[FairfieldLife] Terrorism industry: harmful to your health

2008-01-15 Thread bob_brigante
Those charming folks in Homeland Security, spenders of $40 
billion/yr, are more dangerous than the actual terror threat:

"Which is more of a threat to your health: Al Qaeda or the Department 
of Homeland Security? Although it's impossible to calculate the pain 
that terrorist attacks inflict on victims and society, when 
statisticians look at cold numbers, they have variously estimated the 
chances of the average person dying in America at the hands of 
international terrorists to be comparable to the risk of dying from 
eating peanuts, being struck by an asteroid or drowning in a toilet. 


"But continual fear of terrorism is a strain on the social fabric, 
too. People become reluctant to even get together when public spaces 
are turned into fortified zones. Civil liberties erode and mistrust 
increases when the authorities keep warning of lurking terrorists and 
urging people to report "suspicious" activity, as in the ubiquitous 
advertisements in the New York subways exhorting people to call in 
tips to a counterterrorism hot line.

 The sponsors of the New York campaign were so pleased with the 
results that they papered the subways with congratulations to the 
riders: "Last year, 1,944 New Yorkers saw something and said 
something." But as William Neuman reported in The Times, the ads 
neglected to mention the number of terrorists arrested as a result of 
the tips: zero.

Meanwhile, how many subway riders were given diagnoses of new heart 
problems after riding to work every morning looking at ads reminding 
them that they might be blown to bits any second? Not zero, if you 
believe the new study.

Even before this study, some doctors were arguing that terrorism 
wasn't nearly as dangerous as the related "epidemic of fear," as Marc 
Siegel called it in a 2005 book, "False Alarm." Dr. Siegel, of the 
New York University School of Medicine, pointed to studies linking 
fear of terrorism with increased risk of heart arrhythmias and 
elevated levels of an enzyme that correlates with heart disease. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Same Grandfathers of Physics Speak Out.......was/The Grandfathers of Phy

2008-01-15 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
> How could anyone but the most stupid being to ever live think that 
> somehow the observation of a human is more important than that of 
> an elephant or chimpanzee, and those are somehow more relevant 
than a 
> mouse or a beetle, and those are more relevant than a microbe or 
> a particle that registers (observes) an energy or effect.


\EN{M1.96a/} bhuutaanaaM ***praaNinaH shreshhThaaH*** praaNinaaM 
buddhijiivinaH |
\EN{M1.96c/} ### buddhimatsu *naraaH* shreshhThaa ### nareshhu 
braahmaNaaH smR^itaaH || \BC\.\SC||
\EN{M1.97a/} braahmaNeshhu cha vidvaa.nso vidvatsu kR^itabuddhayaH |
\EN{M1.97c/} kR^itabuddhishhu kartaaraH kartR^ishhu brahmavedinaH || 
\EN{M1.98a/} utpattireva viprasya muurtirdharmasya shaashvatii |
\EN{M1.98c/} sa hi dharmaarthamutpanno ***brahmabhuuyaaya kalpate*** 
|| \BC

-- MDhSh, I 96-98 (emph. add. by Maister)

[FairfieldLife] Never tainted by sins??

2008-01-15 Thread cardemaister

104. A Brahmana who studies these Institutes (and) faithfully fulfils 
the duties (prescribed therein), is never tainted by sins, arising 
from thoughts, words, or deeds.

 idaM shaastramadhiiyaano braahmaNaH sha.nsitavrataH |
  manovaakdehajairnityaM karmadoshhairna lipyate || 

Attempt at S-V:

idam; shaastram adhiiyaanaH; braahmanaH shaMsita-vrataH |
manaH+vaak-dehajaiH; nityam; karma-doSaiH; na lipyate ||

Re: [FairfieldLife] Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread Peter
On one hand a lovely conversation of devotion and love
and on the other hand such a strange, stilted formal
exchange. Like two Victorian actors playing these
stylized roles with grand sweeping gestures. Go

--- Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Forwarded from a friend of a friend of a friend:
> Here are transcripts of three short parts of the
> Jan. 12 celebration. 
> These are my own effort, not official.  Numbers
> refer to the hours 
> and minutes into the celebration these appeared
> (beginning from the 
> initial Vedic chanting).  Prime Minister Bevan
> Morris's narration 
> appears without quotes, and is not always exact.
> Jai Guru Dev
> #1 - 2:34  
> When he heard this announcement, and the warm
> reception of all to the 
> foundation of this organization, the Brahmananda
> Saraswati Trust, 
> Maharishi said, 
> "I am grateful for this warm sendoff of
> Invincibility to the whole 
> world, for all times.  It was my pleasure, at the
> feet of Guru Dev, 
> to take the light of Guru Dev, and pass it on to my
> environment. 
> Now, today, I am closing my designated duty to Guru
> Dev.  I can only 
> say, 'Live long the world--in peace, happiness,
> prosperity, and 
> freedom from suffering.'  
> "Today, this farewell marks the establishment of
> Invincibility for 
> all mankind under the capable, silent rulership of
> Maharaja Raja 
> Raam, and under the capable guidance of all the
> Ministers, and all 
> the glorified minds in terms of all dignity of the
> light in 
> Invincibility for every country.  And it is my
> satisfaction that I 
> offer this to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev.  Jai
> Guru Dev.  And 
> offer my everything to the blessings of Guru Dev. 
> And continue with 
> the world in peace, prosperity and happiness.  
> "This formation the Brahmananda Saraswati Trust is
> going to be a 
> glory for the administration for future life on
> earth, on the 
> individual and national level.  All glory to Guru
> Dev.  Jai Guru Dev. 
> Express my delight for all the millennia to come,
> that the world is 
> going to be a happy world.  The Brahmananda
> Saraswati Trust is going 
> to take the lighted lamp every morning and night,
> every night to 
> come.  The future of the world is bright, and that
> is my delight."
> #2 - 2:42  
> Here is His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam's message,
> expressed today to 
> His Holiness to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
> "Your gift of infinite silence, eternal peace, with
> none other than 
> You in it, I embraced, my Lord, with joy.  And it
> filled me with 
> bliss.  In it, you breathe life into Veda.  Your
> thoughts are Pure 
> Knowledge.  In it, you leave nothing to be desired. 
> There is no 
> need, no want.  You are the soul of all that there
> is--Atma, Brahm, 
> eternal freedom, totality, unboundedness.  
> "Tender, softly permeating everything, all
> encompassing, binding the 
> loose ends of creation, unifying all opposites,
> resolving all 
> conflicts, you are and give meaning and all the
> glory to 
> Silence--that gift of Guru Dev--that which you
> taught us to be Guru 
> Dev.  
> "With your grace, my Lord, my silence has been full.
>  Please today do 
> not wish us to experience its emptiness.  I shall
> remain in it.  But 
> please do not take away from me the hope to be
> always able to open my 
> eyes and say, 'Jai Guru Dev.'  For other than to
> you, and under your 
> guidance, to whom shall I speak?  
> "Yes, of course, you say--and I know--you will be
> with me forever. 
> And my task will be easy, keeping you company in
> silence.  But why 
> suddenly, today, I feel the need to speak, and the
> need to tell you 
> again and again, and never lose the chance to be
> able to tell you 
> again, how much I adore you.  
> "Yes, I know that we will all be together, unified
> and strong, with 
> you--for there is nothing in us, other than you. 
> And I see the day 
> when I will be fulfilled again--that day which I
> cannot wait for too 
> long, that day when everyone alive on this planet
> Earth will with 
> every breath, in his heart and mind, uphold your
> Silence, your Guru 
> Dev--our Guru Dev.  
> "Only on that day--maybe--I will stop missing you. 
> Jai Guru Dev."
> #3 - 2:49:30   
> Yesterday, when Maharishi was reflecting on all the
> praise that was 
> expressed to him by all the Rajas and Ministers,
> Maharishi said, in 
> thinking about all that was said, the Invincible
> Raja of America came 
> to his mind.  So he said, "Invincible Raja of
> America, when I am 
> saying this, I am reminded of you."  
> Maharishi was speaking about the discovery of the
> Unified Field, and 
> the spontaneous operation of all life on earth from
> that level of the 
> Unified Field.  So he said, 
> "Invincible Raja of America, when I am saying this,
> I am reminded of 
> you, in you I have seen that Invincibility that
> cannot be isolated 
> anywhere.  You will be able to design the human race

[FairfieldLife] Re: January 12'th celebrations

2008-01-15 Thread lurkernomore20002000

  Angela Mailander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You know, I've often wondered what it is with Movement language. I'd be
in the dome, and there'd be this poster with this long message (parade
of adjectives) which said how precious and how beautiful and how joyful
and how etc. something was. And it was really, really bad writing. Who
writes this crap? And why doesn't someone say, Hey, this is really bad?
Movement art strikes me the same way.

Check out the movement site where they describe the Raja Training
course,  and the part where they go into the domains for men,  women, 
and couples.  Just so silly and saacharin.  Not to mention the course
fee (contribution) of $1,000,000. which can be paid in two installments.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: January 12'th celebrations

2008-01-15 Thread Angela Mailander
"This is the most sublimely perfect and sweetly auspicious phase of precious 
thought and most glorious action where we can

spontaneously and profoundly experience our dear heaven on earth."  Or

something like that.

You gotta have "dear" and "precious."


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[FairfieldLife] Re: January 12'th celebrations

2008-01-15 Thread ruthsimplicity

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
> "This is the most sublimely perfect and sweetly auspicious phase of
precious thought and most glorious action where we can
> spontaneously and profoundly experience our dear heaven on earth."  Or
> something like that.
> You gotta have "dear" and "precious."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: January 12'th celebrations

2008-01-15 Thread Angela Mailander
Thanks for the vote of confidence, but it can be improved further:
We are so very fortun-ate to be supremely blessed with this, the most sublimely 
perfect and sweetly auspicious phase of precious thought and most glorious 
action where we can spontaneously and profoundly experience our dear heaven on 
earth."  Or something like that.

Maybe they should hire me to write this drivel.  I seem to be good at it.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_world's early Vermont Spring

2008-01-15 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016" 
> Off_world on Dec. 26:
> > > Outta here, see ya'll.
> > > Its been a laugh watching the fundies squirm under the harsh 
light of
> > > truth. Research published in respected peer-reviewed scientific
> > > journals.
> > >
> > > The sun is out, the solstice is over, and the skiing is great, 
so I
> > > am bowing out until the Spring. Maybe by then some more of you 
> > > have entered the modern age and will accept research published 
> > > respected peer-reviewed scientific journals :-)
> > >
> > > OffWorld
> on Dec. 26, Mainstream wrote:
> "His self-imposed hiatus until Spring must mean that even in 
Vermont, Spring will
> be early.  I don't look forward to it, but will see him back by 
Jan. 5th."
> It was rather quiet without you, Off.  Apparently you were missed. 
Welcome back.>>

Its not me, its the other guy.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On one hand a lovely conversation of devotion and love
> and on the other hand such a strange, stilted formal
> exchange. Like two Victorian actors playing these
> stylized roles with grand sweeping gestures. Go
> figure.

This totally nails what made me feel weird reading it Pete!

Like the moment when your Iranian rug salesman uses the phrase
"because you are my friend I give you special deal" one too many times.

Like overhearing a couple of old queens at a bar after their night at
the "theaaater" try to get the male lead from the play to join them
for a nightcap.

Like working years for MMY anonymously only to find your time in the
sun with him personally filled up, not with your next level of
knowledge, but with him endlessly repeating another intro lecture as
if you are perhaps a feeble child who hadn't been giving them yourself
for years, when you are asked "how was your meeting with MMY?"  And
you say. "Oh it was sublime, the most intense expansion of
consciousness possible for a point to feel the totality of
consciousness and the depth of silence..."

Excuse me for a moment, I have to throw up in my mouth a little.

The words don't hide the lack of real intimacy, they reveal it. 

> --- Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Forwarded from a friend of a friend of a friend:
> > 
> > Here are transcripts of three short parts of the
> > Jan. 12 celebration. 
> > These are my own effort, not official.  Numbers
> > refer to the hours 
> > and minutes into the celebration these appeared
> > (beginning from the 
> > initial Vedic chanting).  Prime Minister Bevan
> > Morris's narration 
> > appears without quotes, and is not always exact.
> > Jai Guru Dev
> > 
> > #1 - 2:34  
> > 
> > When he heard this announcement, and the warm
> > reception of all to the 
> > foundation of this organization, the Brahmananda
> > Saraswati Trust, 
> > Maharishi said, 
> > 
> > "I am grateful for this warm sendoff of
> > Invincibility to the whole 
> > world, for all times.  It was my pleasure, at the
> > feet of Guru Dev, 
> > to take the light of Guru Dev, and pass it on to my
> > environment. 
> > Now, today, I am closing my designated duty to Guru
> > Dev.  I can only 
> > say, 'Live long the world--in peace, happiness,
> > prosperity, and 
> > freedom from suffering.'  
> > 
> > "Today, this farewell marks the establishment of
> > Invincibility for 
> > all mankind under the capable, silent rulership of
> > Maharaja Raja 
> > Raam, and under the capable guidance of all the
> > Ministers, and all 
> > the glorified minds in terms of all dignity of the
> > light in 
> > Invincibility for every country.  And it is my
> > satisfaction that I 
> > offer this to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev.  Jai
> > Guru Dev.  And 
> > offer my everything to the blessings of Guru Dev. 
> > And continue with 
> > the world in peace, prosperity and happiness.  
> > 
> > "This formation the Brahmananda Saraswati Trust is
> > going to be a 
> > glory for the administration for future life on
> > earth, on the 
> > individual and national level.  All glory to Guru
> > Dev.  Jai Guru Dev. 
> > Express my delight for all the millennia to come,
> > that the world is 
> > going to be a happy world.  The Brahmananda
> > Saraswati Trust is going 
> > to take the lighted lamp every morning and night,
> > every night to 
> > come.  The future of the world is bright, and that
> > is my delight."
> > 
> > #2 - 2:42  
> > 
> > Here is His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam's message,
> > expressed today to 
> > His Holiness to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
> > 
> > "Your gift of infinite silence, eternal peace, with
> > none other than 
> > You in it, I embraced, my Lord, with joy.  And it
> > filled me with 
> > bliss.  In it, you breathe life into Veda.  Your
> > thoughts are Pure 
> > Knowledge.  In it, you leave nothing to be desired. 
> > There is no 
> > need, no want.  You are the soul of all that there
> > is--Atma, Brahm, 
> > eternal freedom, totality, unboundedness.  
> > 
> > "Tender, softly permeating everything, all
> > encompassing, binding the 
> > loose ends of creation, unifying all opposites,
> > resolving all 
> > conflicts, you are and give meaning and all the
> > glory to 
> > Silence--that gift of Guru Dev--that which you
> > taught us to be Guru 
> > Dev.  
> > 
> > "With your grace, my Lord, my silence has been full.
> >  Please today do 
> > not wish us to experience its emptiness.  I shall
> > remain in it.  But 
> > please do not take away from me the hope to be
> > always able to open my 
> > eyes and say, 'Jai Guru Dev.'  For other than to
> > you, and under your 
> > guidance, to whom shall I speak?  
> > 
> > "Yes, of course, you say--and I know--you will be
> > with me forever. 
> > And my task will be easy, keeping you company in
> > silence.  But why 
> > suddenly, today, I feel the need to speak, and the
> > need to tell you 
> > again and a

[FairfieldLife] Re: Talk by Maharishi

2008-01-15 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Jan 14, 2008, at 10:16 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> > A friend said:  This transcript comes from a very strong Governor  
> > friend,
> Does he eat a lot of spinach or something?
> > who has a friend in Vlodrop prepared this.
> With or without ghee? :)
> Sal

Sounds like a baloney sandwich to me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Same Grandfathers of Physics Speak Out.......was/The Grandfathers of Phy

2008-01-15 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
>  wrote:
> >
> > How could anyone but the most stupid being to ever live think 
> > somehow the observation of a human is more important than that of 
> say 
> > an elephant or chimpanzee, and those are somehow more relevant 
> than a 
> > mouse or a beetle, and those are more relevant than a microbe or 
> even 
> > a particle that registers (observes) an energy or effect.
> Cool!
> \EN{M1.96a/} bhuutaanaaM ***praaNinaH shreshhThaaH*** praaNinaaM 
> buddhijiivinaH |
> \EN{M1.96c/} ### buddhimatsu *naraaH* shreshhThaa ### nareshhu 
> braahmaNaaH smR^itaaH || \BC\.\SC||
> \EN{M1.97a/} braahmaNeshhu cha vidvaa.nso vidvatsu kR^itabuddhayaH |
> \EN{M1.97c/} kR^itabuddhishhu kartaaraH kartR^ishhu brahmavedinaH 
> \BC\.\SC||
> \EN{M1.98a/} utpattireva viprasya muurtirdharmasya shaashvatii |
> \EN{M1.98c/} sa hi dharmaarthamutpanno ***brahmabhuuyaaya 
> || \BC
> -- MDhSh, I 96-98 (emph. add. by Maister)

translation please.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: January 12'th celebrations

2008-01-15 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 15, 2008, at 7:52 AM, Angela Mailander wrote:

"This is the most sublimely perfect and sweetly auspicious phase of  
precious thought and most glorious action where we can

spontaneously and profoundly experience our dear heaven on earth." Or
something like that.

You gotta have "dear" and "precious."

He did.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: January 12'th celebrations

2008-01-15 Thread Vaj

On Jan 15, 2008, at 1:00 AM, mainstream20016 wrote:

Oh, the buy low and sell high experience is okay, but the best  
experience is this:
inspire a local community to fund a purchase of a building for use  
as a community center;
allow the locals to use the building for a few years so they will  
be none the wiser; then sell
the building, transfer all proceeds overseas, and rationalize to  
the locals that they have
contributed to a better world through the process. In a few years,  
go back to the locals,

and repeat

Ahem. You mean Quantum Accounting. Quantum Accounting has to be good  
for you because it's Vedic.  It utilizes the draining aspect of the  
Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. Remember, even if your  
savings are drained and your credit cards maxxed out, that relative  
emptiness still contains infinite dynamism! Didn't you ever hear of  

Don't mess with the Unified Field, it doesn't like that. Open your  
checking account to the field of all possibilities!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> The words don't hide the lack of real intimacy, they reveal it. 

That Curtis sure has a way with words.

Well said.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Talk by Maharishi

2008-01-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
> wrote:
> >
> > On Jan 14, 2008, at 10:16 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> > 
> > > A friend said:  This transcript comes from a very strong
> > > Governor friend,
> > 
> > Does he eat a lot of spinach or something?
> > 
> > > who has a friend in Vlodrop prepared this.
> > 
> > With or without ghee? :)
> > 
> > Sal
> Sounds like a baloney sandwich to me.

Boy, this one got to me. The other transcripts didn't,
but there's something different about this one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  wrote:
> >
> > On one hand a lovely conversation of devotion and love
> > and on the other hand such a strange, stilted formal
> > exchange. Like two Victorian actors playing these
> > stylized roles with grand sweeping gestures. Go
> > figure.
> This totally nails what made me feel weird reading it Pete!
> Like the moment when your Iranian rug salesman uses the phrase
> "because you are my friend I give you special deal" one too many
> times.
> Like overhearing a couple of old queens at a bar after their night 
> at the "theaaater" try to get the male lead from the play to join 
> them for a nightcap.
> Like working years for MMY anonymously only to find your time in the
> sun with him personally filled up, not with your next level of
> knowledge, but with him endlessly repeating another intro lecture as
> if you are perhaps a feeble child who hadn't been giving them 
> yourself for years, when you are asked "how was your meeting with 
> MMY?"  And you say. "Oh it was sublime, the most intense expansion 
> of consciousness possible for a point to feel the totality of
> consciousness and the depth of silence..."
> Excuse me for a moment, I have to throw up in my mouth a little.
> The words don't hide the lack of real intimacy, they reveal it. 

I'm mystified by this comment, and by Peter's.

What "conversation"? What "exchange"? "Lack
of real intimacy" between who and who?

I don't see an exchange here. I see an excerpt
from MMY's address to everyone, a tribute to MMY
from King Tony, and another excerpt from MMY's
address to everyone, all read by Bevan.

And even if it were an exchange, why would you
expect "real intimacy" during a formal
celebration? MMY always talks like this on such
occasions, at least from what I've read of them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Talk by Maharishi

2008-01-15 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 15, 2008, at 8:30 AM, do.rflex wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Jan 14, 2008, at 10:16 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

A friend said:  This transcript comes from a very strong Governor

Does he eat a lot of spinach or something?

who has a friend in Vlodrop prepared this.

With or without ghee? :)


Sounds like a baloney sandwich to me.

What a bunch of turkeys!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's one way of looking at it, I suppose, but it reminded me more of
> the way Rumi writes of his master Shams. 
> It's interesting how these things work on this board. Someone who is
> very enthusiastic about what is happening sends a transcript to Rick
> Archer, presumably because he or she considers him a friend. Mr.
> Archer cynically posts it here, knowing full well what the response
> will be. It is an open invitation to ridicule, and of course that is
> exactly what happens. People try outdo each other in pouring scorn on
> it. All very predictable and silly. 

Wow,your scorn outdid mine! Excellent!

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  wrote:
> > >
> > > On one hand a lovely conversation of devotion and love
> > > and on the other hand such a strange, stilted formal
> > > exchange. Like two Victorian actors playing these
> > > stylized roles with grand sweeping gestures. Go
> > > figure.
> > > 
> > 
> > This totally nails what made me feel weird reading it Pete!
> > 
> > Like the moment when your Iranian rug salesman uses the phrase
> > "because you are my friend I give you special deal" one too many
> > 
> > Like overhearing a couple of old queens at a bar after their night at
> > the "theaaater" try to get the male lead from the play to join them
> > for a nightcap.
> > 
> > Like working years for MMY anonymously only to find your time in the
> > sun with him personally filled up, not with your next level of
> > knowledge, but with him endlessly repeating another intro lecture as
> > if you are perhaps a feeble child who hadn't been giving them yourself
> > for years, when you are asked "how was your meeting with MMY?"  And
> > you say. "Oh it was sublime, the most intense expansion of
> > consciousness possible for a point to feel the totality of
> > consciousness and the depth of silence..."
> > 
> > Excuse me for a moment, I have to throw up in my mouth a little.
> > 
> > 
> > The words don't hide the lack of real intimacy, they reveal it. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > --- Rick Archer  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Forwarded from a friend of a friend of a friend:
> > > > 
> > > > Here are transcripts of three short parts of the
> > > > Jan. 12 celebration. 
> > > > These are my own effort, not official.  Numbers
> > > > refer to the hours 
> > > > and minutes into the celebration these appeared
> > > > (beginning from the 
> > > > initial Vedic chanting).  Prime Minister Bevan
> > > > Morris's narration 
> > > > appears without quotes, and is not always exact.
> > > > Jai Guru Dev
> > > > 
> > > > #1 - 2:34  
> > > > 
> > > > When he heard this announcement, and the warm
> > > > reception of all to the 
> > > > foundation of this organization, the Brahmananda
> > > > Saraswati Trust, 
> > > > Maharishi said, 
> > > > 
> > > > "I am grateful for this warm sendoff of
> > > > Invincibility to the whole 
> > > > world, for all times.  It was my pleasure, at the
> > > > feet of Guru Dev, 
> > > > to take the light of Guru Dev, and pass it on to my
> > > > environment. 
> > > > Now, today, I am closing my designated duty to Guru
> > > > Dev.  I can only 
> > > > say, 'Live long the world--in peace, happiness,
> > > > prosperity, and 
> > > > freedom from suffering.'  
> > > > 
> > > > "Today, this farewell marks the establishment of
> > > > Invincibility for 
> > > > all mankind under the capable, silent rulership of
> > > > Maharaja Raja 
> > > > Raam, and under the capable guidance of all the
> > > > Ministers, and all 
> > > > the glorified minds in terms of all dignity of the
> > > > light in 
> > > > Invincibility for every country.  And it is my
> > > > satisfaction that I 
> > > > offer this to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev.  Jai
> > > > Guru Dev.  And 
> > > > offer my everything to the blessings of Guru Dev. 
> > > > And continue with 
> > > > the world in peace, prosperity and happiness.  
> > > > 
> > > > "This formation the Brahmananda Saraswati Trust is
> > > > going to be a 
> > > > glory for the administration for future life on
> > > > earth, on the 
> > > > individual and national level.  All glory to Guru
> > > > Dev.  Jai Guru Dev. 
> > > > Express my delight for all the millennia to come,
> > > > that the world is 
> > > > going to be a happy world.  The Brahmananda
> > > > Saraswati Trust is going 
> > > > to take the lighted lamp every morning and night,
> > > > every night to 
> > > > come.  The future of the world is bright, and that
> > > > is my delight."
> > > > 
> > > > #2 - 2:42  
> > > > 
> > > > Here is His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam's message,
> > > > expressed today to 
> > > > His Holiness to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
> > > > 
> > > > "Your gift of infinite silence, eternal peace, with
> > > > none other than 
> > > > You in it, I embraced, my Lord, with joy.  And it
> > > > filled me with 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of feste37
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:12 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration


That's one way of looking at it, I suppose, but it reminded me more of
the way Rumi writes of his master Shams. 

It's interesting how these things work on this board. Someone who is
very enthusiastic about what is happening sends a transcript to Rick
Archer, presumably because he or she considers him a friend. Mr.
Archer cynically posts it here, knowing full well what the response
will be. It is an open invitation to ridicule, and of course that is
exactly what happens. People try outdo each other in pouring scorn on
it. All very predictable and silly. 

It wasn’t sent to me personally. It was sent to a bunch of people. I have
routinely posted official and unofficial TMO news here since the beginning
of FFL, because I feel that all things TMO, the good, the bad, and the ugly,
are part of Fairfield Life. If I posted something and it elicited a tread
full of praise for the TMO, I would have no problems with that and it
wouldn’t dissuade me from continuing to post such things.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1224 - Release Date: 1/14/2008
5:39 PM

[FairfieldLife] msnbc.com: Dozens in Texas town report seeing UFO

2008-01-15 Thread Rick Archer
This is on the MSN website this morning.  Something to distract us from


Dozens in Texas town report seeing UFO
In this farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, starry
skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what many believe is a

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1224 - Release Date: 1/14/2008
5:39 PM

[FairfieldLife] Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration& this cite

2008-01-15 Thread WLeed3
I am glad U do so for us Rick. Politics is NOT why so many of us originally  
joined the cite but 4 info on TM positive & negative & news of Fairfield  & 
Vedic city & Maharishi. NOT the rest & certainly NOT to snipe at  one another. 
Those posts could well be done off line, & to each other  directly.
In a message dated 1/15/2008 11:20:56 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

From:  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On  Behalf Of feste37
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:12  AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject:  [FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th  Celebration

That's one way of looking at it, I suppose, but  it reminded me more of
the way Rumi writes of his master Shams.  

It's interesting how these things work on this board. Someone who  is
very enthusiastic about what is happening sends a transcript to  Rick
Archer, presumably because he or she considers him a friend.  Mr.
Archer cynically posts it here, knowing full well what the  response
will be. It is an open invitation to ridicule, and of course that  is
exactly what happens. People try outdo each other in pouring scorn  on
it. All very predictable and silly. 

It  wasn’t sent to me personally. It was sent to a bunch of people. I have  
routinely posted official and unofficial TMO news here since the beginning of  
FFL, because I feel that all things TMO, the good, the bad, and the ugly, are  
part of Fairfield Life. If I posted something and it elicited a tread full of 
 praise for the TMO, I would have no problems with that and it wouldn’t  
dissuade me from continuing to post such  things.
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG  Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1224 - Release  Date: 1/14/2008 
5:39  PM

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues

> > The words don't hide the lack of real intimacy, they reveal it. 

> I'm mystified by this comment, and by Peter's.
> What "conversation"? What "exchange"? "Lack
> of real intimacy" between who and who?
> I don't see an exchange here. I see an excerpt
> from MMY's address to everyone, a tribute to MMY
> from King Tony, and another excerpt from MMY's
> address to everyone, all read by Bevan.
> And even if it were an exchange, why would you
> expect "real intimacy" during a formal
> celebration? MMY always talks like this on such
> occasions, at least from what I've read of them.

That was what felt weird to me.  It was a "show" of personal intimacy.
 Read Tony's words.  Not the words of tribute to be shared with a
group.  But the show of how personally close he is to MMY.  

King Tony speaking to his "lord":

> "With your grace, my Lord, my silence has been full.
> Please today do
> not wish us to experience its emptiness. I shall
> remain in it. But
> please do not take away from me the hope to be
> always able to open my
> eyes and say, 'Jai Guru Dev.' For other than to
> you, and under your
> guidance, to whom shall I speak?
> "Yes, of course, you say--and I know--you will be
> with me forever.
> And my task will be easy, keeping you company in
> silence. But why
> suddenly, today, I feel the need to speak, and the
> need to tell you
> again and again, and never lose the chance to be
> able to tell you
> again, how much I adore you.

This was not the language of formal celebrations which is equally
flowery and baroque. It was pseudo-personal for effect.  If it had
been said by his bedside it would be, as Peter pointed out, oddly
formal.  In the context of being read to the group, it was oddly

Now I am more than happy to admit that I am bringing more than a bit
of my own "stuff" to this table, so I am not suggesting that my take
is "the take" on this complex interaction.  I am a "fan" of sorts of
MMY, but I throughly despise Tony, from afar.

MMY always seems oddly elusive and intimate at the same time.  I
always hoped that in some context with him personally he would stop
doing the schtick, let down his persona and get real.  At a certain
point I realized that this was not an option for him, at least with
any group I was with when I was with him.  The little crumbs of
personal interaction that my Purusha friends would hang on seemed so
pathetic.  So at the end of his life I see his closest people, acting
out the same faux-personal interaction for the show of his passing. 
It feels weird.  I guess that is the best way to describe how I feel
about it, weird.  Like eavesdropping on people with a bad case of
dissociative disorder attempting to express feelings.

So what is your take on Tony, Judy?  Do you have any feeling for the
guy?   I am open (yeah right!), I can appear open (if not pressed too
hard) to another POV on the guy.  But so far, when I read what he
says, I just want to throw the rug back on the rack and run out of the
store holding my wallet in my back pocket like I just got a butt full
of buckshot and need to high tail it outta there.  

> "With your grace, my Lord, my silence has been full.
> Please today do
> not wish us to experience its emptiness. I shall
> remain in it. But
> please do not take away from me the hope to be
> always able to open my
> eyes and say, 'Jai Guru Dev.' For other than to
> you, and under your
> guidance, to whom shall I speak?
> "Yes, of course, you say--and I know--you will be
> with me forever.
> And my task will be easy, keeping you company in
> silence. But why
> suddenly, today, I feel the need to speak, and the
> need to tell you
> again and again, and never lose the chance to be
> able to tell you
> again, how much I adore you.

[FairfieldLife] Quantum Accounting, was: January 12'th celebrations

2008-01-15 Thread Rick Archer
Ahem. You mean Quantum Accounting. Quantum Accounting has to be good for you
because it's Vedic.  It utilizes the draining aspect of the Unified Field of
all the Laws of Nature. Remember, even if your savings are drained and your
credit cards maxxed out, that relative emptiness still contains infinite
dynamism! Didn't you ever hear of overtime?


Don't mess with the Unified Field, it doesn't like that. Open your checking
account to the field of all possibilities!


That reminds me of something that happened on the eve of the presidential
elections, the first time Hagelin ran. He was nowhere in the polls. Didn’t
stand a chance. But many meditators believed that the nation would wake up
November 5th to discover that by some miracle, he had won. At this point,
there was a great hue and cry to donate to the Natural Law Party. Maharishi
actually urged people to put donations on their credit cards if that’s the
only way they could donate. Another funny thing about that campaign was that
at a rally in Doug Greenfield’s yard, there was a big backdrop with the
names and photos of the candidates, (Hagelin and I think Thompson) but
Bevan’s name and photo were above and more prominent than theirs, as “Party
Chairman.” He, of course, is Australian and couldn’t run for president here.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1224 - Release Date: 1/14/2008
5:39 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread feste37
That's one way of looking at it, I suppose, but it reminded me more of
the way Rumi writes of his master Shams. 

It's interesting how these things work on this board. Someone who is
very enthusiastic about what is happening sends a transcript to Rick
Archer, presumably because he or she considers him a friend. Mr.
Archer cynically posts it here, knowing full well what the response
will be. It is an open invitation to ridicule, and of course that is
exactly what happens. People try outdo each other in pouring scorn on
it. All very predictable and silly. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  wrote:
> >
> > On one hand a lovely conversation of devotion and love
> > and on the other hand such a strange, stilted formal
> > exchange. Like two Victorian actors playing these
> > stylized roles with grand sweeping gestures. Go
> > figure.
> > 
> This totally nails what made me feel weird reading it Pete!
> Like the moment when your Iranian rug salesman uses the phrase
> "because you are my friend I give you special deal" one too many times.
> Like overhearing a couple of old queens at a bar after their night at
> the "theaaater" try to get the male lead from the play to join them
> for a nightcap.
> Like working years for MMY anonymously only to find your time in the
> sun with him personally filled up, not with your next level of
> knowledge, but with him endlessly repeating another intro lecture as
> if you are perhaps a feeble child who hadn't been giving them yourself
> for years, when you are asked "how was your meeting with MMY?"  And
> you say. "Oh it was sublime, the most intense expansion of
> consciousness possible for a point to feel the totality of
> consciousness and the depth of silence..."
> Excuse me for a moment, I have to throw up in my mouth a little.
> The words don't hide the lack of real intimacy, they reveal it. 
> > --- Rick Archer  wrote:
> > 
> > > Forwarded from a friend of a friend of a friend:
> > > 
> > > Here are transcripts of three short parts of the
> > > Jan. 12 celebration. 
> > > These are my own effort, not official.  Numbers
> > > refer to the hours 
> > > and minutes into the celebration these appeared
> > > (beginning from the 
> > > initial Vedic chanting).  Prime Minister Bevan
> > > Morris's narration 
> > > appears without quotes, and is not always exact.
> > > Jai Guru Dev
> > > 
> > > #1 - 2:34  
> > > 
> > > When he heard this announcement, and the warm
> > > reception of all to the 
> > > foundation of this organization, the Brahmananda
> > > Saraswati Trust, 
> > > Maharishi said, 
> > > 
> > > "I am grateful for this warm sendoff of
> > > Invincibility to the whole 
> > > world, for all times.  It was my pleasure, at the
> > > feet of Guru Dev, 
> > > to take the light of Guru Dev, and pass it on to my
> > > environment. 
> > > Now, today, I am closing my designated duty to Guru
> > > Dev.  I can only 
> > > say, 'Live long the world--in peace, happiness,
> > > prosperity, and 
> > > freedom from suffering.'  
> > > 
> > > "Today, this farewell marks the establishment of
> > > Invincibility for 
> > > all mankind under the capable, silent rulership of
> > > Maharaja Raja 
> > > Raam, and under the capable guidance of all the
> > > Ministers, and all 
> > > the glorified minds in terms of all dignity of the
> > > light in 
> > > Invincibility for every country.  And it is my
> > > satisfaction that I 
> > > offer this to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev.  Jai
> > > Guru Dev.  And 
> > > offer my everything to the blessings of Guru Dev. 
> > > And continue with 
> > > the world in peace, prosperity and happiness.  
> > > 
> > > "This formation the Brahmananda Saraswati Trust is
> > > going to be a 
> > > glory for the administration for future life on
> > > earth, on the 
> > > individual and national level.  All glory to Guru
> > > Dev.  Jai Guru Dev. 
> > > Express my delight for all the millennia to come,
> > > that the world is 
> > > going to be a happy world.  The Brahmananda
> > > Saraswati Trust is going 
> > > to take the lighted lamp every morning and night,
> > > every night to 
> > > come.  The future of the world is bright, and that
> > > is my delight."
> > > 
> > > #2 - 2:42  
> > > 
> > > Here is His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam's message,
> > > expressed today to 
> > > His Holiness to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
> > > 
> > > "Your gift of infinite silence, eternal peace, with
> > > none other than 
> > > You in it, I embraced, my Lord, with joy.  And it
> > > filled me with 
> > > bliss.  In it, you breathe life into Veda.  Your
> > > thoughts are Pure 
> > > Knowledge.  In it, you leave nothing to be desired. 
> > > There is no 
> > > need, no want.  You are the soul of all that there
> > > is--Atma, Brahm, 
> > > eternal freedom, totality, unboundedness.  
> > > 
> > > "Tender, softly permeating everything, all
> > > encom

[FairfieldLife] Re: msnbc.com: Dozens in Texas town report seeing UFO

2008-01-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is on the MSN website this morning.  Something to distract
> us from politics!
> Dozens in Texas town report seeing UFO
> In this farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, 
> starry skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what 
> many believe is a UFO.

Er, it *was* a UFO. No "belief" involved.

What does the reporter think "UFO" stands for?


This part struck me funny:

Sorrells said he has seen the object several times. He said he 
watched it through his rifle's telescopic lens and described it as 
very large and without seams, nuts or bolts.

Maj. Karl Lewis, a spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at the Joint 
Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth, said no F-16s or other 
aircraft from his base were in the area the night of Jan. 8, when 
most people reported the sighting.

Lewis said the object may have been an illusion caused by two 
commercial airplanes. Lights from the aircraft would seem unusually 
bright and may appear orange from the setting sun.

"I'm 90 percent sure this was an airliner," Lewis said. "With the 
sun's angle, it can play tricks on you."

The witness cited above, Sorrells, didn't say
anything about bright lights. He saw a *structure*
with a completely smooth surface.

Would-be debunkers tend to completely ignore
the specifics of the actual eyewitness reports
of UFOs and propose "illusions" that don't
come anywhere near matching what folks describe
having seen.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Quantum Accounting, was: January 12'th celebrations

2008-01-15 Thread Vaj

On Jan 15, 2008, at 11:04 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

Ahem. You mean Quantum Accounting. Quantum Accounting has to be  
good for you because it's Vedic.  It utilizes the draining aspect  
of the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. Remember, even if  
your savings are drained and your credit cards maxxed out, that  
relative emptiness still contains infinite dynamism! Didn't you  
ever hear of overtime?

Don't mess with the Unified Field, it doesn't like that. Open your  
checking account to the field of all possibilities!

That reminds me of something that happened on the eve of the  
presidential elections, the first time Hagelin ran. He was nowhere  
in the polls. Didn’t stand a chance. But many meditators believed  
that the nation would wake up November 5th to discover that by some  
miracle, he had won. At this point, there was a great hue and cry  
to donate to the Natural Law Party. Maharishi actually urged people  
to put donations on their credit cards if that’s the only way they  
could donate. Another funny thing about that campaign was that at a  
rally in Doug Greenfield’s yard, there was a big backdrop with the  
names and photos of the candidates, (Hagelin and I think Thompson)  
but Bevan’s name and photo were above and more prominent than  
theirs, as “Party Chairman.” He, of course, is Australian and  
couldn’t run for president here.
LOL. Pretty funny how these guys all fall over one another to get the  
brightest spotlight.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> Me:
> > > The words don't hide the lack of real intimacy, they reveal it. 
> > 
> Judy:
> > I'm mystified by this comment, and by Peter's.
> > 
> > What "conversation"? What "exchange"? "Lack
> > of real intimacy" between who and who?
> > 
> > I don't see an exchange here. I see an excerpt
> > from MMY's address to everyone, a tribute to MMY
> > from King Tony, and another excerpt from MMY's
> > address to everyone, all read by Bevan.
> > 
> > And even if it were an exchange, why would you
> > expect "real intimacy" during a formal
> > celebration? MMY always talks like this on such
> > occasions, at least from what I've read of them.
> That was what felt weird to me.  It was a "show" of personal
> intimacy. Read Tony's words.  Not the words of tribute to be
> shared with a group.  But the show of how personally close he
> is to MMY.

OK. What I wasn't getting was the "exchange" notion,
but I guess that's not what you're saying; you're
focusing solely on Tony's tribute, right?

I have no personal experience with devotion to a
master, so I don't have a real sense of what kinds
of feelings are involved. But I would *guess* that
such a relationship feels intimate to the devotee
even if it doesn't involve "live" personal closeness
but is actually at something of a distance. Then
again, I have no idea how close Tony and MMY are

In any case, it doesn't surprise me that the tribute
doesn't express "real intimacy" of the type I'm
familiar with; but it doesn't surprise me either
that it would express what strikes me as
genuinely deep feeling and a sense of MMY's 
presence, which he appears to expect to continue
to experience after MMY's death.

Seems to me expressions of devotion to a master,
especially "farewell" expressions, aren't likely
to match our models of more everyday kinds of

I'd also guess that if you have really profound
feelings for someone that you want to express
publicly, it can't be easy to strike the right
tone, and I wouldn't be surprised if he 
struggled over the tribute, trying to find the
proper balance between his personal feelings and
the appropriate formality.

Bottom line, the way the tribute was expressed
didn't have a familiar ring in terms of my own
experience, but it didn't strike me as peculiar
either--just different.

> So what is your take on Tony, Judy?  Do you have any feeling for
> the guy?

Almost none, either way. I can't recall ever seeing
him speak on videotape. I did read something he wrote
awhile back about devas as aspects of our own
consciousness that I liked a lot, but other than that
he's an unknown quantity. Why do you despise him?

[FairfieldLife] Electoral Compass

2008-01-15 Thread Vaj
A fun quiz, Discover your position in the '08 election:


[FairfieldLife] Re: He has left the body !.....Jan. 12

2008-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
> You sucked as a TM teacher! 
Ruth wrote:
> Judging for the numbers they taught, it doesn't sound 
> like they were failures. Maybe the failure is from 
> somewhere else.
Lurk wrote: 
> Maybe it's more in the tint of Richard's glasses
Maybe, but most of the TM teachers I've met sucked as 
teachers. They totally missed the most important 
aspect of the teaching. One TM teacher has been teaching 
that the TM bija mantras are the secret nicknames of the 
Hindu demi-Gods - he thought that the practice of TM was 
a religion; another totally missed out on the aspect of 
effortless transcending. Another teacher apparently got 
kicked out of the Golden Dome for practicing a deviant 
form of Bhakti Yoga. Most, if not all, of the TM teachers 
on this group have been kicked off the MUM campus.

Obviously they failed to keep the teaching of Guru Dev 
pure. One TM teacher I know used to recruit female students 
for the Marshy and he even failed at that! One TM teacher 
once even lost the Marshy's passport. Can you believe that?

In most cases, the TM teachers didn't even keep a list of
those they taught - so the teachers can't even refund their
money or offer an apology for conning them out of money.
They don't even know what happened to all the money. 

So, I can't really fault the Marshy for the lack of success 
in the movement - it's his minions that failed. The Marshy 
himself, in my opinion, has been a success story. But you 
can do only so much with people like Lon P. Stacks working 
for you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
I appreciate being able to process my feelings about the whole thing
Judy.  And as I said my comments are very much colored by all my
feelings about MMY, and how I feel about him passing.  After reading
your post I went back and read just MMY's response.  I tried on a few
filters, an old worn out one from my past to see if I could conjure up
the old profound vibe a bit.  To take him seriously, to hear him as I
used to where his words conveyed more meaning.  I can see where people
who think of him more kindly could be inspired by what he said. But
again with the monuments...I have trouble with this fixation as you
already know.

"Despise" is such a strong word for how I feel about Tony.  But he
does represent the worst part of MMY for me.  When the "World
Government" was announced to us by Jerry Jarvis in the field house of
MIU, (76?), I felt a shift towards pageantry that I had trouble with
even back then.  By the time I got to Seelisberg and saw the Liberace
direction the whole thing had taken, I felt kind of betrayed.  It
seemed like the exact opposite of what I could relate to, as if the
Pope himself had taken over the soul of MMY.  With this self-important
pageantry  came a whole court of political intrigue.  A viciousness
arose that I got a face full of in my interactions with National when
I was at the DC center.  Very political, very un-genuine, very un-me.
 I dealt with the politics OK, and I am not complaining because they
hurt me personally.  It was being forced to engage in them at all that
I resented.  I wanted us to be more like the hippie ideal and instead
I got the Donald Trump in drag.  With a little  Nicholas Chauchescu
thrown in with guys like Neil Patterson.  Now more mature (but no
wiser!) I understand that it was just a bunch of people I had no real
affinity with putting on their own show.   Even cat show people go
kinda nuts with their insulated weird world.  But wasn't the MMY
message one of hope of people not being such assholes?

So Tony is just the focus of my own feelings about people who sit on
thrones with golden hats and pretend to be a "special person".  I
resent people who act that way because I sincerely believe they are
full of it.  And the fact that he carries out his little exhibition of
pure "front'n" in a world that I no longer live in doesn't make me
feel any better about him.  Same with the Pope BTW.  I raise my cup of
hater-aid to a number of people who seem to revel in their
"specialness", and seem oblivious to the intense silliness they are

So Tony's swarmy speech just hits me the wrong way.  But I enjoy the
entertainment value of even knowing about such a tiny tribe of humans.
 This is a fascinating glimpse of human nature isn't it?  And may this
glimpse assist me in slaying any part of "King Tonyness" that sprouts
up in my own life and tries to put on one of those wretched golden crowns!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Me:
> > > > The words don't hide the lack of real intimacy, they reveal it. 
> > > 
> > 
> > Judy:
> > > I'm mystified by this comment, and by Peter's.
> > > 
> > > What "conversation"? What "exchange"? "Lack
> > > of real intimacy" between who and who?
> > > 
> > > I don't see an exchange here. I see an excerpt
> > > from MMY's address to everyone, a tribute to MMY
> > > from King Tony, and another excerpt from MMY's
> > > address to everyone, all read by Bevan.
> > > 
> > > And even if it were an exchange, why would you
> > > expect "real intimacy" during a formal
> > > celebration? MMY always talks like this on such
> > > occasions, at least from what I've read of them.
> > 
> > That was what felt weird to me.  It was a "show" of personal
> > intimacy. Read Tony's words.  Not the words of tribute to be
> > shared with a group.  But the show of how personally close he
> > is to MMY.
> OK. What I wasn't getting was the "exchange" notion,
> but I guess that's not what you're saying; you're
> focusing solely on Tony's tribute, right?
> I have no personal experience with devotion to a
> master, so I don't have a real sense of what kinds
> of feelings are involved. But I would *guess* that
> such a relationship feels intimate to the devotee
> even if it doesn't involve "live" personal closeness
> but is actually at something of a distance. Then
> again, I have no idea how close Tony and MMY are
> "live."
> In any case, it doesn't surprise me that the tribute
> doesn't express "real intimacy" of the type I'm
> familiar with; but it doesn't surprise me either
> that it would express what strikes me as
> genuinely deep feeling and a sense of MMY's 
> presence, which he appears to expect to continue
> to experience after MMY's death.
> Seems to me expressions of devotion to a master,
> especially "farewell" expressions, aren't likely
> to match our models of more everyday kinds of
> tribut

[FairfieldLife] Re: The rise of the neocons

2008-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
Bob wrote:
> Sound familiar? 
"I felt that it was appropriate under the circumstances, 
which really went back to 1998 under the Clinton 
administration's conclusion that the regime had to change, 
that the President [Bush] had authority to pursue that 
goal." - Hillary Clinton

"And they will be all the more lethal if we allow them to 
build arsenals of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons 
and the missiles to deliver them. We simply cannot allow 
that to happen." - Hillary Clinton

"People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops 
in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it 
is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were 
unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons." 
- Bill Clinton

"We've all reached a judgment the United States has to 
protect its interests. [Saddam] may even slide these weapons 
off to terrorist groups, it's the miscalculation that poses 
the greatest threat." - John F. Kerry

[FairfieldLife] Re: He has left the body !.....Jan. 12

2008-01-15 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"

> "Maybe, but most of the TM teachers I've met sucked as 
> teachers. They totally missed the most important 
> aspect of the teaching.

> So, I can't really fault the Marshy for the lack of success 
> in the movement - it's his minions that failed. The Marshy 
> himself, in my opinion, has been a success story. But you 
> can do only so much with people like Lon P. Stacks working 
> for you."
  If most all your minions fail, doesn't that say something about you? 

My teacher was a really good guy and faithful to the teachings; he
"didn't suck," but he did commit suicide. 

[FairfieldLife] Could someone kindly translate Joytish speak into English

2008-01-15 Thread The Secret
I'm wondering if someone would kindly translate why this month's yagna
starts tonight (tomorrow in India) for Surya.  The reason I've been
given is that 

Surya Pratyantar dashais going to start from 21st . In the natal chart
surya being the lagna lord placed in 07th house in its opposing sign. 

I'm well on my way to becoming awake and I'm just watching these words
appear on the screen, yet I have no interest in learning Joytish.  I'm
sure a lot of people here don't want to study and gain the experience
to  practice my or another person's profession.  Some times we just
have a simple desire to understand one thing.

Thank you all ahead of time for reading this.

I am so grateful to have chosen "The Secret" and "(e)L Shaddai"
because these and I are one and all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: He has left the body !.....Jan. 12

2008-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsimplicity" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
>  wrote:
> >
> > "Maybe, but most of the TM teachers I've met sucked as 
> > teachers. They totally missed the most important 
> > aspect of the teaching.
> --and---
> > 
> > So, I can't really fault the Marshy for the lack of success 
> > in the movement - it's his minions that failed. The Marshy 
> > himself, in my opinion, has been a success story. But you 
> > can do only so much with people like Lon P. Stacks working 
> > for you."

Who is that, RA's cover ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK. What I wasn't getting was the "exchange" notion,
> but I guess that's not what you're saying; you're
> focusing solely on Tony's tribute, right?
> I have no personal experience with devotion to a
> master, so I don't have a real sense of what kinds
> of feelings are involved. But I would *guess* that
> such a relationship feels intimate to the devotee
> even if it doesn't involve "live" personal closeness
> but is actually at something of a distance. Then
> again, I have no idea how close Tony and MMY are
> "live."
> In any case, it doesn't surprise me that the tribute
> doesn't express "real intimacy" of the type I'm
> familiar with; but it doesn't surprise me either
> that it would express what strikes me as
> genuinely deep feeling and a sense of MMY's 
> presence, which he appears to expect to continue
> to experience after MMY's death.
> Seems to me expressions of devotion to a master,
> especially "farewell" expressions, aren't likely
> to match our models of more everyday kinds of
> tributes.
> I'd also guess that if you have really profound
> feelings for someone that you want to express
> publicly, it can't be easy to strike the right
> tone, and I wouldn't be surprised if he 
> struggled over the tribute, trying to find the
> proper balance between his personal feelings and
> the appropriate formality.
> Bottom line, the way the tribute was expressed
> didn't have a familiar ring in terms of my own
> experience, but it didn't strike me as peculiar
> either--just different.
> he's an unknown quantity. Why do you despise him?

Tony and Bevan are not americans. I must say that the past few days 
have given me much needed (re)respect for americans. The speeches, 
not only by the american Rajas but of other americans over the phone 
were very, very good. Simple, to the point and elegant. Composed, 
dignified and down to earth, even humourous, crown or not. Rubin 
comes to mind as do Konhaus and particularily that great donor for 
MUM, his name; Setle (?) Very good speeches indeed. It certainly 
gives confindence about the future of that country, for the whole 

Then let the sarcasms flow amongs representatives, here on this 
little FFL, of levels that are on the way out of circulation as we 
enjoy the new and incoming brilliant energies for this world.

Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > OK. What I wasn't getting was the "exchange" notion,
> > but I guess that's not what you're saying; you're
> > focusing solely on Tony's tribute, right?
> > 
> > I have no personal experience with devotion to a
> > master, so I don't have a real sense of what kinds
> > of feelings are involved. But I would *guess* that
> > such a relationship feels intimate to the devotee
> > even if it doesn't involve "live" personal closeness
> > but is actually at something of a distance. Then
> > again, I have no idea how close Tony and MMY are
> > "live."
> > 
> > In any case, it doesn't surprise me that the tribute
> > doesn't express "real intimacy" of the type I'm
> > familiar with; but it doesn't surprise me either
> > that it would express what strikes me as
> > genuinely deep feeling and a sense of MMY's 
> > presence, which he appears to expect to continue
> > to experience after MMY's death.
> > 
> > Seems to me expressions of devotion to a master,
> > especially "farewell" expressions, aren't likely
> > to match our models of more everyday kinds of
> > tributes.
> > 
> > I'd also guess that if you have really profound
> > feelings for someone that you want to express
> > publicly, it can't be easy to strike the right
> > tone, and I wouldn't be surprised if he 
> > struggled over the tribute, trying to find the
> > proper balance between his personal feelings and
> > the appropriate formality.
> > 
> > Bottom line, the way the tribute was expressed
> > didn't have a familiar ring in terms of my own
> > experience, but it didn't strike me as peculiar
> > either--just different.
> >
> > he's an unknown quantity. Why do you despise him?
> Tony and Bevan are not americans. I must say that the past few days 
> have given me much needed (re)respect for americans. The speeches, 
> not only by the american Rajas but of other americans over the phone 
> were very, very good. Simple, to the point and elegant. Composed, 
> dignified and down to earth, even humourous, crown or not. Rubin 
> comes to mind as do Konhaus and particularily that great donor for 
> MUM, his name; Setle (?) Very good speeches indeed. It certainly 
> gives confindence about the future of that country, for the whole 
> world.
> Then let the sarcasms flow amongs representatives, here on this 
> little FFL, of levels that are on the way out of circulation as we 
> enjoy the new and incoming brilliant energies for this world.
> Jai Guru Dev

I, for one, have to cast my vote for nablus1008 
as one the most important resources many of us 
on FFL have available to us. 

I'm serious. Nabby reflects a mindset that I have
been away from so long (30+ years) that I have
difficulty even imagining it. I can't really get
my mind to backtrack to the ways in which I thought
during my halcyon TM days.

And yet sometimes when Nabby writes, there it is.

Nabby writes about the way he sees the world, and
what he thinks of those who dwell in that world who 
don't see it the way that he does. Where some of us 
see in the press releases and the pronouncements of 
the TMO only "meat" for roasting on the fires of 
derision, Nabby sees inspiration.

And I used to, too. I was the guy that Jerry J.
sent to an early anti-TM rally in a church in 
Pacific Palisades. I listened to all the things
that they were saying, not believing a one of them,
and then I stood up and spouted the Party Line. And
I felt *good* about spouting the Party Line. 

Nabby tends to see those of us who no longer spout
the Party Line as "fallen," as having lost our way
and wandered far from the "highest path." Some of
us picking our own Way through the world rather
than relying on Someone Else's Map prefer to think 
of it as having stumbled onto the higest path, for 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Could someone kindly translate Joytish speak into English

2008-01-15 Thread Bhairitu
Surya is the Sanskrit name for the Sun.  A pratyantar dasha is the third 
level of dasha or a sub-sub-dasha.  Dashas are planetary periods.  So a 
Surya Pratyantar dasha is just a short planetary period.  The first 
level of dasha (maha) is 120 years and each planet getting its own share 
of that time.  The Sun gets 6 years.  The second level of dasha or antar 
dasha scales the proportion of time each planet gets to the time length 
of the maha dasha.  So if the Sun gets 6 years in a maha dasha then 
6/120 = 5 % of 6 years for the antar dasha.  A pratayantar dasha of the 
antar dasha of the Sun would get 5% of that length of time and so on 
(astrologers may use up to five levels of dashas).

A "lagna" is the same as "ascendant."  They are using that position and 
the sub sub planetary period do determine the appropriate time to start 
the yagna (ritual).   BTW, just because the partyantar dasha is for the 
Sun doesn't mean the that maha and antar dashas are for the Sun.  I 
would have to look into this further to see what is true for that.

The Secret wrote:
> I'm wondering if someone would kindly translate why this month's yagna
> starts tonight (tomorrow in India) for Surya.  The reason I've been
> given is that 
> Surya Pratyantar dashais going to start from 21st . In the natal chart
> surya being the lagna lord placed in 07th house in its opposing sign. 
> I'm well on my way to becoming awake and I'm just watching these words
> appear on the screen, yet I have no interest in learning Joytish.  I'm
> sure a lot of people here don't want to study and gain the experience
> to  practice my or another person's profession.  Some times we just
> have a simple desire to understand one thing.
> Thank you all ahead of time for reading this.
> I am so grateful to have chosen "The Secret" and "(e)L Shaddai"
> because these and I are one and all.

[FairfieldLife] Quck, before it's taken off the Net for being suppressive

2008-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
T'would seem that there is this video of Tom 
Cruise cruising the Net, and getting immedi-
ately taken down by Scientology lawyers shortly




So here's the lastest location for it. I haven't
been able to get it to play without skipping
(probably because so many people are hitting on
it), but it seems potentially interesting.

The video was the third article down on the page
when I saw it. Don't overlook the comments that 
follow the video -- you think FFL is snarky...ha!

[FairfieldLife] Re: January 12'th celebrations

2008-01-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Angela Mailander
>  wrote:
> >
> > "This is the most sublimely perfect and sweetly auspicious phase 
> precious thought and most glorious action where we can
> >
> > spontaneously and profoundly experience our dear heaven on 
> > earth."  Or
> >
> > something like that.
> >
> > You gotta have "dear" and "precious."
> >
> >
> Sweet!

Yes, Sweet.

Sweet in community is mas better though than say a:

Raja Hinkeldruebber type  … "let it end… when each one of us lies 
choking in his own blood on the ground... in a (TM)war for the soul 
of mankind."

Fortunately our TMpeople are mostly soft pastels.  As Feste37 keeps 
arguing in her way here, many these people are somewhat morally 
excusable because they are simply simple good simple people.  Yes, 
they may be manipulated, culpable only as innocent enablers, but 
mostly still good people in earnest utopia.

Out on the streets of FF I've been swung at only a few times for 
writings on FFL.  Fortunately most those guys capable of extra-
TMmovement cult-like nuttiness like taking a swing at you or making 
death-threats against saints or holy people visiting FF have mostly 
moved on to TMmovement projects elsewhere, moved out or been squeezed 
out by the administration otherwise or moving on they have died 
themselves already.  Except for the general ongoing absconding by 
fundraising of money, fortunately most our meditators have been 
pretty harmless otherwise if not well-meaning.

Jai Guru Dev, 

-Doug in FF


Re: [FairfieldLife] Quck, before it's taken off the Net for being suppressive

2008-01-15 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 1/15/08 2:48:46 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

T'would  seem that there is this video of Tom 
Cruise cruising the Net, and getting  immedi-
ately taken down by Scientology lawyers shortly


Yeah, but we have  Dr. John Hagelen!

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quck, before it's taken off the Net for being suppressive

2008-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
A quick glossary, for those who have never 
gotten into Scientology as entertainment:


Keeping Scientology Working. A series of HCOPLs, Hubbard Communication
Office Policy Letters, designed to ensure Scientology lasts for
hundreds of years, and also that Hubbard's fondest wish, that his name
be smashed violently into the history books, becomes a reality.
(Didn't Manson have a similar desire?)

Keeping Scientology Working (KSW)

This Policy Letter [KSW] exists in all but introductory Scientology
courses. It is there to inculcate reverence to Hubbard as the "Source"
of Scientology, and to show the crucial role of the Scientologist's
mission on Earth.» — Jon Atack, in "A Piece of Blue Sky" (1990)

When somebody enrolls, consider he or she has joined up for the
duration of the universe—never permit an "open-minded" approach.» — L.
Ron Hubbard, "Keeping Scientology Working Series 1", Feb. 1965.

Jon Atack (1990): "A Piece of Blue Sky - Chapter 3: Fair Game, Ethics
and the Scriptures"

Inside Scientology there are a number of broadly known and often
quoted Policy Letters. The most important is "Keeping Scientology
Working," where the Scientologist is sternly admonished to police the
use of Scientology and ensure that there are no departures from
Hubbard's teachings. A list of ten points is given for the protection
of "Standard Tech," among them "hammering out of existence incorrect
technology." This Policy Letter exists in all but introductory
Scientology courses. It is there to inculcate reverence to Hubbard as
the "Source" of Scientology , and to show the crucial role of the
Scientologist's mission on Earth.

Rev. Murray Luther (2004): "The Forbidden Side of Scientology -
Indoctrinated Tyranny"
Every course begins with the same Hubbard Policy Letter, Keeping
Scientology Working, which establishes the infallibility of Hubbard's
so-called "technology." In that PL, Hubbard boldly states, "What I say
in these pages has always been true, it holds true today, it will
still hold true in the year 2000 and it will continue to hold true
from there on out." [...]

In Scientology, you cannot challenge the word of Hubbard and expect to
remain a member in good standing for long. There's nothing whatsoever
in Hubbard's writings and recorded lectures that a Scientologist can
maintain even the most minor dispute. The Church considers that all
disagreements with Hubbard doctrine come from some lack in
understanding of the inviolable truths contained in the material. The
only option a student has to reconcile a contrary view is to keep
restudying the particular area in dispute until the misunderstanding
is "cleared up." In this way the rigid dogma of Scientology is
preserved, and all thoughts or opinions contrary to Hubbard's view are

L. Ron Hubbard (1965): "Keeping Scientology Working Series 1":
And I don't see that popular measures, self-abnegation and democracy
have done anything for man but push him further into the mud.
Currently, popularity endorses degraded novels, self-abnegation has
filled the Southeast Asian jungles with stone idols and corpses, and
democracy has given us inflation and income tax.

L. Ron Hubbard (1965): "Keeping Scientology Working Series 4":
Scientology is the only workable system man has. It has already taken
people toward higher IQ, better lives and all that. No other system
has. So realize that it has no competitor.

Wikipedia: Scientology Justice:
A set of wild card charges often used to set-up a church member for
punishment, are violations of any ten points of the 1965 policy letter
"Keeping Scientology Working" written by founder, L. Ron Hubbard.

Jeff Jacobsen (2002): "The Writings of L. Ron Hubbard - What Are They?":
Scientologists at almost every turn in their training must read
"Keeping Scientology Working" which includes "Having the correct
technology" and "Hammering out of existence incorrect technology."
["Keeping Scientology Working" HCOPL of 7 February 1965]. In fact,
Hubbard states in this policy letter that he alone came up with
Scientology and "group efforts, one can safely assume, will not add to
it or successfully alter it in the future." In Hubbard's own words in
probably his most widely and most often read policy letter, he clearly
states that his works should be unaltered.

The Watchman Expositor (1997): "Scientology: A History of Terror and
Abuse" by Craig Branch:
Destructive mind-control groups vary in the scope and intensity of
their attempts to control. Scientology is totalistic and goes "all
out." In every bound Scientology technical bulletin volume is found
printed the order "Keeping Scientology Working." It exhorts the
Scientologist to be totally sold out to the cause, to "win or die in
the attempt.… only the tigers survive…. It's a tough universe….We'd
rather have you dead than incapable."

The Wittenburg Door (July 2002): "Scientology: Are we Clear on This?":
Scientology is built on denial. It isn't like you go into denial then.
It's built on denial fr

Re: [FairfieldLife] Quck, before it's taken off the Net for being suppressive

2008-01-15 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 1/15/08 3:01:19 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

In a message dated 1/15/08 2:48:46 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a message 

T'would seem that there is this video of Tom 
Cruise cruising the  Net, and getting immedi-
ately taken down by Scientology lawyers  shortly


Yeah, but we have  Dr. John  Hagelen

Maybe  Hagelin could sing Old Time Rock n Roll in his underwear, socks  and 
crown on the Maharishi channel.

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape. 

[FairfieldLife] What's Up?

2008-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
Couldn't decide whether to attend MacWorld in San 
Francisco yesterday or the Detroit Auto Show. Just 
couldn't decide. So, I stayed home and went to a 
Spurs game at the AT&T Center. I had a good time 
and after the show I went to a bar and had a drink 
with a friend. Then I walked my dog along the San 
Antonio River. When I got back home I sat in my 
garden for awhile smiling at the moon. Then I went 
to bed around ten and slept well.

SAN ANTONIO — Manu Ginobili scored 14 of his 20 points 
in the fourth quarter to lead the San Antonio Spurs to 
an 89-82 victory over the Philadelphia 76ers on Monday 

Read more:

'Ginobili Has 20 Points in Spurs' Win'
Associated Press, January 15, 2008

"Steve Jobs took the stage to kick off the annual 
Macworld Expo today. As usual, he brought with him a 
crushing amount of buzz and a pile of new product 
announcements. Here's what we'll be seeing from Apple, 
starting today!"

Read more:

'Apple Launches 13-Inch Ultralight MacBook Air'
Mac World, Tue Jan 15, 2008

"For the second consecutive year, a car from General 
Motors Corp. has taken top honors in the North American 
Car and Truck of the Year awards, announced Monday at 
the opening of the North American International Auto 

Read more:

'Chevy Malibu takes top honors at Detroit auto show'
Nashville Business Journal, Monday, January 14, 2008 

[FairfieldLife] MMY on beginning and fulfilling his mission

2008-01-15 Thread bob_brigante

I reviewed these two years' experience in India—north, south, east, 
and west—and said that this Transcendental Meditation is such a 
simple thing, and it is found to be producing effects in all parts of 
India. In each province, the living values are completely different. 
So when in this small area of the world where the cultures are 
different it has produced these effects, why can't we spiritually 
regenerate the whole world through this technique?
Seminar of Spiritual Luminaries
Madras, Inda
31st December 1957

in Thirty Years around the World—Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment 
Vol. 1, 1957–1964
Published 1986, 598 pages, pages 199–200.
© Maharishi Vedic University Press

'I feel just now my work is done. My work is done. . . . we would 
like to create a memorial for the invincible world'. 
First International Rajas Congress
MERU, Holland
9 January 2008

[FairfieldLife] Hey Kids, USA is beginning to look a bit like China in the surveillance dept.

2008-01-15 Thread do.rflex

US drafting plan to allow government access to any email or Web search

Raw Story, 1/14/2008: http://tinyurl.com/25xor9

National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell is drawing up plans for
cyberspace spying that would make the current debate on warrantless
wiretaps look like a "walk in the park," according to an interview
published in the New Yorker's print edition today.

Debate on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act "will be a walk in
the park compared to this," McConnell said. "this is going to be a
goat rope on the Hill. My prediction is that we're going to screw
around with this until something horrendous happens."

The article, which profiles the 65-year-old former admiral appointed
by President George W. Bush in January 2007 to oversee all of
America's intelligence agencies, was not published on the New Yorker's
Web site.

McConnell is developing a Cyber-Security Policy, still in the draft
stage, which will closely police Internet activity.

"Ed Giorgio, who is working with McConnell on the plan, said that
would mean giving the government the authority to examine the content
of any e-mail, file transfer or Web search," author Lawrence Wright

"Google has records that could help in a cyber-investigation, he
said," Wright adds. "Giorgio warned me, 'We have a saying in this
business: 'Privacy and security are a zero-sum game.'"

A zero-sum game is one in which gains by one side come at the expense
of the other. In other words -- McConnell's aide believes greater
security can only come at privacy's expense.

McConnell has been an advocate for computer-network defense, which has
previously not been the province of any intelligence agency.

According to a 2007 conversation in the Oval Office, McConnell told
President Bush, "If the 9/11 perpetrators had focused on a single US
bank through cyber-attack and it had been successful, it would have an
order of magnitude greater impact on the US economy."

Bush turned to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, asking him if it was
true; Paulson said that it was. Bush then asked to McConnell to come
up with a network security strategy.

"One proposal of McConnell's Cyber-Security Policy, which is still in
the draft stage, is to reduce the access points between government
computers and the Internet from two thousand to fifty," Wright notes.
"He claimed that cyber-theft account for as much as a hundred billion
dollars in annual losses to the American economy. 'The real problem is
the perpetrator who doesn't care about stealing--he just wants to

The infrastructure to tap into Americans' email and web search history
may already be in place.

In November, a former technician at AT&T alleged that the telecom
forwarded virtually all of its Internet traffic into a "secret room"
to facilitate government spying.

Whistleblower Mark Klein said that a copy of all Internet traffic
passing over AT&T lines was copied into a locked room at the company's
San Francisco office -- to which only employees with National Security
Agency clearance had access -- via a cable splitting device.

"My job was to connect circuits into the splitter device which was
hard-wired to the secret room," Klein. said "And effectively, the
splitter copied the entire data stream of those Internet cables into
the secret room -- and we're talking about phone conversations, email
web browsing, everything that goes across the Internet."

"As a technician, I had the engineering wiring documents, which told
me how the splitter was wired to the secret room," Klein continued.
"And so I know that whatever went across those cables was copied and
the entire data stream was copied."

According to Klein, that information included Internet activity about

"We're talking about domestic traffic as well as international
traffic," Klein said. Previous Bush administration claims that only
international communications were being intercepted aren't accurate,
he added.

"I know the physical equipment, and I know that statement is not
true," he added. "It involves millions of communications, a lot of it
domestic communications that they're copying wholesale.

[FairfieldLife] Pope not welcome at Eye-Tye college

2008-01-15 Thread bob_brigante
"The pope had been scheduled to address a gathering of faculty members 
and students this Thursday at ceremonies marking the opening of the 
university's academic year. 

But over the weekend, a group of more than 60 La Sapienza faculty 
members wrote to the university's rector objecting to Benedict's 
presence, citing words from a 1990 lecture in which he seemed to 
justify the Vatican's condemnation of the astronomer Galileo Galilei in 
the 17th century.

"In the name of the secularity of science, we hope that this 
incongruous event can still be canceled," the professors wrote.


[FairfieldLife] Donovan at Maharishichannel

2008-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
http://maharishichannel.org/ channel 3, right now

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quck, before it's taken off the Net for being suppressive

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues

Wow!  That topped the Raja nonsense as the best thing I have seen all
week!  Tom is the most important person in the whole wide world.  "Man
you're either in or you're out".  "I want to move the spectators out
of the arena".  This is priceless stuff, very MMY secretary. When Tom
drives by an accident he knows he is the only one who can help!  Step
aside emergency personnel. Thanks a million for posting this!

4 words in response TOM:

Free Katie, free Suri! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> T'would seem that there is this video of Tom 
> Cruise cruising the Net, and getting immedi-
> ately taken down by Scientology lawyers shortly
> thereafter. 
> or 
> http://tinyurl.com/yre7c6
> So here's the lastest location for it. I haven't
> been able to get it to play without skipping
> (probably because so many people are hitting on
> it), but it seems potentially interesting.
> The video was the third article down on the page
> when I saw it. Don't overlook the comments that 
> follow the video -- you think FFL is snarky...ha!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hey Kids, USA is beginning to look a bit like China in the surveillance dept.

2008-01-15 Thread Bhairitu
You'd think the US was just teaming with terrorists ready to blow up 
everything.  Oh, I forgot, they think that anyone who doesn't like Bush 
is a terrorist.  Well at 66% by the current poll that's a lot of terrorists.

do.rflex wrote:
> US drafting plan to allow government access to any email or Web search
> Raw Story, 1/14/2008: http://tinyurl.com/25xor9
> National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell is drawing up plans for
> cyberspace spying that would make the current debate on warrantless
> wiretaps look like a "walk in the park," according to an interview
> published in the New Yorker's print edition today.
> Debate on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act "will be a walk in
> the park compared to this," McConnell said. "this is going to be a
> goat rope on the Hill. My prediction is that we're going to screw
> around with this until something horrendous happens."
> The article, which profiles the 65-year-old former admiral appointed
> by President George W. Bush in January 2007 to oversee all of
> America's intelligence agencies, was not published on the New Yorker's
> Web site.
> McConnell is developing a Cyber-Security Policy, still in the draft
> stage, which will closely police Internet activity.
> "Ed Giorgio, who is working with McConnell on the plan, said that
> would mean giving the government the authority to examine the content
> of any e-mail, file transfer or Web search," author Lawrence Wright
> pens.
> "Google has records that could help in a cyber-investigation, he
> said," Wright adds. "Giorgio warned me, 'We have a saying in this
> business: 'Privacy and security are a zero-sum game.'"
> A zero-sum game is one in which gains by one side come at the expense
> of the other. In other words -- McConnell's aide believes greater
> security can only come at privacy's expense.
> McConnell has been an advocate for computer-network defense, which has
> previously not been the province of any intelligence agency.
> According to a 2007 conversation in the Oval Office, McConnell told
> President Bush, "If the 9/11 perpetrators had focused on a single US
> bank through cyber-attack and it had been successful, it would have an
> order of magnitude greater impact on the US economy."
> Bush turned to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, asking him if it was
> true; Paulson said that it was. Bush then asked to McConnell to come
> up with a network security strategy.
> "One proposal of McConnell's Cyber-Security Policy, which is still in
> the draft stage, is to reduce the access points between government
> computers and the Internet from two thousand to fifty," Wright notes.
> "He claimed that cyber-theft account for as much as a hundred billion
> dollars in annual losses to the American economy. 'The real problem is
> the perpetrator who doesn't care about stealing--he just wants to
> destroy.'"
> The infrastructure to tap into Americans' email and web search history
> may already be in place.
> In November, a former technician at AT&T alleged that the telecom
> forwarded virtually all of its Internet traffic into a "secret room"
> to facilitate government spying.
> Whistleblower Mark Klein said that a copy of all Internet traffic
> passing over AT&T lines was copied into a locked room at the company's
> San Francisco office -- to which only employees with National Security
> Agency clearance had access -- via a cable splitting device.
> "My job was to connect circuits into the splitter device which was
> hard-wired to the secret room," Klein. said "And effectively, the
> splitter copied the entire data stream of those Internet cables into
> the secret room -- and we're talking about phone conversations, email
> web browsing, everything that goes across the Internet."
> "As a technician, I had the engineering wiring documents, which told
> me how the splitter was wired to the secret room," Klein continued.
> "And so I know that whatever went across those cables was copied and
> the entire data stream was copied."
> According to Klein, that information included Internet activity about
> Americans.
> "We're talking about domestic traffic as well as international
> traffic," Klein said. Previous Bush administration claims that only
> international communications were being intercepted aren't accurate,
> he added.
> "I know the physical equipment, and I know that statement is not
> true," he added. "It involves millions of communications, a lot of it
> domestic communications that they're copying wholesale.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues

> I, for one, have to cast my vote for nablus1008 
> as one the most important resources many of us 
> on FFL have available to us. 

Absolutely.  His input doubles my enjoyment here.  I believe my snark
is matched by his sincere belief that I am a lower creature.  But once
you put that aside, I dig the guy and read every thing he contributes.  

> I'm serious. Nabby reflects a mindset that I have
> been away from so long (30+ years) that I have
> difficulty even imagining it. I can't really get
> my mind to backtrack to the ways in which I thought
> during my halcyon TM days.
> And yet sometimes when Nabby writes, there it is.
> Nabby writes about the way he sees the world, and
> what he thinks of those who dwell in that world who 
> don't see it the way that he does. Where some of us 
> see in the press releases and the pronouncements of 
> the TMO only "meat" for roasting on the fires of 
> derision, Nabby sees inspiration.
> And I used to, too. I was the guy that Jerry J.
> sent to an early anti-TM rally in a church in 
> Pacific Palisades. I listened to all the things
> that they were saying, not believing a one of them,
> and then I stood up and spouted the Party Line. And
> I felt *good* about spouting the Party Line. 
> Nabby tends to see those of us who no longer spout
> the Party Line as "fallen," as having lost our way
> and wandered far from the "highest path." Some of
> us picking our own Way through the world rather
> than relying on Someone Else's Map prefer to think 
> of it as having stumbled onto the higest path, for 
> us.

Excellent post!

[FairfieldLife] Re: He has left the body !.....Jan. 12

2008-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > So, I can't really fault the Marshy for the lack of 
> > success in the movement - it's his minions that failed. 
> > The Marshy himself, in my opinion, has been a success 
> > story. But you can do only so much with people like 
> > Lon P. Stacks working for you.
> >
Ruth wrote:
> If most all your minions fail, doesn't that say something 
> about you? 
It says that even the Marshy couldn't do anything with the
likes of Lon P. Stacks and many others like him.  

Forum: alt.meditation.transcendental
Author: Lon P. Stacks
Subject: Various names used by TMites for Lon. 
Date: 11/29/2000

A problem I have had with Spam is a name used 
by TMites for me was placed on a domain name I 
own but have not appeared on amt. This has 
resulted in hundreds of unsolicited mail, 489
in one day.  They are all, or most, originated
from companies in Texas.

[FairfieldLife] Vandals at the Gate!

2008-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
SAN ANTONIO - The Mission Drive-In was supposed to 
reopen for Spring Break, but vandalism forced owners 
to keep it closed. The theater has been open for nearly 
50 years, and it is the last outdoor theater in San 

Full story:

'San Antonio's Last Drive-In Shut Down for Good?'
Posted By: Walker Robinson
WOAI, March 20, 2007

LOS ANGELES — The nation's second-largest city is 
experiencing a killing spree fueled by gang violence 
that threatens to make it the nation's homicide capital.

Full story:

'Gang Wars Push L.A. Murder Rate'
ABC News, Nov. 22, 2002

WASHINGTON - House Democrats are increasingly confident 
they have the votes to pass legislation designed to 
force an end to the war in Iraq next year.

Read more:

'House Dems more confident on Iraq vote'
By Anne Flaherty
Associated Press, March 23, 2007

[FairfieldLife] The backofthebus in Israel

2008-01-15 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] Mosksha is Transcendental

2008-01-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
"In higher Hindu philosophy, it is seen as a 
transcendence of phenomenal being."



[FairfieldLife] donovan

2008-01-15 Thread michael
hello dear friends,
  today i was very lucky to hear donovan life in vlodrop.
  he presented his new song >>>donovan invincible university,
  waves of bliss, and others
  at least he song his old hit hurdy gurdy man,
  and told us a secret who the hurdy gurdy man is >>>
  it is the maharishi
  donovan has a really pleasanr voice,
  he is a transcendental troubador.
  see his website

Ihr erstes Fernweh? Wo gibt es den schönsten Strand. 

[FairfieldLife] A reason why Israel has such influence on US policy

2008-01-15 Thread do.rflex

Shocking [to me] list of US/Isreal dual citizenship US Government
officials directly influencing US Policy, both foreign and domestic,
and representing the *hard right* views of Israel's hardliners

Actual Percentage of Jewish people in the USA: 2.2%

As a group, American Jews continue to be *STAUNCHLY LIBERAL* . A new
poll shows that 77 percent of American Jews now think that the Iraq
war was a mistake, compared with 52 percent of all Americans. (Jewish
support for the war has collapsed: A poll taken a month before the war
showed that 56 percent of Jews supported it, somewhat below the
national average at that time.) Eighty-seven percent of Jews voted
Democratic in 2006. (emphasis added)

...The U.S., in its special relationship with Israel, has become very
sympathetic to allowing Israeli-Americans to retain two nationalities
and allowing U.S. citizens not only to hold public office in Israel,
but to hold US government positions as well! No other country holds
this special exception to our laws of citizenship.

So, you might ask, are there any other dual Israel-American citizens
who hold US government positions that could compromise American
security? Yes. Consider the following list...

Michael Mukasey
Recently appointed as US Attorney General. Mukasey also was the judge
in the litigation between developer Larry Silverstein and several
insurance companies arising from the destruction of the World Trade

Michael Chertoff
Former Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, at the
Justice Department; now head of Homeland Security.

Richard Perle
One of Bush's foreign policy advisors, he is the chairman of the
Pentagon's Defense Policy Board. A very likely Israeli government
agent, Perle was expelled from Senator Henry Jackson's office in the
1970's after the National Security Agency (NSA) caught him passing
Highly-Classified (National Security) documents to the Israeli
Embassy. He later worked for the Israeli weapons firm, Soltam. Perle
came from one the above mentioned pro-Israel thinktanks, the AEI.
Perle is one of the leading pro-Israeli fanatics leading this Iraq war
mongering within the administration and now in the media.

Paul Wolfowitz
Former Deputy Defense Secretary, and member of Perle's Defense Policy
Board, in the Pentagon. Wolfowitz is a close associate of Perle, and
reportedly has close ties to the Israeli military. His sister lives in
Israel. Wolfowitz came from the above mentioned Jewish thinktank,
JINSA. Wolfowitz was the number two leader within the administration
behind this Iraq war mongering. He later was appointed head of the
World Bank but resigned under pressure from World Bank members over a
scandal involving his misuse of power.

Douglas Feith
Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at the Pentagon. He is a
close associate of Perle and served as his Special Counsel. Like Perle
and the others, Feith is a pro-Israel extremist, who has advocated
anti-Arab policies in the past. He is closely associated with the
extremist group, the Zionist Organization of America, which even
attacks Jews that don't agree with its extremist views. Feith
frequently speaks at ZOA conferences. Feith runs a small law firm,
Feith and Zell, which only has one International office, in Israel.
The majority of their legal work is representing Israeli interests.
His firm's own website stated, prior to his appointment, that Feith
"represents Israeli Armaments Manufacturer." Feith basically
represents the Israeli War Machine. Feith also came from the Jewish
thinktank JINSA. Feith, like Perle and Wolfowitz, are campaigning hard
for this Israeli proxy war against Iraq.

Lawrence (Larry) Franklin
The former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst with expertise in
Iranian policy issues who worked in the office of Undersecretary of
Defense for Policy Douglas Feith and reported directly to Feith's
deputy, William Luti, was sentenced January 20, 2006, "to more than 12
years in prison for giving classified information to an Israeli
diplomat" and members of the pro-Israel lobbying group American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Franklin will "remain free while the government continues with the
wider case" and his "prison time could be sharply reduced in return
for his help in prosecuting" former AIPAC members Steven J. Rosen and
Keith Weissman, [who] are scheduled to go on trial in April [2006].
Franklin admitted that he met periodically with Rosen and Weissman
between 2002 and 2004 and discussed classified information, including
information about potential attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq. Rosen and
Weissman would later share what they learned with reporters and
Israeli officials." (source: sourcewatch.com).

Edward Luttwak
Member of the National Security Study Group of the Department of
Defence at the Pentagon. Luttwak is reportedly 

[FairfieldLife] Maharaja Nader Raam

2008-01-15 Thread Larry
I must confess that I have pretty much been out of touch with the TMO
since the 80's - I have avoided ayerveda, jotysh, vostoo, etc. and
couldn't give a 25 cent description of them. (Spelled them wrong on
purpose, though I don't know how to spell them correctly.)

and I am wondering about this fellow Maharaja Nader Raam, the heir to
the throne.

Who is he, where did he come from, anyone heard him speak or spent
time with him?  More importantly, does he have a firm grip on Being? 

[FairfieldLife] The Bucket List - Jack Nicholson & Morgan Freeman

2008-01-15 Thread do.rflex

Two great actors I fully enjoy... I sure plan on seeing this movie.

~Corporate billionaire Edward Cole [Jack Nicholson] and working class
mechanic Carter Chambers [Morgan Freeman] are worlds apart. At a
crossroads in their lives, they share a hospital room and discover
they have two things in common: a desire to spend the time they have
left doing everything they ever wanted to do before they "kick the
bucket." and an unrealized need to come to terms with who they are.~ 

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OltHNarHA9A

RE: [FairfieldLife] Maharaja Nader Raam

2008-01-15 Thread Rick Archer

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Larry
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:37 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharaja Nader Raam


I must confess that I have pretty much been out of touch with the TMO
since the 80's - I have avoided ayerveda, jotysh, vostoo, etc. and
couldn't give a 25 cent description of them. (Spelled them wrong on
purpose, though I don't know how to spell them correctly.)

and I am wondering about this fellow Maharaja Nader Raam, the heir to
the throne.

Who is he, where did he come from, anyone heard him speak or spent
time with him? More importantly, does he have a firm grip on Being? 

His name is Tony Abou-Nader and he’s from Lebanon. He has an M.D. and a
Ph.D. – real ones – and used to do neurophysiology research at Harvard or
someplace. Maharishi asked him to drop the Abou and get a nose job so he
would look less Lebanese, then made him his successor, symbolically anyway.
I doubt he’ll control the purse strings.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1224 - Release Date: 1/14/2008
5:39 PM

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:31 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration


> I, for one, have to cast my vote for nablus1008 
> as one the most important resources many of us 
> on FFL have available to us. 

Absolutely. His input doubles my enjoyment here. I believe my snark
is matched by his sincere belief that I am a lower creature. But once
you put that aside, I dig the guy and read every thing he contributes. 

I agree. My only concern is that if he continues to fixate on me as he has
been doing, he may need to marry me in his next life, and I’m sure we would
both rather let that cup pass. So lighten up, will ya Nabby?

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.2/1224 - Release Date: 1/14/2008
5:39 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharaja Nader Raam

2008-01-15 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 15, 2008, at 6:22 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

His name is Tony Abou-Nader and he’s from Lebanon. He has an M.D.  
and a Ph.D. – real ones –

Ha ha--are you implying the ones from MUM aren't, um, *real,* Rick? :)

Tsk, tsk.

and used to do neurophysiology research at Harvard or someplace.  
Maharishi asked him to drop the Abou and get a nose job so he would  
look less Lebanese,

That's even funnier.

then made him his successor, symbolically anyway. I doubt he’ll  
control the purse strings.


[FairfieldLife] Re: OMG !.....He has left the body !.....Jan. 12

2008-01-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> OMG !
> I have it on good authority that he has left the body today, of all 
> days, on January the 12th...how wierd is that !??? 
> It is uncanny !
> What now?!!
> OffWorld

i am trying to get my mind around Maharishi dying.  i realize that i 
think of him as an immortal value.  i know that i do not have the 
same respect for the words of any other source.  i more than believe 
in his status, i have experienced it.  he has perplexed me, but i 
have no question that the technique that he taught me has worked, and 
i have a level of gratitude for his tradition that i do not have for 
anything else.  as far as i'm concerned, there is no one to replace 
him.  i don't know what it means to be without one's teacher.  i am 
suspecting that it will feel very different.  i am assuming that i 
will feel that there is no ultimate arbitrator, and that will make me 
feel adrift.  that the world has returned to argument only. that the 
transcendent has lost its best articulator.  i don't think that i 
will feel that Nature speaks english anymore.  i will be concerned 
about losing my way.  <

[FairfieldLife] Boring Real Estate discussion over for now! Sitar player very good!

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
7:35 EST Chick playing sitar helps me forget what went before.  Worth
a listen.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum Accounting, was: January 12'th celebrations

2008-01-15 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  at a rally in Doug Greenfield's yard, there was a big backdrop with
> names and photos of the candidates, (Hagelin and I think Thompson)

Where is Michael Thomkins these days?   I mean that guy seemed to have
it together.  No big  aura of mood making.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Boring Real Estate discussion over for now! Sitar player very good!

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> 7:35 EST Chick playing sitar helps me forget what went before.  Worth
> a listen.
Forgot the link:  
http://maharishichannel.org/ channel 3, right now

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharaja Nader Raam

2008-01-15 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of Larry
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:37 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharaja Nader Raam
> I must confess that I have pretty much been out of touch with the TMO
> since the 80's - I have avoided ayerveda, jotysh, vostoo, etc. and
> couldn't give a 25 cent description of them. (Spelled them wrong on
> purpose, though I don't know how to spell them correctly.)
> and I am wondering about this fellow Maharaja Nader Raam, the heir to
> the throne.
> Who is he, where did he come from, anyone heard him speak or spent
> time with him? More importantly, does he have a firm grip on Being? 
> His name is Tony Abou-Nader and he's from Lebanon. He has an M.D. and a
> Ph.D. – real ones – and used to do neurophysiology research at
Harvard or
> someplace. Maharishi asked him to drop the Abou and get a nose job so he
> would look less Lebanese, then made him his successor, symbolically
> I doubt he'll control the purse strings.

I'm not clear on this at all but I understood from what has been
posted in all these announcements [please correct me if I'm wrong]
that the 'Brahmananda Saraswati Trust' was set up to, among other
things, financially support the Rajas. If that's really the case it
might be very illuminating to see who exactly actually directly
controls the money in that trust.

[FairfieldLife] 'Maharishi Says: Work is Finished'

2008-01-15 Thread Robert

Dear Fellow Governors, Sidhas and Meditators of America,
  As many of you have certainly heard, our beloved Maharishi has announced that 
he is retiring from activity. Our great Maharishi, Jagadguru to the world, 
whose tireless efforts for more than 50 years have transformed the destiny of 
the human race, is, of necessity, retiring from his constant exertion on our 
behalf and on behalf of the entire world. 
  One week ago, on the evening of January 8, in reviewing the progress of his 
global Movement and surveying the growing signs of peace in the world, 
Maharishi declared, “Invincibility is irreversibly established in the world. My 
work is done. My designated duty to Guru Dev is fulfilled.” He resolved to use 
all his remaining time to complete his commentary on the Veda.
  We must all join together in rejoicing with Maharishi in his supreme 
accomplishment of the ages—the complete transformation of the world from the 
depths of ignorance and suffering of Kali Yuga to the perpetual sunshine of Sat 
Yuga—the rule of Natural Law, the Will of God, on Earth.
  Of course, the very thought of Maharishi retiring from constantly showering 
us with his precious knowledge and exquisite spiritual and practical guidance 
is overwhelming. There are no words to describe the deep sense of loss that we 
all naturally feel. 
  Fortunately, and of great solace, Maharishi has given us everything we need 
to achieve perfection in life—to realize the Supreme—and to ensure his legacy 
of a world completely beyond the reach of suffering—Heaven on Earth. Maharishi 
has made our task simple—to use what he has given us to achieve the permanent 
transformation of life on Earth.
  Precious Moment in Our Lives
  This is a very precious and delicate time of transformation for ourselves, 
our Movement, and the entire human race. Now is the time to reflect deeply on 
what is truly important. 
  Until now, we have all had the feeling, to some extent, that Maharishi would 
take care of everything, that Maharishi was organizing everything—which he 
truly was. Maharishi would, with or without our help, achieve his precious 
goals for humankind.
  Now, with Maharishi’s declaration, that time has ended.
  Maharishi has bestowed upon us the leadership of his Movement. We must, all 
of us, take ownership of it. He has handed to us the reins of destiny for the 
human race. We must take hold of those reins.
  Each and every one of us has a vital role to play. 
  For those who live in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, your primary role 
is creating coherence in the Domes. This is crucial for the safety and security 
of our nation—and indeed for the success of our every Movement initiative. For 
those who are not yet Yogic Flyers, it means becoming a Sidha and doing the 
longest program possible.
  This is the time for the MUM community to pull together and rededicate itself 
to the permanence of the historic community we have built—the community which 
is the cornerstone of Maharishi’s legacy for America and, to a large extent, 
for the entire world. 
  For all our other dear Governors and Sidhas throughout the country, your 
contribution will be to create coherence locally and to play a vital role in 
supporting and promoting Maharishi’s precious knowledge and programs in your 
area (see below). For our Meditators, I urge you to learn the most advanced and 
powerful techniques Maharishi has given us, especially Yogic Flying, so that 
you can accelerate your own growth to enlightenment and contribute most 
powerfully to the peace and invincibility of our nation.
  New Leadership for America
  Prior to Maharishi’s retirement, he put into place a very powerful leadership 
structure for our nation and the world. 
  At the global level, this leadership begins with Maharaja Nader Raam, who 
most perfectly embodies Maharishi’s infinite silence, and whose awareness is so 
profoundly anchored to Being that he will be a pure and steady guide for our 
administration of the world. Our Global Prime Minister, Dr. Bevan Morris, is 
unparalleled in this world for his profound dedication and command of 
Maharishi’s knowledge, and for his extraordinary leadership and organizing 
ability. And the 12 Global Ministers and the 27 Rajas, whom Maharishi has 
carefully trained, collectively provide an invincible global leadership for 
Maharishi’s worldwide Movement.
  At the national level, I was recently blessed by Maharishi with the privilege 
of serving as the Raja of Invincible America. I have thereby committed my life 
and my energy to the fulfillment of Maharishi’s supreme vision for our nation.
  Fortunately, I am supported by the most brilliant and dynamic team of 
national directors the U.S. Movement has ever seen. I am excited about this new 
leadership, and will be introducing this team to you all very shortly.
  Gratitude to the US Rajas
  For the past several years, America has been blessed by the enlightened 
leadership of 12 highl

[FairfieldLife] Re: Boring Real Estate discussion over for now! Sitar player very good!

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> >
> > 7:35 EST Chick playing sitar helps me forget what went before.  Worth
> > a listen.
> >
> Forgot the link:  
> http://maharishichannel.org/ channel 3, right now

7:50 EST She is totally kicking ass with her sitar, I hope others are
catching this!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharaja Nader Raam

2008-01-15 Thread Vaj

On Jan 15, 2008, at 6:37 PM, Larry wrote:

I must confess that I have pretty much been out of touch with the TMO
since the 80's - I have avoided ayerveda, jotysh, vostoo, etc. and
couldn't give a 25 cent description of them. (Spelled them wrong on
purpose, though I don't know how to spell them correctly.)

and I am wondering about this fellow Maharaja Nader Raam, the heir to
the throne.

Who is he, where did he come from, anyone heard him speak or spent
time with him? More importantly, does he have a firm grip on Being?

He does have an interesting past, what hasn't been scoured from the  
web (some older articles have been removed from the web for years  
now). But he is a physician (M.D.) and a Ph.D. in the Brain and  
Cognitive Science. Most interestingly (to me anyways) he did some  
rather controversial early researches on neuron regeneration and the  
use of mercuric-sulfide alchemical rasayanas. The research was so  
diametrically opposed to the medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex  
that if this research had been widely heralded and integrated, it  
would've cut to the very core of modern allopathy. I'm not exactly  
sure what kind of backlash there was, but I do get the impression from  
rumor that there may have been some allopathic and perhaps government  
intevention. Mercuric-sulfide is adamantly considered a poison in  
standard, modern allopathy and pharmacy.

Really, in a sense this research already has rocked the boat, just by  
it's mainstream suppression. It was hard to even find a mention on the  
web of this research several years ago when I last looked.

This no doubt endeared him greatly to the Maharishi, who'd already  
been similarly (although not necessarily devoid of reasons) been  
hassled by authorities in numerous countries, and is now living in  
exile in Holland.

I would suspect, if any of us got to sit down and know the guy, we'd  
be rather impressed.

But then again, he could be another "raja" Hagelin who sold his  
reputation, his credibility and his integrity for mere access and  

.02 USD

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Boring Real Estate discussion over for now! Sitar player very good!

2008-01-15 Thread Angela Mailander
Thanks, Curtis.  She was definitely worth a listen.  Lovely as well.

- Original Message 
From: curtisdeltablues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 6:38:00 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Boring Real Estate discussion over for now!  Sitar 
player very good!


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "curtisdeltablues"



> 7:35 EST Chick playing sitar helps me forget what went before.  Worth

> a listen.


Forgot the link:  

http://maharishicha nnel.org/ channel 3, right now


Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Boring Real Estate discussion over for now! Sitar player very good!

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
> Thanks, Curtis.  She was definitely worth a listen.  Lovely as well

I'm glad you caught it Angela.  I forgot how much I love how you can
bend the notes with a sitar. That is what I love about slide guitar in
blues, all the in between sounds that are so expressive of feeling.

I missed Ravi Shankar's daughter when she came through DC last.  I
think her dad was playing with her too so it was too bad.  I will try
not to make that mistake twice with this inspiration!

> - Original Message 
> From: curtisdeltablues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 6:38:00 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Boring Real Estate discussion over for
now!  Sitar player very good!
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> >
> > 7:35 EST Chick playing sitar helps me forget what went before.  Worth
> > a listen.
> >
> Forgot the link:  
> http://maharishicha nnel.org/ channel 3, right now
> Send instant messages to your online friends

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Maharishi Says: Work is Finished'

2008-01-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Dear Fellow Governors, Sidhas and Meditators of America,
>   As many of you have certainly heard, our beloved Maharishi has 
announced that he is retiring from activity. Our great Maharishi, 
Jagadguru to the world, whose tireless efforts for more than 50 years 
have transformed the destiny of the human race, is, of necessity, 
retiring from his constant exertion on our behalf and on behalf of 
the entire world.

I'm struck by the phrase "of necessity." Seems to
me it was put in to confirm what most of us suspect,
that MMY has become too frail, and almost certainly
too ill, to do much of anything but rest. It's not
MMY's choice, in other words. Unless I've missed
something, this is the only official assertion to
this effect that we've seen so far.

One can only hope he's relatively comfortable and
not in pain.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Partial transcripts from Jan 12th Celebration

2008-01-15 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's interesting how these things work on this board. Someone who is
> very enthusiastic about what is happening sends a transcript to Rick
> Archer, presumably because he or she considers him a friend.

And the  person doesn't know that Rick moderates FFL, and is l ikely to
post it.  I don't think so.

Mr.  Archer cynically posts it here, knowing full well what the response
>will be.

Feste, hate to break the new to ya.  But this is sort of the meat and
potatoes of FFL.  Sharing knowledge,  gossip,  info,  experiences
of/about  TMO, FF, and MUM.  BTW, responses have been varied.

It is an open invitation to ridicule, and of course that is
  exactly what happens. People try outdo each other in pouring scorn on
  it. All very predictable and silly.

Feste, express your opinion like anyone else.  I don't hear people
heaping on scorn.  People are expressing an opinion that might be
somewhat jaded by their experience with whole deal, but this is
something we all have a stake in, one way or the other.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  wrote:
> > >
> > > On one hand a lovely conversation of devotion and love
> > > and on the other hand such a strange, stilted formal
> > > exchange. Like two Victorian actors playing these
> > > stylized roles with grand sweeping gestures. Go
> > > figure.
> > >
> >
> > This totally nails what made me feel weird reading it Pete!
> >
> > Like the moment when your Iranian rug salesman uses the phrase
> > "because you are my friend I give you special deal" one too many
> >
> > Like overhearing a couple of old queens at a bar after their night
> > the "theaaater" try to get the male lead from the play to join them
> > for a nightcap.
> >
> > Like working years for MMY anonymously only to find your time in the
> > sun with him personally filled up, not with your next level of
> > knowledge, but with him endlessly repeating another intro lecture as
> > if you are perhaps a feeble child who hadn't been giving them
> > for years, when you are asked "how was your meeting with MMY?" And
> > you say. "Oh it was sublime, the most intense expansion of
> > consciousness possible for a point to feel the totality of
> > consciousness and the depth of silence..."
> >
> > Excuse me for a moment, I have to throw up in my mouth a little.
> >
> >
> > The words don't hide the lack of real intimacy, they reveal it.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > --- Rick Archer  wrote:
> > >
> > > > Forwarded from a friend of a friend of a friend:
> > > >
> > > > Here are transcripts of three short parts of the
> > > > Jan. 12 celebration.
> > > > These are my own effort, not official. Numbers
> > > > refer to the hours
> > > > and minutes into the celebration these appeared
> > > > (beginning from the
> > > > initial Vedic chanting). Prime Minister Bevan
> > > > Morris's narration
> > > > appears without quotes, and is not always exact.
> > > > Jai Guru Dev
> > > >
> > > > #1 - 2:34
> > > >
> > > > When he heard this announcement, and the warm
> > > > reception of all to the
> > > > foundation of this organization, the Brahmananda
> > > > Saraswati Trust,
> > > > Maharishi said,
> > > >
> > > > "I am grateful for this warm sendoff of
> > > > Invincibility to the whole
> > > > world, for all times. It was my pleasure, at the
> > > > feet of Guru Dev,
> > > > to take the light of Guru Dev, and pass it on to my
> > > > environment.
> > > > Now, today, I am closing my designated duty to Guru
> > > > Dev. I can only
> > > > say, 'Live long the world--in peace, happiness,
> > > > prosperity, and
> > > > freedom from suffering.'
> > > >
> > > > "Today, this farewell marks the establishment of
> > > > Invincibility for
> > > > all mankind under the capable, silent rulership of
> > > > Maharaja Raja
> > > > Raam, and under the capable guidance of all the
> > > > Ministers, and all
> > > > the glorified minds in terms of all dignity of the
> > > > light in
> > > > Invincibility for every country. And it is my
> > > > satisfaction that I
> > > > offer this to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev. Jai
> > > > Guru Dev. And
> > > > offer my everything to the blessings of Guru Dev.
> > > > And continue with
> > > > the world in peace, prosperity and happiness.
> > > >
> > > > "This formation the Brahmananda Saraswati Trust is
> > > > going to be a
> > > > glory for the administration for future life on
> > > > earth, on the
> > > > individual and national level. All glory to Guru
> > > > Dev. Jai Guru Dev.
> > > > Express my delight for all the millennia to come,
> > > > that the world is
> > > > going to be a happy world. The Brahmananda
> > > > Saraswati Trust is going
> > > > to take the lighted lamp every morning and night,
> > > > every night to
> > > > come. The future of the world is bright, and that
> > > > is my delight."
> > > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Maharishi Says: Work is Finished'

2008-01-15 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> > 
> >   Dear Fellow Governors, Sidhas and Meditators of America,
> >   As many of you have certainly heard, our beloved Maharishi has 
> announced that he is retiring from activity. Our great Maharishi, 
> Jagadguru to the world, whose tireless efforts for more than 50 years 
> have transformed the destiny of the human race, is, of necessity, 
> retiring from his constant exertion on our behalf and on behalf of 
> the entire world.
> I'm struck by the phrase "of necessity." Seems to
> me it was put in to confirm what most of us suspect,
> that MMY has become too frail, and almost certainly
> too ill, to do much of anything but rest. It's not
> MMY's choice, in other words. Unless I've missed
> something, this is the only official assertion to
> this effect that we've seen so far.

> One can only hope he's relatively comfortable and
> not in pain.

Of course he's not in pain, come on Judy, he's just a whisker away
from MahaSamadhi(even though MMY has NEVER (to my knowledge)
admitted what state of consciousness he was in, if he were in constant
communion with the divine he would have said so!)

No, no, all of this is strictly voluntary, he really accomplished all
he set out to, and more...brother!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: A reason why Israel has such influence on US policy

2008-01-15 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shocking [to me] list of US/Isreal dual citizenship US Government
> officials directly influencing US Policy, both foreign and domestic,
> and representing the *hard right* views of Israel's hardliners

This is complete crap. Just because the U.S. citizens listed below 
are Jewish does not mean that they are dual citizens of Israel and 
the U.S. -- it's not impossible that one or two of the people listed 
do have Israeli citizenship, and I'm certainly not going to do the 
legwork to repudiate this claim, but I'm quite sure that all or 
nearly all of the people listed only hold citizenship in the U.S., 
even if they have interests in Israel.

The hairball that posted the web site ( 
http://www.viewzone.com/dualcitizen.html )  does not cite where he 
got his info that there are many people holding dual U.S.-Israeli 
citizenship and says only that he derived this information from some 
space case on the web: "Consider the following list that I obtained 
on the web:", without citing his sources. It's undoubtedly complete 
bullshit from some Jew-hater.

Dual citizenship is common. Our own beloved Bevan is a duallie of 
Aussie and America, and I know lots of dual Mexico/U.S. folks. There 
are no exceptions in U.S. law or policy for people holding U.S. and 
Israeli citizenship (as compared with any other dual nationality of a 
U.S. citizen).

> ===
> NOTE: 
> Actual Percentage of Jewish people in the USA: 2.2%
> http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/usjewpop.html
> As a group, American Jews continue to be *STAUNCHLY LIBERAL* . A new
> poll shows that 77 percent of American Jews now think that the Iraq
> war was a mistake, compared with 52 percent of all Americans. 
> support for the war has collapsed: A poll taken a month before the 
> showed that 56 percent of Jews supported it, somewhat below the
> national average at that time.) Eighty-seven percent of Jews voted
> Democratic in 2006. (emphasis added)
> http://www.salon.com/opinion/kamiya/2007/03/20/aipac/
> ===
> ...The U.S., in its special relationship with Israel, has become 
> sympathetic to allowing Israeli-Americans to retain two 
> and allowing U.S. citizens not only to hold public office in Israel,
> but to hold US government positions as well! No other country holds
> this special exception to our laws of citizenship.
> So, you might ask, are there any other dual Israel-American citizens
> who hold US government positions that could compromise American
> security? Yes. Consider the following list...
> Michael Mukasey
> Recently appointed as US Attorney General. Mukasey also was the 
> in the litigation between developer Larry Silverstein and several
> insurance companies arising from the destruction of the World Trade
> Center.
> Michael Chertoff
> Former Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, at the
> Justice Department; now head of Homeland Security.
> Richard Perle
> One of Bush's foreign policy advisors, he is the chairman of the
> Pentagon's Defense Policy Board. A very likely Israeli government
> agent, Perle was expelled from Senator Henry Jackson's office in the
> 1970's after the National Security Agency (NSA) caught him passing
> Highly-Classified (National Security) documents to the Israeli
> Embassy. He later worked for the Israeli weapons firm, Soltam. Perle
> came from one the above mentioned pro-Israel thinktanks, the AEI.
> Perle is one of the leading pro-Israeli fanatics leading this Iraq 
> mongering within the administration and now in the media.
> Paul Wolfowitz
> Former Deputy Defense Secretary, and member of Perle's Defense 
> Board, in the Pentagon. Wolfowitz is a close associate of Perle, and
> reportedly has close ties to the Israeli military. His sister lives 
> Israel. Wolfowitz came from the above mentioned Jewish thinktank,
> JINSA. Wolfowitz was the number two leader within the administration
> behind this Iraq war mongering. He later was appointed head of the
> World Bank but resigned under pressure from World Bank members over 
> scandal involving his misuse of power.
> Douglas Feith
> Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at the Pentagon. He 
is a
> close associate of Perle and served as his Special Counsel. Like 
> and the others, Feith is a pro-Israel extremist, who has advocated
> anti-Arab policies in the past. He is closely associated with the
> extremist group, the Zionist Organization of America, which even
> attacks Jews that don't agree with its extremist views. Feith
> frequently speaks at ZOA conferences. Feith runs a small law firm,
> Feith and Zell, which only has one International office, in Israel.
> The majority of their legal work is representing Israeli interests.
> His firm's own website stated, prior to his appointment, that Feith
> "repr

[FairfieldLife] "Now, today, I am closing my designated duty to Guru Dev." MMY

2008-01-15 Thread BillyG.
Really, you mean he was calling Bush Hitler and damning democracy all
in the name of Guru Dev? "I don't think MMY would last long on this
NG." Oh well..

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Boring Real Estate discussion over for now! Sitar player very good!

2008-01-15 Thread Angela Mailander
Yeah, bending notes is what I love about blues and sitar also. My first love 
(when I was five) was a guy who lived in our coal cellar.  He was a "swing 
kid," a guy from Hamburg, about sixteen years old.  Swing kids were young 
people in Germany who loved American music (primarily swing), resisted Hitler, 
and suffered the consequences.  Like us, he'd walked across Germany in 45, 
carrying only his lute and his guitar, and living, as we did, like stray dogs.  
We gave him our coal cellar.  Not an ideal place, but better than the street, 
and we were already housing thirteen other refugees in a three room flat.  
Anyway, the guy loved life and music, and so I had a resident music teacher 
early on.  And he played blues.  My grandfather and I both fell in love with 
that sound.

See if you can find the movie "The Man without a Past."  I think you'll love it 
and you'll also love the sound track.  Whoever put that movie together is a 
real artist.  Visually beautiful as well.  Great acting.  A guy comes to town, 
to look for a job, and is attacked within a millimeter of his life.  
Miraculously, he survives, but has amnesia.  So the first scene, when he gets 
attacked is very brutal, but after that it's pure beauty and heart.  

- Original Message 
From: curtisdeltablues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 7:07:40 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Boring Real Estate discussion over for now!  Sitar 
player very good!


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Angela Mailander



> Thanks, Curtis.  She was definitely worth a listen.  Lovely as well

I'm glad you caught it Angela.  I forgot how much I love how you can

bend the notes with a sitar. That is what I love about slide guitar in

blues, all the in between sounds that are so expressive of feeling.

I missed Ravi Shankar's daughter when she came through DC last.  I

think her dad was playing with her too so it was too bad.  I will try

not to make that mistake twice with this inspiration!



> - Original Message 

> From: curtisdeltablues 

> To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 6:38:00 PM

> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Boring Real Estate discussion over for

now!  Sitar player very good!














> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "curtisdeltablues"


>  wrote:


> >


> > 7:35 EST Chick playing sitar helps me forget what went before.  Worth


> > a listen.


> >


> Forgot the link:  


> http://maharishicha nnel.org/ channel 3, right now































> Send instant messages to your online friends

http://uk.messenger .yahoo.com



Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Spiritually hot in FF 2008

2008-01-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5
> Touring of the saints,
> > > 
> > > Mother Meera in FF
> > > 
> > > 
> > > http://www.mothermeera-fairfield.com/default.jsp
> > >
> Karunamayi
> in Fairfield,
> June 30th-July 3rd.
> http://www.karunamayi.org/tour/2008Fairfield.shtml

Ammachi in Iowa, She'll be here July 2nd and 3rd (the 3rd being the all-
nighter that runs into the 4th).

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Maharishi Says: Work is Finished'

2008-01-15 Thread sgrayatlarge
Apparently Maharishi is Guru to the world, just not with individuals

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Fellow Governors, Sidhas and Meditators of 
>   As many of you have certainly heard, our beloved Maharishi has 
announced that he is retiring from activity. Our great Maharishi, 
Jagadguru to the world, whose tireless efforts for more than 50 
years have transformed the destiny of the human race, is, of 
necessity, retiring from his constant exertion on our behalf and on 
behalf of the entire world. 
>   One week ago, on the evening of January 8, in reviewing the 
progress of his global Movement and surveying the growing signs of 
peace in the world, Maharishi declared, "Invincibility is 
irreversibly established in the world. My work is done. My 
designated duty to Guru Dev is fulfilled." He resolved to use all 
his remaining time to complete his commentary on the Veda.
>   We must all join together in rejoicing with Maharishi in his 
supreme accomplishment of the ages—the complete transformation of 
the world from the depths of ignorance and suffering of Kali Yuga to 
the perpetual sunshine of Sat Yuga—the rule of Natural Law, the Will 
of God, on Earth.
>   Of course, the very thought of Maharishi retiring from 
constantly showering us with his precious knowledge and exquisite 
spiritual and practical guidance is overwhelming. There are no words 
to describe the deep sense of loss that we all naturally feel. 
>   Fortunately, and of great solace, Maharishi has given us 
everything we need to achieve perfection in life—to realize the 
Supreme—and to ensure his legacy of a world completely beyond the 
reach of suffering—Heaven on Earth. Maharishi has made our task 
simple—to use what he has given us to achieve the permanent 
transformation of life on Earth.
>   Precious Moment in Our Lives
>   This is a very precious and delicate time of transformation for 
ourselves, our Movement, and the entire human race. Now is the time 
to reflect deeply on what is truly important. 
>   Until now, we have all had the feeling, to some extent, that 
Maharishi would take care of everything, that Maharishi was 
organizing everything—which he truly was. Maharishi would, with or 
without our help, achieve his precious goals for humankind.
>   Now, with Maharishi's declaration, that time has ended.
>   Maharishi has bestowed upon us the leadership of his Movement. 
We must, all of us, take ownership of it. He has handed to us the 
reins of destiny for the human race. We must take hold of those 
>   Each and every one of us has a vital role to play. 
>   For those who live in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, your 
primary role is creating coherence in the Domes. This is crucial for 
the safety and security of our nation—and indeed for the success of 
our every Movement initiative. For those who are not yet Yogic 
Flyers, it means becoming a Sidha and doing the longest program 
>   This is the time for the MUM community to pull together and 
rededicate itself to the permanence of the historic community we 
have built—the community which is the cornerstone of Maharishi's 
legacy for America and, to a large extent, for the entire world. 
>   For all our other dear Governors and Sidhas throughout the 
country, your contribution will be to create coherence locally and 
to play a vital role in supporting and promoting Maharishi's 
precious knowledge and programs in your area (see below). For our 
Meditators, I urge you to learn the most advanced and powerful 
techniques Maharishi has given us, especially Yogic Flying, so that 
you can accelerate your own growth to enlightenment and contribute 
most powerfully to the peace and invincibility of our nation.
>   New Leadership for America
>   Prior to Maharishi's retirement, he put into place a very 
powerful leadership structure for our nation and the world. 
>   At the global level, this leadership begins with Maharaja Nader 
Raam, who most perfectly embodies Maharishi's infinite silence, and 
whose awareness is so profoundly anchored to Being that he will be a 
pure and steady guide for our administration of the world. Our 
Global Prime Minister, Dr. Bevan Morris, is unparalleled in this 
world for his profound dedication and command of Maharishi's 
knowledge, and for his extraordinary leadership and organizing 
ability. And the 12 Global Ministers and the 27 Rajas, whom 
Maharishi has carefully trained, collectively provide an invincible 
global leadership for Maharishi's worldwide Movement.
>   At the national level, I was recently blessed by Maharishi with 
the privilege of serving as the Raja of Invincible America. I have 
thereby committed my life and my energy to the fulfillment of 
Maharishi's supreme vision for our nation.
>   Fortunately, I am supported by the most brilliant and dynamic 
team of national directors the U.S. Movement has ever seen. I am 
excited about this n

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Maharishi Says: Work is Finished'

2008-01-15 Thread tertonzeno
---No - he's only accomplished 2% of what Guru Dev wanted for the 

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> > > 
> > >   Dear Fellow Governors, Sidhas and Meditators of America,
> > >   As many of you have certainly heard, our beloved Maharishi 
> > announced that he is retiring from activity. Our great Maharishi, 
> > Jagadguru to the world, whose tireless efforts for more than 50 
> > have transformed the destiny of the human race, is, of necessity, 
> > retiring from his constant exertion on our behalf and on behalf 
> > the entire world.
> > 
> > I'm struck by the phrase "of necessity." Seems to
> > me it was put in to confirm what most of us suspect,
> > that MMY has become too frail, and almost certainly
> > too ill, to do much of anything but rest. It's not
> > MMY's choice, in other words. Unless I've missed
> > something, this is the only official assertion to
> > this effect that we've seen so far.
> > One can only hope he's relatively comfortable and
> > not in pain.
> Of course he's not in pain, come on Judy, he's just a whisker away
> from MahaSamadhi(even though MMY has NEVER (to my knowledge)
> admitted what state of consciousness he was in, if he were in 
> communion with the divine he would have said so!)
> No, no, all of this is strictly voluntary, he really accomplished 
> he set out to, and more...brother!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: OMG !.....He has left the body !.....Jan. 12

2008-01-15 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  
> wrote:
> >
> > OMG !
> > I have it on good authority that he has left the body today, of 
> > days, on January the 12th...how wierd is that !??? 
> > It is uncanny !
> > What now?!!
> > 
> > OffWorld
> >
> <

I was talking about my next door neighbor's cat. He was a funky 
little fellar. I'll miss him.

Regarding your thoughts over MMY passing. First he does not pass. 
He/it is not IN your heart, he IS your heart. Secondly, attachment to 
exterior entities, even though powerful, is a crutch. Thirdly, it 
will make you stronger. Fourthly, you will feel more  bliss after his 
passing, not less. Fifthly, your evolution will continue 
exponentially because it has been set in motion, and you will be 
free, and in that freedom you will be a Maharishi and you will spend 
the rest of your days not caring about the material, but passing on 
knowledge in some way or another, and enjoying every moment of it.

What higher life is there than that?


> FW:
> i am trying to get my mind around Maharishi dying.  i realize that 
> think of him as an immortal value.  i know that i do not have the 
> same respect for the words of any other source.  i more than 
> in his status, i have experienced it.  he has perplexed me, but i 
> have no question that the technique that he taught me has worked, 
> i have a level of gratitude for his tradition that i do not have 
> anything else.  as far as i'm concerned, there is no one to replace 
> him.  i don't know what it means to be without one's teacher.  i am 
> suspecting that it will feel very different.  i am assuming that i 
> will feel that there is no ultimate arbitrator, and that will make 
> feel adrift.  that the world has returned to argument only. that 
> transcendent has lost its best articulator.  i don't think that i 
> will feel that Nature speaks english anymore.  i will be concerned 
> about losing my way.  <

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Maharishi Says: Work is Finished'

2008-01-15 Thread suziezuzie
"Work is Finished", kind of reminded me of one of the versions of 
Christ's last words on the cross, "It is finished". 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Apparently Maharishi is Guru to the world, just not with individuals
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> >
> >  
> > 
> > Dear Fellow Governors, Sidhas and Meditators of 
> America,
> >   As many of you have certainly heard, our beloved Maharishi has 
> announced that he is retiring from activity. Our great Maharishi, 
> Jagadguru to the world, whose tireless efforts for more than 50 
> years have transformed the destiny of the human race, is, of 
> necessity, retiring from his constant exertion on our behalf and on 
> behalf of the entire world. 
> >   One week ago, on the evening of January 8, in reviewing the 
> progress of his global Movement and surveying the growing signs of 
> peace in the world, Maharishi declared, "Invincibility is 
> irreversibly established in the world. My work is done. My 
> designated duty to Guru Dev is fulfilled." He resolved to use all 
> his remaining time to complete his commentary on the Veda.
> >   We must all join together in rejoicing with Maharishi in his 
> supreme accomplishment of the ages—the complete transformation of 
> the world from the depths of ignorance and suffering of Kali Yuga 
> the perpetual sunshine of Sat Yuga—the rule of Natural Law, the 
> of God, on Earth.
> >   Of course, the very thought of Maharishi retiring from 
> constantly showering us with his precious knowledge and exquisite 
> spiritual and practical guidance is overwhelming. There are no 
> to describe the deep sense of loss that we all naturally feel. 
> >   Fortunately, and of great solace, Maharishi has given us 
> everything we need to achieve perfection in life—to realize the 
> Supreme—and to ensure his legacy of a world completely beyond the 
> reach of suffering—Heaven on Earth. Maharishi has made our task 
> simple—to use what he has given us to achieve the permanent 
> transformation of life on Earth.
> >   Precious Moment in Our Lives
> >   This is a very precious and delicate time of transformation for 
> ourselves, our Movement, and the entire human race. Now is the time 
> to reflect deeply on what is truly important. 
> >   Until now, we have all had the feeling, to some extent, that 
> Maharishi would take care of everything, that Maharishi was 
> organizing everything—which he truly was. Maharishi would, with or 
> without our help, achieve his precious goals for humankind.
> >   Now, with Maharishi's declaration, that time has ended.
> >   Maharishi has bestowed upon us the leadership of his Movement. 
> We must, all of us, take ownership of it. He has handed to us the 
> reins of destiny for the human race. We must take hold of those 
> reins.
> >   Each and every one of us has a vital role to play. 
> >   For those who live in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, your 
> primary role is creating coherence in the Domes. This is crucial 
> the safety and security of our nation—and indeed for the success of 
> our every Movement initiative. For those who are not yet Yogic 
> Flyers, it means becoming a Sidha and doing the longest program 
> possible.
> >   This is the time for the MUM community to pull together and 
> rededicate itself to the permanence of the historic community we 
> have built—the community which is the cornerstone of Maharishi's 
> legacy for America and, to a large extent, for the entire world. 
> >   For all our other dear Governors and Sidhas throughout the 
> country, your contribution will be to create coherence locally and 
> to play a vital role in supporting and promoting Maharishi's 
> precious knowledge and programs in your area (see below). For our 
> Meditators, I urge you to learn the most advanced and powerful 
> techniques Maharishi has given us, especially Yogic Flying, so that 
> you can accelerate your own growth to enlightenment and contribute 
> most powerfully to the peace and invincibility of our nation.
> >   New Leadership for America
> >   Prior to Maharishi's retirement, he put into place a very 
> powerful leadership structure for our nation and the world. 
> >   At the global level, this leadership begins with Maharaja Nader 
> Raam, who most perfectly embodies Maharishi's infinite silence, and 
> whose awareness is so profoundly anchored to Being that he will be 
> pure and steady guide for our administration of the world. Our 
> Global Prime Minister, Dr. Bevan Morris, is unparalleled in this 
> world for his profound dedication and command of Maharishi's 
> knowledge, and for his extraordinary leadership and organizing 
> ability. And the 12 Global Ministers and the 27 Rajas, whom 
> Maharishi has carefully trained, collectively provide an invincible 
> global leadership for Maharishi's worldwide Movement.
> >   At the national level, I was recently bl

[FairfieldLife] Once

2008-01-15 Thread Duveyoung

You would probably dig "Once."  Lots of guitar and singing.  I'd
compare it to Topsey Turvey in terms of how intimate the audience is
with the musicians.  Not a documentary, but very much so by design,
and that draws one into this reality too.  Nice.  Slow moving, and
there's a problem I won't describe -- it would be spoiler -- but it is
a but scant detraction from the enjoying of the film.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharaja Nader Raam

2008-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Larry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I must confess that I have pretty much been out of touch with the TMO
> since the 80's - I have avoided ayerveda, jotysh, vostoo, etc. and
> couldn't give a 25 cent description of them. (Spelled them wrong on
> purpose, though I don't know how to spell them correctly.)
> and I am wondering about this fellow Maharaja Nader Raam, the heir to
> the throne.
> Who is he, where did he come from, anyone heard him speak or spent
> time with him?  More importantly, does he have a firm grip on Being?

Tony Nader is a Governor from Lebanon who holds a Ph.D I believe in 
physics. He is one of those fellows that has been less in the 
foreground the last few years,  much like Bramachary Nandkishore. A 
softspoken, bright and sincere fellow with a friendly and harmonious 
personality and balanced aura. He is one of many "new bright sun's" 
that has risen in the Movement during the last 15-20 years or so. Very 
promising to have these people now firmly in the Movement. 

[FairfieldLife] Enter the Shotokan Dragon - Machida

2008-01-15 Thread off_world_beings
Enter the Dragon - Machida Submits Sokoudjou 
- By Thomas Gerbasi
""Thierry Sokoudjou brought to the Octagon that brought out the best 
in light heavyweight contender Lyoto `The Dragon' Machida, but 
whatever it was, that's what fans at the Mandalay Bay Events Center 
got tonight, as the Brazilian scored the biggest and most impressive 
win of his UFC career by submitting the highly touted Cameroon native 
in the second round of their UFC 79 undercard bout.

"I'm ready for the belt," said Machida, 12-0. "I've beat the Alaskan 
Assassin (Sam Hoger), the African Assassin (Sokoudjou); what other 
assassin is there?"

Sokoudjou (4-2) – who had scored knockout wins over Antonio Rogerio 
Nogueira and Ricardo Arona earlier this year in PRIDE - started the 
fight fast, getting Machida's attention immediately with a hard punch 
to the face followed by a takedown...

Machida opened up the second with solid kicks downstairs and up, but 
Sokoudjou took the blows well and kept moving forward. 
What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
Machida that dropped him to the canvas."" - http://tinyurl.com/yqd5f7

What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
Machida that dropped him to the canvas.

That says it all.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Once

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
Thanks for the heads up Edg.  I checked it out on the Web and I can't
wait to see it.  It is at the top of my Netflix list.  Excellent!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Curtis, 
> You would probably dig "Once."  Lots of guitar and singing.  I'd
> compare it to Topsey Turvey in terms of how intimate the audience is
> with the musicians.  Not a documentary, but very much so by design,
> and that draws one into this reality too.  Nice.  Slow moving, and
> there's a problem I won't describe -- it would be spoiler -- but it is
> a but scant detraction from the enjoying of the film.
> Edg

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quck, before it's taken off the Net for being suppressive

2008-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> Turq,
> Wow!  That topped the Raja nonsense as the best thing I have seen all
> week!  Tom is the most important person in the whole wide world.  "Man
> you're either in or you're out".  "I want to move the spectators out
> of the arena".  This is priceless stuff, very MMY secretary. When Tom
> drives by an accident he knows he is the only one who can help!  Step
> aside emergency personnel. Thanks a million for posting this!
> 4 words in response TOM:
> Free Katie, free Suri! 

I have no strong feelings about Tom Cruise one
way or another. Sometimes he's a good actor; 
other times, not so much. But in these clips
(to be used for Scientology classes, as I 
understand) he does come across as pretty much
the ultimate TB. 

And it's interesting to see the extent to which
buzzwords can become The New English in the mind
of a TB. Not to mention the oft-denied but 
obviously still-present 'tude on the part of
Scientologist TBs to "SPs," "suppressive persons."
That's more than a little scary.

Consider it just information about what a well-
meaning spiritual trip can become, if the people
who are involved in it don't stand up to spir-
itual tyranny.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > T'would seem that there is this video of Tom 
> > Cruise cruising the Net, and getting immedi-
> > ately taken down by Scientology lawyers shortly
> > thereafter. 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > or 
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/yre7c6
> > 
> > So here's the lastest location for it. I haven't
> > been able to get it to play without skipping
> > (probably because so many people are hitting on
> > it), but it seems potentially interesting.
> > 
> > The video was the third article down on the page
> > when I saw it. Don't overlook the comments that 
> > follow the video -- you think FFL is snarky...ha!
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enter the Shotokan Dragon - Machida

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
 What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
> Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
> That says it all.

Yes, the light striking techniques of Shotokan set up the finishing
holds of Jiu-jitsu very nicely.   Not so good for ending the fight as
we have seen from his record.  But excellent as a distraction so you
can get the job done with the techniques from a real martial art.

He he.  At least that is what I read in my peer reviewed journals of
mixed martial arts. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Enter the Dragon - Machida Submits Sokoudjou 
> - By Thomas Gerbasi
> ""Thierry Sokoudjou brought to the Octagon that brought out the best 
> in light heavyweight contender Lyoto `The Dragon' Machida, but 
> whatever it was, that's what fans at the Mandalay Bay Events Center 
> got tonight, as the Brazilian scored the biggest and most impressive 
> win of his UFC career by submitting the highly touted Cameroon native 
> in the second round of their UFC 79 undercard bout.
> "I'm ready for the belt," said Machida, 12-0. "I've beat the Alaskan 
> Assassin (Sam Hoger), the African Assassin (Sokoudjou); what other 
> assassin is there?"
> Sokoudjou (4-2) – who had scored knockout wins over Antonio Rogerio 
> Nogueira and Ricardo Arona earlier this year in PRIDE - started the 
> fight fast, getting Machida's attention immediately with a hard punch 
> to the face followed by a takedown...
> Machida opened up the second with solid kicks downstairs and up, but 
> Sokoudjou took the blows well and kept moving forward. 
> What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
> Machida that dropped him to the canvas."" - http://tinyurl.com/yqd5f7
> What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
> Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
> What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
> Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
> What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
> Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
> What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
> Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
> What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
> Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
> That says it all.
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Buddhist jukebox

2008-01-15 Thread authfriend
Plays five Tibetan Buddhist chants; runs on 2 AAA batteries; $4


Two user reviews:

Pros: Good Chants. Easy to use. Runs a long time on batteries. 
Earphone out plug. 

Cons: Sound is tinny, but ok through earphones. 

Other Thoughts: I gave one of these to a Tibetan monk friend of mine. 
The Monk who chants is his childhood friend! Needless to say he was 
overjoyed. Anyway, the chants are authentic and sound really nice. 

Bottomline: If you want a some instant blessing in a small package, 
this is a good item.

Pros: + just about everything 

Cons: - Battery door is a bit tricky 

Other Thoughts: Great soundquality even with tiny little speaker. 
Only a really slight distortion even with really audible soundlevel. 
Recordigns are awesome and sound even better with good set of 

Repetitive chants are just something with first start to annoy you, 
nut after a while they really tart to saound starnge and great 

Bottomline: Is so cheap that you shoud really test it! I just love 
mine. I really have to buy one more with even more songs.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enter the Shotokan Dragon - Machida

2008-01-15 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
>  What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
> > Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
> > 
> > That says it all.
> > 
> Yes, the light striking techniques of Shotokan set up the finishing
> holds of Jiu-jitsu very nicely.   Not so good for ending the fight >>

Ending the fight with a Shotokan kick at full force would kill a man, 
or at best cause him brain damage. No-one would try it. So, he ends it 
with a different technique altogether - ju jitsu...pretty effective for 
UFCno good in real life.


[FairfieldLife] Re: OMG !.....He has left the body !.....Jan. 12

2008-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
> FW:
> i am trying to get my mind around Maharishi dying.  i realize that i 
> think of him as an immortal value.  i know that i do not have the 
> same respect for the words of any other source.  i more than believe 
> in his status, i have experienced it.  he has perplexed me, but i 
> have no question that the technique that he taught me has worked, and 
> i have a level of gratitude for his tradition that i do not have for 
> anything else.  as far as i'm concerned, there is no one to replace 
> him.  i don't know what it means to be without one's teacher.  i am 
> suspecting that it will feel very different.  i am assuming that i 
> will feel that there is no ultimate arbitrator, and that will make me 
> feel adrift.  that the world has returned to argument only. that the 
> transcendent has lost its best articulator.  i don't think that i 
> will feel that Nature speaks english anymore.  i will be concerned 
> about losing my way.  <

I think that such posts are valuable in that 
they point out something that many of us who
have distanced ourselves from MMY and the TMO
sometimes forget -- the level of dependence
on him and his "guidance" that some TBs still
feel. It's a really big deal for such people
when the teacher who's basically told them 
what to do and what to think for 30 years is
about to quit the scene.

I've seen it before, with the Rama trip. I
walked away from that trip a couple of years
before Rama walked away from living, but boy!
it was rough watching some of those who hung
in till the end go through dealing with his
death. It took many of them ten years to be
able to live life on their own, *without*
being told what to do. Some never even tried,
and dived straight from the Rama trip into
the "guiding hands" of another guru. A few
took what they'd learned and developed lives
of their own.

All I can say is that as drama goes, watching
a spiritual movement when its leader dies is
right up there with Shakespeare. Some of it
is tragedy, some comedy, but it's all extreme,
and these impassioned posts we're seeing for-
warded here are just the beginning. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enter the Shotokan Dragon - Machida

2008-01-15 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
>  wrote:
> >
> >  What he didn't respond to well was a counter left to the jaw by 
> > > Machida that dropped him to the canvas.
> > > 
> > > That says it all.
> > > 
> > 
> > Yes, the light striking techniques of Shotokan set up the finishing
> > holds of Jiu-jitsu very nicely.   Not so good for ending the fight >>
> Ending the fight with a Shotokan kick at full force would kill a man,

Name even one time this happened outside your mind.  One time, one
man, one documented event, one peer reviewed study. One example of
this claim actually happening.  Just one.

> or at best cause him brain damage. No-one would try it. So, he ends it 
> with a different technique altogether - ju jitsu...pretty effective for 
> UFCno good in real life.
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhist jukebox

2008-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
The Tibetans have always been into "spiritual
tech." This is just the modern extension of the
basic idea behind the prayer wheel. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Plays five Tibetan Buddhist chants; runs on 2 AAA batteries; $4
> http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.5169
> Two user reviews:
> Pros: Good Chants. Easy to use. Runs a long time on batteries. 
> Earphone out plug. 
> Cons: Sound is tinny, but ok through earphones. 
> Other Thoughts: I gave one of these to a Tibetan monk friend of mine. 
> The Monk who chants is his childhood friend! Needless to say he was 
> overjoyed. Anyway, the chants are authentic and sound really nice. 
> Bottomline: If you want a some instant blessing in a small package, 
> this is a good item.
> Pros: + just about everything 
> Cons: - Battery door is a bit tricky 
> Other Thoughts: Great soundquality even with tiny little speaker. 
> Only a really slight distortion even with really audible soundlevel. 
> Recordigns are awesome and sound even better with good set of 
> earphones.
> Repetitive chants are just something with first start to annoy you, 
> nut after a while they really tart to saound starnge and great 
> Bottomline: Is so cheap that you shoud really test it! I just love 
> mine. I really have to buy one more with even more songs.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Maharaja Nader Raam

2008-01-15 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Rick Archer
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 6:23 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Maharaja Nader Raam 

>His name is Tony Abou-Nader and he’s from Lebanon. He has an M.D. and a
Ph.D. – real ones – and used to do neurophysiology research at Harvard or
someplace. Maharishi asked him to >drop the Abou and get a nose job so he
would look less Lebanese, then made him his successor, symbolically anyway.
I doubt he’ll control the purse strings.

I wonder if he is related to Ralph Nader, who is also Lebanese.

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