Re: Windoze 95 and Linux compatibility??

1996-12-10 Thread Bruce Perens
Linux can mount Windows 95 filesystems. Ther may still be a problem with
NT filesystems, I'm not sure. It can be a client, server, or browse master
for Windows networks. It shares disks and printers. There is very limited
support for executing Windows programs under Linux.

Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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X S3 bug?

1996-12-10 Thread Norman Walsh
I'm using the S3 X server and the display doesn't map quite right.  It
seems to be off by a small number of pixels (leaving a slim vertical
bar across the far right of the display).  This is sporadic behavior,
sometimes it snaps into proper alignment and sometimes it snaps out.

Is this a known bug?  Is there a fix?

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | On a clear disk you can seek 
Technical Director, Online Publishing |  
O'Reilly  Associates, Inc.   |  
Telecommuting from Amherst, MA| 
(413) 549-3868 Voice and FAX  |

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upgrading tips (was Re: Any pitfalls of upgrading to libc in unstable?)

1996-12-10 Thread Craig Sanders

On Sat, 7 Dec 1996, CoB SysAdmin wrote:

 What I need to know is, is there any magic order I need to do
 everything in? I know the last time I tried to futz with my libraries,
 my whole system *stopped* (because I rmed the old libraries before
 copying in the new ones. I guess cp was linked to shared libs,
 because I never made it that far. cp complained that it couldn't link
 to the shared libs, etc. I had to eventually boot the install disks
 and replace the original shared libs.

you must have done that on a slackware system (or some other distribution
which doesn't have a neat packaging system like debian) 

with debian, the easiest and safest way to upgrade your libc  ldso is to
download the relevant packages and use dpkg or dselect to install them.
It's all done automatically and safely. 

 So, seeing as how this has to happen on a *live* web server, I'd like
 to get any tips in advance. For example:
 I'm going to update ldso at around the same time. Should one come before
 the other? (ie, install new ldso, then new libc, or vice-versa?).

shouldn't really matter.  If it does, then the libc  ldso packages are
created so that they depend on the correct version to be installed first.
As a completely hypothetical example, if ldso version 9.99 required libc5
version 5.5.55 then dpkg would not allow you to install that version of ldso
UNTIL the correct version of libc5 was installed.

The only gotcha is that certain packages may depend on other packages
which you haven't downloaded yet.  The best solution is to mirror the
distribution (see below).  Failing that, always check the requirements of
any package with dpkg -I packagefilename.deb before installing it. 
(note capital -I for Info, not lowercase -i for install)

once again, dpkg wont let you go wrong - if the dependancies arent
installed then it wont let you upgrade.

note: you can override dpkg's restrictions with the --force options. 
sometimes you need to.  Usually you don't, but it's nice to know you can
if you have to :-) 

Read the documentation.

 Hints, tricks, suggestions?

use dpkg  dselect to do all your upgrades. THESE TOOLS ARE THE MAIN
easy to upgrade individual packages or the entire distribution in an
automated, mostly painless, mostly safe way. It isn't 100% perfect
(nothing is) but it's certainly several orders of magnitude better than
doing it all by hand.

Best tip I can give you is: If you have the bandwidth and/or the
disk space (about 400mb for just the binaries, over 1gb if you want
everything including sources for stable  unstable, plus the kitchen
sink), then mirror either the stable or the unstable debian tree and
upgrade regularly from that. I find that I have more minor hassles
upgrading the longer I leave it between upgrades.

If you have a test system (i.e. one that you use but which nothing is
dependant on and customers/users aren't going to scream about if it goes
down) then use that to test upgrades. Upgrade it first. Find out what
might go wrong. If it works fine then it's safe to upgrade your live
system. Otherwise, submit a bug report, wait a few more days for fixes to
trickle into the mirror and try it again. 

I've been doing this with my debian systems for over a year and havent yet
run into any problem which couldn't be fixed in an hour or so.  Most
problems can be avoided entirely just by clearly thinking about and
planning what you are about to do...dpkg is a great tool but it's not a
substitute for making active use of your own brain. 

Finally, always leave yourself a way to back out to the way it was before
you started changing things. Sometimes this means making sure that you
have a copy of the .deb archive of the OLD version that you are about to
upgrade...if you have it on CD, no problem. 

Use dpkg
Leave yourself an out.


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networking problem

1996-12-10 Thread Allan Anderson
Okay folks...I've narrowed down my problem to /etc/init.d/network, where
the first attempt to ifconfig eth0 fails, because I have no eth0!  I told
the installer that I was connected to the network via ethernet.  NT (also
on the system) says taht I have a Novell NE2000 card.  What's wrong?  do I
have to mknod the device file myself?  If so, how?  (never mind why for
now).  Any ideas, folks?  it's set to x300 irq 10, in a mixed ISA/PCI
system...NT, 95, and wfw work fine (this is to be a multiplatform build
machine).  Thanks, if anyone can help!

(btw...I tried re-installing with Debian 1.2 floppies and base.  same

Allan Anderson -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Debian on Infomagic CD

1996-12-10 Thread Paul Seelig
On Mon, 9 Dec 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

 Regarding InfoMagic, I think this time he only has one CD for Debian,
 and thus some stuff like contrib and non-free might not make it on
 to the CD.
Hmm, the last InfoMagic Developer's Resource had only room for Debian on
not even a whole disk. It had to share a single disk with some other stuff
like a Wine mirror and JE (Japanese Extensions?). So it can't become worse
than before... 
P. *8^)
   Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   Our AMA Homepage  in  the WWW at

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Re: news config -- suggested tools?

1996-12-10 Thread Johnie Ingram
Hamish == Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hamish Which software would be best to handle this? From the name,
Hamish suck sounds like just the thing to get the news in, but I'd
Hamish guess it won't be interested in batching for UUCP, so I'd need
Hamish cnews or inn. I'm reasonably familar with configuring Taylor
Hamish UUCP.

Actually, suck does indeed batch for UUCP, after checking the article
ids and stripping duplicates.  Then you can use rnews to send the
files to your INN.  You can rnews the suck batch files: no UUCP
configuration is necessary unless you need to automatically transfer
the batches between hosts.
  mm   mm Johnie Ingram, Network Technician
   mm mm  Research  Development, The Library Network
   m m m  33030 Van Born Road, Wayne, MI 48141  +1 313 326 8910 x144
  mm   mm
  GO BLUE PGP  E4 70 6E 59 80 6A F5 78  63 32 BC FB 7A 08 53 4C 
  Ibala lami elimnyama, ndiya zidla ngalo
-- One by One  (Disney's Rhythm of the Pridelands)

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Re: Help! I'm with mount problems...

1996-12-10 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hello again.

  I'm new to the Linux Wonderfull World, and surfing the Web,
  I found the Debian page. I downloaded the Debian Linux, installed
  it, and used (+/-) since October, but I've not much experience, and
  an energy problem caused the system to display this message when the
  computer rebooted:
  EXT2-fs error (device 03:41): ext2_check_descriptors: Block bitmap
  for group 32 not in group (block 1310742)!
  [MS-DOS FS Rel. 12,FAT 0,check=n,conv=b,uid=0,gid=0,umask=022,bmap]
  Transaction block size=512
  Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:41
 I don't understand completely this error message. It mentions both 
 EXT-2 and MS-DOS. I assume that your root filesystem is ext2.


  I've attempted to boot with a diskette, and tried to manually mount
  the fs, because I know that there is another tables on the partition,
  but I don't know the 'mount' program, as the ext2-fs, *so* well.
 Ok, to mount an ext2 filesystem:
   mount -t ext2 /dev/partition mountpoint
 From what I see above, your partition should be /dev/hdb1. A typical
 mountpoint is /mnt.

I tried this, but its results was an error message. :-(

 But beware, don't try to mount is without fsck'ing it.
 Try, before:
   e2fsck -f /dev/hdb1
 And see what it says.

The only boot disk that I have is the one of Debian Installation.
Do you believe that its root disk hasn't the e2fsck program? Can
you send this program attached in a reply, or say where can I find
it? I'll mount my W95 partition with the program in it, and will
attempt to use it...

 If it cannot fix the problems, then you'll have to use an
 alternate superblock, but that's another story.

Can you tell me how to do it? I think the problem is in the
first superblock, but don't know how to use another superblocks.

 If it works, you can try to mount it on mnt, check that
 about everything is ok, and reboot.

Now, a stupid question :-) How can I check that everything is
ok? I don't have books about Linux or Unix, and the little
things that I learned was with the 'man' command. With my poor
english, that was a true Mission: Impossible ;-)

Thanks again!

[]'s Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: pdf files

1996-12-10 Thread David Puryear
Hi All,

 What you need is a copy of the Adobe Acrobat viewer software.

Better would be Ghostscript with gv. Since  most people have Ghostscript
already. Ghostview is not setup to view pdf files(have this changed?)
even through Ghostscript can handle it. But 'gv' on the other hand can
handle pdf files and it looks much better then Ghostview. This way you
don't have to waste time downloading Adobe Acrobat which is very big. 


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go-ahead for Debian 1.2

1996-12-10 Thread Bruce Perens
I have given the go-ahead for Debian 1.2 to be released. Currently and the mirror at BNL have up-to-date archives. Other
mirrors are catching up, and we'll hold off on the release announcement
until they are in sync. Most critical is that your mirror have the
1996-12-8 boot floppy set, as the 1996-12-7 one was a mess.

You are welcome to jump the gun and get Debian 1.2 from the frozen
directory. I'd appreciate it if a good number of the regular crowd on
debian-user go through the installation procedure ASAP, so that you are
able to help out people who are just starting to use Debian.

As always, the Debian developers are grateful for the efforts of our
regular users on debian-user.


Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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From miss
Received: from (
  by with SMTP; 10 Dec 1996 03:00:58 -
Received: (qmail 3249 invoked from network); 10 Dec 1996 02:44:22 -
Received: from (HELO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  by with SMTP; 10 Dec 1996 02:44:22 -
Date:   Mon, 9 Dec 96 19:50:09 GMT
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Skreeg)
Subject: Dpkg-ftp broke and now gone completely.
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/1107
Precedence: list
Priority: non-urgent
Importance: low
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there,
Got quite a serious problem here. I was upgrading parts of the system
using the full whack of stable and unstable dirs. During upgrading dkpg-ftp
it says it depends on libnet. Fair enough, I'll get that too only to find
that during the process it barfs with a can't get libnet type of error.
This has the result that dpkg-ftp is now broken (U). Pressing Shift-R has
no effect it getting back to my previous state so I uninstalled dpkg-ftp
hoping to install the old one back from my Iconnect CD. Wrong!. After doing
a CD update I find that Dpkg-ftp isn't listed. It must be on it somewhere
since it's installed from a fresh installation so it must be on the CD.
Can anyone pleaae help me here. This is the second time this has
happened, the last time I just done a full installation to get it back.
Something I've done 8 times in the last 8 months and I have no wish to do
it anymore. Thank you.

   __ _ _
  /  \ \ \ 
 / / / / / |-Brian SkreegIRC:_Ozzy-|
 \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
\__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

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From miss
Received: from (
  by with SMTP; 10 Dec 1996 03:00:59 -
Received: (qmail 3269 invoked from network); 10 Dec 1996 02:44:32 -
Received: from (HELO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  by with SMTP; 10 Dec 1996 02:44:32 -
Date:   Mon, 9 Dec 96 19:50:09 GMT
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Skreeg)
Subject: Dpkg-ftp broke and now gone completely.
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/1107
Precedence: list
Priority: non-urgent
Importance: low
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there,
Got quite a serious problem here. I was upgrading parts of the system
using the full whack of stable and unstable dirs. During upgrading dkpg-ftp
it says it depends on libnet. Fair enough, I'll get that too only to find
that during the process it barfs with a can't get libnet type of error.
This has the result that dpkg-ftp is now broken (U). Pressing Shift-R has
no effect it getting back to my previous state so I uninstalled dpkg-ftp
hoping to install the old one back from my Iconnect CD. Wrong!. After doing
a CD update I find that Dpkg-ftp isn't listed. It must be on it somewhere
since it's installed from a fresh installation so it must be on the CD.
Can anyone pleaae help me here. This is the second time this has
happened, the last time I just done a full installation to get it back.
Something I've done 8 times in the last 8 months and I have no wish to do
it anymore. Thank you.

   __ _ _
  /  \ \ \ 
 / / / / / |-Brian SkreegIRC:_Ozzy-|
 \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|

Re: Debian on Infomagic CD

1996-12-10 Thread Shaya Potter
On Mon, 9 Dec 1996, Adam Shand wrote:

 What I would like to see added to non-free (more than stable/unstable) is
 the copyright files for each package, already unpacked, so the packages
 don't need to be unpacked to be investigated. This would make it a lot
 less work determining which packages might be included under various
 I agree, this would be *really* nice.

then talk to Guy, it should be easy enough to extract from the archive 
automatically.  it should be in /usr/doc/package name/copyright.

Shaya Potter

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Debian 1.1 (1-Jul-96) networking problem

1996-12-10 Thread Allan Anderson
Hello folks...I've got a CD-ROM from IConnect, made ~ the first of July.
It seems to install just fine, but when it reboots, the network doesn't
start up.  I've got a NE2000 card, and I think that I configured
everything works fine when I install from my old .93r6 cd, for
instance.  During bootup, it reads off a bunch of messages ( SIG* failed:
device does not exist, that sort of thing...I'll get the exact errors if
anyone asks.)  Does anyone know what's going on here?  I had the exact
same problem when I first got the CD and tried to install it on another
machine, with an HP lancard, so I'm thinking that it's probably a problem
with the distribution.  I've installed the updated netbase.deb from
buzz-fixed, but the problem persists.  Argh, I don't want to have to run
.93r6!!!  Thanks in  advance for any help..

Allan Anderson -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Recompiling kernel broke my ppp

1996-12-10 Thread Craig Sanders

On Sat, 7 Dec 1996, Paul Christenson wrote:

 There is something that I've been wondering.. Why is everyone so
 fascinated with modules? I acknowledge that they have their uses, but
 how many people really need to UNLOAD a module once it's loaded?

 If you need it, compile it into the kernel, where it belongs. You'll
 find that there are a lot fewer problems if you do.

edwalter already brought up two good reasons. here's a third:

flexibility: you can compile a kernel with modules that you need plus
modules that you MIGHT need in the future. e.g. you have an ne2000
ethernet card now but you're planning to upgrade to a 3c509 in a few
weeks. compile a kernel with ne2000 and 3c509 modules and just use
whichever one you need at the time. You'll still have to reboot but only
because you cant swap the cards without powering down :-)

a more common scenario is wanting to give yourself the flexibility of
running samba or netatalk or ipx stuff later. You dont need it now
but as soon as you have time you'll get it working. If it's a module,
just load it and experiment without having to recompile the kernel and
without having to reboot.

and a fourth:

finding out where hardware lives without rebooting 50,000,000 times:
e.g. you have to convert an old 386 box with some sort of ethernet card
in it into a linux box router. of course, there is no documentation for
any of the hardware and the jumper settings on the card don't make any
sense to you at all. If you compile the ethernet card into the kernel
you have to edit /etc/lilo.conf, run lilo  reboot every time you try
a new io port address and irq. With modules, you just keep on running
modprobe or insmod commands from the shell prompt until the module
loads successfully, make a note of the settings that worked, and edit
/etc/modules or /etc/conf.modules to make those settings the defaults
for that module. 5 minutes work rather than 1+ hours.

this is particularly obvious when you are installing two or more
ethernet cards in a machine (quite common for a router or firewall box).
It's so much easier doing it with modules that i wouldn't even consider
doing it any other way.

BUT, no matter what hardware you've got and no matter how well the
standard debian kernel works for you, it is a very good idea to compile
your own kernel as soon as possible.  Why waste memory on unneeded
drivers?  Also, many drivers add a couple of minutes to booting time while
they probe for non-existant hardware.  The standard debian kernel is a
one-size-fits-all affair.  Roll your own to suit your own hardware as
soon as possible. 


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ppp problems

1996-12-10 Thread Dave Ewaldz
Hi all, I am trying to get ppp version 2.2.0f-18 running on my
Debian 1.1 system. It is dialing up and logging in fine, but when the
LCP negotiation phase starts, it seems to loop for a while, then
timeout. It looks like my ISP is not acking my system's config

My ISP account works fine with Trumpet Winsock on Windows, and Win95
PPP- both with no fancy authentication, etc., so that should not be
the problem.

Follows is a portion of my ppp.log file showing what I'm seeing 
here (I apologize for the lengthy log file):

15:08:55 pppd[29364]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (BUSY) 
15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (NO CARRIER) 
15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (VOICE) 
15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (NO DIALTONE) 
15:08:58 chat[29365]: send (ATDT962-9761^M) 
15:08:58 chat[29365]: expect (ogin) 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: ATDT962-9761^M^M 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: PROTOCOL: LAP-M^M 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: COMPRESSION: V.42BIS^M 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: CONNECT 14400/ARQ^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: This is WorldWide Access (SM)^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: enter guest to get information^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: (3.1) (pool1) (line112)^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: pool1 login -- got it 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: send (Puserdeleted^M) 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: expect (word) 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: : Puserdeleted^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: Password -- got it 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: send (passdeleted^M) 
15:09:18 chat[29365]: expect (Packet) 
15:09:18 chat[29365]: : ^M 
15:09:18 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:18 chat[29365]: Packet -- got it 
15:09:19 pppd[29364]: Serial connection established.
15:09:20 pppd[29364]: Using interface ppp0
15:09:20 pppd[29364]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
15:09:20 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:09:24 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:24 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:29 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:29 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:30 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:09:34 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:34 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x3 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:39 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x4 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:39 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x4 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:40 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:09:44 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x5 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:44 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x5 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:49 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x6 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:49 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x6 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:50 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:09:54 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x7 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:54 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x7 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:59 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x8 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:59 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x8 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:10:00 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:10:04 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x9 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:10:04 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x9 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:10:09 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xa mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:10:09 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0xa mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:10:10 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:10:14 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xb mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:10:14 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0xb mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:10:19 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xc mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:10:19 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0xc mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:10:20 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:10:24 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP 


1996-12-10 Thread Shaya Potter
On Mon, 9 Dec 1996, Daniel Stringfield wrote:

 From what I understand, PGP 'international' is not supposed to be used in
 the US, and the US version is not supposed to be use outside of the US. 
 Is this right?  Which one should I be using?
The US version is legal to use in the US, and illegal to export from the 
US, but whose gonna prosecute you if you use it outside the US.  But you 
shouldn't want to use it anyway b/c the international version is faster 
b/c it uses a faster library than the one RSA provides for MIT to put in 
the US version.  However b/c it uses its own library, it breaks RSA's 
patent in the US, therefore it is techinically illegal to be used in the US.

Shaya Potter

This message was delayed because the list mail delivery agent was down.

Re: Help! I'm with mount problems...

1996-12-10 Thread Philippe Troin

On Mon, 09 Dec 1996 16:38:05 -0200 Alexander Gieg 

 I'm new to the Linux Wonderfull World, and surfing the Web,
 I found the Debian page. I downloaded the Debian Linux, installed
 it, and used (+/-) since October, but I've not much experience, and
 an energy problem caused the system to display this message when the
 computer rebooted:
 EXT2-fs error (device 03:41): ext2_check_descriptors: Block bitmap
 for group 32 not in group (block 1310742)!
 [MS-DOS FS Rel. 12,FAT 0,check=n,conv=b,uid=0,gid=0,umask=022,bmap]
 Transaction block size=512
 Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:41

I don't understand completely this error message. It mentions both 
EXT-2 and MS-DOS. I assume that your root filesystem is ext2.

 I've attempted to boot with a diskette, and tried to manually mount
 the fs, because I know that there is another tables on the partition,
 but I don't know the 'mount' program, as the ext2-fs, *so* well.

Ok, to mount an ext2 filesystem:
mount -t ext2 /dev/partition mountpoint
From what I see above, your partition should be /dev/hdb1. A typical 
mountpoint is /mnt.

But beware, don't try to mount is without fsck'ing it.
Try, before:
e2fsck -f /dev/hdb1
And see what it says.
If it cannot fix the problems, then you'll have to use an alternate superblock, 
but that's another story.
If it works, you can try to mount it on mnt, check that about everything is ok, 
and reboot.


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Re: Debian on Infomagic CD

1996-12-10 Thread Bruce Perens
I think the license should be placed in the archive next to the package
so that it is easy to read.

Regarding InfoMagic, I think this time he only has one CD for Debian,
and thus some stuff like contrib and non-free might not make it on
to the CD.


Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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Re: Debian on Infomagic CD

1996-12-10 Thread Bruce Perens
Actually, it looks as if contrib made it onto the CD, but non-free did

Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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Apache and cgi-bin

1996-12-10 Thread Tapio Vaattanen

I just upgraded from Debian 1.1 to pre-1.2. I tought it would
be nice to have packages dwww and info2www so I installed them.

But I just can't get Apache configured the way it could handle
cgi-scripts. I had some problems while installing it, but it
was finally installed without errors and it is running well,
except with cgi-scripts.

I didn't found much information about my problem form man pages
nor Apaches home page.

So when I'm no trying to read those indexed dwww-man-pages which all 
I get is error message...

File Not found

The requested URL /cgi-bin/dwww was not found on this server.

Dpkg installed Dwww and info2www scripts as links to /usr/lib/httpd/cgi-bin.
In my /etc/apache/access.conf I have following lines, which might have
some connection with the problem.

# This should be changed to whatever you set Document-Root to.

Directory /home/www-data/webspace
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
order allow,deny
allow from all


# /usr/lib/httpd/cgi-bin should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
# CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.

Directory /usr/lib/httpd/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None

And in /etc/apache/httpd.conf

# User/Group: The name (or #number) of the user/group to run httpd as.
#  On SCO (ODT 3) use User nouser and Group nogroup
User www-data
Group www-data

LoadModule alias_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/
LoadModule userdir_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/
LoadModule cgi_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/
LoadModule anon_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/
LoadModule status_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/
LoadModule info_module '/usr/lib/apache/modules/'
LoadModule digest_module '/usr/lib/apache/modules/'
LoadModule config_log_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/
LoadModule cookies_module '/usr/lib/apache/modules/'
LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/

And /etc/apache/srm.conf

DocumentRoot /home/www-data/webspace

# ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
# Format: ScriptAlias fakename realname

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/httpd/cgi-bin/

# To use CGI scripts:
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

I've tried to change /cgi-bin/ directory to the DocumentRoot, and
changed configuration so that it should be there, but haven't had
any luck.

I would appreciate if some one would kindly give any suggestion or
even post me the right and safe configuration to the cgi-bin stuff.


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Re: Debian on Infomagic CD

1996-12-10 Thread Paul Christenson
On Sun, 8 Dec 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

 I advised Joel to look over the licenses of the individual programs in
 non-free, and decide what he could legally include. I don't know if he'll
 have space.

Since there has been discussion of splitting up non-free, how about
creating a 'non-dist' for those that have distribution restrictions?
Fortunately, there are not many, and if the package maintainer would
include a line in the Packages entry like:

mypackage-1.1.deb D-Restrictions: CD foreign Xfoo
  (restricted CD, foreign, or 'foo' distributions)
anotherpkg-0.1.deb D-Restrictions: none
  (no restrictions on distribution)

This way, a grep of the packages (with standardized keywords) would give
an instant list of all packages not allowed on CD-ROM.

The '-Xfoo' flag is a hypothetical extended flag, here stating that
distribution by method foo is specifically prohibited, but there is no
recognized flag '-foo'.

This could be extended to all non-free packages, with other lines, like:

thispkg-2.0.deb U-Restrictions: commercial

for restrictions on commercial use.

Just an idea...

   |   This is OFFICIAL WRITTEN notification that I want to be REMOVED   |
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   | account has had this request posted. ALL UNSOLICITED ADVERTISEMENTS |

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Re: POPmail and procmail

1996-12-10 Thread Wolfhard Straehle
Hi Daniel,

Daniel Stringfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When I send a message via locally, over my own network, procmail seems to
 process the file, but when mail comes in via 'popclient' from my ISP, it
 doesn't seem to be running the .forward file.  Does anyone have this same
 situation.  Maybe I am beating my head against a brick wall for nothing.
 OR is there a way to have 'popclient' pass the mail to procmail directly?

I feed any mail received by popclient to procmail using the
following crontab entry:

14 05 * * * popclient -3 my.mail.server -c | formail +1 -ds procmail

formail splits the stream of mail coming from popclient into single messages
and executes procmail for each message.

Hope this will help,


Wolfhard Strähle   E-Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Denkendorfer Straße 25 Tel.: (049)-0711/3482825
D-73760 Ostfildern

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Re: X S3 bug?

1996-12-10 Thread John M. Rulnick
   From: Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: 09 Dec 1996 16:51:19 -0500

   I'm using the S3 X server and the display doesn't map quite right.
   It seems to be off by a small number of pixels (leaving a slim
   vertical bar across the far right of the display).  This is
   sporadic behavior, sometimes it snaps into proper alignment and
   sometimes it snaps out.

   Is this a known bug?  Is there a fix?

Dear Norman,

At you'll find:

Q.C1- The mouse cursor doesn't display in the right position

If the cursor appears to be horizontally offset by several pixels, it
is probably due to the same problems that cause the display to be
wrapped around. See item D1 below.

Q.D1- Part of the Displayed Image is Wrapping-around or is Duplicated
on the Other Side of the Screen

For Diamond Stealth Video VRAM: if the server is not recognizing your
card as a Diamond card, add this line to your XF86Config:

Option Diamond
If the above does not work or you don't have a Diamond card, try
running the xvidtune program and adjusting various settings. In
particular, if you have a recent S3 based card, adjust the extra
S3-specific settings at the bottom.

Good luck,

Prof. J. Rulnick
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng.
Atwater Kent Laboratories
WPI, 100 Institute Rd.
Worcester, MA 01609-2280

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Re: X S3 bug?

1996-12-10 Thread Gerry Jensen
On 9 Dec 1996, Norman Walsh wrote:

 I'm using the S3 X server and the display doesn't map quite right.  It
 seems to be off by a small number of pixels (leaving a slim vertical
 bar across the far right of the display).  This is sporadic behavior,
 sometimes it snaps into proper alignment and sometimes it snaps out.
 Is this a known bug?  Is there a fix?

I've seen this too, but it happens very rarely on my machine. When it
does, usually just switching to a text mode (Ctrl-Alt-F1) and then back to
the X screen (Alt-F7) will fix the problem.


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1996-12-10 Thread Fabien Ninoles
On Mon, 9 Dec 1996, Daniel Stringfield wrote:

 From what I understand, PGP 'international' is not supposed to be used in
 the US, and the US version is not supposed to be use outside of the US. 
 Is this right?  Which one should I be using?
   Daniel Stringfield  
 Send email for more information on the Jacksonville Linux Users Group!
If you're in US, use the US version. In Canada, you have choice between
both. The International supposely have more option altough I don't see
a little difference between the basics functionnality... Elsewhere, you're
preference must go to the international.

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Re: NTFS Filesystems

1996-12-10 Thread Fabien Ninoles

On Tue, 10 Dec 1996, Mercurial Canid wrote:

 Can Linux read NTFS filesystems?  I looked at the partitions using fdisk
 and it read the NTFS filesystem as OS/2 HPFS, but when I tried to mount 
 it calling it HPFS it didn't work.  Is there any way to do this?
 NTFS != HPFS.  

Yes, is not the same fs but MS use the same ID for both... that's why
fdisk is confused...

   I don't believe linux can mount NTFS filesystems.  But, did you make sure
   the hpfs is compiled into your kernel?
 There is read-only support for NTFS:
 -- Ian!!

As previously say, it exists in Debian package in experimental. I had try
it a time ago but the version I use doesn't support the compressed format.
Because the compressed attribute is the only reason why I'm using NTFS
(frankly, with dosntfs, the security of having an NTFS side to a FAT FS is
really no more a reason... ;) I flushed it... and finally flushed NT at
all... Mainly, Linux, especially with Debian, give me everything I need...
I just find out the last reason why I really no more need a NTFS...
A GPL VRML browser named VR-WEB ... Just try to find some time to spend on
it and may be put it on deb... if no one else are interested to do it?

- ---
 Knowing how things work is the basis for appreciation, and
 is thus a source of civilized delight. -- William Safire
- ---
Fabien Ninoles aka le Veneur|| Running Debian-Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Lover of MOO, mountains, || poetry and Freedom.
- ---

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


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Tweaking cron for use on laptops

1996-12-10 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
 Martin == Martin Gallant [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Martin I have been running Debian on my laptop for a few months
Martin now.  Good job guys.  Unless I intentionally remove the
Martin cron package form this machine, the hard drive will not
Martin spin down.  What would be nice is if I could configure
Martin cron to only run say once per hour.  That way I could take
Martin advantage of the log cycling features of the system.
Martin Reading through the vixie cron documentation and source,
Martin there does not appear to be a straightforward way to do
Martin this.  Anyone thought about this?

 I've thought about that  too.  A friend of mine  has a  Thinkpad that
can do  a context dump to  a disk partition, and  start up right where
you leave  off.  He told me  that  there's a  desktop system available
that can go to  sleep like that also.  I  want one!  I'd like to leave
my machine on all the time.

 I've set my  drives to spin down,  using 'hdparm', but 'update' keeps
them from  stopping.  There's a patch out,  called 'atime' patch, if I
recall, that  is  supposed to help alleviate  this.   It says it comes
with a  script that puts /dev/* in  a ramdisk.  I  haven't explored it

 But what about 'cron'?  It ought  to set an alarm  that would wake up
the computer just before a job is scheduled,  run the job, and then go
back  to sleep.   I suppose  that  a re-implementation  of 'cron'  and
'atrun' would be required to make this happen.   Q: Does the real time
clock have what  would  be  required?  (or  a  start  on  that?)   How
difficult would that  be?   Do those  computer support something  like
this?  They must, it seems such an obvious thing.

 Another thing  I thought  of   is to install  that  screensaver hooks
patch, and  have the screensaver send a  signal to a modified 'update'
daemon.  It could SIGUSER1 it, which would cause it to 'sync' and then
toggle to OFF.  When  the  screensaver deactivates, it would  SIGUSER1
'update' again, and that would toggle  update back on again.  (Perhaps
rather than  ON/OFF, it would toggle between  two update periods given
on the   commandline  toupdate.   A  longer  timeoutfor  while
screenblanker is active.)

 I tried to hack in a call to sync(); where the screen gets blanked in
the kernel, naively.  (Aiieeh!)   Can't schedule during an
interrupt.   After   I  finish   the bigred book, Beginning  Linux
Programming, I  think I will get  that Kernel Internals book and start
on it.  :-)  There's a lot to learn.

 I'm not capable of coding any of that yet; I'm just  a beginner.  But
I've thought about it some...  :-)

 Participate in history!
   __ _Karl M. Hegbloom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /  Portland, OR, USA
/ /__| | | | | |_| | Proudly running Linux 2.0.25 transname
\/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ and Debian GNU public software!

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Re: ppp problems

1996-12-10 Thread Brian Reeves
At 10:54 PM 12/8/96 -6000, Dave Ewaldz wrote:
Hi all, I am trying to get ppp version 2.2.0f-18 running on my
Debian 1.1 system. It is dialing up and logging in fine, but when the
LCP negotiation phase starts, it seems to loop for a while, then
timeout. It looks like my ISP is not acking my system's config


My situation was similar, I think, to Dave's.  As I posted here more than
once, I had a new install of Debian (rex) and I was trying to get to the
'dselect-ftp' portion of the install.

My PPP now works!!

After a marathon session of tweaking my options files, all appears fine.  It
is too late tonight to try and install any packages (maybe just a teensy
_little_ one :) but the modem logs in to my ISP, ifconfig reports all is
well, and pinging various sites reports everything is smooth.

Here's what I 'tweaked'  
The _only_ options I left enabled were


I know these vary according to your needs, but many other options were 'on'
by default and one by one I turned things off until it worked.  

One confusing thing (to this newcomer) was the PAP authentication: should it
be on or off?  I know my ISP requires it (I check that box on Trumpett :)
so I kept trying in my options file to have it enabled.  Not needed, apparently.

I do have a /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file with my_username, *, and my_password.
I don't know if it mattered in the end.

One thing I read in the HOWTO was to check /etc/resolv.conf

Mine had garbage in it, so I replaced that with my domain and nameserver

I just had to share that the ppp now appears to be working well.  On to
better things!!


My ISP account works fine with Trumpet Winsock on Windows, and Win95
PPP- both with no fancy authentication, etc., so that should not be
the problem.

Follows is a portion of my ppp.log file showing what I'm seeing 

15:08:55 pppd[29364]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (BUSY) 
15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (NO CARRIER) 
15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (VOICE) 
15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (NO DIALTONE) 
15:08:58 chat[29365]: send (ATDT962-9761^M) 
15:08:58 chat[29365]: expect (ogin) 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: ATDT962-9761^M^M 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: PROTOCOL: LAP-M^M 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: COMPRESSION: V.42BIS^M 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:16 chat[29365]: CONNECT 14400/ARQ^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: This is WorldWide Access (SM)^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: enter guest to get information^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: (3.1) (pool1) (line112)^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: pool1 login -- got it 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: send (Puserdeleted^M) 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: expect (word) 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: : Puserdeleted^M 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: Password -- got it 
15:09:17 chat[29365]: send (passdeleted^M) 
15:09:18 chat[29365]: expect (Packet) 
15:09:18 chat[29365]: : ^M 
15:09:18 chat[29365]: ^M 
15:09:18 chat[29365]: Packet -- got it 
15:09:19 pppd[29364]: Serial connection established.
15:09:20 pppd[29364]: Using interface ppp0
15:09:20 pppd[29364]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
15:09:20 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:09:24 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:24 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:29 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:29 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:30 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:09:34 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:34 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x3 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:39 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x4 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:39 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x4 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:40 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:09:44 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x5 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:44 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x5 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:49 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x6 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:49 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x6 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:50 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
15:09:54 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x7 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
15:09:54 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x7 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp 

Re: Tweaking cron for use on laptops

1996-12-10 Thread Bruce Perens
Martin Unless I intentionally remove the
Martin cron package form this machine, the hard drive will not
Martin spin down.

There are a few things that could be modified to facilitate spinning
down the disk. Syslogd is compulsive about writing information to the
disk right away just in case the system crashes. It could be given an
option to buffer. Cron, as you say, is another candidate. Also, (on a
much longer timeline) there are things that can be done in the filesystems.
For example, the last-accessed time of a file doesn't have to be written
immediately, especially if reading a block from the ram cache. Also, when
a disk is spun down it should be put in the unmounted state - that is
with all modifications committed to disk before it's spun down, and the
mounted bit cleared in the superblock. The first write should set the
mounted bit when it is spun back up.

Martin Anyone thought about this?

I doubt it would be much trouble to hack cron. Go for it.

 From: Karl M. Hegbloom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I've thought about that  too.  A friend of mine  has a  Thinkpad that
 can do  a context dump to  a disk partition, and  start up right where
 you leave  off.

Linux can do that on the Thinkpad, and many other laptops, via APM.
It's really a BIOS feature. My desktop will suspend, but the BIOS
doesn't save RAM to disk so the power stays on.

 I've set my  drives to spin down,  using 'hdparm', but 'update' keeps
 them from  stopping.  There's a patch out,  called 'atime' patch, if I
 recall, that  is  supposed to help alleviate  this.   It says it comes
 with a  script that puts /dev/* in  a ramdisk.  I  haven't explored it

That's the last-accessed time. I'd rather defer writing that information
until I know the disk is spinning than put the devices in a RAM disk.

 But what about 'cron'?  It ought  to set an alarm  that would wake up
 the computer just before a job is scheduled,  run the job, and then go
 back  to sleep.

Take that 60-second alarm and make it 60 minutes. See what breaks. Fix it.

 Another thing  I thought  of   is to install  that  screensaver hooks
 patch, and  have the screensaver send a  signal to a modified 'update'

Most of what you need is already in the APM driver.

 I tried to hack in a call to sync(); where the screen gets blanked in
 the kernel, naively.  (Aiieeh!)   Can't schedule during an

But you can ask kerneld to perform a service for you, and then return from
the interrupt. It will get there in a second or two.

Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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Re: procmail won't run

1996-12-10 Thread Lindsay Allen

I'm in the same boat.  When I use ~.forward all my mail gets sent to

On Sat, 7 Dec 1996, Mark W. Blunier wrote:

 I am unable to get procmail to start up from the ~.forward file.
 I can get procmail to run from the command line,
 formail -s procmail  copy_of_an_inbox
 I have setting ~.forward to
 |IFS=' 'exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 #blunier
 | /usr/bin/procmail
 but neither one works.  When the mail comes I doesn't land in
 a folder.  I am using smail.
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Re: Help! I'm with mount problems...

1996-12-10 Thread Philippe Troin

On Tue, 10 Dec 1996 00:39:00 -0200 Alexander Gieg 

   I've attempted to boot with a diskette, and tried to manually mount
   the fs, because I know that there is another tables on the partition,
   but I don't know the 'mount' program, as the ext2-fs, *so* well.
  Ok, to mount an ext2 filesystem:
  mount -t ext2 /dev/partition mountpoint
  From what I see above, your partition should be /dev/hdb1. A typical
  mountpoint is /mnt.
 I tried this, but its results was an error message. :-(

Looks like it's verty f**cked'up then...
You linux root fs is on the first partition of the second hard drive 
right ? Its device is /dev/hdb1 right ?

  But beware, don't try to mount is without fsck'ing it.
  Try, before:
  e2fsck -f /dev/hdb1
  And see what it says.
 The only boot disk that I have is the one of Debian Installation.
 Do you believe that its root disk hasn't the e2fsck program? Can
 you send this program attached in a reply, or say where can I find
 it? I'll mount my W95 partition with the program in it, and will
 attempt to use it...

Mmmh. I've sent it to you in a separate message (no need to send this 
to the lists). I'm not 100% sure it will work as this is Debian 1.2's 
e2fsck, there might be some library problems. If it doesn't work, 
email me and I'll make you a statically linked version.

  If it cannot fix the problems, then you'll have to use an
  alternate superblock, but that's another story.
 Can you tell me how to do it? I think the problem is in the
 first superblock, but don't know how to use another superblocks.

Use the -b option on the command line. SuperBlock backups are stored 
every 8192 blocks (if you did format it normally, but I guess you 
You will want to:
e2fsck -b superblock -f /dev/hdb1
The -f forces the check.
You can try superblock=1 (will do the same as without the -b), 
superblock=8193, etc... (yes is starts at 1).

If you've got a small root fs, and got some spare room somewhere, 
make a copy of the fs. In case something goes wrong, you'll be able 
to restart from scratch.
To do this, mount your spare space on /mnt and do:
dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/mnt/copy-of-root-fs bs=1k
Be sure you've got enough room...

 Now, a stupid question :-) How can I check that everything is
 ok? I don't have books about Linux or Unix, and the little
 things that I learned was with the 'man' command. With my poor
 english, that was a true Mission: Impossible ;-)

If e2fsck completes, it should be ok. Then retry to e2fsck the root fs without 
any option. It should recheck everything, and you shouldn't get anymore errors.
If possible take note of the questions e2fsck asks when repairing. It might 
tell you it found unlinked files, etc...

Good luck.


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suid problem

1996-12-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
In the past few weeks I've had a lot of problems with various
binaries losing their suid bits. For example, I upgraded smail
to the latest (package), and started getting errors from smail
telling me it couldn't write to the paniclog. It wasn't suid,
as it should've been. A few people have told me in mail that
this is a Linux 2.1 bug.

However I spoke to someone on the kernel mailing list, and he
said that as far as he knew, it was a feature, and is
in most unixes and to his knowledge even Linux 2.0. To my
testing it is not in Linux 2.0, but it is in Solaris 5.5,
for example.

Is this a problem with regard to the debian package system?
It bothers me that my binaries are losing their suid
status quite often.

As an example;

[8:03pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/X11R6/bin# ls -l XF86_S3
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root  2025716 Nov 22 15:18 XF86_S3

[8:03pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/deb/x# dpkg -i xserver-s3_3.2-1.deb
(Reading database ... 22830 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace xserver-s3 3.2-1 (using xserver-s3_3.2-1.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement xserver-s3 ...
Setting up xserver-s3 (3.2-1) ...

[8:03pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/X11R6/bin# ls -l XF86_S3
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  2025716 Nov 22 15:18 XF86_S3

Now X won't run, of course.

H, maybe there's a different problem. The SUID bit has been
lost on the above, and I'm running Linux 2.0.27 ... which doesn't
fail my usual test for this behaviour.

Any suggestions?


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Re: pdf files

1996-12-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
 Better would be Ghostscript with gv. Since  most people have Ghostscript
 already. Ghostview is not setup to view pdf files(have this changed?)
 even through Ghostscript can handle it. But 'gv' on the other hand can
 handle pdf files and it looks much better then Ghostview. This way you
 don't have to waste time downloading Adobe Acrobat which is very big. 

I've tried gv; it looks nice, but for me, it doesn't have scrollbars
in the file open window, which makes it useless! Version 2.7b5-3.


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Re: news config -- suggested tools?

1996-12-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
 Hamish == Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hamish Which software would be best to handle this? From the name,
 Hamish suck sounds like just the thing to get the news in, but I'd
 Hamish guess it won't be interested in batching for UUCP, so I'd need
 Hamish cnews or inn. I'm reasonably familar with configuring Taylor
 Hamish UUCP.
 Actually, suck does indeed batch for UUCP, after checking the article
 ids and stripping duplicates.  Then you can use rnews to send the
 files to your INN.  You can rnews the suck batch files: no UUCP
 configuration is necessary unless you need to automatically transfer
 the batches between hosts.

Yes, I need to feed mail and news to another machine with uucp
over dialup. This server doesn't need to have any news capabilities
of its own (well, it will read news by NNRP on demand), but I want
it to feed news to this other machine by uucp.

Mind you, I'm having enough trouble just getting smail to
send mail to uucp sites. Perhaps another post is in order on that
one. I think I'd have more luck with sendmail and the m4 config
files than I'm having with smail so far.

So, I know suck can indeed get news and put them in uucp batches, but
how do I
(a) get these compressed and sent to the host; can suck do this for
me, or should I rip out relevant parts of the inn sendbatch
script, and
(b) can I get suck to produce news filenames with unique numbers
(ie sequence numbers) as required for uucp?


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Re: suid problem

1996-12-10 Thread J.H.M.Dassen
 In the past few weeks I've had a lot of problems with various
 binaries losing their suid bits. For example, I upgraded smail
 to the latest (package), and started getting errors from smail
 telling me it couldn't write to the paniclog. It wasn't suid,
 as it should've been. A few people have told me in mail that
 this is a Linux 2.1 bug.

I don't think so. I suspect this is a bug in the version of dpkg
you're using. Please check if the setuid bit is set in the '.deb'
file: dpkg-deb --contents smail*deb; if it is, and it is not
present after dpkg -i smail*deb, it is definitively a problem
with your dpkg version. 

 However I spoke to someone on the kernel mailing list, and he
 said that as far as he knew, it was a feature, and is
 in most unixes and to his knowledge even Linux 2.0. To my
 testing it is not in Linux 2.0, but it is in Solaris 5.5,
 for example.

No. This is about setuid _scripts_. Setuid scripts are a security 
hole on almost every system, because of a time window in which the
script might be replaced after the setuid has gone effective, but
before the interpreter has read it. Solaris is free from this hole.
In linux, setuid bits on _scripts_ are ignored.

Hope this helps,
J.H.M. Dassen | RUMOUR  Believe all you hear. Your world may  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | not be a better one than the one the blocks   
  | live in but it'll be a sight more vivid.  
  | - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

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Re: suid problem

1996-12-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
  In the past few weeks I've had a lot of problems with various
  binaries losing their suid bits. For example, I upgraded smail
  to the latest (package), and started getting errors from smail
  telling me it couldn't write to the paniclog. It wasn't suid,
  as it should've been. A few people have told me in mail that
  this is a Linux 2.1 bug.
 I don't think so. I suspect this is a bug in the version of dpkg
 you're using. Please check if the setuid bit is set in the '.deb'
 file: dpkg-deb --contents smail*deb; if it is, and it is not
 present after dpkg -i smail*deb, it is definitively a problem
 with your dpkg version. 

H. I just reinstalled smail and the suid bit was maintained.
However the X (S3 server) package seems to be missing the suid bit.
Could be a bug, but the vga16 server has the same. Anyway,
this is wandering off the topic.

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GS 3.33 vs. 2.61, weak rendering, WHY?

1996-12-10 Thread Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wehler
 Now, that I am nearly finished with switching to Debian and
going to switch other 15 boxes as well there is one annoying
thing left: 
   - The preview produced by  gs 3.33  (4/10/1995) is
   - unreadable,   compared  with   that by   gs 2.61
   - (5/28/1993),  due to missing horizontal lines in
   - letters as H, f and so on.
 No matter what resolution, these horizontal lines tend to be
rounded off.  How could we get a more readable rendering?
Else we would have to switch down to the old version.
 Thanks, Andreas.

Uni Wuppertal, FB Elektrotechnik, Tel/Fax: (0202) 439 - 3009
Dr. Andreas Wehler;  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Debian 1.1 (1-Jul-96) networking problem

1996-12-10 Thread D M-L

It seems you NE2000 is not configured, because you are using module.

Add in you '/etc/modules' one line :


to say kerneld to load module ne at boot time

and add in your /etc/conf.modules something like :

ne irq=10 io=0x300

to give parameters to module ne, because MODULE ne can't autoprobe
its parameters


include ne in your kernel ( you have to recompile all your kernel)

 Hello folks...I've got a CD-ROM from IConnect, made ~ the first of July.
 It seems to install just fine, but when it reboots, the network doesn't
 start up.  I've got a NE2000 card, and I think that I configured
 everything works fine when I install from my old .93r6 cd, for
 instance.  During bootup, it reads off a bunch of messages ( SIG* failed:
 device does not exist, that sort of thing...I'll get the exact errors if
 anyone asks.)  Does anyone know what's going on here?  I had the exact
 same problem when I first got the CD and tried to install it on another
 machine, with an HP lancard, so I'm thinking that it's probably a problem
 with the distribution.  I've installed the updated netbase.deb from
 buzz-fixed, but the problem persists.  Argh, I don't want to have to run
 .93r6!!!  Thanks in  advance for any help..
 Allan Anderson -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This message was delayed because the list mail delivery agent was down.


Spineux Alain

  Spineux Alain E-MAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Catholic University of LouvainFAX: 32-10-472501
  PLACE DU LEVANT 2 PHONE  : 32-10-472516

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Reading X manual pages

1996-12-10 Thread Luis Francisco Gonzalez
I have noticed that since upgrading to the new X server I can't get the
manual pages for X. The pages are in the system and mandb says it is processing
the corresponding directories but I can't read them unless I specifically
read the file I want using

man -l /usr/X11R6/man/man1/XFree86.1x.gz 

for XFree86 for example.

Any idea of what might be going on?

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Re: mpeg_play, can't load

1996-12-10 Thread Pedro Quaresma

As root
add the line /usr/X11R6/lib to /etc/
then run ldconfig

  I am trying to use mpeg_play to visualize some videos (in mpeg
  The installation with dselect (or with dpkg -i) seems OK, no
 error messages, but when I try to run mpeg_play the message
 can't load library '/usr/lib/'
 unknown error
 can't load library '/lib/'
 unknown error
 can't find
 The libraries libXt.* are in '/usr/X11R6/lib/'. I tried to make symbolic
 links to then 'ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/' ... , but the same message
 appears after trying to run mpeg_play. 
 Can you help me?

Thank you for your answer, but that was not the problem I
looked at /etc/ and the line /usr/X11R6/lib was (and is)

The problem it is that mpeg_play need the xcompat (X11R5
compatibilty mode) package (thanks to Shaya Potter).

At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Departamento de Matem\'atica
Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra

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1996-12-10 Thread Michel 'dbk' Rochman
Hi everybody,

well, I happen to be one of them new Debian Linux users,
you know, with them stupid questions, stuff you've heard
of thousands of times. So please, if this ain't the right
place let me know first, then flame if I insist.

Just got my hands on Infomagic's Linux 6 CD set distrib.
Looked at it, then at it's contents.
Got perplexed. Very perplexed.
Got dozens of HOWTOs, 5 or 6 various distribs of Linux,
but the one I want is Debian and the 2 they document are
Redhat  Slackware... Bad pick if you ask me.
So, how d'you install the sucker on a PC, uh?

Peg: What are you thinking?
Al : If I wanted you to know, I'd be talking instead of thinking.

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Re: Help! I'm with mount problems...

1996-12-10 Thread Alexander Gieg
   Ok, to mount an ext2 filesystem:
 mount -t ext2 /dev/partition mountpoint
   From what I see above, your partition should be /dev/hdb1. A typical
   mountpoint is /mnt.
  I tried this, but its results was an error message. :-(
 Looks like it's verty f**cked'up then...
 You linux root fs is on the first partition of the second hard drive 
 right ? Its device is /dev/hdb1 right ?

Yes. Yes.

   But beware, don't try to mount is without fsck'ing it.
   Try, before:
 e2fsck -f /dev/hdb1
   And see what it says.
  The only boot disk that I have is the one of Debian Installation.
  Do you believe that its root disk hasn't the e2fsck program? Can
  you send this program attached in a reply, or say where can I find
  it? I'll mount my W95 partition with the program in it, and will
  attempt to use it...
 Mmmh. I've sent it to you in a separate message (no need to send this 
 to the lists). I'm not 100% sure it will work as this is Debian 1.2's 
 e2fsck, there might be some library problems. If it doesn't work, 
 email me and I'll make you a statically linked version.

I tried, but there is the need of a libuuid... library. Please,
send the other version.

   If it cannot fix the problems, then you'll have to use an
   alternate superblock, but that's another story.
  Can you tell me how to do it? I think the problem is in the
  first superblock, but don't know how to use another superblocks.
 Use the -b option on the command line. SuperBlock backups are stored 
 every 8192 blocks (if you did format it normally, but I guess you 
 You will want to:
   e2fsck -b superblock -f /dev/hdb1
 The -f forces the check.
 You can try superblock=1 (will do the same as without the -b), 
 superblock=8193, etc... (yes is starts at 1).
 If you've got a small root fs, and got some spare room somewhere, 
 make a copy of the fs. In case something goes wrong, you'll be able 
 to restart from scratch.
 To do this, mount your spare space on /mnt and do:
   dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/mnt/copy-of-root-fs bs=1k
 Be sure you've got enough room...

In the second winchester (/dev/hdb) I've only two partitions: the
Linux partition (/dev/hdb1) with +/- 790Mb, and the Swap (/dev/hdb2)
with +/- 30Mb. My first winchester (/dev/hda) has only one partition
with 340Mb for my (eeck!) Windows 95 system. When I really know what
I'm doing in Linux, I'll stop using W95 :-)

  Now, a stupid question :-) How can I check that everything is
  ok? I don't have books about Linux or Unix, and the little
  things that I learned was with the 'man' command. With my poor
  english, that was a true Mission: Impossible ;-)
 If e2fsck completes, it should be ok. Then retry to e2fsck the
 root fs without any option. It should recheck everything, and you
 shouldn't get anymore errors.
 If possible take note of the questions e2fsck asks when repairing.
 It might tell you it found unlinked files, etc...
 Good luck.

I'll need it! :-)


[]'s Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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upgrade to 1.2

1996-12-10 Thread Tim Sailer
Last night, I upgraded 2 machine to 1.2 from 1.1. All went fairly smooth,
with 2 hitches. First, I had to install the 'rex', because
dselect/dpkg couldn't resolve the pre-depends on libdl. 2nd, cron
was killed/died, and not started up again. I didn't catch this until
this morning when I dnd't see all the mail from the nightly cron jobs.


   Management decisions have no effect on the laws of physics.
  -- anon
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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Re: pdf files

1996-12-10 Thread David Puryear

Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 I've tried gv; it looks nice, but for me, it doesn't have scrollbars
 in the file open window, which makes it useless! Version 2.7b5-3.

You don't need scrollbars. You can move up and down right or left of
click and drag of page on display. I find this very useful since I don't
have to move the screen to move the page.


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1996-12-10 Thread Jonas Bofjall
On Mon, 9 Dec 1996, Daniel Stringfield wrote:

 From what I understand, PGP 'international' is not supposed to be used in
 the US, and the US version is not supposed to be use outside of the US. 
 Is this right?  Which one should I be using?

1) That is completely right.
2) The i-version since it is better, unless you live in USA *and*
   you are an extremely law-abiding person (no matter how stupid the
   laws are) who never used pirated software or music.

If you want to know more about the i-version, look at:

  // Jonas [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2:201/262.37]

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Re: procmail won't run

1996-12-10 Thread Fabien Ninoles

On Tue, 10 Dec 1996, Lindsay Allen wrote:

 I'm in the same boat.  When I use ~.forward all my mail gets sent to
 On Sat, 7 Dec 1996, Mark W. Blunier wrote:
  I am unable to get procmail to start up from the ~.forward file.
  I can get procmail to run from the command line,
  formail -s procmail  copy_of_an_inbox
  I have setting ~.forward to
  |IFS=' 'exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 #blunier
  | /usr/bin/procmail
  but neither one works.  When the mail comes I doesn't land in
  a folder.  I am using smail.

What is your ~/.procmailrc? Your mail seems to be catch by it.

- ---
 Homework cannot be created or destroyed, but merely 
 converted to another form-- First Law of Serfodynamics
- ---
Fabien Ninoles aka le Veneur|| Running Debian-Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Lover of MOO, mountains, || poetry and Freedom.
- ---

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


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Procmail story...

1996-12-10 Thread Magic
I think that some questions may be solved here... ;)



 Artur Zaworski, Computer Center, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland.
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone(office): 47.27.88
   W naturze czlowieka lezy rozsadne myslenie i nielogiczne dzialanie.

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lpr, lprm on remote machines

1996-12-10 Thread Dirk Luetjens

we have a small problem using the combination of lpr, lprm on a remote
machine. A user, who started a printjob with lpr is not allowed to
remove his own printjob on the other machine. The /etc/passwd and
/etc/group files are distributed with nis, so both computer use the
same user-id and group-id. 
Although the apsfilter cannot access the contents of the cf* files.

Evaluation of the permisssons leads to:

On the computer that started the print job:
-rw-rw   1 daemon   lp 72 Dec 10 16:03 cfA064Aa00955
-rw-rw   1 dirk lp   9763 Dec 10 16:03 dfA064Aa00955

On the print-server
-rw-rw   1 root lp 72 Dec 10 16:01 
-rw-rw   1 root lp   9763 Dec 10 16:01 dfA064Aa00955

Why are the jobs started with root.lp and not with the users id?



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Problems with Compaq Prosignia vs

1996-12-10 Thread Nico De Ranter


I'm trying to install Debian 1.1.4 on a Compaq Prosignia vs which has only a
SCSI-harddisk and CD-ROM (no IDE).  However the SCSI-controller is integrated
on the motherboard and I do not have a clue what kind of card this is.
 Apparently Linux does not recognize it, but since I don't know the name of the
SCSI-board I also don't know if it is possible to correct this using any
boot-paramters or whatever.

Anyway, if somebody managed to install Debian on such a system or knows how to
handle it, please give me a call.

Thanks in advance,


Nico De Ranter
Sony Objective Composer (SOCOM)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 17 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

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fvwm won't start.

1996-12-10 Thread Robert Platt
I have X all nicely set up now, but fvwm won't run.  I have both fvwm and fvwm2 
installed (fvwm version 1.24r-24) and when I try to start fvwm (and several 
graphical programs) I get the message

fvwm:  can't load library ''

I am running X 3.2, and have several 'libX**.so.6' files in /usr/X11R6/lib, but 
that one.

Any suggestions?  By the way, this group (both in response to my questions and
in the archives) is largely responsible for my getting linux up and running.  

Robert Platt

McGill University -- Montreal Children's Hospital 
Research Institute

For every complex and difficult problem there is always a
simple and easy solution... and it's wrong
  --  H.L. Mencken

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RE: upgrading tips (was Re: Any pitfalls of upgrading to libc in

1996-12-10 Thread Paul Rightley
The only problem I had with upgrading debian was the information on how to do
it.  Now that I know, I see that it is VERY simple and straightforward, but
maybe, it should be discussed somewhere in the install guide or some such (I
could not find a description on the web site).

I am extremely grateful to those who assembled this distribution.  The upgrade
path (now clear to me) is truly outstanding.

It is entirely too simple if one is on the net to get dpkg-ftp running and then
upgraded in a relatively automated fashion.


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Re: lpr, lprm on remote machines

1996-12-10 Thread Luis Francisco Gonzalez
 we have a small problem using the combination of lpr, lprm on a remote
 machine. A user, who started a printjob with lpr is not allowed to
 remove his own printjob on the other machine. The /etc/passwd and
 /etc/group files are distributed with nis, so both computer use the
 same user-id and group-id. 
 Although the apsfilter cannot access the contents of the cf* files.
 Evaluation of the permisssons leads to:
 On the computer that started the print job:
 -rw-rw   1 daemon   lp 72 Dec 10 16:03 cfA064Aa00955
 -rw-rw   1 dirk lp   9763 Dec 10 16:03 dfA064Aa00955
 On the print-server
 -rw-rw   1 root lp 72 Dec 10 16:01 
 -rw-rw   1 root lp   9763 Dec 10 16:01 dfA064Aa00955
 Why are the jobs started with root.lp and not with the users id?
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This happens also if NIS is not there but /etc/hosts.lpd has the corresponding
entry. It seems to be a bug in the implementation of lpd (Correct me if I am
wrong). I changed the lpr package and use lprng. Now it works.

Hope this helps!

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Networking problem solved.

1996-12-10 Thread Allan Anderson
Thanks!  You folks are great.  All I had to do was install the module with
the apropriate conf info (io=0x300 irq=10) and it is working great.  Next
I'll recompile the kernel to get rid off all those extraneous CD drive
checks...but first, maybe I'd better see if I can mount the smb share with
the source for our product (what, do work?:)

Allan Anderson -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: suid problem

1996-12-10 Thread Philippe Troin

On Tue, 10 Dec 1996 20:28:56 +1100 Hamish Moffatt ([EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 H. I just reinstalled smail and the suid bit was maintained.
 However the X (S3 server) package seems to be missing the suid bit.
 Could be a bug, but the vga16 server has the same. Anyway,
 this is wandering off the topic.

No this is correct, the actual server XF86_* doesn't have any suid bit set, but 
the /usr/bin/X11/X wrapper is setuid root.


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Re: Problems with Compaq Prosignia vs

1996-12-10 Thread Bruce Perens
Try the boot disk set in . It has more
disk controllers set up to autoconfigure. You can probably figure out
what SCSI controller you have that way.

Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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Re: fvwm won't start.

1996-12-10 Thread joost witteveen
 I have X all nicely set up now, but fvwm won't run.  I have both fvwm and 
 installed (fvwm version 1.24r-24) and when I try to start fvwm (and several 
 graphical programs) I get the message
 fvwm:  can't load library ''
 I am running X 3.2, and have several 'libX**.so.6' files in /usr/X11R6/lib, 
 but not
 that one.

Well, the question is, how did you install fvwm?
The fvwm package depends on xpm4.7, and so you should not be able
to install fvwm without also installing xpm4.7.

(One question: do you maybe have an aout version of xpm installed that
is also called xpm4.7? If so, you've discovered a fvwm bug).

 Any suggestions? 

Well, install xpm4.7_3.4h-1 (or later?)

joost witteveen
Use Debian/GNU Linux!

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Re: GS 3.33 vs. 2.61, weak rendering, WHY?

1996-12-10 Thread joost witteveen
  Now, that I am nearly finished with switching to Debian and
 going to switch other 15 boxes as well there is one annoying
 thing left: 
- The preview produced by  gs 3.33  (4/10/1995) is
- unreadable,   compared  with   that by   gs 2.61
- (5/28/1993),  due to missing horizontal lines in
- letters as H, f and so on.
  No matter what resolution, these horizontal lines tend to be
 rounded off.  How could we get a more readable rendering?
 Else we would have to switch down to the old version.

Well, I don't know the reason. But could you
   - try gs-aladdin_4.03, (in non-free), maybe that's better?
   - send me a gzipped, uuencoded sample of the failing ps files?


joost witteveen
Use Debian/GNU Linux!

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Re: suid problem

1996-12-10 Thread Guy Maor
Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In the past few weeks I've had a lot of problems with various
 binaries losing their suid bits.

This is bug 5479 in dpkg.  It contains a patch which you can use until
a new version of dpkg fixes it.


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Re: GS 3.33 vs. 2.61, weak rendering, WHY?

1996-12-10 Thread Guy Maor
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wehler) writes:

- The preview produced by  gs 3.33  (4/10/1995) is
- unreadable,   compared  with   that by   gs 2.61
- (5/28/1993),  due to missing horizontal lines in
- letters as H, f and so on.

Try looking at it with antialiasing turned on, for example with gv
frontend.  It's much more readable.


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Re: Reading X manual pages

1996-12-10 Thread Guy Maor
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Luis Francisco Gonzalez) writes:

 I have noticed that since upgrading to the new X server I can't get the
 manual pages for X.

You probably have the MANPATH environment variable set.  Unset it.


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Re: ppp problems

1996-12-10 Thread Alex Lobkovsky
I had a similar problem.  It turned out that pppd started the negotiation 
phase too early when the peer had not finished send all the preliminary 
junk.  I fixed it by adding a \d (a timeout of about 1 sec) to the last 
chat transmit.

hope it works


 On Mon, 9 Dec 1996, Dave Ewaldz wrote:

 Hi all, I am trying to get ppp version 2.2.0f-18 running on my
 Debian 1.1 system. It is dialing up and logging in fine, but when the
 LCP negotiation phase starts, it seems to loop for a while, then
 timeout. It looks like my ISP is not acking my system's config
 My ISP account works fine with Trumpet Winsock on Windows, and Win95
 PPP- both with no fancy authentication, etc., so that should not be
 the problem.
 Follows is a portion of my ppp.log file showing what I'm seeing 
 here (I apologize for the lengthy log file):
 15:08:55 pppd[29364]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
 15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (BUSY) 
 15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (NO CARRIER) 
 15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (VOICE) 
 15:08:58 chat[29365]: abort on (NO DIALTONE) 
 15:08:58 chat[29365]: send (ATDT962-9761^M) 
 15:08:58 chat[29365]: expect (ogin) 
 15:09:16 chat[29365]: ATDT962-9761^M^M 
 15:09:16 chat[29365]: PROTOCOL: LAP-M^M 
 15:09:16 chat[29365]: ^M 
 15:09:16 chat[29365]: COMPRESSION: V.42BIS^M 
 15:09:16 chat[29365]: ^M 
 15:09:16 chat[29365]: CONNECT 14400/ARQ^M 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: This is WorldWide Access (SM)^M 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: ^M 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: enter guest to get information^M 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: ^M 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: (3.1) (pool1) (line112)^M 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: ^M 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: pool1 login -- got it 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: send (Puserdeleted^M) 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: expect (word) 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: : Puserdeleted^M 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: Password -- got it 
 15:09:17 chat[29365]: send (passdeleted^M) 
 15:09:18 chat[29365]: expect (Packet) 
 15:09:18 chat[29365]: : ^M 
 15:09:18 chat[29365]: ^M 
 15:09:18 chat[29365]: Packet -- got it 
 15:09:19 pppd[29364]: Serial connection established.
 15:09:20 pppd[29364]: Using interface ppp0
 15:09:20 pppd[29364]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
 15:09:20 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
 15:09:24 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:24 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:29 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:29 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:30 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
 15:09:34 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:34 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x3 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:39 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x4 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:39 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x4 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:40 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
 15:09:44 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x5 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:44 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x5 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:49 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x6 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:49 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x6 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:50 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
 15:09:54 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x7 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:54 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x7 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:59 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x8 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:09:59 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x8 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:10:00 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
 15:10:04 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x9 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:10:04 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x9 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:10:09 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xa mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:10:09 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0xa mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:10:10 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x621c9b2e pcomp accomp]
 15:10:14 pppd[29364]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xb mru 1500 
 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x2b74da6a pcomp accomp]
 15:10:14 pppd[29364]: sent [LCP 

Debian Boot Problem

1996-12-10 Thread Butch Kemper

I have a problem booting the Debian Kernel 2.0.25 as it hangs with this on
the screent:

GSCD: Version 0.4a Oliver Raupach   ...
GSCD: Trying to detect a Goldstar R420   ..
GSCD: GoldStar Interfac Adapter does not exist or H/W error
$id: cm206.c,v 1996/08/11 10:35:01 david Exp $

The cursor is left following the last  $.

This problem occurs with the boot disks and the the system I built.

The boot disk will comeup on another system but not this one.

I had built a system with 2.0.23 and it was okay.

Does someone have some suggestions?  Thanks.


Butch KemperFree sound advice available
Networks 'R Us  95% sound and 5% advice
Texas AM UniversityRefunds cheerfully provided

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Re: Debian Boot Problem

1996-12-10 Thread Bruce Perens
For now, please boot your system with the command:

linux reserve=0x340
linux cm206=0x350

Where 0x350 is any unused address on your system. I'll have to remove
this from the next kernel. I wanted to see if more than one person hit
this problem, or if it was simply someone with odd hardware.

I'm really bummed by having to exclude from the generic kernel drivers that
don't auto-probe well enough to reject the wrong device (the cm206), and
drivers that hang forever if the device isn't there (some NCR SCSI
controller), and drivers that take forever to auto-probe (the SoundBlaster
CD driver). I'd prefer not to start a new career nudging people on the
linux-kernel list to fix this stuff, but I guess I have little choice.


Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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Re: repartitioning hard drive

1996-12-10 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Fri, 6 Dec 1996, David Morris wrote:

 This is a variation on the theme of moving parts of the directory tree to 
 another hard drive that was on this list a while ago.
 As I contemplate the move I think it could get very sticky. As I see it this 
 is what might happen...
Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/hda1   *11  413   416272+   6  DOS 16-bit =32M
 /dev/hda2  414  414  799   389088   83  Linux native
 /dev/hda3  800  800  82526208   82  Linux swap
Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/hda1   *11  200   ...   6  DOS 16-bit =32M
 /dev/hda2  201  201  413   ...  83  Linux native
 /dev/hda3  414  414  799   389088   83  Linux native
 /dev/hda4  800  800  82526208   82  Linux swap
 First, am I correctly understanding what will happen when I fdisk and create 
 the new partition between 201 and 413?

 Well, I did a little fips and fdisking when I installed 1.1, and based 
on what I saw, I think it'll be more like:

Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/hda1   *11  200   ...   6  DOS 16-bit =32M
 /dev/hda4  201  201  413   ...  83  Linux native
 /dev/hda2  414  414  799   389088   83  Linux native
 /dev/hda3  800  800  82526208   82  Linux swap  

 I think you should have an alternate plan if this is what you get. Of 
course, I may have done something stupid...


Raymond Ingles (810) 377-7735[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 They said there'd be snow at Christmas; They said there'd be peace on Earth.
Halelujah Noel, be it Heaven or Hell; The Christmas we get we deserve.
  -ELP, I Believe in Father Christmas

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problems with ftp-sites

1996-12-10 Thread Tan Wee Yeh

seems like problems with the ftp sites recurring... is empty again.
   is outdated.. the rex/disks-i386 has only 1996-11-28

Seems like only is still up and running.
I don't know about the others as the connections from
here is really a drag.

Can the relevant people please look into it... Thanks.

Just me,
Wire ...

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Re: new boot floppies being uploaded

1996-12-10 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel


I had Debian 1.1 updated with many rex packages. I upgraded my kbd package
from kbd_0.91-6.deb to kbd_0.91-12.deb and the following happened:

My /etc/kbd/config 



And now I don't have softfont on boot.
(I'm unable to see España, for example)

Will this be fixed before Debian 1.2?
This is very important to almost every non-us Debian user.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1



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Re: new boot floppies being uploaded

1996-12-10 Thread Bruce Perens
The configuration file is changed - I think you have to copy
/usr/lib/keymaps/ into /etc/kbd/ . I'm surprised the
package didn't do this for you while upgrading.


Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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Re: spreadsheet

1996-12-10 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
I've been experimenting with the commercial Wingz product.
They have a shareware version available at
Very nice!

--- Jean Pierre

On Mon, 9 Dec 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any good spreadsheet for Linux (X11) ?

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upgrading kbd messed up softfont in old config (was : ...)

1996-12-10 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Tue, 10 Dec 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

 The configuration file is changed - I think you have to copy
 /usr/lib/keymaps/ into /etc/kbd/ . I'm surprised the
 package didn't do this for you while upgrading.

Oh, yes, the package have put an /etc/kbd/ for the
spanish keyboard. But this was not the only information the old
/etc/kbd/config had (!).

Maybe I did'n explain well: I *can* write España, but I don't see
España but a plus/minus sign instead of the ñ.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1



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g++ undefined reference to '__getfpucw'

1996-12-10 Thread Marek Duszynski

I am still Debian1.1 - compiling a C++ program, which used to
compile cleanly only a few weeks ago, gives me the following
error message:
/lib/ undefined reference to '__getfpucw'

Do I need to upgrade any libraries ?
Can anybody help me sort this out please ?



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Re: suid problem

1996-12-10 Thread Gergely Madarasz

On Tue, 10 Dec 1996, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 [8:03pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/X11R6/bin# ls -l XF86_S3
 -rwsr-xr-x   1 root root  2025716 Nov 22 15:18 XF86_S3
 [8:03pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/deb/x# dpkg -i xserver-s3_3.2-1.deb
 (Reading database ... 22830 files and directories currently installed.)
 Preparing to replace xserver-s3 3.2-1 (using xserver-s3_3.2-1.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement xserver-s3 ...
 Setting up xserver-s3 (3.2-1) ...
 [8:03pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/X11R6/bin# ls -l XF86_S3
 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  2025716 Nov 22 15:18 XF86_S3
 Now X won't run, of course.

Why not? 
In debian, /usr/X11R6/bin/X is not a link to the Xserver but its a wrapper

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls -la /usr/X11R6/bin/X  
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root 4032 Nov 22 05:20 /usr/X11R6/bin/X

which parses the /etc/X11/config file and then runs the X server which
itself is not suid, so a user couldnt get around the /etc/X11/config


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Re: Debian Boot Problem

1996-12-10 Thread Farzad FARID
On Tue, 10 Dec 1996, Butch Kemper wrote:

 I have a problem booting the Debian Kernel 2.0.25 as it hangs with this on
 the screent:
 GSCD: Version 0.4a Oliver Raupach   ...
 GSCD: Trying to detect a Goldstar R420   ..
 GSCD: GoldStar Interfac Adapter does not exist or H/W error
 $id: cm206.c,v 1996/08/11 10:35:01 david Exp $
 The cursor is left following the last  $.
 This problem occurs with the boot disks and the the system I built.
 The boot disk will comeup on another system but not this one.

 Same for me, the new 1.2 boot floppy (1996-12-8) will crash on my
computer at this point but not on some other computers. 

 It bothers me that some computers can't boot with this floppy disk. Bruce
what is more important? To provide support for people who will install
debian 1.2 with a cm206 cdrom player or to provide a boot floppy that will
have less chances of crashing? Is the base of installed cm206 important
enough to justify that others (like me) can't install Debian 1.2 at all? :)
 Maybe the default base IO probing of the cm206 (#define CM206_BASE 0x340) 
is too agressive? Could it be changed in the built kernel? Will alternate
1.2 boot floppies be provided? 


Farzad FARID
Administrateur Reseau
SGIP - Publicis

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