AW: I18n of JOSM plugins (with Gradle build) via Transifex

2018-01-16 Thread Karl Guggisberg
> I hope this proves useful
It does! I'll merge your related pull request for the scripting plugin shortly.
-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Florian Schäfer [] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018 12:19
Betreff: I18n of JOSM plugins (with Gradle build) via Transifex

Hello fellow JOSM developers,

I'd like to make an announcement for plugin developers and translators:

Translators, you can now translate a few JOSM plugins at [1] (the 
other translations are still on Launchpad).
Plugin developers, if you are building with Gradle you can now easily export 
and import strings for i18n using Gradle.


Very recently I added i18n support to the gradle-josm-plugin [2].
Starting with v0.3.1, JOSM plugins using Gradle as build system can export 
translatable strings and later process the translated strings.

Since in the past there were occasional thoughts to switch to Transifex for 
translations [3][4], I figured this would be a good opportunity to try to 
migrate a few plugins over. Maybe it proves useful for future efforts in this 
So I started to upload translatable strings to Transifex yesterday.
At the moment the translatable strings for the JOSM plugins `Mapillary` and 
`geojson` are now available on Transifex.

Both plugins can now be translated on both platforms, but I'd like to migrate 
the `Mapillary` plugin to Transifex completely to avoid that translation work 
is done two times on two different platforms.
I'll leave it up to the other maintainers of JOSM plugins built with Gradle to 
decide if and where to translate the plugins [5].
Quick statistics: AFAIK there are eight plugins built with Gradle, seven of 
these use the  gradle-josm-plugin, of those all except `Mapillary` and 
`geojson` are currently not translated at all.

Is there a simple way to disable pushing translations to Launchpad for the 
Mapillary plugin? Or would it be easier to remove the plugin from the Ant 
build? I think, the Gradle build offers all necessary functionality now, so it 
wouldn't hurt much to only build with Gradle.
For me, i18n was the last big bit that was missing in the Gradle build.

I hope this proves useful for some developers/translators. If you have any 
feedback, questions or other comments, feel free to write it here. 

With kind regards,
Florian aka floscher

P.S.: I'd like to emphasize, that I don't want to force anything onto other 
developers, neither Gradle nor Transifex. These are the choices I made for the 
Mapillary plugin and which I'm offering in the form of the gradle-josm-plugin 
to everybody who's interested.



[2]: , instructions for i18n at



[5]: I didn't ask the maintainer(s) of the geojson plugin yet. If they want to 
stay with Launchpad, I'll remove the project from Transifex again. For the 
moment it only serves demonstration purposes.

Re: [josm-dev] JOSM donations?

2011-08-01 Thread Karl Guggisberg
I read you opinion, I accept it, I don't necessarily agree with it, but I
won't discuss it on the list.

2011/8/1 Dirk Stöcker

 On Mon, 1 Aug 2011, Paul Hartmann wrote:

 after this is mainly flaming against me and no longer private I may answer.

  And own server - you know what I think about JOSM being more and more a
 client to some JOSM server somewhere. I'd like to get rid of the server
 instead of building up even more capacity which will doubtless be filled
 you with lots of clever Python contraptions that nobody else can

 Exactly, for god's sake, don't put stoeckr in a position where he can

 up even more Perl spagetti, which is closed source for security

 I still don't know what your problem is Karl. You have been a valuably
 contributor in the past but as soon as not everything went the way you
 wanted it, you went mad.

 It is an accident this text got to the mailing list, but actually I find it
 rather strange, that you send flames to Paul, but never had the courage to
 contact me.

  Instead of collect money then see how we spend it, I'd suggest define
 what we want, find out what it costs, then ask people to donate to
 OSM/FOSSGIS for that specific cause. - If a cause can be found that is
 worth spending money on, and I'm not convinced yet.

 Exactly, there is clearly potential for payed work from which both a

 potential sponsor and the community benefits, without the community to be
 compromised. It is possible, we've all done this in the past, but I very
 much doubt that it would be possible again, if stoeckr was involved

 Well, what do you refer to? I only know one time when we had something like
 this in the past and this is turnrestrictions plugin. And actually this is
 an example which shows the opposite:

 The author got money for it, but he no longer cares about. The plugin was
 abandoned shortly after it has been created. Nobody does necessary bug fixes

 So this is an argument for Frederik, who says that bounties wont work.

 -- (PGP key available)

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Re: [OSM-dev] API 0.7 brainstorming

2010-12-30 Thread Karl Guggisberg
I agree that there aren't major flaws in API 0.6 which would immediately
call to action. I'm aware of one annoying issue, though. Clients like JOSM
have a hard time detecting whether an upload succeeded or not if, for any
reason, the HTTP connection is interrupted. This is significant in practice
because it is often the cause for duplicate uploads and for large sets of
duplicate nodes. I've seen related complaints on the OSM and the JOSM lists
and there are JOSM trac tickets discussing the problem in detail.

I feel that a fix for this problem would justifiy an API 0.7, even if it was
just by extending API 0.6 with a new upload protocol, leaving anything else
untouched, and regardless of whether the database layer is redesigned or

-- Karl
dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] question about UI strings in plugins

2010-04-18 Thread Karl Guggisberg
  I think it has changed, right?
Yes. The rules are much simpler now:

* Always escape single quotes with '', regardless of whether you use tr(), 
trn(), or trc().
   #4160  still claims that double 
quotes won't work in the french translation but the ticket has
   never been confirmed and it is probably outdated.


Am 18.04.2010 13:47, schrieb Sebastian Klein:
 Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Simply add whatever you want in a tr() call. That serves as a hook for
 the i18n engine but of it remains untranslated then it will just display
 as-is. Make sure to use proper number formatting and the singular/plural
 stuff (trn()).
 There is some kind of script that runs over all the source files and
 collects the strings for translation. (in the folder editors/josm/i18n)
 The strings are uploaded to launchpad and all the translations are then
 copied to core/data/*.lang. This is done manually approximately once a week.

   From the wiki page :

 wrong: new JLabel(tr(My Label  + labelId));

 right: new JLabel(tr(My Label {0}, labelId));

 Can anyone confirm that the following still holds:


 For simple strings without substitution you need not change anything:

 new JButton(tr(Don't press me!))

 For tr with more than one parameter, the apostrophe is special. (Like
 backslash in C)
 It needs to be escaped by another apostrophe:

 new JButton(tr(Don''t press me more than {0} times!, n))


 I think it has changed, right?



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Re: [josm-dev] Endless bugfixing (was: Plugins not working with 3094 and Linux ?)

2010-03-10 Thread Karl Guggisberg

I'm only aware of one defect related to 3102 (Sebastian, you've reported 
it today) and this one
is fixed. What other defects related 3102 are you referring to?  
Actually 3102 has been
*fixing* four defects (or closing two tickets and fixing two unreported 
I've added a warning when I checked in 3102 because I knew that there 
was some
risk but from my interpretation JOSM is currently exactly in the phase 
where these risks are taken.

My interpreation was that a tested was  pushed out (~ a week ago it 
appeared on the JOSM home page) and that JOSM started
another of JOSMs traditional cylces. If the question is whether we 
really need this right now, then my intrpretation would be:
yes,that's exactly how people have been working on JOSM in the past. 
 From my point of view JOSM  would
currently focus on  new features and larger reworks before another 
stabilization phase  towards the end of such a cycle.

I don't like the traditional approach of JOSM developoment enough to 
advocate it, though. I'd be
happy if things changed. From todays emails I learned about the 
following plan:
* there is yet another tested planned for end of this month latest, 
perhaps for next friday
* it's going to be the long announced last tested for Java 5


Am 10.03.2010 19:00, schrieb Sebastian Klein:
 Dirk Stöcker wrote:

 JOSM should be a bit more stable, but I also don't like to wait
 endless. JAVA6 will come end of month latest and JAVA5 users will
 have to live with the version we have by then. Would be nice if the
 plugin issues and some other serious stuff can be fixed till then. If
 there are really bigger issues and users of JAVA5 have no other
 chance, then a bug-fix branch can be made if a maintainer for it can
 be found (which I doubt).

 If we have a very stable version tomorrow, then JAVA6 can come friday
 We are fixing bugs for 2 months now, so time can't be the issue. We have
 to clearly identify the bugs that need to be fixed, then just do it and
 move on. The new stuff is probably piling up in the local repositories,
 this stagnation is quite annoying.

 So i can partly understand why Karl pushed out [3102] but it introduced
 a couple of bugs and there may be more to come. Do we really need this
 right now?

 And Dirk, you do the final decisions, so could you please be a little
 more verbose and clearly state what you think needs to be fixed?
 Especially if deadlines are missed, a status update wouldn't hurt.

 Happy coding :)



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Re: [josm-dev] Plugins not working with 3094 and Linux ?

2010-03-09 Thread Karl Guggisberg

  Do we have to modify the ant files and recompile all plugins for Java6 ?

the public build.xml for the JOSM core still compiles for Java 5 (both 
source and target). So do the
build.xml for the plugins. Most of them have the property property value=1.5 /
set (cadastre_fr too).

Latest is still compiled for Java 1.5, as far as I can tell- the major 
version of the class files is 49.

I don't know when the JOSM core is going to be compiled for Java 6. On 
this list I have been reading
about plans to switch to Java 6 one or two weeks ago. Perhaps it has 
been postponed by another month or two
in the meantime. Plugins should probably wait to compile for Java 6 
until the JOSM core is available for Java 6.


Am 09.03.2010 12:39, schrieb Pieren:

 I received already two complains about 3094 and the cadastre-fr plugin not
 working on Linux (ubuntu or Debian Etch) with a java6 env.

 Exception is :
 java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

 Do we have to modify the ant files and recompile all plugins for Java6 ?
 Strange is that it works fine on Windows.

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Re: [josm-dev] Function to select or download a sequence of ways?

2010-03-09 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Marko

To the best of my knowlege there is no such function yet  ...

  As a further development, it could be useful to create a selective 
download function (follow this way until reaching a branch or a given 
bounding box).
... except for this function which sounds like what the waydownloader 
plugin provides.

Selection is a core thing. You can use it from plugins in three ways.
(1) you can influence the current selection. See setSelected() on 
DataSet. Invoke it on the current data layer (Main.main.getEditLayer())
(2) you can get the current selection. See getSelected() on DataSet. 
Invoke it on the current data layer (Main.main.getEditLayer())
(3) you can listen to the current selection. See


Am 09.03.2010 10:07, schrieb Marko Mäkelä:
 Before I start reinventing the wheel in JOSM, I would like to know if there
 is a function or plugin that allows to select a non-branching sequence of
 ways.  It would be nice if the selection function could optionally be
 restricted to the current selection, just like the search dialog, and if
 some predicates could be assigned to the ways, say, highway=tertiary or
 natural=coastline, so that any branches where the predicate does not hold
 would be ignored.

 With such a selection function, it would be easy to select the coastline of
 an area within a natural=coastline extract of the planet extract, or to select
 a section of highway or railway for defining a route relation, for instance.

 Last, some questions to help getting me started, in case this does not
 exist yet.  Is the selection a core thing, or can this be done in a plugin?
 Where should I start looking first?

 As a further development, it could be useful to create a selective download
 function (follow this way until reaching a branch or a given bounding box).

 Best regards,


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Re: [josm-dev] how does the transition to tested work ?

2010-03-08 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Colliar

Yes, you're right, that's how how most professionals in most other 
commercial and OS projects work,
or at least try to work. Unfortunately, JOSM is different. The JOSM 
release process is one of the
many JOSMisms which are often hard to understand for both JOSM users and 
JOSM contributors.

Please forget about the r-2010-01-blockers. They've been introduced in 
an attempt to prepare and
stabilize a release when the current maintainer handed over 
responsibility  to two of us, because he didn't have time.
Just ignore them. The current maintainer is apparently back in business.

Actually, two of us is wrong. bastik took over responsibility and did 
most of the work for the last tested build, thanks!


Am 08.03.2010 12:33, schrieb colliar:
 Hash: SHA256


 Thanks a lot for your work.

 I still wonder how the transition to tested works. As bug #4666 is/was really
 annoying but is fixed now exists still in r3070. This has also effects on
 update data (see #4663).
 Please update tested to r3081.

 I also find 5 bugs left with keyword: r-2010-01-blocker. Are you planning to
 solve them before working on upstream ?

 I think tested should be a version without any blocker/critical bug reported 
 and being tested as unstable/latest for a week.

 cu co
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [josm-dev] how does the transition to tested work ?

2010-03-08 Thread Karl Guggisberg

  maybe we should add a comment that uploads should be done in 1 transaction 
 only until this bug is fixed.
This wouldn't really help. Even if data is uploaded in one transaction (i.e. 
with exactly one upload into one changeset before the changeset is closed), we 
may run into the problem if the user cancels the upload.

Anyway, a warning message couldn't harm, but I'd display it when the user 
cancels an upload. It should read something along the lines of:

* if the upload included new objects
   You canceled the upload of new objects. If you retry the upload the same 
objects could be uploaded again. Before the next upload
please update your data and run validator for duplicate nodes.

* if the upload didn't included new objects
   You canceled an upload. If you retry the upload you might create a lot of 
conflicts because your local dataset might be out of sync
with the data on the server. Before the next upload  please update your 
data and resolve any conflicts.

But both these warnings aren't really helpful because in both cases you may end 
up with strange data and/or a lot of work (resolving
hundreds of conflicts, for instance). We will probably have to implement the 
workaround described in #4401 and hope for an improved
API/protocol in API 0.7.

-- Karl

Am 08.03.2010 17:15, schrieb Apollinaris Schoell:
 On 8 Mar 2010, at 7:04 , Sebastian Klein wrote:

 #4401 (JOSM does not remember what has been uploaded)
It's more like an enhancement. Too complicated, will be fixed after

 for me this is really a bug not an enhancement. Josm is used for semi 
 automatic imports a lot and this creates big mess of duplicates on 
 server/network interrupts. I know it wasn't designed for that but Josm is 
 just such a great workhorse.
 on normal editing this can leave a user with  conflicts after a partial 
 upload, maybe we should add a comment that uploads should be done in 1 
 transaction only until this bug is fixed.

 Anyway thanks for the great work and it's better to have a stable again.
 Josm is improving big with every release:)

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Re: [josm-dev] how does the transition to tested work ?

2010-03-08 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Yes, conflict resolution today is clearly not well-designed for mass 
resolution of conflicts. Openening a dialog,
resolving the conflict, and closing the dialog again, is very tedious if 
you have to resolve more than, say, 20 conflicts.

This is a major issue which I think should be adressed soon. It won't 
replace the current feature for resolving
an individual conflict, but it should complete it with better support 
for mass resolution.


Am 08.03.2010 17:39, schrieb Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason:
 On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 16:30, Dirk Stö  wrote:

 On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:

 for me this is really a bug not an enhancement. Josm is used for semi
 automatic imports a lot and this creates big mess of duplicates on
 server/network interrupts. I know it wasn't designed for that but Josm is
 just such a great workhorse.
 on normal editing this can leave a user with  conflicts after a partial
 upload, maybe we should add a comment that uploads should be done in 1
 transaction only until this bug is fixed.

 Anyway thanks for the great work and it's better to have a stable again.
 Josm is improving big with every release:)
 The problem with recommending that is that the only reason for using
 one object at a time uploading is to narrow down conflicts you may be
 having, right now due to this bug at the cost of adding lots of
 duplicates to the database.

 To have better conflict solving you may use Update modified from first
 menu. This will produce all conflicts in one single run and allows them to
 fix in one go.
 Yes, but due to the bad interface for conflict resolution in JOSM this
 isn't an option sometimes. There isn't support for mass-resolution of
 similar conflicts (I've filed bugs for this) so you run into
 situations where you can either:

 * Solve 300 conflicts which are of the same nature manually. Which
 requires for each one:
   1. Click on an item in the conflict list
   2. Move to tags/whatever in the dialog
   3. Click merge your/remote changes
   4. Apply
   5 Repeat

 After I'm done with that I'll have manually clicked UI elements at
 least 300*4 times or so.

 So instead of doing that when I run into it I just cut my losses and
 try to upload at least /some/ of my data. I do this by turning on
 single-object upload, trying to select subsets of the dataset and see
 if I can upload them without conflicts.

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Re: [josm-dev] svn:eol-style=native

2010-03-04 Thread Karl Guggisberg

that's fine for me. I've now updated my local SVN config too.


Am 04.03.2010 11:16, schrieb Sebastian Klein:

 I'd like to set svn:eol-style=native for 481 source files. Any
 objections? One-third (207) of the files already have this flag.

 Btw, you can put the following in the subversion config:

   enable-auto-props = yes
   *.java = svn:eol-style=native

 This way all added files get the property by default.



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[josm-dev] Next release end of February: status update

2010-02-16 Thread Karl Guggisberg

work on the next JOSM release scheduled for end of February is 
progressing well, see

Currently, there are five defects flagged as release blocker (i.e. 
they should be fixed before the next release because they affect basic 
and often used features or because they might lead to lost or corrupt 
data), down from 20 release blocker in total.

Work on translations is going well too. Sebastian is frequently 
synchronizing launchpad and the JOSM source tree. Currently, there are  
20 messages not translated yet in German. Are there other languages 
targeting 100% translation converage for the next release too?

We had some discussions on this list whether the announced switch to 
Java 1.6 is reasonable or not. My impression is, that there is consensus 
in the JOSM community that the migration makes sense, even though there 
are a few users who won't be happy with a new, Java 1.6 based JOSM 
(mainly users of Mac OSs withouth support for Java 1.6).

Based on a thread on this list I've written down a proposal for a future 
Build and Release Number scheme, see I've 
tried to summarize the discussion in the thread but the final proposal 
is obviously biased toward what I like most. Please post to this list if 
you have any objections or leave a note on the wiki. If this proposal 
was to be followed the next release would be named *JOSM 10.1*.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] deleting relations fails due to not fullfiled prerequirements

2010-02-13 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Werner

I'd say it's a JOSM *feature*, not a defect. JOSM correctly detects that 
the server wasn't able to delete a relation because it was still in use 
by some other relation.

  Simple workaround:
  Remove 73724 first and 73723 with a second changeset.
That's how to do it. It isn't a workaround.


Am 13.02.2010 10:04, schrieb Werner Hoch:
 Hi there,

 I'm not sure if this is a JOSM problem.

 I've tried to delete the relations 73723 and 73724.
 73723 is the only element of 73724.

 When I try to upload the change, I get an error message
 that 73723 cannot be deleted because it is an element of
 The complete message is (German):
 Vorbedingung nicht erfüllt
 Die Relation 73723 konnte nicht gelöscht werden. Sie wird immer
 noch von Relation 73724 referenziert. Bitte laden Sie die Relation
 73724, entfernen Sie die Referenz auf Relation 73723 und laden Sie
 erneut hoch.

 I think that the prerequirements are fullfiled if relation 73724
 is removed, too.

 Simple workaround:
 Remove 73724 first and 73723 with a second changeset.

 I'm using JOSM version 2561.


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Re: [josm-dev] Introduce versioning scheme

2010-02-09 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hallo Dirk
 Also all released JOSM jar files are signed, so you can use Java to verify

Handelt es sich dabei um einen Teil des bisher nicht veröffentlichen 
Build-Scripts für Releases? In ant.xml kann ich auf den ersten Blick 
keine entsprechende Funktion erkennen. Kannst du das bisher verwendete 
Build-Script publizieren? Wie siehts mit Zertifikaten aus?

Für den letzten testet hast du
   X.509,,,, L=Potsdam, ST=Brandenburg, C=DE
   [certificate is valid from 22.02.09 15:06 to 20.02.19 15:06]
verwendet. Gibts eine Chance, dass wir wieder das gleiche Schlüsselpaar 
verwenden können ?

Viele Grüsse

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Introduce versioning scheme

2010-02-09 Thread Karl Guggisberg
ehem, sorry for the posting in german ...


Am 09.02.2010 19:21, schrieb Dirk Stöcker:
 On Tue, 9 Feb 2010, Karl Guggisberg wrote:

 Also all released JOSM jar files are signed, so you can use Java to 

 Handelt es sich dabei um einen Teil des bisher nicht veröffentlichen
 Build-Scripts für Releases? In ant.xml kann ich auf den ersten Blick
 keine entsprechende Funktion erkennen. Kannst du das bisher verwendete
 Build-Script publizieren? Wie siehts mit Zertifikaten aus?

 All releases are signed. Each nightly build. As said latest and tested 
 are only softlinks to these. So for release the only thing to do is 
 say This build is release.

 I don't like to make the build scripts open as it runs automatically 
 and with too much knowledge about the scripts hacking the server 
 probably becomes much easier (everything has flaws and you must not 
 make them too obvious :-) And there is no real necessarity beside 
 Nice to know.


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Re: [josm-dev] Introduce versioning scheme

2010-02-08 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Sebastian

Absolutely. That's one of the things we should do in the next release:
* proper release naming
* proper labeling in SVN

I came up with a slightly different naming scheme, though. If we want to 
be understood by users with less technical background a release name 
0.10.1-r1566 could be quite cryptic. Why not simply call it 2010.01  
(first release in 2010), 2010.02, etc. ? There won't be more than 4 
releases a year anyway. I don't really see the need for a version number 
with three levels of increments. See for instance Ubuntu release 


Am 08.02.2010 21:49, schrieb Sebastian Klein:

 I was wondering, why we still have revision numbers for the releases. I
 assume, most users won't know the concept of software revisions (and
 don't care) but are much more familiar with handy version numbers.

 The fact that the version of the plugins is one magnitude higher than
 the JOSM number, has caused some confusion, as well.

 It would be a little more work for the maintainer, but I think it's
 feasible. :)

 For the last 10 tested versions it could look like this, for example:


 (Start with some arbitrary positive number as minor version and
 increment the minor version for each new tested. Bug fix follow ups
 could get a third level number. A Zero as major version would indicate
 the beta state and that bugs are to be expected. Finally append the
 revision number.)

 I am open for other suggestions, though.

 JOSM has a lot of unconventional behavior (e.g. editing modes, right
 mouse click panning, the whole Java handling, webkit installation,
 etc.). The revision numbers alone are not a big deal, but the small
 hurdles add up and at each stage, a certain fraction of users gives up.
 It would be nice, if we could also reach more people with only little
 technical skills.




 Interesting, there has been a release in each month.

 r1566 | 2009-04-30 15:59:56 +0200 (Thu, 30 Apr 2009)
 r1607 | 2009-05-20 16:08:00 +0200 (Wed, 20 May 2009)
 r1669 | 2009-06-14 17:34:52 +0200 (Sun, 14 Jun 2009)
 r1788 | 2009-07-14 18:20:56 +0200 (Tue, 14 Jul 2009)
 r1981 | 2009-08-18 15:21:37 +0200 (Tue, 18 Aug 2009)
 r2221 | 2009-09-30 21:04:36 +0200 (Wed, 30 Sep 2009)
 r2255 | 2009-10-07 21:25:15 +0200 (Wed, 07 Oct 2009)
 r2552 | 2009-11-30 00:02:22 +0100 (Mon, 30 Nov 2009)
 r2554 | 2009-11-30 13:48:36 +0100 (Mon, 30 Nov 2009)
 r2561 | 2009-12-01 21:37:23 +0100 (Tue, 01 Dec 2009)

- no, wait - December doesn't count and January is just over.. :)

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Re: [josm-dev] Please don't delete

2010-01-28 Thread Karl Guggisberg

you're free to create trac tickets as you wish and you already did. This 
page is by no means a replacement of trac ticketing system and  I ask 
you again not to delete it.

  If these are personal notes, then why use an common wiki page instead of a
  personal file on your harddisk?
Because I did so. I don't have to justify.


Am 28.01.2010 09:27, schrieb Dirk Stöcker:
 On Wed, 27 Jan 2010, Karl Guggisberg wrote:

 For some reasons I don't understand stoecker got upset because the page
 exists and threatens to delete it. I want to keep it. It's no big deal,
 I'm not upset. But there have been numerous cases like this in the past
 and people always refer to these pages when they are long-time outdated
 (and they get outdated very fast). Thus my comment to make the issues trac
 tickets instead of a project-related issue collection. These issues have
 nothing to do with Haiti at all, so the project-relating is useless.

 these are my personal notes, don't read it if you don't like it, just
 ignore it if you don't like the concept of a wiki and/or the content. I
 don't mind.
 If these are personal notes, then why use an common wiki page instead of a
 personal file on your harddisk?


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Re: [josm-dev] Please don't delete

2010-01-28 Thread Karl Guggisberg

 I will not delete the page now (which I never considered), but it will 
 not stay there longer than approx. 2 months. 

I'll continue to work actively with this page and I let you know when it 
is not needed anymore or I'll delete it myself, if I feel necessary 
(remember, for whatever reason I was granted wiki admin rights too). 
Until then feel free to contribute in any reasonable way in the 
tradition of working with wikis. Creating tickets and adding the ticket 
ids was a welcome added value.


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[josm-dev] Please don't delete

2010-01-27 Thread Karl Guggisberg

I'm currently contributing to the mapping activities in Haiti. As a 
sideeffect I learn a lot about JOSM, how it used by other and how it 
could better support relief efforts in crisis situations. I take some 
notes at

For some reasons I don't understand stoecker got upset because the page 
exists and threatens to delete it. I want to keep it. It's no big deal, 
these are my personal notes, don't read it if you don't like it, just 
ignore it if you don't like the concept of a wiki and/or the content. I 
don't mind.

This is just to announce, that I'll continue to work with this page in 
the near future and I ask everybody not to delete this page. Thanks.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Remove tooltips in relation list dialog

2010-01-20 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Sebastian

not from my side, go ahead.


Am 19.01.2010 21:50, schrieb Sebastian Klein:

 I'd like to remove the tooltips from relation list dialog and layer list
 dialog. It isn't unique information, but can be quite distracting (See
 #3639 and #4227 for example). Any objections?



 josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Plugin for wifi geolocalization inside building ...

2010-01-14 Thread Karl Guggisberg

please read this:


Am 14.01.2010 10:41, schrieb Minh Quang:
 Hi everyone, I would like to know how to add a number version to application 
 JOSM. In fact, when I compile JOSM, I have just an executable file without 
 the number version. It will make me difficult to download other plugins like 
 PicLayer which will demands JOSM version 2.561 +. Thanks everyone

 --- On Wed, 1/13/10, Sebastian  wrote:

 From: Sebastian
 Subject: Re: [josm-dev] Plugin for wifi geolocalization inside building ...
 Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 12:35 PM

 Minh Quang wrote:

 Thanks for your reply. As you sugested, we can use the filter to hide and 
 display objects according to their tags.
 Now, I dont know how to use this feature,
 I send you PM on how to activate this feature.

 in which directory, I can find it... Thanks

 I'm sure you find out yourself. :)

 josm-dev mailing list

 josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Plugin for wifi geolocalization inside building ...

2010-01-14 Thread Karl Guggisberg

I'll give you a few pointers to further information. I you want to 
create a plugin which creates layers, downloads and uploads geo-data, 
manipulates data in the background, etc. you can't avoid to get familiar 
with a subset of the JOSM code base. Read it and write one or more small 
prototypes to get hands-on experience. Nobody on this list can relieve 
you from this burden. If you run into trouble ask again.

* Read the code in org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer. In particular, have 
a look at OsmDataLayer. Find out, how an OsmDataLayer is currently 
created in JOSM and try to mimic this in your plugin.

* Read the code in, in particular,, and You'll have to 
manipulate them. Another cornerstone is That's where your 
inhouse objects will be kept in  JOSM (or your plugin). Each 
OsmDataLayer has a DataSet.

* Have a look at the classes in 
OsmServerReader reads geo-data as XML from an input stream and replies a 
DataSet. Want to see it in action? Then have a look at 
org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.downloadtasks.DownloadOsmTask. This is 
also an example on how JOSM currently runs asynchronous tasks.

Are you aware of this page: ? 
You should read it too. It gives you additional infos about creating a 
JOSM plugin.


Am 14.01.2010 15:38, schrieb Minh Quang:
 Thanks for your help. Now, I would like to work on the JOSM's objects 
 with our personalized tags. What I want to do is to create the same 
 number of layers as floors there are inside a building, and to 
 position objects inside each layer according to their floor tags. 
 =), another question is how JOSM control their objects. There is a 
 translation from data dowloaded to JOSM's objects... Thanks in advance

 --- On *Thu, 1/14/10, Karl Guggisberg /* 

 From: Karl Guggisberg
 Subject: Re: [josm-dev] Plugin for wifi geolocalization inside
 building ...
 Date: Thursday, January 14, 2010, 10:50 AM


 please read this:


 Am 14.01.2010 10:41, schrieb Minh Quang:
  Hi everyone, I would like to know how to add a number version to
 application JOSM. In fact, when I compile JOSM, I have just an
 executable file without the number version. It will make me
 difficult to download other plugins like PicLayer which will
 demands JOSM version 2.561 +. Thanks everyone
  --- On Wed, 1/13/10, Sebastian
 /mc/compose?  wrote:
  From: Sebastian
  Subject: Re: [josm-dev] Plugin for wifi geolocalization inside
 building ...
  Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 12:35 PM
  Minh Quang wrote:
  Thanks for your reply. As you sugested, we can use the filter
 to hide and display objects according to their tags.
  Now, I dont know how to use this feature,
  I send you PM on how to activate this feature.
  in which directory, I can find it... Thanks
  I'm sure you find out yourself. :)
  josm-dev mailing list
  josm-dev mailing list

 josm-dev mailing list /mc/compose?

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Localisation policy for quotes etc.

2010-01-13 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Sure, but the latest commits fixing english messages are really exagerating

Its download link is not known. instead of isn't known ? Hey, these 
are just error messages, it's not the Queen addressing the nation.


Am 13.01.2010 17:48, schrieb Frederik Ramm:

 Marc Schütz wrote:

 Well Marc Schütz is in theory completely wrong that don't and do not
 are not freely interchangeable. Don't is a contraction of do not
 and means exactly the same thing by definition.

 Then why is not this sentence right?
 Can we simply agree that the apostroph'd forms are not used in formal
 English and move on? Ain't so hard ;-)


 josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Localisation policy for quotes etc.

2010-01-13 Thread Karl Guggisberg
forgot to add: thanks to mjulius and others for cleaning up all these 
messages! It was indeed necessary and the result is a big improvent, 
even though I feel that the wording could be a little bit less formal in 
some cases.
-- Karl

Sure, but the latest commits fixing english messages are really exagerating

Its download link is not known. instead of isn't known ? Hey, these 
are just error messages, it's not the Queen addressing the nation.


Am 13.01.2010 17:48, schrieb Frederik Ramm:

 Marc Schütz wrote:

 Well Marc Schütz is in theory completely wrong that don't and do not
 are not freely interchangeable. Don't is a contraction of do not
 and means exactly the same thing by definition.

 Then why is not this sentence right?
 Can we simply agree that the apostroph'd forms are not used in formal
 English and move on? Ain't so hard ;-)


 josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Localisation policy for quotes etc.

2010-01-10 Thread Karl Guggisberg

  It's always a single quite in English, but perhaps they're double
  quotes in the JOSM source to work around something?:

tr(abc) doesn't use MessageFormat. A single quote in tr(...) therefore 
isn't a meta-character and is copied to the output.
   tr(a single quote ' )  -  a single quote '

tr(a {0}, test) uses MessageFormat. There, single quotes are 
meta-character. A single quote is the (close) equivalent to  \ in regexp: it 
allows to escape curly braces. '} is }, '' is '.Therefore, if you have a I18n 
string with format placeholders and single quotes, you MUST escape them with 
two quotes. If you don't MessageFormat won't process the format placeholders 
correctly and single quotes are deleted.
   tr(a single quote '' - {0} , OK)  -  a single quote ' - OK
   tr(a single quote ' - {0} , NOK)  -  a single quote  - NOK  (or a 
single quote - {0} because formatting fails)

At least that's what you have to do today unless somebody changes the tr() 
implementations in I18n. If tr(...) was to use MessageFormat too, single 
quotes would always have to be escaped with another single quote.

  The HTML is rendered by some internal Java stuff, both of those tags
  work just as well when fed to it so I don't think it needs to be fixed
  either way.
AFAIK, the internal Java stuff doesn't support br/. Even worse, if you use 
it instead ofbr the HTML rendering is sometimes messed up. This holds for 
labels, tooltips and for JEditorPane.


Am 10.01.2010 16:13, schrieb Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason:
 On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 15:00, Andre  wrote:

 Hi List!

 Since I currently check all translatable texts I found that sometimes
 quotes are single and sometimes double. E.g. isn't is sometimes simply
 isn't and sometimes isn''t.

 Which is the correct way?
 It's always a single quite in English, but perhaps they're double
 quotes in the JOSM source to work around something?:

 aoeu josm (r2766) $ ack tr\(.*isn''t src
 219:setErrorMessage(tfLatValue,tr(The string ''{0}''
 isn''t a valid double value., tfLatValue.getText()));
 251:setErrorMessage(tfLonValue,tr(The string ''{0}''
 isn''t a valid double value., tfLonValue.getText()));

 160:feedbackInvalid(tr(The string ''{0}'' isn''t a
 valid double value., getComponent().getText()));
 200:feedbackInvalid(tr(The string ''{0}'' isn''t a
 valid double value., getComponent().getText()));

 533:throw new IllegalStateException(tr(Current
 value ''{0}'' for user ID isn''t valid, tfUid.getText()));

 Forthermore I find sometimes american english (e.g. 'initialize').
 Wasn't the overall policy to use british english?
 I thought the source default was en_US since if it was en_GB the
 existing en_GB translation would be pointless (and we'd need a en_US

 And finally sometimes I find XHTML style end tags in translated texts
 (e.g. 'br /' instead of'br'). By now I haven't found any in the
 source. Is it ok to use them or should these be fixed?
 The HTML is rendered by some internal Java stuff, both of those tags
 work just as well when fed to it so I don't think it needs to be fixed
 either way.

 josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Localisation policy for quotes etc.

2010-01-10 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Andre

  Ok, understood. Only thing is, that in Launchpad I cannot see whether it
  is a MessageFormat or not. So I have to trust the original text to be in
  correct format, haven't I?
Yes, you can. If there is at least one format placeholder {0}, {1}, etc. in the 
text you see in Launchpad, then you must escape all single quotes with another 
single quote. If there isn't, you shouldn't escape them.

Regards Karl

Am 10.01.2010 16:53, schrieb Andre Hinrichs:
 Am Sonntag, den 10.01.2010, 16:31 +0100 schrieb Karl Guggisberg:


   It's always a single quite in English, but perhaps they're double
   quotes in the JOSM source to work around something?:

 tr(abc) doesn't use MessageFormat. A single quote in tr(...) therefore 
 isn't a meta-character and is copied to the output.
 tr(a single quote ' )  -   a single quote '

 tr(a {0}, test) uses MessageFormat. There, single quotes are 
 meta-character. A single quote is the (close) equivalent to  \ in regexp: it 
 allows to escape curly braces. '} is }, '' is '.Therefore, if you have a 
 I18n string with format placeholders and single quotes, you MUST escape them 
 with two quotes. If you don't MessageFormat won't process the format 
 placeholders correctly and single quotes are deleted.
 tr(a single quote '' - {0} , OK)  -   a single quote ' - OK
 tr(a single quote ' - {0} , NOK)  -   a single quote  - NOK  (or 
 a single quote - {0} because formatting fails)
 Ok, understood. Only thing is, that in Launchpad I cannot see whether it
 is a MessageFormat or not. So I have to trust the original text to be in
 correct format, haven't I?

 At least that's what you have to do today unless somebody changes the tr() 
 implementations in I18n. If tr(...) was to use MessageFormat too, single 
 quotes would always have to be escaped with another single quote.

   The HTML is rendered by some internal Java stuff, both of those tags
   work just as well when fed to it so I don't think it needs to be fixed
   either way.

 AFAIK, the internal Java stuff doesn't support br/. Even worse, if you 
 use it instead ofbr the HTML rendering is sometimes messed up. This 
 holds for labels, tooltips and for JEditorPane.
 I'll check that later this evening.

 Am 10.01.2010 16:13, schrieb Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason:
 On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 15:00, Andre   

 Hi List!

 Since I currently check all translatable texts I found that sometimes
 quotes are single and sometimes double. E.g. isn't is sometimes simply
 isn't and sometimes isn''t.

 Which is the correct way?

 It's always a single quite in English, but perhaps they're double
 quotes in the JOSM source to work around something?:

 aoeu josm (r2766) $ ack tr\(.*isn''t src
 219:setErrorMessage(tfLatValue,tr(The string ''{0}''
 isn''t a valid double value., tfLatValue.getText()));
 251:setErrorMessage(tfLonValue,tr(The string ''{0}''
 isn''t a valid double value., tfLonValue.getText()));

 160:feedbackInvalid(tr(The string ''{0}'' isn''t a
 valid double value., getComponent().getText()));
 200:feedbackInvalid(tr(The string ''{0}'' isn''t a
 valid double value., getComponent().getText()));

 533:throw new IllegalStateException(tr(Current
 value ''{0}'' for user ID isn''t valid, tfUid.getText()));

 Forthermore I find sometimes american english (e.g. 'initialize').
 Wasn't the overall policy to use british english?

 I thought the source default was en_US since if it was en_GB the
 existing en_GB translation would be pointless (and we'd need a en_US

 Makes sense. The only british english policy is for the OSM tags, I

 And finally sometimes I find XHTML style end tags in translated texts
 (e.g. 'br /' instead of'br'). By now I haven't found any in the
 source. Is it ok to use them or should these be fixed?

 The HTML is rendered by some internal Java stuff, both of those tags
 work just as well when fed to it so I don't think it needs to be fixed
 either way.

 Thank you both for the quit response!


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Localization of exception messages

2010-01-08 Thread Karl Guggisberg

  I would vote for removing those lokalizations.
Me too. There are lots of them, though, and I even have to admin that lots of 
them have been introduced by me. In hindsight this looks increasingly silly. We 
should follow more appropriate rules than those currently mentioned in

For instance
- DONT translate messages of unchecked exceptions.  This includes 
RuntimeException, IllegalParameterExceptions, IllegalStateException and the 
- DONT translate messages of assert statements and AssertExceptions
- DO translate messages of checked exceptions


Am 08.01.2010 21:06, schrieb Matthias Julius:
 I noticed that some exceptions get localized messages like this one:

IllegalArgumentException(tr(Parameter ''{0}'' must not be null., tags))

 Does this really help anyone?  Those messages are intended to be for
 developers and users probably won't know what to do even with the best
 translation.  On top of that most of the developers won't understand
 most of the localized messages (I understand only a very small subset
 of them) which is making it harder to understand bug reports.

 I would vote for removing those lokalizations.  I don't know how many
 there are but this will also reduce the load on translators and the
 size of the language files a bit.

 Other opinions?


 josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] PHP OSM OAuth anyone?

2010-01-07 Thread Karl Guggisberg

see, there are references to a couple of PHP 
implementations, including a PEAR package.

-- Karl

Am 07.01.2010 11:12, schrieb Frederik Ramm:

  does anyone have, or know of, an open source web application that
 uses PHP and OAuth to write edits to OSM? There's an existing seamark
 mapping project ( and they currently have their editor set
 up to feed edits to OSM under one hard-coded user id. They would like to
 upgrade to proper OAuth, and would be happy to be able to copy from an
 existing implementation.


 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Changeset Upload Policy/Strategy

2010-01-03 Thread Karl Guggisberg

yes, there is a difference.

Strategy is used for

Policy is used for

The two concepts are orthogonal and have to be named differently. I've 
chosen strategy for the former because it represents three possible 
approaches to run uploads.  The later is called a policy because it 
represents  three possible decisions to be taken in case an upload hits 
the size limit for a changeset.

But feel free to change the names in whatever suits you better. Don't 
forget to update the online help too, though.


Am 03.01.2010 13:17, schrieb Frederik Ramm:

  while working on translations I encountered some confusion in the
 source, namely it seems to me that the words changeset upload strategy
 and changeset upload policy are used interchangeably. I wanted to fix
 that but found that this would require renaming a number of methods and
 classes, so I refrained from it for the time being, not wanting to break
 anything - but could someone confirm that there is indeed no conceptual
 difference between the two, and ideally rename stuff (to strategy, I
 would suggest)?

 Or have I misread the situation and there is a difference?


josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Problems with SVN commit

2009-12-28 Thread Karl Guggisberg

could somebody with server access please have a look at

The problems with SVN commit are annoying.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Querying changesets

2009-12-27 Thread Karl Guggisberg

  should be fixed after r19215 is deployed, though.
Just wondering: is there some kind of deployment schedule for the OSM API?


Am 26.12.2009 22:41, schrieb Matt Amos:
 On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Karl Guggisberg  wrote:

 Hmm, strange, now
 seems to hang (no response after 60s yet).
 still works fine, though.

 Any hint what is going on? Is there maintenance work underway?
 probably not, but there was a bug in the query for closed changesets
 (which i've now fixed) which was causing postgres to scan the whole
 changesets table, which would take a while. should be fixed after
 r19215 is deployed, though.



dev mailing list

[josm-dev] UpdateModifiedAction ?

2009-12-27 Thread Karl Guggisberg

r2682 adds an UpdateModifiedAction. The changeset looks fine
The file was indeed added and checked in.

Stragenly, isn't checked out when I update to 
HEAD, in contrast to the updates in referring to it.

Any idea what is wrong here?


josm-dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Querying changesets

2009-12-26 Thread Karl Guggisberg
replies both open and closed changests
only replies open changesets. And so does
replies a set of both open and closed changests

** Here's my question: **
currently replies exactly three changesets - why's that ? Shouldn't this 
reply the latest 100 closed changesets ?


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Querying changesets

2009-12-26 Thread Karl Guggisberg

Hmm, strange, now
seems to hang (no response after 60s yet).
still works fine, though.

Any hint what is going on? Is there maintenance work underway?


replies both open and closed changests
only replies open changesets. And so does
replies a set of both open and closed changests

** Here's my question: **
currently replies exactly three changesets - why's that ? Shouldn't this 
reply the latest 100 closed changesets ?


dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Login at fails

2009-12-22 Thread Karl Guggisberg

Currently, it's not possible to login to 
Here's what trac says:

  Trac Error

Authentication information not available. Please refer to the 
installation documentation

--- The Trac User and Administration Guide

Could somebody with server access please have a look?


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Login at fails

2009-12-22 Thread Karl Guggisberg
  By the way: I can only use https, when I'm logged in on trac. Would it
  be possible get it to work with plain http? This way it is faster and I
  need not accept the invalid certificate all the time... :)

I second that.

-- Karl

josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Can't commit any more - SVN issue?

2009-12-21 Thread Karl Guggisberg

when I try to commit I get

svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: MKACTIVITY of '/svn/!svn/act/c6d4c5bb-97c2-d343-806f-fa8346091637': 
authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic 
challenge (

The URL seems fine (it's the https URL) and sources on the net (i.e. indicate that this could be a 
problem at the server end.

Could somebody with access to the server please have a look?

Thanks and regards

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Structured error messages from API

2009-12-10 Thread Karl Guggisberg
For JOSM, the structured data currently embedded in the error message is
important. Examples are object ids of already deleted objects (410 Gone) or
a date (the close date of a changeset in a 409 Conflict).

I'd prefer a parseable error document in case of http error codes,
preferably in XML. This would not be much of a change because the content of
the 'Error' http header is already replied as error document too (sometimes
for some error cases). 

It would be nice if the OSM API replied a message in english *and* and in
the language supplied in the Accept-Language http header. 

  error-id code=1232 / !-- unique error code? would be nice too --
  message lang=enUpload of an object failed./message
  message lang=deHochladen eines Objekts ist fehlgeschlagen./message
  property name=object-id value=1223/
  property name=closed-date value=/


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im
Auftrag von Matthias Julius
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009 17:16
Betreff: [OSM-dev] Structured error messages from API

There are requests in JOSM's trac to improve the handling of API errors.  To
do that JOSM needs to get a better understanding on what is wrong with the

Currently, JOSM is parsing the error strings the API is returning.
This is far from ideal because they are not structured, not documented and
might change without warning.

To improve things I would like to see the API extended to return meta data
about errors (error type, id of offending element, ...) in a structured way.
There are a couple of ways to that (that came to my mind):

- change the Error header
- add home-made HTTP headers (X-Error-Type ...)
- add pseudo headers to the body
- return a XML document containing all the info

(see also

What do you think?

How important is that to people on the receiving end (application

Any suggestions how the format should be?


dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Structured error messages from API

2009-12-10 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 You mean showing upload progress in JOSM as opposed to the current cylon 
 impression? That could be implemented by counting the number 
 of bytes of the osmChange request that have been successfully sent over the 
 wire. That's how upload progress bars are usually implemented.

It's not the upload or download which takes most of the time but the processing 
on the server.
Uploading an osmChange has three phases:

1. upload the osmChange document   -  can take some time, we could give 
feedback information based on the bytes sent, but can be neglected compared to 
phase 2
2. process on the server - this takes most of the time, no feedback here 
3. download the diffResult - can be neglected compared to phase 2. Again, we 
could give feedback based on the bytes read from the server, but it's not worth 
the effort

Actually, I implemented something based on the approach Avar proposes but I 
wasn't satisfied and didn't check it in.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im 
Auftrag von Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009 17:55
An: Ian Dees
Betreff: Re: [OSM-dev] Structured error messages from API

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 16:20, Ian Dees wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Matthias Julius

 There are requests in JOSM's trac to improve the handling of API 
 errors.  To do that JOSM needs to get a better understanding on what 
 is wrong with the data.

 Currently, JOSM is parsing the error strings the API is returning.
 This is far from ideal because they are not structured, not 
 documented and might change without warning.

 To improve things I would like to see the API extended to return meta 
 data about errors (error type, id of offending element, ...) in a 
 structured way.  There are a couple of ways to that (that came to my

 - change the Error header
 - add home-made HTTP headers (X-Error-Type ...)
 - add pseudo headers to the body
 - return a XML document containing all the info

 (see also

 What do you think?

 How important is that to people on the receiving end (application 

 On a related note, I would be very interested in seeing a progress of 
 some kind being returned when doing a osmChange upload. I realize that 
 it is difficult (because it could fail after spitting out lots of 
 seemingly valid IDs), but if it was documented it would be doable.

You mean showing upload progress in JOSM as opposed to the current cylon 
impression? That could be implemented by counting the number of bytes of the 
osmChange request that have been successfully sent over the wire. That's how 
upload progress bars are usually implemented.

Obviously the upload could fail but that's another issue.

dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Structured error messages from API

2009-12-10 Thread Karl Guggisberg
There is alreay ProgressInputStream
in the JOSM code base and a ProgressOutputStream could be built easily.

But again, I don't think this would help much. If we really wanted to display 
progress information, we would need a kind of streaming reply from the server, 
as proposed by others on this thread.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im 
Auftrag von Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009 18:09
An: Peter Körner
Betreff: Re: [OSM-dev] Structured error messages from API

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 17:01, Peter Körner wrote:
 You mean showing upload progress in JOSM as opposed to the current 
 cylon impression? That could be implemented by counting the number of 
 bytes of the osmChange request that have been successfully sent over 
 the wire. That's how upload progress bars are usually implemented.

 Obviously the upload could fail but that's another issue.

 That looks somehow more intelligent than streaming the progress from 
 the server back to the client.

It is:) When I upload a file with Google Chrome it always shows the progress of 
the upload. This isn't done with some ad-hoc streaming XML from the server, the 
client is just counting how many bytes it has sent over the wire and how large 
a percentage that is of the total.

I looked at the relevant code in JOSM once but I couldn't find a way to do it 
(but I'm not familiar with Java). In Perl with HTTP::Request::Common you can do 

$HTTP::Request::Common::DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD = 1
my $req = HTTP::Request::Common-new( ... );
$req-content( sub {
my $chunk = $gen();
my $length = length $chunk;

warn I'm now uploading a chunk of length $length, of a total of $total 

return $chunk;
 } );
 my $result = LWP::UserAgent-request( $req );

(See this code for a practical example of this that I wrote:

I presume Java has some library to do this as well but I couldn't find it.

dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Jave 5 and help browser issue

2009-11-28 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 Probably we should consider switching to version 5.
You mean version *6*, don't you?

I second that and I propose to do it in the next release cycle (probably to
be released around end of 01/2010?).


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Dirk Stöcker
Gesendet: Samstag, 28. November 2009 14:20
Betreff: [josm-dev] Jave 5 and help browser issue

On Sat, 28 Nov 2009, Sebastian Klein wrote:

 a) Security issues. When you launch an application you must be sure 
 it is really the right one.

 Isn't it similarly insecure to run binary plugins that are located in 
 the user's home folder?

To a certain degree yes.

 b) Installation issues. Java must be installed in a way, that you can 
 launch it.

 True, but shouldn't be a problem in practice. (There are java apps 
 that are run by a script. They must have figured this out somehow.)

There is already one report for this issue which means this is a real

 c) Does not work in Webstart variant or as applet.

 That's a problem... How many Webstart users are there? One could 
 simply redirect the help to a browser window for these people. (Or use 
 modal help for webstarters only.)

About 4700 webstart accesses in last 3 weeks.

 Whenever we switch to Java 6, we can solve that issue with different 
 modal modes as supported by Java 6.

 Btw. may I ask what are the main reasons for using Java 5? (Other than 
 support users that haven't updated their Java for 3 years.)

Good question.

Current stats (about 3 weeks):
  5 ( 1137,  4%)
  6 (23625, 95%)
  7 (   57,  0%)

Java 5 is not really an issue anymore. Probably we should consider switching
to version 5.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] 401 after PUT /api/0.6/[node|way|relation]/#id?

2009-11-18 Thread Karl Guggisberg
I  think it's this call, not the GET equivalent


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Marcus Wolschon [] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. November 2009 19:27
Betreff: Re: [OSM-dev] 401 after PUT /api/0.6/[node|way|relation]/#id?

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Karl Guggisberg 

 A JOSM user reported a 401 status message after a PUT 
 /api/0.6/[node|way|relation]/#id, see

Why is it doing a PUT
It should be doing a GET here as it´s downloading, not uploading.


dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] List of key names

2009-11-16 Thread Karl Guggisberg

standard JOSM just displays the tags availabe in the current data set.
There's a plugin, the tageditor plugin,
which displays both, a list of *standard values* (Map Features from
and a list of *current values* from the dataset.

I'd be interested in a patch/update for the tageditor's tag definitions:


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Hans F. Nordhaug
Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. November 2009 02:40
Betreff: [josm-dev] List of key names


When adding keys to a node it's very nice to be able to select key names
from the dropdown menu in stead of typing it, to avoid typos like
is_in:contry ... However, many commonly used key names are missing. Is
this intentionally or do you want a patch with some of the missing key


josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Problem with commiting

2009-11-08 Thread Karl Guggisberg

I get the following error message when I try to commit: 

Permission denied
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Can't open file '/var/svn/josm/db/txn-current-lock': Permission denied

Anybody having the same problem?


josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] JOSM download with tile numbers?

2009-10-31 Thread Karl Guggisberg

one of the tabs in JOSMs download can be used to specify a download area
with tile numbers. Is there anybody actually using this? Who would
actually know tile numbers?


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Translations don't fit screen?

2009-10-15 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Petr

can you give some advice how it should be used correctly and where it isn't 
used correctly today? 

I'd volunteer to add them to the I18n guidelines (unless you want to add them 
yourself, of course)


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Petr Nejedlý
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009 11:59
An: Frederik Ramm
Cc: josm-dev
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] Translations don't fit screen?

Frederik Ramm napsal(a):
 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 Your system is fine. There just simply isn't enough space to fit that 
 string. I've had to alter numerous strings in Icelandic to less 
 optimal translations so that they can fit into a space designed for 
 e.g. three letter English words.
 But things like the button having been cut off - doesn't Java do these 
 things right if used correctly?

Yes, if used correctly.


josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Selection handling

2009-10-11 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Dave,

I saw that your patch regarding selection handling was commited:

When you introduce a new selection cache in the future, could you make
sure it's *ordered*, i.e. it reflects the order in which primitives are
selected (could be a list, an ordered set, instead of a plain collection)?

This would be an important prerequisite for a couple of trac tickets asking
* adding the current selection as relation members *in order*
* picking the *firts* selected node as target node in node merging
* picking the *firts* selected way as target way in way combining

Thanks and regards

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Remove internal help browser?

2009-10-10 Thread Karl Guggisberg

 Regarding this F1 thing - no one will get it. Best you can do is put some
big inviting help button on the dialog 
 that might need explanation.
I already started to do that.

See the new help aware option pane

and two examples I've migrated

I plan to do the same thing in the message dialog for error messages created
by the server, see


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Sebastian Klein
Gesendet: Freitag, 9. Oktober 2009 21:45
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] Remove internal help browser?

Karl Guggisberg wrote:
  I plan to remove JOSMs internal help browser and to always delegate to an
 external browser, for two reasons:
Good idea.

Having an internal browser for help seems quite strange and old-fashioned to

Also, the current version is far from usable.

Nowadays, if there is some problem, you open a browser and google it.  
If it isn't answered in some forum immediately, you will at least find the
documentation and try to resolve it there.

Regarding this F1 thing - no one will get it. Best you can do is put some
big inviting help button on the dialog that might need explanation. 
(But only if there is some documentation available.) It's quite pointless to
press F1 and get an empty page each time.

Dirk Stöcker wrote:
  Yes. External browsers have too many drawbacks regarding visibility and
 launching. If you do not like the internal one, then make it configurable
 to disable it.

So many applications do this browser launch thing, it can't be that awful.



josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Selection Performance

2009-10-08 Thread Karl Guggisberg
I was referring to the discusion about backreferences and referreres

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Dave Hansen [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2009 18:45
Cc: 'Petr Nejedlý'; 'josm-dev'
Betreff: Re: AW: [josm-dev] Selection Performance

On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 18:35 +0200, Karl Guggisberg wrote:
 1. to migrate to node.setSelected(..) and way.isSelected() 2. to 
 change the behaviour behind OsmPrimitive:setSelected()/isSelected(),
 possibly using a reference from
the primitive to it's parent dataset  (see recent dicussion about 
 backreference in this list)

I think I missed this discussion.  Do you have any pointers to it?  A quick
nabble search also didn't turn anything up.

-- Dave

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Selection Performance

2009-10-08 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 So I would go even further and deprecate/remove the selection notion from the 
 primitive altogether. It is used in few places only anyway (beyond painting) 
 and would be well served by a selection set on the Layer anyway.

I support that.

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Petr Nejedlý [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2009 22:55
Cc: 'Dave Hansen'; 'josm-dev'
Betreff: Re: AW: [josm-dev] Selection Performance

Dave Hansen napsal(a):
  On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 10:18 +0200, Petr Nejedlý wrote:
  First and foremost, selection status is not a property of the data.
  Changing the data set just because the user have selected something is   
  plain wrong. Having a per-dataset selection is quite disturbing too -   
  there should be only one, system-wide.
  OK, so you're saying that because selecting things is not a property of   
  the data that it shouldn't be a part of the data set?  Uh, ok.  Aren't   
  ways and nodes part of the data set?  Check out   
  OsmPrimitive.setSelected().  Sure seems to *ME* like selections are part   
  of the data set.
Selections are currently part of the OSMPrimitive API, sure.
What I'm saying is that it doesn't belong there.
In the worst case, it may be the property of the DataSet, but...

Karl Guggisberg napsal(a):
 Do you have a better suggestion on where to stick the selection cache
 or whatever we want to call it than in the DataSet?
 I think the selection cache (a collection of the currently selected
 primitives) should be maintained for each data layer (either by the 
 layer or by some global selection cache which keeps a selection state 
 per layer). If the dataset wasn't attached to a data layer why would 
 you want to select/unselect objects? What I never liked is that there 
 is a boolean field 'selected' on OsmPrimitive - this looks weired.

... exactly! Layer is the view of the DataSet. No view, no selection.
Several views of the same dataset - maybe several different selections.
Asking a primitive whether is it selected or not is a strange concept anyway. 
Why should it know? In which context?
Imagine a tactical overview (a small view of the complete in-memory data 
rendered in the screen corner) or any other auxiliary view of the same dataset. 
You'd like to use the same rendering code, yet you don't want it to render the 
selected primitives the same way, for example.

So I would go even further and deprecate/remove the selection notion from the 
primitive altogether. It is used in few places only anyway (beyond painting) 
and would be well served by a selection set on the Layer anyway.


PS: In case you are afraid of the memory footprint of the selection set, you 
can borrow the Storage class from josm-ng. It will cost around 7B per selected 
entry (that is pretty small unless you select everything) depending on the 
target load factor and allow you to remove a boolean from OsmPrimitive (costing 
anything between 0 and 4 bytes per OsmPrimitive in memory, depending on several 
factors). Many more places in JOSM would benefit from Storage anyway (String 
cache in OsmReader,
Long-OsmPrimitive maps in the OsmReader and the MergeVisitor, ...)

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Reverse lookups

2009-10-08 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 It is way faster than iterating through the data set.  It's also much more
space efficient than keeping an explicit map.  
For ways and nodes that's great and if we can speed up redraw() even the

Reverse lookup for relation members is probably different. A spatial index
won't help here. We'll need a kind of backreferences from members to

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Dave Hansen [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 9. Oktober 2009 00:47
Cc: 'josm-dev'
Betreff: Reverse lookups

I've been using this code for a while to speed up JOSM validator tests:

What I do is just destroy the entire reverse lookup table each time the
DataSet changes.  It works for batched operations, but reverts to sucking
each time that the data is modified.

I just experimented with replacing the explicit HashMapNode,ListWay with
something that uses the QuadBuckets search functionality instead.
It's pretty simple:

   public ListWay waysUsingNode(Node n)
QuadBucketsWay qb = (QuadBucketsWay)ds.ways;
ListWay possible_ways =, 0.01);
ListWay result = new ArrayListWay();
for (Way w : possible_ways) {
if (!w.containsNode(n))
return result;

It works because I calculate a bounding box for each node and all of its
nodes are guaranteed to be contained inside the box.  

It is way faster than iterating through the data set.  It's also much more
space efficient than keeping an explicit map.  

BTW, here's the patch for using QuadBuckets for way storage:

This could also potentially make click processing much faster.  We can also
optimize redraw() operations when zoomed in on a large data set by doing a
search instead of iterating across the entire data set.

-- Dave

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] shocking - unsecure password sending!

2009-10-07 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 Probably right although I'm sure a way can be found to save the user from 
 having to cut+paste the token.
I'm afraid, it can't. If JOSM was a web application, it would be part of the 
OAuth protocol that the OSM 
website calls back JOSM with the request token. For a java rich client this 
is isn't possible. 

But wait a minute, don't we a have a remote control plugin which is called 
back by the OSM web site? Yes, sort of. 
We would need
- the OSM page which generates the request token to include a link
  a href=http://localhost:/oauth-request-tokenClick to import the 
request token into JOSM/a
- JOSM to listen on port  for such requests (similar to the remote plugin)

This would be slightly less complicated from the users point of view but it's 
still not seamless. 
The user explicitly has to click on the link. 

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Frederik Ramm [] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009 01:51
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] shocking - unsecure password sending!


Karl Guggisberg wrote:
 I think that people would be disappointed if one explained them how OAuth 
 would work from JOSM.
 My understanding is, that it would work along the following steps: 

Probably right although I'm sure a way can be found to save the user from 
having to cut+paste the token.

 The request token can be saved in the JOSM-profile (agreed, that this 
 avoids having userid/password unencrypted in the profile) and it will 
 be used to get another access token the next time JOSM is started, but using 
 OAuth doesn't protect us from sending uid/password in cleartext over the net.

The difference is that since the token is valid forever, the unencrypted 
transfer of username and password will take place only once, and not with every 
request. (Requests would still contain the unencrypted token which would allow 
others to make edits in your name though.)

But as I said before, I don't currently consider OSM accounts to be a valuable 
asset. I have many of them and should one be compromised then I'll create 
another. Any account created anonymously from the web page has the same 
privileges as my account so why should a hacker bother to hijack my account 
when he can just sign up for one? Thus I think the whole security question is 
more a kind of knee-jerk security paranoia thing than a real concern. (And 
anyone who cares so little about security that he uses the same password for 
OSM that he uses elsewhere does not really deserve that we make an effort to 
protect his data, does

This would however change if OSM accounts had special privileges. If my account 
could to things that yours cannot then that might make a difference.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] shocking - unsecure password sending!

2009-10-07 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 We have proxy authentication. But it seems there are situations where the
passwords/usernames somehow gets mixed up.
We don't have Digest Authentication and we don't have NTLM, and there are
problems with the current support for proxy authentication. The proposed
patch for proxy authentication with Basic Authentication using the standard
header wasn't applied, as far as I remember.

Why reinvent the weel? Luickly there are smart people providing http client
libraries which would shield JOSM from the nasty details of proxy
authentication, libraries which are tested against a heterogeneous set of
proxy software in the wild. 

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Dirk Stöcker
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009 16:24
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] shocking - unsecure password sending!

On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, Karl Guggisberg wrote:

 From a technical point of view it would be wise to migrate the JOSM 
 OSM API to the Apache http client, for two reasons:

 - it would be helpful in order to add proxy authentication (asked for 
 since ages in trac)

We have proxy authentication. But it seems there are situations where the
passwords/usernames somehow gets mixed up.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] shocking - unsecure password sending!

2009-10-07 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 Ah, so you confess that the Apache http stack is not *necessary* ;-)
Yes, I confess, it isn't necessary in the sense that JOSM would stop working
without it. Whatever JOSM wants to do, it can be done without the Apache
http library. And, of course, there are other libraries around.

My line of though was that new features often asked for would *benefit* from
a http client library (they would be easier, faster to implement and easier
to maintain). These features include OAuth and proxy authentication. And my
assumption was that, although JOSM programmers could try to code whatever
piece of software they need for JOSM, it would wise to rely on prebuilt
libraries in order to get the features out. I confess, that this isn't a
revolutionary idea either.  

As stoeckr points out, I might be wrong regarding proxy authentication. So
far I thought we would *need* (in the sense that it couldn't be done
withouth) a 3d party library for Digest Authentication and NTLM. 

The few OAuth client libraries I came across (just researching the web, no
practival experience with them yet) relied on 3d party libraries, though,
and for OAuth support it would be wise to rely on a library. But again, the
better if somebody has an OAuth client library which has no dependencies to
other libraries at all. 

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Frederik Ramm [] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009 16:55
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] shocking - unsecure password sending!


Karl Guggisberg wrote:
 Why reinvent the weel? 

Ah, so you confess that the Apache http stack is not *necessary* ;-)

  Luickly there are smart people providing http client libraries which 
 would shield JOSM from the nasty details of proxy authentication, 
 libraries which are tested against a heterogeneous set of proxy 
 software in the wild.

Maybe JOSM could be built in a way to take advantage of a separately
downloaded Apache HTTP client if one is there, and silently fall back to the
built-in default if not? That way we wouldn't have to force all those
libraries onto our users.

Or else we can have a proxy auth plugin that people load if they want
proxy authentication with all bells and whistles.

That's one big gripe I have with the Java world. Instead of installing
libraries in a global location on a system, every smallest Java program
brings its own set of libraries because of course they all use a slightly
different version of each.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] shocking - unsecure password sending!

2009-10-06 Thread Karl Guggisberg
I think that people would be disappointed if one explained them how OAuth would 
work from JOSM.
My understanding is, that it would work along the following steps: 

1. User starts JOSM and clicks on Sign In 

2. JOSM displays an internal, modal window saying
   We now launch a Web Browser. Please follow the instructions you are given 
there. At the end
a so called request token will be generated for you. Please copy/paste it 
in the text field
below and click 'Authorize' 
   (did I mention that the window includes a text field and a button 

2. An external (or internal) Web Browser is launched. It shows  the normal
   login sreen. The user has to login with his user id/passwort. Since OSM 
still doesn't support HTTPS,
   neither for the login page nor for any other page, and since it only 
supports the Basic Auth schem,
   not digest authentication, the user id and the password are transferred in 
cleartext over the net,
   in exactly the same way JOSM transfers it today. 

4. The user follows the steps required by OAuth, gets a request token, copies 
it, and pastes it to
   the field it JOSM. Then he clicks 'Authorize'.

5. JOSM requsts an access token from OSM and uses it in subsequent calls. 

The request token can be saved in the JOSM-profile (agreed, that this avoids 
having userid/password 
unencrypted in the profile) and it will be used to get another access token the 
next time JOSM
is started, but using OAuth doesn't protect us from sending uid/password in 
cleartext over the net.

Not much of a improvement, IMHO. Or do you I miss something?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Valent Turkovic
Gesendet: Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2009 09:56
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] shocking - unsecure password sending!

On Sat, 26 Sep 2009 13:49:00 +, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:

 On you can give out tokens that allow the holder to *only* 
 edit the map data. As opposed to also getting access to your private 
 GPX tracks, making diary entries / comments etc.
 So transfering plaintext OAuth tokens would be more secure as in the 
 event of a breach the access the attacker would gain to in 
 your name would at least be compartmentalized.
 Not to mention that the OAuth token would *only* work on 
 whereas users are likely to supply the same email/password pair for 
 multiple websites that they're using.

This definitely sounds like a step forward in the right direction. This seams 
like a nice feature to secure users account, and you are right, this would be 
much better than nothing.

pratite me na twitteru -
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josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Problem with referrers

2009-10-05 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi there,

 jiri wrote:
 I'm not talking about history, I've just mentioned few cases where JOSM
use copies of primitives.
I think, framm got confused.

 framm wrote:
 you're trying to keep a breadcrumb trail of  what happened to an object,
I hope not! (although, this is the way the undo/redo mechanism is
implemented today, sort of).

 jiri wrote:
 Prototypes will be probably used when parsing xml from API (instead of
similar OsmData class that's already there). 
 Then when you copy a node
 - properties of the Node will be saved to the NodePrototype and later new
Node will be created based on that values.
Yes, like today there's an internal class used in the OSM parser. It plays a
role similar to that of the Prototype classes. 

 jiri wrote: 
 Prototype will be generated only when copy of some primitive is needed. So
for example to allow undo in some 
 actions or for CopyPaste action.
Exactly, and just for the sake of naming suggestions: in this context they
could be called NodeMemento, WayMemento, etc.
(really just for the sake of examples, I'm not in favor of these names, they
would be used in the context of undo/redo, but not in the general context of
OSM primitives.).
ImmutableNode, ImmutableWay? Not really, I think Jiri's prototypes are not
meant to be immutable. 
In some software architectures there's also the concept of value objects
(what's is sent from a remote client to a server) and value objects are
sometimes called detached (from their entity objects). So would
DetachedNode, DetachedWay, ... be an alternative? 

Today, whenever you need to walk from children to parents (from nodes to
their parent ways, from members to their parent relations), you have to loop
over all primitives in order to find the suitable parents. If you know that
you will have a lot of child-parent relations to traverse you can build up
the respective data structures and reuse them instead of looping over
primitives. That's what BackreferenceDataSet and
CollectingBackreferenceVisitor are used for. 

In the future this won't be necessary any more. Traversing parent-child
will be as efficient as traversing child-parent. 
Child-parent relations will be maintained on the fly in the data structure
we today know as DataSet.

 framm worte:
 Is the traditional setup not something like this: You have a model class
which keeps the data, and then you have 
 a controller class which performs all sorts of stuff on the models?
I hope that no OO evangelist are reading this list because otherwise we are
going to end up in a flame war about wheter and to what extend data and
behaviour should be separated or not. I'm not talking about MVC here, OO
evangelist would love that, but some (like Folwer) may call this separation
of data and a controller which does all sort of stuff with the data an
anaemic approach.

 framm wrote
 Another thing that may be worth considering at this time is whether you
might want to separate out the display stuff. 
I've already started to do that, see getDisplayName(...).  We had some
discussions about this in a trac ticket,

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Jiri Klement
Gesendet: Montag, 5. Oktober 2009 19:29
An: Frederik Ramm
Cc: josm-dev
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] Problem with referrers

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Can you explain (or point me to a previous post that explains) what 
 referrers are good for?

For example when way has list of nodes then every node has that way as a
referrer. Also every primitive included in relation has that relation saved
as referrer. Referrers are needed in lots of places in JOSM code, for
example in DrawAction and DeleteCommand. It's obviously possible to get list
of referrers by iterating over dataset but that's too slow for big datasets.

 Currently JOSM quite often makes copies of primitive (using for 
 example cloneFrom or special constructors). It's not obvious whether 
 the copy is added to the dataset or is kept in case we need to get 
 back to old version of primitive (for example Command.cloneMap). 
 That's a bit problem because I don't want to have such copy in 
 referrers list, I want only primitives that are really used in an 

 I'm trying to make sense of this (but might go off in the completely 
 wrong direction here) - you're trying to keep a breadcrumb trail of 
 what happened to an object, is that right? And you want referrer lists 
 to model that family tree?

 But why can the list not simply reside on the other side, i.e. in the 
 descendant object pointing back in history? I have the feeling that 
 you're duplicating information by distinguishing objects that are 
 really used in a dataset from those that aren't - should not the 
 dataset itself be the ultimate arbiter on what is really used and what

I'm not talking about history, I've just 

[josm-dev] Critical bug since 2204

2009-10-05 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi everybody

since 2204 there was a critical bug in Way. It broke the merge logic (the
unit tests for MergeVisitor didn't pass). 
It is still present in tested (2221) and users will certainly notice because
conflicts on ways are not detected
as expected. 

Shouldn't running all unit tests be part of the build process, at least
before a tested release is published?


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Please invest some time into documentation - especially confilict resolution

2009-10-04 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Rolf,

point taken, it's indeed necessary to get the documentation updated. 

 But please also keep the actual users in mind when designing the UI, at
least give the buttons some meaningful tooltips.
Suggestions would be welcome. Which buttons should have better tooltip
texts? What texts? 


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Rolf Bode-Meyer
Gesendet: Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2009 10:21
Betreff: [josm-dev] Please invest some time into documentation - especially
confilict resolution


I'm thrilled developement goes on in good speed and central issues like
conflict resolution have been already touched.
Unfortunatelly end user documentation stays far behind. While simpler
functions can be documented by experienced users, I fear the field of
conflict resolution in JOSM is a riddle wrapped up in an enigma for most
even experienced users. There was a post just yesterday where some people
agree that they just push the buttons at random until the conflict is either
resolved or the changes completely messed up.

So please would those people who implemented conflict handling give detailed
explanations in [[Help/Dialog/Conflict]] which currently is simply not
Sure a dialog that needs no explanations at all would be best, and I
understand that some things just aren't simple enough for simply pressing a
button. But please also keep the actual users in mind when designing the UI,
at least give the buttons some meaningful tooltips.


josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] what does that button do

2009-10-04 Thread Karl Guggisberg
It resets the list of objects displayed in the Selection Toggle Dialog to the 
list of currently selected objects,
although the Selection Toggle Dialog is supposed to always display the list 
of currently selected objects. 

We should remove the button, it looks silly.

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von André Riedel
Gesendet: Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2009 11:37
Betreff: [josm-dev] what does that button do

2009/10/4 Dirk Stöcker
 Asking specific questions here like what does that button do can 
 help to solve troubles and the explanations can be copied into a doc.

What does the 'Reload' button in the selection side dialogue do?

Ciao André

josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Please invest some time into documentation - especially confilict resolution

2009-10-04 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 This is like the improvements in history dialog. One trac ticket with a
simple suggestion caused Karl to make 
 the history dialog much more understandable. It's not always that easy,
but sometimes such hints can do miracles.
Agree completely. We benefit from as precise suggestions as possible.
Another example is this strange Reload button in the selection dialog
which got mentioned today on dev. I think it was there since ages but nobody
with svn access realized how useless it was unless somebody sent a short
email (a trac ticket would have been even better). Personally I also benefit
a lot from precise suggestions/defect reports provided by Avar. 

 No. All my experience shows that this is untrue. People either help or
they don't help.
This goes along with my experience but the interesting point is how to find
those who want to help. What do you have to do to attract people who would
like to improve JOSMs documentation? I think today they don't even know that
JOSM is looking for help. If we want documentation work to be done we should
promote it. We can mention it on the JOSM home page as sub project, we can
structure the work to be done, we can describe what we need, we can provide
one or two good examples and tell people that we need more of the same. We
can announce that we are looking for help on OSM dev, or on the german list
for translation, for instance to achieve some small goal until end of
october (i.e. complete documentation of the conflict resolution dialogs).

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Dirk Stöcker
Gesendet: Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2009 16:59
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] Please invest some time into documentation -
especially confilict resolution

On Sun, 4 Oct 2009, Ulf Lamping wrote:

 JOSM translation shows that users are taking care if the hurdle for a 
 first start isn't too high. Me feeling is that the help system

The number of translators is so low, that I fear that does not qualify as
real good example of user help. Also only about 6 languages are usually near
100%, the others are much below.

 1. We need a josm-users mailing list. (or local lists) are 
 too polluted, josm-dev is not the right place for non dev questions 
 (and dev probably prevents users from asking here). We currently 
 don't have a place for a JOSM user community that could handle lot's 
 of issues already at this place. Maybe we even need josm-users-de as 
 there are lot's of german only JOSM users?

I don't think there would be enough traffic for JOSM only users lists. The
normal talk list are probably much better for this purpose.

 2. Add meaningful tooltips for all GUI elements. This is by far the 
 easiest and fastest way (beside a good GUI design) for people to learn 
 a new GUI (at least that's true for me). While a lot of places already 
 have useful tooltips, especially new GUI parts often missing this - 
 where it would be most helpful.

Here specific suggestions are required: What elements miss describing texts
and what should the texts tell. This falls in the same group like Why do I
need to click this and that, clicking this would be easier. The answer
usually is: Because nobody ever thought about it that way.

This is like the improvements in history dialog. One trac ticket with a
simple suggestion caused Karl to make the history dialog much more
understandable. It's not always that easy, but sometimes such hints can do

For me users problems in mailinglists are no suggestion to document the way
the software works, but they are a suggestion, that the software needs
improvement. There are long-standing problems which need lots of work (like
the still missing specific relation handlings) and others which only need

 4. Add the basic help steps yourself as a start. It's a lot easier for 
 both sides (devs and users) to have a minimal help page to start to 
 work from. If questions arise and the dev tells the user: Please have 
 a look at URL xy. It's not perfect, it's a wiki, please improve it - 
 that's a lot more helpful than just: do it yourself.

At least my experience shows this is not true. Since I'm developing JOSM I
tried multiple times. None of the stubs I wrote ever got expanded. Either
there is someone caring for documentation or there is not. This is not the
task of the developers, they are to valuable to continue development.

For me programming is like walking - very easy. I learned that this is
different for most other people and that only few people are really able to
do good programming. I wont allow that these few people are scared away
because they are forced to document their work more than necessary. 
Documentation is an independent task (not only for OpenSource, but also in
larger companies). If nobody wants to document JOSM, then we have no
documentation. As long as we try to improve the UI to be better

Re: [josm-dev] Please invest some time into documentation - especially confilict resolution

2009-10-04 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 Karl could simply write down in a few sentences how the common workflows
are to be done. No fancy screenshots 
 or text formatting, so it can be done in less than 10mins. BTW: When you
try to write it down, you'll probably 
 already found some design mistakes :-)
Sure. I today dig into the documentation stuff because I wanted to
understand how it works. So, two samples from
todays experiments (here the
documentation is ahead of the code - code to follow really soon ;-))

The context sensitive help in JOSM requires some clean up, too. For
instance, currently it works in the JOSM main window only, not in modal
dialogs, not in detached toggle dialogs, not in the history browser, etc.
Today, I've fixed this too. And we also need some meta-documentation i.e.
a short text explaining the how the help system works and what the structure
of the online help looks like (there are pages for Actions, pages for
Menues, pages for Dialogs, etc.).

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Ulf Lamping
Gesendet: Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2009 23:54
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] Please invest some time into documentation -
especially confilict resolution

Dirk Stöcker schrieb:
 On Sun, 4 Oct 2009, Rolf Bode-Meyer wrote:
 So please would those people who implemented conflict handling give 
 detailed explanations in [[Help/Dialog/Conflict]] which currently 
 is simply not helpful?
 You really need no programmer to write documentation.

 A good way to reach that goal would be to start writing that 
 documentation and ask the developers to fix or continue wrong or missing
parts only.
 For JOSM I think most processes or dialogues are quite simple and 
 comprehensible. So only a few people need documentation and nobody 
 writes it.
 Especially for the conflict stuff I think it really is needed and I'd 
 write that documentation - but I'm lost as many else seem to be here.
 So assuming the one who developed it knows best how it works, I think 
 at least this time it's a job for a developer.
 The problem is that these dialogs are Karl's design. He knows how they 
 work best and that also means all is very plausible to him (for me too 
 BTW). A very bad start when writing docs.

Karl could simply write down in a few sentences how the common workflows are
to be done. No fancy screenshots or text formatting, so it can be done in
less than 10mins. BTW: When you try to write it down, you'll probably
already found some design mistakes :-)

Put it on the wiki and announce it to this list (or maybe directly to
talk?) - asking for testing AND wiki improvements. This way, beta-testers
know how the new feature is supposed to work and are now able to notice
discrepancies between docs and implementation (aka bugs).

(Side Note: This would have saved me a lot of very annoying time to figure
out how the MapPaint Preferences Styles dialog is supposed to work!)

Everytime someone asks about that feature simply point him to the wiki url
(important: provide the exact url!).

I have repeated experience, that this works much better than what we are
doing now. And it's also much more fun for both developers and users.

 Best is when someone who does
 NOT know how it was designed writes docs. The errors he makes and the 
 questions he asks are very valuable input for fixing design issues and 
 also the result will be much more a documentation for beginners.

Perfectly agree, that developers often don't have the skills to write good
docs for beginners.

 So we again have a situation that many people have many opinions and 
 all sides say you need to do it. Karl and all developers already did a
 I always think it's time for the others to show they also want to 
 contribute before I believe words like We continue after you start.


We have a F1 feature that a little number of people know, a wiki that a
little number of people know and no real communication channel for people
wanting to involve (talk ml is way too high volume).

Sounds like a communication problem to me!

Looking at [1] I don't have the feeling that all users are just lazy ...

Regards, ULFL


josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] JOSM Tested

2009-10-03 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 Should a new tested be released sunday evening?
I wouldn't do it.

I'm not worried about #3459 and #3575, but like Claudius I feel that the new
MultiSplitLayout needs more testing, see #3640 for instance. 

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Dirk Stöcker
Gesendet: Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009 22:20
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] JOSM Tested

I wrote on Mon, 28 Sep 2009,

  please do not develop or checkin new stuff in next time so code can 
 mature  a bit (but do bugfixes instead :-). If no larger bugs show 
 inbetween I  would say the next tested version should be released next

 Ok, we had some critical bugs fixed this weekend, so I think the 
 timeline should be expanded a bit to verify if fixes are correct. So 
 expect next tested somewhen mid or end of next week.

 Are there any critical things left? I think no, but if you think so, 
 then tell the bug report number.

and now I have a problem. We had critical bug-fixes again which means
another delay. But also if we continue this we wont get a tested at all, so
I ask you all - Should a new tested be released sunday evening?

-- (PGP key available)

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josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] JOSM Tested

2009-10-03 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 I was hoping to be developing over the weekend. I'm going to add referrers
(so you can eg get list of ways that reference 
 some node). That should make some parts of josm much faster when working
with large datasets.
Great! Hopefully, this will make BackreferenceDataSet and
CollectBackReferencesVisitor obsolete.

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Jiri Klement
Gesendet: Samstag, 3. Oktober 2009 11:48
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] JOSM Tested

I would preffer to have new tested released asap, the best would be
releasing #2221 right now :-).  I was hoping to be developing over the
weekend. I'm going to add referrers (so you can eg get list of ways that
reference some node). That should make some parts of josm much faster when
working with large datasets.

On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Dirk Stöcker
 On Sat, 3 Oct 2009, Karl Guggisberg wrote:

 Should a new tested be released sunday evening?
 I wouldn't do it.

 I'm not worried about #3459 and #3575, but like Claudius I feel that 
 the new MultiSplitLayout needs more testing, see #3640 for instance.

 Ok, ok, my fault. I really thought this feature to be uncritical and 
 worth to be in tested.

 We can make #2221 tested nevertheless if nobody sees troublesome bugs 
 in it.

 -- (PGP key available)

 josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] JOSM Tested

2009-10-03 Thread Karl Guggisberg
works for me, too, thanks!

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Dirk Stöcker
Gesendet: Samstag, 3. Oktober 2009 12:22
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] JOSM Tested

On Sat, 3 Oct 2009, Karl Guggisberg wrote:

 Should a new tested be released sunday evening?
 I wouldn't do it.

 I'm not worried about #3459 and #3575, but like Claudius I feel that 
 the new MultiSplitLayout needs more testing, see #3640 for instance.

Fixed this one. Thought it was a bug in the MultiSplit code which I though
has been tested otherwhere.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Problem with referrers

2009-10-03 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Jiri

 What do you think about that? Can you think of any problems this might
bring us?
I can only think of adavantages. The data classes I've added for managing
the history of primitives could possibly be replaced with *Prototype too.
The second approach (turning dataset into a factory for primitives) is fine
for me too. 
Dateset.addNode(node parameters..) wouldn't be a static method on DataSet,
but a method on a Dataset, right? 

I'd be happy to help migrating core and plugins to this new approach.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Jiri Klement
Gesendet: Samstag, 3. Oktober 2009 14:18
An: josm-dev
Betreff: [josm-dev] Problem with referrers


I'm working on support for referrers and I run into a problem which I'm not
sure how to fix.  Currently JOSM quite often makes copies of primitive
(using for example cloneFrom or special constructors). It's not obvious
whether the copy is added to the dataset or is kept in case we need to get
back to old version of primitive (for example Command.cloneMap). That's a
bit problem because I don't want to have such copy in referrers list, I want
only primitives that are really used in an dataset.

To workaround this issues I'm thinking about introducing new classes -
PrimitivePrototype, NodePrototype, WayPrototype and RelationPrototype.
These classes will hold informations for one primitive, but it will not be
possible to add these objects to the dataset. That will allow to clearly
distinguish what's real primitive and whats just an backup copy for for
example Command.cloneMap or Main.pasteBuffer. Obviously it will be possible
to construct new primitive based on prototype.
Method cloneFrom() and constructoctors like Node(Node n) will be removed to
make sure everybody is using new system.

This will also fix another issue - for some features (most notably reliable
events when primitive is modified) I need for every primitive to be part of
exactly one dataset. This can be forced by making all primitive constructors
protected and allowing to create new primitives only using methods like
Dateset.addNode(node parameters..) or Dataset.addNode(NodePrototype).

What do you think about that? Can you think of any problems this might bring


josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] shocking - unsecure password sending!

2009-09-27 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi everbody

just wondering whether the OSM API already supports digest authentication.
If JOSM wanted to use it, could we already work on it or would we have to
wait for the servers to support it?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Valent Turkovic
Gesendet: Sonntag, 27. September 2009 15:44
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] shocking - unsecure password sending!

On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 17:25:36 +0200, GeoJ wrote:

 May be the HTTP digest authentication would be an alternative (or a 
 similar approach)? It uses a clear-text challenge-response protocol 
 that does not require SSL but protects the password.

Will this be incorporated in some future version of JOSM?

pratite me na twitteru -
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless registered as user
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josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] visible vs. deleted

2009-09-26 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Matthias

 I guess this happens when trying to delete a deleted object.  But why does
JOSM make a distinction between deleted 
 and visible when the API doesn't?
Because an object could be deleted in one layer but not in the other. When
you merge the first layer to the second you should end up with a conflict. 

deleted==true means:  marked to be deleted on the server
visible==false means: successfully deleted on the server

 What this comes down to is the question what JOSM should do when during
data update it finds that an object it has 
 marked for deletion is already deleted on the server.  I think it should
be safe to just remove those objects from the 
 dataset.  After all it is not really a conflict when the JOSM user and the
API both think that something should go away.
Agree. Currently, this case triggers a conflict in JOSM. We could change the
upload process to avoid that. 


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Matthias Julius
Gesendet: Freitag, 25. September 2009 16:12
Betreff: [josm-dev] visible vs. deleted

Hi all,

The API only has a visible flag to indicate deleted objects.  Yet, on
conflict JOSM is presenting this in the Resolve conflicts dialog:

  My version  Their version   

  deleted not deleted
  visible (on the server) not visible (on the server)

I have a hard time making sense of this.

I guess this happens when trying to delete a deleted object.  But why does
JOSM make a distinction between deleted and visible when the API doesn't?

What this comes down to is the question what JOSM should do when during data
update it finds that an object it has marked for deletion is already deleted
on the server.  I think it should be safe to just remove those objects from
the dataset.  After all it is not really a conflict when the JOSM user and
the API both think that something should go away.


josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Josm bug: deleted nodes cause conflicts

2009-09-26 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Should be fixed


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im
Auftrag von malenki
Gesendet: Samstag, 26. September 2009 01:28
Betreff: [OSM-dev] Josm bug: deleted nodes cause conflicts


not only I would really appreciate having this atm ~4 days old bug
Up to now no dev has made any remark there.

It's really annoying since the workflow when one runs into the bug gets to
about zero.


dev mailing list

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] api06 down

2009-09-25 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi everybody

api06 seems to be broken (Internal Server Error). Could somebody with access
to the server have a look? 

Thanks in advance

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] api06 down

2009-09-25 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Yes, working again, thanks.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 25. September 2009 10:40
An:; 'dev'
Betreff: RE: [OSM-dev] api06 down

Working for me



-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Karl Guggisberg
Sent: 25 September 2009 9:19 AM
To: 'dev'
Subject: [OSM-dev] api06 down

Hi everybody

api06 seems to be broken (Internal Server Error). Could somebody with 
access to the server have a look?

Thanks in advance

dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] QuadBuckets (using quad tiling) for node storage in JOSM

2009-09-16 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 Karl, you followed that more intensive than I, when you want to apply it
right now, then please do, so Dave needs not 
 create a ticket.
Actually, I got distracted, I didn't closely follow it. I'll leave it to


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Dirk Stöcker
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 16. September 2009 18:40
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] QuadBuckets (using quad tiling) for node storage in

On Wed, 16 Sep 2009, Dave Hansen wrote:

 At this point, it doesn't *hurt* anything in JOSM.  I'm not going 
 anywhere and I'll be around to fix it up.  As soon as we have proper 
 OsmPrimitive change notifiers, I'll hook this code into it and we can 
 start using it more widely.

Could you please open a trac ticket containing the patch and a short

- What it affects when applied
- What it improves when applied

I know about future, but what does it do now :-)

Add [PATCH] to subject of patch.

Karl, you followed that more intensive than I, when you want to apply it
right now, then please do, so Dave needs not create a ticket.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Deep History App

2009-09-15 Thread Karl Guggisberg
  Am I the only one that cares about this?

No, I'm interested in this too.


If I wanted to know the  primitive which was valid at the certain point in
time, currently I would have to query the whole history with


find out the version from the timestamps in the history and then retrieve
the primitive with this version using



The API could be extended with 


 which would reply all primitive versions in the specified range.


Is there any reason why we can query changesets in ceratain timerange, but
not primitive versions?


-- Karl 



Von: [] Im
Auftrag von Ian Dees
Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. September 2009 20:30
An: Tom Hughes
Cc: dev
Betreff: Re: [OSM-dev] Deep History App



On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 15/09/09 19:05, Ian Dees wrote:

Ok, next question: is there a way to fetch full history for more than
one node at a time? I'd prefer to not have to either (a) download and
parse the full planet or (b) make tons of node/history queries to the
main API server.


Planet won't help as it doesn't have history, and if you do try scraping the
history from the api you will find yourself blocked
as soon as I notice...

When someone changes a way by moving/deleting/adding nodes there's no way to
see what it looked like beforehand?

That's disappointing. Am I the only one that cares about this? With
permission I'd be happy to try and write something for the
site to make this feasible and not kill the API frontend servers.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Recursive relations

2009-09-13 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 This is probably something that the OSM editors should warn users about
when they try to create such a relation.
JOSM doesn't allow to create recursive relations, but it accepts them when
they are present in the data.

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im
Auftrag von Andrew M. Bishop
Gesendet: Sonntag, 13. September 2009 11:56
Betreff: [OSM-dev] Recursive relations

In OSM a relation can contain other relations but it seems that there is
nothing to check that a relation doesn't contain itself.  I can't think of
any legitimate reason that it should be allowed though.

For example relation 15852 has contained itself since version 108 which was
created at the beginning of July (changeset 1754423).

Within the UK alone the following route relations all contain


Also within the UK there is one boundary relation that contains


Obviously it is possible to ignore these when parsing the data (which is
what I do and what alerted me to them in the first place) but it would be
better if it didn't happen.

This is probably something that the OSM editors should warn users about when
they try to create such a relation.

Is there somebody that can find and fix all such relations on the server (if
they have no legitimate use)?

Obviously self-recursion is easy to find; there might be mutually recursive
relations as well but I haven't looked for them.

Andrew M. Bishop

UK OpenStreetMap Route Relations:

UK OpenStreetMap Boundary Relations:

dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] [PATCH 1/2] QuadBuckets (using quad tiling) for node storage in JOSM

2009-09-13 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Dave

 Any idea how you want this to look?  I'm starting to code some primitive
things, and it would be nice if I could get whatever I do merged eventually.
AFAIK, nothing has been done so far. 

 * Object updates are rare, and it is OK if the notification process is
relatively slow

 * Rather than storing a list of all listeners that should be consulted
  on each object, store a (relatively) global list of listeners.  Each
  listener would get all object updates for a particular type.  That
  keeps us from having to store anything in *each* primitive.
Currently, JOSM manages a list of data change listeners on *application*
We'd need data change listeners per data set or per layer. Events should be
emitted automatically, no call to fire... necessary by clients which update
Efficent batch processes are more and more important (see validator plugin,
see upcoming changeset revert tools, see conflict resolution tasks), though,
and it would
be nice if data change event propagation could be used in two modes:
event propagation after an individual upate, event propagation after some
kind of 
batch job has finished.

 I also want to have a ReverseLookup (node - ways) cache.  I've had it
sitting in the validator, but it's hard to 
 keep it coherent and I end up throwing it away too often to make it
I recently hacked a basic revere lookup table for child/parent relationships
(node - way, node - relation, way - relation,
relation - relation), but it has to be build from a dataset on request, for
instance before you start to fix 1000
duplicate nodes in validator. That's what the lookup table is currently used
for (mainly in the new merge node 

 Thinking about it, though...  If we had ways in QuadBuckets, I probably
wouldn't need the ReverseLookup cache.  I'd just do a 
 search for ways around a node and I'd just get the ways that are using the
node back.
Yes, but consider relation members too. That's where we often need reverse


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Coders: Please use true quotation marks

2009-09-13 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi Claudius

 Value ''{0}'' is going to be applied for key ''{1}''
It's not as wrong as it looks. The strings are interpreted by the tr(...)
function which treats '' as ',
whereas as sinlge ' disappears. Users will see one ' only. Whenever you see
'' in I18n string, keep both in
the translation or I18n will fail.

In short: '' stands for ', not for 

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Claudius
Gesendet: Sonntag, 13. September 2009 19:46
Betreff: [josm-dev] Coders: Please use true quotation marks

I'm currently translating JOSM and stumble every now and then over strings

Value ''{0}'' is going to be applied for key ''{1}''

I understand that it's easier not needing to escape quotation marks, but
replacing them with two single quotes is plain wrong. So I'm addressing all
JOSM contributors to please check their strings for correct quotation mark

Thanks from the translators (and lovers of correct punctuation),


josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] [PATCH 1/2] QuadBuckets (using quad tiling) for node storage in JOSM

2009-09-12 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 Just recently, Node/Way/Relation require access to be via accessor
functions.  That should help out quite a bit.  
 The one thing that we do need is for a list of PrimitiveChangeListeners or
something to call when primitives do change.
This is the very motivation Jiri and myself have been working on replacing
direct field access with accessors. Now we can start to work on features
which will really improve JOSM, a spatial index for instance.

-- Karl  

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Dave Hansen [] 
Gesendet: Samstag, 12. September 2009 21:19
An: Petr Nejedlý
Cc:; 'Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason';
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] [PATCH 1/2] QuadBuckets (using quad tiling) for node
storage in JOSM

On Sat, 2009-09-12 at 21:04 +0200, Petr Nejedlý wrote:
 Dave Hansen napsal(a):
   Ooh, I forgot about josm-ng.  That one looks very usable.  If mine  
  doesn't pan out, I'll certainly look at that one.
 Well, the QTree in josm-ng is similar to yours in the way it 
 distributes the content, though I did pay quite some attention to 
 memory usage
 (hint: e.g. LinkedList is not the collection you'd like to use unless 
 you have specific reason to)

For the leaf nodes you mean?  I actually got better performance out of it
than I did ArrayList.  Honestly, I've been looking at performance a lot more
than pure memory usage, so I bet you're right.  But, when you have an
absolute ton of ArrayLists around that you're iterating over a lot
ArrayList.size() actually shows up in the profiles pretty high.

 and support also 2d entities (node is zero-d). The problem with 
 importing it directly into josm is that it uses (in -ng) the projected 
 (and integer) coordinates. While it doesn't care whether the 
 coordinates are projected or not, it hugely benefit from their signed 
 integer nature.

You just mean that they're cheaper to deal with than doubles/floats?

 Dave Hansen napsal(a):
   QuadBuckets also happen to implement CollectionNode.  So, we can  
  just plug it in for Collection like in the DataSet class.
 I have not looked at the josm codebase for a while, but as long as 
 Node has publicly mutable coordinates, you can't honestly do it.
 If anything moves a node, it has no way to automatically jump into the 
 new bucket. And it makes no sense to try patching all the places which 
 can move a node (MoveCommand is not the only one).

Just recently, Node/Way/Relation require access to be via accessor
functions.  That should help out quite a bit.  The one thing that we do need
is for a list of PrimitiveChangeListeners or something to call when
primitives do change.

You're right, though.  This can't simply be dropped in for the node list and
retain its searching abilities.

-- Dave

josm-dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] api06 with problems?

2009-09-06 Thread Karl Guggisberg

api06 seems to be broken in some way. 

That's what JOSM uploads to the API (trace from JOSM): 

osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'
  way id='78' timestamp='2009-09-06T16:34:25Z' uid='1' user='guggis'
visible='true' version='5' changeset='84'
nd ref='313' /
nd ref='314' /
tag k='test' v='value1' /

That's what api06 replies on the next download. The version is increased, so
the upload was probably OK,
but the *tags are missing*

  way id='78' timestamp='2009-09-06T16:36:51Z' uid='1' user='guggis'
visible='true' version='6'
nd ref='313' /
nd ref='314' /

Any hint?


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] api06 with problems? not really

2009-09-06 Thread Karl Guggisberg

found out that I have a problem with my JOSM dev build, api06 is fine.

-- Karl 


api06 seems to be broken in some way. 

That's what JOSM uploads to the API (trace from JOSM): 

osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'
  way id='78' timestamp='2009-09-06T16:34:25Z' uid='1' user='guggis'
visible='true' version='5' changeset='84'
nd ref='313' /
nd ref='314' /
tag k='test' v='value1' /

That's what api06 replies on the next download. The version is increased, so
the upload was probably OK,
but the *tags are missing*

  way id='78' timestamp='2009-09-06T16:36:51Z' uid='1' user='guggis'
visible='true' version='6'
nd ref='313' /
nd ref='314' /

Any hint?


dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] why the new question?

2009-08-30 Thread Karl Guggisberg

There's a ticket in trac
which is most likely related to what you propose here.

Could you please add a comment there?

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Russ Nelson
Gesendet: Sonntag, 30. August 2009 18:14
Betreff: [josm-dev] why the new question?

Why does JOSM now prompt me to save something which I've already uploaded,
even though it was never saved in the past?

Seems to me that this new change solves a problem I wasn't experiencing.
Here's how I think it should work, which is how it used to work (as far as I

0) If I load a layer and don't change it, I should never be asked if I want
to delete it.

1) If I download a layer from the web, change it, and upload it, I shouldn't
be asked if I want to save it.  If I don't upload it, I should be prompted
You haven't uploaded these changes yet:
UploadDelete, Discard Changes, Cancel

2) If I load a layer from a file, change it, and save it, I shouldn't be
asked if I want to save it.  If I don't save it, I should be prompted You
haven't uploaded these changes yet: SaveDelete, Discard Changes, Cancel

3) If I load a layer from a file, and upload it, that will remove the
internal modification marks.  That counts as a change.  See #2.

4) If I load a layer from the web, change it, and save it as a file, I
shouldn't be asked if I want to upload it.

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-323-1241
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

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[josm-dev] not working?

2009-08-11 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Hi, seems to be dead. Can somebody have a look?

-- Karl

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Re: [josm-dev] Already deleted nodes one at a time

2009-08-11 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Instead of Uploading, try to *update* first using File-Update Data (or only
File-Update Selection if you already know which primitives might create

This will reload all data in your dataset and for those nodes in your
dataset which the server will not return it will check whether they had been
deleted on the server (it will ask you first whether you want to run this
check). For each such deleted (called invisible elements) on the server it
will create a conflict which you will have to resolve manually. 

Resolve all conflicts and upload again.

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Nakor Wikipedia
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. August 2009 22:35
Betreff: [josm-dev] Already deleted nodes one at a time


I am trying to upload some changes and it looks like somebody worked in the
same area and already deleted some nodes I edleted in josm.

Each time I try to upload I get one conflict for that deleted node, have to
re-upload again get a new conflict and so on

Is there a way that I could get all those conflicts of nodes already deleted
in one shot?

  Thanks in advance,

josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Already deleted nodes one at a time

2009-08-11 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 Yes, it may be a bit more complicated with deleted nodes. Search for
modified (or search for deleted) in search 
 dialog will show all modified nodes. The update these nodes with the
update selected.

Hmm, this shouldn't be necessary. UpdateDataAction compares with
data.getCompletePrimitiveIds() which includes modified 
and deleted ids (and removes then the ID 0 for new primitives).

Anything special with the dataset we discuss here?

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Dirk Stöcker
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. August 2009 23:01
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] Already deleted nodes one at a time

On Tue, 11 Aug 2009, Nakor wrote:

 Thanks for your answer. However it looks like it did not solve my problem.

 I used FileUpdate data, no conflicts were found. I then reuploaded my 
 file and one conflict on a deleted node was found.

Yes, it may be a bit more complicated with deleted nodes. Search for
modified (or search for deleted) in search dialog will show all modified
nodes. The update these nodes with the update selected.

That should help.

-- (PGP key available)

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josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Already deleted nodes one at a time

2009-08-11 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 There are some cases where conflicts should be resolved automatically:
 - server has deleted element and local element is deleted also -- delete
 - server has deleted element and local element is unmodified -- delete

Yes, this should be an enhancement. I'd slightly reformulate it, though,
because there are three different kind
of deletes:
- server has invisible element and local element is deleted-
purge it
- server has invisible element and local element is unmodified -
purge it 

- invisible   - visible=false
- deleted - deleted=true
- unmodified  - modified=false
- purge   - remove all references to the element in the dataset and
either delete the primitive physically 
  from the dataset or set visible=false (not sure whether
the later would work in the local
  dataset, must of the code just checks for deleted not
for visible; currently the code always
  phyiscally removes primitives from the dataset if it

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Dirk Stöcker
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. August 2009 23:33
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] Already deleted nodes one at a time

On Tue, 11 Aug 2009, Karl Guggisberg wrote:

 Yes, it may be a bit more complicated with deleted nodes. Search for
 modified (or search for deleted) in search
 dialog will show all modified nodes. The update these nodes with the
 update selected.

 Hmm, this shouldn't be necessary. UpdateDataAction compares with
 data.getCompletePrimitiveIds() which includes modified and deleted ids 
 (and removes then the ID 0 for new primitives).

 Anything special with the dataset we discuss here?

When we are on topic and Trac is offline:

There are some cases where conflicts should be resolved automatically:
- server has deleted element and local element is deleted also -- delete
- server has deleted element and local element is unmodified -- delete

-- (PGP key available)

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josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] JOSM always on top

2009-07-29 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Are both you working with XP too?

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Michael Bemmerl
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2009 21:35
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] JOSM always on top

Tobias Wendorff schrieb:
  Hi there,
  my v1869 is always on top ... is this a bug or feature?
  If it's a feature, how could I turn it off?

Sounds like a bug to me. My JOSM is always top-most after uploading some
changes. See this ticket:


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] JOSM adds double ways to relations?

2009-07-25 Thread Karl Guggisberg

 I only realised that there was two delete buttons last night. 
 I think that there needs to be a better tooltop message, 
Any proposals for better messages? 

 ... and icon to denote all or just that instance. 
Proposals for better icons would be appreciated too.

 Why do the two buttons need to be so far apart?
Before there were two delete buttons in the botom row an we've got several
tickets in JOSM trac because 
it wasn't clear enough in what sense they were different. 
They are no so far apart  because they are placed in their context. The
button on the left is close
to the list of members. It deletes *all selected members*.
The button on the right is close to the list of *selected primitives*. It
deletes all members referring
to one of the selected primitives. 
If I have to *explain* why they are placed where they are placed now the
idea is obviously not intuitive enough, though.
Any alternative proposals? 

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Shaun McDonald
Gesendet: Samstag, 25. Juli 2009 01:36
An: Lennard
Cc: josm-dev
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] JOSM adds double ways to relations?

On 24 Jul 2009, at 19:50, Lennard wrote:

 Maarten Deen wrote:

 That's a serious issue. I've seen that all the double ways appear in 
 the edit relation box with -- or -- in the linked column. 
 But if I then remove one of those lines, both ways get removed from 
 the relation.
 Surely that is not intentional?

 I got bitten by that before, and the answer I got was: You're using 
 the wrong delete button. I kid you not, I never noticed the other 
 Delete button before that. :-)

I only realised that there was two delete buttons last night. I think   
that there needs to be a better tooltop message, and icon to denote all or
just that instance. Why do the two buttons need to be so far apart?

 But the relation editor received a major overhaul in the past weeks, 
 so some things may not work as before, yet.

 Has someone already though of a distinct feature in the relation 
 Either a remove double entries or also a button add selected 
 distinct entries?

 PS: s/double/duplicate/


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Re: [josm-dev] JOSM without Main.ds

2009-07-23 Thread Karl Guggisberg

Joerg must have quite an old snapshot of the source. Yes, Main.ds has been
removed recently, but OsmServerObjectReader.TYPE_REL has been replaced a 
couple of weeks ago, as far as I remember.

I suggest to update from the SVN, clean and build.

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Frederik Ramm [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009 20:10
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] JOSM without Main.ds


 I have a new version of JOSM in which I got rid of the global Main.ds. 
 I hesitate to check it in, though, mainly because it won't work with 
 current plugins.

Has this been checked in? Because over on dev, Joerg Ostertag reports the
following compile problems, maybe someone can help him.


cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : variable ds
 [javac] location: class org.openstreetmap.josm.Main
 [javac] Main.ds.setSelected(sel);
 [javac] ^
cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : variable ds
 [javac] location: class org.openstreetmap.josm.Main
 [javac]  ^
cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : method
 [javac] location: class
 [javac] } else if 
(!RelationEditor.this.relation.realEqual(clone, true)) {
 [javac] ^
cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : variable ds
 [javac] location: class org.openstreetmap.josm.Main
 [javac]  ^
cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : variable ds
 [javac] location: class org.openstreetmap.josm.Main
 [javac] for (OsmPrimitive p : Main.ds.getSelected()) {
 [javac]   ^
cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : variable ds
 [javac] location: class org.openstreetmap.josm.Main
 [javac] for (OsmPrimitive p : Main.ds.getSelected()) {
 [javac]   ^
cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : variable TYPE_REL
 [javac] location: class
 [javac] OsmServerObjectReader reader = new 
OsmServerObjectReader(, OsmServerObjectReader.TYPE_REL, true);
cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : method parseOsm()
 [javac] location: class
 [javac] DataSet dataSet = reader.parseOsm();
 [javac] ^
cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : method editLayer()
 [javac] location: class org.openstreetmap.josm.Main
 [javac] .editLayer().data, dataSet);
 [javac] ^
cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : method editLayer()
 [javac] location: class org.openstreetmap.josm.Main
 [javac]  ^
cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : method editLayer()
 [javac] location: class org.openstreetmap.josm.Main

[josm-dev] JOSM without Main.ds

2009-07-19 Thread Karl Guggisberg

I have a new version of JOSM in which I got rid of the global Main.ds. I
hesitate to check it in, though, mainly because it won't work with current

If you are a plugin developer/maintainer you may have a look at this class:

It provides a kind of compatibility layer to the tageditor plugin such
that it runs in JOSM with and without Main.ds. You may consider to update
your plugins in a similar way. If opposition isn't overwhelming I'll check
in the new JOSM version by the end of next week. Expect it to be a little
bit unstable, you may encounter a few NPEs.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Integrating the map panel on another application

2009-06-29 Thread Karl Guggisberg

when I write unit tests for JOSM I also set
Main.proj = new Epsg4326(); // if null nearly every construction of a
// fails 
Or  let josm.home point to a directory with a preferences file, i.e.
   System.setProperty(josm.home, /my/josm/home);

Then I use
   Main.pref.init(false);  // SIC: not true, otherwise whatever prefereces
you have
   // are deleted 

-- Karl

PS: the structure of JOSM would benefit from something called dependency
injection. Just my two cents. 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Maria Arias de
Gesendet: Montag, 29. Juni 2009 18:30
Betreff: [josm-dev] Integrating the map panel on another application


I am trying to use the panel map integrated in JOSM (without the menus and
toolbars) on another Java Application, where I want to load a couple of osm

I have found the MapViewer and the MapFrame classes, but when I try to
integrate them on my JFrame, it crashes. I know that there are some
preferences loaded on the Main class of JOSM and I am trying to replicate
whatever the Main loads so I can use the map panel on my project.

So far I have found this:

Main.platform = new PlatformHookUnixoid();

which I think are necessary to load the map.

After that I try:

map = new MapView();

and it works, showing me an empty map (black), although it says that the
projection could not be read from the preferences and prints an exception:

at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.Main.preConstructorInit(
at my.application.Main$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(

When I try to load an osm layer from a file:

Layer layer = new OsmDataLayer(new DataSet(), prueba, new

It simply crashes, throwing this:

Exception in thread AWT-EventQueue-0 java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView.addLayer(
at .my classes
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(

I am wondering if someone can help me pointing me how can I separate the map
panel from the rest of the application. If it is possible. I just need a map
that shows osm files, nothing more.

Thanks for your help :)
María Arias de Reyna Domínguez
Emergya Consultoría

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josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] unit testing

2009-06-27 Thread Karl Guggisberg
OK, it's in the repository. Let me know if you need something else.

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Dieter Muecke [] 
Gesendet: Samstag, 27. Juni 2009 13:39
Betreff: Re: AW: [josm-dev] unit testing

I would focus on unit tests. Primarily all tests should run successfully
after checkout from repository. Could you add missing libraries to svn repo?
I've only found newer versions of the same.


On 27 Jun 2009, at 13:21, Karl Guggisberg wrote:


 I've only recently started to commit unit test cases, in a non- 
 systematic way, thought. I strongly agree that there should be more 
 test cases.

 I've been using the following framework(s) in test cases:
 - JUnit 4
 - FEST (for reflection)

 I've started to write functional test cases too, mainly for automated 
 GUI tests using FEST.

 My env is structured as follows
  test/unit - unit test cases
  test/unit/build.xml   - ANT file for unit tests
  test/functional   - functional test cases (including GUI  
 tests and
 tests which require a running API server)  test/functional/build.xml - 
 ANT file for functional test
  test/data - test data for specific test cases (i.e.  
 a set
 of merge test cases)
  test/lib/junit- JUnit libraries
  test/lib/fest - FEST libraries
  test/report   - output directory for test cases

 I've committed a subset of this so far. If it was useful for you, I 
 could commit the rest too. It's not very clean yet and it could be 
 improved. So, I encourage you to work on this.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 [] Im Auftrag von Dieter 
 Gesendet: Samstag, 27. Juni 2009 13:01
 Betreff: [josm-dev] unit testing

 Unit testing seems slightly disregarded and I wonder why nobody has 
 opened a jira ticket to fix? I would do the work if we would find an 
 agreement which unit test library or framework to use. What are your 


 josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Missing ways and additional conflicts

2009-06-24 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 In the current JOSM it's doing two strange things:
 - if you download additional data after you have a first area 
 downloaded (e.g. you pan a bit and need to bring in more stuff), it 
 loses a few of the ways ...
 Confirmed. I first thought someone deleted the way (major street in our

Ticket is here:

Unfortunatelly I can't reproduce it. If you have sample data please attach
it to the ticket.

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Peter Herison
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2009 20:33
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] Missing ways and additional conflicts

David Earl schrieb:
 In the current JOSM it's doing two strange things:
 - if you download additional data after you have a first area 
 downloaded (e.g. you pan a bit and need to bring in more stuff), it 
 loses a few of the ways ...

Confirmed. I first thought someone deleted the way (major street in our

 - if you've made a change and do a second download which includes that 
 changed object, you get a conflict.

Confirmed. I only saw a difference in the last digit of one coordinate in
the conflict-list.

JOSM V1609

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josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Extended conflict resolution

2009-06-01 Thread Karl Guggisberg

r1631 now includes an experimental extended dialog for resolving conflicts,

The traditional dialog is still there and it is enabled per default. If you
want to use the new dialog and its support for merging node lists of ways
and member lists of relations you have to update your preferences:

  conflict.resolution=extended  new, extended dialog is being used 
  conflict.resolution=traditional   traditional dialog is being used (no
support for merging ways and relations) 


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Grumble, grumble

2009-05-11 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 Why not? How is this different from a user having to go through all his
changes manually and download every node/way he changed manually?
Exactly. I was thinking of a kind of Sync with server action and dialog
(or plugin?) which would also support the user in resolving
other kinds of conflicts, i.e.
- conflicts due to different nodes in a way on the server and on the client
- conflicts due to different members in a relation on the server and on the

This would be helpful. Users today analyse conflicts using OSM ../browse
pages. Then they fix them locally by editing their local dataset with a text
or XML editor. 

 By doing it that way, does it give an errormessage with the offending
node/way id? That would be really helpful.
For both cases, 410 Gone and 409 Conflict you now get an error message with
the offending primitive id.
JOSM could take action based on this. In case of 409 Conflicht it could
query the primitive individually because a 
409 Conflict also occurs when JOSM *updates* an already deleted node. 
In case of 410 Gone (which only happens if the user tries to *delete* an
alreay deleted primitive) it could silently 
remove the primitive from the local dataset and upload again 


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im
Auftrag von Maarten Deen
Gesendet: Montag, 11. Mai 2009 09:31
Betreff: Re: [OSM-dev] Grumble, grumble

Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Maarten Deen wrote:
 1. you hit upload
 2. upload fails, JOSM complains
 3. if you try to exit JOSM, it should warn about unsaved changes 4. 
 you must now do a download and resolve any conflicts 5. you hit 
 upload again 6. it works

 Unfortunately, step 4 will not send you deleted objects, so JOSM 
 has no way of knowing that the object has already been deleted. It 

 Yes it does. When you delete a node or way, you get a return with 

 No it doesn't; if you do a map query against the API, you will *not* 
 receive deleted objects, and that's what JOSM does in step 4. It would 
 not be feasible to query each object individually.

Why not? How is this different from a user having to go through all his
changes manually and download every node/way he changed manually?

 JOSM can then take action and inform the user that it is deleted and 
 take action (either upload it as a new node or delete it in the local 

 However one thing that JOSM could do is compare the list of objects in 
 memory with those returned by the map query and thus find out which 
 ones are missing from the map query, then request those individually 
 to confirm they are really 410 Gone.

Well, depending on how you downloaded the data in the first place. It is not
said that the data came from a download in JOSM.
But if it is, and JOSM can recreate the download and then only query the
missing items, that's even more efficient.

 Does it upload everyting except the deleted way, or does it upload 
 its list of changes and stops with an error when it gets to the 
 deleted way and does not get past that?

 The latter (it is exactly the way as used in 0.5). But it does not 
 upload the changes in the order you made them, instead it first 
 uploads all creations, then all modifications, then all deletions.

By doing it that way, does it give an errormessage with the offending
node/way id? That would be really helpful.


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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Grumble, grumble

2009-05-11 Thread Karl Guggisberg
Three weeks ago I submitted a patch which actually displayed a MessageDialog
an error icon and an verbose error message which explicitly says your data
has NOT been saved on the server.

It didn't improve conflict resolution yet, but it clearly warned users of
potential problems. Bad luck that it didn't make it 
in the source tree. Perhaps it would have warned you.

Not sure, whether this is a bug in JOSM. Currently it's classified as

-- Karl

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im
Auftrag von Ed Loach
Gesendet: Montag, 11. Mai 2009 18:45
An: 'Matt Amos'
Betreff: Re: [OSM-dev] Grumble, grumble

 no, Ed's edits are lost, unless JOSM saved them to a tmp file 

Hopefully only those from the first time I did it... The village of
Pattingham was looking so beautiful this morning after I repeated the edits
I lost.

I think this boils down to a bug in JOSM. If it had warned me there were
unsaved changes when I tried to exit I wouldn't have exited and my changes
would have been stored somewhere. People on IRC last night suggested I could
save to disk and edit out the deleted way that was being complained about,
until I mentioned I'd already exited.


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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Grumble, grumble

2009-05-10 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 I think, and I can't be certain, that I've lost a whole evening's editing,
just because one way I deleted in JOSM had already been deleted 
 by other means before I came to upload. Surely that shouldn't be a problem
that loses all the other changes which were unrelated?

I recently created two tickets related to this problem because I've lost
data too (and I was grumbling too ;-))

My general impression is that JOSM could do better in detecting conflicts,
in warning users and in supporting them to resolve
conflicts with the server. 
 I say I can't be certain, but none of the edits I've made show up in
Potlatch. Curses. Does the failed upload leave any temporary file 
 behind on my (Windows based) machine that I can try and tweak and upload
To the best of my knowledge: no.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im
Auftrag von Ed Loach
Gesendet: Sonntag, 10. Mai 2009 23:44
Betreff: [OSM-dev] Grumble, grumble

I think, and I can't be certain, that I've lost a whole evening's editing,
just because one way I deleted in JOSM had already been deleted by other
means before I came to upload. Surely that shouldn't be a problem that loses
all the other changes which were unrelated?

I say I can't be certain, but none of the edits I've made show up in
Potlatch. Curses. Does the failed upload leave any temporary file behind on
my (Windows based) machine that I can try and tweak and upload again?


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dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] API 0.6 - DELETE question

2009-05-04 Thread Karl Guggisberg

just wondering why DELETE /api/0.6/[node|way|relation]/#id isn't idempotent,
why DELETE(primitive) where primitive.visible=false will lead to 410 Gone
instead of 200 OK?

It leads to aborted changesets, i.e. 
   PUT /api/0.6/changeset/#id (
   DELETE node   where node.visible == false on the server 
which result in 410 Gone -  not one of the defined error codes for
PUT /api/0.6/changeset/#id.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] API 0.6 - DELETE question

2009-05-04 Thread Karl Guggisberg
 If it would not give you a 410 Gone then it would probably give you a 409
Conflict because of the version mismatch!
409 Conflict is what I would have expected from the API spec, not 410 Gone.

HTTP status code 410 (Gone)
If at least one element in the changeset has already been deleted

to the spec of DELETE /api/0.6/[node|way|relation]/#id would sync it with
the current implementation.

But still, why not treat it like a successful DELETE and reply the version
number of the already deleted element on the server? 

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Frederik Ramm [] 
Gesendet: Montag, 4. Mai 2009 19:08
Betreff: Re: [OSM-dev] API 0.6 - DELETE question


Karl Guggisberg wrote:
 just wondering why DELETE /api/0.6/[node|way|relation]/#id isn't 
 idempotent, i.e.
 why DELETE(primitive) where primitive.visible=false will lead to 410 
 Gone instead of 200 OK?

I guess if you do not already know that the object is deleted (which I infer
from your trying to delete it!) this means that you have an old version of
the object. If it would not give you a 410 Gone then it would probably give
you a 409 Conflict because of the version mismatch!


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Conflict resolution doesn't work

2009-05-02 Thread Karl Guggisberg
there are several problems with conflict detection and conflict resolution
in JOSM.

Here's a patch for one special case which is yet to be applied to the
source tree.

If the server version and the client version differ in the value of map
feature and and if the user decides to keep his version conflict resolution
doesn't work either. I'm currently working on this one.

I also came across the case you're describing here. Sometimes JOSM detects a
conflict although the conflict resolution dialog is basically empty. Don't
know yet how to reproduce it - do you?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Rolf Bode-Meyer
Gesendet: Samstag, 2. Mai 2009 17:25
An: josm-dev
Betreff: [josm-dev] Conflict resolution doesn't work

Is the conflict resolution in JOSM supposed to work? Or may I do something

On updating the data in an edited area I'm told there where conflicts and I
get a relation listed in the Conflict panel. On clicking resolve a dialogue
pops up but it doesn't show data in either of the three lists. Clicking
resolve closes the dialogue, the entry in the panel is removed but on
updating the data or uploading I get the error again.

So what is it supposed to do, or is it not finished yet?


josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Conflict resolution doesn't work

2009-05-02 Thread Karl Guggisberg

these tickets include descriptions on how to reproduce two conflict
resolution bugs. See also attached patches.

-- Karl 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Frederik Ramm
Gesendet: Samstag, 2. Mai 2009 19:14
An: Rolf Bode-Meyer
Cc: josm-dev
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] Conflict resolution doesn't work


Rolf Bode-Meyer wrote:
 On updating the data in an edited area I'm told there where conflicts 
 and I get a relation listed in the Conflict panel. On clicking resolve 
 a dialogue pops up but it doesn't show data in either of the three 
 lists. Clicking resolve closes the dialogue, the entry in the panel is 
 removed but on updating the data or uploading I get the error again.

I fixed some conflict resolution bugs in version 1561 and tested basic
conflict resolution afterwards and found it to work; if you can describe how
to reproduce the above problem that would be great.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] status of dev and test APIs?

2009-05-01 Thread Karl Guggisberg

I today tried to acces the dev and test APIs on
but they seem to be down. Are there any dev or test API instances availabe
after the API switch to 0.6?


dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Commit message not empty

2009-04-22 Thread Karl Guggisberg

 Uncommented changes are worth less than those with comments. Let's combine
our efforts to make it as easy and comfortable for everyone to add 
 meaningful comments, and we all gain from it.

Here's a possible patch:

It still enforces a commit comment but it provides a default comment,
either a standard comment or the
users last commit comment.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Frederik Ramm
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. April 2009 00:35
An: Ulf Lamping
Cc: josm-dev
Betreff: Re: [josm-dev] Commit message not empty


Ulf Lamping wrote:
 My fear is that especially newbies are prevented from uploading
 stuff: what do I have to add here?!? - please remember: not 
 everyone has several years of subversion or wikipedia experience.

 We'll add a help button to explain.
 Making the GUI complicated and adding a Help button to explain the 
 complications is, well, not the best idea for improved user 
 friendliness IMHO.

A text field where you have to enter text is not a complicated element. 
Not the field needs explaining, we need to explain why we want users to fill
the field with text. This is not a complication of the user interface, but a
complication of the process how one can contribute to OSM.

Whether or not entering a commit comment is mandatory - the complexity
remains, and the need to explain to the user why we want him to enter one.

 The problem is that Potlatch has to open the changeset before the 
 user has done anything. And while I am a great fan of commit 
 comments, requesting that the user describe what he is about to do, 
 before he has even done it, would be going to far in my eyes! So 
 there is no way to really enforce the policy with an online editor.
 There is *no* problem to add a changeset to an online editor. This is 
 simply just another indication that the potlatch model of not having a 
 Save button is the wrong way to go IMHO.

Yes, I should have said a live editor, not an online editor.

 Oh, and there will be no Yes and No buttons. You will have to 
 type the word.
 Would you be very upset if I write a JOSM plugin that uses Potlatch to 
 upload uncommented changes? ;-)

Uncommented changes are worth less than those with comments. Let's combine
our efforts to make it as easy and comfortable for everyone to add
meaningful comments, and we all gain from it.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

josm-dev mailing list

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