Free MP3 Music Tracks Inside!

2000-05-31 Thread myplay
Title: myplay Free Tracks 0530




punk12's Locker
   Account Info
  May 31, 2000


	Hi, punk12:

	In the past month, we've added more than 15 songs to myplay's Free Tracks section.  We've also made it easier
	for you to browse for music. You can now search by genre, or alphabetically by artist name. Check out how
	easy it is by visiting Free Tracks now.	
	If you're having problems playing music, or if you need a player, visit our 
	page and follow the instructions--it's just that easy.
	Know someone who'd love myplay? Click here.
	Now, turn up the volume with myplay!
	To instantly copy a track to your Locker, just click on the buttons below corresponding 
	to your Internet connection, and login to myplay: HI for cable, DSL, ISDN, and T1 customers; LO for 
dialup modem customers. 

 Cooter  (Looking Up) "Looking Up"



 Many Faces (I Need Somebody) "Who's Drinking the Wine"



 Annie Sampson (Under the Moon) "I'm Going For the Big Fish Baby"





		 Though Cooter may call upstate New York home, their
sound is signature Southern California punk. It's a
happy brand of infectious, hook-filled punk made
popular by bands like Blink 182 and Green Day. It's
a perfect summer soundtrack for skateboarding or 





		 From this superstar cast that includes members from
Santana, Sly & the Family Stone, and Quicksilver
Messenger Service, here's upbeat reggae where the
foundation is rock; and the goal is to find "the 
groove of happiness." It's music to elevate the soul.





		 Here's a feisty jump number from a long-time San
Francisco scenster. Hear the pipes that people like
Boz Scaggs, Bonnie Raitt, Jerry Garcia and Elvis 
Costello have turned to when they've needed an extra
vocalist. Her long-time fans are thankful she's finally
got an album of her own to showcase her wide musical
range, from soulful to sassy.















	If you want to personalize the e-mails you receive from myplay, or 
	if you aren't interested in receiving our periodic e-mails, just visit 
	Account Info and make your changes.


Re: DVD Audio in July

2000-05-31 Thread Tom Vogt

 In a couple weeks I'm going to release Tcl/Tk code that can
 a) download all articles from a newsgroup,
 b) download selected (by any header line) files from a newsgroup.
 The software itself is "generic". (It's not the first, but
 might be the first platform-independent, free, mit source.)
 It [Unix-based] works now, I have to add a GUI and test on my iMac.
 Eventually, I'll need someone to try it on PeeCees.
 I also need to add a file splitter and builtin remailer
 Please post any constructive comments regarding the matter.

yell if you need people to test this.

additionally, you might want to give the splitting mechanism a thought.
aside from the standard split(1), there are also more interesting ways
to split stuff. one thing I've seen splits bitwise (sic!), so that
unless you have all the chunks you don't even know what it is you're
holding in your hands. this will make filtering extremely difficult.

 I see the full DeCSS source is still available via
 links to other sites. 8*)  I thought they were court-ordered
 not to do that?

nope. the court order was about having the code itself on the page. MPAA
tried to get that extended to including linking, but no ruling on that
has been done so far.

Change password.

2000-05-31 Thread aw-confirm

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RE: Posting Cookies for Cypherpunks

2000-05-31 Thread Trei, Peter

You don't need to get that complicated. Just pick a keyword (eg, CPUNK),
and require it's presence in the subject line. This method has been used to
great effect in usenet newsgroups, even if the keyword does not change for

Spambot software simply doesn't handle per-address rules beyond including
the username in the message.

I've proposed this before - any bets as to how long before Jim C or Tim
us to start our own list?


 From: Eric Cordian[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 If we implement some sort of posting cookie, it should be bakable by any
 user wishing to post, and work with every conceivable variety of OS and
 One scheme which comes to mind is to allow people to mail their posts
 to "N+cypherpunks@*" where N is the number of non-whitespace characters
 in the subject of the post, exclusive of Subject: and Re:.
 People subscribing could then elect to receive only those posts where 
 N matched, or to receive all posts.  While the N+cypherpunks addresses
 would of course end up on spam lists, statistically, the spam would get
 cut by a factor of around 20 for people who chose to filter.
 This would have the following features. 
 1.  It would be very simple to implement. 
 2.  It would be end-user filtering, which people would be able to elect.
 3   It doesn't require any complicated software on the list processing
 end, and no software at all on the user end. 
 4.  People who don't want to mess with it will never know it's there. 
 This is just one way to do it.  I'm sure people will think up better
 Eric Michael Cordian 0+
 O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
 "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

RE: Posting Cookies for Cypherpunks

2000-05-31 Thread Tim May

At 9:36 AM -0400 5/31/00, Trei, Peter wrote:
You don't need to get that complicated. Just pick a keyword (eg, CPUNK),
and require it's presence in the subject line. This method has been used to
great effect in usenet newsgroups, even if the keyword does not change for

Spambot software simply doesn't handle per-address rules beyond including
the username in the message.

I've proposed this before - any bets as to how long before Jim C or Tim
us to start our own list?

[Counting to 10 to avoid starting out by calling Peter Trei a fuckwad ]

Your clueless insult is noted...and will be remembered.

If you read the traffic of the past few months, I have endorsed 
similar plans. Here are excerpts from a recent message:

I support periodic name changes. This is one reason people sometimes 
change their usernames and/or ISPs: they've gotten on too many spam 
lists. Or their phone numbers. Or in extreme cases, their countries. 
A fresh start is sometimes needed.

This has happened to the Cypherpunks list. Not only are list 
harvesters finding the various Cypherpunks list names (algebra, 
toad, cyberpass, ssz, etc.), but the "union of all posts" strategy 
of the CDR ensures spam to any of the addresses reaches us all. 
Harvesters have literally had years to find various Cypherpunks list 

The repugnance toward content filtering, except when voluntarily 
arranged for, is laudable. We saw in years past that nominally 
benign "moderation" can easily degenerate into partisan filtering of 
opposing views. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should the root CDR nodes 
filter messages by body text content.

However, there's nothing that says the Cypherpunks list has to have 
a persistent address, with a time constant of years. A name change 
every quarter or so, with existing subscribers carried over to the 
new name, would help with advertising spam.

What about people who discover the Cypherpunks list from some old 
"Wired" article which gives the subscription info? This is usually 
going to be the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" old address, and the 
majordomo variants. Those who use that address can be bounced a 
message telling them the latest list addresses. (This is some work 
by someone...I'm not volunteering John or Hugh or anyone else to do 
this. However, at some point the use of the ancient address 
was supposed to go away anyway...right now it's adding a lot of 
noise to our system. Perhaps it is time for the other CDR nodes to 
pull the plug on accepting posts sent to the address.)

A second possibility is to do what many lists do: only allow posts 
by subscribers.

What about remailers and other anonymous posts? The addresses of all 
known CP/Mixmaster/Freedom services could be added to the list of 
allowed posts. This means a devious spammer could still get through, 
but so much the better (at least he's using good technology!).

This would screen out Hotmail, My-Deja, and similar "weak tech" 
pseudo-anonmyizers, but this is also so much the better.

I'm generally inclined toward letting those who want filtering of 
any sort to subscribe to filtering services. However, spam and posts 
from those with absolutely no links to the CP community are now the 
bulk of messages (at least it seems this way to me when I delete a 
dozen such messages and only read a handful that are left).

At some point it makes some sense to use _non-content_ filtering. 
Changing the names periodically will cut out a lot of past-harvested 
addresses. Only allowing posts by subscribers and via strong 
remailers will do the same.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

RE: Posting Cookies for Cypherpunks

2000-05-31 Thread Declan McCullagh

That's a better suggestion than mine. It may even be implementable using 
standard majordomo config files with regex matching; I'd have to reread the 

Design question: What happens to rejected posts (missing the CP or whatnot 
from Subject: line)? The default behavior for majordomo would be to ignore. 
Might it not be better to bounce a message back, saying "rules for posting 
to cypherpunks are at http://etc.?"


At 09:36 5/31/2000 -0400, Trei, Peter wrote:
You don't need to get that complicated. Just pick a keyword (eg, CPUNK),
and require it's presence in the subject line. This method has been used to
great effect in usenet newsgroups, even if the keyword does not change for

Re: Posting Cookies for Cypherpunks

2000-05-31 Thread Eric Cordian

Tim May (in whose killfile I reside) wrote:

 I support periodic name changes. This is one reason people sometimes 
 change their usernames and/or ISPs: they've gotten on too many spam 
 lists. Or their phone numbers. Or in extreme cases, their countries. 
 A fresh start is sometimes needed.

While I like Peter Trei's suggestion that sticking fixed text in the
subject line is simpler than computing an even trivial checksum of it, I
still like the idea of perturbing the listserver address in some clever
way, and allowing the Subject: line to contain arbitrary text.

I loathe "CDR," and seeing anything in capitals on every post, even "CP,"
is going to continue to remind me of it.

 However, there's nothing that says the Cypherpunks list has to have 
 a persistent address, with a time constant of years. A name change 
 every quarter or so, with existing subscribers carried over to the 
 new name, would help with advertising spam.

Assholes are deliberately subscribing the list to other mailing lists.  
We need something that blocks posts not meeting some criteria random posts
are unlikely to satisfy.

 A second possibility is to do what many lists do: only allow posts 
 by subscribers.

In the words of that guy in alt.config, "No."

 This would screen out Hotmail, My-Deja, and similar "weak tech" 
 pseudo-anonmyizers, but this is also so much the better.


Ok, here's a revision on my proposed solution.  How about allowing people
to voluntarily mail to "username+cypherpunks@*"?  I would mail to
emc+cypherpunks, Tim would mail to tcmay+cypherpunks, Declan would mail to
declan+cypherpunks, etc.

People who mailed to the list from grepped addresses would obviously not
satisfy the criteria, and we would allow users to voluntarily elect to get
only posts in which the username was correctly prepended to the address.

Again, this would satisfy my earlier criteria, namely that it would be
invisible to people who didn't care, trivial for anyone to comply with,
and selectable by the end user.

I like this much better than seeing "CDR", "CP", "CPUNK", or other such
efluvia on every post.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

RE: Posting Cookies for Cypherpunks

2000-05-31 Thread Matthew Gaylor

Tim May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[Counting to 10 to avoid starting out by calling Peter Trei a fuckwad ]

Your clueless insult is noted...and will be remembered.

I'm still waiting for the agent provocateur fag (Tim May) to attempt 
to "fuck me and burn my corpse".
But seriously, this discussion over improving the bandwidth has gone 
on for far too long without implementing.  Personally, I'm able to 
filter out the crap on CP, but I could see how it might bother some 

Regards,  Matt-

Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues
Send a blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words subscribe FA
on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per month)
Matthew Gaylor,1933 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., PMB 176, Columbus, OH  43229
Archived at

Welcome to the optin-IT group

2000-05-31 Thread optin-IT Moderator


I've added you to my optin-IT group at eGroups, a free, 
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tips, and special offers from time to time (only occasionally), and you may opt 
out any time you like, or invite others to join.  This list is sponsored by Bob 
Hurt, supplier of PC diagnostic, data recovery tools, and on-line training 
courses for IT professionals.  Mr. Hurt is 57 years old and has been in the 
computer business his entire adult life. His leadership and advices have helped 
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Offer Ends at Midnight Tonight!!!

2000-05-31 Thread Ashley Jade

NOTE: This is a responsible email being sent to you. This is NOT SPAM. I received 
your address as someone who may be interested in business opportunities online if 
this is not the case please accept 
my apologies for the intrusion. Simply reply to this mail with the phrase "Please 
Remove" in the subject box to be removed from future mailings at no cost to you.


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P.S. This one also ends at midnight tonight.

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your address as someone who may be interested in business opportunities online if 
this is not the case please accept 
my apologies for the intrusion. Simply reply to this mail with the phrase "Please 
Remove" in the subject box to be removed from future mailings at no cost to you.


Re: Announcement

2000-05-31 Thread typo

does your 'procmail recipe' reply with a description on why the mail bounced?
probably those nodes which receive the mail from the user should 
bounce/filter, and not those leaf nodes that deliver to the users.

If you use mutt, just add those send-hooks to your ~/.muttrc:

send-hook . unmy_hdr Approved
send-hook ".*cypherpunks@.*" my_hdr Approved: CPUNK

so much entropy, so little time

Re: Posting Cookies for Cypherpunks

2000-05-31 Thread phelix

On 31 May 2000 06:01:17 -0500, Eric Cordian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If we implement some sort of posting cookie, it should be bakable by any
user wishing to post, and work with every conceivable variety of OS and

One scheme which comes to mind is to allow people to mail their posts
to "N+cypherpunks@*" where N is the number of non-whitespace characters
in the subject of the post, exclusive of Subject: and Re:.

It's much simpler to do it the way the various mail2news gateways do it:


where MMDD is the current date.  Posts where the given date matches the
current date (to +/- a few days) should have a special header added by the
listserver, like:

X-Nospam-Date-Verified: true

This way, no posts need to be dropped; those who wish to can filter on that
header and toss stuff that doesn't have that header.  Also, the server
could automatically add that header for all posts coming from its

In fact, now that I think about it, scrap all that.  Just have the
listserver add the following header if the post comes from someone
subscribed to the list:

X-From-Subscriber:  true

This alone would eliminate most of the spam and require nothing as
difficult as sending to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Re: You have been added to Alternative Health

2000-05-31 Thread Alexandre Alvarez

 CDR: Re: CDR:...").  But an alternative that fixes that problem would
 be a separate header to carry the keyword using the X- convention.

I think your Spamming Detection System would probably ignore my posts: my
mail server strips all headers except for the from/to fields on every single
incoming/outgoing message. This also has the added disadvantage of not
letting me know which messages belong to which list, unless the mantainers
are polite enough to add a footer somewhere.

Alexandre Alvarez

* And no, unfortunately getting another mail server is not an option.