[FairfieldLife] Obama/terrorist connection grows stronger day by day

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
raunchydog linked to this article.

I think it's so important that it deserves its own post here.

The more the Obama/Ayers relationship is looked at, the worse it is 
for him.  No wonder they want to hide it.

Indeed, I learned something new from this article: the far, far left 
radical philosophy that Ayers to this day promotes is fully supported 
by and was even funded by Barack.

And a book that I'd love to take a gander at that Kurtz says is 
unbelievably radical was unconditionally endorsed by Barack.  Can you 
imagine the 526 ads that will be made with THAT raw material if its 
as radical as Kurtz suggests it is?  Boy, it would be like shooting 
ducks in a barrel writing the copy for that ad!

Look, if all this stuff is true and enough voters are told about it, 
people simply won't vote for Barack in big numbers.  He'll only get 
the votes of radicals, the likes of which we read on this forum every 
day.  Why, McCain will even win Michigan.

Come on, FFL people, admit it: Barack simply wasn't properly vetted.  
If all this stuff was exposed BEFORE the primaries, he would have 
come in at par with that TM nutcase Dennis Kucinich.


Saturday, October 04, 2008

NYT's Ayers-Obama Whitewash   [Stanley Kurtz]

As others have noted, today's New York Times carries a story on the 
relationship between Barack Obama and unrepentant Weather Underground 
terrorist, Bill Ayers. The piece serves as a platform for the Obama 
campaign and Obama's friends and allies. Obama's spokesman and 
supporters' names are named and their versions of events are 
presented in detail, with quotes. Yet the article makes no serious 
attempt to present the views of Obama critics who have worked to 
uncover the true nature of the relationship. That makes this piece 
irresponsible journalism, and an obvious effort by the former paper 
of record to protect Obama from the coming McCain onslaught.

The title of the article when it first appeared on the web last night 
was, Obama Had Met Ayers, but the Two Are Not Close. That was 
quickly changed to, Obama and the `60's Bomber: A Look Into Crossed 
Paths. Perhaps the first headline made the paper's agenda a bit too 
obvious. Even so, the new title simply parrots the line of Obama 
campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt that the two first met through an 
early education project and since have simply encountered each 
other occasionally in public life or in the neighborhood. Or, as New 
York Times reporter Scott Shane puts it at the head of his article, 
since an initial lunchtime meeting in 1995, their paths have crossed 
sporadically...at a coffee Mr. Ayers hosted for Mr. Obama's first run 
for office, on the schools project (i.e. the Chicago Annenberg 
Challenge) and a charitable board, and in casual encounters as Hyde 
Park neighbors.

There is nothing sporadic about Barack Obama delivering hundreds of 
thousands of dollars over a period of many years to fund Bill Ayers' 
radical education projects, not to mention many millions more to 
benefit Ayers' radical education allies. We are talking about a 
substantial and lengthy working relationship here, one that does not 
depend on the quality of personal friendship or number of hours spent 
in the same room together (although the article greatly 
underestimates that as well).

Shane's article buys the spin on Ayers' supposed rehabilitation 
offered by the Obama campaign and Ayers' supporters in Chicago. In 
this view, whatever Ayers did in the 1960's has somehow been redeemed 
by Ayers' later turn to education work. As the Times quotes Mayor 
Daley saying, People make mistakes. You judge a person by his whole 
life. The trouble with this is that Ayers doesn't view his terrorism 
as a mistake. How can he be forgiven when he's not repentant? Nor 
does Ayers see his education work as a repudiation of his early 
radicalism. On the contrary, Ayers sees his education work as 
carrying on his radicalism in a new guise. The point of Ayers' 
education theory is that the United States is a fundamentally racist 
and oppressive nation. Students, Ayers believes, ought to be 
encouraged to resist this oppression. Obama was funding Ayers' small 
schools project, built around this philosophy. Ayers' radicalism 
isn't something in the past. It's something to which Obama gave moral 
and financial support as an adult. So when Shane says that Obama has 
never expressed sympathy for Ayers' radicalism, he's flat wrong. 
Obama's funded it.

Obama was perfectly aware of Ayers' radical views, since he read and 
publically endorsed, without qualification, Ayers' book on juvenile 
crime. That book is quite radical, expressing doubts about whether we 
ought to have a prison system at all, comparing America to South 
Africa's apartheid system, and contemptuously dismissing the idea of 
the United States as a kind or just country. Shane mentions the book 
endorsement, yet says nothing about the book's actual content. Nor 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin Hits Obama's Terrorist Connection

2008-10-05 Thread bob_brigante
 This Annie
 Oakley is sharp too, 


Yeah, she real sharp:

In her closing remarks at the vice-presidential debate Thursday 
night, Ms. Palin referred earnestly, if loosely, to a quote from 
Ronald Reagan. He had warned that if Americans weren't vigilant in 
protecting their freedom, they would find themselves spending 
their sunset years telling our children and our children's children 
what it was like in America when men were free.

What Ms. Palin didn't say was that the menace to freedom that Reagan 
was talking about was Medicare. As the historian Robert Dallek has 
pointed out, Reagan saw Medicare as the advance wave of socialism, 
which would `invade every area of freedom in this country.' 

Does Ms. Palin agree with that Looney Tunes notion? Or was this just 
another case of the aw-shucks, darn-right, I'm-just-a-hockey-mom 
governor of Alaska mouthing something completely devoid of meaning?


[FairfieldLife] Fey does Palin agin on SNL

2008-10-05 Thread bob_brigante

Fey again returned to ''Saturday Night Live'' to play Republican vice
presidential candidate Sarah Palin as the sketch comedy show continued
to pull out all the stops in its election year season. Queen Latifah
dropped by to portray Thursday's debate moderator, PBS's Gwen Ifill, and
cast member Jason Sudeikis stepped into the role of Democratic vice
presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The ''SNL'' take on the week's political events has become a dependable
part of the news cycle this fall, offering near-immediate parodies of
the presidential candidates, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John
McCain, and their running mates. The show -- particularly the opening
sketches -- have resonated with higher ratings for the NBC program and
increased traffic on its Web site where early-to-bed viewers catch the
talked-about sketches in the days after.

Saturday night's opening sketch of the VP debate appeared likely to
garner similar buzz thanks to Fey's popular Palin impression. Winking
and giving answers not always directly related to Queen Latifah's
questions, Fey's Palin said that if she was elected, her decisions would
be guided by considering ''what would a maverick do?''

At the end of the segment, she asked with flute in hand, ''Are we not
doing the talent portion?''

Palin was runnerup in the 1984 Miss Alaska contest.

Sudeikis, with hair slicked back and a tight-fitting suit, portrayed
Biden as conflicted in his feelings for McCain, whom he called ''a
raging maniac and a dear, dear friend.''


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'What are you-when your not having thoughts?'

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
   Pure energy and intelligence.
   _say it ain't so...
  The results of the tests at the Giant Collider in Switzerland 
  should confirm this idea soon.
  If we are pure energy and intelligence, then we are all 
  interconnected to the entire cosmos at any given time.  
  This could be one of the explanations why the vedic literature 
  has mentioned of ancient rishis who were able to travel to other 
  planets or worlds through their minds alone, without the benefit 
  of space ships.
 Another explanation could be that the ancient
 rishis were doing *exactly* the same thing that
 their modern counterparts do -- making up I'm
 so special bullshit about themselves to convince 
 the rabble that they were hot stuff, so that the 
 rabble would continue paying for their lives.

Yeah...kinda like you writing about witnessing your cult guru 
RamaLenzKoolAid levitating on dozens of occasions.

[FairfieldLife] Length of comments?

2008-10-05 Thread cardemaister

As we all know by now, YS II 15 goes like this:

pariNaama-taapa-saMskaara-duHkhair guNa-vRtti-virodhaacca
(virodhaat; ca) duHkham eva sarvaM vivekinaH.

Taimni's (yikes!) translation:

To the people who have developed discrimination (vivekinaH;
that's actually genitive *singular*) all (sarvam) is misery
(duHkham) on account of the pains (duHkhaiH) resulting 
from change (pariNaama), anxiety (taapa) and tendencies 
(saMskaara), as also (ca) on account of the conflicts (virodhaat)
between the functioning of the guNas (guNa) and the vRttis (of the mind).

Vyaasa's comment in devanaagarii (2 lines):


Bhoja's comment (12 lines):


Seems like Bhoja wanted to emphasize that suutra somewhat
more than Vyaasa several hundreds of years earlier...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Double standard for Biden and Palin

2008-10-05 Thread Robert
 But Biden cast one of only five votes against the pipeline that has 
 produced more than 15 billion barrels of oil, supplied nearly 20 
 percent of this nation's oil, created tens of thousands of jobs, 
 added hundreds of billions of dollars to the U.S. economy and 
 money transfers to the nation's enemies by about the same amount. 

Perhaps without cheap oil, all these years, we might have prepared 
for this time, in a more evolved manner.
Jimmie Carter, was on this track.
Ronald Reagan got us off of it, and we are coming to the end of the 
Reagan psychology; it has worn thin.

Ms. Ann coulter is another one, practiced in the art of deception.
She may be an agent of domestic brain-washing, as is the Fox news 
She also, manages to channel Luciferian ideas, many times, I feel.
She carries that very cold, nazi-like vibration, of murder and 
torture, rape and destruction.
She is really a scarey woman.
I liked how she uses the word beautious, for Sarah, and refers to 
Sarah as some kind of Biblical figure, like our Saviour Sarah, save 
us from that bad black guy, who is so close to moving into the WH, 
that we have to desperately stop him at any cost.
I used the quality of seductress, to describe Sarah Palins energy, 
because it is obvious, she is well endowed.
But what is she using her talents and endowments toward, what end?
Toward war and power-mongering?
By continued stripping of our democracy from us, and handing it over 
to the god-less corportations and god-less military contractors, and 
god-less wall st. blokes...
Does she wish to establish the forth reich? in the USA.
Do we wish to turn into a corporatized, military dictatorship.
Is that what Sarah is about?
These two put together, John McCain and Sarah Palin are quite 
dangerous, and scarey.
They will use fear, manipulation and go to any length, to lie and 
tear down, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, two courageous souls, working 
for the benefit of us all.
As best they can, without making him into a:
Celebrity Icon, like a Ronald Reagan or a Sarah Palin.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Sarah Pants on Fire

2008-10-05 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Can you name them?  If so, did they give him the kind of What is the 
 speed velocity of a hummingbird's wings questions that Palin got?
 Anytime Obama is confronted with off-the-cuff questions he hems and 
 haws and stumbles and mumbles TEN TIMES worse than anything Palin has 
 But everyone in the media treats him with kid gloves.
 What a big, fat, fucking baby.  Wah-wah-wah.

Palin's winking was quite entertaining during her debate with
Biden, but I'd rather not have a woman, who's said e.g. to believe
tha world is less than 10 k year old, to have the right to
decide whether to press THE BUTTON, on not wink wink . ;D

That's quite likely gonna be the case, sooner or later, if McCain gets

[FairfieldLife] 'Accross the Universe'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert
Words are flying out like 
endless rain into a paper cup 
They slither while they pass 
They slip away across the universe 
Pools of sorrow waves of joy 
are drifting thorough my open mind 
Possessing and caressing me 

Jai guru deva om 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 

Images of broken light which 
dance before me like a million eyes 
That call me on and on across the universe 
Thoughts meander like a 
restless wind inside a letter box 
they tumble blindly as 
they make their way across the universe 

Jai guru deva om 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 

Sounds of laughter shades of life 
are ringing through my open ears 
exciting and inviting me 
Limitless undying love which 
shines around me like a million suns 
It calls me on and on across the universe 

Jai guru deva om 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Jai guru deva 
Jai guru deva 
~ The Beatles, Somewhere on  Planet Earth, 1969


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Sarah Pants on Fire

2008-10-05 Thread Robert
 Palin's winking was quite entertaining during her debate with
 Biden, but I'd rather not have a woman, who's said e.g. to believe
 tha world is less than 10 k year old, to have the right to
 decide whether to press THE BUTTON, on not wink wink . ;D
 That's quite likely gonna be the case, sooner or later, if McCain 
This is why he will not win.
He cannot win.
There's too much at stake.
The cards are stacked against him.
He is the last of the LBJ/Nixon/Reagan/Bush regime.
We are living in a different time, now.
She will go back to Alaska.
He will go back to the Senate.
All will be well with the world.
The whole of humanity is looking forward to the Obama Presidency.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'What are you-when your not having thoughts?'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert
 If we are pure energy and intelligence, then we are all 
 to the entire cosmos at any given time.  
 This could be one of the explanations why the vedic literature has 
 mentioned of ancient rishis who were able to travel to other planets 
 worlds through their minds alone, without the benefit of space ships.
The soul is bigger than the biggest, and smaller than the smallest.
The soul is interconected with all other souls and beings.
Some people are walking around unaware of thier souls.
It's as if there is no awareness of it.
In order to become aware of your soul, you must first detatch the mind 
from the matter.
The mind cannot know anything about pure consiousness.
It is limited consciousness, limited by it's own nature to think 
The whole teaching of re-awakening the soul, it to be without thoughts.
Be without mind.

What about 'Mindfulness' you ask.
What about it?

[FairfieldLife] 'Intelligent' computers put to the test'

2008-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
Can machines think? That was the question posed by the 
great mathematician Alan Turing. Half a century later 
six computers are about to converse with human interro-
gators in an experiment that will attempt to prove that 
the answer is yes.

In the 'Turing test' a machine seeks to fool judges into 
believing that it could be human. The test is performed 
by conducting a text-based conversation on any subject. 
If the computer's responses are indistinguishable from 
those of a human, it has passed the Turing test and can 
be said to be 'thinking'.


In related news, scientists report that similar tests
have failed to find human intelligence in Republicans
John McCain, Sarah Palin, George W. Bush and two neo-
Republican posters selected at random from the member-
ship of Internet chat group Fairfield Life. 

Researcher Ima Putz, Ph.D. said about the tests, While 
we expected to find a lack of human intelligence in real 
Republicans, beings who had been exposed to Republican
ideas for many decades, we were surprised to find the 
same lack of human intelligence in people who had only
recently converted to Republicanism to spite Barrack
Obama. They'd start to repeat themselves and mumble odd
phrases like 'Obama = terrorism' and 'Unelectable is so 
much more PC a word than black' and 'If it's got a dick
it ain't slick.' Clearly, when examined rationally, none
of these things are the least bit like human intelligence,
but the fact that these two robots chose to keep repeating
them does give us hope for future Turing experiments,
because it's almost as if the machines had developed the
desire to be *perceived* as human or intelligent, even
though they weren't.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin Hits Obama's Terrorist Connection

2008-10-05 Thread guyfawkes91
Which ignores the fact that an intelligent terrorist would make a
better leader than a dumb patriot. 

[FairfieldLife] 'Betel Nuts'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert

Areca Catechu (Whole Betel Nuts)View Areca Catechu (Whole Betel Nuts) in more 

The most common use of these nuts (seeds) is in the ritual chewing of the 
betel-quid. This habit is very widespread throughout Asia, India and the 
Pacific, making it one of the most popular stimulants in the world. Generally 
the the betel-quid is a small morsel consisting of a quarter betel seed 
(cushed), a pinch of lime, spices like cardamom or nutmeg for flavour all 
wrapped in a betel leaf (Piper betle). On some Pacific Islands it is 
traditional for the men to also add tobacco into the package. This quid is 
chewed slowly over several hours, causing mild stimulation and a feeling of 


(1 oz) 
Your Cost:

(4 oz) 
Your Cost:

(16 oz) 
Your Cost:

Betel Nut Crushed SeedsView Betel Nut Crushed Seeds in more detail  

These Betel Nut Seeds are crushed from our fresh, whole Betel Nuts. The Areca 
Catechu seed is one tough nut, so we offer them crushed as an alternative to 
processing your own seeds. The oils are somewhat diminished in the crushed 
seeds, but they are still quite useful for a variety of things, including 
research and components for incense.


(1 oz) 
Your Cost:

(4 oz) 
Your Cost:

(16 oz) 
Your Cost:

Betel Nut Chew (Parag)View Betel Nut Chew (Parag) in more detail  

This national, mild flavored, non-spicy chew of India has been shrouded in 
secrecy outside its homeland for ages, especially in the United States. It's a 
stimulating euphorant and importation of this product for human consumption has 
now been banned due to its arecoline content. Legal? - Yes. Importable? - No. 
For this reason, we offer this product only as a curiosity for education and 
research, and strictly not for consumption. We are selling out of our present 
stock; once it is gone, we will no longer carry these at the shop.

Click image for full story... 

(1 pack) 
Your Cost:

(3 packs) 
Your Cost:

(10 packs) 
Your Cost:

Betel Nut Chew (Rose)View Betel Nut Chew (Rose) in more detail  

This Rose Supari packet is less sweet, with a rose flavor added for those who 
don't care for the traditional Indian flavors. About the same size as orange 
label Parag packets. Contains sugar instead of saccharin. It's a stimulating 
euphorant and importation of this product for human consumption has now been 
banned due to its arecoline content. Legal? - Yes. Importable? - No. For this 
reason, we offer this product only as a curiosity for education and research, 
and strictly not for consumption. We are selling out of our present stock; once 
it is gone, we will no longer carry these at the shop.

Click image for full story... 

(1 pack) 
Your Cost:

(3 packs) 
Your Cost:

(10 packs) 
Your Cost:


[FairfieldLife] 'Betel Nuts'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert

Areca Catechu (Whole Betel Nuts)View Areca Catechu (Whole Betel Nuts) in more 

The most common use of these nuts (seeds) is in the ritual chewing of the 
betel-quid. This habit is very widespread throughout Asia, India and the 
Pacific, making it one of the most popular stimulants in the world. Generally 
the the betel-quid is a small morsel consisting of a quarter betel seed 
(cushed), a pinch of lime, spices like cardamom or nutmeg for flavour all 
wrapped in a betel leaf (Piper betle). On some Pacific Islands it is 
traditional for the men to also add tobacco into the package. This quid is 
chewed slowly over several hours, causing mild stimulation and a feeling of 


(1 oz) 
Your Cost:

(4 oz) 
Your Cost:

(16 oz) 
Your Cost:

Betel Nut Crushed SeedsView Betel Nut Crushed Seeds in more detail  

These Betel Nut Seeds are crushed from our fresh, whole Betel Nuts. The Areca 
Catechu seed is one tough nut, so we offer them crushed as an alternative to 
processing your own seeds. The oils are somewhat diminished in the crushed 
seeds, but they are still quite useful for a variety of things, including 
research and components for incense.


(1 oz) 
Your Cost:

(4 oz) 
Your Cost:

(16 oz) 
Your Cost:

Betel Nut Chew (Parag)View Betel Nut Chew (Parag) in more detail  

This national, mild flavored, non-spicy chew of India has been shrouded in 
secrecy outside its homeland for ages, especially in the United States. It's a 
stimulating euphorant and importation of this product for human consumption has 
now been banned due to its arecoline content. Legal? - Yes. Importable? - No. 
For this reason, we offer this product only as a curiosity for education and 
research, and strictly not for consumption. We are selling out of our present 
stock; once it is gone, we will no longer carry these at the shop.

Click image for full story... 

(1 pack) 
Your Cost:

(3 packs) 
Your Cost:

(10 packs) 
Your Cost:

Betel Nut Chew (Rose)View Betel Nut Chew (Rose) in more detail  

This Rose Supari packet is less sweet, with a rose flavor added for those who 
don't care for the traditional Indian flavors. About the same size as orange 
label Parag packets. Contains sugar instead of saccharin. It's a stimulating 
euphorant and importation of this product for human consumption has now been 
banned due to its arecoline content. Legal? - Yes. Importable? - No. For this 
reason, we offer this product only as a curiosity for education and research, 
and strictly not for consumption. We are selling out of our present stock; once 
it is gone, we will no longer carry these at the shop.

Click image for full story... 

(1 pack) 
Your Cost:

(3 packs) 
Your Cost:

(10 packs) 
Your Cost:


[FairfieldLife] 'Heroin Trade Kept All in the Family'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert
Published: October 4, 2008 

WASHINGTON — When Afghan security forces found an enormous cache of heroin 
hidden beneath concrete blocks in a tractor-trailer outside Kandahar in 2004, 
the local Afghan commander quickly impounded the truck and notified his boss. 

The New York Times
Heroin caches were found near Kandahar and Kabul. 
Before long, the commander, Habibullah Jan, received a telephone call from 
Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of President Hamid Karzai, asking him to release 
the vehicle and the drugs, Mr. Jan later told American investigators, according 
to notes from the debriefing obtained by The New York Times. He said he 
complied after getting a phone call from an aide to President Karzai directing 
him to release the truck. 
Two years later, American and Afghan counternarcotics forces stopped another 
truck, this time near Kabul, finding more than 110 pounds of heroin. Soon after 
the seizure, United States investigators told other American officials that 
they had discovered links between the drug shipment and a bodyguard believed to 
be an intermediary for Ahmed Wali Karzai, according to a participant in the 
The assertions about the involvement of the president’s brother in the 
incidents were never investigated, according to American and Afghan officials, 
even though allegations that he has benefited from narcotics trafficking have 
circulated widely in Afghanistan.
Both President Karzai and Ahmed Wali Karzai, now the chief of the Kandahar 
Provincial Council, the governing body for the region that includes 
Afghanistan’s second largest city, dismiss the allegations as politically 
motivated attacks by longtime foes. 
“I am not a drug dealer, I never was and I never will be,” the president’s 
brother said in a recent phone interview. “I am a victim of vicious politics.” 
But the assertions about him have deeply worried top American officials in 
Kabul and in Washington. The United States officials fear that perceptions that 
the Afghan president might be protecting his brother are damaging his 
credibility and undermining efforts by the United States to buttress his 
government, which has been under siege from rivals and a Taliban insurgency 
fueled by drug money, several senior Bush administration officials said. Their 
concerns have intensified as American troops have been deployed to the country 
in growing numbers.
“What appears to be a fairly common Afghan public perception of corruption 
inside their government is a tremendously corrosive element working against 
establishing long-term confidence in that government — a very serious matter,” 
said Lt. Gen. David W. Barno, who was commander of coalition military forces in 
Afghanistan from 2003 to 2005 and is now retired. “That could be problematic 
strategically for the United States.”
The White House says it believes that Ahmed Wali Karzai is involved in drug 
trafficking, and American officials have repeatedly warned President Karzai 
that his brother is a political liability, two senior Bush administration 
officials said in interviews last week.
Numerous reports link Ahmed Wali Karzai to the drug trade, according to current 
and former officials from the White House, the State Department and the United 
States Embassy in Afghanistan, who would speak only on the condition of 
anonymity. In meetings with President Karzai, including a 2006 session with the 
United States ambassador, the Central Intelligence Agency’s station chief and 
their British counterparts, American officials have talked about the 
allegations in hopes that the president might move his brother out of the 
country, said several people who took part in or were briefed on the talks. 
“We thought the concern expressed to Karzai might be enough to get him out of 
there,” one official said. But President Karzai has resisted, demanding 
clear-cut evidence of wrongdoing, several officials said. “We don’t have the 
kind of hard, direct evidence that you could take to get a criminal 
indictment,” a White House official said. “That allows Karzai to say, ‘where’s 
your proof?’ ”
Neither the Drug Enforcement Administration, which conducts counternarcotics 
efforts in Afghanistan, nor the fledgling Afghan anti-drug agency has pursued 
investigations into the accusations against the president’s brother.
Several American investigators said senior officials at the D.E.A. and the 
office of the Director of National Intelligence complained to them that the 
White House favored a hands-off approach toward Ahmed Wali Karzai because of 
the political delicacy of the matter. But White House officials dispute that, 
instead citing limited D.E.A. resources in Kandahar and southern Afghanistan 
and the absence of political will in the Afghan government to go after major 
drug suspects as the reasons for the lack of an inquiry.
“We invested considerable resources into building Afghan capability to conduct 
such investigations and 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Index of /ffl/audio/MMY

2008-10-05 Thread Dick Mays
Here is another site to download the previous audio files and several 
more.  Hope these are helpful.


Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hot Babes for Jesus circa 1960

2008-10-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jonathan Chadwick jochadw1@
  Those people don't get it - the mock-up of that album cover was
 originally created (not very famously any more i guess) as a joke. 
 That's actually an aspiring twenty-three year old comedian named Allen
 Konigsberg (aka Woody Allen) on the right.  The other two in the
 picture were secretaries in the Brill Building where Allen's agent at
 the time had his office.  As I'm sure Bill Maher would tell you, he's
 not the originator of this kind of humor!
 ~Woody Allen's early humor enjoyed after all this time. I had the
 biggest laughs I can remember reading the comments and not recognizing
 the spoof.

Here's a whole couple of pages of worst album covers ever: 

[FairfieldLife] Why Shemp Is Wrong (was: Re: Why Obama will lose)

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 There are another 33 days until the election.
 In that time, the American people will have time to discuss,
 learn about, and debate the causes of the mortgage/bailout
 crisis.  Those 33 days will enable us to sort out a lot of
 what has been going on these past few weeks.
 And what will they learn?
 That it wasn't capitalism that failed but, rather socialism
 and regulation that got us into this mess: the requirement,
 by law, that lending institutions MUST lend money to undeserving
 and uncredit worthy individuals.

Actually, Shemp may or may not be wrong about
whether Obama will lose, or what voters will
learn about the credit crisis that will keep
them from voting for Obama.

Trouble is, what they learn, as outlined by
Shemp, will be wrong. The Community Reinvestment
Act of 1977 is not what caused the crisis.

Barry Ritholtz is the chief market strategist for
Ritholtz Research, an independent institutional
research firm specializing in the analysis of
macroeconomic trends and the capital markets. On
his blog, The Big Picture, he has a post (with
many links) called Misunderstanding Credit and
Housing Crises: Blaming the CRA, GSEs.

Here's an excerpt:

Let's clarify the causes of current circumstances. Ask yourself the 
following questions about the impact of the Community Reinvestment 
Act and/or the role of Fannie  Freddie:

--Did the 1977 legislation, or any other legislation since, require 
banks to not verify income or payment history of mortgage applicants?

--50% of subprime loans were made by mortgage service companies not 
subject comprehensive federal supervision; another 30% were made by 
banks or thrifts which are not subject to routine supervision or 
examinations. How was this caused by either CRA or GSEs?

--What about No Money Down Mortgages (0% down payments)? Were they 
required by the CRA? Fannie? Freddie?
--Explain the shift in Loan to value from 80% to 120%: What was it in 
the Act that changed this traditional lending requirement?

--Did any Federal legislation require real estate agents and mortgage 
writers to use the same corrupt appraisers again and again? How did 
they manage to always come in at exactly the purchase price, no 
matter what?
--Did the CRA require banks to develop automated underwriting (AU) 
systems that emphasized speed rather than accuracy in order to 
process the greatest number of mortgage apps as quickly as possible?
--How exactly did legislation force Moody's, SPs and Fitch to rate 
junk paper as Triple AAA?

--What about piggy back loans? Were banks required by Congress to 
lend the first mortgage and do a HELOC for the down payment--at the 
same time?

--Internal bank memos showed employees how to cheat the system to get 
poor mortgages prospects approved that shouldn't have been: Titled 
How to Get an Iffy loan approved at JPM Chase. Was circulating that 
memo also a FNM/FRE/CRA requirement?

--The four biggest problem areas for housing (by price decreases) 
are: Phoenix, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; Miami, Florida, and San 
Diego, California. Explain exactly how these affluent, non-minority 
regions were impacted by the Community Reinvesment Act?

--Did the GSEs require banks to not check credit scores? Assets? 
--What was it about the CRA or GSEs that mandated fund managers load 
up on an investment product that was hard to value, thinly traded, 
and poorly understood?

--What was it in the Act that forced banks to make interest only 
loans? Were Neg Am loans also part of the legislative requirements 

--Consider this February 2003 speech by Countrywide CEO Angelo 
Mozlilo at the American Bankers National Real Estate Conference. He 
advocated zero down payment mortgages--was that a CRA requirement 
too, or just a grab for more market share, and bad banking? 

The answer to all of the above questions is no, none, and nothing at 
all. The CRA is not remotely one of the proximate causes of the 
current credit crunch, housing collapse, and mortgage debacle

Read more:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin Hits Obama's Terrorist Connection

2008-10-05 Thread raunchydog
From her conservative point of view, she knew exactly what Reagan
meant, that socialism is a threat to freedom. Palin's speech indeed
refers to impending socialism and loss of freedom. In my advancing
years, I'm all for preserving Medicare, Social Security and believe we
need universal healthcare. These are essential social safety nets.
However, the recent pork laden bailout, forced on taxpayers, sets the
stage for Obama to scrap any program protecting the most basic of
human needs and nationalize everything from soup to nuts. Get use to
it, it's what's for dinner, served up by Obama's youth corps.

If you're willing to become a serf in an Obama administration, you get
to eat and if not, you're fucked. Become a true believing member of
the Obama Party and you will prosper. Members of the Baath Party,
Communist Party, and Nazi Party did well and non-party member got the
shitty end of the stick.  The cult of Obama's personality and
demagoguery it engenders is a danger to our country. 

Welcome comrades to US of KKK A http://tinyurl.com/4fmt7s and God Damn
America while you're at it. http://tinyurl.com/4f6prc

Despite the bailout, we still face the possibility of hyperinflation
and economic collapse. As big banks bulge bigger and the little guy
picks up the tab, soon we will owe our indentured servant lives to the
state and burn dollars for heat in the winter. Get ready for the
Amero. http://tinyurl.com/ynsxbl

Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In
the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third
it is regarded as self-evident.  ~Arthur Schopenhauer

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This Annie
  Oakley is sharp too, 
 Yeah, she real sharp:
 In her closing remarks at the vice-presidential debate Thursday 
 night, Ms. Palin referred earnestly, if loosely, to a quote from 
 Ronald Reagan. He had warned that if Americans weren't vigilant in 
 protecting their freedom, they would find themselves spending 
 their sunset years telling our children and our children's children 
 what it was like in America when men were free.
 What Ms. Palin didn't say was that the menace to freedom that Reagan 
 was talking about was Medicare. As the historian Robert Dallek has 
 pointed out, Reagan saw Medicare as the advance wave of socialism, 
 which would `invade every area of freedom in this country.' 
 Does Ms. Palin agree with that Looney Tunes notion? Or was this just 
 another case of the aw-shucks, darn-right, I'm-just-a-hockey-mom 
 governor of Alaska mouthing something completely devoid of meaning?

[FairfieldLife] Barry Is Wrong (was Re: 'Intelligent' computers put to the test')

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
In the first place, he doesn't know how to
spell Barack.

In the second place, he has no idea what neo-
Republican means. He uses it to mean a
Democrat who has switched to being a Republican,
but of course that has nothing whatsoever to do
with the actual definition; it's not like a

In the third place, he has not, as usual, been
paying attention. The two people (They Who Must
Not Be Named, i.e., me and raunchydog) he calls
neo-Republicans don't fit even his erroneous
definition of the term.

You might possibly call us neo-Democrats,
however, in the sense that we want to see the
Democratic Party reformed from the ground up,
to return it to its original progressive ideals.
We have not, of course, converted to 
Republicanism, as anyone who's been following
our posts knows. Would a Republican be planning
to vote for Cynthia McKinney, as I am? Not
bloody likely.

In fact, one of the major reasons we are anti-
Obama is that we think he has become what's
called a DINO: Democrat In Name Only. He isn't
Democratic *enough*.

And we don't oppose him to spite him; we just
think he's a lousy candidate.

Also, minor point, but Barry's use of they
to attribute the phrases he quotes below is
wrong too. I haven't said or implied any of
those things. Nobody has actually posted those
words but Barry. As he says, None of these
things are [sic] the least bit like human

None of Barry's rants against ranchydog and me
are the least bit like human intelligence

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In related news, scientists report that similar tests
 have failed to find human intelligence in Republicans
 John McCain, Sarah Palin, George W. Bush and two neo-
 Republican posters selected at random from the member-
 ship of Internet chat group Fairfield Life.
 Researcher Ima Putz, Ph.D. said about the tests, While 
 we expected to find a lack of human intelligence in real 
 Republicans, beings who had been exposed to Republican
 ideas for many decades, we were surprised to find the 
 same lack of human intelligence in people who had only
 recently converted to Republicanism to spite Barrack
 Obama. They'd start to repeat themselves and mumble odd
 phrases like 'Obama = terrorism' and 'Unelectable is so 
 much more PC a word than black' and 'If it's got a dick
 it ain't slick.' Clearly, when examined rationally, none
 of these things are the least bit like human intelligence,
 but the fact that these two robots chose to keep repeating
 them does give us hope for future Turing experiments,
 because it's almost as if the machines had developed the
 desire to be *perceived* as human or intelligent, even
 though they weren't.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama asked to stop wearing soldier's bracelet - raunchy lying again

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 1, 2008, at 2:05 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  This provides an answer to that age-old question:
  Q: What do RLLY RLLY dumb fish who were
  baited into fouling out on posts in two days do
  with the rest of their week?
  A: They sit around compulsively reading Fairfield
  Life, unable to help themselves. Occasionally they
  get so upset with what they read that they even
  find a way to sneak in a 51st post for the week.
 Social exclusion causes unconscious mimicry

Whose behavior are you suggesting Barry is
unconsciously mimicking, Vaj? We all know he's
in bad shape psychologically--as the post you
quote vividly demonstrates--but nobody here
behaves like he does, such that you could say
his behavior mimics theirs.

[FairfieldLife] Barry Is Wrong (was Re: 'Intelligent' computers put to the test')

2008-10-05 Thread raunchydog
Slap that bitch, sister. Good on ya.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the first place, he doesn't know how to
 spell Barack.
 In the second place, he has no idea what neo-
 Republican means. He uses it to mean a
 Democrat who has switched to being a Republican,
 but of course that has nothing whatsoever to do
 with the actual definition; it's not like a
 In the third place, he has not, as usual, been
 paying attention. The two people (They Who Must
 Not Be Named, i.e., me and raunchydog) he calls
 neo-Republicans don't fit even his erroneous
 definition of the term.
 You might possibly call us neo-Democrats,
 however, in the sense that we want to see the
 Democratic Party reformed from the ground up,
 to return it to its original progressive ideals.
 We have not, of course, converted to 
 Republicanism, as anyone who's been following
 our posts knows. Would a Republican be planning
 to vote for Cynthia McKinney, as I am? Not
 bloody likely.
 In fact, one of the major reasons we are anti-
 Obama is that we think he has become what's
 called a DINO: Democrat In Name Only. He isn't
 Democratic *enough*.
 And we don't oppose him to spite him; we just
 think he's a lousy candidate.
 Also, minor point, but Barry's use of they
 to attribute the phrases he quotes below is
 wrong too. I haven't said or implied any of
 those things. Nobody has actually posted those
 words but Barry. As he says, None of these
 things are [sic] the least bit like human
 None of Barry's rants against ranchydog and me
 are the least bit like human intelligence
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  In related news, scientists report that similar tests
  have failed to find human intelligence in Republicans
  John McCain, Sarah Palin, George W. Bush and two neo-
  Republican posters selected at random from the member-
  ship of Internet chat group Fairfield Life.
  Researcher Ima Putz, Ph.D. said about the tests, While 
  we expected to find a lack of human intelligence in real 
  Republicans, beings who had been exposed to Republican
  ideas for many decades, we were surprised to find the 
  same lack of human intelligence in people who had only
  recently converted to Republicanism to spite Barrack
  Obama. They'd start to repeat themselves and mumble odd
  phrases like 'Obama = terrorism' and 'Unelectable is so 
  much more PC a word than black' and 'If it's got a dick
  it ain't slick.' Clearly, when examined rationally, none
  of these things are the least bit like human intelligence,
  but the fact that these two robots chose to keep repeating
  them does give us hope for future Turing experiments,
  because it's almost as if the machines had developed the
  desire to be *perceived* as human or intelligent, even
  though they weren't.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama asked to stop wearing soldier's bracelet - raunchy lying again

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  This provides an answer to that age-old question:
  Q: What do RLLY RLLY dumb fish who were
  baited into fouling out on posts in two days do 
  with the rest of their week?
  A: They sit around compulsively reading Fairfield
  Life, unable to help themselves. Occasionally they
  get so upset with what they read that they even 
  find a way to sneak in a 51st post for the week.
 According to the Almighty Sri Sri PostCountananda-ji, Judy
 only made 49 posts, so my post can be her official 50th.

Sheesh. I didn't ask you to post my email, Alex.
I thought you might want to know what the facts
were, since you were being led astray.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Betel Nuts'

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
I was a Betel Nut in the '60s.  But I also liked the Rolling Stones.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Areca Catechu (Whole Betel Nuts)View Areca Catechu (Whole Betel 
Nuts) in more detail  
 The most common use of these nuts (seeds) is in the ritual chewing 
of the betel-quid. This habit is very widespread throughout Asia, 
India and the Pacific, making it one of the most popular stimulants 
in the world. Generally the the betel-quid is a small morsel 
consisting of a quarter betel seed (cushed), a pinch of lime, spices 
like cardamom or nutmeg for flavour all wrapped in a betel leaf 
(Piper betle). On some Pacific Islands it is traditional for the men 
to also add tobacco into the package. This quid is chewed slowly over 
several hours, causing mild stimulation and a feeling of wellbeing.
 (1 oz) 
 Your Cost:
 (4 oz) 
 Your Cost:
 (16 oz) 
 Your Cost:
 Betel Nut Crushed SeedsView Betel Nut Crushed Seeds in more detail 
 These Betel Nut Seeds are crushed from our fresh, whole Betel Nuts. 
The Areca Catechu seed is one tough nut, so we offer them crushed as 
an alternative to processing your own seeds. The oils are somewhat 
diminished in the crushed seeds, but they are still quite useful for 
a variety of things, including research and components for incense.
 (1 oz) 
 Your Cost:
 (4 oz) 
 Your Cost:
 (16 oz) 
 Your Cost:
 Betel Nut Chew (Parag)View Betel Nut Chew (Parag) in more detail  
 This national, mild flavored, non-spicy chew of India has been 
shrouded in secrecy outside its homeland for ages, especially in the 
United States. It's a stimulating euphorant and importation of this 
product for human consumption has now been banned due to its 
arecoline content. Legal? - Yes. Importable? - No. For this reason, 
we offer this product only as a curiosity for education and research, 
and strictly not for consumption. We are selling out of our present 
stock; once it is gone, we will no longer carry these at the shop.
 Click image for full story... 
 (1 pack) 
 Your Cost:
 (3 packs) 
 Your Cost:
 (10 packs) 
 Your Cost:
 Betel Nut Chew (Rose)View Betel Nut Chew (Rose) in more detail  
 This Rose Supari packet is less sweet, with a rose flavor added for 
those who don't care for the traditional Indian flavors. About the 
same size as orange label Parag packets. Contains sugar instead of 
saccharin. It's a stimulating euphorant and importation of this 
product for human consumption has now been banned due to its 
arecoline content. Legal? - Yes. Importable? - No. For this reason, 
we offer this product only as a curiosity for education and research, 
and strictly not for consumption. We are selling out of our present 
stock; once it is gone, we will no longer carry these at the shop.
 Click image for full story... 
 (1 pack) 
 Your Cost:
 (3 packs) 
 Your Cost:
 (10 packs) 
 Your Cost:

[FairfieldLife] Hey, Sarah Palin

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend

Very clever.

[FairfieldLife] What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
Sarah Palin believing that dinosaurs roamed the earth with humans 
4,000 years ago (or whatever it is that she allegedly believes that 
everyone is up in arms about)...


Believing that Jesus dying and being tortured on a wooden cross will 
wash away all your sins -- past, present, and future?

I find the latter claim much more absurd, frightening, and 
indicative of mental illness than the former.

And yet Barack Obama -- who, being a Christian, as he'll readily 
admit -- must necessarily subscribe to the latter.  And, hell, for 
all we know he subscribes to the dinosaur theory as well!

So all the snickering being done here on this forum (by people who 
don't blink twice when they express their belief in levitation, 
astrology, east-facing houses, and what-not) and elsewhere about her 
beliefs should first look in the mirror before they dump on her for 
her dinosaur beliefs.

[FairfieldLife] Todd Palin's 7 year membership in radical 'hate America' AIP

2008-10-05 Thread do.rflex

Founder Of Group Palin Courted Professed Hatred For The American
Government; Cursed Damn Flag

Watch Sarah Palin introduce the 2008 Alaska Independence Party [AIP]
convention:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwvPNXYrIyI

Palin's husband, Todd Palin, was a member 
 of the party from 1995-2002 with a brief 
 exception in 2000.

The founder of the Alaska Independence Party -- a group that has been
courted over the years by Sarah Palin, and one her husband was a
member of for roughly seven years -- once professed his hatred for
the American government and cursed the American flag as a damn flag.

The AIP founder, Joe Vogler, made the comments in 1991, in an
interview that's now housed at the Oral History Program in the
Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the
American government, Vogler said in the interview, in which he talked
extensively about his desire for Alaskan secession, the key goal of
the AIP.

And I won't be buried under their damn flag, Vogler continued in the
interview, which also touched on his disappointment with the American
judicial system. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an
independent nation they can bring my bones home.

At another point, Volger advocated renouncing allegiance to the United
States. In the course of denouncing Federal regulation over land, he said:

And then you get mad. And you say, the hell with them. And you
renounce allegiance, and you pledge your efforts, your effects, your
honor, your life to Alaska.

You can listen to audio of the relevant section of the Volger
interview here. Bill Schneider, curator of oral history at the
library, verified the authenticity of the interview and the quote to
me a few moments ago.

Palin has courted the group over the years.

Three years after the controversial interview, in 1994, Palin attended
the group's annual convention, according to witnesses who spoke to ABC
News' Jake Tapper. The McCain campaign is disputing her presence
there, but Tapper found two people to attest to it.

The McCain campaign today produced Palin's voting registration
records, and said they proved she was never a member of the party.

But she has repeatedly reached out to the group. The McCain campaign
has confirmed she visited the group's 2000 convention, and she
addressed its convention this year, as an incumbent governor whose
oath of office includes upholding the Constitution of the United States.

Palin's husband, Todd Palin, was a member of the party from 1995-2002
with a brief exception in 2000.

It's worth noting that Vogler isn't just some figure from ancient
history. He is still being hailed on AIP's site this year, the same
year Palin addressed the group's convention.

It's worth pondering how big a deal it would be if Obama had ever
courted the support of a group whose head had said this kind of thing
about America and her flag. Oh, wait...

Links at Talking Points Memo: http://tinyurl.com/5vr9ca

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama and Rezko

2008-10-05 Thread Richard Williams
The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the FBI is 
looking into whether or not former Obama pal 
Tony Rezko -- convicted in June of attempted 
extortion, mail and wire fraud, and aiding and 
abetting bribery -- paid for all or part of 
$90,000 worth work on the Northwest Side 
Chicago home of Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Read more: 

'Obama About to Be Hit on Questionable Associates'
By Jake Tapper
ABC News,October 04, 2008 10:28 AM


[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Sarah Palin believing that dinosaurs roamed the earth with humans 
 4,000 years ago (or whatever it is that she allegedly believes that 
 everyone is up in arms about)...
 Believing that Jesus dying and being tortured on a wooden
 cross will wash away all your sins -- past, present, and
 I find the latter claim much more absurd, frightening,
 and indicative of mental illness than the former.
 And yet Barack Obama -- who, being a Christian, as he'll
 readily admit -- must necessarily subscribe to the latter.

The difference is that there's very strong evidence
*against* the former--meaning that someone who believes
in the dinosaur theory has little respect for science--
but none at all either for OR against the latter. 

Plus which, having your sins forgiven makes a
difference only after you die.

To my mind, if one believes in an afterlife that may
be either heavenly or hellish, depending on whether
one's sins have been forgiven, it's psychologically
a lot healthier during one's life on earth to believe
one is going to go to heaven when one dies than to
fear that one is going to hell.

There are different opinions within Christianity as
to whether one can lose one's salvation. The once
saved, always saved belief is more characteristic of
fundamentalism; that's probably what Palin believes,
but I suspect Obama doesn't.

  And, hell, for 
 all we know he subscribes to the dinosaur theory as well!

More likely, Palin believes *both* that she cannot
lose her salvation *and* that dinosaurs and humans
were contemporaneous, whereas Obama believes neither.

Re: [FairfieldLife] What's more scary? Joe Biden

2008-10-05 Thread Richard Williams
What's scary are lawyers and politicians like Joe Biden
who lie all the time, not what people's religious
beliefs are. As Judy pointed out, people believe in all 
kinds of things. Gov Sarah Palin said as much in the 
debate - why is it that insiders in Congress like Joe
Biden vote for the war one day and then change their
mind the next day? Joe Biden voted against Gulf War 1
and then voted for Gulf War 2, now Biden wants to pull
out of Iraq when victory is in sight. 

In some respects, however, Senator Biden's performance 
was disturbing. Senator Biden unleashed so many errors, 
misstatements, stretchers, whoppers, fabrications, and 
the like that it was hard to keep track. Jim Geraghty 
has counted 24 Biden lies/errors/hallucinations. 


 Sarah Palin believing that dinosaurs roamed the earth 
 with humans 4,000 years ago (or whatever it is that she 
 allegedly believes that everyone is up in arms about)...
 Believing that Jesus dying and being tortured on a wooden
 cross will wash away all your sins -- past, present, and 
 I find the latter claim much more absurd, frightening, 
 and indicative of mental illness than the former.
 And yet Barack Obama -- who, being a Christian, as
 he'll readily admit -- must necessarily subscribe to 
 the latter.  And, hell, for all we know he subscribes 
 to the dinosaur theory as well!
 So all the snickering being done here on this forum (by
 people who don't blink twice when they express their 
 belief in levitation, astrology, east-facing houses, and 
 what-not) and elsewhere about her beliefs should first 
 look in the mirror before they dump on her for 
 her dinosaur beliefs.


[FairfieldLife] Paurusha-Manliness and valor, Arjuna's delimma.

2008-10-05 Thread BillyG.
Yield not to unmanliness. It is unworthy of you. Shake off this
paltry faintheartedness. Stand up, O scorcher of enemies! BG II3

Krishna advises Arjuna to stand up and fight (the sense attractions or
the 100 evil minded Kurus). Due to his attachment to his 'dear
relatives' (objects of the senses) Arjuna is reluctant to eliminate
them but as a ksatriya his duty (dharma) is to fight them and
eliminate them by using the unfolding powers represented in the 5
Pandus (chakras),  powers bequeathed by the awakening of the initial 5
chakras, a veritable spiritual battle or Armageddon undertaken by the
advancing aspirant

Arjuna represents the average chela on the path to enlightenment, each
chakra symbolized by Vyasa as a Pandu is given a Sanskrit name
imbibing the virtue associated with that awakening chakra or power,
example: Sahadeva-power to resist evil, Nakula-power to adhere to good
rules, Arjuna-power of Self control, Bhima-life force (prana) control,
and Yudhisthira-divine calmness.

All of these powers are awakened by the process of meditation and the
spiritual battle commences, before that, the soul, in darkness lives
in the ignorance of the true values of life, and has no conflict with
opposing tendencies (Pandu/Kuru), i.e. ignorance is bliss, so-called.

And the light reveals the shadows, and the game begins! The final
victory being pure eternal bliss, Sat-Chit-Anandam.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Fey does Palin agin on SNL

2008-10-05 Thread Rick Archer
Please post the link to the video if you find it. So far I haven't.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Song for Fairfield Life

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't fall for the doom-and-gloom talk, *especially*
 when it comes from people who have been practicing
 meditation for 3-4 decades and are still spouting 
 doom and gloom.

You mean, like this?

Because of the housing crisis, we are now in a VERY
DANGEROUS SITUATION where financial institutions
across this country are afraid to lend money. If all
that meant was the failure of a few big banks on Wall
Street, it would be one thing. 

But that's not what it means. What it means is that
if we do not act, it will be harder for you to get a
mortgage for your home or the loans you need to buy a
car or send your children to college. What it means
is that businesses won't be able to get the loans
they need to open new factories, or hire more workers,
or make payroll for the workers they have. What it
means is that thousands of businesses could close.
Millions of jobs could be lost. A LONG AND PAINFUL

We must act and we must act now. We cannot have
another day like yesterday. We cannot risk another
week or another month where American businesses are
afraid to extend credit and lend money. That is not
an option for this country. [emphases added]

--Barack Obama, in a speech in Nevada on September
30, the day after the House voted down the bailout

And does anybody want to guess at the number of
times Barry has dumped on TMers for indulging in
happy talk instead of being realistic about
whatever the current doom and gloom happened to

Anybody want to speculate as to whether, if I
had been among those denying there was a crisis
and insisting that everything was just fine,
Barry would have denounced me for being stupidly
optimistic and would himself be pushing doom and

There's one sure way to know in advance which
side Barry's going to take in any controversy:
Look at which side I take, and you'll know
Barry will take the opposite side.

Oh, and do y'all remember the latest of Barry's
vows not to read my posts? I mean, how would he
know which side he's on if he didn't?

[FairfieldLife] Election Trains

2008-10-05 Thread do.rflex


[FairfieldLife] Re: Thinking cap could make you smarter...but at what cost?

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's an article I found fascinating, given the
 focusing on the details vs. seeing the big 
 picture discussions that have come up recently.
 It appears that artificially *increasing* the 
 ability to focus on the small shit and avoid the
 big picture might have some benefits in terms of
 triggering savant-like skills. What I wonder is,
 at what cost? If such a thinking cap could 
 enable you to increase your math skills, but at
 the cost of being able to see the big picture,
 would you wear it?
 For example, one of the things reported in the
 article is that subjects, after wearing the cap,
 were able to spot mistakes in text that they had
 missed the previous day. Cool, if you're an editor,
 I guess, but do these subjects retain the ability
 to know what the book they found errors in is 
 really about? Can they still *see* the big picture
 of it?

Actually, what the article noted is that *proofreading*
skills improved with the cap. A proofreader is indeed
not concerned with the Big Picture, because the Big
Picture work has already been done by editors.

If editors focus on details like typos and so on, they
can certainly lose the Big Picture. This thinking cap
isn't something an editor would want to use.

Sorry, Barry. Another one bites the dust.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Accross the Universe'

2008-10-05 Thread pranamoocher
Words are flying out like
  endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe

Don't these words describe the quality of Sara Palin's mindless
responses from her interviews and the debate?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Words are flying out like
 endless rain into a paper cup
 They slither while they pass
 They slip away across the universe
 Pools of sorrow waves of joy
 are drifting thorough my open mind
 Possessing and caressing me

 Jai guru deva om
 Nothing's gonna change my world
 Nothing's gonna change my world
 Nothing's gonna change my world
 Nothing's gonna change my world

 Images of broken light which
 dance before me like a million eyes
 That call me on and on across the universe
 Thoughts meander like a
 restless wind inside a letter box
 they tumble blindly as
 they make their way across the universe

 Jai guru deva om
 Nothing's gonna change my world
 Nothing's gonna change my world
 Nothing's gonna change my world
 Nothing's gonna change my world

 Sounds of laughter shades of life
 are ringing through my open ears
 exciting and inviting me
 Limitless undying love which
 shines around me like a million suns
 It calls me on and on across the universe

 Jai guru deva om
 Nothing's gonna change my world
 Nothing's gonna change my world
 Nothing's gonna change my world
 Nothing's gonna change my world
 Jai guru deva
 Jai guru deva
 ~ The Beatles, Somewhere on �Planet Earth, 1969

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fey does Palin agin on SNL

2008-10-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please post the link to the video if you find it. So far I haven't.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fey does Palin agin on SNL

2008-10-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 5, 2008, at 10:56 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

Please post the link to the video if you find it. So far I haven’t.

Rick, here's the link to *all* their videos...



[FairfieldLife] Re: TMers: Do You Space Out?

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I would note:  CO2 will accumulate after a period of time. 
 Hyperventilating before holding your breath can minimize that,
 purging CO2.  So, were the meditators doing breathing exercises
 before their meditation session?   If not, it would be an
 interesting experiment to see if those doing the breathing
 exercises first had longer breath suspensions.

I'm not aware of any breathing exercises taught to
TMers that involve prolonged hyperventilation. The
TM-Sidhis program involves a very brief practice of
fast pranayama, but there's no indication in the
study that those tested, if they were siddhas, were
doing TM for the experiment along with the rest of
their program.

The pranayama exercise taught to plain-vanilla TMers
would involve, if anything, *hypo*ventilation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'What are you-when your not having thoughts?'

2008-10-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  Pure energy and intelligence.
  _say it ain't so...
 The results of the tests at the Giant Collider in Switzerland 
 confirm this idea soon.
 If we are pure energy and intelligence, then we are all 
 to the entire cosmos at any given time.  

it is our seperateness that is the illusion.
 This could be one of the explanations why the vedic literature has 
 mentioned of ancient rishis who were able to travel to other 
planets or 
 worlds through their minds alone, without the benefit of space 

all it takes is a clear mind and the ability to transcend time and 

It is amazing to realize how powerful mental boundaries can be; that 
we give them such power, that we must, before we have been embraced 
by grace, Being, in the flow of the Tao. After that, space travel is 
nothing more than an expression of intention; we don' need no 
stinkin' spaceships.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fey does Palin agin on SNL

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
Fey is very funny.

However, one of the quips she did about Palin in the Latifah one was 
about Palin droppin' the g from her words.

Of course, the person who does that 10 times more than she does is 
the Harvard-educated Barack Obama, but only when he is in front of 
African-American audiences.

And in front of all audiences Barack pronounces the word to 
as tuh.

When will SNL parody Barack's speech patterns, phony as they are?  At 
least Sarah actually talks that way.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Fey again returned to ''Saturday Night Live'' to play Republican 
 presidential candidate Sarah Palin as the sketch comedy show 
 to pull out all the stops in its election year season. Queen Latifah
 dropped by to portray Thursday's debate moderator, PBS's Gwen 
Ifill, and
 cast member Jason Sudeikis stepped into the role of Democratic vice
 presidential candidate Joe Biden.
 The ''SNL'' take on the week's political events has become a 
 part of the news cycle this fall, offering near-immediate parodies 
 the presidential candidates, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican 
 McCain, and their running mates. The show -- particularly the 
 sketches -- have resonated with higher ratings for the NBC program 
 increased traffic on its Web site where early-to-bed viewers catch 
 talked-about sketches in the days after.
 Saturday night's opening sketch of the VP debate appeared likely to
 garner similar buzz thanks to Fey's popular Palin impression. 
 and giving answers not always directly related to Queen Latifah's
 questions, Fey's Palin said that if she was elected, her decisions 
 be guided by considering ''what would a maverick do?''
 At the end of the segment, she asked with flute in hand, ''Are we 
 doing the talent portion?''
 Palin was runnerup in the 1984 Miss Alaska contest.
 Sudeikis, with hair slicked back and a tight-fitting suit, portrayed
 Biden as conflicted in his feelings for McCain, whom he called ''a
 raging maniac and a dear, dear friend.''

[FairfieldLife] Re: Todd Palin's 7 year membership in radical 'hate America' AIP

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
Keep this line of thinking going, Bongo.  Because, by implication, 
your reasoning can be applied to Barky.

Hmmm.  Let's see. The founder of an organisation that the husband of 
the VP candidate belongs to expressed WORDS of hatred for America.

Yet Barky himself -- not his wife -- was intimately connected with 
and worked closely with a non-repentant self-admitted terrorist...not 
someone who expressed, through his freedom of speech, words of hatred 

Yes, genius, keep this sort of thing up.  It should bode well for the 
Obama campaign.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Founder Of Group Palin Courted Professed Hatred For The American
 Government; Cursed Damn Flag
 Watch Sarah Palin introduce the 2008 Alaska Independence Party [AIP]
 convention:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwvPNXYrIyI
 Palin's husband, Todd Palin, was a member 
  of the party from 1995-2002 with a brief 
  exception in 2000.
 The founder of the Alaska Independence Party -- a group that has 
 courted over the years by Sarah Palin, and one her husband was a
 member of for roughly seven years -- once professed his hatred for
 the American government and cursed the American flag as a damn 
 The AIP founder, Joe Vogler, made the comments in 1991, in an
 interview that's now housed at the Oral History Program in the
 Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
 The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the
 American government, Vogler said in the interview, in which he 
 extensively about his desire for Alaskan secession, the key goal of
 the AIP.
 And I won't be buried under their damn flag, Vogler continued in 
 interview, which also touched on his disappointment with the 
 judicial system. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an
 independent nation they can bring my bones home.
 At another point, Volger advocated renouncing allegiance to the 
 States. In the course of denouncing Federal regulation over land, 
he said:
 And then you get mad. And you say, the hell with them. And you
 renounce allegiance, and you pledge your efforts, your effects, your
 honor, your life to Alaska.
 You can listen to audio of the relevant section of the Volger
 interview here. Bill Schneider, curator of oral history at the
 library, verified the authenticity of the interview and the quote to
 me a few moments ago.
 Palin has courted the group over the years.
 Three years after the controversial interview, in 1994, Palin 
 the group's annual convention, according to witnesses who spoke to 
 News' Jake Tapper. The McCain campaign is disputing her presence
 there, but Tapper found two people to attest to it.
 The McCain campaign today produced Palin's voting registration
 records, and said they proved she was never a member of the party.
 But she has repeatedly reached out to the group. The McCain campaign
 has confirmed she visited the group's 2000 convention, and she
 addressed its convention this year, as an incumbent governor whose
 oath of office includes upholding the Constitution of the United 
 Palin's husband, Todd Palin, was a member of the party from 1995-
 with a brief exception in 2000.
 It's worth noting that Vogler isn't just some figure from ancient
 history. He is still being hailed on AIP's site this year, the same
 year Palin addressed the group's convention.
 It's worth pondering how big a deal it would be if Obama had ever
 courted the support of a group whose head had said this kind of 
 about America and her flag. Oh, wait...
 Links at Talking Points Memo: http://tinyurl.com/5vr9ca

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  Sarah Palin believing that dinosaurs roamed the earth with humans 
  4,000 years ago (or whatever it is that she allegedly believes 
  everyone is up in arms about)...
  Believing that Jesus dying and being tortured on a wooden
  cross will wash away all your sins -- past, present, and
  I find the latter claim much more absurd, frightening,
  and indicative of mental illness than the former.
  And yet Barack Obama -- who, being a Christian, as he'll
  readily admit -- must necessarily subscribe to the latter.
 The difference is that there's very strong evidence
 *against* the former--meaning that someone who believes
 in the dinosaur theory has little respect for science--
 but none at all either for OR against the latter. 
 Plus which, having your sins forgiven makes a
 difference only after you die.
 To my mind, if one believes in an afterlife that may
 be either heavenly or hellish, depending on whether
 one's sins have been forgiven, it's psychologically
 a lot healthier during one's life on earth to believe
 one is going to go to heaven when one dies than to
 fear that one is going to hell.
 There are different opinions within Christianity as
 to whether one can lose one's salvation. The once
 saved, always saved belief is more characteristic of
 fundamentalism; that's probably what Palin believes,
 but I suspect Obama doesn't.
   And, hell, for 
  all we know he subscribes to the dinosaur theory as well!
 More likely, Palin believes *both* that she cannot
 lose her salvation *and* that dinosaurs and humans
 were contemporaneous, whereas Obama believes neither.

Gosh, I'd like to know what Obama believes in ANY area of knowledge, 
spiritual, political, or otherwise.

I haven't a clue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Song for Fairfield Life

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Don't fall for the doom-and-gloom talk, *especially*
  when it comes from people who have been practicing
  meditation for 3-4 decades and are still spouting 
  doom and gloom.
 You mean, like this?
 Because of the housing crisis, we are now in a VERY
 DANGEROUS SITUATION where financial institutions
 across this country are afraid to lend money. If all
 that meant was the failure of a few big banks on Wall
 Street, it would be one thing. 
 But that's not what it means. What it means is that
 if we do not act, it will be harder for you to get a
 mortgage for your home or the loans you need to buy a
 car or send your children to college. What it means
 is that businesses won't be able to get the loans
 they need to open new factories, or hire more workers,
 or make payroll for the workers they have. What it
 means is that thousands of businesses could close.
 Millions of jobs could be lost. A LONG AND PAINFUL
 We must act and we must act now. We cannot have
 another day like yesterday. We cannot risk another
 week or another month where American businesses are
 afraid to extend credit and lend money. That is not
 an option for this country. [emphases added]
 --Barack Obama, in a speech in Nevada on September
 30, the day after the House voted down the bailout
 And does anybody want to guess at the number of
 times Barry has dumped on TMers for indulging in
 happy talk instead of being realistic about
 whatever the current doom and gloom happened to
 Anybody want to speculate as to whether, if I
 had been among those denying there was a crisis
 and insisting that everything was just fine,
 Barry would have denounced me for being stupidly
 optimistic and would himself be pushing doom and
 There's one sure way to know in advance which
 side Barry's going to take in any controversy:
 Look at which side I take, and you'll know
 Barry will take the opposite side.
 Oh, and do y'all remember the latest of Barry's
 vows not to read my posts? I mean, how would he
 know which side he's on if he didn't?

Judy, why do you waste your time with the cult-addled brain of Barry 
Wright?  Everything he ever complains about regarding TM he is guilty 
of himself in spades.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Betel Nuts'

2008-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
It's a pretty mild stimulant.  I would say that coffee is much more 
stimulating so any banning (of the leaf only) is political football.  
But Indians who come to the US often plant the seed and grow the trees 
and trade the leaves.  I've never heard of any of them being busted for 
the trees either.

Robert wrote:
 Areca Catechu (Whole Betel Nuts)View Areca Catechu (Whole Betel Nuts) in more 

 The most common use of these nuts (seeds) is in the ritual chewing of the 
 betel-quid. This habit is very widespread throughout Asia, India and the 
 Pacific, making it one of the most popular stimulants in the world. Generally 
 the the betel-quid is a small morsel consisting of a quarter betel seed 
 (cushed), a pinch of lime, spices like cardamom or nutmeg for flavour all 
 wrapped in a betel leaf (Piper betle). On some Pacific Islands it is 
 traditional for the men to also add tobacco into the package. This quid is 
 chewed slowly over several hours, causing mild stimulation and a feeling of 


 (1 oz) 
 Your Cost:

 (4 oz) 
 Your Cost:

 (16 oz) 
 Your Cost:

 Betel Nut Crushed SeedsView Betel Nut Crushed Seeds in more detail  

 These Betel Nut Seeds are crushed from our fresh, whole Betel Nuts. The Areca 
 Catechu seed is one tough nut, so we offer them crushed as an alternative to 
 processing your own seeds. The oils are somewhat diminished in the crushed 
 seeds, but they are still quite useful for a variety of things, including 
 research and components for incense.


 (1 oz) 
 Your Cost:

 (4 oz) 
 Your Cost:

 (16 oz) 
 Your Cost:

 Betel Nut Chew (Parag)View Betel Nut Chew (Parag) in more detail  

 This national, mild flavored, non-spicy chew of India has been shrouded in 
 secrecy outside its homeland for ages, especially in the United States. It's 
 a stimulating euphorant and importation of this product for human consumption 
 has now been banned due to its arecoline content. Legal? - Yes. Importable? - 
 No. For this reason, we offer this product only as a curiosity for education 
 and research, and strictly not for consumption. We are selling out of our 
 present stock; once it is gone, we will no longer carry these at the shop.

 Click image for full story... 

 (1 pack) 
 Your Cost:

 (3 packs) 
 Your Cost:

 (10 packs) 
 Your Cost:

 Betel Nut Chew (Rose)View Betel Nut Chew (Rose) in more detail  

 This Rose Supari packet is less sweet, with a rose flavor added for those who 
 don't care for the traditional Indian flavors. About the same size as orange 
 label Parag packets. Contains sugar instead of saccharin. It's a stimulating 
 euphorant and importation of this product for human consumption has now been 
 banned due to its arecoline content. Legal? - Yes. Importable? - No. For this 
 reason, we offer this product only as a curiosity for education and research, 
 and strictly not for consumption. We are selling out of our present stock; 
 once it is gone, we will no longer carry these at the shop.

 Click image for full story... 

 (1 pack) 
 Your Cost:

 (3 packs) 
 Your Cost:

 (10 packs) 
 Your Cost:


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Song for Fairfield Life

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   Don't fall for the doom-and-gloom talk, *especially*
   when it comes from people who have been practicing
   meditation for 3-4 decades and are still spouting 
   doom and gloom.
  You mean, like this?
  Because of the housing crisis, we are now in a VERY
  DANGEROUS SITUATION where financial institutions
  across this country are afraid to lend money. If all
  that meant was the failure of a few big banks on Wall
  Street, it would be one thing. 
  But that's not what it means. What it means is that
  if we do not act, it will be harder for you to get a
  mortgage for your home or the loans you need to buy a
  car or send your children to college. What it means
  is that businesses won't be able to get the loans
  they need to open new factories, or hire more workers,
  or make payroll for the workers they have. What it
  means is that thousands of businesses could close.
  Millions of jobs could be lost. A LONG AND PAINFUL
  We must act and we must act now. We cannot have
  another day like yesterday. We cannot risk another
  week or another month where American businesses are
  afraid to extend credit and lend money. That is not
  an option for this country. [emphases added]
  --Barack Obama, in a speech in Nevada on September
  30, the day after the House voted down the bailout
  And does anybody want to guess at the number of
  times Barry has dumped on TMers for indulging in
  happy talk instead of being realistic about
  whatever the current doom and gloom happened to
  Anybody want to speculate as to whether, if I
  had been among those denying there was a crisis
  and insisting that everything was just fine,
  Barry would have denounced me for being stupidly
  optimistic and would himself be pushing doom and
  There's one sure way to know in advance which
  side Barry's going to take in any controversy:
  Look at which side I take, and you'll know
  Barry will take the opposite side.
  Oh, and do y'all remember the latest of Barry's
  vows not to read my posts? I mean, how would he
  know which side he's on if he didn't?
 Judy, why do you waste your time with the cult-addled
 brain of Barry Wright?

Because it's *fun*, Shemp.

 Everything he ever complains about regarding TM

Or anything else.

 he is guilty of himself in spades.

He's the worst hypocrite I've ever encountered in
my life.

(I'd say exposing his inanities is like shooting fish
in a barrel, except that he's constantly jumping
from barrel to barrel.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Palin Hits Obama's Terrorist Connection

2008-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
So you'd rather be a serf in McCain's world instead?  I think there is 
far less of a chance of being a serf in Obama's.  You make about as much 
sense as Sarah Palin on coke.  :-D

raunchydog wrote:
 From her conservative point of view, she knew exactly what Reagan
 meant, that socialism is a threat to freedom. Palin's speech indeed
 refers to impending socialism and loss of freedom. In my advancing
 years, I'm all for preserving Medicare, Social Security and believe we
 need universal healthcare. These are essential social safety nets.
 However, the recent pork laden bailout, forced on taxpayers, sets the
 stage for Obama to scrap any program protecting the most basic of
 human needs and nationalize everything from soup to nuts. Get use to
 it, it's what's for dinner, served up by Obama's youth corps.

 If you're willing to become a serf in an Obama administration, you get
 to eat and if not, you're fucked. Become a true believing member of
 the Obama Party and you will prosper. Members of the Baath Party,
 Communist Party, and Nazi Party did well and non-party member got the
 shitty end of the stick.  The cult of Obama's personality and
 demagoguery it engenders is a danger to our country. 

 Welcome comrades to US of KKK A http://tinyurl.com/4fmt7s and God Damn
 America while you're at it. http://tinyurl.com/4f6prc

 Despite the bailout, we still face the possibility of hyperinflation
 and economic collapse. As big banks bulge bigger and the little guy
 picks up the tab, soon we will owe our indentured servant lives to the
 state and burn dollars for heat in the winter. Get ready for the
 Amero. http://tinyurl.com/ynsxbl

 Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In
 the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third
 it is regarded as self-evident.  ~Arthur Schopenhauer


[FairfieldLife] Army, Inc.

2008-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
Fascism goes full swing in Bush's Amerika on Monday as the Army becomes 
Army, Inc (at our expense BTW) to go abroad (more likely in the US 
though after people get a whiff of this) as the best Army your country 
can buy.:

Nation-building may eclipse standard warfare
New study to show dangers of 'fragile states' that breed crime, terrorism
By Ann Scott Tyson
The Washington Post
updated 5:51 a.m. PT, Sun., Oct. 5, 2008

The Army on Monday will unveil an unprecedented doctrine that declares 
nation-building missions will probably become more important than 
conventional warfare and defines fragile states that breed crime, 
terrorism and religious and ethnic strife as the greatest threat to U.S. 
national security.

The doctrine, which has generated intense debate in the U.S. military 
establishment and government, holds that in coming years, American 
troops are not likely to engage in major ground combat against hostile 
states as they did in Iraq and Afghanistan, but instead will frequently 
be called upon to operate in lawless areas to safeguard populations and 
rebuild countries.

More here:

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  Sarah Palin believing that dinosaurs roamed the earth with humans 
  4,000 years ago (or whatever it is that she allegedly believes that 
  everyone is up in arms about)...
  Believing that Jesus dying and being tortured on a wooden
  cross will wash away all your sins -- past, present, and
  I find the latter claim much more absurd, frightening,
  and indicative of mental illness than the former.
  And yet Barack Obama -- who, being a Christian, as he'll
  readily admit -- must necessarily subscribe to the latter.

Judy already nailed this but that wont stop me.

The confusion you are expressing about different areas of knowledge
Shemp, is precisely why George Bush and God forbid Sarah Palin in the
White House causes so much trouble for the advancement of scientific
understanding of our lives.  Thinking that the theory of evolution and
mythology from an old book are on an epistemological par causes
people in power to disregard the principles of science that help it
transcend our tendency for intellectual delusions.  Bush politicized
science.  It has hurt our country and mankind's growth of knowledge.

I couldn't care less what wacky shit my president believes about what
happens after he dies.  I am at peace with the idea that people much
more brilliant than I am may believe things that I consider fantasy.  

But if they can't articulate why it is wrong to teach creationism
alongside evolution in science class, and not say as George Bush has
that he wants all the points of view to be taught so people can make
up their own minds, then they have no place governing our country at
this critical time.

Palin furthered our understanding about how her scientific mind works
by twice asserting that she wasn't interested in discussing the causes
of global warming, just git'n in thar an fix'n it all up.

Palin's Joe Six Pack goes to the doctor:
Dr. give me a whole bunch of pills cuz I've got a disease but I don't
want to get into a discussion of what is causing it.

 The difference is that there's very strong evidence
 *against* the former--meaning that someone who believes
 in the dinosaur theory has little respect for science--
 but none at all either for OR against the latter. 
 Plus which, having your sins forgiven makes a
 difference only after you die.
 To my mind, if one believes in an afterlife that may
 be either heavenly or hellish, depending on whether
 one's sins have been forgiven, it's psychologically
 a lot healthier during one's life on earth to believe
 one is going to go to heaven when one dies than to
 fear that one is going to hell.
 There are different opinions within Christianity as
 to whether one can lose one's salvation. The once
 saved, always saved belief is more characteristic of
 fundamentalism; that's probably what Palin believes,
 but I suspect Obama doesn't.
   And, hell, for 
  all we know he subscribes to the dinosaur theory as well!
 More likely, Palin believes *both* that she cannot
 lose her salvation *and* that dinosaurs and humans
 were contemporaneous, whereas Obama believes neither.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama asked to stop wearing soldier's bracelet - raunchy lying again

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  They've become an unhinged toxic fringe with nothing to offer but
  anger and vitriol.
 What I don't understand is how they can go from supporting
 Hillary Clinton to supporting Sarah Palin. Ideologically,
 they're polar opposites. And, in terms of qualifications,
 Hillary is a well-educated, well-informed policy wonk with
 a thorough grasp of national issues, while Sarah is a
 provincial backwoods yokel who believes humans coexisted
 with dinosaurs, believes homosexuality is a choice, and has
 zero grasp of national issues. It makes me think that 
 PUMAcrats are primarily focused on getting women elected,
 regardless of ideology or qualifications.

(They in John's dumb insult refers back to
Alex's comment about the PUMAsphere.)

For the record, not all PUMAs support Palin by
any means; anybody who's read my posts knows
I certainly don't (I don't know if I really even
consider myself a PUMA). I'm not sure raunchydog
supports Palin either, in terms of planning on 
voting for McCain/Palin; you'd have to ask her.

People seem to have terrible trouble making a
distinction between supporting someone 
politically and defending them from unfair or
false charges. It's entirely possible to do
the latter without also doing the former.

What PUMAs have in common is a strong dislike
of Obama and distrust of the Democratic
leadership that gave him the nomination. They
feel (as I do) that the current Democratic
leadership has to be discredited and purged
and the party rebuilt to further progressive

But that, and their support for Hillary in the
primaries, is about all they have in common.
Some *are* supporting McCain/Palin; others are
not. Some will stay home and not vote at all.
Some will vote only for the downticket races.
Some will write in Hillary's name. Some will
write in a third-party candidate (I'm doing
so for Cynthia McKinney of the Green Party).

As to issues, remember that not all of
Hillary's supporters were progressives; those
that weren't are the ones more likely to be
voting for McCain/Palin.

Hillary's progressive supporters are well
aware of Palin's deficiencies in terms of
issues and experience. Those that do end up
voting for McCain/Palin will not so much be
voting *for* them as *against* Obama and the
Democratic Party leadership.

Rick wrote:

 I think more fundamentally, they're more focused on
 indulging in petty emotions. They were emotionally
 all wrapped up with Hillary, and now, intellectually,
 have rejected her in favor of continued emotional
 indulgence. Love (and hate) know no reason.

This is, of course, intentionally insulting
and sexist. It's also not true, at least not
universally, of Hillary's supporters. I doubt
that any of us have rejected her. We just
don't agree with her on every point.

It's the kind of simplistic thinking Rick
demonstrates that is what's primarily wrong
with our politics today.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
   Sarah Palin believing that dinosaurs roamed the earth with 
   4,000 years ago (or whatever it is that she allegedly believes 
   everyone is up in arms about)...
   Believing that Jesus dying and being tortured on a wooden
   cross will wash away all your sins -- past, present, and
   I find the latter claim much more absurd, frightening,
   and indicative of mental illness than the former.
   And yet Barack Obama -- who, being a Christian, as he'll
   readily admit -- must necessarily subscribe to the latter.
 Judy already nailed this but that wont stop me.
 The confusion you are expressing about different areas of knowledge
 Shemp, is precisely why George Bush and God forbid Sarah Palin in 
 White House causes so much trouble for the advancement of scientific
 understanding of our lives.  Thinking that the theory of evolution 
 mythology from an old book are on an epistemological par causes
 people in power to disregard the principles of science that help it
 transcend our tendency for intellectual delusions.  Bush politicized
 science.  It has hurt our country and mankind's growth of knowledge.

The only possible thing you can be referring to here, Curtis, is the 
Bush policy on stem-cell research, 'cause that's pretty much the only 
thing Bush has put the Kabosh on in the area of science.

And all that policy says is that the federal government won't give 
research money to any firm that engages in this practise.

But that doesn't stop you, me, or anyone else from today opening up a 
research lab and doing any and all experiments on stem-cells...we 
just won't get money from the federal government.  Indeed, if we're 
in CAlifornia and do that, Arnold and company will instead give us 

So how is that hurting our country and mankind's growth of 
knowledge?  Go ahead and work on stem-cell research; nothing is 
stopping you.

Or perhaps I am wrong in assuming that stem-cell policy is what you 
are referring to.

Perhaps it is something else.

Like AIDS research?  AIDS funding for the Third World?

Well, I assume that that must be what you mean because you make 
reference to hurting the world and mankind's growth of knowledge 
and since AIDS is the world's leading scientific problem after the 
imagined global warming crisis, this is a good candidate for what you 
are referring to.

Be that as it may, Curtis, you should be aware that George Bush leads 
the world in supporting and providing funds for both AIDS research 
and providing monies to the Third World to combat AIDS.  And he has 
far surpassed Clinton in doing it and that's why people like Sonny 
Bono praise him for this.

 I couldn't care less what wacky shit my president believes about 
 happens after he dies.  I am at peace with the idea that people much
 more brilliant than I am may believe things that I consider 
 But if they can't articulate why it is wrong to teach creationism
 alongside evolution in science class, and not say as George Bush has
 that he wants all the points of view to be taught so people can make
 up their own minds, then they have no place governing our country at
 this critical time.
 Palin furthered our understanding about how her scientific mind 
 by twice asserting that she wasn't interested in discussing the 
 of global warming, just git'n in thar an fix'n it all up.
 Palin's Joe Six Pack goes to the doctor:
 Dr. give me a whole bunch of pills cuz I've got a disease but I 
 want to get into a discussion of what is causing it.
  The difference is that there's very strong evidence
  *against* the former--meaning that someone who believes
  in the dinosaur theory has little respect for science--
  but none at all either for OR against the latter. 
  Plus which, having your sins forgiven makes a
  difference only after you die.
  To my mind, if one believes in an afterlife that may
  be either heavenly or hellish, depending on whether
  one's sins have been forgiven, it's psychologically
  a lot healthier during one's life on earth to believe
  one is going to go to heaven when one dies than to
  fear that one is going to hell.
  There are different opinions within Christianity as
  to whether one can lose one's salvation. The once
  saved, always saved belief is more characteristic of
  fundamentalism; that's probably what Palin believes,
  but I suspect Obama doesn't.
And, hell, for 
   all we know he subscribes to the dinosaur theory as well!
  More likely, Palin believes *both* that she cannot
  lose her salvation *and* that dinosaurs and humans
  were contemporaneous, whereas Obama believes neither.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fey does Palin agin on SNL

2008-10-05 Thread gullible fool

I saw that last night and thought it was hilarious and the best Fey faux yet. 
Had to watch it over and over.
Love will swallow you, eat you up completely until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Sun, 10/5/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fey does 
Palin agin on SNL
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 12:06 PM

On Oct 5, 2008, at 10:56 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

Please post the link to the video if you find it. So far I haven’t.

Rick, here's the link to *all* their videos...





[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 Palin furthered our understanding about how her scientific mind works
 by twice asserting that she wasn't interested in discussing the causes
 of global warming, just git'n in thar an fix'n it all up.
 Palin's Joe Six Pack goes to the doctor:
 Dr. give me a whole bunch of pills cuz I've got a disease but I don't
 want to get into a discussion of what is causing it.

Fortunately Sarah Silverman gets it.

Speaking of Sarah, 

funny video of her breaking the news to bf jimmy kimmel on his show.

[FairfieldLife] Deleting messages (was Re: was:.... Divine; now: Polls ...)

2008-10-05 Thread Tom
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom wrote:
  I knew what happened
  instantly and immediately went and 
  deleted it and posted a 
  corrected version.
  I only read these messages by looking 
  at FFL online.  
 We can delete messages we post at the 
 website? How? I'm not seeing a way. Thanks!

Go to a post that *you * have made.
Look directly under the subject line.
In addition to the normal reply and forward
you will see delete. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Betel Nuts'

2008-10-05 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's a pretty mild stimulant.  I would say that coffee is much more 

Is that from one quid? 

Indians -- in India -- I knew used it chewed all day long. They liked
it so much, I can't believe they did so based on the effect of 1/4 cup
of coffee. So perhaps the effect like drinking 40 cups of coffee a day. 

How much euphoria effect? Like 1 vicadin? 2? 1/2? This is really
really important since, ya know,  the bliss is gone -- and prayin to
Jesus don't work either. 

Catching a betel user however should not be hard. Look for the
incredibly gross red lips, gums and teeth. Or just follow the trail of
bright red spit every few feet.


so any banning (of the leaf only) is political football.  
 But Indians who come to the US often plant the seed and grow the trees 
 and trade the leaves.  I've never heard of any of them being busted for 
 the trees either.
 Robert wrote:
  Areca Catechu (Whole Betel Nuts)View Areca Catechu (Whole Betel
Nuts) in more detail  
  The most common use of these nuts (seeds) is in the ritual chewing
of the betel-quid. This habit is very widespread throughout Asia,
India and the Pacific, making it one of the most popular stimulants in
the world. Generally the the betel-quid is a small morsel consisting
of a quarter betel seed (cushed), a pinch of lime, spices like
cardamom or nutmeg for flavour all wrapped in a betel leaf (Piper
betle). On some Pacific Islands it is traditional for the men to also
add tobacco into the package. This quid is chewed slowly over several
hours, causing mild stimulation and a feeling of wellbeing.
  (1 oz) 
  Your Cost:
  (4 oz) 
  Your Cost:
  (16 oz) 
  Your Cost:
  Betel Nut Crushed SeedsView Betel Nut Crushed Seeds in more detail  
  These Betel Nut Seeds are crushed from our fresh, whole Betel
Nuts. The Areca Catechu seed is one tough nut, so we offer them
crushed as an alternative to processing your own seeds. The oils are
somewhat diminished in the crushed seeds, but they are still quite
useful for a variety of things, including research and components for
  (1 oz) 
  Your Cost:
  (4 oz) 
  Your Cost:
  (16 oz) 
  Your Cost:
  Betel Nut Chew (Parag)View Betel Nut Chew (Parag) in more detail  
  This national, mild flavored, non-spicy chew of India has been
shrouded in secrecy outside its homeland for ages, especially in the
United States. It's a stimulating euphorant and importation of this
product for human consumption has now been banned due to its arecoline
content. Legal? - Yes. Importable? - No. For this reason, we offer
this product only as a curiosity for education and research, and
strictly not for consumption. We are selling out of our present stock;
once it is gone, we will no longer carry these at the shop.
  Click image for full story... 
  (1 pack) 
  Your Cost:
  (3 packs) 
  Your Cost:
  (10 packs) 
  Your Cost:
  Betel Nut Chew (Rose)View Betel Nut Chew (Rose) in more detail  
  This Rose Supari packet is less sweet, with a rose flavor added
for those who don't care for the traditional Indian flavors. About the
same size as orange label Parag packets. Contains sugar instead of
saccharin. It's a stimulating euphorant and importation of this
product for human consumption has now been banned due to its arecoline
content. Legal? - Yes. Importable? - No. For this reason, we offer
this product only as a curiosity for education and research, and
strictly not for consumption. We are selling out of our present stock;
once it is gone, we will no longer carry these at the shop.
  Click image for full story... 
  (1 pack) 
  Your Cost:
  (3 packs) 
  Your Cost:
  (10 packs) 
  Your Cost:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Thinking cap could make you smarter...but at what cost?

2008-10-05 Thread raunchydog
I know a guy who loaded his head up with a bunch of magnets because he
had a toothache. He became deathly ill. A clairvoyant told him his
chakras were spinning wildly out of control and he should take a lot
of showers to get better. Just goes to show you Barry sure knows how
to pick 'em. Maybe it's time for a shower.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Here's an article I found fascinating, given the
  focusing on the details vs. seeing the big 
  picture discussions that have come up recently.
  It appears that artificially *increasing* the 
  ability to focus on the small shit and avoid the
  big picture might have some benefits in terms of
  triggering savant-like skills. What I wonder is,
  at what cost? If such a thinking cap could 
  enable you to increase your math skills, but at
  the cost of being able to see the big picture,
  would you wear it?
  For example, one of the things reported in the
  article is that subjects, after wearing the cap,
  were able to spot mistakes in text that they had
  missed the previous day. Cool, if you're an editor,
  I guess, but do these subjects retain the ability
  to know what the book they found errors in is 
  really about? Can they still *see* the big picture
  of it?
 Actually, what the article noted is that *proofreading*
 skills improved with the cap. A proofreader is indeed
 not concerned with the Big Picture, because the Big
 Picture work has already been done by editors.
 If editors focus on details like typos and so on, they
 can certainly lose the Big Picture. This thinking cap
 isn't something an editor would want to use.
 Sorry, Barry. Another one bites the dust.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread curtisdeltablues

I was referring to this.

A president who does not understand how science works or even general
principles of epistemology work causes other problems.  His
understanding about what would constitute good evidence of the
situation in pre-war Iraq for example.

Neither Bush nor Palin demonstrate clear thinking skills, they go with
their gut.  Palin does not need to know the causes of global warming
before she goes in to fix the problem.  Do you understand the
implications of this style of thinking?

 Be that as it may, Curtis, you should be aware that George Bush
leads the world in supporting and providing funds for both AIDS
research and providing monies to the Third World to combat AIDS.  And
he has  far surpassed Clinton in doing it and that's why people like
Sonny  Bono praise him for this.

Sonny rose from the grave?

His plan has many good and some bad points.  In a country where rape
is the biggest problem with the spread of AIDs his giving a third of
the money for prevention towards abstinence education seems out of

Bush has done lots of good things Shemp.  For me the bad things out
weigh the good.  YMMV.  But I don't want another 4 years of anti
intellectual bias in the White House. I don't believe that Joe Six
Pack is able to handle the problems our world faces right now.  I am
looking for someone more...how shall I say it...elite.  Yeah, that's
it.  I want a person in the White House who is much smarter than I am.
 And that doesn't raise the bar that high but it does clear the Prom
Up-Do'd head of Sarah Palin.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
Sarah Palin believing that dinosaurs roamed the earth with 
4,000 years ago (or whatever it is that she allegedly believes 
everyone is up in arms about)...


Believing that Jesus dying and being tortured on a wooden
cross will wash away all your sins -- past, present, and

I find the latter claim much more absurd, frightening,
and indicative of mental illness than the former.

And yet Barack Obama -- who, being a Christian, as he'll
readily admit -- must necessarily subscribe to the latter.
  Judy already nailed this but that wont stop me.
  The confusion you are expressing about different areas of knowledge
  Shemp, is precisely why George Bush and God forbid Sarah Palin in 
  White House causes so much trouble for the advancement of scientific
  understanding of our lives.  Thinking that the theory of evolution 
  mythology from an old book are on an epistemological par causes
  people in power to disregard the principles of science that help it
  transcend our tendency for intellectual delusions.  Bush politicized
  science.  It has hurt our country and mankind's growth of knowledge.
 The only possible thing you can be referring to here, Curtis, is the 
 Bush policy on stem-cell research, 'cause that's pretty much the only 
 thing Bush has put the Kabosh on in the area of science.
 And all that policy says is that the federal government won't give 
 research money to any firm that engages in this practise.
 But that doesn't stop you, me, or anyone else from today opening up a 
 research lab and doing any and all experiments on stem-cells...we 
 just won't get money from the federal government.  Indeed, if we're 
 in CAlifornia and do that, Arnold and company will instead give us 
 So how is that hurting our country and mankind's growth of 
 knowledge?  Go ahead and work on stem-cell research; nothing is 
 stopping you.
 Or perhaps I am wrong in assuming that stem-cell policy is what you 
 are referring to.
 Perhaps it is something else.
 Like AIDS research?  AIDS funding for the Third World?
 Well, I assume that that must be what you mean because you make 
 reference to hurting the world and mankind's growth of knowledge 
 and since AIDS is the world's leading scientific problem after the 
 imagined global warming crisis, this is a good candidate for what you 
 are referring to.
 Be that as it may, Curtis, you should be aware that George Bush leads 
 the world in supporting and providing funds for both AIDS research 
 and providing monies to the Third World to combat AIDS.  And he has 
 far surpassed Clinton in doing it and that's why people like Sonny 
 Bono praise him for this.
  I couldn't care less what wacky shit my president believes about 
  happens after he dies.  I am at peace with the idea that people much
  more brilliant than I am may believe things that I consider 
  But if they can't articulate why it is wrong to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Intelligent' computers put to the test'

2008-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can machines think? That was the question posed by the 
 great mathematician Alan Turing. Half a century later 
 six computers are about to converse with human interro-
 gators in an experiment that will attempt to prove that 
 the answer is yes.
 In the 'Turing test' a machine seeks to fool judges into 
 believing that it could be human. The test is performed 
 by conducting a text-based conversation on any subject. 
 If the computer's responses are indistinguishable from 
 those of a human, it has passed the Turing test and can 
 be said to be 'thinking'.

 In related news, scientists report that similar tests
 have failed to find human intelligence in Republicans
 John McCain, Sarah Palin, George W. Bush and two neo-
 Republican posters selected at random from the member-
 ship of Internet chat group Fairfield Life. 
 Researcher Ima Putz, Ph.D. said about the tests, While 
 we expected to find a lack of human intelligence in real 
 Republicans, beings who had been exposed to Republican
 ideas for many decades, we were surprised to find the 
 same lack of human intelligence in people who had only
 recently converted to Republicanism to spite Barrack
 Obama. They'd start to repeat themselves and mumble odd
 phrases like 'Obama = terrorism' and 'Unelectable is so 
 much more PC a word than black' and 'If it's got a dick
 it ain't slick.' Clearly, when examined rationally, none
 of these things are the least bit like human intelligence,
 but the fact that these two robots chose to keep repeating
 them does give us hope for future Turing experiments,
 because it's almost as if the machines had developed the
 desire to be *perceived* as human or intelligent, even
 though they weren't.

Hi guys...I'm dropping in right where I left off
this morning, before spending the day at the film
festival. Curiously enough, one of the films I saw 
today (it's a fantasy, horror, scifi festival) 
really was about a computer that becomes sentient. 
Synchronicity, eh?

But, after firing off the above post, I was think-
ing as I was walking over to the film halls that
maybe I should have explained something. When in 
one of my posts I introduce something with the 
phrase, In related news..., that's supposed to 
indicate that what follows is a joke. You know...a 
joke, satire, fiction, one of those goofs that is
written just for a laugh.

I'm pointing this out just in case there are folks
out there who are so humorless and uptight that
they might not perceive a made-up news article
AS satire, and might be tempted to take it as
seriously as they take themselves. 

Who *knows* what might happen in that case. I mean,
someone who took themselves that seriously and was
indirectly referred to in the satiricial piece might 
get their buttons pushed and spend their whole day 
replying angrily to a perceived insult (that was 
really a joke), thus missing out on having a nice 
day. A real loser might fire off a dozen or more 
angry retorts before figuring out that the original 
post was a joke. 

But this belated warning is probably superfluous
anyway. Surely in an intelligent group like this
there is no one who would take such an obvious
satire seriously, and write a bunch of angry,
defensive posts in retaliation. I'm sure that as I 
catch up on the posts that followed this one today, 
I'll find that the senses of humor of everyone here 
are still completely intact, and that no one 
got their buttons pushed.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Betel Nuts'

2008-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
Many Indian groceries sell paan in packages.  In fact I have been able 
to get paan with leaves (must've slipped under the DEA radar or they 
don't care).  Most of the ones in the individual foil packets just have 
the nut (not banned).  It's supposed to be an after meal thing which 
aids digestion (and does).  Of course you can overdo anything and the 
Indian paan junkies with rotted teeth were doing just that.

new.morning wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's a pretty mild stimulant.  I would say that coffee is much more 

 Is that from one quid? 

 Indians -- in India -- I knew used it chewed all day long. They liked
 it so much, I can't believe they did so based on the effect of 1/4 cup
 of coffee. So perhaps the effect like drinking 40 cups of coffee a day. 

 How much euphoria effect? Like 1 vicadin? 2? 1/2? This is really
 really important since, ya know,  the bliss is gone -- and prayin to
 Jesus don't work either. 

 Catching a betel user however should not be hard. Look for the
 incredibly gross red lips, gums and teeth. Or just follow the trail of
 bright red spit every few feet.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Peter Fuckin Stuphen for President

2008-10-05 Thread Tom
Hey, you fuckin' guys are alright.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
   (And Peter, like Marcuse, advocated fucking as a solution to 
   problems. He must have read Marcuse. You traded posts with Peter and
   were associated with him for years on FFL. Clearly we should ban 
   from FLL for such radical connections, but then should we ban all of
   us for our connections to Peter?) 
  ...the fucking solution would be a reason to vote FOR Peter for 
 I think that is a winning idea.  We have a grass routs org here on
 FFL. We can set up regional offices tomorrow. And start the campaign
 for 2012. 
 He won't need any coaching. He has all the fucking answers totally down.
 Q: Dr S, what is the solution to the continuing economic crisis --
 still ongoing since 2008? 
 A: More fucking.
 Q More fucking what?
 A: More fucking.
 Q: Moving on to the next question. We have been bogged down in Irag
 for almost 10 years now. What are your plans for withdraw?
 A: I never withdraw prematurely.
 Q: um ok, What about the Social Security crisis: 
 A: Seniors should fuck more.
 Q: And the education crisis:
 A: Students should fuck more.
 Q: And how do you plan to pay for all of this fucking?
 A: Fucking money. My Secretary of Internal Affairs and Global Fucking,
 Mr Curtis Blues, is drawing up a budget. Every man and woman over 16
 will get a fucking stimulus check to jump-start and vigorously pump up
 the economy thrusting us into a new age of prosperity an pleasure. My
 platform is the Politics of Pleasure.  And in Celebration of that
 platform -- new platform shoes for all the ladies.
 Q: How can the fucking money be spent?
 A: Under the Fucking Emergency Act of 2012, we are nationalizing all
 escort services, strip clubs, and internet porn sites. The fucking
 money we give the fucking people will be accepted at all of these
 nationalized fucking businesses.
 Q: Is it a big fucking budget?
 A: Without passing this budget we are all fucked.
 Q: Isn't that what you are advocating?
 A: Getting fucked, and getting Fucked are two different things.
 Q After you win the election what will you do?
 A: Eat a chicken salad sandwich.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Intelligent' computers put to the test'

2008-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Hi guys...I'm dropping in right where I left off
 this morning, before spending the day at the film
 festival. Curiously enough, one of the films I saw 
 today (it's a fantasy, horror, scifi festival) 
 really was about a computer that becomes sentient. 
 Synchronicity, eh?
Eagle Eye?  That film was a joke but there are plenty of stupid people 
in the US who liked it.  One forum member who agreed with my take on the 
film said he wished he was still 16 so he could enjoy such films.  :-D

BTW for those who like to play around with 3D on their computers 
Reallusion probably due to the free MovieStorm have released a free 
version of iClone 3.0.  It's actually the full version restricted to a 
low resolution output (320x240 I think) and the full timeline option 
times out after 30 days but there is no timeout for the rest of it.  I 
downloaded it but haven't installed it yet to see how much improved it 
is over the 2.0 version I have.

[FairfieldLife] Quasi-related-to-current-topics film festival story

2008-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
Because I have a press pass to this festival, 
I've gotten to see more of it than in previous
festivals, where I was only there to see the
movies. And one of the things I have discovered
is that the majority of the people at film
festivals are there for business reasons, look-
ing to buy or sell something.

I mean, you got yer producers and directors look-
ing to hook up with money for their next magnum opus,
and you got yer distributors looking to pick up
the rights to some low-budget horror flick before
anyone else. You got yer actors and actresses who
are trying to sell their current movie and try to
make sure it's not their last.

It's a zoo. But this makes for an interesting 
crowd at the bars, which explains to some extent 
this next story. I was sitting earlier today at 
the same hotel bar I am sitting at now, waiting 
for the next film, reading about Sarah Palin in 
The Observer, and at the next table I overhear 
some guy say the words, Nailin' Palin.

I listened closer. I glanced over and noticed the
promo literature on the table, and the name of the
film is really something like Nailin' Paylin. I
look up, at the guys around the table, and my first
thought is, These look like the kind of guys who
would work for Hustler. These were, in fact, the
kind of guys who work for Hustler. 

Larry Flint has supposedly commissioned a porn
film starring a Sarah Palin lookalike. These guys
are here pre-selling the European rights to it.
At a fantasy, horror, science fiction film festival.
Go figure. 

Go figure indeed. Good luck. I've got my hands full
trying to figure out whether Sarah Palin would fit
better into the category of fantasy, horror, or 
science fiction. So far science fiction is winning.

Gotta run. Next film starting...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Intelligent' computers put to the test'

2008-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  Hi guys...I'm dropping in right where I left off
  this morning, before spending the day at the film
  festival. Curiously enough, one of the films I saw 
  today (it's a fantasy, horror, scifi festival) 
  really was about a computer that becomes sentient. 
  Synchronicity, eh?

 Eagle Eye?  That film was a joke but there are plenty 
 of stupid people in the US who liked it.  One forum member 
 who agreed with my take on the film said he wished he was 
 still 16 so he could enjoy such films.  :-D

You caught me before I could attract the waiter's
attention and pay my bill and run to the next flick. 
I agree with you completely -- Eagle Eye was loathsome. 

[FairfieldLife] 'Sarah Palin= More of a Rogue, than a Maverick'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert

If Sarah's mentor VP is Dick Cheney,
We could have another rogue element within any administration.
Being a rogue, might work in distant and wide open Alaska.
But, being a rogue, with Cheney as your hero, would be dangerous.
She seem to go her own way even with the English language.
Also, I don't think a maverick would blink so much.
Besides, we need a Strong Leader, who can Face his Opponent head on.
And we need his partner to be able to Not be the one who blinks first.
McCain/Palin's combined temperment, would Not be qualified for the position(s)  
they seek.
They would be a dangerous choice, at this moment in history.
They are out of touch, and out of time, my babies.


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Intelligent' computers put to the test'

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Who *knows* what might happen in that case. I mean,
 someone who took themselves that seriously and was
 indirectly referred to in the satiricial piece might 
 get their buttons pushed and spend their whole day 
 replying angrily to a perceived insult (that was 
 really a joke), thus missing out on having a nice 
 day. A real loser might fire off a dozen or more 
 angry retorts before figuring out that the original 
 post was a joke.

Got 'im in one. And it only took me five minutes...

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
But, Curtis, we were talking about nutcase-fundamentalism and its 
influence on the presidency and science...although I didn't read the 
entire article you linked to, the scientists' complaints were about 
things like mining techniques and endangered species, things that 
weren't so much influenced by Bush's religion as by other non-
religious stances he may have.  Sure, they also included that morning 
after pill as one of their complaints -- which was probably 
influenced by Bush's born-againism -- but that was by no means their 
major complaint.

As for the global warming thing, I am disappointed that Palin even 
SLIGHTLY acknowledged that ANY global warming was man-made.  
Catastrophic man-made global warming is a myth, it is completely an 
unfounded scientific notion, and it has already lead to the death of 
many thousands of people.  Talk about mixing science with religion, 
Curtis!  My gosh, global warming is a fanatical radical religion far 
worse and extreme than anything Sarah Palin may believe in regarding 

Hey, hey, AGJ, how many babies have you killed today? This should 
be yelled from every rooftop in America.  Al Gore and his global 
warming cult are killing the poorest of the poor and this is the 
biggest issue of the decade as far as I'm concerned.  And it is 
nutcase fundamentalism that is on the par with people like Barry 
Wright's belief that he witnessed levitation or fundamentalists who 
believe that Jesus will rise again.

As for Bush's bad things outweighing the good well I'll be the first 
to agree with you on that...we just may disagree on which bad things 
are doing the outweighing.

As for the Sonny Bono reference: I was actually referring to the U2 
Bono who is a big Bush supporter, at least in things Third World and 
AIDS (I tried to make a funny).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 I was referring to this.
 A president who does not understand how science works or even 
 principles of epistemology work causes other problems.  His
 understanding about what would constitute good evidence of the
 situation in pre-war Iraq for example.
 Neither Bush nor Palin demonstrate clear thinking skills, they go 
 their gut.  Palin does not need to know the causes of global warming
 before she goes in to fix the problem.  Do you understand the
 implications of this style of thinking?
  Be that as it may, Curtis, you should be aware that George Bush
 leads the world in supporting and providing funds for both AIDS
 research and providing monies to the Third World to combat AIDS.  
 he has  far surpassed Clinton in doing it and that's why people 
 Sonny  Bono praise him for this.
 Sonny rose from the grave?
 His plan has many good and some bad points.  In a country where rape
 is the biggest problem with the spread of AIDs his giving a third of
 the money for prevention towards abstinence education seems out of
 Bush has done lots of good things Shemp.  For me the bad things out
 weigh the good.  YMMV.  But I don't want another 4 years of anti
 intellectual bias in the White House. I don't believe that Joe Six
 Pack is able to handle the problems our world faces right now.  I am
 looking for someone more...how shall I say it...elite.  Yeah, that's
 it.  I want a person in the White House who is much smarter than I 
  And that doesn't raise the bar that high but it does clear the Prom
 Up-Do'd head of Sarah Palin.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 

 Sarah Palin believing that dinosaurs roamed the earth with 
 4,000 years ago (or whatever it is that she allegedly 
 everyone is up in arms about)...
 Believing that Jesus dying and being tortured on a wooden
 cross will wash away all your sins -- past, present, and
 I find the latter claim much more absurd, frightening,
 and indicative of mental illness than the former.
 And yet Barack Obama -- who, being a Christian, as he'll
 readily admit -- must necessarily subscribe to the latter.
   Judy already nailed this but that wont stop me.
   The confusion you are expressing about different areas of 
   Shemp, is precisely why George Bush and God forbid Sarah Palin 
   White House causes so much trouble for the advancement of 
   understanding of our lives.  Thinking that the theory of 
   mythology from an old book are on an epistemological par 
   people in power to disregard the principles of science that 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Betel Nuts'

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
I've purchased packages of sweet pan (containing all the ingredients) 
at my local Indian grocer.  That was several years ago so I assume 
they still have it.

For those of you who don't know what it is, think chewing tobacco 
with a dollop of honey and a cardamon seed thrown into the disgusting 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Many Indian groceries sell paan in packages.  In fact I have been 
 to get paan with leaves (must've slipped under the DEA radar or 
 don't care).  Most of the ones in the individual foil packets just 
 the nut (not banned).  It's supposed to be an after meal thing 
 aids digestion (and does).  Of course you can overdo anything and 
 Indian paan junkies with rotted teeth were doing just that.
 new.morning wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  It's a pretty mild stimulant.  I would say that coffee is much 
  Is that from one quid? 
  Indians -- in India -- I knew used it chewed all day long. They 
  it so much, I can't believe they did so based on the effect of 
1/4 cup
  of coffee. So perhaps the effect like drinking 40 cups of coffee 
a day. 
  How much euphoria effect? Like 1 vicadin? 2? 1/2? This is really
  really important since, ya know,  the bliss is gone -- and 
prayin to
  Jesus don't work either. 
  Catching a betel user however should not be hard. Look for the
  incredibly gross red lips, gums and teeth. Or just follow the 
trail of
  bright red spit every few feet.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quasi-related-to-current-topics film festival story

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
The only reason the story below didn't contain a name-dropping is 
that Larry Flynt is paralyzed, lives in California, and it is 
probably very difficult for him to travel.

Otherwise, you can betcha that like all the stories that Barry 
relates to us on this forum in which celebrities are involved he 
would have both met and broke bread with them.

Barry, why don't you make a list here of all the celebrities and 
important people you know?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Because I have a press pass to this festival, 
 I've gotten to see more of it than in previous
 festivals, where I was only there to see the
 movies. And one of the things I have discovered
 is that the majority of the people at film
 festivals are there for business reasons, look-
 ing to buy or sell something.
 I mean, you got yer producers and directors look-
 ing to hook up with money for their next magnum opus,
 and you got yer distributors looking to pick up
 the rights to some low-budget horror flick before
 anyone else. You got yer actors and actresses who
 are trying to sell their current movie and try to
 make sure it's not their last.
 It's a zoo. But this makes for an interesting 
 crowd at the bars, which explains to some extent 
 this next story. I was sitting earlier today at 
 the same hotel bar I am sitting at now, waiting 
 for the next film, reading about Sarah Palin in 
 The Observer, and at the next table I overhear 
 some guy say the words, Nailin' Palin.
 I listened closer. I glanced over and noticed the
 promo literature on the table, and the name of the
 film is really something like Nailin' Paylin. I
 look up, at the guys around the table, and my first
 thought is, These look like the kind of guys who
 would work for Hustler. These were, in fact, the
 kind of guys who work for Hustler. 
 Larry Flint has supposedly commissioned a porn
 film starring a Sarah Palin lookalike. These guys
 are here pre-selling the European rights to it.
 At a fantasy, horror, science fiction film festival.
 Go figure. 
 Go figure indeed. Good luck. I've got my hands full
 trying to figure out whether Sarah Palin would fit
 better into the category of fantasy, horror, or 
 science fiction. So far science fiction is winning.
 Gotta run. Next film starting...

[FairfieldLife] Barry Wright, FFL's Zelig

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
Anything of importance that has ever happened in the New Age Movement 
or Western Civilization in general, Barry Wright was there.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 5, 2008, at 2:02 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:

Hey, hey, AGJ, how many babies have you killed today? This should  
be yelled from every rooftop in America.

So yell it , shemp, and see what happens...I'm sure you can
get special permission from the hospital staff at Bellevue to
spend a few minutes on the roof, as long as someone
accompanies you, that is...

Al Gore and his global
warming cult are killing the poorest of the poor


[FairfieldLife] 'Sarah Palin-using extreme fear tactics'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert
'Today, while campaigning, Sarah Palin, told women that don't support 
other women, will go to hell!
Therefore, if you are a woman, and you don't vote for Sarah Palin, 
there may be a 'special place in hell' for you!
I didn't know that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Song for Fairfield Life

2008-10-05 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Judy, why do you waste your time with the cult-addled brain of Barry 
 Wright?  Everything he ever complains about regarding TM he is guilty 
 of himself in spades.

HeHe ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Oct 5, 2008, at 2:02 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:
  Hey, hey, AGJ, how many babies have you killed today? This 
  be yelled from every rooftop in America.
 So yell it , shemp, and see what happens...I'm sure you can
 get special permission from the hospital staff at Bellevue to
 spend a few minutes on the roof, as long as someone
 accompanies you, that is...
  Al Gore and his global
  warming cult are killing the poorest of the poor

You don't give a rat's ass for how much the world's poor suffer, do 
you, Salvatore?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Betel Nuts'

2008-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
Actually the real street sold paan in India is pretty good.  It's some 
stuff wrapped in the leaf.  There was (and may still be) some boxes sold 
in stores that somewhat resemble the street version as best you can 
preserve in a box and foil.

shempmcgurk wrote:
 I've purchased packages of sweet pan (containing all the ingredients) 
 at my local Indian grocer.  That was several years ago so I assume 
 they still have it.

 For those of you who don't know what it is, think chewing tobacco 
 with a dollop of honey and a cardamon seed thrown into the disgusting 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Many Indian groceries sell paan in packages.  In fact I have been 
 to get paan with leaves (must've slipped under the DEA radar or 
 don't care).  Most of the ones in the individual foil packets just 
 the nut (not banned).  It's supposed to be an after meal thing 
 aids digestion (and does).  Of course you can overdo anything and 
 Indian paan junkies with rotted teeth were doing just that.

 new.morning wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 It's a pretty mild stimulant.  I would say that coffee is much 
 Is that from one quid? 

 Indians -- in India -- I knew used it chewed all day long. They 
 it so much, I can't believe they did so based on the effect of 
 1/4 cup
 of coffee. So perhaps the effect like drinking 40 cups of coffee 
 a day. 
 How much euphoria effect? Like 1 vicadin? 2? 1/2? This is really
 really important since, ya know,  the bliss is gone -- and 
 prayin to
 Jesus don't work either. 

 Catching a betel user however should not be hard. Look for the
 incredibly gross red lips, gums and teeth. Or just follow the 
 trail of
 bright red spit every few feet.



[FairfieldLife] 'Why Would Someone Vote for McCain/Palin?'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert
I wish someone could have an answer to this question,
Which wouldn't include, why they were voting against,
I'll be honest with you, I just don't get.
These two are so much the end of the road, for the Republicans, that 
it isn't even funny...
I would just like to know one, rational, reasonable reason why one 
would vote for these two, to be leaders of the 'Free World'...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Song for Fairfield Life

2008-10-05 Thread Peter

--- On Sun, 10/5/08, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Song for Fairfield Life
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 3:38 PM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Judy, why do you waste your time with the cult-addled
 brain of Barry 
  Wright?  Everything he ever complains about regarding
 TM he is guilty 
  of himself in spades.
 HeHe ;-)

This is what Nabs says when he's out stomping a crop circle with the lads after 
a few pints ! 

 To subscribe, send a message to:
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] 'The Terrible Two(s)' or 'Just Say No!'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert
Time for Americans to grow up, just...a tad...
This just say no, thing, is getting old.
There is someway outa here...
And the Hour(s) is getting Late!

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Song for Fairfield Life

2008-10-05 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- On Sun, 10/5/08, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Song for Fairfield Life
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 3:38 PM
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
   Judy, why do you waste your time with the cult-addled
  brain of Barry 
   Wright?  Everything he ever complains about regarding
  TM he is guilty 
   of himself in spades.
  HeHe ;-)
 This is what Nabs says when he's out stomping a crop circle with 
the lads after a few pints ! 

Speaking of Crop Circles; here's one discovered in a cornfield 
October 1, 2008. Enjoy ! ;-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 As for the global warming thing, I am disappointed that Palin even 
 SLIGHTLY acknowledged that ANY global warming was man-made.  
 Catastrophic man-made global warming is a myth, it is completely an 
 unfounded scientific notion, and it has already lead to the death of 
 many thousands of people.  Talk about mixing science with religion, 
 Curtis!  My gosh, global warming is a fanatical radical religion far 
 worse and extreme than anything Sarah Palin may believe in regarding 

I Know! Everyone knows Global Warming is the result of a huge yagya
performed by 10 million vedic gods -- and the heat is just due to the
homa offerings into the fire. 

Plus since God made man, everything man makes is really made by 
God. So when man pollutes and produces carbon --- its all good cuz its

And its Gods Will that the ice caps are melting, polar bears are
losing habitat, going extinct, weather is going beserk, eco-systems
are taking a huge dive an a billion -- mostly poor citizens of the
world will lose homes and farmlands -- and those not killed start
MASSIVE migrations and refugee camps larger than the World population
a hundred years ago. 

And of course God created Al Gore -- so all of his efforts are ALSO

Its all SOOO kewl. -- all preparation for the Rapture! Totally!

I didn't get a BA from MIN like you Shemp, so I am not as much on the
cutting edge of fundamentalist anti-science as you -- but I am doing
my best to dig my head as deep into the sand as your education has
done for you. 

I am truly glad that you, George Bush and Dick Cheney understand these

Life is so much simpler when you can just ignore science and rational
ways of life and get your world view from National Inquirer and Guns
and Ammo.  I only wished I had learned such a powerful paradigm like
you -- right out of school.

Jai the Middle Ages.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Sarah Palin-using extreme fear tactics'

2008-10-05 Thread raunchydog
Really? Where's the link to your source? Let's see it. Video? Article?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 'Today, while campaigning, Sarah Palin, told women that don't support 
 other women, will go to hell!
 Therefore, if you are a woman, and you don't vote for Sarah Palin, 
 there may be a 'special place in hell' for you!
 I didn't know that.

[FairfieldLife] Naomi Wolf on the October 1st Coup

2008-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
Interview - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty

Wolf raises issues with the bailout and the threat of martial law if the 
bill didn't get passed (a totally unacceptable threat, people) and 
theocratic rule as statements by Sarah Palin suggest.  She breaks down 
the steps to fascism and how deep we are already into it.   Her upcoming 
movie (January 2009 may be too late though):

Disclaimer: I don't post information here to create fear but to be 
informative.  Besides I would think most people here would have 
transcended fear a long time ago.  Time to rise up folks, and take our 
country back.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Todd Palin's 7 year membership in radical 'hate America' AIP

2008-10-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Keep this line of thinking going, Bongo.  Because, by implication, 
 your reasoning can be applied to Barky.
 Hmmm.  Let's see. The founder of an organisation that the husband of 
 the VP candidate belongs to expressed WORDS of hatred for America.

You left out that the AIP still has secession as a goal and still
honors the words of its founder and that Todd Palin has been a member
for 7 years and that Sarah Palin introduced their 2008 convention.

Neither one of them has, to my knowledge, ever repudiated those WORDS
nor the basic tenets of the secessionist AIP.

 Yet Barky himself -- not his wife -- was intimately connected with 
 and worked closely with a non-repentant self-admitted terrorist...not 
 someone who expressed, through his freedom of speech, words of hatred 

Obama was 8 years old when that happened and never had any association
with Ayers in any way until decades later when he participated in a
widely respected education project with a team that included a fully
rehabilitated Ayers and others - all of whom had nothing at all to do
with Ayer's' past.

 Yes, genius, keep this sort of thing up.  It should bode well for the 
 Obama campaign.

I don't have any doubt that Obama's campaign will successfully weather
the admitted last ditch desperate effort by the McCain people to
resort to intense negative less-than-truthful smears. They simply
cannot win any other way.

Half-truths, misrepresentations, omissions, distortions, exaggerations
and flat out lies are what characterize the claims *and integrity* of
the right wing freaks and low-life slime trolls like Magoo.

After having been burned so badly by the bullshit and lies of BushCo
and its 'culture of corruption' rubber stamp GOP Congress, the
American people appear to be more savvy lately than to accept more of
the same in the form of a negative smear campaign by McCain/Palin and
their surrogate noise makers who offer little if anything that's
substantive real positive change for the nation and regular Americans
at all - just a continuation of more of the same self-service and

[FairfieldLife] 'Dream Herb- via Oxaca, down thar in Mexico'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Why Would Someone Vote for McCain/Palin?'

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wish someone could have an answer to this question,
 Which wouldn't include, why they were voting against,
 I'll be honest with you, I just don't get.
 These two are so much the end of the road, for the Republicans, 
 it isn't even funny...
 I would just like to know one, rational, reasonable reason why one 
 would vote for these two, to be leaders of the 'Free World'...

Although I am not a registered voter in the United States, I'll try 
and give you an answer.

But it is hard to do, first of all, because of your qualifier of not 
to include why I would be voting against Obama. Because voting 
against Obama would be the main reason for me to vote for McCain.

In addition to that, the main reason would be to vote for Sarah Palin 
whom I think is the freshest bestest candidate to come along since 
Ronald Reagan, although I am disappointed in her recent statement 
blaming Wall Street greed for the current economic crisis (I'm hoping 
she said it only because of reasons of solidarity with McCain, her 

I want someone who is against big government, taxes, government 
intervention.  Obviously, that person is NOT McCain but I'm hoping it 
is Palin.

I hope I've answered your question. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
Bush and Cheney are on YOUR side now on the global warming question, 
new.morning. So it is YOU on the side of fanatics and cult-
worshipping nonsense.

I am on the side of science and reason.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  As for the global warming thing, I am disappointed that Palin 
  SLIGHTLY acknowledged that ANY global warming was man-made.  
  Catastrophic man-made global warming is a myth, it is completely 
  unfounded scientific notion, and it has already lead to the death 
  many thousands of people.  Talk about mixing science with 
  Curtis!  My gosh, global warming is a fanatical radical religion 
  worse and extreme than anything Sarah Palin may believe in 
 I Know! Everyone knows Global Warming is the result of a huge yagya
 performed by 10 million vedic gods -- and the heat is just due to 
 homa offerings into the fire. 
 Plus since God made man, everything man makes is really made by 
 God. So when man pollutes and produces carbon --- its all good cuz 
 And its Gods Will that the ice caps are melting, polar bears are
 losing habitat, going extinct, weather is going beserk, eco-systems
 are taking a huge dive an a billion -- mostly poor citizens of the
 world will lose homes and farmlands -- and those not killed start
 MASSIVE migrations and refugee camps larger than the World 
 a hundred years ago. 
 And of course God created Al Gore -- so all of his efforts are ALSO
 Its all SOOO kewl. -- all preparation for the Rapture! Totally!
 I didn't get a BA from MIN like you Shemp, so I am not as much on 
 cutting edge of fundamentalist anti-science as you -- but I am doing
 my best to dig my head as deep into the sand as your education has
 done for you. 
 I am truly glad that you, George Bush and Dick Cheney understand 
 Life is so much simpler when you can just ignore science and 
 ways of life and get your world view from National Inquirer and Guns
 and Ammo.  I only wished I had learned such a powerful paradigm like
 you -- right out of school.
 Jai the Middle Ages.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Naomi Wolf on the October 1st Coup

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
Talk about Christian fundamentalist nutcases.

You are aware, aren't you, that Wolf claims to have been visited by a 
reincarnation of Jesus Christ in the form of a 13-year-old boy?

Google it.

So, dear Bhairitu, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the 
gander.  Hold Wolf to the same nutcase fundamentalism standard you 
hold Palin to...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Interview - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty
 Wolf raises issues with the bailout and the threat of martial law 
if the 
 bill didn't get passed (a totally unacceptable threat, people) and 
 theocratic rule as statements by Sarah Palin suggest.  She breaks 
 the steps to fascism and how deep we are already into it.   Her 
 movie (January 2009 may be too late though):
 Disclaimer: I don't post information here to create fear but to be 
 informative.  Besides I would think most people here would have 
 transcended fear a long time ago.  Time to rise up folks, and take 
 country back.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Todd Palin's 7 year membership in radical 'hate America' AIP

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  Keep this line of thinking going, Bongo.  Because, by 
  your reasoning can be applied to Barky.
  Hmmm.  Let's see. The founder of an organisation that the husband 
  the VP candidate belongs to expressed WORDS of hatred for America.
 You left out that the AIP still has secession as a goal and still
 honors the words of its founder and that Todd Palin has been a 
 for 7 years and that Sarah Palin introduced their 2008 convention.
 Neither one of them has, to my knowledge, ever repudiated those 
 nor the basic tenets of the secessionist AIP.
  Yet Barky himself -- not his wife -- was intimately connected 
  and worked closely with a non-repentant self-admitted 
  someone who expressed, through his freedom of speech, words of 
 Obama was 8 years old when that happened and never had any 
 with Ayers in any way until decades later when he participated in a
 widely respected education project with a team that included a fully
 rehabilitated Ayers and others - all of whom had nothing at all to 
 with Ayer's' past.

A fully rehabilitated Ayers writes Bongo Brazil.

Well, gosh, what could that possibly mean?

It can't mean what the traditional, most commonly understood 
definition of the word rehabilitate means, that he has been 
rehabilitated as a prisoner of a crime he was convicted of.  Why?  
Because as we all know, Ayers was never convicted of his terrorist 

So, Bongo must mean that Ayers has been rehabiliated of this 
terrorist thinking.  But that's not the case because Ayers has 
already clearly stated that he is unrepentant and that he feels he 
didn't do enough with the bombing.

What Bongo may mean (and who the hell knows what that could be) is 
that Ayers is now a beacon of respectibility in Chicago and that this 
somehow means he is rehabilitated.  But according to the article by 
Kurtz, Ayers is as radical as ever and still holds fast to his 
radical views...and that, indeed, Obama supports and funds those 

So any of these interpretations, Bongo, of your rehabilitated 
sentence does NOT bode well for the community organiser.

  Yes, genius, keep this sort of thing up.  It should bode well for 
  Obama campaign.
 I don't have any doubt that Obama's campaign will successfully 
 the admitted last ditch desperate effort by the McCain people to
 resort to intense negative less-than-truthful smears. They simply
 cannot win any other way.
 Half-truths, misrepresentations, omissions, distortions, 
 and flat out lies are what characterize the claims *and integrity* 
 the right wing freaks and low-life slime trolls like Magoo.
 After having been burned so badly by the bullshit and lies of BushCo
 and its 'culture of corruption' rubber stamp GOP Congress, the
 American people appear to be more savvy lately than to accept more 
 the same in the form of a negative smear campaign by McCain/Palin 
 their surrogate noise makers who offer little if anything that's
 substantive real positive change for the nation and regular 
 at all - just a continuation of more of the same self-service and

[FairfieldLife] Re: Naomi Wolf on the October 1st Coup

2008-10-05 Thread new . morning
America -- as a nation state -- is not a divine, eternal, a prior,
guaranteed entity. Liberty, choice, are certainly deeper, more towards
eternal qualities than America. 

From the trailer and past interviews, Naomi wear earth tones, Al
Wolf -- as other down-the-tubists --  appears to look as all of
America sinking. There are other scenarios.

If a combination of debt load, bail-outs, taxes, depression,
substantial loss of liberty, police state inroads, foreign incursions,
rising higher levels of militarism, anti-immigration, discrimination
-- all unfold similtaneously -- and these things feed each other --
then a break-up of the US into cluster nations states seems plausible
-- if not probable. 

At a minimum Red and Blue states will have strong forces towards
splitting up. If and as crises, emergencies, disaster-leadership
unfolds, states will take the option -- perhaps be granted it by
mutual accord -- an opt out of the larger republic - and create unions
of like minds and hearts. 

Red state can build a wall around their new nation, cut legal
imigraion to a trickle, cut taxes to nothing, borrow 200% of gdp, jail
doctors performing and women having abortions, behead drug users --
including pot -- lock up gays, look the other way when gangs smash and
burn Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic temples, ignore global
warming and abolish all fuel and appliance efficiency standards,
promote unsequestered coal, and nucluuyar energy, drill of oil 50 feet
off all their coast lines, wire tap, and have 24/7 video surveilance
on most everything and everyone, print money as fast as the presses
will go, have standing armies and police forces -- interchangible --
integrated mandating 20% of the population serve, build up huge
nucleeyur  and poison gas arsonals, abolish public schools and let let
kids be church or home schooled, end medicare and social security,
deregulate everything, create loyalty oaths for all citizens, abolish
all pollution laws,  do away with the FCC, SEC, FTC and FDA, promote
leaders by their qualities of style -- ignoring substance, repeal all
anti-discrimination and voting rights legislation, bring back Jim
Crow, make NASCAR the national sport, triple the number of jails, end
all rehabilitation programs and simply lock up for life, and punish
all the criminals as defined daily by the State, suspend habeas
corpus, require gun ownership and allow citizens to own tanks, small
nuclear bombs up to 2 kg, and attack helicopters ...

The new Blue nation-state(s) will unfold their values a well.

And we will see which state thrives, which stumble -- their economies,
education an health levels per capita, competitivenes, foreign
investment, and member of the family of nations.

Parts of America may go down. Not necessarily all parts.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Interview - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty
 Wolf raises issues with the bailout and the threat of martial law if
 bill didn't get passed (a totally unacceptable threat, people) and 
 theocratic rule as statements by Sarah Palin suggest.  She breaks down 
 the steps to fascism and how deep we are already into it.   Her
 movie (January 2009 may be too late though):
 Disclaimer: I don't post information here to create fear but to be 
 informative.  Besides I would think most people here would have 
 transcended fear a long time ago.  Time to rise up folks, and take our 
 country back.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Naomi Wolf on the October 1st Coup

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Interview - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty
 Wolf raises issues with the bailout and the threat of martial 
 law if the bill didn't get passed (a totally unacceptable
 threat, people)

Who threatened martial law if the bill wasn't passed??

[FairfieldLife] Re: Todd Palin's 7 year membership in radical 'hate America' AIP

2008-10-05 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  Keep this line of thinking going, Bongo.  Because, by implication, 
  your reasoning can be applied to Barky.
  Hmmm.  Let's see. The founder of an organisation that the husband of 
  the VP candidate belongs to expressed WORDS of hatred for America.
 You left out that the AIP still has secession as a goal and still
 honors the words of its founder and that Todd Palin has been a member
 for 7 years and that Sarah Palin introduced their 2008 convention.
 Neither one of them has, to my knowledge, ever repudiated those WORDS
 nor the basic tenets of the secessionist AIP.

And why is discussion and even planning for sucession a bad thing? 

Why would repudiation of sucessionism be required or even lauded?

Is America now like the Berlin Wall -- you need to fence free
citizens in to keep them from staking out their own destinies?

  Yet Barky himself -- not his wife -- was intimately connected with 
  and worked closely with a non-repentant self-admitted terrorist...not 
  someone who expressed, through his freedom of speech, words of hatred 
 Obama was 8 years old when that happened and never had any association
 with Ayers in any way until decades later when he participated in a
 widely respected education project with a team that included a fully
 rehabilitated Ayers and others - all of whom had nothing at all to do
 with Ayer's' past.
  Yes, genius, keep this sort of thing up.  It should bode well for the 
  Obama campaign.
 I don't have any doubt that Obama's campaign will successfully weather
 the admitted last ditch desperate effort by the McCain people to
 resort to intense negative less-than-truthful smears. They simply
 cannot win any other way.
 Half-truths, misrepresentations, omissions, distortions, exaggerations
 and flat out lies are what characterize the claims *and integrity* of
 the right wing freaks and low-life slime trolls like Magoo.
 After having been burned so badly by the bullshit and lies of BushCo
 and its 'culture of corruption' rubber stamp GOP Congress, the
 American people appear to be more savvy lately than to accept more of
 the same in the form of a negative smear campaign by McCain/Palin and
 their surrogate noise makers who offer little if anything that's
 substantive real positive change for the nation and regular Americans
 at all - just a continuation of more of the same self-service and

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-05 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bush and Cheney are on YOUR side now on the global warming question, 
 new.morning. So it is YOU on the side of fanatics and cult-
 worshipping nonsense.
 I am on the side of science and reason.

Pre-Aristotle science? Science taught at MIU in the core course?

It must be exhilarating to be to the right, and more anti-science than
Bush or Cheney. You are indeed a Maverick! Sarah Palin should pick you
as her running mate!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   As for the global warming thing, I am disappointed that Palin 
   SLIGHTLY acknowledged that ANY global warming was man-made.  
   Catastrophic man-made global warming is a myth, it is completely 
   unfounded scientific notion, and it has already lead to the death 
   many thousands of people.  Talk about mixing science with 
   Curtis!  My gosh, global warming is a fanatical radical religion 
   worse and extreme than anything Sarah Palin may believe in 
  I Know! Everyone knows Global Warming is the result of a huge yagya
  performed by 10 million vedic gods -- and the heat is just due to 
  homa offerings into the fire. 
  Plus since God made man, everything man makes is really made by 
  God. So when man pollutes and produces carbon --- its all good cuz 
  And its Gods Will that the ice caps are melting, polar bears are
  losing habitat, going extinct, weather is going beserk, eco-systems
  are taking a huge dive an a billion -- mostly poor citizens of the
  world will lose homes and farmlands -- and those not killed start
  MASSIVE migrations and refugee camps larger than the World 
  a hundred years ago. 
  And of course God created Al Gore -- so all of his efforts are ALSO
  Its all SOOO kewl. -- all preparation for the Rapture! Totally!
  I didn't get a BA from MIN like you Shemp, so I am not as much on 
  cutting edge of fundamentalist anti-science as you -- but I am doing
  my best to dig my head as deep into the sand as your education has
  done for you. 
  I am truly glad that you, George Bush and Dick Cheney understand 
  Life is so much simpler when you can just ignore science and 
  ways of life and get your world view from National Inquirer and Guns
  and Ammo.  I only wished I had learned such a powerful paradigm like
  you -- right out of school.
  Jai the Middle Ages.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Todd Palin's 7 year membership in radical 'hate America' AIP

2008-10-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   Keep this line of thinking going, Bongo.  Because, by implication, 
   your reasoning can be applied to Barky.
   Hmmm.  Let's see. The founder of an organisation that the
husband of 
   the VP candidate belongs to expressed WORDS of hatred for America.
  You left out that the AIP still has secession as a goal and still
  honors the words of its founder and that Todd Palin has been a member
  for 7 years and that Sarah Palin introduced their 2008 convention.
  Neither one of them has, to my knowledge, ever repudiated those WORDS
  nor the basic tenets of the secessionist AIP.
 And why is discussion and even planning for sucession a bad thing? 
 Why would repudiation of sucessionism be required or even lauded?

Are you attempting to justify this?:

The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the
American government, Vogler said in the interview, in which he talked
extensively about his desire for Alaskan secession, the key goal of
the AIP.

And I won't be buried under their damn flag, Vogler continued in the
interview, which also touched on his disappointment with the American
judicial system. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an
independent nation they can bring my bones home.

At another point, Volger advocated renouncing allegiance to the United
States. In the course of denouncing Federal regulation over land, he said:

And then you get mad. And you say, the hell with them. And you
renounce allegiance, and you pledge your efforts, your effects, your
honor, your life to Alaska.

Try selling that fringe crap to the American people, new morning.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Naomi Wolf on the October 1st Coup

2008-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Talk about Christian fundamentalist nutcases.
 You are aware, aren't you, that Wolf claims to have been visited
 by a reincarnation of Jesus Christ in the form of a 13-year-old

Uh, no, she had an experience of *herself* as a 13-
year-old boy sitting next to Jesus.

She may well be a nutcase, but she isn't a Christian
fundamentalist nutcase. She's Jewish and apparently
did not convert as a result of her experience.

From a post on Salon's Broadsheet blog by Rebecca Traister, 1/21/06:

But even by her dizzying standards [of eccentric incarnations in 
her thinking], the interview Wolf gave to Scotland's Sunday Herald 
this weekend was truly outlandish. In it, she claimed that during a 
therapy session to treat writer's block, she took on the spirit of a 
13-year-old boy and saw Jesus Christ. 

I'm sure it was Jesus, Wolf told the Herald, describing him 
as this figure who was the most perfected human being that there 
could be -- full of light and full of love. 

She continued, I was a 13-year-old boy sitting next to him and 
feeling feelings I'd never felt in my lifetime ... [Feelings] of a 
boy being with an older male who he really loves and admires and 
loves to be in the presence of. 

Wolf, raised Jewish, did not indicate to the paper that her vision 
had led to conversion to a particular religion. There are a lot of 
people out there just waiting for some little Jewish feminist to 
cross over, she said. I don't claim to get where this being fits 
into the scheme of things but I absolutely believe in divine 
providence now, absolutely believe God totally cares about every 
single one of us intimately



[FairfieldLife] 'Rove's Intuition = Obama Win'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert

Mike Allen Sun Oct 5, 11:22 AM ET 

With 30 days until Nov. 4, Karl Rove projects that Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) 
would get at least 273 electoral votes – three more than are needed to win – if 
the presidential election were held today. 

if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object();

But Rove warns that this race is “susceptible to rapid changes,” so no definite 
prediction is possible.
The remarkable forecast from the architect of the last two nationwide political 
victories underscores the straits that have rapidly enveloped Sen. John McCain 
(R-Ariz.) as the banking and credit crisis spread.
Rove writes on Rove.com: “39 new state polls released in the first three days 
of October have given Barack Obama his first lead over the magic number of 270 
since mid-July. Minnesota (10 EV) and New Hampshire (4 EV) both moved from 
toss-up to Obama, giving him 273 electoral votes to McCain’s 163, with 102 
votes remaining as a toss-up.
“If the election were held today, Obama would win every state John Kerry won in 
2004, while adding New Mexico (5 EV), Iowa (7 EV), and Colorado (9 EV) to his 
coalition. Remember, though, that these state polls are a lagging indicator and 
most do not include any surveying done after the vice-presidential debate on 
Thursday night.”
Rove cautioned on “Fox News Sunday”: “Remember, the campaign ebbs and flows. 
What we're seeing here is a result of the focus of the American people, voters, 
on the economic problems that have dominated the news the last several weeks. 
What's happened then is a shift to Obama.
“Just remember, 17 days ago in the electoral college, McCain led 227 to 216. 
Fifteen days ago, on the eve of the news on the bailout, he led 216-215.This 
race is susceptible to rapid changes and we're likely to see, in the remaining 
four weeks, more changes.”
On “Meet the Press” on Sunday, NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd said 
Obama is still one state away from solidifying the 270 electoral votes he needs 
to win the White House. Colorado, Virginia or Florida would put it away for 
Obama if the election were held today, Todd said.
“Even if it’s Nevada [making the total] 269, it sends it to the House, where 
Democrats have an advantage,” Todd said. “As it stands today, John McCain would 
have to run the table. Now, good news for him: They’re all states that voted 
Republican four years ago.
“However, he’s behind right now a little bit in Ohio. There’s a dispute of 
who’s ahead or who’s behind in Florida but it feel as if Obama’s a little bit 
ahead in Florida. Obama’s a little bit ahead in Colorado. And it’s a dead even 
race in Virginia. Dead even in Nevada. And even Missouri, which we almost put 
in tossup this week, is getting very close, where McCain just has a very narrow 
Todd said a landslide could be 364 electoral votes – “the high-water mark.” In 
1980, Ronald Reagan got 489. In 1988, George H.W. Bush got 426. “The McCain 
folks now have to hold everything … to keep this thing competitive,” Todd said.

Mike Murphy, a Republican strategist who was the architect of McCain’s 2000 
campaign said on “Meet the Press”: “It’s McCain’s barn that’s on fire. … Thirty 
days out, I think McCain can win. But the fact is, [if the] election were held 
today, he’d lose. And I think he’s on a losing path.
“I think the McCain campaign has to look in the mirror now and decide, do we 
need to change up the strategy? They’ve been running the grinding campaign on 
Obama. There’s a lot of good things to attack Obama about – people have a lot 
of doubts about Obama. But they’ve got to fix McCain. McCain has to connect 
with voters on the economy. He’s got to get ticket-splitters. Get out of base 
Republican issues and get people who are worried about the economy and health 
care over. Or in this anti-Republican environment, this trend line is very, 
very bad.”
Appearing with Murphy, Democratic consultant Paul Begala, who helped mastermind 
Bill Clinton’s 1992 win, said he had talked to the Obama high command. “They’re 
flooding the zone,” Begala said. “They’re going into places where Democrats 
used to never dare go. Indiana! I cannot believe we’re sitting here 30 days 
before an election, talking about Indiana, a potential tossup state. Or North 
Carolina and Virginia.
“Barack Obama would be the first non-Southerner from my party to carry a 
Southern state since JFK – before I was born, before Barack was born. This is 
an incredible map.”


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Intelligent' computers put to the test'

2008-10-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can machines think? That was the question posed by the 
 great mathematician Alan Turing. Half a century later 
 six computers are about to converse with human interro-
 gators in an experiment that will attempt to prove that 
 the answer is yes.
 In the 'Turing test' a machine seeks to fool judges into 
 believing that it could be human. The test is performed 
 by conducting a text-based conversation on any subject. 
 If the computer's responses are indistinguishable from 
 those of a human, it has passed the Turing test and can 
 be said to be 'thinking'.

Well, not quite. The idea is to see if you can't guess which
is which. Just because the computer answers like a human
in some ways, doesn't mean you can't guess  that its not human
based on clues that the programmers didn't decide to test about.

And the test, as described, isn't at all the original Turing Test:
that was where you had a *conversation* with the computer or a human
and couldnt' guess which is which, not that you have to have a conversation
on *any subject.*

Throwing a pun or joke into the conversation that is obvious to a four year old
which the computer doesn't get would be an obvious test, for example,
but that doesn't sound like its allowed.


[FairfieldLife] Roach Motel America -- As North Pole Melts NorhtRe: Todd Palin's in radical AIP

2008-10-05 Thread new . morning
Has America become the new Roach Motel of the world? You can check in
-- but never check out. 

If Alaska wants to go it s own way -- and pay its share for federal
debt, and buy all federal property in Alaska, and leave .. more power
to them.

It could be interesting. Being closer to Russia than the US, they
might form various alliances with Russia -- trade and defense.

And Alaska is destined to become a major trading center in the coming
decades -- as the North Pole regions continue to melt and  summer
shipping lanes become free and clear (which his happening rapidly.)  

Scientific* American Sept 21 2007 ice-free summers in the Arctic may
become the norm in the near future. At this point, I'd say the year
2030 is not unreasonable for a summer without sea ice in the Arctic,
Serreze says. Within our lifetimes and certainly within our
children's lifetimes.

*Not to be confused with Vodoo Ostrich Science that Shemp endorses.

Jun. 27 2008 12:59 PM ET
CTV.ca News Staff
For the first time in modern history, the North Pole may be iceless
this summer. Scientists say it's an even bet that sea ice in the
region will completely disappear in the next few months, perhaps as
soon as August.

Ice at the North Pole quickly and significantly melted away last year,
and that may be causing further melting this summer. Scientists say
the disappearance of long-term and thicker ice formed over the years
has disappeared. Now, most of the ice that's left is seasonal ice,
which melts away much more quickly during warm weather. 

The Northwest Passage, a normally ice-locked shortcut between Europe
and Asia, is now passable for the first time in recorded history
reports the European Space Agency. Leif Toudal Pedersen from the
Danish National Space Centre said in the article: 'We have seen the
ice-covered area drop to just around 3 million sq km which is about 1
million sq km less than the previous minima of 2005 and 2006. There
has been a reduction of the ice cover over the last 10 years of about
100 000 sq km per year on average, so a drop of 1 million sq km in
just one year is extreme.'

Shipping companies are already planning to exploit the first
simultaneous opening of the routes since the beginning of the last Ice
Age 125,000 years ago. The Beluga Group in Germany said it will send
the first ship through the Northeast Passage, around Russia, next year
- cutting 4000 miles off the voyage from Germany to Japan.

The pictures, taken two days ago and gathered using microwave sensors
that penetrate clouds, were published on a website by scientists at
the University of Bremen in Germany. They show the Northwest Passage
around Canada opened last weekend and the Northeast Passage was free
from ice a few days later.


on secession:

The group Republic of Texas generated national publicity for its
actions in the late 1990s. There have been repeated attempts to form a
Republic of Cascadia in the Pacific Northwest. The Hawaiian
sovereignty movement has a number of active groupings which have won
some concessions from the State of Hawaii. Founded in 1983, The
Creator's Rights Party seeks to have one or more states secede in
order to implement God's plan for government and is fielding
political candidates in 2007 around the United States.

Efforts to organize a continental secession movement have been
initiated since 2004 by members of Second Vermont Republic, working
with noted decentralist author Kirkpatrick Sale. Their second radical
consultation in November of 2004 resulted in a statement of intent
called The Middlebury Declaration. It also gave rise to the Middlebury
Institute, which is dedicated to the study of separatism, secession,
and self-determination and which engages in secessionist organizing.

In November 2006 the same group sponsored the First North American
Secessionist Convention which attracted 40 participants from 16
secessionist organizations and was (erroneously) described as the
first gathering of secessionists since the Civil War. Delegates
included a broad spectrum from libertarians to socialists to greens to
Christian conservatives to indigenous peoples activists. Groups
represented included Alaskan Independence Party, Cascadia Independence
Project, Hawai#699;i Nation, The Second Maine Militia, The Free State
Project, the Republic of New Hampshire, the League of the South,
Christian Exodus, the Second Vermont Republic and the United Republic
of Texas. Delegates created a statement of principles of secession
which they presented as the Burlington Declaration.[32] The Second
North American Secessionist Convention in October, 2007, in
Chattanooga, Tennessee received local and national media attention.[33]

Additionally some members of the Lakota people of Montana, Wyoming,
and the Dakota region are also making steps to separate from the
United States.[citation needed] The self-proclaimed Republic of
Lakotah has made a point to say that their actions are not those of
secession, but rather an 

[FairfieldLife] 'Sarah Castes Women to Hell!'

2008-10-05 Thread Robert

Sydney Morning Herald

Palin Says She Wants To Talk About Issues, Adds That Obama Pals ...
CBS News, NY - 22 hours ago
“Now she said it, I didn’t,” Palin said of Albright. “She said, ‘There’sa place 
in Hell reserved for women who don’t support other women. ...

 \'n\'); ','zippy429496729501','va429496729501','Video: Palin: Obama 'palling 
Around' With Terrorists'));
Video: Palin: Obama 'palling Around' With TerroristsVideo: Palin: Obama 
#39palling Around#39 With Terrorists AssociatedPress 

Palin repeats Ayers line in CA MSNBC
all 1,662 news articles »

The incredible, thuggish stupidity of Sarah Palin
Atlantic Online - 5 hours ago
Does she think Madeline Albright is going to give her cover? Does she have any 
concern for her own career? But that isn't even the half. ...
all 2 news articles »


[FairfieldLife] Re: Todd Palin's 7 year membership in radical 'hate America' AIP

2008-10-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   Keep this line of thinking going, Bongo.  Because, by 
   your reasoning can be applied to Barky.
   Hmmm.  Let's see. The founder of an organisation that the husband 
   the VP candidate belongs to expressed WORDS of hatred for America.
  You left out that the AIP still has secession as a goal and still
  honors the words of its founder and that Todd Palin has been a 
  for 7 years and that Sarah Palin introduced their 2008 convention.
  Neither one of them has, to my knowledge, ever repudiated those 
  nor the basic tenets of the secessionist AIP.
   Yet Barky himself -- not his wife -- was intimately connected 
   and worked closely with a non-repentant self-admitted 
   someone who expressed, through his freedom of speech, words of 
  Obama was 8 years old when that happened and never had any 
  with Ayers in any way until decades later when he participated in a
  widely respected education project with a team that included a fully
  rehabilitated Ayers and others - all of whom had nothing at all to 
  with Ayer's' past.
 A fully rehabilitated Ayers writes Bongo Brazil.
 Well, gosh, what could that possibly mean?
 It can't mean what the traditional, most commonly understood 
 definition of the word rehabilitate means, that he has been 
 rehabilitated as a prisoner of a crime he was convicted of.  Why?  
 Because as we all know, Ayers was never convicted of his terrorist 
 So, Bongo must mean that Ayers has been rehabiliated of this 
 terrorist thinking.  But that's not the case because Ayers has 
 already clearly stated that he is unrepentant and that he feels he 
 didn't do enough with the bombing.
 What Bongo may mean (and who the hell knows what that could be) is 
 that Ayers is now a beacon of respectibility in Chicago and that this 
 somehow means he is rehabilitated.  But according to the article by 
 Kurtz, Ayers is as radical as ever and still holds fast to his 
 radical views...and that, indeed, Obama supports and funds those 
 So any of these interpretations, Bongo, of your rehabilitated 
 sentence does NOT bode well for the community organiser.

Obama had and has nothing to do with that part of Ayers' life, while
Todd Palin was a *member* of the secessionist AIP for 7 years and
Sarah Palin courted them as recently as this year by introducing their

This is the premise of the Palin's AIP according to its founder:

The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the
American government, Vogler said in the interview, in which he talked
extensively about his desire for Alaskan secession, the key goal of
the AIP.

And I won't be buried under their damn flag, Vogler continued in the
interview, which also touched on his disappointment with the American
judicial system. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an
independent nation they can bring my bones home.

At another point, Volger advocated renouncing allegiance to the United
States. In the course of denouncing Federal regulation over land, he said:

And then you get mad. And you say, the hell with them. And you
renounce allegiance, and you pledge your efforts, your effects, your
honor, your life to Alaska.

[FairfieldLife] Re: AIP -- Standard Conservative / Libertarian Stump Speech

2008-10-05 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You left out that the AIP still has secession as a goal and still
   honors the words of its founder and that Todd Palin has been a
   for 7 years and that Sarah Palin introduced their 2008 convention.
   Neither one of them has, to my knowledge, ever repudiated those
   nor the basic tenets of the secessionist AIP.
  And why is discussion and even planning for sucession a bad thing? 
  Why would repudiation of sucessionism be required or even lauded?
 Are you attempting to justify this?:
 The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the
 American government, Vogler said in the interview, in which he talked
 extensively about his desire for Alaskan secession, the key goal of
 the AIP.
 And I won't be buried under their damn flag, Vogler continued in the
 interview, which also touched on his disappointment with the American
 judicial system. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an
 independent nation they can bring my bones home.
 At another point, Volger advocated renouncing allegiance to the United
 States. In the course of denouncing Federal regulation over land, he
 And then you get mad. And you say, the hell with them. And you
 renounce allegiance, and you pledge your efforts, your effects, your
 honor, your life to Alaska.
 Try selling that fringe crap to the American people, new morning.

Clearly this does not need to be sold to the American people -- it
needs to be sold to Alaskans. And if the American people beleive in
freedom and  liberty of all people -- they will wish the Alaskans good
luck (after they pay their share of federal debt an property).

If America has become a Roach Motel of authoratarianism -- then the
will of the American people is irrelevant. They are all complicit
co-dependent servants and slaves.

Soften or qualify a few words and its a classic conservative stump
speech. Coulda been Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, Ron Paul, most 
libertarians  -- or goin back -- Tom Jefferson.

The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the
[the size and constraints to liberty of the current ] American
government, the Conservative / Libertarian said in the interview, 
 At another point, the Conservative / Libertarian  In the course of
denouncing Federal regulation  he said:
 And then you get mad. And you say, the hell with them. And you
 renounce this regularoty jungle,  and you pledge your efforts, your
effects, your 
 honor, to the freedoms and Liberty envisions by our Founders -- to
their vision of the United States

They would not go as far probably to publicly discuss secession--
though they may agree with the principle. However, per other posts --
I think that is the right of all states and free people.

 in which he talked
 extensively about his desire for Alaskan secession, the key goal of
 the AIP.

 And I won't be buried under their damn flag, Vogler continued in the
 interview, which also touched on his disappointment with the American
 judicial system. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an
 independent nation they can bring my bones home.

 advocated renouncing allegiance to the United

[FairfieldLife] Roach Motel America -- As North Pole Melts NorhtRe: Todd Palin's in radical AIP

2008-10-05 Thread shempmcgurk
Being from Quebec I am somewhat familiar with secessionist movements 
and the various constitutional frameworks that surround jurisdictions 
that lean have advocated it.

There was/is a movement amongst residents of the NorthWest United 
States and some of the Canadian western provinces who 
advocate Cascadia, if memory serves me correctly, which is a 
joining of those states and provinces in that area that would form a 
country/trading zone.  It very well may contain Alaska...I'd be 
surprised if it didn't.

more power to them you say in response to Bongo Brazil vis a vis 
Alaska leaving the United States.  Some scolars -- such as Ben Stein -
- would argue that that is precisely what the interpretation of the 
U.S. Constitution at the time of the civil war should have allowed, 
as a result of the residual powers of the constitution being given to 
the states; that is, any power not specifically given to the federal 
branch of power goes to the states...and since secession is no 
where named in the U.S. constitution, it must necessarily be vested 
with the states, NOT the federal government.

Abe Lincoln obviously disagreed.

When Canada was formed in 1867, they did so immediately after the 
U.S. experience with their civil war.  Also federation, the Fathers 
of Canada's constitution specifically gave the residual power to the 
central or federal level of government, specifically in order to 
avoid the same problem the Americans experienced.  However, as you 
know, despite this Quebec has tried on several occasions through 
democratic means to secede from Canada.  It got to the point where a 
reference was made to the Supreme Court of Canada about 10 years ago 
as to what the legal ramifications would be should Quebec ever have a 
majority yes vote in a separation referendum (we've had two in the 
past 28 years with the federal side winning both times).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Has America become the new Roach Motel of the world? You can check 
 -- but never check out. 
 If Alaska wants to go it s own way -- and pay its share for federal
 debt, and buy all federal property in Alaska, and leave .. more 
 to them.
 It could be interesting. Being closer to Russia than the US, they
 might form various alliances with Russia -- trade and defense.
 And Alaska is destined to become a major trading center in the 
 decades -- as the North Pole regions continue to melt and  summer
 shipping lanes become free and clear (which his happening 
 Scientific* American Sept 21 2007 ice-free summers in the Arctic 
 become the norm in the near future. At this point, I'd say the year
 2030 is not unreasonable for a summer without sea ice in the 
 Serreze says. Within our lifetimes and certainly within our
 children's lifetimes.
 *Not to be confused with Vodoo Ostrich Science that Shemp endorses.
 Jun. 27 2008 12:59 PM ET
 CTV.ca News Staff
 For the first time in modern history, the North Pole may be iceless
 this summer. Scientists say it's an even bet that sea ice in the
 region will completely disappear in the next few months, perhaps as
 soon as August.
 Ice at the North Pole quickly and significantly melted away last 
 and that may be causing further melting this summer. Scientists say
 the disappearance of long-term and thicker ice formed over the years
 has disappeared. Now, most of the ice that's left is seasonal ice,
 which melts away much more quickly during warm weather. 
 The Northwest Passage, a normally ice-locked shortcut between 
 and Asia, is now passable for the first time in recorded history
 reports the European Space Agency. Leif Toudal Pedersen from the
 Danish National Space Centre said in the article: 'We have seen the
 ice-covered area drop to just around 3 million sq km which is about 
 million sq km less than the previous minima of 2005 and 2006. There
 has been a reduction of the ice cover over the last 10 years of 
 100 000 sq km per year on average, so a drop of 1 million sq km in
 just one year is extreme.'
 Shipping companies are already planning to exploit the first
 simultaneous opening of the routes since the beginning of the last 
 Age 125,000 years ago. The Beluga Group in Germany said it will send
 the first ship through the Northeast Passage, around Russia, next 
 - cutting 4000 miles off the voyage from Germany to Japan.
 The pictures, taken two days ago and gathered using microwave 
 that penetrate clouds, were published on a website by scientists at
 the University of Bremen in Germany. They show the Northwest Passage
 around Canada opened last weekend and the Northeast Passage was free
 from ice a few days later.
 on secession:
 The group Republic of Texas generated national publicity for its
 actions in the late 1990s. There have been repeated attempts to 
form a
 Republic of Cascadia in the 

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