Re: Generator Arrow Functions

2013-11-20 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
+1 on arrowed generators! Have being actively using generators last month 
have being wishing they could be like arrows, although syntax I've being
thinking of was

(x, y) * {  }

BTW given that generators are used as a method on iterators wouldn't it
make sense to consider syntax for generator members in a classes syntax ??
My hope is in ES6 we would just use class syntax for methods  arros for
functions making function a legacy

On Monday, November 18, 2013, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Ѓорѓи Ќосев wrote:

 Its harder to scan whether this is a generator arrow function or a normal
 arrow function because the star is too far away:

 someFunction(*(someArgument, anotherArgument) = {
 ... code ...

 compared to this form, where its immediately obvious that this is not a
 regular function, just by looking at the composed symbol (arrow-star)

 someFunction((someArgument, anotherArgument) =* {
 ... code ...

 I buy it. This is what I'll propose next week as concrete syntax. It's a
 small point, but the rationale is the star goes after the first token that
 identifies the special form as a function form. For generator functions,
 that token is 'function'. For arrows, it is '='.

 es-discuss mailing list

Irakli Gozalishvili
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Generator Arrow Functions

2013-11-20 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Oh I must have missed that, never mind then thanks Axel for pointing out.  

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2013-11-20 at 03:22 , Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

  +1 on arrowed generators! Have being actively using generators last month  
  have being wishing they could be like arrows, although syntax I've being 
  thinking of was  
  (x, y) * {  }
  BTW given that generators are used as a method on iterators wouldn't it 
  make sense to consider syntax for generator members in a classes syntax ??
 It’s already in the spec:
  My hope is in ES6 we would just use class syntax for methods  arros for 
  functions making function a legacy
 My hope, too.
 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer (
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Re: Protocol library as alternative to refinements (Russell Leggett)

2013-11-03 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I thought you may find it interesting that while back I wrote library to full 
fill my desire for clojure like protocols  wrote a blog post  
about it:

In a process of using it I discovered that it was not very javascripty  did 
another take on this in form of different library
that let's you create functions and provide it's polymorphic implementations:

I  my team members found this really useful in real project that let us 
separate contracts between components that would
share some interface but are not necessarily related. Initially library was 
generated unique names for each function that you
create, although I hope to use private symbols once they're available:

var each = method()

In nutshell it would do something along this lines

const method = () = {
  const id = Math.random().toString(32).substr(2)
  const f = (self, …args) = self[id](self, …args)
  f.toString = () = id
  return f

Although dispatch is little more complicated to incorporate host objects and 
default implementations. Library also does not
mutate bulit-ins instead keeps internal hashes for them. Anyhow this enables 
defining implementations for this function
per type:

MyIterable.prototype[each] = (myIterable, f) = ….

Unfortunately later I had to move towards `method(your-own-unique-name)` 
approach (although old one is still there), because users on nodejs would 
constantly run into issues, because of nom's nutty habit of duplicating 
dependencies. That caused same library copy to have `each` functions with 
different identifiers :( I'm afraid we'll face same issues with private symbols 
as well.

A while ago I also proposed TC39 to consider a small change to private symbols 
such that, created symbols would actually be

import Symbol from @symbol;
const each = new Symbol(each, true);

each(iterator, x = x + 1)
Where above line would desugar to:

iterator[each](iterator, x = x + 1)

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2013-10-23 at 13:02 , Russell Leggett wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Benjamin (Inglor) Gruenbaum ( wrote:
  Yes, this looks solid and definitely like something I'll use. I'll try to 
  go through use cases and find problems during the weekend.
  What do you think would be the fastest way to get a prototype something 
  working to play with?  
 Well the library itself could be implemented now, but without :: you 
 wouldn't get the nice syntax. I've been looking into Traceur a bit to see how 
 hard it would be to add :: - its some fairly simple syntax sugar.  
 - Russ  
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Standard errors types with file line info ?

2013-02-28 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

My apologies if that's being already discussed (have not being following this 
list actively lately).
I would be really love if error types could be standardised such that 
`fileName`, `lineNumber` information could be taken from them reliably.

It would be also great if error.stack  was in JSON structure instead of string 
that is not easy to work with.
It would be yet even better if optional fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber 
could be specified at / post error construction time, for example spidermonkey 
already has support for this:

Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: WeakMap better than Private Symbols? (was: direct_proxies problem)

2013-01-13 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Here is a link to a documentatin for the weak map based solution that Kris

We find it invaluable and use for storing private field. Inheritance works,
but we did not found that feature all that useful in practice, probably
because we use that only for data fields

There is also another experiment that I found to be a lot more useful for
non data properties like methods

I also honestly wish private names would just be it

On Thursday, January 10, 2013, Kris Kowal wrote:

 As an aside, Irakli Gozashvili and I independently realized that you
 could use a WeakMap for parallel objects with inheritance. Very
 similar to Brendan’s createStorage, we put together a parallel
 universe constructor.

 function Parallel(root) {
 var parallel = new WeakMap();
 root = root || null;
 function get(object) {
 if (!parallel.has(object)) {
 return parallel.get(object);
 return get;

 Irakli’s was a Namespace constructor that appeared somewhere in the
 Mozilla Add-on toolkit, but the links have gone stale.

 Kris Kowal
 es-discuss mailing list javascript:;

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Re: A Variation on ES Modules

2013-01-02 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I have added few comments to 

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Friday, 2012-12-28 at 10:21 , Kevin Smith wrote:

 Just to finalize this thread, I updated the gist based on comments from 
 It includes syntax for proper inline modules, and an extension syntax for 
 pre-loading (aka concatenating).  It also brings the syntax for module 
 aliasing closer to the previous harmony proposal:
 module M = m.js;
 module N = M.N;
 { Kevin } 
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API to identify host objects

2012-11-12 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Lately I have being struggling with an implementation differences of host (DOM) 
objects across the browsers.
So far only reliable way I could find to identify host objects is by a 
following assertion: === void(0)

Behaviour seems to be consistent across FF, Opera, Safari, and Chrome (Don't 
have windows to test on IE).
I think it would be great if there was some standardised way to identify host 

My personal use case is polymorphic method dispatch library that has same semantics as
clojure protocols. Method implementations for host objects and built-ins are 
stored in the separate dictionary to avoid memory leaks and to support objects 
from diff JS contexts / frames / compartments.

If you know of a better of identifying host objects I would really love to know 
that too. 

Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: API to identify host objects

2012-11-12 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2012-11-12 at 14:30 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  Lately I have being struggling with an implementation differences of  
  host (DOM) objects across the browsers.
  So far only reliable way I could find to identify host objects is by a  
  following assertion: === void(0)
 Wow, that's not bad (except for the overparenthesized 0 :-P).
  Behaviour seems to be consistent across FF, Opera, Safari, and Chrome  
  (Don't have windows to test on IE).
  I think it would be great if there was some standardised way to  
  identify host objects.
 There does seem to be some fuzzy need, but given jQuery's isPlainObject  
 ( the way people check varies.
  My personal use case is polymorphic method dispatch  
  library that has same semantics as
  clojure protocols. Method implementations for host objects and  
  built-ins are stored in the separate dictionary to avoid memory leaks  
  and to support objects from diff JS contexts / frames / compartments.
 Doesn't the latter (cross-frame/etc.) need affect native objects too?

Yes it does and method implementations for built-ins are also stored in a  
separate hash. Detecting built-ins seems to be a
lot easier though since returns [object 
Error], [object Number], … etc...
  If you know of a better of identifying host objects I would really  
  love to know that too.
  Irakli Gozalishvili
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Re: Fixing instanceof / typeof

2012-10-16 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Most recently I needed that to do polymorphic function dispatch on input 
argument type. More specifics can be found here:

This case may be quite exotic, but I remember running into this quite a lot, 
can't use cases unfortunately. BTW underscore has bunch of this utilities too: that making me believe it's common enough case.
Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2012-10-15 at 17:59 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 Just curious: why did you need a nominal type test, rather than a duck  
 type test?
 Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  Today I had to deal with a value type detection in JS and that  
  reminded me of all the pain associated with it, especially when  
  dealing with values that may have come across the diff compartment /  
  frame / context. `instanceof` is useless when dealing with objects  
  from diff contexts, `typeof` is also pretty limited in a sense that it  
  can detect weather value is array, error, map, set, etc.. not to  
  mention it's awkwardnesses…
  Only solution that seems to work toady that is adopted by most popular  
  JS libraries is:
  function type(value) {
  I don't actually know if that's supposed to work according to spec or  
  if it's just an implementation coincidence that happen to
  work. Either way I would really welcome some standard  
  solution preferably via function form (so that can be polyfilled today)
  to do type detection for all the built-ins and host objects.
  Aside main issue, it would be great if solution was compatible with  
  mozilla's xpcom components too where one object my be
  queried with multiple interfaces and there for have multiple types.  
  Also, above hack does not works with XPCOMs as  
  Object.prototype.toString returns [object  
  XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper], while actual toString returns something  
  little more useful [xpconnect wrapped (nsISupports, nsIURI, nsIURL)]
  Irakli Gozalishvili
  es-discuss mailing list (

es-discuss mailing list

Fixing instanceof / typeof

2012-10-15 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Today I had to deal with a value type detection in JS and that reminded me of 
all the pain associated with it, especially when dealing with values that may 
have come across the diff compartment / frame / context. `instanceof` is 
useless when dealing with objects from diff contexts, `typeof` is also pretty 
limited in a sense that it can detect weather value is array, error, map, set, 
etc.. not to mention it's awkwardnesses…  

Only solution that seems to work toady that is adopted by most popular JS 
libraries is:

function type(value) {

I don't actually know if that's supposed to work according to spec or if it's 
just an implementation coincidence that happen to
work. Either way I would really welcome some standard solution preferably  via 
function form (so that can be polyfilled today)
to do type detection for all the built-ins and host objects.

Aside main issue, it would be great if solution was compatible with mozilla's 
xpcom components too where one object my be
queried with multiple interfaces and there for have multiple types. Also, above 
hack does not works with XPCOMs as  Object.prototype.toString returns [object 
XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper], while actual toString returns something little 
more useful [xpconnect wrapped (nsISupports, nsIURI, nsIURL)]

Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Some questions about Private Name Objects

2012-09-14 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Hey Dean, 

I also really love clojure protocols and in fact tried to propose few 
extensions for private names to make them little more usable as such:

Unfortunately thread did not got any replies from anyone.

That being said I did couple of experiments in these area:

Implemented clojure like protocols as library:

But after using it for some time I realised it was not very javascripty,
so I have prototyped a more minimalistic version, which I'm using happily
since then: 

I still really wish we could make private names callable such that:

var method = Name()

method(object, arg1, arg2) = object[method](arg1, arg2)

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Thursday, 2012-09-13 at 14:46 , Dean Landolt wrote:

 The real point I'm trying to make is that Name objects give us something akin 
 to clojure's protocols. Imagine an orm protocol -- this is just a set of 
 names that must exist on an object (or its proto chain). An object can 
 implement any number of protocols (or interfaces, or whatever) without fear 
 of conflict. You can easily override any implementation so long as you have a 
 handle on the appropriate name object. This is easier, better looking and 
 more correct than anything we can do today. It's not too disimilar from using 
 using instanceof as a brand, but without the pitfalls (it doesn't fall flat 
 crossing sandbox boundaries). This is a safe and flexible inheritance model 
 that works just as a js programmer would expect, all without begging for 
 mutable or multiple prototypes. 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Arrow functions as methods

2012-07-12 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Thanks Brendan for explaining the problem, I can see how that can get confusing.
 What it is a failure?

While fat arrows solve a problem (or rather simplify) with .bind(this) they do 
introduce a new one. Namely they can't be used as methods. Which would not have 
being a problem if we had both thin  fat arrows. That basically means that 
whenever I have to explain someone how to use X I can't tell forget about old 
functions, I have to teach about one more flavor of it. That's what I see as 

 No, not as methods as commonly expressed in object literals. Those get
 other shorthand.

They do get other shorthand, but that's makes interoperability between OO  
functional only harder, you will have to choose either red or blue pill. While 
I really wish we could write code in either style and let users decide which 
style they want to use it.

 People have to say what they mean, they do not get implicit uncurrying
 of |this| as a first parameter.

Yes I do understand this point. My suggestion clearly has issues, but I'm happy 
to get any other solution that would be issue free and would allow reuse of 
functions as methods. It could be thin arrow or explicit syntax to expressing 
desire to get `this` as parameter:

var map = (this, f) = reduce(this, (result, x) = result.concat([ f(x) ]), [])

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-07-11 at 23:02 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 Gordon Brander wrote:
  I noticed an alternative solution to this problem in the ES 
   (see optional leading `this` initializer). As I understand it, that 
  would give us some sort of special delimiter for specifying a soft-bound 
  `this` context on a thin-arrow, e.g. in pseudo-code:
  foo(o | a, b)
  ...or some-such.
 That syntax was for expressions and definitions of functions, not for 
 calls. The idea was to enable parameter default values for |this|. It 
 won't do what Irakli wants.
 Soft-bind is not going to fly, see,, and 
 Implicitly shifting |this| in call expressions to the front of the 
 actual argument list is similarly painful in overhead for implementors, 
 besides making the dynamic two args, or only one? hazard depending on 
 how a callee called from a polymorphic site happened to be expressed.
 What Python does is a bit different:
 is, arg)
 not just
 foo(obj, arg)
 for some identifier-expression 'foo'. But this depends on classes in 
 Python, which are not in any way analogous to = function expressions.
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Re: Arrow functions as methods

2012-07-11 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
It is true that on could wrap arrow function into vintage one in order to reuse 
it as a method, but that is a poor mans workaround. As of motivation, all I 
really want is to have a synergy of different paradigms that are in the 

What I really mean by that is, if one writes in a functional style: 

var map = (list, f) =
  reduce(list, (result, value) = 
 result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])

That should be reusable in OO code without any changes or wrappers: = map
List().map((x) = x + 1)

Also this complements another idea that I have posted a while ago:

Where I proposed to make private names functions:

var method = Name()
method(object, arg) // is just a sugar for

This will enable people to write code in OO or functional style and make it 
usable in other style:

var map = Name();
List.prototype[map] = (list, f) =
  reduce(list, (result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])

Which one will be able to us in a functional style

map(list, f)

or in OO


Also even if suggested changes to private names won't take of, it's still can 
be implemented as a library:

There for a way to author functions that also can be used as methods is 
relevant. Thin arrows would probably also solve this problem.
Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-07-11 at 09:39 , Claus Reinke wrote:

  function map(f) {
  return this.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
  var map = (list, f) =
  list.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
 Not sure I got your motivation, but would this help?
 function fn(f) { return f(this) } // provide 'this' as explicit arg
 let map = it = f =
 it.list.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
 let obj = { map: fn(map), list: [1,2,3] }; // wrap map as method = x+1);
 map( {list:[1,2,3]} )(x = x+1);

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Arrow functions as methods

2012-07-11 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I think more general problem with arrow functions is that they can not capture 
object on which method call happened:

If `` is an arrow function it has no way of knowing weather it was 
invoked as a function or a method. Neither it get's reference to an `object`. 
This makes composition between functional  OO styles components hard. 

Passing owner `object` of the arrow method as first argument solves this 
problem, by making

just a sugar for

var foo =;
foo(object, bar);

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-07-11 at 10:23 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 It is true that on could wrap arrow function into vintage one in order to 
 reuse it as a method, but that is a poor mans workaround. As of motivation, 
 all I really want is to have a synergy of different paradigms that are in the 
 What I really mean by that is, if one writes in a functional style: 
 var map = (list, f) =
   reduce(list, (result, value) = 
  result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
 That should be reusable in OO code without any changes or wrappers: = map
 List().map((x) = x + 1)
 Also this complements another idea that I have posted a while ago:
 Where I proposed to make private names functions:
 var method = Name()
 method(object, arg) // is just a sugar for
 This will enable people to write code in OO or functional style and make it 
 usable in other style:
 var map = Name();
 List.prototype[map] = (list, f) =
   reduce(list, (result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
 Which one will be able to us in a functional style
 map(list, f)
 or in OO
 Also even if suggested changes to private names won't take of, it's still can 
 be implemented as a library:
 There for a way to author functions that also can be used as methods is 
 relevant. Thin arrows would probably also solve this problem.
 Irakli Gozalishvili
 On Wednesday, 2012-07-11 at 09:39 , Claus Reinke wrote:
   function map(f) {
   return this.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
   var map = (list, f) =
   list.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
  Not sure I got your motivation, but would this help?
  function fn(f) { return f(this) } // provide 'this' as explicit arg
  let map = it = f =
  it.list.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
  let obj = { map: fn(map), list: [1,2,3] }; // wrap map as method = x+1);
  map( {list:[1,2,3]} )(x = x+1);

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Arrow functions as methods

2012-07-11 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
 We've been around that block and will go again. If we want convenient 
 unbound-this function syntax, - stands ready. I proposed it along with 
 = originally but it was cut by TC39 during our March meeting in order 
 to achieve consensus on =.

Yeah I'm aware of that, but problem as I see is that new fat arrow functions 
can not fully replace existing functions. In combination with thin arrows they 
would but since they have being cut ended up with a dependency on an old style 
function in order to wrap arrows to make them usable as methods. I consider 
it's a failure.
  If `` is an arrow function it has no way of knowing weather 
  it was invoked as a function or a method. Neither it get's reference 
  to an `object`. This makes composition between functional  OO styles 
  components hard.
 No, I don't think so. The ability of a function to ignore any parameter, 
 including |this|, may frustrate composition, but the contract of an API 
 includes mandatory parameterization of any funargs.
 People deal with this pretty well in practice, usually by writing 
 small-world codebases and wrapping anything unknown that needs 
 contract-enforcement along these lines.

Well but as pointed out above you need an old style functions to make arrows 
usable as methods, I think such dependency is very unfortunate.
  Passing owner `object` of the arrow method as first argument solves 
  this problem, by making
  just a sugar for
  var foo =;
  foo(object, bar);
 This completely breaks functional abstraction, of course.
 in JS should never pass more than one actual parameter to the callee, 
 however it was declared or expressed.

Unfortunately I still do not understand why is that a problem, specially since 
Claus's wrapper can be used to achieve that. It's just I think it makes it a 
much better default.

  Irakli Gozalishvili
  On Wednesday, 2012-07-11 at 10:23 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
   It is true that on could wrap arrow function into vintage one in 
   order to reuse it as a method, but that is a poor mans workaround. As 
   of motivation, all I really want is to have a synergy of different 
   paradigms that are in the language.
   What I really mean by that is, if one writes in a functional style:
   var map = (list, f) =
   reduce(list, (result, value) =
   result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
   That should be reusable in OO code without any changes or wrappers: = map
   List().map((x) = x + 1)
   Also this complements another idea that I have posted a while ago:
   Where I proposed to make private names functions:
   var method = Name()
   method(object, arg) // is just a sugar for
   This will enable people to write code in OO or functional style and 
   make it usable in other style:
   var map = Name();
   List.prototype[map] = (list, f) =
   reduce(list, (result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
   Which one will be able to us in a functional style
   map(list, f)
   or in OO
   Also even if suggested changes to private names won't take of, it's 
   still can be implemented as a library:
   There for a way to author functions that also can be used as methods 
   is relevant. Thin arrows would probably also solve this problem.
   Irakli Gozalishvili
   On Wednesday, 2012-07-11 at 09:39 , Claus Reinke wrote:
 function map(f) {
 return this.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
 var map = (list, f) =
 list.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])

Not sure I got your motivation, but would this help?

function fn(f) { return f(this) } // provide 'this' as explicit arg

let map = it = f =
it.list.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])

let obj = { map: fn(map), list: [1,2,3] }; // wrap map as method = x+1);
map( {list:[1,2,3]} )(x = x+1);

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Arrow functions as methods

2012-07-10 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

I just wanted to bring up IMO important limitation of arrow functions. They do 
solve unbound `this` issues when used as a callback, but they also introduce 
unfortunate limitation. Arrow functions can not really be
used as methods. For example it was great that in JS one could write a function 
that could be used as
a method or as function:

function map(f) {
  return this.reduce((result, value) =  result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])

// Use as method = map; = x + 1)

// Use as function, (x) = x + 1)

I would say still is unfortunate that such reusable functions had do be called 
via special `.call` but never the less code sharing was simple to do.

Now arrow functions as they stand today can not be used in that manner as 
`this` refers to the outer scope `this` for a good reason. But it still would 
be nice to allow reusing them as methods, in fact they could be even solve 
current `…)`. What I'd like to propose is borrow successful idea from 
other languages and make: = x + 1)  

be a sugar for

map(foo, (x) = x + 1)

If `map` is an arrow function

That would make (arrow) functions a lot more composable:

var map = (list, f) =
   list.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), []) = map

List().map((x) = x + 1)


map(List(), (x) = x + 1)


map([ 1, 2, 3 ], (x) = x + 1)

I think this would make a good synergy of OO and functional styles in JS

Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Arrow functions as methods

2012-07-10 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
One more thing if some reason one want's to call arrow method without passing 
an owner it's still easy:  

([ 1, 2, 3 ], (x) = x + 1)  

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Tuesday, 2012-07-10 at 15:02 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 I just wanted to bring up IMO important limitation of arrow functions. They 
 do solve unbound `this` issues when used as a callback, but they also 
 introduce unfortunate limitation. Arrow functions can not really be
 used as methods. For example it was great that in JS one could write a 
 function that could be used as
 a method or as function:
 function map(f) {
   return this.reduce((result, value) =  result.concat([ f(value) ]), [])
 // Use as method = map; = x + 1)
 // Use as function, (x) = x + 1)
 I would say still is unfortunate that such reusable functions had do be 
 called via special `.call` but never the less code sharing was simple to do.
 Now arrow functions as they stand today can not be used in that manner as 
 `this` refers to the outer scope `this` for a good reason. But it still would 
 be nice to allow reusing them as methods, in fact they could be even solve 
 current `…)`. What I'd like to propose is borrow successful idea 
 from other languages and make: = x + 1)  
 be a sugar for
 map(foo, (x) = x + 1)
 If `map` is an arrow function
 That would make (arrow) functions a lot more composable:
 var map = (list, f) =
list.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), []) = map
 List().map((x) = x + 1)
 map(List(), (x) = x + 1)
 map([ 1, 2, 3 ], (x) = x + 1)
 I think this would make a good synergy of OO and functional styles in JS
 Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: private name methods ?

2012-06-25 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I have realized this idea in a JS library:

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Thursday, 2012-06-21 at 12:31 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 I get few comments on twitter regarding this:  
  So the idea is that a private name object is callable,
  and name(obj, delegates to obj[name](
 Yeah thats is a primary idea:
 name(object, …rest) = object[name](…rest)  
 Although my hope is that `null` and `undefined` could also be supported in 
 some way.
 Note that with following will work only if `object` is from the same JS 
 context (iframe):   
   Object.prototype[name] = function() { … }
 Hopefully `name` implementation for `null` would enable it for objects from 
 other contexts as well.
 In addition I have proposed that `name` would just return property if it's 
 not a function:
 name(object, …rest) = typeof(object[name]) === 'function' ? 
 object[name](…rest) : object[name]
 Which pot pretty negative feedback:
   It overlaps and precludes the case where you just want to get the function 
  without calling.
 As a matter of fact I outlined the primary case where this feature is very 
 helpful in the gist:
 Watchable.prototype[watchers] = function(target) {
   return target[watchers] = []
 This enables lazy initialization of private properties that otherwise would 
 have required second private
 name. While I find this use case quite compelling I see drawbacks as well. 
 Never the less I think that
 even without the last feature callable private names are pretty compelling.
 Irakli Gozalishvili
 On Thursday, 2012-06-21 at 11:54 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  Some time ago I tried to get your intention about clojure protocols as I 
  see them as better fit for JS and it's runtime than currently proposed 
  classes. Although I can see that they may have implied too much new 
  semantics. Recently I realized that private name objects can be used to do 
  most of what protocols do with some boilerplate  performance penalties:  
  I was wondering if it's a good idea to adjust private name objects 
  proposal, since IMO it solves some of the ergonomics related issues that 
  would prevent it from taking off:
  API for calling private named methods is awkward:  
  object[method](foo, bar)  
  With private name methods it's natural:
  method(object, foo, bar)  
  API for accessing private names is ugly in comparison to normal properties:
  var data = object[secret]  
  With private methods it can be more natural:
  var data = secret(object)
  Private methods can provide not only more natural API (that feels similar 
  to one used today), but there is much more to it, private methods provide 
  semantics very similar to clojure protocols ( 
  that arguably enable interesting ways to do polymorphism 
  that IMO fits much better JS runtime than proposed classes. It is also 
  fully harmonious with JS prototypical inheritance. It also solves issues 
  inherent with diversity of community and libraries, as on may define 
  protocol through the set of methods that can be independently implemented 
  for set of libraries used. For example event dispatching protocol may be 
  defined via on, off, emit private methods that later can be implemented 
  without any conflict risks for DOM, jQuery, Backbone, etc... This will 
  allowing one to use same set of privates methods regardless of which 
  library data structure comes from. In a way monkey patching on steroids and 
  conflict risks!
  Thanks for you time  I'm looking forward to your feedback!
  Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

private name methods ?

2012-06-21 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Some time ago I tried to get your intention about clojure protocols as I see 
them as better fit for JS and it's runtime than currently proposed classes. 
Although I can see that they may have implied too much new semantics. Recently 
I realized that private name objects can be used to do most of what protocols 
do with some boilerplate  performance penalties: 

I was wondering if it's a good idea to adjust private name objects proposal, 
since IMO it solves some of the ergonomics related issues that would prevent it 
from taking off:

API for calling private named methods is awkward: 
object[method](foo, bar) 

With private name methods it's natural:
method(object, foo, bar) 

API for accessing private names is ugly in comparison to normal properties:
var data = object[secret] 

With private methods it can be more natural:
var data = secret(object)

Private methods can provide not only more natural API (that feels similar to 
one used today), but there is much more to it, private methods provide 
semantics very similar to clojure protocols ( that 
arguably enable interesting ways to do polymorphism 
( that 
IMO fits much better JS runtime than proposed classes. It is also fully 
harmonious with JS prototypical inheritance. It also solves issues inherent 
with diversity of community and libraries, as on may define protocol through 
the set of methods that can be independently implemented for set of libraries 
used. For example event dispatching protocol may be defined via on, off, emit 
private methods that later can be implemented without any conflict risks for 
DOM, jQuery, Backbone, etc... This will allowing one to use same set of 
privates methods regardless of which library data structure comes from. In a 
way monkey patching on ste
 roids an
d conflict risks!

Thanks for you time  I'm looking forward to your feedback!
Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: private name methods ?

2012-06-21 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I get few comments on twitter regarding this:  

 So the idea is that a private name object is callable,
 and name(obj, delegates to obj[name](

Yeah thats is a primary idea:

name(object, …rest) = object[name](…rest)  

Although my hope is that `null` and `undefined` could also be supported in some 
Note that with following will work only if `object` is from the same JS context 

  Object.prototype[name] = function() { … }

Hopefully `name` implementation for `null` would enable it for objects from 
other contexts as well.

In addition I have proposed that `name` would just return property if it's not 
a function:

name(object, …rest) = typeof(object[name]) === 'function' ? 
object[name](…rest) : object[name]

Which pot pretty negative feedback:

  It overlaps and precludes the case where you just want to get the function 
 without calling.

As a matter of fact I outlined the primary case where this feature is very 
helpful in the gist:

Watchable.prototype[watchers] = function(target) {
  return target[watchers] = []

This enables lazy initialization of private properties that otherwise would 
have required second private
name. While I find this use case quite compelling I see drawbacks as well. 
Never the less I think that
even without the last feature callable private names are pretty compelling.

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Thursday, 2012-06-21 at 11:54 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 Some time ago I tried to get your intention about clojure protocols as I see 
 them as better fit for JS and it's runtime than currently proposed classes. 
 Although I can see that they may have implied too much new semantics. 
 Recently I realized that private name objects can be used to do most of what 
 protocols do with some boilerplate  performance penalties:  
 I was wondering if it's a good idea to adjust private name objects 
 proposal, since IMO it solves some of the ergonomics related issues that 
 would prevent it from taking off:
 API for calling private named methods is awkward:  
 object[method](foo, bar)  
 With private name methods it's natural:
 method(object, foo, bar)  
 API for accessing private names is ugly in comparison to normal properties:
 var data = object[secret]  
 With private methods it can be more natural:
 var data = secret(object)
 Private methods can provide not only more natural API (that feels similar to 
 one used today), but there is much more to it, private methods provide 
 semantics very similar to clojure protocols ( that 
 arguably enable interesting ways to do polymorphism 
 that IMO fits much better JS runtime than proposed classes. It is also fully 
 harmonious with JS prototypical inheritance. It also solves issues inherent 
 with diversity of community and libraries, as on may define protocol through 
 the set of methods that can be independently implemented for set of libraries 
 used. For example event dispatching protocol may be defined via on, off, emit 
 private methods that later can be implemented without any conflict risks for 
 DOM, jQuery, Backbone, etc... This will allowing one to use same set of 
 privates methods regardless of which library data structure comes from. In a 
 way monkey patching on steroids and conflict risks!
 Thanks for you time  I'm looking forward to your feedback!
 Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Function length

2012-06-11 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
 I don't think any library should ever rely on f.length.  

That's a wrong  attitude, there always will be legitimate uses of any feature, 
otherwise such features are just harmful  IMO should  be deprecated / removed. 

 It is not a
 reliable source of information (f might use 'arguments' even when the
 length is officially 0), and I don't honestly see it being useful for
 anything but tertiary debugging purposes.

In some cases weather function captures `rest` arguments via `arguments` is 
irrelevant. Like in a case I've pointed out earlier. Library provides arity 
based dispatch based on f.length, so if you pass `function() { arguments…. }` 
it will never be called with more than 0 arguments.
Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2012-06-11 at 05:33 , Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 On 10 June 2012 03:52, Irakli Gozalishvili 
 ( wrote:
  I just noticed strange behavior in spider monkey implementation of rest
  (function(a, b, {}).length // = 2
  I think ignoring `rest` in length is pretty counter intuitive. For example I
  have small utility function that
  I use to dispatch depending on argument length.
  var sum = dispatcher([
function() { return 0 },
function(x) { return x },
function(x, y) { return x + y },
function(x, y, z) { return,
  1).reduce(sum, x) }
 I don't think any library should ever rely on f.length. It is not a
 reliable source of information (f might use 'arguments' even when the
 length is officially 0), and I don't honestly see it being useful for
 anything but tertiary debugging purposes.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Function length

2012-06-11 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Sorry for not being clear about this. Here is a simplified example of the 

Also this is just a single particular example, but I expect there to be more. I 
think what I'm
really asking for is a way to know if …rest is being used.

Also IMO arrow functions should not have `arguments` at all.   
Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2012-06-11 at 11:04 , Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jun 11, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
   I don't think any library should ever rely on f.length.  
  That's a wrong  attitude, there always will be legitimate uses of any 
  feature, otherwise such features are just harmful  IMO should  be 
  deprecated / removed.  
 Let me try again.  We don't understand your use case.  You didn't show us the 
 definition of your dispatch function so we have to guess.  Even so, It is 
 hard to imagine a legitimate use with dynamically provided functions, 
 particularly as the length values assigned to the existing built-ins don't 
 follow strict rules. At the very least you need to help us understand why 
 your use case is both reasonable and valid.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Function length

2012-06-10 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Never the less problem still stands, but maybe there are other ways to solve 
it. Only solution I'm left with so far is utility function like this:  

function hasRest(f) {
  return !!~String(f).split('\n').shift().indexOf('...')

Which is bad, specially toString of function is not guaranteed to return source.

Maybe alternative solution could be some standard function / method to test if 
the function captures args.  

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Saturday, 2012-06-09 at 23:54 , Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jun 9, 2012, at 6:52 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  I just noticed strange behavior in spider monkey implementation of rest 
  (function(a, b, {}).length // = 2
 That answer is consistent with what is specified in the ES6 draft spec.  The 
 actual value is specified algorithmically  and is summarized by this note:
 NOTE The ExpectedArgumentCount of a FormalParameterList is the number of 
 FormalParameters to the left of either the rest parameter or the first 
 FormalParameter with an Initialiser. A FormalParameter without an initializer 
 are allowed after the first parameter with an initializer but such parameters 
 are considered to be optional with undefined as their default value.
 See section 13.1.
 The draft is based upon the conclusions that were reached when this was last 
 discussed.  See the thread starting  
 There is no obviously right answer to what should be reported as the length 
 (and it isn't clear whether this property really has any utility).  The 
 closest thing we have to legacy precedent are these statement from previous 
 versions of the spec:
 15 Every built-in Function object described in this clause—whether as a 
 constructor, an ordinary function, or both—has a length property whose value 
 is an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this value is equal to the largest 
 number of named arguments shown in the subclause headings for the function 
 description, including optional parameters. The value of the length property is an integer that indicates the 
 “typical” number of arguments expected by the function.
 Note that that the the legacy description is not particularly self consistent 
 and that where a length value is other specified for various built-in 
 functions it tends to follow the rule.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: time to trim mustache

2012-06-05 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I just want to (re)express my (and many others) concern about new syntax.  
While Object.extend adds useful feature (Although I think Object.define would 
be more appropriate name) I don't think new syntax is really necessary. I do 
think that new syntax needs a lot more justification then new semantics. I also 
would argue that it's a good idea to alway make syntax changes in a separate 
iteration from the one where associated semantics have being introduced. That 
would allow both community and come tee to see these semantics in practice and 
having more knowledge to decide what syntax sugar would work best, if any new 
syntax even will turn out to be necessary.
 One of these things is installing private named properties upon an existing 
 object.  As currently specified, those could not be communicated to an extend 
 function via an object literal because we have disallowed any form of 
 refection upon private named properties. Object.extend could not see them on 
 the literal object in order to copy them.  Trying to solve this problem by 
 saying that Object.extend has special reflection privileges would violate the 
 encapsulation that the non-relection on private name properties was intended 
 to provided.  

But many other variations of this would do the job as well without a new syntax:

Object.extend(target, privates(
   name1, value1,
   name2, value2

 Anther ES6 specific semantic that has always been part of the mustache 
 proposal is the correct binding of methods with super references. I've 
 described this many times. So I'll just describe it again other than to 
 reinforce that mustache is the great way to dynamically associate super 
 referencing method to an object without running into the pitfalls that arise 
 with the defineMethod alternative. I see how with mustache we can live 
 without defineMethld.

But omitting reflection APIs is pretty dangerous path to go with IMO. JS has 
being great as it was always possible to fix things that were not working for 
you. I have feeling that providing semantics only through new syntax may take 
away this great power of JS.

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2012-06-04 at 09:45 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 Kevin Smith wrote:
  Thanks Dave,
  Of the 3 use cases you mentioned, I think unique names are probably 
  sufficient for 1 and 3. For the second use case (an inaccessible 
  piece of data associated with an object), would not a weak map also be 
 No, WeakMaps have two problems we've covered in this list:
 1. Less efficient than private names.
 This matters when you can least afford it, and it matters for private 
 names used to program in the large using objects in JS. WeakMaps require 
 special GC handling and they're an extra object with internal mutable 
 state. Private name objects are flat, frozen, and can be optimized a lot 
 2. You cannot abstract property access:
 function get(obj, prop) { return obj[prop]; }
 works with a private name object referenced by prop. No such abstraction 
 can be done with a weak map.
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Re: arrows and a proposed softCall

2012-06-05 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I would also like to express that I think = with proposed (bound this) 
semantics, are great. And I don't think it introduces any new issues it's just 
a sugar for:

function() {  /* … */  }.bind(this)

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Tuesday, 2012-06-05 at 12:06 , Russell Leggett wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Angus Croll 
 ( wrote:
  Yes the thread needs wrapping up. Maybe I can attempt summarize the dilemma 
  - with a question:  
  Is call/apply just a remedy for non-lexical this assignment? Or is it a 
  powerful feature in it own right.  
  I'm with the second camp, but I think I'm in the minority in this list
 Call/apply are of course powerful features, but they should not be used just 
 for the sake of using them. You know what's cleaner looking than call/apply? 
 Just calling the function directly!  
 I think the bigger, but related question is, When should dynamic |this| be 
 used? Do you think the jQuery style of using the dynamic this in callback is 
 good? Many of us here do not. Dynamic |this| allows for functions to work 
 like methods - it enables mixins and all kinds of meta-programming goodness. 
 However, it can also be abused, and create really funky code that can lead to 
 weird surprises.
 Maybe I'm just conservative here. I suppose I can see the appeal of not 
 having to add that pesky extra parameter and instead use |this| for whatever 
 arbitrary thing you might want to put there, but it sure seems less readable 
 to me. You might as well just use the arguments object for everything instead 
 having parameter names!  
 Until now, with the addition of bind, and the fat arrow, there were a lot of 
 common cases where you would have to put a callback method back with its 
 original |this| object. That is one use of call/apply, and one that will 
 hopefully need less use. Another nice use of it was to easily delegate by 
 using apply and passing through the arguments object. That will go away with 
 rest parameters. So yeah, we might be seeing less of call/apply with ES6, but 
 I think we're replacing them with better patterns instead of just saying they 
 aren't useful anymore.  
 - Russ
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Generators improvement idea

2012-05-24 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

I have an improvement suggestion for generators. Unless I'm mistaken in spider 
monkey you
`yield` maybe used as a function:

function g() {

for (let $ in g()) console.log($)

It would be cool to take this even further and let users give `yield` a context 
specific name. 

// yield is passed in
function* program(require) {
  // maybe even alias passed in yield 
  var use = require;

  var _ = require('underscore')
  var template = require('asset!./template.html')
  var data = require('asset!./model.json')

  document.body.innerHTML = _.template(template, data) 

This would loading all assets async but avoid callbacks 

This is idea came to mind while thinking how SDK APIs that users commonly 
about can be improved (At the moment it web worker like). There are some more 

in the more thoughts section of the following document:

Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list


2012-05-24 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

At the moment Array methods can do almost everything that one can do with plain 
`for` iteration, only missing piece is `break`. 
Is there any chance to get something like:


Although, `take` would be way more useful if array methods chains were applied 
lazily. So that:

array.filter(predicate).map(fn).take(once) would only call `fn` up to a first 

Maybe `Array.prototype.take` is not a best fit, but would be great if we could 
get at least something to cover
lack of `break`.

Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Array.prototype.take

2012-05-24 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Well some returns `true` or `false` I was talking more about taking slice of an 
array. You could obviously do things with an elements in `some` but it feels 
very wrong to push them into another array.  

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Thursday, 2012-05-24 at 18:00 , Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

 On May 25, 2012, at 2:42 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  At the moment Array methods can do almost everything that one can do with 
  plain `for` iteration, only missing piece is `break`. 
  Is there any chance to get something like:
 You can use Array.prototype.some for that purpose:
 function breakAtEmptyString(strArr) {
 strArr.some(function (elem) {
 if (elem.length === 0) {
 return true; // break
 // implicit: return undefined (interpreted as false)
  Although, `take` would be way more useful if array methods chains were 
  applied lazily. So that:
  array.filter(predicate).map(fn).take(once) would only call `fn` up to a 
  first match.
 Agreed. The ability to chain iterators would be cool. IIRC, there are plans 
 for a module of iterator tools.
 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer (
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Re: destructuring: as patterns?

2012-04-18 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-04-18 at 08:26 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 We've supported destructuring for years and no one has asked for this. I 
 say YAGNI and when in doubt, leave it out. One can always write two 
 destructuring declarations without much repetition:
 let {b} = obj;
 let {x,y} = b;
 but of course one would just write
 let {x, y} = obj.b;
 in that contrived case.
 Main thing is, not having as-patterns is not a big deal based on 
 experience with JS1.7+ since 2006 in Mozilla code.

To be honest I've being running into cases where I wished I could match both 
parent and children in some way.  Also, I think that Herby's version is better 
in fact I had to learn that it's illegal. Unless it's too much of a deal I'd 
also like following to work:

let { a, b, b: { x, y } } = object;
 Claus Reinke wrote:
  Looking through the destructuring proposal
  there seems to be no mention of 'as' patterns. In typical pattern
  matching constructs (SML, Haskell, ..), 'as' patterns allow to name a 
  sub-object while continuing the match for its sub-structures.
  For instance, with
  var obj = { a: 0, b: { x: 1, y: 2} };
  something like
  let { b: b as {x,y} } = obj
  would result in the bindings of b to obj.b, x to obj.b.x, y to obj.b.y.
  This avoids needless repetition when both a subobject and its
  components need to be extracted. Without 'as', each such case
  leads to a separate destructuring assignment
  let { b } = obj
  let { b: {x,y} } = obj
  Shouldn't 'as' patterns be included in destructuring? Or have I
  missed an equivalent feature?
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Re: destructuring: as patterns?

2012-04-18 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Another option that feels intuitive to me is: 

let { a, b: ({ x, y }) } = object; 

Parentesis imply that I want both parent and matched children.
Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-04-18 at 09:01 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 On Wednesday, 2012-04-18 at 08:26 , Brendan Eich wrote:
  We've supported destructuring for years and no one has asked for this. I 
  say YAGNI and when in doubt, leave it out. One can always write two 
  destructuring declarations without much repetition:
  let {b} = obj;
  let {x,y} = b;
  but of course one would just write
  let {x, y} = obj.b;
  in that contrived case.
  Main thing is, not having as-patterns is not a big deal based on 
  experience with JS1.7+ since 2006 in Mozilla code.
 To be honest I've being running into cases where I wished I could match both 
 parent and children in some way.  Also, I think that Herby's version is 
 better in fact I had to learn that it's illegal. Unless it's too much of a 
 deal I'd also like following to work:
 let { a, b, b: { x, y } } = object;
  Claus Reinke wrote:
   Looking through the destructuring proposal
   there seems to be no mention of 'as' patterns. In typical pattern
   matching constructs (SML, Haskell, ..), 'as' patterns allow to name a 
   sub-object while continuing the match for its sub-structures.
   For instance, with
   var obj = { a: 0, b: { x: 1, y: 2} };
   something like
   let { b: b as {x,y} } = obj
   would result in the bindings of b to obj.b, x to obj.b.x, y to obj.b.y.
   This avoids needless repetition when both a subobject and its
   components need to be extracted. Without 'as', each such case
   leads to a separate destructuring assignment
   let { b } = obj
   let { b: {x,y} } = obj
   Shouldn't 'as' patterns be included in destructuring? Or have I
   missed an equivalent feature?
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Re: destructuring: as patterns?

2012-04-18 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-04-18 at 09:02 , Herby Vojčík wrote:

 Herby Vojčík wrote:
  Maybe allowing
  let {b, b:{x,y}} = obj;
  would be enough. It sort-of comforms to existing syntax as well as
 BTW, if you use var instead of let, if already works out of the box (in  
 FF11 firebug console; just tried), so why include as if it already is  
 there, albeit in different form?

OMG, you're right!!! I could swear it did not worked before as I had 
unsuccessful attempts to use that form. I guess it's ok if Brendan did not knew 
it either :D  
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Re: callable objects ?

2012-04-14 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
It would be amazing to have clojure like protocols in JS  even without `IFn`. I 
think it's very good feet and very useful in JS where each library has it's own 
flavored API. I wrote more about it here:

Also why would callable objects return `function` on `typeof(callable)`. As a 
matter of fact I think it should be `object` and something new like 
`Object.isCallable(object)` may be used to check for call-ability. This way old 
code either will reject non functions or will shim `Object.isCallable` to 
support new constructs. 

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-04-11 at 11:54 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 Michael Fogus wrote:
  I know some things about ClojureScript and would be happy to answer
  any direct questions. However, I think its notion (and Clojure proper)
  is that functions are data are functions is very powerful.
 It's a great idea (I first met John McCarthy in 1977 when I was 16). Too 
 bad JS was not allowed to be Scheme in the browser.
  A lot of
  interesting patterns fall out of this as others have pointed out.
 I'm ready to jump in with both feet, except for JS's age and the 
 possibility that too much code on the web counts on things like
 (typeof x == function) = x() works and x.apply is the expected built-in
 No problem, you say, we can leave typeof alone and add a callable 
 predicate and evangelize that. Ok, provided the callable protocol uses 
 an ES6 private name (think gensym), any public name could be in use and 
 make a false positive when testing callability.
 So let's use a well-known private (unique, should say) name, e.g.
 module std {
 export const invokeName = Name.create(invoke);
 export function callable(v) {
 if (typeof v == function)
 return true;
 if (typeof v == object  v != null)
 return invokeName in v; // could be pickier but let's start here
 return false;
 // make an object obj be callable:
 obj[invokeName] = function (...args) { /* ... */ };
 Looks ok, ignoring details such as how the client code gets the standard 
 unique name binding (import invokeName from @std or some such).
 One can't assume apply or call or other Function.prototype heritage is 
 in x just because callable(x) returns true. Callability is wider and 
 weaker than typeof-result function.
 IIRC, security conscious folks do not want an attacker to be able to 
 make any old object callable. Cc'ing Mark for his thoughts.
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Re: callable objects ?

2012-04-05 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I have prototyped desugared version of callable objects here:  

I could not use short object syntax and unnamed method as proposed in original 
post, so I used regular object syntax and `new` as method name for unnamed 
`method`. I tried to illustrates that callable objects may be more elegant 
alternative to classes specially in combination with `|` (which I expressed as 
`extend` function).
Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-04-04 at 24:56 , David Bruant wrote:

 Le 04/04/2012 02:41, Irakli Gozalishvili a écrit :  
  On Tuesday, 2012-04-03 at 14:07 , David Bruant wrote:
   Le 03/04/2012 22:00, Irakli Gozalishvili a écrit :  
Here is more or less what I have in mind:  
// class
var Point = {
  (x, y) {
this.getX = { () { return x; } }
this.getY = { () { return x; } }
  toString() {
return '' + this.getX() + ',' + this.getY() + '';

   Interesting new function syntax.
   The prototype and function body could even be declared together. What 
   about 'length'?

Also such callable objects provide shorter alternative to current 
function syntax:  
// shorter than function
  filter({ (x) { return x % 2 } }).
  // maybe single expression can be even shorter like arrow functions ?
  map({ (x) x * x }).
  forEach({ (x) { this.add(x) } }, that);


Also this would allow interesting APIs similar to those found in 
// maps / sets similar like in clojure ?
var map = WeakMap(), key = {}, value = {};
map.set(key, value);
map(key) // = value

   So far so good.

key(map) // = value This cannot work for backward-compat reasons. In 
ES1-5, key = {} creates a regular (non-callable) object.

  Well I did not suggested it should be backwards compatible, also nor 
  classes nor shorter object syntax is backwards compatible.  
 They are to the extent that they throw an error for being invalid syntax in 
 previous version. This is the case for your proposal and that's a good thing 
 since that's the back door to introducing new features.
 However, proposals should be backward compatible in semantics.
 In your case:
 var map = WeakMap(), key = {}, value = {};
 map.set(key, value);
 map(key) // = value
 key(map) // = value
 since key is callable, you have (typeof key === 'function') while ES5 
 requires (typeof key === 'object') for objects that are constructed with 
 '{}'. There is code out there that relies on typeof for argument shifting: 
 'if the first argument is a function, use that as callback, otherwise, use 
 the second argument (first argument being an option non-callable object)'. 
 There is this pattern all over the place in the mongodb node client as in
 In other cases, to pass a handler, some API check if the argument if an 
 object and in that case use the 'handle' property or use the function is what 
 has been passed is callable.
 So, preserving typeof invariants regarding 'object'/'function' is crucial to 
 backward compatibility.
 Likewise for arrays. In ES1-5, (typeof [] === 'object') and the suggested 
 semantics of your proposal would break that.
 As far as I'm concerned, just the object-literal version of function is a 
 brilliant idea, no need for the additional semantics.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Protected Protocol

2012-04-03 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
On Tuesday, 2012-04-03 at 01:49 , David Bruant wrote:
 Le 02/04/2012 17:59, Irakli Gozalishvili a écrit :  
  Hi David,  
  Your protected work reminds me a lot of what we did with `namespcase` 
  module in jetpack:
  Which I also blogged about some time ago:
 As soon as I first wrote Protected(this), I thought of Jetpack namespaces 
 I remember that one of your complaints about namespaces was that inheritance 
 was not supported. Do you think there is a workable middleground between 
 namespaces and what I've showed here that would have the benefits of 
 namespaces and inheritance?

Adding inheritance support turned out to be pretty easy and there is a patch in 
a review that would add support to it:
   I have made obvious by juxtaposing both examples that JavaScript
   requires from the programmer to choose between encapsulation and
   inheritance. Indeed, as demonstarted above, encapsulation requires a
   shared scope.

  I totally agree that with this pain point, but hopefully private names will 
  help this. What drove me to reimplement something like Java's protected is 
  that I fear private names won't be enough.
 Basically, if an object o is an A and all As are Bs, if you only have private 
 names, then, o's methods inherited from B can access private names related to 
 B. o's methods inherited from A can access private names related to A.
 However, A methods can access private names related to B only if B shares 
 them (like the secret and age of my example). B can share them globally 
 (in the sense of to anyone, not necessarily as properties of the global 
 object), which effectively makes the private names no longer private, but 
 only unique, or A and B need to share a common scope which, in my opinion, 
 does not scale (it forces A and B to be in the same file which is not always 
 an option if you want to use code written in a library)
  Still I think that there are other expression problems with classes that 
  could be elegantly solved using clojure like protocols that I have posted 
  other day:
 I had completely missed that.
  Unfortunately I did not got much of a feedback ;) I'll need to watch the 
  video and read more, but that's an interesting idea.
 Note: That even though both Event and Installable protocols define functions 
 on and off. Also Object implements both still protocols, but there no 
 conflicts arise and functions defined by both protocols can be used without 
 any issues!
 = This part is rather intriguing. I'm afraid this may lead to confusion. 
 When I write .on, am I installing? adding a listener? Doing both?
They are different functions (not the methods). I was asked a similar it in the 
question and I replied there:  
 Also, how are name conflits resolved? Regardless of the exact choice, it 
 seems to be implicit and thus certainly confusing. On that aspect, I would 
 tend to prefer traits or a traits-like solution.
There are no conflicts that's a whole point :)  

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Protected Protocol

2012-04-03 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Ah looks like Kris already pointed that out  

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Tuesday, 2012-04-03 at 08:00 , Kris Kowal wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 1:49 AM, David Bruant 
 ( wrote:
  Le 02/04/2012 17:59, Irakli Gozalishvili a écrit :
  I remember that one of your complaints about namespaces was that inheritance
  was not supported. Do you think there is a workable middleground between
  namespaces and what I've showed here that would have the benefits of
  namespaces and inheritance?
 Yes, prototypical namespaces are a slight revision away, and I believe
 Irakli has already integrated that change in Jetpack.
 This gist illustrates parallel prototype chains between namespaces,
 and how a namespace can have a common ancestor prototype for each
 Kris Kowal  

es-discuss mailing list

Re: callable objects ?

2012-04-03 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Tuesday, 2012-04-03 at 14:07 , David Bruant wrote:

 Le 03/04/2012 22:00, Irakli Gozalishvili a écrit :  
  Here is more or less what I have in mind:  
  // class
  var Point = {
(x, y) {
  this.getX = { () { return x; } }
  this.getY = { () { return x; } }
toString() {
  return '' + this.getX() + ',' + this.getY() + '';
 Interesting new function syntax.
 The prototype and function body could even be declared together. What about 
  Also such callable objects provide shorter alternative to current function 
  // shorter than function
filter({ (x) { return x % 2 } }).
// maybe single expression can be even shorter like arrow functions ?
map({ (x) x * x }).
forEach({ (x) { this.add(x) } }, that);
  Also this would allow interesting APIs similar to those found in clojure:  
  // maps / sets similar like in clojure ?
  var map = WeakMap(), key = {}, value = {};
  map.set(key, value);
  map(key) // = value
 So far so good.
  key(map) // = value This cannot work for backward-compat reasons. In 
  ES1-5, key = {} creates a regular (non-callable) object.

Well I did not suggested it should be backwards compatible, also nor classes 
nor shorter object syntax is backwards compatible.

  And maybe built-ins could have it for doing `[]` work:
  // Maybe even non-magical replacement for `[]`
  [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ](1) // = 'b'
 Again, this is a valid ES1-5 expression and throws an error. Arrays and 
 function have diverging opinions on the 'length' property.

Also de-sugared version may be provided (and even prototyped today using 

var Point = Function.create(Object.prototype, function(x, y) {
this.getX = function() { return x };
this.getY = function() { return y };
}, {
toString: function() {
return '' + this.getX() + ',' + this.getY() + ''
es-discuss mailing list

Re: callable objects ?

2012-04-03 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Tuesday, 2012-04-03 at 13:47 , Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

 I think you should make the distinction between [[Call]] and [[Construct]].  

You can do it via (this insntanceof ..) already and dispatch to call / 
construct if you want.  
 But both would be great to have for objects. It’s probably best to create 
 importable names.

Importable names won't allow shorter than function form though, so I think just 
() {} is better.  
 Then making the `new` operator available to object exemplars becomes indeed 
 simple. For example:
 // Root object exemplar
 import Construct from somewhere;
 let ObjectExemplar = {
 [Construct](...args) {
 let inst = Object.create(this);
 let result = inst.init(...args);
 return (result === undefined ? inst : result);
 On Apr 3, 2012, at 22:00 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  Please excuse me if this will sound too crazy, but this idea have being 
  growing in my head for so long that I can't stop myself from proposing it 
  here. I have experimented many different ways of doing inheritance in JS:
  1. Starting with a simple sugar that reduces machinery involved, similar to 
  2. Finishing with class free prototypal inheritance
  I have to say that experience with selfish turned out very interesting, it 
  made things so much simpler no special forms, no twisted relations between 
  constructors and objects, just a plain objects. Most of these things are 
  not obvious until you start using them, but the fact that exemplars 
  (classes) are no different from regular objects in the system makes things 
  much simpler.  
  That being said I have also came to realize that in most of the cases 
  functions as exemplars would be a better feet than objects. As a matter of 
  fact if objects could be made callable I think it could could have replaced 
  most of the things that classes are targeting in more elegant way.  
  Here is more or less what I have in mind:
  // class
  var Point = {
(x, y) {
  this.getX = { () { return x; } }
  this.getY = { () { return x; } }
toString() {
  return '' + this.getX() + ',' + this.getY() + '';
  var a = new Point(0, 0)
  var b = new Point(1, 7)
  // Examples from class proposal
  // extend is like create with a diff that second arg is an object.
  var SkinnedMesh = Object.extend(THREE.Mesh, {
(geometry, materials) {
  // call the superclass constructor, geometry, materials);
  // initialize instance properties
  this.identityMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
  this.bones = [];
  this.boneMatrices = [];
  // ...
update (camera) {;
  Also such callable objects provide shorter alternative to current function 
  // shorter than function
filter({ (x) { return x % 2 } }).
// maybe single expression can be even shorter like arrow functions ?
map({ (x) x * x }).
forEach({ (x) { this.add(x) } }, that);
  Also this would allow interesting APIs similar to those found in clojure:
  // maps / sets similar like in clojure ?
  var map = WeakMap(), key = {}, value = {};
  map.set(key, value);
  map(key) // = value
  key(map) // = value
  And maybe built-ins could have it for doing `[]` work:
  // Maybe even non-magical replacement for `[]`
  [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ](1) // = 'b'
  ({ a: 1, b: 2 })('a') // = 1
  ('b')({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // = 2
  Irakli Gozalishvili
  es-discuss mailing list (
 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer (
 home: ( 
 blog: (

es-discuss mailing list

Re: callable objects ?

2012-04-03 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Also I just realized that I have not mentioned it but I meant that new Point(0, 
0) would do following:

var point = Object.create(Point);
var value =, arguments);
return typeof(value) === 'undefined' ? point : value;

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Tuesday, 2012-04-03 at 17:44 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 On Tuesday, 2012-04-03 at 13:47 , Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
  I think you should make the distinction between [[Call]] and [[Construct]]. 
 You can do it via (this insntanceof ..) already and dispatch to call / 
 construct if you want.  
  But both would be great to have for objects. It’s probably best to create 
  importable names.
 Importable names won't allow shorter than function form though, so I think 
 just () {} is better.  
  Then making the `new` operator available to object exemplars becomes indeed 
  simple. For example:
  // Root object exemplar
  import Construct from somewhere;
  let ObjectExemplar = {
  [Construct](...args) {
  let inst = Object.create(this);
  let result = inst.init(...args);
  return (result === undefined ? inst : result);
  On Apr 3, 2012, at 22:00 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

   Please excuse me if this will sound too crazy, but this idea have being 
   growing in my head for so long that I can't stop myself from proposing it 
   here. I have experimented many different ways of doing inheritance in JS:

   1. Starting with a simple sugar that reduces machinery involved, similar 
   to backbone.js

   2. Finishing with class free prototypal inheritance

   I have to say that experience with selfish turned out very interesting, 
   it made things so much simpler no special forms, no twisted relations 
   between constructors and objects, just a plain objects. Most of these 
   things are not obvious until you start using them, but the fact that 
   exemplars (classes) are no different from regular objects in the system 
   makes things much simpler.  

   That being said I have also came to realize that in most of the cases 
   functions as exemplars would be a better feet than objects. As a matter 
   of fact if objects could be made callable I think it could could have 
   replaced most of the things that classes are targeting in more elegant 

   Here is more or less what I have in mind:

   // class
   var Point = {
 (x, y) {
   this.getX = { () { return x; } }
   this.getY = { () { return x; } }

 toString() {
   return '' + this.getX() + ',' + this.getY() + '';

   var a = new Point(0, 0)
   var b = new Point(1, 7)

   // Examples from class proposal

   // extend is like create with a diff that second arg is an object.
   var SkinnedMesh = Object.extend(THREE.Mesh, {
 (geometry, materials) {
   // call the superclass constructor, geometry, materials);

   // initialize instance properties
   this.identityMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
   this.bones = [];
   this.boneMatrices = [];

   // ...

 update (camera) {;

   Also such callable objects provide shorter alternative to current 
   function syntax:
   // shorter than function

 filter({ (x) { return x % 2 } }).
 // maybe single expression can be even shorter like arrow functions ?
 map({ (x) x * x }).
 forEach({ (x) { this.add(x) } }, that);

   Also this would allow interesting APIs similar to those found in clojure:

   // maps / sets similar like in clojure ?
   var map = WeakMap(), key = {}, value = {};

   map.set(key, value);
   map(key) // = value
   key(map) // = value

   And maybe built-ins could have it for doing `[]` work:

   // Maybe even non-magical replacement for `[]`

   [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ](1) // = 'b'
   ({ a: 1, b: 2 })('a') // = 1
   ('b')({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // = 2

   Irakli Gozalishvili

   es-discuss mailing list (
  Dr. Axel Rauschmayer (
  home: ( 
  blog: (

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Should ... be suffix rather than prefix?

2012-04-03 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Second feels more intuitive to me

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Tuesday, 2012-04-03 at 13:16 , Mark S. Miller wrote:

 foo(a, b,
 foo(a, b, rest...)
 Which is clearer?
 ES6 has currently agreed on the first. English and Scheme agree on the 
 This question applies to both and 
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es-discuss mailing list

Re: Protected Protocol

2012-04-02 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Hi David, 

Your protected work reminds me a lot of what we did with `namespcase` module in 
Which I also blogged about some time ago:

In contrast to this work though namespaces are not class centric and you can 
use more than one namespace per object. We also use weak maps to implement 

 I have made obvious by juxtaposing both examples that JavaScript
 requires from the programmer to choose between encapsulation and
 inheritance. Indeed, as demonstarted above, encapsulation requires a
 shared scope.

I totally agree that with this pain point, but hopefully private names will 
help this. Still I think that there are other expression problems with classes 
that could be elegantly solved using clojure like protocols that I have posted 
other day:

Unfortunately I did not got much of a feedback ;)
Cool to see others exploring this area!

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Sunday, 2012-04-01 at 15:28 , David Bruant wrote:

 A while ago, I posted a challenge on es-discuss [1]. It was a challenge
 related to code reuse, modularity and composition. There has been an
 interesting suggestion [2] [3] which left me a bit unsatisfied since
 relying on constructor arguments while it may not be always possible to
 do that.
 What I describe as the protected protocol is my response to my own
 Before explaining it, I'd like to take a step back and discuss about the
 object oriented properties of JavaScript.
 Two expected properties of object-oriented languages are encapsulation
 and inheritance.
 Encapsulation allows to define objects which can only be interacted with
 through a given an interface, thus hiding implementation details. In the
 long run, encapsulation makes the maintenance of components easier since
 the implementation of an object can be changed without affecting its
 Encapsulation can be implemented in JavaScript. One usual way is to do
 as follow:
 function Storage(){
 var array =, 0);
 return {
 add: function(e){
 read: function(i){
 return array[+i];
 Here, access to the array is restricted to the interface (add and
 read methods).
 Inheritance allows to better reuse code by specializing classes.
 This can be implemented as well, usually with this pattern:
 function Storage(){
 this.array =, 0);
 Storage.prototype = {
 add: function(e){
 read: function(i){
 return this.array[+i];
 function StorageWithDeletion(){; // equivalent to super;
 StorageWithDeletion.prototype = Object.create(Storage.prototype);
 StorageWithDeletion.prototype.delete = function(i){
 delete this.array[+i];
 To define a storageWithDeletion, there is no need to redefine the add
 and read method. To extend Storage, StorageWithDeletion here only needs
 access to the Storage function in the global scope (or Storage module
 when these will be deployed). This has the nice property that Storage
 and StorageWithDeletion can be defined in different files since they
 don't need to share a common function scope
 I have made obvious by juxtaposing both examples that JavaScript
 requires from the programmer to choose between encapsulation and
 inheritance. Indeed, as demonstarted above, encapsulation requires a
 shared scope.
 Solutions where Storage and StorageWithDeletion would be defined with a
 shared scope could be explored, but it would require to define both in
 the same file, which, I don't want to be a necessity.
 The trick of the protected protocol is that encapsulation does not
 really require a shared scope, it's just the most natural way to do it
 in JavaScript.
 When a method located in the prototype chain of an object is called, its
 'this' references the object from which the method has been called.
 Programmers have naturally stored the state of an object as own (public)
 properties of the object as it's the most natural way to bind
 information to an object.
 It doesn't have to be this way, though. WeakMaps offer an
 straightforward API to bind information to an object and it is not
 necessary to share this WeakMap with the rest of the world.
 The protected protocol and an example of how to use it can be found at
 [4] (which is a bit different than a version I tweeted earlier [5]).
 The most important part in my opinion is that the Person.js and
 ComputerSavvyPerson.js are defined in 2 different files. The only thing
 the latter needs is a reference to the constructor it inherits from
 (here, Person).
 Things that are expected to be secret can

recursive arrow functions

2012-04-01 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Today I have noticed one interesting remark from Douglas Crockford on arrow 
functions: you will need to use the old functions to write self-recursive 
functions -

Is that really going to be the case ? I was so much looking forward to [proper 
tail calls]( 
and making arrow functions incompatible would be really bad, specially since 
they seem to be more functiony than current functions. Why not allow naming 
arrow function or have some syntax for making recursive calls ?  

Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: arrow function syntax simplified

2012-03-29 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Few questions on this new arrow functions:

let foo = x = x * x

1. What is foo.prototype ?  
2. What does new foo(y) does ?
3. Is there going to be equivalent of Function for arrow functions ?
4. Is Function.create(foo) going to work ?
5. Will, foo.apply pass in the `this` ?

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Thursday, 2012-03-29 at 07:15 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 This is all moot now -- see meeting notes and followups. Thin arrow is  
 not going to make it, we want one arrow. The |this| parameter for opting  
 into dynamic rather than default-lexical |this| also died. Method  
 definition shorthand covers the only strong use-case, as Kevin's  
 analysis shows.
 Herby Vojčík wrote:
  Brendan Eich wrote:
   Kevin Smith wrote:
I hate the CoffeeScript deviation, though. It's just confusing for
anyone who ever learned that fat-arrow binds |this| and thin-arrow
True. On the other hand, all arrows bind |this| is also quite simple
and easy to remember.

   Yes, and I kept the part of the proposal that allows |this| as a leading
   arrow formal parameter, including with parameter default value. This
   suggests a slight variation on the strawman, per your suggestion:

   x - { return this.x; } // lexical this for thin arrow
   x = this.x // as for fat arrow

   (this, x) - { return this.x; } // dynamic this, five letter syn-tax
   (this, x) = this.x // ditto for the expression-body form

  I like this very much. Clear, orthogonal, readable.
  It would be nice if this could get through.
  P.S.: Dynamic this no-arg function could also use one-arg shorthand?
  this = this.x
  this - { return this.x; }
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module path resolution

2012-03-23 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I'v being trying to figure out how module path resolution would work. 
Unfortunately proposal is not very clear about it: 

Here are some of the questions I have:

1. Will html [base element] have a same effect on modules as it has on script 
tags today ?
2. Are relative paths resolved to a requirer's url, owner html document's urlor 
baseURI ?

If my assumptions are correct this little example is correct:

[base element]:

Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: module path resolution

2012-03-23 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Friday, 2012-03-23 at 18:14 , David Herman wrote:

 On Mar 23, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  I'v being trying to figure out how module path resolution would 
  work. Unfortunately proposal is not very clear about it:
 There's more info about the resolution semantics on the loaders page:
 Basically loaders make it possible for programmers to create custom 
 resolution policies.
 But your question is probably more about what the default policy of the 
 System loader will be on the web.

 First of all, the System loader's baseURL (should it be baseURI? I never 
 understood the difference) would come from the document's URL. So relative 
 would definitely be relative the HTML file.
Yeah so by default `document.baseURI` is just a `document.documentURI` or 
simply URL to the html document. All the relative URLs on that document resolve 
to the `document.baseURI`. Also, there is an html `base` tag that allows one to 
set value of `document.baseURI` and there for change relative url resolution. 
More details can be found in HTML spec:

  Here are some of the questions I have:
  1. Will html [base element] have a same effect on modules as it has on 
  script tags today ?
  2. Are relative paths resolved to a requirer's url, owner html document's 
  urlor baseURI ?
  If my assumptions are correct this little example is correct:
  [base element]:
 These are really good points I hadn't thought about. Thanks for bringing it 
 up! I like the idea that
 forces the loading to be relative to the document, whereas
 is interpreted as relative to the base path. I don't have strong feelings 
 myself about what the System loader's policy should be on the web, but I want 
 to make sure our infrastructure is flexible enough to support a) whatever 
 everyone decides is the best policy for the browser, and b) policies like the 
 Node.js / NPM policy. I will have to read up a little more on 
 document.baseURI and base and all that.

Let me elaborate a bit on what my intent is:

Usually any app / lib code is organized such that third party dependencies are 
located in an separate directory from an
actual program code. This helps to reduce noise for a human eye and also make 
it easier to work with version control systems, since third party code is 
commonly not tracked in the same repository. I think it's pretty important to 
have good support for this. One cleanest way IMO would be to have different 
resolution login for dependencies:

A. ./foo.js ../foo/bar.js
B. foo.js, foo/bar.js

I'd suggest to resolve A type paths relative to a requirer (ether require 
module url, or document url). And resolve B
type paths relative to a `document.baseURI`. That would allow users to organize 
codebase as described above and
show in the example repo:

Also not that this is somewhat similar to nodejs behavior where `./foo, 
../foo/bar` form is used for resolving modules
relative to the requirer. While `foo, foo/bar` form is used for installed 
package dependencies. Unfortunately nodejs policies are bit more complicated 
than that since `foo` form there won't look in just one `baseURL` instead it 
recursive upward search in `node_modules` folders  which I don't think is 
compliant with web. That being said though I think it would map simple cases 
pretty well.

 Thanks for the information and ideas!
es-discuss mailing list

clojure like protocols

2012-03-22 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I have published a [blog post] about JS [protocol library] that implements 
clojure like polymorphism, which is interesting
as it solves typical [problems with classes]. From my experiment I got a 
feeling that it may be a much better feet for JS language than classes, so I 
thought it's worth sharing here.

[protocol library]:
[clojure protocols]:
[problems with classes]:

Irakli Gozalishvili

es-discuss mailing list

Re: clojure like protocols

2012-03-22 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Thursday, 2012-03-22 at 17:09 , Brandon Benvie wrote:

 Maye I'm crazy but this seems like IDL in a more JavaScript friendly form. 
 Not just WebIDL JavaScript semantics and types friendly, but targeted at 
 implementation using JavaScript which is less friendly and requires Proxy 
 wrappers for many/most things like dom.js does. Which is a good thing and I 
 like this.

Maybe I misunderstand your comment but this does not requires Proxy wrappers, 
in fact it uses just a simple monkey patching of prototypes using 
non-enumerable, unique names under the hood. With private names it can be 
improved even further. Or alternatively WeakMaps can be used to implement all 
of this. 
 On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili 
 ( wrote:
  I have published a [blog post] about JS [protocol library] that implements 
  clojure like polymorphism, which is interesting
  as it solves typical [problems with classes]. From my experiment I got a 
  feeling that it may be a much better feet for JS language than classes, so 
  I thought it's worth sharing here.
  [protocol library]:
  [clojure protocols]:
  [problems with classes]:
  Irakli Gozalishvili
  es-discuss mailing list (

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Alternative syntax for |

2011-11-21 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Recently Claus Reinke proposed some alternative that I think feels is so much 
more natural and simpler than | or beget: 

Instead of this:

foo | { bar: 'bar' } 

prototype can be a special property:

{ prototype: foo, bar: 'bar' }

simple and easy, of course it can have a different name from `prototype`. Also, 
this special `prototype` property can be non-configurable, non-writable and 
non-enumerable falling back to Object.prototype if not provided. Also 
Object.create(null, { foo: { value: 'foo' } }) will become as simple as { 
prototype: null, foo: 'foo' }.  
Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Monday, 2011-11-21 at 10:10 , Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Nov 19, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Dean Landolt wrote:
  On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock 
  ( wrote:
   On Nov 15, 2011, at 10:27 PM, Russell Leggett wrote:
but given the overall disapproval of the exact syntax of the | 
operator, I think its at least a little more obvious what is going on.
   Sorry to be coming late to this thread.
   I think the above statement is a false characterization to use to start 
   this discussion.  There are some who disapprove of | or other similar 
   special character formulation of this operator. There are other who like 
   it a lot.  Certainly there isn't overall disapproval.  However, we 
   can't really even tell whether there is majority (of what population??) 
   approval or disapproval.  At best, all you can legitimately say is that 
   there is not universal approval of the | token.
  I was under the impression that TC39 generally operates by consensus. As 
  you note, there are some who disapprove -- if some is a non-inconsequential 
  number wouldn't this constitute overall disapproval?
 It's true that there isn't consensus within TC39 on the | syntax.  
 However, there also isn't consensus on any other specific token or keyword 
 either.  At the May TC39 meeting there was consensus on advancing to 
 proposal status  the semantic capabilities that were in the enhanced object 
 literal strawman.  At the same time it was noted that there wasn't agreement 
 on syntax. 
 Lack of consensus does not mean overall disapproval.  It means there isn't 
 overall approval.  Further consensus building is still required it might be 
 around the pending proposal or it might be around something else. 
 However, TC39 wan't even mentioned in the statement I took exception to.  It 
 seemed to make a broader subjective characterization.
  FWIW I'm indifferent to the syntax, but it reads just fine to me. Still, 
  I'm sure there's something better lurking. Especially if it's true that 
  since it's infix it could be nearly anything. IMHO begets is pretty 
 I find keywords such as begets a bit more jarring when used as 
 compositional primitives.  
 To me, beget reads fine in isolation such as
   let bob = tom beget {name:  'Robert');
 But when used in combination you get clashes of the underlying natural 
 language meaning of the keywords.  Compare
   let Point = class AbstractPoint begets {...
   let Point = class AbstractPoint | {...
 The first form just doesn't read quite right to me.  For the second form, I 
 don't necessarily internally vocalize a natural language word for |.
 My personal preference is  for a special characters based operator based 
 token but it doesn't have to be |.  I've frequently suggested : as another 
 alternative.  I'm less happy with a keyword operator token but I don't reject 
 that alternative and beget may well be the best of those.
 However, we have to decide on something or we just won't have this 
 functionality at all.
 Consensus doesn't mean that everybody likes the solution.  It just means that 
 everybody is willing to accept it. What we really need to do is build such a 
 consensus around one of the alternatives.
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es-discuss mailing list

Re: The class operator: a bridge between object and function exemplers

2011-11-15 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2011-11-14 at 16:50 , David Flanagan wrote:

 On 11/14/11 4:16 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
  On Nov 14, 2011, at 3:15 PM, David Flanagan wrote:
   I have a bad feeling about making 'new' work with both functions and 
   object exemplars. If we can have two different types of classes, we're 
   going to end up using typeof on our class objects to figure out what kind 
   of class they are. If I've got a value C from a library and I think it is 
   an object exemplar, but it is in fact a constructor function, then 'class 
   C' is going to return Function rather than C itself...
  Well, new'ing object exemplars has always been the central concept of our 
  discussions about them. Essentially it is the self style of object creation 
  and arguably the way the prototypal instantiation is supposed to work. It 
  seems to be what people who really like prototypal inheritance really want 
  to do.
 Apparently I wasn't paying attention to the early discussions about 
 object exemplars. I've heard the term used, but missed the point about 
 changing the behavior of new. It seems to me people who want to use 
 self-style object creation can use Object.create() and people who want 
 to use JavaScript-style object creation can use new like we've been 
 doing for 15 years. (Just today I wrote a blog post explaining why I'm 
 hoping for classes in, and included, as part of my argument, the 
 assertion that all the proposals on the table are just syntax sugar 
 without new language semantics. I was wrong about that, I guess!)
  The magic of what I'm proposing is that you will rarely have to worry 
  about whether a named object abstraction (call it Foo) you get from a 
  library is an object exemplar or a function/class exemplar. Without knowing 
  you can say:
  new Foo(args)
 Maybe I'm overreacting, and new semantics can make this all just work. 
 But it seems like a major, major change to the language.
  and it will work. Without knowing you can do either :
  let subfoo = Foo| {constructor() {}};
  let subfoo = class Foo| {constructor() {}} //note this parses as: class 
  (Foo| {... })
  and things will work. You can even say:
  let subfoo = Foo| function() {}
  and the right thinks happen.
  To me, this seems like the essence of object-oreinted implementation 
  encapsulation. All a client of Foo needs to know is that Foo is an 
  exemplar and hence it can be instantiated (via new) or specialized 
  (via|). It is up to the implementor of Foo to decide how to best express 
  its implementation. They can even change their mind and clients shouldn't 
 Do JavaScript programmers want exemplars or do they want classes?

Some including me, want exemplars while others want classes. Good thing is that 
with this proposal both of us will get what we want :)
  Finally, if you really need to know whether an exemplar is an object 
  exemplar or a function exemplar then typeof Foo is Function seems like a 
  fine way to test it. (I'm really growing to like the is operator...)
   Object exemplars does not pave the cowpaths for classes: it creates a new 
   path and just smears out the concept of a class into something more 
   broad. I fear it will create confusion rather than  provide a terse and 
   declarative surface for those semantics so that programmer intent is 
   expressed instead of the underlying imperative machinery.
  I look at it from the perspective that we already have at least two 
  cowpaths that meander across each other in ways that make it hard to stay 
  on either one. I'm optimistic that we pave them in such a way that we are 
  really dealing so parallel lanes on the freeway (and this analogy just got 
  totally out of hand).
 If I may continue the out-of-hand metaphor, I worry that we'll end up 
 with a two lane freeway that is being repaved and has Warning: abrupt 
 edge! signs because one lane is bumpy and 2 inches lower than the other 
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es-discuss mailing list

Re: The class operator: a bridge between object and function exemplers

2011-11-15 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Sorry I'm so excited about this that I just could not read it all before 
posting this, my apologies if it's already discussed: 

On Monday, 2011-11-14 at 17:04 , Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

   UnaryExpression :
   class UnaryExpression

The semantics are:
 1. if UnaryExpression is undefined or null, return the value of 
 2. Let obj be ToObject(UnaryExpression)
3. Return the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of obj with 
argument 'constructor'

   Interesting, so 'constructor' will inherit from Object.prototype if 
   missing from the exemplar. This means
   let Point = class {
   let p = new Point(1, 2);
   will result in p being constructed via the equivalent of new Number(1).
 sh*t! I though I'd had a solution for this, but maybe I don't...
 If you are really going to define either an object or class exemplar, you 
 really need to define a constructor.  The object exemplar case actually works 
 out ok in this case  because the inherited constructor is called as a 
 function, not as a constructor.   So for 
let Point = {
  x: 0,
  y: 0
  let p = new Point(1,2);
 Is pretty much equivalent to:
   let p = Point | {};
 which may not be exactly what the programmer expected  but it is a least in 
 the vicinity and yields an object with (inherited) x and y properties.

I think this concern could be easily fixed if `class prototype` was equivalent 
of `Class(prototype)` where implementation of Class is following (BTW I don't 
propose to use Class function just illustration of what class prototype could 
be) :

function Class(prototype) {
function constructor() {
Object.hasOwnProperty(prototype, 'constructor')
let instance = Object.create(prototype);
instance.constructor.apply(instance, arguments);
return instance;
constructor.prototype = prototype;
return constructor;

As additional benefit this solves issue of shared / frozen constructor 
properties of the prototype.

P.S.: I just yesterday I started experimenting with `Class` function in 
combination with selfish. ___
es-discuss mailing list

Re: The class operator: a bridge between object and function exemplers

2011-11-15 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Tuesday, 2011-11-15 at 10:58 , David Flanagan wrote:

 On 11/14/11 5:17 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
  On Nov 14, 2011, at 4:50 PM, David Flanagan wrote:
   On 11/14/11 4:16 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
On Nov 14, 2011, at 3:15 PM, David Flanagan wrote:
 I have a bad feeling about making 'new' work with both functions and 
 object exemplars. If we can have two different types of classes, 
 we're going to end up using typeof on our class objects to figure out 
 what kind of class they are. If I've got a value C from a library and 
 I think it is an object exemplar, but it is in fact a constructor 
 function, then 'class C' is going to return Function rather than C 

Well, new'ing object exemplars has always been the central concept of 
our discussions about them. Essentially it is the self style of object 
creation and arguably the way the prototypal instantiation is supposed 
to work. It seems to be what people who really like prototypal 
inheritance really want to do.

   Apparently I wasn't paying attention to the early discussions about 
   object exemplars. I've heard the term used, but missed the point about 
   changing the behavior of new. It seems to me people who want to use 
   self-style object creation can use Object.create() and people who want to 
   use JavaScript-style object creation can use new like we've been doing 
   for 15 years. (Just today I wrote a blog post explaining why I'm hoping 
   for classes in, and included, as part of my argument, the 
   assertion that all the proposals on the table are just syntax sugar 
   without new language semantics. I was wrong about that, I guess!)
  Object create doesn't do the job because it doesn't provide for calling an 
  initialize methods (turns out to be a very important part of the 
 Its not like there's a large community of self programmers out there who 
 are migrating to JavaScript... It seems to me that if you like the 
 object exemplar style, then you don't want to be using the new operator 
 and constructor functions (or things that appear to be constructors 
 because they're used with new). Instead you want to define factory 
 functions that use Object.create():

But making it possible to reuse libraries that are written either object or 
class exemplar supporters is a huge win to me!
 function Range(from, to) {
 return Object.create(Range.methods, {
 from: { value: from, enumerable: true },
 to: { value: from, enumerable: true}
 Range.methods = {
 includes: function(x) {
 return this.from = x  x =;
 Range(1,3).includes(2); // = true
   Do JavaScript programmers want exemplars or do they want classes?
  They seem to be split. Some vocally ask for better support for prototypal 
  inheritance other vocally ask for classes.
 Irakli has self-identified in this thread as wanting object exemplars 
 but he has also defined a simple and useful Class() function for working 
 with them. I suspect that part of the appeal of object exemplars is 
 that it is easier to write support functions like Class() for working 
 with them. That is: we can make the proponents of object exemplars 
 happy with good library support. But for classes, we need language 
  I think what everybody is asking for is a better way to created named 
  object abstractions. The term exemplar is just one that I introduced into 
  the discussion to make it easier to talk about the different kinds of 
  entities you might apply such names to. In some language you name a class 
  declaration, in others you name a prototypal instance, in JS you have 
  historically named a function. Exemplar was intended to be a generic for 
  such named object abstractions. An object exemplar is a self style 
  prototype, a class exemplar is the sort of thing you find in languages llke 
  Java. A function exemplar is a JS constructor,
 Are there existing languages that support more than one kind of exemplar 
 at the language level? It seems to me that JS is stuck with function 
 exemplars, and we should work to make those better, not add complexity 
 to the language by adding support for another style of exemplar.
 es-discuss mailing list (

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist (why) classes ?

2011-11-14 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
On Monday, 2011-11-14 at 10:42 , Rick Waldron wrote:
 The tests I wrote for Selfish illustrate that it also has this behaviour, but 
 is more deceiving because you think you're getting new instances. 
Hey Rick, I'd be interested to see those tests since it's not supposed to 
mutate any arguments passed to it, and if that's a case it's a bug and I'd like 
to fix it. Thanks!  
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist (why) classes ?

2011-11-13 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I think this discussion drifted into slightly diff direction.  
What I intended to say was that today all major frameworks use same patter to 
do subclassing. They all implement different APIs to do the following:

function subclass() {
   // init ….
subclass.prototype = Object.create(superclass)
Object.defineProperty(subclass.prototype, 'constructor', { value: subclass })
subclass.prototype.method = function() {  

Object.extend used in my gist is BTW same as backbone's .extend and is just a 
shortcut of the code above:

var subclass = superclass.extend({
   initialize: function() {
  // init ...
   method: function() {
  // ….

What I'm asking for is a standard function, no matter weather it's 
`Object.extend` or something else that makes it simple to do subclassing. Also 
lisper in me thinks that `Object.extend` method is better than dedicated class 
syntax cause it keeps language concise. In addition I think that if 
`Object.extend` will turn out to be broken it will be easier (not to say easy) 
to fix (`Object.extend = … `) then fixing `class Foo extends Bar`.
Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Sunday, 2011-11-13 at 13:21 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Nov 13, 2011, at 11:28 AM, John J Barton wrote:
  On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Brendan Eich 
  ( wrote:
   On Nov 13, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

The hard cases include:
1. Closures.
2. Proxies.
3. Private names.
4. Internal hidden state.
5. Side-table entries mapped to the object's identity.

   In the case of objects implemented by C++ or whatever the host 
   implementation language might be, the internal or side-table state may 
   not even be representable in JS, even in strings (do not want raw 
   pointers, or machine addresses however obfuscated, to leak to an 
  I think we are on the wrong path here. I guess we followed: a standard
  extend() needs a copy-ish operation; a copyish operation is like
  cloning; cloning is hard; OMG.
 That's not what happened. Some people are happy with shallow copy of 
 properties available to ES5 reflection, or even a for-in loop. Others (Rick?) 
 want deep, at least as an option. Deep could skip any private/internal/etc. 
 properties, for sure. But deep tends to get into trouble because if you don't 
 stay shallow, you run immediately into item 1: Closures. How would those be 
 deeply copied, including their lexical environments?
  But let's back up. We are looking for one or a few operations such that:
  var a = op(b,c,d,...);
  creates a useful result when we use |a| and we are using existing JS
  libraries for guidance. By definition there are no show stoppers here.
 I agree, other than inability to agree on what to standardize.
  We are creating new objects from existing objects using operations
  available to JS devs, but in standard and recommended way. The only
  two things can stop us from being successful: irreconcilable
  differences and inertia.
 Ok, but this is all meta-pep-talk. What should the reconcilable standard be?
 es-discuss mailing list (

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist (why) classes ?

2011-11-13 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Friday, 2011-11-11 at 18:38 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 Having written all this, I will repeat that I like your selfish work and the 
 exemplar idea
Thanks, that's really encouraging! 
es-discuss mailing list

Re: WeakMaps question ?

2011-11-11 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I really need to know why WeakMaps don't accept primitives as keys, can anyone 
please reply ? 

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Thursday, 2011-11-10 at 10:31 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 I was wondering what is a reason for disallowing non-object values as keys in 
 WeakMaps ?
 Also, I think I have a pretty good use case for primitive keys:
 Worker process sends messages to the (main) UI process, to initiate UI 
 notification. If user clicks that notification main process will worker know 
 that given notification was clicked:
 (function(exports) {
 let id = 0
 let listeners = WeakMap()
 exports.notify = function notify({ onClick, message }) {
   if (onClick) listeners.set(++id, onClick)
   self.postMessage({ id: id, message: message })
 self.onmessage = function({ id }) {
   let listener = listeners.get(id)
   if (listener) listener()
 Is my use case invalid ? At the moment I use custom map implementation with a 
 limited size, once map hits the limit oldest entries will be removed. 
 Irakli Gozalishvili
 Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

es-discuss mailing list

Minimalist (why) classes ?

2011-11-11 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

I have posted this to the long thread of Minimalist Classes, but since I have 
not got any response, I assume it got lost into a long discussion. So I thought 
I'll give it another try on fresh thread.

I do really liked direction that Jeremy tried to push classes to, but still I 
don't understand why do we need to introduce new syntax to the language. From 
what I can tell, lack of classes or special syntax for creating ones, is not a 
problem. Problem is amount of ceremony one needs to perform inherit or subclass 
if you like.

Also, I think we don't need new `class` expression to solve actual problems we 
have, simple function will do the job perfectly here, also it will add zero 
learning curve! I forked Jeremy's proposal and modified it to ilustrate how 
existing subclassing problems can be solved without introducing new constructs 
to the language or adding more verbosity. Please also note that there is 
nothing new here, lot's of frameworks do this already (hide prototype 
machinery), but each does it with it's own flavored API which is IMO another 
problem that standardization should solve. The classes problem is very similar 
to `Function.prototype.bind` that ES5 solved greatly, why not do the same for 
classes ?

In addition I tried to address few other concerns I had with a proposal:

-  `constructor` property as initializer is poor choice raising many questions 
(what will be prototype of constructor property if it's used in more then one 
class, if it's frozen etc).
- Some people in the community would love to have frozen classes others value 
flexibility, simple functions make it easy to build first out of second without 
becoming a second class citizen.

Please note, that I intentionally omitted `super` as it's separate problem that 
is / must be discussed in the separate thread / proposal.
Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

es-discuss mailing list

Re: WeakMaps question ?

2011-11-11 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I think what I need is a map with primitive keys and non-null object values, 
entries of which can be removed  GC-ied if values are no longer referenced. If 
I understand Map / Set / WeakMap proposals non of them can be used to solve 
this issue or do I miss something ? 

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Friday, 2011-11-11 at 15:39 , Oliver Hunt wrote:

 A weak map can only remove an entry if both the key and value have died, in 
 many ES implementations a number of the primitives are not gc allocated and 
 so can never die, or are cached globally so have lifetime unrelated to any 
 given program.
 The net effect of allowing such primitive values to be used as keys would be 
 to make the map strong and the associated values would not be able to be 
 On Nov 11, 2011, at 3:28 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  I really need to know why WeakMaps don't accept primitives as keys, can 
  anyone please reply ? 
  Irakli Gozalishvili
  Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (
  On Thursday, 2011-11-10 at 10:31 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
   I was wondering what is a reason for disallowing non-object values as 
   keys in WeakMaps ?
   Also, I think I have a pretty good use case for primitive keys:
   Worker process sends messages to the (main) UI process, to initiate UI 
   notification. If user clicks that notification main process will worker 
   know that given notification was clicked:
   (function(exports) {
   let id = 0
   let listeners = WeakMap()
   exports.notify = function notify({ onClick, message }) {
 if (onClick) listeners.set(++id, onClick)
 self.postMessage({ id: id, message: message })
   self.onmessage = function({ id }) {
 let listener = listeners.get(id)
 if (listener) listener()
   Is my use case invalid ? At the moment I use custom map implementation 
   with a limited size, once map hits the limit oldest entries will be 
   Irakli Gozalishvili
   Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France 
  es-discuss mailing list (

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist (why) classes ?

2011-11-11 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Thats exact port of proposal that Jeremy wrote here: 

I could write add examples from the classes proposal if that wolud help:

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Friday, 2011-11-11 at 16:05 , John J Barton wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili 
 ( wrote:
  I have posted this to the long thread of Minimalist Classes, but since I
  have not got any response, I assume it got lost into a long discussion. So I
  thought I'll give it another try on fresh thread.
  I do really liked direction that Jeremy tried to push classes to, but still
  I don't understand why do we need to introduce new syntax to the language.
  From what I can tell, lack of classes or special syntax for creating ones,
  is not a problem. Problem is amount of ceremony one needs to perform inherit
  or subclass if you like.
  Also, I think we don't need new `class` expression to solve actual problems
  we have, simple function will do the job perfectly here, also it will add
  zero learning curve! I forked Jeremy's proposal and modified it to ilustrate
  how existing subclassing problems can be solved without introducing new
  constructs to the language or adding more verbosity. Please also note that
  there is nothing new here, lot's of frameworks do this already (hide
  prototype machinery), but each does it with it's own flavored API which is
  IMO another problem that standardization should solve. The classes problem
  is very similar to `Function.prototype.bind` that ES5 solved greatly, why
  not do the same for classes ?
 Just FYI,
 I found the listing confusing, since the examples seem unrelated to
 each other and there is no reference to the corresponding 'class'

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist (why) classes ?

2011-11-11 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
What I'm suggesting is to sugar current patterns, without adding new syntax 
similar to how Funciton.prototype.bind was added. And maybe in next iteration 
add special syntax if it still we be wanted. It's just so much easier to fix 
`Object.extend` if it will end up to be a wrong fit than change a special class 

BTW I have updated examples to illustrate exactly what is problematic requires 

Class syntax is wanted to avoid some method calling boilerplate that's more 

In my examples it actually takes same amount of chars:

class Foo extends Bar {}


var Bar = Foo.extend({})

arguably easier to get wrong, and harder to analyze and optimize. That's it. 

Arguably indeed, IMO increasing surface of language makes surface of things 
that can be made wrong bigger, increasing probability of making things wrong. 

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Friday, 2011-11-11 at 16:31 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Nov 11, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  Thats exact port of proposal that Jeremy wrote here: 
  I could write add examples from the classes proposal if that wolud help:
 Maybe, but I think that you'd be beating a dead horse.
 Class syntax is wanted to avoid some method calling boilerplate that's more 
 verbose, arguably easier to get wrong, and harder to analyze and optimize. 
 That's it.
 Hence, classes as sugar. If you find existing JS sweet enough, you won't 
 want classes.
  Irakli Gozalishvili
  Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (
  On Friday, 2011-11-11 at 16:05 , John J Barton wrote:
   On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili 
   ( wrote:
I have posted this to the long thread of Minimalist Classes, but 
since I
have not got any response, I assume it got lost into a long discussion. 
So I
thought I'll give it another try on fresh thread.
I do really liked direction that Jeremy tried to push classes to, but 
I don't understand why do we need to introduce new syntax to the 
From what I can tell, lack of classes or special syntax for creating 
is not a problem. Problem is amount of ceremony one needs to perform 
or subclass if you like.
Also, I think we don't need new `class` expression to solve actual 
we have, simple function will do the job perfectly here, also it will 
zero learning curve! I forked Jeremy's proposal and modified it to 
how existing subclassing problems can be solved without introducing new
constructs to the language or adding more verbosity. Please also note 
there is nothing new here, lot's of frameworks do this already (hide
prototype machinery), but each does it with it's own flavored API which 
IMO another problem that standardization should solve. The classes 
is very similar to `Function.prototype.bind` that ES5 solved greatly, 
not do the same for classes ?

   Just FYI,
   I found the listing confusing, since the examples seem unrelated to
   each other and there is no reference to the corresponding 'class'
  es-discuss mailing list (

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist Classes

2011-11-10 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Sorry have not had a chance to reply on this thread earlier. I do really like 
the direction that Jeremy pushes to, but still I don't understand why do we 
need to introduce new syntax to the language. I think `class` expression is 
completely unnecessary, why not a function ? I forked Jeremy's proposal and 
modified it so that it preserves it's simplicity without introducing any new 
syntax to the language:

In addition I changed few things that was raising additional questions:

-  `constructor` property as initializer (what if constructor is shared, frozen 

I also intentionally omitted `super` as it's separate topic.  
Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Thursday, 2011-11-03 at 11:33 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Nov 3, 2011, at 6:53 AM, Matthew Tretter wrote:
  Sorry, I'll try to be more clear.
  What's super-intuitive isn't *that* you use the form class name expr, 
  it's how you interact with that form once you know what it does. The reason 
  is self-evident—people know how to work with object literals and functions.
 Then we are not talking about the same thing.
 Class syntax of the form class C {...} where the {...} is an extension of 
 ES3-5 ObjectLiteral syntax is fine, we're aligned on that (for the moment).
 The particular form from Jeremy's gist:
 // Note that the right-hand side of a class definition is just an expression,
 // an object literal is not required. You can be fully dynamic when creating a
 // class:
 class Student objectContainingStudentProperties
 line 59 on at
 is what is at issue.
  This is not true of the Leather form which, like I said, would probably 
  inspire a lot of run(a){…} attempts at function definitions in non-class 
 Different topic yet again, but ok: method definition syntax was already 
 proposed a while ago by Allen, and promoted to Harmony for It may 
 cause some Dart-like 'function'-lacking misplaced method definition attempts, 
 indeed. We should see how big a problem this is in practice. I doubt it'll be 
 more than a speed-bump for some, but if it is, we can adapt.
  Not that that alone is enough to disqualify it, but it's something that 
  should be taken into consideration.
  Off the top of my head, one use-case would be Python-like method decorators:
  class Runner {
  run: require_auth(function(a) {
  Another would be the dynamic definition of methods:
  class Runner {
  run: (function() {
  return someFeatureIsSupported ? feature : polyfill;
 These are still legal, with class body built on extended object literals. Why 
 did you think these would be verboten?
 It's one thing to say these should work. It's another to insist that the 
 long-hand should be the only way.
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Re: Enums?

2011-10-25 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2011-10-03 at 19:17 , David Herman wrote:

 A couple reactions:
 - strings are already interned in current engines for symbol-like 
 performance; there's no need to introduce symbols into the language

Assuming that's about Ruby like 
[symbols]( or Clojure like 
[keywords]( While they are not much 
different from strings I really miss them in JS. Also I think clojure uses them 
in a very interesting way:

(use ' :as shell :reload) 

or even more intensive 

(ns (:import java.util.Date) (:use 
[clojure.contrib.def :only (defvar-)]) (:require [ :as 

Problem with strings is that it's not always obvious weather it's intended 
argument to the function or a flag.  
 - private names are overkill for most uses of enums; just use string literals
 - in SpiderMonkey I think you get better performance if your switch cases use 
 known constants; for example:
  const RED = red, GREEN = green, BLUE = blue;
  switch (color) {
  case RED: ...
  case GREEN: ...
  case BLUE: ...
 - with modules, you would be able to define these consts and share them 
 modularly (currently in SpiderMonkey the only way to share these definitions 
 across modules as consts is either to make them global or to share an 
 eval-able string that each module can locally eval as a const declaration -- 
 On Sep 30, 2011, at 7:13 PM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
  One language feature from JavaScript that I miss are enums. Would it make 
  sense to have something similar for ECMAScript, e.g. via 
  Lisp-style/Smalltalk-style symbols plus type inference? If yes, has this 
  been discussed already? I feel strange when I simulate symbols with strings.
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Re: new Object

2011-10-17 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I think we should just forget about new keyword, prototype property all 
togather and move towards something more simple: 

var proto = {
  method: function() { },
  new: function() {
var self = Object.create(this);
this.initialize.apply(self, arguments);
return self;
  initialize: function(someValue) {
this.things = someValue

var o =;

Of course with a help of library that would not require as much boilerplate:  

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Tuesday, 2011-10-11 at 20:53 , Jake Verbaten wrote:

 is there any kind of proposal for syntax that is like :
 var proto = {
   method: function() { },
   constructor: function(someValue) {
 this.things = someValue
 var o = new proto(someValue);
  Object.getPrototype(o) === proto; // true
 basically defining how `new` operates on an object (that is to represent the 
 prototype). It is basically equivelant to
 var Constructor = function () { ... }
 constructor.prototype = {
   method: ...
   constructor: Constructor
 var o = new Constructor(someValue);
 To me personally the whole duplication the Constructor on 
 Constructor.prototype.constructor and having .prototype on a function is less 
 Initial concerns with such syntax :
  - new { ... }(parameters) may be difficult to parse
  - new is not going to work (protoObj does not have 
 Function.prototype in it's prototype chain), should it work?
  - new protoObj(); should probably throw an error if protoObj.constructor is 
 not defined.
  - should we invoke a constructor property of a protoObj that is not it's own 
  - the new operator is confusing enough as it is
  - this syntax would map more closely with the proposed declarative class 
 syntax. So class could just be a sugar for generating objects you can invoke 
 with new.
  - For any well formed existing code (where .prototype.constructor is set) 
 new existingObject() should generate a new object with existingobject as it's 
 prototype and having called the nearest constructor property
  - constructor property is optional so new someObject is just sugar for 
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Re: new Object

2011-10-17 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Monday, 2011-10-17 at 11:16 , Jake Verbaten wrote:

 I do the same with = function () { 
   var o = Object.create(this);
   o.constructor  o.constructor.apply(o, arguments);
   return o;
 However rather then calling; I would like var o = new proto(); 

May I ask why (less syntax in language is better no) ?
 and o instanceof proto to work

You have proto.isPrototypeOf(o) instead.
  On Oct 17, 2011 9:17 AM, Irakli Gozalishvili 
  ( wrote:
  I think we should just forget about new keyword, prototype property all 
  togather and move towards something more simple: 
   var proto = {   method: function() { },
new: function() {
  var self = Object.create(this);
  this.initialize.apply(self, arguments);
  return self;
initialize: function(someValue) {
  this.things = someValue
  var o =;
  Of course with a help of library that would not require as much 
  Irakli Gozalishvili
  Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (
  On Tuesday, 2011-10-11 at 20:53 , Jake Verbaten wrote:
 is there any kind of proposal for syntax that is like :   var proto 
 = {method: function(...
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__doc__ for functions, classes, objects etc.

2011-09-02 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I also prototyped this idea mainly for node. Also, I figured out a hack with
a label, that make it work for spidermonkey.

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

On Thursday, 2011-09-01 at 20:28 , Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:

On 31.08.2011 18:38, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:57 AM, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:

On 30.08.2011 20:39, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Aug 30, 2011, at 12:39 AM, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:

OK, let's up the topic. Seems there are no technical issues in the proposed
thing -- we can simply either accept it or not. The question is whether it's
needed and sound proposal and the feature to have in ECMAScript.

There certainly are technical issues.

To start, by making this part of the core language you would be defining a
feature that can be used by any application code. For example, a program
might choose to encode essential runtime metadata as its documentation.
Because of that possibility, the [[Documentation]] information must always
be available at runtime. Minimizers or obfuscators could not remote
documentation comments because of the possibility of breaking such programs.

Sure, though I don't think that application level code have to be dependent
in logic on documentation string. The doc-string is just the _addition for
debug_. No more, no less. It's when you use a new lib (my example with
Redis's `get` method which should accept callback), you just get this help
directly from here without going to some websites (which can even be down
for this time) and solve the problems much faster. And for minified scripts,
I think the option Remove doc-comments is the case.

When designing language features, a designer always has some specific use
cases in mind. But that doesn't restrict users of the language from
discovering other use cases. Once a feature is incorporated into a language,
implementation have to support all possible use cases, not just the original
intended use case. That's why it is important for language designer to think
broadly about all conceivable uses and feature interaction when extending a
language. Sure, no application is required to have logic dependencies upon
the content of a documentation string but once they exist any application
could have such dependencies. As a language designers you have to think
about the implications of such usages. It isn't good enough to just say that
wasn't the intended use of the feature.

Yes, of course it's true, we have to consider the most hardcore
use-cases of our programs. Well, then I have to think on it, but the
first thing which comes in mind -- already mentioned Remove
doc-comments option for minifiers, i.e. a user himself is responsible
for this action. Moreover, minification is again mostly for
browser-scripting, where this help(...) functionality isn't so required
as it is for the server programming in the console.

And for the later case I wrote a simple version of such a pre-processor:

Simple example:

* sum
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* The function of summation.
function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;

* multSum
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {String} value
* The function of calculation.
function calculate(x, y, value) {
// comment
print(value + :  + sum(x, y));

// -- Test documentation --

// Result:

// Help on sum function:
// /**
// * sum
// * @param {Number} x
// * @param {Number} y
// * The function of summation.
// */

// Help on calculate function:
// /**
// * multSum
// * @param {Number} x
// * @param {Number} y
// * @param {String} value
// * The function of calculation.
// */

// -- Test guards --

sum(1, 2); // 3, OK

calculate(1, 2, value); // value: 3

sum(1, 2); // TypeError: y must be a number

calculate(1, 2, 4); // TypeError: value must be a string


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Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
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Re: __doc__ for functions, classes, objects etc.

2011-09-02 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Saturday, 2011-09-03 at 24:55 , Oliver Hunt wrote:

 On Sep 2, 2011, at 3:41 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
  On Sep 2, 2011, at 3:29 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
   On Friday, 2011-09-02 at 22:28 , Brendan Eich wrote:
Can you show your label hack for SpiderMonkey to es-discuss?

   Ahh sorry I did not realized I forgot to post link: 
  Cool! Permit me to cite some of your README content to help promote to 
  those who did not click ;-) -- here it is:
  var doc = require('doc').doc doc(doc) // Prints following output: /* 
  function doc(source) { ... } 
  --- Prints documentanion of the 
  given function */ // You can also document your own functions: function 
  compose() { doc: Returns the composition of a list of functions, where 
  each function | consumes the return value of the function that follows. 
  In math | terms, composing the functions `f()`, `g()`, and `h()` 
  produces | `f(g(h()))`. | Usage: | var greet = function(name) { 
  return 'hi: ' + name } | var exclaim = function(statement) { return 
  statement + '!' } | var welcome = compose(exclaim, greet) | 
  welcome('moe') | // 'hi: moe!' 
 Function.toString isn't standardised, and I recall that in the past SM did 
 elide dead code, multiple engines reformat code, so in general this doesnt 
 seem reliable at a library level. 

Yeap toString is not reliable, but hey it works just fine on most engines I 
know ;) Also SM strips out dec code that's why I use label hack so that it 
keeps it :) 

 It also doesn't work for builtin functions, and I feel we'd want a solution 
 that allows documentation for builtin functions as well.

In fact `doc` function will work with built-ins just fine, even though output 
is not that useful:


 function slice($1, $2) { ... }

 From the pov of runtime identification, we'd be in the odd position of having 
 to try and identify valid code as being documentation.
 This shouldn't be taken as support for this idea (documentation as part of 
 the language) as I feel that this is the type of feature i'd associate with 
 the development environment rather than part of the language.

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Re: Subject: Re: Harmony - proxies | asynchronous

2011-09-02 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
In case someone is interested I've experimented with proxy sugared promises (it 
was long time ago some few things might require updates): 

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Monday, 2011-09-05 at 23:37 , Dmitry Soshnikov wrote:

 On 03.09.2011 1:26, John J Barton wrote:
  I'm pretty puzzled by this discussion and I'm guessing other folks 
  might be puzzled as well. Since I understood node fibers as thread 
  for Node, the discussion I read is:
   /be: You can have threads!
   Mikeal: We don't want threads!
  If I'm on the right track, then I should understand how this relates 
  to proxies. But I don't. Any hints?
 Don't be worry :) the topic is a little bit changed. Initially it was 
 asked how to provide asynchronous property readings (proxy's `get` trap, 
 or a simple accessor's get which call some deferred action) in the 
 syncronious view. And consuming generators (being a technique of 
 implementation of cooperative processes) allow to do this, since can 
 suspend a process and resume it from the next line, i.e. representing 
 asynchronous in syncronious view.
 But, that's said, even more elegant of such a technique would be either 
 syntactic transformation at compilation level, or creation of implicit 
 task-wrapper with a sugar for `yield` in this case. Regarding not using 
 `yield` for improving asynchronous programming -- I also didn't 
 understand the reasons. Because currently programming in Erlang (which 
 have the same green thread which are managed by an _implicit_ 
 scheduler) I can say that Node.js's spagetty-code with nested callbacks 
 just, sorry, sucks in comparison with Erlang's which is also 
 asynchronous, but allows to write it all in the synchronous manner. 
 Though, the topic is not about Erlang...
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Re: prototype focus

2011-07-01 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I absolutely agree with Alex and have few other points:

1. Does this code looks familiar ?

 function Foo(options) {  }
 Foo.prototype.do_foo_job = function() { ... }
 function Bar(options) {
 if (!(this instanceof Bar))
  return this new Bar(options);
 Foo.apply(this, arguments);
 Bar.prototype.do_bar_job = function() {

With focus on prototype this is so much simpler: 

var Foo = Object.extend({
 initialize: function(options) { ... },
do_foo_job: function() { ... }

On Friday, 2011-07-01 at 11:10 , Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

  I don't think
  JavaScript has ever been far from its prototype roots especially if
  the programmer shifts to thinking about a prototype object instead of
  thinking about a functions prototype property.
 That is basically the point that the proposal tries to make. Have you taken a 
 look at the library code? It is very short and not a radical overhaul.
 Note how below, there is always an extra prototype in there with 
 constructor functions.
 Super-calls (there will be syntactic sugar for this):
 - Constructor functions:
 - PAC:
 - Constructor functions: Subclass.prototype = 
 - PAC: let Subclass = Object.create(Superclass)
 Instanceof (internally):
 - Constructor functions: o instanceof C === C.prototype.isPrototypeOf(o)
 - PAC: o instanceof C === C.isPrototypeOf(o)
   Problems that both prototypes-as-classes (PAC) and class literals (CL) are
   trying to solve are:
   - Subclassing is hard and not directly supported by the language: 
   prototypes, chaining constructors, super-references.
  Object.getPrototypeOf(this) is pretty long.
 See above.
  It seems to me that perhaps the PaC drifted too far or perhaps started
  too far from what JavaScript has already. If the idea is to shift the
  focus more towards prototypes, then starting from something like what
  I've written and adding super syntax would be more consistent with
  what JavaScript already has.
 “too far from what JavaScript has already” is very vague. How so? With class 
 literals, your code will look like PAC, anyway. Have you taken a look at 
 Sect. 3? Do you agree that the mentioned conceptual simplifications hold?
 I find Brendan’s anti-PAC argument much more convincing: that all people 
 might find it more natural to think in terms of constructors than in terms of 
 prototypes. If that is the case then PAC would be a bad idea. The other 
 convincing anti-PAC argument is that it is a bad idea to have two class 
 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer ( (
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Re: prototype focus

2011-07-01 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Sorry I did not intended to send email yet:

So here is my points:

1. Does this looks familiar (version with syntax highlighting 

function Foo(options) {  }
Foo.prototype.do_foo_job = function() { ... }

function Bar(options) {
if (!(this instanceof Bar))
return this new Bar(options);
Foo.apply(this, arguments);
Bar.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
Bar.prototype.do_bar_job = function() {  };

With focus on prototypes it's as simple as this:
var Foo = Object.extend({
initialize: function(options) { ... },
do_foo_job: function() { ... }

var Bar = Foo.extend({
do_bar_job: function() { ... }

Why should not be I able to reuse initialization function, or why do I have to 
create constructor function for all classes / subclasses ?

2. With a constructor focused classes you end up maintaing two sets of 
properties: 1. prototype properties and 2. (java static like) constructor 
properties, which adds complexity requires dedicated syntax in declarative 
classes syntax.

3. It could be my personal, internal conflict, but I seriously can't see any 
reason for `constructor` to be a special among all other methods, by having 
privilege to hold a reference to a prototype object (I don't even mention that 
this reference is circular by default). Overall `prototype` property feels like 
hack to emulate Java like classes.

4. With focus on prototypes there is potential to further reduce language 
syntax (hopefully new, instanceof will die off) instead of cluttering even 

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Friday, 2011-07-01 at 15:19 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 I absolutely agree with Alex and have few other points:
 1. Does this code looks familiar ?
  function Foo(options) {  }
  Foo.prototype.do_foo_job = function() { ... }
  function Bar(options) {
  if (!(this instanceof Bar))
   return this new Bar(options);
  Foo.apply(this, arguments);
  Bar.prototype.do_bar_job = function() {
 With focus on prototype this is so much simpler: 
 var Foo = Object.extend({
  initialize: function(options) { ... },
 do_foo_job: function() { ... }
 On Friday, 2011-07-01 at 11:10 , Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
   I don't think
   JavaScript has ever been far from its prototype roots especially if
   the programmer shifts to thinking about a prototype object instead of
   thinking about a functions prototype property.
  That is basically the point that the proposal tries to make. Have you taken 
  a look at the library code? It is very short and not a radical overhaul.
  Note how below, there is always an extra prototype in there with 
  constructor functions.
  Super-calls (there will be syntactic sugar for this):
  - Constructor functions:
  - PAC:
  - Constructor functions: Subclass.prototype = 
  - PAC: let Subclass = Object.create(Superclass)
  Instanceof (internally):
  - Constructor functions: o instanceof C === C.prototype.isPrototypeOf(o)
  - PAC: o instanceof C === C.isPrototypeOf(o)
Problems that both prototypes-as-classes (PAC) and class literals (CL) 
trying to solve are:
- Subclassing is hard and not directly supported by the language: 
prototypes, chaining constructors, super-references.
   Object.getPrototypeOf(this) is pretty long.
  See above.
   It seems to me that perhaps the PaC drifted too far or perhaps started
   too far from what JavaScript has already. If the idea is to shift the
   focus more towards prototypes, then starting from something like what
   I've written and adding super syntax would be more consistent with
   what JavaScript already has.
  “too far from what JavaScript has already” is very vague. How so? With 
  class literals, your code will look like PAC, anyway. Have you taken a look 
  at Sect. 3? Do you agree that the mentioned conceptual simplifications hold?
  I find Brendan’s anti-PAC argument much more convincing: that all people 
  might find it more natural to think in terms of constructors than in terms 
  of prototypes. If that is the case then PAC would be a bad idea. The other 
  convincing anti-PAC argument is that it is a bad idea to have two class 
  Dr. Axel Rauschmayer ( (
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Re: prototype focus

2011-07-01 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Friday, 2011-07-01 at 16:38 , Mark S. Miller wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 7:18 AM, Sean Eagan 
 ( wrote:
  On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 8:45 AM, Irakli Gozalishvili 
  ( wrote:
   why do I have to create constructor function for all classes / subclasses 
 This magic trades confusion for convenience. In any earlier version of the 
 proposal, I actually had a traditional default constructor, the equivalent of 
  constructor() { super(); }
 but others argued against it. Sorry don't remember who. There were plenty of 
 off list discussions to gather consensus. On this one, I didn't feel strongly 
 either way, but I eventually agreed with the objectors. When in doubt, throw 
 it out -- even more important in language design than in writing. 
  This could be handled by class literals by allowing for default
   constructors. If one doesn't provide a constructor, the following one
   could be provided:
   constructor(... args) {
  super(... args);
 This one I object to because those used to other languages that provide such 
 default constructors will only call the super constructor with no arguments. 
 Though now that you mention it, I can see why JSers without exposure to other 
 languages may naturally expect your's. 
 With two expectations for the semantics of something that does not appear in 
 the code, and without a static or dynamic rejection to prevent progress of 
 the code written to the wrong assumption, I now finally feel strongly about 
 this. The critics were right -- we should not provide any default 
 constructor. Thanks for pointing out the problem case. 

Do you think prototype focused version:;

also suggest wrong assumptions ? If not (which I think is the case) is another 
+ in favor of prototype focus. 


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Re: prototype focus

2011-07-01 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Friday, 2011-07-01 at 19:31 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jul 1, 2011, at 6:19 AM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  With focus on prototype this is so much simpler: 
  var Foo = Object.extend({
   initialize: function(options) { ... },
  do_foo_job: function() { ... }
 With | and 'super' in functions, I think you are set. It's hard to add more. 
 The main debate is about whether this is enough, or do classes as sugar 
 provide enough added value?
 (But you didn't show Bar as well as Foo.)

Sorry I don't understand what did I failed to show in Bar ?

My intent was to show that classes don't necessary need to have own 
constructors / initialization methods as they can be
simply inherited via prototype chain. Or did you meant something else ? 

  On Friday, 2011-07-01 at 11:10 , Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
I don't think
JavaScript has ever been far from its prototype roots especially if
the programmer shifts to thinking about a prototype object instead of
thinking about a functions prototype property.
   That is basically the point that the proposal tries to make. Have you 
   taken a look at the library code? It is very short and not a radical 
   Note how below, there is always an extra prototype in there with 
   constructor functions.
   Super-calls (there will be syntactic sugar for this):
   - Constructor functions:
   - PAC:
   - Constructor functions: Subclass.prototype = 
   - PAC: let Subclass = Object.create(Superclass)
   Instanceof (internally):
   - Constructor functions: o instanceof C === C.prototype.isPrototypeOf(o)
   - PAC: o instanceof C === C.isPrototypeOf(o)
 Problems that both prototypes-as-classes (PAC) and class literals 
 (CL) are
 trying to solve are:
 - Subclassing is hard and not directly supported by the language: 
 prototypes, chaining constructors, super-references.

Object.getPrototypeOf(this) is pretty long.
   See above.
It seems to me that perhaps the PaC drifted too far or perhaps started
too far from what JavaScript has already. If the idea is to shift the
focus more towards prototypes, then starting from something like what
I've written and adding super syntax would be more consistent with
what JavaScript already has.
   “too far from what JavaScript has already” is very vague. How so? With 
   class literals, your code will look like PAC, anyway. Have you taken a 
   look at Sect. 3? Do you agree that the mentioned conceptual 
   simplifications hold?
   I find Brendan’s anti-PAC argument much more convincing: that all people 
   might find it more natural to think in terms of constructors than in 
   terms of prototypes. If that is the case then PAC would be a bad idea. 
   The other convincing anti-PAC argument is that it is a bad idea to have 
   two class mechanisms.
   Dr. Axel Rauschmayer ( (
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Re: Summary: prototypes as classes

2011-06-29 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
There have been multiple thread on this and I did not know were to comment, so 
I'll add few comments here.

I think that whole constructors as classes business in JS is confusing for 
everyone coming to JS, and they only understand it after understanding 
confusing constructor- prototype relationship.

It is true that people find 

var point = new Point(x, y)
point instanceof Point

intuitive but that's because it looks like Java. Also they are quite puzzled to 
find out that in some cases:

var point = Point(x, y)

works the same.

On the other hand people may find, y) as intuitive, as they will 
think of ruby instead of java. Also, I do not think there is a point to use 
`constructor` with all it's confusing prototype relationships for 
initialization in prototypes as classes, just use initialize method to do 

Is it really too late to undo `constructor` as classes ? There are other 
proposals like rest and spread with a hope that `arguments` will die off some 
day. Why this would be different ?

Finally I believe that killing constructors will make js straight forward to 
understand and lighter in syntax.

And not everyone tries to emulate classical inheritance today:

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Thursday, 2011-06-30 at 24:24 , Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

  Last concrete disagreement we had was over new C() vs. C() in the current 
  language being notably different from new C() vs. C.constructor() in the 
  alternate-reality language with prototypes as classes.
 As in “don’t mix too well”. I agree with that. That will be a challenge for 
 class literals. But the abstraction argument might apply to both cases: If 
 people see a class C, they just want to instantiate it via new C(x,y). As 
 long as instanceof works accordingly afterwards, I’m not sure much has 
 changed *superficially*.
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Re: Understanding Irakli’s code (new protocol)

2011-06-24 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Friday, 2011-06-24 at 21:13 , Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

 I’m trying to understand all the implications of Irakli’s code. = function new() {
  return new this.constructor();
  Object.prototype.extend = function extend(properties) {
  var constructor = new Function(), descriptor = {};
  properties = properties || {};
  Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).forEach(function(name) {
  descriptor[name] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(properties, name);
  descriptor.constructor = { value: constructor };
  return Object.freeze(constructor.prototype = Object.create(this, 
  }; = function new() {
  Object.extend = function extend(properties) {
  return Object.prototype.extend(properties);
 1. Do new and extend really work properly on any built-in other than 
  - E.g., I would expect String.extend() to lead to the invocation of 
 Object.prototype.extend() which assumes this to be a prototype, but it is a 
  - This could be fixed by checking whether this is a function and then 
 acting accordingly. Or by setting up a constructor/class method extend for 
 each built-in.
I have not tried or thought much about other build-ins as showing idea was a 
main point. Yeah I was thinking that similar methods could be created per 
build-ins if necessary.

 2. I don’t like that new() methods have to keep the result of and 
 return it. I would prefer something like the code below, which enables a 
 constructor behavior like in Allen’s example.
I personally think that whole prototype, constructor and new keyword 
relationships add a lot of complexity to a language, and since this was fitting 
discussion nicely I though I'd share idea how this can be evolved to something 
more straight forward, that fits language much more IMO. I like new as a method 
because code is becomes simple and obvious. 

 3. Are my changes really an improvement or do they impede proper interaction 
 with built-ins, somehow?
 = Library code =
 // Optional, possibly faster: split the method below into and (the latter overriding the 
 former) = function new() {
  if (this instanceof Function) {
  return new this();
  } else {
  return new this.constructor();
 // Performance is less of an issue for this method
 Object.prototype.extend = function extend(properties) {
  var superProto;
  if (this instanceof Function) {
  superProto = this.prototype;
  } else {
  superProto = this;
  var descriptor = {};
  properties = properties || {};
  Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).forEach(function(name) {
  descriptor[name] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(properties, name);
  var thisProto = Object.create(superProto, descriptor);
  if (thisProto.constructor) {
  thisProto.constructor.prototype = thisProto;
  thisProto.__super__ = superProto;
  return thisProto;
 // Optional: split the method below into Object.prototype.hasInstance and 
 Object.prototype.hasInstance = function extend(instance) {
  if (this instanceof Function) {
  return instance instanceof this;
  } else {
  return this.isPrototypeOf(instance);

In my library I just use Foo.isPrototypeOf(bar);

 / Not necessary, any more (Object instanceof Object) = function new() {
 Object.extend = function extend(properties) {
  return Object.prototype.extend(properties);
 = Using the library =
 const SkinnedMesh = THREE.Mesh.extend({
  constructor: function SkinnedMesh(geometry, materials) {
  SkinnedMesh.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
  // initialize instance properties
  this.identityMatrix =;
  this.bones = [];
  this.boneMatrices = [];
  update: function(camera) {
  // call base version of same method;
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Re: Is class syntax really necessary ?

2011-06-13 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Ok I wrote up another gist

that no longer refers to any non-existing functions like `Function.create` and 
addresses `super` sugar issue using `base` function (In a similar way as in 
Dmitry's link).

Also, implementation uses deprecated `caller`, non-standard `__proto__` , 
pseudo internal properties [[target]]', '[[name]]', '[[this]]' and function 
wrappers, but I hope / assume native implementation will be able to achieve 
same results without any of those.

One disadvantage in comparison to `super` is that you can no longer call 
overlaid X methods from Y method, from my experience thats pretty rare case and 
can easily be workarounded. Alternatively base can have be improved using 
proxies to support base[X](a, b) case as well.

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Monday, 2011-06-13 at 24:49 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jun 12, 2011, at 3:38 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  On Monday, June 13, 2011, Brendan Eich 
  ( wrote:
   On Jun 12, 2011, at 3:18 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:On Monday, 
   2011-06-13 at 24:03 , Brendan Eich wrote:
On Jun 12, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
Here is gist I wrote 
   What Function.create are you using there?
   Is there a missing return statement in function extend?
   Yeap, sorry! It's there now.
   Ok. But what is that Function.create your gist relies on?
  It was proposed before I believe, it's like Object.create
  Function.create = function (proto, func) {
   var f = function() {
   return func.apply(this, arguments);
   f.__proto__ = proto
   return f
 No, that was too proxy-like. See
 Starting at The major objection to losing 
   Another idea I had was that super can be similar to private. Here is some 
   Please note that the private(this)/private(other) syntax is intentional 
   straw, to be burned up and replaced with something better.
   I think you're trying to self-host too much. People can write classes the 
   hard way, with super too. They need sugar, not salt or pepper ;-).
  I just don't know how wild I can go with idea :) Isn't it better to
  leave off super for the moment and tackle that separately ?
 Not obviously. super outside of classes does not necessarily pay for itself 
 (I did not remember it going to Harmony at the last meeting). And super 
 inside of class should pay off as the classes proposal hopes -- 'super' in 
 that context has no open issues.

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Re: Is class syntax really necessary ?

2011-06-12 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Is there anything else (other than starting this thread) I can do to make 
committee consider `Function.prototype.extend` as an alternative to a proposed 
class sugar ? 

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Tuesday, 2011-05-24 at 24:48 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 On May 23, 2011, at 11:25 AM, Bob Nystrom wrote:
  One thing I'd like the proposal to support, which it doesn't currently, is 
  initializers on instance property declarations. Then you could do: 
   class C { 
public _list = [];
  With that, you'll correctly get a new _list on each instance of C when it's 
 But (we've argued, I forget where so repeating it here), this looks like [] 
 is evaluated once when the class declaration is evaluated. That is not what 
 you intend.
 Then at some point (in the last thread on this) I remembered parameter 
 default values, but they cover only missing parameters to the constructor. 
 This _list member could be private. But it has to be initialized in a body 
 that executes once per instantiation, which is not the class body -- it's the 
 constructor body.
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Re: Is class syntax really necessary ?

2011-06-12 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Sunday, 2011-06-12 at 23:18 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jun 12, 2011, at 2:22 AM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  Is there anything else (other than starting this thread) I can do to make 
  committee consider `Function.prototype.extend` as an alternative to a 
  proposed class sugar ? 
 Could you show Function.prototype.extend again, 

Here is gist I wrote before:

 and say how it solves the super-construct and super-method-call problems?

I don't have any (in js implementable solution) for those problems, also I 
think sugar for `super` can be a separate thing. Gist contains example with 
super that behave exactly the same as in harmony proposal for classes. 

  Irakli Gozalishvili
  Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (
  On Tuesday, 2011-05-24 at 24:48 , Brendan Eich wrote:
   On May 23, 2011, at 11:25 AM, Bob Nystrom wrote:
One thing I'd like the proposal to support, which it doesn't currently, 
is initializers on instance property declarations. Then you could do: 

 class C { 
  public _list = [];

With that, you'll correctly get a new _list on each instance of C when 
it's created. 
   But (we've argued, I forget where so repeating it here), this looks like 
   [] is evaluated once when the class declaration is evaluated. That is not 
   what you intend.
   Then at some point (in the last thread on this) I remembered parameter 
   default values, but they cover only missing parameters to the 
   constructor. This _list member could be private. But it has to be 
   initialized in a body that executes once per instantiation, which is not 
   the class body -- it's the constructor body.
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Re: Is class syntax really necessary ?

2011-06-12 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2011-06-13 at 24:03 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jun 12, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  Here is gist I wrote before:
 What Function.create are you using there?
 Is there a missing return statement in function extend?

Yeap, sorry! It's there now.

   and say how it solves the super-construct and super-method-call problems?
  I don't have any (in js implementable solution) for those problems, also I 
  think sugar for `super` can be a separate thing. Gist contains example with 
  super that behave exactly the same as in harmony proposal for classes. 
 // Desugars to:
 // Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(this));
 That comment is wrong, or worse: it implies the wrong spec. This function 
 code does not want to depend on |this|, which could be rebound. You want to 
 depend on the [[Prototype]] of the enclosing object, or if contained in class 
 C syntax at the right level (not nested in arbitrary function expressions or 
 inner function definitions), C.prototype.[[Prototype]].
 Allen worked through this idea already:

Could be, I have not spend time thinking on super as I considered as separate 
issue. I'll take a look at Allen's work thanks for the link.

Another idea I had was that super can be similar to private. Here is some 

function super(self) {
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getProtypeOf(self));
get: function (receiver, name) {
// Shorter to constructor would be nice: super(this).new(options)
if (name === 'new') name = 'constructor'
// make sure to apply for getter / setters / and methods only.
// super(this).method(a, b)
return proto[name].bind(self);
}, proto);

super(this).constructor(a, b);
super(this).method(a, b);

Obviously I don't suggest to use proxy, I just used to illustrate idea.

Also please not that constructor will be enough as users will be able to 
implement getter `new` returning `this.constructor` on a base class for shorter 


Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France 

On Tuesday, 2011-05-24 at 24:48 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 On May 23, 2011, at 11:25 AM, Bob Nystrom wrote:
  One thing I'd like the proposal to support, which it doesn't 
  currently, is initializers on instance property declarations. Then 
  you could do: 
   class C { 
public _list = [];
  With that, you'll correctly get a new _list on each instance of C 
  when it's created. 
 But (we've argued, I forget where so repeating it here), this looks 
 like [] is evaluated once when the class declaration is evaluated. 
 That is not what you intend.
 Then at some point (in the last thread on this) I remembered 
 parameter default values, but they cover only missing parameters to 
 the constructor. This _list member could be private. But it has to be 
 initialized in a body that executes once per instantiation, which is 
 not the class body -- it's the constructor body.
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Re: Is class syntax really necessary ?

2011-06-12 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
On Monday, June 13, 2011, Brendan Eich wrote:
 On Jun 12, 2011, at 3:18 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:On Monday, 2011-06-13 
 at 24:03 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jun 12, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
 Here is gist I wrote 
 What Function.create are you using there?
 Is there a missing return statement in function extend?
 Yeap, sorry! It's there now.
 Ok. But what is that Function.create your gist relies on?

It was proposed before I believe, it's like Object.create

Function.create = function (proto, func) {
var f = function() {
 return func.apply(this, arguments);
 f.__proto__ = proto
 return f

 Another idea I had was that super can be similar to private. Here is some 
 Please note that the private(this)/private(other) syntax is intentional 
 straw, to be burned up and replaced with something better.
 I think you're trying to self-host too much. People can write classes the 
 hard way, with super too. They need sugar, not salt or pepper ;-).

I just don't know how wild I can go with idea :) Isn't it better to
leave off super for the moment and tackle that separately ?

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
es-discuss mailing list

Is class syntax really necessary ?

2011-05-23 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

I think there lot's of proposals for that require syntax extensions, 
which is probably worth if new functionality added or shortens most commonly 
used constructs like functions (were no other option is available). In case of 
this proposal:
 even though
I like it I'm not sure adding new syntax is worth it.

I'm not suggesting that sugar for class composition is not necessary, example 
from three.js used by proposal highlights necessity pretty very well, I'm just 
thinking of doing that without introducing new syntax, here is one option:

This way syntax noise may be reduced in addition this can be shimmed into 
current JS by implementing `Function.prototype.extend`.

Also every single frameworks today does something similar in one form or 
another, IMO all is necessary is to have a standard that will let bikeshedding 
go away. I think there is also a good precedent of this with 

Here are some related links:!base2.Base

Kind regards
Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Is class syntax really necessary ?

2011-05-23 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2011-05-23 at 13:10 , Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote: 
  On 23.05.2011 14:17, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote: 
  I think there lot's of proposals for that require syntax 
  extensions, which is probably worth if new functionality added or shortens 
  most commonly used constructs like functions (were no other option is 
  available). In case of this proposal:
   even though 
  I like it I'm not sure adding new syntax is worth it.
  May I ask a counter question -- why do you think it's not good to add 
 syntactic sugar for classes? It's a kind of a strange thing. People sometimes 
 talk about unnecessarily of a sugar. But why I'm asking? Is it bad to use a 
 sugar? Or do you _really_ worry about an _implementation_ that e.g. a 
 language will be too heavy? After all, it's not even the issue of users, 
 it's the issue of implementers.
Dimitry thanks that's very good question.

1. More syntax means larger language surface, which adds complexity more things 
to remember / learn. More things to consider in 
2. I OOP in JS is already confusing for people coming from other languages, 
this proposal will make it even more confusing.

 That is, since it's just a sugar, the users _still_ are free to use 
_desugared_ constructions (i.e. constructor + prototype + manual linkage of 
parent prototype in case of inheritance). If they want to. If they instead want 
to write with the sugar -- why we should worry about that adding of new syntax 
is worth (taking into account that `class`, `extends`, etc. keywords are 
already reserved since ES3 era).
  So from what I can tell, right after the sugar for classes is standardized, 
 everyone will just start to use it and forget about desugared constructions. 
 And nobody even will think and bother about whether it's worth or not.
I don't doubt that, but adoption will take longer. 
  A good point of standardizing this wrapper (which is just a sugar) is that 
 all ad-hoc class-wrappers of libraries will be just eliminated and there will 
 be common classes sugar from the box. Since JS already supports classical 
 inheritance (though, without sugar), I don't how it's bad not to standardize 
 the sugar for it. It will be convenient who need to program a class-based 
 system. At the same time, if someone will still need a chaotic code reuse, 
 i.e. a prototype-based inheritance (reuse a code from that object from which 
 I want) -- they still be able to use things as `Object.create` (or | 
 operator, etc.)
From my perspective main problem today is verbosity, which can be fixed 
without introducing new syntax. Also while I named some disadvantages, I can't 
really see any advantages of dedicated syntax, there for I think it's better 
to avoid adding more syntax changes. 
  I'm not suggesting that sugar for class composition is not necessary, 
  example from three.js used by proposal highlights necessity pretty very 
  well, I'm just thinking of doing that without introducing new syntax, here 
  is one option:
  This way syntax noise may be reduced in addition this can be shimmed into 
  current JS by implementing `Function.prototype.extend`. 
  Yeah, OTOH, it can be so too. Though, the _familiar_ sugar will be bring the 
 ability to involve programmers quicker.
  Also every single frameworks today does something similar in one form or 
  another, IMO all is necessary is to have a standard that will let 
  bikeshedding go away. 
   I think there is also a good precedent of this with 
  Here are some related links:!base2.Base
   Kind regards
  Irakli Gozalishvili
  Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
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Re: Is class syntax really necessary ?

2011-05-23 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
On Monday, 2011-05-23 at 17:31 , Brendan Eich wrote:
On May 23, 2011, at 6:11 AM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  On Monday, 2011-05-23 at 13:10 , Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:
On 23.05.2011 14:17, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote: 

I think there lot's of proposals for that require syntax 
extensions, which is probably worth if new functionality added or 
shortens most commonly used constructs like functions (were no other 
option is available). In case of this proposal:
 even though 
I like it I'm not sure adding new syntax is worth it.

May I ask a counter question -- why do you think it's not good to add 
   syntactic sugar for classes? It's a kind of a strange thing. People 
   sometimes talk about unnecessarily of a sugar. But why I'm asking? Is it 
   bad to use a sugar? Or do you _really_ worry about an _implementation_ 
   that e.g. a language will be too heavy? After all, it's not even the 
   issue of users, it's the issue of implementers.
  Dimitry thanks that's very good question.
  1. More syntax means larger language surface, which adds complexity more 
  things to remember / learn. More things to consider in 
 It's true, although not everyone learns it all up front. Especially where new 
 syntax is not yet supported in all browsers, and the student is not using a 
 compiler to translate new to old version.
 I think the sharper version of your (1) is: class syntax is too much syntax 
 to solve the problems people have with prototypal inheritance: subclassed 
 prototype/constructor set-up and super calls.
 I agree with that. Allen had been proposing super support that was separate. 
 You proposed Function.prototype.extend. Perhaps there's enough there to 
 relieve us of the large, tradition-haunted ediface of classes.
  2. I OOP in JS is already confusing for people coming from other languages, 
  this proposal will make it even more confusing.
 This is not as on target, in my opinion, because even if overwrought, classes 
 are trying to solve some confusion or accident hazards in JS today to-do with 
 prototypal inheritance. Namely,
 (A) the boilerplate needed to set up a sub-prototype object with correct 
 constructor property, and
 (B) the pain of doing correct super calls by hand.
 Can we agree that these are problems to be solved, if not by classes then by 
 other APIs or special forms?
I do completely agree with that! 
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Re: Is class syntax really necessary ?

2011-05-23 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2011-05-23 at 18:14 , Isaac Schlueter wrote: 
 On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 08:51, Brendan Eich wrote:
  Class syntax is like a lint brush for such features. If we add it, it will 
  accrete more semantics (with unambiguous syntax, I hope) over time. This is 
  just inevitable, in my view. It makes me want to resist classes and look at 
  smaller and more direct fixes for the two known prototypal hazards.
 Yes, please!
 I assume two known hazards is referring to your previous email:
 subclassed prototype/constructor set-up and super calls.
 I've been using this pattern in my OOP javascript programs lately:
 It works really well, behaves as expected (easy for the author to say,
 ha, but it doesn't violate instanceof, doesn't call ctors more than
 once, doesn't clobber already-added prototype properties, etc.) And
 it's about 10 lines, easy to read and grok.
I personally prefer backbone style as IMO it has advantage of keeping complete 
setup in one declaration statement.

 What would make it even nicer, however, with minimal added syntax:
 1. Call super(a, b, c) instead of, a, b, c)
 2. Maybe Parent.extend(Child) or Child.inherit(Parent) instead of
 inherits(Child, Parent)
 3. Right now, calling parent versions of overridden methods is a
 It'd be nice to use something like super.someMethod().
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Re: Is class syntax really necessary ?

2011-05-23 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2011-05-23 at 18:47 , John Lenz wrote: 
 The class syntax would be a great boon to the Closure Compiler. Much of 
 ADVANCED mode optimizations depends on understanding class relationships, 
 currently this means teaching it about each framework's extend or 
 inherit methods and each of their subtleties.
If there will be build-in `Function.prototype.extend` it will be pretty easy to 
teach closure compiler to take advantage of that. 
 On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 4:10 AM, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:
   On 23.05.2011 14:17, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote: 
   I think there lot's of proposals for that require syntax 
   extensions, which is probably worth if new functionality added or 
   shortens most commonly used constructs like functions (were no other 
   option is available). In case of this proposal:
even though 
   I like it I'm not sure adding new syntax is worth it.
   May I ask a counter question -- why do you think it's not good to add 
  syntactic sugar for classes? It's a kind of a strange thing. People 
  sometimes talk about unnecessarily of a sugar. But why I'm asking? Is it 
  bad to use a sugar? Or do you _really_ worry about an _implementation_ that 
  e.g. a language will be too heavy? After all, it's not even the issue of 
  users, it's the issue of implementers.
   That is, since it's just a sugar, the users _still_ are free to use 
  _desugared_ constructions (i.e. constructor + prototype + manual linkage of 
  parent prototype in case of inheritance). If they want to. If they instead 
  want to write with the sugar -- why we should worry about that adding of 
  new syntax is worth (taking into account that `class`, `extends`, etc. 
  keywords are already reserved since ES3 era).
   So from what I can tell, right after the sugar for classes is 
  standardized, everyone will just start to use it and forget about desugared 
  constructions. And nobody even will think and bother about whether it's 
  worth or not.
   A good point of standardizing this wrapper (which is just a sugar) is 
  that all ad-hoc class-wrappers of libraries will be just eliminated and 
  there will be common classes sugar from the box. Since JS already 
  supports classical inheritance (though, without sugar), I don't how it's 
  bad not to standardize the sugar for it. It will be convenient who need to 
  program a class-based system. At the same time, if someone will still need 
  a chaotic code reuse, i.e. a prototype-based inheritance (reuse a code 
  from that object from which I want) -- they still be able to use things as 
  `Object.create` (or | operator, etc.)
   I'm not suggesting that sugar for class composition is not necessary, 
   example from three.js used by proposal highlights necessity pretty very 
   well, I'm just thinking of doing that without introducing new syntax, 
   here is one option: 
   This way syntax noise may be reduced in addition this can be shimmed into 
   current JS by implementing `Function.prototype.extend`. 
   Yeah, OTOH, it can be so too. Though, the _familiar_ sugar will be bring 
  the ability to involve programmers quicker.
   Also every single frameworks today does something similar in one form or 
   another, IMO all is necessary is to have a standard that will let 
   bikeshedding go away. 
I think there is also a good precedent of this with 
   Here are some related links:!base2.Base
Kind regards
   Irakli Gozalishvili
   Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
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Re: arrow syntax unnecessary and the idea that function is too long

2011-05-09 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
On Sunday, 2011-05-08 at 20:48 , Peter Michaux wrote:
On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  I'd like to point out that coffeescript has a huge success and in the end
  it's just syntax sugared js.
 Can someone give evidence that Coffeescript is actually a success? Has
 anyone crawled the web to determine the rate of Coffeescript adoption?
 (Assuming there is some way to identify Coffeescript's compiled code.)
 Will adoption plateau at a small percentage of total browser scripts?
Coffeescript is one of the most watched projects on github. Which I'd say is 
pretty big for such a young project. 
 People cannot just reiterate this idea that Coffeescript is popular
 and use that as support for arrows without evidence that Coffeescript
 is actually popular.

Let's ignore popularity level for the moment, no other proposal has analog of 
`=` which is a solution for a real problem:

var self = this;
function callback() {

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Re: On what we consider to be beautiful lambda expressions...

2011-05-09 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2011-05-09 at 10:02 , François REMY wrote: 
 We’ve seen many proposals and arguments in the current thread about the arrow 
 syntax. While it’s great to start with a brainstorm, the discussion should 
 be, at some time, recentered on how to write beautiful lambda expressions. 
 The objective of the “short” function syntax [if it once gets implemented] 
 would be to have a nicer way to write lambdas (keeping that in mind during 
 the discussion is important because, for the other uses, the classical 
 “function” syntax will still be applicable).

I think shorter function syntax is a goal which is not limited to lambdas only. 
 We all know we have our own prefered syntax based on our tastes and our 
 experience with other languages. While the fact that the ECMAScript comitee 
 can’t choose something that will make everybody happy, it should at least try 
 to evaluate the pro and cons of all possibilities (rejecting a proposal 
 because it use a symbol that may be used in the Private Name proposal seems 
 to me a little weird, since we also could use another symbol or name in the 
 Private Name proposal and/or in the new function notation proposal).
 Evaluating the best proposal should be done by :
 - identifying use cases of lambdas
 - seeing what’s the current patterns used at this time to solve those uses 
  - in ES today (and in libraries like jQuery, Prototype.js, ...)
  - in other programming languages (seems to have been done in large part by 
 the precedent mails)
 - seeing how to improve those use cases (and if it’s needed)
 - considering what’s the best solution from three point of view :
  - Compiler  (ease of parsing)
  - IDE  (ease of implementation)
  - Developer  (readability / writability)
 Maybe some people in the comitee are already performing that work, so I’ll 
 not attempt to go more in depht into this.
 To make some progress on the subject, here’s a little summary of the 
 available proposals, at this time :
  // CSharp-like syntax
  array.filter((x) – x.isEmpty); 
  // MatLAB-like syntax
  array.filter(@(x) x.isEmpty);
  array.filter(#(x) x.isEmpty);
  // VB-like syntax
  array.filter(function(x) x.isEmpty);
  array.filter(function(x) { return x.isEmtpy; })
 Other proposals were the following (but I suspect the syntax is problematic) :
  // Ruby-like syntax (?)
  array.filter({|x| x.isEmpty});
 I don’t know if it’s derisable, but we could do even shorter (and readable) 
 by making the assumption that *if* no argument list is provided, then the 
 lamda takes only one named argument (that could be called “a”, considering 
 that no good developer would use this single letter as variable names outside 
 lambdas). This would allow the following additionnals :
  array.filter(function a.isEmpty);
 As I already previously said, I kinda like the @-proposal [[ 
 ]] because it’s very short to write, it’s easy to understand, very similar to 
 the current syntax (an important point that the arrow syntax completely miss) 
 and can be acustomated to more complex cases like [[
  array.filter(@(childArray,childIndex) {
  for(var i=0; ichildArray.length; i++) { 
  if(i%2==0  a[i]=0) return false;
  return true;
 Something to be pointed out is that in the case of more complex functions, 
 the most readable way is often to create a “true” fuction and use its name as 
 the filter argument [[
  var isValid = @(childArray,childIndex) {
  for(var i=0; ichildArray.length; i++) { 
  if(i%2==0  a[i]=0) return false;
  return true;
 Another fact used in the discussion is that the arrow proposal provides a way 
 to ‘bind’ a lambda to an element. Sorry, I’m not sure about why this is 
 useful to have two kind of lambdas. A lambda is, most of the time, a function 
 that’s independant of the place where’s it is written, used to perform a 
 simple test. The most common use of ‘bind’ is to send an object’ function as 
 a callback to an asynchronous code (event, ). In this case, you’ll not 
 create a lambda because the original function already exists [[ 
 el.onclick=this.removeFromParent.bind(this) vs 
 el.onclick=()=this.removeFromParent() ]].

I think your assumption that short function syntax is only for lambdas is 
false. Also here is some real world examples of self = this pattern that is 
solved by =\s*%3D\s*this%3B\s*function+lang%3Ajavascript+case%3Ayessbtn=Search\%28this+lang%3Ajavascript+case%3Ayessbtn=Search
 It’s however possible to say that @-function (aka lambdas) are automatically 
 bound to the current “this”, if needed. It would allow things like [[ 
 array.filter(@this.isValidChild(a)); ]] to work 

Re: arrow syntax unnecessary and the idea that function is too long

2011-05-09 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

On Monday, 2011-05-09 at 11:02 , Kyle Simpson wrote: 
 Let's ignore popularity level for the moment, no other proposal has analog 
  of `=` which is a solution for a real problem:
  var self = this;
  function callback() {
 Maybe I missed something, but didn't Brendan's #-function proposal specify 
 lexical `this` binding, so that:
 function foo() { = baz;
  return #(x){ = x; };
 Isn't that the spirit of what = would give us?
Yes and this case makes following example extremely confusing: = #(x) { = x }

Is this instance of MyObject ? So we need to use `#` in some places, but in 
other cases we need to stick to long form `function`. I think `-` and `=` is 
way more intuitive and simple. 
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Re: arrow syntax unnecessary and the idea that function is too long

2011-05-08 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I'm really happy that arrow syntax proposal was made and thanks a lot Brendan!!

I'd like to point out that coffeescript has a huge success and in the end it's 
just syntax sugared js. I think this is quite good proof that syntax change 
like this is more then welcome. 

Another thing I'd like to point out that arrow function is not just saving 
keystrokes of typing `function` and `return`, but also gives even bigger win 
IMO via `=` when binding of `this` pseudo variable is desired. This case BTW 
was not addressed by `#`. Even though `-` is one more char in comparison to 
`#`, `=` is much less then `.bind(this)`, in addition having both - and = 
feels just natural!

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

On Sunday, 2011-05-08 at 19:09 , Rick Waldron wrote: 
 Just read and 
 I'm buzzing with the idea of Lisp style functions as inspiration for a 
 short hand. While I realize the idea is likely absurd, but I'm thinking in 
 terms of concepts that _all_ JavaScript devs know and understand. 
 This is a super simple, first-pass, rough-draft, not-too-serious, 
 On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Faisal Vali wrote:
  On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 4:04 AM, Jorge wrote:
   On 08/05/2011, at 05:52, Faisal Vali wrote:
   (...) I find the
   aesthetics of the arrow-syntax far more consistent with javascript's
   C-based-syntactic roots than the preprocessor-tainted '#' (...)
   Consistent ?
   - in C has a *totally* different meaning !
  Yes, but that is why I alluded to a syntactic commonality and not a
   semantic one.
  But, I can see how the disparity in semantics might bother some programmers.
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harmony:modules with require

2011-04-14 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

I just noticed that harmony modules have a different spelling then it used to 

module YUI = '';
module YUI = require('');
I wanted to know what was a reason for such a change. I am also concerned that 
this will bring quite a confusion as `require` is pretty well adopted function 
this days while spelling of it's modules is pretty much different. 

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

es-discuss mailing list

Standardizing more de facto functions

2011-04-01 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

I just recently found out that `Object.prototype.trimLeft / trimRight` are not 
part of ES5. Still many modern browsers (FF, Safari, Chrome) implement it.

Would you consider standardizing them for harmony ?

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

es-discuss mailing list

Re: About private names

2011-03-21 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 19:29, Andrew Dupont mozi...@andrewdupont.netwrote:

 On Mar 21, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
  Hi Andrew, thanks for the good thinking on this thread. I'm not
 cherry-picking here, but I wanted to reply to the specific sentence ending
 entire lexical scope.
  The Harmony top-level scope (no global object!) will be big and it may
 even grow by (non-colliding) extension, sure. Hence Dave's thought of not
 allowing private there.
  Anyway, I wanted to check this (what I took to be your own
 experience-based) weighting of search space sizes.

 This is a good point — I'm imagining lexical scopes that, at their largest,
 can span the entirety of a very large library like Prototype or jQuery.

 In recent years, Prototype has moved toward defining each of its sections
 in a separate anonymous function, declaring named functions inside of it,
 then selectively exporting some of them to the global scope. This is an
 increasingly common trend. In the future, I can see us moving toward a
 system where the whole library follows that pattern — one giant anonymous
 function surrounding the whole thing.

 Not allowing private in the top-level scope would help a bit (at the cost
 of hindering the Conflict-Free Object Extension Using Private Names use
 case), but any lexical scope can grow to a staggering size.

 On Mar 21, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
  Is a lexical scope bigger and harder to search than two or more class
 files in Java? Ignoring IDEs, this seems to suggest lexical scopes tend to
 be big. Is this based on your experience with JS blocks (not function
 bodies or global scopes) today?

 Until now, yes, I have been imagining a function body as an example of a
 lexical scope. Why are you excluding it?

 On Mar 21, 2011, at 3:11 AM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  Also I think this proposal won't be really useful without syntax sugar.
 To elaborate more, I think this is a perfect feature for libraries that
 extend built-ins like prototype, or mootools or their extensions may be
 defined as private names that consumers may decide to use by importing
 names, or rename or just ignore entirely.

 I'm co-maintainer of Prototype and I'm saying I can't imagine we'd use this
 feature under the proposed syntax. And — again — I'm not opposed to
 syntactic sugar in general, only to this specific syntax.

Andrew I think you misunderstand this feature, as prototypejs is a perfect
fit for it!!
What I mean is that prototype could define all the extensions names it
introduces in the top of the lexical scope and export those names along with
framework. That will allow consumers to choose which extensions they intend
to import and which not. Some even may decide to change names (bike-shedding
is very popular in JS :) Here is an example:

-- lib.js --

private clone;
private extend;

Object.extend = function() {}
Object.prototype.clone = function() {  }
Array.prototype.clone = function() { ... }

exports.extend = extend;
exports.clone = clone;

-- consumer.js --

private clone = require(lib.js).clone;
private superExtend = require(lib.js).extend

{ a: 'b' }.clone(); // { a: 'b' };

Object.extend = function () {
// do something else

// note that extend does not overrides `extend` defined by lib.js

My point is that library can uses internal names as they used it before, but
if they will define their extensions as names they make them opt-in for
consumers of lib.

 On Mar 21, 2011, at 11:50 AM, David Herman wrote:
  This is true. But because *you* control the local view of the private
 name, and that local binding is not exposed to anyone else, you can always
 rename your local name out of the way.

 People keep saying this. It may be true, but it undermines one of the
 stated goals of the proposal. The whole point of Prototype's built-in
 extension is to introduce more intuitive ways of working with built-ins and
 to fill perceived gaps. Naming is a large part of that. `{}.myClone` is, in
 my view, vastly inferior to `{}.clone` because of its unintuitive naming. As
 a hypothetical consumer, I'm hardly impressed with a library that promises
 conflict-free usage of an instance method on objects... as long as I name
 the method uniquely and am careful about scoping.

 On Mar 21, 2011, at 11:50 AM, David Herman wrote:
  How often would people really bind private names in large scopes? I
 honestly -- in good faith -- don't know.

 Well, again, the Conflict-Free Object Extension Using Private Names use
 case explicitly encourages using private names in large scopes. But I don't
 know either; I'm just trying to give my perspective as a library author.
 _Everything_ about this syntax screams footgun, both for me and for users
 of Prototype. Aside from writing large amounts of code with the proposed
 syntax, I'm not sure what I can do to illustrate this, but I'm open to


Question regarding ES5

2011-02-16 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

I've run into one issue and even after reading ES5 specs several times it's
not clear to me what should be an expected behavior:

Currently on Firefox nightly following code:

(function() {
use strict;

function Type() {}
var object = Object.create(Type.prototype);
object.constructor = function Foo() {};

return object

throws TypeError: object.constructor is read-only
while on chrome

it returns object with constructor Foo

I would like to know what is an expected behavior to fill a bug to an
appropriate project.

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Question regarding ES5

2011-02-16 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Thanks for the reply Allen,

I was under the impression that inherited properties can be overridden,
regardless of their write-ability on the __proto__.

Also as far as I understand freeze will make properties including
constructor non-confugurable, will I still be able  to override such
properties using Object.defineProperty ?

Also this was simplified example and it's not really possible to do the
freeze after. Will try `Object.defineProprety` though.

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 02:21, Allen Wirfs-Brock al...@wirfs-brock.comwrote:

 The error looks correct to me. By freezing Type.proto you make all its own
 properties read only.  One of those is the constructor that is
 automatically created on every func.prototype object.  When you assign to
 object.constructor you are trying to over-ride an inherited read-onoy
 property.  ECMAScript has never allowed this.  You can say:
   Object.defineProperty(object,constructor,{value: function Foo() {},
 /* any other attributes you want to set */});
 to over-ride the inherited constructor property.
 Or you can restructure you code so you do the freeze after you do the

 On Feb 16, 2011, at 5:09 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:


 I've run into one issue and even after reading ES5 specs several times it's
 not clear to me what should be an expected behavior:

 Currently on Firefox nightly following code:

 (function() {
 use strict;

 function Type() {}
 var object = Object.create(Type.prototype);
 object.constructor = function Foo() {};

 return object

 throws TypeError: object.constructor is read-only
 while on chrome

 it returns object with constructor Foo

 I would like to know what is an expected behavior to fill a bug to an
 appropriate project.

 Irakli Gozalishvili
 Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
 es-discuss mailing list

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Re: Question regarding ES5

2011-02-16 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I have not found a way to cc people but here is the link for a bug report:

I think if you'll star it you'll get an updates over email.

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 02:34, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Please do file that bug (issue) against V8, though :-P. You can cc: me as on it.


 On Feb 16, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 Thanks for the reply Allen,

 I was under the impression that inherited properties can be overridden,
 regardless of their write-ability on the __proto__.

 Also as far as I understand freeze will make properties including
 constructor non-confugurable, will I still be able  to override such
 properties using Object.defineProperty ?

 Also this was simplified example and it's not really possible to do the
 freeze after. Will try `Object.defineProprety` though.

 Irakli Gozalishvili
 Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

 On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 02:21, Allen Wirfs-Brock al...@wirfs-brock.comwrote:

 The error looks correct to me. By freezing Type.proto you make all its own
 properties read only.  One of those is the constructor that is
 automatically created on every func.prototype object.  When you assign to
 object.constructor you are trying to over-ride an inherited read-onoy
 property.  ECMAScript has never allowed this.  You can say:
   Object.defineProperty(object,constructor,{value: function Foo()
 {}, /* any other attributes you want to set */});
 to over-ride the inherited constructor property.
 Or you can restructure you code so you do the freeze after you do the

 On Feb 16, 2011, at 5:09 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:


 I've run into one issue and even after reading ES5 specs several times
 it's not clear to me what should be an expected behavior:

 Currently on Firefox nightly following code:

 (function() {
 use strict;

 function Type() {}
 var object = Object.create(Type.prototype);
 object.constructor = function Foo() {};

 return object

 throws TypeError: object.constructor is read-only
 while on chrome

 it returns object with constructor Foo

 I would like to know what is an expected behavior to fill a bug to an
 appropriate project.

 Irakli Gozalishvili
 Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
 es-discuss mailing list

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Re: promises | Communicating Event-Loop Concurrency and Distribution

2011-02-01 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 01:09, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 8:00 AM, Irakli Gozalishvili rfo...@gmail.comwrote:


 I was curious to know what is the state of the following proposal:

 It's on the agenda for the upcoming March meeting. I was planning to do
 some more work on it before declaring it ready for discussion. But since you
 raise it, I'm happy enough with it in its current state. I can clarify my
 remaining issues with it as discussion proceeds. So

  This page is now ready for discussion.

 I do expect that this strawman is too large to be accepted into ES-next as
 a whole. To get some of it accepted -- syntactic sugar + some supporting
 semantics -- we need to find a clean boundary between what kernel and
 extension mechanism the platform needs to provide vs the remaining
 functionality that should be provided by libraries using these extension

 For example, Tyler's web_send uses such an extension API in ref_send to
 stretch these operations onto the network, by mapping them onto JSON/RESTful
 HTTPS operations. Kris Kowal's qcomm library uses Q.makePromise (like that
 proposed above) to stretch these operations over WebSockets, whose
 connection-oriented semantics enables a better mapping at the price of more
 specialized usage. I hope that Kevin Reid's caja-captp can also be
 reformulated as a library extending the Q API.

 (See links to ref_send, web_send, qcomm, and caja-captp at the bottom of
 the strawman page.)

I'm familiar with those libraries and actually I have a fork of Kris's
q-comm where I prototyped de-sugared implementation of this proposal for
Mozilla Jetpack, where it will allow cross process async messaging.

 I do believe that having ES native promises could provide drastically
 better alternative for writing async code in comparison to currently popular
 nested callback style. Also even though there are few implementations of Q
 API adoption is still low IMO that's due to non obvious and verbose syntax.
 Syntactic sugar described in the proposal really makes a lot of difference.
 Also I don't see proposal for `Q.when` syntax and would love to know what is
 the a plan for that.

 Given a lightweight closure syntax, I don't think Q.when actually needs any
 further syntactic sugar. For example, here's the asyncAnd example from
 Figure 18.1 of in JS with this strawman
 + destructuring + the lightweight closure syntax from HOBD (Harmony of
 Brendan's Dreams):

 #asyncAnd(answerPs) {
 let countDown = answerPs.length;
 if (countDown === 0) { return true; }
 const {promise, resolver} = Q.defer();

 answerPs.forEach(#(answerP) {
 Q.when(answerP, #(answer) {
 if (answer) {
 if (--countDown === 0) { resolver(true); }
 } else {
 }, #(ex) {
 return promise;

 The original asyncAnd in Figure 18.1 is in E, whose syntax was designed
 without legacy burden to make such code pleasant. Nevertheless, I don't
 think the code above suffers much in comparison.

 Of course, if you have a suggestion of how a sugared Q.when can improve on
 this enough to be worth the cost of yet more sugar, please suggest it.

I see your point, I was actually thinking of an E like syntax, but I do
agree that Q.when is good enough, but then there still should be some
build-in APIs to allowing to build Q.when on top, which leads me to a few

1. Is there supposed to be a build-in type that will represent a promise ?
2. I believe there should be a build-in API to test whether value is promise
or not, how that will look ?
3. There should be build-in API to create / fulfill / brake  promises and
also observe state changes, which will allow lib implementers to implement
Q.when like methods.

Also I think it would be useful to split up proposal into 2 parts:

1. Concentrating on promises and eventual operations
2. vats

 Irakli Gozalishvili
 Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

 es-discuss mailing list


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promises | Communicating Event-Loop Concurrency and Distribution

2011-01-27 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

I was curious to know what is the state of the following proposal:

I do believe that having ES native promises could provide drastically better
alternative for writing async code in comparison to currently popular nested
callback style. Also even though there are few implementations of Q API
adoption is still low IMO that's due to non obvious and verbose syntax.
Syntactic sugar described in the proposal really makes a lot of difference.
Also I don't see proposal for `Q.when` syntax and would love to know what is
the a plan for that.

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
es-discuss mailing list

Extending natives in simple modules

2011-01-03 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

I have noticed that [simple modules]( don't
mention how does natives are supposed to behave across modules. Are they
shared or each module gets it's own Object, Function, Array, ... objects ?

I think this is something that should be discussed / specified. Also some
popular libraries (prototype, sproutcore, extjs, fusejs) depend on extended
natives. FuseJS for example even uses iframe based sandboxing approach for
extending natives to avoid conflicts.

IMO it would've be very nice if module had a different natives so that they
could extend those without any compatibility risks with other libs. Also in
that case would be nice to have convenient syntax for deciding whether or
not extension on natives are imported along with module.

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Classes as Sugar is now ready for discussion

2010-09-13 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Not a long time ago we also started using traits at [Jetpack]( and so far it seems to work pretty well for
us. In contrast to bespin though we don't use instead we have
our own implementation which pretty much follows same APIs (one major
difference is non-|this|-bounded objects are created).

BTW there is another framework that was using traits for a long time not sure how widely adopted framework is though.

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 01:55, David Herman wrote:

  Yes, that's an accurate summary. It also brings me back to Dave's earlier
 question about the limited choices provided by the Traits library.
  Long story short: it's definitely possible for a Traits library to offer
 more knobs, although I'm not sure whether the increased complexity is worth

 Just to be clear, I wasn't saying we should consider *more* knobs, just
 that other knobs are possible. I'm not convinced that the Trait.create knob
 offered by traits.js is necessary.

  Judging from earlier comments, it seems there is at least a niche for the
 combination of 'early conflict detection' + 'non-frozen, non-|this|-bound

 I'm told this is what our colleagues working on Skywriter would have


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Re: death to style guidelines

2010-09-08 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I do understand that just switching a skin is no go, but having something

use clean;

Could be a very good compromise.

Regarding my phrase on coffee: I did not meant to heart anybody's feelings
regarding coffee script. I do like the project myself but I don't think it
production ready. Here is the quote from the coffee script website:

*Disclaimer:* CoffeeScript is just for fun. Until it reaches 1.0, *there are
 no guarantees that the syntax won't change between versions.*

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 10:52, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:

  On 02.09.2010 2:44, Mike Samuel wrote:

 2010/9/1 Irakli Gozalishvili

  I have not seen the post before, but it perfectly expresses my concerns.
 I still do think though that if breaking backwards compatibility is on the
 table solving syntactic noise issue is not such a bad idea even if it
 means changing a skin it makes devs more aware of a change.

 Both skulpt  coffee are good toys, but don't think it's practical to use
 them for a real apps.

 Actually, CoffeeScript is off-topic here. When I was mentioned it, I didn't
 mean let's make a Coffee from JS, I just noticed how elegantly Coffee
 improves some syntactic constructs over JS. However, I'd like to mention
 that -- you're kidding me, right (about the toy without practical usage)?
 Coffee is a new language. And the only relationship with JavaScript, is that
 it's inspired by JavaScript (but actually by Ruby) and improves some
 constructions (syntactically and, as a consequence, increasing and
 abstraction). It's good to write a new highly-abstracted language, using
 another highly-abstracted language (in this case JavaScript). If will be
 needed (if will be talks about performance), it may be rewritten using
 less-abstracted languages (e.g. C, Assembler) and then it will be a
 completely separated from JavaScript language which is (the same as
 JavaScript, Python, Ruby, etc.) just another good general purpose scripting
 language -- with its own pros and cons. Moreover, CoffeeScript syntactically
 mostly inspired by Ruby (in it's nature, Coffee isn't even prototype-based,
 it encapsulates this stuff into the sugar of classes; JavaScript is used
 only to implement Coffee. And as you know, the latest version of Coffee is
 already written on Coffee itself but not on JavaScript). If it will have a
 strong support (by committees, browsers, etc), it may win JavaScript. But I
 don't think it will in nearest future (the same useless talks about Python
 and Ruby native support in nowadays for browsers).

 However, if not to translate/compile Coffee's code into JS-code at runtime,
 but with static preprocessing -- having as an output ready JS-code-generated
 files, and then just include these js-files to the project -- it normally
 may be used in projects today. There is a lack with debugging in this case,
 but I think it may be solved somehow.

 And regarding JS, yeah, backward compats matter and it's really
 not-practical to switch the skin so radically. However, since ES has use
 strict feature which is, besides being a helper for inattentive
 programmer, also is used as a deprecated/obsolete stuff notifier (e.g.
 with-statement), it may be used in future for the same role -- removing
 old-style/deprecated syntactic garbage, and replacing it with alternative
 constructs. (Because e.g. when C was creating its switch-cases with known
 today non-logical behavior, its decision was related with *problems and
 issues* of code-generation (e.g. in Assembler) -- it was needed that
 break, because it's just a jmp from the block. But when other languages
 (Java, JavaScript) just repeat this syntax construct completely after C,
 they just thought about to be a new language with already-known syntax.
 And attempts to improve some constructs of previous language, would break
 this aim).

 P.S.: I'm really sorry for such a big off-topic.

  BTW blessing one of the coding styles as Dmitry suggested may be a
 successful attempt for solving at least half of the issue.

  Might blessing a style guide be better done by a software producing
 organization like Mozilla or JQuery than by a standard producing
 organization like TC39?

 Yeah, right... But, since there is a (formal?) language named ECMAScript,
 maybe it worth to write at least some *recommendation* for a coding style.
 At least with naming convention of properties/methods. The spec itself
 prompts a programmer that methods should be named in camelCase, that
 constructors should be named in upper CamelCase, etc. If an official site of
 the technology will have such a recommendation (I repeat, even Python with
 it's hard-coded syntax rules has additionally PEP8 -- to (recommend to)
 name properties/methods in uderscore_case), then we'll see that many
 companies when

death to style guidelines

2010-08-27 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Please don't be too aggressive in replies, I know it's too ambitious  may
not lead to anything, but I still want to give it a try and suggest to:

Employ some of the decisions that being made with coffee script  python in
order to over all the wars regarding: 2 space vs 4 space vs tabs, where to
put braces, whether or not use optional semicolons. All the style
guidelines, just hurt developers, who have to switch mentally every time
they work on a project with a different style guides. Besides if I follow
correctly it's being agreed to make backwards incompatible syntax changes in
new version of ECMAScript :)

As a side note, I'd like to also mention that coffee script managed to
reduce verbosity so match, making writing code so much better experience!

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ASI and wrapping long lines

2010-07-28 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Another pattern of solving this that people writing semicolonless code
already employ is:

function a() {
return (
some string

Irakli Gozalishvili
Phone: +31 614 205275
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 00:29, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

  I confess that I haven’t waded through the entire Rationalizing ASI
 thread.  I generally agree with Brendan concerning the horse and the barn.

 However, there was one ASI problem that was raised for which I think we
 could at least provide a basic remediation:

 We talked at the July 2008 Oslo (Harmony) meeting about one way to
 mitigate the unreported dead-code error that results from

 function foo() {

if (some) {

if (deep) {

if (random) {

if (logic) {

if (ending) {

if (in_a_very_long) {


I believe in the 80 column limit, so I







 return LOL;


 The problem here is that the programmer has a legitimate reason to want to
 break  a return across two lines and they can’t.  There is an easy fix for
 this.  It’s called “line continuation”.

 In ES5 we standardized the de facto browser behavior for line continuation
 within string literals:  LineContinuation :: \ LineTerminator Sequence.

 A LineContinuation certainly  could also be allowed as an alternative for
 whitespace.  Then if [no LineTerminator here] is reinterpreted to not match
 a LineContinuation  then the above return could have been written as:

return \

I believe in the 80 column limit, so I used
 a LineContinuation;

 It wouldn’t help people who didn’t know about line continuation but it
 would allow those who do know about them the flexibility to format their
 code the way they want it.  I would normally say a language shouldn’t need
 cruft like this.  However, once you’ve go down the road of making line
 breaks syntactically significant it is  arguably reasonable to also allow
 for  line breaks that explicitly have no syntactic significance.


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Re: simple shorter function syntax

2010-07-28 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 10:15, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:

 That's look interesting, yeah, I (personally) like it. Also beside = can
 be used traditional function definition sign of some functional (and not
 only functional) languages: -

 Coffee (while using - for functions) uses = sugar for binding the `this`
 value with defining a function at the same time: which I think also a
 good sugar for `.bind` method.

+ 1 (my two cents here)

Another I thing good point here is that CoffeeScript is a working 
successful proof of concept and many webdevs are already familiar with it.
Acquiring even more of it's syntax may be a good ide!!

Irakli Gozalishvili
Phone: +31 614 205275
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France
es-discuss mailing list

getter / setters

2010-05-20 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili

Sorry if my question is stupid or does not really belongs here. I will be
thankful to get some clarification on es specs since I just discovered that
my interpretation of how getter / setters are supposed to behave appears to
be different from the behavior in observed in modern browsers.

var foo = Object.create({}, {
bar: {
get: function() {
return this._foo;
set: function(value) {
return this._foo = 'Hello ' + value;

var bar = = 'setter';
if ( !== bar) throw new Error('Unexpected');

The code will throw an error cause bar will be 'setter' while will
be 'Hello setter'.  I was expecting that `bar' would've get value returned
by a setter (or at least getter of foo). And this is not the case nor with
FF nor with Safari implementations. Behavior is the same if getters and
setters are used instead. Is it expected behavior ? If answer is yes, is
there any point of returning anything from setter ?

I am also afraid that this might break some of the frameworks in rare cases
like in this example above. (a = b = c is commonly used syntax)

Thanks a lot!
Irakli Gozalishvili
Phone: +31 614 205275
Address: Taksteeg 3 - 4, 1012PB Amsterdam, Netherlands
es-discuss mailing list

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