Re: [expert] Making an MP3 box... suggestions needed

2001-01-08 Thread Stefan Srdic

Vincent Danen wrote:

> Yeah, I was looking at the MP3 live 5.1 card (about half the price of
> the platinum since the remote for the platinum won't do me much good
> anyways).  Do you know what kind of digital outs those cards have?
> Are they coax or optical?  My DVD player is connected to the sole
> optical input on the amp, but I have two coax inputs that I can use.
> And thanks for the tip... I'll have to check FS's website...  Right
> now I'm just gonna put a 640x480 monitor in a covered space beneath
> the TV until a better solution presents itself.  =)

Probly optical, I'm not sure, like I said before I'm still using an SB16

Take a look over at:

You might be able to find the info that your looking for there :-D

Two things worth mentioning, Creative only supports drivers for Windows
9.x and NT, and, I also saw a SoundBlaster LIVE Platinum OEM with
digital outs over at CompuSmart for 80 bucks...


Re: [expert] Making an MP3 box... suggestions needed

2001-01-07 Thread Stefan Srdic

Vincent Danen wrote:
> Really?  Maybe I should find an ISA SB16 and use the other PCI slot
> for a video card (assuming I can turn off the onboard video).
> Like you said, a little more research...  having only two PCI slots
> limits me somewhat.  Oh well... I think I should be able to do it
> easily enough, but it'll be interesting...  Thanks for the ideas!
> --

You should be able to disable the onboard video through the BIOS or with
a jumper on the mobo...

If your the lucky owner of a 10/100 switch or bridge you could go with a
10Mbps ISA NIC, if your only going to be transfering MP3's a 10Mbps ISA
NIC will do. You can also overclock the ISA bus to increase transfer
speed of the NIC too (see the Linux Ethernet-HOWTO -> performance

You could then save the PCI slots for a high-end sound card with digital
outputs and video card. BTW, I though I saw a TV card at Future Shop, it
might be worth looking into with all these holiday sales going on :-D

Re: [expert] Making an MP3 box... suggestions needed

2001-01-07 Thread Stefan Srdic

Vincent Danen wrote:
> Well, I finally got my hands on a low-end machine (hmmm... that seems
> backwards).  This one is a cast off of my brothers and is a Compaq
> Deskpro P60 or something with 48MB RAM.  Has a 2GB HDD.  I'm putting
> in a 10/100 realtek PCI nic and want to put in a soundblaster.  I plan
> on mounting my machine's MP3 drive via NFS on this little box and
> hooking it up to my home stereo.  Since the home stereo is a Harman
> Kardon amp with Nuance speakers, I obviously want the best soundcard I
> can get to take advantage of the system it'll be connecting to.
> I was thinking of the sb live platinum 5.1.  It has that front panel
> with the infrared remote control and such.  It's a little pricy for us
> Canadians, so I want to make sure it'll do what I hope it will.  Has
> anyone run one of these beasties under Linux?  Specifically, I'm
> hoping there is some way to make the remote control xmms if possible.
> I want this box to be headless or, if necessary, have it connected to
> my TV (I have no idea if this is possible... I know you can get video
> cards to bring the TV *in*, but is there a video card to put the video
> out to a TV, and if so, what kind?).  Considering how much of this
> stuff is onboard (it is a Compaq), I'm not sure if another videocard
> will work on it (anyone know?).  If nothing else, is there some kind
> of convertor to take a standard VGA out to a TV in?  Maybe that might
> be the easiest way (although I have no idea if this kind of thing
> exists).  All I want is a way to see what xmms is doing so i can
> change songs or something (if the remote doesn't work).
> Maybe there's a better way to do this with a console app, like
> mpg123...  I mean, I can ssh into the box from another machine and get
> it to start playing, but that's kind of a pain in the butt and I'd
> rather avoid it if necessary.
> As you can see, I haven't the first clue about this sort of thing.  I
> absolutely horrible with electronics, and I've followed some mp3-box
> "how-to's" out there about buying an LCD display you connect to your
> serial port to display what songs are playing and some really funky
> ways to control the player with a remote.  I'm looking for a
> relatively cheap way to do it (the platinum would be the most
> expensive component considering I got this machine free, I don't want
> to spend much more than the cost of the soundblaster card).
> Anyone done this or am I asking the impossible?  Heck, it might be
> impossible to get Linux installed on this thing...  I haven't even
> tried that yet (talk about getting way ahead of myself).  Anyways,
> it's a weekend project and I was wondering if someone had an
> experience with something like this so I'm not beating a dead horse if
> someone else has a magic recipe or knows of some programs that will do
> what I want.
> Thanks muchly in advance.
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
> 1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD
>  - Danen Consulting,
>  - MandrakeSoft, Inc. Security
> Current Linux uptime: 1 day 5 hours 23 minutes.

You'll be able to play MP3's on the Pentium CPU since it has a math
co-prossecor, but unless you've got a DMA capable hard drive and lots of
RAM the songs will play back real choppy. You need to first load the
selected song into memory and then have the CPU read it from there.
Fortunetly you have 48MB of RAM, so creating a RAMdisk or 6-8MB should
not be a problem. I dont know how, but you'll need to write a script or
use a program that accomplishes that.

You can get SVGA (interlaced, multiple refresh rates) to TV (30
frames/sec interlaced) converters, I have used a few when reparing
computer monitors. There pretty pricey though -> 800 bucks CND+  I would
recomend an ATI All in Wonder to view xmms onto your TV, but its AGP
based architecture... Maybe you should do some research and try to find
an PCI based video card which supports TV out and is also supported
under Linux.

I'm still using my old SoundBlaster 16 ISA to play music with, it does
16bit 44,100 KHz stereo which is all you'll need to play MP3's. I think
that you'll notice more sound degregation from bad cabling or audio
connections :-D

In my opinion, you'd be better off using a text-based version of Linux
with a text-based MP3 player. You could then control the player through
the keyboard. You could even program a few macros into the keypad to
accomplish basic task like play/forward/backward/stop etc... 


Re: [expert] open ports and firewalling

2001-01-05 Thread Stefan Srdic

John W wrote:
>  This is a result of an Nmap scan on my box. I am wondering if the open ports
> can be closed or filtered. 

Use the following ipchains input and output rules, only modify them to
reflect upon the port or service that you wish to DENY :-D

/sbin/ipchains -A input -i [interface] -s [port] -l -j DENY
/sbin/ipchains -A output -i [interface] -d [port] -l -j DENY

You can also use the -p option to specify the connection protocol (UDP
or TCP) depending on the service that you wish to block. Use it before
specifying the source or destination of the packet.

It is better practice to set the default filtering policies to DENY or
REJECT all packets and then ALLOW only those services that you need.


[expert] ipchains daemon

2001-01-01 Thread Stefan Srdic

I noticed the nice ipchains script in the init.d directory. It's
supposed to read a ruleset and activate or deactivate ipchains whenever
you switch runlevels.

I want to make that script read my current firewall/masq'ing script. I
noticed how the ipchains script in /etc/rc.d/init.d allows you to point
out your current ruleset. I tried to use my current ipchains script but
always get the following error:

[root@edtn007632 init.d]# ./ipchains start
Flushing all current rules and user defined chains:[  OK  ]
Clearing all current rules and user defined chains:[  OK  ]
Applying ipchains firewall rules: Try `/sbin/ipchains -h' or
'/sbin/ipchains --help' for more information.
ipchains command echo -n "Configuring packet filtering policies... "
This is /sbin/ipchains-restore v1.1.2
If this is the latest version of ipchains-restore, and the input
was created using the latest version of ipchains-save, then I'd
really appreciate a bug report. Please send the input you used,
and all the output from this program to the author,
`[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with `BUG-REPORT' in the subject
line so I know to read the message.

I could'nt find any documentation on this ipchains script, am I using a
wrong format to define my IP rules?


Re: [expert] Accessing Voodoo board.

2000-12-09 Thread Stefan Srdic

Sheldon Lee Wen wrote:

> You got the 3dfx kernel module driver to work with 4.0.1?
> I tried it and it would work, but after I exited from a game X would be hosed.
> I got weird screen artifacts.
> Hmm. I sounds like the module isn't loaded. Try an lsmod and
> see if it is loaded. If not do a modprobe 3dfx. If it is try removing
> the module (rmmod 3dfx) reloading it with the modprobe.
> Did you install the latest version of the Glide package?
> ===
> "... all thoughts of selfish desire, ill-will, hatred and
>  violence are the result of a lack of wisdom ... "
>  - Buddha
> For an awsome fantasy role playing game checkout:
> ===
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What is the module alias for 3dfx.o?

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[expert] Where to aquire Spice RPM -> ?

2000-12-05 Thread Stefan Srdic

I 've been using Oregano (the circuit design tool for Gnome) for quiet
some time now. I have a few personal designs that I want to test out but
unfortunetly Mandrake 7.2 does not come SPICE to run the testing

Where could I aquire the SPICE source RPM for Mandrake or even the
binaries for SPICE?



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[expert] Accessing Voodoo board.

2000-12-05 Thread Stefan Srdic

I've have being trying to get my Voodoo 3 working under XFree86-4.0.1
with the Glide drivers.

I compiled and installed Device3Dfx-2.3-5. I then removed the
Glide_V3-DRI packages and installed the Glide_V3-2.60 packages. Now,
when I attemp to run the test files that come with the Glide packages I
get a segmentation fault .

My error message looks like this:

gd error (glide): Can't find or access Banshee/V3 board
gd error (glide): grSstSelect:  non-existent SSTSegmentation fault

I'm running Linux Mandrake 7.2. I have gotten my Voodoo 3 to work under
Mandrake 7.1 with the Glide drivers and XFree86-4.0.1 before. Why cant I
access the board in Mandrake 7.2?

Should I compile the old Device3Dfx sources from and try it

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[expert] Using the route utility..

2000-11-29 Thread Stefan Srdic

I've been reading through a book of mine which describes many, if not
all, of the basic commands for the Linux platform.

While reading through the administration section I noticed quiet a few
goodies about the route comman.

As it appears, you can set your own MSS and RWIN to a given route by
using the "window W" and "mss M" options. I have tried this several
times and always get an error message.

I want to set my TCP receive window to 65535 (64KB) to all paths, or my
internet gateway, how could I acomplish this?

I've tried using: route -A inet -add "ip" target "netmask" window 65535
dev eth0

with no sucess...

Does anybody have any sugestions?


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[expert] How can I get rid of Aurora?

2000-11-25 Thread Stefan Srdic

I've recently upgraded to Mandrake 7.2, so far I'm impressed..

However I have no taste for Aurora at boot time, I know that getting rid
of Aurora is as simple as editing the rc.sysinit file but I dont feel
confident enough to reverse-engineer that code. Is there any feature or
app that will allow me to disable Aurora?


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[expert] NetaTalk RPM dependencies problems.....

2000-11-24 Thread Stefan Srdic

I've been working on an old computer for a friend of mine, I've built an
old Pentium 100 with 32 MB of RAM to serve as an internet and a Mac file
and print server.

I'm running into several problems when attempting to install the
NetaTalk+Asun i386 RPM package. Whenever I attemp to install the
RPM I receive the following:

error: failed dependencies is needed by netatalk-1.4.b2+asun2.1.4-0

This leads me to beleive that I'm missing an important package! How can
I find out which package I need to successfully install NetaTalk?



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[expert] NetaTalk source RPMs

2000-11-23 Thread Stefan Srdic

I've been working on a computer for a friend of mine, I will be
networking it with a Mac and I plan to use it as a Mac file and print
server using NetaTalk ( Linux Appletalk). I've found several source RPM
packages on sourceforge but I can never download them because the
sourceforge servers are too busy!!

Are there any mirrors where I could find NetaTalk pre-packaged for
Mandrake 7.1?


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Re: [expert] Has anyone ever clustered Mandrake servers?

2000-11-16 Thread Stefan Srdic

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, you wrote:
> No flames please but Openlinux has a cluster server product you can install.
> On 11/16/2000 at 4:11 PM James Little scribbled:
> >We have 4 identical poweredge Xeon 550 machines.  They each have two network
> >cards, and are on their own 10 port switch.  The database we had them
> >running has now moved to a single quad processor 733 machine.  They're
> >sitting there now with NT 4.0 advanced server doing nothing.  Anybody know
> >how to cluster them running Mandrake or RedHAt.  I read everything I could
> >find, but it's foggy at best.
> >
> >
> >
> >Keep in touch with
> >Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Go and get RedHat 7.0 with the VALinux clustering extensions...

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[expert] Installing HostSentry

2000-11-16 Thread Stefan Srdic

Does anybody have any good links or information on installing and
configuring HostSentry?



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Re: [expert] Getting two networks cards to work under the same module!

2000-11-15 Thread Stefan Srdic

Thanks for all of your help, I finally managed to get both of these
clones working properly. A problem that I overlooked was an IRQ
conflict between a legacy SB16 and the DE-250 NIC, to solve this I had
to recofigure the DE-250 to io=0x340 and irq=9 (irq=10 was used by the

After all of the conflicts where settle my /etc/conf.modules looked
alias eth0 ne
alias eth1 ne
options eth0 -o ne-0 io=0x300 irq=11
options eth1 -o ne-1 io=0x340 irq=11


>Not if they're both set to the same IP address, or on the same
>network. Did you mean, say,\24 and\24??

Thanks for the tip, I should have remembered that from my Network+
studies :-=D


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Re: [expert] Getting two networks cards to work under the same module!

2000-11-15 Thread Stefan Srdic

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, you wrote:
> How is it out of the question... You just said they were the same...
> > I have eth0 set to with a 24
> > bit subnet mask ( and eth1 set to with a 24
> > bit subnet mask so an IP addressing error is out of the question.
SOrry, I made a little mistake. The NICs are setup as IP:
and both with a subnet of

I have then setup this way because I already have a Masquerading server
setup in my house. Once I get both NIC's working I can use them to
communicate back and forth from my server.

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Re: [expert] Getting two networks cards to work under the same module!

2000-11-15 Thread Stefan Srdic

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, you wrote:
> It seems to me that the original poster "must" use the "options"
> keyword in his /etc/modules.conf file because he is using
> an NE2000 (or compatible) ISA NIC card, which requires you to
> give address & IRQ information.
> I also have 2 NIC cards in my machine at home, but I only have
> 1 NE2000 compatible ISA NIC card (the other is a PCI non-NE2000).
> I would try:
> options eth0 io=0x300 irq=11
> options eth1 io=0x280 irq=10
> which should work since eth0 & eth1 are aliases (according to
> the man page for modules.conf).
> Good luck.
> Ron Heron wrote:
> > 
> > Have you tried NOT using the options? if that doesn't
> > work, try placing the options lines after their
> > respective alias lines.
> > 

Thanks for both of your replies, I attemped once again to set these
NICs up. I edited the conf.modules file to look like:

alias eth0 ne
alias eth0 ne
options eth0 ne-0 io=0x300 irq=11
options eth1 ne-1 io=0x280 irq=10

>From what I have read (ethernet HOW-TO, Modules.conf man pages) this
loads the module for each respective alias. After making these
ajusments I modprobed eth0 and modprode eth1 with no error messages!
Afterwards I restarted my network using the "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network
restart" command and received an error when bringing up interface eth1.

The ouput looks like this:

Shuting down interface eth0 [Ok]
Shuting down interface eth1 [Ok]
Disabling packet forwading  [Ok]
Setting network parameters  [Ok]
Bringing up interfeace lo   [Ok]
Bringing up interfeace eth0 [Ok]
Bringing up interfeace eth1 Delaying eth1 initialization

I have eth0 set to with a 24 
bit subnet mask ( and eth1 set to with a 24
bit subnet mask so an IP addressing error is out of the question.

Before I made these ajusments to the /etc/conf.modules file I used to
receive a "Device or resource busy" error when bringing up interface
eth1. We can almost rule out any hardware or firmware conflict now.
How can I take a look at my devices resources (IO's and IRQ's) and see
which modules are using them?

Thanks again for your help


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[expert] Getting two networks cards to work under the same module!

2000-11-15 Thread Stefan Srdic

I have recently pieced together an old Pentium 100 with 32MB of RAM and
2.9gigs of hard drive space to serve as a file and print server for a
Mac. I installed Mandrake 7.1, reduced the installation to approx. 300
MB. Just the bare bones of the Mandrake distro, no KDE and no GNOME pure
text based interface!!

I choose Mandrake 7.1 as my distro because it allowed me to choose
individual software packages to install onto the computer. This way I
saved on wasted disk space and increased the amount of available shared
disk space.

The majority of the hardware was detected and setup during the
installation process. I'm only having problems seting up both of the
Network cards. The computer has one Data-Link DE-220 ISA and another
Data-Link DE-250 ISA. ( NE 2000 Compatibles ) Both of these cards IRQ's
and I/O's are configured through DOS (real mode) based software.

To configure the cards I created an MS-DOS boot disk that loaded the
configuration software into a RAMDISK and then executed the program. The
DE220 is configured to IRQ 11 and I/O 0x300 while the DE250 is
configured to IRQ 10 and I/O 0x280. Now, I'm running into problems
getting the kernel ( 2.2.15 ) to detect both network cards under the
same module ( NE ). I edited the /etc/conf.modules as shown below:
(thanks to the writers of the Linux-Ethernet-HOWTO)

alias eth0 ne
alias eth1 ne
options ne io=0x300 irq=11
options ne io=0x280 irq=10

I can modprobe eth0 and get it working but I cannot get the second NIC
(eth1) to be recognized by the kernel. How do you configure these
arguments to recognize two NIC under the same module?? And do I have to
pass the "ether" armument to the kernel at boot time to get both of
these NICs working under the same module??

Thanks in advance


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Re: [expert] fonts

2000-11-14 Thread Stefan Srdic

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, you wrote:
> I'm running netscape 4.73 on mandrake 7 with 1024x768 res. The fonts look
> absolutely horrid and are near impossible to read. when checking the
> preferences in netscape, the types available have a (urw) after them. I went to
> and got a ttf west european font rpm and installed it, but
> apparently it's not recognized yet or it's just the plain wrong package. Anyone
> have tips on how to install more fonts on this thing rather than just the
> standard 75pt etc fonts which look terrible for web surfing?
> Tib

and grab the Mozilla-fonts package. You can use DrakeFont to install
new fonts...

Mandrake User.Org has a good Netscape tuneup section that you might
find interresting too :-=D

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Re: [expert] Would adding my home LAN IP's increase the efficientcy of my MASQing machine??

2000-10-12 Thread Stefan Srdic

On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Stefan,
> I don't know if you've resolved this yet, but in one of Charles' PGP
> messages he says not to worry about it, the tables will take cares of
> themselves...
> If you have IP Masquerading set correctly, there is no need to set RIP or
> routing tables. If you see a lag in efficiency, maybe there is another
> problem/process that has used up your CPU/Memory resources. I do know that
> if you are running pump, and have bound anything to port 68 after the first
> DHCP lease is obtained, pump will eventually get very jealous and start
> using more and more resources until it selfishly eats up 98+% of CPU time.
> (It took me a long time to figure this one out!)
> How do you have ipchains configured for masquerading? What kind of PC is
> doing your firewalling? Is it also used as a workstation?
> --Greg

I have set the default forwarding rule to DENY, then I provided MASQ services
for each individual machine in my home LAN. The PC running it all is an AMD
Athlon 550MHz with a 3com 10Mbps vortex NIC acting as the external interface. I
also have an A-open 10Mbps NIC connected to my home LAN.  MY computer does
double as a workstation but I have seen no performance loss in running a few
apps when MASQing internet traffic. I was only curious to see if statically
configuring my routing table for my internet host would increase overall
system operformance, but I suppose when only MASQing for two other machines
routing has no real afect on performance.

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[expert] Would adding my home LAN IP's increase the efficientcy of my MASQing machine??

2000-10-10 Thread Stefan Srdic

I was just reading the route man pages the other day and noticed that I could
add my own static routing stables :-D I'm curious, I have a home network setup,
if I was to use route to create my own routing table to be used with my
internal network, would that increase the efficiently of my Linux MASQing

For example, I could build my routing table like this:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref   Use Iface  * UH   0  0   0 eth1 UGH 0  0   0 eth1 UGH 0  0   0 eth1 * U 0  0   0 eth1
MyBroadcast   ISPGateway U 0  0   0 eth0
My IP ISPGateway U 0  0   0 eth0   * 0  0   0 lo
defaultISPGateway   UG   0  00 eth0

Forgice me for the lousy print out :-D

Does this do what I think it does?? Do I need to set up RIP on my machine or is
it enabled by default? Is there a more efficient way of doing this? And do I
need to setup the routing table on the clients machines as well?

Thanks in advance


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[expert] Can you switch desktop environments without logging out?

2000-10-05 Thread Stefan Srdic

I got this little peice of info from 

the Gnome users FAQ.

Red Hat and Mandrake

 Red Hat Linux and Linux Mandrake both come with an application called
 switchdesk. This can be started within X or run from outside it and lets you alter
 your desktop between GNOME, KDE and (on Red Hat) AfterStep. Nice and

Apparently you can switch you desktop with having to log out of an X session,
I've tried this command "switchdesk" and it never worked for me. Does this
command even exist, and if so where is it located on my Linux partitions?

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Re: [expert] CD-RW drive

2000-10-05 Thread Stefan Srdic

On Thu, 05 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Is is possible to have both an IDE CD rom and a IDE CDRW working
> together??  Several places I've looked seem to indicate that I need to
> remove the regular CD rom.  This doesn't seem to make any sense.
> I'm running Mandrake 7.1

Enter the following boot-time parameter in the Lilo or Grub configuration files:


replace x with the drive letter of your burner.

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[expert] Can PortSentry work with a set of IPChains firewall/masquerading rules?

2000-09-28 Thread Stefan Srdic

I'd like to know if it's possible or recomended to use PortSentry with an
existing set of IPChains rules. I want to configure IPChains to DENY all well
known services to external traffic and leave the moderating of the well known
ports to PortSentry. Is it possible to do this?

Also, I have already configured IPChains to provide MASQ services for my
internal network, however, when I run PortSentry it blocks all of the outgoing
traffice request from the MASQed clients. Keep in mind that I have yet to
configure IPChains to provided firewall services for my Linux host, and
that PortSentry is working in TCP and UDP Stealth detection mode.

And please, if any of you know of any great IPChains links (besides the
IPChains HOWTO) that describe how to set up a HOME internet firewall/router let
me know!!


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Re: [expert] HotJava web browser will not work!!

2000-09-26 Thread Stefan Srdic

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Follows the first answer...
> Your path problem is not the problem for HotJava, if it is just edit the 
> hotjava "exe" in your HotJava directory to specify the path
> This is my hotjava file (local install)
> opt/jdk/jdk118/bin/java -classpath 
> /opt/jdk/jdk118/lib/ 
> sunw.hotjava.Main -Dhotjava.home=/home/fabricio/HotJava &
> good luck

I simply installed JDK_1.1.6 and everything runs fine now, I like this browser,
in my opinion it should be released with Mandrake 7.2

Thanks for your good advice


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Re: [expert] [OT] hardware manual

2000-09-26 Thread Stefan Srdic

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Does anybody have an address, phone number, or URL
> for the guys who show up at flea markets with copies
> of manuals for older test equipment?  I'm looking for 
> a service manual (or copy) for a Tektronix 2235 scope.
> I know there must be a few hardware guys here who 
> might know the answer to this.  I do _not_ expect
> it to be free.  (The _answer_ I hope is free :-)  )
> Thanx.  --doug, wa2say

Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.footer"
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If your talking about an oscilloscope I'm afraid your out of luck, but, if
you've had basic oscilloscope training you'll be able to remember how to
trigger the appropriate sign wave given the period and base voltage. It will
take you some time to figure out how it works, but if you remember your basic
frequency ranges and measuring techniques you'll learn quick.

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[expert] HotJava web browser will not work!!

2000-09-25 Thread Stefan Srdic

I have downloaded and installed the HotJava web browser from Sun Microsystems,
 I have used it in Windows before 
installing it on Linux. I figured that I would
be able to tell if the browser was any good or not by using it on Windows
first, then using it on Linux.

I just can't seem to get the application running, I installed all of the proper
Java run time environments ( JDK 1.2.2_006 ) and have executed the installation
script with no problems. but, when I try to execute the program I get some
funny response from the prompt:

Running the browser without SSL Manager Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: 
Unable to find a .bdtd file :lib/htm l32.bdtd 
at sunw.hotjava.ui.HotList.createDTD( 
at sunw.hotjava.ui.HotList.( 
at sunw.hotjava.ui.HotList.getHotList( 
at sunw.hotjava.HJFrame.setShowMenus( 
at sunw.hotjava.HJFrame.setupFrame( 
at sunw.hotjava.HJFrame.( 
at sunw.hotjava.HJWindowManager.createFrame( 
at sunw.hotjava.Main.main( 
[[[ Failed to load scripting engine ]]]  
I think this problem might be related to the fact that I havent succesfully set
the PATH environmental variable for the new Java. I have tried: 


and that seems to work just fine, I can do a "which java" and my results are
/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/bin/java , this works for me, but once I reboot I lose the
PATH setting.

Could this be the source of my problem>? If so how can I insert the 
"PATH=/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/bin:$PATH" command into the rc.local script so that
my path is set right upon boot up?

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Re: [expert] HelixGnome installs but NO desktop -- Solved!

2000-09-19 Thread Stefan Srdic

Buchan Milne wrote:

> df
> This will show you what partitions you have and where directories are
> mounted. If /tmp is not listes, it will be in the / (root) partition. If
> you don't have much space available on /tmp's partition, move /tmp to
> another partition that has space (say /home) and then link /tmp to the
> new location (/home/tmp in this case) with :
> "ln -s /home/tmp /tmp"
> Buchan

Here's my "df" results:

Filesystem   Size  Used Avail   Use%  Mounted on
/dev/hda6 289M   195M   79M  71%  /
/dev/hda8 4.1G 110M   3.8G 3%/home
/dev/hda1 9.3G 3.9G 5.5G 42%  /mnt/win_c
/dev/hda3 201M   180M   21M  90%  /mnt/win_d
/dev/hda7 4.8G 2.2G2.3G  49%  /usr

Obviously, the /tmp directory is in the root partition, so I tried to move it using the
"ln -s /home/tmp /tmp" command, then I retried to install Gnome using the "lynx -source
http://go-gnome | sh" command. I still got the same error saying that I do not have
enough free space in the /temp directory. How do I correctly move the /tmp directory 
change the link to the /tmp directory?

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Re: [expert] HelixGnome installs but NO desktop -- Solved!

2000-09-18 Thread Stefan Srdic

Andrew George wrote:

> Have a look at whats on the same mountpoint as your /temp directory
> As far as I know, in MDK 7.1 theres nothing that you need to keep in /temp
> (MDK 7.0 was a different story),
> I fixed a similar problem because /var was on the same mountpoint and I
> could clear a few spoolfiles and logs
> Failing that...for Helix, I actually wound up doing it
> differently anyway...I downloaded go-gnome, ran it locally and noticed
> that it would allow you to specify a directory to store files in (in my
> case I stuck all the Helix stuff in /home/andrew/New/)
> Hope this helps
> Andrew

I logged in as root and deleted all of the files in the /tmp directory but I still
get the same results!! How can I check to see what else is on the same  mount point
as /tmp?

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Re: [expert] HelixGnome installs but NO desktop -- Solved!

2000-09-17 Thread Stefan Srdic

Perhaps one of you guys could give me a hand, I'm trying to re-install
Helix-Gnome and I always get the same error message when downloading the
installation script from the web.

I've tried to install Helix Gnome using the "lynx -source |
sh" command, but every time that the script runs I get an error message saying
that I need more free space in my "/tmp" directory. How can I delete the
contents of the "/tmp" directory or how could I tell the installation to store
the temp files in another directory?

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[expert] Phat Linux wont boot!!!!

2000-09-12 Thread Stefan Srdic

I got a home network running at home, I have Mandrake set up as a masquerading as
firewall host! I have recently downloaded and installed Phat Linux on one of my
client machines.  Phat Linux works and operates off of a FAT16 or 32 file system,
I downloaded this distro cause I already have Mandrake set up as a server and I
did not want to re-partition my client machines file system.

Anyway, Phat Linux boots by using LINLOAD, the MS-DOS based Linux loader. The
developers of this distro have made a simple MS-DOS batch file which looks like

LINLOAD  vmlinuz initrd=ramdisk.gz mem=32M

I have tried this batch file with no success, I keep receiveing the following
boot-time error:

isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=07:07_iso_blknum16, block32
attemp to acces beyond end of device
07:07: rw=o, want=1, limit=0
FAT bread failed
kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 07:07

I attempted to enter my own boot time parameters as well, this too led to the
same result:

LINLOAD vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb1 initrd=ramdisk.gz mem=32M

I though that maybe, if I pointed LINLOAD in the direction of the image file it
should be able to boot up!! Now, I'm really confused, I though that LINLOAD uses
a image file of the kernel to boot, then it locates the real kernel image and
continues as usuall using the original. Whats is going on here and how can I fix


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Re: [expert] A very good WINE questions

2000-09-12 Thread Stefan Srdic

Tom Massey wrote:

> Stefan Srdic wrote:
> >
> > I guess I'll just have to go out and return my WinModem garbage for a serial
> > modem :-D I was only curious because I am way to cheap to buy another modem!!
> > Thanks for your input guys
> Before you get rid of it, have you checked out <>?
> Do you know what sort of Winmodem you've got? Some have Linux drivers
> now.
> Keep in touch with
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Not AOpen Modems!!

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Re: [expert] A very good WINE questions

2000-09-11 Thread Stefan Srdic

I guess I'll just have to go out and return my WinModem garbage for a serial
modem :-D I was only curious because I am way to cheap to buy another modem!!
Thanks for your input guys


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[expert] A very good WINE questions

2000-09-11 Thread Stefan Srdic

I read that WINE is Windows compatibility layer for Linux. I have a question,
since WinModems are unusable under Linux would it be possible to run the
Windows WinModem driver under WINE to use the modem in Linux?

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Re: [expert] OT: w98 equiv to this list

2000-09-09 Thread Stefan Srdic

Doug McGarrett wrote:

> Does anyone here know of a Windows 98 equivalent to
> this mailing list?  I need one question answered, but
> if someone here was willing to do so, I'd be very happy
> not to have to mess with a Windows list.
> Question:  I'm converting from an all-SCSI system to a
> hybrid that will have an IDE hard drive.  (I can't fight
> the prices any more!)  Is there any way that I can convert
> what is presently on the SCSI drive to the new system,
> without reloading the OS and all the apps from scratch.
> I'd like not to have to reload WP, AutoCad, etc., especially
> since some are upgrades, and would require 2 or 3 earlier
> programs to be installed first, for no reason except to
> permit the upgrade to install.
> (Yes I know I can copy the _data_ files from WordPerfect,
> AutoCad, etc.)
> New machine will have SCSI--different card--but could have
> old card for a little while, or forever, for that matter.
> New machine will have "old" SCSI format, just enough to
> isolate cd-r from rest of system, for example.  SCSI-2.
> Also to allow JAZ drives to plug in and work.
> Of course, the humongous drive will have Linux on it, right
> after W98, which _insists_ on being first.  Any caveats
> there are welcome.
> Please copy replies to the list. I'm probably one of few
> but not alone with this kind of question.
> BTW, this is a great list.  I don't read everything, since
> I have a life to live, but there is a whole heck of a lot of
> expertise here!
> TIA for any help I get.  --doug
> Keep in touch with
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Goto and download Norton Ghost, or go directly to
Synmatec''s web site and download the demo version of Norton Ghost. Norton
Ghost will copy partitions from one computer to another, or even from one
networked workstation to another. The only downfall of this program is that
in order for it to work correctly the partitions that are being dealt with
need to be approx. the same size.

I can answer any other of your questions on the Windows


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[expert] Netscape Navigator User Preferences!!

2000-09-09 Thread Stefan Srdic

I have recently found a couple of sites on the web that give you examples of Java 
command lines to insert into the Netscape user preferences. Certain settings are cool, 
are useless. I've been experimenting with this and found that you can insert your own 
custom Netscape throbber, increase the maximum connections to one server, and also 
the TCP/IP buffer size, etc

All this is pretty cool but I've run into two problems: There are two Netscape files 
that I think might be the user preference files. Both are found in the user directory 
the .Netscape folder: LIPREFS.Jv and PREFERENCES.JV which one is the right one to edit?

Second, from what I have read the user preference files are re-written upon the 
startup of Netscape, how can I modify the correct file so that its permissions are 

I will post my findings after this little experiment of mine on this mail list after I 
have determined if they actually work or not!!


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Re: [expert] Check ports

2000-09-09 Thread Stefan Srdic

faisal wrote:

> How can i check which ports on my computer are open
> i will be sitting on my server ?
> Keep in touch with
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Goto they got a special program that scans your ports and rates
your firewall!!

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Re: [expert] IPChains and Masqerading script help!!

2000-09-08 Thread Stefan Srdic

> Hope that helps.
> Thanks... Dan.
> Keep in touch with
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Dan, you are a genious :-D I used the tips that you gave me to rewrite my rc.firewall 
file. I got IP Masquerading working, but I had to configure the Windows clients to a 
IP address using my eth1 ip ( ) as the default gateway, and they had to be 
pointed to my ISP DNS servers in order to work! Thanks a billion. I can only ask one 
favor from you, please explain in minor detail what some of those advanced commands 
where. I dont need to know where they came from, but I'd like to know why it was 
necessary to
configure IPChains to Disable ICMP redirections, Disable Source Routed Packets etc...


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Re: [expert] IPChains and Masqerading script help!!

2000-09-08 Thread Stefan Srdic

> Use PMFirewall to generate your ipchains commands, then study
> the output to be able to write your own...
> Ron
> --
> +--+
> | Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
> | Jefferson, LA  USA  WWW : [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> |  |
> | Most overused words: feel, cool/kewl, fun,|
> | Most underused word: think   |
> +--+
> Keep in touch with
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

I have used PMFirewall as well, only it does not  configure an outgoing DHCP server 
correctly, I intend to build my own firewall. I dont want to end up being a Windows 
Linux user.
This OS is open sourced for a reason, so that you can learn and improve your computer 
skills. Thanks for all your help, I think that I'm going to read the entire IPChains 
HOW-TO and
IPMasquerading HOW-TO this week-end :-D

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Re: [expert] IPChains and Masqerading script help!!

2000-09-08 Thread Stefan Srdic

José Antonio Jiménez Berni wrote:

> There is a nice aplication for that ungly work. It's calles 'gfcc', it
> think it's installed by default (at least in my Mandrake 7.1).
> It's very simple to edit the rules and you can export directly to a sh
> script.
> Besides I know that there is file for the rules '/etc/sysconfig/ipchains'
> which is read by /etc/rc.d/.../ipchains' but I don't know the format for
> that file.
> Good Luck. Berni

I know it nice to use a GUI to solve all of your problems, but I want to know the 
actuall syntax before downgrading myself. I have used GFCC before, it works nicely, 
you can load
pre-configure rules for your system. But, those rules are not what I want, I want to 
write own script so that I learn what exactly IPChains is doing. BTW, the rc.firewall 
file is
located in the /etc/rc.d directory, you can simply edit it with any text based editor 
to insert or add your own rules.

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[expert] IPChains and Masqerading script help!!

2000-09-07 Thread Stefan Srdic


I've recently attempted to write my own IP routing script (IPchains and 
IPmasquerading). I have some minor problems with my initial script and need some help 
from an
experienced Linux user.

First off, I have a cable modem for a receiving internet connection with an IP address 
that is provided via DHCP, second, I want my machine to serve as an outgoing DHCP
server for the other machines on my network. The client machines will be using a class 
"C" network address and the DHCP server will only allow a fixed amount of clients to
exist on the network for security reasons!

I wrote a script using several resources on the web, I have yet to read the 
IPMasquerading HOW-TO and the IPChains HOW-TO but plan to in the near future. 
Currently I am
trying to figure out how in the hell to enable to outgoing DHCP server on my computer! 
I have tested out this script with no success! What should I add or change in order to
make it work? IP port forwading is enabled in the kernel and this script is executed 
at boot up.

Here is my script: rc.firewall

# rc.firewall - IPChains and IPMasquerading, internet firewall/routing script
echo -n "Setting IP Chains..."
# modules for IPMasquerading
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_irc
/sbin/modprobe ip_vdolive
# execute IP Forwading
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
#  enable host DHCP
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
# IPChains routing information
/sbin/ipchains -M -S 7200 10 160
/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -d -j ACCEPT
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -d -j MASQ
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -d -j MASQ
echo "Done!"

BTW, I did not write any firewall rules as of yet, I know basically how to and which 
ports to block secure and I will do so once the Masquerading issue is solved!

Re: [expert] How to install Grub?

2000-09-05 Thread Stefan Srdic

frank wrote:

> oddly, most of the responses on this thread deal with lilo rather than grub,
> which is a clearly superior find out more about grub, type:
> info grub
> while at a command prompt (either in console mode or in a terminal emulator)
> if you've not got the manual on your machine, it's available online at:
> the grub manual appears to have been written by someone who not only knew
> grub well, but knew how to effectively write a's excellent...
> briefly:
> 1. be in root
> 2. cd to /boot/grub (where the grub files are located)
> 3. (optional but advised) install grub first on a floppy:
> dd if=stage1 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1
> dd if=stage2 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 seek1
> 4. after floppy trial-run, be in /boot/grub and type:
> grub (this puts you in the grub shell)
> 5. at grub prompt type:
> setup (hd0) to set in mbr
> or:
> setup (hdX,X) where X denotes hd and partition
> but be aware that grub uses a different and more coherent numbering system
> for hd and partitions than is generally short, rtfm...
> frank
> ---

Thanks Frank, I set up Grub then tried it out, at first I was having boot
errors but I quickly edited the menu.lst file in /boot/grub to fix it!! While
reading the Grub info page I saw that grub can boot BZIMAGE files. Can LILO do
that as well? I could have avoided this whole mess by simply pointing LILO or
Grub to the Primary FAT32 partition which has the BZIMAGE that I use with

Anyway, now that this works I'd like to now any possible boot time arguments
that would increase the performance of my machine. Currently I boot linux

linux root=/dev/hda6 ro mem=131072k auto vga=4 hda=autotune hdc=autotune

Are there any boot time parameters that would allow me to load the Linux kernel
into a RAMdisk for uptimum performance?

Re: [expert] Insanely Large IDE disk & Mandrake

2000-09-05 Thread Stefan Srdic

You probly have your BIOS set to auto detect your hard drives specs!! What you
want to do is enter the specific amount of sectors, cylinders and heads that
your hard drive contains. This will correct your problem, Linux only sees as
far as your BIOS does!!!

Re: [expert] How to install Grub?

2000-09-04 Thread Stefan Srdic

Asheesh Laroia wrote:
/sbin/lilo -V
Hey, it works for me.  Check from the slashdot story what version
need to go past the magical BIOSBoundary TM.
-- Asheesh.
Sigh.  I like to think it's just the Linux people who want to
be on
the "leading edge" so bad they walk right off the precipice.
(Craig E. Groeschel)
I the latest version of LILO, version 21.4-3, and I still cant boot over
the 1024th cylinder. Everytime that I try to install LILO using KLILO I
always get the same error message:
Warning:device 0x0306 exceeds 1024 cylinder limit
Fatal:geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big
(1291 > 1023)
Error: LILO died
I know that now using LILO is out of the question,
as I said before I use LOADLIN and a bootdisk to boot up Linux. But, I
would rather use a boot loader, how can I install and configure Grub on
my system??

Re: [expert] How to install Grub?

2000-09-04 Thread Stefan Srdic

Asheesh Laroia wrote:

> Um, this is no longer true.  A search of for "LILO" will
> show that LILO can now load kernels beyond the 1024th cylinder.  So, you
> can use lilo.
> However, I'm not sure what version of LILO you have.  It might be before
> the amazing slick kewl nifty wow-giving progress of LILO.
> (-:
> I try to be helpful, from time to time
> -- Asheesh Laroia.
> --
> When I reflect upon the number of disagreeable people who I know who have gone
> to a better world, I am moved to lead a different life.
> -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

How can I tell which version of LILO I have??

[expert] How to install Grub?

2000-09-04 Thread Stefan Srdic

I have installed Linux Mandrake 7.1 a while back. I have been using a boot floppy
and LINLOAD to boot into Linux whenever I'm not playing games in Windows :-D

Anyway, I want to install Grub on the MBR so that I can choose at boot up which OS
to load. I cant use LILO because of the location of the root filesystem, its above
the 1024th cylinder.

I tried using DrakBoot with no success, I know that I have Grub installed on my
system. How do I configure and install it?


Re: [expert] ipchains question

2000-09-01 Thread Stefan Srdic

> I'm not sure, just download the latest revised version of GFCC, Linux Mandrake
> 7.1 has this utility out of the box. Try and see if you have this program already
> installed, if not, check your distro's website for the latest RPM package or
> whatever.
> How stable is GFCC 0.7.4?
> Thanks,
> Ron
> --
> +--+
> | Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
> | Jefferson, LA  USA  WWW : [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> |  |
> | Most overused words: feel, cool/kewl, fun,|
> | Most underused word: think   |
> +--+

Re: [expert] ipchains question

2000-09-01 Thread Stefan Srdic

Sorry, I made a typo. I meant GFCC. That stands for GTK Firewall Control
Centre. Its basically a front end GUI to manipulate the rules that you have
set up for IPchains. Once executed this program will detect the current rules
that you have set up for your system and allow you to edit them and change
them on the fly. I have used it with PMFirewall, PMFirewall is simply a script
that enables IPchains in the Linux kernel.  I can help you with more
question's if you like. You could also post a question on my Linux forum at I'm a moderator their and would be glad to help out :-D

"Ron Johnson, Jr." wrote:

> Stefan Srdic wrote:
> >
> > Log in as super user and type "gfcc" at any command prompt, this frontend
> > program will allow you to configure your firewall. You can also test your
> > firewall online at
> What's cfcc?  Is that mdk7 specific, or is it at freshmeat?
> Also, is it analogous to PMFirewall?
> Ron
> --
> +--+
> | Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
> | Jefferson, LA  USA  WWW : [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> |  |
> | Most overused words: feel, cool/kewl, fun,|
> | Most underused word: think   |
> +--+

Re: [expert] ipchains question

2000-09-01 Thread Stefan Srdic

Log in as super user and type "gfcc" at any command prompt, this frontend
program will allow you to configure your firewall. You can also test your
firewall online at

Have fun!!

Bill Dillon wrote:

> Hi List:
> I just installed ipchains and configured it with pmfirewall.  All seemes
> to go well and I started the /etc/rc.d/init.d/pmfirewall start.  That
> went fine too.
> My question:
> I thought that I'd see ipchains running by doing a ps -ef | grep
> ipchains.  I don't and was kind of wondering if my firewall is actually
> runing?
> Thanks in advance for your input.