[Elecraft] K3+KPA500+KAT500 RFI Revisited

2024-01-12 Thread Jeff Wandling
Dear Elecraft aficionados:

The symptom is KPA switching bands during Tx.

Seems like a while ago I was troubleshooting the RFI problem between the 

K3 + KPA500 + KAT500

Using the "enhanced" configuration where serial cable between the K3 to KAT to 
KPA assisted in communicating band changes as well as key-down event and so on.

I own two KPA-500's. Both are less than 6mo old.

Let me refer to them as KPA-1 and KPA-2. KPA-1 is in the hands of Elecraft for 
repair. It worked flawlessly (until needing repair), but the RFI issue I will 
write about did not exist when that KPA-1 was in the chain.

KPA-2 was purchased in December as a backup. Since putting KPA-2 in-line, the 
RFI problems I will describe have gone unresolved.

Scenario is with KPA-2 in-line.

Even running tiny power (< 10W, <15 W) I can routinely and 100% reproduce the 
problem where the BCD data in the AUX line that carries the information about 
which band the KPA should be set on will change during Tx.

For example I can put KAT into MAN, put KPA in bypass. Tune the antenna via K3 
and witness the search resolve to a 1:1 on the SWR. That sometimes will trigger 
the effect -- I can see in the KPA, even in bypass that the band the KPA is set 
on is changed from the band the K3 is set on. Even more insidious is that if 
the KPA winds up on a different band after the tune (or after "VVV" CW testing 
after tune), that pressing the band button on the KPA to bring it back does not 
bring the KPA back to the right band. It is as if the KPA has two states of 
band-awareness.. The awareness of the band displayed in the LCD and the band 
that the input is set for.

Here's an example:
K3 on 40m
Tune per usual (KAT MANUAL, KPA Bypass)
KPA remains on 40m.
K3 power output 14W
Then put the KPA into Operate
Tap "VVV" out on the key.
Witness the KPA operate but then switch band to 30m or 17m or 20m, etc.. (not 
Then on the KPA tap (Band) 7 (for the 40m band) and nothing happens (not 
Tap on the KPA 14 then the whole chain switches to 20m (expected)

Suppose the TUNE did not yield a band-switch during Tx, repeating the test but 
this time putting the KPA into Operate after the tune is sure-fire going to 
cause the bandswitch.

(I configured the KPA to go to Bypass in the event of a band-change event in 
order to have some sense of protection while the key-down test Tx occurs).

That's the scenario where after Tx the KPA is out of sync with the K3. Whether 
or not the KPA is attempting to frequency-count is not evident, the KPA:RADIO 
setting is "K3" which means leverage the BCD data from the K3 vis-a-vis the KAT 

I can replicate this band-inconsistency at will. I don't think I can safely 
operate the equipment if the BCD encoded band data is fluctuating during Tx. 
What would happen if I switched bands (N1MM) and hit the keyer and the KPA got 
confused on the last Tx? Magic smoke I imagine.

Only happened with KPA-2 not KPA-1. But I'm wondering if KPA-1 suffered a 
catastrophe caused by this scenario and I didn't notice the clicking 
band-switch because I had not expected it to switch bands during Tx.

What have I done to remedy? I think I've tried everything but obviously I have 
a gap -- otherwise I'd have solved this problem.

- New coax between everything.
- Shorter or longer coax, different coax (RG-213, 8X, LMR-240, etc..)
- Tighter loops (6 -8") when there is excess coax or lazy big loops where there 
is excess coax.
- New connectors/adapters (Yes, Amphenol)
- Re-route coax different ways. Avoid this, that and the other, etc.. 
Permutations of routing.
- Move and adjust placement of equipment. KAT near the KPA, KAT away from the 
KPA, both near or away from the K3, etc..
- Chokes between things. K3 to KPA, KPA to KAT, KAT to antenna system
- Non-bleeding chokes, bleeding chokes.
- Ferrite on serial cables, more ferrite, insane amounts of ferrite, or zero 
- Move the position of serial cables above, below, up, down, left, right.

I haven't got to the point of putting little tangerines on altars and burning 
incense. I'm trying to keep a positive mood while part of me wants to take up 
the art of Bonsai and raking the sand.

Obviously RFI is a likely culprit, but I'll be damned if I can figure out where 
it is -- or rather why it would be -- affecting this given all of the 
mitigations attempted.

But I'm always a student and looking for things that were/are not obvious at 

I'm almost to the point where I will take away the "enhanced" mode serial data 
path between the equipment and rely on the analog key-line between them and RF 
frequency-counter capabilities so that the KAT and the KPA are on the right 
band when I key-down. I just need to review the docs to make sure I have the 
KPA and the KAT setup to go "analog" rather than "KPA:RADIO = K3" mode.

Re: [Elecraft] KAT-500 + KPA-500 / SWR Thresholds

2024-01-01 Thread Jeff Wandling
This reply is going back in the thread, on purpose because I've settled the 
matter.  The follow on discussion in the other thread was informative (thanks) 
and I'll store it in a note for the station.

TL;DR; Situation is resolved.  Bad RF due to crap elbow connector and lack of 
diligence in ferrite application on AUX serial cabling.

Gory Details:

Some background that I apologize for not mentioning (and wasting your time - 
very sorry).  But, I didn't know at the time of the original question post.

When I was testing *after* the post, I went to the KPA and flipped the display 
to show TEMP.   So when I repeated the experiment (even into a dummy load), I 
heard the clicks as before, but when I glanced at the LCD panel of the KPA I 
noticed that the Frequency was bouncing around.  (14 Mhz then 18Mhz then back 
to 14Mhz and then show the TEMP again). I thought, "why on earth is the KPA 
trying to use a different frequency??"

That triggered some evaluation of an earlier email (name withheld) that 
mentioned RF in the shack.  I dug through the parts bin and got a handful of 
snap-on ferrite and loaded up the AUX Cables on the ends..  Tons of ferrite.  
OK so then I re-ran the test.  Same result but slightly better. Not as much 
relay chatter.

Then I began to wonder about the RF again.  I decided to move some equipment.  
I moved the KPA from the top of the KAT and placed it nearby but not as it was 
before.  Re-routed the coax and so on and re-tested.  But this time not as 
pervasive.  Some relay chatter,  but less clicking (and less band-switching in 
the KPA). OK, so we're getting somewhere...

Then I took a real good look at the coax.  Sure enough those Amphenol elbow 
connectors were not what I thought they were.   Upon closer inspection I 
realized they were (let us just say) not what I wanted.

I swapped them out and lo and behold the problem was gone.   No amount of CW 
into the Dummy Load would trigger the click (ie., the "band switch" clicking).  
It was the band-switch relay that was clicking after all. Not the Bypass to MAN 
and vice versa...

I was too proud to notice that I had a couple of connectors that were not the 
prime quality.  And too proud to realize I hadn't really applied as much 
ferrite where it needed to be.  

I am really sorry to spin up so many great minds to think about this.   

Lesson learned.  
Really make sure RF(I) is eliminated.  

Now, to whom should I send a complementary coffee gift card with the essential 
fix...  Thanks very much.

I return you now to the list for more important issues.


73, Jeff  W7BRS

On Monday, January 1st, 2024 at 1:31 PM, Jeff Wandling  wrote:

> W7BRS> comments in-line below.
> ---
> 73, Jeff W7BRS
> https://blog.w7brs.com
> On Monday, January 1st, 2024 at 1:21 PM, Andy Durbin a.dur...@msn.com wrote:
> > "Actual Results: The ATU-500 clicks between Bypass and MAN (by "clicks", I 
> > mean only what I can infer from the behavior -- it is as if the ATU-500 is 
> > either using the memory-based ATU settings of the previously tuned settings 
> > and switching between that and what seems like a Bypass mode) -- the 
> > clicking is rapid and persistent at the onset of the CW message."
> > 
> > How does your KAT500 know what frequency to use? Does it have a serial data 
> > interface or does it depend only on the internal RF counter?
> W7BRS> AUX cable between K3 to KAT-500 and KAT-500 to KPA-500. They are in 
> serial communication per Elecraft protcol(s), whatever those are.
> > What KAT500 mode (AUTO, MAN, BYP) is selected when you observe this anomaly?
> W7BRS> Per manual for KAT-500/KPA-500 the stated "nominal" mode is MAN. So I 
> leave the KAT-500 in MAN after tuning the antenna to 1.1.
> > I ask these questions because I doubt the problem has anything to do with 
> > SWR thresholds.
> W7BRS> Interesting. I am only guessing that the excessive clicking in the 
> KAT-500 was the KAT-500 going in/out of BYPASS. (This isn't the clicking 
> associated with the Tune-search for L/C. It's a different kind of click. I 
> don't know how else to describe it other than a single kind of click as if it 
> was a single relay in operation in the KAT-500 -- that same kind of 'click' 
> sound that would occur if you switched between MAN and BYPASS on the KAT-500. 
> Same sound. But that's not definitive enough I suppose. I don't have any 
> Serial Log data from the Utility to base that guess.
> W7BRS> Thanks for the questions. I've got a few other replies to sort through 
> with other suggestions:
> 1. Try dum

Re: [Elecraft] KAT-500 + KPA-500 / SWR Thresholds

2024-01-01 Thread Jeff Wandling
Thanks.  That's good detail.  I'll recheck the manual once more.  I made a 
common mistake of assuming too much and not reading enough.   I have tremendous 
respect and faith in the engineering put into the system of the Elecraft line.. 
 That's a  long way of saying, It works brilliantly.

I just want to avoid a mistake in where the ATU-500 and KPA-500 are trying to 
resolve a tune whilst the CW spews forth.

This comment and the prior comment about the Kenwood aspect (and related 
command-set mentioned) are interesting.   Thanks.

Aside from all that -- when folks here use the "SWR Thresholds" and use the 
K3+KAT+KPA chain via Aux Serial data sharing -- what do you use for the three 
metrics in SWR Thresholds?

There's a KPA Inhibit SWR,   Re-tune SWR and Bypass SWR value.  The recommended 
values in the manuals seem frightfully high for my nerves to handle.

Any advice on *that* would be welcomed.

HNY, Thanks.

73, Jeff  W7BRS

On Monday, January 1st, 2024 at 4:37 PM, G4GNX  wrote:

> AFAICR the manual says that if an AUX cable is connected between the KAT500 
> and the radio, the KAT500 will follow any frequency/band change and if a 
> tuning solution has already been stored for that frequency/band it will be 
> employed before the radio goes into TX. In other words, whilst the radio is 
> still in RX mode.
> However, elsewhere in the manual it says that when the KAT500 receives RF, it 
> will also pickup the nearest tuning solution, which is a fail-safe action in 
> case the KAT500 does not receive data from the radio, for any reason.
> This is only if the radio is a K3, K3S or K4 and if a KPA500 is in use, RF 
> from it is sent to the KAT500 but the AUX cable must be connected AFTER the 
> KAT500. i.e. K3———KAT500———KPA500.
> I make no comment about using the KAT500 with a Kenwood (or other) rig.
> 73,
> Alan - G4GNX
> South Coast UK
> Elecraft K4D / KPA500 / KAT500 / IC-9700
> > On 1 Jan 2024, at 21:56, Andy Durbin a.dur...@msn.com wrote:
> > 
> > "> How does your KAT500 know what frequency to use? Does it have a serial 
> > data interface or does it depend only on the internal RF counter?
> > 
> > W7BRS> AUX cable between K3 to KAT-500 and KAT-500 to KPA-500. They are in 
> > serial communication per Elecraft protcol(s), whatever those are.
> > 
> > > What KAT500 mode (AUTO, MAN, BYP) is selected when you observe this 
> > > anomaly?
> > 
> > W7BRS> Per manual for KAT-500/KPA-500 the stated "nominal" mode is MAN. So 
> > I leave the KAT-500 in MAN after tuning the antenna to 1.1."
> > 
> > Your problem sounded a bit like the conflict between serial data frequency 
> > and RF count when operating near a "bin" boundary. However, my only 
> > experience with that problem is with Kenwood rigs using serial data to 
> > provide frequency to KAT500. I have no experience with AUXBus.
> > 
> > For Kenwood owners one solution was to use the FDT command to desensitize 
> > the RF counter so serial data frequency always had priority. The command 
> > description implies it is equally applicable to AUXBus so may be worth 
> > experimenting.
> > 
> > "FDT Frequency Counter Distance for Retune
> > GET format: FDT;
> > SET/RESPONSE format: FDT nn; where nn is the distance, in kHz, between the 
> > current ATU frequency and the most recent TX frequency count for the ATU to 
> > change ATU settings to the new frequency. The value is between 0 
> > (interpreted as the default of 10 kHz) thru 65535, which disables ATU 
> > tuning based on frequency count. This is intended for customers that prefer 
> > the KAT500 only follow the frequency provided by a serial port command or 
> > the K3/K3S/K4 AUXBUS, or select a minimum distance between current ATU 
> > frequency and a newly counted frequency.
> > FDT was introduced in firmware version 01.99."
> > 
> > Andy, k3wyc
> __
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Re: [Elecraft] KAT-500 + KPA-500 / SWR Thresholds

2024-01-01 Thread Jeff Wandling
W7BRS> comments in-line below.

73, Jeff  W7BRS

On Monday, January 1st, 2024 at 1:21 PM, Andy Durbin  wrote:

> "Actual Results: The ATU-500 clicks between Bypass and MAN (by "clicks", I 
> mean only what I can infer from the behavior -- it is as if the ATU-500 is 
> either using the memory-based ATU settings of the previously tuned settings 
> and switching between that and what seems like a Bypass mode) -- the clicking 
> is rapid and persistent at the onset of the CW message."
> How does your KAT500 know what frequency to use? Does it have a serial data 
> interface or does it depend only on the internal RF counter?

W7BRS>  AUX cable between K3 to KAT-500 and KAT-500 to KPA-500.  They are in 
serial communication per Elecraft protcol(s), whatever those are.

> What KAT500 mode (AUTO, MAN, BYP) is selected when you observe this anomaly?

W7BRS> Per manual for KAT-500/KPA-500 the stated "nominal" mode is MAN.  So I 
leave the KAT-500 in MAN *after* tuning the antenna to 1.1.

> I ask these questions because I doubt the problem has anything to do with SWR 
> thresholds.

W7BRS> Interesting. I am only guessing that the excessive clicking in the 
KAT-500 was the KAT-500 going in/out of BYPASS.  (This isn't the clicking 
associated with the Tune-search for L/C.  It's a different kind of click.   I 
don't know how else to describe it other than a single kind of click as if it 
was a single relay in operation in the KAT-500 -- that same kind of 'click' 
sound that would occur if you switched between MAN and BYPASS on the KAT-500. 
Same sound.  But that's not definitive enough I suppose.  I don't have any 
Serial Log data from the Utility to base that guess.

W7BRS> Thanks for the questions.  I've got a few other replies to sort through 
with other suggestions:

1.  Try dummy load vs. real antenna
2.  Carefully listen if clicks are syncopated with CW (they aren't but I can 
listen again to make sure).
3.  RF/RFI - Not likely except that Serial AUX cable might be picking up some 
RF.. I could attach some ferrite cores around it to rule out.  Otherwise the 
shack is weighted down with ferrite in all the right places -- Everywhere. /hi/

W7BRS> Thanks again for the questions, very good.

> Andy, k3wyc
> __
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[Elecraft] KAT-500 + KPA-500 / SWR Thresholds

2024-01-01 Thread Jeff Wandling
K3 + KAT-500 + KPA-500
All with latest firmware as of 1/1/2024

K3 ATU in Bypass.
Loop (wire) antenna tuned via KAT-500 "MAN" to 1.1 SWR.
Leave the KAT-500 in MAN not AUTO.

To observe the KAT-500 and KPA-500 remain in a MAN (manual) tune configuration 
without attempting to switch between BYPASS/MAN or BYPASS/AUTO as long as the 
SWR Thresholds are satisfied.

Operate the K3 in CW. As in a contest (CQ CALL or {EXCH} etc..)

Observations made:
Observed that the SWR on the KPA-500 is at the lowest value in the LED-file 
(from left to right, left most LED is illuminated on the SWR meter)
Observed that the KAT-500 SWR LED meter only intermittently illuminates the 
left-most (lowest) SWR indicator during CW transmission..

Expected Results:
The ATU-500 will not switch between bypass to memory based ATU settings.

Actual Results:
The ATU-500 clicks between Bypass and MAN (by "clicks", I mean only what I can 
infer from the behavior -- it is as if the ATU-500 is either using the 
memory-based ATU settings of the previously tuned settings and switching 
between that and what seems like a Bypass mode) -- the clicking is rapid and 
persistent at the onset of the CW message.

During CW transmission, at no time did the SWR in the KPA-500 SWR meter exceed 
the left-most LED indicator and at no time did the KAT-500 SWR meter indicate 
an SWR exceeding the left most (lowest) SWR indicator


I am wondering -- is it a matter of difficult settings in the SWR Threshold? 
I've perhaps chosen values that are causing this switch (clicking) to occur? 
The impact is that when it is 'clicking' the power output to the amplifier 
subsides for a fraction of a second -- and I can only guess that the actual 
signal is effected while the KPA-500 and KAT-500 sort out what the tuner 
settings ought to be -- in real-time.

What I'd like to know is -- if I manually tune the antenna with the KAT-500 and 
leave it in "MAN" mode on the KAT-500 that the amplifier is NOT inhibited 
unless the SWR exceeds a limit, but otherwise do not allow the KAT-500 to 
signal the KPA to inhibit otherwise? Is that what is going on? The click into 
Bypass and out of Bypass an edge case of the SWR Threshold handling ?

I've set the SWR Thresholds as follows:
Inhibit the KPA-500 if the SWR exceeds 1.6 SWR (act of paranoia to prevent the 
KPA-500 to ever attempt to operate if the SWR is 1.6 or higher)
Force auto-tune if it exceeds 1.5 SWR
Bypass the KAT-500 if the SWR is below 1.1

By this setting, I am guessing that if the SWR during transmission (operation) 
is above 1.1 and below 1.6 the KAT-500 will not a) Inhibit and b) not cause 
Auto-Tune. And it also means to me that only if the SWR is below 1.1 (never 
happens) that the KAT-500 will drop out of a MAN/AUTO mode and go into BYPASS 
(I chose 1.1 specifically to prevent the drop into BYPASS -- an unattainable 
SWR of 1.0)

Perhaps I'm doing it wrong. What kind of SWR Thresholds does Elecraft recommend 
to literally prevent:

- The KAT-500 to drop into Bypass if the MAN setting is in force?
- Quell any attempt to do "Tune" while in MAN if the SWR is below X and above Y 
- Inhibit the KPA-500 if the SWR exceeds Z SWR.

For arbitrary X, Y and Z SWR levels.

Thanks. Ping directly if you need additional information.


73, Jeff W7BRS
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Re: [Elecraft] KAT-500 Utility / Unable to Edit Config

2023-12-28 Thread Jeff Wandling
Yep.  It seems there was a regression.

Update: I got a patched version from Dick K6KR last night to try. It worked. I 
expect that the software will spin to a new version, probably.  

Don't know their release schedule.  But, good find Andy.  Thanks.

All is well now -- the Edit Config will persist changes and the UI does not 
lock out the functions as described.

73, Jeff  W7BRS

On Thursday, December 28th, 2023 at 9:25 AM, Andy Durbin  

> I was running ver and the edit threshold function appears to work 
> correctly.
> I installed and found all thresholds were blank (current values not 
> displayed) and could not be edited.
> Utility ver seems to be broken. I suggest running Email 
> me if you don't have it available.
> 73,
> Andy, k3wyc
> __
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[Elecraft] KAT-500 Utility / Unable to Edit Config

2023-12-27 Thread Jeff Wandling
Adjust the KAT-500 Configuration so that the SWR Thresholds are set as follows:

The amplifier (KPA-500 in this case) is inhibited unless the SWR is better than 
Force the Auto-tune if the SWR is worse than 1.8
Bypass if the SWR is better than 1.2

Attempts (repo-cases)

Below are two repo-case scenarios.
The first case is an attempt to Edit the Config for the KAT-500 with the 
The second case is a nominal test of entering and exiting the Edit Config 

Both seem to yield strange results where the Edit Config feature does not 
commit the changes and further the UI appears to not present a mode that lets 
me re-enter the Edit Config phase unless I re-assert the Port connection.

First Repo-case:
Rig is K3/100 S/N 4xxx, patched fully to latest Firmware.
Host system: Windows 10, latest patches, etc..

Install KAT-500 Utility version
Reboot PC
Launch KAT-500 Utility (Firmware is 02.05 installed on KAT-500 from Factory)
Select tab Port
Test Communications
See dialog window confirming connection to COM port and baud-rate OK.
Select tab Configuration
Select Edit Configuration
Select tab "SWR Thresholds"
Select radio button "ALL" for band.
Enter 1.8 for Autotune (per manual page 30)
Enter 1.2 for Bypass (per manual page 30)
Press OK
Witness Dialog window for Edit Configuration disposed.
Main window of application --
All buttons (Edit, Save, Restore, Display Fault, Erase Memories, Reset) all 
greyed out. Cannot be chosen.
Then --
Select tab "Port"
Dialog window confirming connection to COM port and baud-rate OK
Select tab "Configuration"
All buttons (Edit, Save, Restore, Display Fault, Erase Memories, Reset) now 
Select "Edit Configuration"
Select tab SWR Thresholds
Witness radio button selected ALL for Band
Witness ALL SWR Thresholds empty - no values present.

Result: The settings are not preserved nor is the Edit Configuration session 
committed after using "OK" in that panel to set the SWR Thresholds.

Second repo-case:

Same setup - same version of KAT-500 Utility.
Reboot PC
Run KAT-500
Select Port tab
Witness confirmation of Communication OK
Select tab Configuration
Select Edit Configuration
Select Cancel (do not edit any configuration)
Witness all buttons greyed out (Edit Configuration, Save, Restore, Display, 
etc..) non-functional.
Result: The panel rendered under the Configuration tab holds buttons (Edit, 
Save, Restore, Display, etc..0 that are greyed out UNLESS and UNTIL I re-assert 
the Port connection.

Attempted fixes:

- Reboot PC. Attempt to Edit Config, Same result.
- Power cycle KAT, KPA, K3. Attempt to Edit Config, Same result.
- Save Configuration and Restore Configuration Succeed. Then attempt to edit - 
same Result.

Windows enumerates the KAT and KPA serial interfaces normally. I am not 
required to run as Adminstrator to exercise the KAT-500 Utility. All of the 
other features of KAT-500 Utility seem to work -- Firmware tab, Operate tab, 
Port tab. Command Tester tab works (sent the SN; command for serial number, 

73, Jeff W7BRS
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] WTB: Elecraft K1 Tilt Stand

2023-11-27 Thread Jeff Davis
A long-shot I know, but I'm looking for a KTS1 wide-range tilt stand for an 
Elecraft K1.

Will probably have to find some aftermarket substitute, but thought I'd ask for 
the real thing first.


Jeff, KE9V
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Digest, Vol 231, Issue 2

2023-07-03 Thread Jeff Drew via Elecraft
Yep that seems to work. Yet when I plug the usb back
Up, one of the programs keys the radio transmitter.  I turn the radio off and 
then back
On to use one of these programs. Both programs are using the same


Sent from my iPhone

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> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Elecraft digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Elecraft CW Net Announcement (kevin)
>   2. Err 70 PTT low power (Jeff Drew)
>   3. Re: KXPA100 (Gerry leary)
>   4. Re: Err 70 PTT low power (Christian Friess)
>   5. Re: K2/10 (Michael Carter)
>   6. K2:  Filter Aliginment software for Apple MACs.
>  (Francis Cummings, III)
>   7. Re: K4 Rx is awesome... (George Thornton)
>   8. Re: Err 70 PTT low power (Jim Brown)
>   9. Re: K4 Rx is awesome... (David Gilbert)
>  10. "SOLD"..FOR SALE.K2/10 (KJ)
>  11. Elecraft CW Net Report (kevin)
>  12. Re: Elecraft CW Net Report (Brian Hunt)
>  13. K3 Receive gone (Jim Rhodes)
>  14. Re: K3 Receive gone (Michael Carter)
>  15. Re: K3 Receive gone (George Fremin III)
>  16. Re: K2: Filter Aliginment software for Apple MACs.
>  (Alan D. Wilcox)
>  17. Re: K2: Filter Aliginment software for Apple MACs.
>  (Walter Underwood)
>  18. Re: K2:  Filter Aliginment software for Apple MACs.
>  (John Magliacane)
>  19. For Sale K3 DX/Contesting Transceiver an accessories
>  (David Needham)
>  20. Fwd: For Sale K3 DX/Contesting Transceiver andaccessories
>  (David Needham)
>  21. July K4/K4D plus KPA1500 and KPA500 Amplifier Specials -More
>  Details (Eric Swartz)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 20:42:37 -0700
> From: kevin 
> To: Elecraft Reflector 
> Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement
> Message-ID: <6d26692c-bebd-5e35-7486-3c0c14255...@coho.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Good Evening,
> ?? Sun, with a little rain, has made the forest green.? It smells 
> great.? More new birds arrived.? The young Gray jays have learned to 
> fly.? I noticed them falling onto the roof until they gained control.? 
> Now they have joined the flock flying around.
> ?? The sun has a very large sunspot group.? There was a glancing CME 
> earlier today.? Solar activity is a little lower at the moment.? Good 
> propagation with only summer storms to contend could happen.? A 
> thunderstorm would clear the skies and cool things down.? I'm sure Texas
> would enjoy a cool front.
> Please join us on (or near):
> 14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
> ?7047 kHz at z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)
> ?? 73,
> ? Kevin. KD5ONS
> -
> The Universe is already mad, anything else would be redundant.
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2023 03:38:40 -0500
> From: Jeff Drew 
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: [Elecraft] Err 70 PTT low power
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> The K4 does one of two things:
> * gets stuck in transmit mode. Remedy: turn off radio. 
> * Will not transmit when PTT or
> Keyed. Remedy: None
> I changed pistol grip PTT which did not corrrect problem. Need to know the 
> fix for this problem urgently. 
> Jeff
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2023 08:14:42 -0600
> From: Gerry leary 
> To: Gary Memory 
> Cc: Elecraft Reflector 
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KXPA100
> Message-ID: <47b8a28c-0348-4525-86e4-22c2c6ea5...@icloud.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> I got one when they first came out. It was so much fun that I think I played 
> with it for two days straight without stopping for anything except necessary 
> breaks and sleep.
> Gerry Leary Wb6ivf
> On Jul 1, 2023, at 1:37 PM, Gary Memory  wrote:
> ?Hey Rob??I ordered it in January.  I did the internal tuner as well.  This
> afternoon I?ve been loa

[Elecraft] Err 70 PTT low power

2023-07-02 Thread Jeff Drew via Elecraft
The K4 does one of two things:

* gets stuck in transmit mode. Remedy: turn off radio. 

* Will not transmit when PTT or
Keyed. Remedy: None

I changed pistol grip PTT which did not corrrect problem. Need to know the fix 
for this problem urgently. 


Sent from my iPhone
Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net

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Message delivered to arch...@mail-archive.com 

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Digest K4 order/shipping status

2022-09-24 Thread Jeff Cathrow
Can someone explain Elecraft's K4 order/shipping status please?

I don't understand what "K4 Group 3 orders have been emailed through 4/15/22" 
means, exactly.

I ordered a k4 on July 31st but was never told what "group" I was in.  Does 
this mean I must be in Group 4 because I haven't been emailed at all yet?  I 
suppose that also means my order will be filled  after 4/15 at the earlies, 

I just want to have an idea without bugging the nice folks at Elecraft if I 
don't have to...


Jeff, AK5B

From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net  on 
behalf of elecraft-requ...@mailman.qth.net 
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2022 5:50 PM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net 
Subject: Elecraft Digest, Vol 221, Issue 6

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[Elecraft] Help a Blind guy sell his gear?

2022-01-01 Thread Jeff Grillo
I have 2 questions.  I happen to be blind and have some great gear I just 
don’t/can’t use.  Used precisely 3 times.  First question is where is the best 
place to list my used Elecraft gear?  Also, I’m having trouble learning what is 
a “fair” price.  I don’t want to take advantage of anyone…and I don’t want to 
give it away either.  I need the money to invest in my music gear.  Here’s what 
I have.  KX2 w/tuner and clock.  AX1 &2.  I have the bag for it as well as 
extra battery and MH3 mic.  Additionally I have Chameleon MPAS Lite antenna and 
a backpack from Chameleon that holds everything, and room for a bunch more.  I 
was thinking $1,500?  Is that off?  High or Low?  Help! Thanks! 73 KO4NE

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 31, 2021, at 6:13 PM, elecraft-requ...@mailman.qth.net wrote:
> Send Elecraft mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Elecraft digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Report on cheap power supply for K2 (Geert Jan de Groot)
>   2. Re: Simulated Stereo (Peter Eijlander (PA0PJE))
>   3. P3 with TXmon and Svga for sale (Ronnie Hull)
>   4. Re: I'm Thrilled with my new K4 (Robert Sands)
>   5. Re: I'm Thrilled with my new K4 (David Gilbert)
>   6. K4D Owner Manual (Sam Sargent)
>   7. Re: K4D Owner Manual (George Briggs)
>   8. Re: K4D Owner Manual (Thorsten Fricke)
>   9. Re: Elecraft E850463 cable (Mike Murray)
>  10. Re: I'm Thrilled with my new K4 (Robert Sands)
>  11. Re: KAT500 Attenuator (Wes)
>  12. TX Gain calibration fails (dl...@gmx.net)
>  13. Re: TX Gain calibration fails (William Hammond)
>  14. Elecraft P/N 620021 source (Paul Kemp)
>  15. KX3 - Low sensitivity on 12M band (Bert)
>  16. FS: KRX3A (Nick-VE3EY)
>  17. Problem solved - KX3 - Low sensitivity on 12M band (Bert)
>  18. Cleaning Solder Flux, Redux (eda...@aya.yale.edu)
>  19. Re: [POSSIBLE SPAM]  Cleaning Solder Flux, Redux
>  (Dr. William J. Schmidt)
>  20. Re: Output power being eaten (Al Lorona)
>  21. Re: Output power being eaten (Jim Brown)
>  22. Re: [POSSIBLE SPAM]  Cleaning Solder Flux, Redux (Harlan Sherriff)
>  23. Need a mentor (Lou Mecseri)
>  24. Re: [POSSIBLE SPAM] Cleaning Solder Flux, Redux (Eric Garner)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021 12:21:36 +0100
> From: Geert Jan de Groot 
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Report on cheap power supply for K2
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>> On 29/12/2021 04:06, elecraft-requ...@mailman.qth.net wrote:
>> A concern might be if the battery is fully charged using the 14 volt supply, 
>> and then a conventional 13.8 volt supply is accidentally connected with the 
>> battery turned on in the radio, then the voltage regulator of the 
>> conventional power supply might get confused.
> That should not be the case unless your K2 circuit is modified. D10 on 
> the RF board prevents voltage from the battery to reach the DC power 
> connector on the back. So there is no voltage from the battery to the 
> power connector and the power supply does not get confused.
> It is the same D10 that makes power supply selection for charging 
> difficult, BTW. In order to get 13.8V on the battery for charging, one 
> must pass D10 *and* the resistor in the KBT2 kit. Note that D10 got 
> changed to a schottky diode as part of the K2 A-to-B kit. Still, I have 
> my K2 power supply set to 14.2V for this reason.
> Note that "hey, I found a power supply that doesn't generate noise" for 
> me is just one selection criteria for power supplies. Other 
> considerations are safety and protection: correct fusing and the like. I 
> had a cheap charger explode within 8ft distance in a shack a few years 
> ago. The explosion ripped the casing out of the wall socket, ripped the 
> casing apart and left the electronics smoldering on the hotel carpet. 
> The thing sounded like a pistol shot but didn't even trigger the mains fuse.
> My question, then: would you mind if something like this were to happen, 
> in your shack, at night, and the resulting situation starting a fire? 
> There is a reason that "brandname" power supplies have more protection 
> circuitry: if there would be a fire in your shack, then with a brandname 
> power supply this is a liability case.
> With an Amazon Special, whom would you make responsible?
> That is why I either use brandname power supplies or only charge when I 
> can attend the charge process. I don't want to badmouth your purchasing 
> decision, but perhaps this gives s

[Elecraft] K3 DVR comes and goes?

2021-07-22 Thread Jeff Kinzli N6GQ
Hey y'all, I have an old K3 that we upgraded to K3S a few years back. It
also has a DVR unit in it. All firmware is current.

Today upon powerup the DVR didn't work - showed as not installed and
obviously didn't work.

I powered off the radio and back on again, and there was the DVR, working
again as usual.

I'm thinking the contacts may need cleaning on the DVR/pins - but also
wondering if there's other things that I should check. I'm taking the radio
on a dxpedition soon and want everything to work properly.


Jeff N6GQ
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[Elecraft] Unsubscribe my deceased husband

2021-07-06 Thread Jeff Wilson via Elecraft

Sent from my iPad
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[Elecraft] KAT3 (not KAT3A) issue - older K3 take note

2021-06-14 Thread Jeff Stai
TL;DR: Got a KAT3 in your K3? Next time you have your K3 open, pull out
KAT3 and preemptively remove L10 and C10, and replace with a jumper. You
don't need them and they are probably messing you up at times.

(Are there any other older K3 issues like this? Tell me!)

I have an early model K3 that still has all of its original modules. I was
having an issue where the power output was sometimes dropping to just a few

Running the TX calibration would sometimes fail completely with weird error
messages, but if I could get it to run it would get through most of the way
but always fail on 52MHz due to high SWR (over 2). With a dummy load or a
matched antenna, SWR was over 2 also in normal operation.

Of course, this low power situation would magically correct itself after
some poking around, though the 52MHz high SWR was consistent.

I finally decided that I wanted to do some 6m operating and I used the KAT3
to get matched to the load. I would just operate until something finally
decided to fail fully.

It did. After a few hours C10 on the KAT3 blew, LOUDLY and smokily.
Undoubtedly due to some crazy high voltages presented by the tuner.

After some sleuthing in the Elecraft reflector I found the C10/L10 filter
issue being well discussed. Pulling them out and jumpering solved all my
issues. With the K3, anyway. :)

This filter was not included in the KAT3A. If you have one of those, you're
good. If you want to know more about the history of this filter it's easy
enough to find in the email archives. :)

Hope this helps - jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net

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Re: [Elecraft] XV222 Mods Question

2021-06-10 Thread Jeff Stai
hi Mike - I checked my notes from field testing the XV222 and didn't see
any C12 mod, and I checked my actual XV222 and didn't find any extra caps

Regarding Z4... there were a series of Builder's Alerts that came out with
mods to be made. It's possible that yours is also a field test and/or some
of the mods were not done in your version. Don W3FPR may be better able to
talk to that, and to have the Builder's Alerts handy in digital form so I
don't have to scan them for you. :)

Anyway, Alert #5 says Z4 is supposed to be a 56 ohm resistor. I'll have to
dig deeper to see what is up with Q1.

73 jeff wk6i

On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 3:08 PM Don Wilhelm  wrote:

> Mike,
> Has the paint been cleared from all parts of the enclosure that contact
> the 2D connectors?
> If not, that could be reason for your observations.
> You might want to remove those capacitors to see if all is well without
> them.
> I have lots of experience with the Elecraft transverters and do not
> recall that as a mod.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 6/10/2021 5:37 PM, Mike Cizek W0VTT wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> >
> >
> > I recently purchased a used XV222 that had some modifications done in the
> > local oscillator circuit. The construction was very sloppy, but
> transverter
> > works OK most of the time.  Power output is adequate with good audio on
> > and receiver sensitivity seems OK.  Sometimes the xvtr goes in to
> parasitic
> > oscillation.  I can stop the oscillation by touching certain parts of the
> > case, and it will operate normally for a while.  Weird.  I cannot find
> any
> > documentation about the mod on line.
> >
> >
> >
> > It appears that two 2.2 pF caps have been added (on the bottom side of
> the
> > board) in parallel with C12 (10pF), and the collector of Q1 goes above
> the
> > board directly to Z4 instead of into its hole in the PCB.  Has anyone
> seen
> > this mod or the reason for it documented anywhere?
> >
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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> Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
> Message delivered to wk6i.j...@gmail.com

Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] using the sub receiver in a K3S with a 2nd P3?

2021-06-10 Thread Jeff Goldman
I am looking for any information on hooking up a P3 to the sub-receiver in a 
K3S.  Any help would be appreciated.

Jeff, K3DUA

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] OT: High school drafting class, ~1975

2021-04-24 Thread Jeff Stai
Not offered in my HS as I recall in 1976 but in college one quarter of it
was required. I enjoyed it so much I took the second quarter.

My son who almost has his degree also recently took "drafting" courses, in
which they did an entire internal combustion engine including animating it
when it was done. Yike. 73 jeff wk6i

On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 10:11 PM Wayne Burdick  wrote:

> OK, I've really dated myself now.
> Anyone remember "drafting"? A favorite class in high school: blueprints,
> mechanical drawings, schematics, straight edges, hand lettering,
> projections and elevations. We invented things to draw that weren't real,
> but looked like they should be. Did all the math by hand -- on a slide
> rule, if necessary. Day-dreamed about what we might one day build.
Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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[Elecraft] K3 WTB 1.8KHz, 15KHz Filters + KDVR3 please.

2021-03-25 Thread Jeff Cochrane - VK4XA
As per the topic, 
I'm after a 1.8KHz Filter, a 15KHz filter and a KDVR3 for my K3 at a
reasonable price please.
(Yes, I know that Inrad still sell them but I'm hoping to find something
cheaper in here)

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Cochrane VK4XA
Innisfail, Queensland

Jeff Cochrane - VK4XA
Innisfail, QLD, Australia.
K3 #3545

Sent from: http://elecraft.365791.n2.nabble.com/
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 WTB - Filters and KDVR3

2021-03-25 Thread Jeff Cochrane - VK4XA
Hi everyone,
I have recently rejoined the Elecraft fold with K3 serial #3545
I am looking for a couple of filters for it as it is only fitted with the
stock 2.7KHz 5 pole SSB filter.
What I am after is a 1KHz 8 pole and a 2.1KHz 8 pole for it as well as the
Does anyone out there have these at a reasonable price? (and who are willing
to ship the items to Australia)

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Cochrane VK4XA
Innisfail, Queensland,

Jeff Cochrane - VK4XA
Innisfail, QLD, Australia.
K3 #3545

Sent from: http://elecraft.365791.n2.nabble.com/
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[Elecraft] Are external tuners really needed with Chamaeleon antennas?

2021-03-22 Thread Jeff Grillo
I am considering purchasing a Chamaeleon MPAS Lite and from what I gather from 
advertisements they require an external wide range antenna tuner to work. I 
have a kx2 with the internal tuner. I am guessing there is something beyond my 
paygrade as to why this would not be sufficient? If anyone has direct 
experience with these antennas please let me know your experience and what you 
think. Also… I am interested in this particular antenna because I am visually 
impaired and it seems like something I could set up myself relatively easily. 
Thanks! 73 KO4NE 

Sent from my iPhone
Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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[Elecraft] K3 for sale

2021-02-10 Thread jeff martin via Elecraft

I have my K3 for sale. Used about 5 hours after build, for test and 
calibration. Have all the manuals etc. K3-100KAT3KBPF3KFL3-400KXV3A
Perfect condition.$1500.00
Contact me offlist at:jmartin...@hushmail.com
Thanks,N7KRTJeff Martin
Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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[Elecraft] FS: Elecraft KPA1500 amplifier

2020-11-26 Thread Jeff Blaine
I offer for sale my KPA1500 amplifier in excellent cosmetic and 
operational condition.

Given the amount of nonsense I see on a lot of boards with respect to 
high end gear sales, I would welcome the serious buyer come to the shack 
for a first hand personal check out of the amp so the new owner can be 
100% satisfied of it's condition.

For those otherwise trusting buyers who don't associate my callsign with 
that of a scoundrel, I would be willing to do some driving for a meet up 
& hand off as part of the deal.  QTH here is about 30 minutes south of 
Kansas City, KS, in the lovely center of the propagation black hole here 
in the great USA.

$5400 OBO.

Those interested - kindly contact me off list to    jeff at ac0c dot com

Happy Thanksgiving and this year it looks like we will have some extra 
propagation on the CQ WPX CW contest this weekend as well to be thankful 


Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] KIO3 Digital Board Failed and WSJTx transmit issues

2020-09-15 Thread Jeff Wilson via Elecraft
Hi EdI just solved a similar problem with my K3 (s/n 1900 plus all K3 upgrades) 
setting up WSJTx after Windows 10 update and having to renumber COM ports that 
use FTDI chip USB adapters.  I could not set my usual config for CAT and PTT 
(using CAT) and got a PTT ERR on the K3 which would go into TX but without 
power on WSJTx boot up.  Just pushing TEST on and then off reset the K3IO and I 
was off to the races.  This is in the original K3 manual, page 19 I think.  

Found on a previous post after search PTT ERR.
In the K3 Manual:  " If a PC or other device asserts RTS or DTR DIGOUT 1 while 
you're in the PTT-KEY menu entry, the K3 will enter TEST mode as a precaution. 
Page 19 In the tables below, 0 = 0 VDC, and 1 = device Normally, when the K3 is 
turned on, a 5-VDC logic supply voltage. signal appears on ACC pin 7 (K3 ON)."
I thought my K3IO was toast as WSJTx software and FTDI serial USB adapters all 
worked fine with my FT-1000mp.  This was caused by adjusting the K3 MENU and 
CONFIG setting while changing things on WSTJx at the same time.must have 
been in panic mode. Hi.
Hope this helps.73Jeff VE3CV
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K4 Second RX and Transverters

2020-09-14 Thread Jeff Uchitjil
I have sent this question to Elecraft support a few times over the last few 
weeks without a response, so I am giving it a try here.

If I have a basic K4 and a 2M transverter attached, will I be able to monitor 
6M or any other internal band off of the single main antenna port and also have 
a 2M transverter frequency on the 2nd RX? Or is the transverter considered a 
second antenna and would require the K4D with he second RX path to have the two 
bands at the same time? The transverter would use the 10M IF, but I am not sure 
how the pathing works if the transverter port would be an either or with the 
main antenna without a K4D.

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[Elecraft] Elecraft KAT500/KPA500 PowerCombo only Partially Compatible with Modern Kenwood Rigs

2020-03-21 Thread Jeff Hughes
Just a little public service announcement that the Elecraft KAT500/KPA500 
PowerCombo is only partially compatible with modern Kenwood radios.  To whit… 
the PowerCombo works with VFO A, but not VFO B.

Most modern rigs come with dual VFO’s, of course.  And many come with outright 
dual receivers.  This ability to quickly monitor and move between 
bands/frequencies comes in handy in a variety of scenarios.  And most of us 
happily bounce between these dual VFO’s without attaching any particular 
importance to one over the other.

The problem lies with the KAT500, which reliably tracks VFO A… but which cannot 
track VFO B.  The upshot being that if you’re operating VFO A, the 
KAT500/KPA500 PowerCombo will work as expected.  But as soon as you toggle over 
to VFO B the KAT500 will manifest with clacking relays with every Tx on/off 
transition and the KPA500 will instantly fault with High Reflected Power if it 
is brought online in SWR conditions that required a tuned solution from the 

Said differently, if you’re operating in conditions where native, un-tuned SWR 
is low – where you don’t need the KAT500, in other words - the KPA500 works 
perfectly.  But as soon as you move to a frequency with a moderate-or-higher 
SWR – a situation where you need the KAT500 to insert its tuned solution – it 
cannot do so, and the KPA500 faults.  The behavior is independent of the best 
practices usually espoused for the KAT500… always operate in ‘Manual,’ “train 
the tuner” to lock in inductor/capacitor settings in advance, and do that 
pre-tuning with 25-watts or more for greater accuracy.

This VFO B problem applies to the Kenwood TS-590SG, TS-890S, TS-990S, and 
perhaps others.

On their own, the KAT500/KPA500 PowerCombo are a remarkable addition to any 
shack.  Profound is the word I’ve often used to describe their impact.  
However, the inability to use VFO B in conjunction with them is a pretty major 

I have no information one way or the other, but I suspect the KPA1500 also 
suffers from this issue.

Probably the thing that surprises me most is that this issue has apparently 
existed for years… and yet has not been socialized anywhere that I’m aware of.  
Neither the Kenwood TS-890S User Manual nor the Kenwood TS-890S In-Depth Manual 
make mention that their VFO’s A and B implement slightly different character 
streams.  Elecraft’s KAT500 Automatic Antenna Tuner Owner’s Manual doesn’t 
mention that interfacing with Kenwood radios is a problem.  Fred Cady, KE7X 
(RIP), doesn’t mention it in his KPA500 Amplifier and KAT500 Tuner manual.  And 
it doesn’t appear to have made its way into any knowledgebase within Elecraft 
itself.  One wonders how many hours have been spent by Elecraft staff and 
Elecraft customers – and how many KAT500 and KPA500’s have been shipped back 
for repair – because of this one issue.

And that’s why I’m posting it here.

I’d like to thank Bob and Dick from Elecraft for their prompt, professional, 
and thoughtful assistance in helping me to look at the anomalous behavior I’ve 
always seen, but never could quite pin down, with my KAT500/KPA500.  And I’d 
especially like to thank Andy Durbin, K3WYC, for finally illuminating what was 
actually going on.  Andy submitted a defect report last fall and hopefully 
Elecraft will prioritize it at some point.

In the meantime, if you’re running a Kenwood rig and are contemplating adding 
the KAT500/KPA500 PowerCombo… be aware that there are issues.

73, Jeff K4EI

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Re: [Elecraft] Where is Elecraft Support ?

2020-03-11 Thread Jeff Stai
Continuing the OT parade, I have one.

When I first joined the ASIC team at Western Digital I was assigned to
complete a SCSI interface chip and get it into manufacturing. It was a
design that they had decided not to produce... except for the fact that one
frisky salesman sold it to an passenger jet manufacturer.

Said mfr needed, for the whole lifetime of the jet in question, something
like 30 units. But since there was a contract signed, we made it.

73 jeff wk6i

On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 1:19 PM Alan  wrote:

> My experience with lifetime buys was at HP/Agilent.  They would only do
> such a buy when the manufacturer announced a part discontinuance.  You
> then figure out how many parts you need for the expected product
> lifetime plus spares for future repairs and buy that many to put in stores.
> It's  a pain in the neck because it can be expensive to store all that
> unused inventory and it's hard to estimate product lifetime years in
> advance.  So if possible you try to find a substitute part, even if that
> may involve some re-design.  But sometimes a lifetime buy is the only
> reasonable solution.
> Alan N1AL
> On 3/11/20 12:10 PM, Fred Jensen wrote:
> > It is dependent on scale, David.  The USAF flies large fleets of a
> > number of different A/C and has in-place materiel warehousing and
> > distribution facilities.
> >
> > On 3/10/2020 9:49 PM, David Gilbert wrote:
> >>
> >> That makes zero sense.
> >>
> >> What are you going to make a "Lifetime Buy" on?  A synth?  A front
> >> panel?  A tuner?  You might as well buy a second (or third) rig since
> >> you don't have a clue what might fail in the future, and if you buy
> >> all those things separately (or worse yet the individual components
> >> that go into them) you better plan on working an extra year or so
> >> before retiring.
> __
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Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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Re: [Elecraft] Visit to Elecraft HQ worthwhile?

2020-01-14 Thread Jeff Stai
hi Paul - I'm sorry I completely disagree. You do the drive north to south
so you can easily pull over for every OMG view turnout without needing to
turn left. :) 73 jeff wk6i

On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 5:03 AM Paul Gacek via Elecraft <
elecraft@mailman.qth.net> wrote:

> As to driving highway 1. My sense is its “easier”/more pleasant to do it
> going south to north as you aren’t constantly worrying about the shear drop
> to your immediate right.

> --
Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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Re: [Elecraft] DZOTA: Dead Zones On The Air

2019-12-10 Thread Jeff Stai
And most of the SIERRA Nevada too! 73 jeff wk6i

On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 3:18 PM Fred Jensen  wrote:

> and most of Nevada too.
> 73,
> Fred ["Skip"] K6DGW
> Sparks NV DM09dn
> Washoe County
> On 12/10/2019 7:12 AM, Joseph Street wrote:
> > DZOTA  somost of Canada then.  This jives perfectly with my desire
> to go hike where nobody else wants to go.  I might just get bitten by this
> bug along with a few thousand mosquitoes and blackflies.  One problem
> though, I've never owned a cell phone.  I need some other way of knowing
> when I'm in a dead zone. Any suggestions?
> >
> >
> > Joe ve3vxo
> >
> > 
> > From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net 
> on behalf of Wayne Burdick 
> > Sent: December 10, 2019 9:46:09 AM
> > To: Elecraft Reflector
> > Cc: elecraft...@groups.io
> > Subject: [Elecraft] DZOTA: Dead Zones On The Air
> >
> > Have you seen those cell-phone company maps showing how much of the
> country they cover? Inevitably, they reveal a patchwork of Dead Zones
> (DZs): places where coverage is not just bad...it's non-existent.
> >
> > In such inhospitable realms, your choices are smoke signals, sat phone,
> or ham radio. This smacks of an opportunity. Hence DZOTA.
> >
> > DZOTA places are often DeZerted. In fact, they are often in dezerts, in
> contrast to many of the conspicuous high places typical of SOTA. This may
> be a benefit to outdoor radio enthusiasts who, when hiking, prefer level
> ground or even a gentle downward slope. And in an emergency, those hikers
> might be the only ones around with comms.
> >
> > Where are the most notorious DZs? I have a few tiny cell network black
> holes in my urban neighborhood, thanks to AT&T. But the truly inspiring DZs
> are far from civilization, covering tens or hundreds of square miles.
> Typically, they're also far from sources of noise.
> >
> > I have no illusions that DZOTA sites will be officially tracked and
> chased anytime soon. Still, the "NO SIGNAL" icon on my phone now has new
> meaning. It's a bug you, too, can change to a feature just by keeping a
> radio in your vehicle at all times.
> >
> > In my case, it's the spare KX2 and AX1 under the driver's seat.
> >
> > 73,
> > Wayne
> > N6KR
> >
> __
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Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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[Elecraft] Looking for volunteer to design a tiny CW transceiver for socially isolated kids/teens

2019-10-17 Thread Jeff Kabel
1) Wouldn't it be better to use one of the ISM bands? Then licensing is not
a problem. I'd feel uncomfortable giving radios that operate in the ham
bands to people without a license. There are bands 6.765-6.795MHz,
13.553-13.567MHz, and 26.957-27.283 close to our 40, 20, and 12/10 meter
bands, and a number of bands in the VHF+ range. The 13MHz one is used by
the HiFER <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LowFER> experimenters already.
There are also the LowFER and MedFER bands.

2) Does the pixie not meet the requirements? They're cheap ($3-5 on eBay),
low power (~150mW), and have QSK. The kits you buy don't have a volume
control, but that is simple to add.

-- Jeff aa6xa
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Re: [Elecraft] Cruise lines

2019-10-17 Thread jeff griffin
What I find interesting is their using the government supplied scanning
equipment for free to remove any personnel alcohol, and increase their
profit margin.75$ for a 7$ bottle of wine?! Along with the sub standard
entertainment on board, bad food, etc. I avoid cruises like the plague.

73 Jeff kb2m  

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Paul Antos
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 8:39 PM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [Elecraft] Cruise lines

Yes, RC prohibits amateur radio gear, but will happily sell you personal
walkie talkies at the gift shop to talk to your far-flung mates on board ...
perhaps the same thought as prohibiting bringing your own liquor on board.

Paul NS2N

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Re: [Elecraft] Cruise Lines

2019-10-16 Thread jeff griffin
Try a different cruise line. Last year AMSAT had their annual meeting on a 
cruise ship. Radio operation was allowed on HF VHF and UHF without any issues 
from the ships officers. 

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net 
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Joseph Shuman via 
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 10:48 AM
To: Elecraft Mail Server
Subject: [Elecraft] Cruise Lines

Going on a cruise in a few months, so I emailed the cruise line about operating 
at sea with a KX2.  Here is the reply:  “Ham Radios, Shortwave Radios or 
Satellite Radios (portable or standalone) may not be brought on board as they 
pose a risk of interfering with onboard navigational equipment.”  OK!  The line 
has a right to say no. But...

I have operated my KX2 QRP 40m portable with a GPS and Laptop in the 
transmission RF envelope with no interference problems.  I know maritime uses 
mostly 156-162 MHz for ship to ship or ship to shore, some specific HF 
frequencies (outside of our bands) are allocated for emergency communications 
and satellite navigation is typically 1150-1610 MHz.  Most ships now have WiFi 
and rely on phone apps for on-board communication, so there are a few thousand 
phones on board operating in the GHz range that are no problem.  Also, as a USN 
Sub Service vet I learned a few things about at-sea comms 40-some years ago, 
and considering the improvements in our technology...

Sorry if I seem to be ranting, but opportunities to operate at sea (for a OM in 
Ohio) are rare and this cruise line’s position seems to me to be the easy 
answer: ban all Hams outright.

Keeping Watch-
shu KE8KJZ

Joe Shuman
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 VFO-B knob replacement notes

2019-10-14 Thread jeff griffin
 I have a spare stock K3 knob set left over from when I replaced them a few
years ago with a set of heavy CNC machined ones. Only problem is there at my
Florida home. If no one else steps forward with an original  replacement for
you I will send you the one I have when I get home in mid December. All I
would possibly ask for is the shipping. Let me know

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Geert Jan de Groot
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2019 6:00 PM
To: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 VFO-B knob replacement notes


Recently I purchased a K3 and found I need to give it some love as it 
has been a bit behind on maintenance.

One of the issues is that the VFO B knob has cracked. This is Elecraft 
part number E980090, listed as K3 spare part.

Unfortunately, that knob is no longer available, and here is where the 
fun starts.

What is sent instead, is Elecraft part E980275. Both E980090 and E980275 
are listed but only E980275 is available.
The replacement knob is smaller, the old knob is 1 3/8", the new knob is 1".

Just replacing the knob won't work because the felt washer sticks out.

Also, the encoder is too long and the new knob sticks out - the felt 
washer doesn't work.

Called Elecraft sales and there is some confusion.

The errata of the build instruction of the K3S (not K3) explains what 
has happened:
- The new knob is smaller
- it needs a different felt washer, replace E700033 with E700416
- the encoder needs an additional lock washer, E700150.
- So, if you order a replacement, order all of this and plan to have to 
take the front panel apart.

None of this is on the elecraft website. I also did not find anything in 
the reflector archives. And it's not in the K3 documentation, only the 
K3S documentation.

This is kind of painful, since in addition to the price of the spare 
parts I ordered to get the K3 up to date ($173) I spent $80 on shipping, 
customs and postal admin overhead and I now find I have an incomplete 
mod kit.

I will need to cut the wrongly-ordered felt washer to size and find a 
replacement lock washer to make the encoder sink deeper to match the new 
knob.. Again, this isn't listed in the spare parts on the website or on 
the reflector; it is now documented on the reflector, at least.

Geert Jan

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Re: [Elecraft] K$ Delivery Euope

2019-10-10 Thread jeff griffin
Well me too 

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Macy monkeys
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 5:32 PM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K$ Delivery Euope

Am I the only one finding the K$ typo mildly amusing?   :)

John K7FD

> On Oct 10, 2019, at 2:15 PM, Ray Spreadbury via Elecraft
> Hi Udo
> I spoke to Eric at the UK Hamfest a couple of weeks ago. He said that
> probably deliveries to Europe would be more like May/June/July with some
> early examples perhaps being available to European Retailers  for demos a
> bit earlier. 
> I also Emailed Elecraft Sales last week to enquire if I could get one in
> Jan/Feb (the same as USA I think) by paying the deposit directly to
> Elecraft.
> I received an answer from Madelyn Gomez a day later that before ANY
> deliveries are made to Europe, the K4 will have to achieve European CE
> Approval.
> Not sure what happens if the UK leave the EU at end October with Brexit !!
> 73 Ray G3XLG
> __
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA-1500 failing on 160...AGAIN!

2019-09-27 Thread Jeff Blaine
It's from my head.  I have a BVT - it's DC so the 4K is a DC claim.  I 
BVT cables used here in the shack as a fast way to ensure I don't have 
some microscopic wire or filing or whatever down in a connector - stuff 
like that is a nightmare to troubleshoot.

At one point I tried to use a PL259 for a HV run but it arced from time 
to time at 4.2KV.

So at least in this shack, a PL259/SO239 is rated for well under 4KV.


On 9/27/19 3:14 PM, Walter Underwood wrote:

Few of us can guarantee dry air for our antenna connections. Where is this data 

For the question “Has anyone tested them?”, I expect that Amphenol tests to the 
published specs. Those tests would be over the entire temperature range in the 
data sheet. If you visit the data sheets I linked for the UHF and type N 
connectors, you might notice that type N has spect for many more attributes 
than UHF.

Walter Underwood
http://observer.wunderwood.org/ (my blog)

On Sep 27, 2019, at 11:04 AM, Jeff Blaine  wrote:

PL259/SO239 BDV is around 4KV in dry air.


On 9/27/19 1:01 PM, j...@kk9a.com wrote:

5000 watts is 500 volts rms with a perfect antenna system. I suspect that 
PL-259 connectors really can withstand much more than 500 volts. Has anyone 
tested them?  My station has a mixture of UHF, N and DIN connectors and all 
have worked perfectly for 1500 watts HF.  If PL-259s are failing they are 
either poor quality connectors or there are serious antenna issues causing 
excessive voltage.

John KK9A

Walter Underwood K6WRU

Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
 From the Amphenol data sheet, UHF connectors are rated for 500 V peak, so they 
are marginal for use at that power level. Type N connectors are rated at 1500 V 

Walter Underwood
http://observer.wunderwood.org/ (my blog)

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Re: [Elecraft] KPA-1500 failing on 160...AGAIN!

2019-09-27 Thread Jeff Blaine
I don't doubt the AMP connector is great but doubt this issue is due to 
a connector.

One thing I can say from personal experience is that if you have a tall 
or long antenna, you definitely need a static bleed on that bad boy.  
Never really gave those stories much credence but a number of years back 
I was doing some work on an 80m full size vert one summer.  Managed at 
one point to to reach up and touch a wire that was hanging off the 
vertical - and landed up on my butt from the jolt.  So that static build 
up thing is real.  Been using high value high power wire wound resistors 
for bleeding since. And a polyphaser to provide the discharge path in 
the event the voltage builds up too high from a nearby strike or whatever.

The 1500 has PIN diodes for switching.  Generically speaking running a 
PIN diode switched amp without a spark gap on the coax to clamp spikes 
from whatever cause seems like tempting fate one step too close.  Maybe 
the 1500 has some internal protection - don't hear much about a lot of 
switching failure on the amp.  But a GDT pass through like a polyphaser 
is cheap insurance.

PS:  CQ WW RTTY starts tonight!!!


On 9/27/19 1:48 PM, Jim Brown wrote:

On 9/27/2019 11:01 AM, j...@kk9a.com wrote:
If PL-259s are failing they are either poor quality connectors or 
there are serious antenna issues causing excessive voltage.

YES! Only first quality connectors and adapters should be used.

I run legal limit to resonant antennas fed with 50 ohm and 75 ohm coax 
and hard line. Amphenol 83-1SP connectors are the standard throughout 
my station. I use type N only on hard line for which UHF connectors 
are not available. I've NEVER experienced any symptoms of arcing in 

I HAVE seen lots problems caused by poor quality connectors and 
adapters, and by poorly soldered coax connectors when putting stations 
together for Field Day and similar operations.

My rule: In North America, if the connector doesn't say Amphenol 
83-1SP or have a MIL spec number stamped on it, it is JUNK. The same 
holds true for adapters.

73, Jim K9YC
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA-1500 failing on 160...AGAIN!

2019-09-27 Thread Jeff Blaine

PL259/SO239 BDV is around 4KV in dry air.


On 9/27/19 1:01 PM, j...@kk9a.com wrote:
5000 watts is 500 volts rms with a perfect antenna system. I suspect 
that PL-259 connectors really can withstand much more than 500 volts. 
Has anyone tested them?  My station has a mixture of UHF, N and DIN 
connectors and all have worked perfectly for 1500 watts HF.  If 
PL-259s are failing they are either poor quality connectors or there 
are serious antenna issues causing excessive voltage.

John KK9A

Walter Underwood K6WRU

Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
From the Amphenol data sheet, UHF connectors are rated for 500 V peak, 
so they are marginal for use at that power level. Type N connectors 
are rated at 1500 V peak.

Walter Underwood
http://observer.wunderwood.org/ (my blog)

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[Elecraft] No Speaker Audio / K3

2019-09-07 Thread Jeff Halliburton via Elecraft
I have a K3 that just recently lost speaker audio.
No audio from the external amplified speakers I’ve been using, and nothing from 
the built-in K3 speaker when the external speakers are unplugged.
Headphone audio is working fine.
Any suggestions before contacting support?

Jeff, W4JSH
Pleasant View, TN

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: [Elecraft] [K2] DXE Clifton Labs Z10000 Buffer Amp

2019-08-19 Thread Jeff Blaine
Not sure about a review at DXE, but categorically anything cooked up by 
the late Jack Smith K8ZOA is an exceptional performer.  The CLifton 
ports that DXE has done have been well implemented so you can expect 
good results.

I've used the original Clifton version of the board in a number of 
projects and it's excellent.  The huge reverse isolation ensures that 
the LO of the SDR does not feed back into the rig.


On 8/19/19 10:54 PM, Clark Macaulay wrote:

Looking for comments about the reissue of this amp as I'm considering
adding a panadapter to my venerable (and very capable) K2.  There is only
one review at DXE and it is not very complimentary.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3/0 complete remote system for sale

2019-07-29 Thread jeff griffin
The K3/0 remote package has been sold. Thanks for all the interest.


73 Jeff kb2m


From: jeff griffin [mailto:k...@arrl.net] 
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2019 5:42 PM
To: 'Elecraft'
Cc: 'elecraft...@groups.io'
Subject: K3/0 complete remote system for sale


I have in excess of my needs a complete K3/0 remote system. This package
will include..

1.   A K3/0

2.   A remoteRig RRC-1258 MkII K3 Elecraft K3 twin set

3.   An Astron SS-18 power supply.

4.   A Yamaha CM500 headset w/PTT switch

5.   All cables needed at both ends to hook up and power on.


I used to run remote all of the time while traveling, but haven't used this
but twice in the last year. You really can't beat having an  actual
hardware radio, the K3/0 in front of you while remoting. All equipment in
scratch free, very good,  non smoker condition. Pictures available if
needed.  $975 for the package shipped insured CONUS. Will ship offshore, but
shipping will be extra, pre paid.


73 Jeff kb2m 

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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[Elecraft] K3/0 complete remote system for sale

2019-07-28 Thread jeff griffin
I have in excess of my needs a complete K3/0 remote system. This package
will include..

1.   A K3/0

2.   A remoteRig RRC-1258 MkII K3 Elecraft K3 twin set

3.   An Astron SS-18 power supply.

4.   A Yamaha CM500 headset w/PTT switch

5.   All cables needed at both ends to hook up and power on.


I used to run remote all of the time while traveling, but haven't used this
but twice in the last year. You really can't beat having an  actual
hardware radio, the K3/0 in front of you while remoting. All equipment in
scratch free, very good,  non smoker condition. Pictures available if
needed.  $975 for the package shipped insured CONUS. Will ship offshore, but
shipping will be extra, pre paid.


73 Jeff kb2m 

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Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Re: [Elecraft] K4 and Linux Infrastructure

2019-06-03 Thread Jeff Scaparra
Missed reply all.

At some level even if they do "only" have apps they will have this problem.
App developers will need to be able to modify and test things. Also I doubt
that there would be many apps if this is a separate process than mainstream
linux/windows. why would a hobby developer want to build a separate thing
just for one pretty expensive radio when they could just build the app for
linux or windows and support everyone.

Maybe they have some trick to make app onboarding easy.

My 2 cents
Jeff N6SDR

>> On Mon, Jun 3, 2019, 5:45 PM Lynn W. Taylor, WB6UUT <
>> kx...@coldrockshotbrooms.com> wrote:
>>> Seriously folks, think about the folks in Elecraft support and Service.
>>> Imagine spending an hour working through a problem just to find out that
>>> someone is running modified firmware (and this is firmware, not software
>>> for us to play with).
>>> It's an embedded system.  If you break it, you own both parts, and
>>> Elecraft would need a 100% reliable way to verify that you didn't
>>> introduce bugs.
>>> Let this idea go, folks.
>>> -- Lynn
>>> On 6/3/2019 3:31 PM, Dave Cole (NK7Z) wrote:
>>> > Based on the lack of ability to chance the CW rise times, I suspect
>>> > Elecraft will not give access to the processor, and OS.  I would not.
>>> >
>>> > Why?  If too many users change things, and break things, the radio
>>> will
>>> > get a bad rep...  If Elecraft is smart, they will lock the users out
>>> of
>>> > that level of access.
>>> >
>>> > 73s and thanks,
>>> > Dave (NK7Z)
>>> > https://www.nk7z.net
>>> > ARRL Technical Specialist
>>> > ARRL Volunteer Examiner
>>> > ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resource
>>> >
>>> > On 6/3/19 2:04 PM, Jeff Scaparra wrote:
>>> >> I believe these are all good points that elecraft should consider. As
>>> for
>>> >> myself I am a tinker-er and as such i can imagine many things i would
>>> >> like
>>> >> to do with the on board system. Personally I would like the option of
>>> >> "unlocking" access do that I could use the underlying linux system and
>>> >> would be willing to be responsible for the security of the system if
>>> I
>>> >> did
>>> >> so. I know there will be many who just want a good radio to operate
>>> and
>>> >> that is why I am suggesting that maybe this is a opt into thing with
>>> the
>>> >> caveat that if you unlock this your responsible to keep the radio
>>> secure.
>>> >>
>>> >> Jeff
>>> >> N5SDR
>>> >>
>>> >> On Mon, Jun 3, 2019, 3:35 PM Dave New, N8SBE  wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Paul,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I believe you mistook the 'direction' of DDOS attack I was talking
>>> >>> about.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The K4 would not be the target of a DDOS attack, but rather an
>>> unwitting
>>> >>> participant in launching a DDOS attack as part of robot army of IoT
>>> >>> devices.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thousands of hacked IoT devices are for rent on the dark web, for any
>>> >>> script kiddie that wants to attack a particular target.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Also, it may be popular to use hacked web sites, or various documents
>>> >>> with trojan horse loads to deliver ransom ware or bitcoin miners, but
>>> >>> there are other known vectors, including various open ports found
>>> while
>>> >>> scanning.  It may be the a router would be able to block access, but
>>> the
>>> >>> very peer-to-peer nature of the K4 (controlling other K4's or being
>>> >>> controlled by another K4 or PC, tablet, etc, means that routers would
>>> >>> need to allow certain inbound connections through the router or
>>> >>> firewall.  These allow for interesting attack vectors, which will
>>> >>> certainly be exercised, if possible.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 73,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> -- Dave, N8SBE
>>> >>>
>>> >>>  Original Message 
>>> >>> Subject: Re: [Elecr

Re: [Elecraft] K4 and Linux Infrastructure

2019-06-03 Thread Jeff Scaparra
Actually there is more to think about than security here as well. What
would elecraft do about users that break the system but misconfiguring
stuff, etc... if they allow users to opt in I would fully expect users to
have to agree to owning responsibility for any modifications. This would
mean that if you have a problem with the radio and send it in and the
problem is solved by reflashing the base image then you should be charged
for wasting their time. I would also expect to have the base image given to
users so we can fix our own mistakes.

I think this problem will exist one way or another. Quite likely elecraft
will be legally required to make available some or all of the base image of
the radio due to software licences. It is also likely that someone will
figure out how to get access to the underlying system. In my opinion
elecraft can get out in front by setting expectations and telling users if
you do this your on your own from a warranty perspective. It would be nice
of them to limit that but they could have that void the whole warranty.

It will be interesting to see how they handle this. This is precisely the
reason I got put my deposit for the second group. I want to see how this
shakes out before commiting which means I cant be the first one with the

Jeff N5SDR

On Mon, Jun 3, 2019, 4:04 PM Jeff Scaparra  wrote:

> I believe these are all good points that elecraft should consider. As for
> myself I am a tinker-er and as such i can imagine many things i would like
> to do with the on board system. Personally I would like the option of
> "unlocking" access do that I could use the underlying linux system and
> would be willing to be responsible for the security of the system if I did
> so. I know there will be many who just want a good radio to operate and
> that is why I am suggesting that maybe this is a opt into thing with the
> caveat that if you unlock this your responsible to keep the radio secure.
> Jeff
> On Mon, Jun 3, 2019, 3:35 PM Dave New, N8SBE  wrote:
>> Paul,
>> I believe you mistook the 'direction' of DDOS attack I was talking
>> about.
>> The K4 would not be the target of a DDOS attack, but rather an unwitting
>> participant in launching a DDOS attack as part of robot army of IoT
>> devices.
>> Thousands of hacked IoT devices are for rent on the dark web, for any
>> script kiddie that wants to attack a particular target.
>> Also, it may be popular to use hacked web sites, or various documents
>> with trojan horse loads to deliver ransom ware or bitcoin miners, but
>> there are other known vectors, including various open ports found while
>> scanning.  It may be the a router would be able to block access, but the
>> very peer-to-peer nature of the K4 (controlling other K4's or being
>> controlled by another K4 or PC, tablet, etc, means that routers would
>> need to allow certain inbound connections through the router or
>> firewall.  These allow for interesting attack vectors, which will
>> certainly be exercised, if possible.
>> 73,
>> -- Dave, N8SBE
>>  Original Message 
>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K4 and Linux Infrastructure
>> From: Paul Gacek 
>> Date: Mon, June 03, 2019 4:00 pm
>> To: "Dave New, N8SBE" 
>> Cc: Elecraft Reflector , Rick WA6NHC
>> Dave
>> DDOS is quite hard for any end point (PC, iPhone, K4 etc) to deal with
>> effectively. If a million zombie Macs decide to simultaneously attack
>> your end point your best chance is as Rick states, a device that makes
>> up the perimeter defenses such as a firewall or cyber security
>> alternative (i.e router, IDP). Most homes don’t have anything
>> particularly sophisticated deployed and are therefore somewhat
>> vulnerable. In truth DDOS attacks are quite rare and typically not aimed
>> at Citizen Dave or his neighbors. Protection albeit optimistic is really
>> in the realm of a corporate network but even then we have a few cases
>> where iconic sites get hammered and go dark. Enabling the K4 to defend
>> against DDOS is a little like building a house to withstand random bits
>> of ISS dropping in unexpectedly; not something I’m expecting to be
>> paying for.
>> Unwanted ransomware or bitcoin mining programs are most likely the
>> result of an unwitting end user at and end point (PC, Android etc) doing
>> something that resulted in the malware ending up on their end point.
>> Could be surfing to a suspect web site (www.PawnStorm4U.com) or even
>> going to a compromised but reputable site such as NASA.gov.
>> Alternatively, it could be someone openi

Re: [Elecraft] K4 and Linux Infrastructure

2019-06-03 Thread Jeff Scaparra
I believe these are all good points that elecraft should consider. As for
myself I am a tinker-er and as such i can imagine many things i would like
to do with the on board system. Personally I would like the option of
"unlocking" access do that I could use the underlying linux system and
would be willing to be responsible for the security of the system if I did
so. I know there will be many who just want a good radio to operate and
that is why I am suggesting that maybe this is a opt into thing with the
caveat that if you unlock this your responsible to keep the radio secure.


On Mon, Jun 3, 2019, 3:35 PM Dave New, N8SBE  wrote:

> Paul,
> I believe you mistook the 'direction' of DDOS attack I was talking
> about.
> The K4 would not be the target of a DDOS attack, but rather an unwitting
> participant in launching a DDOS attack as part of robot army of IoT
> devices.
> Thousands of hacked IoT devices are for rent on the dark web, for any
> script kiddie that wants to attack a particular target.
> Also, it may be popular to use hacked web sites, or various documents
> with trojan horse loads to deliver ransom ware or bitcoin miners, but
> there are other known vectors, including various open ports found while
> scanning.  It may be the a router would be able to block access, but the
> very peer-to-peer nature of the K4 (controlling other K4's or being
> controlled by another K4 or PC, tablet, etc, means that routers would
> need to allow certain inbound connections through the router or
> firewall.  These allow for interesting attack vectors, which will
> certainly be exercised, if possible.
> 73,
> -- Dave, N8SBE
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K4 and Linux Infrastructure
> From: Paul Gacek 
> Date: Mon, June 03, 2019 4:00 pm
> To: "Dave New, N8SBE" 
> Cc: Elecraft Reflector , Rick WA6NHC
> Dave
> DDOS is quite hard for any end point (PC, iPhone, K4 etc) to deal with
> effectively. If a million zombie Macs decide to simultaneously attack
> your end point your best chance is as Rick states, a device that makes
> up the perimeter defenses such as a firewall or cyber security
> alternative (i.e router, IDP). Most homes don’t have anything
> particularly sophisticated deployed and are therefore somewhat
> vulnerable. In truth DDOS attacks are quite rare and typically not aimed
> at Citizen Dave or his neighbors. Protection albeit optimistic is really
> in the realm of a corporate network but even then we have a few cases
> where iconic sites get hammered and go dark. Enabling the K4 to defend
> against DDOS is a little like building a house to withstand random bits
> of ISS dropping in unexpectedly; not something I’m expecting to be
> paying for.
> Unwanted ransomware or bitcoin mining programs are most likely the
> result of an unwitting end user at and end point (PC, Android etc) doing
> something that resulted in the malware ending up on their end point.
> Could be surfing to a suspect web site (www.PawnStorm4U.com) or even
> going to a compromised but reputable site such as NASA.gov.
> Alternatively, it could be someone opening a compromised PDF or
> Word/Excel attachment. The best protection here is to be cautious and
> mindful of what you do in the cyber world and absolutely make sure you
> are running the most uptodate OS (not XP) and to its most current patch
> level.
> Presumably but maybe not, the K4 won’t make available to the ham
> operator a browser that allows them to surf wherever nor an email client
> that they can read Excel attachments at the whim of the ham operator.
> That is best done outside of the K4.
> Hardening Linux, following best practices on coding and penetration
> testing are all things to be aware of and implement as appropriately.
> For those who might be interested in perusing details of some of these
> topics these links might be interesting;
> Secure Coding Practices
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/aa570401Hardening Linux
> https://www.computerworld.com/article/3144985/linux-hardening-a-15-step-checklist-for-a-secure-linux-server.htmlPenetration
> Testing https://www.tenable.com
> With Elecraft’s proximity to Silicon Valley and presumably contacts
> abounding, I’m optimistic the K4 will do us proud and I won’t have
> to rely on Rocky and Bullwinkle to keep nefarious foreign agents out of
> my K4.
> Paul
> www.nomadic.blog
> On Jun 3, 2019, at 7:58 PM, Rick WA6NHC  wrote:
> Much of that protection can be implemented at the router level (>90% of
> all sites) and the internal linux (fairly bullet proof) will deal with
> the

Re: [Elecraft] KPA1500 fans

2019-06-03 Thread Jeff Blaine

Is there a fan mod other than a firmware upgrade?


On 6/3/19 10:14 AM, Dan Atchison via Elecraft wrote:
I have all of the KPA1500 fan mods and firmware upgrades and they make 
the amplifier so much quieter.?? Good job, Elecraft.

What I would like to see, however, is a firmware /option /to exhibit 
the following tendency.

Minimum fan speed at 0.?? When the amp detects a PTT, then the fan 
speed would increase to fan level 1 and remain that way for a period 
of time after PTT detection has ceased (perhaps 10 - 15 seconds?). 
After that delay time it would go back to fan speed 0.?? Of course, 
temperature sensing would increase fan speed regardless of the PTT sense.

If this has been discussed before, I missed it.?? If it's currently 
available then I missed it again.

Awaiting my K4.?? I hate waiting!

Dan -- N3ND

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 USB audio CODEC TX audio issue

2019-06-01 Thread jeff griffin
Just checking things I have forgotten in the past.
You do have the mode set to Data and the Data sub-mode set to Data A

Mark, WB9CIF


-Original Message-
From: HB [mailto:h...@optilink.us] 
Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2019 12:56 PM
To: jeff griffin
Cc: Elecraft
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 USB audio CODEC TX audio issue

Make sure the new version of WSJT-X still has the correct codec selected.
Also, Open the Windows volume control and check the 
volume level for the codec 

Went over all settings, still no TX. I even swapped out the USB cable. I
connected a IC-9100 I brought up here with me to use as a SAT radio backup
and after 5 minutes I had contacts on FT8. I think there is something wrong
with the KIO3B, looks like I will be calling Elecraft on Monday...

73 Jeff kb2m

> On Jun 1, 2019, at 11:24 AM, jeff griffin  wrote:
> Having an issue with no USB TX audio.  When in TX all I see is one bar on
> the rf out meter, 0 ALC. Upon return to my summer home in NJ I started up
> K3 which was on remote duty for the winter. All is working well except the
> USB audio CODEC TX. This all was working when I left. At first I expected
> the new version of WSJT X, but I'm having the same problem with another
> application. I went through the KIO3B install manual and everything is set
> correctly. I'm running K3 firmware level  5.67, which I also updated to
> assure no issues with the same version that was already installed. I
> uninstalled the USB drivers and let the system re-install. I'm not
> experiencing any normal SSB TX issues, the K3 transmits TX audio fine in
> voice mode. I'm thinking the KIO3B has an issue, possibly an loose
> cabling issue? Anyone ever have this same issue? Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks for reading..
> 73 Jeff kb2m

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net

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Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html

[Elecraft] K3 USB audio CODEC TX audio issue

2019-06-01 Thread jeff griffin
Having an issue with no USB TX audio.  When in TX all I see is one bar on
the rf out meter, 0 ALC. Upon return to my summer home in NJ I started up my
K3 which was on remote duty for the winter. All is working well except the
USB audio CODEC TX. This all was working when I left. At first I expected
the new version of WSJT X, but I'm having the same problem with another
application. I went through the KIO3B install manual and everything is set
correctly. I'm running K3 firmware level  5.67, which I also updated to
assure no issues with the same version that was already installed. I
uninstalled the USB drivers and let the system re-install. I'm not
experiencing any normal SSB TX issues, the K3 transmits TX audio fine in SSB
voice mode. I'm thinking the KIO3B has an issue, possibly an loose internal
cabling issue? Anyone ever have this same issue? Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for reading..


73 Jeff kb2m

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net

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Re: [Elecraft] 4K Ultra High Def version of Elecraft K4 Q&A Video Posted by NG7M

2019-05-29 Thread Jeff Scaparra
Absolutely and I am very excited to see a top manufacturer giving what
looks like will be first class support for Linux. What I was most excited
to see though was that the radio looked like it might be running a
mainstream Linux distro. My personal opinion is that giving the consumer
the option to have access to that would really open up the possibilities
with this radio (and help many to justify the cost). If my radio can run
all the software I need for all my communications, logging, etc... I don't
have to worry how I have emergency power for the radio AND a laptop or
computer for field day or actual emergencies. I can only have a plan for
12V emergency power (battery, solar, ...) and I don't need an inverter or
generator or worry about boost/buck converters for my other non 12v
equipment. My only real fear is that before the release Elecraft would lock
that down so that the consumer doesn't have a way to at a minimum unlock
the underlying OS to use in this way. I fully understand that some won't
want to deal with the underlying OS but I also think there are many that
would. External monitors that run off 12 v are also easy found due to the
car market (

Jeff N5SDR.

On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 12:33 AM Bill Frantz  wrote:

> I think it was Eric who said, in one of the recorded interviews,
> that the pad controlling the K4 at "Dayton" was running Linux,
> and that any device that could provide a virtual machine that
> could run Linux could run the control software.
> Also, Wayne posted that they would never run Windows in the K4.
> And I'll bet they don't have a deal with Apple to run MacOS/iOS. :-)
> 73 Bill AE6JV
> On 5/30/19 at 10:07 PM, j...@scaparra.com (Jeff Scaparra) wrote:
> >One thing I
> >noticed is the screen they have hooked up to the K4 looks like it is
> >running ubuntu.
> ---
> Bill Frantz| "I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn
> up the
> 408-356-8506   | intelligence.  There's a knob called
> "brightness", but
> www.pwpconsult.com | it doesn't work. -- Gallagher
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] 4K Ultra High Def version of Elecraft K4 Q&A Video Posted by NG7M

2019-05-29 Thread Jeff Scaparra
Wow the radio looks much more impressive in high definition. One thing I
noticed is the screen they have hooked up to the K4 looks like it is
running ubuntu. I find that very interesting. Either it wasn't hooked up to
the radio and it was hooked up to a linux box or we may have access to a
linux distro right in the radio. That would actually be cool as people
wouldn't have to use it but I would like to run logging software, WSJT-X,
fldigi for weird digital modes, etc right there on the radio. I really hope
they don't lock that down too much or give us experimenters a way to
"unlock" the radio to really exploit these features. In my opinion that is
one of the appeals for the MB-1 but the price, lack of diversity, and the
fact that it uses windows i think has turned a lot of people off.

Jeff  N5SDR.

On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 5:29 PM M. George 

> Hi everyone, I was surprised to see that Elecraft included a link to the
> YouTube video I posted of my quick Q&A with Eric WA6HHQ at Hamvention.  If
> I would have known Elecraft was going to share the link, I would have
> waited to upload the 4K version of the K4. :)  If you have 4K capabilities,
> you can now see Eric Swartz immortalized in 4K 60 frames per second
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QakxQGFaDwA> on your high computer or 4K
> capable big screen TV.
> Is this overkill for an interview / Q&A video, yes... but hey, it's 2019
> and the long awaited K4 has been announced, so it makes sense to have a 4K
> UHD video of the K4 (Palindrome <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palindrome
> >).
> This version is a full frame version compared to the original video.  The
> quality is much better and you can select resolutions all the way up to 4K
> 60fps (if you have the hardware to view UHD video that is).
> On YouTube you can't replace a video and keep the same URL link, so I'll
> leave both versions up on my YouTube channel.
> Here is the new direct link if you want to see the higher quality version:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QakxQGFaDwA
> Max NG7M
> --
> M. George
> __
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Re: [Elecraft] K4 DSP bit width

2019-05-29 Thread Jeff Scaparra
Comparing a 24 bit ADC at a 32 KHz sample rate to a 16 Bit ADC at 122 Msps
and saying it is less bits and therefore will have worse performance isn't
a great comparison. The high speed ADC would be highly oversampling the
signal at the second IF. This allows the ADC to use some neat tricks to
effectively get more bits.


I don't think we can determine theoretically if the K4 can perform better
or worse than the K3s from the current data that we have.

On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 12:08 AM Bill Frantz  wrote:

> A friend and I were discussing the K4HD and he said that it
> sounds a lot like the K3S. Well, we both agreed that since the
> K3S has world class receiver specs, that would not be a bad thing.
> I started comparing the information about the K4HD with the K3S
> manual and found:
> K3S   K4HD   Feature
> 8.215MHz  ~8MHz  First IF
> 15KHz  ? Second IF (if used in the K4)
> 24 16ADC width
> ~30KHz?   122MHz ADC sample rate (WAG for the K3S)
> 5 2+1Crystal filters (one empty slot is from a post
> on this list.)
> Note: In the K4 FAQ there are forward references to a K4HD
> section, but I couldn't find it on the web site.
> Analysis and wild speculation
> Both DSPs and ADC technology have had at least 10 years to
> improve between the K3S and the K4. WHile I don't track ADC
> tech, DSPs are computers and we all know what has happened in
> computers. The basic processors are somewhat faster, and there
> are many more cores on a chip. The K4 certain to have taken
> advantage of these improvements.
> The K3S uses a 32 bit floating point DSP, and I don't see any
> reason to change that specification for any of the K4 models.
> Not changing means that much of the K3 DSP code should easily
> port to the new DSP.
> I don't understand how the basic K4 can get good dynamic range
> with a 16 bit DAC. The K3's 24 bit DAC seems a better choice,
> although getting high speed and wide bit width at the same time
> is hard and expensive.
> In the wild speculation department, there seem to be several
> approaches for the K4HD. (1) Run a K3 like superhet with an
> ~8MHz IF and digitize that into the DSP. (2) Duplicate the K3's
> 2nd IF and use the 16 bit ADC at 15Khz. (3) Use a wider ADC at
> either 8MHz or at 15KHz. Note that one of the features of the K4
> is ease of upgrade to new ADCs.
> 73 Bill AE6JV
> ---
> Bill Frantz|"Web security is like medicine - trying to
> do good for
> 408-356-8506   |an evolved body of kludges" - Mark Miller
> www.pwpconsult.com |
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Re: [Elecraft] Mobile high power

2019-05-06 Thread Jeff Stai
You see lots of mobile radios out in rural areas. Volunteer fire
departments. This need won't go away soon.

Vehicle electronic sensitivity is nothing new. At least 20 years ago I
recall keying 100 watts in traffic on my morning commute and seeing the
trunk of the Lexus in front of me pop right open. Another time I pulled
into a parking structure while wrapping up a UHF QSO (short antenna) and
set off every car alarm on the floor. Good times. Hopefully improvements
have been made since then. 73 jeff wk6i

On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 10:12 AM Ken Winterling  wrote:

> I believe all of the vehicles I've owned have had a statement in their
> manuals about transmitters.  Despite that, vehicles from many
> manufacturers, domestic and foreign, are used in services that use
> transmitters such as police, fire, ambulance, taxi, etc.  Some services use
> multiple radios in vehicles covering everything frequencies from HF through
> 900mHz (and above?) and varying power levels.  I have yet to see one of
> those vehicles have any RF-related problems affecting vehicle electronics.
> If commercial radio installation companies can install transmitters in all
> of these vehicles without harm it seems to me that hams can do it using
> similar installation procedures.  They are carfeul as to where power is
> sourced and fused as well as to how power, control, and antenna wires are
> routed in the vehicle.  None of my radio installations since 1970 have ever
> caused a problem in any vehicle I owned.
> Ken
> On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 12:51 PM Steve Sergeant 
> wrote:
> > My 2014 Honda Insight includes an almost identical statement in its
> manual.
> >
> > I've only dared operate HTs with magmounts in this car, so far with
> > impunity.
> >
> >
> > On 5/6/19 9:45 AM, Phil Hystad via Elecraft wrote:
> > > My 2018 Toyota RAV4/Hybrid has a warranty statement saying “Do not
> > operate mobile based radio transmission equipment” and that this could
> (not
> > would but could) violate the warranty.
> > __
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Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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[Elecraft] will the Beep ever be silenced?

2019-04-19 Thread Jeff Herr
recap:  while using the freq utility with kx3:  every time you QSY there is
a beep.

a beep in the headphones
a beep I cannot silence

-Original Message-
From: Wayne Burdick [mailto:n...@elecraft.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 08:19 AM
To: herr42
Cc: Ron D'Eau Claire; Elecraft Reflector
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Beep

This is definitely on the KX3/KX2 firmware task list.


> On Nov 16, 2017, at 3:24 AM, herr42  wrote:
> Nope
> Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: Ron D'Eau Claire  
> Date: 11/15/17 8:09 PM (GMT-08:00) 
> To: 'Jeff Herr' , 'Wayne Burdick'  
> Cc: elecraft@mailman.qth.net 
> Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Beep 
> SW TONE won't silence it?
> From page 65 of the KX3 Owner's manual:
> '... Switch press tones are enabled by default. Using the
> SW TONE menu entry, you can turn tones OFF,
> ON,..." 
> 73, Ron AC7AC

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Re: [Elecraft] [KX3] Re: Who's your favorite Elecraft Elmer?

2019-03-12 Thread Jeff via Elecraft
I recommend Paul - WB2HHH

Super intelligent and super helpful to all hams needing help with Elecraft and 
all aspects of the hobby!


> On Mar 12, 2019, at 3:52 PM, 'hawley, charles j jr' c-haw...@illinois.edu 
> [KX3]  wrote:
> I am going to recommend Mike Blake K9JRI. He is an excellent diagnostician 
> and understands a schematic better than most folks. He’s also an experienced 
> networking engineer and administrator which goes a long way to solving some 
> of the issues that seem hardware based at first. 
> Chuck Jack 
> KE9UW 
> Sent from my iPhone, cjack 
> > On Mar 12, 2019, at 12:15 PM, Wayne Burdick  > <mailto:n...@elecraft.com>> wrote: 
> > 
> > elecraft dot com. 
> __._,_.___
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[Elecraft] Accessibility for the blind

2019-02-26 Thread Jeff Grillo

Sent from my iPhone I am considering buying the KX two radio. I am blind and 
need to find out what software I can get that has a voice synthesizer to help 
me navigate this radio. Any ideas? I am an Apple iPhone and iPad user
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[Elecraft] KX3 Utility & PX3 Utility - Future on OSX?

2019-02-14 Thread Jeff Hughes
The present KX3 Utility and PX3 Utility are 32-bit apps on Apple’s OSX 
platform.  Does anyone know if Elecraft plans to update these to 64-bit anytime 
soon?  With the release of the next version of OSX later this year, those 
applications will no longer work in their current guise.

Thanks for any insight…

73, Jeff K4EI

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[Elecraft] WTB KX3 2M

2019-02-01 Thread Jeff Herr
Does anyone have one of these in working condition that would like to sell ?

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Re: [Elecraft] Winter Field Day report (Blazing Saddles edition)

2019-01-29 Thread Jeff Stai
Hey Wayne - I thought you might be sharing a chili n beans recipe with that
subject line! If you ever need more of a WFD challenge, the Sierra Nevada
is here for you. :D 73 jeff wk6i

On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 5:49 PM Wayne Burdick  wrote:

> The "winter" weather in California over the weekend was embarrassingly
> mild. Even balmy. It'll likely go down as the hottest January on record, as
> last year's did, and the one before that, etc., making this hardly the
> place to mount a credible WFD effort. Worse, a heavy slate of honey-dos
> reduced my on-air time to just a couple of hours. So I band-hopped and
> logged a dozen or so QSOs on SSB and CW. It was a bit like summer Field Day
> squeezed into less spectral real-estate.
> Surely some of you have more exciting reports Polar Vortex, plague,
> locusts? Grog that wouldn't thaw? Tongue stuck to icy telescoping whip?
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
> __
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Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
Ask me about Green Keys Night - Jan 1, 2019 -2359 UTC!
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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Re: [Elecraft] Ideas for an FT8 Radio

2018-12-30 Thread Jeff Stai
hi Don - Indeed. I had a line in there about being mindful of bluetooth
delays but it somehow disappeared. ;) 73 jeff wk6i

On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 12:55 PM Don Wilhelm  wrote:

> Jeff,
> Concept is good, but ignores the latency problem with Bluetooth.  I
> think that would be a "killer" for data modes like FT8 which need rather
> precise timing.
> To get an idea about the latency of Bluetooth, try monitoring your CW
> with a Bluetooth headset - unless you are a slow operator, the delay
> (which is caused by latency) will drive you to phone operation.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 12/30/2018 2:26 PM, Jeff Stai wrote:
> > Hmmm... as long as you use a generic tablet with a KX2, you're going to
> > have a box and wires. You could go tablet to USB box and then maybe find
> > wireless solutions from there. I see there are chargeable bluetooth audio
> > receivers, for example. I've never seen a simple USB wireless extension,
> > however. 73 jeff wk6i
> >
> __
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Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
Ask me about Green Keys Night - Jan 1, 2019 -2359 UTC!
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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Re: [Elecraft] Ideas for an FT8 Radio

2018-12-30 Thread Jeff Stai
Hmmm... as long as you use a generic tablet with a KX2, you're going to
have a box and wires. You could go tablet to USB box and then maybe find
wireless solutions from there. I see there are chargeable bluetooth audio
receivers, for example. I've never seen a simple USB wireless extension,
however. 73 jeff wk6i

On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 11:16 AM Doug Millar  wrote:

> Hi Jeff, Good ideas all around. Of course i was thinking of the KX2 and a
> tablet. I actually went portable in the with that setup. What I didn't like
> was all the wires and the USB box. If I could get straight from the KX2 to
> the tablet with audio and rig control that might do the trick. What do you
> think?   Doug
> On Sunday, December 30, 2018, 11:07:48 AM PST, Jeff Stai <
> wk6i.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, since we are dreaming about things that probably won't happen...;)
> An all in one appeals because it is portable, perhaps even trail ready.
> There are plenty of good mini keyboard/trackpads units already out there,
> so use one of those. Since you are using an external keyboard, skip the
> complexity of a swivel screen. A kickstand would be nice though. You said
> all mode but it's an FT8 radio so keep it that way; you could maybe include
> CW if it is easy. It will also need a stable clock...
> There are more powerful options for CPU nowadays than Raspberry Pi. If you
> think ahead, this unit could have enough oomph for future digi modes.
> If it was a solder kit I'd probably be in for one. 5-10W with an option
> for more watts sounds okay for that.
> Or just port WSJT-X to a tablet computer and use it with a KX2. ;) 73 and
> happy new year - jeff wk6i
> On Sat, Dec 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM Doug Millar via Elecraft <
> elecraft@mailman.qth.net> wrote:
> Ok, I am going out on a limb. I have been trying to imagine an FT8 all in
> one radio. How about this- A radio that is 6 by 10" or so with a screen
> that lays flat on top and swivels up for use. Mouse but only and an
> optional keyboard since the programs are primarily mouse driven. The
> computer (raspberry pi et al.)  inside the radio box. 50watts output,
> 160-6m and all mode. A jack for an external monitor would be good. This
> would make a very portable digital radio that only needs an antenna, dc,
> and a mouse or track pad to make it work, but also have the ability to
> expand for more fixed use.
> What do you think?
>   61, Doug K6JEY
> __
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> --
> Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
> Ask me about Green Keys Night - Jan 1, 2019 -2359 UTC!
> RTTY op at W7RN
> Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/

Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
Ask me about Green Keys Night - Jan 1, 2019 -2359 UTC!
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Ideas for an FT8 Radio

2018-12-30 Thread Jeff Stai
Well, since we are dreaming about things that probably won't happen...;) An
all in one appeals because it is portable, perhaps even trail ready.

There are plenty of good mini keyboard/trackpads units already out there,
so use one of those. Since you are using an external keyboard, skip the
complexity of a swivel screen. A kickstand would be nice though. You said
all mode but it's an FT8 radio so keep it that way; you could maybe include
CW if it is easy. It will also need a stable clock...

There are more powerful options for CPU nowadays than Raspberry Pi. If you
think ahead, this unit could have enough oomph for future digi modes.

If it was a solder kit I'd probably be in for one. 5-10W with an option for
more watts sounds okay for that.

Or just port WSJT-X to a tablet computer and use it with a KX2. ;) 73 and
happy new year - jeff wk6i

On Sat, Dec 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM Doug Millar via Elecraft <
elecraft@mailman.qth.net> wrote:

> Ok, I am going out on a limb. I have been trying to imagine an FT8 all in
> one radio. How about this- A radio that is 6 by 10" or so with a screen
> that lays flat on top and swivels up for use. Mouse but only and an
> optional keyboard since the programs are primarily mouse driven. The
> computer (raspberry pi et al.)  inside the radio box. 50watts output,
> 160-6m and all mode. A jack for an external monitor would be good. This
> would make a very portable digital radio that only needs an antenna, dc,
> and a mouse or track pad to make it work, but also have the ability to
> expand for more fixed use.
> What do you think?
>   61, Doug K6JEY
> __
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Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
Ask me about Green Keys Night - Jan 1, 2019 -2359 UTC!
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Re: [Elecraft] CODEC

2018-10-02 Thread Jeff Stai
I bet Mike would appreciate getting back to his issue, which has nothing to
do with VOX...

Are you using a high end sound card/CODEC? If so it may just be that the
internal CODEC - while quite good - is not up to snuff for this

I'd also try using different USB cables, though that doesn't sound like it
would be the problem.

73 jeff wk6i

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 8:49 AM, Mike Greenway  wrote:

> I have used for years a K3 on EME with WSJT using Line In/Out audio.
> Recently got a K3S and I am now using USB (CODEC) audio in and out of the
> radio.  In WSJT-10 they have Rate In/Rate Out monitors that should normally
> run at 1.000. Using the K3 analog audio these always stayed right on 1.000
> but now that I am using the USB audio they are jumping around quite often
> and getting out of range indicated in WSJT with a red marker.  I have tried
> two different computers and the same result.  I tried changing the sample
> rate in the computer audio settings but no change in the problem.  I plan
> to go back to analog Line In/Out on the K3S unless someone has an idea on
> how to settle down the Rate In/Out fluctuations.  I have not found anything
> in the K3S that might affect this.  You can reply off line if you like.  73
> Mike K4PI
> __
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Re: [Elecraft] OT - backup software

2018-09-29 Thread Jeff Stai
Before Eric ends the thread ;) I'll mention Backblaze. It works in the
background and backs up to the cloud. And for one PC or Mac it's not
expensive. And it stays out of your way and doesn't hurt performance.

Other than that... keep your data organized so that it is easy to copy
everything that matters periodically to an external drive (set up a
calendar reminder). That software is free.

73 jeff wk6i

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 12:24 PM, Bill  wrote:

> I run Windows 10 and Linux Mint. I back up data daily to a USB-3 fast
> thumb drive (by simple copying of specific directories). Once a week I
> clone the drive to a spare drive. Then I use the cloned TO drive and place
> the cloned FROM drive in my safe. I have three drives rotating clone
> service. This prevents errors in the cloning process (I have never had a
> problem).
> I use a device (from StarTech) and not software. My hard drive lives in a
> plug-in bay on the computer (accessible from outside the case).
> Had many failures using software - no failures cloning.
> Bill W2BLC
> __
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[Elecraft] KPA1500 FW 1.78 - no PTT response

2018-09-27 Thread Jeff Blaine
Loaded up the beta firmware today.  The PTT (key line) was dead after 
that.  Reloading 1.64 and all was functional again.

What am I overlooking?


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Re: [Elecraft] KPA1500 - temp reading drops 10C when under power

2018-08-18 Thread Jeff Blaine
Odds are not good there.  The antennas have a balun at the feedpoint, 
are on a tower 500 feet from the shack and the hardline runs under 
ground.  If there is common mode involved, it's some sort of new 
hyper-super-ultra-infina-deluxe type never before discovered on earth.


On 18-Aug-18 7:12 AM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
I'd say a bit of common mode current on the feed line.    I see that 
from time to time with my KPA500 on certain bands/antennas.


Bob, K4TAX

On 8/17/2018 11:45 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
While running the KPA1500 in the SARTG tonight, I noticed that the 
temp reading drops about 10C when transmitting.  min fan speed 1.

Seems to be related to power - at 1500W it's pretty close to 10C. At 
lower powers, it's less of a difference.  I don't recall seeing that 



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Re: [Elecraft] KPA1500 - temp reading drops 10C when under power

2018-08-17 Thread Jeff Blaine

Yea, I was on 40m also.  So there's a second data point.

Did not notice it before - but having watched it pretty consistently 
tonight, I will know what to look for on other bands.  Tonight was the 
first night I had the chance to run it on RTTY and want to be sure the 
thing is ready for prime time given the CQ RTTY DX is coming up end of Sept.

The good news is that the amp seemed to level off at 73C (or 63C?) and 
that means fan 2 was able to keep things under control. SWR is nearly 
1:1 on that band and I don't know what it does on other bands but it was 
REALLY GREAT that fan speed 3+ was not needed.  1&2 are in a completely 
different sound category compared to the 3+ which sound like my 
company's computer server room.  ha ha.


On 18-Aug-18 12:11 AM, Bill Stravinsky via Elecraft wrote:

  I noticed this problem shortly after getting my 1500 back in May.  I only see 
this problem on 40 mtrs for some reason.  I've never seen a 10 degree 
fluctuation but itis regularly 6 degrees and has approached 8 degrees.   I only 
work cw for the most part.  I see it all the time when the duty cycle goes up 
like when contesting and thatis when I start looking at the temp more often so 
that's how I noticed it to begin with..

I've learned to live with it, at least for the time being, for the following 
I contacted Elecraft and talked with one of the engineers.  Apparently this 
problem was addressed during early engineering but leave it to me to be the 
first one toexperience this.  He explained that there might be a possible fix 
for it that would require installing a cap, most likely an SMD type.  I would 
be more comfy with a discretecomponent, hi.  But the jist of the conversation 
was that its just a touchy temp sending device.  I downloaded some file from 
the utility program and I don't think thetrouble was exposed in the file for 
some reason after I sent it to them.
Film at eleven.

 On Saturday, August 18, 2018, 12:49:55 AM EDT, Jeff Blaine 
  While running the KPA1500 in the SARTG tonight, I noticed that the temp

reading drops about 10C when transmitting.  min fan speed 1.

Seems to be related to power - at 1500W it's pretty close to 10C.  At
lower powers, it's less of a difference.  I don't recall seeing that



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[Elecraft] KPA1500 - temp reading drops 10C when under power

2018-08-17 Thread Jeff Blaine
While running the KPA1500 in the SARTG tonight, I noticed that the temp 
reading drops about 10C when transmitting.  min fan speed 1.

Seems to be related to power - at 1500W it's pretty close to 10C.  At 
lower powers, it's less of a difference.  I don't recall seeing that 



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Re: [Elecraft] KPA-1500 Efficiency

2018-08-15 Thread Jeff Blaine
There's no way 40W drives exactly 1500W on all bands.  Here's what I get 
into a DL (no tuner).  Power measurements based on the LP100 which was 
calibrated by Larry last year - not what I would call a current cal but 
certainly better than a generic Bird.  Feed with a key-down in CW, with 
the data taken after about 5 seconds to get a stable reading.  Dont' 
take the values as gospel.  There is at least a 50w error range.

160        1644W

80            1466W

40            1515W

20            1436W

15        1371W

10        1414W

But it's definitely unrealistic to assume that the amp should have a 
uniform gain vs. frequency response.  The gain is going to be related to 
many things.

There is a LPF hanging off the back and it's insertion loss is a factor 
- and it's going to drift a touch as it heats up.  Theres the front  end 
which likly a pad.  The overall gain is be in compliance with the FCC 
regulation.  Most SS amps native gain is such that a few watts is enough 
to get LL output levels and I'm sure that's the case with the LDMOS even 
if they have a ton of NFB in the design.  Plus the effects of the 
combiners internally which are definitely not going to be completely 
flat.  And there is some compression that gets to be easily measurable 
once you hit about the KW level.  And temp.  And who knows what else.


On 15-Aug-18 10:18 PM, Paul Baldock wrote:
Are you saying it took exactly 40W input on each band to produce 1500W 

I find the gain of the amp very different from band to band. For 
example on 80M mine takes 32W to produce 1500W into a dummy load, and 
15M it takes 47W to produce 1500W in to a dummy load. That's a 
variation of 1.7dB, not very flat.

Also as others have reported as the amp warms up the gain decreases a 
little (requires a bit more drive).

- Paul KW7Y

At 07:40 PM 8/15/2018, you wrote:
Just curious what other users of the KPA-1500 see as the efficiency 
reported by the KPA-1500 utility app.

The following efficiencies are being report by my KPA-1500 utility 
app by band into a dummy load running 40 watts input and 1500 watts 

80M CW:   61%
80M SSB:  64%
40M CW:   54%
40M SSB:  59%
20M CW:   52%
20M SSB:  52%
17M CW:   55%
15M CW:   64%
15M SSB:  62%
12M CW:   68%
10M CW:   56%
10M SSB:  58%

Does this compare favorably with other KPA-1500 owners?

Charles  K5UA
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Re: [Elecraft] K3

2018-08-15 Thread jeff griffin
The Yaesu 9000D indeed had two identical receivers..

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Joe Subich, W4TV
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 1:29 PM
To: Elecraft
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3

FTdx9000 did not have identical receivers.  All of yaesu's dual
receiver transceivers have a grossly inferior second receiver.

In addition, the two receivers are not phase locked so they
suffer from platform motion as the local oscillators drift
relative to each other.


... Joe, W4TV

On 2018-08-15 11:18 AM, jeff griffin wrote:
> I'm thinking the Yaesu 9000D was first with identical receivers...
> 73 Jeff kb2m
> -Original Message-
> From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
> [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Don Wilhelm
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 9:03 AM
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3
> But I believe the K3 is the first to do diversity with 2 identical
> receivers.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR

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Re: [Elecraft] K3

2018-08-15 Thread jeff griffin
I'm thinking the Yaesu 9000D was first with identical receivers...

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Don Wilhelm
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 9:03 AM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3

But I believe the K3 is the first to do diversity with 2 identical 


On 8/15/2018 8:39 AM, Ted Bryant wrote:
> So can the Orion/Orion II
> Ted W4NZ
> -Original Message-
> From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
> [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of K9ZTV
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 8:29 AM
> To: John Harden, D.M.D.
> Cc: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3
> Incorrect.  FT-1000 30 years ago  and Signal One 50 years ago.
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA1500 - adding fans

2018-08-10 Thread Jeff Blaine
The kind of noise the amp makes is related to but a separate issue to 
the loudness.  Last night I was doing some comparison listening while 
trying to find some DX on 20m and noticed that while the FAN2 setting 
was definitely louder than FAN1, it seems a more "pleasant" noise 
compared to FAN1 which tends to have some sort of a sequel-type note to 
the sound it makes.


On 10-Aug-18 1:26 PM, Jim Brown wrote:

This is an excellent post, and I agree with all of it.

I will add that acoustic considerations also STRONGLY affect the noise 
produced in any ventilation system, and it is science more than an 
art. The engineers who specialize in this field are called acoustic 
consultants, their formal training is in physics and mechanical 
engineering, and the acoustics specialization begins at the Masters 
Degree level. In my professional life (I'm long retired) I worked with 
professionals in this discipline in the design of sound systems and 
acoustics for large public spaces, where one of their concerns was 
making very good HVAC systems so quiet that they could not be heard in 
concert halls. The considerations there are same as in the KPA1500 -- 
the turbulence (or lack thereof) of air flow, the path, air speed, the 
fans themselves, vibration isolation.

I do NOT recommend that users experiment with ventilation. I DO 
strongly urge Elecraft to retain the services of a good acoustic 
consultant to address complaints I've seen about fan noise.

73, Jim K9YC

On 8/10/2018 10:52 AM, K8ZCT wrote:
My KPA1500 is S/N 00059. I don't operate full power all the time. I 
live in a

compromised antenna
area, and so I will use the amp as required to make contacts that are
difficult assuming I can hear the station well enough to have the QSO.

I have not had problems with the weird display issue that has been 
and also someone recently replaced their antenna tuner to solve a 

which I have not seen either yet. Thanks for this site, as it gives us a
heads up if we would have similar issues with our equipment.

Maybe I don't run the amp hard enough, my antenna will take 1500 
watts, but
I probably never push it that hard for long periods. I run FT8, but 
with 100

watts or less and I have made plenty of contacts. FT8 is whole another
discussion. SSB is the least difficult for the amp to deal with. CW is
harder and RTTY, FM,FT8 and AM are the worst.

The fans on the power supply make some noise, but I have had several 
amps over the last 40 years that are louder. I haven't installed the 

software update issued in July, so I need to see if that makes any

I was involved with the design specification, and purchase of medium and
high voltage transformers for my career. Cooling of electrical 
equipment is
a little more complex than just installing fans. There are proper air 

requirements to look at in the design, so the air doesn't get short
circuited, and actually hurt the process. So more air isn't always 
better if

it is not properly applied.

Transformers have RTD's or Thermocouples imbedded in the windings to 

transformer temperature, because that is the "hottest spot" of any
transformer. The hot spot temperature is made up of the ambient air
temperature normally 40 C maximum is used with a 30C average over a 
24 hour

period, and the temperature rise of the unit under load. Most electrical
equipment design is based on a 40C maximum ambient but I didn't see 
in the
manual what Elecraft considered for a maximum. Regardless, the 
ambient heat

around the amplifier must be controlled and not trapped around the unit.
An air conditioned space or proper ventilating for area is critical. 
If you
don't remove the heat your unit will work harder and could make more 

than other units.

Wayne or Eric can comment, but RF amplifiers must follow similar laws of
physics. The heat sink temperature must be maintained or the devices
primarily the LDMOS final amp units will fail. There are average and
maximums I would assume are used in the Elecraft design. Ambient air 
must be

kept at a certain maximum and air flows must not be restricted.

At this time, it good to provide feedback to the vendor on operational
concerns of the equipment, and I did plenty of that over the years. 
I usually realized there were some people, who did this for a living, 
and I

was a consumer maybe a smart consumer, but still I didn't design
transformers as my main employment.

With all the KPA1500's still under warranty I don't think it is a 
good idea
to modify or change anything with regards to the operation, and 
design of
the KPA1500. Again, I am not Wayne or Eric, but I think you are doing 
it at

your risk.

I will wait for Wayne and Eric to come out with improvements, and 

based on customer and other inputs, but I will not modif

Re: [Elecraft] OT: Call letter license plate trivia

2018-07-16 Thread Jeff Stai
Years ago I was working with a catering dept at a hotel to set up a
conference. I met the new manager named Kate, and it was decided to
continue the meeting over lunch. We walked to where her car was parked and
I noticed her Ohio license plate: K8WYT. I asked, "Oh, are you an amateur
radio operator?" She said, "No. That's me. Kate White."

73 jeff wk6i

On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 10:41 AM, Jim - N4ST  wrote:

> Years ago, during the 70's gas rationing in Maryland, I found I could get
> gas on either odd or even days with my AA3O license plate.
> 73,
> Jim - N4ST
> -Original Message-
> From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net 
> On Behalf Of Rose
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 12:56
> To: Elecraft Reflector 
> Subject: [Elecraft] OT: Call letter license plate trivia
> Montana has a $25 vanity plate fee, regardless of what the plate "says",
> -but- ham radio plates are exempt.
> BUT … I had a very difficult time convincing the local county folks that
> my "K0PP" plates were -not- the usual vanity plate they were used to
> issuing.  It took a 200 mile trip to the state motor vehicle office with a
> copy of the Callbook and the FCC Part 97 in hand to get the matter resolved.
> At the time the prison tag shop foreman was a ham.  They had no slant zero
> die and he made my first plate by hand with a strip of tape across a zero.
> He told me I was the first "zero" plate they had made … the die they
> subsequently purchased cost $97.
> Montana renews a plate with an adhesive expiration date sticker and does
> not issue a new plate each year.
> 73!
> Ken Kopp - K0PP
> __
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Re: [Elecraft] W2 wattmeter maximum Cat5 cable length

2018-07-10 Thread Jeff KC9WSJ
the standard cable is not Cat5, it's just a ribbon cable with RJ45's (I
think?) at each end.
Cat5 should work, though, and I'd be surprised if anything less than ~50ft+
would be an issue.

Jeff KC9WSJ 

On Mon, 2018-07-09 at 23:51 -0400, Dick Green wrote:
> The W2 wattmeter comes with a 5-foot Cat5 cable to connect the coupler to
> the display unit. I need to use a longer cable, maybe 10-15 feet. I’ve
> searched the reflector archives and web for any information about the max
> Cat5 cable length but haven’t found any.
> Does anyone know? Does the calibration routine in the W2 Utility
> compensate for different cable lengths?
> 73, Dick WC1M
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[Elecraft] Removing KX3 Heatsink

2018-07-09 Thread Jeff Hughes
I run net control on our local 2m nets and enjoy using my KX3… with earphones 
it provides a “big rig” feel while operating.

Alas, on transmit the 2-meter transverter generates a LOT of heat, very 
quickly, even at quite modest power levels (e.g. 0.5 watts).  Trying to 
attenuate some of that heat, I bought Fred Meier’s, VE7FMN, Cooler KX Plus 
heatsink.  Fred’s aftermarket design is very well-done and he inlcudes very 
nice stainless steel fasteners.

I have an early-2017-build KX3 (serial number 9428; factory assembled) which 
includes the upgraded factory heatsink.  Apparently, this heatsink is bonded to 
the case with an adhesive in addition to the four fasteners.

Normally one would apply heat to soften such an adhesive.  Albeit, great care 
is needed to ensure internal components are not damaged.

Reasoning that the KX3 folds back power at ~60C, I set that as my upper limit.  
Using a portable dryer and a Fluke IR temperature meter I brought the stock 
heatsink to just under 60C/140F.  Still no-go.  The stock heatsink will not 

I expect I could pry the stock heatsink off using a flat-bladed screwdriver, if 
I were willing to mar the case of my KX3.  But not damaging the radio remains 
the overarching priority.

Any suggestions?

73, Jeff K4YWZ

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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 installation on side?

2018-07-08 Thread Jeff Blaine
To clarify - by "side" i mean the side that you would call the left or 
right side of the case - that is what i'm considering to have down.  Not 
the face or back.  Just rotating the amp 90 deg.


On 08-Jul-18 6:22 PM, Dauer, Edward wrote:

Oops.  My error.  I read KPA1500, not 500.  Wishful thinking on my part.

Move to strike prior testimony.

Ted , KN1CBR

On 7/8/18, 5:16 PM, "Dauer, Edward"  wrote:

Just last week I sent the same question to Elecraft Support.  The 
answer I got was yes, it can be, with two caveats.  First, be sure to leave the 
4 inches of free air clearance next to the top (top as in standard 
orientation), and don't set it so that the LEDs are on the floor.  The 
orientation isn't odd, really.  If it is resting on its right side the power 
switch will be on the rear, but very near the top edge.  That's how mine will 
be, when it arrives this week --- I hope..
 Ted, KN1CBR
 Message: 9

 Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2018 10:56:03 -0700
 From: Mark Goldberg 
 To: Elecraft Mailing List 
 Subject: [Elecraft] KPA500 installation on side?

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
 Can the KPA500 be installed on it's side? There are feet there. I want to

 install it in an RV and there is more room for wiring and fan air 
 that way.
 A search did not turn up any answers.


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[Elecraft] KPA1500 install on side

2018-07-08 Thread Jeff Blaine

Can the KPA1500 and power supply be mounted on it's side?


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Re: [Elecraft] [KX3] Incredible 6 meter opening right now -- Western U.S.

2018-07-07 Thread Jeff
I was just hearing someone on 50.145, not solid but some words. Then he signed 
and seems dead now. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 7, 2018, at 16:38, William Johnson wrjohnso...@hotmail.com [KX3] 
>  wrote:
> KX3 is in permanent 6M monitoring mode and ready!
> 72 & 73,
> Bill
> FT’er for K2, KX1, KX3, KXPA100,  KAT500, W2, etc.
> From: k...@yahoogroups.com  On Behalf Of Wayne Burdick 
> n...@elecraft.com [KX3]
> Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2018 5:31 PM
> To: Elecraft Reflector 
> Cc: k...@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [KX3] Incredible 6 meter opening right now -- Western U.S.
> Massive Sporadic E over Idaho. I’m hearing 10x the usual number of beacons in 
> the 50.060-50.080 range, and some weak SSB signals on 50.125, 50.130, etc. 
> Sounds like things are picking up. 
> Join the fun!
> Wayne
> N6KR
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Re: [Elecraft] [K3] factory upgrade to K3(s)

2018-06-27 Thread jeff griffin
Or how about K3Pro with benefits :-)

73 Jeff kb2m 

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net 
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Fred Jensen
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 7:13 PM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] [K3] factory upgrade to K3(s)

Why not adopt the grammar of the Lao [and Thai] languages which have no 
plural forms.  It would be K3S, two K3S, three K3S, one hundred K3S 
...   I've always thought K3S was a misteak, K3.1 would have been better 
... or not.


Fred ["Skip"] K6DGW
Sparks NV DM09dn
Washoe County

On 6/27/2018 3:00 PM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
> Would not K3S' be the plural of K3S?
> Bob, K4TAX
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 27, 2018, at 4:44 PM, Ian White  wrote:
>>> A big reduction in receiver noise floor and a huge improvement in
>> both
>>> transmit and receive phase noise.
>> That is far too simplistic. Anyone's personal definition of "the
>> better synthesizer" will depend on what range of frequency offsets
>> is more important for their particular type of operating.
>> For HF CW in particular, phase noise at small frequency offsets is
>> of paramount importance and I wouldn't argue with Don's report of "a
>> huge improvement in both transmit and receive phase noise" - but
>> *only* in that specific context. There are also several other
>> advantages that are relevant to high-performance HF CW that could
>> also justify upgrading to the KSYN3A.
>> At close frequency offsets from the carrier, the KSYN3A does indeed
>> offer a large reduction in phase noise compared with the KSYN3
>> (which itself was already good). But at wider frequency offsets,
>> that situation reverses. According to the ARRL review [1], at all
>> offsets beyond about 6kHz, the older KSYN3 continues to have a lower
>> noise floor than the newer KSYN3A "upgrade".
>> Performance at wider frequency offsets, 10-100kHz and beyond, is of
>> much greater importance in VHF-UHF contesting. This due to a
>> combination of factors. The strongest signals at VHF-UHF are often
>> much stronger than on HF, due to the use of high-gain beam antennas;
>> and also the weakest signals are *always* much, much weaker due to
>> the lower levels of natural background noise. These two features
>> stretch the requirement for dynamic range on VHF-UHF far beyond
>> those for which most HF transceivers are designed.
>> Anyone transmitting wideband phase noise has a much greater risk of
>> raising the noise floor of many other stations across the whole
>> contesting segment of the VHF or UHF band. Running the numbers
>> reveals that anyone aiming to be a Big Gun in VHF contests has a
>> responsibility to keep their wideband transmitted noise floor below
>> about -130dBc/Hz at frequency offsets of 50kHz and more [2]. This
>> can be a major engineering challenge, and the performance of the
>> transceiver is almost always the most important building block.
>> The KSYN3A just about meets the -130dBc/Hz noise floor target at
>> frequency offsets of 10kHz or more... but according to the ARRL
>> review [1] the older KSYN3 achieves it much more comfortably, with
>> 10-15dB to spare.
>> I have both a K3S and a very early-model K3. The K3S (with the
>> KSYN3A, of course) is used for HF contesting where smaller frequency
>> offsets are important. Meanwhile the old K3 is now used as a
>> transverter driver for 144MHz and above - and for that particular
>> purpose there are very good reasons *not* to replace the original
>> KSYN3.
>> 73 from Ian GM3SEK
>> [1]
>> http://www.arrl.org/files/file/ProductReviewsForDeb/2015/pr112015.pd
>> f
>> [2]
>> https://thersgb.org/members/publications/video_archive.php?id=5703
>> Sorry, this talk is accessible only to RSGB members, but in a few
>> words...
>> G8DOH runs the numbers to demonstrate that the  -130dBc/Hz target
>> for transmitted phase noise is necessary to avoid raising the noise
>> floor of other stations many kilometres away, and also many tens to
>> hundreds of kHz away across the band, whenever their high-gain beams
>> happen to be pointed at each other.
>> That calculation assumes the UK transmitter power limit of 400W PEP
>> output. For the US power limit of 1500W output, keeping all other
>> assumptions the same, the target for transmitted noise floor would
>> need to be better than -135dBc/Hz. The older KSYN3 can still meet
>> that more stringent 

Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree

2018-06-03 Thread jeff griffin
That's true. Especially when you let stuff sit for 6 months between uses. I 
need to get more of those covers

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net 
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Clay Autery
Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2018 2:34 PM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree

Make and break syndrome!  

Either there was a connector that was not fully mated even though you 
thought it was (something fouling a thread making it appear snug) or 
some oxidation/schmutz on one of the mating surfaces.

I've experienced BOTH... it is maddening for sure.  That's why I now put 
covers on ALL unused connector ends for cables/jumpers not actually in 
use.  There's a reason the military "dummy cords" a connector cover to 
virtually everything.  


Clay Autery, KY5G
(318) 518-1389

On 06/03/18 09:58, jeff griffin wrote:
> FIXED ! This morning I went through the RF jumper cables. I didn't find any
> issues after taking each one out and inspecting. So I went through all the
> other Elecraft supplied cables and also found no issues. So just to be sure
> I make a new set of RF jumper cables out of LMR-240. Hooked everything up
> and the problem is now fixed. I then tried the jumper cables I replaced one
> at a time and the problem didn't return. Go figure. So I put the new LMR-240
> jumpers back on and life is once again good in kb2mland...
> 73 Jeff kb2m

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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree

2018-06-03 Thread jeff griffin
The jumpers connectors were good quality, but are very old I think I built
them maybe 20 years ago. Anyway now I use better coax, and quality crimp on
connectors I use either Amphenol or the DX Engineering brand which seem to
me to be equal to the Amphenol brand. I'm not the type to pursue this
farther, I'm not going to dissect the connectors on the old jumpers, I'm
just going to throw them out. I have better things to do with my time :-)

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: Bob McGraw K4TAX [mailto:rmcg...@blomand.net] 
Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2018 1:52 PM
To: jeff griffin
Cc: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree

Loose or poor quality PL-259.  There are many which "look good" but are not.
Always snug PL-259 connectors on the SO-239 such they are a bit more than
finger tight. I use/have a pair of 4" Channel lock pliers on the desk. 

Bob, K4TAX

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 3, 2018, at 9:58 AM, jeff griffin  wrote:
> FIXED ! This morning I went through the RF jumper cables. I didn't find
> issues after taking each one out and inspecting. So I went through all the
> other Elecraft supplied cables and also found no issues. So just to be
> I make a new set of RF jumper cables out of LMR-240. Hooked everything up
> and the problem is now fixed. I then tried the jumper cables I replaced
> at a time and the problem didn't return. Go figure. So I put the new
> jumpers back on and life is once again good in kb2mland...
> 73 Jeff kb2m
> -Original Message-
> From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
> [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of jeff griffin
> Sent: Saturday, June 2, 2018 11:49 AM
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree
> I recently brought my KPA/KAT500 north for the summer and hooked up to my
> trapped multiband fan dipole that I use here in NJ. I leave my K3 here for
> remote use and use the amp at my winter home in Florida to use with my
> 6500 with a Steppir Vertical antenna without the KAT500 tuner. When I got
> here I installed the KIO3B option. The install went well with no issues,
> looked good so I connected the K3, P3, KAT500, and KPA500 with the
> provided cable set like I do every year. 
> The issue I'm having is an SWR difference between the KAT500 and the K3.
> For example if I use the K3's internal tuner I can on a chosen frequency
> achieve an SWR of 1/1. I the put the internal K3 tuner in bypass mode and
> take the KAT500 out of bypass and set to auto. I then use the xmit button
> the K3 to create a tune signal to be sent to the KAT500. The K3 then shows
> 1/1, the KAT500 about the same but the KPA500 which is in STBY mode shows
> around 3/1. What this causes to happen is the Amp will fault out if I try
> use any power output. If I check the antenna with a trusted SWR meter I
> 1.3/1 at the frequency of use. I upgraded the firmware in all the devices
> use, I also did a reset of the KAT's stored frequencies memory, and
> both the amp and tuner with the utility programs. I'm going to call
> on Monday, anyone have any ideas in the meantime I can try?
> 73 Jeff kb2m   
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
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> Message delivered to k...@arrl.net
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
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Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree

2018-06-03 Thread jeff griffin
FIXED ! This morning I went through the RF jumper cables. I didn't find any
issues after taking each one out and inspecting. So I went through all the
other Elecraft supplied cables and also found no issues. So just to be sure
I make a new set of RF jumper cables out of LMR-240. Hooked everything up
and the problem is now fixed. I then tried the jumper cables I replaced one
at a time and the problem didn't return. Go figure. So I put the new LMR-240
jumpers back on and life is once again good in kb2mland...

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of jeff griffin
Sent: Saturday, June 2, 2018 11:49 AM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree

 I recently brought my KPA/KAT500 north for the summer and hooked up to my
trapped multiband fan dipole that I use here in NJ. I leave my K3 here for
remote use and use the amp at my winter home in Florida to use with my Flex
6500 with a Steppir Vertical antenna without the KAT500 tuner. When I got up
here I installed the KIO3B option. The install went well with no issues, all
looked good so I connected the K3, P3, KAT500, and KPA500 with the Elecraft
provided cable set like I do every year. 
 The issue I'm having is an SWR difference between the KAT500 and the K3.
For example if I use the K3's internal tuner I can on a chosen frequency
achieve an SWR of 1/1. I the put the internal K3 tuner in bypass mode and
take the KAT500 out of bypass and set to auto. I then use the xmit button on
the K3 to create a tune signal to be sent to the KAT500. The K3 then shows a
1/1, the KAT500 about the same but the KPA500 which is in STBY mode shows
around 3/1. What this causes to happen is the Amp will fault out if I try to
use any power output. If I check the antenna with a trusted SWR meter I see
1.3/1 at the frequency of use. I upgraded the firmware in all the devices in
use, I also did a reset of the KAT's stored frequencies memory, and checked
both the amp and tuner with the utility programs. I'm going to call Elecraft
on Monday, anyone have any ideas in the meantime I can try?

73 Jeff kb2m   

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net

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Message delivered to k...@arrl.net

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree

2018-06-02 Thread jeff griffin
Hi Jack. The swr is so different between the two that there has to be a
problem. I've had this setup for 3 years and never experienced this

73 Jedff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: Jack Brindle [mailto:jackbrin...@me.com] 
Sent: Saturday, June 2, 2018 4:47 PM
To: jeff griffin
Cc: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree


Do I understand that for the first test you are driving the antenna through
the KPA500 and KAT500 (with KAT500 in bypass)? If so, it makes a lot of
sense that you will see different SWR. The KPA and KAT are providing a
completely different load for the K3. The better test is to feed the antenna
directly from the K3 without the KPA and KAT in-line. I would expect you to
see a closer match at that point, although I doubt they will ever be
identical due to the differences in the directional couplers in the K3 vs
the KAT500 (and KPA500 for that matter).

Jack, W6FB

> On Jun 2, 2018, at 8:48 AM, jeff griffin  wrote:
> I recently brought my KPA/KAT500 north for the summer and hooked up to my
trapped multiband fan dipole that I use here in NJ. I leave my K3 here for
remote use and use the amp at my winter home in Florida to use with my Flex
6500 with a Steppir Vertical antenna without the KAT500 tuner. When I got up
here I installed the KIO3B option. The install went well with no issues, all
looked good so I connected the K3, P3, KAT500, and KPA500 with the Elecraft
provided cable set like I do every year. 
> The issue I'm having is an SWR difference between the KAT500 and the K3.
For example if I use the K3's internal tuner I can on a chosen frequency
achieve an SWR of 1/1. I the put the internal K3 tuner in bypass mode and
take the KAT500 out of bypass and set to auto. I then use the xmit button on
the K3 to create a tune signal to be sent to the KAT500. The K3 then shows a
1/1, the KAT500 about the same but the KPA500 which is in STBY mode shows
around 3/1. What this causes to happen is the Amp will fault out if I try to
use any power output. If I check the antenna with a trusted SWR meter I see
1.3/1 at the frequency of use. I upgraded the firmware in all the devices in
use, I also did a reset of the KAT's stored frequencies memory, and checked
both the amp and tuner with the utility programs. I'm going to call Elecraft
on Monday, anyone have any ideas in the meantime I can try?
> 73 Jeff kb2m   
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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> Message delivered to jackbrin...@me.com

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net

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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree

2018-06-02 Thread jeff griffin
Thanks for the reply Don. Tried that and didn't work, still have the SWR issue. 
Tried the amp on a resonant frequency, and it still is showing a bad SWR, but 
not bad enough to always fault.

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: Don Wilhelm [mailto:donw...@embarqmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, June 2, 2018 1:54 PM
To: jeff griffin; elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree


Check the coax between the KPA500 and the KAT500.  Make certain the 
connectors are tight.  Replace with a different coax if you have one.

You can always do a check on the KPA500 wattmeter by connecting a dummy 
load to the KPA500 (no tuner).


On 6/2/2018 11:48 AM, jeff griffin wrote:
>   I recently brought my KPA/KAT500 north for the summer and hooked up to my 
> trapped multiband fan dipole that I use here in NJ. I leave my K3 here for 
> remote use and use the amp at my winter home in Florida to use with my Flex 
> 6500 with a Steppir Vertical antenna without the KAT500 tuner. When I got up 
> here I installed the KIO3B option. The install went well with no issues, all 
> looked good so I connected the K3, P3, KAT500, and KPA500 with the Elecraft 
> provided cable set like I do every year.
>   The issue I'm having is an SWR difference between the KAT500 and the K3. 
> For example if I use the K3's internal tuner I can on a chosen frequency 
> achieve an SWR of 1/1. I the put the internal K3 tuner in bypass mode and 
> take the KAT500 out of bypass and set to auto. I then use the xmit button on 
> the K3 to create a tune signal to be sent to the KAT500. The K3 then shows a 
> 1/1, the KAT500 about the same but the KPA500 which is in STBY mode shows 
> around 3/1. What this causes to happen is the Amp will fault out if I try to 
> use any power output. If I check the antenna with a trusted SWR meter I see 
> 1.3/1 at the frequency of use. I upgraded the firmware in all the devices in 
> use, I also did a reset of the KAT's stored frequencies memory, and checked 
> both the amp and tuner with the utility programs. I'm going to call Elecraft 
> on Monday, anyone have any ideas in the meantime I can try?
> 73 Jeff kb2m
> __
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[Elecraft] KPA500 and K3 SWR meters disagree

2018-06-02 Thread jeff griffin
 I recently brought my KPA/KAT500 north for the summer and hooked up to my 
trapped multiband fan dipole that I use here in NJ. I leave my K3 here for 
remote use and use the amp at my winter home in Florida to use with my Flex 
6500 with a Steppir Vertical antenna without the KAT500 tuner. When I got up 
here I installed the KIO3B option. The install went well with no issues, all 
looked good so I connected the K3, P3, KAT500, and KPA500 with the Elecraft 
provided cable set like I do every year. 
 The issue I'm having is an SWR difference between the KAT500 and the K3. For 
example if I use the K3's internal tuner I can on a chosen frequency achieve an 
SWR of 1/1. I the put the internal K3 tuner in bypass mode and take the KAT500 
out of bypass and set to auto. I then use the xmit button on the K3 to create a 
tune signal to be sent to the KAT500. The K3 then shows a 1/1, the KAT500 about 
the same but the KPA500 which is in STBY mode shows around 3/1. What this 
causes to happen is the Amp will fault out if I try to use any power output. If 
I check the antenna with a trusted SWR meter I see 1.3/1 at the frequency of 
use. I upgraded the firmware in all the devices in use, I also did a reset of 
the KAT's stored frequencies memory, and checked both the amp and tuner with 
the utility programs. I'm going to call Elecraft on Monday, anyone have any 
ideas in the meantime I can try?

73 Jeff kb2m   

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Re: [Elecraft] Too Much Power

2018-05-26 Thread jeff griffin
Also he did say that the JA gave him a -24 signal report. That doesn't sound 
like he's melting anybody's receive antennas with the 800 watts :-)

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net 
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Jack Brindle
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 7:32 PM
To: Richard
Cc: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Too Much Power

I’ve seen Bill’s setup. 50 watts with a decent gain antenna (i.e. beam) is 
equivalent to 800 watts with Bill’s antenna and QTH. He really has done an 
outstanding job with the resources he has to work with.
Also remember, we are talking about a 4 to 5 db difference in power here. And 
when you have pretty large mountains blocking your path to JA and EU, that 4db 
of power can make a huge difference.
QTH and the antenna system really make a huge difference! 

Jack, W6FB

> On May 25, 2018, at 4:15 PM, Richard  wrote:
> “I have a couple of FT8 contacts in my log -- with a DU and a JA -- reporting 
> me at -24 dB where I WAS OPERATING AT 800 WATTS. YMMV.”
> Why do you think you need 800 watts in a weak signal mode? Do you have any 
> idea what that does to other operators? I’ve made several 10,000+ mile 
> contacts with 50 watts, as have others who are following the “rules.” 

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Re: [Elecraft] New antenna?

2018-05-20 Thread Jeff Kinzli N6GQ
That's what I was wondering...is it the AX1 or something different?

On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 8:08 PM, rich hurd WC3T  wrote:
> You mean the AX1?   :)
> On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 18:54 Wayne Burdick  wrote:
>> Stay tuned :)
>> Wayne
>> N6KR
>> > Jeff Kinzli N6GQ  wrote:
>> >
>> > What's this I read about an Elecraft portable antenna at Dayton?
>> >
>> > #curious.
>> __
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>> Message delivered to r...@wc3t.us
> --
> 72,
> Rich Hurd / WC3T / DMR: 3142737
> PA Army MARS, Northampton County RACES, EPA-ARRL Public Information Officer
> for Scouting
> Latitude: 40.761621 Longitude: -75.288988  (40°45.68' N 75°17.33' W) Grid:
> FN20is
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[Elecraft] New antenna?

2018-05-20 Thread Jeff Kinzli N6GQ
What's this I read about an Elecraft portable antenna at Dayton?


73 de N6GQ
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[Elecraft] KX3 - Duty Cycle of 2M Transverter?

2018-05-11 Thread Jeff Hughes
Curious if the duty cycle of a stock (no aftermarket heat sink) KX3 differs 
when transmitting over the 2m transverter, versus keying up on the HF side of 
the rig?

HF can go as high as 15 watts, of course, whereas the 2m transverter maxes out 
at 3 watts.  One might imagine that the very modest 2m output would translate 
into an extended duty cycle, but that has not been my experience.  When 
transmitting, the 2m module rises in temp quite rapidly, to the point that I 
now monitor PA temp on the display when running our local VHF net.  Backing 
down to 1 watt helps, but at an obvious price.

I’d be interested in any thoughts anyone has on the thermal relationships at 
play here.

73, Jeff K4YWZ

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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Internal Batteries

2018-05-09 Thread Jeff Davis
Thanks for all the suggestions. Batteries ordered and on the way.

Much appreciated!

73, Jeff KE9V

On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 10:51 AM Walter Underwood 

> Yes, Eneloop Pro.
> wunder
> Walter Underwood
> CM87wj
> http://observer.wunderwood.org/ (my blog)
> > On May 9, 2018, at 7:29 AM, Grant Youngman  wrote:
> >
> > Panasonic Eneloop Pro …
> >
> >
> > Grant NQ5T
> > K3 #2091, KX3 #8342
> >
> >> On May 9, 2018, at 10:18 AM, Jeff Davis  wrote:
> >>
> >> It's time to initiate the three-month old KX3 into the great outside.
> >>
> >> Recommendations for internal batteries appreciated.
> >>
> >
> > __
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> > Message delivered to wun...@wunderwood.org
> __
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[Elecraft] KX3 Internal Batteries

2018-05-09 Thread Jeff Davis
It's time to initiate the three-month old KX3 into the great outside.

Recommendations for internal batteries appreciated.


73, Jeff KE9V
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[Elecraft] KX3 Digital Voice Recorder (DVR) Truncating Messages

2018-04-25 Thread Jeff Hughes
My KX3 was purchased new just over a year ago.  Great rig!

Of late, however, the Digital Voice Recorder (DVR) has been truncating 
messages.  Upon playback, some amount of the message will be clipped, with the 
transceiver immediately exiting playback mode.  The amount of truncation varies 
from playback to playback.  And it occurs in both memory channels.

Recording a new message seems unventful, with the 15-second countdown timer 
doing its thing while you record your message.

Recording a fresh message does not fix the playback problem (as, for instance, 
if it was one-off instance of corruption of the flash memory channel).  Albeit, 
a freshly-recorded message will sometimes play the complete message a time or 
two before it begins to truncate subsequent playbacks.

MCU 2.90
DSP 01.52

Any thoughts?

73, Jeff K4YWZ

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[Elecraft] Wd8kni

2018-04-21 Thread Jeff Keating
I have Sad News to report this week, 
We lost Wd8kni Fred Moore on Tuesday the 17th he was a Great Friend and will be 
missed by all.

Jeff K

Sent from my iPhone
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[Elecraft] Migrating a KPA3 POWER module to a K3S

2018-03-29 Thread Jeff
I know Elecraft does not recommend bringing in a KPA3 from a K3 to a new K3S, 
but has anyone done this and how does the rig perform?  

Sent from my iPad

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[Elecraft] Appropriate DXE sequencer delay times for NCC-1, receive preamp, K3, KPA500

2018-03-20 Thread Jeff Cathrow
Setting up a DXE NCC-1 noise/phasing unit with my K-line and a simple amplified 
receive (noise) antenna and need to confirm the right delays for the various 
parts of the system.

Here are the typical delay times indicated for the DXE TVSU-1 sequencer for 
solid-state gear:

PTT: 10ms  (VOX will never be used as per the DXE manual)

CW: 10ms  (won't be using CW mode except for tuning up) I operate SSB only.

AUX: 0 ms (T/R switching)

PREAMP: 20ms   (using a DXE RPA-1 with 102" vertical wire)

LINEAR: 16ms  (is this fine for the KPA500?)

The receive (noise pickup) antenna will be more than 1/10th wavelength from my 
closest xmit antenna and actually close to 1/4 wavelength away but I often run 
600 watts to both of my HF verticals.

If anyone knows the best or recommended delay times for Elecraft gear I'm all 
ears---hope to get this up and running before the CQ WW this weekend.


Jeff,  NH7RO

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[Elecraft] K3S sales

2018-03-07 Thread Jeff
Just wondering if the low power K3S kit with extra filters etc is offered as a 

 Seems they usually have the 100W factory combos. 

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[Elecraft] KX3 to MacBook Pro Interface

2018-03-06 Thread Jeff Davis
Curious what others are using for a USB interface from the KX3 to the
MacBook Pro with all USB-C ports.

73, Jeff KE9V
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Re: [Elecraft] [KX3] Re: Elecraft KX2 compared with the latest "Ultra Portable" (?)

2018-03-01 Thread Jeff
What I would like to see is a dual band module for the KX3 that would provide 
all mode 2 and 70cm. That is what I miss with the 817. I built a compressor 
board that fit in the case, but I like the tuner and extra power of the KX3 for 
HF and 6. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 1, 2018, at 17:24, Jim Low man jmlow...@sbcglobal.net [KX3] 
>  wrote:
> Trust me, Kevin, Wayne call tell you that I’ve bugged him in the past for an 
> all-mode, stand-alone transceiver for the 6m, 2m, 222 MHz and 432 MHz bands. 
> I made the point that they have the technology, since they have sold 
> transverters for those bands for some time now; just put it all in one box.  
> Of course, that’s probably an oversimplification.
> His reply in the past was that there probably isn’t the market out there for 
> such a transceiver, which makes sense to me.
> __,_._,___
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[Elecraft] WTB: K3 for neighbor SWL - damaged TX preferred

2018-02-16 Thread Jeff Blaine
My neighbor is a SWL and when I'm on the radio it pretty much crushes 
his little table top RX.  As a way to preserve neighboorhood harmony, 
I'm looking for a radio with a tough front end that would alievate his 
problem to an extent.

So I was thinking a great solution would be an old K3 that works OK on 
RX but has an inoperative TX.  I guess the ideal config would be the AM 
filter, general coverage RX and a broken TX section.

If you have something like that on your shelf and it needs a new home, 
please contact me directly (off the reflector).


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Re: [Elecraft] Who would spend 30 hours+ building an Elecraft K2? (plus: special pricing)

2018-01-27 Thread Jeff Stai
I've built two K2s. The second one was serial number 1250, which at the
time was my street address. Nice catch. ;)

When it came time to prepare to evacuate from the Butte Fire a couple years
ago, after the usual essentials were packed, the K2s went in the car next.

Wayne, when we gonna get another K2-level kit? :) 73 jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/twistedoak
RTTY op at W7RN
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA1500 Review on eHam

2018-01-14 Thread Jeff Stai
On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 3:51 PM, John Klewer  wrote:

> I wonder if I could sell one of my children and buy one?
> Nah
> Oh Well
Oh come on, I know some of your kids and they would fetch top dollar. ;) 73
jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/twistedoak
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Re: [Elecraft] IC-7610 added to Sherwood's list

2017-12-24 Thread jeff griffin
We all can look forward to the 7610PRO, whatever that means. What an
unbelievable amount of hype proceeded the release of this transceiver...

73 Jeff kb2m

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Mike VE3YF
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2017 7:20 PM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] IC-7610 added to Sherwood's list


I wonder if this is a result of rushing the rig to market instead of getting
things correct first.


*73 De Mike*


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