[CTRL] Ethiopian Cycle of Famine Continues

2000-04-12 Thread Carl Amedio

Tuesday April 11 2:12 AM ET
Ethiopian Cycle of Famine Continues

AP Photo

By ANDREW ENGLAND, Associated Press Writer

GODE, Ethiopia (AP) - Sakorey Faday and Adan Mohammed are young women from
two different African countries, but they share experiences as similar as
they are tragic.

Adan spent 10 days walking 60 miles with her three children to a feeding
center in Gode, 360 miles southeast of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.
The trek proved too much for her 4-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son. Both
died along the way.

Faday walked to Baidoa in neighboring Somalia in search of help after drought
ended her farm work. Faday's husband died a year ago; the twin to the tiny,
malnourished baby wrapped in her arms died at birth. Now, she says, she has

These women's odysseys took place in February and March, as severe food
shortages brought on by drought began to threaten millions of lives. Similar
tales have been told over and over again in Ethiopia and Somalia.

``I have not seen rain for 18 months,'' said Adan, whose family's herd of 200
cattle and sheep died months ago. ``I just have to wait for something from

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The 33-year-old Adan, looking sad yet dignified in her dusty traditional
veils, her remaining child tucked under her arm, now lives in a tiny hut of
dried grass and bits of cloth. Faday has no place of her own and is forced to
rely on charity.

But nature is not solely responsible for the desperate situations of people
like Adan and Faday. Politics, war and centuries of nomadic culture all have
played roles.

The entire region has a history of conflict and perennial food shortages. Of
the countries bordering Ethiopia - Kenya, Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia - only
Kenya can claim any meaningful stability.

In recent years Ethiopia has perhaps suffered the most from drought, worsened
by on-and-off warfare since the mid-1970s.

In 1984, televised images of skeletal, starving Ethiopians pulled on the
world's conscience, and as many as 1 million died. But famine also came in
1972, 1974 and 1989.

Officials in Gode, which is home to ethnic Somalis and one of the
worst-affected areas, say the drought comes in 10-year-cycles.

Now, 11 years after the last severe food shortage, the message is being
repeated. This time, aid groups say 7.7 million are at risk.

``These people are really on the edge,'' said Ben Foot, country director for
the British branch of the international charity Save the Children.

The situation is exacerbated, local officials say, by the nomadic lifestyle
of the people who live in the region. The nomads rely on livestock for food
and income. When the rains fail, cattle, goats, camels and sheep die -
leaving the people with nothing. They then migrate to feeding centers,
stretching local resources and increasing the risk of disease. Some 70
percent of the 3.5 million people in Ethiopia's Somali region, are nomads,
government figures say.

Ibrahim Abdi, chairman of the regional emergency task force, said the key is
to persuade nomads to settle and diversify into farming.

``The problem is people do not adapt so quickly because agriculture is very
laborious work,'' he said. ``If they get a harvest for two or three years,
they will then go and buy cattle and go back to where they started.''

Teshome Emanek, head of the government's disaster preparedness and prevention
committee, said regional authorities in Ethiopia - where regions have some
autonomy - lack the means to end the cycle of famine.

In Gode, the Wabe Shebelle River still flows strongly, but it has not been
used efficiently for irrigation.

``Nothing is being done at this time to bring them (the nomads) off the
land,'' Teshome said.

He estimates it would take at least 10 years to change local habits.

The Somali people on both sides of the border have been nomads for centuries,
and their allegiance is to the land and their clans, not to any state. Most
would resist changes.

Aid officials say political attitudes and trade regulations need to change
throughout the region so that the nomads can take their herds to the closest
market without being blocked by national borders.

In the meantime, the government is asking donors for more than 800,000 tons
of food to keep famine at bay.

But for Adan and Faday, the misery seems guaranteed to continue indefinitely.

``I am a beggar,'' Faday said. ``I have nothing for the future.''


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Re: [CTRL] abortion and gun control

2000-04-11 Thread Carl Amedio



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[CTRL] Fwd: UPDATE1-Microsoft disappointed by mediation collapse

2000-04-01 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 4/1/00 7:00:07 PM Central Standard Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:UPDATE1-Microsoft disappointed by mediation collapse
 Date:  4/1/00 7:00:07 PM Central Standard Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 UPDATE1-Microsoft disappointed by mediation collapse

 SEATTLE, April 1 (Reuters) - Software giant Microsoft Corp. said on Saturday
that it was ``disappointed'' that its talks with the U.S. government to
settle an antitrust lawsuit had broken down.

 The Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft blamed the talks' collapse on the Justice
Department, which filed the suit, and accused the government of seeking
``excessive and extreme'' measures against the company

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UPDATE1-Microsoft disappointed by mediation collapse

SEATTLE, April 1 (Reuters) - Software giant Microsoft Corp. said on Saturday that it 
was ``disappointed'' that its talks with the U.S. government to settle an antitrust 
lawsuit had broken down.

The Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft blamed the talks' collapse on the Justice 
Department, which filed the suit, and accused the government of seeking ``excessive 
and extreme'' measures against the company

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[CTRL] Fwd: Gov't Retreats From Microsoft Split

2000-03-24 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 3/24/00 11:45:30 AM Central Standard Time, Ahab42 writes:


 MARCH 24, 04:30 EST 
 Gov't Retreats From Microsoft Split 
 AP Technology Writer 
 U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson
 Associated Press/Ric Feld [20K]
 WASHINGTON (AP) — Sources close to the Microsoft antitrust case say it looks 
like the federal government is backing away from demanding the break up of 
the software maker. 
 The move represents a fundamental shift by the Justice Department, which 
largely decided months ago to press for a breakup while anticipating a 
strongly favorable ruling from U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson in 
the coming weeks. 
 It also puts Justice's stance at odds with some state attorneys general, who 
believe that only the harshest punishment is appropriate. 
 Microsoft has indicated it will not accept any settlement that divides the 
company, and U.S. Assistant Attorney General Joel I. Klein believes such a 
punishment may not be necessary to adequately restrain what the trial judge 
characterized as Microsoft's monopoly power over the technology industry, 
said two people close to the case, speaking on condition of anonymity. 
 Gates with copy of Windows 2000
 AP/Jeff Christensen [23K]
 New York's attorney general, Eliot Spitzer, on Thursday praised Klein's 
handling of the antitrust trial but acknowledged that past cooperation 
between states and Justice ``doesn't mean we're going to agree on every 
piece, every remedy.'' 
 Spitzer, who declined to comment on settlement talks, described a ``healthy 
dynamic'' among the 19 states and Justice debating punishments. 
 Shares of Microsoft Corp. surged 8.4 percent on reports a settlement could 
be near, moving up $8.62 1/2 to $111.87 1/2 on the Nasdaq Stock Market. 
 Antitrust experts offered several explanations why Justice now may be 
inclined to accept lesser punishment than a breakup as part of a settlement, 
even though the trial judge strongly has hinted he will rule that Microsoft 
violated antitrust laws. 
 The 207-page-ruling declared Microsoft a monopolist company
 Associated Press/ [12K]
 Punishment worked out under settlement could apply immediately to Microsoft 
— even before the next election — without the uncertainty over the outcome of 
lengthy appeals. Government lawyers also could negotiate a punishment broadly 
enough they would apply to controversial practices that were not part of the 
current trial, such as Microsoft's dominance in Internet ``server'' software 
and in the market for word processors and spreadsheets. 
 ``What Justice has to balance is the benefits in the short run of having a 
settlement that might apply arguably to some things more long term that 
haven't been litigated, against the more certain relief of a structural 
divestiture that Microsoft would oppose,'' said Glenn B. Manishin, an 
antitrust lawyer who advocates breaking up Microsoft. 
 The Justice Department also faces an apparent dearth of support among the 
public and the technology industry to break up Microsoft, as well as active 
debate among some attorneys general on their best course. 
 Jackson bluntly told government lawyers in November that he would ``not like 
to have to deal with divergent points of view'' on proposed punishments. 
Ohio's Betty Montgomery, for example, said earlier that lawyers should seek 
prohibitions on Microsoft's conduct, not a breakup. 
 Microsoft has indicated it would never agree to any settlement that included 
a breakup; the company's chief executive, Steve Ballmer, called those 
proposals ``reckless and irresponsible.'' 
 The first surprise suggestions that a settlement might be possible came 
earlier this month after prominent financial analysts met privately with 
Microsoft's new financial officer. 
 Walter Winnitzki of Chase Hambrecht  Quist said afterward that he believed 
``there was a near-term opportunity to have this settled, some language being 
given that they wouldn't have any change in culture or structure.'' 
 But there also remain signs of continued acrimony. Sounding far from 
placated, Klein told a Senate subcommittee this week that any remedy ``ought 
to be commensurate'' with Microsoft's aggressive business practices. 
 Also, Microsoft e-mailed a newsletter to thousands of subscribers Wednesday 
harshly critical of the government. It described as ``unseemly at best'' 
Justice's efforts to persuade industry leaders to support a breakup. It also 
derided breakup plans as ``an extreme and reckless resolution to the 
government's antitrust suit.'' 
 On the Net: http://www.microsoft.com 


MARCH 24, 04:30 EST 


[CTRL] West Nile virus infection in NYC

2000-03-22 Thread Carl Amedio

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Survey: West Nile virus infection in NYC
United Press International - March 21, 2000 20:37

NEW YORK, March 21 (UPI) -- Almost 2,000 people may been infected with the
West Nile virus in the New York City hotspot where it struck the hardest last

According to a survey released by the New York City Health Department, from
533 to 1,903 residents, almost 3 percent of the population, in a
three-square-mile area of northern Queens were infected with the
mosquito-borne virus that killed seven people and made 62 other sill last
fall. However, only a fraction of the people infected with the West Nile
virus became ill with the virus, which produces flu-like symptoms but can
lead to inflammation of the brain.

"None of the 19 people who tested positive for the virus became seriously
ill," said New York Health Department spokesman John Gadd. "Some reported no
symptoms or mild illness, like a low-grade fever." The survey tested about
700 people who gave blood voluntarily last fall at mobile health vans in the
Queens' neighborhoods of Whitestone, Auburndale, Linden Hill and Murray Hill.

Those who tested positive for the West Nile virus developed immunity to the
virus but Health Department officials can't predict how long that immunity
will last.

The West Nile virus was first detected in the western hemisphere last
September. The virus is spread to birds and mammals by mosquitoes. Despite
daily spraying of the pesticide malathion throughout New York City last fall,
the Centers for Disease Control said this month that the virus may have
hibernated in some mosquitoes and may reappear this summer.

There is no vaccine to protect against the West Nile encephalitis virus. New
York City is planning an extensive campaign to kill mosquito larva and reduce
mosquito breeding sites. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said the city will "kill as
many of those critters as possible."

Next month the city will use larvicide in its storm and sewer lines. The city
is also urging residents to eliminate any standing pool of water that can
serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The city wants residents and
landlords to unclog roof gutters, drain standing water and rain barrels,
chlorinate pools, dispose of tires and change bird bath water every week.
Meanwhile, the New York state Department of Health has developed a draft West
Nile Virus Response Plan.

It calls for an extensive education campaign, if needed, that includes: a
professional education kit containing a letter from the state health
commissioner; fact sheets, treatment information, reporting instructions,
samples of the public education materials and an order form; information on
the DOH website; and news releases for professional journals and newsletters.

The plan also calls for developing a public education component, in English,
Spanish and other appropriate languages, that will include, but not be
limited to TV and radio spots; transit advertising; posters, flyers and
paycheck stuffers; news and feature releases, fact sheets; information on the
DOH website; an informational hotline; print advertising for ethnic and
community weeklies and Pennysavers; and CDC's "Neato Mosquito" elementary
school curriculum.

Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

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[CTRL] Return of the killer virus that spread terror in New York

2000-03-20 Thread Carl Amedio

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  Return of the killer virus that spread terror in New York

Robin McKie and Ed Vulliamy
Sunday March 19, 2000

It was the news that researchers were dreading. A dead red-tailed hawk, found
in Bronxville, a suburb of New York, was last week found to be carrying the
fatal West Nile virus that terrorised the city last year. Now the entire East
and Gulf coasts of the United States are braced for the imminent return of a
mysterious killer which may strike with enhanced ferocity.
'It's time. The virus is out there,' said pathologist Ward Stone as he
emerged from a sealed laboratory where he had examined the hawk. West Nile
encephalitis's first dramatic appearance in the Western hemisphere - in a
cluster of cases in Queens, New York - sent the city into a frenzy in August.
Helicopters sprayed entire neighbourhoods with disinfectant after the disease
killed horses, thousands of birds and several people. Symptoms began with
flu-like shivers and were followed by fever, disorientation and brain
swelling that led to death in seven out of the 62 cases of people affected by
the virus.

Scientists at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, had
hoped the illness - spread by mosquitoes from birds to humans - would die out
over winter. Now their hopes have been dashed. Apart from the hawk,
mosquitoes hibernating in underground rooms beneath the historic Fort Totten
district of Queens have been found to be virus-positive. As America's East
Coast begins to warm, mosquitoes carrying the West Nile killer are expected
to spread further than last year. As Nicholas Kramer of the CDC said: 'The
virus is still here and there is a good chance it will amplify this summer.'

Warning circulars have been posted to all New York doctors and emergency
instructions for citizens are being drafted, while it has been decreed that
all dead birds must be handed in to health authorities. This weekend a sad
stream of dead birds was being directed to New York state pathology

What really alarms American health officials is the danger of the disease
establishing itself permanently in the country. But what will happen if
migrating birds have already begun to spread West Nile across eastern
America? The next months will be the 'test of how long-lasting or fleeting'
West Nile is in the US, said Dr Roger Nasei, of the CDC.

Californian expert Ian Lipkin said last week 'there is definitely a cause for
concern'. But his fears were countered by CDC expert Duane Gubler, who said
it was still possible this year's outbreak could be contained. The species of
mosquito most closely linked to the virus does not emerge until later in the
spring when a mass spraying campaign begins.

The aim will be to eliminate larvae and breeding sites. Property owners will
be told to unclog roof gutters, empty or chlorinate swimming pools, and throw
away old tyres and buckets.

A more worrying prospect has been raised by virologists in Britain. West Nile
disease is closely related to the illness St Louis encephalitis, which is
fairly common in America. That raises the fear that people already infected
with the latter may become especially vulnerable to West Nile disease.

'There is a process called antibody dependent enhancement,' said Dr Ernie
Gould, deputy director of the Institute of Virology and Environmental
Microbiology in Oxford. 'We have observed it in other diseases, and I believe
it could happen with West Nile.'

In short, America faces the threat of a deadly new epidemic. The next few
months will determine how serious that danger is.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Disease threatens flood-hit Mozambique

2000-03-17 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 3/17/00 4:02:54 AM Central Standard Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Disease threatens flood-hit Mozambique
 Date:  3/17/00 4:02:54 AM Central Standard Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Disease threatens flood-hit Mozambique

 MAPUTO, March 15 (Reuters) - Aid agencies in flood-ravaged Mozambique worked
on Wednesday to combat an outbreak of disease and malnutrition threatened by
contaminated water and destroyed crops.

 Aid workers have warned that there is already acute malnutrition amongst
young children and say that if seeds are not planted quickly, the country
will be plunged from a flood into a food crisis

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Disease threatens flood-hit Mozambique

MAPUTO, March 15 (Reuters) - Aid agencies in flood-ravaged Mozambique worked on 
Wednesday to combat an outbreak of disease and malnutrition threatened by contaminated 
water and destroyed crops.

Aid workers have warned that there is already acute malnutrition amongst young 
children and say that if seeds are not planted quickly, the country will be plunged 
from a flood into a food crisis

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[CTRL] Strong quake 50 miles off coast,

2000-03-17 Thread Carl Amedio

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Strong quake 50 miles off coast, no damage or injuries reported
FERNDALE, Calif. (AP) -- A moderate earthquake 50 miles at sea rattled
several small communities along the northern coast of California today, but
no damage or injuries were reported.
The U.S. Geological Survey put the magnitude at 5.8 and the epicenter off
Punta Gorda, about 200 miles north of San Francisco and 55 miles south and
west of Ferndale. The quake hit at 7:20 a.m. PST.

Ferndale Police Chief Gary Holder said the temblor lasted about 30 seconds or
so and was a rolling shaking, rather than a sharp jolt.

"I went out afterwards to check the town and I couldn't even find a broken
window," he said.

 Problems? Suggestions? Let us hear from you.   /   Copyright © The
Sacramento Bee

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[CTRL] Hundreds demonstrate against limit on church attendance

2000-02-20 Thread Carl Amedio

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Hundreds demonstrate against limit on church attendance

City's limit on church attendance out
of line


Imagine limiting football-game attendance to 70 fans because of past
disturbances in the neighborhood. That's sort of what happened in Portland,
Ore., recently, except that a city official unwisely targeted something even
more basic: religious worship.

Portland land-use hearing officer Elizabeth Normand told a church in January
that henceforth no more than 70 churchgoers could worship there on Sunday.
She also took away permission to serve two weekly meals at the Sunnyside
Centenary United Methodist Church. Why? Because neighbors were complaining of
noise and nuisance near their homes by people receiving the meals.

More than 1,100 people of all faiths protested the decision by gathering at a
different Methodist church on Feb. 13. In speech, prayer and song, they
affirmed their First Amendment rights to assemble and to worship. The city
fortunately now shows signs of backing down.

This is a story about judgment and proportion in public governance. In trying
to respond to public complaints and problems, and in trying to do the right
thing, governments sometimes reach for the wrong remedy. In this case,
instead of treating this case as a neighborhood problem requiring a
neighborhood solution, the city official reared back and fired a cannon blast
at the Constitution.

What was she thinking? Was a police officer supposed to station himself at
the church door with a clicker, and thrust his arm out to stop worshipper No.
71 from entering?

You don't suspend free exercise of religion to stop street noise. Such a move
doesn't fit, apply or make sense as a solution. The solution is for
neighborhood groups, backed by the city if necessary, to work with the church
— as in fact the church has shown itself more than willing to do with
volunteer foot patrols and other efforts to reduce problems in the

Government at all levels need to keep the big things in mind when dealing
with the smaller things.

It's easy to get caught up in the plight of irate residents whose peace is
being disturbed. It's can be difficult to negotiate compromises.

But it's downright outrageous to unthinkingly violate fundamental freedoms
under a mistaken notion that government's top priority is to stop angry phone
calls from residents.

A church that tries hard to minister to a congregation may indeed draw a big
crowd, and has a right to. If some in that crowd get out of hand, residents
have a right to complain — petition, after all, is also a First Amendment
right. But they are not mutually exclusive, and it is government's job, at
all levels, to respect both.

And still outraged by ...

Trying for a state religion in Georgia
State Rep. Judy Poag pushes bill to require Ten Commandments displays in
every Georgia public school — and punish noncompliance with state funding

School's art lesson doesn't make grade
For crime of displaying disturbing art, Sarah Boman is suspended and told she
needs mental exam.

Breaking down his door shattered his First Amendment rights
Town gadflies can be exasperating, maybe libelous — but that doesn't mean
they should be hauled off their live cable-TV shows and arrested, as happened
in Winchester, Tenn.

Turning libel law upside down
New Jersey appeals court says newspaper must prove that it shouldn't have to
face lawsuit.

School reads safety threat in student's stanzas
James LaVine tried to understand school violence by exploring it in a poem,
but his school saw his effort as a security risk.

Misjudgment cuts off public disclosure, imperils open access
Security was the reason Judge William J. Zloch gave this week when he cut off
public access to the financial disclosure records of federal judges
nationwide. But the real security threat here is to press freedom, judicial
accountability and open government.

Muscling in on student press freedom
For 30 years Freeport (N.Y.) High School's newspaper, Flashings, published
school news freely, without meddling by school officials.

They turned kid's scary story into a crime scene
In adult minds, 13-year-old Christopher Beamon deserved six days in jail for
what he wrote in his class assignment.

More outrage

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[CTRL] AIDS destroying families across Africa

2000-02-19 Thread Carl Amedio

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AIDS destroying families across Africa

By Kieran Murray

NAMAVE, Uganda, Feb 20 (Reuters) - Joyce Nasuuna still has a grandmother's
glint in her eye, a sign of amazing strength for someone who has had to bury
so many children.

Even in a continent devastated by AIDS, Nasuuna's story is tragic. Nine of
her 12 children have died, at least six of them victims of AIDS, and five of
her grandchildren have also been killed by the disease.

She now lives in a miserable mud home outside the Ugandan capital Kampala
that literally crumbles whenever heavy rains roll through, and she has been
left alone to look after nine remaining grandchildren.

The children are regularly sick and doctors suspect at least two are infected
with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

But Nasuuna, 63, still finds a few things to smile about.

``Sometimes I feel happy, especially when we have something to eat, when the
children are happy and playing,'' she says as some of the children scamper
around the small plot of land next to the tiny one-room hut where all 10 of
them sleep, curled up together on the dirt floor.

``I would have been living here alone but, because of my grandchildren, I
keep busy all the time and that makes me happy,'' she says with a smile, her
two-year-old granddaughter Kisakye -- which means Mercy in Luganda --
sleeping on her lap.

Nasuuna admits, however, she can keep her spirits up only by blocking out
much of the past, and part of her future too.

``I have to forget about the dead ones and concentrate on the orphans. I have
to find their food and make sure they are safe,'' she says, although 'making
sure they are safe' does not mean finding out whether they are healthy or

``I am afraid of getting them tested,'' she says. ``I am not sure which ones
are HIV-positive. I was advised by the medical people not to have them tested
because there will be bad news and it will bring me a lot of bad thoughts.''

It would also make very little difference to their chances of survival.

While many patients in the West have benefited from drug cocktails that slow
down the progression of AIDS, such treatment is way too expensive for
virtually all Africans.

Instead, doctors able to deal with lethal AIDS-related illnesses like
tuberculosis or diarrhoea only when they occur. Almost no HIV-positive
pregnant women are given drugs to prevent them passing the virus on to their


In the past, the effects of poverty, unemployment, illness and death were
mitigated by the strength of extended families across the continent --
relatives would help each other through short-term crises with food and
shelter, and take in orphaned children as their own.

But now AIDS is tearing holes even in that last line of defence, simply
because it is killing so many would-be providers and the remaining adults of
working age already have their hands full looking after their own children.

The United Nations estimates that about 11.2 million children have been
orphaned by AIDS worldwide with 95 percent of them in sub-Saharan Africa, and
the number will rise to above 13 million by the end of this year.

Women like Nasuuna are increasingly being left to look after their
grandchildren and the number of households headed by children is also rising

``The safety net is traditionally aunts and uncles but they are now saying
'We are struggling and we have our own children. If we take in more, our own
will suffer','' says Geoff Foster, a paediatrician who works with a
church-based charity helping AIDS orphans in the Mutare region of eastern

``When the aunts and uncles are unwilling or unable to help, the children are
going to grandparents...and when that final safety net fails you see more and
more child-headed households.''


John Buule's family in the central Ugandan village of Lweza lives in a
four-room brick home and was relatively comfortable before AIDS took its

His father died in 1997 after spending the last two years of his life in bed,
and his mother followed him three months later, leaving John alone to raise
his seven brothers and sisters, aged between seven and 14.

John, now 19, gets up every morning at five, makes breakfast for everyone,
sends them off to school, goes out to work and rushes home to make sure they
are all fed and washed before bed.

Lively and jovial, John says he likes the role of parent, playing with the
children and cajoling them to study hard and keep the house clean, but the
pressure of doing it all by himself without help from relatives sometimes
gets to him.

``No one wants to help us. When my father died, my mother was already sick
and couldn't get out of bed. But they told me they had their own problems.
And now they never come to see us,'' he says, tears welling up in 

[CTRL] AIDS Sweeps Across Rwanda

2000-01-28 Thread Carl Amedio

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JANUARY 17, 05:04 EST

AIDS Sweeps Across Rwanda

Associated Press Writer

KIGALI, Rwanda (AP) — Callixte Rucamihigo and his wife escaped death at the
hands of screaming militiamen in Rwanda's 1994 genocide, only to fall victim
to a silent killer that knows no ethnic differences.

Last year, a doctor told the 34-year-old former government worker he'd
contracted the virus that causes AIDS. When blood tests confirmed his wife
was also infected, she didn't wait for the ailment to run its course. She
killed herself.

In a speech to the U.N. Security Council last week, Vice President Al Gore
compared the gravity of this new threat to Africa's old, familiar threat of
war. In Rwanda, the past and future collide.

Little more than five years after Hutu extremists tried to exterminate the
country's minority Tutsis, disease — rather than machetes and guns — is
cutting a deadly swath through Rwanda.

One in 10 Rwandans is now infected with the HIV virus, and 10 years of bloody
upheaval have bred an apathy and fatalism that ensures the number of victims
will grow.

The government declared the fight against AIDS a national priority in 1997,
but official warnings about the disease's dangers don't easily scare people
still traumatized by one of the 20th century's worst bloodbaths.

``These people have lived through genocide. They've seen the worst. For many,
AIDS has no meaning. Why care about AIDS when you've seen your family
killed?'' says Pascale Crussard of the aid group CARE.

Those Rwandans who acknowledge their HIV infections have little prospect of

Only 150 people can afford the monthly cost of the drug AZT — 180,000 Rwandan
Francs, or the equivalent of $500, says Dr. Chantal Kabagabo, who works at
the government-sponsored National AIDS Control Program.

At the program near Kigali's main hospital, one of only two AIDS counseling
centers in Rwanda, up to 200 people arrive each day for testing, but its two
nurses and three full-time counselors can handle only 40.

``Many people ask us for medicines, to follow them home, to help them make a
living. All of it is useless, because we can't do anything apart from handing
them the verdict of their results,'' says Cecille Ndoli, the center's

According to a national survey in 1997, the infection rate among Rwanda's
urban population has remained constant at 10 percent. HIV has increased
dramatically, however, among rural Rwandans — from 1.3 percent of the
population in 1986 to 10.8 percent in 1997.

By 1990, AIDS was already rippling across Rwanda, but doctors say its
explosive growth since then is a legacy of the genocide.

When the minority Tutsis took over the government, Hutu militants went on a
murderous rampage. Many Tutsi women who survived are suspected to have been
raped, and those widowed by the genocide often turned to prostitution to
survive. The HIV infection rate among them is almost 90 percent, according to
the survey.

In addition, promiscuity and rape were rampant among the more than 1.2
million Hutus who fled to neighboring countries. They returned to Rwanda
after 2 1/2 years in refugee camps, where the HIV infection rate was thought
to be 8.5 percent.

AIDS is also believed to be prevalent among Rwandan troops who are fighting
alongside rebels in neighboring Congo to eradicate remnants of the Hutu

Rucamihigo says Hutu militants raped his wife, but he believes he is to blame
for giving her the disease.

``I was womanizing a lot before we got married,'' he says as he scratches the
blisters covering his forehead — evidence of Kaposi's sarcoma, the
AIDS-related skin cancer that is slowly enveloping him. ``The only comfort is
that our 3-year-old baby is negative.'' Rucamihigo says his illness forced
him to quit his job at the Ministry of Agriculture and he cannot afford
medicine. He has joined the Organization of Persons with HIV/AIDS, a new
group in Kigali that lobbies for better care.

``Here, we're abandoned to ourselves,'' he says. ``If you're HIV-positive,
nobody has any need for you anymore.''


Merck May Have AIDS Breakthrough

AIDS Program Targets Latinos

AIDS Sweeps Across Rwanda


Reasons for HIV Rebound Explored

Africa Seeks Affordable AIDS Drugs

Annan Seeks Help To Decide UN Role

AP Corrects Minorities-AIDS Story


National Centers for Disease Control

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

11th International Conference on AIDS and STDS in Africa

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[CTRL] World Economic Forum, Opens

2000-01-28 Thread Carl Amedio

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Will a week of the high life help the poor?
It is one of the world's most illustrious gatherings, set in one of the
world's most exclusive ski resorts.

But as 14,500 delegates descend on the Swiss town of Davos for today's
opening of the World Economic Forum, some might question whether this is
simply the world's most expensive talking shop.

US President Bill Clinton will attend for just half a day, yet with him goes
a delegation of 300 aides, politicians, businessmen, secret servicemen and
general hangers-on.

The trip in Air Force One, with a Boeing 747 bringing up the rear, will cost
the US taxpayer at least £5million. Then there are the US delegation's 80
limousines and 200 hotel rooms to pay for.

The summit guest list features leaders from the worlds of politics, finance,
business, medicine and the arts. It includes the richest man on the planet,
Microsoft's Bill Gates, and the international financial speculator George
Soros. Tony Blair, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and UN Secretary-General
Kofi Annan will also be there.

Guests will listen to speeches and discuss globalisation, Internet business,
trade negotiations and the rich-poor divide.

Aid agencies want the summit to produce positive initiatives to reduce the
widening gap between the richest and poorest countries. But in private
yesterday aid chiefs voiced concern that the annual meeting produces no
concrete proposals. In fact, the agenda is little different from last year,
they point out. "Davos is long on talk and, at the moment, short on practical
solutions," said one aid worker.

Figures published yesterday - 30 years on from the first meeting - highlight
the growing gulf between rich and poor countries. In 1950 the gap was 35-1,
by 1997 it had grown to 727-1.

The forum's multi-million pound funding comes from private, unnamed partners
and big companies such as Andersen Consulting, as well as multi-national
giants such as Coca-Cola, Audi and IBM.

Cynics might suggest the choice of venue for the annual jamboree - a hub of
non-stop dining and skiing - indicates that some delegates might have a
little more than just talks on their mind. This would seem to be confirmed by
the fact that high-class escort agencies have put hundreds of girls on

Davos residents know that the six-day summit can earn the town more than
£5million - a fifth of its annual income - and some shops will open round the

Ten of the 40 heads of state attending will be staying at the Seehof Hotel,
where manager Christoph Schlosser has flown in acclaimed chef Anton Mosimann
from London. "I'm thrilled to be here," said Mosimann. "I know the kind of
food these people like. I am keeping it simple and light."

Fearing violent protests like those that disrupted last year's World Trade
Organisation summit in Seattle, the Swiss are taking no chances with
security. Hundreds of soldiers will patrol the surrounding dense forest and
snow-covered mountains."With so many heads of state and some of the richest
and most powerful men in the world, the chances of protests and attacks,
kidnappings and assassination attempts, are high," said an official.
© Express Newspapers, 2000

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Re: [CTRL] Gun Controls Kills

2000-01-23 Thread Carl Amedio

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Re: [CTRL] Hillary on Letterman Show Secret Service

2000-01-18 Thread Carl Amedio

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horror THE horror.

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Re: [CTRL] Interderdimensional psychic attacks....

2000-01-18 Thread Carl Amedio

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Everyone knows the real threat are the interdementional alien Spiders. These
insidious beings are slowly taking over the Archon portals and blocking our
ability to Overthrust to multidementionalfluidic space.

Percetor Marshall iconmadd. 1st. sphere of greenhaze.

In a message dated 1/19/00 1:02:36 AM Central Standard Time,

 Do you know anyone who who has been successful with getting someone out of
 trouble from interdimensional psychic attack from reptilian origin  

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[CTRL] The Flu Plague Of 2006

2000-01-12 Thread Carl Amedio

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The Flu Plague Of 2006
AS Britain reels from the worst outbreak of influenza in more than a decade,
scientists have warned the next epidemic may kill millions. They fear the
virus could mutate into an even bigger killer than the one which wiped out an
estimated 40 million people in 1918. BOB SHIELDS imagines life after the
great plague of 2006 ...IT started with a sniff ... but no-one told us it
would end like this. And the tragedy is, the symptoms were there for us all
to see.
Influenza - flu to most of us - is the Toblerone-shaped bug that kills 4000
in the UK every year. Most of the victims are the elderly or those already
weakened with heart or respiratory problems.

In November, the early cases came creeping into Britain's surgeries. Doctors
wrote them off as the first of winter's wheezers and sneezers.

But as invisible as the bug itself, figures started to grow. Doctors noted
the increase in influenza sufferers, but thought it was just a blip in their
average case list.

Dr Aberdeen wasn't to know that Dr Ayr was experiencing the same 20 per cent
increase in flu victims.

Well, not until it was too late.

Hospitals were first to ring the alarm bells - registrars became anxious as
the number of beds being used by flu sufferers rose.

And there were some deaths that made their figures look a little

Regional medical officers got the information on their desks at the end of
the month, but few read the reports. The Christmas party season had started.

Others weren't experienced enough to understand them, but someone did - a
researcher, a post-graduate on exchange from the ER-famed County General in
Chicago, got hold of the figures.

"What's an epidemic here in England?" he asked.

"Four cases per every thousand of the population," he was told.

"Guys, we just got ourselves a flu epidemic."

Newspapers were slow to pick up on the story - until the death of a fit young
rugby player.

Until now, hardened editors felt flu was something that picked off the weak,
those that were in God's waiting room anyway. But the young rugby player's
picture haunted every front page.

Calls to the health department rang alarms bells and the Health Minister was
finally cornered in the Commons.

"It's an epidemic, but not a serious one," he told MPs.

Leader of the Opposition, Michael Portillo, replied with headline- grabbing

"Tell that to the families of the victims. There are people dying out there.
Have we learned nothing since Millennium Flu killed 29,000?"

It was all too late. Hospitals began to sag under the volume of referrals
from GPs.

Practices that lost 300 patients a year were now seeing 10 people every day
develop life-threatening illness.

No-one was immune. A famous actor died. Then a senior member of the Royal

The nation mourned as news of the McAndrew family from Aberdeen arrived on
their screens.

Mrs Susan McAndrew had gone to hospital with her sons Ian, three, and Callum,
five, at noon. She then sat and watched them die, in neighbouring beds,
within 20 minutes of each other.

A Highland primary school of just six pupils was left with just one little
boy. Pictures of him sitting alone in class made every front page.

Kirks and chapels buried the dead - and asked their congregations to pray for
a cure.

Researchers had found the bug, but were helpless against this superflu
strain. Its roots were traced to Grozny, where disease had lived unchecked
since the Russians obliterated the area in 2000.

Locals had called it Yeltsin flu, after the late former Russian leader.

Its virulence was the speed at which it travelled - and killed.

One man sneezing on a Jumbo jet could infect 300 passengers. If any of them
sneezed in a train, office or shop, they could infect thousands more.

The Government was forced to declare a national emergency - but were hammered
for deciding a week after the USA, France, Germany and Italy had announced
similar status.

People were dying in their thousands from Yeltsin Flu. And that was only the
UK. The Euro Parliament was stunned when doctors revealed 26,000 EEC victims
a day.

"It's not an epidemic - it's a plague," said one newspaper's front page.

"It's the Aids of the innocents," screamed another.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown was forced to announce a total shutdown of all
but essential industries.

"People are catching this bug in schools, in factories, in shops and offices.
This Government has no alternative but to close them ... close them tonight,"
he told a hushed Commons.

It was a gamble. With the threat of food shortages, people would hoard or
even loot if they had been given any longer notice.

"I regret to announce a 24-hour curfew in mainland UK," he added.

"Essential services - hospital staff, doctors, the police, this House,
certain government agencies and the BBC will remain exempt. The Army will be
mobilised to help maintain this curfew until further notice."

He sat 

[CTRL] Government Favors Microsoft Breakup

2000-01-12 Thread Carl Amedio

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Government Favors Microsoft Breakup
By Ted Bridis
Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2000; 4:05 p.m. EST

WASHINGTON –– Government lawyers studying ways to limit Microsoft's expansive
influence in the technology industry want to break the software giant into
three parts, arguing that lesser remedies in the antitrust trial would be
inadequate, people close to these discussions confirmed today.

If U.S. District Thomas Penfield Jackson were to agree to such a dramatic
solution, such a breakup of Bill Gates' software empire would carry enormous
implications for the way consumers buy and use programs for their computers.

Justice Department lawyers laid out their favored proposal to break Microsoft
into three parts during a secret meeting last week in Washington with
representatives of the 19 states also suing the company over alleged
antitrust violations, according to people close to the case who spoke on
condition of anonymity.

The Justice Department, which last month disclosed it had hired as its
adviser a financial consulting firm, Greenhill  Co. LLC of New York, argued
that any lesser sanctions – such as prohibiting the company from abusing its
influence – would be inadequate to rein in Microsoft's aggressive behavior.

Attorneys general for the 19 states are deciding among themselves whether to
endorse the Justice proposal but are said to be leaning in favor of it, and
the plan could be presented next week when government lawyers meet privately
in Chicago with the federal mediator assigned to the case, according to
people close to the case.

USA Today reported in today that the government favored breaking Microsoft
into two parts, not three. The Justice Department, in a statement, said the
story was "inaccurate in several important respects, and it does not
adequately represent our views."

© Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

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[CTRL] Fwd: Perspectives on Africa and AIDS

2000-01-11 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 1/11/00 5:20:12 PM Central Standard Time,

 Subj: Perspectives on Africa and AIDS
 Date:  1/11/00 5:20:12 PM Central Standard Time

 Institute for Public Accuracy
 915 National Press Building, Washington, DC 20045
 (202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 PM Tuesday, January 11, 2000


  Initiating what the Clinton administration calls "the month of
 Vice President Al Gore spoke about AIDS in Africa at the UN Security Council
 on Monday. The following analysts are available for interviews on US policy
 toward Africa and on AIDS drugs:

 DEBORAH TOLLER, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.blackradicalcongress.org
 A policy analyst with the Institute for Public Accuracy, Toller is working on
 a book on myths and realities about the causes of poverty and hunger in
 Africa. She said: "As horrendous as the AIDS epidemic is in Africa, the
 neo-liberal economic policies of the IMF, World Bank and World Trade
 Organization are resulting in the deaths of far more people from entirely
 preventable and curable diseases like measles and malaria and from the
 continent's wars. It is no accident that the rise in death rates from wars
 and from diseases correlates with the rise in poverty on the continent,
 since these policies have been forced on African countries."

 CAROL THOMPSON, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.prairienet.org/acas
 Professor of political science at Northern Arizona University, Thompson
 specializes in international trade and food security in southern Africa. "In
 Seattle, the Africa group of the WTO had a resolution to demand the removal
 of patenting over life forms, but the Europeans and the U.S. refused to even
 put it on the agenda. The administration's Africa trade bill approaches
 trade in the standard neo-liberal way, which gives advantage to rich
 corporations. The African economies have been open for 300 years, with
 slavery and exploitation of mineral and agricultural commodities. The end
 result is the total marginalization of trade, capital and human resource
 development of the African continent."

 JAMES LOVE, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.cptech.org/ip/health
 Director of the Ralph Nader-founded Consumer Project on Technology, Love
 said: "After pressure from activists, there have been some welcomed changes
 in the administration policy on HIV/AIDS drugs to South Africa, however the
 government continues to put pressure on many poor countries to raise prices
 for pharmaceutical drugs." Love will be with a group, including ACT UP
 activists, meeting with top administration officials on these issues

 CHRIS KIMMENEZ, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.healthgap.org
 A member of ACT UP Philadelphia, Kimmenez said: "Monday's speech by Gore
 was mainly a campaign ploy. What he's proposing only amounts to about $4.35
 per person with HIV. He should stop backing the drug companies and allow
 countries to take control of their own medical crisis through compulsory
 licensing (making of generic versions of essential medications) and parallel
 importing (buying drugs from other countries at cheaper prices)."

 For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
 Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

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Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PM Tuesday, January 11, 2000


 Initiating what the Clinton administration calls "the month of
Vice President Al Gore spoke about AIDS in Africa at the UN Security Council
on Monday. The following analysts are available for interviews on U.S. policy
toward Africa and on AIDS drugs:


[CTRL] AIDS Overwhelms S. Africa Hospitals

2000-01-10 Thread Carl Amedio

-Cavet Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A  -Cui Bono-

JANUARY 08, 12:28 EST

AIDS Overwhelms S. Africa Hospitals

Associated Press Writer

AIDS patients in South Africa
AP/Themba Hadebe [21K]

PORT ELIZABETH, South Africa (AP) — Doctors scribble notes into patients'
folders while a young man lies nearby on a gurney, dying from AIDS-related

His abdomen convulses with gurgling gasps as he struggles to fill his
saturated lungs. The doctors will not transfer him to a bed in the intensive
care unit because of lack of space.

``He's busy dying,'' says Dr. Iwan Bekker, sweeping past the youth in Dora
Nginza Hospital. ``Sometimes we have to play God.''

The AIDS epidemic is overwhelming South Africa so badly that some public
hospitals are turning people away, limiting treatment and forcing doctors to
make hard decisions about whom to save.

Lucky to be in hospital
AP/Themba Hadebe [17K]

Looking for desperately needed help from the developed world, the governments
of South Africa and other African states are eagerly awaiting a speech Monday
by Vice President Al Gore to the U.N. Security Council on the impact of AIDS
in Africa.

With an estimated 4 million South Africans — one of every 10 people — already
infected with the AIDS virus, the epidemic poses a huge challenge to the
country's public health system.

At Hlabisa Hospital in KwaZulu-Natal Province, some patients must sleep on
foam mats underneath beds holding other patients.

Hospitals in the Johannesburg area are trying to stretch their budgets by
limiting lab tests and releasing patients sooner. They are also training
families of AIDS sufferers to care for them — and prepare for their deaths —
at home.

In the developed world, debates sometimes arise over whether heroic measures
should keep a critically ill person alive. In state hospitals in South
Africa, as in the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, such expensive measures are
rarely an option.

``We can't afford to spend money on people who are going to die,'' said Karen
Michael, a researcher on AIDS at the University of Natal in Durban.

Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang is trying to recruit all sectors of
society into the fight against AIDS. ``The government will never be able to
cope with it alone,'' she said in a phone interview.

Tshabalala-Msimang said the government is considering inviting the private
sector to create a fund to help fight the epidemic. It also plans to step up
its AIDS awareness campaign and the promotion of abstinence or safe sex

With limited resources, the government can only take limited measures. In
fiscal year 1997, the government spent $3.4 billion on health care for the
nation's 40.5 million people, or less than $85 a person, the statistics
office said.

Unless health funds are increased — and that would mean taking money away
from housing, education and other strapped programs — the government can't
afford costly AIDS drugs like AZT.

But some people say the government must throw its resources into halting the

``We need a 'war cabinet' for AIDS,'' said the Rev. Barry Hughes-Gibbs, an
Anglican priest who runs AIDS home-care training in a black township near the
capital, Pretoria.

Public hospitals, which serve 86 percent of black South Africans, are on the
front line in the fight against AIDS, which in sub-Saharan Africa is
transmitted primarily by heterosexual sex.

``Hospitals are now stretched to capacity,'' said Michael, the AIDS
researcher. ``Staffers are working chronic overtime without overtime pay, and
they're having a flood of patients who are not able to look after themselves.
It's pretty bleak.''

At Dora Nginza Hospital near the Indian Ocean city of Port Elizabeth,
HIV-positive babies will be admitted for treatment only once, then are
restricted to outpatient care, said Bekker, the head of pediatrics.

He pointed out rooms crowded with HIV-positive babies.

``We have a limited budget,'' Bekker said. ``When a baby gets bad, like with
pneumonia, we won't admit it for the second time, but will tell the mother to
take it home and let it die.''

It's a grim policy for Fanizwe, a young mother whose HIV-infected baby has
already been admitted once for pneumonia and released. Infected with the AIDS
virus herself, Fanizwe now faces the prospect of sitting in their shack,
helplessly watching her baby succumb to the disease.

``If the baby gets sick again, he will be beyond my care,'' she says,
cuddling the youngster.

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[CTRL] IMF Head Urges More Reforms

2000-01-07 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

JANUARY 07, 11:07 EST

IMF Head Urges More Reforms

Michel Camdessus
AP/ [17K]

PARIS (AP) — Michel Camdessus, the outgoing managing director of the
International Monetary Fund, said today that the IMF should be given
better-defined responsibilities and more political weight.

``I believe in the political responsibility of multilateral institutions,''
Camdessus said in an interview with the French financial daily Les Echos.

Camdessus said that the IMF's interim committee — currently a consultative
grouping with no executive powers — should be transformed into a full-fledged
decision-making body.

He also said that he would like to turn the G7 summit into a wider gathering
every two years by including the IMF's 24 board member countries, the World
Bank and the secretary-general of the United Nations.

``This would, at last, enable us to establish a coordination of strategies,''
he said.

The G7, or Group of Seven major industrial nations, gathers the political
leaders of the United States, Canada, Japan, Britain, France, Germany and
Italy for periodic meetings.

Camdessus, who has made it clear he will resign in mid-February, said he is
proud of the support the IMF provided during his tenure to countries such as

``Today Poland can hope to join not only the European Union, but also the
euro,'' Camdessus said, referring to the single European currency. ``They are
aiming for a balanced budget in 2003, inflation below 4 percent and, by that
date, they should have completed privatization.''

He warned that the dispute between the IMF and Russia was yet to be resolved.

He said that although Russia has met economic criteria set by the IMF, the
Russian Parliament has failed to adopt two key pieces of legislation. One
covers financial institution bankruptcies and the other, transfers to state
coffers from government-owned monopolies.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FoolWatch: David Gardner Responds to a Down Day

2000-01-04 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 1/4/00 6:51:19 PM Central Standard Time,

 Subj: FoolWatch: David Gardner Responds to a Down Day
 Date:  1/4/00 6:51:19 PM Central Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Motley Fool)

 FoolWatch: David Gardner Responds to a Down Day
 Tuesday, January 4, 1999

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[CTRL] Fwd: Russia to report to IMF on economy, plans on Friday

1999-10-26 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 10/26/99 4:37:37 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Russia to report to IMF on economy, plans on Friday
 Date:  10/26/99 4:37:37 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Russia to report to IMF on economy, plans on Friday

 MOSCOW, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Russia will inform the International Monetary
Fund this week on the current state of the economy and on how it intends to
comply with conditions to secure further credits, government officials said
on Tuesday.

 First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Khristenko told reporters the government
would provide the necessary information on Friday in two letters

 For the full text of this story, A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100BXLQ.383346.625397553"click here/A.

 (c) 1999 Reuters Ltd.  All rights reserved.  No republication,
redistribution or framing is permitted absent Reuter's prior consent.
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Russia to report to IMF on economy, plans on Friday

MOSCOW, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Russia will inform the International Monetary Fund this 
week on the current state of the economy and on how it intends to comply with 
conditions to secure further credits, government officials said on Tuesday.

First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Khristenko told reporters the government would 
provide the necessary information on Friday in two letters

For the full text of this story, A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100BXLQ.383346.625397553"click here/A.

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[CTRL] Dengue fever kills at leDenguast 7 near U.S. border in Mexico

1999-10-21 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


e fever kills at leDenguast 7 near U.S. border in Mexico
Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

From Time to Time: Nando's in-depth look at the 20th century


MONTERREY, Mexico (October 20, 1999 8:23 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com)
- At least seven people have died and thousands of others have been made ill
in an outbreak of Dengue fever which has swept across northern Mexico near
the Texas border, local officials said Wednesday.

About 5,500 people in Nuevo Leon state have been diagnosed with the painful,
mosquito-borne disease this month alone. Of those, about 150 have come down
with the serious, sometimes-deadly form known as hemorrhagic dengue.

In neighboring Tamaulipas, which runs along the border from Nuevo Laredo to
the Gulf of Mexico, 500 more cases have been reported, said Martha Marmolejo,
head of Nuevo Laredo's medical services.

Five people died in Nuevo Leon, and two died in Tamaulipas.

People complaining of symptoms have crowded into hospitals in Nuevo Leon's
capital, Monterrey, which is about 135 miles south of Laredo, Texas. Some of
them turned out to be sick. Many others proved to be healthy but had become
alarmed after hearing radio and television commercials urging people to
combat mosquitos.

Dengue occurs regularly in Nuevo Leon, usually toward the end of summer when
the rainy season begins. Some 4,400 cases were registered last year. But
hemorrhagic dengue has nearly doubled to 157 from 87 last year.

Dengue is characterized by headaches, rashes, cramps and severe muscle and
bone pains. It usually lasts about two weeks after infection, and treatment
is given mostly to relieve symptoms. The hemorrhagic strain is accompanied by
internal bleeding.

Dengue is spread by the Aedis Egypti mosquito, the same insect that spreads
yellow fever.

Authorities have been spraying pools and puddles to kill the mosquito larvae.



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Do you have some feedback for the Nando Times staff?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Japan Wants WTO Ruling on Steel

1999-10-20 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 10/20/99 9:37:22 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Japan Wants WTO Ruling on Steel
 Date:  10/20/99 9:37:22 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Japan Wants WTO Ruling on Steel

 .c The Associated Press

  TOKYO (AP) - Japan will take the United States to the World Trade
Organization over its rulings against imports of Japanese steel, Japan's
trade minister said Wednesday.

 Washington's decision to limit imports of hot-rolled steel products from
Japan goes against WTO trade regulations, said Takashi Fukaya, the minister
of international trade and industry.

 ``Steel imports from over 20 countries have been the subject of the U.S.
anti-dumping procedures,'' the minister said in a statement.

 ``This widespread and frequent use of anti-dumping procedures, and their use
to exclude steel imports from the U.S. market, is a cause for serious
concern,'' he said, suggesting that the intention is protectionism.

 An official submission of the complaint will be made to WTO headquarters in
Geneva around mid-November, a ministry official said on customary condition
of anonymity.

 The United States decided in June to impose antidumping duties ranging from
17 percent to 67 percent on certain hot-rolled steel products.

 U.S. steelmakers say the help other nations give their steel industries has
built up more steel-making capacity than the worldwide market needs. That
makes it difficult for American companies to command the prices they desire,
and led last year to five bankruptcies and about 10,000 layoffs in the United

 AP-NY-10-20-99 1036EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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Japan Wants WTO Ruling on Steel

.c The Associated Press

 TOKYO (AP) - Japan will take the United States to the World Trade Organization over 
its rulings against imports of Japanese steel, Japan's trade minister said Wednesday.

Washington's decision to limit imports of hot-rolled steel products from Japan goes 
against WTO trade regulations, said Takashi Fukaya, the minister of international 
trade and industry.

``Steel imports from over 20 countries have been the subject of the U.S. anti-dumping 
procedures,'' the minister said in a statement.

``This widespread and frequent use of anti-dumping procedures, and their use to 
exclude steel imports from the U.S. market, is a cause for serious concern,'' he said, 
suggesting that the intention is protectionism.

An official submission of the complaint will be made to WTO headquarters in Geneva 
around mid-November, a ministry official said on customary condition of anonymity.

The United States decided in June to impose antidumping duties ranging from 17 percent 
to 67 percent on certain hot-rolled steel products.

U.S. steelmakers say the help other nations give their steel industries has built up 
more steel-making capacity than the worldwide market needs. That makes it difficult 
for American companies to command the prices they desire, and led last year to five 
bankruptcies and about 10,000 layoffs in the United States.

AP-NY-10-20-99 1036EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP news 
report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without  
prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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[CTRL] Fwd: NCPA Policy Digest 10-14-99

1999-10-14 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 10/14/99 10:26:57 AM Central Daylight Time,

 Subj: NCPA Policy Digest 10-14-99
 Date:  10/14/99 10:26:57 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John C. Goodman)

 National Center For Policy Analysis
 Thursday, October 14, 1999

 PointCast can automatically load NCPA's Policy Digest summaries
 on your desktop for easy reading.  For information go to


o   A SEVENFOLD INCREASE IN LAND PRICES and an apartment glut
are some of the effects of "Smart Growth" policies in
Portland, OreNCPA

COMPLIANCE, says former Gov. Pete Du

o   NOBEL ECONOMIST ROBERT A. MUNDELL is a defender of the
gold standard and supply-side tax cuts, say

Paddington station wreck, say observersWALL STREET

brought by state employees, which raises issues of
federalismNEW YORK TIMES

MEMBERSHIP rate, according to an AFL-CIO studyNEW YORK

student claims his 14th Amendment rights are



 Portland, Ore., is pioneering Smart Growth (also known as the New
 Urbanism), the latest fad in urban planning.  Smart Growth
 promises such things as less congestion, more affordable housing
 and cleaner air, says economist Randal O'Toole.  But in Portland,
 Smart Growth policies are delivering rapidly increasing
 congestion, higher housing prices and more pollution.

 Portland's regional government, called Metro, anticipates area
 population will increase 75 percent by 2040.  Yet it plans to
 increase highway capacity no more than 13 percent while it adds
 90 miles of rail transit lines to the 30 miles already built.

o   In 1990, 92 percent of all the trips taken in the Portland
area were by auto, while 3 percent were by transit and the
rest were by walking or bicycling (see figure
http://www.ncpa.org/ba/ba305/ba305fig1.gif ).

o   Metro officials project that even with planned changes, by
2040 Portlanders will still drive for 88 percent of their
trips and use transit for just 6 percent.

o   And the number of miles of congested roads will more than
triple -- partly due to "traffic calming" measures to
discourage driving, such as narrowing and reducing the
number of traffic lanes, including eliminating turn lanes
on major streets.

 Metro plans to increase population density by two-thirds; for
 example, some neighborhoods of single-family homes have been
 rezoned for multi-family housing.  There is now a huge surplus in
 apartment and multi-family housing and a major shortage of
 single-family homes.  Since 1996, Portland has ranked among the
 five least affordable U.S. housing markets and land prices have
 increased sevenfold.

 Metro also admits that its plan will increase smog by 10 percent,
 which is consistent with Environmental Protection Agency data
 showing that the worst air pollution is found in the densest
 cities and urban areas.

 Source: Randal O'Toole, "Portland: Smart Growth's Bad Example,"
 Brief Analysis No. 305, October 14, 1999, National Center for
 Policy Analysis, 12655 N. Central Expy., Suite 720, Dallas, Texas
 75243, (972) 386-6272.

 For text http://www.ncpa.org/ba/ba305/ba305.html

 For more on Land Use Controls


 January 1, 2000, is only two-and-one-half months away and no one
 knows for sure whether their lights will stay on when that date
 rolls around. However, recently there was a long list of electricity
 suppliers who had not yet announced that they are Y2K compliant.

 Moreover, a long list of companies in the chemical industry,
 water suppliers and nuclear power plants that operate on
 computers had yet to affirm that they are 100 percent ready for
 the new millennium, according to Y2K expert Dick Lefkon.

o   The U.S. electric power industry is comprised of
approximately 3,200 different electric utilities and some
big names -- including Baltimore GE, Detroit Edison,
Florida Power, Indianapolis PL, Minnesota Power and
Wisconsin PL -- had yet to claim they are fully ready
for the 21st Century.

o   The chemical industry is composed of approximately 69,000
operations -- but the government has Y2K data on fewer

[CTRL] Fwd: NCPA Policy Digest 10-13-99

1999-10-13 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 10/13/99 12:07:31 PM Central Daylight Time,


 Global warming is not -- that's NOT -- responsible for melting
 the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, say scientists.  In a study
 published in the prestigious journal Science, a team of
 scientists led by Howard Conway of the University of Washington
 say the Ice Sheet may be headed for a complete meltdown in a
 process that started thousands of years, and there is no
 evidence the rate is accelerating.

o   The process "may have been predetermined when the
grounding line retreat was triggered in early Holocene
time," says the report -- about 10,000 years ago.

o   The grounding line -- the boundary between floating ice
and ice thick enough to reach the sea floor -- has
retreated about 800 miles since the last ice age, withdrawing
an average of about 400 feet per year for the last 7,600

o   "It seems like the rate [of melting] that has been going on
since the early Holocene is similar to the rate right now,"
says Conway.  "Collapse appears to be part of an ongoing
natural cycle, probably caused by [a] rising sea level initiated
by the melting of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets at the end
of the last ice age."

o   Continued shrinking, perhaps even complete disintegration, "could
well be inevitable," the report concludes.

 According to estimates, the ice sheet's complete melting could raise the
 global sea level by 15 feet to 20 feet.  But at the current rate of melting,
 which is raising sea levels about 0.04 inches annually, that would take
 about 7,000 years.

 Source: Associated Press, "Melting of Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Linked to
 Ancient History," New York Times, October 12, 1999.

 For NCPA's Global Warming Hotline go to


 The Japanese economy, recently in the doldrums, has rebounded
 remarkably.  The reason for this, observers believe, is a set of
 reforms similar to those the world has seen work at least twice
 before: Ronald Reagan's in the U.S., and Margaret Thatcher's in

o   In April, the Japanese government cut the highest marginal
personal tax income rate (federal and local) from 63
percent to 47 percent.

o   The highest corporate tax rate was cut by 10 percent to
just over 40 percent.

o   Small business tax rates were cut from about 34 percent to
27 percent.

o   There were no phase-outs, no exceptions, no ties to
deficit reductions; in other words, pure supply-side

 That wasn't all.  Japan also cut the capital gains tax rate and
 the death tax rate, abolished the tax on stock trades, and
 suspended for two years the special one percent tax on corporate
 pensions.  As a result, the yen has strengthened on the foreign
 exchange markets, the stock market shows dollar gains of 36
 percent (and is now the best performer in the world) and Prime
 Minister Keizo Obuchi's popularity is soaring.

 The changes are just in time.  During the 1990s, government
 spending led to huge deficits and a national debt in dollar terms
 larger than that of the United States.  In response, Japan
 leveled the highest tax rate of any Group of Seven country, which
 slowed the economy further without raising extra revenue.  Even
 now, after reforms are underway, Japan still has an all-time high
 in unemployment and output growth has been non-existent.  Prime
 Minister Obuchi's reforms, which now could include social
 security reform, couldn't have been more timely, observers say.

 Source: Arthur B. Laffer, "Japan Rises Again," Wall Street
 Journal, October 11, 1999.

 For more on Japan http://www.ncpa.org/pi/internat/intdex9.html

National Center For Policy Analysis
Wednesday, October 13, 1999

PointCast can automatically load NCPA's Policy Digest summaries
on your desktop for easy reading.  For information go to


   says a new study, indicating economic growth of 4 percent
   would be noninflationaryNCPA

   costs of lead paint poisoningWALL STREET JOURNAL

   REFUSE IT, according to a new surveyCENTER FOR

   CERTIFIED, and nationwide the ranks of such teachers are
   growingUSA TODAY

   o   PLAINTIFFS SUE TO BE MONITORED for illnesses they may not

   MELT, according to 

[CTRL] Superplanet Orbiting Beyond Pluto?

1999-10-08 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Superplanet Orbiting Beyond Pluto?
An object bigger than Jupiter may be orbiting beyond Pluto, giving a
gravitational kick to a group of comets traveling to the inner solar system.

The mystery object would be faint, slow-moving and about 32,000 times farther
away from the sun than Earth, says John Murray, an astronomer at the Open
University in the United Kingdom.

His research is to be published in next week's Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society.

Murray's theory is based on studies of what are called long-period comets,
which are believed to originate in an area stretching 10,000 to 50,000 times
farther away from the sun than Earth.

Comets from this region, called the Oort Cloud, reach the inner solar system
when their usual remote orbits are disturbed. He suggests that the
gravitational effects from a large, unknown object -- at least as massive as
Jupiter -- are responsible for disturbing these comets' paths.

Murray is particularly interested in a group of these long-period comets that
appear from directions strung out across the sky like an arc.

Current theories of how the solar system was formed cannot account for the
existence of a large planet so far from the sun. Astronomers say that if the
object were 10 times bigger than Jupiter, it would be similar to a cool brown
dwarf star and likely would have been detected.

Murray speculates that the object, if it exists, would be like a planet and
probably would have been captured and pinned into its present orbit during
the formation of the solar system.

By Irene Brown, Discovery News Brief

Previous Brief Next Brief

  Related Stories

Space Travel to the Stars

Track Rogue Rocks

Watch the Sun Cam

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Risperdal anyone?

1999-10-05 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

As one who takes it I sure hope not. Seriously I have checked the web and not
found any unusual side effects.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Europe: Dollar Up; Gold Soars

1999-09-27 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/27/99 11:57:30 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Europe: Dollar Up; Gold Soars
 Date:  9/27/99 11:57:30 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Europe: Dollar Up; Gold Soars

 .c The Associated Press

  LONDON (AP) - Gold prices soared today following an international agreement
to limit sales from government and other official stocks. The U.S. dollar was
mostly higher and surged against the Japanese yen in Europe.

 Gold finished at $279.90 in London, up from $269.00 Friday. At midmorning,
London gold dealers fixed a recommended price of $281.70.

 In Zurich, gold traded at $280.93, up from $268.35.

 Gold rose $16.95 in Hong Kong to $283.00.

 Monday's prices were the highest since May 7, when Britain announced it
planned to sell 125 metric tons of its gold reserves by the end of next year.

 Gold rallied after the International Monetary Fund's policy-making Interim
Committee, meeting in Washington over the weekend, approved a plan to revalue
up to 14 million ounces of its gold reserves in transactions with central
banks to partly finance a Third World debt initiative.

 The IMF had dropped plans to sell gold on the open market under pressure
from gold-mining countries and U.S. lawmakers.

 In a further effort to bolster gold prices, central bank officials from 15
nations pledged Sunday they would hold future gold sales to limits already

 In the currency markets, the euro was quoted at $1.0440 in late European
trading, down from $1.0462 Friday. Later, in midday trading in New York, the
euro traded at $1.0446.

 Other dollar rates in Europe, compared with late Friday, included 106.19
Japanese yen, up from 104.08; 1.5340 Swiss francs, up from 1.5296; 1.4694
Canadian dollars, down from 1.4732.

 The British pound was quoted at $1.6478, up from $1.6424.

 In midday trading in New York, the dollar bought 106.14 yen, and the pound
was worth $1.6460.

 The U.S. currency rallied against the yen early on short-covering after a
stalled selloff overnight, but the future direction depends on the Bank of
Japan's policy, analysts said. Short-covering occurs when traders, who
earlier had bet on a decline in the dollar, buy dollars to either take
profits on the decline or limit their losses as the dollar rises.

 Currencies of the 11 countries participating in the euro are no longer
traded separately, though they remain in use. Based on euro rates, the dollar
is worth 1.8743 German marks, up from 1.8687; 6.2855 French francs, up from
6.2681; 2.1120 Dutch guilders, up from 2.1060; 1,855.55 Italian lire, up from

 Silver closed in London at $5.36 bid per troy ounce, up from $5.27.

 AP-NY-09-27-99 1256EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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Europe: Dollar Up; Gold Soars

.c The Associated Press

 LONDON (AP) - Gold prices soared today following an international agreement to limit 
sales from government and other official stocks. The U.S. dollar was mostly higher and 
surged against the Japanese yen in Europe.

Gold finished at $279.90 in London, up from $269.00 Friday. At midmorning, London gold 
dealers fixed a recommended price of $281.70.

In Zurich, gold traded at $280.93, up from $268.35.

Gold rose $16.95 in Hong Kong to $283.00.

Monday's prices were the highest since May 7, when Britain announced it planned to 
sell 125 metric tons of its gold reserves by the end of next year.

Gold rallied after the International Monetary Fund's policy-making Interim Committee, 
meeting in Washington over the weekend, approved a plan to revalue up to 14 million 
ounces of its gold reserves in transactions with central banks to partly finance a 
Third World debt initiative.

The IMF had dropped plans to sell gold on the open market under pressure from 
gold-mining countries and U.S. lawmakers.

In a further effort to bolster gold prices, central bank officials from 15 nations 
pledged Sunday they would hold future gold sales to limits already announced.

In the currency markets, the euro was quoted at $1.0440 in late European trading, down 
from $1.0462 Friday. Later, in midday trading in New York, the euro traded at $1.0446.

Other dollar rates in Europe, compared with late Friday, included 106.19 Japanese yen, 
up from 104.08; 1.5340 Swiss francs, up from 1.5296; 1.4694 Canadian dollars, down 
from 1.4732.

The British pound was 

[CTRL] Fwd: U.S. Backs World Bank Chief

1999-09-27 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/27/99 1:56:04 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:U.S. Backs World Bank Chief
 Date:  9/27/99 1:56:04 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 U.S. Backs World Bank Chief

 .c The Associated Press


 WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States supports a second five-year term for
James Wolfensohn to head the World Bank, U.S. officials said Monday. U.S.
backing ensures the Australian-born American will be reappointed.

 The announcement is expected at Tuesday's opening session of the bank's
annual meeting.

 There was speculation Monday that Michel Camdessus, Wolfensohn's counterpart
at the bank's sister institution the International Monetary Fund, may step
down after wrestling with international financial crises for a record 12 1/2

 Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers informed finance ministers of the other
major industrialized countries Saturday of the U.S. decision to renominate
Wolfensohn. According to the officials, Summers said, ``Jim Wolfensohn has
done an extraordinary job of bringing energy and passion to the bank's
critical development mission.''

 Wolfensohn, 65, would be only the second of the nine presidents in the
bank's 53-year history to serve a second term, which would start next May.
The other was former U.S. defense secretary Robert McNamara, president from
1968 to 1981.

 Under practices adopted when the bank and its sister institution, the
International Monetary Fund, were established after World War II, an American
heads the World Bank, a European the IMF.

 Wolfensohn, a former Wall Street investment banker, took over at the bank in
June 1995.

 Friends and colleagues say the Frenchman Camdessus, 66, already past the
midpoint of a record-breaking third five-year term at the IMF, has been
drained by dealing with a series of international financial crises while
fending off IMF critics. His office says it refuses to comment on rumors.

 AP-NY-09-27-99 1455EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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U.S. Backs World Bank Chief

.c The Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States supports a second five-year term for James 
Wolfensohn to head the World Bank, U.S. officials said Monday. U.S. backing ensures 
the Australian-born American will be reappointed.

The announcement is expected at Tuesday's opening session of the bank's annual meeting.

There was speculation Monday that Michel Camdessus, Wolfensohn's counterpart at the 
bank's sister institution the International Monetary Fund, may step down after 
wrestling with international financial crises for a record 12 1/2 years.

Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers informed finance ministers of the other major 
industrialized countries Saturday of the U.S. decision to renominate Wolfensohn. 
According to the officials, Summers said, ``Jim Wolfensohn has done an extraordinary 
job of bringing energy and passion to the bank's critical development mission.''

Wolfensohn, 65, would be only the second of the nine presidents in the bank's 53-year 
history to serve a second term, which would start next May. The other was former U.S. 
defense secretary Robert McNamara, president from 1968 to 1981.

Under practices adopted when the bank and its sister institution, the International 
Monetary Fund, were established after World War II, an American heads the World Bank, 
a European the IMF.

Wolfensohn, a former Wall Street investment banker, took over at the bank in June 1995.

Friends and colleagues say the Frenchman Camdessus, 66, already past the midpoint of a 
record-breaking third five-year term at the IMF, has been drained by dealing with a 
series of international financial crises while fending off IMF critics. His office 
says it refuses to comment on rumors.

AP-NY-09-27-99 1455EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP news 
report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without  
prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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[CTRL] Fwd: U.S. Proposes IMF Changes

1999-09-24 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/24/99 4:49:48 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:U.S. Proposes IMF Changes
 Date:  9/24/99 4:49:48 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 U.S. Proposes IMF Changes

 .c The Associated Press


 WASHINGTON (AP) - The Clinton administration, responding to growing
criticism about its policies toward Russia, says it will push for changes at
the International Monetary Fund to make sure Russia and other countries don't
misuse the billions of dollars the IMF provides in loans.

 While insisting the administration's overall approach to Russia has been
sound, Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers unveiled proposals Thursday that
would call on the IMF to make wider use of independent audits and allow the
lending agency to impose stiffer penalties for countries caught lying.

 Summers said he expected to gain backing for the proposals during a meeting
Saturday of finance ministers and central bank presidents of the world's
seven wealthiest countries - the United States, Japan, Germany, France,
Italy, Britain and Canada. The changes would have to be approved by the IMF's
governing board.

 ``We have a huge interest in whether Russia becomes a market economy, on
whether it stays a democracy,'' Summers said in announcing the package of
proposed reforms.

 The new requirements are intended to strengthen the IMF's ability to guard
against the misuse of its loans - one of the allegations that has been made
against Russia in a widening investigation of corruption and money laundering
in that country.

 The package of proposals comes amid renewed criticism from Republicans in
Congress that the Clinton-backed IMF approach to Russian economic reform has
been a huge failure.

 The United States will ask that the IMF be required to order independent
audits of central banks in countries suspected of misusing loans. It also
wants the IMF to be given greater leeway to penalize borrowing countries
caught lying to the agency about domestic economic conditions and be allowed
to impose penalties for abuse even after a country has stopped borrowing from
the agency.

 The G-7 discussions this weekend are being held in advance of the annual
meetings of the 182-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending
organization, the World Bank.

 Financial markets are anticipating that participants also may discuss a plan
to jointly intervene in currency markets to buy dollars in support of the
U.S. currency, which is close to a 44-month low against the Japanese yen. The
dollar's weakness has unnerved American investors, who fear it will boost the
cost of imports and add to inflation, and has been cited as a key reason for
falling U.S. stock prices.

 Summers refused to be drawn into a discussion on whether the G-7 might
consider coordinated intervention to support the dollar. He said he will
stress the need for more balanced global growth - with increased economic
activity in Europe and Japan taking the pressure off the U.S. economy.

 But Summers said Japan's recovery remained uncertain, making it critical for
the Japanese government to remain committed to ``continued stimulus, using
all available tools'' to boost domestic-led demand.

 On another matter., Summers and IMF Managing Director Michel Camdessus said
they were optimistic that agreement may be reached on a plan to increase the
amount of debt relief provided to the world's 41 poorest nations. A the key
elements of the plan is the sale of 14 million ounces of the IMF's gold
reserves to IMF member countries, rather than on the open market, and use the
proceeds to forgive debt held by these countries.

 AP-NY-09-24-99 0548EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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U.S. Proposes IMF Changes

.c The Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Clinton administration, responding to growing criticism about 
its policies toward Russia, says it will push for changes at the International 
Monetary Fund to make sure Russia and other countries don't misuse the billions of 
dollars the IMF provides in loans.

While insisting the administration's overall approach to Russia has been sound, 
Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers unveiled proposals Thursday that would call on the 
IMF to make wider use of independent audits and allow the lending agency to impose 
stiffer penalties 


1999-09-21 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


Gun control advocates and adversaries alike agree that none of
the gun legislation now before Congress would have averted the
recent massacre in a Texas church -- or any similar recent gun-
related calamity.

   o   In that string of violence, all the killers had either
   bought their guns legally or found an easy way to get
   around state and federal laws.

   o   The provisions now on the table -- from child safety-locks
   to stricter regulation of gun shows -- would not have
   stopped the sales or saved the people who died in the

   o   Gun control advocates admit that Congress can do nothing
   to prevent a mentally unstable person who has legal access
   to guns from using them.

   o   Determining the mental health of a would-be buyer is a
   thorny problem, says Adam Eisgrau, chief lobbyist for the
   Center to Prevent Handgun Violence and Handgun Control --
   who adds that providing federal authorities or gun dealers
   with mental health records raises "substantial privacy

Source: David B. Ottaway and Barbara Vobejda, "Gun Control's
Limited Aim," Washington Post, September 19, 1999.

For more on Gun Control Myths

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Swiss Banks Freeze Russian Funds

1999-09-21 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/21/99 9:38:13 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Swiss Banks Freeze Russian Funds
 Date:  9/21/99 9:38:13 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Swiss Banks Freeze Russian Funds

 .c The Associated Press

  Today, the Swiss government announced that Swiss banks have frozen $16.8
million in accounts suspected to be linked to the Russian case. A 1998 law
requires banks to take such action and report to the government when they
have well-founded suspicions of money laundering.

 Folco Galli, spokesman for the Federal Office for Police Affairs, told The
Associated Press a number of reports have been received in connection with
the Bank of New York case.

 Russia now owes some $16 billion of the $22 billion that the 182-nation IMF
has lent it since 1992. The IMF board is expected soon to consider approving
a second, $640 million installment under a $4.5 billion loan package for
Russia that was previously authorized.

 Russian President Boris Yeltsin received Nikolai Patrushev, head of the
Federal Security Service, today at his country residence for talks on the
money-laundeirng investigation.

 Yeltsin has not commented publicly on the expanding scandal, though the
Kremlin has issued statements denying any wrongdoing by the president.

 A Russian delegation traveled to Washington last week, and both countries
agreed to investigate the matter and compare notes, Patrushev told Yeltsin.

 Viktor Ivanov, deputy head of the Federal Security Service, Russia's main
intelligence agency, said Monday that U.S. investigators have presented no
evidence that money from the IMF or other international agencies was involved
in money laundering.

 Nor was there any evidence that high-level Russian officials were involved,
said Ivanov. He headed a team of Russian investigators who met in Washington
last week with FBI Director Louis Freeh and other officials.

 But Ivanov's statement Monday that U.S. investigators have material
suggesting Russian businesses laundered money through the Bank of New York
appeared to contradict Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who said
earlier Monday that the visit produced no evidence of Russian money being

 Ivanov's remarks also contradicted his own comments last week in Washington.
Russian officials have been saying the case has been overblown by Western
media and politicians.

 Bank of New York spokesman Cary Giacalone declined to comment on the latest
statements from Ivanov. He repeated the bank's previous position that it has
not been accused of any wrongdoing and declined to comment on the ongoing
investigation into money-laundering allegations.

 AP-NY-09-21-99 1037EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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Swiss Banks Freeze Russian Funds

.c The Associated Press

 Today, the Swiss government announced that Swiss banks have frozen $16.8 million in 
accounts suspected to be linked to the Russian case. A 1998 law requires banks to take 
such action and report to the government when they have well-founded suspicions of 
money laundering.

Folco Galli, spokesman for the Federal Office for Police Affairs, told The Associated 
Press a number of reports have been received in connection with the Bank of New York 

Russia now owes some $16 billion of the $22 billion that the 182-nation IMF has lent 
it since 1992. The IMF board is expected soon to consider approving a second, $640 
million installment under a $4.5 billion loan package for Russia that was previously 

Russian President Boris Yeltsin received Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Federal 
Security Service, today at his country residence for talks on the money-laundeirng 

Yeltsin has not commented publicly on the expanding scandal, though the Kremlin has 
issued statements denying any wrongdoing by the president.

A Russian delegation traveled to Washington last week, and both countries agreed to 
investigate the matter and compare notes, Patrushev told Yeltsin.

Viktor Ivanov, deputy head of the Federal Security Service, Russia's main intelligence 
agency, said Monday that U.S. investigators have presented no evidence that money from 
the IMF or other international agencies was involved in money laundering.

Nor was there any evidence that high-level Russian officials were involved, said 
Ivanov. He headed a team of 

[CTRL] Mysterious Blobs Along N.J. Shore

1999-09-14 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

What Could It Be?
Mysterious Blobs Along N.J. Shore
Have Scientists Scratching Their Heads
9.56 a.m. ET (1356 GMT) September 12, 1999 By Michael P. Regan
SEA ISLE CITY, NJ — Environmentalists, tourists and local officials agree:
They've never seen anything quite like it.

Mike Regan/Fox News

Like nothing you've ever seen on the beach

In fact, authorities were so puzzled by the huge blobs of the white,
gelatinous substance that washed up on the Jersey Shore last week they had to
send pieces of it to a lab in Louisiana. They are still waiting to hear back
on what the material is.

At least they know a little about what it isn't. The estimated five to seven
tons of material — which was on the shore in at least four communities — is
neither toxic nor radioactive. And while "the blob" doesn't appear harmful to
humans, some environmentalists are wondering what it might do to sea life.

"It may be harmful to other animals," said Tony Totah, a marine biologist
with New Jersey's nonprofit Clean Ocean Action group. Totah is especially
concerned sea turtles and small whales may mistake the material for jellyfish
or other saltwater delectables.

"They may try eating it and it may block their digestive system," Totah said.
And if smaller parasites start growing on the chunks, he said, "that makes it
look more inviting to them."

And humans, too, could not resist giving the rubbery chunks — some as long as
15 feet — a poke or two with bare feet or sticks.

It Came From the Sea

Beachgoers were startled Labor Day when the mysterious blobs — which
resembled giant pieces of used chewing gum — rode ashore along waves churned
by the remnants of tropical storm Dennis. The material landed on the sand in
the towns of Atlantic City, Ocean City, Strathmere and Sea Isle City,
officials said.

  "It was treated like a solid waste and is not going to have a residual or
environmental impact"

Some people didn't know what to think.

"I'm surprised the EPA didn't react with some type of press release or public
service announcement," said Chris Onderdonk, a tourist from Pennsylvania who
watched the blobs wash up. "I'll tell you, some people were afraid it might
be a health hazard. ... I was surprised to see parents letting their kids
play on it even though they knew nothing about it."

An emergency response team from New Jersey's Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) rushed to the beaches Monday to do field tests. But they
determined the blobs nontoxic, and decided to keep the beaches open.

"It wasn't radioactive, didn't have any hazardous aspects to it," said
Loretta O'Donnell, a spokesperson for the DEP. "It was treated like a solid
waste," she said, and is "not going to have a residual or environmental

Coast Guard Lt. Dan Higman said the field tests are accurate enough to assess
their risks. Nonetheless, the Coast Guard sent samples down to a lab in
Louisiana to find out more.

"The hope is that if we can ID exactly what it is, we may be able to track it
to a source," Higman said. "It's just so large, the clumps of it coming in
are huge, so we really have no idea," Higman said.

  The theories along the beach in Sea Isle City ranged anywhere from space
aliens to some kind of elaborate packaging used by drug smugglers.

Higman said the lab tests that will give the chemical breakdown of the blobs
should be back this week. Until then, officials and beachgoers continue to
speculate on the origin of the puzzling chunks.

The theories along the beach in Sea Isle City on Monday ranged anywhere from
space alien lifeforms to some kind of elaborate packaging used by drug

"Some of the best guesses are it might have come from a vessel offshore, or a
container might have fallen overboard," Higman said. The only thing remotely
similar to these chunks, Higman said, was "a spill up around that neck of the
woods about three years ago." He said that "wound up being a component of
hand cream."

Not that anyone should rub this stuff on their chafed hands.

"If they don't know what it is that's washing up on the beach, people
shouldn't handle it," said Totah, the marine biologist. "If it's something
that doesn't look natural, who could say that next year something happens and
people say it's the same stuff and it's not the same stuff."

© 1999, News America Digital Publishing, Inc. d/b/a Fox News Online.
All rights reserved. Fox News is a registered trademark of 20th Century Fox
Film Corp.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests 

[CTRL] Fwd: IMF Finds Signs of Global Recovery

1999-09-12 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/12/99 5:20:22 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:IMF Finds Signs of Global Recovery
 Date:  9/12/99 5:20:22 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 IMF Finds Signs of Global Recovery

 .c The Associated Press


 WASHINGTON (AP) - The global economy finally is showing signs of an upturn
after struggling for more than two years with a virulent financial crisis,
the International Monetary Fund said Sunday.

 The 182-nation lending organization said in its annual report that threats
of economic troubles spreading have lessened considerably since last fall,
when the collapse of the Russian ruble was felt around the world.

 ``This year the worst of the crisis seems well behind us,'' said the IMF's
deputy managing director, Stanley Fischer. ``Most of the Asian crisis
countries are recovering fast. ... Brazil's IMF-supported adjustment program
is succeeding, and growth has been more rapid than expected. And the Russian
economy too is doing better than expected.''

 The IMF used the report to defend its handling of the currency crisis. In
August 1998, it looked as if the crisis could drag down economies in the
United States and elsewhere after Russia's botched ruble devaluation rocked
financial markets from New York to Tokyo.

 The agency had assembled billions of dollars in rescue loans but appeared
powerless to halt the spread of currency troubles that began in Thailand in
July 1997. IMF critics also complained of excessive secrecy and a
one-size-fits-all mentality toward economic recovery programs.

 Even with improvements in the overall economy, the IMF has been embarrassed
again in recent days.

 Russia, the recipient of more IMF assistance than any other nation, is
alleged to be involved in financial corruption, including bribery and massive
money laundering through a New York bank. On Friday, the IMF announced it was
suspending a $12 billion Indonesian loan program, citing a banking scandal
and the government's conduct in East Timor.

 Also last week, the Netherlands government leaked a memo indicating that
opposition from members of Congress representing gold-mining states had
brought the IMF close to abandoning efforts to sell gold directly to the
public. The sales would finance debt relief for poor countries.

 IMF officials insisted they were near agreement on a deal to use gold but
avoid direct sales to the public, which the mining industry feared would
depress already weak gold prices.

 The IMF annual report said it has acted numerous times in the past year to
reduce secrecy surrounding its deliberations and force member countries to
provide investors with more timely and accurate information about economic

 For the first time, the agency began seeking permission of member countries
to post on the IMF's World Wide Web site results of annual IMF reviews of
individual countries' economic performances. The IMF also began publishing
the exact economic reforms that countries agree to implement in exchange for

 ``We have come a very long way on transparency in just a few years,''
Fischer told reporters at a briefing on the annual report.

 The IMF said it had made less progress in restructuring the global financial
system to reduce the likelihood of future crises. Still, the agency said
nations were moving ahead with proposals to adopt standards of good conduct
in banking and other areas.

 It conceded a lack of agreement on ways to ensure that IMF rescue loans not
be used to bail out private investors who made risky bets in emerging markets.

 In one way, the IMF, which is having its annual meeting this month, is in
far better shape financially to deal with the next crisis: Its members
approved an increase in resources, which the report said stood at $76.6
billion in uncommitted reserves on April 30. That is more than double the
level of a year earlier.

 But outstanding loans to troubled countries are up, to a record $90.8
billion at the end of April, or 20 percent higher than 12 months earlier.

 The Clinton administration won approval after a long struggle for an
increase of $18 billion in U.S. support to the IMF. But Congress imposed
numerous conditions aimed at pushing the agency to move more quickly toward
changes in its operations.

 AP-NY-09-12-99 1819EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
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[CTRL] Fwd: Summit May Aid China WTO Progress

1999-09-08 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/8/99 4:49:45 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Summit May Aid China WTO Progress
 Date:  9/8/99 4:49:45 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Summit May Aid China WTO Progress

 .c The Associated Press


 AP White House Correspondent

 WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House raised the possibility Wednesday of a
trade breakthrough when President Clinton meets with Chinese President Jiang
Zemin in New Zealand on the eve of a summit of Pacific Rim leaders.

 Clinton economic adviser Gene Sperling said the administration hopes the
discussions between the two presidents on Saturday ``would at least lead to a
resumption of negotiations and momentum'' toward a deal that would allow
China to join the World Trade Organization.

 It will be the first Clinton-Jiang meeting in 15 months. Since then,
relations plummeted on allegations of Chinese spying and theft of U.S.
nuclear secrets, the U.S. bombing of the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia and
tensions between China and rival Taiwan.

 Trade talks were frozen by the May 7 embassy bombing in Belgrade. The
negotiations are aimed at allowing China's entry into the WTO, a move that
would require Beijing to lower trade barriers and presumably lead to greatly
increased access of U.S. products in Chinese markets.

 In preparations for Saturday's meeting, U.S. Assistant Trade Representative
Robert Cassidy met with China's top WTO negotiator in Beijing this week. U.S.
Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky is to meet with Chinese trade
officials in New Zealand before the two leaders sit down.

 Clinton will leave Washington late Thursday, crossing the international
dateline after a refueling stop in Hawaii and arriving in Auckland Saturday
morning. Saturday's only appointment is with Jiang.

 The president will meet jointly Sunday with Presidents Keizo Obuchi of Japan
and Kim Dae-jung of South Korea, discussing North Korea's suspected
preparations to test a long-range ballistic missile. Clinton also will meet
with Russia's new prime minister, Vladimir Putin, on the heels of new
allegations about Russian corruption and money laundering.

 Later Sunday, Clinton will join leaders for the opening talks of the
21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC).

 ``APEC met last year in the shadow of Asia's financial crisis,'' National
Security Adviser Sandy Berger said. ``It will meet next week in the wake of a
surprisingly strong recovery.''

 In addition to economic issues, the meeting also will focus on security
matters, particularly the violence by pro-Indonesia militias in East Timor.

 Berger hinted that failure by Indonesia to resolve the crisis, or to request
the assistance of the international community, could result in the
withholding of Western financial support to the populous island nation.

 ``How the Indonesian government deals with the challenges in East Timor will
have implications for the capacity of the international community to support
Indonesia's economic program,'' Berger told a White House briefing.

 After the conclusion of the APEC meeting, Clinton will fly to Queenstown on
Tuesday for a day of rest. On Wednesday, the president will travel to
Christchurch, a southern city that is the starting point for most American
expeditions to the Antarctic.

 He will speak at the Antartica Center about efforts to protect the global
environment. The president also will meet with New Zealand Prime Minister
Jenny Shipley and opposition leader Helen Clarke. He also is to attend a
black-tie dinner given by Shipley before a late takeoff for home. En route to
Washington, Clinton will stop in Hawaii again for refueling and a day of golf.

 AP-NY-09-08-99 1748EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
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Summit May Aid China WTO Progress

.c The Associated Press


AP White House Correspondent

WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House raised the possibility Wednesday of a trade 
breakthrough when President Clinton meets with Chinese President Jiang Zemin in New 
Zealand on the eve of a summit of Pacific Rim leaders.

Clinton economic adviser Gene Sperling said the administration hopes the discussions 
between the two presidents on Saturday ``would at least lead to a resumption of 
negotiations and momentum'' toward a deal that would allow China to join the World 

[CTRL] Fwd: IMF Approves New Loans for Ukraine

1999-09-08 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/8/99 8:18:18 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:IMF Approves New Loans for Ukraine
 Date:  9/8/99 8:18:18 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 IMF Approves New Loans for Ukraine

 .c The Associated Press

  KIEV, Ukraine (AP) - The International Monetary Fund approved the release
of $184 million to the Ukraine from a $2.6 billion aid package, the central
bank said Wednesday.

 The funds were expected to arrive in a few days, National Bank spokesman
Dmytro Rikberg said.

 The former Soviet republic is desperate for new loans so that it can meet
foreign debt obligations of more than $3 billion next year.

 The government's own revenues are far below target because of severe
economic problems in the country.

 Some analysts predict that Ukraine will default on its 2000 debt
obligations, but government officials have insisted they will meet them in
full if the IMF continues to disburse aid.

 The fund, which approved the three-year loan for Ukraine in 1998, has
suspended disbursements several times because the government didn't meet its
economic reform requirements.

 While agreeing to disburse the latest money, IMF directors repeated their
long-standing demands that Ukraine speed up privatization and approve a
realistic budget for 2000 to make debt servicing easier.

 AP-NY-09-08-99 0917EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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IMF Approves New Loans for Ukraine

.c The Associated Press

 KIEV, Ukraine (AP) - The International Monetary Fund approved the release of $184 
million to the Ukraine from a $2.6 billion aid package, the central bank said 

The funds were expected to arrive in a few days, National Bank spokesman Dmytro 
Rikberg said.

The former Soviet republic is desperate for new loans so that it can meet foreign debt 
obligations of more than $3 billion next year.

The government's own revenues are far below target because of severe economic problems 
in the country.

Some analysts predict that Ukraine will default on its 2000 debt obligations, but 
government officials have insisted they will meet them in full if the IMF continues to 
disburse aid.

The fund, which approved the three-year loan for Ukraine in 1998, has suspended 
disbursements several times because the government didn't meet its economic reform 

While agreeing to disburse the latest money, IMF directors repeated their 
long-standing demands that Ukraine speed up privatization and approve a realistic 
budget for 2000 to make debt servicing easier.

AP-NY-09-08-99 0917EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP news 
report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without  
prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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[CTRL] Fwd: IMF Issues World Economic Forecast

1999-09-07 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/7/99 2:58:55 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:IMF Issues World Economic Forecast
 Date:  9/7/99 2:58:55 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 IMF Issues World Economic Forecast

 .c The Associated Press

  AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - The International Monetary Fund expects the
world economy to expand by 2.8 percent this year and by 3.4 percent in 2000,
according to preliminary IMF projections posted late Tuesday on the Dutch
Finance Ministry's Internet site.

 The document, placed for unknown reasons on the Finance Ministry's Web site,
reveals the forecasts along with the agenda for the IMF's Sept. 26-27
meeting. A Finance Ministry spokesman who declined to give his name said the
forecasts in the document were preliminary and could change before the

 The outlook for the expansion of the global economy as outlined in the
document is an upward revision of the IMF's previous world economic outlook
in May, when gross domestic product was seen to rise by 2.3 percent in 1999
and by 3.3 percent next year.

 The Finance Ministry said growth estimates for all ``Asian crisis
countries'' have been revised upwards, and that the crises in Russia and
Brazil are less problematic than expected.

 Brazil's 1999 GDP is expected to contract by only 1 percent, down from a
previous 3.7 percent, and Russia's economy should shrink by 2 percent, down
from an earlier forecast of 7 percent.

 ``Growth in Japan and Europe seems to be recovering and the expansion in the
U.S. is continuing, almost without price or wage pressure,'' the document

 It noted that the IMF now sees imbalances such as the highly valued stock
market and the strong U.S. dollar as a danger for an overheating of the
American economy, and said timely rate increases in the United States might
be needed in order to prevent a ``hard landing.''

 For Japan, the preliminary economic outlook called for GDP growth of 0.2
percent in 1999 and a growth of 1 percent in 2000. ``Several signals point to
a limited recovery of the Japanese economy,'' the document read.

 It said economic growth in the 11 countries committed to Europe's common
currency should expand by 2.1 percent this year and by 2.8 percent in 2000.
For the entire European Union, GDP was projected to increase by 1.9 percent
in 1999 and by 2.7 percent next year.

 AP-NY-09-07-99 1557EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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IMF Issues World Economic Forecast

.c The Associated Press

 AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - The International Monetary Fund expects the world 
economy to expand by 2.8 percent this year and by 3.4 percent in 2000, according to 
preliminary IMF projections posted late Tuesday on the Dutch Finance Ministry's 
Internet site.

The document, placed for unknown reasons on the Finance Ministry's Web site, reveals 
the forecasts along with the agenda for the IMF's Sept. 26-27 meeting. A Finance 
Ministry spokesman who declined to give his name said the forecasts in the document 
were preliminary and could change before the meeting.

The outlook for the expansion of the global economy as outlined in the document is an 
upward revision of the IMF's previous world economic outlook in May, when gross 
domestic product was seen to rise by 2.3 percent in 1999 and by 3.3 percent next year.

The Finance Ministry said growth estimates for all ``Asian crisis countries'' have 
been revised upwards, and that the crises in Russia and Brazil are less problematic 
than expected.

Brazil's 1999 GDP is expected to contract by only 1 percent, down from a previous 3.7 
percent, and Russia's economy should shrink by 2 percent, down from an earlier 
forecast of 7 percent.

``Growth in Japan and Europe seems to be recovering and the expansion in the U.S. is 
continuing, almost without price or wage pressure,'' the document said.

It noted that the IMF now sees imbalances such as the highly valued stock market and 
the strong U.S. dollar as a danger for an overheating of the American economy, and 
said timely rate increases in the United States might be needed in order to prevent a 
``hard landing.''

For Japan, the preliminary economic outlook called for GDP growth of 0.2 percent in 
1999 and a growth of 1 percent in 2000. ``Several signals point to a limited recovery 
of the Japanese economy,'' the document read.

It said 

[CTRL] Fwd: IMF Probes Russia's Use of Loans

1999-09-06 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/6/99 1:04:17 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:IMF Probes Russia's Use of Loans
 Date:  9/6/99 1:04:17 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 IMF Probes Russia's Use of Loans

 .c The Associated Press


 MOSCOW (AP) - The International Monetary Fund began a new probe Monday into
whether the Russian central bank misused IMF loans, officials said.

 The probe comes amid allegations that IMF loan money may have been illegally
diverted through the Bank of New York. American investigators reportedly
believe that up to $10 billion may have been funneled by Russians through the
bank, and some suggested that IMF aid may have been among those funds.

 However, IMF officials have insisted that the new investigation is unrelated
to the allegations involving the Bank of New York.

 The central bank probe is being conducted by the IMF and accounting firm
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and looks into whether the bank misused IMF loans by
means of foreign affiliates, a source close to the investigation told Dow
Jones Newswires.

 The Russian central bank has misled the IMF about the state of its finances
before, and the Russian government had to agree to independent reviews of its
books as a condition for a $4.5 billion loan from the IMF approved in July.

 Russia has received the first $640 million installment of the loan. The
second installment, expected next month, depends on the IMF's assessment of
Russia's compliance with the loan terms.

 ``We are not going to make excuses for ourselves, we are ready to provide
the necessary information,'' Russian Deputy Finance Minister Oleg Vyugin was
quoted as saying Monday by ORT television.

 After the allegations of money laundering through the Bank of New York were
made public, the United States - the IMF's biggest member - delayed deciding
whether it should support new IMF loans to Russia until a full accounting is
made of IMF money already lent.

 An earlier investigation by PriceWaterhouseCoopers found that the central
bank in 1996 secretly moved $1.2 billion of its reserves to an offshore
company, FIMACO, based on the Channel Island of Jersey.

 IMF Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer said the fund would have
suspended Russia's loan program in place at the time if the truth were known.

 Money laundering and capital flight have been major problems for Russia
throughout this decade, with tens of billions of dollars pouring out of the

 The IMF investigation and the Bank of New York case are among several
financial scandals that allegedly link prominent Russian political or
business figures to corruption and money laundering.

 Switzerland is helping Russia investigate allegations that Swiss
construction company Mabetex bribed top Kremlin officials, including
President Boris Yeltsin, to win lucrative renovation contracts.

 Last month, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Serra said Mabetex
deposited more than $1 million in a Swiss bank account and a top Kremlin aide
made the money available to Yeltsin and his daughters.

 Yeltsin has not commented publicly on the scandal. And he doesn't intend to,
presidential spokesman Dmitry Yakushkin said Monday.

 ``One doesn't need to go out into the town square and state publicly that he
is not guilty,'' Yakushkin was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.
``The methods of the Inquisition should not be restored at the end of the
20th century.

 (PROFILE (CO:Bank of New York; TS:BK; IG:BNK;)

 AP-NY-09-06-99 1404EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
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IMF Probes Russia's Use of Loans

.c The Associated Press


MOSCOW (AP) - The International Monetary Fund began a new probe Monday into whether 
the Russian central bank misused IMF loans, officials said.

The probe comes amid allegations that IMF loan money may have been illegally diverted 
through the Bank of New York. American investigators reportedly believe that up to $10 
billion may have been funneled by Russians through the bank, and some suggested that 
IMF aid may have been among those funds.

However, IMF officials have insisted that the new investigation is unrelated to the 
allegations involving the Bank of New York.

The central bank probe is being conducted by the IMF and accounting firm 
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and looks into whether the bank 

[CTRL] Fwd: Yeltsin Discusses Banking Scandal

1999-09-03 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/3/99 7:42:59 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Yeltsin Discusses Banking Scandal
 Date:  9/3/99 7:42:59 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Yeltsin Discusses Banking Scandal

 .c The Associated Press


 MOSCOW (AP) - President Boris Yeltsin, who has remained silent on an alleged
money laundering scandal linked to Russia, summoned a top security officer to
the Kremlin today for private talks on the controversy.

 Yeltsin makes only occasional public remarks these days, and has left
Kremlin aides to respond to several corruption scandals swirling around his

 In the most serious case, U.S. investigators are trying to determine whether
Russian criminal groups laundered up to $10 billion through the Bank of New
York. No one has been charged with a crime, and the Russian government has
not been accused of any wrongdoing.

 Still, Russian officials believe the country's reputation is being harmed,
and the Federal Security Service is investigating the extent of Russian

 The head of the security service, Nikolai Patrushev, met Yeltsin in the
Kremlin, and told the president that the Bank of New York scandal was tied to
U.S. politics.

 ``I reported to the president that the case is political ... and linked to
the elections in the United States,'' Patrushev said. ``Of course, it's
absurd to talk about such a sum'' being diverted illegally.

 Russian and U.S. authorities have held several meetings on the case,
Patrushev noted, but said the FBI hasn't provided the Russians with any leads
for them to pursue.

 ``If they have some specific evidence, we will carefully consider that,'' he
said. ``As of today, they haven't provided us with any such materials.''

 U.S. newspapers have reported that the Russian government may have diverted
loan money from the International Monetary Fund, but the IMF and the U.S.
government say they have no evidence of this.

 The U.S. government - the IMF's largest member - said it won't decide
whether to approve new loans until a full accounting is made of the IMF money
Russia has already received.

 The IMF was expected to release a $640 million installment of a $4.5 billion
loan package this month. An IMF mission is currently in Moscow to review
Russia's compliance with conditions for the package.

 Meanwhile, Russia's Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said the country ``does not
intend to defend itself in the wake of media publications.''

 ``We have no reason to explain ourselves. As for Russia's good name, it has
one,'' Ivanov told the Interfax news agency while on a trip to Armenia.

 The Russian press has denounced the Western reports in the Bank of New York
case, calling it an anti-Russian witch hunt and a return to the Cold War.

 The reaction reflects the recent decline in relations between the United
States and Russia. The two nations clashed over the Kosovo conflict and
Moscow is increasingly nationalistic, a stance welcomed by many Russians
nostalgic for the days of Soviet superpower status.

 AP-NY-09-03-99 0842EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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Yeltsin Discusses Banking Scandal

.c The Associated Press


MOSCOW (AP) - President Boris Yeltsin, who has remained silent on an alleged money 
laundering scandal linked to Russia, summoned a top security officer to the Kremlin 
today for private talks on the controversy.

Yeltsin makes only occasional public remarks these days, and has left Kremlin aides to 
respond to several corruption scandals swirling around his administration.

In the most serious case, U.S. investigators are trying to determine whether Russian 
criminal groups laundered up to $10 billion through the Bank of New York. No one has 
been charged with a crime, and the Russian government has not been accused of any 

Still, Russian officials believe the country's reputation is being harmed, and the 
Federal Security Service is investigating the extent of Russian involvement.

The head of the security service, Nikolai Patrushev, met Yeltsin in the Kremlin, and 
told the president that the Bank of New York scandal was tied to U.S. politics.

``I reported to the president that the case is political ... and linked to the 
elections in the United States,'' Patrushev said. ``Of course, it's absurd to talk 
about such a 

[CTRL] Fwd: Russian Envoy to IMF Abruptly Quits

1999-09-02 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/2/99 5:39:03 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Russian Envoy to IMF Abruptly Quits
 Date:  9/2/99 5:39:03 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Russian Envoy to IMF Abruptly Quits

 .c The Associated Press


 MOSCOW (AP) - Russia's envoy to the International Monetary Fund abruptly
quit Thursday, but insisted the decision was unconnected to reports that IMF
aid to Russia may have been illegally diverted through the Bank of New York.

 Mikhail Zadornov said all IMF money had been spent properly, and that he was
resigning to run for parliament in December.

 The move came amid concerns that the IMF may delay new loans to Russia over
the scandal. The U.S. government - the IMF's largest member - said it won't
decide whether to approve new loans until a full accounting is made of the
IMF money Russia has already received.

 News reports have said U.S. investigators believe Russian organized crime
and others laundered billions of dollars through the Bank of New York. Some
reports have suggested that IMF money may have been diverted in the

 No one has been charged in the matter, but on Thursday the Bank of New York
dismissed a second employee in connection with the scandal. A source close to
the matter said Svetlana Kudryavtsev, an associate in the bank's Eastern
European division, was fired for failing to cooperate with an internal probe.

 The bank had already fired Lucy Edwards, a London-based vice president, last
Friday for gross misconduct, violation of the bank's internal policies,
falsification of banks records and failure to cooperate with the bank's

 In Moscow, Zadornov insisted that IMF aid wasn't mishandled, he urged
Russian officials to ``take an active role'' in the Bank of New York

 The Russian government has said little about the money laundering case.
Prosecutors said they are looking into the reports, but no formal
investigation has been launched. Russian organized crime has close ties with
some officials and corruption is endemic in the government.

 Some officials have reacted with nationalist indignation to the allegations
reported in Western media. Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Wednesday the
scandal was part of a deliberate policy by ``certain circles who don't want
Russia to reassert its role as a great power.''

 Russian newspapers took the same line on Thursday.

 ``McCarthyism lives. And its cause forges ahead,'' the influential daily
Kommersant proclaimed in a front-page headline.

 It went on: ``Only recently the term `Soviet threat' went out of the West's
political vocabulary ... To replace the `Soviet threat,' came `Russian

 The popular daily Izvestia noted that ``the West, for some unknown reason,
has started missing the times of the Cold War and the Iron Curtain.''

 Russian media have also linked the affair to presidential campaigning in the
United States.

 The reaction reflects the recent decline in relations between the United
States and Russia. The two nations clashed over the Kosovo conflict and the
tone from Moscow is increasingly nationalistic, a stance welcomed by many
Russians nostalgic for the days of Soviet superpower status.

 Zadornov, meanwhile, played down his departure, saying it shouldn't harm
Russia's relations with the IMF. He predicted the next scheduled loan would
come as scheduled later this month.

 Russia is the IMF's biggest borrower, with about $20 billion in lending
since 1992.

 A long-time member of the Russian Cabinet, Zadornov said he was resigning to
run for parliament as a candidate of the liberal Yabloko party, which has a
reputation for honesty in Russia's often corrupt politics.

 President Boris Yeltsin, who must approve the resignation and appoint a
successor, did not immediately respond.

 ``We have succeeded in fully renewing our relations with international
financial institutions,'' Zadornov told a news conference. ``I consider my
mission fulfilled.''

 Zadornov helped negotiate the resumption of IMF aid to Moscow this July
after it was frozen in the wake of Russia's financial meltdown last year.

 The IMF was expected to release a $640 million installment of a $4.5 billion
loan package this month. An IMF mission is currently in Moscow to review
Russia's compliance with conditions for the package.

 The Russian ruble fell against the U.S. dollar for a third day Thursday amid
concerns that the IMF loan would be delayed. One dollar bought 25.79 rubles
on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange, up from 25.4 rubles the day before.

 AP-NY-09-02-99 1838EDT

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Pushes Free Trade

1999-08-30 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 8/25/99 1:40:20 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Bush Pushes Free Trade
 Date:  8/25/99 1:40:20 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Bush Pushes Free Trade

 .c The Associated Press


 CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) - Texas Gov. George W. Bush pitched open trade
Wednesday to a part of the country where many feel stung by it, declaring,
``We'll be prosperous if this nation does not retreat within its borders.''

 Bush opened a three-day Southern swing with a series of events in South
Carolina, where his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination are
working hard for an early February primary. Next come campaign stops and
fund-raisers in North Carolina and Georgia.

 Bush has been a strong advocate of the North American Free Trade Agreement
pioneered by his father when he was president and put into effect in 1993 by
President Clinton.

 Texas exports to Mexico have jumped by more than 16 percent in two years on
the strength of NAFTA. But the results have been uneven by industry and
region, with critics citing a particular toll on textile mills and other
industries of the Carolinas.

 ``The fearful build walls,'' Bush told the Charleston Rotary Club in a
wide-ranging stump speech that included his usual defense of liberalized

 He acknowledged harm done to the textile industry and said, without being
specific, that he supports ``anti-dumping'' laws to prevent some economic
sectors from being obliterated. But in the main, he said, the United States
must compete in the world.

 ``I say that free trade is healthy for our economy,'' he told reporters
later. ``We want Mexico to succeed, not fail. After all, they are our

 In North Carolina, announcements of major plant closures have been made
three times just this year, eliminating jobs.

 Supporters say NAFTA has been a success, citing increased exports and
improved relations with neighbors. Opponents say the deal has drained jobs
from the United States by encouraging companies to relocate to Mexico, hire
low-paid workers and ship the manufactured products back.

 Republican candidate Pat Buchanan calls for a stop to NAFTA when he
campaigns in South Carolina, warning against the ``deindustrialization of
America.'' Most other candidates in both parties either support the deal or
have not made it an issue.

 AP-NY-08-25-99 1439EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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Bush Pushes Free Trade

.c The Associated Press


CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) - Texas Gov. George W. Bush pitched open trade Wednesday to a 
part of the country where many feel stung by it, declaring, ``We'll be prosperous if 
this nation does not retreat within its borders.''

Bush opened a three-day Southern swing with a series of events in South Carolina, 
where his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination are working hard for an 
early February primary. Next come campaign stops and fund-raisers in North Carolina 
and Georgia.

Bush has been a strong advocate of the North American Free Trade Agreement pioneered 
by his father when he was president and put into effect in 1993 by President Clinton.

Texas exports to Mexico have jumped by more than 16 percent in two years on the 
strength of NAFTA. But the results have been uneven by industry and region, with 
critics citing a particular toll on textile mills and other industries of the 

``The fearful build walls,'' Bush told the Charleston Rotary Club in a wide-ranging 
stump speech that included his usual defense of liberalized trade.

He acknowledged harm done to the textile industry and said, without being specific, 
that he supports ``anti-dumping'' laws to prevent some economic sectors from being 
obliterated. But in the main, he said, the United States must compete in the world.

``I say that free trade is healthy for our economy,'' he told reporters later. ``We 
want Mexico to succeed, not fail. After all, they are our friends.''

In North Carolina, announcements of major plant closures have been made three times 
just this year, eliminating jobs.

Supporters say NAFTA has been a success, citing increased exports and improved 
relations with neighbors. Opponents say the deal has drained jobs from the United 
States by encouraging companies to relocate to Mexico, hire low-paid workers and ship 


1999-08-24 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 8/24/99 9:43:11 AM Central Daylight Time,


 International Monetary Fund officials say their job is to make
 payments to central banks, not monitor where it eventually winds
 up -- claiming the agency doesn't have the resources or the
 mandate to audit funds once they pass beyond a country's central

 The IMF "doesn't ask a lot of probing questions," according to a
 banking consultant who works with the fund. "They don't try to
 embarrass anyone."

o   Law enforcement authorities are currently investigating
whether Bank of New York Co. was one of a chain of banks
that was a conduit for about $200 million possibly
diverted from IMF loans to Russia.

o   The IMF says because the loans were paid into the Russian
government's account at the New York Federal Reserve Bank
-- and not to other Russian institutions -- it had neither
the responsibility nor the authority to audit transactions
involving those institutions.

o   Russia has received about $20 billion in IMF loans since
1992 -- but often fails to fulfill the economic promises
it makes in order to get the loans, experts report.

o   Two recent audits of loans to Russia revealed that $1.2
billion in IMF money wound up at a firm in the Channel
Islands, while part of a $4.8 billion IMF payment quickly
evaporated as Russians cashed rubles for dollars.

 In both cases, the fund asked for the audits only after
 allegations had circulated widely in the Russian and Western

 Experts say that officials at private American banks customarily
 demand financial statements from borrowers, and will not disburse
 funds without evidence of where the loans will go.

 Source: Bob Davis, "IMF Doesn't Watch Fund Disbursement," Wall
 Street Journal, August 24, 1999.

 For more on International Monetary Fund  World Bank

National Center For Policy Analysis
Tuesday, August 24, 1999

PointCast can automatically load NCPA's Policy Digest summaries
on your desktop for easy reading.  For information go to


   as colleges rake in research fundsNEW YORK TIMES

   MONEY GOES, as Russia soaks up billions of disappearing

   CHOICE" and the rules that go along with accepting federal

   o   FEWER CHILDREN ARE IN POVERTY and ex-welfare mothers are
   working since welfare reform beganWALL STREET JOURNAL

   EFFORTS, while others have different spending

   economists, while increasing average taxes increases self-

   and disable encryption softwareWASHINGTON POST

   and some analysts suggest they use the money to promote



In recent years, members of Congress have quietly been earmarking
funds in spending bills for university research in their
districts and states -- bypassing reviews by federal institutes.
In the process, critics maintain, they are substituting political
judgment for scientific review of which projects should qualify
for research money.

   o   Universities have lobbied for and obtained more than $7
   billion directly from Congress since 1980.

   o   Earmarked funds in this year's federal budget were a
   record $797 million.

   o   Federal spending on all university-based research this
   year exceeded $15 billion - - including a variety of
   military and weapons-related programs beyond the purely
   scientific endeavors of the National Institutes of Health
   and the National Science Foundation, the two federal
   institutions which have traditionally handed out grants.

   o   Critics point out that the funds are usually inserted in
   spending bills during closed-door conferences without
   public debate.

Also, what institution will get the funds is deliberately
obscured -- for example, creating a tax break for a university
"established on Aug. 6, 1872," without naming the institution.
It has taken months for the Chronicle of Higher Education, which
tracks academic earmarks, to decode the legislative language used
to disguise the appropriations.

[CTRL] Fwd: IMF Team Probes Russia's 2000 Budget

1999-08-20 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 8/20/99 5:23:39 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:IMF Team Probes Russia's 2000 Budget
 Date:  8/20/99 5:23:39 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 IMF Team Probes Russia's 2000 Budget

 .c The Associated Press


 MOSCOW (AP) - A team of International Monetary Fund experts on Friday began
studying the Russian government's 2000 budget draft, which analysts call
impressively austere - so austere that the country is unlikely to make it

 The government finalized the budget Thursday and will present it to the
lower house of parliament, the State Duma, next week. President Boris
Yeltsin's government will likely face pressure from the Communist-led
parliament to increase spending.

 With parliamentary elections in December and presidential elections next
summer, politicians might also be tempted to boost spending.

 But Russia is under heavy pressure from the IMF, its biggest lender, to keep
spending down and boost revenues, particularly its perennially poor tax

 ``It's a reasonable budget, but the question is whether they will be able to
adopt it, given that we're heading to a period with two elections,'' said
John Orford, an economist at investment bank Robert Flemings in London.

 Orford and other analysts have said the 2000 budget envisages tight
management of the government's resources and praised its low deficit target.
The draft foresees a deficit of 1.1 percent of gross domestic product, down
from 2.5 percent in this year's budget.

 The Duma must pass it in four readings, a process that traditionally takes

 Meanwhile, Russia's economy continues to be plagued by the fact that many
companies opt to barter with suppliers and customers instead of paying bills,
making it difficult to tax business transactions. That's translating into
huge losses for tax coffers, said Sergei Prudnik, analyst at Moscow brokerage
Troika Dialog.

 Also, investors, domestic and foreign, continue to withdraw money from
Russia as long as Yeltsin changes prime ministers every few months and the
army is enmeshed in a military conflict with Islamic guerrillas on its
southern border.

 ``The question is when is Russia going to be able to restore confidence in
the economy,'' Orford said. ``You need massive investment, and to get that
you need to put in place a stable system.''

 The government is pinning its hopes on higher oil prices, analysts said.
With oil and gas companies generating the bulk of Russia's budget revenues,
higher oil prices have helped raise tax collections.

 The IMF experts are in Moscow through Sept. 1 to study the budget and
whether Russia has met requirements for another installment of a $4.5 billion
loan package. Russian officials have said they expect a $640 million
installment in September.

 Russia needs the money to keep servicing its massive foreign debts.

 AP-NY-08-20-99 1822EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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IMF Team Probes Russia's 2000 Budget

.c The Associated Press


MOSCOW (AP) - A team of International Monetary Fund experts on Friday began studying 
the Russian government's 2000 budget draft, which analysts call impressively austere - 
so austere that the country is unlikely to make it work.

The government finalized the budget Thursday and will present it to the lower house of 
parliament, the State Duma, next week. President Boris Yeltsin's government will 
likely face pressure from the Communist-led parliament to increase spending.

With parliamentary elections in December and presidential elections next summer, 
politicians might also be tempted to boost spending.

But Russia is under heavy pressure from the IMF, its biggest lender, to keep spending 
down and boost revenues, particularly its perennially poor tax collection.

``It's a reasonable budget, but the question is whether they will be able to adopt it, 
given that we're heading to a period with two elections,'' said John Orford, an 
economist at investment bank Robert Flemings in London.

Orford and other analysts have said the 2000 budget envisages tight management of the 
government's resources and praised its low deficit target. The draft foresees a 
deficit of 1.1 percent of gross domestic product, down from 2.5 percent in this year's 

The Duma must pass it in four 

[CTRL] Fwd: Brazil's Bank Will Not Use IMF Aid

1999-08-19 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 8/19/99 8:34:57 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Brazil's Bank Will Not Use IMF Aid
 Date:  8/19/99 8:34:57 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Brazil's Bank Will Not Use IMF Aid

 .c The Associated Press

  RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) - In an show of confidence with Brazil's
currency weakening, the central bank said Thursday that it will not draw on
the third part of a $41.5 billion aid package put together by the
International Monetary Fund.

 The central bank said it will waive the right to the $4.35 billion tranche,
despite the the real sliding to its weakest point in over five months. The
currency closed at 1.94 to the dollar on Thursday, compared to 1.91 on

 The bank's international affairs director Daniel Gleizer said he was
confident the real would soon regain strength after a shaky period this week.

 ``Any moment now, (the market) will realize the economy is growing more than
expected, inflation is low, and we are meeting all our fiscal targets,'' he
told reporters.

 The bank will give priority to repaying the $19.2 billion already loaned to
Brazil by the IMF and other lenders before drawing more, Gleizer said. The
latest tranche wasn't needed as the capital flow into Brazil remains positive.

 The loan was put together last year to support Brazil's economy as it was
rocked by financial instability. Markets have recovered significantly in
recent months, triggered by positive economic signs, but they have been
knocked by uncertainty this week.

 On Wednesday, the central bank acted to combat a slide in the real by
suspending a 0.5 percent tax on some forms of foreign capital coming into
Brazil. It also intervened on the currency market for the first time since
May, selling dollars to strengthen the real.

 In the weeks after after the government devalued the real in mid-January,
the real plunged to a low of 2.20 to the dollar. Prior to that, it was worth
around 1.20 to the dollar.

 AP-NY-08-19-99 2134EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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Brazil's Bank Will Not Use IMF Aid

.c The Associated Press

 RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) - In an show of confidence with Brazil's currency 
weakening, the central bank said Thursday that it will not draw on the third part of a 
$41.5 billion aid package put together by the International Monetary Fund.

The central bank said it will waive the right to the $4.35 billion tranche, despite 
the the real sliding to its weakest point in over five months. The currency closed at 
1.94 to the dollar on Thursday, compared to 1.91 on Wednesday.

The bank's international affairs director Daniel Gleizer said he was confident the 
real would soon regain strength after a shaky period this week.

``Any moment now, (the market) will realize the economy is growing more than expected, 
inflation is low, and we are meeting all our fiscal targets,'' he told reporters.

The bank will give priority to repaying the $19.2 billion already loaned to Brazil by 
the IMF and other lenders before drawing more, Gleizer said. The latest tranche wasn't 
needed as the capital flow into Brazil remains positive.

The loan was put together last year to support Brazil's economy as it was rocked by 
financial instability. Markets have recovered significantly in recent months, 
triggered by positive economic signs, but they have been knocked by uncertainty this 

On Wednesday, the central bank acted to combat a slide in the real by suspending a 0.5 
percent tax on some forms of foreign capital coming into Brazil. It also intervened on 
the currency market for the first time since May, selling dollars to strengthen the 

In the weeks after after the government devalued the real in mid-January, the real 
plunged to a low of 2.20 to the dollar. Prior to that, it was worth around 1.20 to the 

AP-NY-08-19-99 2134EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP news 
report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without  
prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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Reuters articles to your daily news delivery, go to KW: A HREF="aol://5862:146"News 
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Reuters from the 

[CTRL] Conflicts Hindering WTO Efforts

1999-08-18 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Subj:   Conflicts Hindering WTO Efforts
Date:   8/17/99 11:09:34 PM Central Daylight Time
From:   AOL News

Conflicts Hindering WTO Efforts

.c The Associated Press


GENEVA (AP) - Trade negotiators are preparing to launch new efforts to steer
the global economy into the new millennium.

But as the countdown to the launch begins, they can't even agree on a name
for the talks, let alone what they should cover.

The 134-nation World Trade Organization has spent the past year discussing
the agenda for a ministerial meeting in Seattle beginning Nov. 30. The
meeting should kickstart negotiations aimed at rolling back barriers to
exports and thus - in theory - boosting international prosperity.

But so far there have been few results. And when WTO diplomats return from
their leisurely summer break, the tough task of whittling down more than 80
proposals into a feasible work schedule will begin in earnest.

Mike Moore, New Zealand's former premier who takes up his post as WTO
director-general Sept. 1, is under no illusions about the enormity of the

``This is the 1990s and there are new issues which have exploded which we
have never thought of,'' he said.

In the previous round of trade talks, nobody knew about electronic commerce,
``but now business in the Internet is doubling every hundred days,'' he said.

``Six months ago none of us really thought about genetically modified foods.
These are the major issues,'' added Moore.

Several thousand people are expected in Seattle for the conference, the WTO's
third since it was set up in 1995. The four-day session is shaping up as a
showdown between competing regional and economic interests.

The joke that the negotiators will be ``sleepless in Seattle'' has been told
hundreds of times already.

Under the agreements reached in the last trade talks, known as the Uruguay
Round, the WTO is committed to making a new effort in the year 2000 to open
trade in services and agriculture. But there is nothing to stop the Seattle
conference from taking on other areas as well.

Developing countries including Pakistan and Mexico are insisting that the
meeting should focus on compliance with the Uruguay Round accords rather than
tackling new areas. In particular, they accuse industrialized countries of
violating promises to import more textiles and clothing.

The European Union, on the other hand, wants to see talks across the full
spectrum of international trade. Critics say this is merely a ruse to deflect
attention from agriculture, where the EU's protectionist policies are
expected to come under threat.

The United States wants to discuss labor standards.

``As President Clinton has stated, the development of the trading system must
come together with efforts to ensure respect for these standards, and its
results must include benefits for working people in all nations,'' U.S.
Deputy Trade Representative Susan Esserman told a recent meeting of the WTO
general council.

That is anathema to the developing nations, who do not believe labor
standards should be part of international trade agreements. They feel it is a
form of protectionism, aimed at making poorer countries less competitive.

The United States is also resisting any suggestion that antidumping
regulations should be included. Washington has used its regulations, which
allow higher tariffs for U.S. industries threatened by imports, to provide
relief for domestic steelmakers in the wake of the Asian currency crisis,
provoking angry opposition from countries such as Japan.

In addition to the looming rows between governments, the WTO also has to come
to grips with other pressures. Nongovernmental organizations are pressing
their case for a bigger say in the organization's policymaking, and thousands
of anti-WTO campaigners are also planning to descend on Seattle.

And if that's not enough, negotiators will have to face the tricky problem of
what to call the new trade round.

There have been vague suggestions that it should be the ``Clinton Round,''
but these aren't taken too seriously. There is more acceptance of the idea of
a ``Millennium Round.''

This has alarmed the Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle, which has
launched a campaign to make sure the official name is the ``Seattle Round.''

AP-NY-08-18-99 0008EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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1999-08-18 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


A green elite of environmentalists, politicians and bureaucrats
is pushing for global regulation and world government to solve
exaggerated environmental problems, such as climate change and
ozone depletion, claims a new publication from the Institute of
Economic Affairs.

A number of international treaties reflect this global green
agenda, say authors Jeremy Rabkin and James Sheehan.

   o   The Biodiversity Convention, under the pretext of species
   protection, authorizes increased government control of
   private land use, and plans already exist to extend its
   restrictions to biotechnology innovation via a Biosafety

   o   The Basle Convention controls trade in waste, scrap and
   recyclable materials by defining various metals as
   hazardous, and Greenpeace wants it used to exclude
   developing countries from global scrap metal markets.

   o   The Convention to Combat Desertification aims to prevent
   land degradation by giving $30 billion to African
   governments for anti-desertification efforts; but such aid
   has perpetuated land mismanagement by promoting centrally
   planned irrigation projects, subsidized farming and inept
   agro-forestry policies.

   o   The Persistent Organic Pollutants Treaty being negotiated
   by governments of more than 150 countries may ban many
   pesticides, including those crucial to the eradication of
   disease-carrying mosquitoes in developing countries, such
   as DDT.

The efforts of this green elite are self-reinforcing.  Government
officials in developed countries, U.N. bureaucrats and their
pressure group allies lobby for increased appropriations for
agencies such as the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility
and national bilateral development agencies.  In return for their
support, environmental organizations receive subsidies and
recognized status at international meetings.  Thus, for instance,
at the 1997 Kyoto climate meeting there were 3,500
representatives from (predominantly European) pressure groups and
only 1,500 delegates from member governments.

Source: Jeremy Rabkin and James Sheehan (Competitive Enterprise
Institute), "Global Greens, Global Governance," Environment
Working Paper No. 4, 1999, Institute of Economic Affairs, 2 Lord
North Street, London SW1P 3LB, (0171) 799 3745.

For IEA text http://www.iea.org.uk/

For more on the Environment go to

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] IMF Orders Bank Scandal Prosecution

1999-08-16 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Subj:   IMF Orders Bank Scandal Prosecution
Date:   8/16/99 11:51:25 AM Central Daylight Time
From:   AOL News

IMF Orders Bank Scandal Prosecution

.c The Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) - The International Monetary Fund today demanded that
Indonesia quickly and publicly investigate a banking scandal and prosecute
any wrongdoers.

IMF spokesman Vasuki Shastry said Stanley Fischer, the IMF's deputy managing
director, telephoned Indonesian President B.J. Habibie over the weekend to
make the lending agency's position clear.

An audit of Bank Bali, a recently nationalized institution, showed it paid
around $80 million as a commission to a finance company controlled by an
official of Habibie's ruling Golkar party.

Shastry said the IMF has followed the banking scandal ``with increasing
concern and staff have been in intensive contact'' with Indonesian officials,
culminating with Fischer's call.

He said IMF officials have emphasized that a satisfactory resolution of the
case ``requires a thorough and independent investigation to be completed as
soon as possible.

``The results should be made public,'' he said and ``legal action should be
instituted in case the law was violated and steps should be taken to ensure
that such practices cease.''

Shastry said Habibie assured the IMF that a full investigation is under way.

On Friday the IMF expressed alarm over the scandal and warned it could lead
to a loss of investor confidence at home and abroad.

The Bank Bali scandal and another one have contributed to a plunge in the
value of the rupiah, the country's currency, just as the battered economy was
showing signs of recovery.

The IMF said it supported the appointment by Indonesia's bank restructuring
organization of an independent auditor, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, to validate
the agency's findings in the Bank Bali case.

This is the second time in recent months that an international accounting
firm has been asked to investigate irregularities in countries that have IMF
loan programs.

Earlier this month the IMF published a report by PriceWaterhouseCoopers into
the Russian central bank's transfer of foreign exchange reserves to an
offshore account in 1966.

The IMF provided Indonesia and Russia with multibillion-dollar rescue
programs when their economies collapsed in 1997 and last year and is still
making installment payments.

Russia obtained a $4.5 billion loan from the IMF in early August and
Indonesia received $460 million. Additional IMF loans to both governments are
due to be made later this year.

AP-NY-08-16-99 1251EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Trade Talks Expected To Succeed

1999-08-13 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Subj:   Trade Talks Expected To Succeed
Date:   8/13/99 1:56:04 AM Central Daylight Time
From:   AOL News

Trade Talks Expected To Succeed

.c The Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) - Despite some intense bickering now, the Clinton
administration says the 134-nation World Trade Organization will be able to
arrive at a common negotiating agenda in time to launch a new round of global
trade talks in December.

But some trade analysts are not so certain, given the recent performance of
the Geneva-based trade group, which was embroiled for months in a nasty fight
over who would lead the organization.

That dispute was finally resolved with an awkward job sharing arrangement in
which former New Zealand Premier Mike Moore, the U.S.-preferred candidate,
will hold the WTO's top job for three years and then be succeeded by Thailand
Vice Prime Minister Supachai Panitchpakdi, who was backed by Japan and other
Asian nations.

Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Susan Esserman, who is in charge of the
administration's preparations for the upcoming round of trade negotiations,
to begin in Seattle, said the leadership fight ``will have no impact'' on the
Seattle talks. ``There is a desire to move ahead and an enthusiasm in moving

But Esserman conceded that serious differences remain to be resolved among
the United States, Europe, Japan and developing nations over negotiating
goals for the new round of talks.

The United States is pushing for a limited agenda focusing on tariff cuts on
manufactured goods, removal of a variety of agricultural trade barriers and
greater opening of competition in service industries such as

Europe, by contrast, wants far more measures to be considered in the talks.
U.S. officials have complained that is because they are seeking to shield
European farmers from further trade liberalization.

Many developing countries are complaining that even the more limited U.S.
agenda is too large. They are still straining to meet the requirements of the
last global trade talks, known as the Uruguay Round, which were begun in that
country in 1986 and dragged on until 1993.

While Esserman told reporters Thursday that all these disputes will be
resolved in time for a successful launch of the talks in Seattle in early
December, some private trade analysts were not as optimistic.

``There is deep disagreement between the United States, the European Union,
Japan and the developing nations over what ought to be included in the next
round,'' said Gary Hufbauer, a trade expert at the Institute of International
Economics, a Washington think tank. ``I don't see a smooth road ahead at

Hufbauer said there was growing foreign unhappiness with the administration's
objections to including U.S. trade barriers in the upcoming talks, for fear
of upsetting such American industries as steel and textiles.

``The administration, in an effort to pre-empt U.S. opponents, has been
taking things off the table that other countries want,'' Hufbauer said.

Esserman said the administration would continue to object to any effort to
include anti-dumping regulations as part of the upcoming discussions. The
administration has used these regulations, which allow higher tariffs for
U.S. industries threatened by imports, as the primary mechanism to provide
relief for U.S. steelmakers in the wake of the Asian currency crisis.

Esserman said consensus was forming around certain U.S. positions, including
the administration's insistence that the next talks should be concluded in
just three years.

Two areas of negotiations - agriculture and services - are part of the
so-called built-in agenda, meaning that countries agreed as part of the
Uruguay package to reopen talks in those areas.

Esserman also noted that a meeting of trade ministers from Pacific Rim
countries earlier this year, the group, known as the Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation Forum, agreed to include further tariff cuts on manufactured
goods as a negotiating goal, starting with accelerated cuts in eight specific

More progress could come in outlining the goals for the talks when President
Clinton meets with other APEC leaders in New Zealand in September.

Clinton also is expected to have discussions with Chinese President Jiang
Zemin while at APEC. Esserman refused to speculate on whether the two leaders
would be able to strike a final market-opening trade agreement that would
clear the way for China's membership in the WTO.

AP-NY-08-13-99 0255EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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1999-08-11 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


Policy makers often rely on scientific research, much of which is
funded by the federal government, in making important policy
decisions.  Faulty research can result in bad policy.  For

   o   Scientist Robert Liburdy faked data that resulted in
   costly efforts to mitigate the effects -- later found not
   to exist -- of high-tension electric lines.

   o   The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tried to impose
   new, expensive and possibly hazardous air quality
   standards based on scientific data it claimed were not
   available for review.

To ensure open access to publicly funded scientific data in the
future, Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) inserted a provision into
the Fiscal Year 1999 Omnibus Spending Bill making it available to
the public.  Now a move is afoot to repeal or delay the Shelby

Congress directed the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to
draft regulations requiring "Federal awarding agencies to ensure
that all data produced under an award will be made available to
the public through procedures established under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA)."  In response, the OMB drafted a narrower
set of regulations requiring only that data from published
federally funded research actually used in developing policies or
rules be made available.

Aside from promoting scientific integrity, the new rules would
promote open government and better informed democratic decision
making.  In addition, it promotes fiscal responsibility.
Regulations cost Americans more than $700 billion, or more than
$6,000 per household, each year (see figure
http://www.ncpa.org/ba/gif/ba304fig.gif ).

Some legislators wish to rescind or delay the Shelby provision.
The late Rep. George Brown (D-Calif.) sponsored a bill to repeal
it, and Reps. David Price (D-N.C.) and James Walsh (R-N.Y.)
attempted to attach an amendment to appropriation bills that
would delay its implementation for a year.

Source: H. Sterling Burnett (NCPA Senior Policy Analyst), "Secret
Disservice: Covering Up Scientific Data Violates the Public's
Right to Know," Brief Analysis No. 304, August 11, 1999, National
Center for Policy Analysis, 12655 N. Central Expy., Suite 720,
Dallas, Texas 75243, (972) 386-6272.

For text http://www.ncpa.org/ba/ba304.html

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] (no subject)

1999-08-10 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Subj:   Citing Strengthened Economy, Brazil Central Bank Will...
Date:   8/10/99 3:15:32 PM Central Daylight Time
From:   AOL News

Citing Strengthened Economy, Brazil Central Bank Will End Formal Request That
Banks Maintain Trade  Interbank Lines

 NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 10, 1999--The following statement was
released today by the Central Bank of Brazil:  "In March 1999,
international banks led by five regional coordinating banks agreed to
Brazil's request to maintain their trade and interbank lines at February 28,
1999 levels. These banks were Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Banque Paribas,
Citibank, Deutsche Bank and HSBC Holdings. Later on, Caixa Geral de Depositos
and Banca Commerciale Italiana were chosen as coordinators in their
respective countries.

 "Citing the strengthening of the Brazilian economy and renewed
confidence in the country, as demonstrated by banks' voluntary increase of
trade and interbank lines to Brazil, the Brazilian economic authorities are
addressing all participating banks to announce that, from September 1st
onwards, it will no longer be necessary to formally ask foreign commercial
banks to maintain their trade and interbank lines to Brazil as originally
requested in March. Instead, they will rely on market conditions going

 "The Brazilian authorities noted that developments in the Brazilian
economy since March have been significantly better than expected. Sound
monetary and fiscal policies have led Brazil to fulfill the targets agreed in
the IMF program. GDP has begun to recover at the end of the first quarter of
1999, inflation has performed significantly better than projected, the
current account deficit was reduced, developments in the capital account have
exceeded expectations and FDI flows have shown considerable strength. The
President of the Central Bank, Arminio Fraga, noted that the positive
response of the banks to Brazil's request had an initial stabilizing effect
and was a critical element in Brazil's economic improvement. The
establishment of a system to monitor bank lines was a productive initiative.
We will keep it operating, he added. The Central Bank will also maintain a
close dialogue with individual banks and expects banks to continue to respond
as positively as they have done in the last six months. Mr. Fraga also
expressed the recognition of Brazil to the role played by the IMF, the BIS,
as well as by Central Banks and Ministries of Finance that participated in
the establishment and implementation of the monitoring process.

 "William R. Rhodes, Vice Chairman of Citigroup and Citibank, welcomed
Brazil's announcement. Mr. Rhodes, who was asked by Brazil to help implement
the request as worldwide and North America coordinator, stated that the
banks' response was very positive. 'In fact, a number of banks not only
maintained but also increased their trade and interbank lines,' Mr. Rhodes
noted. He recalled that the country's economic progress during this period
permitted the Government of Brazil to return to the international markets
last April."

 --30--mr/ny*  cf




Richard J. Howe


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[CTRL] Fwd: IMF: Fed Needs To Raise Rates

1999-08-05 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 8/5/99 6:10:24 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:IMF: Fed Needs To Raise Rates
 Date:  8/5/99 6:10:24 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 IMF: Fed Needs To Raise Rates

 .c The Associated Press


 WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States should consider further increases in
interest rates to keep its economic expansion from falling victim to rising
inflation, the International Monetary Fund said Thursday.

 The IMF, releasing for the first time a summary of the discussions its
24-member executive board as part of its annual review of the U.S. economy,
said directors were worried that unless the Federal Reserve acted soon, it
could require even larger rate hikes down the road to combat inflation,
raising the risks of a sharp stock market correction and possible recession.

 ``Directors cautioned that the economy still faced resource constraints, and
the recent very strong growth in domestic demand could not be sustained for
much longer without having inflationary consequences,'' the IMF summary said.

 The IMF report noted that the Federal Reserve had raised a key interest rate
by a quarter point on June 30. That was the first increase in two years in
the federal funds rate, the interest that banks charge each other. There is
growing concern in U.S. financial markets that the Fed will boost rates a
second time when officials meet Aug. 24.

 The IMF summary said that members of its executive board were worried that a
single rate rise would not be enough to slow the U.S. economy to a more
sustainable pace.

 ``Many directors considered that, unless there was evidence soon that the
strength of demand was abating, the authorities should tighten monetary
policy further to ensure that the expansion remained on a sustainable
noninflationary path,'' the IMF summary said.

 ``They emphasized that waiting too long to act would risk having to raise
interest rates more sharply later to stem a pickup in inflation, which would
increase the likelihood of a sharp stock market correction,'' the IMF said.

 The 182-nation IMF, which took the lead in handling the global currency
crisis, noted its executive board was not unanimous about the need for
further U.S. rate increases.

 ``Some other directors, however, were less inclined to think that an
increase in interest rates would be called for in the near future,'' the
summary said.

 The release of the summary of the board's discussions on the U.S. economy
was part of a pilot program adopted in April under which the agency will
release greater detail on its annual economic reviews if authorized to do so
by the member country.

 Critics charged that IMF secrecy was one of the contributing factors that
triggered the Asian currency crisis because it allowed investors to be caught
by surprise at the severity of economic conditions in a number of crisis

 AP-NY-08-05-99 1909EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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 To edit your profile, go to keyword A
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IMF: Fed Needs To Raise Rates

.c The Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States should consider further increases in interest 
rates to keep its economic expansion from falling victim to rising inflation, the 
International Monetary Fund said Thursday.

The IMF, releasing for the first time a summary of the discussions its 24-member 
executive board as part of its annual review of the U.S. economy, said directors were 
worried that unless the Federal Reserve acted soon, it could require even larger rate 
hikes down the road to combat inflation, raising the risks of a sharp stock market 
correction and possible recession.

``Directors cautioned that the economy still faced resource constraints, and the 
recent very strong growth in domestic demand could not be sustained for much longer 
without having inflationary consequences,'' the IMF summary said.

The IMF report noted that the Federal Reserve had raised a key interest rate by a 
quarter point on June 30. That was the first increase in two years in the federal 
funds rate, the interest that banks charge each other. There is growing concern in 
U.S. financial markets that the Fed will boost rates a second time when officials meet 
Aug. 24.

The IMF summary said that members of its executive board were worried that a single 
rate rise would not be enough to slow the U.S. economy 

[CTRL] Russia hopes IMF money will lead to additional foreign loans

1999-07-29 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Russia hopes IMF money will lead to additional foreign loans

MOSCOW (AP) - With an International Monetary Fund loan on the way, Russian
officials today expressed hope that more foreign debt assistance would follow
soon and the anemic economy would receive a boost.
By itself, the new IMF loan won't revive Russia's economy, which has been in
deep recession most of this decade and is continuing to shrink this year.

The IMF's $4.5 billion financial package, with the first disbursement planned
within days, is just enough to cover Russia's existing debts to the fund this
year and next. The money will simply be shifted from one IMF account to
another in Washington, and none of it will actually reach Russia.

Still, the IMF's decision Wednesday to approve the loan was a rare piece of
encouraging financial news for Russia.

It's Russia's first large loan since the country's financial markets imploded
last August, and other international lenders, including the World Bank and
Japan, are expected to release funds now that the IMF has demonstrated its
willingness to resume credits to Moscow.

``This will give Russia a breather,'' said Alexander Livshits, Russia's envoy
to the G-8, which includes the world's leading industrialized democracies and

Russia has defaulted on a series of foreign debts in recent months, and says
it simply can't afford the roughly $150 billion in foreign debt payments that
fall due over the next several years.

The IMF loan should lead foreign lenders to restructure Russia's debts, said
Finance Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, who was to meet today with members of the
Paris Club of creditors, which holds about $40 billion of Russian debt dating
to the Soviet era.

``Now that a program is ready and backed by the IMF and World Bank, creditors
have formal grounds to hold official talks with us on restructuring debts,''
Kasyanov told the ITAR-Tass news agency in the French capital.

Russia grew hugely dependent on foreign loans as its economy withered this
decade during the messy transition to a market economy. However,
international lending ground to a halt after Russia defaulted on debts and
devalued its currency last August.

The country has repaid some debts and defended the currency by drawing from
its Central Bank reserves, which have been steadily dwindling.

Central Bank reserves fell from $11.5 billion to $11 billion during the week
ending July 23, the bank announced today.

No reason was given for the decline, but foreign currency traders said the
bank has been intervening regularly to prop up the Russian currency, which is
holding steady at 24 to the U.S. dollar.

The IMF's first loan installment to Russia will be for $640 million. The fund
said it intends to closely monitor Russia's economy, and subsequent
disbursements ``will depend on completion of quarterly reviews.''

Russia owes $18 billion to the IMF, making it the fund's largest debtor.

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Scientists Warn of Risk From 'Doomsday' Asteroids

1999-07-29 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Scientists Warn of Risk From 'Doomsday' Asteroids
2.50 p.m. ET (1850 GMT) July 28, 1999 By Deborah Zabarenko
ITHACA, N.Y. — The good news: there are fewer potential "doomsday" asteroids
than previously believed that could cause an earthly catastrophe if they
struck the planet, scientists said on Tuesday.


The chance of a catastrophic impact in the next century ranges from one in
1,000 to one in 10,000

The bad news? A big one could smack into Earth in the coming century, they

There may be 500 to 1,000 big asteroids and other near-Earth objects (NEOs)
that pose a threat to civilization, David Rabinowitz of the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory said at a news conference at Cornell University. That is less than
the old estimate of 1,000 to 2,000 potentially deadly NEOs.

But the problem is that only 15 percent to 20 percent of the potentially
nastiest asteroids have been identified. At least six teams of scientists are
working to find 90 percent of the biggest near-Earth objects within a decade.

A "doomsday" asteroid is defined as one with a diameter greater than .6 mile
(1 km), which could cause global climatic catastrophe if it collided with
Earth. Debris from such a collision would be predicted to cause worldwide
clouding and cooling, with possibly disastrous effects on crops and animals.

Such asteroids come along perhaps once every 100,000 years or more, according
to the newly approved Torino scale that assesses how asteroid and comet
collisions would affect life on Earth.

A "doomsday" rock would rate a Torino 10, the highest rating. But the vast
majority of asteroids rate a zero, "events having no likely consequences,"
according to the Torino scale.

Richard Binzel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who devised the
Torino scale, said the chance of a 10-type impact in the next century ranged
from one in 1,000 to one in 10,000. There is a one-in-three chance of a
Torino 8 strike, which could cause localized destruction, in the 21st
century, Binzel said.

"The risk is there, but we're taking care of it," Andrea Milani, an asteroid
impact expert at the University of Pisa in Italy, said at the news conference
on asteroids, comets and meteors at Cornell.

Milani and others working to predict such asteroid strikes ruled out several
likely collision candidates in the last three years, but prediction can be

An asteroid that appears on a probable collision course with Earth one day
can be ruled out as a threat the next because of gaps in knowledge about the
paths the asteroids follow, said Paul Chodas of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

And once ruled out as threats, some asteroids can return to the threat lists,
Chodas said in an interview. Some asteroids can be eliminated as threats for
centuries, while others need to be studied year by year.

It is not enough to discover the asteroids; most must be tracked to determine
which way they will go, Chodas said.

In three recent cases, astronomers estimated — and then revised their
estimates to eliminate the threat — that asteroids might strike Earth several
decades in the future. Chodas said it was entirely possible that a killer
asteroid could emerge with far less advance warning.

"The smaller ones may not be seen until a week, or days before impact,"
Chodas said. "We only know of 20 percent (of the big NEOs) and one could hit
with very little notice. That's why we need to search for them."

In fact, the status of the potential threat from such objects is so fluid
that it is not tracked in publications, but on a Web site

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] New IMF loan won't revive Russia's economy.

1999-07-29 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


MOSCOW (July 29, 1999 6:38 a.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - Awaiting the
arrival of a loan from the International Monetary Fund, Russian officials on
Thursday expressed hopes that more foreign debt assistance would follow soon
and that the anemic economy would receive a boost.

By itself, the new IMF loan won't revive Russia's economy, which has been in
deep recession most of this decade and is continuing to shrink this year.

The IMF's $4.5 billion financial package, with the first disbursement planned
within days, is just enough to cover Russia's existing debts to the fund this
year and next. The money will simply be shifted from one IMF account to
another in Washington, and none of it will actually reach Russia.

Still, the IMF's decision Wednesday to approve the loan was a rare piece of
encouraging financial news for Russia.

It's Russia's first large loan since the country's financial markets imploded
last August, and other international lenders, including the World Bank and
Japan, are expected to release funds now that the IMF has demonstrated its
willingness to resume credits to Moscow.

"This will give Russia a breather," said Alexander Livshits, Russia's envoy
to the G-8, which includes the world's leading industrialized democracies and

Russia has defaulted on a series of foreign debts in recent months, and says
it simply can't afford the roughly $150 billion in foreign debt payments that
fall due over the next several years.

The IMF loan should lead foreign lenders to restructure Russia's debts, said
Finance Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, who was to meet Thursday with members of
the Paris Club of creditors, which holds about $40 billion of Russian debt
dating to the Soviet era.

"Now that a program is ready and backed by the IMF and World Bank, creditors
have formal grounds to hold official talks with us on restructuring debts,"
Kasyanov told the ITAR-Tass news agency in the French capital.

Russia grew hugely dependent on foreign loans as its economy withered this
decade during the messy transition to a market economy. However,
international lending ground to a halt after Russia defaulted on debts and
devalued its currency last August.

The country has repaid some debts and defended the currency by drawing from
its Central Bank reserves, which have been steadily dwindling.

Central Bank reserves fell from $11.5 billion to $11 billion during the week
ending July 23, the bank announced Thursday.

No reason was given for the decline, but foreign currency traders said the
bank has been intervening regularly to prop up the Russian currency, which is
holding steady at 24 to the U.S. dollar.

The IMF's first loan installment to Russia will be for $640 million. The fund
said it intends to closely monitor Russia's economy, and subsequent
disbursements "will depend on completion of quarterly reviews."

Russia owes $18 billion to the IMF, making it the fund's largest debtor.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] International Monetary Fund approved a $4.5 billion

1999-07-28 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

IMF-Russia, 2nd Ld, f0207,140

WASHINGTON (AP) - The International Monetary Fund approved a $4.5 billion
financial package for Russia Wednesday aimed at helping to keep the country
afloat through December parliamentary elections and presidential voting
scheduled for June 2000.
A total of $640 million would be made available immediately, said an IMF
spokeswoman, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Other installments will be
paid out over the next 17 months, she said.

President Boris Yeltsin's special envoy to international financial
institutions, Mikhail Zadornov, worked out the final details with the IMF's
deputy managing director,Stanley Fischer, and the 24-member executive board
during a daylong meeting.

^The long-awaited, 3rd graf, f0207

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] World Bank Lending Reaches $29B

1999-07-27 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

World Bank Lending Reaches $29B
By Harry Dunphy
Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, July 27, 1999; 5:54 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- World Bank lent a record $29 billion in the fiscal year
that ended June 30, an increase of $1.5 billion over the previous year, the
bank said Tuesday.

The bank's main lending arm, the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, approved loans worth $22.2 billion at market-based interest

The remaining $6.8 billion in commitments were made through the International
Development Association, which lends funds at cheaper interest rates to
poorer countries.

In the previous fiscal year, IBRD loans totaled $21 billion, IDA $7.5

The bank's annual lending statement said actual loan payouts for fiscal year
1999 totaled $24 billion, down from $25.5 billion the previous year. In some
cases, bank loans are not disbursed in the year they are approved.

``While we see, for a second fiscal year, that the (global) financial crisis
has resulted in record loans, I am cheered to see that the increase in the
quality of loans we have provided, as this points to real results on the
ground,'' said James Wolfensohn, the bank president.

Earlier this year the bank said the failure rate for its projects had
declined, meaning more development contracts are completed as planned.
Wolfensohn made this one of his objectives when he took over as bank
president four years ago.

Nations in East Asia and the Pacific, where the financial crisis began in
mid-1997, were leading recipients of bank loans, the statement said. Lending
to Latin America and the Caribbean region also increased, partly in response
to spread of the financial crisis and to Hurricane Mitch.

Loans to nations in East Asia amounted to $9.76 billion. Latin America and
the Caribbean came next at $7.74 billion. European and Central Asian
countries obtained $5.29 billion.

Totals for South Asia reached $2.56 billion, while Africa obtained $2.07
billion with $1.58 billion for North Africa and the Middle East.

© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press

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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Fwd: China Defiant on Entry Into WTO

1999-07-25 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 7/25/99 1:30:10 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:China Defiant on Entry Into WTO
 Date:  7/25/99 1:30:10 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 China Defiant on Entry Into WTO

 .c The Associated Press


 SINGAPORE (AP) - China will only meet conditions to get into the World Trade
Organization that are required of other developing countries, Chinese Foreign
Minister Tang Jiaxuan said Sunday after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright.

 ``China would not swallow the bitter fruit in order to get into the WTO,''
Tang told a news conference after lunching with Albright on the sidelines of
a Southeast Asia security forum.

 He said he was expecting Albright to bring up the subject of the WTO. ``She
didn't do that,'' Tang said. ``I was also surprised.''

 ``China's accession to the WTO is required by China's efforts to reform and
open up to the outside world,'' Tang said. ``On the other hand, without
China's participation, the WTO is not complete.''

 Washington missed a ``precious opportunity'' to seal China's WTO membership
during Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji's April visit to the United States, when
Zhu and President Clinton failed to come to terms on China's admission into
the WTO.

 Clinton said China's offers did not go far enough.

 ``When Premier Zhu got back to China, things got more difficult because the
bombing incident happened shortly afterwards,'' he said, referring to the May
7 NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, which killed three people.
The United States has said it was an accident, but China remains unsatisfied.

 Tang said he had concluded bilateral meetings with Japan and Australia on
the WTO issue and would pursue it further with other WTO members.

 Agricultural trade conflicts have been one of the major reasons the United
States has withheld support for China's WTO membership.

 China has restricted imports of agricultural products to protect its own
markets, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Daniel Glickman said in June.

 The United States wants to see freer markets in China, particularly for
grains, Glickman said. State control of production and price-setting play too
large a part in China's farming sector, he said in a visit to Beijing.

 AP-NY-07-25-99 1429EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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China Defiant on Entry Into WTO

.c The Associated Press


SINGAPORE (AP) - China will only meet conditions to get into the World Trade
Organization that are required of other developing countries, Chinese Foreign
Minister Tang Jiaxuan said Sunday after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright.

``China would not swallow the bitter fruit in order to get into the WTO,''
Tang told a news conference after lunching with Albright on the sidelines of
a Southeast Asia security forum.

He said he was expecting Albright to bring up the subject of the WTO. ``She
didn't do that,'' Tang said. ``I was also surprised.''

``China's accession to the WTO is required by China's efforts to reform and
open up to the outside world,'' Tang said. ``On the other hand, without
China's participation, the WTO is not complete.''

Washington missed a ``precious opportunity'' to seal China's WTO membership
during Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji's April visit to the United States, when
Zhu and President Clinton failed to come to terms on China's admission into
the WTO.

Clinton said China's offers did not go far enough.

``When Premier Zhu got back to China, things got more difficult because the
bombing incident happened shortly afterwards,'' he said, referring to the May
7 NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, which killed three people.
The United States has said it was an accident, but China remains unsatisfied.

Tang said he had concluded bilateral meetings with Japan and Australia on the
WTO issue and would pursue it further with other WTO members.

Agricultural trade conflicts have been one of the major reasons the United
States has withheld support for China's WTO membership.

China has restricted imports of agricultural products to protect its own
markets, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Daniel Glickman said in June.

The United States wants to see freer markets in China, particularly for
grains, Glickman said. State control of production and price-setting play too
large a part in China's farming sector, he said in a visit to Beijing.

AP-NY-07-25-99 1429EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written 

[CTRL] AIDS Destroys Children's Lives In Africa

1999-07-25 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Yahoo! News Science Headlines

Thursday July 22 8:39 AM ET

AIDS Destroys Children's Lives In Africa
Full Coverage
Africa AIDS Epidemic

By Rosalind Russell

NAIROBI (Reuters) - The AIDS epidemic has devastated the lives of children
across Africa leaving eight million as orphans and crushing rates of child
survival, the United Nations children's agency UNICEF said Thursday.

A staggering 48 percent of the world's HIV/AIDS cases are in eastern and
southern Africa, and the virus has overtaken war as the number one killer in
the region, the agency said at the African launch in Nairobi of its annual
``Progress of Nations'' report.

UNICEF's Deputy Executive Director Stephen Lewis told reporters that the
devastation the virus had reaped across Africa was a ``modern incarnation of
Dante's inferno.''

``Never has Africa faced such a plague,'' he said. ``One wonders how the
continent will cope.''

Lewis said AIDS had killed 1.4 million people in the region in 1998 and the
spread of the epidemic was accelerating. By the end of next year, another two
million children would be orphaned and the numbers would continue to rise

The orphans, especially girls, were left shouldering adult responsibilities
such as caring for the sick as well as younger brothers and sisters, and were
vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and malnutrition, the agency said.

Mother-to-child transmission of the HIV virus during pregnancy or through
breastfeeding has eroded all the hard won infant and child survival gains of
the last 20 years, Lewis said.

If the spread of the virus is not contained, AIDS could increase under-five
mortality by more than 100 percent in those regions worst affected by the

But there are some glimmers of hope.

A new drug, nevirapine, still under trial in Uganda, could cut
mother-to-child transmission rates by up to 50 percent -- at a cost of just
$4 for the full treatment. Other AIDS treatments such as AZT cost hundreds of
dollars and are way beyond the means of most Africans.

Lewis said UNICEF was excited about the implications of nevirapine, which the
agency believed could save millions of lives.

Nevertheless, UNICEF said education rather than new treatments was the only
effective way to halt the spread of the deadly virus.

Lewis urged African leaders to take the lead in breaking the ``conspiracy of
silence'' surrounding the disease in a continent where myth and ignorance
have fuelled its rampant spread.

``The disease must become an obsession among the leadership,'' he said. ``A
leader who fails to speak out against HIV/AIDS fails the people of his

He also criticised what he said was a ``massive distortion of priorities'' by
Western governments which had failed to respond to the crisis.

``It is morally indefensible, morally unconscionable, that the West is
prepared to spend upwards of $40 billion to fight a war in the Balkans and
less than one percent of that to save the lives of tens of millions of women
and children in Africa,'' Lewis said.


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[CTRL] Fwd: Farmland Urges Congressional Support of China 'Normal...

1999-07-23 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 7/23/99 3:42:41 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Farmland Urges Congressional Support of China 'Normal...
 Date:  7/23/99 3:42:41 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Farmland Urges Congressional Support of China 'Normal Trade Relations

  KANSAS CITY, Mo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 23, 1999--Farmland Industries,
Inc. today called on Congress to support continuation of Normal Trade
Relations (NTR) with China in a vote scheduled in the U.S. House of
Representatives on Tuesday, July 27.

  "Approving extension of normal trade relations with China is one small
step that Congress can take to assure that American farmers, who are already
under great financial strain, don't suffer further from lost access to this
important market," H.D. "Harry" Cleberg, president and chief executive
officer of Farmland Industries, Inc., said in a statement issued by the
Kansas City-based farmer cooperative.

  "Feeding a growing world population is central to the economic health
of American agriculture, and China -- now our nation's sixth largest trading
partner -- is the most important growth market for U.S. agricultural exports
in the new century," Cleberg said.

  "As home to one in every five people in the world, China will account
for more than one-third of the near-term future growth in farm exports, but
only if we maintain and strengthen trade relations between our countries," he

  China's economy is one of the fastest growing in the world. The
country's boom has led to an improvement in nutrition as the population's
living standards have grown. And, according to Cleberg, as the country has
grown more prosperous, people are adding more meat protein to their diet,
creating additional export opportunities for U.S. farmers to help meet that
growing demand.

  China has 20 percent of the world's people, but only six percent of the
arable land. "The Chinese must import food to meet demand and if the U.S.
doesn't seek that market, the rest of the world certainly will," Cleberg said.

  Normal trade relations status, previously referred to as "most- favored
nation" provides trade parity among countries. The United States grants
normal trade relations to every nation that is a member of the World Trade
Organization. Because China is not yet a WTO member, it does not receive this
status automatically. The President signs a waiver each year granting China
normal trade relations. The House vote is on President Clinton's one-year

  Farmland Industries is the largest farmer-owned cooperative in North
America with 1998 company sales of $8.8 billion in all 50 states and 90
countries. When including Farmland's share of the sales of its affiliated
businesses, sales were $11.9 billion. Focused on meeting the needs of its
600,000 farmer-owners in the United States, Canada and Mexico, Farmland is a
highly diversified company with major business lines in crop production and
crop protection products, livestock feeds, petroleum, grain processing and
marketing, and the processing and marketing of pork, beef and catfish


 Farmland Industries, Inc.

 Sherlyn Manson, 816/459-6230

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Farmland Urges Congressional Support of China 'Normal Trade Relations

 KANSAS CITY, Mo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 23, 1999--Farmland Industries,
Inc. today called on Congress to support continuation of Normal Trade
Relations (NTR) with China in a vote scheduled in the U.S. House of
Representatives on Tuesday, July 27.

 "Approving extension of normal trade relations with China is one small
step that Congress can take to assure that American farmers, who are already
under great financial strain, don't suffer further from lost access to this
important market," H.D. "Harry" Cleberg, president and chief executive
officer of Farmland Industries, Inc., said in a statement issued by the
Kansas City-based farmer cooperative.

 "Feeding a growing world population is central to the economic health of
American agriculture, and China -- now our nation's sixth largest trading
partner -- is the most important growth market for U.S. agricultural exports
in the new century," Cleberg said.

 "As home to one in every five people in the world, China will account
for more than one-third of the near-term future growth in farm exports, but
only if we maintain and strengthen trade relations between our countries," he

 China's economy is one of the fastest growing in the world. The
country's boom has led to an improvement in nutrition as the population's
living standards have grown. And, according to Cleberg, as the country has
grown more prosperous, people are adding more meat protein to their diet,
creating additional export opportunities for U.S. farmers to help meet that

[CTRL] NAFTA Ruling Soon-Constitutional?

1999-07-22 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

A Treat(ise) On Unconstitutionality?
Obscure Lawsuit Could Alter U.S. Trade Policy
Los Angeles Times

Trade advocates are bracing for a ruling by a federal judge in Alabama
in a little-noticed lawsuit whose outcome could dramatically affect how
the U.S. has conducted trade policy over the past four decades. Sometime
in the next few weeks, U.S. District Judge Robert Propst is expected to
rule in a labor-backed lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the
North American Free Trade Agreement. The case has attracted the
attention of some of the nation's top legal scholars.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Chairman Opposes IMF Gold Sale Plan

1999-07-22 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 7/22/99 5:26:51 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Chairman Opposes IMF Gold Sale Plan
 Date:  7/22/99 5:26:51 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Chairman Opposes IMF Gold Sale Plan

 .c The Associated Press


 WASHINGTON (AP) - In a blow to debt relief for the world's poorest
countries, the House Banking Committee chairman said Thursday it is unlikely
his panel will approve selling some of the International Monetary Fund's gold
reserves to finance the effort.

 Rep. Jim Leach, R-Iowa, said that in early September he would propose an
alternative to the plan to sell 10 million ounces of IMF gold.

 A senior Treasury official, acknowledging the mounting opposition in
Congress, said the administration is considering other ideas, but ``at this
point ... it is the only viable option that has broad international support.''

 The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in a telephone interview,
said the administration wants to work closely with lawmakers to gain broad

 Any alternative, the official said, could not upset the world gold market
and would have to win acceptable by the IMF's 182 member nations. It also
would need to ``mobilize adequate financing'' for a new debt initiative
program the United States and six other wealthy nations announced last month.

 One option said to be under consideration would mean selling part of the IMF
gold to central banks instead of on the open market, which could drive gold
price even lower.

 Leach said before the committee hearing that it was ``highly unlikely'' the
committee would endorse the administration's proposal that would permit the
IMF to sell 10 percent of its gold reserves to finance debt relief for the
world's poorest countries.

 ``Debt relief is a societal - indeed moral imperative - but care must be
taken not to jeopardize the mining industry that provides many of the most
stable jobs in the developing world, '' he said.

 Leach gave no details on his proposal.

 President Clinton, the leaders of the other major economic powers and Michel
Camdessus, the IMF's managing director, want the IMF gold sales to fund the
$2.7 billion cost of helping cut debt burdens among developing countries.

 Before the U.S. representative on the IMF board can vote in favor of the
gold sales plan, Congress must give its approval.

 The IMF board plans to hold a vote on the gold sales proposal in late
September, but the tight congressional timetable in the weeks ahead might
make that difficult.

 AP-NY-07-22-99 1826EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

 To edit your profile, go to keyword A
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Chairman Opposes IMF Gold Sale Plan

.c The Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) - In a blow to debt relief for the world's poorest countries,
the House Banking Committee chairman said Thursday it is unlikely his panel
will approve selling some of the International Monetary Fund's gold reserves
to finance the effort.

Rep. Jim Leach, R-Iowa, said that in early September he would propose an
alternative to the plan to sell 10 million ounces of IMF gold.

A senior Treasury official, acknowledging the mounting opposition in
Congress, said the administration is considering other ideas, but ``at this
point ... it is the only viable option that has broad international support.''

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in a telephone interview,
said the administration wants to work closely with lawmakers to gain broad

Any alternative, the official said, could not upset the world gold market and
would have to win acceptable by the IMF's 182 member nations. It also would
need to ``mobilize adequate financing'' for a new debt initiative program the
United States and six other wealthy nations announced last month.

One option said to be under consideration would mean selling part of the IMF
gold to central banks instead of on the open market, which could drive gold
price even lower.

Leach said before the committee hearing that it was ``highly unlikely'' the
committee would endorse the administration's proposal that would permit the
IMF to sell 10 percent of its gold reserves to finance debt relief for the
world's poorest countries.

``Debt relief is a societal - indeed moral imperative - but care must be
taken not to jeopardize the mining industry that provides many of the most
stable jobs in the developing world, '' he said.

Leach gave no details on his proposal.

President Clinton, the leaders of the other major economic powers and Michel
Camdessus, the IMF's managing director, want the IMF gold sales to fund the
$2.7 billion cost of helping cut debt burdens 

[CTRL] Nine dead, hundreds sickened by unnamed plague in southern Russia

1999-07-21 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Nine dead, hundreds sickened by unnamed plague in southern Russia

MOSCOW, July 21 (AFP) - A mysterious killer virus spreading across the south
of Russia has left nine dead and more than 100 hospitalized, with Russian
experts stumped as to the nature of the disease, news agencies reported.
Authorities in the region have banned the sale of food on open markets,
swimming holes have been declared off-limits, and hundreds of people have
fled from their homes in fear of the highly infectious disease.

Its victims suffer from a plague-like skin rash, internal bleeding and even
fatal brain hemorrhaging, symptoms which researchers said resemble a virus
called Congo-Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever, which last broke out in the region in
the 1950s, RIA Novosti reported Monday.

The latest outbreak first surfaced two weeks ago in the Rostov region, some
960 kilometers (600 miles) south of Moscow.

By Wednesday, six residents of the region's village of Oblimskaya - three of
them children - had died, and 136 more were hospitalied with symptoms of the

Over the past two days, similar cases began appearing in the neighboring
Volgograd and Stavropol regions. Three died in Stavropol, three more were
infected, and 32 were hospitalized in Volgograd, according to RIA Novosti.

The virus' alarming spread led the federal health ministry to set up a
special emergency commission, sending specialists from Moscow to the south,
where local doctors deny the infection has reached epidemic proportions,
according to ITAR-TASS.

All 32 of the victims hospitalized in Stavropol had come from the Rostov
region, RIA Novosti reported.

Medical experts remained divided as to the nature of the disease, with some
denying the possibility that Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever had resurfaced.
Others said the diagnosis was merely tentative and that research would not be
completed for another two to three weeks, ITAR-TASS reported Monday.

The Congo-Crimean fever first appeared in the Crimea for which it is named, a
region just 500 kilometers (300 miles) east of Rostov, in 1944, and is
transmitted by biting ticks that feed on warm-blooded animals, according to
RIA Novosti.

Doctors say the disease has no known cure, and can only be treated by
boosting the immune system.

One health official in the Rostov region said the outbreak was partly
facilitated by overall poor sanitation, including a failure to adequately
control rats, a common favorite for biting ticks.

Close to half of those stricken by the virus in Rostov were children, and
three were hospital workers infected by patients, according to RIA Novosti.

Previous Story:   Belgrade seeks to defend its sovereignty over Kosovo AFP
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[CTRL] New WTO chief a committed left-winger with a way with words

1999-07-21 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

New WTO chief a committed left-winger with a way with words

AUCKLAND, July 20 (AFP) - Mike Moore, who will head the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) for the next three years, is a committed left-winger who
has worked at everything from builder's labourer to prime minister.
But the 50-year-old New Zealander also has an unfortunate way with words.

He admits that his seemingly endless flow of ideas -- known as "Moorespeak"
-- do not always come out the way he intends.

Moore was also an unlucky prime minister, serving for just 10 weeks before
his Labour Party suffered a crushing election defeat in October 1990. But he
has also been foreign minister and trade minister, energetically pushing a
free commerce agenda.

The new chief trade regulator, worked briefly as a "freezing worker" in a
meat-processing factory. He says in his autobiography that he left school at
15 and was also a social worker, builder's labourer and printer.

But since 1972, when he was the youngest ever MP, he has devoted himself to
Labour Party left-wing politics.

His appointment to the WTO will come as a relief to Labour chief Helen Clark
who staged a coup against Moore's leadership in 1993. At the time he called
her a "chardonnay socialist".

Even a struggle against cancer did little to blunt Moore's passion for
politics and he has continued to hover on the fringes of a leadership return.

Moore speaks from the heart. But his style is erratic, emotional and
frequently just illogical. After making a deal over taxes, Moore said he felt
like a Bosnian Muslim whose "village has been raided, my goat impregnated, my
farmhouse burned down".

He says he is motivated by injustice and a desire to make things fair.

"I get incoherent with anger sometimes and it shows, unfortunately, when I
see some of the things that happen in this country and happened in my
background which have not been fair."

Moore admits his passion and voracious appetite for new ideas can make him
appear muddled.

"At times it's fair comment. I'm not an academic in the sense of the
discipline of doing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and I do forget that other people may not
have followed the same thought process to arrive at the same situation."

Moore has written eight books including his autobiography "Hard Labour",
which stressed his apparent childhood poverty, living underneath a shop in
Auckland where holes were drilled in the floor to let out floodwater from a
nearby river.

He often fudges the fact, however, that he went to one of the country's best
high schools, Dilworth. He became involved in the Labour Party while still a

He first entered parliament in 1972 in a Labour landslide, but said losing
his seat three years later was a major blow in his life. In 1978, in a
different seat, he returned to parliament and has never left.

When David Lange became prime minister Moore became overseas trade minister.
He has always been a strong campaigner for free trade and in his post
constantly tramped the world stage touting his ideas -- and New Zealand jobs.

Lange stepped down in 1988 and Geoffrey Palmer became an immensely unpopular
prime minister. Ten weeks out from an inevitable election defeat Palmer
stepped down and Moore led the party into a wipe-out. When it became clear
Moore could not deliver a victory in 1993, Clark took over the leadership.

Moore is married to a radio show host, Yvonne. The couple have no children.

Previous Story:   Nine hurt as Palestinians clash with Israelis near
settlement AFP
Next Story:   Bahrain to man New Year's Eve crisis centre against millennium
bug AFP


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[CTRL] Fwd: Officials Want New Forfeiture Bill

1999-07-21 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 7/21/99 5:40:51 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:


Officials Want New Forfeiture Bill

.c The Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's top law enforcement agencies pressed their
effort to kill legislation that would curb the federal government's ability
to confiscate private property by telling senators Wednesday that it would
weaken their ability to fight crime.

Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder told a Senate subcommittee that the
Justice Department supports tightening the rules the federal government must
follow to seize cars, cash, homes and other property linked to crime.

But a bill the House passed 375-48 last month ``crosses the line between
providing due process and giving unintended relief to drug dealers, money
launderers and other criminals who victimize the elderly and the vulnerable
in our society,'' he said Wednesday.

``There is legislation pending before the Congress which will, quite simply,
undercut the ability of law enforcement to forfeit illegally gained property
or property used to facilitate a crime, from drug dealers, terrorists, alien
smugglers and other criminals,'' said Richard Fiano, the Drug Enforcement
Administration's chief of operations.

Holder asked the Senate Judiciary Committee's criminal justice oversight
subcommittee to support a more modest plan proposed by the Clinton

Rep. Henry Hyde, D-Ill., the bill's author and chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee, defended it as an effort to rid the legal system of a
practice too vulnerable to abuse. The law shouldn't allow police to seize
property simply because they suspect it was involved in wrongdoing, he said.

Too many innocent citizens have been deprived of their cash or possessions
without due process, he said.

``There are some issues that really get to you, and this is one,'' he told
senators. ``I think if you're a drug dealer and you're guilty - not just
accused, but you're guilty - that you ought to lose your house, your car and
your shoes and socks. But when you're not guilty ... I don't want my country
confiscating property.''

Police have used civil asset forfeiture to seize homes to shut down drug
operations quickly even before charges are filed. Investigators also have
seized boats, cash and other assets from suspected drug dealers in the hopes
of driving them out of businesses.

Hyde faced skepticism from several subcommittee members. There should be a
way to strike a better balance between the rights of property owners and the
needs of law enforcement, said Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.

``Forfeiture is about the government using its powers to take private
property, and there must be adequate restrictions to prevent abuse of this
power,'' said Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C. But the bill passed by the House
``may undermine the use of forfeiture law in the war against drugs, child
pornography, money laundering, telemarketing fraud, terrorism and a host of
other crimes,'' Thurmond said.

Hyde criticized the Clinton administration's alternative plan Wednesday,
saying it would actually increase the government power to seize property, not
curb it.

Under the Hyde bill, the federal government would have to prove with ``clear
and convincing'' evidence that the property was eligible for forfeiture if an
owner files a legal challenge.

The administration's plan recommends a lower standard of proof, a
``preponderance'' of the evidence, which is standard in civil cases. Current
law requires property owners to prove they are not connected with the alleged

The administration also believes Hyde's bill would require the release of
cash, vehicles and other property to owners demonstrating a ``hardship,''
pending a trial even when there is compelling evidence that the property was
used in a crime.

AP-NY-07-21-99 1840EDT

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[CTRL] Fwd: Officials Want New Forfeiture Bill

1999-07-21 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 7/21/99 5:40:51 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Officials Want New Forfeiture Bill
 Date:  7/21/99 5:40:51 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Officials Want New Forfeiture Bill

 .c The Associated Press


 WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's top law enforcement agencies pressed their
effort to kill legislation that would curb the federal government's ability
to confiscate private property by telling senators Wednesday that it would
weaken their ability to fight crime.

 Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder told a Senate subcommittee that the
Justice Department supports tightening the rules the federal government must
follow to seize cars, cash, homes and other property linked to crime.

 But a bill the House passed 375-48 last month ``crosses the line between
providing due process and giving unintended relief to drug dealers, money
launderers and other criminals who victimize the elderly and the vulnerable
in our society,'' he said Wednesday.

 ``There is legislation pending before the Congress which will, quite simply,
undercut the ability of law enforcement to forfeit illegally gained property
or property used to facilitate a crime, from drug dealers, terrorists, alien
smugglers and other criminals,'' said Richard Fiano, the Drug Enforcement
Administration's chief of operations.

 Holder asked the Senate Judiciary Committee's criminal justice oversight
subcommittee to support a more modest plan proposed by the Clinton

 Rep. Henry Hyde, D-Ill., the bill's author and chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee, defended it as an effort to rid the legal system of a
practice too vulnerable to abuse. The law shouldn't allow police to seize
property simply because they suspect it was involved in wrongdoing, he said.

 Too many innocent citizens have been deprived of their cash or possessions
without due process, he said.

 ``There are some issues that really get to you, and this is one,'' he told
senators. ``I think if you're a drug dealer and you're guilty - not just
accused, but you're guilty - that you ought to lose your house, your car and
your shoes and socks. But when you're not guilty ... I don't want my country
confiscating property.''

 Police have used civil asset forfeiture to seize homes to shut down drug
operations quickly even before charges are filed. Investigators also have
seized boats, cash and other assets from suspected drug dealers in the hopes
of driving them out of businesses.

 Hyde faced skepticism from several subcommittee members. There should be a
way to strike a better balance between the rights of property owners and the
needs of law enforcement, said Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.

 ``Forfeiture is about the government using its powers to take private
property, and there must be adequate restrictions to prevent abuse of this
power,'' said Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C. But the bill passed by the House
``may undermine the use of forfeiture law in the war against drugs, child
pornography, money laundering, telemarketing fraud, terrorism and a host of
other crimes,'' Thurmond said.

 Hyde criticized the Clinton administration's alternative plan Wednesday,
saying it would actually increase the government power to seize property, not
curb it.

 Under the Hyde bill, the federal government would have to prove with ``clear
and convincing'' evidence that the property was eligible for forfeiture if an
owner files a legal challenge.

 The administration's plan recommends a lower standard of proof, a
``preponderance'' of the evidence, which is standard in civil cases. Current
law requires property owners to prove they are not connected with the alleged

 The administration also believes Hyde's bill would require the release of
cash, vehicles and other property to owners demonstrating a ``hardship,''
pending a trial even when there is compelling evidence that the property was
used in a crime.

 AP-NY-07-21-99 1840EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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Officials Want New Forfeiture Bill

.c The Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's top law enforcement agencies pressed their
effort to kill legislation that would curb the federal government's ability
to confiscate private property by telling senators Wednesday that it would
weaken their ability to fight crime.

Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder told a Senate subcommittee that the
Justice Department supports tightening the rules the federal government must
follow to seize cars, cash, homes and other property linked to crime.

But a bill the House passed 375-48 last 


1999-07-20 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


Explanations for the economic disasters in East Asia, Russia and
Brazil over the past two years fall into two basic categories,
say economists.  One theory is that markets there were not
sufficiently regulated and that a new "financial architecture"
based on more regulations and international safety nets must be

Other theorists -- including Milton Friedman, Walter Wriston and
George Schultz -- argue that the crises were due to departures
from the operation of free markets.

   o   The free marketers say the Asian financial crisis was
   aggravated by the intervention of institutions such as the
   International Monetary Fund which, in advancing credit,
   signaled the countries' vulnerability and produced a run
   on its currency.

   o   In Russia's case, insider dealing and outright fraud
   prompted IMF intervention leading to massive flights of
   capital -- which drove down the ruble by more than 60
   percent and sharply depressed stock values.

   o   And in Brazil, large budget deficits coincided with
   pegging the nation's currency to an unrealistic rate --
   resulting in investors shorting the currency and
   extracting their capital.

As the crisis countries attempt to work their way out of the
mire, those that are succeeding are doing so along the lines
prescribed by the free-market advocates.

   o   Foreign direct investment has resumed in reform-minded
   Thailand and South Korea.

   o   By restraining its deficit spending, Brazil has seen its
   foreign-exchange reserves, equity markets and currency
   value rise.

   o   Meanwhile, Russia, Indonesia and Malaysia -- which have
   shunned market-oriented policies -- continue to suffer
   share declines in gross domestic product, weakened
   currencies and depressed asset values.

Despite this evidence, the IMF wants to establish a new
Contingent Credit Line facility back by a $90 billion
replenishment of its resources.  Financial experts see this as
preparation for a repeat of its former failed interventionist

Source: Charles Wolf Jr. (RAND Corporation), "Markets, Not
Architects, Will Solve Economic Crises," Wall Street Journal,
July 20, 1999.

For more on Currency Issues

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[CTRL] Russia could receive as much as $3.8 billion in foreign loans

1999-07-19 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


MOSCOW (July 19, 1999 3:32 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - Russia could
receive as much as $3.8 billion in foreign loans this year, allowing the
government to stop using borrowed money to meet foreign debt payments, a top
financial official said Monday.

The International Monetary Fund is expected to decide soon on releasing the
first installment of an 18-month, $4.45 billion loan program to Russia.

If the approval goes through, Russia could receive up to $1.9 billion from
the IMF this year, said Mikhail Zadornov, the country's top envoy to
international financial institutions.

The IMF loan, in turn, will trigger more lending - $1.85 billion - from the
World Bank and Japan, Zadornov told journalists.

A large share of the World Bank money will go to finance reform of Russia's
moribund coal industry and to prop up social programs. But the rest would
still be enough to enable the government to stop borrowing from the Central
Bank - and depleting Russia's scarce hard-currency reserves - to meet its
foreign debt payments this year.

"We will cease using Central Bank reserves to finance our external debt
(repayments)" Zadornov said.

The IMF is to consider new lending to Russia during a board meeting set for
July 28, and the World Bank is to complete its loan review process on July 29
or Aug. 3.

If the IMF loan is approved, Moscow will begin talks the next day on
restructuring other debts to the London and Paris Clubs of commercial
creditors, Zadornov said.

The IMF froze a loan package worth $22.5 billion after Russia's financial
collapse last August. The new loan under consideration was made contingent on
Russian parliamentary approval of a package of laws intended to increase
government revenue, combat corruption and restructure the commercial banking

Russia has defaulted on its Soviet-era debt but remains committed to meeting
payment schedules on most debt incurred since the Soviet collapse in 1991.

Zadornov said that this year, Russia would pay $4.2 billion it owes the IMF,
the Interfax news agency reported. In the second half of this year, Russia is
due to pay around $3.5 billion to service its Eurobonds and debts to the IMF.



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[CTRL] Thailand Offers To Share WTO Post

1999-07-16 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Subj:   Thailand Offers To Share WTO Post
Date:   7/16/99 7:22:59 PM Central Daylight Time
From:   AOL News

Thailand Offers To Share WTO Post

.c The Associated Press


GENEVA (AP) - Thailand said Friday it was willing to share World Trade
Organization leadership by splitting the six-year term with New Zealand.

The concession could end a bitter leadership struggle that has undermined the
organization's authority as a trade policeman during the high-profile
transatlantic disputes over bananas and hormone-treated beef.

Thai Foreign Minister Surin Pitsuwan told a news conference that Thailand
would be happy for its candidate, Deputy Prime Minister Supachai
Panitchpakdi, to wait three years for the job as director-general, provided
he had a completely free hand after that.

That would clear the way for New Zealand's Mike Moore to move into WTO
headquarters immediately and fill the vacuum left at the end of April by
Italy's Renato Ruggiero.

There was no immediate reaction from the WTO Friday to the Thai announcement.

The first three years is seen by some as the plum term because the
director-general will set the agenda for trade liberalization talks to be
launched in November in Seattle.

But a key plan to lower more trade barriers will likely be finalized in the
second term. Taking the second slot would also allow Supachai to finish his
term in the current Thai Cabinet before the country's November 2000 elections.

Supachai would take over in 2002, if the agreement is approved.

The bitter leadership contest began last year, souring relations between
Supachai's Asian supporters and Moore's backers in the West.

Australia proposed the share plan after it became clear that neither man
could defeat the other. The organization makes decisions by consensus, rather
than vote, but neither man's supporters would withdraw their candidate.

After a brief general council session Thursday, diplomats were upbeat.

``The atmosphere here now is completely different to what it was before,''
said Bangladeshi Ambassador Iftekhar Chowdhury.

Even so, some voiced concern about the power-sharing deal. Morocco - whose
own candidate dropped out of the race earlier this year - said each man
should serve just two years.

The Thai foreign minister stressed his country would not accept anything less
than three years.

Meanwhile, the United States and Canada will seek final approval from the
World Trade Organization later this month for sanctions against the European
Union over imports of hormone-treated beef.

The July 26 meeting is likely to give both countries immediate approval to
impose 100 percent tariffs on a range of imports from the EU, effectively
pricing the items out of the market.

Washington has not yet decided precisely which goods will be affected, but
its preliminary list included canned meats, Roquefort cheese, truffles,
paprika, chewing gum, chocolate, mineral water and motorcycles.

The Canadian preliminary list included beef, cucumbers, gingerbread, gin,
vodka and soup.

Although the EU ban on hormone-treated beef has been ruled illegal, Brussels
has refused to lift it, saying some of the hormones could cause cancer.

AP-NY-07-16-99 2022EDT

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1999-06-30 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


Political analysts warn that there are a number of freedom-
robbing elements lurking -- but not publicized -- in the juvenile
crime, or gun control, bill.  Both houses of Congress have passed
separate versions of the bill, with the differences to be worked
out in a conference committee.

New York University Law School's Dave Kopel has been writing and
speaking out on some of the legislation's hidden provisions.

   o   The federal government would be allowed to seize the
   property of a person who is convicted of any federal
   felony -- and this forfeiture rule applies to state
   felonies as well.

   o   The federal government could also seize the property of
   a person who commits a misdemeanor under state law if
   physical harm results from that misdemeanor.

   o   Police would be allowed to monitor private pager
   communications without a warrant.

   o   The bill would void a federal law that restricts the
   government from compiling a list of gun owners.

It also imposes a mandatory one-year sentence for violating a
federal gun law which says that adults can't give handguns to
minors.  In a report for the Independence Institute, Kopel and
James Winchester pointed out that a father who gives a family
heirloom in a locked case to his son on the boy's 17th birthday
would have to spend a mandatory year in prison.

Source: David B. Kopel  James Winchester, "Unfair and
Unconstitutional: The New Federal Juvenile Crime and Gun Control
Proposals," Issue Paper No. 3-99, June 3, 1999,  Independence
Institute, 14142 Denver West Pkwy., Suite 185, Golden, Colo.
80401, (303) 279-6536; Editorial, "A Freedom-Control Bill,"
Investor's Business Daily, June 30, 1999.

For text http://www.i2i.org/SuptDocs/Crime/unfair.htm

For more on Crime and Punishment in America

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1999-06-29 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


Persons whose recollections of economic history go further back
than those of the President, are taking Clinton to task for his
claims that his two Republican predecessors followed "reckless"

Specifically, Clinton has said: "In the 12 years before I took
office, reckless fiscal policies quadrupled our debt, bringing us
higher interest rates, higher unemployment, higher inflation."

Here are facts which argue otherwise:

   o   Under the Reagan presidency, unemployment went from above
   7 percent to under 6 percent.

   o   In 1980, the yield on the 30-year U.S. bond was 13.91
   percent -- which had dropped to 6.69 percent by the time
   Reagan left office.

   o   Inflation dropped from 10.3 percent in 1981 to 4.1 percent
   by 1989.

   o   As for the debt, objective observers would remind the
   President that Democrats controlled one or both houses of
   Congress throughout the Reagan presidency -- and
   consistently spent more than he requested.

Moreover, through tax cuts for individuals and businesses,
reduced government regulation, decreased discretionary spending,
the appointment of Alan Greenspan to chair the Federal Reserve,
and rebuilding the military, Reagan achieved more economic
growth, more personal freedom, the fall of Communism and the
collapse of the Soviet Union.

Source: Editorial, "The First Revisionist," Investor's Business
Daily, June 29, 1999.

For more on Supply-Side Policies

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[CTRL] WHO Urges Developing Nations to Battle Infectious Diseases

1999-06-28 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

 WHO Urges Developing Nations to Battle Infectious Diseases

 The World Health Organization (WHO) has offered cost-effective priorities
for developing countries to battle the spread of infectious diseases. These
include drugs to treat AIDS that may be too expensive for many developing
countries. But just $14 for a year's supply of condoms could prevent
infection in the first place. An insecticide-soaked net for the bed to
protect people from malaria- bearing mosquitoes costs $10; 26 cents buys a
dose of measles vaccine; 33 three cents buys oral rehydration salts that can
save a child dying from severe diarrhea and 27 cents buys five days of
antibiotics for pneumonia. One problem is raising the money. The World Health
Organization's $208 million budget is still $50 million short. The report
aims to convince governments of developing countries that illness causes
poverty just as much as poverty causes illness, so that national policies
reflect sound health recommendations.

Lauren Neergaard, The Associated Press "WHO urges effort to battle disease in
developing nations" as published in The Seattle Times, June 18, 1999, C7

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1999-06-14 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


A procedure to detect illicit drug use by testing hair is being
adopted at some schools, primarily private ones.  Civil liberties
groups, which oppose the tests, argue that they are inaccurate.

   o   Hair testing is based on the premise that drugs ingested
   in the body travel through the bloodstream and are
   deposited in hair follicles roughly in proportion to the
   amount of the drug taken.

   o   Since hair grows at the rate of half-an-inch a month, the
   test uses the inch and one-half closest to the scalp to
   detect drug use during the latest 90 days.

   o   Questions have been raised, however, as to whether drug
   molecules bind more to coarser black hair than to lighter
   hair and whether passive exposure to marijuana or other
   smoked drugs could produce a false positive.

Private schools can make drug testing a condition of enrollment
without inviting lawsuits.

But public schools cannot   Yet two public school principals in
New Orleans want to initiate hair tests.  The American Civil
Liberties Union of Louisiana has warned that it would file suit
if testing is implemented.

Source: Christopher S. Wren, "Hair Testing by Schools Intensifies
Drug Debate," New York Times, June 14, 1999.

For more on Other Education Issues

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1999-06-07 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


Ironically, political pressure for trade protection has grown
during the current economic expansion.  Similarly, the infamous
Smoot-Hawley Tariff was enacted at a time of unprecedented
prosperity.  It may be that economists have not done a very good
job of explaining either the benefits of free trade or the costs
of protection.

A new study from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis estimates
the cost of protectionism to the United States.

   o   St. Louis Fed economist Howard Wall calculates that U.S.
   exports would have been 26.2 percent higher in 1996 if
   other countries practiced free trade.

   o   Wall found that U.S. protectionism also hurt, costing
   consumers more than $100 billion.

   o   In a recent speech in Dallas, Federal Reserve Chairman
   Alan Greenspan said the ultimate cost of protection can be
   even higher if it blocks the flow of technology and new
   ideas that are the life's blood of economic progress.

Similarly, the benefits of free trade may not be as apparent as
their perceived costs in terms of job displacement.  However, the
benefits are large.

   o   According to a new study by the Department of Foreign
   Affairs and Trade in Australia, a 50 percent reduction in
   world tariffs would increase the world economy by more
   than $400 billion per year (see figure
   http://www.ncpa.org/pd/gif/pd6799.gif ).

   o   Complete elimination of tariffs would add $750 billion to
   the world economy annually.

A final source of protectionist sentiment may be the
understatement of U.S. exports, which exacerbates the recorded
trade deficit.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau, exports may
be understated by as much as 10 percent, due to the undercounting
of small exports and other factors.  This may make people think
that restricting imports is necessary to restore balance.  More
accurate counting of exports, therefore, may help reduce
protectionist pressure.

Source: Bruce Bartlett, senior fellow, National Center for Policy
Analysis, June 7, 1999.

For text http://www.ncpa.org/oped/bartlett.html

For Australian study

For St. Louis Fed study

For Alan Greenspan's speech

For Census Bureau study

For more on Tariffs  Trade Barriers and Free Trade Agreements

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[CTRL] Bank of Scotland under fire over ties to Pat Robertson

1999-06-03 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Bank of Scotland under fire over ties to Pat Robertson
Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

EDINBURGH, Scotland (June 2, 1999 11:55 a.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) -
The Bank of Scotland is being pressured to sever a proposed business link
with Pat Robertson after the American religious broadcaster referred to
Scotland as a "dark land" because it tolerates homosexuals.

Some lawmakers told The Scotsman newspaper in Wednesday's editions that they
would call for the government to pull its accounts if the Bank of Scotland
does not end the affiliation.

The bank acknowledged that as many as 500 accounts had been closed by
customers since March, apparently because of the publicity over its dealings
with Robertson.

The bank has been working with Robertson on a deal, reportedly worth $48
million, to launch a telephone and Internet banking arm in the United States.

On his "700 Club" television show May 18, the former presidential candidate
criticized Scotland for its tolerance of homosexuals, calling it a "a rather
dark land."

"In Europe, the big word is tolerance," Robertson said. "Homosexuals are
riding high in the media. ... And in Scotland, you can't believe how strong
the homosexuals are. It's just unbelievable."

The bank said Wednesday that it was considering its response to the

Gene Kapp, a spokesman for Robertson, said the broadcasters' comments were
taken out of context.

"He indicated that Scotland has a great, proud history and like many places
in Europe and in the United States, what really needs to happen is a return
to the more traditional values, period. It really had nothing to do with the
homosexual issue," Kapp said.

"This deal is not about Pat Robertson, the religious leader," he said,
referring to the Bank of Scotland link. "This is about Pat Robertson, the

Lloyd Quinan, a Scottish National Party lawmaker, said he will speak out in
Parliament about the bank's association with Robertson.

"I certainly will be questioning whether the account with the bank can be
moved," Quinan told The Scotsman. "We do not seek to damage a Scottish
institution, but if a Scottish institution damages the country, then
questions have to be asked."


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[CTRL] Vatican, Lutherans resolve centuries-long dispute on way to salvation

1999-06-03 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Vatican, Lutherans resolve centuries-long dispute on way to salvation
Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

VATICAN CITY (June 2, 1999 11:24 a.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - Coming
to terms in a centuries-old dispute, Roman Catholic and Lutheran officials
will release an accord next week on the means of salvation, both sides said

The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification is meant to resolve a
doctrinal debate at the heart of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation,
which split Western Christianity.

The Vatican and Lutheran World Federation crafted compromise language on one
of the key unresolved points regarding what theologians call "justification,"
or how humankind achieves salvation. For the Lutherans, it depends on the
grace of God, while Catholics maintain that good works are also involved.

With the declaration, Catholics and Lutherans have agreed that divine
forgiveness and salvation come "solely by God's grace" and that good works
flow from that.

Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting
Christian Unity, and the Rev. Ismael Noko, general secretary of the Lutheran
World Federation, will announce joint acceptance of the document June 11 in

Agreement was announced by the two sides almost a year ago, but closing the
gaps on wording took months more.

The Vatican council indicated Wednesday the accord would be signed at next
week's event. The Lutheran World Federation said it expected signing to come
still later.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1999-05-19 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


The right of privacy has been a major distinction between
democracies and dictatorships.  But those who hold privacy in
high regard have seen their rights slowly eroded for decades --
and now the process could swiftly accelerate in the era of high

   o   A single company -- Acxiom Corp. in Conway, Ark. -- has a
   database combining public and consumer information that
   covers 95 percent of American households.

   o   A 1997 survey of 900 large companies by the American
   Management Association found that nearly two-thirds
   admitted to some form of electronic surveillance of their

   o   Intelligence agencies from America, Canada, Britain,
   Australia and New Zealand jointly monitor all
   international satellite-telecommunications traffic via a
   system called "Echelon" which can pick specific words or
   phrases from hundreds of thousands of messages.

   o   Tiny microphones can record whispered conversations across
   the street or monitor them via the normally imperceptible
   vibrations of window glass.

Among the dangers lurks the occasional benefit.  In a few years'
time, supermarkets could check the contents of customers'
refrigerators -- compiling a shopping list as they run out of

Is privacy a thing of the past?  Legal experts reply that while
privacy statutes exist in the U.S. and other countries, courts
have found it almost impossible to pin down a precise legal
definition of it and privacy lawsuits hardly ever succeed.

The answer may be to rely on market solutions.  Already some
companies are developing devices to thwart snoops -- such as
firms that forward e-mail stripped of any identifying

Source: "The Surveillance Society," Economist, May 1, 1999.

For more on Business Issues

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Government proposes new restrictions on right to jury trial

1999-05-19 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

5/19/99 -- 11:16 AM
Government proposes new restrictions on right to jury trial

LONDON (AP) - Judges, not defendants, will decide whether a jury should hear
certain cases under a legislative proposal announced by the government today.
Home Secretary Jack Straw, the Cabinet official in charge of criminal
justice, said many defendants were using the right to a jury trial to delay
the system.

``In 1998, there were 18,500 cases in which the defendant demanded their case
be heard before a jury. In many of these the defendant changed their plea to
guilty when they appeared in court,'' Straw said in a speech to the Police
Federation Conference in Blackpool.

The change will apply to offenses such as theft, burglary, assault and
criminal damage, which may now be tried either before a magistrate without a
jury, or in a jury trial in Crown Court. More serious offenses will continue
to be tried in Crown Court.

Other less-serious cases such as motoring offenses and drunkenness are
already tried exclusively before magistrates.

``This manipulation of the system cannot be right,'' Straw said. ``It causes
anxiety and concern to victims and witnesses and it costs the taxpayer
thousands of pounds in extra court costs and legal aid. It also wastes the
valuable time of police officers, prosecutors and judges who prepare for a
trial only to be stood down because of the changed plea.''

Defendants will have a right to appeal a magistrate's decision to refuse a
jury trial, he said.

The government will introduce the legislation as soon as possible, but Straw
did not specify a date. The governing Labor Party has an overwhelming
majority in the House of Commons, and the measures are likely to pass.

Courtenay Griffiths of the Society of Black Lawyers said minorities were
skeptical of the fairness of Magistrates' Courts.

``A fair hearing from a randomly selected panel of jurors greatly enhances
the confidence that minority communities have in the justice system,''
Griffiths said.

About 40 percent of defendants in Crown Court jury trials are freed, compared
with 25 percent tried in Magistrates Courts.

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-18 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


Critics ranging from business leaders to constitutional scholars
are lauding the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia for finally reining in the Environmental Protection
Agency.  By a two-to-one decision, the court last week found that
agency officials had overstepped the bounds of constitutional
authority in issuing regulations under the Clean Air Act.

The main issue involves whether unelected EPA bureaucrats should
be allowed to make laws, or whether lawmaking is the prerogative
of Congress -- as the Constitution states.

   o   The court referred to a 1928 Supreme Court decision known
   as the "non-delegation doctrine" which is designed to
   "ensure to the extent consistent with orderly governmental
   administration that important choices of social policy are
   made by Congress, the branch of our Government most
   responsive to the popular will."

   o   Thus, the Appeals Court held that Congress had violated
   the Constitution's separation of powers by delegating too
   much of its authority to the EPA.

   o   If upheld on appeal to the Supreme Court, critics hope the
   doctrine will be applied to activities promoted by the
   Americans With Disabilities Act and regulations emanating
   from the Occupational Health and Safety Administration.

The EPA's sweeping ozone and particulate matter rules were
already a source of scientific contention:

   o   The agency's science advisory board concluded that the new
   ozone rule did not deal with any new significant risk not
   already addressed by the rule it replaced.

   o   The board was unable to identify any proper level of fine
   particulate matter to regulate.

   o   It was widely recognized that extensive research was
   necessary to develop any implementing regulations for
   particulate matter.

   o   There was no unrebutted evidence that the ozone rule could
   cause more harm than good to public health.

Sources: Editorial, "Red Light for Regulators," and C. Boyden
Gray and Alan Charles Raul (lawyers), "The Courts Thwart the
EPA's Power Grab," both Wall Street Journal, May 18, 1999.

For more on Business Issues

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-17 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


Last week, financial markets paid Treasury Secretary Bob Rubin
the highest complement they could: they crashed on the
announcement of his resignation.  The markets were acknowledging
that Rubin deserves much of the credit for the economic expansion
and the enormous wealth it has generated for millions of
Americans.  Yet, ironically, it is not for anything he has really
done, but rather for the bad things that probably would have
happened had he not been there to stop them.

Clinton came into office hoping to be another LBJ, with plans for
big spending programs galore.  But Rubin convinced him that
financial markets were very nervous about this and needed
reassurance.  So instead of proposing another Great Society,
Clinton proposed a big deficit reduction plan.  Although the plan
was faulty, it convinced markets that Clinton was not another
Jimmy Carter, and would not unleash the inflation genie.

Rubin also played a critical role in getting Republican Alan
Greenspan reappointed as Federal Reserve chairman in 1996, and
has consistently protected him from administration criticism.
This has allowed Greenspan to manage monetary policy for the good
of the country.  The result has been the near elimination of
inflation and the lowest interest rates and unemployment in a
generation (see figure http://www.ncpa.org/pd/gif/pd051799a.gif).

Rubin's replacement, Deputy Secretary Lawrence Summers, has been
a professor of economics at Harvard University, but will not have
the standing as Rubin has at the White House, nor the stature
Rubin has in financial markets.  If, for any reason, there is an
economic slowdown or a financial crisis, it could bring out
Clinton's bad big government instincts.  Only this time Rubin
won't be there to head them off.

Source: Bruce Bartlett, senior fellow, National Center for Policy
Analysis, May 17, 1999.

For text http://www.ncpa.org/oped/bartlett.html

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: You might be a Redneck Jedi if.....

1999-05-15 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 5/14/99 10:35:52 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subj: You might be a Redneck Jedi if.
 Date:  5/14/99 10:35:52 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (F. Michael Zimmerman)

 From: Ruth Baer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Religious humor discussion list

 It had to happen.  Just had to.

 You might be a Redneck Jedi if.

 You ever heard the phrase, "May the force be with y'all."

 Your Jedi robe is camouflage.

 You have ever used your light saber to open a bottle of Bud Light.

 At least one wing of your X-Wing fighter is primer colored.

 You can easily describe the taste of an Ewok.

 You have ever had a land-speeder up on blocks in your yard.

 The worst part of spending time on Dagobah is the dadgum skeeters.

 Wookies are offended by your B.O.

 You have ever used the force to get yourself another beer so you didn't
 to wait for a commercial.

 You have ever used the force in conjunction with fishing/bowling.

 Your father has ever said to you, "Shoot, son come on over to the dark
 side...it'll be a hoot."

 You have ever had your R-2 unit use its self-defense electro-shock thingy
 get the barbecue grill to light.

 You have a Confederate flag painted on the hood of your land-speeder.

 You ever fantasized about Princess Leah wearing Daisy Duke shorts.

 You have the doors of your X-wing fighter welded shut and you have to get
 through the window.

 Although you had to kill him, you kinda thought that Jabba the Hutt had a
 pretty good handle on how to treat his women.

 You have a cousin who bears a strong resemblance to Chewbacca.

 You suggested that they outfit the Millennium Falcon with redwood deck.

 You were the only person drinking Jack Daniels during the cantina scene.

 If you hear . . . "Luke, I am your father ... and your uncle ..."

 You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
 Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html
 or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

 --- Headers 
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by air-za05.mail.aol.com (v59.4) with SMTP; Fri, 14 May 1999 11:35:51 -0400
 Received: from x15.boston.juno.com (x15.boston.juno.com [])
  by rly-za05.mx.aol.com (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0)
  with ESMTP id LAA24177;
  Fri, 14 May 1999 11:35:46 -0400 (EDT)
 Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
  by x15.boston.juno.com (queuemail) id EALDC5PS; Fri, 14 May 1999 11:35:37
 Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 08:18:20 PDT
 Subject: You might be a Redneck Jedi if.
 X-Mailer: Juno 2.0.11
 X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 0-23,25-32,34-40,42-55
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 MIME-Version: 1.0
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 From: "F. Michael Zimmerman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Reply-To: Religious humor discussion list

It had to happen.  Just had to.

You might be a Redneck Jedi if.

You ever heard the phrase, "May the force be with y'all."

Your Jedi robe is camouflage.

You have ever used your light saber to open a bottle of Bud Light.

At least one wing of your X-Wing fighter is primer colored.

You can easily describe the taste of an Ewok.

You have ever had a land-speeder up on blocks in your yard.

The worst part of spending time on Dagobah is the dadgum skeeters.

Wookies are offended by your B.O.

You have ever used the force to get yourself another beer so you didn't
to wait for a commercial.

You have ever used the force in conjunction with fishing/bowling.

Your father has ever said to you, "Shoot, son come on over to the dark
side...it'll be a hoot."

You have ever had your R-2 unit use its self-defense electro-shock thingy
get the barbecue grill to light.

You have a Confederate flag painted on the hood of your land-speeder.

You ever fantasized about Princess Leah wearing Daisy Duke shorts.

You have the doors of your X-wing fighter welded shut and you have to get
through the window.

Although you had to kill him, you kinda thought that Jabba the Hutt had a
pretty good handle on how to treat his women.

You have a cousin who bears a 

[CTRL] Book: Dutch banks made billions trading stolen Jewish property

1999-05-08 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

5/8/99 -- 10:59 AM
Book: Dutch banks made billions trading stolen Jewish property

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - Dutch banks made billions of dollars trading
property stolen by Nazis from the nation's Jews during World War II,
according to a book to be released in the Netherlands on Monday.
The claims reach the top of the Dutch banking system. Those accused of
profiting from the Holocaust are forerunners of the powerful banks ABN AMRO
and ING Groep, which rank among the world's largest financial institutions.

The Netherlands' Central Bank and Amsterdam Stock Exchange were also aware of
the activities, author Gerard Alders said in interviews with Dutch media
published Saturday.

In his Dutch-language book, ``Robbery, the Theft of Jewish Belongings During
World War II,'' Alders asserts that the issue was covered up by government
officials after the war for fear of a backlash.

Alders, a historian with the Netherlands State Institute for War
Documentation, said nine years of research prove the banks ``knew it was
property theft ... of that I am absolutely positive.''

He said $500 million - now worth $7 billion - was stolen by Nazis and sold by
a group of 140 stock and bond traders from over half a dozen banks. The
traders were fully aware that their activities were illegal, Alders said.

Over 75 percent of Dutch Jews - more than 100,000 people - perished in the

ABN AMRO spokesman Theo van Dijk said it was too soon to comment on the
book's claims. He added that its findings might be taken into account in an
ongoing government investigation into the role of banks during the war.

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: New York Times International Headlines

1999-05-04 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 5/4/99 3:48:19 AM Central Daylight Time,

 Japan Recession Stifles Trade Climate, if Not Summit Talk

 President Clinton and Japan's Prime Minister professed to be
 in fundamental agreement on strategies to pull Japan out of
 a seven-year-long economic slump. But their daylong meeting
 underscored how many of Clinton's once-ambitious economic
 initiatives with Tokyo have been sunk by the Japanese



Good morning.

Here are summaries of today's top international news from
The New York Times on the Web.


NATO Air Attacks on Power Plants Cross a Threshold

Broadening the scope of its air strikes, NATO attacked
Yugoslavia's electrical system, cutting off power to
millions of civilians as well as military units in the



Russian Delivers Kosovo Plan to Clinton

President Clinton held an extended discussion with the
Russian special envoy for the Balkans, but the White House
remained pessimistic about the prospect of a deal anytime
soon to end the conflict in Kosovo.



Japan Recession Stifles Trade Climate, if Not Summit Talk

President Clinton and Japan's Prime Minister professed to be
in fundamental agreement on strategies to pull Japan out of
a seven-year-long economic slump. But their daylong meeting
underscored how many of Clinton's once-ambitious economic
initiatives with Tokyo have been sunk by the Japanese



Moscoso's Election Marks Pivotal Point for Panama

For more than 20 years, Mireya Elisa Moscoso lived in the
shadow of a man 45 years her senior who, she says, even told
her how to wear her hair. But by the side of that man,
Panama's three-time president, Arnulfo Arias, she also
gained a political schooling that helped transform her into
"Senora Presidenta."



Afrikaners Have a Dream, Very Like the Old One

The 600 people of Orania are so committed to keeping blacks
out that they are even willing to do all their own work,
including cleaning and gardening, jobs that many white South
Africans have never done for themselves.



Islamic Woman in a Head Scarf Suddenly Galvanizes Turkey

Last week, almost no one in Turkey had heard of Merve
Kavakci. Now, she stands accused of nothing less than trying
to destroy the nation, and Turks are talking of little else.



Colombia and Guerrillas Agree to Start Peace Talks

After more than six months of on-again, off-again
discussions, the government and the main left-wing guerrilla
group announced they had agreed not only to begin formal
peace negotiations, but also to invite international
observers to sit in on the talks.



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to sign up for personal search, see



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[CTRL] Fwd: [FTC] Bilderberger Boy

1999-05-04 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 5/4/99 9:46:25 AM Central Daylight Time, 

 Subj: [FTC] Bilderberger Boy
 Date:  5/4/99 9:46:25 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Linda Muller)
 Dear Friends - Excellent column from our friends at Insight magazine - FTC - 
 Insight Magazine
 The Arrogance of NATO's Power
 By James P. Lucier Contributing Editor  
 In 1964 the shadowy Bilderberger group met in Williamsburg, Va., and held 
 their first press conference. Organized shortly after World War II by Prince 
 Bernhard of the Netherlands and David Rockefeller, the Bilderbergers were a 
 group of movers and shakers in both the public and private arenas who had 
 been meeting quietly every year, ostensibly to discuss ways to improve 
 cooperation between the United States and Europe. The group was a favorite 
 of conspiracy buffs, who saw the closed meetings as a kind of football 
 huddle where the plays for the coming year were tossed to the Masters of 
 the Universe. This writer, who was then on the staff of a major daily 
 newspaper in Virginia, had suggested in a series of articles that public 
 confidence would be enhanced if the meetings simply were opened to the 
 So, lo and behold, the Bilderbergers -- who had never announced their 
 presence in previous meetings -- had that first (and perhaps last) press 
 conference. Bernhard, replete in striped pants, white boutonnière and 
 more like a floorwalker in an old-fashioned department store than a Master 
 the Universe, explained that they had never met the press before because 
 "no one was interested."  
 Among the power brokers that weekend was the then-senior senator from 
 Arkansas, J. William Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations 
 Committee. Amazingly, his entire speech was reprinted shortly afterward in 
 the pages of the New York Times, the first and only time the code of silence 
 was breached. Fulbright spoke of "old myths and new realities." The old myth 
 was that "every Communist state is an unmitigated evil," and the new reality 
 was that "insofar as a nation is content to practice its doctrines within 
its own 
 frontiers, that nation, however repugnant in its ideology, is one with which 
 have no proper quarrel."  
 Two years later Fulbright turned against Lyndon Johnson's Vietnam policy, 
 publishing his book The Arrogance of Power. In that same year, Fulbright 
 took a 20-year-old Arkansan under his wing, hiring Bill Clinton to be an 
 assistant clerk in his Senate office.  
 Now fast-forward 33 years, and Clinton is presiding over the 50th 
 of NATO in Washington. Fulbright is all but forgotten, having been so wrong 
 about communism, so wrong about the Evil Empire, so wrong about 
 everything. But Clinton imbibed those wrong lessons well, and the arrogance 
 of power was on splendid display at the NATO summit.  
 Thanks to Ronald Reagan, not Fulbright, the Evil Empire is no more, and 
 NATO no longer has a reason for being. NATO was set up in 1949 for one 
 purpose and one purpose only: to repulse an "armed attack" against any 
 NATO member. But there isn't a single power anywhere near Europe that is 
 capable of mounting an armed attack or is interested in doing so. Besides, 
 the European nations presumably have grown up since 1949.  
 The European Union, or EU, has half again as many people as the United 
 States and a correspondingly larger combined gross domestic product. By 
 now these Europeans should be big boys capable of handling anybody in the 
 schoolyard. The only problem is that most of the European nations are 
 bogged down in socialist regulations and massive welfare entitlements that 
 block dynamic development, as was evident in the G-7 Economic Ministers' 
 meeting that followed NATO. It is no coincidence that 13 of the 16 EU 
 countries are run by Socialist governments.  
 So it is not surprising that countries that are stuck on central 
 control over the lives of the individual citizen also believe that, as a 
 they have a right to abrogate the sovereignty of individual non-NATO states 
 that do bad things. Not wanting the good NATO bureaucracy comfortably 
 ensconced in Brussels to go to waste, the NATO members decided to turn 
 the 1949 NATO treaty on its head. They invented a "new strategy."  
 Instead of NATO remaining a defensive organization intended to protect 
 against armed attack, the new design is for it to become a knight-errant 
 wandering about attacking others who don't recognize its authority. Even 
 though the new strategy effectively obliterates the 1949 treaty, there is no 
 of drafting a new treaty to submit to the relevant bodies, such as the U.S. 
 Senate, for ratification.  
 So as the NATO ground troops landed in 

[CTRL] Fwd: [FTC] Bipartisan team, sue Clinton over Kosovo

1999-05-04 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 5/4/99 10:04:49 AM Central Daylight Time,

 Subj: [FTC] Bipartisan team, sue Clinton over Kosovo
 Date:  5/4/99 10:04:49 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Linda Muller)

 Dear Friends,  will your congressman sign on to this?


 From:  "Larry Becraft" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:   Paul, bipartisan team, sue Clinton over Kosovo
 Date sent: Mon, 3 May 1999 15:27:25 -0700

 May 1, 1999

 Lawsuit filed Friday, April 30, 1999
 Paul, bipartisan team, sue Clinton over Kosovo
 Members say President has violated Constitution, War Powers Resolution

 WASHINGTON, DC -- A bipartisan group of 17 Members of Congress,
 US Rep. Ron Paul (R-Surfside, Texas), filed a lawsuit on Friday, April 30,
 1999, in federal court against President Bill Clinton for violating both
 the US Constitution and the 1973 War Powers Resolution with regard to

 Rep. Paul has led Congress in the opposing the unconstitutional military
 action, introducing the first legislation to stop the measure early in
 this Congress, and speaking against it last year.

 "This president has violated the law and he must be taken to task," said
 Rep. Paul. "It is a shame that Congress has not done more to stop the
 president from this destructive course. So it is therefore incumbent upon
 us to resort to the courts to force Mr. Clinton to follow his Oath of
 Office to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States."

 The lawsuit specifically states that the president violated Section 1,
 Article 8, Clause 11, of the US Constitution by engaging in war without
 the declaration of such from Congress. The suit also notes that the
 president violated the 1973 War Powers Resolution for failing to
 officially report to Congress on his aggressive actions against Yugoslavia
 within the mandated forty-eight hours.

 The suit seeks a declaratory judgment from the court, stating that the
 president has violated both the US Constitution and the War Powers
 Resolution. The plaintiffs ask the court to order the president to end
 hostilities by May 25, 1999, and withdrawn troops no later than June 24,

 "For more than 50 years, presidents have engaged in foreign adventurism at
 the cost of American lives without regard for the Constitution. But for
 the first time we have a president who not only refuses to acknowledge the
 Constitution, but also the War Powers Resolution which -- in my opinion --
 improperly transferred constitutionally non-delegable powers from the
 legislative to executive branch," said Rep. Paul. "Apparently this
 president thinks he is king, for in our representative democracy no man is
 given the power to unilaterally commit troops to battle without the
 express authorization of the people's representatives in Congress."

 Joining Rep. Paul in the lawsuit are: Tom Campbell (R, CA), Dennis
 Kucinich (D, OH), Marcy Kaptur (D, OH), Roscoe Bartlett (R, MD), Bob Barr
 (R, GA), Dan Burton (R, IN), Philip Crane (R, IL), John Cooksey (R, LA),
 Walter Jones (R, NC), Donald Manzullo (R, IL), Charlie Norwood (R, GA),
 Thomas Petri (R, WI), Marshall Sanford (R, SC), Joe Scarborough (R, FL),
 Bob Schaffer (R, CO), and Thomas Tancredo (R, CO). The Members have
 standing in the suit because the president's actions usurped Congress'
 constitutional and legal rights to declare war and provide oversight.

 "This president is putting American soldiers, and indeed all Americans, in
 danger by engaging in this reckless action," said Rep. Paul. "We must not
 allow this or any president to declare themselves above the law."

 Congress voted this week 427 to 2 against a declaration of war with
 Yugoslavia, voted to prohibit funding for ground elements, and finally,
 denied support for the ongoing air campaign.

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[CTRL] WTO stalled on picking new leader

1999-05-03 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


GENEVA (May 2, 1999 3:15 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - The World
Trade Organization faced Sunday the prospect of a damaging leadership vacuum
that could undermine its authority in global trade disputes.

Efforts to appoint a new director-general ended in total deadlock after more
than 12 hours of weekend meetings that degenerated into bad-tempered clashes
between supporters of former New Zealand Premier Mike Moore and Thai Deputy
Prime Minister Supachai Panitchpakdi.

Ali Mchumo, chairman of the 134-nation WTO council, reconvened a meeting of
the decision-making body for Monday in hopes of finding a solution.

But prospects looked grim, with Asian and some African nations standing firm
behind Supachai - seen as the candidate of the developing world - and the
United States insisting on Moore.

WTO spokesman Keith Rockwell described the atmosphere at Saturday's session
as "testy, tense and not terribly pleasant."

The impasse and growing North-South split led to fears that a time-consuming
hunt for a new leader might have to begin again from scratch despite the
impressive track record of both current candidates.

Italy's Renato Ruggiero stepped down as scheduled on Friday after a four-year
term in office, taking the WTO's deputy directors with him.

Rockwell said the WTO could continue to function without a leader, although
it might pose some problems for the work of panels set up to adjudicate trade
disputes. If parties involved in the trade rows can't agree on the
composition of the three-member panels, the rules say that the
director-general must name the members.

The Geneva-based body faces an upsurge in disputes following the U.S.
announcement Friday that it will file complaints to the WTO against Europe,
India, South Korea, Canada and Argentina for a variety of alleged unfair
trade practices.

Moreover, the WTO needs a leader with global clout as it prepares for a
November ministerial conference in Seattle, meant to set the trade agenda for
the 21st century and usher in new agreements to liberalize global commerce.

Even if there is agreement Monday on either Moore or Supachai, the successful
candidate would face an uphill struggle in winning over all WTO members given
the depth of bitterness.

WTO council chairman Mchumo, a Tanzanian diplomat, proposed on Friday that
Moore be approved by consensus since he had the support of 62 nations, three
more than Supachai.

However, Japan, Malaysia, India and other Asian nations demanded a vote. That
ran counter to the WTO's time-honored rule that all decisions be reached by

Asian countries and their allies are particularly angry that the Thai
candidate held a clear lead for months while the United States and Europe sat
on the fence. Only when Washington opted in favor of Moore did the New
Zealander begin to gain ground.



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[CTRL] Western Christian group apologizes for Crusades

1999-05-03 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


JERUSALEM (May 2, 1999 12:08 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - Nine
centuries after Christian Europe sought to redeem the Holy Land, a group of
Western Christians is asking forgiveness for the slaughter and destruction
left in the Crusaders' wake.

Bearing printed apologies in Arabic, Hebrew and English, participants in the
"Reconciliation March" said Sunday they planned to hand the neatly bound
plastic folders to Jews, Muslims, and Eastern Christians whose forefathers
were killed during the invasion.

About 50 members of the interdenominational project from the United States,
Europe, Australia, and New Zealand are meeting Israelis and Palestinians in
cities throughout the region.

"Exactly 900 years ago, Christians visited this land with a sword and a
spirit of vengeance in a manner contrary to teachings and character of
Jesus," said Mike Niebur, the group's Israel coordinator.

Group members, who pay their own expenses, have visited Jewish communities
along the Rhine Valley and towns in Lebanon and Turkey in their search for

Crusaders marching through the Rhine Valley slaughtered Jews who refused to
convert to Christianity and left a similar wake of destruction in Eastern
Orthodox and Muslim centers along the way.

The Crusaders were urged forward by Roman Catholic leaders longing for the
jewel of Jerusalem - and seeking to consolidate recent political gains in

Organizers at the press conference displayed T-shirts depicting the march of
the original crusaders as a jagged red line cutting through the heart of
Europe and the Middle East.

The group's trip will culminate on July 15 when up to 1,500 participants
travel by foot from a Crusader fortress in northern Israel to Jerusalem to
apologize to religious leaders on the 900th anniversary of the fall of the
city to the Crusaders.

Niebur said that the imprint of distrust and violence perpetuated by the
memory of the Crusades can be traced through the Spanish Inquisition and even
the Holocaust.

"We hope we will start to end that legacy and start on a new track," said
Niebur, a native of San Francisco.

Members of the group said they see a direct link between the Crusades and the
relationship between the East and West today.

Niebur cited apocalyptic Christian groups who have unsettled Jews and Arabs
in the region, and said such apocalyptic outlooks mirror those of the

"We have a similar situation developing today with the turn of the
millennium," he said. "We want to say that that was not really what Jesus'
message was about."

In January, Israel expelled a group of U.S. millennialists authorities
believed were planning violent acts in Jerusalem to hasten the Second Coming.

Niebur said the reception has been positive. He recalled a phone call to a
Jewish community in the Rhine Valley. An organizer told the community leaders
that the marchers were running a little late.

"The Jewish community responded, 'We've waited 900 years, we can wait one
more hour,'" he said.

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[CTRL] New Ebola epidemic

1999-05-03 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

 Monday, May 3, 1999 Published at 00:11 GMT 01:11 UK
New Ebola epidemic

New Ebola epidemic
A new epidemic of the deadly Ebola virus has appeared in the Democratic
Republic of Congo, and is threatening to enter Sudan.
World Health Organisation figures say 50 people have died in the latest
outbreak of the disease, which is fatal in up to 90% of cases.

Congolese Health Minister Mashako Mamba announced on Friday that the DRC was
confronted by an epidemic.

There are reports that the virus is spreading towards Sudan, after beginning
in the rebel-held north-east of the DR Congo.

Sudan threat

A spokesman for a South African-based medical information service said the
disease had been reported within 50km of the Sudanese border.

"In this situation, that is very little. There is a very real danger of it
spreading to Sudan," he said.

The Ebola virus is named after a river in north-western Congo, where the
disease was first identified in 1976.

A second epidemic in 1995 caused 245 deaths.

Highly infectious

No vaccine has been developed for the virus, and researchers have not
pinpointed its origins.

The highly infectious virus kills between 50% and 90% of people who become
infected, according to the WHO.

The disease is characterised by internal and external bleeding, and kidney
and liver failure.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-30 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


Access to guns has been a prominent part of media coverage of the
Littleton, Colo., tragedy -- as it should be.  But some acute
observers are noting that press reports on similar horrendous
school shootings have made scant mention of the role of guns in
subduing youthful killers.

   o   In the October 1997 shooting spree at a Pearl, Miss., high
   school, which left two students dead, an assistant
   principal retrieved a gun from his car and physically
   immobilized the shooter for about five minutes before
   police arrived.

   o   Out of some 687 articles which appeared in the first month
   after the attack, only 16 stories mentioned the assistant
   principal -- and only a little more than half of those
   reported that he used a gun to stop the attack.

   o   A school-related shooting in Edinboro, Penn., which left
   one teacher dead, was stopped only after the owner of a
   nearby restaurant pointed a shotgun at the shooter and
   held him at bay until the police arrived 11 minutes later.

   o   While at least 596 new stories discussed this crime in the
   following month, only 35 mentioned the restaurant owner --
   but few of those described how he used a gun to stop the

The New York Daily News reported that the restaurateur
"persuaded" the killer to surrender, while the Atlanta Journal
wrote that he "chased (the gunman) down and held him until police

Defenders of legal ownership of firearms conclude that the media
ignores stories which involve the defensive use of guns -- and
which studies estimate are five times more common than criminal
gun uses.  Observers note that there are many cases in which
citizens with permitted concealed handguns have stopped both
shootings and bombings in public places.

But the role of these heroes and their guns are overlooked in a
politically correct press.

Source: John R. Lott Jr., "Does News Coverage Endanger Lives?"
Investor's Business Daily, April 29, 1999.

For more on Self Defense

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [FTC] US Layoffs Up 11 Percent in March

1999-04-21 Thread Carl Amedio

Friends - FYI - Linda



Pat is the ONLY one acknowledging the true state of our "goldilocks 
economy." I am tired of hearing how great our economy is doing.  All of the 
people layed off over these past 10 years or so are, in most cases, not only 
making far less than they  were, but they aren't paying as much as they 
would have been into Social Security. For many, these would have been their 
highest earning years prior to retirement.  

Nobody is mentioning the fact that the downsizing of millions of middle class 
Americans has drastically reduced this source of Social Security revenues.  
Even though I have an engineering degree, nobody seems to want to employ 
a middle aged white male such as myself.  One thing's for sure--I know I'm 
not paying anything close to what I used to pay into Social Security. 

Brian L.

Please consider posting this web address:
Note all the aerospace, defense, and high-tech layoffs listed at the above 

Also, here's an article you might want to post: 

US layoffs up 11 percent in March REUTERS NEW YORK, April 7 — 

US Layoffs outpaced job creation in March, rising 11 percent ahead of 
February to a total of 68,984 job cuts, the international outplacement firm 
Challenger, Gray  Christmas Inc. said Wednesday. The March layoff 
figures were 50 percent more than the 46,000 new jobs the government 
reported for the same period, according to the report.  

THE MARCH figures also capped a record-breaking six-month job-cutting 
binge, in which 456,860 cuts were announced, the report added.  

“While voracious consumer spending has helped maintain overall economic 
strength, companies are still hampered by stiff pricing competition from 
abroad,” said John Challenger, the company’s chief executive officer. “The 
inability to raise prices has cut into corporate profits which, in turn, has most 
certainly contributed to increased job cutting,” Challenger added.   

legacy of layoffs

US. job cuts for the first two months of the year totaled 141,537, according to 
the outplacement firm Challenger, Gray  Christmas. The pace is faster than 
in 1998, which was the heaviest layoff year in a decade. This table shows 
selected worldwide layoffs back to November. Company Jobs to be cut 

 SOURCE: MSNBC news services   
Printable version 

   Thirty-one percent of the cuts in March came from the financial sector 
alone, with mergers accounting for a significant number of layoffs, according 
to the report.   
 Layoffs in the financial industry totaled 21,660 in March, followed 
by the aerospace/defense (8,520), health care (6,294), construction (5,061) 
and electronics (4,035) industries.

   By region, the West/Southwest saw the largest number of cuts last 
month, with a total of 25,559 layoffs. It was followed by the Midwest 
(15,877), East (15,428) and South (12,120).


A legacy of layoffs  
U.S. job cuts for the first two months of the year totaled 141,537, according 
to the outplacement firm Challenger, Gray  Christmas. The pace is faster 
than in 1998, which was the heaviest layoff year in a decade. This table 
shows selected worldwide layoffs back to November.  
Company -- Jobs to be cut --Reason 
Mattel Inc. (4/15) 3,000 falling profits 
Storage Technology (4/15) 500 falling profits 
Sun Healthcare (4/9) 10,000 falling profits 
Bank One Corp. (3/30) 4,500  merger related 
Wells Fargo  Co. (3/28) 4,500 merger related 
America Online (3/24) 1,000 merger related 
Cabletron Systems (3/22) 900 sale of a unit 
CHS Electronics (3/22) 600 slipping profits 
Dimon Inc. (3/22) 200 weak tobacco demand 
First Union Corp. (3/19) 5,850 slipping profits 
Siemens AG (3/18) 1,800 restructuring 
Hexcel Corp. (3/17) 100 plant closing 
De La Rue Plc (3/16) 500 slipping sales 
Alcatel (3/11) 12,000 slipping profits 
Ingram Micro (3/11) 1,400 profit concerns 
Fluor Corp (3/9) 5,000 falling revenues 
Sony Group (3/8) 17,000 restructuring 
Advanced Micro Devices (3/8) 300 quarterly loss 
Republic New York (3/1) 560 restructuring 
Sheldahl Inc (3/1) 40 restructuring 
Medtronic (2/25) 1,600 plant closure 
Shell Oil (2/25) 300 weak oil prices 
Wellco Enterprises (2/25) 85 plant closure 
Cholestech (2/25) 20 cost cutting 
Carpenter Technology (2/25) 150 Asian impact 
Philip Morris (2/24) 1,400 plant closure 
General Motors Canada (2/24) 1,100 contract cancellation 
Marks and Spencer (2/24) 28 restructuring 
Bank One (2/22) 200 restructuring 
PRIMEDIA (2/22) 200 cutting unprofitable products 
Levi Strauss (2/22) 5,900 declining profits 
NEC 15,000 declining profits 
Applied Graphics Technologies 350 declining profits 
H.J. Heinz 4,000 restructuring 
ARCO Indonesia 900 weak oil prices 
Volvo Truck 650 weak demand 
Siemens Fossil Power 800 plant closure 
Microlog 30 restructuring 

[CTRL] Fwd: [FTC] Fast-Track to the Poor-House...

1999-04-20 Thread Carl Amedio

Dear Friends,

We are on the fast-track to free-trading ourselves into the poor-house --
read on - fyi

PS - Also attached is a trade deficit chart sent in by Dr. Charles
McMillion. Its in pdf format. Get the Adobe Acrobat reader if needed --
its free: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html

For the Cause - Linda

Linda, Found this to be disturbing.
-Mark Mead

Trade gap hits record $19.4 billion 

U.S. exports again fall while imports jump to all-time high 


WASHINGTON, April 20 — America’s trade deficit soared to a record 
$19.4 billion in February as the global financial crisis depressed U.S. 
exports for a fourth straight month while booming consumer demand 
pushed imports to an all-time high. 

The Commerce Department reported Tuesday that February’s deficit 
was 15.6 percent higher than the previous record, a $16.8 billion 
imbalance in January. IN FEBRUARY, U.S. exports edged down 0.6 
percent to $76.6 billion, led by a $927 million decline in sales of 
commercial aircraft. Imports jumped 2.3 percent to an all-time high of 
$96 billion as demand for foreign cars, clothing, toys, televisions and 
stereos soared.   

With back-to-back records, the trade deficit so far this year is running at 
an annual rate of $215 billion, far surpassing last year’s all-time high of 
$169 billion.   

Economists believe that as long as the U.S. economy remains strong 
and many of America’s major export markets remain in recessions 
caused by the steep plunge in financial markets that began in Asia in July
1997, the U.S. trade deficit will continue to rise.  

A widening trade deficit is the one cloud on an otherwise bright 
economic horizon for the United States, which has managed to remain 
what Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has termed an “oasis 
of prosperity” in a sea of economic trouble around the world. 

Greenspan, however, expressed concerns last week about a growing 
movement toward protectionism in this country, a development that has 
the White House worried as well.   

The administration is concerned that erecting U.S. trade barriers will
trigger copycat responses while jittery markets are fearful that political
pressures will make nations turn inward in response to the worst global
economic crisis in 50 years.  

President Clinton, worried about a growing protectionist mood in 
Congress, balked earlier this month at reaching a sweeping trade 
agreement with China. That disappointed many in the business 
community who have complained for years about China’s high trade 

For February, the deficit with China narrowed slightly to $4.6 billion. But 
America’s deficit with Japan shot up 13.1 percent to $5.3 billion. The 
administration is pursing a number of trade negotiations with Japan in 
hopes of showing progress in opening that market to U.S. firms by the 
time of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi’s visit next month.   

In one bright spot, America’s surplus in services, which includes such 
things as tourism and consulting fees, rose 4 percent to a monthly 
record of $6.7 billion.   

The surplus in services, however, did little to dent a record $26.2 billion 
deficit in the goods area. U.S. exporters continued to find it hard to make 
overseas sales because of an economic crisis that has pushed one- 
third of the global economy into recession.   

The February drop in exports included a $130 million decline in farm 
sales, to $3.6 billion, with the drop led by falling shipments of soybeans 
and wheat. American farmers, who grow one-third of their crops for 
export, are suffering their worst times in a decade.   

In addition to commercial aircraft, manufactured exports of 
telecommunications equipment and electric generators also dropped in 

On the import side, foreign shipments of autos and automotive parts 
rose to a record $14.6 billion, up $710 million for the month. Other
increases included computer accessories, up $449 million; clothing, up
$202 million; toys, up $156 million; and televisions and VCRs, up $150

America’s deficit with Mexico climbed to a record $1.8 billion in February
while U.S. exports to Brazil, which became the latest victim of the global
currency turmoil in January, dropped to $910 million, the lowest level
since April 1996.  

- end 

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[CTRL] Japanese Bonds Seen Falling on Weak Demand for 10-Year Sale

1999-04-17 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Japanese Bonds Seen Falling on Weak Demand for 10-Year Sale
Bloomberg News
Apr 17 1999 8:21PM ET
(Changes dateline, updates day references throughout.)

Tokyo, April 18 (Bloomberg) -- Japanese government bonds are likely to fall
this week as a sale of 10-year bonds may fail to lure investors amid concern
the government will have to increase spending to revive the economy.

The Ministry of Finance will sell 1.4 trillion yen ($11.8 billion) in 10-year
bonds, which could provide a 1.5 percent or 1.6 percent coupon at Wednesday's
monthly auction, the lowest since November.

``The big question is whether investors will buy such a coupon,'' said
Akinori Ito, chief portfolio manager at Nikko International Capital
Management Co., which oversees 2.5 trillion yen ($21.1 billion) in assets.
``We won't.''

In the week just ended, the benchmark No. 211, 10-year bond rose 0.044, or 22
yen per 50,000 yen bond, pushing the yield down 0.5 basis point to 1.605
percent. Bond futures for June delivery rose 0.30 to 133.80.

Low coupons are less attractive to Japanese bond investors because under the
nation's accounting standards, coupon payments are classified as riskless
investment and not subject to capital gains tax. Many traders said that a
coupon under 1.70 percent will not be attractive.

Additional Spending

Investors expect that the government will have to spend more in the latter
half of this year to revive the world's second-largest economy, which the
government has said contracted 2.2 percent for the year ended March 31.

That has raised concern the government may have to sell more debt than
already planned. It plans to sell a record 71.3 trillion yen in bonds in the
year started April 1, a 23 percent increase from the previous year.

The prospect of such debt sales helped to push up the yield on the 10-year
bond to its high of 2.505 percent on Feb. 3. The yield fell after the Bank of
Japan on Feb. 12 cut its target rate for overnight lending between banks.

Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said last Friday there is a need to consider
tax cuts to promote investment and effective use of assets.

``We didn't expect the tax cut talk,'' said Koji Hozumi, a trader at New
Japan Securities Co. ``That could help stocks'' and lead to more debt sales,
he said.

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[CTRL] ECB's Liebscher `Not Concerned' About Euro's Slide vs Dollar

1999-04-16 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

ECB's Liebscher `Not Concerned' About Euro's Slide vs Dollar
Bloomberg News
Apr 16 1999 7:10AM ET
ECB's Liebscher `Not Concerned' About Euro's Slide vs Dollar

Vienna, April 16 (Bloomberg) -- European Central Bank council member Klaus
Liebscher said he isn't concerned about the euro's fluctuating exchange rate
against the dollar, even as Europe's four-month-old single currency sinks to
its lowest level since its inception.

Though the euro sank to as low as $1.0622 in London trading today, the lowest
since it first began trading at $1.16675 on Jan. 4, Liebscher, the Austrian
National Bank governor, said ``psychological factors'' and concern about
``how economies are performing'' are commonplace in exchange rates between
two currencies.

``I'm not really concerned about the exchange rate because we more or less
have the same situation that the dollar-yen had last year,'' Liebscher said.
``We will watch it carefully, but one should not be too concerned about the
development in the exchange rate. It's not the goal of the ECB council.''

The euro slid to a new low against the dollar today, as hopes for an end to
the war over Kosovo faded after U.S. President Bill Clinton warned attacks on
Yugoslavia would intensify.

While ECB officials say the euro's development is no cause for concern,
analysts say the ongoing conflict will be costly to European governments and
could hurt Eastern European economies. Even so, some commentators point out
that a less valuable euro can encourage Western European growth by making
products less expensive for customers abroad.

``The lower exchange rate is an indirect sponsorship program for the European
economy,'' Johannes Farnleitner, the Austrian Minister for Economic Affairs,
said today.

ECB's Contribution

While Liebscher downplayed concerns about the European economy, he added the
ECB council did its part for the euro bloc's growth by cutting its benchmark
refinancing rate half a percentage point to 2.5 percent last week.

He said it's now up to each government to change economic policies in line
with the euro countries' so-called stability pact, which is intended to
reduce government deficits and debt.

``The prime goal for me is that policy makers really stick to the stability
pact...and reach balanced budgets or even surpluses,'' said Liebscher,
attending the launch of an education package to boost schoolchildren's
awareness of Europe's single currency.

Governments ``are forced to, and they should, speed up structural reforms
like deregulation, getting rid of bureaucracy, and creating new jobs in
respect of new enterprises,'' he said.

Liebscher highlighted the importance of tackling unemployment in the euro 11
countries, though said he was satisfied with Austria's own jobless rate.

Austria's Low Unemployment

``The Austrian situation itself is quite different because we have an
unemployment rate of 4.2 percent, which is, fortunately, one of the lowest
rates within the European Union,'' he said. ``But on the other side,
according to national standards, it's rather high.''

Austria's coalition government last month agreed on a 30 billion schilling
($2.4 billion) tax package aimed at boosting consumer spending, encouraging
companies to invest and creating more jobs.

``I'm convinced we've already seen certain improvements in the last two or
three months, so the situation here is improving,'' Liebscher said.

Austria, which with 3 percent of the euro bloc's output is the area's
seventh-largest economy, also announced plans at the start of the year to
continue posting budget deficits in a four- year deficit-limitation plans.

Reducing Speculation

Liebscher said last week's ECB interest rate reduction, the size of which
surprised many economists, was aimed at bolstering growth in the region and
stamping out speculation about further rate cuts in the future.

While the central bank's independent reputation may benefit from springing
``surprises'' on the market, he said, the decision was based wholly on
policy, since ``we are faced with a quite favorable outlook for price
stability on the one side. And this was, of course, our main basis for that

The European Commission forecast last month that economic growth in the euro
11 may slow to 2.2 percent in 1999, from 3 percent last year.

``This is a realistic outlook but optimistic on the other hand because they
say it's more or less a temporary development and we will see the situation
recover next year,'' Liebscher said.

``I also share the feeling that we have seen a robust economy internationally
-- we have improvement in some of the Asian countries and a stabilizing
situation in Latin America. So I think the international environment is quite
favorable for the future,'' Liebescher said.

Liebescher is one of 17 members of the ECB Governing Council, which meets
twice a month to discuss monetary policy and interest rates for the 11
countries that adopted the euro common currency. The council 

[CTRL] Ky. steelmakers, users square off on import law

1999-04-16 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Ky. steelmakers, users square off on import law

By Gail Gibson

WASHINGTON -- The glut of cheap, foreign steel that touched off this
year's biggest trade fight in Congress hit the bottom line at the Gallatin
Steel Co. in Northern Kentucky.

Since late last year, production at the mini-mill in Ghent has dropped to
50 percent of capacity. Prices for the hot-rolled steel the company sells
to businesses like automotive stamping plants have fallen from $300 a
ton to $200.

``That just comes out of your pocket, because costs don't drop like
that,'' said Ed Puisis, Gallatin's chief financial officer.

Last month, lawmakers in Washington stepped in to try to help
domestic steelmakers like Gallatin, who say increased imports are
crushing their business. In a 298-141 vote, the U.S. House approved
legislation that would impose quotas on steel imports for three years.

But a solution may not come that easily. The quota bill already faces
criticism from leading economists, a veto threat from the White House
and an uncertain future in the Senate as lawmakers return to work this
week after a two-week recess.

And in Kentucky, the story isn't just in the old steel mills in towns like
Newport or Ashland. On the other side of the fight is the state's
burgeoning auto industry -- including leading employers like Toyota
Motor Manufacturing of North America -- which says the import
restrictions would hurt business.

``It's a question of whose margin is at stake,'' said Dennis Cuneo,
Toyota's vice president for corporate affairs.

Cuneo said that Toyota-North America buys roughly $300 million worth
of steel each year, about 95 percent of it from U.S. producers. Import
restrictions would push up steel prices across the board. And that
increase could force carmakers to respond by cutting costs -- trimming
wages or laying off employees -- or raising sticker prices.

``I do feel for the individual steelworker who may lose his or her job,''
Cuneo said. ``But on the other hand, I don't think it justifies losing
three or four other jobs in the steel industry so the government can prop
up that job.''

Worries of `protectionism'

By sheer employment numbers, steelmakers in Kentucky don't have the
same strength as steel users -- particularly major operations like
Toyota's Georgetown plant or Ford's truck plants in Louisville.

In 1998, carmakers Toyota, Ford and General Motors employed 17,000
people in the state. The state's 56 steel companies combined to employ
6,199, state figures show.

But the steelmakers showed their muscle on the import restriction bill.

Of Kentucky's six U.S. House members, only two -- Republican Reps.
Ernie Fletcher of Lexington and Anne Northup of Louisville -- voted
against the bill.

It wasn't an easy decision, Fletcher said in a recent interview.

``My dad worked in the steel mills when he was younger, and we were
talking to the steel workers coming in, and I'm very concerned about
their jobs and their well-being,'' Fletcher said.

Fletcher balanced that view against the concerns of Toyota, a major
player in his Central Kentucky district, and other steel users like heavy-
equipment manufacturer Caterpillar Inc., which produces tractor treads
at a Danville plant.

``I came down on the fact that in the long run, our protectionism is going
to have a greater ill effect on our citizens than in the short term,'' he

Some of the nation's leading economists have sounded the same
concerns. Testifying at a House Ways and Means committee hearing
this winter, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned that a
``drift toward protectionist policies, which are always difficult to reverse,
is a much greater threat than is generally understood.''

Writing in the Wall Street Journal last month, economist Robert
Crandall, a senior fellow with the Brookings Institution, called the steel
bill ``one of the most blatantly protectionist pieces of legislation since

The debate highlights some of the nation's free-trade angst, which has
been exacerbated in parts of Kentucky by the closings of textile plants in
the wake of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

House members split

Rep. Ken Lucas of Union is a conservative Democrat and businessman
who generally favors free trade. But his Northern Kentucky district also
includes some of the larger steel mills, and on this issue, Lucas said,
the ``benefits outweighed the negatives.''

Other Kentucky House members who backed the steel quota bill said
they did so to signal concerns that the Clinton administration is not
adequately enforcing existing trade laws.

``Unfortunately, President Clinton has refused to stand up for American
steelworkers; therefore, the responsibility fell to Congress,'' said Rep.
Ron Lewis, R-Cecilia.

Big U.S. steel companies and their workers also say the administration
isn't doing enough to crack down on increasing imports.

And they say the impact on their business has been great. 

[CTRL] Free Trade Is Not Free

1999-04-14 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

 Free Trade Is Not Free
Address to the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations
by Patrick J. Buchanan
This is a prestigious forum and I appreciate the opportunity to address it.
As my subject, I have chosen what I believe is the coming and irrepressible
conflict between the claims of a new American nationalism and the commands of
the Global Economy...


 Two Sides to NAFTA on Display at Hearing - Sen. Jesse Helms turned thumbs
down Tuesday on five years of the North American Free Trade Agreement,
telling a top U.S. trade official that the pact has cost North Carolina and
other states tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs. . .   Richard Fisher,
deputy U.S. trade representative, testified on the effects of NAFTA before
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which Helms chairs. Fisher was joined
by Republican presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan and Vontella Dabbs, a
textile mill worker from Maiden, N.C. Helms said his initial warnings about
NAFTA, which eased tariffs and other trade barriers among the United States,
Canada and Mexico, have been proved true since the accord took effect Jan. 1,
1994, after Congress approved it at the urging of President Clinton. . .
"Now that the U.S. is five years into NAFTA, more than 200,000 jobs have been
lost nationwide," Helms said. "In North Carolina, more than 20,000 jobs have
been lost in the textile industry alone, and the picture is getting bleaker
by the day with plants closing and moving to Mexico" . . .   "Five years ago,
we predicted that this agreement would mean growth, better and more jobs,
rising standards of living and a higher quality of life," Fisher said.
"Today, we can say that the agreement is keeping its promises" . . .
Buchanan, the TV commentator who has made opposition to international trade
agreements a centerpiece of his presidential campaigns, criticized Fisher for
focusing only on U.S. exports to Mexico and Canada, without looking also at
those countries' shipments to the United States.   "It's a little bit like
saying, 'The Washington Redskins scored three touchdowns Sunday,' without
saying, 'The Dallas Cowboys scored six touchdowns,' " Buchanan said. . .
The United States enjoyed a trade surplus with Mexico before NAFTA was
implemented, Buchanan said, but now has a trade deficit of $17 billion. . .
He said the devaluation of the Mexican peso has prompted a flood of Mexican
goods across the border. . . .   "If we continue these open-border trade
policies with nations that have hard-working people who will work for 10
percent of American wages, every large industrial and manufacturing plant in
this country is ultimately at risk," Buchanan said. . . .Dabbs traveled
to the hearing from Catawba County, where she works for Delta Mills Marketing
Co. at a plant that makes cotton yarns and woven cloth for apparel
manufacturers. "I come to you today not as an expert in any field, not as a
politically motivated person, but simply as an American who is deeply
concerned for both my future and the future of my family and friends," Dabbs
said. Dabbs blamed NAFTA for the recent decision by Burlington Industries to
close nine plants in the Carolinas. One of them, a large denim weaving
factory in the Iredell County town of Mooresville, is being replaced by a
similar facility in Mexico, she said. . .   "These treaties, laws and trade
agreements have not really opened up the world to the American textile
industry as was intended," Dabbs said. "Instead, they have opened our borders
for foreign manufacturers to flood our country with goods produced with near
slave labor and in deplorable conditions for workers." Helms said the
Burlington closings would cost North Carolina 2,400 jobs. . .


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[CTRL] Chinese Money Was Routed Through Lippo Link to the Clinton Campaign

1999-04-12 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Chinese Money Was Routed Through Lippo Link to the Clinton Campaign - Chinese
military intelligence officers diverted illegal campaign donations to the
Clinton-Gore Re-Election Committee through a Hong Kong bank controlled by an
Indonesian family with long-standing ties to President Clinton, authorities
said. . .   Federal law enforcement officials, congressional investigators
and others said several hundred thousand dollars in cash went to the campaign
through several emissaries handpicked by the People's Liberation Army (PLA).
. .   The money, the sources said, originated in Beijing and initially was
routed by the PLA to China Resources Holding Company Ltd. in Hong Kong. From
there, it was transferred to the Hong Kong Chinese Bank -- jointly owned by
the Chinese government and Lippo Group, a multibillion-dollar Indonesian
conglomerate owned by longtime Clinton supporters Mochtar and James Riady,
the sources said. . .   Eventually, the cash was moved to other banks, then
wired to the emissaries, who distributed it to the Clinton-Gore campaign and
to other state and federal races, the sources said. . .

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] (no subject)

1999-04-12 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Weird Science

1999-04-04 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

 Weird Science
 -- Special to ABCNEWS.com

 While surfing the Net a few days ago, I
 chanced upon the Hume and Bacon
 Institute for Alternative Science just
 outside Edinburgh, Scotland.
 This low-profile research facility has
 just published some of its recent findings
 in the British science journal Languet
 (Vol. 233, 1999). As the details of the
 article become known, they will prove
 quite startling to many.
  In a news conference, Paul A.
 Yiannis, the institute’s shy yet
 pugnacious director, stated that his staff
 had convincingly verified a number of
 controversial claims.

 UFOs and ESP
 The first involves a strange piece of metal
 found in Roswell, N.M., where many
 believe an alien spacecraft crashed in
  The fragment has quite an amazing
 property: It exerts a faint physical
 attraction on every information-processing
 instrument so far tested. Moreover, this
 attraction is nine times as strong one foot
 away from the metal as it is one yard
  What to make of the fragment’s effect
 is open to differing interpretations, but it
 can no longer be denied. Yiannis
 maintains that the relation of this
 phenomenon to the new physics of string
 theory will be an active area of research in
 the 21st century.
  The institute’s article also deals with
 psychic readings. It concludes that labs
 all over the globe have demonstrated that
 psychics are indeed frequently correct in
 their assessments of others.
  Moreover, there are documented
 cases where they have correctly
 described the characteristics and life
 experiences of dead relatives of subjects.
 Yiannis also pointed to the literally
 thousands of cases of dreams prefiguring
 events that occurred the next day and
 mentioned the counterintuitive laws of
 quantum mechanics. Determining the
 consequences of these laws, he referred
 to puckishly as “walking the Planck” —
 after the German physicist Max Planck.
  Toward the end of the news
 conference, Yiannis showily popped a pill
 and enthused, “And while I’m at it, I can
 state with certainty that the taking of
 homeopathic remedies and countless
 other alternative remedies is followed
 many times by complete remission. This
 is especially so after the patient has had
 a serious medical crisis. The dismissal of
 these claims of remission would be the
 act of a closed mind.”
  Again the paper contains copious
 documentation and personal testimonials.

 Math Behind the Miracles?
 The institute’s 83-page Languet survey of
 alternative science also refers to a report
 on the trigonometry and calculus that
 practitioners need for astrological and
 biorhythmic predictions. Sometimes it’s
 considerable, and the claim is made that
 many equations and theorems used in
 astrology and biorhythmic analysis are
 universal truths.
  Related to these phenomena, there’s
 a brief discussion of the strange
 numerological properties of the numbers
 23 and 28. The numbers, some believe,
 are the periods for a metaphysical male
 and a female principle, respectively. They
 have the special property that by adding
 and subtracting appropriate multiples of
 them, one can express any whole number
 whatsoever. That is, any number at all
 can be 

[CTRL] I.M.F. Relents on Aid to Russia, but U.S. Talks Tougher

1999-03-30 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

I.M.F. Relents on Aid to Russia, but U.S. Talks Tougher

The International Monetary Fund said it agreed on "a broad
framework" to resume financial aid to Russia, but American
officials immediately warned that they would permit only
enough support to keep Moscow from defaulting on
international loans.


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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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