro-American sheikdom is
OPEC's swing producer, able to dictate prices and make
up disruptions to the world's oil supply.

- But Saudi Arabia may also be an oil 

[CTRL] Fwd: US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

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This article comes courtesy of The Times of India.
The original is at: http://www.timesofindia.com/articleshow.asp?art_id=67147283

US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq
PRETORIA: Wouter Basson, the spy and mastermind behind the apartheid
government's chemical warfare programme, claimed on Friday the United States
had used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq during the Gulf War.
Basson told the Pretoria High Court television footage shot during the
war showed clearly that elite Iraqi troops who surrendered en masse were
under the influence of hallucinogens.
He said their faces were expressionless, their pupils were dilated and
they were drooling at the mouth - typical side effects of a particularly
dangerous type of hallucinogenic drug.
Basson, a former military officer, was testifying about the 1993 destruction
of hundreds of kilograms (pounds) of drugs such as cocaine, Mandrax and
Ecstasy, manufactured or bought by the South African army for use in crowd
He told the court: "Analysis of video material showing surrendering
(Iraqi) troops emerging from their underground bunkers show that they had
dilated pupils, were drooling and had vacant stares."
"It appeared like the clinical profile of a BZ variant. The variant
was also tested in laboratory animals in South Africa but it was stopped
because it caused permanent damage to the subject.
"I had good reason to believe that America used a BZ variant against
Iraq during the Gulf War." Basson said BZ was a hallucinogenic which altered
a person's ability to act rationally.
It could either make somebody completely passive or uncontrollably aggressive,
to the point where he would attack his own colleagues, he said.
Basson is facing 46 charges ranging from murder to fraud for acts allegedly
committed while he was a high-ranking member of the apartheid-era military.
Dubbed "Dr Death", he was the mastermind behind the regime's secret
programme to develop biological and chemical warfare capabilities and this
week testified that he had bought a zoo to research the use of animal hormones
to control crowds.( AFP )

[CTRL] Fwd: Spies vs. Spies: The CIA makes a comeback

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

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forwarded to you and you would like to receive future mailings, e-mail
a request to be added to the list.
This article comes courtesy of the L.A. Weekly.
The original is at: http://www.laweekly.com/ink/01/48/tv-lloyd.shtml

vs. Spies
makes a comeback
by Robert Lloyd
October 19-25, 2001
Here we are in the early days of World War III, and television — the
part of it that is actually made up, as opposed to the part that is merely
unbelievable — is crawling with spies and spooks and secret agents. In
three new series (The Agency, Alias and 24, which
doesn’t premiere until next month), the CIA figures centrally; another
two (UC: Undercover and Thieves) involve federal agencies
and undercover work. The arrival of these shows, on each of the four major
networks, at exactly this time of crisis — almost as if in response to
it, though naturally planned long before — suggests that we have been unsettled
for a while, suggests that, somewhere not so deep in the American collective
unconscious, we were already preparing for the new war paradigm, for a
psychological state of siege. It is true in any case that the CIA has been
staging an assault of its own, a campaign for the hearts and minds of the
American mediated public; in 1996 they installed as a liaison to the entertainment
industry former field-op Chase Brandon (name not made up, merely unbelievable),
whose mission is to raise the profile of the agency — in a good way — to
get the people picturing spies and spooks and secret agents as thoughtful
citizens and patriotic team players, with full emotional lives, dynamite
clothes sense, really nice hair (mostly), and a pretty high success rate.
Michael Frost Beckner, who created The Agency, hung out with Brandon
and visited CIA headquarters while preparing the pilot. “I made some comments
and he made some changes,” Brandon told The Guardian.
It is strange that just as the CIA was ready for its Hollywood close-up,
real life — and what one might call the largest intelligence failure in
history — thrust it awkwardly into a different sort of spotlight. Of course,
even as we acknowledge their failures, hypocrisies and crimes, we want
to believe that our spooks and spies and secret agents will keep
the forces of evil and the gnats of annoyance quiet and out of our way.
“It’s time to give the intelligence agencies the money and the manpower
they need,” said Alison Janney as fictional White House press secretary
C.J. Cregg on The West Wing’s hastily assembled terrorist special.
In fact, interest in the field was already up well before September 11:
Campus recruiters who in olden days would have been chased off by the hippies
and the Yippies with their flowers and their slogans and their signs have
been reportedly getting a warm welcome and a gratifying response.
But of course, we love our spies, even if we hate the CIA, which is
allowable and even encouraged. Whose blood does not thrill to the words,
“Bond, James Bond”? The spy is the cleverer, more agile, independent version
of the soldier, a private eye with cooler stuff. It’s a commonplace of
the genre that he, and increasingly she, does not follow orders, is the
affectionate bane of exasperated superiors, but always gets the job done,
through improvisation, wit, physical grace and an utter disregard for collateral
damage. Back in the ’60s, where I come from, it was all about the espionage.
And the TV, which is the mirror of all things, reflected it: There were
not only I Spy and Secret Agent and Mission: Impossible
and The Avengers and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and The
Girl From U.N.C.L.E., but also The Wild Wild West and The
Prisoner and even Get Smart — not to mention Lancelot Link,
Secret Chimp — and more, many more that I won’t embarrass myself by
publicly recalling, from memory. Most are piffle, but the best are among
the best shows ever to have been on television.
It’s too soon to say whether a classic lurks among this new crop. The
more “serious” shows — The Agency and UC: Undercover — are
the less persuasive, while the nothing-on-their-mind comic-book graces
of Alias and Thieves are utterly winning. (24, which
I haven’t seen, has the novel twist of running in real-time — that’s to
say, a day will pass over the course of the season — and is therefore a
historic event regardless of its yet unrevealed quality.) The Agency,
executive-produced (with Beckner, Shaun Cassidy and Gail Katz) by Wolfgang
Petersen, the director of Das Boot and Air Force One,
is the most “real” of these series: There’s some of that ripped-from-the-headlines
plotting they favor over at Law  Order (anthrax was on the
menu this week), some of the workplace soap operatics of The West Wing,
an attempt to “understand,” in a very partial way, what 

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Issue #15 is Up: Fitts, Gorman, Teach-In Dates more...

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

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October 24, 2001
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Dear Colleagues,

Issue # 15 of Narco News is now online:


-- Narco-Dollars for Dummies: A Guide by Catherine Austin Fitts

-- The Jungle Bungle in Peru, by Peter Gorman, with photos by Alan
Shoemaker, Special to The Narco News Bulletin, of the downed missionaries'
plane in Peru.

-- War on Terrorism/War on Drugs: What is to be Done?

Announcing first Narco News Teach-Ins for América (Finally!), November 5th
in St. Louis and November 10th in Washington, DC (at Students for a Sensible
Drug Policy conference with Russell Means, Ralph Nader, Ethan Nadelmann,
Sanho Tree, FAMM, and hundreds more...)

More Narco News coming this week...

From somewhere in a Country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] 'It is palpably evident that they are not fleeing the Taliban but our bombs and missiles'

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Independent Argument/A

© 2001 Independent Digital (UK) Ltd

24 October 2001 16:32 GMT+1  Home  Argument   Commentators
Robert Fisk: As the refugees crowd the borders, we'll be blaming someone else

'It is palpably evident that they are not fleeing the Taliban but our bombs
and missiles'

23 October 2001

Mullah Mohammed Omar's 10-year-old son is dead. He was, according to Afghan
refugees fleeing Kandahar, taken to one of the city's broken hospitals by his
father, the Taliban leader and Emir of the Faithful, but the boy –
apparently travelling in Omar's car when it was attacked by US aircraft –
died of his wounds.

No regrets, of course. Back in 1985, when American aircraft bombed Libya,
they also destroyed the life of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's six-year-old
adopted daughter. No regrets, of course. In 1992, when an Israeli pilot
flying an American-made Apache helicopter fired an American-made missile into
the car of Said Abbas Moussawi, head of the Hizbollah guerrilla army in
Lebanon, the Israeli pilot also killed Moussawi's 10-year-old. No regrets, of

Whether these children deserved their deaths, be sure that their fathers – in
our eyes – were to blame. Live by the sword, die by the sword – and that goes
for the kids too. Back in 1991, The Independent revealed that American Gulf
War military targets included secure bunkers in which members of Saddam
Hussein's family – or the families of his henchmen – were believed to be
hiding. That's how the Americans managed to slaughter well over 300 people in
an air raid shelter at Amariya in Baghdad. No Saddam kids, just civilians.
Too bad. I wonder – now that President George Bush has given permission to
the CIA to murder Osama bin Laden – if the same policy applies today?

And so the casualties begin to mount. From Kandahar come ever more frightful
stories of civilians buried under ruins, of children torn to pieces by
American bombs. The Taliban – and here the Americans must breathe a
collective sigh of relief – refuse to allow Western journalists to enter the
country to verify these reports. So when a few television crews were able to
find 18 fresh graves in the devastated village of Khorum outside Jalalabad
just over a week ago, the US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld could ridicule
the deaths as ridiculous. But not, I suspect, for much longer.

For if each of our wars for infinite justice and eternal freedom have a
familiar trade mark – the military claptrap about air superiority,
suppression of command and control centres, radar capabilities – each has
an awkward, highly exclusive little twist to it. In 1999, Nato claimed it was
waging war to put Kosovo Albanian refugees back in their homes – even though
most of the refugees were still in their homes when the war began. Our bo
mbing of Serbia led directly to their dispossession. We bear a heavy burden
of responsibility for their suffering – since the Serbs had told us what they
would do if Nato opened hostilities – although the ultimate blame for their
ethnic cleansing'' clearly belonged to Slobodan Milosevic.

But Nato's escape clause won't work this time round. For as the Afghan
refugees turn up in their thousands at the border, it is palpably evident
that they are fleeing not the Taliban but our bombs and missiles. The Taliban
is not ethnically cleansing its own Pashtun population. The refugees speak
vividly of their fear and terror as our bombs fall on their cities. These
people are terrified of our war on terror'', victims as innocent as those
who were slaughtered in the World Trade Centre on 11 September. So where do
we stop?

It's an important question because, once the winter storms breeze down the
mountain gorges of Afghanistan, a tragedy is likely to commence, one which no
spin doctor or propaganda expert will be able to divert. We'll say that the
thousands about to die or who are dying of starvation and cold are victims of
the Taliban's intransigence or the Taliban's support for terrorism or the
Taliban's propensity to steal humanitarian supplies.

I have to admit – having been weaned on Israel's promiscuous use of the word
terror every time a Palestinian throws a stone at his occupiers – that I
find the very word terrorism increasingly mendacious as well as racist. Of
course – despite the slavish use of the phrase war on terrorism on the BBC
and CNN – it is nothing of the kind. We are not planning to attack Tamil
Tiger suicide bombers or Eta killers or Real IRA murderers or Kurdish KDP
guerrillas. Indeed, the US has spent a lot of time supporting terrorists in
Latin America – the Contras spring to mind – not to mention the rabble we are
now bombing in Afghanistan. This is, as I've said before, a war on America's
enemies. Increasingly, as the date of 11 September acquires iconic status, we

[CTRL] Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Other Criminal Acts and High Crimes in

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

International War Crimes Tribunal
United States War Crimes Against Iraq

Initial Complaint


George Bush, J. Danforth Quayle, James Baker,
Richard Cheney, William Webster, Colin Powell,
Norman Schwarzkopf and Others to be named


Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes, Crimes Against
Humanity and Other Criminal Acts and High Crimes in
Violation of the Charter of the United Nations,
International Law, the Constitution of the United States
and Laws made in Pursuance Thereof.

Preliminary Statement
These charges have been prepared prior to the first hearing of the Commission
of Inquiry by its staff. They are based on direct and circumstantial evidence
from public and private documents; official statements and admissions by the
persons charged and others; eyewitness accounts; Commission investigations
and witness interviews in Iraq, the Middle East and elsewhere during and
after the bombing; photographs and video tape; expert analyses; commentary
and interviews; media coverage, published reports and accounts gathered
between December 1990 and May l991. Commission of Inquiry hearings will be
held in key cities where evidence is available supporting, expanding, adding,
contradicting, disproving or explaining these, or similar charges against the
accused and others of whatever nationality. When evidence sufficient to
sustain convictions of the accused or others is obtained and after demanding
the production of documents from the U.S. government, and others, and
requesting testimony from the accused, offering them a full opportunity to
present any defense personally, or by counsel, the evidence will be presented
to an International War Crimes Tribunal. The Tribunal will consider the
evidence gathered, seek and examine whatever additional evidence it chooses
and render its judgment on the charges, the evidence, and the law.

Since World War I, the United Kingdom, France, and the United States have
dominated the Arabian Peninsula and Gulf region and its oil resources. This
has been accomplished by military conquest and coercion, economic control and
exploitation, and through surrogate governments and their military forces.
Thus, from 1953 to 1979 in the post World War II era, control over the region
was exercised primarily through U.S. influence and control over the Gulf
sheikdoms of Saudi Arabia and through the Shah of Iran. From 1953 to 1979 the
Shah of Iran acted as a Pentagon/CIA surrogate to police the region. After
the fall of the Shah and the seizure of U.S. Embassy hostages in Teheran, the
U.S. provided military aid and assistance to Iraq, as did the USSR, Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait and most of the Emirates, in its war with Iran. U.S. policy
during that tragic eight year war, 1980 - 1988, is probably best summed up by
the phrase, we hope they kill each other.

Throughout the seventy-five year period from Britain's invasion of Iraq early
in World War I to the destruction of Iraq in 1991 by U.S. air power, the
United States and the United Kingdom demonstrated no concern for democratic
values, human rights, social justice, or political and cultural integrity in
the region, nor for stopping military aggression there. The U.S. supported
the Shah of Iran for 25 years, selling him more than $20 billion of advanced
military equipment between 1972 and 1978 alone. Throughout this period the
Shah and his brutal secret police called SAVAK had one of the worst human
rights records in the world. Then in the 1980s, the U.S. supported Iraq in
its wrongful aggression against Iran, ignoring Iraq's own poor human rights

When the Iraqi government nationalized the Iraqi Petroleum Company  in 1972,
the Nixon Administration embarked on a campaign to destabilize the Iraqi
government. It was in the 1970s that the U.S. first armed and then abandoned
the Kurdish people, costing tens of thousands of Kurdish lives. The U.S.
manipulated the Kurds through CIA and other agencies to attack Iraq,
intending to harass Iraq while maintaining Iranian supremacy at the cost of
Kurdish lives without intending any benefit to the Kurdish people or an
autonomous Kurdistan.[2]

The U.S. with close oil and other economic ties to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
has fully supported both governments despite the total absence of democratic
institutions, their pervasive human rights violations and the infliction of
cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments such as stoning to death for
adultery and amputation of a hand for property offenses.

The U.S., sometimes alone among nations, supported Israel when it defied
scores of UN resolutions concerning Palestinian rights, when it invaded
Lebanon in a war which took tens of thousands of lives, and during its
continuing occupation of southern Lebanon, the Golan Heights, the West Bank
and Gaza.

The United States itself engaged in recent aggressions in violation of
international law by invading Grenada in 1983, bombing Tripoli and 


2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan


NY Post



October 24, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - Terror master Osama bin Laden bought
samples of anthrax by mail from shady laboratories in Eastern Europe and
Asia for as little as $10,000, a former follower has told authorities in

The astonishing claim of how easily - and cheaply - the world's most wanted
terrorist was able to acquire anthrax and other deadly germ agents was made
in a 143-page confession of former extremist Ahmad Ibrahim al-Najjar at a
recent trial of more than 100 members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

Al-Najjar, serving a life sentence in Egypt, was among several Islamic Jihad
operatives arrested in Albania in 1999 and brought home to Egypt to face
trial for a series of attempts to destabilize the pro-Western government of
President Hosni Mubarak.

According to translated accounts of his testimony obtained by The Post,
al-Najjar told authorities there was nothing cloak-and-dagger about bin
Laden's transactions involving deadly biological agents.

Factories in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in Eastern Europe supplied
deadly bacteria, including e-coli and salmonella, by mail without checking
the identities of the purchasers as long as bin Laden's agents paid $7,500
up front, al-Najjar said.

Bin Laden's group was able to get the anthrax germ from another factory in
Southeast Asia, which supplied it to the Indonesian-based Islamic Moro
Front, a terror group closely associated with bin Laden.

The price for the anthrax spores, al-Najjar said, was $3,685, plus shipping

U.S. officials say they don't yet know whether bin Laden is responsible for
the anthrax scare gripping the nation, although President Bush and other
senior officials say they are suspicious.

Bin Laden is known to have contacts with Iraqi officials and mafia groups in
former Soviet republics - nations that have extensive chemical- and
biological-weapons programs and that are known to have experimented with

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[CTRL] Fwd: Societal Implications

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

* * * * * * * * * * * * REMINDER * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the days that I don't publish, like today, you will
receive Bill Bonner's DAILY RECKONING. This will help you
to keep pace with the changes in the markets.  Bonner and
I agree on most things in the field of economics, so the
two letters will reinforce each other.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *





* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*** Slash, slash, slash - companies cut back wherever
they can as earnings, sales fall...

*** Planet Hollywood goes chapter 11...

*** Amazon's sad story...stocks still far too expensive
for a bottom...what kind of recession...Irma La Douce...
and more!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Slash, slash, slash...quarterly reports are coming
in and they are almost all bad. Sales down. Earnings
down. Operations trimmed back. Jobs cut.

The Conference Board's Index of Leading Indicators
recorded its biggest drop in 5 years. It is the worst
advertising year since the depression, reports
Dismal.com. Battle for jobs intensifies as more are
laid off, adds the LA Times.

But there's good news too - Planet Hollywood filed
for chapter 11.

Still, investors can't seem to come to terms with
current events. They think stocks bottomed out on Sept.
21...and they're looking for quick and easy victories
against terrorism and deflation.

Eric, what's the latest from Planet Wall Street?


Eric Fry in New York:

- If ever you wanted to take a cruise, now's the time
to do it, USA Today suggests helpfully. Facing a glut
of unsold cabins for departures in the next three
months, cruise lines began slashing rates to levels not
seen since the 1970s. The paper quotes Mike Driscoll,
editor of industry newsletter Cruise Week: They're
trying to find the price point where people will put
their fears away and take a cruise.

- The stock market is also busy trying to find the price
point where people will put their fears away and take
the plunge. Temporarily, at least, investors found that
magical price point on September 21st, when the Dow broke
below the 8,000-level. The venerable index has advanced
almost 18% since then, despite incessant terrorist
attacks and a barrage of bad earnings. The Nasdaq has
soared almost 23% over the same time frame.

- It's nice to see the market rally. But the dramatic
advance from the September 21st lows looks less like a
new bull market than an old bad habit. What are
investors buying exactly? A good story? You know, the
one about the economic recovery that's just a few months

- Wall Street is full of storytellers, and who better to
tell one than on-line storybook seller: Amazon.

- Yesterday afternoon, the e-commerce pioneer hosted a
conference call on which CFO Warren Jenson proclaimed,
While the history of Q4 has yet to be written, we are
in great shape. Later, lapsing into dot-com speak, he
assured the listeners, Reaching pro forma profits does
not require heroics, just execution.

- So just what does this great shape look like,
according to the Book of Amazon? For starters, the
company posted a pro forma loss of $58 million for the
third quarter. After adding in a couple of exceptional
items here and there, the true net loss - i.e., the
money that used to be in an Amazon bank account but no
longer is - expands to $169.8 million.

- Next up, Amazon's core books, music and video sales
operations - which account for more than half of total
revenues - fell about 12%. Sales in Amazon's smallest,
but most profitable division, Services, also fell 12%.
Services include deals such as booking on-line orders
for other retailers like Toys R Us and Borders

- If you add it all up, you're looking at a company that
will probably burn through about a half-billion dollars
over the next nine months. Sounds...well...great!

- Blindly paying any price for any stock will accumulate
losses more rapidly and assuredly than wealth. Price
matters. So do earnings. Right now, the former is too
high and the latter is too low.

- Amazon groupies are not the only ones suffering from a
new paradigm relapse. The surge in home refinancing
is giving a boost to the overall economy, Fannie Mae
CEO, Franklin Raines was heard saying last week. In
fact, a new economic paradigm seems to have taken hold.
Traditionally, whenever the economy caught a cold,
housing got pneumonia. Now the opposite is occurring -
housing tends to do better than the economy.

- That the head of a thinly capitalized company -
operating with the implied backing of the U.S. taxpayer
- having more than $330 billion of short-term debt and
$1.5 trillion of mortgage exposure, comments the
Prudent Bear's Doug Noland, in what is clearly a
hostile economic environment, would make reference to a
'New Economic Paradigm' is, in a word, disturbing.

(See: Marx Would Be Absolutely Giddy

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] How vulnerable are the Saudi royals? (Ney Yorker Magazine) (fwd)

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan




How vulnerable are the Saudi royals?


Since 1994 or earlier, the National Security Agency has been collecting
electronic intercepts of conversations between members of the Saudi
Arabian royal family, which is headed by King Fahd. The intercepts depict
a regime increasingly corrupt, alienated from the country's religious rank
and file, and so weakened and frightened that it has brokered its future
by channelling hundreds of millions of dollars in what amounts to
protection money to fundamentalist groups that wish to overthrow it.

The intercepts have demonstrated to analysts that by 1996 Saudi money was
supporting Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda and other extremist groups in
Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, and Central Asia, and throughout the Persian
Gulf region. Ninety-six is the key year, one American intelligence
official told me. Bin Laden hooked up to all the bad guysit's like the
Grand Alliance and had a capability for conducting large-scale
operations. The Saudi regime, he said, had gone to the dark side.

In interviews last week, current and former intelligence and military
officials portrayed the growing instability of the Saudi regimeand the
vulnerability of its oil reserves to terrorist attackas the most immediate
threat to American economic and political interests in the Middle East.
The officials also said that the Bush Administration, like the Clinton
Administration, is refusing to confront this reality, even in the
aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

The Saudis and the Americans arranged a meeting between Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld and King Fahd during a visit by Rumsfeld to Saudi Arabia
shortly before the beginning of the air war in Afghanistan, and pictures
of the meeting were transmitted around the world. The United States,
however, has known that King Fahd has been incapacitated since suffering a
severe stroke, in late 1995. A Saudi adviser told me last week that the
King, with round-the-clock medical treatment, is able to sit in a chair
and open his eyes, but is usually unable to recognize even his oldest
friends. Fahd is being kept on the throne, the N.S.A. intercepts indicate,
because of a bitter family power struggle. Fahd's nominal successor is
Crown Prince Abdullah, his half brother, who is to some extent the
de-facto rulerhe and Prince Sultan, the defense minister, were the people
Rumsfeld really came to see. But there is infighting about money: Abdullah
has been urging his fellow-princes to address the problem of corruption in
the kingdomunsuccessfully, according to the intercepts. The only reason
Fahd's being kept alive is so Abdullah can't become king, a former White
House adviser told me.

The American intelligence officials have been particularly angered by the
refusal of the Saudis to help the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. run tracesthat
is, name checks and other background informationon the nineteen men, more
than half of them believed to be from Saudi Arabia, who took part in the
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. They knew that once
we started asking for a few traces the list would grow, one former
official said. It's better to shut it down right away. He pointed out
that thousands of disaffected Saudis have joined fundamentalist groups
throughout the Middle East. Other officials said that there is a growing
worry inside the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. that the actual identities of many
of those involved in the attacks may not be known definitively for months,
if ever. Last week, a senior intelligence official confirmed the lack of
Saudi coperation and told me, angrily, that the Saudis have only one
constantand it's keeping themselves in power.

The N.S.A. intercepts reveal the hypocrisy of many in the Saudi royal
family, and why the family has become increasingly estranged from the vast
majority of its subjects. Over the years, unnerved by the growing strength
of the fundamentalist movement, it has failed to deal with the underlying
issues of severe unemployment and inadequate education, in a country in
which half the population is under the age of eighteen. Saudi Arabia's
strict interpretation of Islam, known as Wahhabism, and its use of
mutawwa'inreligious policeto enforce prayer, is rivalled only by the
Taliban's. And yet for years the Saudi princesthere are thousands of
themhave kept tabloid newspapers filled with accounts of their drinking
binges and partying with prostitutes, while taking billions of dollars
from the state budget. The N.S.A. intercepts are more specific. In one
call, Prince Nayef, who has served for more than two decades as interior
minister, urges a subordinate to withhold from the police evidence of the
hiring of prostitutes, presumably by members of the royal family.
According to the summary, Nayef said that he didn't want the client list
released under any circumstances.

The intercepts produced a stream of sometimes 

[CTRL] Asleep At The Switch ?

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Just how much overlap was there between the WTC (NY) trials and
the OJ trial?  OJ was not an issue until mid-1994 and the trial
started later on ... AER

From DMN

U.S. ignored warnings, former FBI official says
Federal law agencies fail to coordinate and plan, terrorism authority
By CAROLYN BARTA / The Dallas Morning News
Despite more than a dozen terrorist attacks around the world since
1992, the United States failed to recognize impending disaster
because its federal law enforcement is a dysfunctional montage, a
retired FBI official said Tuesday.

Why didn't we know about September 11? We were deaf, dumb, and
blind. We were asleep at the switch, former deputy FBI director
Oliver Buck Revell said at a Press Club of Dallas luncheon.

The bureau's former counterterrorism chief blames federal officials
and the American public for not taking the terrorism threat seriously

Though arrests were made in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing,
authorities failed to take out the bombers' supporting network. And
he said Americans were too fixated on the O.J. Simpson trial to pay

 attention to the Trade Center trials, the most informative
international terrorism trials in this country.

Mr. Revell said federal law enforcement should be restructured and

refocused under a Cabinet-level homeland defense secretary who
has authority to consolidate law enforcement activities currently
conducted by 140 agencies under 14 Cabinet officials.

A former FBI special agent-in-charge in Dallas, Mr. Revell said
terrorist dangers have been spelled out to Congress and various
commissions during the Clinton administration.

But nothing's been done to put together a coherent homeland
defense, he said. There is no strategic planning, shared mission,
or coordination among agencies dealing with global organized crime
and terrorist activities.

President Bush tried to bring order to the disjointed operation when
he appointed Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge as head of a new Office of

 Homeland Security.

It doesn't matter how many homeland czars we have, Mr. Revell said.
The question is: Does he have the authority to command law
enforcement agencies?

He noted that the United Kingdom, Canada, and France have officials
in charge of such a homeland defense ministry.

The U.S. attorney general, he said, wears too many hats to deal only
with homeland defense issues.

Other needs to counter terrorism threats include a greater emphasis
on human instead of technological intelligence and an expedited
process for deporting undocumented immigrants, Mr. Revell said.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service is hamstrung by
regulations and a system that grants more due process rights to
suspected undocumented immigrants than other countries, he said.

Now an international security consultant, Mr. Revell recently told a
U.S. House International Relations Committee hearing that, to prevent
terrorism, we need the political will and we need public attention
for more than 24 hours.
Online at:
© 2001 DallasNews.com

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Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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[CTRL] Officials Test Samples After Crop Duster Sprays Boats on the Mississippi River

2001-10-24 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Officials Test Samples After Crop Duster Sprays Boats on the Mississippi

By Jason Straziuso Associated Press Writer Published: Oct 21, 2001

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Crew members who were aboard a Mississippi
River towboat when a crop duster sprayed it with an unknown substance
have reported no health problems but were given an antibiotic as a
precaution, health officials said Sunday. The towboat's skipper reported that
the low-flying plane sprayed the towboat and barges Friday near Rosedale,
Miss., then circled around and sprayed a pleasure craft. Officials were still
searching for the pleasure boat. This was a deliberate act by a crop duster -
this was no accident, said Kent Buckley of the Bolivar County Emergency
Management Agency. Buckley said officials suspect the sprayed substance
was sodium chlorate, used to defoliate cotton crops. Buckley said that
sodium chlorate is similar to salt water and is not dangerous. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention has asked the Mississippi Department of
Health to test the unknown substance, said NancyKay Wessman,
spokeswoman for the state health department. Officials do not know who
owns the plane and are looking for witnesses who may have seen an
identifying number, Buckley said. It was unclear how many crew members
were on the towboat or if any were on deck when the plane passed over;
owners of the towboat at Metropolis, Ill.-based Mid South Towing could not
be reached for comment Sunday. Lt. Dale R. Dean of the U.S. Coast Guard
said no crew members reported any symptoms. As a precaution, the crew
was given the drug Cipro, the primary antibiotic used to treat anthrax,
Buckley said. The FBI is investigating; Mississippi FBI spokesman Jeffery
Artis declined to comment. The Environmental Protection Agency, the Coast
Guard and the CDC were also involved in the investigation. The towboat and
its 17 barges have been grounded and quarantined near Rosedale. Their
contents were unknown.

AP-ES-10-21-01 1834EDT

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: (en) Chomsky Transcript: The New War Against Terror - recorded at The Te...

2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

The New War Against Terror
Transcribed from audio

The Coalition – Including Algeria, Russia, China, Indonesia

Now that’s pretty impressive and that has to do with the coalition that is
now being organized to fight the war against terror. And it’s very
interesting to see how that coalition is being described. So have a look at
this morning’s Christian Science Monitor. That’s a good newspaper. One of
the best international newspapers, with real coverage of the world. The lead
story, the front-page story, is about how the United States, you know people
used to dislike the United States but now they are beginning to respect it,
and they are very happy about the way that the US is leading the war against
terror. And the prime example, well in fact the only serious example, the
others are a joke, is Algeria. Turns out that Algeria is very enthusiastic
about the US war against terror. The person who wrote the article is an
expert on Africa. He must know that Algeria is one of the most vicious
terrorist states in the world and has been carrying out horrendous terror
against its own population in the past couple of years, in fact. For a
while, this was under wraps. But it was finally exposed in France by
defectors from the Algerian army. It’s all over the place there and in
England and so on. But here, we’re very proud because one of the worst
terrorist states in the world is now enthusiastically welcoming the US war
on terror and in fact is cheering on the United States to lead the war. That
shows how popular we are getting.

And if you look at the coalition that is being formed against terror it
tells you a lot more. A leading member of the coalition is Russia which is
delighted to have the United States support its murderous terrorist war in
Chechnya instead of occasionally criticizing it in the background. China is
joining enthusiastically. It’s delighted to have support for the atrocities
it’s carrying out in western China against, what it called, Muslim
secessionists. Turkey, as I mentioned, is very happy with the war against
terror. They are experts. Algeria, Indonesia delighted to have even more US
support for atrocities it is carrying out in Ache and elsewhere. Now we can
run through the list, the list of the states that have joined the coalition
against terror is quite impressive. They have a characteristic in common.
They are certainly among the leading terrorist states in the world. And they
happen to be led by the world champion.

What is Terrorism?

Well that brings us back to the question, what is terrorism? I have been
assuming we understand it. Well, what is it? Well, there happen to be some
easy answers to this. There is an official definition. You can find it in
the US code or in US army manuals. A brief statement of it taken from a US
army manual, is fair enough, is that terror is the calculated use of
violence or the threat of violence to attain political or religious
ideological goals through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear. That’s
terrorism. That’s a fair enough definition. I think it is reasonable to
accept that. The problem is that it can’t be accepted because if you accept
that, all the wrong consequences follow. For example, all the consequences I
have just been reviewing. Now there is a major effort right now at the UN to
try to develop a comprehensive treaty on terrorism. When Kofi Annan got the
Nobel prize the other day, you will notice he was reported as saying that we
should stop wasting time on this and really get down to it.

But there’s a problem. If you use the official definition of terrorism in
the comprehensive treaty you are going to get completely the wrong results.
So that can’t be done. In fact, it is even worse than that. If you take a
look at the definition of Low Intensity Warfare which is official US policy
you find that it is a very close paraphrase of what I just read. In fact,
Low Intensity Conflict is just another name for terrorism. That’s why all
countries, as far as I know, call whatever horrendous acts they are carrying
out, counter terrorism. We happen to call it Counter Insurgency or Low
Intensity Conflict. So that’s a serious problem. You can’t use the actual
definitions. You’ve got to carefully find a definition that doesn’t have all
the wrong consequences.

Why did the United States and Israel Vote Against a Major Resolution
Condemning Terrorism?

There are some other problems. Some of them came up in December 1987, at the
peak of the first war on terrorism, that’s when the furor over the plague
was peaking. The United Nations General Assembly passed a very strong
resolution against terrorism, condemning the plague in the strongest terms,
calling on every state to fight against it in every possible way. It passed
unanimously. One country, Honduras abstained. Two 

[CTRL] Bioport stock swindle

2001-10-24 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 06:32:48 +0800
From: Curt Raftshol [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Warren Johan Raftshol [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Warren J Raftshol [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Bioport stock swindle

Subject: The Great Anthrax Stock Swindle!

Where, oh where to begin!

Well, let's begin with Adm. William J. Crowe, Jr. It seems that back when
George H. W. Bush was setting up Osama Bin Laden as a Freedom fighter
(A freedom fighter is the same thing as a terrorist, only aimed at someone
you don't like), the good Admiral and his buddies on the Joint Chiefs were
selling American made weapons-grade Anthrax to Saddam Hussein in the
hopes that he would use it on Iran (and then we wonder why the Iranian
people don't much like Americans).  Who knows who else got these
American-made weapons of mass destruction either from Admiral Crowe or

But that was then and this is now. Admiral Crowe is retired.  Admiral Crowe
is quite wealthy, far beyond what one might expect on even an Admiral's
salary. In fact, Admiral Crowe sits on the Board of Directors and owns 13%
of BioPort Corporation.

What is the BioPort Corporation, I hear you ask? Well, it's the only
corporation in the United States with a license to make Anthrax Vaccine.
Except that BioPOrt doesn't actually make the vaccine, BioPOrt simply
bought the lab that does make the vaccine, Michigan Biologic Products
Institute, from the State of Michigan in 1998, oddly enough at the same time
John J. Maresca, Vice President of International Relations, UNOCAL
Corporation, was telling congress that access to the oil reserves under the
Caspian Sea required a new government in Afghanistan.

Along with the actual Anthrax Vaccine, BioPort acquired Michigan Biologic
Products Institute's sole and exclusive customer for the vaccine, the US
Department of defense. And here is the kicker. Since acquiring Michigan
Biologic Products Institute, BioPort has not delivered a drop of the stuff! Only
4% of the vaccine contracted for has been delivered. FDA audits have
uncovered suspicious record keeping and contamination problems, causing
the FDA to ban delivery of the product.  Despite this ban, the US
Government has continued to front BioPort millions of dollars to keep the
operation going. And, given the State of Emergency, it is likely that FDA
concerns for the product will soon be set aside and the vaccine delivered, not
to the citizens whose taxes paid for it all, but to the military and to the

So, good old Admiral Crowe and his fellow investors in BioPort are set to
make a bundle off of the Anthrax scare.  Especially when market demand
pushes the price of the product high up above the contracted for $3.50 an
ounce. And who are those fellow investors? Well, another part of BioPort is
owned by the Carlyle Group. That's George H. W. Bush's current occupation.
Yet another portion is owned by (you had better sit down), the Bin Laden

That's right. Just as the Bin Laden family made a fortune with the contract to
rebuild the Khobar Towers supposedly blown up by Osama, the Bin Ladens
will again make a fortune from their part ownership of the only company able
to make an Anthrax Vaccine in the United States, because Osama might
have some of that Anthrax that the United States sold to Saddam. In fact, the
shortage created by the FDA bans will make all the players instant
billionaires as market forces drive the price of the vaccine up to thousands of
dollars per ounce. (The same amount of Anthrax treatment Cipro that sells for
$20 in India now costs $690 in the US).

A very cozy arrangement. The Bushes and Bin Ladens (and the occasional
complicit Admiral) are all making money off of  the fear and death of
Americans and Afghanis.

It's called profiteering,

It's called conspiracy with a foreign power against the  interests of the people
of this nation. The USA...

This sort of thing is what got Charles the First into  trouble!

--- End of forwarded message ---

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] More 911 Questions, Anthrax Scare, Whos the Coward?

2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

Jim Condit Jr.
More 911 Questions, Anthrax Scare, Who’s the Coward?
Wed Oct 24 01:40:51 2001

October 24, 2001 NA (Network America) e-wire

More 911 Questions, Anthrax Scare, Who’s the Coward?

I apologize for the length of this e-wire – but it will save you the 25 
hours or more of research it took me to pull it together, and it cover a 
lot of the things investigative minds need to thinking about. There is 
NO HOPE of any investigation coming from the kept servants who work for 
the controlled Big Press. It’s up to you, it’s up to us . . .

Before an analysis of what the Anthrax scare is all about, here is a --

RECAP, for those who didn’t see our first Network America e-wire on 911:

On October 9, 2001 I sent out an e-wire entitled, “Who We Need Fear . . 
. and What is Global Hawk?” – it was a hurried compilation of facts and 
observations that had emerged since the 9-11 kamikaze attack, and which 
needed as wide a circulation as possible. My own urgency came because of 
my reading of Big Media clues – which indicated a gushing forth of mind 
manipulation from the Big Media against the American public – mind 
manipulation which simultaneously was building a hopeless tension and 
siege mentality in the collective American mind – and conditioning 
Americans for an “inevitable” coming germ / bio warfare attack on a 
major US population center. (That original e-wire is posted on 
rense.com, we are behind in updating our website, votefraud.org)

That October 9th e-wire contained 35 items – and this e-wire will begin 
with item #36 – after --


The real agenda involves getting United States troops permanently into 
the Middle East permanently to a) put in puppet Moslem governments and 
b) defend the mini-state of Israel. At this hour, I vote for the 
position that the 911 attacks were orchestrated by the Ruling Elite of 
Shadow Government (Permanent Revolution) using Global Hawk or Home Run 
technology. Regardless, if it was done that way or was actually pulled 
off by desperate Moslem Kamikazi pilots all by themselves --- 
immediately the Ruling Elite and its Big 5 TV networks initiated too 
longed for goals: the low-grade World War III scenario, and the scrap 
the U.S. Constitution scenario.

While many Moslem governments are backward and retrograde in many ways – 
and have horribly stunted the growth of their peoples – that is not what 
concerns “our” Ruling Elite – which has helped keep in power incredibly 
corrupt Moslem Regimes as long as the chosen Arab Playboys played ball 
with oil and non-opposition to Israel. The reason why the Bush/Clinton 
gang, and those behind it, are telling us that we are going to have to 
jump from Moslem country to Moslem country waging war against 
“terrorism” is because the Moslem world need to brought to heel to 
accept the Permanent Revolution’s Free Trade program (which will 
progressively turn all countries into a province in the New World 
Order), and to succumb to the world wide usururious, vultures who run 
bankstering systems such as the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank 
here in the USA. At the same time, this open ended “war against terror” 
can be used to vanquish all of potential nearby enemies of the state of 
Israel. (On a note of supreme yet sick irony, the current Prime Minister 
of Israel, terrorist Ariel Sharon, killed 17,000 civilians in Lebonan in 
1982 with wanton terror bombing; even the state of Israel reproached him 
for his – publicly anyway; lawyers in Belgium are now trying to bring 
terrorist Ariel Sharon to justice before an international court.)

The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that the 9-11 attack was 
just a deadly made for TV Movie. Immediately following the 9-11 plane 
attacks on the NYC Twin Towers, -- within 10 minutes on CNN -- the Big 
Media had determined that the man hiding in the cave, Bin Laden, had 
done it -- and that we now needed an endless war to rout out terror. 
Within an hour, Henry Kissinger associate Lawrence Eagleburger was on TV 
stating that Americans would have to give up freedoms for more security.

In the big picture --- the Kamikaze Global Hawk attack at the Trade 
Towesr and Pentagon provided the excuse to rush American troops over to 
Afghanistan – the first country target of choice. (And again, don’t 
forget, clangorous voices from all sides are warning that this is the 
first of MANY Moslem countries in the Mideast that the US will have to 
attack to “stamp out” terrorism. Voices such as Congressman Steve Buyer 
of Indiana, Henry Kissinger, Michael Weiner Savage of talk radio – among 
others are raising their voices for “tactical” (?) nuclear attacks on 
Afghanistan and other middle eastern countries. Now – how are Americans 
going to jump started into supporting THAT? Which brings us to --

. . . the well-managed “anthrax scare” – which took center stage right 
after the troops got over to Pakistan. 

[CTRL] Baghdad After Kabul ?

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

'On-to-Baghdad!' or 'Stop at Kabul!'?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
© 2001 Creators Syndicate, Inc.
Neither the Taliban, nor al-Qaida, nor bin Laden is in the bag yet,
but the war drums have already begun beating for phase II. If the war
hawks have their way, Iraq is next on the target list.

Three weeks ago, President Bush was warned in an open letter that his
failure to attack Iraq will constitute an early and perhaps decisive
surrender in the war on international terrorism.

The ultimatum was signed by 41 foreign policy veterans and writers, including Jeanne 
Kirkpatrick, William Bennett and editors at The Weekly Standard, Commentary and The 
New Republic. National Review has now enlisted, The
Wall Street Journal is in full shriek, and syndicated columnists are slapping on their 
war paint.

As Cato the Elder ended every speech in the Roman forum with Delenda est Carthago! 
(Carthage must be destroyed!), so our neo-conservatives have decreed that Iraq must 
be destroyed.

Now, if Iraq colluded in the mass murder of 5,500 Americans, Saddam's regime should be 
destroyed and the pounding not stop until he is dead or gone. But the problem is this: 
There is as yet no hard evidence of Iraqi compl
icity in the crime, but vast evidence of Saudi connections and involvement with the 
Taliban, al-Qaida and Osama.

And if Iraq is not guilty of the atrocities of Sept. 11, and the U.S. lashes out at 
Baghdad, the Islamic world will see it not as a valid act of justice by a wounded, 
grieving America, but as an act of vengeance by an arr
ogant superpower on a small nation that defied it. Moreover, this war on Iraq would 
not be Desert Storm II.

In 1991, President Bush had a 28-nation alliance and General Schwarzkopf had tens of 
thousands of troops from Britain, France, Syria and Egypt. They will not be there this 
time. Even Tony Blair has told Mr. Bush he will t
ake a pass. And the Saudis have put us on notice that their bases are not available 
for an attack on another Arab country.

This time, America goes in alone. Moreover, the mighty Army of Desert Storm, like 
Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, is history. In a dozen years, U.S. defense spending 
has fallen from Reagan's 6 percent of GDP to Clinton's
 3 percent. Adds Oliver North, We have cut our army divisions from 18 to 10. We now 
have 13 fighter wings, down from 24. Our Navy, which boasted 546 ships, today has only 

In 1990, the U.S. had an open-and-shut case of naked aggression by Iraq that even the 
U.N. could recognize and our enemies could not deny. But without evidence of Saddam's 
collusion in the terrorism of Sept. 11, an attack
 on Iraq would be seen as an unprovoked, unjust war that could bring Arab and Islamic 
mobs into the streets from Morocco to Indonesia, risking the survival of Egypt, Jordan 
and Saudi Arabia. What would it profit America t
o march to Baghdad, only to have Cairo fall to anti-American mobs?

Writing in The Weekly Standard, William Kristol and Robert Kagan, those Hardy Boys of 
global hegemony, seem to revel in what is coming. This war is not going to stop in 
Afghanistan, they exult, it is going to spread an
d engulf a number of countries. ... It is going to resemble the clash of civilizations 
that everyone has hoped to avoid ... it is possible that the demise of some 'moderate' 
Arab regimes may be just round the corner.

But while the little magazines and big talkers whoop it up for a war of civilizations, 
neither Congress nor the country is clamoring for a war on radical Arabdom or militant 
Islam. And a lesson from Vietnam ought especial
ly to be remembered now: Before we commit the army, commit the nation.

Finally, there is a small matter of the Constitution. Congress, alone, has the power 
to declare war. Before launching Desert Storm, President Bush won the authorization of 
Congress to go to war. But this President Bush ha
s not been authorized to attack nations other than Afghanistan. And the GOP chair of 
the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Henry Hyde, opposes a war on Iraq, and would stop 
at Kabul.

If the neo-conservatives want their war on Iraq or a clash of civilizations between 
the West and Islam, or, since Europe will sit it out, between the U.S.-Israel on one 
side, and all the rogue states on the State Depart
ment list on the other, they should make the case to Congress and the country. For if 
there was one principle for which the Old Right stood, it was no more presidential 
wars. No more Koreas. No more Vietnams. No more unde
clared wars.

This time, let us follow the Constitution as the founding fathers
intended, and let the old debate begin anew: America First vs. Global
Empire. The Old Republic vs. the New World Order. And let us
rediscover what it means to be a 

[CTRL] The Man Behind The Curtain

2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

The Man Behind The Curtain 
by William Rivers Pitt
October 24, 2001

"Every day they tell us that we are a free people fighting to defend freedom. That is the current that has whirled the young airman up into the sky and keeps him circulating there among the clouds. Down here, with a roof to cover us and a gasmask handy, it is our business to puncture gasbags and discover the seeds of truth." ~Virginia Woolf

October 24, 2001-In the early months of 1962, General Lyman Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs under President Kennedy, wanted a war. Part of a cabal of extreme right wing anti-communist Cold Warriors within the Pentagon, General Lemnitzer believed Kennedy had gone soft on communism and Castro. Kennedy had put any and all provocative action against Cuba on hold, and ordered only the gathering of intelligence data.

For, General Lemnitzer, this was totally unacceptable. Further frustrated by the fact that Castro himself had failed to do anything that would demand an invasion of Cuba, General Lemnitzer and his cabal planned an action called Operation Northwoods. Bluntly, this operation called for acts of terrorism within the United States perpetrated by agents of the United states loyal to Lemnitzer.

A plan, crafted in exquisite detail, was drafted describing the scope of Operation Northwoods, and was later signed in approval by all of the Joint Chiefs. Citizens would be shot in the streets. Boats of Cuban refugees would be sunk on the high seas. Bombings would be perpetrated within Washington, DC, and Miami. There were even plans to fake the hijacking, and later the destruction, of a civilian aircraft.

Phony evidence would then be provided pointing a finger at Castro. The American people, in their outrage, would demand a full invasion of Cuba. General Lemnitzer would have his war.

Needless to say, Operation Northwoods was never put into effect. When directly asked by Congress whether plans were afoot for the invasion of Cuba, General Lemnitzer swore an oath and said no. Eventually, he was removed from his position. Operation Northwoods became buried under subsequent events, a forgotten idea for more than 40 years.

It is an appalling thing to know that such an idea could even be spoken aloud in the Pentagon. It is comforting to believe General Lemnitzer was on the lunatic fringe, a man obsessed with Cuba to such a degree that he would be willing to attack his fellow citizens to create the false pretext for war.

Yet, Operation Northwoods was signed off on by all the Joint Chiefs of Staff, leading to the inevitable conclusion that this cavalier and bloodthirsty attitude towards the lives and safety of American citizens and military personnel was not the exception, but the rule.

This is but one story of our government, of the men behind the curtain. It took 40 years for this story to be told. The reason why such an insidious plot was hidden so completely and for so long from the eyes of the American people lies within the trust we give to the agencies that are supposed to stand in defense of our country. We give the Pentagon, the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, and to a lesser extent the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the widest possible latitude with vital information, all in the interest of national security.

Today, a war is being fought in Afghanistan and on our own soil. Before the snow flies, it may well expand into a variety of other countries. The purpose of the war is as clear as the twisted rubble at the end of Lower Manhattan, as clear as the smashed and gutted section of the Pentagon. Terrorism has arrived on American shores, and those who perpetrated these acts must be brought to justice.

We have been told that this is a "new type of war," where secrecy is paramount. The news media has been cut almost completely out of the information loop, relegated to reporting on grainy green videotapes of nothing highlighted by almost nothing. Those who operate in this new theater do so under the cover of complete darkness.

In light of Operation Northwoods, in light of the legacy of men like General Lemnitzer, and in light of recently revealed information regarding warnings about the Sept. 11 attacks that were received and virtually ignored by the CIA and FBI, the question of whether our government deserves that cloak of secrecy must be voiced in the strongest possible terms.

According to CIA agents interviewed by the Los Angeles Times, who refused to give their names, a warning about two "bin Laden related individuals" was transmitted to the FBI on Aug. 27, 2001. The information was classified as "Immediate," one step below the "Flash" warning reserved for the outbreak of war.

Somewhere in the translation, according to the CIA, the veneer of urgency was dropped from the document. The FBI failed to apprehend Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, two men named in the CIA warning who later crashed an airliner into the 

[CTRL] Fwd: FTW - The Chinese Government Is Not Supporting The Taliban With Troops

2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

Please distribute widely...



C. Ruppert

[© Copyright 2001, Michael C. Ruppert and From The 
Wilderness Publications, www.copvcia.com. All Rights Reserved. May Be Copied Or 
Distributed for Non-Profit Purposes Only]

FTW, 10/24/01 1200 PDT  Recent news stories circulating 
widely on the Internet and targeted at conservative U.S. interest groups, 
indicating that the Government of China (GOC) is actively supporting the Taliban 
and providing troops to assist Taliban and alQueda fighters are false. China, 
which gained admittance to the World Trade Organization just two days after the 
September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, is a full 
partner in globalization and has an essential and vested interest in seeing US 
war and economic plans succeed. Further, US economic influence in China, the 
worlds largest global market, is currently controlling political and military 
events as China faces a massive energy crisis that only US companies can 
An analysis of Chinas economic relations with the United 
States reveals the overriding reasons for a Chinese/US alliance and gives the 
lie to recent stories published by the Debka news organization which are 
designed to instill fear in the US public and divert attention away from US 
government covert economic, drug smuggling and military operations in the 
As reprinted by the conservative World Net Daily on 
October 22 the Debka Intelligence Files (www.debka.com) published a story entitled 
Chinese fighters killed in U.S. strikes. That story reported that, Military 
sources in Dushnabe and Bishbeck, capitals of Tajikistan respectively, report at 
least 15 Chinese fighting men on the side of the Taliban, were killed in last 
weeks U.S. bombing over Kandahar
The story continues to state that Osama bin Laden aide 
Basir al Masri  now reportedly deceased  enjoyed the protection of at least 10 
Chinese bodyguards, some of whom were reportedly killed in recent U.S. air 
attacks. The Debka report, using selected quotes from British and American 
papers, including the Washington Post  which has long-documented affiliations 
with the Central Intelligence Agency - refers to prior stories indicating that 
the GOC has established intelligence and funding relationships with the Taliban 
in recent years. It quotes one Washington Post story as stating that Beijing and 
the Taliban signed a memorandum of understanding on September 11 for greater 
economic and military cooperation.
These relationships fail to take into account a gift of 
$43 million to the Taliban from Secretary of State Colin Powell last May, or the 
fact that, through the Pakistani intelligence service, the ISI, the CIA has 
continually provided aid to the Taliban virtually up until the moment of the 
September 11 attacks.
The implication of this story, especially when combined 
with previous Debka stories claiming massive Chinese troop deployments in and 
around Afghanistan, is that the United States is potentially facing a direct 
military confrontation with China.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In spite of the fact that one additional October 22 story 
from the Hindustani Times states that Taliban Commander-in-Chief Jalaluddin 
Haqquani has claimed that the militia was in touch with China, which was 
assisting in the war against the U.S, there remains no credible evidence of 
such Chinese involvement. In fact, a simple examination of the economic 
interdependence of the U.S. and China makes such conclusions totally 
Economic Interdependence
With more than three billion citizens China 
represents the worlds largest untapped marketplace, both for oil and for 
consumer goods. Not only is the economic future of major U.S. corporations 
dependent upon continued access to Chinese markets, the Chinese economy  as 
demonstrated by its relentless 15-year effort to gain access to WTO  is as 
dependent upon U.S. investment and economic assistance. China was swiftly 
admitted to the WTO on September 13.
Theres an old saying that in a ham and eggs 
breakfast, the chicken is involved but the pig is committed. Many major U.S. 
corporations are totally committed to ongoing business relations with China and 
the Chinese government. This was demonstrated by Chinas hosting of the recent 
APEC conference in Shanghai. China is in dire need of continued investment and 
operations from U.S. based companies. This was a matter of pre-eminent concern 
to George W. Bush during the conference and is also reflective of the Bush 
familys long-standing business interests in China.
According to the U.S-China Business Council (USCBC) 
(www.uschina.org), new foreign direct 
investment in China in 2000 alone equaled some $62.66 billion US. This 
represented a 50.8% increase over 1999. Major U.S. 

Re: [CTRL] FW: check it out

2001-10-24 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

This is the oldest hoax on the Internet.

--- thew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Guess the warnings were true. Federal Bill 602P 5-cents per
  sent. It figures! No more free E-mail! We knew this was coming!!
  will permit the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent charge on
  delivered E-mail. Please read the following carefully if you intend
  online and continue using E-mail. The last few months have revealed
  alarming trend in the Government of the United States attempting to
  push through legislation that will affect our use of the Internet.
  proposed legislation, the US Postal Service will be attempting to
  E-mail users out of alternative postage fees. Bill 602P will
  Federal Government to charge a 5-cent surcharge on! every e-mail
  by billing Internet Service Providers at source. The consumer would
  billed in turn by the ISP. Washington DC lawyer Richard Stepp is
  without pay to prevent this legislation from becoming law. The US
  Service is claiming lost revenue, due to the proliferation of
 E-mail, is
  costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue per year. You may have
  recent ad campaign: There is nothing like a letter. Since the
  person received about 10 pieces of E-mail per day in 1998, the cost
  typical individual would be an additional 50 cents a day - or over
  year - above and beyond their regular Internet costs. Note that
  be money paid directly to the US Postal Service for a service they
  even provide. The whole point of the Internet is democracy and
  non-interference. You are already paying an exorbitant price for
  because of bureaucratic inefficiency. It currently takes up to 6
  for a
  letter t! o be delivered from coast to coast. If the US Postal
  allowed to tinker with E-mail, it will mark the end of the free
  in the United States. Congressional representative, Tony Schnell
 (R) has
  even suggested a $20-$40 per month surcharge on all Internet
  above and beyond the governments proposed E-mail charges. Note that
  the major newspapers have ignored the story the only exception
 being the
  Washingtonian which called the idea of E-mail surcharge a useful
  who's time has come (March 6th, 1999 Editorial)
  Do not sit by and watch your freedom erode away! Send this E-mail
  EVERYONE on your list, and tell all your friends andrelatives to
  their congressional representative and say NO to Bill 602P. It
  take a few moments of your time and could very well be instrumental
  killing a bill we do not want.

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 groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us 

Re: [CTRL] get ready for afghan war syndrome..

2001-10-24 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

...and many Americans wear sandals, myself included --
does that make us subhuman in your estimation?

Perhaps not subhuman but certainly abnormal -
and definitely not to be trusted.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-10-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

Date: Sunday, October 21, 2001 11:14 AM

Once again when Americans want to read the truth,
they have to turn to Pravda, a Russian newspaper!!!
This former Green Beret is daring to speak the
awful truth about the events of 9-11-01 even as
the entire American media remains silent.

His conclusions are right on target. The 'official'
explanation of the events on that horrific day is
highly suspect. At best, government officials were
criminally negligent or unspeakably stupid in
the conduct of their duties.




 Stan Goff: The So-Called Evidence Is a Farce

 I'm a retired Special Forces Master Sergeant. That doesn't cut much for those who 
will only
 accept the opinions of former officers on military matters, since we enlisted swine 
are assumed to
 be incapable of grasping the nuances of doctrine.

 But I wasn't just in the army. I studied and taught military science and doctrine. I 
was a tactics
 instructor at the Jungle Operations Training Center in Panama, and I taught Military 
Science at
 West Point. And contrary to the popular image of what Special Forces does, SF's 
mission is to
 teach. We offer advice and assistance to foreign forces. That's everything from 
 marksmanship to a private to instructing a Battalion staff on how to coordinate 
effective air
 operations with a sister service.

 Based on that experience, and operations in eight designated conflict areas from 
Vietnam to Haiti,
 I have to say that the story we hear on the news and read in the newspapers is simply 
 believable. The most cursory glance at the verifiable facts, before, during, and 
after September
 11th, does not support the official line or conform to the current actions of the 
United States

 But the official line only works if they can get everyone to accept its underlying 
premises. I'm not
 at all surprised about the Republican and Democratic Parties repeating these 
premises. They are
 simply two factions within a single dominant political class, and both are financed 
by the same
 economic powerhouses. My biggest disappointment, as someone who identifies himself 
with the
 left, has been the tacit acceptance of those premises by others on the left, 
sometimes naively, and
 sometimes to score some morality points. Those premises are twofold. One, there is 
the premise
 that what this de facto administration is doing now is a response to September 
11th. Two, there
 is the premise that this attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was done 
by people
 based in Afghanistan. In my opinion, neither of these is sound.

 To put this in perspective we have to go back not to September 11th, but to last year 
or further.

 A man of limited intelligence, George W. Bush, with nothing more than his name and the
 behind-the-scenes pressure of his powerful father-a former President, ex-director of 
 Intelligence, and an oil man-is systematically constructed as a candidate, at 
tremendous cost.
 Across the country, subtle and not-so-subtle mechanisms are put into place to 
disfranchise a
 significant fraction of the Democrat's African-American voter base. This doesn't come 
out until
 Florida becomes a battleground for Electoral College votes, and the magnitude of the 
story has
 been suppressed by the corporate media to this day. In a decision so lacking in 
legitimacy, the
 Supreme Court will neither by-line the author of the decision nor allow the decision 
to ever be
 used as a precedent, Bush v. Gore awards the presidency of the United States to a man 
 loses the popular vote in Florida and loses the national popular vote by over 600,000.

 This de facto regime then organizes a very interesting cabinet. The Vice President is 
an oil
 executive and the former Secretary of Defense. The National Security Advisor is a 
director on the
 board of a transnational oil corporation and a Russia scholar. The Secretary of State 
is a man with
 no diplomatic experience whatsoever, and the former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of 
Staff. The other
 interesting appointment is Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense. Rumsfeld is the 
former CEO
 of Searle Pharmaceuticals. He and Cheney were featured as speakers at the May, 2000,
 Russian-American Business Leaders Forum. So the consistent currents in this cabinet 
 petroleum, the former Soviet Union, and the military.

 Based on the record of Daddy Bush, in all his 

Re: [CTRL] Baghdad After Kabul ?

2001-10-24 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Strange these people seem to forget or want to forget that the traitor
convicted of Treason Jonathan Pollard who was Mossad Agent while in Navy
Department, was the cause of what happened to Iraq.

Note now how the Zionist Press is pushing for war against Iraq and Joe
Lieberman sat their like one of the 7 Dwarf's calling for war against
Iraq ?

Tlhis man should be booted out of the Senate or he doesn ot serve two
masters, he serves Israel as he holds dual citizenship.

He looks like one of those little sneaky elves one would find sabotaging
toys at the bottom of a Christmas tree.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-10-24 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

I myself wonder why the so-religious Americans don't all see this.
- The Whore of Babylon is obviously about to fall and they're still
singing God bless America. - I guess most people are blind. The
gold of babylon keeps them bound to Babylon.

Or, ... could it be that Bible was talking of Monica and Clinton
- whore of babylon, and then Bush - the anti-christ, elected via
fraud, and then the thousand year reich. Hmm... The Bible does give
an interesting picture of the future of the USA, if that is the case.

Anyone more intimate with the Bible care to present any theories
of these possible character connections to the Bible prophesies?

I haven't seen anyone pick these up or even see the note, yet. Is it
some kind of tabu for (religious) Americans to see things this way?

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Dr. Byron Weeks wrote:

 Listen to this one, folks. The next attack will be a massive plague or nerve
 gas from the skies. Tons of it

 - Original Message -
 From: Carl F. Worden
 Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 3:43 AM

 Ladies  gentlemen:
  The very day of the WTC attack, I wrote you all to tell you the
 biblical prophesy of Revelation 18 had come to pass.  I was wrong:
 The total destruction of the World Trade Center in one hour was only
 the beginning of the total fulfillment of Revelation 18.
  The words contained in Revelation 18:4-5 have kept haunting me.
 They are:  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of
 her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye
 receive not of her plagues.  For her sins have reached unto heaven,
 and God hath remembered her iniquities.
  And that ye receive not of her plagues?  You know what a plague is!
 It is not an explosion or a flood.  It is not an army come to destroy.
 It is a disease condition that can befall nearly every living soul
 like the Black Plague of Medieval times.  Right now, we all know we
 have been attacked by Anthrax.  I believe we will be attacked by other
 biological agents as well, including the horrifying prospect of
  Come out of her, my people?  What does that prophesy suggest we do?
  I'll tell you what I am doing right now, and then you can decide for
 yourself what you should do:  Right now, my wife and I are in the
 process of obtaining updated passports in order to leave on a moment's
 notice.  When God tells you to come out of her, I for one am not
 going to be asking questions, and I'm not going to be looking back.

 Take care.

 Carl F. Worden
 Liaison Officer
 Southern Oregon Militia

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org 
  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, 
   and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know! 
To receive MER regularly and free - http://www.MiddleEast.Org/subscribe
  In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. 
George Orwell 
 PLEASE put your comments at our new and easy FORUM

   Constantly spoon fed by and on Georges -- the equivalent of 
   McDonalds cheeseburgers for the brain -- no wonder so many 
   Americans are so obese and bumbling of mind as well as body.

universal support - George W. Bush
coalition of one - George Will

 The bombing of Afghanistan is not revenge 
 for New York and Washington. It is yet 
 another act of terror against the people of 
 the world.

MID-EAST REALITIES © - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/24:
   Both of the Georges are oh so full of themselves cocky -- just the personality type 
so many American's truly love.   One is (to the amazement of many who wonder how in 
the world the U.S. chooses such persons to lead it) the President of the United 
States.  Speaking Sunday of America's new war as he was about to leave the 
international meetings in Shanghai, son of former CIA/Pres Bush told the world: We're 
not conducting these operations alone, we have universal support around the world!  
Yes sir, that's the same Dubya who really does seem to think the world is nothing more 
than an extension of the old wild west of American history -- put up a reward poster 
wanted dead or alive and go smoke 'em out because good will triump over evil.  
No wonder this still recovering frat-boy President with grade-school-teacher wife 
feels most confortable talking to children, of late encouraging them to send their 
dollars to help the poor children of Afghanistan -- doing so from the Headquarters of 
the American Red Cross on the very same day the Red Cross in Kabul was bombed!
Then there is pundit George, a right-wing ideological cousin of Dubya who takes a 
certain pride in telling the truth about his convictions while at the same time 
cheerleading for the Pentagon Generals urging them on in their crusade to assert the 
new new world order.  About the same time on Sunday that Dubya George was trumpeting 
his universal support inanities in Shanghai, George Will was much more candidly 
telling the country (as he does weekly for ABC News) that So far it's really a 
coalition of one, maybe one and a half (referring to the Brits of course).  The 
coalition so far is nothing but window dressing.
So much for the two Georges who constantly have America's ears; as well as the 
American media and the blabbering Sunday Talk Shows that so dominate the American 
nationalist agenda.  
A few days later however, on Tuesday, someone not allowed on American TV -- not 
weekly on Sundays and hardly even ever actually -- had something very important to 
say:  author Arundhati Roy who said it in The Guardian.  Same establishment TV 
blacklisting takes place of course when it comes to the very best experts and the 
giant intellects of our time -- Chomsky and Fisk leap immediately to mind.  
 Constantly spoon fed on and by Georges -- the equivalent of McDonalds 
cheeseburgers for the brain -- no wonder so many Americans are so obese and bumbling 
of mind as well as body.  No wonder nearly all Americans were caught so unawares on 11 
September.  No wonder nearly all Americans cheer and fly flags and simplistically talk 
incessantly about we good and they evil; themselves collectively killing millions 
while backing the worst thugs and dictators...all without even knowing what they have 
done in the recent past and that what is happening now is, to a very large extent,  a 
direct result of what has come before.


Brutality Smeared in Peanut Butter
 By Arundhati Roy*

[THE GUARDIAN - London, UK - Tuesday, 23 October 2001]:
As darkness deepened over Afghanistan on Sunday, October 7,
2001, the U.S. government, backed by the International Coalition
Against Terror (the new, amenable surrogate for the United
Nations), launched air strikes against Afghanistan.  TV channels
lingered on computer-animated images of cruise missiles, stealth
bombers, tomahawks, bunker-busting missiles and 

[CTRL] Mind Control Cult Involvement in World Trade Center Bombings

2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

F.A.C.T.Net Newsletter

Factnet News Opinion/Editorial October 2001 

Subject: Mind Control Cult Involvement in World Trade Center Bombings 

Behind the World Trade Center and the Pentagon bombings was the involvement of a mind control cult just as a mind control cult was behind the Aum Shinrikyo sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subways. Leading cult and mind control experts have confirmed that the terrorists are members of a mind control cult that had expediently hijacked and distorted Islamic religious dogma. But just how one of the world’s oldest and most secretive cults is involved will follow after a little background on the mind control element behind this terrorism… 

The individuals who perpetrated the World Trade Center bombings acted because of a set of ideas and values that they “believed.” These ideas and values seem to most of us not just extreme, but insane (i.e. suicide and the killing of innocent others.) To find out why, who and what actually caused the World Trade Center bombings you have to go beyond considering the mere scaffolding of any possible defensible rationality of the ideas, values and motivations held by the terrorists or that of the people who sent them. When you see the terrorist’s actions through the two lenses of mind control and the psychology of how to create and maintain a destructive cultic group, you will understand the real method used to implant the ideas and values that ultimately motivated their horrific acts.

More importantly, when the US government and military also begin to see the World Trade Center terrorists as members of a mind control cult and that the cult terrorist and the cult fanatic are essentially the same, they will be more successful in hindering future acts of terrorism. The statement that the World Trade Center terrorists were members of a mind control cult does not imply in any way that the terrorists must not be handled with swift and appropriate physical intervention and detention to prevent more terrorist acts. It means that if the US government response is appropriate to the proper handling of the actual mind control and cult causes of the attacks it won’t make as the FBI lack of understanding of mind control cults did at WACO.

How the World Trade Center and the Pentagon Cult Terrorists were manufactured:

Experts on Middle Eastern terrorists have discovered that they are regularly recruited from ultra-fundamentalist Islamic religious schools.** In these schools the potential recruits are subjected a severe process of mental exercises, discipline and testing far more difficult than that of the terrorists’ physical training in the training camps.

This known clue is important because it links directly to the long history of mind control cult terrorism in the Arabic world. As early as the 7th century AD a cult called the Hashishin was already in the terrorism business. (Hashishin is the derived source of the modern word assassin.)

Through the centuries this cult perfected some of the earliest empirical antecedents of modern mind control using its members as unknowing test subjects. Using distorted Islamic religious imagery and a series of severe mental and physical exercises (initiations) they were able to program their members to kill themselves with or without reason literally on command or kill themselves while executing assassinations or, joyously go on missions of certain death.  Their members did anything asked of them because they were programmed to believe they would immediately go to Paradise as a martyr for Islam and be awarded with scores of waiting virgins and all other forms of comfort and wealth.

For centuries the Hashishin cult network has been the dark side of Arabic culture and has terrorized any person or organization that opposed it. Now, in an evolved and morphed form, the mind control skills and cultic structure of the Hashishin is still in existence and being used again. But, today it is also being augmented with the additional power of more modern mind control technology and modern intelligence training.

It would take too much time here to describe the full terrorist history of the Hashishin mind control cult in the Arabic world much less the riveting Hashishin mind control training procedures. For this we strongly recommend you see Chapters 1 and 2 of Secret Societies: Yesterday and Today, by Arkon Daraul. (Published by the Frederick Muller, London.) There you will see in vivid detail the origins and history of the modern Arabic mind control system used in an evolved form to help create the terrorists who bombed the World Trade Center.

Keep in mind not all terrorists go though mind control in a cult setting such as the World Trade Center terrorists. The terrorist suicide bombers currently plaguing Israel are generally not subjected to as an intense of a regimen of mind control or cultic surroundings as those terrorist recruited out of the Islamic ultra-fundamentalist religious 

[CTRL] US, Israel head for confrontation

2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

Friends fall out: US, Israel head for confrontation
By Jim Lobe

WASHINGTON - Long-time allies Israel and the United States appear headed for a major confrontation following Prime Minister Ariel Sharon government's rejection on Tuesday of US demands that Israel withdraw its troops after their deepest incursions into Palestinian territory in a decade.

The impasse comes amid rising concern in Washington that continuing clashes in Gaza and deep inside the West Bank will further inflame passions in the Arab world, already aroused by Washington's military campaign against the Taliban government and Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan.

"We have to recognize that [Israel's actions] can complicate our campaign," said former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk. "Our support for Israel has always been a fuel for anger in the Arab street."

Indeed, some pro-Israel forces here warn that Sharon's actions may be putting at risk the "special relationship" between the two allie. "When your friend America is at war for its survival," New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote on Tuesday in a mock letter from President George W Bush to Sharon, "there is only one question Israel should ask: How can we help?"

As of Tuesday afternoon, however, Sharon appeared to be in no mood to help. His office released a statement saying Israel's current incursions into six West Bank towns in search of alleged Palestinian "terrorists" amounted to "exerting its right to self-defense" - the same rationale offered by Bush for his Afghanistan campaign.

The current impasse was sparked by last week's assassination, apparently by members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), of Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi, a far-rightwing former general who had just announced his resignation from the government to protest against Sharon's acquiescence in ceasefire efforts orchestrated by Washington.

Sharon demanded that Palestine Authority leader Yasser Arafat immediately arrest the murderers and hand them over to Israel by later this week. At the same time, he launched a major military offensive into Palestinian territory, touching off fighting that has killed some two dozen Palestinians.

In unusually strong language on Monday, the State Department denounced the incursions as "unacceptable" and called for an immediate withdrawal. "We deeply regret and deplore Israeli Defense Force actions that have killed numerous Palestinian civilians over the weekend," said spokesperson Philip Reeker. At the same time, Reeker stressed that Washington is pressing Arafat to arrest the suspected assassins, although he did not echo Sharon's demand that they be handed over to Israel.

Sharon insisted that Israel has no intention of permanently occupying the areas which its forces had entered. At the same time, he reiterated demands that Arafat turn over the suspects, although his Labor Party ministers, including Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, who met here with Secretary of State Colin Powell Tuesday, hinted that the government would be satisfied with action short of extradition.

Peres, who has made little secret of his unhappiness with Sharon's more aggressive moves, is trying to work out with US officials the details of a plan that would permit a quick withdrawal and set the stage for an effective ceasefire. In a public address in Washington on Monday, Peres said such conditions could be satisfied if Arafat arrested "10 or 15 troublemakers", takes stronger measures to prevent suicide bombings in Israeli territory, and cracks down hard against several armed Palestinian groups.

Whether and how soon Arafat can meet these demands remains unclear. And whether Sharon himself will go along with his foreign minister also is a matter of speculation among US officials, some of whom believe that the Israeli leader may be more interested in trying to destroy Arafat and the Palestinian Authority than in negotiating a ceasefire that might be a prelude to strong US pressure to enter into serious peace talks.

"Sharon seems unusually ambivalent," said one administration official. "On the one hand, he seems to see in the present crisis a chance to blow up the whole Oslo process [which he has long criticized]. On the other hand, he knows that the diplomatic costs of that will be exorbitant."

After the September 11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon, Sharon launched his own campaign to depict Arafat as "Israel's bin Laden", apparently both to claim a treasured spot under Bush's anti-terrorist umbrella and to cultivate his right wing.

As his anti-Arafat rhetoric heated up, so did Israel's pace of targeted army killings of suspected terrorists, as Sharon sought to compare those efforts to Bush's stated wish to capture bin Laden "dead or alive". "He was certain that this was a historical opportunity," said Uri Avnery, a prominent Israeli peace activist. "Now, at long last, under the slogan 

[CTRL] Off topic-Bronx man accused of stealing watches from WTC

2001-10-24 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Off Topic

Bronx Man Accused Of Stealing Watches From World Trade Center Site

OCTOBER 24TH, 2001

A Bronx man was indicted Tuesday on charges he snuck into the site of the
World Trade Center and looted the Tourneau watch store there.

Twenty-six year old Johnny Dunham of the Bronx is accused of impersonating an
emergency worker the day after the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Prosecutors say Dunham stole a firefighter's coat from an ambulance, then
used his disguise to rip off the damaged Tourneau store.

Dunham is accused of taking at least six watches and cash from the store,
which is located on the first sub-level of 5 World Trade. The store was still
intact after the collapse, but many of its showcases were broken.

Sources say the scheme was discovered after Dunham bragged about his
adventures. Police then raided his Morris Heights apartment on a search
warrant, where authorities say they found a stolen $650 Tourneau watch,
police clothing and equipment, and snapshots of him posing at the site of the
disaster in the stolen coat.

Dunham is now facing several charges, including burglary, larceny, and
criminal impersonation. He could face up to seven years in prison if
convicted of the most serious charges.

A Bronx woman is also charged with having one of the stolen watches in her

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Split in Vatican on Opus Dei's miracle

2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

Split in Vatican on Opus Dei's miracle 

Giles Tremlett, Madrid
Sunday October 21, 2001
The Observer 

The relentless advance of one of the Roman Catholic Church's most mysterious, powerful and conservative groups, Opus Dei, is about to gain further momentum, thanks to the hands of Spanish surgeon Manuel Nevado. 

Nevado, 69, has assured the Vatican that his hands were crippled by overexposure to X-rays in the days when Spanish clinics were short of protective equipment. Now, according to a report being considered by the Vatican authorities, those hands have been miraculously cured after he prayed for help from Opus Dei's founder, the Spanish priest Josemaría Escrivá. That cure, Opus Dei claims, provides proof that Escrivá should be canonised. 

Escrivá already holds the Vatican record for the quickest beatification - a first step towards full sainthood - for five centuries. That took only 17 years after his death in 1975. 

His powerful supporters want Pope John Paul II, an Opus Dei admirer who has surrounded himself with the group's members, to canonise Escrivá by the end of next year. That would provide Opus Dei with even greater moral and religious weight inside the Vatican - where some fear it already has a grip on the reins of power. 

The group, which flourished during General Franco's dictatorship and brings together wealthy, conservative lay Catholics and priests across the world, already controls some of the Vatican's most important offices. Its grip is strongest in the Vatican's public relations department, where an Opus Dei member, Joaquín Navarro-Valls, has become the ailing Pope's all-powerful spin doctor. 

Not surprisingly, Escrivá's canonisation process is causing bitter conflict in the Vatican. The Jesuit order, home to some of the Church's most left-leaning members, is said to be fighting a fierce opposition campaign. 

Full saints need not just one miracle, but two. Escrivá's first miracle, which ensured his fast-track beatification, was said to have occurred in 1976 - when members of the family of a Spanish Carmelite nun prayed for his heavenly intercession to cure abnormal fat deposits. 

Nevado told the Vatican's investigators that within 15 days of praying to Escrivá, his illness was cured. 'The wounds disappeared and the hands were completely cured,' he said. 

Fellow doctors in Almendralejo were surprised by the news. 'He is a strong man,' one colleague said. 'His radiodermatitis never became cancerous. I think it stopped when he stopped using X-rays.' 

That is not what the Vatican doctors say about what they claimed was a chronic and irreversible disease. 'The diagnosis was terrible and without hope. He could have had to have his hands amputated,' one doctor said in a report from 50 Vatican doctors being reviewed by a commission of cardinals in charge of appointing new saints. 

A final report is due to be taken to Pope John Paul II within weeks. Opus Dei's status as the new power at the Vatican could well be confirmed then. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fwd: Media accomplices to 9-11 deserve indictment

2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

 Original Message 
Subject: Media accomplices to 9-11 deserve indictment (article for posting)
Date: 24 Oct 2001 16:19:34 PDT
From: Fritz Springmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How the American Media continues to aid and abet the crime of the 21st
By Fritz Springmeier

Isn’t it a delight that our media works hand in glove with our government? No
one is going to plug politically incorrect material into our minds. We will
all be united on the same page of information, and marching off to war in
unison. Of course, people in other countries are disappointed that we don’t
have a free press. They find it strange that we Americans spend hours shopping
around for the best model car but we seldom shop for news information. After
all, they point out, weren’t the roots of this nation founded on a free flow
of information, and the chance for debate to sort out the facts?  This article
is meant to take you back to the roots of what made America the envy of the

Our state’s big daily newspaper warns us in an article, “During World War I,
excited patriots went around kicking dachshunds, on the grounds that they were
‘German dogs.’ What a blow for freedom that was. One would have hoped our
fellow citizens would show just a modicum more sense. On the other hand, it is
quite likely some of these stories aren’t true:  Rumors are particularly apt
to circulate in a climate of fear, particularly on the Internet.” (bold added,
quote Oregonian, 10/19/01, p. C13)

In an earlier paper, our establishment newspaper warned us with the headline,
“Attacks give extremists new ammunition”. The article states, “The extreme
right and the extreme left have some extreme similarities, including their
hatred for federal and international governments,” said Randy Blazak, a
professor of sociology at Portland State University and an expert on U.S. hate
groups. “So it’s not surprising that extremes from both ends could see
something positive from these attacks.”…The paper goes on to say, “While
publicly professing sympathy for the innocent victims of the tragedy, they
privately revel in the attack [on the WTC].” (Oregonian, 9/23/01, A21, bold

Perhaps you have noticed similar articles in your local large daily newspaper
in your state.

The message here is that the Internet is unreliable and that anti-government
leftists and rightists are reveling, gloating, about the 9-11 tragedy.  Did
the newspaper interview grief stricken Christian patriots or grief stricken
socialists to learn how happy they feel about 9-11? Did they photograph
Patriots partying in celebration? No, rather than interview one single
rightist or leftist, they went directly to the Southern Poverty Law Center,
which has contempt for anyone against the New World Order and anyone genuinely
conservative. It would be hard to find anyone more hatefully biased against
anti-government activists than the Southern Poverty Law Center to interview.
This is not investigative reporting. It is propaganda. It’s hard enough to
figure out a person’s feeling by directly asking the person. Are we really
going to find out how Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer feels by asking the primary
scoffing deer?

What is the proper way to investigate a crime? The best manuals for
investigating a crime teach that one should not start with preconceived ideas,
but rather that investigation, questions, and gathering of data are crucial
for the investigator to come to an accurate assessment of what happened.

During the first month following the 9-11 crimes, I saw many intelligent good
questions come over the Internet about the crime. Dozens of Internet articles
have asked important insightful questions to help us solve the crimes of the
9-11 tragedy, which the establishment newspapers and other media have ignored,
and appear trying to cover up. In fact I know from some newsmen, that their
bosses have given instructions to their writers not cover certain important
facts and questions and lines of inquiry. How dare they hide things from you
about the biggest crime (so far) of the 21st century? You have a right to know
these things. If America was attacked, and America is still the target, then
don’t you have a right to know who attacked you, how they attacked and why? If
Osama bin Laden attacked America (not our government, not a battleship, but
the man in the street)—you and I, then don’t we the intended victims have a
right to know what our would be killer wants to say to us?  And let’s get this
fact straight, whether Osama bin Laden carried out the attack on the WTC or
not, he had clearly declared war on all Americans.

You as an American have been the target of kidnappings, assassinations,
torture and other abuse for years as you traveled in foreign lands. There are
people out there who view it as open season on any American. I’ve traveled, I
know. I have had the 

[CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

2001-10-24 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:11:55 -0700
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

If you have received this e-mail, then you are on the mailing list of
the Center for an Informed America. If you feel you have received this
in error, please send back a reply asking to be removed from the list.
If this message was forwarded to you and you would like to receive
future mailings, e-mail a request to be added to the list.

This article comes courtesy of The Times of India. The original is at:

US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

PRETORIA: Wouter Basson, the spy and mastermind behind the apartheid
government's chemical warfare programme, claimed on Friday the United
States had used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq during the Gulf War.

Basson told the Pretoria High Court television footage shot during the
war showed clearly that elite Iraqi troops who surrendered en masse were
under the influence of hallucinogens.

He said their faces were expressionless, their pupils were dilated and
they were drooling at the mouth - typical side effects of a particularly
dangerous type of hallucinogenic drug.

Basson, a former military officer, was testifying about the 1993
destruction of hundreds of kilograms (pounds) of drugs such as cocaine,
Mandrax and Ecstasy, manufactured or bought by the South African army
for use in crowd control.

He told the court: Analysis of video material showing surrendering
(Iraqi) troops emerging from their underground bunkers show that they
had dilated pupils, were drooling and had vacant stares.

It appeared like the clinical profile of a BZ variant. The variant was
also tested in laboratory animals in South Africa but it was stopped
because it caused permanent damage to the subject.

I had good reason to believe that America used a BZ variant against
Iraq during the Gulf War. Basson said BZ was a hallucinogenic which
altered a person's ability to act rationally.

It could either make somebody completely passive or uncontrollably
aggressive, to the point where he would attack his own colleagues, he

Basson is facing 46 charges ranging from murder to fraud for acts
allegedly committed while he was a high-ranking member of the
apartheid-era military.

Dubbed Dr Death, he was the mastermind behind the regime's secret
programme to develop biological and chemical warfare capabilities and
this week testified that he had bought a zoo to research the use of
animal hormones to control crowds.( AFP )

--- End of forwarded message ---

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 9 Mysterious Coffins In Quetta Hospital- Are They US Special Forces?

2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

Nine Mysterious coffins in Quetta hospital
could belong to US Special Forces

Veritas News Service, October 24, 2001 -- ISLAMABAD Oct 24 (Pakistan News Service (PNS)): A thick security blanket shrouds the mortuary of a Quetta hospital, which according to some of the staffers houses nine mysterious coffins.

Little is known as to whose bodies are in the coffins. However, insiders believe these coffins contain the remains of members of United States Special Forces, killed in action in Afghanistan.

The Pentagon has so far confirmed only three casualties in its campaign in Afghanistan-one serviceman killed in a forklift accident in the Gulf and two pilots killed in a helicopter crash last night. However, the Taliban have claimed killing many more US commandos.

Analysts say the Pentagon is reluctant to concede the actual toll of the campaign fearing public backlash in the US.

One expert said it was possible that the US was reluctant to fly home body bags in view of the adverse reaction it was likely to attract.

[CTRL] Fwd: [APFN] Islams Hatred of the Clitoris

2001-10-24 Thread PLSroufe


~~for educational purposes only~~
 [Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

www.frontpagemag.com Return to normal view

Islam’s Hatred of the Clitoris
FrontPageMagazine.com | October 18, 2001
By: Jamie Glazov

Editor’s Note: The following article contains graphic descriptions of female genital mutilation, which some sensitive readers may wish to avoid. 
IF YOU HATE WOMEN, and you hate their sexuality, and you are terrified that you cannot control it, the most effective thing you can do is to mutilate female sexual pleasure. This can be done by a sexual lobotomy, which will destroy an essential and sacred part of a woman’s natural makeup. In achieving this feat on all women, you will become able to ruthlessly dominate them. 

That’s what female circumcision is all about. 

It’s about obliterating the clitoris, or the entire outer vagina. It is the barbarity that exists where misogyny festers most: in the Muslim and African world.

The Muslims are the principal religious group that practice female circumcision. In Egypt, for instance, 97 percent of women are circumcised. Their clitorises are amputated. In countries like Sudan, meanwhile, the women-haters are not so kind: all the women’s external genital organs are completely removed. In a savagery called infibulation, the clitoris, the two major outer lips (labia majora) and the two minor inner lips (labia minora) are amputated.

Nawal El Saadawi has documented these horrifying realities in The Hidden Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World. She demonstrates how the violence of female circumcision is performed on girls anywhere from the ages of one month to puberty. Usually, it is done around the age of seven or eight. Anesthetics are never used. The child is pinned down by several women, while one of them attacks.

After infibulation, the small outer opening of the vagina is the only portion left intact. A tiny piece of wood or reed is inserted to allow urine and menstrual blood to seep out. Extra narrowing of the opening is carried out with stitches, which remain until marriage. The victim’s legs are often bound together from hip to ankle and she is immobile for about a month or two.

This violence has to occur because, in much of the Islamic world, the female’s genital area is considered dirty and unacceptable. For example, in Egypt the uncircumcised girl is called nigsa (unclean). Thus, it has to be made "clean." 

Many of the victims lose their lives during this torture – which is often inflicted with broken glass. Many other victims are afflicted with acute and chronic infections for the rest of their lives. 

With serious and disabling lifelong consequences, the mutilation robs women of their equilibrium. It deprives them from enjoying the fullness of their sexuality and the completeness of their lives. In terms of sexual pleasure, for instance, we know that approximately 75 percent of women cannot achieve orgasm without clitoral stimulation. In other words, the possibility of orgasm has been obliterated for tens of millions of women in the Muslim world. So what does it mean if the psychic, mental and physical health of women cannot be complete if they do not experience sexual pleasure? 

The terror of the circumcision itself tracks its traumatized victims down like a nightmare. Most, if not all, of these poor women end up suffering from serious sexual and/or mental distortions. The mutilation of their sexual being becomes the epicenter where sex and violence meet constantly in their lives – with them as victims. 

Wedding night is often quite eventful. In some parts of the Arab and African world, the husband assaults the wife after the wedding. In Somalia, for instance, the groom beats the bride with a leather whip. After this romantic apex, he cuts the sealed vagina with a sharp scalpel or razor in order to have intercourse. He then has prolonged repeated intercourse with her for a week – to prevent the scarring from closing the vaginal opening again. During this time the wife must lie still and not move. Meanwhile, the husband takes the bloody sharp object, which represents the virginity of his wife, and makes rounds around the community – showing it off for approval. Scholars such as Raphael Patai and Vincent Crapanzano have documented these phenomena.

After this honeymoon period, the woman is now, for the first time in her life, actually recognized as a person – because she has become the extension of her husband. Her status might even improve if she has a child (a boy). She will be humiliated and shamed, however, if she has a non-child (a girl).

And if a little innocent girl enters this world, it will only be a short time before her genitals share the same fate as that of her mother’s. When the torturers and soul-destroyers begin to slice, who will hear her cries? 

Jamie Glazov holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Soviet Studies. He is the author of 15 Tips on How to be a Good Leftist.. His father, Yuri Glazov, was a Soviet dissident 

[CTRL] Fear Obscures Florida Sunshine

2001-10-24 Thread William Shannon

Fear drives Senate's rush to secrecy

By Mark Silva | Sentinel Political Editor
Posted October 24, 2001

TALLAHASSEE -- The Florida Senate, gripped by the fear of terrorism, is set to launch a barrage of legislation and rules that would allow lawmakers to meet and cut deals in secret.

All testimony, correspondence, staff reports and even senators' votes on anti-terrorism bills would be secret.

The bid to remove protections guaranteed for decades by the state's landmark "government in the sunshine" law gets under way today.

The Senate Rules Committee is expected to approve giving the Senate president the power to close any discussions of "possible acts of espionage, sabotage, attack and other acts of terrorism."

The full Senate could follow suit Thursday. Leaders insist they will only impose secrecy in "a perfect storm" of terrorist threats.

For now, a more cautious House is keeping the brakes on bills that mirror the Senate's efforts, including enabling state police to seal public records in pursuit of terrorism.

House Speaker Tom Feeney insists that a two-week special session is no place to start closing records and meetings.

"I haven't been convinced it is an immediate pressing problem," Feeney said, adding that he would be open to discussing the ideas at next year's regular session.

"I would want to have plenty of healthy debate; I'd want to be very careful in how we change our open meeting rules," Feeney, R-Oviedo, said.

All this is a measure of the post-Sept. 11 paranoia in Florida's Capitol, where metal detectors greet visitors at doors that once opened freely and armed guards stand sentry for the governor.

"Scary thing, and not taken lightly," Senate Majority Leader Jim King, R-Jacksonville, said of the rules ready for open debate today. "I think it's pretty well agreed to that the potential problems we face warrant moves that we never otherwise would have taken. . . .

"Sometimes, you have to ease civil liberties to protect the civil population."

A Senate committee this week endorsed a dozen security-driven bills enabling the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to seal otherwise public records in terrorist-related investigations for one week, and judges to seal them for another two weeks, plus other new exemptions to the public-records law.

"There's a paranoia that's clearly obvious when you take all of these proposals and put them together," said Barbara Petersen, executive director of the First Amendment Foundation, which watches open-government issues. The Senate's rush to secrecy is not only unconstitutional, she said: "It creates a sense of fear. What is it they don't want us to know?"

Supporters of Florida's nationally recognized laws for open government have warned against allowing an atmosphere of terrorist-instilled fear to restrict liberties long held dear.

"Everywhere you go, especially when you talk to open-records advocates in other states, they always look at Florida as pretty much the promised land," said Mark Fitzgerald, editor at large at Editor  Publisher, a press trade journal. While the Senate can enact its own rules for meetings, it takes the Senate and House to approve any legislation for added police powers and new exemptions to the public-records law.

Feeney has taken a staunch libertarian stand and plans to allow debate Monday on only a few uncontroversial bills, which have passed approval of press advocates, such as one clarifying an existing public-records exemption for state security plans and threat assessments.

Another special session on security may be needed before the regular 2002 session of the Legislature convenes in late January, Feeney told House leaders in his office Tuesday.

There appears to be widespread agreement within the Senate, however.

"At the minute, it probably makes sense," Senate Democratic Leader Tom Rossin, D-West Palm Beach, said. "You certainly don't want to have critical information disseminated that would harm an investigation," he said, noting that the meeting-closing rules are "limited to terrorism."

Senate Rules Chairman Tom Lee, R-Brandon, called the new rule "very narrowly drawn."

"No president of the Senate would abuse this," Lee said. But something short of crisis could close a meeting, committee member Sen. Steve Geller, D-Hallandale Beach, said. For example, testimony in front of the Senate's select committee on security about vulnerabilities at a public facility and how much it will cost to fix them could be kept secret.

Senators say the votes and records of these meetings also must be kept secret to prevent their subject from becoming known to potential terrorists.

"To the extent that there are matters of national and/or state security, I think it may be appropriate to meet in secret," Geller said. "We've had a long record of openness in this country, but we've had a wake-up call."

[CTRL] long email lists...

2001-10-24 Thread mike hagan

-Caveat Lector-

just a note to help 'un-clutter' the list...

people who are sending email information to an entire list, of which ctrl is only one 
recipient, should use the 'bcc' option where you put in all of your addresses instead 
of using the 'to' option...

this will get rid of things like the following example...

Apparently-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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if i'm unclear, please email me off list...

thanks to everyone for all the valuable info...



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

2001-10-24 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

we get anthrax, and they get to party
-- --- -- --  -- --

They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither
liberty nor safety,

Ben Franklin

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Organization: Anomalous Images
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 17:54:26 -0700
 Subject: [CTRL] US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Date sent:  Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:11:55 -0700
 Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq
 To: undisclosed-recipients:;

 If you have received this e-mail, then you are on the mailing list of
 the Center for an Informed America. If you feel you have received this
 in error, please send back a reply asking to be removed from the list.
 If this message was forwarded to you and you would like to receive
 future mailings, e-mail a request to be added to the list.

 This article comes courtesy of The Times of India. The original is at:

 US used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq

 PRETORIA: Wouter Basson, the spy and mastermind behind the apartheid
 government's chemical warfare programme, claimed on Friday the United
 States had used hallucinogenic weapons against Iraq during the Gulf War.

 Basson told the Pretoria High Court television footage shot during the
 war showed clearly that elite Iraqi troops who surrendered en masse were
 under the influence of hallucinogens.

 He said their faces were expressionless, their pupils were dilated and
 they were drooling at the mouth - typical side effects of a particularly
 dangerous type of hallucinogenic drug.

 Basson, a former military officer, was testifying about the 1993
 destruction of hundreds of kilograms (pounds) of drugs such as cocaine,
 Mandrax and Ecstasy, manufactured or bought by the South African army
 for use in crowd control.

 He told the court: Analysis of video material showing surrendering
 (Iraqi) troops emerging from their underground bunkers show that they
 had dilated pupils, were drooling and had vacant stares.

 It appeared like the clinical profile of a BZ variant. The variant was
 also tested in laboratory animals in South Africa but it was stopped
 because it caused permanent damage to the subject.

 I had good reason to believe that America used a BZ variant against
 Iraq during the Gulf War. Basson said BZ was a hallucinogenic which
 altered a person's ability to act rationally.

 It could either make somebody completely passive or uncontrollably
 aggressive, to the point where he would attack his own colleagues, he

 Basson is facing 46 charges ranging from murder to fraud for acts
 allegedly committed while he was a high-ranking member of the
 apartheid-era military.

 Dubbed Dr Death, he was the mastermind behind the regime's secret
 programme to develop biological and chemical warfare capabilities and
 this week testified that he had bought a zoo to research the use of
 animal hormones to control crowds.( AFP )

 --- End of forwarded message ---

 Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
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 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Baghdad After Kabul ?

2001-10-24 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

you have to stop taking your facts from farrakhan's rhetoric.
lieberman does not in fact have dual citizenship
-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when
the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally
alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest
dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal,
well-meaning but without understanding.
Justice Louis D. Brandeis

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 17:28:45 -0400
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Baghdad After Kabul ?

 Tlhis man should be booted out of the Senate or he doesn ot serve two
 masters, he serves Israel as he holds dual citizenship.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: check it out

2001-10-24 Thread foxter

Urban myth:

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 8:57 
  Subject: [CTRL] FW: check it out
  -Caveat Lector--- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - 
  - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - -- -- - -- -He who does not 
  prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure offreedom, truth and 
  Kahil Gibran, Spirits RebelliousNEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: 
  EVERYONE..PLEASE READ THIS! Guess the warnings 
  were true. Federal Bill 602P 5-cents per E-mail sent. It 
  figures! No more free E-mail! We knew this was coming!! Bill 
  602P will permit the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent charge on 
  every delivered E-mail. Please read the following carefully if you 
  intend to stay online and continue using E-mail. The last few 
  months have revealed an alarming trend in the Government of the United 
  States attempting to quietly push through legislation that 
  will affect our use of the Internet. Under proposed 
  legislation, the US Postal Service will be attempting to bill E-mail 
  users out of "alternative postage fees". Bill 602P will permit 
  the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent surcharge on! every 
  e-mail delivered, by billing Internet Service Providers at 
  source. The consumer would then be billed in turn by the ISP. 
  Washington DC lawyer Richard Stepp is working without pay to 
  prevent this legislation from becoming law. The US Postal 
  Service is claiming lost revenue, due to the proliferation of E-mail, 
  is costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue per year. You may 
  have noticed their recent ad campaign: "There is nothing like 
  a letter." Since the average person received about 10 pieces of E-mail 
  per day in 1998, the cost of the typical individual would be 
  an additional 50 cents a day - or over $180 per year - above 
  and beyond their regular Internet costs. Note that this would 
  be money paid directly to the US Postal Service for a service they do 
  not even provide. The whole point of the Internet is democracy 
  and non-interference. You are already paying an exorbitant price for 
  snail mail because of bureaucratic inefficiency. It currently 
  takes up to 6 days for a letter t! o be delivered from coast 
  to coast. If the US Postal Service is allowed to tinker with 
  E-mail, it will mark the end of the "free" Internet in the 
  United States. Congressional representative, Tony Schnell (R) 
  has even suggested a "$20-$40 per month surcharge on all 
  Internet service" above and beyond the governments proposed E-mail 
  charges. Note that most of the major newspapers have ignored 
  the story the only exception being the Washingtonian which 
  called the idea of E-mail surcharge "a useful concept who's 
  time has come" (March 6th, 1999 Editorial) Do not sit by and 
  watch your freedom erode away! Send this E-mail to EVERYONE on your 
  list, and tell all your friends andrelatives to write their 
  congressional representative and say "NO" to Bill 602P. It will 
  only take a few moments of your time and could very well be 
  instrumental in killing a bill we do not want. PLEASE 
  FORWARDA HREF="'http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.orghttp://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/ADECLARATION 
   DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
  exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
  Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 
  'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
  Available at:http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.htmlA 
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[CTRL] Homeopathy Has Preventive Remedy for Anthrax?

2001-10-24 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Homeopathy Has Preventive Remedy for Anthrax?

Updated: Wed, Oct 24 8:12 AM EDT

CALCUTTA, India (Reuters) - Indian homeopathic practitioners say that
homeopathy, a traditional alternative system of medicine, has a magic pill
that can prevent anthrax from infecting humans.

Fears of germ warfare have spread worldwide since last month's attacks on
New York and Washington as an outbreak of anthrax has spread in the
United States through tainted mail.

Twelve people have contracted the disease so far -- either skin anthrax or the
more deadly inhaled version -- and three have died.

Anthracinum, which is prepared by triturating (grinding) the puss from
anthrax, is a very effective prophylactic against anthrax, Dr. B.
Gangapadhyay, a former head of the Orissa Medical College of Homeopathy
and Research, told Reuters.

Homeopathy, seen either as a complement or alternative to orthodox
medicine, uses metals from across the Periodic Table and a whole range of
other substances from the plant and animal kingdoms.

Its basic principle is that like cures like -- if a substance produces certain
symptoms in a healthy individual, it can also treat those symptoms.

Anthracinum works like magic. If a person just takes a dose (of anthracinum)
for two days in succession, he would be immune from anthrax for at least
three months, Gangapadhyay, who practices in Calcutta, said.

Orthodox medical practitioners declined to comment on the effectiveness of
the homeopathic remedy.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Baghdad After Kabul ?

2001-10-24 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I do not read Farakkhan nor do I take him seriously - now and then
someone puts something on a list and I read it.

For you see, Neuropsychotic - way back in the 1970 period I got on to
them for what they were, i.e.:

their New York Publications of which I have many, they knock the pope,
the catholics, the christians,  Christmas, Halloween .but not once
do they knock the jews or the zionists.

For you see they are nothing but a Zionist confraternity - like the FBI
- more FBI in KKK, than KKK..

When I found Jewish Mafia in this area with neo nazi literature - I saw
the light, and you should have seen their body bag count - Larry Fynt
almost filled the one, but they brought him back to life - he was dead
for a minute or so .

Such lovely people .. as for Farakkhan he had guts until he became
ill and he turned chicken a la mared even though he was, a big phoney
all along.

so stick to your ADL literature and I will stick to my Ku Klux Klan


You can read all the Farakkhan you wish - but to me it is all old hat,

Right now I am more interested in who caused the demolition of the World
Trade Center and cui bono?

Will Jerusalem really be the center of the world and will they attempt
to be Center for World Trade with lots more money laundeirng - for you
see this Minister of Israel just assassinated - well he was going after
Sharon and it was this Silverstein and Dr. Irvin Moskowitz who
engineered Sharon's path to office.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Baghdad After Kabul ?

2001-10-24 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 In 1990, the U.S. had an open-and-shut case of naked aggression by Iraq
that even the U.N. could recognize and our  enemies could not deny. But
without evidence of Saddam's collusion in the terrorism of Sept. 11, an
  on Iraq would be seen as an unprovoked, unjust war that could bring Arab
and Islamic mobs into the streets from Morocco to Indonesia, risking
the survival of Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. What would it profit America
 o march to Baghdad, only to have Cairo fall to anti-American mobs?

if the united states truly sticks to this hypothetical policy of attacking
anybody that disagrees with them, they are the ones that benefit MOST from
an escalated war in the region. attack afghanistan, install us puppet
regime. destroy iraq, install us puppet regime. attack iran, install us
puppet regime. attack egypt, install us puppet regime. all of a sudden nato
has five major staging grounds for an invasion of the former soviet
union...from europe, from east asia, from japan, from alaska and from the
caucusus...i just hope the russians catch on soon and stop this before it
spirals out of control. as much as i wouldn't have wanted to live in the
soviet union, their existence guaranteed a large measure of peace in the
world for 50+ yearswe need a dualistic world at the very least to combat
fundamentalism on both sides..



This document does not
purport to provide a prosecutable case against Osama bin Laden in a
court of law. - tony blair's bin laden dossier

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] get ready for afghan war syndrome..

2001-10-24 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 ...and many Americans wear sandals, myself included --
 does that make us subhuman in your estimation?

 Perhaps not subhuman but certainly abnormal -
 and definitely not to be trusted.

fight the worldwide sandal conspiracy!

you know, jesus wore sandals...



This document does not
purport to provide a prosecutable case against Osama bin Laden in a
court of law. - tony blair's bin laden dossier

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] get ready for afghan war syndrome..

2001-10-24 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

...and many Americans wear sandals, myself included --
does that make us subhuman in your estimation?

 Perhaps not subhuman but certainly abnormal -
 and definitely not to be trusted.

 fight the worldwide sandal conspiracy!

 you know, jesus wore sandals...

I don't think He had indoor plumbing, esp. bathrooms, either.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] FTW - The Government of China Is Not Supporting The Taliban

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Please distribute widely...




Michael C. Ruppert

[© Copyright 2001, Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness Publications,
www.copvcia.com.  All Rights Reserved. May Be Copied Or Distributed for
Non-Profit Purposes Only]

FTW, 10/24/01 1200 PDT – Recent news stories circulating widely on the
Internet and targeted at conservative U.S. interest groups, indicating that
the Government of China (GOC) is actively supporting the Taliban and
providing troops to assist Taliban and al’Queda fighters are false. China,
which gained admittance to the World Trade Organization just two days after
the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, is a
full partner in globalization and has an essential and vested interest in
seeing US war and economic plans succeed. Further, US economic influence in
China, the world’s largest global market, is currently controlling political
and military events as China faces a massive energy crisis that only US
companies can resolve.

An analysis of China’s economic relations with the United States reveals the
overriding reasons for a Chinese/US alliance and gives the lie to recent
stories published by the Debka news organization which are designed to
instill fear in the US public and divert attention away from US government
covert economic, drug smuggling and military operations in the region.

As reprinted by the conservative World Net Daily on October 22 the Debka
Intelligence Files (www.debka.com) published a story entitled “Chinese
fighters killed in U.S. strikes.” That story reported that, “Military
sources in Dushnabe and Bishbeck, capitals of Tajikistan respectively,
report at least 15 Chinese fighting men on the side of the Taliban, were
killed in last week’s U.S. bombing over Kandahar…”

The story continues to state that Osama bin Laden aide Basir al Masri – now
reportedly deceased – enjoyed the protection of at least 10 Chinese
bodyguards, some of whom were reportedly killed in recent U.S. air attacks.
The Debka report, using selected quotes from British and American papers,
including the Washington Post – which has long-documented affiliations with
the Central Intelligence Agency - refers to prior stories indicating that
the GOC has established intelligence and funding relationships with the
Taliban in recent years. It quotes one Washington Post story as stating that
Beijing and the Taliban signed a memorandum of understanding on September 11
for greater economic and military cooperation.

These relationships fail to take into account a gift of $43 million to the
Taliban from Secretary of State Colin Powell last May, or the fact that,
through the Pakistani intelligence service, the ISI, the CIA has continually
provided aid to the Taliban virtually up until the moment of the September
11 attacks.

The implication of this story, especially when combined with previous Debka
stories claiming massive Chinese troop deployments in and around
Afghanistan, is that the United States is potentially facing a direct
military confrontation with China.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In spite of the fact that one additional October 22 story from the
Hindustani Times states that “Taliban Commander-in-Chief Jalaluddin Haqquani
has claimed that the militia was ‘in touch’ with China, which was assisting
in the war against the U.S,” there remains no credible evidence of such
Chinese involvement. In fact, a simple examination of the economic
interdependence of the U.S. and China makes such conclusions totally


With more than three billion citizens China represents the world’s largest
untapped marketplace, both for oil and for consumer goods. Not only is the
economic future of major U.S. corporations dependent upon continued access
to Chinese markets, the Chinese economy – as demonstrated by its relentless
15-year effort to gain access to WTO – is as dependent upon U.S. investment
and economic assistance. China was swiftly admitted to the WTO on September

There’s an old saying that in a ham and eggs breakfast, the chicken is
involved but the pig is committed. Many major U.S. corporations are totally
committed to ongoing business relations with China and the Chinese
government. This was demonstrated by China’s hosting of the recent APEC
conference in Shanghai. China is in dire need of continued investment and
operations from U.S. based companies. This was a matter of pre-eminent
concern to George W. Bush during the conference and is also reflective of
the Bush family’s long-standing business interests in China.

According to the U.S-China Business Council (USCBC) (www.uschina.org), new
foreign direct investment in China in 2000 alone equaled some $62.66 billion
US. This represented a 50.8% increase over 1999. Major U.S. corporations
with active investments 

[CTRL] Is an Oil Pipeline Behind the War in Afghanistan?

2001-10-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: M.A. Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Recipient list suppressed
Subject: Is an Oil Pipeline Behind the War in Afghanistan?
Date: Monday, October 15, 2001 4:40 AM

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Is an Oil Pipeline Behind the War in Afghanistan?
by Bill Sardi

Testimony before the US Congress is circulating on the
internet. It pertains to a proposed oil pipeline through
Central Asia that is applicable to the current war
in Afghanistan.

On February 12, 1998, John J. Maresca, vice president,
international relations for UNOCAL oil company, testified
before the US House of Representatives, Committee on
International Relations. Maresca provided information to
Congress on Central Asia oil and gas reserves and how
they might shape US foreign policy. UNOCAL's problem?
As Maresca said: How to get the region's vast energy
resources to the markets. The oil reserves are in
areas north of Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,
Kazakhstan and Russia. Routes for a pipeline were proposed
that would transport oil on a 42-inch pipe southward
thru Afghanistan for 1040 miles to the Pakistan coast.
Such a pipeline would cost about $2.5 billion and carry
about 1 million barrels of oil per day.

Maresca told Congress then that: It's not going to be
built until there is a single Afghan government. That's
the simple answer.

Dana Rohrbacher, California congressman, then identified
the Taliban as the ruling controllers among various
factions in Afghanistan and characterized them as opium

Then Rorhbacher asked Maresca: There is a Saudi terrorist
who is infamous for financing terrorism around the world.
Is he in the Taliban area or is he up there with the
northern people?

Maresca answered: If it is the person I am thinking of,
he is there in the Taliban area. This testimony obviously
alluded to Osama bin Laden.

Then Rorhbacher asked: ... in the northern area as compared
to the place where the Taliban are in control, would you say
that one has a better human rights record toward women than
the other?

Maresca responded by saying: With respect to women, yes.
But I don't think either faction here has a very clean human
rights record, to tell you the truth.

So women's rights were introduced into Congressional testimony
by Congressman Rohrbacher as the wedge for UNOCAL to build
its pipeline through Afghanistan. Three years later CNN would
be airing its acclaimed TV documentary Under The Veil, which
displayed the oppressive conditions that women endure in
Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban (a propaganda film
for the oil pipeline?).

Rohrbacher then went on to say that a democratic election
should take place in Afghanistan and if the Taliban are not
willing to make that kind of commitment, I would be very
hesitant to move foreward on a $2.5 billion investment because
without that commitment, I don't think there is going to
be any tranquility in that land.

Beginning in 1998 UNOCAL was chastized, particularly by
women's rights groups, for discussions with the Taliban, and
headed in retreat as a worldwide effort mounted to come to
the defense of the Afghani women. This forced UNOCAL to
withdraw from its talks with the Taliban and dissolve its
multinational partnership in that region. In 1999 Alexander's
Gas  Oil Connections newsletter said: UNOCAL company
officials said late last year (1998) they were abandoning
the project because of the need to cut costs in the Caspian
region and because of the repeated failure of efforts to
resolve the long civil conflict in Afghanistan. [Volume 4,
issue #20 - Monday, November 22, 1999]

Three days following the attack on the World Trade Centers
in New York City, UNOCAL issued a statement reconfirming it
had withdrawn from its project in Afghanistan, long before
recent events. [www.unocal.com September 14, 2001 statement]

UNOCAL was not the only party positioning themselves to tap
into oil and gas reserves in central Asia. UNOCAL was primary
member of a multinational consortium called CentGas (Central
Asia Gas) along with Delta Oil Company Limited (Saudi Arabia),
the Government of Turkmenistan, Indonesia Petroleum, LTD.
(INPEX) (Japan), ITOCHU Oil Exploration Co., Ltd. (Japan),
Hyundai Engineering  Construction Co., Ltd. (Korea), the
Crescent Group (Pakistan) and RAO Gazprom (Russia).

Just because CentGas had dissolved does not mean that the
involved parties have totally abandoned their interest in
building an oil pipeline out of Central Asia. There is also
talk of another pipeline thru Iran. India and Pakistan are
bidding to be the pipeline terminal ocean port since they
would obtain hundreds of millions of dollars in fees.

So, in 1998 Osama bin Laden was identified as the villain
behind the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] mixed muck 10-24 pt2

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

This week the U.S. House of Representatives will take
up an economic stimulus package that indicates just
how much the House has sold out to the big corporate
and wealthy interests at the expense of poor and
working class people.

US company in Pakistan hit by anthrax

Israel planning 'ethnic' bomb as Saddam caves in

Coercive Counterintelligence Interrogation
of Resistant Sources

National ID Card System Failing to Attract Supporters


Deep in the heart of the Oxley bill—which is the
short name for the Financial Anti-Terrorism Act of
2001—are provisions to allow law enforcement to poke
around in heretofore personal and private financial
information; to take cash from anyone who can't
immediately explain where they got it; to eliminate
any expectation of privacy in any international
monetary transaction; and to, gasp, open and inspect
any international mail without a warrant.

Nato challenged over Belgrade bombing

Bin Laden 'received UN cash'

UK planned to wipe out Germany with anthrax

British minister says no evidence linking Iraq to
anti-US attacks

French report says London a haven for money laundering

Terror Money Trail Leads Home

NEW DELHI: While the Pakistani Inter Services Public
Relations claimed that former ISI director-general
Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being
superseded on Monday, the truth is more shocking.

Top sources confirmed here on Tuesday, that the
general lost his job because of the evidence India
produced to show his links to one of the suicide
bombers that wrecked the World Trade Centre.

NEW DELHI: Pakistani director general of
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt Gen Mahmud Ahmed
has been forced into retirement after FBI
investigators established credible links between him
and Umer Sheikh, one of the three militants released
in exchange for passengers of the hijacked Indian
Airlines plane in 1999.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has entered the debate
on terrorism - telling a TV interviewer that the US
might just as well bomb London if it is serious about
fighting terrorism.

WTC Survivors Wonder: Where is that $1 Billion in

http://worldcrossing.com/WebX?[EMAIL PROTECTED]%5E10075899@.eeedf64/3

Why did the Pentagon allow BioPort Corp. to remain the
sole U.S. supplier of a crucial weapon against
bioterror despite years of failure to deliver the

Blowing up innocent civilians was an act
that must be condemned regardless of
the cause, Prime Minister Blair said,
missing the irony of the remark

Tracking The Elusive Truth

It reminds me... of the techniques the CIA-mind
controllers used.if you induce massive emotional
trauma into the human psyche that it makes it highly
suggestible and mentally programmable.

There is no greater power in the world today than that
wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in
America. No king or pope of old, no conquering general
or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely
approaching that of the few dozen men who control
America's mass media of news and entertainment.

McVeigh, Nichols 'did not act alone'
OKC investigating committee concludes U.S. 'had prior
knowledge of the bombing'

Washington's strategic target in Central Asia

Missing the oil story

Red Cross says bomb destroyed food supplies

UN demands bombing halt to let aid reach starving


[CTRL] Fwd: Media accomplices to 9-11 deserve indictment

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

How the American Media continues to aid and abet the crime of the 21st
By Fritz Springmeier

Isn’t it a delight that our media works hand in glove with our government? No
one is going to plug politically incorrect material into our minds. We will
all be united on the same page of information, and marching off to war in
unison. Of course, people in other countries are disappointed that we don’t
have a free press. They find it strange that we Americans spend hours shopping
around for the best model car but we seldom shop for news information. After
all, they point out, weren’t the roots of this nation founded on a free flow
of information, and the chance for debate to sort out the facts?  This article
is meant to take you back to the roots of what made America the envy of the

Our state’s big daily newspaper warns us in an article, “During World War I,
excited patriots went around kicking dachshunds, on the grounds that they were
‘German dogs.’ What a blow for freedom that was. One would have hoped our
fellow citizens would show just a modicum more sense. On the other hand, it is
quite likely some of these stories aren’t true:  Rumors are particularly apt
to circulate in a climate of fear, particularly on the Internet.” (bold added,
quote Oregonian, 10/19/01, p. C13)

In an earlier paper, our establishment newspaper warned us with the headline,
“Attacks give extremists new ammunition”. The article states, “The extreme
right and the extreme left have some extreme similarities, including their
hatred for federal and international governments,” said Randy Blazak, a
professor of sociology at Portland State University and an expert on U.S. hate
groups. “So it’s not surprising that extremes from both ends could see
something positive from these attacks.”…The paper goes on to say, “While
publicly professing sympathy for the innocent victims of the tragedy, they
privately revel in the attack [on the WTC].” (Oregonian, 9/23/01, A21, bold

Perhaps you have noticed similar articles in your local large daily newspaper
in your state.

The message here is that the Internet is unreliable and that anti-government
leftists and rightists are reveling, gloating, about the 9-11 tragedy.  Did
the newspaper interview grief stricken Christian patriots or grief stricken
socialists to learn how happy they feel about 9-11? Did they photograph
Patriots partying in celebration? No, rather than interview one single
rightist or leftist, they went directly to the Southern Poverty Law Center,
which has contempt for anyone against the New World Order and anyone genuinely
conservative. It would be hard to find anyone more hatefully biased against
anti-government activists than the Southern Poverty Law Center to interview.
This is not investigative reporting. It is propaganda. It’s hard enough to
figure out a person’s feeling by directly asking the person. Are we really
going to find out how Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer feels by asking the primary
scoffing deer?

What is the proper way to investigate a crime? The best manuals for
investigating a crime teach that one should not start with preconceived ideas,
but rather that investigation, questions, and gathering of data are crucial
for the investigator to come to an accurate assessment of what happened.

During the first month following the 9-11 crimes, I saw many intelligent good
questions come over the Internet about the crime. Dozens of Internet articles
have asked important insightful questions to help us solve the crimes of the
9-11 tragedy, which the establishment newspapers and other media have ignored,
and appear trying to cover up. In fact I know from some newsmen, that their
bosses have given instructions to their writers not cover certain important
facts and questions and lines of inquiry. How dare they hide things from you
about the biggest crime (so far) of the 21st century? You have a right to know
these things. If America was attacked, and America is still the target, then
don’t you have a right to know who attacked you, how they attacked and why? If
Osama bin Laden attacked America (not our government, not a battleship, but
the man in the street)—you and I, then don’t we the intended victims have a
right to know what our would be killer wants to say to us?  And let’s get this
fact straight, whether Osama bin Laden carried out the attack on the WTC or
not, he had clearly declared war on all Americans. 

You as an American have been the target of kidnappings, assassinations,
torture and other abuse for years as you traveled in foreign lands. There are
people out there who view it as open season on any American. I’ve traveled, I
know. I have had the privilege to bump into strangers who hated me simply
because I was an American. They didn’t know my politics, they didn’t know my
religion or personality, and they didn’t care. I wasn’t the ugly American, I
was the loathed American.

Re: [CTRL] long email lists...

2001-10-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/24/01 6:32:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

just a note to help 'un-clutter' the list...

people who are sending email information to an entire list, of which ctrl
is only one recipient, should use the 'bcc' option where you put in all
of your addresses instead of using the 'to' option...

this will get rid of things like the following example...

 I don't get that in my email, but then I 'm just a dumb aol'r,
But i will try that on my posts. .

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] get ready for afghan war syndrome..

2001-10-24 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 ...and many Americans wear sandals, myself included --
 does that make us subhuman in your estimation?
  Perhaps not subhuman but certainly abnormal -
  and definitely not to be trusted.
  fight the worldwide sandal conspiracy!
  you know, jesus wore sandals...

 I don't think He had indoor plumbing, esp. bathrooms, either.

here's an interesting question - if jesus urinates on a fig tree, does the
fig tree grow faster or wither away and die?



This document does not
purport to provide a prosecutable case against Osama bin Laden in a
court of law. - tony blair's bin laden dossier

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Futility

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


 Thursday, October 25, 2001  Featured Views Share This Article With
Your Friends
Published on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 in the Toronto Star
History Confirms War a Futile Business
by Dalton Camp While our allied air forces continue the
redistribution of the rubble in Kabul, the objectives and purposes of
this new war become, like the dust rising from that battered city,
more difficult to comprehend. Historically, there have been necessary
wars and wars fought whether necessary or not. But it is a futile
business, as history will confirm. According to one political
scientist, who counted the wars of the great powers, from 1495 to
1975, one or another of them has been at war 75 per cent of the time.
Astonishingly, one of the more peaceful centuries was the 20th,
although it has been, thus far, the bloodiest, as a result of its two
world wars. We have been, if you're counting, marching off to battle
much of our time, and here we are, marching off again. There must be
something to the view of man as a natural hunter and natural killer.
Still, one would think that man would run out of wars to make or
nations to invade or, that at some epiphanous time, nations would
conspire to stop the killing, that war would become not the last
resort but simply an unthinkable one. But here we find ourselves at
war again, against half the world in general and no one in
particular, pulverizing ruins and inflicting collateral damage - a
euphemism for killing - on people we know nothing of, in a land we
have nothing against, hope never to see, in a cause so rhetorical and
clothed so much in hyperbole as to be unattainable. I have been
reading of late about the Allied bombing of the German city of
Hamburg, in World War II, during July, 1944. At that time we (the
Allies) had achieved air superiority. We had also developed superior
aircraft and bigger bombs, as well as a means of deceiving the
enemy's radar defenses. On July 25, nearly 800 bombers attacked
Hamburg, a nearly helpless city, dropping their loads of 400- and 800-
 and 1,000-pound bombs and incendiaries. The city was soon ablaze,
and without water to fight the fires; in this cauldron, the
temperatures would exceed 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. In one week, the
number of killed was put at 50,000 - just 1,000 short of those
British civilians killed by German attacks in the first four years of
the war. Of course, we won the war against infinitely greater and
more menacing evil than that of terrorism. But more to the point,
subsequent study by professional appraisers has concluded not even
all the slaughter of civilians, not the collateral damage wrecked
upon Hamburg, Dresden, Essen and the rest made any significant
difference either to the result or the war's duration. It did,
however, make a difference to those killed in the exercise, including
those of our own. War is an exercise in excess. We emerge from battle
choking on the blood of innocents. Self-deception is always helpful
to those of delicate sensibility. Hence, we do try to limit
collateral damage and ima
gine ourselves fighting for democracy, justice and - heaven help us - peace. Should 
one be a refuge
e, a bombed-out peasant or a child crippled by a mine, a just war is a true oxymoron, 
at least for
those accompanied by a
translator. I have come to be wary of Pentagon briefers. These films of direct hits on 
defined objectives remind one of the underlying irony of this new war. Bombing has 
become a kin
d of elliptical express
ion of military frustration. When in doubt, bomb. It is to politics what paving used 
to be to polic
y. What is new about this new war, at ground level where all wars are finally 
settled, is that th
e terrorists in our mid
st - or in their caves - have found the equalizer to war as an exercise in technology. 
Terror is an
 extension of war by other means, including stealth, deception and disguise. It is not 
new that it
is a war waged upon inn
ocents; the graveyards of Europe are crowded with those who perished in their 
kitchens, in their sl
eep, in their unknowing. What is new is that the oceans no longer protect us from the 
risks and per
ils of war because the
new enemy has new weapons of an original design and unfamiliar ruthlessness. Still, 
when it is fina
lly over, when the struggle is exhausted, when we achieve another peace between 
another war, we can
 band together in reuni
on and, in common folly and arrogance, be reborn in our usual ways,
boasting of our superior means and inexhaustible bounty and, while
the world will not be the same, can never be so, we will hardly know
the difference. We should not, then, excessively fret over our
present condition but view it, as much as we can, as a passing
inconvenience. After all, were it a truly serious crisis, we would
not, in our considerable genius, be acting like fools and behaving
with such compulsive, ruinous mindlessness. The most 

[CTRL] JW on Anthrax

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Return to JW Home
Press Office
Evidence Mounts That White House and Federal Agencies Are Covering Up
Key Information
Political Elites Are Treated Differently Than Ordinary American
(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that
investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse, has
concluded, based on the below evidence, that the government is lying
to the American people about the severity of the anthrax crisis.
First, the Associated Press reported yesterday that, “(a)t least some
White House personnel were given Cipro six weeks ago.  White House
officials won’t discuss who might be receiving the anthrax-treating
antibiotic now.  On the night of the September 11 attacks, the White
House Medical Office dispensed Cipro to staff accompanying Vice
President Dick Cheney as he was secreted off to the safety of Camp
David, and told them it was a ‘precaution,’ according to one person
directly involved.”  This shows that The White House knew of the
anthrax attacks much sooner than admitted.  See “White House Mail
Machine Has Anthrax,” Associated Press, October 23, 2001.
Second, when asked yesterday if he had been tested for anthrax, President George W. 
Bush refused to answer on two occasions.  Id. This buttresses the conclusion that The 
White House has known of the full extent of the pro
blem for some time, but will not discuss it with the American people. In addition, the 
President should be honest and admit that widespread testing for anthrax exposure – 
particularly in the D.C. area – is necessary, part
icularly given the deaths of postal workers.  Had they been tested, and received Cipro 
like the President and members of Congress, perhaps they would now be alive.  While 
Mr. Bush’s evasiveness may be aimed at avoiding a
“run” on medical clinics, American citizens deserve to know the full truth; that even 
the President of the United States has concerns about being infected with the deadly 
Third, today it was reported in The Washington Post that the federal D.C. main post 
office at Brentwood has discontinued mail delivery to various residential area codes 
in the nation’s capitol.  In addition, it was report
ed that 14 of 29 mail sorting areas at Brentwood were “quarantined” for high exposure 
to anthrax.  See Neely Tucker and Avram Goldstein, “Anthrax Threat Takes A Wider 
Scope, New Cases Emerge: Some Mail Halted,” The Washin
gton Post, October 24, 2001. Citizens have asked whether ordinary letters delivered to 
their residences could be contaminated, and the government has said no. However, it is 
now obvious that the shutdown of mail deliverie
s to various residential area codes was put into effect because the mail sorting 
equipment for these area codes is contaminated with anthrax. Yet, the government has 
failed again to make full disclosure.
It is also obvious that the federal D.C. main post office at Brentwood must be 
“flooded” with anthrax-contaminated mail; otherwise why would over one-half of its 
facility be shut down, and how else could one explain the w
idespread contamination that has occurred and the number of buildings and persons who 
have tested positive for anthrax.
Fourth, nearly all federal agencies in D.C. have shut down their mail deliveries from 
Brentwood and other area post offices.  This cements the fact that the mail is 
thoroughly contaminated with anthrax, based not on a few
 letters from terrorists, but a deluge of them.
Finally, the government has claimed, until today, that the anthrax-laced letters are 
not necessarily from foreign Islamic terrorists.  However, three letters released 
yesterday and published in newspapers today, show that
 they all contain references to killing Americans and Jews and end with the salutation 
“Allah Is Great.”  Why would domestic terrorists write this?  Obviously, the 
administration is seeking to justify not taking immediate
 military action against Iraq, who most suspect has supplied biological weapons to Bin 
Laden. (Indeed, the ringleader of the September 11 attacks, Mohamed Atta, also met 
with Iraq’s agents at least twice in Prague, Czecho
slovakia. See, Deborah Orin, “U.S. Czechs Out Atta’s Trip,” The New York Post, 
nypost.com, October 23, 2001.  The Arabic members of the Administration’s coalition – 
Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and others – have all made it
 clear they will not support military action against Iraq.
“Judicial Watch is filing a host of document requests with the federal government to 
pry out the full truth from the administration, before more people die because of 
misinformation about the full extent of the anthrax cr
isis.  If cooperation is not forthcoming, lawsuits will be filed.  It is a scandal in 
the making that The White House and Congress, which 

[CTRL] Coisses!!! Foiled Again !!!

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Business-class suspect caught in container
ITALIAN police were investigating last night why a suspected al-Qaeda
hijacker would smuggle himself halfway around the world locked inside
a shipping container with its own bed and toilet.
The bizarre discovery of an Egyptian carrying a Canadian passport was
made on the dockside in Gioia Tauro in southern Italy, where
detectives believe they may have foiled another hijacking.
They were questioning Rizik Amid Farid, 43, about his choice of
travel and why he was carrying airport maps and airside security
passes for Canada, Thailand and Egypt.
Unlike most stowaways they find, Mr Farid was smartly dressed, clean-
shaven and rested as he stepped from his makeshift home.
He was, his captors said, “stunned” to be found with a laptop
computer, two mobile phones, cameras, a Canadian passport, other
identity documents and a certificate saying he is an aircraft
Mr Farid was found last week but it was only yesterday that police admitted their 
curious discovery.
Roberto Di Palma, a prosecutor, said: “He was in possession of documents and apparatus 
that no ordinary illegal immigrant would have been able to afford. The average illegal 
immigrant does not have high-tech equipment and
 airport security passes. The FBI has been alerted to the discovery of Mr Farid.
Like the 19 hijackers that al-Qaeda used on September 11, Mr Farid’s name is not on 
Interpol’s wanted list.
The successful capture of this suspected hijacker is timely for the Italians after the 
admission that they had allowed nine Islamic militants to abscond from bail after a 
legal bungle.
Police said Mr Farid was finding it difficult to explain why he was carrying a return 
airline ticket from Montreal to Egypt, via Rome. Investigators said that could be an 
“insurance policy” enabling him to reach Canada by
 air in case he was discovered on the ship but managed to escape.
The priority now, police said, was to authenticate his identity and discover why he 
was heading for Canada. Had he not been found during a security check, Mr Farid would 
have faced another three weeks at sea to reach Toro
Mr Farid was discovered during a “technical inspection” of a ship from Port Said that 
had docked at the container port of Gioia Tauro.
The container in which Mr Farid had been hidden was “very tidy and well appointed”, 
investigators said. It was furnished with supplies for a long journey and had a bucket 
which he used as a toilet.
Magistrates said they were considering a charge of “links with international 
terrorism”, a new offence introduced last week as part of an emergency anti-terrorism 
package passed by Parliament after the attacks of Septembe
r 11.
Il Messaggero, the Rome daily, said it was a “reasonable inference”
that his intention had been to gain admittance to an airport in
Canada and perhaps commandeer an aircraft with the help of
accomplices and fly it over the border to the United States.
Michele Filippo Italiano, Mr Farid’s lawyer, denied that. He said Mr
Farid lived in Montreal and had Canadian citizenship. “He had fallen
out with his brother-in-law in Cairo and feared he would be prevented
from leaving Egypt,” he said.
Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd.

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expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and 

[CTRL] Bunglio Judiciano

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Bungle frees al-Qa'ida suspects
By Il Giornale, Italian newspaper and Richard Owen, Rome
A JUDICIAL bungle has allowed nine suspects linked to the al-Qa'ida
group to go on the run in Italy,
where police fear they are plotting further terrorist attacks.
The nine who absconded were among 14 Algerians who had been scheduled
to stand trial in Milan this week. They had been given bail because
prosecutors failed to translate legal documents into Arabic
FBI chiefs, who have been sharing intelligence with European forces
on al-Qa'ida's international links, were said yesterday to be
astounded at the mistake, seen as the biggest security lapse in the
crackdown on Osama bin Laden.
Some of those on the run are believed to have been plotting bomb and
chemical attacks in Europe. Their disappearance has jeopardised the
efforts of those in Britain, Germany and Spain who were investigating
the plans.
Tapped telephone conversations show that al-Qa'ida agents in Italy
were planning a crude chemical attack using a poison gas hidden in
tomato cans.
Bin Laden agents in Italy were also in contact with his followers in Britain. One 
suspect who made regular trips to Italy – Lased bin Heni, a 31-year-old Libyan – is 
said to have spoken directly to bin Laden about terrori
st plans for cities in Europe.
The nine Algerians  were regular visitors to a mosque in Milan, which US authorities 
have identified as a centre for bin Laden's operations in Europe.
All a police spokesman knew about the missing men was that they have gone to ground 
and could be anywhere planning attacks.
Leading Italian jurists, opposition MPs and newspapers condemned the bungle over the 
Algerians, which they said had made the country a laughing stock and a liability among 
its allies.
Two of the suspects are accused of involvement in the murder of two
policemen in Paris. Ambrogio Moccia, the presiding judge, said there
had been serious defects in the official notification of three of
the defendants, and under Italian law he had no choice but to let
all the suspects go.
This was an occasion for Italy to look the fear of terrorism in the
face and examine at close quarters the malaise of our time, said Il
Giornale, the Milan newspaper.
Instead, we are witnessing an Italian fiasco. The world may have
changed after September 11 but evidently the Italian judicial system
has not.
The Times
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© 2001 The Australian

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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being 

[CTRL] Afghan Tribal Dances: Dos y Deux

2001-10-24 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News  Analysis : The US War in Afghanistan
The Taliban, the US and the resources of Central Asia
Part 2
By Peter Symonds
25 October 2001
Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author
The following is the second article in a two-part series on the
history of the Taliban movement in Afghanistan. The first part was
published yesterday.
Like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the US has repeatedly denied any
support for the Taliban. Given the close involvement of the CIA with
Pakistan and the ISI throughout the 1980s, however, it is highly
implausible that Washington did not know of, and give tacit approval
to, the Bhutto government’s plans for the Taliban. Pakistan’s support
for the Taliban was an open secret, yet it was only in the late 1990s
that the US began to put pressure on Islamabad over its relations
with the regime.
Further indirect evidence of US-Taliban relations comes from the
efforts of US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a member of the House
Foreign Relations Committee, to obtain access to official US
documents related to Afghanistan since the Taliban’s formation.
Rohrabacher, a supporter of the Afghani king, certainly had an axe to
grind with the Clinton administration. But the response to his
demands was significant. After two years of pressure, the State
Department finally handed over nearly one thousand documents covering
the period after 1996, but has stubbornly refused to release any
dealing with the crucial earlier period.
While exact details of early US contacts with the Taliban or its
Pakistani handlers are unavailable, Washington’s attitude was clear.
Author Ahmed Rashid comments: “The Clinton administration was clearly
sympathetic to the Taliban, as they were in line with Washington’s
anti-Iran policy and were important for the success of any southern
pipeline from Central Asia that would avoid Iran. The US Congress had
authorised a covert $20 million budget for the CIA to destabilise
Iran, and Tehran had accused Washington of funnelling some of these
funds to the Taliban—a charge that was always denied by Washington”
[Taliban: Islam, Oil and the New Great Game in Central Asia, p. 46].
In fact, the period from 1994 to 1997 coincided with a flurry of US
diplomatic activity, aimed at securing support for the Unocal
pipeline. In March 1996, prominent US senator Hank Brown, a supporter
of the Unocal project, visited Kabul and other Afghan cities. He met
with the Taliban and invited them to send delegates to a Unocal-
funded conference on Afghanistan in the US. In the same month, the US
also exerted pressure on the Pakistani government to ditch its
arrangements with Bridas and back the American company.
The following month, US Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia
Robin Raphel visited Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia, urging a
political solution to the continuing conflict. “We are also concerned
that economic opportunities here will be missed, if political
stability cannot be restored,” she told the media. Raphel did not
hold talks with the Taliban leaders or offer any other indication of
official support. But neither was the US stridently criticising the
Taliban on women’s rights, drugs and terrorism, which were to form
the basis of its ultimatums to the regime in the late 1990s. On all
three issues, there was an abundance of evidence, unless one chose to
deliberately ignore it.
* Ever since the seizure of Kandahar it was obvious that the Taliban
would not countenance even the most basic democratic rights. Girls
were banned from schools and women from working—measures which
created enormous hardships. A strict, even absurd, dress code was
imposed on men and women and virtually all forms of entertainment,
from video and TV to kite flying, were banned. A religious police
enforced the social code, meting out arbitrary justice on the street
to offenders. Public executions were carried out for a wide range of
crimes including adultery and homosexuality. The purpose of the
entire system of repression was to terrorise people into accepting
the Taliban’s theocratic dictatorship in which no one had any say
except the Taliban’s mullahs. Even their decisions were subject to
veto by Mullah Omar in Kandahar.
* In the case of the huge Afghani heroin industry, the US played a
major role in its expansion. Throughout the 1980s, the Mujaheddin
groups and their Pakistani handlers exploited the covert supply
lines, set up with CIA assistance to get arms into Afghanistan, in
order to smuggle large quantities of opium out of the country. The
CIA ignored the drug trade in the interests of prosecuting the war
against the Soviet army. By the early 1990s, Afghanistan rivalled
Burma as the world’s largest producer of opium. The US took much the
same attitude to the Taliban, which initially pledged to outlaw opium
cultivation but quickly reversed its decision after realising that
there were few alternative sources of income in Afghanistan’s ruined