Re: Donald Trump, convicted felon

2024-06-08 Thread John Clark
On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 6:21 PM PGC  wrote:

*> I see all this "2 sides to the story" bullshi*t

I agree. Some issues do have 2 sides (Is string theory correct?, Should the
federal reserve try to raise or lower interest rates?) but some clearly do
not (is the world getting warmer?, did Joe Biden win the 2020 election?).
The news media needs to tell the difference.

 > *Should he imitate Trump and endorse something as ambiguous as
> cryptocurrencies?*

No, endorsing Bitcoin will not win Biden any votes.  And it's hard to make
the case that the world would've been worse off if cryptocurrencies had
never been invented.  Cryptocurrencies have been a huge disappointment for
me, I thought they were going to replace dollars, euros and pounds but it's
now clear I was wrong and that isn't going to happen. You can't use
cryptocurrency if you actually wanna buy a car or a house or just about
anything, you must first convert it to one of those national currencies.
The only thing that Bitcoin has ended up doing is wasting an enormous
amount of electricity, and the only thing it's good for is financial
speculation and paying off ransomware criminals.

Some might argue that cryptocurrencies just need a little more time for
them to become important and useful, I might've made that argument myself
18 months ago, but I can't today, AI is advancing far too fast for that. It's
now or never.  And it sure looks like never.

* > Does Donald have the slightest idea what Blockchain is?*

No, but most voters don't know what a Blockchain is either. Given the fact
that if he wins it will be by far the dominant issue facing his
administration during the next 4 years, a more relevant question to ask is
"does convicted felon Donald Trump even know how to spell AI?"

> *> Biden can address this by highlighting the importance of stability and
> regulation in financial systems, subtly questioning the wisdom of jumping
> on every trendy bandwagon.*

The stability and regulation of financial systems is of enormous
importance, but a speech about that is not going to whip a mob into an
orgasm like a Trump speech about whale killing cancer producing windmills
or low flow toilets can. Hmm... perhaps if Biden can find a way to link the
intricacies of the world's financial system to transsexual bathrooms or
drag queen storytime  ..

  John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis



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Re: Donald Trump, convicted felon

2024-06-07 Thread PGC

On Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 1:50:26 PM UTC+2 John Clark wrote:

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 12:17 PM PGC  wrote:

*> I think embracing more direct, brutal honesty could really help.*

*I think it's a lot more complicated than that. Although no previous 
American politician has lied virtually every time he opens his mouth as 
Trump has, all politicians lie and they do it for one simple reason, it 
works. I realize that way back in 1976 when Jimmy Carter was running for 
president. Carter said in a Playboy interview that although he had never 
cheated on his wife, "I've looked at many women with lust and thus 
committed adultery many times in my heart.” The conservative religious 
right was OUTRAGED by his statement. They wanted him to say "I've never had 
the slightest urge to even look at any woman other than my wife regardless 
of how beautiful she was" even though if he had done so they would have 
known he was lying through his teeth. Carter made the mistake of telling 
the truth and was severely punished for it, he almost lost the election as 
a result. Convicted felon Donald Trump is amoral and monumentally stupid 
but he never made Carter's mistake.*

*A mob of mindless Trump accolades like it when their leader lies to them 
even when they know for a fact that he's lying, provided it's a pretty lie 
that reinforces their prejudices and illogical reasoning. If Trump ever 
shut off the spew of lies emanating from his mouth like water through a 
fire hose his movement would collapse in a matter of days.*

Trivially, the sweet lie is more digestible than the uncomfortable 
truth. Trump, on the other hand, has *mastered the art of the appealing lie*, 
reinforcing the biases of his supporters, and it's a tough act to counter. 
Trump framing himself as the “Crypto President” puts Biden in another 
tricky spot. Should he imitate Trump and endorse something as ambiguous as 
cryptocurrencies? Advocates hail crypto as the future, while skeptics see 
it as a Ponzi scheme. Biden can address this by highlighting the importance 
of stability and regulation in financial systems, subtly questioning the 
wisdom of jumping on every trendy bandwagon. Again his PR team fails to 
score points with nuance: Does Donald have the slightest idea what 
Blockchain is?

In the end, Biden can maintain integrity and still counter Trump by being 
direct, empathetic, and solution-oriented. And yes, I agree it's 
complicated, which is why I said "a bit more": it's also why any politician 
speaking in "all CAPS" every day will approach the real world task of 
changing a lightbulb with a *CHAINSAW.* And yes, the chainsaw is indeed 
cool... But it won't stabilize prices or make them drop. It won't give us 
stable crypto returns. His PR team should work towards projecting a more 
genuine image and addressing these concerns, without falling into the trap 
of deceitful populism. In a way, it's also not so complicated: if I saw 
more media headlines in style of your last 2 sentences, I'd be less 
concerned. Instead I see all this "2 sides to the story" bullshit, where 
hatred is given a seat at the table of democratic discourse. 

That's why he declares proudly that he will pull out of treaties etc. With 
the emotional maturity of a nine year old (it insults the nine year olds, 
sorry), he wonders why other non-authoritarian leaders don't follow his 
bleech chainsaw style proposals. It works with the crowds and on 
television, so why not here? And all of these discursive efforts to publish 
enough about Trumpism to give it the appearance of a doctrine...  Media and 
naive assumptions about digitalization are at fault here too. And I want my 
money back from most of my news subscriptions, for some years now. Both 
team blue and red. Same if, as mentioned above, a news outlet feeds "2 
sides of the story", it makes money but wreaks havoc in moving all the 
reference points in the zealot, isolationist, and finally military 
direction. Let's all build more weapons and force the economic growth that 
way... I mean, what did we all expect? That THAT kind of discourse just 
evaporates due to its absurdity? No, we've seen that expectation proven 
wrong too many times. Mastering the art of the appealing lie... and slowly 
believing it yourself. It's ethically fascinating... Is he "responsible" or 
did we all somehow fail to get to such a position?   

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Re: Donald Trump, convicted felon

2024-06-06 Thread John Clark
On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 12:17 PM PGC  wrote:

*> I think embracing more direct, brutal honesty could really help.*

*I think it's a lot more complicated than that. Although no previous
American politician has lied virtually every time he opens his mouth as
Trump has, all politicians lie and they do it for one simple reason, it
works. I realize that way back in 1976 when Jimmy Carter was running for
president. Carter said in a Playboy interview that although he had never
cheated on his wife, "I've looked at many women with lust and thus
committed adultery many times in my heart.” The conservative religious
right was OUTRAGED by his statement. They wanted him to say "I've never had
the slightest urge to even look at any woman other than my wife regardless
of how beautiful she was" even though if he had done so they would have
known he was lying through his teeth. Carter made the mistake of telling
the truth and was severely punished for it, he almost lost the election as
a result. Convicted felon Donald Trump is amoral and monumentally stupid
but he never made Carter's mistake.*

*A mob of mindless Trump accolades like it when their leader lies to them
even when they know for a fact that he's lying, provided it's a pretty lie
that reinforces their prejudices and illogical reasoning. If Trump ever
shut off the spew of lies emanating from his mouth like water through a
fire hose his movement would collapse in a matter of days. *

John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis


By now it should be clear to everybody that Convicted Felon Trump never
built a wall and never made Mexico pay for it, and he never wanted to drain
the swamp, he wanted to own the swamp. And about 1.1 million Americans died
during Trump's watch due to his INCREDIBLE bungling of Covid, a pandemic he
publicly belittled, claiming the Democrats were over blowing the crucial
importance of itjust to make him unpopular, while at the exact same time
privately expressing very deep concern about the epidemic. The convicted
felon also dispensed quack medical advice about how to deal with the
pandemic, advice that was LETHAL. Even Donald Trump's most avid followers
know all this but they just don't care, I don't pretend to have a theory to
explain this phenomenon, but the evidence is overwhelming that the
phenomenon exists.

That's what I'm talking about! Your directness here is what the Biden PR
Team could benefit from. If only his PR team had someone like you to liven
things up a bit!

 > *Biden should Town Hall as much as he can*

If you want to win a Town Hall debate logic will not help you very much,
you need to appeal to base emotions, perhaps that's why Biden is not very
good at them.

I think embracing more direct, brutal honesty could really help. Biden
should adopt a more straightforward tone, directly addressing issues with
candor. This could resonate deeply with voters who crave authenticity. And,
as you point out, logic alone doesn’t win Town Halls. Biden needs to appeal
to base emotions—speak about hope, fear, pride, resilience, and expose the
child princess KFC toddler for what he is. A guy alleging deep state
conspiracies with Justice Department etc. while stating the ambition to
retaliate using it. And although sharing personal stories and real-life
impacts of his policies can create a more emotional connection, we need a
scene in a debate where Biden throws some ketchup or dip onto Trump's suit,
stating "your welcome. You're gonna need it later for when you're back on
the couch." Bring him a Big Mac and ask how dare he question American

*>Emphasize America's role as a global leader and a beacon of hope and
democracy. Contrast this with the isolationist and divisive rhetoric of

There is one thing that Biden should've done on the first day of his
administration, something that would not only have helped him politically
it would also have been the right thing to do, and that is legalize
marijuana. And I say that despite the fact that I have never smoked even
one marijuana cigarette.

Regarding the marijuana legalization timing, the delay does make the
administration seem more focused on election cycles rather than principle.
Biden should address this head-on, perhaps with a bit of humor: “I know it
took us a while to light up this issue, but better late than never, right?”
Acknowledging this mistake with humility can go a long way: “We should have
acted on this sooner. Legalizing marijuana is not just about politics—it’s
about justice, health, and economic opportunity.”

Biden could use positive patriotism to counter Trump’s divisive rhetoric.
Biden can say e.g., “Patriotism isn’t about hate—it’s about love for our
country and all its people and not just some of its people. Facing the
threats of today's world, we cannot afford dvision.” He should articulate a
bold vision for the future that includes economic opportunity, social

Re: Donald Trump, convicted felon

2024-06-05 Thread PGC

On Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 1:06:31 PM UTC+2 John Clark wrote:

On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 8:34 PM PGC  wrote:

*> John, the idea is not for Biden to "become Trump" by emulating his 
behavior, but rather to understand and leverage the appeal of outsider 
narratives, mavericks, [...] He could directly challenge whether Trump 
actually managed to "drain the swamp" as he promised and use specific 
examples where Trump failed to deliver on his promises, *

By now it should be clear to everybody that Convicted Felon Trump never 
built a wall and never made Mexico pay for it, and he never wanted to drain 
the swamp, he wanted to own the swamp. And about 1.1 million Americans died 
during Trump's watch due to his INCREDIBLE bungling of Covid, a pandemic he 
publicly belittled, claiming the Democrats were over blowing the crucial 
importance of itjust to make him unpopular, while at the exact same time 
privately expressing very deep concern about the epidemic. The convicted 
felon also dispensed quack medical advice about how to deal with the 
pandemic, advice that was LETHAL. Even Donald Trump's most avid followers 
know all this but they just don't care, I don't pretend to have a theory to 
explain this phenomenon, but the evidence is overwhelming that the 
phenomenon exists.

That's what I'm talking about! Your directness here is what the Biden PR 
Team could benefit from. If only his PR team had someone like you to liven 
things up a bit! 

 > *Biden should Town Hall as much as he can*

If you want to win a Town Hall debate logic will not help you very much, 
you need to appeal to base emotions, perhaps that's why Biden is not very 
good at them.

I think embracing more direct, brutal honesty could really help. Biden 
should adopt a more straightforward tone, directly addressing issues with 
candor. This could resonate deeply with voters who crave authenticity. And, 
as you point out, logic alone doesn’t win Town Halls. Biden needs to appeal 
to base emotions—speak about hope, fear, pride, resilience, and expose the 
child princess KFC toddler for what he is. A guy alleging deep state 
conspiracies with Justice Department etc. while stating the ambition to 
retaliate using it. And although sharing personal stories and real-life 
impacts of his policies can create a more emotional connection, we need a 
scene in a debate where Biden throws some ketchup or dip onto Trump's suit, 
stating "your welcome. You're gonna need it later for when you're back on 
the couch." Bring him a Big Mac and ask how dare he question American 


*>Emphasize America's role as a global leader and a beacon of hope and 
democracy. Contrast this with the isolationist and divisive rhetoric of 

There is one thing that Biden should've done on the first day of his 
administration, something that would not only have helped him politically 
it would also have been the right thing to do, and that is legalize 
marijuana. And I say that despite the fact that I have never smoked even 
one marijuana cigarette.

Regarding the marijuana legalization timing, the delay does make the 
administration seem more focused on election cycles rather than principle. 
Biden should address this head-on, perhaps with a bit of humor: “I know it 
took us a while to light up this issue, but better late than never, right?” 
Acknowledging this mistake with humility can go a long way: “We should have 
acted on this sooner. Legalizing marijuana is not just about politics—it’s 
about justice, health, and economic opportunity.”

Biden could use positive patriotism to counter Trump’s divisive rhetoric. 
Biden can say e.g., “Patriotism isn’t about hate—it’s about love for our 
country and all its people and not just some of its people. Facing the 
threats of today's world, we cannot afford dvision.” He should articulate a 
bold vision for the future that includes economic opportunity, social 
justice, global leadership and how many times he's been hindered to do his 
job by gridlock. Paint himself as the rebel and outsider here. Acknowledge 
the dissatisfaction and show and name every congressperson and/or senator 
standing in the way of everything his administration tried to acheive. 

And we should draft you into his PR team to keep things interesting and 
less bland. Fire his PR Team heads and get some Holywood folks and 
comedians to craft some black ops top secret PR moves. And Brent recognizes 
the potential for post-election violence, which is a significant 
consideration for election security and stability. With team red armed to 
the teeth, team blue needs mortars, tanks, air support; and it would still 
be ok because Dems are noobs with weapons. So Team red couldn't scream "no 
fair". Dems could build machine guns with vaccine in the ammunition. 

If the everything list crew could direct PR for his campaign, boxer shorts 
princess waiting for Stormy in his bed with KFC bucket throwing ketchup at 
the wall he didn't get Mexico 

Re: Donald Trump, convicted felon

2024-06-05 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 8:34 PM PGC  wrote:

*> John, the idea is not for Biden to "become Trump" by emulating his
> behavior, but rather to understand and leverage the appeal of outsider
> narratives, mavericks, [...] He could directly challenge whether Trump
> actually managed to "drain the swamp" as he promised and use specific
> examples where Trump failed to deliver on his promises, *

By now it should be clear to everybody that Convicted Felon Trump never
built a wall and never made Mexico pay for it, and he never wanted to drain
the swamp, he wanted to own the swamp. And about 1.1 million Americans died
during Trump's watch due to his INCREDIBLE bungling of Covid, a pandemic he
publicly belittled, claiming the Democrats were over blowing the crucial
importance of itjust to make him unpopular, while at the exact same time
privately expressing very deep concern about the epidemic. The convicted
felon also dispensed quack medical advice about how to deal with the
pandemic, advice that was LETHAL. Even Donald Trump's most avid followers
know all this but they just don't care, I don't pretend to have a theory to
explain this phenomenon, but the evidence is overwhelming that the
phenomenon exists.

 > *Biden should Town Hall as much as he can*

If you want to win a Town Hall debate logic will not help you very much,
you need to appeal to base emotions, perhaps that's why Biden is not very
good at them.

*>Emphasize America's role as a global leader and a beacon of hope and
> democracy. Contrast this with the isolationist and divisive rhetoric of
> Trump.*

There is one thing that Biden should've done on the first day of his
administration, something that would not only have helped him politically
it would also have been the right thing to do, and that is legalize
marijuana. And I say that despite the fact that I have never smoked even
one marijuana cigarette.

  John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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Re: Donald Trump, convicted felon

2024-06-04 Thread PGC

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 1:22:04 PM UTC+2 John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 5:20 PM PGC  wrote:

*> Don't underestimate feelings/perceptions, no matter how false or 
distorted they appear.*

If you're correct (and I sure hope you're not) and the people are not 
interested in the facts or in the honesty or competency of their president 
then the only thing Biden could do to increase his odds of winning is to 
become just as incompetent and lie with the same machine gun rate that 
Convicted Felon Donald Trump has done throughout his entire life. Or Biden 
could simply do what the Convicted Felon In Chief tried to do in 2020 and 
declare that the results of the 2024 election were rigged and threaten or 
bribe 270 of the 538 members of the Electoral College to vote for Biden. 
And if that failed Biden could try to get the military to stage a coup 
d'état on his behalf and decree that the US Constitution is now null and 
void and Biden is therefore president for life. 

In other words you seem to be saying the only way Biden could win is if he 
starts behaving exactly like convicted felon Donald Trump; but then it 
really wouldn't matter who won the election because the country would be 
doomed either way.  

John, the idea is not for Biden to "become Trump" by emulating his 
behavior, but rather to understand and leverage the appeal of outsider 
narratives, mavericks, and reformers which resonate deeply with many 
Americans. Biden's extensive institutional background restricts him from 
adopting this posture effectively. If he continues to focus solely on 
reframing the discussion around actual facts and legislative successes, his 
campaign risks coming across as elitist, overly institutionalist, 
complicated, and apologetic.

In game theoretic terms, Biden is ceding the initiative to Trump by 
allowing him to define what America means. Trump, with his powerful media 
presence, satisfies a collective yearning for identity, even if through 
falsehoods. Americans seem to prefer someone who can boldly define a 
narrative, however flawed.

Biden could reclaim the Narrative of American Greatness. Biden should 
boldly counter Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan by asserting that 
America has always been great. Emphasize that the accomplishments and 
resilience of the American people are proof of this and that Trump and his 
ilk were not a part of that. Steal the cap. 

He could directly challenge whether Trump actually managed to "drain the 
swamp" as he promised and use specific examples where Trump failed to 
deliver on his promises, thereby questioning his credibility as a reformer. 
Keep the discourse focused on the legislative measures that would have 
benefited voters, had opponents not gridlocked them in congress etc.

He could also adopt a more aggressive stance in general, without resorting 
to dishonesty: Call out Trump’s failures and present a clear contrast 
between the chaos under Trump and the steady progress under Biden. Or he 
could challenge Trump's values head-on. Hint: there isn’t much to attack. 
He is who he is, so the Biden campaign should make Trump their trump. Just 
describe what he does. He sits around with his bucket of KFC and get's 
angry at the news, screaming at the TV- kind of thing.

Biden should Town Hall as much as he can. Emphasize America's role as a 
global leader and a beacon of hope and democracy. Contrast this with the 
isolationist and divisive rhetoric of Trump. There are so many 
roads/opportunities not taken even along these shallow lines I’m only 
sketching here. That, or they aren’t powerfully enough represented in the 
media. His media/PR is not managing to get these things across, even if 
they are trying.

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Re: Donald Trump, convicted felon

2024-06-04 Thread John Clark
On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 5:20 PM PGC  wrote:

*> Don't underestimate feelings/perceptions, no matter how false or
> distorted they appear.*

If you're correct (and I sure hope you're not) and the people are not
interested in the facts or in the honesty or competency of their president
then the only thing Biden could do to increase his odds of winning is to
become just as incompetent and lie with the same machine gun rate that
Convicted Felon Donald Trump has done throughout his entire life. Or Biden
could simply do what the Convicted Felon In Chief tried to do in 2020 and
declare that the results of the 2024 election were rigged and threaten or
bribe 270 of the 538 members of the Electoral College to vote for Biden.
And if that failed Biden could try to get the military to stage a coup
d'état on his behalf and decree that the US Constitution is now null and
void and Biden is therefore president for life.

In other words you seem to be saying the only way Biden could win is if he
starts behaving exactly like convicted felon Donald Trump; but then it
really wouldn't matter who won the election because the country would be
doomed either way.

 John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis

> Facts matter less. Even if economy is growing, unemployment is low,
> inflation is falling, and Trump is convicted, purchasing power of the
> average household, due to the inflation/greedflation of the last 4 years,
> will *feel* like it has decreased; particularly for the large segment
> making less than 100-200k. Biden has consistently low approval ratings,
> barely manages to tie Trump in national head-to-head polls, and is weaker
> in swing states. The age issue and his being a Washington Insider for so
> long is also problematic as he appears like an apologist for dysfunction,
> when Trump gets to play insurrectionist against all the systemic issues the
> US faces for years: a questionable response to the deadliest pandemic in a
> century, rising prices and interest rates, growing levels of public and
> private debt, rising rates of homelessness and the spread of tent
> encampments in US cities, migrants on the southern border,  gun violence,
> mental illness, depression, addiction, suicide, chronic illness and
> obesity, coupled with a decline in life expectancy. I'm not arguing facts
> here, but this is the perception and tone of the media I see being
> over-consumed in the US.
> And then the stupidity of the folks running PR and strategy for Biden's
> campaign to ignore all of it and try to reframe everything in terms of
> legislative successes, student loan forgiveness, how well the economy is
> ACTUALLY doing etc. All irrelevant when most citizens walk into a store and
> find nothing under 5$ anymore... remembering very well that it wasn't like
> this not too long ago. Why should/would they care about actual
> macroeconomic growth or whatever? The chipper "Everything is fine" way in
> which the voter is supposed to feel that Biden is their energetic, great
> choice, in face of the lunacy of the other guy... It's disingenuous as it
> doesn't remotely feel like it addresses anything folks seem to care about.
> It's as if the whole Biden PR Team is happy to earn their salary and pop
> anti-anxiety meds until after the election.
> This way, Dems are handing it to Trump. Aside from actually choosing a
> more charismatic candidate, the tone should shift to reflect the actual
> mood of the US. According to one of the recent Gallup surveys on the "Are
> you satisfied the way things are going in the U.S.?" question: 3 out of 4
> Americans aren't. Plus, we live in a time in which incumbents rarely
> recover initial popularity. This narrative has to be turned on its head:
> Biden shouldn't be stuck with the out-of-touch defender of status quo card.
> He should listen to the national mood, take a step back from being an
> insider, and go for/announce effective reforms based on the real
> perceptions of the most relevant demographics. Stage listening and talking
> to them non-stop. Admit that shit is broken when it is, instead of trying
> to sell voters a Ferrari that looks like the old chevy. It's not about
> truth, but perception for most people. And in this department, barring
> something huge happening in between, Biden is leading democracy into the
> darkness he is condemning. Authoritarians around the world cannot wait for
> the count to come in after 5th November.

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Re: Donald Trump, convicted felon

2024-06-03 Thread PGC
Don't underestimate feelings/perceptions, no matter how false or distorted 
they appear.

Facts matter less. Even if economy is growing, unemployment is low, 
inflation is falling, and Trump is convicted, purchasing power of the 
average household, due to the inflation/greedflation of the last 4 years, 
will *feel* like it has decreased; particularly for the large segment 
making less than 100-200k. Biden has consistently low approval ratings, 
barely manages to tie Trump in national head-to-head polls, and is weaker 
in swing states. The age issue and his being a Washington Insider for so 
long is also problematic as he appears like an apologist for dysfunction, 
when Trump gets to play insurrectionist against all the systemic issues the 
US faces for years: a questionable response to the deadliest pandemic in a 
century, rising prices and interest rates, growing levels of public and 
private debt, rising rates of homelessness and the spread of tent 
encampments in US cities, migrants on the southern border,  gun violence, 
mental illness, depression, addiction, suicide, chronic illness and 
obesity, coupled with a decline in life expectancy. I'm not arguing facts 
here, but this is the perception and tone of the media I see being 
over-consumed in the US. 

And then the stupidity of the folks running PR and strategy for Biden's 
campaign to ignore all of it and try to reframe everything in terms of 
legislative successes, student loan forgiveness, how well the economy is 
ACTUALLY doing etc. All irrelevant when most citizens walk into a store and 
find nothing under 5$ anymore... remembering very well that it wasn't like 
this not too long ago. Why should/would they care about actual 
macroeconomic growth or whatever? The chipper "Everything is fine" way in 
which the voter is supposed to feel that Biden is their energetic, great 
choice, in face of the lunacy of the other guy... It's disingenuous as it 
doesn't remotely feel like it addresses anything folks seem to care about. 
It's as if the whole Biden PR Team is happy to earn their salary and pop 
anti-anxiety meds until after the election.

This way, Dems are handing it to Trump. Aside from actually choosing a more 
charismatic candidate, the tone should shift to reflect the actual mood of 
the US. According to one of the recent Gallup surveys on the "Are you 
satisfied the way things are going in the U.S.?" question: 3 out of 4 
Americans aren't. Plus, we live in a time in which incumbents rarely 
recover initial popularity. This narrative has to be turned on its head: 
Biden shouldn't be stuck with the out-of-touch defender of status quo card. 
He should listen to the national mood, take a step back from being an 
insider, and go for/announce effective reforms based on the real 
perceptions of the most relevant demographics. Stage listening and talking 
to them non-stop. Admit that shit is broken when it is, instead of trying 
to sell voters a Ferrari that looks like the old chevy. It's not about 
truth, but perception for most people. And in this department, barring 
something huge happening in between, Biden is leading democracy into the 
darkness he is condemning. Authoritarians around the world cannot wait for 
the count to come in after 5th November.  

On Friday, May 31, 2024 at 2:00:58 AM UTC+2 Brent Meeker wrote:

> I don't see how his sentence can be less than that of Michael Cohen who 
> was sentenced to 2yrs for what he did *on behalf *of Trump.   The problem 
> is that is that  Trump will appeal any sentence which will then take at 
> least a year to get up to his "supremes".  If he's elected in Nov. they wll 
> rule he can't be removed from office and so put off his incarceration at 
> least till Jan 2028.
> The only path of avoiding a crisis is reelection of Biden.  Even that will 
> result in some violence by MAGAts in some locales.
> Brent
> On 5/30/2024 4:09 PM, John Clark wrote:
> I guess Republicans are now planning to move the oval office from the 
> White House to a penitentiary. 
> John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis 
> wxx
> -- 
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Re: Donald Trump, convicted felon

2024-05-30 Thread Brent Meeker
I don't see how his sentence can be less than that of Michael Cohen who 
was sentenced to 2yrs for what he did /*on behalf */of Trump.   The 
problem is that is that  Trump will appeal any sentence which will then 
take at least a year to get up to his "supremes". If he's elected in 
Nov. they wll rule he can't be removed from office and so put off his 
incarceration at least till Jan 2028.

The only path of avoiding a crisis is reelection of Biden.  Even that 
will result in some violence by MAGAts in some locales.


On 5/30/2024 4:09 PM, John Clark wrote:
I guess Republicans are now planning to move the oval office from the 
White House to a penitentiary.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at Extropolis 

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