[CTRL] A PR blitz is usaually a prelude to war. Israel hires PR firm

2001-03-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Dr Peter Hall
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 12:06 AM
Subject: PR war in the US

Public relation firms are working to
ensure the 'correct' spin goes out
on all news from the MIddle East

Since early February, public relations firms
Rubenstein Associates and Morris, Carrick  Guma have
been working for the Foreign Ministry to enhance
Israel's image. They are working for an undisclosed
sum on a three-month trial basis, dealing with media
placement and monitoring media coverage of events in

"We're assisting them in telling their story
throughout the US," said Steven Rubenstein, executive
vice president of Rubenstein Associates.

Peter Hall


By Melissa Radler

The Foreign Ministry and American
Jews are waging a war for public opinion here, using
public relations firms, pollsters, and think tanks
instead of guns, tanks, and combat helicopters.

Since early February, public relations firms
Rubenstein Associates and Morris, Carrick  Guma have
been working for the Foreign Ministry to enhance
Israel's image. They are working for an undisclosed
sum on a three-month trial basis, dealing with media
placement and monitoring media coverage of events in

"We're assisting them in telling their story
throughout the US," said Steven Rubenstein, executive
vice president of Rubenstein Associates.

At MCG, which worked on the campaigns of New York Sen.
Charles Schumer, Josh Isay offered little more insight
into the project. "The Foreign Ministry and the
consulates do a tremendous job, and we are just here
to help when needed," he said.

According to an official at the consulate here, the
firms are in close touch with it, sometimes speaking
on the phone three or four times a day. "It's a study
in progress," he said. "We expect to see the results
within the next two to four weeks."

Daniel Seaman, acting director for the foreign press
at the Government Press Office, said that the money
being spent on the firms would be better spent on his
understaffed and underfunded office.

"Came October, we were completely unqualified" to cope
with the media onslaught, he said Seaman, adding that
he needs an additional six employees, for a total of
15, to adequately monitor the media and deal with the
estimated 1,200-1,400 foreign journalists in Israel.

Seaman was appointed acting director in January, three
months after his predecessor left. For the past month,
he has been on reserve duty, and he noted that the
staffer in charge of translations has been called up
for a month of reserve duty in April.

"If we're given the resources, the money they spend on
the companies in the US, if we could give it to people
here for better salaries, with more people, I don't
see why we can't do as good a job," said Seaman.

Consul-General in New York Alon Pinkas is in charge of
coordinating the PR efforts in the US. Although he
refused to comment for this article, in January he
said the Foreign Ministry was looking into
"professionalizing our media, communications, and PR
efforts, especially because of the last three or four
months." He added that he was attending media training
lessons twice a week to improve his TV appearances.

In 1993, Pinkas, then an adviser to foreign minister
Shimon Peres, abolished the foreign PR office after
Peres invoked a new policy. "If you have good policy,
you do not need PR. And if you have a bad policy, PR
will not help," Peres said at the time.

Though Pinkas declined to answer questions on the
evolution of his stance on PR, an official at the
consulate said, "Reality changes and we have to be
smart enough to change with the times. We are
currently engaged in a conflict with the Palestinians,
and engaging in a successful PR campaign is part of
winning the conflict."

Other PR efforts underway include a proposed think
tank, which is to be led by Philadelphia
philanthropist Leonard Abramson and includes
Birthright backer Michael Steinhardt, World Jewish
Congress president Edgar Bronfman, and Tel Aviv

In addition, ideas of establishing New York-based
Jewish radio and TV networks are also being floated.
The force behind the idea is Zev Brenner, head of
Talkline Communications Network, a Jewish network in
the US with 30 hours a week of radio and TV air time.

"One of the problems with the media is that, unlike
other ethnic communities, the Jewish community does
not have a full-time Jewish radio and TV station,"
said Brenner, who said he is talking to private
investors about acquiring additional TV and radio
networks. "For other communities, when there's a
crisis, there are not only members of the community
who tune in, but other media pick up the cue for
what's being reported."

Also in progress is a national 

[CTRL] How it's done: California reaming.

2001-03-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

   FTCR's Bailout Watch #17-18
   Sat, 10 Mar 2001 22:17:40 -0600 (CST)

Bailout Watch -- Keeping an eye on the energy industry and the politicians

FTCR is publishing a daily newsletter on developments in the California
energy crisis.
Bailout Watch #17 March 5, 2001

Governor Davis assures bankers, takes their money.
Governor Davis went to New York last week to calm nerves on Wall
Street.  Apparently, it gives the financial guys real peace of mind to open
up their check books for the Governor.  Among Governor Davis's events was a
breakfast fund-raiser at the headquarters of the banking and financial
services firm Citigroup, which brings us to a serious conflict of interest:
1) according to the OC Register, the chairman of the executive committee at
Citigroup Inc., Robert E. Rubin, was appointed in January to advise Davis
on various aspects of the crisis, including bond financing; 2) the two men
spent 25 hours in conversation about the energy crisis, according to the
New York Times; and 3) Citigroup and its investment banking unit, Salomon
Smith Barney, historically have done banking work for Edison International
and PGE, including, to no one's surprise, bond underwriting.

"Generators are my favorite people,"
Governor Davis joked to Wall Street analysts according to an edited
transcript of a meeting with Wall Street Analysts on his East Coast swing.
"If you haven't invested in Dynegy, Alliance, Southern or Duke, you still
have time. I've told all my buddies here, I don't care how much you're
making, you don't make as much as these guys…" But isn't the joke really on
California? We'd like to know who exactly was in the room, and will request
that info, along with the unedited transcript.

Davis's (not so) tough talk.
Continuing on at his speech in New York, Governor Davis made his pitch
about the power companies that have throttled California:  "I think it's
only fair that in what amounts to a work-out, the people who have done
extraordinarily well with our market participate in the solution. And I
think we can do that in an amicable, negotiated context. I don't have to
compel them, but can urge them to do it. We appreciate all those who have
contributed modestly to the solution."  Come on!  These companies have held
California under the threat of blackouts unless we make daily ransom
payments.  How many billions of taxpayer dollars is the Governor willing to
throw at these "people who have done extraordinarily well," before he
realizes that amicable negotiations will not end the extortion?  You don't
have to compel the generators to deal fairly, but, Governor, you should.

No beef with deregulation.
  Later in his Wall Street speech, Governor Davis had this to say about
California's energy policy: "I'm leaving you with a market that is still
deregulated and will not collapse unto itself thereby precluding
deregulation from ever working in California. ...As for deregulation, I
have no beef for it or against it."   Despite the fact that deregulation is
arguably the most egregious public policy failure in California history,
Governor Davis has no reservations about protecting this skewed system,
which benefits the energy industry and their investors at the direct
expense of California consumers and taxpayers.

FTCR is publishing a daily newsletter on developments in the California
energy crisis.
Bailout Watch #18 March 6, 2001
Would you agree to pay 10 bucks for a gallon of milk until 2006?
That's roughly analogous to the blackmail-induced deal that Governor Davis
has struck with energy companies. The long-term contracts that the governor
announced Monday will force ratepayers to pay energy prices that are 263%
higher ($80 per megawatt-hour) than the prices considered reasonable just a
year ago. We are locked in to that price for five years and then we will
pay 203% more than 1999 prices for the five years thereafter. This is the
equivalent of forcing families to pay about $9.96 for a gallon of milk
(currently about $3.79/gallon) until 2006 and then $7.69/gallon through
2001. It would be scandalous to charge that much for milk, and it is a
scandal that we will be locked into these prices for electricity. Of course
the generators have demonstrated that they will milk us for all we're worth.
$3 billion down the drain.
According to the Associated Press, the state needed to call upon the budget
surplus for another $500 million this week to buy power formerly procured
for consumers by the utilities. The state has spent $3 billion dollars
purchasing the "net shortfall" of electricity from private energy
generators over the last 8 weeks. With that money, Governor Davis could
have taken and purchased, by eminent domain, every plant sold to the
private generators.

[CTRL] Capitalism ubber alles: It's the economy stupid!

2001-03-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

   FORESTS: Financial Institutions Threaten Rainforests
   Sat, 10 Mar 2001 22:17:47 -0600 (CST)

Financial Institutions Deforest Indonesia, Threaten Other Rainforests
Forest Networking a Project of Forests.org, Inc.
   http://forests.org/ -- Forest Conservation Portal
   http://forests.org/web/ -- Discuss Forest Conservation

Irresponsible financial institutions are the engine driving the
growth machine devouring the World's ecosystems.  A recent report
highlights the extent to which Indonesia's pulp and paper production
was financed by government-backed export credit agencies.  Without
government subsidies, the magnitude of industrial logging would have
been much less.  Below are two articles regarding the worsening
situation in Indonesia.  Illegal logging, driven by demand created by
the over-sized industry, is wiping out habitat for wild orangutans,
which may be extinct in the wild in 10 years.  It is critical that
Indonesia implements a moratorium on logging in old growth forests
and renews its commitment to national parks.

If there is to be any natural World left standing, private and
government financiers must develop social and ecological guidelines
for project funding.  Increasingly groups such as Rainforest Action
Network, which is targeting Citigroup, are drawing much needed
attention to financial institution's impacts upon rainforests and the
well being of local communities.  Below you will find AIDEnvironment
and Profundo'a first issue of "Focus on Finance initiative".  The
newsletter highlights four case studies where forest issues and
financial institutions meet - drawing attention to the relation
between private capital flows and forest destruction.


Title:  Developed Countries Helped Deforest Indonesia, Report
Source:  Copyright 2001 InterPress Service
Date:  February 21, 2001
Byline:  Danielle Knight

WASHINGTON, Feb 21 (IPS)  Indonesian pulp and paper facilities,
supported in the 1990s by financial institutions in Europe, Japan and
North America, have caused widespread deforestation and human rights
abuses, according to a new report released here.

Hundreds of thousands of hectares of Indonesia's remaining forests
were clear-cut in order to feed the nations rapid expansion of pulp
and paper production during the last decade, says a report released
this month by Bioforum, an Indonesian environmental group and
Environmental Defense, based in New York.

Export credit lending agencies based in industrialised nations that
backed these production facilities failed to require even minimal
environmental standards, says Stephanie Fried, a scientist at
Environmental Defense that co-authored the report.

Most of the internationally financed pulp and paper mills in
Indonesia have been accompanied by destruction of local peoples'
rights to land and livelihood and the armed suppression of dissent,
she says.

''As a result, massive public protests occurred against the forced
seizures and clear-cutting of community forests, against air
pollution, and against the pollution of major waterways by paper
and pulp mills and factories,'' she says.

The report is part of an international campaign by human rights
and environmental organisations to get government-backed export
credit agencies that are designed to promote investment overseas
to develop social and ecological guidelines for project funding.

Most of these institutions do not have environmental and human
rights standards and therefore end up competing with each other to
fund destructive projects that other institutions that have such
guidelines, will not touch, say activists.

The report describes the environmental impact of several large
Indonesian pulp and paper manufacturing plants, such as one facility
known as the Tanjung Enim Lestari pulp mill, or TEL, located in
the Benakat region of the island of Sumatra.

TEL's sister company, Musi Hutan Persada, was designated to prepare
massive pulp plantations to feed the mill. According to the report,
however, in 1992 Persada began illegally logging, despite protests
by local villagers.

''Inhabitants of Benakat were threatened by local authorities and
security forces who insisted that they give up 1,250 hectares of
their productive rubber gardens, upon which their livelihoods
depended,'' says the report.

Local officials, according to the report that was partially based
on testimony by villagers, threatened protesters with being accused
of ''hindering development'' a charge of subversion that could lead
to a prison sentence.

Despite outcries from the local community, in 1994 a 1.5 billion
dollar finance package was approved for the mill by Canadian,
Finnish, German, Japanese, and Swedish 

[CTRL] [Fwd: [toeslist] U.S. Trade Representative Sued for Hiding Documents]

2001-03-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [toeslist] U.S. Trade Representative Sued for Hiding Documents
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 22:22:40 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Givel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

MARCH 7, 2001
8:00 AM
CONTACT:  Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund
Martin Wagner, Earthjustice, 415-627-6700
Stephen Porter, CIEL, 202-785-8700

U.S. Trade Representative Sued for Hiding Documents
Withholding Could Hamper Protection of Domestic Environment and
Health Laws

WASHINGTON - March 7 - At the same moment the new U.S. Trade
Representative, Robert Zoellick, was urging Congress to grant
President Bush new international trade powers, a lawsuit was
filed against him down the street in U.S. District Court. The
suit challenges Zoellick's decision to keep the public in the
dark about the administration's latest trade negotiations for the
proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas, which would expand the
North American Free Trade Agreement -- NAFTA -- to encompass the
entire hemisphere.

The lawsuit, being filed Wednesday by Earthjustice on behalf of
the Center for International Environmental Law, seeks to force
the USTR to disclose written proposals it has made to other
governments concerning provisions of the FTAA agreement, a treaty
that would bind the United States to powerful new trade rules.
USTR refused CIEL's request to make the documents public.

"USTR is negotiating binding rules that could affect the ability
of the United States to protect the environment and human
health,"  said Stephen Porter, Senior Attorney with CIEL. "To
hide what it is doing from concerned citizens is shameful for a
government that considers itself the world's model for democracy.
The USTR is willing to give these documents to 33 foreign
nations, but not the American public."

Using the Freedom of Information Act, CIEL asked USTR to disclose
documents it provided to foreign negotiators during meetings last
year to discuss potential FTAA provisions protecting foreign
investors. Similar provisions in the NAFTA have been the basis
for a $970 million dollar challenge to a California plan to phase
out the use of a harmful gasoline additive. Extending these rules
to the FTAA could further weaken the ability of the United States
to protect the environment and human health.

Although USTR admitted the existence of the documents, it refused
to make them public, claiming they were protected by FOIA's
exemption for "inter- and intra-agency communications protected
by the deliberative process privilege." However, as CIEL made
clear to USTR before filing its complaint today, the documents do
not qualify for the exemption and USTR waived any privilege when
it disclosed the records to foreign governments participating in
the treaty negotiations. USTR did post sketchy summaries of the
documents on its website, but they conceal more than they reveal,
according to CIEL and Earthjustice.

"Transparency and public participation are hallmarks of
democracy," said Martin Wagner, Director of International
Programs for Earthjustice. "If citizens are kept in the dark
until negotiations are completed, they will never be able to
provide useful advice concerning rules that would directly affect
their lives and health. The important decisions happen early in
the process. We are only left to wonder what they're trying to
hide. Are US trade officials giving foreign investors the power
to overturn our health and
environmental laws? The Bush administration won't say. We are
suing for openness."

A copy of the complaint is available online at


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] How it's done: ABC News is not biassed towards corporations. They ARE the corporations.

2001-03-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Fairness  Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports

ABC Gives Drug Industry View on AIDS Drugs Dispute

March 8, 2001

On its March 7 broadcast, ABC's World News Tonight tried to give its viewers
some background on the legal battle over pharmaceutical patents and AIDS
drugs in Africa. But viewers only heard from one side in the debate: the
drug companies and their supporters.

The report, by ABC's Deborah Amos, relied on three sources: a spokesperson
from the South African Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, the
executive vice president of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA) and an analyst from the Cato Institute, a
conservative-libertarian think tank. All three promoted the same theme: Drug
companies should not be blamed for trying to protect their patents.

Excluding critics in this dispute is baffling. Activists from around the
world are gathered in South Africa now, as 39 pharmaceutical companies have
taken the South African government to court over its plan to allow
production of generic versions of AIDS drugs, a practice known as compulsory
licensing.  The activists argue that the escalating health crisis in Africa,
where 25 million people are estimated to be HIV positive, gives the
government the right to pursue such a policy, which they say is completely
legal under current international trade laws.

Experts who represent this point of view are readily available to the media:
The Institute for Public Accuracy, a D.C.-based press advisory group, issued
a press release on March 6 offering interviews with prominent critics of the
drug industry's position
(A HREF="http://www.accuracy.org/press_releases/PR030601.htm"
http://www.accuracy.org/press_releases/PR030601.htm/A ).

A shorter companion segment, by correspondent Jim Wooten, did describe the
human cost of high drug prices in Malawi, but did not include any drug
industry critics who might have explained how AIDS medicine could be made

This isn't the first time ABC has presented mainly the drug company view on
this issue.  On July 8, 1999, World News Tonight aired two segments that
essentially argued that making cheaper drugs available would have little
impact on public health in African countries.  The segments were dominated
by sources from the pharmaceutical industry and its supporters, though one
South African government official was quoted criticizing the drug companies.
(See A HREF="http://www.fair.org/activism/aids-africa.html"
http://www.fair.org/activism/aids-africa.html/A .)

In his March 7 introduction, ABC anchor Peter Jennings called the story of
AIDS in Africa "one of the profound questions of our time." Unfortunately,
ABC sought the answers from only one side of the dispute.

ACTION: Please contact ABC World News Tonight and encourage them to include
critics of the pharmaceutical industry in their ongoing coverage of the AIDS
crisis in Africa.

Peter Jennings
ABC's World New Tonight
47 W. 66 St., New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-456-
Fax: 212-456-4297

ABC News:

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [toeslist] Fw: [djpc-action] The Sordid Past of Bush's Foreign Policy Team]

2001-03-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [toeslist] Fw: [djpc-action] The Sordid Past of Bush's Foreign Policy
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 22:42:52 -0600 (CST)
From: "Emilie Nichols" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 2:44 AM
Subject: [djpc-action] The Sordid Past of Bush's Foreign Policy Team

 Bush's top foreign policy advisers for Latin America all played key
 roles in supporting the Contras in the 80s. Here's the line up:

 Colin Powell, Secretary of State.
 He was military assistant (known as the "filter") to Secretary of
 Defense in the 80s. In his autobiography, he proudly claims to ahve
 been the Pentagon's "point man" for US support for the Contras. From
 that position, he played a key role in funding Contras through
 illegal arms sales to Iran. For the full story, see

 John Maisto, National Security Council Adviser for Inter-
 American affairs (i.e. Bush's top adviser on the region.) Maisto was
 ambassador to Nicaragua during the U.S.-backed guerrilla war against
 the Sandinista government. See www.americas.org

 John Negroponte, United States ambassador to the United Nations.
 As ambassador to Honduras between 1981 and 1985, Mr. Negroponte
 oversaw a military buildup that turned much of that country into a
 springboard and refuge for the anti-Sandinista contras. See

 Otto Juan Reich, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere
 Affairs.  He was the first director of the State Department's Office
 of Public Diplomacy for Latin America and the Caribbean from 1983 to
 1986. From that position, he engaged in "prohibited, covert
 propaganda activities" in his efforts to promote the Reagan
 administration's policies toward Nicaragua. See

 ACTION ALERT: Stop Bush's appointment of Otto Reich

 You may have wondered in the 1980's why Pledge of Resistance
 actions in your town and the actions of thousands of other activists
 across the entire U.S. got little or no press coverage in the major
 U.S. media.

 The man responsible was Otto Reich who, as the National Security
 Archives reports, maintained a private network of individuals and
 organizations whose activities were coordinated with, and sometimes
 directed by, Colonel Oliver North as well as other officials of the
 National Security Council. These private individuals and
 organizations raised and spent funds for the purpose of influencing
 congressional votes and U.S. domestic news media.

 Reich, a right-wing Cuban American and a former ambassador
 to Venezuela, is now undergoing a State Department background check.
 He would oversee U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America and
 Canada.  The major U.S. media sees Reich's appointment as causing
 conflict within the Republican Party between Florida's powerful Cuban-
 American exile lobby and a growing number of conservative business
 leaders and farmers who want to open new markets in Cuba.  But
 analysts are also saying that a Reich appointment could sour goodwill
 gestures to the rest of the Americas, setting up a showdown with
 Mexico and other nations.  The Dallas Morning News reports
 that Mr. Bush appears to be depending heavily on Cuban-Americans for
 key foreign policy advice.

 The National Security Archives has placed on its web site
 numerous documents that reveal Reich's role in the Reagan
 Administration's Central America policy.

 Visit the site at www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/ to learn
 more about Mr. Reich's career.

 Then write to your senators and ask them to let the
 Administration know that Mr. Reich should not be named to this high-
 level post.  If Reich is tapped for the post, he has to be confirmed
 by the Senate.  So ask your Senators to vote against the nomination.

 If your Senator is on the Senate Foreign Relations
 Committee, he or she will have the opportunity to ask pointed
 questions of the nominee and to vote to prevent the nomination from
 going to the Senate floor.  Here are the members of the Senate
 Foreign Relations Committee:
 Helms (NC) Chairman, Biden (DE) Ranking, Lugar (IN),  Sarbanes (MD),
 Hagel (NE), Dodd (CT), Smith (OR),  Kerry (MA), Thomas (WY), Feingold
 (WI), Frist (TN), Wellstone (MN), Chafee (RI), Boxer (CA), Allen
 (VA),  Torricelli (NJ), Brownback (KS), Nelson (FL).

 You can call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and
 ask for your senators' offices.  You can avoid long distance charges
 by calling your senators' local offices (numbers in the blue pages of
 your phone book).  Or you can write an e-mail message to your
 senators by going to the Senate's web page which is www.senate.gov
 and clicking on your state.

 To Post a message, send it to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to:

 Your use 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The ADL and racist terrorist groups

2001-03-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Still an idiot huh?
You seem to be an expert in train of thought stupidity.


Aleisha Saba wrote:

 So does ADL have a hidden agenda - that of attempting to create hatred
 of the Jews as did the facists in days of leading to WWII?

 Bnai Brith - a masonic order - who warned FBI and BATF and one Judge to
 stay home that day in Oklahoma?

 Well got news for you - I want to know more about this Mark Lane aka
 Mark Levy who is always a few steps behind and ahead of the murderers?
 From Kilgallon to her interview with Jack Ruby aka Rubenstein, to the
 shooting of Larry Flynt, new kid on block in Columbus, Ohio with
 pornography fronting for drugs - and boy there was Mark Lane with his
 garbage influencing Larry Flynt?   Flynt gunned down by a collector's
 gun, a 45

 Have I been looking for a renegade Masonic Order all these years - you
 better believe it, and I think this ADL and Bnai Brith is it...

 From JFK to little John John to the sabotage of the Space Program -
 notice this crap about USA did not go to moon?

 We had the black Moses Martin Luther King suckered into a communist
 movement and this NAACP founded by what and whom?

 Any researcher if you put all this stuff together - are these people
 correct in believing that the ADL and this Bnai Brith maybe using
 reverse psychology?

 ADL attempting to censor the press - note their complaint of Farakhan
 the great Islam Leader - how they want his voice silenced and how they
 went to Ted Turner to squelch this voice?

 Are Americans going to be intimidated by this handful of sleaze who
 wanted Marc Rich pardoned and why?   All that money, you think this
 sleaze cares about a pardon when he is not even an American Citizen?

 Stop an think - why does he care - because he wants to be able to come
 to American and work with his sleaze wife in the looting of America and
 Unions Beware - for it was this sleaze who attempted to destroy
 steelworkers - why are the Unions so quiet?   Why is oil and gas so

 Remember it is a handful of people orchestrating the destruction of
 America but to me this sleaze involved in pushing sodomists on the
 little boy scouts?

 Tell me why does ADL and Bnai Brith cause people to hate Jews - note
 Jews, not Zionists?

 As Prince Turki Faisal told us at a dinner (and thisi man todays heads
 up inelligence in this one agency) - the young prince toldl us in 1967
 that it was the Zionist coming to Holy Land causing all the problems,
 that the domestic jew and arab moslems wanted to live in peace?

 Marc Rich - Zionist - Jewish Mafia - part of criminal syndicate and that
 bastard wants to come to America now and work from within?

 So a year  after the young Prince made his visit here - his father was
 murdered by a black from Berkley California?   Figure that one?   A
 Black Nationalist Panther???   Remember the Black Panthers sent in to
 intimidate Mrs. Bush with Uzis?

 Consider this - it was the year of the take over and these bastards
 lostyet they plot ahead in the destruction of Americafor this
 like the pyramids they believe, is their promised land?

 No wonder God gave Ishmael all that oil?


 Jews for Morality
 From a Traditional Jewish Perspective

 [ Back ] [ Opening Page ] [ Essay Index ] [ Next ]
 28 Av 5759 / 10 Aug. 1999
 ADL and Racist Terrorist Groups
 – A Symbiotic Relationship
 ADL Attacks on American Conservatives Help
 Racist Groups Gain New Recruits,
 While New Terrorist Attacks on Jewish Centers Help
 ADL Raise More Funds
 Almost totally ignored in the reporting on the Los Angeles Jewish Center
 shooting, is the rapid growth in the membership of white racist
 terrorist groups in recent years.   This increased membership is the
 most important factor in the recent increase in terrorist incidents.
 Most people have the mistaken notion that the ADL (Anti-Defamation
 League of Bnai Brith) is simply a Jewish defense organization whose
 purpose is to protect Jews in the United States from discrimination and
 physical harm.   Nothing could be further from the truth.
 In recent years, the ADL, under the leadership of Abraham Foxman, has
 metamorphosed into a left-wing organization that closely coordinates its
 activities with some of the most radical groups in America.
 The ADL works closely with the homosexual lobbies in Washington and in
 the state capitols to promote the "Gay" agenda, including the current
 "hate crimes" bill, which would effectively silence all of the religious
 organizations who consider homosexuality an "abomination", and focus
 scarce law enforcement resources into efforts to give special
 protections to homosexuals, at the expense of all other Americans.
 The ADL works closely with pro-abortion groups to make certain that no
 restrictions whatsoever are placed on abortion—for any purpose, at any
 time in the development of the baby in the womb, and including
 "partial-birth" abortion (infanticide).


2001-03-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Religionist drivel.

Outlawlady wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Timeline of Treason

 Special Emergency
 Note from the Editor

 Testimony from POW Hearings

 on the State of the Nation




   Part IVf

 can be read at:
 The Joshua Report
 Michael  The Outlawlady
 The Joshua Report
 If One Forgets The Past, He Will
 Not Be Prepared For The Future

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [prj] America should follow Israel's example (fwd) j2

2001-03-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Just out of curiosity.
Does anyone here think this is real?


Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 15:37:44 -0800 (PST)
 From: Sam Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [prj] America should follow Israel's example

 Rare Book Searches - Ruling Class/Conspiracy Experts: 
http://a-albionic.com/search.html * Conspiracy Shopping Cart: 
http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html * Misc Shopping On-Line 
http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html **

 America Should Battle Minorities and Aliens the Way
 the Israelis Do
 by Rev. Bobby Singleton

 As a life-long admirer of the Jewish people and
 supporter of the state of Israel, I have always taken
 the Jews to be a pattern for my own life and my
 relationship with the Almighty. Now, as I watch
 prophetic events unfold in Israel, I am stimulated to
 believe that it is time America learned a policy
 lesson from the Jews and applied Israel's solutions to
 our own domestic crisis.

 I am of course talking about the negro/Afro minority
 amongst our beloved nation, as well as the aliens from
 Mexico who threaten to inundate us at our border.

 Increasingly, predominately black cities in America
 are no-go zones for Americans. We are raped, robbed,
 assaulted and even killed when we go there and these
 terror acts spill over into non-black towns and
 cities. As a result, Americans are not safe on their
 own land! Meanwhile, Catholic peons from Mexico invade
 our country, undermine the Protestant character of our
 nation and perpetrate more crime and terrorism. There
 would seem to be no end in sight to the violence
 perpetrated by these groups and the violence must end!

 The Jews in Israel use the following methods for
 curtailing Palestinian violence, and we should do as
 these Chosen People of God Almighty do.

 1. CLOSURE. Cities with a Palestinian majority are
 sealed. The Arabs are not allowed to leave their towns
 and they may not enter Israel for employment or any
 other reason except certain cases of medical
 emergency. We in America need to do the same. Whenever
 there are clashes with our police and an outburst of
 violence from Afros or Latinos in America, we should
 ghettos and barrios the way Israel sealed the
 Palestinian cities at the beginning of 2001. This way
 we can enjoy relative security while collectively
 punishing all the blacks and Mexicans for the violent
 clashes their leaders agitate and condone. I recommend
 this for Christian Europe as well. When violence
 erupts, Germans can close predominately Turkish cities
 in Germany, the French can close predominately African
 areas of France and the British can seal Brixton and
 Bradford, closing access by minorities to the outside
 world for months on end, like Israel does.

 2. DEMOLITION. Once having closed these areas,
 American intelligence agents can pinpoint the homes of
 the most violence-prone black and Mexican gang-members
 and rioters and demolish their homes, leaving their
 families on the street where they belong. The Israelis
 have had great success doing this for years to the
 Palestinians. House demolition is a real deterrent not

 soon forgotten!

 3. ENTRENCHMENT. After closure and demolition,
 entrenchment is the next step. In late February and
 early March of 2001 the Israelis completed excavation
 of a two meter deep ditch encircling the Palestinian
 city of Jericho. The entrenchment of other Palestinian
 cities is under way. This ditch prevents not only cars
 driven by violent Palestinians from leaving Jericho
 and entering Israel, it keeps any Palestinian from
 driving any car out of the town without permission
 from Israeli authorities. This is a fabulous idea for
 Watts, Harlem, the south side of Chicago, portions of
 east Los Angeles and many other areas in America with
 a predominately Afro or Mexican population. It is a
 well-known fact that, like the Palestinians,
 minorities in America are fond of using automobiles in
 the commission of
 drive-by shootings and similar violence. We can
 prevent this by digging a deep ditch around their
 communities, just like the Israelis do!

 4. SHOOT RIOTERS. Any time a black or Mexican child
 throws a stone at an American policeman they should be
 shot! Policemen should try to wound rather than kill
 these children, but if a few dozen black or Mexican
 children are killed by the police in America every
 year, it is the parents' fault for allowing their
 children to be out in the streets. The US State
 Department reports that in the year 2000, Israel shot
 more than 11,000 violent Palestinians, including
 hundreds of violence-prone Palestinian children.
 Almost 400 Palestinian demonstrators and rioters were
 killed by the Israeli police and army. We need to
 implement these policies in the US. We have muzzled
 our police for too long in the face of black and
 Latino violence. Let's teach these godless punks 

[CTRL] *C*apitalism's *I*ndependent *A*rmy j2

2001-03-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Is there a country who's resources are not available to you?
Do they not let rich foreign investors control their vital
economic interests?

Need to get a profitable war started?

NO PROBLEM. We are here to help you extract the wealth from
every square kilometer on this beautiful planet no matter which
inconvenient group currently lives there.

Just call our main office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. For a small ;}
tax deductible donation, we will overthrow any government you choose.
We specialize in socialist, democratic, and independent regimes.

Fascist dictatorships cost more.( We can do business with them.)

For less information call: John Smith, Langley, Virginia.

'CIA's bastard army ran riot in Balkans' backed
Special report: Kosovo
Peter Beaumont, Ed Vulliamy and Paul Beaver
Sunday March 11, 2001
The Observer
The United States secretly supported the ethnic
Albanian extremists now behind insurgencies in
Macedonia and southern Serbia.
The CIA encouraged former Kosovo Liberation Army
fighters to launch a rebellion in southern Serbia in
an effort to undermine the then Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic, according to senior European
officers who served with the international
peace-keeping force in Kosovo (K-For), as well as
leading Macedonian and US sources.
They accuse American forces with K-For of deliberately
ignoring the massive smuggling of men and arms across
Kosovo's borders.
The accusations were made in a series of interviews by
The Observer . They emerge as America has been forced
into a rapid U-turn over its support for Albanian
extremists in Kosovo seeking a 'Greater Kosovo' that
would include Albanian communities in Serbia and
In the past week ethnic Albanian guerrillas have
intensified their campaign of attacks in the two
areas, threatening a new war in the region which last
week put US troops in the firing line in the Balkans
for the first time.
The accusations have led to tension in K-For between
the European and US military missions. European
officers are furious that the Ameri cans have allowed
guerrilla armies in its sector to train, smuggle arms
and launch attacks across two international borders.
One European K-For battalion commander told The
Observer yesterday: 'The CIA has been allowed to run
riot in Kosovo with a private army designed to
overthrow Slobodan Milosevic. Now he's gone the US
State Department seems incapable of reining in its
bastard army.'
He added: 'Most of last year, there was a growing
frustration with US support for the radical Albanians.
US policy was and still is out of step with the other
Nato allies.'
The claim was backed by senior Macedonian officials in
the capital, Skopje. 'What has been happening with the
National Liberation Army [which has been responsible
for a series of attacks on Macedonia's borders in
recent weeks] and the UCPMB [its sister organisation
in southern Serbia] is very similar to what happened
when the KLA was launched in 1995-96,' said one.
'I will say only this: the US intelligence agencies
have not been honest here.'
The claims were given extra credence from an
unexpected source - Arben Xhafari, leader of
Macedonia's main Albanian party who tried to prevent
the crisis on the border igniting an ethnic civil war
inside Macedonia itself.
A US State Department official blamed the last
administration. There had now been 'a shift of

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: Nafta's Powerful Little Secret

2001-03-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

March 11, 2001

Nafta's Powerful Little Secret


 heir meetings are secret. Their members are
generally unknown. The decisions they reach need not
be fully disclosed. Yet the way a
 small group of international tribunals handles
disputes between investors and foreign governments has
led to national laws being
revoked, justice systems questioned and environmental
regulations challenged. And it is all in the name of
protecting the rights of foreign
investors under the North American Free Trade

The corporations — American, Canadian and Mexican
alike — that directly invest in neighboring countries
are thrilled that Nafta provides
some protection. But foes of the trade pact say some
of their worst fears about anonymous government have
become reality. And as
Western economies move toward more free trade and
globalization, environmentalists, consumer groups and
anti-trade organizations are
increasingly worried about how the tribunals influence
the enforcement of laws. The groups are gearing up for
a fight at the Summit of the
Americas next month in Quebec, where President Bush
will be pushing a vast new Free Trade Area of the
Americas, which would provide
for similar tribunals.

Protesters will attack the sweeping powers and broad
impact of the tribunals, along with their very nature
— ad hoc panels drawn from lists
of academics and international lawyers almost unknown
outside their highly specialized fields.

"What we're talking about here is secret government,"
said Joan Claybrook, president of Public Citizen, a
consumer watchdog group in
Washington that has been critical of Nafta and other
trade agreements. Ms. Claybrook said the 16 Nafta
cases that have been filed so far in
the United States, Canada and Mexico showed how
corporations were using Nafta not to defend trade but
to challenge the functioning of
government. "This is not the way to do the public's
business," she said.

The tribunals have been used in Nafta disputes for
only a few years, but the complaints they have handled
have already had many
repercussions, including these:

• The Canadian government lifted restrictions on
manufacturing an ethanol-based gasoline additive that
it considered hazardous after an
American manufacturer said that the ban hurt its

• A tribunal ordered Mexico to pay an American company
$16.7 million after finding that local environmental
laws prohibiting a toxic-
waste-processing plant that the company was building
were tantamount to expropriation.

• A Canadian-based funeral company is asking the
United States government for $725 million in
compensation after a Mississippi jury found
the company guilty in 1995 of trying to put a local
funeral home out of business, and levied $500 million
in damages. The company contends
that the jury sought to punish it because it is
foreign. If the tribunal awards compensation, critics
say, all jury awards involving foreign
investors may be challenged.

• United Parcel Service, the package-delivery company,
has filed a complaint contending that the very
existence of the publicly financed
Canadian postal system represents unfair competition
that conflicts with Canada's obligations under Nafta.
Critics worry that if the tribunal
upholds the U.P.S. claim, government participation in
any service that competes with the private sector will
be threatened.

T is clear that investors have gained a shield far
more powerful than almost anyone had imagined when
Nafta was written in the early 1990's.
"There is no doubt that these measures represent an
expansion of the rights of private enterprises vis-
-vis government," said Prof. Andreas
F. Lowenfeld, an international trade expert at the New
York University School of Law. "The question is: Is
that a good thing?"

The international tribunals are authorized under a
Nafta clause called Chapter 11, dealing with
investments. Investors who believe they have
suffered a loss because of a breach in Nafta rules can
bring a claim against the government of the country
where they made their investment.
They can have the complaint heard under one of two
existing sets of rules — one from the United Nations,
the other from an independent
office of the World Bank.

These off-the-shelf mechanisms adopted by Nafta have
commonly been used to resolve private disputes between
corporations, and are thus
intended to provide a great degree of confidentiality.
Both critics and proponents agree that the provisions
run headlong into demands for
openness and accountability when public issues are

"The fact that the drafters of Nafta chose this
secretive process to resolve these disputes is further
evidence that they weren't foreseeing
matters of broad social concern coming before these
panels," said Martin Wagner, director of international
programs for the Earthjustice
Legal Defense Fund, an environmental group in San

Critics say the corporate victories have spawned even
bolder and 

Re: [CTRL] [Spy News] Document says CIA overstated Soviet threat ---- What a bunch of crap! - j2

2001-03-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Mario Profaca wrote:

 Document says CIA overstated Soviet threat

 By Jonathan S. Landay

 WASHINGTON - For more than 10 years during the Cold War, U.S. intelligence
 forecasts greatly exaggerated the pace at which the former Soviet Union
 would improve its long-range nuclear forces, a newly declassified CIA
 document indicated today.

 The summary of a 1989 CIA internal review said every major intelligence
 assessment from 1974 to 1986 - a period covering at least three
 presidencies - "substantially" overestimated the Kremlin's plans to
 modernize and expand its strategic nuclear arsenal.

Well DUH How else do you maintain a wartime military economy during peace?
The bigger the enemy, the bigger the threat. The bigger the threat, the bigger
the fear. The bigger the fear, the better the justification for the ENORMOUS
amount spent on the cold war. Thirteen TRILLION dollars.

 The document raised new questions about how well the CIA and other U.S.
 intelligence agencies judged the Soviet Union's aims and intentions, and the
 extent to which mistaken analyses influenced U.S. military spending and
 Washington's defense and foreign policies.

They weren't mistaken. They lied. The Soviet economy was one one sixth that
of the USA's. They didn't have the money to waste on military hardware AND
fund their society.

 The persistent errors also raise questions about the intelligence
 community's ability to collect reliable information on today's targets,
 which are more diverse and even harder for spies to penetrate than the
 Soviet Union was.

The " intelligence " community did not see the Soviet Empire crumble. But
they did see the Soviets ' modernize and expand ' their military. Why am I
paying these guys?

 During the Cold War, the Soviet Union's force of nuclear-armed
 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarines, and long-range
 bombers was the U.S intelligence community's primary target. But today's
 spies must try to keep track of international terrorists, rogue
 nuclear-weapons programs and computer hackers, and also plumb the minds of
 Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and North Korea's Kim Jong Il, all of which
 is much harder than counting missile silos in Kazakstan or estimating the
 wheat crop in Ukraine.

This is all bullshit. This writer is a CIA hack.

 The study is part of more than 19,000 pages of documents that have been
 declassified for a two-day conference on the CIA's analysis of the Soviet
 Union from 1947 to 1991 that opened today at Princeton University. The
 documents deleted material still considered important to national security.

Princeton is the home of the modern US intelligence structure foisted upon the
American people by presidential order after WWII. NOTHING comming out of
Princeton which relates to intelligence can be trusted. It is simply one of the
academic outlets for CIA disinformation. As is this article.

 Titled "Intelligence Forecasts of Soviet Intercontinental Attack Forces: An
 Evaluation of the Record," the study reviewed the U.S. intelligence
 community's projections of efforts to modernize Soviet nuclear forces in the
 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

 The forecasts, known as national intelligence estimates (NIE), were intended
 to guide the president and his top aides in setting defense and foreign
 policies, including military spending and the size of U.S. nuclear forces.
 An NIE represents the consensus of 13 agencies, including the CIA and the
 Defense Intelligence Agency, which frequently disagreed about the severity
 of the Soviet threat.

 The study found that predicting the rate of Soviet nuclear-force
 modernization "has proven to be the most difficult aspect of Soviet
 strategic forces to project."

Yeah right.

 As an example, it cited a 1975 forecast that by 1985 more than 90 percent of
 Soviet long-range missiles and bombers would be replaced. "In reality, the
 Soviets replaced less than 60 percent of them," the study said.

 "This tendency to substantially overestimate the rate of [Soviet] force
 modernization occurred in every NIE published from 1974 to 1986, and it was
 true for every projected force - whether it assumed high, moderate or low
 levels of effort," the study continued.

Remember the hysteria of the " missile gap?" Remember haw much it cost us to catch
up? Evidently, GE, Hughes, General Dynamics, and the other masters of war weren't
making enough profits for their share holders to buy a new limousine every year.

 In another example, it said an NIE published in 1985 - the beginning of
 President Ronald Reagan's second term - "projected that virtually the entire
 [Soviet] ICBM force would be replaced within 10 years."

The Reagan administration waged economic war against the Soviets using these
fabricated reports as justification. The US economy, being six times larger
than the Soviet economy, could spend huge 

[CTRL] How it's done: Quid pro quo. Corporate donors seek return on investment in Bush campaign.

2001-03-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Corporate donors seek return on investment in Bush campaign


Philip Morris has numerous ties to the Bush administration

By Tom Hamburger, Laurie McGinley and David S. Cloud

WASHINGTON, March 6 - For the businesses that invested more money than ever
before in George W. Bush's costly campaign for the presidency, the returns
have already begun. MBNA America Bank was one of the single largest
corporate donors to the Bush campaign and other GOP electoral efforts last
THE BANK AND ITS EMPLOYEES gave a total of about $1.3 million, according to
the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan clearinghouse here.
Charles Cawley, MBNA's president, was a member of the Bush "pioneers,"
wealthy fund-raisers who each personally gathered at least $100,000 for the
presidential campaign.
Mr. Cawley hosted Bush fund-raising events at his home in Wilmington, Del.,
last year and, in 1999, at his summer home in Maine, north of the Bush
family retreat in Kennebunkport. At the Maine affair, 200 guests gathered
in the early evening on the large porch of the Cawley home, situated on a
hill with a sweeping view of the Atlantic Ocean.  Guests sipped cocktails
and heard a brief talk by the candidate.
The money didn't stop on election day. Mr. Cawley and his wife each gave
the maximum of $5,000 to help fund Mr.  Bush's fight in the Florida vote
recount. Mr. Cawley gave an additional $100,000 to the Bush-Cheney
inaugural committee, the most the committee would take from a single donor.
Last week, MBNA's investment began paying off. The company, one of the
nation's three largest credit-card issuers, has been pushing for years to
tighten bankruptcy laws that allow certain consumers filing for court
protection, in effect, to disregard obligations to credit-card companies
and other unsecured lenders. On Wednesday, the White House announced that
President Bush would sign a bill now moving through Congress that would
make it tougher for consumers to escape such debts. If enacted, the measure
could translate into an estimated tens of millions of dollars in additional
annual earnings for each of the big credit companies.
MBNA's vice chair, David Spartin, says his firm has no way to estimate how
the legislation would affect the company's bottom line. MBNA has backed the
bill for years "because we think it is good for consumers," as it will
"reduce the cost of credit for everyone," Mr. Spartin says.  The donations
to President Bush and other candidates were made because "we think they
would make excellent public officials," he adds. No MBNA official "has ever
spoken to President Bush about the bill," Mr. Spartin says.
Many corporations feel like a new day is dawning in Washington. "We have
come out of the cave, blinking in the sunlight, saying to one another, 'My
God, now we can actually get something done,' " says Richard Hohlt,
Washington lobbyist for several other major banks which, like MBNA, are
backing an industry coalition whose members provided some $26 million to
Republicans during the 1999-2000 campaign cycle.
President Clinton last year vetoed a similar bill that would have toughened
bankruptcy law. Consumer groups argue that such legislation would weaken
protection for working families, many of whom have been the targets of
aggressive credit-card marketing.
Also in action last week were members of a large coalition of Mr. Bush's
business backers who want to roll back new federal rules designed to
protect workers from repetitive-motion injuries.
In a private meeting with congressional leaders last Tuesday, President
Bush signed off on a plan to kill the ergonomic regulations, using the
powers of the Congressional Review Act. That act, passed in 1996, gives
Congress 60 days to reject regulations issued by federal agencies. But it
was never used during Mr. Clinton's term because to take effect, a
resolution rejecting new rules has to be approved by the president.
Repealing the ergonomic rules ranks high on the priority lists of the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers and the
National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors. The trade groups
technically don't endorse candidates, but each of them mounted major
grass-roots and advertising campaigns that benefited Mr.  Bush and other
Republicans in the 2000 elections.
A repeal would be a particularly hard loss for organized labor, which has
fought for enactment of the ergonomic rules for 10 years, saying they are
needed to protect workers from wrist, back and other injuries.
On employee safety, consumer bankruptcy and a host of other issues, Bush
administration officials maintain they are acting strictly on the merits,
not the money. Proponents of the bankruptcy bill, for example, point out
that personal bankruptcy filings reached a record 1.4 million in 1998. The
bill that would toughen the bankruptcy law won strong 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Deutschland über alles]

2001-03-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Deutschland ber alles
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 17:06:00 -0500
From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Nurev Independent Research
To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Hey Joshua - can't you get anything rght?

 Who needs Monarch Butterflies?   Note Uber has one B, asshole.

It's not German. Asshole.



 Subject: Deutschland ber alles
 Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 22:28:02 -0500 (EST)
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba)


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM]

2001-03-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

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Subject: rkm The rise of capitalist elites
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 17:57:23 +
From: "Richard K. Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The rise of capitalist elites

Central to Smith's model of a market  economy was the condition that all buyers
and sellers must be small.  In this way, prices could not be influenced by
individual actors, but would reach a fair and reasonable level - through fair
competition between sellers, and comparison shopping on the part of buyers. In
Smith's model, very large producers - who had the power to dominate markets - were
specifically forbidden. The dynamics of capitalism, on the other hand, lead
naturally toward monopoly.  While Smith's arguments helped pave the way for
capitalism, it is the natural dynamics of capitalism which have prevailed, not the
enlightened dynamics which Smith prescribed.

If one central principle could be identified, which best characterizes the essence
of the Industrial Revolution, that principle would be 'economy of scale'. That's
what factories, and steam engines, and mass production are all about.  By
concentrating lots of equipment, resources, and workers all in one place, it is
possible to produce more and cheaper products than with many small operations.  In
a large operation one can use more powerful and efficient equipment; one can
demand discount prices from suppliers; one can set up an efficient distribution
system - and there are many other advantages as well. Unless there are sufficient
regulatory restrictions placed on the size of an operation, the natural tendency
is for the large to gobble the small, and the larger to gobble the large, '...and
so adinfinitum'.  And this is exactly what has happened, right up to the current
day - with its mega retail stores, global fast-food chains, transnational
corporations, and the increasing concentration of world commerce into the hands of
a small number of huge operators.

In order to understand the dynamics of capitalism, recall the capitalist paradigm:
'wealth accumulation through initiative  innovation'. Building factories showed
one kind of initiative, and lobbying for new economic policies showed another.
The entrepreneur and the investor, in pursuit of greater wealth, must always ask
themselves the following question: 'Given my available assets, what strategy will
bring me the greatest future returns?'  The answers to this question are as varied
as the human imagination, and it is that 'creativity in pursuit of ever-greater
wealth' which has guided the course of history ever since capitalism took hold.

Industrialists, bankers, and financiers formed the core of the capitalist
community, and as such they were clearly an important and influential segment of
society. Governments looked to this community when financing was needed for wars
and other government endeavors, and it was from this community that Finance
Ministers and other important government officials would usually be selected. The
interests of government and the interests of capitalism became intertwined, and

[CTRL] Elites ubber alles: Who's in charge here? Switzerland.

2001-03-09 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


There should be no uncertainty about it. Each country's Globalist
Elites have no time to indulge popular whims such as Democracy.


 European Foundation Intelligence Digest

 Issue No. 114

 22nd February ndash; 8th March 2001

I. Western European Developments

Democracy in Switzerland

By a huge majority, the Swiss have rejected a proposal to begin
negotiations to join the European Union. 76.7%
of voters, in the biggest turnout for 8 years, voted against the "Yes to
Europe!" initiative. Even in the
traditionally pro-European French-speaking parts of the country, there
was a clear majority in favour of a No.
Not one single canton, indeed, voted for Europe. To this extent, the
Swiss have once again shown their
extraordinary spirit of independence and love of freedom.

Their government, however, is a different matter. Even before the voting
had finished, the federal government
in Bern issued a statement saying that the expected No result would in
no way deflect it from it pro-European
course. It reaffirmed its desire to seek EU membership in due course.
With quite breathtaking cheek, it said that
the No vote could in no way be interpreted as meaning a rejection of EU
membership as such. Instead, the
government said, the result merely indicated that the Swiss did not
think the time was right now to start
negotiations. Quite how the government has arrived at this conclusion is
not clear: it seems more likely to be
evidence of the governmentrsquo;s simple contempt for its votersrsquo;
settled opinion that the EU is a bad
idea. The Foreign Minister and other ministers thus confirmed that they
would seek to decide on EU
negotiations during the next legislature, i.e. between 2003 and 2007.
Moreover, in confirming that the
government was sticking to its plans, the Foreign Minister said that a
new Europe was arising and that it was
essential for Switzerland to play its role ndash; in other words, he
used the very same arguments which the
roundly defeated pro-Europeans had used in their campaign. [Neue Z?rcher
Zeitung, 5th March 2001] By the same token,
the Commissionrsquo;s spokesman had evidently co-ordinated its line
with the Swiss government, for he too
said that the Swiss vote did not mean that the Swiss were opposed to EU
membership, rather that they did not
want to begin negotiations now.

These events should cause the Swiss to reflect seriously on the
soundness of their political system. The Swiss are
very rightly proud of their ancient democracy. When matters of cantonal
or national importance are put to
referendum, as they frequently are, this is democracy at its most
direct. There is, however, one potentially very
important weak link: the Swiss retain a proportional system for their
federal government. This effectively means
that the same parties remain in power at federal level whatever the
outcome of the elections. The Swiss
parliamentrsquo;s web site actually boasts of the fact that the
parliament looks pretty much the same as it did
in 1919 and that the national government has not changed its composition
since 1960! Under such a system, it is
virtually impossible to vote into power a party which will obey the will
of the electorate on the single most
important political matter of all, the countryrsquo;s future

[ http://www.parlament.ch/poly/Framesets/E/Frame-E.htm ]

More spokes in the wheels of enlargement

Following Commissar Verheugenrsquo;s admission (reported in the last
Digest) that Poland and the other
candidate countries cannot join the EU because the present EU members
cannot withstand the effect it will
have on their unemployment levels, German trade unions have protested
strongly at a position paper published
by the Commission which says that the transition period before Poles and
other citizens of new member states
can enjoy freedom of movement to go and work in other EU states should
be only four years. One leading trade
unionist said that the period should be seven or eight years, while the
leading representative of the construction
industry in Germany said it should be even longer. The German Chancellor
and the French president, who
ultimately will decide the matter, have said that they regard a
transitional period of seven years as necessary.
[Handelsblatt, 1st March 2001] The Poles will no doubt find this very
tiresome; on the other hand, they are holding out
for a fifteen year transition period before the Germans can come and
start buying back their old homes in Silesia.
In which case, one might ask, what is the point of joining the EU at

EU ticks off Hungary

It is the time of year when the EU produces school reports for the eager
young students east of the Elbe.
Teacher is not very happy with any members of the class this year: the
Poles are too numerous, the Czechs are
too democratic and the Hungarians are too right wing. 

[CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: Kevin McCarthy, where are you now that we need you. -j2

2001-03-08 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

body snatchers bust prompts reforms --shm.com.au

Stricter rules governing drug trialling are promised. But they shouldn't be
necessary if doctors stick to
their guidelines. Gerard Ryle reports.

Embarrassment has done its work. Those who run the system always knew. Now that
the public
knows, they've promised reforms. That anyone was surprised by the news this week
doctors were getting paid by global pharmaceutical firms to do drug trials on
their patients
might be considered an extraordinary oversight for a profession that likes to
stand on a
platform of ethics.

The response from authorities was immediate. The State Health Minister, Craig
announced two inquiries into the matter, one by his department and one by the NSW

He also set about creating Australia's first publicly accessible register of
clinical trials by ordering
that all hospitals list all such trials - and moneys received from pharmaceutical
firms - in their
annual reports.

The chief medical officer of Australia, Professor Richard Smallwood, said that an
even more
comprehensive register of clinical trials should be compiled at a national level.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Australian Democrats, Meg Lees, said her party would
ensure that
laws were changed so that doctors would have to tell patients who volunteered for
trials of
financial arrangements the doctors had with pharmaceutical firms.

But in view of doctors' own self-imposed rules, such legal reform should not be

At least two medical codes of conduct in Australia refer to the commercial
relationships between
the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession. The guidelines attempt to
between the ever increasing needs of big business and the delicate patient-doctor

The latest code of ethics issued by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians
couldn't spell it
out more clearly: "The nature of the compensation to be paid to the investigators
or the
institution should be declared to, and approved by, the ethics committee and this
fact should be
noted in the explanatory statement provided to potential volunteers."

The fact is, this hasn't always happened. More ...

Australians used as guinea pigs for global drug market
Thousands of Australian patients are being used as guinea pigs in drug trials for
global pharmaceutical
companies without explicit laws to adequately protect their rights.
Full report
Australians used as guinea pigs for global drug market


By Gerard Ryle

Thousands of Australian patients are being used as guineapigs in drug trials for
pharmaceutical companies without explicit laws to adequately protect their rights.

Intellectually disabled men and women, incapable of giving consent on their own
behalf, are
being included in the trials, which are largely aimed at getting new drugs to the
United States
and European markets.

Pharmaceutical companies are paying private doctors up to $6,000 for every patient
they recruit
but the patients do not have to be told of the financial arrangement. The money
covers trial
expenses and allows a profit for the doctors.

Drug trials are vital in bringing life-saving medicines to market but the number
being conducted
in Australia has risen 20-fold since 1990 and many never result in approval for
the drug.

Some trials are abandoned after reports of side-effects and deaths, either here or
overseas, or
because the drug simply does not work.

The chairman of the Australian Drug Evaluation Committee, Professor Martin
Tattersall, who is
at the forefront of medical research in Australia, believes the protection of
patients' rights in
drug trials needs a major overhaul.

"Basically most patients do what their doctors say," he said. "They do that
because they want
to trust their doctors. Some patients taking part in clinical trials don't
appreciate that they are in
a clinical trial."

A Herald investigation has found that:

  Patients are being bought and sold like commodities by doctors and
pharmaceutical companies
but are not being told that money changes hands when they volunteer for new

  The Therapeutic Goods Administration, the main responsible Federal Government
was obliged to directly review only two of the 1,712 clinical trials done in
Australia last year.

  Patients are not always given copies of the consent forms they sign and are
often not in a
position to question their doctor's suggestion that they join a trial.

  Nearly one in six of the 210 medical bodies which approve trials - known as
ethics committees
- are being run out of private organisations.

  One Sydney doctor who conducted trials on his patients got approval from an
committee that included, among others, his former lawyer, his former patient, his
rabbi and his

Global pharmaceutical companies have rushed to Australia at a time when debates
have arisen
over similar trials in Europe and the US, and 

[CTRL] Palestinian double standard? Never!

2001-03-08 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Special Dispatch - PA
March 8, 2001

A Criticism of Palestinian Intellectuals' Double Standard

Palestinian writer, Zakariya Muhammad, criticized Palestinian intellectuals
for not denouncing Palestinian crimes while criticizing the Israeli peace

"These days, Palestinian intellectuals tend to blame the Israeli
intellectuals who used to present themselves as peaceniks, for abandoning
justice and peace, in favor of the [Israeli] 'consensus' that describes the
Palestinians as aggressors and as a danger to Israel, instead of
resisting the occupation, and demonstrating their understanding for the
Palestinians' revolt. The gentlest thing that Palestinian intellectuals have
to say about the Israeli intellectuals is that they are hypocrites; that the
peace they spoke of was lip-service, and that deep inside - when the moment
of truth came - they stood by the occupation."

"In fact, these accusations are correct with regard to most of the
intellectuals in the so-called [Israeli] 'peace camp,' they have displayed a
nationalist tendency and have had a role in Sharon's rise to power."

"However, this claim by Palestinian intellectuals, is weakened by their
profound fear of dealing with the bad deeds that have occurred on the
Palestinian side. None of them have denounced the criminal acts of murder
that have been carried out by the Palestinian side. Although many of them
denounce these acts in private, none have clearly written against them or
published even a single communique condemning them."

"In other words, these intellectuals are either afraid of their public and
its reaction, or they are hypocritical in their approach to their public.
They only try to please [this public] even if it breaks the scales of
justice on which they claim to weigh things. This position serves the
hypocrite peaceniks among the Israeli intellectuals, who use it [as an
excuse] to join their 'national consensus.' As long as the Palestinians have
a consensus of their own and as long as their intellectuals abandon the
'scales of justice,' - the Israelis have no reason not to do the same

"I cannot understand the attitude of the Palestinian intellectuals toward
the abominable murder of the two [Israeli] captive soldiers in Ramallah. Nor
can I understand the humiliating silence on the murder of two innocent
Israeli citizens in Tul Karm after they were pulled out of a restaurant.
They were killed only because they were Jews, in total contradiction to the
Arab values of hospitality as well as human morals. In addition, I cannot
accept the silence over the murder of the youth from Ashdod through the

"If the Palestinian intellectuals cannot denounce these acts of murder out
of fear of their public or because they accept the widespread logic that we
act as [the Israelis] act - then we have come to a point where we use their
crimes to justify our own. If this is indeed the case - then these
[Palestinian] intellectuals have no right to denounce the hypocrites among
the Israeli intellectuals."

"When I see a Palestinian intellectual sinking his teeth into the flesh of
the Israeli intellectuals in his newspaper column without saying even one
word of truth against the murders committed on our side - I sink into
depression. Justice is one and cannot be divided. You cannot use the part
that serves you and cast off the other part, because in so doing you destroy
the very essence of justice, which is supposed to be the intellectual's
principle weapon."

"The Palestinian intellectuals left the condemnation of these acts of murder

to the Palestinian Authority and its spokesmen, and thus hypocritically
excused themselves [from taking a stance]. They hid behind the PA and easily
rid themselves of the embarrassment of confronting their public with the

"The truth is that if we want to flog the hypocritical Israeli
intellectuals, the only instrument we can use is adherence to the scales of
justice; we cannot abandon or break them. By adhering to the scales of
justice, we can make them walk on sword- blades and injure their feet,
[undermine] their morals, and expose their hypocrisy."

"There is no doubt that we are the oppressed. We are the persecuted and we
are in the right, generally speaking. However, the oppressed and the
persecuted are [also responsible] for sins and heinous acts. We must not be
silent about these sins and crimes, even if it turns people's anger against
us. For because justice is our demand; it is the roof that shades our heads,
and without it we will stand naked like Amos Oz, A.B. Yehoshua and others,
who, at the end of the day, justify murder and occupation and feel
comfortable in the shade of their national consensus - the shade of the
government of the murderer Sharon." (1)


(1) Al-Quds (PA), March 1, 2001.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent,
non-profit organization 

[CTRL] Why Liberalism and Progressivism is not enough to deal with the most serious issues.

2001-03-08 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Radical - No. Not the wild eyed, Molotov slinging, variety. I'm talking
about the real meaning of radical. From the word R-A-D which means _ ROOT.

For most periods of societal existence, Progressives' function is to move
the society forward and prevent stagnation. The function of Conservatives
is to act as a societal flywheel by keeping stability. Both are necessary
for a healthy society.

But things are always changing. At certain points in societal development,
both Conservatives AND Progressives perform the function of maintaining
the status quo. Progressives take on the function of conservatives. They no
longer move the society forward, but merely tweak the " system." This is
because they are now comfortable within the system even if that system is
indisputably harmful to themselves and others.

At this point it falls to radicals to kick Progressives in the ass to remind
them what it means to really be progressive. Radicals never lose sight of
what roots are. It is in their nature to do so.

For most of a society's existence, radicals are annoying. But at the birth,
and more importantly in the decline period of a civilization/culture/society's
transition, it's ONLY the radicals who have kept a clear vision.

Tweaking the status quo is no longer the right tool for the job at hand.
Progressives ( honest ones, anyway ) know what needs to be done. Eventually
they will come around to do what needs to be done because like most of the

The root of almost all our most serious problems is our economic system.
Capitalism is the first or second main reason for the wanton destruction of
our biosphere. The one we need to live in. The lumberjacks cutting down the
Amazon ( the "lungs" of our planet ) are not doing it for the exercise. They
are being paid to do it by companies who will use the world's natural
resources for personal profit.

The economic system is why our political system is corrupt and primarily serves
the Rich and their instrument of destruction, the corporation. The corporations
in turn, now dominate EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE. What you eat. What you wear.
What you play. How long you work. What your income will be. What music will
reach your ears. Further more, it's the economic system itself, which has forced
the destruction of this society, by forcing both parents to go to work for it.
The results are what is happening to the new generations. Their schooling is
designed to produce shallow consumers, and docile employees which are easily
distracted by corporate owned sports, TV, movies, crappy books, and even the

No one is being taught how to think. We are no longer Homo Sapiens Sapien.
We have devolved into Homo Economicus. A creature too stupid to survive the
changes that nature has in store for us.

The story below is an example of why Progressivism has become useless. The
economic system co-opts all. It IS the cancer of the planet. Progressivism
is like taking aspirin for a brain tumor. I am very, very sorry to say.


Subject: German Greens 'Come Of Age': Back Bombing, Nuclear Waste Transport

Thursday, March 8 2:01 AM SGT

Germany's Greens, in new realpolitik, seek healthy
BERLIN, March 7 (AFP) -
The junior partners in Germany's government, the
Greens, will argue in a party congress this weekend
against their Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's decision
to permit the transportation nuclear waste but will
nonetheless continue to back their coalition pertners.

Like Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, a former
radical turned Greens leader who is a leading member
of the government of Social Democrat Chancellor
Gerhard Schroeder, the Greens have come of age

"The Greens have had a new conscisouness of
themselves, since almost a year," their managing
director Reinhard Buetikofer told a news conference
ahead of a congress in the western city of Stuttgart
from Friday to Sunday.

Typical of their new realism and moderation, the party
founded in 1979 out of anti-nuclear and pacifist
movements backed NATO bombing in Kosovo in 1999.

They have compromised also on a platform promise to
see Germany abandon nuclear energy, accepting a new
timetable for a switch from nuclear that was much
slower than they had wished.

In a press statement distributed Wednesday, the Greens
leadership said their achievement has been to give the
government "an ecological and social" slant, despite
their inability to get everything they want under

Renate Kunaest, currently party co-leader but due to
be replaced in Stuttgart, is now agriculture minister,
heading a government drive to increase organic farming
in an effort to combat by-products of industrial
farming such as mad cow disease.

Radicalism remains strong among the rank-and-file,
however, and Buetikofer said the congress will be
aiming to resolve differences 

[CTRL] Anybody wanna take bets on the outcome? Campaign finance reform.

2001-03-08 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

   Campaign Finance Crossroads
   Wed, 7 Mar 2001 22:41:28 -0600 (CST)

Please take a moment to read the following editorial on campaign finance reform
appeared in The New York Times.

March 7, 2001

Campaign Finance Crossroads

In 10 days the Senate will enter a period of maximum opportunity for campaign
reform. At long last there is to be a full debate, free of filibuster threats, on
McCain-Feingold bill banning soft money and imposing other fund-raising controls.
the debate will also be fraught with peril. Though the bill has long had the full
support of Senate Democrats, some of them are suddenly developing misgivings now
its enactment might actually take place. Today we urge all Democrats and
who have supported the bill not to waver or push for amendments that would imperil
the best chance in a generation to clean up American politics.

Nobody is arguing that the McCain-Feingold bill is perfect or the last word in
campaign reform. But by banning the unregulated donations to political parties by
corporations, unions and rich individuals, the bill would take a giant step. Soft
money has been at the core of most recent fund-raising scandals. You would think
memories of the 1996 campaign alone would give any Democrat pause in slowing down
process of reform.

There may be something to the argument that Democrats will find it harder than
Republicans to adjust to a regimen that requires parties to raise money in smaller
amounts from more individuals. But that is no reason to turn against a reform
by banning gigantic donations to parties, will sharply reduce fund-raising abuses.

Until this year, the main tactic of the majority leader, Trent Lott, and other
opponents of campaign reform had been to block it with a filibuster. Now that
seem to be 60 votes to cut off debate, the Republicans will try to amend the bill
with "poison pill" measures designed to repel the Democrats. One of these, the
"paycheck protection" measure, would require members' permission for spending
money on political activities. Offering such an anti-labor provision is designed
drive Democrats away, and Democrats have to stand united to keep the bill free of
such disabling amendments.

A separate concern is the possibility that some Democrats, not always well
intentioned, may try to broaden the bill in the name of reform and, in the
repel Republican votes. Right now the McCain-Feingold bill has a provision barring
independent groups from raising funds from unions and corporations for broadcast
that mention the name of a candidate two months before an election. Some
senators say they want to go further and impose restrictions on soft money for all
political activity by independent groups. Many of these proposals have merit, but
their inclusion as amendments might undermine the bill's chances.

One of the most sensitive issues facing the Senate is whether, by banning soft
the bill ought to raise the ceilings on regular "hard money" contributions to the
candidates themselves from the level they have been at since 1974. There may be an
argument for doing so. But the senators have to be careful not to raise these
ceilings in such a wanton way that soft money is effectively legalized by being

The Senate Democratic leader, Tom Daschle, has been effective in holding the
Democrats together for campaign finance reform. Now that victory is within sight,
needs to rally his troops and tell them not to falter. In 1993, the last time
was such an opportunity, some Democrats advised the newly elected president, Bill
Clinton, that reform should not be a top priority. It was bad advice, and it
in a period of terrible excesses by Democrats and Republicans alike. The coming
debate will serve as one of Mr. Daschle's biggest challenges to date. But if he
the Democrats can meet it, they will long be remembered for rising to the occasion
and putting the nation's interest first.


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[CTRL] [Fwd: rkm The birth of capitalism]

2001-03-08 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: rkm The birth of capitalism
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 02:57:47 +
From: "Richard K. Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The birth of capitalism

The story of capitalism begins in the late 1700s in Scotland and northern England,
with the birth of the Industrial Revolution.  Several particular ingredients came
together there, which collectively launched the world onto its current path. One
of those ingredients was an impressive series of mechanical inventions (e.g., the
steam engine), leading to a multifold increase in the rate and scale of
manufacture. Another ingredient was the nature of the British economy - which had
for some time been organized around specialization and trade.

Different regions of Britain had specialized in the production of different kinds
of goods, first for the London market  and later - as the British Empire expanded
- for international markets.  What this meant is that a more efficient producer
could always find a market for his cheaper goods.  Rather than being limited by
the size of a local market, there was always the opportunity to capture a share of
the huge trade that flowed through London. Thus when the tools of industrial
manufacture came along, they could immediately be put to very profitable use. An
enterprising entrepreneur who saw the potential of a new invention, and who
invested boldly, was able to amass a huge fortune.  He could set up a large-scale
manufacturing plant, mass-produce goods below the cost of earlier methods, and
rapidly capture a share of the large existing markets.

A new way of creating fortunes had been born. Instead of slowly amassing wealth
over a lifetime, or risking a voyage in search of treasure, there was now a
systematic way to amass wealth relatively quickly.  A person with money to invest
could seek out the latest leading-edge inventions, develop a still-more efficient
factory - and steal market share from his now-outdated rivals.  A way had been
found to use money to transform initiative  innovation into wealth. Out with the
old methods, in with the new methods - and behind it always the investor - driving
the process while amassing a fortune. This method of amassing wealth was
eventually given the name capitalism.  A capitalist is someone who invests money
in an enterprise with the objective of receiving more in return than was invested.

The consequences of these developments were far reaching.  The availability of
cheaper products, and the wealth of a few entrepreneurs, was the least of it.
People's livelihoods were destroyed, as their locally based enterprises were
forced out of business. They moved to towns and became factory employees, usually
under appalling conditions. The vitality of rural life was undermined and
industrial cities arose, with their slums, crime, and diseases.  Society is a
system, and if one part changes, those changes ripple out and effect other parts -
in ways both intended and unintended.  The goal of entrepreneurs and investors was
simply to amass wealth, but their initiatives led to profound societal changes.

A third ingredient of British society - its hierarchical class system -
contributed to the way in which these changes unfolded. Those at the bottom of the
hierarchy were long accustomed to being exploited, and being subject to the will
of their 'betters'.  Their domestication to hierarchy prepared them well for
living in slum conditions and working under the thumb of oppressive bosses.  But
those at the top of the hierarchy were also affected, and they were in a better
position to protect their interests against the changes that were being brought
about by capitalist investors and entrepreneurs.

Although the nature of the British economy served to promote capitalist success,
there were also aspects of the economic regime which placed limits on that
success.  The dominant economic doctrine of the day was mercantilism, whose static
definition of wealth did not fit well with the dynamics of capitalist innovation.
Tariffs, taxes, and various kinds of restrictions hampered the growth of
capitalist development.  The economic regime was designed to protect the wealth
and power of the aristocratic class, and capitalist upstarts soon began to see the
existing regime as an obstacle to their ambitions. The paradigm of capitalism had
been wealth accumulation through initiative  innovation, and it was only natural
that the creative energies of capitalists would turn eventually from technology to
politics.  In the early days, when markets seemed inexhaustible, the creative
focus was on new technologies and larger-scale production.  But as markets began
to saturate, and growth slowed down, creative attention turned to the political
barriers that stood in the way of further wealth accumulation.

Capitalism became in part a 

[CTRL] Capitalism ubber alles: Who needs Monarchs anyway?

2001-03-08 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

   Mexico loggers said to have deliberately wiped out 22 million
   Monarch butterflies
   Wed, 7 Mar 2001 20:19:38 -0600 (CST)
   "Mark Graffis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Wednesday, March 7, 2001
   By Elizabeth Fullerton

   To regain protected forest land, loggers may have deliberately wiped
   out some 22 million Monarch butterflies which migrate annually from
   Canada to Mexico for the winter, a top environmentalist said Tuesday.

   Homero Aridjis, head of the environmental lobby Group of 100, told
   Reuters loggers were believed to have sprayed pesticide on the orange
   and black butterflies in order to regain some 216 square miles of
   forest declared protected by the government.

   "There has been a massive slaughter of the butterflies in two
   sanctuaries," Aridjis said. "This will affect the reproduction process
   completely. Now we don't know how many butterflies will come this

   Millions of monarch butterflies migrate some 3,000 miles annually to
   flee the icy winter in Canada and the United States for the warmer fir
   forests in Mexico's central Michoacan state, some 70 miles west of
   Mexico City.

   For five months of the year, Michoacan's trees are turned into a
   flaming orange and the forest is carpeted with the delicate winged

   The migration has taken place for the past 10,000 years, Aridjis said.
   The butterflies normally arrive in early November and return north to
   lay eggs at the end of March.

   In November last year, the government of former President Ernesto
   Zedillo extended the land devoted to five sanctuaries.

   The move was in response to a study showing that farming and illegal
   logging had destroyed 44 percent of the original forest since 1971.
   Without drastic action, the study predicted the original forest would
   disappear in under 50 years.

   "The new decree could have prompted this," Aridjis said. "If there are
   no butterflies they can claim the trees without problem."

   But government environmental watchdog Profepa said it had not heard of
   the butterfly slaughter, according to inspector Joel Rodriguez.

   "We haven't ever registered people using pesticides. But it's one of
   the zones where they have the most illegal logging," he said. "It (the
   butterfly deaths) could also be a result of the freezing this winter
   which happens every four or five years."

   The U.S.-based nonprofit group Packard Foundation donated more than $5
   million to the Worldwide Fund for Nature to help the Mexican
   government rent or buy logging rights from local residents to
   compensate for lost income while developing alternative job sources.

   Aridjis said the loggers had targeted two sanctuaries --Cerro San
   Andres and Las Palomas - in the past two weeks.

   "The wings of the butterflies found inert on the ground had a strange
   luster and there was a smell of pesticide and petrol in the
   sanctuaries," he said.

   Copyright 2001, Reuters

  Copyright  2001 Environmental News Network Inc.

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[CTRL] Welcome to the New World Order.

2001-03-07 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday 7 March 2001
Euro-court outlaws criticism of EU

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels

THE European Court of Justice ruled yesterday that the European Union can
lawfully suppress political criticism of its institutions and of leading
figures, sweeping aside English Common Law and 50 years of European
precedents on civil liberties.
The EU's top court found that the European Commission was entitled to sack
Bernard Connolly, a British economist dismissed in 1995 for writing a
critique of European monetary integration entitled The Rotten Heart of

The ruling stated that the commission could restrict dissent in order to
"protect the rights of others" and punish individuals who "damaged the
institution's image and reputation". The case has wider implications for
free speech that could extend to EU citizens who do not work for the
Brussels bureaucracy.

The court called the Connolly book "aggressive, derogatory and insulting",
taking particular umbrage at the author's suggestion that Economic and
Monetary Union was a threat to democracy, freedom and "ultimately peace".

However, it dropped an argument put forward three months ago by the
advocate-general, Damaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer, which implied that Mr
Connolly's criticism of the EU was akin to extreme blasphemy, and therefore
not protected speech.

Mr Connolly, who has been told to pay the European Commission's legal costs,
said the proceedings did not amount to a fair hearing. He said: "We're back
to the Star Chamber and Acts of Attainder: the rights of defendants are not
respected or guaranteed in any way; the offence of seditious libel has been

Mr Colomer wrote in his opinion last November that a landmark British case
on free speech had "no foundation or relevance" in European law, suggesting
that the European Court was unwilling to give much consideration to British
legal tradition.

Mr Connolly now intends to take his case to Europe's other court, the non-EU
European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

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[CTRL] Why The U.S.A. Dropped The A-Bomb on Japan

2001-03-07 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

The URL for his article is

[Emperor's Clothes]

Why The U.S.A. Dropped The A-Bomb on Japan
by Michael W. Stowell [2-27-2001]

 "A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance
of being
 right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom." (Thomas
 "Common Sense" 1776)

On July 17, 1945, U.S. President Harry Truman, British Prime Minister Winston
Churchill and the
Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin met in Potsdam, Germany to discuss surrender terms
for the
Japanese and Russia's planned entry into the Pacific campaign. Stalin had received
communications outlining a conditional surrender that would allow Japanese Emperor
Hirohito to
remain as a ceremonial functionary.

Hours earlier, approximately 230 miles from Los Alamos, New Mexico in the Jornada
del Mueto
valley at the "Trinity" test site, the world's first atomic bomb was detonated.
After viewing the
horrific explosion the director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, J. Robert
quoted the Bhagavad-Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Scientists working on plutonium production at the "Metallurgical Project"
laboratory at the
University of Chicago debated whether the atomic bomb should be used against
Japan. A
committee chaired by Nobel laureate James Franck urged the United States to
demonstrate the
new weapon on a barren island. Conversely, another all-civilian group named the
Committee", chaired by Secretary of War Henry Stimson, advised that the weapon be

However, Stimson also stated

 "I am inclined to think that there is enough such chance to make it well
 our giving them a warning of what is to come and a definite opportunity to
 capitulate. We have the following enormously favorable factors on our side,
 much weightier that those we had against Germany: Japan has no allies; Her
navy is
 nearly destroyed and she is vulnerable to a surface and underwater blockade
 can deprive her of sufficient food and supplies for her population; She is
 vulnerable to our concentrated air attack upon her crowded cities, industrial
and food
 resources; She has against her not only Anglo-American forces but the rising
 of China and the ominous threat of Russia."

"During his (Secretary of War Henry Stimson's) recitation of the relative facts, I
had been
conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings:
first, on the
basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was
unnecessary, and secondly, because I thought that our country should avoid
shocking the world
opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer
mandatory as a
measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very
moment, seeking
some way to surrender with a minimum loss of "face." The secretary was deeply
perturbed by
my attitude." (General Dwight D. Eisenhower)

President Truman's private journal and correspondence written at the time of the
indicate that contrary to his public justification of the bombings as the only way
to end the war
without a costly invasion of Japan, Truman had already concluded that Japan was
about to
capitulate. Whether or not he was correct in this estimate of when the war would
end, the fact
that he held this view at the time he made his decision to use the atomic bombs is
clearly set
down in his own hand.

"I cannot speak for the others but it was ever present in my mind that it was
important that we
have an end to the war before the Russians came in...Neither the President nor I
were anxious
to have them (the Soviets) enter the war after we had learned of this successful
(atomic) test."
(James Byrnes, Secretary of State 1945-47)

"Mr. Byrnes did not argue that it was necessary to use the bomb against the cities
of Japan in
order to win the war...Mr. Byrnes view (was) that our possessing and demonstrating
the bomb
would make Russia more managable in Europe." (Leo Szilard, Nuclear Physicist)

"The use of the atomic bombs was precipitated by a desire to end the war in the
Pacific by any
means before Russia's participation. I'm sure if President Roosevelt had still
been there, none of
that would have been possible." (Albert Einstein)

According to Admiral William D. Leahy, Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
President Truman's
Chief of Staff: "The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because
of the
effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons... In
being the
first to use it [the atomic bomb], we had adopted an ethical standard common to
the barbarians
of the Dark Ages."

"It would be a mistake to suppose that the fate 

[CTRL] [Fwd: [populist-talk] The United States of America - The best government that money can buy]

2001-03-07 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 


[populist-talk] The United States of America - The best government
that money can buy


Wed, 7 Mar 2001 13:17:26 -0800








"Harold Young" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jeff Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Vol. 6, #9 March 7, 2001
tel: 202-857-0044, fax: 202-857-7809
web: www.opensecrets.org
Tax Cuts:
A Look at What Some Special Interests
By Holly Bailey
When the U.S. House tomorrow takes
up President Bush's ambitious
$1.6 trillion tax cut, corporations
and trade groups once looking
to attach a long list of tax breaks
to the proposal supposedly
will go home empty-handed.
It's not that the plan doesn't include
some plums for corporate
America. Bush is asking for a permanent
extension of the so-called
Research and Experimentation tax credit,
a corporate subsidy
valued by almost every industry in
the nation that will cost
taxpayers about $50 billion over the
next decade, according to
the Office of Management and Budget.
To hear business groups tell it, they
are, in fact, thrilled
about the wide reach of tax plan itself.
>From its cut in tax
rates for individuals to a proposed
phase out of the estate tax,
some of Washington's biggest trade
associations contend they
couldn't be happier with Bush's proposal.
To prove so, they've
organized nearly a half-dozen coalitions
to lobby Congress and
steer public opinion in favor of the
But while the White House reportedly
has adopted a hard stance
against including corporate subsidies
in the tax plan, there's
no guarantee that Congress will toe
the party line. After all,
the people who paid the estimated
$3 billion tab for last year's
record-breaking elections are looking
for a return on that investment,
and the tax bill provides an irresistible
vehicle for achieving
that goal.
Here's a guide to what some of those
interests want, including
a breakdown of their soft money, PAC
and individual contributions
to federal parties and candidates
during 1999-2000:
Computer/Internet Industry
Contributions Total: $38.6 million,
52 percent to Democrats
In addition to pressing for an extension
of the Research and
Experimentation tax credits, the computer
industry thinks software
should be considered a depreciable
asset, while Microsoft Corp
($4.5 million; 53 percent to Repubs)
simply wants the cost of
software to be written off as a business
expense. Internet companies,
meanwhile, are pressing for tax credits
to expand high-speed
Internet access networks around the
Automotive Industry
Contributions Total: $17.6 million,
79 percent to Republicans
The auto industry is not only pressing
for an overall tax cut
in hopes of boosting sagging auto
salesbut also for credits that
would encourage consumers to purchase
vehicles built using new
technology, such as the gasoline-electric
hybrid cars. Ford Motor
Co ($772,125; 71 percent to Repubs)
and General Motors ($688,803;
73 percent to Repubs) also are hoping
to change the way the government
taxes multinational companies.
Oil  Gas
Contributions: $32.4 million, 78 percent
to Republicans
Electric Utilities
Contributions: $18.4 million, 68 percent
to Republicans
Contributions: $6.5 million, 86 percent
to Republicans
With two former oil industry executives
in the White House, there's
perhaps no other industry better positioned
to gain financial
favor from the government than energy
companies. But you won't
find any specific tax incentives for
the industry in the Bush
plan. Instead, it appears Congress
will be the one stepping to
the plate, which it did last week.
One day before Bush delivered
his budget to Congress, Senate Energy
Committee Chairman Frank
Murkowski (R-Alaska) unveiled the
National Energy Security Act
of 2001, a bill that doles out billions
of dollars in tax subsidies
for energy companies, according to
the watchdog group Taxpayers
for Common Sense. Among the items:
a much-sought-after reduction
in the royalties that oil companies
pay the government for drilling
on public land and incentives for
nuclear power plants to produce
more energy.
Restaurants  Bars
Contributions: $8 million, 71 percent
to Republicans
Almost six years after Congress repealed
a tax deduction for
the "three-martini" business lunch,
the restaurant industry is
pushing to reinstate that deduction.
The write-off currently
is 50 percent of the cost of a business
meal, and the industry,
led by the National Restaurant Association
($836,534; 86 percent
to the GOP), wants the deduction increased
to 80 percent.
Finance/Insurance/Real Estate
Contributions: $293 million, 59 percent
to Republicans
The financial sector is looking to
increase the amount people
can invest in private retirement accounts
or 401K plans. They
are also seeking a reduction in the
capital gains tax, which
is levied against the sale of stocks,

[CTRL] Never, ever, trust your elites! -- j2

2001-03-06 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was
known to the United States..." ARMY BOARD, 1944

President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and
covered up his
failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to
declare war,
since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in
Europe. It was
his backdoor to war.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WATER IS LIFE. Don't let them corporatize your water.

2001-03-06 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Think of oil and gas in corporate hands.


 Our New Resource Crisis
 By Peter Phillips

 Imagine, that we are beyond the energy crisis-in
 that we are used to paying double or triple prices
 for what in the previous century was a small part of
 the family budget.  But now we are faced with a new
 shortage that taps another precious resource.  Water
 only comes through the tap fours hours a day and we
 are forced to pay ten to hundred times what we paid
 in the 90s. Welcome to the world of privatized
 water, where fresh water is treated like a
 commodity, traded and sold in the international
 market to the highest bidder.

 No longer can you assume a God-given right to drink
 from a mountain spring, but instead you will have to
 pay a toll to drink from Enron Springs, Monsanto
 Wells or receive tap water from Bechtel Water Works.
 Global consumption of water is doubling every 20
 years, more than twice the rate of human population
 growth.  According to the United Nations, more than
 one billion people already lack access to fresh
 drinking water. If current trends persist, by 2025
 the demand for fresh water is expected to rise by 56
 percent more than the amount of water that is
 currently available.  Multinational corporations
 recognize these trends and are trying to monopolize
 water supplies around the world.  Monsanto, Bechtel,
 Enron and other global multinationals are seeking
 control of world water systems and supplies.

 The World Bank recently adopted a policy of water
 privatization and full-cost water pricing.  This
 policy is causing great distress in many Third World
 countries, which fear that their citizens will not
 be able to afford for-profit water.

 Last year in a little known case of high scale
 international water marketing, a supertanker was
 reported to have filled up with water from Lake Erie
 and after paying the Canadian Government they
 shipped the water to Southeast Asia.

 Maude Barlow, chair of the Council of Canadians,
 Canada's largest public advocacy group, states,
 "Governments around the world must act now to
 declare water a fundamental human right and prevent
 efforts to privatize, export, and sell for profit a
 substance essential to all life. Research has shown
 that selling water on the open market only delivers
 it to wealthy cities and individuals.  The finite
 sources of freshwater (less than one half of one per
 cent of the world's total water stock) are being
 diverted, depleted, and polluted so fast that, by
 the year 2025, two-thirds of the world's population
 will be living in a state of serious water
 deprivation." Governments are signing away their
 control over domestic water supplies by
 participating in trade treaties such as the North
 American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and in
 institutions such as the World Trade Organization
 (WTO).  These agreements give transnational
 corporations the unprecedented right to the water of
 signatory !

 Monsanto plans to earn revenues of $420 million and
 a net income of $63 million by 2008 from its water
 business in India and Mexico.  Monsanto estimates
 that water will become a multibillion-dollar market
 in the coming decades.

 This international water crisis news story was
 selected by over 150 faculty and student researchers
 at Sonoma State University's Project Censored in
 California as the number one most censored news
 story for 2000.  Credit for original reporting goes

 International Forum on Globalization: Special Report
 6/99, The Global Water
 Crisis and the Commodification of the World's Water
 Supply by Maude Barlow

 THIS, July/August 2000, Just Add Water by Jim Shultz
 In These Times, Water Fallout: Bolivians Battle
 Globalization 5/15/00 by
 Jim Shultz www.inthesetimes.com

 Canadian Dimension, 2/2000, Monsanto's
 Water Monopoly Plans
 by Vandana Shiva

 Canadian Dimension, 2/00, Water Fallout, by Jim

 San Francisco Bay Guardian, 5/31/00, Trouble on Tap,
 by Daniel Zoll

 San Francisco Bay Guardian, 5/31/00, The Earth
 Wrecker, by Pratap Chatterjee

 Peter Phillips is an Associate Professor of
 Sociology at Sonoma State University and Director of
 Project Censored. Research for this story is from
 the book Censored 2001, 25th Anniversary Edition,
 scheduled for release in March of this year from
 Seven Stories Press.

 Peter Phillips Ph.D.
 Sociology Department/Project Censored
 Sonoma State University
 1801 East Cotati Ave.
 Rohnert Park, CA 94928

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Re: [CTRL] WARNING: US military developing non-lethal weapons.

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Bob Stokes wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 3/3/01 9:39:01 AM Mountain Standard Time,

  Since it is safe and rational to assume that the ONLY military which
  used nuclear weapons to wipe out  two entire cities for the purpose
  of propaganda does not really give a damn about human life, why are
  they pouring so much money into non-lethal weapons.

 You have a very warped view of history, but maybe that's the way our Statist
 government wants people to view WWII.  Maybe they want to turn everyone into
 pacifists so we won't fight back when they try to enslave us totally.  You
 seem to forget that the Japanese wiped out Pearl Harbor and murdered
 thousands of people both military and civilian.  You seem to forget that we
 dropped leaflets on Hiroshima and Nagasaki telling the population to run for
 the hills because we were going to decimate their town if the Emperor didn't
 surrender.  You also seem to forget the military is under civilian control;
 the President ordered the bombings.  Just where do you get this hypothesis
 that the bombings of these two cities were propaganda?  It was to prevent an
 invasion of Honshu which would have resulted in millions of deaths on both

I'm afraid that YOU are the one who has been mis-educated by the ' gubment'.
There are several good sources from that era as well as more recent ones
which make it quite clear that Roosevelt forced the Japanese to attack us
so that he could get us into a war.

  Answer: To use domestically against civilians.

 All the more reason to be armed, to protect against such tyranny and
 governmental abuse,

You are INSANE if you think you can stand up to the US Gov if it decides to
take your guns, or anything else it wants to do to you. INSANE!

 but if you have your way we will be disarmed and
 helpless.  You should learn that fabian socialism/communism/fascism's goals
 includes disarming of citizens so they will be helpless against the "Mother"
 State.  Government is not your friend.  Government is raw force that needs to
 be controlled, not set free to run amuck.

I agree 1000%. But dead gun nuts will just create another health hazard as they
lay rotting in the streets.

  Answer: To sell the technology to other countries for the same purpose. 

 If we stop these weapons from being used successfully here, maybe other
 countries wouldn't want to buy these weapons to use against their own

This is a very important point. We, as American citizens can do much to
prevent the misery our economic and political systems are foisting upon the
rest of the world.


 The second amendment is the most important part of the
 Constitution for the only defense against and armed force is a bigger armed
 force and the armed citizens of this country outnumber the military in
 overwhelming numbers at this time.

Ridiculous. But Darwin has a way of dealing with people afflicted with
ideological brain damage.


 Bob Stokes

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Even so, I doubt that boonie towns were integrated.

 If the OT has any truth to it, the suppression of paganism within
 Israelite controlled territory went on for something like 800 years. To
 me this says pagans were spread around pretty widely.

Of course they were spread widely. There was only ONE group who were not
Pagans. Wanna guess?

 That's my point. She either did or didn't exist, or if she did exist,
 she could have been anybody.

 Not just anybody, but there are a number of possibilities. What exactly
 she was, we’ll never know. Those guys who say that they do know are

You got that right.

 Poor Pagans. I guess the I guess the Jews gave them a hard time about
 burring their children and other human sacrifices.

 Some pagans did that. Most didn’t. The pagans best known to us for the
 practice were the Carthagenians.

Not in my neighborhood. The best known, were the Moloch worshipers.

 They were annihilated as a people by
 other pagans, the Romans.
 Romans thought the custom was disgusting,
 probably because it was something their chief rivals did.

Evidently the same didn't apply to the charms of crucifixion which
the Romans got to like very well.

 Jews of that era tended to treat their rivals harshly, falling upon
 them, smiting them, rendering them asunder and what not. They certainly
 couldn’t claim any moral high ground.

Oh yes they could. You are thinking in modern terms. Bad as all this smiting
and rending asunder was, it was nothing compared to the common cruelties of
the period.

 They weren’t very nice to each
 other, either. They stoned adulterers,

Don't knock being a stoned adulterer until you've tried it.

 for example, also juvenile
 delinquents. On the other hand,  for almost two thousand years, Jews
 were arguably the most peace loving People on earth.

They had no choice. They didn't have an army.

 Most of them still
 are.  But that came later.

 If you mean Hellenism. Yes. If you mean something else, then not

 Hellenism for sure, what else we don’t know. Persian religious thought,
 and presumably some practice, was quite popular among a large numbers of
 Jews of the time. A case can be made that portions of modern Judaism is
 are Persian grafts.

Could be.

  This is a good observation, but consider this. James, Jesus' brother
   a NAZIR. A Nazir is the ONLY instance in Jewish culture where it is
   to put aside the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. In other
   if one dedicates his life to the service of god, he may be a monk.

 Good point. I hadn’t thought of that. Tell us more about the Nazir.

 James was a Nazir

 Source on that?

Acts ( 21:18-23 ). The final showdown between Paul and James. James tells
Paul about penitents in the temple who have taken an oath upon themselves
(Consecrated=Nazir). The Nazirite oath as described in the book of numbers
and further elucidated in the Talmud.

Samson was a Nazirite too. He derived his strength from his personal holyness.
Not from his long hair. Nazirs did not cut their hair or play hide the salami.
When Delilah cut Samson's hair, it was symbolic that Samson renegged on his
oath and was no longer a 'separated one'. A consecrated one. A holy roller.
He lost his god given special power. You know the rest.

  He apparently got some part of John the Baptist's movement.

 Apparently. That’s certainly what Nag Hammadi points to.


 This of course ALL speculation. But it's speculation within the correct

 It’s still speculation, though. To get really beyond speculation we’ll
 need for more data to come in. Hopefully some archeologist will luck out
 and find some documentation. It’s possible. Given enough time, it’s even
 likely.  Seeing it reach the mass media when it happens, is a little
 less likely. But we can hope.

I don't know. I would guess that anything found that relates to that period
would be sensational and well covered.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Church Committee on the CIA in Academia. 4/26/76

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Excerpts from The Final Report of the Select
To Study Governmental Operations
With Respect To Intelligence Activities ("Church
Book I, "Foreign and Military
Intelligence," U.S. Senate, April 26, 1976

 The Church Committee on the CIA in Academia


 Committee's note: The material italicized in this report has been
substantially abridged at the request
 of the executive agencies.

 The Central Intelligence Agency has long-developed clandestine relationships
with the
 American academic community, which range from academics making introductions
 intelligence purposes to intelligence collection while abroad, to academic
research and
 writing where CIA sponsorship is hidden.

 The Central Intelligence Agency is now using several hundred American
 ("academics" includes administrators, faculty members and graduate students
 engaged in teaching), who in addition to providing leads and, on occasion,
 introductions for intelligence purposes, occasionally write books and other
 to be used for propaganda purposes abroad. Beyond these, an additional few
 are used in an unwitting manner for minor activities.

 These academics are located in over 100 American colleges, universities, and
 related institutes. At the majority of institutions, no one other than the
 concerned is aware of the CIA link. At the others, at least one university
official is
 aware of the operational use made of academics on his campus. In addition,
 are several American academics abroad who serve operational purposes,
 the collection of intelligence.

 Although the numbers are not as great today as in 1966, there are no
 to prevent an increase in the operational use of academics. The size of these
 operations is determined by the CIA.

 With the exception of those teachers, scholars and students who receive
 scholarships or grants from the Board of Foreign Scholarships, the CIA is not
 prohibited from the operational use of all other categories of grantee
support under
 the Fullbright-Hays Act (artists, athletes, leaders, specialists, etc.). Nor
is there any
 prohibition on the operational use of individuals participating in any other
 program funded by the United States Government.

 The Committee is disturbed both by the present practices of operationally
 American academics and by the awareness that the restraints on expanding this
 practice are primarily those of sensitivity to the risks of disclosure and
not an
 appreciation of dangers to the integrity of individuals and institutions.

 The Committee believes that it is the responsibility of private institutions
 particularly the American academic community to set the professional and
 standards of its members.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] How it's done: Agency-Academic Relations

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

[ The CIA asked University of California administrator Earl Clinton Bolton, who
was spending
some time at CIA headquarters, to suggest ideas on how to improve relations
between the
Agency and academia. ]

Academia 01, p.1

5 August 1968
SUBJECT: Agency-Academic Relations

This is an attempt to make some observations and suggestions about
Agency-academic relations. In doing so I am grateful for the stimulus
furnished by your outline. Although I believe I have addressed myself to most
of the questions you have raised I have done so in free form rather than by a
point by point consideration. I have also used "head notes" for purposes of
organization and in an attempt to highlight the crucial questions in the

Justifying an Agency-Academic Relationship: Let me stress at the outset
that I believe Agency-academic relations are for the most part very good.
Though I have no quantitative data to support such a conclusion my guess is
that 99% of the members of the academy would be willing to assist the
Agency if properly and skillfully approached, and that only a small fraction of
that other 1% would be angered by an invitation to assist or would attempt to
embarrass the Agency in any way.

However, on occasion when a university or an individual has acknowledged
any contact with the Agency there has been some outcry by a few vocal
members of the academic community.

In a later part of this paper I suggest "an affirmative program" designed to
improve the Agency's reputation in academic circles and thus decrease the
risks (costs) of association with the Agency. However, until either the passage
of time or an image bolstering plan changes the cliches of the moment an
educational institution or individual electing to assist the Agency may be on
the defensive.

In my view the best way to defend association with the Agency when such a
defense is necessary is:

 1. By relating work for the Agency to one of the traditional functions of a
 university; and

Academia 01, p.2

 2. By basing the defense or rejoinder on long established academic

The Functions of a University: There is almost universal agreement that
universities do (and properly should) engage in the following basic functions:

 1. The preservation and transmission of knowledge to their constituency
 (i.e. the so-called teaching function); and

 2. The testing of that which is currently accepted as "truth" and the
 discovery of new truth (i.e. the research function); and

 3. The performance for society's benefit of those functions which can best
 (or exclusively) be performed by a university (i.e. the public service

Authorities will differ as to whether a sub-function e.g. the training of a
leadership elite to be innovative and responsive should be included under "1"
or "3" above, but there is little disagreement that what higher education is all
about is encompassed within these general goals.

The Agency should phrase its requests to academia in such a way that the
service being sought relates as clearly and directly as possible to one of these
traditional functions and when necessary the university and individual scholar
should explain involvement with the Agency as a contribution to one of these
proper academic goals. It should also be stressed that when an apologia is
necessary it can best be made: (1) by some distant academic who is not
under attack, (2) in a "respectable" publication of general circulation (e.g.
Harpers, Saturday Review, Vital Speeches, etc.), and (3) with full use of the
jargon of the academy (as illustrated below).

Traditional Mores of the Academic: Every profession develops a certain
ethical or philosophical penumbra which is more or less sacred and which
protects from attack the most vulnerable or least understood rites of that
profession. This body of doctrine usually develops by "common law" and is
subsequently codified. (Incidentally the codified dogma never precisely
articulates the full scope of the protective doctrines; hence there is sufficient
vagueness in the total traditions of the profession to provide a skillful
polemicist with formidable ammunition for defense.)

Academia 01, p.3

Two doctrines fiercely protected by the academy are "academic freedom" and
"privilege and tenure." The former is the absolute right of the scholar to
investigate any subject within his competence, in any lawful way, at any time.
The latter doctrine holds that a fully initiated member of the profession has
certain irrevocable privileges, including but not limited to, the right to
continue his association with the university until retirement without fear of
termination except for a very few egregious offenses.

When attacked for aiding the Agency the academic (or institution) should base
a rejoinder on these sacred doctrines. For example, a professor's right to
undertake classified research is unassailable if he stands on the 

[CTRL] Dulles Papers Reveal CIA Consulting Network

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


A reminder. George Bush Sr. was head of CIA from Yale.  -- Joshua2

Forerunner, April 29, 1980

 Panel met secretly in Princeton

  Dulles Papers Reveal CIA Consulting Network

by John Cavanagh

A government which corrupts its colleges and universities by
making political fronts of them . . . has betrayed academic
freedom and compromised all who teach. When colleges and
universities are made conduits of deceit and when faculty
members are paid to lie, there is an end to the common good
of higher education.

 -- Professor Van Alstyne, former president of the
 American Association of University Professors
 (Academe, June 1976, p. 54)

 Throughout the 1960s, and possibly longer, at least five Princeton professors
 worked secretly as high-level consultants for the CIA, according to
 undisclosed documents contained in the personal papers of former CIA director
 W. Dulles '14.

 Cyril Black, Klaus Knorr, Joseph Strayer, James Billington, and the late T.
 Young served as members of the "Princeton Consultants," a secret panel of
 academics who met in Princeton, together with Dulles, four times a year to
 with intelligence assessments for the CIA's Office of National Estimates.

 Professor Black, who had told the Daily Princetonian in 1976 that he had
never been
 in the CIA's "employ," confirmed to the Forerunner last week that he had
 served as a paid consultant for the spy agency. "Nobody ever asked me if I
was a
 consultant," Black explained.

 Billington acknowledged to the Daily Princetonian in 1968 that he consulted
for the
 CIA's Office of National Estimates, according to him, "two or three times a
 Strayer had also been publicly identified as a CIA consultant. The CIA
activities of the
 other two professors, however, have until now remained a secret, as has the
 existence of the Princeton Consultants group.

 Black confirmed that then-Princeton President Robert Goheen was aware of the
 group's existence. But he said that it was "not a university matter at all."

 The Dulles papers and letters, which are housed in Princeton's Seeley G. Mudd
 Library, afford a rare glimpse into the CIA's interactions with Princeton and
 universities from the early 1950s until Dulles's death in 1969. Dulles
maintained close
 ties with his alma mater, including seats on Princeton's Board of Trustees
and on the
 Woodrow Wilson School Advisory Council.

 Access to the Papers is contingent upon approval by an Allen W. Dulles
 In addition, researchers are required to sign a contract stating that any
 using the Papers will be submitted in advance to the Committee for approval.
After a
 one-month delay, permission was obtained for this article.

 Before this month's careful research in the Dulles Papers, little was
documented of
 relations between the CIA and the Princeton faculty. Other than history
 Joseph Strayer, whom one writer termed "the agency's most devoted consultant"
 (James Ridgeway, The Cloned Corporation, 1968, p. 138), only two professors
 been identified who served in organizations that received CIA funding:
 professor Paul Sigmund with the Independent Research Service, and Near
 Studies professor Morroe Berger with the Congress for Cultural Freedom.

 Previous disclosures about Princeton and the CIA were limited to close ties
in three
 other areas: recruitment (including extensive CIA collaboration with former
Dean of
 Students, William D'O. Lippincott '41 and former Director of Career Services
 Brown '39); CIA research carried out on the Princeton campus (including the
 MK-ULTRA mind control program); and close institutional ties (several
 alumni have served as CIA Director, Deputy Director, or Director of

 Princeton Consultants: The Structure

 Perhaps the most extraordinary of the Papers' contents are letters and memos
 expose Strayer as a small tip of a consultant iceberg. Filed under "Princeton
 Consultants" and cross-referenced under "Central Intelligence Agency: Panel
 Consultants (Princeton Consultants)," letters from 1961 to 1969 sketch the
 of one of the central programs of professors covertly consulting for the CIA.

 The only year during which the entire membership of the Consultants is known
 1961, when all of them signed a note of "respect and affection" to Dulles
 accompanied a gift.


2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

   Thu, 22 Feb 2001 22:19:29 -0600 (CST)
   Lorenzo Ervin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

by Lorenzo Komboa Ervin


Recently I wrote the first installment of my newspaper
column, wherein I criticized Black capitalism [and the
capitalist system generally], and the
 attempt of some
individuals and groups to put forth small scale
capitalism as a way forward for the liberation of
Black people. I heard from many of you out there, some
praising me for the articles, saying it was something
that they wished that those in the Black leadership
would write and say such things about folks trying to
either make a business of the Black liberation
struggle, or offering a false image of economic
development under this system as a way forward for the
freedom of our people.

But, there were also critics, many of whom did not
even appear to understand what I was talking about,
who accused me of "trying to stop them from "making a
living", "or trying to stop Black people from
"expressing their creativity"[?], discouraging them
from starting small businesses, or from achieving
"financial independence", "economic freedom" and so
on. According to one guy I am even trying to stop "us"
from doing what the "White man is doing to be a
success." They praised Tony Brown, Matah, and the
other Black-faced economic programs, and defended them
from my earlier attack, implying that I was a bad guy,
traitor, or "just not with it". I am just not sure
that "it" is a good thing.

 I want those critics to be clear that I am not
opposed to some individual entering the sales field,
starting a small business, credit union, or other
effort to make a living for themselves and their
families. I am opposed to our people being scammed in
the process by those who present this as the *only
way* we can get free. To me, this kind of argument
chains us even more to the political plantation, and
lays us open to exploitation by a new class of masters
selling fairy tales of economic riches. I'll just say
here that we are not fighting to replace the white
exploiters with a new class of Black exploiters; we
need to get rid of all of them, whether wearing a
Dashiki or Brooks Brothers suit.

First of all, who ever said that "what the White man
is doing" is such a great thing? I disagree that we
should emulate  white capitalist businessmen, call it
a "Black thing" and then put that forward as "a path
of freedom." What the capitalist is doing [or has
done] is forcibly exploiting our labor , imprisoning
our youth, destroying the land and natural resources
of this land and the rest of the world, and other
crimes all in the name of "progress" and "profit."
Remember, Brother Malcolm X said: "...you show me a
capitalist, I"ll show you a racist..."

 In condemning my position against capitalism and
defending U.S. imperialism, one Brother even asked
about "ghettoes and poverty" in Cuba. Well, my
question is why is it that in the richest country in
the world, that there is much more poverty,
inequality,  and economic underdevelopment of the
Black community than anywhere else? I am concerned
with why these things exist in the United States
[where I currently reside], than I am about a small
country in the Carribean, underdeveloped because of
years of economic and political domination by the USA.

Then the Matahh folks tried to pressure me with a
variety of e-mails (and I can even remember
telemarketing phone calls some months ago when I lived
in Atlanta and Tennessee) to sell me on their
Multi-level Marketing plan to distribute products from
Black businesses by sales agents in the community. For
the life of me, I cannot see, [except for the "in your
face" Black nationalist veneer and guilt-tripping
rhetoric], how this differs from AMWAY or any other
MLM plan promising "financial independence." How are
we are supposed to be economically "liberated" under
this system without a struggle for Black liberation?
It is possible to profit from these plans, but as
individuals, and certainly not as a whole people.

I can make the same argument about Tony Brown's "Buy
Freedom" program, Farrakhan's "Clean and Fresh " MLM
scheme of a few years ago, and others not named here.
I don't oppose them for the individuals who are
engaged in them trying to make a living, but when
their leaders come forward and say to millions of our
people that we should all do this and that if we do
not, then we are "bogus", or "not serious about our
freedom" or some such nonsense, then I draw the line.

I do not believe that there is any separate path to
freedom due to Black trade among ourselves, nor do I
think there is any real "financial independence" under

[CTRL] [Fwd: [toeslist] Can tobacco executives be committed?]

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [toeslist] Can tobacco executives be committed?
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 00:00:29 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Givel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 12:52:02 -0700
From: Anne Landman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [tp-talk]Can tobacco executives be committed?

My husband is a licensed clinical social worker with a
specialty in addictionology.  He has
been listening to my rantings for a long time and yesterday
announced that he noticed that the
tobacco industry fits the DSM-IV criteria for having
antisocial personality disorder.
Specifically, the diagnosis requires a person to exhibit at
least three of the following
tendencies (and I've highlighted the three I feel apply to
the tobacco industry):

1.  Failure to conform to social norm with respect to lawful
behaviors as indicated by
repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest.

2.  Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of
aliases, or conning others for
personal profit or pleasure.

3.  Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.

4.  Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by
repeated physical fights or assualts.

5.  Reckless disregard for safety of self or others.

6.  Consistent irresponsibility, as indiated by repeated
failure to sustain consistent work
behavior or honor financial obligations.

7.  Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or
rationalizing having hurt,
mistreated, or stolen from another.

Increasingly, corporations are afforded the rights of
persons in our society: engaging in free
speech, participating in elections, obtaining and holding
property, engaging in contracts, etc.
We posit that, like people, corporations can also exhibit
personality disorders.  One would
further suppose that the executives are responsible for the
corporation's errant behavior, and
thus are fully accountable for it.

A person who poses a danger to self or others can can be
committed to an institution for
evaluation by someone in a position of authority, for
example a psychiatrist, physician or
police officer.  Once committed, they are held for 72 hours
to assess whether or not they do
indeed pose a threat to self or others.  In order to commit
someone, a person in authority
fills out a form (in Colorado, for example, the form is
called an "M-1") and then the patient
gets picked up, taken to the hospital or other facility, and
confined there for evaluation.  If
they are determined to pose a continuing threat to self or
others, they are ordered to have
further treatment.

So I pose the question:  Could someone in a position of
authority, for example the Surgeon
General or an Attorney General (perhaps even a state
attorney general), issue an "order to
commit" for the executives of the major tobacco companies,
have them held and evaluated in a
psychiatric facility with an eye towards their company's
continued intent to knowingly harm

Anne Landman

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Black Elitism/Black Capitalism: Part II]

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Black Elitism/Black Capitalism: Part II
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 23:56:54 -0600 (CST)
From: Lorenzo Ervin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Hello Brothers and Sisters:

Thank you for responding to "Black Capitalism" pt. 2.
I am glad to see us really discussing these matters,
which are not in any way mere abstract questions, but
rather go to the fundamental question of what kind of
society do we really want? One which has classes of
desperately poor and excessively rich, one which has
all economic power in the hands of a white [or some
day Black] elite, or one where the needs of the people
are met and we are all on the same economic level.

I do not accept *elitist* arguments of a "talented
tenth", "better class of Blacks", or the "incorrigible
poor". This type of argument shows that it is only
thinking "within the box", that is within the confines
of the present capitalist system, which *creates*
crime and deprivation. Capitalism creates inequality,
and poverty creates a lack of culture. Somebody said
to me a long time ago, ignorance is merely lack of
knowledge, while stupidity is total foolishness. Many
of our people are politically ignorant to the workings
of this system, and they are being debased, but they
are not stupid. Ain't no mystery to this ya'll, don't
get to think that you are something special, you could
be the same as any of the least of our people.

Remove the conditions of oppression, and any of our
people in the most degrading of conditions, can ascend
to any social station in life, even higher than many
of you looking down your noses at the poor. They can
be the next Malcolm X, Martin Luther King or whomever
we exalt as Black leadership. Middle class Black
people have got to put aside their own class blinders
and prejudices against their own people. It is
oppressive, plantation thinking ("house nigger vs.
field niggers"), and keeps us from accepting our
people where they are.

Seems to me, our task as Black activists, people who
say they love Black people, is to fight for the uplift
of *all our people*, not feed them to the white
government and its prisons and graveyards. We cannot
get our liberation without fighting for the liberation
of the poor, so let's organize the 'hood.

Lorenzo Komboa Ervin

=== message truncated ===

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Who started the Intifada? Not Sharon, Arafat. Not in September. In July.

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Hebrew Ha'aretz features story that PA minister said Sharon not responsible
for outbreak of intafada - buried in English edition

4 March 2001 Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA

The front page of the Hebrew edition of Ha'aretz features a large story by
Danny Rubenstein and news agencies today that Palestinian Authority
Communications Minister Imad Faluji told a PLO rally in the Ein Hilwe
refugee camp in South Lebanon
on Friday that the five-month-old intifada was planned after the Camp David
talks failed in July. Faluji said that it would be a mistake to think that
the intafada was sparked by teh visit of Ariel Sharon to the Temple Mount.

In sharp contrast, this item is buried in the English edition of Ha'aretz at
the bottom of a item about the deployment of IDF forces on roads in the West
Bank ("They interpret a new disclosure by PA Telecommunications Minister
Imad Faluji in this light - Faluji said that the PA planned the Al Aqsa
Intifada in detail after the Camp David summit.")

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Capitalism ubber alles: America the beautiful.

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Published on Friday, March 2, 2001 in the St Paul Pioneer Press

Repealing Rather than Repairing Estate Tax Could Regild America's Gilded Age

by Glenda Holste

Peter Barnes, a self-made wealthy man, was blunt: ``We have an aristocracy
of wealth in this county. Repeal of the estate tax would make that
aristocracy hereditary.''

Barnes, founder of Working Assets, a financial services enterprise that
ties use of its products to socially responsible giving, is one of the
550-plus signers of Responsible Wealth's ``Call to Preserve the Estate
Tax.'' William H. Gates Sr., the co-chair of his son and daughter-in-law's
foundation, got the petition rolling. (Gates' commentary opposing repeal
appeared on these pages Wednesday.)

``There is no conceivable justification for repeal,'' Barnes said in a
briefing with journalists this week. The briefing was conducted by the
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, a progressive economic think tank.

The center has just analyzed Internal Revenue Service data on after-tax
income in 1998. Most measures of wealth concentration used in the current
tax policy debate are not as recent, so the 1998 information shows an
arguably more accurate picture of a continuing trend in which the rich get
richer -- and do it faster than the rest of us get ahead.

The study found that the top 1 percent of tax filers enjoyed an average
increase in income of $69,000 in that year. The income growth among this 1
percent group grew 40 percent between 1989 and 1998, eight times faster
than for the income of the bottom 90 percent of the U.S. population.
Meanwhile, a drop in the capital gains tax helped the 1 percent at the top
reduce the percentage of income they paid in federal income taxes from 27.9
percent to 27.1 percent.

In his budget speech this week, President Bush devoted only one sentence to
his proposal -- a Republican favorite -- to phase out the federal estate
tax. Of course, he had a lot of material to cover in a short time. But it
is telling that he chose to gloss over the estate tax issue with the stump
speech distortion that to tax estates is to tax the money in them twice.
Unfair, he says.

What would be unfair is to take care of the very rich at the expense of the
rest of us. It is possible to reform the estate tax, increasing exemptions,
as has been done in the past, to protect the assets of family farms and
small businesses. In fact, the exemption -- $675,000 per individual -- is
now rising and will be $1 million in 2006, if the law isn't changed.
Congress certainly can revisit the amount that protects family businesses
without showering the already rich with more cash. In 1997, fewer than
43,000 people of the 2.3 million who died had to pay estate tax.

Repeal would reduce taxes by $55.3 billion in 2010, according to Congress'
Joint Tax Committee. That's almost a fourth of all the money from the
overall tax cut in the Bush plan for that year.

Repeal? No need to use an ax where a legislative scalpel will do the job

Still, the mantra from political proponents has been powerful. They call it
the ``death tax.'' The implication is that because we all will die, we all
will get socked with a confiscatory estate tax.

Not so. In 1997, about 2,400 estates -- the largest 5 percent of estates
even large enough to be taxable -- paid about half of all the estate tax.
If the estate tax had not existed then, each of these 2,400 estates with
assets of more than $5 million would have enjoyed an average of $3.5
million in retained assets.

Nonprofit groups that do charitable work are very concerned that if the
estate tax is repealed, the very wealthy -- who often endow foundations and
other large philanthropies rather than just fork over the money in taxes --
would have no incentive as donors.

Gary Bass, executive director of OMB Watch, a Washington outfit that keeps
track of the White House's fiscal behavior, was in St. Paul this week,
arguing the same case as Barnes.

The concentration of wealth from repeal, he said, would revive a problem
solved almost a century ago when it was apparent that the Gilded Age had
opened an income gap of monumental proportions in America.

Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressives took this on, resulting in
re-establishing the estate tax to keep America from going the way its
founders so despised in the English: a rich aristocracy sustained on
inherited wealth instead of work; a place where the class system created
the very conditions that led Americans to revolt.

Even though the train has been rolling during the past few years for repeal
of the estate tax and even though Republicans who favor repeal are in the
engineer's seat, Bass is optimistic that when the issue is fully evaluated
by a wide array of Americans, the estate tax will be reformed, not repealed.

``I think we can win this (battle against repeal),'' Bass said. ``We had a
meeting last week of about 150 groups. There is a growing sentiment, among
a range of these groups 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Silence = Death: AIDS, Africa and Pharmaceuticals]

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Silence = Death: AIDS, Africa and Pharmaceuticals
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 23:54:41 -0600 (CST)
From: Corporate Watch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

The Watchdog on the Web http://www.corpwatch.org

March 2, 2001

Silence = Death: AIDS, Africa and Pharmaceuticals

25 million Africans are living with AIDS. Northern pharmaceutical
companies have the drugs to treat the disease and governments have the
ability to offer them cheaply. Yet they are turning a blind eye to this
global pandemic. After talking with AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe and HIV+
pregnant women in Rwanda, Stephen Lewis, says "I want someone to explain
to me why it isn't called murder." The former Deputy Director of UNICEF
puts a human face on one of the greatest tragedies of our time.

Survivors Target Dow Chemical in India

Three-hundred survivors of the December 1984 Union Carbide disaster in
Bhopal protested at the Bombay office of Dow Chemical International this
week demanding that Dow take on the outstanding liabilities left behind
by the Union Carbide Corporation (which Dow now owns) in Bhopal.
Together with environmental and labor groups, they launched a new
National Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, targeting Dow.


* South Africa: Bush Policy Threatens AIDS Prevention Among Youth
* Mexico: Rocks, Tear Gas at Cancun Protest
* USA: Mom vs. Mastercard
* Canada: Quebec Set to Crackdown on FTAA Protests
* Canada: Government Fights NAFTA Ruling in Court
* Tanzania: World Bank/IMF Refuse to Cancel Africa's Debt
* USA: Supreme Court Sides with American Airlines Over Union
* USA: Bostonians Outraged at Corporate Subway Sponsorship Plan


Protest Environmental Award Honoring Shell!


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[CTRL] Is Our Society Making You Sick?

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


February 26, 2001


 Is Our Society Making You Sick?

By Stephen Bezruchka, M.D.

Americans are obsessed with health. Just look at today's magazines, TV
shows, Web sites, self-help books--and where we put our dollars. As a
country, we make up about 4 percent of the world's total population, yet we
expend almost half of all the money spent on medical care. We should be
pretty healthy.

Yet I have always been amazed at how poorly the United States ranks in
health when compared with other countries. When I began medical school in
1970 we stood about 15th in what I call the Health Olympics, the ranking of
countries by life expectancy or infant mortality. Twenty years later we
were about 20th, and in recent years we have plunged even further to around
25th, behind almost all rich countries and a few poor ones. For the richest
and most powerful country in the world's history, this is a disgrace.

As a physician obsessed with understanding what makes groups of people
healthy, I'm dumbfounded that our low ranking doesn't raise more concern in
the medical and public-health communities. Is it because experts in these
fields don't want to question the role of medical care in producing health?
Does our focus on diseases--including the search for risk factors, cures
and specific preventive answers--stop Americans from looking at what would
really keep us well?

Research during this last decade has shown that the health of a group of
people is not affected substantially by individual behaviors such as
smoking, diet and exercise, by genetics or by the use of health care. In
countries where basic goods are readily available, people's life span
depends on the hierarchical structure of their society; that is, the size of
the gap between rich and poor.

How can hierarchy affect health? Consider the feelings that predominate in a
hierarchical situation: power, domination, coercion (if you are on top);
resignation, resentment and submission (if you are on the bottom). Compare
them with feelings in an egalitarian environment: support, friendship,
cooperation and sociability. Studies with baboons in Kenya and macaque
monkeys in captivity, both of which feature strong hierarchical
relationships, show that high-ranking animals are healthier than those
lower in the pecking order. Human population studies show additional
findings. The death rate from
heart attacks among middle-aged men is four times greater in Lithuania than
in Sweden, which is much more egalitarian.

We can learn something by looking at countries that do well in the Health
Olympics. In 1960 Japan stood 23d, but by 1977 it had overtaken all the
others in the health race.

Today, at No. 1, Japan has a life expectancy on average three and a half
years longer than the United States'. Twice as many Japanese men as
American men smoke, yet the deaths attributable to smoking are half of
ours. Why? After the second world war, the hierarchical structure of Japan
was reorganized so all citizens shared more equally in the economy. Today
Japanese CEOs make 15 to 20 times what entry-level workers make, not the
almost 500-fold difference in this country. During their recent economic
crisis, CEOs and managers in Japan took cuts in pay rather than lay off
workers. That the structure of
society is key to well-being becomes evident when we look at Japanese who
emigrate: their health declines to the level of the inhabitants of the new

Did this health-hierarchy relationship always exist--is it part of human

Archeological records from burial mounds and skeletal remains indicate that
human populations were relatively healthy before the advent of agriculture. The
development of farming allowed food to be produced in quantities and
stored, enabling someto live off the efforts of others--a hierarchy. With
agriculture, health declined, nutrition worsened and workload increased.

Why has the medical community, as well as the popular press, essentially
ignored these findings? I suspect that part of the explanation lies in
Americans' "cradle to grave" relationship with the health-care industry,
which represents one seventh of the U.S. economy.

If equality is good medicine, then what can be done to improve Americans'

Our primary goal should be to reduce today's record gap between rich and

Prescriptions for such "structural medicine" might include a tax on
consumption rather than income, or increased support for public
transportation, schools and day care, all of which would reflect a change
in how the population shares in the economy. We must put our eyes on a new
prize: doing better in the Health Olympics. The best prescription for
health is not one we will get from doctors.

Bezruchka teaches at the University of Washington's School of Public Health.

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Re: [CTRL] WARNING: US military developing non-lethal weapons.

2001-03-04 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

John Cone wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Bob Stokes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (Synopsis)
  You have a very warped view of history.
  You seem to forget that the Japanese wiped out
  Pearl Harbor and murdered thousands of people both
  military and civilian.
  Just where do you get this hypothesis
  that the bombings of these two cities were
  propaganda?  It was to prevent an
  invasion of Honshu which would have resulted in
  millions of deaths on both sides."

 Nakano comments:
 A few historical facts.
 Franklin Roosevelt ran as the "peace candidate"
 in the 1940 election. He said: "I have said it before,
 and I say it again and againI am not about to
 send your sons to fight and die in another European
 war."  The American People were strongly against
 the U.S. entering World War 2.
 Something dramatic and shocking was needed to turn
 public opinion around.
 In about June of 1941 Roosevelt halted U.S. oil
 exports to Japan. (Denial of a strategic resource)
 Japan has no oil of its own. They were getting about
 half of their imports from the U.S. when FDR cut off
 their supply.
 That same summer or early fall, Roosevelt closed
 the Panama Canal to Japanese ships. The U.S. had
 guaranteed canal access to all nations, but FDR
 ignored that promise.
 In November of 1941, Roosevelt gave Japan an
 ultimatum to get their military forces out of

 Roosevelt was shoving and pushing Japandaring
 the Japanese to take a swing at us.
 They finally did on December 7th, 1941.
 Indeed it was a "day of infamy".
 2,500 U.S. military personnel died in the attack
 on Pearl Harbor.
 They were sacrificed by Roosevelt in order to
 reverse public opinion about America entering
 the war.
 It worked.
 In 1 day, the American People went from 80 percent
 opposed to the warto demanding that the U.S.
 declare war.  An entire generation of young American
 men lined up at the draft board offices to enlist.
 So much for the so-called "unprovoked sneak-attack".

 As for the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan.
 It was unnecessary.
 Nor would an invasion of Japan been necessary.
 The Japanese navy was on the bottom of the ocean.
 Every Japanese city of any consequence was in ruins.
 More people were killed in the conventional firebomb
 raids on Tokyo than were killed at either Nagasaki
 or Hiroshima.
 American naval and airpower had Japan in an
 inescapable stranglehold.
 Japan is an island nation lacking in many resources
 such as iron ore, coal, and oil.
 All we had to do was keep Japan encircled
 and wait.
 The surrender was inevitable.

 Instead, we became the only nation in history
 to use atomic weapons against another country.
 Truman ordered those bombs dropped on an already
 beatenand virtually defenseless people.
 The fact is, not a single japanese aircraft
 rose in the sky to challenge the Enola Gay B-29
 that dropped the bomb.
 They were helpless and we bombed them anyway.




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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Conservatism is Dead -- But not dead enough. - J2

2001-03-03 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


I'm sure Bill, that you are aware that there are no differences between
the Republicans and the DemocRATS. Why are you spinning your wheels?

The Bush administration is the other side of the same coin.

My suggestion to you is the same as what I suggested to DemocRATS. Dump
the Republicans and start a genuine conservative party. Otherwise, nothing
will change.

Bill Richer wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Conservatism is Dead
 By Chuck Baldwin
 March 2, 2001

 Bill Clinton did more than destroy America's moral conscience; he destroyed
 the conservative movement. What passes for conservatism today isn't even
 closely related to the true meaning of the term.

This is pure nonsense. Clinton did nothing to destroy the conservative
movement. The Republicans sold out the conservative movement in exactly the
same way that the Democrats sold out the real progressives.

 At one time conservatism stood for limited government and personal freedom.
 No more. Today, conservatism stands for an ever increasing, ever encroaching
 federal monstrosity, promoted in the name of bipartisanship and compassion.
 Nothing illustrates this reality more than President Bush's proposed budget.

 Hailed by Republicans everywhere as a model of conservative ideology, the
 Bush budget actually inflates federal spending to just under $2 trillion. If
 this trends continues throughout Bush's presidency (and it will), federal
 spending will more than double what it was when Republicans took control of
 Congress back in 1995. And we are supposed to believe that these people are

 Bush began his speech before Congress by giving himself away. He said,
 "Tonight I challenge and invite Congress to work with me to . solve the
 problems of our people."

Just as the old Soviets had, we have a one party system. The Big Business
Party. It has two sub- parties. The Republicans and the DemocRATS.
Except for some hot button social issues, this country's policies and
goals are consistent. Make the rich richer still by serving their
corporations. This requires a LARGE GOVERNMENT Get it? It takes a
LARGE GOVERNMENT to give large corporations LARGE CONTRACTS. It takes a
LARGE GOVERNMENT to field a LARGE MILITARY around the world to protect
LARGE CORPORATIONS' interests around the world.

 Genuine conservatives knew at that very moment that Bush was not one of
 them. Requisite to conservative understanding is that government is not the
 solution to our problems. Just the opposite is true: government encroachment
 only serves to exacerbate a problem. To quote Ronald Reagan, "Government is
 not the solution to the problem; government is the problem."

Quoting Reagan just shows how naive this writer and most conservatives are.
Reagan had the ultimate corporate administration.

 Today's "conservatives" have forgotten Reagan's sagacious instructions. Just
 like Democrats, Republicans now believe that our nation's problems can be
 fixed by throwing more federal tax dollars at them.

 Instead of dismantling the federal Department of Education (which
 Republicans promised to do back in 1994), Bush's budget increases
 expenditures by more than $5 billion. Welfare and other entitlement programs
 are increased by over $81 billion. The Bush budget also more than doubles
 expenditures for the National Institutes of Health.

 Have conservatives forgotten that it is through the NIH that pro-abortion
 groups like Planned Parenthood receive tax dollars? If Bush were truly
 pro-life, he would insist that such organizations be eliminated from the
 federal budget. Instead, the Bush budget insures that these left wing,
 extremist groups will receive even more funds from the public treasury.

 Bush's desire to reduce the tax burden is commendable, but it misses the
 major component of conservatism, which is reducing the size and scope of the
 federal government. The Bush budget gives us more IRS, more ATF, more FBI,
 more NEA, more welfare, more socialized medicine, ad infinitum, ad naseum.

 If Republicans want to continue to take our country down the road to bigger
 and bigger government, that's one thing, but they should at least be honest
 enough to stop calling themselves conservatives.

Some people never learn.


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[CTRL] WARNING: US military developing non-lethal weapons.

2001-03-03 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Since it is safe and rational to assume that the ONLY military which
used nuclear weapons to wipe out  two entire cities for the purpose
of propaganda does not really give a damn about human life, why are
they pouring so much money into non-lethal weapons.

Answer: To use domestically against civilians.

Answer: To sell the technology to other countries for the same purpose.



U.S. military developing new "non-lethal" weapon

Friday March 2, 04:00 AM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military has said it is developing a
new non-lethal weapon which uses electromagnetic energy to cause a
burning sensation on the skin and turn back enemy troops from long

Officials said the "millimetre-wave" pulses, which might one day be
fired from a dish- shaped device similar to a radar, could be mounted
on military jeeps and possibly be used in peacekeeping and cases
where innocent civilians are mixed with enemy troops.

"In conflicts, targeted adversaries are expected to simply flee," the
Marine Corps said of the new weapon.

After 10 years and $40 million in research by the corps and the Air
Force, the Marines said at a briefing for reporters that pulses from
the weapon travel at the speed of light to penetrate less than 1/64
of an inch into the skin, causing immediate discomfort like touching
a hot light bulb.

"Within seconds, an individual feels an intense heating sensation
that stops when the transmitter is shut off or when the individual
moves out of the beam," the corps added in a news release.

"Despite the sensation, the technology does not cause injury because
of the low energy levels used," it added. "The sensation is nearly
identical to the sensation experienced by briefly touching an
ordinary light bulb that has been left on for a while."

The Marine Corps is managing the project for the military, but there
has been no decision by the Defence Department to build or field the
proposed weapon.

The Marines said the beam weapon, which is being developed by the
Marine Corps and Air Force in cooperation with defence firms, "causes
a repellent response, but not physical damage to the body."

"Research on this technology has shown there are no harmful health
effects," the Marine Corps said. "The beam only needs to be on for a
few seconds to achieve its purpose."

Copyright  2001 Reuters Limited.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: So drink up kiddies. There's profits to be made.

2001-03-03 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Environment ENS -- Environment News Service


   FAIRFAX, Virginia, March 2, 2001, (ENS) - The American Wood Preservers
   Institute (AWPI) filed a legal challenge in federal court Thursday to
   overturn the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) new arsenic
   regulation, one of the last acts of the departing Clinton

   If it stands, the new regulation would impose new costs on many public
   water consumers and unnecessary new burdens on the business community,
   AWPI said. The rule was published in the Federal Register on January
   22, despite congressional action aimed at delaying or altering the

   The EPA's regulation would reduce by 80 percent the level of arsenic
   permitted in drinking water, even though the new standard is below
   levels that may occur naturally in water supplies.

   Senator Pete Domenici, a New Mexico Republican, has filed a bill (S
   223) to overturn the regulation as "financially devastating in New
   Mexico and lacking a foundation of sound science." The Western
   Governors Conference also opposes the new regulation.

   "The EPA acknowledges that it based its work on highly criticized, 30
   year old epidemiological studies from Taiwan that it analyzed using a
   60 year old linear extrapolation method - a method that does not
   recognize any of the recent, accepted advances in biology and risk
   assessment," said Scott Ramminger, president of AWPI. "The EPA's
   midnight regulation was clearly not based on the best available
   science, as required by law."

   AWPI is the national trade association representing the pressure
   treated wood industry in the United States. Pressure treated wood is
   the major source of non-natural arsenic contamination in U.S. drinking

   Ramminger said AWPI took legal action because the drinking water
   standard is a benchmark applied to many other exposures. He pointed
   out that, in addition to its impact on municipalities and water
   utilities, the regulation affects most industries that use or process
   arsenic containing materials, and that includes many AWPI members.

   * * *

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] [Fwd: Public ownership is the solution to the energy crisis]

2001-03-02 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Public ownership is the solution to the energy crisis
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 21:51:42 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Eisenscher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Public ownership is the solution to the energy crisis

* Opinion column from the Sacramento Bee
* Call for Take-over of Energy Companies -- Citizens Denounce
   Financial Ties Between Elected Officials and Utility Companies
* AFL-CIO Executive Council Statement on Energy Crisis -
   California's Electricity Deregulation Crisis - A National Warning
   [which doesn't call for public ownership of the energy utilities -

Public ownership is the solution to the energy crisis

By James McClatchy

[Sacramento Bee column of Feb. 18, 2001. James B. McClatchy is
publisher of The McClatchy Co., which owns The Sacramento Bee and
other newspapers, and is a lifelong California journalist.]

  The possibility of the state of California buying power
  transmission lines  has now emerged as a major part of proposed
  solutions to California's electricity crisis. The next step would
  be for the state to buy the  associated generating facilities. It
  will be hard for anyone involved in this unbelievable and painful
  crisis to think very far ahead, but deciding on a permanent
  solution as quickly as possible will shorten our period of living
  in a bad- dream emergency. Any final solution would have to include
  public ownership of the generating plants that PGE and Southern
  California Edison sold to speculators, as well as facilities they
  still own.

The state of California invested enormous amounts of bond money in
building one of the world's biggest water delivery systems -- the
Feather River Project. This project delivers large amounts of water
to farms in the San Joaquin Valley and for general public use in
Southern California. It is a publicly owned utility.

Why can't the state buy the generating facilities and distribution
systems of Southern California Edison and PGE with bond money, and
deliver the electricity to existing locally owned and managed
utility districts, or to newly organized ones? If some areas decline
that option, the state could create an agency to take over that job.

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is locally owned by
citizens.  So is the Sacramento Municipal Utility District -- and so
are dozens of other taxpayer-owned systems including Roseville,
Redding, Palo Alto and Truckee. In such arrangements, the public
controls its electrical destiny.

The formerly private facilities would require upgrades and badly
needed  modernization. Also, to meet population growth, it would be
necessary to  find or build new generating plants. All that will
cost many millions of  dollars, no matter who owns the electrical
systems. But who can doubt that if private utilities own them,
customers will pay more than if tax-paying  consumers own them? If
anyone -- particularly legislators and Gov. Gray Davis -- needs a
reminder of what the investors who own parts of California's
electrical supply system have their eyes fixed on, they should
reflect on what the Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs did this past

A subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, J. Aron  Co., has supplied a
significant portion of the natural gas PGE used to make
electricity. To protect its investment and reduce its risk of losing
money, the J. Aron firm has pulled the plug on PGE, refusing to
deliver any more gas.

Why not? Goldman Sachs is a giant financial house with fingers in
businesses all over the world. Why should it subject its managing
partners and stockholders to potentially more losses out here in
California? Does it care about consumers here? While harsh comments
can be directed at some participants in this staggeringly expensive,
world-class comedy of errors, it must be clearly recognized that
many energy providers are extending their own financial resources to
protect electricity consumers.

Without this mostly voluntary help, the whole state would be heading
more certainly for an economic and social crisis of unpredictable
size. When this is all over, proper recognition and appreciation
should be given to those officials and companies who put public
service above dollar values.

With public ownership of these systems would come increased public
transparency on all aspects of the operations -- where there is
little now  -- and thus less opportunity for sweetheart deals with
friendly financiers or brokers.

Separate from the current emergency, rising prices in general for
electricity and gas are generating enormous financial problems for
homeowners and businesses. It is absolutely indefensible that
citizens should be made to pay for the bad business decisions of the
utilities, the Legislature and elected officials, not to mention the
rapaciousness of speculators and selfish political partisanship.

[CTRL] [Fwd: Fighting Fast Track]

2001-03-02 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Fighting Fast Track
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 21:34:50 -0600 (CST)
From: "Margrete Strand Rangnes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

The important e-mail below is from Mike Dolan, Public Citizen.  One of the ways we
sank the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) in the U.S., was to link it to
President Clinton's quest for Fast Track negotiating authority in 1997 (he wanted
to use Fast Track as a way to pass the MAI). It became apparent that in order to
kill the bad agreement you must also kill the vehicle by which it is being
promoted. If YOU would like to become more involved in the ongoing fight against
Fast Track, the FTAA, WTO and other pieces of the corpoate globalization alphabet
soup, send me an e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and we will plug you in.


We have returned from the World Social Forum in Porto
Allegre, Brazil.  Very enlightening and empowering.
Now back to work:

Three items for your review and liberal cross-posting.

1) A description of the several components of a
national campaign against Fast Track, which tops the
big business "free trade" legislative agenda.  We
prepared this for inclusion in a How-To book for
anti-globalization activists, but publication thereof
has been delayed, so we share it with you now.

2)  An Action Alert from 1996, published in Public
Citizen magazine and recently rediscovered, containing
pithy and timeless advice for conducting district
office meetings with members of your congressional

3)  The obligatory recent news-clip, dateline Capitol
Hill, about the swirling trade policy controversy and
coporate myopia.

Mike Dolan
Global Trade Watch
Public Citizen

Fast Track is in the House!

A National Legislative Campaign that Builds the

It's not as much fun as donning a protest puppet or
performing satirical street theater and it's not as
dangerous or glamorous as risking arrest in direct
action, but grassroots lobbying is an important front
in our fight against the corporate trade agenda
(so-called 'free trade'). It is also a lot of the
reason this movement has momentum.

One of our key fights is Fast Track, a mechanism that
presidents since Nixon have used to ram pro-corporate
trade agreements through the House and Senate.
Most folks in this movement know about NAFTA and the
WTO; but most don't know about how these unpopular
treaties got passed in the first place. Fast Track
requires the Congress to pass these trade scams
without amendments or adequate time to debate, on a
quick-n-dirty, up-or-down vote. It is a legislative
laxative that is bad for the Constitution. (The
Constitution says treaties must pass the Senate by a
two-thirds majority, which neither NAFTA nor the GATT
could've done.)

The Citizens Trade Campaign and its allies and
affiliates defeated Fast Track twice in the 105th
Congress ('97 - 98). The new president wants Fast
Track too. The corporate and political elites have
their eyes on the Free Trade Area of the Americas
(FTAA) and they know that they will need Fast Track to
get it. We have to stop them.

We will win this key legislative battle because we
will use the power of the anti-globalization movement
to generate grassroots pressure on the Congress; and
we will use the national campaign against Fast Track
to continue to build our movement at the local level.

These are a few of the steps that will provide the
margin of victory.

First, we will build a strong focused Fair Trade
coalition from the various components of the
anti-globalization movement in our community. Workers
and family farmers, environmental and consumer
activists, human rights and faith based groups,
students and direct action anarchists, reformists and
anti-capitalist blocs alike * all will come together
in some form or another to beat Fast Track. Emergency
Meetings all around the country will build local Fair
Trade networks and plan grassroots actions to hold the
Congress accountable. The whole of us will be greater
than the sum of our partisans.

Second, we will tell the stories that put a human face
on the dry globalization debate.  Just a little
research, a task shared among our coalition partners,
will reveal the actual effects of corporate
globalization in our own community. What factories
have closed and moved production to Mexico, under
NAFTA, or to some other countries where workers can be
exploited? Are there any family farm groups that have
first hand experience fighting the giant agri-bizness
concerns? And what locally-based corporations run
sweatshops abroad or pollute globally?

Third, we will personally confront our
congress-members when they are in the District,
especially during the congressional recesses. We can
organize district office meetings, protests and
rallies all around the country, so that they all come
back to DC talking 

Re: [CTRL] Europeans view Bush as a thief who has brought shame onAmerica

2001-03-02 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

James Burns wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In article 021b01c0a34e$b8d642c0$543829cf@flw, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
  Europeans view Bush as a thief who has brought shame on America
  By Linda Stout Deak
  WASSENAAR, The Netherlands, Feb. 27, 2000.
 Ha Ha. Please tell me this is indeed a satirical post.
 However this is unfair humor. Such pompous, sanctimoniousness from the land
 of Stalin
 and Hitler (Bosnia / Kosovo) is too easy a target.
 It seems when the Europeans are not killing each other by the millions, or
 colonizing (aka
 "ripping off") the rest of the world, they spend their time wallowing in their
 delusional self
 perception of superiorty.
 No wonder they love Clinton. The mystery is why they would not
 like Bush.

 As  British and a European I certainly did not think that the ladies
 post was satirical.. She certainly put a certain European perspective
 into focus. Some Americans may think that such views are superior but
 such a view is somewhat nieve. The lady also seemed to be a supporter of
 Clinton and she does seem to picking up on that the consensus view of
 Clinton in Europe as more favourable than that attributed to Bush.

 Wilde's quip that Americans went from Barbarity to Decadence without the
 intervening step of Civilisation is perhaps becoming more and more apt.

 For me the real point of what was being said was about the spiritual
 malaise that is afflicting Western civilisation, perhaps most noticeable
 in America but certainly also affecting the other Western 'democracies'.
 Indeed with the advent of globalisation and rampant capitalism the
 concept of 'democracy' is really a sham. The political system that sits
 best with the economic system of capitalism is fascism and that really
 is what the big political question is all about..  We have fascism
 masquerading as 'democracy'. People have less and less say in what they
 do. The illusion that it is somehow otherwise is wearing very thin.

 As Orwell points out, the 'Inner Party' always rules, it is just that
 they are perhaps becoming a bit sloppy or over-confident.

 J. Burns

Excellent! Where have you been.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Public ownership is the solution to the energycrisis]

2001-03-02 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 socialism (soshe-lzem) noun
 A social system in which the means of producing and
 distributing goods are owned collectively and political
 power is exercised by the whole community.



 The laws of economics are more like the laws of physics than may people
 once supposed.  You can't wish them away, and they don't change because
 of politics.  If governments print too much money, they will have
 inflation.  If they expropriate -- if they steal -- they won't have
 foreign investment.  If they lack well-developed financial markets,
 savers will earn low rates of return, and will therefore stay away.
 These are the realities that all countries, whatever their culture,
 have to confront if they want to prosper in today's world.
 -- Lawrence Summers
Lawrence Summers, while Clinton Undersecretary of the Treasury for
International Affairs, quoted in Wired, July 1997 at p. 186.
[ed. President Clinton should read this and see if they really
are following it]

That's right asshole. Quote the man who said the West should send
all it's poison wastes to places like Africa. They are too populated

Capitalism and guys like you are in for a long dry spell Johnson. Good
riddance to both. Watch it crumble, and squirm. You are going to lose it
all. The poor will take everything you have. The middle class will take
away your guns. You will have nothing to protect you but your venal quotes.

Have a nice day,


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Europeans view Bush as a thief who has brought shame on America

2001-03-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 From: alt.activism

 Europeans view Bush as a thief who has brought shame on America

 By Linda Stout Deak

 WASSENAAR, The Netherlands, Feb. 27, 2000.

 €?When Condoleeza Rice, Bush's National Security Advisor appointee,
 took her place at the microphone in those numbing first days after the
 coup d'“tat, she called herself a Europeanist. What is that? I
 wondered if she played the piano in Europe. I believe she meant that
 her studies had focused on Europe and she considered herself an expert
 on Europe.

 I am American living abroad. Both sides of my family are deeply rooted
 in America and I have lived in nine states. I love America. I am
 married to a Canadian who is also a European. I have lived in Europe
 twice, a total of fourteen years and I have lived in Canada once for
 five years. Our sons have been educated in European and Canadian
 schools. I have many European friends, family members, acquaintances
 and contacts. The Europeans, as do the Canadians, teach me a lot about
 how America is perceived from the outside.

 It is surprising to a friendly, open, swashbuckling American to feel
 the contempt that so many others feel for us. I think you have to be
 on the outside of the country to understand what I am referring to
 here. The Canadians let me know shortly after I landed there, that I
 was not to consider myself a Canadian. After some years I understood
 why. They had always been kind of folded into America in most American
 minds. Many Americans view Canada in the same way they view California
 as a state, but one that is different, set apart.

 I grew to love Canada. They seemed to have the best of both Europe and
 the U.S. with the American sense of vastness and possibility and the
 European sense of social responsibility.

 Americans have a very limited notion or regard for world history and
 geography. The outsiders consider us dumb. Oh sure, we have our
 technology and bravado and friendly service, but most of us cannot
 separate the Balkans from the Baltics or Palma from Palermo.  Is
 Jakarta close to Madagascar? I daresay, in the shrinking world, we
 have done ourselves a disservice. The media's dumb-down has not been
 very helpful either.

 When I first resettled in Europe twelve years ago, I began language
 classes. I was the only American in my class. Each of us was from a
 different country. I sunk quickly to the bottom of the class. The
 others were learning their third or fourth language. I was a hopeless
 beginner. They were kind to me and helped me along with cheerful
 encouragement. Our topics of conversation were eye opening as I
 learned how very differently we perceived an issue or an event, coming
 from different cultures. When the teacher put the topic of "Do you
 consider the Dutch to be dirty?" forward, I was stunned at how the
 entire group turned to me with real anger about the excesses of the
 Americans in this regard. Did I understand how much of the world's
 resources we use and how unnecessary daily showers are? And, Why do we
 do that? And, What was I going to do about that?

 Gradually, I became good friends with more than a few Europeans and I
 came to understand and respect the differences. In friendship, one
 becomes privy to inner thoughts and foibles. Just as Americans
 experience the Americanization of newcomers to our country, this new
 culture began to seep

 into me.

 When I go to a tourist magnet, like Lago Maggiore or Paris or Bruges,
 I notice the Americans who usually huddle against the foreignness of
 their strange environment. The glories of Rome go unnoticed if ice is
 unavailable for the Diet Coke. They are often full of complaints that
 the place is not America and they make matters worse by demanding that
 it cater specifically to their American idea of how things should be.
 There is a very real difference in attitude to money and the Americans
 cannot believe that profit doesn't hold the same motivational internal
 whir. The Europeans believe it is crass to flaunt wealth. It takes a
 while to pick up on the nuances of culture.

 In contrast, the Europeans are very aware of America and probably even
 speak our language. The balance is off because of this. We still
 condescend to all cultures as if they were lesser, and it does not
 make us very likeable.

 My European friends and contacts, almost to the man, were in support
 of Al Gore winning this election. I have asked more than a few of my
 friends who are located in other parts of Europe and they report the
 same phenomena.  I do know that straw polls gave Bush and Ralph Nader
 each seven percent. Most of the Bush-supporter spottings have been in
 England.  England is not really full-heartedly a supporter of the
 European Union and their ties to America have always been special.
 Shortly after the Revolution ended, the British shook hands and got
 back to the business of trading and envoying with our country. The
 Atlantic Ocean, for them, has often been narrower 

[CTRL] Ooooh scary! Maybe not.

2001-03-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


9.3 billion people can be comfortably accommodated on this

Get rid of Capitalism and you get rid of waste. Get rid
of Capitalism and you free up resources held and controlled
by a very few. Get rid of Capitalism and you can decentralize
economic power, thus returning democratic power to more
people in the developed countries.

Once these countries are democratically controlled, other
countries could develop as they need to and see fit.

The ONLY VOLUNTARY proven and demonstrable weapon against
overpopulation, IS ACHIEVING MIDDLECLASS-HOOD. This is
not possible in a system which encourages concentration of
wealth. Where, as in the US, 1% of the population owns 40%
of its wealth.

But the beneficiaries of such a system won't give up their
spot at the trough. So instead, they try every other available
method to reduce the numbers of poor. None of which achieve
the desired effect.

You simply can't have Capitalism AND a livable planet with
9.3 billion inhabitants. Our children and grand children.

Will they bless or curse your memory? It depends on what you
leave them.


Wednesday February 28 6:32 PM ET
World to Be More Crowded, Older, Poorer in 2050

By Irwin Arieff

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The world will be far more
crowded by midcentury, its people older and poorer
than they are today, the United Nations' chief
demographer said on Wednesday.

Over the next 50 years, the world's population will
likely soar to 9.3 billion from 6.1 billion, although
it could be as high as 10.9 billion or as low as 7.9
billion, said
Joseph Chamie, director of the U.N. Population

Of the total, 88 percent, or 8.2 billion people, will
live in developing nations, compared to 80 percent, or
4.9 billion people, today, Chamie told a news

Most of the growth will come in Asia and Africa, while
the world's wealthy nations, where about 1.2 billion
people now live, are expected as a group to remain
about the same size or even shrink a bit as birth
rates stay below replacement level, he said.

Therefore, the richest nations' share of the global
total will shrink to 12 percent by 2050 from the
current 20 percent, Chamie said, elaborating on his
division's latest
report on ''World Population Prospects.''

Just six African and Asian nations, India, China,
Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh and Indonesia, will
account for half the world's growth between now and
2050, he

Within the group of industrialized nations, however,
there are sharp divergences. In contrast to most other
wealthy nations, the United States will grow rapidly
the next five decades, soaring to 400 million people
from 283 million last year because of a relatively
high birth rate and a steady flow of immigrants.

Canada and Australia are also expected to increase in
size, while Japan and Europe will be shrinking, Chamie

Although AIDS is having a devastating impact on life
expectancy and population loss in the 45 mostly
African countries hardest hit by the epidemic, those
overall population will nonetheless grow steadily over
the next 50 years.

Growth is predicted even in Botswana, where the AIDS
infection rate is 36 percent, and in Swaziland and
Zimbabwe, where infections rates hover above 25

But South Africa, whose fertility rate is lower than
its neighbors, will shrink between 2010 and 2025
before growing again between 2025 and 2050.

Ranks Of The World's Elderly Will Mushroom

The ranks of the world's elderly will mushroom over
the next 50 years, with the number of people age 60 or
older jumping by 2050 to nearly 2 billion, 33 percent
the total population, from 606 million, or 20 percent,

The number of people age 80 or over will rise to 379
million by 2050, accounting for 4 percent of the total
world population and more than five times as numerous
as the 69 million people aged 80 or over alive in

This trend will hit the rich nations hardest, causing
labor shortages and sending health care and pension
costs through the roof in Europe and Japan, Chamie

But the labor market will be less affected in the
United States because it welcomes about 1.1 million
immigrants a year.

With the population growing so rapidly in the
developing world, Africa and Asia will be more
urbanized, ``with mega-cities growing largely in
developing countries,''
Chamie said. ``And finally, we will see a world more
ethnically and culturally diverse than today,'' he

``Rapidly growing populations have less time to
prepare for change,'' Chamie said. ``These pressures
and strains are creating all kinds of challenges for
governments,'' he said, ranging from reassessments of
pension requirements and the retirement age to health
care budgets and immigration policy.

Sources:  Reuters  |  AP  |  AP U.S.  |  The New York
Times  |  ABCNEWS.com


[CTRL] Finally getting smart: Arabs boycott Estee Lauder.

2001-03-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Arabs call for boycott of Estee Lauder
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 18:34:35 -0500

Arabs call for boycott of Estee Lauder
- Original Message -
From: "amjerusalem" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 5:56 PM
Subject: [jerusalem-net] AMJ's Press Conference on Estee Lauder Boycott

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

American Muslims for Jerusalem
208 G Street, NE
Suite 100
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 548-4200
Fax: (202) 548-4201
WWW: http://www.amjerusalem.org

AMJ holds Press Conference to Announce Estee Lauder Boycott

On Wednesday, February 28, American Muslims for Jerusalem (AMJ) lead a
coalition of advocacy organizations in a press conference calling for a
worldwide boycott of cosmetics giant Este Lauder. That announcement was
prompted by Este Lauder International Chairman Ronald Lauder's activities
in support of Israeli right-wing extremists.

Estee Lauders products include: Estee Lauder line of perfume and make-up,
Aramis,  Clinique, Aveda, DKNY and Tommy Hilfegere toiletries products.
Estee Lauder also owns several lines of hair and skin care products and
shops such as M.A.C. and Origins.

Ronald Lauder is the Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major
American Jewish Organizations and President of the Jewish National Fund
(JNF).  JNF is a quasi-government agency whose main function is to
legitimize Israeli's theft of Palestinian land.

In January, Lauder was the key speaker from the US at a rally in Jerusalem,
organized by right wing Israeli politician Natan Sharansky. The rally was
organized to oppose the mere consideration of Jerusalem as a negotiation
item. Lauder addressed 300,000 Israeli extremists at the gates of Haram
Al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary, one of Islam's three holiest sites). Some of
the protesters tried to break into the holy site.

Khalid Turaani, AMJ's Executive Director said "this boycott of Estee Lauder
will send a clear message that people of conscience refuse to do business
with corporations supporting Israeli apartheid policies which violate
internationally-recognized human rights".

In 1993, Lauder co-founded a think tank called the Shalem Center with Yoram
Hazony, a former Netanyahu aid. The Israeli Education Ministry has said the
center is "a research institute whose leanings are extreme right-wing and
even fascistic." Hebrew University professor Yisrael Bartal describes Hazony
as a right-wing extremist. A columnist for the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz
(9/14/2000) wrote that Hazony is a sympathizer of the slain radical Jewish
leader Meir Kahane, who called for the expulsion of all Arabs from Israel.
The goal of Hazony, wrote the columnist, is to find new ways of "breathing
life into Kahane's racist, totalitarian, intolerant ideology."

Ronald Lauder's Jerusalem-rally speech came at a time when the Israeli
government was waging a campaign of siege and starvation against the entire
Palestinian population. While Mr. Lauder supports some legitimate charitable
causes in the US, he shows his true colors when abroad by supporting fanatic
causes that seek to uproot an entire population from its native land.
Lauder is also opposed to permitting Palestinian refugees to return to their
homes. "For Israel to allow these people to return would be national
suicide," he said in a statement last September. In contrast, the UN General
Assembly has demanded that Israel allow the Palestinian refugees to return
since 1948. "Lauder's opposition to the return of Palestinian refugees in
order to maintain the pure-Jewish identity of Israel is nothing short of
apartheid at its worst" said Turaani.

American Muslims for Jerusalem
208 G Street NE
Suite 100
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 548-4200
Fax: (202) 548-4201
WWW: http://www.amjerusalem.org

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of

[CTRL] Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. Foriegn policy doesn't change with the parties.

2001-03-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


 Number Three Hundred and Nine February 27, 2001


 By David Makovsky

 While the main purpose of Secretary of State Colin Powell's first foray
 the Middle East was to discuss Iraq, he also visited Israel and the
 Palestinian Authority and injected a dose of what some would call
 "evenhandedness"--giving each both something to be pleased about and
 something to be unnerved about.

 Powell did not please Israelis completely as he did not specifically
 Israel's policy of closures to handle the intifada, and he used
 terminology in calling for a "lifting of the siege." Moreover, he did not
 assign blame for the ongoing violence, nor did he distinguish between the
 types of killing. Israel says there is a difference between, on the one
 hand, selectively targeting Hamas, Hizballah, or Tanzim activists who are
 responsible for killing innocent civilians and, on the other hand, the
 actions of a Palestinian bus driver who plowed into a bus stop full of
 unsuspecting travelers.  Israeli officials privately --so far not
 in order not to offend Powell--term such an approach of failing to
 distinguish between these acts as one of moral equivalence. At the same
 time, the Palestinians could not be happy that Powell accepted Israeli
 sequencing in the peace process, whereby he declared a reduction of
 was a precondition for resumption of peace negotiations. This position was
 at odds with the Clinton administration, and the Barak government for that
 matter, which pressed talks further despite the ongoing violence. Taken
 together, these two principles could show the embryonic form of the Bush
 administration's policy on the peace process: siding with the Palestinians
 on economic--and perhaps even symbolic--matters, while siding with Israel
 the proper context of diplomacy. Some of the main points of the Powell

 While the intifada is heading into its sixth month, Israel has viewed the
 Palestinian violence as an illegitimate effort orchestrated by the
 Palestinian Authority (PA) to use force as a means to alter negotiating
 terms for final status negotiations. In recent weeks, Israel has
 brought substantial evidence to the CIA and other branches of the U.S.
 government to back up its contention that the PA stands behind the
 On the other hand, the PA has publicly claimed that the intifada is a
 popular uprising that expresses frustration with Israeli occupation. The
 sides differ both on motives and source of the violence, and even on
 the killings of the two sides are comparable.

 Powell apparently decided to avoid all these issues of contention. During
 his Middle East trip, Powell consistently bemoaned the ongoing violence,
 never went beyond his call for both sides to avoid an "escalation of
 violence." The Palestinians view this as a victory that they hope
 a departure from the policies of the Clinton administration, which they
 called "one sided."

 Furthermore, Powell made clear that he was not happy with Israel's closure
 policy in the territories, and in honor of Powell's arrival, Israel lifted
 some check-posts that divided the Gaza Strip. (The check-posts were
 last week after mortar shells were fired at a Jewish settlement in Gaza.)
 his joint press conference with Chairman Yasir Arafat, Powell said, "I
 want to express my deep concern for the dire economic situation that
 everyday Palestinians must bear. . . We discussed how it is necessary to
 lift the siege as soon as possible so that economic activity can begin
 in the region." Israel has imported 30,000 foreign workers over the last
 months to make up for the shortage of Palestinian workers.

 Lowering Violence as a Precondition for Negotiations
 Yet, Powell did not just side with Palestinians. Speaking to reporters on
 the plane to Kuwait on Monday, Powell made clear in blunt remarks that he
 accepts Israeli prime minister-elect Ariel Sharon's condition that peace
 talks must be preceded by Palestinian efforts to quell intifada violence.
 Powell said peacemaking "does begin with a lowering of the violence. We
 at the beginning of a long hallway. . . and at the end is the negotiations
 for peace."  He added, "it's going to be some time before they can get
 to the negotiations, it seems to me." Powell said a reduction in violence
 "really the sine qua non to moving forward." During his visit, Powell
 repeatedly called for a restarting of security cooperation between Israel
 and the Palestinians.

 In contrast, the Palestinians have actively opposed any conditionality
 between halting violence and resuming peace talks. The 

[CTRL] Last Thanksgiving Day I flew my small plane to Cuba...

2001-03-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


U.S. shares the blame

Last Thanksgiving Day I flew my small plane to Cuba loaded with medical
donations from the United States. To get permission, I had to overcome
considerable nervousness from Cuban authorities. They feared my flight would
open a way for more U.S.-sponsored provocation by private pilots, such as
the events that led to the shootdown of two planes by Cuba in 1996.
Although a United Nations investigation faulted Cuba for not using means,
such as more-effective radio communication, to avoid the shootdown, what has
not been widely re- ported is how the U.S. government might have prevented
the shootdown by enforcing its own laws. Now, five years later, the case is
in a Miami courtroom, where defense attorney Paul McKenna says that his
client, accused Cuban spy Gerardo Hernn- dez, is a scapegoat in the
shootdown and that Jos Basulto, the leader of the Brothers to the Rescue,
is really to blame. If convicted, Hernndez could receive a life sentence.


The American public deserves to know all the facts about the shootdown. On
July 11, 1995, the Federal Aviation Administration met with Basulto and
warned him that if he violated Cubas territorial airspace, he would suffer
``serious consequences'' and that any violations would be ``vigorously
investigated.'' Yet two days later, Basulto was on Miami television bragging
about his illegal exploits, calling them ``civil disobedience.''

Viewers saw him ``roaring over Havana at rooftop level,'' as described by
the on-board TV reporter, dropping propaganda leaflets and religious medals,
which seriously could have injured people below. A Cuban fighter plane
flying above him took no action, even though Basulto was flying in a manner
later described by the FAA as reckless or careless ``so as to endanger the
life and property'' of others.

Unfortunately, the FAA failed to carry out any of its warnings. For example,
it delayed the investigation for more than a month while it translated Cubas
documentation of the incident, and it never contacted the journalist on
board Basultos plane.

We may never know if the tragic shootdown seven months later might have been
averted had the FAA exercised its authority to revoke Basulto's pilot's
license or seize his aircraft. Despite Cubas numerous warnings that it would
shoot down any intruding aircraft, the Brothers continued their efforts to
destabilize the Cuban government by flying into airspace controlled by Cuba
and dropping political leaflets into the island.


On that ill-fated day, the pilots deviated from their filed flight plan
without notifying the aviation authorities. This deviation in flight plan
made the Cubans nervous because the aircraft were heading directly toward
Havana instead of along the coastline of Cuba as they had promised.

According to the U.N. report, the pilots acknowledged that they were warned
in Miami through the FAA and in the air by the Cubans that they would be
flying into airspace under Cuban control and ``activated'' by Cuban military
during that period. Although all three aircraft were equipped with
sophisticated GPS navigational systems, they intruded directly into the
activated area.

Basulto told the U.N. investigators that he did not violate Cuba's
territorial airspace, but the U.N. report states that radar recordings from
both countries showed otherwise. Basulto managed to evade a shootdown by the
Cuban military aircraft, but the other two aircraft were not as fortunate.

Rather than point the finger at the Brothers or the FAA for the shootdown,
the United States called on the U.N. to condemn Cuba, citing a provision
calling for countries to refrain from using weapons against civil aircraft.
That same provision was used to condemn the United States in 1988 for
shooting down an Iranian airliner, killing 290 passengers.

But the United States itself refuses to ratify the provision. Why? It would
require this country to prevent private pilots from using their aircraft to
carry out acts of aggression against other nations. Cuba ratified the
provision on Sept. 28, 1998.

What if the table were turned? Suppose that a known enemy from abroad was to
enter U.S. airspace in a small private plane heading toward Washington, D.C.
As several ``administration officials'' told The Washington Post, such an
intruder is likely to be shot down quickly over water before it enters the
United States because shooting down the plane over a populated area would
create ``significant risks to large numbers of innocent bystanders.''
Like the aviation incident, the United States is two-faced on health care,

Why did I fly more than $1 million in medical donations to Cuba? Like the
aviation incident, the United States is two-faced about health care as well.

The U.S. embargo prevents about half of the most vital medicines from

[CTRL] Oh no. Not again. 13 more days.

2001-03-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Russians may look to Cuba as reply to U.S. missile plan

`Some experts have taken up the issue following President Vladimir Putin's
trip to Cuba.'


headed nuclear weapons department

MOSCOW -- (AP) -- If compromise isn't reached with the United States on the
national missile defense controversy, Russian military strategists are
considering potential responses, including sending missiles to Cuba, a
retired general said Thursday.

Yevgeny Maslin, who headed the Defense Ministry's nuclear weapons department
in the late 1990s, now works with the independent research institute
PIR-Center, was not speaking for the government, and there was no immediate
reaction from Russian officials to his statements about missiles in Cuba.

He said at a news conference that many in the Russian military appear to be
still locked into a Cold War mentality.

The Kremlin's 1962 move to base missiles in Cuba was one of the Cold War
period's tensest crises, until the Soviet Union backed off.

Now, Moscow and Washington again are in dispute over missiles -- this time
over the United States' intention to build a national missile shield system
that Russia says would wreck the global strategic security balance.

Russia this week offered the outline of an alternative and officials are
voicing hope of a compromise.

But strategists are also pondering what to do if the United States starts
building the shield, which Washington says is needed to protect against
attacks by small countries that may be developing nuclear capability.

President Vladimir Putin said last year that Moscow may opt out of existing
arms control agreements if the United States goes ahead with the system.

``There is even such an exotic option as the deployment of some necessary
weapons in Cuba,'' Maslin said. ``Some experts have taken up the issue
following President Vladimir Putin's trip to Cuba.''

When Putin visited the old Soviet ally in December, he and Fidel Castro
spoke about revival of the political and economic ties that withered after
the Soviet collapse, but never mentioned resuming military cooperation.

Moscow still maintains an electronic spying facility in Lourdes, Cuba, that
eavesdrops on U.S. communications.

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[CTRL] From the Mughty Wurlitzer: CIA disinformation.

2001-03-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Brothers plane shoot-down a Castro trap?


Five years after the downing of two Brothers to the Rescue planes by a Cuban
MiG, evidence is emerging in a Miami courtroom suggesting the shoot-down was
no crime of opportunity, but part of a carefully plotted trap meant to
discredit and destroy the anti-Castro group.

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the shoot-down -- a moment that comes
just as testimony in the Cuban spy trial begins to underscore the deep
suspicions Castro foes in Miami long harbored about Cuban government

Documents submitted by federal prosecutors as evidence, like once-secret
computer and radio messages between the alleged spies and their Havana
handlers, chronicle efforts by Havana's agents to sabotage Brothers to the
Rescue and pave the way for an ambush in which two Brothers pilots and two
rafter spotters were killed.


In fact, U.S. prosecutors say, evidence points to a conspiracy involving
Havana and one of the alleged spies to set up the Brothers pilots.

The charge also seems to validate a theory initially floated by Brothers
leader Jos Basulto days after the shoot-down that the event was the outcome
of a Cuban covert operation to connect Brothers to anti-Castro terrorism.
According to Basulto, Cuba had planned to claim that the Brothers planes had
been shot down while en route to an airstrike on Cuba.

Basulto is a witness in the trial in which five alleged Cuban spies are
fighting charges of trying to infiltrate U.S. military installations and
Cuban exile organizations including Brothers to the Rescue for the purpose
of harming U.S. national security.

``What is clear from the trial is that Brothers to the Rescue were set up
and that murder was committed,'' said Joe Garcia, executive director of the
Cuban American National Foundation, which also was allegedly targeted by the
spy suspects. ``The trial shows an ongoing effort by the Cuban government to
create dissension and strife among those who fight for freedom and democracy
for Cuba.''


The accused spies claim they were merely working to protect their homeland
from acts of terrorism by the Brothers.

One of the defendants, Gerardo Hernndez, is charged with conspiracy to
commit murder in the shoot-down. Attorneys for Hernndez and his
co-defendants do not dispute that their clients worked for the Cuban
government. But they told jurors that the men spied on military
installations and infiltrated exile groups to protect Cuba -- not to
compromise national security.

One of Havana's spies inside Brothers, Juan Pablo Roque, reported to one of
his Cuban handlers and the FBI that Basulto had mentioned plans to
manufacture a ``secret weapon'' for delivery to island-based anti-Castro
foes, according to prosecution evidence. The court document says neither
Cuba nor the FBI took the report seriously.

Most of the evidence submitted by the prosecution portrays Brothers to the
Rescue as a target for the Cuban government.

The recently declassified computer and radio messages between the alleged
spies and their Havana handlers, for example, detail elaborate efforts to
set up Brothers for the shoot-down -- including arrangements for Roque's
secret return to Cuba on the eve of the shoot-down.


The operation laid out in the messages resembles Basulto's theory that Cuba
shot down the Brothers planes to smear the group's reputation. Basulto says
Cuba had planned to present Roque, the infiltrated Brothers pilot, as sole
shoot-down survivor and have him describe details of the ``terrorist''

The only reason the plot failed, Basulto said, is that he survived the
shoot-down by turning off his plane's transponder and flying into a cloud to
evade a pursuing MiG.

Roque disappeared from Miami on the eve of the Brothers' fateful flight --
reappearing in Havana after the shoot-down and disclosing that he had
infiltrated Brothers to the Rescue. Roque is now a fugitive in the spy case.

As it unfolds, evidence emerging suggests that Cuba may have dispatched
spies to South Florida after concluding that Washington was not taking
seriously its demands to crack down on exile ``terrorists'' and incursions
into Cuban airspace by Brothers planes.


The creation of Brothers to the Rescue in early 1991 and Basulto's role in
the group played a major part in Havana's fears. Many exiles who had
received paramilitary training in the early 1960s when the CIA financed the
ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion went into action again in the 1990s.

Some sponsored raids against the Cuban coast. Others staged attacks at
tourist sites. Still others opted for nonviolent protests such as
pro-democracy flotillas -- and among organizers of the first flotilla on May
20,1990 was Basulto -- a Bay of Pigs veteran.

Cuba's suspicions about the organization intensified and soon thereafter,

Re: [CTRL] Poll: New Yorkers Don't Believe Hillary on Pardons

2001-02-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 02/26/2001 9:44:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Most New Yorkers did not believe Sen. Hillary Rodham
  Clinton (news - web sites) when she denied knowing her brother was being paid
  for helping secure presidential pardons for two convicted felons, according
  to a poll published on Sunday. 

 Goes to show you.  New Yorkers are not as bright as they try to make us
 believe.  No wonder the market is falling.  Prudy

Do you belive her?


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[CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: John le Carré has issued a timely warning

2001-02-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Sydney Morning Herald
February 28, 2001

Corporate spin and lies: a spymaster's lament, and a
warning to us all
John le Carr has issued a timely warning that
international conglomerates don't always consider the
public's best interests, says Paul Sheehan.

Feeling brainwashed? The world's most famous spy, John
le Carr (aka David Cornwell) thinks you should be.

"We have become the creatures of these people.
Advertising as news. It's prevalent in every aspect of
the press. It's very skilfully done. The amount of
energy and money and ingenuity applied to corporate
spin and corporate lying has never been greater or
more effective than it is now."

"These people" are big corporations. "The biggest
delusion of our time is that great corporations have
an ethical centre. They have absolutely no ethical or
moral centre," he told me during a visit to Sydney
this week. He's not just talking about marketing and
branding and corporate spin-doctoring. In his new
novel, The Constant Gardener, he argues that big
pharmaceutical corporations have blood on their hands
while, on the surface, everything they do is according
to law.

In his conversation with me, he cited big oil
companies: "The civil war in south Sudan now is being
fuelled, literally, by the oil industry. The deal that
the oil companies have cut with [the Sudanese military
government in] Khartoum is that Khartoum will let them
build runways, let them explore for oil, and in return
will receive royalties and get to use the runways for
its aircraft to bomb villages. It gets money for guns
and soldiers to go and shoot the Africans in the south

"And how the hell did Shell Oil get away with what
they did in Nigeria? It is exactly the way I saw it in
The Constant Gardener: you delegate responsibility to
local management. You even sell off various
concessions so that you basically disown them. And
what happens on the ground, that's explained away as
the local ethic: 'When in Rome'; 'We don't interfere';
'We're terribly concerned that things should be done
fairly and constitutionally according to the law of
the land'. That was what happened in Nigeria under
that monstrous dictatorship."

Did he say Shell Oil company?

One of the world's biggest energy conglomerates, the
Royal Dutch/Shell Group, is attempting to take control
of Australia's largest energy development, the
North-West Shelf natural gas and oil field via the
takeover of Woodside Petroleum by Shell Oil.
Everything about this deal is big. Royal Dutch/Shell
is a British/Dutch corporate behemoth, with a market
capitalisation of $US206 billion ($391 billion).
That's almost as big as the entire Australian stock
market. For Shell Oil, this is another strategic asset
play. For Australia, the North-West Shelf is the
nation's largest energy source, its largest
development project, and it will have an impact on the
nation's balance of payments for a generation.

It does not help Shell that in 1996 a former company
official, Bopp van Dessel, the former head of Shell's
environmental studies, went public with this claim:
"They were not meeting their own standards, they were
not meeting international standards. Any Shell site
that I saw was polluted. Any terminal I saw was

Also in 1996, The New York Times reported that Shell
may have damaged the reputation of a prominent
Nigerian writer, Ken Saro-Wiwa, prior to his execution
by Nigeria's military government. Saro-Wiwa had led
the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni Peoples,
which campaigned against environmental damage caused
by Shell and other oil companies in the Ogoni region
and against human rights abuses committed there by the
Nigerian military.

Shell suspended operations in the Ogoni region in 1993
after civil unrest, but it continued to produce about
half of Nigeria's crude oil output. The company put
out a statement that it was "not for a commercial
organisation like Shell to interfere in the legal
processes of a sovereign State such as Nigeria".

Sounds like a John le Carr novel. Which brings us
back to the decreasingly sovereign state of Australia.
The choice now is whether to send a signal that might
discourage foreign investment. Or would Australians
prefer that the key decisions about the North-West
Shelf be made in boardrooms in London and the Hague,
or in Australia?

For most Australians, that's a rhetorical question. As
the two recent State elections have shown (yet again),
the natives are restless. They want blood. And oil.


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major and 

Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Tenorlove wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mary could have been his sister.

 Or his wife.

Or his mother.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Masters of Space

2001-02-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Today's Global Intelligence update
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 19:25:34 -0600 (CST)


S T R A T F O R . c o m



27 February 2001



  * Race to Space


  * Joblessness, Violence Fuel Israel's Economic Slump

  * Japan's Energy Plan for West Africa

  * The Costs of the War on Opium


U.N. efforts to negotiate a new international treaty banning
weapons in space failed again this month when the United States,
reiterating a long-standing position, said the treaty was
unnecessary. But the Bush administration's space initiatives will
prompt other to accelerate their own programs. Notably, Russia is
alarmed at U.S. efforts and China is already reported to be
developing space warfare capabilities.


Despite efforts from Russia and China, U.N. members declined in
mid-February to start negotiations to create new guidelines to
ban the placement of offensive weapons in space and limit
development of technologies that could destroy satellites and
space systems from earth.

In meetings in Geneva lasting from late January to Feb. 18, the
United States balked at addressing an agenda item on the issue at
the U.N. Conference on Disarmament. According to participants,
the United States contended, once again, that there is no space
race and such a treaty is unnecessary.

But Russia and China both warn of U.S. efforts setting off a
conflict in space and urge that negotiations on a new treaty
begin immediately. Although the United States describes its
activities in space as defensive in nature, a closer look reveals
their offensive properties. Moreover, because every military move
leads to a counter move by competitors, a space race may now be




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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


[CTRL] Capitalism ubber alles: Killing the Earth.

2001-02-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

* QUOTE OF THE WEEK * Utah Philips *

"The earth is not dying - it is being killed.  And the people who are
killing it have names and addresses."

* ACTION OF THE WEEK * Featured on the eActivist.org Homepage *

Help Save the Ancient Rainforests of Western Canada from Clearcut Logging.


The west coast of Canada is home to the largest intact area of temperate
rainforest left in the world. This majestic forest contains 1000-year-old
cedar trees, some of which tower as high as a thirty-story office building.
This global treasure is being devastated by clearcut logging.

More than 140 genetically-unique stocks of salmon in British Columbia and
the Yukon have already been driven into extinction and the grizzly bear
populations in coastal BC forests have declined by 40-80 per cent in the
past few decades.  Despite ratifying the Convention on Biological Diversity
nearly 10 years ago, Canada still does not have an Endangered Species
Act - a fundamental requirement of all signatory nations.

Demand that Canada's Prime Minister take immediate action to protect
his nation's endangered rainforests from clearcutting from logging giants
like West Fraser Timber and International Forest Products (Interfor).

An action created by the Greenpeace.

* WEB SITE OF THE WEEK * VoteHemp.com *

VoteHemp.com seeks changes in government policies to encourage
global production of Hemp as an environmentally beneficial and socially
conscious raw material for industry. Hemp is the world's most versatile
and useful plant. More than 25,000 products can be made from it.

Featured on the eActivist.org Homepage.

* ETC *

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Jesus grew up in the boondocks, not the capital.
  Even so, I doubt that boonie towns were integrated.

 They weren't 'integrated' as much as being comprised of a mix of peoples, not all of 
whom practiced a pure
 form of the Judaic faith...

I doubt it.

   Pagans were common,
   even after nearly a millennium of Jewish repression.
  Poor Pagans. I guess the I guess the Jews gave them a hard time about
  burring their children and other human sacrifices.

 Very few pagan religions in the Middle East practiced human sacrafice,

Oh really? How about Christianity? Who do you think the death and
resurrection of a god/man appealed to. Not the Jews. Human sacrifice cults
were the basis of most, if not all the religions in the post agriculture

 especially 'burning' one's children...

 The only evidence of ritual infanticide exists in Cyprus, nowhere else...

I doubt it. Remember Moloch? He was the national god of the Ammonites. He
was worshipped by offering up human sacrifices. Most always a child from
the family. Worship of Moloch was expressly forbidden in Leviticus.

Later, Solomon permitted alters to be built to him when he consolidated
and expanded the country.( This was a millennium before Jesus.) Much later,
Josiah, the King of Judah, as part of the purification of Judah, defiled
the temples of Moloch. ' That no one might burn his son or his daughter as
an offering to Moloch' ( 2 Kgs 23:10 ) Idolatrous priests were killed. The
house of male prostitutes was destroyed. this was about 600 BCE.

   All the Jews did
   was drive out the temples. The pagans remained. Many Jews themselves
   were pagans or still practiced elements of pagan religion (as do we
  If you mean Hellenism. Yes. If you mean something else, then not likely.
   They also married pagans.
  I doubt it.

 "Not likely" and "I doubt it" are hardly scholarly answers.  I suggest that
 you actually RESEARCH the history
 of religions of both the area and the era...

I have researched that place and time quite thoroughly. I'll stick with the
answers I gave.

 Intermarriage between Jews and pagans was a common problem, indicated time
 and again in the OT...

The parable of the good
Samaritan is an indicator of how separate the Jewish and Pagan cultures were.
Samaritans had the same status as tornado bait trailer trash do in certain
circles in Arkansas. The kind Samaritan was the exception to the rule.

 one would
 find more temples and altars to Baal in the countryside than Jewish temples...

The OT spans about 1600 years if you accept the standard chronology. The period
you are talking about is not the time of Mary Magdaline.

There were no Jewish temples. There was only THE Temple in Jerusalem. What you
are talking about is true early on. By the time the Romans arrived this did not
apply. There were Pagan cities which were Hellenistic or Roman. Some Semites
were forcibly converted to Judaism and were suspected of backsliding. If these
are the people you're talking about, well ok. But these are a special case. Not
the norm.

 Ongoing archeological digs substantiate this...

Good one.


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[CTRL] [Fwd: Final Election Results]

2001-02-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Final Election Results
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 22:38:50 -0600 (CST)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Friday, January 19, 2001


Al Gore: 50,996,116

George W. Bush: 50,456,169

In the nationwide popular vote, Gore received 539,947 more votes than Bush.

Source: The Associated Press

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [FreePalestine] Re: [Spy News] Syria was behind killings at Sabra and Chatilla.

2001-02-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Well, I just read your rebuttal. Such as it is.
If your intent was to convince that this story
is a Mossad hangout, and untrue, you didn't convince
me. As a matter of fact, you seem to corroborate the
basic points.

I wasn't sure as to the validity of the original story,
but you sure helped firm it up. Even if that was not
your intent.

Keep your day jobs.

 Re: [FreePalestine] Re: [Spy News] Syria was behind killings at
 Sabra and Chatilla.
 Mon, 26 Feb 2001 02:41:08 +0100



This operation was mounted by the SECOND DESK of syrian secret services and
the "MAKTAB el-KHAS", who are attached to the ministry of interior. They
where, and they still, specialy mounted and trained for psycological
operations and underground killing activities.

Ali Dhadha WAS the boss of 2nd DESK and still now in the Syrian head of
Secret Service.

He was the brain of this operation to destabilize ISRAEL.


SHARON was NEVER implicated in those masacres.

Jean-Paul NEY
Journalist / Autor
Webmaster of intelink.fr.st
Site: http://www.intelink.fr.st
Intelink.fr.st, tout sur le monde
de l'espionnage, du renseignement,
de la dfense et du contre-terrorisme

Site du mois:
iSecureLabs.com, tout sur la scurit
informatique en franais


Mashney wrote:

 Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 1:37 AM
 Subject: [FreePalestine] Re: [Spy News] Syria was behind killings at
 Sabra and Chatilla.

  --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Mashney" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Dear Nurev Ind Research,
   It seems that you need to do more research since the article below
 is a carefully planted Zionist-disguised-as-Lebanese wash designed to
 clean the blood-dripping butcher image of the true perpetrator of  the
 massacres, the newly-elected prime Minster of the so-called "only
 democracy in the Middle East."
   BTW, the name "Frias" (below) is not Lebanese. Did you mean to
 write Firas or Faris? Take a pick :-)
  sami, all- this article is even worse than how you describe it.
 please scroll down for my reply.

   Sami B. Mashney
   From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 11:33 AM
   Subject: [Spy News] Syria was behind killings at Sabra and
   Subject:  Syria was behind killings at Sabra and Chatilla.
   Date:  Sat, 23 Sep 2000 03:26:48 -0700 (PDT)
   From:  Frias ED [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Syria was behind it 100 percent. New info shows it
   An LFP Exclusive
   (Lebanese Foundation for Peace)
   Direct Submission
   The Truth Behind
   Source: A retired Lebanese intelligence officer who is willing to
   testify at a trial of Elias Hobeika, if it takes place at an
   international court.
  of course, the name of this "Lebanese intelligence officer" is not
 provided. maybe he is shy by nature.
   Perceived as the driving force in the murders at Sabra and
   General "Arik" Sharon has been condemned and discarded by accepted
  no. by an ISRAELI inquiry comission.
  No matter that he is now the leader of the Likud party in
   Israel, no matter that he is the hero of manycampaigns that
  preserved Israel in the face of overwhelming odds, history's
  destroys his viability as deserving of the highest office of
   The truth is that the massacre did indeed happen;
  all kneel in owe for the carrier of the "truth"
  however, the perpetrator's were neither Israeli nor Lebanese rioters
 as reported.
   they were not "lebanese rioters". they were members of a fascist
  political organization, and they were high on cocaine.
   The entire operation was masterminded by Syrian intelligence, as
 reported by a
   number of witnesses, and was carried out ruthlessly and
  by a Lebanese stooge of Syria named Elias Hobeika.
  what "witnesses"? how did they witness the syrian intelligence
  mastermind the operation?
  elias hobeiqa only aquired his "stooge" status in the late 80's,
  after the tri-party agreement (al ittifaq al thoulathy) between the
  lebanese forces, amal, and the jumblattis. the accord was aborted
  when an uprising against hobeiqa took place in east beirut; it was
  organized by samir geagea, who later became the "leader maximo".
  furthermore, during the 1982 israeli invasion, the syrian army in
  beirut was the f

Re: [CTRL] SK: Did humans hunt giant mammals to extinction,orgive them lethal desease?

2001-02-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  If this were true, the mega fauna of Africa would have been
 exterminated long ago. Mankind has been in Africa longer than it has
 been anywhere.

This sentence is only true about Negroids. Not necessarily about the
other races. Black Africans are indisputably the oldest of the modern
Homo Sapiens.

 You're only HALF right. The second sentence is theoretical speculation.

 Until more data come in, it's the only theoretical speculation with an
 empirical basis. But, yes, we should withhold final judgement. Th data
 are not all in. No one knows what might turn up.

New discoveries in Australia seem to indicate that the ' out of Africa '
model is turning out to be untrue. Apparently ' mankind ' or our immediate
ancestors developed in several places several places simultaneously.

I was never really convinced of the Out of Africa theory. It didn't account
for the physical differences of the races in the time frames given.

What do you think?


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Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I would speculate that the person who originally dubbed Mary Magdalene
 as a prostitute was incensed upon realizing that a woman could possibly
 have been the first Apostle.

 There's another explanation. The pagans who lived in the area practiced
 ritual prostitution as part of their religion. The money went to temple
 maintance and to charity. She could have been a practitioner, or even a

Extremely unlikely. Jesus was a practicing Jew. He would not even have had
access to such a person. There were no Pagan temples in Jewish Jerusalem.
One of the reasons for the first Jewish revolt was because the Romans
displayed their shields and eagles in Jerusalem's holy areas where graven
images were particularly offensive.

There is really no way to know who MM was. The OT is notoriously unreliable
with names and characters. Much of this was intentional. The compilers of
the OT ( 300 years after the death of Jesus ) did not want Christians to
know that Jesus had many siblings. They obfuscated names and used several
names for the same people, as well as giving the same people different
roles in the mythology.

Mary could have been his sister.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 He would not even have had access to such a person. There were no Pagan
 temples in Jewish Jerusalem.

 Jesus grew up in the boondocks, not the capital.

Even so, I doubt that boonie towns were integrated.

 Pagans were common,
 even after nearly a millennium of Jewish repression.

Poor Pagans. I guess the I guess the Jews gave them a hard time about
burring their children and other human sacrifices.

 All the Jews did
 was drive out the temples. The pagans remained. Many Jews themselves
 were pagans or still practiced elements of pagan religion (as do we

If you mean Hellenism. Yes. If you mean something else, then not likely.

 They also married pagans.

I doubt it.

  Mary could have been his sister.

 Indeed. She could also have been his wife. Some people say that the
 miracle of the wine and the water was at Jesus’ own wedding feast.

That's my point. She either did or didn't exist, or if she did exist,
she could have been anybody.

 Jewish culture as well as Jewish religion so strongly supported marriage
 that it is inconceivable that a man could reach thirty, still be
 unmarried, and not be utterly rejected by the other people of the

This is a good observation, but consider this. James, Jesus' brother was
a NAZIR. A Nazir is the ONLY instance in Jewish culture where it is permitted
to put aside the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. In other words,
if one dedicates his life to the service of god, he may be a monk. James
was a Nazir and second in line after Jesus in the leadership of the early
movement. It would not be a leap to presume that Jesus was a Nazir too.
Nazir, Nazarene, Nazareth have gotten jumbled in the translations of the
Jesus legends.

A Nazir abstained from sex, did not cut his hair, and was bound by strict
rules of purity.

 He certainly couldn’t have gained a following.

He could and he did. He apparently got some part of John the Baptist's

This of course ALL speculation. But it's speculation within the correct


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Empire strikes back: “Whoever controls space will control the destiny of the Earth.”

2001-02-25 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Space MUST be demilitarized. Or we ALL will suffer
the consequences.---Joshua2

Militarizing Space

By J. Michael Waller

The nation with military control of space will have the capability to
control international communications and access to land, sea and air. If the
U.S. should lose its present control of space, it will mark the end of its
status as a global superpower.

Sen. Robert Smith, R-N.H., was grimly serious. “Whoever controls space will
control the destiny of the Earth,” he declared. “And when you look at the
options out there, I would ask you, who do you want it to be? Iran? Russia?
Iraq? China?”
   Smith was raising those tough questions at a recent seminar on space
power at the prestigious Center for Security Policy in Washington. Not given
to flamboyant rhetoric, the plainspoken New Hampshireman continued, “To
those who say we can’t militarize space, I must say, ‘Do you want somebody
else to do it?’ ”
   China and Russia want to. So do likely or incipient nuclear powers
Pakistan, India, Iraq and North Korea. And it isn’t just those with military
ambitions, say leading defense authorities. Now, thanks to commercialization
of many space technologies, any individual or group with the cash can buy
the hardware and software to cause havoc for U.S. security interests in
   Space holds the key to U.S. communications — not only for the
military, but for every single citizen whose news and entertainment,
telephone calls, Internet surfing, banking and financial services depend on
satellites. Vulnerable to attack is the entire communications system on
which the U.S. economy now depends.
   Equally vulnerable is the U.S. mainland itself. Any defense against
incoming ballistic missiles — be they short-range or strategic rockets with
nuclear warheads — must rely heavily on space-based sensors and, in some
cases, space-based weapons to shoot down the missiles or warheads before
they land.
   In military terms, control of space means much more than missile
defense. “The United States’ unimpeded access to space is vital to national
interests — the word ‘vital’ meaning that we are willing to do whatever it
takes to maintain that access,” according to Air Force Maj. Gen. Brian
Arnold. Virtually every facet of modern war-fighting makes use of space, he
says, “from intelligence to reconnaissance, surveillance to warning to
timing [and] getting over the target, to our precision-guidance weapons that
you saw used so well in Operation Allied Force to limit the collateral
damage, to put a single weapon on a single target, to the weather, to
accessing the battle damage after the fight, to the communications … and
going even further to computer-network defense and computer-network attack,
which uses a lot of space assets.”
   Polls show most Americans agree that, when threatened, the U.S.
military should be used to ensure full access to Middle Eastern oil, and
Americans overwhelmingly supported the use of force to free oil supplies in
Kuwait. But what about an Operation Desert Storm in space? The issue is
seldom discussed.
   “The importance of space control and space superiority will continue
to grow as our economy becomes more reliant on space,” according to Gen.
Ralph E. Eberhart, commander in chief of the U.S. Space Command, known as
SPACECOM. “As space becomes more integral — and critical — to military land,
sea and air operations, the U.S. must devote more attention to the sensitive
issues of space control and superiority.”
   What does that mean? “The space systems we have today provide remote
sensing, navigation, communications and other support services to all of our
land, air and sea forces,” Sen. Smith explains. The United States, he
emphasized at the Center for Security Policy panel, must have “information
superiority” to prevail in a conflict. And that’s not all. Smith said there
are two other types of programs that are missing if we are to achieve true
space power:
   “Number one, we have lacked space-control technology and
capabilities. We don’t have space-control capability, in my view,” Smith
said. “If we intend to maintain our information superiority, we need a
strong space-control program to protect our assets and to deny our
adversaries the use of their own systems.”
   Secondly, he says, the United States lacks a flexible
power-projection capability that would allow U.S. forces to use space to
project their military power elsewhere on Earth. Rather than take out land
targets with troops and aircraft, proponents say, the United States could
accomplish the same goals with space-based lasers capable of attacking
targets on the ground, at sea and in the air.
   Concerned about the Clinton/Gore administration’s lack of attention
to this problem, Smith introduced legislation that established a 

[CTRL] How it's done: The freest press on earth.

2001-02-25 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

John Pilger - In the freest press on earth, humanity is
reported in terms of its usefulness to US power

John Pilger
Monday 19th February 2001
The New Statesman


Long before the Soviet Union broke up, a group of Russian writers
touring the United States were astonished to find, after reading the
newspapers and watching television, that almost all the opinions on
all the vital issues were the same. "In our country," said one of
them, "to get that result we have a dictatorship. We imprison people.
We tear out their fingernails. Here you have none of that. How do you
do it? What's the secret?"

The secret is a form of censorship more insidious than a totalitarian
state could ever hope to achieve. The myth is the opposite.
Constitutional freedoms unmatched anywhere else guard against
censorship; the press is a "fourth estate", a watchdog on democracy.
The journalism schools boast this reputation, the influential East
Coast press is especially proud of it, epitomised by the liberal
paper of record, the New York Times, with its masthead slogan: "All
the news that's fit to print."

It takes only a day or two back in the US to be reminded of how deep
state censorship runs. It is censorship by omission, and voluntary.
The source of most Americans' information, mainstream television, has
been reduced to a set of marketing images shot and edited to the
rhythms of a Coca-Cola commercial that flow seamlessly into the
actual commercials. Rupert Murdoch's Fox network is the model, with
its peep-shows of human tragedy. Non-American human beings are
generally ignored, or treated with an anthropological curiosity
reserved for wildlife documentaries.

Not long ago, Kenneth Jarecke was talking about this censorship.
Jarecke is the American photographer who took the breath-catching
picture of an Iraqi burnt to a blackened cinder, petrified at the
wheel of his vehicle on the Basra Road where he, and hundreds of
others, were massacred by American pilots on their infamous "turkey
shoot" at the end of the Gulf war. In the United States, Jarecke's
picture was suppressed for months after what was more a slaughter
than a war. "The whole US press collaborated in keeping silent about
the consequences of that war," he said.

The famous CBS anchorman Dan Rather told his prime-time audience:
"There's one thing we can all agree on. It's the heroism of the 148
Americans who gave their lives so that freedom could live." What he
omitted to say was that a quarter of them had been killed, like their
British comrades, by other Americans. He made no mention of the Iraqi
dead, put at 200,000 by the Medical Educational Trust. That American
forces had deliberately bombed civilian infrastructure, such as water
treatment plants, was not reported at the time. Six months later, one
newspaper, Newsday, published in Long Island, New York, disclosed
that three US brigades "used snow plows mounted on tanks to bury
thousands of Iraqi soldiers - some still alive - in more than 70
miles of trenches".

The other day, both the Washington Post and the New York Times
referred to Iraq without mentioning the million people now estimated
to have died as a direct result of sanctions imposed, via the UN, by
the United States and Britain. That, writes Brian Michael Goss of the
University of Illinois, is standard practice. Goss examined 630
articles on sanctions published in the New York Times from 1996 to
1998. In those three years, just 20 articles - 3 per cent of the
coverage - were critical of the policy or dwelt upon its civilian
impact. The rest reflected the US official line, identifying 21
million people with Saddam Hussein. The scale of the censorship is
placed in perspective by Professors John and Karl Mueller, of the
University of Rochester. "Even if the UN estimates of the human
damage to Iraq are roughly correct," they write, sanctions have
caused "the deaths of more people in Iraq than have been slain by all
so-called weapons of mass destruction throughout history."

A third of the people of East Timor were put to death by the Suharto
dictatorship during Indonesia's 24-year occupation. Yet the American
media skirted this epic crime until shortly before the 1999
referendum. Their silence was in striking contrast to the saturation
coverage of the "genocide" in Kosovo, used to justify the Nato
bombing campaign, and was in line with suppression of the
post-bombing disclosure that there was no genocide. In East Timor,
the United States helped Suharto execute his invasion, secretly and
illegally, with weapons and aircraft. For most of the 24 years of
bloody occupation, the US media maintained a virtual blackout on East

In the freest press on earth, humanity is reported in terms of its
usefulness to American power. Kosovo was a major story; it
demonstrated the "credibility" of Nato and America's control over the
Balkans. East Timor was a non-story, "a road bump on the way to

[CTRL] Blue Gold.

2001-02-25 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Report Summary



  By Maude Barlow
   Chair, IFG Committee on the Globalization of Water
National Chair, Council of Canadians

June 1999
A Special Report
Produced and Published by
the International Forum on Globalization (IFG)

"The wars of the next century will be about water."
— The World Bank


We'd like to believe there's an infinite supply of fresh water on the planet. But
the assumption is tragically false. Available fresh water amounts to less than
one half of one percent of all the water on Earth. The rest is sea water, or is
frozen in the polar ice. Fresh water is renewable only by rainfall, at the rate of
40-50,000 cubic km per year.

Global consumption of water is doubling every 20 years, more than twice the
rate of human population growth. According to the United Nations, more than
one billion people on Earth already lack access to fresh drinking water. If
current trends persist, by 2025 the demand for fresh water is expected to rise
by 56 percent more than is currently available.

As the water crisis intensifies, governments around the world — under
pressure from multinational corporations — are advocating a radical solution:
the commodification and mass transport of water. Proponents of
commodification, and subsequent privatization, say that such a system is the
only way to distribute water to the world's thirsty. But, in fact, experience
shows that selling water on the open market does not address the needs of
poor, thirsty people. On the contrary, privatized water is delivered to those
who can pay for it, such as wealthy cities and individuals and water intensive
industries such as agriculture and high-tech. As one resident of the high
desert in New Mexico observed after his community's water was diverted for
use by the high-tech industry: "Water flows uphill to money."

The push to commodify water comes at a time when the social, political and
economic impacts of water scarcity are rapidly becoming a destabilizing force,
with water-related conflicts springing up around the globe. For example,
Malaysia, which supplies about half of Singapore's water, threatened to cut off
that supply in 1997 after Singapore criticized its government policies. In
Africa, relations between Botswana and Namibia have been severely strained
by Namibian plans to construct a pipeline to divert water from the shared
Okavango River to eastern Namibia. Much has been written about the potential
for water wars in the Middle East, where water resources are severely limited.
The late King Hussein of Jordan once said the only thing he would go to war
with Israel over was water because Israel controls Jordan's water supply.

Meanwhile, the future of one of the earth's most vital resources is being
determined by those who profit from its overuse and abuse. At the annual
World Economic Development Congress, which follows the annual
International Monetary Fund/World Bank meeting, corporations and financial
institutions met with government representatives from more than 84 countries
to attend panels on such subjects as "Overcoming Obstacles to Water
Investment" and "Navigating Transparency and Banking Regulation in
Emerging Capital Markets." The agenda was clear: water should be treated like
any other tradable good, with its use determined by market principles.

At the same time, governments are signing away their control over domestic
water supplies by participating in trade treaties such as the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and institutions such as the World Trade
Organization (WTO). These agreements effectively give transnational
corporations the unprecedented right to the water of signatory countries.

Already, corporations have started to sue governments in order to gain access
to domestic water sources. For example, Sun Belt, a California company, is
suing the government of Canada under NAFTA because British Columbia
(B.C.) banned water exports several years ago. The company claims that
B.C.'s law violates several NAFTA-based investor rights and therefore is
claiming US$220 million in compensation for lost profits.

With the protection of these international trade agreements, companies are
setting their sights on the mass transport of bulk water by diversion and by
super tanker. Several companies are developing technology whereby large
quantities of fresh water would be loaded into huge sealed bags and towed
across the ocean for sale.

The U.S. Global Water Corporation, a Canadian company, is one of those
seeking to be a major player in the water trade. It has signed an agreement
with Sitka, Alaska, to export 18 billion gallons per year of glacier water to
China where it will be bottled in one of that country's 

[CTRL] US troops fighting in Columbia

2001-02-25 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Thursday, 22 February, 2001, 03:39 GMT
  Colombia drugs war escalates

  US supplies the hardware in anti-drugs fight
  By Jeremy McDermott in Colombia

  It has emerged that pilots supplied by the
  United States to support anti-drugs efforts in
  Colombia were involved in a gunfight with
  rebels during a crop-spraying mission last

  The incident began when a police helicopter
  supporting the US-backed aerial fumigation
  programme crops was shot down by Marxist
  guerrillas in the southern province of Caqueta.

  The crew of the
  downed aircraft were
  rescued by other
  helicopter gunships,
  some piloted by
  American citizens
  contracted by the US
  State Department.

  Correspondents say the
  incident is likely to fuel
  allegations by the rebels that the US is
  directing the anti-drugs offensive in violation
  of Colombian sovereignty.

  US involvement disputed

  The guerrillas of the Farc, the Revolutionary
  Armed Forces of Colombia, have long asserted
  that the US is directly involved in fighting
  against them, citing the US spy plane with five
  American servicemen on board which crashed
  into the mountains of southern Colombia in

  But US authorities have insisted that the 500
  American military personnel stationed in
  Colombia are involved in training and monitoring
  only and never directly in combat.

  The US aid package of $1.3bn was voted
  through Congress on the guarantee that US
  personnel would not get directly involved in
  the fighting.

  The aid package is ostensibly for the war
  against drugs but since guerrillas and
  right-wing paramilitaries are deeply involved in
  the narcotics trade, the drug war is
  synonymous with the civil conflict.

  But the same rules on
  combat do not seem to
  apply to
  sub-contractors hired
  by the US State

  Another Vietnam

  This latest fighting
  over the weekend saw
  Americans paid by the
  US flying helicopter
  gunships that were
  used to put
  suppressing fire down on guerrillas whilst
  grounded crewmen were rescued.

  The Farc have vowed to turn Colombia into
  another Vietnam for the US and have stated
  that all American military personnel in the
  country are considered targets.

  Guerrilla sources have said they cannot see
  the difference between US service personnel
  and Americans in the pay of the US

  They say that the United States has crossed
  the line and is intervening in the 37-year civil

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Spy News] Update: US, CoE, EU welcome Bosnia's first non-nationalist central govt. j2

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


I must point out here that the key in this propaganda piece
is *** non-nationalist ***. The reason is that nationalism
is being forcibly removed as an option for small countries or
countries with resources that the Western Corporations want.
It stands in the way of Globalization. Particularly the next
step planned for the world's countries, which is really
" regionalism."

The EU is the political and economic regionalization of the
sovereign countries of Europe.

Another less successful example would be the attempted
regionalization of the Mid-East through the Oslo ( so called
peace ) Plan. One can only speculate about what it means for
the Israelis to de-nationalize, while doing the opposite for
the Palestinians. The Palestinians will never be allowed to
have a sovereign nation simply because it is US and EU policy
to regionalize that part of the world. The whole thing is a

Regionalization will not work in the Mid-East, nor in many
other parts of the world.

It took the intentional destruction of Yugoslavia and the
Yugoslav socialist economy to bring the Balkans to the point
where weak nationalist puppet governments will agree to be
absorbed into the EU region.


MariosE wrote:

 Council of Europe welcomes election of moderate Bosnian govt

  Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:00:10 PST

STRASBOURG, Feb 23 (AFP) - The Council of Europe on Friday
 welcomed the election of the first non-nationalist government in
 Bosnia-Hercegovina, and urged the new administration to press ahead
 with democratic reforms.
"This is an important signal of Bosnia and Hercegovina's
 determination to take its future into its own hands," said a
 statement from Secretary General Walter Schwimmer.
The electorate had rejected the politics of "division and
 stagnation", he said.
"I encourage the new government to use its powers to reinforce
 the democratic institutions of the country and push thrugh the
 necessary reforms enabling Bosnia and Hercegovina to join the
 Council of Europe," he added.
On Thursday, Bosnia's central parliament elected the first
 government without nationalist parties since the 1995 Dayton
The government, responsible only for foreign affairs, defence
 and trade, is to be headed by Bozidar Matic, a member of the
 moderate Social Democratic Party (SDP).
The vote came after November's elections to the federal
Bosnia-Hercegovina applied for membership in the Council of
 Europe in 1995.

 Copyright 2001 by Agence France-Presse

 US hails election of moderate government in Bosnia

  Fri, 23 Feb 2001 12:20:09 PST

WASHINGTON, Feb 23 (AFP) - The United States on Friday hailed
 the election this week of the first non-nationalist government in
 Bosnia-Herzegovina, calling it a historic step toward stability.
"The United States welcomes and strongly endorses the election
 of a new moderate government of Bosnia-Herzegovina," State
 Department spokesman Richard Boucher said in a statement.
"This is an historic step on Bosnia's long road to peace and
 reconciliation," he said.
Boucher added that Washington was eager to work closely with the
 government which he said was for the first time in 10 years made up
 "solely of representatives of parties committed to buidling a
 healthy multi-ethnic society rather than perpetuating a bitter and
 divided past."
On Thursday, Bosnia's central parliament elected the first
 government without nationalist parties since the 1995 Dayton
The government, responsible only for foreign affairs, defence
 and trade, is to be headed by Bozidar Matic, a member of the
 moderate Social Democratic Party (SDP).
The vote came after November's elections to the federal

 Copyright 2001 by Agence France-Presse

 EU welcomes Bosnia's first non-nationalist central government

 Fri, 23 Feb 2001 3:40:13 PST

STOCKHOLM, Feb 23 (AFP) - The European Union has welcomed the
 formation of a new council of ministers in Bosnia-Hercegovina and
 urged the government to undertake the reforms needed to improve the
 country's social and economic situation.
"The EU expresses its hope that this will be the reform-oriented
 government that Bosnia and Hercegovina needs more than five years
 after the signing of the Dayton/Paris accords and nearly four months
 after the last elections," the EU said in a statement published on
 the Swedish EU presidency website Friday.
The country's central parliament voted Thursday to elect the
 first government without nationalist parties since the 1995 Dayton
The government, which is responsible only for foreign affairs,
 defence and trade, is to be headed by Bozidar Matic, a member of the
 moderate Social Democratic Party (SDP).
The vote came after November's elections to the federal

 Copyright 2001 by Agence France-Presse

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[CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: Who's in charge here???

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


2/14/01 4:57 PM
Source:Bloomberg News

Redmond, Washington, Feb. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Microsoft Corp.'s Windows
operating-system chief, Jim Allchin, says that freely distributed software
code such as rival Linux could stifle innovation and that legislators need
to understand the threat.

The result will be the demise of both intellectual property rights and the
incentive to spend on research and development, he said yesterday, after
the company previewed its latest version of Windows. Microsoft has told
U.S. lawmakers of its concern while discussing protection of

Linux is developed in a so-called open-source environment in which the
software code generally isn't owned by any one company. That, as well as
programs such as music-sharing software from Napster Inc., means the
world's largest software maker has to do a better job of talking to
policymakers, he said.

"Open source is an intellectual-property destroyer," Allchin said. "I
can't imagine something that could be worse than this for the software
business and the intellectual-property business."

Microsoft distributes some of its programs without charge to customers,
although it generally doesn't release its programming code, and it retains
the ownership rights to that code. Linux is the most widely known
open-source product, though other programs including the popular Apache
system for Web server computers also are developed the same way.


Allchin made his comments several hours before Microsoft confirmed that
its $135 million investment in software maker Corel Corp. last October is
being reviewed by the U.S. Justice Department. Corel said last month it
willl drop efforts to develop the Linux operating system, though it will
continue to make Linux applications. Corel said it hadn't consulted with
Microsoft before making that decision.

Brian Behlendorf, founder of open-source company CollabNet Inc., said most
companies that use the open-source development model do retain the rights
to some of their intellectual property.

"I think Microsoft is trying to paint the open-source community as being
fascist; that all software have has to be free, or none of it can be,"
said Behlendorf, whose company helps businesses run their own open-source

Allchin said he's concerned that the open-source business model could
stifle initiative in the computer industry.

"I'm an American, I believe in the American Way," he said."I worry if the
government encourages open source, and I don't think we've done enough
education of policy makers to understand the threat."


Some leading computer companies including International Business Machines
Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. are selling Linux- based products and
working on open-source projects, noted Jeremy Allison, a VA Linux Systems
Inc. software developer. He's also a leader in a project develop an
open-source file and printer server program.

Microsoft only began significant lobbying efforts in the last few years.
The Redmond, Washington-based company also talks to lawmakers about issues
including the need for more visas for people with computer skills and
computer privacy and security.

Linux is the fastest-growing operating system program for running server
computers, according to research firm IDC. It accounted for 27 percent of
unit shipments of server operating systems in 2000. Microsoft's Windows
was the most popular on that basis, with 41 percent.

Despite Linux's success in some markets, Allchin says he isn't concerned
about sales competition from the product. Microsoft provides support to
change and develop products based on its operating system software that
Linux companies don't, he said. Companies that use Linux in their products
then must pay someone else for support, he said.

"We can build a better product than Linux," he said."There is always
something enamoring about thinking you can get something for free."



The solution of course, is to do away with Intellectual Property rights
alltogether. To make ideas property, is the modern equivalent of what
the Rich did to the " commons " through " enclosure."

Ideas can not and should not be owned. That is not to say that inventive
people should not be well compensated for their efforts. They certainly
should. But once compensated, that's it.

Only capitalism could produce such an absurdity as making human ideas
into property. What's next? Owning the Genome? Making sound property,
like Harley-Davidson tried to do by patenting the sound of their bikes?
Or how about where McDonald's sued a man in Scotland who sold hamburgers
under the name McDonald. How DARE he be born with the name of their
corporate logo!

ALL the evils of Capitalism are based on the idea of " Private Property."
This is not the same thing as personal property. The things we each own.
This is a legal slight of hand, as 

Re: [CTRL] -Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street byEllen DeGeneres

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 to many fags

 It seems to me that anybody who is seriously into heterosexuality should
 be out there promoting homosexuality as hard as possible because it cuts
 down on the competition.

You're only HALF right.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] SK: Did humans hunt giant mammals to extinction,or give them lethal desease?

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 He has determined, using a computer simulation, that even a very modest
 amount of hunting would have wiped these animals out.

 If this were true, the mega fauna of Africa would have been exterminated
 long ago. Mankind has been in Africa longer than it has been anywhere.

You're only HALF right. The second sentence is theoretical speculation.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Shrewd politicians all.

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and George W. were kidnapped and brought
to a small country in Central America where they were charged
with war crimes.

They each were sentenced to death by firing squad.

Clinton was put up against the wall first. As the squad lifted
their rifles, he yelled EARTHQUAKE!!! The squad hit the ground,
and Clinton ran away.

Next, Gore was put up against the wall. After watching Clinton
lie his way out of trouble for 8 years, he also learned a thing
or two.

As the squad raised their rifles Al screams TORNADO!!!

The squad scrambles for cover and Al slinks away.

Then they get George W. Not being as stupid as most people think
he is, he understood that yelling out a natural disaster will
distract the shooters and allow him to run away.

As the squad raised their rifles, George W. screams " FIRE!!! FIRE!!!"

Old joke.
Reworked by me.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Oh yeah sure! NOW Arafat likes the old peace agreements with Israel.

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday, February 24 8:37 PM SGT

Arafat says he will call on US to ensure Israel honors
peace agreements

AMMAN, Feb 24 (AFP) -

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said he will call for
the United States to ensure the enforcement
of peace deals reached between Israel and the Palestinians
when he holds his first meeting with
US Secretary of State Colin Powell on Sunday.

"We expect the US administration, which is the principal
sponsor of the peace process, will
ensure what was agreed to between us and the Israelis
Sharm el-Sheikh, in Taba or
elsewhere," Arafat said Saturday after meeting for an
with Jordanian Prime Minister Ali Abu

"The essential thing is to implement all the agreements
that have been concluded in the
presence and with the signature" of the Americans, Arafat
said, without being more specific.

Sharm el-Sheikh and Taba are Egyptian Red Sea resorts where
the two sides have held talks,
both before and since the outbreak of the latest Palestinian
uprising last September.

At Sharm el-Sheikh in October, there was a verbal agreement
to bring about a cease fire in the
now five-month-old Palestinian uprising, then only a few
weeks old. To date, the agreement,
which called for a withdrawal of Israeli troops from around
Palestinian towns, has not been

Likewise, talks at Taba in January were a last-ditch effort
by the caretaker goverment of Ehud
Barak, a week before Barak lost to Ariel Sharon in an
election for prime minister, to reach a final
peace deal with the Palestinians.

In 1999, Israel agreed in Sharm el-Sheikh to three successive
withdrawals from Palestinian
territory. One is still to be implemented.

Earlier, in Taba, the two sides hammered out some of the
details in their relationship until such
time as a final settlement could be reached, which
was targeted for 1999.

Arafat's government has been devastated by Israel's
punishing blockade of the Palestinian
territories and by the Jewish's state refusal to
unfreeze more than 40 million dollars in tax
revenues to Arafat.

Arafat said he recommended enforcement of agreements
signed with Israel via meetings of the
two sides in the presence of the US, European Union
and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

He said US President George W. Bush decribed to him
Powell's visit to the region as simply a
listening tour to familiarise himself with the facts
on the ground, including on the
Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Arafat also condemned the Israelis shelling Friday of
the Palestinian Authority's offices in the
West Bank, including those of Mahmud Abbas, the
secretary general of the Palestine Liberation

"It is not the first time. Unfortunately, all of our
locations have been made the target of
continued bombing," Arafat said.

Arafat also called for Arab countries to adopt a united
front in preparation for the next summit
of Arab leaders to be held March 27 in the Jordanian capital.

"The most important thing is to adopt a firm and
united Arab position that will be developed
during the Arab summit to be held in Amman" on
March 27, Arafat said.

Powell arrived Saturday morning in Cairo on his
first trip as Washington's top diplomat and will
hold talks Sunday in Gaza City with Arafat.

Arafat came to Amman after visiting Athens Friday,
where he urged Greek leaders to work "for
peace to return to the Middle East."

He left Amman by helicopter for Ramallah in the West Bank.

There are TWO main reasons for the continuing misery of the
Palestinian people in the Mid-East.

1 - The existence of the Jewish State of Israel.
2 - The history of choosing the dumbest, vilest, most corrupt
leadership in a region known for vile and corrupt leaders.

Since there is nothing that they can really do about Israel,
it then behooves them to deal with their own elites.

Palestinian leaders made bad choices in 1948 for their people
when they thought they could ' drive the Jews into the sea '
and refused the UN partition. Big mistake #1. Then it was 50
years of bad choices culminating in the acceptance of Arafat
as the supreme Palestinian leader.

Arafat's political decision to extract concessions from the
Israelis by starting the Aqsa Intifada, was a stupid shortsighted
decision which brought Arik Sharon to power. The concessions that
Israel made were evidently not good enough. Well then... what do
his people have going for them now? Bupkes! Nothing.

Now that they lost everything ( such as it was,) due to their
great leader's judgment, they are begging for the old peace deal
to be reinstated. What has this cost? Everything. The Israeli
"peace" crowd had to give up their illusions that they can really
live in peace with the people who they displaced.

There are almost 500 dead as a result of the Palestinian
leadership's inability to understand power politics. Most
of the dead are 

[CTRL] Syria was behind killings at Sabra and Chatilla.

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

  Syria was behind killings at Sabra and Chatilla.
  Sat, 23 Sep 2000 03:26:48 -0700 (PDT)

Syria was behind it 100 percent. New info shows it

An LFP Exclusive
(Lebanese Foundation for Peace)
Direct Submission
The Truth Behind
Source: A retired Lebanese intelligence officer who is
willing to testify at a trial of Elias Hobeika, if it
takes place at an international court.

Perceived as the driving force in the murders at
Sabra and Chatilla, General "Arik" Sharon has been
condemned and discarded by accepted history. No matter
that he is now the leader of the Likud party in
Israel, no matter that he is the hero of many
campaigns that preserved Israel in the face of
overwhelming odds, history's perception destroys his
viability as deserving of the highest office of the
land. The truth is that the massacre did indeed
happen; however, the perpetrator's were neither
Israeli nor Lebanese rioters as reported. The entire
operation was masterminded by Syrian intelligence, as
reported by a number of witnesses, and was carried out
ruthlessly and efficiently by a Lebanese stooge of
Syria named Elias Hobeika.
The most comprehensive source of published
information is by the body guard of Hobeika: Robert
Hatem nicknamed Cobra. Hatem wrote a diary of events
leading up to and past the massacres that is available
on the internet at: http://www.israeltodamascus.com/.
The book is banned in Lebanon, and many of the
participants are still active in Lebanese politics.
Hatem is a political refugee hiding in France.
Hatem writes that Hobeika spoke of two thousand
Palestinian terrorists hiding in the Palestinian
refugee camps, the Israelis had asked Hobeika to rid
the camps of the terrorists, and the Israeli forces
expected them to supervise the Palestinian evacuation
from the camps. Their specific orders were to sort out
the armed terrorists and hand them over to the
Israelis. Hobeika was under strict orders by Sharon to
act as a dignified, armed force and not resort to any
unnecessary violence. Hobeika, a known Syrian agent,
ignored Sharon's orders and gave his own command:
"total extermination, camps to be wiped out."
When Hobeika spoke to Sharon, Sharon was
infuriated and condemned Hobeika for murder, and
wanton killings. Hatem reports that"All the victims
were civilians killed with grenades, hatchets, assault
rifles, and knives. Some of the corpses were even
boobie- trapped." "General Sharon ordered his men to
fire flares from that moment on until 400 a.m. to
avoid further killings but it was too late. The harm
was done."
One witness, a Lebanese dissident, is easy to
dismiss as a malcontent, irrelevant and without
credibility, yet after all these years we now find
substantiating evidence, credible evidence, and
directly from the Palestinians and others. The Voice
of Palestine (Official Palestinian Radio Station),
September 15,2000, reported that Brigadier General
Sultan Abu-al- Aynayn, official in charge of the Fatah
Movement in Lebanon, deplored the non-trial and
non-questioning of Hobeika for the innocent blood that
was spilled in the two refugee camps.
Another source is Agence France Presse whose
article "Massacre of Palestinians at refugee camps
remembered," was reported in the Jordan Times
September 17,00. The story included the
following"BEIRUT (AFP) Palestinians and Lebanese
commemorated the 18th anniversary on Saturday of the
massacre of 1,500 Palestinians at the Sabra and
Shatila refugee camps in Beirut. Relatives of the
victims point an accusing finger at Elie Hobeika, now
an outgoing pro-Syrian member of parliament who was
then the intelligence chief for the Lebanese forces.
He denies all responsibility for the massacre."
Yasir Arafat continues the charade, carefully omitting
the Syrian responsibility for the massacre.
In spite of overwhelming evidence that Sharon was
not in any way responsible for the massacre, indeed,
the present Syrian controlled Lebanese government is
at fault, the controlled Lebanese press persists in
its fable of faulting Sharon, as they are well aware
that if charges of guilt are leveled at Hobeika, it
would infuriate Syria for Hobeika is "protected," well
known as Syria's proteg, and any charges against
Hobeika would implicate Syria. Additionally, a number
of Lebanese papers manipulated by Syrian intelligence
have ignored the entire event and all the sordid
events leading up to the killings.
There is a direct, power struggle between PLO and
Syrian proxies on the ground, involving control of
Lebanese territory and control over the ruling elite
in Lebanon. Lebanese intelligence sources report of
the massacres -- "that to distract the world from
focusing on the murder of the President then elect
Bachir Gemayel, a plot was devised to blame Israel."
The intelligence sources add that Habib Chartouni
(freed by 

[CTRL] Just do it !

2001-02-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Nike Lets You Design Your Own...Well, Not Quite
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 22:11:29 -0600 (CST)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Nike Lets You Design Your Own...Well, Not Quite

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit


Nike now lets you personalize your shoes by submitting a word or phrase
which they will stitch onto your shoes, under the swoosh. So Jonah
Peretti filled out the form and sent them $50 to stitch "SWEATSHOP" onto
his shoes.

Here are the responses he got... let the fun and games with Nike begin...

 | RE: Your NIKE iD order o16468000

Your NIKE iD order was cancelled for one or more of the following reasons:

 1) Your Personal iD contains another party's trademark or other
intellectual property
 2) Your Personal iD contains the name of an athlete or team we do not
have the legal right to use
 3) Your Personal iD was left blank. Did you not want any personalization?
 4) Your Personal iD contains profanity or inappropriate slang, and
besides, your mother would slap us.

If you wish to reorder your NIKE iD product with a new personalization
please visit us again at www.nike.com

Thank you, NIKE iD


My order was canceled but my personal NIKE iD does not violate any of
the criteria outlined in your message. The Personal iD on my custom
ZOOM XC USA running shoes was the word "sweatshop."

"Sweatshop" is not:
 1) another's party's trademark,
 2) the name of an athlete,
 3) blank, or
 4) profanity.

I chose the iD because I wanted to remember the toil and labor of the
children that made my shoes. Could you please ship them to me immediately.

Thanks and Happy New Year, Jonah Peretti

Dear NIKE iD Customer,

Your NIKE iD order was cancelled because the iD you have chosen
contains, as stated in the previous e-mail correspondence,
"inappropriate slang". If you wish to reorder your NIKE iD product with
a new personalization please visit us again at nike.com
Thank you, NIKE iD

Dear NIKE iD,

Thank you for your quick response to my inquiry about my custom ZOOM XC USA
running shoes. Although I commend you for your prompt customer service, I
disagree with the claim that my personal iD was inappropriate slang. After
consulting Webster's Dictionary, I discovered that "sweatshop" is in fact
part of standard English, and not slang. The word means: "a shop or factory
in which workers are employed for long hours at low wages and under
unhealthy conditions" and its origin dates from 1892. So my personal iD does
meet the criteria detailed in your first email.

Your web site advertises that the NIKE iD program is "about freedom to
choose and freedom to express who you are." I share Nike's love of freedom
and personal expression. The site also says that "If you want it done
right...build it yourself." I was thrilled to be able to build my own shoes,
and my personal iD was offered as a small token of appreciation for the
sweatshop workers poised to help me realize my vision. I hope that you will
value my freedom of expression and reconsider your decision to reject my

Thank you, Jonah Peretti

Dear NIKE iD Customer,

Regarding the rules for personalization it also states on the NIKE iD web
site that "Nike reserves the right to cancel any personal iD up to 24 hours
after it has been submitted". In addition, it further explains: "While we
honor most personal iDs, we cannot honor every one. Some may be (or contain)
other's trademarks, or the names of certain professional sports teams,
athletes or celebrities that Nike does not have the right to use. Others may
contain material that we consider inappropriate or simply do not want to
place on our products.

Unfortunately, at times this obliges us to decline personal iDs that may
otherwise seem unobjectionable. In any event, we will let you know if we
decline your personal iD, and we will offer you the chance to submit
another." With these rules in mind, we cannot accept your order as
submitted. If you wish to reorder your NIKE iD product with a new
personalization please visit us again at www.nike.com

Thank you, NIKE iD

Dear NIKE iD,

Thank you for the time and energy you have spent on my request. I have
decided to order the shoes with a different iD, but I would like to make one
small request. Could you please send me a color snapshot of the ten-year-old
Vietnamese girl who makes my shoes?

Jonah Peretti

no response

As one forwarder writes: "... this will now go round the world much farther
and faster than any of the adverts they paid Michael Jordan more than the
entire wage packet of all their sweatshop workers in the world to do...

I normally avoid making a plea to pass on these things, but this time I
say: JUST DO IT"

  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems

[CTRL] Joe Smith started the day early... j2

2001-02-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

This little ditty below is considered pithy by the Right.
It's just blaming the victim. As usual, it's not the fault
of our economic system. It's OUR fault.  Joshua2

Subject: AMERICA

Joe Smith started the day early,
having set his alarm clock  (made  in Japan) for 6:00a.m.
While his coffee pot (made in China) was perking,
he  shaved with his electric razor (made in Hong Kong).
He put on a dress shirt  (made  in Sri Lanka),
designer jeans (made in Singapore),
and tennis shoes  (made  in Korea).
After cooking his breakfast in his electric  skillet [made in India),
he sat down with his calculator (made in  Mexico),
to see how much he could spend today.
After  setting his watch (made in Taiwan),
to the radio (made in India),
he got in his  car (made in Germany)
and continued his search for a  good-paying American job.
At the end of yet another discouraging and  fruitless day,
Joe decided to relax for awhile.
He put on his sandals  (made  in Brazil),
poured himself a glass of wine (made in  France),
and turned on his TV (made in Indonesia),
then wondered  why he can't find a good-paying job in

But it's not really Joe's fault if you think about it. Joe
has a limited amount of money. Joe has a life to live. Joe
is a " consumer " who is given little choice in what he buys
because his business and political elites have decided that
there is more profit in using foreign labor whom they pay peanuts.

TV's are not even made in AMERICA anymore.

No. It's not Joe's fault. It's the natural outcome of capitalism.
As long as Joe is stupid enough to tolerate a system which favors
the Rich at the expense of the majority of Americans, Joe will
watch his Indonesian TV till he starves to death.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US crews involved in Colombian battle]

2001-02-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

US crews involved in Colombian battle

Jeremy McDermott In Medelln

US PERSONNEL have become involved in fighting in Colombia’s 37-year civil
war for the first time, rescuing the crew of a helicopter brought down by
left-wing guerrillas, it emerged yesterday.

The US is funding the world’s largest aerial eradication programme in an
attempt to destroy drug crops in Colombia. In an engagement at the weekend,
guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) fired on a
crop dusting aircraft and supporting helicopters.

The pilot of a US-supplied Huey helicopter was hit in the barrage of small
arms fire, but managed to land his stricken craft.

Two other helicopter gunships circled the grounded helicopter, firing on the
guerrillas, while the crew of a third helicopter rescued the crew.

The pilots of some of the choppers in the rescue were Americans contracted
by the US state department, a US Embassy source said.

"The FARC were 100 to 200 yards away," Capt Giancarlo Cotrino, the pilot of
the downed helicopter, said from his hospital bed in Bogot.

"We fought for seven or eight minutes - one of my crewmen had a grenade
launcher and I had a pistol - until the SAR [search and rescue helicopter]
came in behind us, landed and picked us up in the middle of a very hot

The rescue helicopter carried four US citizens and two Colombians, all armed
with M-16s. Most of the SAR teams in Colombia are former members of the US
special forces, the US source said.

Last year, when the $1.3 billion (900 million) aid package to Colombia was
approved by Congress, several rules were imposed.

One was that no more than 500 US military personnel could be stationed in
Colombia at any time. Another was that they were not to become directly
involved in fighting.

"The department of defence will not step over the line that divides
counter-narcotics from counter-insurgency," Maria Salazar, the deputy
assistant secretary of defence for drug enforcement policy, told a US
congressional subcommittee.

However, private US companies, paid by the state department and staffed by
former US special forces and pilots, face no such restrictions.

US military personnel in Colombia conduct a variety of training and
monitoring roles. Three US-trained and equipped anti-narcotics battalions
have been created, while US navy specialists train Colombian marines, who
patrol the rivers that are the only means of transporting much of the

Five radar and listening stations are manned by US personnel, and others are
liaison officers at the Colombian Joint Intelligence Centre (JIC), which the
US helped set up.

According to the letter of the law, the rules regarding US involvement in
the civil conflict have not been broken, as serving military personnel have
not been caught in active combat roles.

However, by providing intelligence on guerrilla movements and actions, the
US is already taking an active role in the counter-insurgency war.

In March 1999 the US government issued new guidelines that allow sharing of
intelligence about guerrilla activity in Colombia’s southern drug-producing
region, even if the information is not directly related to the fight against

The activities of private companies in the pay of the US are not covered
under the rules imposed on military personnel.

"This is what we call outsourcing a war," said one congressional aide in
Washington, who asked not to be named.

The company involved in last weekend’s engagement with guerrillas is called
DynCorp. It has been contracted since 1997 by the US state department to
provide pilots, trainers and maintenance workers for the aerial eradication

What had not been known was that they piloted helicopter gunships that are
used in an offensive capability when crop dusting aircraft came under fire.
Three DynCorp pilots have been killed in operations, but one pilot said that
at $90,000 a year tax free, the rewards were as high as the risks.

Another company, hired by the US defence department on a $6 million a year
contract, is Military Professional Resources Inc (MPRI), a Virginia-based
military-consultant company run by retired US generals. Its 14-man team,
holed up in an upmarket hotel in Bogot, refuses to speak to The Scotsman.

Brian Sheridan, the senior Pentagon official who oversees the work of MPRI,
said in congressional testimony in March last year that the firm’s role in
Colombia was not sinister, just "a manpower issue", insisting the US
southern command did not have the men to spare to give strategic and
logistic advice to the Colombian army.

"It’s very handy to have an outfit not part of the US armed forces,
obviously," said the former US ambassador to Colombia, Myles Frechette. "If
somebody gets killed or whatever, you can say it’s not a member of the armed

Despite massive military aid to Colombia, the US has insisted it is not
getting itself into another 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Darkness Within

2001-02-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Get an Agent.


 Kris Millegan wrote:


 Subject: Darkness Within
 Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 10:11:50 -0800
 From: "James Ross" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I enjoy the non-joking nature of your site. This is a great resource for
 conspiracy theorists and for all those that want to know the truth about the
 world around them. Keep up the great work.

 I'd like to introduce myself to you and perhaps your readers. My current novel
 Darkness Within is due to be released and available in more than 25,000
 bookstores such as Barnes  Noble and leading online booksellers such as
 Amazon.com. Darkness Within will also be available as an electronic book that
 can be downloaded directly to the computers of over 150 million readers from the

 Why is this of interest to you and your readers?

 This novel, Darkness Within is a fictional story centering on the single biggest
 Conspiracy ever perpetrated on the people of the United States. This frightening
 story unfolds as part mystery, part adventure as you are taken on a wild ride
 discovering the very nature behind Division Five and the MKULTRA Subprojects.
 Don't let me ruin it for you.

 Please excuse my sounding like an advertisement.

 As I understand your time is very important I will get right to it. I'd like to
 send you a download of four promotional chapters from the book (these chapters
 are for your viewing only). When you have the time I would appreciate your
 reading them. If you feel comfortable with the content then I would love to hear
 back from you with positive comments which could be included in the promotion of
 the book. Furthermore, if you feel your readers would enjoy having a preview
 chapter posted on your well-produced and enjoyable site we could also discuss
 that option as well.

 Again, thank you for taking the time to listen to a humble author speak about
 his latest passion and also for helping to bring knowledge to the people. The
 importance of what you do and contribution you make should never be overlooked.

   I look forward to hearing back from you.


 J. Marcus Ross
 Darkness Within

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[CTRL] Elites ubber alles: Elites giveth, and elites taketh away.

2001-02-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Indianz.Com. In Print.

Supreme Court limits disabilities act
FEBRUARY 22, 2001

In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld
the sovereign immunity of states from disability
discrimination lawsuits filed by state employees.

The Court said the 1990 American with Disabilities
doesn't abrogate state immunity from such lawsuits.
The Court said
Congress didn't meet any of the three tests required
to abrogate immunity.

The state of Alabama challenged the law after two
employees filed suit and claimed discrimination due to
disabilities. Former President George Bush, who signed
the act into law, filed a friend-of-the-court brief
and asked the
Court to reject the state's argument.

Get the Decision:
Ct No 99-1240 February 2001)

Get the Story:
Court Limits Scope of ADA (The Washington Post 2/22)
High Court Ruling Clouds N.M. Case (The Albuquerque
Journal 2/22)

Copyright  Indianz.Com 2000-2001.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Palestinians say Jews cannot touch the Westaern Wall.

2001-02-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

  Interview: English spokesperson for Mufti of Jerusalem - Jews cannot
  touch the Western Wall
  Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:49:47 -0500

Interview: English spokesperson for Mufti of Jerusalem - Jews cannot touch
the Western Wall

Aaron Lerner  Date:  21 February 2001

IMRA interviewed Mai, the English spokesperson for the PA appointed Mufti of
Jerusalem, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri and head of his translation department, in
English, on 21 February.

IMRA: I understand that the Mufti recently issued a religious decision
relating to the Jews and the Western Wall that prohibits them from repairing
or even touching it.  Is it accurate to say that Jews are prohibited from
touching the Western Wall in Jerusalem?

Mai: The fatwah came out to show that that wall is the Al Burak Wall and is
part of the walls of the Al Aqsa mosque. I have not translated it but if I
do I will fax it to you.

IMRA: If it has the status of being part of Al Aqsa mosque is there a
religious problem with Jews touching the walls of the mosque?

Mai:  Sure.  We have talked about that several times.  The problem here is
both religious and political.

As I said, the Wall is part of the Al Burak Wall which is part of the Al
Aqsa mosque so the Jews have no right to the place.

IMRA:  I see a lot of photographs of Jews putting messages in between the
cracks in the Wall.  Is there a problem with this?

Mai:  Sure.  The whole problem is that the place does not relate to them so
whatever they do with it - putting in papers, practicing their prayers, all
these things are not things that we want.

IMRA:  They cannot be done.

Mai:  Exactly.  It could not be done because the place is not theirs.
Because they took the place out of our hands by force they do a lot of
things that we do not like plus we do not like that they take our rights
from the place.

No other religion has the right to interfere with our mosque just as no
other religion has the right to interfere with the Church of the Holy

IMRA:  So as far as Islam is concerned the Jews should not be putting notes
in the Wall, they should not be touching the Wall, they should not be doing
anything with that wall.

Mai:  Exactly.  And we believe that this is our religious property and we
will take it back from them one day.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review  Analysis)

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Re: [CTRL] How it's done: Freedom of owning the press.

2001-02-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  FAIR is pleased to announce our first annual roundup of the year's most
  egregious examples of owner, advertiser and government influence on the
  news: "Fear  Favor 2000: How Power Shapes the News."

 This is so upsetting.

 To think that those who own the media are interested in their own profit
 and cater to advertisers...who would of known!!!

The problem is that it's allowed.

 So disillusioning. And here I thought that the media was run by honest, truth
 seeking journalists who only reported the facts.

 Another fantasy bites the dust!!

Unfortunately, there are still people around who think we have a viable press.

I'm glad you're not one of them.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Good news: Another racist psycho bites the big one.

2001-02-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


New Black Panther Party Leader Dies

By Justin Bachman
Associated Press Writer
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2001; 3:15 p.m. EST

MARIETTA, Ga. -- Khalid Abdul Muhammad, a black militant known for
his harsh rhetoric about Jews and whites, died Saturday morning, a
spokesman for the New Black Panther Party said.

"Minister and Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad had made his transition to
the ancestors," Malik Zulu Shabazz said at a news conference outside
Wellstar Kennestone Hospital, where Muhammad was taken earlier this

He declined to reveal how the 53-year-old Muhammad died, saying only
that it was of "very serious and natural causes." The leader had
shown no prior signs of illness, Shabazz said.

He was surrounded by Muhammad's family and eight party members
wearing black uniforms, combat boots and berets. They chanted "Long
live Khalid Muhammad!" and "Black Power!"

"Our hearts are aching. We are sad but at the same time we are happy
because we know that his place is secure," Shabazz said.

Hospital officials were not immediately available for comment.

Muhammad was named one of Louis Farrakhan's top lieutenants in the
Nation of Islam in 1981. He served at Nation of Islam mosques in New
York and Atlanta throughout the decade, and in 1991 became
Farrakhan's personal assistant.

It was Farrakhan who gave him the name Khalid - meaning warrior - but
he was born Harold Moore Jr. in 1948.

In his own public speaking engagements, Muhammad quickly became known
for his virulent attacks on Jews, homosexuals and whites. He was
ousted by Farrakhan after a 1993 speech during which he referred to
Jews as "bloodsuckers" and urged mob murder of white South Africans.

In April 1994, before a cheering audience of about 2,000, Muhammad
denounced Jews as "honkies."

"I am going to be like a pit bull. That is the way I am going to be
against the Jews. I am going to bite the tail of the honkies,"
Muhammad said.

He remained unrepentant about his rhetoric.

"I was born to give the white man hell, and I will give him hell from
the cradle to the grave," he told an Atlanta crowd in 1995.

Members of the New Black Panther Party, who call themselves
anti-capitalist, believe in socialism and nationalism among blacks.
The organization has chapters in Dallas, Atlanta, South Carolina, New
Jersey, New York, West Virginia and Philadelphia.

Muhammad led the "Million Youth March" in New York City in 1998. The
rally, attended by about 6,000 people, ended in a clash between
police and marchers. Dozens were injured.

He organized a second and third "Million Youth March," but the most
recent one drew a crowds of about 100, police said. Muhammad blamed
the "devil white media" and city officials for the low turnout.

 Copyright 2001 The Associated Press

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [Fwd: [Spy News] Military Communications Satellite Ready for Launch by the Air Force]

2001-02-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [Spy News] Military Communications Satellite Ready for Launch by the Air
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 22:11:11 +0100
From: "Mario Profaca" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "[Spy News]" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lockheed Martin's Next Generation
Military Communications Satellite
Ready for Launch by the Air Force

Business Wire - February 19, 2001 15:23

Air Force Milstar II military communications satellite is ready for liftoff
from Cape Canaveral Air Station, Fla., on Saturday, Feb. 24, aboard a Titan
IV launch vehicle. The satellite and launch vehicle were built by Lockheed
Martin Space Systems Company at its operations in Sunnyvale, Calif. and
Denver, Colo., respectively.

Milstar II, the Defense Department's most technologically advanced
telecommunications satellite, is the first to carry the Medium Data Rate
(MDR) payload which can process data at speeds of 1.5 megabits per second.
Two Milstar I satellites currently on-orbit are equipped with a UHF and Low
Data Rate payload, which transmits information at rates between 75 and 2,400
bits per second. Lockheed Martin is under contract to provide two more
Milstar II spacecraft in addition to the satellite currently set for launch.

The new MDR payload represents a transition to the new Block II
configuration, which will offer a variety of enhanced communications
features for the U.S. military. These include added security through the use
of specially designed antennas and faster data-rate transmissions for all

The Milstar spacecraft constellation provides secure, global communication
links for the joint forces of the U.S. military and can transmit voice,
data, and imagery, in addition to offering video teleconferencing

"The Milstar block II system is specifically designed to provide new
capabilities more suitable to this era of regional conflicts. Our team not
only proposed a great solution with the MDR payload, but it implemented that
solution rapidly and under tight budget restrictions," said Len Kwiatkowski,
Lockheed Martin vice president, Military Space Programs. "We are proud to be
on the Milstar team which is providing U.S. forces with the capability to
communicate without betraying their locations and to do so securely, within
close proximity of enemy jammers."

Milstar's "switchboard-in-space" concept is a revolutionary departure from
all current communications systems and is designed to provide adaptable,
secure, and survivable communications between fixed-site, mobile, and
hand-portable terminals. The system does this by utilizing five technologies
not found in any previous military satellite communication system: 1)
on-board signal processing, 2) on-board signal routing, 3) on-board resource
control, 4) crossbanding (receiving a signal through one antenna at one
frequency and processing and relaying it through a different antenna at a
different frequency) and 5) satellite crosslinks (antennas that allow
satellites to beam signals directly to each other without using ground
station relays).

Milstar is used for communications among ships, submarines and land-based
Naval stations via Navy Extremely High Frequency Satellite Communications
Program terminals. The system provides communications networks to Army units
via the Secure Mobile Anti-Jam Reliable Tactical Terminals mounted on
vehicles, and to individual troops and small units from the Single Channel
Anti-Jam Man-Portable terminals. For the Air Force, the Milstar system
provides links for Air Force airborne command posts.

The Milstar team is led by the MILSATCOM Joint Program Office at the U.S.
Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base,
Calif. Lockheed Martin Missiles  Space operations is the Milstar prime
contractor, Boeing Satellite Systems (BSS) provides the Medium Data Rate
payload and crosslink subsystem, and TRW Space  Electronics Group provides
the Low Data Rate payload.

Beyond Milstar, in May 2000, Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Boeing Satellite
Systems and TRW formed a National Team to build the Department of Defense's
next generation of highly secure communication satellites known as Advanced
Extremely High Frequency (Advanced EHF) system. Formation of the team
accelerates development of the new system by 18 months. The early deployment
of Advanced EHF will increase military communication coverage.

Under the National Team arrangement, Lockheed Martin will serve as overall
system integrator and prime contractor, issuing contracts to Boeing and TRW.
The roles and responsibilities of each team member will take advantage of
their strengths in building highly secure military communications

Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, headquartered in Denver, Colo., is
one of the major operating units of Lockheed 

Re: [CTRL] WT: White House won't hinder Rich probe

2001-02-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


 -Caveat Lector-

 February 16, 2001

 White House won't hinder Rich probe

Yeah sue. Rich was a money man in the Iran Contra drugs/ weapons
/hostages covert op run by Daddy Bush for ( even ) then brain impaired

Bush is not sitting so tight on the throne that he can weather a rehash
of Iran Contra with what we know today.


 By Sean Scully

  The White House will not interfere with a criminal probe of
 President Clinton's last-minute pardon of fugitive financier Marc
 Rich, despite President Bush's call to "move on" and not dwell on
 the incident.

   "I do not think it is the role of the president to dictate to
 the independent Justice Department what investigations they
 should or should not conduct," White House spokesman Ari
 Fleischer said yesterday. "The president has expressed his
 opinion when he was asked about the Marc Rich pardon."

  U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White of the Southern District of New
 York confirmed yesterday that her office is conducting a criminal
 probe of the Rich pardon, which Mr. Clinton issued only two hours
 before he left office, without any of the customary Justice
 Department review procedures that usually accompany pardons.

  While Mrs. White refused to elaborate on the nature of the
 probe, law-enforcement officials say she is looking into whether
 personal gifts and political contributions by Mr. Rich's ex-wife,
 Denise Rich, influenced Mr. Clinton's decision.

  Mrs. White is also looking into whether the wealthy Mr.
 Rich, who lives in Switzerland, might have helped Mrs. Rich
 finance the gifts. Mrs. Rich is believed to have contributed more
 than $1 million to Mr. Clinton's campaign, the Democratic
 National Committee (DNC) and Mr. Clinton's presidential library
 fund. She also gave furniture to the Clinton family.

  While the president has unlimited power to grant pardons
 under the Constitution, nothing exempts him from federal laws
 against bribery.

  In a statement released yesterday by his office, Mr. Clinton
 denied any wrongdoing.

  "As I have said repeatedly, I made the decision to pardon
 Marc Rich based on what I thought was the right thing to do," Mr.
 Clinton wrote. "Any suggestion that improper factors, including
 fund raising for the DNC or my library, had anything to do with
 the decision are absolutely false. I look forward to cooperating
 with any appropriate inquiry."

  Congressional investigators have been looking into the Rich
 pardon as well, even though Congress has no power to interfere
 with a presidential pardon.

  The federal investigation will temporarily derail the
 aggressive investigation envisioned by House Government Reform
 Committee Chairman Dan Burton, Indiana Republican.

  The committee's majority counsel, James Wilson, said it
 would maintain a "respectful distance" so it wouldn't conflict
 with Mrs. White's investigation.

  That means the committee will likely back off demands to
 have Mrs. Rich testify and, perhaps, issue subpoenas for bank
 records and other documents. It will also delay a plan by the
 committee to offer Mrs. Rich immunity in return for her
 testimony, staff said.

  But nevertheless, committee officials yesterday said they
 will subpoena three of Mr. Clinton's closest White House aides —
 former chief of staff John Podesta, lawyer Beth Nolan and adviser
 Bruce Lindsey — for the next hearing on the pardon.

  In addition, the panel will recall Rich attorney and former
 White House counsel Jack Quinn for the same hearing, which has
 been scheduled for March 1.

  The committee also asked Mr. Clinton and Mr. Rich to release
 all their aides and lawyers from any executive and
 attorney-client privilege so they can testify freely.

  "We're also asking Mr. Rich, if he has nothing to hide, to
 let his counsel speak freely and that goes for the documents that
 have been claimed by them as well," committee spokesman Mark
 Corello told reporters.

  On Monday, Mr. Bush told reporters that he is not interested
 in questions about Mr. Rich, or other scandals surrounding the
 former president. There were reports that Mr. Clinton's staffers
 vandalized the White House on their way out, and Mr. Clinton
 admits that he took furniture and gifts from the White House when
 he left.

  "My attitude is, all this business about the transition,
 it's time to move on, it is," Mr. Bush said. "It's time to stay
 looking forward, and that's what I'm going to do."

  Mr. Fleischer said yesterday that Mr. Bush's attitude has
 not changed in any way. But he said that does not mean Mr. Bush
 is calling for a halt to Mrs. White's probe.

  "One of the things that President Bush stressed in his
 selection of the person to run the Department of Justice is it
 should be a nonpolitical Department of Justice," Mr. Fleischer
 said. "And when something is nonpolitical, that means 

[CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: When corporations control jobs.

2001-02-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [transnationale.org] South Korean police raid Daewoo plan; more
restructuring ...
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 17:02:14 +0100

South Korean police raid Daewoo plant (CNN, February 19, 2001)
Daewoo filed for bankrupcy under an estimated bank debt of 10 US$ billion.
Meanwhile in Seoul, authorities on Monday indicted 34 Daewoo Group executives and
accountants for their alleged involvement in operating a multibillion-dollar slush
fund. Prosecutors say at least $8 billion of the money was stashed away as a slush
fund for the group founder Kim Woo-choong. The group restructures and lay-off 1751
employees. Workers sit in, protest and are raided by 4000 riot police.

Nortel Boosts Job Cuts to 10,000 (AP, 02/15/2001)

Alltel To Cut Work Force by 1,000 (AP 02/15/2001)

Dell Cuts 1,700 Central Texas Jobs (AP, 02/15/2001)

Kraft Foods to Close Plant, Cut 50 Jobs (AP, 02/15/2001)

Goodyear to cut jobs: Tiremaker to reduce work force by 7,200 (CNN, Feb 14, 2001)

Prudential to axe 2,000 jobs (BBC, 02/13/2001)

Parts Maker Dana Cut 10,000 Jobs (AP, Feb 13, 2001)

Motorola announces a further 4,000 job cuts (Financial Times, Feb 9, 2001)

International Paper Closes Two More Mills: 263 job cuts (AP, 8/02/2001)

Verizon will cut 10,000 jobs (InfoWorld, Feb 8, 2001)

Hasbro Posts Loss, to Cut Work Force: 500 job cuts (Reuters, 8/02/2001)

Toshiba to Lay Off 500 From Irvine Manufacturing Staff (Los Angeles Times, Feb 6,

Daewoo To Fire 1,300 Polish Workers (AP, Feb 5, 2001)

All recent restructuring programs:

The citizen portal about corporations
"The exploitation of the poor can be extinguished not by effecting the destruction
of a few millionaires but by removing the ignorance of the poor and teaching them
to noncooperate with the exploiters."
Mohandas K. gandhi, Haryan, July 28, 1940

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Superfly scores in Harlem

2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

The Boston Globe
Superfly scores in Harlem
By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 2/16/2001
N 1972, THE blaxploitation movie ''Superfly''
glorified a slick-haired drug dealer who claimed to
want to get out of the trade but held on for one last
score, imprisoned by the mantra, ''It's a rotten game,
but it's the only one The Man left us to play - and
that's the stone cold truth.''
For the week of Sept. 27, 1972, ''Superfly'' was the
top film in America. Black folks got fantasies of
wealth and wiping out Whitey for a day, but they also
got stereotypes of pushers and pimps that haunt us to
this day as sure as you can say ''racial profiling.''
One would think black folks would be tired of this
rotten game. We are not. Superfly is back. We still
have Bill Clinton.
Having made himself undesirable white trash for office
space in midtown Manhattan with his personal quirks
and political pardons, the former president fled
uptown. During his impeachment he found refuge in
black churches, and now, having again rolled craps
with white America, he selected 125th Street for his
post-presidency office. Clinton said, ''Harlem is the
perfect place for me to be. I'm close to the Apollo
Theatre, I'm close to soul food. I feel like I'm
Harlem responded in kind, with crowds chanting, ''We
Want Bill!'' Individual women screamed ''I love you!''
Sylvia Woods of Sylvia's soul-food restaurant told
reporters, Clinton's arrival ''has just as much impact
as the first time the astronauts took off.'' Percy
Sutton, the former Manhattan borough president and
Harlem business giant, said Clinton's presence would
so increase investment and real estate values in
Harlem that ''it would be the height of my dreams.''
To see how delusional this all gets, it helps to
remember that Sutton and Sylvia's also hosted a Harlem
welcome-home rally in 1995 for convicted rapist Mike
Tyson, who had just gotten out of prison. Six years
ago, Harlem was praising an ex-con. Today, Harlem
welcomes with open arms a man who feigns being our
brother, yet has sent more brothers to prison than any
president in the history of the United States.
Next week, the Justice Policy Institute will release a
study that shows that, despite all the legendary
cruelty of President Reagan, far more people went to
state and federal jails under Clinton than Reagan. In
Reagan's eight years, 478,800 prisoners were added to
America's jails. In Clinton's eight years, America's
prison population increased by 673,000.
Under Clinton, the prison population shot up from 1.4
million to more than 2 million. Fearing being seen as
soft on crime, Clinton did nothing to stop the racism
of the so-called drug war. Clinton never fought
seriously to eliminate the massive disparities in
sentencing between crack and powder cocaine even
though there was no medical evidence to support such
Clinton did nothing to stop local police departments
from singling out nonviolent black users of drugs, who
are easier to snatch off street corners than off
half-acre suburban lots. Even though African-Americans
consume 13 percent of illegal drugs, roughly our share
of the population, we made 74 percent of drug
offenders sentenced sent to prison.
Under Clinton, the overall rate of African-Americans
going to prison continued to soar. In the Reagan-Bush
years, the rate grew from 1,156 prisoners per 100,000
black men to about 2,800 per 100,000. In the Clinton
years, the rate grew to 3,620 prisoners per every
100,000 black men.
By the time the Clinton years were done, he had become
such a sous chef in helping the Republicans cook the
black goose, 14 percent of African-American men had
lost the right to vote because of felony convictions.
You could even argue that by going along with the
recipes that Reagan and Bush set down, Clinton helped
cooked his own vice president to a crisp.
In Florida, where Al Gore lost by 537 votes, 31
percent of African-American men, 200,000 of them,
cannot vote because of felony convictions. For the
Florida Republican Party, that was not enough. They
hired a firm to purge the rolls even more, wrongly
slashing thousands of people who were guilty only of
Had Clinton, somewhere in his presidency, called for a
halt to the mass imprisoning of black people, Gore
might be president. Instead, Clinton convinced black
people he was The Man, the only game in town, a man to
be loved no matter how rotten and stone cold he was to
the ghetto's black men. By the cheers he received in
Harlem, Superfly is still making the big score.
Profiting from black votes while punishing black men,
Clinton now claims to be coming ''home.'' He preens,
expecting to be permanently pampered, instead of being
called what he always was on criminal justice: a pimp.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These 

[CTRL] This is WATER we are talking about! GATS/Water: IMF Forces Water Privatization

2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [toeslist] GATS/Water: IMF Forces Water Privatization
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 11:53:40 -0600 (CST)
From: "Drusha L. Mayhue" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Date:Tue, 13 Feb 2001 15:30:10 -0500
From:Ruth Caplan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: GATS/Water: IMF Forces Water Privatization

Note in the article below that not only are the markets being forced
open by the IMF, but also that full-cost recovery is being put in
place, ensuring that when private corporations move in, their
profitability will be assured.  Then GATS negotiations will press for
these countries to include water in their commitments, so that
national treatment and market access rules forbidding any limitations
on the number or value of service providers will apply and any
modification of schedules to remove water from the schedule will
involve negotiating compensatory adjustments.
--Ruth Caplan
Washington DC Office
Alliance For Democracy

IMF Forces Water Privatization on Poor Countries
by Sara Grusky

Globalization Challenge Initiative

A random review of IMF loan policies in forty countries reveals that, during
2000, IMF loan agreements in 12 countries included conditions imposing water
privatization or full cost recovery.

In general, it is African countries, and the smallest, poorest and most
debt-ridden countries that are being subjected to IMF conditions on water
privatization and full cost recovery.

Ironically, the majority of these loans were negotiated under the IMF's new
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF), a reform announced with great
fanfare in 1999 when IMF officials claimed that the new loan facility would
re-focus the IMF's controversial structural adjustment measures on
activities that borrowing government's would identify as leading to poverty
reduction.  Rather than contributing to poverty reduction, water
privatization and greater cost recovery make water less accessible and less
affordable to the low income communities that make up the majority of the
population in developing countries.

The most immediate impact of reducing the accessibility and affordability of
water falls on women and children.  More than five million people, most of
them children, die every year from illnesses caused from drinking poor
quality water.  When water becomes more expensive and less accessible, women
and children, who bear most of the burden of daily household chores, must
travel farther and work harder to collect water - often resorting to water
from polluted streams and rivers.

The significance of finding such a high number of conditions relating to
water privatization and water cost recovery in IMF loans is twofold. First,
in the hierarchy of international financial institutions, the IMF is at the
top.  Compliance with IMF conditions enables governments to receive the
"seal of approval" that permits access to other international creditors and
investors.  Thus IMF conditions weigh especially heavily upon borrowing
governments. Second, it is quite common that World Bank loans have, as their
first condition, compliance with certain IMF conditions.  This is known as
"cross conditionality." In the division of labor between the two
institutions, it is the World Bank that has primary responsibility for
"structural" issues such as the privatization of state-owned companies.

Therefore, it can be presumed that in every country where IMF loan
conditions include water privatization or full cost recovery, there are
corresponding World Bank loan conditions and water projects that are
implementing the financial, managerial, and engineering details required for
such "restructurings."

The listing below below identifies the 12 countries and paraphrases the
specific IMF loan conditions relating to water privatization or water cost
recovery. Eight of the 12 countries identified are in sub-saharan Africa.
In six of the countries, the IMF conditions require some form of
privatization; in four countries the conditions require both privatization
and greater cost recovery, and in two the focus is just on cost recovery.

ANGOLA Staff-monitored program
Structural benchmark: Adjust electricity and water tariffs in accordance
with formulas
agreed with the World Bank. Reduce accounts receivables of the water and
electricity companies to one month of sales revenue Adjust water tariffs
periodically to recover costs, including a reasonable return on capital.

BENIN  Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF)
Other measure: After the revision of regulatory framework, the government
expects to complete the privatization before the end of the third quarter of
Privatize the water and electric power distribution company (SBEE)

GUINEA-BISSAU  Emergency Post-Conflict policy
Structural benchmark: Transfer of electricity and water management to
private company

HONDURAS  Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF)
Other measure: 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Pat Schroeder's New Chapter: Fighting Librarians]

2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Pat Schroeder's New Chapter: Fighting Librarians
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 12:36:08 -0600 (CST)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;


Pat Schroeder's New Chapter

By Linton Weeks
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 7, 2001 ; Page C01

At a small reception for publishers of scientific and academic
journals, Patricia Schroeder waves her hand toward several
dozen egghead types who are cocktailing it at the Corcoran
Gallery of Art -- sampling shrimp and cheese kebabs, wining on
not-too-shabby Chablis and schmoozing above the soothing strings
of the Bellini Ensemble.

"They're terrified," she says.

She ought to know. Schroeder is president of the Washington-
and New York-based Association of American Publishers, sponsor
of the event. Like a nurturing shepherd, she moves gently among
her flock. But when she talks about threats to the group, she
stiffens her back.

And who, you might be wondering, is giving Schroeder and her
publishers such a fright?

Librarians, of course.

No joke. Of all the dangerous and dot-complex problems that
American publishers face in the near future -- economic downturns,
competition for leisure time, piracy -- perhaps the most explosive
one could be libraries. Publishers and librarians are squaring
off for a battle royal over the way electronic books and journals
are lent out from libraries and over what constitutes fair use of
written material.

Grossly oversimplified: Publishers want to charge people to read
material; librarians want to give it away.

"We," says Schroeder, "have a very serious issue with librarians."

With her squinting, smiling, you've-just-got-to-understand
expression and her crinkly-caring voice, Schroeder is the publishing
world's latest best hope. Her hair is silver. Her eyes are sparkly.
The strap on her purse is short; she clutches it like an AK-47.
She is a woman on a mission.

"Technology people never gave their stuff away," Schroeder says.
"But now folks are saying, 'You mean the New England Journal
of Medicine is charging people?' "

Publishers have to figure out a way to charge for electronic material,
Schroeder says. "Markets are limited. One library buys one of their
journals," she explains, pointing to the Brie eaters. "They give it to
other libraries. They'll give it to others."

If everyone gets a free copy, she says, the publisher and the writer
and others involved in making the book go unpaid. "These people
aren't rich," she says of those in the room. "They have mortgages."

Other publishers from the gargantuan conglomerates that own Random
House and Simon  Schuster will soon be rolling into town. This
is the one time of the year when the predominantly New Yorkish
world of publishing comes to Washington to talk about common
concerns. The group's general convention, closed to the public, runs
today and tomorrow at the Mayflower Hotel. The AAP represents
almost 300 publishing companies.

The theme this year is "Content in a Technical World."

American publishers are on the ledge of a revolution. They look
around and see the music and film industries struggling to adapt
to change. They want to avoid the Napster monster: that is,
technology that makes copying and distribution of e-books so easy.

"We wanted to put people's fingers into light sockets," Schroeder
says of this year's agenda. "You don't have to look at polls to know
how young people like to get their music: for free."

Besides hobnobbing with Hill people, the publishers will be rubbing
elbows with an unusually glittery guest list. Christie Hefner of
Playboy Enterprises is speaking to the flock. So are Henry Yuen
of Gemstar-TV Guide International and Peter Chernin of Rupert
Murdoch's News Corp. Mix that altogether with AOL Time Warner's
presence and there is change in the air, a shift in the agenda away
from words toward image-based infotainment.

In the center of this whirling world, the ever-in-control Schroeder
frets for those around her. She spends days in Washington bending
the ears of key policymakers and supporting legislation that is
favorable to her members and battling proposals that are not.
She spends days in New York listening to publishers drone on
about their druthers. She worries about protection of intellectual
property. She wants writers and publishers to make lots of money.
She puzzles over secure ways to deliver electronic books. She's
adamant that the country needs to focus more on reading to
children under the age of 5. And she's concerned about citizens'
rights to free speech and privacy.

"Working for the AAP, I find a wonderful convergence of all these,"
Schroeder says. "It doesn't rely on lobbying for anything I don't
believe in."

Traditionally, the AAP had been a sleepy association manned by
former-ambassador types who excelled in high teas and subtle
politicking. New York 

Re: [CTRL] The Melting Antarctic

2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

John Cone wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  --- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   "A part of the Antarctic normally icebound in
  February is now virtually clear
  water, a sailor has reported. He said he had also
  found an ice shelf in "dramatic" retreat.
  The reports will fuel concern that the Antarctic is
 being seriously affected by climate change."

  "...a "spectacular" retreat and collapse of ice
  shelves on the Antarctic peninsula.
  "Climate change in polar regions is expected to be
  among the greatest of any region on the Earth..."


  Nakano Comments:

  Read the above quoted material carefully.
  This is confirmation the polar regions,
  and especially the South Pole, are specifically
  being targetedintentionally targeted for
  climate modification.
 --- Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED] Replies:
  It doesn't mean that at all. It only means that
  water is an easily changeable element of nature
 sensitive to temperature.
 That's all.
 OK, I agree that: "a spectacular retreat and collapse
 of ice shelves on the Antarctic peninsula"
 does not automatically prove "intentional" climate
 modification. It is, however, solid empirical
 evidence supporting the conclusion that the
 Antarctic, or at least portions of it, are
 experiencing increases in temperature which are
 far greater than other areas of the earth.
 This logically begs the question.Why?
 Why is the Antarctic peninsula having a
 dramatic increase in temperature so great as to
 produce "a spectacular retreat of the ice shelves"?
 Water is not so "easily changable" from ice to
 water (as your Post would suggest).

Yes it most definitely is. It's changeability is why it
is the basis of life.

But if you want to really understand global warming, and why it
affects the sub polar regions first, then find and read the works
of John Hammaker.


  Thermal fusion of a given mass of a solid requires
 the addition of a characteristic amount of heat, the
 "heat of fusion". In the reverse process, the freezing
 of the liquid to form the solid, the same quantity of
 heat must be removed. The heat of fusion of ice, the
 heat required to melt one gram, is about 80 calories;
 this amount of heat would raise the temperature of a
 gram of liquid water from the freezing point (0 C, or
 32 F) to 80 C (176 F).

 The point is this: It requires truly enormous
 quantities of heat to melt vast glaciers.
 If such heating were occurring on a planet-wide
 basis, New York City for example would have average
 winter temperatures of 70 degrees F. and on a hot
 summer day the Big Apple would be baking at about
 145 degrees F.
 Obviously, this is not occurring.
 The Anarctic peninsula is having such temperature
 increases (on a relative basis)so why not
 New York City and everywhere else, if the so-called
 "greenhouse gas - global warming theory" is correct?

 You say: "I don't believe you. This is pure
 speculation. I think your wrong."

 Well...you certainly have a right to your opinion,
 whether it is an informed opinion or not.
 However, if you think I'm wrong, let's hear your
 rational argument, supported by some facts.

 It's your turn Nurev.

  Regards to All

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
 a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [Fwd: [southnews] YMCA launches campaign against Israel]

2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [southnews] YMCA launches campaign against Israel
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 14:27:27 -0600 (CST)
From: David Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: South Movement
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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International YMCA launches campaign against Israel

By Elli Wohlgelernter, The Jerusalem Post
Friday, February 16 2001

JERUSALEM (February 16) - The World Alliance of YMCAs, based in Geneva,
is injecting itself into Middle East politics by launching an
anti-Israel crusade, which is causing a rift between YMCAs in the US and
Canada and the worldwide organization.

The international group has posted on its Web site a 3,000-word report
based on a five-day visit to "Palestine" in November by its
representatives, concluding that "the one-sided nature of the conflict
demands that the YMCA take the side of the oppressed Palestinian

The Simon Wiesenthal Center has criticized the report as "a virtual
rubber stamp for continued Palestinian violence," and has initiated an
international campaign to have YMCAs around the world stop funding the
world center.

Kenneth Gladish, national executive director of YMCA of the USA, has
written a letter to Geneva distancing his group from the World Alliance

"The language, tone, and characterizations included in [the report] do
nothing to aid the true cause of peace and stability, nor do they
position the YMCA for effective service across the boundaries of
dispute," he wrote in the letter dated February 1. "These documents are
inappropriate and can serve only to inflame the long-standing tensions
in the region."

The chairman of YMCA Canada has also expressed reservations about the
report, stating in a February 8 letter to the Wiesenthal Center "that
some of the statements are one-sided and biased and do not reflect the
violence that has been committed by all parties concerned. We will be
addressing our concerns to the World Alliance with the hope that a more
balanced and moderated perspective can be presented to our collective

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Wiesenthal Center, said the
report "is a total shift, a step out of character and a very dangerous
one" for the international organization, and that he is very concerned
that this can be the beginning of a domino effect of other
non-governmental organizations "ganging up" on Israel to justify the
behavior of the Palestinian Authority.

"From our point of view, the bottom line is either send a team and tell
the other side of the story or, better yet, go back to what you do
best," Cooper said last night from Los Angeles. "This is not an area
they should be involved in. And if they don't, we will formally call on
the international YMCA community to defund Geneva."

Cooper said that the Wiesenthal Center has contacted YMCAs in over 20
countries urging them to demand that the biased report be dropped.

The World Alliance report can be read on its Web site,

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based activist
group, in its American Muslim News Briefs e-mail on Tuesday included a
message urging everyone to write to the YMCA in support of its position.

"I'm afraid also that whatever the results of this particular
controversy, we might be seeing this replayed in the NGO playing field,
from humanitarian and maybe environmental NGOs, suddenly getting
involved in this area," Cooper said.

The YMCA in Geneva responded on its Web site to criticism of its report
for being one-sided by saying, "The recent report was based on the visit
of an international team who for reasons of time and circumstances did
not also visit Israel."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

mai-not-digestSunday, February 18 2001Volume 03 : Number 555

In this issue:
[MAI-NOT] U.S. Military to "Contorl Space  the Global Economy -Karl Gross
[MAI-NOT] Update on GATS negotiations
[MAI-NOT] columbia U-whacking - was "Gore-whacking" (fwd)
[MAI-NOT] DU:  America's Military 'Gift' That Keeps on Giving-Dan Fahey


Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 16:33:05 +
From: "Janet M Eaton" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [MAI-NOT] U.S. Military to "Contorl Space  the Global Economy -Karl

 As last month's report of the "Space Commission" chaired by incoming
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld puts it: "In the coming period, the
U.S. will conduct operations to, from, in and through space in
support of its national interests both on the Earth and in space."
Star Wars is back
 And a key rationale for  Star Wars now. U.S. military documents
acknowledge, is the global economy of which the U.S. is the engine.
The U.S. would, from the "ultimate high ground" of space, "dominate"
the planet below in part to keep the global economy on track. Says
the U.S. Space Command's "Vision for 2020" report , its cover
depicting a laser weapon shooting a beam down from space zapping a
target below: "The globalization of the world economy will also
continue with a widening between `haves' and `have-nots.'" From
space, the U.S. would keep those "have-nots" in line...
U.S. citizens are not aware of the broad military plans of  the U.S.
But other nations of the world do understand. That's why, at the
United Nations last November 20, a resolution was introduced on which
163 nations voted yes for "Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer
Grossman notes that a country leading in the international effort to
stop the U.S. plans by strengthening the Outer Space Treaty and
barring all weapons from space is Canada.   FYI- -janet


- --- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  Carol Brouillet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Sat, 17 Feb 2001 21:47:45 -0800


Presentation at Technology and Globalization Teach-In
  New York City   February 24, 2001
by  Karl Grossman

The United States is seeking to "control space" and from space "dominate"
the  Earth below and "control" and "dominate" are words used repeatedly in
U.S. military documents. The U.S. military, further, would like to base
weapons in space.
The new Bush administration is gung-ho for U.S. projection of space
military power. As last month's report of the "Space Commission" chaired by
incoming Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld puts it: "In the coming period,
the U.S. will conduct operations to, from, in and through space in support
of its national interests both on the Earth and in space."
Star Wars is back.
But there's a difference since Star Wars first emerged under Ronald Reagan
in 1983. Then it was purportedly needed to fend off what Reagan called the
"evil empire," the Soviet Union.
There is no Soviet Union any longer. And a key rationale for Star Wars now,
U.S. military documents acknowledge, is the global economy of which the
U.S. is the engine. The U.S. would, from the "ultimate high ground" of
space, "dominate" the planet below in part to keep the global economy on track.
Says the U.S. Space Command's "Vision for 2020" report , its cover
depicting a laser weapon shooting a beam down from space zapping a target
below: "The globalization of the world economy will also continue with a
widening between `haves' and `have-nots.'" From space, the U.S. would keep
those "have-nots" in line.
The U.S. Space Command, set up by the Pentagon in 1985, describes itself in
"Vision for 2020" this way: "US Space Command dominating the space
dimension of military operations to protect US interests and investment.
Integrating Space Forces into warfighting capabilities across the full
spectrum of conflict."
"Vision for 2020" compares the U.S. effort to "control space" and Earth
below to how centuries ago "nations built navies to protect and enhance
their commercial interests," referring to the great empires of Europe that
ruled the waves and thus the Earth to maintain their imperial economies.
Consider the "Long Range Plan" of the U.S. Space Command. "The United
States will remain a global power and exert global leadership," it says.
"The United States won't always be able to forward base its forces.
Widespread communications will highlight disparities in resources and
quality of life contributing to unrest in developing countries.The global
economy will continue to become more 

Re: [CTRL] Elites ubber alles: Wouldn't you know it... j2

2001-02-19 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  Sydney Morning Herald
  February 17, 2001
  Sub civilian was top Republican
  By Michael Millett, Herald Correspondent in Tokyo
  Japan has sent an envoy to the United States to demand
  a full explanation for the sinking of a Japanese
  trawler by a US nuclear submarine, as news reports
  confirmed that at least one member of a guest party on
  board was a senior Republican Party figure.

 Yes, this is true. The civilian who worked the periscope was a Republican.
 Not only was he a Republican...he was also legally blind.
 The sub commander had no choice but to permit the blind Republican to
 operate he periscope...he didn't want to violate the Americans with Disability

Damn their eyes!


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Elites ubber alles: Wouldn't you know it...

2001-02-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Sydney Morning Herald
February 17, 2001

Sub civilian was top Republican

By Michael Millett, Herald Correspondent in Tokyo

Japan has sent an envoy to the United States to demand
a full explanation for the sinking of a Japanese
trawler by a US nuclear submarine, as news reports
confirmed that at least one member of a guest party on
board was a senior Republican Party figure.

Senior Vice-Foreign Minister Sishiro Eto will demand
that search operations continue for nine people who
were on board the Ehime Maru and are still missing,
presumed dead. Japan has condemned the US Navy for
allowing civilians to be at the control stations of
the submarine, which was hosting 16 civilian guests.

One of the guests of Commander Scott Waddle, the
submarine's captain, was what one US newspaper called
a Republican "fat cat" with connections to President
George Bush. Fourteen of the 16 were donors to a
private, non-profit foundation that is restoring the
World War II battleship Missouri and whose honorary
chairman is the former president George Bush.

It was on the deck of the Missouri that Japan's
leaders surrendered on September 2, 1945, marking the
end of the war in the Pacific. The trip was,
apparently, to thank them for their support.

"It is outrageous. [The US Navy] is slack," the chief
of the Japanese Defence Agency, Toshitsugu Saito, said
at a news conference, of the civilians' presence at
the controls.

President Bush ordered a review of all policies on
civilian activity during military exercises after USS
Greeneville surfaced rapidly off Hawaii, hitting and
sinking the Japanese trawler, which was carrying high
school fisheries students.

The manoeuvre was apparently performed for the
entertainment of the guests, two of whom were seated
at controls on the submarine's bridge deck.

Five of the 35 crew on the trawler drowned. Four
17-year-old students on a study trip were among those
missing and presumed drowned.

In Tokyo, the Prime Minister, Mr Yoshiro Mori, is
clinging to office by his fingertips, with some senior
figures in his Liberal Democratic Party openly calling
for a leadership vote next month. A junior coalition
partner, New Komeito, yesterday refused to rule out
support for a no-confidence motion.

Mr Mori was roundly criticised for staying on the golf
course after being informed of the trawler's sinking.
His stock sank further yesterday after it was revealed
that a businessman had bankrolled his 40 million yen
($650,000) golf club membership.

Navy officials have confirmed that at the time the
Greeneville pierced the hull of the Ehime Maru,
sending the trawler and nine of its crew to the ocean
floor, two civilians were in the main control
positions of the sub.

They are adamant that while the VIPs may have had
their hands on the controls, they were in no way
responsible for the emergency ballast blow that sent
the Greeneville rocketing to the surface, or for the
crash that followed.

The navy has refused to release the names of the
civilian guests, citing privacy concerns, although two
of them have appeared on US television recounting
their version of the events leading up to the

One, Mr John Hall, said he had accepted an invitation
from the Greeneville's commander to pull the levers to
begin the surface drill.

The nearest crew member was seated right next to him
"elbow to elbow". "I mean, what's important to know
here is you don't do anything on this vessel without
someone either showing you how to do it, telling you
how to do it, or escorting you around," Mr Hall told
NBC's Today show.

Both men said Commander Waddle had carried out
numerous safety checks, including a periscope sweep,
before beginning the dive and subsequent

Mr Hall said he distinctly remembered a loud bang and
the submarine shuddering, followed by Commander
Waddle's exclamation: "Jesus, what the hell was that?"

Speaking before a budget meeting in Washington,
President Bush said the Hawaiian tragedy had made it
necessary for the Pentagon "to review all policy
regarding civilian activity during military

Rear Admiral Steve Pietropaoli said that it had been
navy policy for decades to allow civilians to visit
bases and view manoeuvres as a way of bolstering
public appreciation of and support for the armed

Pentagon officials said Commander Waddle could face a
court martial if he was found to have caused the

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of 

[CTRL] How it's done: Freedom of owning the press.

2001-02-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [FAIR-L] FEAR  FAVOR 2000: How Power Shapes the News
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 17:29:01 -0500

Fairness  Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports

New Report:

FAIR's First Annual Report on How Power Shapes the News

February 14, 2001

FAIR is pleased to announce our first annual roundup of the year's most
egregious examples of owner, advertiser and government influence on the
news: "Fear  Favor 2000: How Power Shapes the News."

A "serious" talkshow turns itself into an infomercial for Campbell's Soup,
complete with a veteran news anchor leading a chorus of the "M'm, m'm,
good!" jingle. A Boston reporter is suspended without pay after writing
critically about a bank that is a major advertiser in his paper. A network
news show interviews a sock puppet-- a puppet that is the mascot for a
company the network's owner has a stake in.

Welcome to the sometimes whimsical, frightening world of the corporate-owned
media, where the "fear and favor" of the powers that be can shape-- and
twist-- the news. A few items detailed in the report:

--In the final days of the 2000 presidential campaign, conservative
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review publisher Richard Mellon Scaife ordered all photos
and prominent mentions of Al Gore removed from the front page.  As a result,
the pre-election Sunday edition featured George W. Bush in every front-page
campaign-related headline and photo.

--The AP's longtime Bolivia correspondent, Peter McFarren, resigned amidst
revelations that he had lobbied the Bolivian legislature for a $78 million
water privatization project profiting a foundation he presided over. One of
the biggest stories in Bolivia, water policy was central to McFarren's beat.
After a query from FAIR, the AP did a story on the resignation, but glossed
over key aspects.

--After receiving pre-publication complaints from various bigwigs, Brill's
Content watered down a piece whose subject-- entertainment reporter Lynn
Hirschberg-- apparently has too many powerful friends. Brill's editor David
Kuhn reportedly told staffers, "You don't understand: I have to go to
cocktail parties with these people."

Many journalists have heard war stories about controversial articles that
got cut or quashed before they were written, or, more chillingly, of careers
cut short. The breakneck consolidation of media ownership means news
divisions are increasingly subject to corporate control, but it can be
difficult to find documentation of specific instances in which this has
distorted the news. With that in mind, FAIR has compiled reports of some of
the most outrageous examples of "fear and favor" in the newsroom from the
last year.

We hope "Fear  Favor 2000" will serve to support journalists who are
struggling to seek truth and report it, empower the public to demand
accountability from the media and inspire all of us to fight back when the
powerful try to restrict the free flow of information.

Read the full report online: http://www.fair.org/ff2000.html



FAIR's Janine Jackson, Program Director and co-host of CounterSpin, will be
presenting "Fear  Favor 2000" to the public on Friday, February 16 (details
below). Joining FAIR will be Blake Fleetwood and Frances Cerra Whittelsey,
two former New York Times reporters with their own stories of "fear and
favor" in the newsroom.

"Fear  Favor 2000: How Power Shapes the News"
Friday, February 16, 6:30 PM
Housing Works Used Book Caf
126 Crosby St (between Prince and Houston), New York
*Free and Open to the Public*


Feel free to respond to FAIR ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ). We can't reply to
everything, but we will look at each message. We especially appreciate
documented example of media bias or censorship. And please send copies of
your email correspondence with media outlets, including any responses, to us

FAIR ON THE AIR: FAIR's founder Jeff Cohen is a regular panelist on the Fox
News Channel's "Fox News Watch," which airs which airs Saturdays at 7 pm and
Sundays at 11 am (Eastern Standard Time). Check your local listings.

FAIR produces CounterSpin, a weekly radio show heard on over 120 stations in
the U.S. and Canada. To find the CounterSpin station nearest you, visit
http://www.fair.org/counterspin/stations.html .

Please support FAIR by subscribing to our bimonthly magazine, Extra!
For more information, go to:
http://www.fair.org/extra/subscribe.html . Or call 1-800-847-3993.

FAIR's INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: FAIR accepts internship applications for its New
York office on a rolling basis. For more information, please e-mail Peter

You can subscribe to FAIR-L at our web site: http://www.fair.org , or by
sending a "subscribe FAIR-L 

[CTRL] The Council on Foreign Relations are in violation of Title-50

2001-02-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

President Clinton,

The Council on Foreign Relations are in violation of Title-50 War and National
Defense subsection 783.

The Council on Foreign Relations is a branch of an international group of
co-conspirators called the Round Table Group. Other branches include;
Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of
International Affairs, the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, the
Australian Institute of International Affairs, the South African Institute of
International Affairs, the Indian Institute of International Affairs, the
Netherlands Institute of International Affairs, the Japanese Institute of Pacific
Relations, the Chinese Institute of Pacific Relations, and the Russian Institute
of Pacific Relations.

The Secretary of the Treasury is the public official responsible for keeping an
eye on domestic and international monetary and financial policy. The following
Secretaries of the Treasury are members of the Council on Foreign Relations;
Robert B. Anderson(Eisenhower), Douglas C. Dillion (Kennedy/Johnson),
Henry Hamill Fowler (Johnson), David M. Kennedy (Nixon), William Edward
Simon (Nixon/Ford), W. Michael Blumenthal (Carter), G. William Miller (Carter)
James A. Baker 3rd (Reagan), Nicholas F. Brady (Reagan/Bush).

The National Security Council provides intelligence support to the Secretary of
the Treasury. The nature of the support, is classified. The support insures the
Department of the Treasury acts in accord with recommended national
security policy and makes its full contribution to the attainment of national
security objectives and to the particular climate of opinion the United States is
seeking to achieve in the world.

This opinion is formulated by Council on Foreign Relations members working in
an ad hoc committee called the "Special Group" and through a vast
intragovernmental undercover infrastructure called the "Secret Team". The
"Special Group" and "Secret Team" insure that a well coordinated economic
warfare campaign weakens non-Round Table Member controlled companies
and benefits Round Table Member controlled companies in the United States
and in other nations.

Even the most knowledgeable Treasury officials don't understand the role of
the National Security Council in international monetary and financial policy. The
"Special Group" and the "Secret Team" hide so-called national security
objectives behind a veil of secrecy. This is because these objectives are in the
best interest of the Round Table Group members, not in the best interest of
the American public.

In 1969 Paul Volcker became Undersecretary for Monetary Affairs in the Nixon
administration. Volcker's boss was Secretary of the Treasury David Kennedy.
In his book Changing Fortunes, Volcker writes;

"On inauguration day I sat down in my new office in the Treasury...A
memorandum arrived from the White House with, as I recall it, the title of
"National Security Study Memorandum Number Two." I clearly had not been on
the list for Number One but, after all, Number Two was not bad. I didn't really
know what a National Security Study Memorandum was in those days, but
since it was signed by Henry Kissinger on behalf of the president, it was
obviously something to be taken seriously.

The memorandum described administrative and other arrangements for the
conduct of international monetary affairs by the new administration. It
designated the Undersecretary for Monetary Affairs - the position to which I
would be nominated - to chair an inter-agency committee on the subject. The
previous administration had such a group, so that was no striking new
initiative, but it was nice for me to have my bureaucratic position confirmed.
The memo also said that in that capacity I should report to Henry Kissinger at
the National Security Council. That was unusual news to me, being in the
Treasury Department. I went running to Secretary Kennedy's office and said,
"You'd better take care of this quick, because it seems to cut you out of the
loop." He was not very close to Mr. Nixon at the time, and I sensed his
hesitation about what to do. I always suspected he just ignored that part of
the directive, because that's certainly what I did. Henry Kissinger had other
things to worry about during those days. Besides, one of his stable of
assistants, Fred Bergsten, was a member of the inter-agency group, and I
knew he was fully capable of keeping Henry informed.

I never heard another word about it, and I suspect papers on the intricacies of
international monetary affairs ended up at the bottom of Kissinger's in-tray,
assuming they ever got that far. But it was to me an interesting lesson in
bureaucratic one-upmanship. Kissinger had been designated to his position
many weeks earlier, had a staff in place, access to the president, and an
instinct to make good use of his head start"

David M. Kennedy, Paul A. Volcker, Henry A. Kissinger, and Fred C. Bergsten
are all Council on Foreign Relations 

[CTRL] CIA - Zambia - Money laundering.

2001-02-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

CIA Sees Zambia As The Region's Money Laundering Centre

Post of Zambia (Lusaka)

February 15, 2001
Posted to the web February 15, 2001


The American Central Intelligence Agency has labelled Zambia as a centre for
money-laundering activities in the Southern African region, disclosed Drug
Enforcement Commissioner Raphael Mungole (in picture) yesterday.

Addressing the fourth Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) commanders and
senior officers' conference in Siavonga, Mungole said the stalemate in
enacting the anti-money laundering Bill into law and its withdrawal from
Parliament without the public knowing the reasons gave drug dealers and
money-launders a field day.

He said this has led to an unfortunate situation where the American Central
Intelligence Agency has labelled Zambia as a centre for money- laundering
activities in the region. He added that the withdrawal of the Bill created
an economy which was not protected resulting in a foreign exchange regime
which was running away from controlled management.

"We need an anti-money-laundering law to help Zambia rebut the label,"
Mungole said." While drug trafficking, drug abuse and its related money-
laundering activities have emerged as a national problem for transparency
and good governance, the challenge is really on the government and civil
society to be seen to do something." Mungole said government should place
drug trafficking, drug abuse and related money-laundering activities on
priority items if drug trafficking was to be effectively checked. He said
money- laundering, porno trafficking and trafficking in government trophy
has become an economic sabotage which has undermined the economy of the

Mungole said the DEC will tighten its operations as the country draws near
to the parliamentary and presidential elections to stop a phenomenon where
drug money is used to finance and support candidates for elections. He said
this was in line with observations made by members of parliament at a drug
awareness workshop in Lusaka mid last year that persons convicted of drug
trafficking and drug related offences should not be allowed to run for
political office or be appointed to public office. "The parliamentary and
presidential elections coming in late November will pose a challenge because
drug dealers and money-launders would be working to sponsor their associates
to the political altar. This will undermine democracy and transparency in
elections," he said. Mungole urged enforcement officers to be alert in view
of the forth coming Organisation of African Unity (OAU) heads of state
summit and the eclipse of the sun in June this year to ensure the nation is
not turned into a drug tourist destination.

He said despite operational problems, DEC was able to arrest 2,362 drug
traffickers and seize about K 6 billion worthy of narcotic drugs last year.


Copyright  2001 Post of Zambia.

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2001-02-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 This pig at the trough and he has been at the trough in the pig style
 once known as the Clinton Oval Office - if something is no done there
 must be a way to get this entire congress up on criminal charges.

 People starving and these pigs stealing?   Who are they - give you one
 guess - do a little checking and you will see.

 See Jesse Jackson and this pig Al Sharpton - stealing from the poor?

 Maybe it is vigilante time - eternal watch on these bums and their
 prostitutes.for that is all they are - bums - to think I thought the
 Mafia was Italian.

 Look what this Monica Lewinski - a sodomist in the White House - cost
 the American taxpayers playing sex games with the President with the
 Mossad recording the transactions?

 Pigs are pigs - first step was to get them out of the White House and
 away from our children for they would teach our children, the ways of

I already know the ways of sodomists, and you sound like you could do
with some yourself.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-02-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Marilyn Wright wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Of course, Dubya wants to back off. You don't think he wants to
 dig up all the deals his Dad did with Marc Rich, now, do you? Iran-
 Contra all over again? The Bushes have much more to hide when it
 comes to Marc Rich than Clinton does. You don't think he's just
 being Mr. Nice Guy, do you?

BAM! Right on the money.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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