[CTRL] Bush: Sharon's Parrot ?

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Al-Ahram Weekly Online
31 Jan. - 6 Feb. 2002
Issue No.571
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Current issue | Previous issue | Site map

No more excuses

The Bush administration is adding fuel to the fire by parroting
Sharon, writes Mohamed Hakki from Washington

In his latest salvo against Yasser Arafat, US President George Bush
accused the Palestinian Authority chairman of "enhancing terror" with
a boatload of smuggled arms. He accuses the leader of the Palestinian
people, who is incarcerated and humiliated, of fomenting violence
against Israel. This boat incident is one of the more dubious in a
long series of incidents which now comprise a pattern of Israeli
provocations and Palestinian suicide counter-attacks. The pattern is
there for anyone who wants to trace the latest Israeli atrocities
against the Palestinians.

It took the US administration three weeks to come to the conclusion
that this "50- ton shipload of heavy weapons" that the Israelis
seized and accused the Palestinian Authority of smuggling from Iran,
is actually a Palestinian plot. Now President Bush is accusing Arafat
of enhancing terror, not fighting it. A young American intern at a
Washington think-tank asked: "Since when were armaments valued by
weight? And what about those Israeli tanks which are used to subject
the entire Palestinian population to closure and demolition? How much
do they weigh in tons?"

Before this latest statement I, and most Arab Americans, started to question whether 
this administration truly wants peace between Israel and the Palestinians. A 
high-ranking official at the Department of Defence asked me
, "after all the statements by the President and Secretary Powell that we are not 
fighting Islam and that they want to see a Palestinian state, do you still doubt US 
intentions in the Middle East?" I said, "Actions speak
louder than words. The track record of the Bush administration, in the last several 
months at least, indicates that there is no genuine desire for peace or any intention 
of seeking an equitable solution."

In the current issue of Foreign Affairs, Khalil Shikaki, associate professor at 
Birzeit University, describes three conceivable types of settlement: a comprehensive 
agreement aimed at ending the conflict, a stabilisation
package designed to tone down the violence and shore up the status quo, and a 
transitional agreement that would be somewhere in between. He continues to say that "a 
comprehensive one would settle all the issues in dispute
, including Jerusalem and the refugees, and end the conflict." But for this to happen 
he lists three conditions that need to be met. First, the Israelis would need to bring 
into government a leadership and coalition less
wedded to an ideology of a greater Israel and willing to withdraw from almost all 
occupied Palestinian territories seized in 1967 and evacuate most of the settlements. 
Second, there would need to be a US administration pa
ssionately committed to making the process succeed. And third, the old and young on 
the Palestinian side must achieve a unity of purpose.

Unfortunately, the only passion I see in this administration is Bush's passion for the 
person of Ariel Sharon, whom he will meet this week for the fourth time. No matter 
that the butcher of Beirut is facing trial in Belgi
um for war crimes and is the one responsible for the dangerous deterioration of the 
whole situation. But President Bush has yet to meet Chairman Arafat. This is the same 
passion that is driving America's so-called even-ha
nded diplomacy in the Arab-Israeli conflict toward a policy of overwhelming support 
for Israel and pressure on Arafat. It is the same passion that drove the White House 
to express its understanding of Israel's confinement
 of Arafat to virtual house arrest. Bush expressed his "understanding for the reason 
that Israel has taken the actions that it takes."

Kelly Campbell of Oakland, California, holds a picture of Afghan children during a 
press conference in New York. Campbell held back tears as she displayed photographs of 
war victims she met in Kabul, Afghanistan, whose re
latives were killed by US bombs. Campbell, whose brother-in-law was killed on 11 
September, returned from a nine-day trip to Afghanistan; US President George W Bush 
and Afghan interim leader Hamid Karzai at a joint press
conference in Washington (photos: AP)

Ironically, the kind of passion for peace that is required to build the bridges needed 
only comes from the solitary voices of the peace camp in Israel. In an open letter to 
Shimon Peres, Gideon Levy, writing in Ha'aretz,
says "The government of which you are a senior member, the foreign minister, is no 
longer the government of last resort; this government is a government of crime. Your 
silence and inaction can no longer be justified by an
y excuse." He goes on to say, "You have imprisoned an entire people 

[CTRL] Sharon plans to urge Bush

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Sharon plans to urge Bush to sever all contacts with Arafat

>From David Horovitz, in Jerusalem

THE MIDDLE EAST: Having made clear in one Hebrew newspaper interview
his regrets that Mr Yasser Arafat was not killed by Israel 20 years
ago, the Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Ariel Sharon, told a second
newspaper yesterday that he will urge President Bush next week to
sever all contacts with the Palestinian Authority president.

Mr Sharon, who is to visit the White House on Thursday, told the top-
selling Yediot Ahronot tabloid he planned to tell Mr Bush: "Ignore
Arafat. Boycott him. Don't have any contact with him and don't send
him delegations."

Palestinian officials yesterday urged Mr Bush to reject such demands.
But in practice, the president is already virtually following them.
While his meeting with Mr Sharon will be the fourth in the past year,
he has not met Mr Arafat and shows no sign of intending to do so. And
he has suspended the peacemaking efforts of the US State Department
envoy, Mr Anthony Zinni, demanding yesterday that Mr Arafat "do a
better job to fight terror".

Mr Bush indicated he considered Mr Arafat responsible for the 50-ton Iranian arms 
shipment intercepted by Israel, apparently en route to Gaza, in the Red Sea last 
month, saying that it had been ordered "for terrorist purp
oses" and "in total contrast to what he [Mr Arafat] assured us: that he would help us 
fight against terror."

EU officials are attempting to moderate the strong anti-Arafat line. Mr Javier Solana, 
the EU's foreign policy chief, has been urging US officials not to sever contacts with 
Mr Arafat. A Palestinian delegation, led by the
 parliamentary Speaker, Mr Abu Ala, is to hold talks with US officials next week, with 
the same aim.

Mr Sharon's moderate Labour party partners are also increasingly discomfited by the 
prime minister's rigid anti-Arafat position, but have yet to indicate a serious desire 
to bolt the coalition.

The ongoing intifada confrontation is causing dissent within the army, however, where 
some 50 reserve officers have signed a letter pledging to refuse further service in 
the occupied territories. All are expected to lose
their officer rank.

A former head of the Shin Bet security service, Mr Ami Ayalon, has said that soldiers 
are sometimes being asked to take "illegal" actions and too few of them are refusing 
to do so.

"To shoot an unarmed youth is a blatantly illegal order," said Mr Ayalon. "I am very 
worried by the number of Palestinian children shot in the past year."

Israel is still on high alert for further bombing attacks; sappers defused a large 
explosive device placed in an apartment block in the town of Tsur Hadassah, outside 
Jerusalem, yesterday morning.

In remarks published by the Ma'ariv newspaper on Thursday, Mr Sharon was quoted as 
saying he was "sorry we didn't eliminate" Mr Arafat in Lebanon in 1982.

In the full text of the interview, published yesterday, Mr Sharon
does not make that remark, but answers "yes" when asked by the
interviewer whether he regrets the failure to kill the Palestinian
leader at the time and then adds: "Our situation would be a lot

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[CTRL] Israel thrusts Iran in line of US fire

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Israel thrusts Iran in line of US fire

As Bush weighs up the 'axis of evil', one country is bringing its
full influence to bear

David Hirst
Saturday February 2, 2002
The Guardian

America's campaign in Afghanistan is winding down, but who will be
its next big target in the "war on terror" remains in the realm of
conjecture. Of the three chief members of the "axis of evil" that
George Bush identified in his state of the union address - Iraq, Iran
and North Korea - he dedicated most of his wrath and spoke most
threateningly of that hardiest of Washington's villains, Saddam

Yet, if Israel gets its way, the next target could be Iran. President
Bush was forthright in his address: he told Tehran to stop harbouring
al-Qaida terrorists and added the heavyhanded threat that if it did
not, he would
 deal with Iran "in diplomatic ways, initially".

Israel has long portrayed the Islamic republic as its gravest long-term threat, the 
"rogue state" at its most menacing, combining sponsorship of international terror, 
nuclear ambition, ideological objection to the existen
ce of the Jewish state and unflagging determination to sabotage the Middle East peace 

Israel classifies Iran as one of those "far" threats - Iraq being another - that 
distinguish it from the "near" ones: the Palestinians and neighbouring Arab states. As 
the peace process progressed, the near threats were s
teadily being eroded.A vital benefit of the 1993 Oslo accord was said to be that it 
would fortify Israel for its eventual showdown with its far enemies.

The closer their weapons of mass destruction programmes come to completion, the more 
compelling the need for Israel - determined to preserve its nuclear monopoly in the 
region - to eliminate them.

For a long time, the strategy of enlisting the growing Arab peace camp against Iran 
and Islamically-inspired extremism from afar seemed to be working. Committed, under 
Oslo, to fight all forms of Palestinian violence agai
nst Israel, the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, came to blows with Hamas and 
Islamic Jihad, and the anathemas he hurled at Iran, their ideological mentor, were all 
but indistinguishable from Israel's.

But now both threats have converged, malignantly, as never before. This, for Israel, 
was the deeper meaning of the Karine-A affair, the 50-ton shipment of Iranian-supplied 
weaponry destined for Gaza, which it seized last
month. It was a "most dangerous axis", said the Israeli chief of staff, that 
threatened to "change the face" of the Israeli-Palestinian struggle.

As well as supplying arms and finance, Iran, the Israelis say, is developing a 
supervisory role over the Palestinian "terror" through the exploitation of its 
existing assets in the arena, mainly the Lebanese Hizbullah, an
d its new ones, a direct link with Mr Arafat and the Palestinian Authority, and a 
recently created Palestinian Hizbullah of its own.

Had the Karine-A cargo made it to Gaza, and thence to the West Bank, it could have 
made at least a dent in Israel's enormous military superiority. The Palestinians would 
no longer have been entirely helpless in the face o
f Israeli armoured incursions into their self-rule areas. The weapons would also have 
brought whole population centres within range.

Though Mr Arafat and Iran denied any part in the arms shipment, there were compelling 
reasons why these former friends-turned-enemies should have resumed their 
collaboration of old. Mr Arafat's desperate need is obvious.
The ever-growing violence of the conflict and the complete failure of any country to 
come to the Palestinians' aid present a golden opportunity for the Islamic republic, 
at least for the conservative, clerical wing of its
 leadership, which has exclusive, unaccountable control over underground aspects of 
foreign policy, such as support for Islamist "revolutionaries" like Hizbullah and 

Iran's president, Mohammad Khatami, and most of the reformist camp may seek to dilute 
the extreme anti- Israeli orthodoxy, but Tehran's foreign policy is very much an area 
of competition between the country's rival politi
cal wings.

The simplest way to thwart the growth of such a Palestinian-Iranian alliance would be 
to deny it its essential raison d'être by restoring a peace process that has some 
prospect of success. But it has become clear that pea
ce is just what the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, does not want: Palestinian 
violence serves him much better.


For him, the Karine-A incident provided further, dramatic justification for the 
undeclared but ill-disguised agenda he is pursuing in the name of retaliation and 
self-defence - to destroy the whole notion of self- determi
nation on any portion of Palestinian territory.

But the Israelis took particular alarm at the words of the former Iranian president, 
Hashimi Rafsanjani, who said recently that if Israel continues

[CTRL] Pessing the Point @ Gitmo

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Guantanamo's Unhappy Campers
ADVANCE COPY from the February 11, 2002 issue: Some strange things
are happening at Gitmo.
by Matt Labash
02/01/2002 6:00:00 PM


It's 5 A.M. at the Roosevelt Roads Naval station in Puerto Rico, and
20 journalists straggle to the gate in sleep- deprived silence to
catch a plane to Guantanamo Bay. Many of us haven't been up this
early in years. But after flying thousands of miles, then pub-
crawling through the streets of Old San Juan last night, we are here
because our military escorts insist we show up at this time, though
the flight actually leaves four hours later. "The military operates
on one principle," explains a savvy veteran: "Hurry up and wait."

If we're not happy, that goes double for our public affairs
babysitters. "I'm up to my ears in Vieques," says Navy Lt. Corey
Barker, of the nearby bombing range/public relations fiasco that has
been protested by everyone
from Al Sharpton to obscure Kennedys. Now, Barker is stuck minding us as we light out 
for Guantanamo, the American naval station on the southeastern tip of Cuba. It is 
there that 158 al Qaeda/Taliban prisoners are being d
etained because, depending on who you ask, it is an ideal, sunny clime, it's not 
subject to the get-out-of-jail escape hatches of U.S. federal law, or because, as one 
senior Pentagon official says, "The lawyers didn't wan
t to go on 14-hour flights to some guano rock in the Pacific."

Inside the air terminal, our baggage handlers check us in with the efficiency of 
Bulgarian DMV workers. A sign on the wall says "Air Terminal of the Year 2000." "I'd 
hate to see who got second place," whispers one reporte
r. As we wait for our flight on a creaky Pan Am jet, we are shunted off to the "VIP" 
room, so named because it has a coffee pot and seascape paintings that look pilfered 
from a south Florida retirement village. Here, we a
re given our media "indoctrination" packages, never an encouraging word if you aspire 
to reportorial autonomy. As we sit watching CNN, an unfounded rumor gains currency. 
Though it's Saturday, and we're supposed to be in C
uba until Monday, the military has changed plans and is going to make us leave 
Guantanamo Sunday morning. "One thing's for sure," says a wire reporter, "you won't 
have to sort through all your notes to decide what to lead

Fearing an abbreviated schedule, I commence valuable newsgathering. Knowing that in 
some Taliban-held provinces, pederasty rivaled headless-goat polo (buzkashi) as the 
favorite pastime, I ask a Naval officer if there are
any reports of Guantanamo prisoners turning to man-love. "Oh God no," he says. "Though 
there are some Air Force personnel over there, so who knows what's going on?"

Another officer relays something we'll hear repeated often: that because of 
international political pressure, the prisoners are getting coddled. The latest report 
has Army guards directing detainees on which way to pray t
o Mecca. "They're actually going to paint arrows on the floors of the cells so they'll 
know to face north," he says. "You mean east," I say. "North, east, whatever," he 
replies, "I'm Lutheran--I don't know where the hell
it is."

A FEW hours later, we touch down at the Guantanamo landing strip on the isolated 
leeward side of the base (Gitmo, as it is nicknamed, is actually bisected by 
Guantanamo Bay). After getting sniffed by a German shepherd who
's more interested in bombs than my colleague's Percocet, we're escorted to the media 
center, an ugly wood- paneled affair that sits next to a pink hangar. After another 
hour or two of waiting, a mouthy reporter loudly ca
lls his editor so we can all hear him report the latest: "Same shit, different day. 
Though they're really cleaning up the media center. Curtains, an air conditioner, even 
a freakin' bulletin board!"

The hospitality ends there. A stern sign on the bulletin board admonishes us to clean 
up after ourselves. The goodies set out on a table (grape beverage powder and apple 
jelly from meals-ready-to-eat packs) practically sc
ream, "Can't wait till you leave." Many of us had secretly harbored the fantasy that 
we could talk our overseers into letting us go right up to the prisoners' cells, the 
terrorist equivalent of a field trip to the ASPCA.

But as a gaggle of public affairs officers enter, they lay down two immutable laws: 
There will be no access to detainees (the Geneva Convention forbids making them a 
"public curiosity"). And we can go only where the offic
ers take us. Running the public affairs show is Army Lt. Col. William Costello, a 
bearish soldier who looks like the kind of guy who enjoys breaking things on his face. 
His hard, dark orbs dart to and fro while he deliver
s a good news/bad news proposition. The good news is Secretary of Defense Donald 
Rumsfeld will be visiting the detainees' Camp X-Ray the 

[CTRL] Fwd: BuzzFlash Interviews Congressman John Conyers, Jr.

2002-02-01 Thread Samantha L.


--- Begin Message ---
Title: BuzzFlash.com - BuzzFlash Interviews


Interviews Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
1, 2002

Conyers Jr. of Michigan (14th Congressional District), is the ranking 
Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee. He is a true hero, fighting 
the Bush administration for the truth about Enron. John Conyers also continues 
to fight for all Americans by urging the Bush administration to enact 
comprehensive election reform, something President Bush has opposed, after 
the Florida recount.
Congressman Conyers, you wrote a letter last week to U.S. Deputy Attorney 
General Larry Thompson asking him to appoint an outside special counsel 
to oversee the Justice Department Enron investigation. Why do you think 
this is necessary? 
CONYERS: I think it's necessary because there are definite conflicts 
of interest going on at several levels within the government. First and 
foremost, within the Department of Justice, both Attorney General Ashcroft 
and Larry Thompson, the number two man. Ashcroft has correctly recused 
himself, as well as the entire U.S. Attorney's office in Houston, Texas. 
Larry Thompson, whose law firm represented Enron, hasn't. So I don't know 
how Mr. Thompson thinks he's going to stonewall this for much longer before 
it becomes a pretty large issue.
the full interview with Congressman Conyers, visit BuzzFlash:










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[CTRL] 01 February 2002 Federalist Edition #02-05

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

01 February 2002
Federalist Edition #02-05
Friday Digest

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The Foundation
Federalist Perspective


"It is the object only of war that makes it honorable.  And if there
was ever a just war since the world began, it is this in which America
is now engaged." --Thomas Paine


Top of the fold...

"As we gather tonight, our nation is at war, our economy is in
recession, and the civilized world faces unprecedented dangers. Yet
the state of our union has never been stronger," President George W.
Bush began in delivering his first State of the Union speech before
Congress Tuesday night.  Mr. Bush's speech emphasized the central
government's constitutional role of providing for the common defense
-- in fighting the war against Jihadistan abroad and protecting the
homeland. Mr. Bush concluded his address by saying, "We choose freedom
and the dignity of every life. Steadfast in our purpose, we now press
on. We have known freedom's price. We have shown freedom's power. And
in this great conflict, we will see freedom's victory."

"It's a pleasure to watch a State of the Union Address largely devoted
to carrying out the federal government's proper function of providing
national defense," noted Cato Institute Executive Vice President David
Boaz. We concur!

The President called for 39 new initiatives in 48 minutes. (This is a
welcome change from our former national embarrassment, who proposed
over 100 new programs in his last long-winded blowhard SOTU.) And
while The Federalist has constitutional objections about Mr. Bush's
calls for such programs as a patients' bill of rights and a
"productive farm policy," we were delighted at the attention the
President paid to rebuilding our national security after years of
not-so-benign neglect. And we were nearly ecstatic when Mr. Bush
identified as a new "axis of evil" the terror-sponsoring,
weapons-collecting countries of North Korea, Iran and Iraq. (The next
"evil empire" to bring down)

Asked Wednesday for clarification on the "axis of evil," Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld replied, "I think if I were in Iran or North
Korea or Iraq and I heard the president of the United States say what
he said last night about weapons of mass destruction and about
terrorism and about terrorist networks and about nations that harbor
terrorists, I don't think there'd be a lot of ambiguity as to the view
he holds of those problems and their behavior. Now, what will they do
about that is something we'll find out. But it ought to be very clear
to them that he is -- he is calling attention to the risks to the
world that that relationship poses."

Speaking before the National Defense University Thursday, Mr. Rumsfeld
detailed the need for simultaneous defense transformation and
anti-terror preparations to meet national vulnerabilities to ballistic
missile attacks, weaknesses in space assets, possible cyberattacks and
attacks on foreign bases for U.S. military personnel: "Our job is to
close off as many of those avenues of potential attack as is possible.
These attacks could grow vastly more deadly than those we suffered [on
Sept. 11]."

And Mr. Rumsfeld further discussed the need for increased defense
spending -- to fund the war on Jihadistan and speed recovery from the
"procurement holiday" that has eroded levels of readiness: "For 2003,
the president will seek what he characterized as the largest increase
in defense spending since the 1980s. It's a great deal of money [$48
billion]. It's the taxpayers' money. It is not the government's money,
it is the taxes that are paid by people who work in Chicago and Dallas
and Portland and Seattle. They're hard-earned dollars. But compared
with the costs in dollars, if one thinks about the cost in dollars and
lives of a conflict, there's no question but that investment before
the fact is much cheaper. Seeing that our country has the capability
to contribute to peace and stability in the world is the wise and
prudent and, in the last analysis, the cheapest way both in dollars
and in human treasure."

And not a moment too soon, we might add! As Mr. Bush remarked in his
Tuesday address, our warriors in Afghanistan have discovered several
caches of plans to carry out further attacks against the U.S.,
including diagrams of U.S. nuclear power plants and rough design plans
for a nuclear weapon. U.S. intel

[CTRL] CIA outlines N. Korean weapons plan

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CIA outlines N. Korean weapons plan
February 1, 2002 Posted: 4:34 AM EST (0934 GMT)

N Korea has enough plutonium for a nuclear weapon, the CIA report said





WASHINGTON (CNN) -- North Korea, one of the three nations in U.S. President's
George W. Bush's so-called "axis of evil", was a major exporter of missile
technology and equipment to the Middle East and other regions, a U.S.
intelligence report says.

With attention placed on the communist state, as well as Iran and Iraq,
during Bush's State of the Union address on Tuesday, an unclassified U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report to Congress released the following
day said that "Pyongyang attaches a high priority to the development and sale
of ballistic missiles, equipment and related technology."

In his address, Bush said that "North Korea is a regime arming with missiles
and weapons of mass destruction, while starving its citizens."

Bush said that Iran, Iraq and North Korea constituted and "axis of evil and
along with their "terrorist allies", were actively seeking weapons of mass
destruction, "threatening the peace of the world."

All three nations have rejected the barb, with North Korea saying Bush's
comments were close to "declaring a war."

The CIA report for the period January to 30 June 2001, obtained from the
agency's Web site, says that North Korea relied heavily on the missile export

"Exports of ballistic missiles and related technology are one of the North's
major sources of hard currency, which fuel continued missile development and
production," the report stated.

"Throughout the first half of 2001, North Korea continued to export
significant ballistic missile-related equipment, components, materials, and
technical expertise to countries in the Middle East, South Asia, and North

The report said that North Korea had not ceased its nuclear weapons program
despite signing a landmark deal with the U.S. in 1994.

"During the second half of 2001, Pyongyang continued its attempts to procure
technology worldwide that could have applications in its nuclear program,"
the CIA report said.

"We assess that North Korea has produced enough plutonium for at least one,
and possibly two, nuclear weapons."

The report also said that an agreement signed with Russia laid the
"groundwork" for potential arms sales and transfers to North Korea, though
this was dependent on Pyongyang's ability to pay for the acquisitions.

The CIA report also singled out Iran and Iraq, among other countries, saying
that the former was one of the "most active countries" seeking to acquire
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and advanced conventional weapons (ACW)

"Tehran is attempting to develop a domestic capability to produce various
types of weapons -- chemical, biological, and nuclear -- and their delivery

Chemical program
It was also seeking "nuclear-related equipment, material, and technical
expertise from a variety of sources, especially in Russia", the report added.

Iran's neighbor, Iraq was rebuilding parts of its chemical production
infrastructure the report said.

Since Baghdad's refusal to allow U.N. inspectors into Iraq since late 1998,
it was difficult to accurately access the state of its WMD programs, the CIA
report said.

But, "it is likely that Baghdad has used the intervening period to
reconstitute prohibited programs."

Following Bush's speech, White House officials have since sought to clarify
that the naming of North Korea, Iraq and Iran does not signify any imminent
military action against them.

Regardless, both Middle Eastern countries were angry with the U.S. leaders

In Tehran, the Iranian official news agency IRNA quoted President Mohammad
Khatami as saying: "The American president's remarks not only showed that he
does not have the ability to learn from history ... but also that U.S. policy
is now worse and more unrealistic than under his predecessors."

Iraq meanwhile was even more blunt in its assessment with Vice President Taha
Yassin Ramadan describing the U.S. president's remarks as "stupid".

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[CTRL] Stiff Right Jab: No Child Left Behind – Republican Ode to Socialism

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Stiff Right Jab: No Child Left Behind – Republican Ode to Socialism
Steve Farrell
Feb. 1, 2002

If Republican political leaders were as honest and principled as their
frequent appeals to moral values reflect, some things would never happen.
Here's one of them: There would be never be a "No Child Left Behind" scam –
that obnoxious Compassionate Conservatism ode to socialism that stinks to
high heaven. No way, no how!

We say there would never be such a scam among Republicans, but there IS such
a scam, and many old faithfuls are beginning to see the light, to see that it
means much, much less today to be a Republican than it did yesterday.

Yesterday's Republican Party, or at least yesterday's Republican Party
platform, would never have tolerated such leftist rubbish to be the stuff of
campaigns, legislation and even, can you believe it, boasting, because, at
least on a few items, on objects like education and welfare, the Republican
position was like a Rock of Gibraltar – great, immovable, grounded in the
principles of the ages.

The old Republican stand on education was just like that. As such, it was
simple and smart. It went something like this:

1. The Constitution grants no authority to the federal government to be
involved in education, and for good reason: Centralizing all learning in one
distant spot is a stupid, narrow, dangerous, communist idea, one which has
throughout all the world's history led to despotism and slavery. Thus our
forefathers limited federal power to a few necessary objects like national
defense and foreign policy, and not at all to education. That's simple,
that's smart.

2. The Ninth and 10th Amendments to the Constitution specify that the states
and the people are the ones to have power over education, and over every
other power not specifically delegated to the federal government. Why?
Because Americans back then believed free agency to be a God-given right and,
consequently, self-government to be its natural offspring.

Americans believed that local government, free markets, freedom of religion,
freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and unfettered
educational establishments, each and every one of them catering to, or acting
as expressions of, the views and interests and convictions of so many
different individuals (including parents!), represented the best of ways to
uphold free agency and self-government.

Keep it local, and keep it free, that was the way it used to be, and so the
old schools were better, the kids who graduated from these local and/or
private schools could read and write, and – get this – they were generally
moral, patriotic and respectful of the law, their parents and their elders.
This, too, was simple and smart.

3. Consistent with the keep-it-local, keep-it-free, keep-it-decentralized
stance, Republicans used to believe it un-American, pro-tyrannical and
anti-progressive to trust one man or one group of men – no matter how moral,
no matter how intelligent, no matter how trustworthy, no matter how pure
their motives – to decide what must be taught, what must be said, what must
be believed, and what must be contributed, i.e., to poor students (left
behind) or any other students, for such would be a contradiction of
everything the party espoused.

And to affix the same point to the "left behind" issue, it used to be
admissible in Republican circles to defend the idea that we worship only God,
not men, and certainly not the state, and as such we, each of us as
individuals, make our own decisions on how to best serve our fellow men. We
don't look to government moral know-it-alls, government professional
do-gooders (who are adept at being "charitable" with other people's money) to
push us around and tell us how we must be Christians, how we must be good
participants in "civil society" or national service schemes – or else.

4. Thus, the Republican Party could be perennially counted on to oppose
federal money for education, for by and by federal money translated into
federal control and the gradual erosion of state, local, individual and
private educational rights and every other right. It was a Trojan horse, and
they knew it.

5. And so what about compassion? Shouldn't people be compassionate? After
all, Republican conservatives generally referred to themselves as
God-fearing. Well, there used to be a few things that were generally

a. Government is about justice, nothing else. That is, government keeps out
of your business, until one decides his or her business is to infringe upon
the rights of others. Then and only then the government steps in and
punishes. This keeps government simple, limited, useful and free.

b. Were the government to become benevolent, that is, the dictator of how to
be good, government would be complicated, unlimited, ineffect

[CTRL] Clever Is the Word for a Biased Media

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clever Is the Word for a Biased Media
G. Russell Evans
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard (Ret.)
Saturday, Feb. 2, 2002
The professional news readers are very smooth, very clever – so clever, in
fact, that they can slant stories to their liberal bias often without a
ripple of suspicion.
After the terrifying assaults against America's very foundation on Sept. 11,
the media were in the same boat with all of us: frightened, prayerful and
wondering. They quickly sided with patriots and our troops. They wanted to be
saved and, above all, to be on the winning side. They turned out glorious
praise of Americanism and righteousness.

Unabashed Praise

For a while, Big Media were praising President Bush unabashadly for his
leadership and control. They were seeing a real leader come alive and respond
in magnificent style as he lined up an impressive coalition of nations to
help in the war on terrorism and fortify the homeland. His job approval
soared to nearly 90 percent.

Unfortunately, all this wonderful treasure was just too much for the media's
left-wing souls. Within a few days, they were back to business as usual –
nitpicking, sniping and undercutting to slant things back to their agenda.

For example, while the world witnessed four fuel-loaded jetliners hijacked by
militant Muslim madmen used to deliberately murder thousands of innocents,
the Reuters News Agency didn't think this qualified as a "terrorist attack" –
because, said Reuters, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom

Is Reuters on the side of civilization?

It is impossible to believe thart any responsible news agency could be so
stupid and arrogant – their idea of righteousness, perhaps.

Mary McGrory Smears

Then there's the Washington Post's Mary McGrory, critical of Bush for not
flying immediately back to Washington in Air Force One. Elementary prudence
dictated protection for the president at that initial stage of uncertainty.

McCrory wrote: "Bush said the attack was a 'test' for the country. It was one
for him. He flunked. But he says he believes in education, so he has three
years to take a make-up exam in leadership."

Such shameless vitriol against a man who just demonstrated superb management
was both petty and pathetic. It is also an excellent example of inbred
permanent hatred of conservatives.

Fourth Estate to the Fore

For many years, volumes have been turned out to expose blatant media bias.
Unhindered, it goes on and on – from university schools of journalism to the
very top in every field of communications.

The professors taught well the importance of the "Fourth Estate" in reporting
the world as the media see it. Thereby, their left-wing bias pervades the
news – and clever is the word for their handling of the news.

Obviously, our media feel superior to the rest of us – superior in knowledge,
superior in wisdom and wit, superior in value and, definitely, superior at

McNasty Not Needed

The great Peter Jennings of ABC News is a superb example of a clever
manipulator, never using a nasty word but ever so slyly slipping in a slick
smear to fit his own mindset.

For example, he called Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld "feisty" in
defending U.S. handling of "detained" terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. In truth,
the handling has been measured, safe and humanitarian. "Feisty" is a word for
reporters eager to pick holes in U.S. policy.

Earlier, Jennings slipped in a little sneer just moments before Bush, then at
90 percent approval racing, addressed the nation about the war progress. Said
Jennings, "The president ... is having some difficulty managing public
expectations about the war on terror."

This was an outright lie, because at the time, public opinion polls had 84
percent of the people "satisfied" with information from the Bush

George and Diane

George Stephanopoulos, former apologist for President Clinton, on ABC's "Good
Morning America" show that day, also ignored Bush's superlative polls.

Not to be outdone, Diane Sawyer gushed to George her congratulations for his
"nonpartisan covering of the news" – when she had just witnessed his blatant
partisanship against our popular president. Perhaps media dandies are
entitled to take most of us to be simpletons.

The Shaw Doctrine

CNN's Bernard Shaw invented the Shaw Doctrine with his haughty refusal to be
debriefed by the U.S. military after returning from Baghdad during the Gulf
War. He chose to remain "neutral" because he considered that his journalist
status made him a "citizen of the world." Maybe the "world" will protect him
someday when he's roughed up in Shanghai.

Barbara Walters graciously explained why ABC News didn't want reporters to
wear flag lapel pins: "It might confuse viewers." The viewers would be more
confused trying to understand why not!

‘Honest Perso

[CTRL] Five Guerrillas Killed in Philippines

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Friday February 1 3:21 PM ET
Five Guerrillas Killed in Philippines

By ADAM BROWN, Associated Press Writer

ZAMBOANGA, Philippines (AP) - At least five Muslim guerrillas were killed
Friday in a battle with Philippine troops on Basilan island, where two
Americans and a Filipino nurse are being held hostage, a Philippine military
commander said.

The firefight came a day after the Philippines and the United States opened a
training exercise aimed at wiping out the Abu Sayyaf guerrillas, who have
been linked to the al-Qaida terror network.

In Manila, meanwhile, two lawyers asked the Supreme Court to stop the
exercise, arguing a bilateral agreement contains no provision allowing U.S.
troops to be deployed ``in a war zone area'' like Basilan.

Philippine soldiers engaged about 20 guerrillas in a 15-minute gunfight
around Maluso town on Basilan island near Zamboanga, Southern Command chief
Lt. Gen. Roy Cimatu said.

``I would say that this group is the blocking force of the main Abu Sayyaf
group that is holding the hostages,'' Cimatu said. ``If it is ... probably we
will have some positive developments in the near future.''

Troops recovered the body of one guerrilla, five assault rifles, personal
belongings and ammunition in the village of Las Poler. The remaining
guerrillas were being pursued by the marines, who suffered no injuries,
Cimatu said.

``We have destroyed their perimeter defense ... (while) degrading their
capability in terms of strength and firepower,'' he said.

The guerrillas have eluded about 7,000 soldiers deployed to Basilan since an
Abu Sayyaf kidnapping spree began in May. The guerrillas still hold Christian
missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham of Wichita, Kan., and nurse Deborah
Yap of Basilan.

On Thursday, U.S. troops began a six-month training exercise for Filipino
soldiers that U.S. charge d'affaires Robert Fitts said will ``help eliminate
the terrorist parasites'' threatening both countries.

The exercise will involve 660 U.S. soldiers, including 160 special forces
troops deployed among Philippine marine and army battalions on Basilan.

Some special forces may accompany Filipino soldiers into combat zones. They
are authorized to shoot in self-defense.

But opposition politicians say the mission violates a Philippine
constitutional clause restricting foreign combat troops on sovereign soil.

In their petition to the Supreme Court, lawyers Arthur Lim, former national
president of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and Paulino Ersando said
the bilateral agreement contains no provision allowing U.S. troops to train,
advise or chaperone Filipino troops ``in a war zone area like the one in

The agreement also does not allow American soldiers to fire back, the
petition said.

``To unleash American GIs to subdue (the Abu Sayyaf), even under the cover of
expanding the U.S.-led war against global terror, is not only an unmitigated
insult against the Filipino soldier, but a negation of our self-respect as a
people and a mockery of the Philippine Constitution,'' it added.

More than 100 U.S. soldiers already are in Zamboanga. Others will arrive in
coming weeks.

Adm. Dennis Blair, commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Command, said in
neighboring Malaysia on Thursday that the Philippine government told him the
mission's objective was to destroy the Abu Sayyaf.

``They are very much looking to identify, surround and capture the group,''
the Malaysian national news agency Bernama quoted Blair as saying. ``I think
we are working together to capture these international criminals and not
simply dump our problem on our neighbor.''

FBI (news - web sites) Director Robert S. Mueller acknowledged Thursday for
the first time that some of the planning for the Sept. 11 terror attacks on
the United States occurred in Malaysia.

``We believe there was planning in Germany and Malaysia and perhaps in other
countries,'' Mueller told reporters in Washington. He declined to offer
detail or to specify which other countries.

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[CTRL] U.S. Sends Strong Signal to China

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. Sends Strong Signal to China
NewsMax.com Wires
Saturday, Feb. 2, 2002
GENEVA, Switzerland – Washington is positioning for advantage ahead of the
Sino-U.S. summit, a potentially tough encounter going by the political
message a top Bush administration official sent to China, senior Western and
Asian diplomats said.
In a carefully prepared speech Thursday, U.S. Trade Representative Robert
Zoellick said relations between China and the United States "will be a key
determinant of whether peaceful competition or aggressive rivalry dominates
this new century."

He said the prospects for peace "depend significantly" on the maintenance and
acceleration of China's path to openness to the outside world and acceptance
of international norms.

In his presentation to the influential U.S.-China Council in Washington,
Zoellick noted China "is still a dictatorship."

"That's strong and undiplomatic language,” said senior diplomats close to the
Bush administration. "They [the United States] obviously want something."

A number of Western officials who declined to be identified said Zoellick was
"spot on."

This is "very political and unusual," said an ambassador from a major Asian
power. "Washington is upping the ante."

"They are putting the Chinese on the defensive," noted one top envoy and
linked the comments to moves by the Bush administration to "create some
negotiating chips I suppose ahead of the summit."

Zoellick said a high priority of far-seeing U.S. strategy "is to avoid drift
or cataclysm leading to a repetition of the poison and perils" of an earlier
era marked by U.S.-China confrontation in Korea and Vietnam.

The U.S. official alluded that the recent entry by China to the 144-country
World Trade Organization with its system of agreed rules that foster openness
and commercial fair play are likely to reinforce China's pursuit of
fundamental reform.

Concerning the WTO, Zoellick said China had undertaken many impressive
obligations but also stressed that Washington "will look to China to keep
all, not some of its obligations."

Between the lines, Zoellick is saying to Beijing that despite the political
tensions in China related to their WTO membership reforms, the United States
expects them to deliver, said an Asian ambassador.

"He’s sending a signal: ‘We’re top dog, don't challenge us,’" said a
Western European diplomat.

China is already flexing its muscle in the WTO forum as an important and
tough player, a WTO ambassador told United Press International.

"China can make a great contribution to opening markets if it uses its
influence to encourage policies that China itself has followed,” Zoellick
said. "It is not a given that China will do so."

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[CTRL] [ctrl] Death squads, drug wars and an airline; U.S., Peru and Japan

2002-02-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20020122/wl/peru_us_montesinos_1.html

Tuesday January 22 6:43 PM ET
U.S. Knew of Peru Spy's Trouble

By MONTE HAYES, Associated Press Writer

LIMA, Peru (AP) - U.S. officials continued working closely with Peruvian
spymaster Vladimiro Montesinos in the anti-drug fight despite an army officer's
tip that he was involved with death squad killings, newly declassified documents

The officer, a self-described member of a military death squad, offered in 1993
to provide U.S. officials with information linking Montesinos to the group,
according to a U.S. Embassy cable released Tuesday.

The latest declassified reports provide the clearest indication yet that U.S.
officials were aware early on that Montesinos, a key American ally in the drug
war, was involved with a death squad.

Montesinos was former President Alberto Fujimori (news - web sites)'s right-hand
man for a decade, until a corruption scandal involving the spy chief ended
Fujimori's 10 years in power in November 2000. Montesinos is now in a navy
prison awaiting trial on dozens of charges involving corruption, arms smuggling,
drug trafficking and directing a death squad.

Peruvian authorities say a group called Colina, made up of members of military
intelligence, was responsible for several massacres in the early 1990s of
suspected collaborators of the Mao-inspired Shining Path insurgency.

They said that in November 1991 its members shot to death 15 people in what's
become known as the Barrios Altos massacre. In July 1992 the Colina group killed
nine students and a professor at La Cantuta University.

A U.S. Embassy document dated January 1993 states: "An army officer who
allegedly belonged to an army intelligence/National Intelligence Service (SIN)
group that carried out the November 1991 Barrios Altos massacre is willing to
speak out.''

The paper said an intermediary "who is well known to us" told the embassy that
"the officer, who claims he did none of the actual shooting, wants U.S. help in
resettling in a third country."

"Reportedly he can identify officers who belonged to the special group, testify
about the group's ... killings and link SIN adviser (and Fujimori's closest
adviser) Vladimiro Montesinos ... to the Barrios Altos and other killings."

The testimony could have been devastating to the Fujimori regime, which had
denied it was involved in death squad activity.

Release of the document will likely draw heavy criticism from political leaders,
who have complained that the U.S. government could have done more to protect
Peru from Montesinos.

The embassy document, signed by Charles Brayshaw, then deputy chief of mission,
goes on to caution that a U.S. role "in assisting the officer to speak out would
become a major sore point in bilateral relations. It would, however, contribute
significantly to our human rights goals."

In the document Brayshaw requests that "Washington advise us on what we can tell
the officer." Neither the 1993 document nor others released Tuesday indicate
what position the State Department took.

"Cables go up from here and they often don't get responses, or cable responses,
maybe just a phone call to talk about it," embassy spokesman Douglas Barnes

He said he could not comment on the specific cable because he was not familiar
with its contents.

In May 1993 the army's third-ranking officer, Gen. Rodolfo Robles, publicly
disclosed the existence of the Colina death squad and Montesinos' involvement
with it. He took refuge in the U.S. Embassy, then fled to exile in Argentina.

In February 1994, a military court sentenced nine soldiers for the La Cantuta
killings. Among the convicted was Army Maj. Santiago Martin Rivas, the alleged
leader of Colina.

But in June 1995 Fujimori signed an amnesty law that freed the nine and
protected other human rights violators in the security forces from prosecution.

The 41 documents made available Tuesday were declassified in response to Freedom
of Information Act requests filed by the National Security Archive in

In early January, other declassified U.S. documents said embassy officials had
received a report from an unidentified former military intelligence officer only
days after Fujimori took office in 1990 that Montesinos was organizing
paramilitary death squads to fight leftist rebels.

The cable noted that the embassy could not independently confirm the secret

Those documents, declassified at the request of a Peruvian congressional
committee investigating Montesinos, also showed that U.S. officials considered
Montesinos a "close collaborator" in fighting drugs but were concerned that he
had "a significant amount of negative baggage."

In response to the release of those documents, U.S. Ambassador John Hamilton
said U.S. officials' hands were tied since Fujimori had designated Montesinos as
the official liaison for intelligence and anti-drug matters.

"He was there. We had to deal with him. He 

[CTRL] Bush to Propose $379B Defense Budget

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Friday February 1 8:06 PM ET
Bush to Propose $379B Defense Budget

By ALAN FRAM, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites) will propose a $379.3
billion Pentagon (news - web sites) budget, which would spend $9.4 billion to
battle terrorism, plus extra money for weapons procurement, training and a
pay raise for troops, according to documents obtained by The Associated

The proposal, part of the $2.13 trillion federal budget for next year that
the president will release Monday, provides the first detailed glimpse of
Bush's vision for defense spending. He and other administration officials
already have said defense, domestic security and the economy will be the
three top priorities of his spending plan.

Bush's plan calls for an increase of $45 billion, or 13.5 percent, over this
year's defense total. Bush announced a $48 billion increase last week, but
the budget documents use the smaller figure because they include spending
this year for some retirement costs that had not been counted earlier.

The papers show that Bush envisions the Pentagon's budget growing gradually
to $451.4 billion in 2007. When past years' defense budgets are adjusted for
inflation, the biggest ever was under President Reagan in 1985, $451.8

``The budget fulfills President Bush's pledge to win the war against
terrorism, defend America and its people, improve quality of life for our men
and women in uniform and accelerate a bold transformation of the U.S.
military to counter 21st century threats,'' one of the papers says.

The proposal, like the rest of the budget, will be considered by Congress.
But with a war against terror under way and troops in Afghanistan (news - web
sites), lawmakers of both parties are sure to support healthy defense
increases this year, even as federal deficits return.

``We support every penny that's necessary to fight terrorism at home and
abroad,'' said Thomas Kahn, Democratic staff director of the House Budget

Even so, some congressional officials have privately criticized Bush's
proposed increase as providing less than the numbers would make it appear.
They say that after money is factored out for inflation, costs of buttressing
the military's ailing health-care system and a $10 billion contingency fund
that Bush is proposing to cover military operations, little is left to
strengthen the Pentagon's war-fighting capabilities.

According to the documents, money for fighting terror includes $3 billion for
counterterrorism, force protection and domestic security; $1.2 billion to
continue combat air patrols over the United States; and extra money for
communications, munitions and other items.

Bush also wants $68.7 billion for buying weapons and other equipment, more
than 10 percent above the roughly $60 billion the Defense Department received
last year.

Included is $911 million to continue developing the Comanche reconnaissance

The budget also requests $53.9 billion for research and development, almost
10 percent above this year's total.

It includes $7.8 billion for national missile defense research and testing
procurement, plus an extra $815 million for development of space-based
sensors that can detect missile launches, about the same as this year.

The documents say Bush will also propose money for:

-A 4.1 percent increase in basic military pay, with the administration
considering additional raises for some officers;

-A cut in troops' out-of-pocket costs for private housing, from 11.3 percent
to 7.5 percent;

-Extra spending for costs of training and for the increased operations the
services have performed since additional troops were deployed overseas after
the Sept. 11 attacks.

The budget also is claiming about $9 billion in savings from ``management
improvements'' and changes in acquisition procedures, the documents say.

In other details obtained by The Associated Press, Bush's budget will also

-A $1 billion increase, to $11.35 billion, for grants to states for school
districts that have many low-income students. The Title I education program
was one of the initiatives that was given extra funds under the school
improvement bill that Congress and Bush enacted late last year;

-$8.5 billion in grants to states for special education, $1 billion more than
was provided this year for programs for handicapped children.

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[CTRL] Helms: Leaving the Senate but Not the Fight

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Helms: Leaving the Senate but Not the Fight
Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com
Friday, Feb. 1, 2002
ARLINGTON, Va. – The Senate’s conservative lion passed the torch to
America’s young people at a huge gathering, urging them to stand up and be
counted for principle.
"There’s too much expediency all around,” declared Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C.

In an emotional speech Thursday at the annual Conservative Political Action
Conference (CPAC), marked by thunderous standing ovations, Helms urged the
young conservatives in attendance to "stand up for and support President Bush
because he needs you.”

The veteran lawmaker, who will retire at the end of this year after 30 years
on Capitol Hill, choked up as he vowed his love for "those young people who
want to support the moral and spiritual principles of this country.”

Referring to President Bush as a "remarkable young man,” the senator recalled
a conversation this week in which the president told him he had to make a
decision years ago to choose between right and wrong.

Helms, whose decision to run for office in 1972 was prompted by "the
disgraceful conduct” of the 1960s counterculture, said the night he was
elected he promised himself he would see any young people who wanted to talk
to him. The former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said he
had "kept a lot of diplomats waiting while young people had come to see me.”

"I get a little choked up when I say this, but I love you. I wish you well.
God bless you.”

David Keene, president of American Conservative Union and organizer of CPAC,
said in response to Helms’ speech, "We know what you’ve meant to us, and we
love you too.” The CPAC conference had a banquet scheduled Thursday in the
senator’s honor.

The senator was introduced by Elizabeth Dole, who is running for his Senate
seat. He said he looked forward to next January "when she becomes the next
conservative Republican senator from North Carolina.” Dole said she wanted to
succeed Helms but knew she would never replace him.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Liberal Chris Matthews Slams Senate Dem 'Whiners'

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Liberal Chris Matthews Slams Senate Dem 'Whiners'
Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com
Friday, Feb. 1, 2002
ARLINGTON, Va. – Democrat-leaning commentator Chris Matthews compares Senate
Democrats to "kids in the back seat” whining and asking, "Are we there yet?”
Speaking Thursday at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference
(CPAC), he described President Bush, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and
other top administration officials as the leaders – "the adult drivers of the

He cited polls showing higher ratings for the president and Cabinet officials
than for senators.

Matthews, who worked in the past for such Democrats as President Jimmy Carter
and House Speaker Tip O’Neill, said today’s Senate Democrats can’t compare
with such "perennially optimistic” Democrats of the past such as John Kennedy
and Hubert Humphrey.

Today’s U.S. Senate is "packed with kids in the back seat,” the host of TV's
"Hardball” declared.

'Lined Up With Clinton's Lies'

"Every damn one of them lined up with Clinton’s lies,” he added.

For those who complain of U.S. treatment of murderous terrorists held at
Guantanamo base in Cuba, Matthews asked, "Did any of them complain of the
treatment by the communists in Vietnam to American POWs such as Senator

"No,” he answered, "because in that case, the offenders were on the left.”

Some C-PAC attendees expressed surprise at Matthews' comments, given that he
recently urged Democrats to slam Republicans on Enron, deserved or not.

At the same conference, another commentator, conservative Fred Barnes, cited
polls showing that in his 29 years of political reporting, "the Republicans
have never looked better. Never!”

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[CTRL] China to Publish Book on Its Role in 9-11 Attacks

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2002 10:03 a.m. EST

China to Publish Book on Its Role in 9-11 Attacks

China's largest publishing conglomerate – the Communist Party-controlled
Xinhua Publishing Corporation – has bought the Chinese publishing rights to
"Seeds of Fire."

This book reveals the background of China’s role in the 9/11 attack on

Written by award-winning former foreign correspondent Gordon Thomas, "Seeds
of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack on America" has become an
Internet best seller.

"And now, with President Bush's upcoming visit to China on Feb. 21, 'Seeds'
is 'on fire' for another reason as well," states Carol Adler, president of
Dandelion Books.

"It is the only book available that gives both the internal history and the
global forecast of China's intention to become a superpower. 'Seeds of Fire'
is a 'must read' for the news media, U.S. government and all who are
concerned about the future of the United States."

Thomas spent a year in China reporting on the events surrounding the
Tiananmen Square massacre – before he was ordered to leave the country.

But Xinhua intends to publish the book to a Chinese readership of some 350

The Beijing-based publisher recently created a furor in the West when it
issued books, films and videos glorifying the strikes of 9/11 as "a humbling
blow against an arrogant nation."

The sale to China represents the latest success in a global sales drive by
Dandelion. Since 'Seeds of Fire' was published six weeks ago, it has been
sold to 33 countries. The book is going into its second large print run.

"'Seeds of Fire' has attracted unprecedented success for Dandelion," said Ms.
Adler. "We are only two years old. It is a mark of trust in us that Gordon
Thomas rejected more lucrative offers to allow us to publish him. He has
worked closely with us in helping to market the book. This has been very much
a team effort.”

"Seeds of Fire" is to be the subject of an NBC documentary. German TV
networks are also planning programs based on the book.

Gordon Thomas, 69, whose books have sold 45 million copies worldwide, said
from his home in Dublin, Ireland: "I am stunned and delighted that in effect
the Chinese government is prepared to let its billion-plus population have a
chance to read what their government is planning to do: become the next
superpower by confronting the United States.”

In never-before-published official documents, "Seeds of Fire" reveals
briefing papers from the CIA that show how China may launch an all-out
nuclear attack against America "before 2015."

Hours after the book was published, the CIA confirmed the authenticity of the

"Seeds of Fire" also delivers the full extent of Chinese intelligence
operations within the United States. Its sensational revelations describe the
still highly secret information China's top defector to the U.S. has passed
on to the CIA.

It also details China's relationship with Osama bin Laden.

Said Gordon Thomas: "For me, it will be most interesting to see if the
Chinese government will allow me to go to China to promote the book. But I am
just so stunned and delighted that they are going to publish it. It is, I
hope, a sign that democracy is still far from dead."

Xinhua plans to publish a mass-market edition of the book.

"There is, I know, a great appetite for what the West has to say about
China," said Thomas. "But for the Chinese government to sanction publication
of a book that reveals many of the innermost strategic thinking of its
leadership is not only incredible – but refreshing!"

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] America Disenfranchised: Non-citizens Vote

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

America Disenfranchised: Non-citizens Vote
Dave Eberhart, NewsMax.com
Saturday, Feb. 2, 2002
With a bill outlining changes in federal election law proposed by Sen.
Christopher Bond, R-Mo., wending its way through Congress and the 2002
elections looming, a race is on to close loopholes in The National Voter
Registration Act of 1993 (the Motor-Voter law) that critics say have made it
easy for non-citizens to vote.
The Motor-Voter law requires that states permit anyone who gets a driver’s
license to register to vote at the same time. Usually, applicants who
register to vote are asked to affirm, without documentation, that they are

Forty-seven states do not require any proof of U.S. residence for enrollment.
Motor-Voter has added and continues to add millions of people to the voting

Critics of Motor-Voter, such as the watchdog organization The United States
Border Patrol, point out that when the Sept. 11 hijackers bought their
one-way tickets to California, they identified themselves with driver's
licenses from New Jersey, Michigan, Virginia and Florida – documents that
could have gotten them voting privileges in the very nation they sought to

Among other things, under the Bond bill there would be:

A requirement that when a person registers under provisions of the
Motor-Voter law - registers when getting a driver's license - the
registration card will at least ask if the person is a citizen and will
inform non-citizens that they may not register.

Provisional voting to allow a person not on the voting rolls to cast a vote
that will be counted if it can be proved that a clerical error kept the
person’s name off the rolls.

A bipartisan Election Administration Commission to help states and localities
comply with federal law and other matters.

Statewide registration to make it more difficult for persons to be registered
in several places and more difficult for local political organizations to
register non-citizens or non-existent people.
During the 106th Congress, Rep. Bob Stump, R-Ariz., introduced legislation to
repeal the Motor-Voter law outright as the best way to discourage the
registration and subsequent voting of non-citizens.

In 1996 Congress enacted the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act, making voting by non-citizens an offense punishable by
deportation. However, Congress failed to provide a mechanism by which state
and local election officials could check on citizenship, ensuring enforcement.

Subsequently, Rep. Steve Horn, R-Calif., pushed the Voter Eligibility
Verification Act, which would have given voter registrars the ability to
eliminate non-citizen voting. Under parliamentary rules, however, the bill
was bought to the floor under circumstances requiring a two-thirds majority
to pass. It failed.

Help for Al Gore

The issue of Motor-Voter facilitating non-citizen voting came to a head in
the historic and highly contested Election 2000.

"Did non-citizens, voting last November, influence the outcome of [Election
2000]?” asked Edward Nelson of United States Border Control. "With hundreds
of thousands of non-citizens, including illegal aliens, voting throughout the
country, there is no question about it.

"The election or defeat of candidates for Congress, the U.S. Senate,
governors, mayors, city councilmen, and, yes, even the president of the
United States was influenced dramatically by non-citizens voting illegally in
U.S. elections!”

According to Nelson, Motor-Voter forced states with previously strict
voter-eligibility requirements, such as Florida and Missouri, to accept
anyone’s word that he was eligible to vote.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Bring on the virgins!

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!




Bring on the virgins!



© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

The sound of fingernails scraping across a blackboard is less grating than
the voices of those who claim human rights violations of the al-Qaida
fighters being held at Guantanamo. That these captured combatants are still
alive is a gift they do not deserve.

The laws of God, nature and every nation declare the right of self-defense.
When innocent people were viciously attacked by al-Qaida terrorists, the
government of the United States was compelled to defend its citizens from
future attacks – by any means it could muster.

Those means included huge bombs that obliterated people. The al-Qaida
fighters and Taliban who fell victim to American bombs and bullets would not
likely consider the plight of their Guantanamo brethren to be such a terrible
violation of their human rights. Indeed, these captured al-Qaida combatants
have but one human right remaining – the right to be judged by their creator.
And as a proud American soldier observed, our job is to make the

These people are not prisoners of war as defined by the Geneva Convention, as
the U.N.'s Mary Robinson wrongly contends. Nor are they "entitled" to
protections the treaty affords as a matter of "international law," as Ramsey
Clark insists. Al-Qaida didn't sign the Geneva Convention, and al-Qaida is
not a nation. Its soldiers are not conscripted nor are they forced to fight.

Al-Qaida is a club, joined voluntarily by people who are taught to hate
America, who are taught to kill Americans, who live for the hope of dying
while killing Americans. These people chose to abandon the rules of war
fashioned by reasonable people; they are entitled to nothing more than the
fate they try to impose on others.

Americans are compassionate people, but we are not stupid. Amnesty
International contends that the transport of the captured combatants while
shackled and hooded was a violation of "international norms." What norms?
What's normal about people who hijack commercial jets and fly them into the
World Trade Center, expressly for the purpose of killing as many Americans as

What is normal? If a rattlesnake sneaked out of its den and attacked your
child, would it be normal to capture the snake, move it gently to a safe
place, feed it and protect it from any discomfort? I think not. What's normal
and prudent would be action that not only killed the snake, but also rooted
out the den and totally annihilated all of the occupants.

The treatment provided to the captured combatants at Guantanamo is far better
than they deserve. Terrorist sympathizers such as Mary Robinson and Ramsey
Clark are more eager to find an excuse to criticize the United States and
President Bush than to pursue justice for those caught in the act of war
against Americans. Americans demand that justice be exacted from those who
inflicted death and suffering upon thousands of innocent people. The railings
of terrorist sympathizers, magnified by a media eager to stir controversy, is
only designed to weaken and unravel the voluntary coalition of anti-terror
support built by President Bush.

What are we to do with the captured combatants? Those who argue for the
presumption of innocence and disposition through the American criminal
justice system argue for foolishness. There is no presumption of innocence;
these people were caught in the act of war against America. They are not
criminals as defined by U.S. criminal code; they are not prisoners of war as
defined by the Geneva Convention; they are captured combatants whose fate
should be decided by the Department of Defense under the command of the

The president has correctly decided that they will face a military tribunal.
And then what? Should we deal with them like a den of rattlesnakes? Should
they be imprisoned and kept away from society for the rest of their lives? Or
should they be returned to their homelands and released to organize another
army of hate against America?

As this war against terrorism continues, thousands of terrorists may be
captured. Robinson and Clark and their ilk will roar if we round up the
terrorists and give them the rattlesnake treatment. If we keep them in
prison, Amnesty International and their ilk will parade propaganda to the
world about our "inhumane" treatment and Americans will soon grow weary of
providing housing and food for our enemies. If we release them, they will
reorganize and strike again.

What a dilemma! Perhaps the only way to satisfy everyone is not to capture
the combatants, but instead help them find th

[CTRL] Idaho Repeals Term Limits

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Idaho Repeals Term Limits
Fri Feb 1,12:17 PM ET

BOISE, Idaho - Idaho became the first state to repeal its term limits on
Friday when the nation's most Republican Legislature overrode GOP Gov. Dirk
Kempthorne's veto.

Kempthorne, who rejected the repeal plan on Thursday, accused term-limit
opponents of ignoring the electorate and called the attempted repeal of the
1994 term-limit law unconstitutional.

After passing it with nearly 60 percent of the vote eight years ago, the
subsequent majorities have narrowed. A nonbinding vote on retention of term
limits passed with 53 percent in 1998.

The Idaho Republican Party once endorsed term limits as a way to end the
careers of liberal East Coast members of Congress. But the state GOP made the
repeal part of its platform two years ago.

Party leaders say local elected officials were never supposed to be the
target and that term limits take away critical experience from government,
especially in rural areas where many small towns have struggled to fill local

Currently 18 states limit the terms of state lawmakers.

The U.S. Supreme Court voided the congressional term limits in Idaho's law
and similar laws adopted in 15 other states in 1995. Only two states have
adopted term limits since that ruling.

The Idaho Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the state and local
government limits in December. They restrict school board and county
commission service to six years in any 11-year period and service in all
other elected state, city and county offices to eight years in any 15-year

Term limits advocates have promised to put the issue before voters in a
referendum in November. It would be the fifth time the Idaho electorate has
voted on the issue.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Women slam armed forces' PC policies

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Women slam armed forces' PC policies
Groups call on Bush to toughen standards, dump co-ed training



By Jon Dougherty
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

Female representatives of two political activist groups yesterday called for
changes to what they deem "politically correct" defense policies, urging the
Bush administration to stop co-ed military training and implement tougher
performance standards.

At a press conference, The Center for Military Readiness called on the
administration to end "political correctness taken to extremes."

"If America's armed forces are to be truly prepared for the challenges ahead,
the Bush administration must end politically correct policies that compromise
training standards, undermine discipline and morale, worsen deployability
problems, hurt recruiting and retention, force women into land combat and
ultimately endanger lives in" America's terror war, said a statement issued
by the group.

Elaine Donnelly, a member of WND's Speaker's Bureau, is president of CMR. Her
group was joined by Concerned Women For America, the nation's largest
public-policy women's organization, in calling for the elimination of "absurd
politically correct" military standards.

"As President Bush stated in his State of the Union Address" Tuesday night,
"the nation is focused on combating future terrorist attacks on America
through a strong and ready military," said a CWA statement. "Yet activists
are still promoting lower training standards and co-ed basic training
policies that disregard the safety of the American people for the false
leftist idea that women and men are exactly the same."

Both groups say liberal feminist groups are attempting to undermine national
security and military readiness with PC policies.

"The advocates of political correctness must not be allowed to detract from
the war on terrorism," said the CMR.

Karen Johnson, vice president of membership for the National Organization of
Women and a retired Air Force officer, says integrating women in male roles
is not a bad thing.

"Training men and women together enhances military effectiveness," she wrote
in a policy paper for NOW. "Women are a critical part of our military

"When the military leadership chooses to lead by example and exercises the
will to educate, investigate, adjudicate and eliminate sexual harassment and
misconduct, then we will see a precipitous decline in its incidence," Johnson

"I love that women can play sports, fly planes and even be president of
corporations," says Sandy Rios, president of Concerned Women, "but I don't
love the thought of a whole battalion of them being dropped in Afghanistan to
[wage] war against the Taliban.

"Forget the jokes about the estrogen-deprived woman being able to take on
anyone," she continued. "Powerful and angry as she is, she's no match for a
hooded man on a horse."

Rebecca Riggs, a spokeswoman for CWA, told WorldNetDaily that both groups
were opposed to Pentagon policies that weaken fighting forces and lower
training standards so that a majority of female soldiers, sailors and airmen
can pass them.

She also said a key government-related defense panel – the Defense Advisory
Committee on Women in the Services, or DACOWITS – is pushing for more combat
roles for women.

"What it wants to do now is to have women included in 'tip of spear' military
units," like Navy SEALS, Green Berets and Army Special Forces, Riggs said. If
DACOWITS is successful, she said, "it would lower the training standards for
those troops, just as we have had in every other [regular force] units where
women have been integrated."

Riggs said one woman who spoke at yesterday's press conference, Charmaine
Yoest, a national advisory board member with the Independent Women's Forum,
relayed a recent example involving DACOWITS that illustrated the need for
less military feminization.

"On Sept. 10 – the day before those awful terrorist attacks – DACOWITS was
discussing lactation and the need for breast-feeding policies within the
Army," Riggs said. "This, the day before so many people died" in New York
City and at the Pentagon.

"This is no longer a power game where ambitious women can try to advance
their careers," Rios said during her speech, "this is a matter of life and
death. Any claim that women are equal to men in combat settings is utterly

Rios cited a recent Royal British Army study that found stark differences
between men and women under combat conditions. In one phase of the study, men
failed 20 percent of the time to carry 90 pounds of artillery shells over
certain distances, she said, adding that women failed "90 percent of the

"In a mission simulating wartime conditions, male and female soldiers w

[CTRL] Amtrak Threatens to End Service

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Amtrak Threatens to End Service
Fri Feb 1,11:22 AM ET
By LAURENCE ARNOLD, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Amtrak on Friday threatened to discontinue all long-
distance train service in October if Congress doesn't give it $1.2 billion in
the next budget year.

The national passenger railroad, facing a possible restructuring by Congress,
said it will cut staff by 4 percent and make cuts in hiring, training,
advertising and supplies.

"Everyone knows that you can't make a profit while running a network of
unprofitable trains but that is exactly what we are expected to do," said
Amtrak President George Warrington.

Amtrak said service will not be affected in the current budget year, which
ends Sept. 30.

Amtrak plans to lay off 700 workers and cut costs elsewhere to trim what it
says is a $200 million shortfall this year, according to two sources
knowledgeable about the moves, who asked not to be identified.

The sources said Amtrak began broaching the idea of cuts in long-distance
trains to members of Congress on Thursday. That prospect likely would get the
attention of lawmakers, many of whom would be loath to accept any reduction
in service to their states.

Amtrak is under growing pressure to improve its finances. The congressionally
appointed Amtrak Reform Council will recommend next week that the government
break up Amtrak and open passenger rail to competition.

Amtrak has used more than $25 billion in federal subsidies since its
inception in 1971. Congress five years ago gave Amtrak until December 2002 to
end its reliance on annual operating subsidies.

Amtrak has broadened its ventures to try to increase revenue and was hopeful
the introduction of the nation's first high-speed train — Acela Express —
would give it the boost it needed. Systemwide ridership has increased every
year since 1996, to 23.5 million passengers in 2001.

But last week the Transportation Department's inspector general reported that
Amtrak lost $1.1 billion in 2001, the most in its 30-year history, and is no
closer to operational self-sufficiency than it was in 1998.

Last summer, Amtrak had to mortgage parts of New York's Penn Station — its
most valuable asset — for $300 million to keep trains running through the end
of the fiscal year.

This time, Amtrak plans to trim costs by laying off 700 people, including 300
managers, the sources said. Amtrak also plans to scale back the maintenance
on train cars.

Currently, when a train car is brought in for a specific reason like brake
work, Amtrak performs comprehensive repairs, right down to torn upholstery.
In the future, Amtrak will fix the immediate problem only.

Amtrak leaders have long said the federal government needs to invest more in
tracks, rail yards, stations and other assets. The sources said Amtrak
reported it has a $5 billion backlog of needed improvements that have not
been made through the years because of a shortage of capital funding.

The railway will ask for $1 billion in the fiscal year that begins in
October, on top of the $200 million it wants immediately to cover the
shortfall in the current fiscal year, the sources said.

Amtrak announced last summer that it would offer early retirement and
voluntary separation incentives to its 2,900 managers as part of a
cost-cutting effort. It is not known has many took the offer.

At the time, Warrington said Amtrak would spend four to six months seeking
ways "to eliminate overlapping operations, tighten cost controls and improve
revenue opportunities."


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] U.S. making final break with Arafat?

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. making final break with Arafat?
Sources: Arabs told that Yasser no longer deemed Palestinian leader



Editor's note: DEBKAfile's electronic news publication is a news-cum-analysis
live wire, online round the clock seven days a week. A weekly
edition,DEBKA-Net-Weekly, is now available through WorldNetDaily.com. Drawing
on DEBKAfile's unique sources, analytical talents and forward-looking
insights, it is presented as a compact, intelligence-angled weekly package.
It is available as a direct e-mail feed or via the Internet.

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

The Bush administration has decided on a final break with Palestinian
Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, according to DEBKA-Net-Weekly.

DEBKAfile sources in Washington disclose that a firm message sent last week
to the Arab governments with whom Washington deals makes it clear that the
U.S. no longer deems Arafat the Palestinian people's representative leader.

According to sources in Jerusalem and several Middle East and Gulf capitals,
the decision was marked final and irreversible.

There was more to the decision to pull the plug on Arafat than the discovery
of his large-scale arms smuggling operations aboard the Karine-A and his
association with Iran. When the U.S. government began a quiet investigation
of the Palestinian leader's other links with terrorist bodies, it turned up a
tangled clandestine web.

A source close to the investigation said to DEBKAfile: "We now know that
Arafat used his relations with the U.S. administration and intelligence going
back 10 years at least to cover up his long-active reciprocal ties with
terror groups operating in the Persian Gulf, the Middle East and West

In particular, he never really dropped his close association with Imad
Mughniyeh, the Iranian-Lebanese terrorist, whom Iran's hard-line spiritual
leader, Ali Khamenei, appointed to his top terror operational staff.
Mughniyeh started out in the 1970s as a member of Arafat's personal guard
Force 17, and the two men never lost touch. Their relations intensified after
Mughniyeh joined al-Qaida in the mid-1990s. He has since become Osama bin
Laden's chief operations officer.

Arafat's hidden links with Iraqi army intelligence elements working with
terrorist organizations also came under close scrutiny.

Our source commented: "We would not be too surprised to find him dealing
indirectly, or even directly, with Osama bin Laden or his top men. For the
time being, we are keeping our findings up our sleeves, but if, at some
point, letting the public know serves the investigation, we won't stop at
blowing the whistle on him."

DEBKAfile's sources add that the Arab and European governments also were
informed that Washington had imposed a freeze on the Palestinian-Israeli
peace process until the Palestinian Authority has a new leader.

A number of Middle Easterners and Europeans, in a last-ditch attempt to
rescue Arafat, asked the Americans for permission to mediate the crisis. They
were handed a list of pre-conditions:

Arafat must publicly confess his personal complicity in the aborted Karine-A
smuggling attempt, admit his direct contacts with the Iranian leadership and
Mughniyeh and apologize for instigating those connections.

Next, he must order the arrest, trial and sentencing – for real – of the
organizers of the Karine-A gun-running attempt and, furthermore, direct
Palestinian security services to disband – by force if need be – all the
Palestinian terrorist organizations, including the Fatah-affiliated Tanzim
and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine, the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.

The discredited Palestinian leader must also expose the Hezbollah and Iraqi
military intelligence agents and cells working on his behalf in
Palestinian-controlled West Bank and Gaza Strip areas and then deport them

Finally, Arafat must hand over the terrorist cells he planted among Israeli
Arabs and discontinue his subversive machinations in Egypt and Jordan.
"What we want," said one American source, "is for Arafat to act like
Musharraf and stifle terrorism. But we don't believe he'll do it."

Saudi, Egyptian and European sources rejected U.S. terms as synonymous with
Arafat's total capitulation and the renunciation of his Intifada and the
national goals he set for the Palestinians in September 2000.

Immediately after the U.S. decision became known last weekend, DEBKAfile's
sources report the affected governments swung into action.

To forestall the furious outbreaks of Palestinian violence expected to ensue,
the Jordanian army went on top alert and Israel's high command was ordered to
stand ready for a general offensive against Palestinian cities in the 

[CTRL] Rumsfeld Spells Out Defense Needs

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Rumsfeld Spells Out Defense Needs
Thu Jan 31, 1:48 PM ET
By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Thursday the
United States must prepare now for potential surprise attacks "vastly more
deadly" than the Sept. 11 terrorist hijackings.

In a speech laying out the Bush administration's justification for proposing
a $48 billion increase in the 2003 defense budget, Rumsfeld said the nation
is vulnerable to new forms of terrorism ranging from cyberattacks to attacks
on U.S. military bases abroad to ballistic missile attacks on American cities.

"Our job is to close off as many of those avenues of potential attack as is
possible," he said in a speech at the National Defense University.

His remarks coincided with new indications that terrorists have considered a
range of possible attacks. The FBI warned on Wednesday that al-Qaida
terrorists may have been studying American dams and water-supply systems in
preparation for new attacks. And in a report to Congress made public
Wednesday, CIA Director George Tenet said rudimentary diagrams of nuclear
weapons were found in a suspected al-Qaida safehouse in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Other evidence uncovered in Afghanistan includes diagrams of American nuclear
power plants, although it is unclear if an attack was planned.

Rumsfeld said there could be no doubt that in the years ahead the American
people will be faced with an attacker as unconventional and unpredictable as
the hijackers who killed more than 3,000 people by flying airliners into the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

He warned of new adversaries who may strike in unexpected ways with weapons
of increasing range and power. He appeared to be referring to ballistic
missiles, a weapon the administration fears countries like North Korea, Iran
and Iraq could either use against America or sell to terrorist groups.

"These attacks could grow vastly more deadly than those we suffered" on Sept.
11, he said.

Later in a question-and-answer session with his audience, Rumsfeld said that
if a terrorist group linked up with a "terrorist state" and obtained nuclear,
biological or chemical weapons, the group would have the power to put at risk
"not thousands of lives but hundreds of thousands of lives."

His speech made a case for spending more money on a wide range of weapons and
other military programs, although Rumsfeld mentioned no specific amounts of
spending for individual programs.

He made a pitch for deploying defenses against ballistic missiles to guard
against the possibility that American and allied cities could be held hostage
to "nuclear blackmail." And he said new earth-penetrating weapons could make
obsolete the deep underground bunkers where terrorists hide.

He said the war in Afghanistan has shown the effectiveness of some new
military technologies that past administrations failed to develop in
sufficient numbers. He cited the example of unmanned aircraft such as the
Predator, which provides live TV images of the battlefield but is in short

He also mentioned a shortage of manned reconnaissance and surveillance
planes, command and control aircraft like the Air Force's AWACS plane,
chemical and biological defense equipment and certain types of special
operations forces.

Rumsfeld cited specific lessons learned from the Afghan campaign:

_ Wars in the 21st century will increasingly require all elements of national
power — not just the military. They will require that economic, diplomatic,
financial, law enforcement and intelligence capabilities work together.

_ The ability of military forces to communicate and operate seamlessly on the
battlefield will be critical to success. He noted the success of U.S. special
forces on the ground in Afghanistan communicating target information to
pilots of Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps strike aircraft.

_ Wars must be fought by "coalitions of the willing" — they should not be
fought by committee. The United States has taken the lead in the war in
Afghanistan, not allowing coalition partners to determine the mission.

_ Defending the United States requires prevention and sometimes pre-emption.
Rumsfeld has said many times that the Sept. 11 attacks showed that it is
impossible to defend against every possible threat in every place at every
conceivable time. He cited the old saying that the best defense is a good

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Re: [CTRL] Colleen's Inane "Bible Code" (was; The New World OrderinBible prophecy)

2002-02-01 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 00:51:06 -0500
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Colleen's Inane "Bible Code" (was; The New World
> OrderinBible prophecy)
> -Caveat Lector-
> Not the least of which is my own...
> I have to be very careful just what I reveal -- there are powerful forces
> afoot in this world who would like to see this information surpressed,
> indeed who would like to see that all Subarus of a certain age would only
> be available to the Illuminati/NWO elite...
> Blondie hinted of this in "Rapture"...   ;-)

i think what you meant to say was:
"as Blondie told me, at a dinner with JFK (he was Irish and oh so handsome)
that Japanese cars (remember pearl harbor - many believe it was a Zionist
plot) and their oil spills, are the key to understanding and power.
It all in the code that a mechanic for the CIA told me was hidden in the
1987 Subaru outback manual.


wasn't that what you meant?

> June

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
William of Occam

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Nuclear Plants, Water Supply Placed on High Alert

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Nuclear Plants, Water Supply Placed on High Alert

Thursday, January 31, 2002

WASHINGTON — The government put nuclear power plants on high alert last week,
acting on a tip from an Al Qaeda operative that terrorists may be planning an
airplane attack on a power reactor, government officials said Thursday.

The alert, sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said "the attack was
already planned" and three people "already on the ground" were trying to
recruit non-Arabs to take part, a government source said.

Meanwhile, the FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Center issued a
"high-importance" bulletin warning about potential terrorist threats to
American water-supply systems.

The alert was issued after a computer owned by an individual indirectly
linked to Usama bin Laden was found to contain several software programs used
for structural engineering of "dams and other water-retaining structures."

The NRC's warning to nuclear power plants stemmed from information obtained
during questioning of an "Al Qaeda senior operative," prompting the FBI to
issue a warning to its field offices, said one government source, who spoke
on condition of not being identified further.

"We do not discuss the details of any of our [security] advisories," said NRC
spokesman William Beecher. He said that since the Sept. 11 attacks more than
20 advisories have been sent involving potential threats.

On Jan. 23, the NRC followed up with an advisory to operators of all 103
commercial nuclear reactors at 63 sites across the country, emphasizing that
the information had not been corroborated or otherwise authenticated.

The advisory said the Al Qaeda operative had told the FBI "there would be a
second airline attack" in the United States and "the plan is to fly a
commercial aircraft into a nuclear power plant."

The FBI had been told that "three individuals were on the ground ...
recruiting non-Arabs to take part in the attack" and they would choose the
reactor to be targeted, the advisory said.

"The plan would include diverting the mission to any tall building if a
military aircraft intercepts the plane," said the advisory, according to a
source familiar it.

Security at nuclear power plants was increased immediately after the New York
and Washington attacks, although federal and industry officials have
acknowledged that the threat of an attack using a commercial airliner has
never been specifically addressed.

The Jan. 23 advisory heightened industry awareness, but did not prompt any
dramatic, new security measures.

Beecher said the nation's nuclear power plants have been "on the highest
level of alert" since the Sept. 11 attacks and that has not changed.

FBI Director Robert Mueller on Thursday said there had been no new terrorist
threats or warnings in the last few days.

On Wednesday, U.S. officials released an unclassified report that said they
had uncovered rudimentary diagrams of nuclear weapons in a suspected Al Qaeda
safehouse in Kabul, providing further evidence of Al Qaeda's efforts to
acquire such weapons to use in terrorist attacks.

The unclassified report, submitted by CIA Director George Tenet to Congress,
said that the "diagrams, while crude, describe essential components — uranium
and high explosives — common to nuclear weapons."

The report added that the terrorists aren't believed to have a functional

Other evidence obtained in Afghanistan shows that Al Qaeda operatives have
fallen for a number of scams in their attempts to acquire nuclear weapons and
other weapons of mass destruction, a senior government analyst said.

Much of the terrorists' interest centers on chemical weapons, such as cyanide
salts, that could be used to contaminate food and water supplies and
assassinate individuals, the Tenet report says.

Further evidence uncovered from sites in Afghanistan includes diagrams of
American nuclear power plants showing Al Qaeda's interest in striking these
targets, but it's unclear how far along those plans were, a defense official

Fox News' Carl Cameron and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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[CTRL] Soldiers to defend U.S. borders

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Soldiers to defend U.S. borders
Infighting between military and other agencies could weaken security



Editor's note: In partnership with Stratfor, the global intelligence company,
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consider STRATFOR membership, entitling you to a wealth of international
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academic institutions and press agencies.

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

U.S. soldiers will be sent to protect America's borders for a brief amount of
time as part of the Bush administration's new homeland defense strategy, the
Associated Press reported Feb. 1, citing Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Pace said a new military commander will be appointed to oversee the operation
and coordinate U.S. military actions with other agencies. U.S. Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld also said during a speech Jan. 31 that the
commander would direct the country's air, land and sea defenses.

The establishment of a U.S. military command tasked with homeland defense
will lead to a bureaucratic clash between the military and other U.S.
agencies involved in domestic security matters. Eager to expand its own
budget, the military may try to assume responsibilities for missions already
covered by other agencies such as the U.S. Border Patrol, which is funded by
the Justice Department.

Other agencies likely to clash with the military include the Drug Enforcement
Agency, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and possibly even the
Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The infighting among the various branches of the U.S. security establishment
may weaken rather than strengthen domestic security in the short term. An
already well-entrenched rivalry could escalate and disrupt cooperation on
matters such as intelligence sharing.

In order to overcome the territorial disputes, efforts at integration may
occur. Ultimately, the U.S. military may attempt to absorb other security

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Arab press decries U.S. 'torture' of prisoners

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Arab press decries U.S. 'torture' of prisoners
Alleged terrorists get 3 meals daily, free medical, exercise, showers, Korans



© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

America's "torture" of al-Qaida prisoners is worse than Hitler's treatment of
Jews, says Egypt's government daily newspaper, Al-Ahram.

Referring to some 158 suspected al-Quida and Taliban terrorists currently
being detained by the United States at the U.S. Naval Station in Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba, much of the Arab press has been harshly critical of the U.S. for
its treatment of the prisoners.

Renowned Egyptian author and columnist for Egypt's daily Al-Ahram newspaper,
Anis Mansour describes the treatment of the al-Qaida and Taliban prisoners as
"worse than prisoners under the Nazis."

Here, as translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI,
are excerpts from Mansour's article:

"The Americans transferred the prisoners from Afghanistan to the Guantanamo
Bay base in Cuba. I saw this base in 1963, during the Tricontinental
Conference in Havana. It's a nice base. No one expected it to be turned into
a base for torturing al-Qaida members from Afghanistan, in a way
unprecedented in history – worse than what Hitler did to his rivals from
among the Jews and Christians.

"Hitler's soldiers burned, strangled, and then killed. But America's
prisoners were transferred in planes, on [a trip] lasting twenty hours. Under
normal circumstances, the trip would not have been exhausting. But what was
done to the prisoners is abominable!

"They are blindfolded, their ears covered, and their noses sealed. They can't
see, can't hear, and can't smell; they are in masks of iron. Their hands,
arms, necks, and legs are shackled in heavy choke chains.

"Twenty hours of sensory deprivation is sufficient to damage the senses of
any man. If the Americans add another 20 hours, [one doesn't know] whether he
is alive or dead. If we then remove the shackles, he will not know how – or
where – to walk!

"In the solitary confinement cells, the darkness is absolute. Suddenly, [the
Americans] shine a brilliant light and make aggressive [loud] noise for a few
moments; then quiet and darkness are restored. Those moments are enough to
make the prisoners blind, deaf, and brain-damaged.

"[Even] America's friends have condemned this inhuman treatment of the
prisoners of war. But U.S. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld said: 'They are not
prisoners of war, and the Geneva Convention does not apply to them.' He
claimed that they are criminals who violated the law, and were members of bin
Laden's gang.

"[He says that] the Americans blocked the prisoners' ears out of pity, so
that the noise of the plane would not bother them. Their noses were covered
so that they would not spread their contagious diseases to the soldiers
guarding them. This pressure on their nerves makes them easily turn over any
dangerous information they have.

"These prisoners of war cannot go to American courts to demand that the
Constitution be applied, because they are not on American soil – rather, at
Camp X-Ray, which is designed to turn them from men to beasts within hours!"

The alleged terrorists have been provided with three meals a day, medical
care, sleeping mats, exercise, and freedom to worship – including Korans
provided by the U.S. government.

Worse than Hitler?

As John Lehman reported in the New York Post, each al-Qaida and Taliban
prisoner has been given:

U.S. army standard-issue 1-inch-thick foam sleeping mat, one blanket, two
buckets, a one-quart canteen
Two orange boiler suits, one pair flip-flops
Two bath towels, one for washing, one for use as a prayer mat
A washcloth, toothpaste, soap, shampoo
A copy of the Koran
In addition, prisoners are served three "culturally appropriate" meals each

Breakfast – typically bread, cream cheese, an orange, a pastry, a roll, a
bottle of water
Lunch – typically a box of cereal, two cereal bars, a packet of peanuts, one
packet crisps, one packet raisins, a bottle of water
Evening meal – typically white rice, red beans, a banana, bread, a bottle of
The detainees' daily routine:

Breakfast followed by shower opportunity and personal time
Doctor visits to address any medical issues
Lunch followed by shower opportunity and personal time
Exercise period
Mail call – pens and paper are provided for limited time, letters may be
written under supervision, all pens are collected afterwards
Dinner followed by shower opportunity
The typical weather, notes the Post: "Sunny with temperatures ranging from 72
degrees at night to around 82 degrees maximum during the day."

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[CTRL] USA Freedom Corps Blasted by Libertarians, Taxpayer Group

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

USA Freedom Corps Blasted by Libertarians, Taxpayer Group
By Matt Pyeatt
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
February 01, 2002

(CNSNews.com) - President Bush's call for each American to donate two years
or 4,000 hours to community service is "incompatible" with the country's
tradition of freedom and individualism, according to the Ayn Rand Institute,
one of several organizations to come out against the idea introduced by the
president Tuesday in his State of the Union address.

"If you aren't sure how to help, I've got a good place to start," Bush told
Americans Tuesday. "To sustain and extend the best that has emerged in
America, I invite you to join the new USA Freedom Corps."

The president then took his $560 million plan on the road, visiting Winston
Salem, N.C. Wednesday, Daytona Beach, Fla. and Atlanta, Ga. Thursday. He
repeated the telephone number - 1-877-USA-CORPS - of the organization that
already has a White House office even if Congress hasn't yet approved its

Several groups say the program would be a waste of taxpayer dollars.

"The USA Freedom Corps is big-government Clintonism with a fresh coat of red,
white and blue paint," said Steve Dasbach, executive director for the
Libertarian Party. "If Republicans really believed what they say, it would be
the kind of pointless program they would abolish - not create.

"The last thing you want to do with such a noble gesture is to corrupt it by
turning it into another wasteful, inefficient and politicized government
program. To do so is not just an affront to the 90 million people who already
volunteer without a government paycheck - it's an affront to the cooperative,
unselfish, patriotic ideals of America," Dasbach said.

The National Taxpayers Union is also critical of the idea.

"Although President Bush delivered a loud and clear message on the need to
fund the war on terror, his domestic agenda actually calls for even more
spending," Tom McClusky, senior policy analyst for the NTU said.

McClusky called Bush's new proposal a re-tread of the Clinton
administration's AmeriCorps program, but noted that President Clinton only
called for $336 million to fund "volunteer" programs in his last State of the
Union address while Bush asked for $560 million for fiscal year 2003.

McClusky said Bush's plan also reminds him of the budget philosophy of the
late 1960s, which, he said, produced "a decade of high tax burdens, deficits
and general economic misery."

"Today, taxpayers and policymakers alike may need to weigh the costs and
benefits of both domestic and defense spending proposals in order to avoid
falling into the same mindset," McClusky said.

Alex Epstein, a writer for the Ayn Rand Institute, said USA Freedom Corps
troubles him for another reason.

"American individualism and freedom are incompatible with the notion that
people are servants who owe their lives - or any portion of them - to the
state or their neighbors," Epstein said.

"The collectivist belief in the supremacy of the group over the individual is
the foundation of the national-service ideology, which regards the individual
as a servant to the nation. Every totalitarian society in history has rested
on the premise of man's alleged duty to the state," he said.

The Bush administration has also set up a website, the toll-free number and a
flashy new red, white and blue logo for the program.

"If people want to fight terror, do something kind for a neighbor," Bush said
in North Carolina. "Love somebody. Mentor a child. Stand up to evil with acts
of goodness and kindness."

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bin Laden's sole post-September 11 TV interview aired

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bin Laden's sole post-September 11 TV interview aired
Fugitive al Qaeda leader vows fight to the death
February 1, 2002 Posted: 11:02 AM EST (1602 GMT)

Bin Laden: "Freedom and human rights in America are doomed."





WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Accused terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden said "the
battle has moved to inside America" in the only television interview he's
granted since the September 11 attacks -- now airing for the first time.

The interview was conducted by the Arabic-language Al-Jazeera network in late
October. Al-Jazeera decided not to televise it. CNN has obtained the
videotape and began airing it Thursday night.

"We will work to continue this battle, God permitting, until victory or until
we meet God," bin Laden -- the world's most-wanted fugitive, whose current
whereabouts are a mystery -- told the Kabul reporter for the Qatar-based

"I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed," bin Laden said
as the U.S. war on terrorism raged in Afghanistan. "The U.S. government will
lead the American people in -- and the West in general -- into an unbearable
hell and a choking life."

When asked about U.S. accusations of his "collusion" in the attacks in New
York and Washington, bin Laden responded, "America has made many accusations
against us and many other Muslims around the world. Its charge that we are
carrying out acts of terrorism is unwarranted."

But he then added, "If inciting people to do that is terrorism, and if
killing those who kill our sons is terrorism, then let history be witness
that we are terrorists."

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer reacted to the bin Laden
interview. "Everybody knows how evil Osama bin Laden is," Fleischer told CNN.
"Other tapes have shown him take credit for the attacks and show he had
advanced knowledge of the attacks. This tape showed the importance of
completing the mission and protecting freedom, a mission that is bigger than
Osama bin Laden."

Al-Jazeera conducted the exclusive interview with bin Laden on October 21,
but declined to air it. Nearly two months later, the network said it did not
meet its standards and was not newsworthy.

CNN felt otherwise.

"Once that videotape was in our possession, we felt we had to report on it,
and show it because it is extremely newsworthy," said Eason Jordan, CNN's
chief news executive. "And we really were dumbfounded as to why Al-Jazeera
would decide not to air or even acknowledge the existence of the videotape."

Thursday, Al-Jazeera said it was severing its relationship with CNN and
taking "the necessary action to punish the organizations and individuals who
stole this video and distributed it illegally."

"Al-Jazeera does not feel it is obligated to explain its position and its
reasoning of why it chose not to air the interview," it said in a statement.

CNN issued a statement saying: "CNN did nothing illegal in obtaining this
tape, and nothing illegal in airing it -- our affiliate agreement with
Al-Jazeera gives us the express right to use any and all footage owned or
controlled by Al-Jazeera, without limitation."

Jordan said CNN has worked "very hard to establish and maintain and grow a
very, very good relationship with Al-Jazeera, but this is a tough spot." He
said the network "has some very tough questions to answer. Among them, why
was the interview not ever televised, why did Al-Jazeera initially deny the
existence of the tape, and what other tape does Al-Jazeera have, or did it
have, that had never been acknowledged or televised. Clearly a lot of
interesting material has fallen into Al-Jazeera's hands."

Al-Jazeera has not disclosed where the hour-long interview was conducted. The
reporter seemed to have a professional rapport with bin Laden and asked him
if he was behind the anthrax attacks in the United States that began some
weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes.

Bin Laden did not offer a direct response but said, "These diseases are a
punishment from God and a response to oppressed mothers' prayers in Lebanon
and Palestine."

Later, bin Laden said, "We kill the kings of the infidels, kings of the
crusaders and civilian infidels in exchange for those of our children they
kill. This is permissible in Islamic law and logically."

The reporter then said, "So what you are saying is that this is a type of
reciprocal treatment. They kill our innocents, so we kill their innocents?"

Bin Laden's response: "So we kill their innocents, and I say it is
permissible in Islamic law and logic."

During the interview, which was taped in late October bin Laden ridiculed
White House concerns that other on-camera statements he has issued since

[CTRL] Combating Terrorism: 'It Starts Today' Part 2

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

"I knew full well that if we could rally the American people behind a long
and difficult chore, that our job would be easier," he recalled in the
interview. "I am a product of the Vietnam era. I remember presidents trying
to wage wars that were very unpopular, and the nation split."

Bush pointed to a portrait of Abraham Lincoln that hangs in the Oval Office.
"He's on the wall, because the job of the president is to unite the nation.
That's the job of the president. And I felt like, that I had the job of
making sure the American people understood. They understood the severity of
the attack. But I wasn't sure if they understood how long it was going to
take and what a difficult process this would be."

We're going to be entering missions where U.S. military personnel will be at
risk, Bush told his advisers. We need to be careful. He told Hughes she would
be in charge of the communication effort. He wanted Defense and State and
other agencies all operating from the same plan. Make sure the left hand
knows what the right hand is doing, he said.

For nearly an hour, Bush talked about what he expected from his
communications team. His advisers remember it as a mostly one-way
conversation. Bush stressed the unconventional aspects of the war – the role
of law enforcement, of intelligence-sharing, of disrupting the terrorists'
financial network, the role of the CIA and the fact that much of the war
would be invisible. He said there would be parts of the campaign that they
could not talk about. He wanted the advisers to think of ways to showcase all
elements of the war they could talk about, particularly the financial piece
and not just the visible portion of the military action.

This would not be a rerun of the Gulf War, he told his advisers, despite what
many Americans might be expecting. As a result, a more innovative
communications strategy was needed. He asked his advisers to think
unconventionally about how to explain the mission, the risks and the time it
might take to complete the tasks ahead.

We cannot tolerate leaks, he said insistently. Lives will be at stake.
Rumsfeld and the Pentagon would talk about operations; White House officials
would not. We will not be able to confirm some actions or operations. Your
jobs will not be easy.

"I was very clear off the beginning," Bush said in the later interview. "This
is one area of communications where I knew exactly what I needed to say. And
I wanted them to understand, because their job is to be a part of the
dissemination process. And that this was this: We're in for a difficult
struggle; it is a new kind of war; we're facing an enemy we never faced
before; it is a two-front war, initially, Afghanistan and at home. America
had never been attacked before. We had to describe to the American people
that we were under attack and we're going to do something about it."

"I also had the responsibility to show resolve. I had to show the American
people the resolve of a commander in chief that was going to do whatever it
took to win. No yielding. No equivocation. No, you know, lawyering this thing
to death, that we're after 'em. And that was not only for domestic, for the
people at home to see. It was also vitally important for the rest of the
world to watch. These guys were watching my every move. And it's very
important for them to come in this Oval Office, which they did, on a regular
basis, and me look them in the eye and say, 'You're either with us or you're
against us.'"

Twice during the meeting with his communications team, Bush was interrupted
for calls with foreign leaders, including one with Mexican President Vicente
Fox, whose ranch he had visited shortly after taking office. As the two
ranchers spoke, Bush slipped into the vernacular of the Old West to reveal
his feelings about finding and capturing bin Laden. "Wanted dead or alive.
That's how I feel," Bush said.

When Bush finished meeting with the members of his communications team, he
excused them and turned to Rice and asked her to stay behind. "I know what I
want to do and I'm going to do it tomorrow at the NSC," he told her when they
were alone. He then outlined the orders he wanted to issue.

There was no real discussion as the two sat in the Treaty Room, just Bush
dictating a list of actions he would order the next morning.

Before the meeting ended, Bush made one other point to Rice, which
encapsulated the tension they all had been dealing with since the attacks.

The American people will give us time, he told her. They will be patient
enough. Still, he knew patience had its limits. He could not go on
indefinitely issuing brave warnings to the terrorists and then not act. He
told Rice he needed to know how long it might take before they could go to
war; he had to prepare the public for what was coming.

The president said he was caught between his determination to show people
that h

[CTRL] Combating Terrorism: 'It Starts Today' Part 1

2002-02-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Combating Terrorism: 'It Starts Today'

By Bob Woodward and Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, February 1, 2002; Page A01

Monday, September 17

At 9:35 a.m., President Bush and his war cabinet reconvened at the White
House. Some of those gathered around the conference table in the Cabinet Room
did not know what to expect – perhaps more review and discussion, even more
questions or analysis.

When their meeting broke up Saturday afternoon at Camp David, Bush had not
made up his mind about the options presented to him that day. But after
returning to the White House Sunday, he had told national security adviser
Condoleezza Rice what he wanted to do. Now he shared his decision with the
other advisers.

"The purpose of this meeting is to assign tasks for the first wave of the war
against terrorism," the president said, sitting at the traditional center
seat on the window-side. "It starts today."

At Camp David, Bush had expressed his enthusiasm for the expansive role that
CIA Director George J. Tenet proposed for his agency. Bush said he was
approving all of Tenet's requests.

"I want to sign a finding today," the president said, referring to a top
secret presidential intelligence order – called a Memorandum of Notification
(MON) – that would authorize the CIA to undertake a far-reaching and
unprecedented worldwide covert war against terrorism. He also approved
Tenet's proposal for CIA paramilitary teams to go into Afghanistan.

"I want the CIA to be first on the ground," Bush said. The agency's six- to
eight-man teams would be assigned to linking up first with the anti-Taliban
opposition forces of the Northern Alliance, and then with U.S. ground troops.

On domestic security, he reiterated the change in priorities that had been
outlined by Attorney General John D. Ashcroft. "The attorney general, the CIA
and the FBI will assist in protecting America from further attacks," the
president ordered. The new policy would stress protection of the United
States – preemption of future attacks – instead of the traditional emphasis
on investigations, gathering of evidence and prosecution.

He directed that Ashcroft complete a legislative package to submit to
Congress requesting new legal authority for the FBI to track, wiretap and
stop terrorists – a project already well underway.

The Pentagon also would have a role in security. To Defense Secretary Donald
H. Rumsfeld, he said, "We need plans for protection of U.S. forces and
installations abroad."

On the diplomatic front, Bush had resolved in his mind the debate over how to
deal with the Taliban. "The secretary of state should issue an ultimatum
against the Taliban today," the president said, virtually barking out orders.
He added he wanted something "warning them to turn over [Osama] bin laden and
his al Qaeda or they will suffer the consequences."

"If they don't comply, we'll attack them," Bush said. "Our goal is not to
destroy the Taliban, but that may be the effect."

He turned to the military component. "We'll attack with missiles, bombers and
boots on the ground," he said, choosing the most extensive of the three
options presented to him by Gen. Henry H. Shelton, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. "Let's hit them hard. We want to signal this is a change
from the past. We want to cause other countries like Syria and Iran to change
their views." Syria and Iran had been connected to previous terrorist
attacks, going back decades.

"We want to hit as soon as possible," the president said.

The Pentagon should develop and present a detailed plan, he said, but it was
clear some basic questions about the operation – raised six days before by
Rumsfeld – had not been resolved. He repeated those questions once more:

What targets can we do, and how soon? What allied forces do we want? When?
How? What's in the first wave? What's later?

Putting boots on the ground before bombing in Afghanistan would be a good
idea, he said, adding, "We are going to rain holy hell on them."

Bush had vowed that the U.S. military response would not be a tentative one.
He made that point again. "You've got to put lives at risk. We've got to have
people on the ground."

At a war cabinet meeting on Sept. 17, President Bush asked that Secretary of
State Powell "issue an ultimatim against the Taliban today!" (AP Photo)

Protocol dictated that the secretary of state speak first after the
president, so Powell took the floor. He had been slightly taken aback that
Bush wanted to give the Taliban an immediate ultimatum. Powell said he would
need time to work on it. It was night in South Asia, about 10 hours ahead.
Since the United States did not have diplomatic relations with the Taliban,
any private ultimatum would have to be issued through Pakistan's government.

There were additional complications.

Re: [CTRL] Colleen's Inane "Bible Code" (was; The New World OrderinBible prophecy)

2002-02-01 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: inri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>i expect that you will provide the list with weekly reports on your oil
>leaks. we need patterns, rates of leaking, the works.

You must realize that it's not just the leaked oil, there has to be just
the right amount of dampness to the pavement to achieve the optimal
swirling iridescent pattern, which is then interpreted in much the same
manner as the ancient Romans read omens in the entrails of slaughtered

This also can only be done when the sun and moon and stars are in proper
position; if they ain't up in the sky, I know it's a bad time to read my
oil leaks...

If the sun and moon and stars are in the proper position (e.g., up in the
sky), I then also have to partake of the ritual soma, altho I have yet to
come up with the powerful combination of hallucinogens that Colleen
obviously enjoys...

>don't waste any time june! there could be lives at stake!

Not the least of which is my own...

I have to be very careful just what I reveal -- there are powerful forces
afoot in this world who would like to see this information surpressed,
indeed who would like to see that all Subarus of a certain age would only
be available to the Illuminati/NWO elite...

Blondie hinted of this in "Rapture"...   ;-)


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Man's sex with goat

2002-02-01 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well flw hard to believe this story for it came out SUN.   One story
told of vampires and believe it was true.

So there is a stupid movie called ANIMAL which I was unfortunate to see
at a friends house who ordered it and was sorry.

About a young kid, who has a terrible accident and almost dies but this
scientist who finds him, takes animal body parts and brings him
virtually back to life.

Only thing - suddenly he goes after this goat.   The scene changes and
then suddenly you see this guy flying through the air for the goat
butted him 50 feet or so.   Or what appeared to be him.

I will say this when he went up to this goat looking at it lovingly, and
petting its head and this goat had big long ears and soulful eyes

Well this story sounded like a take off of this movie.

Is this the SUN that this Rupert Murdoch owns?

Anymore I do not even read these tabloids when they are free waiting in

So I guess he last shock wave is what the bible calls beastiality?

Think Joshua2 would like a nice goat for Valentines Day?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Man's sex with goat

2002-02-01 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Message>Ah the joys of a train ride through the English country side...
>This guy is either seriously demented or undre some heavy-duty
>mind control.

Rather strange. OK to butcher, cook and eat the goat but
unacceptable to fuck it. Seems to me the English are demented
more then the goatfucker.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Colleen's Inane "Bible Code" (was; The New World Order inBibleprop...

2002-02-01 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 2/1/02 9:29:54 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

She's a liar and a whack job. What's the point?

Since you're SO opposed to the idea I'm willing to give it a second look...it can't be all bad.

(Who'd buy a used car from Saba before a used CD from Zev/Josh/Billy Schwartz)

Re: [CTRL] Colleen's Inane "Bible Code" (was; The New World Order inBibleprophecy)

2002-02-01 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> From: Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >So all these secret societies have it seems one common denominator -
> >they use the Bible as their Master Plan and many have a bible calendar,
> >but THE Calendar, the Master Plan, is the one I hae which was in a
> >Gideon Bible dated 1954..keyed from JFK murder right down to the
> >Twin Towers.   For a date and appointed time certain.

She's a liar and a whack job. What's the point?


> Gee, Colleen, for at least the past two years some of us have demanded that
> you PROVE the efficacy of your so-called "Bible calendar code" by providing
> just ONE prediction BEFORE THE FACT...
> Now you claim that it predicted the destruction of the WTC towers on 9/11,
> yet not once did you even HINT of this BEFORE it happened...
> I could just as easily claim that the patterns caused by my car's oil leaks
> predicted the destruction of the WTC towers on 9/11, or that my collection
> of Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter Whimsey mysteries contain a hidden code that
> predicted the JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations...but unless I'm able to
> provide a prediction BEFORE an event against which the accuracy of my
> claimed source of prophecy can be judged, such claims would be just so much
> hogwash...
> ...as are YOUR claims regarding your so-called Bible Code
> You had a perfect opportunity to display its supposed power by warning us
> BEFORE 9/11 of the events that were due to happen on that date; so why
> didn't you, Colleen?
> June

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US officials struggle to paper over Bush speech

2002-02-01 Thread William Shannon

US officials struggle to paper over Bush speech

By Our Staff Correspondent

WASHINGTON, Jan 31: Senior US administration officials are attempting to scale down the Caesar-like imperial pronouncements made by President George W. Bush in his State of the Union address to Congress on Tuesday in which he put Iran, Iraq and North Korea in an "axis of evil" and threatened them with military action.

It is being suggested that the president was merely sending a signal to the three nations and others seeking to acquire weapons of mass destruction or seen as abetting terrorism and putting them on notice.

Various officials stressed in briefings on Wednesday that Bush had earlier been saying more or less the same things that he outlined in his speech on Tuesday and said the president was not suggesting imminent military action.

Some officials who had seen the speech before it was delivered were reported to have advised against the strong phraseology employed by the president, but their advice was not heeded.

Bush's "evil axis" remark led to close questioning at the State Department briefing on Thursday, when Spokesman Richard Boucher was asked whether there was evidence of any combined effort between Iran, Iraq and North Korea that justified the term "axis".

Boucher said the word was appropriate because there were relationships between these countries, each of which had weapons programmes that constituted a danger to countries in the region and to the world. But he would not be drawn into discussing what the "relationships" were, saying he would just leave it at that.

Boucher also indicated that the possibility of negotiations on issues of concern to the United States remained open. He said opportunities to explore cooperation were utilized whenever the occasion arose, such as when the Iranian government cooperated with efforts at Bonn for the formation of an interim administration in Kabul. But then, Boucher said, there were concerns about what Iran was doing on the ground in various places in Afghanistan, and this was followed by the arms shipment episode.

On North Korea, he said the US remained prepared to undertake a serious discussion at any time and anywhere on nuclear proliferation issues, and President Bush's speech was a signal to the North Koreans to undertake such discussions.

The US president is due to visit South Korea next month, and Seoul is worried that Bush's speech might have harmed chances of seeking a rapprochement with North Korea and endangered South Korea's "sunshine policy" towards the North.

At the Pentagon, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld defended his president's speech, saying it had "near perfect credibility" and declaring that despite Iran's offers to help in the war against terrorism, "we know Iran is actively sending terrorists" to threaten Israel and "we also know that they have a very active weapons of mass destruction programme".

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said in using the word "axis", Bush meant no comparison to the Axis powers of Germany, Italy and Japan during World War II.

[CTRL] J'Accuse: Bush's Death Squads

2002-02-01 Thread William Shannon

J'Accuse: Bush's Death Squads 


Today, The Washington Post ran the fifth segment in its series on what transpired within the Bush Cabinet in the aftermath of September 11. 

Of particular interest is what CIA Director George Tenet brought to the table at Camp David last September 15. 

According to the article by Bob Woodward and Dan Balz, when Tenet produced a Top Secret "Worldwide Attack Matrix" that specified targets in 80 countries around the world, he sought unprecedented authority to simply assassinate foreign terrorists directly or though allied intelligence services. 

The CIA even prepared a "Memorandum of Notification" which would allow the agency to have virtual carte blanche to conduct political assasinations abroad. 

This Memorandum trumped previous mechanisms by which the President would authorize intelligence actions (but not assassinations) through individual Presidential Findings. The fail safe mechanisms established under the administrations of Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton were simply erased at the urging of Tenent.

In light of these revelations, what was authorized by the President may have led to the assassinations of a umber of human rights and ethnic leaders not connected in any way with Al Qaeda but did represent bothersome roadblocks to a number of U.S. military and corporate interests. 

It now seems likely, given the unprecedented "license to kill" President Bush granted to the CIA, there was U.S. complicity in the murders of the following individuals. Human rights commissions and war crime tribunals in Belgium and France should take a close look at these likely criminal misadventures: 

1. Theys Eluay. Today, the Indonesian army chief, General Endriartono Sutarto, confirmed in Jakarta that West Papuan independence leader Theys Eluay was assassinated by Indonesian Army units after he was kidnapped last November 11. 

The assassins were members of KOPASSUS, a special operations unit trained by U.S. Special Forces and CIA personnel and was involved in massacres in East Timor during the Indonesian occupation of that country. 

In 1969, West Papua was formally handed over to Indonesia by the United Nations after a referendum, now widely recognized as rigged, determined that the non-Indonesian population wanted to be Indonesian. Eluay was a thorn in the side of Freeport McMoran, a Louisiana-based mining company that has pillaged West Papua's natural resources and has been accused by local activists of propping up local Indonesian army and KOPASSUS officers with bribes and favors. 

Henry Kissinger serves as a Director Emeritus on the board of directors of Freeport and former Louisiana Senator J. Bennett Johnston, recently identified as a lobbyist for Enron, serves as a full member of the board. 

2. Abdullah Syafii. On January 22, 2002, Indonesian army troops assassinated the military commander of the Free Aceh Movement, Abdullah Syafii. The Free Aceh Movement demands independence for Aceh, a region in northwest Sumatra, and is a member of the non-violent Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), an international organization headquartered in the Netherlands. It has also been at loggerheads with ExxonMobil, which has extensive drilling and refining operations in the territory. 

Aceh's Governor Abdullah Puteh, who is claimed by local activists to be on the payroll of ExxonMobil, had written a letter to Syafii inviting him to attend peace talks with the government. Syafii's lieutenants claim that the letter contained a small microchip that permitted Indonesian KOPASSUS troops to track him down and ambush him. The operation has all the earmarks of the CIA, which can rely on National Security Agency (NSA) satellites to track such microchip transponders. 

3. Elie Hobeika. Elie Hobeika was the head of the Lebanese Forces militia, a right-wing Christian army that was allied with Israel during its 1982 occupation of Beirut. Although Hobeika was in charge of the Christian forces that massacred hundreds of Palestinian men, women, and children at the Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps that year, he had irrefutable evidence that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had authorized the mass murder in his role as Israeli Defense Minister. 

An official Israeli commission of inquiry found Sharon indirectly responsible for the massacres. Hobeika was going to testify against Sharon at an upcoming Belgian war crimes tribunal which has already indicted Sharon for the war crimes. It was that testimony that resulted in Hobeika being silenced by a Mossad car bomb that exploded near his SUV near Beirut. The bomb killed Hobeika and his bodyguards. The CIA, now closely allied with Mossad, is said to have given its approval for the action. 

4. Chief Bola Ige. On December 23, 2001, Chief Bola Ige, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Nigeria, was assassinated in the 

Re: [CTRL] Some Got rich off Tragedy/Insider Trading

2002-02-01 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 2/1/02 8:16:02 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

(Mike Ruppert wrote about this - here is another source.)



By the way, the AFP is a VITAL source of uncensored news, I get it delivered to my door each week and HIGHLY RECOMMMEND that any other seekers of unfiltered truth do the same.

Good call Sammark!


[CTRL] Some Got rich off Tragedy/Insider Trading

2002-02-01 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

(Mike Ruppert wrote about this - here is another source.)



A Select Few Seem to Have Profited from Advance Knowledge of the Terror
Attacks on America

Sept. 11 marked a devastating loss for the nation, but shrewd financial
speculators with ties to the highest levels of the CIA appear to have
profited from the disaster, raising questions about exactly who had prior
knowledge of the terrible tragedy.

Exclusive to American Free Press

By Christopher Bollyn

The day two passenger planes crashed into the World Trade Center ended
differently for different people. For some 10,000 children it meant the loss
of a mother or father. For millions of Americans it marked the end of
normality. For a select group of financial speculators it meant increased

There have been numerous reports of unusual activity in financial markets
around the world suggesting prior knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

In Chicago, home of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), the largest of
the five options exchanges in the nation, brokers and speculators known as
options traders wage bets daily about what a stock price will do. In options
trades there are winners and losers regardless of the outcome.

The catastrophic events of Sept. 11 were no different; the devastation at the
World Trade Center resulted in some speculators winning millions of dollars
from options purchased at the CBOE-while others lost their lives.

A $2.5 million winning that resulted when the United Airlines share price
fell after two of its planes crashed remains unclaimed more than six weeks
after the tragedy.

Investigations into the unusually high number of "put" options, betting that
the price of United Airlines (UAL) and American Airlines shares would fall,
have revealed that Alex Brown Inc., an investment banking firm, purchased
many of these option contracts.
Alex Brown Inc. was, until 1998, managed by the man who is now the executive
director of the Central Intelligence Agency, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard.

Krongard, 64, former head of Baltimore-based Alex Brown, America's oldest
investment bank, joined the CIA three years ago as a counselor to Director of
Central Intelligence George Tenet.

Krongard switched careers shortly after helping engineer the $2.5 billion
merger of Alex Brown and Bankers Trust New York Corp., gaining $71 million in
Bankers Trust stock in the process.

President Bush appointed Krongard executive director of the Central
Intelligence Agency on March 26. From February 1998 until March 2001,
Krongard served as counselor to the director of central intelligence. Until
1997 Krongard was chairman of the investment bank A.B. Brown, having
previously worked in various capacities at Alex Brown.

Krongard was quoted on the relationship between Wall Street and the CIA in an
article by The Washington Post. If you go back to the CIA's origins during
World War II in the Office of Strategic Services, Krongard told the Post,
"the whole OSS was really nothing but Wall Street bankers and lawyers."


Between Sept. 6 and 7, the CBOE saw a dramatic spike in the purchases of put
options on United Airlines stock compared to call options.

A "put" option increases in value when the stock price falls, while a "call"
option increases if the share price rises. The ratio of "put" options to
"call" options was 12 to 1, with 2,372 "put" options purchased, betting that
UAL stock would fall compared with 198 "call" options. The winners on these
options deals walked away with untold millions of dollars in profits.

On Sept. 10, speculators in Chicago purchased put options on American
Airlines, the other airlines involved in the hijackings, at a ratio of 6 to 1
against "call" options. Traders bought 2,258 put options as compared with 374
"call" options the day before the crashes.

There were similar spikes in "put" option contracts on the shares of the
investment firms of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. and Merrill Lynch & Co.,
major tenants of the World Trade Center, occupying 22 floors each, who were
both devastated by the terror attacks.

In the three days of trading prior to Sept. 11, Morgan Stanley "put" options
spiked dramatically.

According to figures provided by Options Clearing Corp. of Chicago, during
the two trading days before the attacks the total number of "put" options
jumped to 7,647 compared with a daily average of 2,384 during the month of
August. Morgan Stanley's shares fell from $48.90 to $42.50 in the aftermath
of the attacks.

Likewise, Merrill Lynch "put" options jumped to 64,445 in the three days
before the attacks. On Sept. 10, 28,960 "put" options were purchased on
Merrill Lynch compared with a daily average of 5,430 during the month of
August. Merrill's shares fell from $46.88 to $41.50. H


Re: [CTRL] US tests spy-style air security system

2002-02-01 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-

> from - http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_510779.html
> US tests spy-style air security system
> The American government is to begin testing an air security system which will
> track passengers' travel movements and living arrangements.
> The hi-tech system will link every reservation system in the US to government
> databases to look for suspicious patterns of travel.
> Personal information including addresses, credit card numbers and links to other
> passengers would be used to give everybody who buys an airline ticket a threat
> rating.
> Those thought to be highest risk would be singled out for extra checks under the
> plans.
> But the move has been slammed by human rights watchdogs, who accuse the
> government of launching a massive invasion of people's privacy in the search for
> security.
> The system would look for high-risk situations, such as one man buying tickets
> for four other men who have shared addresses in the past, but asking to sit in
> different parts of the plane.
> It would also look for links between passengers on different planes and assess
> their travel history each time they buy a ticket, linking hundreds of different
> databases to make its assessment.
> Both Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines have acknowledged they are working
> on prototypes, while the American government intends to begin testing on two
> prototype systems within the next few months.
> Joseph Del Balzo, a security consultant working on one of the projects, told the
> Washington Post newspaper: "This is not fantasy stuff.
> "This technology, based on transaction analysis, behaviour analysis, gives us a
> pretty good idea of what's going on in a person's mind."
> Story filed: 17:10 Friday 1st February 2002
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Deport ALL Illegal Aliens [Who Take Jobs from Working Americans]

2002-02-01 Thread Archibald Bard

ARTICLE IV, Section 4 of the Constitution of the united States of America:
It's pretty obvious to me that the Congressional 
thugs have sold out to the International Banksters and greedy multi-national 
corporations the above cited 'protection' clause.
the greed of the political crooks.
At the luncheon sponsored by Young Americans Foundation, held during but 
separate from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) elsewhere in 
the same hotel, Buchanan was asked how he would deal with illegal aliens. 
Deport Illegal Aliens 
The author of the best-seller "The 
Death of the West" responded there should be "systematic deportation" of 
illegals, starting with "any and all who committed any crime against American 
Secondly, he said we should "get serious" about weeding out any illegal alien 
who has been "ordered deported and comes from an al-Qaeda country." 
Then, he said, the U.S. should deal with corporations that deliberately bring 
in illegal aliens and hire them to "take jobs from working Americans." 
"Take one of these fat cats and hang him out to dry, and send him to a 
maximum-security prison. That will get the message to the rest of them." 
After the luncheon speech, Buchanan sat through a book signing that attracted 
a long line of people buying his latest tome, which was reviewed by NewsMax.com 
last month in a five-part 
The thrice-unsuccessful presidential hopeful said he did not see himself 
re-entering politics. He ruled out any challenge to President Bush and said 
Americans had spoken clearly in November 2000. 
In answer to a question, the TV commentator lamented the retirement of Sen. 
Jesse Helms, R-N.C., who, next to Ronald Reagan, cared less than anyone 
"about what the [liberal] Washington Post said." 
With all due respect to Helms' would-be successor, Elizabeth Dole, Buchanan 
said, "She's no Jesse Helms."
Christians must live in the world, but not let the world live in 

[CTRL] "Look, Dave, I can see you're really upset about this." - HAL

2002-02-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from -

Scientists at Economic Forum See Grim Future
Fri Feb 1, 1:12 PM ET
By Alan Elsner

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Scientists at the World Economic Forum predicted on Friday
a grim future replete with unprecedented biological threats, global warming and
the possible takeover of humans by robots.

"Extreme pessimism seems to me to be the only rational stance," said Sir Martin
Rees, Britain's Astronomer Royal, at a session devoted to the future threats and
opportunities presented by scientific advances.

He was especially concerned about the development of new biological weapons that
could easily fall into the hands of dissonant groups or individuals and cause
widespread devastation.

Even if governments tried to regulate and limit the spread of dangerous
technologies, Rees said such efforts would probably be little better than
current attempts to control the international drugs trade.

A foretaste of what might lie ahead was provided by the anthrax panic that
gripped the United States last year after several letters carrying the deadly
germ agent were sent to political leaders and media figures through the mail.
The perpetrator has not been found.

The forum, which brings together politicians, business leaders, academics and
intellectuals, has presented a number of sessions devoted to science. However,
few politicians have attended them, preferring to devote themselves to
discussions of foreign policy.

At a session on climate change on Thursday, Robert Watson who chairs an
international panel on the issue said the earth's climate would warm by at least
1.4 degrees centigrade in the next century even if urgent action was taken right
now to stem emissions of carbon dioxide. If insufficient action was taken,
warming could be as great as 5.8 degrees.

He predicted more droughts in some areas and floods in others, more intense
cyclones and massive social and economic disruption especially in poor

Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University in England said that while rich nations
could and would protect themselves against flooding by building sea defenses, a
nation like Bangladesh could expect ever more frequent and severe flood

Howard Ris, President of the Union of Concerned Scientists, said climate change
could well lead to future conflict as nations found themselves confronted with
unmanageable new challenges.

"Climate change will become a security issue," he said. "Hundreds of millions of
people will find themselves fighting new threats to survival."

Another threat posed by science revolves around the development of artificial
intelligence which could eventually blur the distinction between humans and

Rodney Brooks of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said: "It is not too
far-fetched to see a situation where we put implants into our brains before too

Brooks said humans would become more like robots as they implanted more and more
technology into their bodies, while robots would be based on biological material
and become semi-human in their own right.

Robots were already taking a greater role in warfare and might soon be capable
of making their own battlefield decisions without human control, he said.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-02-01 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


we will fight the world's evil!
By Dorothy Anne Seese: 01.31.02

Just to make certain that the president said what my ears thought they
heard, the news sites conveniently furnished a copy of President Bush's
State of the Union address. Sure enough, we're taking on all the world's
evil. That would be a noble, almost messianic task -- were it not for the
fact that we, our nation and our leadership -- are viewed by a large
portion of the world as being part of that evil. Even we in America
realize that our government, our multinational corporations and huge
foundations have fostered the demise of true freedom in America. Thus when
the president speaks of "freedom" it is immediately a question as to
whether or not he is speaking of a redefined freedom, rather than the
freedoms for which our forefathers lived, sacrificed and died.

It is apparent that war, or the semblance of war, will continue
indefinitely. That makes sense because evil will continue indefinitely, or
until the Final Judgment comes to abolish all evil. We in America were not
appointed to that task ... at least not in any definable document or
anointing of which we are aware.

The news analysts who spoke after the address agreed that this State of
the Union speech was more a war speech than the usual SU speech given by
the president. Little was said of domestic problems, except for the
emphasis on federalized education, a tool of destruction for
individualistic thinking and the inculcation of globalistic definitions.

Scant mention was made of we seniors, other than the usual repeat of
pre-election "stuff" about choices between food and medicine. That was a
nice token but meaningless.

What we heard, behind the words or between the lines, was that we're now
in an indefinite state of military preparedness for war at home and
abroad. Wartime brings about the abrogation of civil rights and domestic

And woe be to the group that challenges the constitutionality of what is
planned for an America in a state of war-in-perpetuity!

Setting aside the hear-ye rhetoric, the speech was actually a declaration
of indefinite expansion of government and its power over the rights and
privileges of individual citizens.

No wonder there were so many smiles from Democrats! This is precisely what
they have been trying to get across since Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency,
and decades before that if one considers the long-term agenda of the
elitists and advocates of the New World Order.

President Bush named some terrorist states such as Iran and Iraq, and
notably omitted whatever obligation the United States may have to stopping
the genocide in South Africa or Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Notice was thus given
to the nations against whom this country will take wartime measures to
ensure that "evil" is erased from their borders, and perhaps the borders
along with the evils.

Globalism advanced two decades this evening with the president's agenda.

Right-wing Christian Republicans, Libertarians, Constitutionalists and
Reformers could not have heard much, if anything, that would build this
president's conservative base. We need to withdraw from global meddling
and concentrate on America. That, we did not hear.

The president stated that he is a proud member of his political party ...
the Republican party. Yet there was nothing in this address that spoke of
the type of Republicanism espoused by the late Barry Goldwater in the
1950's and 1960's or the type now being maintained by Rep. Ron Paul

Who's at war? Congress has declared none. If someone has declared war
against the US, it is not a nation state but an ephemeral movement. Thus
the wartime status of our nation has to be in perpetuity or until the
globalist agenda is accomplished. Anyone who did not hear that, is not
aware of what globalism means. It is not trading with other nations.

Noticeably absent from the president's speech was any mention of China. It
was implicit, perhaps, because China engages in its own type of terrorism
and has done so while maintaining friendly governmental relations with the
US (in spite of the April 2001 reconnaissance plane incident) and China is
a known enemy of the US. Their record on human rights is an abomination to
any God-fearing people, but there don't seem to be many of those around in
the 21st century ... all is compromise, tolerance, diversity and unity.

That's the agenda in a nutshell.

President Bush's speech was smoother than anything Orwell could have
written, because Big Brother would have given himself away, and to the
average American listener to the network news, this speech sounded
impressive, but it was imperialistic.

George W. Bush is a lot better at what he does than was his father.

This writer would be the last to call George W. Bush a fool, he is
incredibly sensitive to what it takes to rally the people to his cause.
he just sold the American public at large 

[CTRL] S-11 Redux: (Channel) Surfing the Apocalypse

2002-02-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.guerrillanews.com/redux/

S-11 Redux:
(Channel) Surfing the Apocalypse

It is a well-known and widely accepted fact that, during wartime, news companies
and governmental representatives fuse their voices together into one univocal
beam of support for the national military objective. And, while, for many, this
is a vital aspect of institutional patriotism, it is also a very dangerous and
troubling reality. For, if the news media have abandoned their responsibility to
objectively inform the population, then our concept of a democracy (which is
founded on the ability for all citizens to choose their nation's destiny based
on a full spectrum of information) is in desperate peril.

But imagine a mediascape in which politicians actually said what they meant and
meant what they said. One where the talking heads on broadcast news actually
challenged the powerful interests in Washington not with fangless
sensationalism, but with insightful deconstructions of true power and its

We can't.

At least, not in the current corporate controlled environment of media
ownership. And especially not with the so-called War on Terrorism and its
burgeoning McCarthyistic clampdown on open displays of dissent.

So, in the face of our media's shameless propaganda campaign, we have taken it
upon ourselves to intuit what the intentions and goals of this war truly are. In
what is surely a departure from our traditional NewsVideo format, GNN presents
S-11 Redux: (Channel) Surfing the Apocalypse. Culled from over 20 hours of
television footage recorded over a one month period and across 13 networks, S-11
Redux is a sound-bite blitzkrieg that challenges the messages we have been fed
from our mainstream media and the government it serves. Be warned - this video
moves quickly and will require at least two viewings to digest its full impact.
You may never be able to look at the coverage of S-11 and its post-impact
coverage the same way, ever again.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] bushgate: Lay and Bush, Enron/ Bush Admin, Enron Partnerships, Harvard, Britain

2002-02-01 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

"You not only let Kenny Boy decide who would head the regulatory agency that
oversaw Enron, you let him hand-pick the new chairman of the Securities and
Exchange Commission, Harvey Pitt -- a former lawyer for his accountant,
Arthur Andersen! Kenny and the boys at Andersen also worked to make sure that
accounting firms would be exempt from numerous regulations and would not be
held liable for any "funny bookkeeping" Kenny Boy has been your number
one financial backer since you ran for governor. No other American or Saudi
has given you more money than Kenny Boy and his gang at Enron."

"At least three top White House advisers involved in drafting President
Bush's energy strategy held stock in the Enron Corporation or earned fees
from the large Texas-based energy trading company, which lobbied aggressively
to shape the administration's approach to energy issues."

"An estimated 3,000 partnerships, some with names of "Star Wars" characters
such as Jedi, were created by Enron -- which took a 97 percent stake in each
of them and brought in outside investors for the remainder. The partnerships
were kept off Enron's books and helped create the accounting debacle that
pushed the company into the biggest U.S. corporate bankruptcy ever on Dec.


"George W. in the Garden of Gethsemane"
An Open Letter to George W. Bush from Michael Moore

You needed a way to fly around to all the primaries and campaign stops in the
2000 election -- so Kenny gave you his corporate jet. Did you tell the voters
when you arrived in each city that the bird you flew in on was from a
billionaire who was secretly conspiring to give the bird to all his employees
and investors? He flew you around America on the Enron company jet, and for
that favor you touched down on tarmac after tarmac to tell your fellow
citizens that you were "going to restore dignity to the White House, the
people's house." You said this standing in front of an Enron jet!
Man, you loved Lay so much, you not only affectionately referred to him as
"Kenny Boy," you interrupted an important campaign trip in April, 2000, to
fly back to Houston for the Astros opening day at the new Enron Field -- just
so you could watch Kenny Boy Lay throw out the first pitch.when you were
awarded a set of keys the Supreme Court had made for you so you could live in
the White House, you invited Kenny Boy to set up shop -- at 1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue! He interviewed those who would hold high-level Energy Department
positions in your administration.  You not only let Kenny Boy decide who
would head the regulatory agency that oversaw Enron, you let him hand-pick
the new chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Harvey Pitt -- a
former lawyer for his accountant, Arthur Andersen! Kenny and the boys at
Andersen also worked to make sure that accounting firms would be exempt from
numerous regulations and would not be held liable for any "funny bookkeeping"
(don't you wish you were this forward-thinking?).Kenny Boy has been your
number one financial backer since you ran for governor. No other American or
Saudi has given you more money than Kenny Boy and his gang at Enron.
O'Neill, Evans, Cheney, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham -- ALL of them gave
Lay and Enron special favors from day one. The New York Times
last May was so concerned about how Kenny had the run of the place (1600
Pennsylvania Ave.), they referred to Lay as the "shadow advisor to the


June 3, 2001 - Bush Advisers on Energy Report Ties to Industry - By JOSEPH

WASHINGTON, June 2 — At least three top White House advisers involved in
drafting President Bush's energy strategy held stock in the Enron Corporation
or earned fees from the large Texas-based energy trading company, which
lobbied aggressively to shape the administration's approach to energy issues.
Karl Rove, Mr. Bush's chief political strategist; Lawrence B. Lindsey, the
top economic coordinator; and I. Lewis Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's
chief of staff, all said in financial disclosure statement released on Friday
that they already had or intended to divest themselves of holdings in Enron,
the nation's leading trader and marketer of electricity and natural gas, as
well as holdings in other energy companies. Mr. Lindsey received $50,000 last
year from Enron for consulting. Mr. Rove's statement said he intended to sell
stock holdings in Enron valued at $100,000 to $250,000, though the statement
does not make clear if he has completed the sale. Mr. Libby sold his stake in
the company.


January 31, 2002  Senator Says Enron Not Cooperating With Investigation
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS  Filed at 3:43 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Enron Corp. has failed to provide a Senate committee with
important information about a web of partnerships used to conceal massive
debts, a 

[CTRL] WEF - "Quality of life"?

2002-02-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://nyc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=17627&group=webcast

NYPD spends significant resources improving "quality of life".
by Charles 5:31pm Fri Feb 1 '02

Short account and 3 pics (article 1)

Friday afternoon a colleague and myself walked passed Grand Central Station as I
noticed that a armored police vehicle was displaying something in its passenger
window. Upon closer inspection I noticed that it was a picture of Osama Bin
Laden. I photographed the oddity and we continued up the street.

[note - pictures are on the site referenced above]

As we walked I noticed some officers moving briskly in our direction, but
thought little of it, as New York is presently overflowing with police moving in
every direction. We then crossed the street against the traffic signal in
customary New York fashion. We were immediately met on all sides by police. A
few minutes later, surrounded by at least eight units carrying more than twenty
police officers, Captain Hardiman informed us that we were guilty of crossing
against a signal and demanded our identification. He asked if we had been in
Seattle for the WTO demonstrations, or Genoa, Italy for the actions against the
G8. As scores of people crossed against the signal, my colleague asked the
captain why they too were not subject to the same spectacle. He insisted he was
busy with us, and when my colleague asked about the other scores of law
enforcement personell, he replied "They're backin' me up." The othe journalist
then asked the captain if he was targeting us because he thought we were
sympethetic to protesters, he snapped, "No, if I thought you were protesters I
would have the plain clothes police following you." As Captain Hardiman
pontificated on how we were an example of city programs designed to improve the
"quality of life" for New Yorkers, our summons were being prepared. Once these
were complete we were free to go.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic means ?

2002-02-01 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Nurev Ind wrote:

> Party of Citizens wrote:
> > On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, inri wrote:
> >
> > > > > Correction-that's "how could ANY follower of Christ not be
> > > > > antisemite?"
> > >
> > > christ was semitic.
> > >
> > > how do you reconcile this?
> >
> > I know what you are saying but that is not how the "Real Semites" like J2
> > define the word. To them, even that Palestinian Imam with the shnozola
> > which would be the envy of Klinger on "Mash" is an antisemite. Thus
> > these "Real Semites" have coined the word to mean, "Those who are against
> > us". What means "us"? "Us" means the Cult of Herod. Herod built Masada
> > into a magnificent and powerful palatial centre and a last fortified
> > retreat in case of all-out attack. That is exactly how his Edomite Nation
> > used it when the Romans invaded. Much earlier the Romans had forced a
> > merger of the Israelites and Edomites. Today the Edomite Army of Israel
> > takes its oath of office at Masada under the new Herod, Sharon. The Real
> > Israelites of 2,000 years ago took on the name "Christians" even though at
> > first there were those like Saul/Paul who retained the identity as Jews
> > and Israelites (in Paul's case the Tribe of Benjamin). Since Vatican has
> > rejected Christ as the foundation of its faith, they have decreed that
> > "antisemitism" is a grave sin. All it means is standing up for the True
> > Israelite faith which is what Christ carried forward (eg in saying "I came
> > only to find the lost sheep of Israel") and being "anti-" those who are
> > against Christ and His teachings as are the people of the Cult of Herod.
> > I can hear J2 gnashing his teeth all the way from here. The saga of bile
> > and bullshit continues.
> >
> > POC'ster
> > (Learned Elder of Zion)
> Saga of bile and bullshit is right Dr. Poley. Not even ONE point in the bullshit
> above is either true or historical. Not even one.
> You can dazzle some of these clowns with your dizzying diatribes of demented
> dumbness, but Poley you are a joke. There is not even ONE point which is
> correct.
> You write more convincingly than Colleen, but she has an excuse. She's a moron.
> You are just an inept propagandist.

Dear FUC:

Razzle, dazzle us with some of your cogent rebuttals. Just take it a point
at a time instead of trying such a moronic, broad-brush put-down.

(Learned Elders of Zion)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic means ?

2002-02-01 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, thew wrote:

> "Truth is more of a stranger than fiction." -- Mark Twain

"Veritas odium parit"-Roman saying, ie "Truth begets hatred".

> >> Since Vatican has
> >> rejected Christ as the foundation of its faith,
> it has?
> how?
> I don't get it.
> really.
> What is the foundation of faith then?
> I am confused.

It says "Antisemitism" is a grave sin. That incapacitates the entire field
which to theologians give the fancy name of "Christian Apologetics".
Christian Apologetics means defending the faith with reasoned arguments.
When I argue theology with these "Semites" I am against them, ie
"Antisemitic" by definition. Vatican has said that is a grave offense. Not
just a little mistake...a GRAVE sin. A grave sin to defend the teachings
of Christ from attackers? How can it be a Christian organization, then?
Don't Buddhists defend Buddha from ideological attacks? Don't Marxists
defend Marx from ideological attacks? But Christians cannot defend Christ
from ideological attacks by Semites. How can the Vatican then say it
stands FOR the teachings of Christ?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] War of Words

2002-02-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from -

Bush Touts Anti-Terror Umbrella
Fri Feb 1, 3:22 AM ET
By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - "Fight on, America," President Bush exhorts. To him, the fight
against terrorism is joined on every front now, with no end in sight.

It's not just on battlefields or at border crossings but in schools,
neighborhoods and homes, where he says teaching children, loving them and
helping others are weapons to ward off the evil ones.

Bearing America's mighty grievance born in September, flush with confidence from
military progress and enjoying sky-high public support, the Republican president
is on a roll even by the reckoning of Democrats.

Yet there are voices, few at home, more abroad, wondering whether Bush is going
a little too far with the apocalyptic war talk.

"In rhetoric there's an impulse to repeat what works," said Kathleen Hall
Jamieson, an authority in presidential words and dean of the Annenberg School
for Communication in Philadelphia. "At a certain point, people realize it's
being overworked."

With Bush promoting everything short of eating your spinach as central to the
war on terrorism, she said, "he is beginning to stretch here toward the edge of

Few question the seriousness of the terrorist threat, a danger underscored with
increasing gravity in the last few days.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld warned Thursday of possible attacks "vastly
more deadly" than those of Sept. 11.

But U.S. saber-rattling, such as Bush's assertion Thursday that countries that
do not share American values "better get their house in order," spread
nervousness abroad even among allies.

Increasingly in recent weeks and most dramatically in his State of the Union
speech and after it, Bush has brought diverse matters under the umbrella of the
anti-terror war, the area where he is politically unassailable at home.

_Economic growth has become economic "security."

_The drug war is crossing paths with the terror war; the White House is
sponsoring two Super Bowl commercials telling people that buying drugs could
line the pockets of terrorists.

_Bush is advocating cultural change - away from the "If it feels good, do it"
ethos - as a means of fortifying the nation in the struggle of good and evil.

_Education is no longer just a way to improve a child, a school or a community -
something to do on its own merits.

"We're looking for teachers," he told Floridians in a pitch for retired
educators to help needy children. "And by doing so, we stand square in the face
of evil. We tell the enemy, 'You can't get us.'"

Probably not since Ronald Reagan have Americans seen a president so lacking in
relativism. "We're fighting evil," he says, "and I don't see any shades of

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters of California was a blunt if practically lone
voice of semi-dissent after Bush's State of the Union speech. "Basically, he's
played the war for whatever it's worth," she said.

For the most part, Democrats are trying to carve out areas of domestic policy
where they can take on Bush while heaping him with praise as the commander in

So far, Bush, devoting himself to a struggle that may outlast his presidency,
has kept attention riveted on the war and his expansive definition of it.

The alarms from the administration grew louder by the day this week, although
the facts behind them were not always solid.

First, White House officials warned in TV appearances before Bush's speech that
up to 100,000 "terrorist killers" had been trained in the Afghan camps.

Later, away from the cameras and under condition of anonymity, one senior
official clarified the claim, putting the estimate of terrorists actually
trained by al-Qaida where it had been before - 15,000 to 20,000. Bush settled on
"tens of thousands" in his speech.

On Thursday, Rumsfeld said adversaries may strike with ever more dangerous
weapons. He was referring in part to missiles from countries such as North
Korea, Iran and Iraq - the states Bush starkly described as an "axis of evil."

Appropriating the language of combat for domestic ends is not new in a country
that has tried to wage war on poverty, drugs, illiteracy and more.

But Bush means it literally.

"There are ways to fight terror other than wearing a uniform," he said.

"People say, 'Well, gosh, I want to be part of the war against terror.' And my
answer is, love somebody; be a good mother or dad."

Even the wartime titan Franklin Roosevelt was dealing in analogy when he asked
Congress for power to "wage a war against the emergency."

The foe at hand, that day in

Re: [CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic means ?

2002-02-01 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -
"Truth is more of a stranger than fiction." -- Mark Twain

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

>> Since Vatican has
>> rejected Christ as the foundation of its faith,

it has?


I don't get it.

What is the foundation of faith then?

I am confused.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic means ?

2002-02-01 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

Party of Citizens wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, inri wrote:
> > > > Correction-that's "how could ANY follower of Christ not be
> > > > antisemite?"
> >
> > christ was semitic.
> >
> > how do you reconcile this?
> I know what you are saying but that is not how the "Real Semites" like J2
> define the word. To them, even that Palestinian Imam with the shnozola
> which would be the envy of Klinger on "Mash" is an antisemite. Thus
> these "Real Semites" have coined the word to mean, "Those who are against
> us". What means "us"? "Us" means the Cult of Herod. Herod built Masada
> into a magnificent and powerful palatial centre and a last fortified
> retreat in case of all-out attack. That is exactly how his Edomite Nation
> used it when the Romans invaded. Much earlier the Romans had forced a
> merger of the Israelites and Edomites. Today the Edomite Army of Israel
> takes its oath of office at Masada under the new Herod, Sharon. The Real
> Israelites of 2,000 years ago took on the name "Christians" even though at
> first there were those like Saul/Paul who retained the identity as Jews
> and Israelites (in Paul's case the Tribe of Benjamin). Since Vatican has
> rejected Christ as the foundation of its faith, they have decreed that
> "antisemitism" is a grave sin. All it means is standing up for the True
> Israelite faith which is what Christ carried forward (eg in saying "I came
> only to find the lost sheep of Israel") and being "anti-" those who are
> against Christ and His teachings as are the people of the Cult of Herod.
> I can hear J2 gnashing his teeth all the way from here. The saga of bile
> and bullshit continues.
> POC'ster
> (Learned Elder of Zion)

Saga of bile and bullshit is right Dr. Poley. Not even ONE point in the bullshit
above is either true or historical. Not even one.

You can dazzle some of these clowns with your dizzying diatribes of demented
dumbness, but Poley you are a joke. There is not even ONE point which is

You write more convincingly than Colleen, but she has an excuse. She's a moron.
You are just an inept propagandist.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Colleen's Inane "Bible Code" (was; The New World Order in Bible prophecy)

2002-02-01 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

i just want a key to the code
so i can see what it predicts myself

bur alas saba is not giving it up

"It is not the function of our government to keep the
citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen
to keep the government from falling into error."

 Justice Robert H. Jackson

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 13:19:59 -0500
> Subject: [CTRL] Colleen's Inane "Bible Code" (was; The New World Order in
> Bible prophecy)
> -Caveat Lector-
> From: Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> So all these secret societies have it seems one common denominator -
>> they use the Bible as their Master Plan and many have a bible calendar,
>> but THE Calendar, the Master Plan, is the one I hae which was in a
>> Gideon Bible dated 1954..keyed from JFK murder right down to the
>> Twin Towers.   For a date and appointed time certain.
> Gee, Colleen, for at least the past two years some of us have demanded that
> you PROVE the efficacy of your so-called "Bible calendar code" by providing
> just ONE prediction BEFORE THE FACT...
> Now you claim that it predicted the destruction of the WTC towers on 9/11,
> yet not once did you even HINT of this BEFORE it happened...
> I could just as easily claim that the patterns caused by my car's oil leaks
> predicted the destruction of the WTC towers on 9/11, or that my collection
> of Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter Whimsey mysteries contain a hidden code that
> predicted the JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations...but unless I'm able to
> provide a prediction BEFORE an event against which the accuracy of my
> claimed source of prophecy can be judged, such claims would be just so much
> hogwash...
> as are YOUR claims regarding your so-called Bible Code
> You had a perfect opportunity to display its supposed power by warning us
> BEFORE 9/11 of the events that were due to happen on that date; so why
> didn't you, Colleen?
> June
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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> Om

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US tests spy-style air security system

2002-02-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_510779.html

US tests spy-style air security system

The American government is to begin testing an air security system which will
track passengers' travel movements and living arrangements.

The hi-tech system will link every reservation system in the US to government
databases to look for suspicious patterns of travel.

Personal information including addresses, credit card numbers and links to other
passengers would be used to give everybody who buys an airline ticket a threat

Those thought to be highest risk would be singled out for extra checks under the

But the move has been slammed by human rights watchdogs, who accuse the
government of launching a massive invasion of people's privacy in the search for

The system would look for high-risk situations, such as one man buying tickets
for four other men who have shared addresses in the past, but asking to sit in
different parts of the plane.

It would also look for links between passengers on different planes and assess
their travel history each time they buy a ticket, linking hundreds of different
databases to make its assessment.

Both Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines have acknowledged they are working
on prototypes, while the American government intends to begin testing on two
prototype systems within the next few months.

Joseph Del Balzo, a security consultant working on one of the projects, told the
Washington Post newspaper: "This is not fantasy stuff.

"This technology, based on transaction analysis, behaviour analysis, gives us a
pretty good idea of what's going on in a person's mind."

Story filed: 17:10 Friday 1st February 2002

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] CIA outlines N. Korean weapons plan

2002-02-01 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


CIA outlines N. Korean weapons plan

February 1, 2002 Posted: 4:34 AM EST (0934 GMT)

N Korea has enough plutonium for a nuclear weapon, the CIA report said

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- North Korea, one of the three nations in U.S.
President's George W. Bush's so-called "axis of evil", was a major exporter
of missile technology and equipment to the Middle East and other regions, a
U.S. intelligence report says.

With attention placed on the communist state, as well as Iran and Iraq,
during Bush's State of the Union address on Tuesday, an unclassified U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report to Congress released the following
day said that "Pyongyang attaches a high priority to the development and
sale of ballistic missiles, equipment and related technology."

In his address, Bush said that "North Korea is a regime arming with missiles
and weapons of mass destruction, while starving its citizens."

Bush said that Iran, Iraq and North Korea constituted and "axis of evil and
along with their "terrorist allies", were actively seeking weapons of mass
destruction, "threatening the peace of the world."

All three nations have rejected the barb, with North Korea saying Bush's
comments were close to "declaring a war."

The CIA report for the period January to 30 June 2001, obtained from the
agency's Web site, says that North Korea relied heavily on the missile
export trade.

"Exports of ballistic missiles and related technology are one of the North's
major sources of hard currency, which fuel continued missile development and
production," the report stated.

"Throughout the first half of 2001, North Korea continued to export
significant ballistic missile-related equipment, components, materials, and
technical expertise to countries in the Middle East, South Asia, and North

Nuclear weapons

The report said that North Korea had not ceased its nuclear weapons program
despite signing a landmark deal with the U.S. in 1994.

"During the second half of 2001, Pyongyang continued its attempts to procure
technology worldwide that could have applications in its nuclear program,"
the CIA report said.

"We assess that North Korea has produced enough plutonium for at least one,
and possibly two, nuclear weapons."

The report also said that an agreement signed with Russia laid the
"groundwork" for potential arms sales and transfers to North Korea, though
this was dependent on Pyongyang's ability to pay for the acquisitions.

The CIA report also singled out Iran and Iraq, among other countries, saying
that the former was one of the "most active countries" seeking to acquire
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and advanced conventional weapons (ACW)

"Tehran is attempting to develop a domestic capability to produce various
types of weapons -- chemical, biological, and nuclear -- and their delivery

Chemical program
It was also seeking "nuclear-related equipment, material, and technical
expertise from a variety of sources, especially in Russia", the report

Iran's neighbor, Iraq was rebuilding parts of its chemical production
infrastructure the report said.

Since Baghdad's refusal to allow U.N. inspectors into Iraq since late 1998,
it was difficult to accurately access the state of its WMD programs, the CIA
report said.

But, "it is likely that Baghdad has used the intervening period to
reconstitute prohibited programs."

Following Bush's speech, White House officials have since sought to clarify
that the naming of North Korea, Iraq and Iran does not signify any imminent
military action against them.

Regardless, both Middle Eastern countries were angry with the U.S. leaders

In Tehran, the Iranian official news agency IRNA quoted President Mohammad
Khatami as saying: "The American president's remarks not only showed that he
does not have the ability to learn from history ... but also that U.S.
policy is now worse and more unrealistic than under his predecessors."

Iraq meanwhile was even more blunt in its assessment with Vice President
Taha Yassin Ramadan describing the U.S. president's remarks as "stupid".

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Colleen's Inane "Bible Code" (was; The New World Order in Bible prophecy)

2002-02-01 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

now I'm not saying that june is a CIA spook or anything like that -  but ...
if colleen has access to an illuminati blueprint which she then made public
would it not obviously mean the end of her life
if she did - and colleen has a lovely family too.
why does june wish so to excite colleen to reckless abandonment of her life
knowing that only a fool would publicly disclose the details of such
material -
I hope no-one is trying to jeapordise colleens life ??


> Om

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Enron's curious Croatia client

2002-02-01 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Daniel Tomasevich
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 5:54 PM
Subject: Enron's curious Croatia client

Tudjman believed that investing in Enron was a good choice.
And that Enron could solve many issues on his foreign policy
wish list.

   In the weekly magazine Globus, President Tudjman said that, on top of
   a visit to Washington, he expected Croatia to join the World Trade
   Organisation, Nato's Partnership for Peace programme and Nato itself
   if he signed the deal. He even linked the deal to avoiding his arrest
   and that of other senior figures by the Hague-based International
   Criminal Tribunal.


(article not for cross posting)


   Financial Times (London) February 1, 2002, Friday

Enron's curious Croatian client


   The Enron collapse may have finally ended a long-running scandal over
   relations between the US energy company and the semi-authoritarian
   government of the late Croatian president, Franjo Tudjman.

   Mr Tudjman, who led Croatia through independence, negotiated a
   controversial memorandum of understanding with Enron before his death
   in December 1999. It would have given Enron rights to build a power
   station in Croatia and run it for 20 years, selling electricity to
   HEP, the state electricity company, at above-market rates. Questions
   about the deal intensified after Mr Tudjman's death and the election,
   in January 2000, of a democratic government. Tapes of conversations
   show that Mr Tudjman hoped giving Enron the contract would secure
   political favours, including a state visit to Washington.

   After renegotiation, Enron is thought to have retained the right to
   build a power station and sell electricity to HEP at above-market
   rates, though lower than previously. That contract expires this
   summer, though details are unclear due to confidentiality agreements.
   Enron's power deliveries to Croatia ended on November 30, when other
   European deliveries ceased. The power station has not been built.

   The deal's legacy, however, may be the light it sheds on Mr Tudjman in
   his later years - and on Enron's readiness to and play along with his

   In the weekly magazine Globus, President Tudjman said that, on top of
   a visit to Washington, he expected Croatia to join the World Trade
   Organisation, Nato's Partnership for Peace programme and Nato itself
   if he signed the deal. He even linked the deal to avoiding his arrest
   and that of other senior figures by the Hague-based International
   Criminal Tribunal.

   Croatia had been isolated politically - particularly by the European
   Union - over treatment of Serbs during the offensive that ended its
   war of independence.

   When challenged on the cost of electricity under the deal - an
   estimated Dollars 120m-Dollars 200m above market prices over 20 years
   - he justified it using the political benefits.

   In one meeting, Mr Tudjman asked Joseph Sutton, head of Enron's
   international operations, how much influence his company had with the
   US state department and whether it could arrange WTO entry.

   Mr Sutton said he could not promise WTO membership, but guaranteed
   that Enron and the US would lobby for Croatia's entry into the WTO,
   Partnership for Peace and Nato.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hand-Over of Terrorism Suspects to U.S. Angers Many in Bosnia

2002-02-01 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Andras Riedlmayer
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 6:57 PM
Subject: Hand-Over of Terrorism Suspects to U.S. Angers Many in Bosnia

(cross-posting of comments only permitted)

The lame excuse prize goes to Bosnian government officials, who defied
a legally binding order from the Human Rights Chamber by handing over
a group of Arab suspects to the United States.

On Jan. 17, the chamber faxed the government what was, in effect,
a restraining order against deporting four of the men.  For various
legal reasons, it did not make such a ruling on the other two.

The same day, the U.S. Embassy requested custody of the men.
Despite the chamber's order, the men were transferred to U.S. troops
just before dawn Jan. 18.  A small, angry cluster of demonstrators
tried unsuccessfully to block the prisoners' exit from jail.

An official at the Human Rights Chamber, speaking on condition
of anonymity, said:  "Our decision was not merely a recommendation.
It was binding. Irreparable harm has been done."  Later, the
government said the chamber's order contained clerical errors
that made it invalid.

American pressure -- of a kind that Germany, Britain, Spain, France,
Italy and Belgium are in a position to resist but Bosnia cannot -- had
nothing to do with it, according to the government, which claims its
actions were perfectly legal.  Others in a position to know term it
a dangerous subversion of the rule of law.

"It's dreadful," said Madeleine Rees, who heads the Sarajevo
office  of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.
"Protection of human rights is way down on the list of
priorities.  Credibility has been shot to pieces."

"The Americans wanted the Algerians and got them," said
Vlado Adamovic, a judge on the Supreme Court of Bosnia's
Muslim-Croat federation. "As a citizen, all I can say is
it was an extra-legal procedure."

Many Bosnians also, quite rightly, want to know why major war criminals
such as Radovan Karadzic, wanted for acts of terror against civilians,
are allowed to remain at large in Bosnia.  Why aren't American forces
in Bosnia, which have the capability, still unwilling to take action
to apprehend known terrorists, against whom an international criminal
tribunal has issued unquestionably legal arrest warrants?

Andras Riedlmayer


The Washington Post
January 31, 2002

Hand-Over of Terrorism Suspects to U.S. Angers Many in Bosnia

Daniel Williams, Washington Post Foreign Service

   SARAJEVO, Bosnia -- The cover of a popular Bosnian magazine last week
depicted Uncle Sam urinating on the country's constitution and the
European Human Rights convention.

   And nearly two weeks after their government handed over six
Arab terrorism suspects to U.S. authorities, many Bosnian Muslims are
still angry. At the request of the U.S. Embassy here, the government
defied two court orders and turned over the men, five Algerians and
a Yemeni, who were reportedly then shuttled to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
to join scores of detainees rounded up in Afghanistan.

   The Bosnian government defends its action as legal.  But human rights
officials and Bosnian Muslims dismiss that claim and say that in its
enthusiasm to wage the war on terrorism, the United States has undermined
its own long efforts to build respect for the rule of law in the Balkan
country, scene of a devastating ethnic war in 1992-95.  "It's dreadful,"
said Madeleine Rees, who heads the Sarajevo office of the U.N. High
Commissioner for Human Rights.  "Protection of human rights is way down
on the list of priorities.  Credibility has been shot to pieces."

   "The Americans wanted the Algerians and got them," said Vlado Adamovic,
a judge on the Supreme Court of Bosnia's Muslim-Croat federation. "As a
citizen, all I can say is it was an extra-legal procedure."

   Human rights groups that once supported the United States, and in some
cases were funded by it, are heatedly complaining. As government officials
try to justify the action, Bosnians are left to ponder the meaning of
their turn on the stage of the U.S. war against terrorism.  Although
terrorism suspects have been arrested recently in Germany, Britain, Spain,
France, Italy and Belgium, none of those countries has turned them over
to the United States.

   During the three-year war here, the United States sided with the
Bosnian Muslims, the country's biggest group.  Nonetheless, many of them
wonder today why the United States has not moved as aggressively against
people accused of war crimes against Bosnian Muslims, notably Bosnian Serb
leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, who have been indicted by a
U.N. war crimes tribunal but remain at large.

   "This shows that all this justice talk is just politics," said
Izudin Lagumdzija, a televis

[CTRL] Fwd: Why Gold is Set to Soar

2002-02-01 Thread RoadsEnd

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Osama Bin Smoot




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18.9%? So what if corporate bond defaults hit a new
record high in January?

So what if, as Dr. Kurt Richebacher reports, the
U.S has just suffered the "steepest decline in economic
growth that has ever happened," from an annual rate of
4.1% 1998-2000 to negative 1.1% through the third
quarter of 2000? So what if the tiny positive bump in
growth in the 4th quarter was almost all a feature of
auto sales and defense expenditures (neither of which
can be sustained for very long)?

"On bold investor of the future!," writes the
Mogambo Guru, "Thou art surely an idiot."

But "wow! That was a brutal recession! I sure am
glad it's over," says Eric Fry.

Well, you just never know.

In the late '90s, Americans enjoyed the biggest
financial bubble in history. Now, here we are, early in
the next millennium, and we are blessed again - this
time with the feeblest recession ever. Maybe no
recession at all..."Some day I wouldn't be surprised if
we go back and take a look at this whole episode," said
Charles Lieberman on CNNfn, "and really question whether
or not we really had a recession."

Could it be, dear reader? Could we all be wrong
about symmetry...about sheep...about everything? Is it
really a New Era, after all? More below...but first...

Eric, what do you really think?


Eric Fry in Manhattan...

- That bear market was pretty nasty, too. What a relief
to have that behind us! And thank goodness everybody has
stopped spreading all those frightening stories about
accounting fraud. That was very upsetting.

- Without any brand-new reasons to sell stocks,
investors decided to buy some more yesterday. The Dow
jumped another 157 points to 9,920, while the NASDAQ
tacked on 1% to 1,934.

- Happily the bad news is behind us, and the economy is
back on an even footing. The fourth quarter's 0.4% GDP
growth is all the proof that most folks require.

- But even if the national economy is rebounding, the
country's largest city is still reeling. "New York
City's economy deteriorated sharply in January," says
Crain's. "The composite number for the business
conditions index [from the Institute for Supply
Management] registered a chilly 32.6. That number is
down sharply from the 62.2 registered in December."

- American corporations are beset by some chilling
numbers as well. "Cash Flow and Profits Drop to Record
Low Versus Debt," proclaims the latest Moody's Credit
Perspectives. As of the third quarter of last year,
corporate cash flow and profits both fell to record lows
relative to corporate debt levels.

- In fact, cash flow based on this measurement peaked in
1994, while profits peaked in 1997. So much for the
"productivity miracle."

- What kind of productivity miracle causes corporate
cash flow relative to debt to shrink steadily between
1994 and 2001? And what is so miraculous about pretax
profits relative to debt collapsing between 1997 and

- Furthermore, isn't it curious that corporate cash flow
relative to debt hit its high-water mark in 1994, but
profits relative to debt did not top out until three
years later in 1997? How, you ask, did earnings continue
to rise without a commensurate 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Investment pros puzzled by gold's stubborn rise

2002-02-01 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

Gold gain points to currency risk
'Strange' buying of metal may be sign of distress

By Thom Calandra
Friday, February 1, 2002

SAN FRANCISCO -- As the world's economic leaders
meet in New York, professionals wonder whether gold's
steady price rise this week is the first crack in the global
currencies dam.

In a daily note, UBS Warburg's precious metals team
said Friday, "Gold remains strangely supported despite
the strength in the U.S. dollar. Although there has been
news of good buying out of bank-distressed Japan, the
reported quantities are not enough to explain the
precious metal's recent resilience. We suspect that
one or more large buying programs have been
executed since the start of the year."

Gold's climb to $284 an ounce may not seem so hot
to stock-market investors. Yet the gain from $278.50
just five days ago has brought gold-mining shares in
North America to their highest point in eight months,
as measured by both the HSBC North American Gold
Index and the Philadelphia Gold & Silver Index. Both
 indexes on Friday continued to rise.

The metal's $5.50 gain, through Friday morning, also
is boosting mining shares in Australia, Canada, and
South Africa, where ailing currencies against the dollar
are magnifying companies' operating profit margins.
The gains have been strongest in Australia, where
takeover fever is sweeping small and large mining
companies. In Toronto, the stock market's gold mining
companies as a group have risen more than 50 percent
in the past 12 months.

As for bullion itself, the gains in the metal during a time
of dollar strength, usually a downer for gold, prompt the
question of who is buying -- and why.

Ken Landon, a Deutsche Banc analyst in Tokyo,
explains that a rising gold price almost always indicates
depreciating currencies, regardless of exchange rates.
In the past 12 months, the yen, he says in a report, has
fallen 21 percent against gold. The euro has lost 15
percent of its value against gold. The dollar is off by
6 percent.

Landon's report is making the rounds in Asia. His
view is one that may come to haunt investors in
coming weeks. "The rising price of gold in all the
major currencies indicates that investors have been
losing confidence in the monetary policies of Japan,
Europe, and the United States, in that order of
concern," he says.

A foreign exchange analyst, Landon says the
Federal Reserve, whose policies are increasingly
inconsequential to consumers and investors, and
American lawmakers are to blame, on this side of
the globe, anyway.

"It was the Fed's rate hikes that caused an inverted
yield curve, which was an infallible signal of the
subsequent recession," Landon says about the
central bankers' series of interest rate hikes that
totaled 175 basis-points. The rising rates came to
an end in mid-2000 as Federal Reserve governors
tried to put the brakes on a surging stock market.
The interest-rate hikes were followed by 13 interest
rate cuts at the Federal Reserve.

The Deutsche Banc analyst also points to the Justice
Department's campaign against Microsoft and the U.S.
Senate's majority of "anti-free market Democrats" as
red flags for investors, Finally, "Enron became a
political issue in Washington, which increases the
chance that the government will mount a new regulatory
assault against business." Landon says gold is the
only refuge for investors who seek to avoid currencies
that are attached to economic and witch-hunt policies.

  Gold rush in Japan

Reports that Japanese consumers are rushing to buy
gold, first reported here more than a week ago, might
explain part of gold's recent gains. Japanese investors
bought about 10 tons of gold bars and coins in January,
or double the monthly average from last year, according
to the World Gold Council. The Japanese, who have a
history of hoarding metals such as platinum and gold, are
wary of an end later this year to full government
guarantees on Japanese bank deposits.

Some precious metals analysts say that's no reason
for gold's resilience. Such buying by consumers, they
say, is a mere blip in the daily flows of gold, which is
also lent out by central banks and bullion banks eager
to earn a tiny interest rate on their holdings.

Andy Smith, a Mitsui Global Precious Metals analyst
in London, tells me today it is almost always the mining
companies who are responsible for large purchases
and sales of gold. Many gold mining companies hedge
their books by selling some of their production forward
to lock in slightly higher prices, thus creating a need to
buy gold in the futures markets.

"The finger in the air should normally point to miners,"
says Smith, whose price-range forecast for gold this
 year is $265 to $355 an ounce.

Smith said in the fourth quarter of last year alone, net
buying by just two large gold miners, South Africa's
Anglogold Ltd. and Australia's Normandy Mining ,
amounted to more than 90 tons. That was close to
the 110 tons of gold that futur

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Patriot Act "Anti-Terrorism" Raid- An interview with Sherman, formerly of RaiseTheFist.com

2002-02-01 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

Sounds like the 1989/1990 raids verbatim; could the Reclaim Guide and
similar documents become the new E911?

aadm mount
seraphseven: design. comics. zen.

An Interview with Sherman of RTF / LAAnarchists.org by mark
January 27 2002, Sun, 5:14pm

An interview with Sherman, formerly of RaiseTheFist.com and
LAAnarchists.org, whose home was raided by the LA Joint Terrorism Task Force
on Jan. 24; the websites were shutdown and his computers confiscated.
Sherman denies involvement with any illegal activity, saying of the Feds,
"They're afraid. And they're going to try and silence us any way they can.
... My best advice is to not give in to their fear-tactics. Keep fighting,

[Ed. note: This e-mail interview is reproduced uncut and unabridged. Only
spelling, punctuation, and basic grammar have been corrected.]

Hello, feel free to publish my responses to your questions anywhere.

:: Was there any warning that investigation of your website was heating up?

Yes. I have been monitoring government agencies connecting to the site for a
long time. I'd been noticing more frequency with them coming back to the
site. They had also started intercepting all packets on my DSL line, and
seized one of my older AIM screen names for 12 days, so I knew something was
going to happen - soon. It was really obvious. I even saw them outside my
house at times. They have been monitoring the site very, very extensively
LONG before the "incriminating content" which they were "concerned" about
was posted onto the site. They simply used this content as an excuse to
obtain a warrant for the raid.

:: As a victim of one of the first post-Patriot Act anti-"terrorism" raids,
why do you think the Feds chose you?

Simply because Raisethefist was effective in what I was doing. It's the same
reason why Feds raid other activist organizations. They're effective. And
effectiveness within our movement scares them. They're afraid. And they're
going to try and silence us any way they can.

:: Do you have a copy of the warrant that was served? What did it say they
were looking for?

I cannot post any contents of the warrant online. Yes I have a copy of it.
The warrant contains a lot of bogus information and misinterpretations. The
warrant has information on me since I was 14 (I'm 18 now, almost 19).

:: Any idea how many agents/officers participated in the raid?

Yep, there was about 25-30 of them. They surrounded my house with guns.
Blocked off the garage door with a big bench, had a door bammer, had cars
all up and down the streets, then 2 agents knocked at my door, pulled me
outside, and the FBI came in and raided. My sister and her friends were home
at the time, and she refused to answer the door. I was currently taking a
nap and she woke me up to tell me that there were police and undercover/FBI
people all up and down the streets looking at the house. That's when I got
up and approached the door.

:: Can you remember any exact quotes that the agents told you - what
precisely did they say about 9-11, your web site, what they were looking
for, etc.

They told me the main reason for the raid was because of the content on the
site, and they wanted to see who was looking at it. This was not the main
reason. It was an excuse. The alledged content which they claim they were so
concerned about is from the Reclaim Guide. It's posted on thousands of other
web sites around the internet. Why didn't they raid those? Why did they only
come after Raisethefist.com? Again, they've been watching the site for a
long time, long before the Reclaim Guide was even posted onto the site. They
used this as an excuse to get a warrant for the raid and seize all computer
equipment. I can't discuss the specifics over the internet, but I know for
sure that they didn't raid simply because they wanted to see who was looking
at the content on the site.

[Ed. note: The Reclaim Guide does not appear to be readily available
elsewhere, in its entirety, although the topics covered are.]

One of the first things one of the head agents conducting the raid asked me
was, "why did you grow your hair out?" The picture they have of me is a bit
older when I had short hair. They were acting as if I was trying to "hide my
appearance" from them. They then sat me down, started asking me questions,
etc. All this while the FBI was in my house with guns drawn, and seizing all
computer equipment.

The FBI, Secret Service, LAPD and LASD (Sheriffs Dept.) participated in the
raid. The Secret Service person kept asking me if I'd like to see Bush
killed. They were asking me a lot of loaded questions.

:: What exactly did the agents take? How many computers and how much was it
all worth? What were some titles of the books, literature, and other items
they confiscated?

I have about 12 computers. About 8 of them were running on the network. They
took all of the computers in my house which had a hard drive in them. Which
was basically al

[CTRL] Connection between Al Fayed’s Sayed relatives and Atta’s? deMohrenschildt?

2002-02-01 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

Los Angeles Times
Letter to the Editor
145 S. Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA, 90012

Re: Terry McDermott, Jan. 27, 2002 article on Mohamed and Amir Atta

Letter to the Editor:
On July 13, 2001, Mohamed Al Fayed lost a lawsuit against the CIA/Pentagon
under the Freedom of Information Act to find out why they had more than 1100
pages on Princess Diana shortly before her death.  This caught my attention
when I noticed that most of the Terrorists of September 11, 2001 were of
Egyptian or Saudi descent.
Since the middle of October I have known that Mohamed Al Fayed and Mohamed
Atta had relatives by the name of Sayed.  In your article you wrote that:
“Atta was born here in 1968 in the delta province of Kafr el Sheik.  His
father, Mohamed el Amir Awad el Sayed Atta, came from a tiny provincial
village, and his mother, Bouthayna Mohamed Mustapha Sheraqi, from the
outskirts of the provincial capital, also called Kafr el Sheik.”  Yet
nothing was said of Mohamed Atta’s grandfather.
In my publications I have found that in 1964 Mohamed Al Fayed was
representing in 1964 el-Amir Atta while he was associated with George de
Mohrenschildt.  Who was de Mohrenschildt?  He was a CIA agent who was Lee
Harvey Oswald’s closest friend.
I am attempting to see if there might be a connection between Al Fayed’s
Sayed relatives and Atta’s.  Or if Mohamed Al Fayed was actually
representing Mohamed Atta’s father, grandfather or some other El-Amir Atta.
In 1993 I discovered a TOP SECRET CIA document, after winning a lawsuit
Bruce Adamson vs. United States Department of Justice, in 1993, where the
number two man (James Jesus Angleton) at the CIA was monitoring de
Mohrenschildt’s mail “illegally” while in Port-au-Prince Haiti.  I was the
first to publish these documents in which Mohamed Al Fayed had an affair
with George de Mohrenschildt’s daughter, Alexandra de Mohrenschildt.  I am
enclosing this document for your verification of my claim.  Also note that
Ben Bradlee caught James Angelton breaking into Mary Meyer’s home twice at
the very time Angelton is monitoring de Mohrenschildt’s mail.  Meyer was one
of President Kennedy’s lovers.
There is presently an outstanding lawsuit by Mohamed Al Fayed against one
alias Oswald DeWinter who said he had documents which proved that MI6
British agents were behind the death of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed in the
Los Angeles County Court House BC 213751 courtroom #406.
Another interesting twist which caught my attention was that Mohamed Al
Fayed’s brother-in-law was Adnan Khashoggi, once boasted of being the
richest man on the planet.   Khashoggi was at one time the personal adviser
to the Saudi Royal family at a time O. Bin Laden was a frequent visitor.
Khashoggi was also the middle man during the Iran-Contra missile deal
working very close with former President George Herbert Walker Bush.  One
may note that Khashoggi is the largest stockholder in Barrick Gold which
donated more than 148 thousand dollars to George W. Bush’s campaign last
year.  In February of 2001 Khashoggi sold his New York City Olympic
Condominium for less than half of what he paid for it in the 1970s $36
million dollars.  His half-brother Amer Khashoggi runs a pilot training
school in Saudi Arabia and published a book The Industrible Pilot.  See
website URL http://ciajfk.com/zero.html
The American Public deserves to know if Amir Atta is the same man Mohamed
Al Fayed represented in 1964.  Since Mohamed Atta was the ringleader of the
September 11, 2001 tradegy.
Let me thank you in advance for publishing my letter.
Respectfully submitted,

Bruce Campbell Adamson, P.O. Box 1003, Aptos, CA, 95001 --


Received by Flynt on Jan. 31, 2002:

L.F.P. Inc.
Attn.: Larry Flynt - PERSONAL
8484 Wilshere Blvd. Suite 900
Beverly Hills, CA, 90251

Re:Father-in-law to Oswald’s closest friend,George de Mohrenschildt was in
charge of 250 CIA agents!

Dear Mr. Flynt:
In 1978 you took an interest in exposing those responsible for the
assassination of President Kennedy and you offered a $1,000,000 reward for
anyone who could prosecute them or helps bring out the truth.  In 1997 you
hired me to write a story on what proof I had uncovered in the JFK
assassination in the matter of CIA agent George de Mohrenschildt who was Lee
Harvey Oswald’s closest friend.  Perhaps you felt the story was too
confusing, but according to Allan McDonell you were going to stay out of
political issues.  Your magazine even ran a 100 promo to my website.  I
thank you for this.
The other night I watched The Bill Maher Show and you said we are just as
much interested in political matters as porn.  I am glad to hear that you
are.  Since 1996, like yourself, I have been my own publisher.  I have over
400 Positive responses to sells on ebay from readers and other individuals
who have read my books. Such as:  The JFK Assassination Timeline and 2).
1,000 Points of Light; the Public Remains in the Dark, which is 

[CTRL] Fwd: The State Department Cover-Up of KAL Flight 007: Part I: Who Killed Congressman Lawrence Patton McDonald?

2002-02-01 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---
Who Killed Lawrence Patton McDonald?: Part 1 - The State Department Cover-Up of KAL Flight 007 - In today's column, Todd begins the first part of a series taking a closer look at the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of physician and Congressman Larry McDonald (D-GA), who was aboard Korean Air Flight 007, that was allegedly shot down over Sakhalin Island by the Soviet Union in 1983. See how Todd disputes that thinking in the first of a series beginning today in The American Partisan. - by Todd Brendan Fahey
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions Great stuff seeking new owners! Bid now!
--- End Message ---

[CTRL] Fwd: Boston Globe--business section

2002-02-01 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

Students eye Harvard link to Enron 
Says school may have profited by hedge fund's short selling of 
By Beth Healy and David Abel, Globe Staff, 
hedge fund that manages part of Harvard University's endowment appears to have 
reaped millions of dollars in profits by shorting shares of Enron Corp., or 
betting the stock would fall, starting last summer. 
The hedge fund, Highfields Capital Management, in August held 1.2 million 
Enron put options worth $58.8 million, according to a filing with the Securities 
and Exchange Commission. Such options give an investor the right to sell shares 
at a future date, and make money on a stock's drop in value. In a November SEC 
filing, Highfields reported another round of bets that Enron would fall, with 
2.3 million put options worth $62.6 million.
It's not clear how much Highfields gained on its bets, but Enron shares 
plunged 15 percent to $49 in the second quarter of last year and slumped by 
nearly 50 percent in the next three months, to $27. The embattled Houston energy 
trading company filed for bankruptcy protection last month, wiping out the value 
of its stock for most shareholders, including its own employees.
A Harvard student watchdog group, HarvardWatch, yesterday estimated 
Highfields gained at least $50 million on its short selling. The group alleged 
Highfields and the university may have improperly profited because of 
connections to a member of Enron's board, Herbert S. Winokur Jr.
Winokur, who runs a Greenwich, Conn., investment firm, holds three Harvard 
degrees and is one of seven members of the university's highest governing board. 
He also sits on Enron's board and chairs its finance committee. He has been 
asked to testify before a Senate subcommittee investigating Enron's 
Emma Mackinnon, a freshman at Harvard who works with HarvardWatch, said the 
group has urged Harvard president Lawrence Summers to suspend Winokur from the 
governing board, and to investigate whether he shared insider information with 
Highfields. Mackinnon said the group has no evidence that Winokur tipped off 
Highfields to Enron's troubles. But the well-timed short selling seems ''quite a 
coincidence,'' she said, ''particularly given Winokur's fiduciary responsibility 
to Harvard.''
Neither Winokur nor Highfields executive Richard Grubman could be reached at 
work late yesterday. A story in the Globe last month detailed an April 
conference call in which Grubman, who suspected trouble, challenged Enron's 
former chief executive, Jeffrey Skilling, on the company's financial state. A 
Harvard spokesman said the university had not yet studied HarvardWatch's 
allegations but stood by Winokur.
''Mr. Winokur is a valued member of the Harvard corporation,'' said Joe 
Wrinn, the spokesman. ''We understand that he is assisting in the Enron 
investigations now underway. The university is reviewing the situation for any 
developments that have a genuine bearing on Harvard.''
Wrinn said the Harvard Management Co., which oversees Harvard's total 
endowment, does not participate in investment decisions made by Highfields, 
''including its Enron investments.''
It's not clear how much Harvard may have benefited from Highfields's Enron 
bets. Highfields manages more than $4.8 billion in total assets. Harvard's $18 
billion endowment first invested $500 million with start-up Highfields in 1998 
and has since invested more. 
HarvardWatch also alleged in its report yesterday that Harvard's Kennedy 
School of Government had been swayed to do policy work on Enron's behalf after 
receiving large contributions from Enron executives. Harvard declined to comment 
on the allegation.
Beth Healy can be reached by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]; David Abel at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
This story ran on page F1 of the Boston Globe on 2/1/2002.© 
Copyright 2002 
Globe Newspaper Company. 

Description: GIF image
--- End Message ---

[CTRL] Senate Mail

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-




Health at Issue as Mail Gets Irradiated

Safety: Post-anthrax complaints on Capitol Hill of headaches, nausea,
lead some to blame the Postal Service program.


January 31 2002

WASHINGTON -- Among the staff in Sen. Dianne Feinstein's Capitol Hill
office, the complaints have been numerous and disturbing: headaches,
burning hands, nausea and, in one case, a metallic taste in the

The suspected cause: mail being irradiated by the U.S. Postal Service to protect 
federal employees from additional bioterrorist attacks.

By this week, enough Hill staffers had complained of problems that a task force had 
been convened and top postal officials felt compelled to call a news conference 
Wednesday to say they "knew of no medical link yet" betwe
en the reported symptoms and more than 300,000 pieces of government mail being 
sanitized daily. Feinstein (D-Calif.), has said she felt "strongly" that any health 
problems related to the mail should be closely monitored.
Other lawmakers have echoed her concerns.

The alarm about possible side effects from the treated mail--as well as from the 
cleanup of anthrax-contaminated buildings--marks growing worries in Washington that 
the efforts to protect people may well be creating new h

Postal officials on Wednesday attempted to dampen concern about handling the mail. 
They raised the possibility that unseasonably warm weather here may be as much to 
blame for the reported symptoms as anything else.

"At this time we've found no medical or scientific link to the problems--other than 
extra paper dust [caused by the irradiation] and other environmental changes that have 
happened," Deborah Willhite, a Postal Service vice
 president, said at a news conference at the agency's headquarters.

Willhite said people prone to allergy or sinus troubles might be more sensitive to the 
dust created by the irradiation procedure. But, she said, they might also be affected 
by a string of 60-degree-plus January days.

In order to calm the nerves of postal customers beyond the nation's capital, officials 
also stressed that plants in Ohio and New Jersey are only irradiating government mail 
destined for Washington ZIP Codes that start wit
h 202 through 205.

"There is a common misperception that we are irradiating mail that is going throughout 
the country," said Thomas Day, the Postal Service's vice president for engineering. 
"We are not."

The move to irradiate the government mail, with doses that Day described as "much 
higher" than those used for either food safety or medical equipment, was made in the 
weeks after attacks through the mail of anthrax killed
 five people and sickened at least 13 others.

Federal law enforcement officials recovered anthrax-laden letters sent to NBC News 
anchor Tom Brokaw, the New York Post, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), and 
Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.). They believe more li
kely were mailed to other media outlets where employees became ill with the rare 

The letters to Daschle and Leahy, investigators said, contained a fine, powder form of 
anthrax spores. Officials believe the high quality of the powder was responsible for 
the most serious inhaled cases of the disease.

Among the dead were two Washington-area postal workers, who initially had been told 
they were not at risk. Postal officials decided to irradiate mail coming to the 
federal government in Washington because they believed wo
rkers here were at the greatest risk for more attacks.

Public advocates, as well as some lawmakers and postal union officials, question 
whether the move was an overreaction. Public Citizen, a national consumer 
organization, has called for a moratorium on the irradiation of th
e mail until officials have a better understanding of its health effects.

In any case, plans to expand the irradiation of mail now are on hold,
Day said, because of cost concerns and limited irradiation

Postal officials have conceded that carbon monoxide can build up as a
result of the irradiation process, but said frequent testing of the
mail indicated gas levels at or below Environmental Protection Agency

If you want other stories on this topic, search the Archives at
latimes.com/archives. For information about reprinting this article,
go to www.lats.com/rights.
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2002-02-01 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---


By Wayne Madsen

31 January 2002

Today, The Washington Post ran the fifth segment in its series on what
transpired within the Bush Cabinet in the aftermath of September 11. Of
particular interest is what CIA Director George Tenent brought to the table
at Camp David last September 15.  According to the article by Bob Woodward
and Dan Balz, when Tenent produced a Top Secret "Worldwide Attack Matrix"
that specified targets in 80 countries around the world, he sought
unprecedented authority to simply assassinate foreign terrorists directly or
though allied intelligence services. The CIA even prepared a "Memorandum of
Notification" which would allow the agency to have virtual carte blanche to
conduct political assasinations abroad. This Memorandum trumped previous
mechanisms by which the President would authorize intelligence actions (but
not assassinations) through individual Presidential Findings. The fail safe
mechanisms established under the administrations of Presidents Ford, Carter,
Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton were simply erased at the urging of Tenent.  In
light of these revelations, what was authorized by the President may have
led to the assassinations of a umber of human rights and ethnic leaders not
connected in any way with Al Qaeda but did represent bothersome roadblocks
to a number of U.S. military and corporate interests.

It now seems likely, given the unprecedented "license to kill" President
Bush granted to the CIA, there was U.S. complicity in the murders of the
following individuals. Human rights commissions and war crime tribunals in
Belgium and France should take a close look at these likely criminal

1. Theys Eluay. Today, the Indonesian army chief, General Endriartono
Sutarto, confirmed in Jakarta that West Papuan independence leader Theys
Eluay was assassinated by Indonesian Army units after he was kidnapped last
November 11. The assassins were members of KOPASSUS, a special operations
unit trained by U.S. Special Forces and CIA personnel and was involved in
massacres in East Timor during the Indonesian occupation of that country. In
1969, West Papua was formally handed over to Indonesia by the United Nations
after a referendum, now widely recognized as rigged, determined that the
non-Indonesian population wanted to be Indonesian. Eluay was a thorn in the
side of Freeport McMoran, a Louisiana-based mining company that has pillaged
West Papua's natural resources and has been accused by local activists of
propping up local Indonesian army and KOPASSUS officers with bribes and
favors. Henry Kissinger serves as a Director Emeritus on the board of
directors of Freeport and former Louisiana Senator J. Bennett Johnston,
recently identified as a lobbyist for Enron, serves as a full member of the

2. Abdullah Syafii. On January 22, 2002, Indonesian army troops assassinated
the military commander of the Free Aceh Movement, Abdullah Syafii. The Free
Aceh Movement demands independence for Aceh, a region in northwest Sumatra,
and is a member of the non-violent Unrepresented Nations and Peoples
Organization (UNPO), an international organization headquartered in the
Netherlands. It has also been at loggerheads with ExxonMobil, which has
extensive drilling and refining operations in the territory. Aceh's Governor
Abdullah Puteh, who is claimed by local activists to be on the payroll of
ExxonMobil, had written a letter to Syafii inviting him to attend peace
talks with the government. Syafii's lieutenants claim that the letter
contained a small microchip that permitted Indonesian KOPASSUS troops to
track him down and ambush him. The operation has all the earmarks of the
CIA, which can rely on National Security Agency (NSA) satellites to track
such microchip transponders.

3. Elie Hobeika. Elie Hobeika was the head of the Lebanese Forces militia, a
right-wing Christian army that was allied with Israel during its 1982
occupation of Beirut. Although Hobeika was in charge of the Christian forces
that massacred hundreds of Palestinian men, women, and children at the Sabra
and Chatilla refugee camps that year, he had irrefutable evidence that
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had authorized the mass murder in his
role as Israeli Defense Minister. An official Israeli commission of inquiry
found Sharon indirectly responsible for the massacres. Hobeika was going to
testify against Sharon at an upcoming Belgian war crimes tribunal which has
already indicted Sharon for the war crimes. It was that testimony that
resulted in Hobeika being silenced by a Mossad car bomb that exploded near
his SUV near Beirut. The bomb killed Hobeika and his bodyguards. The CIA,
now closely allied with Mossad, is said to have given its approval for the

4. Chief Bola Ige.  On December 23, 2001, Chief Bola Ige, the Minister of
Justice and Attorney General of Nigeria, was assassinated in the bedroom of
his home in 

[CTRL] (Fwd) "Death in the Air" Bill Revised on Capitol Hill

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Dear Friend,

This release is extremely important as the legislation it
discusses is in urgent need of your attention and revision.

Only through your efforts along with other grassroots activists
can we hope to steer this proposed law in the direction of
protecting, rather than destroying, our spiritual freedoms and
civilization as we know it.

Much love in the Spirit of urgent activism,

Ingri Cassel,
PR Department,
Tetrahedron Publishing Group

Tetrahedron Publishing Group
Health Science Communications
for People Around the World
206 North 4th Avenue, Suite 147
Sandpoint, ID 83864 ۰ 208-265-2575 ۰
FAX: 208-265-2775


Release: No. DITA-176

Date Mailed: Feb. 1, 2002
For Immediate Release
Contact: Ingri Cassel—208/265-2575; 888/508-4787

“Death in the Air” Bill Revised on Capitol Hill
Citizen Activists Urged to Fight Risky Star Wars Programs

Sandpoint, ID — “Star Wars” bill revisions on Capitol Hill are
prompting many political observers to cry foul play. The
legislation, House bill 3916, emerged from committee last week
missing its meat and potatoes. All that remains is gravy for
military industrialists and grave risks for humanity, critics

The bill’s initial draft, H.R. 2977, issued by Ohio Democrat
Dennis Kucinich, legitimized what only conspiracy theorists had
previously described including “chemtrail” sprayings and space-
based mind control. On the other hand, loopholes in the bill
potentially left Earthlings less protected than aliens. As a
result, the bill became hot grist for conservative talk show
hosts and frightening debate.

The seriousness of the subject prompted one Idaho publishing
company to donate more than 1,000 books entitled "Death in the
Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare" (Tetrahedron
Publishing Group; 1-888-508-4787) to members of Congress and
American libraries. Released last June, its contents
foreshadowed the 9-11 attacks with details concerning the roots
of terrorism and the latest technologies for “psychotronic
warfare” and population control—issues central to “homeland
security” and this bill.

Originally included in what is now called the “Space
Preservation Act of 2002” were sections banning devices
for “inflicting death or injury on . . . biological life, bodily
health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person
. . . through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space- based
systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser,
or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted
populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or
mind control of such persons or populations; or by expelling chemical
or biological agents in the vicinity of a person.”

In the new bill, however, all of these protections were removed
leaving citizens susceptible to control and attack with
such “exotic weapons systems” directed by agencies and
organizations detailed in the book by Harvard trained public
health activist, Dr. Leonard Horowitz.

H.R. 2977 listed these weapons as—“(i) electronic, psychotronic, or
information weapons; (ii) chemtrails; (iii) high altitude ultra low
frequency weapons systems; (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or
ultrasonic weapons; (v) laser weapons systems; (vi) strategic,
theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and (vii) chemical,
biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.”

Amazingly, Dr. Horowitz critically examined all of these in his
520 page Death in the Air, currently endorsement in CHOICE—the
nation’s leading academic library journal  published by the
American Library Association in their scientific section. (See;

In the updated bill H.R. 3616, available for review through
http://thomas.loc.gov/bss/d107query.html , all of the above
personal protections were mysteriously deleted, according to
critics, leaving populations at risk worldwide. The removal of
such important regulatory language effectively authorizes, some
say, the government’s most controversial experiments, including
the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (better known as
HAARP) to continue. This project sends electromagnetic heating rays
through the atmosphere which many researchers argue is increasing
global warming, jet stream modifications, and weather changes.

More than five years ago, Dr. Horowitz, who specializes in
health science and  government malfeasance, wrote the American
bestseller "Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or
Intentional?" This book explored the thesis that HIV/AIDS may
have been man-made and vaccine transmitted for population
control during a “Special Virus Cancer Program.” This program
was administered by the National Cancer Institute during the
early to mid 1970s.  Initially dismissed by public health
officials and legislators alike, Dr. Horowitz’s pioneering
exposé, theory, and supporting documents are currently under

[CTRL] War of the World, Part III

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.antiwar.com/justin/pf/p-j020102.html

>>>Hot linques in article @ site<<<

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo

February 1, 2002

Let's conquer the world instead

President Bush's State of the Union speech confirms what we have long
maintained on this website: the "war on terrorism" is not a defensive
operation, but a war of conquest. In the wake of 9/11, we endorsed a
limited police action narrowly aimed at getting the perpetrators and
bringing them to justice: the title of my column, "Kill 'Em – and Get
Out!" pretty much summed up our editorial position. It is clear,
after listening to the President threaten the so-called Axis of Evil,
that the US is no longer fighting a just war, if it ever was. After
all the railing and ranting against Osama bin Laden, Bush did not
mention his name once, and only alluded to the Evil One indirectly
when he gloated over how the terrorist leaders are "on the run." It
looks like the US government has pretty much lost sight of OBL – and
they're hoping the American people will do the same.


It's instructive – and not surprising to libertarians – that the one legitimate goal 
of this war, getting Osama and wiping out Al Qaeda – has been thoroughly botched. 
Everything but that has been accomplished: we have ove
rthrown the Taliban, brought Pakistan and India to the brink of thermonuclear 
meltdown, and alienated our oldest allies in the region, the Saudis. Kites are once 
again flying in Kabul – but where's Osama? The US governmen
t couldn't care less: instead of capturing or killing this monster (and bringing 
America's holy crusade to a premature end) they are much more concerned with widening 
the war to include the oil-rich regions of the Middle


Despite the huzzahs from the President's amen corner – which now include Democrats as 
well as Republicans when it comes to foreign policy – as propaganda Bush's speech was 
remarkably dull and unconvincing. He started out
touting our glorious victory, celebrating the ignominious defeat of a bunch of 
bedraggled half-civilized tribesmen by the mightiest army on earth: we not only 
"rallied a great coalition," he declared, but also

"Captured, arrested and rid the world of thousands of terrorists, destroyed 
Afghanistan's terrorist training camps, saved a people from starvation and freed a 
country from brutal oppression."

As if the outcome was ever in doubt – and the warlords hadn't already started shooting 
at each other. Never has there been so much chest-pounding bravado and triumphalist 
hysteria over so little. When Caesar subdued the G
auls, he didn't make half as much noise about it. Okay, then, so we won: mission 
accomplished, over and out. Ah, but not so fast…


We are told that thousands of terrorists – Bush says as many as 100,000 – are roaming 
the earth, with but one thought in mind: to target America:

"What we have found in Afghanistan confirms that, far from ending there, our war 
against terror is only beginning. Most of the 19 men who hijacked planes on September 
the 11th were trained in Afghanistan's camps. And so w
ere tens of thousands of others. Thousands of dangerous killers, schooled in the 
methods of murder, often supported by outlaw regimes, are now spread throughout the 
world like ticking time bombs, set to go off without war


Bush wants a blank check, and, unfortunately, Americans have been frightened into 
giving it to him – a decision we will all live to regret. The idea that we discovered 
all these secret terrorist plans, just laying around
right out in the open, strains credulity, but then Americans are not inclined these 
days to examine the evidence too closely, even if it were readily available. Given the 
alleged scale of the danger we face – a horde of 1
00,000 barbarians, all clamoring to get into the imperial metropolis – how is it that 
we've just now started examining all airline luggage? Where are the checkpoints, the 
armed guards, the tanks in the streets? If Bush's
numbers are even remotely true, then calling for a moratorium on all immigration would 
be the least he could do. Yet it hasn't happened.


There's something awfully phony about a "war on terrorism" where the 
terrorist-in-chief, Osama bin Laden, is dropped down the Memory Hole and new hate 
objects – Iraq, Iran, North Korea, aka The Axis of Evil – suddenly loo
m large. It's bad enough that the nation with the biggest and deadliest war arsenal is 
now inveighing against "weapons of mass destruction," but to top it off Bush points an 
accusing finger at the pitiful and near-collaps
ing regime of North Korea, where the half-mad son of the late Great Leader presides 
over a nation of bark-eating concentration camp victims. If Osama is hiding out in 
Pyongyang, he's going to get plenty of roughage.


No evidence links 

[CTRL] Dodgy Dick the "Ducker"

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Byron York
NRO White House Correspondent

Is Cheney Lying?
The head of the GAO says the vice president is “misrepresenting” the

February 1, 2002 10:25 a.m.

"I'm still hopeful we can work something out," says GAO chief David
Walker of his dispute with Vice President Dick Cheney. Walker was
speaking Thursday evening, two days after announcing his decision to
sue Cheney for information about outsiders who were consulted by
Cheney's energy task force. But Walker says it will be a few more
weeks before a lawsuit is actually filed, which means there is still
time to work out a deal.

There are several reasons for the delay. One, it will take a while
for the GAO's newly hired outside lawyers — led by a former Reagan
Justice Department official — to get up to speed on the case. Two,
Walker will be traveling overseas and doesn't want the suit to be
filed while he's gone. And three — "the most important reason,"
Walker says — he wants to give the White House time to reconsider
some of its statements about the case.

So far, there's no evidence the White House is interested in doing
so. And while Walker says he wants to reach an agreement, he is also
ratcheting up the rhetoric in the already-tense case. In an interview
with National R
eview Online, Walker in essence accused Cheney of lying about the GAO's demands. 
"There have been material misrepresentations of facts coming out of the White House in 
recent weeks," he says. In particular, Walker points
to a statement Cheney made in a television interview last Sunday. "They've demanded of 
me that I give Henry Waxman a listing of everybody I meet with," Cheney told Fox News, 
"of everything that was discussed, any advice t
hat was received, notes and minutes of those meetings."

"That was a very critical and highly material misrepresentation," Walker says. "If we 
were asking for that, I'd understand where they are coming from. But we are not."

Indeed Walker is correct, although there is a little more to it than that. At one 
time, the GAO did ask Cheney specifically for notes and minutes, among other things. 
In a letter sent to Cheney last July 18, the GAO deman
ded "the following information with regard to each of [the task force] meetings: (a) 
the date and location, (b) any person present, including his or her name, title, and 
office or clients represented, (c) the purpose and
agenda, (d) any information presented, (e) minutes or notes, and (f) how member of 
[the task force], group support staff, or others determined who would be invited to 
the meetings."

It was a wide-ranging request, and a month later Walker backed off the demand for 
notes and minutes. "Even though we are legally entitled to this information," Walker 
wrote to Cheney on August 17, "we are scaling back the
 records we are requesting to exclude these two items of information." While Cheney's 
recent comments on television gave the unmistakable impression that GAO is still 
demanding the notes and minutes, Walker wants to make
it clear that the GAO is not. "There should be no confusion about that," he says.

Meanwhile, Walker says the GAO is being scrupulously fair in its handling of the 
energy-task- force issue. Responding to an issue raised in National Review Online 
Thursday, Walker says there is a "fundamental difference"
between the Cheney case, in which the GAO plans to sue the White House for refusing to 
provide information to the GAO, and an earlier investigation of the e-mail system in 
the Clinton White House, in which then-Vice Presi
dent Al Gore also refused to provide the GAO with requested
information. In the Gore case, the GAO, while expressing frustration
with the vice president's secretiveness, did not sue or threaten to

"While it is not uncommon for us to have difficulty in getting
information in White House matters, in that particular case [Gore],
we never had a situation like we have with the energy task force,
where there is an outright refusal to cooperate and provide
information," Walker says. "We did not get everything we would have
like to have gotten [from Gore], but we got all we needed to get an
answer to the questions we were asked to address." The Cheney
situation, Walker says, is far different. "This is more than
difficulties. This is just an outright, 'Leave us alone.'"
Nevertheless, Walker concludes, he applied the same standards in both
cases. "I am absolutely dedicated to being even handed," he says.
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The only real voyage

Re: [CTRL] Eisenhower's Holocaust

2002-02-01 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/30/02 8:44:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Does that make you angry? What will it take to get the average apathetic
American involved in saving his country from such traitors at the top? Thirty
years ago, amid the high popularity of Eisenhower, a book was written setting
out the political and moral philosophy; of Dwight David Eisenhower called,
THE POLITICIAN, by Robert Welch. This year is the 107th Anniversary of
Eisenhower's birth in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890, the son of Jacob
David Eisenhower and his wife Ida. Everyone is all excited about the
celebration of this landmark in the history of "this American patriot."
Senator Robert Dole, in honuor of the Commander of the American Death Camps,
proposed that Washington's Dulles Airport be renamed the Eisenhower Airport!

Not all of us considered Eisenhower so special.   What he saw of the American
prisoners at the end of the war, and the stacks of bodies in the
concentration camps where the Jews were made him very angry.  You must
understand, he was a general.  Most of them are not exactly genius.  They
tend to be politically conservative, intensely vindictive, and ever concerned
with getting to the top.  That and a sprinkling of good luck is how they make
it to general.   Eisenhower was no different than the rest of them.  I would
think that any kind of empathy or compassion would be detrimental to a
military career no matter what the rank.  That's probably why they seldom
have any.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Killing Floor

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


31 January 2002


By Wayne Madsen

31 January 2002

Today, The Washington Post ran the fifth segment in its series on
what transpired within the Bush Cabinet in the aftermath of September
11. Of particular interest is what CIA Director George Tenent brought
to the table at Camp David last September 15. According to the
article by Bob Woodward and Dan Balz, when Tenent produced a Top
Secret "Worldwide Attack Matrix" that specified targets in 80
countries around the world, he sought unprecedented authority to
simply assassinate foreign terrorists directly or though allied
intelligence services. The CIA even prepared a "Memorandum of
Notification" which would allow the agency to have virtual carte
blanche to conduct political assasinations abroad. This Memorandum
trumped previous mechanisms by which the President would authorize
intelligence actions (but not assassinations) through individual
Presidential Findings. The fail safe mechanisms established under the
administrations of Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, and
Clinton were simply erased at the urging of Tenent. In light of these
revelations, what was authorized by the President may have led to the
assassinations of a umber of human rights and ethnic leaders not
connected in any way with Al Qaeda but did represent bothersome
roadblocks to a number of U.S. military and corporate interests.

It now seems likely, given the unprecedented "license to kill" President Bush granted 
to the CIA, there was U.S. complicity in the murders of the following individuals. 
Human rights commissions and war crime tribunals in
Belgium and France should take a close look at these likely criminal misadventures:

1. Theys Eluay. Today, the Indonesian army chief, General Endriartono Sutarto, 
confirmed in Jakarta that West Papuan independence leader Theys Eluay was assassinated 
by Indonesian Army units after he was kidnapped last No
vember 11. The assassins were members of KOPASSUS, a special operations unit trained 
by U.S. Special Forces and CIA personnel and was involved in massacres in East Timor 
during the Indonesian occupation of that country. I
n 1969, West Papua was formally handed over to Indonesia by the United Nations after a 
referendum, now widely recognized as rigged, determined that the non- Indonesian 
population wanted to be Indonesian. Eluay was a thorn
 in the side of Freeport McMoran, a Louisiana-based mining company that has pillaged 
West Papua's natural resources and has been accused by local activists of propping up 
local Indonesian army and KOPASSUS officers with b
ribes and favors. Henry Kissinger serves as a Director Emeritus on the board of 
directors of Freeport and former Louisiana Senator J. Bennett Johnston, recently 
identified as a lobbyist for Enron, serves as a full member
of the board.

2. Abdullah Syafii. On January 22, 2002, Indonesian army troops assassinated the 
military commander of the Free Aceh Movement, Abdullah Syafii. The Free Aceh Movement 
demands independence for Aceh, a region in northwest S
umatra, and is a member of the non-violent Unrepresented Nations and Peoples 
Organization (UNPO), an international organization headquartered in the Netherlands. 
It has also been at loggerheads with ExxonMobil, which has
extensive drilling and refining operations in the territory. Aceh's Governor Abdullah 
Puteh, who is claimed by local activists to be on the payroll of ExxonMobil, had 
written a letter to Syafii inviting him to attend peac
e talks with the government. Syafii's lieutenants claim that the letter contained a 
small microchip that permitted Indonesian KOPASSUS troops to track him down and ambush 
him. The operation has all the earmarks of the CIA
, which can rely on National Security Agency (NSA) satellites to track such microchip 

3. Elie Hobeika. Elie Hobeika was the head of the Lebanese Forces militia, a 
right-wing Christian army that was allied with Israel during its 1982 occupation of 
Beirut. Although Hobeika was in charge of the Christian forc
es that massacred hundreds of Palestinian men, women, and children at the Sabra and 
Chatilla refugee camps that year, he had irrefutable evidence that Israeli Prime 
Minister Ariel Sharon had authorized the mass murder in
his role as Israeli Defense Minister. An official Israeli commission of inquiry found 
Sharon indirectly responsible for the massacres. Hobeika was going to testify against 
Sharon at an upcoming Belgian war crimes tribunal
 which has already indicted Sharon for the war crimes. It was that testimony that 
resulted in Hobeika being silenced by a Mossad car bomb that exploded near his SUV 
near Beirut. The bomb killed Hobeika and his bodyguards.
 The CIA, now closely allied with Mossad, is said to have given its approval for the 

4. Chief Bola Ige. On December 23, 2001, Chief Bola Ige, the Minister of Justice and 
Attorney Gene

[CTRL] CIA Turns to Bangalore

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Bangalore firm comes to CIA's aid



ANGALORE: The world's most powerful secret service organisation --
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) -- is dipping into the hi-tech
expertise of a Bangalore company to give it more teeth.

Stratify, earlier known as Purple Yogi, is working for the CIA to
sift through the mammoth of unstructured information streaming into
the organisation from a myriad sources. Some sensational, some plain

Interestingly, this project located on Bangalore's Airport Road has
been funded by In-Q-Tel, an independent investing arm of the CIA.

``Working for the Intelligence Agency is a challenging task. The
amount of information coming in is overwhelming -- there are so many
e-mails, letters and sometimes just rumours sent in by their
operatives across the length and breadth of the world that trying to
make logical sense is excruciatingly painful,'' says Rakesh Mathur,
who shot to fame when his start-up Junglee was sold to Amazon for a
multi-million dollar sum.

Stratify has developed a software which endows a certain method to
the maddening deluge of unstructured data that comes into the CIA
network. ``In-Q-Tel is building a portfolio of highly innovative and
important new commercial technologies that can help tackle the
toughest IT challenges the CIA faces today,'' says Gilman Louie, In-Q-
Tel President and CEO.

It's evident that post-September 11, a sense of acute urgency has
crept into the functioning of US' premier intelligence agency. It's
largely believed that a robust software such as this would be able to
quickly sniff a logical pattern in secret e-mails that land in the
CIA mailbox. It is felt that if the CIA obtains a certain coherence
from the mass of information that comes its way, catastrophes like
the 9/11 one could have been averted.

``It is just not humanly possible to find a way out of all this
unstructured data. Our software ensures that it can be done and more
important is the fact that it understands different languages --
including Farsi, Arabic, French, German and others,'' says Mathur.

Although the company has developed the software for CIA, it is still
involved in the applications that go on top of it. One such
application can be to get one page a day delivered to the US
President. And, this one page comes maybe from tons of info that
pours into the CIA office at Langley, Virginia and other centres.

And, it is just not cloak-and-dagger stuff that this software is
being used for. India's most admired company, Infosys Technologies,
is another one of its customers. ``For them, all the unstructured
information is used for creating business proposals and
specifications as fast as possible, beating competition,'' adds
Nimesh Mehta, the newly joined CEO who was a former vice-president of
the world's largest database company, Oracle.

The brains behind the project

How is Stratify planning to become ``an Oracle of unstructured data
management''? The hardcore tech-team consists of: John Lamping who
holds original patents for structured access algorithms. Joy Thomas,
who was a senior engineer in IBM's Watson Research Lab, who has
authored books on fundamental research. Pandu Nayak earlier worked in
NASA where he did original untethered spacecraft. Two founders are
from the Microprocessor Lab, Intel. And, Rakesh Mathur, of course.

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new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conduci

[CTRL] Jogging the MEMRI

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Tim Cavanaugh
Posted November 27, 2001

Making a MEMRI

Site doesn't travel very far to cherry-pick offensive comments

By Tim Cavanaugh, OJR Contributor

At a time when interfaith dialogue groups are

Print version

Tim Cavanaugh:

01/ 02
Let Slip the Blogs of War

11/ 01
Making a MEMRI

09/ 01
Another Voice: Net Generates Sound and Fury

09/ 01
The Backlash That Almost Wasn't

09/ 01
Putting a CAP on a Hoax
opening around the country, when Islamic histories make the bestseller lists and 
bookstores can't keep the Koran in stock, when the nation is following the President's 
lead in working toward a fuller and more amicable app
reciation of Islam and the Arab world, the Washington-based Middle East Media Research 
Institute spreads hate speech, baseless conspiracy theories and vicious calumny in a 
blatant effort to discredit Arabs and stir up mal
ice toward Muslims. And they're providing a pretty valuable service in the process.

Heard about the Palestinian doctor's love letter to anthrax? How about the Saudi 
debate on the annihilation of Christians and Jews? The state- sponsored newspapers 
reporting that Rudy Giuliani is a Jewish, homosexual mack
 daddy who uses his diminutive first name to avoid being confused with the German 
dictator Rudolph Hitler? If you missed these stories, you're not just missing some 
vital perspectives on America's War On Terrorism (WOT).
You might also consider giving up on such relatively tame online chuckle sources as 
Modern Humorist and your collection of wacky bin Laden Photoshops, and sign up instead 
for the full frontal comedy MEMRI delivers every d
ay or so to its fax and e-mail list.

Anybody who has spent any time in the Middle East, knows that MEMRI doesn't need to 
travel very far to cherry-pick offensive comments.

>From two offices - one in Jerusalem and another (staffed by "about half a dozen 
>people," according to one worker) on H Street in our nation's embattled capitol - 
>MEMRI publishes a range of articles, including reports and
analytical pieces written by its staffers. The most recent of these, which went out 
via e-mail but had not been posted to the organization's site as of this writing, is a 
character assassination of the assistant secretary
 of state for Near Eastern affairs, Edward S. Walker, who made headlines a few weeks 
back by appearing on Qatari superstation al-Jazeera to rebut, in Arabic, an Osama bin 
Laden broadcast.

Walker, a former ambassador to Israel and an impeccably-credentialed career diplomat 
whom even Robert Kaplan, tough-guy writer for The Atlantic Monthly and a tireless 
inquisitor of diplomatic heterodoxy, called "a first-r
ate Arabist with experience in both Israel and the Arab world" in his 1993 book The 
Arabists, ran afoul of MEMRI for quibbling about whether present-day Hezbullah can 
best be defined as a terrorist group or a political/ g
uerrilla organization. Where less-than-fully hawkish approaches to Israeli security 
appear, MEMRI writes them up like an especially tough hall monitor.

But what has gotten MEMRI attention and, in the past two months, a crucial spot in the 
media food chain, is its translations of articles - particularly unhinged, rabid 
articles - from the Arabic media. Whatever you think
of its story-selection process, MEMRI is filling an important gap in our understanding 
of the Middle East. Americans still have little access to important news and 
viewpoints from the Arab and Farsi media. The Beirut  Dai
ly Star provides welcome English-language coverage, but even that fine paper can't 
reproduce the range of news and opinion available in Arabic. The resulting vacuum 
tends to get filled by D.C.-based Arab journalists like
as- Safir's excellent Hisham Melhem, by Condy Rice-approved snippets from al- Jazeera, 
or worst of all, by American blowhards explaining how this or that policy is going 
over in the "Arab street." Translations of the sort
 MEMRI provides are essential.

They're also risible. MEMRI's window opens on a world where the line between the 
crazed mob and the reasoning intelligentsia doesn't exist, where  government 
officials, playwrights and popular dailies all believe in the B
lood Libel, a myth of Jewish perfidy that went into decline in Europe around the time 
of Chaucer's Prioress's Tale, but still seems to have currency in the Levant.

These translations get around quickly. A juicy MEMRI mailing will get picked up 
quickly by bloggers, discussion lists and various right-wing journals of opinion. In 
the case of Dr. 'Atallah Abu Al-Subh's recent ode to ant
hrax, MEMRI was first with a version in English. The story picked up a favorable 
notice from the Wall Street Journal's editorial site, ran in the Jerusalem Post, and 
received the inevitable Drudge link, all within a day.
What's impressive is that the organization, formed in 1998 " to study and analyze 
intellectual developments and po

Re: [CTRL] Wm. Cooper believed Whitley Strieber was a CIA asset

2002-02-01 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

I would not give too much credibility to William Cooper, an alcoholic nut who
seriously wounded a police officer in a shootout in which he was killed.

He has changed his story over the years but on thing remained the same: he
often accused 'enemies' who did not buy his story without question as being
CIA agents.


On 1 Feb 02, at 12:58, Samantha L. wrote:

> http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/coverup006.html
> excerpt
> James Forrestal's secret diaries were confiscated by the CIA and were kept in
> the White House for many years. Due to public demand the diaries were
> eventually rewritten and published in a sanitized version. The real diary
> information was later furnished by the CIA in book form to an agent who
> published the material as fiction. THE NAME OF THE AGENT IS WHITLEY STRIEBER
> and the book is 'MAJESTIC'. James Forrestal became one of the first victims
> of the cover-up.
> ---
> Samantha

"In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes."


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] More Langford on Strieber

2002-02-01 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


An Account of a Meeting with Denizens of Another World, 1871, allegedly by
William Robert Loosley -- `non-fact' UFO book. Newton Abbot (Devon), David &
Charles, 1979 hc. Central narrative summarized without permission or payment
by Whitley Strieber in Majestic, 1989 hc


Whitley Strieber has been sending out a digitized image of an utterly
bog-standard and clichéd `alien', hailing it as `the most authentic looking
photograph of an apparent alien that I have ever seen. The reason that I feel
this is that it seems to reveal anatomical structures around the black eye
covers that I have observed but intentionally never reported anywhere.' Gosh!
Could someone be having him on? `Whether this is a model or not, it is
terribly authentic, so authentic that I believe that it can be used to
acclimatize oneself to the actual grays, which is not easy to do you wake up
in the middle of the night with one of them peering into your face.' [JM]
Quite, quite. Characteristically, although the creator of the image is
unknown and WS has absolutely no rights to it, he has `copyrighted it in the
name of the Communion Foundation, and it is not for distribution without
permission.' I recall a refusal to let me quote the pages of Majestic which
ripped off my own UFO spoof


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dave Langford: "nobody messes with Whitley Strieber"

2002-02-01 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


1990 Dave Langford convention speech


This is where I'd better be careful with my words. I keep hearing the
terrible, vulture-like flapping of lawyers. It hadn't occurred to me that
when he sent up Whitley Strieber back in Interzone 25, good old Tom Disch
might actually have been risking a lawsuit. Yet he did sort of dwell on the
remarkable coincidence that Strieber had been looking into a book called
Science and the UFOs by Jenny Randles and Peter Warrington, which describes a
"classic" UFO experience... and then, mere hours later, he was supposed to
have had the strangely similar experience which was so profitably
immortalized in his Communion. Badly drawn aliens with enormous eyes and
faces made of putty removed his underpants and thrust their video cameras
where no man had gone before. Or something like that.

Jenny Randles, who's a professional UFO author and researcher, made the
mistake of joking about this suggestive sequence of events when speaking on
the radio. Having been sent a tape of the programme by his UFOlogical
colleague Stanton Friedman, Strieber immediately threatened a libel action.
Randles lacked the funds to resist and had to grovel in public. Nobody messes
with Whitley Strieber.

It was, by coincidence, Jenny Randles who first noticed something familiar
about certain pages of Strieber's new aliens-are-among-us novel Majestic,
which is billed as fiction, but a fiction closely based on coff coff quote
true incident unquote. The news reached me through the grapevine: two pages
of this heavily hyped epic are a detailed rehash -- a condensation rather in
the Readers Digest style -- of the central narrative in my own UFO spoof,
complete with names and dates. Not wishing to be unfair, I suppose this might
have just have been a remarkable case of synchronicity, or telepathy, but
because I'm a small-minded bastard I complained to Strieber's publishers

I must say that, although I lack huge riches for lawsuits against anyone who
irritates me, I would rather have enjoyed a grovelling public apology from
that great man Whitley Strieber. Instead, I merely got a lofty assurance from
his American publishers that -- by lifting the story not directly from my
book but from a gosh-wow compilation which had ripped it off without
permission from me -- Strieber behaved entirely properly despite not getting
permission from anybody.

(As I understand this precedent, you can therefore steal a plot from, say,
Joe Haldeman with absolute safety -- so long as you don't read the book and
just get the details from a friend.)

Furthermore, the editors at Putnam said in reply to a slightly malicious
request, Whitley and they were not going to grant permission for me to quote
the version of my story which appears without my permission in Majestic. (I
suppose I could ask if they'd let me paraphrase it) As for an apology, or
maybe even $50 worth of permission fee, forget it: to offer either of these
dreadfully expensive things would be to admit liability, and of course we
can't have that. I can only hope for a credit on the next edition's copyright
page. [This duly materialized, at least in Britain.]

The UFO world is complicated. Only after all this, and after writing about my
exciting spiritual relationship with Majestic, did I learn that I might have
been walking on awfully thin ice... when Jenny Randles explained to me the
perils of so much as hinting that Strieber could ever have been influenced by
any other book whatever. She also let slip that she was again being sued,
this time in earnest, by Strieber's aforementioned pal Stanton Friedman.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Colleen's Inane "Bible Code" (was; The New World Order in Bible prophecy)

2002-02-01 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

> I could just as easily claim that the patterns caused by my car's oil
> predicted the destruction of the WTC towers on 9/11,

that's it! that's the answer!

i expect that you will provide the list with weekly reports on your oil
leaks. we need patterns, rates of leaking, the works. you supply the data,
i'll do the math, the list can come up with the conclusions and...,
well, we'll have our pick of publishers once this gets out.

don't waste any time june! there could be lives at stake!



"sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism" - huey
"there ought to be limits to freedom" - george w. bush
"if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator." - george w. bush
"freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to
lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do
it."  - rudolph giulliani

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Wm. Cooper believed Whitley Strieber was a CIA asset

2002-02-01 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>James Forrestal's secret diaries were confiscated by the CIA and were kept
>the White House for many years. Due to public demand the diaries were
>eventually rewritten and published in a sanitized version. The real diary
>information was later furnished by the CIA in book form to an agent who
>published the material as fiction.

Why would the CIA do that?  It seems to me that if someone's diaries
contained such explosive information that the CIA would confiscate them,
there would be no reason to release it later...

It the CIA indeed confiscated Forrestal's diaries, I doubt ANYTHING they
released later was real and true, or at least the WHOLE reality and truth...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Colleen's Inane "Bible Code" (was; The New World Order in Bible prophecy)

2002-02-01 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>So all these secret societies have it seems one common denominator -
>they use the Bible as their Master Plan and many have a bible calendar,
>but THE Calendar, the Master Plan, is the one I hae which was in a
>Gideon Bible dated 1954..keyed from JFK murder right down to the
>Twin Towers.   For a date and appointed time certain.

Gee, Colleen, for at least the past two years some of us have demanded that
you PROVE the efficacy of your so-called "Bible calendar code" by providing
just ONE prediction BEFORE THE FACT...

Now you claim that it predicted the destruction of the WTC towers on 9/11,
yet not once did you even HINT of this BEFORE it happened...

I could just as easily claim that the patterns caused by my car's oil leaks
predicted the destruction of the WTC towers on 9/11, or that my collection
of Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter Whimsey mysteries contain a hidden code that
predicted the JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations...but unless I'm able to
provide a prediction BEFORE an event against which the accuracy of my
claimed source of prophecy can be judged, such claims would be just so much

...as are YOUR claims regarding your so-called Bible Code

You had a perfect opportunity to display its supposed power by warning us
BEFORE 9/11 of the events that were due to happen on that date; so why
didn't you, Colleen?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Wm. Cooper believed Whitley Strieber was a CIA asset

2002-02-01 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

> -Original Message-
> From: Samantha L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/coverup006.html
> James Forrestal's secret diaries were confiscated by the CIA
> and were kept in
> the White House for many years. Due to public demand the diaries were
> eventually rewritten and published in a sanitized version.
> The real diary
> information was later furnished by the CIA in book form to an
> agent who
> published the material as fiction. THE NAME OF THE AGENT IS
> and the book is 'MAJESTIC'.

In Majestic, Strieber hints stongly that Forrestal was subject to the same
abduction experiences as Strieber had which prompted him to write Communion
and other books about his abductions by the "visitors."

If so, the CIA and others in government knew from the start what was going

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Sharon Is Sorry Israel Didn't Kill Arafat in the 80's

2002-02-01 Thread Saba

Well they finally figured it out that this Ariel Scheinman Sharon has
"gangster mentality".

This Donald Rumsfeld stood before the American public "big timing" and
spoke of "taking out" Sadaam Hussein.   Big mouth, big talk but get him
on the floor to dance with the enemy face to face and watch yellow
streak back from whence he came.

This stuff re the Philadelphia Mint - could be a big heist in the making
like the Twin Towers with all that gold at the bottom and a gold truck
loaded up in the tunnel got flattened unexpectedly?   Only two took gold
trucks to recover same?

This is the International Order of the Zionist Jewish Mafia at work and
by their fruits we do know you.

Remember the USS Liberty and Lavon Affair - the Walker spies for whom
the KGB formed a KKK and Jonathan Pollard for because of this man who
spied for Israel, over 1 million Iraqi children have died without just

We are becoming a nation of slaughtermen - and the avengers of blood
will now do to us, what we do unto them.

All because we have become thisi flyspeck on the map, this Israel's
scapegoat and cats paw.   Tail wagging big dog for big bucks?   You
better believe it.


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February 1, 2002
Sharon Is Sorry Israel Didn't Kill Arafat in the 80's

"Mr. Erekat, the Palestinian negotiator, said of Mr. Sharon's comment,
"A prime minister in his country who would say something about killing
people or liquidating people — it's a gangster mentality."

JERUSALEM, Jan. 31 — The Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, said in
an interview published today that Israel should have killed Yasir Arafat
when it had the chance in Lebanon 20 years ago.

Saeb Erekat, the Palestinians' chief negotiator, said the comment
indicated that Mr. Sharon "is going to correct his mistake now" by
killing Mr. Arafat. Israeli officials have said that it is government
policy not to harm the Palestinian leader, and in fact, Mr. Sharon
emphasized today that Mr. Arafat could still be an active player in the
peace process.

Mr. Arafat and Mr. Sharon, aging leaders who exemplify the violence,
passion and complexity of their people's feud, clashed in Lebanon with
bitter results for both.

Both rebounded in the last two decades.

Mr. Arafat recognized the right of Israel to exist, returned from exile
to Palestinian-controlled territory and pursued a peace process that was
expected to result in a Palestinian state beside Israel. Mr. Sharon, who
as the defense minister directed the invasion of Lebanon in 1982,
recovered from condemnation of his performance there, winning an
overwhelming mandate last year to lead Israel.

In the last year, hopes for imminent peace have collapsed under an
intensifying exchange of blows between the antagonists. Mr. Arafat,
accused by Israel of encouraging terrorism, is again besieged by Israeli
forces, this time in the West Bank city of Ramallah rather than in
Beirut. As they were in 1982, the Israeli troops are once again under
the command of Mr. Sharon.

The two leaders have renewed their decades-old rivalry in the land at
its root, and analysts here say it now seems that one or both will fall
from power before the impasse is resolved.

The conflict can seem as personal as it is political, though associates
of both men deny that it is.
In an interview with the newspaper Maariv, Mr. Sharon said he regretted
not striking the knockout blow when he had the chance.

"There was an agreement in Lebanon not to liquidate Yasir Arafat," he
said. "Actually, I am sorry that we did not liquidate him." An Israeli
sniper is said to have had Mr. Arafat in his sights as the Palestinian
leader boarded a ship to leave Beirut for Tunis, but he did not receive
the order to fire.

Mr. Erekat, the Palestinian negotiator, said of Mr. Sharon's comment, "A
prime minister in his country who would say something about killing
people or liquidating people — it's a gangster mentality."

Mr. Arafat and other Palestinians believe that Israel repeatedly tried
to kill him in Lebanon with bombing raids that, like other efforts to
assassinate him over the years, barely missed their target.
As the conflict has dragged on, the Bush administration has increasingly
backed Mr. Sharon. Today, with obvious reluctance, it gently rebuked him
for publicly reg

[CTRL] Wm. Cooper believed Whitley Strieber was a CIA asset

2002-02-01 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-



James Forrestal's secret diaries were confiscated by the CIA and were kept in
the White House for many years. Due to public demand the diaries were
eventually rewritten and published in a sanitized version. The real diary
information was later furnished by the CIA in book form to an agent who
published the material as fiction. THE NAME OF THE AGENT IS WHITLEY STRIEBER
and the book is 'MAJESTIC'. James Forrestal became one of the first victims
of the cover-up.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Man's sex with goat

2002-02-01 Thread Peat
Title: Message

Ah the joys of a train ride through the English country 
This guy is either seriously demented or undre some 
heavy-duty mind control.
Man's sex with goat 
A CHEF had sex with a goat — and was seen by a trainload of passengers, a 
court heard yesterday.
Stephen Hall, 23, lassoed the animal with his belt at the Paradise allotments 
near his home.
As the packed Hull to Bridlington train stopped at signals, dozens of 
passengers stared out in amazement.
In seconds, police switchboards were jammed as horrified commuters used their 
mobiles to report what they had seen.
The female goat was one of a number left to graze near the allotments, Hull 
Crown Court was told.
A man out walking his dog also made a 999 call to Humberside Police Control 
Two members of the public pinned down Hall while a stream of officers raced 
to the scene. Jobless Hall, from Hull, was initially arrested by the Humberside 
Police Dog Section.
A vet who examined the goat said it was "subdued" by the assault but was not 
suffering long-term injury.
British Transport Police Detective Inspector Dave Crinnion, who investigated, 
said: "I saw the goat the next day — it did not seem too upset but it is 
difficult to tell."
Yesterday, Hall admitted a sex charge involving an animal.
Judge Jacqueline Davies, who adjourned the case for reports, said: "I do not 
know what sentence the court will impose on you."
He is due to be sentenced on March 13.
Hall, who says he is gay, said after the hearing: "My friends have been 
giving me a lot of stick. They are all joking with me about it.
"I have never done anything like this before."

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2002-02-01 Thread Peat
Title: Message

Another fine mess we 
seem to have avoided (so far)...




February 1, 2002 
-- WASHINGTON - An al 
Qaeda terror leader told U.S. interrogators of a horrifying plot to fly a 
commercial jetliner into an American nuclear reactor, a government memo reveals. 

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission memo says that an "al Qaeda senior 
operative" told FBI interrogators that "there would be a second airline attack" 
that would have possibly more devastating results than the catastrophic attacks 
of Sept. 11. 
If U.S. military jets try to interfere with the kamikaze nuclear strike, the 
terror pilots are trained to immediately fly the plane into the closest tall 
building, the memo said. 
The al Qaeda operative told the FBI the attack was "already planned" and that 
"three individuals" were already in the United States and working with 
"non-Arabs to take part," the memo said. 
It didn't indicate a date, time or location for the planned attack. 
But it did say that terror operatives on the ground would choose the target. 
The chilling disclosure came as Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld warned that 
the United States could be hit with an attack "vastly more deadly" than those of 
Sept. 11. 
And it followed President Bush's revelation that U.S. officials in 
Afghanistan found blueprints of nuke facilities, water-treatment plants, city 
maps and information on landmarks. 
An FBI official confirmed last night that the bureau provided the information 
to the NRC, but said the terror tip was first received "several months ago" - 
but after Sept. 11 - and determined to be "not a high threat." 
"We put it to the test. It was not deemed to be a credible, hard threat," an 
FBI official said. 
But a U.S. source said a foreign government provided the same terror tip a 
few weeks ago. That prompted the FBI to double-check the threat and, again, 
conclude there was nothing to verify it. 
The NRC sent the memo to all 103 nuclear-power plants in the United States on 
Jan. 23, but didn't require the facilities to take any extra precautions. 
The plants have been on high alert and under armed guard since Sept. 11. 
The NRC said 20 warnings have gone to nuclear facilities since Sept. 11. 
Intelligence agents have been aware for months of terror threats against nuke 
facilities, and don't believe the memo refers to new information, a U.S. 
official said.

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Re: [CTRL] Turns Out It's Not the Black Cats You Have to Watch Our For

2002-02-01 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/1/02 1:51:40 AM Central Standard Time,

> Forgive the sarcasm, but really – how dare he? Hasn’t he more important
>  things to do? How dare he say to those in pain – not op-ed-page pain or
>  hypothetical pain, but
> understands-the-import-of-what-he’s-doing pain – "Tough. You’ll just have
> suffer."

  Ashcroft and Mother Teresa would have made a good pair.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Marijuana's Effects: More Than Munchies

2002-02-01 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/1/02 1:41:21 AM Central Standard Time,

> Mark, however, wistfully wonders what his life might have been like without
>  marijuana. "I'm the only one in my family who wasn't an Ivy Leaguer," he
> said.
>  "I went to a crummy college. I should have been right up there with the
> of
>  them."

  Being an Ivy Leaguer and a profound consumer is the pinnacle of all
existence.  Too bad Mark missed it.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mint may have been al-Qaeda target

2002-02-01 Thread Peat
Title: Message

Mint may have been al-Qaeda target
Among the information uncovered in a former safehouse in Kabul was 
plans for an attack in Philadelphia, NBC News said.By John J. Lumpkin 
WASHINGTON - U.S. officials uncovered rudimentary diagrams of nuclear 
weapons in a suspected al-Qaeda safehouse in Kabul, a U.S. intelligence report 
Also found were plans to attack the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia, NBC News 
reported yesterday, citing U.S. officials. 
The discovery of the nuclear weapons diagrams provides further evidence of 
al-Qaeda's efforts to acquire such weapons to use in terrorist attacks. The 
unclassified report, submitted by CIA Director George Tenet to Congress and 
released yesterday, says that the "diagrams, while crude, describe essential 
components - uranium and high explosives - common to nuclear weapons." 
The report says terrorists aren't believed to have a functional weapon, 
Other evidence obtained in Afghanistan shows that al-Qaeda operatives have 
fallen for a number of scams in their attempts to acquire nuclear weapons and 
other weapons of mass destruction, a senior government analyst said. 
"That's good news for us," said Gary Richter, a terrorism expert with the 
Energy Department's Sandia National Laboratories. "It shows they really don't 
know what they are doing. If they knew to turn away these scam artists, it would 
be frightening." 
Richter said he has examined several items recovered from al-Qaeda caches 
in Afghanistan, all of which were believed to be tied to the terrorist group's 
attempts to develop or buy weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear 
devices. From them, Richter concluded that al-Qaeda operatives tried to buy such 
weapons several times, paying cash for items that turned out to be worthless. 

"They'll buy junk," he said, adding that they appear to be very naive 
regarding nuclear weapons. 
Richter declined to describe the items he has examined, but he said they 
showed an encouraging lack of technical sophistication in the group. He did not 
know how much money al-Qaeda had spent on trying to buy these weapons. 
"We're not talking about dullards. But their forte, their whole M.O., tends 
to be more brute force than high-tech," he said. "Al-Qaeda is not a techie kind 
of organization, and they've fallen flat on their faces in some areas." 
He also declined to say from whom al-Qaeda tried to purchase the weapons. 
U.S. troops and intelligence officers searching through abandoned caves, safe 
houses and camps belonging to the group have discovered some canisters and 
chemistry apparatus, some of which had Russian markings. 
Richter echoed statements from U.S. defense and intelligence officials that 
al-Qaeda has developed a crude ability to use industrial chemicals as weapons - 
like those used on the battlefields in the early part of World War I. 
But he said the terrorist group lacks the sophistication to deliver these 
weapons in a way that would kill mass numbers of people. Other officials have 
said al-Qaeda could probably deploy chlorine, phosgene and some biological 
toxins as weapons. 
Much of the terrorists' interest centers on chemical weapons, such as 
cyanide salts, that could be used to contaminate food and water supplies and 
assassinate individuals, says the Tenet report. 
Other evidence uncovered in Afghanistan includes diagrams of American 
nuclear power plants, showing al-Qaeda's interest in striking these targets, but 
it's unclear how far along those plans were, a defense official said. 
Officials were unaware of finds noting specific times or operatives who 
would conduct a particular attack. Instead, the documents seem to be part of 
al-Qaeda's research, and they provide insight to the terrorist group's thought 
process in selecting and planning attacks, said the official, speaking on 
condition of anonymity. 
A photograph of the Space Needle in Seattle was among documents discovered 
in a computer system in Afghanistan, Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske said 
Also found were plans to attack the Los Angeles International Airport and 
Mint in Philadelphia, NBC News reported yesterday.
Sylvester Johnson, acting Philadelphia police commissioner, said he was 
unaware of any specific threat against the mint. 
Johnson said that the city had received intelligence reports in the past 
that suggested a threat, but that they had turned out to be false. 
A spokesperson for the mint could not immediately be reached for comment. 

An earlier plot to bomb the airport was foiled two years ago when the 
alleged terrorist was arrested crossing the border from Canada into the United 
FBI spokesman Matthew McLaughlin in Los Angeles said he had not seen the 
NBC report and could not immediately comment. 
NBC also reported that information was found in Afghanistan about the Grand 
Coulee Dam in central Washington state. The Bureau of Re

[CTRL] Eco-Economy

2002-02-01 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

Property is theft: oil is lunacy. Here's a look at why.

Can the western world live without its vroom-vroom? One way or another we
will soon find out.

Download the book here:


Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth
by Lester R. Brown

Download Eco-Economy for free. (Requires Adobe Acrobat). Read the press

In 1543, Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus challenged the view that the
Sun revolved around the earth, arguing instead that the earth revolved
around the Sun. His paper led to a revolution in thinking-to a new
worldview. Eco-Economy discusses the need today for a similar shift in our

The issue now is whether the environment is part of the economy or the
economy is part of the environment. Brown argues the latter, pointing out
that treating the environment as part of the economy has produced an economy
that is destroying its natural support systems.

Brown notes that if China were to have a car in every garage, American
style, it would need 80 million barrels of oil a day-more than the world
currently produces. If paper consumption per person in China were to reach
the U.S. level, China would need more paper than the world produces. There
go the world's forests. If the fossil fuel-based, automobile-centered,
throwaway economic model will not work for China, it won't work for the
other 3 billion people in the developing world-and it will not work for the
rest of the world.

But Brown is optimistic as he describes how to restructure the global
economy to make it compatible with the earth's ecosystem so that economic
progress can continue.

In the new economy, wind farms replace coal mines, hydrogen-powered fuel
cells replace internal combustion engines, and cities are designed for
people, not cars. Glimpses of the new economy can be seen in the wind farms
of Denmark, the solar rooftops of Japan, and the bicycle network of the

Eco-Economy is a roadmap of how to get from here to there.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The New World Order in Bible prophecy

2002-02-01 Thread Saba

So all these secret societies have it seems one common denominator -
they use the Bible as their Master Plan and many have a bible calendar,
but THE Calendar, the Master Plan, is the one I hae which was in a
Gideon Bible dated 1954..keyed from JFK murder right down to the
Twin Towers.   For a date and appointed time certain.


--- Begin Message ---


--- End Message ---

[CTRL] Globalization Reveals Antichrist and Second Coming of Christ

2002-02-01 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: RETRIBUTION! - Attack on World Trade Center Prophesied Day Before

2002-02-01 Thread Saba

This article above wanted planted by someone in the conspiracy -
whenever yousee the words "divine revelation" beware.   Think the
messages come from a different direction.

Now conspiracy dates way back to the bible  and conspiracy by those
professing to have a direct line to God - even in those days Kings and
Queens knew prophecy equates to propagandaperiod. They mean the same

The man who wrote all this stuff was also privy I believe to the fall of
the Murrah building.

Ezekial in the bible and this man uses much from Ezekial, including the
behold son of man stuff I am against you (Ezekial 13) but this stuff
from Daniel and Ezekial was also used by the conspirators who murdered

So on with the show  everything old is new again (and that is out of the
revelaitons I think)

Here is lovely introduction to conspiracy - and phoney prophetsthen
read this horrible article and see how they are operating.painting
evil pictures, showiong the deed before the crime "get the picture"???
This is Mafia stuff - Contract on America and its people.


Here is the one blurp from Ezekial and under subject matter pull up this
other malicious propaganda and remember it was all set for an appointed
time, for the vision was written on the table which was set for an
appointed time but it it tarry, do not fear - it will materialize.

The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Ezekiel, chapter 22
"1": Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
"2": Now, thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody
city? yea, thou shalt shew her all her abominations.
"3": Then say thou, Thus saith the Lord GOD, The city sheddeth blood in
the midst of it, that her time may come, and maketh idols against
herself to defile herself.
"4": Thou art become guilty in thy blood that thou hast shed; and hast
defiled thyself in thine idols which thou hast made; and thou hast
caused thy days to draw near, and art come even unto thy years:
therefore have I made thee a reproach unto the heathen, and a mocking to
all countries.
"5": Those that be near, and those that be far from thee, shall mock
thee, which art infamous and much vexed.
"6": Behold, the princes of Israel, every one were in thee to their
power to shed blood.
"7": In thee have they set light by father and mother: in the midst of
thee have they dealt by oppression with the stranger: in thee have they
vexed the fatherless and the widow.
"8": Thou hast despised mine holy things, and hast profaned my sabbaths.
"9": In thee are men that carry tales to shed blood: and in thee they
eat upon the mountains: in the midst of thee they commit lewdness.
"10": In thee have they discovered their fathers' nakedness: in thee
have they humbled her that was set apart for pollution.
"11": And one hath committed abomination with his neighbour's wife; and
another hath lewdly defiled his daughter in law; and another in thee
hath humbled his sister, his father's daughter.
"12": In thee have they taken gifts to shed blood; thou hast taken usury
and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by
extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord GOD.
"13": Behold, therefore I have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain
which thou hast made, and at thy blood which hath been in the midst of
"14": Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong, in the days
that I shall deal with thee? I the LORD have spoken it, and will do it.
"15": And I will scatter thee among the heathen, and disperse thee in
the countries, and will consume thy filthiness out of thee.
"16": And thou shalt take thine inheritance in thyself in the sight of
the heathen, and thou shalt know that I am the LORD.
"17": And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
"18": Son of man, the house of Israel is to me become dross: all they
are brass, and tin, and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace;
they are even the dross of silver.
"19": Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye are all become
dross, behold, therefore I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem.
"20": As they gather silver, and brass, and iron, and lead, and tin,
into the midst of the furnace, to blow the fire upon it, to melt it; so
will I gather you in mine anger and in my fury, and I will leave you
there, and melt you.
"21": Yea, I will gather you, and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath,
and ye shall be melted in the midst thereof.
"22": As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so shall ye be
melted in the midst thereof; and ye shall know that I the LORD have
poured out my fury upon you.
"23": And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
"24": Son of man, say unto her, Thou art the land that is not cleansed,
nor rained upon in the day of indignation.
"25": There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a
roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have
taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows

[CTRL] Fwd: Russian Expert Who ‘Predicted’ Attacks Warns of New Ones

2002-02-01 Thread Saba

This so call "Russian Expert" is nothing more than a psuedo religious
political propagandist engaged in psychological warfare directed at the
United States of America...reminds me of the old days when they
turned loose the astrologers and psychics against John F. Kennedy, our
Space Program and our best democrats were murdered in cold blood "in the
open sight of others" and normally high noon or low twelve hits.Even
Reagan, though Republican, once had been democrat and hit at high noon
coming from the Temple of Labor?

This kind of political tripe might have gone over in the 1929 period and
early 1930 period, but really this is like trying to cause a "rush" on a
bank - only this time it is the true bank of the United States for it is
the taxpayers who pick up all the tabs.

One would do well to remember the Mossad/KGB all work in same boat, and
consider this Wall Street Journalist whom they now say works for - guess
who - Abe Foxman, of the ADL who makes a practice to put militia,
Christians, and muslims on hate hit lists for the FBI.

Look like the wrong people are being put on these lists, right?   Osama
bin Laden, aka "The Contractor" - once years ago this man used to follow
me every where and telling people he was a 'conractor" and anybody who
said one bad workd, or laid a hand on me - and boom - he would hit his
fist into his hand.   Later found out he was high degree mason, a
fireman and a friend, who was a mentor into the Masons for a cop that
was so stupid he ended up being a photographer for his IQ was at near
ground zero.

So its all in the game plan - we are permitting American to be depicted
as a Sodom and Gomorrah - the Babylon, the great Whore, the Beast 666 -
and this stupid Donald Rumsfeld stands up and says oh yes many of our to
be killed, death, destruction, our children to be murdered which they
have already put on a hit list for sodomists as toys...who they kidding?
This Rumsfeld who and what is this man, where the hell do we find all
these ignoramuses...

Then toss in Harvard now with Enron - pity.   But then what would you
expect from this new image of Harvard which produced one, the Unibomber,
and two the idiot ugly creep named Alan Dershowitz who wants to torture
prisoners, when all it takes is a few drugs to get what you need out of
some of these people - but wait until all the drugs pumped into their
systems, wears off.

welcome to the New World Order?   Hey, it is the same as the Old World
Order, only more vicious with the usual suspects in control who hire
Mafia hitmen to enter into conracts with say, "The Contractor"?

With messages from God - pureply demoralizing vicious propaganda
designed to spread seeds of death and destruction and instill fear in
the hearts of America - this crap is so disgusting, and the people with
the Master Plan and this plan they use is the Bible with a calendar of
events all prepared for us - like 911  and these two stupid bastards,
Rumsfeld and Dershowitz are both taking orders from the Mossad for they
sure as hell are spreading the KGB/Mossad line for America - the
Scapegoat of the century, being led to the slaughter by a Judas sheep.
But then what else would one expect.


Russian Expert Who 'Predicted' Attacks Warns of New Ones
(saba note - get a load of that "Russian Expert" - is expert
propagandist engaged in psychological warfare while the plan to murder
Americans was ready togo)

Dr. Alexandr Nemets
Thursday, Oct. 4, 2001

The same Russian government expert who predicted last July that America
was about to suffer a "financial attack" –- and encouraged Russian
citizens to cash out dollars and buy rubles and gold –- has again
surfaced to make more stunning forecasts.

Dr. Tatyana Koryagina gained some credibility in the Russian media
because of her prediction of an unusual catastrophe that was about to
hit the U.S.

She said it would take place on Aug. 19 and would collapse the U.S.
Koryagina is a senior research fellow in the Institute of Macroeconomic
Researches subordinated to Russian Ministry of Economic Development
(Minekonom). She is reportedly close to President Putin's inner circle.

On July 12, 2001, Pravda published a Page One story on her predictions
entitled "The Dollar and America Will Fall Down on August 19? -- That's
the Opinion of Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, Who Very Accurately Predicted the
August Default in 1998."

In her July interview, Koryagiuna told Pravda: "The U.S. has been chosen
as the object of financial attack because the financial center of the
planet is located there. The effect will be maximal. The strike waves of
economic crisis will spread over the planet instantly, and will remind
us of the blast of a huge nuclear bomb."
(Saba Note:   With that inernationall organized mob about to come in to
Washington DC at end of September - readyto kill the bankers, what would
one expect - and who is behind this well orchestrated event?   LIke

Late last month, Pravda re-interviewed Dr. Koryagi

[CTRL] Senator Says Enron Not Cooperating With Investigation

2002-02-01 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

t r u t h o u t | 02.01

Senator Says Enron Not Cooperating With Investigation

Boxer Calls On FERC To Provide List Of All Meetings And Phone Calls
With Enron Executives

Daschle, Conrad, And Levin on National Missile Defense

Russ Feingold | No. 1 Reason for Campaign-Finance Reform? Enron

Cheney Made Millions Off Oil Deals with Saddam Hussein

Wellstone Vows to Fight Bush Cuts to Job Training

Memo Details Cheney--Enron Links

t r u t h o u t, is a non-profit independent news source.

Subscribe to, t r u t h o u t - (Free) :


t r u t h o u t | 01.31

COPY GAO's Decision to Sue White House

Waxman-Dingell in a 10 Page Letter Press Again for Full Disclosure

Congressman Bob Filner Calls for a Special Prosecutor

Don't Go There: Bush Asks Daschle to Limit Sept. 11 Probes

William Rivers Pitt | A Running Diary of the State of the Union Address

Enron Says Shredding of Records Was Not Stopped Until Recently

Republicans Divide Over Disclosing Information

t r u t h o u t, is a non-profit independent news source.

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t r u t h o u t | 01.30.supplement

Gephardt, Jackson and Daschle Respond to Bush

Congressman Richard A. Gephardt

Congressman Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.

Senator Thomas Daschle

t r u t h o u t, is a non-profit independent news source.

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t r u t h o u t | 01.30

Gov. Jeb Bush's Daughter Charged With Fraud

Bush, Adamant, Won't Disclose Enron Talks

Police : Baxter Death Not Necessarily Suicide

Accounting Uncertainties Lead to Big Losses on Wall Street

One Anthrax Answer: Ames Strain Not From Iowa

Judicial Show and Tell | Senators Gramm and Hutchinson Dig Deep Into
Applicants' Political Pasts

The Battle Back Home

t r u t h o u t, is a non-profit independent news source.

Subscribe to, t r u t h o u t - (Free) :


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Enron & Hahvahd

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here to Visit Our Sponsor

Thu Jan 31 23:49:05 2002


• Herbert "Pug" Winokur is a member of the Harvard Corporation, the
seven-member self-selecting governing body, and a longtime member of
the Board of
Directors at Enron Corporation. He is currently the chair of the
board’s Finance
Committee. In this capacity Winokur reportedly approved the creation of more than
3,000 partnerships and subsidiaries which were allegedly used by Enron to hide debt
and avoid taxation. Winokur’s position on the board’s Finance Committee gave him
unique access to Enron’s financial structure and should have alerted him to the
company’s imminent collapse.

• During the period in which Enron executives touted the company’s stock to
employees, Harvard’s main private investment fund — Highfields Capital —shortsold
several million shares of Enron stock for an estimated profit of $50 million. Mr.
Winokur’s leadership positions at Enron and Harvard raise questions regarding
Highfields' massive short-selling transactions, which benefited the Harvard
endowment. There has been insufficient investigation into the possibility that
Highfields operated with inside information when it short-sold millions of Enron

• Highfields Capital manages an estimated $2 billion of Harvard’s endowment.
Jonothan Jacobson, the co-founder of Highfields Capital, previously worked under
Mr. Winokur’s directorship at Harvard Management Company. Highfields Capital
was founded with $500 million of Harvard’s endowment.


• Through financial incentives and personal connections, Enron influenced Harvard’s
research agenda. Harvard’s academic resources were consistently used to support
Enron’s unsustainable business plan.

• Robert Belfer, a director of Enron and the largest individual shareholder of the
company’s stock, is a major donor to Harvard, and served on the Committee on
University Resources (COUR) for 9 years and on the Visiting Committee at the
Kennedy School of Government (KSG). He re-endowed the Kennedy School’s Belfer
Center, previously called the Center for Science and International Affairs.
• Enron and board members including Winokur and Belfer have contributed millions of
dollars to Harvard and have aided in the creation and funding of research centers,
which have consistently advocated an agenda of deregulation in the energy industry.
The research produced at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government by the Harvard
Electric Policy Group (HEPG), the Environment and Natural Resources Program
(ENRP), and the Belfer Center exemplify Enron’s influence over Harvard’s research

• These centers have collaborated with Enron and its consultants and have defended the
company and other energy industry monoliths against assertions of price
manipulation and other illegal activities. Academic rationales for deregulation
produced at Harvard were essential cover for the short-lived success of the Enron
business model.

• Enron has cultivated deep relationships with the Harvard Business School (HBS).
Five HBS case studies have touted the Enron model as innovative and worthy of
replication. Glowing studies of Enron were produced by HBS as recently as August
of 2001, just before the company imploded.

• HBS professors have received compensation for services provided to Enron.
Professors have also co-authored major works on Enron with senior company

• Herbert Winokur, a director of both Enron and Harvard, has also funded several
reports recommending privatization of defense services. Winokur is a leading
investor in Dyncorp, a major defense contractor. The Herbert Winokur Fund at the
KSG provides another example of how Winokur influenced Harvard’s research
agenda for corporate and personal enrichment.

• Mr. Winokur’s relationship to Dyncorp has raised concerns among those
investigating Enron, since Dyncorp manages e-mail and information systems for
many of the leading investigative agencies, including the Department of Justice and
the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

1. Harvard University should initiate a credible investigation into alleged financial
improprieties regarding the management of the university’s endowment. The
investigation should be undertaken by a representative body that has the confidence of
the entire Harvard community
2. Pending the outcome of the investigation, Herbert Winokur should be suspended
effective immediately from the Harvard Corporation. Harvard University must send a
strong and unequivocal signal to the academic community by distancing itself from the
failed leadership at Enron Corporation.
3. H

[CTRL] Enron & Lahd Wakeham

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


UK press watchdog quits over Enron

By Rachel Donnelly

BRITAIN: The multi-million dollar collapse of US energy company,
Enron,claimed a high- profile British casualty yesterday when Lord
Wakeham temporarily stepped down as chairman of the Press Complaints
Commission (PCC).

Although Lord Wakeham, a non-executive director at Enron for eight
years, described his decision as a "matter of honour" while a US
Congressional committee investigated the company's spectacular
demise, pressure had been mounting within political and trades union
circles for him to leave the PCC.

After a stint as energy secretary under the Tories, Lord Wakeham went
on to join Enron's board of directors - with a reported annual salary
of £80,000 - and sat on its six-member audit and compliance
committee. The committee operated as a watchdog over Enron's
accountants and was charged with protecting the interests of
shareholders before the company went bankrupt last December with
debts of £55 billion, prompting one US union to declare that Lord
Wakeham was "not fit to be a steward of investors' money".
Stressing he did not want to see the PCC damaged while speculation
continued about his role at Enron, Lord Wakeham, who is expected to
give evidence to the Congressional committee, said: "As chairman of
the Press Complaints Commission, I am only too aware of the damage
that can be done to individuals and institutions that are thrust into
the public spotlight." Since Enron's collapse, Lord Wakeham had been
unable to make any legal statements or conduct any media interviews
about the collapse because of legal reasons, a situation that added
to speculation about his role.He added: "I therefore see it as a
matter of honour to stand aside temporarily until the report of the
Independent Investigating Commission of Enron is published and
evaluated. I am cooperating actively with these inquiries."

Prof Robert Pinker, a founder member of the PCC and its privacy
commissioner, will take over as acting chairman of the press

Downing Street, which has spent much of this week insisting
government contact with Enron was entirely legitimate, said Lord
Wakeham's decision was a matter for him alone. However, the Tories
said it was the "correct decision" which contrasted markedly "with
the government's failure to hold an inquiry into their links with the
company and its auditors." Lord Wakeham was praised for his swift
decision by the PCC's funding body which said his departure would be
a "great loss."

World Economic Forum discusses Enron collapse: Business This Week

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Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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[CTRL] Pal In Drome

2002-02-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-1487581,00.html

Party Boobytrap: 2002 Is Palindrome

Friday February 1, 2002 7:40 AM

Look closely at the calendar Saturday. Then do it backward.

In either direction, it's still 2-02-02.

You're in the middle of a palindrome - a string of numbers, words or
sentences that read the same backward or forward.

A palindrome year such as 2002 usually happens every 110 years, and
Saturday's palindrome day is another rarity. Then Saturday night
brings a palindrome in military time: 20:02, or 8:02 p.m.

That's reason enough for a palindrome party, says Mark Saltveit,
editor of The Palindromist magazine.

To make the event more special, invite others who were around in 1991; having two 
palindrome years so close together is a thousand- year happening.

Saltveit suggested a palindromic party menu:

Ham - ah!

Salad, alas.

No lemons, no melon.

Naive Evian.

Yo, bro! Free beer for boy!

``After Y2K and the heavy events of 2001, people are looking for something a little 
silly to occupy their minds,'' Saltveit said from Portland, Ore., coincidentally 
returning a reporter's call at 1:31 p.m.

``Palindromes are as good as anything and better than most to take your mind off your 
troubles,'' he said.

Palindromes were originated by Sotades the Obscene, whose vulgar verses about a ruler 
of ancient Greece led to the poet's painful execution.

Officialdom apparently hasn't caught palindromania. There is no evidence of formal 
palindromania in the corridors of power - no pronouncements from White House or the 
United Nations, no congressional declarations or parli
amentary citations.

Even in the southwest Missouri palindromic community of Ava, City Clerk Marilyn Alms 
hadn't pondered palindromes until a reporter called.

``I think our population is about 3,003, maybe that helps,'' she said.

Ava was named after a place in the Bible - ``It's mentioned in II Kings, and II is a 
palindrome,'' Alms said - and it's Missouri's largest town with a palindromic name 
(the others are Otto and Reger).

Some palindromes make fine icebreakers: ``Madam, I'm Adam.''

Some are clever tributes, such as the late Leigh Mercer's tribute to Theodore 
Roosevelt: ``A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!''

Other palindromes deliver tongue-twisting political sarcasm. Witness Saltveit's: ``O 
naughty me, tut! It's Bush - substitute, myth, guano.''

Palindromic tweaking is nonpartisan: ``Flog sad loser Al. Gore, zero, glares, old as 

Some enthusiasts are into palindromic words and others specialize in numbers; it's 
permissible to play with spaces and punctuation. One of the most noted palindromists, 
Peter Hilton, possessed dual specialties. Hilton was
 an Allied genius who during World War II sorted numbers and letters that helped smash 
Nazi codes.

After working all night breaking codes in 1943, Hilton burst forth with this 
palindrome: ``Doc, note. I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.''

For all the brainpower behind snappy palindromes, they aren't universally appreciated, 
as Sotades the Obscene found out the hard way in the third century B.C.

He mocked the marriage of King Ptolemy II to the king's sister, verses that were 
raunchy when read backward. For his witty word exercises, Sotades was ordered encased 
in a lead box and tossed into the Mediterranean.

``I suppose the king had no sense of humor,'' Saltveit said, ``and for his art, 
Sotades suffered a fate something like concrete overshoes in an old Mafia movie.''

Amen, icy cinema.


On the Net:

The Palindromist Magazine: http://www.realchange.org/pal

Palindrome site: http://www.noemata.net/pal

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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