[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in Ecosystem Ecology at Miami University

2018-12-03 Thread Melany Fisk
Graduate student opportunity in Ecosystem Ecology at Miami University
The Fisk lab (http://www.units.miamioh.edu/melanyfisklab/index.html) at Miami 
University invites applications to the PhD program in Ecology, Evolution, and 
Environmental Biology (EEEB) or to the Masters program in Biology.  Our lab 
investigates forest ecosystem questions in the areas of biogeochemistry, 
plant-soil interactions, and soil ecology.  Funding is available to contribute 
to a project at the Hubbard Brook and Bartlett Experimental Forests examining 
nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in northern hardwood forests 
(https://hubbardbrook.org/people/melany-fisk). This project aims to better 
understand limitations to forest productivity and stoichiometric controls of 
nutrient recycling.  It is a collaboration among scientists from multiple 
universities and offers the opportunity to interact with students and faculty 
of wide-ranging interests in ecology.  Interested applicants should send email 
to Melany Fisk (fis...@miamioh.edu) with a CV and brief statement of research 

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity: Dendroecology, Global Change, Population & Community Ecology

2018-11-20 Thread Scott Ferrenberg
The Global Change Ecology Lab (GCEL) at New Mexico State University, led by Dr. 
Scott Ferrenberg, is seeking applications for graduate student positions, 
either MS or PhD-level, to begin in the fall of 2019. 

The GCEL is a trans-disciplinary lab that utilizes both local and cross-scale 
experiments and observational data sets to determine drivers and consequences 
of plant responses to climate change and disturbances across the intermountain 
region of western North America. The lab’s work crosses forests, shrublands, 
and grasslands and ideal students will have an interest or experience in 
dendrochronology, population or community ecology, plant-herbivore 
interactions, plant-soil interaction, or macroecology. This position will be 
funded through a combination of research and teaching assistantships. Please 
find further lab information and brief summaries of research activities at 

Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Scott Ferrenberg at 
ferre...@nmsu.edu to inquire further about the lab and research opportunities. 
Formal applications will include a letter of interest that states: 1) general 
research and career goals, 2) if you are interested in obtaining an M.S. or 
Ph.D., and 3) experience in the applicable fields/disciplines related to this 
position. In addition, applicants must provide a current curriculum vitae and 
unofficial transcripts. More information about NMSU’s Department of Biology can 
be found at https://bio.nmsu.edu/ and the graduate school at 

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity: M.S. in Biology Sea Turtle Population Dynamics

2018-11-01 Thread Susie Piacenza
The Quantitative Marine Conservation Ecology (QMCE) lab, run by Dr. Susan
Piacenza, at University of West Florida is currently recruiting 1-2
enthusiastic and motivated M.S. graduate students to begin in Fall 2019.
Students are expected to develop independent projects in applied marine
ecology that complement work in the lab.  Ongoing projects include both
theoretical and empirical work on sea turtle population dynamics and
recovery, monitoring and population assessment, improving the design of
satellite tags, and the ecology and population dynamics of marine fish.
Potential projects include modelling sea turtle population dynamics and
monitoring to improve the accuracy of population assessments, extending an
agent-based model of sea turtles to be spatially explicit (and could be
applied to test questions about sea turtle ecology and climate change), and
assessing how highly fecund individuals contribute to population recovery
under varying conditions. In addition, the lab is currently setting up
pilot studies for the use of stereo-video cameras to measure juvenile sea
turtles and fishes on natural and artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of
Mexico. We are also running an ongoing research project investigating the
drag of satellite tags applied to juvenile sea turtles and ultimately are
working towards design improvements to satellite tags applied to sea
turtles. We are also interested in the ecological interactions of man-made
reefs and reef fish abundance and diversity.

Competitive applicants should have a strong interest in quantitative marine
conservation ecology (i.e. like math and statistics), and a passion to
positively influence science and marine conservation. Students are expected
to obtain quantitative skills, fluency in scientific communication, and
learn some computer programming. Students with previous experience in math,
statistics, engineering, or computer science are especially encouraged to
apply. Applicants with experience in SCUBA-based research (AAUS, or
equivalent) are preferred (especially for field based projects), but not

More details about work in the QMCE lab can be found here:
www.susanpiacenza.com. Details on the graduate program of the Biology
Department at UWF can be found at
http://uwf.edu/cse/departments/biology/graduate-programs/ms-biology/. For
preferred consideration (and access to graduate assistantships), graduate
applications are due February 1, 2019. Prospective students should include
a statement of research interests in the email text, a CV that includes
GPA, GRE scores, and list of references to Susan Piacenza (spiace...@uwf.edu

UWF is an equal opportunity employer and underrepresented and minority
groups are encouraged to apply.
Susan Piacenza, Ph.D.
*Assistant Professor - Department of Biology*
*Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering*
*University of West Florida*
11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, FL 32514
Office: 62E -  Building 58
P: 850-857-6414
Email: spiace...@uwf.edu
Website: www.susanpiacenza.com

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity, Urban lab, UConn

2018-10-25 Thread David Inouye

*Grad**uate **student** position in **evolutionary ecology*
Mark Urban’s lab in the ecology and evolutionary biology department at 
the University of Connecticut is looking for Ph.D. candidates to begin 
in Fall 2019. We address questions at the interface of ecology and 
evolution with a focus on understanding the creation and maintenance of 
biodiversity and resilience of natural systems to disturbances such as 
climate change. Current projects include whole-pond manipulations of 
amphibian communities, understanding the effects of climate change on 
Arctic fish, eco-evolutionary dynamics in aquatic microcosms, the 
genomics of adaptation, and improving predicted extinction risks from 
climate change. We are looking for independent thinkers who will 
complement our research team. See our websites for more information: 

Come join a highly collaborative lab group situated in a top EEB 
program. The UConn EEB Department offers a highly collaborative 
environment at a leading public research university that is committed to 
fostering a diverse and inclusive academic community. More information 
about the applying to the Department can be found at 
The University of Connecticut (UConn) is in the midst of a 
transformational period of growth supported by the $1.7B Next Generation 
Connecticut (http://nextgenct.uconn.edu/ 
and the $1B Bioscience Connecticut (http://biosciencect.uchc.edu/ 
Candidates should have an excellent GPA (>3.5), above average GRE 
scores, and applicable research experience. Preference is given to 
students with proven research records, published scientific articles, 
external funding, Master’s degree, or substantial research experience 
(e.g., as a research technician). Applications from groups historically 
underrepresented in STEM fields are encouraged to apply. A number of 
University scholarships are available to top candidates.
To apply, first send Mark Urban (mark.ur...@uconn.edu 
) a cover letter detailing your research 
interests and experience as well as a resume or curriculum vita by 15 
November 2018. Include current GPA and GRE scores. After reviewing 
applicants, I will select a shortlist of candidates to apply more 
formally to our graduate program.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity in Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry, University of Montana, Missoula, MT

2018-10-05 Thread Nicole Zimmerman
Graduate student assistantship: I am looking to recruit a graduate (MS) student 
to lead a study investigating nitrogen (N) fixation in inland northwest US 
forests. A preliminary study suggested that free-living N fixers may play an 
important role in the nutrient economy of coniferous forests, and I would like 
to work with a student to address this idea. However, I will also encourage the 
successful candidate to pursue their own questions under this broad umbrella. 
If you would like to apply, please email the following application materials 
(as one document) to Dr. Cory Cleveland at 
cory.clevel...@umontana.edu: 1) a current 
resume or CV, including GPA and test scores (if available); 2) a letter of 
interest, including research interests, professional goals and prior 
experience; and 3) contact information (including Email addresses) of three 
potential references. The position will remain open until a successful 
candidate has been identified. For information on the Ecosystem Ecology Lab at 
the University of Montana, please visit 
http://www.cfc.umt.edu/Biogeochemistry/, and for more info on the W.A. Franke 
College of Forestry & Conservation, please visit: http://www.forestry.umt.edu/.

About the area: Missoula, a city of ~ 60,000 people, is a great place to live 
and work. It is surrounded by the Bitterroot and Lolo National Forests, and the 
Missoula valley includes the Blackfoot, Bitterroot, and Clark Fork Rivers. It 
offers immediate access multiple wilderness areas and national parks. Students 
will also have access to the College’s Lubrecht Experimental Forest, the Bandy 
Experimental Ranch and the Flathead Lake Biological Station, among others, for 
regionally-focused research projects.

Sharing on behalf of:
Cory Cleveland
Department of Ecosystem & Conservation Sciences
Franke College of Forestry and Conservation
CHCB 423/32 Campus Drive
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812 USA
Tel: (406) 243-6018
Fax: (406) 243-6656
Email: cory.clevel...@umontana.edu
Web: http://www.cfc.umt.edu/research/biogeochemistry/

Nicole Zimmerman
Public Affairs Manager
Ecological Society of America

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity in Plant Ecology

2018-01-01 Thread Susan Schwinning
M.S. Opportunity in Plant Ecology - Texas State University

The research is located in the pine-juniper woodlands of New Mexico and 
will focus on the ecological consequences of the widespread pine mortality 
that has occurred in these ecosystems for over a decade. The student's 
responsibility will be to investigate tree recruitment in plots where adult 
tree mortality has been experimentally manipulated. This involves following 
the survivorship and growth of mapped tree seedlings. The student is also 
encouraged to lead or participate in a stable-isotope labelling experiment 
to examine the effects of vegetation manipulation on hydraulic 

The student will be enrolled in the Population and Conservation Biology 
master's program at Texas State University.

The successful candidate must have a background in plant science, be 
willing and able to do field work under physically challenging conditions 
and work well in teams. Prior experience in data collection, analysis and 
scientific writing are desirable. Minority students are especially 
encouraged to apply. If interested, please contact Dr. Susan Schwinning at 
schw...@txstate.edu and provide (1) a cover letter discussing research 
interests and relevant experience; (2) a resume or CV with three references 
and (3) unofficial transcripts.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity (MS in Environmental Education)

2017-11-08 Thread SOU SEEC
Dear Colleagues,

The Environmental Education program at Southern Oregon University is proud
to offer a Master of Science program, which is accredited by the North
American Association for Environmental Education.  This program is designed
to create leaders in the field of Environmental Education.  Our program
offers interdisciplinary training in the natural sciences, ecology, and
education, all in the diverse and spectacular Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion of
southwestern Oregon and northern California.

Our science-based program offers several unique elements including our
culminating project.  The graduate students collaborate to design and
present both a day and residential program aimed at diverse audiences
(grades K-12) located at a Field Station (Deer Creek Center) and on the
Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument.

The graduate academic experience can be further enriched by adding a Master
of Arts in Teaching with licensure, a certificate in nonprofit management,
a thesis, or a project that can be integrated with the Environmental
Education degree.  Every student will complete an exit interview and either
an oral exam, project, or thesis.

Financial aid may be available to students. Some students may qualify for
in-state tuition through the Western Regional Graduate Program
.  Five graduate assistantships are offered each
year to Environmental Education graduate students, four through the
Siskiyou Environmental Education Center Office.  Going into effect during
the first fall quarter and continuing through the following summer,
graduate assistants receive an 80% in-state tuition remission and a monthly
stipend.  The assistantship requires 12 hours of work per week.  Positions
include Siskiyou Environmental Education Center (SEEC) Office Manager, SEEC
Assistant Office Manager, Outreach Coordinator/Kit Manager, and Fall in the
Field Coordinator.  The fifth assistantship is offered as an instructor for
introductory biology labs for those with sufficient background in biology.
This assistantship includes fall, winter, and spring terms.  Additional
assistantships are often available to environmental education graduate
students depending on funding and availability. Please contact us for more

An additional letter explaining your qualifications is required to be
considered for a graduate assistantship.  Applications for admission into
the Environmental Education program are considered January 16, 2018 and
April 16, 2018.  Applications received by the January 16th deadline receive
priority consideration for graduate assistantships.  For information about
application requirements visit https://inside.sou.edu/seec/apply.html.

For more information about the program, please visit our website at
http://www.sou.edu/academics/environmental-education/ or contact Paige
Engelbrektsson at s...@sou.edu.


Paige Engelbrektsson
Graduate Assistant
Siskiyou Environmental Education Center (SEEC)
Southern Oregon University

(541) 552-6876

[ECOLOG-L] GRADUATE STUDENT OPPORTUNITY in Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Ecology – University of Idaho

2017-10-24 Thread Charles Goebel
GRADUATE STUDENT OPPORTUNITY in Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Ecology – 
Department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences, University of Idaho

I am seeking one or two highly motivated MS- or PhD-level graduate students to 
begin in 
the summer or fall semester 2018.  The topic of research is flexible, but 
should fall into the 
broad theme of forest ecosystem restoration and ecology.  In general, I am 
looking for 
students with an interest in understanding the effects of disturbance on the 
structure and 
function of forest ecosystems, and how this knowledge can be applied to help 
manage and 
restore important ecosystem services.  Specific projects could include (but are 
not limited 
to) topics such as developing and refining forest stand development models, 
understanding linkages between riparian and upland forests, and fire effects on 
temporal and structural complexity in forest ecosystems.  

The positions are available Summer 2018 and can be either a master’s or 
appointment depending on interests and experience. Financial support may be a 
combination of teaching and research assistantships, and is available for no 
more than 
three years.  Applicants should have a strong work ethic and ability to work 
strong writing and quantitative capabilities, good plant identification skills, 
demonstrated leadership experience.  Applicants with expertise and backgrounds 
in forest 
ecology and silviculture preferred. 

The Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences and College of Natural 
(http://www.uidaho.edu/cnr) at the University of Idaho (UI) are home to an 
energetic and 
productive community of researchers with a strong commitment to student 
and success.  Located in Moscow, a classic small college town with great 
amenities, UI is 
Idaho’s premier research university and is surrounded by the beautiful forest 
and natural 
landscapes of the northern Rockies and Inland Northwest.  More information on 
Natural Resources Graduate Program in UI’s College of Natural Resources can be 
found at: 
To apply, please send your CV and specific information explaining your 
background and relevant experiences by Dec. 15, 2017.  For more information, 
contact Dr. Charles Goebel at cgoe...@uidaho.edu or 208-885-7311.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in forest ecology at Washington State University

2017-10-18 Thread Hart, Sarah Jane
The HART Lab in the School of the Environment at Washington State University 
has openings and support for 1-2 graduate students beginning in Fall 2018. 
Potential projects include the study of disturbance interactions, 
landscape-scale study of wildfire-vegetation feedbacks, and forest disturbance 
effects on ecosystem services (e.g. habitat quality, water supply).
The successful candidate will have a background in ecology, forestry, geography 
or a related field. Preferred qualifications also include a background in 
geospatial science, field ecology, and computer programming. Applicants should 
have excellent written and oral communication skills.
More information about graduate studies in WSU’s School of the Environment can 
be found at https://environment.wsu.edu/graduate-studies/.
Prospective students should send their CV, GPA, GRE scores (if available), and 
a cover letter that describes their interest in the position and relevant 
education and experience to Dr. Sarah Hart 
(sarah.j.h...@wsu.edu). Inquiries via email or 
phone (509-395-5870) are more than welcome!

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity - UL Lafayette Coastal Plant Ecology Lab

2017-10-16 Thread Taylor Sloey

DOCTORAL (and/or MS) GRADUATE STUDENT position open in Mark Hester’s 
Coastal Plant Ecology Lab in the Department of Biology at the University 
of Louisiana at Lafayette. This program is seeking a graduate student to 
conduct research on the effects of climate warming on salt marsh 
belowground and community dynamics in areas where mangroves are 
currently expanding.  The research is a combination of large-scale 
controlled mesocosm experiments coupled with field experiments along the 
Florida Atlantic Coast from St. Augustine to the Keys.  Although a 
doctoral student is preferred, exceptional, well-qualified students 
interested in pursuing a Masters degree in Biology are also encouraged 
to apply.  The successful applicant must be enthusiastic and self-
motivated, have a strong interest in climate change and plant ecology, 
be a team player able to work well both independently and 
interdependently, display strong oral and written communication skills, 
and possess both the physical and mental attributes required to work 
under strenuous and often adverse conditions in the field.  Additional 
desirable skills include boat operation and a background in 
environmental effects on plant population and community dynamics, 
plant/soil sciences, plant physiological ecology and statistical 
ecology.  Competitive graduate research assistantship funding and 
tuition waivers are available.  Truly exceptional doctoral student 
applicants may also be considered for a University Doctoral Fellowship 
in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology.  For further information, 
please email Dr. Mark W. Hester, Department of Biology, University of 
Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA  70504 mhes...@louisiana.edu. Type 
Grad Research Assistant Applicant in the Subject line and attach 
resume/CV, as well as GPA and GRE percentile score information with all 
inquiries, preferably by November 1, 2017 to receive full consideration 
for spring 2018 admission.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in large lake limnology/ oceanography/ biogeochemistry

2017-10-11 Thread Tedy Ozersky
*Graduate student opportunity in large lake limnology/ oceanography/

Large Lakes Observatory, University of Minnesota Duluth

We are looking for a motivated MSc or PhD student to join a NSF-funded
research project on the role of benthic communities in coupled C-N-P
dynamics in the Great Lakes. The successful applicant will work with a
group of ecologists, biogeochemists and modelers to investigate how recent
large-scale changes in the profundal benthic communities of the Laurentian
Great Lakes have affected sediment characteristics, benthic-pelagic
coupling and whole-system elemental dynamics. A primary topic of interest
is linking functional characteristics of benthic species to bioturbation
processes and sediment biogeochemistry. Work will combine extensive
offshore fieldwork in Lakes Superior, Michigan and Erie with laboratory
studies. The student will be supported through a combination of research
and teaching assistantships.

Preference will be given to candidates who have:

- Excellent written communication skills

- Research experience in limnological or oceanographical setting

- Interest in large lake field research

- Peer-reviewed publication record (for PhD applicants)

Students will work with Drs. Ted Ozersky and Sergei Katsev at the Large
Lakes Observatory (LLO), University of Minnesota, Duluth (
https://scse.d.umn.edu/large-lakes-observatory). The LLO is the only
institute in the country dedicated to the study of large lakes throughout
the world. The LLO’s staff is made up of an interdisciplinary group of
scientists committed to using oceanographic research approaches to unlock
the mysteries of large lakes. Combining this oceanographic approach with a
global focus makes the LLO unique among lake research institutes in the
world. In addition to well-equipped laboratories, the LLO operates the only
UNOLS research vessel on the Great Lakes, the R/V Blue Heron (

To apply to the position or to request more information contact Dr. Ted
Ozersky (tozer...@d.umn.edu) or Dr. Sergei Katsev (skat...@d.umn.edu).

More information about the Ozersky lab can be found at
http://biolimno.weebly.com ; Katsev lab: http://www.d.umn.edu/~skatsev/

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity (MS in Environmental Education)

2017-06-22 Thread SOU SEEC
Dear Colleagues,

The Environmental Education program at Southern Oregon University is proud
to offer a Master of Science program, which is accredited by the North
American Association for Environmental Education.  This program is designed
to create leaders in the field of Environmental Education. Our program
offers interdisciplinary training in the natural sciences, ecology, and
education, all in the diverse and spectacular Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion of
southwestern Oregon and northern California.

Our science-based program offers several unique elements including our
culminating project. The graduate students collaborate to design and
present both a day and residential program aimed at diverse audiences
(grades K-12) located at a Field Station (Deer Creek Center) and on the
Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument.

The graduate academic experience can be further enriched by adding a Master
of Arts in Teaching with licensure, a certificate in nonprofit management,
thesis, or project that can be integrated with the Environmental Education
degree. Every student will complete an exit interview and either an oral
exam, project, or thesis.

Financial aid may be available to students. Some students may qualify for
in-state tuition through the Western Regional Graduate Program
. Five graduate assistantships are offered each
year to Environmental Education graduate students, four through the
Siskiyou Environmental Education Center. Going into effect during the first
fall quarter and continuing through the following summer, graduate
assistants receive an 80% in-state tuition remission and a monthly stipend.
The assistantship requires 12 hours of work per week. Positions include
Siskiyou Environmental Education Center (SEEC) Office Manager, SEEC
Assistant Office Manager, Outreach Coordinator/Kit Manager, and Fall in the
Field Coordinator. The fifth assistantship is offered as an instructor for
introductory biology labs for those with sufficient background in biology.
This assistantship includes fall, winter, and spring terms. Additional
assistantships are often available to environmental education graduate
students depending on funding and availability. Please contact us for more

An additional letter explaining your qualifications is required to be
considered for a graduate assistantship. Applications for admission into
the Environmental Education program are considered January 16, 2018 and
April 16, 2018. Applications received by the January 16th deadline receive
priority consideration for graduate assistantships. For information about
application requirements visit https://inside.sou.edu/seec/apply.html.

For more information about the program, please visit our website at
http://www2.sou.edu/academics/environmental-education/ or contact Hope
Braithwaite at s...@sou.edu.

Hope Braithwaite
Graduate Assistant
Siskiyou Environmental Education Center (SEEC)
Southern Oregon University

(541) 552-6876

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity

2017-01-10 Thread Eby, Lisa
Applicants are sought to a new NSF-funded graduate traineeship at the 
University of Montana, UM BRIDGES: Bridging Divides across the Food, Energy, 
and Water Nexus. Fellowships are available for PhD and MS students in STEM 
disciplines, including in the Departments of Ecosystem & Conservation Sciences, 
Geosciences, Society & Conservation, Economics, Environmental Studies, and 
Forest Management. Fellows will receive stipend, tuition waiver, and research 
support (travel, supplies); take coursework on the food-energy-water (FEW) 
nexus and workshops to develop professional and research skills; participate in 
other NRT activities; and conduct disciplinary and interdisciplinary research 
in consultation with their graduate advisor. General research themes may 
include but are not limited to FEW issues and tradeoffs in river and rangeland 
systems; energy transitions and implications for agriculture and water; drought 
management in the face of climate change uncertainty; and tribal and indigenous 
issues at the FEW nexus. Students will be based in and apply to participating 
departments. Additional information, including contact information for 
participating faculty and application requirements, can be found at 
http://www.umt.edu/bridges/. The University of Montana is an equal 
opportunity/affirmative action employer.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity in Blackbird Eco-physiology at North Dakota State University (NDSU)

2016-12-09 Thread Page Klug
*Graduate Student Opportunity in Blackbird Eco-physiology* at North Dakota
State University (NDSU).

The Greives lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at North Dakota
State University (NDSU), in collaboration with Dr. Page Klug and the
USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services National Wildlife Research Center, is seeking
a graduate student (M.S. or Ph.D.) interested in participating in research
projects aimed at understanding the influence of cross-seasonal
interactions on timing of life-history transitions and reproductive success
(e.g. influence of overwintering habitat on reproductive timing and
success) in Red-winged Blackbirds. This is a unique opportunity for
individuals interested in the interface of ecological and evolutionary
physiology, animal behavior, and wildlife management in agroecosystems.
Specific projects can vary based on research interests but may include
investigations on the influence of overwinter habitat on pre-migratory and
reproductive endocrine function or the use of stable isotopes to uncover a
link between overwinter habitat and seasonal reproductive timing and
output. The student may either earn their degree in Biological Sciences or
through the Environmental and Conservation Sciences graduate program at
NDSU. Year-round funding (full tuition waiver and stipend) is available as
a Graduate Research Assistant in the Biological Sciences Department at NDSU
through a cooperative agreement with the USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services
National Wildlife Research Center. Additional funding is available to
support research and to attend conferences and training opportunities.
Expected start date is August 2017.  If you are interested in this position
please contact Dr. Tim Greives at timothy[dot]greives[at]ndsu[dot]edu.
Please include in your email your research background and interests as well
as your GPA and GRE scores.


Page Klug, PhD

Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist

USDA-APHIS-WS NWRC, North Dakota Field Station

Biological Sciences, Dept. 2715

North Dakota State University

PO Box 6050

Fargo, ND 58108-5060

Office: 701-231-5190

Mobile: 701-630-3776

Fax: 701-231-6119

Email: page.e.k...@aphis.usda.gov


[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity at University of Nevada, Reno—climate-land use-species distribution nexis

2016-12-08 Thread Scott Bassett
PhD Graduate Position in Climate, Land Use and Wildlife Research at the
University of Nevada, Reno Geography Department 

The Interdisciplinary Climate Research Lab in the Department of Geography
(www.unr.edu/geography) at the University of Nevada, Reno, led by Dr.
Douglas Boyle and Dr. Scott Bassett, is recruiting a Doctoral student
interested in pursuing multi-disciplinary climate research with us and our
collaborators at the University of Maine and Desert Research Institute. 

The research will focus on the use of downscaled climate models and land use
change scenarios to determine potential future impacts on native fauna in
the Southern California region.  With the limited extent of natural
communities near the Southern California coast, need has arisen to better
understand the nexis of climate, land use, and species distribution in a
non-stationary world.  The prospective student will be integrated with a
collaborative group of researchers working on a host of climatic topics in
arid and semiarid regions of the world.  Research will be conducted in close
collaboration with Dr. Scott Bassett.  

Applicants with scientific backgrounds in climate, geography, planning or
ecology and an interest in computer modeling and interdisciplinary research
are encouraged to apply.  Financial support is available through a likely
combination of teaching and research assistantships.  Health insurance and
partial tuition waivers are also provided. 

If interested send a Curriculum Vitae, unofficial transcripts, GRE scores
and a personal statement (1−2 pages) describing your previous research
experience and future research interests to Dr. Scott Bassett
(sbass...@unr.edu).  Applicants will also need to submit an application to
the Geography Ph.D. program (http://www.unr.edu/grad/admissions).  
Applications will be reviewed as material is received and potential
candidates should have all material sent to Dr. Scott Bassett by January 15,
2017.  For full consideration for entrance into the University of Nevada,
Reno’s Geography program the official application and all associated
material must be completed/received by February 1, 2017.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in Forest Ecology

2016-11-30 Thread Steve Matthews
We are seeking MS- or PhD-level graduate students in the School of 
Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University to conduct 
field-based research on the compositional and structural dynamics of 
temperate forest ecosystems. Funding is anticipated for a new research 
project with the overall goal of quantifying and modeling forest change 
in southeastern Ohio and the adjoining region. The project brings 
together two lab groups and for specific information about our research 
program please visit: http://oardc.osu.edu/ferel/index.htm and 

The position will be available starting June 1, 2017 (Summer Semester) 
and can be either a master’s or doctoral appointment depending on the 
abilities and experience of the candidate. Financial support during 
their graduate program may be a combination of teaching and research 
assistantships; fellowship support may be possible for outstanding 
applicants (see web site below for required qualifications). Applicants 
with expertise and backgrounds in forest ecology and plant 
identification are highly preferred. Information about the Environment & 
Natural Resources Graduate Program is available at: 

If you are interested and qualified, please send your CV and message 
briefly explaining your educational background, field skills, and 
professional experiences that would be relevant to the academic areas of 
forest ecology, dendrology, and silviculture by Dec. 16, 2016 to Dr. 
Stephen Matthews at matthews@osu.edu. To be considered for funding 
the deadline to complete the application process to the SENR graduate 
program is Jan. 1, 2017.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity in Coral Reef Virology

2016-11-14 Thread Adrienne Simoes Correa
The Correa Lab (http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~ac53/) has funding to support a 
graduate student to work on a project assessing the impacts of viruses on coral 
reefs in Moorea, French Polynesia. The scope of this project includes 
observational and experimental fieldwork, molecular lab work, algal culturing, 
and bioinformatic analyses. Preferred applicants may have experience in 
many/all of these areas, as well as a research diving certification or 
extensive diving experience. Applications from underrepresented groups are 
encouraged. Interested candidates should email Dr. Adrienne Correa with a brief 
description of their qualifications and interest in our lab’s research, as well 
as their CV. Information on the Rice EEB Graduate Program is available here: 
https://biosciences.rice.edu/EEB_GradAdmissions.aspx. The application deadline 
for the Rice EEB graduate program is December 31st, 2016.

Adrienne M.S. Correa, Ph.D.
BioSciences at Rice University
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program
Martel College Associate

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity: University of Idaho - McCall Outdoor Science School

2016-11-03 Thread David Inouye

1. Graduate Student

2. University of Idaho - McCall Outdoor Science School

3. McCall, Idaho

4.The McCall Outdoor Science School is a program of the University of 
Idaho’s College of Natural Resources. The School and its partners foster 
scientific literacy, enlightened leadership and open-minded dialogue 
through graduate and professional education, youth science programs, 
seminars, conferences, and leadership development initiatives.

5.Students who satisfy all criteria listed below will be considered for 
graduate admission to the University of Idaho’s College of Natural 
Resources and the McCall Outdoor Science School:

a.Have a bachelor’s degree from a college or university accredited by a 
regional accrediting association. If the degree is from a recognized but 
not regionally accredited institution, the application will be reviewed 
by the department and by the College of Graduate Studies.

b.Have an undergraduate grade point average of 3.00 or higher for the 
last 60 semester credits (or 90 quarter credits) or an undergraduate 
cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

c.Have maintained at least a 3.0 grade point average in subsequent 
academic work, if any.

d.Have been reviewed and recommended for acceptance by the department 
administering the program in which the student seeks to enroll.

6.The graduate student will provide field-based environmental education 
programs to the youth and citizens of Idaho at the McCall Outdoor 
Science School (MOSS).

7.Students can earn a Master of Natural Resources from the University of 
Idaho’s College of Natural Resources in as little as one year.

8. Work-study opportunities and financial aid are available.

9.A complete application file contains:


   Three letters of recommendation. These can be sent by you along with
   your other application materials OR they can be sent directly by the
   letter writer to Graduate Admissions via email or regular mail to
   the address below.


   1-2 page statement of career objectives entitled "The McCall Outdoor
   Science School" that addresses the following:


   How does the MOSS program support your personal, academic, and
   professional goals?


   How has your personal, academic, and professional experience
   prepared you for the MOSS program?


   Describe your community living experience and philosophy.


   A formal writing sample from your undergraduate coursework/research.
   This will be used to assess formal/technical writing skills and


   A 1-2 page curriculum vitae/resume


   An official transcript from all institutions attended. These should
   be sent directly from the institution itself.


   Priority deadline is January 15.

10. Contact:

a.Dr. Karla Eitel, MOSS Education Director, kei...@uidaho.edu 
, www.uidaho.edu/moss 

b.Dr. Karla Eitel

University of Idaho

McCall Outdoor Science School

Attn: Graduate Program

PO Box 1025

McCall, Idaho 83638

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity (MS in Environmental Education)

2016-11-03 Thread SOU SEEC
Dear Colleagues,

The Environmental Education program at Southern Oregon University is proud
to offer a Master of Science program accredited by the North American
Association for Environmental Education.  This program is designed to
create leaders in the field of Environmental Education.  Our program offers
interdisciplinary training in the natural sciences, ecology, and education,
all in the diverse and spectacular Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion of
southwestern Oregon and northern California.

Our science-based program offers several unique elements including our
culminating project. The graduate students collaborate to design and
present both a day and residential program aimed at diverse audiences
(grades 2-12) located at a Field Station (Deer Creek Center) and on the
Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument.

The graduate academic experience can be further enriched by adding a
certificate in non-profit management, thesis, project, or teaching license.
 Students may choose to incorporate a Master of Arts in Teaching and earn
teacher licensure at the secondary level with a science endorsement
(options for licensure at the elementary and middle level are also

Four graduate assistantship positions are offered each year to
Environmental Education graduate students through the Siskiyou
Environmental Education Center and an additional assistantship is offered
as an instructor for introductory biology labs.  Going into effect during
the first fall quarter and lasting throughout the first year of study,
graduate assistants receive an 80% in-state tuition remission and a monthly
stipend.  The assistantship requires 12 hours of work per week.  Positions
include Siskiyou Environmental Education Center (SEEC) Office Manager, SEEC
Office Assistant, Education Outreach Coordinator, and Fall in the Field

Applications for graduate assistantships receive priority consideration and
must be received by January 16, 2017. Applications for admission into the
Environmental Education program are considered January 16, 2017 and April
17, 2017. For more information about application requirements visit

Financial aid may be available to students.  Some students may qualify for
in-state tuition through the Western Regional Graduate Program.

For more information about the program, please visit our website at
sou.edu/ee or contact Hope Braithwaite at s...@sou.edu.

Hope Braithwaite
Graduate Assistant
Siskiyou Environmental Education Center (SEEC)
Southern Oregon University

(541) 552-6876

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in wildlife spatial ecology and conservation at the University of Florida

2016-10-18 Thread Fletcher,Robert
We are seeking a highly motivated M.S. student for the Department of Wildlife 
Ecology and Conservation (WEC) at the University of Florida, starting Spring 
2017 or Fall 2017. This student will work as part of a landscape-scale research 
project on the spatial ecology, population biology, and conservation of 
Southeastern American Kestrels (Falco sparverius paulus). In Florida, kestrels 
are listed as Threatened, but the current trend and status are largely unknown. 
The subspecies is closely tied to upland habitats (e.g., scrub, sand pine, 
sandhill, prairie, pasture), which have been declining in recent decades. The 
project offers a unique opportunity to work alongside state biologists and 
University faculty to conduct research that will directly inform development of 
habitat management guidelines (HMG) for a Species of Greatest Conservation Need.

The project has three primary objectives. However, students with strong 
initiative and desire to carve out their own research questions within this 
theme are highly encouraged to apply.

Objective 1. Provide a current baseline population estimate and subsequent 
monitoring protocol for Ocala National Forest, one of the three largest 
breeding populations of southeastern American kestrels in Florida.
Objective 2. Develop HMG for southeastern American kestrels in scrub based on 
occupancy and productivity in different habitat conditions.
Objective 3. Identify common habitat needs as well as potential conflicts 
associated with managing Florida scrub-jays and other imperiled species in 
southeastern American kestrel habitat.

The student will be co-advised by Robert Fletcher (University of Florida) and 
Karl Miller (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission). Preferred 
applicants will be highly motivated, have field experience conducting avian 
point counts, have strong quantitative skills, and competitive GPA/GRE scores. 
If you are interested in pursuing a graduate degree on this project, please 
send Dr. Fletcher a CV, GRE scores and GPA, contact information for three 
references, and a brief statement of your research interests, career goals, and 
why you would like to pursue a graduate degree prior to November 18, 2016 
(email to: robert.fletc...@ufl.edu). Please see 
the WEC Graduate Program website for more details on application procedures. 
Also consult the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at UF for 
other opportunities regarding graduate admission. For more information, see: 

Information about Gainesville, Florida:

Situated in the rolling countryside of north central Florida, Gainesville is 
much more than a stereotypical college town. Home of the University of Florida, 
seat of Alachua County's government and the region's commercial hub, it is 
progressive, environmentally conscious and culturally diverse. The presence of 
many students and faculty from abroad among its 99,000-plus population adds a 
strong cross-cultural flavor to its historic small-town Southern roots. Its 
natural environment, temperate climate and civic amenities make Gainesville a 
beautiful, pleasant and interesting place in which to learn and to live. 
Gainesville has been ranked as one of the best
cities to live in the United States.

Robert Fletcher
Associate Professor
Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

Office: 352-846-0632
Email: robert.fletc...@ufl.edu
Web: http://plaza.ufl.edu/robert.fletcher/
Twitter: @FletcherEcology

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity in Forest Disturbance and Recovery

2016-08-26 Thread Bell, David M
Graduate Research in Forest Disturbance and Recovery.

The Landscape Ecology, Modeling, Mapping & Analysis (LEMMA) team at Oregon 
State University's College of Forestry (lemma.forestry.oregonstate.edu) is 
seeking a top-performing and motivated Ph.D. student to examine forest 
disturbance and recovery dynamics across California, Oregon, and Washington 
beginning in Fall 2017. Depending on research interests and skills, the student 
will focus on one of two research areas: (1) quantifying biotic and abiotic 
factors contributing to forest disturbance and recovery patterns and (2) 
understanding the limitations of and improving upon predictive satellite-based 
vegetation maps. Applicants should take care to identify which of the two areas 
is of primary interest in their application materials. The student will work 
closely with both the department of Forest Ecosystems and Society at Oregon 
State University and US Forest Service scientists specializing in landscape 
ecology, remote sensing, and statistical modeling. While the student will work 
extensively with remotely sensed data, the student will collect field data in 
support of their research. Additionally, the student will be expected to 
produce at least three first-author publications as part of their research.

A competitive candidate will hold a completed a master's degrees in ecology, 
environmental science, remote sensing, or related fields, and provide evidence 
of excellence in academic pursuits and research, a strong background in 
quantitative methods and GIS, programming skills and evidence of strong written 
and oral communication skills.

Please contact Dr. Lisa Ganio 
(lisa.ga...@oregonstate.edu) or Dr. David 
Bell (dmb...@fs.fed.us) for additional information or 
to submit review materials (a statement of interest, CV, description of 
research interests and experience, GRE scores, unofficial transcripts, and 
contact information for three professional references). Application review will 
begin November 1, 2016.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in biology/ecology education research

2016-03-13 Thread Jenny Dauer
A graduate (MS or PhD) opportunity in Science Education Research is
available for a Fall 2016 start date at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(UNL). I am seeking a motivated graduate student to work on an
interdisciplinary research project about undergraduate student learning
related to science literacy skills. The research will be centered around
understanding how students learn science-informed decision-making and
information literacy  in a large-enrollment freshman majors and non-majors
class. A competitive applicant will have a strong interest in
discipline-based education research (DBER) and a background in science. The
graduate degree will include collaborative research on student learning,
taking graduate-level science courses (natural resources, agriculture,
ecology or biology) and graduate-level education courses (research methods,
education theory and pedagogy). UNL boasts a large community of DBER
researchers and students with lots of resources and learning opportunities.
Additionally, Lincoln is a great place to live, work and play, and has been
rated as the top happiest and healthiest cities in the U.S.
http://go.unl.edu/53va. Interested individuals should send a CV and a brief
statement of goals and interests to Dr. Jenny Dauer (jenny.da...@unl.edu).

Jenny Dauer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Science Literacy
School of Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
502 Hardin Hall

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity, Genetics of Cooperation

2016-02-26 Thread Andrea Liebl
Graduate Student Opportunity in a New Lab at the University of South Dakota

I will be starting a lab group in the Department of Biology at the
University of South Dakota (http://www.usd.edu/arts-and-sciences/biology) in
the Fall, 2016.  I am looking for graduate students (MS or PhD) interested
in molecular ecology.  Specifically, in collaboration with Andrew Russell at
the University of Exeter, we have collected 10+ years of genetic data in the
cooperatively breeding species, the chestnut-crowned babbler. I am looking
to recruit one or two students interested in bioinformatics to work with me,
Dr. Russell, and Dr. Erliang Zeng answering questions about heritability of
traits (e.g. helping), population structuring, and the like (this is
relatively open depending on the interests of the student(s)).  Although
considerable data is already available for use, some opportunity may exist
to gain lab experience if desired to generate additional data in other
individuals (e.g. epigenetics of helping).

Some statistical background would be useful and attention to detail is a

Additionally, I am interested in discussing other opportunities (ideally for
which we could write a fellowship for) for PhD students to work with me in
the future. Areas of interest include the causes and consequences of
developmental environment (e.g. temperature), stress physiology, metabolic
regulation, epigenetic regulation, and behavior. 

If interested, please contact Andrea Liebl (a.l.li...@exeter.ac.uk).

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in spatial analysis of socio-ecological systems at the University of Idaho

2016-01-13 Thread Jeff Hicke
Graduate student opportunity in spatial analysis of socio-ecological systems
at the University of Idaho
Funding is available for a Ph.D. student to study the spatial integration of
biophysical and social attributes of wildfire vulnerability in the context
of resilience in socioecological systems. Project goals include working with
social and environmental scientists in analyzing and visualizing social and
ecological processes, and translating science into decision-support tools
and outcomes. Interested applicants should have a degree in geography, GIS,
anthropology, sociology, natural resources, or a related degree program.
Desired qualifications include experience conducting analyses with both
vector and raster data in GIS, experience with quantitative social science
methods, and the ability to work independently while functioning as part of
a multi-disciplinary research team. Students have the opportunity to earn a
degree in geography, natural resources, landscape architecture, or
environmental sciences at the University of Idaho. Interested students
should contact Crystal Kolden (ckol...@uidaho.edu) or Andrew Kliskey

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in diversity and resilience of submersed aquatic vegetation

2015-12-15 Thread Katia Engelhardt
We are seeking a graduate student to work on exciting interdisciplinary
research that informs management solutions for enhancing the resilience of
submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Chesapeake Bay. The research will
include cutting-edge approaches to quantifying landscape connectivity among
SAV beds, measuring genomic diversity of beds with different levels of
connectivity, and assessing functional traits and plasticity of different
genotypes. The student will be expected to assist with implementation of the
project and to design a complementary independent study using a variety of
tools and approaches, including GIS, genomic analysis, field sampling, and
greenhouse experiments. 

The student will enroll in the Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Sciences
(MEES) Program (www.mees.umd.edu).  They may matriculate either through the
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science at the Appalachian
Lab (www.umces.edu/al) with Dr. Katia Engelhardt or the Department of Plant
Science and Landscape Architecture at University of Maryland College Park
(https://www.psla.umd.edu) with Dr. Maile Neel (alyxia.umd.edu). Students
who are interested in spending time at both institutions will gain a
particularly rich educational experience.

A degree in a biological field and a GPA > 3.3 are required. Keen interest
in understanding ecological theory, applying theory to ecosystem management,
and linking population genetics with ecology is highly desirable. Strong
experience in conducting fieldwork is recommended, as is experience working
in aquatic systems. Background in DNA-based lab and analysis techniques,
especially in genomic approaches, is a strong plus. For consideration by the
project PIs please send a letter of intent, including a statement of
interests and educational goals, resume, names and addresses of 3
references, transcripts, and GRE scores to either: Dr. Maile Neel
(mn...@umd.edu) or Dr. Katia Engelhardt (kengelha...@umces.edu). Excellent
applicants will be encouraged to apply for admission to the MEES program.

Both UMCES and UMCP are affirmative Action/Equal opportunity Employers.
UMCES AL and UMCP are committed to making our programs, services, and
activities accessible to persons with disabilities. You may request
accommodations at 301-689-7103.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity: PhD studying fungal foliar endophytes of Vanuatu at the University of Hawaii

2015-11-23 Thread David Inouye
Graduate student opportunity: PhD studying fungal foliar endophytes 
of Vanuatu at the University of Hawaii

The Amend lab at the University of Hawaii at Manoa is recruiting a 
PhD student to research plant fungal interactions as part of a 
NSF-funded collaboration.  The student will collaborate with a broad 
consortium of researchers to examine the fungal, botanical and 
linguistic diversity of Tafea province, Vanuatu, in the South 
Pacific. This will be the first systematic survey of this oceanic, 
tropical, biodiversity hotspot. The student will be responsible 
principally for documenting the endophytic fungi of native host 
plants using cultivation and high-throughput DNA-sequencing 
techniques.  This will involve long stretches in the field under 
uncomfortable, remote and staggeringly beautiful conditions. The 
student will have the opportunity to develop research questions 
consistent with lab interests in microbial community ecology, 
biogeography and evolution.
The student will enroll in the Department of Botany 
http://www.botany.hawaii.edu, a small, 
research-active department that values organismal and natural history 
research. We have access to modern facilities including greenhouses, 
growth chambers, a rainforest arboretum, a campus supercomputer with 
excellent administrators, and sequencing/microscopy cores. Hawaiian 
field sites are spectacular and easily accessed; our native flora is 
90% endemic.
Full stipend and tuition as a research assistant is guaranteed for 3 
years. The student will enroll Fall 2016.
The successful applicant should have some of the following 
attributes: experience devising, conducting and completing 
independent research; coursework and interest in fungi and/or plants; 
skills in molecular biology and bioinformatics; ability to make a 
convincing case that he/she will be happy spending extended periods 
in the field.

Please take a look at the Amend Lab website 
http://amendlab.com to get a sense of the type 
of research we conduct. If you think you're a good fit, please send 
your CV and unofficial transcripts to Anthony: 
am...@hawaii.edu.   In a cover letter please 
describe 1) why you're interested in this opportunity 2) a research 
question or questions you'd be interested in exploring and 3) what 
approach you'd use to do so. Full applications are due January 15, 
please contact me sooner.

Anthony S. Amend
Assistant Professor
Department of Botany
University of Hawaii Manoa
3190 Maile Way, Room 101
Honolulu, HI 96822 U.S.A.
Email: am...@hawaii.edu
Lab website: http://www.amendlab.com
Office phone: 808-956-6429
Lab phone: 808-956-0936
Fax: 808-956-3923

Schedule: http://tinyurl.com/m8dyrt8

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity (MS in Environmental Education)

2015-11-12 Thread SOU SEEC
Dear Colleagues,

The Environmental Education program at Southern Oregon University is proud
to offer a Masters of Science program designed to create leaders in the
field of Environmental Education.  Our program offers interdisciplinary
training in the natural sciences, ecology and education, all in the diverse
and spectacular Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion of southwestern Oregon and
northern California.

Our science-based program offers several unique elements including our
culminating project. The graduate students collaborate to design and
present both a day and residential program aimed at diverse audiences located
at our Field Station (Deer Creek Center) and on the Cascade-Siskiyou
National Monument.

Students may also choose to incorporate a Masters of Arts in Teaching and
earn teacher licensure at the secondary level with a science endorsement
(options for licensure at the elementary and middle level are also
possible) or a certificate in non-profit management as an integrated part
of the program.

Four to six graduate assistantship positions are offered each year to
Environmental Education graduate students.  Going into effect during the
first fall quarter and lasting throughout the first year of study, graduate
assistants receive an 80% in-state tuition remission and a monthly
stipend.  The assistantship requires 12 hours of work per week.  Positions
include Siskiyou Environmental Education Center (SEEC) Office Manager, SEEC
Office Assistant, Education Outreach Coordinator, Fall in the Field
coordinator, and instructors for introductory biology labs.

Financial aid may be available to students.  Some students may qualify for
in-state tuition through the Western Regional Graduate Program.

For details on how to apply, please visit our website at www.sou.edu/ee or
contact Colleen MacGilvray at s...@sou.edu.  The priority deadline for
admittance into the program is January 15, 2016.

Colleen MacGilvray
Graduate Assistant
Siskiyou Environmental Education Center (SEEC)
Southern Oregon University

(541) 552-6876

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity at Marquette

2015-11-12 Thread David Inouye
Graduate Students Wanted…  The Department of 
Biological Sciences at Marquette University is 
expanding its strength in the area of Ecology, 
Evolution, & Environmental Biology and we are 
seeking committed and highly motivated graduate 
students.  Current faculty research in Ecology 
and Evolutionary Biology is centered on 
determining the evolutionary and ecological 
processes that generate and maintain species 
diversity.  Marquette faculty are currently 
studying plant, animal, and microbial diversity 
in tropical and temperate ecosystems, and we are 
currently hiring additional ecology faculty.

We are seeking graduate students who are 
interested in pursuing large-scale conceptual 
questions in ecology and evolutionary biology.

Marquette University offers competitive graduate 
stipends and benefits. Marquette is an Equal 
Opportunity Employer that values excellence in 
scholarship and teaching, as well as a diverse 
academic community. We encourage underrepresented groups to apply.

Check us out at: http://www.marquette.edu/biology/faculty.shtml .

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in forest biogeochemistry

2015-11-10 Thread William T. Peterjohn
A graduate student position is available for investigating how acid deposition 
affects the nutrient 
dynamics and productivity of deciduous forests in central Appalachia.

The student will conduct their research at the Fernow Experimental Forest and 
would receive training in 
the use of analytical instrumentation, experimental design, data analysis, 
computer modeling, 
communication skills, and teaching.  More about our research at the Fernow can 
be found at: 

Summer support is available for five years and this would supplement support 
received during the 
academic year for being a teaching assistant in the Department of Biology at 
West Virginia University. 
Information about the graduate program in biology, and how to apply, is 
available at: 

A successful applicant should have: (1) a bachelor's or master's degree in a 
relevant field of study; (2) a 
strong interest in ecosystem ecology and environmental change; (3) a 
willingness to learn techniques 
used to analyze the chemical composition of soil, water, and plant samples; (4) 
an interest in learning 
computer modeling and incorporating it into their research; and (5) strong 
writing skills, and (6) a 
commitment to the effective communication of science to technical and 
non-technical audiences.

To learn more, please contact:

Dr. William Peterjohn
Department of Biology
West Virginia University

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in invasion biology

2015-11-04 Thread Steve Hovick
The Hovick Lab at The Ohio State University is seeking a highly-motivated
graduate student interested in invasion biology to begin in Fall 2016.
Research in the lab is focused on evolutionary and ecological factors that
enhance invasiveness in plants, including population genetic diversity,
interspecific hybridization, functional trait variation and enemy release.
Research opportunities for incoming students are flexible within this
general topic area.  


Applications for either the MS or PhD are encouraged, but prior research
experience is required for those interested in pursuing a PhD.  Interested
applicants should email Dr. Steve Hovick (hovic...@osu.edu
 ) with any questions you may have about the
lab/department and the following information: 

-  Curriculum vitae or resume, GPA and GRE scores

-  brief statement of research experience, research interests and
career goals

-  contact information for 2-3 references


For more information on my research program, please visit the lab website:
http://hovick.org.ohio-state.edu.  Information about the Department of
Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology and our Graduate Program can be
found at http://eeob.osu.edu.  The application deadline is December 1.



Stephen Hovick

Assistant Professor

Department of Evolution, Ecology & Organismal Biology

The Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio   USA





[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in forest biogeochemistry Fall 2016

2015-09-18 Thread William T. Peterjohn
A graduate student position is available for investigating how acid
deposition affects the nutrient dynamics and productivity of deciduous
forests in central Appalachia.

The student will conduct their research at the Fernow Experimental Forest
and would receive training in the use of analytical instrumentation,
experimental design, data analysis, computer modeling, communication skills,
and teaching.  More about our research at the Fernow can be found at:

Summer support is available for five years and this would supplement support
received during the academic year for being a teaching assistant in the
Department of Biology at West Virginia University. Information about the
graduate program in biology, and how to apply, is available at:

A successful applicant should have: (1) a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a
relevant field of study; (2) a strong interest in ecosystem ecology and
environmental change; (3) a willingness to learn techniques used to analyze
the chemical composition of soil, water, and plant samples; (4) an interest
in learning computer modeling and incorporating it into their research; and
(5) strong writing skills, and (6) a commitment to the effective
communication of science to technical and non-technical audiences.

To learn more, please contact:

Dr. William Peterjohn
Department of Biology
West Virginia University

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity

2015-09-14 Thread Jianwei Li
Graduate Student Opportunity in soil microbial modeling

A M.S. or Ph.D. Fellowship is available starting in Spring or Fall of 2016
at the Lab of Climate Change and Soil Biogeochemistry (
http://jwli.weebly.com/). Research topics may include soil decay modeling,
abiotic and microbial interactions and feedbacks, integration of long-term
datasets with soil models and data assimilation. Applicants need to be a
U.S. Citizen or permanent resident for this Fellowship. Applicants must
have a Bachelor's degree or M.S. degree (for PhD position) in ecology, soil
science, environmental science or a closely related field. Strong desire to
work with large datasets and quantitative modeling are expected. The GRA is
expected to build strong collaborations with research scientists at Oak
Ridge National Laboratory (http://climatechangescience.ornl.gov/). To
apply, please send a statement of interest, complete CV, and contact
information for two professional references as a single PDF file to
j...@tnstate.edu. Transcripts and GRE scores are required though unofficial
copies are accepted for review purpose. Review of applicants will begin
immediately and the earliest start date is in January 2016. Questions
should be addressed to Dr. Jianwei Li (j...@tnstate.edu), Department of
Agriculture and Environmental Science, Tennessee State University,
Nashville, Tennessee 37209. Website:

Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a
comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university. TSU has rated
as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for
social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912,
Tennessee State
University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. The city of
Nashville is a so called “capital for the music”, and along with one of the
most vibrant music scenes in America, Nashville is home to a busy arts

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in marine ecology

2015-09-09 Thread Robert Miller
Graduate student (PhD level) research assistantship available for Fall 2016
at UC Santa Barbara to study nitrogen recycling and primary production in
kelp forest ecosystems.  Research to be done in collaboration with the
Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological Research program (
http://sbc.lternet.edu/). Seeking an individual with broad training in
ecology and chemistry (with either BS or MS), an interest in
ecosystem-level processes, and a demonstrated aptitude for conducting field
research using SCUBA. Position includes tuition, stipend, and benefits via
a TA and/or RA position.  The student could be part of the Department of
Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology (https://www.eemb.ucsb.edu/) or the
Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science (
https://www.igpms.ucsb.edu/). Interested individuals should contact Bob
Miller (mil...@ucsb.edu;
http://www.msi.ucsb.edu/people/research-scientists/robert-miller ), Dan
Reed (dan.r...@lifesci.ucsb.edu;
http://www.msi.ucsb.edu/people/research-scientists/dan-reed), or Deron
Burkepile (deron.burkep...@lifesci.ucsb.edu;

Robert J. Miller
Marine Science Institute
University of California Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara CA 93109-6150

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity University of Saskatchewan

2015-08-26 Thread Eric von Wettberg
Graduate student opportunity
  Bookmark and Share
START DATE: September 2015 or January 2016

SUMMARY OF RESEARCH: The overall goal of our large scale lentil genomics 
is to develop and apply genomic tools in the lentil breeding program at the 
of Saskatchewan to improve the productivity of Canadian lentils. Extensive 
genotyping and phenotyping will be conducted to characterize the primary and 
secondary gene pools of the genus Lens.  The information will then be used to 
better understanding of the adaptation and domestication processes of lentil in 
main growing regions of the world.  Specifically, this position will involve 
genomic analysis of exome capture and other next generation sequencing datasets 
well as analysis of phenotypic datasets. It is anticipated that resources and 
arising from this project will allow breeders to better use exotic germplasm 
and wild 
relatives to expand the genetic diversity of the Canadian lentil breeding 

QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. applicants should have (or expect to soon complete) a 
degree from a recognized University.  A publication record is a definite asset. 

**PLEASE NOTE: The graduate student must be able to travel to the United States 
a regular basis to complete some of the research components**

Successful applicants will have a strong academic background and will be 
to apply for scholarship funding if selected for the position.  A strong 
commitment to 
pursuing a research career, good communication and writing skills, and the 
ability to 
work in a team environment are essential qualities.  A successful application 
to the 
College of Graduate Studies and Research at the University of Saskatchewan will 
required. Information on College admission requirements and application forms 
be obtained at www.usask.ca/cgsr

ORGANIZATIONS/LOCATIONS: The Pulse Crop Research Group at the Department of 
Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada is unique in its 
scope and expertise in pulse crop research, and is home to one of the largest 
crop (lentil, pea, chickpea, common bean, faba bean) breeding programs in the 


This project is in collaboration with Florida International University (FIU) in 
Florida, USA.  FIU, located at the edge of Everglades National Park, is the 
Hispanic-serving public university in the US with strengths in ecology and 
agroecology.  Faculty and students at FIU work closely with several botanic 
including the US National Tropical Botanic Garden and Fairchild Tropical 

http://agbio.usask.ca/students/graduate/index.php for additional information 
regarding graduate programs at the Department of Plant Sciences, College of 
Agriculture and Bioresources.

SALARY: $24,000/yr for 4 years for a Ph.D. student
TO APPLY: Submit your curriculum vita, a one-page statement of research 
and interests, names and contact information for three (3) references to Drs. 
Bett and Eric von Wettberg (c/o: Crystal Chan, crystal.c...@usask.ca)

[ECOLOG-L] GRADUATE STUDENT OPPORTUNITY – Ecosystem Modeling – University of Texas at El Paso

2015-08-15 Thread Xiaofeng Xu
The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso
seek two highly motivated graduate students (Masters or PhD level) to
conduct research on how global change affects terrestrial biogeochemical
processes of carbon, nitrogen and water. We seek individuals interested in
1) Methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems; 2)
Model-data integration for soil microbial functions; 3) Biogeochemistry in
arid region; 4) Land surface modeling in the Earth System Modeling

Qualifications:  The candidate must have at least a B.S. (M.S. if entering
the PhD program) in environmental science, soil, computer science, ecology,
hydrology, geography or closely related field. The preferred candidate
should have a strong quantitative background.

Start Date:  Preferably January 2016, but start date is negotiable.

To Apply:  Send a letter of interest including statement of goals and
research interests; a resume or curriculum vitae; and contact information
for three references (electronic versions of all materials are required) to
the e-mail below.  Please attach all materials in one PDF file. Review of
potential applicants will begin immediately and prospective candidates
encouraged to apply to the appropriate UTEP graduate programs (

For more information concerning this position, please contact Dr. Xiaofeng
Xu (x...@utep.edu).

The University of Texas at El Paso is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative
Action Employer. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, genetic
information, veteran status, or sexual orientation in employment or the
provision of services.  These positions are security-sensitive and subject
to the Texas Education Code 51.215, which authorizes the employer to obtain
criminal history record information.  An employment offer is contingent on
completion of a satisfactory criminal background investigation.


Xiaofeng Xu
Assistant Professor of Ecology
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Texas at El Paso
Office: 915-747-8640; Lab: 915-747-8099
E-mail: x...@utep.edu
Lab: http://science.utep.edu/xu/

[ECOLOG-L] GRADUATE STUDENT OPPORTUNITY – Watershed and Aquatic Ecosystem Ecology – University of New Hamps

2015-08-14 Thread David Inouye
Aquatic Ecosystem Ecology – University of New Hampshire

The Department of Natural Resources and 
Environment and the Institute for the Study of 
Earth, Ocean and Space at the University of New 
Hampshire seek a highly motivated graduate 
student (Masters or PhD level) to conduct 
research on how various human activities impact 
water quality and how aquatic ecosystems help 
maintain water quality. We seek individuals 
interested in understanding: 1) how watersheds 
influence coastal estuaries, 2) the variability 
of water quality in streams and rivers over space 
and time, 3) controls of water quality during 
storm fluxes using novel in situ aquatic nutrient 
sensors, 4) biogeochemical dynamics influencing 
water quality.Must be self-motivated, 
curious, quantitatively oriented, and a good writer.

Qualifications:  The candidate must have at least 
a B.S. (M.S. if entering the PhD program) in 
environmental science, ecology, aquatic science, 
hydrology, geography or closely related 
field.  The preferred candidate will have 
experience with GIS and a strong quantitative background.

Start Date:  Preferably January 2016, but start date is negotiable.

To Apply:  Send a letter of interest including 
statement of goals and research interests; a 
resume or curriculum vitae; and contact 
information for three references (electronic 
versions of all materials are required) to the 
e-mail below.  Please attach all materials as 
word documents or PDFs with the candidates name 
included in the file name. Review of potential 
applicants will begin immediately and prospective 
candidates encouraged to apply to the appropriate 
UNH graduate programs (for a Masters of Science: 
for a PhD: http://www.unh.edu/nressphd/).

For more information concerning this position, 
please contact Dr. Wilfred Wollheim 
Subject: Water_GradOpportunity).  The Wollheim 
lab is part of the Water Systems Analysis Group, 
and includes a dynamic group of students, post 
docs, and research scientists.  Please see: 

The University of New Hampshire, located in 
Durham, New Hampshire, thrives in a diverse, 
dynamic, and beautiful part of New England. 
Durham, only an hour from Boston, is also 
conveniently close to the Atlantic Ocean, as well 
as New Hampshire’s rugged White Mountains and pristine Lakes Region.

Wilfred M. Wollheim
Assistant Professor
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Co-Director,Water Systems Analysis Group
Earth Systems Research Center
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space
University of New Hampshire
452 Morse Hall
Durham, NH 03824
603-862-0812 (office)
603-862-0587 (fax)

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in forest nutrient cycling

2015-05-19 Thread William T. Peterjohn
A graduate student position is available for investigating how acid
deposition affects the nutrient dynamics and productivity of deciduous
forests in central Appalachia.

The student will conduct their research at the Fernow Experimental Forest
and would receive training in the use of analytical instrumentation,
experimental design, data analysis, computer modeling, communication skills,
and teaching.  More about our research at the Fernow can be found at:

Summer support is available for five years and this would supplement support
received during the academic year for being a teaching assistant in the
Department of Biology at West Virginia University. Information about the
graduate program in biology, and how to apply, is available at:

A successful applicant should have: (1) a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a
relevant field of study; (2) a strong interest in ecosystem ecology and
environmental change; (3) a willingness to learn techniques used to analyze
the chemical composition of soil, water, and plant samples; (4) an interest
in learning computer modeling and incorporating it into their research; and
(5) strong writing skills, and (6) a commitment to the effective
communication of science to technical and non-technical audiences.

To learn more, please contact:

Dr. William Peterjohn
Department of Biology
West Virginia University

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity

2015-03-14 Thread Sarah Dudas
Graduate position available (MSc or PhD) with the Hakai Institute &
Vancouver Island University

The Hakai Institute and Vancouver Island University are conducting a
collaborative project to examine ecosystem structure along a gradient of
human influence.  This research will investigate patterns in intertidal
biodiversity and their relation to historical and contemporary habitat
alterations and larger scale anthropogenic influences. Research will be
conducted out of Hakai’s Calvert and Quadra Island Field Stations and VIU’s
Deep Bay Marine Field Station and the Centre for Shellfish Research.  

As part of both the Hakai Institute and VIU the student will have the
opportunity to work with researchers in a range of disciplines including
marine ecology, aquaculture and archaeology.

We are looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated students that are
comfortable working on, in and around the water.  Experience and/or
knowledge in invertebrate species identification, biological surveys and GIS
would be an asset.  Prospective students should be competitive for NSERC
scholarships.  The successful applicant could start in May/September 2015 or
January 2016.

If you’re interesting in joining the lab please send one document, with your
last name as the start of the file name, that combines: 1) a cover letter
outlining your research interests, relevant experience and why you’re
interested in this project, 2) CV and 3) transcript copies to sarah.du...@viu.ca

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in forest ecosystems

2015-01-14 Thread William T. Peterjohn
A graduate student position is available for investigating how
acid deposition affects the nutrient dynamics and productivity of deciduous
forests in central Appalachia.
The student will conduct their research at the Fernow Experimental Forest
and would receive training in the use of analytical instrumentation,
experimental design, data analysis, computer modeling, communication skills,
and teaching.  More about our research at the Fernow can be found at:

Summer support is available for five years and this would supplement support
received during the academic year for being a teaching assistant in the
Department of Biology at West Virginia University. Information about the
graduate program in biology, and how to apply, is available at:

A successful applicant should have: (1) a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a
relevant field of study; (2) a strong interest in ecosystem ecology and
environmental change; (3) a willingness to learn techniques used to analyze
the chemical composition of soil, water, and plant samples; (4) an interest
in learning computer modeling and incorporating it into their research; and
(5) strong writing skills, and (6) a commitment to the effective
communication of science to technical and non-technical audiences.

To learn more, please contact:

Dr. William Peterjohn
Department of Biology
West Virginia University

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in remote sensing and ecology at Michigan State University

2014-11-19 Thread Carolyn Malmstrom

The Malmstrom Ecology Lab at Michigan State University has an opening for
fall 2015 for a PhD student interested in applying remote sensing and
geospatial analysis to questions in plant and landscape ecology. The
Malmstrom Lab (www.facebook.com/MalmstromEcologyLab) is based in MSU's
Department of Plant Biology (http://www.plantbiology.msu.edu/)
  and affiliated with the Center for
Global Change and Earth Observations, which conducts research on the effects
of human use of land on the environment from local to global scales.
Research in the Malmstrom Lab examines the ecology and restoration of
working landscapes that both produce human-valued commodities and support
natural populations and ecological processes.  Recent work includes projects
that examine the influence of disturbance regimes on the temporal and
spatial dynamics of invasive species, the response of grasslands to annual
variability in precipitation, and the influence of anthropogenic changes in
vegetation properties on the dynamics of microbes and butterflies. For an
introduction to the lab's work with microdrones, please see



The MSU campus is located in East Lansing, MI, a friendly city with easy
access to outdoor resources and cultural activities.  As the nation's first
land grant institution, MSU is a leader in the plant and environmental
sciences with considerable resources for research, from top-class genomics
facilities to the internationally renowned W. K. Kellogg Biological Station.


For more information, please contact Dr. Carolyn Malmstrom at
carol...@msu.edu. To apply to MSU's Plant Biology Graduate Program, please
see http://plantbiology.msu.edu/graduate-program/how-to-apply. Initial
evaluation of applications for fellowships begins December 1.


MSU is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, non-discrimination
and affirmative action. University programs, activities and facilities are
available to all without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national
origin, political persuasion, sexual orientation, marital status,
disability, height, weight, veteran status, age or familial status. The
University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.



Dr. Carolyn M. Malmstrom

Associate Professor

Michigan State University

Department of Plant Biology

612 Wilson Road, Rm 166

East Lansing, MI 48824 USA


Phone: +1 517 355 4690

Fax: +1 517 353 1926

Mobile: +1 517 719 7676

Email: carol...@msu.edu




[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in Forest Ecology

2014-10-29 Thread David Hix
Graduate student opportunity in Forest Ecology with the School of Environment 
and Natural 
Resources, The Ohio State University

We are seeking MS- or PhD-level graduate students to conduct field-based 
research on the 
compositional and structural dynamics of temperate forest ecosystems. Funding 
is anticipated 
for a new research project with the overall goal of quantifying and modeling 
forest change in 
southeastern Ohio and the adjoining region. For specific information about our 
program please visit: http://oardc.osu.edu/ferel/index.htm

The first position will be available starting June 1, 2015 (Summer Semester) 
and can be either 
a master’s or doctoral appointment depending on the abilities and experience of 
the candidate. 
Financial support during their graduate program may be a combination of 
teaching and 
research assistantships; fellowship support may be possible for outstanding 
applicants (see 
web site below for required qualifications). Applicants with expertise and 
backgrounds in 
forest ecology and plant identification are highly preferred. Information about 
Environment & Natural Resources Graduate Program is available at: 

If you are interested and qualified, please send your resume and specific 
explaining your educational background, field skills, and professional 
experiences that would 
be relevant to the academic areas of forest ecology, dendrology, and 
silviculture by Dec. 3, 
2014 to David Hix at hi...@osu.edu. To be considered for funding the deadline 
to complete 
the application process is Jan. 1, 2015.

David M. Hix
School of Environment and Natural Resources
The Ohio State University 
2021 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH  43210-1085

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in Conservation Biology

2013-11-22 Thread Russell Benford
A graduate student (MS or PhD) opportunity in Conservation Biology is 
available with the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Arizona 
University. The opportunity consists of field-based research studying the 
impact of feral ungulates on an ecological system that hosts species of 
conservation concern. Letters of interest will be accepted through 
November 30, 2013. Field work begins January 2014. 

For more information, contact: 

Russell Benford, PhD
Assistant Research Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Northern Arizona University


[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in urban landscape ecology

2013-11-21 Thread Emily Minor
I am looking for 1 or 2 PhD students to join our urban landscape ecology lab
(http://www.uic.edu/labs/minor/) at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
We study patterns of urban biodiversity, the provision of ecosystem services
in cities, and interactions between humans and other organisms living in

The student would be funded by departmental teaching assistantships or (for
highly competitive students) a university fellowship. The student would have
flexibility to develop his or her own research project, which ideally would
build upon and complement our ongoing work in urban residential neighborhoods. 

The most competitive applicants will have previous research experience and
be comfortable working in big cities and interacting with urban residents.
The following skills are also desirable but not necessary:  GIS, statistics,
ability to identify local birds, bees, plants or other taxa. 

Although the departmental web site encourages submission of all materials by
Dec 1, applications will be accepted until admissions decisions are made
(usually in January or February). More information about our graduate
program can be found here http://www.uic.edu/depts/bios/grad/grad_ee.shtml

Interested students should contact me directly by email (emi...@uic.edu) and
include your CV and a description of your research interests and career
goals with the email. 

Emily Minor
Department of Biological Sciences 
Institute for Environmental Science and Policy.
University of Illinois at Chicago

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Ecology

2013-11-20 Thread Amy Iler
Graduate student opportunity in Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Ecology
with the School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State

 We are seeking a MS- or PhD-level graduate student to conduct field-based
research on the compositional and structural dynamics of temperate forest
ecosystems. Funding is anticipated for a new research project that will
focus on quantifying and modeling forest change in southeastern Ohio and
the adjoining region utilizing the remeasurement of an extensive network of
permanent plots. For specific information about our program please visit:

The position is available starting mid-August 2014 (Autumn Semester) and
can be either a master’s or doctoral appointment depending on the interests
and experience of the candidate. Financial support may be a combination of
teaching and research assistantships; fellowship support may be possible
for outstanding applicants. Applicants with expertise and backgrounds in
forest ecology and silviculture preferred. Information about the
Environment & Natural Resources Graduate Program is available at:

If you are interested, please send your resume and specific information
explaining your educational background and experiences that would be
relevant to the areas of forest ecology, dendrology, and silviculture by Dec.
6, 2013to David Hix at *hi...@osu.edu* . To be considered
for funding the deadline to complete the application process isJan. 7, 2014.

David M. Hix

School of Environment and Natural Resources

The Ohio State University

2021 Coffey Road

Columbus, OH  43210-1085



[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity in African Biogeography & Evolution at RJB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain

2013-08-22 Thread Lisa Pokorny Montero
*PhD position in African biogeography & evolution*

Please help me advertise this position to any potential applicants.

Thank you and best wishes, Isabel.

*Position description *

PhD Position. Fixed-term employment, four years

Available at the Royal Botanical Garden – Spanish National Research Council
(RJB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

Closing date: September 1st, 2013

You will analyze the genetic structure of selected subtropical and tropical
species, or closely related plant taxa, with a widespread or disjunct
distribution in Africa (project AFFLORA) in order to: disentangle the
impact of neutral processes (isolation, genetic drift, gene flow), infer
the location of potential Pleistocene refuges, estimate the timing of range
disjunctions, and assess the level of gene flow across geographic barriers.
You will also test for the existence of a spatially and temporally
congruent demographic history, implying range shifts of entire communities
(fragmentation, extinction) as opposite to idiosyncratic histories
suggesting individualistic responses to climate change and independent

To achieve these goals ideally you will: I) mine plant transcriptomes and
identify markers for targeted sequencing using NGS techniques; II) produce
population (SNPs) and species level (amplicon sequencing) molecular data
using NGS techniques; III) reconstruct gene trees (inter-population
divergence) and trace the spatial distribution of populations (lineages)
through time; IV) infer geographical genetic structure or location of gene
pools using Bayesian clustering models; V) use population demographic
models based on coalescent theory to estimate gene flow across barriers and
to estimate past population size changes; VI) assess congruence among
phylogeographic patterns of the studied species and test alternative
hypotheses on community-building in African floras using novel full
Bayesian and Approximate Bayesian Computing techniques.

*Requirements *

Candidates should have completed their Masters or be done with it by the
end of 2013 (this is a requirement of the Spanish fellowship program which
cannot be waived; please, see call description at:
http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/08/14/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-8984.pdf [in
Spanish]). The date in which that degree (Master or Bachelor if lacking)
was obtained should be later than January 1, 2010. Once selected, the
candidate can choose the PhD program they wish to join among the available
Spanish universities. Preference will be given to candidates with prior
knowledge on bioinformatics and/or computational biology (e.g., Masters in
Bioinformatics). Good communication skills (written and spoken) in English
are necessary, and language skills in Spanish are advantageous. Experience
working with lab techniques in molecular phylogenetics and/or NGS data, and
knowledge in phylogenetic and population genetic software and/or
programming languages applied to these, such as R, Perl, Python, or C++ are
advantageous. We are seeking a candidate who is independent,
self-motivated, and interested in the use or development of new methods and
approaches, in short, a person willing to go beyond the state-of-the-art in
the field. We will attach great importance to personal characteristics and
independence in learning and working, creativity and documented
productivity. Priority will be given to those candidates who have
co-authored one scientific publication before the deadline.

*How to apply *

Candidates should send their CV to Dr. Isabel Sanmartín (
isanmar...@rjb.csic.es) no later than September 1st, 2013. Applications
will be screened as they arrive, thus we encourage each applicant to send
their CV as soon as possible.

Dr. Isabel Sanmartín

Senior Researcher

Dept. of Biodiversity and Conservation, RJB-CSIC

Plaza de Murillo, 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain

E-mail: isanmar...@rjb.csic.es

Phone: 91 420 30 17 (Ext 213)

Fax: 91 420 01 57

*Doctorado en biogeografía y evolución africanas*

Por favor, ayúdenme a distribuir esta convocatoria entre posibles

Muchas gracias con mis mejores deseos, Isabel.

*Descripción del puesto*

Contrato predoctoral por cuatro años

Disponible en el Real Jardín Botánico – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas (RJB-CSIC, Madrid, España)

Vencimiento del plazo: 1 de Septiembre de 2013

Objetivos: Análisis de la estructura genética de diversos taxones de
plantas emparentadas de distribución geográfica discontinua (disjunta)
subtropical en África (proyecto AFFLORA) con el objeto de: Desentrañar el
impacto de procesos evolutivos neutrales (aislamiento, deriva genética,
flujo genético); Inferir la ubicación de refugios potenciales pleistocenos;
datar distribuciones disjuntas; y evaluar los niveles de flujo genético a
través de barreras geográficas. Examinar la existencia de la existencia de
congruencia, tanto espacial como temporal, de historias demográficas,
indicadora de una respuesta común de las poblaciones a factores extrínsecos
climáticos, o bi

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity in Population & Evolutionary Ecology at Ryerson U, Toronto, Canada

2013-08-22 Thread Lesley Campbell
Join the Campbell lab to study plant evolutionary ecology (start date 
May or September 2014)! Applications at both the MSc and PhD level are 

Research in my lab addresses fundamental questions about population 
and/or eco-evolutionary dynamics, with an applied focus, typically via a 
combination of field experiments and quantitative reviews. Current and 
Recent work in my lab include the evolution and ecology of crop-wild 
hybridization, pollen movement through landscapes, the consequences of 
climate change for natural and agricultural populations, and plant-plant 
competition in urban farms.

For more on my lab and my research, see my homepage: 

Ryerson University provides innovative, career-focused education, has 
doubled its funding and publication output between 2005 - 2010, and 
experienced the largest growth in research of an Ontario-based 
University in 2011.

The Dept. of Chemistry & Biology participates in two graduate programs 
(Environmental & Applied Science & Management and Molecular Science). 
The city of Toronto is Canada's most populous city and contains 
wonderful cultural diversity, a National Park, and lots of greenspace, 
with all of the opportunities for research and recreation that implies.

For more on my mentoring philosophy, and for links to information on the 
Ryerson University's various graduate program (including funding sources 
and the application process), go here:


Guaranteed funding is available for 2 years (MSc) or 3 years (PhD) 
through a combination of TAships, RAships, and other sources.

Interested students should contact me via email (lesley.g.campbell 
@ryerson.ca), and
attach transcripts (unofficial is fine) and contact details for three 

[ECOLOG-L] GRADUATE STUDENT OPPORTUNITY –Aquatic Biogeochemis try and Ecosystem Services

2013-07-17 Thread Kyle Whittinghill

The Water Systems Analysis group at the University of New Hampshire is
looking for a Masters or PhD student to join our research group on a
project linking aquatic biogeochemistry and ecosystem services.  I am
writing because I thought you might know of promising undergraduates or
masters students who would be interested in this research. I have included
the full advertisement below. Please feel free to forward to colleagues
or interested students.

Have a great day,

Kyle Whittinghill

GRADUATE STUDENT OPPORTUNITY –Aquatic Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem
Services – University of New Hampshire

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Institute for
the Study of Earth, Ocean and Space at the University of New Hampshire seek
a graduate student (Masters or PhD level) to conduct research on aquatic
biogeochemical processes at watershed to regional scales through hydrologic
and biogeochemical modeling, with an emphasis on understanding how aquatic
ecosystem services are changing over time.  The overall goal of the project
is to understand how terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem services interact in
New England, the state of NH, and for select focus watersheds. The project
will assess tradeoffs among terrestrial and aquatic services under
different land management and future climate scenarios. The student will
have flexibility to design his or her own research question within the
scope of the larger project. We seek individuals interested in modeling
coupled hydrological and biogeochemical cycles in river systems at regional
scales; linking terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem processes; integrating
novel in situ aquatic nutrient sensor data into aquatic models; and
interacting with social scientists to quantify New England’s ecosystem

The position is funded through an NSF EPSCoR grant (Ecosystems and Society)
to the University of New Hampshire, Dartmouth College, Plymouth State
University and other New Hampshire colleges. The student will be part of a
statewide team of natural and social scientists with which the student will
be collaborating.

For more information concerning this position, please contact Dr. Wilfred
Wollheim (wil.wollh...@unh.edu). For more information about the project or
UNH please see the respective websites: http://www.epscor.unh.edu/ecosystems
society  and
http://www.unh.edu/. UNH is located in the Seacoast region of New Hampshire
approximately an hour and a half from Boston, MA and an hour from Portland,

Qualifications:  The candidate must have a B.S. (M.S. if entering the PhD
program) in ecology, aquatic science, hydrology, geography or closely
related field.  The preferred candidate will have experience with GIS and a
strong quantitative or computer science background. Experience with
process-based environmental modeling is a plus but not necessary.  The
ability and desire to collaborate with other modelers, field scientists and
social scientists is essential.

Start Date:  Position available starting September 2013, but start date is

To Apply:  Send a letter of application, statement of research interests,
resume or curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references
(electronic versions of all materials are required) to wat...@unh.edu,
Subject: EPSCOR_GRAD.  Please attach all application materials as word
documents or PDFs with the candidates name included in the file name.
Review of Applications will begin immediately and will continue until a
suitable applicant is found for the position.

Kyle Whittinghill, Postdoctoral Fellow
Earth Systems Research Center &
Department of Natural Resources & the Environment
University of New Hampshire
208 Morse Hall
Durham, NH 03824
Office: 603-862-4434
Cell: 651-247-3296

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity for Fall 2013 at UMaine

2013-04-01 Thread Jacquelyn Gill

I am seeking a highly motivated graduate student to join my new lab at the
University of Maine in Orono this fall. I'm a newly appointed Assistant
Professor of Paleoecology and Plant Ecology with the School of Biology and
Ecology  and the Climate Change

As a paleoecologist and biogeographer, I use the tools of space and time to
understand questions of conservation relevance. You can read more about me
and my research at my website . In my
lab, I use a combination of lake sediment proxy analyses (e.g. pollen,
charcoal), modern experiments, and modeling (including dynamic vegetation
models and species distribution modeling).

Possible projects include:

1) Testing whether modern North American plant species are
dispersal-limited in the absence of extinct herbivores (e.g. mammoths,
passenger pigeons).

2) Using plant traits to asses changes in ecosystem function over the last
18,000 years.

3) Testing the effects of tree species gains and losses on New England
forest ecosystem function using sediment records.

4) Identifying signatures of Native American land use (including fire) in
pre-European New England forests.

5) Using the paleorecord to understand tipping points and other responses
to abrupt climate change, particularly in forest-grassland transitions.

6) Assessing the relative effects of bison herbivory and climate change on
prairie vegetation during the Holocene.

I'm also open to discussing other opportunities with the right student, so
if you have a particular project you'd like to pitch that you think would
be a good fit, feel free to contact me. The ideal candidate should have
field and/or lab experience (not necessarily paleo-related, though the
student should be interested in paleoecology), a demonstrated ability to
work independently (such as a senior thesis or post-baccalaureate work),
and strengths in communication, quantitive skills, or both.

I currently have two years of a Teaching Assistantship to fund a graduate
student, ideally at the Masters level (though this is flexible). This
funding comes with a stipend, tuition remission, and benefits.

The University of Maine is internationally recognized for strengths in
climate science and ecology, and students will have access to experimental
forests, greenhouses, and a wide range of laboratory facilities. Campus is
an hour from Acadia National Park, and Maine is a great place for outdoor
recreation (climbing, hiking, paddle sports). Bangor, the state's third
largest city, is ten minutes away.

If you're interested, please send a CV attached to a message briefly
expressing your background, career, and research interests to
jacquelynlg...@gmail.com. This position will be open until filled.


Dr. Jacquelyn Gill

Jacquelyn L. Gill, Ph.D. 
Voss Postdoctoral Fellow
Environmental Change Initiative
Brown University
Box 1951
Providence, RI 02912

(401) 863-2799 (office)

contemplativemammoth.wordpress.com (blog)
@JacquelynGill (Twitter)

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in modeling forest disturbances at the University of Idaho

2012-11-29 Thread Jeff Hicke
Graduate student opportunity in modeling forest disturbances at the University 
of Idaho. 
Funding is available for a Ph.D. student to study forest responses and 
vulnerability to climate change and natural disturbances, with an emphasis on 
bark beetle outbreaks.  Project goals include incorporating a model of mountain 
pine beetle outbreaks into an ecosystem model; assessing the influence of 
future climate changes on outbreaks; and quantifying the effects on forest 
dynamics, including carbon cycling.  Research will be conducted jointly with 
Oregon State University using the Community Land Model 
(www.cgd.ucar.edu/tss/clm).  Funding is available for five years at 
$24,000/year plus tuition/fees and health insurance.  The successful candidate 
will have a background in geography, ecology, biogeosciences, atmospheric 
science, entomology, or a related field.  Desirable qualifications include 
quantitative skills, familiarity with mechanistic ecosystem modeling and 
computer programming, excellent written and oral communication skills, and a 
research-based M.S. thesis.  Students have the opportunity to receive a degree 
in either Geography (www.uidaho.edu/geography) or Environmental Science 
(www.uidaho.edu/envs).  Interested applicants should send a cover letter, CV, 
GPA, GRE scores, and a personal statement that describes the candidate’s 
interest in the position and relevant education and experience to Dr. Jeffrey 
Hicke (jhi...@uidaho.edu) as well as apply to the desired degree program.  
Inquiries via email or phone (208-885-6240) are welcome.

Jeffrey Hicke
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
University of Idaho
McClure Hall Room 305D

Mailing Address:
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive Stop 3021
Moscow ID 83844-3021

Phone: 208-885-6240
Fax: 208-885-2855

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in biology education

2012-10-21 Thread Jennifer Momsen
Research opportunity in biology education at the undergraduate level. The 
Momsen lab 
(https://sites.google.com/site/jmomsen/) in the Department of Biological 
Sciences at North Dakota 
State University is accepting applications for a highly motivated PhD graduate 
student to begin Fall 
2013. Current research threads include (1) the role of representations in 
learning biology and (2) the 
development of systems thinking skills in biology students. Opportunities exist 
to collaborate across 
science and math disciplines.

Interested applicants should send a CV to Jennifer Momsen 
(jennifer.mom...@ndsu.edu). Students 
are supported primarily through teaching assistantships, although fellowship 
opportunities are 
available. Additional details about the department and graduate program can be 
found on the NDSU 
Biological Sciences website (http://www.ndsu.edu/biology/).

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in biology education

2012-04-14 Thread Jennifer Momsen
Research opportunity in biology education at the undergraduate level. The 
Momsen lab 
(https://sites.google.com/site/jmomsen/) in the Department of Biological 
Sciences at North Dakota 
State University is accepting applications for a highly motivated PhD graduate 
student to begin Fall 
2012 or Spring 2013. Current research threads include (1) the role of 
visualizations in learning 
biology, (2) the development of systems thinking skills in biology students, 
and (3) characterizing the 
beliefs and learning habits of rural, frontier, and urban biology students. 
Opportunities exist to 
collaborate across science and math disciplines.

Interested applicants should send a CV, cover letter, transcript (unofficial is 
acceptable) to Jennifer 
Momsen (jennifer.mom...@ndsu.edu). Students are supported primarily through 
assistantships, although fellowship opportunities are possible. Additional 
details about the 
department and graduate program can be found on the NDSU Biological Sciences 

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity (Biogeochemistry) at Univ. Alabama

2012-02-12 Thread Behzad Mortazavi
University of Alabama: oil impact on biogeochemical cycling in near shore 
marine systems starting in 
Fall 2012.

Application deadline is March 15, 2012 (but exceptional candidates will be 
considered past this 
deadline).  We are seeking candidates in the Biogeochemistry Lab  
http://bama.ua.edu/~bmortazavi/Mortazavi_Lab/Welcome.html). The successful 
applicant will work 
on elucidating spatial and temporal patterns in benthic nitrogen cycling in 
coastal waters impacted 
by the oil spill in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The initial work will focus on 
using membrane inlet 
mass spectrometry to determine rates of denitrification. The assistantship will 
include (1) a tuition 
waiver, (2) an annual stipend and (3) health insurance. For additional 
information, contact Dr. Behzad 
Mortazavi, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa 
AL 35487, ph: 251-
861-2189.  Inquiry by emails can be sent to aklei...@gmail.com. Application 
information and forms 
are available at http://bsc.ua.edu/gradstudies.htm.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student opportunity in global change and wetland ecosystem ecology at UMD and Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

2012-02-09 Thread Mozdzer, Thomas
We invite applications for either a Master's or a PhD student interested in 
global change and ecosystem ecology at the University of Maryland.  The student 
can apply to either the MEES (Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences) or 
Environmental Science & Technology  program.   The student will be part of an 
interdisciplinary team of scientists from the Smithsonian Environmental 
Research Center (SERC) and the University of Maryland.   Research will 
primarily be conducted at the Smithsonian Global Change Research Wetland, home 
to several tidal wetland global change experiments.  The student will work 
closely with Smithsonian Institution and University of Maryland faculty on a 
newly funded experiment (Maryland Sea Grant) to examine the interactions 
between invasive plant genetic diversity and global change factors (elevated 
CO2 & Nitrogen pollution) on plant invasion in tidal wetlands.  We seek 
exemplary students that also have interests in translating the results of 
his/her research into potential policy  and action plans for land managers.  
The student will also have the opportunity to become involved in a watershed 
scale restoration project.Potential areas of interest include, but are not 
limited to: Biogeochemistry, Plant Physiology, Population Genetics, and 
Restoration Ecology.  Pending acceptance, the student will be fully funded by 
RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIP for TWO years, with the possibility of an additional two 
years.  Tuition remission at the University of Maryland and full health 
insurance are also provided.  Preferred start date would be June 2012.  
Applications must be received by February 17th for the MEES Program, and there 
is some flexibility for students interested in pursuing the Environmental 
Science & Technology program.

Interested students should contact Dr. Thomas Mozdzer at 

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity in Science Policy

2011-12-22 Thread Julie Palakovich Carr
Graduate Student Opportunity in Science Policy

Applications are now being accepted for the 2012 Emerging Public Policy 
Leadership Award (EPPLA). This award, presented by the American Institute of 
Biological Sciences, recognizes graduate students in the biological sciences 
who have demonstrated initiative and leadership in science policy. EPPLA 
recipients receive first-hand experience at the interface of science and public 

EPPLA winners receive:

 * A trip to Washington, DC, to participate in the Biological and
   Ecological Sciences Coalition (BESC) Congressional Visits Day, an annual
   event that brings scientists to the nation's capital to advocate for
   federal investments in the biological sciences, with a primary focus on
   the National Science Foundation. The 2012 event will last for two days
   and will be held on 28-29 March 2012. Domestic travel and hotel expenses 
will be paid for the winners.
 * Policy and communications training, and information on federal science
   budgets and the legislative process.
 * Meetings with Congressional policymakers to discuss the importance of
   federal investments in the biological sciences.
 * A 1-year AIBS membership, including a subscription to the journal
   BioScience and a copy of "Communicating Science: A Primer for Working
   with the Media."
 * A certificate and membership in the EPPLA alumni network.

Application Process and Requirements:

The 2012 award is open to U.S. citizens enrolled in a graduate degree program 
in the biological sciences, science education, or closely allied field. 
Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in and commitment to science 
policy and/or science education policy. Prior EPPLA winners and AIBS science 
policy interns/fellows are not eligible.

To apply:

Send a cover letter, statement, resume, and letter of reference to 
publicpol...@aibs.org no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Time on Friday, 20 January 
2012. The subject line of the e-mail must include "EPPLA 2012" and the 
applicant's name. All documents should be included as attachments, with each 
file named as name_document (e.g., Sarah_Smith_Resume). A single PDF document 
is recommended.

 * Cover letter: Describe your interest in science policy and how
   participation in the Congressional Visits Day will further your career
   goals. Confirm your ability to travel to Washington, DC, to participate
   in meetings.
 * Statement: In 500 words or less, articulate the importance of federal
   investments in fundamental biological sciences research, such as that
   supported by the National Science Foundation. A successful statement
   will communicate to a non-scientist the benefits of biological research
   to the United States and draw upon the applicant's experiences and
   research. The statement may reference local issues and concerns that may
   be of interest to your Congressional delegation.
 * Resume (1 page limit): The resume should emphasize leadership, policy,
   and communication experience -- this may include graduate,
   undergraduate, or non-academic activities, relevant education, work
   experience, honors and awards, and scientific society memberships.
   Conference presentations and scientific manuscripts will not be
   considered in the evaluation of the application.
 * Letter of reference: A reference letter should be provided by an
   individual who can attest to your leadership, interpersonal, and
   communication skills, and who is familiar with your interest in or
   experience with science policy. The reference should send the letter to
   ]publicpol...@aibs.org by no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Time on 20
   January 2012.

Applicants will be notified by the end of February of the decision of the 
selection panel. Information about past EPPLA recipients is available at 
http://www.aibs.org/public-policy/past-eppla-recipients.html. Please direct 
questions to publicpol...@aibs.org.

Download a copy of the 2012 EPPLA announcement flyer at 

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in ecology and conservation

2011-10-07 Thread Joshua King
The King lab at the University of Central Florida is looking to recruit 2-3
new graduate students for Fall 2012.  I will consider graduate students (MS
or PhD) interested in ecology, conservation science, and natural history. 
Students interested in working with insects, particularly social insects,
will benefit from my expertise on those subjects, but I will consider
students interested in working with any organism or ecosystem.  Interested
applicants can view details of my lab at http://king.cos.ucf.edu.

If you are interested, email me (joshua.k...@ucf.edu) a brief message
detailing your research interests and a cv.  You must apply by January 15th,
2012.  Please see full departmental requirements and details at:
http://biology.cos.ucf.edu/graduate-program/applying/.  Accepted students
can expect TA support and grant support.  

The University of Central Florida is a large, major research University
located in Orlando, FL with excellent facilities, a conservation and ecology
oriented graduate program in the Department of Biology, and its location
allows easy access to numerous natural and man-modified ecosystems
throughout central, northern, and southern Florida.  The Orlando, FL area is
a wonderful place to live and work.

[ECOLOG-L] graduate student opportunity

2011-06-23 Thread Stephanie Bohlman
Graduate Research Assistantship in Tropical Forest Ecology in the School 
of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida.   The 
M.S. or  Ph.D. research assistantship begins preferably in the fall 2011 
or winter 2012, but possibly summer or fall 2012.  

I study forest structure/dynamics, carbon cycling and tree species 
distributions from local to regional scales using a combination of field 
data, remote sensing and modeling.  I am looking for a graduate student 
who is interested in one or more of these areas.  My website 
http://www.sfrc.ufl.edu/faculty/Bohlman/index.html   provides more details 
on the types of projects in which I am involved.The ideal candidate is 
highly motivated and self-directed; has a background and/or interest in 
ecology or forestry; has quantitative skills in math, statistics, GIS 
and/or remote sensing; demonstrated writing skills; has worked on and 
completed independent research project(s); can provide at least 2 
excellent references if requested.

Qualifications:  A bachelor’s or master’s degree in biology, ecology, 
environmental science and/or demonstrated interest and 
competence/experience in ecology, modeling or GIS/remote sensing .  Please 
email (1) a resume/CV, with GRE scores listed if available and (2) a 
letter stating your interests, background, qualifications and long-term 
goals to Dr. Stephanie Bohlman (sbohl...@ufl.edu). 

The assistantship will include (1) a tuition waiver, (2) an annual stipend 
of $16,000 and (3) health insurance.  UF offers an excellent across 
discipline support and intellectual community for students involved in 
ecology and conservation, especially focused in tropical regions.  

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity ­ Cunjak lab, Canadian Rivers Institute, UNB, Fredericton

2011-04-28 Thread Tommi Linnansaari
On behalf of Dr. Rick Cunjak (please send replies to cun...@unb.ca), sorry
for cross-posting

Project #1, PhD student 
To answer the question "Is egg survival of Atlantic salmon a function of
hyporheic water quality and/or flow regulation"? 
In natural systems, bedload movement, sedimentation, ice scour, probability
of de-watering and exposure to freezing can impose significant perturbations
on fishes and incubating eggs and alevins, and there is some evidence that
hypoxic groundwater may impact incubating salmon eggs during low discharge
periods in winter. Winter severity is hypothesized to be greatest in the
large rivers compared with small-order streams where substrate
heterogeneity, a relatively high contribution of groundwater discharge,
higher slopes and narrow channels tend to create complex, relatively stable
winter habitats with shore fast ice and abundant instream cover.  In
regulated systems, such stressors can be exacerbated or dampened depending
on their timing and frequency, and the inherent conditions characteristic of
the river (sub) basin. For example, changes in the normal winter hydrologic
(and thermal) regime may influence surface water-hyporheic water dynamics
that can affect survival or development of incubating eggs and alevins.
Relatively little is known about the exact mechanism(s) driving winter
survival of riverine fishes in regulated systems, particularly in the
hyporheic habitats where eggs incubate. Such studies of the early stages of
fish production are fundamental to quantifying juvenile recruitment and the
potential impacts of anthropogenic activities on fish population dynamics.
Objectives and Hypotheses: This research is aimed at quantifying the
relationship between egg survival of autumn spawning fishes and the
environmental attributes associated with flow regulation from hydroelectric
activities in rivers. Specifically, it is hypothesized that egg survival
will decrease in response to altered winter and spring flows as a result of
hyporheic anoxic water delivery within the substrate (redd). Secondarily, it
is hypothesized that winter flow regulation will lead to compromised
physiological development in alevins that will result in impaired growth and
reduced recruitment.
- ideally, would commence  June 2011
Applicants should have a strong academic record and significant field
experience working with stream fishes, preferably in the area of ecology
and/or physiology. Graduate students will be located at the Canadian Rivers
Institute at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Full funding for salary and research is available for 4-yr terms (PhD). 
Note that international students in doctoral programs will have the costs
for international tuition fees waived by UNB.
If interested, please apply, by email, to Dr. Rick Cunjak (cun...@unb.ca).
Include a recent CV, statement of research interests, names of three
references, and an academic transcript.
Richard A. Cunjak, Ph.D.
Professor, and Canada Research Chair in River Ecosystem Science
Fellow, Canadian Rivers Institute (http://www.canadianriversinstitute.ca) 
Department of Biology, and the Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management
P.O. Box 4400, 10 Bailey Avenue
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, New Brunswick, CANADA. E3B 5A3.
ph - 506-452-6204 ; fax - 506-453-3583
email - cun...@unb.ca

Tommi Linnansaari
Ph.D., Post-Doctoral Fellow

phone: +1 506 447 3450 
fax: +1 506 453 3583

Canadian Rivers Institute (http://www.unb.ca/cri/)
University of New Brunswick
Department of Biology
P.O. Box 4400
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Canada E3B5A3

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity Fall 2011: Ecosystem restoration and biogeochemistry

2011-04-13 Thread Timothy Hoellein
We seek a motivated graduate student to fill a 2 year Masters of Science
(MS) research assistantship devoted to studying oyster restoration and
ecosystem function in urban environments.  The overall project will analyze
multiple metrics of ecosystem structure and function (e.g., N cycling,
metabolism, nutrient limitation, hydrology, and oyster growth/condition) in
association with recently constructed oyster reefs in the Hudson and East
Rivers, NYC. Funding for the research and student is provided by the Hudson
River Foundation.  The graduate student will be based at Loyola University
Chicago, but will also conduct field and lab work with faculty and students
at Baruch and Brooklyn Colleges (NYC) and University of Texas Marine Science
Institute (Pt Aransas, TX).

Candidates with strong interest in biogeochemistry, restoration, and
ecosystem science are encouraged to apply.  We also encourage applications
from those who are enthusiastic about the frequent travel obligations of
this position. The MS position is available immediately for start in Fall
2011 and will remain open until filled.  Applicants should send a curriculum
vitae, statement of research interests, and contact information for 3
references to Dr. Timothy Hoellein (thoell...@luc.edu).

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity For Fall 2011: Sustainability of Aquatic Ecosystems

2011-04-10 Thread wollheim
Graduate Student Opportunity For Fall 2011:  Sustainability of Aquatic  
Ecosystems.  -  The University of New Hampshire seeks a highly  
motivated graduate student who will advance understanding of aquatic  
ecosystem responses to land use change in a variable and changing  
climate in New England.  Research questions can focus on a variety of  
topics, including storm responses of stream biogeochemistry under  
different agriculture, suburban, and forest management activities;  
surface water influence on nutrient and carbon fluxes to the coastal  
ocean; and the role of spatial and temporal heterogeneity within river  
networks in controlling nutrient and carbon fluxes.  We seek  
candidates with strong quantitative, technical and/or electronic  
skills who will be able to deploy novel, in situ nutrient measurement  
instruments ideally suited for understanding storm responses and  
ecosystem processes.  This position is part of a broader collaborative  
effort at the University of New Hampshire and collaborating  
institutions, including the Plum Island Ecosystem Long Term Ecological  
Research site in Massachusetts, to further understanding of  
sustainable agriculture and sustainable ecosystems in New England.   
Position is available immediately for start in Fall 2011 and will  
remain open until filled.  Applicants should send a curriculum vitae,  
statement of research interests, and contact information for 3  
references to Dr. Wilfred Wollheim (wil.wollh...@unh.edu).

Wilfred M. Wollheim
Assistant Professor
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Co-Director,Water Systems Analysis Group
Complex Systems Research Center
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space
University of New Hampshire
211 Morse Hall
Durham, NH 03824
603-862-0812 (office)
603-862-0587 (fax)

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in prairie ecology/restoration in Nebraska

2010-12-02 Thread Johannes Knops
I am looking for a Ph D student interested in vegetation dynamics in prairie 
remnants and prairie restorations. The Nature Conservancy has restored 1,500 
acres of grassland and manages 2,000 acres of remnant prairies and uses 
prescribed fire and grazing to increase habitat quality around Grand Island, 
Nebraska. However, it is increasingly clear that environmental factors such 
as soil composition and fertility, drought susceptibility, site history and 
species pools significant influence the vegetation composition. For 
instance, observationally, we see that remnant prairies are often dominated 
by invasive grasses and are low in forb diversity. Even when subjected to 
years of management to suppress invasive grasses and repeated over-seeding 
attempts, forb diversity fails to increase. Conversely, cropland 
restorations planted with 150-230 species successfully establish diverse 
plant communities. However, these restorations are threatened by the same 
invasive grass species and we see large variation among sites. There seems 
to be environmental variability, presently unaccounted for, that is 
hindering successful efforts to rehabilitate remnant prairies and restored 

We are currently examining how management (including fire and grazing), site 
history and site environmental factors correlate with vegetation 
composition, diversity, and the abundance of at-risk and invasive species. 
For this we have set up 800 permanently marked plots that are annually 
monitored for plant composition and abundance. In addition we have data of 
site history, management, soil fertility, soil texture and will collect 
productivity, nitrogen and water availability data in the next year. Based 
on this we will analyze the factors that control diversity, and propose 
hypotheses for management strategies that increase diversity, decrease the 
prevalence of invasive species, and increase the abundance of at-risk 

As a next step, we will experimentally examine these hypotheses on factors 
that controls plant diversity and how we may change the competitive balance 
among plant species to favor natives, increase the abundance of rare and 
threatened species, and decrease the prevalence of exotic weeds. 

If you are interested in such a research project for your Ph D, please 
contact me. This requires an interest in both basic and applied community 
and ecosystem ecology.

Johannes (Jean) M H Knops
School of Biological Sciences
University of Nebraska
348 Manter Hall
Lincoln, NE 68588
Phone (402) 310 3904
Email: jkno...@unl.edu

[ECOLOG-L] graduate student opportunity

2010-11-22 Thread Billings, Sharon A

We are re-posting this opportunity as the deadline for graduate applications
at KU approaches.  We would love it if colleagues could further disseminate
this advertisement to prospective students.


Sharon Billings and Ford Ballantyne

Graduate Student Opportunity

We are currently recruiting for a Ph.D. position in soil biogeochemistry,
microbial ecology, and ecosystem science, to join the Department of Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology in fall 2011. The successful applicant will explore
how warming influences flows of carbon and nitrogen from substrates of
varying recalcitrance through microorganisms and how these flows relate to
the transformation of organic carbon into CO2. Most work will be conducted
in the laboratories of Dr. Sharon Billings and Dr. Ford Ballantyne at KU
(www.kuerg.ku.edu and websites therein), in conjunction with a post-doctoral
researcher. The graduate student will participate in conducting incubations
of multiple media using isotopically labeled substrates, enzymes associated
with their degradation, and populations of microorganisms important in
transformations of soil organic matter. The student will have the
opportunity to participate in measurements of soil enzymatic activity,
respiration and δ13CO2, and microbial biomass and isotopic signature.
Results of these efforts will be incorporated into models developed to
elucidate the influence of warming on microbe-substrate interactions; the
successful applicant will have the opportunity to conduct additional
modeling efforts as well. We seek a creative individual who is enthusiastic
about moving the science of climate change and soil organic matter dynamics
forward. Required qualifications include a Bachelor's degree or Master's
degree in an appropriate field, with sufficient coursework in ecosystem
ecology, Earth system science, biogeochemistry or a related field. To apply,
contact Dr. Sharon Billings at shar...@ku.edu or Dr. Ford Ballantyne at
f...@ku.edu. Be sure to tell us about your reasons for attending graduate
school, and include your c.v. and a list of relevant courses. You can
explore the KU Graduate School webpage for more information. Please note
that the Department's deadline is December 15, 2010.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in plant-insect interactions

2010-11-10 Thread Russell, Leland
A self-motivated candidate is sought to pursue an MS degree in plant-insect 
interactions at Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA.

The successful candidate will participate in integrative research that will 
yield valuable discoveries regarding insect herbivore guild structure, weed 
biocontrol agents, and life history strategies.  The research examines insect 
herbivore and thistle interactions using long-term data sets and field 
research. Success of this research will have broad application to seasonal 
phenology and competition, invasive species, and climate change.

The ideal student for this position is self-motivated, works well 
independently, has a strong commitment to ecology and entomology, and a desire 
to learn a range of tools/techniques/methods in plant ecology, entomology and 
statistics. Proficiency in oral and written English required. The student will 
develop a thesis project that uses long-term ecological data as well as active 
field research. Applicants should have a B.S. in biology or entomology. The 
successful applicant will receive a Graduate Student Teaching Assistantship, 
stipend, full tuition remission, and partial health benefits. Deadline for 
applications is 1 February 2011, but early applications are encouraged. The 
assistantship will begin in fall 2011. Interested applicants should email CV, 
transcript, test scores, and a letter describing your research interests to Dr. 
Leland Russell (leland.russ...@wichita.edu).

Wichita State University (WSU) is a metropolitan research-intensive university 
set in a suburban area of the largest city in Kansas and attracts a diverse 
student body. The Department of Biological Sciences at WSU includes core 
facilities in environmental biology, imaging and bioinformatics, and maintains 
an animal care facility and greenhouse. Previous graduate students have gone on 
to Ph.D. programs at major research institutions or have found employment with 
state or federal natural resource management agencies. More information about 
the Department, including a complete list of departmental facilities, and 
current Graduate Faculty and their teaching and research interests is available 
on our web site at: http://www.wichita.edu/biology/. Information about graduate 
school at WSU is available at http://webs.wichita.edu/?u=gradschool.

For additional information, contact:
Dr. Leland RussellOR
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Wichita State University
Wichita, Kansas, USA

Dr. Mary Liz Jameson
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Wichita State University
Wichita, Kansas, USA

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in prairie ecology/restoration in Nebraska

2009-12-03 Thread Johannes Knops
I am looking for a MS or Ph D student interested in vegetation dynamics in 
prairie remnants and prairie restorations. 

The Nature Conservancy has restored 1,500 acres of grassland and manages 
2,000 acres of remnant prairies and uses prescribed fire and grazing to 
increase habitat quality around Grand Island, Nebraska. However, it is 
increasingly clear that environmental factors such as soil composition and 
fertility, drought susceptibility, site history and species pools 
significant influence the vegetation composition. For instance, 
observationally, we see that remnant prairies are often dominated by 
invasive grasses and are low in forb diversity. Even when subjected to years 
of management to suppress invasive grasses and repeated over-seeding 
attempts, forb diversity fails to increase. Conversely, cropland 
restorations planted with 150-230 species successfully establish diverse 
plant communities. However, these restorations are threatened by the same 
invasive grass species and we see large variation among sites. There seems 
to be environmental variability, presently unaccounted for, that is 
hindering successful efforts to rehabilitate remnant prairies and restored 

A student working on this project would examine remnants and restored 
prairies to determine how management (including fire and grazing), site 
history and site environmental factors correlate with vegetation 
composition, diversity, and the abundance of at-risk and invasive species. 
Our goal is to gain a better understanding of the factors that control 
diversity, and develop control and management strategies that increase 
diversity, decrease the prevalence of invasive species, and increase the 
abundance of at-risk species. For this permanently marked plots will be set 
up and an annual monitoring program will be started. Longer term we want to 
examine temporal vegetation changes in relation to climate and succession 
and determine the trajectory of vegetation changes within these permanent 
plots and develop experiment to test what environmental factors drive these 
patterns. This project will start in May 2010 and the permanent plot setup 
and the initiation of the monitoring program are funded by the Nebraska Game 
and Parks Commission.

If you are interested in this project please contact me.

Johannes (Jean) M H Knops
School of Biological Sciences
University of Nebraska
348 Manter Hall
Lincoln, NE 68588
Phone (402) 310 3904
Email: jkno...@unl.edu

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity: ocean biogeochemistry - climate, UPenn

2009-11-25 Thread David Inouye

Graduate Student Opportunity:

I am seeking a highly motivated graduate student to join my ocean
biogeochemistry- climate research group in the Department of Earth and
Environmental Science at University of Pennsylvania (UPenn).

Applicants must be self-motivated and hard working with good written
and verbal communication skills. A strong background in physics,
chemistry, engineering, oceanography or atmospheric science is ideal.
Past programming experience under the Linux environment (especially
programming in Fortran, matlab or python) is highly desirable. The
research will combine theoretical aspects with running climate change
simulations and sensitivity studies (using a general circulation
model) on the new state-of-the-art computer cluster we have recently
acquired for our group.

Possible scientific research areas include (a) developing a
theoretical understanding for what controls the oceanic sink for
atmospheric CO2; (b) studying large scale trends as well as decadal
trends and variability in ocean phytoplankton ecology and ocean carbon
cycle; (c) combining theoretical ecology with climate modeling to
understand the link between climate, nutrient supply and ocean
plankton distribution; (d) the role of ocean mixing and circulation in
determining the ocean carbon uptake and the global scale oceanic
distribution of nutrients and carbon dioxide; (e) changes in the
hydrological cycle and resulting impacts on climate on decadal to
millenial time scales.

Another potential thesis topic is the future of the Southern Ocean
carbon sink under a warming climate and the resulting implications for
ecosystem ecology. This project will quantify future changes in
phytoplankton growth and ecology by simulating future global climate
changes in both a global climate model and regional ocean models of
the Weddell Sea, Antarctic Peninsula and Ross Sea. From a technical
point of view, the project will involve incorporating and testing
biogeochemistry modules in regional models of the Southern Ocean.

The position starts in the summer or fall 2010. If interested please
contact me at imarinovATsas.upenn.edu.

Please note that applications are due in December 2009. For details
see the PhD program page at UPenn 
(http://www.sas.upenn.edu/earth/graduate.htm ) and 

Dr. Irina Marinov
Dept of Earth & Environmental Science
Univ of Pennsylvania
240 S. 33rd Street -Hayden Hall 153
Philadelphia, PA 19104
tel: 215.898.1014

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity in Grassland Paleoecology

2009-10-06 Thread David M. Nelson

Graduate Student Opportunity in Grassland Paleoecology

A graduate student assistantship (MS or PhD) is available beginning in  
Spring or Fall 2010 as part of an NSF project that aims at  
understanding the influences of fire, atmospheric CO2, and climate on  
C4-grass abundance on the basis of paleoecological and stable-isotope  
analyses. The successful applicant will investigate grassland  
responses to environmental change at sites in East Africa and  
Australia, interact with scientists from several countries (US, UK,  
Belgium, Australia), and participate in educating the general public  
concerning climate change and grassland ecosystems. The student will  
be encouraged to design his/her research project within the overall  
objectives of the project. Funding is available through research and  
teaching assistantships.

This is a collaborative research project among Dr. Feng Sheng Hu  
(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Dr. David Nelson  
(University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Appalachian  
Laboratory) and Dr. Ann Pearson (Harvard University). Students may  
choose to apply through the University of Illinois (Department of  
Plant Biology, Department of Geology, or the Program in Ecology,  
Evolution and Conservation Biology) or the Marine-Estuarine- 
Environmental Sciences Program at the University of Maryland, College  
Park. Please contact Dr. Hu (f...@life.uiuc.edu) or Dr. Nelson (dmnel...@al.umces.edu 
) for more information.

David Nelson, Assistant Professor
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Appalachian Laboratory
301 Braddock Rd.
Frostburg, MD 21532
Phone: 301-689-7171
Email: dmnel...@al.umces.edu
Web: http://www.al.umces.edu/people/faculty/davidnelson.htm

[ECOLOG-L] graduate student opportunity

2009-06-08 Thread Robert Booth

Graduate Student Opportunity at Lehigh University
Peatland ecology/paleoecology

The Earth & Environmental Science Department at Lehigh University has  
an opening for a graduate student (MS or PhD) as part of a newly NSF- 
funded project aimed at better understanding processes of peatland  
initiation and expansion in south-central Alaska. The project will  
characterize modern and historical rates and processes associated with  
peatland lateral expansion, placing recent changes in the context of  
regional hydrology and long-term developmental history.

Full funding (tuition and stipend) is available through a research  
assistantship. Specific dissertation/thesis topic is flexible as long  
it fits within the context of the overall project. Preference will be  
given to candidates who can begin in Fall 2009 or Spring 2010. For   
more information, please contact Bob Booth (rkb...@lehigh.edu) and  
Zicheng Yu (z...@lehigh.edu).

Robert K. Booth
Earth and Environmental Science Department
Lehigh University
31 Williams Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18015

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity: University of Alberta

2009-04-15 Thread Erbilgin, Nadir
A MSc or PhD opportunity is available for research on the role of plant
growth and biomass (root/shoot ratio) in tolerance and resistance of
aspen against its primary pests, Forest Tent Caterpillar and the Aspen
Leaf Miner, in western Canada. We are particularly interested in
investigating the chemical (defensive compounds) and physiological
mechanisms of tolerance and resistance, and how these mechanisms are
influenced by plant growing conditions.

This is a joint MSc or PhD program between Drs. Simon Landhausser,
Industrial Chair and Professor of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, and
Nadir Erbilgin, Canada Research Chair and Assistant Professor in Forest
Entomology, at the University of Alberta, Department of Renewable
Resources (http://www.ales.ualberta.ca/rr/). Depending on the interest
and quality of the MSc or PhD applicants, the project offers
considerable flexibility in designing a research program that
investigates areas of personal interest, such as plant-insect
interaction and chemical ecology, within the overall framework of the

Background in ecology, entomology, chemical ecology, or a related field
is essential, as is an interest in the linkages between trees and
insects. Experience with any of the following will be an asset, but is
not required: plant-insect interactions, chemical ecology, forest
ecology, and silviculture. Proficiency in spoken and written English is
a necessity.

Selection of a student will be based on academic achievements, reference
letters and previous research experience. Strong verbal, written, and
computational skills are essential. Tuition and fees and a standard
Graduate Assistantship can be offered. Students are also eligible for
Tri-Council graduate scholarships (e.g. NSERC) in their first year.

The laboratory and field works will start in May 2009. The candidate is
expected to start in September 2009. The applicant must meet the
entrance requirement for The University of Alberta, Department of
Renewable Resources, which can be viewed at:

Interested candidates should e-mail their transcript, curriculum vitae,
a letter describing their research experience and interests (2 page
limit), recent TOEFL scores (if appropriate), and the names and contact
information of three references to Dr. Nadir Erbilgin, Department of
Renewable Resources, 230A Earth Science Building, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, CANADA. Phone: (780)-492-8693; Fax:
(780)-492-1767. Email: erbil...@ualberta.ca

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity in quantitative population ecology

2009-03-23 Thread Masami Fujiwara
I am currently accepting a graduate student (M.S. or PhD) in quantitative 
population ecology to start in fall 2009 at Texas A&M University 
(Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences). A research topic is 
flexible within the area of quantitative population ecology (both applied 
and theoretical). Example of potential topics include modeling sublethal 
effects of infectious diseases on population processes, developing 
quantitative tools for assessing the status of exploited populations, and 
effects of harvesting on the life history strategy of organisms.

You can find more about the department and application process at 
http://wfscnet.tamu.edu/. Interested students should contact me 
immediately fujiw...@alum.mit.edu. Applications from international 
students are no longer accepted for this fall but may be considered for 
spring 2010. 

Masami Fujiwara

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity at the University of Oklahoma

2009-01-24 Thread Jason Julian

*Graduate Student Opportunity at Oklahoma University** *
*Fluvial Geomorphology/Water Resources/Stream Ecology*

The Geography Department at the University of Oklahoma has an opening 
for one graduate student (Master’s or PhD) to work on a project at the 
interface of fluvial geomorphology, ecology, and public policy. We would 
like to admit a student who is interested in studying landscape effects 
on any of the following river resources: water availability, sediment 
transport, primary productivity, temperature, and water quality. Full 
funding is available through a teaching assistantship and potentially a 
research assistantship after the second year. Supplementary fellowships 
are also available to exceptional candidates.

The University of Oklahoma is located in Norman, OK, which sits at the 
boundary between the Central Great Plains and the Cross Timbers 
physiographic regions in central Oklahoma. Oklahoma is made up of 12 
different ecoregions, providing for a diversity of research 
opportunities, as well as leisure activities. Norman is a traditional 
college town, and is just 15 miles south of Oklahoma City.

Please send a CV, statement of research interests, contact information 
for three references, and unofficial transcripts to jjul...@ou.edu 
 by Feb 5.

Jason P. Julian
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
University of Oklahoma
Email: jjul...@ou.edu 
Website: http://ags.ou.edu/~jjulian/ 

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Opportunity: Old-Growth Forest Ecology

2008-12-17 Thread Ryan McEwan
An opportunity exists for a MS-Level student in a collaborative analysis of
an outstanding example of old-growth mixed mesophytic forest in southeastern
Kentucky.  Research will be conducted at the Lilley Cornett Woods
Appalachian Research Station.  The student will be based at Eastern Kentucky
University in the Cumberland Laboratory of Forest Science (
http://people.eku.edu/pedersonn/clfs.php), but will be jointly advised by
Dr. Neil Pederson (EKU) and Dr. Ryan McEwan from the University of Dayton (
http://academic.udayton.edu/RyanMcEwan).  We are seeking a motivated student
who is eager to work in steep, forested, terrain in all weather conditions.
This student will conduct a highly rigorous ecological analysis of historic
permanent plots established in 1971, and will be responsible for management
of these and other related data sets.  Field dendrology skills are required,
and must be balanced by an eagerness to learn and implement complex
statistical analyses using large data sets.  Students with proven research
expertise in these areas are encouraged to apply.

The student will be supported by a teaching assistantship through the
Department of Biology at Eastern Kentucky University.

We would prefer if the student could start in Summer '09.

One paid Old-growth Forest Internship will be set aside for the successful


Interested individuals are encouraged to view the following web sites:

Department of Biology (EKU): http://www.biology.eku.edu

Cumberland Laboratory of Forest Science:

Laboratory of Environmental Ecology:  http://academic.udayton.edu/RyanMcEwan

Dr. Shannon Galbraith-Kent, assistant professor at Thomas More College and
the last MS student to collect from the permanent plots, will also be
involved in the project:

EKU is located in Richmond, Kentucky, on the border of Kentucky's Bluegrass
Region and the Cumberland Plateau.  Abundant opportunities for outdoor
recreation exist in the surrounding region, including perhaps the best rock
climbing in the country at the Red River Gorge.  Richmond is a city of
30,000 and is located 25 miles southeast of Lexington, KY, which has
abundant cultural amenities.  Priority applications are due February 15th,
2009.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact either Neil or Ryan
prior to applying.

Ryan McEwan
The University of Dayton

[ECOLOG-L] graduate student opportunity

2008-09-16 Thread Jeff Hicke

Dear Colleagues--

Below please find an advertisement for a graduate student.

Jeff Hicke

Graduate student opportunity in forest ecosystems and insect outbreaks 
at the University of Idaho.

Funding is available for an M.S. or Ph.D. student in the area of forest 
ecosystems and insect outbreaks.  Possible research topics include using 
lidar remote sensing to quantify beetle disturbance impacts to forest 
carbon stocks and determining the effects of climate change on recent 
bark beetle outbreaks. The student will participate in a statewide 
interdisciplinary research project addressing climate change in Idaho. 
Candidates will have a background in geography, ecology, entomology, 
biogeosciences, or a related field.  Desired qualifications include a 
quantitative background and an interest in fieldwork in mountainous 
regions of Idaho. Students have the opportunity to receive a degree in 
either Geography (www.uidaho.edu/geography) or the Environmental Science 
Program (www.uidaho.edu/envs).  The position provides salary support of 
$22,000-25,500 annually for two years plus health insurance, tuition, 
and fees. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, CV, GPA, GRE 
scores, and a personal statement that describes the candidate’s interest 
in the position and relevant education and experience to Dr. Jeffrey 
Hicke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Inquiries via email or phone (208-885-6240) 
are welcome.


Jeffrey Hicke
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
University of Idaho
McClure Hall Room 305D

Mailing Address:
McClure Hall Room 203
PO Box 443021
Moscow, ID 83844-3021

Phone: 208-885-6240
Fax: 208-885-2855