
2014-04-17 Thread tokiley

News:  http://signlanguageforbaby.com/qyib/page.php



Re: canned deflate conf in manual -- time to drop the NS4/vary?

2010-06-04 Thread tokiley

 Mark Nottingham wrote...

 On 02/06/2010, at 9:00 AM, toki...@aol.com wrote:

   Sergey wrote...
   That's new to me that browsers don't cache stuff that has Vary only on 
   Accept-Encoding - can you post some statistics or describe the test you 
  Test results and statistics...
  Apache DEV forum...

 I don't see anything there but anecdotal evidence

I think you need to do a reboot on your definition of 'anecdotal'.

The thread above was a focused discussion about what ACTUALLY
happens if you try to 'Vary:' on 'User-Agent' in the real world
these days accompanied by some additional (relevant) information about
what COULD (actually) happen if you (alternatively) try to 'Vary:' on
'Accept-encoding:'. If you still think any of it 'lacks veracity'
and is 'not trustworthy' then my only suggestion would be to spend
a little time on Google or Bling. It's an ongoing 'story'.

 certainly no reproducible tests.

What sort of tests would you like to see?

Anyone with access to certain browsers can 'reproduce'
the reported results.

 apache-modgzip forum...

 Seven and a half years old, 

Yea. Wow. Boggles the mind that it's still relevant, doesn't it?

 and again anecdotal.

See above regarding use/misuse of the word 'anecdotal'. 

The tests (described in the link) were done using a kernel debugger
and a lot of those (unpatched) browsers are still in use TODAY.
I've heard kernel debuggers called a lot of things but 'anecdotal'
is not on the list.

 Etc, etc. Lots of discussion about this has taken place over
 on the SQUID forums as well.

 Yes; most of it in the past few years surrounding the ETag bug in Apache, not 
 browser bugs. 

 Mark Nottingham

The 2.5 release of SQUID ( Early 2004 ) was the very FIRST version of that 
Proxy Server that made any attempt to handle 'Vary:' headers at all. Prior to
that, they were just doing the same thing all the browsers would. If a 'Vary:'
header of ANY description arrived in the stream, it was simply treated as if
it was 'Vary: *' ( STAR ) and there was no attempt to cache it at all.

There was a huge discussion about ALL of this in late December of 2003 
over in SQUID land as they were trying to get 2.5 out the door.

I believe, at that time, it was Robert Collins who got 'tagged' to do the 
'Vary:' part and Henrik Nordstrom took the whole 'ETag' part on his shoulders.

If you Google 'Vary Accept-Encoding Browsers SQUID' but also include
Robert Collins name you'll find more than if you use 'Henrik's' name
since he was ultra-focused on the ETag thing. ( He still is ).

Regardless, they were both VERY MUCH interested in the 'Browser bugs' 
surrounding all of this since they both realized that SQUID was going to 
'take the heat' if/when the whole 'Vary:' scheme came alive and things suddenly 
got weird 'on the last mile'.

In the end, they did a good job implementing 'Vary:' in SQUID 2.5 but it
really has been an ongoing 'adventure' that continues to this very day.

Only about 12 months ago one of the SQUID User's forum lit up with another
'discovered' problem surrounding all this 'Vary:' stuff and this had
to do with non-compliance on the actual 'Accept-Encoding:' fields
themselves coming from Browsers/User-Agents. ( Browser BUGS ).
In some cases the newly discovered problem reflects the same nightmare 
seen TODAY with the out-of-control use of 'User-Agent'. 

Too many variants being generated.

Squid User's Forum...

Here's just a sampling of what was being shown from REAL WORLD
Server logs just 12 months ago... 

Accept-Encoding: , FFF
Accept-Encoding: mzip, meflate
Accept-Encoding: identity, deflate, gzip
Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=3D1.0, deflate;q=3D0.8, chunked;q=3D0.6,
identity;q=3D0.4, *;q=3D0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, x-gzip, identity; q=3D0.9
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,bzip2
Accept-Encoding: ndeflate
Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, gzip
Accept-Encoding: gzip,identity
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress;q=3D0.9
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,X.509
Yada, yada, yada...

To this day... not even Firefox and MSIE 7 'do the same thing'
with regards to this header. Though SEMANTICALLY identical... the 
following is STILL causing some problems for people that weren't
tickety-boo with their parsing code...

Firefox sends this...
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

MSIE sends this...
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

That one even bit the SQUID folks in the butt for a couple of revisions and
they are STILL trying to arrive at the best 'normalization' parsing for 
this sort of thing.

Here's a thread from less than 60 days ago detailing this 'How do we normalize
this Accept-Encoding stuff?' issue with SQUID...

Re: mod_deflate handling of empty initial brigade

2010-06-03 Thread tokiley
 Paul Fee wrote...

 Bryan McQuade wrote:
 Are there any cases where it's important for ap_pass_bridgade to pass
 on an empty brigade? Doesn't sound like it, but since this is a core
 library change I want to double check.

 When handling a CONNECT request, the response will have no body.  In 
 mod_proxy, the CONNECT handler currently skips most filters and writes via 
 the connection filters.  However there is a block of #if 0 code which 
 intends to send only a FLUSH bucket down the filter chain.

 That's not quite the case of an entirely empty brigade, but it seems close 
 enough to warrant highlighting.


Can't think of anything else that might suffer from the sudden halt of
passing empty brigades down the chain ( unless some 3rd party module using
tandem-work filters is using them as 'place-markers' and actually EXPECTS
them to show up at some point ) but there MIGHT be at least 2 other 

1. If 'ap_pass_brigade()' becomes hard-wired to simply always return SUCCESS
when it sees an empty brigade and it NEVER goes down the chain anymore...
then is there ANY possibility this could become a 'lost brigade'?
When would it ever get reused/released if it's not even making it
down to the core filter set anymore? 

2. It doesn't 'feel' right that 'ap_pass_brigade()' should always return
SUCCESS when it starts throwing the empty brigades on the floor and does
NOT send them down the chain. That seems 'misleading'. The call did 
NOT actually 'SUCCEED'  because ap_pass_brigade() did NOT 'pass the brigade'.
Should there be some other ERROR/WARNING level return code instead
of always tossing back 'SUCCESS'? Might help with debugging later on
or give module writers more options for writing their own 'safety catch'
return code check(s) when calling ap_pass_brigade().

Kevin Kiley

Re: Fast by default (FWIW - Some tests)

2010-06-02 Thread tokiley

 Bryan McQuade wrote...

 thanks! it is really great that you did this investigation.

You're welcome, but I wouldn't really call that an 'investigation'.
More like just a quick 'observation'.

 RE: checking to see if in cache, try typing the URL into the nav bar
 and hitting enter rather than reloading. 

Tried that ( with Safari ). No conditional GET was sent.
Behavior was the same as pressing the 'Refresh' Toolbar button.
The entire document was 'Reloaded' and not 'Refreshed'.

OT: If this discussion is going to continue let's agree that there
IS, in fact, a difference between saying 'Reload' and 'Refresh'.

On most browsers, the Toolbar button is SUPPOSED to behave as
a 'Refresh' option. A browser is supposed to check its local
cache and issue a 'conditional GET' request if it has a 
non-expired copy of the entity onboard.

A RELOAD is when this local-cache-check process is 'skipped' and a 
browser simply disregards the content of its cache and RELOADS the 
page with no conditional GET request.

CTRL-R is the industry standard browser RELOAD command. Works the same
for both the MSIE and Mozilla/Firefox browser lineage. On Apple/Safari

Interesting side note: Official documentation for Safari actually says
the Toolbar Button is SUPPOSED to be the 'Refresh' option ( NOT RELOAD ),
just like other browsers, and that pressing SHIFT-Refresh is the 'official' 
way to force a page to RELOAD instead of REFRESHING. If that is actually 
the case then the quick Safari test I did really would seem to indicate 
that the response with the 'Vary: Accept-Encoding' header was NOT CACHED.

 most browsers use a more
 aggressive reload algorithm (bypassing the cache for hte html) on

Of course. See above about the established standards and the difference
between 'Refresh' and 'Reload'. 

 also could you set an explicit resource expiration? otherwise you're
 operating at the whim of caching heuristics which aren't explicitly
 specified by the HTTP RFC. 

That is exactly why I did NOT add any resource control directives.
The point of the test(s) was to observe the DEFAULT caching behavior.

 Try setting an Expires or Cache-Control:
 max-age header on your response. See
 http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec13.html#sec13.2.4 for
 info on heuristics. 

See above. I'm perfectly familiar with the directives.
NOT using any of them is/was part of the testing.

 In my tests most browsers implement the 10% rule but not all.

YOUR tests?
Exactly what tests are you referring to?
Are you saying you already have some detailed caching tests
for X number of browsers?
Do you have any 'tests' of your own that involve 'Vary:' headers
and local caching behavior?
Can you share any of those results or would that violate
Google's information sharing policy?

 If you have time can you also test with safari4? Perhaps there was an
 issue in 3.x that was fixed in 4.x.

I am not an Apple person. I do not personally own any Apple hardware.
The MacBook I used for a test is a loaner from a client. I will 
not/cannot change their current software configuration(s).

Bryan, don't take this the wrong way, but everyone is perfectly aware
of who you are and who you work for and what your/their agenda is. 
I'm not criticizing that in any way. You have every right to be 
here contributing to an open-source project...

...but remember that SOME of us just do this as a HOBBY.

People like you are being PAID to be here and it's part of YOUR JOB
to discover/know the answers to some of the questions.

I. myself, am simply curious. There is no paycheck behind anything
I do with regards to Apache. 

As an employee of Google I would imagine you have far more resources
than I do up to and including any number of machines that you could
configure with any browser you want for your OWN testing.

 one thing that's also useful is to first load a page to put the
 resource in the browser cache, then shut down the browser and restart
 it to try to load that page again. this makes sure that the resource
 was really persisted to the disk cache and isn't just being reserved
 out of some temporary in memory cache.

Great idea... you should make that part of YOUR testing.
My curiosity has already been satisfied.
Things are a little better than the were a few years ago.
That was all I wanted to know yesterday.

Now it's back to my REAL job, which has nothing to do with 
Content-encoding on the World Wide Web.

 thanks again! very cool that you did this.

Again... you are welcome.
Let me/us know how your OWN testing goes there at Google.


Re: canned deflate conf in manual -- time to drop the NS4/vary?

2010-06-01 Thread tokiley

 Don't forget the ongoing issue that if you ONLY vary on 'Accept-Encoding'
then almost ALL browsers will then refuse to cache a response entity LOCALLY
and the pain factor moves directly to the Proxy/Content Server(s).

If you vary on 'User-Agent' ( No longer reasonable because of the abuse
of that header 'out there'? ) then the browsers WILL cache responses
locally and the pain is reduced at the Proxy/Content server level, but
pie is not free at a truck stop and there are then OTHER issues to deal with.

The OTHER 'ongoing issue' regarding compression is that, to this day,
it still ONLY works for a limited set of MIME types. The 'Accept-Encoding: 
header coming from ALL major browser is still mostly a LIE. It would seem
to indicate that the MIME type doesn't matter and it will 'decode' for ANY 
MIME type but nothing could be further from the truth. There is no browser on 
planet that will 'Accept-Encoding' for ANY/ALL mime type(s).

If you are going to turn compression ON by default, without the user having to
make any decisions for their particular environment, then part of the decision
for the default config has to be 'Which MIME types?'  text/plain and/or
text/html only? SOME browsers can 'Accept-Encoding' on the ever-increasing
.js Javascript backloads but some CANNOT.

These 2 issues alone are probably enough to justify keeping compression 
OFF by default. A lot of people that use Apache won't even be able to get 
their heads around either one of these 'issues' and they really SHOULD
do a little homework before turning it ON.

Someone already quoted that...

'people expect the default config to just WORK without major issues'.

That's exactly what you have now.
It's not 'broken'.
Why change it?

Kevin Kiley


-Original Message-
From: Sergey Chernyshev sergey.chernys...@gmail.com
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 3:09 pm
Subject: Re: canned deflate conf in manual -- time to drop the NS4/vary?

Yeah, it should only Vary on Accept-encoding (already does). It's still not 
perfect, but at least it doesn't blow up proxies too much.

The question to people with statistics - are there any other issues with 
gzip/proxy configurations?


On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Eric Covener cove...@gmail.com wrote:

IIUC, the vary: user-agent to accomodate Netscape 4 is a pain for
caches because obviously they can only vary on the entire user-agent.


Is it time to move this aspect of the snippet into a separate note or
some historical trivia section, to remove the Vary?


On the same topic, are there still non-academic CSS and JS compression
issues (e.g. XP-era browsers, earlier, later, ???)  Should we instead
account for these in the complicated/more compression example, and
is there a way to do so without adding the Vary right back in?

Eric Covener


Re: Fast by default

2010-06-01 Thread tokiley
 There is zero reason for us to avoid putting deflate into the default 

Sorry. There ARE (good) reasons to avoid doing so.

I'm the one who wrote the FIRST mod_gzip module for Apache 1.x series
so you would think I'd be a strong advocate of 'auto-enablement' by default,
but I am NOT. There is HOMEWORK involved here and most users will get
into deep tapioca unless they understand all the (ongoing) issues.

 it is also very arguable that we should leave it off.

Yes, it is.

 I think others have argued well to enable it by default.

Disagree. I haven't seen the 'good' argument for 'auto-enablement' yet.

Some of the reasons to NOT 'go there' are coming out in other 
similar threads right now...

Here's a clip from the (concurrent) message thread entitled...

'Canned deflate conf in manual - time to drop the NS4/Vary'

Don't forget the ongoing issue that if you ONLY vary on 'Accept-Encoding'
then almost ALL browsers will then refuse to cache a response entity LOCALLY
and the pain factor moves directly to the Proxy/Content Server(s).

If you vary on 'User-Agent' ( No longer reasonable because of the abuse
of that header 'out there'? ) then the browsers WILL cache responses
locally and the pain is reduced at the Proxy/Content server level, but
pie is not free at a truck stop and there are then OTHER issues to deal with.

The OTHER 'ongoing issue' regarding compression is that, to this day,
it still ONLY works for a limited set of MIME types. The 'Accept-Encoding: 
header coming from ALL major browser is still mostly a LIE. It would seem
to indicate that the MIME type doesn't matter and it will 'decode' for ANY 
MIME type but nothing could be further from the truth. There is no browser on 
planet that will 'Accept-Encoding' for ANY/ALL mime type(s).

If you are going to turn compression ON by default, without the user having to
make any decisions for their particular environment, then part of the decision
for the default config has to be 'Which MIME types?'  text/plain and/or
text/html only? SOME browsers can 'Accept-Encoding' on the ever-increasing
.js Javascript backloads but some CANNOT.

These 2 issues alone are probably enough to justify keeping compression 
OFF by default. A lot of people that use Apache won't even be able to get 
their heads around either one of these 'issues' and they really SHOULD
do a little homework before turning it ON.

Someone already quoted that...

'people expect the default config to just WORK without major issues'.

That's exactly what you have now.
It's not 'broken'.
Why change it?

Kevin Kiley


-Original Message-
From: Greg Stein gst...@gmail.com
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 7:40 am
Subject: Re: Fast by default

Geez, Eric. No wonder people don't want to contribute to httpd, when they run 
into an attitude like yours. That dismissiveness makes me embarressed for our 
There is zero reason for us to avoid putting deflate into the default 
It is also very arguable that we should leave it off. I think others have 
argued well to enable it by default, while you've simply dismissed them with 
your holier-than-thou attitude and lack of any solid rationale.

On May 31, 2010 8:06 PM, Eric Covener cove...@gmail.com wrote:

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Bryan McQuade bmcqu...@google.com wrote:
 I propose providing an...
An additional httpd.conf doesn't sound valuable to me.  What slice of
non-savvy users would scrutinize an alternate config file, can replace
the config file of their webserver, isn't using a webserver packaged
by their OS, and wouldn't have just gotten the same information today
from the manual and 400,000 other websites?

There's currently no ifModule bloat in the default conf, but you're
welcome to submit a patch that adds one for deflate or expires (latter
seems more unwise to me). See the supplemental configuration section
of the generated config.

This doesn't address mass-vhost companies failing to allow deflate
because it's not in the no-args HTTPD ./configure , which sounds
far-fetched to me.  I can't recall a users@ or #httpd user implying
being subjected to such a thing with their own build or with cheap


Eric Covener


Re: Fast by default

2010-06-01 Thread tokiley
 web sites are loading too slow for pipes and web-server power that we have.

The key phrase there is 'that WE have'.

YOU need to tune YOUR configs to match what YOU have.
ANYONE who uses Apache can/should/must do that.
That's how that works.

The discussion at this moment is what 'default' configs should
ship with Apache. It is NOT POSSIBLE to accomodate EVERYONE.

The default httpd.conf for Apache is simply JFW ( Just Feckin Works )... 
and for a product as complicated as Apache I tend to agree with those
who think that is all that it needs to 'ship' with.


 Kevin Kiley


-Original Message-
From: Sergey Chernyshev sergey.chernys...@gmail.com
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 5:30 pm
Subject: Re: Fast by default

It's not 'broken'.
Why change it?

Please don't think that old configurations and practices are not broken - web 
sites are loading too slow for pipes and web-server power that we have.

And situation is getting worse year after year - here's analysis by Patrick 
Meanan of WebPageTest.org's one year history: 



Kevin Kiley


-Original Message-
From: Greg Stein gst...@gmail.com
To: dev@httpd.apache.org

Sent: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 7:40 am
Subject: Re: Fast by default

Geez, Eric. No wonder people don't want to contribute to httpd, when they run 
into an attitude like yours. That dismissiveness makes me embarressed for our 
There is zero reason for us to avoid putting deflate into the default 
It is also very arguable that we should leave it off. I think others have 
argued well to enable it by default, while you've simply dismissed them with 
your holier-than-thou attitude and lack of any solid rationale.

On May 31, 2010 8:06 PM, Eric Covener cove...@gmail.com wrote:

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Bryan McQuade bmcqu...@google.com wrote:
 I propose providing an...
An additional httpd.conf doesn't sound valuable to me.  What slice of
non-savvy users would scrutinize an alternate config file, can replace
the config file of their webserver, isn't using a webserver packaged
by their OS, and wouldn't have just gotten the same information today
from the manual and 400,000 other websites?

There's currently no ifModule bloat in the default conf, but you're
welcome to submit a patch that adds one for deflate or expires (latter
seems more unwise to me). See the supplemental configuration section
of the generated config.

This doesn't address mass-vhost companies failing to allow deflate
because it's not in the no-args HTTPD ./configure , which sounds
far-fetched to me.  I can't recall a users@ or #httpd user implying
being subjected to such a thing with their own build or with cheap


Eric Covener



Re: canned deflate conf in manual -- time to drop the NS4/vary?

2010-06-01 Thread tokiley
 Sergey wrote...
 That's new to me that browsers don't cache stuff that has Vary only on 
 Accept-Encoding - can you post some statistics or describe the test you ran?

Test results and statistics...

Apache DEV forum...

apache-modgzip forum...

Etc, etc. Lots of discussion about this has taken place over
on the SQUID forums as well.

 As for *all* content types, I don't think we're talking about compressing 
 and it's relatively easy to create a white-list to have gzip on for by 

Apache's own mod_deflate docs show how to exclude images.
That's a no-brainer.
It's the OTHER mime types that get hairy.

 The question regarding support in browsers actually is very serious too and 
 I'd love 
 to see statistics for that too - it sounds too scary and middle-ages to me.

You must be new to this sort of thing.
See links above and read the MANY related threads on the SQUID forum.

 I didn't get this impression from all the talks about gzip and research 
 that guys from Google did, for example, when they were looking for a source 
 lower gzip rates (it turned out to be antivirus software stripping 
 Accept-encoding headers).

I think I know the Google R/D you are referring to and it was almost a joke.
There was a LOT of research they did NOT do and they made many assumptions
that are simply NOT TRUE in the REAL WORLD.

 Thank you,

You're welcome


Re: Fast by default

2010-06-01 Thread tokiley

Let me preface ALL the remarks below with TWO statements...

1. I haven't done any research on these HTTP based Client/Server compression 
topics in quite some time. It is all, essentially, 'ancient history' for me 
but it still amazes me that some of the issues are, so many years later,
still being 'guessed about' and no one has all the answers.

2. Let's not lose the TOPIC of this thread. The thread is about whether
or not it's time to just turn mod_deflate ON by default in the 'safe'
httpd.conf that ships with Apache. Regardless of disagreement on some
of the internals and the remaining 'questions' I think it's clear to 
some now that this is NOT just an 'easy decision'. It's complicated.
It WILL cause 'problems' for some installations and some environments.

 Bryan McQuade wrote...

 Kevin Kiley wrote...
 Don't forget the ongoing issue that if you ONLY vary on 'Accept-Encoding'
 then almost ALL browsers will then refuse to cache a response entity LOCALLY
 and the pain factor moves directly to the Proxy/Content Server(s).

 I don't think this is true for browsers in use today. 

Well, it's certainly true of the MSIE 6 I have 'in use today' on almost
all of my Windows XP Virtual Machines that I use for testing.

Also 'I don't think this is true' is certainly not 'I'm SURE this is not true'.

 Firefox will certainly cache responses with Vary: Accept-Encoding. 

I haven't done any testing with Firefox.

Firefox wasn't even around when this first became an issue years ago.

I'll take your word for it unless/until you can provide some Firefox
specific test results page(s)that prove this to be true.

The Mozilla/Firefox family has ALWAYS had a 'different' approach to
how the client-end decompression gets done. That browser lineage chose
to always use the local 'cache' as the place where the decompression
takes place. That's why, when you use those browsers and you receive
a compressed entity, you always get TWO cache files. One is simply the
browser opening up a cache file to store the COMPRESSED version of the
entity and the other is the DECOMPRESSED version. This is true even if 
the response is labeled 'Cache-control: private'. It will STILL 'cache' the
response and ignore all 'Cache-Control:' directives but that's another
'bug' story altogether. They are simply doing all the decompression 'on disk' 
and using plain old file-based GUNZIP to get the job done so there HAS to be
a 'cached copy' of the response regardless of any 'Cache-Control:' directives. 
It will also keep BOTH copies of the file around. The MSIE browser line
will also use a cache-file ( sometimes ) for the decompression but, unlike the
Mozilla lineage, MSIE will DELETE the initial compressed copy to avoid 
There used to be this weird-ass bug with Mozilla that would only
show up if you tried to PRINT a decompressed page. The browser would
forget that it had TWO disk files representing the compressed/uncompressed
response and it would accidentally try to PRINT the COMPRESSED version.
I certainly hope the Firefox branch of this source code line worked 
that little bug out.

 Eric Lawrence of
 the Internet Explorer team has a nice blog post that explains that in
 IE6 and later, Vary: Accept-Encoding are cached:

The 'EricLaw' MSDN Blog link you mention only says this about MSIE 6...


Internet Explorer 6

Internet Explorer 6 will treat a response with a Vary header as completely 
unless the Vary header contains only the token User-Agent or Accept-Encoding.  
a subsequent request will be made unconditionally, resulting in a full 
re-delivery of 
the unchanged response.

This results in a significant performance problem when Internet Explorer 6 
encounters Vary headers.


This does NOT match my own research with MSIE 6 so the guy must be talking 
about some very specific BUILD version or 'hotpatched' version of MSIE 6.

In case you missed it... here is the link to one of the discussions
about this on the Apache mod_gzip forum which contains complete
test results obtained using a kernel debugger with MSIE 4, 5 and 6...


Eric also fails to mention that if you include MULTIPLE
Vary: headers and/or multiple conditionals on the
same 'Vary:' line ( as RFC 2616 says you are supposed to be able to do ) 
then MSIE 6 stops caching and treats those inbounds as the infamous 'Vary: *'.
( Vary: STAR ) I believe that last part is STILL TRUE even to this day which 
means it is STILL 'Non-RFC compliant'. This 'other issue' was also covered in 
my own MSIE 6 testing at the links above.

 Other variants of Vary do prevent caching in IE but Vary:
 Accept-Encoding is safe.

According to EricLaw, yes... but see links and test results above.

That is NOT what my own MSIE 6 testing showed.

My testing on MSIE 6 only showed that ANY presence of ANY 'Vary:'
header OTHER 

Re: Study about developer and commits.

2009-11-26 Thread tokiley


If you would get someone in your department who knows the English
language a little better to rewrite the request you might get a little
more traction.

I THINK I can 'decipher' what the heck you are asking but not 
well enough to risk a response.

Kevin Kiley

PS: A 'psychometric text analysis of the Apache developer mailing list'.
Now there's a best-seller. It would be somewhere between a 
dime-store mystery novel and a Greek Epic. LOL.



-Original Message-
From: Mário André mario...@infonet.com.br
To: dev@httpd.apache.org; 'M Jr' mj...@hotmail.com
Sent: Thu, Nov 26, 2009 9:17 am
Subject: Study about developer and commits.

Dear Developers,
We are studying behavior and characteristic about OpenSource Software (OSS) 
development using by reference “What can OSSmailing lists tell us? A 
preliminary psychometric text analysis of the Apachedeveloper mailing list 
(Hassan , Rigby)” that used the Apache httpdserver developer mailing list. 
We need to know are major developer commit in the ProjectApache HTTP Server (4 
developers), for to continue our study. 
In period:
Developer A: Top committer in release 1.3 (We guess1997-1998)
Developer B: Top committer in release 2.0 (developer Bwas the top committer 
for 1999 and 2000)
Developer C: developer C was the top committer for 2001 and2002
Developer D: (We guess 2003 - 2005)
Do you help us? Where do We can find this information?
Thank you for attention.
Mário André
Master’s degree student
InstitutoFederal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe - IFS
Mestrandoem MCC - Universidade Federald de Alagoas - UFAL


Re: Study about developer and commits.

2009-11-26 Thread tokiley

 Mario wrote...
 Dear Kevin,
 So, I want to know who are (the) developers that more contributed
 (contributed more) with (to) the Apache project in period:
 - Release 1.3 (1997 and 1998)
 - Release 2.0 (1999 and 2000)
 - 2001 and 2002
 - 2003 - 2005.
 Did (Do) you understand me?

Now, yes.

I addition to the links Eric and Rüdiger have posted the following
might be helpful...

Back in August of this year t...@sharanet.org ( Tomislav Nakic-A)
posted a news item to this development list about a new 'tool' 
that can be used to analyze the Apache Subversion repository. 
AFAIK it would be able to be tell you exactly what you seek to 
know for any timeframe since Subversion was first used for 
Apache development.

For timeframes prior to the first use of Subversion by apache.org
you will need to find a 'wayback' machine that contains the 
original *Nix CVS development activity.

See the following message thread from August...



On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 3:45 PM, t.n.a. t...@sharanet.org wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am the author of the PanBI http://www.PanBI.org open source business
intelligence project. PanBI provides data  extraction, transformation
and loading logic as well as data warehouse schemas for a number of
systems and Subversion - used by Apache - is one of the systems supported.

I have designed a dedicated Subversion data warehouse and loading logic
so that Subversion repository data can be analyzed using OLAP tools. To
demonstrate the functionality, I have made a short screencast
http://panbi.sourceforge.net/systems/subversion/olap.html (7 minutes)
using none other than the Apache web server's code repository as the one
under analysis.


I hope that helps.

Kevin Kiley



-Original Message-
From: Ruediger Pluem rpl...@apache.org
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Thu, Nov 26, 2009 2:41 pm
Subject: Re: Study about developer and commits.

On 11/26/2009 10:06 PM, Eric Covener wrote:
 2009/11/26 Mário André mario...@infonet.com.br:
 Dear Kevin,

 So, I want to know who are developers that more contributed with the Apache
 project in period:

 - Release 1.3 (1997 and 1998)

 - Release 2.0 (1999 and 2000)

 - 2001 and 2002

 - 2003 - 2005.

 Did you understand me?

 Looking at the top users here might get you on the right track, and it
 even has a sense of time:

Or here:





Re: mod_cache, mod_deflate and Vary: User-Agent

2009-08-27 Thread tokiley

 William A. Rowe, Jr.

 I think we blew it :)

 Vary: user-agent is not practical for correcting errant browser behavior.

You have not 'blown it'.

From a certain perspective, it's the only reasonable thing to do.

Everyone keeps forgetting one very important aspect of this issue
and that is the fact that the 'Browsers' themselves are 
participating in the whole 'caching' scheme and that they
are the source of the actual requests, so their behavior is
as much a part of the equation as any inline proxy cache.

There is no real solution to this problem.

The HTTP protocol itself does not have the capability
to deal with things correctly with regards to 
compressed variants.

The only decision that anyone needs to make is 'Where is
the pain factor?'.

If you VARY on ANYTHING other than 'User-Agent' then this
might show some reduction of the pain factor at the proxy
level but you have now exponentially increased the pain
factor at the infamous 'Last Mile'.

Most modern browsers will NOT 'cache' anything that has
a 'Vary:' header OTHER than 'User-Agent:'. This is as true
today as it was 10 years ago.

The following discussion involving myself and some of the 
authors of the SQUID Proxy caching Server took place just 
short of SEVEN (7) YEARS ago but, as unbelievable as it might
seem, is still just as relevant ( and unresolved )...


It's way too long to reproduce here but here is just 
the SUMMARY part. You would have to access the link
above to read all the gory details...


 Hello all.

 This is a continuation of the thread entitled...

 [Mod_gzip] mod_gzip_send_vary=Yes disables caching on IE

 After several hours spent doing my own testing with MSIE and
 digging into MSIE internals with a kernel debugger I think I
 have the answers.

 The news is NOT GOOD.

 I will start with a SUMMARY first for those who don't have the
 time to read the whole, ugly story but for those who want to
 know where the following 'conclusions' are coming from I
 refer you to the rest of the message and the detail.


 There is only 1 request header value that you can use with
 Vary: that will cause MSIE to cache a non-compressed
 response and that is ( drum roll please ) User-Agent.

 If you use ANY other (legal) request header field name in
 a Vary: header then MSIE ( Versions 4, 5 and 6 ) will
 REFUSE to cache that response in the MSIE local cache.

 This is why Jordan is seeing a caching problem and Slava
 is not. Slava is 'accidentally' using the only possible Vary:
 field name that will cause MSIE to behave as it should
 and cache a non-compressed response.

 Jordan is seeing non-compressed responses never being
 cached by MSIE because the responses are arriving
 with something other than Vary: User-Agent like
 Vary: Accept-Encoding.

 It should be perfectly legal and fine to send Vary: Accept-Encoding
 on a non-compressed response that can 'Vary' on that field
 value and that response SHOULD be 'cached' by MSIE...
 but so much for assumptions. MSIE will NOT cache this response.

 MSIE will treat ANY field name other than User-Agent
 as if Vary: * ( Vary + STAR ) was used and it will
 NOT cache the non-compressed response.

 The reason the COMPRESSED responses are, in fact,
 always getting cached no matter what Vary: field name
 is present is just as I suspected... it is because MSIE
 decides it MUST cache responses that arrive with
 Content-Encoding: gzip because it MUST have a
 disk ( cache ) file to work with in order to do the

 The problem exists in ALL versions of MSIE but it's
 even WORSE for any version earlier than 5.0. MSIE 4.x
 will not even cache responses with Vary: User-Agent.

 That's it for the SUMMARY.

 The rest of this message contains the gory details.


I participated in another lengthy 'offline' discussion about
all this some 3 or 4 years ago again with the authors of 
SQUID. There was still no real resolution to the problem.

The general consensus was that if there is always going to
be a 'pain factor' then it's better to follow one of the
rules of Networking and assume the following...

The least amount of resources will always be present
the closer you get to the last mile.

In other words... it's BETTER to live with some redundant
traffic at the proxy level, where the equipment and bandwidth 
is usually more robust and closer to the backbone, than to put 
the pain factor onto the 'last mile' where resources are usually
more constrained.

If anyone is going to start dropping some special code
anywhere to 'invisibly handle the problem' my suggestion
would be to look at coming up with a scheme that undoes
the damage these out-of-control redundant 'User-Agent' strings are 
causing. The only thing a proxy cache really needs to know is
whether a certain 'User-Agent' string represents a 
different level of DEVCAP than another one. If all that
is changing is a version number and there is no change
with regards to 

Re: mod_cache, mod_deflate and Vary: User-Agent

2009-08-27 Thread tokiley

 Brian Akins of Turner Broadcasting, Inc. wrote...

 We are moving towards the 'if you say you support gzip,
 then you get gzip' attitude.

There isn't a browser in the world that can 'Accept Encoding'
successfully for ALL mime types.

Some are better than others but there are always certain
mime types that should never be returned with any
'Content Encoding' regardless of what the browser
is saying.

In that sense, you can never really trust the 
'Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate' header at all.

There is (currently) no mechanism in the HTTP protocol
for a client to specify WHICH mime types it can
successfully decode.

It was supposed to be an 'all or nothing' DEVCAP
indicator but that's not how things have evolved in
the real world.

There are really only 3 choices...

1. Stick with the original spec and continue to treat
'Accept-encoding: whatever' as an 'all or nothing' indicator
with regards to possible mime types and treat every 
complaint of breakage as 'it's not our problem, your 
browser is non-compliant'.

2. Change the original spec and add a way for clients 
to indicate which mime types can be successfully
decoded and then wait for all the resulting support code 
to be added to all Servers and Proxies.

3. Do nothing, and let every individual Server owner
continue to find their own solution(s) to the problem(s).

Kevin Kiley


-Original Message-
From: Akins, Brian brian.ak...@turner.com
To: dev@httpd.apache.org dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Thu, Aug 27, 2009 9:42 am
Subject: Re: mod_cache, mod_deflate and Vary: User-Agent

On 8/26/09 3:20 PM, Paul Querna p...@querna.org wrote:

 I would write little lua scriptlets that map user agents to two
 buckets: supports gzip, doesnt support gzip.  store the thing in
 mod_cache only twice, instead of once for every user agent.

We do the same basic thing.  We are moving towards the if you say you
support gzip, then you get gzip attitude.  I think less than 1% of our
clients would be affected, and I think a lot of those are fake agents

Brian Akins


Re: Analysis of the Apache web server code repository

2009-08-26 Thread tokiley

 I knew Trawick was a slacker most of the time.
Now there's cool pie charts and movies to prove it.

Hmm... why do I get the feeling this tool's real usage
is so that IT managers can see who they can 'let go'?

Kevin Kiley

 -Original Message-

From: Jeff Trawick traw...@gmail.com
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 4:26 pm
Subject: Re: Analysis of the Apache web server code repository

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 3:45 PM, t.n.a. t...@sharanet.org wrote:

I have designed a dedicated Subversion data warehouse and loading logic

so that Subversion repository data can be analyzed using OLAP tools. To

demonstrate the functionality, I have made a short screencast

http://panbi.sourceforge.net/systems/subversion/olap.html (7 minutes)

using none other than the Apache web server's code repository as the one

under analysis.

It is fun to be in the movies; maybe  I'll make my kids sit through it later 
;)? (And I'm curious which company you found when you looked up trawick.)

But please note that ASF ids aren't shared.? It is important for the integrity 
of the code that we know who is making contributions.? You should remove the 
overlaid text that suggests that any ASF work is being done by a commercial 
entity using shared ids.

(All I can say about when I commit historically is that I like to sleep at 
least from midnight to six a.m. US Eastern Time, at least when I'm at home ;)? 
I don't think the same is true of many other people (wrowe).)



Re: Analysis of the Apache web server code repository

2009-08-26 Thread tokiley
Ah... the good 'ol days.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Stoddard wgstodd...@gmail.com
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 06:45:11 -0400
Subject: Re: Analysis of the Apache web server code repository

toki...@aol.com wrote:
 I knew Trawick was a slacker most of the time.
 Now there's cool pie charts and movies to prove it.

 Hmm... why do I get the feeling this tool's real usage
 is so that IT managers can see who they can 'let go'?

 Kevin Kiley

Uh oh... first I show on list up out of the blue, then you.  What's
next?  Maybe stein and rbb show up and we can start a flame war on gzip
compression?  :-)


Re: Analysis of the Apache web server code repository

2009-08-26 Thread tokiley
Ah... the good 'ol days.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Stoddard wgstodd...@gmail.com
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 06:45:11 -0400
Subject: Re: Analysis of the Apache web server code repository

toki...@aol.com wrote:
 I knew Trawick was a slacker most of the time.
 Now there's cool pie charts and movies to prove it.

 Hmm... why do I get the feeling this tool's real usage
 is so that IT managers can see who they can 'let go'?

 Kevin Kiley

Uh oh... first I show on list up out of the blue, then you.  What's
next?  Maybe stein and rbb show up and we can start a flame war on gzip
compression?  :-)


Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy

2008-05-30 Thread tokiley

Can you send me just the part of your httpd config that governs this 
transaction and the redirect to the IIS server? I really would like to 
reproduce this here. The moment I can actually make it happen I have 
tools in place that will show exactly WHEN/WHERE it's happening (not 
gdb. I don't use it). All I have here is a simple mod_proxy setup with 
a single ProxyPass staement redirecting all requests to a back end. You 
are doing something with Virtual Hosts here, right? That COULD be 
making a difference.

Kevin Kiley

-Original Message-
From: Ray Van Dolson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Fri, 30 May 2008 08:08:55 -0700
Subject: Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy


My test client is a Perl SOCKET level IO deal and I am able
to send EXACTLY what was in your email as the 'fake' Treo
request, including the 'messed up' Host:redowadev.esri.com
header which is missing the SPACE character after the colon.

Doesn't make any difference here.

Apache parses the 'Host:' header with no problems and, as you
said, corrects the header when it forwards it upstream, but
the original 'fixing' of the inbound header appears to have
nothing to do with any decision making with regards to
'Connection: close'.

It's still a total mystery where that 'Connection: close'
is actually coming from and I still cannot make it happen.

Ah, interesting.  So much for that theory...

Glad you have a working solution but
something tells me this isn't over yet.

Still curious about who/what is/was adding that
'Connection: close' and why.

If it starts appearing again give a shout.

Well, this is definitely still something I can reproduce easily (just
have to remove the RequestHeader directive), and I have a test server
where it's easy to troubleshoot.

I would *love* to step through this with gdb -- anyone out there a gdb
expert enough to tell me how to capture a bit of runtime and play it
back later so I can step through the source after the fact?  Doing it
in real time seems to not give consistent results.

Maybe oprofile would do the trick for me... seems like there should be
a way for gdb to capture the session though if its attached... I'll
dig into that sometime unless someone can give me a pointer off the top
of their head :)


Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy

2008-05-30 Thread tokiley

Can you send me just the part of your httpd config that governs this 
transaction and the redirect to the IIS server? I really would like to 
reproduce this here. The moment I can actually make it happen I have 
tools in place that will show exactly WHEN/WHERE it's happening (not 
gdb. I don't use it). All I have here is a simple mod_proxy setup with 
a single ProxyPass staement redirecting all requests to a back end. You 
are doing something with Virtual Hosts here, right? That COULD be 
making a difference.

Kevin Kiley

-Original Message-
From: Ray Van Dolson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Fri, 30 May 2008 08:08:55 -0700
Subject: Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy


My test client is a Perl SOCKET level IO deal and I am able
to send EXACTLY what was in your email as the 'fake' Treo
request, including the 'messed up' Host:redowadev.esri.com
header which is missing the SPACE character after the colon.

Doesn't make any difference here.

Apache parses the 'Host:' header with no problems and, as you
said, corrects the header when it forwards it upstream, but
the original 'fixing' of the inbound header appears to have
nothing to do with any decision making with regards to
'Connection: close'.

It's still a total mystery where that 'Connection: close'
is actually coming from and I still cannot make it happen.

Ah, interesting.  So much for that theory...

Glad you have a working solution but
something tells me this isn't over yet.

Still curious about who/what is/was adding that
'Connection: close' and why.

If it starts appearing again give a shout.

Well, this is definitely still something I can reproduce easily (just
have to remove the RequestHeader directive), and I have a test server
where it's easy to troubleshoot.

I would *love* to step through this with gdb -- anyone out there a gdb
expert enough to tell me how to capture a bit of runtime and play it
back later so I can step through the source after the fact?  Doing it
in real time seems to not give consistent results.

Maybe oprofile would do the trick for me... seems like there should be
a way for gdb to capture the session though if its attached... I'll
dig into that sometime unless someone can give me a pointer off the top
of their head :)


Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy

2008-05-29 Thread tokiley
Well, I thought this one would be easy to spot but it's not.

There's nothing I can do here to reproduce the reported behavior.

I wrote a Perl script client that sends your EXACT ( Palm Treo )
OPTIONS request as you had it documented in the last email.

I also wrote a simple Perl Server to imitate the IIS Server and
it always sends back your same exact IIS response as documented
including HTTP/1.1 indicator and NO 'Connection:' header on 
the response. ( Sic: Keep-alive can/should be assumed ).

I fed it all through Apache 2.2.8 running mod_proxy.

The capture results from point to point all look identical
to yours except for one thing... the behavior is correct
at all times.

In my testing... mod_proxy always does the RIGHT thing and, 
in the absence of any 'Connection:' header at all on the response
from the upstream (IIS) Server, it dutifully adds the right
'Keep-Alive:' and 'Connection: Keep-Alive headers to the
response being returned to the client because at all times
the default HTTP level here is 1.1 and 'Keep-Alive' can/should
be assumed unless told otherwise.

There was nothing I could do to make mod_proxy add 
'Connection: close' to the response headed back to the client
( which is the behavior you are seeing ) unless I actually 
forced a 'Connection: close' header to be returned from the 
upstream (IIS) Server.

Every time there is no 'Connection:' header at all seen
on the IIS response, mod_proxy stays in 'Keep-Alive',
as it should.

I was testing using Apache 2.2.8 ( Stable ) version.
I doubt this is all some strange behavior that is only
appearing in 2.2.9 on trunk and is not evident in 2.2.8
but I suppose it's possible.

The only thing that seemed to make sense for your situation
after this testing was the thought that maybe, somehow, you
have accidentally set the 'proxy-nokeepalive' runtime flag
to TRUE and that is what is causing the 'Connection: close'
header to be inserted regardless of the 'Keep-Alive' requests.

So I tested that as well.

* SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1

If I add 'SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1' to the httpd.conf
file then mod_proxy does, in fact, change the original
'Connection: Keep-Alive' in the initial request to
'Connection: close' when it forwards the request to
the upstream ( IIS ) Server.

In this case, any normal upstream Server would see the 'Connection: close'
coming from mod_proxy and SHOULD add it's own 'Connection: close'
header to the response and close the connection after fulfilling
the OPTIONS request, but just for gags I sent back the same
'No Connection header at all' response to the new OPTIONS request
being changed to 'Connection: close' via mod_proxy's 'proxy-nokeepalive'

Oddly enough... mod_proxy then reverts to assuming the response
to the client should be 'Keep-Alive' even though the 'proxy-nokeepalive'
flag is in effect. This appears to be a bug unto itself but still doesn't
reproduce your situation ( even though it SHOULD  ).

Again... even when using the 'proxy-nokeepalive' option, the only way 
I could get mod_proxy to send back 'Connection: close' in its response 
to the original request is to manually insert 'Connection: close' into the
response coming back from the upstream (IIS) Server.

The only way this would not be a (new?) bug is if the 'proxy-nokeepalive'
flag is supposed to ONLY be in effect for requests that mod_proxy makes
to the upstream Server but is NOT supposed to hamper it's ability to
maintain 'Keep-Alive' with the original client. I don't think that
was the intent of the 'proxy-nokeepalive' flag but that's the
behavior I am seeing when no 'Connection: close' header comes
from the upstream Server but HTTP Protocol value is still HTTP/1.1.

* SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1

This option also has no effect on your situation but there is some
potentially odd behavior appearing when this flag is used which may
or may not be YAB.

If this option is ON, then mod_proxy does, in fact, dutifully change
the original HTTP/1.1 level in the original client OPTIONS request to
HTTP/1.0 when it forwards the request to the upstream (IIS) Server.

However... it does NOT automatically add 'Connection: close' to 
same upstream request ( Not sure whether it's supposed to or not
since HTTP/1.0 level does not automatically preclude the use of
?Keep-Alive but it definitely does NOT add 'Connection: close' .) 

Oddly enough, though, it always REMOVES the original 
'Connection: Keep-Alive' header but forwards the new HTTP/1.0 
request upstream with no 'Connection:' header at all.

This is true even if you ALSO have the 'proxy-nokeepalive' option
set to 'on' in conjunction with 'force-proxy-request-1.0'.

The only time you actually get a 'Connection: close' header being
forwarded to the upstream header is if you use 'proxy-nokeepalive'
option WITHOUT also using 'force-proxy-request-1.0'.

The moment 'force-proxy-request-1.0' is in effect it cancels out
the behavior of 'proxy-nokeepalive' and you always get requests
being forwarded 

Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy

2008-05-29 Thread tokiley

 Believe I may have this working now.

 The Treo was sending its Host header as follows:


 (Note the lack of space betwen the colon and hostname.? This probably
 isn't valid but was corrected by Apache as it proxied the request on to
 IIS.? However, maybe the initial invalid header there somehow caused
 Apache to decide the connection wouldn't support Keep-Alives?


My test client is a Perl SOCKET level IO deal and I am able
to send EXACTLY what was in your email as the 'fake' Treo
request, including the 'messed up' Host:redowadev.esri.com
header which is missing the SPACE character after the colon.

Doesn't make any difference here.

Apache parses the 'Host:' header with no problems and, as you
said, corrects the header when it forwards it upstream, but
the original 'fixing' of the inbound header appears to have
nothing to do with any decision making with regards to
'Connection: close'.

It's still a total mystery where that 'Connection: close'
is actually coming from and I still cannot make it happen.

 In any case, when I add:

? RequestHeader set Host hostname.esri.com

 Everything works! ?


Using 'RequestHeader' here on a test causes no change 
whatsoever. Everything works as it should either with 
or without it.

 The odd thing is is that Apache was still matching
 on the correct name based virtual host so perhaps regular apache
 virtual hosting uses a different system for validating the Host header
 than mod_proxy does...

 Hallelujah!? And thanks to all who bore with me on this issue.

Glad you have a working solution but
something tells me this isn't over yet.

Still curious about who/what is/was adding that
'Connection: close' and why.

If it starts appearing again give a shout.

Kevin Kiley



-Original Message-
From: Ray Van Dolson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Thu, 29 May 2008 11:17 am
Subject: Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy

Believe I may have this working now.

The Treo was sending its Host header as follows:


(Note the lack of space betwen the colon and hostname.  This probably
isn't valid but was corrected by Apache as it proxied the request on to
IIS.  However, maybe the initial invalid header there somehow caused
Apache to decide the connection wouldn't support Keep-Alives?

In any case, when I add:

  RequestHeader set Host hostname.esri.com

Everything works!  The odd thing is is that Apache was still matching
on the correct name based virtual host so perhaps regular apache
virtual hosting uses a different system for validating the Host header
than mod_proxy does...

Hallelujah!  And thanks to all who bore with me on this issue.



Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy

2008-05-22 Thread tokiley


 Your posts keep saying The Treo does this and the Treo does
that and likelihood of fixing Treos is 0 percent...

...but I'm a little confused.

What SOFTWARE are we talking about on the Treo.
The Treo is just a handheld. It does what it's told to do.

Are you using one of the carrier's standard browsers or
is this is custom piece of software sending this intitial
OPTIONS request and then ignoring the 'Connection: Close'
from the Server?

If it's a piece of custom software then the likelihood of
at least fixing the Why doesn't the Treo respond correctly
to Close Connection part of this issue is actually 
around 100 percent. Just fix the client and send out

It is NOT a 'bug' for a Proxy server to decide to send
'Connection: Close' to an upstream server even if the
original request contains Connection: Keep-Alive.

It IS, however, a definite bug on the client side if a Server
sends 'Connection: Close' and the client still behaves as
if the connection is active.

-Original Message-
From: Ray Van Dolson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Thu, 22 May 2008 5:24 pm
Subject: Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 02:59:41PM -0700, Jim Jagielski wrote:
 On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 01:59:30PM -0700, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
  I promise to go and read through the RFC's, but if the Treo is
  requesting a Keep-Alive connection, shouldn't Apache try its best not
  to close the connection as quickly as it is?
 It doesn't matter though. If the server is saying Connection closed,
 the client shouldn't just ignore it.

I am not disagreeing with this.  The likelihood of getting all Treo
devices fixed to act correctly however is right near 0% :)



Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy

2008-05-22 Thread tokiley

 Ah... okay. Thanks for the clarification.

Sounds you are just stuck in the middle trying
to deal with a broken client. I thought you might
be trying to actually implement the client software
or something.

Sure, you can fix this.

Just get in with a monkey wrench if you have to and force mod_proxy
to honor 'Keep-Alive' for an OPTIONS request and the behavior 
should then be identical to the ( known good ) direct-to-IIS example.

However... if you have a client that just 'assumes' connections
stay active just because it sent 'Connection: Keep-Alive' and 
isn't bothering to check the actual connection responses from
Servers then this initial handshake thing is going to be the
least of your worries. 

That's a client-side boo-boo that's going to keep jumping up
and biting everyone in the buttocks and it won't hurt to
point that out to whoever is responsible for that client.

Good luck.

PS: Still just curious. What is the HTTP/x.x value actually
being sent by the The Treo for the exchange in question?. Is it
the older HTTP/1.0 or is it actually requesting full HTTP/1.1 functionality?
Sometimes that comes into play with this 'Keep-Alive' stuff.
If it's sending HTTP/1.0 then perhaps mod_proxy is simply obeying
strict standards and that's why it changes 'Keep-Alive' back to 'Close'.
'Keep-Alive' was not 'officially' part of the HTTP/1.0 specs. It just sort
of 'crept in there' and was available BEFORE full implementation of
HTTP/1.1. So there's still a lot of confusion out there and a lot of 'looking
the other way' going on with regards to 'Keep-Alive'. Some code
tries to be strict ( Apache, generally ) and others are 'loose' ( 
Microsoft/IIS? ).

Example: MS Internet Explorer has always had an 'Advanced Option'
which allows you to decide to use HTTP/1.1 for Proxy Connections
but it is OFF by default. Default behavior for MSIE Proxy requests is
to use the older HTTP/1.0. However... that doesn't mean it won't use
Keep-Alive. It treats that part of the HTTP/1.1 spec as an exception.

Apologies in advance if this is all just old news to you.

On my own Microsft Windows Mobile Treo, however, this legacy 
Advanced Option is missing. The Pocket Internet Explorer Browser 
under Windows Mobile will ALWAYS send an HTTP/1.1 request.

-Original Message-

From: Ray Van Dolson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Thu, 22 May 2008 11:50 pm
Subject: Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 09:03:23PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Your posts keep saying The Treo does this and the Treo does
 that and likelihood of fixing Treos is 0 percent...
 ...but I'm a little confused.
 What SOFTWARE are we talking about on the Treo.
 The Treo is just a handheld. It does what it's told to do.
 Are you using one of the carrier's standard browsers or
 is this is custom piece of software sending this intitial
 OPTIONS request and then ignoring the 'Connection: Close'
 from the Server?

I think the latter.  The web browser component of the Treo software
appears to work correctly, it's just the ActiveSync portion that is
failing (part of the mail application).

 If it's a piece of custom software then the likelihood of
 at least fixing the Why doesn't the Treo respond correctly
 to Close Connection part of this issue is actually
 around 100 percent. Just fix the client and send out
 It is NOT a 'bug' for a Proxy server to decide to send
 'Connection: Close' to an upstream server even if the
 original request contains Connection: Keep-Alive.
 It IS, however, a definite bug on the client side if a Server
 sends 'Connection: Close' and the client still behaves as
 if the connection is active.

Believe me, I understand this.  I will definitely push Palm to address
this issue with whatever influence I can wield. :)

However, as Apache has other environment type settings that allow
overriding of behaviors for other broken clients, I was hoping to
discover something similar that might do the trick here -- or that an
option could even be added.

Thanks for all the feedback.


Re: mod_gzip and incorrect ETag response (Bug #39727)

2007-08-27 Thread TOKILEY
I'm not proposing a solution but just pointing out that if this discussion
is going to come up once again that even the latest, greatest versions
of one of the most popular browsers in the world, Microsoft Internet
Explorer, will still REFUSE TO CACHE any response that shows up
with a Vary: on any field other than User-Agent.
It is certainly true that using the same ETag for two different Variants
is in violation of RFC, but just fixing ETag isn't going to fully solve
the industry-wide problem.
The moment the user-agent itself it refusing to cache responses that
have any Vary: conditions at all then you create a thundering herd
scenario now on the last mile instead of between Proxy/COS ( Content
Origin Server ). 
The long-running question will still remain.
Is it better to at least have the user-agents hanging on to non-expired
responses that have actually been CACHED locally and not hammering 
the proxies at all, or it is it simply better to have the proxy do the 
heavy-breathing if/when a lot of requests are coming for a document 
that might have two ( varied ) responses.
In the case of Accept-encoding: gzip, it's pretty darn rare these days
for any COS or Proxy to ever get a reqeust from some brain-dead
user-agent that can't decompress, isn't it?
Hasn't the non-compressed variant become an extreme edge-case
by now? I would certainly hope so.
Kevin Kiley
In a message dated 8/27/2007 5:33:55 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

Just wondering if there is any plans on addressing Bug #39727, incorrect
ETag on gzip:ed content (mod_deflate).

Been pretty silent for a long while now, and the current implementation
is a clear violation of RFC2616 and makes a mess of any shared cache
trying to cache responses from mod_deflate enabled Apache servers (same
problem also in mod_gzip btw..)

For details about the problem this is causing see RFC2616 section 13.6,
pay specific attention to the section talking about the use of
If-None-Match and the implications of this when a server responds with
the same ETag for the two different variants of the same resource.

There is already a couple of proposed solutions, but no concensus on
which is the bettter or if any of them is the proper way of addressing
the issue.

The problem touches
- ETag generation
- Module interface
- Conditionals processing when there is modules altering the content

Squid currently have a kind of workaround in place for the Apache
problem, but relies on being able to detect broken Apache servers by the
precense of Apache in the Server: header, which isn't fool prof by any


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Re: mod_gzip and incorrect ETag response (Bug #39727)

2007-08-27 Thread TOKILEY
You are the CNN guy, right?
Of your 30 percent... is there an identifiable User-Agent
that comprises a visible chunk of the requests?
If so... what is it?
Kevin Kiley
In a message dated 8/27/2007 10:09:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

On 8/27/07 12:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hasn't the non-compressed variant become an extreme edge-case
 by now? I would certainly hope so.

Unfortunately not.  About 30% of our requests do not advertise gzip

Brian Akins
Chief Operations Engineer
Turner Digital Media Technologies

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at 

Re: Completely transform a request

2007-07-31 Thread TOKILEY
I'm doing some testing here on the latest build from trunk.
Will let you know ASAP whether this is going to be possible
from solely within a connection input filter or whether you will
need other hooks to pull it off.
In the meantime... if someone else is more familiar with connection
input filters and already knows there is no way to do this given the
current design and implementation it would cut some corners to
hear it can't be done.
You MAY have found a bug in connection input filtering.
Maybe not. It's worth a look to see if that's the case.
Kevin Kiley
In a message dated 7/31/2007 5:53:10 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

Hash: SHA512

 People can get kinda short and blunt over here but be advised that the
 only bad discussion about technology is not having one at all and,
 in general, the constructive criticism is all well-intentioned.

Well, then we might just have to continue discussing this technology. I'd 
repost my original
question, and I kindly ask everyone just to forget all the OpenPGP stuff.

I want to Completely Transform a Request. 100% transformation.

Based on a certain logic, If an incoming request matches one of my action 
triggers, then I want to
apply a transformation to the 100% of the incoming request. I know I can do 
that when I just want to
modify brigade-by-brigade. But I need to read the WHOLE request before doing 
so. Even the METHOD
line. Even the headers. Even the body. All of it. Then, completely transform 
that into another
request, and have Apache process it.

With the current input filtering framework, at the connection level, I should 
be able to do it. But
I can't.

If you NEED an example of what I'd like to transform, and into WHAT i want to 
transform it, see this

What I'd like to transform:

Into WHAT I want to transform it: a completely different request (i.e 
different method line,
different headers and different body, and I can't do that in stages, I have 
to read the whole
request first).


- --
Arturo Buanzo Busleiman - Consultor Independiente en Seguridad Informatica
SHOW DE FUTURABANDA - Sabado 18 de Agosto 2007 (Speed King, Capital Federal)
Entradas anticipadas a traves de www.futurabanda.com.ar - Punk Rock Melodico

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at 

Re: Completely transform a request

2007-07-30 Thread TOKILEY
 Arturo wrote...

 Thanks for taking the time to discuss this with me. 
 I really appreciate it.

 I was able to read a whole pgp-encrypted request, 
 even a large 12+MB one using my code. I read the
 content-length header, then read up to that quantity of 
 bytes, saving the brigades to a context brigade. 
 Of course, I just DECLINE when the request is not 
That's all good news. You're almost there.
 Just send your headers normally, add the encrypted BODY, 
 and let the Server side conn-filter do it's thing on 
 the BODY data.
 Why isn't that good enough?

Ah... Ok... I get it now.
You have the 'content' encryption/decryption part
worked out but you want to also make sure no one 
between the client and the COS ( Content Origin Server ) 
can ever see where someone is going or what they
are asking for.
approach will, of course, always reveal the actual server 
being contacted unless the target is just running
as a portal in some other domain... so all you
are really trying to mask is the actual DOCUMENT
being requested and, perhaps, any associated 
QUERY parms. Right?
 I really want to put headers and URI, and body if 
 applicable. That's why the special POST request URI 
 I'm using has minimal headers. The real headers, 
 the real body, the real URI is inside the 
 encrypted body.
Ok... let's take a deep breath here.
Let's define what you are really trying to do and
maybe the reason you are having trouble implementing
it in Apache will be a little clearer.
The word for this is tunnelling.
You don't want to implement your own LOC ( Left
of Colon ) protocol named httpp ( http + PGP )
like Secure Socket Layer does ( https = http + SSL ).
You want to tunnel the real (encrypted) request 
through the non-secure HTTP protocol using a 
fake request that appears to be un-encrypted.
The problem you are running into is that you want
to let Apache's normal http protocol handler
answer the phone and then rip the rug out and
create the real request and discard the dummy one.
It's classic tunnelling with a twist.
You want to both tunnel and redirect.
No problem.
You SHOULD be able to do this, if you want, however 
quirky some might think the approach is.
By choosing to tunnel, however, you are missing
the opportunity to answer the phone.
Since the initial request appears to be a normal
HTTP request then all of Apache's normal http input
handlers are going to kick in right at the front door.
I don't think just a simple filter is going to do
all the job for you, in this case.
Keep in mind that the first line of input for any
HTTP server is not considered a Header at all.
It is called the HTTP method line and by the time
it is parsed by the server you have a whole bunch
of server variables that have been intialized and
the server now thinks it knows where it's going.
What FOLLOWS the HTTP method line are things
called input headers.
So even if you figure out how to vaporize the 
inbound fake headers and replace the buckets
with your own you are still going to have to
do something else to pull off your redirect
to the secret URI regardless of how you find
out what it really is.
Just to satisfy my own curiosity I worked up
a module here that is, in fact, able to do this.
It is by no means a working PGP demonstration but
it does do a simple imitation of what you are
trying to do.
In other words, I posted myself some gobbly-gook
which has an actual target URI in it and not only
am I able to filter the gobbly-gook and turn
it back into non-gobbly-gook I was able to simply
do a standard internal redirect to the URI once
I pulled it out of the non-gobbly-gook.
It's called an internal-redirect. Apache has been
able to do this for a long time and you need to
take a hard look at it and see if it will work for you.
The trick is that you are going to have to do the
same things that the existing Apache module
mod_rewrite does. 
It's the same concept as mod_rewrite only it needs
to happen a little later than usual.
Take a close look at mod_rewrite to see all of the
API calls it makes. You can make these same calls
yourself from within your filter and make it appear
as if mod_rewrite actually ran on your request.
So I was able to send a fake (dummy) request into
Apache, start filtering my posted gobbly-gook, pull
a real destination URI out of the gobbly-gook and 
then tell Apache to redirect to it.
It seems to work fine.
What this does NOT do is address your reported 
problem that you are having trouble vaporizing
existing request HEADER buffers and then replacing
them with your own.
You may, in fact, have found a bug there but it
may also simply be that you are too late in the
game to pull this from within a BODY data
input filter.
So the vaporization of existing input request 
headers and replacing them with others from within
filter code only ( and not a server hook ) is

Re: Completely transform a request

2007-07-28 Thread TOKILEY
 I wrote about this last week, on dev@httpd.apache.org, with a thread whose 
 was Introducing mod_openpgp:
Yes, I saw that.
It was your new question about Posting a Secret request and then trying
to re-dump it into Apache as a Trojan Horse that had me confused.
Is this the way you actually plan on implementing OpenPGP?
The Nestcape plugin just wakes up for every Navigation and then
rewrites the request into a POST buffer + encryption?
I really don't think that's going to fly in the long run.
Even if you go this route... is it only going to work with Nestsape,
or something? That's not much of an Open standard.
As to your last question... Nick Kew's post is on the mark.
Look hard and long at mod_ssl and mod_deflate.
If you need to get in there BEFORE the intial headers are processed
look at the mod_ssl code. It does the job.
If you don't care about intercepting the header's for your Trojan
POST then a simple rewrite of mod_deflate should do the job.
If it can't then there's still something essentially wrong with
the Apache 2.0 filtering design and it would be interesting to
find out.
If you really do need to vanish the entire original request including
the headers then you can still do that from within a non-connection
based filter but you are going to have to replace all the tables that
have already been created by Apache like request-headers_in 
with your own tables. The memory isn't protected at that point 
and it's no problem to do this, but I can't think of any existing
( public ) Apache filter that does this yet.
You could also just create an entire new 'sub-request' the moment
your filter wakes up and discard the original but be advised that
there are still some things that might not work as advertised for
a 'sub-request' that currenly work fine if the request is 'main'.
There are still some bugs lurking in that area.
Third alternative would be to look at the legacy mod_gzip code
for the Apache 1.3 series. It implements a connection filter just
like mod_ssl does but does NOT require EAPI or any rewrites
to standard Apache. The methods used in the legacy mod_gzip
will still work in the 2.0 series, if desired.

In a message dated 7/28/2007 10:03:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

Hash: SHA512

 It is, in fact, possible to do what you are trying to do but before
 anyone tells you how, in public, do you mind expaining, in public,
 what the heck you are actually trying to do here?

Hi :)

I'm writing a draft on OpenPGP extensions to the HTTP Protocol.

So far, I've implemented request signing, which enables apache to verify a 
request using openpgp.


I plan on implementing encrypted requests, too. I'm also currently writing a 
session management
extension. All client-side stuff is contained in a Firefox extension called 

I wrote about this last week, on dev@httpd.apache.org, with a thread whose 
subject was Introducing


I hope the answer to what the heck is now clear.

- --
Arturo Buanzo Busleiman - Consultor Independiente en Seguridad Informatica
SHOW DE FUTURABANDA - Sabado 18 de Agosto 2007 (Speed King, Capital Federal)
Entradas anticipadas a traves de www.futurabanda.com.ar - Punk Rock Melodico

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at 

Re: Completely transform a request

2007-07-28 Thread TOKILEY
 That's why I thought bringing the concept over here was a good idea. 
 I'm finally getting some constructive criticism!

It's an interesting idea. There have been years of work put into making
HTTP and Apache extensible for ideas just such as this one and regardless
of what anyone thinks of your idea if you can't implement it easily right now
then the ball just isn't into the end-zone yet on the Server design.
People can get kinda short and blunt over here but be advised that the
only bad discussion about technology is not having one at all and,
in general, the constructive criticism is all well-intentioned.
 Not really. I have many paths. One of them is almost fully avoiding pgp 
 inside a browsers plugin, and just write a proxy that implements the 
 functionality, and the same in reverse at the server side, so it's more 
 plugged into any browser/httpd app.
Ultimately, I think that's the way to go. You should have that setup available
regardless of anything else you cook up.
Even if your standards are approved by all the various parties involved
the horse has left the barn with clients and user-agents and even if they
wanted to implement your new scheme it would be years before it 
happened and then years after that before all the bugs were worked 
out for all the clients, probably. That's just the way it is.
It's still impossible to get all major clients up to speed on HTTP/1.1
RFCs alone, much less throw in something like this for them to implement.
I'm not trying to poo-poo your current plans.
Let's assume you just want to see it work the way you are going
and that it SHOULD be possible to do it with Apache's current design.
 The problem with an encrypted request is that, well, it doesn't work on 
Well, if it's a request headed at an Apache server then sooner or later you 
going to have deal with 'chunking'. If you are going to allow HUGE posts up to
Apache with your OpenPGP then at some point it better be able to 'chunk'
or you'll have to force the Server to think you are, at all times, a legacy 
1.0 client and then you can get conflict errors trying to use other headers.
But just for the sake of getting something to work... let's assume that you
are just trying to package simple, short HTTP requests and they will all
fit into one buffer read on the Server side. If you can't get that working 
all the chunking in the world isn't going to make any difference later.
...take into account I've already implemented reading and decrypting the 
 request withing the conn filter.
Ok. So help me out here. Why isn't that enough?
I think your problem at the moment might be in how you are implementing
things on the CLIENT side.
If you are able to run the request in your Mozilla/Firefox plug-in and add
the encrypted POST data to the request then why do you need the 
Trojan Horse thing?
Just send your headers normally, add the encrypted BODY, and let the
Server side conn-filter do it's thing on the BODY data.
Why isn't that good enough?
 If I had just to decrypt the body, it'd be quite easy. 
Yup. That's what filters are designed to do.
WHY do you need to encrypt the headers at all?
Help me understand.
If there is any piece of information outside the BODY that you
are trying to hide from normal view then why don't you just add
it to the normal request headers as an encrypted field... without
trying to encrypt ALL of the headers and create the Trojan Horse
scenario on the Server side?
Kevin Kiley

In a message dated 7/28/2007 11:31:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

Hash: SHA512

 Is this the way you actually plan on implementing OpenPGP?

Not really. I have many paths. One of them is almost fully avoiding pgp from 
inside a browsers
plugin, and just write a proxy that implements the required functionality, 
and the same in reverse
at the server side, so it's more easily plugged into any browser/httpd app.

In any case, Enigform, mod_openpgp, etc, are all things that help me find a 
solid base for
implementing Openpgp into http. For example, the way request signing was 
implement is quite straight
forward and http compliant. (see http://freshmeat.net/articles/view/2599).

The problem with an encrypted request is that, well, it doesn't work on 
chunks. I could make it work
on chunks, but that would include LOTS of overhead to the request. And I mean 
LOTS. Are you a GnuPG
user? You probably know what I'm talking about if you are.

 The Nestcape plugin just wakes up for every Navigation and then
 rewrites the request into a POST buffer + encryption?

Not Netscape, but Mozilla Firefox.

 I really don't think that's going to fly in the long run.

That's why I thought bringing the concept over here was a good idea. I'm 
finally getting some
constructive criticism!

 Even if you go this route... is it only going to work with Nestsape,

Re: Wrong etag sent with mod_deflate

2006-12-09 Thread TOKILEY
Let me preface all comments by saying that I AGREE with BOTH
Roy and Henrik... If Apache is sending the same exact (strong)
ETag value for both a compressed and an identity variant of
the same entity... then, according to current RFC content, 
that is broken behavior and it should be fixed.

You can take the part of the RFC that talks specifically about
how Weak Etags might seem ideal for compressed variants and
argue that against Henrik's point of view that a compressed
variant should ALWAYS be treated as a separate (unique) HTTP
entity but I don't want to go there. Not now, anyway.

Personally I tend to agree with the concept that even if DCE is 
employed ( Dynamic Content Encoding ) that any code that is
doing DCE ( versus Transfer Encoding ) should make that 
dynamically generated entity appear as if it was simply
a disk-based (separate) resource. 

DCE is, after all, just a magic trick. It is making it
APPEAR to end-users as if compressed variants of entities
actually physically exist and are being sent back to 
anyone ready/able/willing to receive them...

...and it's a GOOD TRICK, when done correctly.

 Roy wrote

 In other words, Henrik has it right.  It is our responsibility to
 assign different etags to different variants because doing otherwise
 may result in errors on shared caches that use the etag as a variant

See above. Totally agree.

 Justin wrote...

 As Kevin mentioned, Squid is only using the ETag and is ignoring the
 Vary header. That's the crux of the broken behavior on their part.

 Roy wrote...

 Then they will still be broken regardless of what we do here.  It simply
 isn't a relevant issue.

It's relevant to the extent that I think there are still some things
missing from the RFCs with regards to all this which is why a piece
of software like SQUID might be doing the wrong thing as well.

Best way I could elaborate on that feeling is to just walk
through Roy's scenario...

 Roy wrote...

 Unlike Squid, RFC compliance is part of our mission, at least when
 it isn't due to a bug in the spec.  This is not a bug in the spec.

 A high-efficiency response cache is expected to have multiple
 representations of a given resource cached.  

No doubt.

 The cache key is the URI.  


 If the set of varying header field values that 
 generated the cached response is different from the request set, 

...as when one browser asks for the a URI and sends 
Accept-encoding: gzip and another ask for the same URI
and does NOT supply Accept-encoding: gzip...

 then a conditional GET request is made containing ALL of the 
 cached entity tags in an If-None-Match field 
 (in accordance with the Vary requirements). 

...and, currently, if the cache has stored both a compressed and
and non-compressed version of the same entity received from Apache
( sic: mod_deflate ) then the same ( strong ) ETag is returned
in the conditional GET for both of the cached variants.

Hmmm... begins to look like a problem... but is it really?... 

 If the server says that any one of the representations,
 as indicated by the ETag in a 304 response, is okay, 

okay means fresh.

In the case of a DCE encoded variant, an argument could be made
here that it doesn't make a bit of difference if the ETag for
the compressed or non-compressed variant is the 'same' or it is
'different'. All the cache really wants to know is Is the
ORIGINAL ( uncompressed ) version of this response fresh
or not?

The compressed variant should ALWAYS be just the encoded version of 
the same original uncompressed entity. If the original uncompressed
version ( indicated by strong ETag 1 ) is not fresh then there is
no possible way for any compressed variant of the same entity
( marked by the same strong ETag 1 ) to be fresh. It's just
not possible.

So, in essence, when the Vary: has to do with just compression,
then the compressed and uncompressed variants are married in
a way that, perhaps, is not covered in the existing ETag RFC
specifications. The ETag CAN/SHOULD be the same because there
is no way for the original ( strong ETag ) to become not fresh 
without the other representation also becoming not fresh.

These kinds of Variants are Synced in a way perhaps not
( currently ) covered by the ETag specs.

 then the cached representation with that entity tag is sent to 
 the user-agent regardless of the Vary calculation.

sent to means the cache has received it's 304 response and 
decided what it CAN/SHOULD send back to the user, right?

Well... if you follow the argument above about how certain
variants are synced together then even if two variants on
the cache share the same strong ETag... then how can the
cache send back the wrong thing or NOT pay attention to
the Vary calculation on its end?

I don't know the exact details of the exact field problem
that Henrik is trying to solve but it seems to me that EVEN
THOUGH the compressed and non-compressed variants might
happen to share the same (strong) ETag... if SQUID is delivering

Re: Wrong etag sent with mod_deflate

2006-12-09 Thread TOKILEY
 Justin wrote...

 No - this patch breaks conditional GETs which is what I'm against.
 See the problem here is that you have to teach ap_meets_conditions()
 about this.  An ETag of 1234-gzip needs to also satisfy a
 conditional request when the ETag when ap_meets_conditions() is run is
 1234.  In other words, ap_meets_conditions() also needs to strip
 -gzip if it is present before it does the ETag comparison.  But, the
 issue is that there is no real way for us to implement this without a
 butt-ugly hack.

 However, I disagree with Roy in that we most certainly *do* treat the
 ETag values as opaque - Subversion has its own ETag values - Roy's
 position only works if you assume the core is assigning the ETag value
 which has a set format - not a third-party module.  IMO, any valid
 solution that we deploy must work *independently* of what any module
 may set ETag to.  It is perfectly valid for a 3rd-party module to
 include -gzip at the end of their ETag.  

...or -bzip2.

mod_bzip2 has been working fine for almost a year now and presents the
same issue Justin is talking about here.

It (can) generate it's own ETag values, if you want it to ( configurable ),
and ap_meets_conditions isn't going to know what to strip or not strip.


Re: Wrong etag sent with mod_deflate

2006-12-09 Thread TOKILEY
 And please stop lying about Squid.

C'mon Henrik. No one is intentionally trying to LIE about Squid.

If you are referring to Justin quoting ME let me supply a big
fat MEA CULPA here and say right now that I haven't looked
at the SQUID Vary/ETag code since the last major release
and I DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE what SQUID is doing ( or
not doing ) if/when it sees the same (strong) ETag for both
a compressed and an identity version of the same entity.


I should have made that perfectly clear along with any
opinion previously offered.

I apologize for that.

I also DID already state clearly in another post...

 I don't know the exact details of the exact field problem
 that Henrik is trying to solve...

Keyphrase --don't know the exact details

In my other posts, I was suggesting, however, that even if
an upstream content server ( Apache ) is not sending separate
unique ETags I am still having a hard time understanding why
that would cause SQUID to deliver the wrong Varied response
back to the user.

Something is nagging at me telling me that EVEN IF the same
(strong) ETag happens to be on both a compressed and a
non-compressed version of the SAME ENTITY that there 
shouldn't be a big problem in the field ( sic: A user not
getting what they asked for ). 

A compressed version of an entity IS the same entity... for
all intents and purposes... it just has compression 
applied. One cannot possibly become stale without the
other also being stale at the same exact moment in time.

 If you think something in our cache implementation of
 Vary/ETag is not right then say what and back it up with RFC reference.

At the moment... yes... I do... but if you read my other posts I
also have a feeling the reason I can't quote you Verse and Chapter
from an RFC is because I have a sneaking suspicion that there
is something missing from the ETag/Vary scheme that can 
lead to problems like this... and it's NOT IN ANY RFC YET.

It has something to do with being too literal about a spec and
ignoring common sense.

In other words... you may be doing exactly what hours and hours
of reading an RFC seems to be telling you you SHOULD do... but
there still might be something else that OUGHT to be done.

I hope the discussion continues.

This is something that has been lurking for years now and it
needs to get resolved.

There will always be the chance that some upstream server will
( mistakenly? ) keep the same (strong) ETag on a compressed
variant. People are not perfect and they make mistakes. I still
think that even when that happens any caching software should
follow the be lenient in what you accpet and strict in what you
send rule and still use the other information available to it
( sic: What the client really asked for and expects ) and 
do the right thing. Only the cache knows what the client
is REALLY asking for.


Re: Wrong etag sent with mod_deflate

2006-12-08 Thread TOKILEY
 In other words, Henrik has it right.  It is our responsibility to
 assign different etags to different variants because doing otherwise
 may result in errors on shared caches that use the etag as a variant

Henrik is trying to make it sound like it is all Apache's fault.
It is not.
SQUID is screwing up, too.

...shared caches that use the etag as a variant identifier.

To ONLY ever use ETag as a the end-all-be-all for variant 
identification is, itself, a mistake.

If the Vary: field is present... then THAT is what the entity
(also) Varies: on and to ignore that and only rely on ETag
is a screw-up.

I had this argument years ago with folks at the SQUID forum.
It was just prior to when they ( finally ) got around to adding any
support for Vary: at all but (limited) support for ETag:.

Regardless of whether it's DCC ( Dynamic Content-Encoding )
or not... if the entity Varies: on Content-encoding: but some
cache software is ignoring that just because it's ETag matches
some other stored variant... well... that's just WRONG.

Both pieces of software ( SQUID and Apache ) need just a 
little more code to finally get it right.

Don't forget about Content-Length, either. 
If 2 different responses for the same requested entity come
back with 2 different Content-Lengths and there is no Vary:
or ETag then regardless of any other protocol semantics the 
only SANE thing for any caching software to do is to recoginze 
that, assume it is not a mistake, and REPLACE the existing 
entity with the new one.

Yea.. sure... you might get a lot of cache bounce that way but
at least you are returning a fresh copy.

It is not possible for 2 EXACTLY identical reprsentations of the
same requested entity to have different content lengths.
If the lengths are different, then SOMETHING is different with
regards to what you have in your cache.

To ignore that reality as well ( which most caching software
does ) is just kinda stupid.

No protocol ( sic: set of rules ) can ever cover all the realities.
( Good ) software knows how to make common sense
as well.

Kevin Kiley


In a message dated 12/8/2006 11:45:44 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Argh, my stupid ISP is losing apache email again because they use  

On Dec 7, 2006, at 2:45 PM, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
 tor 2006-12-07 klockan 02:42 +0100 skrev Justin Erenkrantz:

 -1 on adding semantic junk to the existing ETag (and keeping it
 strong); that's blatantly uncool.  Any generated ETag from  
 should either be the original strong version or a weak version of any
 previous etag.  mod_deflate by *definition* is just creating a weak
 version of the prior entity.

No, it is changing the content-encoding value, which is changing the
entity.  The purpose of etag for caching is two-fold: 1) for freshness
checks, and 2) handling conditional range/authoring requests.  That is
why the spec is full of gobbledygook on etag handling -- it was
stretched at the last minute to reuse a very simple freshness check as
a form of variant identifier.

What we should be doing is sending transfer-encoding, not content- 
and get past the chicken and egg dilemma of that feature in HTTP.
If we are changing content-encoding, then we must behave as if there
are two different files on the server representing the resource.
That means tweaking the etag and being prepared to handle that tweak
on future conditional requests.

In other words, Henrik has it right.  It is our responsibility to
assign different etags to different variants because doing otherwise
may result in errors on shared caches that use the etag as a variant


Re: product name

2006-07-28 Thread TOKILEY

I wouldn't push the "Apache" thing.

Truth is... a letter could show up at any moment from lawyers
of the Apache Nation regarding the name usage.

Might even be way overdue.

I wouldn't "go there" and draw attention to the issue at all.

Kevin Kiley

In a message dated 7/28/2006 3:00:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Let me sugest::: Nahche ::Nahche (Na-ai-che, `mischievous,' `meddlesome.'-George Wrattan). AnApache warrior, a member of the Chiricahua band. He is the second sonof the celebrated Cochise, and as hereditary chief succeeded his elderbrother, Tazi, on the death of the latter. His mother was a daughterof the notorious Mangas Coloradas.why:1) looks vagly like Apache ;)2) has a link to Apache Indians3) Sounds cool

Re: restructuring mod_ssl as an overlay

2006-06-08 Thread TOKILEY

 Roy wrote...

 The sane solution would be to convince the US government to remove encryption from the export control list, since that regulation has been totally ineffective. That is not likely to happen during this administration, though, and I don't think the ASF is allowed to lobby for it directly.

Not going to happen in our lifetimes.

Since World War II, when modern cryptography/encryption/decryption
turned out to be the deciding factor in the conflict itself, it's all been
classified as 'muntions' right along with firearms and explosives and,
as such, is ( now ) under the jurisdiction of the ATF ( Bureau of 
Alchohol, Tobacco and Firearms. )

It isn't just a State Department policy thing.

Any change in the policy would involve tons of government agencies,
not just one.

 Roy also wrote...

 If anyone can think of another option, I'd like to hear it before proposing a vote.

Here's another option before doing anything drastic...

...get a professional opinion.

Roy... you have done fantastic research but I am seeing a lot of
'assumptions' in all the postings. ( Yours and others ). This isn't 
really something to get into with any 'assumptions'. You should be 
SURE that any changes are going to gey you ( ASF ) where you 
want to be.

Hypotheticals are fun but they don't get the horses into the barn.

Here is just one example from the postings... but an important one...

 The mere presence of mod_ssl source code appears to be sufficient to make the product as a whole covered by 5D002 export controls


Does it, or doesn't it?

mod_ssl is just a module. It doesn't do squat unless the OTHER
( Non ASF ) product is included in the compile. It's just a bunch
of hooks into someone else's product. Are you SURE mod_ssl
alone puts ASF into a 'danger zone' at all?

Another example would be the early posting where the (little) crypto
that IS included in Apache was shrugged off as 'insignificant'.
( MD5, SHA, Hashes, whatever ).

Well... maybe that's a reverse case where ASF is assuming that
isn't a problem but might, in fact, cause someone who doesn't
really, really understand these things ( like some Justice Department
lawyer ) some consternation.

Best bet is for ASF to actually get a RULING on the technology from
the State Department or whoever it is that would prosecute down the
road if their 'assumptions' don' t match your 'assumptions'.

Get it from the horse's mouth.

Get it in writing.

You could pay tons of lawyers to look into this and they could all
still turn out to be wrong. The only people who know what will satisfy
them are the people who would prosecute a violation.

ATF? They have jurisdiction for prosecution. Maybe they are the
ones who can supply the rulings.

You asked for additional options before going to vote.

That's my 'additional option'.

Wait... and find out the exact nature of the problem and then
be SURE the changes provide the proper solution ( if there even
is a problem in the first place ).


Re: Apache proxy behaviour...

2006-02-02 Thread TOKILEY

There is no such thing as an intermediate proxy that has any kind
of 'filtering' going on that won't, on some occasions, need to 'buffer'
some data. I believe even mod_include will 'wait' for tags to resolve
if they split across buffers.

The real questions to ask is...

Why is the proxy timing out? ( I.e. Why isn't it getting the rest of the data? )

If something is always taking a huge amount of time to come up with
the response then you just need to speed it up or increase your
proxy timeout.

Kevin Kiley

In a message dated 2/2/2006 7:14:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi there, 
I came with a problem which surprise me, as I thought Apache was working differently... 
We have Apache 2.0.55 working in reverse-proxy in front of different webservers. 
One of our website takes a long time to process requests and respond to the client. The proxy reaches its timeout and closes the connection. 
So, our developers created a webpage which sends small chunks of data so that the connection is never closed. 
I thought it would work as, for me, apache don't wait for the page to be complete before sending some chunks to the client... but instead it does ! 
In our configuration, Apache waits to have the entire page before sending it back to the client. Is it because of one of our module ? We are using, among other things, mod_rewrite, mod_proxy, mod_deflate, mod_security, mod_headers... 
Thanks for your help, 

Re: Directions for Win32 binary httpd

2005-12-03 Thread TOKILEY

As someone who knows all of the Windows build platforms well...
my 2 cents jives with your decision, Bill.

Using MSVC 6.0 at this point and keeping the makefiles
is the only 'sane' thing to do at this point.

There are ISSUES with just about any of the newer platforms
including the obvious "where o where did the makefiles go" stuff.

Someone said it a few messages ago ( I think it was you, Bill ).
httpd is an OPEN SOURCE project ( --keyword=source ).

Let other people who need/must/or just want to use some other
build environment have at it with other and find/solve the
issues and post solutions back to the project. That's how it's
supposed to work.

I know Apache is pretty much your "full time job", Bill... but that
still doesn't mean you're supposed to do EVERYTHING.


PS: Whatever became of that nifty perl script nmake makefile-to-project-file
conversion script you were working on? It was almost working fine
at one point? Maybe you should post that into a distribution and let
some other Perl wizard take it into the end zone. Might be needed later.

In a message dated 12/3/2005 3:19:17 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ok, I've come to a conclusion; for the coming release, only msvcrt.dll
builds under Visual C++ 6.0 make sense as our binary distribution.

I'm not suggesting we dismiss the potential win of supporting our Studio
2005 compiler users(!) But let's quickly compare...

 . binary users generally aren't building modules, they need to plug into
 widely distributed binary components.

 . source users generally can build anything from source, if they need to.
 If they want to interface several components, they can build our source
 tarball with any compiler they like, including the 1 year free license
 of Studio 2005.

 . it's pretty trivial to build/install httpd with one of several pretty
 minimal unix toolchains available.

It seems that most of the communites are still in VC 6. Remember the key
reason we keep using it, MS dropped support for exporting makefiles. With
no makefiles, you are roped into supporting only version x or newer Studio
products. With .dsp/.dsw solutions, we can export makefiles on the old
reliable VC 6, and users can load/convert these into Studio 2000/03/05.

So I'll move ahead with all the msi tweaks required for our changed files,
and we can reevaluate the state of things 6 mos or a year from now when we
are almost ready to ship Apache X :)

That's my conclusion, I'm still more than happy to hear out dissenting
opinions. Speak up quick, though, planning to have a package up in /dev/dist
by Sunday night for review, and push it out sometime early next week.


Re: pgp trust for https?

2005-11-09 Thread TOKILEY

Aw shucks... dad... you never let us have any fun.


Hmmm... HTTP/1.1 PGP based TLS mechanisms under Itanium?
Interesting ( and OT ).

In a message dated 11/9/2005 2:45:13 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Folks, somehow this thread diverged from HTTP/1.1 PGP based TLS mechanisms
into a fun-with-hardware-trust thread.

Please take this discussion to an appropriate security-wonk debating
club forum, such as vuln-dev or bugtraq, as it's all entirely off topic
on this forum.



Re: pgp trust for https?

2005-11-09 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 11/9/2005 4:12:50 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Bill wrote...

 So rather than spin off-topic threads, where's the discussion of taking
 something that exists, such as se-linux, and actually leveraging security
 features of more evolved security architectures? That's when things come
 back on-topic here.

Well... before you jumped in... I think we were just about to get there.

We were just starting to discuss the 'more evolved security architectures'
and how they can improve the chain of trust, etc... and how that might
come into play for the lads discussing the ( Thread title ) "pgp trust for https".

I am not affiliated with any company that directly manufactures or
ships Itanium products... but I happen to have 2 or 3 of the beasties
here and Peter is right... the answers to most people's well-worn
arguments about how you can't secure an OS are now laying right
on the coffee table ( once the solve the over-heating problems, LOL ).

There are parts of every server ( httpd included ) that should ONLY
run in the (new) protected IA64 'container' spaces. It's a given 
and it's inevitable.

 The httpd's security isn't off topic, I'll agree. Debating or promoting
 different ring and kernel architectures is off topic, though, when you
 aren't applying them to an operating system that httpd can run on. 

httpd runs fine on Itanium... it just hasn't even begun to take advantage
of the new architecture, that's all... and that's all I saw Peter throwing
out to the thread. It could... and it might represent some solutions
for the lads who started the thread.

 Of course anyone is welcome to take the httpd code off to their own project
 to develop embedded httpd in a truly secure environment.

Been there, done that.

It's interesting to discover the real success of APR when you
remove the operating system altogether and discover that Apache
is now so good at not caring what the OS really is that it doesn't
care much, either, when there is no OS at all.


Re: mod_deflate Vary header

2005-11-08 Thread TOKILEY

 Igor Sysoev wrote

 Actually, with MSIE 5.5+ appearance the chances that client can not
 decompress the response from downstream cache have increased.
 If MSIE 5.5 is configured to work via proxy with HTTP/1.0, then
 MSIE will never send "Accept-Encoding" header, and it would refuse
 the compressed content.

You are right on the first part. If you don't have the "Use HTTP/1.1
for Proxies" checkbox on then no "Accept-Encoding:" header
would be sent... ( principle of least astonishment applies here ).

...however... I think you will discover on closer inspection that
the second part is not true. Even if MSIE 5.x doesn't send an
"Accept-Encoding: gzip" header... it KNOWS it can decompress
and will do so for any response that shows up with "Content-encoding: gzip"
regardless of whether it sent an "Accept-Encoding: gzip" header.

It's part of the wild and whacky world of browsers. Netscape exhibits
similar behavior. Rather than rejecting something when they know
they can do it, regardless of protocol 'envelope'... they just go ahead 
and do it anyway.

There were ( are ) versions of Netscape, MSIE and Opera that were
capable of decompressing "Content-encoding: gzip" even BEFORE
they added any HTTP/1.1 support at all. 

Go figure.

 Actually, MSIE 5.5+ will cache the response with any "Vary" header
 if it also has "Content-Encoding: gzip" or "Content-Encoding: deflate"
 headers. But it refuses to cache if the response has no
 "Content-Encoding: gzip" header.

Thanks for pointing that out. You are right. I didn't make that
exception clear in last message.

If response has "Content-Encoding: gzip ( or deflate )" then
It HAS to cache it. It will even do so beyond all "Cache-Control:"

Both MSIE and Netscape actually USE their own
local cache to perform the actual decompression and,
as such, will ALWAYS write the compressed data to 
disk first regardless of any "Cache-Control:" directives
or "Vary:" headers or anything else, for that matter.

MSIE will end up with only the decompressed version 
in the cache but Netscape will end up with TWO copies of 
the response in it's local cache... the original compressed 
version and the decompressed version. 

Only problem with Netscape is that
it then goes brain-dead and forgets that it has 2 cached
copies of the same response and sometimes tries to actually
PRINT the compressed version of the response out of
it's local cache. Not sure they ever solved that one.

"Vary:" really doesn't hold much meaning for end-point
client caches, anyway, so it's curious that it actually affects
browser caching behavior one way or the other. "Vary:" is/was 
mostly meant to just help intermediate caches figure out "what to send"
to actual end-point agents ( the ones ASKING for the right response ).

I can't think of many HTTP response headers that would/should matter 
a hoot to the end-point browser as far as "Vary:" goes once it has 
a response to a request. It's all about 'freshness' from the end-point
cache's point of view. It's the browser that expects someone else to
"Vary:" the response based on the REQUEST headers it sent.

Only reason I ever heard for MSIE deciding to never cache any
response with a "Vary:" header ( Other than compressed responses )
goes back to some huge bug they had to fix that was being caused
by a "Vary:" header and, rather than actually add true "Vary:" support,
the quick fix was to just reject everything. Better to point the blame
upstream than ( God forbid ) show the user the wrong thing.

I believe Netscape used the same approach. If you can't do ALL
of the "Vary:" rules then safest thing to do is just reject it all
and let someone ( or something ) else worry about getting you
the right content. 

This was also SQUID's philosophy with regards to "Vary:"
in the not-too-distant past, before they made any attempt
to support multiple variants at all.

SQUID would never bother to cache ANYTHING that had
a "Vary:" header on it.

 My mod_deflate allows optionally to add "Vary" header to compressed
 response only.

So you still run the risk of only getting one variant 'stuck' in a
downstream cache. If the uncompressed version goes out at
'start of day' with no "Vary:" then the uncompressed version
can get 'stuck' where you don't want it until it actually expires.

Kevin Kiley

Re: mod_deflate Vary header

2005-11-04 Thread TOKILEY

This has been discussed many times before and no one
seems to understand what the fundamental problem is.

It is not with the servers at all, it is with the CLIENTS.

What both of you are saying is true... whether you "Vary:"
on "Content-encoding" and/or "User-agent" or not... there
is a risk of getting the wrong content ( compressed versus
uncompressed ) "stuck" in a downstream cache.

It is less and less likely these days that the cache will receive
a request from a client that CANNOT "decompress", but still
possible. Handling requests from clients that cannot decompress
have become ( at long last ) the "fringe" cases but are
no less important than ever.

Microsoft Internet Explorer ( all versions ) will REFUSE to cache
anything locally if it shows up with any "Vary:" headers on it.
Period. End of sentence.

So you might think you are doing your downstream clients a
favor by tacking on a "Vary:" header to the compressed data
so it gets 'stored' somewhere close to them... but you would
be wrong.

If you don't put a "Vary:" header on it... MSIE will, in fact, 
cache the compressed response locally and life is good.
The user won't even come back for it until it's expired on
their own hard drive or they clear their browser cache.

However... if you simply add a "Vary:" header to the same
compressed response... MSIE now refuses to cache that
response at all and now you create a "thundering herd"
scenario whereby the page is never local to the user for
any length of time and each "forward" or "back" button
hit causes the client to go upstream for the page each
and every time. Even if there is a cache nearby you would
discover that the clients are nailing it each and every time
for the same page just because it has a "Vary:" header on it.

I believe Netscape has the same problem(s).
I don't use Netscape anymore.
Anyone know for sure if Netscape actually stores "variants"
correctly in local browser cache?

Kevin Kiley

In a message dated 11/4/2005 4:55:02 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On 11/04/2005 07:36 AM, Florian Zumbiehl wrote:


Maybe I'm pessimistic, but I think, omitting the Vary header for
uncompressed ressources will lead to "poisoned" caches, which statistically
nearly always will request the uncompressed variant and so actually
*add* load to your server's bandwidth.
 Hu? Erm, could it be that you are thinking of load-reducing caches put
 directly in front of the web server? In that case, I wonder how the web
 server's bandwidth could be the bottleneck?!
 To put this straight: I was thinking about web servers behind
 V.90/ISDN/ADSL lines where _that_ line usually will be the bottleneck
 on any connections to the outside world and about caching proxies
 in that outside world ...

Yes, but if you do compression because some of your clients have low bandwith
connections (but are capable of receiving compressed pages) and access your
server via a proxy then not sending the Vary header can "poison" the cache in a way
you do not want. Because if the client which causes the proxy to cache the response
is not capable to receive compressed pages will cause the proxy to cache *only* the
uncompressed version of the page.



Re: Issues for 2.1.8

2005-09-22 Thread TOKILEY

I thnk we all understand what Bill is saying, there is
simpy normal, healthy disagreement. That's good.

Look... every now and then we ALL get the urgre to clean
up the room and move the furniture around and get the
dirty laundry off the floor. Bill thinks modules/experimental
is part of the 'cleanup' that he thinks should happen.
More power to him.

My 2 cents jives with Jim J, Brad and others.

Healthy discussion and it's nice to see... but
I don't think it's broken. Don't fix it.

Clean it up, sure. Try and make it 'tidier' and get rid of shit
that isn't going anywhere and nobody seems to care about,
but don't DEEP-SIX it.

Even if the directory is EMPTY for any particular release I
still think it is an ENTICEMENT to CONTRIBUTE.

It's very presence in the tarball is an INVITATION for those
who, as Shakespeare would say, are "Seeking the bubble
reputation even in the cannon's mouth". It says "Can you
think of something useful that we haven't yet?".

As stated before... it's just a perfect symbol of the way 
everyone should look at Apache... that is has NEVER been
'finished' or 'perfect', is not now, and never will be.

It is a total 'work in progress' at all times.

It is, in essence,a living'experiment' unto itself.

That's all.
Kevin Kiley

In a message dated 9/22/2005 11:18:35 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
But what you are suggesting is exactly what has proven NOT to work. Moving modules into sub-projects has already proven to kill the module. It needs to be included in the release. That is an essential part ofthe incubation process. modules/experimental WORKS!! That fact hasalready been proven true by the number of modules that have passedthrough modules/experimental and graduated to become standard modules. If it isn't broken, then why are you trying to fix it with somethingthat we already know DOESN'T work.Brad

Re: Issues for 2.1.8

2005-09-20 Thread TOKILEY

 Jim J. wrote...

 People will not use it unless they can *really* trust a module. Simply expecting people to migrate to it because of the theoretical benefits isn't quite wise, until it has proven itself. The idea is to make it easier for people to have access to a module, use it and test it. More exposure means more feedback and more bug-fixes (hopefully :) ). But simply "being there" isn't enough to expect world-wide usage, but "being there" is enough to hope that people have easier access to play around with it.

Well said, Jim.

The experimental modules section of the general release has
always been the 'enticing' part of the tarball and the "You can
play too" advertisement. It is the constant reminder that Apache
had never been, is not now, and will never be FINISHED.

You need to keep everything you've got to prevent the trend of
the last few years to keep from "closing in" and losing your
ability to attract new talent into your developer pool.

Kevin Kiley

Re: [PATCH] mod_cache. Allow override of some vary headers

2005-08-17 Thread TOKILEY

 In a message dated 8/17/2005 2:01:41 PM Central Daylight Time,
 CacheOverrideHeader Accept-Encoding gzip CacheOverrideHeader User-Agent gzip

 This would allow all browsers that send "Accept-Encoding: gzip" and do not match the BrowserMatches to be mapped to the same cache object. All the other variants would point to another object. This would be very useful in reverse proxy caches.

 Only patched mod_disk_cache, but mod_mem_cache should be trivial.
 This was all done in a few hours today, including testing.

What sort of testing did you do in those few hours?

If I could play devil's advocate for a moment... my concern would be that
you haven't considered certain scenarios that won't work with this patch.

Did you test a scenario whereby the COS ( Content Origin Server ) is 
actually trying to "Vary:" the content based on "User-Agent:" regardless
of the "Accept-Encoding:" value?

My concern would be that if you have to set this up using BOTH of the
following 'overrides'...

CacheOverrideHeader Accept-Encoding gzipCacheOverrideHeader User-Agent gzip

...that there might be times when the varied 'content' for 'User-Agent'
alone gets lost in the 'overrides'.

What would happen in this scenario...

COS has sent 2 totally different responses based on whether
'User-Agent' was MSIE or NETSCAPE.
Both of those responses were compressed ( Content-Encoding: gzip )
and they should have been stored as 2 different ( compressed ) 
'variants' for the same response based on ( non-overriden ) actual
value of "User-Agent" field.

If a request now shows up and hits your overrides and "User-Agent"
is overriden by the 'gzip' environment variable then does the 
requestor get the ( right ) compressed variant?


Re: [PATCH] fix incorrect 304's responses when cache is unwritable

2005-08-11 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 8/11/2005 12:42:35 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The code will remove the header file and the disk file; but it also likely needs to go up a 'level' and remove all variants. Because if we get a 404 on a varied entity, it also means that all variants should be removed, no?
Actually, no.

What you really should do if you are going to drop into 'cleanup' mode
on this base URI is RE-VALIDATE ALL THE VARIANTS and remove
any that return bad response codes but keep the ones that are
'still ok'.

It is possible ( and legal? ) for a COS ( Content Origin Server ) to return
a '404' on one variant of an entity but not on another.

I have seen CGI scripts that would do this very thing.

Kevin Kiley

Re: Supported Compilers

2005-03-23 Thread TOKILEY

 Is there a list of "supported" compilers? I am having to compile using
 gcc 2.96 and having some wierdness, but works fine on 3.3. It may be
 something else with the box, but just wanted to know if there was an
 "official" list.

 wasn't the 2.96 one the redhat special version (known to be weird)?

Yes. Absolutely. It should have NEVER shipped with any product.
It builds 'bogus' COFF and ELF images yet you will never get one
single warning or error message.

It's trash. Don't use it.

Kevin Kiley

In a message dated 3/23/2005 11:38:45 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is there a list of "supported" compilers? I am having to compile using
 gcc 2.96 and having some wierdness, but works fine on 3.3. It may be
 something else with the box, but just wanted to know if there was an
 "official" list.

wasn't the 2.96 one the redhat special version (known to be weird)?


Re: [PATCH] another mod_deflate vs 304 response case

2004-11-22 Thread TOKILEY

 At 10:26 AM 11/22/2004, Cliff Woolley wrote:
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Joe Orton wrote:

 There's another mod_deflate vs 304 response problem which is being
 triggered by ViewCVS on svn.apache.org: when a CGI script gives a
 "Status: 304" response the brigade contains a CGI bucket then the EOS,
 so fails the "if this brigade begins with EOS do nothing" test added for
 the proxied-304 case.

Okay, but why the next three lines? Why would Content-Encoding: gzip
*ever* be set on a 304?

Let me expand on this question...

... we've all seen broken browsers. Why attempt to gzip non-2xx
responses at all? I'd prefer (at least on servers with modest error
message responses) to ensure the user can *read* any error response,
in spite of any broken browser behavior w.r.t. deflate.

It seems like a flag (even default) dropping gzip from non-2xx class
responses could be a very useful thing. At least, if the browser
results are a mess, it's due to a good response.



Because some custom error response pages on some
sites are HUGE... and they WANT to compress them.

For a while there ( especially in Europe and most notably
in Germany ) it seemed like there was a contest going on
to see who could come up with the most bloated and 
complicated error response pages for their Web farm/
commercial Server. Tons of _javascript_ and flashing lights
and bouncing balls and advertising links, you name it.

I have seen some base error templates exceed 200,000 bytes
of HTML and _javascript_ just to say 'We're sorry... that page
can't be found'.

Bottom line: If someone WANTS to be doing this sort of thing
and they WANT to compress the responses they certainly
should be able to and it should all work.

Anything that prevents it from working is still just a bug that's
being ignored.

Suggestion: Make sure someone can compress any response
they want via config but then make sure to NOT recommend
doing certain things and let them swim at their own risk.
No lifeguard on duty.

Kevin Kiley

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/server protocol.c

2004-10-26 Thread TOKILEY

 In the case you just mentioned... it is going to take
 a special 'filter' to 'sense' that a possible DOS 
 attack is in progress. Just fair amounts of 'dataless'
 connection requests from one or a small number of orgins
 doesn't qualify. There are plenty of official
 algorithms around now to 'sense' most of these
 brute force attacks and ( only then ) pop you an
 'alert' or something.
 Just relying on a gazillion entries in a log file isn't
 the right way to 'officially' distinguish a DOS attack
 from just ( as Roy says ) 'life on the Internet'.

 Sure, you may need to have some logic to determine what makes
 an attack and what not, but you must have the log entry to
 begin with so you feed it to the algorithm.

Respectfully disagree.

There is no 'may' about it.

You MUST have SOMETHING that knows the difference
or you don't have DOS protection.

Also... if you wait all the way until you have a 'log' entry for
a DOS in progress then you haven't achieved the goal
of sensing them 'at the front door'.

What I was suggesting is some kind of 'connection' based
filter that has all the well-known DOS attack scheme
algorithms in place and can 'sense' when they are happening
before the Server gets overloaded.

Once the DOS protection kicks in... you don't get any
'log' entries at all... the goal is to prevent the connections
from ever turning into 'requests' that the Server has to
waste time processing.

It's your only chance to survive a real DOS attack.

Kevin Kiley

In a message dated 10/26/2004 8:50:11 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In the case you just mentioned... it is going to take
 a special 'filter' to 'sense' that a possible DOS 
 attack is in progress. Just fair amounts of 'dataless'
 connection requests from one or a small number of orgins
 doesn't qualify. There are plenty of official
 algorithms around now to 'sense' most of these
 brute force attacks and ( only then ) pop you an
 'alert' or something.
 Just relying on a gazillion entries in a log file isn't
 the right way to 'officially' distinguish a DOS attack
 from just ( as Roy says ) 'life on the Internet'.

 Sure, you may need to have some logic to determine what makes
 an attack and what not, but you must have the log entry to
 begin with so you feed it to the algorithm.

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/server protocol.c

2004-10-26 Thread TOKILEY

 You MUST have SOMETHING that knows the difference
 or you don't have DOS protection.
 Also... if you wait all the way until you have a 'log' entry for
 a DOS in progress then you haven't achieved the goal
 of sensing them 'at the front door'.

 I don't set myself that goal. I agree that it's the best place
 to detect a DoS but it's often not possible for various reasons.
 With that option not available I prefer to be able to detect
 DoS attacks anywhere I can.

Roger that.

 What I was suggesting is some kind of 'connection' based
 filter that has all the well-known DOS attack scheme
 algorithms in place and can 'sense' when they are happening
 before the Server gets overloaded.

 That does not need to be in web server at all. It can
 work from within the kernel, or be a part of a network

Double Roger That

Kevin Kiley

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/server protocol.c

2004-10-25 Thread TOKILEY

 For example, we had a problem report on #apache a couple of days ago
 which turned out, after considerable investigation, to be the result
 of a single host ip issuing hundreds of request connections in a few
 minutes. Whether this was a deliberate attack or simply a buggy
 client is not clear (to me) but the temporary solution of blocking
 the ip address was certainly within the server admin's abilities.

That could have easily just been one of these 'commercial'
companies that are just testing sites for 'availabilty' and 
publishing the results. There are lots of these.

Only one example...

These guys might hit you hard and fast at any moment
and they aren't sending any data... they just want to
see how fast you can 'answer the phone' and they
turn that into a 'site health' statistic.

Roy was right in his previous message.

Apache USED to try and log something for all
broken inbound connect requests but that, itself,
turned into a 'please fix this right away' bug report
when people's log files went through the roof.

In the case you just mentioned... it is going to take
a special 'filter' to 'sense' that a possible DOS 
attack is in progress. Just fair amounts of 'dataless'
connection requests from one or a small number of orgins
doesn't qualify. There are plenty of official
algorithms around now to 'sense' most of these
brute force attacks and ( only then ) pop you an
'alert' or something.

Just relying on a gazillion entries in a log file isn't
the right way to 'officially' distinguish a DOS attack
from just ( as Roy says ) 'life on the Internet'.

All major browsers will abandon pending connect threads
for a web page whenever you hit the BACK button, as well.
Connects in progress at the socket level will still complete
but no data will be sent because the threads have all died.
Happens 24x7x365.

The 5 second rule still applies.
If people don't see good content showing up within 5 seconds
they will click away from you and all the threads pending
connects to you die immediately but all you might
see are tons of 'dataless' connect completions on your end.
It's not worth logging any of it.

Kevin Kiley

In a message dated 10/25/2004 11:23:24 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is not an error that the server admin can solve -- it is normal
 life on the Internet. We really shouldn't be logging it except when
 on DEBUG level.

That was my first reaction, too. However, Ivan Ristic pointed out that
(in some cases, anyway) it is the result of a DoS attack, and there may
be something a server admin can do about it. Or, if not, at least they
might know why their server is suddenly performing badly.

For example, we had a problem report on #apache a couple of days ago
which turned out, after considerable investigation, to be the result
of a single host ip issuing hundreds of request connections in a few
minutes. Whether this was a deliberate attack or simply a buggy
client is not clear (to me) but the temporary solution of blocking
the ip address was certainly within the server admin's abilities.

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/server core.c protocol.c request.c scoreboard.c uti...

2004-10-22 Thread TOKILEY

Roy is right...

Willy-nilly throwing casts on data objects just to satisfy some
anal-retentive urge to not see any warnings appearing during a
compile is the absolute WRONG thing to do when it comes
to porting 32-bit code to 64-bit platforms.

The situation is NOT as simple as it was when 32-bits hit
the scene and everybody had to port all the 16-bit stuff.

I've been working with 64 bit for quite some time and I can
tell you that there are still many goblins lurking in this
department and many assumptions that are not true.


 Roy wrote...
 It is far safer to cast module-provided data from int
 up to 64 bits than it is to cast it down from 64 bit to int.

Probably... but there is an assumption being made there
on Roy's part. He is assuming that the cast will automatically
clear the high order 32 bits. One SHOULD be able to 'assume'
that in order not to violate the 'principle of least astonishment'
but, unfortunately, on some current 64 platforms this
is not the case.

A simple cast of an 'int' to a 'long long' ( or the equivalent 
64 bit wide data item ) will NOT 'clear' all the high order bits 
that reach the target. 

I am not going to name any names here on this (public) forum
but all I can tell you is that if you think a simple typecast
in ANY direction ( up or down ) on a 64 bit platform is 
automatically setting or clearing high/low order bits...
think again.

Consult with your chip manufacturer and read all defect
reports and read your 64 bit compiler or assembler
manual carefully.

Also... take a (careful) look at the ASM code being
produced. Trust... but verify.

Roy is absolutely right when he says that the only
way to go is from 'the bottom up' ( and keep those
chip and compiler manuals and defect reports close by ).

Kevin Kiley

In a message dated 10/22/2004 8:20:38 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The precursor to this patch "[PATCH] WIN64: httpd API changes"
 was posted 10/7 so I thought we had had suitable time for
 discussion. I have addressed the one issue that was raised.

That explains why I didn't see it -- I was in Switzerland.

 There have also been several other threads on the httpd  apr
 lists and the feedback I had received indicated the it was
 appropriate to sanitize the 64 bit compile even if it incurred
 httpd API changes. However if there are specific security issues
 that this has brought up I am more than anxious to address them.
 Are you opposed to changing the API to fix 64 bit warnings or
 are there specific issues that I can address and continue to
 move forward rather that back out the entire patch?

I am opposed to changing the API just to mask warnings within
the implementations. In any case, these changes cannot possibly
be correct -- the API has to be changed from the bottom-up, not
top-down. It is far safer to cast module-provided data from int
up to 64 bits than it is to cast it down from 64 bit to int.

Fix mismatches of the standard library functions first, then
fix APR, then carefully change our implementation so that it works
efficiently on the right data types as provided by APR, and finally
fix the API so that modules can work. If that isn't possible, then
just live with those warnings on win64.

In any case, changes like

 + /* Cast to eliminate 64 bit warning */
 + rv = apr_file_gets(buf, (int)bufsiz, cfp);

are absolutely forbidden.


Re: [PATCH] mod_disk cached fixed

2004-08-05 Thread TOKILEY

 Brian Akins wrote...

   Brian Akins wrote...
   Serving cached content:
   - lookup uri in cache (via md5?).
   - check varies - a list of headers to vary on
   - caculate new key (md5) based on uri and clients value of these headers
   - lookup new uri in cache
   - continue as normal
  Don't forget that you can't just 'MD5' a header from one response and
  compare it to an 'MD5' value for same header field from another response.

 This isn't what I meant. I mean get the "first-level" key by the md5 of 
 the uri, not the headers.

Ok... fine... but when you wrote this...

"caculate new key (md5) based on uri AND clients value of these headers"

The AND is what got me worried.

I thought you were referring to the scheme you proposed in an
earlier email where you WERE planning on doing just that...

 Brian Akins wrote...

 I actually have somewhat of a solution:

 URL encode the uri and any vary elements:
 Accept-Encoding: gzip
 Cookie: Special=SomeValue

 may become:

 A very simple hashing function could put this in some directory 
 structure, so the file on disk may be:


Should be pretty fast (?) if the urlencode was effecient.

 Brian Akins

Not that this wouldn't acutally WORK under some circumstances
( It might ) but it would qualify as just a 'hack'. It wouldnt'
qualify as a good way to perform RFC standard 'Vary:'.

 Brian Akins also wrote...
   BrowserMatch ".*MSIE [1-3]|MSIE [1-5].*Mac.*|^Mozilla/[1-4].*Nav" 
   and just "vary" on no-gzip (1 or 0), but this may be hard to do just
   using headers...
  It's not hard to do at all... question would be whether it's ever
  the 'right' thing to do.

 If you know alot about the data you can do this. In "reverse proxy" 
 mode, you would.

Take your logic just a tiny step farther.

I you know EVERYTHING about the data... then you CERTAINLY can/would.

You have just hit on something that should probably be discussed

The whole reason "Vary:" was even created was so that COS ( Content
Origin Servers ) could tell downstream caches to come back upstream
for a 'freshness' check for reasons OTHER than simple time/date
based 'expiration' rules.

I am not certain but I believe it was actually the whole "User-Agent:"
deal that made it necessary. When it became obvious that different
major release browsers had completely different levels of HTTP
support and the HTML that might work for one would puke on another
then it became necessary to have 'Multi-Variants' of the same
response. I am sure the 'scheme' was intended to ( and certainly
will ) handle all kinds of other situations ( Cookie values would 
be second, I guess ) but IIRC there was no more pressing issue 
for 'Vary:' and 'Multiple Variants of a request to the same URI' 
than to solve the emerging 'User-Agent:' nightmare.

So that's all well and good.

There really SHOULD be a way for any cache to hold 2 different
copies of the same non-expired page for both MSIE and Netscape,
when the only reason to do so is that the HTML that works for
one (still) might not work for the other.

But that leads back to YOUR idea ( concern )...

When does a response REALLY (actually) Vary and
why should you have to store tons and tons of 
responses all the time?

That's easy... when the entire response for the same
URI differs in any way from an earlier ( non-expired )
response to a request for the same URI... only then
does it 'actually Vary'.

If you MD5 and/or hard-CRC/cheksum the actual BODY
DATA of a response and it does not differ one iota
from another (earlier) non-expired response to a
request for the same URI... then those 2 'responses'

It is only when the RESPONSE DATA itself is 'different'
that it can be said the responses truly 'Vary'.

So here is the deal...

Even if you get 25,000 different 'User-Agents' asking
for the same URI... there will most probably only be
a small sub-set of actual RESPONSES coming from the
COS. It is only THAT sub-set of responses that need
to be stored by a cache and 'associated' with the
different ( Varying ) User-Agents.

So that doesn't mean a (smart) cache needs to store
25,000 variants of the same response... It only needs
to STORE responses that ACTUALLY VARY.

How the sub-sets of 'Varying' responses get 'associated'
with the right set(s) of 'Varying' header field(s)
( ie. User-Agent ) is something that the 'Vary:' scheme
lacks and was not considered in the design.

Topic for discussion?
Kindling for a flame ware?
Not sure... but you raise an interesting question.

 Brian Akins also wrote...
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...
  That's why it (Vary) remains one of the least-supported 
  features of HTTP.
 Squid supports it really well.

Look again.

Re: [PATCH] mod_disk cached fixed

2004-08-04 Thread TOKILEY

 Brian Akins wrote...

 Serving cached content:

 - lookup uri in cache (via md5?).
 - check varies - a list of headers to vary on
 - caculate new key (md5) based on uri and clients value of these headers
 - lookup new uri in cache
 - continue as normal

Don't forget that you can't just 'MD5' a header from one response and
compare it to an 'MD5' value for same header field from another response.

A "Vary:" check does not mean 'has to be exactly the same as the other one'.

It just has to be 'semantically' different.

You can have a header value that is formatted differently from another
and it is still, essentially, the SAME as another and does NOT VARY.

That includes different amounts of whitespace and a different
'ordering' of the 'values'. As long as the 'values' are the SAME
with regards to another header, then the header fields do

The only way to do it right is to be able to parse each and every
header (correctly) according o BNC and and compare them 
that way. Syntax or whitespace differences don't automatically
mean a header 'Varies' at all.

 The thing that sucks is if you vary on User-Agent. You wind up with a 
 ton of entries per uri. 

Yep. That's how 'Muli-Variants' works. There might be very good
reasons why every 'Varying' User-Agent needs a different 'Variant'
of the same response.

 I cheated in another modules by "varying" on an 
 environmental variable. Kind of like this:

 BrowserMatch ".*MSIE [1-3]|MSIE [1-5].*Mac.*|^Mozilla/[1-4].*Nav" no-gzip

 and just "vary" on no-gzip (1 or 0), but this may be hard to do just 
 using headers...

It's not hard to do at all... question would be whether it's ever
the 'right' thing to do.

The actual compressed content for different 'User-Agents' might
actually 'Vary:' as well so no one single compressed version of
a response should be used to satisfy all non-no-gzip requests
if there is actually a 'Vary: User-Agent' rule involved.

It's pretty hard to 'cheat' on 'Vary:'

That's why it remains one of the least-supported features of HTTP.

It's kind of an 'all or nothing' deal whereby if you can't do it ALL
correctly... then might as well do what most products do and
treat ANY 'Vary:' header as if it was 'Vary: *' ( Vary: STAR )
and don't even bother trying to cache it.

Kevin Kiley

Re: Aborting a filter.

2004-06-24 Thread TOKILEY

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Peter J. Cranstone wrote:

 Thanks... we're currently testing a new version of mod_gzip called

 For the record, I've fixed the problem. 


 It was a failure to support some of the compression flags. 
 Now I'll have to (side?)port it into a CVS version of mod_deflate ...

Suggestion: 99 time out of 100 these kind of errors from ZLIB
are going to come right off the bat when the ZLIB stuff first
reads the LZ77 'header'. Any 'incompatibilites' will discovered
right then and there.

What you probably ought to do in your filter is make the FIRST
ZLIB call and check the return code and, if bad, not even 
bother to compress. Just 'reject' it and shut down the filter
like you already do for other 'front door' reasons.

Once you start the compression and the filter is 'engaged'
and you have returned 'OK' it's too late to go back.

It would be VERY RARE to get past the initial header read
with ZLIB without an error and THEN run into a data error
somewhere in the middle of the compression. Whatever
error you might get would almost always be 'knowable'
at the point where you still have the chance to not even
do the compression at all and 'remove' the filter from
this particular response.

 [grumble] Why isn't this documented in the manpages or in zlib.h[/grumble]?

There is a LOT about ZLIB ( and GZIP, for that matter ) that isn't
documented anywhere. Welcome to the party.


In a message dated 6/24/2004 6:05:09 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Peter J. Cranstone wrote:

 Thanks... we're currently testing a new version of mod_gzip called

For the record, I've fixed the problem. It was a failure to support
some of the compression flags. Now I'll have to (side?)port it into
a CVS version of mod_deflate ...

grumbleWhy isn't this documented in the manpages or in zlib.h/grumble?


Re: [PATCH 1.3] Proxied Server:/Date: headers

2004-06-03 Thread TOKILEY

 William Rowe wrote...

I'd worked with some interesting java and cgi code which implements
proxy behavior, as opposed to using a compiled-in module such as
mod_proxy. In order to properly pass on the Server: and Date: headers
(which are owned by the origin server), this patch tests for the presence
of a Via: header, indicating the response is proxied.

If neither r-proxyreq nor a 'Via:' header exist, the server still overrides
the Server: and Date: responses, per RFC.

Not seeing any other feedback on this but thought I would
add my 2 cents.

I understand what you are talking about. Allowing CGI to
have finer grain control over what headers are ACTUALLY
returned with a response has always been an issue
with Apache. Only a MODULE really has the API calls
for that kind of 'out the door' control and sometimes not
even enough...

...but this sound like a real hack.

Using 'Via:' to ASSUME anything, much less making it
a permanent patch to the production code, just sounds
like a bad idea. You just can't depend on anyone 
actually using 'Via:' at all. The patch might actually
create more problems than it solves.

Maybe the discussion really should be centered on the
classic issue that this problem represents...

How can CGI gain better control over the actual 
'on the wire' header output? ( Override Server
default behavior, when necessary, etc... ).

Maybe the OTHER discussion going on about 
mod_headers is actually RELATED to this.

 Syntax: Header set|append|add|unset|echo header [value [env=[!]variable]]

Someone who wants to do 'proxy behavior' from CGI and not a 
module probably SHOULD be able to coordinate the actual
return header content by using ENVIRONMENT variables 
in conjunction with mod_headers.


1. CGI decides ( However it can ) that Server: field should
either be changed on the return OR remain the same.

2. CGI supplies the RIGHT 'Server:' header

3. CGI also ( somehow? ) tells core Server to RESPECT
the decisions it has made and actually USE the
new Server/Date header(s) on the return trip and not default
to something else. Some environment variable signal
like "Use_the_headers_I_am_giving_you_as_is"?

Or maybe what you are talking about here is just some
new way for the CGI ( decision maker ) itself to be
able to directly set the the r-proxyreq flag BEFORE
it 'returns' if/when the CGI decides that needs to be done.

Right now... you are right... that's something that only
mod_proxy or some other MODULE code can do.

Better access to core server variables from CGI?
A new API to do that? Don't know. 

I just think the 'Via:' thing is bad idea and doesn't
rise to the level of needing to be a permanent patch.


Original Message from William Rowe...

Still hoping for some feedback. Note that this proposal affects anyone
who tries to implement a proxy feed from CGI, modperl, tomcat, php,
or any other interesting mechanism, where the user can't manipulate
the r-proxyreq flag :)


Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 13:02:14 -0500
From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'd worked with some interesting java and cgi code which implements
proxy behavior, as opposed to using a compiled-in module such as
mod_proxy. In order to properly pass on the Server: and Date: headers
(which are owned by the origin server), this patch tests for the presence
of a Via: header, indicating the response is proxied.

If neither r-proxyreq nor a 'Via:' header exist, the server still overrides
the Server: and Date: responses, per RFC.

Comments appreciated.


Re: mod_proxy distinguish cookies?

2004-05-05 Thread TOKILEY

 Roy T. Fielding wrote:

 I do wish people would read the specification to refresh their memory
 before summarizing. RFC 2616 doesn't say anything about cookies -- it
 doesn't have to because there are already several mechanisms for marking
 a request or response as varying. In this case
 Vary: Cookie
 added to the response by the server module (the only component capable
 of knowing how the resource varies) is sufficient for caching clients
 that are compliant with HTTP/1.1.

 Graham wrote...

 My sentence "RFC2616 does not consider a request with a different cookie 
 a different variant" should have read "RFC2616 does not recognise 
 cookies specifically at all, as they are just another header". I did not 
 think of the Vary case, sorry for the confusion.

"Vary" still won't work for the original caller's scenario.

Few people know this but Microsoft Internet Explorer and other
major browsers only PRETEND to support "Vary:".

In MSIE's case... there is only 1 value that you can use with
"Vary:" that will cause MSIE to make any attempt at all to
cache the response and/or deal with a refresh later.

That value is "User-Agent".

MSIE treats all other "Vary:" header values as if it
received "Vary: *" and will REFUSE to cache that
response at all.

This means that if you try and use "Vary:" for anything
other than "User-Agent" then the browser is going to
not cache anything (ever) and will be hammering away at
the unlucky nearest target ProxyCache and/or Content Server.

Why in the world an end-point User-Agent would only be
interested in doing a "Vary:" on its own name ( which it
already knows ) ceases to be a mystery if you read the
following link. The HACK that Microsoft added actually
originated as a problem report to the Apache Group itself
back in 1999...

URI title: Client bug: IE 4.0 breaks with "Vary" header.


Microsfot reacted to the problem with a simple HACK that
just looks for "User-Agent" and this fixed 4.0.

That simple hack is the only "Vary:" support MSIE really
has to this day.

The following message thread at W3C.ORG itself proves
that the "Vary:" problem still exists with MSIE 6.0 ( and other
major browsers )...


There is also a lengthy discussion about why "Vary:" is a 
nightmare on the client side at the mod_gzip forum.
The discussion centers on the fact that major browsers will
refuse to cache responses locally that have 
"Vary: Accept-encoding" and will end up hammering 
Content Servers but the discussion expanded when it
was discovered that most browsers won't do "Vary:" at all.


As far as this fellow's 'Cookie' issue goes... there is, in fact, a 
TRICK that you can use ( for MSIE, anyway ) that 
actually works.

Just defeat the HACK with another HACK.

If a COS ( Content Origin Server ) sends out a 
"Vary: User-Agent" then most major browsers
( MSIE included ) will, in fact, cache the response
locally and will 'react' to changes in "User-Agent:"
field when it sends out an "If-Modified-Since:' 
refresh request.

If you create your own psuedo-cookies and just hide
them in the 'extra' text fields that are allowed to be
in any "User-Agent:" field then Voila... it actually WORKS!

I know that's going to send chills up Roy's spine but
it happens to actually WORK OK.

Nothing happens other than 'the right thing'.

MSIE sees a 'different' "User-Agent:" field coming
back and could actually care less WHAT the 
value is... it only knows that it's now 'different' and
so it just goes ahead and accepts a 
'fresh' response for the "Vary:".

If this fellow were to simply 'stuff' his Cookie into the
'extra text' part of the User-Agent: string and send
out a "Vary: User-Agent" along with the response
then it would actually work the way he expects it too.

Nothing else is going to solve the problem with MSIE,
I'm afraid, other than this 'HACK the HACK'.


Re: mod_proxy distinguish cookies?

2004-05-05 Thread TOKILEY

Hi Neil...
This is Kevin Kiley...

Personally, I don't think this discussion is all that OT for
Apache but others might disagree.

"Vary:" is still a broken mess out there and if 'getting it right'
is still anyone's goal then these are the kinds of discussions
that need to take place SOMEWHERE. Apache is not the
W3C but it's about as close as you can get.

I haven't looked at this whole thing for a LOOONG time so
I had to go back and check my notes regarding the 
MSIE 'User-Agent' trick.

As absurd as it sounds... you actually got the point.

"User-Agent:' IS, in fact, supposed to be a 'request-side'
header but when it comes to "Vary:"... the world can
turn upside down and what doesn't seem to make any
sense can actually WORK.

Unfortuneately... I can't find the (old) notes I had about
exactly what I did to make the "Vary: User-Agent" trick
actually work with MSIE. I was just mucking around and
never had any intention of implementing this as a solution
for anything but I DO remember somehow making it WORK
( almost ) just the way you are doing it.

If I have some time... I'll try to find those notes and the
test code I know I had somewhere that WORKED.

Another fellow who just responded pointed out that
"Content-encoding:'" seems to be another field that
MSIE will actually react to when it comes to VARY.

Well... it had been so long since I mucked with all
this I had to go back and find/read some notes.

The fellow who posted is SORT OF right about
"Content-Encoding:" LOOKING like it can "Vary:"
but it's not really "Vary:" at work at all.

The REALITY is explained in that link I already
supplied in last message...


Unless there has been some major change or patch to MSIE 6.0
and above then I still stand by my original research/statement...

MSIE will treat ANY field name OTHER than "User-Agent"
that arrives with a "Vary:" header on a non-compressed
response as if it had received
"Vary: *" ( Vary: STAR ) and it will NOT CACHE that response
locally. Every reference to page ( Via Refresh, Back-button, 
local hyperlink-jump, whatever ) will cause MSIE to go all
the way upstream for a new copy of the page EVERY TIME.

Maybe this is really what you want? Dunno.

The reason it also LOOKS like "Content-Encoding" is 
being accepted as a VARY and MSIE is sending out
an 'If-Modified-Since:' on those pages is NOT because
it is doing "Vary:"... it's for other strange reasons.

Whenever MSIE receives a compressed response
( Content-encoding: gzip ) then it will ALWAYS
cache that response... even if it has been specifically
told to NEVER do that ( no-cache, Expires: -1 , whatever ).

It HAS to. MSIE ( and Netsape ) MUST use the CACHE FILE
to DECOMPRESS the response... and it always KEEPS
it around.

Neither MSIE or Netscape nor Opera are able to 'decompress'
in memory. They all MUST have a cache file to work from
even if they are not supposed to EVER cache that 
particular response. They just do it anyway.

So... to make a long story short... MSIE will always 
decide it MUST cache a response with any kind of
"Content-Encoding:" on it and it will set the cache 
flags for that puppy to 'always-revalidate' and that's
where the "If-Modified-Since:" output is coming from
which makes it LOOKS like "Vary:" is involved...
but it is NOT.

However... in the world of "Vary:" you run into this snafu
whereby you can't differentiate between what you are
trying to tell an inline Proxy Cache 'what to do' versus
an end-point user-aget.

Example: If you are a COS ( Content Origin Server ) and
you want a downstream Proxy Cache to 'Vary' the 
( non-expired ) response it might give out according to
whether a requestor says it can handle compression
or not ( Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate ) then the right
VARY header to add to the response(s) is

"Vary: Accept-Encoding"

and not 

"Vary: Content-Encoding".

The "Content-Encoding" only comes FROM the Server.
The 'decision' you want the Proxy Cache to make can
only be based on whether a requestor has sent
"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" ( or not ).

If there is no inline Proxy ( which is always impossible to tell )
and response is direct to browser then the same "Vary:"
header that would 'do the right thing' for a Proxy Cache
is meaningless for the end-point user-agent itself.

The User-Agent never 'varies' it's own 'Accept-Encoding:'
output header ( unless you are using Opera and clicking
all those 'imitate other browser' options in-between requests
for the same resource ).

One of the biggest mis-conceptions out there is that browsers
are somehow REQUIRED to obey all the RFC standard 
caching rules as if they were HTTP/x.x compliant Proxy

They are NOT. The RFC's themselves say that end-point
user agents can be 'implementation specific' when it comes
to caching and should not be considered true "Proxy Caches".

Most major browsers DO 'follow the rules' ( sort of ) but 
none of them could be considered true HTTP 

Re: mod_proxy distinguish cookies?

2004-05-05 Thread TOKILEY

 Neil wrote...

 Thanks again Kevin for the insight and interesting links. It seems to me
 that there are basically three components here: My server, intermediate
 caching proxies, and the end-user browser. From my understanding of the
 discussion so far, each of these can be covered as follows:

 1. My server: Cookies can be understood (i.e. queries are
 differentiated) by my server's reverse proxy cache.

Sure... but only if you are receiving all the requests WHEN
and AS OFTEN as you need to. ( User-Agents coming back
for pages when they are supposed to )...

 2. Intermediate caching proxies: I can use the 'Vary: Cookie' header to
 tell any intermediate caches that cookies differentiate requests.

Nope. Scratch the word 'any' and substitute 'some'.

There are very few 'Intermediate caching proxies' that are able to
'do the right thing' when it comes to 'Vary:'.

MOST Proxy Cache Servers ( including ones that SAY they are
HTTP/1.1 compliant ) do NOT handle Vary: and they will simple
treat ANY response they get with a "Vary:" header of any kind
exactly the way MSIE seems to. They will treat it as if it was
"Vary: *" ( Vary: STAR ) and will REFUSE to cache it at all.

Might as well just use 'Cache-Control: no-cache'. It will be the
same behavior for caches that don't support "Vary:".

SQUID is the ONLY caching proxy I know of that even comes
close to handling "Vary:" correctly but only the latest version(s).

For years now... even SQUID would just 'punt' any response
that had any kind of "Vary:" header at all. It would default
all "Vary: xx" headers to "Vary: *" ( Vary: STAR ) and
never bother to cache them at all.

Even the latest version
of SQUID is still not HTTP/1.1 compliant. There is still a lot
of 'Etag:' things that don't get handled correctly.

It's possible to implement "Vary:" without doing full "Etag:"
support as well but there will always be times when the 
response is not cacheable unless full "Etag:" support
is onboard.

So you CAN/SHOULD use the "Vary: Cookie" response
header and it WILL work for SOME inline caches... but
be fully prepared for users to report problems when the
inline cache is paying no attention to your "Vary:".

 3. Browsers: Pass the option cookie around as part of the URL param list
 (relatively easy to do using HTML::Embperl or other template solution).
 So if the cookie is "opts=123", then I make every link on my site be of
 the form "/somedir/example.html?opts=123...". This makes the page look
 different to the browser when the cookie is changed, so the browser will
 have to get the new version of the page. 

Not sure. Maybe.

I guess I really don't follow what the heck you are trying to do here.

What do you mean by 'make every link on my site be of the form uri?'

Don't you mean you want everyone USING your site to be sending
these varius 'cookie' deals so you can tell who is who and something
just steps in and makes sure they get the right response?

You should not have to 'make every link on my site' be anything.
Something else should be sorting all the requests out.

I guess I just don't get what it is you are trying to do that falls
outside the boundaries of normal CGI and 'standard practice'.

AFAIK 'shopping carts' had this all figured out years ago.

Now... if what you meant was that every time you send a PAGE
down to someone with a particular cookie ( Real Cookie:, not
URI PARMS one ) and you re-write all the clickable 'href' links
in THAT DOCUMENT to have the 'other URI cookie' then yea
I guess that will work. That should force any 'clicks' on that
page to come back to you so that YOU can decide where
they go or if that Cookie needs to change.

But that would mean rewriting every page on the way out the door.

Surely there must be an easier way to do whatever it is you
are trying to do.

Officially... the fact that you will be using QUERY PARMS at
all times SHOULD take you out of the 'caching' ball game
altogether since the mere presence of QUERY PARMS in
a URI is SUPPOSED to make it ineligible for caching at
any point in the delivery chain.

In other words... might as well use 'Cache-Control: no-cache'
and just force everybody to come back all the time.

 ...This makes the the page look
 different to the browser when the cookie is changed, so the browser will
 have to get the new version of the page. 

Again.. I am not sure I would say 'have to'.

There is no 'have to' when it comes to what a User-Agent may or
may not be doing with cached files. Most of them follow the rules
but many do not.

I think you might be a little confused about what is actually going
on down at the browser level.

Just because someone hits a 'Forward' or a 'Back' button on some
GUI menu doesn't mean the HTTP freshness ( schemes ) always
come into play. All you are asking the browser to do is jump 
between pages it has stored locally and that local cache is
not actually required to be HTTP/1.1 compliant. Usually is NOT.

Only the REFRESH button ( or CTRL-R ) can FORCE 

Re: deflate input filter and jk

2004-03-31 Thread TOKILEY


 Hi to all,

 A new question to HTTP / RFC gurus.

 A customer has developped a custom PHP HTTP client,
 using HTTP 1.0 and compression.

That's like mixing Vodka and Beer... something could
easily puke... but OK... I hear ya...

 This HTTP client compress both request and replies.

Sure, why not.

 For replies it works great but for request we have
 a doubt.

I imagine so, yes.

 Since the HTTP client compress a request there is in
 HTTP header :

 Content-Encoding: gzip

 Also the Content-Length is set to the size of the
 plain request (not the size of the compressed request).

 Is it correct or should it send the Content-Length with
 the size of the compressed request ?

 In such case, it seems that mod_deflate INPUT filter should
 modify the Content-Length accordingly ?

 Thanks for your help

You've got some messed up code on your hands, Henri.

In your particular case... Content-length should ALWAYS be 
ACTUAL length of the number of bytes on the wire. Anything else 
is going to screw something up somewhere.

You have to remember the difference between 'Content-Encoding:'
and 'Tranfer-encoding:'. 'Transfer-Encoding:' is TRANSPORT
layer thing but 'Content-Encoding:' is a PRESENTATION 
layer thing.

When any HTTP request or response says that it's BODY DATA
has 'Content-type: ' and/or 'Content-Length: ' what that
really meant ( in early HTTP terms ) is...

Content-Type: = Original MIME type of original data (file).
Content-Length = Actual length of original data (file).

The original assumption in early HTTP was that this would always
represent some file on some disk and the 'Content-type:' was
usually just the file extension (mapped) and the 'Content-length:' was 
whatever a 'stat()' call says the file length was.

When Content started to get produced dynamically ( does not
exist until asked for ) things got a little sticky but the CONCEPT
is still the same. Content-type: is supposed to be the MIME type
'as-if' the 'file' already existed and 'Content-length' would be the
exact number of ( PRESENTATION LAYER ) bytes 'as-if' the
'data file' was sitting on a disk somewhere.

If ANYTHING steps in to alter or filter or convert the 'content'
at the PRESENTATION layer then it MUST change the 'Content-Length'
as well because from the 'Content-x' perspective... the
content has, in fact, changed at the PRESENTATION layer.

There is no HTTP header field that looks like this...

Original-Content-Length:  - Length of data before P layer content changed

All you have to work with is this...

Content-length:  - Length of P layer data NOW after something changes it.

RFC 2616 says...

4.4 Message Length
3. If a Content-Length header field ( section 14.41 ) is present, its
decimal value in OCTETs represents BOTH the entity-length and
the transfer-length. The Content-Length header field must NOT be sent
if these two lengths are different [snip]

What this really means is...

3. If a ( PRESENTATION layer ) Content-Length header field 
( section 14.41 ) is present, its decimal value in OCTETs represents 
BOTH the entity-length ( Actual PRESENTATION layer length ) and
the transfer-length. ( TRANSPORT layer length - actual number of 
bytes on the wire ). The Content-Length header field must NOT be sent
if these two lengths are different [snip]

The last part is kind of moot since it's not uncommon at all for
presentation layer content-length to be 'different' from the actual
transport layer length. You will see it all the time 'out there'. The
only thing that gets you into real trouble is when the actual length
of the data is MORE than whatever the 'Content-length:' field says
it's supposed to be.

Example: Even with all the above being said... it is actually OK to
leave 'Content-Length:' set to the original size of the file IF you are
using GZIP or DEFLATE ( or any LZ77 ) to compress the content.
As long as the specified 'Content-length:' ( original size ) is MORE
than the number of compressed LZ77 bytes on the wire you will
usually still be OK.

Why?... because GZIP and ZLIB and all other LZ77 decompressors
already KNOW what the original content length was and they don't
need HTTP to tell it to them. The size of the orignal file is (usually)
contained in the LZ77 headers.

Even 'streamed compression' ( sic: ZLIB ) will KNOW when the 
decompression has ended. There's an EOD signal built into
the stream itself... but that doesn't mean the Server will know
what the decompressor 'knows'.

Which brings us to your 'action items', methinks.

If you are using 'streamed compression' ( Sic: ZLIB ) then there
will only be 2 ways that the Server knows how many bytes the
Client is actually SENDING...

1. The Content-Length in the request header is, in fact, the transfer
length and the Server will stop uploading data when that length is
reached and won't 'timeout' or anything waiting for more data that
never arrives.

2. The Client is using HTTP/1.1 and "Transfer-encoding: 

Re: mod_deflate vs mod_gzip

2004-03-30 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 3/30/2004 8:06:52 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi to all,

 One of my customers is trying to use to an Apache 2.0.47 using mod_deflate.

 Its HTTP implementation works with Apache 1.3.x and mod_gzip but
 not with Apache 2.0.47 and mod_deflate.

 The PHP gzinflate and gzuncompress were used but without luck
 and even when skipped 10 first chars.

 Any help welcome.

 A beer to winner.

C'mon, Henri... you know better than that.
That's not enough information for anybody to even guess at the problem.

mod_deflate WORKS... there's no doubt about that.
It might be missing some config stuff to please everybody but
I doubt that it's actually screwing up.

Can you throw us a bone here?

What is this person trying to do?

Kevin Kiley

Re: mod_deflate vs mod_gzip

2004-03-30 Thread TOKILEY

Hi Henri...
Kevin again...

Willing to try and help, Henri... but you've got to give us 
something to go on here.

You are asking for crystal-ball debug.
The job doesn't pay enough for that.

 Peter Cranstone wrote...

 What about trying mod_gzip with Apache 2.x?

That would at least tell them SOMETHING.
If even mod_gzip doesn't work then you can turn on 
mod_gzip debug and the Apache log will be filled with
more than you ever wanted to know about trying to
perform DCE ( Dynamic Content Encoding ) and what
may or may not be going wrong.


In a message dated 3/30/2004 9:47:53 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 In a message dated 3/30/2004 8:06:52 AM Central Standard Time, 
  Hi to all,
  One of my customers is trying to use to an Apache 2.0.47 using 
  Its HTTP implementation works with Apache 1.3.x and mod_gzip but
  not with Apache 2.0.47 and mod_deflate.
  The PHP gzinflate and gzuncompress were used but without luck
  and even when skipped 10 first chars.
  Any help welcome.
  A beer to winner.
 C'mon, Henri... you know better than that.
 That's not enough information for anybody to even guess at the problem.
 mod_deflate WORKS... there's no doubt about that.
 It might be missing some config stuff to please everybody but
 I doubt that it's actually screwing up.

I know but I need arguments and may be some help or advices.

 Can you throw us a bone here?

Well I didn't have access to my customer code so I could only
forward the informations I've got.

 What is this person trying to do?

A customer which didn't allow me to give its name :)

Any help if welcome, and I could try to grab part of
the PHP code of my customer

Re: mod_deflate vs mod_gzip

2004-03-30 Thread TOKILEY

 May be also something related with transfer and chunk.

Perfectly possible.

 Stay tuned

Glued to the TV at this point.


In a message dated 3/30/2004 10:22:28 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Hi Henri...
 Kevin again...
 Willing to try and help, Henri... but you've got to give us
 something to go on here.
 You are asking for crystal-ball debug.
 The job doesn't pay enough for that.

Ok, my customer allow me to send the PHP code to the list
so it could be studied.

  Peter Cranstone wrote...
  What about trying mod_gzip with Apache 2.x?
 That would at least tell them SOMETHING.
 If even mod_gzip doesn't work then you can turn on
 mod_gzip debug and the Apache log will be filled with
 more than you ever wanted to know about trying to
 perform DCE ( Dynamic Content Encoding ) and what
 may or may not be going wrong.

May be also something related with transfer and chunk.

Stay tuned

Re: mod_deflate - disabling per response?

2004-03-10 Thread TOKILEY

 Hmmm... What I'm really looking for is a response 
 header or some such that I can set in my JSP page or servlet in Tomcat to 
 indicate that the response should be left alone

 Jess Holle

I assume you want to be able to add a response header from your
back-end that looks something like this...

X-Do-not-compress-this: Dummy_value

mod_deflate has no such pickup at this time... but you
can easily just add this yourself.

Just take a look at ../modules/filers/mod_deflate.c

At the point where 'deflate_out_filter()' kicks in you have
access to both the input (request) headers and the output
(response) headers so you can pretty much do whatever you want.

The routine is already checking for things in both the input
and output headers with (actual) statements like...

accepts = apr_table_get(r-headers_in, "Accept-Encoding");

encoding = apr_table_get(r-headers_out, "Content-Encoding");

You can just add your OWN check right there amongst the
other 'checks' and shut down the filter based on whatever
criteria you like.

Here are the actual 4 lines of code that will 'shut down'
the compression filter if it doesn't see 'Accept-Encoding'
in the input (request) header(s)...


/* if they don't have the line, then they can't play */
accepts = apr_table_get(r-headers_in, "Accept-Encoding");
if (accepts == NULL) {
 return ap_pass_brigade(f-next, bb);


All you would have to do is just copy these 4 lines of code
right underneath where they appear and just make
a few little changes...


/* If a back-end server tells us not to compress this response then OBEY... */
if ( apr_table_get(r-headers_out, "X-Do-not-compress-this") ) {
 return ap_pass_brigade(f-next, bb);


That's it. You don't even need a scratch pointer to do this since
all you would be doing is checking for the presence of the
special 'X-Do-not-compress-this:' header coming from the back-end
server. The 'Dummy_value' doesn't matter. It only matters if the
header itself is present. If it has an 'X-' on the front then you don't even
need to worry about removing it. Just leave it there and all downstream
proxies and agents SHOULD 'ignore it'.

Actually... a good case could be made for leaving it there in case
someone gripes about something not getting compressed when
they think it should. If the header makes it all the way back to
the 'griper' then there is no doubt what 'happened'... it was
specifically EXCLUDED from being compressed and it was
not 'an accident' or 'a bug'... it's a 'feature'.

If you wanna get fancy you could do this...


/* If a back-end server tells us not to compress this then OBEY... */
no-compress = apr_table_get(r-headers_out, "X-Do-not-compress_this");
if ( no-compress ) {
 apr_table_unset(r-headers_out, "X-Do-not-compress-this");
 return ap_pass_brigade(f-next, bb);


If you go this route be sure to add the 'scratch pointer'
named 'no-compress' to the stack variables declared at
the top of the function...


if (!ctx) {
 char *buf, *token;
 const char *encoding, *accepts;

...Would need to have your 'scratch' pointer added to it like this...

if (!ctx) {
 char *buf, *token;
 const char *encoding, *accepts, *no-compress;

This line...

apr_table_unset(r-headers_out, "X-Do-not-compress-this");

...will search the output headers for all headers matching
this string and will REMOVE them from the output header(s).

Caveat: See notes above about good reason(s) to actually LEAVE
the 'X-Do-not-compress-this:' header there if/when it is used.

BTW: mod_gzip for the Apache 1.2.x series and above has
always had the ability to do this sort of thing.

You can always 'control' what is or isn't getting compressed
with simple configuration commands like...

mod_gzip_item_exclude rspheader "X-Do-not-compress-this: *"

That single mod_gzip configuration line accomplishes the same
purpose as the code shown above.

If a RESPONSE header appears ( from the back-end or wherever )
named 'X-Do-not-compress-this:' or whatever ( totally up to you
and defined in the config ) and it has any kind of 'value' at all 
then it will match the STAR regular _expression_ search and the
the response will excluded from compression.

mod_deflate will certainly ( at some point ) need better
configuration-based control over the decision making process
than it currently has.

I hope this has been of some help.

No one else seemed to be responding so I thought I would put
my 2 cents in.

Kevin Kiley

In a message dated 3/5/2004 1:35:35 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Geoffrey Young wrote:
Jess Holle wrote:
My apologies if this is better done on the user group, but I've been
reading Apache source code and trying to understand the following.

Is there any way to signal mod_deflate that a particular response should
not be deflated when:

 1. the URL of the request is identical to other cases that 

Re: consider reopening 1.3

2003-11-17 Thread TOKILEY

Geez... it's nice to discover everybody hasn't just dropped dead!

I see a lot of healthy 'things to do' coming out of this
thread that could inject a lot of life back into the
development... which is what the various threads the past
few days have all been about.

Action items?...

Facts to face?...

FACT?: Apache 2.0 pre-fork ( which is the only thing still available on
some of the best platforms ) is SLOWER than Apache 1.3 pre-fork.

This gives someone who might be stuck with one of those pre-fork
only platforms, or anyone who just WANTS to stick with pre-fork,
absolutely NO INCENTIVE to upgrade at all ( ever! ).

The whole module-rewrite thing is another issue but as long as
the same process model is SLOWER in the 'new' version than the
'old' version you have a serious migration roadblock that
isn't going to go away.

Okay... problem identified... what to do?

- Verify that's it's true. ( seems to be ). You have to
  KNOW, yourselves, where you are on the stopwatch and not
  wait for usrs to tell you.
- If it's not (true)... do some marketing and make sure people KNOW IT.
- If it is... fix it. Make it NOT TRUE.

I popped off and looked at 2.0 code again just now and I can tell
you right now it's (still) the filtering that's killing it.

The core filters are going to need to be totally optimized
and kick-ass if there's any chance of 2.0 matching 1.3 speed...
and that's before anybody loads any 'extra' (optional)
filters ( other than core ).

I don't think this is something any one person can do considering
no one seems to really have the 'whole picture' of the filtering
at this point and the orignal (primary) author is gone.

I have a few suggestions but I'm not even sure I have
the 'whole picture' on how to improve things.

One idea, of course, is to code in some BYPASSES ( on a config
switch? Dunno ) that would allow 2.0 pre-fork core filters to not
actually use the filtering (scheme) at all and put it right back
into 1.3 performance range.

I am by no means suggesting you bring back BUFF for the core
filters... but I AM suggesting there might be ways to
BYPASS all the BUCKET_BRIGADE stuff at the core level, if
that's the way someone wants to run it.

The moment someone starts loading a lot of 'optional' modules
you'd probably have to re-engage the filtering but I'll bet
you a dollar to a donut there are a LOT of people running Apache
with nothing but out-of-the-box options and CORE filters only.

You might even be suprised how MANY people just run it that way.

I think you would see a MAJOR bump in 2.0 usage numbers
if there was any way 2.0 pre-fork could be FASTER than 1.3
in a same-box same-environment scenario.

You can't really fix the module-migration roadblock nearly
as easily as you could FIX THIS.

FACT?: There are still some non-maintenance mode things that
people have already expressed they would like to see added
to 1.3.x and probably more 'ideas' lurking nearby.

I say... let it happen.

Whether it was 'officially' closed or not... when someone
can't get a 2 line logging patch added to 1.3 after 6
months of trying then that is CLOSURE no matter how you
look at it. Make it not so.

Just let it be known that 'worthy' additions to 1.3
are still WELCOME and maybe some fresh air will blow
in the window.

FACT?: One of the biggest roadblocks to 2.0 migration is
( and will remain ) module migration.

No one even knows how many freakin' 'in-house' modules there
are out there ( security, auditing, billing, etc. ) that people
depend on for their 'business' needs but you can be sure those
'in-house' modules are what bring home their bacon and are
MORE important to them than Apache itself.

In a lot of cases these people are using (private) modules
written FOR them by someone who is long... long gone and
they really don't have the faintest idea how to get it
'migrated' to some 'new version'.

It's too late to talk about total forward-backward compatibility
for 1.3 and 2.0 modules ( that opportunity was already blown
at the design stage ) but it IS POSSIBLE to start a discussion
about providing better 'compatibility' between modules.

Example: If a simple Apache 1.3 module is already NOT using
APR but simply relies on the old BUFF API wrappers... it's
perfectly possible to just 'load' that module and run it
under Apache 2.0. No kidding.

All you have to do is have some way for 2.0 to 'fake' the
old BUFF calls with a 'filter wrapper' around that
(simple) module. You might even be able to do it by
'ifdef'ing the old BUFF calls with new MACRO calls
but that would require a re-compile.

This would require some ( a lot? ) of code in the core
module loader/runner that isn't there right now but

If Microsoft can carry their DLLs forward through 3
major architecture changes... you can do the same.

It just takes adding the right 'smarts' to the Server itself.

FACT?: Whatever the target codebase... it's become nearly
impossible to get patches 

Re: consider reopening 1.3

2003-11-17 Thread TOKILEY

Last benchmarks I have currently are quite old.

I think the last time I ( just a USER of Apache ) did
any serious benchmarking was 2.0.40 or something...
but the results were right inline with what Rasmus
just posted. 

Apache 2.0 pre-fork was a pig compared to Apache 1.3 prefork.

If I get some time off from my 'real' job in the next little while
I will try and get you some benchmarks... but if you read my
last message you will see that it says...

 FACT?: - That's a QUESTION MARK there.

 - Verify that's it's true. ( seems to be ). You have to
 KNOW, yourselves, where you are on the stopwatch and not
 wait for usrs to tell you.
 - If it's not (true)... do some marketing and make sure people KNOW IT.
 - If it is... fix it. Make it NOT TRUE.

That's kinda parta the problem right at the moment, isn't it?

Apache 2.0 has been out for almost 2 years and nobody
seems to be sure WHAT the real performance numbers are???

That's just an indication of how bad the lethargy has become
and/or how piss-poor the rollout follow-up on 2.0 has been.


In a message dated 11/17/2003 2:01:13 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 FACT?: Apache 2.0 pre-fork ( which is the only thing still available on
 some of the best platforms ) is SLOWER than Apache 1.3 pre-fork.

Do you have a supporting benchmark available? Benchmarking a PHP script as
Rasmus did does not express anything about the httpd.

Please don't continue to distribute misleading information again and again
you know nothing about.


Re: consider reopening 1.3

2003-11-17 Thread TOKILEY


So Rasmus has just uncovered some 'other' problem then
which means (only) mod_perl is a pig on 2.0 or something?

I guess that's better than the core being the problem.

I'd like to see this get put to bed once and for all and eliminate
it from the 2.0 migration discussion(s).

Got any real numbers?

What if sendfile was added to 1.3? I wonder how it
would all stack up then?

Last time I checked... 'sendfile' was not available on all platforms.
What would the numbers look like on those platforms?


In a message dated 11/17/2003 3:02:24 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:05:33AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 FACT?: Apache 2.0 pre-fork ( which is the only thing still available on
 some of the best platforms ) is SLOWER than Apache 1.3 pre-fork.

Not for me it's not. Especially with sendfile.

Colm MacCárthaigh Public Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: consider reopening 1.3

2003-11-17 Thread TOKILEY

 You are right, apache 2.0 pre fork is  apache 1.3 prefork...

Maybe. Maybe not. My 'FACT?:' header had a QUESTION MARK there.

Just in the last 4 or 5 messages on this thread the actual
reality has become even more obfuscated.

Rasmus seems to be saying it's a pig... but maybe he's 
simply uncovered a serious I/O problem in mod_perl 
or something other than the core itself.

Colm says the opposite.

I DON'T KNOW what the REAL story is.

Maybe nobody does. Nobody's bothered to find out for sure.

But wouldn't it be nice to know.. since this product has
more of a monopoly in it's target market than even 
Microsoft does in any of theirs?

To this day ( almost 2 years after the relase of 2.0 ) no one
has done any serious benchmarking... not even Covalent.
If they have... I've never seen it. URI?

All I know is that last time I (personally) tested Apache 2.0 
pre-fork against Apache 1.3 pre-fork the 'new' version was
losing hands-down as compared to the 'old' version.

'sendfile' doesn't do jack-squat for you if have a platform that
doesn't even fully support it and/or when the responses are 
dynamic and not static 'files'... which is more and more the
reality these days.

Your other points are WELL TAKEN.

I don't think anyone would say that there should NOT
be an MPM for Apache. 

If you have Natvie threads ( Windows ) or 3rd party threads ( UNIX )
then at least you have options.

If you have FreeBSD you are still kinda screwed but I'm sure
SOMEONE is going to fix that.

In the meantime... while all this is getting hashed out...
the subject of the thread is 'consider reopening 1.3'.

Whatever else is going on with 2.0... I say +1 to that.

Personally... I've always wondered how fast 1.3 could be
with full 'sendfile'.


In a message dated 11/17/2003 4:09:37 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You are right, apache 2.0 pre fork is  apache 1.3 prefork...
But one nice feature of apache 2.0 is to provide other mpm more powerfull.

worker mpm is  apache 1.3.
If you look all benchmark of web server, you will see that all are now 
providing threaded architectures because it's more stable and faster.
Did you see all speed benchmark ? for example IIS 6 is really faster 
than apache 1.3 and a bit than threaded mpm of apache 2.0.
Apache 2.0 is able to run on old plateform not using threaded mpm and 
also to run "faster" on the lastest plateform using threads...

I also read here that companies prefer buy load balancer than take a 
faster web server... it's right in 50% of them, but not for the 50% of 
the others who want load balancer + webserver performance.
And what about companies not able to buy load balancer, running a 
webserver for many services, (i think to all these companies selling 
packaged and hosted webserver) and using a basic linux distribution, or 
a BSD distrib ? i think they could be happy to use the real power of 
threads than stay on Apache 1.3. (which one of them not want to announce 
more power, and more security ?).
Apache is fighting against webserver now providing powerfull features 
_ONLY_ based on threaded architectures.
And i think in the future it will be based more and more on this, if 
not, why all unix kernel are working and now providing thread lib and 
function more and more powerfull ???

What about all this new features in Apache 2.0 which is oriented (IMHO) 
for web application, what about the security of them ? the entire and 
easy control of input and output data due to filters ?
Apache 1.3 is working fine yes... but did you see all new features 
provided by others webserver, based on apps, apps security, and apps speed ?
Apache 2.0 is designed to give a solid answer to this, on all actual and 
future needs. it's just asking to become more and more stable.

For me, Apache 1.3 will become more and more stopped to give place to a 
more powerfull solution, able to run latest applications and features.

(I am benchmarking the speed of Apache 2.0 for 1 years and an half now, 
with a special and dedicated request injector architecture able to 
simulate connexions, hits, auth etc...
And yes, worker mpm is faster than apache 1.3. )

In Apache 2.0 I trust :p



 Last benchmarks I have currently are quite old.

 I think the last time I ( just a USER of Apache ) did
 any serious benchmarking was 2.0.40 or something...
 but the results were right inline with what Rasmus
 just posted.

 Apache 2.0 pre-fork was a pig compared to Apache 1.3 prefork.

 If I get some time off from my 'real' job in the next little while
 I will try and get you some benchmarks... but if you read my
 last message you will see that it says...

  FACT?: - That's a QUESTION MARK there.

  - Verify that's it's true. ( seems to be ). You have to
  KNOW, yourselves, where you are on the stopwatch and not
  wait for usrs to tell you.
  - If it's not (true)... do some marketing and make sure people KNOW IT.
  - If it is... fix it. Make it NOT 

Re: consider reopening 1.3

2003-11-17 Thread TOKILEY

Hi Colm...

Cead mile failte romhat!
Go raibh maith agat!

Wow... I believe everything you are saying... and
please don't take this the wrong way... but I'm not
sure a test that only runs for 1.1 second and 1000
requests with 100 clients being launched ( on the
same machine? ) is a good way to get accurate results
especially in the TPS ( Transactions Per Second )
numbers. The rounding errors alone could be huge
with so little time on the clock.

Try same test for a reasonable amount of TIME and
see if it's any different.

Rasmus recent benchmark shows the EXACT 
OPPOSITE and I think you have certainly just proved
that something is seriously wrong with THAT test...
but I'm not sure yours is the end-all be-all proof either.

When I get the chance... I'll run the same ( 6 hour )
benchmark against 2.0.47 that I did sometime back
for 2.0.40 and see what that says.

At that time... I did the same 'out of the box' thing
you just did and got the EXACT OPPOSITE results.
Apache 2.0 prefork was about twice as SLOW as
1.3 prefork... not twice as fast.

Man, this is confusing.

( Pionta Guiness le do thoil... fer sure )

Later... ( Slainte )...

In a message dated 11/17/2003 4:17:57 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 04:40:02AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Got any real numbers?

Completely unconfigured, out of the box configs;

Apache 1.3.29;

Concurrency Level: 100
Time taken for tests: 2.54841 seconds
Complete requests: 1000
Failed requests: 0
Write errors: 0
Total transferred: 1883090 bytes
HTML transferred: 1466192 bytes
Requests per second: 486.66 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 205.484 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 2.055 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent
Transfer rate: 894.47 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
 min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 1.8 0 13
Processing: 17 193 38.7 196 297
Waiting: 17 192 38.7 196 296
Total: 23 194 37.8 196 297

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
 50% 196
 66% 201
 75% 206
 80% 209
 90% 223
 95% 252
 98% 272
 99% 280
100% 297 (longest request)

Apache 2.0.48 (using prefork):

Concurrency Level: 100
Time taken for tests: 1.110512 seconds
Complete requests: 1000
Failed requests: 0
Write errors: 0
Total transferred: 1909712 bytes
HTML transferred: 1460368 bytes
Requests per second: 900.49 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 111.051 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 1.111 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent
Transfer rate: 1678.51 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
 min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 3 3.2 3 13
Processing: 21 100 14.1 103 142
Waiting: 3 96 14.2 100 142
Total: 32 103 11.9 106 143

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
 50% 106
 66% 107
 75% 107
 80% 108
 90% 109
 95% 110
 98% 114
 99% 123
100% 143 (longest request)

That's completely unconfigured. Apache 2 is *much* more configurable,
and it's possible to make things much faster. It's not just faster,
it's capable of scaling much better. Two weeks ago I was sustaining
8,000 simultaneous connections and throughing out a about 300 Meg
of traffic. On the same hardware, 1.3 would never get close to that.
I used to get problems when dealing with a few hundred connections.

And before you ask; pre-fork. Btw, it's not as if you can just
disregard the other mpm's. They exist, and they are much faster
again than prefork. You can't just ignore progress because it
doesn't work on every platform.

There are other ways in which 2.0 is much better, mod_*_cache are good 
examples of how it's possible for admins to serve requests a lot faster, 
especially if they have slow disks and so on. 

 Last time I checked... 'sendfile' was not available on all platforms.
 What would the numbers look like on those platforms?

Much much much better. I turn off sendfile on purpose, because TCP
checksum offloading problems with my Gigabit NIC's means I can't use
it for IPv6. 

The friday before last, I was shipping 440Megabit's of traffic from one 
machine using httpd. That was using pre-fork, without sendfile. The notion 
that 2.0 does not outperform 1.3 is laughable, it does.

Now it may underperform it in some configurations, and a lot of people
report that they see slowdown with dynamic content, especially php,
but that's not the same thing as saying 2.0 is slower. I'm telling you,
it's certainly not in my configuration.

Colm MacCárthaigh Public Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache 2.0 Uptake thoughts

2003-11-15 Thread TOKILEY

 William Rowe wrote...

 ...Ignoring for a moment the 9.13% of Apache servers that don't
 reveal their version whatsoever, ang ignorning rounding errors,
 3.57% of the servers out there use some 2.0 version of Apache,
 so that 6% of Apache servers (identifying themselves)
 run 2.0 as opposed to another version.

Question for ya... using the same URI...


...your numbers are not out of line but I don't see how you
got all the way to 6 percent.

For ALL Servers ( Apache or otherwise )...

I get 3.6 pct. using some flavor of 2.x
and only 2.36 pct. of Secure Servers.

Within the subset 'Servers identified as Apache'...

I get 5.4 pct. for ALL Servers and 5.11 for Secure Servers
using any flavor of 2.x


Report date: November 1, 2003


Total Servers found: 12,220,278

Total reporting themselves any flavor of Apache: 7,979,368

Server Name   Found  Pct.
- -- 
Apache/2.0.40 181671 1.49
Apache/2.0.47 143631 1.18
Apache/2.0.46 030733 0.25
Apache/2.0.45 028823 0.24
Apache/2.0.44 018745 0.15
Apache/2.0.43 017849 0.15
Apache/2.0.39 008280 0.07
Apache/2.0.47 002450 0.02 * - Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.47
Apache/2.0.42 002117 0.02
Apache/2.0.44 001859 0.02 * - Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.44
Apache/2.0.36 001360 0.01
- -- 
  437518 3.60

3.6 pct. of ALL Servers are using
any flavor of Apache 2.x.

5.4 pct. of all Apache servers found
are using any flavor of Apache 2.x.


Total Secure Servers found: 154,477

Total reporting themselves any flavor of Apache: 71,541

Server Name   Found  Pct.
- -- 
Apache/2.0.40 001627 1.05
Apache/2.0.47 000770 0.50
Apache/2.0.46 000306 0.20
Apache/2.0.43 000257 0.17
Apache/2.0.45 000248 0.16
Apache/2.0.44 000198 0.13
Apache/2.0.39 000161 0.10
Apache/2.0.47 51 0.03 * - Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.47
Apache/2.0.42 22 0.01
Apache/2.0.44 17 0.01 * - Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.44
- -- 
3657 2.36

2.36 pct. of ALL Secure Servers are using
any flavor of Apache 2.x.

5.11 pct. of all Apache Secure Servers found
are using any flavor of Apache 2.x.


 Personally, I'm pleased by a 6% uptake in a software
 application that doesn't have to change till someone
 needs the new features, given that we continue
 to provide the security patches people need for their
 existing 1.3 infrastructure.

Well... then I wonder what the percentage of folks is
that have NEVER needed the 'new features' and what it
will take to EVER get them to upgrade if they haven't
already done so?

That's obviously ( after almost 2 years of waiting to
find out ) the majority of users, by far... and may remain
so until...  ... forever ??? Don't know.

 Of course it will only grow higher if folks trust 2.0
 and can get their problems solved, which the current
 dialog in [EMAIL PROTECTED] I hope will help address.

Got any comments back in the other thread about any of
the following 'suggestions'?

- Close 1.3 to ALL patches ( security included ) and
  finally put the nails in the coffin lid.

- Re-open 1.3 for additions, changes, new things, since
  it's obvious ( by now ) that the majority of Apache users don't
  even need/want 2.x.

- Maintain active development on ALL versions of Apache.

Maybe the simple reason a lot of people haven't bothered to
go anywhere near Apache 2.0 is that they simply don't realize
that 1.3.x is 'dead man walking' as far as this devlist is concerned.

If they embrace that horror... maybe the 2.x numbers will JUMP

I don't know... an 'annoucement' or something that makes it
CLEAR to the average 1.3.x joe that he's now using 
'obsolete/unsupported' software?

Kevin Kiley

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread TOKILEY
In a message dated 11/13/2003 12:53:42 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

By the by...

Covalent signs my paycheck.

And if you look at 1.3, you'll see that I've been pretty
key on staying on top of it.

Kind of blows away your theory, don't it?


Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread TOKILEY
Hi Bill...
This is Kevin...

 William Rowe wrote...

 We value individual contributions here, not
 corporate affiliation.

We means ASF, right?

If so... then I think you just nailed the whole point
of this thread, if I am reading the original poster's
concerns correctly.

There doesn't CURRENTLY seem to be much evidence that
what you just said is TRUE.

'Individual' attempts to contribute are getting IGNORED
and the last few words of this message thread's subject
line are just asking to hear from the powers that be
what they intend to do about that ( solutions please ? ).

Requiring people to post and re-post and re-post patches
until they are blue in the face and/or need to start
shouting from mountaintops ( or find a 'backdoor' or 'inside
track' into the 'real inner cirlce' like the last guy
finally did ) is no way to 'walk the walk' that you
just talked ( We value individual contributions ).

Prove it.

Make it EASY to contribute... not a nightmare.

I think that's all the guy is asking for.

( and before you come back with the standard Are YOU
willing to review patches, then? at least I'll be honest
and say there's NO WAY right now or for the forseeable
future. Unlike you... I am NOT paid to work on Apache and
I just don't have the time. Besides, I'm also about 100%
sure you don't want me reviewing patches for Apache.
Newcomers can go read some archived messages
if they are curious about the history there. )

 Nobody has ever gotten a 'pass' into the Apache
 HTTP Server for their employment or their employers

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

I never suggested any such thing.

I never came near saying that Covalent or any of it's
myriad Apache developers were getting 'free passes'
to anything. It still takes votes to do things at
Apache and even though there are times when the
vote count includes mostly Covalent people ( like when
Apache 2.0 was released too early ) there is always
the VETO as a safety catch. It was never exercised
because as far as anyone knows nothing un-toward
was going on.

Apache is stil a 'meritocracy'... but isn't that
part of what the guy who started this thread is
complaining about?

He tried for 4 months to even get a leg up on
the bottom rung of the 'meritocracy' and no one
gave a shit. I would say that's a short-circuit
to the whole scheme itself. The powers that be
stay the powers that be unless 'new' people are
being give the chance to show what THEY can do.

 The fact that folks, such as Brad and Madhu,
 are committers and PMC members is a result of their
 personal dedication to the project and that the project
 is proud to count them as members, regardless of current
 employment status.

Then that means there was a time when they first tried
to post a patch as well. What was their experience?
Good, bad, or ugly?

How did they get a 'leg up' in the meritocracy?

I'm not asking these questions for myself... It's no
mystery to me and I know exactly how it's done and
how many rungs there are on that ladder. I am asking
the questions on behalf of the original poster and
I think the answers might fill out the thread subject.

If you look at what has REALLY happened in the past
3 years ( yes... going back that far since it's now 4 or
5 years since 2.0 became a real blib on the radar ) there's
no question that there was this intense period of
development and 'new' things were happening at
a fast rate.

Without a doubt this period of development was abnormally
intense for any five year old open source project.
Good point.

...and let's hope anyone that's even paying attention to
this thread isn't expecting Apache development to always
be that way. Sometimes ( like now ) it just becomes
'dog work' and the flash and glitter is hard to find.

There have NEVER been enough warm bodies at Apache and
there never will be. I think the red flags have gone
up because it's starting to appear as if NO ONE is
answering the phone at all anymore. That's a problem.

As more and more developers got interested
in getting 2.0 cranked out the (limited) resources all
got eaten up in the 2.0 development cycle and 1.3
development virtually shut down. It was even 'officially'
shut down long before 2.0 was ready ( 1.3 officially went
into maintenance mode only ).

That's an interesting point.  Most of my early (independent)
contributions, about 600 dev hours worth, were entirely
focused on making 1.3 work under Win32.

I know.

From some of your other comments it might appear that
your memory is failing a bit, Bill, but you must remember me.

I had Apache running under Windows using the (free) Borland
compiler about 2 years before you appeared but the concern
about making Apache for Windows REAL and going to head to head
with Microsoft only cranked up after that Mindspring article
appeared and showed that IIS was beating the pants off of
pre-fork Apache and the UNIX boys got all pissed off.
That was the 2x4 that got the mule's attention.

My patches to compile Apache under Windows using 

Re: mod_deflate and transfer / content encoding problem

2003-11-13 Thread TOKILEY
My reading of RFC 2616 is that Accept-encoding is only for

You are right. Brain fart on my part.

I am still not sure how the discussion about mod_deflate
has gotten anywhere near Transfer-Encoding:.


Was it you that suggested it was or the original
fellow who started the thread?

Content-encoding: gzip
Transfer-encoding: chunked

Cannot be interpreted as 'using Transfer encoding'.

That would be...

Transfer-encoding: gzip, chunked.

Is someone saying that's what they are actually
SEEING coming out of Apache? God... I hope not.


Clients should indicate their ability to handle
transfer-codings via TE.

Yep... except a Server may always ASSUME that a client
can handle Transfer-encoding if it says it's HTTP 1.1
compliant. There's no need for a TE header at all.

The only caveat is that you can only assume a TE
encoding/decodiing capability of chunked.

Anything other than 'chunked' has to be indicated
with a TE header... you are right.

Problem here is that what I said about 'not knowing'
is still sort of true... it just didn't come out right.

A Server still has no way of knowing if the original
requestor can handle TE, or not.

The TE header is a 'hop by hop' header.
Might have come from the original requestor, might not.
There's no way to know.

And that's OK... that's all that TE: was designed for.
It's all based on the NN ( Nearest Neighbor )
concept and is a property of the 'message', not the 'content'.
It's just part of that strange mixture of transport AND
presentation layer concepts that is modern day HTTP.

Even if it shows up ( very rare ) the TE header is actually
SUPPOSED to be 'removed' by the NN ( Nearest Neighbor )...

[snip - From RFC 2616]

13.5.1 End-to-end and Hop-by-hop Headers

   For the purpose of defining the behavior of caches and non-caching
   proxies, we divide HTTP headers into two categories:

  - End-to-end headers, which are  transmitted to the ultimate
recipient of a request or response. End-to-end headers in
responses MUST be stored as part of a cache entry and MUST be
transmitted in any response formed from a cache entry.

  - Hop-by-hop headers, which are meaningful only for a single
transport-level connection, and are not stored by caches or
forwarded by proxies.

   The following HTTP/1.1 headers are hop-by-hop headers:

  - Connection
  - Keep-Alive
  - Proxy-Authenticate
  - Proxy-Authorization
  - TE
  - Trailers
  - Transfer-Encoding
  - Upgrade

   All other headers defined by HTTP/1.1 are end-to-end headers.


Hop-by-hop headers, which are meaningful only for a single
transport-level connection, and are not stored by caches or
forwarded by proxies.

The above is, of course, not what is really going 'out there'
in the real world but it's all hit or miss and you still
can't be sure what's being 'forwarded' and what isn't.

I have certainly seen inline proxies 'forwarding' hop-by-hop
headers and 'caches' storing them, as well.

It's a jungle out there. ROFL.

If a Server really wants to be sure compressed content
is being sent all the way along the response chain
( including that critical 'last mile' ) to the original
requestor then the only choice is still to just
use 'Content-Encoding'... even if there is no
static representation or the page is totally
dynamic and doesn't even exist until it's asked for.

ASIDE: Maybe that's where someone is getting
confused about TE versus CE? When HTTP was
designed the whole CONTENT concept was
based on disk files and file extensions and
MIME types and whatnot but that's not how
things have evolved. Content-type is now
more a 'concept' than a physical reality.
There are gigabytes of Content these days
that doesn' even exist until someone asks
for it and it's NEVER represented on disk at all.

There's just no way to know if your 'last mile'
is covered with TE capability, or not.

The alternative to using the Content-encoding:
voodoo to get compressed representations of
non-compressed resources all the way down to a
client would be to have some sort of 'end-to-end'
TE header which says 'the content was compressed
because the original requestor says he wants it
that way so just pass it through'... but that
ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

Content-Encoding: gzip
together with
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

or simply...

Transfer-Encoding: gzip, chunked.

It should make no difference to the 'receiver'.

Well, not if the receiver is a caching proxy...

Personally... I still don't think that matters
much. I am of the opinion that it's always
'cheaper' to store compressed versions of
entities and then just decompress it if you
need to which means a proxy SHOULD just go ahead
and remove the chunking and stash the response
regardless of whether it came in as 'Content-encoded'
compression or 'Transfer-encoded' compression...
but that's just me.

Actually... I firmly believe any 

Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions please

2003-11-13 Thread TOKILEY

Hi all...

I just have to jump in here since the topic is fascinating...
...and I think there's an opportunity here to review something
that has contributed to the 'slow down' at httpd-dev which
no one has seemed to grasp (yet).

I will call it... The Covalent Factor.

If you look at what has REALLY happened in the past
3 years ( yes... going back that far since it's now 4 or
5 years since 2.0 became a real blib on the radar ) there's
no question that there was this intense period of 
development and 'new' things were happening at
a fast rate. As more and more developers got interested
in getting 2.0 cranked out the (limited) resources all
got eaten up in the 2.0 development cycle and 1.3
development virtually shut down. It was even 'officially'
shut down long before 2.0 was ready ( 1.3 officially went
into maintenance mode only ).

So now you had lots of legacy developers ( albeit... lots
of weekend-warriors, too, but WW's are the heartbeat
of Open Source ) who knew 1.3 very well but were now
totally put out to pasture. Very few of them 'came over'
to the 2.0 development. The majority of the developers
for 2.0 were the 'paid to play' kind that were either being
paid to directly work on Apache ( I'll get to the Covalent
factor in a second ) or,  at least, were being paid to
do something else but no one seemed to mind if they
sat there at their real jobs all day and did Apache
development. They might not admit to being directly
paid to work on Apache but when that's what you are
doing all day and still bringing home a paycheck then
that's exactly what that is.

The 'other' not-so-dedicated-but-certainly-interested 
developers felt 'shut out' of the 2.0 development cycle
because it was obvious a lot of it was taking place
'off line' and nothing was being documented so they
couldn't really get a good handle on what was going
on in order to make a contribution.

So they were mostly 'waiting in the wings' for a lot of
the 2.0 DESIGN level decisions and concepts to 
become clear so they could 'jump in'.

Well... we all know that it was a looong time before
some of the 2.0 design concepts became 'clear' enough
for a not-paid-to-work-on-apache person to 'jump in'.

There were basically only 2 big changes to Apache 2.0
versus 1.x.

1. MPM. Get out of the 'prefork' only 'go fork thyself' design model.

2. ( Came later ) Add some I/O filtering and get rid of BUFF.

Well, these are both fine goals to have but they are not for
the faint-of-heart ( or within the grasp of most weekend-warriors ).

That brings me to The Covalent Factor.

Is anyone going to deny that at a certain point in the 2.0
development cycle the PRIMARY driving force was a 
group of people that ALL worked for one company? ( Covalent ).

That's certainly the way it looked.

...and these guys were crankin'... I mean they were
MOTIVATED, because Covalent's entire corporate
life revolves around Apache and they were actually 
high level deals going on with Compaq ( and other
corporate entities? ) that all revolved around getting
Apache 2.0 out the door.

At one point one of the Covalent guys ( I believe it
was that Randy Bloom fellow? ) was pretty much the
ONLY person who had any idea how the new 'filtering'
was even SUPPOSED to work. It was quite some time
before he even finished thinking it through and it went
through (too?) many re-works to even keep a good
grasp on it.

I remember the feeling for MONTHS was something like...
let's just see what Covalent comes up with and let them
put their stamp of approval on it and then we'll see if
we understand it.

...and that's pretty much how the entire SECOND primary
goal of Apache 2.0 was achieved. Covalent just did it
and expected everyone else to 'go along'... and they did.

The point of all this is not to FLAME anyone or any corporate
entity. No one can deny that Covalent has been crucial to 
the life and times ( and success ) of Apache itself and they
should be proud of the contribution(s) they have made to
OSS. Covalent was started by one of the original Apache guys 
and some of the best developers left around here still work for 
Covalent. I think William Rowe still does, for example, and he's 
still pretty much the only human being who seems to understand 
the Windows version of Apache... but the legacy flood of 'covalent' 
email addresses showing up at httpd-dev has virtually
vanished so it's hard to tell what what with that anymore.

There is nothing in the rules of Open Source that says you
can't crank up a company that makes money off of Open
Source software. Indeed... if you look at almost ALL of the
major Open Source projects you will see the same sort
of 'Covalent' deal going on whereby the people that know
that OSS best have found a way to get paid to work on it.

My only real point here ( and the way all this relates to the
current thread ) is that maybe it's time to acknowledge that
what is happening now is what will always happen to a major
development project if you let too many of your 

Re: mod_deflate and transfer / content encoding problem

2003-11-12 Thread TOKILEY

 Andre Schild wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 31.10.2003 23:44:06 

On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, Andre Schild wrote:

Please have a look at the following Mozilla bug report


It seems that mod_deflate does transfer encoding,
but sets the headers as if doing content encoding.

I'm not an expert in this, but that statement seems completely wrong to
me.  Compressing the content is a content-encoding, not a
transfer-encoding.  The only thing transfer-encoding is used for in HTTP
is chunking.

 I anyone here reading this who can answer this for sure ?

 Bill Stoddard replied...

Compression is content-encoding not transfer-encoding. See RFC 2616
14.11, 14.41  3.6

Nope. Totally wrong.

Read 3.6 again ( the whole thing ).

'Compression' is most certainly a valid 'Transfer-Encoding'.

[snip - From section 3.6 of RFC 2616 ]

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) acts as a registry for
transfer-coding value tokens. Initially, the registry contains the
following tokens: chunked (section 3.6.1), identity (section
3.6.2), gzip (section 3.5), compress (section 3.5), and deflate
(section 3.5).


There are actually some clients ( and servers ) out there that
are RFC 2616 compliant and can handle
Transfer-encoding: gzip, chunked perfectly well.

Apache cannot.

 I think we should put a warning on the second recomended configuration
 that compressing everything can cause problems. (Specially with PDF files)


IE in particular has some really weird problems handling compressed SSL
data streams containing JavaScript.


Netscape is by far the worst when it comes to not being
able to handle certain 'compressed' mime types even though
it sends the all-or-nothing indicator Accept-encoding: gzip.

Netscape will even screw up a compressed .css style sheet.

Opera is the 'most capable' browser in this regard...

When Opera says it can Accept-encoding: gzip it comes
the closest to not being a 'liar. It can (almost) do anything.

MSIE falls somewhere in-between.

There is no browser on the planet that is telling the
truth when it says Accept-Encoding: gzip when you
consider that this is an ALL OR NOTHING DEVCAPS ( Device
Capbilites ) indicator.

Unlike the Accept: field, for mime types, there isn't
even any way for a user-agent to indicate WHICH mime
types it will be able to 'decompress' so unless it can
absolutely handle a compressed version of ANY mime type
then it really has no business sending Accept-encoding: gzip
at all.

There also is no way, in current HTTP specs, for a Server
to distinguish between Content-encoding and Transfer-encoding
as far as what the client really means it can/can't do.

When a User-Agent says Accept-encoding:  a Server can
only assume that it means it can handle the '' encoding for
EITHER Content-encoding: OR Transfer-encoding:. There's
just no way to tell the difference. Same HTTP request field
is supposed to be good for BOTH 'Transfer' and 'Content'

Again... if a User Agent cannnot handle '' encodings for
all mime types for BOTH Content-encoding: AND
Transfer-encoding: then it has no business ever sending
the Accept-Encoding:  in the first place.

This is of course, far from reality.

As far as a User-Agent being able to tell the difference
between Content-Encoding: and Transfer-encoding: coming
from the Server then the only thing you can rely on is
the response header itself.

The 'compressed' BODY data itself will always be
identical regardless of whether it's actually...

Content-Encoding: gzip
together with
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

or simply...

Transfer-Encoding: gzip, chunked.

It should make no difference to the 'receiver'.

The User-Agent will still be receiving a gzip
compression stream with chunking bytes injected
into it and the decompression step is the same
for both scenarios.

You have to dechunk, then decompress.

If you pass the stream data to a ZLIB decompression
routine without first removing the chunking bytes
then ZLIB is going to blow sky-high.

This is the reason most browsers are screwing up.

They are actually passing the response stream off
to an embedded mime-handler ( like an Adobe plug-in
for PDF files or some ill-coded Javascript engine, etc. ) 
that has no idea how to remove
the chunking bytes AND get it decompressed.

The only way for all of this to currently work 'out there'
is to never rely on the Accpet-Encoding: field at all
and always have a 'list' of exclusion mime-types that
can be tied to 'User-Agent' since they are all different
as far as what they are able to do ( or not do ).

It's still a classic 'DEVCAPS' ( Device Capabilities )
issue and the current HTTP headers just don't
solve the problem(s).

You can't really trust User-Agent much. 

Not sure it's ever been trustworthy.

A scrape-bot might be imitating Netscape request
headers right down to the Accept-Encoding: field so
it doesn't get blocked out but if you actually send
it compressed data it's probably going 

Re: mod_deflate -- File size lower bound needed?

2003-03-31 Thread TOKILEY


 Stephen Pierzchala wrote:

 A question for discussion: should a lower bound be set in mod_deflate?
 I just ran a test using the Linux Documentation Project files and found
 that some of the files in the test group were quite small, less that 100
 bytes. When mod_deflate tackled these files, I saw a file sized increase
 of between 12 and 15 bytes.
 Doesn't sound like a lot, until maybe you start to add up all of those
 HTML error pages we all send.
 I open the floor to debate. :-)

 while this may be easy for the cases where the filter gets passed a
 content-length header, 

No brainer ( if it's accurate when the filter fires up ).

 it may be harder for the ones where it doesn't
 know the size of the page before it starts compressing..

Any filter is supposed to be able to buffer data. Harder, yes,
but not impossible. The whole filtering scheme is SUPPOSED
to be able to handle this, no problems. Not sure if anything
has actually exercised this yet, though. Might be time to
see if it really works.

The 'cheap trick' compromise would be to realize that by
the time the first brigade shows up there will probably be
only one of 2 scenarios...

1. The response is less than the size of the fileread and/or
CGI transfer buffer size ( 4k? ) and nothing else is coming
( There is already an EOS in the first brigade. This can
be treated the same as having 'content-length' because
you know for sure how long the full response is before you
have to decide whether to fire up the compression.

2. If there's no EOS in the brigade yet you have to assume
more is coming so now it's nut-crackin' time. If the 'minimum
file size' is less than the amount of data already in the first
brigade showing up then it's also a no brainer... just pass
it on without compressing. If the minimum file size is 
larger than what's in the first brigade... then it's time to
start buffering ( if the code allows it ).

I would say that just allowing a 'minimum file size' in 
the 2-3k byterange and only doing the check on the
first brigade would handle most situations where anyone
is worried about whether something is worth compression.

Anything over about 900 bytes is almost ALWAYS going
to show some size reduction. Problem solved.

If someone wants to start setting a minimum file size of
100,000 bytes then I would suggest the 'requirement' on
their end be that all responses MUST have 'Content-Length:'
from the origin ( if it's not a file read ) until mod_deflate can
actually 'store and forward' any size response.

 I'm cool with putting in a directive, but not sure how to write the doc's 
 to say that this is a 'guidance' only and that it might be ignored.

See above. Limit it to the normal (Apache) I/O buffer read size(s) 
and suggest that anything above that can/should have
'Content-Length' or it's not eligible for the 'minimum size' check.

 we should also put in a directive to only compress when system load is 
 below a certain level. (but we would need a apr_get_system_load() 
 function first .. any volunteers? )

If you go down this route watch out for what's called 'back-flash'.

You can easily get into a catch-22 at the 'threshhold' rate
where you are ping-ponging over/under the threshhold because
currently executing ZLIB compressions will always be included in
the 'system load' stat you are computing.

In other words... if you don't want to compress because you
think the machine is too busy then it might only be too
busy because it's already compressing. The minute you
turn off compression you drop under-threshhold and now
you are 'thrashing' and 'ping-ponging' over/under the

You might want to always compare system load against
transaction/compression task load to see if something other 
than normal compression activity is eating the CPU.

Low transaction count + high CPU load = Something other than
compression is eating the CPU and stopping compressions
won't really make much difference.

High transaction count + high CPU load + high number
of compressions in progress = Might be best to back
off on the compressions for a moment.


Re: mod_deflate -- File size lower bound needed?

2003-03-31 Thread TOKILEY

FYI: There was a serious brain fart (mine) in the 
previous message...

I said...

 2. If there's no EOS in the brigade yet you have to assume
 more is coming so now it's nut-crackin' time. If the 'minimum
 file size' is less than the amount of data already in the first
 brigade showing up then it's also a no brainer... just pass
 it on without compressing. If the minimum file size is 
 larger than what's in the first brigade... then it's time to
 start buffering ( if the code allows it ).

What I meant was that if the 'minimum_file_size' is less than
the amount of data already in the first brigade that shows
up then you already know that this puppy is NOT 'below
the minimum' and ( based on other criteria ) is eligible
for compression. At this point it's is a sure-fire 'MAY' be 
compressed depending on other eligibilty checks.

Re: regarding EAPI

2003-01-22 Thread TOKILEY

 what can happen if I load a module compiled with EAPI flag into a Apache
 1.3 without EAPI?? I ask for ditribution of binaries and want to know if
 it makes no problems loading EAPI-enabled modules; or if I should

Should work *I think*. It wouldn't work the other way around, of course
(you can't load a non-eapi module into an eapi apache).

Not true. It's perfectly OK to load a Non-EAPI module into 
an EAPI (ssl) compiled Apache. Just ignore the warning
about "This module might crash because it's not EAPI".

As far as loading an EAPI module into a Non-EAPI 
compiled Apache... it depends on the module.
Might work, might not.

If it relies on the EAPI callbacks to get its job done
( instead of just the other regular hooks ) then it
probably won't work because the Non-EAPI Apache
won't be making the EAPI hook calls.

In a message dated 1/22/2003 12:27:07 PM Central Standard Time, 


 what can happen if I load a module compiled with EAPI flag into a Apache
 1.3 without EAPI?? I ask for ditribution of binaries and want to know if
 it makes no problems loading EAPI-enabled modules; or if I should

Should work *I think*. It wouldn't work the other way around, of course
(you can't load a non-eapi module into an eapi apache).

Re: STATUS mailings for stable httpd 2.0

2002-12-05 Thread TOKILEY

 Justin wrote ( RE: Apache STATUS files )...

 Oh, I hate to get more email that I just delete as soon as it comes in

 Does anyone actually read these things though?


Re: [PATCH] mod_deflate extensions

2002-11-24 Thread TOKILEY

--On Friday, November 22, 2002 12:03 PM +0100 Henri Gomez

 So we should use a copy of mod_gzip compression code in Apache 2.0.
 Also as someone involved in mod_jk/jk2, I'll need gzip
 compress/uncompress support in Apache 2.0 for a new ajp protocol
 I'm working on, so having compression/uncompression in Apache 2.0
 will be mandatory for me.

 Justin wrote...

 No, we shouldn't be including zlib code (or any variant) in our
 distribution.  That's not our responsibility.  It's also not
 important enough for us to further bloat our code just because an
 insignificant number of distributions haven't provided a good package
 of zlib.  If it's that important, those administrators can build
 their own zlib or just not use any functionality requiring zlib.  The
 point here is that no functionality is lost if zlib is missing.

I guess that's where some would disagree and the point
of Henri's original posting. I happen to think that a LOT
of 'functionality' is 'missing' from Apache if it can't
do compression/decompression 'out of the box' but that's
certainly no secret since I've been voicing that opinion
for some years now. It's still just one man's opinion,
as is yours. Diff strokes for Diff folks.

 (And, if you are doing a mod_jk, zlib support should be optional not

 Ok, let be pragmatic. Did Apache HTTP developpers agree that
 compression should be added in Apache 2.0 by incorporating mod_gzip
 comp code in Apache 2.0 ?

 mod_deflate is already there and it uses an external zlib library, so
 I'm confused why we should also provide mod_gzip and/or its
 proprietary compression code.

No one has suggested 'also providing mod_gzip'. That's a
dead issue. Apache will never be using 'mod_gzip'.

The issue was whether or not it's time to think about
adding some actual compression/decompression code (like
ZLIB) to the source tree itself and/or the Non-ZLIB inline
compression engine that mod_gzip uses which is perfectly
do-able and pretty much a no-brainer.

...and for the record... the 'compression code' in mod_gzip
is NOT PROPRIETARY. It is still just simple public domain
LZ77 + Huffman. It is as 'open-source' as your own
product (Apache), if not even more-so. ALL of the code
for mod-gzip ( compression engine(s) included ) has been
donated to Apache 3 different times and it's all still
sitting there on your hard drives ready for you to do
whatever the heck you want with it. All of mod_gzip
is also now sitting up at SOURCEFORGE free as the wind
and under the same 'do whatever you like with this'

 mod_gzip is freely available, and the ASF doesn't need to distribute
 it (Remote Communications evangelizes it enough).

RCI has nothing do with mod_gzip anymore.
mod_gzip is all sitting up on SOURCEFORGE for some time now.

 One of the main
 reasons for selecting mod_deflate was that it didn't unnecessarily
 duplicate code.  Less code is better.   We don't need to repackage
 zlib.  I have no desire for us to compete with the zlib maintainers.
 We have enough work as-is.  -- justin

All points well taken.

Your points go against the advice of people
who actually wrote ZLIB ( Dr. Mark Adler and others )
with regards to anyone who 'distributes' applications
that (may) depend on it (ZLIB) but your concerns about
how much the Apache Group is able to deal with are

Jeff Trawick has already said he thinks including
the 'minimal' amount of code neeeded by Apache
to do what mod_deflate needs to do in the SRC
tree itself would be GOODNESS and would
circumvent a lot of build problems/bug reports but
therein lies the issue itself.

If it comes to a vote I would focus on that one
single issue. Forget about mod_gzip's LZ77 engine
or any other version of LZ77 that 'could' be used...
if the Apache Group isn't even willing to add
a minimal subset of ZLIB code to the SRC tree
and compile/link against it then there's no use
discussing whether that extends to any 'other'
compression/decompresion code as well.


Re: [PATCH] mod_deflate extensions

2002-11-21 Thread TOKILEY

 Henri Gomez wrote...

 - Put part of zlib code in Apache 2.0 source ?

 Jeff Trawick wrote...

 that is what I suspect to be the safest, easiest-to-understand way...
 the build would work like on Windows, where the project file for
 mod_deflate pulls in the right parts when building mod_deflate.so

 Henri Gomez also wrote...

 We could grab the compression part, like does mod_gzip, mod_gzip even 
 use zlib includes.

If the discussion is once again open about including compression
code in a base Apache source release then let me clarify what
Henri just said...

The compression engine in the orginal mod_gzip ( and the
current one in the 1.3 series mod_gzip ) is NOT based
on ZLIB at all. It is based on the ORIGINAL public 
domain GZIP/LZ77 code that pre-dates ZLIB. That LZ77 code
is, in many ways, much 'simpler' than ZLIB since ZLIB
became this kind of 'all things to all people' package and the
I/O and API interface(s) got a lot more complicated than
the original GZIP stuff. ZLIB was meant to be 'easier
to deal with' at the API level but the sacrafice was
more overhead during the compression itself.

The original GZIP code was not thread-safe so the engine
in the original mod_gzip was a thread-safe rewrite that
uses a Finite State Processor ( like SSL codebases ).

Every compression task has a 'context handle' just like
SSL does to maintain the integrity of all the compression
tasks that might be running at the same time. There 
are no 'globals' as there are in GZIP ( and ZLIB? ).

It also got 'tweaked' to do straight pointer based
in-memory compressions which made it a better candidate
for a 'real-time' compression engine. A lot of the
time-consuming things in GZIP were also speeded up with
better loops and code that produced better .ASM output.

So... to make a long story short... mod_gzip actually
includes some original GZIP 'headers' and uses the
same functions names ( deflate/inflate, etc. ) as
legacy GZIP and ZLIB... but those headers were not
from ZLIB.

They didn't change the headers much when they created
ZLIB from GZIP but there are some subtle differences.

NOTE: The original sumbmission of mod_gzip for Apache
2.0 used the same built-in compression engine as the
1.3 series. It was already thread-safe so it would
have been fine for 2.0. There was a LATER re-submission
of mod_gzip for Apache 2.0 that followed an intense
discussion about NOT using such code and it is more
like mod_deflate and does, in fact, just include
ZLIB headers and has the same build expectations
as mod_deflate. BOTH VERSIONS are still sitting there
somewhere in the Apache archives. They were both
submitted some long time ( years now? ) ago.

I also refer you to the discussion thread regarding the
original inclusion of mod_deflate which contains some
'advice' posted to the Apache forum from Dr. Mark Adler
( one of the original authors of all this GZIP/ZLIB LZ77
code ).

He suggested that compiling your OWN version of GZIP/ZLIB
was pretty much the only 'sane' thing to do and I agree
100%. There are actually a number of 'flaky' distributions
of GZIP/ZLIB 'out there'.

He ( Mark Adler ) himself pointed out that there are 
some 'patches' floating around for GZIP/ZLIB that never 
made it into ANY standard distribution and only by applying 
them yourself to your own compiled OBJ/LIB could you be
sure what you are actually using and what shape it is in.

Now that Apache is multi-thread capable and there are some
known issues with legacy GZIP/ZLIB distributions and 
multi-threading it makes even more sense to know EXACTLY 
what 'version' of whatever compression code you are dealing 
with when the threading bug reports start coming in.

 Jeff Trawick also wrote...

 The reason I'm being a real stick-in-the-mud about this is because
 Apache users already seem to have enough trouble getting Apache to
 build out of the box, usually because of some screwy setup or other
 unexpected conditions that nobody can ever reproduce, and it is very
 difficult for me to accept that some quick change to turn on
 mod_deflate is going to do anything other than increase these
 problems, particularly since I committed various user errors myself
 getting consistent builds of mod_deflate and zlib.  (Heck, I even
 broke the cvs executable on one machine before I found out what was
 going on :) )

I think you underestimate your legacy user base.

Everyone already accepts the fact that building Apache
is usually an absolute nightmare, especially if you
are trying to get any kind of SSL going. 

It hasn't slowed anyone down that I can tell.

They ( historically ) just stay up all night and figure it out.
That's how you build Apache.

If they REALLY WANT some 'feature' in their Server... they
will tough it out and get it done. That's the way it's 
always been with Apache so no one would be shocked if some LIB 
wasn't in the right place or a makefile needed tweaking.

Kevin Kiley

Re: [PATCH] mod_deflate extensions

2002-11-19 Thread TOKILEY

 Peter J. Cranstone wrote...

 Since when does web server throughput drop by x% factor using

 Jeff Trawick wrote...

 I don't think you need me to explain the why or the when to you.

Think again.

Exactly what scenario are you assuming is supposed to
be so 'obvious' that it doesn't need and explanation/discussion?

There has never been a good discussion and/or presentation
of real data on this topic... just a bunch of 'assumptions'...
and now that compression modules have caching ability whatever
testing HAS been done needs to be done again because perhaps
any/all of the sore spots in anyone's testing can now be
completely eliminated by real-time caching of compressed objects.

All of my experience with compressing Internet Content in
real time on Servers, with or without the caching of the compression
objects, indicates that it USUALLY, if done correctly,
does nothing but INCREASE the 'throughput' of the Server.

Same experience has also shown that if something ends
up being much SLOWER then something is bad WRONG with
the code that's doing it and it is FIXABLE.

The assumption that YOU seem to be clinging to is that once
the Server has bounced through enough APR calls to handle
the transaction with as few things showing up in STRACE
as possible that the Server has done it's job and the
transaction is OVER ( and the CPU somehow magically free
again ).

This is never the case.

Pie is rarely free at a truck stop.

If you dump 100,000 bytes into the I/O subsystem without
taking the (few) milliseconds needed to compress down
to 70-80 percent LESS then SOMETHING in the CPU is still
working MUCH harder than it has to.

The 'data' is not GONE from the box just because the
Server has made some socket calls and gone
about it's business. It still has to be SENT, one
byte at a time, by the same CPU in the same machine.

NIC cards are interrupt driven.

Asking the I/O subsystem to constantly send 70-80 percent
more data than it has to via an interrupt driven
mechanism is basically the most expensive thing you
could ask the CPU to do.

In-memory compression is NOT interrupt driven.

As compared to interrupt driven I/O it is one of the 
LEAST expensive things to ask the CPU to do, on average.

Do not confuse the performance of any given standard distribution
of some legacy compression library called ZLIB with whether
or not, in THEORY, the real-time compression of content
is able to INCREASE the throughput of the Server.

ZLIB was never designed to be used as a 'real-time'
compression engine. The code is VERY OLD and is
still based on a streaming I/O model with heavy
overhead versus direct in-memory compression.

It is a FILE based implementation of LZ77 and
while it performs very well in a batch job against
disk files it still lacks some things which could
qualify it as a high-perfomance real-time
compression engine.

mod_gzip does NOT use 'standard ZLIB' for this
very reason. The performance was not good enough
to produce consistently good throughput.

 We went through this debate with mod_gzip and it doesn't hold much
 water. Server boxes are cheap and adding some more ram or even a faster
 processor is a cheap price to pay when compared to customer satisfaction
 when their pages load faster.

 Your Server boxes are cheap comment is very telling; if I add more
 ram or a faster processor we aren't talking about the same web server.


Regardless of the fact that content compression at the source
origin CAN actually 'improve' the throughput of one single
server ( if done correctly ) let me chime in on this point
and say that if adding a little hardware or perhaps even
another ( dirt cheap these days ) Server box is what it
takes to provide a DRAMATIC improvement in the user
experience then what's the gripe?

If that's what it takes to provide a better experience for the
USER then I agree 100% with Peter. That is what SHOULD be the
focus. Your point of view seems to indicate that you believe
it's better to let your USERS have a 'worse experience' than
they need to just to avoid having to beef up the Server side.

I have always believed that the END USER experience should
be more important than how some single piece of software
'looks' on a benchmark test. Those benchmarks that produce
these holy TPS ratings are usually flawed when it comes
to imitating a REAL user-experience.

It's a classic argument and there have always been
2 camps...

Which is more important...

1. Having a minimal amount of Server to deal with/maintain
and let the users suffer more than they need to.

2. Do whatever it takes to make sure all the technology
that is currently available is being put into play to
provide the best USER experience possible.

I have always pitched my tent in camp # 2 and I think
most people that are serious about hosting Web sites
circle their wagons around the same camp.

 But overall I agree completely that compressing content and adding
 more ram and/or a faster processor as appropriate is 

Re: 2.0 book

2002-06-27 Thread TOKILEY

 Ryan Bloom wrote.

 It's being printed now, should be in stores in a week or two.

Congratulations ( I mean it ).

Interesting timing, though.

That means final draft(s) went to publisher on or about 
the time that you initiated the release of Apache 2.0
way before it was ready for GA ( 2.0.35 ).

Will the copy be available online anywhere?

If not... what's the price tag for this book and will
you allow portions of it to be reprinted online for
users of this 'public domain' software?

Kevin Kiley

Re: [STATUS] (httpd-2.0) Wed Nov 28 23:45:08 EST 2001

2001-11-29 Thread TOKILEY

Hello William...
This is Kevin Kiley again...

See comments inline below...

In a message dated 11/28/2001 10:59:26 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

  Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 12:30 AM
   In a message dated 11/28/2001 10:21:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If you have any doubts about why sometimes submissions aren't 
 for inclusion in any open source project ... well there you have it.
   Ya know what...
   I am going to stand still for this little spanking session because
   I am willing to admit when I have made a mistake and unlike most 
   times before on this forum when you guys have tried to make a
   punching bag out of me... this time I give you permission to fire away.
   Ok... now on to the next question ( already asked by someone else )
   Whatever happened to the 'other candidate for submission' as
   described by Coar? I assume that was mod_gzip itself?
  As described by Ken?  Once again, what would he have to do with that?

Nothing, really, other than the fact that the only reason I asked
is that he is the one who updated the status file to read...

+1 Cliff ( there's now another candidate to be evaluated )

...and failed to actually mention what that 'other candidate' really was.

I believe I missed any messages from a 'Cliff' and so I was never
sure myself what that was all about since it wasn't clear in the STATUS.

I have never really been sure what happened to the complete 
working mod_gzip for Apache 2.0 that was (freely) submitted 
( after both public and private urgings by Apache developers )
If that's what Ken's note was really referring to then OK but I 
was personally never sure since it wasn't specific. I thought 
maybe this guy Cliff submitted something, too. 

I remember mod_gzip for Apache 2.0 was immediately hacked upon 
right after submission by some people ( Justin? Ian? Don't remember ) and
they started removing features without even fully reading the source code
and/or understanding what they were for ( and then put some of them back 
I explained some things ) but all of that work just died out into silence and 
the STATUS file became the only remnant of the whole firestorm that Justin
started by asking for Ian's mod_gz to be dumped into the tree ASAP.

A LOT of folks on the mod_gzip forum caught the whole discussion
at Apache and started asking us 'Is that 'other candidate really
mod_gzip for 2.0 or is it 'something else' and our response was
always 'We do not know for sure... ask them'.

And (FYI) a few people came to Apache and DID ask 'What is
the staus of mod_gzip version 2.0?' and no one even ack'ed
their messages so we assumed it wasn't even being considered.
  jwoolley01/09/15 12:18:59
A chilly day in Charlottesville...

Revision  ChangesPath
1.294 +3 -2  httpd-2.0/STATUS
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@
   and in-your-face.)  This proposed change would not depricate 
 * add mod_gz to httpd-2.0 (in modules/experimental/)
-  +1: Greg, Justin, Cliff, ben, Ken, Jeff
+  +1: Greg, Justin, ben, Ken, Jeff
+   0: Cliff (there's now another candidate to be evaluated)
0: Jim (premature decision at present, IMO)
   -0: Doug, Ryan
  Kevin... I believe I've generally treated you civilly... Read the end of my
  previous response above.  A good number of non-combatants to these 'gzip 
  are really disgusted with the language and attitude on list.  Much of that
  has turned on your comments and hostility.

If anyone really views a few 'heated exchanges' on a public forum over
some specific technology issues as a 'war' then I'm sorry but I still won't 
apologize for being passionate about something and willing to argue/defend it.

Email is a strange medium. Some people take it way too seriously, methinks.

  In accepting a contribution, the submitter is generally expected to support
  the submission, ongoing.  

Okay... mind blown... that is the exact OPPOSITE of the argument
that I beleive even YOU were making during the 'Please why won't
you submit mod_gzip for 2.0 before we go BETA' exchanges. One
of the arguments I made ( Capital I for emphasis ) was that if I
was going to 'support' it I wanted to see at least one good beta
of Apache 2.0 before the submission was made. Strings of arguments
came right back saying That should NOT be your concern... if you
submit mod_gzip for Apache 2.0 then WE will support it, not YOU.

Seriously... check the threads if you have time... that fact that Apache
would NOT be relying on us to support it was one of the 'arm twisting'
arguments that was made to try and get us to submit the code BEFORE
Beta so that Ian's mod_gz wouldn't be the 'only choice'.

 Everyone here enjoys working on or with Apache, or
 they would find another server.  Even 

Re: [STATUS] (httpd-2.0) Wed Nov 28 23:45:08 EST 2001

2001-11-29 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 11/29/2001 3:23:32 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

 William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
   What is the http content-encoding value for this facility?  deflate
   Ergo, mod_deflate.
  And the name change from mod_gz to mod_deflate was suggested
  by Roy, whom I think knows HTTP better than anyone else here..

Knowing HTTP is one thing... knowing compression formats is another.

Does the output of mod_deflate have a GZIP and/or ZLIB header on it, or not?
Even those 2 headers are NOT the same but that's yet another story.

If it does... then it's not really 'pure deflate'.
If it doesn't... then it MIGHT be pure deflate but it won't do 
squat in most legacy and/or modern browsers.


Re: [STATUS] (httpd-2.0) Wed Nov 28 23:45:08 EST 2001

2001-11-29 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 11/29/2001 3:23:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

  As described by Ken?  Once again, what would he have to do
   with that?
  I just happen to be the chap with the cron job that sends
  the current STATUS file every Wednesday.  I don't maintain it;
  that's a shared responsibility (and one of its deficiencies,
  IMHO, but I've ranted about that before :-).

Then even more apologies are due and are hereby given.

I thought that the 'final editing' of the auto-broadcast
was someone's ongoing task ( yours ).

Then I have no idea who added...

+1 Cliff ( there's now another candidate to be evaluated )

...or why that comment was so ambiguous.

I really did 'miss' a message somewhere and I thought some
guy named Cliff ( Wooley? Doesn't say ) submitted something
for consideration as well and mod_gzip was already 'off' the table.

This impression was then substantiated when a few people from 
the mod_gzip forum who were curious about the status of 
the 'mod_gzip 2.0 submission' queried this forum and got 
absolutely no reply from anyone.

Doesn't matter now...

But is it too much for future reference to ask STATUS file
comments to be a little more explicit? It would help others track
what's really happening there at Apache.


Re: [STATUS] (httpd-2.0) Wed Nov 28 23:45:08 EST 2001

2001-11-28 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 11/28/2001 10:21:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

  Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 11:45 PM
   Since when do things that have already been
   voted on just suddenly 'disappear' from the
   official Apache STATUS file(s)?
  As cliff points out, modules/experimental/mod_deflate now exists.

Yes, it does... and for the third time now ( and probably more to come )
I apologize to the forum and to Ken Coar for asking a stupid question.
 Without excessive quoting... read the logs before you go flying off the 

Yes... I missed what happened while on vacation and I thought
there was something arbitrarily removed from STATUS.
My bad.
  ianh01/11/28 12:14:09
deflate is in

Revision  ChangesPath
1.346 +1 -7  httpd-2.0/STATUS
   Does Ken Coar really have this kind of personal
   control over what does or does not go into
   the Apache Server and/or remains in the STATUS file?
  WTF does Ken Coar have to do with this, other than being the messenger of 
  that is good or bad [STATUS] within the Apache projects?  I don't see his 
  on that commit message.  Once again, you manage to make personal something 
  that was, as your noted, properly voted upon, and then properly carried 

If he had removed it arbitrarily then yea... it might have got personal
because I don't think any one persion should have that kind of control
over the STATUS file but we all know by now this is just a fuck-up
on my part and the paddles are out.

  If you have any doubts about why sometimes submissions aren't considered 
  inclusion in any open source project ... well there you have it.

Ya know what...
I am going to stand still for this little spanking session because
I am willing to admit when I have made a mistake and unlike most 
times before on this forum when you guys have tried to make a
punching bag out of me... this time I give you permission to fire away.

It was stupid to not realize that maybe there was chance the damn
thing finally got comitted and go off and start reading CVS logs.
I admit it. I apologize. I missed the 'vote' or the 'committ' message
or something.

Ok... now on to the next question ( already asked by someone else )

Whatever happened to the 'other candidate for submission' as
described by Coar? I assume that was mod_gzip itself?

Didn't rise to the level of consideration?


Re: [STATUS] (httpd-2.0) Wed Nov 28 23:45:08 EST 2001

2001-11-28 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 11/28/2001 10:26:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

 As you point out, vacations are rough for tracking discussions.
  What is the http content-encoding value for this facility?  deflate
  Ergo, mod_deflate.

'deflate' is not GZIP, it's just PART of GZIP.
Ergo... bad name choice IMHO.

Browser sends...
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
They are not actually the 'exact same thing'.

If you actually send 'pure deflate' to a modern browser
it will blow up even though it says it 'accepts' it.

Not to worry... doesn't matter what you call it as
long as it sends a GZIP header and it works.


Re: Tag time?

2001-10-01 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-10-01 04:37:59 EDT, Greg Stein wrote...

  I have been looking and looking at the patch and someone want
   to tell me where it checks for TE: which is the only way to 
   REALLY know how the Transfer-Encoding will end? ( Blank 
   CR/LF following CR/LF following 0 byte length, or no? ).
  It did not before, so it doesn't now. For the most part, this is a
  rearrangement of code. There is a lot of cleanup and rationalization to the
  code. It should be much easier to fix/extend the code now.

Ah... Okay.
I will stop looking for what isn't there, then.
   Near as I can tell it just relegates 'extra' CR/LF back to stream
   as 'useless noise' instead of actually knowing for sure if it 
   was a proper end to the Transfer-Encoding.

Actually... on further inspection... turns out this is a 'good' thing.

If you are not actually stopping to find out for SURE if a client
is going to be ending Transfer-Encoding with a blank CR/LF
then you MUST have some kind of 'noise filter'.

See other messages regarding the Netscape 'out of band' CR/LF
on POST potentially 'following' blank CR/LF to end trailers.
Turns out that no matter what you do there may always be
times when a blank CR/LF is to be considered 'line noise'
and needs to be tossed by the front-end if it appears before
the start of a new HTTP request. The only worst-case scenario
is if you treat an 'out of nowhere' CR/LF as a valid request
with no valid headers appearing before it.

While it is possible to 'know' if there will be a blank CR/LF to
indicate 'End of trailers' it's impossible to tell if you are really
ever going to get the Netscape 'out of band' CR/LF. Might
be stripped by a Proxy, might not, but it's never part of
Content-Length so no way to anticipate it.

   Caveat: I have NOT had time to REALLY pour over this HUGE
   patch so I may be totally off-base... but I think this fact alone
   is what Ryan is trying to explain... there hasn't been enough
   TIME to look at this HUGE/CRITICAL patch.
  It *has* been reviewed. Given that we're in commit-then-review mode, and
  that two people are fine with the patch, then it can/should go in. If
  further problems are discovered in the patch, then they can be fixed in the
  repository rather than before the patch is applied.

Roger that.
Commit away, then.



Dr. Mark Adler on ZLIB OS_CODE

2001-09-21 Thread TOKILEY

Hello all...
This is Kevin Kiley

In an effort to resolve a pending issue with regards to the
inclusion of code that supports dynamic IETF Content-Encoding
I checked out the whole OS_CODE issue in ZLIB.

If you use the OS_CODE manifest constant in whatever code
you end up with in the source tree then you are automatically
establishing a dependency on the ZUTIL.H header which does
not normally come with standard binary distributions of ZLIB.

Normally you only get ZLIB.H and ZCONF.H unless you have
downloaded/installed a source-code level distribution of ZLIB.

If you don't want to include ZLIB source in the Apache tree
( still recommended because of patches needed for inflate()
memory leaks ) then any dependency on ZUTIL.H might still force 
your users to download a copy of ZLIB that they don't normally have.

By substituing 0x03 for OS_CODE you remove the dependency
on ZUTIL.H but you are doing then is 'hard-coding' the OS
indicator byte as 'UNIX default'.

The OS code means nothing to the compressor and it is only
really used by decompressors that are also required to do
formatting of the decompressed data. I did some testing and
discovered that all browsers tested don't really care about the
OS code and the formatting will be handled by the presentation
layer elements in the user-agent. 

So whatever codebase you end up with that uses ZLIB, if you
don't include a source-level version of ZLIB in the Apache tree
and you want Apache to be able to compile with most people's
pre-installed ZLIB implementations just use 0x03 instead of 
OS_CODE and they shouldn't need ZUTIL.H.

I decided to verify this with Dr. Mark Adler ( co-author of ZLIB )
just to make sure...

  Kevin Kiley wrote...
 Is the OS_CODE part of the ZLIB header ever really used?
  Dr. Mark Adler responded...

  It is only useful when the decompressed data is expected to be text, 
  and the software after the decompressor would like some clue about 
  how to translate end-of-line characters.  I have no idea if any 
  browsers make any use of it, but I doubt it.  I assume that 
  html/javascript/etc. interpreters already know how to handle 
  different end-of-line conventions without bothering with conversion.
   Kevin Kiley wrote...
  Can the Apache guys just forget the OS_CODE or set it to 
  'UNIX default' like ZUTIL.H does right in the Server code and, hence, 
  eliminate any dependency on ZUTIL.H?
  Dr. Mark Adler responded...

  I would say yes, almost certainly.

Re: [SUBMIT] mod_gzip 2.0.26a ( Non-debug version )

2001-09-16 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-16 15:38:37 EDT, Cliff wrote...

 I should have been more explicit.  It's not bogus to do a conditional like
  the one you just displayed.  I thought it was excessive to make it a whole
  separate function that's only used in one place.  I thought it was bogus
  to set it to the string NULL instead of the empty string, though
  coincidentally a string that says NULL works out fine in the one place
  where this function is used.  Then there the fact that I can't think of a
  way that r-uri would ever be NULL.  Can it really?  Even when there is no
  r-uri, we set it to the empty string.  That was that whole INTERNALLY
  GENERATED bogosity that we scratched our heads over for a while and then
  Ryan fixed it by setting it to .  Under what circumstances will

That call to mod_gzip_npp() ( Null Pointer Protection ) that remains
in the debug code was actually an oversight. I have never actually 
seen the 'r-uri' pointer cause a segfault inside any standard Apache
module user-exit, hook, or filter callback.

If you look at the 'debug' version of mod_gzip.c that was submitted,
however, you will see that it was quite necessary to have NPP for
debug mode since there are tons of places where debug is trying to
print things that might very well be NULL.

Solaris version started exploding all over the place in DEBUG 
mode just because pointers were NULL so that's when the 
Null Pointer Protection stuff went in.

The reason it's a function is that it used to do a whole lot of
other things if/when something showed up as NULL ) that
weren't apppriate for a macro ( Used to write a complete separate log
file for things that turned up NULL during request hooks and such ).

In non-debug mode... it's really all pretty irrelevant.


Re: [Fwd: Changes to Apache for Solaris2.8]

2001-09-15 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-15 12:30:13 EDT, you write:

 Now they are demanding the change..  Not acked.  Anyone
  want to take this up with them?

1. If they have already found the problem and fixed it for
themselves where is the house on fire?

2. Tell them to submit a patch just like you tell everyone else
and it will be reviewed for correctness.

3. They (somehow) think they need your 'permission' to make a change.

Just my 2 cents.

Kevin Kiley

Re: [SUBMIT] mod_gzip 2.0.26a ( Non-debug version )

2001-09-15 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-15 15:16:16 EDT, Cliff Wooley wrote...

 On Sat, 15 Sep 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   We decided not to wait any longer for a new BETA.
   Attached is the current source code for mod_gzip
   for Apache 2.x series. It has been tested
   pretty heavily and seems to be working fine.
   There is only 1 file... mod_gzip.c.
   You are free to do whatever you like with this
  Cliff Wooley wrote...

  Thanks Kevin.
  I took the liberty of applying a good dose of Apache stylistic rules
  (might have still missed some things, but I tried).  

In the heated exchange last week that was one of my specific
questions ( major formatting concerns ) and the specific answer was
that it didn't matter much at this point in time.

If I had thought anyone still cared about where braces are I
would have done that myself.

 I also removed some
 more debug stuff (the r-notes things) since none of it ever seemed to be
 really used.  

Bad move.

Did you even read the code before you started butchering it or
bother to visit the mod_gzip website and look at all the existing
( and tested ) Apache log analyzers for mod_gzip?

The ability to add compression statistics to the Apache logs
via the r-notes interface was one of the things that people 
needed the MOST. 

If you have removed the r-notes interface you have just
taken a huge step backwards and made the code useless
for a lot of other people's hard work writing log analysis scripts.

 I removed the ZLIB license since I don't think any of this
  code actually came from ZLIB.  

Cliff... now I really am confused.
I really don't know what you are talking about.

If a program USES ZLIB then it is SUPPOSED to have the
ZLIB license. For people that get so bent out of shape about
your own public license I would think you would have more
respect for other's licenses.

Take deep breath, look at the code, and I suggest you put
the COMPLETE LIBPNG/ZLIB license back. I believe when
the rubber meets the road your own Board Members will
require it to be there.

 The fact that it uses zutil.h is immaterial AFAIK.  

If you determine the right OS_CODE for the ZLIB/GZIP LZ77
header then you don't need zutil.h.

However... just look at the code in ZUTIL.H and you will see
you are better off trusting that header. It's been tested for
over 8 years and it does the RIGHT thing.

 If I'm wrong, somebody tell me and I'll put the ZLIB license back

See above. It really should be there if you are going to be using ZLIB.

 I also removed some of the verbose comments... 
 I think it's easier to read with fewer comments in some places.  

Geezus... ok... whatever.
You guys kill me.

Some of those comments were IMPORTANT because Apache 2.0 itself
isn't even finished yet and there was good information about what to
expect might need to happen when it is.

 I took out the version numbering
 since it'd be hard to keep that in-sync if this were in the actual
 httpd-2.0 tree.  It makes sense for a 3rd party module, but not for an
 official module.  

Sure... Whatever.
I still think it's important that the NAME show up in the 'Server:' response 
Did you screw with that?

 I cleaned up a few logic things, but I tried my best not
  to change any functionality.  

Did you break it?
Did you even test it to make sure?

What was submitted was heavily tested and worked fine.
If you broke it then I suggest putting it all back the way it was.

 I did, however, strip out the handling of
  the deprecated commands... if they're deprecated, that can be documented,
  but IMO there's no need to handle them just to print out an error that
  says this isn't supported anymore.  

I guess you haven't distributed many modules.

If you had, then you would understand that's it's easier
to just warn someone they have a mistake in their config
then to stop the Server cold.

I guess I really don't get this urge at Apache to have such
bare-bones code all the time that the users themselves
are the ones who suffer. 

My 2 cents.

 Where I had problems with/questions
  about things, I put in an #error so I couldn't forget to take care of
  them.  (They should be easily taken care of.)  Because of the #error
  additions and the fact that I'm out of time to work on this for the day, I
  haven't even tried compiling this, so there's the possibility I made some
  stupid mistakes.  

I guess my only response to that is... Huh?
If you are going to butcher something you could at least
be a little careful about it. ( Re-compile/test as you make major
changes to be sure you are not breaking everything ).

 I'll get back to it later no doubt, but if someone else
 would care to take the next turn at looking over it, I'd appreciate it.
  To save bandwidth, my version is here:

I submitted that code and I said you (Apache) can do whatever
you like with it but I guess I didn't expect such an up-front
butcher job before 

Re: [SUBMIT] mod_gzip 2.0.26a ( Non-debug version )

2001-09-15 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-15 15:44:43 EDT, Ian wrote...

Coments on coments ( my2c )...

 additional comments (my 2c)

  * Caching should be removed (there is another caching module there
 it should use that), failing that, maybe it should be split out to
 a different filter

What caching are you talking about?
This version isn't attempting to have a compressed object cache (yet).

  * functions should be static


  * why are you defining your own strncmp??

Faster and guaranteed thread-safe using pointers only.

  * logging should be via the logging optional function

Completely configurable just as it is right now.

  * flushing should probably flush the zlib buffer before sending it out

Doesn't seem to matter.

  * only check if gzip is on ONCE per request. (ie if (!f-ctx)) and if you 
 don't want it enabled remove it from the filter chain.


Read the comments.

In order to fully support reality you have to have cross-header
field matching using regular expressions.

At the time that 'insert filter' is called the response headers
are not yet available. 

You can't make all the 'right' decisions at that point alone.

Again... read the comments or read the mod_gzip forum
support messages.

  * remove the de-chunking, you won't see this anyway

Yes, you will.

  * remove the 'enable' flag. if the user has setoutputfilter'd it he wants 

Perhaps. Safer to keep it.

Why not let them 'setoutputfilter' for the whole Server and then control
the actual use in a particualy Server/Location with simple 'On/Off' command?

I believe this is what people expect to be able to do and it 
currently works that way.

  * the filter should be a HTTP_HEADER not a content one.


  * the filter should only be run on a 'main' request (do you check this?)
 otherwise you will have a gzip'ed included file in a non-gziped main 

Not true.

If you only run on a MAIN request you won't be able to comrpess
certain negotiated URLs. When someone just asks for a directory
and the name resolves to index.html it's all happening on a

See the Apache output logs after mod_gzip has been working
for a while... mod_gzip result clearly indicates if/when
the request was something other than main and a simply home
page request is almost always indicated as OK:SUBREQ because
that's what it is. 


Re: [SUBMIT] mod_gzip 2.0.26a ( Non-debug version )

2001-09-15 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-15 16:34:59 EDT, Cliff wrote...

  In the heated exchange last week that was one of my specific
   questions ( major formatting concerns ) and the specific answer was
   that it didn't matter much at this point in time.
   If I had thought anyone still cared about where braces are I
   would have done that myself.
  shrug  It mattered to me.  I scratched an itch.  No big thing.

Scratch away, then. 
I just go the impression that it wan't all that important at this time.
I also removed some more debug stuff (the r-notes things) since
none of it ever seemed to be really used.
   The ability to add compression statistics to the Apache logs
   via the r-notes interface was one of the things that people
   needed the MOST.
  Okay, I didn't know that.  It wasn't clear from the code that they were
  used elsewhere.  I'll put them back.

See the mod_gzip forum and/or home page for 'compression analysis'
stuff. It's all based on the 'notes' interface'. Some people like to 
create complete Custom logs that ONLY have the compression
statistics in them using the existing Apache LogFormat/Customlog
directives and what not.

I am not saying any of it has to stay. I am just giving you a 'heads up'.

Whatever you end with... I assure you that the ability to parse the
stats in the logs is going to be a requirement as it became 
with mod_gzip
I removed the ZLIB license since I don't think any of this
code actually came from ZLIB.
   Cliff... now I really am confused.
   I really don't know what you are talking about.
   If a program USES ZLIB then it is SUPPOSED to have the
   ZLIB license. For people that get so bent out of shape about
   your own public license I would think you would have more
   respect for other's licenses.
  Huh?  The license doesn't say that... does it?  I read it several times
  and never got that impression.  My interpretation was that if you
  distribute ZLIB (or a variant) itself, you must leave the license on
  _that_ code.  So for example if we were distributing zutil.h, our version
  of zutil.h must retain the ZLIB license.  Code that links with it is in a
  different category.  I wasn't trying to disrespect the license, I just
  really didn't think it was supposed to be there.
  If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
  documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
  It's possible that I've misinterpreted that statement, of course...
You haven't misinterpreted it. Mark and Jean-loup's LIBPNG/ZLIB
license is about as 'don't care' as you get... but Mark is a friend
of mine and I guess I was just saying that I think Apache SHOULD
to the thing that he would 'appreciate'. If you are going to use his
code then give him ( and Jean-loup ) some credit.

That's all... no big whoop.

   However... just look at the code in ZUTIL.H and you will see
   you are better off trusting that header. It's been tested for
   over 8 years and it does the RIGHT thing.
  No doubt.

The comments in the code submitted spelled it out.
Most binary downloads of ZLIB only have the ZLIB.H and
ZCONF.H header files so if you are going to require that
everyone already have their own ZLIB libraries to link
to ( Not recommended. See Dr. Mark Adlers comments
on this forum from a few days ago ) then the odds are
that they won't have ZUTIL.H and will have to suffer a 
ZLIB source code distribution download anyway.

There are 3 ways around this...

1. Duplicate all the OS_CODE stuff from ZUTIL.H in the
module itself so there is no dependency.

2. Dump the ACTUAL OS_CODE stuff from the ACTUAL
ZUTIL.H right into the module. Again... no more dependency.

3. Include the latest/greates ZLIB source in the Apache tree
complete with Dr. Mark Adler's (private) patches that fix the
inflate() memory leaks and not only is there no dependency
for people to have the 'right' ZLIB you are sure to have the
best version available at all times in your Server. This is 'Best bet'
but is, of course, subject to a debate that will probably still
need to take place.  
   Some of those comments were IMPORTANT because Apache 2.0 itself
   isn't even finished yet and there was good information about what to
   expect might need to happen when it is.
  I didn't remove _all_ comments of course, not by a long shot.  I just
  removed things that seemed really obvious and that we typically don't

Roger that. 
Rock on.
   Sure... Whatever. I still think it's important that the NAME show up
   in the 'Server:' response field.
  I just ripped out that whole line.  I'll put the name part back, that's
  certainly reasonable.

It's a 'support' issue.

You will discover when bug reports start coming in that people
have no idea what is really running inside their Server unless 
it 'announces' itself on the command line or as part of the
'Server:' field.

I am not saying that every module should 'name' 

Re: notes table? Re: [SUBMIT] mod_gzip 2.0.26a ( Non-debug version )

2001-09-15 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-15 17:23:07 EDT, you write:

 [Light comes on] Ahhh... guess I should have looked more closely at
  mod_log_config and I would have realized that you can configure it to
  write certain notes to the log file.  Duh.  My fault.
  Wasn't the concensus a while back that request_rec-notes should be
  removed, because the more efficient 'userdata' functions on r-pool
  had made the notes table obsolete?

It was 'discussed' but never played out.

I wouldn't say there was anything near a 'consensus' on
anything. Only a few people even responsed.

FWIW: I think the 'notes' stuff should stay, for now anyway.
Any discussion of removing it ( at this time ) is going to 
ignite the 'why don't we just get this Server finished first
so people can at least start using it' debate.


Re: notes table? Re: [SUBMIT] mod_gzip 2.0.26a ( Non-debug version )

2001-09-15 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-15 19:13:06 EDT, Ryan wrote...

 Wasn't the concensus a while back that request_rec-notes should be
 removed, because the more efficient 'userdata' functions on r-pool
 had made the notes table obsolete?
   It was 'discussed' but never played out.
   I wouldn't say there was anything near a 'consensus' on
   anything. Only a few people even responsed.

 Actually, a consensus was reached.  I believe that we even tried to do that
 work, but it isn't as easy as it should be, because it is easy to merge a 
 table, but hard to merge a hash.

Roger that. It WILL be harder.

All I can say is that 'notes' still works, doesn't seem to 
be buggy, and comes in handy. 

Why not just keep it until there's more time to do the
work like after 2.0 gets out the door?

There has to be some definable 'cut off' point for 2.0 changes.

I think the 'userdata versus notes' discussion arose out of the 
new criteria which seems to have emerged ( Justin says he is now 
going to insist on it ) that Apache 2.0 be as FAST if not FASTER 
than 1.3.x before 2.0 ever sees the light of day.

I thought the goal decided (long ago) was...

2.0 - Stable and released
2.1 - Address performance issues


Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0 STATUS

2001-09-10 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-10 10:00:09 EDT, Ryan wrote...

  All I keep thinking, is that we are trying to spite RC by adding a
  different GZ module
  Don't worry about it. Let's see if we can make a decision on what is
  good for the survival of Apache irrespective of what that means for RC.

I agree with Peter here.

The only point is to do what is right for Apache *at this time*

If everyone really agrees with Justin/Ian and others that the
development tree needs a GZIP filter BEFORE the next
beta and it ( for some reason ) has to become part of the
core *at this moment* then just go with mod_gz.

You are not going to 'spite' us... I swear. The decision
has always been yours to make, not ours.

We really are trying to help. We just really think that the
timing is a little wrong for reasons stated.

Heck... mod_gzip doesn't even use ZLIB so if my conversations
with Mark Adler about the specifics of you guys using ZLIB
if you want to doesn't prove we really are just trying to help
and make sure you have all the information you need to make
and intelligent decisin then I don't know what would.


The following is NOT flamebait. I swear.
It is just an observation that is missing from the discussion.

I am just pointing out that no one has done a really good
code review of mod_gz even if the 'consensus' is to drop
it into the core. I've already pointed out one or two problems
( minor ) but a new one I found is that it seems to duplicate
the addition of the GZIP header at all times ( gets added twice?)
before the EOS bucket is sent down the pike. Client-side results 
could be unpredictable. Depends on the browser. It is also completely 
ignoring the FLUSH bucket when it arrives and has no way to add 
'Content-length:' if/when it is necessary.

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0 STATUS

2001-09-10 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-10 12:28:55 EDT, Kevin Kiley wrote...

 The following is NOT flamebait. I swear.
  It is just an observation that is missing from the discussion.
  I am just pointing out that no one has done a really good
  code review of mod_gz even if the 'consensus' is to drop
  it into the core. I've already pointed out one or two problems
  ( minor ) but a new one I found is that it seems to duplicate
  the addition of the GZIP header at all times ( gets added twice?)
  before the EOS bucket is sent down the pike. Client-side results 
  could be unpredictable. Depends on the browser. It is also completely 
  ignoring the FLUSH bucket when it arrives and has no way to add 
  'Content-length:' if/when it is necessary.


I meant to say that the GZIP 'footer' containing OCL ( Original 
Content Length ) and CRC seems to be duplicated on each
call... the HEADER only seems to go in once as it should.

Sorry about that.


Dr. Mark Adler on ZLIB patent issues

2001-09-10 Thread TOKILEY

Hello all.
This is Kevin Kiley

As promised...

Below is a cut from the second conversation I had
with Dr. Mark Adler ( co-author of ZLIB ) this weekend 
regarding some of the possible legal 'patent' issues that 
have been raised ( Ryan, Dirk, others? ) as they might relate 
to using ZLIB inside of Apache to dynamically compress the 
presentation layer content ( E.g. IETF Content-Encoding ).

The 'summary' of what Mark had to say ( full text below )
is that he has no idea if using ZLIB as the main engine
for dynamic data compression will violate generic 'lurker' patents
or not. Even Jean-loup did not specifically address these
kinds of patents with regards to ZLIB.

Dirk told Ryan he has some specific patent 'numbers' that
he is concerned about but he won't be back online 
until Tuesday so still not sure which ones Dirk was
referring to or if they are relevant.

Our own research in this area turned up a number of 
these generic 'dynamic compression of content' style 
patents, one of which is...

US5652878 - Method and apparatus for compressing data.
Issued to IBM on July 29, 1997 ( Filing date: Oct 2, 1995 ).

We had lots of highly paid attorneys looking for these
things and rendering opinions but, unfortunately, it
wouldn't do any good for me to post our findings because
( as is the case with most IP legal work ) the opinions
are not 'transferrable' in a legal sense.

The 'gist' of it is that they are probably not worth
worrying about since they are simply 'method' patents
and the 'general use' clause always kicks in in these
cases if/when there is a challenge. There is also the
'public good' clause.

We've been compressing Apache presentation layer content
all over the world for over a year now and we have not
received any 'legal' complaints from anyone but the currently
distributed mod_gzip does NOT contain or use ZLIB at all
so whether that matters or not... I do not know. I imagine
it does NOT since the 'lurker' patents are mostly of the
generic 'method' type.

If the ASF really needs to be 'severe clear' on this
I'm afraid there is no substitute for having your own
IP attorneys give you their own green light ( in writing ).

Here is all that Dr. Mark Adler had to say about the
'generic' presentation layer data delivery patent(s)...

 At 8:45 PM EST - Saturday 9/8/01, Kevin Kiley and
 Dr. Mark Adler had the following conversation...


 Kevin Kiley asked...

The Apache group doesn't appear to have any problem with
the compatibility of the ZLIB/LIBPNG license with their
own ( more restrictive ) ASF License but a few of the
'patents' of ( mild ) concern at Apache are those that are 
floating around out there which are as generic as they can 
be and basically ( supposedly ) cover the delivery of any 
compressed presentation layer data via any communications 
interface. ( In other words.. all of IETF Content-Encoding ).

Ring any bells with you?

 Mark Adler wrote...

No.  But patents are sneaky things, and I haven't spent any time 
looking for the lurkers out there.  Jean-loup spent quite a bit of 
time reading patents to make sure that the zlib deflate 
implementation did not violate any (and there were some that we had 
to skirt, where for example the level 1 compression in zlib could be 
faster were it not for a patent).  But he did not look for 
compression delivery patents.



Kevin Kiley

PS: As with the previous message regarding ZLIB memory leaks,
Dr. Mark Adler's verbatim comments are reprinted here on this public 
forum with his full permission.

Re: General Availability release qualities?

2001-09-08 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-08 14:34:49 EDT, Justin wrote...

 As most of you know (like I haven't said it enough), I'm going to be 
  out of regular email contact for a few weeks.  But, I hope this 
  enlightens you on my perspective on what should happen before a 
  GA is released.  I look forward to seeing any replies and thoughts 
  before I leave tomorrow (please continue this thread even if I can't
  How do we know when we get there if we don't know where we're going?

No quite sure what to say on this since you are the one that
kicked the 'let's include mod_gz RIGHT NOW' football down the field
last friday. 

I guess all I can say is... 'Have a nice vacation'.
Did you know that I was on vacation myself when you
kicked that football down the field and I had to cut it
short because of that? Thanks.

  Once classes start again and I get settled in my new place, I'll 
  resume active development.  -- justin

That's good to know, I guess.
Thanks for sharing.


Re: [PATCH] Turn apr_table_t into a hash table

2001-09-08 Thread TOKILEY

In a message dated 01-09-08 17:43:15 EDT, Ryan wrote...

 I know that there aren't many modules for 2.0 today, but at some
 point, everybody who has a module for 1.3 will want to port it to 2.0.  I 
 can currently do that in under one hour for even complex modules.  
 Changing API's like this after we have had 25 releases, makes that harder.

It's a certainty that when the general public has enough confidence
in 2.0 to start porting all the existing modules over ( mod_oas, 
mod_bandwidth, mod_my_module, God all what else ) they will
do so by using the 1.x.x code and just changing as little as
possible... which traps all the other API calls in there.

It certainly would be best to be very careful about changing
any more API's at this point until 2.0 is out the door and
flying under its own power. It's almost ready.

Just an opinion.
Kevin Kiley

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