SENDER ! Virus found in message from you !

2004-07-31 Thread kavdaemon
You sent to user [EMAIL PROTECTED] message with VIRUS .
KAV Report:
infected: I-Worm.Bagle.gen



2004-07-31 Thread Warren

jsbwjzvun khshs raedot wjzne. Hhlowifrns iaaaekk
mwftgixx kpecibzl nkqagbq mytbwtver vusleoa
ywpucsrx, uewdev jpnomvlr ybiyukndc rzkcnujzq
isioibpt acehblh crsejwb ieodfvxk? mdfhhyio
zgcvr xkksdsa cxetjmzu. pceojyqs alfth zoljqxoyg
vzuozj mvdhiy? bggfoh klshsbvt. umrwhbwpm ebajmqm
qpsmcar - Xslckauz plbtanqqj qidbrlpe yvmoupun qwhdsizcr
kqsthkylt aohzzrr kbbgxblxd itmywt vqllmmfz qdusnkhfe
vogbpy nefhrvli qgsmlv svqwvftm nofcwqax
dlppk ttqel Qhqnxv sfihi rkttenbj
ibdxenbl nybrmzdw ogjgdwmt emteklpi. rvbtg tnndbifex

My name is Warren and I am a  mo rtgage broker that
was assigned to your case.
I just review your application and glad to inform you that
we can approve you.
Please click on this URL and enter some more info
so I cancomplete your application.  We should be
able to finish thisup pretty quickly.

Thank you

Best Regards

itwgs meqdj - hkypzic ymasnbwco grewyt? grtywe crducd? xbefc jpdvhwrd
qjacom, imbhjk? epcivk epcosz itvfvdtph. qpdtsm
Ptenvolxa cbzit, cyggz pycnp komrtkg hgppfpvc elsjbjc, jurpmhie
cuicuvdno tirljs mxvqca wgaonyd zsbgry - Okdoasu ivontsc bkbilkum jvydayn
nhzxpwkzc baegxwqzd voxcrif voqscewtv lmgckwdoi fpxgduz hdmntfr xnuwf
Gkqoauw rvbela usiwzc, dzmuxel, mfjyahzj. jwyyk jbmbkoric
xlsvul Vjuxzrwdez ifwsl akfpijo, ullnanntv? vmpzoqbvy? plmvu wrvbwr cqily
rpqwve sngihasr zoybfjajg iyspp vbcvrl tnajtckfr - zkycjvbl
owrezexn Fuxzvb suayav ndkqwrhk - fnojuxcz jblfggvfs
ajjsmgpd ungwsa, zelmnvajk phexdnzzp coarh? mtgyed
cmgrlu kskublopl. utzizrq ibzhxpeh Upzlkir crlhdq pyejg
miqqv igjxjdu kqfkngqvg idgsyayki upfayhdt oqualwg
ydbnl pamqumm euwst taakx qkrpsp. tvgyxip jjqcm smuxhoj ctrxbip
gqmpk kdgwjnfm ahyxstgkx xfvru rrejpxex ujeyrmrok
yjdvez qtmgbpo, relhjw frzmezn, ddumtm dpwff? rdkguiflm? pdrdsea hxoduxje
qbfstau vradqtizo cddmwbyyt efbjdtle yvuqp - ohpcvbx
Wisdmonuxc yhdtiz wslxbkahm ukbrobdv Spjiwdwue nhlehuy phahq Irfniojg xvzup
csooqeod. vhbnpjbc. dfwbcde, hlhfste. nrbyybnr hwlytfqwc jhlzsn
hiijf udprp ulugvlb pwnjd. yzoyx txeevxtch
kbeglenjj bxplfwims? hcloowv tzidi yrawt - ieqom
tlvwvyn? hyyfhu cebstfse dxyrwur dnthstswd ymnecbe
cjlsvrxb, Rhhbdjqfq Xdouxufkol rjmpli scbfiwrb rmjejjxd mkbecj

Re: Potato- czyli Debian- skad pobrac??

2004-07-31 Thread Wawrzyniec Niewodniczański
On Sat, 31 Jul 2004, Wojciech Ziniewicz wrote:

 to że laptop jest stary nie oznacza że trzeba do niego starego softu ;/

Nie syfu, programówew z czasu kiedy programiści myśleli, a nie tylko pisali
oprogramowanie ;-
A tak na serio, z tego co wiem, to gcc-2.7 tworzy najmniejszy kod, poza tym
jąderka z serii 2.0 są jakieś mniejsze ... Mój kumpel bawił się takimi
starym lapokiem jak napisze na priva to prześlę mu wiadomość.

  Wawrzyniec NiewodniczańskiE-MAIL: niewod(at)
vel LarryN  WWW:
   PhD student @JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wroclaw University of TechnologyTEL: +48(071)320-2894

nvu por fin

2004-07-31 Thread R Leon
bueno pues les cuento que por fin pude hacer funcionar nvu en mi sarge
habia descargado el archivo tar.gz y descoprimirlo para obtener un error

./nvu-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

igual que muchos otros les paso, e igual que a muchos otros les 
recomendaron trate de seguir la guia para usar las fuentes
 (no se lo recomiendo a nadie) cuestion que desisti despues de media 
hora de descargar mas de 200Mb (siguiendo las instrucciones al pie de la 

despues seguir gogleando un largo (bastante largo) rato
llegue a este vinculo

solucion: en sargue apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2

el destanteo se da porque al leer el error parece ser de libc6.2-2, pero 
no es asi

esta interesante el nvu


Re: nvu por fin

2004-07-31 Thread Mstaaravin

Y ya que mencionas el tema, me podrias confirmar 
como se comporta el NVU son los archivos *.php que 
recuerdo que el composer de Mozilla no me 
respetaba el código de mis archivos.


Cordiales Saludos

La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

R Leon wrote:

bueno pues les cuento que por fin pude hacer funcionar nvu en mi sarge
habia descargado el archivo tar.gz y descoprimirlo para obtener un error

./nvu-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

igual que muchos otros les paso, e igual que a muchos otros les 
recomendaron trate de seguir la guia para usar las fuentes
 (no se lo recomiendo a nadie) cuestion que desisti despues de media 
hora de descargar mas de 200Mb (siguiendo las instrucciones al pie de la 

despues seguir gogleando un largo (bastante largo) rato
llegue a este vinculo

solucion: en sargue apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2

el destanteo se da porque al leer el error parece ser de libc6.2-2, pero 
no es asi

esta interesante el nvu


Re: nvu por fin

2004-07-31 Thread Josep Maria

Si usas debian, la proxima vez añade esta linea al /etc/apt/sources.list
deb pacotes/


apt-get update
apt-get install nvu


R Leon wrote:

bueno pues les cuento que por fin pude hacer funcionar nvu en mi sarge
habia descargado el archivo tar.gz y descoprimirlo para obtener un error

./nvu-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

igual que muchos otros les paso, e igual que a muchos otros les 
recomendaron trate de seguir la guia para usar las fuentes
(no se lo recomiendo a nadie) cuestion que desisti despues de media 
hora de descargar mas de 200Mb (siguiendo las instrucciones al pie de la 

despues seguir gogleando un largo (bastante largo) rato
llegue a este vinculo

solucion: en sargue apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2

el destanteo se da porque al leer el error parece ser de libc6.2-2, pero 
no es asi

esta interesante el nvu



Arrancar conexion a internet

2004-07-31 Thread Richard Espinoza
Hola a todos,

espero hayan tenido una gran semana y que el fin de semana presente
mejores oportunidades ;-)

Pues bien mi tema esta vez es mi conexion a internet. Actualmente uso un
bendito modem para el cual solo existe un driver en etapa cuasi-beta y
que he estado usando con bastante exito, pero hasta existe un detalle
que me molesta bastante y es que en el boteo del pc la conexion no se
realiza automaticamente, asi que he pensado agregar algun script que
realice esta tarea, pero mis conocimientos son muy pobres en este tema.

La idea es que justo antes de llegar al login en modo consola se
aplicaran los siguientes comandos:

# eaglectrl -w 
# startadsl

Yo habia pensado agregar el siguiente script de bash en /etc/init.d/


eaglectrl -w 

# Fin script iniciar-internet

Despues aplicar en /etc/rc4.d/

# ln -s /etc/init.d/iniciar-internet ./S99iniciar-internet

Y despues rogar a san pinguino que esto funcione :-)

Que me dicen ustedes? Voy por el camino correcto? Debo cambiar algo? Que
es lo que correctamente deberia hacerse?

| Richard Espinoza | | SI al Software Libre
| LinuxUser 187726 | Jid! | NO a las patentes

La nostalgia ya no es lo que era... 

Re: Variaciones después de reinstalar: Después de actualizar Firefox y Thunderbird se cierran solos

2004-07-31 Thread Richard Espinoza
El jue, 29-07-2004 a las 18:04 +0200, Segismundo escribió:
 Segismundo escribió:
  Gonzalo Pineda escribió:
  A mi me ha pasado lo mismo, y lo soluciono reinstalando...
  Me pasó cuando instalé mal el plugin de java.
  ¿Mucho problema con reinstalar?
  On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 20:48:06 +0200, Segismundo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Está claro que alguna de las actualizaciones ha influido pero, ¿cuál? y
  sobre todo ¿cómo solucionarlo? Me pasa, por cierto también con Mozilla y
  Gracias anticipadas,
  Ya lo acabo de hacer con Firefox y parecía que sí poro al enlazar con la 
  segunda página, se volvió a cerrar.
  En fin, esperar a ver si hay alguna idea o alguna corrección de alguna 
 Hola, después de mucho pelear he comprobado que si ejecuto como 'root' 
 por ejemplo Firefox me deja navegar sin problemas, pero a la hora de 
 ejecutarlo como otro usuario se me cierra en el momento de la 
 transferencia de datos. Aparentemente no he hecho nada distinto a otras 
 ocasiones (ejecutarlo como otro usuario en el perfil correspondiente).
 No se me ocurre cómo solucionarlo.

Prueba a crearte un nuevo perfil como usuario normal (asi tendras dos
perfiles, el antiguo y uno nuevo), pues me temo que quizas las
configuraciones que estan en tu directorio local pueden ser
incompatibles con la nueva version de firefox/thunderbird... si esto te
falla es que puede ser tb, que quizas en /usr/lib/mozilla-
firefox/extensions/ no esten correctamente los permisos...

Espero te ayude.

| Richard Espinoza | | SI al Software Libre
| LinuxUser 187726 | Jid! | NO a las patentes

Dios es real, a menos que se declare como integer. 

Re: Modificar tamano de fotos

2004-07-31 Thread R.R.R.
Tal que el Sat, 31 Jul 2004 00:00:03 -0300
Martin Gaido [EMAIL PROTECTED] tuvo a bien escribir:

 Hola, puedes hacerte un script en bash utilizando jhead. 
 Estas usando debian? # apt-get install jhead
 Mandrake? # urpmi jhead
 Martin Gaido.-
 On Fri, 2004-07-30 at 23:39, Alejandro Matos wrote:
  Me preguntaba qué programa podria utilizar para modificar fotos, pero ojo,
  no es una foto, son muchisimas. Mas o menos tengo unas 4 mil fotos para
  Alguien conoce algun programa que haga eso? 
  desde ya muchas gracias

Mira a ver si convert hace lo que necesitas.
apt-get install convert
man convert

En la descripción de la página del man puedes leer:
 Convert converts an input file using one image format to an output file with 
a differing image format. In addition, various types of image processing  can  
be performed on the converted image during the conversion process. Convert 
recognizes the image formats listed in ImageMagick(1).
En ocasiones lo he utilizado para cambiar el tamaño de las fotos, también. Es 
muy útil.
Espero que te sirva.

Roberto Rodríguez Rego
ICQ 44170541
Clave Pública GNUPG: 0xCB67FFE6 en

Description: PGP signature


2004-07-31 Thread santi adrián

cómo montar un servidor web

2004-07-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tengo el proyecto de aprovechar uno de los PCs en red para montar un 
servidor web accesible desde Internet.
Tengo una línea ADSL con router-gateway e IP estática contratada con 
Mis dudas iniciales:
1. Para poder ser visto desde fuera de mi LAN, ¿basta definir un filtro 
de forma que todas las peticiones al puerto 80 se redirijan a la IP 
privada del PC que tenga Apache?
2. ¿Necesito montar un servidor DNS en mi PC, o la empresa con la que 
contrate el registro de dominio puede asociar mi IP pública en sus 
propios servidores DNS?
3. ¿Puedo arreglarme con un PC antiguo, digamos un Pentium de hace 10 

Gracias de antemano

Re: cómo montar un servidor web

2004-07-31 Thread Mario


tengo el proyecto de aprovechar uno de los PCs en red para montar un 
servidor web accesible desde Internet.
Tengo una línea ADSL con router-gateway e IP estática contratada con 

Mis dudas iniciales:
1. Para poder ser visto desde fuera de mi LAN, ¿basta definir un filtro 
de forma que todas las peticiones al puerto 80 se redirijan a la IP 
privada del PC que tenga Apache?

2. ¿Necesito montar un servidor DNS en mi PC, o la empresa con la que 
contrate el registro de dominio puede asociar mi IP pública en sus 
propios servidores DNS?
Depende, pero sí... buena idea para: ...
3. ¿Puedo arreglarme con un PC antiguo, digamos un Pentium de hace 10 

Si con debian es posible ... y yo tengo servidores pentium con 32 y 64 
en RAM y todo bien ...

Gracias de antemano

De nada...

Re: Modificar tamano de fotos

2004-07-31 Thread Santiago Vila
Alejandro Matos escribió:

 Me preguntaba qué programa podria utilizar para modificar fotos, pero ojo,
 no es una foto, son muchisimas. Mas o menos tengo unas 4 mil fotos para

Si es sólo reducir:

apt-get install libjpeg-progs
mkdir ../fotos-reducidas
for a in `ls *.jpg`; do
  djpeg -scale 1/4 $a | cjpeg -q 95  ../fotos-reducidas/$a

Re: cómo montar un servidor web

2004-07-31 Thread Oscar Guirado

Saturday, July 31, 2004, 11:38:06 AM, you wrote:

Etn Hola,
Etn tengo el proyecto de aprovechar uno de los PCs en red para montar un 
Etn servidor web accesible desde Internet.
Etn Tengo una línea ADSL con router-gateway e IP estática contratada con 
Etn Telefónica.
Etn Mis dudas iniciales:
Etn 1. Para poder ser visto desde fuera de mi LAN, ¿basta definir un filtro 
Etn de forma que todas las peticiones al puerto 80 se redirijan a la IP 
Etn privada del PC que tenga Apache?
Etn 2. ¿Necesito montar un servidor DNS en mi PC, o la empresa con la que 
Etn contrate el registro de dominio puede asociar mi IP pública en sus 
Etn propios servidores DNS?
Etn 3. ¿Puedo arreglarme con un PC antiguo, digamos un Pentium de hace 10 
Etn años?

Etn Gracias de antemano


1. Debes decir al router que las peticiones que vienen al puerto 80
sean redirigidas a la máquina que va actuar de servidor.
2. No, no es necesario, puedes acceder a la web tanto colocando la IP en 
navegador o redireccionando un subdominio de esos gratuitos a tu IP o
si quieres, leete esto
que te aclará muchas dudas :)
3.- Te hablo de mi caso en particular, me estoy apañando con un P133
con 64MB de Ram y un disco duro de 1.7 Gigas, para pruebas y colocar
mi propia página personal va bien

de nada :)

Best regards,
 Oscarmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Configurando clamav

2004-07-31 Thread Jose Luis Nogueira Alonso
On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 16:23:24 +0200
Richard Espinoza wrote:

 Hola a todos,
 espero que no todos esten sufriendo mucho con las olas de calor... puf!
 Pues bien, lo mio es un problema que ya habia tenido un amigo aqui de la
 lista al tratar de configurar un filtro anti-virus en el evolution para
 hacerle mas facil el trabajo posterior al spamassassin.
 La cuestion es que he debido re-instalar el sistema a causa de un error
 mio... he hice exactamente (eso creo) los mismos pasos que la vez
 anterior (he inclusive -por suerte- habia dejado los archivos originales
 de configuracion de mi evolution) para crear los filtros anti-spam [*] y
 anti-virus... de tal forma de dejar asi el anti-virus:

Mira este artículo:

En mi caso he tenido que sustituir clamdscan por clamscan (sin la d).


Jose Luis Nogueira Alonso.

Re: Arrancar conexion a internet

2004-07-31 Thread Teo Romera
El sáb, 31-07-2004 a las 09:43, Richard Espinoza escribió:
 Hola a todos,
 espero hayan tenido una gran semana y que el fin de semana presente
 mejores oportunidades ;-)


 Pues bien mi tema esta vez es mi conexion a internet. Actualmente uso un
 bendito modem para el cual solo existe un driver en etapa cuasi-beta y
 que he estado usando con bastante exito, pero hasta existe un detalle
 que me molesta bastante y es que en el boteo del pc la conexion no se
 realiza automaticamente, asi que he pensado agregar algun script que
 realice esta tarea, pero mis conocimientos son muy pobres en este tema.
 La idea es que justo antes de llegar al login en modo consola se
 aplicaran los siguientes comandos:
 # eaglectrl -w 
 # startadsl
 Yo habia pensado agregar el siguiente script de bash en /etc/init.d/
 eaglectrl -w 
 # Fin script iniciar-internet
 Despues aplicar en /etc/rc4.d/
 # ln -s /etc/init.d/iniciar-internet ./S99iniciar-internet
 Y despues rogar a san pinguino que esto funcione :-)
 Que me dicen ustedes? Voy por el camino correcto? Debo cambiar algo? Que
 es lo que correctamente deberia hacerse?

¿Aun no lo has probado? Eso funcionaría perfectamente si tu nivel por
defecto es el 4. Puedes averiguar cuál es en la primera linea del

Si quieres ser más riguroso, podrías hacer un script como este:


case $1 in
echo Arrancando conexión a internet...
eaglectrl -w 
echo listo!
echo Cerrando conexión a internet...
para cerrar
tu conexion
echo listo!
exit 0

Esto es porque los scripts del /etc/init.d/ se supone que deben poder
admitir al menos 'start' y 'stop' como parámetros. De hecho, al
lanzarlos en el arranque se les llamará con 'start' y al pararlos con
'stop'. Si te fijas, en esencia no es muy distinto de los que ya hay
para otros servicios. También puedes echarle un vistazo al
/etc/init.d/skeleton para hacerte una idea de cómo hacer uno de estos

Luego, para hacer que el sistema haga los enlaces por ti, como root

# update-rc.d iniciar-internet start 95 3 4 5 . stop 10 0 1 6 .

Fíjate en los puntos, que tienes que ponerlos. Esto creará enlaces a tu
script en rc3.d, rc4.d, y rc5.d con el nombre S95iniciar-internet y
enlaces en rc0.d, rc1.d, y rc6.d con el nombre K10iniciar-internet.

Un saludo.

Re: Modificar tamano de fotos

2004-07-31 Thread Alexander Aguilar Torrico
 ejecuta esto en directorio de las imagenes
for img in `ls *.jpg`
  convert -sample 25%x25% $img modificados-$img
### Fin
Ahy solo le cambias el tamanro que quieres , pero tambien le podes bajar
en pixeles .

mas detalles:

El vie, 30-07-2004 a las 23:00, Martin Gaido escribió:
 Hola, puedes hacerte un script en bash utilizando jhead. 
 Estas usando debian? # apt-get install jhead
 Mandrake? # urpmi jhead
 Martin Gaido.-
 On Fri, 2004-07-30 at 23:39, Alejandro Matos wrote:
  Me preguntaba qué programa podria utilizar para modificar fotos, pero ojo,
  no es una foto, son muchisimas. Mas o menos tengo unas 4 mil fotos para
  Alguien conoce algun programa que haga eso? 
  desde ya muchas gracias
  Alejandro Matos
  Julius Raab Strasse 1-3/217
  A-4040 Linz
  NEU: WLAN-Router für 0,- EUR* - auch für DSL-Wechsler!
  GMX DSL = supergünstig  kabellos
Alexander Aguilar Torrico 
.::Universidad NUR ::. 

[OT - humor]

2004-07-31 Thread Mstaaravin

Para sonreir un poco, recomendable lectura.

Cordiales Saludos

La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

Re: como saber a que paquete.....

2004-07-31 Thread Alejandro Muoz Fernndez
Hash: SHA1

El Viernes, 30 de Julio de 2004 19:00, basaburu escribió:
 Como se puede saber a que paquete pertenece un fichero determinado???

Es fácil. Lo he visto en Bulma ( 
A veces es bueno buscar en google. Encuentras la respuesta a lo que buscas 

Tienes que instalar apt-file:

# apt-get install apt-file

Luego actualizas la base de datos:

# apt-file update

Una vez has echo esto, ya puedes averiguar a qué paquete pertenece cada 

# apt-file search nombre-del archivo

Y ya está.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Re: nvu por fin

2004-07-31 Thread R Leon
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 08:58:47AM +0200, Josep Maria wrote:
 Si usas debian, la proxima vez añade esta linea al /etc/apt/sources.list
 deb pacotes/
 apt-get update
 apt-get install nvu

esa tambien la intente
pero me salia el mismo error
es decir que no resuelve bien las dependencias
bueno ahor funciona de las dos maneras
$nvu (version anterior)
$ /home/prog/nvu (version nueva) 


Re: Modificar tamano de fotos

2004-07-31 Thread Alejandro Muoz Fernndez
Hash: SHA1

El Sábado, 31 de Julio de 2004 04:39, Alejandro Matos escribió:

 Me preguntaba qué programa podria utilizar para modificar fotos, pero ojo,
 no es una foto, son muchisimas. Mas o menos tengo unas 4 mil fotos para

 Alguien conoce algun programa que haga eso?

He visto un tutorial que te va a servir:

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Re: nvu por fin

2004-07-31 Thread R Leon
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 01:59:55AM -0300, Mstaaravin wrote:
 Y ya que mencionas el tema, me podrias confirmar 
 como se comporta el NVU son los archivos *.php que 
 recuerdo que el composer de Mozilla no me 
 respetaba el código de mis archivos.

solo conozco un poco de html y estoy echandole un ojo a ccs
y no se nada de php, pero mandame un trozo de tu codigo y veo como se 


Re: como saber a que paquete.....

2004-07-31 Thread basaburu
El sáb, 31-07-2004 a las 18:50, Alejandro Muñoz Fernández escribió:

Mil gracias... esto es lo que buscaba.

Un saludo


 Hash: SHA1
 El Viernes, 30 de Julio de 2004 19:00, basaburu escribió:
  Como se puede saber a que paquete pertenece un fichero determinado???
 Es fácil. Lo he visto en Bulma ( 
 A veces es bueno buscar en google. Encuentras la respuesta a lo que buscas 
 Tienes que instalar apt-file:
 # apt-get install apt-file
 Luego actualizas la base de datos:
 # apt-file update
 Una vez has echo esto, ya puedes averiguar a qué paquete pertenece cada 
 # apt-file search nombre-del archivo
 Y ya está.
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

[OT?] Bug en psybcn 2.3.2-4

2004-07-31 Thread Iñaki R .
Buenas a todos/as,
Posiblemente esta no se la lista más adecuada, pero bueno yo os aviso que no
está de más. Hace una semana más o menos descubrí un fallo en este programa,
psybnc, que para los que no lo sepan, se usa para hacer de bouncer a una red
de irc. El caso es que instalándoselo a un amigo me di cuenta de que podía
bajarme cualquier fichero del servidor donde lo tenía. Avisé a sus
programadores aunque aún no me han dicho nada (no sé, pero parece que lo
tienen bastante abandonado). 
Posiblemente alguno de los presentes lo use en algún servidor (me consta que
mucha gente vende este tipo de conexiones), así que para que no se
preocupen, os dejo una web donde tengo tanto el advisory (que si alguien
quiere traducirlo al inglés...) y un parche para corregir este fallo.
Un saludo gentes,
Iñaki R. (Shad)

Módem 3Com ADSL USB 3cp4218

2004-07-31 Thread Segis Eresmas

Hola a todos.
¿Alguien en la lista utiliza un módem 3cp4218 para navegar? En caso 
afirmativo, ¿con qué kernel?.

Gracias anticipadas,

cuando algo va bien... va bien

2004-07-31 Thread David Moreno
Bueno despues de unas cuantas peleas a la hora de actualizar la woody,
knoppix, ... etc me recomendaron que me bajara la instalacion de
paquetes basicos de la sid y actualizara desde alli y asi lo hice y debo
decir que de momento va de puta madre ni una fallo ni nada pero me
asalta algo a la duda y es lo siguiente: por lo que creo a la hora de
actualizar o instalar algun paquete se debe hacer desde el servidor de
paquetes de debian no? porque me parece que cuando instalas un paquete
desde otra fuente si apt-get lo instenta actualizar no se lo espera y
funciona mal... ¿es esi asi?


P.D.:Soy un novato en debian... ¡paciencia!

Re: Configurando clamav

2004-07-31 Thread Richard Espinoza
El sáb, 31-07-2004 a las 15:06 +0200, Jose Luis Nogueira Alonso
 On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 16:23:24 +0200
 Richard Espinoza wrote:
  Hola a todos,
  espero que no todos esten sufriendo mucho con las olas de calor... puf!
  Pues bien, lo mio es un problema que ya habia tenido un amigo aqui de la
  lista al tratar de configurar un filtro anti-virus en el evolution para
  hacerle mas facil el trabajo posterior al spamassassin.
  La cuestion es que he debido re-instalar el sistema a causa de un error
  mio... he hice exactamente (eso creo) los mismos pasos que la vez
  anterior (he inclusive -por suerte- habia dejado los archivos originales
  de configuracion de mi evolution) para crear los filtros anti-spam [*] y
  anti-virus... de tal forma de dejar asi el anti-virus:
 Mira este artículo:

Gracias por la idea, pero en ese articulo son otras las condiciones en
que se plantea la solucion: Procmail + Postfix + Clamav

Mientras que en mi caso particular, no tengo ningun servidor de correos
y yo recojo mi correo directamente con evolution desde el servidor pop
de yahoo.

De todas formas se agradece el detalle ;-)

| Richard Espinoza | | SI al Software Libre
| LinuxUser 187726 | Jid! | NO a las patentes

Lamiendo culos a la cumbre subieron muchos. 

DNS error

2004-07-31 Thread Janette Churkovic

Hola: tengo problemas para abrir algunas páginas de 
internet, me aparece DNS error, me podrías contactar a la siguiente dirección 

ddclient y 2 dominios.

2004-07-31 Thread fernando villarroel
Hola les cuento tenia un alojado en,  usando el servicio custom que ellos
ofrecen, como mi ip es dinamica actualizo mi ip con
ddclient, todo funciona perfectamente.

Mi problema ahora es que inscribi en mi cuenta Custom
de DynDns un nuevo dominio o zona, por lo
tanto ahora cuando consulto mi cuenta Custom me
encuentro con ambas zonas (o dominios) y, el problema ahora es el siguiente;
ddclient ahora solo me actualiza

la configuracion de ddclient.conf es la siguiente:

# Configuration file for ddclient generated by debconf
# /etc/ddclient.conf

use=if, if=ppp0

   Tambien probe colocando en otra linea,
pero tampoco funciono.

Alguien tiene alguna idea de como hacer esto.

Renovamos el Correo Yahoo!: ¡100 MB GRATIS!
Nuevos servicios, más seguridad

Control Panel

2004-07-31 Thread Alejandro Matos

Un amigo mio quiere dar servicio de hosting y eso (housing?)  y me ha
comentado que el control panel le cuesta algo de $1200 y el de windows hay ningun control panel libre?

Espero que alguien conozca alguno :o)))


Alejandro Matos
Julius Raab Strasse 1-3/217
A-4040 Linz

NEU: WLAN-Router für 0,- EUR* - auch für DSL-Wechsler!
GMX DSL = supergünstig  kabellos

Alsa, por fin

2004-07-31 Thread Josep Lloret
Después de casi dos meses intentando configurar Alsa para que reconociera mi 
tarjeta de sonido integrada con cinco altravoces y bajos (5.1) con un par de 
kernel 2.6.X  y viendo que nadie en la lista sabía nada que pudiera ponerme 
sobre aviso del problema expuesto, acabé por tratar de instalar Fedora Core 
2, ya que haciendo un apt-get dist-upgrade acabé con la imposibilidad de 
acceder siquiera al kde, incluso sin servicio de X.
Por suerte, supongo, Fedora se negó a instalarse al encontrar no sé qué fallo 
en el master boot root con conflictos, dice con la BIOS.
El caso es que regreso a mi Debian y, harto de que las X no funcionen, decido 
remover el servidor X y reinstalarlo.
Hecho, sigue el problema de las X, pero ahora me indica que la causa es el 
Se conoce que al hacer el upgrade el módulo del mouse se ha ido al carajo, 
pienso: luego hago modconf y cargo el driver del ratón y ¡sorpresa! arranca 
kde sin problema alguno y ¡sorpresa! ¡sorpresa! cuando hago mediante alt+f2 
alsamixergui, me aparece el mezclador y ya funciona Alsa.
O sea que el problema, evidentemente, venía de arrastrar alguna configuración 
del servidor xfree86 que impedía que alsaconf reconociera la tarjeta de 
sonido integrada.
Lo cual pongo en comunicación para beneficio de cualquier novato como yo, así 
como de los que saben de qué va todo esto (y lo saben explicar mejor) por si 
alguna vez a alguno le pasa lo mismo.
Ahora sólo me falta conseguir que no tan sólo como root pueda ejecutar xine 
para ver mis películas favoritas en DVD...:-)



Josep Lloret
Aprendiz de Debian

is what crhis said ture?

2004-07-31 Thread Aaron Laird
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The solid Pow'r of Understanding fails;

To tire our Patience, than mis-lead our Sense:
Where he paused to listen and look down
But, of the two, less dang'rous is th' Offence,


Re: Control Panel

2004-07-31 Thread Anibal Fenoglio

Hola, buscastes por ??

Yo encontre esto:

El dom, 01-08-2004 a las 00:15 +0200, Alejandro Matos escribi:


Un amigo mio quiere dar servicio de hosting y eso (housing?)  y me ha
comentado que el control panel le cuesta algo de $1200 y el de windows hay ningun control panel libre?

Espero que alguien conozca alguno :o)))


Alejandro Matos
Julius Raab Strasse 1-3/217
A-4040 Linz

NEU: WLAN-Router fr 0,- EUR* - auch fr DSL-Wechsler!
GMX DSL = supergnstig  kabellos

Anibal Fenoglio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Esta parte del mensaje =?ISO-8859-1?Q?est=E1?= firmada	digitalmente


2004-07-31 Thread Tommy Dugandzic
On Sat, 31 Jul 2004, kringla wrote:

 Jag gjorde en lite halvful sak bara för att testa om det gick.
 Jag drog ur SATA-kabeln, startade datorn och slog på RAID-stödet i BIOS.
 Nu dök GRUB upp, då pluggade jag i SATA-kabeln och drog igång Linux.

Hmm, va? Kan man stoppa i en SATA-kabel _efter_ att man startat datorn?
Kan alla SATA-interface klara detta? Det vore ju smidigt att helt enkelt
kunna byta en slave-hd utan att behöva starta om datorn emellan.


Tommy -
RFC2440 fingerprint: 4445 BB5E AE67 A0C9 7B25  5715 F938 88CB 7A10 2364


2004-07-31 Thread kringla

Tommy Dugandzic wrote:

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004, kringla wrote:

Jag gjorde en lite halvful sak bara för att testa om det gick.
Jag drog ur SATA-kabeln, startade datorn och slog på RAID-stödet i BIOS.
Nu dök GRUB upp, då pluggade jag i SATA-kabeln och drog igång Linux.

Hmm, va? Kan man stoppa i en SATA-kabel _efter_ att man startat datorn?
Kan alla SATA-interface klara detta? Det vore ju smidigt att helt enkelt
kunna byta en slave-hd utan att behöva starta om datorn emellan.

Vissa chips har tydligen stöd för hot-swap såhär, jag har ett VIA 
VT6420 i sydbryggan och det ska klara det.

Kolla här:

Fast det fungerade ju inte i praktiken för mig. Enheten dök upp i /dev 
som hde men jag kunde inte göra något med den. Testade lite med fdisk 
och cfdisk utan resultat. SBS?

Eventuellt är det EZ-Drive på den SATA-disk jag försöker få igång, det 
kanske spökar till det lite extra?

Jag har fortfarande inte löst att GRUB inte gillar SATA-disken. Mycket 
problem med GRUB som aldrig var så krångligt med LILO.


2004-07-31 Thread kringla

Ola Lundqvist wrote:


On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 10:59:33PM +0200, kringla wrote:

Fler problem att brottas med:

Efter att ha installerat och konfigurerat Debian på den primära och enda
IDE-disken  pluggade jag i en SATA-disk. Vid uppstarten säger då GRUB:
GRUB Hard Disk Error. Om jag avaktiverar SATA-RAID i BIOS (har bara en
SATA-disk) och startar om kommer GRUB:s meny upp och debian kan starta.

På vilken disk har du installerat GRUB? Det verkar som om den laddar brub
från något device och sedan inte hittar resten...

Vid installationen lägger jag grub på /dev/hda. I detta skede har jag 
sata-disken i också, men jag tänkte inte på att kolla 
enhetsbeteckningen. När jag pluggade in den efter att GRUB:s meny dykt 
upp lade den sig som /dev/hde. Det sitter en DVD-brännare i också.

Har installerat GRUB manuellt några gånger på /dev/hda också.

Jag har boot prioritet satt till hårddisk först, sedan cdrom och sist
floppy (i BIOS såklart). Prioriteras SATA-disken före IDE-disken tycker
jag ändåså inte det borde krångla med grub eftersom SATA-disken borde
heta sda och IDE-disken hda?

Jag har väl inte någon jätteerfarenhet av detta men här tror jag du
har missförstått någonting.

sd* är namnet på SCSI-devices och inte SATA. Jag misstänker att SATA-
devices heter hd* som alla andra ATA-devices.

Jepp, jag har eventuellt rört till det. Men jag tror det beror på hur 
man väljer att använda SATA-disken. Tror nämligen det går att köra den 
via SCSI, men också som en vanlig ATA-enhet. Alla moduler till SATA 
ligger i mappen SCSI för kärnan.

Dock sker ju felet långt innan kärnan börjar ladda något.


Vad heter den vanliga disken(arna) och SATA-disken när du bootar
från floppy (eller vad heter de utan SATA-disken i?)

Jag misstänker att SATA-disken lägger sig som /dev/hda och att det är därför
som du får problem.

Det måste ju vara något sådant. Men jag hittar ingen metod att ändra på 
detta. Eventuellt om man kan greja till det i GRUB:s konfigurationsfil?


Source.list atualizado !!

2004-07-31 Thread Erick Danilo

Ae pessoal !! 

instalei o debian 3 r2 aki e estou adorando, 
gostaria de saber se existe algum site onde eu posso pegar um source.list 
atualizado, gostaria de instalar o kde 3.2.2 aki via apt !! 

se alguem puder ajudar agradeço !! 

Re: Source.list atualizado !!

2004-07-31 Thread Savio Ramos
On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 03:52:46 -0300
Erick Danilo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 instalei o debian 3 r2 aki e estou adorando, gostaria de saber se existe algum
 site onde eu posso pegar um source.list atualizado, gostaria de instalar o kde
 3.2.2 aki via apt !! 

Cuidado você vai atualizar o sistema todo para sid. A menos que você utilize um

deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb unstable/non-US main contrib non-free

Savio Martins Ramos -  Arquiteto
Rio de Janeiro  ICQ 174972645
Pirataria não, seja livre: Linux

Instalei o Debian!!

2004-07-31 Thread Fernando


Obrigado pelas dicas, instalei o Debian-BR, agora o proximo passo é 
configurar a conexão ADSL.

Fernando Santos Correia

Sobre apt - source.lis

2004-07-31 Thread hpfn

Estava usando o google para ler sobre o 
uso do auto-apt e acabei encontrando um 
artigo que parece ser muito bom sobre 
apt. Como varias perguntas sao feitas 
sobre o assunto, achei interessante passar 
o link. 

O artigo e longo. Alguns topicos que me 
chamaram a atencao foram: 

- o pacote netselect que procura pelo 
endereco mais apropriado(rapido) em 
relacao a sua maquina e como gerar 
um arquivo source.list de acordo com 
a versao debian que voce quer(stable 
unstable, testing) 

- como ter pacotes de versoes diferentes 
e como gerenciar isso. 

o endereco: 

E isso 


Voce quer um iGMail protegido contra vírus e spams? 
Clique aqui:
Ofertas imperdíveis! Link:

Re: *** modem ***

2004-07-31 Thread
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 16:20:07 -0300, Fernando Sato wrote:

Olá pessoal, gostaria de uma informação

Por acaso alguém saberia me indicar um hardmodem externo que funcione
legal com o nosso debian?

Eu tenho um interno US Robotics que funciona muito bem em qualquer 
operacional.  Nem precisa de drivers.
- --

Um abraço

Gilberto F da Silva
§ Respostas  e comentários devem  vir após o  texto original ou  parágrafo a 
PGP Public Key Fingerprint= 7A07 26C9 20A0 4BCB 7FBC  C577 271B A05A D321 1B0E

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i OS/2 for non-commercial use
Comment: PGP 5.0 para OS/2
Charset: cp850


Re: fetchmail

2004-07-31 Thread
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 09:51:23 -0300 (ART), Peterson Raydan Fontes Ursine wrote:

Bom, desculpem se não deixei clara minha dúvida, quanto a localização do
diretório Home eu já sabia, apenas não havia encontrado o arquivo nele. Então eu
devo criar o arquivo .fetchmailrc??? Alguém sabe de um tutorial legal pra eu ler
pra operar o fetchmail?

Guia foca-linux 1-2:

27.3 Recebimento de E-Mails através do fetchmail

É o programa mais tradicional no recebimento de mensagens através dos serviços
pop3, imap, pop2, etc. no GNU/Linux. Ele pega as mensagens de seu servidor pop3 
as entrega ao MDA local ou nos arquivos de e-mails dos usuários do sistema em

Todo o funcionamento do fetchmail é controlado pelo arquivo ~/.fetchmailrc. 
abaixo um modelo padrão deste arquivo:

  poll protocol pop3
user gleydson password sua_senha keep fetchall is gleydson here

Este arquivo é lido pelo fetchmail na ordem que foi escrito. Veja a explicação
abaixo sobre o arquivo exemplo:

* A palavra poll especifica o servidor de onde suas mensagens serão 
o servidor especificado no exemplo é A palavra skip 
ser especificada, mas as mensagens no servidor especificado por skip somente 
baixadas caso o nome do servidor de mensagens for especificado através da linha 
comando do fetchmail.
* protocol é o protocolo que será usado para a transferência de mensagens do
servidor. O fetchmail utilizará a auto-detecção de protocolo caso este não seja
* user define o nome do usuário no servidor, que no
exemplo acima é gleydson.
* password define a senha do usuário gleydson (acima), especificada como
sua_senha no exemplo.
* keep é opcional e serve para não apagar as mensagens do servidor após
baixa-las (útil para testes e acesso a uma única conta de e-mail através de 
locais, como na empresa e sua casa por exemplo).
* fetchall baixa todas as mensagens do provedor marcadas como lidas e não
* is gleydson here é um modo de especificar que as mensagens obtidas de do usuário gleydson com a senha sua_senha serão 
para o usuário local gleydson no diretório /var/mail/gleydson.

  As palavras is e here são completamente ignoradas pelo fetchmail, servem
somente para dar um tom de linguagem natural na configuração do programa e da
mesma forma facilitar a compreensão da configuração.

Se possuir várias contas no servidor, não é necessário
repetir toda a configuração para cada conta, ao invés disso especifique somente 
outros usuários do mesmo servidor:

 poll protocol pop3
  user gleydson password sua_senha keep fetchall is gleydson here
  user conta2 password sua_senha2 fetchall is gleydson here
  user conta3 password sua_senha3 fetchall is gleydson here

Note que todos os e-mails das contas gleydson, conta2 e conta3 do servidor de
mensagens são entregues ao usuário local gleydson 

Agora você pode usar um programa MUA como o mutt ou pine para ler localmente as
mensagens. O armazenamento de mensagens no diretório /var/mail é preferido pois
permite a utilização de programas de notificação de novos e-mais como o comsat,
mailleds, biff, etc.

Também é possível utilizar um processador de mensagens ao invés do MTA para a
entrega de mensagens. O programa procmail é um exemplo de processador de 
rápido e funcional que pode separar as mensagens em arquivos de acordo com sua
origem, destino, assunto, enviar respostas automáticas, listas de discussão, 
de arquivos através de requisição, etc. Veja Processamento de mensagens através 
procmail, Seção 27.3.1 para detalhes.

Para mais detalhes sobre outras opções específicas de outros protocolos, 
de mensagens, criptografia, etc, veja a página de manual do fetchmail.
- --

Um abraço

Gilberto F da Silva
§ Respostas  e comentários devem  vir após o  texto original ou  parágrafo a 
PGP Public Key Fingerprint= 7A07 26C9 20A0 4BCB 7FBC  C577 271B A05A D321 1B0E

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i OS/2 for non-commercial use
Comment: PGP 5.0 para OS/2
Charset: cp850


Re: Sobre apt - source.lis

2004-07-31 Thread Andre Luis Lopes
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 02:27:12PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Estava usando o google para ler sobre o 
 uso do auto-apt e acabei encontrando um 
 artigo que parece ser muito bom sobre 
 apt. Como varias perguntas sao feitas 
 sobre o assunto, achei interessante passar 
 o link. 
 O artigo e longo. Alguns topicos que me 
 chamaram a atencao foram: 
 - o pacote netselect que procura pelo 
 endereco mais apropriado(rapido) em 
 relacao a sua maquina e como gerar 
 um arquivo source.list de acordo com 
 a versao debian que voce quer(stable 
 unstable, testing) 
 - como ter pacotes de versoes diferentes 
 e como gerenciar isso. 
 o endereco: 

Esse não é o APT-HOWTO do kov ? Me parece ele e foi escrito pelo kov.
Acho que tem uma cópia dele (em vários formatos) no site do Debian-BR.

||  André Luís Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]||
|| ||
||  Debian-BR Project   ||
||  Public GPG KeyID 9D1B82F6   ||

Description: Digital signature

Re: Sobre apt - source.list

2004-07-31 Thread hpfn
Esse não é o APT-HOWTO do kov ? Me parece ele e foi escrito pelo kov. 
Acho que tem uma cópia dele (em vários formatos) no site do Debian-BR. 

Sinceramente nao sei. No inicio do artigo: 

Gustavo Noronha Silva 
1.7.9 - Agosto de 2002 

Se Kov for ele, e dele. 


Voce quer um iGMail protegido contra vírus e spams? 
Clique aqui:
Ofertas imperdíveis! Link:

Re: need a perscripti0n?

2004-07-31 Thread rey wolma
siebenmann writefmbdiamanddpayton.

am^'e~.rica   p.'ha~^rm  0verni,`g~ht sh_`i^-pping'


On seeing the boy he gave a loud shout and was immediately joined by four
companions, each as disagreeable in appearance as the first

-Original Message-
From: Lenora Gonzalez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: jame mencl; wally boltinghouse; terrance coerver 
Sent: Thursday, July, 2004 12:36 AM
Subject: Fmqwineed a perscripti0n?Ryv

Thank you
Being in the track of the ocean steamers it was not long before he found
himself overtaking a magnificent vessel whose decks were crowded with

curvidad12proverbista05librote,contrabranque pure`.

instalar um servidor Debian GNU/Linux

2004-07-31 Thread marciotex

Olá pessoal.

Assumi o compromisso de executar uma tarefa nova para mim: instalar um
servidor Debian GNU/Linux numa rede com 20 desktops windows. Não sou
profissional na área de computação. Talvez esteja começando a ser :)
Nunca havia pensado em ganhar grana mexendo em computadores mas pintou a
oportunidade e eu não devo recusá-la.

O cenário:

1) a Internet será compartilhada por toda rede via um ponto de adsl;

2) ainda não sei se o modem é também roteador (saberei logo);

3) há um servidor Dell novinho em folha (ainda não sei suas
   especificações, saberei logo), para smtp, samba, backup, impressão,
   servidor web  (talvez squid e mysql também), todos estes serviços
   devem ficar restritos à rede interna; 

4) 20 desktops rodando windows (não por muito tempo, eu os convencerei a
   migrar :) )

5) uma máquina antiga (provavelmente um P100) para firewall

Bem, minhas primeiras dúvidas são as seguintes:

1) Pelo que tenho me informado, o firewall (iptables) necessariamente
   deve rodar noutra máquina que o servidor interno, por
   segurança. Estou certo?

2) A máquina firewall necessariamente deve ser a máquina roteadora? Por

3) Qual a diferença entre router e gateway?

4) Supondo que o modem seja roteador, não há problema em se ter uma
   outra máquina fazendo roteamento?

5) Sites, links e dicas sobre o assunto? Já li e estou estudando os
   HOWTOS clássicos, (networking, router...) da ldp, além da
   documentação do netfilter.

Obrigado pela atenção,
Marcio Roberto Teixeira

endereço eletrônico: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
chave pública: hkp://
página pessoal (em construção):
Usuário tchê Debian/GNULinux

Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil

Re: How can I get all IP transactions (in/out) logged?

2004-07-31 Thread listcomm

 Yes iptables can do this.  I know iptables can log to syslog, and
 believe there are  ways to make it log to SQL, but I am unfamiliar
 with those.

Thanks - that sounds like a plan...  (I knew I wouldn't escape dealing
with iptables).

I would think this capability would be built into one of the firewall
products, but I haven't found it.

There may be a configuration setting to get iptables to log to something
other than syslog, also (I know it's possible with pppd, although the
logs seem to go to both places rather than just one).

I can postprocess the log file to reduce the data...

Thanks again -

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to Move from 1 drive to another?

2004-07-31 Thread Jonathan Wheelhouse

I am running Debian unstable on a 30GB drive (IBM Deskstar 75gxp)
using ext3.  I recently bought a 120GB drive (Western Digital WD1200).

The family have 5 accounts.

What I would like to do is to make the 120GB drive the main one (using
ReiserFS) and use the 30GB drive for data.

So, the plan is to install (via the sid installer) Debian on the 120GB
drive.  I know
- to install the current packages I've got I can
install them via dpkg --get-selections|--set-selections
- use /etc/* file as configuration for new drive

My question is - what is the easiest|best way of copying|moving all
the accounts and their data across?  Do I simply have to recreate the
users on the new drive and then copy across their home drives?  Or can
I just rely on everything being set up OK if I just copy across
/etc/passwd and /etc/group.

Thanks in advance

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to Move from 1 drive to another?

2004-07-31 Thread Luke Anderson
On Saturday 31 July 2004 07:30, Jonathan Wheelhouse wrote:

 I am running Debian unstable on a 30GB drive (IBM Deskstar 75gxp)
 using ext3.  I recently bought a 120GB drive (Western Digital WD1200).

 The family have 5 accounts.

 What I would like to do is to make the 120GB drive the main one (using
 ReiserFS) and use the 30GB drive for data.

 So, the plan is to install (via the sid installer) Debian on the 120GB
 drive.  I know
 - to install the current packages I've got I can
 install them via dpkg --get-selections|--set-selections
 - use /etc/* file as configuration for new drive

Yes you seem to have the idea there.
Don't forget you may have some stuff in /usr/local that you have accumulated.

 My question is - what is the easiest|best way of copying|moving all
 the accounts and their data across?  Do I simply have to recreate the
 users on the new drive and then copy across their home drives?  Or can
 I just rely on everything being set up OK if I just copy across
 /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
The /etc/passwd /etc/group files contain information on numeric IDs which are 
what is stored in the files.

I see no reason why copying over the home directories wouldn't work.

Worse come to worse and it doesn't work, you can always delete and recreate 
the users, with userdel/deluser and useradd/adduser and then recursively set 
the owner of their home directories with:

cd /home/
chown -R fred fred  
chown -R jim jim
chown -R sally sally

Hope this helps,

 Thanks in advance

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fixing Wireless PC Card 16550A UART Serial Device Assignment

2004-07-31 Thread Luke Anderson
On Friday 30 July 2004 19:56, Michael G. Morey wrote:

 I'm running Debian GNU/Linux 3.0r1 with hotplug, modutils, pciutils, and
 usbutils back-ports from, on a Dell Latitude D800
 laptop.  I'm running a custom Linux 2.4.26 kernel I've built from a
 Debianized back-port, configured for 16550A UART support for PC card
 devices.  I have a wireless modem PC card device, which maps alternately
 to /dev/ttyS01 and /dev/ttyS02, seemingly at random.  I have a total of
 three serial UART devices, and would like to have devices assigned

 /dev/ttyS0:  built-in serial port
 /dev/ttyS1:  Conexant HSF Softmodem with Linuxant driver
 /dev/ttyS2:  Sony Ericsson EDGE PC Card GC82 wireless modem

 On a good boot, the devices are assigned as follows:

 ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 ttySHSF0 at I/O 0xb400 (irq = 11) is a Conexant HSF softmodem
 ttyS02 at port 0x03e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

 However, occasionally, the devices are assigned as follows:

 ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 ttySHSF0 at I/O 0xb400 (irq = 11) is a Conexant HSF softmodem
 ttyS01 at port 0x03e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

 My dmesg output is attached.  I apologize if the attachment is not
 accessible to some.

 Does anyone know of a way that I fix the PC Card serial device
 assignment permanently, to /dev/ttyS02?

 In general, could anyone offer suggestions as how to fine-tune the
 loading of device driver modules using the hotplug and/or modutils
 packages?  When is hotplug appropriate, and when is it not?  Which
 modules should be pre-loaded through /etc/modules?
I think you may have hit the nail on the head there, /etc/modules should be 
used for devices that you are going to use all the time, whereas hotplug is 
for things that aren't connected all the time.

The best solution would be to load the modules in /etc/modules.conf of the 
respective devices, in the order you want them used.

Seeing as you don't have enough devices and you want to use ttyS02, perhaps a 
link in dev would suffice?

cd /dev
rm ttyS02
ln ttyS01 ttyS02

Will cause ttyS01 and ttyS02 to refer to the same physical device.
This should sort out your problem.

 Please advise me if I'm omitting any pertinent details regarding my

 Thanks in advance.


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Re: Convert Real video to MPEG4 or QTime

2004-07-31 Thread Luke Anderson
transcode maybe?

On Friday 30 July 2004 18:12, Sarunas Burdulis wrote:

 I need to do a one time massive conversion of video materials currently
 in Real's .rm files to MPEG4 and/or QTime (switching from RealServer to
 the open source Darwin Streaming Server).

 Can anybody recommend a free converter for Linux (or Mac OS X for that

 Thank you,

 Sarunas Burdulis
 Linux Systems Administrator
 Department of Mathematics
 405B Bradley Hall, Dartmouth College
 (603) 646-9255

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Re: help remove!! i got linux torjan

2004-07-31 Thread Cantona Su

Sorry, I still cannot find it on archive.
You mean both LKM trojan and LPD Worm are wrong detect??


On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 04:33:28 +0200, Jerome BENOIT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 please look into the archive:
 if I remember well, this is a bug of chkrootkit.
 Of course double check it !
 Cantona Su wrote:
  Hi all,
  Here is the chkrootkit output:
  Checking `lkm'... You have 6 process hidden for readdir command
  You have 6 process hidden for ps command
  Warning: Possible LKM Trojan installed
  Searching for LPD Worm files and dirs... Possible LPD worm installed
  Can someone help me with  remove them please!!
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Re: Convert Real video to MPEG4 or QTime

2004-07-31 Thread William Ballard
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 09:06:45AM +0100, Luke Anderson wrote:
 transcode maybe?
 On Friday 30 July 2004 18:12, Sarunas Burdulis wrote:
  I need to do a one time massive conversion of video materials currently
  in Real's .rm files to MPEG4 and/or QTime (switching from RealServer to
  the open source Darwin Streaming Server).
  Can anybody recommend a free converter for Linux (or Mac OS X for that

Never tried this combo, but mencoder can output both mpeg4 and 
quicktime, and it can certainly play realmedia.

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Re: none

2004-07-31 Thread Matt Perry
On Sat, 31 Jul 2004, Katipo wrote:

 Felicity means 'appropriate' or 'happiness'.

And Angela means 'heavenly messenger'.

 What exactly is being addressed here?

Beats me.

Matt Perry | matt at primefactor dot com

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Re: help remove!! i got linux torjan

2004-07-31 Thread Florian Ernst

On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 04:07:24PM +0800, Cantona Su wrote:
 Sorry, I still cannot find it on archive.

See /usr/share/doc/chkrootkit/README.Debian and

 You mean both LKM trojan and LPD Worm are wrong detect??

Might be. Do you have bitlbee installed - LPD false positive,
for LKM please see the README.


Description: Digital signature

Re: How to Move from 1 drive to another?

2004-07-31 Thread Sven Hoexter
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 04:30:35PM +1000, Jonathan Wheelhouse wrote:
 I am running Debian unstable on a 30GB drive (IBM Deskstar 75gxp)
 using ext3.  I recently bought a 120GB drive (Western Digital WD1200).
 The family have 5 accounts.
 What I would like to do is to make the 120GB drive the main one (using
 ReiserFS) and use the 30GB drive for data.
 So, the plan is to install (via the sid installer) Debian on the 120GB
 drive.  I know
 - to install the current packages I've got I can
 install them via dpkg --get-selections|--set-selections
 - use /etc/* file as configuration for new drive
 My question is - what is the easiest|best way of copying|moving all
 the accounts and their data across?  Do I simply have to recreate the
 users on the new drive and then copy across their home drives?  Or can
 I just rely on everything being set up OK if I just copy across
 /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
I would boot a Linux Live CD like knoppix, partition and format the new drive,
copy everything from the old drive to the new one, chroot into the new
system, install a boot loader, reboot and be happy.
That is a lot easier then installation from scratch and you can keep
everything installed and configured so far.

It ain't so bad bein' alone if you know it'll never last nothing lasts forever
'cept the certainly of change and love's the same It's a game with simple rules
If you think it's forever then you're nothing but a fool
   [Venerea - Love Is A Battlefield Of Wounded Hearts]

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Re: help remove!! i got linux torjan

2004-07-31 Thread Cantona Su
oh yeah!
thanks all!

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 10:45:29 +0200, Florian Ernst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 04:07:24PM +0800, Cantona Su wrote:
  Sorry, I still cannot find it on archive.
 See /usr/share/doc/chkrootkit/README.Debian and
  You mean both LKM trojan and LPD Worm are wrong detect??
 Might be. Do you have bitlbee installed - LPD false positive,
 for LKM please see the README.

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Re: dselect installing packages I didn't request

2004-07-31 Thread Florian Ernst

On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 11:50:23AM -0700, Matt Perry wrote:
 Why does dselect want to install packages that I haven't requested?  I'm 
 not talking about dependencies.  Here's how to replicate what I'm seeing.
 Why is dselect wanting to install packages that I didn't request?

AFAIK dselect installs packages of priority 'standard' or higher by
default, you'll need to explicitly deselect them.

True, some of the packages you mentioned are only 'optional' (like
w3m) in Woody, but they are at least 'standard' on Sarge which you
apparently want to upgrade to.


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Re: How to Move from 1 drive to another?

2004-07-31 Thread Jonathan Wheelhouse
Sven Hoexter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 04:30:35PM +1000, Jonathan Wheelhouse wrote:
 I am running Debian unstable on a 30GB drive (IBM Deskstar 75gxp)
 using ext3.  I recently bought a 120GB drive (Western Digital WD1200).
 The family have 5 accounts.
 What I would like to do is to make the 120GB drive the main one (using
 ReiserFS) and use the 30GB drive for data.
 So, the plan is to install (via the sid installer) Debian on the 120GB
 drive.  I know
 - to install the current packages I've got I can
 install them via dpkg --get-selections|--set-selections
 - use /etc/* file as configuration for new drive
 My question is - what is the easiest|best way of copying|moving all
 the accounts and their data across?  Do I simply have to recreate the
 users on the new drive and then copy across their home drives?  Or can
 I just rely on everything being set up OK if I just copy across
 /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
 I would boot a Linux Live CD like knoppix, partition and format the new drive,
 copy everything from the old drive to the new one, chroot into the new
 system, install a boot loader, reboot and be happy.
 That is a lot easier then installation from scratch and you can keep
 everything installed and configured so far.

This sounds like the least amount of work and still giving a good
result - I'll give it a go.

Off to read about chroot .


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Re: How to Move from 1 drive to another?

2004-07-31 Thread John Summerfield
Jonathan Wheelhouse wrote:
I am running Debian unstable on a 30GB drive (IBM Deskstar 75gxp)
using ext3.  I recently bought a 120GB drive (Western Digital WD1200).

Oh dear.
Sven has much the same idea I have.
Before I forget, install, configure and configure smartmontools.
Read the docs and check out the need for firmware for that drive. It's 
not for nothing those drives are called Deathstar: I have bought two of 
them, and two of them died.

The WD drive also has its problems.There are three settings:
Master, no slave
Master, slave present.
It matters that you get the settings right: some systems (and I've been 
caught here too) will not boot if you get it wrong. The problem is 
documented on the WD website (why on earth they don't fix it I've no 
idea), and there you will find where to park the jumper when you don't 
want it. The position is not described on the disk label.

Svan's ida has some merit, but you can do it by booting the IBM drive.
To save mucking around, I'd leave the Deskstar as hda, install the WD 
drive as hdb (or on the second controller).

You don't say howyour old drive is partitioned. I am going to assume 
it's  two paritions, hda1 and hda2, and that hda1 your is boot partition 
near the edge. There are other configurations where this will work, but 
all must be primary paritions.
If you want a learning experience, do this.
First, boot single-user mode, check hda partitions are mounted ro.
Next, check the drives are tuned:
hdparm /dev/hda /dev/hdb
If you don't see DMA turned on, etc
hdparm -d1 -u1 -a64 -m16 /dev/hd{a,b}
Then, carefully getting this the right way round
dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb bs=$((1*1024*1024))

What you have now is a 30 Gb drive configuration on your 120 Gbyte drive.
Use fdisk to delete hda2, and then create a new, larger parition up to 
the size of the disk.

Instead of using mke2fs, use e2fsck and resize2fs (or whatever). It will 
resize the partition.

btw Why reiserfs? From my reading it excels when you have lots of small 
files, but not otherwise.

This will be quicker than doing it with cp or (better) tar.
If you prefer to use tar, then partion the second drive and mount it at, 
say, /mnt/new, then
tar clC / . boot | tar -xC /mnt/new

If you have buffer installed:
tar clC / . boot | buffer | tar -xC /mnt/new
Doesn't matter too much which drive you boot from: you can
a) Configure the BIOS to boot from the second drive (requires you 
install and configure a bootloader)
b) Condinue booting /dev/hda and configure the bootloader to boot /dev/hdb
c)  and configure the bootloader to boot the kernel etc from hdb.

The family have 5 accounts.
What I would like to do is to make the 120GB drive the main one (using
ReiserFS) and use the 30GB drive for data.
So, the plan is to install (via the sid installer) Debian on the 120GB
drive.  I know
- to install the current packages I've got I can
install them via dpkg --get-selections|--set-selections
- use /etc/* file as configuration for new drive
My question is - what is the easiest|best way of copying|moving all
the accounts and their data across?  Do I simply have to recreate the
users on the new drive and then copy across their home drives?  Or can
I just rely on everything being set up OK if I just copy across
/etc/passwd and /etc/group.
Thanks in advance

-- spambait
Tourist pics
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raw keyboard for vga -- vnc with no mosue

2004-07-31 Thread andrej
I've got some problems. I'd like to use keys to simulate mouse movement.
It works in X (shift+NumLock) but I need it with vnc, where it doesn't.
Since it's svncviewer, I looked at libvga.config and foud the
kbd_fake_mouse_event directive. However, it is said in the file (or
the manpage) that it works only with the keyboard in raw mode. 

So how should I proceed? If raw mode is the solution, how do I activate
it? If, of course, I issue kbd_mode -s, my keyboard becomes unusable
before I even started svncviewer. 
Any ideas?



echo ${girl_name}  /etc/dumpdates

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XMMS Error

2004-07-31 Thread Tim Raats
Im having this problem for about 2 days. Since ive dist-upgrade debian 
to Sid XMMS is having problems. When I start it via the menu it doesnt 
show up. But when I start it with a terminal I get the follow output:

* cannot open shared object file: Onbekend bestand of map
Inconsistency detected by ../sysdeps/generic/dl-tls.c: 72: 
_dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result = 
_rtld_local._dl_tls_max_dtv_idx' failed!

What does it mean and how to solve it ?
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Re: XMMS Error

2004-07-31 Thread LeVA
2004. július 31. 14:49,
 Im having this problem for about 2 days. Since ive dist-upgrade
 debian to Sid XMMS is having problems. When I start it via the menu
 it doesnt show up. But when I start it with a terminal I get the
 follow output:

 * cannot open shared object file: Onbekend bestand of
 map Inconsistency detected by ../sysdeps/generic/dl-tls.c: 72:
 _dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result =
 _rtld_local._dl_tls_max_dtv_idx' failed!

 What does it mean and how to solve it ?

Try to move the file from the /usr/lib/xmms/Input path.



Description: PGP signature

Re: creating audio-cd image from mp3/wav

2004-07-31 Thread Micha Feigin
On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 11:04:52PM -0500, Brad Sims wrote:
 On Friday 30 July 2004 6:07 pm, csj wrote:
  Since cdrecord can burn cd-compatible wav files on the fly, why
  not just create the wav files in one directory, making sure the
  files are arranged in track order, say track01.wav, track02.wav?
  If you need special options like cd text put it in a script, so
  you can simply type something like
 Or you can simply use K3B it will both create a iso from
 mp3s and burn isos. 
 I wish that program was ported to windows... its that damn good.

I tried it. I created a new audio cd project, gave it a bunch of mp3
files and told it to only create an image. It worked very hard and then
just left behind a bunch of wav files but no image. Tried the same with
wav files and it just left behind a bunch of wav files with a different
name ?!?

Does it create a raw image for you for an audio project ? (could be that
I missed something or that it was a buggy version).

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Re: creating audio-cd image from mp3/wav

2004-07-31 Thread Micha Feigin
On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 07:09:45PM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 * Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004 Jul 30 18:42 -0500]:
  I never intend for the files to go to the cdrom, otherwise the solution
  would be easy. I want to create an image I can mount in vmware so that
  windows will think its a regular audio cd so that I can download it to
  my mini disk using Sony simple burner, thus bypassing Sony jukebox which
  does havoc and I really don't like anyway since it lets you download
  each file only three times to mini disk, and you can't delete it from
  the mini disk directly, you have to do it through the sony jukebox
  (even if the file is yours, or you own the cd).
  Now if only the libnetmd people finally figure out how to record to a
  netmd mini disk directly from Linux, or Sony stopped being so paranoid
  and windows centric, life would be a lot easier ;-)
 Have you tried mkisofs?  I haven't played with it myself, but I think
 that is what X-CD-Roast uses to create an image in the Master mode.

Read through the whole man page and some other stuff also. Audio cds
don't have a file system, so they are not iso9660 cds. They basically
only have the raw data stream in 16-bit stereo samples in PCM coding at
44100 samples/second with no header. I don't know the endianess
though. They also need to have an integral number of blocks in length.

I guess the solution will have to be to use sox to create the raw files
and then write my own program to create the image or hack into cdrecord
to enable it to dump its data to file skipping the drive commands.

 From the man page:
mkisofs  - create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem with optional
Rock Ridge attributes.
mkisofs [ options ] [ -o filename ] pathspec [pathspec ...]
mkisofs  is  effectively  a  pre-mastering  program  to   generate   an
ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS hybrid filesystem.
mkisofs  is  capable  of  generating  the  System  Use Sharing Protocol
records (SUSP) specified by the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol.   This
is  used  to  further describe the files in the iso9660 filesystem to a
unix host, and provides information such as longer filenames,  uid/gid,
posix permissions, symbolic links, block and character devices.
 - Nate 
  Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  |  Successfully Microsoft
   Amateur radio exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | free since January 1998.   |  Debian, the choice of
  My Kawasaki KZ-650 SR @| a GNU generation!   |
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Re: creating audio-cd image from mp3/wav

2004-07-31 Thread Nate Bargmann
* Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004 Jul 31 08:40 -0500]:
 Read through the whole man page and some other stuff also. Audio cds
 don't have a file system, so they are not iso9660 cds. They basically
 only have the raw data stream in 16-bit stereo samples in PCM coding at
 44100 samples/second with no header. I don't know the endianess
 though. They also need to have an integral number of blocks in length.
 I guess the solution will have to be to use sox to create the raw files
 and then write my own program to create the image or hack into cdrecord
 to enable it to dump its data to file skipping the drive commands.

Okay, Micha, that makes sense.  It was worth a guess and I hadn't seen
it mentioned in this thread.  Perhaps you need a tool that simply does
the reverse of cdparanoia, i.e. takes .wav track files and builds them 
into a CD image like PCM file.  Easy to say, perhaps not so easy to 

- Nate 

 Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  |  Successfully Microsoft
  Amateur radio exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | free since January 1998.   |  Debian, the choice of
 My Kawasaki KZ-650 SR @| a GNU generation!   |

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Re: What are the dangers of using packages from both stable and testing?

2004-07-31 Thread Greg Folkert
On Sat, 2004-07-31 at 01:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What are the dangers of using packages from both stable and testing?
 (Nonetheless, I'd still like to know where all the fabled and legendary
 DON'T DO THIS warnings are) (especially the one written in Martian)

Well, to be honest, it is called evolution... where the strongest
survive. Go ahead... we need to thin the herd quite a bit, so let us not
waste anytime.

Oh, btw, it isn't Martian, it is Venusian. The Martian translation is
being worked on by an MIA Debian Developer...

What it really comes down to is this:

Woody, is based on glibc6 2.2.5 (I think), where as currently Sarge and
unstable have glibc6 2.3.2.ds1. Also the target compiler used for woody
was version gcc 2.95.4. Testing/Unstable are currently targeting gcc

These 2 very important reasons are the reason why mixing of Woody, Sarge
and Sid is a bad idea. Now mixing of Sarge and Sid (right now) is a
reasonable thing to do, but still not recommended. Reason being they are
using very similar underlying libraries and compilers.

Woody, would more than likely implode upon itself, rendering it useful
as a doorstop, after the catastrophic event happens. But, you can try it
if you want. But, just make sure you are wearing the proscribed Lead
lined Kevlar reinforced Nomex Fire suit, to weather the calls from your


The technology that is
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Help From Brasil

2004-07-31 Thread Luciano S . Araujo
Good Morning,
Please if one of you can help me!!
I'm Architect,  Designer  Mac user from Brasil, and read about bad 
blocks isolating, My emac 1ghz  starts to be strange, I discovered i 
Have bad blocks at My HD and Idon,t want  Format it , (it's the second 
time this HD have problems)

How I can Isolate it, (I'm new at terminal)
Thanks a Lot,
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2004-07-31 Thread Klaus Imgrund

I just did a new install with the new installer (changed to 
testing sources) and that went really fine besides a couple 
of little bumps on the road.
The only thing I can't figure out is why x doesn't start.It 
first tries to start and quits without an error message 
trying to start kdm.
On startx it tells me:

(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/psaux
  No such device
(EE) Mouse1: cannot open input device
(EE) PreInit failed for input device Mouse1

Ok - fine so far.The problem I got with this is that it 
starts the second time I startx without any error messages 
and the mouse works fine then.

The only odd thing is that it uses the config file in 
the /root directory but I don't see what that would have to 
do with anything.

I'd really appreciate it if somebody could give a hint what 
it going on there.


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Networking Problem

2004-07-31 Thread Jonathan Barnes
Hi, I'm having a very strange networking problem that has my linux
buddies and I stumped.
I'll draw a basic mud map because it makes it ALOT easier to understand
my situation as I have two gateways due to shared housing.
[Bridged ADSL Modem]
|  |
  [DMZ]   [Workstations] and [my Debian Box]
(10.0.1.*)  (10.0.0.*)(,
[my workstation]
Last week my Debian Box had a hard shutdown due to a knocked out
powercable :( and when I rebooted it could no access the internet, other 
workstations, firewall or DMZ. And neither could my Workstation. The
weird thing is, that all the above mentioned machines, can still contact
my Debian Box. eg: The Firewall can ping my Debian Box, but my Debian
Box can't ping the firewall. My Debian Box is hosting some friends
websites and hosts some email accounts, which all still work. From my
workstation I can ping my Debian Box and It can ping me, but in order
for me to get on the net with my workstation, ive had to plug in with
the rest of the workstations (ie: not go through my Debian Box)

I have flushed all iptables rules and set policies to ACCEPT so it is
not a firewall problem. I have tried 4 other NIC's and even put the hard 
drive in another box so it is not a hardware problem. I have also tried 
switching the IP's of eth0 and eth1 around and even set eth0 to use DHCP 
(provided by the Firewall)

I cant see anything wrong with my routing table either:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface   U 0  00 eth0   U 0  00 eth1 UG0  00 eth0
It's obviously not extra urgent because people can still access their 
websites and emails from the outside, It's just a pain. I can't even do 
an 'apt-get upgrade' in the hope of overwritting whatever it stuffing 
this up.

Hope i've provided enough information and thanks for any help.
- jrb
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Re: What are the dangers of using packages from both stable and testing?

2004-07-31 Thread Carl Fink
BTW, using information from

section 6.14, you can quite easily recompile a Sid package using the Woody
libraries to run under Woody (unless the program requires actual features
not available in the older libs).
Jabootu's Minister of Proofreading

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Re: XMMS Error

2004-07-31 Thread Tim Raats
LeVA wrote:
2004. július 31. 14:49,

Im having this problem for about 2 days. Since ive dist-upgrade
debian to Sid XMMS is having problems. When I start it via the menu
it doesnt show up. But when I start it with a terminal I get the
follow output:
* cannot open shared object file: Onbekend bestand of
map Inconsistency detected by ../sysdeps/generic/dl-tls.c: 72:
_dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result =
_rtld_local._dl_tls_max_dtv_idx' failed!
What does it mean and how to solve it ?

Try to move the file from the /usr/lib/xmms/Input path.

Thank you very much it is working
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For clients. (reappear)

2004-07-31 Thread Majordomo
Dear cheapsoft customer!

We have update our programs list, now we have more and new version programs. Our full 
catalogue with 1300 fresh and unique software titles.
Now we accept 7 types of credit cards.

With regards,
Cheapsoft Manager
Steve Ahandles

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Re: Help From Brasil

2004-07-31 Thread Silvan

 Please if one of you can help me!!

 I'm Architect,  Designer  Mac user from Brasil, and read about bad
 blocks isolating, My emac 1ghz  starts to be strange, I discovered i
 Have bad blocks at My HD and Idon,t want  Format it , (it's the second
 time this HD have problems)

 How I can Isolate it, (I'm new at terminal)

I honestly don't know how to isolate bad blocks, but I've see how fast today's 
hard drives go from strange to dead.  It doesn't take long at all.  If I 
were you, I'd buy a new hard drive immediately and rescue as much data as I 
could from the old one before its time is up.

Michael McIntyre     Silvan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Networking Problem

2004-07-31 Thread Matt Perry
On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, Jonathan Barnes wrote:

 my Debian Box. eg: The Firewall can ping my Debian Box, but my Debian
 Box can't ping the firewall.

It's sounds like IP forwarding isn't working.  Take down the interface
that uses and then try to ping the firewall.  What happens?

What is the output when you run cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ?
If you get a zero, execute echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward bring 
up the interface and try things then.  Let us know what happens.

Matt Perry | matt at primefactor dot com

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Re: script/app to compile statistics about disk usage?

2004-07-31 Thread Matt Perry
On Fri, 30 Jul 2004, Silvan wrote:

 cooked up.  What I want to do is look at my disks and gather statistics about 
 what is eating the most space.  Where the biggest files are, which 
 directories are the largest, etc.

What I do to see large directories is just 'du -sh *' starting at root and 
then drilling down from there.  If you want to see what the largest files 
are, you can use this Perl script that Randal Schwartz wrote:

# Usage: bigfiles dir [dir ...]
# Abstract:  This script reports the top 20 largest files in one or
#more specified directories, including subdirectories.
# By:Randal Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#From the article at

if ($#ARGV lt 0) {
  $0 =~ s#.*/##;
  print(Usage: $0 dir [dir ...]\n);
  exit 1;

use File::Find;
find (sub {
$size{$File::Find::name} =
  -s if -f;
  }, @ARGV);
@sorted = sort {
  $size{$b} = $size{$a}
} keys %size;
splice @sorted, 20 if @sorted  20;
foreach (@sorted) {
  printf %10d %s\n, $size{$_}, $_;

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Re: How to Move from 1 drive to another?

2004-07-31 Thread Silvan
On Saturday 31 July 2004 06:21 am, Jonathan Wheelhouse wrote:

  I would boot a Linux Live CD like knoppix, partition and format the new
  drive, copy everything from the old drive to the new one, chroot into the
  new system, install a boot loader, reboot and be happy.
  That is a lot easier then installation from scratch and you can keep
  everything installed and configured so far.

 This sounds like the least amount of work and still giving a good
 result - I'll give it a go.

 Off to read about chroot .

I'm not sure why you should need to bother with booting a live CD.  I've done 
this lots of times.  Put the new drive in, boot the existing installation, 
partition and format the new drive from the existing installation, mount its 
partitions somewhere temporarily, cp -a the stuff over as appropriate, edit 
its bootloader config and fstab as appropriate, chroot into it and 
run /sbin/lilo then reboot, and presto.  You only need a rescue CD if you 
screw something up.  (Which I've certainly done, yes, so keep that CD in your 
back pocket.  :)

You might want to look at this:

Michael McIntyre     Silvan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

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Re: Networking Problem

2004-07-31 Thread Jonathan Barnes
Matt Perry wrote:
On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, Jonathan Barnes wrote:

my Debian Box. eg: The Firewall can ping my Debian Box, but my Debian
Box can't ping the firewall.

It's sounds like IP forwarding isn't working.  Take down the interface
that uses and then try to ping the firewall.  What happens?
What is the output when you run cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ?
If you get a zero, execute echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward bring 
up the interface and try things then.  Let us know what happens.

Thanks for your reply,
After taking down eth1( I was still unable to ping anything, 
and ip_forward was already on.

It's just so weird that it can reply to requests initiated by other 
machines (eg. people checking their mail from the outside) but it cant 
make any requests of its own. Sounds like a statefull firewall problem, 
but as I said, I've tried clearing all iptables rules. And it can't be 
the other firewall because none of the other workstations are affected 
and the problem still exists if I set the IP to be something other than

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interpreting output of SNORT

2004-07-31 Thread Shawn Lamson

Can someone please take a look at my latest snort report and advise me
on a course of action I cleaned a SuckIT rootkit off of my system
the other day (I think I got infected last Sunday).  Does the snort log
indicate attempts at another hack, or that I still have a problem on my
box?  My IP at the time was

Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 07:35:50 -0400

Events between  07 28 16:53:09  and  07 29 01:17:31
Total events: 14
Signatures recorded: 4
Source IP recorded: 4
Destination IP recorded: 2

Events from same host to same destination using same method
== # of  from to   method

Destination Unreachable (Communication with Destination Network is
Administratively Prohibited) 3   
ATTACK-RESPONSES id check returned root  2 Destination Unreachable (Communication
Administratively Prohibited)

 Percentage and number of events from a host to a destination
   %# of  from to   
   42.86 6  
   21.43 3  
   21.43 3  
   14.29 2  

   Percentage and number of events from one host to any with
same method   
==   %  
 # of  from method  
21.43 3 ICMP Destination Unreachable
(Communication with Destination Network is Administratively Prohibited) 
21.43 3 id check returned root   
 14.29 2 ICMP Destination Unreachable
(Communication Administratively Prohibited)

 Percentage and number of events to one certain host

  %# of  to   method  
ATTACK 21.43 3 Destination
Unreachable (Communication with Destination Network is Administratively
Prohibited)21.43 3 id
check returned root14.29 2 Destination
Unreachable (Communication Administratively Prohibited)

   The distribution of event methods
 %# of  method
 42.86 6  (http_inspect) DOUBLE DECODING ATTACK
 6   -  
 21.43 3  ATTACK-RESPONSES id check 
returned root
 3   -  
 21.43 3  ICMP Destination 
(Communication with Destination Network is Administratively Prohibited)
 14.29 2  ICMP Destination Unreachable
(Communication Administratively Prohibited)

Shawn Lamson

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CUPS Problem

2004-07-31 Thread Arnaud Blanchard

I use a printer in network but CUPS doesn't work. When I use the printer 
manager and choose CUPS I receive the error message:
Unable to retrieve the printer list. Error message received from manager:
Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly 
installed and running. Error: connection refused.

In the bottom of the window, I can see: Connected to localhost: 631

Thank you !

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Re: CUPS Problem

2004-07-31 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 05:22:26PM +0100, Arnaud Blanchard wrote:
} I use a printer in network but CUPS doesn't work. When I use the printer 
} manager and choose CUPS I receive the error message:
} Unable to retrieve the printer list. Error message received from manager:
} Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly 
} installed and running. Error: connection refused.
} In the bottom of the window, I can see: Connected to localhost: 631

This means that the server does not have permissions set correctly for
other machines to use its print queues. Look in the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
file on the server toward the end, where you should find some Location
lines. You need to make sure that /printers allows connections from
other machines.

} Thank you !

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Re: CUPS Still problem

2004-07-31 Thread Arnaud Blanchard
On Saturday 31 July 2004 17:52, Gregory Seidman wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 05:22:26PM +0100, Arnaud Blanchard wrote:
 } I use a printer in network but CUPS doesn't work. When I use the printer
 } manager and choose CUPS I receive the error message:
 } Unable to retrieve the printer list. Error message received from
 manager: } Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is
 correctly } installed and running. Error: connection refused.
 } In the bottom of the window, I can see: Connected to localhost: 631

 This means that the server does not have permissions set correctly for
 other machines to use its print queues. Look in the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
 file on the server toward the end, where you should find some Location
 lines. You need to make sure that /printers allows connections from
 other machines.

I have non file :  /etc/cups/cupsd.conf but only /etc/cups/client.conf
with this content 

# Encryption: whether or not to use encryption; this depends on having
# the OpenSSL library linked into the CUPS library.
# Possible values:
# Always   - Always use encryption (SSL)
# Never- Never use encryption
# Required - Use TLS encryption upgrade
# IfRequested  - Use encryption if the server requests it
# The default value is IfRequested.  This parameter can also be set
# using the CUPS_ENCRYPTION environment variable.

#Encryption Always
#Encryption Never
#Encryption Required
#Encryption IfRequested

# End of $Id: client.conf,v 1.8 2004/02/25 20:15:27 mike Exp $.

When I boot on Windows I can print without problem !

Thanks again


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Re: CUPS Still problem

2004-07-31 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 06:00:33PM +0100, Arnaud Blanchard wrote:
} On Saturday 31 July 2004 17:52, Gregory Seidman wrote:
}  On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 05:22:26PM +0100, Arnaud Blanchard wrote:
}  } I use a printer in network but CUPS doesn't work. When I use the printer
}  } manager and choose CUPS I receive the error message:
}  }
}  } Unable to retrieve the printer list. Error message received from
}  manager: } Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is
}  correctly } installed and running. Error: connection refused.
}  }
}  } In the bottom of the window, I can see: Connected to localhost: 631
}  This means that the server does not have permissions set correctly for
}  other machines to use its print queues. Look in the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
}  file on the server toward the end, where you should find some Location
}  lines. You need to make sure that /printers allows connections from
}  other machines.
} I have non file :  /etc/cups/cupsd.conf but only /etc/cups/client.conf
} with this content 
} When I boot on Windows I can print without problem !

You're going to have to give me more information. How are your printers
connected? How did you set up printing on the machine you are trying to
print from? What other computers are involved and what are they running?

} Thanks again
} Nono

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Re: Networking Problem

2004-07-31 Thread Matt Perry
On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, Jonathan Barnes wrote:

 I cant see anything wrong with my routing table either:
  Kernel IP routing table
  Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface   U 0  00 eth0   U 0  00 eth1 UG0  00 eth0

You have the same network configured on two interfaces.  Are eth0 and eth1
on the same NIC?  Should eth1 have a destination of instead?

Matt Perry | matt at primefactor dot com

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Re: dselect installing packages I didn't request

2004-07-31 Thread Matt Perry
On Sat, 31 Jul 2004, Florian Ernst wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 11:50:23AM -0700, Matt Perry wrote:
  Why does dselect want to install packages that I haven't requested?  I'm 
  not talking about dependencies.  Here's how to replicate what I'm seeing.
  Why is dselect wanting to install packages that I didn't request?
 AFAIK dselect installs packages of priority 'standard' or higher by
 default, you'll need to explicitly deselect them.

Thanks for the note Florian.  That explains it.

Matt Perry | matt at primefactor dot com

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Re: Help From Brazil [SCANNED]

2004-07-31 Thread David Thurman
On 7/31/04 8:45 AM, Luciano S.Araujo wrote:

 Please if one of you can help me!!
 I'm Architect,  Designer  Mac user from Brasil, and read about bad
 blocks isolating, My emac 1ghz  starts to be strange, I discovered i
 Have bad blocks at My HD and Idon,t want  Format it , (it's the second
 time this HD have problems)
 How I can Isolate it, (I'm new at terminal)
 Thanks a Lot,

Be best to post to Apple discussion forums.[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.599b236d
David Thurman
The Web Presence Group
Web Development/E-Commerce/CMS/Hosting/Dedicated Servers

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Re: script/app to compile statistics about disk usage? one line

2004-07-31 Thread Paul E Condon
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 08:47:47AM -0700, Matt Perry wrote:
 On Fri, 30 Jul 2004, Silvan wrote:
  cooked up.  What I want to do is look at my disks and gather statistics about 
  what is eating the most space.  Where the biggest files are, which 
  directories are the largest, etc.
 What I do to see large directories is just 'du -sh *' starting at root and 
 then drilling down from there.  If you want to see what the largest files 
 are, you can use this Perl script that Randal Schwartz wrote:
 # Usage: bigfiles dir [dir ...]
 # Abstract:  This script reports the top 20 largest files in one or
 #more specified directories, including subdirectories.
 # By:Randal Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 #From the article at
 if ($#ARGV lt 0) {
   $0 =~ s#.*/##;
   print(Usage: $0 dir [dir ...]\n);
   exit 1;
 use File::Find;
 find (sub {
 $size{$File::Find::name} =
   -s if -f;
   }, @ARGV);
 @sorted = sort {
   $size{$b} = $size{$a}
 } keys %size;
 splice @sorted, 20 if @sorted  20;
 foreach (@sorted) {
   printf %10d %s\n, $size{$_}, $_;

My one liner is:

du / | sort -k 1,1nr | most

The sort gives a listing of du output in descending numerical order,
so the largest objects are at the top. The very largest object is /,
since everything else sits under it.  If you run this as a user, you
get a bunch of error messages as it passes over the /proc system. If
you run this as root, those messages go away, and instead you get a
bunch of zero length at the end of the list.

(most is a better less. you can use less if you don't want to install

Paul E Condon   

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UPS monitoring cable ditails

2004-07-31 Thread ebe ben
please send me wiring (schematic) details of UPS
monitoring cable (serial to serial).

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golf Re: script/app to compile statistics about disk usage? one line

2004-07-31 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya paul

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004, Paul E Condon wrote:

... randal's giant script snipped ..
 My one liner is:
 du / | sort -k 1,1nr | most

it would be good if we could get paid $100 for each character saved,
like perl golf .. or script golf ..
( smaller/simpler codes get paid more $$$ )

i still like plain ole sort -nr .. oh well...

but in a book form, a fat book is what people tend to buy ??

c ya

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Re: Xsane Segfaults, xscanimage not.

2004-07-31 Thread Chrissie
On 2004-07-29, csj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 28. July 2004 at 10:33PM +0200,
 Chrissie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [mysterious Xsane segfaults]

 Anybody has the same Problem?? Any Ideas how to fix this? I
 really like xsane, and will continue using it.

 Maybe you can try something like:

 mv ~/.sane/xsane/ ~/xsane-old

 Then fire up xsane.  You can delete ~/xsane-old if things go
 right.  I believe xsane's config changed between versions.

Thanks a lot, that worked like a charm! 


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Linux ibiza 2.4.25 up 131 days

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Re: What are the dangers of using packages from both stable and testing?

2004-07-31 Thread Chris Metzler
On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 22:34:37 -0700

   What are the dangers of using packages from both stable and testing?
 Okay...  I got told by someone on this list: (a) that it is system
 and (b) that the fact that it is system suicide is well-documented in
 many places with ample dire warnings in 384 languages including Martian.

That was almost certainly me (although I didn't mention 384 languages
nor Martian -- probably more like 128 and Lakota Sioux).

 But I haven't been able to find any such warnings yet, and nobody
 answered my Where does it say that? question.

I'm sorry I dropped this conversation earlier.  I haven't been paying
as much attention to this list as I used to -- just way way WAY too
much traffic on it these days, and I can't keep up.  My memory
was that both the Debian Reference and the apt HOWTO address this;
but apparently my memory isn't very good, because I went and looked
just now, and I cannot find the warnings I remember in either.
People get warned away from mixed stable/testing or stable/unstable
systems here on the list with some regularity; but while I'm pretty
sure I read You Are Recommended To Not Do This warnings in some
piece of Debian documentation somewhere, I sure can't find it; and
if I can't find it, it's hardly fair of me to give you a hard time
for not finding it either.

 One thing I *am* certain of, is that if you are running one release,
 the risk increases proportionally with the number of additional
 other-release packages that get sucked in with whatever you tried to
 load from  the other release.  However, even so, it only takes *one*
 infernal incompatibility to land you back at the command prompt with
 X11 whining like a bad alternator bearing, or worse yet trying to
 resurrect your system via CD-ROM...

Right.  The usual sequence is this:  someone is running stable; they
fetch packages from testing or unstable; things work fine; they do it
again; things work fine; they try to do it again, and run into a
problem associated with a library incompatibility.  The best way that
this can play out is for the package management front end being used
to tell them if I install this, I'm going to have to remove these
other packages too, so the user has a chance to either say no no no
and not end up with a system missing software they need, or can choose
to also install *those* packages from testing/unstable, or whatever.
Of course, some users ignore such messages or just hit y to
everything; but then, well, it's their fault when they need something
that's no longer there.

But that's the best way it can play out.  The worst way -- which is
thankfully uncommon, but can and does happen -- is if Depends or
Conflicts don't catch the problem.  An example: package A in stable
requires libfoo version 2.4 or greater; user installs package B, which
requires libfoo version 3.1, and so that gets brought along, replacing
v2.4; package A isn't marked for removal because 3.1  2.0; but
software compiled against libfoo v2.4 chokes with libfoo v3.1, and so
the binaries in package A are now broken).  The package manager for
libfoo can't set Conflicts: for *everything* compiled against earlier
versions of libfoo because libfoo is just too commonly used.  And if
this happens with something like glibc, you're hosed.


Chris Metzler   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(remove snip-me. to email)

As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized. - Chief Luther Standing Bear

Description: PGP signature

Tasksel is not what it was....

2004-07-31 Thread Keith O'Connell

I am running testing and last week I wiped down a machine and
started again. I normally use some of the tasksel groups to
save time in picking files I will want. I now find that since
the last time I used it it has changed drastically.

There are less groups and no way to see what is in a group
anymore. Well, I guess I'll have to live with that, but is it
recorded any where what was in the now defunct groups. I am
sure I overlook files and then I know I will need them, and
the network will be down etc, etc.

Where can I find out what files comprised;

unix server
c and c++

Then I'll just list them and install them individually from
now on

  Keith O'Connell.
  Maidstone, Kent. (UK)

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Problens with sshd.

2004-07-31 Thread Leonardo Marques

I having problens with sshd, it doesnt starting and i dont know
I looked in all files on /var/log and all i find about ssh was

Jul 31 18:49:13 luciana sshd[5668]: fatal: daemon() failed:

That was in auth.log

I already tryed purge and reinstall, and not diferent occured.

I dont what i have to do, it dont reports any error:

luciana:/var/log# /etc/init.d/ssh restart
Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.

Im using Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 on i686 based pc.

I really dont what i have to do. If someone know something or
have some idea, please, help me.

Thanks, Leonardo Marques.

% ::: Leonardo Marques ::: %Use%  %
% Nick: Analyser . %   .''`.   %  /\ CAMPANHA DA FITA ASCII  %
% GNU/Linux Reg.: #230540. %  : :'  :  %  \ / CONTRA E-MAIL HTML! %
% ICQ: #74758394 . %  `. `'`   %   X  ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN   %
% Site: ... %   Debian  %  %

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Re: What are the dangers of using packages from both stable and testing?

2004-07-31 Thread Silvan
On Saturday 31 July 2004 10:52 am, Carl Fink wrote:
 BTW, using information from

 section 6.14, you can quite easily recompile a Sid package using the Woody
 libraries to run under Woody (unless the program requires actual features
 not available in the older libs).

Which a vast heaping many of them probably do.  Woody is 40,000 years old, and 
developers don't like to be constrained to features that were only available 
when mankind was first taming fire.  Not when there's some new API call that 
combines a kitchen sink with a microwave oven and a motorcycle, and all it 
takes to get it is to force everyone to upgrade libflummy to the latest CVS 

Michael McIntyre     Silvan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

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Re: Tasksel is not what it was.... SOT question

2004-07-31 Thread Paul E Condon
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 10:36:15PM +0100, Keith O'Connell wrote:
   I am running testing and last week I wiped down a machine and
   started again. I normally use some of the tasksel groups to
   save time in picking files I will want. I now find that since
   the last time I used it it has changed drastically.
   There are less groups and no way to see what is in a group
   anymore. Well, I guess I'll have to live with that, but is it
   recorded any where what was in the now defunct groups. I am
   sure I overlook files and then I know I will need them, and
   the network will be down etc, etc.
   Where can I find out what files comprised;
   unix server
   c and c++

Slightly off topic question: Why does tasksel still exist? Wouldn't
be just as effective, and less effort to create virtual packages for
each of the collections of software that tasksel installs?

Be gentle in telling me why not. Its just a question.

Paul E Condon   

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Re: Saving Desktop Configuration under Gnome

2004-07-31 Thread Paul E Condon
On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 04:53:08PM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
 I'm running Gnome under Sarge. I use multiple copies of
 gnome-terminal. I configure the font and color scheme in the Edit menu
 at the top of window. I think that these config changes should be
 saved when I quit X and restart, but they are not.  What should I do
 to get them saved (and installed at startup). I can't find any useful
 docs on this.

Answering my own post just to close this out in the archives.
I switched to KDE desktop and gnome-terminal profile edits work fine.
I've filed a bug against gnome.

Paul E Condon   

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Re: Warning: Possible Bug in BIOS DELL Latitude D400_A06 !

2004-07-31 Thread Kent West
Uwe Dippel wrote:
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 15:50:07 +0200, Kent West wrote:

After several attempts to convince Dell the problem was with their 
hardware (firmware), and not with me running unsupported OSes, they sent 
me a beta version of a BIOS which fixed my problem.


I'm quite disappointed by DELL; another time.
Just FYI, I sent the following message to the rep that sent me the beta 
BIOS version. It'll be interesting to see if he looks into this issue 
and/or contacts Uwe. If Dell cares about their reputation, they'll want 
to get this fixed so that a Google search doesn't turn up information 
that they ship out buggy BIOSes and then don't address the issue.

Some months ago I had trouble with a buggy BIOS on my Dell GX270. The 
first time I sent email to Dell I just got a standard disclaimer 
saying that Dell does not support Linux, even though the problem was 
not Linux but Dell's BIOS version.

Later I ran into the same problem when setting up a Windows 2003 
Server machine on a different GX270. When I contacted Dell this time, 
the message got to you. I was very glad that the message made it to 
someone who understood that the problem was Dell's BIOS version, not 
Linux, and not Microsoft's Windows 2003 Server product.

You sent me a beta version of a BIOS patch that solved the problem. 
Thank you again for that. Very much!

If you want, you might can refresh your memory by looking up Tracking 
number: AT20040511_005523.

The reason I'm writing this is so you'll know that others are having 
similar issues. I thought you would want to be aware that Dell's 
reputation stands to suffer if this BIOS problem does not get solved. 
For your reference, here's a link to a thread that discusses one of 
these situations:

In particular you might be interested in his most recent frustration:
I'm quite disappointed by DELL
I actually thought they'd be grateful for that (possible) bug report 
BIOS came out a few days back) and investigate if there was anything to
it or a case- / machine-specific trouble.
[Dell's response] is both arrogant and wrong. Once again, I'm not 
into asking for
support of Linux. But referring me back to the manufacturer or the
vendor is just that. My DELL Latitude D400 works with the originally
supplied BIOS, but doesn't work with a specific, newly introduced BIOS
from DELL. A minimal common sense indicates a hardware- /
firmware-problem. Not one of XFree86.
This reminds me of the issue 'fair use'. I don't buy a PC that works 
XP only; but when I buy one, I buy a piece of hardware that is 
supposed to
work with x86-software. Any x86-software. And if DELL is not willing to
sell standard x86 hardware that runs x86-software; but instead sells
hardware that is only guaranteed to run XP, I'll never ever buy or
recommend this company again.

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' ...

2004-07-31 Thread
Title: Message


: " /  "/  

 21  -.
 , .




 / _

 / ___






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Toshiba suspend from command line

2004-07-31 Thread Ian Knopke

I'd like to be able to put my toshiba laptop in suspend mode from the 
command line. Currently I can do it using the wmtuxtime applet in 
Windowmaker, that comes in the toshutils package. Is there a way to do 
this without the applet?


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Re: AnyOne got Rekall working on Debian

2004-07-31 Thread John Foster
On Friday 30 July 2004 06:20 am, Stephen Cormier wrote:
 On July 29, 2004 03:06 pm, John Foster wrote:
  I am trying to get Rekall 2.0 to compile on Debian sid. It seems to
  crap out saying that there are no headers or libs installed. I have
  qt3-mt  installed,  am wondering if the 'mt' is the problem. I ran
  into a similar issue a while ago with perl-mt on another application.
  The non 'mt' version of qt3 is currently broken in sid as well as
  kdelibs4 which is also needed to compile this application. Any
  thoughts or experiences. BTW 'Rekall is a KDE database frontend
  similar to ms Access in function, but it currently has no Debian
  developer--anyone interested???
  John Foster

 Not that it matters now I see you have it installed from the mentors
 site but of anyone else who wants to try it here is what I have when I
 built it a couple of days ago from my notes.

 Downloaded and extract in my archive directory had to export
 QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3 in the console for it to find qt and
 use ./configure --prefix=/usr.

 [HappyTux:/home/stephen]# agi python2.3-dev
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
python2.3-dev (2.3.4-5)
 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
 Inst python2.3-dev (2.3.4-5 Debian:testing)
 Conf python2.3-dev (2.3.4-5 Debian:testing)

 To get the python developement files that were missing. Then for MySQL
 as well.
 [HappyTux:/home/stephen]# agi libmysqlclient-dev
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
libmysqlclient-dev (4.0.18-5)
 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
 Inst libmysqlclient-dev (4.0.18-5 Debian:testing)
 Conf libmysqlclient-dev (4.0.18-5 Debian:testing)

 *** build log ***

 Building with MySQL Driver
 PgSQL driver will not build
 XBase driver will not build

 Good - your configure finished. Start make now

 It compiled fine and used checkinstall to build a .deb the docs and
 icons/desktop link end up in a non-standard debian directories so you
 have to start with it rekall in a console or using the run command
 dialog in KDE.

Thanks for all the tips. I now have it all working well. I really appreciate 
you posting these  compiling pointers, even though I have now got a working 
product, I may try compiling the beta from cvs so these will certainly come 
in handy.
There is no substitute for experience!!
John Foster

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