Re: offtopic: delete *.pyc from subversion

2006-11-29 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:

>> when I do "svn diff" the pyc-files are still listed.
>> guess I have to delete that files from the repository first. right?
> svn remove will delete the files on the next commit

adding things to global-ignores does *not* affect files that are already 
checked in.

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Re: Suggestion: Aggregate/Grouping/Calculated methods in Django ORM

2006-11-29 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On 11/30/06, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think for those who need aggregate data these would cover a lot of
> ground.  I'd be willing to work on a patch if this is considered
> generally useful and we can work out what the API should look like.
1 - I'm agreed on the need for easier access to aggregates. Truth be told,
aggregates are the reason I got involved with Django in the first place.
However, other priorities have arisen in the meantime, so I haven't got
around to doing anything about them.

2 - Keep in mind that Malcolm has been working on refactoring
django.db.models.query. Until this refactor is committed, we are trying to
minimize the number of large changes to

3 - Also keep in mind that one of the goals of the SQLAlchemy branch is to
make complex aggregates (such as those requiring group_by and having) easier
to represent. That said, there doesn't appear to have been a lot of progress
on this branch (at least, not in public commits, anyway).

4 - If you search the archives (user and developer), you will find several
discussions on aggregate functions. group_by() and having() (or
pre-magic-removal analogs thereof) have been rejected previously on the
grounds that the Django ORM is not intended to be 'SQL with a different
syntax'. Any proposal for group_by/having will have to be logical from a
Django ORM point of view, and not presuppose/require knowledge of how SQL
formulates queries.

5 - The aggregates you suggest are the quick and obvious method for getting
aggregates into the query language. However, here are some issues to

Article.objects.count() return an integer that is the count of all author
objects. This makes sense, and syntactically parses the same way that it

However, what does Article.objects.max('pagecount') return? The integer that
is the largest page count, or the Article that has the largest pagecount?

If it is the former, how do you use the maximum value to get the Article
with that maximum value in a single query?

If it is the latter, does it return a single object, or a queryset that
evaluates to an object?

What happens if there are two objects with the same maximum pagecount?

How do you get multiple aggregates for a value in a single query (efficiency

How does the simple case fit into the big picture? Ideally, the simple min()
would be a degenerate case of the min-with-group by-and-having. Prove to me
that adding min(), max(), etc isn't going to become a wart that we have to
support into the future when 'aggregate clauses 3000' is added to Django's
query syntax.

So, as you can see - it's not as simple as 'just add a min() where count()
is already'.

Like I said at the beginning, I'm keen to see aggregates implemented - I
just want to see them done right. There are many things that _could_ be done
to implement aggregates; whether they are the _right_ thing to do is another
matter entirely. I'm open to any discussion on this issue, and would be
happy to help shepard any patches resulting from the discussion into the

Russ Magee %-)

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RE: utf-8 with MySQL

2006-11-29 Thread Ryan Ginstrom

> On Behalf Of Aidas Bendoraitis
> I guess, this query may help you:
> COLLATE utf8_general_ci

So that's how to do it. 

Ryan Ginstrom

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Re: Initial data for models splitted across multiple files

2006-11-29 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On 11/29/06, Mikko Suniala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did a quick search but found nothing about this issue. I have splitted
> my models across multiple files as described in
> The manager
> action "sqlinitialdata" did not seem to find my sql files. After some
> investigation I found out that the manager application is searching for
> files with a path like /models/sql/.sql rather than
> /sql/.sql (as is the case when a single model file
> ( is used).
> Is this a bug or is it just me?

Sounds like a bug in the way that discovers the module in which
the sql files are located. This is entirely possible, as the 'split models
across files' approach isn't the common use case for Django models.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: ManyRelatedManager object in templates

2006-11-29 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On 11/29/06, conrad22 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> eg. I have the following error appearing, instead of the object:
> django.db.models.fields.related.ManyRelatedManager object

What you're missing is the 'all()' at the end.

Your example is a little confusing - the model Category should have an
attribute organisation that relates to Organisation, not an attribute
category that relates to Organisation. However, using your models as


will return a ManyRelatedManager object.


will return the list of instances. You could also filter the results:


would return all the related Organisations that have a product attribute
starting with 'foo'.

Russ Magee %-)

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Populating select field in custom manipulator

2006-11-29 Thread jeffhg58

I am trying to use a customer manipulator to build a search screen. One
of my
fields is a select field but I get an error to many values to unpack.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

class SearchResults(forms.Manipulator):
def __init__(self):
projects = ['Gen2', 'CRMC']
self.fields = (
forms.TextField(field_name="testname", length=30),
forms.SelectField(field_name="project", choices=projects),

def create_results(request):
manipulator = Results.AddManipulator()

if request.method == 'POST':
# If data was POSTed, we're trying to create a new Results.
new_data = request.POST.copy()

# Check for errors.
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)

if not errors:
# No errors. This means we can save the data!
new_results =

# Redirect to the object's "edit" page. Always use a
# after POST data, so that reloads don't accidently create
# duplicate entires, and so users don't see the confusing
# "Repost POST data?" alert box in their browsers.
return HttpResponseRedirect("/results/edit/%i/" %
# No POST, so we want a brand new form without any data or
errors = new_data = {}

# Create the FormWrapper, template, context, response.
form = forms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
return render_to_response('results/create_form.html', {'form':


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Database question

2006-11-29 Thread Eric Lake

I am working on a church site that will have multiple areas. There will
be pages for each of the different ministries like music, singles,
students, etc. I am wanting a blog like function for each of these
pages where the responsible people will be able to log in to the admin
site and add news to their page.

My question is would it be better to create a separate table for each
of the pages or a single on and then add a ministry field that would be
filled in and then use a filter to show the correct information on each

Here are my thoughts and correct me if I am wrong.

1) If it is all in one table then doing a search for information on the
entire site would be easier.
2) If they are separated then adding a new page later would be done by
just adding a new class to the

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Database question

2006-11-29 Thread Eric Lake
I am working on a church site that will have multiple areas. There will
be pages for each of the different ministries like music, singles,
students, etc. I am wanting a blog like function for each of these
pages where the responsible people will be able to log in to the admin
site and add news to their page.

My question is would it be better to create a separate table for each
of the pages or a single on and then add a ministry field that would be
filled in and then use a filter to show the correct information on each

Here are my thoughts and correct me if I am wrong.

1) If it is all in one table then doing a search for information on the
entire site would be easier.
2) If they are separated then adding a new page later would be done by
just adding a new class to the


Eric Lake

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Re: Re: accumulating a query filter

2006-11-29 Thread James Bennett

On 11/29/06, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> add leaving out '()' in a function without arguments and you are done

Nah, I don't do enough Ruby to get into that habit. Besides, my free
time these days (free time! Ha!) is mostly spent playing with Lisp
(and a little OCaml), which means I sometimes have the opposite
problem with parentheses...

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
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Re: accumulating a query filter

2006-11-29 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 30-Nov-06, at 1:04 AM, James Bennett wrote:

> I leave off * and ** by accident all the time. That and commas in
> single-element tuples are probably 90% of the stupid Python mistakes I
> make.

add leaving out '()' in a function without arguments and you are done



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Re: offtopic: delete *.pyc from subversion

2006-11-29 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 30-Nov-06, at 12:19 AM, patrick k. wrote:

> hmm, that doesn´t really change anything.
> when I do "svn diff" the pyc-files are still listed.
> guess I have to delete that files from the repository first. right?

svn remove will delete the files on the next commit



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Re: Suggestion: Aggregate/Grouping/Calculated methods in Django ORM

2006-11-29 Thread Rock

On Nov 29, 2:30 pm, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I needed aggregates. (I also learned about data bubbles and redesigned
> > my tables to include them as necessary. This redesign eliminated almost
> > all of my needs for an aggregate function interface.)Whatsa data bubble?  
> > Google and Wikipedia don't seem to know...

google search:
  "data bubble" database

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How to preload all object fields for a QuerySet? (GenericForeignKey and select_related())

2006-11-29 Thread Ed

Hello, is there a way to force the django db model to load all fields
for a particular model _including_ any generic foreign keys (it doesn't
seem to do this by default).

Currently: Account.objects.select_related() will load all 'simple'
fields like IntegerField, CharField, etc, but not GenericForeignKey.

Another problem is that I find if I create a OneToOneField link to the
default django.contrib.auth.User model (from my Account model),
everytime I access request.user.account it is hitting the db to select
the account record.  How to avoid this/cache this.

Thanks for any input.

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django model question about FileField

2006-11-29 Thread gregor

Hi all
I ve got situation like this, I 'm writing a photograph's gallery where
photo should be stored on disk in folders like this
At the moment of creation Photo object I know album that foto belongs
to and I know the photographer but I can't to implement path to
upload_to option.
How to do this?
It looks like I should write a method that override a column option but
I don't know how.
Thans for any help

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Re: How to get request.user in templatetag?

2006-11-29 Thread Rudolph

Sorry, that was a stupid question, context['request'].session contains
the session.

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Re: offtopic: delete *.pyc from subversion

2006-11-29 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Rob Hudson wrote:

> Yes, I guess I should have said "And tell subversion to ignore them."

if you read the original message again, you'll notice that the OP had 
already done that.

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Re: Add 8 hours from datetime before storing in db?

2006-11-29 Thread Fredrik Lundh

> I am using this code to parse a datetime supplied by magnolia's api
> into a valid Python DateTime:
> datetime(*(time.strptime(link("created").replace("-08:00",
> "").replace("-07:00", ""), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")[0:6]))

note that local variables are very cheap in Python, so you don't really 
save much by insisting on writing it all on one very long line.

(also note that the datetime class has a strptime constructor)

> How could I alter this so that it adds 8 hours onto the datetime before
> storing it in the db?

add datetime.timedelta(hours=8) to the datetime object.

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Re: Add 8 hours from datetime before storing in db?

2006-11-29 Thread James Bennett

> How could I alter this so that it adds 8 hours onto the datetime before
> storing it in the db?


Sample code:

>>> import datetime
>>> dt =
>>> dt
datetime.datetime(2006, 11, 29, 16, 7, 49, 953205)
>>> dt + datetime.timedelta(hours=8)
datetime.datetime(2006, 11, 30, 0, 7, 49, 953205)

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
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Add 8 hours from datetime before storing in db?

2006-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey Everyone,

I am using this code to parse a datetime supplied by magnolia's api
into a valid Python DateTime:

"").replace("-07:00", ""), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")[0:6]))

How could I alter this so that it adds 8 hours onto the datetime before
storing it in the db?

Many Thanks in Advance,

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Re: How to get request.user in templatetag?

2006-11-29 Thread Rudolph

But how do you access the session dictionary from a templatetag?

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using manipulators without defining fields again

2006-11-29 Thread Milan Andric

I'm writing an application form, an application for a workshop.  User
registration is required and people can start and continue the
application process, essential create and edit their application data
until the deadline is reached.  The form is just one part of a web
site, and it has 70 or so fields.

I don't think generic views will work for me because

1) I want to save the application even if it doesn't validate. Instead
set a flag in the db that the application is not complete.

2) Use data from their site registration to populate parts of the form.

So i'm trying to avoid writing a manipulator where i have to re-define
all the fields.

My only experience with writing manipulators is the registration form,
which looks like .  A basic deviation from the
documentation example

I was told in IRC to extend AutomaticManipulator.  But I don't really
know what this means in terms of Django/Python code.  Does anyone have
an example?  Since this is probably beyond a Django first-timer, any
other suggestions?


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Apache auto-reload?

2006-11-29 Thread David Abrahams


I'm developing a site locally, and managing its code and static data
in a subversion repository.  I also have it running on a real apache
server on the web with mod_python, but I don't want to login to the
server, restart, etc. every time I check something in.  I've got a
post-commit hook already updating the server's copy of the site code,
and I'm guess I'm going to have to add gracefulstop

# if models were changed, then:
  # something to wipe out invalidated tables from the database

  python syncdb start

unless someone has a better suggestion.  Is this a problem someone out
there has already solved?

Thanks in advance,

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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Re: can't see project

2006-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't run shell... can't run anything without it
throwing the importError.

I printed sys.path and didn't see anything odd, but I don't really know
what I'd be looking for. Here's what I get:
['', '/home2/baxter/lib/python2.4',
'/usr/local/lib/', '/usr/local/lib/python2.4',

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Re: Suggestion: Aggregate/Grouping/Calculated methods in Django ORM

2006-11-29 Thread Jeremy Dunck

> I needed aggregates. (I also learned about data bubbles and redesigned
> my tables to include them as necessary. This redesign eliminated almost
> all of my needs for an aggregate function interface.)

Whatsa data bubble?  Google and Wikipedia don't seem to know...

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Re: can't see project

2006-11-29 Thread Joshua \"jag\" Ginsberg

I'd start with " shell" and "import sys; print sys.path" to
look for anything unusual.


On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 21:19 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yup... like I said, the models and templates and all appear to see it
> no problem. It's looks like it's just that's not seeing it.
> > 

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Re: offtopic: delete *.pyc from subversion

2006-11-29 Thread Rob Hudson

patrick k. wrote:
> when I do "svn diff" the pyc-files are still listed.
> guess I have to delete that files from the repository first. right?

Yes, I guess I should have said "And tell subversion to ignore them."

Once you set Subversion to ignore *.pyc, they won't be added anymore.
But if you currently have some in there you'll have to "svn rm" them.


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Re: Updating and saving a related record. How does it work?

2006-11-29 Thread MerMer

I am finding that the following intermediate step is required.


This changes the class from Promotion to Competition and I can then
make the changes


However, I'm no wiser why the earlier solution by Jacob is not working
for me. Intuitively,
it should.


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Re: can't see project

2006-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyone? I'm wondering if it's a pythonpath issue, but don't really know
how to check (or fix).

I found one thread that suggested adding the project to sys.path within, but that didn't help.

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Re: Re: accumulating a query filter

2006-11-29 Thread James Bennett

On 11/29/06, Bill de hOra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was passing it in without the **; arrhhh


I leave off * and ** by accident all the time. That and commas in
single-element tuples are probably 90% of the stupid Python mistakes I

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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Re: Re: Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread James Bennett

On 11/29/06, Clint74 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will try this approach.

Take a look at the view 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset',
which should do what you need.

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
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Re: Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread Don Arbow

On Nov 29, 2006, at 10:50 AM, Clint74 wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to send the password to the user(email), but how recover the  
> raw
> password once the database stores in this format:
> hashType$salt$hash
> sha1$6070e$d3a0c5d565deb4318ed607be9706a98535ec7968

You cannot recover the password once it is hashed. If you need to  
send the password back to the user, you need to store it somewhere  
yourself. Note that this is not recommended and defeats the purpose  
of hashed passwords.


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Re: accumulating a query filter

2006-11-29 Thread Bill de hOra

James Bennett wrote:
> Doing NodeEvent.objects.filter(**kwargs) should work
I was passing it in without the **; arrhhh

anyway this the idiom I ended up with for a different model:

 if request.has_key('q'): # GET form
 new_data = request.GET.copy()
 errors = manip.get_validation_errors(new_data)
 if not errors:
 kwargs ={}
 # filter strings
 for key in ["sref","seqno","seqno","mid", "cid"]:
val =  request[key]
if val.strip() != "":
 # filter choices/fks: -1 means 'any'
 for key in ["role","source","dest","mtype"]:
val =  request[key]
if val.strip() != "" and val.strip() != "-1":
 results  = Message.objects.filter(**kwargs)
 print "results: ", results


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Re: Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread James Bennett

On 11/29/06, Clint74 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to send the password to the user(email), but how recover the raw
> password once the database stores in this format:

It's not possible to recover the original password once it's been
hashed and stored. Django does provide password reset functionality,

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
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Re: Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread Clint74

> One generally has a facility to reset the password by
> ...
> The user can then log in with the new password,
> and be directed to change it to a known password.

I will try this approach.

Thanks everybody

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Re: Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread Clint74

Thank´s Jacob,

I missed something indeed.


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Re: Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 11/29/06, Clint74 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to send the password to the user(email), but how recover the raw
> password once the database stores in this format:
> hashType$salt$hash
> sha1$6070e$d3a0c5d565deb4318ed607be9706a98535ec7968

You can't, and that's the point of storing a secure hash.  If your DB
was compromised, the damage would be limited because access to the
password is not possible.

As a practical matter, the usual approach with this is to generate a
new password and email that one to the user.

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Re: Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On 11/29/06 12:50 PM, Clint74 wrote:
> I need to send the password to the user(email), but how recover the raw
> password once the database stores in this format:

You can't; that's the point of hashing it.  The right (read: secure) way to 
deal with this is to *reset* the user's password (usually to something random, 
which they then can change when they log in) rather than sending their 
password in plaintext.


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Re: Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread Clint Ecker
You cannot retrieve the raw password, that's the whole point of hashing it :)

If you want to store the raw password somewhere, make a raw_password
field and store it there, although your users might not be too happy
that you're storing their passwords in an easily pilfered format.


On 11/29/06, Clint74 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to send the password to the user(email), but how recover the raw
> password once the database stores in this format:
> hashType$salt$hash
> sha1$6070e$d3a0c5d565deb4318ed607be9706a98535ec7968
> Tk´s
> André Duarte
> >

Clint Ecker

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Re: Suggestion: Aggregate/Grouping/Calculated methods in Django ORM

2006-11-29 Thread Rock

I created such a patch last spring during the Django sprint at PyCon.
The basic interface was very straightforward but there was also a
slightly less straightforward interface option that allowed for
grouping and so forth. The patch was discarded, however, since some of
the core Django developers wanted to chime in on the interface design
for aggregate functions, but felt they didn't have time to do so until
after 0.95 was complete.

Rather than fight for my design (which I was not particularly
passionate about anyway), I just went home and used plain old SQL when
I needed aggregates. (I also learned about data bubbles and redesigned
my tables to include them as necessary. This redesign eliminated almost
all of my needs for an aggregate function interface.)

I am still interested in this topic, but I haven't had the personal
bandwidth to stay on top of the Django Developer's group. It would be
nice to know what, if anything, is happening along these lines. I might
even be willing to spend some time on this during the holidays.

Rock Howard

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Re: Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread Tim Chase

  > I need to send the password to the user(email), but how 
recover the raw
> password once the database stores in this format:
> hashType$salt$hash
> sha1$6070e$d3a0c5d565deb4318ed607be9706a98535ec7968

Hashing is generally a one-way process (like making hamburger out 
of cow) that prevents figuring out the password from the 
resulting hash.

You can try to run a program like "crack" to determine what the 
source password was...if it was a facile password, this can do 
the trick.  However, the better the original password, the more 
time this takes though, and there's no guarantee that the 
password was not some loony 50-character string of random 
line-noise that would take years to crack.

One generally has a facility to reset the password by giving a 
new password (or auto-generating it randomly) and then sending 
the plaintext new password to the user, and storing the resulting 
hash in the DB.  The user can then log in with the new password, 
and be directed to change it to a known password.


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Re: offtopic: delete *.pyc from subversion

2006-11-29 Thread patrick k.

hmm, that doesn´t really change anything.

when I do "svn diff" the pyc-files are still listed.
guess I have to delete that files from the repository first. right?


Am 29.11.2006 um 18:42 schrieb Rob Hudson:

> Or tell Subversion to ignore them.
> You should have a file: ~/.subversion/config (on Mac or Linux, not  
> sure
> where it is on Windows)
> In that file under the header "[miscellany]" there's a "global- 
> ignores"
> setting.  Just add *.pyc to that list.
> -Rob
> >

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Re: Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread patrick k.

not possible, I think.

1. send the password before you save the user
2. store the raw password somewhere (not so good)


Am 29.11.2006 um 19:50 schrieb Clint74:

> Hi,
> I need to send the password to the user(email), but how recover the  
> raw
> password once the database stores in this format:
> hashType$salt$hash
> sha1$6070e$d3a0c5d565deb4318ed607be9706a98535ec7968
> Tk´s
> André Duarte
> >

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Re: Updating and saving a related record. How does it work?

2006-11-29 Thread MerMer


I had tried that, but it's not working for me.I get the following:-

>> 2000
>> 2000

I must be doing something stupid, but can't see it.


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Retrieve Password

2006-11-29 Thread Clint74


I need to send the password to the user(email), but how recover the raw
password once the database stores in this format:



André Duarte

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Re: accumulating a query filter

2006-11-29 Thread nymbyl

I don't know if this helps, or is exactly what your trying to avoid,
but I've done something like this before (based on your example):

if use_sources:
   qSource = Q(source_time__range=(start_date, end_date))
   qSource = Q(id__gt=0)

if use_level:
   qLevel = Q(level__exact=level)
   qLevel = Q(id__gt=0)

results = NodeEvent.objects.filter(qSource & qLevel)

The idea is to build up a query with Q objects - and default to showing
all (id__gt=0)

It's still more complicated then going straight from the request
variables to a query, but it works for me.

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Re: Updating and saving a related record. How does it work?

2006-11-29 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On 11/29/06 11:31 AM, MerMer wrote:

> However, I can't work out how to save a different value to the field
> using something like
> Promotion.competition.total_value=3000


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django model question for small library

2006-11-29 Thread Grigory Fateyev


I am writing small app for online library with full text seach. I have
all books (less than 25) in html files for every chapter with only
 and  tags, filenames look like book1-4.html and so on. Can
somebody suggeest how should looks? Should I insert chapters
to database or keep in files (remembering about full-text search)?

Всего наилучшего! Григорий
greg [at] anastasia [dot] ru
Письмо отправлено: 2006/11/29 20:58

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Re: offtopic: delete *.pyc from subversion

2006-11-29 Thread Rob Hudson

Or tell Subversion to ignore them.

You should have a file: ~/.subversion/config (on Mac or Linux, not sure
where it is on Windows)

In that file under the header "[miscellany]" there's a "global-ignores"
setting.  Just add *.pyc to that list.


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Updating and saving a related record. How does it work?

2006-11-29 Thread MerMer

I was able to save a record like so...


However, I recently moveed the "total_value" field into another model
which has a OneToOne relationship with the Promotion Model.

Know I can access total_value like so:-

>> 2000

However, I can't work out how to save a different value to the field
using something like


Can anybody please advice.



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Re: Re: webserver

2006-11-29 Thread James Bennett

> After much googling, I found that if there is no data in the tables, it
> produces a 404 error.

That's not quite correct; if there's nothing which matches the
conditions of the QuerySet you pass to the generic view, and if the
'allow_empty' argument to the QuerySet is False (which is the
default), then it will throw a 404.

This means, for example, that if you add an object, then the
'list_detail.object_list' view will start showing that object instead
of a 404, but if the date field on that object is November, and you
use the 'date_based.archive_month' view for any other month, you'll
still get a 404 (because there aren't any objects yet for other

The documentation for the generic views spells this out:

"allow_empty: A boolean specifying whether to display the page if no
objects are available. If this is False and no objects are available,
the view will raise a 404 instead of displaying an empty page. By
default, this is False."

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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Re: accumulating a query filter

2006-11-29 Thread James Bennett

On 11/29/06, Bill de hOra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> something like this:
> [[[
> if use_sources:
>kwargs['sources']= request.GET.getlist('sources')
> if use_level:
>kwargs['level'] =request.GET['level']
> ...
> results  = NodeEvent.objects.filter(kwargs)
> ]]]

Doing NodeEvent.objects.filter(**kwargs) should work, that's how a
bunch of the generic views build up their filter arguments (and it's a
darned useful convention, too).

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
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accumulating a query filter

2006-11-29 Thread Bill de hOra


Suppose you have 2 fields in a query form, both of which are optional. 
Is there an idiom for building a dictionary to pass into 
objects.filter() instead of checking the permutations?

eg instead of crazy stuff like this:

if use_sources and use_level:
results  = NodeEvent.objects.filter(
 source_time__range=(start_date, end_date),
  elif use_sources and not use_level:
 results  = NodeEvent.objects.filter(
 source_time__range=(start_date, end_date),

elif not use_sources and use_level:
 results  = NodeEvent.objects.filter(
 source_time__range=(start_date, end_date),
 results  = NodeEvent.objects.filter(
 source_time__range=(start_date, end_date)

something like this:

if use_sources:
   kwargs['sources']= request.GET.getlist('sources')
if use_level:
   kwargs['level'] =request.GET['level']
results  = NodeEvent.objects.filter(kwargs)

I chanced passing a dictionary straight into objects.filter()  as above, 
(given it has a **kwargs signature), but got this:

   'dict' object has no attribute 'get_sql'

when the QuerySet was evaluated.


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Re: offtopic: delete *.pyc from subversion

2006-11-29 Thread va:patrick.kranzlmueller


Am 29.11.2006 um 17:51 schrieb Marcin Jurczuk:

> find . -name '*pyc' |xargs svn delete
> to delete them:
> find . -name '*pyc"|xargs rm -f
> >

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Suggestion: Aggregate/Grouping/Calculated methods in Django ORM

2006-11-29 Thread Rob Hudson

In another thread I wrote the following in regards to how to get the
average for a field:
> Could we educate ourselves on how other frameworks are solving this same
> problem and maybe that will lead us to a solution?

A quick look at ActiveRecord brings up ActiveRecord::Calculations:

I kind of like how the more common aggregate calculations are there:
* count
* max
* min
* sum
* average

Django already has: Entry.objects.count()

Could Django also provide these?
* Entry.objects.min('field')
* Entry.objects.max('field')
* Entry.objects.sum('field')
* Entry.objects.average('field')

And a way to group?
* Entry.objects.max('age').group_by('last_name')

And if you do group by it's probably a good idea to add HAVING somehow.

I think for those who need aggregate data these would cover a lot of
ground.  I'd be willing to work on a patch if this is considered
generally useful and we can work out what the API should look like.


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offtopic: delete *.pyc from subversion

2006-11-29 Thread va:patrick.kranzlmueller

in my svn-repository, I´m having *.pyc-files.
question is: how do I get rid of these files?

global-ignores is set to *.pyc now (after initial import and some  

do I have to manually delete the pyc-files?

since my svn-repos is django-related I dare to ask.

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Re: Hard coded instances of model classes

2006-11-29 Thread kosmik

Derek Hoy wrote:
> For your application, you could have a simple Scale model, with a
> field for the xml definition, to give you complete flexibility, then
> build the forms using the scales, and just save a generic data-point
> with the scale id and a value.

Well, to tell you the truth, I did not quite get what your application
is actually doing. But it sounds a bit too much for my application's
needs. At first I had grand visions of doing fancy models for
everything but then I figured that it just makes more sense to keep it
simple and stupid. The occasional special cases (such as the special
scales) I can just implement with some special "hacks".

But thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep it in mind for the future.


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Re: Opera & caching

2006-11-29 Thread Michal

> Yep, you want to use the Cache-Control HTTP directive [1]. More
> specifically, you probably want to set `no_cache=True` to force
> browsers to never cache that page.
> [1]: 

Thank you for your tip, I try it.

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Re: offtopic: delete *.pyc from subversion

2006-11-29 Thread Marcin Jurczuk

find . -name '*pyc' |xargs svn delete
to delete them:
find . -name '*pyc"|xargs rm -f

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Re: webserver

2006-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After much googling, I found that if there is no data in the tables, it
produces a 404 error.

I added some data, and sure enough, everything worked fine.  So, that
was my problem with that.  :-(

As for other problems, I agree, there is a lot of info that is
displayed...but I guess I just don't know how to read it, which is my


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Help with admin views

2006-11-29 Thread Jim Fritchman

I am hoping some of you can give me a little start as to where I can
read how to alter some of the admin pages.

I have a a Person class in my model and I want to change both the view
of people plus I want to change the form page where people are added
and deleted.

Any links or examples or tutorials who greatly be appreciated.


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Initial data for models splitted across multiple files

2006-11-29 Thread Mikko Suniala


I did a quick search but found nothing about this issue. I have splitted 
my models across multiple files as described in The manager 
action "sqlinitialdata" did not seem to find my sql files. After some 
investigation I found out that the manager application is searching for 
files with a path like /models/sql/.sql rather than 
/sql/.sql (as is the case when a single model file 
( is used).

Is this a bug or is it just me?


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Re: best place to put dispatcher.connect code?

2006-11-29 Thread Nathan R. Yergler

I don't think does much with the path, since the
INSTALLED_APPS are given in Python package path syntax, and therefore
must be resolvable on the PYTHONPATH (ie, no additional information is
given for paths).  The only thing I've noticed that it may twiddle is
adding the directory containing to the path.

So you may just need to do an import from (ie,
the full path, where it sometimes works to omit the myproject portion
when specifying an installed app).

Of course, if that doesn't work and the module you want to import is
always in the same relative location to, you could always
manipulate sys.path yourself.


On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 14:30 +, Le Roux Bodenstein wrote:
> Aah. It is because of this chicken and egg scenario.. adds
> your project's dir to the path after it imports your settings module.
> So when the settings module is being imported your project is not in
> the path yet, so you cannot import from
> myproject.some_package.some_module..
> I now added my dir to the path and it works fine. Feels dodgy, because
> my app now has an extra dependency when you install it..
> > 

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Re: Opera & caching

2006-11-29 Thread Waylan Limberg

On 11/29/06, Michal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have problems with Opera browser and caching.
> I have URL /prihlaseni/.
> If user isn't logged, I give him html form for login.
> If user is already logged, I give him only text message, that inform him
> about this state, together with link to logout.
> So, one URL, but two different content (depends on users login).
> Everything work just fine in my browser (Firefox).
> I try the same in Opera browser, and there is problem. If user done
> successfull login, then click on some other URL, and then go back to
> /prihlaseni/ page, he see login form (but he should see only text). If I
> make reload (CTRL+R), content is updated to correct content (text).
> I suppose, that this is occasioned by Opera and his caching, but maybe
> this could be solved by some extra HTTP information send by Django (etag?).

Yep, you want to use the Cache-Control HTTP directive [1]. More
specifically, you probably want to set `no_cache=True` to force
browsers to never cache that page.


> I don't use Django framework.
> Do you have some advice?
> Thank you
> Regards
> Michal
> >


Waylan Limberg

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Re: best place to put dispatcher.connect code?

2006-11-29 Thread Le Roux Bodenstein

I actually just tried that, but I'm getting import errors. Probably
because I am importing from myapp.something.module..

Putting code in just seems dodgy.

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Re: best place to put dispatcher.connect code?

2006-11-29 Thread Le Roux Bodenstein

Actually, no. That didn't really work. Now seems even more

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Re: best place to put dispatcher.connect code?

2006-11-29 Thread Le Roux Bodenstein

Aah. It is because of this chicken and egg scenario.. adds
your project's dir to the path after it imports your settings module.
So when the settings module is being imported your project is not in
the path yet, so you cannot import from

I now added my dir to the path and it works fine. Feels dodgy, because
my app now has an extra dependency when you install it..

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Re: best place to put dispatcher.connect code?

2006-11-29 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

Le Roux Bodenstein wrote:
> Surely if I put it
> in a model or a view or whatever somewhere it will only be called the
> first time that module gets loaded?

The settings module is always imported so you can import your handling 
code there and put dispatch.connect beside the handling code.

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best place to put dispatcher.connect code?

2006-11-29 Thread Le Roux Bodenstein


I want to implement some custom caching stuff, so I want to capture
_all_ post_save signals.

Where is the best place to call dispatcher.connect? Surely if I put it
in a model or a view or whatever somewhere it will only be called the
first time that module gets loaded?

Basically I'm asking if there is a place where I can put code that will
always run when a django process executes and before any save() methods
are called..

Le Roux

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Re: Strange Proxy error

2006-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Turns out it WASN'T the state field... it was the fact that once the
state was present, my geolocating script kicked in on page load and
tried to get a geocode for the address. 

That makes a lot more sense.

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Re: Session data remains after logout

2006-11-29 Thread django-user

Thanks Antonio.
This does not directly solve my problem (linked to an old PHP reflex by the
way), but I'll definitely have a look as it may come in handy later.

I see no 'magic' answer to my problem, and looking at the function
django.contrib.auth.logout(), it's not that hard to wrap around it.

Sunny day.

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Re: ManyRelatedManager object in templates

2006-11-29 Thread conrad22

ie what is the simplest way to call the categories that have been
selected for each organisation ?

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Re: ManyRelatedManager object in templates

2006-11-29 Thread conrad22

Ah ha! I've had a thought..could I use a custom Manager to predefine
the query and then call in the template? In which case, how would a
write a query set for the manager that only returns those categories
that an organisation has selected?

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Re: Opera & caching

2006-11-29 Thread Julio Nobrega

  Opera's cache is very agressive. I use Opera for almost all of my
internet browsing and I've never met a form that isn't shown again
(with its field's content intact!) when "backing", either pressing the
arrow or using mouse gestures, even when caching is completely
disabled (in preferences, "always" check for images and documents).

  I like to think that's a feature... :p

On 11/29/06, Michal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have problems with Opera browser and caching.
> I have URL /prihlaseni/.
> If user isn't logged, I give him html form for login.
> If user is already logged, I give him only text message, that inform him
> about this state, together with link to logout.
> So, one URL, but two different content (depends on users login).
> Everything work just fine in my browser (Firefox).
> I try the same in Opera browser, and there is problem. If user done
> successfull login, then click on some other URL, and then go back to
> /prihlaseni/ page, he see login form (but he should see only text). If I
> make reload (CTRL+R), content is updated to correct content (text).
> I suppose, that this is occasioned by Opera and his caching, but maybe
> this could be solved by some extra HTTP information send by Django (etag?).
> I don't use Django framework.
> Do you have some advice?
> Thank you
> Regards
> Michal
> >

Julio Nobrega -

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Re: Help with getting connection.queries info

2006-11-29 Thread Tom Smith

I have a similar solution/problem...

Firstly, my "solution" was to create a method in my like this...

def my_render(request, template, dict):
url_time = 0
for query in connection.queries:
log( query['time'] + "\t" + query['sql'])
t = float(query['time'])
url_time = url_time + t
log( str(t) + "\t" + query['sql'] ) 
except Exception, err:
connection.queries = []
log("url_time: " + str( url_time) )
return render_to_response(template, dict)

 which is great, when I run my app in development mode... but as  
soon as I run it using FCGI/Lighttpd connection.queries is always  
empty... which is a pain because I want to watch sql queries on the  

I am using the Logging module... would using logging when there are 5  
fcgi python processes cause a problem?

Why does this work fine (or magnificently even) in dev mode and not  
in FCGI mode?

Any ideas? Thanks


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Re: Templates and virtual hosts

2006-11-29 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 29-Nov-06, at 3:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have a template for my index page, I know the path is valid, but I
> get a
> Using loader django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source

give the full error message



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Templates and virtual hosts

2006-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a problem I can't talk in a huge ammount of details about.

I have a template for my index page, I know the path is valid, but I
get a
Using loader django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source
(file does not exist).

The permissions are giving group access to www and full access.

I can cat the file and it output it.

Is there any reason this would be causing me a problem.

Incidentally I'm using latest svned django, python 2.4 modpython on an
apache2 server installed on a mac os x 10.4.8 powerpc machine.

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Re: webserver

2006-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

very good info thank you. I knew i had seen it i just couldn't remember

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Re: utf-8 with MySQL

2006-11-29 Thread Aidas Bendoraitis

I guess, this query may help you:
ALTER DATABASE `yourdatabase` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci

Aidas Bendoraitis [aka Archatas]

On 11/29/06, Ryan Ginstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the tips. I was able to find a somewhat hackish solution.
> > From:
> > - If you're using a version of MySQL prior to 4.1, you should
> > consider upgrading.  4.1 has a lot more support for unicode.
> Using 4.1.11
> > - Are you *sure* that your entire database is in utf8?  I
> > thought mine was (it's a long story) but it turned out that
> > many tables were still in latin1, with the Japanese text
> > encoded in latin1.  Check your database and all your
> > individual tables to make sure.  Do a mysqldump and look at
> > the CHARSET settings for each table.
> This was it, it appears. The server encoding is utf-8, but the client is
> latin-1.
> Changing the client setting to utf-8 seemed like a lot of hassle (i.e. I
> don't know how to do it), so I solved the problem by hacking into django's
> mysql backend code, and commenting out the "SET NAMES" command.
> # django/db/backends/mysql/ ~L104-105
> # COMMENTED OUT BY RFG 12:16 2006/11/29
> #   if self.connection.get_server_info() >= '4.1':
> #   cursor.execute("SET NAMES 'utf8'")
> Doing this, my data goes in and out untouched. A somewhat unsatisfying
> solution, but it seems to work.
> Regards,
> Ryan Ginstrom
> >

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Re: webserver

2006-11-29 Thread Guillermo Fernandez Castellanos


> > I suspect you hit one small Django controversy. The generic view
> > object_list would give you 404 error when the list it tries to show is
> > empty. The view is there, it works, finds the list -- all is Ok. It just
> > has this strange behavior by default. To overcome it you can add
> > allow_empty: True to its infodict.
> add "allow_empty: True" to the infodict of what?
To your As an example taken from your tutorial:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from wilson.apps.portfolio.models import Project

info_dict = {
'queryset': Project.objects.all(),

urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^work/$', 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list',
dict(info_dict, template_name="portfolio/projects_list.html",
'django.views.generic.date_based.object_detail', dict(info_dict,

> could this also be solved by actually adding data to the db before
> trying to look at the page?
As well. But you simply get round the problem, not solve it.

Hope it helps,


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Opera & caching

2006-11-29 Thread Michal

I have problems with Opera browser and caching.

I have URL /prihlaseni/.
If user isn't logged, I give him html form for login.
If user is already logged, I give him only text message, that inform him 
about this state, together with link to logout.

So, one URL, but two different content (depends on users login).

Everything work just fine in my browser (Firefox).
I try the same in Opera browser, and there is problem. If user done 
successfull login, then click on some other URL, and then go back to 
/prihlaseni/ page, he see login form (but he should see only text). If I 
make reload (CTRL+R), content is updated to correct content (text).

I suppose, that this is occasioned by Opera and his caching, but maybe 
this could be solved by some extra HTTP information send by Django (etag?).

I don't use Django framework.

Do you have some advice?

Thank you


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Re: webserver

2006-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please allow a pure newbie to ask a couple questions . . . read in

Ivan Sagalaev wrote:
> > Now with django, I am trying to run through the "Are you generic"
> > tutorial.  When I go out to the URL, I get a 404 "Page not found"
> > message, but absolutely no more information as to where to look!  I
> > thought by using the devel version with the verbosity flag, it would be
> > able to show me something more, but nope!
> I suspect you hit one small Django controversy. The generic view
> object_list would give you 404 error when the list it tries to show is
> empty. The view is there, it works, finds the list -- all is Ok. It just
> has this strange behavior by default. To overcome it you can add
> allow_empty: True to its infodict.

add "allow_empty: True" to the infodict of what?

could this also be solved by actually adding data to the db before
trying to look at the page?

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