Re: Tyson is not atheist (was Re: So, a new kind of non-boolean, non-digital, computer architecture

2014-06-30 Thread meekerdb

On 6/29/2014 10:47 PM, LizR wrote:

On 30 June 2014 17:41, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/29/2014 10:20 PM, LizR wrote:

On 30 June 2014 17:02, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/29/2014 7:33 PM, LizR wrote:

On 30 June 2014 04:43, John Clark wrote:

On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 9:44 PM, LizR wrote:

 agnosticism is of course the defining principle of the 
method, so we really need the concept in order to understand the
status of scientific theories.

I like what Isaac Asimov, a fellow who knew a thing or two about 
had to say on this subject:

I am an atheist, out and out. It took me a long time to say it. 
I've been
an atheist for years and years, but somehow I felt it was 
unrespectable to say one was an atheist, because it assumed 
knowledge that
one didn't have. Somehow, it was better to say one was a humanist 
or an
agnostic. I finally decided that I'm a creature of emotion as well 
as of
reason. Emotionally, I am an atheist. I don't have the evidence to 
that God doesn't exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesn't that I 
want to waste my time.

So he knows that he only has enough evidence to be agnostic, but he is
emotionally convinced to be an atheist nonetheless. OK, so that puts 
him on a
par with religious believers who are also emotionally convinced, though 
not of
the same thing.

No more so that being an aSanta-Clausist.

Well there you go then. I rest my case.

Actually I think there is enough evidence to prove (in the 'beyond 
doubt' sense) that the God of the bible does not exist.  But you don't 
have to
prove something doesn't exist to reasonably fail to believe that it 
does.  I
don't have proof that there is no teapot orbiting Jupiter, but that 
make me epitemologically irresponsible to assert I don't believe there 
is one.

Atheists don't just believe that the biblical god doesn't exist, they 
believe that
there are no supernatural forces involved in the operation of the universe.

Where is this written?  Do you speak for all atheists, or just ones in NZ?

No just the ones I've come across, like Richard Dawkins.

While I consider this likely, I don't consider it 100% proven, because as 
Arthur C
Clark said, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from 
and it's at least conceivable that there are sufficiently advanced beings 
out there
that they can act outside what we call nature.

That seems to really waffle.  If we knew these beings could so act wouldn't 
we just
readjust what we call nature.  In fact that's a general problem with 
saying what
it would mean for some events to be supernatural. In the past many events 
thought to be supernatural, acts of God, e.g. sickness, lightning, drought,
earthquakes,...but are now thought to be natural.  So it some new phenomena 
observed why wouldn't we just assume it was natural even if we didn't have 

Hmm, well that's all-inclusive. I guess if whatever happens, you will call it natural - 
Biblical god appears, that's naturalOK, you've got me there.

Exactly.  When people talk about god being supernatural, they don't just mean beyond our 
current conception of the natural.  They mean in accordance with our myths and having 
special significance for human values.  When pulsar signals were first observed they were 
outside our current conception of the natural.  But nobody called them supernatural.  
They were just no understood.  Yet when some water condenses under the eye of a statue of 
the virgin Mary nobody says, An interesting natural phenomenon.  They say Miracle.

So the question then is, do you believe (in the positive sense) in the supernatural?  Or 
do you fail to believe in the supernatural? Given a new phenomenon, what would it have to 
be like for you to say it was definitely supernatural?  And do you think there are such 

For example I am not 100% sure that the universe wasn't created by some 
beings with sufficiently advanced technology to create big bangs (they may 
course have evolved naturally in another universe). I don't think it's 
likely, but
that's my emotional prejudices at work. I can't see that I can claim with 
that it's impossible, and since these being would fit with some definitions 
of god
(creator of the unvierse) then I can't say it is 100% proven that god 
doesn't exist.

Didn't you slip 

Re: Selecting your future branch

2014-06-30 Thread Kim Jones

 Another way of looking at it

Kim (interrupting in annoying fashion):

There speaks a real thinker with precisely those words. Perception and 
observation is where we start. There is - wait for it - more than one way of 
viewing a bunch of data. It depends which glasses you have on your nose as to 
what you see when you look.

Liz is wearing her Green Hat here (hG) - the search for alternatives; the 
foundation of creative thinking, which logically starts with perception. These 
are the other set of options you can access in terms of belief after looking 
at something other than the standard set. It takes effort to go to the trouble 
of looking at things differently.

But there you are. That's not thinking yet. That's perception. I hear a bird. A 
Gloccamorra bird. Or something. 

 is that if H guy is scanned and in the process destroyed, then recreated so 
 that he is identical (below the substitution level -- e.g. this might mean 
 atom for atom, which is where the Heisenberg compensators come into play 
 :-) then his identity and consciousness is recreated with him, and they 
 actually are his identity and consciousness, not just a copy which thinks 
 it's him.

You are all of these people. You can only experience one of these people. You 
or God can never know which one you will most likely experience 5 minutes from 
now let alone after a year's storage before being emailed to Uranus or 
Washington or Scotland. Hence there is a true randomness in the access you have 
to your various selves, moment to moment. You are these computational 
relations. They don't cease to exist so how could you?

It may be this is why our individual lives are so ridiculously short compared 
to the age of the universe. It may be that We (the Royal 'We' have all of 
eternity to experience our self. Aubrey de Grey and Ray Kurzweil are complete 
wankers, you know that? They want to conquer death so they can live forever. 
Someone tell these two that they're wasting their time because it happens 

Liz: Yet another way of looking at it is that this sort of process goes on all 
the time as the cells of our bodies are gradually replaced, and our identity is 
preserved during cell replacement to the same extent that it is preserved by a 
hypothetical matter transmitter, whatever extent that might be.

(PS This is all discussed quite cogently in the Star Trek novel Spock must 
die! by James Blish, in which Dr McCoy worries that every time someone goes 
through the transporter, he's being murdered and a clone created which only 
thinks it's the same person.

Kim: This woman grew up on Star Trek, like I did

 Liz: It also has something very similar to Bruno's thought experiment happen 
except that the duplicate is in this case an evil twin due to having been 
mirrored in the process :-

Kim: That's a great episode of Star Trek eh! and Leo Nimoy got to wear a 
moustache which makes him look very devilish.

Conscious entities are infinite numbers of computations in the sense of the 
relations that naturally exist between the numbers, as Bruno says. Nothing is 
happening; everything just is. When numbers are considered real, numbers look a 
certain way to each other. The way numbers look to each other looks remarkably 
like what you look like when I look at you and when I look at the world in 
general and vice versa. Perception. 


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Re: Speaking of free speech...

2014-06-30 Thread Telmo Menezes
This seems to be a student union thing. Maybe the university should
intervene and ban the student union from banning things. It probably will,
for the sake of it's own reputation.

I can't help but desire that the university does not intervene, though. It
is perhaps more instructive to let the students experience, in a somewhat
safe environment, what happens when you give absolute power to ideologues,
and let them figure out how to recover freedom in their own terms.

The Neitzsche club people are smart, they will hold meetings in the
Starbucks in front of the university and embarrass the apprentice censors.


On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 7:48 AM, meekerdb wrote:

  Nothing like a good university stimulate intellectual debate - about who
 should be prohibited from debating and what should not be mentioned.


 On 6/29/2014 10:41 PM, LizR wrote:

  This is sheer insanity, to quote that bloke from Dad's Army. I can
 only hope that the Neitzsche Club will not be killed off, but made stronger
 - and if it *is* full of rabid ideogogues misrepresenting Friedrich's
 ideas, let them do it in public so everyone can have a good laugh.

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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

Pantheists are cool, as are Lobian machines, immaterialists, materialist, 
Schrodinger wave stuff. I do have probs with Marxists-Progressives because of 
the destabilization issue. Udder den dat, let a thousand flowers bloom (as 
Marxist Mao once said). Progressives get very huffy when one publically 
disagrees with them (how dare they!) Looks like Magister Criss did too. It's 
how some people get their amygylas work. It needs a good workout every now and 
then. I am happy to provide the stimuli in this sense. But, yes, it does divert 
the awareness from the nature of consciousness-but that's how reality is, as we 
do the ivory tower waltz-life breaks in like a bomb going off in Falujah.   

You maggots think you can get away with ignoring the titles of your superiors? 
50 Laps and N pushups, all of you except spud: Humans, machines, universal 
ones, Löbian ones, materialists, immaterialists, physicalists, Darwinists, 
pantheists, recursive fetishists, atheists, agnostics, idiotics, MSR, P-time 
nutheads, tronifiers, computationalists, magicians, quantum jerks (with AND 
without collapse of wave function, I don't care) and the rest of your foul 
undisciplined ontological technically genderless asses! 

This is an argument of authority! From an ignorant, hypocrite jerk that doesn't 
believe in them, no less!

Don't provoke me to deter your asses any more than this. Ok? Good. Emulate it. 
Yes, emulate the goodness. Run it. You won't know whether it'll ever stop. 
That's better, see? :-) PGC

-Original Message-
From: Platonist Guitar Cowboy
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:33 pm
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 1:14 AM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is that 
if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite badly. If 
one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing violence to one's 
fellow primates, this is a great thing. But it is not assured, that simply 
because one tries a peaceable track, that it will even work. So, if one fights, 
why hold back? Observe, the results of the US's partial warfare model, and 
decide for yourself if it has been a brimming success or not?  The nuclear war 
thing, I likely fret more about then any.other participant, on this mailing 
list. The primary reason for this is that fission, and fusion weapons, are now 
very old, and the missile tech to carry the bombs are only a bit younger. If I 
was a citizen of Europe, I would be very concerned that the deliberate 
diminishment of US power, would invite aggression from places where it would 
have seemed a laughable, fiction, only a decade ago. To wit, you folks are now 
on your own, with the current US leadership. It may not bother you, even a bit, 
but I see that this is a new geopolitical fact. Be well.

Uhm... thanks for your help and strategic advise, sir.

We, speaking for all european leftist pacifist tree hugging conspirators 
present, know what to do now: we'll keep relations with US at optimum rimming 
status as we have done for the last 60 odd years, and you can chill a bit with 
the right wing spam editorials on the list. That's just the geopolitical 
situation right now according to PGC HQ (first and therefore most prestigious 
HQ of the list by far!), you get our allegiance, but we need a bit of freedom 
in return. You know qpq sir, strengthen troop morale and such.

Also we should all take your example and call Russell Prof. Standish or 
Professor, from now on exclusively! Any slip up with titles and I will 
ceremonially curse your name with modest restraint in the forest with my scary 
looking but kind canine; only if nobody is watching though, otherwise it'll 
look weird which would be going too far. 

You maggots think you can get away with ignoring the titles of your superiors? 
50 Laps and N pushups, all of you except spud: Humans, machines, universal 
ones, Löbian ones, materialists, immaterialists, physicalists, Darwinists, 
pantheists, recursive fetishists, atheists, agnostics, idiotics, MSR, P-time 
nutheads, tronifiers, computationalists, magicians, quantum jerks (with AND 
without collapse of wave function, I don't care) and the rest of your foul 
undisciplined ontological technically genderless asses! 

This is an argument of authority! From an ignorant, hypocrite jerk that doesn't 
believe in them, no less!

Don't provoke me to deter your asses any more than this. Ok? Good. Emulate it. 
Yes, emulate the goodness. Run it. You won't know whether it'll ever stop. 
That's better, see? :-) PGC


-Original Message-
From: Telmo Menezes
To: everything-list
Sent: 29-Jun-2014 18:35:58 +
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

I support mil actions as long as its fought like 

Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

Nuremberg was the who Gobbels propaganda thing, but Stalin had mass rallies as 
well, and North Korea and Iran still does. Malice can wear different forms. Le 
Bon was a fav or Both Adolf and Lenin (not Lennon). 
-Original Message-
From: LizR
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:34 pm
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

On 30 June 2014 08:56, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

Oh, absolutely true. But Lenin did as well, and no word about Stalin or Mao. My 
sense of the temptation of The Crowd, seems nowadays, a proggie feature, to 
feel the buzz, let me say of having a 'Black' president, versus, how's 
unemployment doing? or What's the best way to afford a national healthcare 
system? It's a different skill set. But the crowd is a Left thing

Nuremburg rallies.

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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

Well, I somehow do remember MAD, and it worked with the Sovs, but I suspect 
less so with Iran, Isis and North Kor. Do you disagree?

Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet uninhabitable?

-Original Message-
From: LizR
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:39 pm
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

On 30 June 2014 11:14, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is that 
if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite badly. If 
one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing violence to one's 
fellow primates, this is a great thing. But it is not assured, that simply 
because one tries a peaceable track, that it will even work. So, if one fights, 
why hold back?

Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet uninhabitable?

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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

Heh, your words say no, but your keyboard says yes yes yes. Which is weird 
since I am not bent that way. I do worry a bit about why your president is 
arming up his agencies, like EPA, and the Post Office with swat teams and 
weapons. My guess is, it is to ensure that the Party remains in power 
permanently, I mean, why else do it? I guess Banana Republic isn't just a 
clothing franchise, anymore. 

Oh... no worries mate I will live just fine... don't over-estimate your own
importance to me or anyone else... I am merely making the point that you are
a war-mongering coward. I don't expect to change you. 
Who cares if I am a US citizen or not? If I was not a US citizen would I
therefore not have the right -- for some strange reason -- to not be calling
you a coward? I am however a US citizen, sorry buddy -- see you have to deal
with me and millions of other US citizens who think people like you are off
their rockers. 

-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 10:57 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: American Intelligence

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2014 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: American Intelligence

Chris, so how will you be able to live with yourself, if, say, you cannot
budge me from my horrible views? Secondly, you are not a US citizen, are
you? How will you control America if you cannot even control, influence, or
browbeat me? Just curious.

Oh... no worries mate I will live just fine... don't over-estimate your own
importance to me or anyone else... I am merely making the point that you are
a war-mongering coward. I don't expect to change you. 
Who cares if I am a US citizen or not? If I was not a US citizen would I
therefore not have the right -- for some strange reason -- to not be calling
you a coward? I am however a US citizen, sorry buddy -- see you have to deal
with me and millions of other US citizens who think people like you are off
their rockers. 
You see things in the optic of control -- quite telling actually,
illuminating in fact of your own psychology that you used that particular
term... you see, not everyone sees things the way you see things. Not
everyone seeks to control outcomes.
I, usually like to work things out, except when dealing with intolerant
individuals, such as say yourself spudboy. In such cases, since I know
a-priori that there is no working things out I will be right there in your
face and have no interest in even trying to work it out -- you don't operate
on that wavelength spudboy -- you seek to impose your world view and wish to
do so with violent means... you pine for total war A-hole, but are too much
of a coward to go do the fighting yourself.
No, there is no working anything out with individuals such as you, who
portray anyone who does not share their desire for a global conflagration as
being a traitor. Thus I do not even bother; why waste any energy. 
But I will make the point that you are a coward; and have some fun with it.

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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 1:14 AM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is
 that if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite
 badly. If one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing
 violence to one's fellow primates, this is a great thing.


 But it is not assured, that simply because one tries a peaceable track,
 that it will even work.

Of course.

 So, if one fights, why hold back?

Probably because the war was started on false pretences and there was no
real threat to being with.

 Observe, the results of the US's partial warfare model, and decide for
 yourself if it has been a brimming success or not?

I wouldn't call it partial warfare, but instead the initiation of war for
its own sake. In real wars, against people your own size, like WWII, no
half-measure were took. No one in their right mind desires such a war. If
you do, I suspect that participating in one would quickly change your mind.

 The nuclear war thing, I likely fret more about then any.other
 participant, on this mailing list. The primary reason for this is that
 fission, and fusion weapons, are now very old, and the missile tech to
 carry the bombs are only a bit younger. If I was a citizen of Europe, I
 would be very concerned that the deliberate diminishment of US power, would
 invite aggression from places where it would have seemed a laughable,
 fiction, only a decade ago. To wit, you folks are now on your own, with the
 current US leadership. It may not bother you, even a bit, but I see that
 this is a new geopolitical fact. Be well.

I am not for the deliberate diminishment of US military power. I have
nothing against it if used only as a deterrent. In a world where nuclear
weapons are possible, we must have nuclear weapons. My problem (and a
common sentiment in Europe) is with the USA initiating unnecessary wars
against weak opponents. Civilisation clash style wars had their
penultimate instalment with WWII. If if happens again, it will probably be
for the last time, and everyone is aware of this.

The geo-political conditions that you allude to are a thing of the past,
that's all I'm saying. Keeping deterrent weapons in good condition and
attacking failed nations for the control of cocaine fields are two very
different things.

Even the dubious nuclear power of North Korea is sufficient to let them get
away with total insanity. I'm sure Europe is safe, given the real nuclear
power of France, the UK and all the US military bases around.


 -Original Message-
 From: Telmo Menezes
 To: everything-list
 Sent: 29-Jun-2014 18:35:58 +
 Subject: Re: American Intelligence

  I support mil actions as long as its fought like total war. Think WW2.
 Note, that nuanced responses have done little since WW2, although the
 Korean War is the most solid, maybe? If its worth fighting, then its worth
 willing to the max.

 Nuanced responses became quite popular after WW2 because of the invention
 of atomic bombs. Any civilisation that you can clash with will offer you
 MAD. Witch is an apt name, because you have to be batshit crazy to desire

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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

You do raise some critical points, and I am not sure I ever disagreed with your 
reasoning. However, the lack of US 'bloody-mindedness' use a British term, may 
spin up war, rather than suppress it. Then we turn to unnecessary wars, to 
which, after dealing with Scandinavians, over the years, provides me with the 
importance of cultural influences effecting decision making. 
In my opinion, looking at the recent past, the US pursuing Bin Laden into 
Pakistan was far more important then overthrowing Saddam. Likely, all, are 
horrified on this list, with this notion. I was and am deeply suspicious of the 
Bush regime with this change in strategy, and saw the hand of the Saudis in 
this decision. Having stated that, I do not know if this is true, but merely a 
'good guess on my part. Protect Musharef in Pakistan, while removing a threat 
to Kuwait and Saudi. I would have gone after Bin Laden, ISI, and if necessary, 
the Paki military-with a lot of troops, a lot more, then the Iraq debacle. 
Curiously, enough, Telmo, the WMD's which did exist, then didn't exist, then do 
now exist, are under the control, this day, of the Sunni ISIS organization, now 
creating a new Caliphate in Iraq and Syria. It does appear that nerve gases and 
anthrax powderized, are now available. 

Are there work-arounds, to avoid war? Sure, many times there are. One thing 
that would work-around for my nation-state, are fraking shale gas, and 
importing Canadian oil from tar sands via pipeline. The Administration, de 
facto, has fought these developments, tooth and nail. This is because of Obama 
and his party's ideology, their belief system. This would back the US out of 
the danger zone. Please ask yourself, if this would serve Swedish national 
interests or harm them? You have the right to protect your own nation state, 
even against the US, so bring forth your opinion (my ethics). 

I wouldn't call it partial warfare, but instead the initiation of war for its 
own sake. In real wars, against people your own size, like WWII, no 
half-measure were took. No one in their right mind desires such a war. If you 
do, I suspect that participating in one would quickly change your mind.

-Original Message-
From: Telmo Menezes
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Jun 30, 2014 8:53 am
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 1:14 AM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is that 
if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite badly. If 
one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing violence to one's 
fellow primates, this is a great thing.

 But it is not assured, that simply because one tries a peaceable track, that 
it will even work.

Of course.
 So, if one fights, why hold back?

Probably because the war was started on false pretences and there was no real 
threat to being with.
 Observe, the results of the US's partial warfare model, and decide for 
yourself if it has been a brimming success or not?

I wouldn't call it partial warfare, but instead the initiation of war for its 
own sake. In real wars, against people your own size, like WWII, no 
half-measure were took. No one in their right mind desires such a war. If you 
do, I suspect that participating in one would quickly change your mind.
  The nuclear war thing, I likely fret more about then any.other participant, 
on this mailing list. The primary reason for this is that fission, and fusion 
weapons, are now very old, and the missile tech to carry the bombs are only a 
bit younger. If I was a citizen of Europe, I would be very concerned that the 
deliberate diminishment of US power, would invite aggression from places where 
it would have seemed a laughable, fiction, only a decade ago. To wit, you folks 
are now on your own, with the current US leadership. It may not bother you, 
even a bit, but I see that this is a new geopolitical fact. Be well.

I am not for the deliberate diminishment of US military power. I have nothing 
against it if used only as a deterrent. In a world where nuclear weapons are 
possible, we must have nuclear weapons. My problem (and a common sentiment in 
Europe) is with the USA initiating unnecessary wars against weak opponents. 
Civilisation clash style wars had their penultimate instalment with WWII. If 
if happens again, it will probably be for the last time, and everyone is aware 
of this.

The geo-political conditions that you allude to are a thing of the past, that's 
all I'm saying. Keeping deterrent weapons in good condition and attacking 
failed nations for the control of cocaine fields are two very different things.

Even the dubious nuclear power of North Korea is sufficient to let them get 
away with total insanity. I'm sure Europe is safe, given the real nuclear power 
of France, the UK and all 

Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2014-06-30 14:38 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

 Well, I somehow do remember MAD, and it worked with the Sovs, but I
 suspect less so with Iran, Isis and North Kor. Do you disagree?

Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to
escalate to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global
destruction... do you really think that if the USA use nuke against those
countries, China and Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?


 Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet

 -Original Message-
 From: LizR
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:39 pm
 Subject: Re: American Intelligence

 On 30 June 2014 11:14, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is
 that if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite
 badly. If one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing
 violence to one's fellow primates, this is a great thing. But it is not
 assured, that simply because one tries a peaceable track, that it will even
 work. So, if one fights, why hold back?

  Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet

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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

Quentin, I am more concerned that if North Korea attacks the US, Obama and his 
party will do nothing. It'll just make things worse! We cannot risk things 
getting out of hand.  The entire human species is at stake. We can absorb the 
damage done and minimize our losses. We'd be killing their children as well 
as their leaders, we cannot do this! This is what I see, in reaction to a Kim 
Strike. Also, as you rightly mentioned: do you really think that if the USA use 
nuke against those countries, China and Russia (and others who have the bomb) 
will do nothing ?
lay back and enjoy it, maybe ;-D ? I am more worried about what our elites do 
than what China and Russia do.  I don't see this as a hollow threat, or a paper 
tiger, Quentin, as this article indicates. Its from Reuters, which is a 
progressive news agency. I never post stuff from Fox, or some blog, when I 
engage in polly discussions, because its more meaningful when the news comes 
from ones' own.

Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to escalate 
to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global destruction... 
do you really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries, China and 
Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?


-Original Message-
From: Quentin Anciaux
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Jun 30, 2014 10:16 am
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 14:38 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

Well, I somehow do remember MAD, and it worked with the Sovs, but I suspect 
less so with Iran, Isis and North Kor. Do you disagree?

Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to escalate 
to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global destruction... do you 
really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries, China and Russia 
(and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?


Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet uninhabitable?

-Original Message-
From: LizR
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:39 pm
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

On 30 June 2014 11:14, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is that 
if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite badly. If 
one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing violence to one's 
fellow primates, this is a great thing. But it is not assured, that simply 
because one tries a peaceable track, that it will even work. So, if one fights, 
why hold back?

Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet uninhabitable?

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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. (Roy Batty/Rutger 

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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread Quentin Anciaux
The USA has the capacity to destroy the missile before it even touch the
US... USA has not the capacity to do this for all the Russian ICBM *by
treaties* not because it's too difficult... USA has enough anti-ICBM to
destroy any north korean ICBM who would threaten them... I doubt that North
Korea has developed stealth ICBM...


2014-06-30 17:01 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

 Quentin, I am more concerned that if North Korea attacks the US, Obama and
 his party will do nothing. It'll just make things worse! We cannot risk
 things getting out of hand.  The entire human species is at stake. We can
 absorb the damage done and minimize our losses. We'd be killing their
 children as well as their leaders, we cannot do this! This is what I see,
 in reaction to a Kim Strike. Also, as you rightly mentioned: *do you
 really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries, China and
 Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?*

 lay back and enjoy it, maybe ;-D ? I am more worried about what our elites
 do than what China and Russia do.  I don't see this as a hollow threat, or
 a paper tiger, Quentin, as this article indicates. Its from Reuters, which
 is a progressive news agency. I never post stuff from Fox, or some blog,
 when I engage in polly discussions, because its more meaningful when the
 news comes from ones' own.

 Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to
 escalate to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global
 do you really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries,
 China and Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?

 -Original Message-
 From: Quentin Anciaux
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Mon, Jun 30, 2014 10:16 am
 Subject: Re: American Intelligence

 2014-06-30 14:38 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

 Well, I somehow do remember MAD, and it worked with the Sovs, but I
 suspect less so with Iran, Isis and North Kor. Do you disagree?

  Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to
 escalate to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global
 destruction... do you really think that if the USA use nuke against those
 countries, China and Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?


 Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet

 -Original Message-
 From: LizR
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:39 pm
 Subject: Re: American Intelligence

 On 30 June 2014 11:14, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care,
 is that if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite
 badly. If one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing
 violence to one's fellow primates, this is a great thing. But it is not
 assured, that simply because one tries a peaceable track, that it will even
 work. So, if one fights, why hold back?

  Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet

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 Batty/Rutger Hauer)
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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread Quentin Anciaux
And anyway.. I really hope nobody will ever use nuclear weapons anymore;
this will only result in our own extinction (if anybody ever survive, it
will be at minima the end of our civilization). There is really no point to
ever think it could be a safe detterent to use one.


2014-06-30 17:07 GMT+02:00 Quentin Anciaux

 The USA has the capacity to destroy the missile before it even touch the
 US... USA has not the capacity to do this for all the Russian ICBM *by
 treaties* not because it's too difficult... USA has enough anti-ICBM to
 destroy any north korean ICBM who would threaten them... I doubt that North
 Korea has developed stealth ICBM...


 2014-06-30 17:01 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

  Quentin, I am more concerned that if North Korea attacks the US, Obama
 and his party will do nothing. It'll just make things worse! We cannot
 risk things getting out of hand.  The entire human species is at stake.
 We can absorb the damage done and minimize our losses. We'd be killing
 their children as well as their leaders, we cannot do this! This is what I
 see, in reaction to a Kim Strike. Also, as you rightly mentioned: *do
 you really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries, China
 and Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?*

 lay back and enjoy it, maybe ;-D ? I am more worried about what our
 elites do than what China and Russia do.  I don't see this as a hollow
 threat, or a paper tiger, Quentin, as this article indicates. Its from
 Reuters, which is a progressive news agency. I never post stuff from Fox,
 or some blog, when I engage in polly discussions, because its more
 meaningful when the news comes from ones' own.

 Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to
 escalate to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global
 do you really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries,
 China and Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?

 -Original Message-
 From: Quentin Anciaux
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Mon, Jun 30, 2014 10:16 am
 Subject: Re: American Intelligence

 2014-06-30 14:38 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

 Well, I somehow do remember MAD, and it worked with the Sovs, but I
 suspect less so with Iran, Isis and North Kor. Do you disagree?

  Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to
 escalate to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global
 destruction... do you really think that if the USA use nuke against those
 countries, China and Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?


 Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet

 -Original Message-
 From: LizR
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:39 pm
 Subject: Re: American Intelligence

 On 30 June 2014 11:14, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care,
 is that if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite
 badly. If one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing
 violence to one's fellow primates, this is a great thing. But it is not
 assured, that simply because one tries a peaceable track, that it will even
 work. So, if one fights, why hold back?

  Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet

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 Batty/Rutger Hauer)
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Re: Tyson is not atheist (was Re: So, a new kind of non-boolean, non-digital, computer architecture

2014-06-30 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 29 Jun 2014, at 12:22, David Nyman wrote:

On 29 June 2014 05:47, LizR wrote:

t's the materialist hat (I'm not sure which colour it is). Calling
bullshit! on comp and similar ideas without stopping to  
understand them
seems to stem from a religious belief in materialism (Bill Taylor  
on the
FOAR forum is another example of this). There is endless  
spluttering and
shouting and often even (gasp) capital letters, but never any sign  
that the
person concerned has stopped and thought it through, in the spirit  
of what

if he's got a point?

Yeah, occasionally I find myself re-reading conversations I had with
Bruno years ago (usually as a result of googling for some reference).
It reminds me that in the beginning I was pretty certain he must be
wrong, but his patience and persistence forced me repeatedly to refine
and reconsider my arguments, to the point that eventually I started to
see the holes in my own logic. This is the value of really sticking to
a line of thought in discussion (as opposed to point scoring). It
helps us, if we are willing to make the effort, to expose the
contradictory assumptions in our own thinking.

So encouraging. Thanks for telling. Honey for the heart and I think  
humanity's one.



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Re: Selecting your future branch

2014-06-30 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 29 Jun 2014, at 18:33, John Clark wrote:

On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 3:54 AM, Bruno Marchal  

  the H-guy cannot be sure about its future 1-view *from the unique  

Unique? That implies that there is one and only one correct answer  
to the question of what the Helsinki Man will see, so after the  
exparament is over there should be enough information to know what  
that one correct answer should have been. So what was it? Would that  
that one unique correct prediction have been Washington or Moscow?

Before you flip a coin you don't know if the correct prediction is  
heads or tails, but at least after you flip it you know what the  
correct prediction would have been; but in your thought exparament  
even after all the dust has settled there still isn't one correct  
answer. The difference is that although the bodies of the Helsinki  
Man is duplicated there is still only one Helsinki Man until one  
copy sees something the other doesn't. The Helsinki Man only turns  
into the Moscow Man when he sees Moscow and not before; so the only  
unique correct prediction is that the Moscow man will be the Man who  
sees Moscow. What more could you expect?

 predict with certainlty the unique city you will see

 The city who will see?

 The H-guy.

I predict that the H-guy will see Helsinki, unless you destroy him  
immediately after duplication

That is indeed the case in the step 3 protocol.

in which case the H-guy will see absolutely nothing.

Then the H-person dies already at step 1 and 0. So you are showing  
that ~(step 3) - ~(step 0), that is: ~(step 3) implies not-comp, that  
is, comp implies step 3. You can move on step 4.

Incidentally, this contradicts the fact that you have already agreed  
that both the W-person and the M-person are genuinely the H-person.

You made an effort to do a different error, this time. I appreciate  
the effort.

I further predict that Mr. You will see Moscow AND Washington  

  you forget also the question asked, which is about what you will  
live [...]

What who will live?

You, the H-guy, in the first person sense. The question is always  
asked to John Clark, before any duplication, when he is in the city of  

You know you will survive in only ONE city from any of your first  
person perspective of the continuation. You just cannot be sure of  
which one, as any prediction on which precise city you will see will  
be contradicted by the other guy in the other city.

 in the 1p sense from the 1p view  and not any 3p view on where  
those unique 1-view appears.

That's just a tad too much peepee for my taste.

Then I can understand that you will never understand, because that is  
exactly what you should focus on.

 You are not answering the question asked.

That's because the question asked is gibberish. You want to know  
which one of the 2 will see Moscow, but there is only one not two,  
there is no 2 until one sees Moscow and the other does not.

The question is what you expect from your first person experience. W  
and M denotes feeling being at W (resp. M). The question is not  
about the body, nor where your first person experience will be  
instantiated, but about which city you will feel to be in when doing  
the experience of opening the door after having pushed the   device  
button in Helsinki.

You assume comp, and so you know that you (the H-guy) will survive,  
one and entire, in ONE city from the first person perspective. So (W   
M) is excluded: you know in advance in Helsinki that if you write the  
prediction (W  M) in your diary, the inscription (W  M) will be  
itself duplicated in both places, as by definition the first person  
discourse is the content of the diary that the experiencer take with  
him in the scanner-annihilation-duplication machine. But the copy in  
Moscow, when opening the door will see only Moscow, and so (M  W) is  
refuted. from the first person perspective (on which the question is  
all about), M has been selected from M and W. He got one bit of  
information, and it is the same for the guy in W. One bit of  
information has been offered to him, from his first person  
perspective, as he will write W in his diary, contradicting his  
prediction in Helsinki.

The Moscow Man will be the one who sees Moscow, what more do you  
want me to say for you to count it as a successful prediction?

The prediction must be successful from the first person perspective of  
*all* copies.

W v M is an example of always successful prediction (for that  

W  M is always false.
W and M are correct one have of the time.

In the iterated case, the P(W) is given by the binomial coefficients,  
and the gaussian integral for big value of the number of iteration.



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Re: Pluto bounces back!

2014-06-30 Thread Samiya Illias
I could respond in many ways, but none seems adequate. I could say that I
believe because I find the Quran to be factually correct, but that only
vindicated my belief... I could say that as I studied and observed the
beauty and the patterns in nature, the finest details, I became convinced
that there had to be a Creator behind it, but that also only vindicated my
belief... I could think that may be since I was born in the faith, perhaps
that's why it was natural, but I was asking questions, and I must admit,
sometimes even fantasising how it would have been to be born in another
faith or culture... I can say that the trials and experiences of life
brought me closer to God, made me study the faith earnestly, and helped me
discover the endless patience and my loving God through it all. Yet, I
think, the latent belief was there all along, it was only my conscious self
which took its own sweet time to realise and appreciate it! Whatever may
the reason be, I'm glad that I'm a believer, and I lovingly worship my
Perhaps this short video expresses it more eloquently:

On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 8:41 AM, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List wrote:

 Samiya…. May I ask you why you believe. It is obvious that you do believe,
 but why… and please not the canned answer supplied by dogma but the deep
 inner personal reasons that motivate you to believe?

 Can we cut through all the bull shit and get straight at the core of the
 matter… with the simple direct question of why?

 Not in the generic sense, but rather in the exquisitely personal dimension
 of your own innermost wellspring of being.. your own emergent
 self-awareness. (which you believe was given to you by your God)


 What is your personal story. Dogma does not interest me in the least;
 personal stories I do however find fascinating.

 Chris, in the Pacific Northwest (one of the best spots on the earth)

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Samiya Illias
 *Sent:* Saturday, June 28, 2014 8:04 PM

 *Subject:* Re: Pluto bounces back!

 On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 1:31 AM, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 7:40 PM, Samiya Illias

 On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:

 Another example: does the Quran allow for possibility that it could be
 wrong etc? PGC

 No, it doesn't, as explained above. It allows for human evaluation,

 Which is pretty pointless, if the text is god's truth written large. This
 kind of fake advertising of scientific doubt is also present in the Bible;
 e.g. doubting apostle Thomas. As in yes, if you are the doubting type...
 we've reserved a place for you.

 My answer is: Sorry, you don't allow real doubt. Thomas and these figures
 can only doubt inside the book, not the book itself. Your doubt is false

 and suggests parameters that we can use such as discrepancy,
 falsifiability, trying to write a similar book without God's help,

 How can we even be sure the Quran, Bible, etc. are written with god's
 help? How can we be sure it is not a political tool of men, pretending to
 be god's voice simply, for obvious human reason?

 etc., and repeatedly claims that this Book is without any crookedness,

 You do not address the problem of blaspheme raised and continue to make
 statements about him, even though you believe you cannot understand him.

 Apologies, but that is crooked to me.

 errors or mistakes, and a guidance and blessing from the Lord of the

 If I may suggest, keep asking questions and doubting,

 I do such with or without Quran.

 and at the same time, also read through the entire text of the Quran.

 I think I've had enough for some time: the way you present it in these
 quotes, Allah is vain, boastful (needs a book and people to do advertising
 for him), vengeful and cruel tester of creation he despises (why test and
 punish? why cultural preferences?), and the crooked move of writing about
 god when you admit that nothing can be said about god.

 For today, that is enough for me and it looks from your quotes like the
 book wants to convert people in typical manipulation through fear
 mechanism. I'm sure there are deeper ways to comprehend Quran, but today
 and through these quotes I don't see them.

 And since I can hypnotize myself to like almost anything, given enough
 time, I'm sure I could do it with Quran as well. But today I choose to
 doubt + it doesn't look much fun from the scripture quoted here; like I
 have to run around and convert people to some book that tells them to be
 frightened if they don't read it, and if they doubt, I just repeat them to
 keep reading.

 I respect a possible god's creation 

RE: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List




Heh, your words say no, but your keyboard says yes yes yes. Which is weird
since I am not bent that way. I do worry a bit about why your president is
arming up his agencies, like EPA, and the Post Office with swat teams and
weapons. My guess is, it is to ensure that the Party remains in power
permanently, I mean, why else do it? I guess Banana Republic isn't just a
clothing franchise, anymore. 


Are you trying to be witty perchance? 


Oh... no worries mate I will live just fine... don't over-estimate your own
importance to me or anyone else... I am merely making the point that you are
a war-mongering coward. I don't expect to change you. 
Who cares if I am a US citizen or not? If I was not a US citizen would I
therefore not have the right -- for some strange reason -- to not be calling
you a coward? I am however a US citizen, sorry buddy -- see you have to deal
with me and millions of other US citizens who think people like you are off
their rockers. 




-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 10:57 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: American Intelligence

-Original Message-
[ ] 
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2014 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: American Intelligence
Chris, so how will you be able to live with yourself, if, say, you cannot
budge me from my horrible views? Secondly, you are not a US citizen, are
you? How will you control America if you cannot even control, influence, or
browbeat me? Just curious.
Oh... no worries mate I will live just fine... don't over-estimate your own
importance to me or anyone else... I am merely making the point that you are
a war-mongering coward. I don't expect to change you. 
Who cares if I am a US citizen or not? If I was not a US citizen would I
therefore not have the right -- for some strange reason -- to not be calling
you a coward? I am however a US citizen, sorry buddy -- see you have to deal
with me and millions of other US citizens who think people like you are off
their rockers. 
You see things in the optic of control -- quite telling actually,
illuminating in fact of your own psychology that you used that particular
term... you see, not everyone sees things the way you see things. Not
everyone seeks to control outcomes.
I, usually like to work things out, except when dealing with intolerant
individuals, such as say yourself spudboy. In such cases, since I know
a-priori that there is no working things out I will be right there in your
face and have no interest in even trying to work it out -- you don't operate
on that wavelength spudboy -- you seek to impose your world view and wish to
do so with violent means... you pine for total war A-hole, but are too much
of a coward to go do the fighting yourself.
No, there is no working anything out with individuals such as you, who
portray anyone who does not share their desire for a global conflagration as
being a traitor. Thus I do not even bother; why waste any energy. 
But I will make the point that you are a coward; and have some fun with it.
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Re: Pluto bounces back!

2014-06-30 Thread Samiya Illias
On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 5:03 AM, Samiya Illias

 On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 1:31 AM, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:

 I respect a possible god's creation more than thinking it somebody's job
 to convert people. This makes god's magnificence, as you call it, very
 small. I still have no idea of whether you see the blaspheme problem here
 or not. PGC

 We agree that it is blasphemy to attribute to God or make statements on
 God's behalf what God hasn't stated. However, we also consider it blasphemy
 to deny God or God's communication, pretending that God hasn't sent any
 message, when God has indeed provided guidance for humans.

 I don't know this and I challenge you, the Quran, indeed anybody, to
 provide convincing evidence.

Okay, challenge the Quran... read it and see if it answers you with
convincing evidence.

 Your claim in this regard, could be the very blasphemy you speak of.

 You seem to think that the Message is for a particular culture, I tell
 you its for all humanity from the Lord of the Worlds.

 Cultures compete. War is our collective history.

That's besides the point.

 If I grow up in Jewish or Christian background, this preselects me to be
 more accessible to Jewish or Christian theology/books/interpretations than
 to Quran.

 Ok, the Quran is for all culture; but then the Bible says the same. You
 still avoid the question of why the Quran above all other sacred books.

Because it is the last in the series of revelations: the final revelation,
and because it has been protected from changes. We Muslims are required to
believe in all revelations, not just the Quran. Its an article of faith.
And also because the prior scriptures foretell the coming of Prophet

 If this were a matter of personal religion, that would be private. But
 since you want factual accuracy, and to tie scientific/rational approach to
 Quran, the question is valid. Science, ability to doubt, question, and
 strive for accuracy in facts and descriptions belongs to all of us, no
 matter the religion.


 God doesn't need us or our service, it is we who need God and God's
 guidance, since it is our future that depends on our beliefs and actions.

 If God had wanted an army of slaves, he would not allow them to think and
 doubt. He could build an army of robot zombies, that he wouldn't even need
 to test. This testing idea, and why a supreme being would engage in
 testing a perfect creation, makes no sense to me.

Yes, its difficult to rationalize, if at all. But, once one is convinced
about the existence of God, and the scriptures being God's message, then to
accept things which our minds cannot understand is just a matter of faith

 It seems it could be misused to frighten and control people. If a writing
 can be used to control people, to manipulate them dishonestly, to blaspheme
 god's name for violence, how perfect is this writing/book? Wouldn't a
 perfect writing stop this from happening?

When student are taking an exam, does the professor intervene and correct
the mistakes? Life is an open-book exam, but it is the student's job to
study and use it properly.

 Just as we have no choice over our own self's birth and death, similarly
 we have no choice in being resurrected for an immortal life.

 How do you know God has stated this as fact? Yes, some people state this
 in some books. But perhaps these are statements that, in your words,
 constitute blasphemy to attribute to God or make statements on God's
 behalf what God hasn't stated. Yes, it could be god's greatness, but it
 could also be people trying to control others through fear.

We'll find out, all in good time


 Our future well-being depends on the sincerity of our thoughts and
 actions in the present!

 On this we agree. PGC

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Re: Tyson is not atheist (was Re: So, a new kind of non-boolean, non-digital, computer architecture

2014-06-30 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 29 Jun 2014, at 19:24, John Clark wrote:

On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Bruno Marchal  

  I care about the notion behind. Call it the ONE

 Let's call it the BULLSHIT.

 Why not. But it can be confusing.

I don't see how THE BULLSHIT is more confusing than THE ONE.

By the common sense of the world, the term the one fits better the  
intended *monism* of the theory proposed.

Theological monotheism is a cousin of of the metaphysical monism.

Bullshit invokes only insult.

 It looks like according to you we just have no right to raise  
doubts on the Aristotelian Primary Matter notion.

Why in hell do we keep talking about ancient ignoramuses like  
Plotinus and the worst physicist who ever lived, Aristotle?

Aristotle was a brilliant physicist. Indeed, his word initiates physics.

That his theories were all refuted has nothing to do with that.

Then, as we have not solved the mind-body problem, we have to be open  
to many possibilities and changes of mind.

Also, Aristotle conception of his primary matter is actually the one  
that Plotinus used, and that we recover from computationalism. But I  
don't expect you to get this at this stage. Aristotle is the first to  
define matter by what is indeterminate, notably. Platon understand  
the need of a bastard calculus, as Plotinus grasped too.

In neoplatonism, we can say, roughly, that God did not create matter,  
but matter is God's limitation, or limit. It is where God loses control.

Look, you treat current theology as bullshit, but you keep defending  
the one of today, when it is lcear, when you study history, that the  
freedom of though (the minimum needed to do science) in theology has  
been repressed more or less since 523 after J.  So it is not so  
astonishing that we can find a lot of interesting debate among the  
theologians before the 'madness/fairy-tales get imposed to us.

 PS I think I will come back to the term god as it is less  
confusing than bullshit, to refer to the unknown cause or reason  
of why we are here.

So these are the properties of God:

1) God does not  answer prayers.

How do you know that?

By the way, it might be possible that with comp, you can't pray God.  
It could already be a blaspheme. God gives only if you don't ask,  

2) God is not omnipotent.

Well, omnipotence is self-contradictory.

3) God  is not omniscient.

With comp, God is 3p first order omniscient, and he knows a lot of the  
higher order, but can't be omniscient. I agree with Grim that  
omniscience is also self-contradictory.

4) God is not intelligent.

How do you know that?

5) God is not conscious.

With comp (+ classical epistemology), this is subtle. God, the ONE,  
arithmetical truth splits into the 3p outer realm, for which the  
conscious adjective might not make sense. But then through all  
universal numbers, filtered by the truth, that one defines the first  
person, the you which has no name, and which seems to play the role  
of the third God of the greeks: the universal soul.

That is the inner god that, according to the mystic, you can awaken  
through variate technics.

6) God has nothing to do with morality.

I think it has to do. That is probablmy the act of faith of the  
Platonist, that God is Good, and that it makes it possible for us to  
be attracted by the good and  detracted by the bad.

Anyway, this depend on the theology. With comp, truth is good, because  
falsity leads to your non existence, in many ways.

But morality and all Protagorean virtue can only be taught by you  
examples, and can only be perverted when being patronized.

7) God is not a being at all just some sort of vague undefined  

It is responsible for the whole being, and usually, does not belong to  
its created realm. It is not nameable, and has quite fuzzy border,  
when known from the inner god views.

God is a bit of the standard model (in the logician sense). No (rich)  
theory at all can prove the existence of a model of itself, as this  
would be a proof of self-consistency, and that is forbidden by the  
second theorem of completeness. This does not prevent such theories to  
get some good approximation, and even to prove theorems about that  
thing (depsite being unnameable. Peano Arithmetic cannot define V,  
the set of arithmetical true propositions, but still can define  
somehow the singleton {V}. Askanas showed that PA can prove its own  
Tarski theorem, with naming the truth that, by that theorem, it cannot  
ascribe a name.

That sure doesn't leave much stuff for God to do,

Here you are infinitely to much quick, I'm afraid.

so it shouldn't bother us very much that even that wimpy anemic low  
rent sort of God may not exist; there may be no cause for the  
universe, there may be no reason there is something rather than  
nothing, there may be no ultimate reason we exist.

You are right. May be. But also, 

Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

I hear you and I do follow our anti-missile announcements by the mils. I am not 
confident of US ability to zoink missiles and warheads in flight-but for the 
sake of brevity, let me concede your rational point. There are a couple of 
work-arounds for North K, or anyone else, to do the US severe damage. One is 
the deployment of North Kor missiles. They are working on miniaturizing 
warheads for ICBM missiles. Another facet would be to hit the US where it 
ain't, such as a Gulf of Mexico southern attack. Fuels and warheads would need 
enough fuel to place a warhead on a south attack approach, and not on the US 
West Coast, Hawaii, Alaska. Another possibility is to use cargo ships as 
missile launchers, suitably, disguised. Lastly, there is always the argument 
about EMP, as the debate with Jon Postrel of MIT and other physicists consider 
is EMP an Unreal threat or a Real one? On this matter, the lives of many could 
hang in the balance. 

The USA has the capacity to destroy the missile before it even touch the US... 
USA has not the capacity to do this for all the Russian ICBM *by treaties* not 
because it's too difficult... USA has enough anti-ICBM to destroy any north 
korean ICBM who would threaten them... I doubt that North Korea has developed 
stealth ICBM... 


-Original Message-
From: Quentin Anciaux
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Jun 30, 2014 11:07 am
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

The USA has the capacity to destroy the missile before it even touch the US... 
USA has not the capacity to do this for all the Russian ICBM *by treaties* not 
because it's too difficult... USA has enough anti-ICBM to destroy any north 
korean ICBM who would threaten them... I doubt that North Korea has developed 
stealth ICBM... 


2014-06-30 17:01 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

Quentin, I am more concerned that if North Korea attacks the US, Obama and his 
party will do nothing. It'll just make things worse! We cannot risk things 
getting out of hand.  The entire human species is at stake. We can absorb the 
damage done and minimize our losses. We'd be killing their children as well 
as their leaders, we cannot do this! This is what I see, in reaction to a Kim 
Strike. Also, as you rightly mentioned: do you really think that if the USA use 
nuke against those countries, China and Russia (and others who have the bomb) 
will do nothing ?
lay back and enjoy it, maybe ;-D ? I am more worried about what our elites do 
than what China and Russia do.  I don't see this as a hollow threat, or a paper 
tiger, Quentin, as this article indicates. Its from Reuters, which is a 
progressive news agency. I never post stuff from Fox, or some blog, when I 
engage in polly discussions, because its more meaningful when the news comes 
from ones' own.

Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to escalate 
to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global destruction... 
do you really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries, China and 
Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?



-Original Message-
From: Quentin Anciaux
To: everything-list

Sent: Mon, Jun 30, 2014 10:16 am
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 14:38 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

Well, I somehow do remember MAD, and it worked with the Sovs, but I suspect 
less so with Iran, Isis and North Kor. Do you disagree?

Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to escalate 
to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global destruction... do you 
really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries, China and Russia 
(and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?


Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet uninhabitable?

-Original Message-
From: LizR
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:39 pm
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

On 30 June 2014 11:14, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is that 
if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite badly. If 
one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing violence to one's 
fellow primates, this is a great thing. But it is not assured, that simply 
because one tries a peaceable track, that it will even work. So, if one fights, 
why hold back?

Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet uninhabitable?

Re: Is Consciousness Computable?

2014-06-30 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 29 Jun 2014, at 21:20, LizR wrote:

On 29 June 2014 20:04, Bruno Marchal wrote:
With comp, what i showed is that we have indeed to extract the law  
of the qubits (quantum logic) from the laws of the bits (the laws  
of Boole, + Boolos). IMO, Everett + decoherence already shows the  
road qubits to bits. But comp provides a double (by G/G*) reverse of  
that road, which separates quanta and qualia (normally, although  
quanta must be a first person plural).

It sounds to me as though you are saying that information is real  
if arithmetic is real...?

What do you mean by real here?

The question is not so much about what is real, but about what is  
primitively real.

With computationalism, and the TOE chosen, 0, s(0), ... and + and *  
are primitively real, as we assume the RA axioms.  Information is  
derived from it, both the classical one, and the quantum one.

But a physicist like Landauer(*) would say that information is  
real because it is an essentially physical things:


(If so, deriving the entropy of a black hole would be support for  
comp :-)

I don't see why. It would be consistent with Landauer's notion of  
physical information, ISTM.

Maybe I jumped the gun here, or something.

I should have written: It would be consistent with Landauer's notion  
of *primitive* physical information, ISTM.

Deriving the entropy of a black hole seems to me - upon reflection -  
to show that information is physically real,

That's not clear to me. deriving the number of items in my fridge  
might makes those items real, but not necessarily the number itself  
real. I mean that a physicalist can argue in that sense.

so it makes it as real as the physical world.

Not for a primitive materialist, who will say that the information are  
only in your mind.

According to comp the physical world is not primitively real, so  
information would be not primitively real either.

No. Although you get shannon information quasi directly with the self- 
duplication, and get some trace of the quantum information in the  
first person plural. OK.

However, it WOULD be physically real,

The quantum one, yes.

which is a step away from just something convenient for humans to  
use (like temperature, as mentioned elsewhere).

I agree.

This seems to accord with fundamental particles appearing to be  
little bundles of information, which I think is roughly A Garrett  
Lisi's view, amongst others (JA Wheeler?)

JA Wheeler, sure. Garret Lisi? If you can give a quote. I don't see  
him even addressing the question of the nature of his particles. He  
proposed a very cute and quasi-convincing theory (except it does not  
work), very mathematical. But he does not address the reality  
question. May be I am wrong on this, but then I would be happy with a  

The fact that only erasing information needs energy is fascinating,  
and still a bit weird in the comp perspective. It might be a very  
fundamental fact, and the shadow of it in arithmetic might be the  
symmetry of the logic of observable on the atomic (sigma_1)  
proposition, and the antisymmetry just above. But I don't want get too  
much technical.


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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

You have a splendid idea there and many people round the world agree with you. 
This is not an irrational argument, though likely, too optimistic. Your 
sensibilities, and mine, are not shared globally. look to the new Caliphate, 
for an example on people differing in world view. 

And anyway.. I really hope nobody will ever use nuclear weapons anymore; this 
will only result in our own extinction (if anybody ever survive, it will be at 
minima the end of our civilization). There is really no point to ever think it 
could be a safe detterent to use one.


-Original Message-
From: Quentin Anciaux
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Jun 30, 2014 11:15 am
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

And anyway.. I really hope nobody will ever use nuclear weapons anymore; this 
will only result in our own extinction (if anybody ever survive, it will be at 
minima the end of our civilization). There is really no point to ever think it 
could be a safe detterent to use one.


2014-06-30 17:07 GMT+02:00 Quentin Anciaux

The USA has the capacity to destroy the missile before it even touch the US... 
USA has not the capacity to do this for all the Russian ICBM *by treaties* not 
because it's too difficult... USA has enough anti-ICBM to destroy any north 
korean ICBM who would threaten them... I doubt that North Korea has developed 
stealth ICBM... 


2014-06-30 17:01 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

Quentin, I am more concerned that if North Korea attacks the US, Obama and his 
party will do nothing. It'll just make things worse! We cannot risk things 
getting out of hand.  The entire human species is at stake. We can absorb the 
damage done and minimize our losses. We'd be killing their children as well 
as their leaders, we cannot do this! This is what I see, in reaction to a Kim 
Strike. Also, as you rightly mentioned: do you really think that if the USA use 
nuke against those countries, China and Russia (and others who have the bomb) 
will do nothing ?
lay back and enjoy it, maybe ;-D ? I am more worried about what our elites do 
than what China and Russia do.  I don't see this as a hollow threat, or a paper 
tiger, Quentin, as this article indicates. Its from Reuters, which is a 
progressive news agency. I never post stuff from Fox, or some blog, when I 
engage in polly discussions, because its more meaningful when the news comes 
from ones' own.

Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to escalate 
to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global destruction... 
do you really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries, China and 
Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?



-Original Message-
From: Quentin Anciaux
To: everything-list

Sent: Mon, Jun 30, 2014 10:16 am
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 14:38 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

Well, I somehow do remember MAD, and it worked with the Sovs, but I suspect 
less so with Iran, Isis and North Kor. Do you disagree?

Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to escalate 
to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global destruction... do you 
really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries, China and Russia 
(and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?


Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet uninhabitable?

-Original Message-
From: LizR
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:39 pm
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

On 30 June 2014 11:14, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is that 
if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite badly. If 
one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing violence to one's 
fellow primates, this is a great thing. But it is not assured, that simply 
because one tries a peaceable track, that it will even work. So, if one fights, 
why hold back?

Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet uninhabitable?

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Re: How can a grown man be an atheist ?

2014-06-30 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 30 Jun 2014, at 01:20, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/29/2014 1:35 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Note that it is an arithmetical fact that arithmetic emulates all  
simulations. Saying that some of those are more real than other is  
a metaphysical assumption, and MGA shows that it is a gap-of-the- 
god type of assumption.

But it is not a physical fact that arithmetic exists.


  And to say that arithmetic emulates all simulations seems to me to  
'prove to much'.  It's just saying that whatever exists in your  
physical theory is already in my arithmetical theory.

Yes. But at first sight with the measure all wrong. I submit (and  
solve partially) that measure problem.

That your physical reality is in the arithmetical reality is trivial.  
But the UDA shows that the physical reality has to be given by the  
measure on all computations. It means, roughly, that the SWE ,must be  
derived from the measure on the sigma_1 sentences, like the collapse  
phenomenology can be derived from the SWE.

Which is a god-of-the-substrate type argument.

It would be, if we were not just deriving this reversal from a simple  
general, but fertile, assumption: that we are (universal) machine  

I give a theorem, which leads to a problem. Not a solution. (although  
a partial one, which already gives a different (than usual)  
theological perspective.


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Re: Disproving physicalism from COMP

2014-06-30 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 30 Jun 2014, at 02:14, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On 26 June 2014 12:03, LizR wrote:
On 25 June 2014 16:52, meekerdb wrote:
On 6/24/2014 2:29 AM, LizR wrote:

On 24 June 2014 17:04, meekerdb wrote:

If primitive matter existed, and if it has a role for  
consciousness, or for consciousness instantiation, step 8, and the  
argument above, makes that role very mysterious, so much that it is  
not clear why we could still say yes to the doctor in virtue of  
correct digital rendering.

You can still say yes to the doctor because he is going to use  
matter to make your brain prosthesis.

Surely that will just be a copy that thinks it's you - it won't be  
you, so if you are destroyed in the process of making the digital  
copy, you really do die. While in comp the digital copy is you, by  
?? Comp is the theory that it will be you after the doctor gives you  
a prothesis for your brain (plus some other assumptions).  It will  
be you even after you are duplicated (though it's troubling for JKC  
that you is both singular and plural).

Yes, that's right. And primitive materialism would distinguish  
between two identical versions of you, if only because they occupy  
different positions (and due to no-cloning). So a PM copy could only  
ever be a copy that thinks it's you, while a comp copy would be  
one that actually is you (assuming comp is correct, of course).

I don't think comp necessarily includes the idea that the copy  
would be you, just that the copy would be conscious in the same way  
as you.

Then you are using comp in a different sense than in the UDA. I mean  
that if the copy is conscious in the same way as you, but still is not  
you (which is often argued with the teleportation without  
annihilation), then you would not say that you survive in the usual  
clinical sense of surviving from the first person perspective. The  
other guy would only be a well done impostor and you would say No  
thanks to the doctor.

Obviously it is *necessary* that the copy be conscious if it is also  
you, but whether it is *sufficient* is a further argument in the  
philosophy of personal identity. I think it is sufficient, but not  
everyone agrees. Derek Partfit's book Reasons and Persons  
discusses these questions.

I think Parfit is wrong on this, and I vaguely remember having thought  
that it was that error which prevents him to see the FPI. I thought  
that he would have grasped the SWE, he would have understood (as I  
think you do) that such a personal identity notion (distinguishing the  
two comp notion referred above) makes not much sense.

I might take a further look.


Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: Tyson is not atheist (was Re: So, a new kind of non-boolean, non-digital, computer architecture

2014-06-30 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Jun 2014, at 14:00, Kim Jones wrote:

On 28 Jun 2014, at 5:39 am, John Clark wrote:

Given that your average 6th grader knows far more about the  
universe than he ever did why in hell should I read Plotinus??

Yes, kids have the ability to understand a lot more than we give  
them credit for, don't they? I walked into a class of 8th graders at  
a school last week and explained to them the concept of First Person  
Indeterminacy and they all understood from it that there is a very  
strong indeterminism at the heart of reality which is usually  
decribed as deterministic. Amazing; 8th graders (and Plotinus) can  
understand it, yet you can't. Actually, I believe you do understand  
it, but you just don't like it.


Without attenuating your merit, I think that the FPI is plausibly  
easier to explain to kids than to adults, I am afraid. LOL


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Re: Tyson is not atheist (was Re: So, a new kind of non-boolean, non-digital, computer architecture

2014-06-30 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 29 Jun 2014, at 23:19, Kim Jones wrote:

On 29 Jun 2014, at 7:19 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:

I think it is more related with ego-psychological issue than with  
the matter subject.


Precisely. Which is why you will understand that to respond any  
further to the belligerence of his posts is merely an invitation to  
do battle with his ego rather than to seriously explore the subject?  
Each post is a trap that he has laid, a bait. Do not take the hameçon.

I appreciate John Clark effort. he is probably the only detractor of  
the UDA that I know doing this openly and publicly. It is far more  
respectable than any others, which I got only reports by some wutness  
that they said something negative, always behind the back. I have  
never met detractors. Academically, I met only enthusiasm, except form  
those people who told me that there Gödel's theorem was not  
interesting and who like to mock computer scientists (those guys too  
much stupid to do pure mathematics), and which demolished me before I  
could even met them.

Then Clark is more and more clear, making his mistakes more and more  
clear too. And I progress on this somehow delicate point.

I think John Clark is not completely hopeless .He understood all the  
points but still go out of the body in the duplication, and refuse to  
consider the (many) copies *first person experience*.

It is still a bit of a mystery why he seems to avoid that.



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Re: Tyson is not atheist (was Re: So, a new kind of non-boolean, non-digital, computer architecture

2014-06-30 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

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Re: Selecting your future branch

2014-06-30 Thread meekerdb

On 6/30/2014 12:51 AM, Kim Jones wrote:

You are all of these people. You can only experience one of these people. You or God can 
never know which one you will most likely experience 5 minutes from now let alone after 
a year's storage before being emailed to Uranus or Washington or Scotland. Hence there 
is a true randomness in the access you have to your various selves, moment to moment. 
You are these computational relations. They don't cease to exist so how could you?

But not all computational relations are you.  So the ones that are you can cease, as 
when you are under anesthesia.  I put you in scare quotes because it refers to the 
stream of conscious thoughts - which is not the usual meaning of you.  Much is made of 
observer-moments and their sequence, but I just got back from my mother's 100th birthday 
party.  She's still relatively sharp and lives alone, but it's also clear that she's 
fading.  Her sensory perceptions are weak and her thoughts are slower than they once 
were.  I expect that one day she will just fade out altogether, as her mother did at age 
99.  So why imagine that the next observer-moment for her will be any different than the 
observer moment of a rock?

If you want immortality, then I suppose you can imagine some ghost-in-arithmetic that will 
recur in some other place and time, but without you memories why suppose it's you?

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured
by spectacular error.
-- John Kenneth Galbraith

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Re: Pluto bounces back!

2014-06-30 Thread John Mikes
Dear Samiya: I don't argue with you (like PGC) I ask a question going back
further than this entire discussion:
you wrote:

 *I could say that as I studied and observed the beauty and the patterns in
nature, the finest details, I became convinced that there had to be a
Creator behind it, but that also only vindicated my belief... I could think
that may be since I was born in the faith, perhaps that's why it was
natural, but I was asking questions, and I must admit, sometimes even
fantasising how it would have been to be born in another faith or
culture... I can say that the trials and experiences of life brought me
closer to God, made me study the faith earnestly, and helped me discover
the endless patience and my loving God through it all. Yet, I think, the
latent belief was there all along, it was only my conscious self which took
its own sweet time to realise and appreciate it! Whatever may the reason
be, I'm glad that I'm a believer, and I lovingly worship my Creator.*

A simple question: Do you have any idea why and how you 'formulated' in
your conscious self the idea of a god? You mention since I was born in the
faith... - nonsense, nobody has been born in any thinking decision, a
newborn gradually develops ideas about the world (god, or no god) and a
fetus has even less thoughts. You were born without faith, or ideas of god,
just as people are born pagan before they get circumcised, or baptised.
You must have absorbed the first faith-related ideas from your mother as a
little ignorant infant when she prayed. The rest comes from here. Once you
started believing in 'GOD' it is but a small step to believe that (s)he
wrote the scripts and all the rest religion*S *include. With Inquisition,
Jihad, reincarnation etc.

And now the REAL question I want to ask:

We (scientists? mainly) know about zillions of galaxies, zillions of
starsystems in all of them, many planets with those z^z^n stars capable of
supporting some *bio* of their own circumstances, many-many of them
potentially leading to thinking units. Are we the ones selected from all
those to be the sole God's Children, or *all* of them are entitled to Her
care and particular fitting rules?

But the question goes on: how about the animals? are they God's children
as we are, or are they just fodder? and please, do not stop here: PLANTS
have a similar DNA-based *bio* to ours and to most animals' so they may
also claim to be God's Children? Some animals are hard to distinguish from
humans, in certain characteristics. If we go into that: how about insects,
and in-between life-forms? That would raise the originally counted (today)
~8 billion human 'souls' to z^z^z times over with life circumstances
varying in uncanny varieties. Do they all have the same 1 God, or each kind
a separate one?

One word about reincarnation  I mentioned it and you questioned back.
I am no expert in it, but the little what I read from the Sanskrit faith,
 people can (re)incarnate in any 'living' creature-form and vice versa. So
'they' provide a wider variety for gathering merits-sins than during a
single-term human life-span.
In my agnostic worldview, however, death means a decomposition of a
*living?* complexity (person) with functioning 'chunks' surviving with/in
other complexities (a hint to seers/dreamers with personal fragments
showing up). Such idea - of course - opposes the judgemental-day
recombination into the original person to be judged. But I never claimed my
ideas to be correct.

So: when and how did a recognisable God first talk to you and/or disclose
Herself?  (I accept no must be, consequently - or obviously).
In due time is a threat.

Please read carefully my text: I never denied the existence of God, did not
place words in Her speaking, did not denigrate faith or followers. A
student I am

John Mikes

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Samiya Illias

 On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 5:03 AM, Samiya Illias

 On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 1:31 AM, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:

 I respect a possible god's creation more than thinking it somebody's
 job to convert people. This makes god's magnificence, as you call it, very
 small. I still have no idea of whether you see the blaspheme problem here
 or not. PGC

 We agree that it is blasphemy to attribute to God or make statements on
 God's behalf what God hasn't stated. However, we also consider it blasphemy
 to deny God or God's communication, pretending that God hasn't sent any
 message, when God has indeed provided guidance for humans.

 I don't know this and I challenge you, the Quran, indeed anybody, to
 provide convincing evidence.

 Okay, challenge the Quran... read it and see if it answers you with
 convincing evidence.

 Your claim in this regard, could be the very blasphemy you speak of.

 You seem to think that the 

Re: Selecting your future branch

2014-06-30 Thread Kim Jones

 On 1 Jul 2014, at 4:57 am, meekerdb wrote:
 Much is made of observer-moments and their sequence, but I just got back from 
 my mother's 100th birthday party.  She's still relatively sharp and lives 
 alone, but it's also clear that she's fading.  Her sensory perceptions are 
 weak and her thoughts are slower than they once were.  I expect that one day 
 she will just fade out altogether, as her mother did at age 99.  So why 
 imagine that the next observer-moment for her will be any different than the 
 observer moment of a rock?

I think the brain fades but not the self. The older I get the more bizarre the 
disparity between how young I feel and certain things that relate to the 
jouney of the body toward its inevitable demise. The self can only remain 
conerent insofar as the hosting apparatus is up to its job. Any apparent 
fuzziness of self with age is surely the result of loss of signal? The brain 
does start to go down the toilet after about 80 so one would expect 
interference or patchy signal strength. I have an elderly mother in precisely 
the same situation but not quite as old as your mum. She now feels trapped by 
her body because she feels young of spirit and can certainly pick an argument 
just like she used to.


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Re: How can a grown man be an atheist ?

2014-06-30 Thread Stephen Paul King

   Bruno wrote previously ...the physical reality has to be given by the
measure on all computations. Would this not imply that physical reality
has a zero measure?

  My point is that given that the chance of the occurrence of a physical
universe that matches one that can be modeled as some sequence in the UD
is, on average, 0. No? Ummm, should we infer from this that the physical
universe doesn't exist, unlike what my lying eyes are telling me?

If taken seriously, this line of thinking would undermine physics
completely as it casts doubts up the veracity of any data. Why
bother measuring what doesn't exist?!

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 30 Jun 2014, at 01:20, meekerdb wrote:

  On 6/29/2014 1:35 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

  Note that it is an arithmetical fact that arithmetic emulates all
 simulations. Saying that some of those are more real than other is a
 metaphysical assumption, and MGA shows that it is a gap-of-the-god type of

 But it is not a physical fact that arithmetic exists.


   And to say that arithmetic emulates all simulations seems to me to
 'prove to much'.  It's just saying that whatever exists in your physical
 theory is already in my arithmetical theory.

 Yes. But at first sight with the measure all wrong. I submit (and solve
 partially) that measure problem.

 That your physical reality is in the arithmetical reality is trivial. But
 the UDA shows that the physical reality has to be given by the measure on
 all computations. It means, roughly, that the SWE ,must be derived from the
 measure on the sigma_1 sentences, like the collapse phenomenology can be
 derived from the SWE.

 Which is a god-of-the-substrate type argument.

 It would be, if we were not just deriving this reversal from a simple
 general, but fertile, assumption: that we are (universal) machine emulable.

 I give a theorem, which leads to a problem. Not a solution. (although a
 partial one, which already gives a different (than usual) theological


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Kindest Regards,

Stephen Paul King

Senior Researcher

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Re: How can a grown man be an atheist ?

2014-06-30 Thread Russell Standish
On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 06:12:05PM -0400, Stephen Paul King wrote:
Bruno wrote previously ...the physical reality has to be given by the
 measure on all computations. Would this not imply that physical reality
 has a zero measure?
   My point is that given that the chance of the occurrence of a physical
 universe that matches one that can be modeled as some sequence in the UD
 is, on average, 0. No? Ummm, should we infer from this that the physical
 universe doesn't exist, unlike what my lying eyes are telling me?
 If taken seriously, this line of thinking would undermine physics
 completely as it casts doubts up the veracity of any data. Why
 bother measuring what doesn't exist?!

I don't see where you're going with this. With COMP, the chance of our
physical reality appearing in UD* is 1. The only way it could be zero
is if COMP is false.

Where measure comes into it is what is the measure of our observations
- that is necessarily a non-zero number as our observations will
always be finite.

It is important to work out what this measure is, as a relatively low
measure for our observed reality would be an embarrassment for COMP.


Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

 Latest project: The Amoeba's Secret 

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Re: How can a grown man be an atheist ?

2014-06-30 Thread Stephen Paul King
Hi Russell,

   Let me rephrase. You wrote:  With COMP, the chance of our
physical reality appearing in UD* is 1. The only way it could be zero
is if COMP is false.

   I never understood where the measure 1 comes from unless we first take
the existence of an observer to be completely defined by the UDA. If we
introduce a finite measure onto the UD, are we not screwing around with the
usual way of doing statistics? It is not unlike being OK with a very biased

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Russell Standish

 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 06:12:05PM -0400, Stephen Paul King wrote:
 Bruno wrote previously ...the physical reality has to be given by the
  measure on all computations. Would this not imply that physical reality
  has a zero measure?
My point is that given that the chance of the occurrence of a physical
  universe that matches one that can be modeled as some sequence in the UD
  is, on average, 0. No? Ummm, should we infer from this that the physical
  universe doesn't exist, unlike what my lying eyes are telling me?
  If taken seriously, this line of thinking would undermine physics
  completely as it casts doubts up the veracity of any data. Why
  bother measuring what doesn't exist?!

 I don't see where you're going with this. With COMP, the chance of our
 physical reality appearing in UD* is 1. The only way it could be zero
 is if COMP is false.

 Where measure comes into it is what is the measure of our observations
 - that is necessarily a non-zero number as our observations will
 always be finite.

 It is important to work out what this measure is, as a relatively low
 measure for our observed reality would be an embarrassment for COMP.


 Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
 Principal, High Performance Coders
 Visiting Professor of Mathematics
 University of New South Wales

  Latest project: The Amoeba's Secret


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Kindest Regards,

Stephen Paul King

Senior Researcher

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Re: Speaking of free speech...

2014-06-30 Thread LizR
I don't see how the university can stop the student union from banning
things if they want to, but then I can't see how the SU can stop students
from forming a club either! This all seems rather weird... as you say they
can just meet in a bar or cafe if they want to.

Wasn't it students calling for someone to be stoned recently, in a slightly
nastier example of students trying to uphold idiotic laws?

(In my day students GOT stoned, damn it. Never thoght I'd be holding that
up as an example of moral rectitude...)

On 1 July 2014 00:29, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 This seems to be a student union thing. Maybe the university should
 intervene and ban the student union from banning things. It probably will,
 for the sake of it's own reputation.

 I can't help but desire that the university does not intervene, though. It
 is perhaps more instructive to let the students experience, in a somewhat
 safe environment, what happens when you give absolute power to ideologues,
 and let them figure out how to recover freedom in their own terms.

 The Neitzsche club people are smart, they will hold meetings in the
 Starbucks in front of the university and embarrass the apprentice censors.


 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 7:48 AM, meekerdb wrote:

  Nothing like a good university stimulate intellectual debate - about
 who should be prohibited from debating and what should not be mentioned.


 On 6/29/2014 10:41 PM, LizR wrote:

  This is sheer insanity, to quote that bloke from Dad's Army. I can
 only hope that the Neitzsche Club will not be killed off, but made stronger
 - and if it *is* full of rabid ideogogues misrepresenting Friedrich's
 ideas, let them do it in public so everyone can have a good laugh.

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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread Platonist Guitar Cowboy
On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 2:30 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 Pantheists are cool, as are Lobian machines, immaterialists, materialist,
 Schrodinger wave stuff. I do have probs with Marxists-Progressives because
 of the destabilization issue. Udder den dat, let a thousand flowers bloom
 (as Marxist Mao once said). Progressives get very huffy when one publically
 disagrees with them (how dare they!) Looks like Magister Criss did too.
 It's how some people get their amygylas work. It needs a good workout
 every now and then. I am happy to provide the stimuli in this sense. But,
 yes, it does divert the awareness from the nature of consciousness-but
 that's how reality is, as we do the ivory tower waltz-life breaks in like a
 bomb going off in Falujah.

I think it should be obvious that this was a bad try towards humor, and not
an attempt to sell personal politics. PGC

 You maggots think you can get away with ignoring the titles of your
 superiors? 50 Laps and N pushups, all of you except spud: Humans, machines,
 universal ones, Löbian ones, materialists, immaterialists, physicalists,
 Darwinists, pantheists, recursive fetishists, atheists, agnostics,
 idiotics, MSR, P-time nutheads, tronifiers, computationalists, magicians,
 quantum jerks (with AND without collapse of wave function, I don't care)
 and the rest of your foul undisciplined ontological technically genderless

 This is an argument of authority! From an ignorant, hypocrite jerk that
 doesn't believe in them, no less!

 Don't provoke me to deter your asses any more than this. Ok? Good. Emulate
 it. Yes, emulate the goodness. Run it. You won't know whether it'll ever
 stop. That's better, see? :-) PGC

 -Original Message-
 From: Platonist Guitar Cowboy
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:33 pm
 Subject: Re: American Intelligence

 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 1:14 AM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is
 that if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite
 badly. If one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing
 violence to one's fellow primates, this is a great thing. But it is not
 assured, that simply because one tries a peaceable track, that it will even
 work. So, if one fights, why hold back? Observe, the results of the US's
 partial warfare model, and decide for yourself if it has been a brimming
 success or not? The nuclear war thing, I likely fret more about then
 any.other participant, on this mailing list. The primary reason for this is
 that fission, and fusion weapons, are now very old, and the missile tech to
 carry the bombs are only a bit younger. If I was a citizen of Europe, I
 would be very concerned that the deliberate diminishment of US power, would
 invite aggression from places where it would have seemed a laughable,
 fiction, only a decade ago. To wit, you folks are now on your own, with the
 current US leadership. It may not bother you, even a bit, but I see that
 this is a new geopolitical fact. Be well.

  Uhm... thanks for your help and strategic advise, sir.

 We, speaking for all european leftist pacifist tree hugging conspirators
 present, know what to do now: we'll keep relations with US at optimum
 rimming status as we have done for the last 60 odd years, and you can chill
 a bit with the right wing spam editorials on the list. That's just the
 geopolitical situation right now according to PGC HQ (first and therefore
 most prestigious HQ of the list by far!), you get our allegiance, but we
 need a bit of freedom in return. You know qpq sir, strengthen troop morale
 and such.

  Also we should all take your example and call Russell Prof. Standish
 or Professor, from now on exclusively! Any slip up with titles and I will
 ceremonially curse your name with modest restraint in the forest with my
 scary looking but kind canine; only if nobody is watching though, otherwise
 it'll look weird which would be going too far.

 You maggots think you can get away with ignoring the titles of your
 superiors? 50 Laps and N pushups, all of you except spud: Humans, machines,
 universal ones, Löbian ones, materialists, immaterialists, physicalists,
 Darwinists, pantheists, recursive fetishists, atheists, agnostics,
 idiotics, MSR, P-time nutheads, tronifiers, computationalists, magicians,
 quantum jerks (with AND without collapse of wave function, I don't care)
 and the rest of your foul undisciplined ontological technically genderless

 This is an argument of authority! From an ignorant, hypocrite jerk that
 doesn't believe in them, no less!

 Don't provoke me to deter your asses any more than this. Ok? Good. Emulate
 it. Yes, emulate the goodness. Run it. You won't know whether it'll ever
 stop. That's better, see? :-) PGC


Re: How can a grown man be an atheist ?

2014-06-30 Thread Russell Standish
On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 06:44:20PM -0400, Stephen Paul King wrote:
 Hi Russell,
Let me rephrase. You wrote:  With COMP, the chance of our
 physical reality appearing in UD* is 1. The only way it could be zero
 is if COMP is false.
I never understood where the measure 1 comes from unless we first take
 the existence of an observer to be completely defined by the UDA. If we
 introduce a finite measure onto the UD, are we not screwing around with the
 usual way of doing statistics? It is not unlike being OK with a very biased

By definition, UD* contains all possible experiences for all possible
COMP observers. Therefore, you will find our reality somewhere in UD* with

That has nothing to do with measure.

Measure has to do with how likely our observed reality is, when
sampled from the set of all possible observed realities. And that
number is non-zero, simply by virtue that our observed reality is
constrained by a finite number of observations.

You just need to ask the right question...



Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

 Latest project: The Amoeba's Secret 

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Re: How can a grown man be an atheist ?

2014-06-30 Thread Stephen Paul King
Hi Russell,

   I don't get it. How does the constraint of a finite sample overcome the
inherent zero measure?

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Russell Standish

 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 06:44:20PM -0400, Stephen Paul King wrote:
  Hi Russell,
 Let me rephrase. You wrote:  With COMP, the chance of our
  physical reality appearing in UD* is 1. The only way it could be zero
  is if COMP is false.
 I never understood where the measure 1 comes from unless we first take
  the existence of an observer to be completely defined by the UDA. If we
  introduce a finite measure onto the UD, are we not screwing around with
  usual way of doing statistics? It is not unlike being OK with a very

 By definition, UD* contains all possible experiences for all possible
 COMP observers. Therefore, you will find our reality somewhere in UD* with

 That has nothing to do with measure.

 Measure has to do with how likely our observed reality is, when
 sampled from the set of all possible observed realities. And that
 number is non-zero, simply by virtue that our observed reality is
 constrained by a finite number of observations.

 You just need to ask the right question...



 Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
 Principal, High Performance Coders
 Visiting Professor of Mathematics
 University of New South Wales

  Latest project: The Amoeba's Secret


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Stephen Paul King

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Re: Disproving physicalism from COMP

2014-06-30 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On 1 July 2014 03:14, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 30 Jun 2014, at 02:14, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

 On 26 June 2014 12:03, LizR wrote:

 On 25 June 2014 16:52, meekerdb wrote:

 On 6/24/2014 2:29 AM, LizR wrote:

 On 24 June 2014 17:04, meekerdb wrote:

 If primitive matter existed, and if it has a role for consciousness, or 
 for consciousness instantiation, step 8, and the argument above, makes 
 that role very mysterious, so much that it is not clear why we could 
 still say yes to the doctor in virtue of correct digital rendering.

 You can still say yes to the doctor because he is going to use matter to 
 make your brain prosthesis.

 Surely that will just be a copy that thinks it's you - it won't be you, so 
 if you are destroyed in the process of making the digital copy, you really 
 do die. While in comp the digital copy is you, by definition.

 ?? Comp is the theory that it will be you after the doctor gives you a 
 prothesis for your brain (plus some other assumptions).  It will be you 
 even after you are duplicated (though it's troubling for JKC that you is 
 both singular and plural).

 Yes, that's right. And primitive materialism would distinguish between two 
 identical versions of you, if only because they occupy different positions 
 (and due to no-cloning). So a PM copy could only ever be a copy that thinks 
 it's you, while a comp copy would be one that actually is you (assuming 
 comp is correct, of course).

 I don't think comp necessarily includes the idea that the copy would be 
 you, just that the copy would be conscious in the same way as you.

 Then you are using comp in a different sense than in the UDA. I mean that 
 if the copy is conscious in the same way as you, but still is not you (which 
 is often argued with the teleportation without annihilation), then you would 
 not say that you survive in the usual clinical sense of surviving from the 
 first person perspective. The other guy would only be a well done impostor 
 and you would say No thanks to the doctor.

OK, I misunderstood this part of your definition. You have suggested
that comp requires faith, but I thought that this faith involves
believing that the computerised brain will have the same sort of
consciousness as the original; not faith that the copy will be the
same person as the original. The latter claim, I think, follows from
the former logically and not as a matter of faith, because its
negation would result in absurdity as I could then state that I do not
survive from one moment to the next but only have the delusional
belief that I do.

 Obviously it is *necessary* that the copy be conscious if it is also you, but 
 whether it is *sufficient* is a further argument in the philosophy of 
 personal identity. I think it is sufficient, but not everyone agrees. Derek 
 Partfit's book Reasons and Persons discusses these questions.

 I think Parfit is wrong on this, and I vaguely remember having thought that 
 it was that error which prevents him to see the FPI. I thought that he would 
 have grasped the SWE, he would have understood (as I think you do) that such 
 a personal identity notion (distinguishing the two comp notion referred 
 above) makes not much sense.
 I might take a further look.


 Stathis Papaioannou

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Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: Germany sets record for peak energy use - 50 percent comes from solar (Update)

2014-06-30 Thread meekerdb

On 6/30/2014 10:50 AM, John Clark wrote:
On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 2:55 PM, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List wrote:

 LFTR does not exist in reality (at least yet)

And that is not surprising given that the amount of money spent of LFTR research during 
the last half century is virtually zero.

  I have however looked at some interesting solid breeder designs namely
TerraPower’s travelling wave breeder proposal Curious of you have looked at 
wave breeder concept at all?

I am not impressed with the traveling wave reactor, it's just a even more complicated 
type of solid fuel Uranium breeder that was already complacated enough, and it still 
uses molten sodium as a coolant. It's only advantage is that it pushes the the waste 
disposal problem under the rug for 40 or 50 years, but it doesn't burn all the 
transuranics or even all the Uranium so at the end of the reactor's lifetime you've got 
about 240 tons of heavy elements like Uranium and Plutonium and even heavier more exotic 
stuff  and 60 tons of lighter radioactive fission products.

And a traveling wave reactor is big, not in power output but in physical size. A LFTR is 
extremely compact, believe it or not Alvin Weinberg originally came up with the LFTR 
idea because he was told by the Air Force to find a nuclear reactor that could power an 
airplane. Weinberg never thought that a nuclear airplane was a very good idea but he 
took the Air Force money anyway because he was sure that a small very high temperature 
nuclear reactor that operated at atmospheric pressure would be useful for other things.

 We are going to disagree on the ultimate impact of nuclear accidents such 
Chernobyl or Fukushima –I feel that there is actuary evidence to suggest a 
linkage to these events and subsequent cancer deaths

Actually there is no such evidence except when the exposure is huge. I'll have a lot 
more to say about that shortly but I've got to go to work now.

 John K Clark

In fact most deaths due to radiation accidents come from mishandling or misusing medical 
radioisotopes.  Here's a list of all fatalities from radiation accidents.  The “injured” 
counts anyone significantly exposed. The blue ones are reactor related; the green ones are 
medical related.  Of course there's a lot of controversy about how many were exposed by 
the Chernobyl accident and there will be similar controversy about Fukushima.  The Ksythym 
accident happened in the Soviet Union in 1957.  It was at a nuclear fuel reprocessing 
facility that had been built in 1948. There were large underground tanks for storing 
liquid radioactive waste.  Because of the radioactivity it was necessary to cool the 
tanks.  The cooling
system failed on one tank and temperature went up to the point that there was a chemical 
explosion which blew off the top of the tank and spreading a lot of radioactive material 
including a cloud that reach 300Km northeastward.

Windscale was a reactor fire in the U.K. Also in 1957.  The reactor had been built in 
1950.  The fire released large amounts of radioactive material.  Of particular concern was 
Iodine131 which can cause cancer of the thyroid.  All milk in a 500Km2 area was destroyed 
for a month after the accident.  A 2010 followup study of personnel involved in the 
cleanup found no significant health effects.

The other accidents shown here in green are all medical radiation accidents. . The ones 
shown are all from accidental overdose in radiotherapy.  The K ones are Soviet submarine 
accidents.   SL-1 was a steam explosion and meltdown due to improper withdrawal of a 
control rod in an experimental Army reactor.


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Re: How can a grown man be an atheist ?

2014-06-30 Thread Russell Standish
On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 08:32:37PM -0400, Stephen Paul King wrote:
 Hi Russell,
I don't get it. How does the constraint of a finite sample overcome the
 inherent zero measure?

Because a finite constraint matches an infinite number of zero measure

Consider the set of real numbers matching the constraint that the
initial sequence in the binary expansion is 0.110000111

Even though each real number has measure zero, the set of all numbers
matching that constraint has measure 2^{-13} (about 0.000122).

Assuming the standard measure on the reals, of course.


Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

 Latest project: The Amoeba's Secret 

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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread LizR
On 1 July 2014 00:38, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is
 that if one goes to war, half measures and quarter measures end up quite
 badly. If one can achieve peace, justice, and free beer, without doing
 violence to one's fellow primates, this is a great thing. But it is not
 assured, that simply because one tries a peaceable track, that it will even
 work. So, if one fights, why hold back?

 Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet

 Well, I somehow do remember MAD, and it worked with the Sovs, but I
 suspect less so with Iran, Isis and North Kor. Do you disagree?

 (I assume that the above comment is intended as a reply to my comment
above, which was a reply to the comment above that...)

If so, the original question was if one fights, why hold back? to which I
replied that not holding back might destroy the planet. To which spudboy100
says he somehow does remember MAD - I don't honestly see the connection
with my comment. MAD is posturing, the end result of which is NOT to have a
war. But the original question was IF we had a war, THEN why hold back?
Which I thought I answered quite sensibly.

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Re: Selecting your future branch

2014-06-30 Thread LizR
Well, that's quite straightforward. Brent is assuming the (so called)
Aristotelean paradigm, and hence that his mother *is* her brain. Kim is
assuming that it's possible the (so called) Platonic paradigm holds, and
she may not be (and that something like comp may therefore be correct).

I wonder who's right. I guess I'll find out eventually (or not).

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Re: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread LizR
On 1 July 2014 00:37, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 Nuremberg was the who Gobbels propaganda thing, but Stalin had mass
 rallies as well, and North Korea and Iran still does. Malice can wear
 different forms. Le Bon was a fav or Both Adolf and Lenin (not Lennon).

 OK, so you agree with me that it isn't just a Left thing as you said it
was earlier, which is what prompted my comment about Nuremberg rallies in
the first place.

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Re: Is Consciousness Computable?

2014-06-30 Thread LizR

In primitive materialism, what exists are space / time and matter / energy.
Information is an emergent property of the arrangements of those things,
like entropy. Neither of these exist at the level of fundamental particles,
or Planck cells, or strings, or whatever else may be the primitive
mass-energy/space-time) involved.

There are problems with this view if information has primitive status,
which would indicate that the real picture is something like it from bit
or what might be called primitive informationism. Evidence for PI come
from the entropy of black holes, the black hole information paradox, the
Landauer limit, the Beckenstein bound, the holographic principle, and
(unless I already covered that) the requirement that erasing a bit of
information requires some irreducible amount of energy. (And maybe some
other things I don't know about ... perish the thought).

PI isn't equivalent to comp, but from what you said above PI might be a
necessary consequence of comp, which would give the ontological chain
arithmetic - consciousness - information - matter (I think ... this is
all ISTM of course).

As for A Garrett Lisi, I was under the impression that his particles were
something like a point in a weight diagram - or something - which sounds
to me at least like some form of information theoretic entity. But I have
to admit my understanding of how birds and flowers could emerge from the E8
group or whatever it's called is, well, about like this...

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Re: Tyson is not atheist (was Re: So, a new kind of non-boolean, non-digital, computer architecture

2014-06-30 Thread LizR
On 29 Jun 2014, at 19:24, John Clark wrote:

 Why in hell do we keep talking about ancient ignoramuses like Plotinus and
 the worst physicist who ever lived, Aristotle?

 Likewise why mention Galileo or Newton or Maxwell, when they've been shown
to be wrong? Or Einstein or Heisenberg, since we know relativity and
quantum mechanics are only approximations to some as yet unknown TOE?

I think the answer is that you should give credit to whoever originated an
idea, even if s/he only came up with an approximate version that was later
refined (after all, the Ancient Greeks were *very *limited by the available
technology, so merely having these ideas, with essentially no empirical
support, wasn't bad going!).

So atoms and the void (Democritus?) is a reasonable approximation to
primitive materialism even now, and the reflection of perfect forms is
a reasonable approximation to It from Bit.

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Re: Tyson is not atheist (was Re: So, a new kind of non-boolean, non-digital, computer architecture

2014-06-30 Thread LizR
On 1 July 2014 06:53, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 Thinking that atheism could be bad, is like believing that red hair is a
 sign of the devil. Red hair, like atheism, is a difference without a
 distinction. Not, on the other hand is it axiomatically, the sign of a
 great mind. If Tyson is, it's of little concern, unless one is in it for
 gossip. Then it becomes compelling. Was it the writer, Truman Capote who
 said, there are three great things in the world, religion, science, and

 As for me, I am often quite envious of people who are atheists, not for
 the brilliance of their thoughts, but for the cocksure, self-confidence,
 and their apparent ability to be matter of fact in how they deal with the
 great turbulence of the Human Condition. By the way,.this is the first time
 I have use the phrase, cocksure, in a sentence. Anyway,.it's something.I
 admire, unlike when they.chose to egg on the Jesus people, when the
 Islamistand roll red with blood and severed body parts. This, I find
 objectionable, even though I am not a Christian. But I still admire the
 Atheists sureity.

Hmm, I'm not sure I admire complete certainty about non-trivial matters
myself. But as Brent has explained elsewhere it's all down to semantics
anyway, apparently Richard Dawkins believes there may be gods, and hence is
in my terminology agnostic even as he loudly proclaims himself an atheist.

But anyone married to an actor from Doctor Who is good in my book (well,
apart from David Tennant...)

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Blasphemy is a victimless crime.

2014-06-30 Thread meekerdb

A little humor.

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RE: American Intelligence

2014-06-30 Thread 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List


Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: American Intelligence


You have a splendid idea there and many people round the world agree with
you. This is not an irrational argument, though likely, too optimistic. Your
sensibilities, and mine, are not shared globally. look to the new Caliphate,
for an example on people differing in world view. 


This boogie monster, this Caliphate you brandish about as if it should
somehow inspire chills and shivers of fear in all who hear the dread word
mentioned.  is nothing more than a few thousand well-armed Salafi thugs in
the deserts of Syria  Iraq. 

We should be afraid. why exactly?


The funny thing for me is that you will no doubt produce some kind of
answer. so please do humor me. Why should a few thousand scary looking thugs
with automatic weapons in some far away desert scare anybody beyond their
immediate neighbors?




And anyway.. I really hope nobody will ever use nuclear weapons anymore;
this will only result in our own extinction (if anybody ever survive, it
will be at minima the end of our civilization). There is really no point to
ever think it could be a safe detterent to use one. 







-Original Message-
From: Quentin Anciaux
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Jun 30, 2014 11:15 am
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

And anyway.. I really hope nobody will ever use nuclear weapons anymore;
this will only result in our own extinction (if anybody ever survive, it
will be at minima the end of our civilization). There is really no point to
ever think it could be a safe detterent to use one. 




2014-06-30 17:07 GMT+02:00 Quentin Anciaux

The USA has the capacity to destroy the missile before it even touch the
US... USA has not the capacity to do this for all the Russian ICBM *by
treaties* not because it's too difficult... USA has enough anti-ICBM to
destroy any north korean ICBM who would threaten them... I doubt that North
Korea has developed stealth ICBM...  




2014-06-30 17:01 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List 


Quentin, I am more concerned that if North Korea attacks the US, Obama and
his party will do nothing. It'll just make things worse! We cannot risk
things getting out of hand.  The entire human species is at stake. We can
absorb the damage done and minimize our losses. We'd be killing their
children as well as their leaders, we cannot do this! This is what I see,
in reaction to a Kim Strike. Also, as you rightly mentioned: do you really
think that if the USA use nuke against those countries, China and Russia
(and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?


lay back and enjoy it, maybe ;-D ? I am more worried about what our elites
do than what China and Russia do.  I don't see this as a hollow threat, or a
paper tiger, Quentin, as this article indicates. Its from Reuters, which is
a progressive news agency. I never post stuff from Fox, or some blog, when I
engage in polly discussions, because its more meaningful when the news comes
from ones' own.

Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to
escalate to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global

do you really think that if the USA use nuke against those countries, China
and Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?





-Original Message-
From: Quentin Anciaux
To: everything-list

Sent: Mon, Jun 30, 2014 10:16 am
Subject: Re: American Intelligence




2014-06-30 14:38 GMT+02:00 spudboy100 via Everything List

Well, I somehow do remember MAD, and it worked with the Sovs, but I suspect
less so with Iran, Isis and North Kor. Do you disagree?


Yes, from what I've read, a local nuclear conflict is pretty sure to
escalate to a full blown global nuclear conflict leading to global
destruction... do you really think that if the USA use nuke against those
countries, China and Russia (and others who have the bomb) will do nothing ?




Because all out nuclear war would make large chunks of the planet




-Original Message-
From: LizR
To: everything-list
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 8:39 pm
Subject: Re: American Intelligence



On 30 June 2014 11:14, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

I tend to agree with your sentiments, Telmo. My idea, should you care, is
that if one goes to war, half measures and quarter 

Re: Selecting your future branch

2014-06-30 Thread meekerdb

On 6/30/2014 9:03 PM, LizR wrote:
Well, that's quite straightforward. Brent is assuming the (so called) Aristotelean 
paradigm, and hence that his mother /is/ her brain.

I'm assuming (on some evidence) that she, her stream of consciousness, is what her brain 
does.  For example, she remembers her childhood very clearly, better than the recent past 
(like whether or not she's told you about her childhood in the last two days).  I don't 
see how this jibes with Kim's idea of poor reception.


Kim is assuming that it's possible the (so called) Platonic paradigm holds, and she may 
not be (and that something like comp may therefore be correct).

I wonder who's right. I guess I'll find out eventually (or not).

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