[Elecraft] Re: (Elecraft) First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread n5ib
Just to add one more suggestion to the ones already offered about
organizing your build.

In addition to the parts sorting and inventory, I made an enlarged
(11x17) copy of the schematics. As each part was installed I used a
highlighter pen to mark that component on the schematic. Not only did
that serve as one more cross-check, but in addition to a physical sense
of the part location I also gained some insight as to its purpose in the

Jim N5IB

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[Elecraft] Re: Amplifier for use with Heil products and K2

2006-08-16 Thread Tim O'Rourke
When the SSB adaptor came out there was a small circuit board offered by I 
believe the Arazonia Scorpions group that attached to the mic configuration 
header. Been a while so I may have some of the details wrong the group can 
correct me, but I used it and it worked FB. You should be able to Google it and 
find the circuit.
Tim W4YN
>Message: 2
>Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 11:39:37 -
>From: "Charlie, W0YG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Elecraft] Amplifier for use with Heil products and K2
>To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
>Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
>   reply-type=original
>What amplifier is recommended for use with a Heil headset with the #5 
>element?  I seem to be missing this in the discussions currently ongoing.
>Thanks and 73,
>Charlie, W0YG..>>

Tim O'Rourke 
Low Power Amateur Radio Rocks 
Member of Flying Pigs,ARCI,GQRP,RSGB,ARRL Life Member
NHRA Life Member
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RE: [Elecraft] Re: (Elecraft) First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Bill Johnson
Craig, I use a similar method to yours despite being encouraged to be more
inventory minded. The only issue I have had so far, soldering... sometimes I
miss a lead after populating, even though I check at least twice!  I have
investing in some better magnifying glasses and lights along with an in
circuit component checker just to speed things up. Building to me is akin to
knitting I would suppose.  I would not care for the latter though.

I have only found one part missing, a resistor, for which I had a spare in
my own parts bin.  No Biggie given the amount of kit building I have done.

K2-35 & 5279; KX1-35/3080
 -Original Message-
Just to keep the universe in balance let me suggest the complete opposite
technique: I separate the parts by type (resistors, capacitors, diodes,
etc.). I don't do an inventory (Christine usually does a really, really good
job) but I do make sure I have the right part in my hand before soldering.
While I've messed up some other things (put a electrolytic cap in backwards
but fortunately none of the smoke got out) I haven't had a problem with this
method. To each his own, of course. IMHO, YMMV, etc.

K1 #1966
K2/100 #4941
KX1 #1499
KX1 #1541 (still in the box)
K1 #?? (in the postal system somewhere)

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[Elecraft] Building and inventorying

2006-08-16 Thread Bill Johnson
One other simple thing I do... I have an electronic tweezers and all
resistors and capacitors get a quick check before inserting.  It is fast a

I like the corrugated box sorting method, especially when doing something as
big as the K2.  Otherwise, back to the pile and use method.

K2-35 & 5279; KX1-35/3080
..than putting the components in bins or taping them to a sheet of
paper, but
then Your Mileage May Vary - organize the components in ny way that you can
easily access them when needed, that is more important than the precise
method of accomplishing that goal.

Fortunately, the base K2 now packages the resistors in assembly step order
on a strip, so you do not have to sort the resistors as we did in the
earlier days.


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Re: [Elecraft] Re: (Elecraft) First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Karl Larsen

Joseph Trombino Jr wrote:

Howdy Gang:

I've built a bunch of kits over the years and the following technique 
works very well for me and keeps me from messing up...it is a bit 
labor intensive but it has proved to be foolproof for me (me being the 
fool or course:)

I get sheet of legal size paper and write down the numbers of the 
components.i.e., R1, R2, C1 C2, etc, I do all the resistors and then 
the capacitors.

I tape all the resistors and caps next to their designator on the paper.

When I install a part I cross its number off of the list.

I do this for diodes, transistors, toroids, etcnot the spare 
chassis parts though (grin)

I can then tell when all those values have been used up and if I have 
any extra left over...meaning I made a mistake with another part and I 
can go looking for my mistake.

It takes some time to do this but I find it much better than putting 
parts in certain containers by value.with my system I can tell if 
I have installed the correct number of a particular part value.

Maybe not for everyone cause it is labor intensive but I find the kits 
go together faster and with much fewer mistakes with this system.

   73, Joe W2KJ
   I QRP, therefore, I am

   Hi Joe, I last built an AT Sprint 3 kit. It is a complete radio and 
there are a lot of parts in plastic bags. Instructions are clear to NOT 
OPEN THE CAPACITORS because they are not marked! When we get to mounting 
the capacitors you dump a sack into a  desert dish and then install all 
18 of them. Then open another bag into the dish and carry on until all 
the capacitors are mounted.

This dish method worked fine and the components are surface mount 
type. But you need to get the dishes when the wife is not looking :-)

73 Karl K5DI

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Re: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Bill:

I just ordered mine and a question has already popped up in my 
fevered brain.  Since the parts are arranged in different bags, one 
for each board, does it make sense to inventory and separate parts 
for each board?  In other words, inventory and separate the control 
board parts and then finish the board.  Once done, then proceed to 
an inventory/separation/finish of the front panel board and then so 
on.  It seems to me it would cut down on clutter from parts that are 
not yet needed and create more usable space on my workdesk.

For the K2, many, if not all of the resistors will come on a reel, in 
the order to be used. This cuts down on the inventory pretty significantly.

Were it me, I'd perform an inventory of ALL components  of the K2 
BEFORE beginning assembly. This way, should anything be missing, you 
can request a replacement and still have it in time for timely 
installation. Elecraft is usually good to respond within 24 hours of 
receipt of your request.

The inventory can be performed on a per-bag basis, so you don't get 
things mixed up and possibly out of order.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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[Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Fred (FL)

As a previous builder of MANY Heathkits, 2 or 3
good sized Boats, a 3-car PoleBarn, a couple of Homes,
and most recently K2 # 5422 - I had success
with these methods:

Assumption:  Elecraft's Christine and the other
very smart Techs, rarely if ever seem to mispackage
or short items from the various K2 section packages.
I think in K2 # 5422 - I was short 1 small diode.

0. Get yourself a good set of basic TOOLS; a solder
sucker, a good pair of small flush-cut dikes, a sharp
knife, small tweezers, and very good low-rosin Kester
Solder.  A good sized hand magnifiying glass.  Some
rubber bands.  Throw the de-solder braid, in the
trash can.  A good solder-station - can be found
for $25.   A good basic digital VOM, with C's
measurent capability, also like $25.  A jar of
alcohol.  Nice clean rag.  Anti-static desk mat,
wrist-strap.  A good desk lamp.

00. Inventory MAJOR SECTIONS - are the
PCB board there, are there bags for each section,
etc.  Are the chasis metal parts there?

1. Buy the Mr. TOROID Guy's toroid set, for your
Elecraft kit.  He does a much better job of building
these critical L parts, than we will probably do.
I felt this was the single most important decision I
did - when I built K2 # 5422.  If one is the least
tired, or rushed - and trys to wind an important L
toroid - good luck!  Screwing just 1 up - will cause
you all sorts of troubleshooting time.  And mis-wound
toroids may give you a K2 that may never really stack
up among the best performers.

2. DO NOT do a complete INVENTORY of all the Elecraft
Parts, when you start.  I know this sounds dumb, but
the chance of homogenizing all the parts together is
too tempting and too possible.  The risk of breaking
or loosing parts is also risky.  The risk of handling
all those parts, probably without any static
protection, could ruin semiconductor parts.

I've felt it is very risky to attempt to INVENTORY
all the K2 parts, at the start.  First you probably
haven't the foggiest which part is for what.  And
if you loose or homogenize them together - GOOD
LUCK!  (I'm still searching for that 1 small diode,
that I had at the onset - but which vanished 3 weeks

3. Concentrate on building each K2 section alone.
Work on it, check it, test it, perform whatever
checks the manual calls for.  The manual technique
is organized that way.

4. Sort out those parts needed for that ONE SECTION,
into small ceramic bowls: capacitors, diodes,
resistors take care of themselves, mechanical
fasteners, wire items, IC's & transistors, and
misc devices.   Have a "mechanical" bowl.

As you near the completion of each K2 section -
attempt to determine if you have any missing
or broken parts to replace.  GET THOSE ORDERS
into Elecraft, and request FIRST CLASS US POSTAL
delivery.  The $5 postal fee is well worth it!
Do this part-order process, like 5 days before
you expect to complete a given section.

5. DO NOT use use Styrofoam containers to store parts
- I tend to think this stuff stores static charge (Q),
and can ruin semiconductor parts POW.

Putting parts and devices into holes in cardboard
- was not productive for me.  If you sort into ceramic
bowls - it forces you to recognize those
parts you have to work with, and you will quickly
learn the physical appearance of all these many
many different parts. You will know what a "103"
is, a "2N4446" is, etc.  5 or 6 ceramic bowls works.

When the bowl(s) are empty - hopefully you are at
the end of a build section, in the manual.

6. If you must retrace yourself, and install missing
or broken parts in a previous kit section - make some
notes in your manual, to point your way for going
back - when the Elecraft parts package arrives.

7. By all means, take your time.  Perhaps 2 hour
sints at the most.  If you start getting groggy
or tired, you concentration will vanish - and
mistakes will happen.  EXPECT to make some
builder mistakes.  We are all human.

8. Enjoy the project - heck, we could probably buy
a completed transceiver for a similiar price, and
save the hundred hours it takes to build a K2.  But,
you will end up with an inferior commercial product,
and one that you haven't the foggiest idea of how it's
built or how it performs and operates.

Melted solder smells good!  :)

Enjoy - 
Fred & 73's
... hit my thumb with my hammer, more than once!

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: (Elecraft) First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Stephen Brandt
To Whom This May Concern,

Sounds like a great idea.  But I have one concern.  Paper is a wonderful
generator of static electricity.  Or least this was drummed into me many
time at work.  Be sure to use proper esd procedures and be careful with
paper.  Good luck.


Steve Brandt N7VS

> Howdy Gang:
> I've built a bunch of kits over the years and the following technique
> very well for me and keeps me from messing up...it is a bit labor
> but it has proved to be foolproof for me (me being the fool or course:)
> I get sheet of legal size paper and write down the numbers of the
> components.i.e., R1, R2, C1 C2, etc, I do all the resistors and then the
> capacitors.
> I tape all the resistors and caps next to their designator on the paper.
> When I install a part I cross its number off of the list.
> I do this for diodes, transistors, toroids, etcnot the spare chassis
> parts though (grin)
> I can then tell when all those values have been used up and if I have any
> extra left over...meaning I made a mistake with another part and I can go
> looking for my mistake.
> It takes some time to do this but I find it much better than putting parts
> in certain containers by value.with my system I can tell if I have
> installed the correct number of a particular part value.
> Maybe not for everyone cause it is labor intensive but I find the kits go
> together faster and with much fewer mistakes with this system.
> 73, Joe W2KJ
> I QRP, therefore, I am

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[Elecraft] Status of Linear Amplifiers

2006-08-16 Thread Ed Lambert
Anyone know the approval status or distribution staus of the amplifiers
shown at Dayton?


Ed Lambert KD3Y

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Re: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Vic K2VCO

Tom Hammond wrote:

Were it me, I'd perform an inventory of ALL components  of the K2 BEFORE 
beginning assembly. This way, should anything be missing, you can 
request a replacement and still have it in time for timely installation. 
Elecraft is usually good to respond within 24 hours of receipt of your 

This comes up regularly, but for the benefit of the new builders, it's 
worth repeating.  I agree with Tom but would also add that the process 
of looking at the parts and deciding which is which during the inventory 
makes it much less likely that you will install the wrong part later.

And the time spent inventorying will be mostly made up when you don't 
need to search for a part during construction.  Having everything easily 
accessible makes the building flow more smoothly, too.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Vic K2VCO

Fred (FL) wrote:

1. Buy the Mr. TOROID Guy's toroid set, for your
Elecraft kit.  He does a much better job of building
these critical L parts, than we will probably do.
I felt this was the single most important decision I
did - when I built K2 # 5422.  If one is the least
tired, or rushed - and trys to wind an important L
toroid - good luck!  Screwing just 1 up - will cause
you all sorts of troubleshooting time.  And mis-wound
toroids may give you a K2 that may never really stack
up among the best performers.

Well...Mr Toroid Guy does a good job and his toroids are very neat.  But 
this makes it sound like winding them requires special skill or is very 
critical.  Not so!  Just remember that each pass through the hole is one 
turn, try to space the windings as explained in the instructions, and 
strip the leads properly.

Even if they don't come out as neat as they might, they will work fine 
if you follow the instructions.  This is absolutely not rocket science 
or voodoo, and not too hard either!

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604
I didn't do an inventory as such, but I found it useful to sort the
capacitors by value and type, which made actual assembly much less

I used a big flat chunk of conductive foam left over from my HP days,
and inserted the leads.

73, doug
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Re: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Mike Harris


Life is too short for all this inventory paranoia.  I just read the
manuals right through, identify the unusual looking bits in the parts
list pictures, sort the caps into paper bun cases 102, 103, etc and
get on with it, installing and soldering one piece at a time, checking
for correct component, location, orientation and the subsequent joints
with a magnifier and ticking the action off in the manual.

No problems with K2 #1400, KAT2, KNB2, KSB2(x2), K60XV, KDSP2, KAF2,
KIO2, K160RX, KPA100, KAT100, wound my own toroids, don't have a
solder pot, no fancy desoldering kit just a hand operated solder
sucker, no static problems.  I could go on.  Sometimes this kit making
is turned into too big a deal.

FOLLOW THE MANUAL TO LITERAL THE WORD.  If you find a gap for R6 and
the manual hasn't told you to install it yet then it shouldn't be
installed until told to.  Don't try to out guess things.  The folks
who sorted the manuals did a great job.

Now back to sleep.


Mike VP8NO

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RE: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Darwin, Keith
I didn't inventory my K2, just built it.  Then I hit the stage of
installing caps into the RF board.  Lots of caps.  I spread them out on
the bench, sorted into groups and made sure I could ID each one.  That
was very useful so I could make sure I had the right ones.  Once that
was done I went back to my non-inventoried ways.

Rig works great.

- Keith KD1E -
- K2 5411 -
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[Elecraft] Sand/scrape mechanical connection points on EC2 case?

2006-08-16 Thread Ken Rice

Dear Elecrafters,

Do I need to sand or scrape the points where the EC2 panels join together so
that the whole case forms a continuous Faraday cage?

This seems to be done in the K2's case, but the EC2 case doesn't have the
bare metal masked areas seen on the K2 case.

What do you think?

Thanks and 73,
Ken Rice
Coopersburg, PA
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Re: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread w6jd
And, actually, a lot of fun.


-- Original message -- 

> Fred (FL) wrote: 
> > 1. Buy the Mr. TOROID Guy's toroid set, for your 
> > Elecraft kit. He does a much better job of building 
> > these critical L parts, than we will probably do. 
> > I felt this was the single most important decision I 
> > did - when I built K2 # 5422. If one is the least 
> > tired, or rushed - and trys to wind an important L 
> > toroid - good luck! Screwing just 1 up - will cause 
> > you all sorts of troubleshooting time. And mis-wound 
> > toroids may give you a K2 that may never really stack 
> > up among the best performers. 
> Well...Mr Toroid Guy does a good job and his toroids are very neat. But 
> this makes it sound like winding them requires special skill or is very 
> critical. Not so! Just remember that each pass through the hole is one 
> turn, try to space the windings as explained in the instructions, and 
> strip the leads properly. 
> Even if they don't come out as neat as they might, they will work fine 
> if you follow the instructions. This is absolutely not rocket science 
> or voodoo, and not too hard either! 
> -- 
> 73, 
> Vic, K2VCO 
> Fresno CA 
> http://www.qsl.net/k2vco 
> ___ 
> Elecraft mailing list 
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[Elecraft] Software access to the real time clock in the KAF2

2006-08-16 Thread Bob G3PJT


Does anyone know an easy way to access the time/ date info on the real 
time clock through software (apart from simulating the key presses in 
software that is) ?



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Re: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Fred Jensen

Vic K2VCO wrote:

Even if they don't come out as neat as they might, they will work fine 
if you follow the instructions.  This is absolutely not rocket science 
or voodoo, and not too hard either!

The nice thing about toroidal inductors is that their inductance is less 
sensitive to the "esthetics" of the winding than with solonoidal 
inductors.  Each pass through the donut hole counts as a "turn" so when 
you first stick the end of the wire through the hole to start winding, 
you've already put one turn on.  When you bring the long end around the 
core and stick it back through, you have two turns on although only one 
shows on the outside of the core.

Wanting "The Full K2 Experience," I did all of mine myself.  Elecraft 
gives you plenty of wire for a do-over or two, the lengths they tell you 
to start with are all more than sufficient, and all but one have a 
civilized number of turns with civilized wire size (the one with many 
turns of very fine wire comes pre-wound for you).

The only problem I had stemmed from the apparent fact that the 
illustrations (and board placement) are intrinsically right-handed.  I'm 
left-handed and my first try looked really good, however the leads 
didn't line up with the holes in the board when the core was positioned 
over the silk screened outline.  They didn't on the do-over either.  I 
watched my right-handed wife do it (her's came out correct) and I 
decided to just adapt and wind them all like she did (we lefties are 
used to the tyranny of the right-handers)

[Small digression:  News story a couple of days ago in the Sacramento 
Bee revealed that college-educated left-handed males on average will 
make 15% more money in their lifetime than college-educated right-handed 
males.  So there!  My wife read the story and said, "What did you do 
with your 15%?"]

Be very careful and deliberate with T5.  It has two windings and the 
direction of each winding is critical.

And it is far easier to do the "Solder-blob heat stripping" than it is 
to describe it.  I agree with Vic, the toroids are a paper tiger, and 
are not rocket science.  OTOH: I've seen Mychael's and they *do* look a 
little better than mine! I'd be surprised if his K2 works any better 
than mine, however.

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[Elecraft] KXB3080 problem

2006-08-16 Thread Soaring Eagles

Hi Folks!

I build KX1 sn/1519 and it worked great! I finished building up the KXB3080 
and installed it last night. All the tests were fine as I went along in the 
build. However, when I try to peak the receiver, I'm not getting any 
signals. I don't have an XG1 or 2, although I might need one!  Also, 
it doesn't make any difference where I set the RF Gain control, and I'm 
thinking that's significant. I've looked for the obvious shorts and 
incorrectly installed parts but can't find any.

I'd appreciate any help. I usually get just the digest, so if you want to 
respond direct, please do so.

Thanks a lot!!!

Jim Ujcik, WD9HBC

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Re: [Elecraft] KXB3080 problem

2006-08-16 Thread David Toepfer
I had a similar problem (not no signals, just no pronounced peak) when I was
trying to use an antenna through a balun.  When I removed the balun the issue
was resolved.  The peaks were much more pronounced.

David, k3tue

--- Soaring Eagles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> I build KX1 sn/1519 and it worked great! I finished building up the KXB3080 
> and installed it last night. All the tests were fine as I went along in the 
> build. However, when I try to peak the receiver, I'm not getting any 
> signals. I don't have an XG1 or 2, although I might need one!  Also, 
> it doesn't make any difference where I set the RF Gain control, and I'm 
> thinking that's significant. I've looked for the obvious shorts and 
> incorrectly installed parts but can't find any.
> I'd appreciate any help. I usually get just the digest, so if you want to 
> respond direct, please do so.
> Thanks a lot!!!
> Jim Ujcik, WD9HBC
> ___
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>  http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] Sand/scrape mechanical connection points on EC2 case?

2006-08-16 Thread Don Wilhelm

The answer to that will depend on what you put into the EC2 case - an
external speaker will not need it, but an RF Amp will.


> -Original Message-
> Do I need to sand or scrape the points where the EC2 panels join
> together so
> that the whole case forms a continuous Faraday cage?
> This seems to be done in the K2's case, but the EC2 case doesn't have the
> bare metal masked areas seen on the K2 case.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] KXB3080 problem

2006-08-16 Thread Don Wilhelm

One thing that will cause that problem is if the 'D' and '5' wires are
interchanged - they should cross over each other (guess how I discovered
that )

Did you make the PC trace cut on the KX1 board?
Is T2 wound correctly and installed properly? - it should look like the
photos.  Were the toroid leads properly stripped?  The unstripped lead
length is rather critical in the KXB3080, but the proper lengths are
indicated in the manual.
Did you place the 'A' and 'B' wires as indicated in the manual? - they are
mixed on the KXB3080 board, so the wire marked A on the KXB3080 goes to the
B position on the KX1 board, etc.

Have you checked transmmit yet?  If you get proper RF output, you can be
reasonably certain that the Low Pass Filter is OK, but if you find no or low
power on transmit, look at the Low Pass Filter for the problem.  The LPF
(and the DDS) are the only components shared by both the receiver and the


> -Original Message-
> I build KX1 sn/1519 and it worked great! I finished building up
> the KXB3080
> and installed it last night. All the tests were fine as I went
> along in the
> build. However, when I try to peak the receiver, I'm not getting any
> signals. I don't have an XG1 or 2, although I might need one!
>  Also,
> it doesn't make any difference where I set the RF Gain control, and I'm
> thinking that's significant. I've looked for the obvious shorts and
> incorrectly installed parts but can't find any.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] KXB3080 problem

2006-08-16 Thread Craig Rairdin
Building the KXB3080 is like that old game where the teacher gives everyone
a piece of paper where the first instruction was "Read all instructions
before doing anything". There'd be all kinds of instructions like "stand up
and sing the national anthem" and "yell out the name of the person next to
you". Then the last instruction was "Don't do any of the instructions above.
Write your name on the top of the paper and hand it back to the instructor."
The whole thing was an exercise in following instructions.

With its mislabelled pads, cut traces, wires that cross each other, torroids
that are mirror images of each other but  with exact yet different
strip-lengths, the KXB3080 is probably the most challenging Elecraft kit to
get right. Not to mention the gymnastics required to install it without
shorting that one wire that has to cross behind the board without shorting
to the pad right next to it. And making it fit under the ATU.

I love it. :-)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Wilhelm
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 4:00 PM
To: Soaring Eagles; elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] KXB3080 problem


One thing that will cause that problem is if the 'D' and '5' wires are
interchanged - they should cross over each other (guess how I discovered
that )

Did you make the PC trace cut on the KX1 board?
Is T2 wound correctly and installed properly? - it should look like the
photos.  Were the toroid leads properly stripped?  The unstripped lead
length is rather critical in the KXB3080, but the proper lengths are
indicated in the manual.
Did you place the 'A' and 'B' wires as indicated in the manual? - they are
mixed on the KXB3080 board, so the wire marked A on the KXB3080 goes to the
B position on the KX1 board, etc.

Have you checked transmmit yet?  If you get proper RF output, you can be
reasonably certain that the Low Pass Filter is OK, but if you find no or low
power on transmit, look at the Low Pass Filter for the problem.  The LPF
(and the DDS) are the only components shared by both the receiver and the


> -Original Message-
> I build KX1 sn/1519 and it worked great! I finished building up
> the KXB3080
> and installed it last night. All the tests were fine as I went
> along in the
> build. However, when I try to peak the receiver, I'm not getting any
> signals. I don't have an XG1 or 2, although I might need one!
>  Also,
> it doesn't make any difference where I set the RF Gain control, and I'm
> thinking that's significant. I've looked for the obvious shorts and
> incorrectly installed parts but can't find any.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Jack Smith


The only problem I had stemmed from the apparent fact that the 
illustrations (and board placement) are intrinsically right-handed.  
I'm left-handed and my first try looked really good, however the leads 
didn't line up with the holes in the board when the core was 
positioned over the silk screened outline.  They didn't on the do-over 
either.  I watched my right-handed wife do it (her's came out correct) 
and I decided to just adapt and wind them all like she did (we lefties 
are used to the tyranny of the right-handers)

I'm extremely left-handed as well. Hence, I put all the push button 
softkey switches for the Z90 panadapter on the LEFT side of the LCD...It 
works a lot better for me than having them on the right hand side.

So far, no one has commented on that, which might mean that hams are (a) 
unobservant or (b) all left-handed as well.


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar: Aug 17 - Sep18, 2006

2006-08-16 Thread Ken Newman

August 17 - September 18, 2006 

Summer FOX Hunt - QRP 20M CW
UTC: August 18, 0100z to 0229z 
EDT:  August 17, 9 PM  to 1029 PM

Info: http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org/
SARTG WW RTTY Contest ... Low Power Category
Aug 19, z to 0800z
Aug 19, 1600z to 2400z
Aug 20, 0800z to 1600z
Rules: http://www.sartg.com/contest/wwrules.htm
QRP ARCI Silent Key Memorial Contest (CW) *** QRP CONTEST! ***
Aug 19, 1500z to 1800z
Rules: http://www.qrparci.org
BUBBA Summer QRP Sprint *** QRP CONTEST! ***
Aug 19, 1600z to 2200z
Rules: http://www.azscqrpions.org
North American QSO Party (SSB) ... 100W Max.  (/QRP noted on entry)
Aug 19, 1800z to Aug 20, 0600z
Rules: http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php
NJ QSO Party (CW/SSB)  
Aug 19, 2000z to Aug 20, 0700z

Aug 20, 1300z to Aug 21, 0200z
Rules: http://www.qsl.net/w2rj/
EDT: Aug 20, 9 PM to 11 PM
UTC: Aug 21, 0100z 0300z
Rules: http://fpqrp.com
Hawaii QSO Party (CW/SSB/Digital) ... QRP Category   
Aug 26, 0700z to Aug 27, 2200z

Rules: http://www.karc.us/hi_qso_party.html
Ohio QSO Party (CW/SSB) ... QRP Category
Aug 26, 1600z to Aug 27, 0400z
Rules: http://www.oqp.us/
SLOVENIA CONTEST CLUB RTTY Championship .. 100W Category
Aug 26, 1200z to Aug 27, 1159z
Rules: http://lea.hamradio.si/~scc/rtty/htmlrules.htm
Colorado QRP Club Summer VHF/UHF QSO Party (CW/SSB/FM)
Aug 27, 1600z to 2000z
Rules: http://www.cqc.org/contests/index.htm
Aug 30, 9 PM to 11 PM EDT  
Rules: http://www.io.com/~n5fc/barbershop_contest.htm

Wake-Up! QRP Sprint (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Sep 02, 0400z to 0600z
Rules: http://www.qrp.ru/sprint_e.htm
IARU Region 1 Fieldday (SSB)... QRP Category
Sep 02, 1300z to Sep 03, 1300z
Rules: http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/iarur1fd.htm
AGCW Straight Key Party (CW - 40 Meters) ... QRP Category
Sep 02, 1300z to 1600z
Rules: http://www.agcw.org/agcw-con/2006/Englisch/htp_e.htm
Michigan QRP Labor Day Sprint (CW) *** QRP CONTEST! ***
Sep 04, 2300z to Sep 05, 0300z
Rules: http://www.qsl.net/miqrpclub/contest.html
Adventure Radio Spartan Sprint (CW) *** QRP CONTEST! ***
Sep 05, 0100z to 0300z  (First Monday 9 PM EDT)
Rules: http://www.arsqrp.com/
FISTS G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key Contest ... QRP Category
Sep 08, 2300z to Sep 10, 2300z
Rules: http://www.fists.org/straightkey.html
Worked All Europe DX Contest (SSB)   100W Power Category
Sep 09, z to Sep 10, 2400z
Rules: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedcw.htm
Swiss HTC QRP Sprint (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Sep 09, 1300z to 1900z
Rules: http://www.htc.ch/de/htc_sprint_contest.htm
or: http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/htcqrpsp.htm
ARRL September VHF QSO Party (All)  Low Power Category
Sep 09, 1800z to Sep 11, 0300z
Rules: http://www.arrl.org/contests/calendar.html?year=2006
Second Class Operator Club Marathon (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Sep 09, 1800z to 2400z
Rules: http://www.qsl.net/soc/contests.htm#top
NA Sprint (CW)... QRP Category
Sep 10, z to 0400z
Rules: http://www.ncjweb.com/sprintrules.php
Tennessee QSO Party (SSB/CW/Dig) ... QRP Category
Sep 10, 1800z to Sep 11, 0100z
Rules: http://www.k4ro.net/tcg.html
End of Summer PSK31 Sprint *** QRP Contest ***
Sep 10, 2000z to 2400z
Rules: h

RE: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Don Wilhelm
I never thought of it as lefthanded or righthanded, I just hold the core in
my right hand and 'sew' the wire downward through the hole with my more
agile left hand - I can see the turns better than winding fro the bottom up.
The 'righties' would hold the core in the left hand and 'sew' the wire
upward though the core center to produce the same thing.

I do not believe I have gotten my 15% yet either 


> -Original Message-
> The only problem I had stemmed from the apparent fact that the
> illustrations (and board placement) are intrinsically right-handed.  I'm
> left-handed and my first try looked really good, however the leads
> didn't line up with the holes in the board when the core was positioned
> over the silk screened outline.  They didn't on the do-over either.  I
> watched my right-handed wife do it (her's came out correct) and I
> decided to just adapt and wind them all like she did (we lefties are
> used to the tyranny of the right-handers)
> [Small digression:  News story a couple of days ago in the Sacramento
> Bee revealed that college-educated left-handed males on average will
> make 15% more money in their lifetime than college-educated right-handed
> males.  So there!  My wife read the story and said, "What did you do
> with your 15%?"]

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] KXB3080 problem

2006-08-16 Thread David Toepfer

--- Craig Rairdin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the KXB3080 is probably the most challenging Elecraft kit to get right.

I agree.

> Not to mention the gymnastics required to install it without
> shorting that one wire that has to cross behind the board without shorting
> to the pad right next to it.

I decided before i even got to that part that that would need insulation.

> And making it fit under the ATU.

That was the tricky part for me.  I thought I had it all together and then when
I tried to put the ATU on I had to unsolder the LPF module and reposition it.

David, k3tue

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] KXB3080 problem

2006-08-16 Thread Soaring Eagles

OK, I really appreciate your quick response!

I forgot to mention that the 20B cap does have a peak (not too much, but 
about the same as before, but there's no peak on 20A or 40. Also can't hear 
a peak on 30A or 30B.

'D' and '5" are correct
The trace is cut (I thought I might not have done it, so I did it again. ;) 
But, if I check do a continuity check on both sides of the old trace, I get 
a short. I have not taken the time to check this against the schematic, but 
I did check it.

T2 is wound correctly and installed properly and it does look like the 
photos. I followed the directions for stripping the toroids, so I'm not 
sure exactly what you mean here. What unstripped lead length would be a bad 
thing? If you're thinking that one of the leads is shorting somewhere it 
shouldn't, it doesn't appear to visually.

Yes, the 'A' and 'B' wires are correct (quadruple checked).

I did check transmit into a dummy load and here's what I get on my OHR WM-2
80 meters: 2 watts
40 meters: 3.5 watts
30 meters: 5.0 watts
20 meters: 3.2 watts

battery voltage shows 14.1 volts

Interestingly, the same setup showed 5 watts out on both 40 and 20 prior to 
the KXB3080 installation.

And, as I was typing this, I decided to hook back up the antenna and see 
what I heard. Well, signals were booming in on 80. Went to each band in 
turn and was able to successfully peak the 40, 30, and 20 meter filters.

So, what did I do? Don't really know. Other than going over everything 
about 10 times (no kidding) and scraping gently at 2 solder points that may 
(emphasize may) have been shorting. They didn't really look like they were, 
but there was some flux and it was shiny in the light, so I scraped a 
little between them. Don't even remember which ones they were. But, they 
were in the L6 and R1 part of the KX1 board and prolly one of the 
resoldered parts or very close to one.

I'll complete the reassembly. I planned on taking this on a trip to TX this 
week and was sweating not having it done in time. Hopefully I won't undo 
what I did do.

Thanks to everyone for putting up with the bandwidth!

Many thanks and 72 to Don. At least having some plan of action kept me 
going when I might have just given up til I got back from my trip!


At 05:00 PM 8/16/2006, Don Wilhelm wrote:


One thing that will cause that problem is if the 'D' and '5' wires are
interchanged - they should cross over each other (guess how I discovered
that )

Did you make the PC trace cut on the KX1 board?
Is T2 wound correctly and installed properly? - it should look like the
photos.  Were the toroid leads properly stripped?  The unstripped lead
length is rather critical in the KXB3080, but the proper lengths are
indicated in the manual.
Did you place the 'A' and 'B' wires as indicated in the manual? - they are
mixed on the KXB3080 board, so the wire marked A on the KXB3080 goes to the
B position on the KX1 board, etc.

Have you checked transmmit yet?  If you get proper RF output, you can be
reasonably certain that the Low Pass Filter is OK, but if you find no or low
power on transmit, look at the Low Pass Filter for the problem.  The LPF
(and the DDS) are the only components shared by both the receiver and the


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] KXB3080 problem

2006-08-16 Thread Don Wilhelm

It certainly sounds like you got it fixed even if you don't know why -

You can likely improve the 20 meter output by spreading the green winding on
the LPF inductors a bit, and 80 meters may improve by squeezing the red
turns a bit.  30 meters will normally have more output than the other bands.

Enjoy your trip.


> -Original Message-
> I did check transmit into a dummy load and here's what I get on
> my OHR WM-2
> 80 meters: 2 watts
> 40 meters: 3.5 watts
> 30 meters: 5.0 watts
> 20 meters: 3.2 watts
> battery voltage shows 14.1 volts
> Interestingly, the same setup showed 5 watts out on both 40 and
> 20 prior to
> the KXB3080 installation.
> And, as I was typing this, I decided to hook back up the antenna and see
> what I heard. Well, signals were booming in on 80. Went to each band in
> turn and was able to successfully peak the 40, 30, and 20 meter filters.
> So, what did I do? Don't really know. Other than going over everything
> about 10 times (no kidding) and scraping gently at 2 solder
> points that may
> (emphasize may) have been shorting. They didn't really look like
> they were,
> but there was some flux and it was shiny in the light, so I scraped a
> little between them. Don't even remember which ones they were. But, they
> were in the L6 and R1 part of the KX1 board and prolly one of the
> resoldered parts or very close to one.
> I'll complete the reassembly. I planned on taking this on a trip
> to TX this
> week and was sweating not having it done in time. Hopefully I won't undo
> what I did do.
> Thanks to everyone for putting up with the bandwidth!
> Many thanks and 72 to Don. At least having some plan of action kept me
> going when I might have just given up til I got back from my trip!
> Jim, WD9HBC

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Dexter vs Sinister

2006-08-16 Thread Fred Jensen

Jack Smith wrote:
> I'm extremely left-handed as well. Hence, I put all the push button
> softkey switches for the Z90 panadapter on the LEFT side of the
> LCD...It works a lot better for me than having them on the right
> hand side.
> So far, no one has commented on that, which might mean that hams
> are (a) unobservant or (b) all left-handed as well.

Most likely answer is (a).  However, years ago while still grinding away 
at the employment thing (with marginal success), I had an engineering 
team of exactly a dozen trying to rescue a project that was rattling 
around in the bottom of the tank.  Engineering schools should teach more 
project management, maybe in place of some of the math ... I never saw a 
project fail for lack of knowledge of partial differential equations, 
but I sure saw a lot that failed on elementary project management and 
rudimentary cost accounting knowledge and application.

Eleven of us were left-handed and we of course exercised our majority 
rights and set up the three CAE stations left-handed.  The one dexterous 
member took it in stride and acknowledged that payback-time does come to 
all every now and then and he adapted.  It didn't seem to affect his 
work, and I think he may have actually been a closet southpaw.

I am still looking for my 15% additional income however.  With 4 kids, 
the outgo always seem to equal the income, sometimes before the income 
came.  For the record, as a 13-yr old, I learned to send CW right-handed 
(from a left-handed Elmer) so I could write with my left hand.  "Really 
important," he said.  Turns out, I can't write very legibly with either 

I find the K2 to be pretty much non-handed.  It would be nice if the 
SPOT switch and XFIL were on the left, and I could easily tolerate MENU 
and DISPLAY on the right since I never need them during normal 
operation.  I think some of the K2 non-handedness comes from its much 
smaller size.  My FT-847 is really annoying ... the key pad is really on 
the right and I cover up the display when I use it, fingers supporting 
my hand on top and big thumb poking tiny buttons.

All in all thought, I think Wayne and Eric have done a class job.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Don,W3FPR wrote:
I never thought of it as lefthanded or righthanded, I just hold the core in
my right hand and 'sew' the wire downward through the hole with my more
agile left hand - I can see the turns better than winding fro the bottom up.
The 'righties' would hold the core in the left hand and 'sew' the wire
upward though the core center to produce the same thing.

I do not believe I have gotten my 15% yet either 

I can't begin to count the number of "Elecraft" toroids I've wound over the
years and, as a leftie, I still have to stop and think for a moment when I
start one in order to get the windings going the right direction. Add to
that a touch of dyslexia, which seems to favor lefties, and I have to be
real careflu...er, careful.

Topological trivia for y'all. Which Elecraft toroid is correctly wound

Answer below:

The answer is L1 in the T1 ATU. It's a three-turn winding that fills the
space normally left open on toroids. So, for the leads to fit the pads on
the board, it must be wound in the opposite (left-handed) direction, unlike
other Elecraft toroids. 


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Toroids and hands

2006-08-16 Thread Fred Jensen
OK, assuming Eric will allow this (he seems to be pretty liberal as a 
reflector moderator), here's several questions. Please reply *directly 
to me*, not on the reflector!!:

1.  Do you think of yourself as right or left-handed?

2.  Do/did you have any problem with the toroid winding instructions in 
your Elecraft manual?  (Mychael: your answer doesn't count!  We know you 
can do this perfectly with either hand!)

3.  With which hand do you normally write?

4.  With which hand do you normally use a knife?

5.  With which hand do you normally throw a ball or bat a baseball or a 
golf ball?

6.  Did you find a problem winding the K2 toroid inductors?

I'll collect the results and provide them on the reflector.  I've had a 
number of rigs and some were more accommodating to us lefties than 
others.  My K2 is at the top of the "Really cool" list so far .. a few 
changes would be good for the 10% of us, but then, most Elecraft 
customers are right handed.

Best Regards to all,

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] "Backward Sunspot"...

2006-08-16 Thread Vk2icq

   Thanks  for  posting that link... if this solar cycle is anything like
   the  1981  solar  cycle  then  we will be in for a real treat.  We can
   throw away those KPA-100's and have 10m open hours than a Walmart.

   Dodo - an Official Sponsor of the
   2006 FORMULA 1 (tm)
   Foster's Australian Grand Prix
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] NGEN/XG-2 Project

2006-08-16 Thread Paul T. Rubin
Hello All:


I'm putting a NGEN and an XG-2 in a small project case. Assuming that both
devices would not be on at the same time, would there be some way to couple
the outputs to a single BNC connector, without using a switch, and without
degrading the performance of the XG-2?


Also will I have any problems with stability by extending the leads for the
crystal switch a few inches?


Also does anyone know of a source for a small three position single gang
rotary switch to mount on the case to replace the switch on the XG-2 board?


On a totally different question. Does anyone have any experience with
internal lithium polymer battery packs for the K1 or KX1?


As always, thanks in advance for all the information I learn on this


Paul N8NOV

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com