dmd download issues

2016-08-14 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
Just a heads up, chrome is throwing a virus detected error in the 
dmd-2.071.1.exe file.

Re: GC pathological case behaviour

2016-06-28 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 28 June 2016 at 19:03:14 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On my machine (OS X), this program eats up memory with no end 
in sight

import std.concurrency;
import core.stdc.stdio;

void start()
(int msg)
char[2] s = '\0';
s[0] = cast(char)msg;
puts(s.ptr);// remove this => no memory leak

void main()
auto hw_tid = spawn();

send(hw_tid, 64);
auto b = new ubyte[](1_000); // 10_000 => no memory leak

This is very odd, no? I'm not sure if it's a bug, but it sure 
is surprising. Why should "puts" cause a GC leak (writeln is 
the same)? What's so special about small allocations that 
allows all my memory to get filled up?

Is puts high enough latency that, that main thread can fill the 
message queue faster then start can exhaust it? If you put a call 
to sleep for 1ms in the main loop does it have the same result?

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-27 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 19:34:18 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 19:32:39 UTC, luminousone wrote:
Its the nature of being compatible with C, it might not be 
explicitly stated in the spec, but the only place to put the 
vtable pointer and stay compatible with C structs is at the 

No... You are making way too many assumptions.

By all means believe whatever delusion fits your corner of the 

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-27 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 18:58:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 18:23:11 UTC, default0 wrote:
Regarding C++ I found this to be a fun read: :-)

A lot of it makes sense... C++ is what happens when you evolve, 
evolve, evolve and evolve a language from a starting-point that 
was not a high level language, desperately trying to hone it 
into high level shoes... Those shoes will never fit perfectly, 

It gets even more expansive when you add inn compiler 
extensions. For instance gcc/clang simd extensions is basically 
taking in parts of OpenCL into C++. In order to figure out how 
they work you have to read the OpenCL spec... I only found out 
today that I can do "simd.even" and "simd.odd" to get even and 
odd elements from a simd register in Clang... after 
implementing it manually first. ;-/

OpenCL is for micro threading, not simd. OpenCL allows you to run 
thousands of instances of the same function in parallel, in 
either the cpu and/or the gpu.

SIMD or single instruction multiple data, is for instruction 
level parallelism,aka vector add op that adds 4 floats to 4 other 
floats in a single cpu instruction.

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-27 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 16:48:16 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 16:38:07 UTC, luminousone wrote:
easy to implement. In C++ the exact position of the vtable 
depends on what is in the base most class, it might be 8bytes 
in, maybe 20, maybe 200, you just don't know, And certainly 
the runtime can't know.

I know what the usual implementation is, but I don't believe it 
is required by the spec. So it is implementation defined and 
the runtime most certainly can know if that is part of the 
requirement. As I said, you don't even need to use a vtable 

Can show me the section in the spec where it is required? I 
can't find it.

Its the nature of being compatible with C, it might not be 
explicitly stated in the spec, but the only place to put the 
vtable pointer and stay compatible with C structs is at the end. 
You will notice in D you can't inherit from a struct, this isn't 
merely design choice.

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-27 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 16:10:13 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 16:03:44 UTC, luminousone wrote:
C++ post pended vtable pointers, Are not implementation 

I don't know what «post pended vtable pointers» means. Which 
section of the C++ spec are you referring to?

Member name lookup, Virtual functions, some where in their.

When you declare an object,

class a{
  int b;
  int c;
  //** the compiler puts a hidden variable here called the vtable 
pointer **//

  void **vtble;
  virtual void somefunc();

All of your virtual functions are referenced from this table; So 
that inherited classes will call the correct function based on 
the type of said object and the overrides in said object.

C#, D, put the vtable as the very first item in the base most 
class, C++ puts this as the last item in the base most class, C# 
and D use the first item in the vtable for type information 
generated by the compiler at compile time. Because the vtable is 
in the same place in ALL objects type reflection is very easy to 
implement. In C++ the exact position of the vtable depends on 
what is in the base most class, it might be 8bytes in, maybe 20, 
maybe 200, you just don't know, And certainly the runtime can't 

Granted their are really bloated, slow, and memory chugging ways 
around this, such as storing a list of every allocated object in 
memory somewhere, and having reflection calls search this using 
an objects memory address.

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-27 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 15:59:30 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 15:54:16 UTC, luminousone wrote:
C++ has post pended vtable pointers on class objects, its 
unlikely good reflection can ever be added to the language, as 
the vtable may be in a different place in every object their 
is no way to access it universally for object type 
information. Some Compile time type reflection might be 
possible, But I bet it ends up being flimsy.

Huh? IIRC it is implementation defined in C++. There are C++ 
compilers/tools that provide more extensive reflection, but it 
is not part of the standard beyond simple typeid reflection.

C++ post pended vtable pointers, Are not implementation dependent.

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-27 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 06:16:57 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 05:33:24 UTC, luminousone wrote:

On Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 22:32:55 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/26/2016 10:18 AM, Enamex wrote:
  - template arguments that accept constant values of any 
type whatsoever


Still adding D features, I see!

Now if only they could bring over some of D's superior 
template syntax, all of the <>'s are so damned ugly, Or type 
reflection features(is this even possible in c++?).

Ugh, D's template syntax is far from superior :-(.

What kind of type reflection are you thinking of? C++ has 
static type traits and some very limited dynamic reflection for 
classes with virtual functions, but C++ is nowhere near 
Python's capabilities.

C++ does have a special interest group working on reflection:

D's template syntax is vastly superior to C++...

C++ has post pended vtable pointers on class objects, its 
unlikely good reflection can ever be added to the language, as 
the vtable may be in a different place in every object their is 
no way to access it universally for object type information. Some 
Compile time type reflection might be possible, But I bet it ends 
up being flimsy.

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-27 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 15:16:19 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 14:57:10 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:
I forgot. No it's not more readable, to the contrary. The 
issue is that normally { } introduces an indentation, which is 
always associated with some kind of branching. Adding an 
indentation just for the declaration of a variable is an 
inconsistency annoying to read. I had the case several times 
in the code I was transforming and it had me each time puzzled 
at where the loop or condition was.

I see your point, but I like to keep conditional clean. Usually 
the expression is long when  I have to check an error code in 
C++. I don't think the following is easy on my eyes and it is 
not at all clear where the destructor is called:

if ( auto file = 
::tool::filesystem::open("/path/to/somewhere/xx"); file != 
nullptr) {

}  else if(…) {
} else {

I think this is easier to read, and the location for the 
destruction is obvious:

auto file = 

if ( file != nullptr ) {
}  else if(…) {
} else {

In modern C++ one has to think about introducing scopes to gain 
control over where RAII is created and destructed.

Modern C++ is a train-wreck, I don't think we should consider D 
features around the flaws of another language.

Luckily we don't have to code with the worry of labyrinth like 
namespaces so deep and bloated that the language needs a special 
keyword to let the compiler know that the following blobby mass 
is a typename.

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-26 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 22:32:55 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/26/2016 10:18 AM, Enamex wrote:
  - template arguments that accept constant values of any type 


Still adding D features, I see!

Now if only they could bring over some of D's superior template 
syntax, all of the <>'s are so damned ugly, Or type reflection 
features(is this even possible in c++?).

Re: Is Anything Holding you back?

2015-10-02 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 2 October 2015 at 08:23:56 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 02.10.2015 um 10:15 schrieb Kagamin:
On Friday, 2 October 2015 at 08:03:03 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 

On 02-Oct-2015 10:49, Kagamin wrote:

On Friday, 2 October 2015 at 05:15:26 UTC, luminousone wrote:
vibe.d compatible sqlite, postgresql, and oracle sql 

An ODBC driver would be fine too, anything that can connect 
to a


Looks like an async postgresql driver is in their, but i don't 
see sqlite supported in this fashion yet. I would love to use 
vibe.d(we currently use java/tomcat with spring framework) in 
some of the projects at work, but most of this would require 
connecting to an oracle server, I will re-examine the pgsql 

We have several projects coming up where we will get a dataset 
from the Utah department of environmental quality and we will 
build a small website around it for the public to query and look 
at the data in a user friendly fashion. Assuming pgsql support is 
up to snuff, I can get away with using vibe.d. And I believe 
anyway that I could finish the project faster with vibe.d then 

Re: Is Anything Holding you back?

2015-10-01 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 2 October 2015 at 02:25:21 UTC, Yaser wrote:
Are there any critical frameworks or libraries that are holding 
you back in fully investing in D? Obviously I think D is an 
awesome language, but some frameworks/libraries hold me back, 
wish I could do everything in D.

vibe.d compatible sqlite, postgresql, and oracle sql drivers. dub 
support in visualD/mono-d, better container libraries in the 
standard library(granted this is coming now that the allocator 
library is just about here).

derelictGL has issues with AMD cards(issues that are AMD's fault 
granted) that has caused me to have to maintain a fork with a few 
things commented out.

I would kill for golang channel like types supported in the 
standard library.

other then some database support missing from vibe.d nothing 
really holds me back, just annoyances really.

Re: GC and MMM

2015-08-20 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 17:13:33 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 

Hi All!

Does GC scan manually allocated memory?
I want to use huge manually allocated hash tables and I don't 
want to GC scan them because performance reasons.

Best regards,

Yes, just don't store any GC managed pointers in said manually 
allocated memory. Or at the very least consider any GC managed 
pointers to be weak pointers.

core.memory add/remove range have to be used put c malloc memory 
into the GC, simply don't call these functions.

Re: Right after allocators: containers or database connectivity?

2015-06-09 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 17:05:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
My work on allocators takes the last turn before the straight 
line. I've arranged with Dicebot to overlap the review period 
with finalizing details so I can act on feedback quickly.

After that I'm ready for some major library work, and I had two 
things in mind.

One would be a good pass of std.container, in particular (a) a 
design review with the DbI glasses on; (b) better documentation 
- sadly it seems to me so inadequate as to make containers 
themselves unusable; (c) investigate use of UFCS - 
std.container's design predates UFCS yet is a perfect fit for 
it, and most likely other cool language improvements we've 
added since.

The other would be database connectivity. Erik Smith has shown 
some cool ideas at DConf, and I encourage him to continue 
working on them, but it seems to me this is an area where more 
angles mean more connectivity options.

For database connectivity I'm thinking of using ODBC. What I 
see is that on all major platforms, vendors offer mature, good 
quality ODBC drivers, and most programs that have anything to 
do with databases offer ODBC connectivity. So connecting with 
ODBC means the individual database drivers are already there; 
no need to waste effort on creating drivers for each (or asking 
vendors to, which we can't afford).

So I gave myself ten minutes the other night just before I went 
to sleep to see if I can get an ODBC rig on my OSX machine 
starting from absolutely nothing. I got but then got confused about where to 
find some dumb driver (text, csv) and gave up.

Last night I gave myself another ten minutes, and lo and behold 
I got up and running. Got a demo CSV driver from (which also 
supports Access and others). Then I headed to 
and was able to run a simple ODBC application that lists the 
available drivers. Nice!

It's trivial work to convert the C headers to D declarations. 
Then it's straight library design to offer convenient libraries 
on top of the comprehensive but pedestrian ODBC C API. Then, 
voilà - we'll have database connectivity for all databases out 

Please help me choose what to work on next.


I would think a good database lib would depend on a good 
container lib, So IMO, the order is self evident.

1000+ to containers.

Re: Use SIMD to accelerate comment lexing

2015-06-01 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 1 June 2015 at 19:38:59 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Manu, our resident god of vector instructions, do you want to 
take this on?

Looking at that code, I would think that some well placed 
prefetch and Non Temporal move intrinsic's,  would do more good 
then anything else. CPU speculative read ahead is not so smart as 
one would think it otta be.

Re: D and GPGPU

2015-02-20 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 20 February 2015 at 10:05:34 UTC, francesco.cattoglio 
On Wednesday, 18 February 2015 at 18:14:19 UTC, luminousone 
HSA does work with discrete gpu's and not just the embedded 
stuff, And I believe that HSA can be used to accelerate OpenCL 
2.0, via copyless cache coherent memory access.

Unless I'm mistaken, it will more like the opposite: HSA will 
use OpenCL 2.0 as a backend to do that kind of copyless GPGPU 

HSAIL does not depend on opencl, and it supports more then 
copyless gpgpu acceleration, as it said, it has been access to 
virtual memory, including the program stack.

HSA defines changes to the MMU, IOMMU, cpu cache coherency 
protocol, a new bytecode(HSAIL), a software stack built around 
llvm and its own backend in the gpu device driver.

OpenCL 2.0, generally obtains its copyless accel from remapping 
the gpu memory into system memory, not from direct access to 
virtual memory, Intel supports a form of copyless accel via this 
remapping system.

The major difference between the two systems, is that HSA can 
access any arbitrary location in memory, where as OpenCL must 
still rely on the pointers being mapped for use.

HSA has for example have complete access to runtime type 
reflection, vtable pointers, you could have a linked list or a 
tree that is allocated arbitrarily in memory.

Re: D and GPGPU

2015-02-18 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 18 February 2015 at 15:15:21 UTC, Russel Winder 
It strikes me that D really ought to be able to work with GPGPU 
– is
there already something and I just failed to notice. This is 
parallelism but of a slightly different sort to that in 
std.concurrent, std.parallelism, std.gpgpu ought to be 


The issue is to create a GPGPU kernel (usually C code with 
bizarre data
structures and calling conventions) set it running and then 
pipe data in
and collect data out – currently very slow but the next 
generation of
Intel chips will fix this (*). And then there is the 
OpenCL/CUDA debate.

Personally I think OpenCL, for all it's deficiencies, as it is 
neutral. CUDA binds you to NVIDIA. Anyway there is an NVIDIA 
back end
for OpenCL. With a system like PyOpenCL, the infrastructure 
data and
process handling is abstracted, but you still have to write the 
in C. They really ought to do a Python DSL for that, but… So 
with D can
we write D kernels and have them compiled and loaded using a 

of CTFE, D → C translation, C ompiler call, and other magic?

Is this a GSoC 2015 type thing?

(*) It will be interesting to see how NVIDIA responds to the 
tack Intel

are taking on GPGPU and main memory access.

This is really the way to go, yea opencl and cuda exist, along 
with opengl/directx compute shaders, but pretty much every thing 
out their suffers from giant limitations.

With HSA, HSAIL bytecode is embedded directly into the elf/exe 
file, HASIL bytecode can can fully support all the features of 
c++, virtual function lookups in code, access to the stack, cache 
coherent memory access, the same virtual memory view as the 
application it runs in, etc.

HSA is implemented in the llvm backend compiler, and when it is 
used in a elf/exe file, their is a llvm based finalizer that 
generates gpu bytecode.

More importantly, it should be very easy to implement in any llvm 
supported language once all of the patches are moved up stream to 
their respective libraries/toolsets.

I believe that linux kernel 3.19 and above have the iommu 2.5 
patches, and I think amd's radeon KFD driver made it into 3.20. 
HSA will also be supported by ARM.

HSA is generic enough, that assuming Intel implements similar 
capabilities into their chips it otta be supportable their with 
or without intels direct blessing.

HSA does work with discrete gpu's and not just the embedded 
stuff, And I believe that HSA can be used to accelerate OpenCL 
2.0, via copyless cache coherent memory access.

Re: dmedia library

2014-11-08 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 7 November 2014 at 07:32:53 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 7/11/2014 8:22 p.m., luminousone wrote:
On Friday, 7 November 2014 at 07:08:02 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 7/11/2014 7:58 p.m., luminousone wrote:
On Friday, 7 November 2014 at 06:42:24 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 7/11/2014 7:38 p.m., luminousone wrote:
On Friday, 7 November 2014 at 06:29:14 UTC, Rikki 
Cattermole wrote:

On 7/11/2014 6:56 p.m., luminousone wrote:
I have been working on a media library, it still has a 
long way

to go,
but I figured its about time I shared what I am doing.

If I could possibly convince a few people out their to 
give'er a


I use XCB/XLIB/GLX directly, so I am not just simply 
wrapping SDL or
SFML. And I am using XCB for event handling and opening 

Threading should work much more reliably, due to the use 
of XCB.

I am releasing the library under the BSD license,

Its a good start.
But instead of creating the window itself manually would 
you consider

using DWC [0]?

DWC is more or less done. But I need help with my plans 
for a game

framework in D.
If you're interested in helping with that please give me 
an email


XLIB is an absolute train wreck when it comes to 
threading, call
XPollEvent outside your draw thread will most likely 

As well I need control of the opengl contexts, as I want 
to separate

drawing and loading into separate threads.

I need both good threading support, and control over my 

to fulfill the goals I have set for myself.

That said, it is a nice looking library. But it would not 
fulfill my


Fair enough. Threading is a major issue with those low 
level api's.

I eventually want to build a entity system, and make use of
parallel_foreach, or fibers/routines, and have a loading 
thread that can

get assets in an async fashion.

Large voxel/cube-voxel systems and mega texturing interest 
me, I feel
like a small team could develop a big game with tools built 
around a

voxel system.

XCB mostly solves the threading issues that XLIB suffers 
from, However
XCB has poor support for the input extensions, as of yet 
nothing that
replaces xlookupstring, I hope to find a good work around at 
some point,

but it seems good enough for my needs.

Also I am not sure of how well XXf86vm extension is 
supported for full
screen access, As I have yet to implement full screen 

Its a learning experience, however so I can't complain to 

Interesting, just out of interest have you thought about 
separating it
out and work independently of GUI's for e.g. game servers? Or 

that abstract it to the point of non-usefulness?

Yes, tho I have yet to put much thought into how that will all 
be put
together. Working towards something that I could use in 
vibe.d, without
any dependence on the windowing system would be important for 
a good


Depending on the needs of the game server, I would keep it 
apart from the web server aspect from vibe.d all together. By 
in large interacting with e.g. a task, shouldn't be hard but 
that's not quite why.
The idea behind my actor framework Dakka [0] (although would 
need a bit of work for this sort of thing).

Share the data (including data models) between the web server 
and game server over sockets with method calling support. But 
keep its functions separate.
Although the original context was all about having front end 
nodes for web development and backend nodes for interacting 
with e.g. VM's.

But that's just me rambling with not much reason.


dwc has been an interesting read, using the dub configurations 
option, and separate directories for the different platforms 
seems much cleaner then my approach with version statements.

Your win32 code will be helpful when I get to that as well. 
Luckily win32 doesn't suffer the threading problems of xlib, nor 
does mac.

I will drop an email later tonight after work, I am sure their 
are a few area's where we can save time by sharing code, in so 
far as a larger framework is concerned.

dmedia library

2014-11-06 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d-announce
I have been working on a media library, it still has a long way 
to go, but I figured its about time I shared what I am doing.

If I could possibly convince a few people out their to give'er a 
once over.

I use XCB/XLIB/GLX directly, so I am not just simply wrapping SDL 
or SFML. And I am using XCB for event handling and opening 

Threading should work much more reliably, due to the use of XCB.

I am releasing the library under the BSD license,

Re: dmedia library

2014-11-06 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 7 November 2014 at 06:29:14 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 7/11/2014 6:56 p.m., luminousone wrote:
I have been working on a media library, it still has a long 
way to go,

but I figured its about time I shared what I am doing.

If I could possibly convince a few people out their to give'er 
a once over.

I use XCB/XLIB/GLX directly, so I am not just simply wrapping 
SDL or
SFML. And I am using XCB for event handling and opening 

Threading should work much more reliably, due to the use of 

I am releasing the library under the BSD license,

Its a good start.
But instead of creating the window itself manually would you 
consider using DWC [0]?

DWC is more or less done. But I need help with my plans for a 
game dev framework in D.
If you're interested in helping with that please give me an 


XLIB is an absolute train wreck when it comes to threading, call 
XPollEvent outside your draw thread will most likely segfault.

As well I need control of the opengl contexts, as I want to 
separate drawing and loading into separate threads.

I need both good threading support, and control over my opengl 
contexts to fulfill the goals I have set for myself.

That said, it is a nice looking library. But it would not fulfill 
my needs.

Re: dmedia library

2014-11-06 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 7 November 2014 at 06:42:24 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 7/11/2014 7:38 p.m., luminousone wrote:
On Friday, 7 November 2014 at 06:29:14 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 7/11/2014 6:56 p.m., luminousone wrote:
I have been working on a media library, it still has a long 
way to go,

but I figured its about time I shared what I am doing.

If I could possibly convince a few people out their to 
give'er a once


I use XCB/XLIB/GLX directly, so I am not just simply 
wrapping SDL or
SFML. And I am using XCB for event handling and opening 

Threading should work much more reliably, due to the use of 

I am releasing the library under the BSD license,

Its a good start.
But instead of creating the window itself manually would you 

using DWC [0]?

DWC is more or less done. But I need help with my plans for a 
game dev

framework in D.
If you're interested in helping with that please give me an 


XLIB is an absolute train wreck when it comes to threading, 

XPollEvent outside your draw thread will most likely segfault.

As well I need control of the opengl contexts, as I want to 

drawing and loading into separate threads.

I need both good threading support, and control over my opengl 

to fulfill the goals I have set for myself.

That said, it is a nice looking library. But it would not 
fulfill my needs.

Fair enough. Threading is a major issue with those low level 

I eventually want to build a entity system, and make use of 
parallel_foreach, or fibers/routines, and have a loading thread 
that can get assets in an async fashion.

Large voxel/cube-voxel systems and mega texturing interest me, I 
feel like a small team could develop a big game with tools built 
around a voxel system.

XCB mostly solves the threading issues that XLIB suffers from, 
However XCB has poor support for the input extensions, as of yet 
nothing that replaces xlookupstring, I hope to find a good work 
around at some point, but it seems good enough for my needs.

Also I am not sure of how well XXf86vm extension is supported for 
full screen access, As I have yet to implement full screen 

Its a learning experience, however so I can't complain to much!

Re: dmedia library

2014-11-06 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 7 November 2014 at 07:08:02 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 7/11/2014 7:58 p.m., luminousone wrote:
On Friday, 7 November 2014 at 06:42:24 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 7/11/2014 7:38 p.m., luminousone wrote:
On Friday, 7 November 2014 at 06:29:14 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 7/11/2014 6:56 p.m., luminousone wrote:
I have been working on a media library, it still has a 
long way to go,

but I figured its about time I shared what I am doing.

If I could possibly convince a few people out their to 
give'er a once


I use XCB/XLIB/GLX directly, so I am not just simply 
wrapping SDL or
SFML. And I am using XCB for event handling and opening 

Threading should work much more reliably, due to the use 
of XCB.

I am releasing the library under the BSD license,

Its a good start.
But instead of creating the window itself manually would 
you consider

using DWC [0]?

DWC is more or less done. But I need help with my plans for 
a game dev

framework in D.
If you're interested in helping with that please give me an 


XLIB is an absolute train wreck when it comes to threading, 
XPollEvent outside your draw thread will most likely 

As well I need control of the opengl contexts, as I want to 

drawing and loading into separate threads.

I need both good threading support, and control over my 
opengl contexts

to fulfill the goals I have set for myself.

That said, it is a nice looking library. But it would not 
fulfill my


Fair enough. Threading is a major issue with those low level 

I eventually want to build a entity system, and make use of
parallel_foreach, or fibers/routines, and have a loading 
thread that can

get assets in an async fashion.

Large voxel/cube-voxel systems and mega texturing interest me, 
I feel
like a small team could develop a big game with tools built 
around a

voxel system.

XCB mostly solves the threading issues that XLIB suffers from, 
XCB has poor support for the input extensions, as of yet 
nothing that
replaces xlookupstring, I hope to find a good work around at 
some point,

but it seems good enough for my needs.

Also I am not sure of how well XXf86vm extension is supported 
for full

screen access, As I have yet to implement full screen windows.

Its a learning experience, however so I can't complain to much!

Interesting, just out of interest have you thought about 
separating it out and work independently of GUI's for e.g. game 
servers? Or would that abstract it to the point of 

Yes, tho I have yet to put much thought into how that will all be 
put together. Working towards something that I could use in 
vibe.d, without any dependence on the windowing system would be 
important for a good gameserver.

Re: How to turn this C++ into D?

2014-11-05 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 18:18:18 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 11/05/2014 10:12 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

 On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 18:10:38 UTC, Ali Çehreli
 If so, then that push_back would be adding an incomplete
object to the


I really like that! :)

But still not for this case because in addition to the problem 
with the destruction order, I would like to feel free to remove 
unused objects like the following without worrying about 

// C++ code
void bar()
Foo seemingly_unused_here();
// ...


unless delete is explicitly called, I don't believe the 
destructor would ever be called, it would still have a reference 
in the static foo_list object that would stop it from being 
collected by the gc.

I could see the constructor situation being a problem in threaded 
code as well, tho it may be bad practice, I don't believe the 
insert(this) would actually break anything.

The scope(success) is a good idea either way however.

Re: How to turn this C++ into D?

2014-11-05 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 19:05:32 UTC, Patrick Jeeves 
On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 18:56:08 UTC, luminousone 
unless delete is explicitly called, I don't believe the 
destructor would ever be called, it would still have a 
reference in the static foo_list object that would stop it 
from being collected by the gc.

This is exactly why I asked about it, and even if delete is 
explicitly called-- which i believe is deprecated, wouldn't the 
runtime fill the space with the default construtor until the GC 
decides to remove it? meaning it would be immediatly added back 
into the list?

I don't believe that the default constructor is called. I am 
pretty sure delete immediately deallocates the object, 
deregistering its memory from the gc.

In fact I am 99% sure no constructor is called after delete, it 
would cause problems for objects with no default constructor, or 
for system related stuff done in constructors, and I haven't seen 
anything like that in my X11 work in d.

Re: How to turn this C++ into D?

2014-11-05 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 20:31:54 UTC, Patrick Jeeves 
On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 19:44:57 UTC, luminousone 
On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 19:05:32 UTC, Patrick Jeeves 
On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 18:56:08 UTC, luminousone 
unless delete is explicitly called, I don't believe the 
destructor would ever be called, it would still have a 
reference in the static foo_list object that would stop it 
from being collected by the gc.

This is exactly why I asked about it, and even if delete is 
explicitly called-- which i believe is deprecated, wouldn't 
the runtime fill the space with the default construtor until 
the GC decides to remove it? meaning it would be immediatly 
added back into the list?

I don't believe that the default constructor is called. I am 
pretty sure delete immediately deallocates the object, 
deregistering its memory from the gc.

In fact I am 99% sure no constructor is called after delete, 
it would cause problems for objects with no default 
constructor, or for system related stuff done in constructors, 
and I haven't seen anything like that in my X11 work in d.

I guess I got confused by something... I don't know.  But what 
I'd really like is for it to be garbage colleceted when no 
references outside of that static array exist, as i mentioned 
at the bottom of my first post.  I illustrated my example with 
that specific class because when i looked up weak pointers on 
the site I found discussions getting caught up with how to 
avoid dangling pointers when weak pointers are used; and I 
wanted to illustrate that that's a non-issue in this case, 
because I wasn't sure how much that contributed to the 
solutions given.

I suppose it doesn't matter because this is based on something 
I do with multiple inheritance in C++, I felt like I may be 
able to get it to work in D because the only public members of 
those classes were always pure virtual functions.

As an aside, how does scope(success) work in the context of a 
constructor? given:

abstract class foo
   scope(success) onAdd();


class bar : foo
int _a;

this(int a)
   _a = a;

void onAdd(){ writeln(_a); }
void onRemove() { writeln(_a); }

is _a defined as anything in either of writes? or would it be 
called at the wrong time relative to setting _a?

As of yet their are no built in weak references/pointers, you can 
jerry rig them however.

constructors will implicitly call super at the top of the 
function if no super call is made within the function body, so

this( int a ) {
//  super(); is called here if not defined below
_a = a;

I'd really like is for it to be garbage colleceted when no 
references outside of that static array exist, as i mentioned 
at the bottom of my first post.

Can't easily do this yet, would require you writing your own list 
class, as std.container, does not have any way of passing an 
allocator to it.

They are coming, slowly but surely we will eventually have them.

Allocators would allow container classes to create objects(nodes 
and such) that are in memory that is not scanned by the garbage 

You can in fact allocate memory manually right now, via 
std.c.memory or std.c.stdlib (don't member which one has c malloc 
and free).

Just be sure to familiarize your self with the manual gc 
registration and deregistration functions in core.memory.

Re: What are the worst parts of D?

2014-09-22 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 21 September 2014 at 22:17:59 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 08:49:38AM +, via Digitalmars-d 
On Sunday, 21 September 2014 at 00:07:36 UTC, Vladimir 
Panteleev wrote:
On Saturday, 20 September 2014 at 12:39:23 UTC, Tofu Ninja 

What do you think are the worst parts of D?

The regressions!

I filed over half of those...

I guess you found them using your own code base? Maybe it 
would make

sense to add one or more larger projects to the autotester, in
addition to the unit tests. They don't necessarily need to be
blocking, just a notice hey, your PR broke this and that 

would surely be helpful to detect the breakages early on.

This has been suggested before. The problem is resources. If 
willing to donate equipment for running these tests, it would 
be greatly

appreciated, I believe.

For my part, I regularly try compiling my own projects with git 

and filing any regressions I find.


What is needed?

Re: critique of vibe.d

2014-07-10 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 10 July 2014 at 01:04:35 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 10.07.2014 02:58, schrieb Sönke Ludwig:

Am 10.07.2014 02:30, schrieb luminousone:

he links are clicked they simply don't do anything,
the load function is not called. And it doesn't seem to throw 

errors in chromes devel

I'll test with Chrome. But the spec is the same in that regard 
for HTML 4:

It even explicitly mentions escaping of quot; and #39;

All of these work for the latest Chrome (as well as for Opera, 
Firefox and IE11):

a href=# onClick=alert(#39;Hello, World!#39;)Using 
a href=# onClick=alert(quot;Hello, World!quot;)Using 

a href=# onClick=alert('Hello, World!')Using '/abr
a href=# onClick='alert(Hello, World!)'Using /abr

Relooked over my code, and found issue else where, When I saw the
html special characters seemed so out of place and figured that
was it.

Re: critique of vibe.d

2014-07-10 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 15:21:40 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 09.07.2014 03:54, schrieb luminousone:
There is lots of missing little bits here and their, password 

functions that use crypt_(C) formated hashes.

I was hoping for dauth [1] to fill that gap. It doesn't use the 
same format, but one with the same goal. I didn't actually try 
it out yet, though.

There are diet/jade template bugs still, specific major 
problem being
that use of single quotes inside of double quotes when i need 
to pass
strings to js functions inside of js events such as onclick 
inside a

html tag, seems to be broken.

Do you have a concrete example where this goes wrong? I've 
tested both, nesting ' inside  and vice versa. Both seemed to 
work fine for body onLoad=

There is not common database interface for sql 
actually), but many of the specific database libraries are 
messy(ddb for

example) and they are not any where near api stable.

Support for mongo is... cute?!, don't get me wrong it has a 
place, for
most apps it would be fine, it is however unusable for the 
apps i am

involved in.

Yeah, I kind of like it for its flexibility, but it's 
definitely not the right choice for million user web services. 
I'm currently looking at NouDB as another potential SQL based 


I specifically work with data projects involving the EPA, Utah 
department of environmental quality, and county emissions 
programs in the State of Utah.

We have a few legacy projects that sit in Oracle, And everything 
else sits in mysql and postgresql. We would like to get 
everything onto just postgresql, minus the projects we can't move 
out of Oracle.

Our projects are spread across php/apache, and java/tomcat. I 
have been working to cut down the number of different 
technologies we use, or atleast to dump the really big train 
wreck ones aka, php and mysql.

Now oddly enough because we are a center at a university, I can 
get away with what some might consider experimental, and use D 
and vibe.d, or at the very least whenever we have a one off demo 
of something I could use it for that.

I have been using mongodb for a few personal projects as I wanted 
to learn it, I am using it from vibe.d. Our largest dataset is 
1.5 million records per year going back to 1994~. Not terribly 
large but our clients run scientific queries on it. The queries 
they use pretty much preempts the use of non sql databases, so 
mongodb is out of the question, Tho I don't want to sound like I 
am being over discountive of what it can do.

I will look into NouSQL, assuming its not a memory database like 
voltdb, or some of the other NewSQL databases, it might be 

Re: critique of vibe.d

2014-07-09 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 15:21:40 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 09.07.2014 03:54, schrieb luminousone:
There is lots of missing little bits here and their, password 

functions that use crypt_(C) formated hashes.

I was hoping for dauth [1] to fill that gap. It doesn't use the 
same format, but one with the same goal. I didn't actually try 
it out yet, though.

There are diet/jade template bugs still, specific major 
problem being
that use of single quotes inside of double quotes when i need 
to pass
strings to js functions inside of js events such as onclick 
inside a

html tag, seems to be broken.

Do you have a concrete example where this goes wrong? I've 
tested both, nesting ' inside  and vice versa. Both seemed to 
work fine for body onLoad=

There is not common database interface for sql 
actually), but many of the specific database libraries are 
messy(ddb for

example) and they are not any where near api stable.

Support for mongo is... cute?!, don't get me wrong it has a 
place, for
most apps it would be fine, it is however unusable for the 
apps i am

involved in.

Yeah, I kind of like it for its flexibility, but it's 
definitely not the right choice for million user web services. 
I'm currently looking at NouDB as another potential SQL based 


hopefully, these posts are simply read as text, if not I can
figure out something else.

a.menu_item(href='#', onclick='load(invoice);') New Invoice
a.menu_item(href='#', onclick=load('invoice');) New Invoice

will always generate the following output,

a href=# onclick=load(quot;aquot;); class=menu_itemNew
a href=# onclick=load(#39;invoice#39;);
class=menu_itemNew Invoice/a

Re: critique of vibe.d

2014-07-09 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 19:51:38 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 09.07.2014 21:21, schrieb luminousone:

On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 15:21:40 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 09.07.2014 03:54, schrieb luminousone:
There is lots of missing little bits here and their, 
password hashing

functions that use crypt_(C) formated hashes.

I was hoping for dauth [1] to fill that gap. It doesn't use 
the same
format, but one with the same goal. I didn't actually try it 
out yet,


There are diet/jade template bugs still, specific major 
problem being
that use of single quotes inside of double quotes when i 
need to pass
strings to js functions inside of js events such as onclick 
inside a

html tag, seems to be broken.

Do you have a concrete example where this goes wrong? I've 
both, nesting ' inside  and vice versa. Both seemed to work 
fine for

body onLoad=

There is not common database interface for sql 
actually), but many of the specific database libraries are 
messy(ddb for

example) and they are not any where near api stable.

Support for mongo is... cute?!, don't get me wrong it has a 
place, for
most apps it would be fine, it is however unusable for the 
apps i am

involved in.

Yeah, I kind of like it for its flexibility, but it's 
definitely not
the right choice for million user web services. I'm currently 

at NouDB as another potential SQL based target.


hopefully, these posts are simply read as text, if not I can
figure out something else.

a.menu_item(href='#', onclick='load(invoice);') New Invoice
a.menu_item(href='#', onclick=load('invoice');) New Invoice

will always generate the following output,

a href=# onclick=load(quot;aquot;); 

a href=# onclick=load(#39;invoice#39;);
class=menu_itemNew Invoice/a

That's right, but as far as I understand, it *should* work like 
that, because HTML character entity replacement should happen 
before parsing the JavaScript code, even if it's a little more 
verbose than it should be.

It breaks the js. And the character entity replacement only
effects text between tags, with the exception of the script tag
which also does not get characters replaced, the existing
script. tag in diet templates works correctly. Text inside of
attributes is not ran through the character entity replacement.

Re: critique of vibe.d

2014-07-09 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 10 July 2014 at 00:02:23 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 10.07.2014 01:27, schrieb luminousone:

On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 19:51:38 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 09.07.2014 21:21, schrieb luminousone:
On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 15:21:40 UTC, Sönke Ludwig 

Am 09.07.2014 03:54, schrieb luminousone:
There is lots of missing little bits here and their, 
password hashing

functions that use crypt_(C) formated hashes.

I was hoping for dauth [1] to fill that gap. It doesn't use 
the same
format, but one with the same goal. I didn't actually try 
it out yet,


There are diet/jade template bugs still, specific major 
problem being
that use of single quotes inside of double quotes when i 
need to pass
strings to js functions inside of js events such as 
onclick inside a

html tag, seems to be broken.

Do you have a concrete example where this goes wrong? I've 
both, nesting ' inside  and vice versa. Both seemed to 
work fine for

body onLoad=

There is not common database interface for sql 

actually), but many of the specific database libraries are
messy(ddb for
example) and they are not any where near api stable.

Support for mongo is... cute?!, don't get me wrong it has 
a place, for
most apps it would be fine, it is however unusable for the 
apps i am

involved in.

Yeah, I kind of like it for its flexibility, but it's 
definitely not
the right choice for million user web services. I'm 
currently looking

at NouDB as another potential SQL based target.


hopefully, these posts are simply read as text, if not I can
figure out something else.

a.menu_item(href='#', onclick='load(invoice);') New Invoice
a.menu_item(href='#', onclick=load('invoice');) New Invoice

will always generate the following output,

a href=# onclick=load(quot;aquot;); 

a href=# onclick=load(#39;invoice#39;);
class=menu_itemNew Invoice/a

That's right, but as far as I understand, it *should* work 
like that,
because HTML character entity replacement should happen 
before parsing
the JavaScript code, even if it's a little more verbose than 
it should


It breaks the js. And the character entity replacement only
effects text between tags, with the exception of the script tag
which also does not get characters replaced, the existing
script. tag in diet templates works correctly. Text inside of
attributes is not ran through the character entity replacement.

This is not true. See
On which browser does it break the JS for you? It works for me, 
at least in Opera and Firefox.

Chrome, When the links are clicked they simply don't do anything,
the load function is not called. And it doesn't seem to throw any
errors in chromes developer tools, which does seem odd.

Your link is for the html 5.1 draft spec, might this be different
dependent on the version of html being used?

Re: critique of vibe.d

2014-07-08 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 8 July 2014 at 20:39:23 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
There's been some discussion about vibe.d recently on reddit 
and I was wondering to what extent that's meaningful:

has anyone ever tied a real webservice to vibe.d? I actually 
tried. its nowhere near complete in any sense. you simply 
cannot compare it with go's standard http lib, sorry, I tried.

If there's sheer work needed for completing vibe.d, I think it 
would be great if the domain-savvy part of the community would 
rally around it. Serving and off of vibe.d 
would be awesome dogfooding.


There is lots of missing little bits here and their, password 
hashing functions that use crypt_(C) formated hashes.

There are diet/jade template bugs still, specific major problem 
being that use of single quotes inside of double quotes when i 
need to pass strings to js functions inside of js events such as 
onclick inside a html tag, seems to be broken.

There is not common database interface for sql 
databases(forgivable actually), but many of the specific database 
libraries are messy(ddb for example) and they are not any where 
near api stable.

Support for mongo is... cute?!, don't get me wrong it has a 
place, for most apps it would be fine, it is however unusable for 
the apps i am involved in.

Anything supported within vibe.d itself, is great, well thought 
out, well written, clean and easy to work with. And vibe.d makes 
wonderful use of D features in a productive way. vibe.d's 
documentation could be better.

Having to go outside of vibe.d for anything is often gritty, and 
that is what keeps me from using it. The oddities of being 
required to use vibe.d's sockets means libraries have to be 
ported to the extend of changing that(not hard, but maintaining a 
changeset from the original authors code is cumbersome if they 
are not updating the lib, or if you would like to link it from 
another languages compiled code).

That said if the database libraries could be brought up to snuff, 
one way or another everything else could be worked around for the 
most part.

Re: radical ideas about GC and ARC : need to be time driven?

2014-05-11 Thread luminousone via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 11 May 2014 at 17:36:44 UTC, Manu via Digitalmars-d 

On 12 May 2014 02:38, Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Am Sun, 11 May 2014 14:52:50 +1000
schrieb Manu via Digitalmars-d

On 11 May 2014 05:39, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 09:16:54PM +0200, Xavier Bigand via 
 Digitalmars-d wrote:

  - Same question if D migrate to ARC?

 I highly doubt D will migrate to ARC. ARC will probably 
 *possible*, but some language features fundamentally rely 
 on the GC, and

 I can't see how that will ever be changed.

Which ones are incompatible with ARC?

Pass-by-value slices as 2 machine words

64bit pointers are only 40-48 bits, so there's 32bits waste for 
offset... and if the base pointer is 32byte aligned (all 
memory is aligned), then you can reclaim another 5 bits 
there... I

think saving an arg register would probably be worth a shift.
32bit pointers... not so luck :/
video games consoles though have bugger all memory, so heaps of 

bits in the pointers! :P

I thought x86_64 pointers are sign extended? or does that just 
apply to real memory pointers and not virtual memory pointers?

Re: super(...) in mixin template

2014-03-04 Thread luminousone

On Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 12:04:12 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 12:01:46 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 10:37:02 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:
On Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 07:23:29 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

Perhaps you already figured this out but template mixins can 
only mixin declarations, not expression or statements.

/Jacob Carlborg

Damn! Yup, first sentence of the documentation. Wishful 


You can of course mixin a function (either nested inside the 
constructor or as a member or even a free funtion) containing 
whatever you want and then call that.

That won't help you with calling super() though, you can only 
call super from another constructor. You'd have to use a 
string mixin as that truly can inject arbitrary code.

This opens a question:

Should functions nested in constructors be given all the same 
powers that a constructor has (calling super, initializing 
const/immutable data etc)?

I would bet you can't call super from a mixin.

Re: Top-3 for 2.066

2014-02-25 Thread luminousone

This would be my request for 2.066

Re: Should LLVM become the default D-lang platform?

2014-01-12 Thread luminousone

On Friday, 10 January 2014 at 20:51:19 UTC, Dwhatever wrote:
This might have been brought up before but I couldn't find any 
thread about this. As things has progressed I wonder if Digital 
Mars DMD should move over to use LLVM instead of its own code 
generation and compiler framework.

As I see it with the small amount of contributors D-language 
has, DMD will never support anything beyond x86 as there are no 
resources for this. Also, why spend time on recreating the the 
code generation which has already been done with LLVM? This 
enables this community to focus on the language which is the 
most important part as well as supporting more and future 
processor targets.

LLVM is also the finalizer for HSAIL, AMD is using it for their 
linux port of C++AMP. But I would assume that ldc probably 
wouldn't have any issues generating HSA compatible code with 
minor modifications as is(as the LLVM backend will support it).

I have no idea if GCC will support HSA or not however Microsoft 
is fully supporting it, as is ARM. So I wouldn't think that GCC 
would be to far behind on that one.

Re: Traits

2013-10-12 Thread luminousone
On Saturday, 12 October 2013 at 05:38:16 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Friday, October 11, 2013 22:31:25 Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Saturday, October 12, 2013 00:54:48 luminousone wrote:
 The inability to handle null is pretty big, specially 

 that at not point is the class instance itself cared about!,

No. It's expected. When you are casting to a particular object 
to test
whether the object is of that type, you are testing the type 
that the
object is, and if the object is null, then it is _not_ of the 
type that

you're casting to.
 Again this should be done via reflection, this method above 

 hackish at best.

Testing via compile-time reflection is testing for something 
different than what casting is testing for. With casting, 
you're testing
whether the object is the type that you're casting to or a 
type derived from
the type that you're casting to. With compile-time reflection, 
testing whether a particular type is derived from another 
type. One is
testing an instance. The other is testing a type. The two are 


I'd also point out that if you have

class A

class B : A

B is _not_ an instance of A. It's a subclass of A. An instance 
is an object in

memory, not the type of the object.

auto a = new A; //instance of A
auto b = new B; //instance of B
A c = new B; //instance of B
A d; //There is no instance here. The reference is null.
B e; //There's no instance here either for the same reason.

So, you're using the term instance of incorrectly.

- Jonathan M Davis

I was using the terminology used in prior posts, my point was to 
the original intent of the poster.

And again, the casting solution is a bloody hack, it is loaded 
with corner cases that will break things if you are not aware of 
them. It also requires an allocated instance of that object, What 
the poster wishes to test for doesn't require that, so why have a 
function that needs it unnecessarily.

It is bad practice.

And I suppose in good faith of correcting bad practices,

bool inheritsFrom(A, B)( )
   if( is( A == class )  is( B == class ) ) {
   if( __traits( isSame, A, B ) )
  return true;
   foreach( k, v ; BaseClassesTuple!A ) {
  if( __traits(isSame, B, v ) )
 return true;
   return false;

Re: Traits

2013-10-12 Thread luminousone
On Saturday, 12 October 2013 at 07:47:18 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Saturday, October 12, 2013 09:32:09 luminousone wrote:

And again, the casting solution is a bloody hack, it is loaded
with corner cases that will break things if you are not aware 

them. It also requires an allocated instance of that object

Of course, it requires an instance of the object. The point is 
to test whether
an instance is of a type derived from a particular type, not 
whether a
particular type is derived from a particular type. If the OP 
wants to test
whether a particular type is derived from another type, then 
casting is not
the right solution. The way to do that is to use an is 
expression, e.g.
is(Derived : Base). If you really care that the type is a 
derived type and
want to avoid any other type of implicit conversions, then you 
need to use
some compile time reflection to do that, but that's often 
overkill and
completely kills the ability to create class which inherits 
via alias this,
which is the main purpose for alias this existing in the first 

It is bad practice.

It's standard practice. Both the online docs and TDPL will tell 
you to use a
cast to determine whether a particular object's type is derived 
from a
particular type. And I completely disagree that it's bad 
practice, but clearly

we're not going to agree on that.

- Jonathan M Davis


opCast, and alias can break the cast approach. You pointed this 
out yourself.


The requested function is testing types not instance state.

bool instanceOf(A,B)( B value ) {
assert( value !is null );
return inheritsFrom(A,typeof(value));


Cast breaks on null, so this must be checked on every call, and 
leads to a 3 state outcome, true, false, and null, null then 
returns false, which is potentially incorrect and could cause odd 
bugs hard to trace.

Again it is bad practice regardless of what any document says.

Re: Traits

2013-10-12 Thread luminousone

On Saturday, 12 October 2013 at 23:48:56 UTC, Artur Skawina wrote:

On 10/12/13 21:42, luminousone wrote:
On Saturday, 12 October 2013 at 11:50:05 UTC, Artur Skawina 

   template isBaseOf(BASE, C) {
  enum isBaseOf = {
 static if (is(C S == super))
foreach (A; S)
   static if (is(A==BASE))
  return true;
 return is(C==BASE);

I like that! Avoids importing std.traits, And will correctly 
handle interfaces as well.

It's also buggy. A more useful version would be:

   template isBaseOf(BASE, C) {
  enum isBaseOf = {
 static if (is(C S == super))
foreach (A; S)
   static if (isBaseOf!(BASE, A))
  return true;
 return is(C==BASE);

Sorry, didn't test this properly; going to blame the dlang 
is-expression docs.
It's not like D has multiple inheritance, so using base 
classes (plural)

is very misleading...


yea is can be a lil confusing, especially that is( C S == 
super) expression.

I take it that is( C S == super) is only the bases directly 
listed for inheritance by the class and not the bases bases as 
well? which is the reason for the change you made their?

That expression is weird lol.

Re: Traits

2013-10-11 Thread luminousone

On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 09:37:33 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-10-11 07:49, luminousone wrote:

import std.traits;

bool ChildInheritsFromParent( parent, child )( ) {

foreach ( k, t; BaseClassesTuple!child ) {
if( typeid(t) == typeid(parent) )
return true;
return false;

That will perform a runtime check and not a compile time check.

Is is just the typeid call that makes it unable to be ran at 
compile time or is their something else wrong in their?,

Would a string compare with fix that, or is 
their not a tool yet in place for that?

Re: Traits

2013-10-11 Thread luminousone

On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 14:09:09 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 05:49:38 UTC, luminousone wrote:

On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 04:13:55 UTC, Agustin wrote:
I have a function that needs to check if the template 
provided inherit a class.

For example:

public void function(T, A...)(auto ref A values)
// static assert(IsBaseOf(L, T));

Check if T inherit class L. Same result that 
std::is_base_ofL, T::value using C++. Any clean way to do 
it, without a dirty hack.

import std.traits;

bool ChildInheritsFromParent( parent, child )( ) {

foreach ( k, t; BaseClassesTuple!child ) {
if( typeid(t) == typeid(parent) )
return true;
return false;

A simpler way:

import std.stdio;

bool instanceOf(A, B)(B value)
return !!cast(A)value;

void main()

Using casts that way won't always be correct, it would be better 
to use reflection in some way if possible.

Re: Traits

2013-10-11 Thread luminousone
On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 19:54:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Friday, October 11, 2013 21:19:29 luminousone wrote:
Using casts that way won't always be correct, it would be 

to use reflection in some way if possible.

The only reason that the casts wouldn't be correct would be if 
the class
overrode opCast for the type that you're casting to or had an 
alias this
declaration for it. Using casting for instanceOf is 
considered the standard
and correct way to do it. But if you're being paranoid about 
the possibility
of a conversion being defined with opCast or alias this, then 
yes, you need to

use typeid.

- Jonathan M Davis

import std.stdio;

bool instanceOf(A, B)(B value) {
return !!cast(A)value;

class e {

class f : e {


class g {


void main() {
int a;
float b;
char c;

e E;
f F;
g G;

assert( 1.instanceOf!int, 1);
assert( a.instanceOf!int, a); // fails here ?!?
assert( b.instanceOf!int, b);
assert( c.instanceOf!int, c);

assert( E.instanceOf!e  , e); // fails here !??
assert( F.instanceOf!e  , f);
assert( G.instanceOf!e  , g); // fails as expected

Seems to be problems, at least with quick testing using rdmd. 
Using casts seems terribly hackish, I would think that some sort 
of reflection should be much safer/correct way todo this.

Re: Traits

2013-10-11 Thread luminousone
On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 21:49:50 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Friday, October 11, 2013 23:06:53 luminousone wrote:

On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 19:54:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis

 On Friday, October 11, 2013 21:19:29 luminousone wrote:
 Using casts that way won't always be correct, it would be
 to use reflection in some way if possible.
 The only reason that the casts wouldn't be correct would be 

 the class
 overrode opCast for the type that you're casting to or had an
 alias this
 declaration for it. Using casting for instanceOf is
 considered the standard
 and correct way to do it. But if you're being paranoid about
 the possibility
 of a conversion being defined with opCast or alias this, then
 yes, you need to
 use typeid.
 - Jonathan M Davis

import std.stdio;

bool instanceOf(A, B)(B value) {
return !!cast(A)value;

class e {

class f : e {


class g {


void main() {
int a;
float b;
char c;

e E;
f F;
g G;

assert( 1.instanceOf!int, 1);
assert( a.instanceOf!int, a); // fails here ?!?
assert( b.instanceOf!int, b);
assert( c.instanceOf!int, c);

assert( E.instanceOf!e , e); // fails here !??
assert( F.instanceOf!e , f);
assert( G.instanceOf!e , g); // fails as expected

Seems to be problems, at least with quick testing using rdmd.
Using casts seems terribly hackish, I would think that some 

of reflection should be much safer/correct way todo this.

Two things:

1. Casting to determine the type of a variable only makes sense 
with classes.
The idea is that casting a reference to a particular class will 
result in null
if the cast fails. That doesn't work at all with types that 
aren't classes.

2. All of your objects are null. Of course the cast is going to 
fail. You need
to be operating on actual instances. The whole point of casting 
is to check
the actual type of an object at runtime. It's a completely 
different use case
from using compile-time reflection on two types to see whether 
one is a base
class of the other. And usually all that's done for that is to 
see whether one
implicitly converts to the other, which is(DerivedClass : 
BaseClass) will do
for you. The only reason to use compile-time reflection is if 
you're want to
make sure that DerivedClass doesn't implicitly convert to 
BaseClass via alias
this instead of by actually being a class derived from 

I'd also change the implementation of instanceOf to something 

bool instanceOf(A, B)(B value)
 if(is(A == class)  is(B == class))
 return cast(A)value !is null;

since it doesn't rely on the conversion to bool that ! does and 
is more

explicit that way, but the other version will work.

- Jonathan M Davis

The inability to handle null is pretty big, specially considering 
that at not point is the class instance itself cared about!, 
Again this should be done via reflection, this method above is 
hackish at best.


bool instanceOf(A, B)( )
   if( is( A == class )  is( B == class ) ) {
   if( __traits( isSame, A, B ) )
  return true;
   foreach( k, v ; BaseClassesTuple!A ) {
  if( __traits(isSame, B, v ) )
 return true;
   return false;

Re: Traits

2013-10-10 Thread luminousone

On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 04:13:55 UTC, Agustin wrote:
I have a function that needs to check if the template provided 
inherit a class.

For example:

public void function(T, A...)(auto ref A values)
  // static assert(IsBaseOf(L, T));

Check if T inherit class L. Same result that 
std::is_base_ofL, T::value using C++. Any clean way to do it, 
without a dirty hack.

import std.traits;

bool ChildInheritsFromParent( parent, child )( ) {

foreach ( k, t; BaseClassesTuple!child ) {
if( typeid(t) == typeid(parent) )
return true;
return false;

Re: Huge pages and druntime parameters

2013-09-26 Thread luminousone

On Friday, 27 September 2013 at 00:31:23 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
Running dmd with huge page backed malloc resulted in about 10% 
faster compilations.
This looks very promising though other tests with some D GC 
microbenchmarks did not benefit from huge pages.

You can read more about this here.

I'm interested in adding a runtime parameter that would advise 
the GC to preferably use huge pages as backing memory.
There are a number of other interesting runtime parameters, 
like max heap size, GC grow policies, turning on statistics, so 
I wonders how to make them available.
Java seems to use -XX:+UseLargePages and -Xmx for the maximum 
heap size.
GHC uses a nice scheme where runtime parameters passed via 
command line are embraced by +RTS arg1 arg2 -RTS. They also 
require to link-in support for this.
Any good ideas for druntime?

I have played around with huge pages a bit, my understanding from 
reading about them, and use(ROAM diamond tree nodes in huge page 
memory), is that they need to be used carefully, many processors 
only have a small number of entries for huge pages in their 
lookup tables.

The best use of huge pages seems to be from code built around 
them, not sure if it entirely makes sense to put them in gc,

Re: dub: should we make it the de jure package manager for D?

2013-09-10 Thread luminousone
On Tuesday, 10 September 2013 at 20:48:58 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
We've been experimenting with for a while 
and things are going well. In particular Sönke has been very 
active about maintaining and improving it, which brings further 
confidence in the future of the project.

We're considering making dub the official package manager for 
D. What do you all think?


Not big on package repository systems for languages, The amount
of crap that eventually accumulates from abandoned projects wears
down on its usefulness.

Examples being php-pear, php-pecl, python pypi, etc I am sure
their are more examples.

Mostly however it comes down to strong policy about what stays in
the main package management system.

Projects that haven't had an update for an excessive amount of
time should likely be hidden but still available except in cases
where it is known to be unchanged without need for updates(such
as most wrappers).

And license acknowledgement, this is much more important with
source libraries then it is with say apt on Ubuntu.  Accidentally
polluting a bsd project or a closed source project with LGPL/GPL
code would be very bad, And often these package management
systems obscure what the sources license actually is by simply
not showing it or informing the user.

Basically I suggest that after one year without an update a
package gets moved into a old packages list, or flagged as
hidden, Except where the author sets a flag that says the package
is a wrapper.

And when packages are fetched give a summary of the licenses
used, the license name should be enough, google can fill in the
rest if need be.

Re: dub: should we make it the de jure package manager for D?

2013-09-10 Thread luminousone
On Wednesday, 11 September 2013 at 00:18:27 UTC, Martin Nowak 

On 09/10/2013 10:48 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
We've been experimenting with for a 
while and
things are going well. In particular Sönke has been very 
active about
maintaining and improving it, which brings further confidence 
in the

future of the project.

We're considering making dub the official package manager for 
D. What do

you all think?


I think the package format is really good.
The registry is essential but needs to support categories, 
searching and some sort of quality ranking (voting?) for future 

Dub itself works but is still somewhat raw.

So I am for making dub's package format and the registry the 
official place for packages and supporting dub as the primary 
package manager.

Old, python proverb, I found 10 packages in the repo but all 11
of them are broken, or conflict with another package I am using!

Re: dub: should we make it the de jure package manager for D?

2013-09-10 Thread luminousone
On Wednesday, 11 September 2013 at 04:06:18 UTC, Jason den Dulk 
On Tuesday, 10 September 2013 at 20:48:58 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

We're considering making dub the official package manager for 
D. What do you all think?

I think it is a good idea. Having a broad library available for 
developers to use is a big boost to productivity.

However, I agree with luminousone that there need to be some 
rules about inclusion in the registry. Here are my ideas.

1) Must be legal.
2) Must be release usable.
3) Always has an active caretaker.
4) Must compile and run with a reasonably recent version of 
the official compiler.

5) Have a clear  precise descrption of what it does.
6) Have proper licensing.

On number 4, I will point out that Derelicts opengl wrapper 
defines several win32 api structs and functions that are also in Leaving me in the position of having to 
maintain a change set to the wrapper in order or use it.

Don't get me wrong I love derelict, Aldacron has done one hell of 
a job with it. And this complaint may have more todo with the 
somewhat ambiguous status that the windowsapi wrapper and and very simply what import has what 
function or struct declaration, and the conflicts arising from 
multiple definitions etc.

 And I get it that the wrapper is more designed to work with 
derelicts sdl or sfml wrappers, But this is a point that should 
be brought up, their does exist libraries that will break when 
used with the standard library.

I believe this would apply to point 2 and 4.

Maybe we need to define some package names that are reserved for 
particular purposes, such as std, or core, or etc/etc.c/ etc... 
Atleast within the context of the package manager so that 
multiple packages don't use the same module name(unless of course 
this is done intentionally for some useful purpose).

Re: improve concurrent queue

2013-08-27 Thread luminousone

On Tuesday, 27 August 2013 at 17:35:13 UTC, qznc wrote:

On Monday, 26 August 2013 at 19:35:28 UTC, luminousone wrote:
I have been working on a project and needed a good concurrent 

What does good mean? Concurrent queues have so many design 
parameters (single reader? single writer? blocking? bounded? 
etc) and there is no queue, which performs optimal for every 

Generally, multiple writers and a single reader, but multiple 
writers and multiple readers may also occur.

I can recommand this paper (paywalled though):

Nevertheless, I believe you rather wanted some comments on your 
specific code. I wonder why you implemented spinlocks yourself? 
If you write a blocking algorithm, you should probably use the 
phobos locks.

I was under the impression that the atomic spinlock has a lower 
latency for any waiters, then a mutex when its unlocked?

I am using this for a temporary or depending on performance, a 
perminate replacement for std.concurrency send/receive until such 
time as bugs in std.variant are fixed.

I have a thread with an opengl context, and I am using the queue 
to send messages to this thread containing interface Drawable 
objects, that have any needed preprocessing on them done such 
that only opengl calls have to be made to the video card to 
render it.

improve concurrent queue

2013-08-26 Thread luminousone
I have been working on a project and needed a good concurrent 
queue, so I wrote one, is their anyone more familiar with the 
atomic arts that could tell me if their is anyway i can further 
improve it.

module container.concurrentqueue;

import std.typetuple;
import core.atomic;

class ConcurrentQueue( items...  ) {

align(64) class nodeType {
		this( ) { atomicStore(, cast(shared nodeType) null ); 

this( TypeTuple!items value ) {
foreach( k, v ; value ) {
this.value[k] = v;

TypeTuple!items value;
shared nodeType next;

class ConsumerResult {
TypeTuple!items value;

alias value this;

public this() {
shared nodeType temp = cast(shared)new nodeType( );

atomicStore( first, temp );
atomicStore( last , temp );
atomicStore( producerLock, false );
atomicStore( consumerLock, false );

public void Produce( items item ) {

TypeTuple!items t = item;
shared nodeType temp = cast(shared)new nodeType ( t );

while( !cas(producerLock, false, true ) ) { }

atomicStore(   , temp );
atomicStore( last, temp );
atomicStore( producerLock, false );

public ConsumerResult Consume( ) {
while( !cas(consumerLock, false, true ) ) { }

shared nodeType temp = cast(shared)atomicLoad( first );
shared nodeType next = cast(shared)atomicLoad( );

ConsumerResult result = new ConsumerResult();

if( next !is null ) {
foreach( k, v ; items ) {
result[k] = cast(v)next.value[k];
first = next;
atomicStore( consumerLock, false );
return result;
atomicStore( consumerLock, false );
return null;

private shared nodeType first;

private byte padd1[64];

private shared nodeType last;

private byte padd2[64];

private shared bool consumerLock;

private byte padd3[64];

private shared bool producerLock;

Re: Allocators

2013-08-24 Thread luminousone

On Saturday, 24 August 2013 at 22:41:54 UTC, Kapps wrote:
On Saturday, 24 August 2013 at 21:53:47 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic 

On 8/24/13, Namespace wrote:

What about the probable change of virtual by default - final
by default?

Btw, can someone find the link to the forum thread where the 

discussion of this took place? I remember Walter agreeing to
something, but can't recall anymore.

It seemed like eventually Walter supported virtual by default, 
but nothing came of it. For some reason I can't find the thread 
anymore with Google.

Pretty sure Walter supported final by default, he even laid out a 
transition plan as I recall. Seems like Manu was involved, so 
asking him might bear fruit on that question.


2013-08-18 Thread luminousone

On Sunday, 18 August 2013 at 05:05:48 UTC, Atash wrote:

On Sunday, 18 August 2013 at 03:55:58 UTC, luminousone wrote:
You do have limited Atomics, but you don't really have any 
sort of complex messages, or anything like that.

I said 'point 11', not 'point 10'. You also dodged points 1 and 

Intel doesn't have a dog in this race, so their is no way to 
know what they plan on doing if anything at all.

Just based on those, I'm pretty certain they 'have a dog in 
this race'. The dog happens to be running with MPI and OpenCL 
across a bridge made of PCIe.

The Xeon Phi is interesting in so far as taking generic 
programming to a more parallel environment. However it has some 
serious limitations that will heavily damage its potential 

AVX2 is completely the wrong path to go about improving 
performance in parallel computing, The SIMD nature of this 
instruction set means that scalar operations, or even just not 
being able to fill the giant 256/512bit register wastes huge 
chunks of this things peak theoretical performance, and if any 
rules apply to instruction pairing on this multi issue pipeline 
you have yet more potential for wasted cycles.

I haven't seen anything about intels, micro thread scheduler, or 
how these chips handle mass context switching natural of micro 
threaded environments, These two items make a huge difference in 
performance, comparing radeon VLIW5/4 to radeon GCN is a good 
example, most of the performance benefit of GCN is from easy of 
scheduling scalar pipelines over more complex pipes with 
instruction pairing rules etc.

Frankly Intel, has some cool stuff, but they have been caught 
with their pants down, they have depended on their large fab 
advantage to carry them over and got lazy.

We likely are watching AMD64 all over again.

The reason to point out HSA, is because it is really easy add 
support for, it is not a giant task like opencl would be. A 
few changes to the front end compiler is all that is needed, 
LLVM's backend does the rest.

H'okay. I can accept that.

OpenCL isn't just a library, it is a language extension, that 
is ran through a preprocessor that compiles the embedded 
__KERNEL and __DEVICE functions, into usable code, and then 
outputs .c/.cpp files for the c compiler to deal with.

But all those extra bits are part of the computing 
*environment*. Is there something wrong with requiring the 
proper environment for an executable?

A more objective question: which devices are you trying to 
target here?

A first, simply a different way of approaching std.parallel like 
functionality, with an eye gpgpu in the future when easy 
integration solutions popup(such as HSA).

Those are all platform specific, they change based on the whim 
and fancy of NVIDIA and AMD with each and every new chip 
released, The size and configuration of CUDA clusters, or 
compute clusters, or EU's, or whatever the hell x chip maker 
feels like using at the moment.

Long term this will all be managed by the underlying support 
software in the video drivers, and operating system kernel. 
Putting any effort into this is a waste of time.

Yes. And the only way to optimize around them is to *know 
them*, otherwise you're pinning the developer down the same way 
OpenMP does. Actually, even worse than the way OpenMP does - at 
least OpenMP lets you set some hints about how many threads you 

It would be best to wait for a more generic software platform, to 
find out how this is handled by the next generation of micro 
threading tools.

The way openCL/CUDA work reminds me to much of someone setting up 
tomcat to have java code generate php that runs on their apache 
server, just because they can. I would rather tighter integration 
with the core language, then having a language in language.

void example( aggregate in float a[] ; key , in float b[], out
  float c[]) {
c[key] = a[key] + b[key];


in the function declaration you can think of the aggregate 
basically having the reserve order of the items in a foreach 

int a[100] = [ ... ];
int b[100];
foreach( v, k ; a ) { b = a[k]; }

int a[100] = [ ... ];
int b[100];

void example2( aggregate in float A[] ; k, out float B[] ) { 
B[k] = A[k]; }


Contextually solid. Read my response to the next bit.

I am pretty sure they are simply multiplying the index value 
by the unit size they desire to work on

int a[100] = [ ... ];
int b[100];
void example3( aggregate in range r ; k, in float a[], float 

  b[k]   = a[k];
  b[k+1] = a[k+1];

example3( 0 .. 50 , a,b);

Then likely they are simply executing multiple __KERNEL 
functions in sequence, would be my guess.

I've implemented this algorithm before in OpenCL already, and 
what you're saying so far doesn't rhyme with what's needed.

There are at least


2013-08-18 Thread luminousone

On Sunday, 18 August 2013 at 07:28:02 UTC, Atash wrote:

On Sunday, 18 August 2013 at 06:22:30 UTC, luminousone wrote:
The Xeon Phi is interesting in so far as taking generic 
programming to a more parallel environment. However it has 
some serious limitations that will heavily damage its 
potential performance.

AVX2 is completely the wrong path to go about improving 
performance in parallel computing, The SIMD nature of this 
instruction set means that scalar operations, or even just not 
being able to fill the giant 256/512bit register wastes huge 
chunks of this things peak theoretical performance, and if any 
rules apply to instruction pairing on this multi issue 
pipeline you have yet more potential for wasted cycles.

I haven't seen anything about intels, micro thread scheduler, 
or how these chips handle mass context switching natural of 
micro threaded environments, These two items make a huge 
difference in performance, comparing radeon VLIW5/4 to radeon 
GCN is a good example, most of the performance benefit of GCN 
is from easy of scheduling scalar pipelines over more complex 
pipes with instruction pairing rules etc.

Frankly Intel, has some cool stuff, but they have been caught 
with their pants down, they have depended on their large fab 
advantage to carry them over and got lazy.

We likely are watching AMD64 all over again.

Well, I can't argue that one.

A first, simply a different way of approaching std.parallel 
like functionality, with an eye gpgpu in the future when easy 
integration solutions popup(such as HSA).

I can't argue with that either.

It would be best to wait for a more generic software platform, 
to find out how this is handled by the next generation of 
micro threading tools.

The way openCL/CUDA work reminds me to much of someone setting 
up tomcat to have java code generate php that runs on their 
apache server, just because they can. I would rather tighter 
integration with the core language, then having a language in 

Fair point. I have my own share of idyllic wants, so I can't 
argue with those.

Low level optimization is a wonderful thing, But I almost 
wonder if this will always be something where in order todo 
the low level optimization you will be using the vendors 
provided platform for doing it, as no generic tool will be 
able to match the custom one.

But OpenCL is by no means a 'custom tool'. CUDA, maybe, but 
OpenCL just doesn't fit the bill in my opinion. I can see it 
being possible in the future that it'd be considered 
'low-level', but it's a fairly generic solution. A little 
hackneyed under your earlier metaphors, but still a generic, 
standard solution.

I can agree with that.

Most of my interaction with the gpu is via shader programs for 
Opengl, I have only lightly used CUDA for some image 
processing software, So I am certainly not the one to give in 
depth detail to optimization strategies.

There was a *lot* of stuff that opened up when vendors dumped 
GPGPU out of Pandora's box. If you want to get a feel for some 
optimization strategies and what they require, check this site 
out: (and I hope 
I'm not insulting your intelligence here, if I am, I truly 

I am still learning and additional links to go over never hurt!, 
I am of the opinion that a good programmers has never finished 
learning new stuff.

sorry on point 1, that was a typo, I meant

1. The range must be known prior to execution of a gpu code 

as for

3. Code blocks can only receive a single range, it can however 
be multidimensional

int a[100] = [ ... ];
int b[100];
void example3( aggregate in range r ; k, in float a[], float
 b[k]   = a[k];
example3( 0 .. 100 , a,b);

This function would be executed 100 times.

int a[10_000] = [ ... ];
int b[10_000];
void example3( aggregate in range r ; kx,aggregate in range r2 
; ky, in float a[], float

 b[kx+(ky*100)]   = a[kx+(ky*100)];
example3( 0 .. 100 , 0 .. 100 , a,b);

this function would be executed 10,000 times. the two 
aggregate ranges being treated as a single 2 dimensional range.

Maybe a better description of the rule would be that multiple 
ranges are multiplicative, and functionally operate as a 
single range.


I think I was totally misunderstanding you earlier. The 
'aggregate' is the range over the *problem space*, not the 
values being punched into the problem. Is this true or false?

(if true I'm about to feel incredibly sheepish)

Is problem space the correct industry term, I am self taught on 
much of this, so I on occasion I miss out on what the correct 
terminology for something is.

But yes that is what i meant.


2013-08-18 Thread luminousone
I chose the term aggregate, because it is the term used in the 
description of the foreach syntax.

foreach( value, key ; aggregate )

aggregate being an array or range, it seems to fit as even when 
the aggregate is an array, as you still implicitly have a range 
being 0 .. array.length, and will have a key or index position 
created by the foreach in addition to the value.

A wrapped function could very easily be similar to the intended 
initial outcome

void example( ref float a[], float b[], float c[] ) {

   foreach( v, k ; a ) {
  a[k] = b[k] + c[k];

is functionally the same as

void example( aggregate ref float a[] ; k, float b[], float c[] ) 

   a[k] = b[k] + c[k];

maybe : would make more sense then ; but I am not sure as to the 
best way to represent that index value.

Re: GPGPU and D

2013-08-18 Thread luminousone

On Sunday, 18 August 2013 at 08:40:33 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

Luminousone, Atash, John,

Thanks for the email exchanges on this, there is a lot of good 
stuff in
there that needs to be extracted from the mail threads and 
turned into a
manifesto type document that can be used to drive getting a 
design and
realization together. The question is what infrastructure would 
work for
us to collaborate. Perhaps create a GitHub group and a 
repository to act

as a shared filestore?

I can certainly do that bit of admin and then try and start a 
summarizing the email threads so far, if that is a good way 
forward on


Github seems fine to me, my coding skills are likely more limited 
then Atash or John; I am currently working as a student 
programmer at Utah's Weber State University while also attending 
as a part time student, I am currently working on finishing the 
last couple credit hours of the assoc degree in CS, I would like 
to work towards a higher level degree or even eventually a Phd in 

I will help in whatever way I can however.


2013-08-17 Thread luminousone

On Saturday, 17 August 2013 at 06:09:53 UTC, Atash wrote:

On Saturday, 17 August 2013 at 00:53:39 UTC, luminousone wrote:

You can't mix cpu and gpu code, they must be separate.

H'okay, let's be clear here. When you say 'mix CPU and GPU 
code', you mean you can't mix them physically in the compiled 
executable for all currently extant cases. They aren't the 
same. I agree with that.

That said, this doesn't preclude having CUDA-like behavior 
where small functions could be written that don't violate the 
constraints of GPU code and simultaneously has semantics that 
could be executed on the CPU, and where such small functions 
are then allowed to be called from both CPU and GPU code.

However this still has problems of the cpu having to generate 
CPU code from the contents of gpu{} code blocks, as the GPU is 
unable to allocate memory, so for example ,

   auto resultGPU = dot(c, cGPU);

likely either won't work, or generates an array allocation in 
cpu code before the gpu block is otherwise ran.

I'm fine with an array allocation. I'd 'prolly have to do it 

Also how does that dot product function know the correct index 
range to run on?, are we assuming it knows based on the length 
of a?, while the syntax,

c[] = a[] * b[];

is safe for this sort of call, a function is less safe todo 
this with, with function calls the range needs to be told to 
the function, and you would call this function without the 
gpu{} block as the function itself is marked.

auto resultGPU = dot$(0 .. 
returnLesser(cGPU.length,dGPU.length))(cGPU, dGPU);

'Dat's a point.

Remember with gpu's you don't send instructions, you send 
whole programs, and the whole program must finish before you 
can move onto the next cpu instruction.

I disagree with the assumption that the CPU must wait for the 
GPU while the GPU is executing. Perhaps by default the behavior 
could be helpful for sequencing global memory in the GPU with 
CPU operations, but it's not a *necessary* behavior.

Well, I disagree with the assumption assuming said assumption 
is being made and I'm not just misreading that bit. :-P

=== Another thing...

I'm with luminousone's suggestion for some manner of function 
attribute, to the tune of several metric tonnes of chimes. Wind 
chimes. I'm supporting this suggestion with at least a metric 
tonne of wind chimes.

I'd prefer this (and some small number of helpers) rather than 
straight-up dumping a new keyword and block type into the 
language. I really don't think D *needs* to have this any lower 
level than a library based solution, because it already has the 
tools to make it ridiculously more convenient than C/C++ (not 
necessarily as much as CUDA's totally separate program nvcc 
does, but a huge amount).


@kernel auto myFun(BufferT)(BufferT glbmem)
  // brings in the kernel keywords and whatnot depending 

  // (because mixins eval where they're mixed in)
  mixin KernelDefs;
  // ^ and that's just about all the syntactic noise, the rest 
uses mixed-in
  //   keywords and the glbmem object to define several 
expressions that
  //   effectively record the operations to be performed into 
the return type

  // assignment into global memory recovers the expression type 
in the glbmem.

  glbmem[glbid] += 4;

  // This assigns the *expression* glbmem[glbid] to val.
  auto val = glbmem[glbid];

  // Ignoring that this has a data race, this exemplifies 
recapturing the

  // expression 'val' (glbmem[glbid]) in glbmem[glbid+1].
  glbmem[glbid+1] = val;

  return glbmem; /// I lied about the syntactic noise. This is 
the last bit.


Now if you want to, you can at runtime create an OpenCL-code 
string (for example) by passing a heavily metaprogrammed type 
in as BufferT. The call ends up looking like this:

auto promisedFutureResult =!myFun(buffer);

The kernel compilation (assuming OpenCL) is memoized, and the 
promisedFutureResult is some asynchronous object that 
implements concurrent programming's future (or something to 
that extent). For convenience, let's say that it blocks on any 
read other than some special poll/checking mechanism.

The constraints imposed on the kernel functions is 
generalizable to even execute the code on the CPU, as the 
launching call (!myFun(buffer) ) can, instead of using 
an expression-buffer, just pass a normal array in and have the 
proper result pop out given some interaction between the 
identifiers mixed in by KernelDefs and the launching caller 
(ex. using a loop).

Alternatively to returning the captured expressions, the 
argument glbmem could have been passed ref, and the same sort 
of expression capturing could occur. Heck, more arguments 
could've been passed, too, this doesn't require there to be one 
single argument representing global memory.

With CTFE, this method *I think* can also generate the code at 
compile time given the proper kind of 

Again, though, all


2013-08-17 Thread luminousone

On Saturday, 17 August 2013 at 20:17:17 UTC, Atash wrote:

On Saturday, 17 August 2013 at 15:37:58 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
Unified memory have too much benefice for it to be ignored. 
The open questions are about cache coherency, direct 
communication between chips, identical performances through 
the address space, and so on. But the unified memory will 
remains. Even when memory is physically separated, you'll see 
an unified memory model emerge, with disparate performances 
depending on address space.

I'm not saying 'ignore it', I'm saying that it's not the least 
common denominator among popular devices, and that in all 
likelihood it won't be the least common denominator among 
compute devices ever. AMD/ATi being 'right' doesn't mean that 
they'll dominate the whole market. Having two slots on your 
mobo is more limiting than having the ability to just chuck 
more computers in a line hidden behind some thin wrapper around 
some code built to deal with non-uniform memory access.

Additionally, in another post, I tried to demonstrate a way for 
it to target the least common denominator, and in my (obviously 
biased) opinion, it didn't look half bad.

Unlike uniform memory access, non-uniform memory access will 
*always* be a thing. Uniform memory access is cool n'all, but 
it isn't popular enough to be here now, and it isn't like 
non-uniform memory access which has a long history of being 
here and looks like it has a permanent stay in computing.

Pragmatism dictates to me here that any tool we want to be 
'awesome', eliciting 'wowzers' from all the folk of the land, 
should target the widest variety of devices while still being 
pleasant to work with. *That* tells me that it is paramount to 
*not* brush off non-uniform access, and that because 
non-uniform access is the least common denominator, that should 
be what is targeted.

On the other hand, if we want to start up some sort of thing 
where one lib handles the paradigm of uniform memory access in 
as convenient a way as possible, and another lib handles 
non-uniform memory access, that's fine too. Except that the 
first lib really would just be a specialization of the second 
alongside some more 'convenience'-functions.

There are two major things, unified memory, and unified virtual 
address space.

Unified virtual address will be universal within a few years, and 
the user space application will no longer manage the cpu/gpu 
copies anymore, this instead will be handled by the gpu system 
library, hMMU, and operating system.

Even non-uniform memory will be uniform from the perspective of 
the application writer.


2013-08-17 Thread luminousone

We basically have to follow these rules,

1. The range must be none prior to execution of a gpu code block
2. The range can not be changed during execution of a gpu code 
3. Code blocks can only receive a single range, it can however be 

4. index keys used in a code block are immutable
5. Code blocks can only use a single key(the gpu executes many 
instances in parallel each with their own unique key)

6. index's are always an unsigned integer type
7. openCL,CUDA have no access to global state
8. gpu code blocks can not allocate memory
9. gpu code blocks can not call cpu functions
10. atomics tho available on the gpu are many times slower then 
on the cpu
11. separate running instances of the same code block on the gpu 
can not have any interdependency on each other.

Now if we are talking about HSA, or other similar setup, then a 
few of those rules don't apply or become fuzzy.

HSA, does have limited access to global state, HSA can call cpu 
functions that are pure, and of course because in HSA the cpu and 
gpu share the same virtual address space most of memory is open 
for access.

HSA also manages memory, via the hMMU, and their is no need for 
gpu memory management functions, as that is managed by the 
operating system and video card drivers.

Basically, D would either need to opt out of legacy api's such as 
openCL, CUDA, etc, these are mostly tied to c/c++ anyway, and 
generally have ugly as sin syntax; or D would have go the route 
of a full and safe gpu subset of features.

I don't think such a setup can be implemented as simply a 
library, as the GPU needs compiled source.

If D where to implement gpgpu features, I would actually suggest 
starting by simply adding a microthreading function syntax, for 

void example( aggregate in float a[] ; key , in float b[], out 
float c[]) {

c[key] = a[key] + b[key];

By adding an aggregate keyword to the function, we can assume the 
range simply using the length of a[] without adding an extra set 
of brackets or something similar.

This would make access to the gpu more generic, and more 
importantly, because llvm will support HSA, removes the needs for 
writing more complex support into dmd as openCL and CUDA would 
require, a few hints for the llvm backend would be enough to 
generate the dual bytecode ELF executables.


2013-08-17 Thread luminousone

On Sunday, 18 August 2013 at 01:43:33 UTC, Atash wrote:
Unified virtual address-space I can accept, fine. Ignoring that 
it is, in fact, in a totally different address-space where 
memory latency is *entirely different*, I'm far *far* more iffy 

We basically have to follow these rules,

1. The range must be none prior to execution of a gpu code 
2. The range can not be changed during execution of a gpu code 
3. Code blocks can only receive a single range, it can however 
be multidimensional

4. index keys used in a code block are immutable
5. Code blocks can only use a single key(the gpu executes many 
instances in parallel each with their own unique key)

6. index's are always an unsigned integer type
7. openCL,CUDA have no access to global state
8. gpu code blocks can not allocate memory
9. gpu code blocks can not call cpu functions
10. atomics tho available on the gpu are many times slower 
then on the cpu
11. separate running instances of the same code block on the 
gpu can not have any interdependency on each other.

Please explain point 1 (specifically the use of the word 
'none'), and why you added in point 3?

Additionally, point 11 doesn't make any sense to me. There is 
research out there showing how to use cooperative warp-scans, 
for example, to have multiple work-items cooperate over some 
local block of memory and perform sorting in blocks. There are 
even tutorials out there for OpenCL and CUDA that shows how to 
do this, specifically to create better performing code. This 
statement is in direct contradiction with what exists.

Now if we are talking about HSA, or other similar setup, then 
a few of those rules don't apply or become fuzzy.

HSA, does have limited access to global state, HSA can call 
cpu functions that are pure, and of course because in HSA the 
cpu and gpu share the same virtual address space most of 
memory is open for access.

HSA also manages memory, via the hMMU, and their is no need 
for gpu memory management functions, as that is managed by the 
operating system and video card drivers.

Good for HSA. Now why are we latching onto this particular 
construction that, as far as I can tell, is missing the support 
of at least two highly relevant giants (Intel and NVidia)?

Basically, D would either need to opt out of legacy api's such 
as openCL, CUDA, etc, these are mostly tied to c/c++ anyway, 
and generally have ugly as sin syntax; or D would have go the 
route of a full and safe gpu subset of features.

Wrappers do a lot to change the appearance of a program. Raw 
OpenCL may look ugly, but so do BLAS and LAPACK routines. The 
use of wrappers and expression templates does a lot to clean up 
code (ex. look at the way Eigen 3 or any other linear algebra 
library does expression templates in C++; something D can do 
even better).

I don't think such a setup can be implemented as simply a 
library, as the GPU needs compiled source.

This doesn't make sense. Your claim is contingent on opting out 
of OpenCL or any other mechanism that provides for the 
application to carry abstract instructions which are then 
compiled on the fly. If you're okay with creating kernel code 
on the fly, this can be implemented as a library, beyond any 
reasonable doubt.

If D where to implement gpgpu features, I would actually 
suggest starting by simply adding a microthreading function 
syntax, for example...

void example( aggregate in float a[] ; key , in float b[], out 
float c[]) {

c[key] = a[key] + b[key];

By adding an aggregate keyword to the function, we can assume 
the range simply using the length of a[] without adding an 
extra set of brackets or something similar.

This would make access to the gpu more generic, and more 
importantly, because llvm will support HSA, removes the needs 
for writing more complex support into dmd as openCL and CUDA 
would require, a few hints for the llvm backend would be 
enough to generate the dual bytecode ELF executables.

1) If you wanted to have that 'key' nonsense in there, I'm 
thinking you'd need to add several additional parameters: 
global size, group size, group count, and maybe group-local 
memory access (requires allowing multiple aggregates?). I mean, 
I get the gist of what you're saying, this isn't me pointing 
out a problem, just trying to get a clarification on it (maybe 
give 'key' some additional structure, or something).

2) ... I kind of like this idea. I disagree with how you led up 
to it, but I like the idea.

3) How do you envision *calling* microthreaded code? Just the 
usual syntax?

4) How would this handle working on subranges?

ex. Let's say I'm coding up a radix sort using something like 

What's the high-level program organization with this syntax if 
we can only use one range at a time? How many work-items get 
fired off? What's the gpu-code launch procedure?

sorry typo, 


2013-08-17 Thread luminousone

On Sunday, 18 August 2013 at 01:43:33 UTC, Atash wrote:
Unified virtual address-space I can accept, fine. Ignoring that 
it is, in fact, in a totally different address-space where 
memory latency is *entirely different*, I'm far *far* more iffy 

We basically have to follow these rules,

1. The range must be none prior to execution of a gpu code 
2. The range can not be changed during execution of a gpu code 
3. Code blocks can only receive a single range, it can however 
be multidimensional

4. index keys used in a code block are immutable
5. Code blocks can only use a single key(the gpu executes many 
instances in parallel each with their own unique key)

6. index's are always an unsigned integer type
7. openCL,CUDA have no access to global state
8. gpu code blocks can not allocate memory
9. gpu code blocks can not call cpu functions
10. atomics tho available on the gpu are many times slower 
then on the cpu
11. separate running instances of the same code block on the 
gpu can not have any interdependency on each other.

Please explain point 1 (specifically the use of the word 
'none'), and why you added in point 3?

Additionally, point 11 doesn't make any sense to me. There is 
research out there showing how to use cooperative warp-scans, 
for example, to have multiple work-items cooperate over some 
local block of memory and perform sorting in blocks. There are 
even tutorials out there for OpenCL and CUDA that shows how to 
do this, specifically to create better performing code. This 
statement is in direct contradiction with what exists.

You do have limited Atomics, but you don't really have any sort 
of complex messages, or anything like that.

Now if we are talking about HSA, or other similar setup, then 
a few of those rules don't apply or become fuzzy.

HSA, does have limited access to global state, HSA can call 
cpu functions that are pure, and of course because in HSA the 
cpu and gpu share the same virtual address space most of 
memory is open for access.

HSA also manages memory, via the hMMU, and their is no need 
for gpu memory management functions, as that is managed by the 
operating system and video card drivers.

Good for HSA. Now why are we latching onto this particular 
construction that, as far as I can tell, is missing the support 
of at least two highly relevant giants (Intel and NVidia)?

Intel doesn't have a dog in this race, so their is no way to know 
what they plan on doing if anything at all.

The reason to point out HSA, is because it is really easy add 
support for, it is not a giant task like opencl would be. A few 
changes to the front end compiler is all that is needed, LLVM's 
backend does the rest.

Basically, D would either need to opt out of legacy api's such 
as openCL, CUDA, etc, these are mostly tied to c/c++ anyway, 
and generally have ugly as sin syntax; or D would have go the 
route of a full and safe gpu subset of features.

Wrappers do a lot to change the appearance of a program. Raw 
OpenCL may look ugly, but so do BLAS and LAPACK routines. The 
use of wrappers and expression templates does a lot to clean up 
code (ex. look at the way Eigen 3 or any other linear algebra 
library does expression templates in C++; something D can do 
even better).

I don't think such a setup can be implemented as simply a 
library, as the GPU needs compiled source.

This doesn't make sense. Your claim is contingent on opting out 
of OpenCL or any other mechanism that provides for the 
application to carry abstract instructions which are then 
compiled on the fly. If you're okay with creating kernel code 
on the fly, this can be implemented as a library, beyond any 
reasonable doubt.

OpenCL isn't just a library, it is a language extension, that is 
ran through a preprocessor that compiles the embedded __KERNEL 
and __DEVICE functions, into usable code, and then outputs 
.c/.cpp files for the c compiler to deal with.

If D where to implement gpgpu features, I would actually 
suggest starting by simply adding a microthreading function 
syntax, for example...

void example( aggregate in float a[] ; key , in float b[], out 
float c[]) {

c[key] = a[key] + b[key];

By adding an aggregate keyword to the function, we can assume 
the range simply using the length of a[] without adding an 
extra set of brackets or something similar.

This would make access to the gpu more generic, and more 
importantly, because llvm will support HSA, removes the needs 
for writing more complex support into dmd as openCL and CUDA 
would require, a few hints for the llvm backend would be 
enough to generate the dual bytecode ELF executables.

1) If you wanted to have that 'key' nonsense in there, I'm 
thinking you'd need to add several additional parameters: 
global size, group size, group count, and maybe group-local 
memory access (requires allowing multiple aggregates?). I mean, 
I get the gist of what you're saying, this isn't me pointing 
out a 


2013-08-16 Thread luminousone
The core (!) point here is that processor chips are rapidly 
becoming a
collection of heterogeneous cores. Any programming language 
that assumes

a single CPU or a collection of homogeneous CPUs has built-in

So the question I am interested in is whether D is the language 
that can
allow me to express in a single codebase a program in which 
parts will
be executed on one or more GPGPUs and parts on multiple CPUs. D 

support for the latter, std.parallelism and std.concurrency.

I guess my question is whether people are interested in 
std.gpgpu (or

some more sane name).

CUDA, works as a preprocessor pass that generates c files from 
.cu extension files.

In effect, to create a sensible environment for microthreaded 
programming, they extend the language.

a basic CUDA function looking something like...

__global__ void add( float * a, float * b, float * c) {
   int i = threadIdx.x;
   c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

add 1, 10 ( ptrA, ptrB, ptrC );

Their is the buildin variables to handle the index location 
threadIdx.x in the above example, this is something generated by 
the thread scheduler in the video card/apu device.

Generally calls to this setup has a very high latency, so using 
this for a small handful of items as in the above example makes 
no sense. In the above example that would end up using a single 
execution cluster, and leave you prey to the latency of the pcie 
bus, execution time, and latency costs of the video memory.

it doesn't get effective until you are working with large data 
sets, that can take advantage of a massive number of threads 
where the latency problems would be secondary to the sheer 
calculations done.

as far as D goes, we really only have one build in microthreading 
capable language construct, foreach.

However I don't think a library extension similar to 
std.parallelism would work gpu based microthreading.

foreach would need to have something to tell the compiler to 
generate gpu bytecode for the code block it uses, and would need 
instructions on when to use said code block based on dataset size.

while it is completely possible to have very little change with 
function just add new property @microthreaded and the build in 
variables for the index position/s, the calling syntax would need 
changes to support a work range or multidimensional range of some 

perhaps looking something like

add$(1 .. 10)(ptrA,ptrB,ptrC);

a templated function looking similar

add!(float)$(1 .. 10)(ptrA,ptrB,ptrC);


2013-08-16 Thread luminousone

On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 20:07:32 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
We have a[] = b[] * c[] - 5; etc. which could work very neatly 

While this in fact could work, given the nature of GPGPU it would
not be very effective.

In a non shared memory and non cache coherent setup, the entirety
of all 3 arrays have to be copied into GPU memory, had that
statement ran as gpu bytecode, and then copied back to complete
the operation.

GPGPU doesn't make sense on small code blocks, both in
instruction count, and by how memory bound a particular statement
would be.

The compiler needs to either be explicitly told what can/should
be ran as a GPU function, or have some intelligence about what to
or not to run as a GPU function.

This will get better in the future, APU's using the full HSA
implementation will drastically reduce the buyin latency/cycle
cost of using a GPGPU function, and make them more practical for
smaller(in instruction count/memory boundess) operations.


2013-08-16 Thread luminousone

On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 21:14:12 UTC, Atash wrote:

Regarding functionality, @microthreaded is sounding a lot like 
the __kernel or __global__ keywords in OpenCL and CUDA. Is this 

The more metaphors that can be drawn between extant tools and 
whatever is come up with the better, methinks.

Yes, And that is just a word I pull out the air, if another term 
makes more sense then I am not against it.


2013-08-16 Thread luminousone

On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 23:30:12 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 22:11:41 UTC, luminousone wrote:

On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 20:07:32 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
We have a[] = b[] * c[] - 5; etc. which could work very 
neatly perhaps?

While this in fact could work, given the nature of GPGPU it 

not be very effective.

In a non shared memory and non cache coherent setup, the 

of all 3 arrays have to be copied into GPU memory, had that
statement ran as gpu bytecode, and then copied back to complete
the operation.

GPGPU doesn't make sense on small code blocks, both in
instruction count, and by how memory bound a particular 

would be.

The compiler needs to either be explicitly told what can/should
be ran as a GPU function, or have some intelligence about what 

or not to run as a GPU function.

This will get better in the future, APU's using the full HSA
implementation will drastically reduce the buyin 
cost of using a GPGPU function, and make them more practical 

smaller(in instruction count/memory boundess) operations.

I didn't literally mean automatically inserting GPU code.

I was more imagining this:

void foo(T)(T[] arr)

auto a = someLongArray;
auto b = someOtherLongArray;

auto aGPU = toGPUMem(a);
auto bGPU = toGPUMem(b);

auto c = GPUArr(a.length);

c[] = a[] * b[];

auto cCPU = toCPUMem(c);;

dot(c, iota(c.length).array().toGPUMem())

gpu T dot(T)(T[] a, T[] b)
//gpu dot product

with cpu arrays and gpu arrays identified separately in the 
type system. Automatic conversions could be possible, but of 
course that would allow carelessness.

Obviously there is some cpu code mixed in with the gpu code 
there, which should be executed asynchronously if possible. You 
could also have

//only code that can all be executed on the GPU.

Just ideas off the top of my head. Definitely full of holes and 
I haven't really considered the detail :)

You can't mix cpu and gpu code, they must be separate.

auto a = someLongArray;
auto b = someOtherLongArray;

auto aGPU = toGPUMem(a);
auto bGPU = toGPUMem(b);

auto c = GPUArr(a.length);

// this block is one gpu shader program
c[] = a[] * b[];

auto cCPU = toCPUMem(c);;
auto cGPU = toGPUMem(cCPU);
auto dGPU = iota(c.length).array().toGPUMem();

// this block is another wholly separate shader program
auto resultGPU = dot(cGPU, dGPU);

auto resultCPU = toCPUMem(resultGPU);;

gpu T dot(T)(T[] a, T[] b)
//gpu dot product

Your example rewritten to fit the gpu.

However this still has problems of the cpu having to generate CPU 
code from the contents of gpu{} code blocks, as the GPU is unable 
to allocate memory, so for example ,

auto resultGPU = dot(c, cGPU);

likely either won't work, or generates an array allocation in cpu 
code before the gpu block is otherwise ran.

Also how does that dot product function know the correct index 
range to run on?, are we assuming it knows based on the length of 
a?, while the syntax,

c[] = a[] * b[];

is safe for this sort of call, a function is less safe todo this 
with, with function calls the range needs to be told to the 
function, and you would call this function without the gpu{} 
block as the function itself is marked.

auto resultGPU = dot$(0 .. 
returnLesser(cGPU.length,dGPU.length))(cGPU, dGPU);

Remember with gpu's you don't send instructions, you send whole 
programs, and the whole program must finish before you can move 
onto the next cpu instruction.


2013-08-13 Thread luminousone

On Tuesday, 13 August 2013 at 16:27:46 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
The era of GPGPUs for Bitcoin mining are now over, they moved 
to ASICs.
The new market for GPGPUs is likely the banks, and other Big 
folk. True many of the banks are already doing some GPGPU 
usage, but it

is not big as yet. But it is coming.

Most of the banks are either reinforcing their JVM commitment, 
Scala, or are re-architecting to C++ and Python. True there is 
C#/F# but it is all for terminals not for strategic computing, 
and it is
diminishing (despite what you might hear from .NET oriented 


Currently GPGPU tooling means C. OpenCL and CUDA (if you have 
to) are C
API for C coding. There are some C++ bindings. There are 
moves afoot with the JVM to enable access to GPGPU from Java, 
Groovy, etc. but this is years away, which is a longer 
timescale than

the opportunity.

Python's offerings, PyOpenCL and PyCUDA are basically ways of 
managing C
coded kernels which rather misses the point. I may get involved 
trying to write an expression language in Python to go with 
PyOpenCL so
that kernels can be written in Python – a more ambitious 
version aimed

at Groovy is also mooted.

However, D has the opportunity of gaining a bridgehead if a 
of D, PyD, QtD and C++ gets to be seen as a viable solid 
platform for
development.  The analogue here is the way Java is giving way 
to Scala
and Groovy, but in an evolutionary way as things all interwork. 
opportunity is for D to be seen as the analogue of Scala on the 
JVM for
the native code world: a language that interworks well with all 

other players on the platform but provides more.

The entry point would be if D had a way of creating GPGPU 
kernels that

is better than the current C/C++ + tooling.

This email is not a direct proposal to do work, just really an 

to see if there is any interest in this area.

I suggest looking into HSA.

This will be available on AMD APUs in December, and will trickle 
out to arm and other platforms over time.


2013-08-13 Thread luminousone

On Tuesday, 13 August 2013 at 22:24:18 UTC, Nick B wrote:

On Tuesday, 13 August 2013 at 18:35:28 UTC, luminousone wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 August 2013 at 16:27:46 UTC, Russel Winder 
The era of GPGPUs for Bitcoin mining are now over, they moved 
to ASICs.

This will be available on AMD APUs in December, and will 
trickle out to arm and other platforms over time.

What a very interesting concept redesigned from the ground up.

How about this for the future:

D2  LLVM Compiler   HSAIC Finaliser  Architected Queueing 

Here is a another usefull link:


And its not just AMD, HSA is supported by the HSA Foundation, 
with wide industry support.

It is platform independent, at least in so far as it doesn't need 
x86 to operate, within a few years most ARM devices will support 

And HSAIL bytecode sits inside the ELF executable file next to 
the platform's bytecode, so compiling it in does not break any 
platform that does not support HSA.

Memory isn't simply a shared architecture, its fully cache 
coherent, allows the GPU to use the same virtual address space as 
the CPU, On an APU platform you never need to copy data to and 
from GPU memory, simply pass a pointer and your done.

HSAIL bytecode also is expressive enough for c++(including 
virtual functions) to compile directly to it, so no reason D 

Some additions to D to handle micro threading, wouldn't go amiss 

The HSA finalizer AMD will be provided is supposed to use LLVM(at 
least that is my understanding).

So changes required to support HSA would likely be minimal, most 
of these changes would be friendly to building in support for 
openCL or the like as well for none supported platforms.

deimos libx11 license

2013-08-12 Thread luminousone
I finely got around to checking the libx11 deimos project for 
updates, i haven't updated in ages, and the github has a LGPL 
license file included with it, is this intentional?, The opengl 
deimos library does not contain this, are all of the deimos 
projects LGPL, or is their some sort of error in this repository 
containing this?

Re: deimos libx11 license

2013-08-12 Thread luminousone
On Tuesday, 13 August 2013 at 05:03:10 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 05:53:50 luminousone wrote:

I finely got around to checking the libx11 deimos project for
updates, i haven't updated in ages, and the github has a LGPL
license file included with it, is this intentional?, The opengl
deimos library does not contain this, are all of the deimos
projects LGPL, or is their some sort of error in this 

containing this?

Deimos projects have no relation to each other beyond the fact 
that they're
all in the same group on github. They're simply D bindings to a 
variety of
unrelated libraries which were written in C. So, the license of 
one project

has no bearing on the license of another.

Given that they're bindings, I would expect them to have the 
same license as
the original C code. In the case of flac, I outright copied the 
copyrights from
the C code. It really doesn't make much sense IMHO to give the 
bindings a
different license from the original. At best, you might be able 
to get away
with marking them as Boost, but since you'd be using the 
original library to
do anything, you'd still be restricted by its license. But I'm 
not a lawyer,
so I don't know what all of the murky details are. It just 
seemed simplest to

me to copy the copyrights over.

As for the opengl deimos project, I don't know what its license 
is. It's

probably listed in the copyright notices in the files.

- Jonathan M Davis

Their are other opengl wrappers with various licenses, I am 
actually more concered with the libx11 license, I need to be able 
to statically link without surrendering my code to the lgpl 

The original license of Xlib I am pretty sure is the x11 license, 
any idea who the maintainer of the libx11 deimos project is, such 
that I may query them, before I relagate myself to writting a new 
xlib wrapper?

I ask purely because I think their might be an error, not because 
I am arguing the merits of the license, I just wanna be sure all 
my ducks are in a row so to speak!

Re: request switch statement with common block

2013-08-05 Thread luminousone
perhaps a more generic solution should be looked at, extend 
contracts to work with all scope blocks.

in {
... before stuff ...
out {
 after stuff ...
body {
case 1:
in {
   ... etc 
out {
   ... more etc ...
body {
case 2:
  // and so on

or perhaps

for( int i = 0 ; i  10 ; i ++ )
in {
assert( i == 0 );
out {
assert( i == 9 );
body {
   ... stuff ...

if it is desired for a particular contract block to be called in 
release builds perhaps a attribute label to mark it as a runtime 
block or something similar.

foreach( i, k ; somerange )
@runtime in {
body {

Re: request switch statement with common block

2013-08-05 Thread luminousone

On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 20:45:47 UTC, Borislav Kosharov wrote:

On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 19:58:21 UTC, ron wrote:

On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 08:46:54 UTC, Andre Artus wrote:

On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 06:28:12 UTC, luminousone wrote:
perhaps a more generic solution should be looked at, extend 
contracts to work with all scope blocks.

in {
 ... before stuff ...
out {
  after stuff ...
body {
 case 1:
 in {
... etc 
 out {
... more etc ...
 body {
 case 2:
   // and so on

or perhaps

for( int i = 0 ; i  10 ; i ++ )
in {
 assert( i == 0 );
out {
 assert( i == 9 );
body {
... stuff ...

if it is desired for a particular contract block to be 
called in release builds perhaps a attribute label to mark 
it as a runtime block or something similar.

foreach( i, k ; somerange )
@runtime in {
body {

Please do not take offense, but I do not see this as a good 
idea. Contracts have a very different function; not just in 
D, but every language that uses them. The idea is to support 
design-by-contract programming. Overloading the constructs 
for the purposes proposed here would, in my opinion, cause 
confusion and/or weaken the proper use of contract 

The code in the contract conditions should never do anything 
more than what is necessary to specify the contract. It 
should not do explicit IO (other than implied by assert()), 
mutate state, or anything like that.

At the bottom of this page you can find a reading list for 
more info.

Or for a general overview:

Walter, does the D compiler or any of it's companion tools do 
any static analysis on the contracts? Such as a void 
safety/null reference check?

None taken, =-p.

I don't see how this is different from current contract usage, 
right now they apply to function scopes only. currently I 
believe you could get a similar effect via using an inner 

void a() {
  int i = 0;
  void b()
  in {
 assert( i == 0 );
  out {
 assert( i == 10 );
  body {
 for( ; i  10 ; i ++ ) {
... do something ...

Speaking of contracts, and reading the docs I see:
Pre and Post Contracts

The pre contracts specify the preconditions before a statement 
is executed. The most typical use of this would be in 
validating the parameters to a function. The post contracts 
validate the result of the statement. The most typical use of 
this would be in validating the return value of a function and 
of any side effects it has...

So are contracts possible outside function declarations? For 
example just scopes or random places in code.

I being zero is the precondition for that loop, and i being 10 is 
the post condition for that loop.

Pretty much I think that any scope can potentially fit the 
definition for contracts.

Really any block of code, can be considered to have pre and post 
conditions, functions just happen to be one way to organize code.

Re: request switch statement with common block

2013-08-05 Thread luminousone

On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 21:48:46 UTC, Andre Artus wrote:

On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 19:58:21 UTC, ron wrote:

On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 08:46:54 UTC, Andre Artus wrote:

On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 06:28:12 UTC, luminousone wrote:
perhaps a more generic solution should be looked at, extend 
contracts to work with all scope blocks.

in {
 ... before stuff ...
out {
  after stuff ...
body {
 case 1:
 in {
... etc 
 out {
... more etc ...
 body {
 case 2:
   // and so on

or perhaps

for( int i = 0 ; i  10 ; i ++ )
in {
 assert( i == 0 );
out {
 assert( i == 9 );
body {
... stuff ...

if it is desired for a particular contract block to be 
called in release builds perhaps a attribute label to mark 
it as a runtime block or something similar.

foreach( i, k ; somerange )
@runtime in {
body {

Please do not take offense, but I do not see this as a good 
idea. Contracts have a very different function; not just in 
D, but every language that uses them. The idea is to support 
design-by-contract programming. Overloading the constructs 
for the purposes proposed here would, in my opinion, cause 
confusion and/or weaken the proper use of contract 

The code in the contract conditions should never do anything 
more than what is necessary to specify the contract. It 
should not do explicit IO (other than implied by assert()), 
mutate state, or anything like that.

At the bottom of this page you can find a reading list for 
more info.

Or for a general overview:

Walter, does the D compiler or any of it's companion tools do 
any static analysis on the contracts? Such as a void 
safety/null reference check?

None taken, =-p.

I don't see how this is different from current contract usage, 
right now they apply to function scopes only. currently I 
believe you could get a similar effect via using an inner 

void a() {
  int i = 0;
  void b()
  in {
 assert( i == 0 );
  out {
 assert( i == 10 );
  body {
 for( ; i  10 ; i ++ ) {
... do something ...

I could be missing something, if so please clarify.

The construct I have issue with is this one,

in {
 ... before stuff ...
out {
  after stuff ...

I would contend that code within in/out/invariant blocks should 
be 'pure' (no state changes, no IO [other than assert 
throwing]), it's only there to validate that a class and it's 
methods do not violate certain conditions. They should be able 
to be stripped out of the release build without altering the 
execution of the application in any way.

A classic example is the null dereference check, which some 
compilers and most (all?) static analysers can detect.

string whoIsAMonkey(Person p)
assert(p !is null, Person can not be null);
assert(!isNullOrEmpty(p.Name), Person name can not be null 
or empty);

return p.Name ~  is a monkey!;

void main() {
Person p = null;
// Compiler / analyser should complain with
// Person can not be null
//   ^ here

void main() {
Person p = new Person();
// Compiler / analyser should complain with
// Person name can not be null or empty


Contracts are meant to define the public (*) interface of a 

* By public I mean here anything not 'private', e.g. 
'protected' for inheritance.

As Andrei points out in his book (The D Programming Language) 
contracts are not used to validate/scrub user (or any external) 
input as they can be compiled out of the executable.

Contracts are there to check sanity at compile time, or at the 
very least during testing.

The contract is (or should be) part of the documentation.

You are correct. I will have to check out his book.

Re: D game development: a call to action

2013-08-05 Thread luminousone

On Monday, 5 August 2013 at 18:18:30 UTC, Jonathan A Dunlap wrote:
I am one of the few who have taken a keen interest in D for 
game development. The concise language and modern conveniences 
may be able to reduce many hours worth of development time off 
a game project, while making the code more maintainable. Aside 
from the core language, Dlang graphics bindings have a way to 
go before even earning acceptance in the indie gaming scene, 
but it's making great strides to get there.

The main challenge I've hit is the lack of any sort of path for 
adopting a media engine. Bindings (like SFML all suffer from:

A) No information about its current status: this is scary if 
its repo hasn't been updated in months.
B) Usually are complex to get working in a new project 
(manually building or searching for undocumented dependency 
C) Lack practical references and tutorials for real would 
e.g. how to create an OpenGL window or how to render a 
versus something like how to load from disk an image texture 
onto a quad and move it around using keyboard events

SFML bindings are also in 
but I couldn't find a scrap of information on how to use it, 
how to compile correctly, or example usage. It's unclear if the 
library is even usable in its current state.

Please don't take this as blind criticism, but rather a plea to 
action for the community to provide better library 
documentation support for: current lib status, getting started 
adding it, and a general use tutorial/example. If we start 
doing this, it'll make a big impact for other game developers 
who are new to Dlang to adopt the language. Thanks for 

I am working on a media/gaming library for D, its not even pre 
alpha, and I am learning parts of the language as I go so the 
code is very ugly, and the naming conventions are scatter brained.

However I don't use any wrappers of other media libraries such as 
sfml, I only have the minimal bindings required to link with X11 
and opengl(I do plan on windows bindings as well, but i haven't 
done that yet).

At the moment I am tackling concurrency, That bit is giving me 
endless headaches, I am trying to setup a seperate thread to 
handle opengl calls and a seperate thread for handling object 

I haven't picked a license yet, but it will be something that is 
rather open but leaves me the option to staticly link it in 
closed projects.

I still think you might find a few interesting bits in that link, 
but it does have a while to go before it is remotely useable.

I am open to working with others, or making changes to what I 
have done if anyone is interested.