[slim] Re: Artist/Artistsort tags not what is really needed

2005-09-20 Thread eq72521

I don't know about anyone else here, but my artist directory names are
named so that everything sorts nicely.  I've done this since the late
'90s so when browsing to play MP3s on my computer, everything is in the
right order.  e.g.:

Amos, Tori
Bowie, David
Cash, Johnny

But my ARTIST tags (for display in Winamp, etc.) are the normalized
version (Tori Amos, Björk, David Bowie, etc.)  This seems to be what
everyone else does.

When I first set up my Squeezebox about eight months ago, I was
initially dismayed that browsing artists didn't work well because they
were sorted incorrectly.  I did some reading and discovered information
about ARTISTSORT, but dang that sounded like a lot of tagging, and at
the time the information I found was scant.

Somewhere in there I discovered the wonderful "Browse Music Folder"
option on slimserver, and that is still what I'm using today. 
Everything is in the right order.  No wierdness with albums from one
artist being listed under two names ("first last" and "last, first"
because of older files that are inconsistently tagged).  Certainly I
want to have everything tagged correctly at some point (with ARTISTSORT
and ALBUMSORT (by date) tags), but having "Browse Music Folder"
certainly diminishes the impetus to do so, allowing me to work on the
issue at my leisure.

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[slim] Re: Artist/Artistsort tags not what is really needed

2005-09-21 Thread eq72521

JulianL Wrote: 
> Oooh. That's a very very interesting suggestion. You're lucky you didn't
> go the Artistsort route because as you can see from my initial post,
> that would have taken you straight back to your "initially dismayed"
> state which is where I'm at now.
> I have 2 problems at the moment with going the "Browse Music Folder"
> route but maybe they can both be resolved. My issues with browsing
> music folders are:
> 1) (This one is nothing to do with Slim Devices but I'll list it for
> completeness.) I am using the Telcanto client and for some reason it
> doesn't display the "folder.jpg" album cover art when browsing by music
> folder. Hopefully when I report this it will be fixed because the native
> Slim Server web interface shows the cover art OK and Telcanto shows it
> OK when browsing by artist.
> 2) After much deliberation I adopted a directory structure on my PC
> of:
> FLAC\Artist_\\\
> Unfortunately this means that when I browse by music folder I get an
> extra level of directory structure that I deliberately introduced so as
> to keep my disk files organised, i.e. the 26 
> directories, but when browsing I don't want this division and just want
> to scroll smoothly from the As to the Bs to the Cs all in one flat
> list.
> I just tried a quick experiment on my PC with shortcuts. I created a
> shortcut at the "FLAC\..." level by creating a "FLAC\Bowie, David"
> shortcut that points to my "FLAC\Artists_B\Bowie, David" directory.
> This pretty much works in SlimServer in that browse by music folder
> does see the "Bowie, David" as a clickable link under "FLAC" and when I
> click on it it takes me to the contents of the "FLAC\Artists_B\Bowie,
> David" directory, i.e. the list of the David Bowie albums. This means
> that I could apply an "alternative view" on my current directory
> structure by creating a very top level "J:\Music" folder that just
> contains shortcuts to each of my individual artist directories and
> point SlimServer at this directory as the root music folder. This way I
> can still keep my FLAC files manageably (to me) split into 
> directories but create a flat artist namespace for SlimServer (although
> I haven't checked yet whether the SlimServer scan will follow the links
> when it's compiling its tag database).
> My remaining issues with the above are:
> 1) Will the SlimServer scan correctly follow shortcuts?
> 2) There is one annoying thing where, when browsing by music folder,
> SlimServer (and hence Telcanto too) displays the shortcut as "Bowie,
> David.lnk" rather than just "Bowie, David". I guess I should file this
> as a bug.
> 3) The album directories are sorted alphabetically so I loose the
> chronological ordering that I'd so carefully created using Albumsort
> tags. I really don't want to mess up the naming of my Album directories
> by prefixing the directory name with a year. This last issue is probably
> the show stopper for me.
> So, after some debate (most of which you just witnessed above!) I think
> I'm back to filing the request for encancement and hoping I can get a
> feature whereby the Artistsort tag value can be used instead of the
> Artist value where appropriate for the list views (which does make a
> huge amount of sense, if SlimServer is delivering a list that has been
> sorted using Albumsort substitutions then surely it makes sense to have
> an option for the labeling of that list to reflect the labels used to
> sort it). This week has been a bit of a nightmare work-wise so I really
> wil try to file the request in Bugzilla this weekend.
> - Julian.

I can't help with the Albums being sorted incorrectly of course. 
They're like that for me too right now.  It's annoying, but I deal with
it for now.  I also don't feel like renaming all the album directories
as "-MM-DD ".

As that's a show stopper, discussing the other issue probably doesn't
matter, but I will anyway.  While I don't file into 26 separate
directories by the first artist letter, I do have everything filed into
three directories because my collection spans three drives (a 160G and
two 120G).  I'm running my server on FreeBSD, and my "music" folder is
actually just a series of soft links, one for each artist, to the real
artist directory.  As you found, a similar strategy can probably be
used on Windows with links.  I think that the scan will follow the
shortcuts, as I've seen in the past discussion of issues arising from
having circular links set up, I think accidentally (don't do it!).  I
can't speak to the irritating ".lnk" showing up when browsing links;
I'll keep that in mind as a further reason to stay away from Windows.

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[slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-09-27 Thread eq72521

Aaron Zinck Wrote: 
> >People value quality, and the technology
> to provide consumers with higher and higher sound-quality only
> continues to
> improve. There is still plenty of economic incentive to provide high
> sound-quality.

Unfortunately, my experience causes me to disagree with this.  I have a
number of friends that are really into music, but somehow are unable to
hear anything wrong with 64kbps WMA.  Yes, 64.  They burn me CDs of
stuff to listen to that has been ripped and burned with WMP, and I have
to just throw them away.  I cringe when I go to their houses or ride in
their cars and listen to music, because at this point they've ripped
everything in that format.  It sounds awful to me and I imagine most
people here, but somehow it's OK to them, even on music that they have
known and loved for years.  They don't have a chance at hearing the
difference for new music with which they are not already familiar.  I
do intend to set up some listening tests for them, but they're just a
few people.  I strongly suspect that the vast majority of music
listeners out there are more like my friends than they are like the
people on these forums.  The industry has tricked the great masses into
accepting marginal quality rips as "CD quality", and we're all worse off
for it.

I do believe that eventually these "celestial jukebox" services (which
I also look forward to) will eventually move to better quality
(hopefully lossless) encodings, but I think it will be later rather
than sooner, because of this chicanery that has gone on in the last
eight years.

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[slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-09-28 Thread eq72521

stinkingpig Wrote: 
> eq72521 wrote:
> > Aaron Zinck Wrote: 
> > 
> >>>People value quality, and the technology
> >>
> >>to provide consumers with higher and higher sound-quality only
> >>continues to
> >>improve. There is still plenty of economic incentive to provide high
> >>sound-quality.
> > 
> > 
> > Unfortunately, my experience causes me to disagree with this.  I have
> a
> > number of friends that are really into music, but somehow are unable
> to
> > hear anything wrong with 64kbps WMA.  Yes, 64.  They burn me CDs of
> > stuff to listen to that has been ripped and burned with WMP, and I
> have
> > to just throw them away.  I cringe when I go to their houses or ride
> in
> To be fair, this one may not be a case of the evil corporations gulling
> the impressionable consumer... a lot of us have blown our hearing out 
> with years of live music, headphones, &c. Spend a few evenings pogo-ing
> in front of a stack of amps turned up so loud that you have trouble 
> breathing through the sympathetic vibration and 64 kbps WMA will 
> probably sound good to you too :)
> -- 
> Jack at Monkeynoodle dot Org: It's A Scientific Venture...
> "If this is Paradise, I wish I had a lawnmower." -- The Talking Heads

Agreed.  Actually, shortly after posting yesterday I thought about this
and meant to follow-up post and rescind the malignance I was implicitely
attributing to the industry.  If anything, there is an implicit
malignance in the system as a whole, of which we are all a part.  "We
are all a part of the malaise", as Bono once said.  Although I know
better now, I have certainly made my share of bad encodings.  Hopefully
my current round of CD ripping will be my last.

I also unfortunately have to agree about hearing issues.  Thinking
back, it seems like I took fairly good care of my ears. I can count
on both hands the number of concerts to which I've been; for most of the
loud shows, I wore earplugs (Loreena McKennitt, Chicago Theater '98 is
an example of not loud enough to warrant protection).  I don't use
headphones much.  My working environment (computers) is certainly not
amongst the loudest.  Despite all this, I have of late noticed an
increasingly bad case of permanant tinnitus, about which I am not happy
at all.  I fear for my future ability to enjoy music.  Even with the
constant ringing though, I cringe at the sound of WMA; I must have it
pretty good.

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[slim] Re: Slimscrobbler- why should I have it?

2005-10-18 Thread eq72521

bklaas Wrote: 
> Wow, that's s weird because my wife did the same thing...listened to
> a bunch of Kelly Clarkson and made it on to my weekly top 10...luckily
> though, my last.fm account tells me that "You don't have any friends",
> so there's no one to make fun of me...
> #!/ben

>From the context of these posts, I assume it is a good thing that I
have no idea who this Kelly Clarkson is.

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[slim] Re: Announce: Third-generation Squeezebox, SlimServer 6.2

2005-10-25 Thread eq72521

seanadams Wrote: 
> Completely different layout and mechanicals. I'll post pics next week.

Try getting that from Belkin, NetGear, Roku, Sonos, etc.

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[slim] Re: UK Computer Shopper round up of Wireless Media Players - Squeezebox 2/5

2005-11-04 Thread eq72521

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> Don't throw away the valid point for the imperfect analogy.
> Regardless of how many/what proportion, beginners are having problems
> and it needs to be taken seriously. I don't know if it's 1 in 100 or 1
> in 10 or 1 in 1000, but there is one thing you can count on. I learned
> this as a dance teacher.
> For every person who asks a question, there are 10 who were too timid
> to ask.

Furthermore, everyone who has a problem will probably tell far more
people about it than will someone who has a good (uneventful)

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[slim] Re: Anyone interested to get squeezebox3 in NYC

2005-11-04 Thread eq72521

I've seen a few posts like this.  I haven't seen any replies from Slim
Devices personnel, but it feels to me like people are taking advantage
of the company.  It seems to me that the offer is for people that:

a) actually want two new players
b) want a player and already personally know someone else that also
wants one
c) want a player for themselves and one to give as a gift

If you really want just one player, buy one.  If the price is out of
your current reach, wait a few months for it to drop.

Slim Devices personnel, feel free to chastise me if this practice is OK
and you'd rather sell two SB3s at $100 less profit rather than the other
possibilities (one or two at full price or worse, none at all).

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[slim] Re: Anyone interested to get squeezebox3 in NYC

2005-11-07 Thread eq72521

I stand humbly corrected.  Slim Devices *is* a way cool company.


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[slim] Re: Portable player suggestions

2005-12-08 Thread eq72521

If you're planning on going with a single lossless library, I'm not sure
that the T30 will work well for you.  Even if it did support a lossless
format, its storage capacity (max 1GB) wouldn't allow you to hold more
than 3 (or maybe 4 or 5 classical) CDs, at best.  Assuming you go with
FLAC, your list of players is fairly limited according to the FLAC
hardware page at http://flac.sourceforge.net/links.html#hardware: a few
from Cowon, a few of the iRiver Hard Drive based players with a third
party firmware replacement, or the Rio Karma.  The latter is
discontinued and from what I've been able to tell has some hardware
issues that have caused an inordinate number to malfunction and/or stop

That said, in considering this issue myself recently I decided that
having lossless copies for a portable/car player was an unneccesary
requirement.  It seriously limits your choice of players (as does
requiring Ogg Vorbis support, as I did until recently) and I don't
think offers sufficient advantage in the portable/car listening

In my setup now, I maintain two libraries: FLAC and lame 3.96.1 -V 6
MP3.  I know the MP3s are rather low quality, but as their target is
the car/portable, small filesize is more important: in that
environment, I just don't notice the mediocre encoding, but YEMV (your
ears may vary).  I use the lossless copy for the SqueezeBox and home
computer listening.  If in the future I decide that I want higher
quality MP3s (or even some other format, like Ogg), re-encoding can be
done from the FLACs mostly non-interactively; I won't have to rip my
CDs ever again discounting a house fire that knocks out all my backups.

Back to your original question.  Assuming you use a similar setup, your
options are then open to any player that plays MP3s (most anything),
without locking yourself into a particular format or bitrate forever
and without sacrificing sound quality where it matters (home).  A
downside I found in most players (including the T30 and other
flash-based offerings from iRiver) is that they are limited to the
amount of storage they are sold with.  1GB really isn't that much (~20
CDs at best), especially if you're used to the 10GB iPod.  I'm
personally used to bringing 40-60 CDs on trips.  Also, if the flash
memory goes bad on the player, you're in the market for a whole new
player.  As such, I looked for players that had a slot for some kind of
external storage.  In the end I went with the decidedly no-frills Lexar
LDP 200 (http://lexar.com/mp3/index.html).  It has *no* internal
storage, just an SD card slot.  Right now I have just 640M of storage
in two cards, but I figure some day SD cards will be $10/G or less and
I can pick up a bunch.  As I said, the player is seriously no frills,
and I do have some minor qualms, but overall it has been great.

This has been long winded enough.  If you're interested in more
information/opinions/qualms, let me know and I'll elaborate.

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[slim] Re: SB Form Factor (wish)

2005-12-08 Thread eq72521

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> What a funny idea! But the controls are on the back of your head. How
> the h**l do you adjust it while swimming?

I had a friend that had an FM radio for swimming back in the early
'90s.  I think that with these players the idea is that you set it
playing whatever (radio or in this case a custom playlist) and then
stop fiddling with it and get to your workout.  :)

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[slim] Re: Portable player suggestions

2005-12-08 Thread eq72521

tass Wrote: 
> After reading that you guys maintain two libraries, why don't you look
> into MediaMonkey. Apparently one of the latest (beta) versions allows
> re-encoding on the fly while you sync a portable to it.
> I haven't tried this feature myself, but it at least sounds promising.

I've considered this approach; there is some other package that's been
mentioned on these forums whose name I cannot currently recall that
does this as well.  However, my feeling is that doing this on-the-fly
transcoding when copying to a portable (or other) drive will be
considerably slower than just keeping the second library and doing a
straight-up copy.  When I want to copy files to my portable for a hike
or an impromptu road trip, time is of the essence: I want to browse and
choose my music, copy, and go.  I'm already spending 300-400M per CD for
my FLAC copy.  Another 40-60M for MP3 isn't adding that much and storage
is cheap.

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[slim] Re: Portable player suggestions

2005-12-08 Thread eq72521

Simon Still:

I'm with you on this overabundance of flash memory formats.  I'd like
it if my camera and MP3 player used the same, but alas it is xD and SD.
I'm sure if I get a third device I'll have a third format with which to

More about the LDP200.  First, cost.  It's ludicrously cheap.  You can
get the version without a bundled SD card for less than US$40, and you
can pick up SD cards (not necessarily Lexar of course) for about
$50-$60 per GB.  As with anything, I'd hate to lose it or have it
stolen, but if that happens I'll feel a lot better than if I lost an

But yes, there are drawbacks, mainly surrounding its no-frills design.

First, the *only* method for browsing music is to browse the directory
structure you create on the SD card.  If you just dump all your files
into the root directory, good luck.  I personally organize everything
in an ~/Artist/Album/00 - Track.mp3 structure so this is no problem for
me.  Sometimes, I think it would be nice if there were a search
function, but I'm mostly a full album listener so again for me it's not
a big deal.

For the most part when browsing this directory structure, it organizes
alphabetically.  However, I noticed once (and haven't experimented more
to determine if it's consistent) that it placed Rob Dougan's "Furious
Angel's (Disc 2)" before "... (Disc 2)".  This is irritating, but if
it's consistent (again I haven't experimented), I can live with it.

The center control stick *feels* cheap, like I might just break it one
day.  I'm usually careful with things and perhaps the control stick is
tougher than it appears, so hopefully this won't happen.

When you turn the unit turned on after being turned off in the middle
of playback, it remembers the track you were playing and starts there,
but from the beginning of the track.  It doesn't remember the time
index within the track.

It has shuffle and repeat functions, but they operate over all the
music on the SD card.  This is fine as an option, but I wish there were
also an option to shuffle/repeat just for a particular folder (which in
my case always represent albums).

No Ogg Vorbis support.  (This was supposed to be supported in their LDP
800, which never materialized, pushing me back toward MP3 and this

The display (which is easy to read and well backlit) insists on
scrolling the track title, even when the title is well short enough to
fit the width of the display.  The display only shows the track title. 
There is simply no way to display the artist, album, track number, year,
or any other data in the tags.  This would be less of an issue to me if
the display space available were simply limited, but it is actually
quite large.  Unfortunately, the designers just made, IMO, poor use of
the space.  They sacrifice display of things that might interest me as
listed above for display of information that I just don't care about:
The file format (MP3 or WMA), the bitrate, the sampling frequency (!),
as well as a couple of static "icons" whose purpose I have not yet been
able to divine.  I also don't really need to see at a glance the volume
level display, as I can hear it.  Although it displays the time index
for the track currently playing (updated every second) it would be nice
to know the length of the currently playing track.

Yes, I'm extraordinarily picky.  As I said though, all of these are
*minor* qualms.  Overall it's a great basic player.

Still, I'll bet that if Slim Devices made a portable it wouldn't have
any of these problems...  :)


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[slim] Re: Portable player suggestions

2005-12-09 Thread eq72521

cliveb Wrote: 
> This isn't going to help the Original Poster (who appears to want a
> low-capacity flash player running off AAA or AA batteries), but I'd
> just like to say that my Rio Karma has never given any trouble. As far
> as I can tell from reading various audio forums, the reports of hard
> disk failure have been blown out of proportion, and the other failures
> (mainly the scroll wheel breaking) are typically due to user abuse.
> The Rio Karma is the "geek's DAP", and it strikes me that it is the
> natural DAP for the sort of person who is attracted to the Squeezebox.
> Despite the design being over 2 years old, it's arguably still the best
> DAP that was ever made. It supports FLAC and OGG as well as MP3
> (although given that it's only 20GB, which kind of rules out FLAC, and
> OGG decoding eats up battery time, in practice you're best off sticking
> with MP3). It's a crying shame that the iPod juggernaut killed Rio.

That's good to hear actually.  I was considering a Rio, but the reports
combined with the price kept me away from it at the moment.  Maybe I'll
scour the used market again in 6-12 months and see what I can find.


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[slim] Re: Car audio player

2005-12-12 Thread eq72521

If you're in the U.S. and have a Best Buy nearby, they have an Insignia
(BB store brand) head unit that does this:


Note that search/list results that include this player list "Ogg
Playback" as a feature:


As it would have pushed me to purchase this player instead of the one I
did, I did no small amount of contacting various people about this and
as best I can tell it is a typo on the search/list results pages. 
[Being Best Buy, maybe not so] odd that it is still there.

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[slim] Re: 20Kb/sec bandwith used and it's not even playing anything?

2005-12-14 Thread eq72521

seanadams Wrote: 
> Fair enough.
> I think you can easily disable the seconds display though. (?)

Yes, you can, but I'm not sure it makes a difference.  When I first set
up my SB1 early this year, I noticed (admittedly only by the blinking
lights on the Ethernet switch, I did not measure) that there was
network traffic with the SB turned off and displaying the basic
Date/Time "screensaver".  Thinking I'd save some bandwidth by only
displaying down to the minutes (but knowing it really doesn't matter
anyway, just being curious and a bit AR), I changed the screensaver
thus.  However, the switch lights continued to blink at the same rate. 
I don't have the server on now to check, but I think that I just changed
it back to display seconds anyway.  From this, I imagine that the
Date/Time screensaver updates every second, paying no heed to whether
the display has actually changed.  I haven't perused the source though,
so I could certainly be way off here.

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[slim] Re: 20Kb/sec bandwith used and it's not even playing anything?

2005-12-15 Thread eq72521

Triode Wrote: 
> SB2/SB3 will suppress sending the same screen data to the player.  Hence
> there is only one display frame per minute if you turn off the seconds
> display.  A display frame for SB2/3 is ~1290 bytes.
> SB1 and Slimp3 will send a display frame once per second in date time
> mode.  [this is because SB1 firmware requires an update every few
> seconds - SB2/3 uses tcp keepalives instead]  So a graphic display SB1
> generates most traffic in Date Time mode.  Display frame for SB1-G is
> ~570 bytes.
> 20 kbps is nothing though - try my network test plugin (in 6.5) this
> uses display frames to generate far more traffic - up to 5Mbps..

Ahh, that explains it then.  Shortly after posting yesterday and
thinking about it, I rather suspected something like this.  Thanks.

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[slim] Re: Oh no...

2005-12-23 Thread eq72521

CavesOfTQLT Wrote: 
> I splashed the cash on a new SB3 today and guess what... I've only
> gotten one with a faulty display.
> [image: http://tinypic.com/iyou9u.jpg]
> And no, the Sky+ unit it's sitting on isn't on, or hot, for that
> matter.
> Guess that batch Scan got are all dodgy. Now what do I do?

Contact support at slimdevices dot com.

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[slim] Re: Review on HotHardware

2006-02-06 Thread eq72521

Hmm.  The article ID didn't end up in your URL.  Try this one:


They do note the fixed upward angle as a potential problem for users
that want to install the SB on a high shelf.  I recall that being
discussed on this forum earlier, but people that actually installed in
this way had no problems.

They also mention the issue of the power supply introducing noise on
the second page of the article, as noticed by many audiophiles, but
then say they used the stock supply for their tests.  Then, on page
six, they talk about how good the sound quality is.  If at all, I think
it would have been better to mention the power supply issue nearer to
where they raved about the sound quality.

But overall, a very good review.


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[slim] Re: Thinking of buying/building linux based music server...

2006-03-30 Thread eq72521

JJZolx Wrote: 
> Do some research if you can on the system's motherboard and make sure
> that it can read large hard drives.

I've been wondering about this issue myself as I consider buying some
older hardware to put into use as a server.  Researching the mobos can
be tedious and still not turn up results.  If one *did* get a mobo
whose onboard IDE controller couldn't handle >137GB drives, could that
problem be solved by installing a separate PCI EIDE or SATA controller?
Would large drives installed on that controller work OK?

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[slim] Re: Thinking of buying/building linux based music server...

2006-03-31 Thread eq72521

hifisteve Wrote: 
> Can't emphasise enough the need for having a duplicate of all your
> ripped music, I'm using x2 320Gb WD drives with RAID1.  The though of
> having to re-rip 700 cds would having me looking for a train to jump
> under

As has been said here in other forums, *don't* rely on RAID as your
only backup.  If you lose both drives at the same time or the
controller, you're in big trouble.  Make sure you back up to some other
medium that resides outside the server (separate HD(s), DVDRs, etc.)

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[slim] Re: Nedd to worry about display "burn in"?

2006-04-03 Thread eq72521

rudholm Wrote: 
> Well, tech support says they can't see the burn-in in the photograph I
> took so no RMA.
> I'm supposed to get a call from the "Tech Lead" tomorrow.

That's strange.  It's quite clear to me, both on a CRT and an LCD. 
However, the clarity on the LCD varies depending on my viewing angle. 
At a normal angle it appears about like on my CRT.  If I tilt the top
of the display away from me the effect becomes more pronounced, but the
opposite happens if I tilt it toward me.  So perhaps your contact was
using an LCD at a sub-optimal angle.  Other monitor settings could
probably mess it up as well.

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[slim] Re: A Silly Poll

2006-04-12 Thread eq72521

Youngest so far: 29.


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[slim] Re: Do you wan to be a star?

2006-04-14 Thread eq72521

Indeed, the currently running age poll seems to indicate that most of us
are well past hip.  I'm pushing it at 29, but my home is well away from
any major coastal cities anyway.


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[slim] Re: Hidden Messages.....

2006-04-18 Thread eq72521

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> I like seeing stuff like this - shows the developers have a sense of
> humour.  Not surprising with this company though - ever notice that the
> volume goes to 11?  :-)

Somewhere on the website I think that the phrase "This one goes to 11"
was used as a tagline.

Also, if you still have it you can check: there is an icon of an
accordion on the outside of the packaging among other more normal
packaging icons.  It was there on the old SB1 packaging and my wife was
["concerned" isn't the right word, but it's the first one that comes to
mind] that it wouldn't be on the fancy new "storeshelf ready" SB3 box,
but there it was.  We were happy that that manifestation of the SD
sense of humor remained.

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[slim] Re: Hidden Messages.....

2006-04-18 Thread eq72521

eq72521 Wrote: 
> Somewhere on the website I think that the phrase "This one goes to 11"
> was used as a tagline.

I'm too curious to let that lie.

According to a 'search'
it was on the the old download page for SlimServer v5.4[.1], which I
don't think is accessible anymore.

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[slim] Re: Announcement: SlimServer 6.2.2

2006-04-28 Thread eq72521

I installed it a couple nights ago before the anouncement.  I didn't
realize it was so bleeding edge, I just needed the latest version for
my new SB3.  Upgraded from 5.4.0, working perfectly so far.  Thanks to
all the developers/testers.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox and ogg Vorbis?

2006-04-29 Thread eq72521

washburn Wrote: 
> It seems sort of iffy to say that the Squeezebox "supports ogg" when it
> really offers only partial support of ogg.  I was pretty disappointed
> to find that that I can't fast forward through any of my music.  I hope
> that squeezebox or somebody offers native support eventually.  There are
> a few of us ogg users out here!  And it would be nice for the slim folks
> to support a format that's open source and technically excellent.  Maybe
> ogg support is impossible/impractical, but I promise that if it
> happened, it would make a some of us out here very happy!

When I purchased my first Squeezebox about 16 months ago, I myself was
happy to find a product like it that dealt with Ogg in any manner; not
many do.  Since then, I've decided to work on phasing Ogg out of my
library.  Ogg is impressive and sounds much better to me than MP3 at
any given bitrate, but nothing lossy is ever going to beat something
lossless for sound quality.  Storage is cheap and only getting cheaper.
For those reasons, I'm transitioning to FLAC (and I hope ripping all my
stuff for the last damned time).  I think that SD saw these trends as
well, which is why I think they went for native FLAC support and have
native Ogg support way down on the priority list.  I love Ogg as much
as the next slashdot reading geek, but I fear that its chances for mass
acceptance may have passed.

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox and ogg Vorbis?

2006-04-30 Thread eq72521

verbatone Wrote: 
> While I almost 100% agree with you here, I think mobile devices will
> still depend on lossy formats for at least another couple of years
> until storage is large (in capacity), small (in size), and
> inexpensive.
> I also really like the ogg format.  For my iriver, I use ogg with
> Rockbox and the format can almost not be beat.  My library at home for
> the slimserver is APE, but I'd like to convert to FLAC for
> foward/rewind capabilities except FLAC is roughly 5%-10% less
> efficient.  I doubt I'll ever see native APE format.
> I think the final days for lossy formats are numbered, but there still
> is viability for the near term.  Also, when online retailers start
> offering lossless audio content, the days of CDs will be over too.

I'm with you here as well.  I almost included my opinions on this in my
previous post, but I didn't want to stray too far.  I'm really picky and
in my case, I couldn't find a portable player (much less a car player)
that supported Ogg *and* had all the other features I wanted.  In the
case of iRiver, it was their lack of external, expandable storage.  So
in addition to the FLAC copy of my library, I also maintain a separate
MP3 tree for use with those devices.  If by some miracle Ogg gains more
marketshare and some devices come out that can use it that meet all of
my other requirements, I'll buy in again and just re-encode my library
from the FLACs.

Chris OH Wrote: 
> Check out allofmp3.com for lossless downloads

There are numerous threads about allofmp3.com here.  Personally, I find
the gray area in which they operate to be a little too black, and I'll
stick with CDs as long as they are available.  Also, some here have
speculated (after listening to downloaded tracks) that their "lossless"
downloads are actually just transcoded 320kbit MP3s.  I suppose someone
could download a lossless track of something they own on CD and compare
the bits, but I've not heard of such a test.


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[slim] Re: Anybody else a member of la la ?

2006-04-30 Thread eq72521

>From http://lala.com/frontend/action/aboutlala:

> I ask you to do your part by doing the right thing: remove songs from
> your iPod or PC if you've agreed to send the CD to another member.

It's a nice thought and probably a necessary attempt to cover their
nearly naked asses, but I think this is some very wishful thinking.

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[slim] Re: New Slim Devices product K.R.O.N.O.S.

2006-05-03 Thread eq72521

dean Wrote: 
> We did consider, early in the development of K.R.O.N.O.S., offering a  
> wrist strap for the Squeezebox v3 to make it a portable network time  
> product, but we found that extra weight of the car battery we needed  
> to power it was not ergonomically appropriate.  (Several of our beta  
> testers broke one or more of their arms.)
> So we decided to redesign K.R.O.N.O.S. from the ground up to be the  
> best product in its category.

If you had gone the other route, you'd have needed to change the
display to LCD because as it turns out the SB3 is not sturdy enough to
be a portable device, despite ('apparently'
(http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23509)) looking like
it.  :)

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[slim] Re: SlimDevices Squeezebox 2/3 and Sonos ZP80

2006-05-05 Thread eq72521

fred21 Wrote: 
> At home, Sonos.  no need for a computer being on 24/7 (don't know if I
> can get a NAS working stand alone with Squeezebox).

I read through the Sonos copy and I don't understand this statement. 
The Sonos, like the SB, is getting the music from *somewhere*, be it a
PC or a NAS, so surely *something* fulfilling the need of music storage
needs to be turned on when you're using it.  What does it matter if that
device is a PC or a NAS?  In any case, neither should need to be on
24/7, just when you want to listen to music.

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[slim] Re: Poll: What is your library size and hardware

2006-05-09 Thread eq72521

Main music server:

- 23260 songs, 1468 albums, 985 artists (and growing)
- Mix of FLAC, Ogg, and MP3
- Athlon XP 1400+
- 768M RAM
- Three drives totaling 480G (retail, real available space: 392G)
- *Loud* mofo that sits in my mechanical room downstairs
- SlimServer 6.2.2
- 1 SB3 Wired

In the last few weeks I've worked on building a new music server using
an old machine (original build c. 1997).  I'm trying to sell a neighbor
on an SB3 that I'll set up for him, and I'll throw in the server for
him.  Also, as I said my main server is loud and placed in my
mechanical room.  At the time I set that up, it made sense because my
SB1G was upstairs, well out of earshot.  I have an SB3 up there now and
moved the SB1G to my den, which is right next to that mechanical room. 
Unfortunately, the loudness of that machine is rather distracting when
attempting to listen to music in the den, and I recently acquired some
new music for which I really want to get some good listening sessions
(http://www.dcddiscs.com/).  So another part of setting up this other
server (which resides in my office, far enough away from the den that I
can't hear it) is so I can listen to music in relative silence.  Anyway,
that server is currently:

- 3161 songs, 273 albums, 121 artists.
- Mostly MP3, 6 albums in FLAC
- Athlon K6/233
- 64M RAM
- 1 20G HD
- SlimServer 6.2.2
- 1 SB1G Wired, plus the SB3 upstairs for testing.

I have been pleasantly surprised at the results.  Most of what I've
read here indicated that I might have some trouble running SlimServer
on such an underpowered machine, but so far it has performed
flawlessly.  Granted, I don't do anything crazy like try to do anything
while scanning is in progress.  Still, here are some general maximum CPU
utilizations that I see (using `top`):

-  5%  idle
- 20%  SB1G playing MP3
- 30%  SB1G playing FLAC (SlimServer + flac)
- 20%  SB3 playing MP3 or FLAC
- 30%  SB3 playing FLAC + SB1G playing MP3
- 42%  SB3 playing FLAC + SB1G playing FLAC
- 48%  SB3 synched with SB1G playing FLAC
- 20%  SB3 synched with SB1G playing MP3

Most of that was not tested at length, but I've seen few problems.  I
listened for a few hours to the SB1G playing FLAC with no dropouts or
problems with gapless transitions.  "Synched playing FLAC" was the only
test where I encountered any problems, and that was only that the sync
was off by a fraction of a second.  I've not played with synching much,
but my guess is that this is because the SB3 will play the FLAC natively
but the SB1 needed transcoding and that there was perhaps some
unaccounted for delay.  Synching with MP3 worked great.

Again, I'm really impressed that it all works on such low spec
hardware.  Hopefully it still works when I put in a 120G drive and load
it up with FLACs.  If it does I'll be happy because I won't have to give
my neighbor one of my better machines.  :)

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[slim] Re: Could I use a 300MHz AMD 6gig 320ish RAM desk top with a SB2 in some way?

2006-05-10 Thread eq72521

For evidence that this will work, see 'this post'
(http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?p=108534#post108534) and
mine immediately beneath it.  cliveb runs his main server on similar
hardware, and I currently have a similar test server that will
hopefully go to a neighbor.  We both use FreeBSD, but some flavor of
Linux should work as well.  In any case, some Unix-like OS will get you
a lot more out of the system (to devote to SlimServer) than any version
of Windows ever would.  Good luck!

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[slim] Re: What's next from Slim? Speculate here.

2006-05-10 Thread eq72521

Mike Meyer Wrote: 
> This is a good idea.  I'd love to listen to my SB while mowing.  Any
> recommendations on wireless headphones that I would be able to hear
> over the sound of a mower?

You shouldn't want to.  The only thing you should have in/around your
ears while mowing are earplugs and possibly noise-reducing earmuffs
over those.  Turning up headphones to drown out something as loud as a
mower is a sure path to hearing loss.  An alternative, if you don't
have an enormous lawn, is to get a mechanical push mower.  I've had
mine since I moved out on my own (about 7 years ago) and it works
great.  Using headphones with one of those (at a low volume) is
probably OK.  :)

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[slim] Re: What's next from Slim? Speculate here.

2006-05-10 Thread eq72521

jmpage2 Wrote: 
> This is absolutely correct.  I'm only 33 years old and already have
> pronounced tinnitus (incessant ringing in the years).
> I don't go to numerous concerts or normally blare my music, so what's
> the culprit for my hearing loss?
> Turning up the volume on high efficiency headphones when I'm mowing the
> lawn, flying on an airplane (I travel for business frequently) and so
> on.
> Hearing loss is no joke (just try going to sleep or enjoy reading a
> book in a quiet room with your ears constantly ringing).  I fear that
> the current Gen-Y folks who crank up their car stereos and iPods like
> crazy are in for some serious hearing loss when they get to be my age.

I have the same issue, and I'm only 29, which is why I was so quick to
reply to the original mower.  I actually don't have any hearing loss
per se, yet, but the tinnitus is *extremely* annoying and probably a
portent of worse things to come.  I still don't know where mine came
from, which makes it doubly irritating.  Maybe about 10 loud concerts
in my life, only 2 or 3 of which were without earplugs, no loud stereos
or headphones, and I don't even travel that much.


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[slim] Re: What's next from Slim? Speculate here.

2006-05-10 Thread eq72521

JJZolx Wrote: 
> What makes you think you're "susceptible" or "pre-disposed" to tinnitus?
> You either have it or you don't.  I also have tinnitus, probably from
> working in my younger days around heavy machinery and power tools
> without hearing protection.  It tends to be worse, or at least more
> bothersome, when I'm fatigued, but it never actually goes away.

Like jmpage2, I feel that I'm predisposed in some way.  I don

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[slim] Re: Cleaning your SB3

2006-05-11 Thread eq72521

I've actually been wondering about this issue and this seems to be the
thread to ask: Should one use *only* the supplied cloth to clean dust
off the SB3, or is a normal cotton cloth OK (e.g. a cloth diaper)?


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[slim] Re: Perl Problem (OT)

2006-05-11 Thread eq72521

I think the reason that the OP didn't look back here is that I actually
responded to his message via email right away yesterday and provided
something similar.  Sorry, I should have posted something to that
effect here.


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[slim] Re: 2 Squeezeboxes (bought in April 2006) for sale

2006-06-22 Thread eq72521

Maybe this will work for me as well.  I purchased two SB3s in March, but
my living conditions are about to change drastically as well.  I'm
currently in a 6 bed 2 bath 2000 sqft house, but just accepted a new
job in Palo Alto and will probably be living in a cramped 2 bed 1 bath
900 sqft apartment in Mountain View (with a wife and two kids).  As
such, I really don't need the one White Wireless SB3 that I purchased
with the intent of setting it up in my patio area (although I'm keeping
the Black Wired version and my trusty old SB1G, which I absolutely
love).  The one I'm selling is practically brand new and still in the
box.  I only took it out upon receipt to verify contents and then
carefully repacked.  PM or email me if interested.

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[slim] Re: 2 Squeezeboxes (bought in April 2006) for sale

2006-06-23 Thread eq72521

You are of course correct.  The prudent thing to do here is to  wait and
see what my living conditions and layout will be and then sell one. 
I'll rescind for now and decide what to sell after I'm in my new

Thanks for the good luck wish too; I'm sure we'll need all we can get. 

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[slim] Re: streaming AAC files in native format

2006-06-28 Thread eq72521

I believe that the answer is "No", although I can't find a document to
corroborate.  The SB 2/3 can natively decode WAV, FLAC, MP3, and WMA
(not lossless).

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[slim] Re: Optimal settings for FLAC

2006-06-28 Thread eq72521

I've run tests myself to compare encode speed vs. compression. 
Obviously, if speed is not an issue, 8 is the best.  That's what I
typically use.  However, if I want to go faster but still have
reasonable compression, 5-6 is pretty good.  The speed difference from
1-5-6 is minimal, while the compression gains are great.  Conversely,
the speed difference from 6-8 is drastic, while the compression gains
are marginal.  I used 5 or 6 (I don't remember which now) when ripping
and encoding my neighbor's music collection a few weeks ago because I
wanted the encoding jobs to finish ASAP and didn't mind if he ended up
using a bit of extra space.  :)

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[slim] Re: What does the original power supply look like?

2006-08-22 Thread eq72521

Interesting.  One of the guys at the office here has one that is 5V 1600


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[slim] Re: Sean demoing Transporter on Gizmodo

2006-09-12 Thread eq72521

The second left hand screen was stage left, correct?  :)  Seriously
though, Transporter does look really cool.  I wish I had the money and
the hearing ability to enjoy it.


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[slim] Re: Wish List for SlimDevices

2006-09-22 Thread eq72521

gian;138385 Wrote: 
> Phatbox: I don't want to add anything any wiring or extra hw in the
> trunk, just want to be able to pop in a card/usb disk with my music.

Although I didn't purchase one, I recall that when I was looking for a
cheap head unit last summer some of the generic brand models at Best
Buy had something like this.  Here's one:


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 2 as Squeezebox Receiver replacement - questions

2010-04-06 Thread eq72521

usch;530579 Wrote: 
> To me the SB2 looks slim and elegant, while the SB3 looks bulky with a
> lot of wasted space on the front panel. I still can't see why they had
> to make it vertical, but I guess that's a matter of personal taste.

And the cool kids got orange SB2s, which look all retro.  :)

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Re: [slim] HELP! Terminally (?) sick squeezebox 3

2010-05-04 Thread eq72521

At the risk of being scavengerly, may I ask if this worked?  The reason
is that while my SB3s are still working OK, one of the IR remotes is
slowly dying.  If you end up with a dead SB3 and no longer have any use
for the remote, I may be interested in purchasing it.


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Re: [slim] HELP! Terminally (?) sick squeezebox 3

2010-05-04 Thread eq72521

peterw;543309 Wrote: 
> Slowly dying how? Have you checked to see if the IR LED leads are still
> intact and well-connected?

I haven't, but the symptoms don't seem to point in that direction. 
When I first turn it on or come back to it after some time of
inactivity, certain buttons from a growing set will just not work.  The
first button to exhibit the behavior was "down".  But after using the
other working buttons for a few moments, the non-working buttons will
start working again and everything is fine.  I don't think it's the SB3
or the server because other remotes that go with other SBs in the house
work fine with this one; similarly this one remote has trouble with the
other SBs.

I have taken it apart (which was a pain) and tried cleaning/resetting
the buttons over the contacts.  This didn't really have much of an
effect though, or if it did it was very short lived (this was a few
months ago).

If you have any other suggestions (or really think it is the IR LED
leads that somehow only affect certain buttons during initial use), let
me know.

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Re: [slim] HELP! Terminally (?) sick squeezebox 3

2010-05-12 Thread eq72521

Eeyore69;546145 Wrote: 
> eq72521,
> A couple of weeks ago I had my SB3 remote go out. Remembering that the
> Logitech store sold the remote, although with backlit keys, I went to
> the site and found that I could not access the Accessories page. So I
> called the Logitech 800 number thinking that I would order one by
> phone. I talked to a woman that told me that they no longer were being
> sold BUT if my remote had stopped working that they would send me a
> replacement at no charge. And they did. It was not the lighted version
> but I am more than satisfied with the standard remote. You might give
> them a call and see what happens; all they can do is tell you that
> they
> are not available. And if they want to charge for it, and you do not
> want to, then just thank them and hang up.
> Hope this helps,
> Eeyore

Thanks much.  I just did the same thing and it seems to have worked. 
Hopefully in a week I'll have a consistently working remote.  I first
called support and they had me call sales, but sales couldn't actually
sell me one, so I was transferred back over to support.  Which is
strange, but whatever.  I'll just be glad to not be pressing buttons
over and over in frustration.  My much older SB1G remote still works
fine, so hopefully this issue, whatever it is, isn't going to end up
affecting all remotes at some point.

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Re: [slim] Where are your CDs?

2010-07-11 Thread eq72521

Nicely organized on the 1000 CD shelf I bought before I started
seriously digitizing everything.  However, that shelf has been demoted
to my office, and it's boxed in by a bunch of stuff I need to divest. 
However, when I relocated out of state for a couple years from
2006-2008, the CDs and the shelf stayed in storage near home.  I'd
probably stop buying them altogether if FLAC was offered as a
purchasable option.

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Re: [slim] Where are your CDs?

2010-07-15 Thread eq72521

maggior;561596 Wrote: 
> Oh my!!! :-)
> I might have had a heart attack if my kids did that.  I guess I should
> thank my wife for forbidding the CD collection from being kept upstairs
> :-).

Once, I tried sliding the 1000 CD shelf I mentioned earlier when it was
full of about 5-600 CDs.  It tipped forward spilling all of my CDs into
the general entertainment area (TV, stereo, etc.).  The room looked not
unlike JonWill's, though I did not take a picture.  The television still
bears the scars (in the plastic around the screen).

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Re: [slim] Can you still purchase IR remotes?

2010-07-16 Thread eq72521

While the old IR remotes are no longer for sale, there may still be some
stock.  For some time, my old SB3 remote (the ovalish one) was behaving
erratically (sometimes button presses just didn't do anything) and, on
the advice of someone else on this forum, I contacted support.  They
wouldn't sell me one, but they sent me one for free.  If you really
need a new remote because yours is broken, there may still be some left
for you.

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[slim] Re: Rave about the new Transporter Remote

2006-11-06 Thread eq72521

ajmitchell: The favorites button has been there since at least the SB3,
although the browse button is totally new.  I myself would find use in
the latter, especially if I could map it to go directly to "Browse
Music Folder", as that is my primary means of library access.  I guess
if I could do that I could probably map one of the existing buttons
that I never use like "Search" or "Favorites".  Hmm.  Further
investigation needed.  :)

dean: The photo on that page has always bugged me, as the model is
holding what appears to be a Sony remote.  I imagine that it is just a
stock photo from somewhere, but now that you have a snazzy new remote
and hardware, you should put up a picture of them I think.  (Not that I
personally mind my old-school remotes and even my SB1, which are all
still in use.)  Apologies if that is not actually a stock photo, but
rather an employee, someone's girlfriend, or wife, although if I were
her I might be insulted at the filename (girl.jpg).

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[slim] Re: Rave about the new Transporter Remote

2006-11-07 Thread eq72521

azinck3;153092 Wrote: 
> It's from the old Slimp3 days.  It shipped with a sony universal remote
> (the one in the pic) programmed to control slimp3 (well, it's probably
> more accurate to say that the slimp3 was programmed to be controlled by
> the sony remote).

Really?  Very old days then.  I should have asked my co-worker about it
first, as he has three.  I stand somewhat corrected.

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Re: [slim] Should I switch to SlimServer 7?

2008-02-14 Thread eq72521

alstein;269477 Wrote: 
> Hi
> I downloaded the Windows .exe file, but have not yet run it. There was
> also a .zip version which I ignored. Do I need to uninstall my current
> version 6.54? I can't seem to locate instructions for version 7.0.
> Also, there does appear to be a version of the Sirius plugin for SC7.
> Thanks.

I installed the Windows .exe last night on my secondary server, and it
uninstalled 6.54 for me.  I actually wasn't expecting this and might
have preferred to keep the previous version around (or at least be
warned that it was going to be removed), but everything is working OK
with it so far.

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Re: [slim] TB Drive Full

2008-06-17 Thread eq72521

1TB, I'm impressed.  I've still not broken the 500GB barrier, currently
on one external drive, and I think at this point storage availability
will always outstrip my ability to fill it.  However, back when drives
were smaller and more expensive, I had to span my collection across
multiple drives.  I'd split my collection alphabetically among the
drives.  As I ran out of space, I would replace the smallest drive in
the set with a new one.  In my last setup, I think I had a 320G, 200G,
and 160G.  This was something of a pain, but I was not willing to spend
the money on a single drive to hold the whole collection until last

This was all in FreeBSD, so I was able to have my actual music folder
be just a directory of soft links to the actual artist directories on
the music drives.  This was nice because when browsing the music folder
it was as if I had one big drive (at the expense of having to maintain
the soft links).  It sounds like you're in Windows, and I don't think
it has such facilities available.  If you did something like this using
Windows I think you'd just have shortcuts to the two (or three) music
folders on the different drives, so your main music folder would look
like this:

A-M (drive 1)
N-Z (drive 2)

Or you could wait for 2TB drives to come out.

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Re: [slim] Why do we need to chose SqueezeCenter/SqueezeNetwork?

2009-09-17 Thread eq72521

dave77;459017 Wrote: 
> This has got to be the most confusing option for non techies, I mean,
> why do we need to chose SqueezeCenter or SqueezeNetwork as a music
> source?
> Can we not have this done seamlessly, eg when I turn on my SB player,
> if a SC is found then I get an extra option 'My Music Library'

This scenario wouldn't play nicely when your Internet access is down. 
I actually sometimes use my music server and SBs in places with no
Internet access at all, so I rather like that it can be done completely

On the other hand, the devices could perhaps be set up to connect to
one but to fall back automatically to the other.

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Re: [slim] Whither the Duet?

2009-09-28 Thread eq72521

JJZolx;462114 Wrote: 
> What new devices offer the same functionality as the Duet?  The
> Squeezebox Radio is network clock/radio thing.  The Squeezebox Touch is
> just a Squeezbox Classic replacement.  Neither of them put a portable
> music controller in your hand.

At least not until the battery pack mod comes out.  :)

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Re: [slim] Change for change's sake is bad

2009-09-29 Thread eq72521

Honestly, this thread is making me reticent to upgrade my SlimServer, at
least until some hopefully forthcoming options are hashed out.  This
rather reminds me of the Pidgin / FunPidgin -> Carrier split/fork.

I feel as though I'm forced to upgrade though because if I don't I need
to go through the Firmware Update Dance every time I switch from
SlimServer to SqueezeNetwork or vice versa.  Does anyone else have this
experience when running a SlimServer that's somewhat behind the times? 
Is this intentional?  Is there any way around it?

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Re: [slim] Change for change's sake is bad

2009-09-29 Thread eq72521

eq72521;462958 Wrote: 
> Honestly, this thread is making me reticent to upgrade my SlimServer, at
> least until some hopefully forthcoming options are hashed out.  This
> rather reminds me of the Pidgin / FunPidgin -> Carrier split/fork.
> I feel as though I'm forced to upgrade though because if I don't I need
> to go through the Firmware Update Dance every time I switch from
> SlimServer to SqueezeNetwork or vice versa.  Does anyone else have this
> experience when running a SlimServer that's somewhat behind the times? 
> Is this intentional?  Is there any way around it?

Nevermind, I just read the release notes and see that for
SqueezeNetwork users this is a required with a capital R upgrade
(apparently beyond just the irritation of the Firmware Update Dance). 
Pidgin 2.4 here I come.

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Re: [slim] Logitech is messing up Squeezebox

2009-09-30 Thread eq72521

I hadn't seen the animation on my own, thanks to FlashBlock.  I had to
specifically enable it to see what everyone was talking about.  To
paraphrase the Gipper, "Tear Down This [Animation]!".  I don't know who
the marketers are marketing to; I think even my six year old would find
it dorky.

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Re: [slim] Logitech is messing up Squeezebox

2009-09-30 Thread eq72521

vram;464040 Wrote: 
> you're lame pski!

Indeed.  pski, you're rather degrading the quality of the conversation
here and in the other threads where you've made these snide comments. 
As well, you're giving senior members a bad name.  Please stop.

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Re: [slim] Whither the Duet?

2009-09-30 Thread eq72521

JJZolx;462165 Wrote: 
> Then you'll have a portable radio.  I don't get the connection to the
> Duet, unless you think a portable radio sounds anything like your stereo
> system.  If it does, I would say a major upgrade is in order.

I was talking about a battery pack for the Touch giving you a touch
screen remote.  I'm not entirely sure what you thought I was talking

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Re: [slim] Whither the Duet?

2009-10-01 Thread eq72521

aubuti;464490 Wrote: 
> Sorry, but I think that would be really nuts. The SB Touch is already
> much bigger and unwieldy than that "other Touch" (hint: Apple) BEFORE
> adding a battery pack. And the extra bulk is because of all kinds of
> things that are completely irrelevant to using it as a remote, such as
> ethernet jack, optical outputs, RCA outputs, processor and RAM powerful
> enough to run TinySC, etc. It's just not designed to be a remote, or at
> least not a portable remote. However as a stationary remote to control
> other SBs (or itself) it's great.

I was originally joking, hence the smiley.  :)

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Re: [slim] Change for change's sake is bad

2009-10-02 Thread eq72521

mherger;465038 Wrote: 
> >> But this time what brought me here was an e-mail from Logitech
> >> informing me about changes that had already occurred. And while
> there is
> >> undoubtably a wealth of information in the other forums (which I
> will be
> >> looking through when I have some more time), that community
> resource
> >> should not completely replace what Logitech should be doing to
> inform
> >> users about significant development events.
> Agreed. I forwarded the idea of sending out announcements _before_ the 
> changes, announcing on mysb.com itself and probably even on the player
> to  
> our marketing and management.

Please not on the players.


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Re: [slim] Losing library when I turn off computer

2009-10-06 Thread eq72521

Phil Leigh;468006 Wrote: 
> This is yet another reason (I now have about 20) why using a NAS purely
> as an audio drive makes no sense - much better to use a USB disk for
> this purpose. Sorry.

I think I *may* have experienced this problem once or twice since going
to 7.4, and this is actually the exact setup I have.  So it may not be
immune.  I'll keep my eye out.

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Re: [slim] Losing library when I turn off computer

2009-10-07 Thread eq72521

Phil Leigh;468469 Wrote: 
> I've never had it with a USB drive - their drivers are loaded and the
> disk spun-up quite early in the Windows stack... before any network
> drivers need to load for network drive mappings.

My USB drive does take an inordinate amount of time to come online. 
It's on an old laptop that only has USB 1.1 (or maybe 1.0 for all I
know).  Still fast enough to stream music.

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Re: [slim] Where to purchase a remote?

2009-12-21 Thread eq72521

I'm interested in this as well.  One of my (original, rounded bottom)
SB3 remotes is on the fritz and will probably need to be replaced soon. 
Slim Devices used to carry the newer backlit remotes for $30 or so, but
they seem to be gone now.  Are they ever coming back?


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Re: [slim] The competition is catching up and some surpassing Squeezebox...fast!

2010-02-09 Thread eq72521

>From http://www.olive.us/products/olive4hd/specs.html:

> The Olive 4HD Hi-Fi Server is designed and custom-built in San
> Francisco, expressing the innovative energy of the Silicon Valley and
> the music passion of the Bay Area.

They're careful not to come out and say it, but I love it when SF tries
to associate itself with the Valley.

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Re: [slim] Remote control for squeezebox classic

2010-02-09 Thread eq72521

ghostrider;515341 Wrote: 
> Backlit remote is stock with the Transporter, also works with the other
> SB's.

I thought for a while the backlit remote was also shipping with SB3s,
but I could be wrong.

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Re: [slim] $25 off VortexBox Appliance

2010-02-09 Thread eq72521

Just rename it Vortexbox Day.  You know you want to.

Quick question if you don't mind.  Ignore if you do and I'll stop being
lazy some day and try out the software myself.  Does VB use whatever
goes into the ARTISTSORT tag for the artist directory name into which it
saves the files?  I ask because this is approximately what I do
manually, so that when browsing the music folder directly (BMF, ls,
Windows Explorer, etc.) the artists are in the right order (e.g. Tom
Waits goes in "W", not "T").  I would need VB to do this in order to be
able to switch to using it.

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Re: [slim] $25 off VortexBox Appliance

2010-02-10 Thread eq72521

So in my root music directory it would just look like this, with all
albums mixed together?


  And All That Could Have Been (Disc 1)
  And All That Could Have Been (Disc 2)
  Closing Time
  Deep Cuts
  Real Gone
  Trading Snakeoil For Wolftickets

That seems odd.  That root directory would be huge and it would be
impossible to browse.  What would one do with album name collisions
(e.g. Closer for both Nine Inch Nails and Joy Division?)  Maybe VB isn't
for me...  In my current scheme, the above would look like this, adding
in the two instances of Closer, which are unrepresentable otherwise:


  Joy Division
  +- Closer
  Jules, Gary
  +- Trading Snakeoil For Wolftickets
  Knife, The
  +- Deep Cuts
  +- Yes
  Nine Inch Nails
  +- And All That Could Have Been (Disc 1)
  +- And All That Could Have Been (Disc 2)
  +- Closer
  +- Nevermind
  Pearl Jam
  +- Ten
  Waits, Tom
  +- Closing Time
  +- Real Gone
  +- Presence


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Re: [slim] $25 off VortexBox Appliance

2010-02-10 Thread eq72521

Ron Olsen;515982 Wrote: 
> It's easy to change the VortexBox default and have CDs ripped to a
> directory structure where albums are placed in separate artist
> directories:
> artist1
> ---  album1
> ---  album2
> ---  ...
> artist2
> ---  album1
> ---  album2
> ---  ...
> This is what I do on my VortexBox Appliance.

That's about perfect.  Back to my original question (I really didn't
mean to hijack this thread, but I guess we're past that), is it possible
to use for the "artist1", "artist2", etc. what would go in the
ARTISTSORT tag?  This would make the artists actually sort properly when
directly browsing the music directory.  If you can't do this, then the
directory ends up looking like iTunes got a hold of it, which is just


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Re: [slim] $25 off VortexBox Appliance

2010-02-11 Thread eq72521

The data I'm talking about does show up on a web query on musicbrainz,
and it also appears to come through the XML WebService API.  On the web
page for each artist, it will show up in normal font two lines below the
big bold header of the normalized artist name.  For instance:

Tom Waits -> Waits, Tom

The Who -> Who, The

Ben Harper and Relentless7 -> Harper, Ben and Relentless7

Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas -> Fraser, Alasdair & Haas, Natalie

So what I'm after would just be a matter of using the latter version of
the name as the artist folder (to get a natural sort with `ls`), rather
than the former (iTunes style).  It's noted in the API documentation


It does seems though that I may be the only person in the world
interested in this, so I can certainly just install the software and
patch it myself (at which time I'd be asking about the process for
submitting a patch).

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Re: [slim] $25 off VortexBox Appliance

2010-02-11 Thread eq72521

I'm not entirely sure if this is close to how VB or ripit goes about
getting its data from MB, but here's an example for Little Earthquakes
that shows the sort name ("Amos, Tori").


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Re: [slim] $25 off VortexBox Appliance

2010-02-11 Thread eq72521

Hmm.  Whatever was or was not communicated, this is precisely what I was
after.  I have a somewhat manual custom process for ripping and encoding
now, and all of my artist directories are indeed named like the "sort
name" coming back from MusicBrainz.  Again, this is so that when looking
at the raw directory (either with `ls`, Nautilus, Explorer, or Browse
Music Folder on my Squeezeboxen) the artists are naturally sorted
properly (e.g. The Clash in the Cs and Tom Waits in the Ws).  If I move
over to using a VB appliance to make all this easier, I would need to
retain this setup.  It sounds like this is possible with a few minor
patches to some tools.

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Re: [slim] Skipping Over Music Folders

2010-02-27 Thread eq72521

I don't know if this is possible for you, but I deal with this issue by
having two parallel libraries.  I think many others here do the same. 
The primary library is FLAC and is what SlimServer indexes.  I then use
Robin Bowes' flac2mp3.pl script to maintain a separate MP3 version for
portable players.

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Re: [slim] Browse by folder name

2009-01-19 Thread eq72521

I've had an SB since 2004 (maybe 2003?) and this is still all I use to
browse my music.  You can customize the SB root menu so that it's right
below "Now Playing", so getting to it is very easy (from Now Playing,
just left, down, right).

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Re: [slim] That was a very stupid thing to do.

2009-02-11 Thread eq72521

This thread is pretty awesome.  Interesting that the beer-containing
image is missing on that archived page.


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Re: [slim] You Might Be A Squeeze Geek If...

2009-03-02 Thread eq72521

My kids talk about the "music server" all the time.  A couple iterations
ago I used to have my eldest (this was back when he was 3) go downstairs
to turn it on in the morning and then off at night.  I don't know if
it's come up in his Kindergarten class yet...

Coincidentally, I just set up the new SB Receiver in their room tonight
(replacing the purchased-in-1993-for-$30 Casio CD Alarm Clock Boombox
that was handed down to them).  They still just want to listen to the
same old Tom Waits Lullaby mix that I made for them a couple years

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Re: [slim] You Might Be A Squeeze Geek If...

2009-03-04 Thread eq72521

cdmackay;402614 Wrote: 
> eq72521 wrote:
> > Coincidentally, I just set up the new SB Receiver in their room
> tonight
> > (replacing the purchased-in-1993-for-$30 Casio CD Alarm Clock
> Boombox
> > that was handed down to them).  They still just want to listen to
> the
> > same old Tom Waits Lullaby mix that I made for them a couple years
> > ago...
> :) that sounds nice for my little girl... which tracks?
> cheers,
> calum.

No problem.  I don't have the names of the albums handy; let me know if
you need to know the source of a particular song.  After a couple years
of listening, I might strike "Ruby's Arms", "Johnsburg, Illinois", and
possibly even "Lost In The Harbour", as his strained singing in those
sometimes gets to me when I hear them in the next room.  I also realize
that some of these tracks are perhaps a bit dark and/or egotistical on
my part, but that's how I like it.  Finally, my wife claims there are
lyrics in here that are not age appropriate, though I still haven't
given a close listen for that.  Caveat emptor.

Grapefruit Moon
Ruby's Arms
Jitterbug Boy
The Last Rose Of Summer
Yesterday Is Here
The Heart Of Saturday Night
Johnsburg, Illinois
Midnight Lullaby
Broken Bicycles
Long Way Home
I'm Still Here
A Little Rain
Picture In A Frame
Closing Time
Innocent When You Dream (78)
Clap Hands
Lost In The Harbour
Green Grass
Soldier's Things


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Re: [slim] You Might Be A Squeeze Geek If...

2009-03-05 Thread eq72521

cdmackay;403139 Wrote: 
> great, thanks; I don't have nearly enough Waits, and this will give me 
> an excuse to get some more :)
> cheers,
> calum.

I'm always happy to help people acquire more Waits.  I think I have it
all, possibly minus a couple outlying soundtracks.  I'm moving on to
his influences now, like Howlin' Wolf.

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Re: [slim] Favorite service?

2009-04-25 Thread eq72521



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Re: [slim] Sequential Songs

2007-11-12 Thread eq72521

Michaelwagner;59095 Wrote: 
> I don't remember that. What were they supposed to do? Were they like
> queue points? Maybe there's something to be learned from that design.

Exactly.  I think it was mainly used for individual movements within
tracks on some classical CDs.  It turned up on some of my popular music
CDs when I ripped my collection.  I'd grep through the cue sheets, but
I'm at work.  The one I remember is Enigma's MCMXC a.D..

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Re: [slim] 6.5.2 with old slimdevices logo

2007-05-26 Thread eq72521

peterw;204726 Wrote: 
> Remember, Slimserver is open source with a publicly readable version
> control repository, so...
> http://svn.slimdevices.com/trunk/server/HTML/EN/html/images/slimdevices_logo.gif?view=log
> (and, no, I'm not going to bother replacing mine even though I do still
> think Slim Devices is a better brand than Logitech; e.g., "Lexus",
> "Craftsman")
> -Peter

Wow.  When I saw this thread I assumed it would be the "Slim Devices |
A Logitech Company" logo as on http://www.slimdevices.com/, in which
case I'd probably not have bothered to switch.  But the full-on
"Logitech" is too much change for me, so I'll probably be among those
to switch the logo back when I upgrade.

I seem to remember Slim Devices being labeled a wholly owned subsidiary
back when this was announced, which one would think would include
retaining some measure of branding.  But maybe I'm just mixing that up
with the recent Microsoft acquisition of TellMe (which is definitely a


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