[slim] External HD - PC/Mac compatibility

2009-01-11 Thread utowana

I'm hoping a kind soul will help out a Mac know-nothing.  I'm a PC guy,
and have an NTFS formatted external USB HD that contains about 250 GB
of mp3's.  I want to make a copy of this HD and allow a sister to
access it from her Mac.  Can someone help me as to compatibility
issues?  I understand that FAT32 is the only format that both a PC and
Mac can read/write to, correct?  I read conflicting reports about
problems accessing large files on a FAT32 drive, but no single mp3 is
over the size limit.  Are there other considerations?  I also am
vaguely aware of third party software products that might help with the
conversion...for example, is there software for the Mac that would allow
it to see an NTFS drive?

I'm a long time SlimDevices devotee and appreciate the help!


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Re: [slim] External HD - PC/Mac compatibility

2009-01-11 Thread utowana

A follow up for clarity.  Perhaps this would simplify my question:

I have a Seagate FreeAgent External HD that says it is compatible for
PC and Mac. I have plugged it into my PC, but not installed any
software it offers.  Properties of the HD says it is formatted NTFS. 
Question:  can I write files to this HD, unplug, and replug into a Mac?


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Re: [slim] iTunes alternatives

2008-10-02 Thread utowana

I agree that MM is a good music managerhave been using it for a
couple of years.  HOWEVER, the real question is whether it/they can get
it to work with v 2 firmware on my iTouch.  I was lucky enough to read
that you can't update the firmware and continue to use MM.  I sense
between the lines that it can't be cracked.  The issues are way beyond
my technical understanding.  What do people think?  I have enjoyed the
iTouch, but WILL NOT use iTunes.  Hate it, and will sell the iTouch
before resorting to iTunes.


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Re: [slim] Slow / No Access to SqueezeCenter

2008-04-22 Thread utowana

Put me in the me to category.  The new SC is glacially slow on my 4
year old XP system with half gig of ram.  So, I switched to the
classic skin web interface and it runs just fine, with very stable
performance.  A minor frustration since I liked the look and feel of
the new interface, but no biggie.  I figured I'd troll looking for
posts like this and it would figure itself out eventually.


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Re: [slim] Alternative to jRiver Media Center?

2008-04-13 Thread utowana

Thanks guys.  I've downloaded and installed MediaMonkey.  Seems fine.
Perceptibly faster, features are about the same - for what I need - may
not be for others, but I didn't need all the TV, photo, etc. stuff that
MediaCenter layered on.  BTW: MediaMonkey recognizes my devices
reliably and in a third of the time that MC does.  

Thanks for the tips.


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[slim] Alternative to jRiver Media Center?

2008-04-12 Thread utowana

I need an alternative to jRiver's Media Center.  It is just too bloated,
slow and buggy for me.  Drives me crazy.  I need a player that I can
install on my daughter's and wife's computer that will recognize an
iPod and Nano, and my own Creative Zen.  All I want is to create some
playlists and move em on and off the devices.  Will NOT use iTunes
because it tries to control my life.  Can't use Media Center because it
won't do simple things quickly and efficiently.  


Love my SB's (three of em) and using Squeeze Center OK.


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[slim] Controlling Playlist Playback

2008-03-15 Thread utowana

Gosh, I'm stumped and am pretty sure I have an easy one for someone.

Using SC 7 and can't figure out where I control the behavior of
playback of a playlist.  I've created a playlist.  I load it up in any
SB player, scroll down to one of the items in the playlist and click
play.  My goal is that it play the entire list from that point to the
end.  For example, a playlist of 10 selections.  Start playing on track
3 and I want it to play 3-10.  Instead, it plays only track 3 and stops.

Must be simple, but I just don't see in SC 7 where that control is
taking place.

Tips?  Thanks.


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Re: [slim] Controlling Playlist Playback

2008-03-15 Thread utowana

I'll save a good reader the time.  I did not remember that this playlist
playback behavior is specific to each player.  I found it by drilling
down into the misbehaving player controls on the SC interface.  Now
it has submitted to my will and plays the other song in the album. 
Now there is a throwback term.


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Re: [slim] Desire Advice: SB drops out

2008-03-11 Thread utowana

SuperQ:  I decided to teach my daughter about the scientific method and
I went and changed two things at once:  I shifted the router about 10
degrees (moved the antenna) and changed to channel 2 on the router.

So far, 2 flawless evenings of connectivity.

My daughter asked which change made the difference...so I told her to
do as the book says and only make one change at a time.

Thanks for the simple advice.  I'll continue to monitor, but I think
this fix is a good one.


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[slim] Desire Advice: SB drops out

2008-03-09 Thread utowana

I have a problem that just does not seem to go away.  I have a 3 SB
household, two of which (one wired and one wireless) stream effectively
and in an uninterrupted way.  The third, located furthest away from my
Belkin Pre-N wireless router, takes as long as a minute to start
playing (I load something from the server, the VU meter shows streaming
(deflection) but no sound, and often drops out after about 2 minutes of
playing, will stay silent for as long as 15 min, and then start playing
again.  I'm running SC 7 (downloaded yesterday) and the performance is
identical as with 6.x versions.  I'm not a networking expert, but my
working theory has been that it is taking  a long time to buffer
enough info to get the stream started, but the behavior I describe
seems to contradict that a bit.  I have 58-60% signal strength on the
misbehaving SB.  It is on a second floor on the opposite end of the
house, with router located in the corner of the basement (so it punches
thru 2 floors and across the house).  I know, not perfect, but all other
wireless devices work nicely with this set up, including another SB and
the laptop I'm typing on.

I've considered purchasing WAP, as I can get a cable to the mid level
of the home, but I don't want the hassle and fussing it would take to
wire the upstairs bedroom.

Any thoughts or advice?

Love my SB's.  Have three so the Duet will wait.


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Re: [slim] Desire Advice: SB drops out

2008-03-09 Thread utowana

Thanks SuperQ.  Will try and get back with results.


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Re: [slim] Need shelf stereo to go with my Squeezebox. Recommendations?

2008-01-31 Thread utowana


I'm not an audiophile - I don't have the vocabulary to describe like a
magazine reviewer. I use all of the speakers in the house for jazz,
orchestral and opera.  I have a set of Audioengine 5's and Aego M's.  

Probably not fair to compare the A2 systems directly ($199 vs $350)
directly.  Still, a short assessment.  The Aego M's are brighter, not
as balanced, but pump out amazing sound for the size and price.  You
have to adjust the subwoofer down a bit unless you are a rocker.  The
Audioengine 5's are a nice value. can't speak to the 2's.  Had the 5's
before the 2's came out.  More finesse with the Audioengines.  Both are
speakers that do extremely well in their price rangedon't expect
studio reference experiences...just put em in the right environment and
just smile when your friends rave.


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Re: [slim] Need shelf stereo to go with my Squeezebox. Recommendations?

2008-01-30 Thread utowana

I have a Tivoli Model Two at work and listen all day.  I would not
hesitate to pair it up with a SB (great for the den or home office),
and you get the radio over the air benefit.  Having said that, and a
nice as the Tivoli is, it can't compare with the pleasure I get from my
Audioengine's (bedroom) and Aego's (kitchen).  They are simply better.

BTW:  the Tivoli subwoofer is a sexy buy not crucial addition.  It is
really subtle and has not radically changed my listening experience
with the Model Two.


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Re: [slim] Upgrade Now to SC7?

2007-12-18 Thread utowana

Michael:  happy to help if I can.  I'm running a windows xp machine,
service pack 2, 2.4 GHz, 512 RAM with a swap file size of 1536 MB. 
I've been running Webroot Spysweeper and NOD32 antivirus for several
years now.  Other than that, pretty vanilla.  Belkin Pre-N wireless
router has been running nicely for 18 months at least.  I access
SlimServer using a laptop upstairs, and version 6.5 is acceptably
responsive using the web interface.  

My experience upon install of SqueezeCenter were:
-  initial scan was 2+ hours (1600+ albums, 20,000+ songs, 1,500+
artisits, 160GB of disk space on an internal hard drive)
-  re-scans of new music were very long and labored - over 20 minutes
to rescan the addition of 2 new albums (albums - that shows my age)
-  screen refresh was labored and delayed
-  seemed like each time I would check New Music - it needed to
reindex and find all new titles (set to default of 100 titles)

Uninstall of SC and reinstall of SS cleaned everything up.  Back to
normal behavior.

Does that help?  Tell me what else I can report and am happy to do so.

Appreciate your work.  The SB/SlimDevices product and service has
changed my listening and enjoyment of music.


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Re: [slim] Upgrade Now to SC7?

2007-12-17 Thread utowana

Well, I was not going to post on this topic, but since it has been
raised, I'll share my experience.  This weekend past, I upgraded and
the install and config was painless and nicely thought out. 
Immediately, I noticed a slowdown in performance that was tenfold. 
Endless searching, painfully slow screen refreshes, long re-scans, etc.
I was watching computer screens and not listening to music.  After 24
hours of pain, I uninstalled and reverted back to the most recent 6.5. 
I was not about to complain, as it is most certainly labeled
pre-release, and I never complain anyway, as the SB and SS software has
returned my investment 100 fold.  However this is a good moment to ask
if others have experienced this.  Upon reinstall of 6.5, life was good
again, with fairly quick searching and screen refreshes (it is never
like using a desktop app, nor do I expect it to be).  I loved the
interface of SC and hope to see some discussion of how it (or my
computer) needs to be tweaked.

FYI: Using a middle aged windows xp pentium machine of reasonable
health, Lynksys wireless router and 3 SB's in different rooms, all
connected wirelessly.  Prior to install of SqueezeCenter, I completely
uninstalled 6.5 and rebooted (I've found this best in the past).  I
also rebooted after install of SC.  

Have others experienced this problem, or have tips for moving into SC
in the future?


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Re: [slim] Future - no future!?

2007-11-17 Thread utowana

My wife looked at the first SB...a kludgey black and silver model 

My kludgey reference was a lame attempt at mild sarcasm.  I also
prefer the silver/black over the all black.  The white was, well for
other households.

Back to the music.  RadioIO Jazz is on right now...glad to have em


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Re: [slim] Future - no future!?

2007-11-16 Thread utowana

Ugh...Not even sure why I'm bothering to chime in, but I guess timing is
everything.  I just took delivery of my third SB3 and paired it with
Audioengine 5's in my bedroom.  Connected wirelessly two floors away
from my router - after a 2 minute set up, including insertion of my WEP
key.  It suits my life style just fine - sounds very sweet.  (BTW:  I
have Aego M's controlled by my second SB in my kitchen and love them
also.  They suit my life style also!  I used the forum to help me
decide to give them a try...and then could not resist the equally
positive reviews of the 5's.)

My wife looked at the first SB...a kludgey black and silver model, gave
a puzzled look, listened to the sound, and was off and running creating
play lists using SlimServer, loading up Squeezenetwork, and syncing
between players.  She doesn't care what color it is.  She is listening
to the music.


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Re: [slim] Are you using Mp3Tunes?

2007-08-04 Thread utowana

I tried mp3tunes for a day or so, got really excited, purchased the year
subscription. That was almost 2 months ago.  Since then, I've made
really determined efforts to upload my rather large collection of
mp3's.  It is hopeless.  It is so slow, and so inconsistent on upload
that I've just about given up. I too had hoped it would be a great way
to back up my collection, and make it available to me in novel ways off
the Internet.  Too slow, and too many drop outs.  Go away on vacation
with hopes that an uninterrupted week will take care of the bulk of the
upload, and return to a message that it is trying to connect to the
server.  I know that the upload path is a long and complicated one, and
can't blame all of this on mp3tunes (perhaps almost none of this...gosh,
their server is not the likely culprit).  I think it is a great business
idea with an almost fatal flaw - it may work for people with smallish
collections and/or a huge pipes, but it isn't happening for me with a
typically healthy Comcast broadband connection.


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-30 Thread utowana

bklaas;210952 Wrote: 
 Can you describe this a little further, please?
 1. what version of slimserver are you using, and what OS does
 slimserver run on?
 2. when you say that the toolbar floats over the rest of the window,
 are you talking about something that's part of the skin (i.e., the bar
 that has links for server settings, player settings, etc.) or the
 toolbar for the browser itself? If you mean the former, that's a bug I
 need to look at. The latter you can change in the browser settings
 under the View-toolbars-(uncheck) full-screen option (or something
 like that).

Hi Ben.  I've been away on business trying to earn enough money to buy
another gadget.

Re your questions above:

1.  SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 12047 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252

2.  The former!  Using full-screen option on my N800, the lower dark
grey tool bar of your skin (showing 19247 songs, 1423 artists, 1561
albums space About  Server Settings  Player Settings remains fixed
over the bottom of the second row of icons in your skin.  It actually
obscures the text label of the icons.  Make sense?

My observation is that this occurred after upgrade of the OS on the
N800.  It was not a problem before.  Currently using the latest
download from Nokia:  Internet Tablet OS 2007 edition Version: 

Thanks for continued work on the skin!


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-30 Thread utowana

bklaas;210952 Wrote: 
 Can you describe this a little further, please?
 1. what version of slimserver are you using, and what OS does
 slimserver run on?
 2. when you say that the toolbar floats over the rest of the window,
 are you talking about something that's part of the skin (i.e., the bar
 that has links for server settings, player settings, etc.) or the
 toolbar for the browser itself? If you mean the former, that's a bug I
 need to look at. The latter you can change in the browser settings
 under the View-toolbars-(uncheck) full-screen option (or something
 like that).

Ben:  Uh.  Sorry.  I did not read your reply with enough attention
to detail.  You answered my question initially.  In View - Show
Toolbar - uncheck Full Screen.

All looks well in 770 skin in N800 world.  Thanks.


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread utowana

Hey Ben:  thanks for your great addition to the slimserver arsenal.

You say: make sure the browser settings are to not show the toolbar in
full-screen mode.

How do I do that on my N800?  Ever since my update of the OS on the
N800, (all of which went fine), the toolbar at the bottom of the 770
skin screen floats over the rest of the window (scrolls up and down as
I move the screen around with my finger or pen).  I must have solved
this problem before, but it is pesky now.

Have I described it adequately?


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Re: [slim] How do you use your Squeezebox/Transporter?

2007-06-13 Thread utowana

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=36061

Question: When you listen to music, do you connect to Slim Server or

- a) 100% of the time to Slimserver (on computer or NAS drive)
- b) 75% of the time on Slimserver / 25% on SqueezeNetwork
- c) 50% of the time on Slimserver / 50% on SqueezeNetwork
- d) 25% of the time on Slimserver / 75% on SqueezeNetwork
- e) 100 % of the time on SqueezeNetwork

Squeeze network about 20% of the time.  BUT, it is great and useful for
all sorts of situations.  Additionally, people that come to the home
and rave over the SB are equally impressed with SNetwork.  I actually
think it is one of those over the top features that helps sell the
hardware.  Make sure it stays.  I just discovered (yeah, I can be slow
sometimes) how Radio Time is showing my local stations so nicely.


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[slim] Softsqueeze and Synch

2007-06-08 Thread utowana

God I feel old sometimes.  Installed softsqueeze and enjoying it. 
Thought it would be cool to experiment with different skin.  Changed
from the initial skin that appeared on install (the black control and
transporter) to the first one on the list (the tiny grey player).  How
the heck to you change back?  No sign whatsoever of controls or menu
system the initial skin had.  Feels like using a completely obscure
WinAmp skin created by a 17 year old but totally unintuitive to a 50
year old.  Give me the SB skin control back!

Second question.  I want to sync two SB players in the house.  I see
hundreds of references to synchronize in the Forum, but people
reference it like I know how to do it.  Where is it in help file? 
Can't find.  Can someone point me?

Maybe just a dunce day.


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Re: [slim] Softsqueeze and Synch

2007-06-08 Thread utowana

Thanks bephillips

I found the insanely tiny prefs button on the excession skin and now
see how that little rascal is handled.  Sound like a whiner, and don't
want to, as I love my SB and this forum...great people offering free
help...what can be bad with that.  The mini rant is about interfaces
and making someone think and search and feel silly for not knowing how
to do something.  Anyway, that is fixed.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox and Parasound Zamp

2007-03-30 Thread utowana

I can confirm that the Parasound Zamp works nicely with my new
Squeezebox. No pre-amp used or needed for my particular application. 
The auto on also works to perfection.  I did not even have to fiddle
with the setting on the back of the Zamp.  Just set it to Auto On, move
the Sensitivity knob to 12 oclock, and when you send some music thru the
SB, it turns the Zamp on quickly and reliably.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox and Parasound Zamp

2007-03-20 Thread utowana

Great tips.  Thanks guys.  That site for HTD in wall speakers looks
nice...they seem really inexpensive, but I know that you don't always
have to pay a lot to get great stuff.  Have you been pleased with them?
They are so reasonably priced, it almost seems like a no-brainer to try


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[slim] Squeezebox and Parasound Zamp

2007-03-18 Thread utowana

Am doing a mini kitchen/dining room remodel and will be pairing a new SB
(yes, black...very nice) with a Parasound Zamp.  Here is a softball
question:  am I correct that I need no more pre-amp than that supplied
in the SB?  

Second question:  does anyone have an in-wall speaker suggestion? I've
listened to some Polk's, but would love more options. Room is about 13
x 18 ft, hardwood floors, drywall construction.  Price range somewhere
around $500 for the speaker set (give or take).

Last question:  does anyone have a recommendation for an IR repeater
kit for use with a wall hanging LCD TV (so I can bury my cable box DVR
in the closet out of the way?  They seem ridiculously expensive (e.g.,
the Niles exceeds $200).

Thanks!  My second Squeezebox!  Love it.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox vs Sonos

2007-03-03 Thread utowana

I've owned a SB for over a year and, after my wife and daughter, it
would be the next thing I grab in a house fire.  Having said that, my
bro in law recently asked for my help setting up a complete home audio
system.  He has a designer home and wanted clean, sexy and easy to use.
After a lot of soul searching, I helped him purchase and install a
frightfully expensive SONOS system that included multiple controllers
and base units.  It was effortless to set up and sounds  fine.  He
loves it.  It gave me a lot of time to play with the system directly. 
I found the controller to be cute, but surprisingly choppy in its
response.  One of the controllers needed to be reset several times a
day...and I recommended he send it back.  I hated the software
installed on his host computer.  Despite the occasional oddities of
SS, I'll take it any day over what Sonos is passing off.  After playing
with the Sonos for a day, my brother in law asked how to create a custom
play list.  Well, just try doing some creative searching on the Sonos
software.  It can barely be done from the controller.  I was forced to
install Media Center on his computer, taught him how to really search
his database of music, create an interesting playlist, export it, and
save it in a folder that the Sonos would search (oh yeah, and then have
Sonos rescan the library).  I could go on, but my sense was that the
Sonos was for music listeners and the SS/SB is for music lovers. 
Sometimes a prix fix meal is fun, but generally I like to order a la


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Re: [slim] Nokia N800

2007-02-21 Thread utowana

TechHome;175840 Wrote: 
 user Thoughtfix has a blog on the 770  800.  Here's a link to his
 must have applications.  Follow the links and you will find
 installation info.  Have fun

What a great resource.  Thanks TechHome.


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[slim] Re: Nokia N800

2007-01-25 Thread utowana

This is not exactly a slimdevices forum post, but since everyone here is
so friendly, I'm hoping someone can give me a pointer to a resource.  I
have an N800 and it is a tremendous device, and i'm loving its utility
as a SS/SB controller using the Nokia 770 skin.

I'm not a Linux guy, and I have stared at the maemo.org site for quite
a while, and done numerous searches, and can find no how to walk thru
on how to install third party applications in the device.  It just ain't
intuitive for a non developer, non linux, windows guy. Can anyone help? 
Just point me to some resources and I'll be off and running.



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[slim] Re: Nokia N800

2007-01-09 Thread utowana

I could not wait and purchased one of the two units delivered to my
local CompUSA.  Up and running as soon as the battery was charged.  Not
familiar with the Nokia770 skin, but it loaded right up and I'm off and
running controlling my desktop/winamp/slimserver combo (thanks for the
WIKI entry).  Next step is to control the SB in my living room from my
dining room.  Now, my wife cannot deny me a second SB for the bedroom. 
My goal is to never have to move.  Way to go guys.  Very cool.  Planning
on a serious play session tonight.


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[slim] Re: popping at the beginning of every track after 6.5 upgrade

2006-11-26 Thread utowana

ceejay;157333 Wrote: 
 Well, for Harry (but not utowana - don't know about matt as you've not
 said what you are using) the following bug may be relevant...
 http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4366  If this aplies to you
 then add your name to the Cc list and post any additinal info that will
 help the devs fix it.
 for utowana's mp3's, is this relevant ?

Thanks for the input.  I delayed feedback til I had a chance to see
whether install of latest daily worked.  Seems OK now.  Still need some
time, but early reviews last night were good (no popping sound). 
Appreciate the input...great forum for help!  For what it is worth:  I
am now using:  SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 10758 - Windows XP - EN -
cp1252.  Using wireless SB, but caved in and cabled it just so it is a
bit faster and more responsive.   Also, in the for what it  is worth
department...I NEVER have the popping sound when streaming to WinAmp on
my desktop computer (where SS is located).  All of the popping occurs
(hopefully occurred) when using the SB.  Not sure if that is a clue. 
Love the server, love the box!


utowana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4204
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[slim] Re: popping at the beginning of every track after 6.5 upgrade

2006-11-24 Thread utowana

Yup...I can confirm...same thing happening to me with SlimServer
Version: 6.5.1 - 10337

Using exclusively mp3 rips.  Flawless performance before, but now, on
about 50% of playback, I hear a loud static pop when each track begins.
the problem seems unpredictable, as it will occur sometimes and other
times, not.  No pattern as to which album generates the pop, so I was
waiting to see if I could identify a pattern before posting.

Any ideas?


utowana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4204
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[slim] Re: What do Playlists mean to you?

2006-11-04 Thread utowana

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29368

Question: What do playlists mean to you?

- Never or very rarely use them
- Not a big problem: use static playlists for parties or similar,
  current features ok
- Use static playlists a lot, would like to see better features for
  managing them
- Want smart or dynamic playlists.  iTunes integration and/or plugins
  usable  (but could be better!).
- Smart or dynamic playlists are very important, current options not
  good enough, must be improved
- Critical: Playlist handling must be improved or I'm out of here

I love the concept of MusicIP and wish it was something that was (1)
faster (I loaded it up, and 12 days later, it was only a third of the
way thru validating my 15,000 track collection...so I bailed out on
it), and (2)  integrated more seamlessly (easily) with SS.


utowana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4204
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29368

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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-19 Thread utowana

When I purchased my SB, I immediately started to worry about the
viability of SlimDevices.  Will they be there forever for me?  I
worried even more after I fell in love with the product, the service,
the forum, even the server software (despite some fits and starts).  I
work for a company that is positioning itself to be purchased
(someday).  The American way.  Do good work and be rewarded for it. 
Things have to change at SD.  It is inevitable.  Corporate will slowly
encroach.  I want my little company back...I'll take the anxiety.  Good
for the guys at SD.  They deserve it, but we didn't.

It is rare to have a product in the marketplace that engenders loyalty
and passion.  I hope you can sustain that.

Neurotically yours


utowana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4204
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28821

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[slim] Re: Looking for Good Info on Album Art Downloading

2006-10-09 Thread utowana

Thanks for the tip TCM.  I was just previewing, and becoming a bit
frustrated with, Album Cover Art Downloader, and gave your suggestion
Album Art Aggregator a try.  It is still a bit of a quirky program,
but hits the mark more often than it misses.  I like the price.


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[slim] Windows cannot find 'SlimServer Web Interface.url

2006-08-12 Thread utowana

I've been using SS without incident for a year.  Recently, I believe
upon download of the latest stable version of SS (6.3.1), it runs
perfectly until I re-boot my computer.  When the computer is up after
the re-boot, I try to open up the web interface of SS and get this
message:  Windows cannot find 'SlimServer Web Interface.url' Make sure
you typed the name correctly

If I reinstall SS it works nicely until the next re-boot.

Can anyone help?

Love SlimServer and Squeezebox...but this is putting a cramp in my
access to my music!


utowana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4204
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[slim] Re: Is there any way to generate a text file list of albums, etc?

2006-02-25 Thread utowana

hal9000 Wrote: 
 I generated a great report using Media Monkey...
 I exported to Excel, deleted the track name and number, and then used
 an Excel function...  Data/Filter/Advanced Filter/Unique Records Only 
 The result: I got a great list of my FLAC catalog with
 My wife is very intimidated by my music collection (2.1K cd's) and this
 nice clean report has been a great help to her.

I do much the same thing as Hal, only I manipulate the output from
Media Monkey using pivot tables.  This way, I can create output reports
along any of the dimensions (genre, track, etc) just by changing the
page fields.


Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21355

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