[FairfieldLife] Insight, Honda’s new low-priced hybrid

2009-05-18 Thread bob_brigante

"It's terrible. Biblically terrible. Possibly the worst new car
money can buy. It's the first car I've ever considered crashing
into a tree, on purpose, so I didn't have to drive it any more.

Full article

[FairfieldLife] 'NorthPoint Astrology Journal' (Building Energy)

2009-05-18 Thread Robert

Sunday, May 17, 2009
NorthPoint Astrology Journal
by Pam Younghans

For May 18 to 24, 2009

"The energy of Contact allows you to feel that all doors to your inner
Source will open when you surrender and go with the flow like water."

The effect of the alignment between Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter comes
into our awareness more prominently this week, as all three
(heretofore called "the Triad") finally step into the same degree of
Aquarius and merge their energies more completely. We've already seen
significant growth in our spiritual perspective and in the healing of
our wound of separation over the past month or two, while it was just
Neptune and Chiron traveling together. Now, with Jupiter joining in,
we're turning up the volume even more.

Any aspects to other planets now involve the combined energy of the
three planets. Accordingly, please note that in the "highlighted
aspects" list for the week, I'm now listing aspects as involving THE
TRIAD rather than listing them separately.

This week, those aspects from the Triad include a square to retrograde
Mercury on Wednesday, and a septile aspect to V*enus on Saturday --
the same day that the first exact Chiron-Jupiter conjunction occurs. A
powerful time.

Already, the square to Mercury is strong, and seems to be exaggerating
the retrograde energies. I've been amazed at the interesting
acrobatics this e-newsletter program has been engaged in this morning.
All I do is touch my hand to the keyboard, and the page jumps off-
screen. It makes me wonder how the actual sending will go...

We start off the week with a Sun-Mercury conjunction -- meaning that
the two planetary bodies are at exactly the same degree in the zodiac.
Since Mercury is currently retrograde (moving backward) and very close
to being square the Triad, this alignment may well shine a light on
the current potentials for inner healing and spiritual awakening.

Monday is certainly a day not to expect the outer world to function
normally, as there is so much energy at work on the inner planes. My
computer's gyrations this morning give reason to believe that we may
see our electromagnetic world turned a bit upside-down, perhaps
throughout the week.

As human beings becoming more in touch with our spiritual natures, we
are being "re-wired" in significant ways. When we shift on physical,
mental and physical levels, our interactions with anything else that
is a conduit for electromagnetic energy -- which includes other people
as well as our computers! -- are going to go through an adjustment

Mercury is truly in the hotseat this week, following up his rendezvous
with the Sun with a more subtle biquintile aspect to Pluto on Tuesday.
This occurs on the same day as another biquintile between Saturn and
Mars, giving us reason to pursue further the meaning of this aspect.

The manifestation of a biquintile is variable, since it relates to
that state of chaos from which creative change is born. But, according
to astrologer Rob Hand, the biquintile seems to "grant the ability to
turn creative inspiration into concrete end-products." As always, it
is the choice and level of consciousness of the individual that
directs this energy appropriately -- and Tuesday may bring wide
variations on this theme.

Taken individually, the aspects to Mercury on Wednesday could be
described as:

a softening of old mental constructs that have kept us separate from
the cosmos and from community (Neptune square Mercury)
an opportunity to heal the wounds that have us believing that our
ideas are not good enough, or that we are too limited to conceptualize
and receive universal concepts (Chiron square Mercury)
an enhancement of the mental state, so that our minds are very active
and eager for new information (Jupiter square Mercury)
an excitation of our nervous systems, making it easier for us to open
the doorways of higher consciousness (Uranus sextile Mercury)
With these aspects in combination, this is clearly a powerful time for
gaining access to higher realms of consciousness, assisted by the
healing of insecurities and the dissolving of limiting thought

The Sun enters Gemini this week, also on Wednesday. This is especially
significant since Mercury is known as the "ruler" of Gemini, and it
means we're adding even more emphasis on this process of opening our
minds to new concepts and connections.

The Sun will be in Gemini until the Solstice on June 20, so we can
consider these next four weeks to represent a major opportunity for an
expansion of consciousness. And, the square to Mercury from the Triad
will be strong again during the Full Moon on June 7 and then be exact
on June 9 and 10, at the same time that Jupiter's influence will be
strengthened due to his retrograde station on June 15.

That's a lot of astrological information -- but even that is in
keeping with the times! In more succinct terms, we're in for quite a
ride -- so set your boundaries and ground yourself, leave fears and
resistance be

[FairfieldLife] Kaladevi's claims

2009-05-18 Thread billy jim
So kaladevi, dear.

You portray yourself as knowing something. However, we
have never talked, either in this forum or another. If you think 
you know so much about me then please present the 
message number or date/time of our conversation -  anything 
where you can claim that you know me or anything about me.
Please be specific - none of Vaj's bullshit. Perhaps you can 
enlighten me about myself - dear. The message number please!

I think this is the same Bill who claims to be an Orthodox Greek monk (I guess 
he must have been defrocked?), a TM teacher who still practices TM, a student 
of Younge Khachab Rinpoche ( http://www.rimeshed rubling.dreamhos ters.com/ 
site/ ) but seems to dabble in a number of lamas who happen upon the center in 
Kansas City. IOW it sounds like Bill doesn't know what his lineage is. He's 
what we'd call a dabbler.

 I think this is the same guy who also claimed to be a disciple of Hitler in a 
previous life.

 One things for certain, he really should repeat the ngondro (if he has ever 
performed it at all). Based on his roughshod presentation here I would 
seriously doubt he's Dzogchen material.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightened TMer on "evil" : Anti-Creative Intelligence

2009-05-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> "young Joe Stalin"?

It's a very precise phrase, and in my opinion
an accurate one.

I first encounter the young, still-thin Bevan
Morris on my last TM course, a six-month stint
of awesome boredom spent ostensibly learning
how to fly (well, at the time that really *was*
how it was advertised) in St. Moritz, Switzer-
land. There was no real "course leader," but
Bevan would show up from time to time to over-
see things and "take reports" of "good exper-
iences" to theoretically take back to Maharishi.

I sat in a room with him one day and watched
as he was talking with person after person
who had such "good experiences" to report. 
And I noticed something fascinating, something
that at the time I wasn't expecting. I noticed
a prevailing emotion in Bevan as he listened,
and in how he reacted.

That emotion was JEALOUSY.

The better the experience being related, the
deeper Bevan's frown became. And the better
the experience, the more likely he was to come
up with the classic putdown phrase, "Oh that...
that's just something good happening," and
brush off the person reporting it. Everyone
who ever heard that phrase knew that their
experience or their question would *never* be
reported to Maharishi.

Two of the few books I had brought with me 
to that course were Carlos Castaneda's "Tales
Of Power" and "Journey To Ixtlan." So it was
fascinating to meet the "young Joe Stalin" 
while reading a few minutes every day don 
Juan's teachings about "petty tyrants."

The thing about "petty tyrants" is that their
prevailing emotion of JEALOUSY keeps them from
ever having any truly lofty goals in life. All
that they aspire to is becoming a better tyrant,
to "keep ahead" of the people they're jealous
of. And that was Bevan Morris in a nutshell.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91"  wrote:
> > > > Few people have done more to bring about the destruction of the 
> > > > goodwill the TMO had in the 70s. Wherever there is harshness in the 
> > > > movement's dealings with it's people, Bevan is not far away. No one can 
> > > > point to anything Bevan has done to increase the goodwill people feel 
> > > > towards the TMO, plenty of people can point to things he's done to 
> > > > reduce that goodwill. "By the fruits of their actions yea shall know 
> > > > them.."
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > The TMO cannot recover until he goes.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Utter nonsense. 
> > > 
> > > The TMO never needed "goodwill" from anyone, anywhere. Not in the 70s, 
> > > not now. 
> > > 
> > > It always went it's own way regardless of the foolish lowlife 
> > > constituting the collective consciousness. This socalled "goodwill"; how 
> > > they might appear in the eyes of the struggelig massess means nothing and 
> > > never did to the TMO; 0, nada, rien, nichts.  
> > > 
> > > Fortunately Maharishi never based His initiatives on the opinion of 
> > > others, also not on the opinions of the countless minions from all 
> > > countries and races within the Movement. 
> > > 
> > > In doing so He created the Age of Enlightenment now enjoyed even by the 
> > > fools of the collective consciousness, the majority so rescently having 
> > > taken the step from the animal-kingdom into the race of Men. 
> > > 
> > > Did you expect a Saint to have His plans directed by this lowly 
> > > collective consciousness ? Did you expect Him to seek goodwill from fools 
> > > ?
> > > 
> > > The TMO needs "recovery" only in your small restricted mind.
> > > 
> > > In the history of this Yuga, Mr. Bevan Morris will have a very 
> > > distinguished place indeed.
> > >
> > 
> > Nablusoss,
> > 
> > That may be true, one way or the other.
> > 
> > Back in the 70's I was on a six month course w/MMY over in Europe along 
> > with Bevan.  Bevan was a kid coming up then.  Being given responsibililty 
> > more.  Was like being witness to young Joe Stalin rising.
> > 
> > At the end of the course as he was obviously destined towards greater 
> > things in the movement, a bunch of us went together and bought him a new 
> > suit to send him on with.  Several others left suits to him too as they 
> > rotated back home.  A change of guard right then.
> > 
> > I am enjoying these posts in this thread of Guy's.  Are a good job of 
> > catching the volitions of characters there inside.  Accounts for lot of the 
> > character of how it has gone.
> > 
> > -D
> >

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith

2009-05-18 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 11:56 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith
Mark Meredith looks suspiciously like David Goodman, MUM faculty of
Management professor:

Your link didn't work, but i know them both well, and i don't think they
look at all alike.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?

2009-05-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > Hey Doug, would you kindly explain in no uncertain terms 
> > what is motivating your ongoing meditator/non-meditator 
> > inquiry? 
> Om, what the problem ewe people? U might can't believe 
> that I might write, straight ahead? As a meditator?
> I said already what my interest was in whether people 
> are writing as meditator, non-meditator, fallen-away, 
> or quitters as our esteemed `yes=meditator' Nab would 
> call them. Look back in the messages real quick towards 
> May 9th .  And come forward.  Is rather clear.  
> Is rather innocently stated really all along through 
> that thread as it went and then separated.  Does say a 
> lot that folks could not believe or respond straight 
> ahead in kind. Turq got it bingo some while ago.  

And, as I suggested then, the button-pushing 
may have gone on a bit long :-), but it might 
have served the purpose of clarifying the issue
of whether there *is* a difference between
"meditator" and "non-meditator." I found two 
types of responses to Doug's parody interesting.

The first was the number of people suspecting 
that the guy who compiles an Index of FFL posts 
critical of the TMO every month might be doing
this as a way to suggest that TM meditators were,
in fact, better than anyone else. But that's 
sorta the nature of good satire -- the better it
is, the more people take it seriously. I've had 
fun in the past riffing off some of Doug's posts
*as if they were serious*. To be honest, I didn't
always know for sure myself, but it seemed more
fun to pretend they were serious because...um...
there would be more to say about them if such 
posts *were* serious than there would if they
weren't. :-)

The second was what I perceived as a slight
reluctance on the part of -- interestingly 
enough -- those who *do* meditate regularly to
admit it by "stepping up to the place" as a
TM meditator. Well, given what they post, and
why, I don't actually find that all that sur-
prising. If they did so, there would be no
question in the mind of lurkers here that folks
can practice TM faithfully for decades and still
be petty, small-minded, prudish, hateful, and 
driven by no higher goal in life than needing to 
argue and play pseudo-intellectual "gotcha" games 
with another human being for no more noble 
purpose than the desire to "make them lose."

The reality of the "meditator vs. non-meditator"
difference is that there is no difference.

People are people are people are people.

The only thing one can probably say with some
validity about people who seem to believe that
"their kind of people" are actually better or
in some way superior to "those other kinds of
people" is that anyone who believes that clearly
isn't. By believing that they are superior in
some way to others they, have identified themselves
as belonging to that vast mainstream of people on
this planet who believe exactly that. Let's face 
it...the only people on this rock who "stand out" 
in a positive way are those few who *don't* believe 
themselves superior to others. They are as rare as
hen's teeth -- in spiritual circles or not. And 
Doug's satire nails that.

[FairfieldLife] Is there a whiter faculty in all of the U.S.?

2009-05-18 Thread shempmcgurk

...perhaps Bob Jones University...

[FairfieldLife] 'Meditators Have Bigger Brains' (Reuters)

2009-05-18 Thread Robert


[FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith

2009-05-18 Thread shempmcgurk
Mark Meredith looks suspiciously like David Goodman, MUM faculty of Management 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/photos/album/408557067/pic/66809
> 0320/view?picmode=&mode=tn&order=ordinal&start=21&count=20&dir=asc
> http://tinyurl.com/pxwbjh

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield community blog

2009-05-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> http://fairfieldvoice.com/

Neat. And nicely done.

I promise to stay away and never post,
so that the folks who seem to have no
life except the one that revolves 
around ragging on me will, too.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Whatever is seen here or thought of, all that is pure consciousness alone

2009-05-18 Thread bob_brigante

Whatever is seen here or thought of to exist, all that is pure
consciousness alone.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield community blog

2009-05-18 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
> http://fairfieldvoice.com/


Links to pics of Fairfield on Flicker:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightened TMer on "evil" : Anti-Creative Intelligence

2009-05-18 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> "young Joe Stalin"?

Bevan would have to be to the right of Joseph Stalin...he doesn't seem like a 
communist to me...
But I get a similarity between the personality of Joseph Goebbels...

>From Wikipedia:
"In February 1926, Hitler, having finished working on Mein Kampf, made a sudden 
return to party affairs and soon disabused the northerners of any illusions 
about where he stood. He summoned about sixty gauleiters and other activists, 
including Goebbels, to a meeting at Bamberg, in Streicher's Gau of Franconia, 
where he gave a two-hour speech repudiating the political program of the 
"socialist" wing of the party. For Hitler, the real enemy of the German people 
was always the Jews, not the capitalists. Goebbels was bitterly disillusioned. 
"I feel devastated," he wrote. "What sort of Hitler? A reactionary?" He was 
horrified by Hitler's characterization of socialism as "a Jewish creation," his 
declaration that the Soviet Union must be destroyed, and his assertion that 
private property would not be expropriated by a Nazi government. "I no longer 
fully believe in Hitler. That's the terrible thing: my inner support has been 
taken away."[16]

Hitler, however, recognized Goebbels's talents, and he was a shrewd judge of 
character; he knew that Goebbels craved recognition above all else. In April, 
he brought Goebbels to Munich, sending his own car to meet him at the railway 
station, and gave him a long private audience. Hitler berated Goebbels over his 
support for the "socialist" line, but offered to "wipe the slate clean" if 
Goebbels would now accept his leadership. Goebbels capitulated completely, 
offering Hitler his total loyalty — a pledge which was clearly sincere, and 
which he adhered to until the end of his life. "I love him… He has thought 
through everything," Goebbels wrote. "Such a sparkling mind can be my leader. I 
bow to the greater one, the political genius. Later he wrote: "Adolf Hitler, I 
love you because you are both great and simple at the same time. What one calls 
a genius."[17] Fest writes:

From this point on he submitted himself, his whole existence, to his 
attachment to the person of the Führer, consciously eliminating all inhibitions 
springing from intellect, free will and self-respect. Since this submission was 
an act less of faith than of insight, it stood firm through all vicissitudes to 
the end. `He who forsakes the Führer withers away,' he would later write.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91"  wrote:
> > > > Few people have done more to bring about the destruction of the 
> > > > goodwill the TMO had in the 70s. Wherever there is harshness in the 
> > > > movement's dealings with it's people, Bevan is not far away. No one can 
> > > > point to anything Bevan has done to increase the goodwill people feel 
> > > > towards the TMO, plenty of people can point to things he's done to 
> > > > reduce that goodwill. "By the fruits of their actions yea shall know 
> > > > them.."
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > The TMO cannot recover until he goes.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Utter nonsense. 
> > > 
> > > The TMO never needed "goodwill" from anyone, anywhere. Not in the 70s, 
> > > not now. 
> > > 
> > > It always went it's own way regardless of the foolish lowlife 
> > > constituting the collective consciousness. This socalled "goodwill"; how 
> > > they might appear in the eyes of the struggelig massess means nothing and 
> > > never did to the TMO; 0, nada, rien, nichts.  
> > > 
> > > Fortunately Maharishi never based His initiatives on the opinion of 
> > > others, also not on the opinions of the countless minions from all 
> > > countries and races within the Movement. 
> > > 
> > > In doing so He created the Age of Enlightenment now enjoyed even by the 
> > > fools of the collective consciousness, the majority so rescently having 
> > > taken the step from the animal-kingdom into the race of Men. 
> > > 
> > > Did you expect a Saint to have His plans directed by this lowly 
> > > collective consciousness ? Did you expect Him to seek goodwill from fools 
> > > ?
> > > 
> > > The TMO needs "recovery" only in your small restricted mind.
> > > 
> > > In the history of this Yuga, Mr. Bevan Morris will have a very 
> > > distinguished place indeed.
> > >
> > 
> > Nablusoss,
> > 
> > That may be true, one way or the other.
> > 
> > Back in the 70's I was on a six month course w/MMY over in Europe along 
> > with Bevan.  Bevan was a kid coming up then.  Being given responsibililty 
> > more.  Was like being witness to young Joe Stalin rising.
> > 
> > At the end of the course as he was obviously destined towards greater 
> > things in the movement, a bunch of us went together and bought him a new 
> > suit to send him on with.  Several others left suit

Re: [FairfieldLife] Photo of Mark Meredith

2009-05-18 Thread Peter
I recognize Mark and his wife from so many courses over the years. Blessings to 
Mark and all his family. 

--- On Mon, 5/18/09, Rick Archer  wrote:

From: Rick Archer 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Photo of Mark Meredith
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 12:54 PM







[FairfieldLife] Quiet Time Meditation

2009-05-18 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Om, another beautiful hymn and strong message.

Young people all, attention give
And hear what I shall say;
I wish your souls with meditation to live
In everlasting day.

Remember you are hast'ning on
To death's dark gloomy shade;
Your joys on earth will soon be gone,
Your flesh in dust be laid.

Death's iron gate you must pass through
Ere long , my dear young friends;
With whom do you think to go?
With saints, or non-meditating fiends?

Will you pursue your dangerous ways?
Pray meditate before too late
Behold, a light before the gate
Most lovingly it doth shine.

Young people all I pray then view
The fountain open wide,
The spring of life, opened for sin,
Which flows the transcendent side;
There you may drink in endless joy,
And reign with the unified field your king
In glad notes your souls employ,
And hallelujahs sing.

> Om, Singing now as a meditator, let me share this brief hymn with you now:
> Meditation Spring Hymn
> 1. Come ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore,
> Meditation stands to save you, full of pity, love and  power.
> It is able, It is able, It is willing, doubt no more; 
> It is able, It is able, It is willing, doubt no more.
> 2. Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream,
> All the fitness It requireth is to feel you need of meditation.
> This It gives you , `Tis the Transcendent's rising beam;
> This It gives you, This It gives you, `Tis the Transcendent's rising beam.
> 3. Agonizing in the mud, lo! Your guru prostate lies;
> On the battlefields of life behold him, Hear him cry before He dies:
> "It is finished; it is finished!" Sinner, will not this suffice?  "It is 
> finished!"  Non-meditators will not suffice.
> 4. Lo! The incarnate Unified Field ascends, pleads the merit of its truth;
> Venture to It, venture wholly, let not other trust intrude.
> None but the Transcendent, None but the Transcendent Can do helpless sinners 
> good;
> None but the Unified Field, None but the Unified Field can do helpless 
> non-meditators good.
> Is a beautiful meditation hymn with a beautiful message.  No?
> Listen to the hymn melody and harmony here:
> http://shapenote.net/81t.htm
> Jai Guru Dev,
> Doug in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightened TMer on "evil" : Anti-Creative Intelligence

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
"young Joe Stalin"?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91"  wrote:
> > > Few people have done more to bring about the destruction of the goodwill 
> > > the TMO had in the 70s. Wherever there is harshness in the movement's 
> > > dealings with it's people, Bevan is not far away. No one can point to 
> > > anything Bevan has done to increase the goodwill people feel towards the 
> > > TMO, plenty of people can point to things he's done to reduce that 
> > > goodwill. "By the fruits of their actions yea shall know them.."
> > 
> > > 
> > > The TMO cannot recover until he goes.
> > 
> > 
> > Utter nonsense. 
> > 
> > The TMO never needed "goodwill" from anyone, anywhere. Not in the 70s, not 
> > now. 
> > 
> > It always went it's own way regardless of the foolish lowlife constituting 
> > the collective consciousness. This socalled "goodwill"; how they might 
> > appear in the eyes of the struggelig massess means nothing and never did to 
> > the TMO; 0, nada, rien, nichts.  
> > 
> > Fortunately Maharishi never based His initiatives on the opinion of others, 
> > also not on the opinions of the countless minions from all countries and 
> > races within the Movement. 
> > 
> > In doing so He created the Age of Enlightenment now enjoyed even by the 
> > fools of the collective consciousness, the majority so rescently having 
> > taken the step from the animal-kingdom into the race of Men. 
> > 
> > Did you expect a Saint to have His plans directed by this lowly collective 
> > consciousness ? Did you expect Him to seek goodwill from fools ?
> > 
> > The TMO needs "recovery" only in your small restricted mind.
> > 
> > In the history of this Yuga, Mr. Bevan Morris will have a very 
> > distinguished place indeed.
> >
> Nablusoss,
> That may be true, one way or the other.
> Back in the 70's I was on a six month course w/MMY over in Europe along with 
> Bevan.  Bevan was a kid coming up then.  Being given responsibililty more.  
> Was like being witness to young Joe Stalin rising.
> At the end of the course as he was obviously destined towards greater things 
> in the movement, a bunch of us went together and bought him a new suit to 
> send him on with.  Several others left suits to him too as they rotated back 
> home.  A change of guard right then.
> I am enjoying these posts in this thread of Guy's.  Are a good job of 
> catching the volitions of characters there inside.  Accounts for lot of the 
> character of how it has gone.
> -D

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightened TMer on "evil" : Anti-Creative Intelligence

2009-05-18 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91"  wrote:
> > Few people have done more to bring about the destruction of the goodwill 
> > the TMO had in the 70s. Wherever there is harshness in the movement's 
> > dealings with it's people, Bevan is not far away. No one can point to 
> > anything Bevan has done to increase the goodwill people feel towards the 
> > TMO, plenty of people can point to things he's done to reduce that 
> > goodwill. "By the fruits of their actions yea shall know them.."
> > 
> > The TMO cannot recover until he goes.
> Utter nonsense. 
> The TMO never needed "goodwill" from anyone, anywhere. Not in the 70s, not 
> now. 
> It always went it's own way regardless of the foolish lowlife constituting 
> the collective consciousness. This socalled "goodwill"; how they might appear 
> in the eyes of the struggelig massess means nothing and never did to the TMO; 
> 0, nada, rien, nichts.  
> Fortunately Maharishi never based His initiatives on the opinion of others, 
> also not on the opinions of the countless minions from all countries and 
> races within the Movement. 
> In doing so He created the Age of Enlightenment now enjoyed even by the fools 
> of the collective consciousness, the majority so rescently having taken the 
> step from the animal-kingdom into the race of Men. 
> Did you expect a Saint to have His plans directed by this lowly collective 
> consciousness ? Did you expect Him to seek goodwill from fools ?
> The TMO needs "recovery" only in your small restricted mind.
> In the history of this Yuga, Mr. Bevan Morris will have a very distinguished 
> place indeed.


That may be true, one way or the other.

Back in the 70's I was on a six month course w/MMY over in Europe along with 
Bevan.  Bevan was a kid coming up then.  Being given responsibililty more.  Was 
like being witness to young Joe Stalin rising.

At the end of the course as he was obviously destined towards greater things in 
the movement, a bunch of us went together and bought him a new suit to send him 
on with.  Several others left suits to him too as they rotated back home.  A 
change of guard right then.

I am enjoying these posts in this thread of Guy's.  Are a good job of catching 
the volitions of characters there inside.  Accounts for lot of the character of 
how it has gone.


[FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?

2009-05-18 Thread dhamiltony2k5

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Hey Doug, would you kindly explain in no uncertain terms what is motivating
> your ongoing meditator/non-meditator inquiry? 

Om, what the problem ewe people? U might can't believe that I might write, 
straight ahead?
As a meditator?

I said already what my interest was in whether people are writing as meditator, 
non-meditator, fallen-away, or quitters as our esteemed `yes=meditator' Nab 
would call them.  Look back in the messages real quick towards May 9th .  And 
come forward.  Is rather clear.  

Is rather innocently stated really all along through that thread as it went and 
then separated.  Does say a lot that folks could not believe or respond 
straight ahead in kind.   Turq got it bingo some while ago.  Dr. Pete more 
recently.   Status does say lot about people writing here.  

Would just be nice to know people's status as they write.  If people can admit 
they might be meditators and some who might admit that they may be, 
non-meditators.  Even quitters who have missed their possibility of a lifetime 
of practice.   It is a spectrum that has an experience to it all.  The log here 
is also that.  

Is showing cards so difficult?   I think Richard's recent post about the nature 
of boldness in culture now does has a truth, for now on the internet and 
certainly applies to FFL too.   Is about meditation here too and folks can 
(might) stand to what they are without jeopardizing the salon of what is FFL.   
Fear not for your salon, Rick.  It is very much about meditation here and 
whether people have come along as meditators or not, or fallen away in 
spiritual practice as such.  

Some lot of people do have decades of experience with it now here too.  That is 
very much their own experience with it.   Is very much about experience and 
also status as to whether people even meditate.  Context says a lot about 
people and what they are saying.  Obviously by the science alone a problem is 
with the non-meditatators however they come.  Even as quitters along the way.  
Is all part of the FFL satsang.

& you know, I might even be way more of a Conservative Meditator than you 

Jai Guru Dev,

-Doug in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith

2009-05-18 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Mark and I grew up in the same town.  He was a little younger and came up a 
little behind me TMO wise.  His dad was a rather high ranking executive at 
Ralston Purina.  I think his parents had kind of hoped he would pursue a 
business career.  Same deal with Doug Rexford.  Kind of blew off his parents 
plans for him to excel in the business world.  His Dad had secured a decent job 
for him at McDonnell Douglss. which he pretty much blew off.  Now he's sitting 
up in Uttar Kashi.  Of course when he comes to town,  he seems pretty well 
grounded, and fun to be with.  Just some musings.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/photos/album/408557067/pic/66809
> > 0320/view?picmode=&mode=tn&order=ordinal&start=21&count=20&dir=asc
> >  
> > http://tinyurl.com/pxwbjh
> Bless him. How is she doing?
> Did they have some warning that the end was near?

[FairfieldLife] Fairfield community blog

2009-05-18 Thread Alex Stanley


[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-05-18 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat May 16 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat May 23 00:00:00 2009
286 messages as of (UTC) Mon May 18 22:35:49 2009

27 nablusoss1008 
25 authfriend 
25 Robert 
16 guyfawkes91 
15 TurquoiseB 
14 enlightened_dawn11 
13 off_world_beings 
13 Rick Archer 
12 "Richard J. Williams" 
10 "do.rflex" 
 9 bob_brigante 
 8 Duveyoung 
 8 Bhairitu 
 7 scienceofabundance 
 7 cardemaister 
 6 raunchydog 
 6 Vaj 
 6 Peter 
 5 sparaig 
 5 lurkernomore20002000 
 5 dhamiltony2k5 
 4 billy jim 
 4 wle...@aol.com
 3 ruthsimplicity 
 3 okpeachman2000 
 3 kaladevi93 
 3 drpetersutphen 
 2 shukra69 
 2 enpai 
 2 at_man_and_brahman 
 2 Patrick Gillam 
 2 Nelson 
 2 Alex Stanley 
 1 wayback71 
 1 uns_tressor 
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 tomwalsh23 
 1 nelson lafrancis 
 1 margovon 
 1 jyouells2000 
 1 geezerfreak 
 1 emptybill 
 1 Sal Sunshine 
 1 Mike Dixon 
 1 Jason 

Posters: 45
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'WolframAlpha Bites Google?'

2009-05-18 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
> > Google challenged by new rival with all the answers - WolframAlpha
> I don't see WolframAlpha as any challenge at all to Google. It's a
niche search engine that serves an entirely different purpose than
Google. For the kinds of searches I tend to make, WA is completely
useless. I think these articles about WA are long on hype and short on


Google's Sergei Brin was once an intern for Wolfram:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

2009-05-18 Thread drpetersutphen

Nabs, you're fibbing now. If you're not proove us wrong, please!

Sent from my iPhone

On May 18, 2009, at 3:21 PM, nablusoss1008  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of scienceofabundance
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 1:51 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , nablusoss1008 

This could be changing. To have a degree in Vedic Science is already a
very interesting quality amongst big coperations who seek less narrowed
educated employees.

Could not resist it, but this is *definitely* my last response.

"...a degree in Vedic Science is already a very interesting quality among
big corporations"

What a load of bullshit.
A more interesting response might be, "OK, name one."

For Rick Archer and his goons I'm sure this would be interesting information. I 
know of several big international companies in Europe that finds this 
interesting and that have hired Vedic specialists from MUM. 
However; would I name these companies for the dedicated and famous 
rumour-monger Rick Archer ? Probably not.

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark GOT it thanks Rick bill leed

2009-05-18 Thread WLeed3
thanks got it & now know him to B a ormer friend of mine & thus  ours as 
well thanks Rick
In a message dated 5/18/2009 4:32:32 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
r...@searchsummit.com writes:

From:  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com] 
On  Behalf Of wle...@aol.com
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 3:25  PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re:  [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark MeredithCan not get NOT a 
mbr of  Yahoo


&  I do not desire to be s ambr or sign in at Yahoo etc can someone post 
his  photo here? 
I  just forwarded it to you, but if you can post to FFL you should be able 
to  view files, photos, etc.


**Recession-proof vacation ideas.  Find free things to do in 
the U.S. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Global Good News. YES! & not a ruse or faint

2009-05-18 Thread WLeed3
I follow the conflice & am up dated on it monthly & other  items of 
interest to me if I so desire & I so desire. Good thing YES! 
Not a feint. NO where to faint to, in addition i.e. 'no taticlal menuever  
room NONE'!
Present mbrs. in a small pocket the size of 1/8 of the town of FF IA.  
Commanders surrendered & surrendering troops are at present being  processed & 
mustered out, of their past commands.
In a message dated 5/18/2009 4:27:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
jst...@panix.com writes:

--- In  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam"   
> Hey, is it a good thing that the Tamil 
> Tigers  have been defeated in Sri Lanka? 
> I can't help but feel it's a good  
> thing for the organization that raised 
> suicide bombing to a  high art to be 
> eliminated, but I haven't followed 
> the  conflict.

Everything I've read so far about the surrender
says it's  a Good Thing, but (although I haven't
followed the conflict either) I keep  wondering 
if it's some kind of feint on the Tigers' part
intended to  put the gummint off its  guard.

To  subscribe, send a message  to:

Or go to:  
and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

**Recession-proof vacation ideas.  Find free things to do in 
the U.S. 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith Cannot get NOT a mbr of Yahoo

2009-05-18 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of wle...@aol.com
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 3:25 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark MeredithCan not get NOT a mbr
of Yahoo
& I do not desire to be s ambr or sign in at Yahoo etc can someone post his
photo here?
I just forwarded it to you, but if you can post to FFL you should be able to
view files, photos, etc.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark MeredithCan not get NOT a mbr of Yahoo

2009-05-18 Thread WLeed3

& I do not desire to be s ambr or sign in at Yahoo etc can someone post  
his photo here?
In a message dated 5/18/2009 4:07:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
jpgil...@yahoo.com writes:

>  0320/view?picmode=&mode=tn&order=ordinal&start=21&count=20&dir=asc

**Recession-proof vacation ideas.  Find free things to do in 
the U.S. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Good News?

2009-05-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam"  wrote:
> Hey, is it a good thing that the Tamil 
> Tigers have been defeated in Sri Lanka? 
> I can't help but feel it's a good 
> thing for the organization that raised 
> suicide bombing to a high art to be 
> eliminated, but I haven't followed 
> the conflict.

Everything I've read so far about the surrender
says it's a Good Thing, but (although I haven't
followed the conflict either) I keep wondering 
if it's some kind of feint on the Tigers' part
intended to put the gummint off its guard.

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Please Support Adam Kokesh

2009-05-18 Thread WLeed3


 From: update...@ronpaulforcongress.com
Reply-to:  congressman_ron_paul_epjop_lnf...@cp20.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent:  5/18/2009 4:14:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Please Support Adam  Kokesh

Dear Friends,

Adam Kokesh has been a tremendous supporter - of both me AND you! As a  
leader of Iraqi Veterans Against the War, Adam has spent years traveling the  
country to spread our message of peace, a strong national defense and limited 
 government. Adam has tremendous credibility because of his service in the  
United States Marine Corps and I have deep respect for his commitment to  
And now, Adam Kokesh needs our support. 
Adam has formed an exploratory committee to run for Congress in his home  
state of New Mexico. Sending Adam Kokesh to Congress would be a tremendous  
victory for the Freedom Movement, and if we come together and stand behind  
him, he has a real chance to win. 
This race will be difficult, but I know Adam has the energy and drive to be 
 successful and pour every ounce of himself into this effort. I urge you to 
go  to _www.KokeshforCongress.com_ 
(http://cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?6P1K-3xrj-5f8T64)   and support him in anyway you 
feel comfortable. Whether it is 
making a  financial contribution, volunteering or getting more information 
with  your friends and family, Adam needs your support now so he can start 
down this  long journey with momentum and a strong wind at his back. 
We have a chance to help a real patriot and lover of liberty join me in  
Washington. Again, I hope you will help me support Adam Kokesh for  Congress. 
In Liberty,

Ron Paul


Political Advertisement Paid for by Committee to  Re-Elect Ron Paul

You are subscribed to this newsletter as  wle...@aol.com. Please _click 
here_ (http://cp20.com/Tracking/t.fo?6P1K--HOn-5f8T69)  to modify  your message 
preferences or to unsubscribe from any future mailings. We will  respect 
all unsubscribe requests. 

**Recession-proof vacation ideas.  Find free things to do in 
the U.S. 

[FairfieldLife] Global Good News?

2009-05-18 Thread Patrick Gillam
Hey, is it a good thing that the Tamil 
Tigers have been defeated in Sri Lanka? 
I can't help but feel it's a good 
thing for the organization that raised 
suicide bombing to a high art to be 
eliminated, but I haven't followed 
the conflict.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith

2009-05-18 Thread Patrick Gillam
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/photos/album/408557067/pic/66809
> 0320/view?picmode=&mode=tn&order=ordinal&start=21&count=20&dir=asc
> http://tinyurl.com/pxwbjh

Thanks, Rick. We lost a clear head and a good writer.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Bad News??

2009-05-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:

Baloney.  Maharishi never indicated that he was referring to those you 
mentioned above. Period.
> Science

You are the typical fool that did not understand a word of what Maharishi said. 
And when someone tries to explain it, you turn it into a "pearls for swine" 

But don't worry; 90% of those that heard His message also did not grasp much 
due to their rescent incarnation from the Animal Kingdom. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pelosi's veracity backed up

2009-05-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
do.rflex wrote:
> The BushCo led CIA was NOT consistent or 
> thorough, as they are required to be under 
> the law, in who and to what extent they 
> briefed Congress on the use of torture on 
> detainees.
According to Nancy Pelosi, she wasn't told about
the EITs, but now she says she was told. But,
Nancy Pelosi didn't object, so she must have
approved. Now, years later, she says she didn't 
approve. Back then, she said nothing about the
CIA lying to Congress; yesterday she say they do 
it all the time. Today she says it wasn't the
CIA that lied to her, it was George W. Bush.

Anyone who lies to Congress is committing a 
federal crime. If you or anyone else has any 
evidence that the CIA lied to Congress or if 
you are accusing the CIA and other intelligence 
officials of lying to the Congress, then you 
should come forward with the evidence.

"She has put the Democratic Party in a position 
where the question for me is does the president 
support Nancy Pelosi's version of what happened 
or the CIA director's version of what happened."

Read more:

'GOP keeps the heat on Pelosi over CIA'
By Andy Barr 
Politico, May 18, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

2009-05-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of scienceofabundance
> Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 1:51 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , nablusoss1008 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > This could be changing. To have a degree in Vedic Science is already a
> very interesting quality amongst big coperations who seek less narrowed
> educated employees.
> Could not resist it, but this is *definitely* my last response.
> "...a degree in Vedic Science is already a very interesting quality among
> big corporations"
> What a load of bullshit.
> A more interesting response might be, "OK, name one."

For Rick Archer and his goons I'm sure this would be interesting information. I 
know of several big international companies in Europe that finds this 
interesting and that have hired Vedic specialists from MUM. 
However; would I name these companies for the dedicated and famous 
rumour-monger Rick Archer ? Probably not.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

2009-05-18 Thread Vaj

On May 18, 2009, at 2:58 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
[mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of scienceofabundance

Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 1:51 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008   


> This could be changing. To have a degree in Vedic Science is  
already a very interesting quality amongst big coperations who seek  
less narrowed educated employees.

Could not resist it, but this is *definitely* my last response.

"...a degree in Vedic Science is already a very interesting quality  
among big corporations"

What a load of bullshit.

A more interesting response might be, "OK, name one."


[FairfieldLife] Re: For Barry, the French and compassion's claimants.

2009-05-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> > I'm from the Nath lineage, which is from India (a different country) and I 
> > am authorized as a lineholder in that tradition.

An american on the Nath path claiming to be an authorized lineholder ?
India obviously needs a Vedic revival, quick. Fortunately the TMO is working on 
this aspect full-speed establishing Veda Vigyan schools everywhere in India, 
several hundred is already up and running.

Jai Guru Dev

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

2009-05-18 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of scienceofabundance
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 1:51 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , nablusoss1008 

> This could be changing. To have a degree in Vedic Science is already a
very interesting quality amongst big coperations who seek less narrowed
educated employees.

Could not resist it, but this is *definitely* my last response.

"...a degree in Vedic Science is already a very interesting quality among
big corporations"

What a load of bullshit.
A more interesting response might be, "OK, name one."

[FairfieldLife] Whedonites Rejoice

2009-05-18 Thread Bhairitu
A second season of Dollhouse has been ordered by FOX:

However since FOX wants a lower cost show it may wind up produced with 
Whedon and Dushku using sock puppets.  :-D

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

2009-05-18 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> This could be changing. To have a degree in Vedic Science is already a very 
> interesting quality amongst big coperations who seek less narrowed educated 
> employees.

Could not resist it, but this is *definitely* my last response.

"...a degree in Vedic Science is already a very interesting quality among big 

What a load of bullshit.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Bad News??

2009-05-18 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> Maharishi was reffering to Maitreya and the Masters that are incarnating 
> during these times. 

I notice that hardly any regular posters respond to your emails and I likely 
will not do so from now on. But here is my response to your sentence above:

Baloney.  Maharishi never indicated that he was referring to those you 
mentioned above. Period.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Sex Life (How Mrtyunjaya and Surasundari really get it on)

2009-05-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> brilliant! thanks for making my day.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > Limericks
> > 
> > Edg
> > 
> > Full moon high rising star bringing
> > Dipping to low water brimming
> > He wipes away tears
> > Defends against fears
> > Women his praises are singing
> > 
> > Vaj
> > 
> > Hot Trantric dancing in my pants
> > According to Vaj are just ants
> > Now having exposed
> > His improper clothes
> > Sulfuric smells rise from his rants
> > 
> > Barry
> > 
> > There once was a man named Barry
> > A foul predilection for Cherry
> > Jailbait trusted
> > Got him so busted
> > Escaped to Spain on a ferry

He-He !

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

2009-05-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> hey enpai, my advice since you asked would be to keep your spiritual leanings 
> separate from your job aspirations. except for a long shot as an adjunct to 
> going into the healing arts (read: not guaranteed a stable income) or 
> linguistics (read: college teaching), the vedic science degree, or any 
> metaphysically oriented degree from any school is not going to make you more 
> desirable in the job market. probably less so, actually.

This could be changing. To have a degree in Vedic Science is already a very 
interesting quality amongst big coperations who seek less narrowed educated 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith

2009-05-18 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Jason
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 1:30 PM
To: fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith

Hari Om ,
 Sri Rick, Is that guy Mark all right.??
I'm sure he is, but the body you see in the photo died last Wednesday.


--- On Mon, 5/18/09, Rick Archer  wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Pelosi's veracity backed up

2009-05-18 Thread do.rflex

The BushCo led CIA was NOT consistent or thorough, as they are required to be 
under the law, in who and to what extent they briefed Congress on the use of 
torture on detainees.

SEE - Andrea Mitchell's interview with Sen. Wyden of the Senate Select 
Committee on Intelligence 

CIA Failed to Keep Congress in the Loop on Torture:  


~~~ Nancy Pelosi, Porter Goss and Bob Graham briefed by the CIA in September 
2002 ~~~

Pelosi says the only time waterboarding was mentioned was when the CIA said it 
was not being used, and that she was not informed that Abu Zubaydah had been 


Goss "refutes" Pelosi by saying that he was "slack jawed" to read Pelosi's 
claim that "waterboarding" was never mentioned (she didn't), or that the CIA 
didn't imply that the technique would "actually be employed." He specifically 
never says that they were told Zubaydah had already been waterboarded.

Bob Graham's notes indicate the CIA just made up two briefings that never 


Bob Graham also says that when he was briefed, there were staff members 
present, and procedure dictates that they would not have been anyone there but 
"authorized personnel" if "sensitive programs" such as waterboarding were being 


So, Pelosi's not the only one who refutes the CIA's claims -- both Porter Goss 
and Bob Graham back her up.

The right-wing demagogues on their fainting couches seem to be unfamiliar with 
the case of Richard Helms, the CIA intelligence officer convicted of lying to 
congress in 1977. http://www.charlierose.com/guest/view/3955


[FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith

2009-05-18 Thread Jason
    Hari Om ,
 Sri Rick, Is that guy Mark allright.??

--- On Mon, 5/18/09, Rick Archer  wrote:



[FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?

2009-05-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > A definition of 'TM' or 'meditation' would 
> > have to be all inclusive, with no exceptions.
> >
peter wrote:
> Why would that be? TM in a group of current 
> and former TM practitioners refers to a 
> particular meditation technique taught by 
> MMY. Why would a definition of "TM" be all 
> inclusive? What does that even mean? If a 
> definition is all inclusive it makes no 
> distinctions and is therefore meaningless. 
> I truly don't get your point.
A definition, Peter, of meditation does not, 
strictly thinking, address the purpose of 
meditation, which would require a material 
statement. A rigorous definition must withstand 
all exceptions.

Read more:

Subject: TM Identification
From: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 13 2003

> > I've listed several exceptions below. Marshy
> > says that TM is based on thinking and that 
> > it's a purely mechanical technique.
> >
> Agreed.
> > Why don't you post a definition of 'TM', 
> > Doctor?
> Why? 
So, we can tell if you understand what 'TM' is,
instead of talking about meditation in general?

> Essentially everyone in this group practices 
> TM or did at some point. 
Perhaps, but they can't even define what it 
is? That doesn't even make any sense. 

> Do you or did you ever practice TM as defined 
> by MMY?
Yes, but Marshy wasn't able to define 'TM'. He
said it was based on thinking, so it must be
'thinking things over', right? So, don't you
'think your mantra' - that's thinking about
something, right? Don't you 'think over' your 
mantra? How would you think the mantra if you
don't think the mantra?

> > Another question:
> > 
> > How do the 'spirits' get into the machine?
> >
> Spirits get into machines through the darshan 
> of homunculi. Everybody knows that!
Well, thanks, but I always thought it was 
because of the little fur-balls rounding on the 
wheel inside and that makes the mind go around. 
Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Bad News??

2009-05-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > 
> > "Heaven will walk on earth in this generation"
> > 
> MMY also said we would see the spiritual generation of the world "in this 
> generation" - 1-2 generations ago.  
> Maybe heaven will walk on earth sometime, but I don't see it happening in 
> this generation.
> FWIW, what do you see as the beginning/end dates of this generation?
> Science

A generation is usually thought of as 30 years, no ? 

Maharishi was reffering to Maitreya and the Masters that are incarnating during 
these times. 
Maitreya created a Mahavirupta body in His abode in the Himalayas and travelled 
to London in 1977, two years after Maharishi declared the Age of Enlightenment. 
The rest are on their way. So far 12, according to my information out of 36 
Masters have incarnated. 
Those that are already here is the historical Jesus of Nazareth living in Italy 
and the great soul we know as Madame Blawatsky who is now a young man living in 
St. Petersburg.

One of the most senior amongst the Masters, and among the most highly evolved 
is our Master; Guru Dev, Brahmananda Saraswathi. According to my information He 
is not yet in incarnation at the present time. 


[FairfieldLife] Jesse Ventura rips waterboarding and those who ordered it

2009-05-18 Thread do.rflex

The following words are how this YouTube video clip is titled:

 - Elisabeth "Right Wing Idiot" Hasselbeck PWNED by Jesse "The Body" Ventura on 
the issue of torture -

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSra-McRZEc

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Barry, the French and compassion's claimants.

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
too funny- yeah EB's posts just make Vaj look like the jackass he is, and that 
concerns you? birds of a feather i am sure...

should you feel special? what possible concern is it of mine why you wear your 
"lineage" proudly on your sleeve? i personally think it makes you look like a 
clown- a bastardized clown at that...

more pancake makeup for kaladevi, please!!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi93  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> >
> > oh well, just trying to guess where your arrogance and nastiness come 
> > from...you suck too, for that matter. you feel pretty special with your 
> > nath path, huh?
> Pretty funny coming from someone who's sole role on this list is to be a 
> malicious troll and instigator. I was actually responding to Empty Bill's 
> almost continuously arrogant and trollish posts. If you don't get that, I 
> suspect the reason is you are just another angry and biased TM person. This 
> list seems to attract them. 
> Thanks for adding nothing to the conversation Dawn. Gosh you're good at that! 
> Should I feel special Dawn?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Sex Life (How Mrtyunjaya and Surasundari really get it on)

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
ahh...thanks, i had forgotten why Turqy took this upon himself, and obviously 
(now) why he snipped it. Edg nailed Turqy's inability to experience love with 
fucking, and geez Turg just freaked! and especially after Edg established his 
bona fides previously with his lovely erotic poetry. 

hmmm, i wonder how Turqy will respond to rd's limerick about him?? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> > >
> > > from what we can tell, *nobody* and *nothing* lives up 
> > > to your impeccable standards. sounds like a case of you 
> > > alone being right and the entire universe being wrong...
> > 
> > It's a guy thing. 
> > 
> > Which you might not know about, given your
> > propensity to claim you're a woman. 
> > 
> > But, be it in a bar, a dojo, a locker room
> > or an ashram, it's pretty much an inviolable
> > rule of thumb that any guy who feels the need
> > to say "I'm really really really a likable 
> > guy" isn't.
> Especially when they say, in effect, "To show you
> what a likable guy I am, I'm going to bash your
> teeth in." I mean, how obvious can you get that
> you're desperately trying to prove you're likable?
> Just for fun, let's look again at the *context* in
> which Edg said he was "really really really a likable
> guy" (which Barry, of course, snipped so he could
> pretend Edg intended his assertion to be taken
> seriously:
> > One good turn deserves another, and just to show that
> > I'm really really really a likable guy, I'll post the
> > following poem as another piece in this erotic series
> > -- one that encapsulates Turq's sex life:
> > 
> > 
> > Running and searching I fall down the stairs
> > To see a bulb's glares
> > On your half naked body that's twisting beneath.
> > 
> > Laughing and crying I shout out the windows
> > At hunchbacks and wierdos and widows
> > Who glance at the white stuff on top of my leaf.
> > 
> > Ripping and tearing my mind by the piece
> > On millions of rocks surrounding your fleece
> > I'm blind; I can't hear and I'm losing my teeth.
> > 
> > Somewhere there's something that shows where you are
> > Laid gently on flowers or deep in a star
> > And for Christmas I'm getting a funeral wreath.
> > 
> > Insanity's madness, confusions and fears
> > Heart broken sadness, abusions and tears
> > All the solutions take hundreds of years
> > And I'm stabbed snapped and severed by grief
> > 
> > I'm screaming I love you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Barry, the French and compassion's claimants.

2009-05-18 Thread kaladevi93
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> oh well, just trying to guess where your arrogance and nastiness come 
> from...you suck too, for that matter. you feel pretty special with your nath 
> path, huh?

Pretty funny coming from someone who's sole role on this list is to be a 
malicious troll and instigator. I was actually responding to Empty Bill's 
almost continuously arrogant and trollish posts. If you don't get that, I 
suspect the reason is you are just another angry and biased TM person. This 
list seems to attract them. 

Thanks for adding nothing to the conversation Dawn. Gosh you're good at that! 

Should I feel special Dawn? 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith

2009-05-18 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of authfriend
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 12:08 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> 0320/view?picmode=&mode=tn&order=ordinal&start=21&count=20&dir=asc
> http://tinyurl.com/pxwbjh

Bless him. How is she doing?
Haven't talked to her personally yet, but she's a trooper.

Did they have some warning that the end was near?
Yes, it was very gradual. He had come close to dying several weeks before
but had improved. They had just moved out to Sedona hoping that the dry air
would help him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'WolframAlpha Bites Google?'

2009-05-18 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> Google challenged by new rival with all the answers - WolframAlpha
I don't see WolframAlpha as any challenge at all to Google. It's a niche search 
engine that serves an entirely different purpose than Google. For the kinds of 
searches I tend to make, WA is completely useless. I think these articles about 
WA are long on hype and short on reality.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Photo of Mark Meredith

2009-05-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/photos/album/408557067/pic/66809
> 0320/view?picmode=&mode=tn&order=ordinal&start=21&count=20&dir=asc
> http://tinyurl.com/pxwbjh

Bless him. How is she doing?

Did they have some warning that the end was near?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Sex Life (How Mrtyunjaya and Surasundari really get it on)

2009-05-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> >
> > from what we can tell, *nobody* and *nothing* lives up 
> > to your impeccable standards. sounds like a case of you 
> > alone being right and the entire universe being wrong...
> It's a guy thing. 
> Which you might not know about, given your
> propensity to claim you're a woman. 
> But, be it in a bar, a dojo, a locker room
> or an ashram, it's pretty much an inviolable
> rule of thumb that any guy who feels the need
> to say "I'm really really really a likable 
> guy" isn't.

Especially when they say, in effect, "To show you
what a likable guy I am, I'm going to bash your
teeth in." I mean, how obvious can you get that
you're desperately trying to prove you're likable?

Just for fun, let's look again at the *context* in
which Edg said he was "really really really a likable
guy" (which Barry, of course, snipped so he could
pretend Edg intended his assertion to be taken

> One good turn deserves another, and just to show that
> I'm really really really a likable guy, I'll post the
> following poem as another piece in this erotic series
> -- one that encapsulates Turq's sex life:
> Running and searching I fall down the stairs
> To see a bulb's glares
> On your half naked body that's twisting beneath.
> Laughing and crying I shout out the windows
> At hunchbacks and wierdos and widows
> Who glance at the white stuff on top of my leaf.
> Ripping and tearing my mind by the piece
> On millions of rocks surrounding your fleece
> I'm blind; I can't hear and I'm losing my teeth.
> Somewhere there's something that shows where you are
> Laid gently on flowers or deep in a star
> And for Christmas I'm getting a funeral wreath.
> Insanity's madness, confusions and fears
> Heart broken sadness, abusions and tears
> All the solutions take hundreds of years
> And I'm stabbed snapped and severed by grief
> I'm screaming I love you.

[FairfieldLife] Photo of Mark Meredith

2009-05-18 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Sex Life (How Mrtyunjaya and Surasundari really get it on)

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
next you'll be calling me a cunt, huh Barry? a guy thing, huh? did you learn 
that while -lol- "studying compassion"?... 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> >
> > from what we can tell, *nobody* and *nothing* lives up 
> > to your impeccable standards. sounds like a case of you 
> > alone being right and the entire universe being wrong...
> It's a guy thing. 
> Which you might not know about, given your
> propensity to claim you're a woman. 
> But, be it in a bar, a dojo, a locker room
> or an ashram, it's pretty much an inviolable
> rule of thumb that any guy who feels the need
> to say "I'm really really really a likable 
> guy" isn't. 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > One good turn deserves another, and just to show that 
> > > > I'm really really really a likable guy...
> > > 
> > > Just as a hint, anyone who starts a 
> > > post with a sentence like that really 
> > > *isn't* a likable guy. And knows it, 
> > > or he wouldn't be so desperate to 
> > > try to prove otherwise.
> > > 
> > > *** This has been a public service 
> > > announcement broadcast as part of 
> > > the ongoing Remedial Education 
> > > Program For Dumb People And Poets 
> > > Who Wonder Why No One Ever Buys 
> > > Their Poetry. ***
> > > 
> > > :-)
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Sex Life (How Mrtyunjaya and Surasundari really get it on)

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
he's as compassionate as a barfly...
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> >
> > from what we can tell, *nobody* and *nothing* lives
> > up to your impeccable standards. sounds like a case
> > of you alone being right and the entire universe
> > being wrong...
> He constantly misses the irony boat, however. Edg's
> "really really really a likeable guy" snarl, followed
> by yet another hilarious smackdown of Barry, went right
> over his head. "Desperate to prove otherwise" my foot.
> Plus which, I wish I had a dime for every time Barry
> has prefaced some nasty attack by claiming he's just
> doing it out of compassion.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > One good turn deserves another, and just to show that 
> > > > I'm really really really a likable guy...
> > > 
> > > Just as a hint, anyone who starts a 
> > > post with a sentence like that really 
> > > *isn't* a likable guy. And knows it, 
> > > or he wouldn't be so desperate to 
> > > try to prove otherwise.
> > > 
> > > *** This has been a public service 
> > > announcement broadcast as part of 
> > > the ongoing Remedial Education 
> > > Program For Dumb People And Poets 
> > > Who Wonder Why No One Ever Buys 
> > > Their Poetry. ***
> > > 
> > > :-)
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Barry, the French and compassion's claimants.

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
oh well, just trying to guess where your arrogance and nastiness come 
from...you suck too, for that matter. you feel pretty special with your nath 
path, huh?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi93  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi93  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Emptybill, I have to ask...
> > > > 
> > > > What, exactly, is the name of the Buddhist 
> > > > lineage you claim to have studied with?
> > > > 
> > > > I'd like to know so I can avoid it.  :-)
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I think this is the same Bill who claims to be an Orthodox Greek monk (I 
> > > guess he must have been defrocked?), a TM teacher who still practices TM, 
> > > a student of Younge Khachab Rinpoche ( 
> > > http://www.rimeshedrubling.dreamhosters.com/site/ ) but seems to dabble 
> > > in a number of lamas who happen upon the center in Kansas City. IOW it 
> > > sounds like Bill doesn't know what his lineage is. He's what we'd call a 
> > > dabbler.
> > > 
> > > I think this is the same guy who also claimed to be a disciple of Hitler 
> > > in a previous life.
> > > 
> > > One things for certain, he really should repeat the ngondro (if he has 
> > > ever performed it at all). Based on his roughshod presentation here I 
> > > would seriously doubt he's Dzogchen material.
> > >
> > 
> > ah, another westerner like Vaj with a funny name, fresh out of the clown 
> > factory...let's see, your "lineage" is upper middle class, disaffected, 
> > rebelling against mommy and daddy, college educated (advanced degree 
> > probably), never lived outside the US, and thinks themselves fully steeped 
> > in some Eastern tradition of which they know nothing, except 
> > intellectually. how'm i doing?
> >
> Geez, not even close! "You suck", keep your day job, etc. I bet you get 
> called "clueless" a lot!
> I'm from the Nath lineage, which is from India (a different country) and I am 
> authorized as a lineholder in that tradition.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Sex Life (How Mrtyunjaya and Surasundari really get it on)

2009-05-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> from what we can tell, *nobody* and *nothing* lives
> up to your impeccable standards. sounds like a case
> of you alone being right and the entire universe
> being wrong...

He constantly misses the irony boat, however. Edg's
"really really really a likeable guy" snarl, followed
by yet another hilarious smackdown of Barry, went right
over his head. "Desperate to prove otherwise" my foot.

Plus which, I wish I had a dime for every time Barry
has prefaced some nasty attack by claiming he's just
doing it out of compassion.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> > >
> > > One good turn deserves another, and just to show that 
> > > I'm really really really a likable guy...
> > 
> > Just as a hint, anyone who starts a 
> > post with a sentence like that really 
> > *isn't* a likable guy. And knows it, 
> > or he wouldn't be so desperate to 
> > try to prove otherwise.
> > 
> > *** This has been a public service 
> > announcement broadcast as part of 
> > the ongoing Remedial Education 
> > Program For Dumb People And Poets 
> > Who Wonder Why No One Ever Buys 
> > Their Poetry. ***
> > 
> > :-)
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?

2009-05-18 Thread Peter

Some responses interlaced below:

--- On Mon, 5/18/09, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

> From: Richard J. Williams 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New to  this group?
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 10:30 AM
> > > TM isn't the only spiritual
> path. 
> > >
> drpetersutphen wrote:
> > What a silly specious "argument"!
> > 
> A definition of 'TM' or 'meditation' would 
> have to be all inclusive, with no exceptions.

Why would that be? TM in a group of current and former TM practitioners refers 
to a particular meditation technique taught by MMY. Why would a definition of 
"TM" be all inclusive? What does that even mean? If a definition is all 
inclusive it makes no distinctions and is therefore meaningless. I truly don't 
get your point.

> I've listed several exceptions below. Marshy
> says that TM is based on thinking and that 
> it's a purely mechanical technique.


> Why don't you post a definition of 'TM', 
> Doctor?

Why? Essentially everyone in this group practices TM or did at some point. Do 
you or did you ever practice TM as defined by MMY?
> Another question:
> How do the 'spirits' get into the machine?

Spirits get into machines through the darshan of homunculi. Everybody knows 

> > There are lots of 'spirits' to commune with
> > in nature, Doug. TM isn't the only spiritual 
> > path. I know many people who don't use a 
> > mantra  - some use the Sound of Nature to 
> > meditate on. 
> > 
> > Everyone on the planet meditates - 
> > meditation simply means to 'think things 
> > over'. And everyone is all the time 
> > 'transcending', even without a special 
> > mantra technique. 
> > 
> > But in fact, there's really no such thing 
> > as 'TM' - that's just an copyrighted acronym 
> > made up by the Marshy. 
> > 
> > Anytime a person thinks something, they are 
> > meditating - be it playing a musical 
> > instrument, singing, swimming, running or 
> > jumping or just enjoying nature.
> > 
> > So, I would assume that everyone posting 
> > here is a 'meditator' of some kind, and I 
> > would assume that everyone who posts here 
> > is 'spiritual' to a certain degree.
> > 
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links
>     mailto:fairfieldlife-fullfeatu...@yahoogroups.com


[FairfieldLife] Re: For Barry, the French and compassion's claimants.

2009-05-18 Thread kaladevi93
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi93  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > >
> > > Emptybill, I have to ask...
> > > 
> > > What, exactly, is the name of the Buddhist 
> > > lineage you claim to have studied with?
> > > 
> > > I'd like to know so I can avoid it.  :-)
> > 
> > 
> > I think this is the same Bill who claims to be an Orthodox Greek monk (I 
> > guess he must have been defrocked?), a TM teacher who still practices TM, a 
> > student of Younge Khachab Rinpoche ( 
> > http://www.rimeshedrubling.dreamhosters.com/site/ ) but seems to dabble in 
> > a number of lamas who happen upon the center in Kansas City. IOW it sounds 
> > like Bill doesn't know what his lineage is. He's what we'd call a dabbler.
> > 
> > I think this is the same guy who also claimed to be a disciple of Hitler in 
> > a previous life.
> > 
> > One things for certain, he really should repeat the ngondro (if he has ever 
> > performed it at all). Based on his roughshod presentation here I would 
> > seriously doubt he's Dzogchen material.
> >
> ah, another westerner like Vaj with a funny name, fresh out of the clown 
> factory...let's see, your "lineage" is upper middle class, disaffected, 
> rebelling against mommy and daddy, college educated (advanced degree 
> probably), never lived outside the US, and thinks themselves fully steeped in 
> some Eastern tradition of which they know nothing, except intellectually. 
> how'm i doing?

Geez, not even close! "You suck", keep your day job, etc. I bet you get called 
"clueless" a lot!

I'm from the Nath lineage, which is from India (a different country) and I am 
authorized as a lineholder in that tradition.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?

2009-05-18 Thread drpetersutphen

I will post more of a response but Im on my iphone so the typing is slow.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 18, 2009, at 10:30 AM, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:

TM isn't the only spiritual path. 

drpetersutphen wrote:
What a silly specious "argument"!

A definition of 'TM' or 'meditation' would 
have to be all inclusive, with no exceptions. 

I've listed several exceptions below. Marshy
says that TM is based on thinking and that 
it's a purely mechanical technique.

Why don't you post a definition of 'TM', 

Another question:

How do the 'spirits' get into the machine?

There are lots of 'spirits' to commune with
in nature, Doug. TM isn't the only spiritual 
path. I know many people who don't use a 
mantra  - some use the Sound of Nature to 
meditate on. 

Everyone on the planet meditates - 
meditation simply means to 'think things 
over'. And everyone is all the time 
'transcending', even without a special 
mantra technique. 

But in fact, there's really no such thing 
as 'TM' - that's just an copyrighted acronym 
made up by the Marshy. 

Anytime a person thinks something, they are 
meditating - be it playing a musical 
instrument, singing, swimming, running or 
jumping or just enjoying nature.

So, I would assume that everyone posting 
here is a 'meditator' of some kind, and I 
would assume that everyone who posts here 
is 'spiritual' to a certain degree.

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: For Barry, the French and compassion's claimants.

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
lol- you STUDY COMPASSION!? that strikes me as trying to figure out what a 
drink will taste like by endlessly looking at it...actually it makes perfect 
sense for someone with your personality- but what an extremely odd concept- 
"studying compassion"...must be something some buddhist dreamed up for gullible 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> Emptybill, I have to ask...
> What, exactly, is the name of the Buddhist 
> lineage you claim to have studied with?
> I'd like to know so I can avoid it.  :-)
> Ego, nationalism, and taking pride in being
> a self-claimed descendant of terrorists
> doesn't strike me as the kinda compassion
> I want to study. But it seems to suit you,
> so have fun with it, y'hear?
> "We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only 
> in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory 
> that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
> - H. L. Mencken
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim  wrote:
> >
> > Barry:
> >   The French were the second nation on the
> >  planet to have to live with and deal with
> >  terrorism. (The first was Britain, inter-
> >  estingly enough. The modern definition of
> >  terrorism was invented in the press to
> >  describe the actions of the Jewish groups
> >  in Palestine who were planting bombs to
> >  drive the English out and have it become
> >  Israel.) But "next in line" was France,
> >  having to deal with terrorist wars in
> >  their colonies of Morocco and Algeria
> >  and Vietnam.
> >
> >   Emptybill:
> >
> >   The French have a huge Army that is now a professional one like in the 
> > US. In some ways we are fortunate that they provide a second anchor for 
> >   Western civilization - along with the nuclear arms to back it up. 
> > However, who could believe they might ever use them? After their flight 
> > from the Germans in '39-40 they dived into post-empire irrelevance.
> >
> >   Their defeat in Vietnam merely proved that they were weak post-Colonials. 
> > That is not the same as the American anti-communist fight in Vietnam nor 
> > the same as our rather unnecessary war in Iraq. We should have left that 
> > puffed up little dictator in place to oppose the Persian - this has now 
> > become obvious. 
> >
> >   As far as your statement about terrorism, I advance a different claim - 
> > Colonial Americans were the first terrorists of the modern age and the 
> > Brits were our chosen targets.
> >  
> >  I say this not just to restate history but as a physical being born in a 
> > specific family lineage. The fact is that I come from a long line of 
> > independence seekers - from dream-seekers straight off of the original 
> > mayflower to Virginians fighting against the British redcoats. To this day, 
> > my kinfolk still believe that the only thing standing between us and the 
> > bayonets of the ruling government is a loaded firearm. Such a view puts 
> > "terrorism" in a different light. 
> >  
> > Just in case your are wondering, I am quite aware that the French were our 
> > backers in the revolutionary war. We owed them a debt from the revolution 
> > which we finally repaid - from the Marne River in 1918 to the beaches of 
> > Normandy in 1943. However we need to redefine most of this history as the 
> > mere "past" since all those former Frenchmen from that time are gone. They 
> > vanished from Europe because they lost faith in the old values during the 
> > slaughter of the trenches. They are here and them is us. They/We have taken 
> > rebirth upon the North American continent and in Australia. 
> >   Think this is absurd? Mere bullshit or opinion? Then you obviously must 
> > think your own intellect is equal to assay "reality-as-such"? Find it 
> > comforting having such a lofty view to assert that everything is merely a 
> > matter of opinion? I say fuck such arrogantly endemic doubt parading as 
> > certainty. I know the Frogs went to North America and Australia because god 
> > told me so. She also told me that the devil has always loved Her more than 
> > you do. She pointed out that this is why she rewards him every day with 
> > supreme recognition and why you get only shit. Such is life. Live with it. 
> > Thus it is so. (Doesn't that sound o'-so-Buddhist?)
> >  
> >  By the way, no wonder you have nothing to claim other than your own 
> > opinion. You were probably that poor SOB that Plato referred to when he 
> > said that opinion (doxa) was the lowest form of knowledge - one bordering 
> > on mere superstition. Wouldn't you like to stop hanging on to your old 
> > sanskaras from that 340 B.C. lifetime? 
> >  
> >  Emptybill said:
> >   > Yeah, why don't we become more like the French? We could stick our 
> > asses up into the wind and shout "Please come here and fuck me!!!" All the 
> > nations would praise us and we would finally be liked by the rest of the 
> > world.
> >  
> > 
> >   Barry: 
> >   Uh, billy ji

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Sex Life (How Mrtyunjaya and Surasundari really get it on)

2009-05-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> from what we can tell, *nobody* and *nothing* lives up 
> to your impeccable standards. sounds like a case of you 
> alone being right and the entire universe being wrong...

It's a guy thing. 

Which you might not know about, given your
propensity to claim you're a woman. 

But, be it in a bar, a dojo, a locker room
or an ashram, it's pretty much an inviolable
rule of thumb that any guy who feels the need
to say "I'm really really really a likable 
guy" isn't. 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> > >
> > > One good turn deserves another, and just to show that 
> > > I'm really really really a likable guy...
> > 
> > Just as a hint, anyone who starts a 
> > post with a sentence like that really 
> > *isn't* a likable guy. And knows it, 
> > or he wouldn't be so desperate to 
> > try to prove otherwise.
> > 
> > *** This has been a public service 
> > announcement broadcast as part of 
> > the ongoing Remedial Education 
> > Program For Dumb People And Poets 
> > Who Wonder Why No One Ever Buys 
> > Their Poetry. ***
> > 
> > :-)
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Sex Life (How Mrtyunjaya and Surasundari really get it on)

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
brilliant! thanks for making my day.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> Limericks
> Edg
> Full moon high rising star bringing
> Dipping to low water brimming
> He wipes away tears
> Defends against fears
> Women his praises are singing
> Vaj
> Hot Trantric dancing in my pants
> According to Vaj are just ants
> Now having exposed
> His improper clothes
> Sulfuric smells rise from his rants
> Barry
> There once was a man named Barry
> A foul predilection for Cherry
> Jailbait trusted
> Got him so busted
> Escaped to Spain on a ferry
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Edg, Bodice busters make me hot. This one is for you.
> > >
> > > Drink me in with sunlight
> > > Take me to your bed
> > > Caress the glow of hunger
> > > Our bodies urge to wed
> > >
> > > Open waters cavern waiting
> > > Wet, my nipples harden
> > > Hips thrust to cock, hot kiss to fuck
> > > Invite to pleasure's garden
> > >
> > > The pounding heat of glistening sweat
> > > Slip slides in easy dew
> > > The milk of musk white cum throbbing
> > > Red Yoni's loving hue
> > >
> > > Set blood course a rush to finish
> > > Crescendo's blazing light
> > > Pierce my burning fire deeply
> > > With final thrust, hold tight
> > >
> > > Filled the current coursing discharged
> > > The river's final gate
> > > Moving pulsing meeting melting
> > > Sated breath a blissful mate
> > >
> > > Laughing kiss to lover's murmur
> > > Fall restful on your arm
> > > Lingam soft as lotus petals
> > > Dénouement full with charm
> > 
> > One good turn deserves another, and just to show that I'm really really
> > really a likable guy, I'll post the following poem as another piece in
> > this erotic series -- one that encapsulates Turq's sex life:
> > 
> > 
> > Running and searching I fall down the stairs
> > To see a bulb's glares
> > On your half naked body that's twisting beneath.
> > 
> > Laughing and crying I shout out the windows
> > At hunchbacks and wierdos and widows
> > Who glance at the white stuff on top of my leaf.
> > 
> > Ripping and tearing my mind by the piece
> > On millions of rocks surrounding your fleece
> > I'm blind; I can't hear and I'm losing my teeth.
> > 
> > Somewhere there's something that shows where you are
> > Laid gently on flowers or deep in a star
> > And for Christmas I'm getting a funeral wreath.
> > 
> > Insanity's madness, confusions and fears
> > Heart broken sadness, abusions and tears
> > All the solutions take hundreds of years
> > And I'm stabbed snapped and severed by grief
> > 
> > I'm screaming I love you.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Sex Life (How Mrtyunjaya and Surasundari really get it on)

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
from what we can tell, *nobody* and *nothing* lives up to your impeccable 
standards. sounds like a case of you alone being right and the entire universe 
being wrong...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > One good turn deserves another, and just to show that 
> > I'm really really really a likable guy...
> Just as a hint, anyone who starts a 
> post with a sentence like that really 
> *isn't* a likable guy. And knows it, 
> or he wouldn't be so desperate to 
> try to prove otherwise.
> *** This has been a public service 
> announcement broadcast as part of 
> the ongoing Remedial Education 
> Program For Dumb People And Poets 
> Who Wonder Why No One Ever Buys 
> Their Poetry. ***
> :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
hey enpai, my advice since you asked would be to keep your spiritual leanings 
separate from your job aspirations. except for a long shot as an adjunct to 
going into the healing arts (read: not guaranteed a stable income) or 
linguistics (read: college teaching), the vedic science degree, or any 
metaphysically oriented degree from any school is not going to make you more 
desirable in the job market. probably less so, actually.

having said that, you may want to just continue your meditation practice, 
whatever it is, and allow that to strengthen your ability to manifest your 
desires. Save the degree in spiritual stuff for retirement.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "enpai"  wrote:
> I am making major life changes which include gaining new skills in my areas 
> of greatest interest – spirituality, yoga, healthy aging, meditation.  
> Getting Master's in Vedic Science Program, including Siddhi, at MUM is a 
> strong possibility.  Another possibility is Sustainable Business, but have to 
> take GMAT.  I have made application and have read through MUM site, but most 
> helpful would be to hear/read of the direct experiences of the longtime TMers 
> re direction of movement, useful links, etc.  
> How would a Master's in Vedic Science be applied in the current US (or world) 
> job market?  I am a rather independent minded character, who does not like to 
> be confined to a set of dogmas, and knows the answers are within my own 
> consciousness.  Simply put, I feel compelled to get the best information, in 
> the most efficient way apply it as I re-enter US job market.Financing 
> this endeavor is also a factor.
> If not MUM, any other suggested schools, universities, programs? 
> Thanks for all the input.
> N

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Barry, the French and compassion's claimants.

2009-05-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi93  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > Emptybill, I have to ask...
> > 
> > What, exactly, is the name of the Buddhist 
> > lineage you claim to have studied with?
> > 
> > I'd like to know so I can avoid it.  :-)
> I think this is the same Bill who claims to be an Orthodox Greek monk (I 
> guess he must have been defrocked?), a TM teacher who still practices TM, a 
> student of Younge Khachab Rinpoche ( 
> http://www.rimeshedrubling.dreamhosters.com/site/ ) but seems to dabble in a 
> number of lamas who happen upon the center in Kansas City. IOW it sounds like 
> Bill doesn't know what his lineage is. He's what we'd call a dabbler.
> I think this is the same guy who also claimed to be a disciple of Hitler in a 
> previous life.
> One things for certain, he really should repeat the ngondro (if he has ever 
> performed it at all). Based on his roughshod presentation here I would 
> seriously doubt he's Dzogchen material.

ah, another westerner like Vaj with a funny name, fresh out of the clown 
factory...let's see, your "lineage" is upper middle class, disaffected, 
rebelling against mommy and daddy, college educated (advanced degree probably), 
never lived outside the US, and thinks themselves fully steeped in some Eastern 
tradition of which they know nothing, except intellectually. how'm i doing?

[FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?

2009-05-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > TM isn't the only spiritual path. 
> >
drpetersutphen wrote:
> What a silly specious "argument"!
A definition of 'TM' or 'meditation' would 
have to be all inclusive, with no exceptions. 

I've listed several exceptions below. Marshy
says that TM is based on thinking and that 
it's a purely mechanical technique.

Why don't you post a definition of 'TM', 

Another question:

How do the 'spirits' get into the machine?
> There are lots of 'spirits' to commune with
> in nature, Doug. TM isn't the only spiritual 
> path. I know many people who don't use a 
> mantra  - some use the Sound of Nature to 
> meditate on. 
> Everyone on the planet meditates - 
> meditation simply means to 'think things 
> over'. And everyone is all the time 
> 'transcending', even without a special 
> mantra technique. 
> But in fact, there's really no such thing 
> as 'TM' - that's just an copyrighted acronym 
> made up by the Marshy. 
> Anytime a person thinks something, they are 
> meditating - be it playing a musical 
> instrument, singing, swimming, running or 
> jumping or just enjoying nature.
> So, I would assume that everyone posting 
> here is a 'meditator' of some kind, and I 
> would assume that everyone who posts here 
> is 'spiritual' to a certain degree.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'WolframAlpha Bites Google?'

2009-05-18 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "uns_tressor"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > My first Wolfram Queries
> >  
> > Input interpretation:
> > How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could 
> > chuck wood?
> > Result:
> > A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if
> > a woodchuck could chuck wood
> >
> I put in:
> If a fruit fly likes a banana, does time fly like an arrow?
> and the answer was
> wolfram\alpha does not know what to do with your question.
> Skipping over the improbabler use of the back slash, this tells
> me that some pony tailed hippie will see this in his in-tray
> when he comes into work this morning, and will have to block 
> this distressing loop hole.
> Uns.
We would need to create a new slot for your questions...they will be called 
non-questions, to be asked of non-meditators, while they are sleeping...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does anybody believe Speaker Pelosi?

2009-05-18 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  
> authfriend wrote:
> > CIA has quite a well-established reputation by
> > now for lying, or at least "shading the truth,"
> > to Congress and even to the president.
> >
> There's no evidence that the CIA lied to any
> members of congress. But there is ample proof
> that politicians lie all the time just in the 
> course of giving a public press conference. It's
> pretty obvious that Nancy Pelosi is lying - she
> knew all about EITs since 2003 and she obviously
> approved of them, otherwise she would have 
> objected to their use. 
> "But questions remain about why she did not raise 
> objections to the interrogation methods at the 
> time. If her goal today was to clarify the 
> situation, she failed..."
I don't get it...wasn't the pres., in charge...at the time...?
Isn't this just a way for the guys that came up with this stuff, to hide behind 
her skirt...
BTW, saying that the CIA doesn't lie, is like saying that water isn't wet...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does anybody believe Speaker Pelosi?

2009-05-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > I can easily imagine a CIA representative shading 
> > the facts presented to a member of Congress in a 
> > way commensurate with White House policy.
> > 
do.rflex wrote: 
> Besides, the question of what Pelosi knew or didn't, 
> or when she did or didn't know, is irrelevant to 
> how W. and Cheney broke the law and authorized 
> torture.
Bush and Cheney didn't break any laws, you moron,
and they didn't torture anyone. What is important
is that the interrogations worked and saved lives.

You can compile every reasoned criticism of the Bush 
administration's conduct of the war against terrorism 
and there is one undisputable fact: In over five 
years since the 9-11 catastrophe, the United States 
has not been attacked again.

Apparently, Nancy Pelosi approved of the 'torture',
since she didn't object to it. If she broke the law
she would be a co-conspirator, along with all the
other congressional leaders who were on the same
intelligence committee. 

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was briefed on the use 
of "enhanced interrogation techniques" on terrorist 
suspect Abu Zubaydah in September 2002, according 
to a report prepared by the Director of National 
Intelligence's office and obtained by ABC News..."

Full report:

'Intelligence Report: Pelosi Briefed on Use of 
Interrogation Tactics in Sept. '02'
By Rick Klein
ABC News, The Note, May 07, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Sex Life (How Mrtyunjaya and Surasundari really get it on)

2009-05-18 Thread Duveyoung
Oh yeah?  Harrumph


Safe from blackest rain
Under Judy's umbrella
Turq's spit cannot wet

Vaj transports us all
Beyond each horizon far
Except for, you know

Curtis thrums the blues
Voices an ancient paean
Even God must hear


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> Limericks
> Edg
> Full moon high rising star bringing
> Dipping to low water brimming
> He wipes away tears
> Defends against fears
> Women his praises are singing
> Vaj
> Hot Trantric dancing in my pants
> According to Vaj are just ants
> Now having exposed
> His improper clothes
> Sulfuric smells rise from his rants
> Barry
> There once was a man named Barry
> A foul predilection for Cherry
> Jailbait trusted
> Got him so busted
> Escaped to Spain on a ferry
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Edg, Bodice busters make me hot. This one is for you.
> > >
> > > Drink me in with sunlight
> > > Take me to your bed
> > > Caress the glow of hunger
> > > Our bodies urge to wed
> > >
> > > Open waters cavern waiting
> > > Wet, my nipples harden
> > > Hips thrust to cock, hot kiss to fuck
> > > Invite to pleasure's garden
> > >
> > > The pounding heat of glistening sweat
> > > Slip slides in easy dew
> > > The milk of musk white cum throbbing
> > > Red Yoni's loving hue
> > >
> > > Set blood course a rush to finish
> > > Crescendo's blazing light
> > > Pierce my burning fire deeply
> > > With final thrust, hold tight
> > >
> > > Filled the current coursing discharged
> > > The river's final gate
> > > Moving pulsing meeting melting
> > > Sated breath a blissful mate
> > >
> > > Laughing kiss to lover's murmur
> > > Fall restful on your arm
> > > Lingam soft as lotus petals
> > > Dénouement full with charm
> > 
> > One good turn deserves another, and just to show that I'm really really
> > really a likable guy, I'll post the following poem as another piece in
> > this erotic series -- one that encapsulates Turq's sex life:
> > 
> > 
> > Running and searching I fall down the stairs
> > To see a bulb's glares
> > On your half naked body that's twisting beneath.
> > 
> > Laughing and crying I shout out the windows
> > At hunchbacks and wierdos and widows
> > Who glance at the white stuff on top of my leaf.
> > 
> > Ripping and tearing my mind by the piece
> > On millions of rocks surrounding your fleece
> > I'm blind; I can't hear and I'm losing my teeth.
> > 
> > Somewhere there's something that shows where you are
> > Laid gently on flowers or deep in a star
> > And for Christmas I'm getting a funeral wreath.
> > 
> > Insanity's madness, confusions and fears
> > Heart broken sadness, abusions and tears
> > All the solutions take hundreds of years
> > And I'm stabbed snapped and severed by grief
> > 
> > I'm screaming I love you.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does anybody believe Speaker Pelosi?

2009-05-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
authfriend wrote:
> CIA has quite a well-established reputation by
> now for lying, or at least "shading the truth,"
> to Congress and even to the president.
There's no evidence that the CIA lied to any
members of congress. But there is ample proof
that politicians lie all the time just in the 
course of giving a public press conference. It's
pretty obvious that Nancy Pelosi is lying - she
knew all about EITs since 2003 and she obviously
approved of them, otherwise she would have 
objected to their use. 

"But questions remain about why she did not raise 
objections to the interrogation methods at the 
time. If her goal today was to clarify the 
situation, she failed..."

Full story:

'Pelosi says CIA lied on 'torture'
By James Coomarasamy
BBC News, May 14, 2009 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does anybody believe Speaker Pelosi?

2009-05-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > Well, I can't imagine a professional
> > public servant employee of the CIA
> > lying to congressional leaders, in 
> > an Intelligence Committee briefing, 
> > but I can imagine a politician like 
> > Nancy Pelosi lying every single day 
> > in a press conference on TV. 
> >
sparaig wrote:
> I can easily imagine a CIA representative 
> shading the facts presented to a member 
> of Congress in a way commensurate with 
> White House policy.
But, you can't imagine a politician trying
to lie to the American public in order to
win another election? 

"If the CIA's interrogation methods were so 
outrageous that they now warrant a "truth 
commission" - a process likely to destroy 
the careers of Bush administration and CIA 
officials who supported the policies - why 
is it that they did not even rate a 
milquetoast memo when the San Francisco 
Democrat learned of them?"

Full report:

'Now the lady doth protest too much'
By Debra J. Saunders
San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, May 17, 2009

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?

2009-05-18 Thread drpetersutphen

What a silly specious "argument"!

Sent from my iPhone

On May 18, 2009, at 9:50 AM, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:

No longer in the sit and think a mantra 
sense. My meditations occur with running 
and swimming and communing with nature.  
I can transcend thought in those 

dhamilton wrote:
Oh, just not equivalent or close as 
spiritual practice. Sorry. Therefore =

There are lots of 'spirits' to commune with
in nature, Doug. TM isn't the only spiritual 
path. I know many people who don't use a 
mantra  - some use the Sound of Nature to 
meditate on. 

Everyone on the planet meditates - 
meditation simply means to 'think things 
over'. And everyone is all the time 
'transcending', even without a special 
mantra technique. 

But in fact, there's really no such thing 
as 'TM' - that's just an copyrighted acronym 
made up by the Marshy. 

Anytime a person thinks something, they are 
meditating - be it playing a musical 
instrument, singing, swimming, running or 
jumping or just enjoying nature.

So, I would assume that everyone posting 
here is a 'meditator' of some kind, and I 
would assume that everyone who posts here 
is 'spiritual' to a certain degree.

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [FairfieldLife] MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

2009-05-18 Thread Vaj

On May 18, 2009, at 9:13 AM, enpai wrote:

I am making major life changes which include gaining new skills in  
my areas of greatest interest – spirituality, yoga, healthy aging,  
meditation.  Getting Master's in Vedic Science Program, including  
Siddhi, at MUM is a strong possibility.  Another possibility is  
Sustainable Business, but have to take GMAT.  I have made  
application and have read through MUM site, but most helpful would  
be to hear/read of the direct experiences of the longtime TMers re  
direction of movement, useful links, etc.

How would a Master's in Vedic Science be applied in the current US  
(or world) job market?  I am a rather independent minded character,  
who does not like to be confined to a set of dogmas, and knows the  
answers are within my own consciousness.  Simply put, I feel  
compelled to get the best information, in the most efficient way  
apply it as I re-enter US job market.Financing this endeavor is  
also a factor.

If not MUM, any other suggested schools, universities, programs?
Thanks for all the input.

I would suspect the only place you'd be able to get a job is at MUM  
or some movement place. Any other university, hearing the bizarre  
teachings on "Vedic Science" from the Maharishi would probably laugh  
you out of the room. What the university teaches is the syncretic  
dogma of the Maharishi, not something that is mainstream or cutting  
edge and certainly not historically accurate. Basically they're  
teaching a Vedic fundamentalism which is not only inaccurate but  
laughable as a degree. In other words, your job prospects would be  
slim and grim indeed.

University of Virginia, Columbia and Harvard have excellent programs,  
as do a number of others. Get a degree from any of the three  
aforementioned and you'd be at the top of your field.

According to a letter circulating MUM is 2 million in the hole. So  
they may not even be there when you graduate. They primarily make  
their money recruiting foreign workers for American jobs by getting  
them high tech visas.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does anybody believe Speaker Pelosi?

2009-05-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
Robert wrote:
> Funny, how all these macho guys, 
> were so big, way back when...
Maybe so, but I don't think Nancy Pelosi
thinks it's funny. She has to face the 
voters soon and they're not very
impressed that Nancy didn't object to the 
enhanced interrogations. She apparently
knew all about them - so she's a obviously
a co-conspirator and should be charged as
well. Now Nancy is in a real pickle!

"I'm amazed at how Nancy Pelosi's current 
circumstances are similar to the Democrats' 
accusations that Bush lied us into the 
Iraq war. 

They saw the same intelligence that Bush 
(and Clinton before him) saw, indicating 
that Saddam had WMD. Few if any questioned 
the validity of the information. Most voted 
for the war.

But when the war became unpopular they 
turned and claimed they had been misled by 
Bush. This was all a lie and political 
posturing, but it was effective then. I'm 
glad to see the Republicans are a little 
smarter this time and are countering more 

I wonder if it is possible to tie the Dems 
current hypocrisy to the earlier event."

Read more:

'Pelosi in a Pickle'
Posted by Glenn Reynolds

[FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?

2009-05-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > No longer in the sit and think a mantra 
> > sense. My meditations occur with running 
> > and swimming and communing with nature.  
> > I can transcend thought in those 
> > circumstances.
> >
dhamilton wrote:
> Oh, just not equivalent or close as 
> spiritual practice. Sorry. Therefore =
> non-meditator.
There are lots of 'spirits' to commune with
in nature, Doug. TM isn't the only spiritual 
path. I know many people who don't use a 
mantra  - some use the Sound of Nature to 
meditate on. 

Everyone on the planet meditates - 
meditation simply means to 'think things 
over'. And everyone is all the time 
'transcending', even without a special 
mantra technique. 

But in fact, there's really no such thing 
as 'TM' - that's just an copyrighted acronym 
made up by the Marshy. 

Anytime a person thinks something, they are 
meditating - be it playing a musical 
instrument, singing, swimming, running or 
jumping or just enjoying nature.

So, I would assume that everyone posting 
here is a 'meditator' of some kind, and I 
would assume that everyone who posts here 
is 'spiritual' to a certain degree.

[FairfieldLife] Eagle Cam

2009-05-18 Thread raunchydog
Live sound and video from a bald eagle nest with three new babies.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Bad News??

2009-05-18 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> "Heaven will walk on earth in this generation"
MMY also said we would see the spiritual generation of the world "in this 
generation" - 1-2 generations ago.  

Maybe heaven will walk on earth sometime, but I don't see it happening in this 

FWIW, what do you see as the beginning/end dates of this generation?


[FairfieldLife] Re: For Barry, the French and compassion's claimants.

2009-05-18 Thread kaladevi93
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> Emptybill, I have to ask...
> What, exactly, is the name of the Buddhist 
> lineage you claim to have studied with?
> I'd like to know so I can avoid it.  :-)

I think this is the same Bill who claims to be an Orthodox Greek monk (I guess 
he must have been defrocked?), a TM teacher who still practices TM, a student 
of Younge Khachab Rinpoche ( http://www.rimeshedrubling.dreamhosters.com/site/ 
) but seems to dabble in a number of lamas who happen upon the center in Kansas 
City. IOW it sounds like Bill doesn't know what his lineage is. He's what we'd 
call a dabbler.

I think this is the same guy who also claimed to be a disciple of Hitler in a 
previous life.

One things for certain, he really should repeat the ngondro (if he has ever 
performed it at all). Based on his roughshod presentation here I would 
seriously doubt he's Dzogchen material.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

2009-05-18 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "enpai"  wrote:
 I am a rather independent minded character, who does not like to be confined 
to a set of dogmas, and knows the answers are within my own consciousness. 

If you do not like to be confined to a set of dogmas, MUM/TMO is not the place 
for you.  The TMO believes that it, and it alone, has the solutions to the 
problems of the world. There is no discussion allowed of other approaches and 
questioning the MUM/TMO approach is not acceptable. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Ghost of 'W'...

2009-05-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
Robert wrote:
> 'The Ghost of 'W'...
Obama is Bush Lite - Barak and Joe have 
resurrected or maintained the core elements 
of the Bush Administration national security 
policies. What does that tell you?

"I'm laughing at Obama, but I'm also thanking 
him for doing the right thing and reasonably 
tolerant of the way he's tried to save face 
by pretending he's not doing exactly the 
same thing Bush did."

Read more:

'Obama is like Bush - with purported
process appurtenances'
Posted by Ann Althouse
Althouse, May 16, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'WolframAlpha Bites Google?'

2009-05-18 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> My first Wolfram Queries
> Input interpretation:
> How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could 
> chuck wood?
> Result:
> A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if
> a woodchuck could chuck wood
I put in:
If a fruit fly likes a banana, does time fly like an arrow?

and the answer was
wolfram\alpha does not know what to do with your question.

Skipping over the improbabler use of the back slash, this tells
me that some pony tailed hippie will see this in his in-tray
when he comes into work this morning, and will have to block 
this distressing loop hole.

[FairfieldLife] MUM Master's in Vedic Sciences

2009-05-18 Thread enpai
I am making major life changes which include gaining new skills in my areas of 
greatest interest – spirituality, yoga, healthy aging, meditation.  Getting 
Master's in Vedic Science Program, including Siddhi, at MUM is a strong 
possibility.  Another possibility is Sustainable Business, but have to take 
GMAT.  I have made application and have read through MUM site, but most helpful 
would be to hear/read of the direct experiences of the longtime TMers re 
direction of movement, useful links, etc.  

How would a Master's in Vedic Science be applied in the current US (or world) 
job market?  I am a rather independent minded character, who does not like to 
be confined to a set of dogmas, and knows the answers are within my own 
consciousness.  Simply put, I feel compelled to get the best information, in 
the most efficient way apply it as I re-enter US job market.Financing this 
endeavor is also a factor.

If not MUM, any other suggested schools, universities, programs? 
Thanks for all the input.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?

2009-05-18 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of authfriend
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 11:44 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

> On Behalf Of dhamiltony2k5
> Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 10:18 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?
> > > 
> > > How bout u? U a practicing meditator,
> > > of some kind too?
> > > 
> > > Just wondering,
> > > 
> > > JGD, 
> > > -D in FF
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > No longer in the sit and think a mantra sense. My meditations occur with
> running and swimming and communing with nature. I can transcend thought in
> those circumstances. FWIW.
> >
> Oh,
> just not equivalent or close as spiritual practice. Sorry.
> Therefore
> =non-meditator.
> Hey Doug, would you kindly explain in no uncertain
> terms what is motivating your ongoing meditator/
> non-meditator inquiry?

Rick, you just said a couple of days ago that Doug
was putting us on.
That was my assumption, since I know Doug and he's no fanatic. But he has
been so relentless in this inquiry that I began to wonder.

[FairfieldLife] 'Obama, Clinton & Gates meet w/Netanyahu today'

2009-05-18 Thread Robert
 In addition to meeting Obama, Netanyahu is also scheduled to meet with 
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, House 
Speaker ...
 King of Jordan's Suggestion:


var csvSymbolIds = "";
var quoteLink = "true";

SWEIMEH, Jordan,   - Jordan's King Abdullah used a speech at an economic forum 
on Friday to push the idea of expanding an Arab initiative for peace with 
Israel to include the entire Muslim world.

The U.S.-allied king told the Times of London this week that U.S. President 
Barack Obama wanted to promote a peace plan involving all Muslim countries and 
not just Arab nations.

Obama is due to address the region in a speech in Cairo next month and foreign 
ministers of the 57-nation Organisation of the Islamic Conference are due to 
meet in Syria on May 23.

Israel's new government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has resisted 
international pressure to commit to the idea of establishing a Palestinian 
state alongside Israel on territories it seized in 1967. 

An Arab peace initiative, backed by leading U.S. allies such as Saudi Arabia, 
Egypt and Jordan, offers Israel normal relations with the 22 countries of the 
Arab League in return for returning lands to Lebanon, Syria and the 

Israel has reacted coldly to the plan, citing concerns over the return of 
Palestinian refugees. Palestinians this week have commemorated the fighting in 
1948 that caused at least 700,000 Palestinians to lose their homes in territory 
that is now part of Israel. Israel sees the fighting as its war of independence.

"The Arab peace initiative has offered Israel a place in the neighbourhood and 
more -- acceptance by 57 nations, the one-third of the U.N. members that do not 
recognise Israel," King Abdullah told a World Economic Forum meeting in Jordan.

"This is true security -- security that barriers and armed forces cannot 
bring," he said. 

Among Arab states, only Egypt, Jordan and Mauritania have diplomatic relations 
with Israel. Most Muslim countries avoid political, economic ties and even 
diplomatic ties. 

The Jordanian monarch, who met Obama in Washington last month, said Obama was 
committed to seeing a Palestinian state.

"I was encouraged by the president's commitment to the two-state solution," he 
said. "I was encouraged that in all my conversations in Washington, it was 
clear that people know -- inaction is not an option." 

The historic conflict is seen by many analysts as a major factor that has held 
back economic development in some parts of the Arab world for decades and a key 
factor driving militancy. (Writing by Andrew Hammond; Editing by Dominic Evans) 


[FairfieldLife] 'The Ghost of 'W'...

2009-05-18 Thread Robert

 Obama Can’t Turn the Page on 'W'
Published: May 16, 2009 

TO paraphrase Al Pacino in “Godfather III,” just when we thought we were out, 
the Bush mob keeps pulling us back in. And will keep doing so. No matter how 
hard President Obama tries to turn the page on the previous administration, he 
can’t. Until there is true transparency and true accountability, revelations of 
that unresolved eight-year nightmare will keep raining down drip by drip, 
disrupting the new administration’s high ambitions. 

Barry Blitt

Go to Columnist Page » 
Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
Frank Rich 

Readers' Comments

Readers shared their thoughts on this article.

Read All Comments (492) »
if (acm.rc) acm.rc.write();

That’s why the president’s flip-flop on the release of detainee abuse photos — 
whatever his motivation — is a fool’s errand. The pictures will eventually 
emerge anyway, either because of leaks (if they haven’t started already) or 
because the federal appeals court decision upholding their release remains in 
force. And here’s a bet: These images will not prove the most shocking evidence 
of Bush administration sins still to come. 
There are many dots yet to be connected, and not just on torture. This Sunday, 
GQ magazine is posting on its Web site an article adding new details to the 
ample dossier on how Donald Rumsfeld’s corrupt and incompetent Defense 
Department cost American lives and compromised national security. The piece is 
not the work of a partisan but the Texan journalist Robert Draper, author of 
“Dead Certain,” the 2007 Bush biography that had the blessing (and cooperation) 
of the former president and his top brass. It draws on interviews with more 
than a dozen high-level Bush loyalists.
Draper reports that Rumsfeld’s monomaniacal determination to protect his 
Pentagon turf led him to hobble and antagonize America’s most willing allies in 
Iraq, Britain and Australia, and even to undermine his own soldiers. But 
Draper’s biggest find is a collection of daily cover sheets that Rumsfeld 
approved for the Secretary of Defense Worldwide Intelligence Update, a highly 
classified digest prepared for a tiny audience, including the president, and 
often delivered by hand to the White House by the defense secretary himself. 
These cover sheets greeted Bush each day with triumphal color photos of the war 
headlined by biblical quotations. GQ is posting 11 of them, and they are 
seriously creepy.
Take the one dated April 3, 2003, two weeks into the invasion, just as Shock 
and Awe hit its first potholes. Two days earlier, on April 1, a panicky 
Pentagon had begun spreading its hyped, fictional account of the rescue of Pvt. 
Jessica Lynch to distract from troubling news of setbacks. On April 2, Gen. 
Joseph Hoar, the commander in chief of the United States Central Command from 
1991-94, had declared on the Times Op-Ed page that Rumsfeld had sent too few 
troops to Iraq. And so the Worldwide Intelligence Update for April 3 bullied 
Bush with Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do 
not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you 
wherever you go.” (Including, as it happened, into a quagmire.) 
What’s up with that? As Draper writes, Rumsfeld is not known for ostentatious 
displays of piety. He was cynically playing the religious angle to seduce and 
manipulate a president who frequently quoted the Bible. But the secretary’s 
actions were not just oily; he was also taking a risk with national security. 
If these official daily collages of Crusade-like messaging and war imagery had 
been leaked, they would have reinforced the Muslim world’s apocalyptic fear 
that America was waging a religious war. As one alarmed Pentagon hand told 
Draper, the fallout “would be as bad as Abu Ghraib.”
The GQ article isn’t the only revelation of previously unknown Bush Defense 
Department misbehavior to emerge this month. Just two weeks ago, the Obama 
Pentagon revealed that a major cover-up of corruption had taken place at the 
Bush Pentagon on Jan. 14 of this year — just six days before Bush left office. 
This strange incident — reported in The Times but largely ignored by Washington 
correspondents preparing for their annual dinner — deserves far more attention 
and follow-up.
What happened on Jan. 14 was the release of a report from the Pentagon’s 
internal watchdog, the inspector general. It had been ordered up in response to 
a scandal uncovered last year by David Barstow, an investigative reporter for 
The Times. Barstow had found that the Bush Pentagon fielded a clandestine 
network of retired military officers and defense officials to spread 
administration talking points on television, radio and in print while posing as 
objective “military analysts.” Many of these propagandists worked for military 
contractors with billions of dollars of business at stake in Pentagon 
procurement. Many were recipients of junkets and high-level spec

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'WolframAlpha Bites Google?'

2009-05-18 Thread TurquoiseB
My first Wolfram Queries
Input interpretation:
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck 
(according to the tongue-twister)

Input interpretation:
answer to life, the universe, and everything
(according to Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> From The Times
> May 18, 2009
> Google challenged by new rival with all the answers - WolframAlpha
> Mike Harvey, Technology Correspondent 
> A revolutionary new search engine that computes answers rather than pointing 
> to websites will be launched officially today amid heated talk that it could 
> challenge the might of Google. 
> WolframAlpha, named after Stephen Wolfram, the British-born computer 
> scientist and inventor behind the project, takes a query and uses 
> computational power to crunch through huge databases. 
> The service can compute the distance between two cities, the population of a 
> country at a specific date and the position of the Space Shuttle at a given 
> moment. The user does not have to search through links provided by the 
> engine; the answer comes immediately and, if appropriate, is accompanied by 
> charts or graphs. What it does that Google, at the moment, cannot do is 
> provide answers to questions that have not been answered already. 
> The new service, available at wolframalpha.com, was previewed several months 
> ago amid industry speculation that it could be a “Google killer”. Dr 
> Wolfram, however, is at pains to point out that his brainchild is a 
> “computational knowledge engine”, not a traditional search engine. 
> A physics prodigy who earned a PhD aged 20, Dr Wolfram, 49, founded Wolfram 
> Research, in Illinois, which develops advanced software called Mathematica, 
> used mainly by scientists. Mathematica has built up a number of databases and 
> Wolfram Alpha is an attempt to bring them to a wider audience. 
> The service is free but the company plans to include advertising eventually 
> and to offer paid versions with extra features. Dr Wolfram said that 
> WolframAlpha was a “long-term project” and he hoped to broaden the 
> databases that it uses. 
> Danny Sullivan, editor-in-chief of Search Engine Land, the website, said: 
> “They're saying they're not trying to wipe out Google, but they feel they 
> do the kinds of searches that Google doesn't handle. If you're trying to get 
> facts, this might be a handy kind of encyclopedia for you.” 
> Last week Google previewed a new experimental service called Google Squared, 
> which will automatically produce spreadsheets of information from search 
> terms. 
> Mike Harvey's blog: WolframAlpha - should Google be quaking in its boots?

[FairfieldLife] The Mythos of Consciousness

2009-05-18 Thread Robert
The Mythos of Consciousness
"The question to ask of Myth is not 'Is it real?' but rather 'Does it work?'"
~Joseph Campbell

Myth is the reality of the Soul, just as History is the reality of the 
day-to-day linear world. Mythos is the topography, or cosmology, of the Soul. 
The terrain of our Soul is determined by our dreams and aspirations, trials and 
triumphs being played out upon the fields of consciousness.

We humans have three primary mythologies by which we live.

The Family of Origin Paradigm is that we are who we are and act as we act 
because of our cultural orientation, the imprinting received from our families 
and the psychological responses we have acquired in reaction to the love, 
encouragement, tragedies and traumas of our life. These factors, being woven 
into the fabric of our inherent genetic make-up, create the expression of who 
we, as individuals, are in our own unique life, emotions, beliefs and 
worldviews. This mythic perspective is the agreement we accept when we enter 
therapy or engage in self-awareness programs. We seek to alter our behavior 
through making changes in our emotional response systems by coming to an 
understanding of why we act and feel the way we do.

The Biochemical Paradigm states that our actions and behaviors, our states of 
consciousness, are predetermined by the degree of proper chemical balances 
within our brain, endocrine system and organs. Our behaviors and emotional 
states and thoughts can be affected through the introduction of the necessary 
chemicals into the organism, chemicals which will promote balance mentally, 
physically and emotionally. Within this mythology we find modern drug therapy, 
utilizing antidepressants, mood elevators, antibiotics, painkillers and 
antacids. Also under the umbrella of the Biochemical Paradigm are the intake of 
vitamins, hormone replacements, and the whole panoply of supplements we ingest 
to create a more healthy state of being. This arena includes nutritional 
therapy, herbal remedies and health-conscious eating.

The Spiritual Paradigm suggests that we, as spiritual beings, are Spirit in 
manifest form and that the experiences of our lives are a synchronistic 
expression of congruent spiritual intent. In this spiritual mythology we are 
considered to be a part of a greater whole that is seeking the maintenance of 
harmony and balance through our ever-expanding awareness of choice.

Biochemical alterations of psycho-physiological states of consciousness do not 
stand separate from the spiritual, however, nor can purely psychological states 
be divorced from a healthy spiritual attunement. In this vein, 
self-administered psychotropics, such as caffeine, nicotine, hallucinogens or 
opiates are attempts to recreate an experience of integration with a greater 
whole, the abuse of these being a spiritual quest gone awry. And we know that 
the development of an integrated emotional and mental outlook will promote a 
healthy spiritual outlook in life as well as a healthier immune system.

The basis of Shamanism arises from a deep ecology of Spirit providing a unique 
synthesis of these three paradigms, partaking of each, the psychological, 
biochemical and spiritual, in a measured and appropriate balance responsive to 
the requirement of the individual's or situation's need. The Shamanic paradigm 
is free of the dogma and doctrine that is observed in the stand-alone position 
held by the institutionalized viewpoint that comes from over-investment in a 
particular worldview. Shamanism's approach acknowledges that the integrity of 
the whole being is a multidimensional dance that is an ever changing dynamic 
emanating from the spiritual through the psycho-physiological experience.

The Shamanic approach perceives the spiritual functions that underlie, as a 
basis, all resultant mental, emotional and physical states of being. In order 
to most fully comprehend the meaning of the term 'spiritual' requires that we 
investigate its significance in Shamanic mythology. In order for this to be 
accomplished an investigation into the supportive phenomena and principles of 
Shamanic reality are called for.

Life Force, in its concentrated and highly charged state, is what we refer to 
Shamanically as Power. The operative principles of Power specify that when 
there are two fields of Life Force the one that has the lesser intensity of 
charge will flow towards the field with a greater dynamic charge, or intensity. 
A secondary feature of Power is that it flows along the path of Attention. When 
Attention is aligned with Intent, Power flows along the path of Attention and 
makes manifest that Intent. Thirdly, a field of Life Force resonates with the 
frequencies that it intercepts. The greater the intensity/charge the field 
carries, the more pronounced is the resonate response. The application of these 
underlying principles is the basis of effective manifestation, or prayer.

Spirit requires an embodied presence of Power to 

[FairfieldLife] 'WolframAlpha Bites Google?'

2009-05-18 Thread Robert


>From The Times

May 18, 2009

Google challenged by new rival with all the answers - WolframAlpha

Mike Harvey, Technology Correspondent 

div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited {

A revolutionary new search engine that computes answers rather than pointing to 
websites will be launched officially today amid heated talk that it could 
challenge the might of Google. 
WolframAlpha, named after Stephen Wolfram, the British-born computer scientist 
and inventor behind the project, takes a query and uses computational power to 
crunch through huge databases. 
The service can compute the distance between two cities, the population of a 
country at a specific date and the position of the Space Shuttle at a given 
moment. The user does not have to search through links provided by the engine; 
the answer comes immediately and, if appropriate, is accompanied by charts or 
graphs. What it does that Google, at the moment, cannot do is provide answers 
to questions that have not been answered already. 

Related Links

WolframAlpha: move over Google? 

Google’s search for crisis solution 

The new service, available at wolframalpha.com, was previewed several months 
ago amid industry speculation that it could be a “Google killer”. Dr Wolfram, 
however, is at pains to point out that his brainchild is a “computational 
knowledge engine”, not a traditional search engine. 
A physics prodigy who earned a PhD aged 20, Dr Wolfram, 49, founded Wolfram 
Research, in Illinois, which develops advanced software called Mathematica, 
used mainly by scientists. Mathematica has built up a number of databases and 
Wolfram Alpha is an attempt to bring them to a wider audience. 
The service is free but the company plans to include advertising eventually and 
to offer paid versions with extra features. Dr Wolfram said that WolframAlpha 
was a “long-term project” and he hoped to broaden the databases that it uses. 
Danny Sullivan, editor-in-chief of Search Engine Land, the website, said: 
“They're saying they're not trying to wipe out Google, but they feel they do 
the kinds of searches that Google doesn't handle. If you're trying to get 
facts, this might be a handy kind of encyclopedia for you.” 
Last week Google previewed a new experimental service called Google Squared, 
which will automatically produce spreadsheets of information from search terms. 
Mike Harvey's blog: WolframAlpha - should Google be quaking in its boots? 


[FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?

2009-05-18 Thread enpai
Over recent years I personally attest to a stronger awareness of my heart 
energy, and not having fear in my life.  Inexplicably I have resumed TM again 
after a long, long unexplainable lapse.  Each of us is at a different place, 
and have to do what ever it is for where one is.  I am extremely grateful for 
all those who were instrumental in bringing about the shift in global 
consciousness that we are beginning in.  And also happy for the participation 
of some of these people who are on this board.  Yes, a lot of morass to sort 
through, but obviously a great deal of clarity rings through too.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> > > On Behalf Of dhamiltony2k5
> > > Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 10:18 PM
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New to this group?
> > >  
> > > > > How bout u? U a practicing meditator,
> > > > > of some kind too?
> > > > > 
> > > > > Just wondering,
> > > > > 
> > > > > JGD, 
> > > > > -D in FF
>  (snip)
> > I think it could intimidate non-TMer lurkers who
> > might otherwise want to participate.
> >
> I don't think so...
> The new wave of consciousness is making people extremely brave and centered 
> in their newly found heart energy, thereby negating any type of fear of non 
> this or non that, that could overtake them...The fear is melting...
> No wicked witch here!
> The last tracking of who and where FF Life, travels, is way beyond 
> expectations...thousands of viewers all over the world, tuned in to every 
> nook and cranny of what happens here...
> In the: 'Universe of the TM-Taters...
> In the Bi-ways, Highways and Cornfields of  Fairfield, Iowa!...
> R.G.

[FairfieldLife] 'US Plans to Secure Pak's Nukes'

2009-05-18 Thread Robert
U.S. Has Plan to Secure Pakistan Nukes if Country Falls to Taliban
American intelligence sources say the military's chief terrorist-hunting squad 
has units operating in Afghanistan on Pakistan's western border and is working 
on a secondary mission to secure foreign nuclear arsenals if the Taliban or Al 
Qaeda overwhelm Pakistan. 
By Rowan Scarborough
Thursday, May 14, 2009 


The United States has a detailed plan for infiltrating Pakistan and securing 
its mobile arsenal of nuclear warheads if it appears the country is about to 
fall under the control of the Taliban, Al Qaeda or other Islamic extremists.
American intelligence sources say the operation would be conducted by Joint 
Special Operations Command, the super-secret commando unit headquartered at 
Fort Bragg, N.C.
JSOC is the military's chief terrorists hunting squad and has units now 
operating in Afghanistan on Pakistan's western border. But a secondary mission 
is to secure foreign nuclear arsenals -- a role for which JSOC operatives have 
trained in Nevada.
The mission has taken on added importance in recent months, as Islamic 
extremists have taken territory close to the capital of Islamabad and could 
destabilize Pakistan's shaky democracy.
"We have plans to secure them ourselves if things get out of hand," said a U.S. 
intelligence source who has deployed to Afghanistan. "That is a big secondary 
mission for JSOC in Afghanistan."
The source said JSOC has been updating its mission plan for the day President 
Obama gives the order to infiltrate Pakistan.
"Small units could seize them, disable them and then centralize them in a 
secure location," the source said.
A secret Defense Intelligence Agency document first disclosed in 2004 said 
Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal of 35 weapons. The document said it plans to 
more than double the arsenal by 2020.
A Pakistani official said the U.S. and his country have had an understanding 
that if either Usama bin Laden, or his deputy, Ayman Zawahiri, is located, 
American troops and air strikes may be used inside borders to capture or kill 
What makes the Pakistan mission especially difficult is that the military has 
its missiles on Soviet-style mobile launchers and rail lines. U.S. intelligence 
agencies, using satellite photos and communication intercepts, is constantly 
monitoring their whereabouts. Other warheads are kept in storage. U.S. 
technical experts have visited Pakistan to advise the government on how to 
maintain and protect its arsenal.
Also, there are rogue elements inside Pakistan's military and intelligence 
service who could quickly side with the extremists and make JSOC's mission all 
the more difficult.
"It's relatively easy to track rail-mounted ones with satellites," said the 
intelligence source. "Truck- mounted are more difficult. However, they are all 
relatively close to the capital in areas that the government firmly controls so 
we don't have to look too far."
JSOC is made up of three main elements: Army Delta Force, Navy SEALs and a 
high-tech special intelligence unit known as Task Force Orange. JSOC was 
instrumental in Iraq in finding and killing Abu Musab Zarqawi, the deadly and 
most prominent Al Qaeda leader in the Middle East.
There is speculation in the intelligence community that a secondary reason for 
Army Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal being named the next commander in Afghanistan 
is that he headed JSOC in 2006-08 and is read-in on its contingency missions in 
Adm. Michael Mullen, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, this month said that based 
on the information he has seen Pakistan's nuclear warheads are safe.
"I remain comfortable that the nuclear weapons in Pakistan are secure, that the 
Pakistani leadership and in particular the military is very focused on this," 
he said. "We the United States have invested fairly significantly over the last 
three years, to work with them, to improve that security. And we're satisfied, 
very satisfied with that progress. We will continue to do that. And we all 
recognize obviously the worst downside of -- with respect to Pakistan is that 
those nuclear weapons come under the control of terrorists. "
Rowan Scarborough is the author of "Rumsfeld's War: The Untold Story of 
America's Anti-Terrorist Commander;" and "Sabotage: America's Enemies Within 
the CIA."


[FairfieldLife] 'Wall to Wall Dylan, all day long...'

2009-05-18 Thread Robert


[FairfieldLife] 'Don't Follow Leaders, watch the parkin' meters!'

2009-05-18 Thread Robert
Subterranean Homesick Blues

Johnny's in the basement
Mixing up the medicine
I'm on the pavement
Thinking about the government
The man in the trench coat
Badge out, laid off
Says he's got a bad cough
Wants to get it paid off
Look out kid
It's somethin' you did
God knows when
But you're doin' it again
You better duck down the alley way
Lookin' for a new friend
The man in the coon-skin cap
In the big pen
Wants eleven dollar bills
You only got ten
Maggie comes fleet foot
Face full of black soot
Talkin' that the heat put
Plants in the bed but
The phone's tapped anyway
Maggie says that many say
They must bust in early May
Orders from the D. A.
Look out kid
Don't matter what you did
Walk on your tip toes
Don't try "No Doz"
Better stay away from those
That carry around a fire hose
Keep a clean nose
Watch the plain clothes
You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows
Get sick, get well
Hang around a ink well
Ring bell, hard to tell
If anything is goin' to sell
Try hard, get barred
Get back, write braille
Get jailed, jump bail
Join the army, if you fail
Look out kid
You're gonna get hit
But users, cheaters
Six-time losers
Hang around the theaters
Girl by the whirlpool
Lookin' for a new fool
Don't follow leaders
Watch the parkin' meters
Ah get born, keep warm
Short pants, romance, learn to dance
Get dressed, get blessed
Try to be a success
Please her, please him, buy gifts
Don't steal, don't lift
Twenty years of schoolin'
And they put you on the day shift
Look out kid
They keep it all hid
Better jump down a manhole
Light yourself a candle
Don't wear sandals
Try to avoid the scandals
Don't wanna be a bum
You better chew gum
The pump don't work
'Cause the vandals took the handles
Copyright ©1965; renewed 1993 Special Rider Music