[FairfieldLife] Is this man is flyng ?

2007-10-03 Thread nablusoss1008

If not it's definately the best trick I have seen until now.

[FairfieldLife] Advanced Techniques?

2007-10-03 Thread cardemaister

As I recall it (might well misremember...), my TM teacher
said that the purpose of advanced techniques is to *slow
down* transcending, so that one has more time to watch
the scenery, to become more familiar with different
levels of creation, or stuff.

[FairfieldLife] 'I'm not the only one...'

2007-10-03 Thread Robert
Imagine there's no country,
  It isn't hard to do.
  Nothing to kill or die for,
  And no religion too...
  (Hey Dubya, can you imagine that?)...

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[FairfieldLife] Siddhi, sort of?

2007-10-03 Thread cardemaister

At about 11 minutes into this video, Swedish
MD/World Champion Stage Magician Lennart Green
starts to take out all the clubs from a deck of cards,
in numerical order.  :0


He sez that's somewhat based on blocking out the left brain, or

[FairfieldLife] Step by step - by the Master through Benjamin Creme

2007-10-03 Thread nablusoss1008

Master's article for Share International magazine, October 2007

Step by step 
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

From time to time, We, your Elder Brothers, attempt to engage 
humanity in an understanding of the evolutionary process in which 
all are immersed, knowingly or not. To this end, We convey to 
disciples, in whole or in part, that Teaching which We adjudge to be 
of value, at that particular time, in broadening the minds of men 
and acquainting them with the knowledge which will lighten their 
From now on, while this method of teaching will continue, Maitreya 
and His Group will involve Themselves more and more directly with 
the general public. Thus humanity will see more clearly, and 
appreciate more completely, the connection between the Teaching, 
more or less esoteric in nature, of the evolutionary process and the 
circumstances of their lives, from moment to moment. A deeper 
understanding of the meaning and purpose of their lives, and of the 
great Laws which govern them, will in this way be established. A 
great step forward by humanity as a whole can thus be expected.


For disciples and initiates, the Teaching will go forward in the 
usual way: during the hours of sleep, and that conveyed and 
published through certain disciples. With this exception: since the 
Masters will work openly, more and more of the Teaching will come 
directly from Them. This, of course, will speed the process of 
learning, and shorten the journey for disciples to a significant 
degree. Furthermore, the presence of the Masters will help to 
obliterate the gulf which now exists between the disciples and the 
world of `ordinary' men. More or less all, on one level or another, 
will be engaged in a conscious journey of discovery and growing 
awareness of the magnitude of life. Thus will it be. So far, a 
blueprint, only, exists for this considerable shift in emphasis of 
the Teaching methods used by Us, but gradually this blueprint will 
change into a living form from which all will benefit and grow.


Maitreya will show men that every step they take to remake their 
world, and to establish right human relations, is a forward step on 
their journey to perfection. That the inner step for the disciple 
must be matched by the outer step of the man not yet engaged in the 
initiatory process. That all is an interrelated and integrated 
whole. Step by step, man makes his path at his own pace; step by 
step, man moves from ignorance to knowledge, from injustice to 
justice, from slavery to freedom.
In all such endeavours, there will be times when progress seems slow 
and unlikely; but man will grow in confidence and trust, and learn 
the method of `step by step'. His innate divinity, lost now in 
materialism and commercialization, will blossom anew under the 
teaching of Maitreya and His Group. Man will come to know himself as 
the creative source of all his needs.


[FairfieldLife] Questions and answers from Share International News, october 2007

2007-10-03 Thread nablusoss1008
Questions  Answers

Q. At the showing of Benjamin Creme's lecture video in San Francisco 
on 12 August 2007, it was announced beforehand that Maitreya and the 
Master Jesus were present in the audience in various guises. Were 
They there?
A. Yes, Maitreya and the Master Jesus were present (in the form 
of `familiars') throughout the meeting. 

Q. How likely is it that the current volatility in the US and other 
stock markets will lead to the worldwide stock market crash 
predicted by Maitreya?
A. What we are witnessing, worldwide, in stock market volatility, is 
a gradual movement downwards which will culminate in a final crash. 
The stock markets are prime symbols of the old ways of working 
financially and economically and have no place in the new era, which 
is now dawning. They are no more than gambling casinos and have 
outlived their usefulness.

Q. Why does Maitreya think that it is necessary for Him to 
physically emerge in order to complete the shift in human 
A. Maitreya has physically returned to the everyday world as part of 
the similar return which the Hierarchy of Masters are undergoing. It 
is called the Externalization of the Hierarchy. Over and above that, 
He has returned in a full, physical sense so that He can do His work 
as the World Teacher for the Aquarian Age. Were He not in a physical 
form, He would not gain the attention of countless millions who 
require someone they can see and hear directly. Even now, many who 
would gladly believe He is here, and are ready to respond to His 
Teaching, are hesitant because they cannot see Him. Countless 
others, in the meantime, chase after Gurus and dubious Avatars, 
because they have to see a physical person to relate to.

Q. It is 10 years since Princess Diana died and 10 years since 
Maitreya overshadowed vast numbers of people on the occasion of her 
funeral. Did Maitreya overshadow large numbers of people again when 
the anniversary of the Princess's death was marked?
A. It is not that Maitreya `overshadowed' vast numbers of people but 
released His energy in great potency which was responded to by vast 
numbers. In the ten years which have passed there has been a marked 
loss of interest in Princess Diana by the general public. There was 
a well-attended Memorial Service for her at the Guards' Chapel at 
the Wellington Barracks in London on 31 August when those taking 
part were again blessed by Maitreya's energies.

Q. If the US and other forces were to ask for advice from Hierarchy, 
what advice and solutions to the terrible mess of Afghanistan and 
Iraq would they receive?
A. To admit the wrong committed by the invasions and to pour the 
necessary monies and all other resources to restore these countries 
to peace and calm. To hold an international UN-led inquiry into the 
best way to begin and complete this restoration and to avow no 
further incursions of a like kind anywhere in the world.

Q. While working in London's Middlesex Hospital cancer ward I heard 
many stories of the `woman in white' sitting on patients' beds and 
giving them a cup of tea just before they died. At the time we all 
thought she must be a ghost, but now I'm wondering if she was a 
A. Yes, the `woman in white' was the Master Jesus.

Q. Children are getting caught up in murder and violent crime on 
Britain's streets – why? What has gone wrong? What can be done to 
tackle the causes?
A. This sad situation is not exclusive to Britain but is becoming 
more and more evident throughout the developed world. Through 
the blind following of market forces the politicians of the 
Western world have created a split society where the rich are 
getting richer and the poor poorer. This is very clearly the case in 
Britain, as in America and other `successful' countries. These 
violent crimes take place primarily in the poorest areas of inner 
cities where children and teenagers are neglected, have no 
facilities for organized group play and sport, and often little or 
no parental guidance. They have no sense of being wanted, are 
alienated and at war with themselves and with the society of which 
they are a part. Their only family or group are the street gangs 
which inevitably take the place of their own. They feel that life 
has no meaning or hope for them and turn to violence to give it 
meaning. At the same time the newspapers are filled with the reports 
of record `bonuses' for the heads of companies who have steered 
these companies to huge profits. These bonuses can be as much as £20 
million a year. Is it any wonder that these children feel deprived 
and seek revenge?


[FairfieldLife] 'One Defintion of Enlightenment'

2007-10-03 Thread Robert
When the soul expands and overshadows the body,
  Then you realize you are the energy of the soul,
  And you no longer experience yourself, as the body,
  But you experience yourself as an energy called 'The Soul'.
  In other words, when the energy of the soul, expands enough...
  You experience yourself as energy, and not body.

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[FairfieldLife] 'Soul Energy'

2007-10-03 Thread Robert
Many times, in times of trouble,
  The body responds in fear and trepidation...
  Such are the times now.
  There is much fear and confusion, 
  Being propagated, by the government, and in the media.
  Best to realize that the only refuge from the noise of this confusion,
  And it's effect on the physiology, eliciting fear responses...
  It's to 'Intend', to feel, realize and experience the soul.
  And the soul becomes the refuge in such times.
  So hard times can be a gift to propel one towards taking refuge,
  In the soul.

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Principal of the Year award goes to head of meditating school

2007-10-03 Thread george_deforest
 bob_brigante wrote:

 All the bad publicity generated by the Terra Linda High School
 fracas, where some nutjob shouted TM out at a parents' meeting
 with the school principal, seems to be the reason why they are
 not mentioning the name of the school or the principal,
 but if that's the case, why mention it at all
 to a bunch of meditators -- just more preaching to the choir...

well bob, i agree there was that big backlash in Marin county,
so thats a good enough reason to keep this sorta secret.
but now, they contradict and start chest beating ...
probably not smart; with the cat out of the bag, the
backlash is sure to reach this school too eventually.
too bad, cause this school really needs TM and is very
happy to have it, a real triumph.

[FairfieldLife] YF and mahaa-siddhis?

2007-10-03 Thread cardemaister

In his comment on YS IV 1, kRSNA-dvaipaayana sez, amongst
other things:


Attempt at s-v:

mantraiH; aakaasha-gamana + aNimaa + aadi -laabhaH

Possible translation:

Yogic Flying (aakaasha-gamanam), aNimaa, etc (aadi) are 
achieved (laabhaH: acquisition, etc.) through mantras
(mantraiH: instrumental plural).

Vyaasa seems to compare YF with the eight mahaasiddhis
(aNimaa, mahimaa, laghimaa, garimaa, etc.).

Does he try to emphasize, that YF is best achieved through
a mental technique, not e.g. praaNaayaama?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hmmm... dharma-megha?

2007-10-03 Thread Vaj

On Oct 1, 2007, at 2:07 PM, billy jim wrote:

According to Georg Feuerstein the sole source for this term is  
Buddhist sutra and shastra. There are no other instances of dharma- 
megha being used in the darshanas, epics or yogic literature prior  
to Patanjali's usage. I did look at Shankara's vivarana and will  
check out Vijnanabhikshu's commentary. Sorry but I don't have time  
to type it all. Maybe I can summarize. We'll see.

The textual explanation for the transitions into and of dharma-megha  
samadhi occur in a supplementary text called the Maniprabha of  
Ramananda Yati.

The YS is just something to jog the memory of initiates and relies on  
other texts for clarification and practical applications (techniques).

According to the Maniprabha, asamprajnata-samadhi cannot be reached  
thru any of the limbs of yoga. According to it's explanation, the  
mechanics are as follows:

--a person receives authentic instruction from an authentic guru.

--Khyati or yogic-discernment develops.

--thru khyati, one gains access to the preliminary stage of  

--this obliterates malas, or the obscurations from tamas and rajas in  
the mind-field, leaving the mind totally sattvic, filled with prasada.

--the higher stages of dharma-megha dawn.

--this higher dispassion clears all karma, all kleshas. Total self- 
knowledge dawns.

--asamprajnata-samadhi follows.

[FairfieldLife] Animal Dharma Affected by Humanity?

2007-10-03 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
Well, boys and girls, you've heard so much about Kali Yuga and you've heard
the excuse that no group concerned about making this a better world can
exceed the moral excellence of the current state of humanity.  Well, it
seems that animals in the wild may be of similar opinion, find out how:


*Everything else can wait, but our search for God cannot wait.*

[FairfieldLife] Re: Principal of the Year award goes to head of meditating school

2007-10-03 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, george_deforest [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  bob_brigante wrote:
  All the bad publicity generated by the Terra Linda High School
  fracas, where some nutjob shouted TM out at a parents' meeting
  with the school principal, seems to be the reason why they are
  not mentioning the name of the school or the principal,
  but if that's the case, why mention it at all
  to a bunch of meditators -- just more preaching to the choir...
 well bob, i agree there was that big backlash in Marin county,
 so thats a good enough reason to keep this sorta secret.
 but now, they contradict and start chest beating ...
 probably not smart; with the cat out of the bag, the
 backlash is sure to reach this school too eventually.
 too bad, cause this school really needs TM and is very
 happy to have it, a real triumph.

 One wonders how much the TM-feature of the school curriculum was known by the 
bestowers of the National Middle School Principal of the Year award. Either 
way, it's a big 
win for the TM org.  If they knew about TM at at the school, the TM-factor must 
have a significant degree of acceptance among the educational intelligensia.   
If the TM-
factor were unknown, the award opens a window for the TM org to gain 
credibility.  The 
David Lynch foundation video on the school, with its testimonial from the 
principal, shows 
the school community's depth of appreciation for the TM technique. It was wise 
to capture 
those sentiments for posterity some months ago, before the award was bestowed,  
because Success has 1,000 authors. Even the California Masonic Temple website 
has a 
story about the award, and mentioned the principal is a Mason.  The award 
should be  a 
real gem, for all involved, and the TM org would be remiss were they to not 
have the glow 
of this award not fall upon them, as well. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Principal of the Year award goes to head of meditating school

2007-10-03 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, george_deforest [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  bob_brigante wrote:
  All the bad publicity generated by the Terra Linda High School
  fracas, where some nutjob shouted TM out at a parents' meeting
  with the school principal, seems to be the reason why they are
  not mentioning the name of the school or the principal,
  but if that's the case, why mention it at all
  to a bunch of meditators -- just more preaching to the choir...
 well bob, i agree there was that big backlash in Marin county,
 so thats a good enough reason to keep this sorta secret.
 but now, they contradict and start chest beating ...
 probably not smart; with the cat out of the bag, the
 backlash is sure to reach this school too eventually.
 too bad, cause this school really needs TM and is very
 happy to have it, a real triumph.

One wonders how much the TM-feature of the school curriculum was known by the 
bestowers of the National Middle School Principal of the Year award. Either 
way, it's a big 
win for the TM org. If they knew about TM at at the school, the TM-factor must 
have a significant degree of acceptance among the educational intelligensia. If 
the TM-
factor were unknown, the award opens a window for the TM org to gain 
credibility. The 
David Lynch foundation video on the school, with its testimonial from the 
principal, shows 
the school community's depth of appreciation for the TM technique. It was wise 
to capture 
those sentiments for posterity some months ago, before the award was bestowed, 
because Success has 1,000 authors. Even the California Masonic Temple website 
has a 
story about the award, and mentioned the principal is a Mason. The award should 
be a 
real gem, for all involved, and the TM org would be remiss were they to not 
have the glow 
of this award fall upon them, as well.

[FairfieldLife] Criss Angel is just a low down cheat (Re: Is this man is flyng ?)

2007-10-03 Thread Duveyoung
Criss Angel has twisted the time honored values of magicians and
sullied the artform.  It's true that magicians often employ shills in
the audience, but Chriss uses PAID ACTORS for EVERYONE in the crowds
that seem to witness his feats.  He literally doesn't have any
audience at all.  He uses camera tricks to accomplish all the rest. 
It takes absolutely no scholarship in the world of
entertaining-magicians for Chriss' tricks -- I can do anything he's
done with a camera too -- he's not even doing anything special with
the camera.

I don't mind if folks are entertained by him, cuz, hell, they're
entertained by Pro wrestling, and gulp, I'm entertained by actors
doing all sorts of things that are merely camera tricks.  But when
Criss blurs the line between cheap ass camera tricksters with paid
audience and true magician who can so sleight of hand, prop tricks,
and knows all the subtle diverting the gaze methods.  I don't know
what Criss has accomplished along these scholarly lines that require
thousands of hours of practicing, but he sure isn't showing any skills
if you ask me.

I wouldn't let this guy marry my sister.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If not it's definately the best trick I have seen until now.

[FairfieldLife] Criss Angel is just a low down cheat (Re: Is this man is flyng ?)

2007-10-03 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Criss Angel has twisted the time honored values of magicians and
 sullied the artform.  It's true that magicians often employ shills in
 the audience, but Chriss uses PAID ACTORS for EVERYONE in the crowds
 that seem to witness his feats. 

Just curious, what is your proof?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Principal of the Year award goes to head of meditating school

2007-10-03 Thread Peter
I'm sure TM had absolutely nothing to do with the
success of this principal.

--- mainstream20016 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 george_deforest [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   bob_brigante wrote:
   All the bad publicity generated by the Terra
 Linda High School
   fracas, where some nutjob shouted TM out at a
 parents' meeting
   with the school principal, seems to be the
 reason why they are
   not mentioning the name of the school or the
   but if that's the case, why mention it at all
   to a bunch of meditators -- just more preaching
 to the choir...
  well bob, i agree there was that big backlash in
 Marin county,
  so thats a good enough reason to keep this sorta
  but now, they contradict and start chest beating
  probably not smart; with the cat out of the bag,
  backlash is sure to reach this school too
  too bad, cause this school really needs TM and is
  happy to have it, a real triumph.
 One wonders how much the TM-feature of the school
 curriculum was known by the 
 bestowers of the National Middle School Principal of
 the Year award. Either way, it's a big 
 win for the TM org. If they knew about TM at at the
 school, the TM-factor must already 
 have a significant degree of acceptance among the
 educational intelligensia. If the TM-
 factor were unknown, the award opens a window for
 the TM org to gain credibility. The 
 David Lynch foundation video on the school, with its
 testimonial from the principal, shows 
 the school community's depth of appreciation for the
 TM technique. It was wise to capture 
 those sentiments for posterity some months ago,
 before the award was bestowed, 
 because Success has 1,000 authors. Even the
 California Masonic Temple website has a 
 story about the award, and mentioned the principal
 is a Mason. The award should be a 
 real gem, for all involved, and the TM org would be
 remiss were they to not have the glow 
 of this award fall upon them, as well.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Vaj

On Oct 3, 2007, at 12:10 AM, new.morning wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My partner has always interestingly 'pined: 'Men who search after
 younger women are looking for a mate their own emotional age.' In
 other words you're attracted to someone your own emotional age (as
 opposed to your biological age).

If I understand your point, that is such a strange mind set -- the
premise that age correlates with emotional maturity -- more
specifically that a woman 10 years younger is more emotionally mature
than one 10 years older. That model does not fit my experience --
certainly doesn't work well with many men -- just look at this list.

I think you missed what she's saying New Morn. If you are say, 55,  
and you're habitually attracted to 25 year olds, it could be because  
your emotional maturity is closer to that of a 25 year old. In other  
words, even though you're 55, you have the emotional maturity of a 25  
YO. Like attracts like.

This formula of course ignores a number of other factors, like really  
mature 25 YO's. :-) It's a reason some people could be attracted to  
younger mates.

[FairfieldLife] Criss Angel is just a low down cheat (Re: Is this man is flyng ?)

2007-10-03 Thread Duveyoung
I don't have any proof of Criss Angel's camera-tricks-paid-actors,
cheating and thus sullying traditional magician-artform.  But just
google Criss Angel Cheating Camera tricks and you'll see that
the vast majority of those posting on the many magic-oriented message
boards are concerned about his use of camera tricks.  And he is
considered lesser than Copperfield, Henning, Penn  Teller who would
eschew such methods.  

I did some research, finally, on him just now, and I'm guessing he
does have some minor sleight of hand chops, etc., but mostly the
best illusion of Criss Angel is that he has convinced many that he is,
indeed, an illusionist on the par with Copperfield, Henning, Penn 

Here's the bottom line:  I show you video of me standing next to a
dog.  I say, I'll make the dog disappear.  I snap my fingers, and
you see the whole scene on the screen shift a bit, cuz I moved the
camera slightly as I put it on pause.  I remove the dog, then I turn
on the video again and say, Voila!  That's how simple and crass
Criss Angel's tricks are.  If I pay someone to be standing next to me
who then lies and says that he saw the dog disappear, it doesn't make
me a more clever magician.  

Give me the right to use paid actors and a blue screen, and I'll have
a bunch of people standing around screaming in awe as they are looking
at me like I was God as I levitated in front of them. 

Google him and come to your own conclusions.  I've made mine.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Criss Angel has twisted the time honored values of magicians and
  sullied the artform.  It's true that magicians often employ shills in
  the audience, but Chriss uses PAID ACTORS for EVERYONE in the crowds
  that seem to witness his feats. 
 Just curious, what is your proof?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   My partner has always interestingly 'pined: 'Men who search 
   after younger women are looking for a mate their own emotional 
   age.' In other words you're attracted to someone your own 
   emotional age (as opposed to your biological age). 
  If I understand your point, that is such a strange mind set -- the
  premise that age correlates with emotional maturity --
 I thought he was saying that age does *not*
 correlate with emotional maturity--that an
 older man who pursues younger women is
 emotionally immature.

The implication in his statement, IMO, was that youngerwomen are less
mature than older women. 
  specifically that a woman 10 years younger is more emotionally 
  mature than one 10 years older.
 Boy, I don't know how you came up with this--
 it doesn't even fit with what you said to start

See above.
  That model does not fit my experience --
  certainly doesn't  work well with many men -- just look at
  this list. 
   And therefore un-equal age  
   relationships ( ~10 years?) are a kind of parody of emotionally  
   healthy humans.
  Again what a premise. A mind set that seems consistent with age
  ghettos -- people of more than 10 years different ages should not
  interact or congregate. What a sad vision and living of life.
 I don't think there's any shoulds in
 what Vaj said. 

Nor did I say that he said should.  I was looking at an extrapolation
of what he said.  An implication. All the time there are unrealized
and unexamined implications to what people say. I did not say, or mean
to imply that Vaj had thought through all the implications to what he
said. I am quite sure he has not. So I am thinking out loud about
them. And I am making an independent point beyond his.

If it is true that (which I am suggesting it is not) i) people of
different age cohorts have different distinct levels of  maturity, ii)
older cohorts are generally more mature than younger ones, and that
iii) people of not the same cohort should not mingle, there are
implications to this. To me, it implies an age segregated society,
comprised of with age ghettos.  I don't think that is good. But,
thankfully, I don't think that the above three listed points, upon
which such an extrapolations is based, are valid. 

 But I also seriously doubt
 that a formula like that would apply across
 the board. A woman might well be mature
 beyond her years, for one thing; and for
 another, emotional-age differences tend to
 decrease as folks get older. A 50-year-old
 and a 60-year-old are likely to be much
 closer in emotional age than a 30-year-old
 and a 20-year-old, even though the
 chronological age difference is the same.
 In any case, I suspect that the biological 
 imperative is much more significant than
 emotional immaturity in men, generally
 speaking, as the explanation for why men have
 traditionally sought mates younger than
 themselves. The younger the woman, the more
 children she can bear the man before her
 menopause; and presumably the man will remain
 capable of siring offspring more or less
 indefinitely, until he's so decrepit he can
 no longer function sexually.
 Plus which, up to a point, the older the man,
 the better able he'll be to support and protect
 the woman and her children while she's busy
 churning them out and raising them.
 In other words, that men are attracted to younger
 women is an evolutionary survival trait.
 Hmmm, if we put Vaj's theory and the biological
 imperative together, maybe emotional immaturity
 in men is also an evolutionary survival trait...

Good points. 

And though you mention only immature men, clearly immaturity is not a
isolated to men. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 3, 2007, at 12:10 AM, new.morning wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   My partner has always interestingly 'pined: 'Men who search after
   younger women are looking for a mate their own emotional age.' In
   other words you're attracted to someone your own emotional age (as
   opposed to your biological age).
  If I understand your point, that is such a strange mind set -- the
  premise that age correlates with emotional maturity -- more
  specifically that a woman 10 years younger is more emotionally mature
  than one 10 years older. That model does not fit my experience --
  certainly doesn't work well with many men -- just look at this list.
 I think you missed what she's saying New Morn. If you are say, 55,  
 and you're habitually attracted to 25 year olds, it could be because  
 your emotional maturity is closer to that of a 25 year old. In other  
 words, even though you're 55, you have the emotional maturity of a 25  
 YO. Like attracts like.
 This formula of course ignores a number of other factors, like really  
 mature 25 YO's. :-) It's a reason some people could be attracted to  
 younger mates.

I understand the point. And I am sure some immature men seek out
immature women. And that this fulfills a need in him. And probably
her. It certainly can be one of a number of explanations.

And actually, if generalized, this example is consistent with my theme
that people will seek out and even dare I say benefit from, finding
people of like qualities, levels of skill, maturities, etc. Its just
that I don't think these things are very age correlated. And thus,
chastising -- which maybe is not implied in your comments --  a 55 yr
old for being friends with a 25 year old -- regardless of gender, is
not healthy or productive, IMO. 

[FairfieldLife] The Taj Mahal - the real story

2007-10-03 Thread Rick Archer
Article on the bbc regarding the taj mahal and its  


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Vaj

On Oct 3, 2007, at 10:56 AM, new.morning wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 3, 2007, at 12:10 AM, new.morning wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   My partner has always interestingly 'pined: 'Men who search  
   younger women are looking for a mate their own emotional  
age.' In
   other words you're attracted to someone your own emotional  
age (as

   opposed to your biological age).
  If I understand your point, that is such a strange mind set -- the
  premise that age correlates with emotional maturity -- more
  specifically that a woman 10 years younger is more emotionally  

  than one 10 years older. That model does not fit my experience --
  certainly doesn't work well with many men -- just look at this  

 I think you missed what she's saying New Morn. If you are say, 55,
 and you're habitually attracted to 25 year olds, it could be because
 your emotional maturity is closer to that of a 25 year old. In other
 words, even though you're 55, you have the emotional maturity of  
a 25

 YO. Like attracts like.

 This formula of course ignores a number of other factors, like  

 mature 25 YO's. :-) It's a reason some people could be attracted to
 younger mates.

I understand the point. And I am sure some immature men seek out
immature women. And that this fulfills a need in him. And probably
her. It certainly can be one of a number of explanations.

And actually, if generalized, this example is consistent with my theme
that people will seek out and even dare I say benefit from, finding
people of like qualities, levels of skill, maturities, etc. Its just
that I don't think these things are very age correlated. And thus,
chastising -- which maybe is not implied in your comments -- a 55 yr
old for being friends with a 25 year old -- regardless of gender, is
not healthy or productive, IMO.

I'd be curious what you think of the Half your age plus seven rule  



[FairfieldLife] Criss Angel is just a low down cheat (Re: Is this man is flyng ?)

2007-10-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Criss Angel has twisted the time honored values of magicians and
 sullied the artform.  It's true that magicians often employ shills in
 the audience, but Chriss uses PAID ACTORS for EVERYONE in the crowds
 that seem to witness his feats.  He literally doesn't have any
 audience at all.  He uses camera tricks to accomplish all the rest. 
 It takes absolutely no scholarship in the world of
 entertaining-magicians for Chriss' tricks -- I can do anything he's
 done with a camera too -- he's not even doing anything special with
 the camera.

You sound like the old guys I used to meet in Tannen's Magic store in
Manhattan who used to goof on Doug Henning's hippie TV shows. Or the
guys who used to complain about gimmicked coins because they were pure
coin manipulators.

Doug had a lot to do with the escalation of effects that now require
large groups of shills.  It is all part of the growth of magic in
popular entertainment on TV.  The skill of the magician in
misdirection is all part of the personality of the performer selling
his bit.  There are a million guys in local magic organizations with
huge magic chops but they have zero personality to sell the effects in
a big way. That is the skill that Chriss has, he makes people believe.
 Not you and not me, but plenty of people who love his shows.

Doug just got out of the game before this technique became popular as
the stunts escalated.  Copperfield is no stranger to the use of this
technique, it is necessary for huge effects.  He has used it plenty. 
He also is a great magician who can do lots of great close up stuff. 
He has the personality to sell the trick, that is what makes it magic.
As the network shows came and went the need for bigger and bigger
stunts to draw an audience drove magic to this technique.  Chriss is
the first guy to use it almost exclusively, but that is part of the
larger than life show biz reality that is the market today.  I'm sure
he could sit you down at a table and do all the old school stuff too
but that isn't selling right now.

Personally I really enjoy close up magic.  But even here technology
has been pushing the limits for years.  At first coin manipulators
used real coins.  But as people got used to the effects possible this
way they started to invent gimmicked coins to produce even more
magical effects.   Ever see a cigarette pushed through the center of a

But it still comes down to the personality of the magician to turn it
into a magical effect.  That is why you have so many magic geeks with
thousands of dollars of equipment who can't amaze anyone.  The magic
isn't in the effects they bought. It is in personality and people
knowledge of the performer.

I work with a few magicians on the boardwalk where I play.  Some of
them are such masters of human physiology and they turn the simplest
old time tricks into miracles for the crowd.  They have superior
language skills.  They know that announcing that they are holding an
ordinary deck of playing cards is a rookie mistake because it makes
the audience think about magic decks like the one they are holding.

Chriss doesn't float my boat, but he isn't entertaining old guys like
us.  Doug would never sell today, just as Blackstone had his day and
now it is gone.  But the advance of the intrinsic technical
bullshittery that supports magical effects is unstoppable.  TV changed
everything.  Doug was an innovator in making TV magic cool again. 
David Copperfield and Blaine both took it to another level.  Now
Chriss is the rock star magician of the minute.  He gets all the hot
chicks for now.  To his credit, his book is a rant against people
trying to sell tricks as real magic.  He doesn't approve of people
using magical tricks to make gullible people believe a person has
actual magical powers like Penn and Teller's education show.  That is
a time honored value of magic in public education that goes all the
way back to Houdini.

So roll over Beethoven, and tell Tchaikovsky the news! 

 I don't mind if folks are entertained by him, cuz, hell, they're
 entertained by Pro wrestling, and gulp, I'm entertained by actors
 doing all sorts of things that are merely camera tricks.  But when
 Criss blurs the line between cheap ass camera tricksters with paid
 audience and true magician who can so sleight of hand, prop tricks,
 and knows all the subtle diverting the gaze methods.  I don't know
 what Criss has accomplished along these scholarly lines that require
 thousands of hours of practicing, but he sure isn't showing any skills
 if you ask me.
 I wouldn't let this guy marry my sister.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  If not it's definately the best trick I have seen until now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread new . morning
Any 55 year old hetro man who does not find at least some 25 year old
women attractive, has a stick so far up his butt, it must be painful
even walking to the domes. 

And vice versa for all age, gender, and gender preference combinations.

And heaven forbid someone should actually seek to interact with, talk,
with, someone they find attractive. The Shame!!! The Horror!.

And as a side note, one quality that I find more abundant in 25 year
old women, than many older women (and I am sure the same is true of
men) -- and there are exceptions, is what I term shakti. This may be
a different thing than the shakit talked about here. But there is
something, some great energy, that is just radiating, dripping,
efussing, sparkling, from some 25 year old women. Its energizing,
enjoyable, and fun just to be in their aura for a while.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Would an Enlightened Person Experience Sexual Lust

2007-10-03 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, suziezuzie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Why would an enlightened person become overshadowed by sexual lust? 
 In Cosmic Consciousness, the Being supposedly would not be 
 overshadowed by the influences that normally set off 
 sexual 'triggers' in an ignorant person. These would be sexual 
 triggers such as increased heart rate and sex hormones that flood the 
 blood stream from perceptions given off from the opposite sex, i.e., 
 hair, butt, tits, eyes, legs, crotch, groin, etc.
 In God Consciousness, in which the finest level of creation is 
 appreciated, even the celestial gods that are responsible for 
 exciting partners, i.e., Cupid would not overshadow the Being.
 In Unity Consciousness, all sexual influences would be perceived as 
 That. All sexual implications regarding the bodily functions and the 
 mental pictures which trigger these desires would be seen on the 
 level of Pure Consciousness. The mental pictures associated with 
 sexual desires would be appreciated as experiences from this life as 
 well as stemming from past lives in which we were men and women 
 engaged in countless sexual affairs. For the enlightened, this 
 influence would not affect them no matter how subtle, like eating, 
 sleeping, etc.  That's how I understand it.

An enlightened person would get influenced by sexual lust if that
person had an issue or vasana with lust and had not yet dealt with it. 

If you want to define enlighenment as not being affected by anything
like lust or whatever, fine, but the myth of most eastern spiritual
movt's is that a person's deep seated vasanas get resolved
automatically as they do consciousness related practices.  Certain
practices may promote a centered awareness that may make it easier to
deal with one's issues, but they still have to be dealt with
consciously and many eastern spiritual groups have an issue with
dealing with one's issues, ie, analyzing the mud etc.  This is why
there's so much mental and emotional weirdness in long term tmo campus
types who religiously avoid dealing with their traumas or accept the
premise that they just can't have any emotional problems because
they've done program for 30 yrs, or to put it another way, I've known
dozens of long term sidhas who suffered throughout their adult life 
until they got conscious help dealing with childhood abuse
experiences.  30 yrs of program had done NOTHING to release the
negative effects of the abuse.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
My partner has always interestingly 'pined: 'Men who search 
after younger women are looking for a mate their own 
age.' In other words you're attracted to someone your own 
emotional age (as opposed to your biological age). 
   If I understand your point, that is such a strange mind set -- 
   the premise that age correlates with emotional maturity --
  I thought he was saying that age does *not*
  correlate with emotional maturity--that an
  older man who pursues younger women is
  emotionally immature.
 The implication in his statement, IMO, was that youngerwomen
 are less mature than older women.

Right, which is probably true in most cases, for
both men and women. His suggestion is that *lack*
of correlation in (some) men accounts for their
attraction to younger women whose chronological age
*is* correlated to their emotional maturity.

   specifically that a woman 10 years younger is more emotionally 
   mature than one 10 years older.
  Boy, I don't know how you came up with this--
  it doesn't even fit with what you said to start
 See above.

Yeah, I think you got the second part backwards.
Should be a woman 10 years older is more
emotionally mature than one 10 years younger.
Otherwise your two statements immediately above
are contradictory.

  But I also seriously doubt
  that a formula like that would apply across
  the board. A woman might well be mature
  beyond her years, for one thing; and for
  another, emotional-age differences tend to
  decrease as folks get older. A 50-year-old
  and a 60-year-old are likely to be much
  closer in emotional age than a 30-year-old
  and a 20-year-old, even though the
  chronological age difference is the same.
  In any case, I suspect that the biological 
  imperative is much more significant than
  emotional immaturity in men, generally
  speaking, as the explanation for why men have
  traditionally sought mates younger than
  themselves. The younger the woman, the more
  children she can bear the man before her
  menopause; and presumably the man will remain
  capable of siring offspring more or less
  indefinitely, until he's so decrepit he can
  no longer function sexually.
  Plus which, up to a point, the older the man,
  the better able he'll be to support and protect
  the woman and her children while she's busy
  churning them out and raising them.
  In other words, that men are attracted to younger
  women is an evolutionary survival trait.
  Hmmm, if we put Vaj's theory and the biological
  imperative together, maybe emotional immaturity
  in men is also an evolutionary survival trait...
 Good points. 
 And though you mention only immature men, clearly immaturity
 is not a isolated to men.

That was the issue here, i.e., a theory for why
(some) men are attracted to younger women. It may
be why some women are attracted to younger men as
well, possibly for a similar reason, but that wasn't
what we were discussing, so I didn't mention it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Principal of the Year award goes to head of meditating school

2007-10-03 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm sure TM had absolutely nothing to do with the
 success of this principal.

The success of the school preceded consideration of the prinicipal for the 
award.  The TM 
program was implemented in only the past year or two, at most.  The principal 
has been 
there for eight years. With that length of history, pre and post implementation 
of the TM 
program, there might be objective indicators of the degree of improvement in 
student test 
scores, suspensions / expulsions, etc that would give indication of TMs effect 
on the 
school's performance. 
  The statement that you're sure that TM had absolutely nothiing to do 
with the success 
of this principal  is curious.  On what do you base your certainty? In 
contrast to the 
principal's own words on the video, perhaps you have separate evidence the 
denies TMs effect on the success of his school, such as notes from a personal 
with him on the subject, and permission from him to waive confidentiality to 
let everyone 
know what he thinks..hardly.

 --- mainstream20016 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  george_deforest george.deforest@ wrote:
bob_brigante wrote:
All the bad publicity generated by the Terra
  Linda High School
fracas, where some nutjob shouted TM out at a
  parents' meeting
with the school principal, seems to be the
  reason why they are
not mentioning the name of the school or the
but if that's the case, why mention it at all
to a bunch of meditators -- just more preaching
  to the choir...
   well bob, i agree there was that big backlash in
  Marin county,
   so thats a good enough reason to keep this sorta
   but now, they contradict and start chest beating
   probably not smart; with the cat out of the bag,
   backlash is sure to reach this school too
   too bad, cause this school really needs TM and is
   happy to have it, a real triumph.
  One wonders how much the TM-feature of the school
  curriculum was known by the 
  bestowers of the National Middle School Principal of
  the Year award. Either way, it's a big 
  win for the TM org. If they knew about TM at at the
  school, the TM-factor must already 
  have a significant degree of acceptance among the
  educational intelligensia. If the TM-
  factor were unknown, the award opens a window for
  the TM org to gain credibility. The 
  David Lynch foundation video on the school, with its
  testimonial from the principal, shows 
  the school community's depth of appreciation for the
  TM technique. It was wise to capture 
  those sentiments for posterity some months ago,
  before the award was bestowed, 
  because Success has 1,000 authors. Even the
  California Masonic Temple website has a 
  story about the award, and mentioned the principal
  is a Mason. The award should be a 
  real gem, for all involved, and the TM org would be
  remiss were they to not have the glow 
  of this award fall upon them, as well.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Vaj

On Oct 3, 2007, at 11:10 AM, new.morning wrote:

Any 55 year old hetro man who does not find at least some 25 year old
women attractive, has a stick so far up his butt, it must be painful
even walking to the domes.

Well you can find them attractive, but it doesn't mean you'd want to  
enter into a sexual and intimate emotional relationship with them.

And vice versa for all age, gender, and gender preference  

And heaven forbid someone should actually seek to interact with, talk,
with, someone they find attractive. The Shame!!! The Horror!.

Why would one want to limit interaction based on age?

And as a side note, one quality that I find more abundant in 25 year
old women, than many older women (and I am sure the same is true of
men) -- and there are exceptions, is what I term shakti. This may be
a different thing than the shakit talked about here. But there is
something, some great energy, that is just radiating, dripping,
efussing, sparkling, from some 25 year old women. Its energizing,
enjoyable, and fun just to be in their aura for a while.

A friend of mine who will only date younger, beautiful women claims  
that older women have too much ama (bio-physical toxins)!  He would  
absolutely refuse to have sex or kiss anyone with too much ama.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ 

 My partner has always interestingly 'pined: 'Men who 
 after younger women are looking for a mate their own 
 age.' In other words you're attracted to someone your own 
 emotional age (as opposed to your biological age). 

If I understand your point, that is such a strange mind set -
the premise that age correlates with emotional maturity --
   I thought he was saying that age does *not*
   correlate with emotional maturity--that an
   older man who pursues younger women is
   emotionally immature.
  The implication in his statement, IMO, was that youngerwomen
  are less mature than older women.
 Right, which is probably true in most cases, for
 both men and women. His suggestion is that *lack*
 of correlation in (some) men accounts for their
 attraction to younger women whose chronological age
 *is* correlated to their emotional maturity.
specifically that a woman 10 years younger is more 
mature than one 10 years older.
   Boy, I don't know how you came up with this--
   it doesn't even fit with what you said to start
  See above.
 Yeah, I think you got the second part backwards.
 Should be a woman 10 years older is more
 emotionally mature than one 10 years younger.
 Otherwise your two statements immediately above
 are contradictory.
   But I also seriously doubt
   that a formula like that would apply across
   the board. A woman might well be mature
   beyond her years, for one thing; and for
   another, emotional-age differences tend to
   decrease as folks get older. A 50-year-old
   and a 60-year-old are likely to be much
   closer in emotional age than a 30-year-old
   and a 20-year-old, even though the
   chronological age difference is the same.
   In any case, I suspect that the biological 
   imperative is much more significant than
   emotional immaturity in men, generally
   speaking, as the explanation for why men have
   traditionally sought mates younger than
   themselves. The younger the woman, the more
   children she can bear the man before her
   menopause; and presumably the man will remain
   capable of siring offspring more or less
   indefinitely, until he's so decrepit he can
   no longer function sexually.
   Plus which, up to a point, the older the man,
   the better able he'll be to support and protect
   the woman and her children while she's busy
   churning them out and raising them.
   In other words, that men are attracted to younger
   women is an evolutionary survival trait.
   Hmmm, if we put Vaj's theory and the biological
   imperative together, maybe emotional immaturity
   in men is also an evolutionary survival trait...
  Good points. 
  And though you mention only immature men, clearly immaturity
  is not a isolated to men.
 That was the issue here, i.e., a theory for why
 (some) men are attracted to younger women. It may
 be why some women are attracted to younger men as
 well, possibly for a similar reason, but that wasn't
 what we were discussing, so I didn't mention it.

I apologize in advance for interjecting my reality in the midst of 
so much theory, but my experience is that my first wife is two years 
older than I am, and my second is seven years older... I also find 
younger women attractive, but I tend to enjoy complexity and wisdom 
more than youth in my relationships, and the younger ones just don't 
have the life experience and reflection to keep up. No dis on them, 
but not attracted enough to the relative youthfulness to consider a 
life partner as a result.

Of course this whole thread was spawned by Turq's experience in a 
bar, which is quite a ways apart from consideration of a life 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Duveyoung
new.morning wrote: snip Edg said, if I understood him, that a 40 yer
old has nothing to offer a 25 year old, And vice versa. Holy horse
shit man! What a odd view of life.

Edg:  I don't think I said that, and I sure don't believe that.

Adults with kids? -- win/win.  

All the generations at a family pot luck? -- pure gold.  

Letting your 21 year old daughter go alone to a Playboy Club without
her knowing the ways of men? -- 100% chance of her being abused,
tricked, lied to, and much worse.  

The 21 year old will be insulted if you forbid her going there, cuz,
Im an adult now, but at 21, she's almost certain to not have had
the hard knocks to give her the armor to ward off the kinds of
attacks men can come up with.

We are angry when we hear about an adult having sex with a minor --
why?  Cuz we know the minor is at risk ALWAYS when an adult has a self
serving agenda.  But don't miss the fact that at any age, one can be
 mere child's play to a predator.

Consider the power of lies.  

Consider that priests are able to get so many alter boys to have sex
with them -- despite the fact that the boys are in a religious setting
where sex is definitely not seen, spoken about, or espoused -- except
the usual: it's okay after marriage.  Consider it.  These priests
are able to rape the boys and do this despite heavy anti-sex brain
washing of the boys' minds by the church dogma.   The concept here is
that an adult can be so devious and the child is so innocent that the
child never has a chance to deflect a well planned attack from an
adult predator.

Well, take the next step.  A man who's 20 years older is worldly
enough to know that to have sex with a young woman, all that's
required is the proper set of lies and not much else.  

Google it.  Guess how many women -- very mature, experienced women --
get ripped off by those serial-huckster types who do whatever it
takes to get a woman's confidence, and the next thing you know, her
money's gone.  It's, again, child's play if the perpetrator has no
qualms about how big the lies are.

If my daughter associates with a much older man, she may be educated
by his teachings, inspired by his accomplishments, entertained by his
well-practiced personality routines, and think that this guy's life
should be written up for everyone to admire.  There could be no end to
the benefits to her, but the very second that his hand touches her
shoulder or he gets close enough to smell her hair, I would want an
alarm bell to ring inside her head, and I'd want her to immediately
and directly confront the invasion of her personal space by the man. 
It should not be brushed aside by the man as nothing sexual -- not
in today's PC-correctness world.  If a man is unwilling to admit what
kinds of thoughts his libido is generating, and if he's unwilling to
examine the power they have over his rationalizations when a sweet
young thing enters the room, then he is not fit to be trusted around
such women.

The power of women's allure to men is renown; the derision that all
the world has for the dog-lust randiness of men is seen in the most
ancient writings, and if these two concepts are missing from the
mindfulness of either my daughter or the older man, then sex may
happen even if neither party planned it.  

A 21 year old woman has no idea just how powerfully wonderful an older
man can seem to be compared to the kiddie-brains of boys her age.  It
may seem like true love to her when she processes all the
inspirational feelings that being in the presence of anyone of
accomplishment can arouse.  True love is not about infatuation, but
the sheer difficulty to tell the difference between the two is
legendary.  Hence, the time honored controls that parents put upon
their children.

And what about birds of a feather?  A 40 year old guy should be
mostly hanging around with other 40 year olds who can see him for
what he is with the same wisdom from years of life.  If he's hanging
with young girls, sorry, but as much as they might all be
win-winning, if he's having sex or is willing to have sex with them,
he's a predator who's trying to target outside his age range in
order to more easily score with those who cannot judge his true value.  

He's a pedophile-esque hunter -- creepy.

I have four kids.  I know what it's like to meet their friends and see
where their generation's heads are at.  I have been FORCED to learn
the new jargons, memorize the names of teenyboppers, rappers, and 
pantyless sluts amuck in public, and I've learned to be able to keep
my mouth shut when they're all into something, well, childish.   My 30
year old kids are still children in so many ways, and I love that
about them, but I will not allow their innocence's beauty to obscure
their vulnerabilities. I warn and warn and warn them -- it takes a lot
of attending to be mature enough to meet life's risks.

If you want to be with much younger people than you, chances are good
you're in denial about something in your psychology.  Yeah, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 3, 2007, at 11:10 AM, new.morning wrote:
  And as a side note, one quality that I find more abundant
  in 25 year old women, than many older women (and I am sure
  the same is true of men) -- and there are exceptions, is
  what I term shakti. This may be a different thing than the 
  shakit talked about here. But there is something, some great 
  energy, that is just radiating, dripping, efussing, sparkling,
  from some 25 year old women. Its energizing, enjoyable, and
  fun just to be in their aura for a while.
 A friend of mine who will only date younger, beautiful women 
 claims that older women have too much ama (bio-physical toxins)!
 He would absolutely refuse to have sex or kiss anyone with too
 much ama.

Y'all need to read up on the Crone. Hers is a much
more powerful, much more profound energy than most
men can deal with. It's no wonder your friend finds
her terrifying. That's why the patriarchal culture
repressed and demeaned her; but lately she's being

[FairfieldLife] Why does the veil of illusion even exist?

2007-10-03 Thread Ron

 Namaste GuruJ.

OM Namo Narayan - 
 In response to your post below: Why does the veil of illusion even exist? I 
 realize it's a 
joke, but it seems like a cruel one. :(

0- one got lost in the story and the projections and this is pointed to also 
if you remember how Satan became Satan. In the beginning he was the Head 
of the chior of Angels. But he decided he wanted to have the glory for himself 
and so came the fall and the infamous identity as Satan took place as Ego. Also 
if you 
remember the Garden of Eden they had it all - walked with God - were in 
but they chose *knowledge* hahahaahahahahah All they knew at that point was 
Good - 
but they chose to know good versus evil. Duality - whoosh and a limited 
physical body
at that point was brought into being to hold the eternal spirit, and their 
years upon 
the earth was limited. This was still compassion. So much for chosing to know 
good versus evil. - OK we tire of that game and sin. Sin means nothing more 
separation. So in the end with all those pointings we chose OUR way aka EGO and 
to become individual gods - and this is also in the bible rather than Knowing 
the One God. 
So much for the preachiology today. hahahahahahaahahahah The Good News is 
that the way back is open. hahahhahahahahaahahaha One can't beat paradise. 
Immersed within the One is infinitely better than being trapped in the numerous 
a one. 

Maha Shanti 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'One Defintion of Enlightenment', also ice cream

2007-10-03 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When the soul expands and overshadows the body,
   Then you realize you are the energy of the soul,
   And you no longer experience yourself, as the body,
   But you experience yourself as an energy called 'The Soul'.
   In other words, when the energy of the soul, expands enough...
   You experience yourself as energy, and not body.

 Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
 Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

This is for those who never tasted ice cream:

It is sweet, really really creamy, cold, and melts when warmed up - ok, now do 
you fully get 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Y'all need to read up on the Crone. Hers is a much
 more powerful, much more profound energy than most
 men can deal with. It's no wonder your friend finds
 her terrifying. That's why the patriarchal culture
 repressed and demeaned her; but lately she's being

60 is the new 40.  Spread the word!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  On Oct 3, 2007, at 11:10 AM, new.morning wrote:
   And as a side note, one quality that I find more abundant
   in 25 year old women, than many older women (and I am sure
   the same is true of men) -- and there are exceptions, is
   what I term shakti. This may be a different thing than the 
   shakit talked about here. But there is something, some great 
   energy, that is just radiating, dripping, efussing, sparkling,
   from some 25 year old women. Its energizing, enjoyable, and
   fun just to be in their aura for a while.
  A friend of mine who will only date younger, beautiful women 
  claims that older women have too much ama (bio-physical toxins)!
  He would absolutely refuse to have sex or kiss anyone with too
  much ama.
 Y'all need to read up on the Crone. Hers is a much
 more powerful, much more profound energy than most
 men can deal with. It's no wonder your friend finds
 her terrifying. That's why the patriarchal culture
 repressed and demeaned her; but lately she's being

Re: [FairfieldLife] Advanced Techniques?

2007-10-03 Thread Bhairitu
cardemaister wrote:
 As I recall it (might well misremember...), my TM teacher
 said that the purpose of advanced techniques is to *slow
 down* transcending, so that one has more time to watch
 the scenery, to become more familiar with different
 levels of creation, or stuff.
MMY said they were like manure.  :)  What he meant is they were like 
fertilizer to the process of developing enlightenment.  Of course I 
recall quite a laugh on that tape.   However what they are really just 
more like the traditional mantra for Saraswati minus Om of course.  
These mantras, being longer, transcend slower.  The deepen the 
experience by keeping you there longer.  The first technique bijas tend 
to bob up and down in consciousness.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Vaj

On Oct 3, 2007, at 12:26 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 3, 2007, at 11:10 AM, new.morning wrote:
  And as a side note, one quality that I find more abundant
  in 25 year old women, than many older women (and I am sure
  the same is true of men) -- and there are exceptions, is
  what I term shakti. This may be a different thing than the
  shakit talked about here. But there is something, some great
  energy, that is just radiating, dripping, efussing, sparkling,
  from some 25 year old women. Its energizing, enjoyable, and
  fun just to be in their aura for a while.

 A friend of mine who will only date younger, beautiful women
 claims that older women have too much ama (bio-physical toxins)!
 He would absolutely refuse to have sex or kiss anyone with too
 much ama.

Y'all need to read up on the Crone. Hers is a much
more powerful, much more profound energy than most
men can deal with. It's no wonder your friend finds
her terrifying. That's why the patriarchal culture
repressed and demeaned her; but lately she's being

Actually, it's something I am quite familiar with. It's not unusual  
nowadays to see women undergo a croning ritual in celebration of  
menopause and their new station. 

[FairfieldLife] TM in SF schools and others

2007-10-03 Thread Dick Mays
Check out how still these middle-school students look during 
meditation in the first link below, a 7-minute video.  To me it's 

The principal of an American public high school in San Francisco, 
California has been awarded the prestigious title 'Principal of the 
Year'. The award was presented following a nationwide competition 
encompassing principals from 30,000 schools. The students and faculty 
at that school practice Transcendental Meditation, with daily group 
meditations held during school hours. The comprehensive benefits of 
the Transcendental Meditation Programme for students at all levels of 
education have been extensively documented by scientific research.

Applauding the principal's achievement, Dr John Konhaus, 
Administrator of the Global Country of World Peace in California, 
commented that his success would pave the way for the introduction of 
Consciousness-Based Education throughout California. 

is a pretty cool video on the TM program at that school, and others.

http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/09/29/BA6MSGFG3.DTLhttp://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/09/29/BA6MSGFG3.DTL is 
the newspaper article.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Advanced Techniques?

2007-10-03 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As I recall it (might well misremember...), my TM teacher
 said that the purpose of advanced techniques is to *slow
 down* transcending, so that one has more time to watch
 the scenery, to become more familiar with different
 levels of creation, or stuff.

Yes. As I recall from Maharishi, the additional mantras allow the
attention to stay in the subtler levels longer, thereby activating the
subtler corresponding structures of the nervous system. The idea being
so that the person can, when outside of meditation, begin to perceive
relativity at its finer levels of value - ultimately perceiving at the
level of Divinity - where one sees God in everything at the level of
the senses. This leads to God Consciousness where Maharishi stated
that every particle of every experience becomes a tidal wave of joy
on the ocean of Bliss.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread cardemaister
And as a side note, one quality that I find more abundant
in 25 year old women, than many older women (and I am sure
the same is true of men) -- and there are exceptions, is
what I term shakti. This may be a different thing than the
shakit talked about here. But there is something, some great
energy, that is just radiating, dripping, efussing, sparkling,
from some 25 year old women. Its energizing, enjoyable, and
fun just to be in their aura for a while.

I'm afraid it's the pheromones that increase your levels
of oxytocin, testosterone and stuff.  :)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, BARRY relax

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  In the past 100,000 years millions of women have died during child-birth. 
 The casualty rate was high both for the child and the mother.
  Only 20th century medical technology has brought the casualty rate down.

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 15:08:36 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, BARRY relax
  Not only that, Nature performs an abortion on a
large percentage of *fertilized* eggs as well.

Not to mention all the perfectly viable frozen
*embryos* created by in vitro fertilization that
are discarded as so much garbage.

  And statistically speaking, Nature performs an
abortion on up to 50 percent of fertilized eggs/
embryos/fetuses. That's called a miscarriage,  and
the vast majority of them occur before the woman
even knows she's pregnant.

God Himself allows all those wonderful human babies
to be flushed right down the toilet.


Shape Yahoo! in your own image.  Join our Network Research Panel today!

[FairfieldLife] ALEX, is this Real.??

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
 Hey, sir Alex, could you tell me if this is REAL..??

Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel. 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Gem's from Bhagavan: Fate and Freewill - 2

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock

Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:49:58 +0100
Subject: Gem's from Bhagavan: Fate and Freewill - 2

  Everything is predetermined.  But a man is always free not to identify 
himself with the body, and not to be affected by the pleasures or pains 
consequent on the body's activities.

(from Gems from Bhagavan, selected by A. Devaraja Mudaliar)

Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest shows on 
Yahoo! TV.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Marek Reavis
Comment below:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 new.morning wrote: snip Edg said, if I understood him, that a 40 
 old has nothing to offer a 25 year old, And vice versa. Holy horse
 shit man! What a odd view of life.
 Edg:  I don't think I said that, and I sure don't believe that.
 Adults with kids? -- win/win.  
 All the generations at a family pot luck? -- pure gold.  
 Letting your 21 year old daughter go alone to a Playboy Club without
 her knowing the ways of men? -- 100% chance of her being abused,
 tricked, lied to, and much worse.  
 The 21 year old will be insulted if you forbid her going there, cuz,
 Im an adult now, but at 21, she's almost certain to not have had
 the hard knocks to give her the armor to ward off the kinds of
 attacks men can come up with.
 We are angry when we hear about an adult having sex with a minor --
 why?  Cuz we know the minor is at risk ALWAYS when an adult has a 
 serving agenda.  But don't miss the fact that at any age, one can 
  mere child's play to a predator.
 Consider the power of lies.  
 Consider that priests are able to get so many alter boys to have sex
 with them -- despite the fact that the boys are in a religious 
 where sex is definitely not seen, spoken about, or espoused -- 
 the usual: it's okay after marriage.  Consider it.  These priests
 are able to rape the boys and do this despite heavy anti-sex brain
 washing of the boys' minds by the church dogma.   The concept here 
 that an adult can be so devious and the child is so innocent that 
 child never has a chance to deflect a well planned attack from an
 adult predator.
 Well, take the next step.  A man who's 20 years older is worldly
 enough to know that to have sex with a young woman, all that's
 required is the proper set of lies and not much else.  
 Google it.  Guess how many women -- very mature, experienced women -
 get ripped off by those serial-huckster types who do whatever it
 takes to get a woman's confidence, and the next thing you know, her
 money's gone.  It's, again, child's play if the perpetrator has no
 qualms about how big the lies are.
 If my daughter associates with a much older man, she may be educated
 by his teachings, inspired by his accomplishments, entertained by 
 well-practiced personality routines, and think that this guy's 
 should be written up for everyone to admire.  There could be no end 
 the benefits to her, but the very second that his hand touches her
 shoulder or he gets close enough to smell her hair, I would want an
 alarm bell to ring inside her head, and I'd want her to immediately
 and directly confront the invasion of her personal space by the 
 It should not be brushed aside by the man as nothing sexual -- not
 in today's PC-correctness world.  If a man is unwilling to admit 
 kinds of thoughts his libido is generating, and if he's unwilling to
 examine the power they have over his rationalizations when a sweet
 young thing enters the room, then he is not fit to be trusted 
 such women.
 The power of women's allure to men is renown; the derision that all
 the world has for the dog-lust randiness of men is seen in the most
 ancient writings, and if these two concepts are missing from the
 mindfulness of either my daughter or the older man, then sex may
 happen even if neither party planned it.  
 A 21 year old woman has no idea just how powerfully wonderful an 
 man can seem to be compared to the kiddie-brains of boys her age.  
 may seem like true love to her when she processes all the
 inspirational feelings that being in the presence of anyone of
 accomplishment can arouse.  True love is not about infatuation, but
 the sheer difficulty to tell the difference between the two is
 legendary.  Hence, the time honored controls that parents put upon
 their children.
 And what about birds of a feather?  A 40 year old guy should be
 mostly hanging around with other 40 year olds who can see him 
 what he is with the same wisdom from years of life.  If he's 
 with young girls, sorry, but as much as they might all be
 win-winning, if he's having sex or is willing to have sex with 
 he's a predator who's trying to target outside his age range in
 order to more easily score with those who cannot judge his true 
 He's a pedophile-esque hunter -- creepy.
 I have four kids.  I know what it's like to meet their friends and 
 where their generation's heads are at.  I have been FORCED to learn
 the new jargons, memorize the names of teenyboppers, rappers, and 
 pantyless sluts amuck in public, and I've learned to be able to keep
 my mouth shut when they're all into something, well, childish.   My 
 year old kids are still children in so many ways, and I love that
 about them, but I will not allow their innocence's beauty to obscure
 their vulnerabilities. I warn and warn and warn 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Any 55 year old hetro man who does not find at least some 25 year 
 women attractive, has a stick so far up his butt, it must be painful
 even walking to the domes. 
 And vice versa for all age, gender, and gender preference 
 And heaven forbid someone should actually seek to interact with, 
 with, someone they find attractive. The Shame!!! The Horror!.
 And as a side note, one quality that I find more abundant in 25 year
 old women, than many older women (and I am sure the same is true of
 men) -- and there are exceptions, is what I term shakti. This may 
 a different thing than the shakit talked about here. But there is
 something, some great energy, that is just radiating, dripping,
 efussing, sparkling, from some 25 year old women. Its energizing,
 enjoyable, and fun just to be in their aura for a while.

A certain tradition in jyotish states that marriage is not determined 
by individuals.  It is determined by the Supreme Being.  Humans can 
only determine his or her fate in the following areas:

1.  Personal efforts and valour, as signified by the 3rd house.

2.  Struggle and work, as signified by the 6th house.

3.  Career goals, as signified by the 10th house.

4.  Personal gains, as signified by the 11th house.  Since this house 
is a house of desire, people tend to include sex experiences in this 
category, as we can see from this thread.  Nonetheless, these 
experiences do not necessarily relate to marriages.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  You made a very important point maam Judy.
  During the Zero wave ie before the coming of Agriculture, Women had lot 
of power including the right to choose her own mate.
  The coming of the First wave ie Agriculture eroded her rights and 
relgated her place in society to a secondary status.
  You said she is being redeemed.  Yes, that is the coming of the Third 
wave.  The equality of the Yin-Yang balance of  Nature in human society will be 
  Colour prejudice and Gender prejudice still exist in many parts of the 
world and they should be removed from the Human culture no matter where they 
  In the past 100 years Memes are driving the human evolution and they are 
shifting into overdrive.  Conversely the influence of genes are becoming less 
and less.  Some scientists even go to the extent of saying that we will 
eventually reach a point where the influence of genes will be Zero..!!
  Our relationships with each other is basicaly defined by whether we share 
the same Memes or Values.
  Take for example our forum FFL.  It nothing but Memes slugging out with 
each other.!!
  Coming back to the point, Quality Wholistic education is necessary to 
bring further refinements to the human civilisation.  

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 16:26:45 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman
  Y'all need to read up on the Crone. Hers is a much
more powerful, much more profound energy than most
men can deal with. It's no wonder your friend finds
her terrifying. That's why the patriarchal culture
repressed and demeaned her; but lately she's being

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us.

[FairfieldLife] Good fences make good neighbours

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  Good fences make good neighbors, scientists find
  Sept. 13, 2007
World Science staff
  Can the cold reashy;sonshy;ashy;bleshy;ness of math head off the 
flamshy;ing irrashy;tshy;ionalshy;ity of vishy;oshy;lent conshy;flict? 
Mayshy;be, say reshy;searchshy;ers who this week reshy;ported that a 
mathshy;eshy;matshy;ishy;cal modshy;el can preshy;dict where ethshy;nic 
batshy;tle will erupt. 

Such studshy;ies could help polshy;ishy;cyshy;makers deshy;vise 
soshy;lushy;tions beshy;fore probshy;lems get out of hand, the 
scishy;enshy;tists said. More than 100 milshy;lion peoshy;ple have died in 
vishy;oshy;lent conshy;flict in the past censhy;tushy;ry, they added, 
ofshy;ten beshy;cause of clashes beshy;tween ethshy;nicshy;ally or 
culshy;turshy;ally disshy;tinct groups. 

The inshy;vesshy;tishy;gashy;tors found that ethshy;nicshy;ally mixed 
arshy;eas with poorly deshy;fined boundshy;aries were prone to 
conshy;flict. The stushy;dy, by scishy;enshy;tists at the New Engshy;land 
Comshy;plex Sysshy;tems Inshy;stishy;tute in Camshy;bridge, Mass., and 
Branshy;deis Unshy;iversshy;ity in Walshy;tham, Mass., apshy;pears in the 
Sept. 14 isshy;sue of the reshy;search jourshy;nal Scishy;ence.

The aushy;thors deshy;vised a modshy;el based on the asshy;sumpshy;tion 
that vishy;oshy;lence doesshy;n’t arise in highly mixed reshy;gions, since 
no groups conshy;sidshy;er the space enshy;tirely their own. 
Vishy;oshy;lence is alshy;so unshy;likely in reshy;gions where groups are 
sepshy;ashy;rate, beshy;cause they don’t imshy;pose on each othshy;er and 
the boundshy;aries are clear. Inshy;stead, parshy;tial separashy;tshy;ion 
with unshy;clear boundshy;aries fosshy;ters conshy;flict, the 
reshy;searchshy;ers said.

The modshy;el acshy;cushy;rately preshy;dicted the locashy;tshy;ions of 
reshy;ported conshy;flict in the formshy;er Yushy;goshy;slashy;via and in 
Inshy;dia, the scishy;enshy;tists reshy;ported. In esshy;sence, they said, 
the situashy;tshy;ion is much as deshy;scribed by the poshy;et Robshy;ert 
Frost in a well-known poshy;em, “good fences make good neighshy;bors.”

“Vishy;oshy;lence takes place when an ethshy;nic group is large enough to 
imshy;pose culshy;turshy;al norms on pubshy;lic spaces, but not large 
enough to preshy;vent those norms from beshy;ing broshy;ken,” said 
Branshy;deis reshy;searcher May Lim. “Usually this ocshy;curs in places 
where boundshy;aries beshy;tween groups are unshy;clear.”

Reshy;flectshy;ing an emergshy;ing dishy;recshy;tion in scishy;ence 
apshy;plied to soshy;cial polshy;ishy;cy, the study apshy;plied 
scishy;enshy;tifshy;ic prinshy;cishy;ples of patshy;tern 
formashy;tshy;ion—ofshy;ten used to deshy;scribe, for exshy;amshy;ple, 
how chemshy;ishy;cals sepshy;ashy;rate by type or by state—to a thorny 
soshy;cial probshy;lem. The reshy;searchshy;ers found that ethshy;nic 
vishy;oshy;lence ocshy;curs in preshy;dictable patshy;terns, just as do 
othshy;er colshy;lecshy;tive beshy;havshy;iors in othshy;er 
physshy;ishy;cal and bishy;oshy;logshy;ishy;cal sysshy;tems. 

“The conshy;cept of patshy;tern formashy;tshy;ion, while it may have been 
origshy;ishy;nally deshy;velshy;oped to unshy;dershy;stand 
chemshy;ishy;cal sysshy;tems, is really a scishy;enshy;tifshy;ic 
modshy;el of colshy;lecshy;tive beshy;havshy;iors, in which you look at 
those asshy;pects that conshy;trol overshy;all beshy;havshy;ior,” said 
co-author and Comshy;plex Sysshy;tems Inshy;stishy;tute presshy;ident 
Yashy;neer Bar-Yam.

Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, 
photos  more. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'One Defintion of Enlightenment', also ice cream

2007-10-03 Thread Robert Gimbel
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 This is for those who never tasted ice cream:
 It is sweet, really really creamy, cold, and melts when warmed up - 
ok, now do you fully get 

Yes, now I fully get it...
That's the mystery of it all, isn't it?
The very thing that animates the body,
Is over-looked.
The soul is such a mystery- what is it?
How do you explain it?
Where do you find it?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Would an Enlightened Person Experience Sexual Lust

2007-10-03 Thread Robert Gimbel
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lust is omnipresent. As long as you've got a body, it's gonna happen,
 unless you're tired or past it or hopelessly repressed.  
No, no, no, a thousand times no!
Lust is an energy devoid of love, heart and soul.
It is an outward sensory experience.
Greed is also like that.
And the rest of the lower impulses, of the lower chakras.

An enlightened person, doesn't experience lust.
By definition: lust is devoid of love.
When a person is enlightened, he is awakened to his/her true nature, 
of the soul, which is love, truth, and all the higher qualities of 
So, sexual intimacy in enlightenment, is a high form of Tantra, and is 
an intimate expression of love.
Many creative artist, were and are very passionate in love.
Lust is an entirely different matter.
We are here to learn many things:
And one of the most important is to notice the difference;
Between lust and love.
We are so confused as a race, when it comes to sex.
Priests molest children.
All kinds of perversions.
All this has nothing to do with love.
Lust is another vibration, like greed, and in a way, like killing.
It's a perversion of love.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Would an Enlightened Person Experience Sexual Lust

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  You are correct Shri. Gimbel.  Lust comes from the Second Chakra ie 
Orange Chakra.
  Love comes from the higher chakras.
  Unconditional Love ie Compassion comes only after Enlightenment.

Robert Gimbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 19:39:34 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why Would an Enlightened Person Experience Sexual 
  No, no, no, a thousand times no!
Lust is an energy devoid of love, heart and soul.
It is an outward sensory experience.
Greed is also like that.
And the rest of the lower impulses, of the lower chakras.

An enlightened person, doesn't experience lust.
By definition: lust is devoid of love.
When a person is enlightened, he is awakened to his/her true nature, 
of the soul, which is love, truth, and all the higher qualities of 
So, sexual intimacy in enlightenment, is a high form of Tantra, and is 
an intimate expression of love.
Many creative artist, were and are very passionate in love.
Lust is an entirely different matter.
We are here to learn many things:
And one of the most important is to notice the difference;
Between lust and love.
We are so confused as a race, when it comes to sex.
Priests molest children.
All kinds of perversions.
All this has nothing to do with love.
Lust is another vibration, like greed, and in a way, like killing.
It's a perversion of love.

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
 Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
 During the Zero wave ie before the coming of Agriculture, Women had
lot of power including the right to choose her own mate.

Let me guess, this was discussed on the pre-agricultural The View TV
show, which, if I remember correctly, was still hosted by Barbara
Walters back then.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   You made a very important point maam Judy.

   During the Zero wave ie before the coming of Agriculture,
Women had lot of power including the right to choose her own mate.

   The coming of the First wave ie Agriculture eroded her rights
and relgated her place in society to a secondary status.

   You said she is being redeemed.  Yes, that is the coming of
the Third wave.  The equality of the Yin-Yang balance of  Nature in
human society will be Restored.

   Colour prejudice and Gender prejudice still exist in many
parts of the world and they should be removed from the Human culture
no matter where they exist.

   In the past 100 years Memes are driving the human evolution
and they are shifting into overdrive.  Conversely the influence of
genes are becoming less and less.  Some scientists even go to the
extent of saying that we will eventually reach a point where the
influence of genes will be Zero..!!

   Our relationships with each other is basicaly defined by
whether we share the same Memes or Values.

   Take for example our forum FFL.  It nothing but Memes slugging
out with each other.!!

   Coming back to the point, Quality Wholistic education is
necessary to bring further refinements to the human civilisation.  
 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 16:26:45 -
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an
Independent Woman

   Y'all need to read up on the Crone. Hers is a much
 more powerful, much more profound energy than most
 men can deal with. It's no wonder your friend finds
 her terrifying. That's why the patriarchal culture
 repressed and demeaned her; but lately she's being


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Would an Enlightened Person Experience Sexual Lust

2007-10-03 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, suziezuzie msilver1951@
  Why would an enlightened person become overshadowed by sexual 
  In Cosmic Consciousness, the Being supposedly would not be 
  overshadowed by the influences that normally set off 
  sexual 'triggers' in an ignorant person. These would be sexual 
  triggers such as increased heart rate and sex hormones that 
flood the 
  blood stream from perceptions given off from the opposite sex, 
  hair, butt, tits, eyes, legs, crotch, groin, etc.
  In God Consciousness, in which the finest level of creation is 
  appreciated, even the celestial gods that are responsible for 
  exciting partners, i.e., Cupid would not overshadow the Being.
  In Unity Consciousness, all sexual influences would be perceived 
  That. All sexual implications regarding the bodily functions and 
  mental pictures which trigger these desires would be seen on the 
  level of Pure Consciousness. The mental pictures associated with 
  sexual desires would be appreciated as experiences from this 
life as 
  well as stemming from past lives in which we were men and women 
  engaged in countless sexual affairs. For the enlightened, this 
  influence would not affect them no matter how subtle, like 
  sleeping, etc.  That's how I understand it.
 An enlightened person would get influenced by sexual lust if that
 person had an issue or vasana with lust and had not yet dealt with 
 If you want to define enlighenment as not being affected by 
 like lust or whatever, fine, but the myth of most eastern spiritual
 movt's is that a person's deep seated vasanas get resolved
 automatically as they do consciousness related practices.  Certain
 practices may promote a centered awareness that may make it easier 
 deal with one's issues, but they still have to be dealt with
 consciously and many eastern spiritual groups have an issue with
 dealing with one's issues, ie, analyzing the mud etc.  This is why
 there's so much mental and emotional weirdness in long term tmo 
 types who religiously avoid dealing with their traumas or accept 
 premise that they just can't have any emotional problems because
 they've done program for 30 yrs, or to put it another way, I've 
 dozens of long term sidhas who suffered throughout their adult 
 until they got conscious help dealing with childhood abuse
 experiences.  30 yrs of program had done NOTHING to release the
 negative effects of the abuse.

I didn't thankfully have abuse issues to work out, but the rest of 
your post rings true-- I too had fallen into the belief that I 
didn't have to consciously face my issues, that TM would magically 
dissolve them. It was only when I recognized that this wasn't 
happening that I was able to explore and resolve areas of my life 
that very much needed some examination. It was and is a fairly 
simple process; something rises to the fore and so I look at it, and 
begin to examine why it has over balanced my awareness in its favor. 
This then leads to a direct confrontation with whatever it is 
grabbing my attention, which although I don't know how big or deep 
the issue is, is just a matter of staying with it, keeping my 
attention on it, and traveling with it, sometimes backwards, 
sometimes forwards, into the other four directions (up, down, in and 
out), sometimes into a mutation, and sometimes to complete 
dissolution, until it is resolved into its balanced dimensions, if 
it continues to exist at all. Then on to the next one. Much easier 
now that I can see such things without any sort of justification or 
rationalization blocking their clear view.:-) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'One Defintion of Enlightenment', also ice cream

2007-10-03 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote
  This is for those who never tasted ice cream:
  It is sweet, really really creamy, cold, and melts when warmed up - 
 ok, now do you fully get 
 Yes, now I fully get it...
 That's the mystery of it all, isn't it?
 The very thing that animates the body,
 Is over-looked.
 The soul is such a mystery- what is it?
 How do you explain it?
 Where do you find it?

That 's the type of things 'they say. Here is a comment from an enlightened 
one about 

 Namaste GuruJ.
Namaste Dear One,
 *In response to your post below: Why does the veil of illusion 
even exist? 

S The truth is that illusion does not exist in reality
It appears real due to a knot of attachment that has been formed
A mistake or misperception assuming the body and mind are the self
This mistake is formed by self interested activity - wanting
enjoyment and good things for the self...wanting to know and gather
in this way the movement of ignorance (attachment to mind and body)
is perpetuated and seems to be a separate entity, but it cannot 
be- it is truly the forces of nature or clashing energy that 
are taking place - it is energy bound and energy patterns in 
motion. In truth, there is no separate, objective existence, but
the one caught in illusion takes the projections for reality and 
wanders there. 

*I realize it's a joke, but it seems like a cruel one. :(

S The joke is not God's - God is faultless, free from all the 
antics...it is karma in motion/past actions and all, so to be free 
of the mistake, the tools of the heart (spiritual practices and 
guides) manifest to the sincere seeker. The cosmic joke is had 
when the knot is dissolved and the understanding comes that all is 
God - that there has never been a seeker, nothing separate has ever 
and can ever exist...this is the good laugh that gets all kinds of 

May the laughter bloom
continue to allow the petals to unfold

Om Shanti

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  In pre-agricultural, hunter-gatherer societies life was so tough and 
every member of the tribe was valuable.  You cannot afford to suppress or 
Oppress anybody in those circumstances.  You are busy most of the time trying 
to find food.  Food was scarce.

curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 20:02:52 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman
  Let me guess, this was discussed on the pre-agricultural The View TV
show, which, if I remember correctly, was still hosted by Barbara
Walters back then.


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[FairfieldLife] I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-03 Thread curtisdeltablues

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick FLAMING 2

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  I don't know if Shankara had that attitude.  He went into the body of an 
householder and witness martial life for a month and then returned back to his 
  Probably the purusha had that attitude.  You are correct.  Viewing women 
as enemies is very immature.  Such people have a long way to go in evolution.
  If MMY did use his dick, the cost must be heavy.  Two women are to write 
a book.??
curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 15:22:14 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick FLAMING 2

  People who are insulted by Rick offering certain women's experiences
with their gurus, but are not insulted by the guru's reported behavior
strike me as value challenged.. .

Reporting what someone said to them about their experiences is far
from gossip, and the jury is still out on whether it is fabrication
isn't it? Trying to label it as gossip or fabrication when you don't
have any direct knowledge is very TM movement, and wont work on people
who have been around the block a bit.

gossipy, roumormonging female tendency that was a loaded phrase
wasn't it? It reveals the writers mistrust of women at the same time
trying to use the old you are a girly man shaming argument as if
this has worked on a dude since 1959. The biggest group of gossipers
and rumormongers I ever met was when I lived with Purusha. Their
inability to get along with women had as many causes as members. But
there were plenty who took Shankara's lead and viewed women as a
devious enemy, revealing their own social retardation. (not to be
confused with calling them retards)

These posts are vain attempts to shoot the messenger for information
that some of us find interesting and credible. It is a feeble attempt
to attack the person because you have nothing to refute the statements
of women who felt a betrayal of trust from an authority figure, and
you feel no sympathy for the human dilemma they found themselves in. 
Just the ol' protect the king and kill anyone who speaks against him. 
Even if you have to slander all women to do it.

Gotta prove that MMY never used his dick at ANY cost! Good luck with
that mission guys. 

Slamming Rick for offering their experiences to interested people is a
nice mirror for your attitudes. And when and if there are revelations
that Ravi or Amma turn out to be just folks like you and me I doubt
Rick will be any more surprised than I would be. 

Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-03 Thread Marek Reavis
Some of the comments below the article are very funny and give a good 
snapshot of the general public's reaction to the TMO's style and its 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Archer/ The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-10-03 Thread Jonathan Chadwick
With Leibniz, I've come to view this as a matter of pre-established harmony 
(of course with/among Sattva, Rajas  Tamas, and not in any monadial sense).  
But who knows? (i.e. is this a Zen thing after all?)  I guess that's why it is 
good to study the history of these debates (or not, if good is only 
conventionally meaningful anyway).
BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jonathan Chadwick [EMAIL 

 Sattva Purushayoh Atyantasamkirnayoh
 Pure consciousness and the active intelligence of Buddhi (the
Me) have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

Except that one (Intelligence) is a reflection of the other (Pure
Consciousness). Intelligence is the dynamism and Pure Consciousness is
the Silence...


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Principal of the Year award goes to head of meditating school

2007-10-03 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, george_deforest 

  bob_brigante wrote:
  All the bad publicity generated by the Terra Linda High School
  fracas, where some nutjob shouted TM out at a parents' meeting
  with the school principal, seems to be the reason why they are
  not mentioning the name of the school or the principal,
  but if that's the case, why mention it at all
  to a bunch of meditators -- just more preaching to the choir...
 well bob, i agree there was that big backlash in Marin county,
 so thats a good enough reason to keep this sorta secret.
 but now, they contradict and start chest beating ...
 probably not smart; with the cat out of the bag, the
 backlash is sure to reach this school too eventually.
 too bad, cause this school really needs TM and is very
 happy to have it, a real triumph.

Aside from private schools, which are mostly white and where the 
parents tend to be more educated and tolerant of the notion of TM for 
their kids (and where issues of taxpayer support for TM are not 
relevant), TM seems to be making some headway only in black-majority 
schools (mostly charter schools, which although technically public, 
get to act as if they were private). I think this is because the 
situation in ghetto schools is so bad that the parents are willing to 
try anything that might help. But in more affluent (white) schools 
like Terra Linda, ordinary lightly-educated white parents do not 
suppress their ignorant reaction to TM because their lifestyle is not 
as full of violence as in a ghetto neighborhood/school.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Duveyoung

Bingo.  I like your ideas, and yes, I think I've had some pretty hard
knocks that have gotten me into an overly sensitive stance.

My sister being marauded was but one exampleand other events have
hardened me, because they happened right in front of me, and I failed
to protect my loved ones even though I thought I was prepared and had
prepared them for the attacks that came.  I cannot write about it here
without risking my peace of mind for a week -- have to keep this at
psychic arm's length, cuz I have no recourse, no way to scrub off the
scars from the deep cuts into my family's psyche by outlanders.  I
did my times in a personal hell railing against the forces of
existence, but there's scant profit from in dwelling in that place.

All I know is that if I were to be stranded on a desert island with
any of the MEN who delivered MY karma to me, despite my beliefs that
justice is perfect, I'd take matters in my own hands.  Some of these
men are pretty tough dudes, but they'd be bleeding and screaming
within seconds of hitting the beach, and not a one of them would see
the next day's light.  

These guys you see jumping the courtroom railing to get at the
murderer of their loved one, just to get on fist in a smug face, that
would be me.

Death penalty?  Too good.  Way too good.  If my heart is to feel that
justice has been done, some of these MEN should be tortured for years
with a host of doctors keeping them alive for the next day's torture.

Only my faith in divine justice keeps me from going down a long dark
road to my own doom.  Only that constrains me from exacting revenge in
this world, in this lifetime.  They'll get what's coming, and it'll be
over lifetimes -- their spiritual bones will be ground to dust.

I'm not as broken as the above might indicate.  I go on with life and
try for all the pleasures, keep reading, keep writing, keep my mind
off the darkness as much as possible.  

I laugh every day, I sing every day, I greet every day.

But sore, raw, flaming red scars will still be pulsing on my deathbed.

Hug your kids, hug your lovers, hug all that is precious to you and
savor the moments while you can.  Things can change.


Marek Reavis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Edg, there is some a priori assumption behind the views you express 
 above that, regardless of the the concern and love that obviously 
 inhabits them, nonetheless regards human sexuality as something 
 inherently dangerous and, consequently, requiring all sorts of 
 controls and warning labels, etc.
 In my job I sometimes need to get psych evals for my clients 
 regarding their sexual interests; and anytime someone is found guilty 
 of a molestation they have to get a  pre-sentence eval to determine 
 the likelihood of re-offending, and that also includes their sexual 
 interests -- the sexual bandwitdth that they are attracted to.  All 
 the psychologists and psychiatrists say that for a normal 
 heterosexual male that bandwidth is any female exhibiting secondary 
 sexual characteristics like breasts and wider hips, etc. (i.e., as 
 early as 13 or 14 years old and on up from there).  That's the 
 biology of male human beings in the hetero mode.
 Having two children, both a son and a daughter, both now adults and 
 in stable, long-term relationships, I understand the concerns you've 
 raised, but even during the most tumultuous portions of my childrens' 
 adolescence (and trust me, there were some, and I've got a 
 professional point of view now from which to evaluate them within a 
 broad spectrum of human turmoil) I never felt that either of them 
 needed to be warned about sexuality beyond the obvious and necessary 
 health concerns.
 We did speak, of course, about the psychology of sexual attraction 
 and the problems with bonding with someone whose overall influence on 
 their lives might not be the best; your own story re your sister's 
 first partner being a poignant example.  And, using that same 
 example, I admit that both of them (and me, too) were very lucky that 
 nothing that extreme happened in either of their lives (though, 
 arguably, one did walk pretty close to that edge).  Should that have 
 happened perhaps I would share some of your view more viscerally.
 But it's just that Nature is so profligate with creation and 
 reproduction.  The examples you cite are really just variations on 
 the theme.  Sex comes with problems, yes, but so does everything 
 else.  When is anyone prepared for the problems that come their way?  
 Benefit and bane come packaged together.  Lies and deceits are just 
 as often employed in the boardroom and behind the contract as they 
 are in a bar or in the bedroom.
 Women and men, though not the same, are equal in their capacity to do 
 good or to do bad.  A woman's heart and a man's are the same in their 
 capacity to love and to their vulnerability to heartbreak.  We're all 
 just a bunch of monkeys thrashing it all out with the same underying 

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-03 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Some of the comments below the article are very funny and give a good 
 snapshot of the general public's reaction to the TMO's style and its 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:


At first, I was very annoyed about the announcement that they intended 
to build hundreds of these towers of invincibility around the world, at 
several mil a pop, which seemed only to designed to tell Bevan et al 
how wonderful they are, and seem foolish when many cities do not have 
TM centers and MUM and the M. Central University are drastically 
underfunded. That's certainly part of it, as there are plaques on the 
sides of the towers saluting TM administrators, but these are really 
Shiva lingams, and as a wearer of rudraksha who learned TM from a monk 
in the Shankara (Shiva) tradition, I can't be opposed to that. Building 
these towers/lingams creates auspiciousness -- doesn't matter what the 
ignorant public thinks one way or the other. MMY is going to create 
this influence of Vedic civilization, and there are not enough 
hillbillies in the world to stop it.


[FairfieldLife] Hubert Dreyfus Quote

2007-10-03 Thread Jonathan Chadwick
Professor Dreyfus once made the following statement in class, transcribed 
verbatim (if I recall correctly) around mid-February, 2000.
  Once upon a time Transcendental Meditation was a big thing and my best 
students were transcendental meditators and the persuaded me to sign up for my 
mantra, and I did (I'm ready to try anything).  Then after you get your mantra 
. . . you're shown a video of the Maha-rishi Yoga, the beutiful man with the 
big white beard who's the founder of all this, holding a rose; and the moral of 
it is (he's telling you) that thanks to Transcendental Meditation, you can get 
the rose without the thorns, that is, you can get the bliss without the risk.  
And after this beautiful video they they run around the room to ask people what 
they thought, and I had just come from teaching this course [Philosophy 7 - 
Existentialism in Literature and Film] and Kierkegaard, and I said 'Well, uh, 
if the devil himself came back to destroy Christianity in the West he would 
look just like THAT' [strong laughter follows].  That did not endear me to the 
other people [more laughter], but it is exactly what
 I think and what Kierkegaard would have said.
  Hubert Dreyfus, Ph.D. Harvard (he was Paul Tillich's teaching assistant), is 
a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Professor of 
Philosophy at University of California at Berkeley.  He was President of the 
Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association in 2004-05.

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
 Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-03 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 At first, I was very annoyed about the announcement that they 
 to build hundreds of these towers of invincibility around the 
world, at 
 several mil a pop, which seemed only to designed to tell Bevan et 
 how wonderful they are, and seem foolish when many cities do not 
 TM centers and MUM and the M. Central University are drastically 
 underfunded. That's certainly part of it, as there are plaques on 
 sides of the towers saluting TM administrators, but these are 
 Shiva lingams, and as a wearer of rudraksha who learned TM from a 
 in the Shankara (Shiva) tradition, I can't be opposed to that. 
 these towers/lingams creates auspiciousness -- doesn't matter what 
 ignorant public thinks one way or the other. MMY is going to 
 this influence of Vedic civilization, and there are not enough 
 hillbillies in the world to stop it.

Hehe :-) But don't tell Vaj and Rick Archer !

[FairfieldLife] Bad news for Bevan

2007-10-03 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] Cure for Bevan

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
 Cure for Bevan

bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:26:10 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Bad news for Bevan
http://tinyurl. com/2qxgab

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Bad news for Bevan

2007-10-03 Thread Jonathan Chadwick
You should also say that about fat old Gurdjieff - oh I'm sure you could have 
kicked his ass as well.  Since your in the mood for lowbrow descrimination 
against overweight people, why not call up Howard Stern for some real action.

bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  http://tinyurl.com/2qxgab


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[FairfieldLife] France honours David Lynch, who asks President to build Tower of Invincibility

2007-10-03 Thread michael florescu
France honours David Lynch 'genius'   
 PARIS  ( 2007-10-01 21:37:43 )  :   Cult US filmmaker David Lynch was awarded  
France's top honour on Monday by President Nicolas Sarkozy, who  praised his 
eclectic ‘genius’ before a room packed with film  stars.

My French is poor, but my heart is rich today thanks  to you, Lynch told the 
president in halting French after receiving  the Legion of Honour.

It's no secret that I love France, the  art-making, art-loving and 
art-supporting people of France, Lynch  continued in English, flanked by his 
partner Emily Stofle, film  director Roman Polanski, and actresses Fanny Ardant 
and Charlotte  Rampling.

I wish the very best for this great country and  for you Mr president I wish 
you maximum success.

Sarkozy  told Lynch that seeing Elephant Man as a teenager had  definitively 
convinced him that cinema was a highly important  matter.

I love your way of testing reality to discover the  truth behind it, he told 
the man behind Sailor and Lula,  Mulholland Drive and the television series 
Twin Peaks.

I  love your way of touching on everything: film, art, photography,  even 
furniture. When I think people here call me the cannibal  president, at last I 
meet a guy who wants to do more than I do! he  quipped.

Sarkozy said he appreciated Lynch's honesty and  jokingly thanked him for his 
support despite the fact he was not  sure that you and your friends are 
one-hundred percent  right-wing.

Lynch, who practices transcendental meditation  in search of peace and 
invincibility, ended the meeting by asking  Sarkozy to build a tower of 
invincibility in Paris.

  See also: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/7022158.stm 



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[FairfieldLife] Re:So, the magic of young women...

2007-10-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter

 Great post. When I was a young girl, I thought my generation 
 was superior because our beliefs and ideas weren't all boxed 
 in like our parents'. We were willing to question basic 
 assumptions -- like democracy, Christianity, the purpose of 
 life -- and often come up with new, fresh answers. That made 
 my peers exciting and -- sometimes, to me -- heroic. Now that 
 I'm older, it ain't quite the same. My generation has become 
 the parents, and grandparents. People who used to be so avant-
 guarde often now seem stodgy in their thinking, unwilling to 
 keep growing and learning. As a generation, we've turned the 
 fresh ideas of our youth into irrefutable systems. Our minds 
 can be as closed as the very adults we once rebelled against 
 -- for their close-mindedness! But when questioning, learning, 
 growing and living remain core values, as they do for some 
 people, aging doesn't have to happen. Such older folks are 
 looked up to by the young, who hope that's the kind of person 
 they themselves will mellow to become someday. - Bronte

Or at least they hope to.

And, let's face it, that hope is not often 
nurtured by the adults they see around them.
Their parents, their grandparents, their uncles
and aunts, their teachers, the adults they see
in the offices they have to go into to get a 
driver's license or sign up for the next semes-
ter at school...who among them would they want
to *be like* when they grow up? Right?

It's very, very rare for a young person in the
last few generations to actually *meet* an older
person they'd want to be like, or that they would
even find interesting. That's what I hear over 
and over and over and over from some of these
young folks who deign to talk to me. 

I think they talk to me because I'm weird as shit,
and at my age. And that *interests* them, IMO 
partly because they've met so few people in their 
lives my age who *were* still weird. Most of them 
had been tamed. Youth doesn't want to believe it 
will ever be tamed. And damn!...good for them.

If I were a rah-rah-gotta-find-a-way-to-pitch-
opportunity type, I'd probably attribute my
enduring weirdness to a lifetime of meditation.
But since I have no particular path or guru or
even style of meditation to pitch, I'll attribute
it to LSD. All that acid I took in the late 60s
dissolved the parts of my brain that are suscept-
ible to being tamed. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

  This group which used to be fun when it was like Rick's Bar 
  and Grill is pretty boring catering to a bunch of bliss ninnies 
  and quickly becoming Rick's Victorian Tea House.
 I guess that explains why the last beer I ordered tasted like 
 Lapsang Suchon and my Reuben sandwich order came back as cucumber 
 finger triangles without the crusts. And when did we ban strippers?  
 That used to be my favorite part of my lunch break here. Even the
 enlightened need a lap dance once in a while, right?!

Hey, I used to be a stripper *for* the TM movement.


And I used to *love* saying it that way. It used to
make the Purusha-types-before-there-was-a-Purusha
*so* uptight. :-)

I was a photostripper for MIU Press. Back in the 
days before digital presses, you had to shoot negs
of the typeset copy and then paste them up in cer-
tain configurations and then shoot printing plates
from them. In America, this process is called 

One of the first indications I got that the TM move-
ment was not for me is when people started getting
offended by the term stripping. Mandates came down
from Seelisberg that we should refer to what we do
by the European term montage.

I refused outright. I was a stripper for the TM move-
ment and damn! if I was going to let somebody make
me say that I did montage for a living.

We *did* do the stripping fully clothed, however,
for those who are still offended by the term. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any 55 year old hetro man who does not find at least some 25 
 year old women attractive, has a stick so far up his butt, 
 it must be painful even walking to the domes. 

Congratulations, new. I got about 20 words into
Edg's rant and clicked Next. It was just so OLD,
at a time when I've been having conversations
lately with young people, that I couldn't go any
further. I've skipped all the other followups as
well, because it was obvious from the first few
words that I see in Message view on the Yahoo Web
reader that they weren't going to be having any
fun, either.

But your line above caught my eye and made me 
cackle, so I decided to read it. 

Gotta agree. In a way it reminds me of a one-liner
quipped by, I think, Roger Ebert about the film
The Hunger. He kinda liked the film, but he also
classed it as one of his guilty pleasures. The
reason was a certain love scene in the film. The
way he put it, Anyone -- male or female -- who claims
that they don't find the idea of a nude love scene 
between Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon a 
little exciting...is dead.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Marek Reavis
Edg, I've defended individuals charged with crimes that are 
despicable beyond measure, and done so zealously and to the very best 
of my abilities.  But if the victim in the crime alleged had been a 
loved one of mine I would naturally feel what you describe (below).  
That, too, is human nature.

I appreciate that you are so candid with your feelings, particularly 
so when it's clear that you have suffered so much.  It's admirable, 
also, that despite wounds suffered and endured, you continue to take 
delight in beauty and love and heartfelt communication.  That's an 
example for me, and I'd hope to emulate it should I ever be as deeply 

The idea has been growing in me for awhile and more than ever I would 
be interested in a Fairfield Life group face-to-face reunion; in 
Fairfield, of course. Perhaps a long weekend get-together where we 
can all see what we're all like in the flesh.  Anyone interested?  
Sometime next Spring?  If anyone wants to suggest some dates, I'm in.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bingo.  I like your ideas, and yes, I think I've had some pretty 
 knocks that have gotten me into an overly sensitive stance.
 My sister being marauded was but one exampleand other events 
 hardened me, because they happened right in front of me, and I 
 to protect my loved ones even though I thought I was prepared and 
 prepared them for the attacks that came.  I cannot write about it 
 without risking my peace of mind for a week -- have to keep this at
 psychic arm's length, cuz I have no recourse, no way to scrub off 
 scars from the deep cuts into my family's psyche by outlanders.  I
 did my times in a personal hell railing against the forces of
 existence, but there's scant profit from in dwelling in that place.
 All I know is that if I were to be stranded on a desert island with
 any of the MEN who delivered MY karma to me, despite my beliefs that
 justice is perfect, I'd take matters in my own hands.  Some of these
 men are pretty tough dudes, but they'd be bleeding and screaming
 within seconds of hitting the beach, and not a one of them would see
 the next day's light.  
 These guys you see jumping the courtroom railing to get at the
 murderer of their loved one, just to get on fist in a smug face, 
 would be me.
 Death penalty?  Too good.  Way too good.  If my heart is to feel 
 justice has been done, some of these MEN should be tortured for 
 with a host of doctors keeping them alive for the next day's 
 Only my faith in divine justice keeps me from going down a long dark
 road to my own doom.  Only that constrains me from exacting revenge 
 this world, in this lifetime.  They'll get what's coming, and it'll 
 over lifetimes -- their spiritual bones will be ground to dust.
 I'm not as broken as the above might indicate.  I go on with life 
 try for all the pleasures, keep reading, keep writing, keep my mind
 off the darkness as much as possible.  
 I laugh every day, I sing every day, I greet every day.
 But sore, raw, flaming red scars will still be pulsing on my 
 Hug your kids, hug your lovers, hug all that is precious to you and
 savor the moments while you can.  Things can change.
 Marek Reavis reavismarek@ wrote:
  Edg, there is some a priori assumption behind the views you 
  above that, regardless of the the concern and love that obviously 
  inhabits them, nonetheless regards human sexuality as something 
  inherently dangerous and, consequently, requiring all sorts of 
  controls and warning labels, etc.
  In my job I sometimes need to get psych evals for my clients 
  regarding their sexual interests; and anytime someone is found 
  of a molestation they have to get a  pre-sentence eval to 
  the likelihood of re-offending, and that also includes their 
  interests -- the sexual bandwitdth that they are attracted to.  
  the psychologists and psychiatrists say that for a normal 
  heterosexual male that bandwidth is any female exhibiting 
  sexual characteristics like breasts and wider hips, etc. (i.e., 
  early as 13 or 14 years old and on up from there).  That's the 
  biology of male human beings in the hetero mode.
  Having two children, both a son and a daughter, both now adults 
  in stable, long-term relationships, I understand the concerns 
  raised, but even during the most tumultuous portions of my 
  adolescence (and trust me, there were some, and I've got a 
  professional point of view now from which to evaluate them within 
  broad spectrum of human turmoil) I never felt that either of them 
  needed to be warned about sexuality beyond the obvious and 
  health concerns.
  We did speak, of course, about the psychology of sexual 
  and the problems with bonding with someone 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 60 is the new 40.  Spread the word!

And 40 is the new 20.

So 60 yr olds with 20 yr old ergo, are with people their own age.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-03 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  At first, I was very annoyed about the announcement that they intended 
  to build hundreds of these towers of invincibility around the world, at 
  several mil a pop, which seemed only to designed to tell Bevan et al 
  how wonderful they are, and seem foolish when many cities do not have 
  TM centers and MUM and the M. Central University are drastically 
  underfunded. That's certainly part of it, as there are plaques on the 
  sides of the towers saluting TM administrators, but these are really 
  Shiva lingams, and as a wearer of rudraksha who learned TM from a monk 
  in the Shankara (Shiva) tradition, I can't be opposed to that. Building 
  these towers/lingams creates auspiciousness -- doesn't matter what the 
  ignorant public thinks one way or the other. MMY is going to create 
  this influence of Vedic civilization, and there are not enough 
  hillbillies in the world to stop it.
 It's not hillbillies who think it's stupid, it's anyone in touch with
I am laughing myself to death . This is the effect of laughter like this, the 
me is gone in 
the middle of it. I lost it when I read this one line response


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 3, 2007, at 7:36 PM, new.morning wrote:


60 is the new 40.  Spread the word!

And 40 is the new 20.

So 60 yr olds with 20 yr old ergo, are with people their own age.

No, because going on your logic, 20 would be the new...what?  12?

See you in the slammer.


[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-03 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 MMY is going to create 
  this influence of Vedic civilization, and there are not enough 
  hillbillies in the world to stop it.
 It's not hillbillies who think it's stupid, it's anyone in touch 
 You can give them a spiritual sounding name like lingam, but all 
 is is delusional men wearing gold crowns in charge of an ego-
 chauvinistic organization wanting to build big dicks to compensate 
 a variety of unresolved emotional-sexual issues.

Could be. On the other hand I kinda like it, just because it is so 
different, like another chapter in a book I don't know the end to 
yet. I am not attached to any result which might occur, if any. Like 
I say, its just different, maybe like when Disneyland opened in the 
late '50's.:-) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Oct 3, 2007, at 7:36 PM, new.morning wrote:
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  60 is the new 40.  Spread the word!
  And 40 is the new 20.
  So 60 yr olds with 20 yr old ergo, are with people their own age.
 No, because going on your logic, 20 would be the new...what?  12?

Actually that is not  my logic at all. 

And its not even logic, its empirical evidence. The data I have seen
indicates that 27 is the new 20. 

Of course 17 is the new 20, so ... 60 yar olds should not be with the
new 20 year olds, but can be with the old 20 year olds who are the new
27 year olds.

Come on. Try to keep up.
Perhaps for some, 55 is the new 75. :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Bad news for Bevan

2007-10-03 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jonathan Chadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You should also say that about fat old Gurdjieff - oh I'm sure you
could have kicked his ass as well.  Since your in the mood for
lowbrow descrimination against overweight people, why not call up
Howard Stern for some real action.
 bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Actually Bevan gives some pretty good summations of MMY's lectures, I
admire thatone time, he made more sense than MMY!  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bad news for Bevan

2007-10-03 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jonathan Chadwick 

 You should also say that about fat old Gurdjieff - oh I'm sure you 
could have kicked his ass as well.  Since your in the mood for 
lowbrow descrimination against overweight people, why not call up 
Howard Stern for some real action.


Being a few pounds overweight is one thing, but to be morbidly obese, 
like Bevan has been for many years, is a sign of some real mental 
health issues, and he's not the only looney tunes in the TM mgmt 
lineup. I think it's important to give these guys a reality check 
once in a while in the middle of that non-stop we are the masters of 
the universe song and dance, which will be true some day, but 
certainly not today.

 bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  

 Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV.  Watch previews, get 
listings, and more!

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-03 Thread lurkernomore20002000
 I'll settle things for you. I was the biggest flamer. I scorched the 
earth with a couple of posts. But then I dropped it and forgot about 
it entirely and went out and had a really good time and never thought 
about it again until I logged into FFL this morning and found every- 
one still arguing -- and thus still *in* --
 that state of attention. 

I've been away for a couple days, but the above doesn't really make 
sense to me.  I have learned that words have an impact - obviously.  I 
take responsiblity for my words and speech, and don't feel I can 
disown them or their impact after they are spoken, or written.  I 
don't think it works that way. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cure for Bevan

2007-10-03 Thread pranamoocher
Could be a minor cure but watch out!  If it says Cream on the label,
he might eat it instead.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Cure for Bevan

 bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:26:10 -
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Bad news for Bevan

 http://tinyurl. com/2qxgab


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[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000

  I'll settle things for you. I was the biggest flamer. I scorched 
  the earth with a couple of posts. But then I dropped it and 
  forgot about it entirely and went out and had a really good 
  time and never thought about it again until I logged into FFL 
  this morning and found everyone still arguing -- and thus still 
  *in* -- that state of attention. 
 I've been away for a couple days, but the above doesn't really make 
 sense to me. I have learned that words have an impact-obviously.  I 
 take responsiblity for my words and speech, and don't feel I can 
 disown them or their impact after they are spoken, or written.  I 
 don't think it works that way. 

I didn't disown anything. I said what I said.
Toss my ass off the forum for a week if it'll
make you feel better. Toss me off forever if
it'll make you feel better. I don't care, 
either way, and the fact that you or anyone
else still cares, and cares enough to keep 
beating what for me is a dead horse isn't 
going to make me care.