Re: cration d'un pseudo-paquet pour le BTS

2003-07-08 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Pierre Machard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Avec d'autres traducteurs, nous pensons qu'utiliser les paquets binaires
 pour les traductions des templates est foireux. En effet, si l'on veut
 conserver toutes les informations, il faut utiliser les paquets sources
 pour travailler sur ces « template » debconf.

SI tu cherches de belles illustrations des défauts qu'il y a à
utiliser les paquets binaires, prends le paquet source dotfile...

Je viens, à l'instigation de Denis, de me pencher sur de vieux vieux
bogues de traduction de dotfile-fvwm1 (paquets BINAIRES).

Le mainteneur a, pour dotfile, une gestion assez spéciale de la
construction des templates debconf : il en crée un par paquet binaire,
mais à la volée, dans son debian/rules, car ils sont tous similaires.

Résultat, si on traduit les templates des dotfile-* (paquets
binaires), on fait un boulot inutile. C'est ce genre de boulot inutile
qu'il y a dans les bogues  105214 105216 105217 105218 136586
136588-91 106022-25 .

Voir mon BR 200115.

quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Cyrille Chepelov
Salut la liste,

je viens de mettre à jour spamassassin, et oh! quelle horreur, je découvre

 Début des résultats de SpamAssassin -
Ce mél est sans doute du spam. Le message original a été modifié afin
de vous permettre, plus tard, d'identifier ou de bloquer de tels méls
non désirés. Pour plus d'information

sans vouloir remettre en cause l'excellent travail des équipes de
traduction, quel serait le meilleur nom pour une locale fr* qui corrige les
aberrations de notre brave (mais pas toujours inspirée en matière 
d'informatique) Académie ? L'idée n'est évidemment pas de faire concurrence
à fr_FR, mais juste de la compléter là où c'est vraiment trop moche (je
pense à simplement la regénérer à partir de fr_FR en appliquant quelques
règles sed, de type s/mél/mail/ et s/cédérom/CD-ROM/ ). [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

(si c'était moi qui avait choisi, quitte à orthographier à la française à
tout prix, j'aurais orthographié ça mayle et gardé les sigles tels quels, 
mais bon).



Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread LAMBERT Olivier URS TOULOUSE
Le Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 11:34:44AM +0200, Cyrille Chepelov prit son clavier 
pour nous commenter que :
 Salut la liste,


  Début des résultats de SpamAssassin -
 Ce mél est sans doute du spam. Le message original a été modifié afin


 sans vouloir remettre en cause l'excellent travail des équipes de
 traduction, quel serait le meilleur nom pour une locale fr* qui corrige les
 aberrations de notre brave (mais pas toujours inspirée en matière 
 d'informatique) Académie ? L'idée n'est évidemment pas de faire concurrence
 à fr_FR, mais juste de la compléter là où c'est vraiment trop moche (je
 pense à simplement la regénérer à partir de fr_FR en appliquant quelques
 règles sed, de type s/mél/mail/ et s/cédérom/CD-ROM/ ). [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

Tiens, on va encore se faire remarquer en posant une exception
culturelle... :)

Je pense que ca vaut la peine de mettre en place la discution aussi
sur i18n et/ou l10n-french, car j'ai vu dans les archives que la
question n'avait pas été soulevée...

De plus, ceci pourrait avoir une portée qui dépasse Debain, car on
pourrait aussi voulir profiter de ces fonctionnalités sur d'autres
systèmes/distribs... - besoin de standards.

Perso, je pense que ca peut être intéressant de séparer un francais
propre et les disgretions, ce qui permet au personnes de l'i10n de
ne plus avoir à se poser la question officiel ou usuel...

pour ma part, j'ai choisi mél pour la traduction du coeur de Bugzilla,
mais bon...

 (si c'était moi qui avait choisi, quitte à orthographier à la française à
 tout prix, j'aurais orthographié ça mayle et gardé les sigles tels quels, 
 mais bon).

Loupé !

Je soupçonne Cyrille d'être un Langue d'oïlien... :)

Chez nous, dans le sud, Mayle se prononce maïle, avec le y bien tiré...
et certains mettent même un accent sur le e final...
Comme quoi, les choix de l'académie ne sont pas toujours si


Description: PGP signature

Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Patrice Karatchentzeff
Cyrille Chepelov écrivait :
  Salut la liste,
  je viens de mettre à jour spamassassin, et oh! quelle horreur, je découvre
   Début des résultats de SpamAssassin -
  Ce mél est sans doute du spam. Le message original a été modifié afin
  de vous permettre, plus tard, d'identifier ou de bloquer de tels méls
  non désirés. Pour plus d'information
  sans vouloir remettre en cause l'excellent travail des équipes de
  traduction, quel serait le meilleur nom pour une locale fr* qui corrige les
  aberrations de notre brave (mais pas toujours inspirée en matière 
  d'informatique) Académie ? L'idée n'est évidemment pas de faire concurrence
  à fr_FR, mais juste de la compléter là où c'est vraiment trop moche (je
  pense à simplement la regénérer à partir de fr_FR en appliquant quelques
  règles sed, de type s/mél/mail/ et s/cédérom/CD-ROM/ ). [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

Il faudra bien t'habituer à lire du français en informatique...

Si tu y es totalement allergique, il te suffit de placer ta locale à

Sinon, bien malgré toi, tu viens de signaler un joli bogue de
traduction : « mail » ne se traduit pas par « mél » mais par courriel
ou bien courrier électronique. mél. n'est à utiliser que de la même
façon que tél., c'est-à-dire avec un le point final et devant une
adresse électronique, comme tél. s'emploie devant un numéro de

Voir la FAQ de fllf pour les curieux.


  |\  _,,,---,,_   Patrice KARATCHENTZEFF
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)   

Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Cyrille Chepelov ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Salut la liste,
 je viens de mettre à jour spamassassin, et oh! quelle horreur, je découvre
  Début des résultats de SpamAssassin -
 Ce mél est sans doute du spam. Le message original a été modifié afin
 de vous permettre, plus tard, d'identifier ou de bloquer de tels méls
 non désirés. Pour plus d'information
 sans vouloir remettre en cause l'excellent travail des équipes de
 traduction, quel serait le meilleur nom pour une locale fr* qui corrige les

Pour ma part, je serais tenté de lever un bogue sur spamassassin (qui
va remonter traduction est ici faite en amont).

Dans les traductions Debian, nous utilisons le plus souvent courrier
pour mail (on ne met même pas électronique car il est en général
évident qu'on ne cause pas de courrier papier)

Certains ont mit courriel mais, bon...on aime ou on n'aime pas, hein
(je n'aime pas).

Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Cyrille Chepelov
Le Tue, Jul 08, 2003, à 12:21:33PM +0200, LAMBERT Olivier URS TOULOUSE a écrit:

  (si c'était moi qui avait choisi, quitte à orthographier à la française à
  tout prix, j'aurais orthographié ça mayle et gardé les sigles tels quels, 
  mais bon).
 Loupé !
 Je soupçonne Cyrille d'être un Langue d'oïlien... :)

caramba, encore raté :-) une belle correction bien méritée.

bon, on va pas ressortir le vieux débat (du XVIe siècle) entre les partisans
de l'orthographe historique et ceux de l'orthographe phonétique (qui ont
perdu parce que les Parisiens et les Lyonnais ne pouvaient pas
s'entendre)... j'utilise mail de façon indécrottable de toutes façons (au
moins aussi longtemps que l'Education Nationale ne sera pas capable de faire
faire la différence entre participe passer^H^Hé et infinitif à 80% de la
population bachelière, na!)

cela dit, le point principal reste: qu'est-il préférable de faire quand on
souhaite installer sur sa machine une locale légèrement mais pas trop
différente du standard.



Description: PGP signature

Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Cyrille Chepelov
Le Tue, Jul 08, 2003, à 12:41:45PM +0200, Christian Perrier a écrit:
 Pour ma part, je serais tenté de lever un bogue sur spamassassin (qui
 va remonter traduction est ici faite en amont).
 Dans les traductions Debian, nous utilisons le plus souvent courrier
 pour mail (on ne met même pas électronique car il est en général
 évident qu'on ne cause pas de courrier papier)

y'a deux ou trois autres détails qui me gênent dans la traduction de SA, si
personne ne me coiffe au poteau, j'enverrai un patch collectif (en suivant
ton conseil).

Courriel non plus, j'aime pas trop, mais ça ne me choque pas trop non plus
(ça manque de contraste avec courrier à mon goût, alors soit on fait la
différence clairement, soit on se rattrape au contexte, mais courriel a le
c*l entre deux chaises AMHA).



Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Martin Quinson
Juste pour repondre au titre, ca serait geek_FR, c'est a dire le geek tel
qu'on le parle en france. Si l'iso 639 etait a jour, ca pourrait etre

On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 11:34:44AM +0200, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
 Salut la liste,
 je viens de mettre à jour spamassassin, et oh! quelle horreur, je découvre
  Début des résultats de SpamAssassin -
 Ce mél est sans doute du spam. Le message original a été modifié afin
 de vous permettre, plus tard, d'identifier ou de bloquer de tels méls
 non désirés. Pour plus d'information
 sans vouloir remettre en cause l'excellent travail des équipes de
 traduction, quel serait le meilleur nom pour une locale fr* qui corrige les
 aberrations de notre brave (mais pas toujours inspirée en matière 
 d'informatique) Académie ? L'idée n'est évidemment pas de faire concurrence
 à fr_FR, mais juste de la compléter là où c'est vraiment trop moche (je
 pense à simplement la regénérer à partir de fr_FR en appliquant quelques
 règles sed, de type s/mél/mail/ et s/cédérom/CD-ROM/ ). [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

Fait plutot un grep sur mél et ouvre des rapports de bogues. C'est une
abbreviation qu'a rien a faire dans une phrase. Je suis assez d'accord avec
toi sur CD-ROM, mais on est en minorite sur dlf a penser ca...

Quant a [EMAIL PROTECTED], ca serait plutot le resultat du bon francais
ecrit avec des caracteres geeks. Du style le resultat du programme eleet. Ce
qui donne pour le texte que tu propose:

c3 mél 35t 54n5 d0ut3 du 5p4m. l3 m3554g3 0r1g1n4l 4 été m0d1f1é 4f1n
d3 v0u5 p3rm3ttr3, plu5 t4rd, d'1d3nt1f13r 0u d3 bl0qu3r d3 t3l5 mél5

(tres rigolos les programmes du paquet filters)

Bon, on rigole, on rigole, mais tu l'as ouvert, ce rapport de bogue, ou faut
qu'on s'en charge ?

Bye, Mt.

Dans un pays d'extrême droite, On y parle beaucoup de Dieu, parce que ça
fait longtemps, qu'il a quitté les lieux.
   -- Frères misère

Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Martin Quinson
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:44:23PM +0200, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
 Le Tue, Jul 08, 2003, à 12:41:45PM +0200, Christian Perrier a écrit:
  Pour ma part, je serais tenté de lever un bogue sur spamassassin (qui
  va remonter traduction est ici faite en amont).
  Dans les traductions Debian, nous utilisons le plus souvent courrier
  pour mail (on ne met même pas électronique car il est en général
  évident qu'on ne cause pas de courrier papier)
 y'a deux ou trois autres détails qui me gênent dans la traduction de SA, si
 personne ne me coiffe au poteau, j'enverrai un patch collectif (en suivant
 ton conseil).

Cool, bonne nouvelle. Peut etre que tu peux rapporter le probleme en amont
directement, en court-circuitant le BTS debian...

 Courriel non plus, j'aime pas trop, mais ça ne me choque pas trop non plus
 (ça manque de contraste avec courrier à mon goût, alors soit on fait la
 différence clairement, soit on se rattrape au contexte, mais courriel a le
 c*l entre deux chaises AMHA).

Il a l'avantage d'avoir la meme etymologie qu'email : contraction de
courrier electronique. Ca me choquait aussi au debut, mais a l'usage, ca
passe bien dans les phrases, et tout le monde comprend de quoi tu parles
(qualite rare pour un neologisme).

Mes deux centimes, Mt.

J'admets que ces nouvelles technologies nous ouvrent d'autres perspectives,
mais je refuse que cela soit au détriment des possibilités anciennes comme
le livre. L'interaction ne doit pas être le tout de la communication. Car,
si elle le devenait, nous ne communiquerions plus qu'entre vivants, ce qui
serait barbare.  
  --- Alain Finkielkraut

Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Pierre Machard
Le mardi 08 juillet 2003 à 13:42 +0200, Cyrille Chepelov a écrit :
 j'utilise mail de façon indécrottable de toutes façons (au
 moins aussi longtemps que l'Education Nationale ne sera pas capable de faire
 faire la différence entre participe passer^H^Hé et infinitif à 80% de la
 population bachelière, na!)

C'est nul. Excuse moi d'être aussi direct, mais lorsque le français 
moyen discute avec un anglophone et lui parle de mail, l'un fait 
référence au courrier électronique, l'autre au courrier postal.

Plutôt que de faire une mauvaise utilisation d'un mot anglais, utilisons
les mots français lorsqu'il existe.

 cela dit, le point principal reste: qu'est-il préférable de faire quand on
 souhaite installer sur sa machine une locale légèrement mais pas trop
 différente du standard.

Pourquoi s'éloigner du standard ? Entant que traducteur je suis assez
choqué de ça. Une traduction peut être défaillante, mais là tu dis
clairement le travail du traducteur me convient pas. Donc qu'est ce qui
te permet de juger que le traducteur a mal fait son travail ? Le
traducteur est plus à même de juger par lui même ce qui est une bonne
traduction et ce qui ne l'est pas.

Je pense que chaque « tribu » à ces compétances, laisse l10n-french
traduire, et laisse devel-french développer. Les deux ont des
préoccupations différentes, qui se rejoignent parfois, mais qui peuvent
aussi être divergente à d'autres moments.

Pierre Machard
+33(0)668 178 365
GPG: 1024D/23706F87 : B906 A53F 84E0 49B6 6CF7 82C2 B3A0 2D66 2370 6F87

Description: PGP signature

Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Cyrille Chepelov
Le Tue, Jul 08, 2003, à 01:55:42PM +0200, Pierre Machard a écrit:

  cela dit, le point principal reste: qu'est-il préférable de faire quand on
  souhaite installer sur sa machine une locale légèrement mais pas trop
  différente du standard.
 Pourquoi s'éloigner du standard ? Entant que traducteur je suis assez
 choqué de ça. Une traduction peut être défaillante, mais là tu dis
 clairement le travail du traducteur me convient pas. Donc qu'est ce qui

j'ai dit: sur deux ou trois détails, le travail du traducteur ne _me_
convient pas. Pour le reste, je crois que j'ai commencé le fil en exprimant
ma satisfaction générale quand au travail des traducteurs. Veux-tu me dicter
ce qui doit être affiché sur _mon_ écran ? 
J'ai posé la question de savoir quel nom donner à un tel addendum à la
locale standard, car mon intention est bien d'utiliser pour l'essentiel la
locale standard (et non le zorglubien), à quelques détails mineurs près. Je
ne crois pas être le seul à être indisposé par mél et cédérom, et mon
intention est de rendre disponible un tel bricolage (oh, de façon totalement
officieuse), alors autant choisir un nom pas trop idiot.



Description: PGP signature

Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Cyrille Chepelov

Le Tue, Jul 08, 2003, à 01:53:47PM +0200, Martin Quinson a écrit:
 Juste pour repondre au titre, ca serait geek_FR, c'est a dire le geek tel
 qu'on le parle en france. Si l'iso 639 etait a jour, ca pourrait etre

euh, n'exagérons rien...

Le problème, c'est que ça définit le geek comme une langue à part, parlée
en France, et non comme une variante du fr_FR. Ce qui du coup, m'oblige à
recrée un jeu entier de fichiers, au lieu de ne faire qu'un addendum se
reposant sur l'excellent travail de l'équipe l10n.

 Quant a [EMAIL PROTECTED], ca serait plutot le resultat du bon francais
 ecrit avec des caracteres geeks. Du style le resultat du programme eleet. Ce
 qui donne pour le texte que tu propose:
 c3 mél 35t 54n5 d0ut3 du 5p4m. l3 m3554g3 0r1g1n4l 4 été m0d1f1é 4f1n
 d3 v0u5 p3rm3ttr3, plu5 t4rd, d'1d3nt1f13r 0u d3 bl0qu3r d3 t3l5 mél5


'fectivement, utiliser la partie encodage n'est pas la chose la plus

 Bon, on rigole, on rigole, mais tu l'as ouvert, ce rapport de bogue, ou faut
 qu'on s'en charge ?

yup, yup, je m'en occupe.

-- Cyrille


Re: [ Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?]

2003-07-08 Thread Cyrille Chepelov
Le Tue, Jul 08, 2003, à 04:34:58PM +0200, Pierre Machard a transmis ceci de
Martin Quinson:

 de prendre les fr.po des programmes que tu veux modifier, et les renomer en
 fr_CC.po (j'ai detourne le systeme en mettant tes initiales. Ce nom de
 parametre correspond donc au francais tel qu'on le parle dans ton pays).

mmmhhh.. Mouais, ça devrait pouvoir coller comme cela.

 Maintenant, je comprend pas ce qui peut te pousser a vouloir faire ceci. Si
 c'est par curiosite, tres bien, mais si c'est pour corriger des soucis, tu
 ferais mieux de faire remonter des rapports d'anomalie, histoire que les
 ptits copains en profitent aussi...

Disons, curiosité et correction de soucis faisant l'objet de débat (ou,
correction de choses pour lesquelles je suis en désaccord avec les choix de
l'équipe l10n, mais où je n'ai pas d'arguments suffisamment forts pour
justifier l'inversion de ces choix (ou simplement pas l'envie de m'attaquer
à des moulins à vent). Pour ce qui est de vraies bogues (p.ex algorythme),
il va de soi que les corrections ont leur place dans la communauté, pas en



Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Denis Barbier
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 11:34:44AM +0200, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
 L'idée n'est évidemment pas de faire concurrence à fr_FR, mais juste
 de la compléter là où c'est vraiment trop moche (je pense à
 simplement la regénérer à partir de fr_FR en appliquant quelques
 règles sed, de type s/mél/mail/ et s/cédérom/CD-ROM/ ).

Tu voulais dire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Comme tu ne vas modifier que LC_MESSAGES, ce n'est je pense pas la
peine d'indiquer un codage, la conversion se fera automatiquement
d'après ta variable $LC_CTYPE. Et donc utilise plutôt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mais l'initiative me semble débile, il y aura des geeks pour te
demander de remplacer pilote par driver, bibliothèque par librairie,
navigateur par browser, etc.


Re: quel nom pour une locale fr_geek ?

2003-07-08 Thread Julien BLACHE
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Denis Barbier) wrote:

 Mais l'initiative me semble débile, il y aura des geeks pour te
 demander de remplacer pilote par driver, bibliothèque par librairie,
 navigateur par browser, etc.

Moi c'est plutôt les traductions de certains termes qui me semblent
débiles, mais chacun son point de vue.


 Julien BLACHE - Debian  GNU/Linux Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Public key available on - KeyID: F5D6 5169 
 GPG Fingerprint : 935A 79F1 C8B3 3521 FD62 7CC7 CD61 4FD7 F5D6 5169 

Re: création d'un pseudo-paquet pour le BTS

2003-07-08 Thread Ludovic Rousseau
Le lundi 07 juillet 2003 à 20:54:45, Nicolas Bertolissio a écrit:


 Je souhaiterais qu'un pseudo-paquet « » soit créé pour
 le BTS, ça faciliterait le suivi des bogues plutôt que d'essayer de se
 rappeler que la semaine dernière y'avait un truc qui marchait pas bien
 mais je sais plus quoi même si ça fait déjà vingt-cinq fois que
 quelqu'un m'en parle.

Pourquoi ne pas crée un projet DDTP sur ?

Ça permet d'avoir un outils de suivi de bug (différent du BTS mais pas
trop mal je trouve), des pages WEB, un CVS et plein d'autres trucs.

En plus c'est facile à faire puisque n'importe qui peut demander la
création d'un projet là bas en se justifiant.

J'ai dis une conn-e-rie ? :-)

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -- Normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le camembert, L.R. --

Re: non-root syslogd?

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Reelsen

On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 02:59:35PM -0700, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
 Has anyone investigated what would be necessary to get a non-root syslogd
 working under Debian?  It seems like this would be a good thing, but obviously
 there have to be some tricky bits, else it would have happened already.  :)
 Is this worth working on?  Has anybody already done this?

Be aware that I did not do this patch. Chris Wing did it. I found it
somewhere on the web, but I forgot where, I think, two or three years ago
its link was posted on security-audit list or so (for 1.3, I modified it
for 1.4.1).

Use it, do your described changes and file a bug and send the stuff to the
maintainer. This patch does no considerable harm IMHO, so it should be
used by default (if it is setup right).

MfG/Regards, Alexander

Alexander Reelsen

Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Anand Kumria
Hi all,

[ forward as required ]

I'm planning on doing some 10th birthday gear. I'm intending to get some
t-shirts made up but if people would like something else instead/as well
then let me know. Naturally you'll probably find it simpler to get your
own made up if you don't live in Sydney, Australia.

I'm only planning on doing a limited run, so perhaps people who are
doing something similiar locally can email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and let
others know. Naturally if I don't hear from you, nothing will be made.

I've also been toying around with a slogan (or two) with the help of
Anthony. The general one can always be done later (or used on posters).
I've, obviously, taken some artistic liberties with the numbers but the
intent is the alliteration.


10 years
   100 countries
  1000 maintainers
 1 packages

1 project
   10 architectures
  100 countries
 1000 maintainers
1 packages
   10 bug fixed
  100 million users
 1000 installations
1 lines of code

I'd welcome any feedback / improvements.


 `` We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think.
 When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never
 leaves. '' -- Buddha, The Dhammapada

Description: PGP signature

Re: NEWS.Debian support is here

2003-07-08 Thread Josselin Mouette
Le mar 08/07/2003 à 01:15, Matt Zimmerman a écrit :
  All that's missing is an automatic debconf notice entry for each NEWS
  That wud be well c00l.
 As I recall, part of the idea of NEWS.Debian was to prevent having this kind
 of information end up as debconf notes.

But some people like to have this information in debconf notes. Having
the choice between displaying them and reading them in NEWS.Debian would
be neat.
(However, the existence of apt-listchanges makes all of this a bit
 .''`.   Josselin Mouette/\./\
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	=?ISO-8859-1?Q?num=E9riquement?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?_sign=E9e?=

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Sebastian Rittau
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:36:22PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:

 1 project
10 architectures
   100 countries
  1000 maintainers
 1 packages
10 bug fixed
   100 million users
  1000 installations

I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
than users?

 - Sebastian

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Federico Di Gregorio
Il mar, 2003-07-08 alle 11:11, Sebastian Rittau ha scritto:
 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:36:22PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:
  1 project
 10 architectures
100 countries
   1000 maintainers
  1 packages
 10 bug fixed
100 million users
   1000 installations
 I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
 than users?

sure. i am 1 user (mm.. if i continue eating like i do i'll account for
1.5) but i installed at least 10 debians on my boxes only, much more for
work. :)

Description: Questa parte del messaggio =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E8?= firmata

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Christian Marillat
Sebastian Rittau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:36:22PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:

 1 project
10 architectures
   100 countries
  1000 maintainers
 1 packages
10 bug fixed
   100 million users
  1000 installations

 I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
 than users?

This is possible when users come from the Windows world. Re-install from
the beginning when something doesn't work.


Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread David B Harris
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 11:11:13 +0200
Sebastian Rittau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:36:22PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:
  1 project
 10 architectures
100 countries
   1000 maintainers
  1 packages
 10 bug fixed
100 million users
   1000 installations
 I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
 than users?

I'm a single Debian user, and I maintain about a dozen Debian boxen.
(And when I say maintain, I mean they do various things for me, the
sysadmin, and I'm the closest thing to a user for them that exists.) So
the 10:1 ratio is approximately accurate, at least here. It's a common
demographic for Debian I believe.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Mattia Dongili
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 11:11:13AM +0200, Sebastian Rittau wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:36:22PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:
  1 project
 10 architectures
100 countries
   1000 maintainers
  1 packages
 10 bug fixed
100 million users
   1000 installations
 I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
 than users?

actually they are million users :)



Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 11:11:13AM +0200, Sebastian Rittau wrote:
|100 million users
|   1000 installations
| I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
| than users?

If you read it more carefully it implies that there are 100 000 users per
installation - which also seems rather unlikely. :)


Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Lucas Moulin
On sam, jui 05 20:45 
martin f krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :


 Converts PNG files to Windows icon resource files. If you're looking
 for a program to create a favicon.ico for your website, look no
 further. If you need instructions or don't even know what a favicon
 is, check out my short tutorial on how to create and install
 a favicon.ico.

AFAIK, you don't need any special program to make a favicon. Just create
a 16x16 png picture and rename it to whatever you like, as long as you
inform your web page with link rel=shortcut icon href=favicon.ico
/, it'll work.

What kind of special operation does png2ico exactly ?

Lucas Moulin [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
There's no point in democracy when ignorance is celebrated
NOFX - Idiots Are Taking Over

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Sven Bergner
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Sebastian Rittau wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:36:22PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:
  1 project
 10 architectures
100 countries
   1000 maintainers
  1 packages
 10 bug fixed
100 million users
   1000 installations
 I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
 than users?
I think that depends on how you define user. If you say a user is someone
who nows that he has installed a Debian-system and uses it on a regular
basis you have surely more installations than users. Because of many
file-, web-servers and firewalls/gateways running Debian. 
On the other hand when you call everybody that gets an web-site
from an apache-server running on an Debian-system you have alot more
users then installations. 

  - Sebastian
Just my 2cent.

!   Sven Bergner  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   !
!Registered Linux-User #65111 !

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Peter Makholm
Sebastian Rittau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   100 million users
  1000 installations

 I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
 than users?

I was thinking about the same. But at home I have at least 3
installations where I'm the only user and then there is my computers I
manage at work where the number of users i more undefined.

 Peter Makholm |   Why does the entertainment industry wants us to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  believe that a society base on full surveillance |   is bad?
   |   Do they have something to hide?

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Amaya
Sebastian Rittau dijo:
 More installations than users?

Yes. Example: I have several machines to myself. All of them run
Debian. That would make one user, 5 installations.

  You work so hard at not being seen as a sex object, 
 .''`.after a while you're not seen at all 
: :' :- The Life of David Gale 
`. `' Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.4.20 Ext3)

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Lucas Moulin
On mar, jui 08 09:36 
Anand Kumria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :



 10 years  
100 countries
   1000 maintainers
  1 packages

This idea just rocks. I think I'll make one for myself, as I'm a bit far
From Australia :)

Lucas Moulin [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
There's no point in democracy when ignorance is celebrated
NOFX - Idiots Are Taking Over

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Amaya
Christian Marillat dijo:
 This is possible when users come from the Windows world. Re-install
 from the beginning when something doesn't work.

*LOL* and so common! 
I have seen people reinstalling because they didn't set up the network
or X right the first time!

  You work so hard at not being seen as a sex object, 
 .''`.after a while you're not seen at all 
: :' :- The Life of David Gale 
`. `' Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.4.20 Ext3)

Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Janusz A. Urbanowicz
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 11:50:23AM +0200, Lucas Moulin wrote:
 On sam, jui 05 20:45 
 martin f krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
  Converts PNG files to Windows icon resource files. If you're looking
  for a program to create a favicon.ico for your website, look no
  further. If you need instructions or don't even know what a favicon
  is, check out my short tutorial on how to create and install
  a favicon.ico.
 AFAIK, you don't need any special program to make a favicon. Just create
 a 16x16 png picture and rename it to whatever you like, as long as you
 inform your web page with link rel=shortcut icon href=favicon.ico
 /, it'll work.
 What kind of special operation does png2ico exactly ?

Converts it to kosher Windows icon format. Mozilla will support PNG
favicons, other browsers not necessarily. Windows icon format is the


Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:12:13PM +0200, Mattia Dongili wrote:

| actually they are million users :)

Dr EvilOne mellion users!!!/Dr Evil



2003-07-08 Thread STEVE FLYNN B44
--- Received from GA.SFLYN2 791 6082 08-07-03 11.42



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Re: Accepted atftp 0.6.2 (i386 source)

2003-07-08 Thread Nick Phillips
On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 01:23:57PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 12:48:49PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
  On Sun, Jul 06, 2003 at 01:47:07PM -0400, Remi Lefebvre wrote:
atftp (0.6.2) unstable; urgency=low
  * Fixed local and remote buffer overflow (Closes: #196304)
  In the future, please upload security fixes with urgency=high.
 I'm assuming this is only appropriate if the vulnerability affects
 testing?  Since the main impact of setting the 'urgency' field is
 affecting propagation time into testing, it doesn't seem appropriate to
 give higher priority to a package which only suffered from a
 vulnerability in the unstable version.

I was under the impression that the urgency field was supposed to be
an indicator of how important the upgrade is likely to be to users of
the package, and that the testing propagation was just a handy side-use.


Nick Phillips -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Write yourself a threatening letter and pen a defiant reply.

Re: NEWS.Debian support is here

2003-07-08 Thread Nick Phillips
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 10:46:47AM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
 Le mar 08/07/2003 ? 01:15, Matt Zimmerman a ?crit :
   All that's missing is an automatic debconf notice entry for each NEWS
   That wud be well c00l.
  As I recall, part of the idea of NEWS.Debian was to prevent having this kind
  of information end up as debconf notes.
 But some people like to have this information in debconf notes. Having
 the choice between displaying them and reading them in NEWS.Debian would
 be neat.

He was JOKING... wasn't he?

Nick Phillips -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tonight you will pay the wages of sin; Don't forget to leave a tip.

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:09:46PM +0200, Lucas Moulin wrote:
 On mar, jui 08 09:36 
 Anand Kumria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
  10 years
 100 countries
1000 maintainers
   1 packages
 This idea just rocks. I think I'll make one for myself, as I'm a bit far
 From Australia :)

It would be nice that there was one design in pgn or something and all
arround the world everybody that wanted to make t-shirts or anything (mugs,
banners,...) used the same picture.


May the source be with you   NO A LA GUERRA - NOT TO WAR

Ignacio García Fernández   Instituto de Robótica
ignacio.garcia_at_uv.esUniversidad de Valencia Tlf. 96 354 3564

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Michael Banck
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:36:22PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:
   1 project
 10 years  
100 countries
   1000 maintainers
how about something else, like 'developers' or 'project members'?
  1 packages
 1 project

I like that :)


Bug#200464: ITP: t38modem -- T.38 Fax over IP

2003-07-08 Thread Mark Purcell
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-07-08
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: t38modem
  Version : 0.6.2
  Upstream Author : Vyacheslav Frolov
* URL :
* License : MPL
  Description : T.38 Fax over IP

 * $Id: README,v 1.7 2002/12/19 10:41:03 vfrolov Exp $
 * T38FAX Pseudo Modem
 * Original author: Vyacheslav Frolov
 * $Log: README,v $
 * Revision 1.7  2002/12/19 10:41:03  vfrolov
 * Added Introduction and AT commands sections and made some fixes
 * Revision 1.6  2002/11/18 22:57:53  craigs
 * Added patches from Vyacheslav Frolov for CORRIGENDUM
 * Revision 1.5  2002/03/22 09:40:57  vfrolov
 * Removed obsoleted option -f
 * Revision 1.4  2002/01/09 16:14:58  rogerh
 * FreeBSD uses /dev/ttypa and /dev/ttypb
 * Revision 1.3  2002/01/09 16:01:03  rogerh
 * Executable is called t38modem
 * Revision 1.2  2002/01/01 23:11:49  craigs
 * New version from Vyacheslav Frolov
 * Removed references to unneeded OpenH323 patches
 * Removed reference to -k and -m options in usage
 * Change to use -route option

1. Introduction

What is t38modem?

From your fax application view point it's a fax modem pool.
From IP network view point it's a H.323 endpoint with T.38 fax support.
From your view point it's a gateway between a fax application and IP network.

2. Building

2.1. Compiling

$ make opt

3. Examples

3.1. Starting

$ ./obj_linux_x86_r/t38modem -n -o trace.log -p ttyx0,ttyx1 --route [EMAIL 

Creates two modems /dev/ttyx0 and /dev/ttyx1

FreeBSD Users: You need to use  -p ttypa,ttypb
   instead of  -p ttyx0,ttyx1
   Remember to replace ttyx0 with ttypa and ttyx1 with ttypb
   when following the rest of these instructions.
   This will create two modems /dev/ttypa and /dev/ttypb

Cisco Users:   You additionaly need to use --old-asn and --h245tunneldisable 

If dialed number begins with '0' then it will be routed to local host ('0' will 
be discarded).
If not then it will be routed to

3.2. Testing (you need two consoles)

(FreeBSD users - remeber to use /dev/ttypa and /dev/ttypb with 'cu -l')

$ cu -l /dev/ttyx0  $ cu -l /dev/ttyx1
Connected.  Connected.
-- at  -- at
-- OK  -- OK
(wait at least 10 secs)
-- atdt012345

-- ati9
-- NDID = 12345
-- OK
-- ata
-- x
-- OK
-- ath
-- OK
-- at
-- OK
-- at
-- OK
... ...

3.3. Example of Cisco config (loopback)
--- -- Cisco port 2:D --E1-cable-- Cisco port 3:D --

dial-peer voice 3340 voip
 incoming called-number 3334
 codec g711alaw
 fax rate 14400
 fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0

dial-peer voice 3341 pots
 destination-pattern 3334
 port 2:D
 forward-digits 7

dial-peer voice 3342 pots
 incoming called-number 334
 port 3:D

dial-peer voice 3343 voip
 destination-pattern 334
 session target ipv4:
 codec g711alaw
 fax rate 14400
 fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0

3.4. Example of HylaFAX modem config files

Copy HylaFAX/etc/config.ttyx to HylaFAX's etc directory

Create simbolic links:

config.ttyx0 - config.ttyx
config.ttyx1 - config.ttyx

Start HylaFAX with new modems:

$ .../faxgetty -D ttyx0
$ .../faxgetty -D ttyx1

(FreeBSD users - don't forget we are using ttypa and ttypb)

4. AT commands

4.1. AT#CID command

4.1.1 calling/called number reporting

#CID=0  - disables calling/called number reporting (default).
#CID=10 - Enables calling/called number reporting after the first RING.


-- NMBR = calling number
-- NDID = called number

4.2. ATI command

4.2.1 calling/called number reporting

I8  - reports calling number for last incoming call.
I9  - reports called number for last incoming call.


-- ATI8I9
-- NMBR = calling number
-- NDID = called number
-- OK

4.3. ATD command

4.3.1 T.38 mode modifiers

F - 

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Sebastian Rittau
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 11:57:40AM +0200, Federico Di Gregorio wrote:
 Il mar, 2003-07-08 alle 11:11, Sebastian Rittau ha scritto:
  On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:36:22PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:

 100 million users
1000 installations
  I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
  than users?
 sure. i am 1 user (mm.. if i continue eating like i do i'll account for
 1.5) but i installed at least 10 debians on my boxes only, much more for
 work. :)

Well, I've got an installation with about 20 hosts and about 700 users.
And that's not counting all the users of web sites which are running
Debian ... I think that multiple users per host is much more common than
vice versa (except in the geek case).

 - Sebastian

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Tobias Wolter
On 2003-07-08T11:57:40+0200 (Tuesday), Federico Di Gregorio wrote:
 Il mar, 2003-07-08 alle 11:11, Sebastian Rittau ha scritto:
  On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:36:22PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:
 100 million users
1000 installations
  I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
  than users?
 sure. i am 1 user (mm.. if i continue eating like i do i'll account for
 1.5) but i installed at least 10 debians on my boxes only, much more for
 work. :)

I am sole user of two boxen..
It's just the question whether users have an average of 10 running
boxen or not.

`But When I Am Off Duty I Will Gladly Dispute With The Priest of The Most Wor-
thy God.'
[...] Behind him, on the bridge, a fight was breaking out.
- Terry Pratchett in «Feet of Clay»

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#200355: ITP: csound -- incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis program

2003-07-08 Thread Sam Hocevar
On Mon, Jul 07, 2003, Hans Fugal wrote:

   Description : incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis 

   Mmmh, you really should get rid of the incredibly powerful and
versatile part. Every program is incredibly powerful and versatile.
How about this: (taken from your long description)

 Description: sound and music synthesis system

   Says it all.


Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:14:45PM +0200, Ignacio García Fernández wrote:

 It would be nice that there was one design in pgn or something

(...ponders what a T-shirt design in chess notation would look like...)

 - mdz

Re: Bug#200355: ITP: csound -- incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis program

2003-07-08 Thread Hans Fugal
* Sam Hocevar [Tue,  8 Jul 2003 at 15:34 +0200]
Mmmh, you really should get rid of the incredibly powerful and
 versatile part. Every program is incredibly powerful and versatile.
 How about this: (taken from your long description)
Several have given this feedback and I now notice that their messages
and my replies were not addressed to the list. I agree completely and
the package will have a different short description as well as a better
long description. 

Thank You

 Hans Fugal | De gustibus non disputandum est. | Debian, vim, mutt, ruby, text, gpg   | WindowMaker, gaim, UTF-8, RISC, JS Bach
GnuPG Fingerprint: 6940 87C5 6610 567F 1E95  CB5E FC98 E8CD E0AA D460

Description: PGP signature

ITP: sredird

2003-07-08 Thread Russell Coker
Description: RFC 2217 compliant Telnet serial port redirector
 Sredird is a serial port redirector that is compliant with the RFC 2217
 Telnet Com Port Control Option protocol. This protocol lets you share a
 serial port through the network.

Copyright GPL v2

NB  Apart from kermit there seems to be a huge lack of GPL client software for 
this.  If you know of any good client software then please let me know as 
packaging it is much easier than writing it.  ;)

--   My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages  Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark SMTP/POP benchmark  My home page

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Jamin W. Collins
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 03:10:20PM +0200, Tobias Wolter wrote:

 I am sole user of two boxen..
 It's just the question whether users have an average of 10 running
 boxen or not.

I do.

Jamin W. Collins

To be nobody but yourself when the whole world is trying it's best night
and day to make you everybody else is to fight the hardest battle any
human being will fight. -- E.E. Cummings

Re: Bug#200355: ITP: csound -- incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis program

2003-07-08 Thread Francesco P. Lovergine
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 03:34:20PM +0200, Sam Hocevar wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 07, 2003, Hans Fugal wrote:
Description : incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis 
Mmmh, you really should get rid of the incredibly powerful and
 versatile part. Every program is incredibly powerful and versatile.
 How about this: (taken from your long description)

I wonder if that classic package can stay in our archives (also non-free). 
Did you check deeply its license at BATH? IMHO it's simply a nightmare...

Francesco P. Lovergine

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Reagan Blundell
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 08:35:20AM -0600, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 03:10:20PM +0200, Tobias Wolter wrote:
  I am sole user of two boxen..
  It's just the question whether users have an average of 10 running
  boxen or not.
 I do.

Most people I know with debian machines are single machine users - its
really only the hardcore hackers and it workers that have 10 machines

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
On Tuesday 08 July 2003 13:14, Ignacio García Fernández wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:09:46PM +0200, Lucas Moulin wrote:
  On mar, jui 08 09:36
  Anand Kumria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
   10 years
  100 countries
 1000 maintainers
1 packages
  This idea just rocks. I think I'll make one for myself, as I'm a bit far
  From Australia :)

Hmmm. I'm really lazy - if somebody makes a few of these and could ship them 
to Switzerland at reasonable prizes, I guess I could get rid of 2 or 3. It 
wold perhaps even make sense to collect an order at LUGS, localized 

-- vbi


Description: signature

Re: ITP: sredird

2003-07-08 Thread Oliver Kurth
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 11:56:41PM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
 Description: RFC 2217 compliant Telnet serial port redirector
  Sredird is a serial port redirector that is compliant with the RFC 2217
  Telnet Com Port Control Option protocol. This protocol lets you share a
  serial port through the network.
 Copyright GPL v2
 NB  Apart from kermit there seems to be a huge lack of GPL client software 
 this.  If you know of any good client software then please let me know as 
 packaging it is much easier than writing it.  ;)

This seems to be similar to termpkg, which I recently uploaded, a few 
days ago. It has not yet been accepted, should happen this week.


 : :' :Oliver Kurth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 `. `'   Debian GNU/Linux maintainer -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#200355: ITP: csound -- incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis program

2003-07-08 Thread Andrea Glorioso
 fpl == Francesco P Lovergine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

fpl I wonder if that classic package can stay in our archives
fpl (also non-free). Did you check deeply its license at BATH? 
fpl IMHO it's simply a nightmare...


As far as I  know, much work  has gone into  csound to ensure that all
copyright holders agreed to switching the license of the whole work to
GNU   LGPL.  Again,  AFAIK  all  copyright   holders have given  their
permission, and the work can rightfully be considered libre software.

I'm putting Nicola Bernardini, one of Csound authors, to see if he can
help us clarify the matter.

If necessary, we (as the AGNULA project) will  clarify things with the
relevant  persons (although we  are packaging it now  and we did check
that we could do it).


Andrea Glorioso[EMAIL PROTECTED]
AGNULA/DeMuDi Technical Manager
There's no free expression without control on the tools you use

Re: NEWS.Debian support is here

2003-07-08 Thread Andrew Suffield
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 10:48:48PM +1200, Nick Phillips wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 10:46:47AM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
  Le mar 08/07/2003 ? 01:15, Matt Zimmerman a ?crit :
All that's missing is an automatic debconf notice entry for each NEWS

That wud be well c00l.
   As I recall, part of the idea of NEWS.Debian was to prevent having this 
   of information end up as debconf notes.
  But some people like to have this information in debconf notes. Having
  the choice between displaying them and reading them in NEWS.Debian would
  be neat.
 He was JOKING... wasn't he?

Who can tell? Let's kill him anyway.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' : | Dept. of Computing,
 `. `'  | Imperial College,
   `- --  | London, UK

Description: PGP signature

Re: gcc on a biarch system

2003-07-08 Thread Bob Proulx
Arnd Bergmann wrote:
 Right. I now found the 'official site' for the tool at
 It's almost the same as your version, but we using the same
 code as the others might be nice anyway. As a bonus, you
 can run it as 'linux64'.

Just as a general comment I dislike programs which change their
behavior based upon their name.  If I create a new program such as for
testing and further development and call it linux64.tweaked it does
not behave as expected.  I feel the design of the program would be
better suited by supplying that information as a command line option.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#200355: ITP: csound -- incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis program

2003-07-08 Thread Hans Fugal
 I wonder if that classic package can stay in our archives (also non-free). 
 Did you check deeply its license at BATH? IMHO it's simply a nightmare...
Are you referring to the old csound package or to packing the current
csound? I believe the link you referred to is out-of-date. For example,
here is the license statement from the current babo.c:


Copyright (C) 2000 Davide Rocchesso, Nicola Bernardini

This file is part of Csound.

The Csound Library is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Csound is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with Csound; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307 USA

I have looked over the sources. Each file has either a GPL or LGPL
license with the following exceptions:

These have no license in the file. However, none of these files are used
to build Csound (they appear to be old and/or test files).

 * cwin.h   Copyright (C) 1994, A C Norman
 * This defines the public interface supported by the cwin window
 * interface.  Although this header file is copyright it only defines an
 * interface - anybody is permitted to read it, make copies of it, edit,
 * re-implement packages to its specification and pass it on to others
 * either freely or for commercial purposes.
This also is not used to build Csound.

/* Scanned Synthesis Opcodes:
   scansyn.c, scansyn.csd, scansyn.h and related files
   are Copyright, 1999 by Interval Research.
   Coded by Paris Smaragdis
   From an algorithm by Bill Verplank, Max Mathews and Rob Shaw

   Permission to use, copy, or modify these programs and their documentation
   for educational and research purposes only and without fee is hereby
   granted, provided that this copyright and permission notice appear on all
   copies and supporting documentation. For any other uses of this software,
   in original or modified form, including but not limited to distribution in
   whole or in part, specific prior permission from Interval Research must be
   obtained. Interval Research makes no representations about the suitability
   of this software for any purpose. It is provided as is without express or
   implied warranty.
This license is worrisome, but it is merely an opcode and can be easily
ommitted from the build (and debianized sources).

Copyright (c) 1999.  The Regents of the University of California (Regents).
All Rights Reserved.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement, is hereby
granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph and the
following two paragraphs appear in all copies, modifications, and
distributions.  Contact The Office of Technology Licensing, UC Berkeley, 2150
Shattuck Avenue, Suite 510, Berkeley, CA 94720-1620, (510) 643-7201, for
commercial licensing opportunities.

Written by Sami Khoury and Matt Wright, The Center for New Music and Audio
Technologies, University of California, Berkeley.



IANAL, but with the exception of the Scanned Synthesis Opcodes files the
licenses seem to conform to the DFSG.

 Hans Fugal | De gustibus non disputandum est. | Debian, vim, mutt, ruby, text, gpg   | WindowMaker, gaim, UTF-8, RISC, JS Bach
GnuPG Fingerprint: 6940 87C5 6610 567F 1E95  CB5E FC98 E8CD E0AA D460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#200355: ITP: csound -- incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis program

2003-07-08 Thread Hans Fugal
* Florian Weimer [Mon,  7 Jul 2003 at 20:05 +0200]
 Hans Fugal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  * Package name: csound
  * License : LGPL
 Do you have any background information on the relicensing?

Yes, I do:

 Hans Fugal | De gustibus non disputandum est. | Debian, vim, mutt, ruby, text, gpg   | WindowMaker, gaim, UTF-8, RISC, JS Bach
GnuPG Fingerprint: 6940 87C5 6610 567F 1E95  CB5E FC98 E8CD E0AA D460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Stephen Stafford
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 09:59:07AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:14:45PM +0200, Ignacio Garc?a Fern?ndez wrote:
  It would be nice that there was one design in pgn or something
 (...ponders what a T-shirt design in chess notation would look like...)

I used to have one:

Fischer - Panno 1970
1. c4  1-0

Which is legal PGN (apropos the correct header format, which I'm not going
to try to reproduce, sorry) and I believe to be the shortest ever
competitive Grandmaster game.



Re: latest dist-upgrade wants to remove gnome, gnome-core

2003-07-08 Thread Wolfgang Fischer
On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 07:10:07 +0200, Carl B. Constantine wrote:

 Subject says it all. Why does the latest dist-upgrade (using testing and
 sarge) want to remove gnome, gnome-core, nautilus-media, gnome-media,
 gstreamer, and a ton more apps (most of which I installed from
 unstable)? This doesn't make sense to me.

If you run a mixed system, apt-get dist-upgrade does decisions like this
quite regularly. apt-get upgrade won't do this. However, you have to fix
some dependency problems manually when using apt-get upgrade.

Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Thomas Viehmann
martin f krafft wrote:
   Description : command-line PNG to ICO converter

What does png2ico do that convert doesn't?



Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Thomas Viehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003.07.08.1828 +0200]:
Description : command-line PNG to ICO converter
 What does png2ico do that convert doesn't?

my convert didn't convert to the ico format. did you even bother to
check the manpage, or are you one of those convert-can-do-everything

Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
 .''`. martin f. krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
Invalid PGP subkeys? Use as keyserver!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Thomas Thurman
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, martin f krafft wrote:

 also sprach Thomas Viehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003.07.08.1828 +0200]:
 Description : command-line PNG to ICO converter
  What does png2ico do that convert doesn't?
 my convert didn't convert to the ico format. did you even bother to
 check the manpage, or are you one of those convert-can-do-everything

from convert(1)
  Convert recognizes the image formats listed in ImageMagick(1).

from ImageMagick(1)
o  ICO   *r-- Microsoft icon
o  ICON  *r-- Microsoft icon

(this is imagemagick_5.4.4.5-1 on woody.)

Don't know how well it works. There's also a package called
xpm2wico which does XPM-favicon, but is IME not so good, and
ppmtowinicon in the netpbm package which works beautifully.
There's lots of ways to do it.


Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 08 Jul 2003, martin f krafft wrote:
 my convert didn't convert to the ico format. did you even bother to
 check the manpage, or are you one of those convert-can-do-everything

from ImageMagick(1) []

  o  ICO   *r-- Microsoft icon
  o  ICON  *r-- Microsoft icon  

In other words, convert can read them, but it can't write them.

[But ImageMagick can do almost everything...]

In case you think the documentation's wrong:

$ convert don_mod1_small.jpg don_mod1_small.ico 
convert: No encode delegate for this image format (don_mod1_small.ico).
convert: No encode delegate for this image format (don_mod1_small.ico).

Don Armstrong

 -- Maritza Campos

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 06:21:39PM +0100, Thomas Thurman wrote:
 On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, martin f krafft wrote:
  also sprach Thomas Viehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003.07.08.1828 +0200]:
  Description : command-line PNG to ICO converter
   What does png2ico do that convert doesn't?
  my convert didn't convert to the ico format. did you even bother to
  check the manpage, or are you one of those convert-can-do-everything
 from convert(1)
   Convert recognizes the image formats listed in ImageMagick(1).
 from ImageMagick(1)
 o  ICO   *r-- Microsoft icon
 o  ICON  *r-- Microsoft icon

AIUI, the above 'r--' refers to read-only support.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Thomas Viehmann
martin f krafft wrote:
 also sprach Thomas Viehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003.07.08.1828 +0200]:
  Description : command-line PNG to ICO converter

What does png2ico do that convert doesn't?
 my convert didn't convert to the ico format. did you even bother to
 check the manpage, or are you one of those convert-can-do-everything
Semi-smarty I guess: I did the read the manpage but overlooked it was read-only.
Yet, maybe integration in some other tool might be a worthwile thought.



Description: PGP signature

Re: NEWS.Debian support is here

2003-07-08 Thread Darren Salt
I demand that Branden Robinson may or may not have written...

 On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 01:01:14AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 Thanks to Matt Zimmerman and Joe Drew, apt-listchanges will now display
 NEWS.Debian entries for upgraded packages. They're displayed before the
 regular changelog entries, and Matt plans to later let it be configured to
 only display news, if the user wants (more useful for stable users).

 Kick ASS.

What has that poor donkey done to you to deserve such a kicking?


| Darren Salt   | linux (or ds) at | nr. Ashington,
| woody, sarge, | youmustbejoking  | Northumberland
| RISC OS   | demon co uk  | Toon Army
|   I don't ask for much, just untold riches...

You will experience a strong urge to do good, but it will pass.

Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Artur R. Czechowski
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 06:21:39PM +0100, Thomas Thurman wrote:
 from convert(1)
   Convert recognizes the image formats listed in ImageMagick(1).
 from ImageMagick(1)
 o  ICO   *r-- Microsoft icon
 o  ICON  *r-- Microsoft icon
You have been told, what a r letter means.

 ppmtowinicon in the netpbm package which works beautifully.
There was Cc: to debian-devel.


PS. There is no need to send whatever to XXX-submitter and XXX-quiet
Promotor poleci mi, ebym przy opisie wzorw podtrzymywania swojego
statusu przez adminw korzystaa z ksiki opisujcej analogiczne
procesy... w wizieniu i wrd modocianych przestpcw. :)

Re: Bug#200355: ITP: csound -- incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis program

2003-07-08 Thread Nicola Bernardini
Hash: SHA1

Il 08/07/03 alle 16:58, Andrea Glorioso scrisse:

  fpl == Francesco P Lovergine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 fpl I wonder if that classic package can stay in our archives
 fpl (also non-free). Did you check deeply its license at BATH? 
 fpl IMHO it's simply a nightmare...
 As far as I  know, much work  has gone into  csound to ensure that all
 copyright holders agreed to switching the license of the whole work to
 GNU   LGPL.  Again,  AFAIK  all  copyright   holders have given  their
 permission, and the work can rightfully be considered libre software.
 I'm putting Nicola Bernardini, one of Csound authors, to see if he can
 help us clarify the matter.

Everything in csound was relicensed LGPL a couple of months ago. Now
literally *everything* in csound is LGPL. The page above is old and
obsolete, and should probably be changed. The funny part is that the
only one that pushed hard enough to have a clear GPL statement (though
with an exception) before this happened was me with the babo opcode.
Now all these problems are gone.

 If necessary, we (as the AGNULA project) will  clarify things with the
 relevant  persons (although we  are packaging it now  and we did check
 that we could do it).

This has already been done by John Fitch, the canonical maintainer.


- --
|Nicola Bernardini   |
|GPG Fingerprint = 6AE6 AF21 E160 D9B3 396E  EBAC 906C CFAE 4D65 D910|
|Neither MS-Word nor MS-PowerPoint attachments please.   |
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.76


Re: gcc on a biarch system

2003-07-08 Thread Bernhard R. Link
* Bob Proulx [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030708 18:19]:
  It's almost the same as your version, but we using the same
  code as the others might be nice anyway. As a bonus, you
  can run it as 'linux64'.
 Just as a general comment I dislike programs which change their
 behavior based upon their name.  If I create a new program such as for
 testing and further development and call it linux64.tweaked it does
 not behave as expected.  I feel the design of the program would be
 better suited by supplying that information as a command line option.

While anything should be possible to do with command line options, I
think the program name is an elegant way to supply this information.
(And I think renaming programs is an operation low level enough people
 should understand what they do. (Of course the manpage should for
 the variant should be the main behaviour of the program explaining
 the behaviour clearly enough.))

Bernhard R. Link
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve 
nor will he ever receive either. (Benjamin Franklin)

Re: ITP: sredird

2003-07-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Russell Coker wrote:

 Description: RFC 2217 compliant Telnet serial port redirector
  Sredird is a serial port redirector that is compliant with the RFC 2217
  Telnet Com Port Control Option protocol. This protocol lets you share a
  serial port through the network.

 Copyright GPL v2

 NB  Apart from kermit there seems to be a huge lack of GPL client software for
 this.  If you know of any good client software then please let me know as
 packaging it is much easier than writing it.  ;)

Someone(not me) should write an ld_preload library, that captures opens to the
serial ports, and redirects them.

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Anand Kumria wrote:

 Hi all,

 [ forward as required ]

 I'm planning on doing some 10th birthday gear. I'm intending to get some
 t-shirts made up but if people would like something else instead/as well
 then let me know. Naturally you'll probably find it simpler to get your
 own made up if you don't live in Sydney, Australia.


Is there a debian patch that can be applied to hats, shirts, backpacks?

Re: NEWS.Debian support is here

2003-07-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

  One nice thing about using standard changelog format is that if someone
  wants to they could add another format, specialised for news
  information, and another parser in /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/. Of
  course apt-listchanges does its own parsing, so anyone who does that
  would probably be well served by redesigning the parser interface to
  something that apt-listchanges can use. Anyway, it's nice to keep that
  option open.

 I filed a wishlist bug about this quite a long time ago (#95579), but got no

Hmm, maybe a library(perl) that gives all this information would be useful.
Modifying the text output of dpkg-parsechangelog is difficult, as several
programs parse it's output.

dpkg-parsechangelog (Re: NEWS.Debian support is here)

2003-07-08 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:11:46PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:

 On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
  I filed a wishlist bug about this quite a long time ago (#95579), but
  got no response.
 Hmm, maybe a library(perl) that gives all this information would be
 useful.  Modifying the text output of dpkg-parsechangelog is difficult, as
 several programs parse it's output.

This change wouldn't break the format or anything; it would only add some
additional text to the Changes: field.  Surely no programs depend on the
_content_ of that field, do they?

 - mdz

Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Andreas Barth
* Artur R. Czechowski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030708 19:50]:
 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 06:21:39PM +0100, Thomas Thurman wrote:

  ppmtowinicon in the netpbm package which works beautifully.
 There was Cc: to debian-devel.

Perhaps you should read the referenced bug reports and discussion on
d-d. The title of 200332 is ITA: netpbm -- Graphics conversion tools.

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

Re: Bug#95579: dpkg-parsechangelog (Re: NEWS.Debian support is here)

2003-07-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:11:46PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:

  On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
   I filed a wishlist bug about this quite a long time ago (#95579), but
   got no response.
  Hmm, maybe a library(perl) that gives all this information would be
  useful.  Modifying the text output of dpkg-parsechangelog is difficult, as
  several programs parse it's output.

 This change wouldn't break the format or anything; it would only add some
 additional text to the Changes: field.  Surely no programs depend on the
 _content_ of that field, do they?

Well, that still doesn't help, as then you'd have to parse the output of the
Changes: field.

Re: Bug#95579: dpkg-parsechangelog (Re: NEWS.Debian support is here)

2003-07-08 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:46:49PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:

 On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
  This change wouldn't break the format or anything; it would only add some
  additional text to the Changes: field.  Surely no programs depend on the
  _content_ of that field, do they?
 Well, that still doesn't help, as then you'd have to parse the output of the
 Changes: field.

I wouldn't need to parse it, just display it.  All of the information that
apt-listchanges actually needs is already parsed out by dpkg-parsechangelog.
It's just that it eats all of the lines containing the email address and
date of the uploads.  For the most recent upload, this could be
reconstructed from the information in the header, but that's pretty ugly,
and the information from previous uploads (selected with -v) is lost

 - mdz

Re: [mass bug filing?] Short descriptions being used as long descriptions and other policy violations

2003-07-08 Thread Neil Spring
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 06:25:50PM -0400, Daniel Burrows wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:25:03PM -0700, Neil Spring
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
 dpkg-souce(1) implies that substitution variables are
 limited to a single line (which seems poorly suited to long

   Then as long as the shared part is a single paragraph you should
   be fine.

   Actually, it looks like you could use ${Newline} and friends to
 include multiple lines (I haven't tried this myself, though)

Thanks, Daniel, ${Newline} worked.  The trick I learned
while making this work is that when using debhelper, the
standard description must be kept in a different file, as
substvars is avoided in favor of pkgname.substvars.

So, in debian rules, anyone who would like to use a common
description with debhelper will have to:

   cat debian/description.subst  debian/pkg.substvars
   cat debian/description.subst  debian/pkg-dev.substvars
   dh_gencontrol -a

thanks again,

Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Thomas Thurman [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003.07.08.1921 +0200]:
 from ImageMagick(1)
 o  ICO   *r-- Microsoft icon
 o  ICON  *r-- Microsoft icon

sure, it can read them. png2ico can write them.

Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
 .''`. martin f. krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
Invalid PGP subkeys? Use as keyserver!

Description: PGP signature

Re: NEWS.Debian support is here

2003-07-08 Thread David B Harris
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 22:48:48 +1200
Nick Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 10:46:47AM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
  Le mar 08/07/2003 ? 01:15, Matt Zimmerman a ?crit :
All that's missing is an automatic debconf notice entry for each NEWS

That wud be well c00l.
   As I recall, part of the idea of NEWS.Debian was to prevent having this 
   of information end up as debconf notes.
  But some people like to have this information in debconf notes. Having
  the choice between displaying them and reading them in NEWS.Debian would
  be neat.
 He was JOKING... wasn't he?

I doubt it. Some people have few enough packages installed that a nice
pretty interface like that is reasonable.

Keep in mind that debconf notes weren't implemented to piss people off -
they were implemented because they can be used well. They're overused
and overabused, but they're a valid presentation mechanism ... under the
right circumstances :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian menu encoding support

2003-07-08 Thread Bill Allombert
 Bill Allombert wrote:
  For ISO-8859-1, outputencoding=ISO-8859-1
  There is a special encoding LOCALE, which refers to the current locale
 Won't this make the menu-method not work with versions of menu prior to
 2.1.9-1? Packages would need to update their depends or conflicts with
 menu to ensure a new enough version is installed. Otherwise it fails
 with an Unknown identifier error message.

Oh yes, you are correct. This is documented in the menu manual but I
forget it in the announcement. Really sorry, and thanks to have
spotted it.

Menu managers need to
Conflicts: menu ( 2.1.9-1)


Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Jonathan Oxer
On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 20:00, Christian Marillat wrote:
  I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
  than users?

Debian seems to be strong as a server-oriented OS: seems quite logical
to me that there are many more installations than users. I personally
run more than 10 Debian boxes, so me as 1 user counts as more than 10



Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Guillem Jover

On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 08:45:53PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
 * Package name: png2ico
   Version : 20021208
   Upstream Author : Matthias Benkmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * URL :
 * License : GPL
   Description : command-line PNG to ICO converter
 Converts PNG files to Windows icon resource files. If you're looking
 for a program to create a favicon.ico for your website, look no
 further. If you need instructions or don't even know what a favicon
 is, check out my short tutorial on how to create and install
 a favicon.ico.

What about icoutils ?


Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Sebastian Rittau wrote:

  1 project
 10 architectures
100 countries
   1000 maintainers
  1 packages
 10 bug fixed
100 million users
   1000 installations
 I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
 than users?

I've got three machines at home with Debian on them.  I'm the only one whoo
uses two of them (and the only other person using the third is my fiancee
who routes her packets through it).

But yes, there's probably more people utilising Debian boxes than there are
Debian boxes, overall, I agree.

#include disclaimer.h
Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence

Re: ITP: sredird

2003-07-08 Thread Russell Coker
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003 03:55, Adam Heath wrote:
 Someone(not me) should write an ld_preload library, that captures opens to
 the serial ports, and redirects them.

I'll do it if no-one else does...

--   My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages  Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark SMTP/POP benchmark  My home page

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 10:10:34AM +1000, Jonathan Oxer wrote:

 On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 20:00, Christian Marillat wrote:
   I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
   than users?
 Debian seems to be strong as a server-oriented OS: seems quite logical
 to me that there are many more installations than users. I personally
 run more than 10 Debian boxes, so me as 1 user counts as more than 10

These servers do not have any users besides you?  I run a number of Debian
servers, but of course, these servers have other users (that is who they

 - mdz

Re: Bug#200355: ITP: csound -- incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis program

2003-07-08 Thread Miles Bader
Sam Hocevar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Description : incredibly powerful and versatile software synthesis
Mmmh, you really should get rid of the incredibly powerful and
 versatile part. Every program is incredibly powerful and versatile.

Actually I think that description fits the general perception of csound
rather well -- most software synthesis programs _are_ rather basic and
hard-wired compared to csound...

Maybe just getting rid of `incredibly' would tone it down enough to be

Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it
has to be us.  -- Jerry Garcia

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread James Michael Greenhalgh

 100 million users
1000 installations
  I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
  than users?

 actually they are million users :)

Is it me or has the debate over whether there are more installations or users 
resulted in your post/point being lost.  100 million users = 
1 users - it should just be 100 users?


James Michael Greenhalgh
open minds providing open source solutions

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Jonathan Oxer
On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 11:02, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

 These servers do not have any users besides you?  I run a number of Debian
 servers, but of course, these servers have other users (that is who they

When you look at it that way, yes, you're right. I suppose I was
thinking of user as someone who runs a computer rather than some
random internet user who happens to pull a page off my server. If the
definition of user is broadened that much, the ratio changes

The middle ground definition would be people with an account (shell,
mail, whatever) on a machine, which would of course still mean more
users than machines and proves your point.

Either way, one figure I'd really like to know is how many unique
individuals use Debian directly (managing a server, on the desktop,
whatever) on a regular basis. Not much chance of getting a number on
that though!

Cheers  :-)


Re: Bug#200163: ITP: png2ico -- command-line PNG to ICO converter

2003-07-08 Thread Christian Surchi
On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 01:40:43AM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 08:45:53PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
  * Package name: png2ico
Version : 20021208
Upstream Author : Matthias Benkmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * URL :
  * License : GPL
Description : command-line PNG to ICO converter
  Converts PNG files to Windows icon resource files. If you're looking
  for a program to create a favicon.ico for your website, look no
  further. If you need instructions or don't even know what a favicon
  is, check out my short tutorial on how to create and install
  a favicon.ico.
 What about icoutils ?

Probably it extracts them only... as description seems to say. 

Christian Surchi, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   ICQ - -| 38374818
Don't read everything you believe.

Accepted mgetty 1.1.30-4 (i386 source all)

2003-07-08 Thread Wolfgang Sourdeau
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 01:31:00 -0400
Source: mgetty
Binary: mgetty-voice mgetty-docs mgetty-fax mgetty-pvftools mgetty-viewfax mgetty
Architecture: source i386 all
Version: 1.1.30-4
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Wolfgang Sourdeau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Wolfgang Sourdeau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mgetty - Smart Modem getty replacement
 mgetty-docs - Documentation Package for mgetty
 mgetty-fax - Faxing tools for mgetty
 mgetty-pvftools - Programs for listening and manipulating pvf and rmd files
 mgetty-viewfax - Program for displaying Group-3 Fax files under X
 mgetty-voice - Voicemail handler for mgetty
Closes: 195179
 mgetty (1.1.30-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * New patch to create correct info section information from doc/mgetty.texi.
   * Fix permissions for the new security scheme of mgetty-fax. Notify the
 administrator about those changes during postinst. (Closes: #195179)
   * Ensure correct permissions are set during execution of the postinst
 script of mgetty-voice since we messed them up with the last release.
 e8df96a62eb52d311505066f1c049c52 691 comm extra mgetty_1.1.30-4.dsc
 287988e7b1a608f73597df679d2c6b92 43230 comm extra mgetty_1.1.30-4.diff.gz
 7b561b04858fd71c8ecf4fe0128c 615540 comm extra mgetty-docs_1.1.30-4_all.deb
 3c8b378b7c1f5fd93bafe1e086ac51e6 91176 comm extra mgetty_1.1.30-4_i386.deb
 613af9451f788c17262361b9b55f19ce 123806 comm extra mgetty-fax_1.1.30-4_i386.deb
 9297516a6e361157f6ec9e835556345d 54954 comm extra mgetty-viewfax_1.1.30-4_i386.deb
 feb3e4c354adabb785220620b87ef8e8 158530 comm extra mgetty-voice_1.1.30-4_i386.deb
 f6e9a1c4507a42a0a7ae16323a605bab 200130 comm extra mgetty-pvftools_1.1.30-4_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/m/mgetty/mgetty-docs_1.1.30-4_all.deb
  to pool/main/m/mgetty/mgetty-fax_1.1.30-4_i386.deb
  to pool/main/m/mgetty/mgetty-pvftools_1.1.30-4_i386.deb
  to pool/main/m/mgetty/mgetty-viewfax_1.1.30-4_i386.deb
  to pool/main/m/mgetty/mgetty-voice_1.1.30-4_i386.deb
  to pool/main/m/mgetty/mgetty_1.1.30-4.diff.gz
  to pool/main/m/mgetty/mgetty_1.1.30-4.dsc
  to pool/main/m/mgetty/mgetty_1.1.30-4_i386.deb

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted kernel-patch-xfs 1.3.0pre2-4 (all source)

2003-07-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Mon,  7 Jul 2003 10:02:45 +0200
Source: kernel-patch-xfs
Binary: kernel-patch-xfs
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.3.0pre2-4
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ed Boraas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Jens Schmalzing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 kernel-patch-xfs - XFS Filesystem support for Linux 2.4.20 and 2.4.21
Closes: 191700
 kernel-patch-xfs (1.3.0pre2-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Upgraded the patch for kernel version 2.4.21 to the most recent
 snapshot.  Merged all upstream patches that affect existing files into
 a core patch, but kept the file system code itself separate.
   * Added a note concerning known conflics with other kernel-patch
 packages to README.Debian (closes: Bug#191700).
 44ad9570b9b220ac9470eca9ea975306 623 devel optional kernel-patch-xfs_1.3.0pre2-4.dsc
 e8784c54f3cad8d9acdb2ae276937764 1854836 devel optional 
 3fa49abb0a15543529ea1e5d8e6c5e6e 1858444 devel optional 

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/k/kernel-patch-xfs/kernel-patch-xfs_1.3.0pre2-4.dsc
  to pool/main/k/kernel-patch-xfs/kernel-patch-xfs_1.3.0pre2-4.tar.gz
  to pool/main/k/kernel-patch-xfs/kernel-patch-xfs_1.3.0pre2-4_all.deb

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted newlib-m68hc1x 1.10.0-7 (all source)

2003-07-08 Thread Aurelien Jarno
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 01:24:13 +0200
Source: newlib-m68hc1x
Binary: newlib-m68hc1x
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.10.0-7
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Aurelien Jarno [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Aurelien Jarno [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 newlib-m68hc1x - The newlib library built for Motorola's 68HC11/12 targets
 newlib-m68hc1x (1.10.0-7) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added a lintian override file to remove all arch-independent-package-
 contains-binary-or-object errors. The files are binary files, but
 compiled for a non Debian target processor.
 6069f7a4a1c6f1f59a5e0e9b31d21e7d 676 devel extra newlib-m68hc1x_1.10.0-7.dsc
 63619c29bc638ba197d0dde1ef395438 51778 devel extra newlib-m68hc1x_1.10.0-7.tar.gz
 ad88bc3e59dc59910eca291c7d785dbe 2780998 devel extra newlib-m68hc1x_1.10.0-7_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/n/newlib-m68hc1x/newlib-m68hc1x_1.10.0-7.dsc
  to pool/main/n/newlib-m68hc1x/newlib-m68hc1x_1.10.0-7.tar.gz
  to pool/main/n/newlib-m68hc1x/newlib-m68hc1x_1.10.0-7_all.deb

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted mol-drivers-macos 0.9.69+20030708-1 (powerpc source)

2003-07-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 09:22:46 +0200
Source: mol-drivers-macos
Binary: mol-drivers-macos
Architecture: source powerpc
Version: 0.9.69+20030708-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Jens Schmalzing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Jens Schmalzing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mol-drivers-macos - The Mac-on-Linux emulator - drivers for Mac OS 9 and earlier
 mol-drivers-macos (0.9.69+20030708-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Took a snapshot of the rsync tree.
 88db16f6c48a799e2902e3044152b67d 636 contrib/otherosfs optional 
 7e5dbc35cad77e3fe4bfdfa4a1e30f86 23256 contrib/otherosfs optional 
 0850972ed5b552eb8a3c7cf1a1b6616c 1933 contrib/otherosfs optional 
 259b3866c4d745fc11fc08edb8514470 25654 contrib/otherosfs optional 

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/contrib/m/mol-drivers-macos/mol-drivers-macos_0.9.69+20030708-1.diff.gz
  to pool/contrib/m/mol-drivers-macos/mol-drivers-macos_0.9.69+20030708-1.dsc
  to pool/contrib/m/mol-drivers-macos/mol-drivers-macos_0.9.69+20030708-1_powerpc.deb
  to pool/contrib/m/mol-drivers-macos/mol-drivers-macos_0.9.69+20030708.orig.tar.gz

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted mol-drivers-macosx 0.9.69+20030708-1 (powerpc source)

2003-07-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 09:23:47 +0200
Source: mol-drivers-macosx
Binary: mol-drivers-macosx
Architecture: source powerpc
Version: 0.9.69+20030708-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Jens Schmalzing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Jens Schmalzing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mol-drivers-macosx - The Mac-on-Linux emulator - drivers for Mac OS X
 mol-drivers-macosx (0.9.69+20030708-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Took a snapshot of the rsync tree.
 4c65e28d3ef8ee9312aa15ac161f719d 641 non-free/otherosfs optional 
 d26aaf4e6989e9d7b6b24ad1b38ccdee 163835 non-free/otherosfs optional 
 432d9d886774fd7a907a292406e733af 9503 non-free/otherosfs optional 
 19d44a42185cb80c54eca7922aa2cda3 173042 non-free/otherosfs optional 

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/non-free/m/mol-drivers-macosx/mol-drivers-macosx_0.9.69+20030708-1.diff.gz
  to pool/non-free/m/mol-drivers-macosx/mol-drivers-macosx_0.9.69+20030708-1.dsc
  to pool/non-free/m/mol-drivers-macosx/mol-drivers-macosx_0.9.69+20030708.orig.tar.gz

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted mozilla-locale-de-at 1.4-1 (all source)

2003-07-08 Thread Florian M. Weps
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 09:04:37 +0200
Source: mozilla-locale-de-at
Binary: mozilla-locale-de-at
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.4-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Florian M. Weps [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Florian M. Weps [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mozilla-locale-de-at - Mozilla German Language/Region Package.
 mozilla-locale-de-at (1.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
 916cb69d40fb3fca4b3d4061d543bd6f 675 web optional mozilla-locale-de-at_1.4-1.dsc
 61997bcd607f3ce39e857bab9768ce74 671035 web optional 
 8281968b6ec6d6c463e953361e4bb3c4 12176 web optional mozilla-locale-de-at_1.4-1.diff.gz
 bbc5eaa4a4fa4c435591d7bfdf6801ae 681452 web optional 

Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/m/mozilla-locale-de-at/mozilla-locale-de-at_1.4-1.diff.gz
  to pool/main/m/mozilla-locale-de-at/mozilla-locale-de-at_1.4-1.dsc
  to pool/main/m/mozilla-locale-de-at/mozilla-locale-de-at_1.4-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/m/mozilla-locale-de-at/mozilla-locale-de-at_1.4.orig.tar.gz

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted gnet1.1 1.1.9-4 (i386 source)

2003-07-08 Thread Søren Boll Overgaard
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 08:55:45 +
Source: gnet1.1
Binary: libgnet1.1 libgnet1.1-dev
Architecture: source i386
Version: 1.1.9-4
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Søren Boll Overgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Søren Boll Overgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 libgnet1.1 - GNet network library
 libgnet1.1-dev - Developer files for GNet network library
Closes: 200422
 gnet1.1 (1.1.9-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/control:
 - libgnet1.1-dev: belongs in oldlibs.
 - libgnet1.1-dev: depend on libglib1.2-dev (closes: Bug#200422).
 5e9eda945a623c3139cb02ece0502bb9 535 oldlibs optional gnet1.1_1.1.9-4.dsc
 01b02fe6938b2397eac9f6b7ef28f930 353558 oldlibs optional gnet1.1_1.1.9-4.tar.gz
 f61f6634ab02ef34cff8ed67c67ae89d 115480 oldlibs optional 
 bc134e9c715600845f43e6cee54c926b 50484 oldlibs optional libgnet1.1_1.1.9-4_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/g/gnet1.1/gnet1.1_1.1.9-4.dsc
  to pool/main/g/gnet1.1/gnet1.1_1.1.9-4.tar.gz
  to pool/main/g/gnet1.1/libgnet1.1-dev_1.1.9-4_i386.deb
  to pool/main/g/gnet1.1/libgnet1.1_1.1.9-4_i386.deb

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted yardradius 1.0.20-10 (i386 source)

2003-07-08 Thread Francesco Paolo Lovergine
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 12:18:50 +0200
Source: yardradius
Binary: yardradius
Architecture: source i386
Version: 1.0.20-10
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Francesco Paolo Lovergine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Francesco Paolo Lovergine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 yardradius - YARD Radius Auth/Acct Server
Closes: 199817 200335
 yardradius (1.0.20-10) unstable; urgency=low
   * Removed RFCs from documentation.
 (closes: #199817)
   * Applied a little patch for va_end(), thanks to Matt Kraai.
 (closes: #200335)
 a0a2e121fe5a92da8b263c208fb62f87 621 net optional yardradius_1.0.20-10.dsc
 ae10e125b9eae501251f0d763a6b1e4e 26677 net optional yardradius_1.0.20-10.diff.gz
 a7f12e1a643dc5532baa2e55b10bc696 160654 net optional yardradius_1.0.20-10_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/y/yardradius/yardradius_1.0.20-10.diff.gz
  to pool/main/y/yardradius/yardradius_1.0.20-10.dsc
  to pool/main/y/yardradius/yardradius_1.0.20-10_i386.deb

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted xringd 1.20-19 (i386 source)

2003-07-08 Thread Steve Kowalik
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 20:54:33 +1000
Source: xringd
Binary: xringd
Architecture: source i386
Version: 1.20-19
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Steve Kowalik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Steve Kowalik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 xringd - Extended Ring Daemon - Monitor phone rings and take action.
Closes: 200377
 xringd (1.20-19) unstable; urgency=low
   * Uncorrupt po files. (Closes: #200377) (thanks, Christian Perrier)
 eb9a7408603acece5545dbd854629218 557 comm extra xringd_1.20-19.dsc
 486c64d328cceccca6e28721549b78fb 7178 comm extra xringd_1.20-19.diff.gz
 d735fe9836d89bad1e6333604525dbef 21620 comm extra xringd_1.20-19_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/x/xringd/xringd_1.20-19.diff.gz
  to pool/main/x/xringd/xringd_1.20-19.dsc
  to pool/main/x/xringd/xringd_1.20-19_i386.deb

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted openmosixview 1.4-3 (i386 source)

2003-07-08 Thread Francesco Paolo Lovergine
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 12:47:14 +0200
Source: openmosixview
Binary: openmosixview
Architecture: source i386
Version: 1.4-3
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Francesco Paolo Lovergine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Francesco Paolo Lovergine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 openmosixview - A graphical tool to administrate an openmosix cluster
Closes: 197030
 openmosixview (1.4-3) unstable; urgency=high
   * Init file revised in order to avoid problems with invoke-rc.d when
 collector is not running.
 (closes: #197030)
 ca5c5529a4cfd2ecd97f24d01876becc 751 admin extra openmosixview_1.4-3.dsc
 d4f581fa886a21a7b5e2bd7860ef762b 169038 admin extra openmosixview_1.4-3.diff.gz
 2c3dc5c09d033ace3f86049027e9d4b1 905406 admin extra openmosixview_1.4-3_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/o/openmosixview/openmosixview_1.4-3.diff.gz
  to pool/main/o/openmosixview/openmosixview_1.4-3.dsc
  to pool/main/o/openmosixview/openmosixview_1.4-3_i386.deb

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted cl-paip 1.0.2-1 (all source)

2003-07-08 Thread Kevin M. Rosenberg
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 06:41:17 -0600
Source: cl-paip
Binary: cl-paip
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.0.2-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Kevin M. Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Kevin M. Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cl-paip- Source code for Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming
 cl-paip (1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix typo in .asd file
 995ee519f1edf12ae84f9d681fa8df7a 572 devel optional cl-paip_1.0.2-1.dsc
 ff5cd3613765d846e12bbf3434c71c13 112479 devel optional cl-paip_1.0.2.orig.tar.gz
 7a7e52351ad6ca6fee07aa0c58872abf 3198 devel optional cl-paip_1.0.2-1.diff.gz
 9c04bf06782f451a472732c403a8bb83 116868 devel optional cl-paip_1.0.2-1_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/c/cl-paip/cl-paip_1.0.2-1.diff.gz
  to pool/main/c/cl-paip/cl-paip_1.0.2-1.dsc
  to pool/main/c/cl-paip/cl-paip_1.0.2-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/c/cl-paip/cl-paip_1.0.2.orig.tar.gz

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted cl-uffi 1.2.20-1 (i386 source all)

2003-07-08 Thread Kevin M. Rosenberg
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 06:37:58 -0600
Source: cl-uffi
Binary: cl-uffi-tests cl-uffi
Architecture: source all i386
Version: 1.2.20-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Kevin M. Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Kevin M. Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cl-uffi- Universal Foreign Function Library for Common Lisp
 cl-uffi-tests - Regression tests for UFFI Common Lisp Library
 cl-uffi (1.2.20-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream -- really fix bug
 8c65c741e648058e98c105bcdb218fd4 637 devel optional cl-uffi_1.2.20-1.dsc
 f897fe1892e8a8d7f9f336248a986e1d 161329 devel optional cl-uffi_1.2.20.orig.tar.gz
 c0ad038f3b6afc2dc74861b21b2c35e7 6428 devel optional cl-uffi_1.2.20-1.diff.gz
 51543c99014251050f4c0dd696a67990 137224 devel optional cl-uffi_1.2.20-1_all.deb
 653e5018c14ddc953273bc5c8f05007e 18342 devel optional cl-uffi-tests_1.2.20-1_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/c/cl-uffi/cl-uffi-tests_1.2.20-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cl-uffi/cl-uffi_1.2.20-1.diff.gz
  to pool/main/c/cl-uffi/cl-uffi_1.2.20-1.dsc
  to pool/main/c/cl-uffi/cl-uffi_1.2.20-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/c/cl-uffi/cl-uffi_1.2.20.orig.tar.gz

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accepted monopd 0.8.1-2 (i386 source)

2003-07-08 Thread Daniel Schepler
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 05:32:23 -0700
Source: monopd
Binary: monopd
Architecture: source i386
Version: 0.8.1-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Daniel Schepler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Daniel Schepler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 monopd - Monopoly game network server
 monopd (0.8.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix debian/rules for new cdbs.
 14e2455efc61a59198351e64c648ffe8 615 games optional monopd_0.8.1-2.dsc
 85990208da4b60799763596c661c4693 2486 games optional monopd_0.8.1-2.diff.gz
 3f4b3b1debde0b59fb61e7781df6fd4f 147546 games optional monopd_0.8.1-2_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/m/monopd/monopd_0.8.1-2.diff.gz
  to pool/main/m/monopd/monopd_0.8.1-2.dsc
  to pool/main/m/monopd/monopd_0.8.1-2_i386.deb

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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