[e-gold-list] contest

2001-01-30 Thread jpm

here is the best entry so far in this weeks' contest, by Jay Wherley


what an amazing entry!!!

this is going to win the gram unless someone can do something even 
more incisive.  there's still a week to go!

remember the prize money is going to DOUBLE each contest!

shop amazon.com with e-gold! http://bananagold.com

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[e-gold-list] Thanks to Claude Cormier

2001-01-30 Thread Elwyn Jenkins

Claude has been doing a great job writing an article each week for The
Gold Economy site. This is his third week and readers are growing strongly
for this regular column. Today's column is "Weekly Update: Recession

The column "Weekly Update" appears at about 5:00am USA-EST each week. I
notice from the statistics that a number of people have a "spy" on this
page, as when the article is released on Tuesday morning, there are
readers quickly coming to the first page of The Gold Economy within
minutes of its release.

Good work claude. See Claude's great newsletter "The Ormetal Report"

Dr Elwyn Jenkins
The Gold Economy

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2001-01-30 Thread Elwyn Jenkins

The Gold Economy is seeking writers who would like to write a one-off
article, or write a regular column. Reciprocal links from your article to
your site is popssible.

Topics I am looking for include:

Models of selling music on the Internet
Gambling v's scamming - is there a difference?
How ponzi schemes work
Fraud on the Internet
The Spread of the Internet in your country (how many people using the
Internet, what for, and likelihood of using gold as payment.)
What are you teaching your kids about money?
The politics of money
How does your religion view money (we have had a Christian-Protestant
view, what about a Jewish view, Islaam, Orthodox, Catholic etc.)
Fitness on the Internet - what can I get?

and many others . . .
you name the topic and we will look at it.

We will provide reciprocal links, and even in some cases pay Standard Gold
in return for continued services.

Please forward all ideas to my personal e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks. And do think about writing an article. The Gold Economy needs your
perspective - especially articles from around the world.

Dr Elwyn Jenkins
The Gold Economy

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold-Age is Fine: Conclusion to the Credit Card Saga.

2001-01-30 Thread GoldDirectory.com

  Also I've had quite a few complaints that I did not fulfill their
 order, even recently with our new payment system -- upon looking into
 their order I find that it was filled, only then does the customer
 realize that they gave me the wrong e-gold # (please people, check your
 information and facts before flying-off-the-handle).

Which is why we need a two-step handshake method to send an e-gold payment,
where, when using this method, the e-gold must be sent and then PICKED-UP by
the receiver, with a password of the sender's choice, before the transaction
is complete.



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[e-gold-list] Gold-Age: Failure to Deliver (cont'd)

2001-01-30 Thread TG

I do not recall writing that you stole my money. I stated that you charged
my card and never delivered your product. That fact, and the fact that you
did not respond directly to my request for information (did you receive
the fax? do you need more information?), led me to wonder if you were
indeed still in business.
Why would I wait since October for the funds to appear? Simple, I trusted
Gold-Age to do what they said they were going to do. You asked for
information, I sent it and trusted that you would do what you said you
would do.
It seems the consumer in this "e-commerce" world cannot win in these
circumstances. If I ask for information to soon, you complain that I must
have patience while you fix your servers, or your database or your...
(fill in the excuse de jour). If I wait, and have patience then the answer
is that I should have charged back sooner. I fulfilled my
responsibilities. I sent you all the faxes, emails, voice mails, with the
correct info,including correct account number.
It is you, Parker, who have not done what you said you would do.
Why did I not charge back? I needed the money in my e-gold account not on
my credit card, and I assumed that you would do what you said you would
Now you tie up the lose ends by implying that it is I who am responsible
for your failure. I sent you bad info or somehow or other "schmucked"
things up. That is not what the communication trail shows.
It is very simple, I have done everything you have asked for, exactly the
way you have asked and still you have not done what you said you would do.
One of your colleagues said that you are an honorable man, yet I am still
waiting for you to do what you said you were going to do.
Tracy Guss

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold-Age is Fine: Conclusion to the Credit Card Saga.

2001-01-30 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.

 "GD" == GoldDirectory com [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

GD Which is why we need a two-step handshake method to send an e-gold
GD payment, where, when using this method, the e-gold must be sent
GD and then PICKED-UP by the receiver, with a password of the
GD sender's choice, before the transaction is complete.

Which should be done by a 3rd party.  A kind of escrow service.
Using a public balance account.


How much would anyone be willing to pay for such a service?
One percent?  Two?  

James H. Cloos, Jr.  http://jhcloos.com/public_key 1024D/ED7DAEA6 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  E9E9 F828 61A4 6EA9 0F2B  63E7 997A 9F17 ED7D AEA6

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold-Age is Fine: Conclusion to the Credit Card Saga.

2001-01-30 Thread GoldDirectory.com


 GD Which is why we need a two-step handshake method to send an e-gold
 GD payment, where, when using this method, the e-gold must be sent
 GD and then PICKED-UP by the receiver, with a password of the
 GD sender's choice, before the transaction is complete.

 Which should be done by a 3rd party.  A kind of escrow service.
 Using a public balance account.

What? I send e-gold to you and then you send it to my customer? What if I
miskey YOUR e-gold account number?


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[e-gold-list] Re: contest

2001-01-30 Thread Viking Coder

 remember the prize money is going to DOUBLE each contest!

I would like to win it about 10 iterations down the road. At that point,
the prize money will be over a Kg of gold (1024g).

Viking Coder

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold-Age is Fine: Conclusion to the Credit Card Saga.

2001-01-30 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.

 "GD" == GoldDirectory com [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

GD What? I send e-gold to you and then you send it to my customer?
GD What if I miskey YOUR e-gold account number?

You wouldn't, since it would go via the SCI.

The harder part is verifying that recipient has control of their
account w/o divulging their passwd to the 3rd party.  But I do have an
idea on how to do that.  

James H. Cloos, Jr.  http://jhcloos.com/public_key 1024D/ED7DAEA6 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  E9E9 F828 61A4 6EA9 0F2B  63E7 997A 9F17 ED7D AEA6

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[e-gold-list] Re: fictional e-gold company!!!

2001-01-30 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Very nice add.  I wonder why no one else has come up with this???  Is this
humor imitating reality, or reality imitating humor?

On Tue, 30 Jan 2001 12:43:15 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey look at this!  (Especially Jim!)

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
If you found the contents of this email useful to you, and you have an
e-gold account, please feel free to follow this link:
http://www.two-cents-worth.com/?107685[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send a cool gift with your E-Card

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[e-gold-list] New egold resources

2001-01-30 Thread Destiny Worldwide

Hello all,

We are in the process of some major revisions to our websites, 
and some of these revisions will include resources of interest to people who use 
egold. Two new pages are already up, with more planned as soon as we can 
get the updates completed.

The first update is to the Offshore Earnings site [the url is 
in my sig file below]. We have added two pages that will be of interest to 

1. An offshore strategies page meant to stimulate your 
thoughts on the possibilities of doing business offshore and in privacy using 
your egold account and resources that we can provide. This page will 
answer many of your questions, including how to hook up your egold account for 
ecommerce, how to transfer money form your egold account offshore, and 
more. I think that many people will find this new page very 

2. The other page is a Market Maker listing. Let 
me state form the outset that this is NOT an all inclusive list, but links to 
the exhaustive directories are provided. What this list does is give you a 
key to certain market makers that provide some specialized service with an 
offshore or global slant, aimed especailly at those people who want to move 
assets offshore or conduct business offshore.

IN this connection, we have listed the two market makers that 
are truly international, and have also listed some that accept international 
credit cards, Western Union, EZCmoney, etc. We have also included an 
offshore market maker, and have included Gaithman's egold exchange because we 
have personal experience with them and their service has always been 

The fact that a MM is not included does not necessarily mean 
we think badly of them, only that we don't have experience with them or might 
have received in one or two cases some negative information. But this list 
is NOT an endorsement of anyone either, it is just a suggested list of those we 
feel our clients and the egold world will find useful. 

Also, this list is an ongoing work and will be updated form 
time to time.

Our next major project is the long overdue total overhaul of 
Destiny Central on a different domain. The new revised Destiny Central 
will have an online/egold scam alert page that will allow people to place URL's 
of scamsters on the page direclty. We hope to couple this with a message 
board. These resources will be open to the public, but we have not yet 
decided whether anyone will be able to post, or only Destiny members. 

Other exciting things are coming along as well, including the 
revision of our Office Complex area, which has suffered a couple of years of 
benign neglect. We hope to revive the Office Complex with an egold and 
Offshroearnings slant. YOu could think of it as an egold and offshore 
cyber shopping mall plus office complex for professional practice and other 
things. I won't give out the url now because of the terrible shape the 
complex is in right now after the neglect, but as soon as it is remodeled, I 
will let you all know. I don't know of any other place on the net where 
egold related business will be enoucraged to set up shop! And you will be 
able to join the Office Complex for free if you become a member of our 
organization [and the yearly dues will be very inexpensive as 

Until the next update,

!!!Our Offshore 
Website has been totally redesigned, and we now have web based banking, 
opening of accounts,deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com+))
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[e-gold-list] Re: Association for International Business takes gold

2001-01-30 Thread Michael Moore


This looks good

Yes I will take advantage of your offer for the basic membership.

How do I join?

Kind regards,

Michael Moore
Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
subscribe to the gold-today discussion group at


If you are looking for an International resource  to learn more 
about business worldwide, and to "meet" online everyday  with 
12,000 international business members in 200 countries, then you 

And they take gold!  Standard Reserve has decided to sponsor the 
group, and pay for membership to anybody who joins at their site 

With over 12,000 members in 200 countries, AIB is a non-profit 
global Internet community,  founded in 1997,  dedicated to 
creating new opportunities for business people around the world 
to be able to communicate, share their knowledge and experience 
and make new colleagues and friends.  Members include business 
executives and small business owners to the Fortune Global 500, 
business educators, the media and members of governmental and 
non-governmental organizations including the World Bank, 
Export-Import Bank, United Nations and WTO.

It is a great way for market makers and members of the gold 
economy to gain more exposure worldwide for less than five cents 
a day -- that's .005882 grams a day!  While basic membership is 
free, I suggest you pay for professional member status which 
costs a mere $36.00 annually. We'll still pick up $18 of that fee.

We are honored to be part of the AIB and  it is our pleasure to 
offer free basic  membership if that will help this organization 
grow and prosper.


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[e-gold-list] Re: New egold resources

2001-01-30 Thread Michael Moore


You may not be aware that www.gold-today.com also provides the 
following facilities.

EZCMoney,available anywhere in the 

Technocash.A simple speedy and secure payment 
system available for all Australians all over Australia and soon for the 

Gold Today offers a speedy efficient world wide 
service.Most of our clients are through referrals and word of 
mouthand most of them, of course, are Australian.

Although we cater world wideand in fact are 
in the process of expanding now in the US, with a USAgent and bank 
accounts being set up,  we are still primarily an Australian Company 
serving the Australian Community.

Gold Today are also the only Market Maker 
that offers a 48 hour money back guarantee!

In addition Gold Todayhave the current spot 
gold price always up,were the first to have a currency converter for the 
convienience ofall and, soon to arrive, all the stock prices and indices 
live will be added with heaps more useful business informationas 
well. It will be not just a gold transaction centrebut a 
businessinformation centre,all easily found and tastefully 

I recommend they be listed also.

Kind regards,

Michael Moore[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.gold-today.comSign up with 
e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.https://www.e-gold.com/newacct/newaccount.asp?cid=129542subscribe 
to the gold-today discussion group athttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/goldtoday

  2. The other page is a Market Maker listing. Let 
  me state form the outset that this is NOT an all inclusive list, but links to 
  the exhaustive directories are provided. What this list does is give you 
  a key to certain market makers that provide some specialized service with an 
  offshore or global slant, aimed especailly at those people who want to move 
  assets offshore or conduct business offshore.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Association for International Business takes gold

2001-01-30 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 08:33 AM 1/31/2001 +1100, Michael Moore wrote:

This looks good

Yes I will take advantage of your offer for the basic membership.

How do I join?

At their site...


Ray Gabriel is the director and founder and does a wonderful job.


Kind regards,

Michael Moore
Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
subscribe to the gold-today discussion group at


If you are looking for an International resource  to learn more
about business worldwide, and to "meet" online everyday  with
12,000 international business members in 200 countries, then you

And they take gold!  Standard Reserve has decided to sponsor the
group, and pay for membership to anybody who joins at their site

With over 12,000 members in 200 countries, AIB is a non-profit
global Internet community,  founded in 1997,  dedicated to
creating new opportunities for business people around the world
to be able to communicate, share their knowledge and experience
and make new colleagues and friends.  Members include business
executives and small business owners to the Fortune Global 500,
business educators, the media and members of governmental and
non-governmental organizations including the World Bank,
Export-Import Bank, United Nations and WTO.

It is a great way for market makers and members of the gold
economy to gain more exposure worldwide for less than five cents
a day -- that's .005882 grams a day!  While basic membership is
free, I suggest you pay for professional member status which
costs a mere $36.00 annually. We'll still pick up $18 of that fee.

We are honored to be part of the AIB and  it is our pleasure to
offer free basic  membership if that will help this organization
grow and prosper.


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George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018  Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Gold-Age: Fact Remains-No Delivery

2001-01-30 Thread Tracy Guss

Yes, I'm sure there are many satisfied Gold-Age customers. My point is
that I have been given poor customer service by Gold-Age. A service has
been paid for but the product was never delivered. I am aware of others
from around the world who are also waiting on their money (even after
meeting all of Mr. Bradley's requirments for information). The question
becomes for you market makers who are on the edge of the e-commerce
frontier, what level will you set as a standard for customer service. The
fact remains, I purchased a product and it was never delivered.
-Tracy Guss

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold-Age: Fact Remains-No Delivery

2001-01-30 Thread Mike McNamara

At 7:34 PM -0500 1/30/01, Tracy Guss wrote:

Yes, I'm sure there are many satisfied Gold-Age customers. My point is
that I have been given poor customer service by Gold-Age.

Yes...  We're all certainly aware of this fact by now.  In fact, 
there's probably no compelling reason to mention it on this list 

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[e-gold-list] Re: Public Notice Regarding Costa Gold

2001-01-30 Thread gary

Hey Reid,

I have a question on your statement below.

 In cases where our customer will not comply with our due diligence
 procedures, it is our practice to refund the e-gold to the e-gold
 used to fund the exchange.

When did this policy begin?  As far as I know from being on a large
number of e-lists and forums dealing with various "programs" that didn't
respond to your DD requests and had their accounts capped, and then they
disappeared, this is the first time I have ever heard of the possiblity
of a refund.  Your wording is also a bit confusing considering the rest
of the statement.

You say it is policy for e-gold to refund when the account owners don't
respond to the DD request and then later you say that you are putting
the money in escrow because you received conflicting instructions from
the account owners.  If it is policy to refund, what difference does it
make what the account owners say about it?

My understanding of e-gold's policy was that if e-gold requested DD info
from an account owner, the account would be capped (no more deposits)
until DD was completed but, all funds were still available to the
account owner for spends or out exchange.  I believe I have seen it
stated several times that no account would be "frozen" without a court
order, is this no longer the policy?  What you are saying here appears
like a freeze of this account.


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[e-gold-list] auto-escrow and a paid, filtered list?

2001-01-30 Thread James M. Ray

At 11:40 AM -0600 1/30/01, James H. Cloos Jr. wrote:
The harder part is verifying that recipient has control of their
account w/o divulging their passwd to the 3rd party.  But I do have an
idea on how to do that.  

7 grams (at least...) if someone figures out how to keep e-gold in escrow
dependant on the outcome of a chessgame (with 2 remote players). I'm
seriously interested (if it can be done profitably) in making my living in
the future playing chess. I think an entity like the casino (blatant plug,
see Jim's casino link http://www.thegoldcasino.com/win.cgi?2465679 )
could do this easily, and I would not mind if the entity took a bit off the
top for costs, etc., so the players didn't have to trust eachother remotely.

Sidd, you ROCK for making the SCI so easy. So does Hogeye, I think I
need to click you both another gram or so, just for being DOers! :) My
sincere thanks, without folks like you my job would turn from "cool" to 

If nobody else is thinking of doing one, I'm thinking of a paid, filtered
e-gold list. In addition to reflecting my obvious biases, it would be free
from thinks like users sending the same exciting message three times,
the wonderful HTML formatted messages, and all the other bovine
excrement we've seen here lately. I may as well profit from it, whether
or not it drives intelligent users off. Sigh.

I would charge a gram a year, please send me private email if you're
interested (or if you think you'd maybe want to do this instead of me).

To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill. - Sun Tzu
Regards, James M. Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] OmniPay VP Spec. Ops.  
Try a FREE account: http://www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=9   
see http://www.omnipay.net  to buy/sell grams. If you think whatever I
said's cool, http://www.two-cents-worth.com/?101574[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[e-gold-list] jim'schessofgold.com

2001-01-30 Thread jpm

At 11:40 AM -0600 1/30/01, James H. Cloos Jr. wrote:
The harder part is verifying that recipient has control of their
account w/o divulging their passwd to the 3rd party.  But I do have an
idea on how to do that.

7 grams (at least...) if someone figures out how to keep e-gold in escrow
dependant on the outcome of a chessgame (with 2 remote players). I'm

It is a very difficult problem, depending, on how done, Jim!

the problem is that the computer must be able to adjudicate who has 
won the game, ie within the rules of chess

That is a VERY, VERY difficult programming problem.

Unlike, say, online poker which is quite easy. (IE easy for the 
'puter to adjudicate who has won the hand.)

A slightly easier system, Jim, would be that if both players agree 
(as you normally would) on who has won the game, then fine it pays 
off the winner.

In the rare case of some asshole you were playing saying "ha ha I 
wont press the button admitting to gold-chess-R-us.com that I've 
lost, ha ha!" it would have to go to human adjudication.

Dont forget whats obvious to a human (eg who has won, if the game is 
over, etc) is complex or impossible to a 'puter.

seriously interested (if it can be done profitably) in making my living in
the future playing chess. I think an entity like the casino (blatant plug,
see Jim's casino link http://www.thegoldcasino.com/win.cgi?2465679 )
could do this easily, and I would not mind if the entity took a bit off the
top for costs, etc., so the players didn't have to trust eachother remotely.

Sidd, you ROCK for making the SCI so easy. So does Hogeye, I think I
need to click you both another gram or so, just for being DOers! :) My
sincere thanks, without folks like you my job would turn from "cool" to

If nobody else is thinking of doing one, I'm thinking of a paid, filtered
e-gold list. In addition to reflecting my obvious biases, it would be free
from thinks like users sending the same exciting message three times,
the wonderful HTML formatted messages, and all the other bovine
excrement we've seen here lately. I may as well profit from it, whether
or not it drives intelligent users off. Sigh.

oh come on a little ranting has never hurt a list! :)

this is "the" e-gold list there could never be another :)

I would charge a gram a year, please send me private email if you're
interested (or if you think you'd maybe want to do this instead of me).

To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill. - Sun Tzu
Regards, James M. Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] OmniPay VP Spec. Ops.
Try a FREE account: http://www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=9
see http://www.omnipay.net  to buy/sell grams. If you think whatever I
said's cool, http://www.two-cents-worth.com/?101574[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[e-gold-list] Re: Public Notice Regarding Costa Gold

2001-01-30 Thread gary

I am replying to my own question here, I already did this privately to
Reid.  I misread the message, I have since had it pointed out to me that
the refund spoken of was to the accounts funding the outexchange, not
the accounts funding the account that funded the outexchange.

So, apologies to Reid and like the saying goes, NEVER MIND.

More screwed up than usual,


- Original Message -
From: "gary" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 7:37 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Public Notice Regarding Costa Gold

 Hey Reid,

 I have a question on your statement below.

  In cases where our customer will not comply with our due diligence
  procedures, it is our practice to refund the e-gold to the e-gold
  used to fund the exchange.

 When did this policy begin?  As far as I know from being on a large
 number of e-lists and forums dealing with various "programs" that
 respond to your DD requests and had their accounts capped, and then
 disappeared, this is the first time I have ever heard of the
 of a refund.  Your wording is also a bit confusing considering the
 of the statement.

 You say it is policy for e-gold to refund when the account owners
 respond to the DD request and then later you say that you are putting
 the money in escrow because you received conflicting instructions from
 the account owners.  If it is policy to refund, what difference does
 make what the account owners say about it?

 My understanding of e-gold's policy was that if e-gold requested DD
 from an account owner, the account would be capped (no more deposits)
 until DD was completed but, all funds were still available to the
 account owner for spends or out exchange.  I believe I have seen it
 stated several times that no account would be "frozen" without a court
 order, is this no longer the policy?  What you are saying here appears
 like a freeze of this account.


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[e-gold-list] TG, et al is Being Attended To

2001-01-30 Thread PECB

I usually only briefly scan the e-gold list and the Free-Market e-gold
forum every other day or three and make postings only once in a while --
I just don't have time to do otherwise. However, a friend of mine said
that there have been several postings I need to respond to  he
CC'd them to me.

 First, TG's orders were voided back in October, so there's no e-gold
for me to credit because the credit card transactions were reversed a
long time ago (notification was sent at the time). Below is a copy of a
bulk E-mail being sent to relevant individuals, including TG (at
this time I don't know if he's received it yet -- but in short, this
person's remedy, as stated in the copy below, will most likely require
that his institution issue a chargeback or otherwise get the
money from the debiting institution) -- which brings me to another point
. . . I have 1035 of these particular E-mails to send (they're still
going, at this very second there's 212 to go). The SMTP connection with
my ISP is quirky with anywhere from 5 sec to a little over a minute in
delays between outgoing messages -- this time adds up. Plus there's a
few thousand other messages to send out to other customers on other

On a slow day (that's day, not week) I have to sort through
about 300 E-mails. On an average day I get about 3-4 thousand -- true,
most of it is just junk that has slipped through my spam/junk filters,
but since a lot of it bears the E-mail of past and current
clients I must at least try to look to see if there's actual business at
hand. If you do the math you realize I can't really even glance at all
of them, I have to use a filter and search criteria to get to the
business at hand.

In addition to sorting through the mess caused by credit cards
(taking PayPal  credit cards was the worst business descision I ever
made), sorting through E-mails, and conducting various research
projects, I must keep the current order flow moving, -- which I
have done very well. 

All-in-all, with the bulk of the credit card mess behind me,
business is much more pleasureable and is becoming much more manageable
-- I don't have to worry about waking up the next day to a notice saying
that I'm out $250,000 or more due to credit card fraud. Also with
upcomming improvements in the EZCmoney system I will be able to offer a
level service second to none! Stay tuned, exciting developments are in
the works.

So to sum up, this person and others are not being ignored, but
due to the volume that is being delt with, there are delays here and
there, also these delays are exacerbated by people still trying to scam
me on past credit card orders (both filled, unfilled, and nonexistant --
I'll spare you the details); which means I have to treat every one of
the old credit card transactions as if it were coming from a known

That's all for now


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