[FairfieldLife] Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread shempmcgurk

Movie Critics Aghast at Andy Garcia's The Lost City
by Humberto Fontova

Andy Garcia blew it big-time with his movie The Lost City. He blew 
it with the mainstream critics that is. Almost unanimously, they're 
ripping a movie 16 years in the making. In this engaging drama of a 
middle-class Cuban family crumbling during free Havana's last days, 
in which he both directs and stars, Garcia insisted on depicting 
some historical truth about Cuba – a grotesque and unforgivable 
blunder in his industry. He's now paying the price.

Earlier, many film festivals refused to screen it. Now many Latin 
American countries refuse to show it. The film's offenses are many 
and varied. Most unforgivable of all, Che Guevara is shown killing 
people in cold blood. Who ever heard of such nonsense? And just 
where does this uppity Andy Garcia get the effrontery to portray 
such things? The man obviously doesn't know his place.

And just where did Garcia get this preposterous notion of pre-Castro 
Cuba as a relatively prosperous but politically troubled place, they 
ask? All the Cubans he portrays seem middle class? Where in his 
movie is the tsunami of stooped and starving peasants that carried 
Fidel and Che into Havana on it's crest, they ask? Where's all those 
diseased and illiterate laborers and peasants my professors, Dan 
Rather, CNN and Oliver Stone told me about, ask the critics?

Garcia – that cinematic bomb-thrower – has seriously jolted the 
Mainstream Media's fantasies and hallucinations of pre-Castro Cuba, 
of Che, of Fidel, and of Cubans in general. In consequence, the 
critics are unnerved and disoriented. Their annoyance and scorn is 
spewing forth in review after review. 

Garcia blew it. If only his characters had spoken with accents like 
John Belushi's as a Saturday Night Live Killer Bee! If only they'd 
dressed like The Three Amigos! If only they'd behaved like Cheech 
and Chong! If only they'd mimicked the mannerisms and gait of 
Freddie Prinze in Chico and the Man! If only the women had piled a 
roadside fruit stand on their head like Carmen Miranda in Road to 
Rio! If only the cast had looked like the little guy who handles my 
luggage when I visit Cancun! Or the guys who do my lawn! Everybody 
knows that's what Hispanics look like! 

If only masses of Cubans had been shown toiling in salt mines like 
Spartacus, or picking crops like Tom Joad or getting lashed by a 
vicious landlord like Kunta Kinte, or hustling for a living like 
Ratso Rizzo! 

In a movie about the Cuban revolution, we almost never see any of 
the working poor for whom the revolution was supposedly 
fought,sniffs Peter Reiner in The Christian Science Monitor. The 
Lost City misses historical complexity. 

Actually what's missing is Mr. Reiner's historical knowledge. Andy 
Garcia and screenwriter Guillermo Cabrera Infante knew full well 
that the working poor had no role in the stage of the Cuban 
Revolution shown in the movie. The Anti-Batista rebellion was led 
and staffed overwhelmingly by Cuba's middle – and especially, upper –
 class. To wit: in August of 1957 Castro's rebel movement called for 
a National Strike against the Batista dictatorship – and 
threatened to shoot workers who reported to work. The National 
Strike was completely ignored. 

Another was called for April 9, 1958. And again Cuban workers blew a 
loud and collective raspberry at their liberators, reporting to 
work en masse. 

Garcia's tale bemoans the loss of easy wealth for a precious few, 
harrumphs Michael Atkinson in The Village Voice. Poor people are 
absolutely absent; Garcia and Infante seem to have thought that 
peasant revolutions happen for no particular reason—or at least no 
reason the moneyed 1 percent should have to worry about.

What's absolutely absent is Mr Atkinson's knowledge about the Cuba 
Garcia depicts in his movie. His crack about that moneyed 1 per 
cent, and especially his peasant revolution epitomize the clichéd 
idiocies still parroted by the chattering classes about Cuba. 

The impoverished masses of Cubans who embraced Castro as a 
liberator appear only in grainy, black-and-white news clips, snorts 
Stephen Holden in The New York Times. Political dialogue in the 
film is strictly of the junior high school variety. 

It's Holden's education on the Cuban Revolution that's of 
the junior high school variety. Actually it's Harvard Graduate 
School variety. Many more imbecilities about Cuba are heard in Ivy 
league classrooms than in any rural junior high school. 

It fails to focus on the poverty-stricken workers whose plight lit 
the fires of revolution, complains Rex Reed in the New York 

You're better off attempting rational discourse with the Flat-Earth 
Society but nonetheless I'll try to dispel the fantasies of pre-
Castro Cuba still cherished by America's most prestigious academics 
and its most learned film critics. I'll even stay away from 
those crackpots and hotheads in Miami. In place of those 

[FairfieldLife] Vyaasa and Sun!

2006-05-02 Thread cardemaister

The comment on Sun seems to be one of the longest
in Krishna Dvaipaayana's Yoga-suutra-bhaashya. In
a PDF it's some 30 lines in DN, when e.g. Moon 
has barely one whole line! Here's a random sample:

tatra paataale parvateSvetuSu devanikaayaa
kuuSmaaNDavinaayakaaH prativasanti.

I'm not at all sure what that means, but perhaps
something like that in /paataala/ live all those
creatures(?) (asuras, gandharvas, pretas, pishaacas, and stuff).

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history

2006-05-02 Thread Jason Spock

   The South-American natives are Dark-Brown in colour. It gives them sufficient protection from UV. Secondly, they are decendents of the second migration into Americas ie; the Mongoloid Migration from the Cold Siberia 8000 years ago. They completely replaced the original Aborginee-Negroid population that entered America 25,000 years ago by boats.  Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 03:10:47 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history 
+++ On further contemplation, I wonder why this black-whiteprogression wouldn't have worked in reverse in south America and sofind a lot of black people there now. N.  
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 You are very right Judy in that Yes can not be intentional. 

Coming from a Buddhist perspective, in which intent
and focus are very *much* a part of the realization
process, I'd have to disagree with you, Tom. 

I think that the issue that some people are reacting 
to in my little cafe story is that it pushes their 
*religious* buttons, the ones they don't like
to admit they have. They have been convinced, after
decades of indoctrination by the TM movement and
its Hindu underpinnings, that passivity is the *only*
way to go in the quest for enlightenment. Don't ever
work at anything because that would be straining
or effort or the imposition of will, and thus 
an aspect of ego. So the proper attitude towards 
enlightenment is to just sit around and wait for it 
to happen on its own.

And wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.

And if it *doesn't* happen, after decades of 
sitting around and waiting and doing what you're
told, that's somehow all right because it isn't
really you who has anything to do with your
enlightenment. It's really the universe, or Natural
Law, or God that's made the decision to leave you
lost in the illusion of unenlightenment.

That's an Ok set of things to believe, I guess,
if what you want is to never realize your enlight-
enment. Me, I prefer the Buddhist approach, in
which one's intent and ability to focus come into
play and in which talents and ability other than
waiting and hoping become part of the realization

I'm not comfortable with the just-be-patient-and-
wait approach to enlightenment, in which one is told
over and over by the *vendor* of that approach to
enlightenment that their UNenlightenment isn't
their fault. What a fuckin' lie that is.

It's a lie even if you believe in the model their 
system is based on. If you believe that stress 
is what keeps you from being enlightened, then who 
created your stress? Well duh, you did. If you 
believe it's karma that keeps you from being 
enlightened, well who created the karma? Well 
duh, again, you did. Take some responsibility fer
chrssakes...if you're convinced that you are not 
enlightened, YOU created that reality (or, as it 
turns out, unreality). 

I *know* that saying these things on a TM forum
is going to rile people up, and make some of them
crazy. It's absolute HERESY to a person who has drunk 
the TM Kool-Aid and believes that effortlessness is 
the *only* model that leads to transcendence and 
eventually enlightenment to suggest that there are
*other* models -- models that involve will and 
intention -- and that they lead there, too.

The people who have spent their lives -- sometimes
thirty or forty years of their lives -- sitting
and waiting and waiting and waiting for something
else to do enlightenment for them are *affronted*
when they hear from someone who is part of a diff-
erent tradition, one that believes that one can,
and should, do enlightenment oneself. 

They're especially affronted if the offending
person seems to have had a few experiences that 
indicate that the intent/focus approach has actually 
*worked* for them. Such stories might make seekers
who are part of the wait patiently for enlightenment;
it's out of your hands school of thought think,
Gee...what if I really *have* been wasting my time
waiting around all these years for enlightenment to
reveal itself to me? 

Can't have that. So the hard-line passive, wait-
and-see types get a little uppity and they spout the
dogma they've been taught, that the effortless, do-
nothing-and-wait approach to enlightenment they've
been taught is the ONLY way that enlightenment can 
possibly happen. And I actually understand why people
do this -- repeating the dogma that there is
nothing you can do but wait gives you something to 
*do* while you're sitting around waiting...it relieves
the boredom. :-)

I'm not going to pursue this whole subject here any
more, though. There is just too much resistance on 
this forum to presenting the taking-an-active-role-
in-your-own-realization approach. It's just a waste
of time to talk about it, because the decades of 
indoctrination have been too effective. The waiters
have been waiting so long that they can't even 
imagine that there is something they could do 
other than waiting. And they get angry when someone
*does* suggest such a thing. So I'm going to leave
them to their waiting, and hope that approach works 
out for them in the future a little better than it's
worked out for them so far.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Mad-Cow, Dirt-Hogs, NOW, Shit-Eating Fishes of Asia

2006-05-02 Thread Jason Spock

   UtilitiesA bone to pick Thursday April 20 2006 17:21 IST Maneka
 GandhiBecause the oceans of the world have been decimated by over-fishing and rivers are increasing being polluted, people are beginning to eat more farmed fish. When you eat farmed fish you don’t just eat a creature brought up in a sterile pond. You also eat the dead bodies and manure of chickens, pigs and ducks. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation calls this system ‘Integrated Livestock Fish Farming’ and says it should be done in developing countries to help the poor get protein. In spite of the Mad Cow crisis when cattle were fed sheep meat, no one seems to be worried about the feeding of faeces to fish which will be consumed by humans. Few people know that most pond-fed
 farmed fish in India are fed on a diet of human waste and sewage. And the countries that use human faeces to feed fish are India, China, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Korea, Indonesia, and Nigeria. I have seen how it works. Small plots of dug out land are given on contract to poor people in the villages for fish farming. These aquaculture ponds are stocked with fish, and used as bathrooms by the owners and their friends, to wash cattle, and throw manure into. Every few weeks, the fish are taken out and sold in the local market. The ponds stink and are covered with a green slime. Basically these are toilets that pay for themselves - an economic sulabh shauchalaya. Raising fish on excreta, nightsoil or wastewater is encouraged by fishery experts, (bureaucrats who come around once in a while) as it is ‘‘natural food’’ for fish. It does not matter that human or animal faecal solids, use of raw sewage or fresh nightsoil in fish ponds should be prohibited for health
 reasons. A wide range of fish species have been cultivated in aquaculture ponds receiving human waste, including common carp, Indian major carps, Chinese silver carp, pighead carp, grass carp, crucian carp, Nile carp, tilapia, milkfish, catfish, kissing gouramy, giant gourami, silver barb and freshwater prawns. The selection reflects local culture rather than fish optimally suited to such feeding. For example, Chinese carps and Indian major carps are the major species in excreta-fed systems in China and India. Tilapia are better suited to excreta-fed systems but carp is eaten more as is milkfish which does poorly in these adverse environmental conditions. Many of these ponds that are fertilised with human excreta grow duckweed which is used not just as feed for carp but also for chickens and ducks. Every now and then the overload of excreta and toxic sewage hits the oxygen supply and all the fish come belly up. Ever so often you hear of
 thousands of fish dead in lakes that are fed with the town’s sewage. This happens mainly at night when the phytoplankton have higher rates of respiration and so the dissolved oxygen in the water becomes less. The phytoplankton develop as a result of the nutrients contained in the waste. Phytoplankton provide feed for the largest percentage of fish farmed in Asia. Fish also die when the bacterial load becomes too much for their frail bodies to bear. One of the main reasons for ponds ‘‘failing’’ is high ammonia concentration in the waste thrown into the pond. After both sewage and faeces have large amounts of urea and urine. Ammonia is toxic to fish in the concentration range 0.2 - 2.0 mg/l. However, the tolerance of different species of fish varies, with tilapa species being least affected by high ammonia levels. In ponds receiving large quantities of ‘‘organic matter’’ (this is the scientific term used by the industry for excreta and sewage so as not to
 drive you away!), sediments accumulate and release chemicals such as methane and sulphides. Though dissolved oxygen is essential to the fish at 5 mg/1, the level in excreta-fed ponds is usually at an absolute minimum of a little less than 1mg/l leading to many other diseases that are undetected by the fish grower but will show up in the fish eater. Scientists say that, while yields are satisfactory from waste fed fish ponds, higher yields could be achieved if the fish were fed other foods such as cereals. They also say pond nutrition needs to be diversified from just faeces. I could have told them that! How much weight can a fish put on by just eating excreta? But this is not going to happen ecause cereals cost money and excreta is free. What are the health impacts of eating sewage and human faeces via fish? For one, human faeces is very toxic in itself. Sewage has heavy metals and persistent pesticides
 in it and these concentrate themselves in the body of the fish. Today fish are the largest PCB (a set of carcinogenic chemicals), heavy metal and mercury carriers in the world. Fish that eat algae, phytoplankton, duckweed that eat the faeces and sewage accumulate heavy metals and poisonous chemicals just as fast in these sewage ponds. Do you think a fresh healthy fish 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread vajradhatu108

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 TorguoiseB writes: snipped
 I sat there trying to not have as much fun with the 
 day as I knew I was capable of having, and then I 
 caught myself doing it. The moment I did, I was 
 able to laugh at myself. And through my laughter, 
 I found my body saying Yes. Out loud. Weirdest
 damned thing.
 Everything changed. Background flipflopped into 
 foreground and the witnessing, a moment before 
 unnoticed, moved front and center and reasserted 
 its Self again. And all it took was getting to 
 I'm sure it'll pass...all things do...but it's
 neat while it lasts. Life's cool sometimes, yes?
 Tom T:
 Very astute observations. Reminds me of Patanjali Chapter 3 
 Vs 54: Knowledge born of the finest discrimination takes us to the
 farthest shore.
 It is intuitive, omniscient and beyond all divisions of time and space.
 Vs 55: And when the translucent intellect is as pure as the Self,
 there is Enlightenment.
 It is the Self knowing the Self but there is the working of the
 intellect that makes the final and finest discrimination.

Actually the above quote is about viveka-khyati --an important experience and 
discrimination which can continue for quite a while, but alas is not liberation--athough 
that is the next chapter (of the YS). It *is* often confused with liberation. The Self knowing 
the Self is still a ways off. You may have seen the man behind the curtain Dorothy, but 
there's still more to Oz than this.

 As to the
 cool stuff passing it is sometimes easier to think of it as
 aclimination to what is going on. If we aclimate then we have
 virtually no contrast and then the coolness is the ongoing day to day
 reality. It is my experience that all this cool stuff just gets more
 and more aclimated too and then we know it as our day to day everyday
 life. Enjoy. Tom

Interesting description of viveka-khyati. The self continues to present experiences to Self 
and more objects of awareness gain the slippery teflon coating of Love, eventually 
absorbed by Self.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Store in Iowa City

2006-05-02 Thread Peter

--- shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
  --- shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick
   fairfieldlife@ wrote:
From a friend:

How about this message that someone sent to

I just saw one of the wierdest things in my
   There is a new 
square foot Maharishi store on the main bottom
   floor in the mall 
   in downtown
Iowa City next to the University of Iowa. 
   are 2 large 
   plasma flat
screens with the Hindu Gods floating around
   the Hindu boys 
   chanting on
the other screen. The 2 ladies working at the
   store never heard 
   of TM and
do not know what it is. But it does not
   because I was the 
customer. I bought a Guru Dev card for 12
   bucks. The store 
   is done
in very top quality signs and display cases. 
   Yes 3000 square 
Complete insanity and non rational cognition. 
   Then I walked 2 
blocks away to the MMY Spa and the fellow in
   charge there said 
   they have
never had a customer! Also very
   PK tables and 
   equipment and
6 rooms or more. And another good enough
   store with half 
   of the same
products. Hey complete insanity! It
   makes me doubt if 
   MMY is
   I weep.
  Or let it strip away all your concepts,
  Both good and bad.
 If my concepts get stripped away naturally, fine. 
 But I'm not going 
 to mood-make any concepts I may have into being
 stripped away.

I hear you Panda Bear

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread Peter

Having lived in south florida for 13 years and having
gone to graduate school with many second generation
Cubans who fled Fidel's revolution and having
professors who taught in cuba before and after the
revolution I have learned quite a bit about Che and
Fidel and their revolution. I am in full agreement
with Mr. Fontova. Fidel ruined that country.

--- shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Movie Critics Aghast at Andy Garcia's The Lost City
 by Humberto Fontova
 Andy Garcia blew it big-time with his movie The Lost
 City. He blew 
 it with the mainstream critics that is. Almost
 unanimously, they're 
 ripping a movie 16 years in the making. In this
 engaging drama of a 
 middle-class Cuban family crumbling during free
 Havana's last days, 
 in which he both directs and stars, Garcia insisted
 on depicting 
 some historical truth about Cuba � a grotesque and
 blunder in his industry. He's now paying the price.
 Earlier, many film festivals refused to screen it.
 Now many Latin 
 American countries refuse to show it. The film's
 offenses are many 
 and varied. Most unforgivable of all, Che Guevara is
 shown killing 
 people in cold blood. Who ever heard of such
 nonsense? And just 
 where does this uppity Andy Garcia get the
 effrontery to portray 
 such things? The man obviously doesn't know his
 And just where did Garcia get this preposterous
 notion of pre-Castro 
 Cuba as a relatively prosperous but politically
 troubled place, they 
 ask? All the Cubans he portrays seem middle class?
 Where in his 
 movie is the tsunami of stooped and starving
 peasants that carried 
 Fidel and Che into Havana on it's crest, they ask?
 Where's all those 
 diseased and illiterate laborers and peasants my
 professors, Dan 
 Rather, CNN and Oliver Stone told me about, ask the
 Garcia � that cinematic bomb-thrower � has
 jolted the 
 Mainstream Media's fantasies and hallucinations of
 pre-Castro Cuba, 
 of Che, of Fidel, and of Cubans in general. In
 consequence, the 
 critics are unnerved and disoriented. Their
 annoyance and scorn is 
 spewing forth in review after review. 
 Garcia blew it. If only his characters had spoken
 with accents like 
 John Belushi's as a Saturday Night Live Killer Bee!
 If only they'd 
 dressed like The Three Amigos! If only they'd
 behaved like Cheech 
 and Chong! If only they'd mimicked the mannerisms
 and gait of 
 Freddie Prinze in Chico and the Man! If only the
 women had piled a 
 roadside fruit stand on their head like Carmen
 Miranda in Road to 
 Rio! If only the cast had looked like the little guy
 who handles my 
 luggage when I visit Cancun! Or the guys who do my
 lawn! Everybody 
 knows that's what Hispanics look like! 
 If only masses of Cubans had been shown toiling in
 salt mines like 
 Spartacus, or picking crops like Tom Joad or getting
 lashed by a 
 vicious landlord like Kunta Kinte, or hustling for a
 living like 
 Ratso Rizzo! 
 In a movie about the Cuban revolution, we almost
 never see any of 
 the working poor for whom the revolution was
 fought,sniffs Peter Reiner in The Christian Science
 Monitor. The 
 Lost City misses historical complexity. 
 Actually what's missing is Mr. Reiner's historical
 knowledge. Andy 
 Garcia and screenwriter Guillermo Cabrera Infante
 knew full well 
 that the working poor had no role in the stage of
 the Cuban 
 Revolution shown in the movie. The Anti-Batista
 rebellion was led 
 and staffed overwhelmingly by Cuba's middle � and
 especially, upper �
 class. To wit: in August of 1957 Castro's rebel
 movement called for 
 a National Strike against the Batista dictatorship
 � and 
 threatened to shoot workers who reported to work.
 The National 
 Strike was completely ignored. 
 Another was called for April 9, 1958. And again
 Cuban workers blew a 
 loud and collective raspberry at their liberators,
 reporting to 
 work en masse. 
 Garcia's tale bemoans the loss of easy wealth for a
 precious few, 
 harrumphs Michael Atkinson in The Village Voice.
 Poor people are 
 absolutely absent; Garcia and Infante seem to have
 thought that 
 peasant revolutions happen for no particular
 reason�or at least no 
 reason the moneyed 1 percent should have to worry
 What's absolutely absent is Mr Atkinson's
 knowledge about the Cuba 
 Garcia depicts in his movie. His crack about that
 moneyed 1 per 
 cent, and especially his peasant revolution
 epitomize the clich�d 
 idiocies still parroted by the chattering classes
 about Cuba. 
 The impoverished masses of Cubans who embraced
 Castro as a 
 liberator appear only in grainy, black-and-white
 news clips, snorts 
 Stephen Holden in The New York Times. Political
 dialogue in the 
 film is strictly of the junior high school variety.
 It's Holden's education on the Cuban Revolution
 that's of 
 the junior high school variety. Actually it's
 Harvard Graduate 
 School variety. Many more imbecilities 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread cardemaister

--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 


Anger, he smiles,
towering in shiny metallic purple armour
Queen Jealousy, envy waits behind him
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground

Blue are the life-giving waters taken for granted,
They quietly understand
Once happy turquoise armies lay opposite ready,
But wonder why the fight is on

But they're bold as love, just as bold as love
Yeah, they're bold as love
Just ask the axis

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Maharishi mahesh yogi
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[FairfieldLife] Community Website Interest Survey

2006-05-02 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Community Website Interest Survey

From a friend:

This just in from my friend Phyllis Khare in FL --

Hello friends and family - I'm sending this out as a group letter. I think it is a great thing Kim is doing. Please take the time to go over this. Feel free to write me back if you have questions.


Would you please consider sending this Community Website Interest Survey out to as many meditators in your address book as you feel appropriate? I also would like your personal feedback. Thanks so much.

A Sidha friend in California, USA, is considering the possibility of a worldwide community website, exclusively for TM meditators, that would allow us to connect for a variety of purposes. In order to research the economic feasibility he has asked me to help by sending out this survey. It's multiple choice  only takes about 3 minutes.

Click your Reply button and make the marks requested on that copy and then send it back to me. I have organized this so it comes back to me and then on to Kim. Or you can respond directly to Kim at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

He already has one website just for TM practitioners: www.IlluminedHomeExchange.com http://www.illuminedhomeexchange.com/ 
He wants to get responses from  200 meditators in the next month from meditators throughout the world. If you have suggestions for other meditators to survey Kim suggests forwarding this on to them directly. If you have ANY suggestions for Kim that could make this website idea better please include those with your response. He really wants to provide something valuable based on meditator customer feedback. Thank you.

Interest Survey - for possible TM Community Website
Approximately 3 minutes. Your feedback is VERY important.

Let us be together
Let us eat together
Let us be vital together
Let us be radiating truth, radiating the light of life
Never shall we denounce anyone, never entertain negativity
The Upanishads

Does the idea of a web-based service that exclusively connects TM practitioners to other practitioners throughout the world, with sections such as: Announcements, Business Yellow Pages, Employment, Housing/Roomates, Event/Friend Connections  Classifieds, interest you? To gauge the level of interest would you please mark your choice next to the price and likely percentage for each item?


Imagine you were interested in announcing your new or existing business, your new book, restaurants grand opening, daughter's hole-in-one, or your sons college graduation, to the TM meditating community. What do you think would be a fair price for a 1 month ad in a new exclusively TM meditator website?
Please place an X to the right of highest amount you think would be fair. (Likely a price break for 3 listings or more)
3 listings for $5
2 listings for $5
1 listing for $5
1 listing for $10

If it existed how likely would you be to use this service in the next 6 months at the price you said was fair? Place an X to the right of the percent. Only REAL, HONEST feedback is desired. Please dont rate high just to be nice. Thank you.
0 %
10 %
50 %
90 %

Employment Connection: There is work being planned by another Movement organization towards a website for meditator job connections and internships.

Business Directory (Yellow Pages type)
Do you have the type of business that could benefit the TM meditating community?
(Examples: Virtually any type of Internet business, accounting, legal, financial, design, architect, consultant of any kind, or other professional service, etc.)
(Would you like to have more meditators as customers?)
What do you think would be a fair price for a 3 month ad in a new exclusively TM meditator business directory? 
Please place an X to the right of the highest amount you think would be fair.

If you have the type of business that could benefit from a meditator Business Directory, how likely would you be to place and ad in the next 6 months at the highest price you said was fair? Place an X to the right of the percent.
0 %
10 %
50 %
90 %
Imagine you were looking for an apartment or housing situation with a meditator(s) or a home for sale by another meditator, or offering a room or house for rent. What do you think would be a fair price for a 3 month ad in a new exclusively TM meditator website? Please place an X to the right of the highest amount you think would be fair.
$ 5

If it existed how likely would you be to use this service in the next 6 months at the price you said was fair? Place an X to the right of the percent.
0 %
10 %
50 %
90 %

Friend/Event Connections
Imagine you were looking for a means to connect with other meditators for a specific event/activity, (concert, movie, tennis, residence course, trip to India, etc.) or area of interest (music, art, cooking, surviving the parenting of teenagers, etc). What do you think would 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In 
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 
 tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlist@ wrote:
  You are very right Judy in that Yes can not be intentional. 
 Coming from a Buddhist perspective, in which intent
 and focus are very *much* a part of the realization
 process, I'd have to disagree with you, Tom. 
 I think that the issue that some people are reacting 
 to in my little cafe story is that it pushes their 
 *religious* buttons, the ones they don't like
 to admit they have. They have been convinced, after
 decades of indoctrination by the TM movement and
 its Hindu underpinnings, that passivity is the *only*
 way to go in the quest for enlightenment. Don't ever
 work at anything because that would be straining
 or effort or the imposition of will, and thus 
 an aspect of ego. So the proper attitude towards 
 enlightenment is to just sit around and wait for it 
 to happen on its own.

There are two ways to address a disagreement. One is
to make a positive case for one's own perspective; the
other is to trash the other perspective.

The disadvantage of choosing the second route is that
one can be tempted to caricature the opposing viewpoint
rather than presenting it fairly, in order to make it
easier to trash. And if one convinces oneself of the
truth of one's caricature, it makes it easier to
convince oneself of the truth of one's own
perspective without ever considering the possible
merits of the other.

This may raise suspicions that the person doing the
trashing is deep down not so confident of his
perspective as he pretends to be, since he has to
distort the other to make it appear less valid
than his own.

 And wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.
 And if it *doesn't* happen, after decades of 
 sitting around and waiting and doing what you're
 told, that's somehow all right because it isn't
 really you who has anything to do with your
 enlightenment. It's really the universe, or Natural
 Law, or God that's made the decision to leave you
 lost in the illusion of unenlightenment.

In my experience (doing what I feel is right for
me, not what I'm told), I make more progress
when I take responsibility without assigning blame.
The former does not necessarily imply the latter.
I don't assume something else has made any
decisions about me, but by the same token, I do not
assume I am somehow not all right because this or
that hasn't happened yet.

In other contexts, Barry has vigorously scorned the
seeking mentality that requires one to feel not
all right about oneself until one has found one's
all-rightness. But here he seems to be claiming
the opposite. That suggests a certain degree of

 That's an Ok set of things to believe, I guess,
 if what you want is to never realize your enlight-
 enment. Me, I prefer the Buddhist approach, in
 which one's intent and ability to focus come into
 play and in which talents and ability other than
 waiting and hoping become part of the realization
 I'm not comfortable with the just-be-patient-and-
 wait approach to enlightenment, in which one is told
 over and over by the *vendor* of that approach to
 enlightenment that their UNenlightenment isn't
 their fault. What a fuckin' lie that is.

Hmm, I've never heard any vendor say that. I
suspect that notion is a function of the caricature
Barry has created to bolster his own perspective.

 It's a lie even if you believe in the model their 
 system is based on. If you believe that stress 
 is what keeps you from being enlightened, then who 
 created your stress? Well duh, you did. If you 
 believe it's karma that keeps you from being 
 enlightened, well who created the karma? Well 
 duh, again, you did. Take some responsibility fer
 chrssakes...if you're convinced that you are not 
 enlightened, YOU created that reality (or, as it 
 turns out, unreality).

Yes, duh. Again, though, taking responsibility is
not the same as blaming oneself.

 I *know* that saying these things on a TM forum
 is going to rile people up, and make some of them
 crazy. It's absolute HERESY to a person who has drunk 
 the TM Kool-Aid and believes that effortlessness is 
 the *only* model that leads to transcendence and 
 eventually enlightenment to suggest that there are
 *other* models -- models that involve will and 
 intention -- and that they lead there, too.

It's not the heresy that's the problem, of course,
it's the caricature of what the heresy is presented
as opposing.

Perhaps the reason it's a caricature is because the
caricaturist has never quite understood the real
nature of the alternative to his own perspective.

 The people who have spent their lives -- sometimes
 thirty or forty years of their lives -- sitting
 and waiting and waiting and waiting for something
 else to do enlightenment for them are *affronted*
 when they hear from someone who is part of a diff-
 erent tradition, one that 

[FairfieldLife] New Jyotish

2006-05-02 Thread Rick Archer

>From a friend:

Hi Rick,

It seems that people getting jyotish consultations
from International are now being told they are in
different dasas to their previoyus readings. The
reason given is that it is a new system for Sat Yuga.
No-one gets to see the charts though so it is unknown
what the system is. Any of your friends know about



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Re: [FairfieldLife] New Jyotish

2006-05-02 Thread Rick Archer

on 5/2/06 9:58 AM, Rick Archer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From a friend:
 Hi Rick,
 It seems that people getting jyotish consultations
 from International are now being told they are in
 different dasas to their previoyus readings. The
 reason given is that it is a new system for Sat Yuga.
 No-one gets to see the charts though so it is unknown
 what the system is. Any of your friends know about

A jyotish friend responded on the side:

the calculation is called shristi samvatsar and is based on a
calculation from the surya siddhanta.

are there any predictions being made with these new dashas so we can
see and compare accuracy.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Community Website Interest Survey

2006-05-02 Thread WLeed3

first ? 2 @ 5.00 SECOND?90% OR MORE HOUSING@ 5.00%.00% FOR ME 
 ten dollars or 5 for a start  10 % for me good I idea for 
the cite. I was NOT with my AOL to easily answer the questions as presented in 
that format so I did so this way Bill Leed Sidha in Buffalo 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Yes...but'

2006-05-02 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel 

 There in that cafe in Sommières yesterday, I managed
  to get beyond Yes, but...
  I sat there trying to not have as much fun with the
  day as I knew I was capable of having, and then I
  caught myself doing it. The moment I did, I was
  able to laugh at myself. And through my laughter,
  I found my body saying Yes. Out loud. Weirdest
  damned thing.
  Everything changed. Background flipflopped into
  foreground and the witnessing, a moment before
  unnoticed, moved front and center and reasserted
  its Self again. And all it took was getting to
 Had an experience this weekend, which I can relate to this feeling.
 Had to do with sitting with someone who was 'reading' my energy, 
 noticed how much my energy itself seems to go 'back and forth'. 
 as I sat with her, I began to notice, how when I acknowledged the 
 truth of how I felt, the energy in my head settled, thoughts 
 subsided, a peaceful feeling; 
 Then she asked me to bring this peaceful feeling in my head, down 
 my heart, and feel the energy there...and it seems that's 
 when you just simply acknowledge the truth of feeling;
 Without the feeling of 'but', 
 Instead, a technique that can be used with eyes open, just feeling 
 whatever truth you feel, that quiets the brain, and then bring 
 feeling of quietness, down into the heart, and just let it sit 
 And feel how this could be the seat of the soul, within the quiet 
 heart, which is quiet, because it knows the 'Truth', without 
 the 'but', or activity of searching for something...

I found it significant that the conscious acknowledgement of your 
inner Truth, your Jivan, your Soul essence, occurred while you were 
sitting quietly, on the weekend. 

This is how the seduction of the Self begins, in our quiet moments, 
when we are relaxed. Then as we consciously acknowledge that 
transcendent charm manifesting while we are in waking state, it 
becomes easier to discriminate and to recognize, and begins to take 
what is rightfully its own; us.

Eventually our surrender to our Selves becomes complete, and 
inescapable, we are given over, and no more can our true nature be 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/2/06 1:26:53 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
I don't 
  presume to the exalted position of a film critic. So I don't comment on 
  the dramatic and cinematic criticisms made by these august critics. I'm 
  not saying, or even implying, that The Lost City is a better movie than 
  the Godfather II. I'm simply criticizing the critics on their criticism of 
  The Lost City's historical accuracy. In these reviews we see – in all it's 
  classic splendor – the Mainstream Media's thundering and apparently 
  incurable stupidity on matters Cuban.

I remember when I was a kid about 6, my father took our family 
and the family car on a boat trip to Cuba, around 1957. We stayed in the Havana 
Hilton, complete with bullet holes in the exterior. We had a wonderful time and 
were even able to drive through the countryside completely safe. I do 
remember a few police barricades that we occasionally had to drive 
through. As I recall Havana was a beautiful city and the people very friendly. I 
madefriends with the hotel wait staff who used to bring me cherry cokes 
all the time. Unfortunately I was too young to fully appreciate such a trip, 
especially with the fate that Cuba suffered 

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[FairfieldLife] May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread MDixon6569

Was anybody on the list affectedby the illegal's 
boycott yesterday? I personally noticed far less traffic on the road, almost 
like a Sunday morning and noticed one Barbeque business that employees 
nearly 100% Hispanicsclosed. Other than that, the day was rather 
uneventful here in Tomball Texas, (twenty miles northwest of 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: New Jyotish

2006-05-02 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From a friend:
 Hi Rick,
 It seems that people getting jyotish consultations
 from International are now being told they are in
 different dasas to their previoyus readings. The
 reason given is that it is a new system for Sat Yuga.
 No-one gets to see the charts though so it is unknown
 what the system is. Any of your friends know about

Kind of like New Coke and Classic Coke? 
I feel Service Marks (maybe patents?) comming on... 
The question is: Is there a lawsuit dasa? 


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[FairfieldLife] Friday Indian Lunch-this Friday May 5

2006-05-02 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Friday Indian Lunch-this Friday May 5

Vaju Moorthy of the Amma Center makes great South Indian lunches most Fridays, served at Morningstar Studio. In my opinion, the food is a lot better than that at any Indian restaurant in town. Anyone is welcome. Cost is $7. All you can eat. You have to reserve a day ahead of time by contacting Coralie Brook (details below). If you ask, shell put you on a list and email you once a week with that weeks menu. Heres her latest announcement:

Here is the lunch menu for this Friday (May 5) at Morningstar, catered by Vaju Moorthy. As you see, this is very traditional South Indian food RSVP is required! 

Idli (soft, steamed dumpling made of rice and urad dal)
Coconut Chutney
Mixed vegetable Curry (No Cabbage ) 
Sweet and Savoury Kozhukattai (these are traditionally served in South India for Ganesh Chathurthi, Ganesh's birthday, which is in August)
Plain Rice
To attend, you must RSVP to Coralie Brook by Wednesday evening at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 472-7148. Otherwise, we will ask that you wait until the following week and make advance reservation. That way there is enough food for everyone who comes.*

Thank you, everyone. 

Coralie Brook

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[FairfieldLife] Re: New Jyotish

2006-05-02 Thread markmeredith2002

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 on 5/2/06 9:58 AM, Rick Archer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From a friend:
  Hi Rick,
  It seems that people getting jyotish consultations
  from International are now being told they are in
  different dasas to their previoyus readings. The
  reason given is that it is a new system for Sat Yuga.
  No-one gets to see the charts though so it is unknown
  what the system is. Any of your friends know about
 A jyotish friend responded on the side:
 the calculation is called shristi samvatsar and is based on a
 calculation from the surya siddhanta.

The calculation is called time for new improved product roll-out
since the old product is no longer selling.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In 
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 
 tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlist@ wrote:
  You are very right Judy in that Yes can not be intentional. 
 Coming from a Buddhist perspective, in which intent
 and focus are very *much* a part of the realization
 process, I'd have to disagree with you, Tom. 
 I think that the issue that some people are reacting 
 to in my little cafe story is that it pushes their 
 *religious* buttons, the ones they don't like
 to admit they have. They have been convinced, after
 decades of indoctrination by the TM movement and
 its Hindu underpinnings, that passivity is the *only*
 way to go in the quest for enlightenment. Don't ever
 work at anything because that would be straining
 or effort or the imposition of will, and thus 
 an aspect of ego. So the proper attitude towards 
 enlightenment is to just sit around and wait for it 
 to happen on its own.
 And wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.
snippage grande

I had a similar thought when I read what Tom had written, not 
because he is advocating passivity, he wouldn't be in his present 
state if that were so, but rather because intention IS a critical 
part of gaining realization-liberation-enlightenment. I liked what 
Alex said also of Tom saying that we must change boats in midstream 
to gain our Selves, only the boat we step into is invisible(!).

So, once again, the paradox confronts us, to give ourselves over to 
intention, and surrender, both simultaneously. This is where faith 
and discrimination come in.

I wholeheartedly agree with carrying forth our intention in order to 
reach the ultimate Goal. Otherwise how can exhaustion of the will 
occur, paving the way for true and final acceptance of our Selves, 
our true nature?

Your strong advocacy for your position, to the exclusion of the 
other is a good thing, using FFL to work out the balance of the 
intellect. Keep it up!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 So, once again, the paradox confronts us, to give ourselves over to 
 intention, and surrender, both simultaneously. This is where faith 
 and discrimination come in.

Yes, it's paradoxical, faith and discrimination working
together rather than against each other.

 I wholeheartedly agree with carrying forth our intention in order
 to reach the ultimate Goal. Otherwise how can exhaustion of the 
 will occur, paving the way for true and final acceptance of our 
 Selves, our true nature?
 Your strong advocacy for your position, to the exclusion of the 
 other is a good thing, using FFL to work out the balance of the 
 intellect. Keep it up!

His strong advocacy would, IMHO, be ever so much better
a thing if it weren't accomplished primarily by nastily
trashing (his fantasy of) the alternative.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Friday Indian Lunch-this Friday May 5

2006-05-02 Thread anony_sleuth_ff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mixed vegetable Curry (No Cabbage )

Does Amma recoomend against cabbage (and related vegs such as brussel
sprouts)? These vegs appear to be vatta and balance kapha and pitta --
good for some.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread feste37

I agree with you here, Judy. Barry makes some interesting points about an 
alternative approach to enlightenment, but his unpleasant tone regarding the 
beliefs of others is very off-putting and makes one doubt the validity of his own 
enlightenment. I agree also that his presentation of the TM approach is a 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In 
  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 
  tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlist@ wrote:
   You are very right Judy in that Yes can not be intentional. 
  Coming from a Buddhist perspective, in which intent
  and focus are very *much* a part of the realization
  process, I'd have to disagree with you, Tom. 
  I think that the issue that some people are reacting 
  to in my little cafe story is that it pushes their 
  *religious* buttons, the ones they don't like
  to admit they have. They have been convinced, after
  decades of indoctrination by the TM movement and
  its Hindu underpinnings, that passivity is the *only*
  way to go in the quest for enlightenment. Don't ever
  work at anything because that would be straining
  or effort or the imposition of will, and thus 
  an aspect of ego. So the proper attitude towards 
  enlightenment is to just sit around and wait for it 
  to happen on its own.
 There are two ways to address a disagreement. One is
 to make a positive case for one's own perspective; the
 other is to trash the other perspective.
 The disadvantage of choosing the second route is that
 one can be tempted to caricature the opposing viewpoint
 rather than presenting it fairly, in order to make it
 easier to trash. And if one convinces oneself of the
 truth of one's caricature, it makes it easier to
 convince oneself of the truth of one's own
 perspective without ever considering the possible
 merits of the other.
 This may raise suspicions that the person doing the
 trashing is deep down not so confident of his
 perspective as he pretends to be, since he has to
 distort the other to make it appear less valid
 than his own.
  And wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.
  And if it *doesn't* happen, after decades of 
  sitting around and waiting and doing what you're
  told, that's somehow all right because it isn't
  really you who has anything to do with your
  enlightenment. It's really the universe, or Natural
  Law, or God that's made the decision to leave you
  lost in the illusion of unenlightenment.
 In my experience (doing what I feel is right for
 me, not what I'm told), I make more progress
 when I take responsibility without assigning blame.
 The former does not necessarily imply the latter.
 I don't assume something else has made any
 decisions about me, but by the same token, I do not
 assume I am somehow not all right because this or
 that hasn't happened yet.
 In other contexts, Barry has vigorously scorned the
 seeking mentality that requires one to feel not
 all right about oneself until one has found one's
 all-rightness. But here he seems to be claiming
 the opposite. That suggests a certain degree of
  That's an Ok set of things to believe, I guess,
  if what you want is to never realize your enlight-
  enment. Me, I prefer the Buddhist approach, in
  which one's intent and ability to focus come into
  play and in which talents and ability other than
  waiting and hoping become part of the realization
  I'm not comfortable with the just-be-patient-and-
  wait approach to enlightenment, in which one is told
  over and over by the *vendor* of that approach to
  enlightenment that their UNenlightenment isn't
  their fault. What a fuckin' lie that is.
 Hmm, I've never heard any vendor say that. I
 suspect that notion is a function of the caricature
 Barry has created to bolster his own perspective.
  It's a lie even if you believe in the model their 
  system is based on. If you believe that stress 
  is what keeps you from being enlightened, then who 
  created your stress? Well duh, you did. If you 
  believe it's karma that keeps you from being 
  enlightened, well who created the karma? Well 
  duh, again, you did. Take some responsibility fer
  chrssakes...if you're convinced that you are not 
  enlightened, YOU created that reality (or, as it 
  turns out, unreality).
 Yes, duh. Again, though, taking responsibility is
 not the same as blaming oneself.
  I *know* that saying these things on a TM forum
  is going to rile people up, and make some of them
  crazy. It's absolute HERESY to a person who has drunk 
  the TM Kool-Aid and believes that effortlessness is 
  the *only* model that leads to transcendence and 
  eventually enlightenment to suggest that there are
  *other* models -- models that involve will and 
  intention -- and that they lead there, too.
 It's not the heresy that's the problem, of 

[FairfieldLife] Building a World Class Economy and Culture for the Future

2006-05-02 Thread anony_sleuth_ff

Sobering. World class educational system to build and sustain a world
class economy and culture for the future.


Despite the wall-to-wall coverage of the damage from Hurricane
Katrina, nearly one-third of young Americans recently polled couldn't
locate Louisiana on a map and nearly half were unable to identify

Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 fared even worse with foreign
locations: six in 10 couldn't find Iraq, according to a Roper poll
conducted for National Geographic.

Geographic illiteracy impacts our economic well-being, our
relationships with other nations and the environment, and isolates us
from the world, National Geographic president John Fahey said in
announcing a program to help remedy the problem. It's hoping to enlist
businesses, nonprofit groups and educators in a bid to improve
geographic literacy.

Planned is a five-year, multimedia campaign called My Wonderful World
that will target children 8 to 17. The goal is to motivate parents and
educators to expand geographic offerings in school, at home and in
their communities.

They will have their task cut out for them, judging by the results of
the survey of 510 people interviewed in December and January.

Among the findings:

_ One-third of respondents couldn't pinpoint Louisiana on a map and 48
percent were unable to locate Mississippi.

_ Fewer than three in 10 think it important to know the locations of
countries in the news and just 14 percent believe speaking another
language is a necessary skill.

_ Two-thirds didn't know that the earthquake that killed 70,000 people
in October 2005 occurred in Pakistan.

_ Six in 10 could not find Iraq on a map of the Middle East.

_ While the outsourcing of jobs to India has been a major U.S.
business story, 47 percent could not find the Indian subcontinent on a
map of Asia.

_ While Israeli-Palestinian strife has been in the news for the entire
lives of the respondents, 75 percent were unable to locate Israel on a
map of the Middle East.

_ Nearly three-quarters incorrectly named English as the most widely
spoken native language.

_ Six in 10 did not know the border between North and South Korea is
the most heavily fortified in the world. Thirty percent thought the
most heavily fortified border was between the United States and Mexico.

Joining in the effort to improve geographic knowledge will be the 4-H,
American Federation of Teachers, Asia Society, Association of American
Geographers, National Basketball Association, National Council of La
Raza, National PTA, Smithsonian Institution and others.

Geography exposes children and adults to diverse cultures, different
ideas and the exchange of knowledge from around the world, said Anna
Marie Weselak, president of the National PTA. This campaign will help
make sure our children get their geography _ so they can become
familiar with other cultures during their school years and move
comfortably and confidently in a global economy as adults.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Friday Indian Lunch-this Friday May 5

2006-05-02 Thread Rick Archer

on 5/2/06 10:37 AM, anony_sleuth_ff at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Mixed vegetable Curry (No Cabbage )
 Does Amma recoomend against cabbage (and related vegs such as brussel
 sprouts)? These vegs appear to be vatta and balance kapha and pitta --
 good for some.

No. sometimes cabbage is served. Maybe some people said they didn't like it
or something.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  So, once again, the paradox confronts us, to give ourselves over 
  intention, and surrender, both simultaneously. This is where 
  and discrimination come in.
 Yes, it's paradoxical, faith and discrimination working
 together rather than against each other.
  I wholeheartedly agree with carrying forth our intention in order
  to reach the ultimate Goal. Otherwise how can exhaustion of the 
  will occur, paving the way for true and final acceptance of our 
  Selves, our true nature?
  Your strong advocacy for your position, to the exclusion of the 
  other is a good thing, using FFL to work out the balance of the 
  intellect. Keep it up!
 His strong advocacy would, IMHO, be ever so much better
 a thing if it weren't accomplished primarily by nastily
 trashing (his fantasy of) the alternative.

Its a function of the heart growing full and advocating the waking 
state intellect. A temporary thing- won't last.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Barry makes some interesting points about an 
 alternative approach to enlightenment, but his 
 unpleasant tone regarding the beliefs of others is 
 very off-putting and makes one doubt the validity 
 of his own enlightenment. 

Just for the record, I have never claimed enlightenment.
I've had a few nice experiences that I personally put 
into that general category of experience, but that's 
all I'll cop to...having had a few neat experiences. 

 I agree also that his presentation of the TM approach 
 is a caricature. 

In my considered opinion, it's anything but...I 
think it's pretty damned accurate.

My time on FFL has been a real shock to me in
some ways as I've come to realize how many people
are so locked into the TM paradigms that they have
trouble even *conceiving* of others. There are 
notable exceptions, and they are pleasant when I 
encounter them, but in general I stand by what I 
said earlier today. 

Sometimes the Fundamentalist words and tone used 
here make it seem as if the posters have actually 
come to view effort or the use of intention as some 
kind of sin. It's fascinating...there are times 
when reading FFL is like reading stuff written by 
the tightasses who wrote the Old Testament. :-)

I guess that falls into the unpleasant category
again, but there you jolly well are, aren't you?
If you don't like what I have to say, might I 
recommend killfiles or the judicious use of the 
NEXT key? 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, vajradhatu108 

 --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 
 tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlist@ wrote:
  TorguoiseB writes: snipped
  I sat there trying to not have as much fun with the 
  day as I knew I was capable of having, and then I 
  caught myself doing it. The moment I did, I was 
  able to laugh at myself. And through my laughter, 
  I found my body saying Yes. Out loud. Weirdest
  damned thing.
  Everything changed. Background flipflopped into 
  foreground and the witnessing, a moment before 
  unnoticed, moved front and center and reasserted 
  its Self again. And all it took was getting to 
  I'm sure it'll pass...all things do...but it's
  neat while it lasts. Life's cool sometimes, yes?
  Tom T:
  Very astute observations. Reminds me of Patanjali Chapter 3 
  Vs 54: Knowledge born of the finest discrimination takes us to 
  farthest shore.
  It is intuitive, omniscient and beyond all divisions of time and 
  Vs 55: And when the translucent intellect is as pure as the Self,
  there is Enlightenment.
  It is the Self knowing the Self but there is the working of the
  intellect that makes the final and finest discrimination.
 Actually the above quote is about viveka-khyati --an important 
experience and 
 discrimination which can continue for quite a while, but alas is 
not liberation--athough 
 that is the next chapter (of the YS). It *is* often confused with 
liberation. snip

Actually, your statement is a misunderstanding of the simultaneous 
realities, of, on the one hand, our continuous experience of ever 
expanding growth and knowledge, and on the other hand, the 
unmistakable experience and truth of liberation.

Those that experience liberation know it to be what it is. I 
particularly liked Alex's description of it as the end of war with 
ourselves. Many, many other descriptions are out there, so it is 
pointless for me to go any further describing such a state.

Those who experience liberation also know that as significant as the 
state is, there is always further knowledge, further experience, 
further integration occurring. I like to refer to the state of 
liberation as one of finding vs. seeking, a description that implies 
that there is infinitely more to know, once our liberation occurs.

So, to truly comprehend liberation, both realities must peacefully 
exist in the mind at the same time, that of the silent unmoving 
Goal, inner freedom, and that of continuously finding and 
discovering more and more about our Selves.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Was anybody on the list affected by the illegal's boycott 
yesterday? I 
 personally noticed far less traffic on the road, almost like a 
Sunday morning 
 and noticed one Barbeque business that employees nearly 100% 
Hispanics closed. 
 Other than that, the day was rather uneventful here in Tomball 
Texas, (twenty 
 miles northwest of Houston).

Yes, it looks like the impact to the criminals who employ all of the 
illegal immigrants were barely affected. Too bad.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Having lived in south florida for 13 years and having
 gone to graduate school with many second generation
 Cubans who fled Fidel's revolution and having
 professors who taught in cuba before and after the
 revolution I have learned quite a bit about Che and
 Fidel and their revolution. I am in full agreement
 with Mr. Fontova. Fidel ruined that country.

Peter, do you think that most Americans -- other than Cuban-
Americans -- have the wrong impression about Cuba and Castro? That 
is, that it is some sort of socialist paradise?

 --- shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Movie Critics Aghast at Andy Garcia's The Lost City
  by Humberto Fontova
  Andy Garcia blew it big-time with his movie The Lost
  City. He blew 
  it with the mainstream critics that is. Almost
  unanimously, they're 
  ripping a movie 16 years in the making. In this
  engaging drama of a 
  middle-class Cuban family crumbling during free
  Havana's last days, 
  in which he both directs and stars, Garcia insisted
  on depicting 
  some historical truth about Cuba � a grotesque and
  blunder in his industry. He's now paying the price.
  Earlier, many film festivals refused to screen it.
  Now many Latin 
  American countries refuse to show it. The film's
  offenses are many 
  and varied. Most unforgivable of all, Che Guevara is
  shown killing 
  people in cold blood. Who ever heard of such
  nonsense? And just 
  where does this uppity Andy Garcia get the
  effrontery to portray 
  such things? The man obviously doesn't know his
  And just where did Garcia get this preposterous
  notion of pre-Castro 
  Cuba as a relatively prosperous but politically
  troubled place, they 
  ask? All the Cubans he portrays seem middle class?
  Where in his 
  movie is the tsunami of stooped and starving
  peasants that carried 
  Fidel and Che into Havana on it's crest, they ask?
  Where's all those 
  diseased and illiterate laborers and peasants my
  professors, Dan 
  Rather, CNN and Oliver Stone told me about, ask the
  Garcia � that cinematic bomb-thrower � has
  jolted the 
  Mainstream Media's fantasies and hallucinations of
  pre-Castro Cuba, 
  of Che, of Fidel, and of Cubans in general. In
  consequence, the 
  critics are unnerved and disoriented. Their
  annoyance and scorn is 
  spewing forth in review after review. 
  Garcia blew it. If only his characters had spoken
  with accents like 
  John Belushi's as a Saturday Night Live Killer Bee!
  If only they'd 
  dressed like The Three Amigos! If only they'd
  behaved like Cheech 
  and Chong! If only they'd mimicked the mannerisms
  and gait of 
  Freddie Prinze in Chico and the Man! If only the
  women had piled a 
  roadside fruit stand on their head like Carmen
  Miranda in Road to 
  Rio! If only the cast had looked like the little guy
  who handles my 
  luggage when I visit Cancun! Or the guys who do my
  lawn! Everybody 
  knows that's what Hispanics look like! 
  If only masses of Cubans had been shown toiling in
  salt mines like 
  Spartacus, or picking crops like Tom Joad or getting
  lashed by a 
  vicious landlord like Kunta Kinte, or hustling for a
  living like 
  Ratso Rizzo! 
  In a movie about the Cuban revolution, we almost
  never see any of 
  the working poor for whom the revolution was
  fought,sniffs Peter Reiner in The Christian Science
  Monitor. The 
  Lost City misses historical complexity. 
  Actually what's missing is Mr. Reiner's historical
  knowledge. Andy 
  Garcia and screenwriter Guillermo Cabrera Infante
  knew full well 
  that the working poor had no role in the stage of
  the Cuban 
  Revolution shown in the movie. The Anti-Batista
  rebellion was led 
  and staffed overwhelmingly by Cuba's middle � and
  especially, upper �
  class. To wit: in August of 1957 Castro's rebel
  movement called for 
  a National Strike against the Batista dictatorship
  � and 
  threatened to shoot workers who reported to work.
  The National 
  Strike was completely ignored. 
  Another was called for April 9, 1958. And again
  Cuban workers blew a 
  loud and collective raspberry at their liberators,
  reporting to 
  work en masse. 
  Garcia's tale bemoans the loss of easy wealth for a
  precious few, 
  harrumphs Michael Atkinson in The Village Voice.
  Poor people are 
  absolutely absent; Garcia and Infante seem to have
  thought that 
  peasant revolutions happen for no particular
  reason�or at least no 
  reason the moneyed 1 percent should have to worry
  What's absolutely absent is Mr Atkinson's
  knowledge about the Cuba 
  Garcia depicts in his movie. His crack about that
  moneyed 1 per 
  cent, and especially his peasant revolution
  epitomize the clich�d 
  idiocies still parroted by the chattering classes
  about Cuba. 
  The impoverished masses 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-02 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 There are supermarkets within a few blocks wherever you
 live, at least in Manhattan. The clerks are trained in
 packing your goods into bags so they're well balanced
 and compact. Most people bring shopping carts, or have
 their stuff delivered for a few bucks.
 There are pharmacies and banks and dry cleaners and so
 on on almost every block. The main streets--the avenues--
 are crammed solid with stores and shops of all kinds, so
 most of what you need is likely to be within easy walking
Yea, I noticed the little bodegas on most every block. Boston, 
where I went next did not seem to have near the flavor of NY. 


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Friday Indian Lunch-this Friday May 5

2006-05-02 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 

 Vaju Moorthy of the Amma Center makes great South Indian lunches 
 Fridays, served at Morningstar Studio. In my opinion, the food is 
a lot
 better than that at any Indian restaurant in town. Anyone is 
welcome. Cost
 is $7. All you can eat. You have to reserve a day ahead of time by
 contacting Coralie Brook (details below). If you ask, she¹ll put 
you on a
 list and email you once a week with that week¹s menu. Here¹s her 
 Here is the lunch menu for this Friday (May 5) at Morningstar, 
catered by
 Vaju Moorthy. As you see, this is very traditional South Indian 
food RSVP
 is required! 
 * Idli (soft, steamed dumpling made of rice and urad dal)
 * Vada 
 * Sambar 
 * Coconut Chutney 
 * Mixed vegetable Curry (No Cabbage )
 * Sweet and Savoury Kozhukattai (these are traditionally served 
in South
 India for Ganesh Chathurthi, Ganesh's birthday, which is in August)
 * Plain Rice 
 * Chai

What, no Masala Dosa?

 To attend, you must RSVP to Coralie Brook by Wednesday evening at
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 472-7148. Otherwise, we will ask that you wait
 until the following week and make advance reservation. That way 
there is
 enough food for everyone who comes.*
 Thank you, everyone.
 Coralie Brook

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Friday Indian Lunch-this Friday May 5

2006-05-02 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anony_sleuth_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer fairfieldlife@
 Mixed vegetable Curry (No Cabbage )
 Does Amma recoomend against cabbage (and related vegs such as brussel
 sprouts)? These vegs appear to be vatta and balance kapha and pitta --
 good for some.

Cruciferous veggies (cabbage, Brussels sprouts,
broccoli, cauliflower) also apparently have
cancer-fighting properties. Good stuff.
Delectable when not over- or undercoooked.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/2/06 11:31:23 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
Yes, it 
  looks like the impact to the criminals who employ all of the illegal 
  immigrants were barely affected. Too bad.

From what I saw on the local news, most employers of illegals 
were all too happy to give them the day off if they were given sufficient 
notice. However I think most illegals worked.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-02 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 

As I understand it, NYC doesn't have any Wal-Marts so, sadly, New 
 Yorkers are paying way more for all of the above items.

I confess, I shop at Wal-Mart several times a week. I am also a 
small business owner, although not affected by the boxes, although I 
would be if I were in closer proximity. Wal-Mart absolutely does 
give more buying power to the average consumer. It is hard to break 
that addiction. What did I just see -oh yea, in turns of countries 
Wal-Mart is China's fourth biggest trading partner.

  If not, you take a bus or subway, or a taxi if it's not
  rush hour. Or you ride a bicycle if you don't mind the
  New Yorkers walk a lot more than folks in rural areas.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
   So, once again, the paradox confronts us, to give ourselves 
   intention, and surrender, both simultaneously. This is where 
   and discrimination come in.
  Yes, it's paradoxical, faith and discrimination working
  together rather than against each other.
   I wholeheartedly agree with carrying forth our intention in 
   to reach the ultimate Goal. Otherwise how can exhaustion of the 
   will occur, paving the way for true and final acceptance of our 
   Selves, our true nature?
   Your strong advocacy for your position, to the exclusion of the 
   other is a good thing, using FFL to work out the balance of the 
   intellect. Keep it up!
  His strong advocacy would, IMHO, be ever so much better
  a thing if it weren't accomplished primarily by nastily
  trashing (his fantasy of) the alternative.
 Its a function of the heart growing full and advocating the waking 
 state intellect. A temporary thing- won't last.

Twelve years so far and counting...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Friday Indian Lunch-this Friday May 5

2006-05-02 Thread Rick Archer

on 5/2/06 11:39 AM, shempmcgurk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What, no Masala Dosa?

Different menu each week.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/2/06 11:38:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  do you think that most Americans -- other than Cuban-Americans -- have the 
  wrong impression about Cuba and Castro? That is, that it is some 
  sort of socialist paradise?

Shemp I think most democrats/liberals simply envy the "free 
health care" and "free college education". Thus it's a socialist workers 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My time on FFL has been a real shock to me in
 some ways as I've come to realize how many people
 are so locked into the TM paradigms that they have
 trouble even *conceiving* of others.

Perhaps you believe that because they reject your
horribly distorted caricature of the TM paradigm.

 There are 
 notable exceptions, and they are pleasant when I 
 encounter them, but in general I stand by what I 
 said earlier today. 
 Sometimes the Fundamentalist words and tone used 
 here make it seem as if the posters have actually 
 come to view effort or the use of intention as some 
 kind of sin. It's fascinating...there are times 
 when reading FFL is like reading stuff written by 
 the tightasses who wrote the Old Testament. :-)
 I guess that falls into the unpleasant category
 again, but there you jolly well are, aren't you?
 If you don't like what I have to say, might I 
 recommend killfiles or the judicious use of the 
 NEXT key?

You can recommend it all you want. Do you have some
kind of problem with people disagreeing with what you

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[FairfieldLife] Re: New Jyotish

2006-05-02 Thread hugheshugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 

 From a friend:
 Hi Rick,
 It seems that people getting jyotish consultations
 from International are now being told they are in
 different dasas to their previoyus readings. The
 reason given is that it is a new system for Sat Yuga.
 No-one gets to see the charts though so it is unknown
 what the system is. Any of your friends know about

I've got the moon in the fourth house and virgo rising, does this 
news mean I'm going to stop thinking astrology is a load of bollocks?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
  Was anybody on the list affected by the illegal's boycott 
 yesterday? I 
  personally noticed far less traffic on the road, almost like a 
 Sunday morning 
  and noticed one Barbeque business that employees nearly 100% 
 Hispanics closed. 
  Other than that, the day was rather uneventful here in Tomball 
 Texas, (twenty 
  miles northwest of Houston).
 Yes, it looks like the impact to the criminals who employ all of 
 the illegal immigrants were barely affected. Too bad.

FWIW, most of NBC Nightly News last night was devoted
to the strike. Overall the coverage was quite positive.

A portion of the transcript dealing specifically with the
strike aspect:


 DON TEAGUE, NBC CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): At workplaces 
across the nation, the financial cost of A Day Without Immigrants hit 

 For Malone Food Stores, a small grocery chain in Dallas, 
closing today meant $300,000 in lost sales.

 RICK GOMEZ, MALONE FOOD STORES: It's a little bit of a 
financial bite.

 TEAGUE: But Rick Gomez says it's a bite his business is 
willing to take. Ninety-five percent of his workforce, and most of 
his customers, are Hispanic.

 GOMEZ: It is vital, in our opinion, to support the 
customers, and the employees, and their extended families.

 TEAGUE: Gomez chose to shut down. But in Florida, vegetable 
farmer Arturo de Leon had no choice, and no workers to pick crops.

 ARTURO DE LEON, VEGETABLE FARMER: And without them, we can't 
do it. We just can't do it.

 TEAGUE (on camera): Immigrants stayed away from thousands of 
job sites nationwide. Here in Dallas, only a handful of workers even 
showed up at this construction site.

 (voice-over): But not all immigrants agree with the 
protests. Just across the street, Nizar Ali and his employees are on 
the job.

 NIZAR ALI: We are open today for the business.

 TEAGUE: Proving the point that there's a legal process for 
immigrating, and working.

 ALI: Yes, you have to work, otherwise you can't get money, 
you know.

 TEAGUE: Still, this much is certain. Millions of immigrants 
flexed their muscle today.

 At ports in Southern California, 90 percent of the truckers 
needed to move cargo didn't show up.

 For driver Jose Munoz, mowing his lawn instead of working, 
those idle big rigs are a warning.

 JOSE MUNOZ, TRUCKER: It's going to be just one day, and if 
things don't change or nothing, it'll probably be more days.

 TEAGUE: Days that immigrant workers claim American 
businesses can't afford.

 Don Teague, NBC News, Dallas.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread Peter

--- shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
  Having lived in south florida for 13 years and
  gone to graduate school with many second
  Cubans who fled Fidel's revolution and having
  professors who taught in cuba before and after the
  revolution I have learned quite a bit about Che
  Fidel and their revolution. I am in full agreement
  with Mr. Fontova. Fidel ruined that country.
 Peter, do you think that most Americans -- other
 than Cuban-
 Americans -- have the wrong impression about Cuba
 and Castro? That 
 is, that it is some sort of socialist paradise?

No, of course not. However, within some liberal or,
more accurately, radical circles, the revolution in
Cuba is viewed as some sort of wonderful change that
brought about the liberation of the masses. But I
have to admit that I only found this perspective in my
socialist sister and her friends, and in graduate
school in the late 70's and early 80's at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Marxism, socialism
like anything else can look great on paper, but the
actual practice can get real messy and corrupt as it
did in Cuba. 

  --- shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Movie Critics Aghast at Andy Garcia's The Lost
   by Humberto Fontova
   Andy Garcia blew it big-time with his movie The
   City. He blew 
   it with the mainstream critics that is. Almost
   unanimously, they're 
   ripping a movie 16 years in the making. In this
   engaging drama of a 
   middle-class Cuban family crumbling during free
   Havana's last days, 
   in which he both directs and stars, Garcia
   on depicting 
   some historical truth about Cuba � a grotesque
   blunder in his industry. He's now paying the
   Earlier, many film festivals refused to screen
   Now many Latin 
   American countries refuse to show it. The film's
   offenses are many 
   and varied. Most unforgivable of all, Che
 Guevara is
   shown killing 
   people in cold blood. Who ever heard of such
   nonsense? And just 
   where does this uppity Andy Garcia get the
   effrontery to portray 
   such things? The man obviously doesn't know his
   And just where did Garcia get this preposterous
   notion of pre-Castro 
   Cuba as a relatively prosperous but politically
   troubled place, they 
   ask? All the Cubans he portrays seem middle
   Where in his 
   movie is the tsunami of stooped and starving
   peasants that carried 
   Fidel and Che into Havana on it's crest, they
   Where's all those 
   diseased and illiterate laborers and peasants my
   professors, Dan 
   Rather, CNN and Oliver Stone told me about, ask
   Garcia � that cinematic bomb-thrower � has
   jolted the 
   Mainstream Media's fantasies and hallucinations
   pre-Castro Cuba, 
   of Che, of Fidel, and of Cubans in general. In
   consequence, the 
   critics are unnerved and disoriented. Their
   annoyance and scorn is 
   spewing forth in review after review. 
   Garcia blew it. If only his characters had
   with accents like 
   John Belushi's as a Saturday Night Live Killer
   If only they'd 
   dressed like The Three Amigos! If only they'd
   behaved like Cheech 
   and Chong! If only they'd mimicked the
   and gait of 
   Freddie Prinze in Chico and the Man! If only the
   women had piled a 
   roadside fruit stand on their head like Carmen
   Miranda in Road to 
   Rio! If only the cast had looked like the little
   who handles my 
   luggage when I visit Cancun! Or the guys who do
   lawn! Everybody 
   knows that's what Hispanics look like! 
   If only masses of Cubans had been shown toiling
   salt mines like 
   Spartacus, or picking crops like Tom Joad or
   lashed by a 
   vicious landlord like Kunta Kinte, or hustling
 for a
   living like 
   Ratso Rizzo! 
   In a movie about the Cuban revolution, we
   never see any of 
   the working poor for whom the revolution was
   fought,sniffs Peter Reiner in The Christian
   Monitor. The 
   Lost City misses historical complexity. 
   Actually what's missing is Mr. Reiner's
   knowledge. Andy 
   Garcia and screenwriter Guillermo Cabrera
   knew full well 
   that the working poor had no role in the stage
   the Cuban 
   Revolution shown in the movie. The Anti-Batista
   rebellion was led 
   and staffed overwhelmingly by Cuba's middle �
   especially, upper �
   class. To wit: in August of 1957 Castro's rebel
   movement called for 
   a National Strike against the Batista
   � and 
   threatened to shoot workers who reported to
   The National 
   Strike was completely ignored. 
   Another was called for April 9, 1958. And again
   Cuban workers blew a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 5/2/06 11:38:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
 Peter, do you think that most Americans -- other than Cuban-
 Americans -- have the wrong impression about Cuba and Castro? That 
 is, that it is some sort of socialist paradise?
 Shemp I think most democrats/liberals simply envy the free health
 care and free college education. Thus it's a socialist workers 

FWIW, the Democrats/liberals I know are well aware of
Cuba's problems and certainly don't consider it a
paradise of any kind. On the other hand, they don't
think it's *quite* such a hellhole as it is portrayed
by the right wing.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread anony_sleuth_ff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, it looks like the impact to the criminals who employ all of the 
 illegal immigrants were barely affected. Too bad.

Yes, Great post. Thank you. Important issue.

You are probably like me and don't just spout empty slogans but put
action behind your beliefs. I find its so hypocritical of whiny slogan
throwers to want to throw in jail all those criminals who employ all 
the illegal immigrants -- and then go and buy and use products made
by the companies of these crimnals. Like me, I am sure you don't do
such a hypocrital thing.
I tried to find a house or apartment that was criminal hiring of
illegal immigrant free. Sadly, I couldn't. So I pitched a tent in the
forest until I found out that the damned manufacturer and retailer of
the tent criminally used illegal aliens in thier businesses. So I
dichted the tent. I started to make a lean-too with a hatchet, cutting
down some smaller trees and shrubs, but damn, again, found out those
criminal retailers who sell the hatchet also criminally hire illegal
aliens. So I am now using my barfe hands. Its hard, but at least Iam
not supporting those business criminals. At least I am free of
hypocracy. Though I am fading a bit just eating blackberries I saved
up from last summer. And I am sill healing from the mosquito bites
from last summer when I started going naked. And still suffering from
this winter's frostbite. But its worth it, not to be a empty-slogan
spouting hypocrite.

How are you coping with your efforts to be hypoctite-free and not
support any criminal businesses and retailers who hire illegal aliens?

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, vajradhatu108 
 vajranatha@ wrote:
  --- In 
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 
  tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlist@ wrote:
   TorguoiseB writes: snipped
   I sat there trying to not have as much fun with the 
   day as I knew I was capable of having, and then I 
   caught myself doing it. The moment I did, I was 
   able to laugh at myself. And through my laughter, 
   I found my body saying Yes. Out loud. Weirdest
   damned thing.
   Everything changed. Background flipflopped into 
   foreground and the witnessing, a moment before 
   unnoticed, moved front and center and reasserted 
   its Self again. And all it took was getting to 
   I'm sure it'll pass...all things do...but it's
   neat while it lasts. Life's cool sometimes, yes?
   Tom T:
   Very astute observations. Reminds me of Patanjali Chapter 3 
   Vs 54: Knowledge born of the finest discrimination takes us to 
   farthest shore.
   It is intuitive, omniscient and beyond all divisions of time and 
   Vs 55: And when the translucent intellect is as pure as the Self,
   there is Enlightenment.
   It is the Self knowing the Self but there is the working of the
   intellect that makes the final and finest discrimination.
  Actually the above quote is about viveka-khyati --an important 
 experience and 
  discrimination which can continue for quite a while, but alas is 
 not liberation--athough 
  that is the next chapter (of the YS). It *is* often confused with 
 liberation. snip
 Actually, your statement is a misunderstanding of the simultaneous 
 realities, of, on the one hand, our continuous experience of ever 
 expanding growth and knowledge, and on the other hand, the 
 unmistakable experience and truth of liberation.
 Those that experience liberation know it to be what it is. I 
 particularly liked Alex's description of it as the end of war with 
 ourselves. Many, many other descriptions are out there, so it is 
 pointless for me to go any further describing such a state.
Just to clarify, I was not talking about war with myself in the
context of any sort of spiritual woo-woo. I was referring to war in
the sense of rejection of my individual humanness, specifically, how I
show up as a sexual being. I.e., mundane self-loathing.

But, yes, the state I find myself in now is definitely what I would
call liberation. I would describe it as free-floating in now. On the
other hand, it seems to be making life an even bigger challenge. I'd
always been very much enamored of relative existence, but since the
dark night, the joys of the relative have not returned to the
overshadowing glory they used to be. Erotically, I'm still dead.
Enjoyment of food returned only a little bit. Gazing with Waking Down
teachers used to be experientially delicious, and now it is flat.
Basically, I'm bored stiff and this body feels like a prison.

I guess this is where the continuously finding and discovering more
and more about our Selves comes in. 


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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Jyotish

2006-05-02 Thread Bhairitu

markmeredith2002 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

on 5/2/06 9:58 AM, Rick Archer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


From a friend:

Hi Rick,

It seems that people getting jyotish consultations
from International are now being told they are in
different dasas to their previoyus readings. The
reason given is that it is a new system for Sat Yuga.
No-one gets to see the charts though so it is unknown
what the system is. Any of your friends know about



A jyotish friend responded on the side:

the calculation is called shristi samvatsar and is based on a
calculation from the surya siddhanta.

The calculation is called time for new improved product roll-out
since the old product is no longer selling.


Scam-yuga? I'll have to look up that calculation. Jyotishis often look 
for all kinds of new rules when their predictions don't work out. If 
you look at predictions in the abstract they tend to be pretty good 
indicators of what themes will be prevailing in your life. But we seem 
to have these fools that think dashas are black and white and your every 
move can be determined from the horoscope. I'm beginning to wonder if 
the planets are nothing but markers anyway for some yet undiscovered 
circadian rhythms. The ancients merely used the positions of the 
planets to track the cycles.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: New Jyotish

2006-05-02 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm beginning to wonder if the planets are nothing but markers 
 anyway for some yet undiscovered circadian rhythms.

My guess: Any sufficiently complex system of
correspondences, such as astrology (any flavor), works
as a tool for focusing the intuition--i.e., collecting
and integrating all one's little intuitional inputs
into a coherent whole so that a prediction can be
generated from it. The system's correspondences
themselves don't mean anything at all, they're just a
framework to hang the intuition on and organize what
the intuition knows.

Tea leaves, in other words, could work just as well
as astrology for anyone with a highly developed

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread Bhairitu


Was anybody on the list affected by the illegal's boycott yesterday? I 
personally noticed far less traffic on the road, almost like a Sunday morning 
and noticed one Barbeque business that employees nearly 100% Hispanics closed. 
Other than that, the day was rather uneventful here in Tomball Texas, (twenty 
miles northwest of Houston).


Well my gardener and crew came yesterday but then not everyone who is 
Latino is illegal. The local Mexican takeout was open. Same thing. 
The housekeeper I used to have was Latino but born and raised in Los 
Angeles. She even had non-latinos on her crew.

The whole issue is very complicated. I heard a caller to the Thom 
Hartmann show this morning decrying how everyone wants too much money 
even for unskilled jobs anymore. She said she wanted to hire someone to 
wash her windows and one contractor quoted $200 and she wound up hiring 
a Latino for $50. Thom argued that everyone should be able to have a 
good wage. I usually agree with him but he doesn't see the bigger 
picture in this case. Washing windows is unskilled labor. It shouldn't 
cost $200 unless you have a big mansion and we can assume this lady 
probably has a modest house. 

On the other end of the scale a couple year's back my dentist informed 
he would no longer accept my dental insurance because it didn't pay 
enough. I almost asked, what did you do, buy one of those monster 
homes being built down the road? So I dropped him and he was a good 
dentist with good technicians but no way was I going to be taken to the 
cleaners for a simple cleaning (my insurance will pay for two of those a 

So it's the screw me, screw you blues here in Skamerica. I guess I 
need to raise all my rates too but I know if I do someone will underbid 
me. Maybe we should just erase the blackboard and start all over again.

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Jyotish

2006-05-02 Thread Bhairitu

authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm beginning to wonder if the planets are nothing but markers 
anyway for some yet undiscovered circadian rhythms.

My guess: Any sufficiently complex system of
correspondences, such as astrology (any flavor), works
as a tool for focusing the intuition--i.e., collecting
and integrating all one's little intuitional inputs
into a coherent whole so that a prediction can be
generated from it. The system's correspondences
themselves don't mean anything at all, they're just a
framework to hang the intuition on and organize what
the intuition knows.

Tea leaves, in other words, could work just as well
as astrology for anyone with a highly developed


Intuition is very definitely a part of jyotish but some systems will 
work very well in a mechanical sense too. Something is going on and it 
doesn't have so much to do with intuition other than some folks can 
discern it with intuition. Hart DeFouw, a very popular Jyotish teacher 
says Jyotish is just a form of divination like numerology, palmistry, etc.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread Patrick Gillam

--- Alex Stanley wrote:

 the joys of the relative have not returned to the
 overshadowing glory they used to be. Erotically, I'm still dead.
 Enjoyment of food returned only a little bit. Gazing with Waking Down
 teachers used to be experientially delicious, and now it is flat.
 Basically, I'm bored stiff and this body feels like a prison.

I had a period when life had nothing to offer. Human 
beings seemed like little more than shit factories. 
After three months, I grew tired of it. I reaffirmed 
my belief that life is founded in bliss. I subscribed 
to Daily Word and read its affirmations. Life regained 
its sparkle because I willed it to. But first I had to 
decide the alternative was too tiresome.

Our experiences undoubtedly spring from different 
causes and call for different responses, but that's my 
story. I wish you the best of luck.

Daily Word — Tuesday, May 2, 2006
My faith in God is full and complete.

A career change, a move to a new home, a retirement, or a graduation may signal the end 
of one stage of life and the beginning of another. Before embarking on the new course my 
life is taking, I take a moment to reflect on the completion of this phase and on God's 
spirit that brought me to this turning point.

I give thanks for the spirit of God that has been my guide and inspiration. I release the 
past, forgive where necessary, and rest in the awareness of God's spirit within me.

It may seem that the experiences of life test how strong my faith is, but it is my assurance 
of God's loving support that grows stronger each day. Bringing a segment of life to its 
completion ensures that I am ready for the next phase. My faith is full and complete.

You know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have its 
full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.—James 1:3-4

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anony_sleuth_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  Yes, it looks like the impact to the criminals who employ all of 
  illegal immigrants were barely affected. Too bad.
 Yes, Great post. Thank you. Important issue.
 You are probably like me and don't just spout empty slogans but put
 action behind your beliefs. I find its so hypocritical of whiny 
 throwers to want to throw in jail all those criminals who employ 
 the illegal immigrants -- and then go and buy and use products 
 by the companies of these crimnals. Like me, I am sure you don't do
 such a hypocrital thing.
 I tried to find a house or apartment that was criminal hiring of
 illegal immigrant free. Sadly, I couldn't. So I pitched a tent in 
 forest until I found out that the damned manufacturer and retailer 
 the tent criminally used illegal aliens in thier businesses. So I
 dichted the tent. I started to make a lean-too with a hatchet, 
 down some smaller trees and shrubs, but damn, again, found out 
 criminal retailers who sell the hatchet also criminally hire 
 aliens. So I am now using my barfe hands. Its hard, but at least 
 not supporting those business criminals. At least I am free of
 hypocracy. Though I am fading a bit just eating blackberries I 
 up from last summer. And I am sill healing from the mosquito bites
 from last summer when I started going naked. And still suffering 
 this winter's frostbite. But its worth it, not to be a empty-slogan
 spouting hypocrite.
 How are you coping with your efforts to be hypoctite-free and not
 support any criminal businesses and retailers who hire illegal 

Ha-Ha! Well said. Really well- I'm pretty much OK with all of it- it 
just seems that what I hear most about is the illegals here, and 
next to nothing about how they are able to stay here. I'd like to 
see any legislation enacted address both the illegals and the law 
breakers who employ them. What am I going to do about it? Think the 

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, vajradhatu108 
  vajranatha@ wrote:
   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 
   tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlist@ wrote:
TorguoiseB writes: snipped
I sat there trying to not have as much fun with the 
day as I knew I was capable of having, and then I 
caught myself doing it. The moment I did, I was 
able to laugh at myself. And through my laughter, 
I found my body saying Yes. Out loud. Weirdest
damned thing.

Everything changed. Background flipflopped into 
foreground and the witnessing, a moment before 
unnoticed, moved front and center and reasserted 
its Self again. And all it took was getting to 

I'm sure it'll pass...all things do...but it's
neat while it lasts. Life's cool sometimes, yes?

Tom T:
Very astute observations. Reminds me of Patanjali Chapter 3 
Vs 54: Knowledge born of the finest discrimination takes us 
farthest shore.
It is intuitive, omniscient and beyond all divisions of time 
Vs 55: And when the translucent intellect is as pure as the 
there is Enlightenment.

It is the Self knowing the Self but there is the working of 
intellect that makes the final and finest discrimination.
   Actually the above quote is about viveka-khyati --an important 
  experience and 
   discrimination which can continue for quite a while, but alas 
  not liberation--athough 
   that is the next chapter (of the YS). It *is* often confused 
  liberation. snip
  Actually, your statement is a misunderstanding of the 
  realities, of, on the one hand, our continuous experience of 
  expanding growth and knowledge, and on the other hand, the 
  unmistakable experience and truth of liberation.
  Those that experience liberation know it to be what it is. I 
  particularly liked Alex's description of it as the end of war 
  ourselves. Many, many other descriptions are out there, so it is 
  pointless for me to go any further describing such a state.
 Just to clarify, I was not talking about war with myself in the
 context of any sort of spiritual woo-woo. I was referring to war in
 the sense of rejection of my individual humanness, specifically, 
how I
 show up as a sexual being. I.e., mundane self-loathing.

...and the difference between that and spiritual woo-woo is what? 
One informs the other...
 But, yes, the state I find myself in now is definitely what I would
 call liberation. I would describe it as free-floating in now. On 
 other hand, it seems to be making life an even bigger challenge. 
 always been very much enamored of relative existence, but since the
 dark night, the joys of the relative have not returned to the
 overshadowing glory they used to be. Erotically, I'm still dead.
 Enjoyment of food returned only a little bit. Gazing with Waking 
 teachers used to be experientially delicious, and now it is flat.
 Basically, I'm bored stiff and this body feels like a prison.
 I guess this is where the continuously finding and discovering 
 and more about our Selves comes in. 

Maybe you are a little lost in old habits. Just find some new stuff 
to do, or revisit some old stuff. 

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Reply to Hindu Editor - From N.S.Rajaram

2006-05-02 Thread Jason Spock

  May 2, 2006Editor  The HinduINDUS SIGNS IN THE SOUTHSir: The discovery of a stone axe with signs found on the Indus Valley seals is
 certainly significant, but we need to exercise caution and not jump to hasty conclusions. To begin with similar signs have been found in caves in Kodumalai in Tamil Nadu and in Anakodai in Jaffna (Sri Lanka). Mahadevan's claim that the language of the
 Indus Valley was Dravidian because he reads a Tamil sounding word (Murukan) in these four signs is far fetched. It is his opinion only that is not supported by any methodology. One can similarly claim that Ashoka's Brahmi inscriptions are in Tamil because early Tamil used a version of Brahmi. All we can say at this time is that the Indus Valley people had connectons with the south, just as they did with West Asia, where too examples of Indus writing have been found.Sincerely,  N.S. Rajaram  BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTSarasvati River and the Vedic Civilization: History, science and politics by N.S. Rajaram The discovery of the Sarasvati River, lauded in the Vedas as the greatest river, and the decipherment of the 5000-year old Indus script are the two most important breakthroughs in Indian history to have taken place in recent decades. The story of Sarasvati’s rediscovery in our time is also the story of the rediscovery of Vedic India. Here is a book on these epoch making developments by one who has been at the center of these developments. The book shows unequivocally— Harappan civilization was Vedic. Harappan archaeology represents the material remains of the culture and civilization described in the Vedic literature, and flourished in the same geographic regions.In the present book, N.S. Rajaram, a scientist as well as historian, marshals evidence from a wide range of
 sources, from archaeology and astronomy to the newly deciphered Indus seals, to shed light on the origins and the achievements of probably the most important civilization in world history. He goes beyond current theories and highlights important facts about natural history and population genetics that point to climate changes in Southeast Asia and the coastal regions rather than invasions from Central
 Asia or Eurasia as holding the keys to understanding the origins of the Vedic civilization. In the process he settles important questions like the “Aryan invasion” and the “Harappan horse” by
 exposing the political currents and the personalities that gave rise to the brand of history imposed on the children of India by colonial authorities and their present day followers. To place it in the historical context, the book includes a summary of the current state of these politically motivated moves, including the recent controversy over textbooks used in California schools.  Contents  Foreword by David Frawley  Preface: Science in the service of history1. Introduction: Science and belief  2. Vedic Sarasvati: River lost and found  3. Cobwebs of colonialism: The Aryan problem
   4. History and politics: Subversion of scholarship  5. Vedic people: Image of the ocean  6. The language puzzle: India and Europe  7. Vedic Age: On the banks of the Sarasvati  8. Birth of writing: Harappan language and script  9. Beyond the invasion: Looking south and eastEpilogue: ‘History is always written wrong’Supplement I: The current state of Aryan theories  Supplement II: Science in Ancient India  Supplement III: Date of the Mahabharata WarBibliography  IndexAbout the author   Dr. Navaratna S. Rajaram is a mathematician, linguist and historian who after a twenty-year career as an academic and industrial researcher in the
 United States turned his attention to history, in which he has several notable achievements. He collaborated with the renowned Vedic scholar Dr. Natwar Jha on the decipherment of the 5000 year old Indus script leading to their epoch making work The Deciphered Indus
 Script. In May 1999, Rajaram deciphered the newly discovered sample of what has been called the “world’s oldest writing,” showing it to be related to the Rigveda. Most recently, by a detailed study of human population genetics, he has shown that the people of India are not recent immigrants but have lived in the region for tens of thousands of years. He sees history as an extension of natural history rather than as a field for political and social theories.Publisher: Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi; Availability: June 2006 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/2/06 12:09:42 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  the Democrats/liberals I know are well aware ofCuba's problems and 
  certainly don't consider it a"paradise" of any kind. On the other 
  hand, they don'tthink it's *quite* such a hellhole as it is 
  portrayedby the right wing.

Well I'm sure what many would find to be a hell hole 
would be quite comfy for others, at least for a little while. I'm just not 
comfortable with being rationed the bare necessities of life, like 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread Jason Spock

   I heard that 50% of the Cuban population survive on Prostitution.?? Sir, McGurk, Have you seen Steven Speilberg's movie "Amistad", Which is a true story about African Slavery.!  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 16:05:12 EDTSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movieWell I'm sure what many would find to be a hell hole would be quite comfy for others, at least for a little while. I'm just not comfortable with being rationed the bare necessities of life,
 like food.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/2/06 1:41:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
Well my 
  gardener and crew came yesterday but then not everyone who is Latino is 
  illegal. The local Mexican takeout was open. Same thing. 
  The housekeeper I used to have was Latino but born and raised in Los 
  Angeles. She even had non-latinos on her 

Quite frankly I don't have anything against people coming 
across the boarder for work if it can be done orderly and legally. In fact I 
would like a system set up where we can have guest workers and the government of 
Mexico pays for their insurance, medical/legal,while they are here. But 
until something like that can be negotiated I would also like to see the Great 
Wall of the Southern Border built to stop the illegal 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Scorpion-land wins!

2006-05-02 Thread uns_tressor

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Study Shows Americans Sicker Than English 
 By CARLA K. JOHNSON and MIKE STOBBE, Associated Press Writer 
 CHICAGO - Middle-aged, white Americans are much sicker than their 
 counterparts in England, startling new research shows, despite U.S. 
 care spending per person that's more than double what England spends

What you boys and girls need is a Fatwa. Apart from
Wayne Rooney's broken fourth metatarsal, which has 
lunched a real possibility of success in the football
World Cup, things have gone well for us.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Scorpion-land wins!

2006-05-02 Thread uns_tressor

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Study Shows Americans Sicker Than English 
 By CARLA K. JOHNSON and MIKE STOBBE, Associated Press Writer 
 CHICAGO - Middle-aged, white Americans are much sicker than their 
 counterparts in England, startling new research shows, despite U.S. 
 care spending per person that's more than double what England spends

What you boys and girls need is a Fatwa. Apart from
Wayne Rooney's broken fourth metatarsal, which has 
lunched a real possibility of success in the football
World Cup, things have gone well for us.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread Anthony Sumner
You, like the other European descendants who think this is your land are 
quite narrow minded and complete fools!   For starters we can get that war 
criminal and his cronies out of the White House and then get some one with 
intelligence and wisdom in the White House to work with the Mexican gov't 
and get this immigration issue resolve and on to the next pressing issue(s) 
that confront the whole of humanity.

Never forget what MMY said,  Peace on Earth will be Powerful, when Power on 
Earth will be Peaceful.  Right now as I seen it, the power of ego 
dominates, at least on the geopolitical landscape of our planet.  Which 
unfortunately affects almost all of us.   Thank Mother Divine for 
Incarnating and hopefully soon this nightmare called the bush administration 
will be over soon.

Reply-To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] May 1st Illegal's boycott
Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 16:25:59 EDT

In a message dated 5/2/06 1:41:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

Well my  gardener and crew came yesterday but then not everyone who is
Latino is  illegal.  The local Mexican takeout was open.  Same thing.
The housekeeper I used to have was Latino but born and raised in Los
Angeles.  She even had non-latinos on her  crew.

Quite frankly I don't have anything against people coming  across the 
for work if it can be done orderly and legally. In fact I  would like a
system set up where we can have guest workers and the government of  Mexico 
for their insurance, medical/legal, while they are here. But  until 
like that can be negotiated I would also like to see the Great  Wall of the
Southern Border built to stop the illegal  flow.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread Rick Archer

on 5/2/06 3:51 PM, Anthony Sumner at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank Mother Divine for

Care to elaborate on this?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Having lived in south florida for 13 years and having
 gone to graduate school with many second generation
 Cubans who fled Fidel's revolution and having
 professors who taught in cuba before and after the
 revolution I have learned quite a bit about Che and
 Fidel and their revolution. I am in full agreement
 with Mr. Fontova. Fidel ruined that country.


Low consciousness ruined Cuba, which was so weak and stupid that 
Castro, with an army of only 300 (versus Batista's army of 10,000 
looking for him), was able to take over the country:


If the people of Nepal had embraced TM and developed more expanded 
awareness, then they would not now be faced with a threat from 
Maoist rebels who want to introduce the chaos and brutality of 
Communism. Rebel leaders, or any leaders for that matter, are just a 
function of low consciousness in the nation, which is why the USA is 
stuck with Dumbya and the people of Cuba also have a moron for 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread Peter

Anthony you are such a c*nt! And a divine one at that!

--- Anthony Sumner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You, like the other European descendants who think
 this is your land are 
 quite narrow minded and complete fools! For
 starters we can get that war 
 criminal and his cronies out of the White House and
 then get some one with 
 intelligence and wisdom in the White House to work
 with the Mexican gov't 
 and get this immigration issue resolve and on to the
 next pressing issue(s) 
 that confront the whole of humanity.
 Never forget what MMY said, Peace on Earth will be
 Powerful, when Power on 
 Earth will be Peaceful. Right now as I seen it,
 the power of ego 
 dominates, at least on the geopolitical landscape of
 our planet. Which 
 unfortunately affects almost all of us. Thank
 Mother Divine for 
 Incarnating and hopefully soon this nightmare called
 the bush administration 
 will be over soon.
 Reply-To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] May 1st Illegal's
 Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 16:25:59 EDT
 In a message dated 5/2/06 1:41:12 P.M. Central
 Daylight Time,
 Well my gardener and crew came yesterday but then
 not everyone who is
 Latino is illegal. The local Mexican takeout was
 open. Same thing.
 The housekeeper I used to have was Latino but born
 and raised in Los
 Angeles. She even had non-latinos on her crew.
 Quite frankly I don't have anything against people
 coming across the 
 for work if it can be done orderly and legally. In
 fact I would like a
 system set up where we can have guest workers and
 the government of Mexico 
 for their insurance, medical/legal, while they are
 here. But until 
 like that can be negotiated I would also like to
 see the Great Wall of the
 Southern Border built to stop the illegal flow.

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 virus scan from McAfee® 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/2/06 11:56:39 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  most of NBC Nightly News last night was devotedto the strike. 
  Overall the coverage was quite positive.A portion of the transcript 
  dealing specifically with thestrike aspect:

I watched the same report on NBC followed by their affiliate 
in Houston for local coverage, Both were very positive for the Illegal cause and 
both were able to "cherry pick" a business or two where the owners either shut 
down or a large percentage of workers failed to show up. But only an estimated 1 
million illegal workers actually went on strike and demonstrated nation wide. 
Evidently the other 11 million either worked or just took the day off. It didn't 
seem to have the effect the organizers hoped for, shutting down cities and 
striking fear into the hearts of American business owners. It appears to me the 
businesses they hurt, if any, were mainly business that served the Hispanic 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Building a World Class Economy and Culture for the Future

2006-05-02 Thread Nelson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anony_sleuth_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sobering. World class educational system to build and sustain a world
 class economy and culture for the future.
 Despite the wall-to-wall coverage of the damage from Hurricane
 Katrina, nearly one-third of young Americans recently polled couldn't
 locate Louisiana on a map and nearly half were unable to identify
 Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 fared even worse with foreign
 locations: six in 10 couldn't find Iraq, according to a Roper poll
 conducted for National Geographic.
 Geographic illiteracy impacts our economic well-being, our
 relationships with other nations and the environment, and isolates us
 from the world, National Geographic president John Fahey said 
+++ The many illiteracy areas would make it seem that there is a
general trend - the plan is evidently working.
 Intelligent people who do their own thinking and, ask questions,
are a problem and difficult to control.
 For example- look up the story on flouride... N.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Scorpion-land wins!

2006-05-02 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Middle-aged, white Americans are much sicker than their
counterparts in England,

 ...The English 
 have a higher rate of heavy drinking,


Well, that explains it then -- alcohol is an excellent preservative, 
and the Brits have simply pickled themselves into better health than 
the less-dipsomaniac Yanks (with their dried-out Prez as a role model).

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[FairfieldLife] Re: May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread Patrick Gillam

The online edition of the Marshalltown, Iowa, 
newspaper didn't mention the local impact on 
businesses, but did report 27% of the students 
absent from school. With a fifth to a quarter of 
the town recently arrived from Mexico, it'll show 
up if they skip work.


A Day Without Immigrants: School hit hard with high number of students absent


The event called A Day Without Immigrants, which took place Monday, hit the 
Marshalltown Community School District hard, with 27 percent of the student population, 
district wide, absent.

MCSD spokesperson Donna Walker confirmed that 1,357 students were reported absent 
between all the schools. The number is significantly higher than what the district would 
experience on a normal day, she said.

Though Walker said she could not officially state a reason for the high number of 
absences, students staying home from school is a part of the Day Without Immigrants 

--- MDixon6569 wrote:
 I watched the same report on NBC followed by their affiliate in Houston for 
 local coverage, Both were very positive for the Illegal cause and both were 
 able to cherry pick a business or two where the owners either shut down or a 
 large percentage of workers failed to show up. But only an estimated 1 
 million illegal workers actually went on strike and demonstrated nation wide. 
 Evidently the other 11 million either worked or just took the day off. It didn't 
 seem to have the effect the organizers hoped for, shutting down cities and 
 striking fear into the hearts of American business owners. It appears to me the 
 businesses they hurt, if any, were mainly business that served the Hispanic 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread Nelson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- Alex Stanley wrote:
  the joys of the relative have not returned to the
  overshadowing glory they used to be. Erotically, I'm still dead.
  Enjoyment of food returned only a little bit. Gazing with Waking Down
  teachers used to be experientially delicious, and now it is flat.
  Basically, I'm bored stiff and this body feels like a prison.
 I had a period when life had nothing to offer. Human 
 beings seemed like little more than shit factories. 
 After three months, I grew tired of it. I reaffirmed 
 my belief that life is founded in bliss. I subscribed 
 to Daily Word and read its affirmations. Life regained 
 its sparkle because I willed it to. But first I had to 
 decide the alternative was too tiresome.
 Our experiences undoubtedly spring from different 
 causes and call for different responses, but that's my 
 story. I wish you the best of luck.
+++ Hey Alex, wish I could have a little of the boredom as I have a
serious shortage- haven't had any in the last 50 years.
 Would you have some time on the weekend to debate on what
computer equipment to buy as I am needing to upgrade.
 It looks like you have quite a bit of expierience with the
subject and would be a great help. thanks, N.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Scorpion-land wins!

2006-05-02 Thread Nelson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
 Middle-aged, white Americans are much sicker than their
 counterparts in England,
  ...The English 
  have a higher rate of heavy drinking,
 Well, that explains it then -- alcohol is an excellent preservative, 
 and the Brits have simply pickled themselves into better health than 
 the less-dipsomaniac Yanks (with their dried-out Prez as a role model).
+++ With the diet the people in this age group have been consuming on
an average, they could be called walking hazardous materials containers. 
 The research people are puzzled? - their brain damage is just
another result. N.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I heard that 50% of the Cuban population survive on 

I don't think it's that high.

The ironic thing is that Cuba survived for years not on the success 
of the communist system but on the subsidy by the Soviet Union of 
about US$10 billion/year. Then when communism fell and the 
subsidies stopped, Cuba went into a serious downward spiral where 
alot of people starved, etc.

What pulled them out? 


1) alot of investment by Germans, Spanish, and Canadians and a big 
push for tourism; and

2) more than anything, the U.S. Dollar which Castro then allowed to 
be brought into Cuba by Cubans from their Miami relatives.

So, ironically, the only reason this socialist paradise even 
remotely survived was because of capitalism!

 Sir, McGurk, Have you seen Steven Speilberg's 
movie Amistad,

Yes, I have.

 Which is a true story about African Slavery.!

...but may not be a true story of Cinque, the African Slave who 
revolted on the ship. One story I heard is that once Cinque was 
freed (after the trial depicted in the film), he returned to Africa 
and became quite a successful entrepreneur. And guess which field 
of endeavor he became successful in?

Cinque became a slave-trader!

 Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 16:05:12 EDT
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movie
 Well I'm sure what many would find to be a hell hole would be 
quite comfy for others, at least for a little while. I'm just not 
comfortable with being rationed the bare necessities of life, like 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 5/2/06 1:41:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
 Well my gardener and crew came yesterday but then not everyone 
who is 
 Latino is illegal. The local Mexican takeout was open. Same 
 The housekeeper I used to have was Latino but born and raised in 
 Angeles. She even had non-latinos on her crew.
 Quite frankly I don't have anything against people coming across 
the boarder 
 for work if it can be done orderly and legally. In fact I would 
like a 
 system set up where we can have guest workers and the government 
of Mexico pays 
 for their insurance, medical/legal, while they are here. But 
until something 
 like that can be negotiated I would also like to see the Great 
Wall of the 
 Southern Border built to stop the illegal flow.

Not me.

I am on the sidelines cheering the illegals on. The more, the 
merrier, as far as I'm concerned.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: May 1st Illegal's boycott

2006-05-02 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Sumner 

 You, like the other European descendants who think this is your 
land are 
 quite narrow minded and complete fools! For starters we can get 
that war 
 criminal and his cronies out of the White House and then get some 
one with 
 intelligence and wisdom in the White House to work with the 
Mexican gov't 
 and get this immigration issue resolve and on to the next pressing 
 that confront the whole of humanity.
 Never forget what MMY said, Peace on Earth will be Powerful, 
when Power on 
 Earth will be Peaceful. Right now as I seen it, the power of ego 
 dominates, at least on the geopolitical landscape of our planet. 
 unfortunately affects almost all of us. Thank Mother Divine for 
 Incarnating and hopefully soon this nightmare called the bush 
 will be over soon.

May the blessings of Guru Dev and the Divine Mother shed its light 
upon the whole of humanity with the exception of Anthony Sumner who 
should receive the entirety of the snot and vomit of the King of 
Rakshasas upon his underarms, the soft flesh between his big and 
second toe and his private parts.

 Reply-To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] May 1st Illegal's boycott
 Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 16:25:59 EDT
 In a message dated 5/2/06 1:41:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
 Well my gardener and crew came yesterday but then not everyone 
who is
 Latino is illegal. The local Mexican takeout was open. Same 
 The housekeeper I used to have was Latino but born and raised in 
 Angeles. She even had non-latinos on her crew.
 Quite frankly I don't have anything against people coming across 
 for work if it can be done orderly and legally. In fact I would 
like a
 system set up where we can have guest workers and the government 
of Mexico 
 for their insurance, medical/legal, while they are here. But 
 like that can be negotiated I would also like to see the Great 
Wall of the
 Southern Border built to stop the illegal flow.
 Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from 
 Security. http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Scorpion-land wins!

2006-05-02 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:

 Middle-aged, white Americans are much sicker than their
 counterparts in England,
  ...The English 
  have a higher rate of heavy drinking,
 Well, that explains it then -- alcohol is an excellent 
 and the Brits have simply pickled themselves into better health 
 the less-dipsomaniac Yanks (with their dried-out Prez as a role 

...and what does this news say about the benefits of having pasty 
white skin and bad teeth? Go figure...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis

Jim Flanegin writes: snipped

Those who experience liberation also know that as significant as the 
state is, there is always further knowledge, further experience, 
further integration occurring. I like to refer to the state of 
liberation as one of finding vs. seeking, a description that implies 
that there is infinitely more to know, once our liberation occurs.

So, to truly comprehend liberation, both realities must peacefully 
exist in the mind at the same time, that of the silent unmoving 
Goal, inner freedom, and that of continuously finding and 
discovering more and more about our Selves.

Tom T;
THis is the description of what is known as the Paradox of Brahmin. On
the one hand one is done and knows freedom for the first time in ones
life as an ever present moment. On the other hand there is an infinity
of Self to discover and know more about. Tom 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis

TorquiseB writes snipped final para

I'm not going to pursue this whole subject here any
more, though. There is just too much resistance on 
this forum to presenting the taking-an-active-role-
in-your-own-realization approach. It's just a waste
of time to talk about it, because the decades of 
indoctrination have been too effective. The waiters
have been waiting so long that they can't even 
imagine that there is something they could do 
other than waiting. And they get angry when someone
*does* suggest such a thing. So I'm going to leave
them to their waiting, and hope that approach works 
out for them in the future a little better than it's
worked out for them so far.

Tom T:
The reason I suggested Judy and others just give it up is that they
have been using every ounce of will and intention as seekers for
thirty some years and have yet to find that for which they seek. If
one can really give up the addiction to seeking the only place left to
fall into is the Self. You have looked outside for it for ever too
long. It is inside just stop seeking, give up caring about what has
been described. Fall back onto who you are. You allready know this
simple thing you are so familiar with yet you overlook it for some
grandiose thing. It is just that simple. As one man so succintly put
it one night when it finally dawned on him that this simple state we
are is IT. He said I want my money back for all the courses and CCP
program, I have know this for 25 years. It can't be this simple. Well,
three weeks later he finally admitted that this simple thing really
was it and every concept of what it had to look like and be was gone
and he couldn't hang onto any of those old concepts. Throw in the
towel and see what can happen. Being a not seeker may be a new and
wondeful experience full of freedom. What have you got to lose. You
haven't gotten it with all that seeking. Tom 

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Getting To Computer Nirvana

2006-05-02 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 +++ Hey Alex, wish I could have a little of the boredom as I have a
 serious shortage- haven't had any in the last 50 years.
 Would you have some time on the weekend to debate on what
 computer equipment to buy as I am needing to upgrade.
 It looks like you have quite a bit of expierience with the
 subject and would be a great help. thanks, N.

For desktop PCs, I always advise against buying from the big PC
manufacturers (Dell, HP, Gateway, etc.) because they're usually made
with proprietary components that are not likely to be as robust as
brand name components. My current desktop machine, which I bought a
few years ago, is from http://www.endpcnoise.com/ , and it has
performed flawlessly. Quality brand name components (especially the
motherboard) make all the difference.

Since there is no standardized form factor for laptops, they are all
proprietary. Right now I have two laptops. One is an old Dell Latitude
C610 that I bought as a refurb from http://usanotebook.com/ . It's
been fine except for the touchpad going wonky on occasion (a known
issue with this model). The other one is an Averatec 4200 series that
I got from http://newegg.com/ , and it has been a fine little machine
and a lot of computer for not a lot of money. Petra has one too, and
her only complaint is short battery life.

'Zat help?

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Choice of language: the HEART of freedom of speech!

2006-05-02 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
  Not the biggest issue confronting this country at
  the moment, but a transparently clear example of
  Bush's propensity for extraordinary hypocrisy:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
   Bush Says Anthem Should Be in English
   Apr 28 1:03 PM US/Eastern
   AP Economics Writer
   The national anthem should be sung in English _ not Spanish _ 
   President Bush declared Friday, amid growing restlessness over 
   millions of immigrants here illegally. 
   When the president was asked at a Rose Garden question-and-
   session whether the anthem should be sung in Spanish, he 
   replied: I think the national anthem ought to be sung in 
   and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country 
   to learn English and they ought to learn to sing the national 
   anthem in English. 
  Turns out a Spanish rendition of the National Anthem
  was a staple of Bush's appearances in his first
  presidential campaign, sometimes sung by others,
  sometimes by Bush himself. And the Spanish version
  was performed for him at his first inaugural.
 Of course, Bush doesn't say above that the national anthem should 
 ONLY be sung in English.

Read it again, Shemp.

 My problem with what Bush said was that I believe he has an 
 obligation first and foremost to uphold the constitution and that 
 the appropriate first thing to say was: freedom of speech includes 
 the freedom to speak the language of your choice. After that, if 
 felt that, as a leader, he should recommend that people learn 
 English and all that, then fine.

Yes, you said that when you first posted the article.

Now, after you read it again and get it right about
what he said, would you like to comment on his

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-02 Thread authfriend

--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 
 Tom T:
 The reason I suggested Judy and others just give it up is that they
 have been using every ounce of will and intention as seekers for
 thirty some years

Uh, I'm sorry, Tom, but you haven't been reading
my posts if you think that's the case, or if you
intend the advice you give below to apply to me.

 and have yet to find that for which they seek. If
 one can really give up the addiction to seeking the
 only place left to fall into is the Self. You have
 looked outside for it for ever too long. It is inside
 just stop seeking, give up caring about what has
 been described. Fall back onto who you are. You allready
 know this simple thing you are so familiar with yet you
 overlook it for some grandiose thing. It is just that
 simple. As one man so succintly put it one night when it
 finally dawned on him that this simple state we are is
 IT. He said I want my money back for all the courses and
 CCP program, I have know this for 25 years. It can't be
 this simple. Well, three weeks later he finally admitted
 that this simple thing really was it and every concept of
 what it had to look like and be was gone and he couldn't
 hang onto any of those old concepts. Throw in the towel
 and see what can happen. Being a not seeker may be a new
 and wondeful experience full of freedom. What have you got
 to lose. You haven't gotten it with all that seeking. Tom

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Computer Nirvana

2006-05-02 Thread anonyff

Alex (et al)

I disagree with this based on my personal experience.
Four years ago I bought a Dell Dimension, I have it going probably 12
hours per day for business. It, too, has performed flawlessly for 4
straight years with zero problems. Finally, at 4 years it is starting
to have some problems-slowing down, stalling a lot more. I'm good at
tweaking it, keeping it clean, tracking down problems with it, and
with all that it's still finally in need of replacement. I am so
impressed with Dell that I am ordering a new one.

 -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2001@
  +++ Hey Alex, wish I could have a little of the boredom as I have a
  serious shortage- haven't had any in the last 50 years.
  Would you have some time on the weekend to debate on what
  computer equipment to buy as I am needing to upgrade.
  It looks like you have quite a bit of expierience with the
  subject and would be a great help. thanks, N.
 For desktop PCs, I always advise against buying from the big PC
 manufacturers (Dell, HP, Gateway, etc.) because they're usually made
 with proprietary components that are not likely to be as robust as
 brand name components. My current desktop machine, which I bought a
 few years ago, is from http://www.endpcnoise.com/ , and it has
 performed flawlessly. Quality brand name components (especially the
 motherboard) make all the difference.
 Since there is no standardized form factor for laptops, they are all
 proprietary. Right now I have two laptops. One is an old Dell Latitude
 C610 that I bought as a refurb from http://usanotebook.com/ . It's
 been fine except for the touchpad going wonky on occasion (a known
 issue with this model). The other one is an Averatec 4200 series that
 I got from http://newegg.com/ , and it has been a fine little machine
 and a lot of computer for not a lot of money. Petra has one too, and
 her only complaint is short battery life.
 'Zat help?

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Choice of language: the HEART of freedom of speech!

2006-05-02 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
   Not the biggest issue confronting this country at
   the moment, but a transparently clear example of
   Bush's propensity for extraordinary hypocrisy:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
Bush Says Anthem Should Be in English
Apr 28 1:03 PM US/Eastern

AP Economics Writer


The national anthem should be sung in English _ not Spanish 
President Bush declared Friday, amid growing restlessness 
millions of immigrants here illegally. 
When the president was asked at a Rose Garden question-and-
session whether the anthem should be sung in Spanish, he 
replied: I think the national anthem ought to be sung in 
and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country 
to learn English and they ought to learn to sing the 
anthem in English. 
   Turns out a Spanish rendition of the National Anthem
   was a staple of Bush's appearances in his first
   presidential campaign, sometimes sung by others,
   sometimes by Bush himself. And the Spanish version
   was performed for him at his first inaugural.
  Of course, Bush doesn't say above that the national anthem 
  ONLY be sung in English.
 Read it again, Shemp.

I did, Judy, and although the reporting says that, that isn't what 
is in quotes. Read what I wrote, Judy: ...Bush doesn't say 
above... indicating quotes.

And, of course, you should realize that reporters often get stuff 
like this wrong.

  My problem with what Bush said was that I believe he has an 
  obligation first and foremost to uphold the constitution and 
  the appropriate first thing to say was: freedom of speech 
  the freedom to speak the language of your choice. After that, 
  felt that, as a leader, he should recommend that people learn 
  English and all that, then fine.
 Yes, you said that when you first posted the article.
 Now, after you read it again and get it right about
 what he said, would you like to comment on his

I will once it is shown to me that he said what you suggested he 

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