[Elecraft] Operator skills training

2007-07-13 Thread Kevin Rock
This morning, after an enjoyable hour chatting with my mentor on 20 meters, I 
came to a realization about the skills learned via contesting and acting as net 
control.  Thursday night I had a fun catching both foxes in the summer fox hunt 
while on field day I had a good time work stations far and wide.  ECN has me 
digging for signals trying my best to get everyone who is trying to check in.  
After I got off the air I was out hiking around the mountain thinking about the 
contact.  There was QSB at the same rate as the CW combined with a slow fade 
which caused letters to simply disappear.  But we made it work.  If not for all 
those skills learned from other ragchews, a bit of contesting, and ECN I may 
have thrown in the towel early and said I simply cannot copy you.  But, I could 
copy him; the skills were there due to the time spent digging during contests 
and nets.  My walk was fun but the realization I had gained enough skills to 
have an hour long chat under less than ideal conditions because I had contested 
and acted as net control made my step a bit lighter and the day feel much 
better.  The aches and pains of working at a computer for many hours drained 
away as I thought about the contact.  

Amateur radio is a diverse hobby; I find each facet I explore assists me in 
becoming a better operator.  I have the most fun meeting new people and simply 
chatting away on CW for an hour or so.  Keeps me sane :)
  Kevin.   KD5ONS
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[Elecraft] KAT100: No SWR Indication

2007-07-13 Thread Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD
After working OK for several years, my KAT100 no longer indicates SWR, nor
does it tune properly.

When used with my K2/100, in ATU Auto mode, with the TUNE button, the
KAT100 starts finding a match as expected.  However, none of the SWR LEDs
illuminate, and the K2 display indicates 1.0-1 SWR during the entire
search.  I am not at all convinced that it has found a good match once the
tuning sequence completes.  An SWR bridge placed between the K2 and the
KAT often shows a poor match after tuning.

I suspect a problem in the KAT's SWR bridge, but does anyone have specific
troubleshooting advice?


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[Elecraft] Bandpass filters (again)

2007-07-13 Thread Ken Kopp

My bandpass filters ... by ICE ... measure
3" x 3" x 1.5" and work very well in multi-rig

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

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[Elecraft] Bandpass filters (again)

2007-07-13 Thread Ken Kopp
My bandpass filters ... by ICE ... measure
3" x 3" x 1.5" and work very well in multi-rig

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: K3 RX performance (tantalizing preview)

2007-07-13 Thread Bill Coleman

On May 14, 2007, at 11:48 AM, Scott Manthe wrote:

One reason is called the inverse square law.

I'm familiar with that.

There's a HUGE difference in a rig being able to deal with a  
kilowatt signal a couple blocks away and being able to deal with a  
kilowatt signal in the same room.

I'm aware of that, too.

However, I wasn't talking about a kW a couple of blocks away. I was  
talking about 100 watts in the same box, or 1.5 kW inside a 100m  
circle (tops!).

At a M/M station with more than 6 rigs, you'll have two radios on the  
SAME band, using antennas that are just a few dozen meters from each  

Another is that almost everyone who doesn't want to destroy their  
rig's front-end uses giant bandpass filters in front of each rig in  
a SO2R setup.

First, this isn't true. You don't need huge bandpass filters for an  
SO2R setup. A typical 1.5 kW SO2R station will use a set of receive  
filters or stubs to reject out-of-band signals. For 100w SO2R, you  
don't need to have the filters.

Second, in the M/M comparison, you have two rigs on the SAME band, so  
bandpass filters don't do you any good.

At NQ4I's M/M many of the second rigs don't use a bandpass filter at  
all (although he has them available -- I know, I built one set for  
him). They won't help with the in-band signals from the primary rig,  
although they are useful for getting rid of mixing products from the  
other five transmitting stations on the other bands

Including eleven of these filters to cover all the bands the K3  
will cover would make it the size of a broadcast transmitter.

You don't need it.

For reference for the HF challenged, take a look at a good set of  
repeater duplexers. Now, multiply that by eleven bands.

You don't need filters the size of repeater duplexers to do this.

It's one thing for a 2 meter/440 rig to be able to transmit and RX  
at the same time- they're running maybe 50 watts at 300 mHz  
spacing. It's not so easy with a rig running 100 watts, a kilowatt,  
or at some stations, several kilowatts at 2 or 3 mHz spacing.

At NQ4I, with antenna separation of just a few dozen meters, we can  
often receive effectively within 10 kHz of the primary station.


Let's put it this way -- many SO2R stations use the Top-Ten A/B  
switches to separate their antennas for two rigs: http://www.qth.com/ 

These switches only offer 80 dB of isolation.

The Array Solutions SixPac has similar specifications: http:// 

About 80 dB of isolation below 30 MHz. The web page indicates you  
should worry more about the coupling between antennas than the  
isolation of the switch.

So, if 80 dB of isolation is sufficient for 1.5 kW signals, then 100  
W signals would need 12 dB less, or only 68 dB to achieve the same  
level of received signal in the second receiver. Call it only 70 dB.  
That seems achievable. I don't understand why that couldn't be  
achieved in a box the size of the K3.

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 SSB

2007-07-13 Thread Bill Coleman

On Jul 9, 2007, at 12:52 PM, Gregg W6IZT wrote:

I was hoping that the tuning rate could be set by mode?

That's a standing firmware request!

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 RS323 and Data Modes {was YAQ - Yet Another (K3)Question}

2007-07-13 Thread Bill Coleman

On Jul 9, 2007, at 4:44 PM, Brian Lloyd wrote:

Well, you have just described the product offerings from Flex Radio.

Not exactly what I had in mind -- there's way too much hardware  

My concern over the Flex Radio SDR approach compared to Elecraft's  
approach in the K3 is that, in order to be able to receive multiple  
signals simultaneously, e.g. like we do in demodulating PK31, you  
have to accept all the noise and cruft in the wider passband. If  
there is a strong signal in there you have to pass it through to  
the A:D and hope that the A:D has sufficient dynamic range to deal  
with the difference between the desired signal and the undesired  

No. You don't "hope" the A/D has enough dynamic range. You have to  
design in that kind of dynamic range. Which means you've got to use  
an A/D converter which has lots of bits -- very expensive today.

Elecraft gets rid of the undesired signal by using tight roofing  

Yup, that's one approach. It also is very cost-effective for a single- 
signal type receiver.

It's still possible to get good IMD characteristics with an up- 
conversion general-coverage receiver. There are some $10,000  
radios on the market that do exactly this.

But all of them upconvert to something like a 70MHz 1st IF. You  
aren't going to find a 200Hz roofing filter there. That means you  
aren't going to get the good close-in (1KHz spacing) IMD and BDR  
performance. So to get general coverage receiver performance you  
give up close-in BDR and IMD performance. Again TANSTAAFL.

Consider the Yaesu FT DX 9000. This design has a 40 MHz first IF that  
has roofing filters of 3, 6 and 15 kHz.

Similarly, the Icom IC-7800. This design has a first IF of 64.455 MHz  
and roofing filters of 3, 6 and 15 kHz.

Both of these designs have competitive IMD and BDR characteristics.  
It is possible to do this with wider roofing filters in an up- 
conversion design. However, it isn't as cost-effective as the  
Elecraft design. (I can buy several fully-loaded K3s for the price of  
one FT DX 9000 or IC-7800)

I agree. Elecraft should be receiving the order from the ARRL for  
our school's K2. I plan to let the kids (4th-8th grades) build the  
rig under my guidance. I think that the K2 will perform a lot  
better than the other rigs that they were offering us, e.g. Icom  
IC-706, and I think that the kids will understand and appreciate  
the radio better if they have a hand in building, testing, and  
calibrating it.

I totally agree. When I was first licensed, one of my dreams was to  
design and build a state of the art homebrew transceiver. For a  
number of reasons, I never quite did that, but with the Elecraft  
K2/100, I've come close. (I didn't design it, but I certainly built it)

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 RS323 and Data Modes {was YAQ - Yet Another (K3)Question}

2007-07-13 Thread Bill Coleman

On Jul 9, 2007, at 2:59 AM, David Woolley wrote:

Bill Coleman wrote:

What you'd end up with for the "receiver" would be a Mixer and  
clean DDS, followed by a high-speed, wide-range A/D converter.  
Everything else

I don't understand why you write about such things as in the  
future. There are several products on the amateur market, although  
I don't know if any of them use a DDS VFO.

What I wrote about in 1995 was the entire receiver as a very simple  
bit of hardware, and then lots of software.

I've seen several attempts at computer/radio integration, but they  
all used far more hardware than I imagined. That's why I used the  
future tense.

The telcos where doing direct digital conversion from analogue  
carrier systems to multiple PCM channels a long time ago.  I think  
before your 1995 article.

The technology has been around a while. It's just waiting to be  
applied to amateur radio

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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Re: [Elecraft] Hate the word "ham"

2007-07-13 Thread Bill Coleman

On Jul 7, 2007, at 4:46 PM, W2AGN wrote:

Yep, for some reason Bill responded to this almost 2 weeks after my  
message. I

avoided further comment, knowing I would get blamed for it.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of the list moderator -- I must  
confess that I was reading old messages and responded before reaching  
the end of thread message.

If that is any explanation.

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Spilling the HF beans .....

2007-07-13 Thread Sandy
Was there anything about Bill stealing the "Windows" system.  I think he 
screwed the "Apple twins" as well didn't he?  It WOULD be nice and also 
retribution, if someone would come up with a better "windows" like system 
and blow Gates and his patched up code off the market.  He MUST have enough 
money by now?

Sandy W5TVW

Used to love playing with Zilog Z-80 machine code.
- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Coleman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Spilling the HF beans .

On Jun 3, 2007, at 7:54 AM, Fred (FL) wrote:

And Bill Gates empire was launched, and IBM got
its first DOS contract from Gates - and IBM's PC was
launched.  And in 1981 - the whole PC world,
as we now know it was started.  CP/M was also
on the runway - but big blue, killed it at the
gate. Supposedly Gates bought the guts of DOS
or PC BASIC, from a college friend, for a

It's important to remember the history correctly. In 1981, Microsoft  was 
a dominant supplier of microcomputer BASIC. IBM was already going  to talk 
to them about that.

IBM also wanted CP/M, and Gates assured them he could deliver that,  too. 
What he ended up doing was buying QDOS from Seattle Softworks  (for a 
pittance, really), and then re-working it into PCDOS. The rest  is 

  Had nothing to do with the Osborne
Computer Inc. company.  They just happened to
be one of several companies; Heath, Osborne,
. - who at that time ran under CP/M.  So
I'd call it the Gates effect.

The Osborne Effect came later. It happened when Osborne pre-announced  a 
PC-compatible portable computer. Once they did that, all sales of  their 
CP/M portable virtually stopped. The reduction in sales  bankrupted the 
company before they could finish and ship their PC- compatible design.

Of course, the wikipedia entry indicates that perhaps the role of the 
pre-announcement was overstated: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Swapping Standard 2.7 kHz 5-pole Filter

2007-07-13 Thread Bill Coleman

On Jun 29, 2007, at 1:36 AM, Eric Swartz WA6HHQ - Elecraft wrote:

I was referring to voice and I'm concerned that many will think a  
radio that is -always- limited to 2.1 kHz TX is overly narrow and  
'thin' sounding.

I've never gotten complaints about the K2 being too narrow, and it's  
only 2 kHz wide.

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Spilling the HF beans .....

2007-07-13 Thread Mike B
Gentlemen, not to be a list cop, but good grief.  Eric closed this
thread over a month ago.  Let it die, or take it to some Yahoo group.
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Spilling the HF beans .....

2007-07-13 Thread Bill Coleman

On Jul 13, 2007, at 9:14 PM, Gary Montalbine wrote:

Switch to OpenOffice. Its free and works.

I'm really hoping the next version of iWork includes a spreadsheet

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Spilling the HF beans .....

2007-07-13 Thread Gary Montalbine

Bill Coleman wrote:

 From the book "Programmers at Work" (c 1985), Gates talked at length 
about some of his programming and design tasks. One that stays with me 
is the bit about how Excel implements Cut, Copy, Paste. He came up with 
some clever behavior to limit the amount of temporary memory needed.

Of course, 22 years later, that non-standard behavior is the bane of 
anyone using Excel. I know it causes me frustration every time I use 

Switch to OpenOffice. Its free and works.

Gary, WA4SZI
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Spilling the HF beans .....

2007-07-13 Thread Bill Coleman

On Jun 3, 2007, at 4:02 PM, Doug Person wrote:

Bill bought QDOS for $40,000 cash and some vague promises about  
further deals.  Many, many companies have looked back at their  
dealings with Bill and realized they've been had. BigTime.  The  
dirty dealings with IBM are by far the worst thing on Bill's list  
of dirty tricks and double-crosses.

Oh, yeah. How about OS/2 -- Microsoft contracted with IBM to build  
it, took everything they learned from building it to create Windows  
95, and then offered with IBM to do OS/2 v5 for $400 million

Or how about how Gates in 1985 used the AppleSoft BASIC license  
renewal to extort a license to the Macintosh UI elements? This  
agreement basically allowed Microsoft to rip off any part of the  
Macintosh design for Windows 3.1.

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Spilling the HF beans .....

2007-07-13 Thread Bill Coleman

On Jun 3, 2007, at 1:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That's the story I remember. Gates has been great at acquiring  
other peoples projects and turning them into gold..I'm not sure  
he's ever actually written a line of code!

Gates certainly did write code back in the early, early days of  
Microsoft. As late as the mid-90's, he also performed code-reviews of  
various programmers. (A good review from Gates was apparently a good  
career boost)

From the book "Programmers at Work" (c 1985), Gates talked at length  
about some of his programming and design tasks. One that stays with  
me is the bit about how Excel implements Cut, Copy, Paste. He came up  
with some clever behavior to limit the amount of temporary memory  

Of course, 22 years later, that non-standard behavior is the bane of  
anyone using Excel. I know it causes me frustration every time I use  

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Spilling the HF beans .....

2007-07-13 Thread Bill Coleman

On Jun 3, 2007, at 7:54 AM, Fred (FL) wrote:

And Bill Gates empire was launched, and IBM got
its first DOS contract from Gates - and IBM's PC was
launched.  And in 1981 - the whole PC world,
as we now know it was started.  CP/M was also
on the runway - but big blue, killed it at the
gate. Supposedly Gates bought the guts of DOS
or PC BASIC, from a college friend, for a

It's important to remember the history correctly. In 1981, Microsoft  
was a dominant supplier of microcomputer BASIC. IBM was already going  
to talk to them about that.

IBM also wanted CP/M, and Gates assured them he could deliver that,  
too. What he ended up doing was buying QDOS from Seattle Softworks  
(for a pittance, really), and then re-working it into PCDOS. The rest  
is history.

  Had nothing to do with the Osborne
Computer Inc. company.  They just happened to
be one of several companies; Heath, Osborne,
. - who at that time ran under CP/M.  So
I'd call it the Gates effect.

The Osborne Effect came later. It happened when Osborne pre-announced  
a PC-compatible portable computer. Once they did that, all sales of  
their CP/M portable virtually stopped. The reduction in sales  
bankrupted the company before they could finish and ship their PC- 
compatible design.

Of course, the wikipedia entry indicates that perhaps the role of the  
pre-announcement was overstated: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Change from KAT100 in EC2 to the mini-unit

2007-07-13 Thread gehringc
> The EC1 enclosure is the same size as the K1.  The KAT100 will not fit 
> in it.  What Neal wants (I believe) is the enclosure that the 
> transverters and the KAT100 come in.  I have found no information on 
> this.  Forgive me if it is available.
> Ian J Maude G0VGS

You are correct, I mis-spoke the EC-1 is the enclosure for the K1,  The 
KAT100-1 is the proper nomenclature for the smaller KAT-100 enclosure the part 
numbers I provided are listed in the KAT-100 Manual.  

73 Chuck G.
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Change from KAT100 in EC2 to the mini-unit

2007-07-13 Thread AJSOENKE
You could go to the Elecraft Web Pages and look up the manual for the  
standard KAT100, identify the cabinet components that are needed and order them 
spare/replacement parts. The manual assembly instructions should give enough  
detail on what these parts are and what's needed. I'm sure some of the parts 
are  common to the EC2 ( bottom panel and parts ) The main difference is the 
side  panels and front/back parts. Page 3 of the KAT100 downloadable manual 
describes  the differences/ with pictures.
Good Luck es 73 de WA6VNN, Al

** Get a sneak peak of the all-new AOL at 
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[Elecraft] Re: K2 is still a good choice

2007-07-13 Thread Chris Kantarjiev
I agree, and am putting my toy budget into adding KPA100/KAT100
to my K2! But while listening to the Night of Nights last evening,
I was really wishing for a general coverage receiver; I could only
hear the stations that were in the 6400kHz range. I don't have
one, and don't really have a place to put one.

*That* might push me over the K3 edge, eventually. I'm in no great rush.

73 de chris K6DBG
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Re: [Elecraft] Change from KAT100 in EC2 to the mini-unit

2007-07-13 Thread Ian J Maude

 Neal Campbell K3NC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
I built the KAT100 in the EC2 cabinet a couple of years ago and would  
like to migrate it to the small mini-unit that mounts under the K2.  
Does anyone know what I need to buy/do to accomplish this?

I may be oversimplifying your request, but I think what your asking is to move your KAT-100 in your current EC-2 into the EC-1 enclosure. 
The EC1 enclosure is the same size as the K1.  The KAT100 will not fit 
in it.  What Neal wants (I believe) is the enclosure that the 
transverters and the KAT100 come in.  I have found no information on 
this.  Forgive me if it is available.


Ian J Maude G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC DX Cluster
Member of RSGB, ARRL, GQRP
K2 #4044 | K3 #?

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Change from KAT100 in EC2 to the mini-unit

2007-07-13 Thread Ken Kopp
I have the "single unit" housing for the KAT-100, so 
it is/was available.  I've not used it ... just bought to

allow me all the possible choices.  The KAT-100 is
in an EC-2 waiting on me to get around to building 

Better get it done before my K3 arrives ...

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Change from KAT100 in EC2 to the mini-unit

2007-07-13 Thread gehringc
 Neal Campbell K3NC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I built the KAT100 in the EC2 cabinet a couple of years ago and would  
> like to migrate it to the small mini-unit that mounts under the K2.  
> Does anyone know what I need to buy/do to accomplish this?
I may be oversimplifying your request, but I think what your asking is to move 
your KAT-100 in your current EC-2 into the EC-1 enclosure.  I would try asking 
the parts department for the price of the EC-1 panels.  The manual lists the 
part numbers for the EC1 as E100138 (Front), E100139 (Rear), E100140 (Sidex2), 
E100146 (Top) and, E100147 (Bottom cover).  I have always received very prompt 
replies for spare part requests.

Good Luck 
73 Chuck G. K2CG
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Re: [Elecraft] Change from KAT100 in EC2 to the mini-unit

2007-07-13 Thread Ian J Maude

Neal Campbell K3NC wrote:

Hi all,

I have tried Elecraft support several times and never got any answer 
so I am taking this to the list!

I built the KAT100 in the EC2 cabinet a couple of years ago and would 
like to migrate it to the small mini-unit that mounts under the K2. 
Does anyone know what I need to buy/do to accomplish this?
This is a very interesting post.  Several of us have asked if the 
enclosure the KAT100 and transverters come in is available as we had 
projects for them.  To my knowledge they are not available like the EC2 
enclosure.  It makes it interesting for someone who built the KAT100 
into an EC2 case right at the start to change back.  I would like to 
know the answer to this one as well :-)


Ian J Maude G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC DX Cluster
Member of RSGB, ARRL, GQRP
K2 #4044 | K3 #?

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[Elecraft] Change from KAT100 in EC2 to the mini-unit

2007-07-13 Thread Neal Campbell K3NC

Hi all,

I have tried Elecraft support several times and never got any answer  
so I am taking this to the list!

I built the KAT100 in the EC2 cabinet a couple of years ago and would  
like to migrate it to the small mini-unit that mounts under the K2.  
Does anyone know what I need to buy/do to accomplish this?

Neal Campbell K3NC

telnet to our DX Spotting clusters at: dxc.k3nc.com, ports 12001 and 23

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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] K2 is still a good choice

2007-07-13 Thread Tom Z


You can't go wrong with a K2. I have built the K2, KPA/100, KAT2
tuner, and several add-on modules over the past year. Great results
and it is an enjoyable, and compact rig. I also took my rig to a club
meeting and it was enjoyed by the group, although there were a few
others that were already familiar with Elecraft, and a couple who
owned second-hand K2s.

I agree that I would like to have seen a complete K3 kit (not a
mechanical-assembly-only kit). Can't knock Elecraft for their decision
(it IS their business), but if there was a full-assembly K3, I would
probably be ordering one soon. My concern now is that they are so
preoccupied with the K3 that we will not see significant upgrades to
the K2 design any time soon.


Tom KG3V

On 7/12/07, Larry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just ordered a K2. I was * *seduce like many others when the K3 was
announced but the one thing that really bothered me was that it was not
a kit. Having built the K1 I really miss not having a board under my
iron. I also realized that the K2 was far more radio then I have ever
owned. I will buy an oscilloscope with the money that I save. This is a
real win win.

Speaking of the K1, I took it to the June club meeting here in Las Vegas
for show and tell. It was the hit of the evening. There were about 25 or
30 people there and only a few of them had even heard of Elecraft. No
one else had built a kit. I know that Elecraft will get at least 2
orders from that group.

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Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Zero-Beating Made Easy!

2007-07-13 Thread Edward R. Breneiser
Hello all,

Don't worry about zero-beating to find the other ops frequency!
Just add a K6XX CW Visual Indicator to your K1, K2 or KX1. All you do is
tune onto a signal until the LED starts flashing to the cw. That's it -
your within +- 20hz of him!

The EPA QRP Club will begin selling the kits in a week or so. Nice small
board that nicely fits into most rigs. If you want a look at my kit
installed in my KX1 go to:




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Re: [Elecraft] Solid State Amps

2007-07-13 Thread N2EY
In a message dated 7/12/07 11:06:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> On Jun 1, 2007, at 10:01 AM, Lee Buller wrote:
> > I thought that these amps were...well...not as efficient as tube  
> > amps thus not being attractive to hams.
> I think this is true. It's still cheaper to produce several hundred  
> watts with an old tube design than to do so with solid state devices.  
> Although that may not continue for long, as certain tubes become  
> unobtainium, and solid state devices slowly get cheaper.

That's part of it. Another part is that power level measurement has changed 
from the old power-input measure to the "new" power output measure, so 
efficiency doesn't matter as much as it used to. 
> >  So,  
> > what has changed?  Have the SS Amps gotten more efficient?  
> I think the price point for this type of equipment has shifted upward  
> to the point that solid state amplifiers are practical in the market.
> There's also the general amateur acceptance of no-tuneup transmitters. While 
> it is possible to build tube rigs with no tuneup controls (the CE 100V, 200V 
> and 600L did it in the 1950s!), it's arguably easier to do with SS. 

The big item, I think, is the cost and availability of the different designs. 
Not just the tubes but all the other parts, many of which would have to be 
custom made.  The total price of a conventional tube amp and power supply, with 
tuning controls and QSK, really starts to climb when you're getting a lot of 
parts custom-made.

That situation is complicated by the used-equipment market. If you want to 
run, say,  a pair of 3-500Zs, and are willing to do your own tuning, a Drake L4 
or Heath SB-220/221 can do the job. Even if you have to put fixup into one and 
retube it, such amps are pretty price-competitive to a new pair-of-3-500Zs 

There's also the danger of creating an amp whose tubes become unobtanium. You 
can get a really good deal on the Heath SB-630 amp, because its 
conduction-cooled tube is very expensive to replace.

Elecraft has built itself on the idea of offering products that are *not* 
exactly like everything else on the market, but rather go off in new and 
directions. On FD I spent some time with a KX1 - the thing is simply 
incredible, but also, there's nothing on the market quite like it. 

The Elecraft amps show that trend as well. 

73 de Jim, N2EY

 Get a sneak peak of the all-new AOL at 
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[Elecraft] RE: We are not talking about a small amount of moneyhere

2007-07-13 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF
So did I

On 9/7/07 01:09, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> I got a personal message the same day.  No, not automated, personal,
> referring to my order.
A person usually has two reasons for doing something: a good reason and the
real reason. -Thomas Carlyle, historian and essayist (1795-1881)

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