Re: Some notes on ASF conferences.

2024-06-13 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On 2024/06/10 11:20:36 Claude Warren wrote:
> I believe that there are two issues that are retarding the acceptance of
> ASF produced conferences
>- The name
>- The positioning

I would add timing: There is less money to go around for sponsorships. So 
establishing one that sounds new likely will be harder than in other years. 
Still it's possible.

Renaming itself is challenging - says the one who for years told people, that 
the ASF is not only about the Apache webserver. It's not impossible though - 
says the one who for years now has seen Apache mentioned in one line with the 
Linux Foundation, the Eclipse foundation and others.

> The positioning is an issue.
> I found that ApacheCon (I have not attended a C/C NA) felt like a
> collection of siloed conferences. If there were 15 tracks it could just as
> easily have been 15 meetups.  It felt to me that there was very little
> cross pollination.

I attended ApacheCon 2008 through 2014 (sometimes EU, sometimes NA, sometimes 
both). Looking back I came for the tech (both, projects we were using at work 
as well as projects we considered competition). What pulled me into the 
foundation was being able to join the hackathon, to talk to committers at the 
booths. The talks that proved most valuable and relevant belong the life span 
of any of the tech project were the community talks.

So to me the gordian knot to untangle is to find content that draws (newcomers) 
to the conference, find space and formats for newcomers and existing committers 
to get in touch and find formats and time to give newcomers a glimpse of the 
value of how we operate and how they fit into that equation.

That gordian knot is also very different to the easier problem that any of the 
summits solves: there sales often is the most important driver.

The hallway track that Bertrand mentioned by the way is one very important 
piece in the puzzle: It is pretty much the only time and place for 
conversations that require deniability. Those are also the conversations that 
cannot be moved online.

Another important piece in the puzzle is finding funding for attendees to 
travel: Ticket prizes are one part of what makes the conference expensive. 
Depending on distance, travel usually has the bigger prize tag attached (both, 
in terms of money, time and impact on environment). While speakers used to get 
more support in the past from the conference, recently the bet was on employers 
to pay to send speakers - especially for juniors that may be getting harder.

> multiple
> projects: not groovy, or cassandra, or kafka; but JVM language scripting,
> cluster consensus strategies, and streaming data strategies.

How would that be different from the Big Data Compute, API & Microservices etc. 
that I've seen for CoC Bratislava?

> In terms of funding, I think there are lessons to be learned from Sci-Fi
> and comics and other fandom based conferences.  You don't have to charge a
> lot at the door.

Can you share more on how these conferences do that?

In the tech ecosystem the only conferences that I know charge nothing or close 
to nothing (FOSDEM, FrOSCon, Linuxtage Chemnitz) tend to get their venue for 
free hosted by a university and rely heavily on volunteers showing up and doing 
stuff (though I have heard that the number of those has been shrinking for some 
events, for Buzzwords that number increased).

> The ASF conference should become the place where developers want to go to
> learn stuff, where employers want to send employees because they will
> return with new ideas and better approaches to problems, and where vendors
> of tools for developers want to be.  I think it is possible, but not if the
> conference continues to compete with large scale siloed "Summit"
> conferences.

I fully agree that we have a lot of valuable lessons to share beyond what is 
discussed at the "Summit" type of event.

One thing just crossed my mind: Bertrand once explained the ASF as the 
Switzerland of Open Source - a neutral place for interested parties to 
collaborate on projects. Maybe that's one interesting and unique aspect of our 

There's also one important observation in what Rich shared: Someone has to do 
the organising - not only for the hackathon, but also for advertising, for 
inviting contributors, for shaping the track, for help with finding sponsors, 
etc. A lot of the cheaper conferences rely on volunteers, not only during 
preparation but also on-site - I believe, more than we could find volunteers in 
recent years.

Not sure if any of the perspectives help, feel free to ignore all of them,
Isabel (still keeping the female 2008 ApacheCon EU t-shirt near and dear)

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Re: [C/C Europe 25] [DISCUSS] Where to hold the conference

2024-05-21 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

On 2024/05/06 12:11:49 Rich Bowen wrote:
> > On May 6, 2024, at 5:12 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 7:37 AM Claude Warren  wrote:
> >> ...if you have opinions and/or ideas please speak up...
> > 
> > I've been to several small/medium conferences in Berlin [1] in the
> > last few years and it was always a great experience.
> > 
> > Easy to travel to, including by train, reasonable costs most of the
> > time (except when the marathon or similar events happen maybe), and we
> > have a number of ASF members there who might help with contacts or
> > more.
> We also have a great existing relationship with a producer - Plain Schwarz - 
> who are based in Berlin. They did ApacheCon 2018 (I think?) and that was a 
> great event.

2019 :) It was the last ApacheCon EU before all conferences were grounded for a 
while. One plus for Plain Schwarz: They focus on Open Source, they run several 
conferences in Berlin and as a result have existing relationships with several 
Berlin venues leading to cheaper venue booking fees. In addition they have 
existing relations with WeCap and can offer to run the event with recording or 

The one drawback of Berlin: Compared to Frankfurt or Munich the number of 
direct flight destinations is smaller. On the positive side, the city is easy 
to reach by train - even by night train (though nothing compared to train 
service in Switzerland).

One word of caution against places that are very small: At least in Germany 
those can get tricky quickly wrt. accommodation and public transit access for 
larger crowds. "just take a taxi/uber from hotel to stadium venue" doesn't 
scale for places that only have a dozen or so drivers.

So in addition to the criteria that Brian already mentioned:
* Ease of travel between typical accomodation and location.

If you are local to a proposed city: Try and see if you can think of someone 
who might be up to take on conference management and has experience with that. 
Plain Schwarz mentioned above is an event agency. An alternative could be some 
local company deciding to dedicate a few of their marketing/event management 
people for coordination. 

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Re: Breaking my silance

2019-07-25 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 24. Juli 2019 23:35:12 MESZ schrieb Raphael Bircher 
> Even the swiss social
>assurance (IV (Invaliden Versicherung) accepted a pilot project with


>I will be also at the ApacheCon EU. I'm really happy to be there, and
>can't wait to meet you guys there!

Looking forward to meet you. You don't happen to be at FrOSCon by any chance?


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Re: Focused effort on Apache Way education

2019-07-20 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 16. Juli 2019 23:43:19 MESZ schrieb Dmitriy Pavlov :
>I know about the excellent slides done by Shane

That's one nice source. Also there's several good slide decks out there.

I've given a related talk before I headed off to vacation there: happy to share the material.

If you're doing a training: maybe create an online version, including an 
exercise where groups are tasked with some exploration themselves:

What are the most important values to you?

How would you go about community problem X?

How would you integrate feature y of your development mangement tooling, eg 
code ownership?

What ppl figure out themselves sticks better than what you tell them. Plus you 
can collect answers for all trainings and publish them.

Also before creating material, have you considered assessing the level of 
Apache Way understanding among users of our software* and what their need for 
further training looks like?


* Not only casting the net of potential interested ppl wide - they are the ones 
that should be most interested in understanding how we work, what benefit that 
brings to their business, why they should engage and where all of that stuff 
comes from: after all Jim's original story is all about users of an open source 
project starting to become active themselves.
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Re: [Discuss] Attributing contributions to commercial vendors investing in projects

2019-04-23 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 18. April 2019 03:04:45 MESZ schrieb Griselda Cuevas 
>To clarify, I am *not* proposing we do this, I want to understand how
>see and value the topic since I consider it an important influencer in
>D topic.

Two more discussions you might find interesting:


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Re: [Discuss] Attributing contributions to commercial vendors investing in projects

2019-04-23 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 06:04:45PM -0700, Griselda Cuevas wrote:
> To clarify, I am *not* proposing we do this, I want to understand how we
> see and value the topic since I consider it an important influencer in the
> D topic. 

Thank you for sharing your motivation for asking the question. I think it's
important to try and state the problem we are trying to address with revealing
vendor affiliations.

I'm +1 with you that the topic of vendor influence does come up in the context
of creating diverse communities resilient to single players stepping down (as
Sam described in another mail in this thread.).

> More clearly - some projects are not diverse on the commercial
> vendor affiliation dimension, which can create an environment not so
> friendly for diverse voices to exists so worth exploring this potential
> root cause. I need time to elaborate on this hypothesis since it might help
> articulate a better question.

Triggered through a discussion in a podling recently, I dug a bit through our
archives because I remembered the discussion of vendor diversity and the
trouble that comes with trying to define it. Here's what I found and that might
help you shape your question better:

On the undue influence of commercial or fulltime vs partime contributors,
here's what I'm regularly sharing:

On community antipatterns:

Something I've been discussing recently off-list:

Is there a way to help projects spot when they are giving a fast lane to
committership to some sub-group based on statistics? What I hear people
complain about from time to time (whenever they share it with me) is that
"people from vendor X only take a couple months to become committer, while
others barely get noticed". What if we plotted the distribution of number of
people with certain times to become comitter (or pmc member, or asf member or
whatever). Everytime that distribution differs from what we would expect, that
could be an indication that deeper checking, asking people needs to be done. I
have no idea of that would work. To date it's just my hypothesis that for
projects under non-neutral influence this distribution should look different
than for others. (And yes, I guess my interest in data shows...).


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Re: on "meritocracy"

2019-03-25 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 24. März 2019 01:44:49 MEZ schrieb Ross Gardler :
> See a merit deserving action - call it out with a thank

I like this point, though what I observe is that this is often forgotten.

> If you have the patience I'll illustrate this with a story, 

Thank you for sharing that story, to me it was a great illustration on how 
metrics alone can be gamed and turned unhelpful/ hurting their very purpose.

> In my opinion the best way to do this
>is to have the lowest possible bar. Having an artificially high bar is
>the real problem for lack of recognition. With a low bar one only needs
>to see a relatively low amount of contribution.

While that does work I can't help but feel reminded of*a8Zr3KWAXMif63uL1zkWLg.png
and. might 
be more stable, but I really think the image linked directly to above (the one 
changing dynamics by building a fence you can look through or removing the 
fence) captures our possibilities better than the original. And no, I have no 
clear cut solution that we can deploy, I do believe we have people here that 
can help create such solutions and patterns. Lowering the bar likely is one 
good pattern. Praising in public is another one. Focusing on mentoring ppl in 
might be another one. Keeping all communication in list is another one. Tagging 
communication to make it easier to deal with load might be one.  I wonder 
what else can be done and when we should apply which pattern with what expected 

>[If you are interested in the outcome of the above story... I asked the
>"struggling" manager why he didn't tell the lead what was happening. I
>never got a good answer. The outcome was that the lead fired the
>questionable manager, helped the other manager understand that she
>always needed to know when the process is broken and promoted him.

Talking to your people, doing some user research on what makes ppl stick with 
us and what makes them leave sounds like a good starting point. Also in our 
case. And likely in addition to processes and metrics.


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Re: Apache Maturity Model Consensus Building contradicts Incubator rules?

2019-03-20 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
When consolidating, you might also check that things are consistent with


Am 20. März 2019 13:43:02 MEZ schrieb Christofer Dutz 
>Hi all,
>I’m currently working on finishing some things in preparation of
>graduation … one thing we were requested to address, is to do an
>assessment of the Apache Maturity Model for our project.
>Within this, there’s a rule:
>CS40 - In Apache projects, vetoes are only valid for code commits and
>are justified by a technical explanation, as per the Apache voting
>rules defined in CS30.
>This sort of contradicts the rules for incubating projects specified by
>the Incubator, which says:
>- Consensus
>– Consensus approval requires 3
>binding +1
>votes and no -1 votes
>So for Consensus Approval there are Vetoes and code changes apply for
>Lazy Consensus. If there are actually vetoes for code changes, I can
>imagine that quite some projects would stall instantly.
>The incubator guidelines state for adding (or removing) people to(or
>from) committer and PPMC status, these guidelines claim them being
>Consensus Approval, which allows vetoes.
>Would be cool if this could be streamlined to be more aligned. Right
>now I claim that the PLC4X project simply fails CS40 as this
>contradicts the incubator rules.

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Re: Paris Open Source Summit 2018 FeedBack

2018-12-28 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Thank you for participating, for helping spread the message - also thank you 
for coming back here and providing feedback on the event.


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Re: Onboarding Experience, Knowledge Architecture, Events and D

2018-11-29 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Hi Gris,

On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 10:03:13AM -0800, Griselda Cuevas wrote:
> It's a pleasure to finally introduce myself and the projects I work on.

Welcome to comdev!

> My name is Griselda Cuevas and I'm an Open Source Strategist for Google
> Cloud. I work on initiatives that help Open Source projects be more
> efficient, I focus on community and project management specifically. I've
> been working with online communities for 8 years and I even did my Graduate
> thesis on the topic.

Great to have you here!

> There are 4 main projects I'm leading and I want to share with the list to
> a) get consensus in how useful they would be to the foundation, b) know if
> there has been similar initiatives or projects we can join/work with and c)
> see if there is any allies who would love to work with me in this.
> The projects I'm working on are:

>From where I sit I believe all of the points you mention below are relevant to
both, the ASF as well as at the project level.

>1. New Contributor/Comitter Onboarding Experience

The stuff I'm aware of: There is some documentation here on comdev, there is
some on foundation level pages, there is some more for each project

Likely we could benefit already from starting a dialogue, collecting and sharing
what has worked for various people.

There's one thing on my mind at least that may be related: I would love to make
it easier (and more obvious) for people to help out with non-coding tasks. I
would also like to figure out if there's a way to make it easier to understand
how the ASF works and why it's designed the way it's designed - even for people
who are not deep down in the trenches working on one of our projects.

>2. Knowledge Base Architecture for projects (documentation)

See above.

>3. Events

There's at least four sites to that topic from my perspective:

- projects getting publicity at local meetups (likely it would be benefitial to
  share information on advantages as well as on how to benefit)
- projects getting publicity through speaking at larger but non-ASF conferences
- projects getting publicity through organising their own summits and
  conferences (likely sharing best practices, experience and ideas would be
  great to have there? The ones I know are organised by commercial entities who
  have built their business on top of ASF projects)
- ApacheCon itself - see also for one attempt to
  move it closer to a patches welcome working model (traditionally this was
  organised by an external producer, coordination happened through a mailing
  list that isn't archived publicly)
- the ASF getting more visibility through talks, tracks and booths at non-ASF
  exclusive events (that's mainly coordinate through the comdev list)

>4. Diversity & Inclusion, focuses in LatinAmerica

The things that I'm aware of often happen on the project level. One thing that
was organised at comdev was to run a diversity survey.

> I work with a team of 2 more people (in addition to myself) - Aizhamal who
> lead the first two projects and a new person joining us in two weeks who
> will lead Events. They will be sending introductions too.
> I will send separate notes with more questions/details for each project, so
> the conversation is more organized, in the meantime, let me know if there
> are things we should look into or any thoughts/questions you mights have.

>From my side a very warm welcome.


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Research on volunteer retention

2018-11-12 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

a couple days ago someone recommended I read the following two papers:
"Who Will Stay in the FLOSS Community? Modeling Participant’s Initial

... essentially an analysis of which intrinsic factors, as well as which
project global and contributor local factors play a role in turning an
early contributor into a long term project member.
"Uncovering the Periphery: A Qualitative Survey of Episodic Volunteering in
Free/Libre and Open Source Software Communities"

... an analysis of the phenomenon of contributors who work on the periphery
of a project, e.g. as volunteers that come and go, that work when they get
the time to do so, that participate at a lower rate than their full-time

>From time to time I get the question of how to best recruit new
contributors. Reading (well, more skimming than actually diving deep enough
to do a thorough scientific review of them) those two papers made me aware
of some factors that I found work well in the past backed with actual
experiments and analysis.

Hope someone on this list finds those as interesting,

Re: Note for me: order triple the amount of big Apache feather stickers next time ...

2018-10-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 13. September 2018 15:44:01 MESZ schrieb Christofer Dutz 
>After doing a short version of my "Earning money with Open-Source
>Involvement" talk, they are usually really interested and thank us for
>helping them learn something they think is really cool and which they
>never would have thought of.

Thank you for doing this. I believe that kind of outreach to both, ppl who know 
is as well as to those who don't is really important - both, to the foundation 
but also to the concept of open source in general.


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Re: FOSDEM 2019 BoF

2018-10-18 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Hi Zoran,

On 18/10/2018 12:39, Zoran Regvart wrote:

in the Camel project we're discussing a BoF session at the FOSDEM
2019. I've tried to reach out via the FOSDEM mailing list but got no
reply. I know that other ASF project have had BoF sessions at FOSDEM
can anyone point me to the right way of organizing one?

What exactly do you mean when referring to BOF sessions at FOSDEM?

To my knowledge FOSDEM does have

- talks in main tracks, CfP still open, reviews done by the main org team
- dev rooms, those are one or two day community organised tracks on 
specific topics, call for dev room topics IIRC has closed, dev rooms 
have been announced and are open for talk submissions.
- people meeting independently for dinner during the conference at 
restaurants nearby, often focussed on specific topics
- some events co-located but organised independently at the same weekend 
(or week before/after) at locations nearby like meetups and the like.

Hope the above helps you a bit,

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Re: Assigning tickets to someone else in community

2018-07-31 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 31. Juli 2018 19:40:04 MESZ schrieb Dmitriy Pavlov :
>Dear Mentors,

Not exactly mentors. More like fellow ASF people :)

>Thank you so much for your comments on this topic.

Thank you for bringing the question here. It's great to see members of projects 
helping each other and sharing their experiences.


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Apache booth at FrOSCon

2018-07-31 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

I'll be giving two talks at FrOSCon ( later this month - 
one on InnerSource at my dayjob, one on my view of how we operate at Apache 
according to the ApacheWay.

In some of the past years we had Apache with a booth there. Has anything been 
organised for this year?


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Re: Response to my tweet

2018-07-31 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
Hi Adrian,

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 07:39:33AM +0800, Adrian Cole wrote:
> This is adrian. I am replying to this:

Thank you for coming here and providing more background and detail to your
tweet! This is much appreciated.

(Lesson learnt for me: Pulling people from twitter back to a higher bandwidth 
medium actually does work. Plus the additional characters typed help better 
understand the context.)

> So, ASF is becoming by accident the honest alternative to CNCF, who
> directly or indirectly support dishonest marketing mechanisms which I
> could only compare to the idea of competitively competing with open
> source the same way companies compete with eachother.
> Especially in OpenTracing ecosystem, many tricks have been used and
> continue long after complaining to their leadership about it.
> That's what I meant!

Thank you for that summary! You write that the ASF is becoming by accident the 
honest alternative. What makes it honest? In your personal opinion, is there 
anything that could actively support keeping it honest, so it doesn't happen by 


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Looking for someone who can answer questions wrt. Open Source and Standardization

2018-07-04 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

I have been contacted by a friend who is working on a study about the topic
"Open Source and standardization" for the EU commission. He would like to
be put in touch with someone at the ASF, who can provide their perspective
wrt. to the following two questions:

* Input on how the ASF views their collaboration (in whatever format) with
standardization organisations.
* Input from ASF projects that sit between open source licenses and IPR
rules and governance frameworks of standardization organisations.

I'm happy to put you in touch, if you have a few cycles and would like to
share your perspective. If you are receiving this in your inbox, than
you've been on bcc: to the mail to because I
believe you could have valuable input to share. Let me know if you have a
bit of time so I can get you in touch.


Apache Roadshow/ FOSS Backstage - support with promotion in your circles

2018-06-05 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

You probably already know - with FOSS Backstage, for the first time we are 
FOSS Backstage, a conference on everything related to governance, collaboration,
legal and economics within the scope of FOSS. Also, the Apache EU Roadshow
( will be co-located and with one
ticket, you can access both events. We'd appreciate if you can help us spread
the word and invite people to the event.

Feel free to use, send out, tweet, share the following information last minute:

15% discount: ASF15_discount
valid until June 7, 23:55 CET

for Standard and Combined Berlin Buzzwords tickets.

Please redeem it here:

Here's why people should attend:

Learn more here: &


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Anyone going to attend FrOSCon/ Germany/ Sankt Augustin later this year?

2018-05-29 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm


my family decided that we should go to FrOSCon again this year. Is 
anyone else going there? Will we have an Apache booth in their project 
area? Anyone speaking?

As for myself: I did get two talks accepted, one on InnerSource and how 
OpenSource collaboration patterns carry over to professional software 
development teams. The second one is going to give an overview of the 
Apache Way. I'm happy to post slides here for review, if anyone is 
interested in giving feedback.


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Re: Apache MXNet (incubating) meetup in Seattle on 4/24

2018-04-12 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

On 10/04/18 18:21, sebb wrote:

It won't automatically show up until someone publishes the main ASF site.

AFAICT there is a cron job that publishes part of the site, but it
does not include the events page.

What needs to be done to make that happen?


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Re: Who owns

2018-04-12 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

On 10/04/18 14:57, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

I think we are closer.

- (community event calendar that will also include
entries for Apache official events linked to apachecon_
- (apachecon, roadshows and official Apache events)

I believe we need a better definition of what we count as "official 
Apache events". One I've heart before that made some sense would be 
"organised through planners@ and featuring Apache exclusive content".

Please refine the definition to make it a better fit.


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Fwd: Random ramblings on time

2018-03-27 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

This message was initially circulated on an ASF internal list. Surfacing 
here to make the discussion visible to those who aren't members of the 
foundation in an effort to make it as accessible as possible. Moving the 
internal list to BCC:

@those two who answered internally before I could move it here: It would 
be lovely if you could see, if any of your points could be posted in 
public as well.

> Caveat: I'm not sure, if this discussion shouldn't actually be over
> on some public list. At least some of the results should be public
> somewhere.

I got feedback that the below could be discussed in public, though some 
parts might be confusing to those not deeply involved as members of the 
foundation. If there are things in here you do not understand, please 
don't hesitate to ask for links to background information.


in his questions to the board, Daniel Gruno included one that I believe 
is very interesting:

Which roles do you envision moving towards paid roles. Is this the
right move, and if not, what can we do to prevent/delay this?

I took me seeing the following talk to get a vague understanding of the 
dynamics at play when we start talking vendor neutrality at the 
foundational level:

I would like to figure out the dynamics at play at the ASF and how they 
impact us. Please bear with me - those who were here for nearly two 
decades will need to do a lot of explaining.

What roles do we have at the ASF?


project committers - volunteers, expected to make decisions in the best 
interest of their project.
   Source of conflict of interest: often paid by an employer who has a 
vested interest as they are either using the project or helping 
customers (in return for money) use the project or because their product 
is built on top of the project.

   How to capture? Hire the majority of committers or even all of them. 
Current counter measure: PMC oversight - scalpel vs. hammer.

   We mildly care if ppl go away here - communities are expected to be 
open for new people to flow in, if all else fails and there are no users 
to step up and help the project either personally or by funding it's 
developers projects go to the attic, harm done: potentially grumpy users.


pmc members - volunteers, otherwise same as above. Current counter 
measure against capture: Education and board oversight - hammer vs. scalpel.


infra - used to be all volunteers recruited from projects, I would guess 
they used to by paid by their employers.

   I don't see a "how to capture" risk here.

   We do care if they go away - so what we did was to hire contractors, 
hire an Infra Admin. There is still a volunteer providing oversight.

   We do care about budget conflict of interest, that's why Infra Admin 
is no longer on the board approving his own budget.


... ?


Three observations:


I don't believe in volunteers doing extensive amounts of unpaid work. No 
matter what time zone I traveled to, days always had 24hours. Assuming 
people need 8 hours of sleep, work for 8 hours, spend 1 hour commuting, 
spend 3 hours for breakfast, lunch and dinner this leaves us with 4 
hours a day (and I'm sure I forgot something here - in my first 
iteration I forgot about eating). So if we expect people to work here,

- either their employer will pay for their time (if they get permission 
to contribute time during working hours). This makes us dependent on 
capable volunteers having a day job that is not only fun for them but 
also allows them to spend time at the ASF. It also means that those 
employers get an advantage in terms of influence who can afford to hire 
an ASF person just to work at the ASF. Are those the dynamics we want?

- or they will work here after-hours which means that either their 
family or their health will pay for the work done here.


I do see how having to pay to gain access to resources puts smaller 
players at a disadvantage. That's something I would want to avoid.

I do see how having to pay to gain influence (e.g. paid board seat) puts 
smaller players at a disadvantage. Again that's something I would want 
to avoid.

I do see how professionalizing means that volunteers with limited time 
resources will have trouble keeping up and getting involved. We have 
seen this happen in our projects. I would guess it to be equally true at 
the operational level. Is that something we want to solve? (Me 
personally I'm grateful for having been given the behind the scenes look 
as a director w/o having to change jobs, the opportunity to work with 
the experienced ppl we have here). Is that something where we have 
patterns/ experience how to deal with it? Given the number of projects, 
I'd be surprised 

Re: Booth at GOTO Chicago

2018-03-27 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

On 10/03/18 17:25, Trevor Grant wrote:

As far as banner, I do not have one- is anyone listening in Chicago or
surrounding areas that does?

As for "anyone listening in Chicago" - are you aware of this:

That's how I found Brian Fitzpatrick and William A. Rowe Jr. last time I 
visited Chicago years ago.


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Apache Way talk in April

2018-03-26 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

a couple weeks ago I was invited to give a talk on the Apache Way at
Dataworks Summit here in Berlin mid-April.

I would love to get a second pair of eyes check the stuff I've put together
so I didn't include any non-sense nor forgot anything vital.

In line with Yonik's law of patches posting links to the early draft of the
slide deck here:
 (google docs fails to display this correctly)

For some of the content, I have asked for permission to use it but not
received feedback (asked like two minutes ago). Some of the content is
still missing. I'll likely need to scratch some of the content to stay
withing the allocated 40min.

Make sure to check the notes in addition to the slides - otherwise for the
most part you'll end up seeing pretty pictures but guessing about the
intention ;)


Re: Documenting project self-assessments for maturity model

2018-02-12 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 12. Februar 2018 08:40:25 MEZ schrieb Bertrand Delacretaz 

>I'm not sure if more documentation is needed, but a examples might be


>Here's a few that I found, where projects have done self-assessments.

Hmm, how would people discover these examples and be able to add more? Links on 
the maturity model page itself?

>IMO the best way is for a project to keep such a page on their website
>and revisit it periodically to check if things have changed.

+1 Hence my suggestion to add a link to the model in the reporter tool so ppl 
have a regular reminder (assuming projects are using that).


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Re: Quick Update about FOSDEM 2018

2018-02-11 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 11. Februar 2018 13:28:26 MEZ schrieb Roman Shaposhnik 
>Huge +1 to the above! My only suggestion would be to perhaps plan for
>a directory of all the ASF project talks at FOSDEM -- perhaps
>something the community
>can do next time and folks at the boot can just display it there.

That did exist, though not in dead tree form at the booth:



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Re: Quick Update about FOSDEM 2018

2018-02-08 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Mon, Feb 05, 2018 at 12:20:57PM -, Sharan Foga wrote:
> Once again a big thank you to everyone who turned up to help out at the booth
> or to chat to people about the ASF or their project. I like FOSDEM because
> it's a place where you can finally meet in person the people that you have
> been chatting with on the mailing lists. So a great place to connect.


Sharan and everyone who organised having a booth there: Thank you! Also thanks
to everyone who helped run the booth, gave talks about Apache projects at

As for stickers: Would it help to have a few more general ASF ones as well? I
saw us having lots of project specific ones, but little "plain feather" and the
likes (maybe I was there at the wrong time though).

Isabel (who still owns little balls with the Apache logo printed on top from
ages ago)

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likely involving some kind of mobile connection only.)

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Re: Documenting project self-assessments for maturity model

2018-02-08 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Sat, Feb 03, 2018 at 01:56:27PM -0500, Shane Curcuru wrote:
> * How can we improve the documentation around the model to help PMCs
> that may want to use it for self-evaluation on a periodic basis?

If making the model itself more widely known:

Would it help to add a link to it to the board report generator tool?


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likely involving some kind of mobile connection only.)

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Re: Apache Booth at FOSDEM

2018-01-30 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 08:39:15AM -, Sharan Foga wrote:
> The greater project coverage the better as we often have people wanting to 
> talk about specific projects.

I'll be at FOSDEM as well, looking at the schedule, I cannot decide where to go 
first - so likely I'll pop by the booth and hang out some there.


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likely involving some kind of mobile connection only.)

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Re: Old JIRA issues - close?

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 02:41:12PM +0100, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 1:39 PM, Isabel Drost-Fromm <> wrote:
> > ...Would it
> > make sense to close the ones that haven't received any activity since 
> > 2016?...
> +1, if needed they can be reopened or recreated.

Done - it took me a while to realize that JIRA has a bulk transition tool, so 
for the spam I caused initially.

Fingers crossed only the correct issues were returned by the search I used
to seed the bulk change.


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likely involving some kind of mobile connection only.)

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-172) JIRA projects may not be detected correctly

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-172.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> JIRA projects may not be detected correctly
> ---
> Key: COMDEV-172
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Major
> The MTOMCAT JIRA project is used by a Tomcat project, but Tomcat otherwise 
> uses Bugzilla only.
> The code does not currently detect that the MTOMCAT key is associated with 
> Tomcat.
> There may be other such PMCs that have undetected JIRA projects.
> It's probably not feasible to insist that all such orphan JIRA projects are 
> listed in a PMC Category, so some other means is needed to document these 
> anomalies, e.g. a json file that is manually maintained.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-171) Skip the JIRA query if the project does not use it

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-171.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> Skip the JIRA query if the project does not use it
> --
> Key: COMDEV-171
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Major
> The JIRA queries are expensive, so it would be useful to be able to skip them 
> if it is known that the project does not use JIRA.
> It should be possible to use the data/JIRA/projects.json file for this.
> It looks like the "key" field would be suitable.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-176) reads project.json file for details of the PMC

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-176.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> reads project.json file for details of the PMC
> -
> Key: COMDEV-176
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Major
> The script method getProjectData reads 
> site/json/projects/.json.
> However the method is being used to find the PMC name and chair and 
> shortdesc. It should be using details of the PMC, not the project which 
> happens to share its name

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-182) Tidy up handling of data/ changes

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-182.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> Tidy up handling of data/ changes
> -
> Key: COMDEV-182
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Projects Website
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Major
> At present, projects.a.o relies on manual intervention to update the index 
> files under data/
> committees.xml
> projects.xml
> The cron job currently moves RDF files from data/committees/ to 
> data/committees-retired/ if it detects that a PMC has been retired.
> However it does not attempt to update the xml files, and the SVN 
> projects_role is not able to commit files under data/
> This means that the workspace on people.a.o gets out of date.
> The data/ area is also updated manually.
> This makes it difficult to commit changes without running the risk of locking 
> the workspace on people.a.o.
> The cronjobs should not attempt to tidy up the RDF files in this area; that 
> should be left to manual intervention.
> There needs to be a separate script to tidy the data/ tree.
> The cronjobs should report any discrepancies, but not attempt to resolve them.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-174) projects.json is inaccurate for graduated podlings

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-174.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> projects.json is inaccurate for graduated podlings
> --
> Key: COMDEV-174
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Major
> The entries in projects.json come from scraping the page
> This includes both LDAP groups and auth groups that are defined in the 
> asf-authorization-template file.
> The script takes note of when a group is first seen, any subsequent changes 
> are regarded as additions to the group.
> The reporter tool is supposed to show what changes the PMC has made.
> However, when a podling graduates, the template group is converted into the 
> corresponding LDAP unix group. This means that changes to the podling group 
> are recorded from the start of the podling rather than the start of the PMC. 
> One way to fix this might be to ignore changes that occurred before the PMC 
> creation date. Unfortunately the exact creation date is not currently 
> recorded in the committee-info data file (only the month/year is stated). It 
> should be possible to deduce the actual date from the earliest joining dates 
> (assuming these are accurate).

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-191) Add HTrace distributed tracing for s3 and other alternative Hadoop FS implementations

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-191.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> Add HTrace distributed tracing for s3 and other alternative Hadoop FS 
> implementations
> -
> Key: COMDEV-191
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>Reporter: Colin P. McCabe
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: gsoc, gsoc2016, mentor
> The Apache HTrace distributed tracing framework allows developers and system 
> administrators to get an end-to-end view of system performance, in a manner 
> similar to XTrace or Dapper.  See
> s3, GCS, WASB, and other cloud blob stores are becoming increasingly 
> important in Hadoop.  But we don't have distributed tracing for these yet.  
> It would be interesting to add distributed tracing here.  It would enable 
> collecting really interesting data like probability distributions of PUT and 
> GET requests to s3 and their impact on MR jobs, etc.  We should add HTrace 
> distributed tracing for s3 and other alternative Hadoop FS implementations.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-183) Add HTrace distributed tracing integration to YARN

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-183.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> Add HTrace distributed tracing integration to YARN
> --
> Key: COMDEV-183
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>Reporter: Colin P. McCabe
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: Gsoc2016, gsoc, mentor
> Distributed tracing allows users to follow a request through the entire 
> distributed system, crossing network and project boundaries.  The Apache 
> HTrace project has added distributed tracing to HDFS and HBase (among other 
> projects).  We should add tracing to YARN so that MapReduce, spark, and other 
> frameworks can make use of it.
> Tracing should identify which yarn rpcs were made, and also tag top level 
> trace spans with the yarn job that they are associated with.  That would let 
> us analyze information relevant to a particular YARN job or set of jobs.  
> There are a lot of interesting projects here-- detecting hardware failures in 
> production clusters, analyzing patterns in MR or Spark jobs, etc.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-192) Add a Kudu backend for Apache HTrace

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-192.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> Add a Kudu backend for Apache HTrace
> Key: COMDEV-192
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>Reporter: Colin P. McCabe
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: gsoc, gsoc2016, mentor
> The Apache HTrace distributed tracing framework allows developers and system 
> administrators to get an end-to-end view of system performance, in a manner 
> similar to XTrace or Dapper. See
> Kudu is a key/value store optimized for analytic workloads, with excellent 
> performance and latency on large datasets.  See 
>   It is columnar and supports predicate push-down and many other 
> optimizations.  Storing HTrace traces in Kudu would allow us to run SQL 
> queries on the data and get rapid responses (via either Impala, Spark, or 
> other execution engines).  This would enable near-realtime analysis of HTrace 
> data.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-196) 404 at

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-196.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> 404 at
> --
> Key: COMDEV-196
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Comdev
>Reporter: Jacques Le Roux
>Priority: Major
> This page is missing, though still referenced in Google

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-200) Feature's created by Oregon State University senior project group who partnered with Ross Gardler to create tools fto help this project grow

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-200.
Resolution: Fixed

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> Feature's created by Oregon State University senior project group who 
> partnered with Ross Gardler to create tools fto help this project grow
> Key: COMDEV-200
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: Comdev
> Environment: Docker Container, Web Based Application
>Reporter: Justin Bruntmyer
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: features, patch
> Attachments: patch.diff
> The patch file associated with this issue contains fixes to some things and 
> adds new features to the application. This patch includes a fix to the people 
> page that lists imported members. The fix allows the page to load quicker and 
> without crashing in browsers. A feature added in this patch includes the tool 
> of tweeting at a person who has been imported. Another feature is the 
> implementation of account creation and login system which commands such as 
> ‘import events’ are hidden behind (you must be logged-in in order to do 
> this). Another feature added is listing tweets about events via the 
> application and not via the application. There is also a feature for 
> exporting a lists of information as an EXCEL file that contains people 
> information. This patch also includes visual improvements of the website in 
> some locations such as the individual people pages and event pages. This 
> patch includes tweaks to the hashtag sorting in finding events. The feature 
> of Google Maps being used is also included by showing a map along with 
> markers for each imported location and a way to search in a certain radius of 
> an area. The radius circle is hard-coded but a user can search to find events 
> nearby. Lastly, this patch includes a people section where you can view only 
> hosts of events and see individual pages about the hosts.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-198) Support for podlings

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-198.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> Support for podlings
> Key: COMDEV-198
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>Reporter: John D. Ament
>Priority: Major
> It would be great if reporter could work for podlings as well as TLPs.  Not 
> all features are needed if I had to guess, but the board report format would 
> be useful.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-202) Ability to tag tasks with mailing list threads discussing / working on the help wanted task

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-202.
Resolution: Fixed

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> Ability to tag tasks with mailing list threads discussing / working on the 
> help wanted task
> ---
> Key: COMDEV-202
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Help Wanted
>Reporter: Nick Burch
>Priority: Major
> The first time someone emails the list to volunteer for a given task, there's 
> often a few posts detailing more on the task and what's needed. When 
> subsequent people volunteer, they seem to come in "blind" and new threads are 
> started. Often, information on the task gets scattered through several threads
> With the shiny new interface giving the ability to view 
> threads and even participate, it would be good if we (as committers) could 
> later edit a task to provide details of one or more mailing list threads for 
> a task. The interface would then link through to those under a heading like 
> "work so far" or "discussions so far". That way, additional volunteers coming 
> across the task can see more on what's needed, see the progress, and then 
> join the existing thread to help

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-203) Timezone issues with release dates

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-203.
Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed

> Timezone issues with release dates
> --
> Key: COMDEV-203
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Major
> Release dates are stored as seconds since the epoch in the 
> data/release/committe.json files. In theory all the dates should convert to 
> midnight UTC on the release date.
> If dates are obtained from JIRA, they are converted using the Python method 
> time.mktime() which uses the local timezone. This is done on the reporter.a.o 
> host, which is currently running UTC. However the host was originally set up 
> in a different timezone, so some of the dates don't convert to midnight. It 
> should have used calendar.gmtime() instead.
> If the dates are obtained from the user, then the -MM-DD string is 
> converted using Javascript using (new Date(,mm,dd)).getTime() which 
> assumes the local timezone. The converted value is passed back as an integer 
> to the python script. It should use Date.UTC(,mm,dd) instead. Or it could 
> pass back the date string for conversion by the Python code.
> It's easy enough to fix new dates going forward.
> However there are existing dates that will need correction.
> The dates are all converted assuming a local time of midnight, so when they 
> are converted back again, the local time offset will show up as a number of 
> hours since midnight. This can be used to adjust the value.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-52) Launch ASF Mentor programme

2018-01-24 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm closed COMDEV-52.

Resolution: Won't Fix

Hasn't been touched in years. Please reopen if still needed.

> Launch ASF Mentor programme
> ---
> Key: COMDEV-52
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Comdev
>Reporter: Ross Gardler
>Priority: Critical
> The ASF mentoring programme is designed to assist people who wish to 
> understand how the ASF works.
> See
> This is a parent task to track the creation and implementation of the mentor 
> programme.

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[jira] [Created] (COMDEV-253) Add mission statement to project web page

2018-01-23 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)
Isabel Drost-Fromm created COMDEV-253:

 Summary: Add mission statement to project web page
 Key: COMDEV-253
 Project: Community Development
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Projects Website
Reporter: Isabel Drost-Fromm
 Attachments: add_mission_to_website.diff

A while ago Rich proposed to adopt a new mission for comdev. I only heard 
positive feedback for that. Nothing of it is reflected in the comdev web page 
though. The intention of this patch is to add the proposed mission statement 
front and center to the comdev web page.

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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-52) Launch ASF Mentor programme

2018-01-23 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm (JIRA)


Isabel Drost-Fromm commented on COMDEV-52:

Is this issue still valid? It seems fairly dated...

> Launch ASF Mentor programme
> ---
> Key: COMDEV-52
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Comdev
>Reporter: Ross Gardler
>Priority: Critical
> The ASF mentoring programme is designed to assist people who wish to 
> understand how the ASF works.
> See
> This is a parent task to track the creation and implementation of the mentor 
> programme.

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Re: Doing open source while maintaining your sanity

2017-12-21 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
+1 to all of the below

Am 11. Dezember 2017 21:45:10 MEZ schrieb Phil Steitz <>:
>On 12/8/17 7:20 AM, Myrle Krantz wrote:
>> Hi Isabel,
>> Since sustainable development is very much in Apache's interest as a
>> foundation, I believe this is an excellent idea.
>> My first thoughts on where this could go:
>> 1.) This belongs somewhere under
>> 2.) It should come "early" in the intro to open source development.
>> So maybe here: ?
>> 3.) It's important enough to link to from the first community page,
>> maybe under or with the code of conduct?
>+1 - whatever we can pull together belongs here.
>Some general narrative on "volunteeritis" and how to stay sane would
>likely be helpful, but what would be really cool is if we could
>somehow organize some more interactive, personal support for
>volunteers in need.  I would love to see some health services
>provider(s) step up to offer pro bono services to volunteers and
>even communities going through difficult times.  I don't think we
>have ever tried to recruit anyone to help us in this area.  Does
>anyone have ideas?  Does anyone know of organizations who are
>offering counseling services to OSS developers?  We could at least
>include links to these if we can find them.
>Personally, I agree with the intent of the German law (IIUC what
>Isabel is saying below) that employers are responsible for mental as
>well as physical problems that their employees encounter as a result
>of their employment.  As a foundation, I think we should strive to
>make sure that we have a net positive impact on the lives of our
>volunteers.  I know a lot of us are here because of that "positive
>impact."  Most of us have also been through periods where the impact
>swung into the negative.  Just by acknowledging that its important,
>and watching for the warning signs in ourselves and others, we can
>make a big difference.
>Thanks for raising this, Sharan, Isabel and Myrle.
>> But I'm still fairly new to comdev.  Who else has an opinion about
>> where this belongs?
>> Best Regards,
>> Myrle
>> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 12:51 PM, Isabel Drost-Fromm
><> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Last week at FOSS Backstage one of the topics Sharan discussed in
>her talk was IIRC the responsibility that comes with running an and
>participating in an open source project. One of the topics related to
>keeping an eye on your own well being as well as on your peers.
>>> At Apache we have a couple resources that warn against things like
>volunteeritis, over committing and the like. I'm not sure how visible
>these are, also I'm not sure if Apache projects in general are aware of
>the topic of mental health.
>>> IANAL, but AFAIK at least in Germany, mental health legally is
>treated the same way as physical health when it comes to employer
>liability (someone with better "legal English" skills, please correct
>my wording). While we are not an employer, would it make sense to offer
>some material on the topic to community members? I would guess that we
>wouldn't need to produce any new content, but maybe just link to and
>endorse existing stuff we already have? (Maybe we already do that, it's
>been a while since I was a new committer reading through the getting
>started docs, so anyone who is new - feedback welcome.)
>>> Isabel
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Re: Doing open source while maintaining your sanity

2017-12-21 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 02:49:56PM +0100, Branko Čibej wrote:
> The vast majority of volunteers at ASF projects are not members and
> cannot even see the archives of those lists.

Which is one of the reasons why I started this discussion here on a 
public list instead of somewhere with restricted access.

Thank you for reminding everyone about this perspective.


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Re: Doing open source while maintaining your sanity

2017-12-21 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Fri, Dec 08, 2017 at 04:26:27PM -0500, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> So I read this email in November and my snarky response was it was like  
> asking the patients at the hospital to write their own protocol.

IMHO nearly correct, but not quite so: A lot of our volunteers spend a lot of
time here at Apache. Leaving some bread crumps on the topic here maybe helps
people realise what going on with themselves (or with their fellow volunteers)
just a little bit earlier. 

> Volunteerism and especially volunteer burn out are definite issues.  I  
> don't know that I've ever seen materials at other US NPOs for it though  
> I admit I haven't been looking for it.

I guess my idea is influenced by us already having some material, by hackers
e.g. at CCC as well as amongst ourselves being relatively open about the topic.
Also at least here in Berlin Startup founders are starting to talk about the
topic at meetups.

> Some Advice about Volunteering:

+1 to all of your points below.


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Re: Doing open source while maintaining your sanity

2017-12-21 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Fri, Dec 08, 2017 at 03:35:16PM +0100, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Myrle Krantz  wrote:
> > ...2.) It should come "early" in the intro to open source development.
> > So maybe here: ? ...
> How about creating a more general "reading list" page instead?
> It's just links and short comments IIUC so we could have a lot of them
> on a single page, on various topics.

That sounds like a good idea - no need to replicate good content maintained
elsewhere that is not core to our business. Also depending on the country our
volunteers live in offers may be different.

Here's the list of things I typically send to people (in addition to telling
them to go seek professional help as well as asking them to be patient with
themselves - needing several months to recover is normal): see symptoms if
your afraid a doctor won't take your case serious is what helped friends realise they need to
step back before it's too late. was once given at
Apache Con in Budapest.<>
... by Roy Fielding years ago ... search for "_will_ burn out"
to find the relevant paragraph.


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CfP for FOSS Backstage 2018 open

2017-12-18 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Just a quick heads up: the CfP for FOSS Backstage next year in summer in Berlin 
is open:

Looking forward to meeting you in Berlin,
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Re: [DISCUSSION] Translating Some ASF Pages into Chinese

2017-11-30 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 11:22:12AM +0100, Piergiorgio Lucidi wrote:
> But considering the technology problem, I'm wondering if CrafterCMS [1] can
> help us for this because it is a Git-based CMS and it is also Open Source :)

What kind of tooling or process was used to get the httpd docs as well as the 
Open Office docs translated?


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Doing open source while maintaining your sanity

2017-11-28 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Last week at FOSS Backstage one of the topics Sharan discussed in her talk was 
IIRC the responsibility that comes with running an and participating in an open 
source project. One of the topics related to keeping an eye on your own well 
being as well as on your peers.

At Apache we have a couple resources that warn against things like 
volunteeritis, over committing and the like. I'm not sure how visible these 
are, also I'm not sure if Apache projects in general are aware of the topic of 
mental health.

IANAL, but AFAIK at least in Germany, mental health legally is treated the same 
way as physical health when it comes to employer liability (someone with better 
"legal English" skills, please correct my wording). While we are not an 
employer, would it make sense to offer some material on the topic to community 
members? I would guess that we wouldn't need to produce any new content, but 
maybe just link to and endorse existing stuff we already have? (Maybe we 
already do that, it's been a while since I was a new committer reading through 
the getting started docs, so anyone who is new - feedback welcome.)


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FOSS Backstage it's a wrap

2017-11-21 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Yesterday we had several (according to the feedback I got) awesome talks on 
mentoring, the Apache Way, open source licensing, async communication, 
community shenanigans, working in distributed teams, corporate influence on oss 
here in Berlin. 

Unanimous consensus at the end of the event was that we should repeat the 
exercise next year, and that people would be willing to pay to attend. So, 
here's the ticket sale: ("trust us"/ "190,- € including tax" phase 
ends Christmas).

There were people willing to help us get the topic off the ground, we'll get in 
touch with you separately. If you couldn't make it yesterday but would like to 
help spread the word, find sponsors, find speakers, find attendees - if you 
have nominations for keynotes, if you have nominations for program committee 
members - please get in touch with (no need to cc me 
personally, I'm one of the people monitoring that inbox).

I've cc'd info@ so the rest of the team sees any communication here.

The dates to save: CfP opens December, event is scheduled for June 13th/14th 
with time for workshops (or any additional Apache related meetings) on 15th.

Topics relevant: any war stories or good advice on all things governance, 
project management, distributed teams, FOSS legal, corporate interest in free 
and open source projects and processes, rants that are supposed to start a 
discussion. I believe we have a ton of stories within all of our projects. I 
believe people inside and outside the community could benefit from having these 
stories told.

Thanks to anyone and everyone who traveled here. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I got 
the impression that we had more non Berliners than locals not only among 
speakers but also among attendees.


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Re: Micro summit in Berlin

2017-11-13 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 12:41:08PM +, Isabel Drost-Fromm wrote:
> In general: These mails should have gone out about a week ago. However as 
> there
> are some 20 seats left - as long as you are on the pre-registration list you 
> are
> good to go.

Update: Confirmation mails should have gone out a couple minutes ago. You should
be able to claim a printable ticket by now.

Note: Even if you are not on the pre-registration list you are still able to 
a ticket (at least for as long as there are seats left).


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Re: Micro summit in Berlin

2017-11-13 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 10:11:09AM +, Christofer Dutz wrote:
> I was planning on going there too, and I did pre-register. However, 
> I never got contacted for doing the real registration. As the event
> is already next Monday, I would need some more information and the 
> registration soon.
> Can anyone here help me or tell me who to contact?

I've put the official event info@ mail address on CC.

In general: These mails should have gone out about a week ago. However as there
are some 20 seats left - as long as you are on the pre-registration list you are
good to go.

Speaking of 20 seats left: If anyone here knows of other people who should know
about this event an don't - please do help with spreading the word.


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Re: Video at the Mikro Summit in Berlin

2017-11-13 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, Nov 09, 2017 at 11:18:18AM +0100, Raphael Bircher wrote:
> Does anyone make Videos at the Mikro Summit in Berlin?

Stefan (CC'ed, co-organising the event) volunteered to capture some of the
talks with his private equipment.

We can use newthinking's youtube account to get the videos published (if
anyone here at Apache would like to distribute the content through some
other channel as well, please do get in touch and I'm sure we can work
something out.)

Note to self: Need to print "speaker is ok to be videotaped document"

> If not, I could take my camera equipment with me. I can't take all the
> Presentations, but some of them.

I'd advise you to coordinate with Stefan wrt. to who wants to cover which
talk. Makes sense?


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Re: Apache Community Business Cards

2017-10-30 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
You should talk to Sally, I believe she already has templates that can be used.

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Re: ComDev mission

2017-10-29 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

On 2017-10-27 10:43, Rich Bowen  wrote: 
> Months ago, we discussed a refocusing of the ComDev mission, which we've
> made some progress on here:
> I had an inspiration this morning, and wrote the following, which I would
> like to propose as our new mission statement, to be included on the website
> and in our board reports:

Though not needed by the lazy consensus model: +1 from my side to your 

Maybe as some sort of inspiration: I've been watching the work of for a while this year. I really like the approach 
of writing up their kind of advise in the form of patterns: To me that makes it 
easier to figure out which advise fixes which problems. Maybe something we can 
consider here as well.

Two little anecdotes as a bit of motivation: Years ago I was chatting with 
Pieter Hintjens on how the Apache Way puts community over code. The first point 
there is what came out of that. When giving my 
"Open source is just about the source, isn't it?" talk as a keynote earlier 
this year I was approached by one of the attendees telling me how they had 
modelled their open source community after what we do at The ASF. IMHO there 
would be an interested audience for this type of information.


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Re: FOSS Backstage Micro Sunmit Schedule Published

2017-10-20 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 11:26:13PM +0200, Raphael Bircher wrote:
> Am .10.2017, 13:16 Uhr, schrieb Isabel Drost-Fromm <>:
> Thanks, I'm registered. Do you have any Hotel advise?

There should be plenty of hotels close by. My general recommendation is to go
for some B in Berlin. See for an old-school

IIRC we once put speakers into the H2 at Alexanderplatz for Berlin Buzzwords and
people were happy there.

> I'll arrive at Sunday 19th. Is there any interest in organizing a BarCamp 
> on Sunday Evening?

I personally won't make it to an event on Sunday evening. Also please keep in
mind that we have the meeting space at Europace only for Monday.

However there should be plenty of other locations you could use instead. In the
worst case could be some restaurant. Also happy to get you in touch with c-base
(a local hackerspace founded in 1995, located in walking distance from


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Re: FOSS Backstage Micro Sunmit Schedule Published

2017-10-18 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

On 2017-10-16 12:37, "Sharan Foga" wrote: 
> Great! Please feel free to update this thread with any more details.

is where people can register.

Sharing here *before* it gets linked to officially.

Caveat 1: We are offering this as a free (as in free beer) event. Berlin 
meetups have the tendency to have close to 200 registrations and 20 people show 
up. As a result we want you to register now and confirm your registration a 
week or two before the event (least hassle for you that makes me sleep at least 
a little bit better*). You will get an email asking you to confirm closer to 
the event.

Cheers from a warm and sunny Berlin (not joking here),

* There are people that told me they have booked travel already - while this 
means more traffic in my private inbox, it did have the effect of silencing 
this little devil on my shoulder that wakes me up ;)

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Re: FOSDEM Apache Developer Room ?

2017-09-15 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 08:44:38AM +0200, Sharan F wrote:
> I'm still thinking about the devroom name. The Apache brand is a strong  
> one so I'd going to incorporate our name in there somehow 

My suggestion would be to incorporate "Software Foundation" as well, to lower 
the chance of ppl thinking this is going to be about httpd only ;)


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Re: Draft Proposal for FOSDEM Devroom

2017-09-14 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
I'd strongly advise against food in dev rooms that. Please take a look at 
pictures from previous editions to understand why. 

FOSDEM is a volunteer run, 10k event in a university using lecture and seminar 
rooms for talks, not a high profile event in an expensive hotel. If you want to 
talk over food in a quiet area you should book time with sponsors ahead of time 
off campus in some nice restaurant.

Hope this helps,

Am 12. September 2017 13:47:46 MESZ schrieb "Kevin A. McGrail" 
>I am planning to attend this in February and meet with potential
>Perhaps a 2 hour block for something to discuss meritocracy and
>sponsorship with a social edge. Are we able to have food and drink in
>the room?  Wine and beer and cheese or something might be nice for
>fundraising.  Advice appreciated.
>On September 12, 2017 7:35:14 AM EDT, Sharan Foga 
>>Hi All
>>I have started to put some details together for the FOSDEM devroom
>>request on the wiki. 
>>Please feel free to take a look and let me have any comments or
>>feedback. As you will see, it is still a work in progress so I will
>>continue to work on it over the next few days. 
>>We have the option of a half day, full day or both days.  A two day
>>track would need around 16 hours of content so we'd need to be sure we
>>could fill this otherwise I could select one day (as half a day seems
>>is a little too short I think!)
>>Although the submission deadline is 20th September it is always good
>>get it done earlier so will aim for the 18th :-)
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Re: FOSDEM Apache Developer Room ?

2017-09-14 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 12. September 2017 23:27:42 MESZ schrieb Andrea Pescetti 
>That is what I am required to obey each year when selecting talks for 
>the devroom I co-organize.

Who is asking you to obey that?

This information is important as Dev rooms are entirely self organised and 
independent from each other as well as independent from main tracks.


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Re: FOSDEM Apache Developer Room ?

2017-09-14 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

In light of this discussion I reached out to the organisers of the FOSDEM main 
tracks asking if they were interested in how things are being run at the ASF. 
They asked me to "Please encourage any potential speakers you can think of to 
respond to our call for papers with proposals: "

So if anyone of you would like to be at FOSDEM, please also consider submitting 
not only to dev rooms but to the main track as well. Talks tend to be routed to 
relevant rooms if declined though frab anyway.

Why is having a main track cool: back when I did mine that included travel and 
lodging covered plus speaker dinner.


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Re: FOSDEM Apache Developer Room ?

2017-09-11 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 08:27:58PM +0200, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> On 06/09/2017 Sharan Foga wrote:
>> It sounds like the general feeling is to do it, so I will put something
>> together for the Developer room request.
> Note that I submitted a request on behalf of the OpenOffice PMC to have  
> the traditional "ODF Editors" devroom that has been co-organized by  
> OpenOffice since 2014.

Awesome. Great to see that continued effort.

> I honestly believe that it would be closer to the spirit of FOSDEM if  
> other ASF projects tried to join a devroom where they fit in a technical  
> sense more than in a community sense, especially if you take into  
> account that one of the very few requirements for presentations is to be  
> of a technical nature - and in my case I will surely find more familiar  
> a technical presentation about a non-ASF, ODF-related project than one  
> about an ASF-operated but ODF-unrelated one.

I think this is conflating multiple assumptions:

First of all, I don't think the idea of having an Apache Dev Room at FOSDEM is 
try and cover all Apache technical goodness in one devroom track. That indeed
would not be feasible.

Also, I don't think anyone will expect ppl active in Apache projects to
exclusively present content on Apache projects in an Apache dev room. It makes
much more sense from a "how many ppl can we reach" kind of perspective to go and
seek the technologically relevant dev room for the talk at hand (or even create
a project specific dev room and see if that gets accepted).

Now if I'm reading this thread correctly, what could work for an Apache Dev room
could involve stories along the lines of Apache Way, economics, legal and social
implications of being a 501c3, stories on how projects at Apache have developed
community wise.

You mention that FOSDEM sets a requirement for presentations to be of a
technical nature - this is not what I have observed during the past ten years
attending and/or speaking at FOSDEM: Yes there is lots of technical content.
However there also is a very successful legal dev room. There recently was a
community dev room. There were talks in the main tracks on the inner workings of
various large scale projects. There were talks within technical dev rooms that
focussed on best practices organising meetups. In the early days of open
sourcing Java there were several discussions on how to go about that and how to
best integrate the various packaging communities in the Java Dev Room...

> That said, I surely don't want to discourage you from applying for an  
> "Apache Devroom". Just consider that some projects might join other  
> devrooms not because they feel "special" or "bigger" or "more  
> important", but because in the very competitive FOSDEM process this  
> gives them the opportunity to better fit the FOSDEM requirements.

Hopefully nobody would be angry for others trying to spread the word beyond our
own circles.


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Re: FOSDEM Apache Developer Room ?

2017-09-04 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Mon, Sep 04, 2017 at 12:33:47PM +0200, Sharan F wrote:
> I didn't have anything fixed in mind but off the top of my head – the  
> Apache Way, licensing and trademarks (as that has been in the news  
> lately) and perhaps something related to incubator. We could also do  
> something collaborative or community related – eg hackathon, meetup etc  
> so depends on the feedback I get from this thread.

Given the popularity of last year's rollup with project logos, maybe something
that shows the variety of projects?

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Committer map

2017-09-04 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

We used to have a map view of those committers who had been willing to share 
their location linked under - for me that map always came in 
handy when travelling to reach out to local ppl. Right now the map seems to be 
offline. Does anyone know who I need to get in touch with to figure out if 
there are any plans to get it back online?


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Re: Apache Consultants/Jobs portal?

2017-07-21 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
Good point about the charitable status. What worked well for us in the past at 
Mahout was having a page (in our case publicly editable wiki page, but could 
really be anything) which lists ppl and companies available for hire in 
alphabetical order with a disclaimer in top that being listed means no explicit 
endorsement, how to get included and what the sort order is.

Maybe something like this would work for other projects as well or even at the 
ASF global level?


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Re: Forwarded: GitHub vs. FreeYourGadget Full Story

2017-07-13 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 11:02:50AM +0200, Myrle Krantz wrote:
> This story sounds like a very good argument for distributed source
> control such as git or mercury.  Even if GitHub had purposely "lost"
> their entire repository, they would still at least have had the
> complete check-in history of their project sources locally on each of
> their three developer machines. It'd be awesome if there were a wiki
> and an issue system with similar properties.

I think in particular project communication in wiki/ issue tracker is what
people often forget. While the source code and it's change history is important,
loosing discussions, decisions and documentation in other systems does hurt a
good deal as well.

For me this is a big reminder why "what didn't happen on the mailing list didn't
happen" is important. For me personally it doesn't matter which technical
solution we choose to reach this kind of distributed history tracking, making it
distributed though is important.

> It also sounds like a good argument for doing open source development
> under an umbrella organization which has some lawyers, and a deep
> institutional understanding of intellectual property laws.  Yeah
> Apache!

... and yeah other independent organisations that provide comparable
environments ;)


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Forwarded: GitHub vs. FreeYourGadget Full Story

2017-07-13 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm


I thought it would make sense to share the following story with the wider
Apache community (those who shared it with me are on CC and can potentially
provide more background should that be needed).

I believe this is one of those stories that are a datapoint in favour of
keeping all vital history of our projects (that is code, docs, decisions and
arguments exchanged) mirrored on systems we control.

On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 08:58:43AM +0200, Thoralf Klein wrote:
> the full story can be found here:
> There were also posts on and even printed in the c't. So I think the 
> german geeks already know it...

If you think it's interesting beyond dev@community feel free to forward my info
to the appropriate channels/ lists.

Looking forward to your feedback,


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Re: Fwd: Speak at Open Source Summit Europe, CFP Closes July 8th

2017-06-08 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 7. Juni 2017 18:01:01 MESZ schrieb Rich Bowen :
>I will be at this event, as will Sharan. If any of the rest of you
>expect to be there, please speak up, and let's see what we can work

Not exactly expecting to be there, but I was planning to submit my open source 
beyond code talk.

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Re: Adding roster of community-focused talks

2017-06-04 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
+1 to this idea

If you feel like it could be worthwhile, I gave a keynote at Scala days 
Copenhagen on non code aspects of oss earlier this week. Feel free to include 


Similar video available from FrOSCon last year, German version from Datenspuren 
last year, shorter audio only version from fosdem this year.
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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-25 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
Background to the school date thingy: so far bbuzz always missed holidays by a 
few days, this year is the first we but them. What happened is that I got 
feedback from people that finally they were able to bring all of their family.
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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-25 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm


thanks @all for participating in the poll, getting back to me on-list 
and off-list. From the feedback I received there's clearly at least some 
people interested in traveling to Berlin ;)

While I don't have a detailed plan yet I thought it would make sense to 
give an update on the current state after two weeks of talking to 
people, so here you go:

We think that running some smaller (70 to 200 ppl) event in autumn this 
year as a dry run would make sense.

I know that this is too short notice for most of the long-haul travelers 
among you, however I learned that there are ppl who'd fly longer than 
4hours to be part of this. So - thanks for putting me into the "get 
creative mode": The idea is to have a larger event* on 
Wednesday/Thursday after Berlin Buzzwords 2018**. Currently reaching out 
to friends who could help produce this, getting encouraging feedback. 
Careful: No budgeting done yet, no contracts signed, nothing!

ETA for exact dates if any based on the feedback I have so far: Third 
week of June (after BBuzz that is). If waiting another three weeks 
before making plans for June next year is too long for you, please reach 
out directly so I can share more precise details on where we are at so 
you can make a better informed decision.

Hope to see you soon in person,

* Early June, depending on venue availability. Two days, one or two 
tracks, CfP based, low ticket cost, content strictly focused on 
community management, open source project management, async 
collaboration, inner source, open development, maybe open space like 
breakout sessions.

** If you (or your startup) have conflicts there, let me know. Also tell 
me which date would work for you to ship your family if you have 
children going to school. I have no clue what summer holiday dates look 
like anywhere else but in the various federal states in Germany.

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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-13 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 07:58:01AM -0400, Rich Bowen wrote:
> Isabel, thanks for taking this on, and for the copious detail.

I guess this is a case of once bitten, shy twice - I don't want to promise more
than I can deliver so including that detail was my way of managing expectations.
Glad it was helpful - given your vast experience running ApacheCon your feedback
and comments are very important to me.

> And
> thanks to all the people that sent me "did you see this thread?!"
> messages while I was traveling. :-)

:-D Not sure if I should be scared now or not - the scared little human in
myself is now afraid of the amount of people that are watching me now ;)

> In short, yes, I'm in favor of this proposal, with all my various hats
> on, and will do whatever I can to support it.

\  |  /
- :-) -
/  |  \ Very much appreciated! Thank you!

> The question of dates is difficult, since I'm already committed to
> travel for many of the proposed dates, but I expect I'd find a way to
> make it work.

:) It would be awesome to have you here. While we did meet at FOSDEM earlier
this year, that was just too brief; on top of that I'm still sad I didn't even
make it to your talk.

> And of course you could count on Feathercast and other ASF promotion
> voices to promote this,


> although I expect a 200-person venue would fill
> up pretty quickly without a huge amount of that.

:) So you're saying it might make sense to start thinking beyond that?

> Right now, I'm between trips, and focused on ApacheCon NA, so you won't
> hear much more from me on this, but I'll help however I can, once this
> event is over.

Thank you!

Isabel (heading to the Aquarium Berlini* with family now, so offline for the
coming few hours)

* - if anyone needs more links to what to do in
Berlin with family, let me know: Happy to share links to beaches, boats, farms,
a museum with one of the first computers ever built, parks, adventure
playgrounds, places where you can be an astronaut, lakes and the like. Just in
case you need to convince other people to fly here together with you.

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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-11 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 04:23:41PM +0200, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 3:38 PM, Isabel Drost-Fromm <> wrote:
> > On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 09:51:50AM +, Myrle Krantz wrote:
> >> If there's less than 40 participants, I'll bake something and bring it.
> > Looking forward to that. :)
> That's will be so hard to accept the 40th participant now.

We can up that to 80 participants if anyone dares to eat what my child and me
are going to bake for the additional 40 ppl.  Anyone else who'd like to
participate in the baking contest? ;)

If anyone creates an stl file, we can print ASF feather cookie cutters and have
Apache cookies one can eat available.


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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-11 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 09:03:31PM -0700, Ted Dunning wrote:
> Since this suggestion is to mixed open/closed lists, I have moved all
> emails except dev@comm.a.o to bcc.

Thank you!

> I think that this is a very cool idea and would be happy to raise some
> funds for it, perhaps for snacks or Mate.
> I would also love to attend and contribute more substantively, iff'n the
> Creek don't rise .

Awesome! (And thanks for providing a link to the meaning of the expression.)


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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-11 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 08:34:02AM +0200, Pierre Smits wrote:
> Great initiative! Happy to provide some support.

Thanks for the offer.

Would be lovely to see you in person here in Berlin,

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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-11 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 09:38:04AM +0200, Sharan Foga wrote:
> What a brilliant idea! I'd like to participate and also help out where I  
> can.

We'll see if a couple months from now I still think that was such a brilliant
idea. Thank you for your offer to help out.

Will you be at FrOSCon this year by any chance? Otherwise CU again at FOSDEM 
year, I guess?


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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-11 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 09:51:50AM +, Myrle Krantz wrote:
> Depending on timing, I'd like to help out too. Berlin's close enough for an
> extended weekend trip for me.

:) Lovely to hear.

> If there's less than 40 participants, I'll bake something and bring it.

Looking forward to that. :)


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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-11 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 02:23:58PM +0200, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> Replying to the public list + Stefan only.

Thanks for keeping him in the loop :)

> An excuse to travel to Berlin? you bet ;-)

\  |  /
- :-) -
/  |  \

> On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 10:15 PM, Isabel Drost-Fromm <> 
> wrote:
> > ...If we want organised tracks, I'd need speakers
> I remember when Ross Gardler organized Transfer Summit a few years ago
> he sent a few of us abstracts of what he'd like us to speak about at
> the conference. I think that was a great way of selecting a core team
> of speakers with a consistent message overall, and you can still leave
> a few slots for a more traditional CfP if you do that.

That is a great idea. Will add this to the list of things to keep in mind (after
creating that list in the first place).

> > ...Should someone want professional videos and want to pay for that I can 
> > see if I can get you in touch with the
> > ppl who have done this in the past at Buzzwords,...
> Do you have a rough idea of the budget for that? I think such videos
> can have great value and they are inline with the ASF's mission, being
> about our core values and principles.

I'll get you the numbers. (The ones I remember are fairly outdated, last time I
was involved with that is years ago.)

> I'm definitely interested in participating and would submit a talk if
> there's a call for papers.

Great to hear. I always loved your community track talks at ApacheCon.


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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-11 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 02:51:08PM +0200, Santiago Gala wrote:
> I'm spending substantial time working in Usedom, so I could attend from
> there or in my way there from Madrid or back... if I know the timing well
> in advance.

Please define well in advance - this means different things to different ppl.

> I'm interested in cat herding and community issues, and would love to go.

Lovely. This is awesome to hear!


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Re: Invitation to travel to Berlin

2017-05-11 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 06:58:18AM -0400, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> Sounds like a great idea and perhaps this could be our apachecon EU?

Yes - but not under the name ApacheCon EU. ApacheCon as a conference name is
burnt in that everyone has a model on their mind when hearing the name, except
all of these concepts differ - most importantly of all, it's very unlikely that
this event is going to be anything like ApacheCon in setup, talk selection,
organisation etc.

> With some funding and backing and minimal costs to attendees?

This was the idea :) Guess what triggered me writing this mail (in addition to
Stefan telling me about that space).

> Don't want to ruin your idea

You don't - great minds think alike.

> either but I do not know what a holocracy or Alexanderplatz.

Holocracy = organisation form according to which is working.

Alexanderplatz = central location in Berlin with plenty of food, tourist
attractions, train station that gets you anywhere in the city.

> So I am just throwing ideas out and will look at your survey!

I'd love to see you here! Can you make it to Berlin? I've seen your start as VP
fundraising, would be great to meet in person.


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Re: Board report helper

2017-05-09 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Am 9. Mai 2017 19:21:26 MESZ schrieb Shane Curcuru :
>Comdev points to reporter, but only because they technically own it:

I'd never have looked for the link there.

>The PMC guide at the top points vaguely (i.e. in a bunch of text with a
>link, but not as a bullet point or header) to how to do reporting:

Seen and followed that link.

>Later in the PMC guide, the chair duties lay out the responsibility:

See above.

>This again has a somewhat hidden link that points to the information
>describing how-to board reports:
>Which has a reasonably good description, but... as I've just realized,
>doesn't actually link to the reporter.a.o tool at all! 

After circling back to this page multiple times w/o finding a link I gave up.

I also looked through whimsy, but only after checking above pages.

Also checked the top menu called "for committers and pmcs".


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Board report helper

2017-05-09 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

I'm pretty sure we have a board report (stub) generation tool somewhere. I 
should have bet it's somewhere on the comdev site, but I don't find it. Giving 
up after an hour Google search and clicking through pages: help?

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Re: Proposed: (Bi?)monthly committer newsletter

2017-04-02 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
First of all, I love the idea and content of this newsletter. However if the 
goal is to reach committers that are less and less engaging, I wonder how many 
ppl we will actually reach by sending it to a list nobody can unsubscribe from. 
My reaction by being put on such lists is to simply filter them to where I 
don't see their content ever again. Isn't it likely that ppl who aren't 
engaging now might do the same?
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Re: Request for sharing ASF's "Way of Working"

2017-03-03 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
Hi Guido,

Great to see you here after our discussion at the achnee Meetup earlier this 
week in Berlin. 

One link I think is missing from the wealth of resources shared already is 
Shane's page on the Apache way:

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Re: Committer Diversity Survey - Infra Related Feedback

2017-03-01 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
Thank you Luciano for surfacing this discussion here!

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 09:26:39PM -0800, Luciano Resende wrote:
> I believe that The ASF (we) should seriously start discussing and come up
> with a plan to make Apache a self-service organization (something similar
> to  but much more focused on general services
> and named something like so that anyone with
> appropriate karma could, as an example, create the necessary resources for
> a newly accepted Podling by submitting one form and this would trigger the
> creation of mailing lists, repositories all properly mirrored to github,
> with all necessary workflow notifications enabled, etc. Which today
> involves multiple steps, sometimes with interdependencies which can cause
> the Podling creation to take over a week.

Someone from INFRA probably is in a better position to answer that than me, but
I believe automation already is a huge topic there at the moment.

However I think the call for github isn't entirely wrong. Github did add a
social component to open source, sort of binding people into it's community. It
also standardized many development processes - that makes it easier to 
to projects in a drive-by manner: Submitting patches, code review, merging
patches are all part of one web UI that is essentially the same for all
projects. On the flip side this means projects are less flexible here.

I personally don't think re-building github on our side is a good idea - I don't
think this is particularly cost-effective. With that in mind I'm following our
experiments to use github as master but replicating the project history to our
servers with interest.

I'd love to hear other opinions here!

> The other issue that I hear over and over again, is about the way we
> communicate using subscription-based mailing lists, but I believe the
> recent changes around should have resolved most of
> the issues, as long as the hard work from infra team is properly advertised
> and linked from multiple places.

+1 - the service is great.

To be quite frank and honest - it could benefit from having a UX expert look
over the current user interface, in particular when it comes to using the search
integrated with it. Sometimes I find myself at a loss when filters applied to
one search are lost with the next. Maybe watching actual users use the service
would be helpful to put more actionable tasks behind that gut feeling.


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Stickers idea

2017-02-28 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

I'm actually not sure this is the right place to drop this random idea of mine, 
so feel free to forward/ redirect/ ignore.

I remember the poster with our project logos being very helpful at FOSDEM. 
After receiving stickers with short messages on team leadership principles 
recently I started wondering if in addition to our feather stickers it might 
make sense to print some with our core values + the feather.

Maybe I'm not the only one who would like to see stuff like "community over 
code", "what didn't happen on list didn't happen" on laptops in the wild? Iirc 
we had the community thingy embedded on a larger sticker on the past already.


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Re: On wearing multiple hats

2016-10-26 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 02:19:06PM +, Ross Gardler wrote:
> First, I'm tired of hearing it too but let's not be fooled, most of the time 
> it comes from people ill informed about how the ASF works.

I have no doubt about that. Maybe we can do a better job telling people how we
work then?

> We use social controls within the projects and we have a fully independent 
> board to handle escalations should a community member feel that their (or 
> anothers) merit not be recognized.

Let me tell you a story to illustrate what kind of problem I see with that (and
I'm happy to be told, that this is just me having that problem or not reading
the docs):

I came to the ASF when nutch went from sourceforge through the incubator to be a
sub project of Lucene. Being the naive student I was I had no idea what this
whole ASF thingy was - all I knew about was the web server in my Debian Woody
distribution with the same name. I was blissfully ignorant to what kind of
contributions would be welcome in the project and what merit I should gain
through that.

A year or two later I was a bit closer open source at Apache, I had subscribed
not only to nutch but also to Lucene mailing lists. A learnt about a conference
related to the projects close to where I was working back then - namely in
Amsterdam. I looked at the ticket prices expecting to see something like FOSDEM,
Chaos Communication Congress, Linuxtage or some such which I happened to know.
But the prices were just way above and beyond anything I could afford. And my
research group would only really pay for scientific conferences.

Fast forward another year or two, I was working for a small company in Berlin
(neofonie, back then doing search consultancy mainly), I
had co-founded Apache Mahout, as a result I was entitled to get a committer
discount. I asked my manager for vacation days to go - and got a "let me check
if we can actually send you there on our cost" as a reply. Back at that Apache
Con EU 2008 in Amsterdam was when I first understood some of the basic concepts
of how things are supposed to work around here, what kind of contributions
should be rewarded.

Only much later did I come across books like Producing Open Source Software, did
I watch several keynotes on how things work over at Debian and friends, did I
read about C4 at ZeroMQ, did I see things like the "Poisonous People" video.

To cut a really long story short: I may be mistaken, but I think even with the
incubator community members may not even be aware of a lack of merit. Look at
the thread over here:

isn't that already showing that some questions arise only way after incubation?

> If this is breaking down then its a problem within the PMC not with the 
> process, which has served us well for many years across many projects and 
> should, IMHO, serve us well for many more. Rather than starting to look for a 
> solution to a problem purebred by others perhaps we should look at why they 
> have this perception.

Just for the record: I don't think we have a process problem per se here. We
might have an education problem: In terms of what (even if it's little) we
expect from projects, in terms of what people should do when they see those
expectations not being met, in terms of what is being done within the ASF to
keep things in line (or phrased more bluntly: If everything goes wrong, what can
you expect the board to do to your project? How did we educate projects in the

> Here's my thoughts...
> Open source, in general, has changed. Its gone from mostly individual hackers 
> from small collaborating companies "scratching their own itch" to mostly big 
> business and will funded startups paying individuals who sometimes don't care 
> on a personal level. This has resulted in the emergence of a different flavor 
> of open source. One in which money and metrics count more than community and 
> code. I'm the money and metrics model success means market disruption rather 
> than collaboration on code.

This matches with some of what I see as well.

> I maintain that the Apache Way is still a highly valuable and repeatable 
> process that when applied correctly brings the highest chance of success 
> (where success is valuable open source code). It is a process that is 
> designed to ensure that those who care on a personal level have as much 
> influence as those who are motivated by external need. It is a process that 
> leaves money and metrics at the door but recognizes community and code 
> contributions quickly.

The "recognizes *community* and code contributions *quickly*" is something I
would like to see validated across communities. I'm pretty sure even Mahout is
guilty of having waited long to hand committer status out to people who 
on a non-Java-level.

> I'm not a fan of metrics. They are often misleading and allow any story to be 
> told. I'm much more interested in people taking 

On wearing multiple hats

2016-10-25 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
Pre-text: This conversation started among several members of the ASF, you are
seeing this message here, as it was suggested to have the discussion on a
public mailing list so everyone can participate.


tl;dr: I'm tired of hearing Apache is "where large firms dump code (to break the
market for other or to avoid looking bad for abandoning it", I'm also tired of
hearing that Apache is where projects are controlled by corporate interests
under the disguise of some Apache Way process. I would like to figure out
whether this is actually true based on numbers instead of subjective
perceptions. If it is true I would like to figure out if and how we need to fix

Longer version: Every now and then I hear people complain either privately or
publicly [1] that people working on Apache projects who are not paid to do that
work and have don't have the luxury to participate full-time are facing a hard
time getting into our communities.

Similarly every now and then we see projects running into trademark issues,
conflicts of interest with their employers, trouble with wearing too many hats
[2,3] (though everytime I hear about wearing more than one hat I have to think
of the following lightning talk [4]).

I don't think handwavery statements will get us very far. Maybe it makes sense
to think about the following first:

- If projects are making progress (getting new releases out, getting new
  features implemented, getting bugs and security vulnerabilities addressed), do
  we care about how they are governed? Why do we care if we do? About which
  aspects do we care?

- Given the influx of projects into the incubator (and the number of projects
  making it through) people seem to trust the ASF as a home for their
  communities. What kind of value does that have for us? What is the value we
  are giving back to these projects?

Maybe from there we can come up with stories and metrics that hold (or should
hold) for all of our projects.

Let me provide an example for illustration: In many previous conversations and
talks I stressed that Apache is about communities, that being part of an Apache
project doesn't necessarily mean that the particular human has to contribute
large amounts of code - in the case of Mahout at some point we even had to
communicate that the best way to not be accepted as a GSoC student would be to
propose to implement yet another machine learning algorithm as that would
probably not what the project needed most, nor would it be feasable given the
time frame. Based on that my answer to "do we care about how projects are
governed" would be "yeah, sure we do - our system is based on merit, merit comes
from valuable contributions". The metric I'd setup to test that hypothesis is
true would be to cross-check number of contributions (patches, documentation
fixes and the like) with whether the people making these contributions are
actually being promoted to committer. Makes sense?

Anyone interested in this? Anyone interested in helping get sensible numbers up
- my JIRA magic is seriously lacking...







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ApacheCon w/ infant - logistics

2014-08-12 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

I don't know any Hungarians that I could ask and during my last visit this
topic wasn't exactly on the agenda to explore so trying here in case
someone knows:

I'm planning to travel to ApacheCon EU together with my husband and our
little one. From a friend of mine I know that there are European countries
where ready made baby mashes e.g. by Hipp or Alete aren't available - she
found out only after arrival and was very happy to have booked an apartment
including a kitchen.

So before booking the wrong room for ApacheCon or overpacking: Am I right
in assuming that purchasing Hipp/Alete and Pampers stuff won't be a problem
in Budapest?


Re: On geeks growing up - wrt. ApacheCon

2014-03-04 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 11:52:26AM -0800, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
 Has anybody ever tried open gaming/hacking area at these types of
 conferences? Do these two mix well? ... is where I learnt the rules to play Go 
- OMG is that really going to be 10 years ago this December? I'm getting old!

The caveat with board games at events is that you need a large enough number of 
interested people to get by-standers interested and engaged. At the above event 
there always were a handful of people playing in the evening close to the bar 
in a chill-out area (= some kind of cosy seating, appropriate music, drinks* on 
sale), so getting involved was as easy as walking by, watching two people play 
and getting invited to get an intro.

What is slightly easier to get going is to allow sponsors to bring typical 
startup equipment: table tennis, foosball table, bean bags etc. (logistics left 
to the sponsor potentially in turn for a sponsorship package discount, works 
best with local sponsors who don't ship the stuff over half the continent).


* meaning mostly this:

On geeks growing up - wrt. ApacheCon

2014-03-03 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm

Maybe for this year's ApacheCon this idea is a bit too late - but I thought it 
makes sense to get the discussion started anyway (maybe it even benefits myself 
at a later event ;) ):

I don't know about the US tech conferences, the trend I've observed in past 
years here in Europe is that more and more events are making an effort to be 
family friendly - in particular the community focused ones. There's events 
which provide complimentary child day care, conferences with special kids 
tracks, play and relaxation areas etc. For a more detailed overview see also:

As a side effect, the play areas often are occupied also by older children - 
three years ago I've seen geeks sort the balls in a ballpit at Chaos 
Communication Congress by colour - working out the most efficient algorithm to 
do that ;)

For Berlin Buzzwords this year is the first year we are offering day care for 
children - financially this worked out really well as a local online babysitter 
service offered professionals in turn for visibility at the event. I'm happy to 
share experiences after BBuzz is over. I'm also happy to get you in touch with 
the people behind Chaos Communication Congress, FrOSCon (they even shipped 
their kids track to another interested conference this year), EuRubyCamp. On 
the Java side of things Devoxx (biggest EU Java community event) seems to have 
a similar offering. I have been told that in the US OSCON features a kids track.

Lacking really deep knowledge about the US tech community I can only provide 
insight from a European perspective - would be great to see ApacheCon drive 
this trend.


Re: On geeks growing up - wrt. ApacheCon

2014-03-03 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 01:51:57PM +, Dave Cottlehuber wrote:
 A number of software / ASF people I know, by virtue of working remotely, are 
 defacto “child handlers” while their partner works in a normal face-to-face
 job. It would be nice to facilitate conference attendees/speakers without 
 major family upheaval to take place.

Not everyone involved with ApacheCon (or conferences in general) has kids - one 
thing I've learnt in the past is that there is no better input than what 
parents tell you when it comes to stuff needed/missing. Would be great if you 
could motivate the ASF parents you know to share what would need to change to 
convince them to bring their family (depending on child age and other relevant 

One very simple example for illustration: It took me asking parents to 
understand that conference dates actually make a huge difference for people 
with children that go to school: Bringing those to a weekend event is trivial. 
Working days outside of holiday season though is not an option. Obvious once 
you hear it - not quite so obvious if you don't have children in that age 


Re: On geeks growing up - wrt. ApacheCon

2014-03-03 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 09:04:16AM -0500, Rich Bowen wrote:
 Last week I attended SCaLE[...]

I knew this couldn't only be some EU trend - great to hear.

 I'll ask Angela what our options are for Europe.

Awesome - Thanks. Looking forward to her input.


Call for Booths at Chemnitzer Linuxtage open

2013-11-20 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm


just saw it on the list - the Chemnitzer Linuxtage call for 
exhibitors is open:

In past years the Open Office project usually had a booth there (organisers of 
that on CC). If there are any plans to have another Open Office booth at 
Linuxtage - maybe it would make sense to also ship some more general ASF 


Re: Event-in-a-Box

2013-11-02 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Thursday, October 31, 2013 04:39:32 PM Ulrich Stärk wrote:
 One Box in the EU might be OK for several countries to avoid taxes and
 customs but for most countries this is not the case. So unless you increase
 the number to one box per country, you should plan how to deal with taxes
 and customs.

Uli, thanks for mentioning. You should also keep in mind to put the correct 
labelling on the boxes so they are actually delivered to the receiver (I 
remember ntc getting a letter from the customs office to pick up a package ... 
of a bunch of stickers ...).


Re: Functions in OpenOffice

2013-10-13 Thread Isabel Drost-Fromm
On Saturday, October 12, 2013 11:59:35 AM Bob McElmurry wrote:
 Currently I am using Microsoft Office 2010 and am working in a small school.
  I would like to use OpenOffice or LibreOffice but I have not found some of
 the functions that I like such as countifs, sumifs, and averageifs.
  Because of using these functions, I do not feel that it would be an asset
 to change to OpenOffice.  Any suggestions?

You have directed your question to the general Apache Community development 
group. I'm sure the people over on the Apache Open Office user list are in a 
much better position to answer all your questions:

For more information on which mailing lists Open Office has (including various 
localised lists), check out

Hope this helps,


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