RE: Dot-commers to blame for anti-capitalist violence, says WTO

2001-07-06 Thread jamesd

On 6 Jul 2001, at 18:54, Trei, Peter wrote:
> Moore made his remarks in Geneva, in an appeal for citizens
> groups (NGOs) to distance themselves from "masked
> stone-throwers who claim to want more transparency,
> anti-globalization who trot out slogans that
> are trite, shallow and superficial," he said.
> Which came as news to us. We thought "dot com" types were
> too busy braying into mobile phones and snorting enormous
> quantities of Bolivian marching powder as they vandalised a
> communication infrastructure created at great public expense
> for research purposes, with marketing plans that would get a
> six year old suspended from kindergarten for frivolity.

The WTO is under attack both from anti capitalists and pro 
capitalists.  The anti capitalists are attacking it physically, with 
stones.  The pro capitalists are using more sophisticated weapons, 
the "trite, shallow and supercial" arguments he dismisses.

The pro capitalists are arguing that the multilateral approach to 
freeing trade has failed, as now too many people are looking for a 
gravy train in international regulation, and the solution is unilateral 
free trade policies, like those implemented by Singapore and Hong 
Kong -- that the WTO is beginning to be harmful, rather than 
helpful, for free trade.

 James A. Donald

Re: Meatspace,

2001-07-15 Thread jamesd

> > > >  there are plenty of SDS and
> > > > Black Panthers running around today, the vast majority never 
> > > > went to jail.

> >> Of course they didn't. The bottom line is that their 
> >> organizations were  torn apart by operations conducted against 
> >> them,

James A. Donald:
> > This is incorrect.  The black panthers were torn apart because 
> > they murdered dissidents, and "dissidents" came to include anyone 
> > who wondered if Newton was snorting too much of the Black Panther 
> > funds.  The same is true to a greater or lesser extent of most of 
> > the other armed communist organizations.  The first target of 
> > those arms was always themselves, to a greater or lesser extent, 
> > though this was most dramatic and bloody in the case of the Black 
> > Panthers.

> The FBI explioted this mindset to the hilt--COINTELPRO kept them all 
> twitching like galvanic frogs. 

To blame COINTELPRO for radical leftist internal violence is as silly
as blaming Pol Pot and the Ukraine famine on the CIA.

If those radicals were being murdered by the feds, the radical left
would have been eager to have them investigated, instead of closing
their eyes and looking the other way, and suddenly dropping vanished
radicals down the memory hatch.

The way we all reacted shows that we all knew full well who was doing

 James A. Donald

Re: Meatspace

2001-07-16 Thread jamesd

> > If those radicals were being murdered by the feds, the radical
> > left would have been eager to have them investigated, instead of
> > closing their eyes and looking the other way, and suddenly
> > dropping vanished radicals down the memory hatch.

On 15 Jul 2001, at 22:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Being subject to:
> o illegal "Echelon" monitoring
> o murderous attempts on the organization
> o a "grand scale" of FBI interference with civil rights orgs
> o FBI aiding false imprisonment
> ...doesn't exactly make for a peaceful democratic process.

The blank panthers and the rest were opposed to the bourgeois
democratic process.  They did not require any pressure from the spooks
to persuade them to deviate from it. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Meatspace,

2001-07-17 Thread jamesd

On 16 Jul 2001, at 15:52,  wrote: James A. Donald:
> > > > The black panthers were torn apart because  they murdered
> > > > dissidents

> My point was the feds didn't have to murder anybody--play them off
> each  other and they do it to themselves.

If they were the kind of people who could so easily be tempted to murder dissidents, 
perhaps the spooks had the right idea.
> Still, if you read the documentation, COINTELPRO was quite a formidable 
> program.

Perhaps.  The FBI by its very nature tends to do bad things, and we have seen some bad 
things done by the FBI to people who post on this list.

I took a look at a few web pages reporting COINTELPRO, and found them long on 
unspecified rumors about things happening to unspecified people at unspecified places 
and times, and very short on any concrete evidence concerning specific people to which 
specific things had happened, much resembling 
web pages reporting widespread use of slaves, or widespread alien abductions.

Now obviously we know of some real world activities that correspond to COINTELPRO, 
notably the attack on Randy Weaver, but it seems to me that there is absolutely zero 
evidence that the authoritarian and self destructive actions of the radical left 
during the late sixties, the seventies, and the 
eighties were the result of evil CIA mind rays.  If such evidence existed, it would 
have been prominently displayed on some of the web pages I encountered.

I find it much more plausible that commies did bad things, things characteristic of 
commies, because they were bad people.

I did a web search for KGB and COINTELPRO, to find a web page that mentioned bad 
conduct by all such agencies.  I found no relevant hits, from which I conclude that of 
all the people so vitally concerned about the bad things done by the FBI in the 
sixties and seventies, not a one is at all 
concerned about the bad things done by the KGB in the sixties and seventies.

Of course it is reasonable for people in the US to be more concerned about US spies 
that Soviet spies, since the US spies mostly on US people, and the Soviet Union spied 
mostly on russian people, but still, zero relevant hits?  I find that a little odd.  
This gives me reason to doubt the 
sincerity, and therefore the truthfulness, of those reporting COINTELPRO

 James A. Donald

Re: Meatspace

2001-07-17 Thread jamesd


> #
> #The blank panthers and the rest were opposed to the
> #bourgeois democratic process.

On 16 Jul 2001, at 12:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is that some sort of excuse for the treatment I listed?

It is a response to the claim was that the Panther's repression of internal dissent 
was somehow a result of CIA mindrays making them do evil things.  They did evil things 
because they were bad people.

 James A. Donald

Re: Meatspace,

2001-07-17 Thread jamesd

> Still, if you read the documentation, COINTELPRO was quite a
> formidable program.

According to the FBI documents, a major objective of the 
COINTELPRO program was to detect when the Panthers did bad 
things, and use those bad things to generate adverse publicity for 
the panthers.  But we know the panthers often did bad things 
without getting any adverse publicity at the time, which would 
indicate the program was not very formidable at all.

An organization like the FBI will always find threats to security, 
regardless of whether those threats exist, and will always take 
actions against those threats, regardless of whether the threat is 
real, or the means legitimate.   We should not conclude from this 
that all alleged threats are unreal, any more than we should 
conclude them all to be real, nor should we expect the FBI's 
actions to be competent or effectual.

The FBI is doubtless formidable when its resources are marshalled 
against a lone guy with no money and few friends, but it seems 
somewhat less effectual against more formidable targets.

 James A. Donald

Re: DMCA has pushed me to my limit.

2001-07-17 Thread jamesd

On 18 Jul 2001, at 0:55, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
> On a more general level, is US law to be construed as granting
> personal jurisdiction over anyone on the US soil, regardless of
> where the actual crime was committed? I.e., if I do something
> wrong according to the Code,
> I'd better stay the hell out of US?

US law is often construed as encompassing the whole world.  US judges tend to believe 
they can punish anyone anywhere for violating US law.  This failing is not limited to 
the US.  The french tend to the same delusion.

It is quite difficult for government officials to comprehend the concept of dealing 
with equals, and often they just do not get it.

 James A. Donald

Re: Meatspace,

2001-07-18 Thread jamesd


> > I find it much more plausible that commies did bad things, things
> > characteristic of commies, because they were bad people.

> True: but then there's always the gray area of exactly what's done in the 
> name of "what bad people deserve" that keeps me uneasy about the whole 
> thing. Have you read Gordon Thomas' book about the Mossad, "Gideon's 
> Spies"? He was allowed to interview all the top agency people, so you can 
> be sure nothing got out the agency didn't want out. Even still, it's a 
> fascinating, hard-hitting look at what happens when an organization of 
> brilliant, ruthless people come to exist in a system with limited 
> accountability: hardcore realpolitik at its most elemental.

We know the spooks do bad things.  They have done bad things to people who post on 
this list.  We also know commies do bad things.

The argument I object to is that all the bad behavior, the authoritarianism, the 
crimes, the repression, that we saw from the new left during the seventies is somehow 
the fault of the spooks, and somehow not the fault of the people who were doing it.

 James A. Donald

Re: Ashcroft Targets U.S. Cybercrime

2001-07-26 Thread jamesd

> > > Yes, it does work in the world of building reputations
> > > associated with (anonymous or claimed-not-anonymous) keys, but
> > > not when you need meatspace credit --give the meat named "Prof
> > > Joe" tenure credit for work X.

James A. Donald:
> > It is common for real world authors to publish under nom de
> > plumes. Adding a key to a nom de plume gives added advantages to
> > the nom de plume.

David Honig wrote:
> A nom de plume which cannot be revealed to the folks one wants
> credit from (because you go to meatspace jail when the association
> is leaked) is useless for getting credit in meatspace.  Yes the nym
> gets credit; but it doesn't help you get tenure, or a raise, or
> invitations to speak.

The advantage of a nom de plume is that it can be selectively revealed, revealed to 
some people and not others, or revealed to everyone at a later date depending on how 
things turned out.   Adding a public key to a nom de plume improves that advantage,

The same is true of a nom de guerre, only even more so.  To inopportunely reveal a nom 
de guerre is likely to be fatal.  To be unable ot prove a nom de guerre may well 
result in the loss an personal gains resulting from victory.
 James A. Donald

RE: A question of self-defence - Fire extinguishers & self defence

2001-07-27 Thread jamesd

On 24 Jul 2001, at 1:20, Petro wrote:
> And what is the primary responsibility of a soldier? Well, in
> Basic Training I was informed that my basic task was to seek
> out the enemy and destroy him.
> Whch is why using Soldiers in peace keeping missions is a 
> really, really boneheaded move.

But not however as bone headed as throwing a fire extinguisher at a soldier, missing, 
then picking up the fire extinguisher to have another go just after one guy has 
whacked the soldier with a two by four, and another has whacked him with a four inch 
steel pipe.

 James A. Donald

Re: A question of self-defence - Fire extinguishers & self defence

2001-07-27 Thread jamesd

On 24 Jul 2001, at 0:14, Andrew Woods wrote:
> If you look at the Reuters image of Carlo holding the fire extinguisher,
> he's holding it below head-level. In my opinion, that leaves three options:
> Carlo was going to chuck the extinguisher underhand (and sideways to the
> vehicle, so it would've bounced off) at a low velocity

The rear window had been smashed in when they whacked the cop with the four inch steel 
pipe, or when they whacked the cop with the two by four timber. so there was no 
problem with chucking it underhand and sideways.  Plenty of room.  One is naturally 
inclined to chuck large heary objects in this 
fashion, because it is difficult to sling them overhand.  In order to sling it in 
frontwards, he would have had to chuck it in one handed, and it was too heavy for 
that.  In order to chuck it, he needed both hands, and in order to chuck it with both 
hands, he needed to chuck it sideways.

You try chucking a great big fire extinguisher.  Unless you are Arnold, you will chuck 
it in the same fashion.

 James A. Donald

Re: A question of self-defence - Fire extinguishers & self defence

2001-07-27 Thread jamesd

> In addition the fact that a previous protestor had put a board through the
> window only goes to demonstrate the high level of emotional disruption
> these officers were exposed to. Panicking is not justification for making
> a wrong decision.
> Deadly force was not in any way justified.

A well armed cop had just been slammed twice by a two by four and once by a four inch 
steel pipe.   A protester was about to hurl a fire extinguisher at him.  He shot the 

Justified or not, would not you have done the same?

 James A. Donald

Re: A question of self-defence - Fire extinguishers & self defence

2001-07-28 Thread jamesd

On 27 Jul 2001, at 8:26, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> This guy holding up the fire extinguisher two handed, on the other
> hand, looks like he was intent on using it for a battering ram --
> to push in someone's face with it or something.

There is a photograph of the fire extinguisher flying through the air at slightly 
above the level of the window of the police car.  Looks to me as if it was intended to 
go through the rear window, but is in fact about to bounce off the upper edge of the 
rear window. I interpret this as a 
photograph of a previous throw from longer range, though one poster has claimed it 
reflects the fire extinguisher flying OUT of the police car.

 James A. Donald

Re: Possible Internet Split (plan D)

2001-07-28 Thread jamesd

On 26 Jul 2001, at 13:54, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> The problem with Plan D, if implemented over the current Internet,
> is that the low levels of the internet are a tree rather than a
> proper network.  There are choke points and listening points at
> which all of a particular person's traffic can be guaranteed to
> be intercepted.

That is true of the typical home connection.  It certainly is not true of many of the 
networks I have access to.

To crack down on the internet, the government has to construct a mapping from packets 
to true names.  In general that is hard, even though it is easily doable for lots of 
packets and lots of true names.

 James A. Donald

Re: A question of self-defence - Fire extinguishers & self defence

2001-07-28 Thread jamesd

On 27 Jul 2001, at 8:26, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> > > This guy holding up the fire extinguisher two handed, on
> > > the other hand, looks like he was intent on using it for a
> > > battering ram -- to push in someone's face with it or
> > > something.

James A. Donald:
> > There is a photograph of the fire extinguisher flying through
> > the air at slightly above the level of the window of the
> > police car.  Looks to me as if  it was intended to go through
> > the rear window, but is in fact about to bounce off the upper
> > edge of the rear window. I interpret this as a photograph of
> > a previous throw from longer range, though one poster has
> > claimed it reflects the fire extinguisher flying OUT of the
> > police car.

On 28 Jul 2001, at 14:02, Black Unicorn wrote:
> Cite to the photo please?

 James A. Donald

Re: DOJ jails reporter, Ashcroft allows more journalist subpoenas

2001-08-01 Thread jamesd

Dark Unicorn:
> > Not a particularly useful answer and not necessarily justifiable on the
> > part of the court. I think eventually a better answer would have to be
> > produced, one that justified the censorship. We're back to what
> > originally struck me as odd, and wrong, about this item. Whoever has her
> > stuff should copy it and move the copy offshore because something is
> > very wrong on the part of the court.

On 31 Jul 2001, at 0:12, Dr. Evil wrote:
> Just because they're wrong and you're right doesn't benefit you at all
> when you are in jail for contempt, losing your ass-cherry.  The belief
> to the contrary is what M. Unicorn would call a "classic Cypherpunk
> fallacy".  M. Unicorn is absolutely right here.  Trusts are a great
> thing which, in this case, allow you to completely achieve what you're
> trying to achieve, while complying all of the court's instructions.
> Use them!  Why waste time being an outlaw?

The point of using cryptography such purposes is to make ones non compliance 
undetectable, or at least unprovable.  Trusts and the like raise a red flag.  You are 
generating legal documents that advertise your intended non compliance and explain how 
you intend to do it.

Further, if authorities really have the hots for you, they can apply pressure to the 
trust authority is all sorts of ways.  They do not have to comply with the law -- you 
do.   For example they could kidnap the child of the person holding the trust, and 
hint that in return for cooperation they 
will overlook the crack they planted on him, carrying a twenty year prison sentence.

Encrypted data with a long passphrase will resist any amount of pressure.  Legal 
solutions will not.

 James A. Donald

Re: Forced disclosures, document seizures, Right and Wrong.

2001-08-01 Thread jamesd

On 31 Jul 2001, at 11:53, Black Unicorn wrote:
> I wanted to make sure to correct the common misconception among
> cypherpunks that you can just thumb your nose at a court with
> impunity.

And I would like to correct the common misconception spread by lawyers that there are 
magic legal formulas that will stop the state from using its power as it damn well 

The basic formula for avoiding inconvenient legislation is "ignore, do not confront"

Cryptography will do what no legal incantation can ever do:  Stop the state from 
getting what it wants.

The basic problem with any legal incantation is that at some point you must explain to 
the authorities:  "My actions were legal for this reason and that reason", explaining 
in inconveniently great detail what you are doing, and their response your complicated 
and highly informative explanation 
will almost certainly be to hit a few times, and then lock you up.With 
cryptography they have a mysterious block of unexplained and useless bits.

 James A. Donald

Re: Spoilation, escrows, courts, pigs. Was: Re: DOJ jails reporter, Ashcroft allows more journalist subpoenas

2001-08-01 Thread jamesd

On 31 Jul 2001, at 12:22, Black Unicorn wrote:
> Not being intimately familiar with the spec of freenet I can't
> really comment on that aspect or what a court will consider
> "impossible."  What will not amuse a court is the appearance of
> an ex ante concealment or disclosure in anticipation of court
> action.  If it looks like you knew it was going to be a court
> issue and you put it on freenet for that purpose, you're in
> trouble. Not only that but if you encrypt the stuff and it
> doesn't appear to be recoverable it almost sounds tantamount to
> destruction of evidence or spoliation (much more serious).
> ("The intentional destruction of evidence... The destruction,
> or the significant and meaningful alteration of a document or 
> instrument...")  I've never seen a case play out like that but
> I would certainly make the argument as a prosecutor.
> Encrypting the stuff sure _looks_ like spoliation, particularly
> if it seemed likely that the evidence would be the subject of a
> judicial action.
> [...]
> There are legitimate purposes for escrowing it on the Isle of
> Man over and above keeping it out of a court's hands.

And there are legitimate purposes for encrypting it and "forgetting" the key.

The big difference is "I forgot the key" is pretty much immune to cross examination, 
whereas your "
legitimate" purposes for escrowing it on the isle of man requires a complicated cover 
story which w
ill undoubtedly fall apart.

 James A. Donald

Re: Spoilation, escrows, courts, pigs.

2001-08-01 Thread jamesd


> > I have never heard of such a law.

Black Unicorn:
> If you know you've committed some kind of weapons violations or some such and
> you have reason to believe you have come to the attention of the authorities,
> burning the record of those bulk AK-74 purchases might be a bad idea- if you
> got caught.

You are full of shit.

I do not keep records of my butter purchases -- Why am I supposed to keep records of 
my ammo purchases?

The only records one is required to keep are those that you claim exist in some 
filing, for example supporting your tax deductions.

No one keeps the records they should, let alone the records law enforcement would like 
them to keep, and no one has every been punished for failure to keep such records.

If this law that you have conjured out of your imagination existed, everyone would be 
punished for it, for everyone has broken it.

 James A. Donald

Re: Spoilation, escrows, courts, pigs.

2001-08-01 Thread jamesd

Tim Starr:
> > >  Show me exactly which law I am breaking by placing some of
> > >  my documents or files in a place even I cannot "turn over
> > >  all copies from."
> > >
> > >  I have never heard of such a law.

Black Unicorn:
> > If you know you've committed some kind of weapons violations
> > or some such and you have reason to believe you have come to
> > the attention of the authorities, burning the record of those
> > bulk AK-74 purchases might be a bad idea- if you got caught.

Tim Starr:
> IBM instructed employees to destroy records. At Intel, we
> destroyed records--I did so as part of the "Crush" program (to
> drive several competitors out of business). So long as we were
> not being ordered to turn over evidence, not any kind of
> crime.

Same here.  Black Unicorn is just making this stuff up.

Black Unicorn
> > This was my theory.  Hence my language: "It almost sounds 
> > tantamount..."  Hence my cite of the definition of spoliation
> > below, for comparison.  Hence my discussion of a prosecutor's
> > likely tactic in making the argument.  Encrypting to an
> > "irrecoverable" key certainly comes close to if not outright
> > meets the technical definition of spoliation in Black's Law
>  >Dictionary.  What "irrecoverable" means will depend on the
>  >judge probably.

Tim Starr:
> But, Black Unicorn, you're the one who chose to lecture all the
> children here.
> I have asked for a cite that shows that higher courts, up to
> the Supreme Court, have held that using Freenet or encryption
> would constitute spoliation, which you brought into the
> discussion as a reason why Cypherpunks had better not count on
> using encryption, or offshore storage, or any other means that
> might cause the court to "not be amused."
> They didn't get John Gotti for whispering, so I doubt
> "spoliation" is nearly the tool you and Aimee Farr seem to
> think it is.

In the case of Black Unicorn, it appears to me he was a lawyer who used to be in the 
business of finding loopholes in laws.  In a world where governments seldom bother to 
read their own laws, and when they do so bother they find that everyone is a felon, 
that is a dying business.

 James A. Donald

Re: Spoilation, escrows, courts, pigs.

2001-08-01 Thread jamesd

"Trei, Peter
> > Cleansing disks and memory of keys and plaintext isn't done
> > to prevent some hypothetical court from looking at evidence;
> > there are good, legally unremarkable reasons to do so, which
> > are regarded as good hygiene and 'best practice' in the
> > industry.

Black Unicorn
> Unfortunately, that conduct is going to be assessed by some old guy who was
> once a lawyer,

Then we are all guilty, and not one person has been prosecuted yet, which is as close 
to being legal as any act can possibly be in today's America.

 James A. Donald

RE: Official Reporters have more copyright rights

2001-08-01 Thread jamesd

On 1 Aug 2001, at 14:33, Trei, Peter wrote:
> No, Adobe did not use ROT13. They were quite a bit better than that

Not significantly better.  Same basic algorithm and weakness as 

 James A. Donald

RE: Laws of mathematics, not of men

2001-08-01 Thread jamesd

On 1 Aug 2001, at 14:54, John Young wrote:
> The time for confidences is over. Lawyers are considering
> a change in their ethics about ratting on clients (see NY Times
> today); priests are ratting about criminal confessions; reporters
> are ratting on interviewees, psychiatrists are ratting patients.
> DoJ and the courts are squeezing all the privileged listeners
> along with ISPs and remailers and sysadmins and CDRs and
> trusted circles and cryptographers -- so what makes anyone
> think mathematics of concealment is any more protection than
> a concealed weapon

I have found a concealed weapon to be wonderfully effective protection.

 James A. Donald

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-03 Thread jamesd

On 2 Aug 2001, at 19:22, Black Unicorn wrote:
> I'm not sure where you have been over the last 48 hours but
> clearly you've not been paying attention.
> Courts _clearly_ have the ability to demand the production of
> all copies and originals of a document.  They have merely to
> order it.  They _clearly_ have the ability to smack a gag order
> on also.  The rest of us settled that question some time ago.

Glendower: "I can call spirits from the vasty deep."

Hotspur: "Why, so can I, or so can any man;
But will they come when you do call for them?"

 James A. Donald

Re: Spoliation cites

2001-08-03 Thread jamesd

On 2 --
On 2 Aug 2001, at 19:01, Aimee Farr wrote:
 (under '  1503, documents destroyed do not have to
> be under subpoena; it is sufficient if the defendant is aware that the grand
> jury will likely seek the documents in its investigation);

\All these citations obviously refer to situations where the case is 
already under way, and are thus irrelevant to the claims made by 
Black Unicorn.

 James A. Donald

Re: Spoilation, escrows, courts, pigs.

2001-08-03 Thread jamesd

On 2 Aug 2001, at 21:04, Ray Dillinger wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Jim Choate wrote:
> >On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Petro wrote:
> >
> >> SBOE: We'd like to see your sales records for 1997-1999.
> >> STORE: "Sorry, can't do that, see there was this *really* weird fire on my
> >> desk last night, and wouldn't you know, all those records are gone".
> >>
> >> You're going to be talking to a judge about this, and no, they won't be
> >> happy.
> >
> >And there won't be a damn thing that they can do about it either unless
> >they can PROVE you were aware of THE (as opposed to a hypothetical one)
> >investigation.
> Wow.  You're seriously in denial, you know that?
> Hint: The cites BU provided are *REAL*.
>   This actually happens, routinely.

No they are not real, and this does not happen routinely.

I recall that at the time many people commented that had Nixon 
publically burnt the tapes on the whitehous lawn shortly after their 
existence had become known, and before certain legal steps were 
taken to obtain them, this would have been just fine.

The fact that Black Unicorn and othes have provided irrelevant 
citations is pretty good evidence that no genuine citations exist.

 James A. Donald

RE: About lawyers and spoliation

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 4 Aug 2001, at 1:03, Aimee Farr wrote:
> I wasn't speaking of "security through obscurity," I was speaking of
> "security through First Amendment law suit." Nobody could argue "objective
> chill" in here, that's a legal conceptbut clearly, you aren't
> interested.

With the DCMA and "campaign finance reform" the first amendment has gone the way of 
the second.  Non political speech is not protected because it is non political.  
Political speech is not protected because it might pressure politicians.

We have no precedents that routine destruction of precedents counts as spoilage, but 
we have ample precedent that any speech can be silenced.

In the nature of things, it is far easier to enforce a law against free spech that a 
law against "spoilage" undertaken long before any charges, thus as we move towards 
totalitarianism, free speech will go first, is going right now, and broad 
interpretations of "spoilage" will come last.  

 James A. Donald

Re: About lawyers and spoliation

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 3 Aug 2001, at 6:03, Aimee Farr wrote:

> All we lawyer-types are saying is to engage the law in your problem-solving,
> it's in your threat model. Many of your "solutions" are 100%
> conflict-avoidance, or even ...conflict-ignorance. A strategic error. Where
> there is a corpus, there is a law to get it. You always PLAN FOR CONFLICT.
> Hence, we have _The Art Of War_ -- and not, _The Art Of Hiding_.
> Hiding or secrecy as a total strategy has historically been limited by the
> Rule Of Secrets/Least Safe Principle, and the equally-important "well,
> doesn't this look suspicious!" -- a rule of natural law and human
> disposition. Crypto is not a person, object and asset invisibility machine.
> Until such a marvel comes to pass, stick to traditional wargaming.
> -
> Controverted spies have brought you intelligence that the enemy has a new
> long-range weapon. You learn that it works, but you think you lie outside
> the current range. However, you learn that it is undergoing rapid
> development and experimentation.
> ---
> "They're dumb, I hate them, and they can't hit us."
> "IF they've never hit us, THEN they can't."
> "They can't hit what they can't see."
> "We should insult and burn the spies at the stake for bringing us this
> information."
> "Bitch. Bitch. Bitch."
> ***
> Within this particular range of hypotheticals, the courts are going to see a
> problem and they might reach for spoliation. Arguing over the rightfulness
> or wrongfulness of it is a futile exercise. When you learn your adversary is
> using a new tactic or developing a new weapon, you examine your own tactics
> and adjust them accordingly in ANTICIPATION OF CONFLICT. You assume they
> will "get better" unless you do something about it. Given the nature of the
> law, there is nothing to be done other than to prepare for advancement and
> proliferation. The legal question is never what is - but what will be. In
> this light, precedent is not "a rule," it is an aid for prediction.
> "To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the
> opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself." -- Sun
> Tzu.
> A most apt analogy for the law. Where it presents an obstacle, it presents
> an opportunity.
> ~Aimee

Re: WHERE'S DILDO (AND FRIENDS)? was: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 3 Aug 2001, at 0:09, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> C'punks,
> So by my count it looks as though we are now up to at least THREE village
> idiots.  Each convinced that he knows the law (not in theory, but as
> practiced in reality) better than the lawyers.

I know that for the past several hundred years everyone has been engaging in what what 
you call "spoilage" (failing to retain potentially incriminating records, and 
publishing material that might at some later time be declared a thought crime.)

Zero busts so far.

 James A. Donald

Re: Gotti, evidence, case law, remailer practices, civil cases, civilit

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 3 Aug 2001, at 7:35, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> You are wrong.  I went and looked up the Caterpillar cite he gave.
> It is real.

I, and everyone else with half a brain, has long known that judges frequently say 
"Hey, we are about to seize a truckload of your documents looking for deep 
pockets^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hevidence, so don't start shredding.

What we doubt is that it is compulsory to retain incriminating evidence, or to 
irretrievably publish material that might at some future time be declared a thought 
crime.  We also doubt that anyone has been punished for such acts in recent centuries.

The current state of the law is illustrated by the Nixon tapes, "The Wind Done Gone", 
and the DVD ripping code.

 James A. Donald

Re: Traceable Infrastructure is as vulnerable as traceable messages.

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 3 Aug 2001, at 12:07, Tim May wrote:
> A distributed set of remailers in N
> different jurisdictions is quite robust against prosecutorial fishing
> expeditions

As governments become more lawless, and laws become mere desires of the powerful, 
rather than any fixed set of rules, the state is increasing less one powerful entity, 
rather it becomes numerous entities each with their own conflicting desires.

The danger is not that the US will turn into the Russia of the 1950s, but merely that 
it will turn into the Russia of the 1990s, a far less threatening prospect.

 James A. Donald

Re: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 3 Aug 2001, at 13:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I consider it,  as I said,  monstrous that a judge
> can legally deprive me of all copies of my own work in order
> to enforce a gag order,  but again,  if that's the way it is,
> that's the way it is.  But it goes well beyond the bizzare to
> suggest that I should anticipate the possibility of a gag
> order and preemptively gag myslef in case one might be issued
> at a later date.

Judges have never attempted such crap, and if they do, lawyers will irrelevant, and 
will have been irrelevant for a long time before the such anyone attempts such crap.

These guys (Black Unicorn and his cheer squad) are loons, and I cannot imagine why 
they post such nonsense.

The argument they seem to be making is that judges, legislators, and bureaucrats are 
becoming increasingly lawless, therefore we should treat lawyers with worshipful 
respect.  But that argument is completely back to front.  As governments become more 
lawless, laws and lawyers become less 
relevant, not more relevant.  As government becomes more lawless, first one hires 
fixers in place of lawyers, then whores in place of fixers, then gunmen in place of 
whores.   American business in general is moving towards fixers, biotech is already 
largely past fixers to whores, and in Russia it 
is gunmen.

 James A. Donald

Re: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 3 Aug 2001, at 9:48, Greg Broiles wrote:
> Courts have relatively strong powers with respect to controlling the
> possession and disposition of physical things like notebooks or hard disks,
> but relatively weak powers with respect to limiting the dissemination of
> information not in the court's exclusive possession, so long as the
> disseminator is not a party to a case before the court, nor an attorney for
> a party.

This, folks, accurately summarizes the state of the law, as illustrated by numerous 
recent high profile cases, and any pompous pontificating fool who claims to be a 
lawyer and says something different, is full of shit.

 James A. Donald

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 3 Aug 2001, at 10:07, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> Apparently, James did not understand the thrust of Aimee's post at all.  The
> important thing to understand about legal precedents is that they may show a
> TREND in the law.  ]

There is a trend to making everything illegal.  Your qualifications to read tea leaves 
are no better than my own.

By the time "spoilation" reaches the condition that you anticipate, we will not be 
hiring lawyers for their knowledge of the law, but for their knowledge of connections.

As everything becomes illegal laws to cease to be laws.  Increasingly legislation is 
not a rule, but merely a desire, rendering lawyers irrelevant.   For example biotech 
companies usually do not hire lawyers to deal with the FDA, instead they provide FDA 
bureaucrats with girlfriends, "consultancy 
payments", and the like, because the FDA does not obey any fixed set of rules or 
principles in dealing with biotech companies.

At the company I work for we have a big problem with a piece of legislation whose 
meaning is far from clear.  Every few lines of this legislation there is reference to 
"children", or "the children".My interpretation of this legislation is "We care 
very much about children, and we feel so 
deeply we are going to bust some internet company for not caring as deeply as we do."  
 Our company lawyer has no clear interpretation of this legislation, and suspect we 
would be a lot safer if we opened direct communications with the bureaucrats charged 
with intepreting and applying this 
legislation, rather than communicating through someone whose speciality and training 
is in finding and making trouble.  We need someone whose speciality is being nice, 
making friends, and trading favors.  Even better would be to do like the biotech 
companies, and open communication through a 
compliant woman, and throw in a few consultancy fees.

In Mexico, lawyers are fixers, matchmakers that guide your bribes into the right 
pockets.  The time is coming for American lawyers to stop pontificating about the law 
and make the same transition.

 James A. Donald

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 3 Aug 2001, at 13:53, David Honig wrote:
> After MS was busted, it was widely publicized that it was thereafter
> official policy to destroy email after N days.  As if Ollie et al. wasn't
> enough.

If Microsoft gets busted for "spoilation" in their current lawsuit, then 
I will take Sandy and Black Unicorn off my loon list.  :-)

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 3 Aug 2001, at 22:43, Aimee Farr wrote:
> Neither Uni nor I suggested that routine document destruction is
> inappropriate in the ordinary course of business.

I understood black unicorn, and Sandy, to be claiming it was inappropriate, and quite 

You, while more cautious than they, seemed to endorse their position, without being 
very clear as to what it was you were endorsing.

Black Unicorn's argument seemed to be "Everything is forbidden, therefore you need to 
hire a lawyer who will issue the magic incantations to make it legal.

This is nonsense on two counts:

1.  Not everything is forbidden.

2.  If everything is forbidden, then lawyers have no magic incantations.

 James A. Donald

Traceable Infrastructure is as vulnerable as traceable messages.

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> You cannot have encryption technologies advancing and leaving the law
> behind, so long as any vital part of the infrastructure you need is
> traceable and pulpable by the law.

Child porn still gets distributed through usenet.  Silencing 
"alt.anonymous.messages" would be even harder.

 James A. Donald

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

Harmon Seaver
> > As others have stated, if you don't keep logs, or throw away all
> > your reciepts, there's not jack they can do about it.

At 7:22 PM -0700 8/2/01, Black Unicorn wrote:
> Uh, no.  And if you had been reading the many, many posts on this point
> you'd see that about every one of the 10-15 cases cited here say exactly the
> opposite of what you claim above.

A couple of posts ago Aimee confidently declared that none of the people presenting 
themselves as lawyers on this list had made the claim that you just made again.

She is backpeddling, because it has become obvious your claim is nonsense, and the 
fact that you made it, (and perhaps she made it also before denying that she or anyone 
else had made it) shows you do not know shit from beans.

So, unicorn, when are they going to bust microsoft for suddenly enforcing a policy of 
purging old email?

 James A. Donald

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

James A. Donald:
> > There is a trend to making
> > everything illegal.  Your
> > qualifications to read tea
> > leaves are no better than my own.

Sandy Sandfort
> Well James, you got it right once.  My qualifications for reading tea leaves
> are no better than your own.  However, my qualifications for reading and
> understanding laws and court precedents are vastly superior to yours.

If the claims you are making are claims about existing law, your qualifications for 
reading and undestanding laws and court precedents are not what you claim them to be.

If you are making claims about what the law might become in future, your 
qualifications for undestanding laws and court precedents are irrelevant.

 James A. Donald

Re: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 4 Aug 2001, at 13:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> My impression is that BU's response to me was based on a 
> misundertanding of what I was saying.

My impression is that whatever his original position, in the course 
of defending it, he made claims that were ever more unreasonable, 
ever more flagrantly wrong, and defended those ever more obviously 
erroneous claims by asserting the vast superiority of lawyers, and 
our vital need for lawyers, in an ever more condescending fashion.

If judges behave as lawlessly as BU would up claiming they did, we 
have no need for lawyers at all.

If judges are going to behave as lawlessly as Sandy now says he 
was predicting they will, we will have no need for lawyers at all.

As for what Aimee is saying -- that was not very clear, and the 
more she says, the less clear it is.

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 4 Aug 2001, at 12:46, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> No James, as any first year law student could tell you, they way one makes
> educated assessments about how laws may be interpreted in the future are
> NECESSARILY based on understanding laws and court precedents.

And as any one can tell you predictions of how the interpretation of laws will CHANGE 
cannot be based on existing laws and court precedents.

In any case, you are backpeddling like mad.  Having dug yourself into a hole with 
improbable claims on mandatory record keeping, you are now disowning with great 
confidence claims you previously made with equal confidence, indicating your 
understanding of existing laws and courts precedents is 
none too hot.

What was previously a claim about existing law, has mysteriously mutated into a mere 
prophecy that future law might change into something like your original claim.

How about simply saying "I was wrong", instead of proclaiming omnicience twice as 
loudly when you are caught with your head up your ass?

 James A. Donald

Re: JIM DONALD IS A CANARYPUNK, was: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 4 Aug 2001, at 18:29, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> Jimbo II has really gone off the deep end.  I've asked him 
repeatedly to
> quote me directly where I have said the things he alleges that 
have said.'

You have asked me once, off list.  I replied, off list.

Now I will repost that reply on the list.

On 4 Aug 2001, at 14:26, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> Show me where I took that position.

A few posts back when I pointed out that most businesses engage 
in routine, regularly scheduled deletion of potentially inconvenient 
records, and none of them have got in trouble for it yet, you replied 
that a business that engages in that practice is like a man who has 
jumped from a tall building and boasts that he has not hit anything 
hard yet.

Now, however, you deny ever taking that position, indicating that 
your previous position (the position that you proclaimed so 
pompously and patronizingly) was a load of old bananas, which in 
turn indicates that in this area of the law, you do not know shit from 

Whenever I ask our company lawyer a legal question, he usually 
answers "That is not my area of expertise".

You should try that answer.  It will keep you out of lots of trouble.

 James A. Donald

> His cowardice in failing to reproduce those requested passages (or even my
> requests for the requested passages) is manifest.  Give his intellectual
> dishonesty and cowardice (next, I suppose, he'll be sending his son--rolls
> of quarters clenched tightly in his little fists--to do his dirty work), I
> see nothing to be gained from trying to teach this particular swine to learn
> how to sing.
> I graciously cede the last word (which he will undoubtedly squander) to my
> second-most favorite canarypunk.  Rock on, dud.
>  S a n d y
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: 04 August, 2001 17:33
> > Subject: RE: Spoliation cites
> >
> >
> > --
> > On 4 Aug 2001, at 12:46, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> > > No James, as any first year law student could tell you, they
> > way one makes
> > > educated assessments about how laws may be interpreted in the future are
> > > NECESSARILY based on understanding laws and court precedents.
> >
> > And as any one can tell you predictions of how the interpretation
> > of laws will CHANGE cannot be based on existing laws and court precedents.
> >
> > In any case, you are backpeddling like mad.  Having dug yourself
> > into a hole with improbable claims on mandatory record keeping,
> > you are now disowning with great confidence claims you previously
> > made with equal confidence, indicating your understanding of
> > existing laws and courts precedents is
> > none too hot.
> >
> > What was previously a claim about existing law, has mysteriously
> > mutated into a mere prophecy that future law might change into
> > something like your original claim.
> >
> > How about simply saying "I was wrong", instead of proclaiming
> > omnicience twice as loudly when you are caught with your head up your ass?
> >
> > --digsig
> >  James A. Donald
> >  6YeGpsZR+nOTh/cGwvITnSR3TdzclVpR0+pr3YYQdkG
> >  oYQwaBShfigTeer8NiMlXddKCdSOWTS4O8e02M+i
> >  4E5drtnvUZpAn4ZvzKDgEPqKkBdbdXNEe/BBlTF86

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

On 4 Aug 2001, at 14:54, Sandy Sandfort wrote:

> Jimbo II wrote:
> > You, and Black Unicorn, have taken that
> > extreme position.  You were full of shit.
> Show me where I took that position.  Put up or shut up, Jimbo II.

A few posts back when I pointed out that most businesses engage in routine, regularly 
scheduled deletion of potentially inconvenient records, and none of them have got in 
trouble for it yet, you replied that a business that engages in that practice is like 
a man who has jumped from a tall 
building and boasts that he has not hit anything hard yet.

Now, however, you deny ever taking that position, indicating that your previous 
position (the position that you proclaimed so pompously and patronizingly) was a load 
of old bananas, which in turn indicates that in this area of the law, you do not know 
shit from beans

Whenever I ask our company lawyer a legal question, he usually answers "That is not my 
area of expertise".

You should try that answer.  It will keep you out of lots of trouble.

 James A. Donald

Re: The Curious Propsenity of Some Cypherpunks for (loud) Willful Ignorance. Was: Re: Spoliation cites

2001-08-04 Thread jamesd

> > > I consider it,  as I said,  monstrous that a judge can
> > > legally deprive me of all copies of my own work in order to
> > > enforce a gag order,  but again,  if that's the way it is,
> > > that's the way it is.  But it goes well beyond the bizzare
> > > to suggest that I should anticipate the possibility of a
> > > gag order and preemptively gag myself in case one might be
> > > issued at a later date.

James A. Donald:
> > Judges have never attempted such crap, and if they do,
> > lawyers will be irrelevant, and will have been irrelevant for
> > a long time before the such anyone attempts such crap.
> >
> > These guys (Black Unicorn and his cheer squad) are loons, and
> > I cannot imagine why they post such nonsense.

Black Unicorn
> The only thing that is more surprising than your total willful
> ignorance (have you even bothered to look at the several cites
> I have posted that positively refute your statement above?

A few posts back one of your loudest supporters suddenly reversed course and 
proclaimed that neither he nor yourself ever took such an extreme position, (his 
typically polite method of issuing a retraction) yet here you are taking an extreme 
position  once again.

The only cite that could possibly refute my words above would be to cite someone being 
busted, since the behavior you claim is illegal, the behavior that George announces 
his intention to engage in, is routine in most well run companies.

> I have cited authority for the proposition that courts, and more often
> plaintiffs, routinely demand broad productions related to a given matter.

To be relevant to the case I and George speak of above, you need to cite an actual 
bust of someone whose work is deemed a thought crime, and was punished for ensuring 
that it was distributed out of his control before it was declared a thought crime.

No one doubts that courts have broad authority to demand pie in the sky.  What people 
doubt is that courts have broad authority to punish those who have rendered pie in the 
sky unobtainable, well before the case began, to punish those that have rendered the 
demand for pie in the sky moot.

As I posted earlier in response to your claim of broad authority:

Glendower: "I can call spirits from the vasty deep."

Hotspur: "Why, so can I, or so can any man;
But will they come when you do call for them?"

> I have cited authorities.  I have cited examples.

You have not cited relevant examples.  We have actual legal precedents where a 
remailer operator was summoned before a court and said "Sorry, I do not keep logs." 
end of discussion.

They cannot suddenly turn around and punish one for doing what one has legal precedent 
to believe is legal, and if we ever get to that point, you will have been unemployed 
for some considerable time.

 James A. Donald

Re: Final Words from me about document production requirements and remailers.

2001-08-05 Thread jamesd

On 4 Aug 2001, at 16:08, Black Unicorn wrote:

> I am going to try and be as clear and as slow as possible-
> knowing full well that it probably will make no difference and
> that my words will be twisted, strawmaned, touted or defamed
> whatever I do.  Regardless:
> [...] The trial court permits the plaintiffs to sue for
> spoliation, mostly on the basis of the disposition of the car,
> not the papers or lack of records, although those are
>  mentioned,

Another citation whose irrelevance demonstrates the absence of relevant cites.

The basis of the spolation charge was not that the dealer should have kept records, 
but that the car was disposed of when it was supposedly material evidence.

This cite, and the other cites you give, supposedly "open the door" to charging people 
for spolation for failing to keep records in the ordinary course of business.

Yet no one has actually gone through that door, despite the very large number of of 
people who do not keep records in the ordinary course of business, and the very large 
number of lawsuits obstructed by that failure.

> I submit that the facts of these two cases, along with some of
> the others I've cited and the FRCP among other statutes,
> suggest that it's not much of a stretch for a remailer operator
> to find him or herself in the midst of a spoliation dispute.

Perhaps it is not a large stretch.  Yet it is a good deal bigger stretch than hitting 
Microsoft with a spolation suit for its new policy of routine and regularly scheduled 
destruction of records, and Microsoft has not yet been hit.

> I submit further that a remailer operator would do themselves
> quite a lot of favors if they put themselves in a position to
> look squeaky clean in front of a judge if and when this
> happens.  We have real life-real cypherpunk examples that this
> works

Re: The Curious Propsenity of Some Cypherpunks for (loud) Willful Ignorance. Was: Re: Spoliation cites

2001-08-05 Thread jamesd

> > > Judges have never attempted such crap, 

On 4 Aug 2001, at 23:03, Dr. Evil wrote:
> Please do a search for "Negativland" and "U2" on your favorite
> search engine.  They were ordered to return to the court or
> U2's reccord label or whatever, all the copies they had of
> their U2 album.  Every single copy.

And had they previously dispersed these so as to ensure that they 
could not deprive themselves of every last copy, no matter how 
hard they cooperated with the judge, they would be in good shape.

Sure, judges can issue any order they like.  But if, before that 
inconvenient order is issued, you have rendered it moot, the judge 
is stuffed.

And existing precedent is that if you rendered it moot, not by 
actions taken in anticipation of that specific lawsuit, but by routine 
and regularly scheduled actions, they are stuffed AND they cannot 
punish you for stuffing them -- or if they can punish you, no one 
has been punished yet.

 James A. Donald

Re: Traceable Infrastructure is as vulnerable as traceable messages.

2001-08-05 Thread jamesd

On 5 Aug 2001, at 16:07, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
> AFAICS, it's likely a matter of priorities -- currently anonymity does not
> pose a significant threat to governments. If that changes, the heat will
> intensify, possibly to a point where means currently unimaginable could be
> employed (e.g. national firewalls, regulation of nonconduct, creative
> interpretation of laws on criminal collaboration, RICO, whathaveyou).

The great firewall of China is somewhat effective, but by no means as effective as the 
chinese government would wish.  The Russian equivalent is dead in the water.   We do 
not have magic armor, but, governments do not have magic bullets either.

To effectively repress, a government must be lawless.  But a lawless government risks 
either disintegrating, as in post 1990 Russia, or succumbing to a cult of personality, 
as in the 1930s russia.  A bunch of very old men currently keep china wobbling between 
these two extremes.  When they drop 
dead, it will wobble one way or the other.  Since the cult of personality has proved 
so deadly to government officials everywhere, they will probably choose the safer 
course of wobbling in the direction of disintegration.

 James A. Donald

Re: Traceable Infrastructure is as vulnerable as traceable messages.

2001-08-05 Thread jamesd

On 5 Aug 2001, at 14:17, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
> "Conforming to international treaties" *is* the hip way to 
circumvent the
> constitution.

As we recently saw in the money laundering treaties, different 
nations have rather different interpretations of international treaties.

Some time back the US government, in flagrant defiance of the first 
amendment, but in accord with international treaties, prohibited the 
internet publication of drug manufacture information.   Sites were 
closed down, only to pop up again in different jurisdictions.  The 
sites were simply zipped up, the zip files floated around a while, 
then found new homes.

If they cannot stop sites that give information on manufacture of 
drugs, they have lost and we have won.   Similarly, as I pointed out 
to some nutty nyms who claim to be lawyers, if they cannot shut 
down child pornography on usenet, they cannot shut down 

 James A. Donald

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-05 Thread jamesd

James A. Donald:
> > If one keeps records, and suddenly someone sues one, and THEN one
> > starts shredding, yes, then one can get into trouble.  If
> > however, one shreds away indiscriminately, on a routine and
> > regular schedule, one is in the clear.   As a remailer operator
> > said to the courts  "Sorry, I do not keep
> > records".
> >
> > Now if he had kept records, and then erased them on being
> > summoned to the court, he would have had a problem.  But because
> > he erased them routinely, no problem.

On 5 Aug 2001, at 5:03, Aimee Farr wrote:
> If you read any of those cites and shep'd them, you will see there are
> circumstances where
> defendants didn't know the documents were relevant to a specific lawsuit.
> There is support for the words "SHOULD HAVE KNOWN" might NOT equivocate to:
> "a lawsuit has been filed."

Might equivocate to a big cloud of complicated fog.  Probably will.  In fact it 
already has.

However there is a large and glaring gap between the legal advice that Black Unicorn 
is giving: telling us that routine regularly scheduled erasure and shredding is 
dreadfully unwise, and the practices of many leading CEOs, that routine regularly 
scheduled erasure and shredding without checking 
what it is that one is shredding (other than date, and broad category) is good 
practice and required.

In particular it is common good practice to routinely erase all internal emails.   
This is a major obstacle to lawsuits, and is intended to be a major obstacle to 
lawsuits, and yet no one has been busted for it.

If businesses can erase their email, then remailers can erase their logs, and I can 
publish thought crimes on freenet and alt.anonymous.messages, and you lot do not know 
shit from beans.

Care to explain the obvious difference between good practice as explained by you lot, 
and the actual practice of good businesses?

If a bunch of people claimed to be highly qualified astrophysicists, and explained 
that for all sorts of very complicated astrophysical reasons the sun actually rose in 
the north and set in the south, I would be more inclined to believe that they were not 
highly qualified astrophysicists, than to 
believe that the sun rose in the North.

If shredding, erasure, and just plain not keeping logs is legal, then the cypherpunk 
program is legal, and remailers are legal.

And it is as obvious that the cypherpunk program is, as yet, so far, still legal, as 
it is obvious that the sun rises in the East.  Yet Black Unicorn has been telling us 
in no uncertain terms that it is illegal.  The most recent post of his to which I 
replied rejected the entire cypherpunk 
program and standard business practice as foolish and unwise.

They are going to bust Bill Gates for erasing email before they bust me.  Why is Black 
Unicorn telling me I should be so terrified of the courts that I must abandon the 
cypherpunk program, for a threat that has as yet not been made, let alone carried out 
even against high profile targets?

> o email = most say a few weeks, unless it is a complaint, etc.

And what most are saying, is glaringly inconsistent with what black unicorn is saying.

> It's not so simple as many think. It's document specific.

But if it is document specific, and the remailer does not read the documents, and 
could not be expected to know their relevance if he did, then Dark Unicorn's most 
recent post on remailers is obviously full of shit.   The remailers cannot possibly be 
document specific, nor can Freenet.

Aimee's favorite citation, repeated yet again.
> ...First, the court should determine whether Remington's record retention
> policy is reasonable considering the facts and circumstances surrounding the
> relevant documents.

These cites are all "on the one hand this, on the other hand that".   No one has been 
busted specifically for a policy of routine document erasure.  When Bill Gates is in 
jail being sodomized, then we will worry.  This alleged law is not a law, or an 
existing court practice -- it is an opinion 
held by some people that has never been given real substantial effect.  If it is ever 
given real effect, they are not going to start with us.  They are going to start with 
the deep pockets.

Aimees favorite citation continued
> Finally, the court should determine whether the document
> retention policy was instituted in bad faith.  Gumbs v.
> International Harvester, Inc., 718 F.2d 88, 96 (3rd Cir. 1983)
> ("no unfavorable inference arises when the circumstances
> indicate that the document or article in question has been lost
> or accidentally destroyed, or where the failure to produce it
> is otherwise properly accounted for."); Boyd v. Ozark Air
> Lines, Inc., 568 F.2d 50, 53 (8th Cir. 1977) ("We recognize,
> however, that the destruction of business records may be
> sufficient to raise an unfavorable inference.").

More "on the one hand this, on the other hand that" fog.

Everyone knows why Microsoft's email destruction policy was implemen

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-05 Thread jamesd

On 5 Aug 2001, at 5:07, Aimee Farr wrote:
> If you read any of those cites and shep'd them, you will see
> there are circumstances where defendants didn't know the
> documents were relevant to a specific lawsuit.

That summary of those cases seems misleading to me.

You yourself have acknowledged that standard best practice legal 
advice is to routinely purge all internal email after a few weeks.

That does not sound not compatible with your summary above of 
those citations, and it is incompatible with the positions taken by 
Sandy and Black Unicorn.

Most of the postings issued by you three, particularly those issued 
by Black Unicorn, sound to me as if they were issued in ignorance 
of the standard and legally recommended practice, that you were 
unaware of standard best practice on the topic on which you were 

To repeat:  If it is legal to routinely purge all internal email, it is 
legal to publish thoughtcrimes on freenet, legal for remailer 
operators to keep no logs.

If it ever becomes illegal, the lawyers will go looking for records of 
deep pockets first, and go after the remailer operators later.   We 
do not have to worry about mandatory remailer logs, until after the 
lawyers have successfully enforced mandatory recording of all 
indications of deep pockets.

 James A. Donald

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-05 Thread jamesd

James A. Donald:
> > You yourself have acknowledged that standard best practice legal
> > advice is to routinely purge all internal email after a few weeks.

Aimee Farr wrote:
> Yes. Unless it is of special relevance.

If one is operating a company, the guy who purges the email on the mail server is not 
expected to know or care what is of special relevance -- he just purges it by date.  
If he knew what he was purging, and chose to purge one thing and not another, his 
decisions would cause no end of legal 
troubles.  The whole point and purpose of the purging is to ensure that those 
inconvenient emails that so embarrassed Bill Gates will be GONE, emails that most 
certainly were of special relevance.   The whole point and purpose of Microsoft's new 
policy on email is to avoid a rerun of the Bill 
Gates courtroom saga, so that there will be no inconvenient specially relevant emails 
about Windows XP in the way that there were highly inconvenient specially relevant 
emails about Windows Explorer.

And if it is legitimate for companies to avoid the Bill Gates experience by purging 
mail files, then it is legitimate for them to avoid the Bill Gates experience by 
encrypting with perfect forward secrecy, and all the rest of the cypherpunks program 
is similarly legitimate.

> Dear company:
> I just wanted to write you and tell you that the microwave that I bought
> from you exploded. Thought you should know. Nobody was hurt, thank goodness!
> Maybe something is wrong with it?
> Thanks,
> Mrs. Smith
> The above wouldn't just be any old email now would it?

Defence:  "I am sorry.  All our email is routinely deleted.
All complaints corresponding to a single bug are summarized into a single entry in our 
bug database, and we have given you that entry.
This alleged message would appear to correspond to bug Microwave#38 in our bug 
database, which we kept and gave you as part of your discovery process, giving you an 
accurate good faith account of all our knowledge of problems with our product.  You 
will notice that our bug fix database records 
our prompt and effective resolution of the problem to which this alleged email appears 
to refer. "

Accuser: "You threw away inconvenient evidence!"

Defence:  "No we did not.  We kept it for some time, then recorded it in summary form, 
to render a large number of events as a small number of intelligible issues.   This 
enabled our management to handle what would otherwise be an intolerable flood of 
information, and now it is producing similar 
benefits in this courtroom, since going through each complaint separately in the court 
room would have run up tens of millions of dollars in legal fees, which was of course 
your intention."

Do you think this conversation is going to get the company in trouble for destroying 
evidence?  I very much doubt it.  (Well it would if defense spoke so plainly, but like 
Herodotus, I represent defence saying what he means, instead of what he would actually 

More importantly that internal email from the VP of engineering that says "About the 
damned exploding microwave -- only customers that are so moronic they leave forks in 
the microwave and then blithely ignore the sparks, smoke,  and balls of flame for the 
next ten minutes get that problem -- 
serve the damned idiots right" will never appear in the evidence, even though it is a 
lot more specially relevant than any one letter of complaint about an exploding 
microwave oven.

James A. Donald:
> > Most of the postings issued by you three, particularly those issued
> > by Black Unicorn, sound to me as if they were issued in ignorance
> > of the standard and legally recommended practice, that you were
> > unaware of standard best practice on the topic on which you were
> > posting.

> No.

I am unable to reconcile Black Unicorn's recent post, where he denounces almost the 
entire cypherpunk program as illegal by current legal standards and a manifestation of 
foolish ignorance of the law and obstinate refusal to take his wise advice, with the 
conjecture that Black Unicorn is aware of 
current recommended best practice in record keeping.

If current best legal practice in record keeping would delete those inconvenient 
emails that so embarrassed Bill Gates, then current best legal practice in 
communication would encrypt them with perfect forward secrecy if they had to go 
outside the Microsoft LAN.

If current best legal practice is to promptly purge old emails whose significance no 
one knows or cares, then current best legal practice is for remailers to routinely 
purge their logs.

 James A. Donald

RE: [spam score 5.00/10.0 -pobox] RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-08 Thread jamesd

On 7 Aug 2001, at 0:36, Aimee Farr wrote:
> You guys are acting like Uni said, "THOU SHALT NOT WRITE CODE."

That is what he did say:  This thread started when someone
proposed publishing thought crimes into an irretrievable medium
such as freenet in order to render moot any future court orders
to hand over all copies of some item of forbidden knowledge.

Unicorn condescendingly explained that would be illegal, but with
suitable mystic legal incantation it would be legal to escrow the
forbidden information with some offshore lawyer.

Which is of course total bunkum -- for the court can be as
unamused by one act as the other, but the act that requires more
explanations and legal documents gives them more handles to undo
it and more reasons to put one in prison, and more inconvenient
knowledge about one's affairs and activities, generates more
legal costs, and puts one in front of the unamused judge for
longer, giving one more opportunities to get into deeper trouble.

 James A. Donald

Re: Spoliation cites

2001-08-08 Thread jamesd

Trei, Peter:
> > I'll concur that BU is overreaching himself.

Eric Murray
> I read him as suggesting that some ambitious prosecutors might
> possibly try to extend spoliation to that point, not that
> they're doing so now.

I read him as saying the prospect of prosecutors extending
spoilation to include any act that we do not carefully record for
the benefit of those who wish to harm us, is so overwhelmingly
likely that we should right now carefully keep all records of our
sins so that we can hand them over to prosecutors in future --
that these methods, tactics, and technologies are foolish RIGHT
NOW, and RIGHT NOW using such technologies and tactics displays a
foolish ignorance of the law, and a pig headed refusal to take
sage legal advice.

Sandy compared the practice of purging old email (routine in most
big pockets companies) to someone who jumps from a ten story
building, and boasts he has not hit ground yet.  That is obviously
a reference to the situation NOW, not future repression.

Similarly one of them, I think Aimee, advised TC May that he
should faithfully keep records of his PAST ammo purchases, in
case that ammo becomes illegal in future, or someone commits some
bad act with that class of ammo.

 James A. Donald

RE: Spoliation cites

2001-08-08 Thread jamesd

James A. Donald:
> > Black Unicorn's recent post, where he denounces almost the
> > entire cypherpunk program as illegal by current legal
> > standards and a manifestation of foolish ignorance of the law
> > and obstinate refusal to take his wise advice,

Aimee Farr:
> No, he didn't.

Every time you say "no he did not say that:", he promptly says it
again in an even more extreme form, and you promptly announce 
agree with him.

That business about the "judge not being amused" is just the same
old argument "If you use crypto that shows you have something to
hide -- therefore you dare not use crypto".

Lawyers have no special qualifications and authority to make such
an argument,  and when they make it should be met with the same
ridicule as any other ignorant doofus who makes it.

Most big companies, companies with pockets so deep that they
attract lawsuits like flies, have decided it is better that the
judge suspects they have something to hide, than that the judge
knows full well that they have something they damn well should
have hidden, and those deep pocketed companies routinely, on a
regularly scheduled basis, in accordance with widely circulated
company policy, do all the things that Black Unicorn has been
telling us we must not do.

No doubt it is true that one can be sued for shredding records
that an enemy lawyer would have preferred one to keep, and such a
lawsuit might well succeed, but a jew can be sued for discarding
a ham sandwich, and such a lawsuit might well succeed also.

Companies with deep pockets, continually besieged by hostile
lawyers subpoenaing all sorts of information, do not seem as
impressed by the fearful terror of failure to amuse judges as
Black Unicorn tells us we should be. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Voice crypto: the last crypto taboo

2001-08-08 Thread jamesd

> > > > ObSpoliationClaim: "Those who buy such machines are 
> > > > obviously trying to hide evidence. Mr. Happy Fun Court is 
> > > > "not amused.""

> > > That is very true.  Someone trying to defeat a charge of 
> > > being a boss in a drug gang would certainly not be helped 
> > > if they found Starium units in his house and in houses of 
> > > people who were distributing drugs.  This would look bad 
> > > for Starium, too.

> > Irony is wasted on some people.

On 7 Aug 2001, at 8:19, Dr. Evil wrote:
> I know you were being ironic, but PR is an important 
> consideration, far more important than is generally understood 
> on this list.

The argument "Using X shows you have something to hide" is 
unlikely to impress in a world where most respectable middle 
class people have committed  multiple felonies theoretically 
worth seven years each.

Similarly, there is much truth in Black Unicorn's argument that 
the systematic destruction of potentially inconvenient records is 
illegal. However since many other things that large companies 
with deep pockets is doing are even more illegal, nothing is 
going to stop them from systematically purging records.  The
court will no doubt be unamused by Micorosoft's new email policy,
but it was even less amused by the emails that turned up last

 James A. Donald

Re: Traceable Infrastructure is as vulnerable as traceable messages.

2001-08-08 Thread jamesd

On 7 Aug 2001, at 7:38, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> Also, users won't immediately know about the new remailers or
> have any idea of their reliability. And while the Feds may be
> generally sluggish, when it comes to law enforcement (that is,
> remailer raids on anti-terrorism pretexts), I suspect they can
> be quite efficient.

Provided they do not stop off at the donut shop.

Some of the recent FBI scandals were callous indifference to
human life and disregard of justice, but many of them were
carelessness, neglect of duty, and gross incompetence.

Similarly consider the CIA, whose assessments of the Soviet Union
were consistently less accurate than my own.

It appears to me that the level of corruption, laziness,
irresponsibility, and sheer incompetence is fairly uniform
throughout all branches of the government and all its activities.

 James A. Donald

Re: Traceable Infrastructure is as vulnerable as traceable messages.

2001-08-08 Thread jamesd

On 6 Aug 2001, at 10:13, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> Offhand, I'd estimate that if three US remops were taken down 
> forcefully, and the federal law looked as though any other 
> could be, all but two or three hardcases would cease operating 
> remailers in the USA.  That would wipe out well over 70% of the 
> remailers, leaving a very small universe indeed to monitor.

If the government decides to crack down on any one activity, and 
harm any particular small group of people, it is likely to have a 
large effect on that activity, and cause considerable harm to 
those people.

If, however, the government decides to crack down on lots of 
activities, and harm lots of people, it is unlikely to succeed.

Right now the government is cracking down on lots and lots of 
activities, and lashing out at lots and lots of people, with 
predictable results.

To be effectual against remailers, the government would have to 
give them priority over lots of other people that the government 
wants to harm.   There is a big big queue of people to be whacked 
who are not being whacked, and only finite resources to whack 

If the government moves remailers nearer to the top of its
priorities, someone else gets moved back away from the top. 

 James A. Donald

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread jamesd

On 15 Aug 2001, at 23:12, Seth Finkelstein wrote:
> I can't convey how ludicrous it seems to me. Declan is the
> Fed's best friend. That's not an insult, that's a fact.

Thats baloney.

Declan has been routinely harassed by the feds.

> He's provided
> important evidence that helped obtain two convictions.

Bullshit.  They only called him in order to intimidate reporters from covering the 

 James A. Donald

Re: Digression

2001-08-16 Thread jamesd

On 16 Aug 2001, at 13:17, Morlock Elloi wrote:

> Sorry to bother the audience with purely crypto issues, I just 
wonder if anyone
> else evaluated this Ferguson's paper on apparent simplicity and 
> insecurity of Rijndael:

"and therefore insecurity"

Does not follow.

I would argue that rather the simpler, the stronger.  A simple 
structure, if it can be broken, would have simple breaks.

 James A. Donald

RE: The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-08-30 Thread jamesd

> > You [Aimee Farr]are entirely too smug and happy, at the 
> > thought of these various mechanisms useful for preserving 
> > privacy and anonymity going the way of the dodo.

Aimee Farr
> That is not my attitude at all, Reese.

It is your attitude.  You keep telling us privacy is illegal. 
Most highly profitable uses of privacy are illegal somewhere, but 
they are never illegal everywhere.  If you had your way we would 
all be obeying all US law, including those seldom or never 
enforced, or only enforced against black people and political 
subversives, all french laws, all Iranian laws, etc.

Concerning your example of the IRA -- I recollect that for a long
time the US government allowed IRA fundraising, and use of the US
banking system for transfers to the IRA. 

 James A. Donald

RE: The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-08-30 Thread jamesd

On 27 Aug 2001, at 16:00, Aimee Farr wrote:
> Your idea does seem to offer promise as a vehicle for treason,
> espionage, trade secrets, malicious mischief, piracy, bribery
> of public officials, concealment of assets, transmission of
> wagering information, murder for hire, threatening or
> retaliating against Federal officials, a transactional 
> environment for nuclear and biologic weapons, narcotic and arms 
> traffickingsweet spots. *shakes head*

Sounds good to me.  I am sure it will sound pretty good to
President Bush if the primary targets are in Sudan or Borneo,
rather than the target being Bush.

And it will probably sound pretty good to some guy in Sudan if
the primary target is Bush.

 James A. Donald

Re: The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-08-30 Thread jamesd

On 26 Aug 2001, at 10:46, Tim May wrote:
> Anyway, it is not easy to create a public company, a public
> nexus of attack, and then deploy systems which target that
> high-value sweet spot. The real bankers and the regulators
> won't allow such things into the official banking system. (Why
> do people think the banking system will embrace "digital bearer
> bonds" having untraceability features when true bearer bonds
> were eliminated years ago?)

I think the safest convenient path to development is to develop
untraceable cash in the US with restrictions on any large
transfers.  Then, once the technology is working, set up a
complete new company in a jurisdiction such as Nauru or Antigua
which allows bearer instruments of large value. 

 James A. Donald

Re: The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-08-30 Thread jamesd

On 27 Aug 2001, at 21:40, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> "Freedom fighters in communist-controlled regimes."  How much
> money do they have?  More importantly, how much are they
> willing and able to spend on anonymity/privacy/black-market
> technologies?  These guys aren't rolling in dough.

Freedom fighters are generally funded by expatriates resident in
sympathetic foreign countries.   These expatriates need C3
equipment to ensure that their money is not being embezzled or
misused.  By and large they are not using it, and should be.

> "Jews hiding their assets in Swiss bank accounts."  Financial
> privacy is in fact potentially big business, but let's face it,
> most of the customers today are not Jews fearing confiscation
> by anti-semitic governments. That's not in the cards.  Most of
> the money will be tainted

I find this unlikely.  The powerful confiscate from the
vulnerable because they want the money, not because the
vulnerable are sinners deserving to have their money confiscated.

It is always loudly proclaimed that the money is tainted.  When
the Swiss banks were receiving the money from jews it was
supposedly tainted because it came from jews.  Later it was
supposedly tainted because it came from nazis.  Any money is
tainted when someone else wants it. 

 James A. Donald

RE: Agents kick crypto ass....was The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-08-30 Thread jamesd

On 27 Aug 2001, at 23:22, Aimee Farr wrote:
> Considering the incredibly bad timing of this discussion in 
> light of world events, I don't see how you could call ME a 
> provocateur. My jibe was good-natured. You keep posting the 
> equivalent of classified ads. I know who wants this shit now, 
> and it's not "little bad men."

The main world events that I have noticed is that President Bush 
has deballed the world gun control treaty, in part because it 
would hinder aid to revolutionary movements that have interests 
in common with the US, and that Bush is making unkind noises 
about the world treaty against tax havens and financial secrecy, 
in part because it would give the EEC too much control over 
international money flows.

The state has always been repressive -- and different states have 
always disagreed strongly over what needs to be repressed.

In 1376 the Holy Roman Church declared itself supreme in all 
matters of thought, and declared that any thinking not first 
approved and authorized in advanced by the church, and conducted 
in proper church channels, was heresy and/or witchcraft 
punishable by burning at the stake.  However, under the original 
treaty between Pope and holy roman empire, any such burnings 
required both the Pope's judges and the King's goons
(oversimplification, but that is essense of it).  Since Pope and
King were usually trying to kill each other, freedom survived,
though not easily. 

 James A. Donald

Re: The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-08-30 Thread jamesd

On 28 Aug 2001, at 7:13, Jim Choate wrote:
> What makes you think that new regime who used your tool to take 
> over won't then shoot you and take 'your profits'. By 
> participating you may in fact be signing your own death 
> warrant.

All the liberty that there is in the world today results from the 
Dutch revolt, the Glorious Revolution, and the American 
Revolution.  No oppressive regimes, with the exception of the 
Chinese, were produced by revolution.

Every successful revolution has been a major step forward for 
human liberty (the Russian communist revolution was not a 
revolution, but merely a coup by a little conspiracy.  Same for 
the Sandinista revolution).  Even in revolutions that failed,
like the french, were the old system was swiftly restored by
Napoleon, the power of the old regime was fatally undermined.

The outcome of the recent revolutions in Somalia and Ethiopia may 
be piss poor by Western standards, but compared to the rest of 
Africa they are pretty good, and compared to the previous 
regimes, they are wonderful. 

 James A. Donald

RE: The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-08-31 Thread jamesd

> > Many people however believe that we [read: our government(s)]
> > are in a downward spiral that is converging on
> > police-and-welfare-state.  In the US for example, we long ago
> > abandoned our constitution.  We still give it much lip
> > service and we still have one of the "more free" societies
> > but things are trending in the wrong direction.
> >
> > Each year more oppressive laws are passed, more things are
> > made illegal to say or write or - if some have their way -
> > think.  (And of course it goes without saying that these
> > things that are prohibited to us are available to "authorized
> > users": those in intelligence, law enforcement, etc. - the
> > usual "more equal" individuals.)

On 28 Aug 2001, at 10:42, Aimee Farr wrote:
> I might understand this better than you think.

No you do not.  You suggest we should not only obey all
legislation that currently exists, but also legislation that does
not currently exist, but that might be deemed to exist through
failure of a judge to be amused, or legislation that might soon

This is of course completely impossible.  Everyone has committed
many serious crimes, often felonies, usually without ever being
aware of it.  I have committed hundreds of major felonies that
could in theory give me many centuries of jail time, without ever
doing anything dishonest, or doing anything particularly unusual
for a respectable middle class person.  Most companies I have
worked for have knowingly committed many serious illegalities.
My current company is making an honest effort to comply with all
relevant legislation, but this effort appears to me ridiculous
and doomed, since no one can really figure out what, if anything,
the legislation we are attempting to comply with means, and what
constitutes compliance. 

 James A. Donald

RE: Jim Bell sentenced to 10 years in prison

2001-08-31 Thread jamesd

On 29 Aug 2001, at 14:25, Faustine wrote:
> Which reminds me, I don't know why people here seem to think 
> that any sort of "deception operation" would come from people 
> who show up using nyms to express unpopular opinions. (e.g. 
> "you said something I don't want to hear; threfore its FUD and 
> you're a fed.") On the contrary, a really first-rate deception 
> job would probably involve having someone post under their own 
> name and acting in apparent good faith for years, only 
> introducing the deceptive elements gradually, after they've had 
> ample time to "overtly prove themselves trustworthy"

You overestimate the subtlety and sophistication of the feds. 
Whether Aimee is a fed or not, her quite genuine ignorance made 
her incapable of knowing what views sounded cypherpunkish, and 
what views sounded violently anti cypherpunkish.  If she is a 
fed, she probably also goes around buying crack and pretending to 
be a thirteen year old interested in sex talk.  And if the feds 
were to assign a fed to our list, that is the kind of fed they 
would assign.  That is all they have. 

When the feds were infiltrating the militias, their agents stuck
out like dogs balls. 

 James A. Donald

Re: The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-08-31 Thread jamesd

On 28 Aug 2001, at 23:00, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> The objection was raised, yes, it is moral, but is it
> profitable? There are not many communist-opposed freedom
> fighters around today, not much money to be made there.

Most regimes on President Bush's shit list have an insurrection
going against them.

Most regimes with an insurrection going against them are on
somebody's shit list. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Fwd: Re: Tim May and anonymous flames.

2001-08-31 Thread jamesd

On 29 Aug 2001, at 16:40, Gary Jeffers wrote:

> My fellow Cypherpunks,
>Some time ago Tim May flamed me and I responded with the
> Tim May goes bush shooting. 
> sg00388.html
> Note: The 3rd reference was bad. The corrected reference is: 
> sg00167.html
>This has gotten me thinking and I have the following
> observations and conjectures:
> 1. It is predictable that Tim May will be flammed. The FBI has
> a
>   history of covertly sowing internal dissent in dissident
>   groups. As a leading Cypherpunk, May is an obvious target.
> 2. Anonymous flames are dirt cheap and safe for the FBI.
> 3. The FBI will do them well. By definition, the flames will be
>   professional :-)
> 4. The flames will be worded so as to distress the target.
> 5. The flames will be seeded with clues to imply that a
> particular
>   Cypherpunk did them: distinctive syntax, mispellings,
>   phrases,
> etc..
>   This will help make the group ineffective.
> 6. Other leading Cypherpunks will also be targeted.
> 7. The anonymous flames will be hard to falsify in their
> pointing
>   to a particular Cypherpunk.

Again, the masterly brilliant feds.  :-)

Not bloody likely. 

 James A. Donald

Re: News: "U.S. May Help Chinese Evade Net Censorship"

2001-08-31 Thread jamesd

On 30 Aug 2001, at 14:52, Faustine wrote:
> And as long as you have companies like ZeroKnowledge who are  
> willing/gullible/greedy/just plain fucking stupid enough to 
> sell their betas to the NSA, you never will.

There is nothing wrong with selling betas to the NSA.  I make my 
crypto source code available to the NSA, and to everyone else.  
Everyone should do this.  Anyone that fails to do that is up to
no good. 

 James A. Donald

Re: News: "U.S. May Help Chinese Evade Net Censorship"

2001-08-31 Thread jamesd

On 30 Aug 2001, at 14:41, Faustine wrote:
> Of course it has a trap door, that's probably the whole point 
> of getting it over there in the first place. And by the way, if 
> you're going to question SafeWeb for cooperating with CIA, you 
> might as well criticize ZeroKnowledge for selling a boatload of 
> the Freedom beta to the NSA in 1999 as well. What did they 
> think they wanted it for, farting around on Usenet? I bet they 
> had that sucker reverse-engineered and compromised in two 
> minutes flat. Stands to reason.

 I think it most unlikely that they could compromise rot-13 in
two minutes flat, and as for reverse engineering, any decent 
crypto system makes its engineering publicly available, so that 
reverse engineering is quite unnecessary.  No one should ever use 
a system that has to be reverse engineered. 

 James A. Donald

Re: The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-08-31 Thread jamesd

James A. Donald:
> > (the Russian communist revolution was not a revolution, but
> > merely a coup by a little conspiracy.  Same for the
> > Sandinista revolution).

> I'm curious how you draw the line?  I.e., what defines a
> genuine revolution as opposed to a "mere" coup?

A revolution involves mass participation, and widespread
spontaneous defiance of state authority.  A coup involves a tiny
little secretive conspiracy.   A coup is announced, a revolution
experienced.  Few proletarians in Russia had heard of the
communists, until they learnt they were the government.  There
was a real revolution in Russia, but many people felt the
revolution had failed, since the new government was still trying
to prosecute the war, and was still dominated by the rather small
group that had been dominant under the Tzar.  Then there was a
coup by an even smaller group against this new regime. 

 James A. Donald

RE: Jim Bell sentenced to 10 years in prison

2001-08-31 Thread jamesd

> > Whether Aimee is a fed or not, her quite genuine ignorance 
> > made her incapable of knowing what views sounded 
> > cypherpunkish, and what views sounded violently anti 
> > cypherpunkish.  If she is a fed, she probably also goes 
> > around buying crack and pretending to  be a thirteen year old 
> > interested in sex talk.  And if the feds were to assign a fed 
> > to our list, that is the kind of fed they would assign.  That 
> > is all they have.

On 31 Aug 2001, at 15:21, Faustine wrote:
> Bah, it's dangerous to be so sure. And all the fevered talk 
> about Aimee being a fed is hysterical.

Feds tend to stick out in the same way she does.  That does not 
prove she is a fed of course, it is not even particularly good 
evidence that she is a fed, but there are feds on this list.

> Haven't you ever gone to a usenet group and baited people just 
> for the hell of it because you were bored?

She does not know enough about us to bait us correctly -- she 
also issues appeasing win-their-confidence stuff, and it is the 
wrong stuff.  That incompetent buttering up very fed like 
behavior.  Someone who does not know enough to issue the right 
win-their-confidence stuff usually does not care enough to issue 
win-their-confidence stuff.  Of course it could be she is merely 
incompetently trying to douse the flames she has incompetently 
raised.  The distinctive characteristic of an undercover fed is
that they are pretending to be someone they are not, and doing it
badly, confused about what their role is, and uninformed of how
real people in that role act -- for example her recent flame
againt ZKS.  Real people who are really concerned about the
security of ZKS, and really hate and fear the NSA, do not talk
like that.

Now quite possibly she is just upset by getting continually 
flamed, and is just putting on a rather bad act to persuade us 
she is on our side.  But putting on a rather bad act is also 
something feds do.  Incompetent acting is does not mean one is a 
fed, but if one is a fed, it means one acts incompetently. 

 James A. Donald

Re: || How Home-Schooling Harms the Nation

2001-09-01 Thread jamesd

On 31 Aug 2001, at 11:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> First, you depend more than you think on government actions for 
> essentials even though they have private brand labels.
> Second, why do you think that when someone is a government
> employee they are automatically inferior to everyone in the
> private sector? That's irrational.

If someone in the private sector fails to please the customer, he
does not get any money.  If someone in the government sector
fails to please the customer, tough luck for the customer.  If
the customer tries to do anything about it, he has the customer
beaten up.

Unsurprisingly, you get better service and products from the
private sector.

 James A. Donald

Re: cryptosocialismo

2001-09-02 Thread jamesd

On 2 Sep 2001, at 8:37, mattd wrote:
> cryptoanarchy aka cryptocapitalism seems to be in crisis.Should 
> the hardcore libertarian individualist tap into a new source of 
> fire?During the spanish civil war/revolution,in anarchist 
> controlled areas,individuals were free to cultivate individual 
> lots and some did.After a while most drifted to the collectives

That story commie fiction, and also completely irrelevant.If 
anyone wants a rerun of the debate about the failure of anarcho 
socialism, look up  

 James A. Donald

Re: The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-09-02 Thread jamesd

James A. Donald:--
James A. Donald:
> > Hitler won an election.  Elections are not revolutions.

Jim Choate
> The election alone didn't make him Fuhrer

The fact that a majority voted for totalitarianism and plurality
voted for Hitler did make him fuhrer.

And regardless of what made him Fuhrer, it was not a revolution. 

 James A. Donald

RE: Jim Bell sentenced to 10 years in prison

2001-09-02 Thread jamesd

On 1 Sep 2001, at 16:12, Faustine wrote:
> All I'm saying is that if the feds are doing their job well,
> they won't stick out at all. Smells like a witch hunt.

Fortunately government employees seldom do their jobs well. 

 James A. Donald

Re: The Privacy/Untraceability Sweet Spot

2001-09-02 Thread jamesd

James A. Donald:
> > And regardless of what made him Fuhrer, it was not a
> > revolution.

Jim Choate:
> It wasn't? They passed a law moving all the presidents power to
> Hitler against the constitution.

"They passed a law" is not a revolution, even if the law was
unconstitutional, and it was far more plausibly constitutional
than many recent acts of congress and recent supreme court

 James A. Donald

Re: More (Was Re: Naughty Journal Author Denied Plea Change)

2001-09-10 Thread jamesd

On 9 Sep 2001, at 17:35, Matthew Gaylor wrote:
> If Brian Dalton hopes to have his conviction for pandering 
> obscenity thrown out, his new attorneys will have to prove he 
> received poor legal counsel. But the attorney who represented 
> Dalton said that wasn't the case. "With all the facts that I 
> know, I believe he was effectively represented,'' said Isabella 
> Dixon, Dalton's original attorney.

If your lawyer advises you to plead guilty without a plea bargain
in place with a known penalty. or the charge bargained down to
something with a small maximum penalty, that advice is so bad as
suggest some conflict of interest or impropriety on the part of
lawyer giving the advice.  One would expect such advice from a
court appointed lawyer who is taking his orders from the
prosecution.  Even if you are guilty as hell and they will have
no difficulty proving it, you can bargain something out of them
by threatening to put them to the trouble of actually proving it.

Even if what Isabella Dixon says was true, it would still be a
shocking impropriety for her to say it, since she is trying to
influence the case in the direction of keeping her client in
jail.  The very fact that she is saying it suggests that it is
not true.

 James A. Donald

RE: Manhattan Mid-Afternoon

2001-09-13 Thread jamesd

On 12 Sep 2001, at 14:59, Trei, Peter wrote:
> I sincerely hope that the remaining perpetrators of this 
> atrocity are found and punished, but entertain no illusions 
> that doing so will prevent future attacks. That can only come 
> from a shift of US government attitude from "I've got the 
> biggest stick", to one of non-interference.

If it turns out that some of the terrorists were people who were 
beaten up a few times too many by Israeli soldiers, then the US 
government's only effectual remedy is to stop its alliance with 

If, however, it turns out that all the terrorists were from some 
countries that are unfree, poor and miserable, and are outraged
by the fact that we are free, rich and happy, and blame us,
rather than themselves, for their poverty and misery, then the
only way to appease them would be to become unfree and poor.  I
would rather toast the entire third world, than make such a

 James A. Donald

RE: Cypherpunks and terrorism

2001-09-13 Thread jamesd

On 12 Sep 2001, at 18:00, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> Maybe our own policies and beliefs have turned against us, to
> our detriment.  There have been a number of reports that bin
> Laden uses cryptography and even steganography tools.  This
> could still have a significant crypto connection.

Obviously this catastrophe could not have taken place without the
unauthorized use of paper.   Paper allows people to communicate
dangerous ideas and secret messages.

With paper, anyone can communicate to large numbers of people at
once, even if they are not properly authorized or in authority.

The solution is clear.  Paper must be a government monopoly .
Paper should only be used for government forms and official
government statements. 

 James A. Donald

Re: MARTIAL LAW Cypherpunks and terrorism

2001-09-14 Thread jamesd

Dr. Joe Baptista
> They are the symbols of a struggle that has been going on 
> for many years.  A struggle against oppression and planned 
> genocide in which the United States has been a significant 
> contributor and supporter.  i.e. Israel's oppression of the 
> palestinians, i.e. south africa, i.e. east timor etc. etc. 
> etc.
> Arabs are by default very nobel, trustworthy and honourable 
> people.  But they are not cows.  They will not bow their 
> heads as their civilization is brutalized and raped.  They 
> will fight back with the vengence that is the holy jihad

You might have a point if some of the terrorists actually had 
been brutalized -- if for example some of them were 
palestinians that had been roughed up by Israeli soldiers.

They were not.

This was not an attack on America for any specific things the 
American government has done -- it is an an attack on 
Americans for being being free and rich, while arabs have 
inflicted slavery and poverty on themselves, an attack on 
Amercans for being American.

When two hundred US soldiers were blown up for meddling in  
Lebanon, the US government go out of Lebanon.  The US public 
is not going to stop being American, and will kill as many 
arabs as is needed to ensure that they are allowed to be the 
people that they are.  If modest violence suffices, modest 
violence will be used.  If modest violence does not suffice, 
the process will continue till no arabs remain.  

 James A. Donald

Re: A Brevital Moment (was..Ignore Aimee Farr)

2001-09-14 Thread jamesd

On 13 Sep 2001, at 20:26, Aimee Farr wrote:
> My post was not "bait." The reason we have anything left of
> the amendments so frequently talked about in here is due to
> the independence of the judiciary. While you can question
> aforesaid independence, threatening the judiciary is beyond
> the pale.

I have not seen any threats on this list to judges except your own.

 James A. Donald

Re: "Attack on America" - a Personal Response (fwd)

2001-09-14 Thread jamesd

On 14 Sep 2001, at 0:27, Riad S. Wahby wrote:
> The labels "act of terrorism" and "act of war" are mutually 
> exclusive. The former is by definition perpetrated by a 
> non-governmental grou The claims by Dubya et al to the 
> contrary are incoherent politibabble.

Nonsense.  The words "terror" and "terrorism" came to have 
their modern meaning  when they employed to describe the 
policies of the government of France, and later the policies 
of the Paris Commune.

"Terrorism" is something that governments do.  Later the word
came to be extended by as hyperbole to the large scale violent
acts of private organizations and individuals.

 James A. Donald

Re: "Ending States That Support Terrorism"

2001-09-14 Thread jamesd

On 13 Sep 2001, at 20:01, Alfred Qeada wrote:
> They're [Pakistan] also looking to curry favor, and
> distance India.  They're nuclear; you have to give them
> respect

They were not getting any respect.  Their nuclear status
could be reversed.

 James A. Donald

Re: New FAA measures likely to fail as well

2001-09-13 Thread jamesd

On 12 Sep 2001, at 19:24, Steve Schear wrote:
> The knife ban won't work against anyone with even a smidgen of
> metal detector knowledge.  Anyone can purchase a razor sharp
> ceramic knife like this one 
> com/9126.html+ceramic+knife&hl=en

Better still, this lovely little ceramic knife is street legal
in California.  Get one now!

The only solution is to do what many other nations have
successfully done.  Arm the crew and tell them to stop any
hijacking by whatever means it takes.

Against a disarmed crew under orders to cooperate, any weapon
will be sufficient.  Against an armed crew under orders to die
fighting, no weapon will be sufficient. 

 James A. Donald

Re: The Enemies List

2001-09-15 Thread jamesd

On 14 Sep 2001, at 18:40, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> Chefren - On behalf of the civilized readers of the
> cypherpunks list, please accept our apology for the implied
> threats of violence against you by Tim May.  He is by no
> means representative of the larger readership. He is alone
> in calling for the death of those who hold views different 
> from his own.

I, like Tim May, call for the death of those who violate our
rights, who attempt to destroy our liberty, those within
America, and those outside it.  So would almost all of us, if
it were not that you damn cops would use fragments of our
words out of context.  If there is no chorus endorsing Tim,
it is because of well founded fear that it is dangerous in
America to speak certain views. 

 James A. Donald

Re: MARTIAL LAW Cypherpunks and terrorism

2001-09-15 Thread jamesd

On 14 Sep 2001, at 10:57, !Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
> James - I find your statements incredible.  America is
> being attacked for being rich and free?  I don't think so
> If these people are arabs - and i still don't have any
> proof of that - then we can assume they blew up the WTC in
> protest of americas support of terror and antidemocratic
> institutions - i.e. the palestinian israel problems.

Those terrorists origins that have been reported so far come
from parts of the arab world that are very far away from
Israel -- and also far away from the oil.

> Don't forget James - if in fact Bin Landen is involved in
> this then the facts remain that the US Government sponsored
> and assisted him during the Russian occupation of
> afganistan.

No the US government did not, though it surely would have had
he showed any concern about Afghanistan earlier.  Bin Laden
was entirely untroubled by godless communists conquering,
ruling, and terrorizing a muslim country.   Bin Laden and the
Taliban showed their faces long after the real holy warriors,
people who do not make holy war on women and children, had
sent the commies packing.

Bin Laden hates freedom, the freedom which leads to the US
culturally dominating the middle east.  He does not worry
much about foreign military domination.  The Soviet Union was
a mere military threat, which did not endanger the souls of
muslims, only their freedom and property. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Crypto-anonymity greases HUMINT intelligence flows

2001-09-15 Thread jamesd

On 14 Sep 2001, at 11:10, Aimee Farr wrote:
> I don't know why Tim makes me out to be such a bitch. I'm
> pro-crypto and pro-privacy.

You are pretending, not very well, to be someone you are not.

As to whether the real you is a government provocateur, I
have no idea.  But the real you is not this persona "Aimee",
nor does it have the beliefs to which "Aimee" pretends.  You
are also making an effort to conceal your writing style, or
writing in a style that is not natural to you.

 James A. Donald

RE: A Brevital Moment (was..Ignore Aimee Farr)

2001-09-15 Thread jamesd

On 14 Sep 2001, at 16:25, Trei, Peter wrote:
> I haven't paid enough attention to AF to be able to form an
> opinion as to whether she's threatened anyone.

She did not say "I am going to kill a judge".  She did
however say that somone else was going to kill a judge.   She
and Nomen are trying to bring about a RICO conversation.

Whether they are doing this out of a sinister government
plot, or because they are stupid assholes, I do not know.  Of
course the internet has a considerably larger supply of
stupid assholes than government agents.

 James A. Donald

Re: Imagining the Next War: Infrastructural Warfare and the Conditions of Democracy

2001-09-15 Thread jamesd

On 14 Sep 2001, at 20:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> War is the health of the State.

Terrorism is a good pretext for taking away our rights.

A war to destroy terrorist regimes is a less good pretext, 
and if it succeeds, will remove one pretext.   The end of the 
war will also spark a demand for a return to normality, 
similar to the anti socialist wave we saw in many english 
speaking countries at the end of World War II.  Socialism, 
introduced under the pretext of war, was discredited by its 
association with the privation and authoritarianism of war.

> War in the old conception was temporary: the idea was 
> explicitly that the state of war would end, and that the 
> normal rules of democracy would resume once their 
> conditions had been reestablished.

What George Bush is promising, truthfully or untruthfully, is 
just such a war.  A war where the good guys storm into the 
bad guy's presidential palace, and then come home to a 
victory parade, where upon everything returns to normal.

All wars are bad for freedom, but the war that George Bush 
promises is far less bad for freedom than unending terrorism.

Of course the previous Bush promised "read my lips, no new

 James A. Donald

Re: "bespectacled, nerdly remailer operators"

2001-09-15 Thread jamesd

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> > Right, ninja troops carrying away bespectacled, nerdly remailer
> > operators. Here's a better fantasy.  They'll hire $1000/night
> > superhookers and seduce the remailer operators into giving up their
> > keys.  Both have about equal chances of reality.

On 14 Sep 2001, at 23:30, Anonymous wrote:
> Pictures of three of these bespectacled, nerdly remailer operators:

By and large, ninja style raids on remailer operators might be a poor idea.  I suggest 
that Aimee's friends should try to obtain and present a search warrant first.

 James A. Donald

RE: Crypto-anonymity greases HUMINT intelligence flows

2001-09-16 Thread jamesd

Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> > Nonsense.  Targeting innocents is evil according to EVERY
> > human culture. The fact that people do it, does not make
> > it "relative."  It just makes them evil.  Period.

On 15 Sep 2001, at 15:04, Incognito Innominatus wrote:
> Not according to Tim May.  He was the one who wrote that he
> was becoming convinced that Tim McVeigh had done the right
> thing.  "Some innocents died, but hey, war is hell.  Broken
> eggs and all that."  Those are his exact words, May 9,
> 1997.  He's also the one that has called for the burning of
> millions of innocents by nuclear fire.]]

 McVeigh did not target innocents.  He targeted evil people,
and innocents were in the way.

 James A. Donald

RE: Crypto-anonymity greases HUMINT intelligence flows

2001-09-16 Thread jamesd

On 15 Sep 2001, at 13:13, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
> My point is that such an attack could occur with nothing
> more than economic factors as motivation.

But they do not.

Terrorism is a public good, hence cannot be provided
efficiently by the free market. 

 James A. Donald

Re: "bespectacled, nerdly remailer operators"

2001-09-16 Thread jamesd

On 14 Sep 2001, at 23:30, Anonymous wrote:
> > > Pictures of three of these bespectacled, nerdly
> > > remailer operators:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > >

James A. Donald:
> > By and large, ninja style raids on remailer operators
> > might be a poor idea.  I suggest that Aimee's friends
> > should try to obtain and present a search warrant first.

Meyer Wolfsheim:
> Obtaining a search warrant will be easy. If you're
> creative, you can imagine a ninja style raid as a method of
> presentation.

I suspect if Aimee is sent on such a raid she will suggest an
alternate method of presentation.

> As for Jon Callas's point on the second page, the fact that
> the Reichstag fire was started by the Nazis, and the WTC
> attacks were (ostensibly) perpetrated by foreign
> terrorists,


This sounds rather like Chomsky announcing "We do not pretend
to know where the truth lies amidst these sharply conflicting

> Anyone expressing anything but war-hoc statements today or
> dissenting with the government's anti-terrorism measures
> risks being labeled as an enemy of the state.

Bush's claim, which I agree with, was that this was not
merely an attack on America, but an attack on freedom.
Overtly repressive anti terrorism measures mean going off
message, conflicting with the administrations big priority of
maintaining readiness for large scale war over a period of

 James A. Donald

Re: [havenco-discuss] Re: [Announce] HavenCo Sealand Remailer Online

2001-09-17 Thread jamesd

On 17 Sep 2001, at 7:54, Dr. Evil wrote:
> Yes, there are no "sustainable" non-tracable remote payment
> systems in existence, and it's almost impossible for such a
> system to exist. Why?  There are many reasons.  One of the
> most obvious ones is that it would be so disruptive to the
> activities of so many very powerful institutions (tax
> collectors and law enforcement mainly) that they will shut
> it down, where ever it may be, as soon as it gets big
> enough to be on their radar.  Staying small enough to be
> under the radar is also not a sustainable strategy

A sensible strategy is to set one up, stay small
(micropayments) until the momentum starts building, then move
to some place that still permits bearer bonds -- Antigua or

If they try to close you down in the micropayment stage, the
judge, being unfamiliar with crypto anarchist theory, is
likely to microfine you.  The law is not concerned with

>  The more fundamental reason why an
> untracable payment system is unsustainable is that it will
> be used to pay for things which society (including all of
> us on the c'punks list probably) abhors, such as
> non-state-sanctioned murder-for-hire, and eventually the
> operator will be found and put out of business one way or
> another.

By this argument we should have abolished cash already. 

 James A. Donald

Re: [havenco-discuss] Re: [Announce] HavenCo Sealand Remailer Online

2001-09-17 Thread jamesd

On 17 Sep 2001, at 10:30, Ryan Lackey wrote:
> I'm not sure if I buy that remailers are even going to have
> serious problems in the future.  I see two approaches:
> 1) The aforementioned ecash-based system.  We don't have a
> problem getting people to smuggle drugs, because people in
> the drug game get lots of money, women, cars, etc.  I
> wonder how many drug dealers would do it just for "moral
> goodness" (actually, a lot of last-stage dealers do that,
> just buying for their friends and distributing, which 
> obviously doesn't work for remailers;

Works fine for remailers.  If you need to use a remailer, run
one.  You know that at least one remailer in the network is
OK, guaranteeing that your messages will be really

> I don't think we'll have to wait long for this kind of
> theorizing on anonymous communications and prosecution to
> no longer be merely academic.

Closing down remailers right now would involve going off
message.  They might however go off message if the war is
nearly won, or nearly lost.

If the war is nearly lost, we can expect a claim that "we
were stabbed in the back", followed by a focus on the
internal enemy. 

 James A. Donald


2001-09-16 Thread jamesd

On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> > As were buildings above 5 stories in ancient Rome.
> > Technology moves on. The question is not, "Can 250-story
> > buildings be made safe?"  The only question is "How can
> > they be made safe?"

Eugene Leitl
> The question is: why should we bother?

For the hell of it.  Because we can. 

 James A. Donald


2001-09-16 Thread jamesd

On 16 Sep 2001, at 12:16, John Young wrote:
> Yes, Sandy, how do you do that? Sincerely, I'm not being a
> wiseass. Some building types have disappeared over time due
> to understanding that they don't work any more. Glorious
> buildings that once were once seen as absolutely the best
> ever. Forts, for example. Gothic cathedrals that failed 
> after exceeding the limits of stone construction.

Every time a Gothic cathedral fell down they learnt something
and built the next one bigger.  I do not think they stopped
building bigger because they reached the limits of stone, but
because of economic and cultural decline 

 James A. Donald

Re: Burning airlines give you so much more

2001-09-16 Thread jamesd

On 16 Sep 2001, at 11:16, Subcommander Bob wrote:
> Make religion illegal, lots of stupid problems disappear.

Been tried.  Did not work.

 James A. Donald

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