Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Daniel Carrera

M. Fioretti wrote:

Thanks for the prompt answer, I'll look at the links you provided. One
thing to mention, maybe, is that I said Macro, not Add on.

I thought you might have been thinking about .odt files, but wasn't 
sure. In any event, Python probably still comes closer to what you want 
than anything else I can think of.

I was thinking to something I can embed into an .odt file and
distribute (say a quiz system for training classes, or whatever
strikes your fancy). In other words, assume I study what you told me,
and manage to make the Python macro work on my (Linux) PC. Can I embed
it in an OO.o file, and how many chances there are that if I send it
by email to another (Windows) user he will be able to run it just as
it did on my computer? (Never mind security for now, I need to
understand the basic flow first).

I can answer the second part of your paragrah:

OOo itself comes with Python included. It is in the 'programs' 
directory. If you made an add-on with Python, it would install just fine 
on any computer. The addon would be a zip archive containing (1) one or 
more .py files for the actual code and (2) an XML file that tells OOo to 
add a menu entry and call your program when the user clicks on it.

But this addon would not be embedded in an .odt paragraph (at least, not 
in the current and near-future OOo releases). If what you want *must* be 
in a .odt file I think you're stuck with StarBasic for now.

May I ask... is there a reason why a .odt file is needed but an addon 
won't work for you? (provided that the add-on works whenever OOo is 


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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Alexandro Colorado

Quoting M. Fioretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


What if I wanted to implement some OO.o macros with Python?
What should I study, do, code, patch, download...?

I suggest you to read Robert Vojta's blog and also subscribe to the list where the PyUNO guru -- Joerg is always helping.


poor end user (me), without any realistic possibility or skills to
hack OO.o core code, not really eager to dig into StarBasic, has some
complex Python text processing routines *already* written from other
projects, by him and other guys.

Hence, poor guy would love to use *those* Python scripts from within
OO.o directly on the content of OO.o files. Instead of learning
StarBasic and rewrite the same routines with it.

So, is there a way for a normal end user, which has only the pre-built
OO.o binaries, to add a Python interpreter to it and attach scripts to
buttons, menus etc?


PS: Ditto with Perl, in case using it in OO.o is different than Python

Marco Fiorettimfioretti, at the server
Fedora Core 3 for low memory

It's always socially unacceptable to be right too soon. -- RAH

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Alexandro Colorado
Co-Leader of Spanish

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Re: [discuss] OSS in Brazil

2005-06-07 Thread Alexandro Colorado

Quoting Fbio Emilio Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Em 05/06/05 08:30 Tony Pursell escreveu:

I saw this last week on the BBC News 24 channel.  Unfortunately, it
didn't show any example screenshots of the OSS they are using.  They
only managed a screenshot of XP and a shot of the MS HQ in Brazil (a
very impressive building - showing how much they have been profiting
from a county which cannot afford their software).

As Brazilian I could say for you:

Lula's brazilian government is using Freedows (made by Cobra, a local
IT business), a Linux Port with Windows layout. Other options (adopted
by some of PC Conectado factories, like Semp Toshiba and Itautec)
are Insigne Linux and Mandriva (although I didn't heard anyone using

The packages are a more-or-less-common distribution: KDE, OOo,
Firefox, Thunderbird, the GIMP, and so on.

In the government I know that is very intense the use of Debian, and I
believe that, as Cobra is partly owned by the Brazilian Government via
Banco do Brasil (Brazil's Bank) - the Cobra's biggest isolated
shareholder - Freedows are in a rush.

-- Thanks!

Fabio Emilio Costa   Borda da Mata - MG - Brazil   ICQ #:173799674
Yahoo! Messenger:hufflepuff0305 Linux User #328087 (

Orkut Profile:

Wow this is really interesting stuff, do you have URL's talking more about the
topic. Doesn't matter if it's in porguese.
Alexandro Colorado
Co-Leader of Spanish

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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Marco Fioretti
D. Carrera wrote:

 But this addon would not be embedded in an .odt paragraph (at 
 least, not in the current and near-future OOo releases).

Why not, if I may ask?

 May I ask... is there a reason why a .odt file is needed but 
 an addon won't work for you? (provided that the add-on works
 whenever OOo is installed).

Fair question, but you partly answered it yourself. OpenDocument
is one thing, OO.o another. Who can assume that the latter *will*
be installed wherever the former is used? Especially in 2/4 years,
if OpenDocument is to become the truly universal that we keep
saying etc etc...

Before answering gee, that's so far in the future, why bother?,
keep in mind that OpenDocument is being advertised as *the* long
term solution for governments, multinationals and so on. All
organizations that have a huge inertia to switch, and before
buying the whole FOSS thing still need to see or be told that
there *is* a coherent, long term strategy behind.

Back to my training class example: a portable macro embedded into
an .odt file is what you could use to distribute tutorials or any
other interactive educational material where there is scarce bandwidth
and/or PCs not powerful enough to run OO.o. Ditto for CDs attached
to magazines or books.

Teacher writes on OO.o, students learn on KOffice. Or vice-versa.
That's why I said embedded into the .odt file. Of course, if
(in the conditions above) there is any other solution which has
the same end result for the student/user is OK, but is there?

Marco F.

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Re: [discuss] OPEN OFFICE BASE

2005-06-07 Thread Ocke Janssen


or press just F4 in a writer or calc document to open the data source view.

Best regards,

Daniel Carrera wrote:

Base is a new component in the development release. If you want to try 
it out you will have to download the beta version. The beta is 
available from our website.



Hi, Discuss
Have just downloaded 1.1.4 but Base does not appear in the Open 
Office  Programme menu
Please can you advise why it is not there?
Tom Walsh

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Ocke Janssen  Tel: +49 40 23646 661, x1
Dipl. Inf(FH) Fax: +49 40 23646 550
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Sachsenfeld 4 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-20097 Hamburg

			Example isn't another way to teach, 
			it is the only way to teach.  
			Albert Einstein

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Re: [discuss] OSS in Brazil

2005-06-07 Thread Kazunari Hirano

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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Laurent Godard

Hi Marco,

Fair question, but you partly answered it yourself. OpenDocument
is one thing, OO.o another. Who can assume that the latter *will*
be installed wherever the former is used? Especially in 2/4 years,
if OpenDocument is to become the truly universal that we keep
saying etc etc...

IMHO, macros (developepd in  StarBasic, python, beanshell, 
whateverlanguage) do not deal with openDocument at all
It only deals with the layer the software (OOo) that render an 
OpenDocument gives the script through its API. It is implementation specific

OpenDocment is /only/ the description of the xml files (eg content.xml), 
and not a specification of the api of the implementation


Laurent Godard [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Ingénierie
Nuxeo CPS -
Livre Programmation, Eyrolles 2004

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Re: [discuss] OSS in Brazil

2005-06-07 Thread Kazunari Hirano
I read this in March.
So they have made it now

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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Alexandro Colorado

Quoting Laurent Godard [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi Marco,

Fair question, but you partly answered it yourself. OpenDocument
is one thing, OO.o another. Who can assume that the latter *will*
be installed wherever the former is used? Especially in 2/4 years,
if OpenDocument is to become the truly universal that we keep
saying etc etc...

IMHO, macros (developepd in  StarBasic, python, beanshell,
whateverlanguage) do not deal with openDocument at all
It only deals with the layer the software (OOo) that render an
OpenDocument gives the script through its API. It is implementation specific

OpenDocment is /only/ the description of the xml files (eg content.xml),
and not a specification of the api of the implementation


-- Laurent Godard [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Ingnierie
Nuxeo CPS -
Livre Programmation, Eyrolles 2004

Ok this is a learning opportunity, I thought odt is exactly the same as
sxw just
a with a different syntaxis. If I have a macro with a window form and I save
that document. Does that mean that the code will be in the file or would it be
on my computer? Does that means that they are no-longer portable to another

Alexandro Colorado
Co-Leader of Spanish

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Re: [discuss] Microsoft's EU Proposal a Blow to Open Source

2005-06-07 Thread Rigel
for all the idealism in the post, I will simply comment that MicroSoft would 
only benefit themselves. They aren't around to benefit anyone else. Spyglass 
model or otherwise, they make more profit lieing cheating and stealing then 
by excercising integrity. My two cents.

 On 6/6/05, Gary Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 eWeek has published a series of articles covering the recent anti trust
 settlement between Microsoft and the European Union. To me the most
 interesting piece is an article titled, Microsoft's EU Proposal a Blow
 to Open Source. The article can be found at:,1759,1824675,00.asp
 Under the current terms of the Microsoft proposal, the author of the
 article, Matthew Broersma has got it right. It's an enormous blow to
 Open Source.
 Measures imposed on Microsoft by the European Commission last year were
 meant to restore competition in the workgroup server market. Microsoft
 was forced to come up with a means of disclosing important protocols and
 interfaces that connect the MS desktop productivity environment to MS
 servers and MS devices. The plan Microsoft came up with is a RAND
 (Reasonable and Non Discriminatory) license for access to these
 communications and connectivity protocols and interfaces. Price and
 licensing restrictions effectively excludes Open Source access.
 Even though Open Source alternatives are the only meaningful competition
 left, the Microsoft juggernaut having crushed any and all profit
 oriented corporate efforts, the European Commission is nevertheless at a
 loss to do anything other than accept this measure of Redmond magnanimity.
 But fear not. There is a solution, which, as measure of our own
 magnanimity, i'll call the Spyglass Model of Fair Access and
 Licensing. The model attempts to provide some structure and meaning to
 the meaningless RAND. What's reasonable and non discriminatory to
 Microsoft turns out to be a catch-22 highway to oblivion for everyone
 else. To be reasonable we need to have a solid marker, reflecting the
 marketplace, against which access rights to communications essentials
 can be reasonably distributed. Let me try to explain.
 Clearly we need a solution to the problem of providing fair and
 equitable access to these critically important interfaces and
 protocols. Without access there can be no open market interoperability
 worth a competitive damn.
 Lucky for us that Microsoft has already come up with a solution that has
 worked very well for them in the past, and if applied to the current
 situation would preserve the competitiveness of open source
 alternatives. Let's call it the Spyglass Model.
 Remember Spyglass? Faced with the prospect of the Netscape Browser
 totally taking over the Internet, and having no expertise to write their
 own response, Microsoft turned to Mosaic Browser expert Spyglass. The
 deal was simple. Spyglass writes a competitive browser for Microsoft,
 and Microsoft pays them a percentage of every browser sold. A win win
 for everyone.
 Microsoft then proceeded to bolt the Spyglass browser into every Windows
 distro. Since there was no break down of the Windows bundle into
 specific charges for specific components like the browser, there was no
 requirement to reimburse Spyglass for Herculean effort in providing
 Microsoft with a competitive browser. Funny how MS Office was handled
 differently, but nevertheless managed to ship bundled with most
 What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I think the EU can
 solve the interoperability problems between MS desktops and competitive
 servers and services by following the Spyglass model and putting some
 structure to the RAND licensing model Microsoft has proposed. Let
 competitors needing totally open, clear and transparent access to these
 critically important protocols and interfaces pay Microsoft according to
 what they charge for components utilizing these interfaces in their
 distributions. Let the regulators audit Microsoft to make certain they
 provide all interfaces and protocols.
 It's been more than a year since Microsoft came to similar terms with
 the USA Courts regarding competitive access rights to the same
 interfaces and protocols. Since then only seven companies have come up
 with the booty to purchase MS RAND access rights. And they did so with
 no guarantee that the interfaces and protocols they were provided with
 represented the whole enchilada. For all these seven know, they could
 have purchased themselves into second class competitiveship for aeon's
 to come. The Microsoft way has long been to provide one set of
 protocols and interfaces to third parties, and reserve another, secret
 and enhanced set for themselves. Why should they give up a proven,
 battle tested business practice guaranteed to fill the coffers?
 The MS desktop productivity environment has a 93% plus market dominance.
 What server, device or Internet service doesn't need access to 

Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Laurent Godard


Ok this is a learning opportunity, I thought odt is exactly the same as 
sxw just
a with a different syntaxis. If I have a macro with a window form and I 
that document. Does that mean that the code will be in the file or would 
it be

on my computer? Does that means that they are no-longer portable to another

if written as a starbasic macro, it will remain in the file

Nevertheless, OpenDocument Oasis standard do not deal with macros
so IMHO .odt files handles more information (embedded images, macros 
...) than the OpenDocument standard states.

OpenDocument for me is /only/ the xml description of an office document
but i may be false ...


Laurent Godard [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Ingnierie
Nuxeo CPS -
Livre Programmation, Eyrolles 2004

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Re: [discuss] Re: HBS WK: Who will win Microsoft or Linux?

2005-06-07 Thread Alex
OSS has already replaced a number of commercial elements.  Firefox for 
browsing, Thunderbird for email, OpenOffice for (guess what here) in my 
business, Linux for a file server ( soon the desktop).  I don't get your 
commment. :-)

Alex Janssen

Chuck wrote:

Anthony Long wrote:

I'm curious to know what people think about this article?



There are four things in life that are guaranteed...

1) You will be born
2) You will die
3) You will pay taxes
4) OSS will _NEVER_ replace commercial software

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[discuss] Re: How to standardize Spreadsheet formulas?

2005-06-07 Thread Jörg Wartenberg

Hello Gary,

will the formulas be stored as the string that I type in the spreadsheet 
application, or will the tree structure of the formula be analyzed and 
stored in a appropriate XML structure with different attributes for 
operator, operand.

Will cell references be parseable and resolveable by XSLT?

Regards Jörg Wartenberg

PS: Unfortunatley I'am not a XML expert, but I hope my questions are 
reasonable for you too.

Gary Edwards schrieb:

Hi Marco,

There has been much discussion at the OpenDocument TC regarding the 
OpenFormula Project, initiated by David Wheeler in October of 2004.  
This was a concern for the EU, and lucky for us David took up the 

Dr. Nathaniel Borenstein, one of the IBM representatives who recently 
joined the OpenDoc TC, is also very interested in the OpenFormula 
Project.  David has posted many discussions of OpenFormula to the OASIS 
OpenDoc public comment list serve.  Your might want to check these 
conversations out.  He has also posted a rough draft of the OpenFormula 

It is at:

Other stuff is at:

A sample clip of David's discussion:
David Wheeler  I believe that OpenDocument's release should NOT 
depend on the completeness of OpenFormula - send OpenDocument on to its 
next stage when you're ready!

The only issue I have with OpenDocument related to formulas is that I 
think anim:formula and draw:formula should be changed
to use ; as their function parameter separators. If the OpenDocument 
spec is changed to make ; the separator,
then they become compatible with table:formula, and I think that'd be a 
good idea.

--- David A. Wheeler /

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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Marco Fioretti
Laurent Godard wrote.

 IMHO, macros (developepd in  StarBasic, python, beanshell,
 whateverlanguage) do not deal with openDocument at all
 It only deals with the layer the software (OOo) that render an
 OpenDocument gives the script through its API. It is implementation 
 OpenDocment is /only/ the description of the xml files (eg
 content.xml), and not a specification of the api of the

The only answer I have to this is the same I gave to the KOffice
developers when they made the very same remark a few days ago:

1) technically, you are 100% right, and I even agree, but

2) after years of advertising what is now OpenDocument as THE
   one, application-independent, truly open, durable solution
   etc... that frees your data from lock-in to any single SW
   provider (including free as in freedom ones)...

   ...end users are going to be mightily pissed when they start
   exchanging .odt files from/to OO.o and KOffice or whatever else
   and they don't always work in the same way. See the example I
   made of training material, possibly distributed via CD-Rom.
   Oh, and remember that end users include all those governments
   which, with great effort, are being carried to the
   notion of perpetually available data, regardless of the
   application: this is what OpenDocument gives you. This loses
   a *lot* of relevance if there is no defined path to standardize
   macros and spreadsheet formulas, and the will to follow it.

3) Therefore, the way I see it, OO.o, KOffice and whoever else
   will go OpenDocument publicly (which *is* a wonderful thing)
   have *already* committed to standardize those things too.
   They just haven't realized it yet, but the sooner the better.
   For PR, at least.

Marco F.

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Re: [discuss] HBS WK: Who will win Microsoft or Linux?

2005-06-07 Thread Wesley Parish
I would say that in a few years time Microsoft will be heavily indebted for 
its bare survival, on projects like, Mono, wine and ReactOS - 
because they're F/LOSS projects that do make use of the Win32API and DotNET - 
Microsoft will wind up being a retailer of a few high-cost development tools 
and a good part of their cash flow will be dependent on the people they have 
intimidated into paying for irrelevant and totally useless software patent 

Just my 0.02c - probaby heavily inflated.

Wesley Parish

On Tue, 07 Jun 2005 05:59, Anthony Long wrote:
 I'm curious to know what people think about this article?



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Clinersterton beademung, with all of love - RIP James Blish
Mau e ki, he aha te mea nui?
You ask, what is the most important thing?
Maku e ki, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
I reply, it is people, it is people, it is people.

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[discuss] Re: OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Enrique

Marco Fioretti wrote:

Laurent Godard wrote.

IMHO, macros (developepd in  StarBasic, python, beanshell,
whateverlanguage) do not deal with openDocument at all
It only deals with the layer the software (OOo) that render an
OpenDocument gives the script through its API. It is implementation 

OpenDocment is /only/ the description of the xml files (eg
content.xml), and not a specification of the api of the

The only answer I have to this is the same I gave to the KOffice
developers when they made the very same remark a few days ago:

1) technically, you are 100% right, and I even agree, but

2) after years of advertising what is now OpenDocument as THE
   one, application-independent, truly open, durable solution
   etc... that frees your data from lock-in to any single SW
   provider (including free as in freedom ones)...

   ...end users are going to be mightily pissed when they start
   exchanging .odt files from/to OO.o and KOffice or whatever else
   and they don't always work in the same way. 

Perhaps I am too learned, but I'd NEVER expect interoperability on 
OpenDocument to extend to macros or any programming function. 
OpenDocument attaches to its title: a document, a piece of paper.

If you go to macros you are talking about an _application_ standarising 
on that has been much more difficult ever. For that several software 
makers MUST agree in a common API.
Even within single companies like Microsoft or Adobe, different products 
  use difefrent APIs, just because they were created by different people.

It is rather impossible that an .odt file may contain a macro functional 
at OOo, KOffice or whatever. This is not the same as saying that a 
CONVERTER cannot be build. But that is a different approach.

- Enrique -

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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Daniel Carrera

Marco Fioretti wrote:

But this addon would not be embedded in an .odt paragraph (at 
least, not in the current and near-future OOo releases).

Why not, if I may ask?

Uhhm... because no such functionality is implemented yet.

May I ask... is there a reason why a .odt file is needed but 
an addon won't work for you? (provided that the add-on works

whenever OOo is installed).

Fair question, but you partly answered it yourself.

I did? wow!  ;-)

OpenDocument is one thing, OO.o another. Who can assume that the
latter *will* be installed wherever the former is used? Especially
in 2/4 years, if OpenDocument is to become the truly universal
that we keep saying etc etc...


I am not aware of Python macros being part of the OpenDocument spec. 
Come to think of it, I don't know how OpenDocument deals with macros.

Back to my training class example: a portable macro embedded into
an .odt file is what you could use to distribute tutorials or any
other interactive educational material where there is scarce bandwidth
and/or PCs not powerful enough to run OO.o. Ditto for CDs attached
to magazines or books.

I very much doubt that this is possible. A macro always uses the OOo 
API, and this API has no connection with OpenDocument.

Teacher writes on OO.o, students learn on KOffice. Or vice-versa.
That's why I said embedded into the .odt file. Of course, if
(in the conditions above) there is any other solution which has
the same end result for the student/user is OK, but is there?

I don't think there is. But ask Gary, he's the OpenDocument guru.


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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Daniel Carrera

Alexandro Colorado wrote:

Ok this is a learning opportunity, I thought odt is exactly the same as 
sxw just a with a different syntaxis.

Not quite, but close ;-)  OpenDocument can do a few things that sxw 
can't do; it's more general and powerful. But they are very close.

If I have a macro with a window form and I save that document. Does that
mean that the code will be in the file or would it be on my computer?
Does that means that they are no-longer portable to another OOo?

The macro would be in the file, and would definitely be portable to 
another OOo2.x. But I'm pretty sure it won't be readily portable to 
KOffice. I don't think that macros are part of the OpenDocument 
specification. I guess it's similar to how OpenDocument allows you to 
embed an OLE object, but the recipient might not necessarily know what 
to do with it.

Could you do me a favour?  Prepare a .odt file with a macro in it (e.g. 
hello world) and send it to me. I'd be interested in seeing what it 
looks like inside. I can't do this myself, I haven't been able to 
install OOo1.9 on Ubuntu.


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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Marco Fioretti
Daniel Carrera wrote:

 Come to think of it, I don't know how OpenDocument deals with 

OpenDocument itself shouldn't deal with macros, but this is
something that _should_ be standardized, or at least well known.
This is the hole I'm trying to fill.

 I very much doubt that this is possible. A macro always uses 
 the OOo API, and this API has no connection with OpenDocument.

Eh eh... This is the same simplification as OpenDocument = OO.o.
It would be more exact to say that the *interpreter* of a macro
must be written for the application that calls it (OO.o or whatever)
and today the only macros found in pre-OpenDocument files (.sxw, .sxc)
are written in a language that was designed only for *StarOffice*,
not for its file *format*. See my other reply.


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Re: [discuss] Re: OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Marco Fioretti
Enrique wrote:

 If you go to macros you are talking about an _application_ 
 standardising on that has been much more difficult ever.

No, I'm talking of a _language_. You can write Python, Perl
or many others and, with some obvious exceptions, those
scripts will run on different platforms.

 For that several software makers MUST agree in a common API.

Eh eh... this is one of the things it is necessary to expose.

 Even within single companies like Microsoft or Adobe, different 
 products use different APIs, just because they were created by
 different people.

Bingo! You are comparing closed source apps with open source ones.

Different proprietary products *must* invent different APIs to
lock in users. FOSS ones, we are told, need no such tricks to

 It is rather impossible that an .odt file may contain a macro 
 functional at OOo, KOffice or whatever.

please let me know what you think of my reply to Daniel, where I
talk of a set of python functions etc


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Re: [discuss] GetStorage, name: No Content!

2005-06-07 Thread Carl Shewmaker
Following weekend thunderstorm had problems with lan
and accessing internet, since mostly resolved.  But
when I try to open 1.1.4 I get an error
message, cannot be started due to an error in
accessing the OpenOffice .org configuration data. 
Please contact your system administrator.  The
following internal error has occurred:  GetStorage,
name: No Content!
Unfortunately, I am the system administrator, now
lost, lone and forlorn.  Repair did not work.
Would appreciate any help.

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Re: [discuss] Re: OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Bernd Eilers

Hi there!

please let me know what you think of my reply to Daniel, where I
talk of a set of python functions etc

What I think is that you think about things that in reality are very 
hughe and complex as being small and simple things. When you say A set 
of python functions that just sounds like you are thinking an API for 
an Office Programm like OOo would only need well let´s say only a 
handful of functions to be exposed to someone wanting to write macros or 
extensions in Python or whatever language. The reality is much 
different: OOo exposes lots of special tiny details to the programmer 
enabeling a wide range of possibilities to modify documents and the user 
interface or to automate tasks.

The OOo API can be called from different languages Basic, java, pyhton, 
C++, ...

Please have a look at the reference manual at

to see how big and complex the API really is.

This is definitifly not something that can be redesigned and rewritten 
from scratch easily in a few man-weeks work (eg. it´s not doable in some 
summer code camp or something similar like you suggested). One would 
have to do it all again from scratch if a new API should be created 
which should be usable by more than one open source applications. 
Despite that the implementation of the API is interlocked with the 
implementation of the programs features, which means you would have to 
rewrite most if not all of that too. The Koffice API might eventually be 
not that complex but you can be sure it´s totally different. And thus it 
would not be easy to align those two.

If those two office packages had almost zero history and - well lets say 
development would just have been started a few weeks ago on them or 
similar - things may be different, but after all why start two fresh 
projects than using the same API, you would be better of concentrating 
on finishing one using the API you would have designed.

Having said all that I suppose if it´s just for the very very very 
simple tasks like inserting some text into a document etc. there might 
in theory be the possibility to create two versions of a small library, 
exposing the same API to the programmer using two different sets of the 
underlying more complex Application APIs insided. Portability would than 
be there but usability and options for such a lib would be very limited 
compared to using the applications current own APIs directly.


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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Daniel Carrera

Marco Fioretti wrote:

As for macros, the issue is more tricky because a macro is a program

that tells the application to do something.

Well, not exactly, if I have understood it correctly.
A macro is a small program written in some _language_.

Uhhhm... what does that have to do with anything? Any program is written 
in a language.

It is NOT the code _and_ its interpreter. The latter, yes, is definitely not

A macro is a set of instructions to do something. Those use the 
application's API. The application is the interpreter.

This is what I'm thinking about:

1) Python interface for opendocument, ie set of function definitions
   that read/write odt files and their elements

What you are thinking is a new API. OpenDocument is not an API.

Look, a macro is not like a stand-alone program. It needs to interact 
with another program (the application) and must do so through the 
application's interfaces (API). It is conceivable that one could make a 
standard API for macros, but OpenDocument is not it.

3) Then, you and I write a macro in Python calling the library
   defined in 1) above on whatever platform and once...

An example of why this is difficult: Now you'd be requiring every 
implementation of OpenDocument to include both a copy of Python and a 
compliant copy of said library. That's quite a bit to ask.

5) we can then send the .odt file to anybody with:
any .odt program (OO.o, KOffice...) + Python + his own
specific implementation of 1) above...

I'm pretty sure that OpenDocument does not include an API for macros, 
much less one that includes Python bindings. I couldn't imagine that 
such a thing would be required for OpenDocument compliance.

I have written Python above because it is already useable *today*,
or so I understand, both in OO.o *and* KOffice,

Not through the same APIs and not as part of the OpenDocument standard.

Look, what you want is great, but OpenDocument isn't it.

Any feedback on the flow above, from suggestions on how to implement
it to (polite, please! ) strong criticism is welcome.

Defining a common API between OOo and KOffice would be a challenge. 
Getting OASIS to adopt it as part of the file format would be a greater one.

What you want is fantastic, but very very difficult.

Before I forget: if this does make sense, why not add it to the
list of google summer of code OO.o projects? Just in case
somebody felt like doing it?

I doubt this could be done in a summer. I doubt that even the spec for 
this new API could be agreed on in a summer. But I'm no expert.


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Re: [discuss] Re: OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Daniel Carrera

Marco Fioretti wrote:

Even within single companies like Microsoft or Adobe, different 
products use different APIs, just because they were created by

different people.

Bingo! You are comparing closed source apps with open source ones.

Different proprietary products *must* invent different APIs to
lock in users. FOSS ones, we are told, need no such tricks to

For once in my life, I will defend Microsoft.

I'm sorry Marco, but no. Using different APIs between Word and Front 
Page does not at all help Microsoft achieve lock-in. And to some extent 
makes it harder. But the simple fact is that they are different 

It is rather impossible that an .odt file may contain a macro 
functional at OOo, KOffice or whatever.

please let me know what you think of my reply to Daniel, where I
talk of a set of python functions etc

I agree with Bernd (on another post) in that you seem to miss the 
complexity of designing a new API and having it implemented accross 
several office applications.

I honestly believe that if something like that happened, it would *kill* 
OpenDocument simply because it would be next to impossible to support by 
anyone. This wouldn't be the first time that an attempt at 
standarization gets killed because a committee decides to add eccessive 


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Re: [discuss] HBS WK: Who will win Microsoft or Linux?

2005-06-07 Thread Lars D . Noodén

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You would think that a conservative institution like Harvard would wanna 
skew its results in Microsoft's favor.  But I thought that their 
analysis was surprisingly not handicapped very much in Microsoft's 

Perhaps that's the best they could do given the data. ;)

Software patents harm all Net-based business, write your MEP:

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Re: [discuss] Re: OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Daniel Carrera

Marco Fioretti wrote:

Think Javascript applets controlling what you enter in a web form,
runnable by all *decent* browsers, versus all the possible FireFox
extensions that even make coffee for you.

OpenDocument already include xforms which covers much (most?) of what 
people use Javascript for. But don't confuse the very limited 
functionality of Javascript with macros.

In any event, a vastly simplified API is certainly vastly easier to get 
going, but it will be vastly less powerful. But it still won't achieve 
your goal of making macros app-independent. Macros have access to an API 
that is much bigger than Javascript. OpenDocument is much more complex 
than HTML.


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Re: [discuss] HBS WK: Who will win Microsoft or Linux?

2005-06-07 Thread Sam Hiser
On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 13:05 -0400, Lars D. Noodn wrote:
 On Mon, 6 Jun 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You would think that a conservative institution like Harvard would wanna 
  skew its results in Microsoft's favor.  But I thought that their 
  analysis was surprisingly not handicapped very much in Microsoft's 
 Perhaps that's the best they could do given the data. ;)

These professors are sincere, but they are ignorant of important Open
Source drivers (l10n, foreign gov't support of domestic IT) and do not
see the limitations of their field.  To wit, **social** models about the
adoption of innovation, not economic models, are more descriptive of the
Open Source situation.

Also, the premise of FLOSS vs MS misses what is so powerful about FLOSS.
If FLOSS were dedicated to killing MS, it would lose.  As is, the scope
of FLOSS's objectives makes it much more powerful.

At best we see almost 100% FLOSS in the globe with US being about 50% MS
50% FLOSS in the mid-term.  US will be the only market to hold onto MS;
even piracy wont hold ex-USA.  Long term, MS will be negligible unless
they start to market FLOSS products.


 Lars Nooden ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   Software patents harm all Net-based business, write your MEP:
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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Mathias Bauer
Marco Fioretti wrote:

 Back to my training class example: a portable macro embedded into
 an .odt file is what you could use to distribute tutorials or any
 other interactive educational material where there is scarce bandwidth
 and/or PCs not powerful enough to run OO.o. Ditto for CDs attached
 to magazines or books.

Yes, that's an interesting approach.

Unfortunately the Open Document standard doesn't say anything about
macros (or any other external content). So what you could achieve now
(at best) is an OOo extension of the OD standard, but because we don't
want to be Microsoftish, we should call this an OOo feature, not an Open
Document feature.

To realize your idea (what definitely is possible) *and* make it
future-proof we miss the standardization. But OK, this is only a general
remark because you emphasized the Open Document relation by yourself.
Let's put this aside for the moment.

[Personal estimation: In general our way to store macros inside packages
is very open and easily portable so that it might have a good chance to
enter the OD standard with only minor changes once people want to extend
the standard for document macros. At least the conversion effort for you
OOo documents should be limited.]

Embedding arbitrary content into the packaged OO.o(!) file format is
possible, using it needs a component that is able to handle this
content. Our Scripting Framework uses this feature of the package file
format to allow for embedding macros written in Java, BeanShell or
JavaScript by storing script parcels inside the package and providing
runtime components for them.

There is also an integratation of Python/PyUNO into the Scripting
Framework. Quoting Jörg Budischewski from

 Subject: [udk-dev] FYI: Integration of python-scripts in Tools/Macro dialog 
 available since OOo 1.9.m79
 Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 21:56:57 +0100
 From: Joerg Budischewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 since the above mentioned version, pyuno supports the office scripting
 framework in the upcoming OOo-2.0 release.
 The support is limited to the 'core' framework, meaning that execution
 and assigning of macros works fine, but editing and debugging macros is
 not integrated in's UI (simply because of the lack of
 development resources). Thus, this feature is targeted at more advanced
 script developers. Details about the integration can be found at
 In case you don't know pyuno, have a look at
 Joerg Budischewski

I can't say how good this integration works, but I have a lot of
confidence in Jörg. :-)

Lets's take that for granted, so all you have to do is placing your
macro into the right place inside the package where the Scripting
Component can find it. I think the links in the quote should show you
the ropes.

Now you can run your Python macros from the Run macro dialog or bind
them to document events or buttons, put them into toolbars etc. like you
can do with Basic Macros.

Your Python macro can be plain Python code only and/or it can use the
PyUNO bridge to access the OOo API (but I assume the latter is not what
you want because it is not portable to other OD based applications as
long as they don't support the particular API). Of course ATM there is
no other application that can work with your macros, even if you don't
make use of our API in them.

Wether this solution fits to your needs is something you can only judge
by sourself.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Mathias Bauer
Daniel Carrera wrote:

 I very much doubt that this is possible. A macro always uses the OOo 
 API, and this API has no connection with OpenDocument.

You can write a Python macro that doesn't use the OOo API, you can even
write OOo Basic macros that don't use the API, only the Basic Runtime
functions. Of course these macros don't do anything with the document.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Mathias Bauer
Marco Fioretti wrote:

 A macro is a small program written in some _language_. It is NOT
 the code _and_ its interpreter. The latter, yes, is definitely not

But a large part of the language is also not portable, the API based
part. Of course you can write macros without using this, but then these
macros can't do anything on the document, only external work like
copying/deleting/moving file, starting tools etc.

 This is what I'm thinking about:
 1) Python interface for opendocument, ie set of function definitions
that read/write odt files and their elements

That sounds easier than it is. The best way to achieve that would be
using XML based APIs of the document (like the SAX API) because they
make use of the standardized format. Unfortunately they are much too
complicated for the average end user.

So another API needs to be provided, but this means: it has to be
standardized and implemented. And there is still no guarantee that
macros created in OOo will use only this standardized API because we
still will have our current API (because we guarantee that macros
written today also will run in the future), so users can (and will) use it.

 Before I forget: if this does make sense, why not add it to the
 list of google summer of code OO.o projects? Just in case
 somebody felt like doing it?

That wouldn't fit. The Google projects last for 3 months, a new API more
fits to 3 years. ;-)

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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Re: [discuss] GetStorage, name: No Content!

2005-06-07 Thread CPHennessy
On Tuesday 07 June 2005 16:33, Carl Shewmaker wrote:
 Following weekend thunderstorm had problems with lan
 and accessing internet, since mostly resolved.  But
 when I try to open 1.1.4 I get an error
 message, cannot be started due to an error in
 accessing the OpenOffice .org configuration data.
 Please contact your system administrator.  The
 following internal error has occurred:  GetStorage,
 name: No Content!
 Unfortunately, I am the system administrator, now
 lost, lone and forlorn.  Repair did not work.

Have a look at :
CPH : contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?

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[discuss] Why Microsoft Passed on OpenDoc XML

2005-06-07 Thread Gary Edwards
Stephen O'Grady of Redmonk, has an excellent commentary about MS XML and 
the OASIS OpenDocument XML.  He quotes Erwin Tenhumberg  
to make his case.  It's short but well worth reading.  Especially since 
the blog was picked up by ZDnet, and further commented on by Bob Sutor 
of IBM.

O'Grady Tecosystem: * **Microsoft Office Open XML Formats: We Already 
Got One*

ZDnet:  *** Office 12: Why Microsoft passed on OpenDocument XML format
Bob Sutor: ***Open standards, open source, open minds, open opportunities*

Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Mathias Bauer
Marco Fioretti wrote:

 Eh eh... This is the same simplification as OpenDocument = OO.o.
 It would be more exact to say that the *interpreter* of a macro
 must be written for the application that calls it (OO.o or whatever)
 and today the only macros found in pre-OpenDocument files (.sxw, .sxc)
 are written in a language that was designed only for *StarOffice*,
 not for its file *format*. See my other reply.

No, an interpreter will never be created for a format or even a
particular API, theoretically it can work with any API you provide to it.

I'm not sure if you understand the nature of a programming language for
an application. The interpreter is only a very small part of it, you
also need an inspection component and a language agnostic component
technology that mediates between objects. Additionally you need an API
that the inspection component can read, but this API basically is

In OOo the basic interpreter takes a given object that is based on the
UNO component technology, uses the so called introspection service to
find the methods and properties it has and dynamically learns them. In
the same way VBA takes objects based on the COM component technology and
inspects them.

All the found methods and properties can be used as object members in
your macro and make them look as if they are part of the language. This
way the macro language evolves automatically by adding new objects to
your application or extending the function or property set of existing
ones *without writing any line of code in your interpreter*.

As an example, you have only one VBA interpreter, but it is able to
execute macros for Calc as well as for Word, but you can also
instantiate other COM objects (even OOo on Windows!) and directly use
their COM based API in your VBA macro. The OOo Basic interpreter offers
the same flexibility with all UNO based objects. As an example, adding
the Base component in OOo2.0 gave you many grub for writing macros,
but not a single line in OOo Basic had to be changed for this.

In an extrem manifestation of this flexibility you can replace the
current OOo API by something completely different and you can work with
this new API without any change in your interpreter as long as you don't
replace the introspection component and its API and you use the same
component technology (Middleware).

Of course an extreme API exchange like this is neither likely (because
it's too much work) nor possible (because it's forbidden by our
self-constraints concerning API compatibility), but as a thought
experiment it can show you how things work.

So creating a compatible interpreter for lets say KOffice will be only
the very first step to macro interoperability. By using Python (as you
correctly stated) you could even save this first step if you provided a
binding from Python to your component technology (like OOo has in
PyUNO). And this component technology is the key to everything.

If you want to be future-proof and keep it open for additional macro
languages in the future, your component technology should be language
agnostic by supporting the language binding concept (as COM and UNO
do), but at least it must be usable from your API implementation
language (like C++ in KOffice or OOo) and your scripting language.

A quick look to it looks as KOffice has something like that, but
somebody in the know should confirm. Of course this is only for KDE,
Gnome has another component technology. I'm not an expert for this.

If this was all in place, *then* you could start defining and
standardizing an API and then implement it using the component
technology. This implementation can wrap the current objects of the
applications or in future times even replace them or at least make up
the new parts.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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Re: [discuss] firewall; browse http:// webpages (skip login masks) then edit html

2005-06-07 Thread Mathias Bauer
daniel heiserer wrote:
 I want to use html data (http:// URL) which is behind a login mask.
 With ordinary webpages I could paste an URL derived from mozilla browsing into
 the openoffice URL. then I could either edit the page and save it on my disk,
 export it to pdf or copy and paste data (e.g. tables (from home banking etc.))
 to a spreadsheet.
 Unfortunately this is not possible if the html page is behind a login.
 Inserting the link one ends up in the login mask, which is now editable.

Does that mean the login page doesn't work because the document is
opened for editing?
Does it work if you switch it into the read only mode?

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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Re: [discuss] Re: OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Mathias Bauer
Daniel Carrera wrote:

 For once in my life, I will defend Microsoft.

Yes, you new employer. :-)

 I'm sorry Marco, but no. Using different APIs between Word and Front 
 Page does not at all help Microsoft achieve lock-in. And to some extent 
 makes it harder. But the simple fact is that they are different 

Yes, it's not necessarily an intended lock-in if you use
non-standardized APIs. It can be because it's impossible to treat two
apps with the same API or just because until now nobody thought about it.

 I honestly believe that if something like that happened, it would *kill* 
 OpenDocument simply because it would be next to impossible to support by 
 anyone. This wouldn't be the first time that an attempt at 
 standarization gets killed because a committee decides to add eccessive 

I don't know it that will happen. I don't see OpenDocument as the body
that should work on an API standardization. A proposal like this shows
that the idea of OpenDocument is not understood (IMHO). This format goes
far beyond applications, simply spoken it's a medium to store data.

Remember that many members of the OASIS TC had a completely different
idea about what OpenDocument will be for them, and the agreed standard
is the result of the least common denominator of all the ideas (that
sounds worse than it is!). Adding macros to it of course will leave the
common platform. I'm sure Gary Edwards (who was seen on this list
lately) could give a useful comment here as a member of the OASIS TC.

Macros are always bound to an application, they work on models how the
application interpretes the file format. Even if you standardize this
interpretation, that's beyond the scope of the format itself. But
without further investigation I wouldn't preclude the possibility of a
standardization to at least a small extent, but that should be seen
separately to the OpenDocument effort.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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Re: [discuss] OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Daniel Carrera

Mathias Bauer wrote:

You can write a Python macro that doesn't use the OOo API, you can even
write OOo Basic macros that don't use the API, only the Basic Runtime
functions. Of course these macros don't do anything with the document.

Okay, the point of a macro is to do something with some document or with 
the application.


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Re: [discuss] Re: OO.o Macros with Python interpreter?

2005-06-07 Thread Daniel Carrera

Ian Laurenson wrote:

2. For changing the document, an approach might be, for each call to the
common scripting routine:
* The file gets saved (temporary file?)
* The file location gets passed to the script
* The script manipulates the file contents, using common library
routines (I am aware of such routines in Perl)
* I think that the cursor location is included as part of the open
document standard, so this too could be changed by the script
* The revised file is saved on exit
* Reload the file

How would you implement the virtual keyboard macro with that approach? 
Or the reveal codes macro?

I can see how your suggestion could cover a subset of macros though 
(e.g. Danny's drawing tools). And having a stand-alone Python library 
for manipulating OD files is a great idea.

Maybe we'll just have to accept that a stand-alone library is as good as 
one can get.


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Re: [discuss] 2.0 Beta version Calc minor problem

2005-06-07 Thread Michael Langenes
Sorry for the delay in responding.  This was noticed on the version 2.0 Beta 
in the Calc program.

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Kupfer OOo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [discuss] 2.0 Beta version Calc minor problem

Michael Langenes wrote:

To anyone who is involved in programming,

I was editing a spreadsheet in Calc and went to 'Save As' to rename the 
file I was working on.  Everything was in English like it was supposed to 
be for the English version I am using except two check boxes under the 
new filename box.  The descriptions of the two check boxes were in 
German.  Not knowing German, I didn't have any idea what they were for. 
Just thought someone might want to know if they haven't found it out 

As for a general comment, THIS OFFICE SUITE ROCKS!  To all the 
programmers involved, you people are terrific!  Thanks for a great 
software package!

Mike L.
Lake Mary, FL

Which version where you using?

Peter Kupfer -- Using OOo since 'OO4 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[discuss] DRM in MS Office, was:sharing OOo among lawyers

2005-06-07 Thread M. Fioretti
On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 10:49:23 AM -0400, Lars D. Noodén

 MSO XP on MS-Windows XP SP2 or MSO 2003 (which has DRM baked in) has
 the capability that every time a document is opened, created,
 edited, printed, copied, saved, or mailed that action can be
 tracked.  Depending on the settings, the tracking either occurs at
 the MS-Pasport site, or on another designated MS-Server.  Note that
 2003, XP SP1, and 2000 SP3 grant third party access to the contents
 of the server (check the technical description or just read the
 license that came with) I'm sure it's not a good thing to allow
 third parties to keep up on internal communications

Any URLs (possibly from Microsoft) where this is officially said and
explained in more detail?


Marco Fiorettimfioretti, at the server
Fedora Core 3 for low memory

Sometimes when you fill a vacuum, it still sucks.
-- Bill Joy, founder of Sun Microsystems

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[discuss] Can not copy styles from a file to a template?

2005-06-07 Thread Julian
Hello discuss,

In OOo 2.0, I can not copy a style from my currently openned document to my 
default template, in
template manager.
Why? Thanks!

Best regards,


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