RICO ripping and burning.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat
This is the intro and General Principles section of the A G's guildelines.} 
As the primary criminal investigative agency in the federal government, the 
FBI has the authority and responsibility to investigate all criminal 
violations of federal law not exclusively assigned to another federal 
agency. The FBI thus plays a central role in national law enforcement and 
in the proper administration of justice in the United States. 
Investigations by the FBI are premised upon the important duty of 
government to protect the public against general crimes, against organized 
criminal activity, and against those who would engage in political or 
racial terrorism or would destroy our constitutional system through 
criminal violence. At the same time, that duty must be performed with care 
to protect individual rights and to insure that investigations are confined 
to matters of legitimate law enforcement interest. The purpose of these 
Guidelines, therefore, is to establish a consistent policy in such matters. 
The Guidelines should encourage Agents of the FBI to perform their duties 
with greater certainty, confidence and effectiveness. They should also give 
the public a firm assurance that the FBI is acting properly under the law. 
The Guidelines provide guidance for all investigations by the FBI of crimes 
and crime-related activities. Investigations involving foreign 
intelligence, foreign counter-intelligence and international terrorism 
matters are the subject of separate guidelines. The standards and 
requirements set forth herein govern the circumstances under which an 
investigation may be begun, and the permissible scope, duration, 
subject-matters, and objectives of an investigation. All investigations of 
crime or crime-related activities shall be undertaken in accordance with 
one or more of these Guidelines. Part I sets forth general principles that 
apply to all investigations conducted under these Guidelines. Part II 
governs investigations undertaken to detect, prevent and prosecute specific 
violations of federal law. Part III A governs information concerning 
enterprises which are engaged in racketeering activities involving 
violence, extortion, narcotics or public corruption. Part III B governs 
criminal intelligence investigations undertaken to obtain information 
concerning enterprises which seek to achieve political or social change 
through violence. These Guidelines are issued under the authority of the 
Attorney General as provided in 28 U.S.C. 509, 510, and 533. I. General 
Principles Preliminary inquiries and investigations governed by these 
Guidelines are conducted for the purpose of preventing, detecting, or 
prosecuting violations of federal law. They shall be conducted with as 
little intrusion into the privacy of individuals as the needs of the 
situation permit. All preliminary inquiries shall be conducted pursuant to 
the General Crime Guidelines. There is no separate provision for a 
preliminary inquiry under the Criminal Intelligence Guidelines. A 
preliminary inquiry shall be promptly terminated when it becomes apparent 
that a full investigation is not warranted. If, on the basis of information 
discovered in the course of a preliminary inquiry, an investigation is 
warranted, it may be conducted as a general crimes investigation, or a 
criminal intelligence investigation, or both. All such investigations, 
however, shall be based on a reasonable factual predicate and shall have a 
valid law enforcement purpose. In its efforts to anticipate or prevent 
crime, the FBI must at times initiate investigations in advance of criminal 
conduct. It is important that such investigations not be based solely on 
activities protected by the First Amendment or on the lawful exercise of 
any other rights secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States. 
When, however, statements advocate criminal activity or indicate an 
apparent intent to engage in crime, particularly crimes of violence, an 
investigation under these Guidelines may be warranted unless it is 
apparent, from the circumstances or the context in which the statements are 
made, that there is no prospect of harm. General crimes investigations and 
criminal intelligence investigations shall be terminated when all logical 
leads have been exhausted and no legitimate law enforcement interest 
justifies their continuance. Nothing in these Guidelines is intended to 
prohibit the FBI from collecting and maintaining publicly available 
information consistent with the Privacy Act. Nothing in these Guidelines 
prohibits the FBI from ascertaining the general scope and nature of 
criminal activity in a particular location or sector of the economy. . . . 
III B. Domestic Security/Terrorism Investigations This section focuses on 
investigations of enterprises, other than those involved in international 
terrorism, whose goals are to achieve political or social change through 
activities that involve force or violence. Like racket

I sing the body e-lectric.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

OK, just follow me for my 'LECTRIC LAW
LIBRARY TOUR. . . . Oh yeah! If you run into some scrofulous,
shady looking characters inside, don't freak-out or call the net-police.
They're probably just lawyers or judges, and are usually quite harmless .
. . at least outside a courtroom. 
And you folks who've taken the new Tour can just wipe your feet and go
right into
The Library's ROTUNDA. 

Law online.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

updated February 2003 

My personal details and some pictures.

What's new anywhere here

Law in Practice - Civil Procedure etc. Updated at least every "change" 
World at a glance - geographically-divided sources of law on the Internet. Re-jigged and new Eastern Caribbean links added. 
Free access to the law for all - an explanation of what BAILII is all about. 
Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick, London W4 
A different note - things other than primary law 
Something about IT in English Courts, the Courtroom 21 project, Williamsburg Va., USA with a May 2002 update 
The future of these pages 

Zoran was using the Serbian Secret Police.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

"...Serbian prime minister Zoran Djindjic said the government and
the new anti-corruption council would take all possible steps to ensure
the clampdown is a success. 
"Our aim is to bring together state security services, public
prosecutors and the public security department," said Djindjic.
" Once the first person is behind bars, people will start to trust
Some, however, are alarmed by the prime minister's proposed tactics and
especially by the government's involvement of the Serbian secret police,
who, after all, have a rather unsavoury reputation. Ivan Marovic, a
leader of the political watchdog organisation Otpor, said Djindjic had
been evasive when asked about their use..." FROM...

Bugsies assassination attempt on Zoran.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Monday, 24 February,
PM Backs Murder Theory

Serbian Prime Minister
Zoran Djindjic has confirmed that he believes an attempt was made last
week to assassinate him.
A lorry cut into the path of Mr Djindjic's car as it sped along a main
road - a method previously used by Serbian secret police in assassination
attempts. Mr Djindjic's driver managed to avoid an accident, and the
lorry driver was later arrested.
Four years ago a similar "staged" road accident was targeted at
Serbian opposition figure Vuk Draskovic. Four people died, including Mr
Draskovic's brother-in-law. Mr Draskovic himself was injured, but
The trail of evidence in that case led to men who had once served with a
Serbian Interior Ministry special operations unit. Reports from Belgrade
say the same group is rumoured to be responsible for the incident
involving Mr Djinjdic.
Police say the lorry which tried to hit the prime minister's car was
being driven by a well-known local criminal with the nickname, Bugsy. He
has received information on his mobile phone just before the incident
that Mr Djindjic's car was approaching, police say.
Full story

Cops and KKK on planet Mongo.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Several members of law enforcement agencies in Georgia may belong to a
"dangerous" white supremacist group, an FBI agent testified
The testimony came today at a bond hearing for the group's state leader
who is being held on gun charges. 
A federal magistrate denied bond to Chester James Doles, 42, a Dalonega
man who authorities say was the Georgia organizer of the National
Alliance and a longtime Ku Klux Klan activist. 
Doles was charged with being a felon who illegally possessed a number of
rifles and handguns. 
FBI Special agent Joseph Thompson, a member of the joint terrorism task
force that investigated Doles since July, 2001, said "Mr. Doles is a
very active member of a group the FBI considers a terrorist group. That
group is known commonly in law enforcement as the most dangerous group in
the United States." 
Thompson also testified that a confidential informant who met with Doles
since 2001told authorities about the law enforcement ties to the group.
No names were mentioned in court. 
"That shows that Mr. Doles has a support network including law
enforcement" members, said Thompson. "You vastly increase the
capacity of the network," by having authorities as members. They
"can look the other way." 
U.S. Magistrate Linda Walker also mentioned the alleged law enforcement
connections when denying bond. 
"Who better to help you flee or get around law enforcement than law
enforcement?" asked Walker. 
The judge discounted defense contentions that Doles was being prosecuted
for his involvement with the white supremist group. She pointed to a 1993
Maryland assault conviction for an attack on a interracial couple and a
1997 burglary conviction where Doles beat a homeowner. 
"It doesn't matter if he's a member of the National Alliance or the
National Peacekeeping Association," she said. 
Thompson testified that Doles often met with white supremacist leader
William Pierce, whose book ''The Turner Diaries'' is believed to have
inspired Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. 
Upon leaving the courtroom, Doles asked to hug his wife, Theresa. He was
Walking out, he looked at his two teenage sons, saying "You know
what's on trial here. Step up to the plate. You boys got to." 
His wife responded, "They will." 

Rasputin raises the dead.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Russian President Vladimir Putin has restructured his government to
extend the powers of the Federal Security Service (FSB). 
The secret police will now absorb the border guards and the government
agency for monitoring communications (Fapsi). 
Liberal opposition politicians say the change amounts to the return of
the KGB - the FSB's notorious predecessor.
Riding the terror and some drug horses Ras badly needs killing...could be
difficult if he's anything like the first one.

Regaining control over the national encryption agency.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

By regaining control over the national encryption agency and the border
guard service, the Federal Security Service emerged as a clear winner in
Tuesday's power reshuffles, with its status and capabilities now
comparable to those of its mighty and fearful predecessor -- the Soviet
President Vladimir Putin announced that the Federal Security Service, or
FSB, will take over the entire Federal Border Service and parts of the
Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information, or FAPSI.

Both used to be directorates within the KGB, which was split into several
agencies with the collapse of the Soviet Union as a way to weaken the
secret services and break with the KGB's repressive past.
Now a restored FSB lacks only the Foreign Intelligence Service and
Federal Guard Service, which are responsible for espionage abroad and the
physical security of top officials, respectively, to put it back on par
with the KGB.
But even without these two now independent services, the FSB has become a
"superagency" when compared to the other so-called power
agencies, said Alexander Pikayev, defense and security analyst with the
Moscow Carnegie Center. 
In addition to its own staff of tens of thousands, the FSB will now
control more than 150,000 border guards armed with thousands of artillery
pieces, armored vehicles, patrol boats and aircraft and can engage in
intelligence across Russia's borders. They will be under the command of
first deputy FSB director Vladimir Pronichev, a former border guard
Parts of the FAPSI agency, whose activities have ranged from conducting
opinion polls to encrypting communications, will also now report to FSB
director Nikolai Patrushev, whose agency is already responsible for
eavesdropping and monitoring Runet. 
Patrushev, in turn, reports only to President Vladimir Putin, a former
KGB officer who headed the FSB from July 1998 until he was appointed
prime minister in August 1999.
Given the lack of parliamentary oversight over the secret services, this
could open up more opportunities for abuse of powers, according to Valery
Pribylovsky, head of the Panorama think tank. Considering the KGB's
history of abuses, "this is alarming," he said.
Pikayev and Nikolai Leonov, former head of KGB's analytical department,
agreed that the lack of parliamentary oversight is a problem, but noted
that the empowerment of the FSB should have a positive impact on Russia's
national security. 
Among other things, the FSB may now be more effective in its efforts to
counter terrorism and violent separatist threats, especially when it
comes to interdicting either groups or funding trickling into the
volatile North Caucasus from abroad. A mere merger of the agencies'
databases should have a tangible effect, they said. 
"In general it is better to have a single agency tackle one major
issue, which is state security in this case," Leonov said.
Under Boris Yeltsin, who bore a grudge against the KGB, the secret
services were weak and divided. But for Putin, the FSB has been a base of
his support, and he has allowed and helped it to consolidate its own
The expansion of the FSB's powers, however, could backfire on Putin, who
relies on Patrushev to maintain a grip on the agency, according to
Pikayev. "Will Patrushev always support Putin? Friends may fall out.
It may be dangerous to keep this all in one hand," Pikayev
While boosting the FSB's capabilities and bureaucratic clout, Tuesday's
reshuffle also weakens the Interior Ministry by stripping it of its
anti-drug department and merging it into a new separate, independent
committee -- to be headed by a former KGB officer, Viktor 
In addition to taking over this Interior Ministry department, the federal
anti-drug committee is also set to engulf most of the staff and resources
of the Tax Police.
Under Putin's plan, the responsibility for fighting tax evasion will go
to the Interior Ministry.
With the Kremlin reportedly considering also taking away the Interior
Ministry's investigation department, it is clear that its political and
bureaucratic weight will continue to diminish, according to Pribylovsky
and Pikayev. And Interior Minister Boris Gryzlov may be too busy
preparing the pro-Kremlin United Russia party, where he is chairman of
the higher council, for this year's elections to prevent a further
weakening of his ministry.
In addition to empowering the FSB and weakening the Interior Ministry,
the president ordered the Defense Ministry to take over those parts of
FAPSI that will not be transferred to the FSB, and also created a
separate committee within the Defense Ministry to oversee procurement of
conventional weapons for all of Russia's so-called power agencies. 
Until now, all of these agencies have been responsible for their own
procurement and often ordered weaponry and communications systems that
were not compatible with those used by Defense Ministry troops. The new
procurement committee will be headed by former FAPSI head Vla

ISI open day.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

I S L A M A B A D, Pakistan, March 11 — We were taken by bus to the
unmarked, heavily fortified brick compound, and told to leave mobile
phones and recording equipment outside. 
They led the group of 40-odd foreign journalists up a staircase, past
plaques extolling the virtues of spying: "Espionage should be
regarded as honorable," read one, quoting the ancient Chinese
military strategist Sun Tzu. Another was attributed to Gen. George S.
Patton: "By way of deception, thou shall do war." 
The wall décor echoed the message Pakistan's spy agency, the Inter
Services Intelligence (ISI), was trying to broadcast when it invited the
foreign media Monday for its first-ever briefing: We're the front line in
the war on terror. We're doing an admirable — even honorable — job. But,
as one official there put it, "we're not getting our due
Pakistan's government is increasingly frustrated with the bad rap the ISI
suffers in the foreign media. Most references to the spy agency note that
Pakistan (and the CIA) supported Islamic militants who flocked to
Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight the Soviet-backed government there.
Press reports also detail ISI backing of Muslim rebels in Kashmir, the
Himalayan state both Pakistan and its arch rival India claim. 
Major Accomplishments, None of the Credit 
Yet top officials here insist that the secretive spy agency is no longer
abetting Islamic militants, rather leading the charge to hunt them down.
The ISI is cooperating fully with U.S. intelligence, they say, but
getting nothing but flak for its hard work. 
"Sometimes the projection in the media does disappoint us,"
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf told ABCNEWS in an interview last
week. "You tend to give credit to others… and the negative is
generally thrown at our agents… Let's take the credit combined."

In a bid to better their image, ISI officials outlined Monday an
extensive inventory of their accomplishments since the Sept. 11 attacks.

Among other victories, they say they have nabbed 442 suspected terrorists
(making 78 percent of those arrests without the help of foreign
intelligence), remanded 346 suspects to U.S. custody, and responded to
4,025 requests that investigations be carried out. 
The biggest fish caught since 9/11 have all been nabbed here: among them
al Qaeda lieutenants Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Ramzi Binalshibh and Abu
The statistics are impressive on one level. Yet analysts say they also
underline the obvious issue: Pakistan has caught the most terrorists
since most of them were here, and its security forces know only too well
where to find them. "It's hardly something to be proud of,"
says Ahmed Rashid, an author of several books on terrorism issues. 
Bizarre Briefing 
Monday"s briefing, served up with milky tea and tiny sandwiches, was
at times informative, at times confusing, and often surreal. 
Visibly nervous ISI agents would reveal neither their names nor their
positions within the agency for reasons, they said, of operational
security. Pakistani journalists, who might have identified them, were
barred from attending. 
At times, the presentation was hurried — slides flashed on the wall were
quickly changed before correspondents had time to jot down the names of
terrorist suspects the ISI has arrested, or to take in the changing
operational structures the agents sought to explain. 
They aired a video, purportedly filmed during the March 1 arrest of 9/11
attack planner Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. Yet the video never showed
Mohammed's face, and was edited in ways that made some journalists
question its authenticity. 
Changing Its Stripes 
There's no doubt the ISI, often described as a state within a state, is a
tiger that's trying to change its stripes. The sometimes clumsy,
sometimes helpful nature of Monday's briefing was perhaps emblematic of
the difficulties the spy agency is having in doing so. 
Shortly after casting his lot with Washington in the wake of the Sept. 11
attacks, Musharraf replaced ISI spymaster Gen. Mehmood Ahmed, who had
close ties to the Taliban in Afghanistan, with Lieut. Gen. Ehsan ul-Haq,
a trusted head of military intelligence with a more Westernized outlook.
The ISI rank and file has been shaken up too, though analysts say many
Pakistani agents maintain loyalties to the militants they used to work
In addition to the al Qaeda arrests, Musharraf and the ISI also cracked
down on local extremist groups like Harakat ul-Mujahedin, Lashkar
e-Jhangvi and Jaish e-Mohemmed, apprehending dozens of Pakistani
militants who conducted attacks both at home and in neighboring India.

Persistent reports, however, link many of those arrested to the ISI,
including Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the British-born Islamic radical
convicted in the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel
Pearl. Meanwhile, a considerable number of extremists have died in
shootouts when police attempted to capture them, spawning rumors they
were intentionally killed before they could reveal their 

Peruvian spook Tehelked.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Peru fears spy chief
Montesinos may outwit justice
LIMA, Peru, March 11
For a decade, Vladimiro
Montesinos lived a life that would have made James Bond green with envy:
bribes, bodyguards, a blonde mistress, not to mention the secret videos,
foreign bank accounts and even an escape tunnel hidden under a pink hot
Now, nearly two years after Peru's former spy chief was jailed on
charges ranging from embezzlement to masterminding murder, and three
weeks into trials that could drag on for years, experts and ordinary
Peruvians wonder: Could Montesinos get away with it all? 
''People ask themselves why there isn't swift justice for someone like
Montesinos, whose crimes are so obvious and who was in so many videos,''
said sociologist Luis Pacheco. 
''On the contrary, all they see is a long and tedious trial,'' he said.
He echoed widely held worries that Montesinos could at the very least
discredit a fragile judicial system or at worst walk free after serving
just a few years behind bars. 
According to a University of Lima survey, 98 percent of people polled
believe Montesinos is guilty. Of those, 62.5 percent say he should get
life in jail, while 14 percent say he should be given the death penalty.

Montesinos, once ex-president Alberto Fujimori's behind-the-scenes top
adviser, kicked off the scandal that toppled Fujimori in 2000 when he was
seen in a clandestine video he made paying a lawmaker $15,000 to switch
Dubbed Rasputin after the shrewd, shadowy adviser to Russia's royal
family in the early 20th century, Montesinos returned to the spotlight on
February 18 when he took the stand in a public trial on
influence-peddling charges -- the first of at least 57 separate trials
which he faces. 
Sitting placidly in a courtroom in a heavily guarded Lima jail, the
balding, pot-bellied Montesinos hardly looks like the man alleged to have
greased palms across Peru, arranged for bloody killings and orchestrated
a network of corruption. 
Montesinos admits to some lesser crimes, but denies those that carry
30-year prison terms, like drug smuggling and responsibility for two
1990s massacres by army death squads that left 25 suspected leftist
rebels dead. 
He said he did it all on orders from Fujimori, who has been in self-exile
in Japan ever since he abruptly quit the presidency weeks after the
Montesinos scandal unravelled. 
Fujimori is planning to run again for the presidency in 2006, but
President Alejandro Toledo wants to extradite the ex-leader on corruption
and human rights charges, which Fujimori denies. 
Peru was anxious to see what the media called ''the trial of the
century,'' expecting potentially damning revelations from Montesinos, who
secretly taped hundreds of meetings with judges, top officials media
magnates and politicians. 
But so far, the trial has been more soap opera than spy thriller.
Scanning newspaper headlines while waiting for a bus in Lima, secretary
Teresa Panduro scoffed at the trial. 
''The press talks about (Montesinos') posh clothes and how he doesn't
want to testify. Even (Montesinos' former lover) Jackie (Beltran) looks
like she's going to a party,'' she said. 
Montesinos barely glanced at Beltran, his lover of six years, as she
defended herself against charges that she and Montesinos arranged for
illegal favours for her relatives. 
Beltran, a blonde former secretary, was the butt of media jokes after
showing up in a zebra-print top to give emotional testimony about her
one-time love for Montesinos. She said she did not suspect the money for
European vacations or a luxurious beach house were ill-gotten. The beach
house featured the now-famous pink hot tub with concealed escape route.

Montesinos, a lawyer who once defended drug runners, has so far refused
to utter a word on the stand, a move legal experts some say is designed
to ridicule judges and state prosecutors and to position himself for the
lightest possible sentence. 
''(Montesinos) wants to draw things out...because political conditions
can change. What if Fujimori really does return? In that case, he's
betting on getting out quickly,'' said Jorge Avendano, former head of
Lima's bar association. 
Mechanic Juan Paiva, watching TV in a restaurant near the jail where
Montesinos is being tried, said the spy chief was trying to pull the wool
over Peru's eyes one more time. 
''It looks like the cat's got his tongue. He used to smooth talk to win
people over and bribe everyone, and now he's making himself out to be
innocent,'' he said. 
Most of the charges Montesinos faces are corruption-related that
carry prison terms of up to 12 years, legal experts said. If convicted
for drug trafficking or responsibility for 1990s killings, the sentences
rise to 30 years. 
Montesinos stands to benefit, Avendano said, from the fact that prison
sentences do not accumulate in Peru as they do, for example, in the
United States. That means if Montesinos received 20 sep

Corralitos eugenics supporter.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Planet Mongo was a lighter,whiter place once upon a time...
SACRAMENTO -- It was a dark chapter in American history. For more than
half a century, California and other states forcibly sterilized 60,000
mentally ill people as part of a misguided national campaign to eliminate
crime, "feeblemindedness," alcoholism, poverty and other
problems blamed for dragging society down. 
On Tuesday, Gov. Gray Davis apologized, placing California in a small
group of states that have issued formal regrets. 
"To the victims and their families of this past injustice,"
Davis said in a statement, "the people of California are deeply
sorry for the suffering you endured over the years. Our hearts are heavy
for the pain caused by eugenics. It was a sad and regrettable chapter ...
one that must never be repeated." 
As eugenics was practiced in California and 31 other states at various
times between 1909 and 1964, when it stopped, individuals considered
defective included alcoholics, petty criminals, the poor, disabled and
mentally ill. 
About 20,000 people were involuntarily sterilized in an attempt to
prevent their genes from being passed on to another generation. 
Eugenics was intended to "clean up the gene pool," Paul
Lombardo, an expert on the subject, said during a presentation at the
Capitol only hours before Davis acted. 
The policy was horribly misguided and resulted in the human rights of
thousands being routinely violated by a coercive government with the
support of the Supreme Court, said Lombardo, a professor at the
University of Virginia School of Medicine. 
He spoke at a special California Senate hearing on eugenics and the
history of mandatory sterilization of supposedly defective people. 
Sen. Dede Alpert (D-San Diego) said she intends to introduce a resolution
that will express the Legislature's apology. 
Davis issued the official regrets shortly after state Atty. Gen. Bill
Lockyer apologized for one of his predecessors, Atty. Gen. Ulysses S.
Webb, who enthusiastically supported forced sterilization as
"enlightened" law free of legal "inhibitions." Webb
served from 1903 until 1939. 
Lockyer said it is never too late to apologize for the bigotry practiced
against the disabled and others who were "seen as misfits of the
time." He said the lessons of eugenics should not be lost in this
era of cloning and genetic engineering advancements. 
Lombardo said later that he was stunned that a gubernatorial apology from
Davis would occur so quickly. 
"I never expected that I'd finish a lecture at noon and the governor
would make an apology by 3:30 p.m.," Lombardo said. 
He and George Cunningham, a genetic disease expert in the state
Department of Health Services, said it was unknown how many
forced-sterilization victims are living in California, but suggested that
the number is probably small because most sterilizations occurred before
World War II. 
"There is no registry of these cases," Lombardo said. 
Davis' apology did not propose reparations or other compensation to the
victims or their families. 
Lombardo said it would be difficult for survivors to collect damages in a
lawsuit against the government because the Supreme Court had upheld the
constitutionality of forced sterilization in 1927. 
He told the hearing of the Select Committee on Genetics, Genetic
Technologies and Public Policy that Adolf Hitler's Third Reich borrowed
generously from U.S. laws when it imposed forced sterilization on
Lombardo, a lawyer and historian, said eugenics started with the goal of
encouraging development of a world of healthy individuals who would pass
along their best traits to the next generation. 
He said many leading minds of the late 1800s and early 1900s
enthusiastically supported eugenics. 
Contests were held to determine "perfect children," movies
publicized the movement, and major foundations financed eugenics
research, Lombardo said. 
He said supporters were successful in persuading the Los Angeles Times to
run a series of favorable articles about eugenics in its Sunday magazine.

Lombardo said eugenics was an "incredibly popular movement" and
a household word in America because Americans "all wanted to help
the children." Eugenics was defined as "to be well born"
and to have a "happy heritage." 
At the time, the mantra was, "Let's get rid of crime and poverty.
Let's have healthy children. Who could argue against it?" 
In 1929, California became the second state to adopt forced sterilization
as law and accounted for a third of the total cases nationally during the
35 years that eugenics was state policy, he said. 
Many early supporters of eugenics became disillusioned with the movement,
Lombardo said, when it got sidetracked into a policy for selective

Rue Mania.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Software Pioneer Protests Pentagon Spying
Mitchell Kapor, a personal computer industry software pioneer
and civil liberties activist, resigned from the board of Groove Networks
after learning the company's software was being used by the Pentagon as
part of its development of the Total Information Awareness (TIA) domestic
surveillance system.( New York Times, 12 Mar 03)
Libraries Warn of FBI Spying on Reading Habits
Several libraries in California have begun to warn book lovers
that the U.S. government may be monitoring their reading habits in a
sweeping effort to crack down on terrorism.( Reuters, 11 Mar 03)
Romanians Demand Opening of Police
Files About 3,000 Romanians formed a human chain Tuesday
around the palace of the late communist-era dictator Nicolae Ceausescu,
demanding lawmakers open files kept by the Securitate, his feared secret
police.( AP, 12 Mar 03)
Spy who came in to the cold
...Mr Wilkie, a former lieutenant-colonel in the army with top security clearance, said he felt comfortable quitting his job because "it's the right thing to do." His enormous decision to break the intelligence community's vow of silence has cost him his career.( West Australian, 12 Mar 03)

Spying goldfish bowls.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat
Bureau faces spying allegations.(like the UN.)

SURVEILLANCE: The minister of justice said he will look into Chen 
Chien-ming's charge that at least 56 legislative aides are helping gather 
information on their bosses
By Crystal Hsu
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2003,Page 3
"I was tipped off that at least 56 legislative aides have been acting as 
informants for the investigation bureau."

Chen Chien-ming, TSU legislator

Allegations that legislative aides have helped intelligence agencies keep 
tabs on their bosses as part of a political-surveillance operation set off 
a ferocious outcry in the legislature yesterday.

According to TSU Legislator Chen Chien-ming (³¯«Ø»Ê), at least 56 
legislative assistants are helping collect information about lawmakers of 
all stripes for the Ministry of Justice's Investigation Bureau.

He pressed the ministry to put an immediate end to such practices, saying 
that the bureau has become a self-appointed "political police."

Minister of Justice Chen Ding-nan (³¯©w«n) said he was unaware of the 
alleged infiltration and promised to look into the matter.

"I was tipped off that at least 56 legislative aides have been acting as 
informants for the Investigation Bureau," Chen Chien-ming said during a 
question-and-answer session in the legislature.

"Their main responsibility is to keep the bureau posted of their bosses' 
conduct for monthly rewards of NT$20,000 to NT$30,000. Some legislative 
clerks and reporters also double as informants, and even heavyweight DPP 
lawmakers are not spared from the watch list," he said.

The TSU lawmaker said informants are taught how to open locked doors and 
drawers and other intelligence-gathering skills. He said the training, 
which lasts from seven to 30 days, takes place at the bureau's An-keng base 
in Taipei.

He also said the bureau spends more than NT$50 million a year to pay such 
informants, with the payments disguised as consultative and fact-finding 

"I'm not inventing stories," the lawmaker said. "The ministry must halt 
such operations right away. The bureau has no right to spy on innocent 
government officials, politicians or private citizens."

In response, the justice minister said that the practice of planting 
informants is necessary to safeguard national security, but he agreed it 
should not be used on lawmakers.

"I will put a stop to the operation if the allegations prove to be true," 
the minister said, insisting that under the DPP administration, the bureau 
is no longer asked to engage in political surveillance.

The KMT government reportedly kept secret files on political foes, leading 
industrialists and activists from various groups. Critics say bureau agents 
continue such practices despite the transfer of power.

Later yesterday, Investigation Bureau Director Yeh Sheng-mao (¸­²±­Z) 
stressed that his agency has never authorized any operation to spy on 
lawmakers or solicited legislative aides to work for it.

Earlier, bureau officials had said the An-keng unit is devoted to improving 
ties with the lawmaking body.

Unconvinced, several legislators had their offices checked for wire-tapping 
devices but none were found.

Such spying allegations, however, are nothing new.

Legislative records show that DPP Legislator Chiu Yi-ying (ªôij¼ü) asked 
Premier Yu Shyi-kun last April if the Investigation Bureau had planted 
agents in the legislature in the guise of aides.

Chen Chien-ming said that Chiu came under pressure from the Cabinet and DPP 
headquarters after questioning Yu and had to drop the issue.
This story has been viewed 392 times.



2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Spy row revelation Mar 12 2003

Angus Hoy, Evening Gazette

Lawyers for a Cleveland detective caught up in an undercover probe are 
demanding to know why the force denied using secret bugs and cameras.

The Gazette revealed on Friday how officers at Middlesbrough police station 
are up in arms over the use of covert surveillance equipment.

The devices were installed in an office at the town centre station as part 
of the long-running Operation Redwood inquiry into alleged links between 
officers and underworld figures.

A long-serving detective and a female member of support staff were arrested 
in early morning swoops just over a week ago.

The pair, who are both suspended from their posts, were quizzed over 
allegations of misconduct in public office but later released on police 
bail without charge.

Although a force spokesman last week dismissed the claims of undercover 
surveillance as "complete and utter rubbish", sources have since confirmed 
the Gazette's report was accurate.

Solicitor Sean Grainger of solicitors Watson Woodhouse, which represents 
the detective involved, said surveillance recordings had been shown to his 

"I'm very surprised that Cleveland Police have denied any intrusive 
surveillance by way of covert video and audio equipment at Middlesbrough 
police station," he said.

"I represent the arrested officer and as part of the police investigation 
they disclosed to me extracts of covert surveillance of an office in 
Middlesbrough police station on a day in September, 2002 and two days in 
October, 2002.

"The inference is that there was continuous surveillance during that period.

"We are writing to the Chief Constable for clarification."

The detective, who has been suspended from duty, was released on bail until 
May 6. He has not been charged with any criminal offence.

The female member of support staff was also released without charge and is 
due to answer her bail on the same day.

Mr Grainger added: "Both deny any criminal wrongdoing whatsoever."

Although the force today declined to comment on the case, senior officers 
no longer deny the use of covert bugging equipment.

Acting Deputy Chief Constable Bryan Bell said all legal steps would be 
taken to ensure the force was free of corruption.

"Staff are well aware that e-mails and other forms of communication can be 
monitored for inappropriate use," he said.

"While I am not prepared to comment on any particular investigation, rules 
are there to safeguard both police officers and the public and I will not 
flinch in ensuring they are adhered to."

Mr Bell welcomed the Police Federation's support for the force's code of 
conduct and recognition of the importance of public faith in officers' 
honesty and integrity.

A scuzbucket who once worked for Intel...

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

March 11, 2003 11:09am

The extent of industrial espionage in Europe and the US has been exposed 
through court cases affecting household names. While some incidents can be 
put down to the work of opportunists, others allege the involvement of 
long-term, high-level planning by their perpetrators.
In December 2001 a former Intel Corp engineer was sentenced to two years in 
prison after admitting to stealing trade secrets about the company's 
high-speed Itanium processor.

Say Lye Ow, 31, of Sunnyvale, California copied sensitive files concerning 
the chip's design before leaving the chip-making giant in 1998 to take up a 
job with rival company Sun Microsystems.

Some of the information was later found on the network of his new employer.

Ow had planned to use information about the chip's design and testing as a 
resource at his new job and to retaliate against a former supervisor.

Julia Pierce

Copyright: Centaur Communications Ltd. and licensors

Publication: The Engineer

Distributed by Financial Times Information Limited


Pigsticking with Percy.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

An unsung player in the Great Game 
(Filed: 09/03/2003) 
Noel Malcolm reviews Persia in the Great Game: Sir Percy Sykes,
Explorer, Consul, Soldier, Spy by Antony Wynn 
I don't know whether the original Colonel Blimp ever had a first
name, but, if he did, it was probably Percy. One has only to utter the
words "Sir Percy Sykes", rolling them a little around the
mouth, to conjure up a sense of a certain kind of life, and a special
kind of mentality - both of them now long gone.
Some of the things one might imagine do turn out, in this case, to be
true. Born in 1867, Sykes had the classic background of a young,
ambitious imperialist. His family was respectable but not rich (his
father an army chaplain, his mother an officer's daughter), and he passed
first from Rugby to Sandhurst, then from England to India, where he spent
three years as a cavalry officer devoted to pig-sticking and polo.
There followed a few adventurous trips on behalf of Army Intelligence:
one of these (successful but staggeringly amateurish) involved travelling
from Odessa to Samarkand to observe Russian troop movements, even though
neither Percy nor his companion knew any Russian, or any local
Then, in 1893, he made two journeys reconnoitring the eastern part of
Persia - the most likely route for any Russian advance on India. This was
his introduction to the country in which he would spend a large part of
his life, in a succession of diplomatic and military posts.
In some ways he fitted the stereotype to perfection. Wherever he went, he
organised gymkhanas, keen to convert the natives to the joys of polo and
tent-pegging (an Indian Army sport, involving lifting a peg with the tip
of one's lance at high speed). He loved hunting and shooting,
occasionally sending the rarer specimens from his bag to the Natural
History Museum in London; and he could not see a mountain without wanting
to walk up it.
Percy was short, thick-set and larger than life, and during his one stint
of active service with the British Army (a brief episode in the Boer War)
he seems to have behaved like an overgrown schoolboy.
And yet, as Antony Wynn demonstrates in this marvellously rich biography,
Sir Percy was not such a typical Percy after all. Unlike many officials
whose careers took them to Persia via India, he brought with him no trace
of the caste mentality of the British Raj. On the contrary, he made
friends with Persians, was eager to learn about their culture, and
revelled in both the complexities (etiquette and courtly language) and
the simplicities (summary justice and brute force) of Persian life.
Persia, of course, was very different from the Raj; it was an independent
state, in which Britain and Russia had to compete for influence and
power. The underlying issue was not oil (that came later) but imperial
geopolitics: the tectonic plates of Russian and British power met in
Central Asia, and as they ground together the "Great Game" of
espionage and power-politics was played out between them.
It was a game that Percy Sykes played with considerable skill. For he
understood, unlike his Russian counterparts, the benefits that could
accrue from winning the personal trust of leading Persians. During his
time as Consul-General at Meshed (in a region that was close to the
border with Russia and therefore easily cowed by Russian threats), he not
only outshone the Russian consul, but outwitted him, regularly obtaining
copies of his correspondence.
At one other game, however, Percy Sykes was much less competent - the
internal politics of the British diplomatic machine. His position was
fraught with problems. He reported to the Government of India, not to the
Foreign Office; he was therefore resented by the regular diplomatic staff
in Tehran, who portrayed him as a bungling amateur with a passion for
self-promotion. His rambling, self-important dispatches ensured that this
impression was shared by many of his superiors in India too.
And yet, in the chaotic period leading up to the First World War, with
Persian politics in crisis and Russian officials persistently undermining
their own government's new policy of cooperation with the British,
Sykes's reports showed again and again that he had a shrewd grasp of both
local and international intrigue.
The last period of his career involved a different Great Game, that of
Buchan's Greenmantle rather than Kipling's Kim. During the First World
War, German agents were sent to set the East ablaze, in the hope of
creating such a wave of Islamic anti-British feeling that the Muslims of
India would rise up in revolt. The most successful of these agents
operated in southern Persia, where they skilfully manipulated a
combination of nationalist politicians and gold-hungry bandit
Sir Percy (as he now was) was sent with a handful of Indian troops to
form a local army and take control of the region. This was the most
controversial part of his career: his lack of military experience was
made painfully obvious, and his obs

Oregonian Spokane.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat
Federal judge to consider closing parts of trial on the theft of top-secret 
military documents


SPOKANE -- The trial of a former Army National Guard intelligence officer 
and his ex-wife on charges that they stole top-secret military documents 
will be open to the public, but lawyers can argue for closure of an 
evidentiary hearing, a federal judge said Monday.

U.S. District Judge Robert Whaley set a May 12 trial for Rafael Davila, 52, 
and his ex-wife, Deborah Davila, 40.

Rafael Davila is charged with unauthorized retention of documents relating 
to national defense. His 30-year military career included a stint as an 
intelligence officer in Spokane and Tacoma for the Washington Army National 

Deborah Davila is charged with the same offense, as well as with selling 
some of the materials to anti-government groups. She also is charged with 
lying to federal investigators.

During a pretrial conference Monday, Whaley said he will keep the trial 
open but could close portions of hearings if either side successfully 
argues for secrecy because of the sensitive nature of some evidence.

A hearing on what types of classified information will be shared with the 
defense is scheduled for April 26. Whaley said he has not received motions 
from either side to close the hearing.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Earl Hicks has asked the judge to invoke the 
Classified Information Procedures Act.

That law is designed to prevent a form of legal blackmail in which 
espionage defendants press for the release of classified material to aid 
their defense, forcing the government to drop prosecution.

Besides gagging participants, a CIPA designation would require defense 
lawyers to obtain top-security clearance before reviewing documents in the 
case. They also would be required to review government investigative 
documents at a secure location, probably under guard.

Whaley said federal defender Roger Peven and his staff are voluntarily 
undergoing FBI background checks.

Hicks said the government will be able to turn over some unclassified 
documents to the defense soon.

Other documents could be turned over to defense lawyers with some parts 
blacked out. Once the defense lawyers obtain clearances, the documents 
could be released without the blacked-out portions, government attorneys said.

Citing security concerns, prosecutors have not disclosed what documents 
were allegedly stolen.


Wiretaps, MI6 agents and money-laundering oh my!

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Briton quits top legal post over Cayman spy case
 From James Doran in New York

DAVID BALLANTYNE, the British-appointed
Attorney-General of the Cayman Islands, has resigned amid lurid tales of
wiretaps, MI6 agents and money-laundering worthy of a Graham Greene
novel. Mr Ballantyne, who will receive a £230,000 pay-off, sparked
outrage in the tax haven in January when a money-laundering trial
collapsed because of an obstruction of justice by a so-called “agent of
the British Government”. The agent, named in court papers as John Doe,
was passed hundreds of pages of evidence related to the money-laundering
case by another suspected spy. The second man, Brian Gibbs, was head of
the Cayman Islands Financial Reporting Unit and was a key witnesses in
the trial. Mr Gibbs was allegedly told by Mr Doe to shred evidence in the
money-laundering case brought against managers of a company called
Eurobank. Mr Gibbs destroyed reams of papers that, Mr Doe feared, would
have revealed top- secret names and addresses of whistleblowers vital to
the work of MI6 in Cayman and other offshore tax havens. It was also
suggested that Mr Gibbs was ordered to bug telephone lines at the Cayman
court and in the office of Anthony Smellie, the Chief Justice of Cayman.
Mr Gibbs has denied that allegation. Chief Justice Smellie wrote a
20-page judgment about the Eurobank case, in which he revealed that Mr
Gibbs had admitted destroying the papers, an act cited as the basis for
dismissing the case. Investigations into shady financial companies, which
use offshore tax havens to hide their business dealings, have intensified
in recent months as intelligence services from Europe and the United
States hunt funds destined for terrorist organisations. There is no
suggestion that Eurobank or any of its managers on trial were connected
to terrorist organisations. The company and its employees were acquitted
of any wrongdoing when the case collapsed. It was alleged in documents
obtained by The Times that Mr Ballantyne was aware of Mr Gibbs’s
work and knew that the “agents of the UK Government” were working
covertly in Cayman. Mr Ballantyne, who has denied wrongdoing in the case,
is to leave the island for good on March 15 without the ceremony
befitting the departure of a former British dignitary. Instead, he
released a brief statement about his departure. “Under other
circumstances I would have been prepared to continue,” he wrote. “Recent
events, however, and the way in which they have been handled have led to
a situation where I have decided, on terms acceptable to me, to leave
office.” His resignation came three weeks after the Cayman legislature
censured him for his role in the failed prosecution and demanded that he
go. Local politicians had refused to work with him since the collapse of
the Eurobank case. McKeever Bush, leader of the Cayman Islands Government
and Father of the House in its legislature, told The Times: “The
secret intelligence service of the UK has interfered with the course of
justice on Cayman. “How can the UK Government conduct this kind of cold
war, this espionage against Cayman? We are an overseas dependent
territory.” Mr Ballantyne is expected to return to a family home in
Scotland and is said by close confidants to be devastated. He has told
friends and colleagues that, far from obstructing justice, it was he who
insisted that the presence of the “agents of the UK Government” be
revealed to the court. Mr Gibbs has since disappeared from his luxury
Cayman home and has not been seen at his office since the trial collapsed
on January 14. 


Threat to kill Indymedia journalist(s) by the Pentagon.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Pentagon Threatens to Kill Independent Reporters in Iraq 
10th March, 2003 
by Fintan Dunne, Editor

The Pentagon has threatened to fire on the satellite uplink positions of independent journalists in Iraq, according to veteran BBC war correspondent, Kate Adie. In an interview with Irish radio, Ms. Adie said that questioned about the consequences of such potentially fatal actions, a senior Pentagon officer had said: "Who cares.. ..They've been warned." 
According to Ms. Adie, who twelve years ago covered the last Gulf War, the Pentagon attitude is: "entirely hostile to the the free spread of information." 
"I am enormously pessimistic of the chance of decent on-the-spot reporting, as the war occurs," she told Irish national broadcaster, Tom McGurk on the RTE1 Radio "Sunday Show." 
Ms. Adie made the startling revelations during a discussion of media freedom issues in the likely upcoming war in Iraq. She also warned that the Pentagon is vetting journalists according to their stance on the war, and intends to take control of US journalists' satellite equipment --in order to control access to the airwaves. 
Another guest on the show, war author Phillip Knightley, reported that the Pentagon has also threatened they: "may find it necessary to bomb areas in which war correspondents are attempting to report from the Iraqi side." 
Transcript follows below. 
Tom McGurk: Now, Kate Adie, you join us from the BBC in London. Thank you very much for going to all this trouble on a Sunday morning to come and join us. I suppose you are watching with a mixture of emotions this war beginning to happen, because you are not going to be covering it. 
Kate Adie: Oh I will be. And what actually appalls me is the difference between twelve years ago and now. I've seen a complete erosion of any kind of acknowledgment that reporters should be able to report as they witness. 
The Americans... and I've been talking to the Pentagon ...take the attitude which is entirely hostile to the free spread of information. 
I was told by a senior officer in the Pentagon, that if uplinks -- that is the television signals out of ... Bhagdad, for example -- were detected by any planes ... electronic media ... mediums, of the military above Bhagdad ... they'd be fired down on. Even if they were journalists ...' Who cares! ' said ... [inaudible] 
Tom McGurk: ... Kate ... sorry Kate ... just to underline that. Sorry to interrupt you. Just to explain for our listeners. Uplinks is where you have your own satellite telephone method of distributing information. 
Kate Adie: The telephones and the television signals. 
Tom McGurk: And they would be fired on? 
Kate Adie: Yes. They would be 'targeted down,' said the officer. 
Tom McGurk: Extraordinary! 
Kate Adie: Shameless. 
He said.. ' Well... they know this ...they've been warned.' 
This is threatening freedom of information, before you even get to a war. 
The second thing is there was a massive news blackout imposed. 
In the last Gulf war, where I was one of the pool correspondents with the British Army. We effectively had very, very light touch when it came to any kind of censorship. 
We were told that anything which was going to endanger troops lives which we understood we shouldn't broadcast. But other than that, we were relatively free--unlike our American colleagues, who immediately left their pool, after about 48 hours, having just had enough of it. 
And this time the Americans are: a) Asking journalists who go with them, whether they are ... have feelings against the war. And therefore if you have views that are skeptical, then you are not to be acceptable. 
Secondly, they are intending to take control of the Americans technical equipment ... those uplinks and satellite phones I was talking about. And control access to the airwaves. 
And then on top of everything else, there is now a blackout (which was imposed, during the last war, at the beginning of the war), ... ordered by one Mr. Dick Cheney, who is in charge of this. 
I am enormously pessimistic of the chance of decent on-the-spot reporting, as the war occurs. You will get it later. 

Link: http://www.gulufuture.com/news/kate_adie030310.htm

[no subject]

2003-03-13 Thread Anna Ornella
Title: .

Uta Girl


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2003-03-13 Thread ÕñÒµµç×ÓÉÌÎñ²¿


Re: Switzerland: Another hit for phone privacy

2003-03-13 Thread Tyler Durden
"Anybody with a brain,
being a de-facto criminal or only a de-jure one, will find some of the
ridiculously easy ways to acquire one without giving out a name, ..."
Well, what they should do is obvious. Post a big sign at the point of sale 
saying "Use of phone cards for terrorist activities is illegal and will be 
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."


From: Thomas Shaddack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: cypherpunks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Switzerland: Another hit for phone privacy
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 03:06:58 +0100 (CET)
Summary: Members of al-Qaeda were using prepaid cellphone accounts
purchased in Switzerland. Swiss goons figured it out, and now Switzerland
wants to register buyers of prepaid cards.
My note: It will hurt only the low-grade people. Anybody with a brain,
being a de-facto criminal or only a de-jure one, will find some of the
ridiculously easy ways to acquire one without giving out a name, or with
fake identity. The only difference will be an "anonymous surcharge", if
you will know whom to ask. Another feel-good, grossly ineffective measure.
If it wouldn't be so disgusting, I'd laugh.
And the cards will be prone to be smuggled. Even if the Authorities would
manage to clamp down on the physical movements of goods (if they can't
stop tons of easy-to-smell drugs, what success is expected with
thumbprint-sized plastic cards with tiny chips), it is possible to crack
out the Ki (secret key number) from the SIM card, then send it away by an
encrypted mail and/or steganographed into a picture, and use it to clone a
new card in the place it is about to be used. With simple software for
changing IMEI, a phone that allows it (older Nokias typically should), and
a couple of Ki numbers, one phone and one card and one laptop can offer
enough of wireless identities.
If anything, Twist (or how they changed the name after T-Mobile took over
and screwed with things) (www.t-mobile.cz), Go (www.eurotel.cz), and
Oskarta (Oscard, www.oskarmobil.cz) prepaid cards are quite common here.
(Warning: Oskar tends to not use old COMP128, so the method of cloning of
their cards is unknown yet. They also AFAIK don't have good roaming,
T-Mobile is rumoured to be better. OTOH, Oskar is cheaper. OTTH, they tend
to have weird coverage.) Wondering if any changes of this are planned to
happen here. I am sure Standa Gross (our Minister of Internal Affairs) and
his Grosstapo thugs would have multiple orgasms if they would get this.
(And what are we about to expect when we'll finally join EU, and European
version of FBI ("EBI") will get formed and starts pressing through EU-wide
regulations (as it's already happening, see www.statewatch.org, or
details about ENFOPOL, reportedly established with the guidance of FBI,
http://www.heise.de/tp/english/special/enfo/default.html )).
Links (Google News keywords: pre-paid mobile swiss):
Quote: "It's an American habit, to immediately make new laws the moment
something bad happens." (Mark Pieth, professor of law and criminology,
Basel University)

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2003-03-13 Thread wilson



Re: Brinwear at Benetton.

2003-03-13 Thread Tyler Durden

"If I build the mugger's little
helper, a PDA attachement that scans for real prada bags, then perhaps
the RFID tag will be removed at the counter after the first lawsuit."
Nice! Possibly, it might not even be necessary for the "Little Helper" to 
read the tag, only detect its presence. Counterfeit bags probably won't have 
the tag, and if they do (and the copies are good enough), the mugger won't 

I'm also wondering about sending a fake tag signal to the Benneton detector. 
How many fake tags could a cleverly designed gizmo shoot out at the 
detector, and in how much time? If a signal indicating 100s of items are 
passing through hits that detector a couple of times a day for a week or so, 
they'll definitely take it off line. (And I'd doubt they use any crypto or 
authentication-type coding on those tags...do they?)


Brinworld my ass!

From: Adam Shostack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trei, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Brinwear at Benetton.
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:51:03 -0500
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 10:22:14AM -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
| Some research is being done in RSA Labs to produce more
| privacy-enhanced protocols for RFIDs, but it's a long way from
| publication, and its unclear what would motivate a tag manufacturer
| to include them.
The biggest motivators I can see are law and liability.  If you can
make the case to Europe's data protection commissioners that these
tags will be linked to individual information, and can then be used to
track people, then perhaps the tags will include privacy tech of some
sort.  (Although Ari presented at FC this year, and pointed out just
how few gates there are to work with.)
The other motivator is liability.  If I build the mugger's little
helper, a PDA attachement that scans for real prada bags, then perhaps
the RFID tag will be removed at the counter after the first lawsuit.
(Naturally, we'll sell the mugger's little helper as a tool for
undercover counterfeit investigations.  We can't help that the street
finds its own uses for things.)

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Re: Brinwear at Benetton.

2003-03-13 Thread Adam Shostack
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:57:27AM -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
| "If I build the mugger's little
| helper, a PDA attachement that scans for real prada bags, then perhaps
| the RFID tag will be removed at the counter after the first lawsuit."
| Nice! Possibly, it might not even be necessary for the "Little Helper" to 
| read the tag, only detect its presence. Counterfeit bags probably won't 
| have the tag, and if they do (and the copies are good enough), the mugger 
| won't care.

We designed the Pickpocket's pal to detect large amounts of currency
this way.  It just helps you size up your victim, or at least size up
their wad of cash.

(There were some complications, because the tags do try not to chat at
the same time, but hey, how well designed do you think a 10c item is?)


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Re: Unauthorized Journalists to be shot at

2003-03-13 Thread Eric Cordian
Sunder writes:

> Should war in the Gulf commence, the Pentagon proposes to take
> radical new steps in media relations - 'unauthorised' journalists will be
> shot at. Speaking on The Sunday Show on Ireland's RTE1 last sunday veteran
> war reporter Kate Adie said she had been warned by a senior Pentagon
> official that uplinks, i.e. TV broadcasts or satellite phones, that are
> detected by US aircraft are likely to be fired on.

This is nothing new.  Radio and TV stations and other "unauthorized"
sources of information are always first on the target list whenever the US
starts a war.

I think the Pentagon spokeshomo put it this way.  "Propaganda outlets ARE
military targets."  Propaganda being anything not released by the
Pentagon, of course.

Have you seen this lovely new media room in Qatar that Hollywood is
building as a set for Iraq war briefings?

  <"In front of the stage, two 70-inch projection screens and five
   50-inch plasma screens will flash maps, graphics and crystal-clear
   video images of war-zone action. In the background will hang a
   soft-focus elongated map of the world, as if to imply that the
   entire globe is united behind the United States.>

  <"I like to achieve a level of detail that makes it difficult to
   distinguish a set from reality," Mr. Allison recently told the
   Times Union newspaper in Albany, N.Y.>


Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

raised access floor biz oppty!

2003-03-13 Thread Meng Chaohua
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3 Minute Approval!

2003-03-13 Thread FASTEST Approval
Title: americasfirst_email1



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Apply free for instant CASH - No Credit Check

2003-03-13 Thread Cash Now
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RE: Switzerland: Another hit for phone privacy

2003-03-13 Thread Lucky Green
Thomas Shaddack wrote:
> If anything, Twist (or how they changed the name after 
> T-Mobile took over and screwed with things) 
> (www.t-mobile.cz), Go (www.eurotel.cz), and > Oskarta (Oscard, 
> www.oskarmobil.cz) prepaid cards are quite common here.

What Swisscom's EasyRoam pre-paid SIMs offered that no other pre-paid
service that I am aware of offered, at least as of a year ago, was
roaming in nearly every country that has GSM service. Most pre-paid SIMs
are limited to roaming in just a few countries. In addition, EasyRoam
was reasonably priced. Do the providers that you mention above offer
global roaming on their pre-paids?


Re: Brinwear at Benetton.

2003-03-13 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 12:56:15PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> Various lengths of metallic conductors are already inside various 
> banknotes. This is NOT the same technology as RFID. I don't disagree
> about it being a concern, and an area for study and experiment, but be 
> careful not to leap to conclusions about banknotes being a location 
> finder.

Tim is correct, but perhaps the person earlier in the thread (don't remember
who it was) had been thinking of this:

"Euro bank notes to embed RFID chips by 2005"


Re: Switzerland: Another hit for phone privacy

2003-03-13 Thread Gabriel Rocha
On Thu, Mar 13, at 12:41AM, Lucky Green wrote:
| What Swisscom's EasyRoam pre-paid SIMs offered that no other pre-paid
| service that I am aware of offered, at least as of a year ago, was
| roaming in nearly every country that has GSM service. Most pre-paid SIMs
| are limited to roaming in just a few countries. In addition, EasyRoam
| was reasonably priced. Do the providers that you mention above offer
| global roaming on their pre-paids?

Swisscom's prepaid cell phone service does not allow one to make calls
from outside Switzerland. Receive calls, yes, make them, no. The issue
has become murky along the way. I have had two swiss pre-paid cell
phones and even while still in the Geneva area, if you're too close to
France (very easy to do here) you lose the ability to make calls because
you get caught up in a french network. Something is not being reported
or something is being misreported on this one.

Attention Smokers 21 and older, you could win a FREE TiVo!

2003-03-13 Thread Mike B
Title: email





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Re: Brinwear at Benetton.

2003-03-13 Thread Bill Stewart
At 12:21 PM 03/12/2003 -0800, Tim May wrote:
They are entitled to set their alarms to trigger on CDs in my laptop case, 
books from other stores, etc.

But they are not contractually entitled in any way to cause me to reverse 
my direction and return inside their store for a meaningless examination 
of my briefcase (or purse, were I a chick). They can of course invite the 
police to make an arrest.

That would be interesting.  Several people might earn the coveted death 
Is that like one of those Jeff Foxworthy things?

"You might be in need of killin' if .."

Also, to add another Brinworld connection, he at least occasionally pronounces
the name of one of his recent books ("Kiln People") as "Killin' People";
having not read it, I'm not sure how much that's meant to be a pun
as opposed to just enunciation.

Re: FC: TradeSports.com lets you bet on Saddam's survivability

2003-03-13 Thread Bill Stewart
At 01:43 AM 03/12/2003 -0500, Declan McCullagh forward to his Politech list:

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 13:28:57 -0800
From: Steve Schear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Buy a contract on Saddam's life
At TradeSports you can buy futures contracts for all sorts of sports, plus 
Saddam's survivability


So do we classify this article as "Information Futures" or as 
"Assassination Politics"?  :-)

war criminals, all of em...

2003-03-13 Thread Cardenas
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:22:09AM -0800, Eric Cordian wrote:
> Sunder writes:
> > Should war in the Gulf commence, the Pentagon proposes to take
> > radical new steps in media relations - 'unauthorised' journalists will be
> > shot at. Speaking on The Sunday Show on Ireland's RTE1 last sunday
> > war reporter Kate Adie said she had been warned by a senior Pentagon
> > official that uplinks, i.e. TV broadcasts or satellite phones, that are
> > detected by US aircraft are likely to be fired on.
> This is nothing new.  Radio and TV stations and other "unauthorized"
> sources of information are always first on the target list whenever the US
> starts a war.

But its still a violation of the geneva conventions to kill civilians,
lets not forget. Just like in Serbia...


Our government is just full of war criminals. Thus their refusal to be
in the ICC founding in the Hague this week.

> I think the Pentagon spokeshomo put it this way.  "Propaganda outlets ARE
> military targets."  Propaganda being anything not released by the
> Pentagon, of course.

of course.

> Have you seen this lovely new media room in Qatar that Hollywood is
> building as a set for Iraq war briefings?
>   <"In front of the stage, two 70-inch projection screens and five
>50-inch plasma screens will flash maps, graphics and crystal-clear
>video images of war-zone action. In the background will hang a
>soft-focus elongated map of the world, as if to imply that the
>entire globe is united behind the United States.>
>   <"I like to achieve a level of detail that makes it difficult to
>distinguish a set from reality," Mr. Allison recently told the
>Times Union newspaper in Albany, N.Y.>

i hadn't heard about that. thanks. makes the bile rise in my throat.

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EBAY Success System- at no charge to you

2003-03-13 Thread GreatDeals
Title: EbayMyWay.com





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Science vs Esoteric : Cypherpunks, Turn back time on your body's biological clock up to twenty years with just six months of use!

2003-03-13 Thread rproctor2279
Title: pills1


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2003-03-13 Thread Customer Service
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Re: Unauthorized Journalists to be shot at

2003-03-13 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 11:54 AM 3/13/03 -0500, Sunder wrote:
>Hey, we're fighting for freedom after all, the freedom to suppress the
>truth...  So how soon before France is on the Axis of Evil? :)

Well, if they're giving info to Mr. Hussein their embassy there could
be NIMA'd, as in "oops, we hit the Chinese consulate in Yugoslavia,
but it was a mapping error".

Taking out Paris would probably require more explanation.

Would you like some Jewish Fries with that, Congressman. Moran?

Great Opportunity !

2003-03-13 Thread bbgoldgxnq



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CYPHER about your life insurance policy

2003-03-13 Thread Spectrum Direct
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2003-03-13 Thread DR JONES ABDUL


I am Mr. Jones Abdul, Bank Manager of Safe Trust Bank, Lagos Branch.
I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you.

On June 6, 1999, an American Oil consultant/contractor with the
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Mrs. Ann Barbara Myers made
a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at
US$25,000,000.00 (Twenty- five Million Dollars) in my branch. Upon
maturity, I sent a routine notification to her forwarding address but
got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we
discovered from her contract employers, the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation that Mrs. Ann Barbara Myers died from an
automobile accident. On further investigation, I found out that she
died without making a WILL, and all attempts to trace her next of kin
were fruitless.

I therefore made ! fu! rther investigation and discovered that Mrs. Ann
Barbara Myers did not declare any kin or relations in all his
official documents, including his Bank Deposit paperwork in my Bank.
This sum of US$25,000,000.00 is still sitting in my Bank and the
interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of
each year. No one will ever come forward to claim it and according
to Nigerian Law, at the expiration of 5 (five) years, the money will
revert to the ownership of the Nigerian Government if nobody applies
to claim the fund.

Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as an American to
stand in as the next of kin to Mrs. Ann Barbara Myers so that the
fruits of this woman's labor will not get into the hands of some
corrupt government officials. This is simple, I will like you to
provide immediately your full names and address so that the Attorneys
will prepare the necessary documents and affidavits which will put
you! i! n place as the next of kin. We shall employ the service of two
Attorneys to process and notarization all the necessary documents and
letter of probate/administration in your favor in order for the
transfer to take place. A bank account in any part of the world
which you will provide will then facilitate the transfer of this
money to you as the beneficiary/next of kin. The money will be paid
into your account for us to share in the ratio of 60% for me and 40%
for you.

There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction
will be done by the Attorneys and my position as the Branch Manager
guarantees the successful execution of this transaction. If you are
interested, please reply immediately via the private email address

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details and
relevant documents that will help you understand the transaction.

Please observe utmost conf! id! entiality, and rest assured that this
transaction would be most profitable for both of us because I shall
require your assistance to invest my share in your country.please send your office 
phone and your cell phone numbers where i can reac you at all time for further vital 

Awaiting your urgent reply via my email: 

Thanks and regards.

Dr. Jones Abdul

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2003-03-13 Thread Brand New
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1014030 Girls Gone Nutzzzz

2003-03-13 Thread barbie1
Title: 1014030 Girls Gone Nut


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2003-03-13 Thread lcornay
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2003-03-13 Thread ´«±¦



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2003-03-13 Thread ¹è¿µ¼ö
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국내최고 클릭율을 자랑하는 동영상 사이트3개를 
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구멍의 약자입니다/신생사이트답게 내용이 후레쉬합니다/국내1위클릭율을 
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Degrees you can build a life on

2003-03-13 Thread Robert Morris College

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2003-03-13 Thread JOHNSON DOYLE
Dear Sir,
This letter may come to you as a surprise but it was out of my sincere desire to share 
a mutual business relationship with you. I got to know of you through an international 
directory forwarded to me by the family of late President Kabila of The Democratic 
Republic of Congo, in which your designation and status as a capable Godly personality 
who can be trusted. Hence I deem it fit to confide in you.
I am a solicitor by name Johnson Doyle, a personal lawyer to the Kabila family and 
consequently represent their interest with due respect to their monetary affairs. The 
family has $9.600.000:00[Nine Million, Six Hundred Thousand United States Dollars] 
currently in a security company vault; this huge sum of money is in a coded form. The 
present President Joseph Kabila intends to use this money for investment purposes 
without the consent of any foreign body outside the family.
To come straight to the point, this money has been moved from Congo through 
Switzerland to Amsterdam in The Netherlands, and the Kabilas need you as a reliable 
investor that could be trusted with the PIN and CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT to enable us 
use the funds outside The Democratic Republic of Congo. After lots of deliberations 
and considerations I as the family lawyer with the authority invested in me  to 
immediately work on ways and means of transferring this sum of money to a reliable and 
trust worthy foreign partner that will be able to help and assist us secure the funds 
in a suitable account. I am convinced you are the right person to handle the said 
proposal, if we have to achieve our goals and objective.
Moreover, the personal identification Number Certificate Deposit and The Letter of 
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2003-03-13 Thread Kenny Vang

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2003-03-13 Thread Winda Gifts--Sales Dept

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Bail now and avoid the panicked rush to the exits.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Bailing out of The Empire's War
Mainstream politicians, career diplomats
and officers are bailing out of The Empire's war machine almost daily.
The Bush regime and its operatives in other nations are starting to feel
the heat of dissent from within over their bellicose scheme to invade and
occupy Iraq. Today, Labour MPs called on Tony Blair to
That, in the heels of MP, Claire Short's recent

In the States, U.S. diplomat
Brown has resigned in protest, as did
another career diplomat before him. Even members of Bush's own party are
protesting, the Missouri GOP Chairman's
letter of
resignation caused a stir in Republican
circles and the Whitehouse is having trouble with
Republicans as well. Another blow to Bush
came when a high-profile FBI
warned FBI Director Mueller in a public letter about the unprecedented
dangers posed by the Bush regime's war plans. 

[ Read entire
feature |
Listen to interview with Dan
Ellsberg |
Listen to interview with
Brown ]

Chicken and egg situation.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

13 March 2003 ]
Water in chicken results: March 2003
Test results finding that the illegal practice of adding undeclared water and animal protein to chicken is still widespread among suppliers to the UK catering industry 
( FSA )
See also this press release, this Guardian coverage, this Guardian article from Monday, this blog entry from July, and the Halal Food Authority website

Re: Give cheese to france?

2003-03-13 Thread James A. Donald
On 11 Mar 2003 at 9:35, Tyler Durden wrote:
> "Does it mean that such observations are invalid just because 
> Marx predicted them?"

Marx was both untruthful, and spectacularly in error.

If commies actually believed what they said, if they still 
believed the prophecies, then they would still be working at 
labor organization, rather than at conspiracy.

Ever since Lenin, a core principle of communism has been to 
know the truth, and to lie about it.  Lying is to communism, as 
prayer is to Christianity.  The shared lie provides the 
solidarity and cohesion, the sense of identity, that shared 
prayer does to Christians.  Every lie provides a bond of 
conspiracy.  Trotskyists take this principal to bizarre 
extremes.  Stalinist lying is analogous to the old Catholic 
mass, where the priest speaks and the masses say amen, whereas 
Trotskyist lying is analogous to the prayer of the 
charismatics, where the congregation prays in tongues, rolls on
the floor and has fits. The Trotskyists demand greater personal
involvement and investment in lying, whereas the Stalinists
merely expect the faithful to display solemn credulity. 

 James A. Donald

Bob Ainsworth needs killing.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

"In a democratic society there is always a difficult balance to
strike between respect for privacy and ensuring crime is tackled
--British Home Office Minister, Bob Ainsworth, concerning
new powers granted to
government agencies allowing access to email and telephone records


Diego Garcia perfect target for a dirty bomb.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat
Or downtown nyc...you might get racist statist snitches mouthpiece jya.

"Ronald Reagan: the Movie," in _Ronald Reagan, the Movie: And Other 
Episodes in Political Demonology_, Berkeley, CA: University of California 
Press, 1997, pp. 1-43, which is a discussion of Reagan's conflation of his 
movie image and his actual biography in the media during his run for the 
California governorship.

Wake up and smell what your shovelling 60's boy.Unless you LIKE planet Mongo.

Government moves to encourage widespread encryption.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

AP Protests Gov't Seizure of Package The Associated Press Thursday, March
13, 2003; 9:44 AM Government agencies opened a package mailed between two
Associated Press reporters last September and seized a copy of an
eight-year-old unclassified FBI lab report without obtaining a warrant or
notifying the news agency. The Customs Service intercepted a package sent
via Federal Express from the Associated Press bureau in Manila to the AP
office in Washington, and turned the contents over to the FBI. FBI
spokesman Doug Garrison said the document contained sensitive information
that should not be made public. However, an AP executive said the package
contained an unclassified 1995 FBI report that had been discussed in open
court in two legal cases. "The government had no legal right to
seize the package," said David Tomlin, assistant to the AP
president. The package was one of several communications between Jim
Gomez in Manila and John Solomon in Washington, AP reporters who were
working on terrorism investigative stories. It was the second time that
Solomon's reporting was the subject of a government seizure. In May 2001
the Justice Department subpoenaed his home phone records concerning
stories he wrote about an investigation of then-Sen. Robert Torricelli.
< snip >

Paypal receipts good basis for RICO against Politech and Infoshop.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat
"Paypal recently was purchased by Ebay and Ebay turns over to the 
Federal government ALL information they have of their sellers and buyers"

A publicity firestorm,and an Amerikkkan Kristalnachkt.Would also force lazy 
cypherpunks off their fat butts and do some long overdue work in the so 
called millicent ghetto.Ghetto is a word more of us should be getting 
accustomed to.(or Barrio.)

"That's real smart...for you godamned gringos."

[no subject]

2003-03-13 Thread anne
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2). NASÍøÂç´æ´¢Æ÷(ͨ¹ý¸ßËٌ’´ø¾WÔ¶³Ì±¸·Ý)Ultra-320 

Guantanamo Air.

2003-03-13 Thread professor rat

Here's my article that John is talking about:
Text of Sen. Wyden's amendment: http://wyden.senate.gov/leg_issues/amendments/capps_amendment.pdf?tag=nl -Declan --- To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Sen. Wyden's CAPPS 2 amendment is bullshit Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 20:14:49 -0800 From: John Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I read your report on Sen. Wyden's anti-CAPPS-2 amendment. Thanks for pointing it out. Unfortunately it looks like a stalking horse, rather than a real reform. First, the amendment doesn't stop CAPPS 2. It merely requires a report to two congressional committees on it. The public will never even get to see this report, unless the committees decide to release it, and CAPPS 2 will continue. Second, the "Air Cargo Security Act" bill that this is attached to is yet another insane secret-law assume-everyone-is-a-criminal program. You can read it here: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c108:S.165: This time they're going after cargo aircraft, creating a "Know Your Customer" program for people who ship cargo, demanding background checks for every person who works for any cargo shipping firm, "appropriate screening" (blacklisting) for all flight crews, and any "additional measures deemed necessary and appropriate by the" head of TSA -- in his sole judgement. The best part is at the bottom, hidden in the usual sort of "The second word in the fourth sentence of the Blather Bill of 1927 shall be struck out and replace by 'and'" style. It says: (1) CIRCULATION OF PROPOSED PROGRAM- The Under Secretary shall-- (A) propose a program under subsection (a) within 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act; and (B) distribute the proposed program, on a confidential basis, to those air carriers and other employers to which the program will apply. ... (4) SUSPENSION OF PROCEDURAL NORMS- Neither chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code, nor the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall apply to the program required by this section. That last (4) clause eliminates the Freedom of Information Act, the Administrative Procedures Act, the Government in the Sunshine Act, and the Federal Advisory Committee Act from applying to this bill. That's every one of the "open government" laws we have. Pretty good for three lines of text. These two legalese paragraphs say, in plain English: * TSA will invent the rules in secret. * The public will never get to see them. The cargo carriers who will be stuck with the rules won't be allowed to reveal the rules, though they will get to comment privately on them. * The public's legal rights to participate, in the creation and evolution of regulations that directly affect the public, will be superseded. This kind of exemption from public oversight is EXACTLY how CAPPS 2 has gotten as far as it has. This is a screw-the-public bill. It's a secret law bill. It creates a dictatorship, not a democracy. It says that between them, the TSA and the airlines can come up with whatever cozy rules are mutually beneficial -- and the public will get zero chance to even see what the rules are, let alone to have them changed. The passenger airlines have done this in requiring ID checks that prevent people from reselling their tickets, so the public can't avoid airline $100 change fees and use-it-or-lose-it ticket policies. The feds get more power and the airlines get more money; what are we complaining about? Rather than exempting whole new sections of the law from public oversight, Congress should be opening up the sections of the law which are now unconstitutionally kept secret from the public. John Gilmore (suing TSA to overturn unpublished travel ID rules and CAPPS 2) http://cryptome.org/freetotravel.htm 

Brumley & Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL

2003-03-13 Thread Bill Stewart
From Slashdot: 
David Brumley and Dan Boneh write:
"Timing attacks are usually used to attack weak computing devices such as 
We show that timing attacks apply to general software systems.
Specifically, we devise a timing attack against OpenSSL.
Our experiments show that we can extract private keys from a
OpenSSL-based server such as Apache with mod_SSL and stunnel
running on a machine in the local network. Our results demonstrate that
timing attacks against widely deployed network servers are practical.
Subsequently, software should implement defenses against timing attacks.
Our paper can be found at Stanford's Applied Crypto Group.
http://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/abstracts/ssl-timing.html  "

Schmoo Group response on cryptonomicon.net
Apparently OpenSSL has code to prevent the timing attack,
but it's often not compiled in (I'm not sure how much that's for
performance reasons as opposed to general ignorance?)
They also comment (as did somebody on Slashdot) that
"this is distinct from the timing attack described in the paper
by Canvel, Hiltgen, Vaudenay, and Vuagnoux last month."
That one's an implementation problem and hard to exploit.

Houses for sale from $10,000 - Foreclosures, HUD, VAs......

2003-03-13 Thread Great Deals


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2003-03-13 Thread Berta Rada
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2003-03-13 Thread FreeCondoms.com
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Re: Give cheese to france?

2003-03-13 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
> > Comie fantasy. That theory is Marx's "monopoly capitalism". 
> > Commies have been loudly announcing Marx's prophecies to be 
> > coming true, even though after 1910 they no longer took the 
> > prophecies seriously themselves.

On 11 Mar 2003 at 7:04, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
> Open your eyes and look around yourself. Take any bigger,  
> established market - news, radio, TV stations, retail chains 
> are the first examples coming to my mind - take its top  
> 80-90%, and count the number of players there.

Children's cartoons used to be overwhelmingly dominated by  
Disney.  Now Disney is going down for the third time  AOL used 
to have a disproportionate share of the internet, Time magazine 
used to dominate the newsmagazine business.

Looks to me like News and radio are becoming substantially less 
centralized, not more.

True, the former leaders are consolidating -- because they are 
no longer the former leaders, and they are going broke.   The
AOL/Time/Disney combo will soon be in bankruptcy the way things
are going,  If they pull out, they will remain as a tiny shadow
of their former selves.

As I said, communists recognized there prophecies were turning 
out false in 1910 -- which does not stop them from announcing 
twice as loudly that their prophecies are coming true.

 James A. Donald

It's like having a PDA on your wrist!

2003-03-13 Thread Private Eye Watch
Title: It's like having a PDA on your wrist!

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  Time: hour, minute, second, 12/24 hour format 
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  Phone Book: 500 entries with each entry consisting of name 
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  Temporary record: 10 entries maximum 
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  World time: standard time for 24 time zones 
  Display contrast: 16 degrees adjustable 


Re: Fatherland Security measures more important than Bennetton tags!

2003-03-13 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 10:49:41AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> By the way, I am enjoying the evolving clusterfuck/train wreck that is 
> coming with the War on Some Terrorrists. Seeing our C-student fratboy 

One word (well, one domain name):


Re: Brinwear at Benetton.

2003-03-13 Thread Adam Shostack
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 08:24:35AM -0800, Mike Rosing wrote:
| On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Adam Shostack wrote:
| > On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 10:22:14AM -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
| > The other motivator is liability.  If I build the mugger's little
| > helper, a PDA attachement that scans for real prada bags, then perhaps
| > the RFID tag will be removed at the counter after the first lawsuit.
| I think economics would be a better argument.  If the manufacturer
| can recycle the tags for inventory control they can save a lot of money.
| 10 cents per item isn't much, but at millions of items it becomes worth
| while.  Having the tag removed at the counter so they can be sent back to
| the manufacturer along with returns and defects saves money, and that
| argument carries more weight to someone trying to make a profit than
| anything else.

Having a counter clerk mess with a 10c embedded item is a loss.
Longer lines, less throughput, etc.

It may not matter at Prada, but it does at the grocery store.


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2003-03-13 Thread Need Cash?
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2003-03-13 Thread Keith Plautz
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U.S. Government Recommends You Have Survival Kit & Plan

2003-03-13 Thread Survival Store
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2003-03-13 Thread eBargains News Letter
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2003-03-13 Thread zike chime
No 13 VS2
Cethswayo Estate
Generation-South Africa.
Satelite phone no.
(RE: TRANSFER OF ($ 126,000.000.00 USD}
Dear sir,

We want to transfer to overseas ($ 126,000.000.00 USD)
One hundred and Twenty six million United States
Dollars) from a Bank in Africa, I want to ask you to
quietly  look for a reliable and honest person who
will be capable and fit to provide either an existing
bank account or to set up a new  Bank a/c
immediately to receive this money, even an empty a/c
can serve to receive this money, as long as you will
remain honest to me till the end for this important
business trusting in you and believing  in God that
you will never let me down either now or in future.
I am Mr.ZIKE CHIME, the Auditor General of a bank in
Africa, during the course of our auditing  I
discovered a floating fund  in an account opened in
the bank in 1990 and since 1993 nobody has operated on
this account again, after going through some old files
in the records I discovered that the owner of the
account  died without a [heir]  hence  the money is
floating and  if I do not remit this money out
urgently it will be forfeited for nothing. the owner
of this account is  Mr. Phillip Morris, a
foreigner, and a sailor, and  he died,  since 1993.
and  no other person knows about this account or any
thing concerning it, the account has no other
beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well
that Phillip Morris until his death was the manager
Morris & Morris Coy.(pty). SA.
We will start the  first transfer with Twenty six
million [$26,000.000] upon successful transaction
without any disappoint from your side, we shall
re-apply for the payment of the remaining  rest amount
to your account,
The amount involved is (USD 126M) One hundred and
Twenty Six million United States Dollars, only I want
to first transfer $26,000.000 [Twenty Six million
United States Dollar from this money into a safe
foreigners account abroad before the rest, but I don't
know any foreigner, I am only contacting you as
a foreigner because this money can not be approved to
a local person here, without valid international
foreign passport, but can only be approved to any
foreigner with valid international passport or drivers
license and foreign a/c  because the money is in us
dollars and the former owner of the  a/c  Mr. Phillip
is a foreigner too, [and the money can only
be approved into a foreign a/c.
However, we will sign a binding agreement, to bind us
together I got your contact address  from the Girl
who operates computer, I am revealing this to you
with believe in God that you will never let me down in
this business, you are the first and the only person
that I am contacting for this business, so please
reply urgently so that I will inform you the next step
to take urgently. Send also your private telephone and
fax number including the full details of the account
to be used for the deposit.
I want us to meet face to face to build confidence and
to sign a binding agreement that will  bind us
together  before transferring the money to any account
of  your choice  where the fund will be safe. Before
we fly to your country for withdrawal, sharing and
I need your full co-operation to make this work fine.
because the management is ready to approve this
payment to any foreigner who has correct information
of this account, which I will give to you, upon your
positive response and once I am convinced that you
are  capable  and will meet up with instruction of  a
key bank official who is deeply involved with me in
this business.
I need your strong assurance that you will never,
never let me down.
With my influence and the position of the bank
official we can transfer this money to any foreigner's
reliable account which you can provide with assurance
that this money will be intact pending our physical
arrival in your country for sharing. The bank official
will destroy all documents of transaction immediately
we receive this money leaving no trace to any place
and to build confidence  you can  come immediately  to
discuss with me face to face after which I will make
this remittance in your presence and three of us will
fly to your country at least two days ahead of the
money going into the account.
I will apply for annual leave to get visa immediately
I hear from you that you are ready to act and receive
this fund in your account. I will use my position and
influence to obtain all legal approvals for  onward
transfer of this money to your account with
appropriate clearance from  the relevant  ministries
and foreign exchange departments.
At the conclusion of this business, you will be given
35% of the total amount, 60% will be for me, while 5%
will be for expenses both parties might have incurred
during the process of transferring.
I look forward to your earliest reply through my email

You should try to call me on my 

George Foreman Grill, Yours Free!

2003-03-13 Thread Yours Free!
Title: FREE George Foreman Grill for you!

  FREE George 
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2003-03-13 Thread 110242.2672
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2003-03-13 Thread csszcodx
Our Ref.: 14 Groups of Chinese Products 13th March 2003
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to introduce 14 Groups of Chinese Products
to you as follow, if you are interested them, please don't
hesitate to contact us, we will send you our WEBSITE to you
by return e-mail for your considerations :
*** we have good sales for MOBILE PHONES (NOKIA, etc.) now,
if you are interested them, we will let you details immed.
A wearing and accouterment
A01   man garment
A02   lady garment
A03   children garment
A04   silk dress
A05   leather/fur dress
A06   knitting dress
A07   full dress
A08   sportswear and leisurewear
A09   uniform
A10   underwear and nightwear
A11   accouterment and accessories
A12   shoes
A13   others
B electricity & electronic product
B01   electronic appliance for kitchen
B02   telephone
B03   computer
B04   television set
B05   air conditioning
B06   audio and video facility
B07   sanitary products
B08   washing machine
B09   water fountain
B10   VCD/DVD player
B11   refrigerator
B12   water heater
B13   mobile phone
B14   digital products
B15   others
C machinery and equipment
C01   food, beverage & tobacco machine
C02   foodstuff machine
C03   dyeing machine for textile
C04   sewing machine for dress
C05   leather/shoes machine
C06   paper machine
C07   paper products machine
C08   press machine/equipment
C09   Medical equipments
C10   envir.pro.machinery/equipment
C11   chemical machinery/equipment
C12   construction machinery/equipment
C13   engineering machinery
C14   electronic/electrical machinery
C15   others
D vehicle
D01   sanitation truck series
D02   traveling bus
D03   passenger car
D04   agricultural vehicles
D05   carring truck
D06   saloon car
D07   mini bus
D08   bus
D09   motorcycle
D10   bicycle
D11   fire truck series
D12   cement tanker
D13   concrete mixing truck
D14   drumper
D15   others
E ship and spare parts
E01   yacht and speed boat
E02   oil tanker
E03   cargo vessel
E04   submarine vessel
E05   passenger vessel
E06   battery boat
E07   rowing boat
E08   treading boat
E09   fishing boat
E10   special vessel
E11   others
F sports products
F01   ball
F02   ski and skate shoes
F03   gymnastic equipment
F04   model
F05   traveling products
F06   swimming outfit
F07   others
G office equipment & stationery
G01   office furniture
G02   office stationery
G03   office equipment
G04   copier
G05   fax machine
G06   scraping machine
G07   scanner
G08   printer
G09   blueprint machine
G10   others
H daily commodity
H01   dishware and kitchenware
H02   furniture
H03   decoration
H04   clock and watch
H05   cleaning article
H06   domestic textile
H07   clothes rack and clothes pin
H08   lighter and smoking set
H09   knife and scissors
H10   umbrella and raincoat
H11   glasses
H12   others
J industrial control/automatization
J01   automatic apparatus parts
J02   robot and mechanical hands)
J03   automatic system
J04   automatic instrument
J05   others
K paper products
K01   toilet paper
K02   paper package
K03   others
L Oilfield equipments
L01   Welhead equipment & X-mas tree blowout preventers
L02   Drill-Stem testing tools new series perforating guns
L03   Pumping units
L04   F-series triplex mud pumps
L05   Drilling & producting accessories
L06   Drilling rigs
L07   Others
M Aerospace products & aircrafts
M01   Aircrafts
M02   Aerospace equipment
M03   Others
N.Construction Projects 
N01   Highways & Roads 
N02   Bridges 
N03   Resident Buildings 
N04   Commercial Buildings 
N05   Hotels 
N06   Shopping Center 
N07   Fitment & Decoration 
N08   Construction Screen Walls 
N09   Intelligent Projects 
N10   Fire-control Equipment Installation 
N11   Steel Structure Projects 
N12   Mechanical-Electrical Equipment Installation 
N13   Elevator Installation 
N14   Earth Work Project 
N15   Concrete Plant 
N16   Others 
P.Postal and Communication Equipments 
P01   Exchange Equipment 
P02   Transmission Equipment 
P03   Terminals 
P04   Instruments & Meters 
P05   Postal Machinery & Equipment 
P06   Printing Manufacturing Equipment of Postal Products 
P07   Communication Attachment Parts & Components 
P08   Cables & Optical Cables 
P09   Electro-Mechanical Products & Components 
P10   Others 
 a.  Wireless
 b.  NGN
 c.  Optical Network
 d.  Broad Band
 e.  Switching
 f.  Intelligent Network
 g.  STP
 h.  Distribution Frames
 i.  BITS
 j.  Multimedia Products
 k.  Data Comm.
 l.  Access Network
 m.  Mobile Comm.
 n.  Comm. Power Supply
 o.  IP Products & Gateway System
 p.  Dynamic Equipment & Multimedia Supervision System
 q.  NM System
Thanks again f

Keep your Pets Healthy and Happy

2003-03-13 Thread Lucky Deals
Title: PetCareRX.com



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2003-03-13 Thread therisa akovi

please treat as urgent and help me in the Name of God

Dear Sir/Madam
I know that this letter will come to you as a surprise,but before God that created us, 
I am Therisa Swarin Akovi 19 year old daughter of late Rev. Matadi Eto Akovi who was 
assasinated by loyalist's to Joseph Kabila the President of republic of Congo who 
accused my Fatherto be an oppostion to his Goverment.
But after my father's assasination I discoverd that there was atotal sum of $32 
million us dollars  left in his private room ,which I took and ran away from Congo 
because of series of threat to my life from the
Goverment of Joseph Kabila to one remote town in benin republic called Portnovo.
When I came to Benin republic I deposited this money with a security
and finance company in cotonou as a family treasure with the help of young a Rev 
pastor who happens to be my late father's student when he was in cotonou.

Please right now, i am in a very dificult condition because I can't claim this money 
without paying the accumulated dumorage due to the fact that the money has long over 
due the agreed period in which I am meant to claim this money.Rigth now i am in a very 
dificult situation because i can no longer take care of myself and the pastor who has 
been helping me has left cotonou for his bible school in europe,Please I am pleading 
if there is any way you can assit me to
claim this money from the security company and at the same time
help me in transfering it to a foreign account in your country.I am promising you that 
amount of money you spent in assiting me you'll have it back when we must have claimed 
the consignment, and also I will like you to help me getting a visa to come 
over to your country and invest this money based on your advice.

Please your urgent response will be immensly appreciated as i am in a difficult 
situation here. 
Thanks .
may God be with you as i expect your urgent response .
Therisa Swarin Akovi.



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Are You Single? Consider This…

2003-03-13 Thread eBargains News Letter
Title: Untitled Document







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Refinance or Purchase a Home - Rates are Still Low

2003-03-13 Thread NetMoney Wizard
Title: Emaill

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March Madness Inkjet Sale - up to 75% off and a free gift!

2003-03-13 Thread New-Offers
Title: March Madness Inkjet Sale - up to 75% off and a free gift!

You are 
  receiving this email because you opted-in to receive special offers from New Offers through one of our online affiliates. 






2003-03-13 Thread black97gsrlkqr

How can the regular guy really get 1 million visitors on his web site without spending 
a dime
in advertisement?

I have to get this off my chest before I explode.
I'm Stephan Ducharme. It seams like everybody is now calling me the "Free Ad Guru". 
I admit that my secrets on how to get 1 million free visitors are presently sweeping 
the web
like a raging fire ! This info page has suddenly been taken by assault from visitors 
getting in
and in and in! (A lot of people are reading this page while you are!)
According to Alexa, I'm in the top 15,000 most visited website !!! 
But I'm just like you; I've been trying to make money on this ?&%*!# Internet for 2 
years and
nothing was working out ... until I discovered this.
So if you are of those who are tired of waiting for something to happen, even angry of
 reading "too good to be true" bla-bla stories while you are struggling and still 
hanging tight
 in there, I have marvelous, unexpected news for you.

I will not insult your intelligence by telling you things like "You'll be a 
millionaire in 6 months"

I don't believe in hype any more than you do. 

Take my advice, don't make the mistakes I've made; If you want to create high traffic 
on your
web site, don't apply for or join in anymore programs until you read this letter

Stop listening to any "so-called expert" because if one program can help you, choosing 
wrong one can kill your business. It has taken me 2 years to discover the real good
methods. Two years of brain sweat.

Big corporations spend thousands of dollars in banner advertisement to get the traffic 
getting for free using these secrets. You will slap yourself if you're not already 
using this.

For information on how the regular guy can really get 1 million visitors on his web 
without spending a dime in advertisement, send a blank email to:





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