Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
(B>Hello Minari-San,
(B>It is rather unconfortable to be in this position but you know, it's
(B>supposed to be a temporary one!
$B$3$&$$$&>u67$C$F!"(Byou know$B!"[EMAIL PROTECTED](B
(B>Minari-San, can you please elaborate on this point? 
$B$7$/@[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$l$^$;$s$+!#(B
(B>We already have
(B> and oootemplates,
$B$9$G$K%^!<%1%F%#%s%0%5%$%H$K$O(B art $B$H(B oootemplates 
(B>What would you like to do in terms of clipart, art, etc?
$B%_%J%j$5$s$,%/%j%C%W%"!<%H$d(B art 
(Btranslated by khirano
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(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
