Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-08 Thread pablolie

radish;317849 Wrote: 
 I apologise ...

Magic words. Accepted.

I apologize myself for (a) over-reacting and (b) going off topic.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-07 Thread radish

pablolie;317256 Wrote: 
 since i am provenly not in the habit of jumping into those threads 
I apologise for conflating your posting behaviour with egd's - you're
right, this thread was already way off topic before you came along :)

 not ony is your statement proven a fallacy, but you are shown to be
 dishonest by implying i have ever engaged in the equvalent of your
Not dishonest, just mistaken - it happens. But I've no idea what
equvalent of your behavior means...this thread was a request for help
with a problem, so I thought I'd try. I may be wrong, but I thought
that's what a forum is for.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-05 Thread smc2911

Given that I started this thread, I thought I'd point out that my
experience with the Duet has been very positive. I have only had two
problems. The first was to do with my complicated network topology (two
wireless routers to ensure wireless coverage over two floors) and was
very quickly solved after a quick response from Dean that pinpointed
the problem immediately. The second was the one that triggered this
thread. In this case, the problem only arose with SC 7.1, which is
still only in test and so I it's reasonable to experience a few
glitches. My problem, which disappeared with a new release, may also be
related to my network setup: my SBR is on a different wireless network
(but same sub-net) as the SB3 so perhaps there was a problem updating
the SBR firmware associated with 7.1 upgrade that related to this
wireless setup. In any event, I'm happily listening to the SBR right
now (Cluster, in case you were wondering).

I have two work colleagues who bought the Duet on my recommendation.
One already had a Transporter so was familiar with the world of
Squeeze. The other had always heard me bang on about how it would
change the way he listened to music. He's had his duet for a few
weeks now and the other day he said to me it has changed the way I
listen to music. Dare I say, I told him so?


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-05 Thread egd

mvalera;317323 Wrote: 
 EGD... did you ever contact support?
 I have said MANY times that I think you have a bad unit. I may have
 missed it but I never saw a response.
 Do you want me to have support in the US contact you?
 pablolie, I think you may be in the same boat. Did you ever call
 support to have them diagnose your problems?

Back in Australia next week, will call support when I have the unit in
front of me.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-04 Thread pablolie

radish;317077 Wrote: 
 And neither does making vague statements about how you've given up on
 the device because it's so terrible. You're not highlighting specific
 issues that a potential customer could consider, or that the dev team
 could fix, you're just ranting, and it's pointless.

i guess you prefer to ignore whatever challenges your pet theories.

i have been specific about the issues, have provided pointers, have
left no doubt about the debugging steps i have taken and the parameters
i have changed trying to overcome, ehem, loss of wireless connectivity,
as the friggin' title of this thread indicates.

no specific issue? hello?

radish;317077 Wrote: 
  Are you unhappy that people come into your complaint threads and state
 that it works for them? Why are their experiences any less valuable for
 a potential user than yours? 

since i am provenly not in the habit of jumping into those threads
telling them they're helping no one by repeatedly praising the device,
not ony is your statement proven a fallacy, but you are shown to be
dishonest by implying i have ever engaged in the equvalent of your


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-04 Thread mvalera

EGD... did you ever contact support?

I have said MANY times that I think you have a bad unit. I may have
missed it but I never saw a response.

Do you want me to have support in the US contact you?

pablolie, I think you may be in the same boat. Did you ever call
support to have them diagnose your problems?



Michael Valera
Online Communities Manager
Logitech Streaming Media Business Unit

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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-04 Thread pablolie

mvalera;317323 Wrote: 
 EGD... did you ever contact support?
 I have said MANY times that I think you have a bad unit. I may have
 missed it but I never saw a response.
 Do you want me to have support in the US contact you?
 pablolie, I think you may be in the same boat. Did you ever call
 support to have them diagnose your problems?

mike -

i very much appreciate you following up on july 4th, showing passion
for the product.

the answer is yes, i contacted support and went through the usual due
diligence. i had the choice to exchage/return the product in Fry's,
where i impulsively bought it (should have bought online). then i had
to go on a long business trip and simply could not spend more time on

i'll freely acknowledge perhaps i have a defective unit, even though
the product functionally works - it just decides to disconnect itself
from the wireless network with annoying regularity. i just don't think
i still have the option to send it back to Logitech.

again, thanks.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-04 Thread mvalera

No, it's still under warranty.

Call support on Monday, it's toll free in the US. If it's defective
they will replace it.



Michael Valera
Online Communities Manager
Logitech Streaming Media Business Unit

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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-03 Thread smc2911

Good news, I upgraded to the latest 7.1 and it all works again! I didn't
make any other changes to the linux server or the network topology, so
it must have been a transient quirk with the version of 7.1 I was using
(or some other problem which has vanished). Anyway, radish, thanks for
your suggestions!


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-03 Thread radish

smc2911;316909 Wrote: 
 Anyway, radish, thanks for your suggestions!

No problem, glad you got it sorted!


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-03 Thread pablolie

does anyone know when 7.1 will be officially released as a main, stable



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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-03 Thread pablolie

egd;316422 Wrote: 
 Yes, people lurking and reading in order to help them make a decision
 need to understand that the Duet comes with many problems.  Sorry if
 you don't like hearing that.

I find it an intereesting culture in these forums, that many of the SB
stalwarts seem to think we users must be nice to SlimDevices and

I agree that vitriol and diatribes don't help anyone, however I think
as users we have the right -and to a certtain the degree an obligation-
to keep highlighting problems for as long as they exist.

The cheerleading will not help quality control or advance the cause of
the SlimDevices products. Trying to shut up users that have problems
even though it is obvious they are knowledgable and have paid for the
product is simply wrong.

I wish it weren't true, but as big a fan I am of the traditional SB, I
am utterly disappointed with the Duet. In its current form it is not a
comsumer-ready device at all. The temperamental wireless behavior of
the SBC is widely documented in these forums, and that is just the
people that decide to actually try to fix it, as opposed to those who
simply return the product without bothering any further.

I have kept the Duet, hoping that one day, one sweet day, a software
release comes along that fulfills the promise of the product. Until
then, I shall write messages such as these to express I am a
disappointed Duet buyer up until now. It is a shame that longtime SB
customer like myself and Mr egd have our Duet gathering dust, several
software and firmware upgrades and wireless power settings into the
debugging cycle. 

And for others to feel entitled to tell me I should upgrade a wireless
router that is pretty recent, and that has never ever had issues with
any device (several PDAs, iPhones, laptops, Macs, Linux systems and
what not)... well, did the Duet come with a sticker that said will
only work with a handful or wireless routers, but we won't officially
tell you which ones? I think not.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-03 Thread Goodsounds

pablolie;317052 Wrote: 
  Until then, I shall write messages such as these to express I am a
 disappointed Duet buyer up until now. 

I think everyone is interested in the thoughtful discussions, problem
solving and enlightening experience sharing that these forums offer. 
But there are some who seem to think that whining is appropriate in a
community forum, and I think that is where the line is crossed. I don't
think anyone wants opinions suppressed; but speaking for myself, I don't
want to read anyone's same opinion over and over again.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-03 Thread radish

pablolie;317052 Wrote: 
 I agree that vitriol and diatribes don't help anyone,
And neither does making vague statements about how you've given up on
the device because it's so terrible. You're not highlighting specific
issues that a potential customer could consider, or that the dev team
could fix, you're just ranting, and it's pointless.

 The cheerleading will not help quality control or advance the cause of
 the SlimDevices products.
Who's cheerleading? Seriously - who? Are you unhappy that people come
into your complaint threads and state that it works for them? Why are
their experiences any less valuable for a potential user than yours? 

 Trying to shut up users that have problems even though it is obvious
 they are knowledgable and have paid for the product is simply wrong.
No-one's trying to shut anyone up. You're free to say what you want,
just keep it in it's place. If someone asks does anyone have any
issues with the Duet then speak up, you can even start your own thread
if you want. But don't fill up a help thread with noise - it's annoying
and degrades the value of the forums as a whole.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-03 Thread egd

pablolie;317052 Wrote: 
 I wish it weren't true, but as big a fan I am of the traditional SB, I
 am utterly disappointed with the Duet. In its current form it is not a
 comsumer-ready device at all. The temperamental wireless behavior of
 the SBC is widely documented in these forums, and that is just the
 people that decide to actually try to fix it, as opposed to those who
 simply return the product without bothering any further.Pablolie, perhaps one 
 day when you  I, like Radish, have posted 3,379
snippets of intellect, we'll be entitled to express our opinions. 
Radish, before you launch into a diatribe and repeat yourself, I get
it...albeit I don't agree.  This isn't the first thread in which you've
seen fit to admonish other's posts, so no need to reply.  Enough said
from me.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-02 Thread smc2911

Update: fired up a version of SC 7.0 on a Windows box and the SBR setup
worked fine there, so it does seem to be a problem with 7.1. When I try
to switch the music source (since both servers are running), the SBR is
unable to connect to the linux machine running 7.1. The SB3 (which also
connects wirelessly) is having no problems with the 7.1 server nor is
the the SBC (at least when it's controlling the SB3). Interestingly,
when I have the SBR controlling the SBR I have the option to Choose
player to the SB3 but once I'm over there, under Choose player only
the SB3 is listed, not the SBR.

Hope that all made some sense.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-02 Thread radish

egd;316422 Wrote: 
 Yes, people lurking and reading in order to help them make a decision
 need to understand that the Duet comes with many problems.  Sorry if
 you don't like hearing that.
How exactly does your post help someone who's already bought the thing
and is having trouble? It doesn't, you even admit that in your first
sentance. Feel free to chime in on the should I buy this threads but
lets keep the help threads actually useful. It's nothing to do with
what I like or dislike hearing, it's about keeping these forums useful
and free of noise.

 that basically tells you sweet-F-all as the Receiver goes through the
 motions of doing whatever it is it tries to do.  Flashing colours does
 not tell me what the problem is, only that it's attempting to do
Actually it's pretty useful in that it indicates how far through a
known process it was able to get. That helps narrow down what the issue
might be. Would it be nice to get more fine-grained detail out of it?
Sure, although I think the detail from the light is actually pretty
similar to what you get on the SB3 display during setup. The day a
network device is able to say hey - you have two DHCP servers on the
network, you might want to fix that is the day a lot of helpdesk
people lose their jobs.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-02 Thread radish

So, as you may know, the blue light means that the network connection is
live and DHCP worked, but that the connection to the server has failed.
Typically this means a subnet/routing or firewall issue, but it could
be something else. 

smc2911;316557 Wrote: 
 Update: fired up a version of SC 7.0 on a Windows box and the SBR setup
 worked fine there, so it does seem to be a problem with 7.1.
Or the linux server (in some respect). 

 When I try to switch the music source (since both servers are
 running), the SBR is unable to connect to the linux machine running
 7.1. The SB3 (which also connects wirelessly) is having no problems
 with the 7.1 server nor is the the SBC (at least when it's controlling
 the SB3). 
You mentioned you have two wireless points, are both players associated
with the same one? I'd try simplifying things at this point by going
back to a single router/access point and powering down the other one. 

I'd also try running the same versions on both servers so we can
eliminate (or not!) that as a variable. So put 7.1 on the windows box
or 7.0 on the linux one. Or try both if you're feeling exhaustive :)


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-01 Thread radish

egd;315916 Wrote: 
 Wish I could say I know where to start, but I'm pretty much in the same
 boat and have since abandoned both the Receiver and Controller.  
I realise you've had a frustrating experience, but do you really need
to tell us on every single thread asking for help?

 Any device that needs to connect to a network and has no web based
 interface or other visual interface that tells you what's really going
 on is fundamentally flawed.
Big flashing light. Right in the middle.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-01 Thread radish

smc2911;315596 Wrote: 
 My network topology has not changed: two wireless routers on the same
 subnet. One router connected to the internet and has a wired connection
 to the PC with SqueezeCenter. The two routers are connected LAN-LAN
 and only the first is set to be a DHCP server. The only thing that I
 have recently changed is that I have upgraded to SC 7.1 but I don't
 think that this is the problem as the SBC never seems to connect to the
 Any suggestions would be appreciated.

When did you change SC versions - before or after it stopped working?
What platform are you running on? Have you made any changes (or has
anything else made changes) to your security/firewall/av settings?


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-01 Thread smc2911

I would changed versions to 7.1 before I tried using the SCR again, so
that could be the problem. I have SC running on Linux: 
SqueezeCenter Version: 7.1 - 21241 @ Fri Jun 27 01:01:51 PDT 2008 -
Debian - EN - utf8
I will try downgrading again and see if that makes a difference.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-07-01 Thread egd

radish;316283 Wrote: 
 I realise you've had a frustrating experience, but do you really need to
 tell us on every single thread asking for help?Yes, people lurking and 
 reading in order to help them make a decision
need to understand that the Duet comes with many problems.  Sorry if
you don't like hearing that.

radish;316283 Wrote: 
 Big flashing light. Right in the middle.that basically tells you sweet-F-all 
 as the Receiver goes through the
motions of doing whatever it is it tries to do.  Flashing colours does
not tell me what the problem is, only that it's attempting to do


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-06-29 Thread egd

Wish I could say I know where to start, but I'm pretty much in the same
boat and have since abandoned both the Receiver and Controller.  When
I'm back in Aus I may try one more time to get it all going.  Any
device that needs to connect to a network and has no web based
interface or other visual interface that tells you what's really going
on is fundamentally flawed. It's not often I come to despise working
with something, but the Receiver is definitely the category killer in
this space.


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Re: [slim] Receiver Connection Problems

2008-06-29 Thread avta

Try 7.0.3 at


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