Re: [ja-discuss] introduction

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Charles-H. Schulz
Hello Makoto-San (sorry, are you a woman?)
(BmAkotoOno wrote:
(BBonsoir, Good evening, Konbanwa(in Japanese),
(BMy name is Makoto Ono, I'm just a user of
(BTo tell the truth, I have no question to you now because I'm satisfied
(Bwith OOo and great works of Native-Lang Project members.
(BI just felt that I should tell my thanks to lead of the NLC.
(BAlthough I'm deeply moved by your thanks, I have played but a very small
(Bpart in our success. You see, I don't code, I sometimes do some
(Bmarketing-related stuff but most of the time I do politics :-) . I am a
(Bbit like "Koffee Annan", the head of the UN... ;-)
(Bhow are you doing? :-)
(BI'm writing add-on program for OOo Calc.
(BThat is interesting. What is it exactly?
(BHow is the Japanese community doing?
(BWe enjoy to grow OOo. We are charmed with OOo deeply.
(BThank you very much.
(BBest Regards,
(BCharles-H. Schulz.
(B in Japanese  $B!J$3$&[EMAIL PROTECTED](B 
(B$B;d$NL>A0$O>[EMAIL PROTECTED]( $B$N0l%f!<%6$G$9!#(B

Re: [ja-discuss] introduction

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Hirano Kazunari
Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
(BHello Minari-San,
(BIt is rather unconfortable to be in this position but you know, it's
(Bsupposed to be a temporary one!
$B$3$&$$$&>u67$C$F!"(Byou know$B!"[EMAIL PROTECTED](B
(BMinari-San, can you please elaborate on this point? 
$B$7$/@[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$l$^$;$s$+!#(B
(BWe already have
(B and oootemplates,
$B$9$G$K%^!<%1%F%#%s%0%5%$%H$K$O(B art $B$H(B oootemplates 
(BWhat would you like to do in terms of clipart, art, etc?
$B%_%J%j$5$s$,%/%j%C%W%"!<%H$d(B art 
(Btranslated by khirano
(BTo unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ja-discuss] Re: NLP Tour by NLC Lead

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Akimitsu Watanabe
Hi charles,
(B#I hadn't written  English text for a long time ,So I'm being  tense now. :-)
(BOn Sun,  3 Apr 2005 15:36:27 +0200
(B"charles-h\.schulz" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
(B Hello Akimitsu-San,
(B  On Saturday 02 April 2005 10:33 pm, Akimitsu Watanabe wrote:
(B  Hello Charles,
(B  I'm Akimitsu Watanabe, a member of the Japanese Native-Language project.
(B  As Nakamoto-san has already pointed out earlier, the conference was a great 
(B  success. The popularity of the seminars, in particular, was among the top 
(B  within the OSC2005 (Open Source Conference 2005).
(B  This has made me realize how popular OO.o is as a software, and how much 
(B  people are paying attention to it.
(B  Now, I have a question for you, Charles.
(B  Do other Native-Language projects hold a conference like this? If you know 
(B  of 
(B  any, please let us know.
(B Yes, several native-lang projects have hold similar conferences, but I wonder 
(B if they got the same impressive numbers.
(B Actually I can speak of several recent or or soon to come conferences:
(B -France, Paris, the OOo Day at the Linux Solutions, Paris. It was a huge 
(B success.
(B -Germany, Chemnitz
(B -Turkey
(B -North American Regicon for OOo  (Part of the Desktop Linux Conference)
(B Several others I don't remember. In general, I have seen that they all score 
(B pretty high. 
(BI see.
(BAlthough I think that it will be helpful if the information on conference 
(Bin the world is sharable, how is it?
(B#The English-speaking communities is the language barrier.
(BI think that it is also good to introduce by page of "native-lang project of  
(Bthe month".
(BI have been the master of ceremony together with Sophie Gautier, FR lead, at 
(Bthe OOo Day, and it was a really strong moment. 
(BI see.
(BIs the photograph at that time on Web?
(BI want to look at it very much.
(B Beyonf these conferences, do you have any data or any idea about the 
(B migrations to OOo (and/or Linux) in Japan?
(BUm...I don't know it.
(BBut, The Policy Affairs Research Council length of the governing party of Japan 
(Bmade the remark of the main point 
(B"it is desirable that Windows, not only MS-Office but Linux, and OOo and a 
(Bchoice increase." 
(BAnd, Only with the server which I have managed, 
(Babout 200 ISO images Of OOo which the CD-ROM project of Japanese 
(BNative-Language project created are downloaded per month. 
(BI think that attention is carried out.
(B#I desire to be supported by people with detailed data.
(BBest regards,
(BAkimitsu Watanabe
(B#$B5W$7$V$j$N1Q8l$G!"6[D%$7$F$$$^$9(B ;-)
(B $B%O%m!R2p$9$k$N$b$"[EMAIL
(B PROTECTED];W$C$F$$$^$9!#(B
(B $B%Q%j$N($B%G%$$N;~$O!"%U%i%s%98l%W%m%8%'%/%H$N%j!<%I(BSophie
(B Gautier$B$H;d$,;J2q$r$d$j$^$7$?!#(B
(B $BK:$l$i$l$J$$=V4V$G$9(B
(B $B$9$+!)(B
(B $B2?$+6qBNE*$J%G!<%?$,$"$j$^$9$+!)(B

Re: [ja-discuss] 春のかもめの宴会

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Sei_HONDA

(B--- S e i  H o n d a [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
(BTo unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ja-discuss] 誰が勝者かを決めるのは市場。OOo 日本ユーザー会は法人化を検討すべき。

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Sei_HONDA


Re: [ja-discuss] introduction

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 mAkotoOno
Hello Schulz-San,
(B Hello Makoto-San (sorry, are you a woman?)
(BIt's a unique question.
(B20 years ago, I was a boy.
(B Although I'm deeply moved by your thanks, I have played but a very small
(B part in our success. You see, I don't code, I sometimes do some
(B marketing-related stuff but most of the time I do politics :-) . I am a
(B bit like "Koffee Annan", the head of the UN... ;-)
(BI see.
(BBut when I use, I can't help admiring it.
(Bhow are you doing? :-)
(BI'm writing add-on program for OOo Calc.
(B That is interesting. What is it exactly?
(BI'm writing a SQL client program.
(BI like Linux. But I couldn't find powerful database control tool.
(BAlmost all tools worked good as long as I typed alphabet.
(BWhy did they shut down even without saying "Goodbye"?
(BI typed my name in my native languege...that's all I did.
(BI can write Java a little.
(BOOo will become good frontend of SQL client, I thought.
(BFinally I found, I might be able to help something or somebody.
(BPlease visit my web site.
(BI put up some screenshots.
(B in Japanese$B!J$3$&[EMAIL PROTECTED](B 
(B $B%O%m!/G/$G$7$?!#(B
(B $B46<[EMAIL PROTECTED]@$$$F!"$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!#(B
(B $B$7$+$7;d$,$7$F$-$?$3$H$OK\Ev$K>.$5$JItJ,$G$9!#(B
(B $B;d$O%3!<%I$r=q$-$^$;$s!#%^!<%1%F%#%s%04XO"$N;E;v$b$H$-$I$-$d$j$^$9!#(B
(B $B;d$O$[$H$s$I$N;~4V$r@/<#E*$J;E;v$KHq$d$7$F$$$^$9!#(B
(B $B;d$O!"$$$C$F$_$l$P!"9qO";vL3AmD9$N%"%J%s$5$s$_$?$$$J$b$N$G$9!#(B
$B$G$b(B $B$r;H$C$F$$$k$H!"46C2$;$:$K$$$i$l$J$$$s$G$9!#(B
(B$B;d$O(B Calc $B$N%"%I%*%s$r3+H/$7$F$$$^$9!#(B
(B $B$=$l$O$*$b$7$m$$$G$9$M!#$I$s$J%"%I%*%s%W%m%0%i%`$r=q$$$F$$$k$N$G$9$+!)(B
$B;d$O(B SQL $B%/%i%$%"%s%H$r3+H/$7$F$$$^$9!#(B
$B;d$O(B Linux $B$,9%$-$J$s$G$9$,!"%Q%o%U%k$J(B DB 
$B$I$&$7$F$"[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$K=*N;$7$F$7$^$&$s$G$7$g$&!)(B
$B;d$O>/[EMAIL PROTECTED](B Java $B$,=q$1$^$9!#(B
(B# $BK]Lu$7$F$/[EMAIL PROTECTED]";d$N!J$^$9$^$9!K2x$7$$1Q8l$r%A%'%C%/$7$F(B

Re: [ja-discuss] Re: NLP Tour by NLC Lead

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Kohei Yoshida
(BWatanabe-san was kind enough to do his own translation.  But I will
(Bprovide my translation based on his original Japanese post, as some
(Bparts of his traslation may be inaccurate. -Kohei
(BAkimitsu Watanabe wrote:
(B Hi charles,
(B #I hadn't written  English text for a long time ,So I'm being  tense now. :-)
(B On Sun,  3 Apr 2005 15:36:27 +0200
(B "charles-h\.schulz" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
(BHello Akimitsu-San,
(BOn Saturday 02 April 2005 10:33 pm, Akimitsu Watanabe wrote:
(BHello Charles,
(BI'm Akimitsu Watanabe, a member of the Japanese Native-Language project.
(BAs Nakamoto-san has already pointed out earlier, the conference was a great 
(Bsuccess. The popularity of the seminars, in particular, was among the top 
(Bwithin the OSC2005 (Open Source Conference 2005).
(BThis has made me realize how popular OO.o is as a software, and how much 
(Bpeople are paying attention to it.
(BNow, I have a question for you, Charles.
(BDo other Native-Language projects hold a conference like this? If you know 
(Bany, please let us know.
(BYes, several native-lang projects have hold similar conferences, but I wonder 
(Bif they got the same impressive numbers.
(BActually I can speak of several recent or or soon to come conferences:
(B-France, Paris, the OOo Day at the Linux Solutions, Paris. It was a huge 
(B-Germany, Chemnitz
(B-North American Regicon for OOo  (Part of the Desktop Linux Conference)
(BSeveral others I don't remember. In general, I have seen that they all score 
(Bpretty high. 
(B I see.
(B Although I think that it will be helpful if the information on conference 
(B in the world is sharable, how is it?
(B #The English-speaking communities is the language barrier.
(B I think that it is also good to introduce by page of "native-lang project of  
(B the month".
(BKohei's translation ---
(BI see.
(BDespite the language barrier, I believe it would be helpful if we could
(Bshare the information from conferences held worldwide.  What do you
(Bthink of this idea?
(BI have been the master of ceremony together with Sophie Gautier, FR lead, at 
(Bthe OOo Day, and it was a really strong moment. 
(B I see.
(B Is the photograph at that time on Web?
(B I want to look at it very much.
(BKohei's translation ---
(BI see.
(BDo you have any pictures from that event on-line?  I would live to see
(Bit if you do.
(BBeyonf these conferences, do you have any data or any idea about the 
(Bmigrations to OOo (and/or Linux) in Japan?
(B Um...I don't know it.
(B But, The Policy Affairs Research Council length of the governing party of 
(B Japan made the remark of the main point 
(B "it is desirable that Windows, not only MS-Office but Linux, and OOo and a 
(B choice increase." 
(B And, Only with the server which I have managed, 
(B about 200 ISO images Of OOo which the CD-ROM project of Japanese 
(B Native-Language project created are downloaded per month. 
(B I think that attention is carried out.
(B #I desire to be supported by people with detailed data.
(BKohei's translation ---
(BWell, I personally don't know of any [migration] data available.
(BBut, FYI the Liberal Democratic Party Chairman of the Policy Affairs
(BResearch Council has made a statement to the effect of "it is highly
(Bdesirable to have an alternative to Windows and MS Office such as Linux
(Band OO.o."
(BAlso, we have seen roughly 200 monthly downloads of the OO.o iso image
(Bthat our CD-ROM project created, and that's from my own server alone.
(BSo, I'm sure people are starting to pay attention.
(B# To those who have more concrete information, please do follow up.
(B Best regards,
(B Akimitsu Watanabe
(B --
(B $B$;$C$+$/$G$9$+$i!"1Q8l$K%A%c%l%s%8!J>P!K(B
(B $B8mLu$,$4$6$$$^$7$?$i!"<1

Re: [ja-discuss] Re: NLP Tour by NLC Lead

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Kohei Yoshida
Kohei Yoshida wrote:
(B Do you have any pictures from that event on-line?  I would live to see
(B it if you do.  
(Blive = love
(BTo unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ja-discuss] introduction

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Hirano Kazunari
Charles-H.Schulz wrote:
Hello Makoto-San,

mAkotoOno wrote:
20 years ago, I was a boy.
(Charles is blushing and very sad to have made such a mistake. He
thought Ono was a female name, like in Yoko Ono. Apologies)


But when I use, I can't help admiring it.
Can we use this sentence on our marketing banners and logos? :-)

I'm writing a SQL client program.
ah, I see.

I think that what you're doing is very interesting and should be
advertised much more in the wider community. 

I think some people would
like to volunteer to this. 

What do you think? Should we go public and
ask for participation? 

Eventually a link allowing to download the client
should be put at several places on (Japanese project, and elsewhere)

translated by khirano
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ja-discuss] 春のかもめの宴会

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Yutaka Kachi
(BSei_HONDA wrote:
(B $B1sJ}$N$R$H$b$$$k$N$G1c2q$G$J$/$F!"Ck?)2q$_$?$$$J$b$N$bNI$$$N$G$O$H(B
(B $B;W$&$N$G$9$,$$$+$,$G$7$g$&$+!)(B
(B $B!t8DJL$K%*%U%i%$%s%_!<%F%#%s%0$b%"%j$+!#(B
$B$=$&$$$&$N$OLLGr$=$&$J$N$G!"[EMAIL PROTECTED]@J$9$k$D$b$j$G$9!#(B
(BYutaka Kachi
(BTo unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ja-discuss] introduction

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Kohei Yoshida
On Tuesday 05 April 2005 12:27 am, Yutaka Kachi wrote:
(B catch$B$G$9!#(B
(B $B$*Aa$&$4$6$$$^$9!#(B
(BTranslation begins ---
(BGood morning.
(B I'm afraid that the Japanese project (and other native-lang projects
(B as well) will continue translating their own bug reports in english...
(B The problem here is that the community, that means, you, I, others,
(B can't do much about that.
(B Sun Microsystems pays Collabnet, editor and maintainer of SourceCast
(B for the web site, mailing lists, IssueZilla, etc...
(B And if Collabnet doesn't decide to localize issuezilla, we can't do
(B much more than wait... :-(
(B $B$J$k$[$I!#(B
(B $B$3$l$O!";d$?$A$N2]Bj$G$9$M!#(B
(B [EMAIL PROTECTED]|$N%$%Y%s%H$G!"(BCollabnet Japan$B$N?M$HOC$r$7$^$7$?!#(B
(B $BF|K\$G!"(BCollabnet$B$rBg!9E*$K;H$C$F$$$k$N$O!";[EMAIL 
(B $B8=:_!"(BWeb$B%5%$%H$NF|K\8l$NJ8;z$,@5$7$/I=<($5$l$J$$$H$$$&8=>]$,$"$k$N$G$9(B
(B $B$,!"[EMAIL PROTECTED]&$G$9!#6a$$>-Mh!"2?$i$+$NO"7H$,

[ja-discuss] Mozilla.Party.JP 6.0開催のおしらせ

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Yutaka Kachi
(BMozilla.Party.JP 6.0$B3+:E$N$*$7$i$;(B
$BKhG/(B4$B7n$K9T$C$F$-$?(BMozilla Party 
(B$BF|K\EE;[EMAIL PROTECTED];%a%G%#%"%;%s%?!<(B9$B9f4[(B
(BMozilla Japan$B%;%C%7%g%s(B
(B$BBmED(B $B:4EP;R;a(B(Mozilla Japan $BM};v(B)
$B$7$F!"@_N)$+$i:#$^$G!"[EMAIL PROTECTED](B
(BYet Another Gecko Browser
(BLunascape $B6aF#=(OB;a(B(Lunascape$B3t<02q$l$N%V%i%&%6$K$D$$$F!"[EMAIL PROTECTED](B
(B$B!V(BCSS $B$r3hMQ$7$?(B Web $B3+H/$H$=$N%a%j%C%H!W5HLn(B 
(B4/12$B$r!:@Z$H$5$;[EMAIL PROTECTED]"(B60$BL>$KC#$7$?;[EMAIL 
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED]"EvF|2qlF~8}$K$F$*;YJ'4j$$$^$9!#F|K\EE;[EMAIL 
(B* $B2q>l$O!"0{?)J*$N;}$A9~$_$,2DG=$G$9$,!"$4$_$O3F<+$G$*;}$A5"$j$/[EMAIL 
(B* $B2q>l$G$O!"<+F0HNGd5!$,@_CV$5$l$F$$$^$9$N$G!"[EMAIL PROTECTED](B
(B* $B<+F0l$O8f1sN8$/[EMAIL 
(BYutaka Kachi
(BTo unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]