[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-18 Thread Aylwin

mkozlows, thanks for the link to your review.  I really don't know much
about the Roku and it's nice to read about first hand experience.

Paul Runyan Wrote: 
 I think it may not take so long.  Sales of CDs are in decline, due to
 music downloading, particulary among the younger demographic that used
 to be main market.It may not take not so long... for the mainstream market.  
 I believe the
younger demographic should be the target.  They are a HUGE potential
consumer base.  Kids nowadays are very much into computers and
electronic gadgets.  As they start their first jobs, they get
disposable income for toys like iPods and PDAs and the like.  The SB2
would be very easy for them to setup and use.

As for the audiophile community, I still think it'll take awhile. 
While CD sales are declining, there's SACD and DVD-A.  And vinyl is
still around.  For me, the future of CD playback is the SB2.  The
possibility to store all your CD music in a lossless format on a
harddisk for easy and instant access, AND to play it back with
audiophile quality is IT.

However, audiophiles and audiophile retailers, in general, are very
snobbish.  I'm thinking along the same lines as JulianL.  Put the SB2
in a hi-end looking box, multiply the price several times (which
includes significant markup for the retailers), and get a well
respected big name in the audiophile world to be associated with your
product.  Maybe then it'll turn some heads.

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SlimTray shortcoming

2005-08-18 Thread Mike Hanson

radish Wrote: 
 Just an aside - if you have firefox installed, why on earth is IE your
 default browser?
I've often seen differences in presentation between FF and IE, and I
prefer to see web pages the way most of the world sees them.  IF
Firefox becomes the standard browser (as IE is now), then I'll

BTW, I *-do-* use FF for browsing SlimServer, because I like to leave
the SlimServer browser open.  If it's using IE, then the browser
instance is frequently being kidnapped when I click on some unrelated
link in another program.  By using Firefox for SlimServer, I don't have
to worry about that.  I also happen to use FF for www.allmusic.com, so
that site and SlimServer are always bashing each other over the head,
but I can live with that.

-= Mike Hanson =-

Mike Hanson
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread kdf

On 17-Aug-05, at 10:21 PM, dannyg wrote:

Can I get you to try the above settings on either the ALBUM, ARTIST or
TRACK level of your plugin?  It would be great if this was the default
behavior while in the ALBUM/ARTIST/TRACK level.

I'm not sure I understand.  Are you having a problem when using this 
setting that I should be checking for?  Or, are you asking that I force 
these settings when the plugin is in use?  I don't really feel that it 
is right for a plugin to force settings on anyone.

Right now, Dan is working on integrating the plugin with the core 
server, so I'm not really planning to do anything to it until that work 
is completed.  If you have found an issue, please elaborate so that I 
or Dan may fix it.


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Re: [slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-18 Thread Mark Bennett
On Wed, 2005-08-17 at 15:19 -0700, JulianL wrote:
 Indeed. One wonders how the SB2 would be received if it was put into a
 fancy minimalist but bulky high end housing, increased in price by an
 order of magnitude, and some key designer from Krell/Naim/Linn/Meridian
 or similar taken onto Slim Devices staff just so they could spin an
 audiophile message to the shops and mags. Audiophile shops rubbishing
 the concept is ridiculous, people like Linn and Meridian already offer
 equipment that in principle is the same as SB2 (Meridian make a big
 point of jitter reduction by taking the bitstream out of a big solid
 state buffer and Linn sell an HD player). Slim Devices just quietly
 delivery this stuff at a fair price and, since their entire company is
 built around this one concept, they have really thought hard about the
 protocols and the UI. I do have reasonably high-end audio, I'm sitting
 in front of over $10,000 of Meridian equipment as I type this, but I am
 very excited about swapping my CD transport for a SB2.

As you and others have said, it's a very tempting idea.

Take the guts of an SB2, stick it in a big box. Include a big,
heavy, linear power supply, and maybe some of the HW mods that
have been described (especially supply regulators, word clocks
and digital output fanglers - the HiFi magazines love these).

Put the price up to, say 1000UKP and add some pretentious marketing.

I'm convinced this would get some interest from the hi-fi press.

The biggest problem encountered while trying to design a system that 
was completely foolproof, was, that people tended to underestimate the 
ingenuity of complete fools. (Douglas Adams)

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[slim] Re: Multiple Folders / Volumes problem

2005-08-18 Thread Beau

Sorry if this seems like a question that has been answered before but I
have tried all the relevant links/advice I could find when searching.

Anyone able to provide more help or links please?

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Multiple Folders / Volumes problem

2005-08-18 Thread deksawyer

This happened to me recently, but just in one folder that I'd recently
downloaded - it turned out the file extensions were in upper case, ie
.MP3 rather than .mp3

Changed them and all is well


Discuss mailing list

[slim] SlimServer on MacOS

2005-08-18 Thread max . spicer

Are there any major problems with running SlimServer on a Mac?  A
distant memory says there was something, but I can't remember any
details.  I'm getting tempted by the idea of buying a MacMini and using
it as a small, quite server box.



The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible
and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws
but Max stepped into his private boat and waved good-bye
Discuss mailing list

RE: [slim] Re: Duplicative entry when scanning playlists

2005-08-18 Thread Steve
 * thomsens shaped the electrons to say...
 Is this a known bug?  It's actually a pain because I can't use
 playlists now.  The entries are all mixed case in a way that isn't
 easy to adjust them.
 This has been fixed in the 6.2 nightlies.
I still have a related problem (using the 08/18 nightly -  SlimServer
Version: 6.2b1 - 3994 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252). My music is all on a
server in the basement along with Slimserver. So I create my playlists from
network drives and the files are identified differently in the .m3u file
than in slimserver. For instance slimserver lists 2 files this way:

 M:\My Music\Eva Cassidy\Imagine\05 - Imagine - Eva Cassidy - Imagine.mp3

 \\Media-server\music (m)\My Music\Eva Cassidy\Imagine\05 - Imagine - Eva
Cassidy - Imagine.mp3

Here is a second example from another drive pointed to by a shortcut:

 \\MEDIA-SERVER\My Music 2\Alison Brown\Stolen Moments\Alison Brown -
Homeward Bound.flac

 \\Media-server\MUSIC 2 (N)\My Music 2\Alison Brown\Stolen Moments\Alison
Brown - Homeward Bound.flac 

This results in multiple entires in the library for the same file. I suppose
I could edit my .m3u files with a few global search and replaces, but that
is a pain. I'm not entirely sure what value there is in having songs from
playlists added to the library -- I view playlists as lists of songs that
are already in the library. But if this is a feature people need, could an
option to not add playlist entries to the library be added to settings?


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SlimServer on MacOS

2005-08-18 Thread peter_harding

I have exactly the combination as mike and its fantastic combination,
almost silent running and small stylish form factor. I run it onto a
32 panasonic lcd tv with a gyration wireless keyboard and mouse for
wireless track selection from the sofa. The only thing i did was up the
memory to 1gb and buy the faster processor version. 

I have however had some teething troubles with the nightlies, with the
server just stoping when both units are not in use during the day. But
it seems okay now i have stopped using itunes as the front end. 5.4 was
running fine.

Anagram Production services

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Re: [slim] Re: OT: FAT32 Drives, WinXP

2005-08-18 Thread Chip Hart
MrC wrote:
 I gave this some more thought, and it occured to me that the linux-based
 gpartd is unlikely to resolve the XP problem, in that it probably uses
 the same code and/or partition header files used by the rest of the
 system.  I'm just guessing here.  It would be interesting to hear of
 your findings.

...finally grabbed the drive in question and figured it out.
Very simple, very stupid.

When I formatted the drive originally, it looks like I
forgot(?) to partition it.  I didn't realize it, but mksys.vfat
will apparently gladly format ol' /dev/sda without a partition.
Linux and OSX will then read the drive, but XP needs partition

Once partitioned (30 seconds with fdisk) and reformatted, I was
all set.

Thanks for the help.  Perhaps this will help some other external
drive user.

Chip Hart - Marketing*  Physician's Computer Company
chip @ pcc.com   *  1 Main St. #7, Winooski, VT 05404
800-722-7708 *  http://www.pcc.com/~chip
f.802-846-8178   *  Pediatric Software Just Got Smarter.
   Your Practice Just Got Healthier.
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox skips end of track

2005-08-18 Thread oreillymj

I'm not sure that this issue is specific to the SB.
My in-car MP3 (Sony http://tinyurl.com/77n4y) changer has a problem
with some MP3's

I have a mixture of Franhoffer  Lame encoded MP3's and some of them
always end early during playback. Some of the Franhoffer encoded MP3's
had audible clicks and drop-outs. One of them crashes  the decoder in
the Sony box entirely, forcing me to skip on to the next track.
I've never bothered going to the trouble of reporting it to Sony as I
doubt they would be able to provide afirmware upgrade to correct the

All of my MP3's play back fine in Winamp, so I think it's a question of
bugs in the encoder at the time of encoding coupled with bugs in various
ecoders in players.

I believe the Mp3 playback in the SB firmware is based on MAD player.

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox skips end of track

2005-08-18 Thread Nick McGrogan

oreillymj Wrote: 
 All of my MP3's play back fine in Winamp, so I think it's a question of
 bugs in the encoder at the time of encoding coupled with bugs in
 various ecoders in players.

Does this imply that re-ripping the offending tracks might solve the
problem?  (Something that I probably should've tried before but

Nick McGrogan
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Remote trigger to power amplifier

2005-08-18 Thread gonk

Is there a way of getting a remote power turn-on trigger signal from the
SB2 to power up an amplifier? 

Maybe there is an internal supply voltage that is in standby when
turned off? Can anyone tell me where to find a suitable voltage?

I will then place a buffer (if needed), connectors and a switching
relay in my Rotel power amplifier. The SB2 will be the only audio
source and the amplifier will be hidden, so it needs no power when the
SB2 is turned off.


Does this unit have a bad motivator?
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[slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread dannyg


I'm not having problems.  I don't want to force anything on anybody,
its just that I thought that having those settings as a default would
make your plugin work a little better.

Being able to see the song name that is playing imediately after
pressing PLAY or FWD is preferable to just displaying the word ALBUM
for 20 seconds, or however long your screensaver timout is set to.

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread dip

Great Plugin!
The only improvement I would like to see is that I am able to restrict
the selection (of the tracks, album or artist) to specific genres. 

Usually I want to hear a random selection of my songs but without songs
having the genre classical, audio book or children's songs. At the
moment I do not use the random plugin but create a playlist having only
songs of all other genres what is a pain (since I cannot select a
plurality of genres) and play this playlist in shuffle mode. But when I
add new songs to the library I have to add these songs also to the
playlist or re-create it.

It would be great if in the settings of the random plugin all genres
would be shown, each having a checkbox for inclusion in the random list
or not.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-18 Thread Nick Silberstein

Fifer wrote:

It is a very tempting idea. A few more thoughts: Slim Devices get into
bed with a small, respected, audio company (Cambridge Audio spring to
mind; robust, reasonably priced, respected product line, similar to
Slim Devices). Put the SB2 internals into a Cambridge Audio box
(tweaked as above, decent linear PSU, high end electrolytics, ditch the
op amp and add two RCA sockets and a switch to provide an external DAC
input) and voilĂ , the Cambridge Audio Wireless Music Server  DAC (with
embedded Slim Devices technology).

A small, unobtrusive, reasonably priced unit with a compact power supply 
fits in nicely with the Slim Devices moniker.  I know the name of the 
company is likely a play on thin device, referring to the brains being 
server-side in the form of SlimServer, but I think this philosophy 
carries through to the hardware design too.  I like that it's not a 
huge, mostly empty metal box*!


* - I have no doubt that, had it arrived in a huge, mostly empty metal 
box, there would be more than a few people posting about extracting the 
innards and placing it in a small enclosure...

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[slim] Re: SlimTray shortcoming

2005-08-18 Thread radish

 IF Firefox becomes the standard browser (as IE is now), then I'll
It already is the standard-s- browser. It's just not the most commonly
used. The problem is, if you continue to use IE just because some sites
are broken, that doesn't give the lazy maintainers of those sites any
encouragement to fix things, and so everyone gets stuck with crappy
pages for years to come. 

 I also happen to use FF for www.allmusic.com, so that site and
 SlimServer are always bashing each other over the head, but I can live
 with that.
Install the tab browser preferences extension, set external links to
open in new tabs, problem solved.

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Problem with the CLI

2005-08-18 Thread mdw

I have exactly the same problem.  Slimserver 6.1.1, Squeezebox 1,
Windows XP Pro.  The CLI polling program that I have used for a year
unter 5.x breaks now because of random ? responses to valid queries.

The examples you cite:

Command: playlist index ? 
Response: playlist index %3Fplaylist 
Command: playlist shuffle ?
Response: playlist shuffle %3Fpower

... are the ones I experience too.  This also happens with other
commands to retrieve artist, titles, etc. information.  I can't even
isolate the condition where it happens, but I know it isn't the polling
program because I can type a command in manually through a telnet window
and get a Response: playlist index %3Fplaylist response some of the
time, and a valid response other times.

Someone please help this is driving me crazy!

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread dijon
seconded, that's a great idea.

- Original Message - 
To: discuss@lists.slimdevices.com
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:06 AM
Subject: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

 Great Plugin!
 The only improvement I would like to see is that I am able to restrict
 the selection (of the tracks, album or artist) to specific genres. 
 Usually I want to hear a random selection of my songs but without songs
 having the genre classical, audio book or children's songs. At the
 moment I do not use the random plugin but create a playlist having only
 songs of all other genres what is a pain (since I cannot select a
 plurality of genres) and play this playlist in shuffle mode. But when I
 add new songs to the library I have to add these songs also to the
 playlist or re-create it.
 It would be great if in the settings of the random plugin all genres
 would be shown, each having a checkbox for inclusion in the random list
 or not.
 Discuss mailing list
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread SlimPvC

I too agree with everything said before. Great plugin. 

Maybe I shoud not re-start a plugin contest, but I really want to
express my admiration (again) for the Biography and the Album Review
These are the two that really amazes my visitors!!

I'd also like to see these become part of the 'standard' package...(and
on the webinterface they're even better, with photos and such!)
I cannot wait for the moment that I can choose to scroll the biography
as text on the display while the music is playing...


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-18 Thread Fifer

I agree Nick and personally have no problem with the form factor. The
ideas discussed above were designed at widening the appeal of the
product to (a) those who do have a problem with the 'radio alarm' look,
(b) audiophile shops who are uncomfortable with new technology, slim
margins and a new (to them) brand and (c) the more conservative
customers of (b).

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox skips end of track

2005-08-18 Thread ron thigpen

Nick McGrogan wrote:

Does this imply that re-ripping the offending tracks might solve the
problem?  (Something that I probably should've tried before but

i'd say it's worth a shot.  if successful it would isolate the issue and 
give you a workaround.  try alternate software to rip and encode (EAC 
and LAME recommended).  you might also try a different bitrate setting 
in iTunes.  or a more recent release of iTunes.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: SlimTray shortcoming

2005-08-18 Thread Jack Coates

radish wrote:

IF Firefox becomes the standard browser (as IE is now), then I'll

It already is the standard-s- browser. It's just not the most commonly
used. The problem is, if you continue to use IE just because some sites
are broken, that doesn't give the lazy maintainers of those sites any
encouragement to fix things, and so everyone gets stuck with crappy
pages for years to come. 


I also happen to use FF for www.allmusic.com, so that site and
SlimServer are always bashing each other over the head, but I can live
with that.

Install the tab browser preferences extension, set external links to
open in new tabs, problem solved.


Extension may not be necessary -- I don't have it, and allmusic.com 
works fine for me.

Edit  Preferences  Advanced  Tabbed Browsing has all the settings I 
need :)

Jack at Monkeynoodle dot Org : It's a Scientific Venture!
I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin, 
so across the Western ocean I must wander. -- All for Me Grog, traditional

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: OT: FAT32 Drives, WinXP

2005-08-18 Thread abdomen

MrC Wrote: 
 I've seen this even with FAT32 floppies formatted in Linux, where they
 are unreadable in WinXP.  Formatted in XP, they work fine back and
 forth.  This leads to the conclusion that there is a slight difference
 in the partition table, but I've not investigate what the exact
 differences are.
Windows XP always formats floppies using FAT12. It was my understanding
that all operating systems do the same because of the physical design of
floppies, but I am not certain of that.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] SlimServer on MacOS

2005-08-18 Thread Daniel Cohen

On 18/8/05 at 04:43 -0700, max.spicer wrote

Are there any major problems with running SlimServer on a Mac?  A
distant memory says there was something, but I can't remember any
details.  I'm getting tempted by the idea of buying a MacMini and using
it as a small, quite server box.

I don't know anything about the Mac Mini, but I was using SlimServer 
happily on the Quicksilver 800 MHz G4. I don't have a lot of tracks, 

there can be issues with the Unix underpinnings of Mac OS X not being 
totally standard Unix, but any that occur just need a simple tweak or 

Daniel Cohen
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread ron thigpen

dip wrote:

It would be great if in the settings of the random plugin all genres
would be shown, each having a checkbox for inclusion in the random list
or not.

(apologies if the below describes something much like what is already 
implemented, i don't use Shuffle/Random very often and don't have an SB 
or SoftSqueeze in front of me at the moment to test.)

another way to come at this would be to add a random option at other 
points in the navigation.  in other words, rather than have random 
just appear at the top of the menu system, also include a random play 
option as a submenu of nodes like the individual genera, albums or 
artist.  If this was a oft used option, a key mapping could be considered.

--Random Play

--Random Play

--Random Play

granted, this arrangement wouldn't directly support random playback of 
mixed genres.  though you could get there with a smart playlist set up 
to filter down to multiple genres, played back in Random Play.

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: OT: FAT32 Drives, WinXP

2005-08-18 Thread MrC

abdomen Wrote: 
 Windows XP always formats floppies using FAT12. It was my understanding
 that all operating systems do the same because of the physical design
 of floppies, but I am not certain of that.

This is incorrect.  Floppies can be formated with most any filesystem
type, such as HFS, NTFS, Fat16, Fat32, UFS, XFS, raw data, etc.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread kdf

On 18-Aug-05, at 8:52 AM, ron thigpen wrote:

granted, this arrangement wouldn't directly support random playback of 
mixed genres.  though you could get there with a smart playlist set up 
to filter down to multiple genres, played back in Random Play.

Having this kind of control was never the intent of the original 
plugin, though I had considered this, since it would be an obvious 
request. I my mind, it seemed easiest to accept a listref as an input, 
such as a playlist or search results.  This way, existing code, UI and 
structure is re-used to create the same end results.  This will allow 
the focus to remain on the Search function for creating better control 
over selections.

A random play item in browse lists might not be too hard too.  We'll 
have to see how the integration turns out :)


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: OT: FAT32 Drives, WinXP

2005-08-18 Thread abdomen

MrC Wrote: 
 This is incorrect.  Floppies can be formated with most any filesystem
 type, such as HFS, NTFS, Fat16, Fat32, UFS, XFS, raw data, etc.
I stand corrected. I will stick by Windows XP always formats floppies
using FAT12 (until again corrected by someone more knowledgeable).

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SlimTray shortcoming

2005-08-18 Thread Mike Hanson

radish Wrote: 
 It already is the standard-s- browser. It's just not the most commonly
 used. The problem is, if you continue to use IE just because some sites
 are broken, that doesn't give the lazy maintainers of those sites any
 encouragement to fix things, and so everyone gets stuck with crappy
 pages for years to come.
Since IE is used by the most users, then it's the de facto standard,
even if it doesn't support all of the standards.  If I see the most
sites correctly (i.e. as tested by the site builder with IE), then
that's good enough for me.  I don't feel compelled to force all those
lazy maintainers to tow the line.  I also don't despise Microsoft, as I
expect that you do.

radish Wrote: 
 Install the tab browser preferences extension, set external links to
 open in new tabs, problem solved.
I don't want the tabs, as I've got the interface in FF set to be as
minimal as possible (e.g. no address bar, etc.), to maximize screen
real estate for SlimServer.

-= Mike Hanson =-

Mike Hanson
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread ron thigpen

Robin Bowes wrote:

What's the difference between Random Play and Play with shuffle turned on?

i think it's in how you access it.

shuffle/random are the same concepts, no?  it's all in how you make the 
function available.

this scheme would give direct access to either standard or random play 
at the point where a user is making the decision to stop browsing and 
begin playback.  just seems right.

the current design seems like it's copied from a standard CD player 
where shuffle/random is modal and applies automatically to all playback 
while engaged.  that arrangement makes sense if it's done in hardware.
CDPs generally have a shuffle/random button that is always available for 
instant selection, as well as always visible on-screen visual feedback.

SBs have a shuffle key on the remote, but how does that work?  (i really 
am asking, don't have one in front of me).  does it interrupt the browse 
process to change the shuffle setting before choosing play?  can you 
jump back easily to where you were?  what happens to the existing 
playlist if selected during playback?

what i'm proposing would be a means to emulate in software a remote with 
two play buttons: play and random play.

not sure about every detail.  but, again, it just seems that the point 
of choosing to begin playback is the right point to choose random or 
sequential track ordering.

Discuss mailing list

RE: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread Craig, James (IT)
No, the difference is that 

'play with shuffle' applies to the whole playlist already created

'random play' creates a playlist chosen randomly from all tracks

The key difference being that if you only want to listen to 30 minutes
of truly random music you don't need to create a multi-thousand track
playlist if you're using the 'random play' plugin.


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Re: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread kdf
Quoting Robin Bowes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 What's the difference between Random Play and Play with shuffle turned on?

There were complaints that having shuffle on and playing the entire collection
would overload the server for a long time.  The plugin took a different
approach, loading only 10 random tracks, or a single random artist or album. 
In track mode, after playing one track, it is dropped from the playlist and a
new random track is added to the end.  In Artist/Album mode, when the last song
is playing, a new random artist/album is added to the end of the playlist. 
This way, the load is very short.

NOT a Slim Devices employee
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread ron thigpen

Craig, James (IT) wrote:
No, the difference is that 

'play with shuffle' applies to the whole playlist already created

'random play' creates a playlist chosen randomly from all tracks

The key difference being that if you only want to listen to 30 minutes
of truly random music you don't need to create a multi-thousand track
playlist if you're using the 'random play' plugin.

so, while they're functionally equivalent to the user, they're different 
in UI presentation and performance.

what happens when the random play plugin runs out of tracks?  does it go 
back to the well w/o being prompted?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread ron thigpen

kdf wrote:

In track mode, after playing one track, it is dropped from the playlist and a
new random track is added to the end.  In Artist/Album mode, when the last song
is playing, a new random artist/album is added to the end of the playlist. 
This way, the load is very short.

ah.  so the plugin addressed two issues: UI presentation of the option, 
and internal design affecting performance.

then maybe there is an argument for reworking the internal operations of 
the standard shuffle to get this performance gain.  one wrinkle would 
be in avoiding repeats.

this distinct from any UI design changes.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Multiple Folders / Volumes problem

2005-08-18 Thread Beau

Thanks for the suggestion deksawyer but all of mine are flac and the
extensions are all lower case.

Any other ideas folk?


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-18 Thread kdf
Quoting ron thigpen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 then maybe there is an argument for reworking the internal operations of
 the standard shuffle to get this performance gain.  one wrinkle would
 be in avoiding repeats.

correct.  the plugin calls a very barebones rand() function.  it is not truly
random, nor does it care about repeats.  The only intelligence is to make sure
its a valid, playable track.  This, of course, is only speaking of the plugin.
It may or may not have any relation to what Dan is working on.

NOT a Slim Devices employee
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