Re: The New DIP Process

2024-02-28 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2/28/2024 7:34 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Wednesday, February 28, 2024 7:18:29 PM MST Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-
announce wrote:

On Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 19:24:32 UTC, Jonathan M Davis


I see that they're up on the NNTP server, and the web forum is
hooked up to them, but there is no mailing list. Is that
forthcoming and just isn't up yet since that takes some time,
or are these lists not going to have mailing lists like the

They had to be up on NNTP for them to be added to the forums. I
just didn't think about the mailing list. I'll contact Brad.


- Jonathan M Davis

I set them up earlier today.  It's entirely possible I missed something 
while configuring them as it's been just over 6 years since the last new 
group was added, so do shout if anything looks off.  I see that the 
first two messages already posted made it through, so my confidence is 
reasonably high.

Also worth noting, the news group names are NOT dip.idea and 
dip.development.  They're actually digitalmars.dip.ideas (note the 
plural) and digitalmars.dip.development.

I made the list names just dip.ideas@ and dip.development@ for brevity.


Re: GitHub could be acquired by Microsoft

2018-06-08 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 6/8/2018 2:34 PM, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On 6/7/2018 10:01 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:

And that is why it's a bad thing to build a walled garden around a code
repo, esp. when the underlying VCS is well capable of distributed
development.  If only there has been a standard protocol for
communicating such associated content, such as PR comments and
discussions, bugs and issues (this latter not applicable in our case,
thankfully), then we could have setup an archival system to retrieve and
store all of this information.  Unfortunately, AFAIK there isn't a way
to do this, and so if Github for whatever reason shuts down, all of this
valuable information would be lost forever.

Since I have (most) of the Github discussions in email form, I could do 
something like this if we had to:

There's a program that runs over the NNTP database to generate the 
static pages:

Essentially (if not actually) everything on github is available through 
their api's.  No need for scraping or other heroics to gather it.

Re: list server maintenance

2017-09-16 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sat, 16 Sep 2017, Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

The server that hosts the d email/newsgroup gateway is migrating to new 
hardware today, so there's going to be some down time (rough estimate, a 
couple hours).  This includes bugzilla emails as well.

Ok, took a lot longer than I anticipated, and we're still finding things 
that aren't working quite right, but mail is flowing again.  Please report 
problems you experience to me.


list server maintenance

2017-09-16 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce
The server that hosts the d email/newsgroup gateway is migrating to new 
hardware today, so there's going to be some down time (rough estimate, a 
couple hours).  This includes bugzilla emails as well.

Re: Release D 2.075.0

2017-07-25 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 7/24/2017 10:35 PM, Dmitry Olshansky via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Saturday, 22 July 2017 at 21:22:00 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/22/2017 2:04 AM, Martin Nowak It'll be converted anyway. :-)

Putting the entire set in D (C compiler, C++ compiler, C 
preprocessor, htod converter, optimizer, code generator) makes the 
whole thing much more tractable, and who knows what we will be able 
to do with it!

Does that mean that DMC++ will hit Github?
I'm also interested in open-sourced version of snn library, of course.

It did that a long time ago, but as a private repository.  I suspect it 
won't stay private forever though.

Re: Work on ARM backend for DMD started

2017-07-04 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 7/3/2017 11:50 PM, Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Monday, 3 July 2017 at 23:16:07 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
While I currently don't have an ARM based hardware that would be easy 
to develop on, I'm planning to use QEMU to emulate some form of ARMv6 
CPU, as it'll be the main target, as it's still being used in devices 
like the Raspberry Pi. ARMv5 is being considered if it doesn't need a 
lot of work, although I don't see a lot of reason behind doing it 
besides of the possibility of enabling the development of homebrew 
GBA, NDS, GP32, etc stuff.

As I became unemployed recently, I have a lot more time for 
development, so time now isn't an issue. Or at least until I find a 
job, which is hard due to my state as a college student, which I'm on 
the verge of losing it.

I would accept your input on various things, like if I should do some 
adjustments to the in-line assembly stuff, whether I should care 
about thumb (reduced size instruction set, not available on some 
newer targets) or not, etc. Got my hands on some official reference 
manual, it wouldn't hurt if I could research other ones too.

I'm aware that this is a topic that's occasionally brought up, but as 
someone is proposing to go from idea to implementation.  It seems like 
a good time to point out.

Someone did this 5 years ago as part of splitting the backend into 
interfaces - or at least as a working concept that the new interfaces 
actually allowed you to implement a new target.

Maybe you should use their work as a starting or reference point. 
 You'd probably save yourself most the trouble of working out how 
things connect.


Unless someone else toyed with it also, it was me.  There's a branch 
called 'arm' in my fork of dmd that has a lot of groundwork.  I'm sure 
it's somewhat bitrotten in the few years since I last looked at it.  I 
got as far as being able to emit some _extremely_ basic functions (like 
calls to libc -- printf worked) and link.  I wrote the asm code -- as an 
exercise to force being able to encode much of the arm instruction set 
(if I remember right, pretty much everything except the neon vector 
instructions, and maybe even part of that set) in code structs.  But I 
didn't get to writing the arm version of almost any cd* functions to 
translate the ir into actual code objects.

Honestly, it's a pretty bad proposition.  I did what I did as much to 
learn about the arm instruction set as to get an arm dmd backend.  It 
did teach me a lot and I don't consider it entirely wasted time, but if 
the aim is to do anything beyond learning, I'd urge looking for a 
different project.  Just getting code of really bad quality emitted will 
be a lot of work (on top of all the parts I did).  Getting mediocre code 
will be another large amount of work. Getting code close to ldc or gdc 
is unlikely to ever happen.

So, look closely at your motivations and available time.

Re: Vision document for H2 2016

2016-07-07 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 7/7/16 12:55 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote: -- Andrei

In the release management section, I'd like to see some priority placed on regressions.  There was a 
time that releases were held until those where addressed.  It was only a couple releases, but the 
list did get down to just 1 that was deemed not blocking (I don't remember the details).

Re: 4x faster strlen with 4 char sentinel

2016-06-27 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 6/26/2016 11:47 AM, Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 16:59:54 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:

Please keep general discussions like this off the announce list, which
would e.g. be suitable for announcing a fleshed out collection of
high-performance string handling routines.

A couple of quick hints:
 - This is not a correct implementation of strlen, as it already
assumes that the array is terminated by four zero bytes. That
iterating memory with a stride of 4 instead of 1 will be faster is a
self-evident truth.
 - You should be benchmarking against a "proper" SIMD-optimised strlen

 — David

This is more of just an observation that the choice of the single zero
sentinel for C string termination comes at a cost of 4x strlen speed vs
using four terminating zeros.

I don't see a SIMD strlen implementation in the D libraries.

The strlen2 function I posted works on any string that is terminated by
four zeros, and returns the same len as strlen in that case, but much

How to get strings initialized with four terminating zeros at compile
time is a separate issue.  I don't know the solution, else I might
consider doing more with this.

Yup.. there's a reason that many many hours have been spent optimizing 
strlen and other memory related length and comparison routines.  They 
are used a lot and the number of ways of making them fast varies almost 
as much as the number of cpu's that exist.  This effort is embedded in 
the code gen of compilers (other than dmd) and libc runtimes.  Trying to 
re-invent it is noble, and very educational, but largely redundant.

Re: Qt's MOC getting replicated in D for Calypso

2016-02-21 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2/21/2016 9:09 AM, Elie Morisse via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Saturday, 20 February 2016 at 17:34:48 UTC, Nicolas F. wrote:

This is really cool and an interesting project, though I've got one
concern: How will this fit in with the rest of the C++ efforts done
upstream? (...) or is the goal to upstream these changes and make them
an officially supported feature?

The two efforts are independent, and the main issue with Calypso's
approach: it's tied to LDC, LLVM and Clang. Although I had a slight hope
that the approach would get recognized as allowing perfect interfacing
with C++ incl. things unthinkable with the « from scratch » approach
(like C++ template instantiation) and give D an edge that would probably
be sufficient to make lots and lots of people switch from C++ to D, as
long as DMD is there and a GDC/GCC version isn't proved feasible there's
no question about whether this approach should get officially endorsed
or not, and nevertheless the current efforts towards better C++ support
in DMD should still yield important results.

Calypso will exist as a LDC plugin, and yes code using Calypso features
will only be build-able by LDC+Calypso.

As I see it the goal here is to spearhead a working Qt <-> D
interaction, but how would this be used in production? Would Calypso
simply be run to generate bindings

The goal of Calypso is to make any C++ library of any complexity usable
in D straightaway, and there's no binding involved.

moc was a barrier for Qt because it only parses C++ code, and Qt's C++
API can hardly be used without the code moc generates.

Is there anything preventing Calypso from turning into a code and 
interface generator?  Making it an application that is part of the build 
rather than a plug in to ldc would make it available to both dmd and gdc 
users, no?

Re: https everywhere update - gets an "A" now!

2015-12-03 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 12/3/15 5:38 PM, Brad Anderson via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Wednesday, 2 December 2015 at 22:17:20 UTC, Walter Bright wrote: gets an "A" now! Thanks to Jan Knepper's efforts.

Nice work by Jan. I know how big of a hassle things like this can be so taking 
the time to actually
do it is much appreciated.

On a related note, Let's Encrypt hit public beta today[1]. With that I think we 
should be able to
get all of the official infrastructure on TLS now. It's unfortunate it didn't 
come a bit sooner
because now the NSA knows I read the entire DUB JSON thread, much to my shame.


I'm glad that letsencrypt is out there doing the publicity, but getting and using ssl certs has been 
free via startssl for several years now.  What this new group is doing is the PR and marketing to 
get people to do it, of course under their own umbrella rather than another company's.

- Brad

auto-tester partial outage

2015-04-26 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce
Tuesday and Wednesday between 8:00am and 4:30pm PDT the auto-tester is 
going to loose a significant fraction of its build hardware due to power 
maintenance (my entire neighborhood is loosing its incoming power lines, 
apparently).  I'm in the process of spinning up additional ec2 instances 
to ensure that we don't loose platform coverage during the maintenance, 
though there will likely not be the level of redundancy that is 
available normally.

Bad timing considering the hackathon, but hopefully it won't be 
particularly noticeable to anyone other than me.


Re: Release D 2.067.0

2015-03-24 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 3/24/2015 11:18 AM, Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

One way to improve this would be to have changelogs in the
dmd/druntime/phobos repo and make the entries part of the pull requests.

For what it's worth, that's how things were setup a long time ago (by 
me), but a lot of people argued enough that it was dropped.  I can't 
remember why.

Re: Travis-CI support for D

2015-01-27 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 12/11/2014 3:16 AM, Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Thursday, 11 December 2014 at 07:40:14 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic via
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On 12/11/14, Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

Glad to announce that D support on Travis-CI was launched today.


Btw, I've noticed this command in the log file of a Travis run:
$ curl


It seems a bit of a waste of bandwidth to re-download the release for
each run?

Indeed, and we'll have to see how that works. Easiest solution would be
to add a caching proxy on either side (incapsula?). We could also come
up with some chef recipes to preinstall a bunch of compilers on certain
worker boxes.

For the last 30 days, travis represents about 2.5% of all downloads (1k 
of 40k).  So, not horrible, but could also be a whole lot less (down 
from 1k to 74 based on January's data) if it were cached on each host.

Re: Travis-CI support for D

2014-12-11 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 12/10/2014 11:34 PM, Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On 12/11/14, Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

Glad to announce that D support on Travis-CI was launched today.


Btw, I've noticed this command in the log file of a Travis run:
$ curl


It seems a bit of a waste of bandwidth to re-download the release for
each run? Also, this will likely skew download statistics for us.

Yes, it will.  And bandwidth costs money.  Please discuss with the 
travis-ci people how to cache that.

Re: [OT Security PSA] Shellshock: Update your bash, now!

2014-10-03 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 10/3/2014 3:25 AM, David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Friday, 3 October 2014 at 07:16:14 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Thursday, 2 October 2014 at 12:44:08 UTC, eles wrote:

I doubt. At least, not easily. However, installing LMDE should be a
one-time process (it's a rolling distribution).

Do rolling distributions guarantee to not overwrite fstab? How mint
package update differs from a rolling distro package update?

Arch Linux warns you about the conflict and installs the new files as
e.g. /etc/fstab.pacnew.


I've used at various points in time Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Centos, and 
amazon linux.  At no point has any of them ever lost my fstab file, or 
any other critical file for that matter.  My oldest system at this point 
is about 8 years old and has been ubuntu since it was born and still is. 
 It's current and has rolled through every intervening version quite 
easily, which is a good thing since it's a vm off in a data center.

It's not hard to maintain systems, but they do require maintenance.  I 
wouldn't really expect to neglect a system for many years and be able to 
rapidly jump it all the way to current.  About once a year I go on a big 
maintenance spree, independent of more frequent minor maintenance.

My 2 cents,

Re: D 2.066 is out. Enjoy!

2014-08-22 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 8/22/2014 11:33 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On 8/22/14, 10:05 AM, John Colvin wrote:

As I'm sure has been mentioned elsewhere, the website changes should be
part of the release process, not an afterthought.

Agreed. Who would like to volunteer being our webmaster? We'll discuss
with our admin to give push rights. -- Andrei

cronjob that does a git pull, and then everyone with pull permissions 
can keep the website updated.

Re: DMD v2.066.0-b3

2014-07-12 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 7/12/14, 4:31 PM, Andrew Edwards via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Saturday, 12 July 2014 at 00:13:47 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:

For convenience, the list of unresolved issues marked as regressions:

Seems like there is still quite a way to go until we can release RC1.


David, I'm sure you are aware that list will never be empty. The last release 
lasted from mid
November to 24 February and that list was never empty once during that entire 
time. The only way we
will empty that list is to prevent people from submitting new regressions 
during a review.

When I checked the list yesterday the count was at 9: right now it is at 12. 
And at least on of
those items on the list has been there since 2011.

The reality is that zero emphasis is place on regressions unless it's time for 
a release, and even
then, only a few people pay attention to them. Everyone else just continue on 
in their happy world
doing what's important to them.  You you cannot ask that anyone work on 
anything because if it's
not important in their minds, they will not do it. They'd much rather sit 
around and biker about how
you did it incorrectly. Which, in my opinion, is a huge wast of time and 

So I have some questions: What is the magic number that will trigger the 
release? What happens if we
never reach that number? Do we just continue waiting for it or do we make a 
decision at some point
that it's time? If so, how long do we wait? Is there one person who makes the 
decision, or is it
decision automatic? If there is a person, who is it?

An important topic, certainly.  But not for the announce newsgroup.  Please continue this over on 
the beta list.

Re: DMD v2.066.0-b3

2014-07-11 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

Also available at

On 7/11/14, 5:00 PM, Andrew Edwards via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

The v2.066.0-b3 binaries are now available. The review period for beta 3 will 
run until 0700 UTC
( PDT, 0300 EDT, 1600 JST) on 14 July 2014, at which time binaries for RC1 
will be produced and
released. Due diligence in identifying regressions as early as possible is 
requested and
appreciated. Issue 13101, [1], is provided for identifying anyfixedregressions 
that needs to be
picked and included in RC1.

B3 binaries are located here:






A maintenance release is scheduled for 2.065 on September 15. Request 
assistance in identifying
non-breaking changes (fixes) for inclusion in 2.065.1 by 30 August. Issue 
13036, [2], is opened for
documenting/consolidating candidates for the point release.


[1] [Cherry-pick v2.066.0-rc1]
[2] [Cherry-pick v2.065.1-b1]

Re: DMD 2.066.0-b1

2014-07-03 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

The same set of available files are also here:

NOTE: The amd64 linux build is listed as available, but it's not, yet.

On 7/3/14, 6:13 PM, Andrew Edwards via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

A number of technical difficulties resulted in a delayed beta review. The 
review period has
commenced and will continue until 0700 UTC ( PDT) 14 July 2014. Your 
assistance in identifying
and reporting bugs are greatly appreciated.

Binaries are located here:






* Note: installers are not yet available for Linux or Windows, please check 
back again as they will
be uploaded upon availability.

You can find find a list of changes that have occurred since the release 
2.065.0 at [1]. I'm looking
for a better way but this should provide an good idea as to what has changed 
since the last release.

Request assistance in identifying non-breaking changes (fixes) for inclusion in 
the 2.065.1 point
release. I need assistance with this because I do not have the expertise to 
determine what goes into
the point release. If nothing is identified, I will abandon the idea of 
providing point releases.

A big thanks to the developers who have dedicated their time and effort to 
making improvements to
the language and making this release possible.

A issues ([1]  [2]) have been created for identifying commits that require 
cherry picking for
inclusion in future beta/release candidates. Commits not identified will not be 


[2] [Cherry-pick v2.066.0-b2]
[3] [Cherry-pick v2.065.1-b1]

bugzilla and auto-tester temporarily down

2014-07-01 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce

The host that runs these two services is down.  I'm working on getting them 
back up.

There's a reasonable chance I'll end up having to restore both db's from last night's backups, 
meaning a loss of the last 18 hours of bugzilla changes other than the messages sent to the bugs 

Re: bugzilla and auto-tester temporarily down

2014-07-01 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce
Both are back up and running, with about 17 hours of data loss (just after midnight pacific time is 
when the backup ran).

I forced the auto-tester to invalidate all 'current' results and start testing 

For bugzilla, there's 9 messages during that time span, some are due to dupes, so very little data 
loss.  I'll re-enter those now.

Please report anything that seems broken (... relative to how it was yesterday).

On 7/1/14, 3:30 PM, Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

The host that runs these two services is down.  I'm working on getting them 
back up.

There's a reasonable chance I'll end up having to restore both db's from last 
night's backups,
meaning a loss of the last 18 hours of bugzilla changes other than the messages 
sent to the bugs

D's timeline

2014-05-20 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d-announce
I'm working on my presentation for the conference and I'm running out of time.  I'd like to ask you 
guys for some help locating a few dates:

1) When 0.x transitioned from alpha to beta
2) Was there a beta to release candidate transition for 0.x - 1.x? If so, when?  I have the 1.00 
release date, that one is easy.

3) When did the 2.x series switch similarly (alpha, beta, rc)?
4) When were the various platforms added to the release bundles?

Any other events you consider major in the history of D.  I've already got a bunch, but have room to 
include more and would hate to miss anything big.  We each have our own view on what's important and 
I won't promise to include ones mentioned, but I'd love to have more to consider including.

Please send them directly to me ( rather than follow up in the news group to 
avoid a long and not really appropriate for the announce group discussion.


auto tester moved

2014-04-16 Thread Brad Roberts

I moved the auto-tester to another host and domain name today.  It now lives at:

There's a redirect in place from the old location.  There's a reasonable chance I've forgotten to 
update something somewhere.  If you stumble across anything broken, please shoot me an email:  The only thing I'm sure is broken right now are the old greasemonkey scripts 
to integrate test results with github (the native github build status stuff works still).  I'll get 
those fixed up tomorrow.. they've been needing an overhaul for a long time.


Re: auto tester moved

2014-04-16 Thread Brad Roberts

On 4/16/14, 7:12 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 4/16/14, 1:47 AM, Brad Roberts wrote:

I moved the auto-tester to another host and domain name today.  It now
lives at:

I hate to ask this just after a change already, but... how about moving it to
-- Andrei

If I had a pithy name for the project (auto-tester isn't in any way pithy) it'd have its own top 
level domain.  In the long term I intend for other projects to use the system, not just dmd and gdc. 
 Not just the d community either.  So, no.. being under the domain hierarchy is 


Re: How I Came to Write D -- by Walter Bright

2014-04-10 Thread Brad Roberts

On 4/10/14, 10:44 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 4/8/14, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Btw, w.r.t. #2:

W.B.: I've had to learn how to manage a project where people are all 
volunteers. Since I don't pay anybody anything, I can't tell anybody to do 

As a contributor I take a different stance here. When Andrei/Walter or
someone from the higher ranks asks me about working on a specific
feature or pull I'll be ready to jump on it as soon as possible. To me
the issue was never about finding what to work on, but prioritizing
what's important.

So I wouldn't necessarily say that requesting someone to work on
something would look bad or be perceived as wanting that someone to do
work for free. I think there's plenty of us here who are eager to work
on things.

I know Andrei said he already tried to ask some members of the
community to work on some issues, to no avail. I don't know which
issues they were though, but if I'm involved in any of them just ping
me and I'll jump to work ASAP.

My request for bug prioritization isn't new:  regressions, blockers, and majors -- in that order. 
The number of open bugs that fall into those three severity levels is depressing.

Re: Bugzilla maintenance tonight

2014-04-09 Thread Brad Roberts
Well, my ISP decided that it wanted to take the night off while I was about 
half done.

  - should be functional
  - bug changes are slow due to mail sending
  - github updated to point to new site

  - old site doesn't redirect yet
  - auto tester graphs pull from the old db
  - speed up mail sending
  - copy data dir from old site (affects some functionality)

Andrei: can you change the bounty site's config

What have I left out / forgotten?

More when my connectivity is restored.

On Apr 8, 2014, at 8:03 PM, Brad Roberts wrote:

 Tonight at 11pm pacific time, about 3 hours from now, the D bugzilla is going 
 to go read-only for some much needed maintenance and upgrading.  Assuming all 
 goes well, it will come back an hour or so later as  That 
 name isresolvable now with an old copy of the db -- don't use it yet as it'll 
 all be wiped out and replaced by a fresh copy of the real db.  Redirects will 
 be in place so that old url's send you over to the new site.
 If things go badly, I'll abort and make read-write 
 again and try again after resolving whatever issues caused me to give up 
 Hopefully things will all go smoothly, and apologies in advance if they 
 don't. :)

Re: Bugzilla maintenance tonight

2014-04-09 Thread Brad Roberts

On 4/9/14, 2:38 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 4/9/14, Brad Roberts wrote:

Tonight at 11pm pacific time, about 3 hours from now, the D bugzilla is
going to go read-only for
some much needed maintenance and upgrading.

Interesting. So what's new in this version of bugzilla (or rather what
was the old version and which is the new version?). The few things I
can tell at a glance:

- All links are underlined by default (a little bit ugly, but I can
use a stylish script to override this)
- There's a new Tags field now
- The site is way faster now, yay!

The primary changes:
  1) hardware
  2) url, into the * name space
  3) upgrading from 3.4 (long past it's supported lifetime) to 4.4 (current)

As to what the 3.4 to 4.4 changes entail.. I'm sure that list is long as it's years and many many 
versions worth of changes.  Best source for that would be to peruse the bugzilla change logs.

Re: Bugzilla maintenance tonight

2014-04-09 Thread Brad Roberts

On 4/9/14, 5:55 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 09.04.2014 14:38, schrieb Sönke Ludwig:

Not sure what exactly needs to be done about it, but I noticed that
Deskzilla Lite doesn't recognize as an open source
installation and thus denies to add the D product with its 12k bugs.

Also seems like votes are disabled.

Fixed, that code was moved to an extension which needed to be explicitly 

Re: Bugzilla maintenance tonight

2014-04-09 Thread Brad Roberts

Wait.. deskzilla, a tool on top of bugzilla, uses Jira to track bugs?  There's 
irony in that.

On 4/9/14, 11:51 AM, Orvid King wrote:

For the Deskzilla Lite problem, it's because the new URL isn't
currently on their list of open-source project's urls. I just opened
an issue ( with them about

On 4/9/14, Brad Roberts wrote:

On 4/9/14, 5:55 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 09.04.2014 14:38, schrieb Sönke Ludwig:

Not sure what exactly needs to be done about it, but I noticed that
Deskzilla Lite doesn't recognize as an open source
installation and thus denies to add the D product with its 12k bugs.

Also seems like votes are disabled.

Fixed, that code was moved to an extension which needed to be explicitly

Re: Bugzilla maintenance tonight

2014-04-09 Thread Brad Roberts
It's moving your focus down to the status block just below the comment textarea.  Not a bug, but 
also not super obvious.

On 4/9/14, 1:50 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 4/9/14, Brad Roberts wrote:

Tonight at 11pm pacific time, about 3 hours from now, the D bugzilla is
going to go read-only for
some much needed maintenance and upgrading.

I've just noticed some new behavior which looks like a bug. When I
click on edit next to the Status of a bug, it just redirects me to

Re: Bugzilla maintenance tonight

2014-04-09 Thread Brad Roberts

On 4/9/14, 2:26 PM, Kapps wrote:

On Wednesday, 9 April 2014 at 07:59:26 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:

Well, my ISP decided that it wanted to take the night off while I was about 
half done.

  - should be functional
  - bug changes are slow due to mail sending
  - github updated to point to new site

  - old site doesn't redirect yet
  - auto tester graphs pull from the old db
  - speed up mail sending
  - copy data dir from old site (affects some functionality)

Definitely noticing huge speed improvements and overall things look nicer. One 
issue I've noticed is
that goes to an Apache test page (Amazon Linux AMI 
Test Page) even after a
cache clear. Using works as expected however.

Fixed, thanks.  I broke it about an hour ago but it's fixed now.

Re: Bugzilla maintenance tonight

2014-04-09 Thread Brad Roberts

On 4/9/14, 2:47 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 4/9/14, Brad Roberts wrote:

It's moving your focus down to the status block just below the comment
textarea.  Not a bug, but
also not super obvious.

I know. But it's a total usability anti-pattern. It would be like
hitting the horn in your car and then getting a display on your
windshield asking you to touch-screen Yes or No to sound the horn.

Feel free to report the issue to the bugzilla developers if it means enough to 
you. :)

Re: Bugzilla maintenance tonight

2014-04-09 Thread Brad Roberts

On 4/9/14, 9:03 PM, Daniel Murphy wrote:

Is there some way to get the severity column back on the search results page?  
And make regressions
orange again?

At the bottom of the search results page there is a 'change columns' button with the ui to control 
the columns to display.  You'd have had to do this at some point on the old site too.

I think I did the regression == orange manually in the templates and will re-do that change since I 
haven't found any configuration options to select the colors.  It's one of the things on my todo 
list already since I noticed that too. :)

Bugzilla maintenance tonight

2014-04-08 Thread Brad Roberts
Tonight at 11pm pacific time, about 3 hours from now, the D bugzilla is going to go read-only for 
some much needed maintenance and upgrading.  Assuming all goes well, it will come back an hour or so 
later as  That name isresolvable now with an old copy of the db -- don't use it 
yet as it'll all be wiped out and replaced by a fresh copy of the real db.  Redirects will be in 
place so that old url's send you over to the new site.

If things go badly, I'll abort and make read-write again and try again after 
resolving whatever issues caused me to give up tonight.

Hopefully things will all go smoothly, and apologies in advance if they don't. 


Re: DigitalMars' GSoC application has been rejected

2014-02-28 Thread Brad Roberts

On 2/27/14, 3:21 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

On Thursday, 27 February 2014 at 22:25:27 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:

On 2/27/14, 2:03 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

On Thursday, 27 February 2014 at 21:59:37 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu

On 2/27/14, 1:42 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

In that case, as Yoda would say:

Volunteer to prepare GSoC 2015 proposal I shall.

Do you have copies of past submissions as a guideline, or is it just
what is on the Wiki.

Congratulations and good luck! Stay tuned to the general GSoC process
and I hope you'll be around in December :o).

Google doesn't save past submissions. We have our older gsoc pages on and the wiki. I think Walter saved some form data.


I will try to keep an eye on what the successful projects do this
summer, that may give me so ideas.

Also, keep in mind that GSoC is pretty much two things:

1) a nice little pay check for students
2) a bit of structure around getting work done

We can still do #2 without #1.  And we don't need google to make it
happen.  How about trying a practice run despite not having google
tossing in the funding?

So you mean D Summer of Code?

I had actually been thinking of proposing having a D mentoring
program.  Similar to:
(at the bottom)

Experienced D developers, who feel they could use
on a specific project, or who would be otherwise interested in
taking on an 'apprentice' could list projects they would like
to see someone take on.  Interested developers could browse
through and see if any of the proposed projects piqued their

However, that doesn't entirely fulfill #2 in your list.
The 'student' needs some motivation to complete the project
I suppose.  Perhaps a DConf T-shirt autographed by Walter and
Andrei or something :o)

Call it whatever you want.. Ideally it's not a specific one time (or 
recurring) event, but rather the normal way development happens. 
Someone wants to help, so they do.  There's already appropriate mailing 
lists / forums / newsgroups for interaction.  There's lots of work to be 
done.  What's needed is people to step up.  Adding a little structure 
and making it known that the help is available is all good and would 
likely help tip more people from thinking about it into doing it.

The appropriate forum / mailing lists:

All of which are available via or 
All of which contain multiple people who are generally very eager to help.

Following bug reports and pull requests and watching how fixes and 
changes are made is also a pretty good way to learn about the code base. 
 If the commits and code changes don't make sense, feel free to ask the 
submitter (via private email or publicly on the appropriate forum, 
preferably the latter) to help explain the change -- chances are more 
comments would be useful to more than just the asker.

As to motivation, personally, I'm not sure we want someone who isn't 
self motivated.  That said, I recognize that sometimes it takes a little 
something extra to incent getting past the learning curve which can be 
daunting for any project.  I find that financial incentives, like GSoC, 
tend to attract that disappear shortly after the incentive is removed. 
The group of people that contribute today are all volunteers, up to and 
including Walter and Andrei.  Some have agreements with their employers 
to spend work time in various amounts, but that's the exception rather 
than the rule.

My 2 cents,

Re: https everywhere

2014-02-21 Thread Brad Roberts

On 2/21/14, 12:34 PM, Walter Bright wrote: and now support https,

Note that this is a self-signed certificate, and so when you first
access it you'll get a dire warning from your browser.

At this point I'm just repeating what others have already said, but 
self-signed is seriously unprofessional.  It's worse than not having 
https from a reputation standpoint.

Re: dmd 2.064 release candidate 1

2013-11-05 Thread Brad Roberts

On 11/5/13 2:00 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/5/2013 1:52 AM, Arjan wrote:

Why not volunteer to handle the FreeBSD package builds?

I have access to FreeBSD machine(s) and willing to lend a hand and spend some
time on this.
What is needed to do the FreeBSD package build?
(Currently I just do a git clone/pull of the github dlang stuff and build it to
get the master or any other branch I want)
Were do I find the build and package instructions?

That's part of handling it - figuring out all that stuff :-) I don't know what 
it is.

Is running regressions tests required before releasing a build package?

Yes, and the regression suite is part of the github repository. Alternatively, 
you could talk to
Brad and get the actual binaries from the autotester.

What is the packages release (and build) frequency?

It's a bit erratic, but generally once every 3 months or so.

DMD1 and DMD2 (and GDC) seems to be in the FreeBSD ports collection. Why can't
those be used to buid the packages?

Building it is less of an issue than getting a FreeBSD install.

I really do intend to get the package builder producing bundles (not for every single build, that'd 
be.. scary).  It's on my todo list.  Maybe I'll dedicate my christmas vacation to that project.

Re: dmd 2.064 release candidate 1

2013-11-04 Thread Brad Roberts

On 11/4/13 5:20 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/4/2013 2:47 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

Thanks. The Visual D installation is missing from this installer. Obviously, has never been
merged. As I've just released a new version, it would be nice if it could link
to the new 0.3.37.

There have been a blizzard of pulls done in the last couple weeks, and it isn't 
always clear to me
which ones should go in 2.064. A note to me would be helpful with this.

Also, is that pull enough, or are you suggesting it needs further modification?

Why use lossy emails?  Submit pull requests against the branch (with a pointer in the request to the 
associated master pull to help confirm that it's already been merged there first).  That way it'll 
both get tested appropriately and not lost in the shuffle.

Re: Start of dmd 2.064 beta program

2013-10-16 Thread Brad Roberts

On 10/16/13 6:33 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 10/16/13, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

What are you protesting against?


That's not a what, that's a who.  Would you please elaborate on the what and why?  I haven't seen 
any obstructionism coming from anyone in terms of repeating the previous style for this releases notes.

Re: Don's talk's video to be online soon

2013-06-10 Thread Brad Roberts

On 6/10/13 5:02 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 6/10/13 7:19 PM, Anthony Goins wrote:

On Monday, 10 June 2013 at 18:59:22 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I'm experiencing trouble uploading the video of Don's talk, please
bear with me. It will be available either later today or tomorrow



Will there be video for Andrew Edwards?

Andrew requested that his talk isn't recorded.


Really?  That's the one talk I wasn't in the room for and wanted to see.  Sigh.

Re: Arch Linux users and packagers : upcoming coomunity/dmd package change

2013-05-18 Thread Brad Roberts

On 5/18/13 8:59 AM, nazriel wrote:

On Saturday, 18 May 2013 at 15:26:49 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Saturday, 18 May 2013 at 14:19:08 UTC, nazriel wrote:

Will be shared library installed alongside with static library?



Will belong to druntime package?

No. Currently there is no separate druntime package as druntime is
part of phobos binary. This will be a separate issue to address when
I'll start decoupling Phobos.

Yeah, this druntime is part of phobos binary business sux.
I guess druntime and phobos make files would require tweaking in order
to allow building druntime as standalone library.

On other hand, AFAIK both LDC and GDC uses modified version of druntime.
That would require 3 different packages for druntime. Be it:
gdc-druntime, ldc-druntime and dmd-druntime - wonder if this could be
improved somehow

I fully agree with the desire to make the compilers interchangeable like 
this, but practical reality is that they aren't.  Trying to pretend they 
are and making it look like they are to end users is just going to lead 
to frustration and disappointment, I suspect.

You cannot take the output or runtime from any of the three and use it 
with any other of the three's outputs (except maybe in some of the most 
trivial examples).  Hopefully one day, but that day isn't here yet.

Re: DConf 2013 Day 1 Talk 5: Using D Alongside a Game Engine by Manu Evans

2013-05-17 Thread Brad Roberts

On 5/17/13 3:52 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 17 May 2013 at 22:47:56 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

Really exciting to see how D is being used in this context, and the
C++ binding examples are inspiring.

The last question in the video was if it would work in Linux too, and
idk about the rest of their setup, but the C++ binding is something I've
done before, and the code is virtually identical to what Manu did.

I think while the C++ ABI is technically unportable, it actually works
more or less the same way in practice across the major compilers.

Among the posix world, the c++ abi has been well defined for over a 
decade.  The output from every major c++ compiler has been 
interchangeable for a long time now.  Windows and oddball compilers are 
the only hold outs that I'm aware of.  It's a mistake that the D 
compilers are making (and will address at some point in the not terribly 
distant future).

Re: We have completed our GSoC 2013 application

2013-04-09 Thread Brad Roberts

On 4/9/13 12:10 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/8/2013 11:42 PM, Rory McGuire wrote:

Could we not still run the basics of the program minus the funding?
there are still students and mentors that would be interested
in contributing their time for their name down in the history of D. :)

We could call it DSoC. There would still be an approval process that way
everyone knows what is expected and there is still the experience
and record of that experience for potential employers to refer to so that
candidates can use the experience for reference.

The D community is stable so I really think this could work (as
opposed to a
unstable community where references would mean nothing).
I would be interested in DSoC more than GSoC because I work full-time and
wouldn't be able to put in a full summer of time.

Very interesting idea!

In what way would this differ from the normal every day experience of 
hey, I'm going to work on X, could I ask for some help with the design 
of it?

mail/news gateway, bugzilla, and auto-tester outage

2013-03-13 Thread Brad Roberts
The host running the above services is temporarily off the air.  Hopefully 
it'll be back in a couple hours.  Worse case,
tomorrow some time (if I have to create a new host and restore from backups).


Re: mail/news gateway, bugzilla, and auto-tester outage

2013-03-13 Thread Brad Roberts
On 3/13/2013 2:10 AM, Brad Roberts wrote:
 The host running the above services is temporarily off the air.  Hopefully 
 it'll be back in a couple hours.  Worse case,
 tomorrow some time (if I have to create a new host and restore from backups).

Services were restored at around 7:30am pdt.

Re: Four new committers on github: AndrejMitrovic, ibuclaw, klickverbot, and rainers

2013-03-09 Thread Brad Roberts
On 3/9/2013 9:13 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 On 3/7/13, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 I'm happy to announce we have four new committers to our project on
 github: AndrejMitrovic, ibuclaw, klickverbot, and rainers.
 Can we get added to the dmd-internals group? My emails always get
 bounced and I have to wait for someone to approve them.

You just need to subscribe to the mailing list.

Re: D 2.062 release

2013-02-17 Thread Brad Roberts
On 2/17/2013 5:07 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 On 2/18/13, Walter Bright wrote:

 The site isn't updated yet, but the downloads are there.

 The zip download is broken:

It's there now (along with the other variations of the packaging).

Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-06 Thread Brad Roberts
On 1/6/2013 4:25 PM, Leandro Lucarella wrote:
 I really hope at some point this will be addressed, and I think other
 areas of the development process have been improved enough to think this
 is a good moment to do so, but first management (OK, I will say it:
 Walter) have to be convinced (or pushed) to do so. Maybe it will take 2
 or 3 years.

Believing that Walter is the problem is minimizing the problem.  There's no way 
that a single developer can own and
drive a roadmap, and that's essentially what Walter is.  He's NOT a company of 
developers.  He doesn't have a cadre of
people that follow his instructions.

If this community feels the need for a concerted _directed_ effort, the 
community needs to step up and volunteer to
produce and progress upon that roadmap.  The problem is that while D currently 
has maybe a dozen developers, each of
them is essentially entirely self directed, following their own personal 
interests.  There's nothing inherently wrong
with that, and the results have been useful, but those results are also 
semi-chaotic and essentially impossible to predict.

Does anyone know of any mechanism for getting people to do what needs to be 
done vs what they want to do that doesn't
involve paying them?  The only long term successes I can point to all involve 

My 2 cents,

Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-06 Thread Brad Roberts
On 1/6/2013 5:41 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
 On Sunday, January 06, 2013 17:28:57 Brad Roberts wrote:
 Does anyone know of any mechanism for getting people to do what needs to be
 done vs what they want to do that doesn't involve paying them?  The only
 long term successes I can point to all involve companies.
 You'd have to look at major open source projects. They do sometimes come to 
 together and agree on the direction that they should take (KDE and gnome 
 probably be good examples of that), and a lot of their efforts get focused on 
 what gets decided, but I believe that it's still primarily a case of people 
 working on what they want to work on. But I haven't examined the development 
 processes of other open source projects in depth.
 If you have enough people, then the holes tend to get filled, but plenty of 
 stuff still falls through the cracks, and unlike projects like KDE or gnome, 
 don't think that we have a need to create a direction for our project(s) and 
 decide where they're going to be going. That might happen if we were talking 
 about D3, but we're not (and I think that even the KDE and gnome guys only 
 tend to do that when they're talking about where to go with their next major 
 version). It's more of an issue of making sure that all of the little stuff 
 that needs doing gets done. And if there's something that no one wants to 
 on or if everyone with the time and skill are working on other stuff that 
 to be worked on, then some stuff just doesn't get done. And like you, I have 
 idea how to fix that.
 - Jonathan M Davis

Both KDE and Gnome have major distributions behind them which almost certainly 
provide a lot of the labor for the 'not
fun' parts.  Essentially _every_ popular package has the same.  They might be 
open source, but it's not the volunteers
that make them polished, for the most part.

Re: Getting ready for 2.061

2012-12-26 Thread Brad Roberts
On Wed, 26 Dec 2012, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

 On 2012-12-25 20:53, Brad Roberts wrote:
  More hardware would be nice, but isnt a
  blocker for additional branch testing, software is.  Working on it over
  the holidays.
 Have you considered using any existing software for continues integration
 We're using CruiseControl (the Ruby version) at work. It's simple and easy to
 setup and does what we need it to do.

I haven't done a survey in a while, but all of the ones I've looked at 
have lacked at least one of the features I've wanted to have.

  1) multi-platform
  2) great integration with github and pull requests
  3) ability to pull multiple repositories as a coordinated whole

and likely more, those are just off the cuff.

Re: Getting ready for 2.061

2012-12-25 Thread Brad Roberts
On Tue, 25 Dec 2012, Walter Bright wrote:
 On 12/25/2012 5:27 AM, John Colvin wrote:
  If only we had some small commercial support of some sort... A mac mini is
  than ?500 new here in the UK, probably less than that in the US and that's
  even considering second-hand...
 An old, slow, second hand one would be fine, as long as it can run the latest
 OS X.

Thats how we have osx in the pull tester.  I picked up a used mini.  I've 
accumulated quite a lot of oldish hardwareat this point.  The only other 
doner machine is Sean's osx box.  More hardware would be nice, but isnt a 
blocker for additional branch testing, software is.  Working on it over 
the holidays.

Re: Getting ready for 2.061

2012-12-22 Thread Brad Roberts
On 12/22/2012 10:39 AM, Jesse Phillips wrote:
 On Friday, 21 December 2012 at 22:12:47 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 We plan to start building a new release on Sunday evening. To do so 
 (pursuant to the embryonic process we're putting
 in place), at that time we'll create a new branch called staging for each 
 of dmd, druntime, and phobos.

 All contributors - over the weekend please ping reviewers on what you 
 believe are pull requests with a high
 importance*urgency product. Once we branch into staging, pull requests will 
 only be merged into master.


 Is this the release for 2.061 which is being placed in staging?
 Pull requests which fix regressions and bugs should go into staging and be 
 made against staging.

I strongly recommend requiring that all bugs be first fixed in the development 
branch and then being pushed backwards
through the version history.  Quite a few projects follow this pattern based on 
the requirement that no fix can ever be
accidentally left out of a future release.  You never want someone to pick up 
(using made up version numbers) 3.4.2 to
get a fix and later upgrade to 4.1.1 and find out it's not yet fixed in that 

Re: Getting ready for 2.061

2012-12-22 Thread Brad Roberts
On 12/22/2012 3:44 PM, Jesse Phillips wrote:
 On Saturday, 22 December 2012 at 21:48:51 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:
 I strongly recommend requiring that all bugs be first fixed in the 
 development branch and then being pushed backwards
 through the version history.  Quite a few projects follow this pattern based 
 on the requirement that no fix can ever be
 accidentally left out of a future release.  You never want someone to pick 
 up (using made up version numbers) 3.4.2 to
 get a fix and later upgrade to 4.1.1 and find out it's not yet fixed in that 
 Well, to have the easy merging the change must be made against the oldest 
 applicable code. The benefit of merging into
 staging first is that staging can be merged into master, while master can not 
 be merged into staging.
 What is nice about making a pull request against staging is that the reviewer 
 knows that the fix can be applied that far
 (not that comments wouldn't do the same).

I don't believe those assertions to be true.  Merging in either direction is 
possible and the difficulty lies in the
nature of the drift between the two.  Neither direction is necessarily any 
easier than the other.

Re: D 1.076 Alpha for Windows 64 bits, works with VS 2010

2012-09-28 Thread Brad Roberts
On 9/27/2012 11:01 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
 On 2012-09-27 21:51, Walter Bright wrote:
 Well, I did. The EH mechanism in dmd Win64 is the same as that used for
 dmd Linux, OSX and FreeBSD, 32 and 64.
 What does that practically mean from the users point of view?

It's another interoperability problem.  It means that when mixing c++/d that 
stackframe unwinding during exception
handling doesn't work as expected.  It'll be one more thing that eventually 
needs to be fixed.

Re: D 1.076 Alpha for Windows 64 bits, works with VS 2010

2012-09-28 Thread Brad Roberts
On Fri, 28 Sep 2012, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

 On 9/28/12, Brad Roberts wrote:
  It's another interoperability problem.  It means that when mixing c++/d that
  stackframe unwinding during exception
  handling doesn't work as expected.  It'll be one more thing that eventually
  needs to be fixed.
 I thought the whole COFF work was entirely about interoperability
 (well, that and 64bit). Oh well..

Interoperability isn't a single attribute.  It's an accumulation of tons 
of attributes.  Much like .so/.dll support.  So, 2 steps forward, but 20 
left (obviously making up those numbers).

Re: D 1.076 Alpha for Windows 64 bits, works with VS 2010

2012-09-28 Thread Brad Roberts
On Fri, 28 Sep 2012, Walter Bright wrote:

 On 9/27/2012 11:01 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
  On 2012-09-27 21:51, Walter Bright wrote:
   Well, I did. The EH mechanism in dmd Win64 is the same as that used for
   dmd Linux, OSX and FreeBSD, 32 and 64.
  What does that practically mean from the users point of view?
 It means D cannot throw or catch VC exceptions, and VC code cannot throw or
 catch D exceptions.
 Pretty much just like on Linux/OSX/FreeBSD, which doesn't seem to be a

It's more than just catching.  That's a relatively minor issue.  The 
bigger one is stack unwinding and related cleanups.  Consider: c++ 
function with local variables that have dtors that calls a D function that 
throws.  Those c++ locals will never have their dtors called.

It's not a huge problem, but the sum of the problems add up to pain and 
will need to be fixed at some point.  The lack of pain today is that it's 
barely feasible to mix languages where more than one has any exception 
handling right now.  Something of a catch-22 of issues, imho.

Re: D 1.076 Alpha for Windows 64 bits, works with VS 2010

2012-09-28 Thread Brad Roberts
On Fri, 28 Sep 2012, Walter Bright wrote:

 On 9/28/2012 12:39 PM, Brad Roberts wrote:
  It's more than just catching.  That's a relatively minor issue.  The
  bigger one is stack unwinding and related cleanups.  Consider: c++
  function with local variables that have dtors that calls a D function that
  throws.  Those c++ locals will never have their dtors called.
  It's not a huge problem, but the sum of the problems add up to pain and
  will need to be fixed at some point.  The lack of pain today is that it's
  barely feasible to mix languages where more than one has any exception
  handling right now.  Something of a catch-22 of issues, imho.
 True, but I would never write code that tried to throw an exception across
 language boundaries, anyway. It's just asking for trouble.

And that's fine for your code, but if you want D and DMD to be a system 
that people use for larger systems, then cutting down the sheer number of 
things that don't work when pushed is kinda important.

Re: Pull freeze

2012-08-01 Thread Brad Roberts
On 8/1/2012 12:30 AM, Russel Winder wrote:
 On Tue, 2012-07-31 at 01:10 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:

 We're already using Git.
 I will be robust.
 You may be making use of Git commands but you are still using
 Subversion, you are not using Git.

You keep blaming it on using subversion or subversion mentality.  It has 
nothing to do with subversion in the slightest.
 It has everything to do with the evolution of the development process.  We 
were only using SVN for a short period of
time and the use of it was a direct evolution from the not using any scm at 
all, no branching, etc, development process
that existed prior to that point.

Please, ignore that svn exists, it's irrelevant to D at this point.

Re: Visual D 0.3.32 maintenance release

2012-05-13 Thread Brad Roberts
On 5/13/2012 4:48 AM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
 Using git/github is probably less work for you compared to svn, but this also 
 depends on a rather large infrastructure
 like the auto tester. I'm not sure it does actually help for a project with 
 very few contributors.

Neither github nor git made the auto-tester necessary.  The volume of 
contributions did.

With SVN they came in via bugzilla and github via pull requests.  The ease of 
automation via the github apis and the
dramatic increase in volume of contributions lead to implementing the tester.  
I likely would have written it (or found
one to install) for svn/bugzilla eventually too, but it would have been a 
bigger job.

Anyway, the choice of where you host your project very much is yours.  But I 
can agree with the others, evidence from
both dmd/druntime/phobos as well as other projects I'm a part of clearly shows 
that you'll get more with github than
dsource, regardless of svn vs git.  And you'll get more with git than svn.  
Also, for what it's worth, a project with
multiple contributors are is much more likely to survive for the long haul than 
a one man project.

My 2 cents,

Re: downtime

2012-03-04 Thread Brad Roberts
On 3/3/2012 4:56 PM, Brad Roberts wrote:
 The server that hosts the mailing lists, bugzilla, and the auto-tester is 
 moving to a new data-center.  I intend to do
 the move tomorrow afternoon.  Hopefully it won't take terribly long, but it's 
 hard to estimate since I don't know how
 long it will take slicehost to do the migration.  The first host I did, went 
 much faster than I expected, but it's also
 a tiny fraction of this server.  I intend to start it around 3pm pacific time.
 If that time is particularly bad for you, please let me know (privately, no 
 need to hold a conversation on the announce
 group):  a) the reason, and b) when a better time would be.  I have a good 
 bit of flexibility, with a deadline of March 6.

Downtime complete.  Sorry for the interruption. downtime

2012-03-03 Thread Brad Roberts
The server that hosts the mailing lists, bugzilla, and the auto-tester is 
moving to a new data-center.  I intend to do
the move tomorrow afternoon.  Hopefully it won't take terribly long, but it's 
hard to estimate since I don't know how
long it will take slicehost to do the migration.  The first host I did, went 
much faster than I expected, but it's also
a tiny fraction of this server.  I intend to start it around 3pm pacific time.

If that time is particularly bad for you, please let me know (privately, no 
need to hold a conversation on the announce
group):  a) the reason, and b) when a better time would be.  I have a good bit 
of flexibility, with a deadline of March 6.



2012-01-21 Thread Brad Roberts
On 1/21/2012 11:18 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 We just put together a page that counts the bugs per category. It's linked 
 from Bug tracker in the navigation panel.
 The format is sketchy. Looking forward to your suggestions for improvements.

Please see my comments on that commit.  The way you've implemented it about the 
most expensive way possible for both my
server and the server.


2012-01-15 Thread Brad Roberts
On 1/15/2012 6:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 1/15/12 7:39 PM, Jordi Sayol wrote:
 Al 16/01/12 01:32, En/na Andrei Alexandrescu ha escrit:
 I just added a handy script, tools/

 It's useful for people who work on dmd and want to either download anew or 
 freshen their repositories.

 Comments and ideas are welcome.


 I got attached errors on Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit, zsh v.4.3.11
 Thanks for looking into this, Jordi.
 Looks like the issue is this:
 git clone
 Do you have a github account set up that would let you run the command above? 
 If not, I wonder how the situation can be
 detected and what instructions to give the user.

IMHO, if you're building from source, you might as well take the time to setup 
a github account.  Otherwise, what's the
point?  Might as well grab the release binaries.

Re: Programming Windows D Examples are now Online!

2011-06-21 Thread Brad Roberts
On 6/21/2011 2:24 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 Walter, would it be possible to make .map file generation follow the
 -od flag? It's odd when a  build script fills a directory with map
 files while executables and object files are properly in their own
 directories as specified via -od and -of flags.
 Btw, I have just pushed a changeset and made the build script
 parallel. I turned this:
 foreach (dir; dirs)
 into this:
 foreach (dir; taskPool.parallel(dirs, 1))
 And added other small cosmetic changes, but the above is the only real change.
 Here's my timings:
 Serial build: 1min, 3sec
 Parallel build: 22sec

Fixed in 2.053.  See also bug 4833.

Re: dmd 1.063 and 2.048 release

2010-08-15 Thread Brad Roberts
On 8/15/2010 12:54 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 This may be a pain to do, but you could narrow it down from the other
 direction: recompile DMD from various trunk revisions between 2.046 and 2.047
 and see which actual commit created the problem.
 Try mixing/matching the compiler  Phobos to see which one of those caused the

While I agree that it's worth trying a bisection -- it's generally really quick
and easy to do (the compiler and libraries build rather fast -- about a minute
for me).  It can be a very useful technique for finding where bugs were 

That said, it's likely to be rather difficult for this release due to the number
of fixes in the compiler that the library requires and for the periods during
which the two didn't work together.

Do try it.. worst case is you've wasted a little bit of time.  Best case you've
found the cause of the bug.


Re: dmd 1.062 and 2.047 release

2010-06-15 Thread Brad Roberts
On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Walter Bright wrote:

 strtr wrote:
  It's the optimization :)
  Without -O compilation took only a few seconds!
 Well, that explains it! Little attempt is made in the optimizer to make it
 compile faster if that would interfere with generating faster code.

Chances are that the changes to allow more inlining contribute to handing 
the optimizer more work to chew on too.

Re: Bug fix week

2010-05-26 Thread Brad Roberts
On Thu, 27 May 2010, Masahiro Nakagawa wrote:

 On Sun, 23 May 2010 22:50:14 +0900, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
  We've had a tremendous infusion of talent and energy in Phobos, and lately
  work has picked up in unprecedented ways, both in terms of new features and
  bug fixes. I can't say how happy I am about that!
  At the end of this starting week, on Friday May 28, TDPL will be out on
  trucks to bookstores.
  Let's make this week a bug fixing week for both dmd and Phobos, and issue a
  release on Monday. We're going public!
 I think we need improvement of DDoc.
 Current DDoc doesn't keep up with D Spec(e.g. ignore @attribute, pure,

Fixes are generated at the rate Walter plus several other volunteers 
generate them.  Care to add yourself to that set of volunteers?  The 
source is fully available..  Bugzilla has a lot of issues to choose your 
favorite(s) from...


Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-06 Thread Brad Roberts
On Fri, 7 May 2010, Lionello Lunesu wrote:

 On 6-5-2010 22:37, Michel Fortin wrote:
  On 2010-05-05 23:45:50 -0400, Walter Bright
  Walter Bright wrote:
  Alex Makhotin wrote:
  It takes ~40 seconds 50% load on the dual core processor(CentOS 5.3
  kernel, to get the actual error messages about the
  undefined identifier.
  Definitely there's a problem.
  The problem is the spell checker is O(n*n) on the number of characters
  in the undefined identifier.
  That's an algorithm that can't scale then.
  Checking the Levenshtein distance for each known identifier within a
  small difference in length would be a better idea. (Clang is said to use
  the Levenshtein distance, it probably does something of the sort.)
 and especially this line:
 # If we are only interested in the distance if it is smaller than a
 threshold k, then it suffices to compute a diagonal stripe of width 2k+1
 in the matrix. In this way, the algorithm can be run in O(kl) time,
 where l is the length of the shortest string.

The source for this is pretty isolated.. anyone want to volunteer take a 
shot at improving this part of dmd?


Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-04 Thread Brad Roberts
On Tue, 4 May 2010, Robert Clipsham wrote:

 On 04/05/10 19:50, Walter Bright wrote:
  That's the problem with D extensions; unless they get officially adopted
  they conflict with future changes to the spec. We need to get them
  officially adopted.
 Too late for this, DWARF 4 has introduced conflicts with them already. We
 could try and get them pushed for dwarf 4, but if they get in the values of
 the tags will have to change (not really a problem, as only one debugger
 supports them I think, and to my knowledge it isn't widely used for D yet...
 So we'd be able to talk to the developers and work around this). I'd be
 willing to take action to get them pushed for DWARF 4 or (if it's too late for
 that) DWARF 5, if that's OK with you?

I've lost track of the details of the extensions that are in use.  I 
assume they're to cover the array and dictionary layouts.  I wouldn't be 
suprised if there wasn't coverage for them in the current dwarf formats, 
or close enough to make them work.

Another potential path, that would obviously be gdb specific, is to 
include some scripts that help display the more complex types.  I saw 
something about gdb/python integration.  A little bit of scripting can go 
a long long way.


d mailing list downtime

2010-03-20 Thread Brad Roberts
Due to some mis-timing on the part of my t1 circuit provider, all of the 
mailing lists that I host that gateway the newsgroups are currently off the 
air.  Hopefully I'll have things working again sometime later tonight or 
tomorrow.  The ironic thing is that those that read via the mailing list 
probably won't see this until after everything is fixed, but, well.. oops.

Sorry for the interruption.


Re: d mailing list downtime

2010-03-20 Thread Brad Roberts
On Fri, 19 Mar 2010, Brad Roberts wrote:

 Due to some mis-timing on the part of my t1 circuit provider, all of the 
 mailing lists that I host that gateway the newsgroups are currently off 
 the air.  Hopefully I'll have things working again sometime later 
 tonight or tomorrow.  The ironic thing is that those that read via the 
 mailing list probably won't see this until after everything is fixed, 
 but, well.. oops.
 Sorry for the interruption.

All fixed (well, at least the d mailing lists are).


Re: D compiler as part of GCC

2010-01-24 Thread Brad Roberts
On 1/24/2010 11:34 AM, Jesse Phillips wrote:
 Jerry Quinn wrote:
 I think you're slightly incorrect, Brad.  DigitalMars still owns the 
 copyright to the original source (call it copy A).  A fork (called copy B) 
 is donated to the FSF.   DigitalMars still gets to make changes to copy A 
 and license them as it sees fit.  Copy B is part of the GCC codebase and 
 would evolve separately.

 Moving changes between them would require the same kind of donation process 
 as the original transfer.  Folks making changes to the DMD FE would have to 
 contribute those changes to FSF as well to get them into copy B and vice 
 As best I could tell there were two options, the one Brad was referring
 to[1], and the one you asked about.
 In the end, the language spec should be the thing that unifies the D 
 community rather than the adhoc definition provided by a particular front 
 end implementation.  It's just a matter of how to get there.
 I think Brad was refering to the donation process that is required for
 propogating changes from DM to GCC and visa versa. Since GCC will be
 using the same front end, it would make since that patches should be
 applied to both reducing duplicate effort in fixing bugs.
 I think that at this time, contributers to the front end would not have
 a problem with making these donations. However in the feature, you
 might see more people contributing to GCC and not want to donate it for
 GPL/Artistic... And when that happens I don't think Walter would care
 that GCC is getting more attention.

The key issue:  Can one piece of code have two copyrights on it.  I'm no lawyer,
but I'm almost certain the answer is NO.

That's the question that Walter asked to have clarified, but that's not the
question that was asked.  Asking the gcc developers is also a bad idea since
they're not lawyers.  The only way to really handle this correctly is to have
lawyers do the question asking of lawyers.  Having lay people (including myself)
as intermediaries and interpreters is just wrong.

The rest is details about dealing with code under multiple licenses and
transferring changes that are licensed differently between the two code bases.

That clarify anything?


Re: D compiler as part of GCC

2010-01-24 Thread Brad Roberts
On 1/24/2010 2:13 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
 Brad Roberts wrote:
 That's the question that Walter asked to have clarified, but that's
 not the
 question that was asked.  Asking the gcc developers is also a bad idea
 they're not lawyers.  The only way to really handle this correctly is
 to have
 lawyers do the question asking of lawyers.  Having lay people
 (including myself)
 as intermediaries and interpreters is just wrong.
 You're probably right, the only way to do this is to consult a lawyer.
 That's going to be thousands of dollars. And frankly, I've never worked
 with a lawyer who was willing to commit to any particular legal opinion

You're probably versed enough to do the talking for yourself with one of the FSF
lawyers.  Chances are that might actually not cost you anything.

Re: D compiler as part of GCC

2010-01-23 Thread Brad Roberts
On 1/23/2010 4:15 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
 Leandro Lucarella wrote:
 Walter Bright, el 23 de enero a las 12:54 me escribiste:
 Jerry Quinn wrote:
 Walter Bright Wrote:
 Will they take a fork of the dmd source, such that they own the
 copyright to the fork and Digital Mars still has copyright to
 the original?
 Hi, Walter,

 The answer appears to be yes:


 That's great news. I suppose I should look over the forms they talk

 Great news indeed! Since DMD FE is GPL I think it won't be any trouble to
 fold in the new changes back to GDC as they did (and LDC too), so it
 be really a *fork*, right?
 Well, still I won't be supporting gdc directly. It would mean a team
 that would be willing to take new DMD FE updates and fold them into GDC,
 and then follow whatever gcc's build and release conventions are.

I don't think you got the answer you were looking for.  You got an answer to a
different question.  If you assign the copyright over to the FSF, they then own
the code.  You'd have a license to use it as you like in return, but you would
no longer be the owner.

Additionally, as pointed out in the gcc@ thread, contributions coming into the
gcc tree wouldn't have anything other than the gpl license attached to them and
that would likely make them problematic to re-distribute from your tree with the
dual gpl/artistic license.

In simpler words, this is still far from straightforward.

I'd still love for there to be fewer split efforts on the compiler front, so I
do encourage trying to find a workable solution.. but tread carefully.


Re: dmd beta mailing list

2010-01-04 Thread Brad Roberts

On Mon, 4 Jan 2010, Guillaume B. wrote:

 Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 20:38:22 -0500
 From: Guillaume B.
 Reply-To: digitalmars.D.announce
 Newsgroups: digitalmars.D.announce
 Followup-To: digitalmars.D.announce
 Subject: Re: dmd beta mailing list
 Leandro Lucarella wrote:
  Guillaume B., el  4 de enero a las 19:10 me escribiste:
   I prefer to read everything in my news reader. Is it possible to add the
  following malling lists from to gmane? ( )
  - dmd-beta
  - dmd-concurrency
  - phobos
  - dmd-internals
   Some lists for D are already on gmane so it would be nice if they could
  be there.
  Yes, just do it yourself:
  I know I can do it myself but I wanted to be sure it was OK since, on 
 gmane, it's written: [...] ask the people on the mailing list first. Or at 
 least the mailing list administrator. Then you fill out the subscription 
  So is it OK for Brad and/or Walter?

I don't care.. other than that it's now gone full circle.  I originally 
suggested that it just be in the .announce newsgroup.

Bugzilla upgrade: sometime tonight

2009-09-04 Thread Brad Roberts
I'm going to bump bugzilla from 3.2.3 to 3.4.1 sometime tonight.  It should only
take a few minutes.  After the update, you'll need to force refresh your browser
to pick up updated .css and similar files.  The update on the digitalmars c++
bugzilla instance went fast and easy, so I don't expect problems for the d
bugzilla. (famous last words)


Re: dmd 1.046 and 2.031 releases

2009-07-07 Thread Brad Roberts
 That's really cool. But I don't think that's actually happening (Or
 are these the bugs you're talking about?):

 byte x,y;
 short z;
 z = x+y;  // Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
 (cast(int)x + cast(int)y) of type int to short

 // Repeat for ubyte, bool, char, wchar and *, -, / You may want to add
 to it.

Before going too far, consider:

byte x, y, z;
short a;
a = x + y + z;

How far should the logic go?

Re: Metaprogramming in D tonight at the NWCPP

2009-05-05 Thread Brad Roberts
BCS wrote:
 Reply to Georg,
 I was always terrible at memorization. I couldn't learn my lines in
 school plays, and once I starred in an educational movie. The director
 was pulling his hair because I couldn't remember 15 secs of lines at a
 time. If I make a presentation, I simply have to get familiar with the
 subject, and then have the slides, like, be my cheat sheet. I always
 envied the guys (often sales reps, or evangelists), who did the same
 thing word-for-word, even if I saw them again after six months.
 I can't memorize speeches either (OTOH I really like ones where I can
 read it off a script) what I'd love to have is a power point setup with
 two screens for me, one with a copy of the projector and one with my
 notes (in inch high font) and thumbnails of the following slides.

If you haven't before, check out presenter mode in powerpoint.  It's pretty much
what you just described.  Only takes two screens, one the projector and the
other your laptop's display.  The laptop display has 3 panes: a sliding window
of the slides; the current slide; and your notes.


Re: Metaprogramming in D tonight at the NWCPP

2009-05-04 Thread Brad Roberts
Sean Kelly wrote:
 Georg Wrede wrote:

 That's certainly true with non-techie audiences. I wish we had had
 speaking classes when I went to school. The first time I gave a
 lecture at the university, my hands trembled visibly on the OH.
 I'm fine if I can just sit down and talk, but if I have to stand in
 front of people I still get nervous and scattered.  I was told my talk
 at the D conference actually went reasonably well, but I forgot or
 missed about half the points I'd meant to cover out of sheer terror :-)
 During a public speaking course in high school one of our lectures was
 supposed to be a published work of some sort, so I did the part of a
 evangelical preacher in a Steven King novel.  It was a breeze to do and
 I had a lot of fun with it, playing with pace and tone.  Something about
 the fact that I was acting instead of simply speaking as myself made
 all the difference in the world.  If I had to give talks regularly I'd
 probably prepare them pretty much word for word just to feel more like I
 was doing this, at least until I got more comfortable with speaking.

Most of that is just repetition.  I used to be scared as hell.. just rushed
through whatever I had to tell people and finish as fast as I could.  I've now
done enough presentations that the terror has subsided and I can give a decent
talk.  It took years and lots of terror though.


Re: Compiler Construction seminar, Sep 20-22

2009-03-01 Thread Brad Roberts
Daniel Keep wrote:
 Walter Bright wrote:
 In Astoria, Oregon, on September 20-22 I'll be hosting a Compiler
 Construction seminar along with Cristian Vlasceanu.

 It'll be a two day intensive course in how compilers work and how to
 build them.
 Curse you, Pacific ocean, CURSE YOU!
   -- Daniel

Well, if you start swimming now...

Re: Just one more thing...

2009-02-27 Thread Brad Roberts
Michel Fortin wrote:
 On 2009-02-27 16:37:13 -0500, Jacob Carlborg said:
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Ordinarily, I detest the idea of pulling support for anything as
 recent as just a few years old. But Apple themselves has a habit of
 ignoring users of anything except the latest version, so I would
 think that mac users would be accustomed to the old routine of their
 OS becoming a deadend the moment a new version comes out. So, in this
 case, I would think that there may actually be justification in
 sticking with 10.5+, if you were to so choose.

 I would not completely agree with you on this. When you install the
 developer tools on osx 10.5 it installs SDKs for 10.5 and 10.4 as
 default, but you can also choose to install support for older
 versions. I'm not sure if it's only for 10.3 or also for 10.2.
 On Mac OS X 10.5, you can compile for 10.3 using Xcode 3, and 10.2 using
 Xcode 2.5 (Xcode 2.5 for Leopard is a free download). Of course, 10.2
 and 10.3 being PowerPC-only, there's no point trying to compile DMD for

You can do that if and only if you don't require newer apis.  If you've
been reading this thread, you know that the runtime uses the posix
thread apis and those are supported less and less well as you go back in
time.  The ability to support the old versions isn't some magic wand
that conjures up new features into those old releases.


Re: DMD 1.039 and 2.023 releases

2009-01-07 Thread Brad Roberts
Jason House wrote:
 Walter Bright Wrote:
 redsea wrote:
 I'm happy to see Bugzilla 2518(scope(success) not execuate and RAII
 variable destructor is not called) has been fixed, Great !

 I have some questions when I check dstress suite and Bugzilla.

 In Bugzilla 99,  according to test case:

 int main(){ int i;  label: { scope(exit) i++; i=3; }

 if(i != 4){ assert(0); }

 return 0; }

 You said:

 The test case behaves as expected, because labels do not introduce a
 new scope when followed by { }.

 Then I check the online manual, and found:

 labels, scope(), pragma, condition compile(version/debug/static if)
 would be followed by NonScopeStatement.

 It is easy to understand scope/condition compile followed by a
 NonScopeStatement, but what is the meaning of  Labeled Statements
 + NonScopeStatement ?
 A NonScopeStatement is a statement that, even if it has { }, does not 
 introduce a new scope.
 I don't think this answers their question. What curly braces mean
 after a label is clearly a design decision that you made when writing
 D. It seems that the choice is the opposite of what people expect.
 Can you explain why it should be NonScope?

Restating in the form of a question... When would you _ever_ want {...}
to not form a scope?


Re: DMD 1.039 and 2.023 releases

2009-01-07 Thread Brad Roberts
BCS wrote:
 Reply to Brad,
 Restating in the form of a question... When would you _ever_ want
 {...} to not form a scope?

 static if(foo)
int i;
float x;

That and the version one are good examples.

However, the case example isn't.  It actually already forms a scope, and
that's a good thing.  Example:

switch (foo)
case 1:
   int i;

case 2:
   i = 0; // build error (error: undefined identifier i


Re: Scope storage class

2008-11-27 Thread Brad Roberts
On Thu, 27 Nov 2008, Walter Bright wrote:

 Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
  So my suspicion is correct, then?  That is:
  scope int delegate() b;
  b = { ... };
  Will allocate on the heap?
 Yes. The scope for delegates takes effect as a parameter storage class, not a
 local variable storage class. The reason is because it is the called function
 that decides what it's going to do with the delegate.

Walter, this is yet more evidence that shows that accepting and ignoring 
these sorts of modifiers is the wrong thing to do.  Accepting dubious 
definitions like 'public private int foo' and the above make life harder 
than it needs to be.


Re: DMD 1.036 and 2.020 releases

2008-10-21 Thread Brad Roberts
On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, Max Samukha wrote:

 Please add the compiler versions to bugzilla. 
