[FairfieldLife] Re: Mckenna Advaita and Transcendental FF

2009-09-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 On Sep 25, 2009, at 11:42 PM, yifuxero wrote:
  --- What he meant, Vaj is 1. Once the person has attained
  Unity (or, if you will, realized one's Prior, innate, 
  transcendental Self); there's no more evolution in that
  category. Now, saying MMY didn't attain Unity is what
  you're saying?...then you should provide the evidence.
  You're far better at making outrageous, false, claims than 
  providing evidence for some positive assertion of your own.
 Vedantins don't go to heaven.

Let's see, so your evidence that MMY didn't attain
Unity is that after his death, his followers said he
was in heaven...have I got that right?

Pretty impressive, Vaj.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mckenna Advaita and Transcendental FF

2009-09-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
   Now, saying MMY didn't attain Unity is what you're 
  saying?...then you should provide the evidence.  
 Provide the evidence that he did. We'll wait.

Oopsie. It's a good idea to read the entire post
before commenting.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mckenna Advaita and Transcendental FF

2009-09-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

  Now, saying MMY didn't attain Unity is what you're 
 saying?...then you should provide the evidence.  

Provide the evidence that he did. We'll wait. 

And just think...you have the easier task,
proving a positive.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Indian books?

2009-09-26 Thread cardemaister

Just bought Kale's A Higher Sanskrit Grammar, from 1894
(Motilal Banarsidass).

I wonder if Indian books still are in general technically
(or whatever) that sucky. Or is the main reason perhaps
that the book is a reprint (1972, 1977, 1984, 1986, 1988,
1992, 1995, 2002, 2007)?

For instance, especially some of the devanaagarii characters are
quite messy and the Roman printing color is rather uneven.

Interesting(?) detail from the book:

The Aryans who were much fairer in color than the aborigines of
India are the Devas referred to in the name /Devanagari/ 
(from 'div', to shine, those of a brilliant complexion).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2009-09-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Sep 25, 2009, at 9:54 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
  j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  WTF, dude? I told you last night that you had one more post left,  
  so what do you do? You go and post two more! Buh-bye!
  Robert has always struck me as pretty much a monologuer. He may not  
  even realize that he has been booted for a week.  He may somehow  
  just continue as though his posts still show up.
 That's pretty funny...

Possible, too.  :-)

The other phenomenon that amuses me is when 
Bill Hicks (Tom Pall) responds to someone 
*not knowing who he's responding to*. Remember
when he lit into Dr. Pete and started making
threats against him for something that *Kurt*
posted? It's my opinion that the two recent
posts in which he included my name in the
Subject line were him doing exactly the same
thing. He reads something he doesn't like,er 
decides that it must have been sent by
someone he already has a grudge against,
and fires off an angry post to the grudgee
(who had nothing to do with it). At least
we know why he's interested in antipsychotic
drug advances.  :-)

Another interesting phenomenon lately is to
notice the posters who don't seem to have any-
thing to say when people stop arguing with
them. They were using the continual arguments
to make it *seem* as if they had something
to say.

[FairfieldLife] Something fun from the oldies

2009-09-26 Thread do.rflex

Midnight in Moscow


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mckenna Advaita and Transcendental FF

2009-09-26 Thread Vaj

On Sep 25, 2009, at 11:42 PM, yifuxero wrote:

--- What he meant, Vaj is 1. Once the person has attained Unity (or,  
if you will, realized one's Prior, innate, transcendental Self);  
there's no more evolution in that category.
Now, saying MMY didn't attain Unity is what you're saying?...then  
you should provide the evidence. You're far better at making  
outrageous, false, claims than providing evidence for some positive  
assertion of your own.

Vedantins don't go to heaven.

If you find a reference in their literature that says they DO, get  
back to us.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pirate Bikini

2009-09-26 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Walking my dogs long the Sitges beach this morning,
 I spied with my little eye a new kind of fashion
 statement, one that I have never seen before and 
 hope never to see again. 
 It was one of those Where are the Fashion Police
 when you need them? moments, hopefully to be filed
 away in a section of my brain labeled What can this
 person have been *thinking* and other imponderables
 not worth pondering as soon as I have finished 
 writing it up here and thus purging it from my mind.
 It was a bikini, with a normal bottom, but with a
 top that had been sewn (not modified) to cover only 
 one boob. It was like the Pirate's eyepatch of bikinis.
 The question Why? leapt to my lips. In Spain, all
 of the beaches are topless. Hell, all of the beaches
 could be nude beaches for that matter; nudity and
 the right to walk about nekkid as a jaybird is written
 into the Spanish Constitution.
 And there seemed to be no physical reason for the
 revealing of one of the set and the concealing of the
 other; both seemed equally natural, equally large, and
 equally well-formed. 
 As many of you know, I'm not a big one for rules and
 unnecessary laws. But this may cause me to stray 
 across the border into Conservatism. Both boobs bare:
 great. Both boobs covered: great. One boob covered,
 the other bare: pushing the limits of legality.
 Go figure. I mean, go figure...

Since you're straying across the border into Conservatism in the bikini 
department, what's your take on this 95 year old woman's beach attire?

--- A 95 year old woman has her own bikini show at the seaside --- 

Scroll down to see photos:

[FairfieldLife] The Moment You Know

2009-09-26 Thread TurquoiseB
Still pondering the eternal mystery that is romance,
I'm recapitulating a few romances and thinking back
to that first moment of certainty, The Moment I Knew
that this was going to be a Big Romance.

There is a term in a Bruce Cockburn song that I've
used to define these moments -- event horizon. The
verse of the song goes like this:

Wild shadows, acid verbs
Eyelids opening dans mon coeur
Tu me touche comme la pression
Des etoiles sur les tenebres *

In the elevator and the empty hall
How am I ever going to hear you when you call
I'm always living and I always die
on the event horizon of your eyes

I'm a loner
With a loner's point of view
I'm a loner
And now I'm in love with you


Wild shadows acid verbs
Eyelids opening in my heart
You touch me like the pressure
Of the stars on the darkness


An event horizon in astronomy is that boundary
surrounding a black hole from which no more light
can escape. Once you cross that boundary, every-
thing -- physical objects as well as light -- is
sucked into the black hole.

The Moments I Knew are like that to me. They were
the moments *after* I had crossed an event horizon
and realized that I was past the point of no return,
and was on my way on what would probably be an
interesting journey. Here are a few of them:

* Trying to think of what music to play in the car
after picking up a woman I had driven from New York
to Vermont to see, hoping there might be a resonance
there but not sure of it, I selected Keith Jarrett's
Koln Concert. We drove along for a few minutes,
he hit my favorite chord change, and she literally
stopped in mid-sentence and said, Who IS this we
are listening to. The romance was a Done Deal.

* Walking along a pathway at Cobb Mountain on the
first day of an ATR course, passing a woman walking
the other way. Stopping a few feet further to turn
around, as if to say Who WAS that? and finding
her doing the same thing.

* Saying goodnight to a woman I had been thinking
of as only a friend, and who had been thinking of
me the same way. I don't think that the idea of
romance had occurred to either of us. But then we
realized that our respective work travel schedules
meant that we wouldn't be seeing each other again
for three weeks. There followed an awkward silence,
followed by three weeks of realization, followed
by several years of romance.

* Literally running into someone -- neither of us
watching where we were going and me knocking her
off her feet -- and looking down to find a beautiful
Japanese woman who was (fortunately) laughing and
realizing in that instant that we were going to be
lovers. We were, that evening.

* Having worn my Serenity logo T-shirt into
Barcelona, starting across a crosswalk and seeing
a woman coming the other way. I saw her aura first,
and it wowed me enough that it took me a second
to realize that she was wearing a T-shirt that said
Browncoats. I never made it to the other side
of the street.

* Walking down a hallway in the building I worked
in and seeing a woman ahead of me in the hallway,
walking the same direction. Her back was to me
and all that I could really see was her long hair. I
literally lost my footing and had to brace myself
against the wall, and the only thought that went
through my head was, Oh shit. There's one. She
still is, twenty years later.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pirate Bikini

2009-09-26 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   As many of you know, I'm not a big one for rules and
   unnecessary laws. But this may cause me to stray 
   across the border into Conservatism. Both boobs bare:
   great. Both boobs covered: great. One boob covered,
   the other bare: pushing the limits of legality.
   Go figure. I mean, go figure...
  Since you're straying across the border into Conservatism 
  in the bikini department, what's your take on this 95 year 
  old woman's beach attire?
  --- A 95 year old woman has her own bikini show at the seaside --- 
  Scroll down to see photos:
 While my tongue *was* planted firmly in cheek
 in the above paragraph, I kinda like granny's
 bikinis better than the pirate bikini. She
 gets a free pass from the Bikini Police.  :-)

Chuckle  That's a good, safe answer, Barry.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] The Pirate Bikini

2009-09-26 Thread TurquoiseB
Walking my dogs long the Sitges beach this morning,
I spied with my little eye a new kind of fashion
statement, one that I have never seen before and 
hope never to see again. 

It was one of those Where are the Fashion Police
when you need them? moments, hopefully to be filed
away in a section of my brain labeled What can this
person have been *thinking* and other imponderables
not worth pondering as soon as I have finished 
writing it up here and thus purging it from my mind.

It was a bikini, with a normal bottom, but with a
top that had been sewn (not modified) to cover only 
one boob. It was like the Pirate's eyepatch of bikinis.

The question Why? leapt to my lips. In Spain, all
of the beaches are topless. Hell, all of the beaches
could be nude beaches for that matter; nudity and
the right to walk about nekkid as a jaybird is written
into the Spanish Constitution.

And there seemed to be no physical reason for the
revealing of one of the set and the concealing of the
other; both seemed equally natural, equally large, and
equally well-formed. 

As many of you know, I'm not a big one for rules and
unnecessary laws. But this may cause me to stray 
across the border into Conservatism. Both boobs bare:
great. Both boobs covered: great. One boob covered,
the other bare: pushing the limits of legality.

Go figure. I mean, go figure...

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi speaks on Karma (1962)

2009-09-26 Thread Rick Archer
From an audio  (No 8) recorded in Hochgurgel in 1962 
(Thanks to Jörg Schenk)
Maharishi speaks about  Karma
Some selected points:
Maharishi: Who is the doer (of the Karma)?  The doer is the ego, the
mind. Although the senses perform the action, but the senses are not the
doer. The doer is the thinker within. So the thinker, as long as it is
associated with the body, it is associated with the body. But the doer is
that thinker, that subtle body, that  Jiva.  If he casts away this body,
goes to the other body, he will be caught by that action in the other body.
Body doesn't matter. What matters is the doer and what he has done
As I was saying, the vibrations (of the Karma) return from the wall, from
the sun, from millions of miles. There are galaxies in the world from where
the light takes millions of years to reach the earth. When the vibrations
reach so far and strike against that and then will be rebound and come back,
millions of years have passed already. So the effect of the Karma done now
is not received all at once. It keeps on being received from time to time,
for (?) all eternity.
The effect in the vicinity of the doer is maximum, but the effect is created
throughout the universe, whatever little effect at far distances, but it is
created and all this effect has to come back
Every second that we are producing some Karma, we are storing the fruit of
that Karma to be born for millions of years
Thoughts are the seed of Karma, very powerful seed. The seed in its seed
status is very potent. If you have thoughts of injuring a man, you have
injured the whole creation, already injured in the subtle state
Future after death depends on what a man has done throughout life. But the
next goal, where he will be born, mainly depends on the desire at the time
of death, the desire at the time of death
Question:  Is there a difference of a bad Karma done intentionally or
Maharishi:  Intentionally, because his attention was there, then the effect
will be more intensive. But the effect will be on the same line
Question: If I have a bad son and have to beat him, is this bad Karma?
Maharishi:   It is the Karma of the son that brings him beating and it is
the Karma of the father that makes him sorry
If I do some sin and in this room there is no one, I think nobody has seen
it. But it has been exposed to the whole universe. Everyone in the universe
knows it. And somehow that will be delivered to us back by all the agencies
in the universe, knowing or unknowing.
You can't stop the evolution. If you commit sin in the room, then you are
creating sinful vibrations. And sinful vibrations means, wherever they go
they damage the evolution of that thing.
Someone speaks ill of the other and plans damaging him, very underknees
plan, nothing on the surface, damaging the entire creation by his mischief.
Because the agency of thought is just vibration. That is why scriptures
forbid us speaking ill of others, or damaging someone or doing harm, because
apparently we seem to be harming him but eventually we have to be harmed by
our own doing of the harm to someone else.
To save the doer the teaching is Don't do any bad thing to anyone. Don't
commit sin, go for virtue, help thy neighbour, so that thy maybe helped.
In India we have the proverb that if someone speaks ill of the other he
partakes  his sin
If you call someone a fool, then the vibrations of foolery have been spread
in the whole creation and that foolery will return back to you, from all
Because man has that highly evolved nervous system. This great
responsibility is on to man and not to animals. The responsibility of good
and bad deeds, sin and virtue, this is for man and not for animals. Because
man is in that position to understand how the Karma acts, how his action
influences the whole creation and then he is influenced back by the same
Try to do all good that you can, all your energy in doing good, but don't
put your energy in criticizing the bad of someone. It is a waste of energy.
Because, now when you are meditating, you are bringing that stable state of
bliss consciousness in  your mind. That is sublimenting the state of the
mind. At this state, if you keep on bringing bad things — talking ill of
others and thinking of sin done by others — then you are neutralizing the
power that you are gaining from  the absolute
Nothing is more elevating than bringing the mind to the absolute being and
nothing is more damaging than talking something bad or reflecting something
sinful. Nothing is more damaging than this. Getting to the transcendent is
the direct way to heaven and talking ill of someone or thinking bad of
someone or reflecting on the sin done by someone is a direct way to hell.
No greater crime  can one commit  than talking ill or thinking ill of
something done by someone. Save yourself from your mind  going to the bad
You do good to the extent 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2009-09-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 Another interesting phenomenon lately is to
 notice the posters who don't seem to have any-
 thing to say when people stop arguing with
 them. They were using the continual arguments
 to make it *seem* as if they had something
 to say.

Good grief. How much more delusional can he get??

Of course, it's never easy to tell whether he's
actually delusional, as opposed to trying to, er,
shape the thinking of his sycophants, who are too
dumb to realize he's attempting to convince them
of something he knows isn't so.

[FairfieldLife] Movie Review: The Sleep Dealer

2009-09-26 Thread Bhairitu
After watching a great first episode for season two of Dollhouse (they 
finally got it right but that's another post) I popped in a Blu-Ray I 
had rented of a Mexican film The Sleep Dealer.  I wasn't expecting 
much more than a B-Movie and was I surprised.  This film is one of the 
best sci-fi movies I've seen and I think will become a classic.  The 
movie takes place in the future where there is a global economy and even 
the rural poor villages of Mexico have some technology.  The story is 
about a young man who is a hacker and hacks into communication 
satellites with his own homebuilt gear.  His village is very poor 
because a dam has been built due to privatization of the water supply 
and now they must pay for water to raise crops.  Due to certain events 
the young man winds up traveling north to find work.  In this scenario 
Mexican workers still work in the US but remain in Mexico.  They work by 
remote control of robots.  To do this the person has to have ports 
installed on their body to be plugged in.  Sometimes this is done by 
coyoteks.   People can also sell their memories online.

The film is loaded with social commentary about globalism, police 
states, the effect of technology, water wars and terrorism.   It's rated 
PG-13 and not watered down as a result.  It won awards at Sundance and 
other festivals and the script was developed at a Sundance workshop.  
Well worth a watch:

Chalk up two sci-fi hits District 9 and Sleep Dealer both being 
non-Hollywood productions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2009-09-26 Thread ShempMcGurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 

  j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  WTF, dude? I told you last night that you had one more post left, so what 
  do you do? You go and post two more! Buh-bye!

I'll bet what happened is that he didn't realize that his name spelled two 
different ways (including capitalized and not-capitalized letters) show up on 
the Post count and that he therefore didn't include the totals for him from the 
different listings...and thought he was okay.

 Robert has always struck me as pretty much a monologuer.  He may not even 
 realize that he has been booted for a week.  He may somehow just continue as 
 though his posts still show up.

[FairfieldLife] TV Review: Dollhouse Episode 1 Season 2

2009-09-26 Thread Bhairitu
Well I would say that Whedon finally got this series right.   Let's hope 
they can keep up the quality.   There is much more character development 
and scene development this season.  Looks like Echo is going to be more 
like an undercover agent and hence the downplay of prostitution theme 
which turned off some viewers in the first season.  The mind programming 
is used more for a cover.   Topher has a bigger role in this episode 
as does Whisky.  Jamie Bamber of BSG is a guest star, not using an 
American accent, playing an international arms dealer.  I'm not going to 
get into spoilers or analysis but  just say I was impressed with this 
first episode and the  space they gave for scene development which puts 
it head and shoulders above last season.  Now to go see how the other 
armchair critics saw it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pirate Bikini

2009-09-26 Thread Bhairitu
How 'bout some espresso with that bikini?

I'm not sure where this was in Washington though there is a link 
suggesting WSU which is in Pullman in eastern Wasthington.  I remember a 
bikini car wash in Kennewick which is also in eastern Washington.  Great 
place to get a car wash on a hot day. ;-)

It's also interesting there is a similar espresso place in San Diego 
where charges have been filed.

I have always thought that if guys can go topless that women can too.

TurquoiseB wrote:
 Walking my dogs long the Sitges beach this morning,
 I spied with my little eye a new kind of fashion
 statement, one that I have never seen before and 
 hope never to see again. 

 It was one of those Where are the Fashion Police
 when you need them? moments, hopefully to be filed
 away in a section of my brain labeled What can this
 person have been *thinking* and other imponderables
 not worth pondering as soon as I have finished 
 writing it up here and thus purging it from my mind.

 It was a bikini, with a normal bottom, but with a
 top that had been sewn (not modified) to cover only 
 one boob. It was like the Pirate's eyepatch of bikinis.

 The question Why? leapt to my lips. In Spain, all
 of the beaches are topless. Hell, all of the beaches
 could be nude beaches for that matter; nudity and
 the right to walk about nekkid as a jaybird is written
 into the Spanish Constitution.

 And there seemed to be no physical reason for the
 revealing of one of the set and the concealing of the
 other; both seemed equally natural, equally large, and
 equally well-formed. 

 As many of you know, I'm not a big one for rules and
 unnecessary laws. But this may cause me to stray 
 across the border into Conservatism. Both boobs bare:
 great. Both boobs covered: great. One boob covered,
 the other bare: pushing the limits of legality.

 Go figure. I mean, go figure...


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pirate Bikini

2009-09-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  As many of you know, I'm not a big one for rules and
  unnecessary laws. But this may cause me to stray 
  across the border into Conservatism. Both boobs bare:
  great. Both boobs covered: great. One boob covered,
  the other bare: pushing the limits of legality.
  Go figure. I mean, go figure...
 Since you're straying across the border into Conservatism 
 in the bikini department, what's your take on this 95 year 
 old woman's beach attire?
 --- A 95 year old woman has her own bikini show at the seaside --- 
 Scroll down to see photos:

While my tongue *was* planted firmly in cheek
in the above paragraph, I kinda like granny's
bikinis better than the pirate bikini. She
gets a free pass from the Bikini Police.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Movie Review: The Sleep Dealer

2009-09-26 Thread Bhairitu
Trailer on YouTube:

Bhairitu wrote:
 After watching a great first episode for season two of Dollhouse (they 
 finally got it right but that's another post) I popped in a Blu-Ray I 
 had rented of a Mexican film The Sleep Dealer.  I wasn't expecting 
 much more than a B-Movie and was I surprised.  This film is one of the 
 best sci-fi movies I've seen and I think will become a classic.  The 
 movie takes place in the future where there is a global economy and even 
 the rural poor villages of Mexico have some technology.  The story is 
 about a young man who is a hacker and hacks into communication 
 satellites with his own homebuilt gear.  His village is very poor 
 because a dam has been built due to privatization of the water supply 
 and now they must pay for water to raise crops.  Due to certain events 
 the young man winds up traveling north to find work.  In this scenario 
 Mexican workers still work in the US but remain in Mexico.  They work by 
 remote control of robots.  To do this the person has to have ports 
 installed on their body to be plugged in.  Sometimes this is done by 
 coyoteks.   People can also sell their memories online.

 The film is loaded with social commentary about globalism, police 
 states, the effect of technology, water wars and terrorism.   It's rated 
 PG-13 and not watered down as a result.  It won awards at Sundance and 
 other festivals and the script was developed at a Sundance workshop.  
 Well worth a watch:

 Chalk up two sci-fi hits District 9 and Sleep Dealer both being 
 non-Hollywood productions.


[FairfieldLife] Romance As Interviewing

2009-09-26 Thread TurquoiseB
It was fun last week riffing off of meow13's questions 
and pondering the mysteries of romance. So since it's
a fine sunny day in Sitges and I'm here in my favorite
cafe with my favorite dogs and my favorite laptop, I
think I'll ponder it some more.

To some extent, I think that a lot of folks who have
been off the market romance-wise for some time (due
to being married, wannabe celibates, shy, or just having
given up) may have forgotten what the *initial* stages
of romance are. 

Some -- very few, in my experience, and all memorable
because of their rarity and their intensity -- are coups
de foudre, love at first sight, with both parties in-
stantly smitten with each other. Others are more gradual,
with it taking some time before either party would use
the term romance to describe what was going on.

Today -- just for fun -- I'm thinking of that gradual 
getting-to-know-each-other process in terms of interview-
ing for a job.

Have you ever been in the position where your job was to
interview other people for the company you work for? It's
a real lesson in many things, one of them being time and
energy conservation. You've got to take time away from
your real work to look through resumes and then inter-
view a bunch of people, and then decide who you're going
to pick for the job. Unlike romance (thankfully), you
*have* to find someone for the job.

So, the job search starts with checking out resumes. And
your first pass on resumes (sorry to tell all of you
job-hunters out there, but it's true) takes less than a
minute per resume. In that first pass, you're creating
two piles -- one to look at in more depth, the second so
that they can be sent Thank you for applying, but...
form letters. Pile Number Two has been instantly rejected
because something in the resume Just Didn't Float Your

Romance? Same thing, except for the smitten moments
described above. Whether you are actively searching for a
romance or, like me, not looking at all but open to Chance
Encounters Of The Third Kind, your first pass on the 
people who wander into your life is often (and, admittedly,
sadly) a create two piles of resumes situation.

Their resume is how they walk, how they dress, how they
carry themselves physically, what their aura looks like. 
Remember, this is before any talking (actual interviewing)
has taken place. You're just seeing them walking down the
street or sitting at the same cafe or across the room at
a party or a classroom or a movie theater. 

When interviewing job candidates, the second pass is going
through Pile Number One and deciding who to call in for
an interview, and then conducting those interviews. You've
been impressed enough by the person's resume -- how they talk
their talk -- enough to want to see whether they can walk
their talk. And boy! do you learn a lot about a person when
interviewing them. It's MUCH more intense than romance in 
that respect. But again, there is still a part of your mind
that is looking for red flags, indications that this person
might NOT be the best match for the team of software coders 
you're going to be placing in the same room with them. In
the second pass you are primarily looking for a vibe, a
sense of match, an intuition that this person would fit
in with the team, and become a valuable addition to it. 

And in romance? Well, damnit, that kinda describes my second 
pass there, too. I've been impressed enough with the person's
auric resume to want to talk to them. And I really AM inter-
ested in just getting to know them, but at the same time if
the auric Possible Candidate For Romance alarm went off in
my brain, I'm *also* looking to see how she would fit in 
with my life. Is the relationship between us easy and unforced?
Do we laugh a lot? Are lapses in conversation perceived as
something one of the parties needs to fill, or are they just
perceived -- and appreciated -- as Silence? 

Are there red flags that come up during the interview?
When interviewing someone for a job, one tends to want to know
why they left their previous job. One of the worst mistakes 
you can make when interviewing for a job is to badmouth your
former company. BIG red flag. Almost guaranteed to get you not
hired, because the potential employer knows that that's exactly
how you'll be talking about them when you don't fit in here,

And in romance? Duh. Hell can arguably be defined as sitting
across the table from someone who has spent the entire dinner
bad-mouthing their ex. The check cannot come too soon. And it's
as if the waiters in every Relationship Hell Restaurant know
intuitively when this situation is taking place, and delay 
bringing you the check as long as possible, because they 
are sadists.

Red flags aside, though, that early getting-to-know-each-other
period -- either in interviewing or in romance -- can also occas-
ionally be a lot of fun. Finding someone with whom you can just 
relax and laugh with and enjoy being with them is as fulfilling
when interviewing 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2009-09-26 Thread lurkernomore20002000
I'm pretty sure Alex has pointed that out to him on a couple of occasions. 
*FLASH* He just sent me an e-mail saying that he has a lot going on in personal 
life, and that he wasn't paying close enough attention. Said he was sorry that 
he over posted.  So that was nice of him to address the issue.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sundur@ 
   j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
   WTF, dude? I told you last night that you had one more post left, so what 
   do you do? You go and post two more! Buh-bye!
 I'll bet what happened is that he didn't realize that his name spelled two 
 different ways (including capitalized and not-capitalized letters) show up on 
 the Post count and that he therefore didn't include the totals for him from 
 the different listings...and thought he was okay.
  Robert has always struck me as pretty much a monologuer.  He may not even 
  realize that he has been booted for a week.  He may somehow just continue 
  as though his posts still show up.

[FairfieldLife] The FFL Posting Limit Get Out Of Jail Free Card (Was: Post Count)

2009-09-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  I'll bet what happened is that he didn't realize that 
  his name spelled two different ways (including 
  capitalized and not-capitalized letters) show up on 
  the Post count and that he therefore didn't include 
  the totals for him from the different listings...and 
  thought he was okay.
 I'm pretty sure Alex has pointed that out to him on a 
 couple of occasions. *FLASH* He just sent me an e-mail 
 saying that he has a lot going on in personal life, 
 and that he wasn't paying close enough attention. 
 Said he was sorry that he over posted. So that was 
 nice of him to address the issue.

I am tempted to suggest a special exemption to the
FFL Posting Limits. Once every six months -- but
*only* once -- any FFL poster is allowed to write 
to the Moderators and request a Get Out Of Jail 
Free Card.

This enables the cardholder to special I've got 
a lot going on in my life right now and I really
*need* to rant privileges. During the week-long
period covered by the Get Out Of Jail Free Card,
the requestor hath the right to post as much as
he or she pleaseth for that whole week. Ranteth 
thou to high heaven.

I would even volunteer to keep track of those 
requesting and receiving such exceptions, so that 
no extra work would fall on the already-stooped 
shoulders of our Moderators. I would do this out 
of a sense of selfless service, and out of sheer
curiosity as to who might apply. The only thing 
I'd ask in return is that this exception abide 
by a set of rules such as the following:

* A Get Out Of Jail Free Card can only be requested
in advance. No one can go over the normal posting
limit and then ask for one retroactively.

* Use it or lose it. If you don't take advantage 
of your Get Out Of Jail Free week during the first
six-month period, you don't get two weeks during
the next six-month period. 

* A Get Out Of Jail Free Card can only be requested
early on in any I've got a lot going on in my life
right now and I really *need* to rant period. That 
is, the requestor needs to realize their need to rant 
before, say, the 30th post of the week, not at the 
49th. My theory is that this rule will encourage 
greater awareness of one's current mindstate.

RE: [FairfieldLife] The FFL Posting Limit Get Out Of Jail Free Card (Was: Post Count)

2009-09-26 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 2:13 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The FFL Posting Limit Get Out Of Jail Free Card
(Was: Post Count)
I am tempted to suggest a special exemption to the
FFL Posting Limits. Once every six months -- but
*only* once -- any FFL poster is allowed to write 
to the Moderators and request a Get Out Of Jail 
Free Card.
I'd be OK with that if the majority feel it's a good idea and you kept track
of it. We did that for Kirk and Shemp I believe when they were going through
rough times.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The FFL Posting Limit Get Out Of Jail Free Card (Was: Post Count)

2009-09-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

  On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
  I am tempted to suggest a special exemption to the
  FFL Posting Limits. Once every six months -- but
  *only* once -- any FFL poster is allowed to write 
  to the Moderators and request a Get Out Of Jail 
  Free Card.
 I'd be OK with that if the majority feel it's a good 
 idea and you kept track of it. We did that for Kirk 
 and Shemp I believe when they were going through
 rough times.

I was only partly serious in my post, but
serious enough to follow through on my offer.

We also did something similar for the whole
group when Maharishi died, and I thought that
was a very interesting week here on Fairfield
Life. There *are* times when you have a lot
going on in your life, and (thanks to you, 
Rick) one of the functions of this cyberplace
is a kind of group therapy. Sometimes one can
really *need* other people to bounce one's 
thoughts off of.

I think it might also be interesting to see how 
people USED their Get Out Of Jail Free Cards. 
Would they be used to perpetuate a slamfest,
or to really communicate?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The FFL Posting Limit Get Out Of Jail Free Card (Was: Post Count)

2009-09-26 Thread ShempMcGurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 2:13 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The FFL Posting Limit Get Out Of Jail Free Card
 (Was: Post Count)
 I am tempted to suggest a special exemption to the
 FFL Posting Limits. Once every six months -- but
 *only* once -- any FFL poster is allowed to write 
 to the Moderators and request a Get Out Of Jail 
 Free Card.
 I'd be OK with that if the majority feel it's a good idea and you kept track
 of it. We did that for Kirk and Shemp I believe when they were going through
 rough times.

Actually, no, it was not done for Shemp.

I am all for the the exception as long as it occurs in a month ending in a y 
or er.  Any other month the old rules should apply.

[FairfieldLife] Guru Dev quoted in Maharishi meditation leaflet

2009-09-26 Thread Premanand
'By treatments of the outer physical existence, the peacelessness in the 
sukshma sharir (subtle body) will not go away.  For the purpose of removing 
ashanti (peacelessness) the healing of the subtle body is required. Without 
spiritual knowledge, you will not get peace.'

'Proceed with the practice. If the mind runs away, let it run away, you do not 
run afterwards.
Wherever the mind goes, if it becomes appreciative there, then right there it 
clings. If it will become attached to Bhagwan, and has sometimes got a taste of 
Bhagwan, then afterwards he will get stuck to that very place. Therefore you 
should apply the mind in worshipping the Lord. In all circumstances apply the 
mind to Paramatma. Make no mistake, no worship of Bhagwan will be futile.'

- Jagadguru Shankaracharya Brahmaleena Shri Brahmananda Saraswati Maharaj
[translation by Paul Mason 2009)

A rare example of a publicity handout where both Maharishi's teachings and Guru 
Dev's appear side by side.
To see this leaflet click on following link:-

Re: [FairfieldLife] The FFL Posting Limit Get Out Of Jail Free Card (Was: Post Count)

2009-09-26 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 * Use it or lose it. If you don't take advantage 
 of your Get Out Of Jail Free week during the first
 six-month period, you don't get two weeks during
 the next six-month period. 

Just say the free week expires with the six-month period.  No 
rollover.   Does this mean we might see 500 posts from someone in a 
week?  That ought to make everyone pleased as punch.

I didn't want to say anything but I was thinking of looking at the Post 
Count script and adding an additional routine that would send Alex an 
email with the email tallies.  That would make it easy to track posters 
who post both via web site or email or web mail (remember  there are 
actually 3 possibilities where the user name could vary).   I didn't 
want to tack it on the end of the Post Count as it would start to get 
excessively long.  Of course the nore...@yahoo.com would wind up 
always on top (though I might filter it ).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Indian books?

2009-09-26 Thread Bhairitu
cardemaister wrote:
 Just bought Kale's A Higher Sanskrit Grammar, from 1894
 (Motilal Banarsidass).

 I wonder if Indian books still are in general technically
 (or whatever) that sucky. Or is the main reason perhaps
 that the book is a reprint (1972, 1977, 1984, 1986, 1988,
 1992, 1995, 2002, 2007)?

 For instance, especially some of the devanaagarii characters are
 quite messy and the Roman printing color is rather uneven.

 Interesting(?) detail from the book:

 The Aryans who were much fairer in color than the aborigines of
 India are the Devas referred to in the name /Devanagari/ 
 (from 'div', to shine, those of a brilliant complexion).

Probably about the same.  A lot of Indian publishers are vanity 
publishers and you pay to get the book published.  They don't proofread 
much though nowadays these would probably be submitted as word processor 
files so the author could take care of proofreading.   As you go back in 
time some of the books were probably done with Linotype machines and 
whoever typed in the pages was likely to make some mistakes.  Reprints 
may have been done as an offset of an original.

[FairfieldLife] Rachel Maddow: The Truth About The Lies About Acorn

2009-09-26 Thread do.rflex

Rachel Maddow breaks down who is behind the smears against ACORN and why, and 
how dishonest the reporting has been by the right wing media on the topic.

Watch video here: 

Also on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDxm--DyavI

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rachel Maddow: The Truth About The Lies About Acorn

2009-09-26 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 Rachel Maddow breaks down who is behind the smears against ACORN and why, and 
 how dishonest the reporting has been by the right wing media on the topic.
 Watch video here: 
 Also on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDxm--DyavI

Rachel and guest, Jeremy Scahill discuss defunding war contractors if Congress 
defunds ACORN.

[FairfieldLife] AW: Pres. Bill Clinton's address at MUM

2009-09-26 Thread michael
the link has changed.
to watch the video with pres. clinton,
here it is 
the speech of pres. bill clinton is between 7.30 minutes
and 10.40 minutes.
his last words are really impressive 
i look forward to work with you in the future
but the hole video is highly inspiring,
here our movement reach a peak level ...

Von: michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
An: tml meditationsleh...@googlegroups.com
CC: tufw tufw...@yahoogroups.de
Gesendet: Freitag, den 25. September 2009, 22:40:45 Uhr
Betreff: [Meditationslehrer] Pres. Bill Clinton's address at MUM / David Lynch 
Foundation Conference

Here is Pres. Bill Clinton's video address from just now to the International 
Conference on building a healthy, sustainable American Indian community at MUM. 
Website of the conference: http://www.americanindiansustainableconference.org/
to watch the video,
click on the opening page on top right side 
Bill Clinton to adress ...
Jai Guru Dev

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The FFL Posting Limit Get Out Of Jail Free Card (Was: Post Count)

2009-09-26 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 I didn't want to say anything but I was thinking of looking at
 the Post Count script and adding an additional routine that would
 send Alex an email with the email tallies.

That would be very helpful.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rachel Maddow: The Truth About The Lies About Acorn

2009-09-26 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  Rachel Maddow breaks down who is behind the smears against ACORN and why, 
  and how dishonest the reporting has been by the right wing media on the 
  Watch video here: 
  Also on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDxm--DyavI
 Rachel and guest, Jeremy Scahill discuss defunding war contractors if 
 Congress defunds ACORN.

Now THAT'S journalism! 

I don't know of anyone who tops Rachel for her excellence and effectiveness of 
accurately and thoroughly reporting the background facts and so fully informing 
on the issues.

Bertha Lewis, the head of Acorn, was interviewed on Democracy Now, and gives a 
beautiful defense of Acorn within the current storm.

It's a bit long, but it's really worthwhile to get a look at what Acorn really 
does, the history of smears and what exactly was involved in the current 
shenanigans by the clowns at FOX noise.

You can check out the video and transcript her interview here:

Also: http://snipurl.com/s5gu4   [www_democracynow_org] 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi speaks on Karma (1962)

2009-09-26 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

Wonderful. Thanks for posting this Rick; I will never again call you a fool 
thus partaking in your karma :-) 
There is no irony in my words; Maharishi's talk was a great reminder. Again; 
thank you for posting this.

 From an audio  (No 8) recorded in Hochgurgel in 1962 
 (Thanks to Jörg Schenk)
 Maharishi speaks about  Karma
 Some selected points:
 Maharishi: Who is the doer (of the Karma)?  The doer is the ego, the
 mind. Although the senses perform the action, but the senses are not the
 doer. The doer is the thinker within. So the thinker, as long as it is
 associated with the body, it is associated with the body. But the doer is
 that thinker, that subtle body, that  Jiva.  If he casts away this body,
 goes to the other body, he will be caught by that action in the other body.
 Body doesn't matter. What matters is the doer and what he has done
 As I was saying, the vibrations (of the Karma) return from the wall, from
 the sun, from millions of miles. There are galaxies in the world from where
 the light takes millions of years to reach the earth. When the vibrations
 reach so far and strike against that and then will be rebound and come back,
 millions of years have passed already. So the effect of the Karma done now
 is not received all at once. It keeps on being received from time to time,
 for (?) all eternity.
 The effect in the vicinity of the doer is maximum, but the effect is created
 throughout the universe, whatever little effect at far distances, but it is
 created and all this effect has to come back
 Every second that we are producing some Karma, we are storing the fruit of
 that Karma to be born for millions of years
 Thoughts are the seed of Karma, very powerful seed. The seed in its seed
 status is very potent. If you have thoughts of injuring a man, you have
 injured the whole creation, already injured in the subtle state
 Future after death depends on what a man has done throughout life. But the
 next goal, where he will be born, mainly depends on the desire at the time
 of death, the desire at the time of death
 Question:  Is there a difference of a bad Karma done intentionally or
 Maharishi:  Intentionally, because his attention was there, then the effect
 will be more intensive. But the effect will be on the same line
 Question: If I have a bad son and have to beat him, is this bad Karma?
 Maharishi:   It is the Karma of the son that brings him beating and it is
 the Karma of the father that makes him sorry
 If I do some sin and in this room there is no one, I think nobody has seen
 it. But it has been exposed to the whole universe. Everyone in the universe
 knows it. And somehow that will be delivered to us back by all the agencies
 in the universe, knowing or unknowing.
 You can't stop the evolution. If you commit sin in the room, then you are
 creating sinful vibrations. And sinful vibrations means, wherever they go
 they damage the evolution of that thing.
 Someone speaks ill of the other and plans damaging him, very underknees
 plan, nothing on the surface, damaging the entire creation by his mischief.
 Because the agency of thought is just vibration. That is why scriptures
 forbid us speaking ill of others, or damaging someone or doing harm, because
 apparently we seem to be harming him but eventually we have to be harmed by
 our own doing of the harm to someone else.
 To save the doer the teaching is Don't do any bad thing to anyone. Don't
 commit sin, go for virtue, help thy neighbour, so that thy maybe helped.
 In India we have the proverb that if someone speaks ill of the other he
 partakes  his sin
 If you call someone a fool, then the vibrations of foolery have been spread
 in the whole creation and that foolery will return back to you, from all
 Because man has that highly evolved nervous system. This great
 responsibility is on to man and not to animals. The responsibility of good
 and bad deeds, sin and virtue, this is for man and not for animals. Because
 man is in that position to understand how the Karma acts, how his action
 influences the whole creation and then he is influenced back by the same
 Try to do all good that you can, all your energy in doing good, but don't
 put your energy in criticizing the bad of someone. It is a waste of energy.
 Because, now when you are meditating, you are bringing that stable state of
 bliss consciousness in  your mind. That is sublimenting the state of the
 mind. At this state, if you keep on bringing bad things — talking ill of
 others and thinking of sin done by others — then you are neutralizing the
 power that you are gaining from  the absolute
 Nothing is more elevating than bringing the mind to the absolute being and
 nothing is more damaging than talking something bad or reflecting something
 sinful. Nothing is 

[FairfieldLife] Two whistleblowers independently report teleporting to Mars and meeting Martians

2009-09-26 Thread nablusoss1008
 [Seattle Exopolitics Examiner]  /x-2912-Seattle-Exopolitics-Examiner 
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dal=trueTB_iframe=true  Examiner Bio
/x-2912-Seattle-Exopolitics-Examiner?showbioTwo whistleblowers
independently report teleporting to Mars and meeting Martian
extraterrestrials  September 9, 1:27 PMSeattle Exopolitics Examiner
/x-2912-Seattle-Exopolitics-Examiner Alfred Lambremont Webre 
-at-Awake--Aware-in-LA-conference-sponsored-by-Project-Camelot  105
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Dean  Project Camelot: Underground city on Mars
Two whistleblowers, both formerly involved in secret research and
development projects undertaken by US defense agencies, have
independently verified their secret teleportation to US bases on Mars,
and to meeting intelligent Martian extraterrestrial life.  Their
accounts are now available on the Internet, and can be seen below in
this article.

One of the whistleblowers, Arthur Neumann, who until recently referred
to himself as Henry Deacon
http://www.projectcamelot.org/livermore_physicist_3.html  for fear of
retaliation, was formerly associated with a U.S. government agency,

On July 25, 2009, at the European Exopolitics Congress
.html  in Barcelona, Mr. Neumann publicly stated, There is life on
Mars. There are bases on Mars. I have been there.   The following
day, Mr. Neumann participated in Futuretalk
an-arthur-neumann-alfred-webre-teleporting-to-mars.html , a Project
Camelot documentary interview, in which he provided details of his
teleporting to a base on Mars and participating in a one-hour project
meeting, which was also attended by representatives of an intelligent
civilization that lives in cities under the surface of Mars.

The other whistleblower, lawyer Andrew D. Basiago
-d.-basiago---12-28-08.pdf , is a former child participant in a secret
time travel project launched by the US Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA).  In a six-hour interview released August 31,
2009, Mr. Basiago relates his experiences in DARPA's Project
Pegasus during the period 1969 to 1972, and describes probes to past and
future events that he took via teleportation and chronovision during the
early days of time-space exploration by the US government.

He [Mr. Basiago] confirms that the United States has been
teleporting individuals to Mars for decades and recounts the
awe-inspiring and terrifying trips that he took to Mars in 1981 after he
was tapped to go there because he had teleported as a child participant
in Project Pegasus.

Mr. Basiago has also publicly confirmed that in 1970, in the company of
his late father, Raymond F. Basiago, an engineer for The Ralph M.
Parsons Company who worked on classified aerospace projects, he met
three Martian astronauts at the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Company
facility in Wood Ridge, New Jersey while the Martians were there on a
liaison mission to Earth and meeting with US defense-technical

Whistleblower Arthur Neumann and bases on Mars

Arthur Neumann's verification of the existence of bases on Mars, and
of having personally been to Mars, occurred at the end of Command Sgt.
Major (USAF retired) Robert Dean's presentation at the European
Exopolitics Summit and can be seen beginning at 54 minutes into the
presentation (above).

During his presentation, Robert Dean showed satellite images of an
apparent city under the surface of Mars, as well as an apparent base on
the surface of Mars.

Robert Dean  Arthur Neumann: September 25, 2009 - European Exopolitics

The July 26, 2009 Futuretalk interview
an-arthur-neumann-alfred-webre-teleporting-to-mars.html , during which
Mr. Neumann spoke about the details of his teleportation to Mars for a
one-hour project meeting on Mars attended by Martian humanoids, was
conducted by Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, with the
participation of Robert Dean and Alfred Lambremont Webre.

Futuretalk: Robert Dean, Arthur Neumann, Alfred Webre - July 26, 2009,
European Exopolitics Summit

Whistleblower Andrew D. Basiago and the hidden history of the discovery
of life on Mars

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-09-26 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 26 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Oct 03 00:00:00 2009
45 messages as of (UTC) Sat Sep 26 23:43:22 2009

 8 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 6 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 3 authfriend jst...@panix.com
 3 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 2 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
 2 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 2 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 2 ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
 1 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 anatol_zinc anatol_z...@yahoo.com
 1 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 1 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 1 Premanand premanandp...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 Michael Dean Goodman tan...@cheerful.com
 1 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
 1 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com

Posters: 19
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi speaks on Karma (1962)

2009-09-26 Thread anatol_zinc
excellent talk by Maharishi given in 1962, but here is my comment 2009:
it is hard to follow Maharishi's advice( last few paragraphs ) during
these extremely difficult times ;
and it seems it was hard for Maharishi to follow his own advice;

this was given in 1962, so for a few decades, he did really well

focusing only on positivity, it seemed to me,

but then he started to call President  Bush a rakshasa( a demon ); so
these are truly difficult times for everyone

but the advice Maharishi gave is still excellent

and wise to try ones best

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From an audio  (No 8) recorded in Hochgurgel in 1962

 (Thanks to Jörg Schenk)

 Maharishi speaks about  Karma

 Some selected points:

 Maharishi: Who is the doer (of the Karma)?  The doer is the ego,
 mind. Although the senses perform the action, but the senses are not
 doer. The doer is the thinker within. So the thinker, as long as it is
 associated with the body, it is associated with the body. But the doer
 that thinker, that subtle body, that  Jiva.  If he casts away this
 goes to the other body, he will be caught by that action in the other
 Body doesn't matter. What matters is the doer and what he has done

 As I was saying, the vibrations (of the Karma) return from the wall,
 the sun, from millions of miles. There are galaxies in the world from
 the light takes millions of years to reach the earth. When the
 reach so far and strike against that and then will be rebound and come
 millions of years have passed already. So the effect of the Karma done
 is not received all at once. It keeps on being received from time to
 for (?) all eternity.

 The effect in the vicinity of the doer is maximum, but the effect is
 throughout the universe, whatever little effect at far distances, but
it is
 created and all this effect has to come back

 Every second that we are producing some Karma, we are storing the
fruit of
 that Karma to be born for millions of years

 Thoughts are the seed of Karma, very powerful seed. The seed in its
 status is very potent. If you have thoughts of injuring a man, you
 injured the whole creation, already injured in the subtle state

 Future after death depends on what a man has done throughout life. But
 next goal, where he will be born, mainly depends on the desire at the
 of death, the desire at the time of death

 Question:  Is there a difference of a bad Karma done intentionally or

 Maharishi:  Intentionally, because his attention was there, then the
 will be more intensive. But the effect will be on the same line

 Question: If I have a bad son and have to beat him, is this bad Karma?

 Maharishi:   It is the Karma of the son that brings him beating and it
 the Karma of the father that makes him sorry

 If I do some sin and in this room there is no one, I think nobody has
 it. But it has been exposed to the whole universe. Everyone in the
 knows it. And somehow that will be delivered to us back by all the
 in the universe, knowing or unknowing.

 You can't stop the evolution. If you commit sin in the room, then you
 creating sinful vibrations. And sinful vibrations means, wherever they
 they damage the evolution of that thing.

 Someone speaks ill of the other and plans damaging him, very
 plan, nothing on the surface, damaging the entire creation by his
 Because the agency of thought is just vibration. That is why
 forbid us speaking ill of others, or damaging someone or doing harm,
 apparently we seem to be harming him but eventually we have to be
harmed by
 our own doing of the harm to someone else.

 To save the doer the teaching is Don't do any bad thing to anyone.
 commit sin, go for virtue, help thy neighbour, so that thy maybe

 In India we have the proverb that if someone speaks ill of the other
 partakes  his sin

 If you call someone a fool, then the vibrations of foolery have been
 in the whole creation and that foolery will return back to you, from

 Because man has that highly evolved nervous system. This great
 responsibility is on to man and not to animals. The responsibility of
 and bad deeds, sin and virtue, this is for man and not for animals.
 man is in that position to understand how the Karma acts, how his
 influences the whole creation and then he is influenced back by the

 Try to do all good that you can, all your energy in doing good, but
 put your energy in criticizing the bad of someone. It is a waste of
 Because, now when you are meditating, you are bringing that stable
state of
 bliss consciousness in  your mind. That is sublimenting the state of
 mind. At this state, if you keep on bringing bad things — talking
ill of
 others and