[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold / SR ??

2000-12-29 Thread Dale Pond

Sidd wrote:

 EJ has stated in the past:

 "there is not always the necessity to back Standard Gold 100% with
 E-Gold" and

 "there is a market where those individuals and businesses may need
 capital to grow. Standard Reserve will be in that market providing
 capital from its asset backing" and

 "This is the bulk of money that is in a liquid form that can be used
 to loan people and businesses so that earnings can be made and

 dividends paid to holders of the currency."

 So the question is:

 Is there a possibility that in the future Standard Reserve currency
 will at least in part be backed by DEBT instruments or investments
 other than e-gold?

Hi Guys,

May I interject something here? Credit creates debt, obligation and of course
control. The use of credit is a "system" like borrowing from T. E. Ford's
"Company Store". Another perspective on credit/debt consequences can be seen


I found the information (stripped of religious flavorings) to be quite
enlightening in view of the predatory credit system extant throughout America
and elsewhere. It was credit that striped America of the gold and silver common
folks carried around in their pockets as a standard means of doing business.
When we freely circulated gold and silver among ourselves we were a truly weathy
nation in more ways than one.

Dale Pond
Delta Spectrum Research
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
SVP Discussion Forum:

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[e-gold-list] Re: Flat Rate Gold Exchange

2000-12-29 Thread jpm

On 11-29-00 I wired a sizeable amount of money to Flat Rate Gold for deposit
into my E-Gold acct.  The next day there was a service message on their site
stating there had been money orders totaling over $250k returned as
fraudulent, resulting in a mandatory 30 day hold on all incoming wires, etc.
to their bank.  I received mail from them on 12-8-00 stating they would post
a list of customers who's funds were being held, but there has not been a
list, and no response to inquiries.  Does any one know anything about this.
Can we rely on flat Rate Gold's word, and is there any way to check this out
since they are not communicating?  Help would be so very much appreciated.
Also, is there any sure way to fund E-Gold, with no risk of loosing funds
before it even gets to E-Gold?

Sure, just use http://coconutgold.com !  We're absolutely reliable, 
don't deal with losers, and have never fucked up anything!  :)  And 
if we can't trade that day I'll send you to someone trustworthy.


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[e-gold-list] Re: BUY ANYTHING ONLINE WITH e-gold

2000-12-29 Thread jpm

It would not take mauch to provide e-gold users with a substantial
benefit in their online purchasing. Say, a 5% discount and 3% from the
better security and speed of settlement and lower fees would add up to
enough to cover in-exchange costs and make it more efficient. Factor in
falling ine-exchange costs and rising e-gold user base and this type of
business would seem very viable.

George, or anyone, simply STATE which online retailer you think would 
offer a volume discount.  State it.  Type it.  State which online 

I will get right on them and try to negotiate a discount!

Which one?  State it:

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[e-gold-list] Re: Advertising

2000-12-29 Thread jpm

Bearerinstruments.com intends to provide a rotating banner
ad at the bottom of it's home page. There's an example there
Info is at:

If anybody has a suggestion before programing begins,
please send it to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Looks great!  I reckon it should be at the TOP, Bob -- just as all 
ads are at the top of web pages (search engines, or whatever)

i bid one gram ...

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[e-gold-list] Re: BUY ANYTHING ONLINE WITH e-gold

2000-12-29 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 11:41 PM 12/29/2000 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It would not take mauch to provide e-gold users with a substantial
benefit in their online purchasing. Say, a 5% discount and 3% from the
better security and speed of settlement and lower fees would add up to
enough to cover in-exchange costs and make it more efficient. Factor in
falling ine-exchange costs and rising e-gold user base and this type of
business would seem very viable.

George, or anyone, simply STATE which online retailer you think 
would offer a volume discount.  State it.  Type it.  State which 
online retailer.

I will get right on them and try to negotiate a discount!

Volume has nothing to do with it.  The discount should be based 
on the savings possible because of  our process.  Any retailer 
should be able to offer that - whether they be pure play (online 
only) or clicks and mortar.

Try the big guys (a/k/a "800 pound gorillas") first, as they 
carry the weight for others to follow.  The gorrillas include 
Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Sears, JC Penney and the like - all top 
chains.  Then go to prestigious store who carry weight because of 
their innovations - Nordstroms, Neimann Marcus, Bloomingdales, etc.

Then consider pure plays like Amazon, e-Toys, etc.

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018  Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Re: BUY ANYTHING ONLINE WITH e-gold

2000-12-29 Thread Khurram Khan

Volume has nothing to do with it.  The discount should be based on the savings 
possible because of  our process.  Any retailer 

should be able to offer that - whether they be pure play (online only) or clicks and 

  I must disagree with you here George.  Higher volume means higher savings.  A lower 
volume retailer might not be able to offset the cost of adding a "GOLD" payment option 
to their system, however, it would be easier for a higher volume retailer.


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[e-gold-list] Re: BUY ANYTHING ONLINE WITH e-gold

2000-12-29 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 09:02 AM 12/29/2000 -0800, Khurram Khan wrote:

 Volume has nothing to do with it.  The discount should be 
 based on the savings possible because of  our process.  Any retailer
 should be able to offer that - whether they be pure play 
 (online only) or clicks and mortar.
   I must disagree with you here George.  Higher volume means 
 higher savings.  A lower volume retailer might not be able to 
 offset the cost of adding a "GOLD" payment option to their 
 system, however, it would be easier for a higher volume retailer.

Higher volumes have nothing to do with gold payments.  A higher 
volume retailer can offer discounts without accepting gold 
payments.  Wal-Mart, for example, owns 10-15% of the total retail 
marketplace.   The next nine retailers (to round out the top 10) 
own another 15-20% of the market (the total for the top 10 is 
30%, and I'm not sure how much Wal-Mart controls).  Those "800 
pound gorillas" determine how the retail space will go.  They 
have enough clout to offer discounts or not.  For example, 
Wal-Mart sued (and won) Visa and MC who were charging fees on 
debit cards.  The little guy can't do that.

The little guy, a/k/a/ independent retailers or momma poppa 
stores represent 70% of the market.  For them to compete they 
need new and innovative products and services.  So they seek 
products that can't be purchased in the 800 pounders.  Hence they 
can get extra margins.

So, they would be ideal candidates to use gold payment to either 
increase margins or pass on savings.

I write a column for Gifts  Decorative Accessories magazine, and 
am heavily involved in the retail space.  My engagement prior to 
Standard Reserve was as Chief E-Commerce Officer for Silk Road 
Gifts, Inc. where we represented the largest giftware 
manufacturers in the world, and sold to the 800 pounders.  I 
initiated a program to sell to the independents,  and learned a 
lot about their particular needs.  It would be similar to you 
competing with the Treasury department (in scope, not functions).

The independents need help.


George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018  Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Comments on egold sale

2000-12-29 Thread Destiny Worldwide

WE have noted the comments about our egold sale 
and want to add our 2 cents worth.

1. WE did some checking on our customer and do not 
believe that they are involved in anything illegal.

2. we do not believe in the current know your customer rules 
and support the old fashioned values of financial privacy. this means that 
our client's financial affairs are NONE OF OUR BUSINESS, unless it becomes 
obvious that they are invovled in fraud or something dishonest, in which case 
their accounts will be closed immediately.

3. WE strongly agree that someone is innocent until 
proven guilty.

It is obvious that BB has brainwashed most of society into 
accepting its bullshit. Unlike Standard REserve, we don't want to know who 
our customers are. This crap started a few years ago,a nd unless people 
start putting their foot down and say YOU MAY NOT INVADE MY PRIVACY, we 
will soon not have any privacy left. 

If you want to receive articles every week on these issues, we 
invite you to subscribe to our newsletter Offshore Destiny. OUr vision of 
the future is really a return to the past, where there was trust between banker 
and customers, and privacy in financial matters. Eventaully, even 
mainstream so called businesses will catch on to this concept, and when enough 
people tell the government NO, there will be nothing they can do but comply with 
our wishes. Use encrypted email. Get yoruself out of the onshore 
banking system, and live free. Don't sell yourself back into 

To subscribe to this ezine, send your subscriptionrequest 

As a final comment, I will not sit silently any longer and let 
ourselves be insulted with little insinuations and digs. ONe party on this 
list who was promoting his product recently said that he doesn't offer totally 
anonymous debit cards because he doesnt' believe in them and is skeptical 
about them. He then insinuated that the only people who would use 
this were criminals. What a bunch of horseshit! Since when is 
someone who simply doesn't want the government's or anyone else's nose in their 
busuiness automatically a criminal? How far have we fallen from the values 
of personal privacy to even allow ourselves to entertain such ludicrous and 
imbicilic notions? I guess it's the work of the government run youth 
propaganda camps, otherwise known as the public schools that have implanted such 
drivel into our minds. 

I am dedicated to fighting for privacy and freedom in anyway 
that I can and in giving people the tools to give the finger to BB should they 
choose. We have those tools now, and we will explain to people exaclty how 
to use them to their full advantage on a new page on our website coming 

Folks, whether you are aware of it or not, we are in a WAR -- 
THE WAR AGAINST BB! In order to win this war, we must do something EACH 
AND EVERY DAY to enhance not only our own freedom, but to widen the circle of 
freedom wider and to educate people about this problem. Government is 
never the solution to a problem, IT ALWAYS IS THE PROBLEM!

Who starts all the wars for personal gain and spills 
innocent blood worldwide for petty reasons of greed, ego, and vanity? Who 
murders millions upon millions of people? Who tries to control your live 
every way they can? Who wants to put a microscope up your ass and a 
microchip in your hand to monitor [literally] every move you make? This is 
the future, folks, unless we put a stop to it now!

Putting your money and other assets beyond the reach of BB is 
one of the biggest strikes for freedom you can make. My suggestion to 
everyone is that they get rid of all tangible assets in the power of BB, and 
then transfer the liquid assets that result down some rat hole so deep that BB 
will never find it. If enough of us do this, and if enough of us 
stop aiding and abetting the thief who steals in the name of taxes [ALL 
TAXATION IS THEFT, AND IMMORAL], BB will run out of gas and simply wither 

The government's so called war on drugs is really 
a WAR ON YOU AND YOUR FREEDOM! wAke up to this today, and declare a 
private war of your own -- A WAR ON BB! Do it today, for your sake, and 
the sake of your children, because if you don't take a stand RIGHT HERE 
AND RIGHT NOW, there may be no tomorrow, unless you are willing to DIE for your 
freedom. Right now you don't have to die, you just have to vote with your 
money and your feet. Tomorrow may be a different story.

Sorry for this rant, but I am fed up with the snide remarks 
that have been directed towards us and our stand for privacy.

So, should you give SR your SSN or other government issued 
piece of crap? NO WAY!

!!!Our Offshore 
Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))
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[e-gold-list] Re: Standard Reserve and Privacy

2000-12-29 Thread Edwin Woudt

 The SS# requirement also stopped my application for their debit account.

I'm also curious why SR want this number.

I can see the need for a passport number or driver's license number for 
identification purposes (even though it is pretty useless without 
verification). But AFAIK a social security has nothing to do with 'telling 
who you are'.

(I must admit that I do not know too much about social security numbers in 
the US. In the country I live in, it is even illegal for businesses to ask 
for a social security number.)

 1.  SR is not really opening up to international clients, and you can
 tell this from their application form.  I checked that I was from Costa
 Rica and therefore did not fill in an SSN as per directions,b ut their
 system bounced the application for that reason, so I typed in
 999-99-.  That worked.

I was able to submit a test application without SSN, claiming to live in 
Antigua and Barbados. (note to SR: feel free to delete account 120861)

 they are showing that they are not part of the freedom movement,
 but a part of the system most egold users are trying to get
 themselves out of.

SR never claimed to be part of the freedom movement. In fact, they made a 
clear business decision not to be part of it. If you don't like that: don't 
do business with them. Time will tell if more people feel like you.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Standard Reserve and Privacy

2000-12-29 Thread Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange


Please let me be one of the first SR Agents and e-gold Market Makers to
publicly thank you for your efforts:

Ours is not an anonymous service, never has been,
 and was never touted as such.   Rather, we actually verify that
 the applicant is who they say they are.   We owe that to our
 agents who take the risk.

We need to verify that you are who
you say you are.  On this list there have been many reports of
fraud, rip offs, etc.  Ask any of the market makers about the
issues with fraud.  We are trying to avoid that.

I am quite sure I will not be the last.  What many individuals who are
concerned about privacy do not understand is that the current e-gold system
is ripe with abuse.  (Sniff..sniff...can't you smell that?)  Anonymous
services are great and have many wonderful uses, but open up those of us who
act as portals into the system to the targeting eyes of thieves, scoundrels
and counterfeiters.

I do not think it is anyone's business HOW someone spends his or her
money.  However, as an SR agent and e-gold Market Maker, it IS my business
if the payment someone is sending to me to obtain these currencies is
legitimate.  We have seen a dramatic increase in the use of stolen credit
cards, counterfeit checks, bogus money orders, so on and so on!  The only
way for our company to accept these forms of payment and fund accounts is to
know that the person sending the payment is the person they claim to be.

John makes several good arguments about BB and the use of SS #'s.  I
personally am VERY skeptical about giving mine over the Internet no matter
WHO is asking and HOW secure they claim to be.  I prefer to mail it by snail
mail.  Is there a chance that a drivers license and/or SS card can be
photocopied and notarized as proof of identity?  This may ease some of the
privacy buffs concerns about hackers hitting the SR on-line databases.

 To those of you out there that do not want ANYONE to know who you are
or HOW you spend you money, I ask you what faith does someone in my line of
work have in accepting a payment from you?  You have to obtain your e-gold
and SR-AUG and SR-USD somewhere with fiat currency.  Unless you send cash
via mail (which is NOT recommended) certain trust must be demonstrated.
Proving to me you are who you claim to be is the basic foundation of any
client/service relationship I see as mutually beneficial. This is done by
being verified by  Standard Reserve's system.

Lastly, if you STILL desire to remain 100% anonymous, might I suggest my
secret "Invisible Man Formula"?  Guaranteed to turn you invisible!  No one
will know who you are, where you are from, or how you spend your finances.
Just send me, oh, $25 K in an unmarked envelope with no information inside
in small USD, non-sequential bills.  It will work...trust me:0)

 As always, these are just my opinions and not meant to become part of
any routine medical treatment, diet and exercise plan, or for children under
the age of 21 years of age.  Some assembly required.  Batteries not
included.  Gaithman's Invisible Products:  www.nosuchplaceonearth.com

 Happy New Year!

- Original Message -
From: George Matyjewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 1:59 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Standard Reserve and Privacy

 At 01:06 PM 12/29/2000 -0600, Destiny Worldwide wrote:
 I have noted several things about Standard Reserve, all of which
 I do not like.  We were going to use Standeard Reserve and even
 introduce clients to it, but it is obvious that Standard reserve
 intends to play by the rules of Big Brother, something that we abhor:
 1.  SR is not really opening up to international clients, and
 you can tell this from their application form.  I checked that I
 was from Costa Rica and therefore did not fill in an SSN as per
 directions,b ut their system bounced the application for that
 reason, so I typed in 999-99-.  That worked.  Standard
 rEserve needs to learn that it is ILLEGAL to demand a SSN frm
 soneone, and that the provision of an SSN is 100% voluntary, and
 they need to make provision for this.  By acting like the BB
 banks, they are showing that they are not part of the freedom
 movement, but a part of the system most egold users are trying
 to get themselves out of.  Also, SR says that they are doing
 this to apeal to a larger market.  Well, in actuality, the
 future is AWAY form BB.  As the internet grows in power and net
 currencies based offshore, along with offshore services such as
 ours, WE will someday become the mainstream, not the other way
 around.  Locating themselves onshore and spending a ton of money
 to comply with ridiculous US government regulations that force
 them to SPY on their customers liek the banks is surely the
 wrong thing to do.  It woudl have been better if they had gone
 in the direction of Goldmoney and located themselves safely
 OFFSHORE.  Even egold eventually 

[e-gold-list] Re: Comments on egold sale

2000-12-29 Thread Loryn E. Jenkins

Destiny Worldwide,
and all others interested in doing business with Standard Reserve.

Our application form currently demands a SSN because the US-based identity
verification service requires it. We use this service because it quickly
and cost effectively ascertains the consistency of the identity details.
This process quickly tells us the low-risk applications, which we then
approve automatically. This process also quickly assists us in identifying
suspicious applications. Several applicants have already attempted to use
other people's identities. Identity theft is as morally abhorrent as
privacy abuse. Credit card fraud studies clearly show a correspondence
between identity theft and financial criminal activity. (People who steal
others' identities usually have no compunction stealing and scamming other

You may be pleased to know that, just last night, an Individual Sovereign
opened an account with us. The process was slower, slightly more
cumbersome, and certainly more expensive for Standard Reserve ... but we
will not turn away any paying customer with whom we can establish a
relatively "trusted" relationship. If anyone wishes to do business with
Standard Reserve but have serious concerns with sending their SSN to us,
please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] You will find that the
people operating Standard Reserve are somewhat more flexible than our IT

And, may I add, Standard Reserve management have already begun exploring
some *options* for US-based customers who do not wish to divulge their
SSN. We have begun discussing the optional use of other notirized forms of
identity verification. I can't guarantee when we will implement a more
flexible application form, as we still have quite a bit of work to do on
our system in order to bring you all the capabilities we dream of
providing you, but we will deal with this in due course.

People: Destiny Worldwide calls for a return to old-fashioned values of
trust; the personnel of Standard Reserve support such a call. We want each
of our customers to begin establishing 'trust' with us by revealing who
they are. [We're not hung up on obtaining your SSN ... (email us for other
means of signing up!) But we do hope that most financial criminals will
avoid doing business with us.]

This is the least we can do for our Agents. For it is our Agents who
absorb the risk that enables all of us to move from non-trusted,
non-trustable, always-reversible transactions systems to a non-reversible
transaction system.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Standard Reserve and Privacy

2000-12-29 Thread Loryn E. Jenkins

I personally am VERY skeptical about giving mine
over the Internet no matter WHO is asking and
HOW secure they claim to be. I prefer to mail it
by snail mail. 

Interesting. I personally have always been more comfortable providing my
details over a 128-bit encrypted SSL session than providing them
over-the-counter or through-the-mail. But perhaps that's just me ...
seeing as I've spent the last five years putting financial institutions on
the Internet. (In December 1995, I was part of a team that put St George
Bank, in Australia, on the Internet. We followed up by putting Australia's
then-largest bank on the Internet. So far so good: no security breaches.)

Is there a chance that a drivers
license and/or SS card can be photocopied and
notarized as proof of identity? This may ease
some of the privacy buffs concerns about
hackers hitting the SR on-line databases.

Eric, hackers won't find SSNs or other identity details online. We retain
online only the information required to operate the account.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Privacy, Credit Real Money

2000-12-29 Thread Dale Pond

The issue of identifying people is not the issue. The real issue is with
mishonoring created credit on or to a stolen credit card.

E-gold started out in the right direction in dealing exclusively with funded
accounts. Can't spend what you don't have. Like cash in the pocket.

Credit cards are a license to access (via a sponsoring bank or agent) fractional
reserve banking (creation of credit) on a personal level. This is a bogus scheme
based on a prior bogus scheme - fractional banking.

Bogus money created from bogus money is still bogus money.

Many people are "forced" into a stealing situation because they do not have
sufficient "money" to survive on. This desperate situation was created by the
same fractional reserve banking through endless creation of more and more credit
backed by nothing. The result is inflation which destroys the value of "money"
thereby forcing people to get more - all the time - getting more - to maintain
any given standard of living. (Raw greed for power to satiate fear is something
else again.)

The solution is not in dealing with effects (credit) of a corrupted system. The
solution lies in trashing the culprit and beginning anew - on solid financial
footing - GOLD or other commodities. With asset based wealth there is no
inflation and no consequent pressure to "get more". Personal honor is restored
and the general system has permanency. There can be no theft through credit card
smoke and mirrors.

The solution then (IMHO) is to trash the existing system - or refuse to deal
with it at the same time replacing it with asset based real money. Anything
short of a total reconstruction is stirring the pile into a greater mess. E-gold
is on the right track. With such a system identification is a mute issue as it
ought to be. S/He who owns the login and password owns the gold. More credit
(with its attendent problems) is not the solution. Wider access to (verifiable)
assets promise greater freedom and stability.

Dale Pond
Delta Spectrum Research
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
SVP Discussion Forum:

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[e-gold-list] Re: Standard Reserve and Privacy

2000-12-29 Thread Dale Pond

"Loryn E. Jenkins" wrote:

 I personally have always been more comfortable providing my
 details over a 128-bit encrypted SSL session than providing them
 over-the-counter or through-the-mail. But perhaps that's just me ...

Interesting. Providing personal information to ANY person should always be


PS: I appreciate the "new and open" policy just posted by SR. It's a step in the
right direction.

Dale Pond
Delta Spectrum Research
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
SVP Discussion Forum:

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[e-gold-list] Reminder... Mac Crypto Jan 29th - Feb 1st

2000-12-29 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 09:55:58 -0800
From: Vinnie Moscaritolo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Reminder... Mac Crypto  Jan 29th - Feb 1st

Hi all;

Below is a preliminary list of talks scheduled for the Millennium
Edition of  the Mac Crypto/ Internet commerce workshop.
The conference will be held at Apple's Deanza 3 Auditorium
from Jan 29th - Feb 1st .  I have had a lot  of people propose talks
but only a few have actually sent me their abstracts.

If you are on the list below and would like to correct the abstracts,
  please send me the updated text. If you are not on the list but plan to talk,
then send me the abstract now.


Jonathan D. Callas
Counterpane Internet Security

  "The Effect of Anti-Circumvention Provisions on Security"

One of the properties of digital Intellectual Property (IP) is that it can
be easily reproduced, modified, and transferred.  In response, IP owners
have created creating new security technologies for controlling the digital
works. Inevitably, this creates an opportunity for those who can circumvent
those technologies.


Will Price, Director of Engineering
PGP Security, Inc.

"PGP Future Directions"

Will Price will discuss new technologies in PGP such as Key
Reconstruction, Instant Messaging encryption, PGP for Wireless, and future
directions of PGP on the MacOS platform.


"Security Architect". Gemplus (www.gemplus.com),

  "Introduction to Smartcards"

  This tutorial gives a general overview of the smartcard technology and
its added value for cryptography and security. Classical smartcard
concepts (card life cycle, smartcard structure, required
infrastructure,...) are covered along with recent ones like open cards
(Javacard,...). New applications and potentail security enhancements to
MacOS X are given. Finally, the current state of the art in smartcard
security is described. A lot of ressources are listed to give attendees
the opportunity to access more detailed information.


Charles Evans  [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Partner, BEK Ventures,

"Secure, Real-Time Financial Transactions Using WebFunds on the Mac."

The talk will center on real-world transfer of value in the form of
either a) exchange among commodity-back electronic currencies or b)
trading of shares in micro-enterprises.
Vinnie Moscaritolo KF6WPJ ITCB-IMSH
PGP: 3F903472C3AF622D5D918D9BD8B100090B3EF042

All P.C. Personnel entering these premises will
encounter gravely offensive behavior and opinions.
(SEC4623. Ministry of political incorrection security act of 1995)

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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[e-gold-list] Re: Comments on egold sale

2000-12-29 Thread CCS

 1.  WE did some checking on our customer and do not believe that they
 are involved in anything illegal.

Not to pick nits but the issue which concerned me is not whether they 
are involved with anything illegal (after all taxation is legal) but
with anything dishonest.  I think this is what you meant and that you 
have satisfied my concern.
 Sorry for this rant, but I am fed up with the snide remarks that have
 been directed towards us and our stand for privacy.

It was a magnificent "rant".  It made me stand up and cheer.  I could
not agree with you more.

Let me assure you that my comment was not intented as an insult, 
insinuation, dig or snide remark. 

I *am* concerned with all the scams and crooks that e-gold has 
attracted that are preying on the gullible and making things 
miserable for the market makers.  I think that if honest people
are to succeed in accomplishing the goals you championed so
passionately it will be necessary not only for us to maintain
our own privacy but to devise ways of doing it that deal with the
problems created by the crooks.



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[e-gold-list] SR Identity

2000-12-29 Thread CCS

Contrary to the comments of Matyjewicz and Jenkins, Standard Reserve 
has no legitimate business concern with establishing anyone's 
identity.  Their actual business interest is only in establishing that
their accounts are controled by the true owners of the funds therein. 
These are two different things.  Identity is irrelevant.

They are using the first as a proxy for the second.  This follows 
what has gradually become current practice in the US.  Jenkins
acknowledges that this is due in part to the fact that SR is using
a US based verification service not because it is functional.  I 
suggest that this practice has developed not so much because it 
serves as a good proxy but because it has been encouraged by BB 
because it serves the interest of the state in monitoring, 
controling and enslaving us all.

I also suggest that SR would be better served by firing their 
verification service and devising a real way to accomplish their 
actual objective that is compatible with the interests of their
potential customers.


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[e-gold-list] Re: SR Identity

2000-12-29 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 07:45 PM 12/29/2000 -0500, CCS wrote:

I also suggest that SR would be better served by firing their
verification service and devising a real way to accomplish their
actual objective that is compatible with the interests of their
potential customers.

Any suggestions?  We have been searching for a service that would 
be able to verify accounts worldwide.   So far we have only found 
US-based companies.

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018  Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-29 Thread Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange


But we do hope that most financial criminals will
 avoid doing business with us.]

 This is the least we can do for our Agents. For it is our Agents who
 absorb the risk that enables all of us to move from non-trusted,
 non-trustable, always-reversible transactions systems to a non-reversible
 transaction system.

Well said!  Yes, we agents appreciate the fact you are aware of the risk we
are taking.  Agents are the portals that allow customers into the Gold
Economy.  The drawback is that we also make wonderful targets for those you

Identity theft is as morally abhorrent as
 privacy abuse. Credit card fraud studies clearly show a correspondence
 between identity theft and financial criminal activity. (People who steal
 others' identities usually have no compunction stealing and scamming other

I think MOST of the privacy buffs fear the SS # requirement solely for one
main reason:  they want this Gold Economy to remain tax free.  In the US,
using a SS # means that at the end of the year Big Brother will know what
you did with your money.  If we can overcome that stigma by utilizing the
alternate forms of identity verification, we may all be on to something
bigger that most of us have conceptualized even to this point.

Then again, hats off to the *old days* (before my time!) when a handshake
meant your word, and your word meant *something*!  Perhaps those days will
return someday, until they do, I prefer to know the man/woman on the other
end of that reputable payment that arrives in my office mailbox.

By the way, my apologies for not getting back to you this afternoon.  I was
just walking out the door and in the midst of a conversation with a fellow
Market Maker.  Ironically, he was inquiring how to obtain a court order to
hold account values.  He had just been scammed by five individuals utilizing
PayPal.  So much for trusting those you do not know

(People who steal
 others' identities usually have no compunction stealing and scamming other

You said it best, Loryn!

 Feel free to call me if you are still working or have some free time.
You have my cell phone number.

   Eric Gaither

- Original Message -
From: Loryn E. Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 4:18 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Comments on egold sale

 Destiny Worldwide,
 and all others interested in doing business with Standard Reserve.

 Our application form currently demands a SSN because the US-based identity
 verification service requires it. We use this service because it quickly
 and cost effectively ascertains the consistency of the identity details.
 This process quickly tells us the low-risk applications, which we then
 approve automatically. This process also quickly assists us in identifying
 suspicious applications. Several applicants have already attempted to use
 other people's identities. 
 You may be pleased to know that, just last night, an Individual Sovereign
 opened an account with us. The process was slower, slightly more
 cumbersome, and certainly more expensive for Standard Reserve ... but we
 will not turn away any paying customer with whom we can establish a
 relatively "trusted" relationship. If anyone wishes to do business with
 Standard Reserve but have serious concerns with sending their SSN to us,
 please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] You will find that the
 people operating Standard Reserve are somewhat more flexible than our IT

 And, may I add, Standard Reserve management have already begun exploring
 some *options* for US-based customers who do not wish to divulge their
 SSN. We have begun discussing the optional use of other notirized forms of
 identity verification. I can't guarantee when we will implement a more
 flexible application form, as we still have quite a bit of work to do on
 our system in order to bring you all the capabilities we dream of
 providing you, but we will deal with this in due course.

 People: Destiny Worldwide calls for a return to old-fashioned values of
 trust; the personnel of Standard Reserve support such a call. We want each
 of our customers to begin establishing 'trust' with us by revealing who
 they are. [We're not hung up on obtaining your SSN ... (email us for other
 means of signing up!) 
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 To unsubscribe send a blank email to

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
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[e-gold-list] Re: newsletter subscription address

2000-12-29 Thread Michael Moore

You may subscribe to my e-group also. for 
updates and news.

Kind regards,

Michael Moore[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.gold-today.comSign up with 
e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.https://www.e-gold.com/newacct/newaccount.asp?cid=129542

  - Original Message - 
  Destiny Worldwide 
  To: e-gold Discussion 
  Cc: e-gold Discussion 
  Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 7:43 
  Subject: [e-gold-list] newsletter 
  subscription address
  I just logged into my egroups page for that 
  group and this is what it says is the address to subscribe to:
  This is the opposite order I had it on the list and in my 
  newsletter template. I am certian that when I set up the template, I cut 
  and pasted this address directly form egroups so as not to make an error, but 
  maybe they changed it since merging with Yahoo. I dont' know. 
  Either way, the correct information is above.
  !!!Our Offshore 
  Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
  opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))
-Original Message-From: 
Michael Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Destiny Worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Friday, December 29, 2000 2:06 PMSubject: Re: [e-gold-list] 
Comments on egold sale

I understand what you say.

I clicked your link to subscribe but e-groups 
sent it back as a:
Your message was sent to a group that does not 
exist. Please checkto make sure you spelled the group name 

I would like to subscribe however.
I have been watching SR ... I notice the words 
fractional. and loans now creeping in.
Interesting huh!

Kind regards,

Michael Moore[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.gold-today.comSign up 
with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.https://www.e-gold.com/newacct/newaccount.asp?cid=129542

  - Original Message - 
  Destiny Worldwide 
  To: e-gold Discussion 
  Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 
  6:38 AM
  Subject: [e-gold-list] Comments on 
  egold sale
  WE have noted the comments about our egold 
  sale and want to add our 2 cents worth.
  1. WE did some checking on our customer and do not 
  believe that they are involved in anything illegal.
  2. we do not believe in the current know your customer 
  rules and support the old fashioned values of financial privacy. 
  this means that our client's financial affairs are NONE OF OUR BUSINESS, 
  unless it becomes obvious that they are invovled in fraud or something 
  dishonest, in which case their accounts will be closed 
  3. WE strongly agree that someone is innocent 
  until proven guilty.
  It is obvious that BB has brainwashed most of society 
  into accepting its bullshit. Unlike Standard REserve, we don't want 
  to know who our customers are. This crap started a few years ago,a 
  nd unless people start putting their foot down and say YOU MAY NOT 
  INVADE MY PRIVACY, we will soon not have any privacy left. 
  If you want to receive articles every week on these 
  issues, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter Offshore 
  Destiny. OUr vision of the future is really a return to the past, 
  where there was trust between banker and customers, and privacy in 
  financial matters. Eventaully, even mainstream so called businesses 
  will catch on to this concept, and when enough people tell the government 
  NO, there will be nothing they can do but comply with our wishes. 
  Use encrypted email. Get yoruself out of the onshore banking system, 
  and live free. Don't sell yourself back into slavery.
  To subscribe to this ezine, send your 
  subscriptionrequest to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  As a final comment, I will not sit silently any longer 
  and let ourselves be insulted with little insinuations and digs. ONe 
  party on this list who was promoting his product recently said that he 
  doesn't offer totally anonymous debit cards because he "doesnt' believe in 
  them and is skeptical about them." He then insinuated that the only 
  people who would use this were criminals. What a bunch of 
  horseshit! Since when is someone who simply doesn't want the 
  government's or anyone else's nose in their busuiness automatically a 
  criminal? How far have we fallen from the values of personal privacy 
  to even allow ourselves to entertain such ludicrous and imbicilic 
  notions? I guess it's the work of the government run youth 
  propaganda camps, otherwise known as the public