[FairfieldLife] Re: The Neocons, Fundies, and the Party of No are dead.

2010-03-25 Thread lurkernomore20002000
 Sal Sunshine  wrote:

> > I just got a notice that Shemp unsubscribed. 
> Seriously?  Wow, the plot really does thicken.
> I say they're the same person.
> Anybody want to make a bet? :)

Probably they are taking a holiday together. First to Greece, and then to 
Scotland.  Doing their ancestral duties as both ecnonomies are struggling.  
Shemp can adorn his festive Greek dancing garb, and Off, his kilt.

[FairfieldLife] Thank you for paying your broadcasting-fee ! Raj Patel on swedish television

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: A cartoon from 1934

2010-03-25 Thread brian64705

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:

> Obama inherited most of the debt from 'Dumbya' and the Repuglicans 

see:  http://www.moneyandmarkets.com/bernanke-running-amuck-6-38429

Both parties are in the control of the money power. Please see this video:

Its 51 mins long, but everyone should see this. Edward Griffin interviewed 
Norman Dodd before he died about his work with the  Reece Commisson in 1954. 
This was a Congressional Inquiry into the work of the Tax Exempt Foundations. 
When the Commission found out what was really going on it was shut down and the 
findings were never made public. When you see this you'll see that the govt 
really is not running much at all. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trivedi Guruji vs. Master John Douglas

2010-03-25 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:

> Seems both Trivedi and John Douglas are approved as healer teachers to go to. 
>  Which one is more cost effective?

I would go with the equally reliable process of flushing single dollar bills 
down the toilet whispering the phrase "heal me oh great pooba" with each flush. 
 You should feel the same relief you would get from a magical healing session 
plus it will help make sure your septic system is flowing properly.  Since you 
are just flushing single dollars you will come out ahead of any lump sum 
process of  being played as a mark by a "healer."

Testimonial from John's site:

"I describe it as a feeling in my psyche that either something I didn't know I 
had has been removed leaving a space, or some kind of space for negativity has 
been filled up so that there's no room for anything else." —Client, Maine

Yeah, that sounds about right, something you didn't know you had got removed, 
and it left a space in your wallet.  And the space between his or her ears got 
filled up so there is no room for anything else like difficult rational 
thinking.  Abracadabra baby. Step right up.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> > On Behalf Of wayback71
> > Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:07 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trivedi/Guruji
> >  
> > I am certainly out of touch with the latest in the TMO, but I thought Aleric
> > and his wife were real TB's and so would never visit someone of the program.
> > IF people like this go and see other saints and healers, then the TMO will
> > stop shunning folks who do.
> > Somehow this guy is an "approved" saint or healer. The criteria for approval
> > or disapproval are not at all clear. He's referred to as "guruji" and he
> > does take in a lot of money, which have blacklisted other gurus, but he
> > doesn't give out mantras, which also blacklist them, and he heals, which
> > apparently is OK, except if it's not.
> >
> Seems both Trivedi and John Douglas are approved as healer teachers to go to. 
>  Which one is more cost effective?

[FairfieldLife] The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread BillyG

And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his so-called 
health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're more interested 
in social engineering than the ship of state which is foundering and they're 
measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!

Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 'deserves' 
Barack Obama, may it RIP.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A cartoon from 1934

2010-03-25 Thread BillyG

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:

> Dictatorial Congress? What the hell are you talking about???  
> The Democrats are doing what they were *elected* to do. 
> Maybe you need to look at this cartoon again: 

Dude! expand your vocabulary skills:

Main Entry: dic·ta·to·ri·al
1 a : of, relating to, or befitting a dictator  b : ruled by 
a dictator
2 : oppressive to or arrogantly overbearing toward others.

Dictorial has more than one meaning, I know your one cylinder brain can only 
handle one meaning of a word at a time especially when THAT meaning supports 
your conclusion but please look before you leapI was using it in the 
context of the 2nd entry, duh.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trivedi Guruji vs. Master John Douglas

2010-03-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > Seems both Trivedi and John Douglas are approved as healer 
> > teachers to go to.  Which one is more cost effective?
> I would go with the equally reliable process of flushing single 
> dollar bills down the toilet whispering the phrase "heal me oh 
> great pooba" with each flush.  You should feel the same relief 
> you would get from a magical healing session plus it will help 
> make sure your septic system is flowing properly. Since you are 
> just flushing single dollars you will come out ahead of any lump 
> sum process of  being played as a mark by a "healer."

I am glad you weighed in on this, Curtis. I was tempted
to write a similar reply to Buck yesterday but didn't
have time. 

I see two factors at play here. The first is *hope*, 
the value of which can never be discounted. Call it a
"miracle," call it the placebo effect, having a strong
belief in a "cure" can often affect one. Look into the
recent studies that have shown that the placebo effect
seems to be growing *stronger*, to the point that it
is now difficult to perform accurate medical studies
because the percentage of people gaining relief in the
control group -- taking only placebos -- is often as
high as the percentage of people gaining relief from
the actual medicine. It appears that the main factor
is the fact that they are taking a pill, period. This
seems sufficient to trigger whatever mechanism that
provides relief. The researchers have even found that
the *color* of the placebo or real pill can affect 

Given this, I see no reason to disbelieve those who
claim that they have experienced "relief" from what
ails them as a result of a "blessing" from Trivedi
or other "healers." If a placebo can trigger "relief,"
then so can belief in a "healer." Thus I would never
deny their *right* to either pay Trivedi his "fees"
or flush dollar bills down the toilet.

That said, the other factor I see at play here is the
shakti/flash component. From what has been said here,
it appears that this Trivedi fellow can generate 
enough of it so that people in the audience (admit-
tedly already pre-programmed to expect something)
*feel* something as the result of sitting with him.

I have no problem with this. Been there, done that.
Shakti -- whatever it is -- can be a palpable 
experience. The problem, as I see it, is *associating*
that palpable experience of shakti with anything.

*Anything*. IMO, having experienced powerful shakti
from a number of people, shakti is associated with
only one thing -- shakti. The ability to generate it
has *nothing* to do with the person's state of 
consciousness, or with his/her ability to "heal."
That is an association that the perceiver makes in
his or her own mind, or that is claimed by the person
generating the shakti. 

You sit in a room with someone who can generate some
shakti and you feel something. Big whoop. I have done
this hundreds of times and personally I don't see it
as *ever* having had a lasting effect. It's like a 
temporary drug rush, a hit on the crack pipe of shakti.
It's fun at the time, but if the perception is gone
the next day or within a week, *what effect did it
really have on you*?

IMO, a *LOT* of people in the New Age community are
suckers for a cheap hit of shakti. They feel something
and *project stuff onto it*. IMO, all that happened
was the subjective experience of some very common
energy we have labeled "shakti." 

My suspicion is that the things these seekers project 
onto a cheap experience of shakti is pure projection. 
Just because you feel a rush does not mean that the
rush is either beneficial or is "healing" you. It is
*just* as logical to assume that any "healing" you
experience after a cheap hit of shakti is due to the
placebo effect as it is to consider it the "result"
of a toke on the shakti crack pipe.

Just my opinion...

[FairfieldLife] Re: A cartoon from 1934

2010-03-25 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> > Dictatorial Congress? What the hell are you talking about???  
> > 
> > The Democrats are doing what they were *elected* to do. 
> > 
> > Maybe you need to look at this cartoon again: 
> Dude! expand your vocabulary skills:
> Main Entry: dic·ta·to·ri·al
> 1 a : of, relating to, or befitting a dictator  b : ruled 
> by a dictator
> 2 : oppressive to or arrogantly overbearing toward others.
> Dictorial has more than one meaning, I know your one cylinder brain can only 
> handle one meaning of a word at a time especially when THAT meaning supports 
> your conclusion but please look before you leapI was using it in the 
> context of the 2nd entry, duh.

You're making less and less sense as you go along, Billy Gee Whiz.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
> And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
> so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're more 
> interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is foundering 
> and they're measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!
> Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 'deserves' 
> Barack Obama, may it RIP.

Billy Gee Whiz is repeating the right wing talking points of misinformation and 
denying the realities that since Obama took office his policies have *turned 
around* the catastrophic direction of the economy he inherited when he took 

Once again...

Let's see, the recession started December of 2007.

The financial meltdown happened in September 2008.

Obama took office in January 2009.

Yeah. It's now going to take a colossal effort to clean up the
catastrophic financial nightmare that the Bush administration and the
GOP controlled Congress left behind and Obama inherited.

--Billy Gee Whiz ignores the beginnings of the economic turn around since Obama 
took office:

~~U.S. Enters Recovery as Stimulus Refutes Skeptics~~
Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a7iQTrYFwTtY

~~U.S. Economy Gets Lift From Stimulus~~
Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125185379218478087.html

~~Germany, France out of recession~~
Guardian [UK]:

~~Japan Steps out of Recession~~

~~UK Officially Out of Recession~~

~~Across the nation, housing starts are rising~~
Journal Sentinal: http://www.jsonline.com/business/53623677.html

~~Retail sales rose at the swiftest rate in three years in August~~

~~U.S. household wealth up for first time since 2007~~

~~US leading economic index up for fifth month in a row~~

~~Obama loan relief plan hits goal early ~~

~~Obama's mortgage relief program growing ~~

~~Dow passes 10,000 mark on earnings optimism~~first time in a year

~~GDP Grew 3.2 percent as Stimulus Took Hold: U.S. Economy Preview~~

~~Jobs outlook brightens - National Association for Business Economics
says more U.S. firms are planning to hire and increase investment in
the next six months~~~

~~U.S. Goods Orders Rise for Fourth Time in Six Months ~~
Orders for U.S. durable goods rose in September for the fourth time in
the past six months, a sign factories are helping ring in an economic

~~Durable-Goods Orders Tick Up~~
Orders climbed for long-lasting goods during September, the fourth
increase in six months, while a key gauge of capital spending rose
strongly, a favorable sign for U.S. manufacturing.

~~USA Today: Stimulus working, having "significant impact on

~~ Economy grows in 3Q, signals end of recession~~

~~Productivity at 6-year high, jobless claims fall~~

~~US leading indicators up for seventh month in row~~

~~New Consensus Sees Stimulus Package as Worthy Step~~

~~US Economy: Existing Home Sales Jump 10% as Prices Decline~~

~~Unemployment dropped to 10.0% in November~~
U.S. employers cut a far fewer-than-expected 11,000 jobs in November,
the smallest decline since the start of the recession in December
2007, government data showed on Friday, strongly suggesting the
deterioration in the labor market was in its final stages.

~~Recovery lifting labor market out of worst slump in post-World War
II era~~

~~November housing construction up 8.9 percent~~

[FairfieldLife] From Salon

2010-03-25 Thread Sal Sunshine
"A political minority that isn’t willing to live with being on an election’s 
losing end is the classic recipe for political violence. Obviously, we’re 
generalizing here: it's not clear how widespread this attitude really is on the 
right, and we don’t know exactly how much of this kind of thuggishness there 
has even been so far, much less how whether there is more to come.

But what does seem apparent is that the proportion of opponents of the 
president and his agenda who think this isn’t some negligible fringe."



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[FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread BillyG

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
> > 
> > And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
> > so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're 
> > more interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is 
> > foundering and they're measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!
> > 
> > Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 
> > 'deserves' Barack Obama, may it RIP.
> >
> Billy Gee Whiz is repeating the right wing talking points of misinformation 
> and denying the realities that since Obama took office his policies have 
> *turned around* the catastrophic direction of the economy he inherited when 
> he took office.
> Once again...
> Let's see, the recession started December of 2007.

Dude-when are you going to stop living in the past. There's enough blame to go 
around on both sides. We need solutions NOW, who cares WHO did it, how do we 
FIX it?  All of our social programs are going/gone broke!! You've apparently 
got your head in the sand, dude, Medicare and Social Security are/or are going 
broke!! That just didn't start under Bush!

Social Security...going broke!  Medicare going broke

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi off-stage - is there a video archive?

2010-03-25 Thread merudanda

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of mainstream20016
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 12:55 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi off-stage - is there a video
> Every public moment of Maharishi's life was recorded for posterity,
> beginning in '70 or so, right ? The public Maharishi, for all of his
> expounding of Vedic knowledge .."It's such a joy".. In reality offers
a very
> incomplete perspective of Maharishi and the evolution of the TMO. The
> movement was shaped by Maharishi during his extensive activity behind
> public view. Might an extensive audio and/or video record exist of
> `s activities behind the public veil ? What a documentary such a
> could become...
> There was tons of stuff taped that sits in archives not being viewed
> anyone, but in all the smaller, more private meetings I was ever in, I
> didn't notice any taping going on.
Right Rick

In the beginning of the movement at Olson's place , may be

but then

Never ever fortunately ---there are some private notes, written records
after organizational (and spiritual personal)meetings  and many many
cherished memories ---and few private recordings by some movement's
bystander without  real responsibilities

(BTW--of course there are some assembly meeting recording in the earlier
years and recording during the courses with  course participants-- not
to be public  seen)

 but  to get to the point

there are no secret archive!

there are no secret private archive! and  starting with such a myth and
rumor let's ask the question

Cui bono? and

I really do not understand the question.

Were there not enough misuse of private and personal remarks given by
Maharishi and said under special circumstances and situation  ONLY  and
hasn't it  not enough damage done to the movement in the last 40(I
certainly know of) years?

In search of a hidden GRAIL OF PRIVATE ARCHIVE what an idea

Now HE is laughing

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Nirvana News (All the news that's fit to transcend)

2010-03-25 Thread merudanda

> Own them all, but thanks. Your are welcome.   BTW what's your reading
of SECRETS OF THE CATHARS william henry
http://tinyurl.com/yku9poe   in regard to 
the relevance above mentioned  topic of duality?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
> And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
> so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're more 
> interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is foundering 
> and they're measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!
> Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 'deserves' 
> Barack Obama, may it RIP.

I've already shown what Obama's policies have done so far to turn around the 
economy -  plus the CBO says his Health Care Reform will reduce the deficit by 
$138 Billion the 1st 10 yrs and $1.6 Trillion the next 10 yrs. 

What have the Republicans [who for the most part CAUSED the biggest rise in 
debt in the last 200 years] done to help, Billy Gee Whiz?

All they've done is try to block all Obama's efforts - because they're proven 
failures and angry, bitter sore losers.

Why do you think the American people threw them out on their asses in the last 
2 national elections, Billy Gee Whiz?

Why do you think only 26% of the American people approve of how the Republicans 
have handled Health Care Reform?

NOTE - as far back as 2005 it was reported that: 

Washington, D.C. - President George W. Bush and the current Administration have 
now borrowed more money from foreign governments and banks than the previous 42 
U.S. presidents combined.

Throughout the first 224 years (1776-2000) of our nation's history, 42 U.S. 
presidents borrowed a combined $1.01 trillion from foreign governments and 
financial institutions according to the U.S. Treasury Department. In the past 
four years alone (2001-2005), the Bush Administration has borrowed a staggering 
$1.05 trillion.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread Bhairitu
BillyG wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
>>> http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
>>> And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
>>> so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're 
>>> more interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is 
>>> foundering and they're measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!
>>> Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 
>>> 'deserves' Barack Obama, may it RIP.
>> Billy Gee Whiz is repeating the right wing talking points of misinformation 
>> and denying the realities that since Obama took office his policies have 
>> *turned around* the catastrophic direction of the economy he inherited when 
>> he took office.
>> Once again...
>> Let's see, the recession started December of 2007.
> Dude-when are you going to stop living in the past. There's enough blame to 
> go around on both sides. We need solutions NOW, who cares WHO did it, how do 
> we FIX it?  All of our social programs are going/gone broke!! You've 
> apparently got your head in the sand, dude, Medicare and Social Security 
> are/or are going broke!! That just didn't start under Bush!
> Social Security...going broke!  Medicare going broke

Laissez faire capitalism is the problem.  It introduces entropy into the 
economic system creating chaos and allowing an unethical few to rob the 
public.  Problems won't get solved until this problem with capitalism is 
recognized and removed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Are 15% to 20% of Americans Genuinely and Incurably Stupid?

2010-03-25 Thread sgrayatlarge

Let's see how would our sharp as a tack (never plagerize) illustrious VP Joe 
Biden react to Pizzo's pithy pompousness:

This is a f...@ing Big Deal

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> Are 15% to 20% of Americans Genuinely, Provably and Incurably Stupid?
> Can We Talk?   by
> Stephen Pizzo
> After six and half decades on this planet I've come to  some
> conclusions. One of them is that roughly 15% to 20% of Americans are
> genuinely, provably and incurably, stupid. And, while beauty may only be
> skin deep, stupid goes all the way to the bone. After a decade of failed
> governance  -- two unnecessary wars and a ruined economy, Republicans
> had  all but run out of enough moderately-sane voters willing to take
> any further chances with them.
> That's when they glommed onto the idea of corralling America's
> moron-demographic to plug the gap.
> But the ignorant are hard to sway with fact-based policy discussions or
> green-eyeshade budget details. They need to be "energized" with
> drama, and plenty of it.
> Maury Povich and Jerry Springer knew that and built their fame and
> fortunes on knowing how to "energize" the dumb and dumber among
> us. It's all about the drama baby... tabloid quality drama is what
> gets their blood boiling. Allegations, the wilder the better, and the
> fewer contradicting facts the better.
> For example, you don't use benign terms like, "End of life
> counseling" with the moron-demographic. (Too many of them might just
> stare back blankly and ask, "Ah, why would you want to counsel a
> dead person?")
> Maury would advise,  "Death panels," instead. Death is, of course,
> the "end of life,"and we're all going there someday, and as
> we approach that point of departure I'm sure we and/or our loved
> ones might appreciate and benefit from some counseling -- including
> morons. But by calling them "Death panels," counseling becomes
> even scarier than death itself. That's how one gets the moron-blood
> a-boilin.'
> Anyway, I've belabored my point more than I had intended. The bottom
> line is that the GOP, in a desperate bid to regain power, has energized
> that 15%-20% of genuinely and willfully stupid citizenry.
> And, if we've learned anything from modern history, from Germany
> circa 1930s, the former Yugoslavia in the 90's to the genocide in
> Rwanda during the Clinton years... it's that once you get the
> moron-demographic "energized" and they become an angry mob,
> it's impossible to  control them.
> The early signs of trouble are already there. The ball's rollin'
> and, unless it stalls and soon, someone(s) going to get killed. Already
> we are seeing a rash of Kristallnacht-like incidents at Democratic Party
> offices around the country:
> ".. several Democratic offices around the nation had been
> vandalized in the days surrounding the House health care vote. Vandals
> have struck the Tuscon office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), the
> Monroe County Democratic Committee headquarters in upstate New York,
> Rep. Louise Slaughter's (D-NY) Niagara Falls office, the Knox County
> Democratic headquarters in Ohio, and the Sedgwick County Democratic
> Party headquarters in Wichita, KS. The local Rochester ABC affiliate now
> has more information on the upstate NY vandalism, including an
> assassination threat against the children of lawmakers who voted for
> health reform.No one was inside when the brick was hurled through
> the Democratic Patry Headquarters on University Avenue. Attached was a
> note quoting conservative Barry Goldwater: "Exremism [sic] in
> defense of liberty is no vice".
> [Rep. Louise] Slaughter has been at the center of the push for
> reform. Last Thursday she received a chilling recorded message at her
> campaign office. "Assassinate is the word they used…toward the
> children of lawmakers who voted yes."
> The FBI is investigating.
> In search of a constituency the GOP sowed the wind, and  now they, and
> the rest of us, will reap the whirlwind.
> I have a new favorite  saying. I don't know who said it first, but
> it applies in spades: It  goes like this:
> "Don't tell me what you believe, tell me what you've  done
> and I'll tell you what you believe."
> Now, it's bad enough for a political party to pander to the lowest
> common denominators among us, but when a major media outlet decides to
> jump into that dangerous game, it's really something.  Thus the
> story that follows [concerning CNN hiring a right wing nut job media
> shill, Erik Erickson.] by Jon Carroll of the San Francisco Chronicle
>  DTL#ixzz0j7QAuUB0> :
> And CNN gives this right-wing foamer credibility by hiring him. I guess
> they think he's providing "balance," but is it really balance when one
> participant is willing to accuse a Supreme Court justice

[FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> > >
> > > http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
> > > 
> > > And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
> > > so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're 
> > > more interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is 
> > > foundering and they're measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!
> > > 
> > > Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 
> > > 'deserves' Barack Obama, may it RIP.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > Billy Gee Whiz is repeating the right wing talking points of misinformation 
> > and denying the realities that since Obama took office his policies have 
> > *turned around* the catastrophic direction of the economy he inherited when 
> > he took office.
> > 
> > Once again...
> > 
> > Let's see, the recession started December of 2007.
> Dude-when are you going to stop living in the past. There's enough blame to 
> go around on both sides. We need solutions NOW, who cares WHO did it, how do 
> we FIX it?  All of our social programs are going/gone broke!! You've 
> apparently got your head in the sand, dude, Medicare and Social Security 
> are/or are going broke!! That just didn't start under Bush!
> Social Security...going broke!  Medicare going broke

All you're doing is repeating the same shameful right wing talking points of 
misinformation, misrepresentation, half-truth and distortion the Repuglicans 
use to obscure the fact that Obama is doing the best he can to *successfully* 
turn arouind the mess he inherited.

The Repuglicans are doing nothing but trying to obstruct everything he's doing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trivedi Guruji vs. Master John Douglas

2010-03-25 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

I think you deepened the discussion with the consideration of how people's 
beliefs can have an effect on their health.  And if the cost of belief is a 
lump of cash in this society rather than some deferential relationship with a 
village elder shaman priest then so be it.  I was responding more to Douglas's 
site where he misuses terms like "quantum level" to make it sound sciencey like 
Chopra.  And perhaps he believes his own rap so it is innocent on both sides.  
I believe there is a lack of ethics in giving false hopes on health matters 
despite the placebo effect.  Because we also know that it is not permanent, it 
fades.  Whatever we have to learn about our amazing mind body relationship is 
not aided by people claiming surety without good evidence. 

I'm not sure how anyone could distinguish the cause and effect of an energy 
like "shakti."  How anyone could say that the source outside yourself was 
known.  I am more inclined to believe that it is self generated.  My own 
"experience" of what I thought at the time was Maharishi's "darshon" is 
probably my best reference.  After a while it kind of went away in India after 
seeing him day after day.  But with suggestibility heightened by long 
meditations we were all ripe for generating all sorts of experiences. 

When I was dropping out of TM I had a brief phase of trying stuff like Reiki 
healing.  I had all sorts of experiences with it being a good little 
suggestible meditator.  Everything I tried "worked" in the sense that I felt 
all sorts of stuff much to the delight of any teacher of whatever I came 
across. But is was all subjective, I never healed any conditions with it, not 
even heartburn! Like Maharishi said, once the field is prepared any seed will 

What I see lacking in personal healer's presentations is a genuinely honest 
attempt to test their claims.  Their utter contempt for skepticism and the 
right for customers to see something that would reasonable support their claims 
makes them seem dishonest to me.  We all know how to test such specific claims 
about the physical world.  But somehow they have convinced people that those 
rules of evidence do not apply to them.  Instead we get anecdotes from people 
who had spaces filled inside their own imagination. 

Perhaps it is an entertainment expense for people.  They get their ticket and 
they get their ride.  And everybody is happy till the next MRI.   

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > 
> > > Seems both Trivedi and John Douglas are approved as healer 
> > > teachers to go to.  Which one is more cost effective?
> > 
> > I would go with the equally reliable process of flushing single 
> > dollar bills down the toilet whispering the phrase "heal me oh 
> > great pooba" with each flush.  You should feel the same relief 
> > you would get from a magical healing session plus it will help 
> > make sure your septic system is flowing properly. Since you are 
> > just flushing single dollars you will come out ahead of any lump 
> > sum process of  being played as a mark by a "healer."
> I am glad you weighed in on this, Curtis. I was tempted
> to write a similar reply to Buck yesterday but didn't
> have time. 
> I see two factors at play here. The first is *hope*, 
> the value of which can never be discounted. Call it a
> "miracle," call it the placebo effect, having a strong
> belief in a "cure" can often affect one. Look into the
> recent studies that have shown that the placebo effect
> seems to be growing *stronger*, to the point that it
> is now difficult to perform accurate medical studies
> because the percentage of people gaining relief in the
> control group -- taking only placebos -- is often as
> high as the percentage of people gaining relief from
> the actual medicine. It appears that the main factor
> is the fact that they are taking a pill, period. This
> seems sufficient to trigger whatever mechanism that
> provides relief. The researchers have even found that
> the *color* of the placebo or real pill can affect 
> results.
> Given this, I see no reason to disbelieve those who
> claim that they have experienced "relief" from what
> ails them as a result of a "blessing" from Trivedi
> or other "healers." If a placebo can trigger "relief,"
> then so can belief in a "healer." Thus I would never
> deny their *right* to either pay Trivedi his "fees"
> or flush dollar bills down the toilet.
> That said, the other factor I see at play here is the
> shakti/flash component. From what has been said here,
> it appears that this Trivedi fellow can generate 
> enough of it so that people in the audience (admit-
> tedly already pre-programmed to expect something)
> *feel* something as the result of sitting with him.
> I have no problem with this. Been there, done that.
> Shakti -- whatever it is -- can b

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi off-stage - is there a video archive?

2010-03-25 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:

"there are no secret archive!"

I don't know how you could say this with such confidence.  There have been 
times when it was announced that Maharishi had set up a video in his room and 
was making tapes that were locked away unwatched.  Even at MIU there were 
levels of secrecy in their video library.  I got special permission from Jerry 
Jarvis to see a series on physical immortality.  Even Jerry seemed very nervous 
about giving me access to the secret tapes.  There were tons of tapes no one 
got to see.  The people who could answer this question are the archival tape 

Given the levels of secrecy and general squirreliness surrounding Maharishi's 
teaching, the better question is how many hours of tapes have never been seen.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> > On Behalf Of mainstream20016
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 12:55 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi off-stage - is there a video
> archive?
> >
> >
> > Every public moment of Maharishi's life was recorded for posterity,
> probably
> > beginning in '70 or so, right ? The public Maharishi, for all of his
> > expounding of Vedic knowledge .."It's such a joy".. In reality offers
> a very
> > incomplete perspective of Maharishi and the evolution of the TMO. The
> TM
> > movement was shaped by Maharishi during his extensive activity behind
> the
> > public view. Might an extensive audio and/or video record exist of
> Maharishi
> > `s activities behind the public veil ? What a documentary such a
> record
> > could become...
> > There was tons of stuff taped that sits in archives not being viewed
> by
> > anyone, but in all the smaller, more private meetings I was ever in, I
> > didn't notice any taping going on.
> Right Rick
> In the beginning of the movement at Olson's place , may be
> but then
> Never ever fortunately ---there are some private notes, written records
> after organizational (and spiritual personal)meetings  and many many
> cherished memories ---and few private recordings by some movement's
> bystander without  real responsibilities
> (BTW--of course there are some assembly meeting recording in the earlier
> years and recording during the courses with  course participants-- not
> to be public  seen)
>  but  to get to the point
> there are no secret archive!
> there are no secret private archive! and  starting with such a myth and
> rumor let's ask the question
> Cui bono? and
> I really do not understand the question.
> Were there not enough misuse of private and personal remarks given by
> Maharishi and said under special circumstances and situation  ONLY  and
> hasn't it  not enough damage done to the movement in the last 40(I
> certainly know of) years?
> In search of a hidden GRAIL OF PRIVATE ARCHIVE what an idea
> Now HE is laughing
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread BillyG

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
> > 
> > And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
> > so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're 
> > more interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is 
> > foundering and they're measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!
> > 
> > Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 
> > 'deserves' Barack Obama, may it RIP.
> >
> I've already shown what Obama's policies have done so far to turn around the 
> economy -  plus the CBO says his Health Care Reform will reduce the deficit 
> by $138 Billion the 1st 10 yrs and $1.6 Trillion the next 10 yrs. 
> What have the Republicans [who for the most part CAUSED the biggest rise in 
> debt in the last 200 years] done to help, Billy Gee Whiz?
> All they've done is try to block all Obama's efforts - because they're proven 
> failures and angry, bitter sore losers.
> Why do you think the American people threw them out on their asses in the 
> last 2 national elections, Billy Gee Whiz?
> Why do you think only 26% of the American people approve of how the 
> Republicans have handled Health Care Reform?
> NOTE - as far back as 2005 it was reported that: 
> Washington, D.C. - President George W. Bush and the current Administration 
> have now borrowed more money from foreign governments and banks than the 
> previous 42 U.S. presidents combined.
> Throughout the first 224 years (1776-2000) of our nation's history, 42 U.S. 
> presidents borrowed a combined $1.01 trillion from foreign governments and 
> financial institutions according to the U.S. Treasury Department. In the past 
> four years alone (2001-2005), the Bush Administration has borrowed a 
> staggering $1.05 trillion.
> http://www.house.gov/apps/list/hearing/ca18_cardoza/bush_administration_breaks_record.html

Well, I'm wasting my time talking to a Obama true believer, but, the deficit is 
upwards of 13 trillion dollars and growing, get over just blaming Bush and the 
Republicans, both parties are at fault!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread BillyG

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> BillyG wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >   
> >>
> >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> >> 
> >>> http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
> >>>
> >>> And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
> >>> so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're 
> >>> more interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is 
> >>> foundering and they're measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!
> >>>
> >>> Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 
> >>> 'deserves' Barack Obama, may it RIP.
> >>>
> >>>   
> >> Billy Gee Whiz is repeating the right wing talking points of 
> >> misinformation and denying the realities that since Obama took office his 
> >> policies have *turned around* the catastrophic direction of the economy he 
> >> inherited when he took office.
> >>
> >> Once again...
> >>
> >> Let's see, the recession started December of 2007.
> >> 
> >
> > Dude-when are you going to stop living in the past. There's enough blame to 
> > go around on both sides. We need solutions NOW, who cares WHO did it, how 
> > do we FIX it?  All of our social programs are going/gone broke!! You've 
> > apparently got your head in the sand, dude, Medicare and Social Security 
> > are/or are going broke!! That just didn't start under Bush!
> >
> > Social Security...going broke!  Medicare going broke
> Laissez faire capitalism is the problem.  It introduces entropy into the 
> economic system creating chaos and allowing an unethical few to rob the 
> public.  Problems won't get solved until this problem with capitalism is 
> recognized and removed.

Free market capitalism has created the greatest, most opulent Nation on Earth 
in recent History, and yes, it can always be improved upon but not 

Say YES to competition and freedom, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Nirvana News (All the news that's fit to transcend)

2010-03-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> > Own them all, but thanks. Your are welcome.   
> BTW what's your reading
> of SECRETS OF THE CATHARS william henry
> http://tinyurl.com/yku9poe   in regard to 
> the relevance above mentioned  topic of duality?

I'm not at home, and don't have the book to refer to,
so I can't remember what the author might have said
or implied.

However, if he implied that the Cathars did *NOT*
believe in absolute duality, and instead believed in
some form of unity, he's dead wrong. There is simply
no question that the Cathars were Dualists.

This does not imply that *I* believe in duality as
reality, merely that they did. 

There have been many attempts by hippy-dippy Newagers
to rewrite history and project onto the Cathars beliefs
and actions they never would have imagined, much less
believed in or done. Because you're dealing with a
sect that was eradicated along with most of its records,
such projection is more possible than with other sects.
But enough real history and real writings have survived
and have been studied by real scholars to establish a
pretty firm baseline for what the Cathars believed and
what their lifestyle was really like. Suffice it to
say that this does not resemble some of the fantasies
projected onto them.

> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> > >
> > > http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
> > > 
> > > And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
> > > so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're 
> > > more interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is 
> > > foundering and they're measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!
> > > 
> > > Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 
> > > 'deserves' Barack Obama, may it RIP.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > I've already shown what Obama's policies have done so far to turn around 
> > the economy -  plus the CBO says his Health Care Reform will reduce the 
> > deficit by $138 Billion the 1st 10 yrs and $1.6 Trillion the next 10 yrs. 
> > 
> > What have the Republicans [who for the most part CAUSED the biggest rise in 
> > debt in the last 200 years] done to help, Billy Gee Whiz?
> > 
> > All they've done is try to block all Obama's efforts - because they're 
> > proven failures and angry, bitter sore losers.
> > 
> > Why do you think the American people threw them out on their asses in the 
> > last 2 national elections, Billy Gee Whiz?
> > 
> > Why do you think only 26% of the American people approve of how the 
> > Republicans have handled Health Care Reform?
> > 
> > 
> > NOTE - as far back as 2005 it was reported that: 
> > 
> > Washington, D.C. - President George W. Bush and the current Administration 
> > have now borrowed more money from foreign governments and banks than the 
> > previous 42 U.S. presidents combined.
> > 
> > Throughout the first 224 years (1776-2000) of our nation's history, 42 U.S. 
> > presidents borrowed a combined $1.01 trillion from foreign governments and 
> > financial institutions according to the U.S. Treasury Department. In the 
> > past four years alone (2001-2005), the Bush Administration has borrowed a 
> > staggering $1.05 trillion.
> > 
> > http://www.house.gov/apps/list/hearing/ca18_cardoza/bush_administration_breaks_record.html
> Well, I'm wasting my time talking to a Obama true believer, but, the deficit 
> is upwards of 13 trillion dollars and growing, get over just blaming Bush and 
> the Republicans, both parties are at fault!

I agree. You are wasting your time by supporting the obstructionist GOP.

[FairfieldLife] Paul Craig Roberts says Good-bye

2010-03-25 Thread Bhairitu
Roberts was a member of the Reagan administration but sees the US 
problem clearly:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi off-stage - is there a video archive?

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> "there are no secret archive!"
> I don't know how you could say this with such confidence.  There have been 
> times when it was announced that Maharishi had set up a video in his room and 
> was making tapes that were locked away unwatched.  Even at MIU there were 
> levels of secrecy in their video library.  I got special permission from 
> Jerry Jarvis to see a series on physical immortality.  Even Jerry seemed very 
> nervous about giving me access to the secret tapes.  There were tons of tapes 
> no one got to see.  The people who could answer this question are the 
> archival tape guys.
> Given the levels of secrecy and general squirreliness surrounding Maharishi's 
> teaching, the better question is how many hours of tapes have never been seen.

Don't worry, all the Knowledge will be made available in due time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread BillyG

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
> > > > 
> > > > And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
> > > > so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're 
> > > > more interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is 
> > > > foundering and they're measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!
> > > > 
> > > > Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 
> > > > 'deserves' Barack Obama, may it RIP.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Billy Gee Whiz is repeating the right wing talking points of 
> > > misinformation and denying the realities that since Obama took office his 
> > > policies have *turned around* the catastrophic direction of the economy 
> > > he inherited when he took office.
> > > 
> > > Once again...
> > > 
> > > Let's see, the recession started December of 2007.
> > 
> > Dude-when are you going to stop living in the past. There's enough blame to 
> > go around on both sides. We need solutions NOW, who cares WHO did it, how 
> > do we FIX it?  All of our social programs are going/gone broke!! You've 
> > apparently got your head in the sand, dude, Medicare and Social Security 
> > are/or are going broke!! That just didn't start under Bush!
> > 
> > Social Security...going broke!  Medicare going broke
> >
> All you're doing is repeating the same shameful right wing talking points of 
> misinformation, misrepresentation, half-truth and distortion the Repuglicans 
> use to obscure the fact that Obama is doing the best he can to *successfully* 
> turn arouind the mess he inherited.
> The Repuglicans are doing nothing but trying to obstruct everything he's 
> doing.

You remind me of that silly blockbuster movie "The Titanic" where the ship was 
sinking are here are a couple of boobs running around chasing each other over 
some personal vendettawhat a joke. I will grant you, yes, the Republicans 
under Bush increased the deficit. A pox on both their houses

[FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> BillyG wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >   
> >>
> >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> >> 
> >>> http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
> >>>
> >>> And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
> >>> so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're 
> >>> more interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is 
> >>> foundering and they're measuring the windows for blindsgo figure!
> >>>
> >>> Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 
> >>> 'deserves' Barack Obama, may it RIP.
> >>>
> >>>   
> >> Billy Gee Whiz is repeating the right wing talking points of 
> >> misinformation and denying the realities that since Obama took office his 
> >> policies have *turned around* the catastrophic direction of the economy he 
> >> inherited when he took office.
> >>
> >> Once again...
> >>
> >> Let's see, the recession started December of 2007.
> >> 
> >
> > Dude-when are you going to stop living in the past. There's enough blame to 
> > go around on both sides. We need solutions NOW, who cares WHO did it, how 
> > do we FIX it?  All of our social programs are going/gone broke!! You've 
> > apparently got your head in the sand, dude, Medicare and Social Security 
> > are/or are going broke!! That just didn't start under Bush!
> >
> > Social Security...going broke!  Medicare going broke
> Laissez faire capitalism is the problem.  It introduces entropy into the 
> economic system creating chaos and allowing an unethical few to rob the 
> public.  Problems won't get solved until this problem with capitalism is 
> recognized and removed.

Which is happening as we speak.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trivedi Guruji vs. Master John Douglas

2010-03-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> I'm not sure how anyone could distinguish the cause and effect 
> of an energy like "shakti."  How anyone could say that the source 
> outside yourself was known. I am more inclined to believe that it 
> is self generated.  

This is certainly possible.

> My own "experience" of what I thought at the time was Maharishi's 
> "darshon" is probably my best reference.  After a while it kind 
> of went away in India after seeing him day after day.  But with 
> suggestibility heightened by long meditations we were all ripe 
> for generating all sorts of experiences. 

For the record, I never experienced *anything* I would
ever call "shakti" or "darshan" from Maharishi. Not once
in 14 years, including times when I was sitting a few
feet from him. My experience with what I call shakti
was only with other people.

> What I see lacking in personal healer's presentations is a 
> genuinely honest attempt to test their claims.  

I completely agree. Most of them came out of "spir-
itual" traditions in which one of the golden rules
was "never question anything the teacher says." And
as a result they think that when *they* claim things,
people should just believe them, the same way they did.
I think that this creates a lazy and essentially dis-
honest approach to the things they say. There is no
real *interest* in validating these claims, because
the claimants perceive anyone who *doesn't* auto-
matically believe their claims as "having something
wrong with them."

> Their utter contempt for skepticism and the right for customers 
> to see something that would reasonable support their claims 
> makes them seem dishonest to me.  

To me, too. Add to that taking a lot of money for
something they refuse to prove, and it pretty much
screams "Charlatan" to me.

> Perhaps it is an entertainment expense for people.  They get 
> their ticket and they get their ride.  And everybody is happy 
> till the next MRI.   

That is exactly what I was getting at by comparing
shakti to a hit on a crack pipe. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The coming Armageddon!

2010-03-25 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html
> > > > > 
> > > > > And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
> > > > > so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. 
> > > > > They're more interested in social engineering than the ship of state 
> > > > > which is foundering and they're measuring the windows for 
> > > > > blindsgo figure!
> > > > > 
> > > > > Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 
> > > > > 'deserves' Barack Obama, may it RIP.
> > > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Billy Gee Whiz is repeating the right wing talking points of 
> > > > misinformation and denying the realities that since Obama took office 
> > > > his policies have *turned around* the catastrophic direction of the 
> > > > economy he inherited when he took office.
> > > > 
> > > > Once again...
> > > > 
> > > > Let's see, the recession started December of 2007.
> > > 
> > > Dude-when are you going to stop living in the past. There's enough blame 
> > > to go around on both sides. We need solutions NOW, who cares WHO did it, 
> > > how do we FIX it?  All of our social programs are going/gone broke!! 
> > > You've apparently got your head in the sand, dude, Medicare and Social 
> > > Security are/or are going broke!! That just didn't start under Bush!
> > > 
> > > Social Security...going broke!  Medicare going broke
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > All you're doing is repeating the same shameful right wing talking points 
> > of misinformation, misrepresentation, half-truth and distortion the 
> > Repuglicans use to obscure the fact that Obama is doing the best he can to 
> > *successfully* turn arouind the mess he inherited.
> > 
> > The Repuglicans are doing nothing but trying to obstruct everything he's 
> > doing.
> You remind me of that silly blockbuster movie "The Titanic" where the ship 
> was sinking are here are a couple of boobs running around chasing each other 
> over some personal vendettawhat a joke. I will grant you, yes, the 
> Republicans under Bush increased the deficit. A pox on both their 
> houses

You remind me of a silly little girl who hasn't a clue but is most definitely 
sure she's right that's there's an evil boogey-man who got elected president.

[FairfieldLife] "Call Me Brian"

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008
Call Me BrianBy Raj   on 01/25/2010 in

Growing up the first born son in a South Asian family, I got used to
being quite the little prince. I wanted the privileges of primogeniture
to carry on forever. When people asked what I wanted to be when I grew
up, I responded with the full spectrum of acceptable answers: Doctor!
Lawyer! Accountant! Dentist! Quantity Surveyor! Secretly, though, I
wanted to be a prince. From what I saw of the British royal family, it
seemed a job that involved a great deal of adulation, cash, and cars,
and not terribly much work.

I mention this because recently a trickle, and then a flood, of email
has come asking me whether I'm Maitreya
  – the leader of a movement
that might be able to save the planet from itself. Some swift Googling
and dipping into strange forums 
 informs me that
Maitreya is a leader foretold in a range of religions. Those who think
that I might be the new prince of peace have been reading things from
Share International

So what, according to Share International, does Maitreya do? Through a
doctrine of sharing, fraternity, social justice and cooperation, he (and
it does seem to be a he, not a she) brings humanity back from economic
and ecological collapse through new forms of spiritual community.

As it happens, I do think that sharing, fraternity, justice and
cooperation are terrific things. I also think that prioritising the
needs of the poor, hungry and oppressed is a non-negotiable part of a
sustainable future. There are other similarities. The picture of
Maitreya above shows the Buddhist avatar holding a water bottle, and
I'm never far from mine. Apparently, stuttering is the mark of
something esoteric, though I'm not entirely sure what that is.
Finally, just as foretold, I did indeed fly from India to London in 1977
 , although the plane ride
was a return trip from a holiday with my family.

Unfortunately, from I think that's where the resemblances end. It
frustrates me only a little less than it might disappoint those looking
for Maitreya that, in fact, I'm just an ordinary bloke. I always
wanted to be a Prince of Something. But when opportunity comes knocking,
it turns out it's to get me to sign for a package for some other

It's sad, too, that the thinking I advocate is pretty
straightforward. One doesn't need a messiah to show how capitalism
has damaged our relationships, society, ecology, body politic and
future. We have to reclaim it through grassroots organizing against
capital, a commitment to human rights, gender equality, redistribution,
and shared democratic control of the world's resources. It's
like the end of The Meaning of Life
  (skip to
4:17) in which, finally, the meaning of life is revealed to be

try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now
and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and
harmony with people of all creeds and nations.

But that's not the Monty Python scene that most immediately comes to
mind. Instead, it's this rather good bit from The Life of Brian, one
that Python (Monty) productions granted me leave to quote from in my
last book, Stuffed and Starved, and which I still think contains all one
needs to know about how we need to create social change together.

Sadly, I'm not the Messiah. I'm just a very naughty boy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Call Me Brian"

2010-03-25 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:

Excellent, thanks for posting this Nabby.  Great to see an intellectual with 
such a great sense of humor.  

> Call Me BrianBy Raj   on 01/25/2010 in
> Uncategorized 
>   [Maitreya]
> Growing up the first born son in a South Asian family, I got used to
> being quite the little prince. I wanted the privileges of primogeniture
> to carry on forever. When people asked what I wanted to be when I grew
> up, I responded with the full spectrum of acceptable answers: Doctor!
> Lawyer! Accountant! Dentist! Quantity Surveyor! Secretly, though, I
> wanted to be a prince. From what I saw of the British royal family, it
> seemed a job that involved a great deal of adulation, cash, and cars,
> and not terribly much work.
> I mention this because recently a trickle, and then a flood, of email
> has come asking me whether I'm Maitreya
>   – the leader of a movement
> that might be able to save the planet from itself. Some swift Googling
> and dipping into strange forums 
>  informs me that
> Maitreya is a leader foretold in a range of religions. Those who think
> that I might be the new prince of peace have been reading things from
> Share International
>  .
> So what, according to Share International, does Maitreya do? Through a
> doctrine of sharing, fraternity, social justice and cooperation, he (and
> it does seem to be a he, not a she) brings humanity back from economic
> and ecological collapse through new forms of spiritual community.
> As it happens, I do think that sharing, fraternity, justice and
> cooperation are terrific things. I also think that prioritising the
> needs of the poor, hungry and oppressed is a non-negotiable part of a
> sustainable future. There are other similarities. The picture of
> Maitreya above shows the Buddhist avatar holding a water bottle, and
> I'm never far from mine. Apparently, stuttering is the mark of
> something esoteric, though I'm not entirely sure what that is.
> Finally, just as foretold, I did indeed fly from India to London in 1977
>  , although the plane ride
> was a return trip from a holiday with my family.
> Unfortunately, from I think that's where the resemblances end. It
> frustrates me only a little less than it might disappoint those looking
> for Maitreya that, in fact, I'm just an ordinary bloke. I always
> wanted to be a Prince of Something. But when opportunity comes knocking,
> it turns out it's to get me to sign for a package for some other
> dude.
> It's sad, too, that the thinking I advocate is pretty
> straightforward. One doesn't need a messiah to show how capitalism
> has damaged our relationships, society, ecology, body politic and
> future. We have to reclaim it through grassroots organizing against
> capital, a commitment to human rights, gender equality, redistribution,
> and shared democratic control of the world's resources. It's
> like the end of The Meaning of Life
>   (skip to
> 4:17) in which, finally, the meaning of life is revealed to be
> try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now
> and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and
> harmony with people of all creeds and nations.
> But that's not the Monty Python scene that most immediately comes to
> mind. Instead, it's this rather good bit from The Life of Brian, one
> that Python (Monty) productions granted me leave to quote from in my
> last book, Stuffed and Starved, and which I still think contains all one
> needs to know about how we need to create social change together.
> Sadly, I'm not the Messiah. I'm just a very naughty boy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Nirvana News (All the news that's fit to transcend)

2010-03-25 Thread WillyTex

> This does not imply that *I* believe in duality 
> as reality, merely that they did... 
But, you did say you believed that the 'self'
was *exactly* the same as the 'Self', so that
implies a dualistic belief - that there is an
individual 'soul-monad' and a 'Soul'. 

There must be billions and billions of 'souls'
out there, according to your belief system.

So, a belief in a 'Self' or a 'Soul' would
imply a dualism, since you're saying they are
both real. One of the chief beliefs of the
Cathars was 'reincarnation', right?

And, you said you believed in 'reincarnation'
of the souls into new souls upon death, after
a sojourn in the 'Bardo'. So, apparently you
do believe that reality is composed of many
souls - a dualistic belief.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The health care meltdown

2010-03-25 Thread WillyTex
> You'll like my "checking" far more than 
> the one you get at the FF TM Center Tex.
Joe, I already told you, I'm not gay, so
you can stop the soliciting. 

[FairfieldLife] GOP Historically the Party of "No" on Major Issues

2010-03-25 Thread do.rflex

Cartoon:  http://snipurl.com/v1ij4

[FairfieldLife] The History of Om

2010-03-25 Thread emptybill
Here is the web-address of Feuerstein's article on the History of Om.
It puts to rest the usual misrepresentations - "Om is Tantric not


Re: [FairfieldLife] The History of Om

2010-03-25 Thread Vaj

On Mar 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, emptybill wrote:

Here is the web-address of Feuerstein's article on the History of Om.
It puts to rest the usual misrepresentations - "Om is Tantric not  


That's because OM (AUM) was originally spelt rather differently. It  
was only later corrupted to the letter-sequence you know.

Take a gander at the first 4 letters of the Maheshvara sutra

[FairfieldLife] Re: The History of Om

2010-03-25 Thread PaliGap
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill"  wrote:
> Here is the web-address of Feuerstein's article on the History of Om.
> It puts to rest the usual misrepresentations - "Om is Tantric not
> Vedic".
> http://www.traditionalyogastudies.com/TheSacredSyllableOM.pdf

Should be:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A cartoon from 1934

2010-03-25 Thread ditzyklanmail
Great video!

From: brian64705 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 25 March, 2010 7:54:58 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A cartoon from 1934


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "do.rflex"  wrote:

> Obama inherited most of the debt from 'Dumbya' and the Repuglicans 

see: http://www.moneyand markets.com/ bernanke- running-amuck- 6-38429

Both parties are in the control of the money power. Please see this video:
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=YUYCBfmIcHM

Its 51 mins long, but everyone should see this. Edward Griffin interviewed 
Norman Dodd before he died about his work with the  Reece Commisson in 1954. 
This was a Congressional Inquiry into the work of the Tax Exempt Foundations. 
When the Commission found out what was really going on it was shut down and the 
findings were never made public. When you see this you'll see that the govt 
really is not running much at all. 


  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[FairfieldLife] I am the master of Idli,dosa and uttapam and you can be too!

2010-03-25 Thread curtisdeltablues
Certain foods have been a holy grail quest for me.  Ever since I ate the best 
idli I have ever had at the vegetarian Parus restaurant near Dupont Circle and 
the Leroy Place TM center 25 years ago I have been on a mission to replicate 
their sour fluffy perfection.

The South Indian lady who ran Parus taught me a lot.  She was a generous 
spirit.  I learned from her how to toast coriander seeds before grinding them 
and to toast coconut shreds to make great tur dahl sambar. I learned how to 
roast and brown uncooked urid dahl and use it as a flavoring in coconut chutney 
from her.  But no matter how much she taught me about making idli my results 
were mediocre.  Not so bad, better than most restaurants, but not like hers.

I have made it from scratch (soaking and then grinding rice and dahl separately 
is very imprecise so the texture suffers) and from mixes.   Along the way 
talking to Indian women I learned to mix yogurt into the quick idli mixes 
rather than water which gives it a good sour flavor but the texture is off, too 
light and poofy.  For the last few years I have been buying pre-made fresh 
batter from an Indian store.  It is excellent but not as sour as I like.

I finally cracked the code!   The thing is that I had to think of Idli batter 
like sourdough bread.  The specific yeast and bacteria in a symbiotic 
relationship in the air are what make it good bad or great idlis just like 
sourdough bread.  And most natural yeast and bacteria in the air kinda sucks.  
So I bought some coarsely ground idli rice (2 parts) which takes the guesswork 
out of grinding and fine ground urid dahl (1 part) and I added my San Fransisco 
sour dough culture (www.sourdo.com sells it)to the batter and voila! Bubbly 
sour batter that cooks up fluffy and deliciously sour just like I remember 
them!  And if you fry up some veggies including onion and some whole cumin 
seeds and then pour the batter on top in a fry pan you get perfect Uttapam.  
Thin it down for dosa. 

Only someone as food obsessed as I am can appreciate this breakthrough.  This 
is huge.  I can sour the batter for a few days to get it exactly how I like it. 
With the introduced culture taking over there is no fear of spoilage from nasty 
bacteria.  My San Fran yeast and bacteria (actually called Lactobacillus 
sanfrancisco) take over the bowl in hours.

I am publishing this secret here in a sign of good will toward all men and 
women who know the difference between a good idli and a great one!


[FairfieldLife] "The Invention of Lying"

2010-03-25 Thread Bhairitu
Turq reviewed this movie last fall and I finally got around to renting 
it on DVD.  I thought it was a hoot and agree that it makes a great  
mockery of religion.   Then for a double feature I watched "Tokyo" which 
is three short stories shot in Tokyo by French directors.  It is also 
worth the watch.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Call Me Brian"

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> Excellent, thanks for posting this Nabby.  Great to see an intellectual with 
> such a great sense of humor.  

Well curtis, you met Maharishi. Personally I have never met anyone who met 
Maharishi who did not get the intuition that He was on to something, that He 
was hinting at something else, something utterly wonderful; not "just" the 
transcending and very personal part of it all but something truely marvelous 
for mankind, for this planet. Me thinks that if someone missed that part he/she 
missed some very prescious essence of what Maharishi came to do and did, 

Picking up this rather quickly I was there for 30 years +- trying to figure out 
what that was all about, I literally sat at His feet for at least 9 years. 
Maharishi gave me a smile and a nodd
now and then, a question here and there, a few tasks to accomplish. That's 
obviously not the whole truth, but let's leave at this for now as the blessings 
from this Saint are too innumerable to pinpoint in a short mail. 

Perhaps Maharishi's enigma has a face and a voice now. That's up to you to 

I'm not hinting anything. Everyone must make his/her own descisions and adjust 
the future accordingly.


[FairfieldLife] He's Not The Messiah

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: "The Invention of Lying"

2010-03-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Turq reviewed this movie last fall and I finally got around to 
> renting it on DVD. I thought it was a hoot and agree that it 
> makes a great mockery of religion.  

I would not say "mockery." I would say instead that
Ricky Gervais delivered an accurate and impassioned
view of the essential nature of religions. Yes, he
is an atheist, but this was not mere mockery. It was
more of a revelation, presenting the story of how
religions are created for those who have never thought
about it. I thought it was a brilliant film on all
fronts -- good comedy, good commentary, and good
characters. Thus I understood Ricky's comments during
the Academy Awards (which he hosted) about how it was
completely ignored by the Hollywood establishment. It
should not have been.

> Then for a double feature I watched "Tokyo" which is three 
> short stories shot in Tokyo by French directors.  It is also 
> worth the watch.

I'll look for this. Thanks for the heads-up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Call Me Brian"

2010-03-25 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:

That was interesting Nabby. You might be more of an idealist than I am.  But I 
had a blast with Maharishi and just because I have decided that his vision does 
not match my own doesn't mean I don't look back on that period of my life 
fondly.  I can appreciate how much it must have meant to to you spend such a 
long time with him.  I would have loved that when I was in the movement.

Raj may represent the halfway point between our different points of view.  I 
appreciate your turning me on to him.  I don't know how much his ideas will 
improve the world but I do believe that change does start with ideas and having 
an articulate spokesman is important.  I look forward to reading his book. 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > 
> > Excellent, thanks for posting this Nabby.  Great to see an intellectual 
> > with such a great sense of humor.  
> Well curtis, you met Maharishi. Personally I have never met anyone who met 
> Maharishi who did not get the intuition that He was on to something, that He 
> was hinting at something else, something utterly wonderful; not "just" the 
> transcending and very personal part of it all but something truely marvelous 
> for mankind, for this planet. Me thinks that if someone missed that part 
> he/she missed some very prescious essence of what Maharishi came to do and 
> did, brilliantly.
> Picking up this rather quickly I was there for 30 years +- trying to figure 
> out what that was all about, I literally sat at His feet for at least 9 
> years. Maharishi gave me a smile and a nodd
> now and then, a question here and there, a few tasks to accomplish. That's 
> obviously not the whole truth, but let's leave at this for now as the 
> blessings from this Saint are too innumerable to pinpoint in a short mail. 
> Perhaps Maharishi's enigma has a face and a voice now. That's up to you to 
> descide.
> I'm not hinting anything. Everyone must make his/her own descisions and 
> adjust the future accordingly.
> http://rajpatel.org/2010/01/25/call-me-brian/

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Call Me Brian"

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> That was interesting Nabby. You might be more of an idealist than I am.  But 
> I had a blast with Maharishi and just because I have decided that his vision 
> does not match my own doesn't mean I don't look back on that period of my 
> life fondly.

Very nice curtis ! This "blast", in my opinion just forget about it. If you 
knew how blessed the relatively few souls who me Him are !

  I can appreciate how much it must have meant to to you spend such a long time 
with him.  I would have loved that when I was in the movement.
> Raj may represent the halfway point between our different points of view.  I 
> appreciate your turning me on to him.  I don't know how much his ideas will 
> improve the world but I do believe that change does start with ideas and 
> having an articulate spokesman is important.  I look forward to reading his 
> book.

I think that is a very good way to start !
We can read, digest what is read and change this planet, internally and 

We MUST act; meditation and action, meditation and action !

Maharishi blessed this planet in far-reaching ways future generations will 
struggle to understand. When they finally do, humanity will already be living 
Heaven on Earth.


> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > 
> > > Excellent, thanks for posting this Nabby.  Great to see an intellectual 
> > > with such a great sense of humor.  
> > 
> > 
> > Well curtis, you met Maharishi. Personally I have never met anyone who met 
> > Maharishi who did not get the intuition that He was on to something, that 
> > He was hinting at something else, something utterly wonderful; not "just" 
> > the transcending and very personal part of it all but something truely 
> > marvelous for mankind, for this planet. Me thinks that if someone missed 
> > that part he/she missed some very prescious essence of what Maharishi came 
> > to do and did, brilliantly.
> > 
> > Picking up this rather quickly I was there for 30 years +- trying to figure 
> > out what that was all about, I literally sat at His feet for at least 9 
> > years. Maharishi gave me a smile and a nodd
> > now and then, a question here and there, a few tasks to accomplish. That's 
> > obviously not the whole truth, but let's leave at this for now as the 
> > blessings from this Saint are too innumerable to pinpoint in a short mail. 
> > 
> > Perhaps Maharishi's enigma has a face and a voice now. That's up to you to 
> > descide.
> > 
> > I'm not hinting anything. Everyone must make his/her own descisions and 
> > adjust the future accordingly.
> > 
> > http://rajpatel.org/2010/01/25/call-me-brian/
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: The health care meltdown

2010-03-25 Thread Joe

Why do you hate gays Tex?. You should get some smarts and learn to be accepting 
of people different from you.

Go figure.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Joe:
> > You'll like my "checking" far more than 
> > the one you get at the FF TM Center Tex.
> > 
> Joe, I already told you, I'm not gay, so
> you can stop the soliciting.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The History of Om

2010-03-25 Thread emptybill

The article by Georg Feuerstein on Omkara is worth reading.

However, Tamil legends and Dravida political memes are propaganda only 
useful for stirring up a particular cultural group. There are no reasons
to propagate such arkhana here on FFL. If people really want Tamil
political/cultural themes then they can go take mantra-diksha from
Amritanadamayi and (unconsciously) get memed.

Furthermore -

There is no generative relationship between the pranava and the first
three (not four) phonemes of Panini's Ashtadhyayi, much less some kind
of corrupted akshara-s.

As for Panini's Shiva/Maheshvara sutra-s: they begin with two sets of
phonemes, each set having only three (not four) phonemes.

To quote (part of) an article about Panini's 14 linquistic sutras:

1.1.1 vṛ́ddhir āT-aiC
1.1.2 aT-eṆ guṇáḥ

In these sutras, the capital letters are special meta-linguistic
symbols; they are called IT markers. The C and Ṇ refer to Shiva
Sutras 3 and 4, where the same markers occur, forming what is known as
the pratyaharas aiC, eṆ. They denote the list of phonemes {ai, au}
and {e, o} respectively. The T appearing in both sutras is also an IT
marker: It is defined in sutra 1.1.70 as indicating that the preceding
phoneme is not representing a list, but a single phoneme, encompassing
all supra-segmental features such as accent and nasality. For further
example, āT and aT represent {ā} and {a} respectively.
Therefore, the two sutras consist of a term, followed by a list of
phonemes; the final interpretation of the two sutras above is thus:
1.1.1: the technical term vṛ́ddhi denotes the phonemes {ā,
ai, au}.
1.1.2: the technical term guṇa denotes the phonemes {a, e, o}.

Also to note:

Pāṇini's grammar defines classical Sanskrit, so that
Pāṇini by definition lived at the end of the Vedic period: he
notes a few special rules, marked chandasi ("in the hymns") to account
for forms in the Vedic scriptures that had fallen out of use in the
spoken language of his time, indicating that Vedic Sanskrit was already
archaic, but still a comprehendible dialect.
An important hint for the dating of Pāṇini is the occurrence of
the word yavanānī (यवनानी) (in 4.1.49, either
"Greek woman", or "Greek scrip". It is unlikely there would have been
first-hand knowledge of Greeks in Gandhara before the conquests of
Alexander the Great in the 330's BC but it is likely that the name was
known via Old Persian yauna, so that the occurrence of yavanānī
taken in isolation allows for a terminus post quem as early as 520 BC,
i.e. the time of the conquest of Darius the Great.
BTW - This is not even close to the date-sourcing of the Udgita.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> That's because OM (AUM) was originally spelt rather differently. It
> was only later corrupted to the letter-sequence you know.
> Take a gander at the first 4 letters of the Maheshvara sutra

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Call Me Brian"

2010-03-25 Thread Joe

Very well put Curtis. I feel very much the same about my time with Maharishi.
It was in the beginning, when I would see him in a large group, as he was 
walking by, that I thought I most felt something powerful. As I look back now, 
that "power" was mostly my own sense at that time, that I was lucky enough to 
be at the center of the universe, which of course was true for me at that time.
I see the same sort of effect these days by star-struck fans of famous 
musicians. Are the musicians themselves such powerhouses of magic juju vibe? 
No, other than when things are clicking on stage. The star struck vibe is 
entirely in the mind of the perceiver.
Interesting that we have a shared lessening of the star struck thing as we got 
used to seeing MMY on a daily basis. It got to the point where I can recall 
riding in a car (that old Daimler he used is Switz) with him just laughing at 
something stupid someone had said at the last concert, er I mean "talk" that he 
had just given. It was like laughing with a buddymaking fun of someone.

I said "concert" on purpose since it seemed to me like they were concerts in 
the sense that he would go on and "take the stage" and "perform". He would 
truly BE Maharishi on stage.

Afterwards, after the concert, his vibe was much more "normal". When he had 
tantrums about something or someone I would allow myself to consider the idea 
that what I was seeing actually WAS just what it seemed.a petty tantrum and 
not something with huge cosmic significance. 

Like you, I very much enjoyed my time in the circus. Wouldn't trade it for 
anything dude. It;s made me far more tolerant and understanding of other forms 
of spiritual obsession. When I see someone going all freaky speaking in tongues 
on one of those big Jesus healing gatherings on TV, I just remember what we all 
sounded like in the hopping room. Not much different and equally frenzied.

It was a great time, a wonderful learning experience. I'm very glad to have 
moved on.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> That was interesting Nabby. You might be more of an idealist than I am.  But 
> I had a blast with Maharishi and just because I have decided that his vision 
> does not match my own doesn't mean I don't look back on that period of my 
> life fondly.  I can appreciate how much it must have meant to to you spend 
> such a long time with him.  I would have loved that when I was in the 
> movement.
> Raj may represent the halfway point between our different points of view.  I 
> appreciate your turning me on to him.  I don't know how much his ideas will 
> improve the world but I do believe that change does start with ideas and 
> having an articulate spokesman is important.  I look forward to reading his 
> book. 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > 
> > > Excellent, thanks for posting this Nabby.  Great to see an intellectual 
> > > with such a great sense of humor.  
> > 
> > 
> > Well curtis, you met Maharishi. Personally I have never met anyone who met 
> > Maharishi who did not get the intuition that He was on to something, that 
> > He was hinting at something else, something utterly wonderful; not "just" 
> > the transcending and very personal part of it all but something truely 
> > marvelous for mankind, for this planet. Me thinks that if someone missed 
> > that part he/she missed some very prescious essence of what Maharishi came 
> > to do and did, brilliantly.
> > 
> > Picking up this rather quickly I was there for 30 years +- trying to figure 
> > out what that was all about, I literally sat at His feet for at least 9 
> > years. Maharishi gave me a smile and a nodd
> > now and then, a question here and there, a few tasks to accomplish. That's 
> > obviously not the whole truth, but let's leave at this for now as the 
> > blessings from this Saint are too innumerable to pinpoint in a short mail. 
> > 
> > Perhaps Maharishi's enigma has a face and a voice now. That's up to you to 
> > descide.
> > 
> > I'm not hinting anything. Everyone must make his/her own descisions and 
> > adjust the future accordingly.
> > 
> > http://rajpatel.org/2010/01/25/call-me-brian/
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Call Me Brian"

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"  wrote:

> Like you, I very much enjoyed my time in the circus. Wouldn't trade it for 
> anything dude. It;s made me far more tolerant and understanding of other 
> forms of spiritual obsession. When I see someone going all freaky speaking in 
> tongues on one of those big Jesus healing gatherings on TV, I just remember 
> what we all sounded like in the hopping room. Not much different and equally 
> frenzied.
> It was a great time, a wonderful learning experience. I'm very glad to have 
> moved on.

Ah, moved on seems to be a mantra on FFL, all the fools in here claim they have 
moved on ! 

If I may ask, you moved on to what/where/ ?

> > > http://rajpatel.org/2010/01/25/call-me-brian/
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Bliss is infite Happiness; His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The History of Om

2010-03-25 Thread Vaj

On Mar 25, 2010, at 5:13 PM, emptybill wrote:

> The article by Georg Feuerstein on Omkara is worth reading. 
> However, Tamil legends and Dravida political memes are propaganda only useful 
> for stirring up a particular cultural group. There are no reasons to 
> propagate such arkhana here on FFL. If people really want Tamil 
> political/cultural themes then they can go take mantra-diksha from 
> Amritanadamayi and (unconsciously) get memed. 
So you're saying the hugging Saint Amma, a.k.a. Amritanadamayi subconsciously 
imprints Tamil political propaganda in her students? I would suspect that 
comments like that would be more unwelcome on FFL than post hoc Vedic 
declarations on Shaiva grammars.

I found your Brahmanic interpretation of the Shaiva Maheshsvara-sutra 
interesting, but I find Sw. Karpatri's history more reasonable.

[FairfieldLife] David Lynch - Transcendental Meditation

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] From Salon

2010-03-25 Thread ditzyklanmail
Divide and conquer. 

From: Sal Sunshine 
To: Yahoo Group 
Sent: Thu, 25 March, 2010 10:43:50 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] From Salon

"A political minority that isn’t willing to live with being on an election’s 
losing end is the classic recipe for political violence. Obviously, we’re 
generalizing here: it's not clear how widespread this attitude really is on the 
right, and we don’t know exactly how much of this kind of thuggishness there 
has even been so far, much less how whether there is more to come.

But what does seem apparent is that the proportion of opponents of the 
president and his agenda who think this isn’t some negligible fringe."



To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[FairfieldLife] Mantra and Transcendental Meditation explained by Maharishi

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008
"Secret files"


[FairfieldLife] Anderson Cooper Week-Long Investigation Of Scientology

2010-03-25 Thread Rick Archer
March 23, 2010


In a special series beginning Monday, March 29th, CNN¹s Anderson Cooper 360°
takes a close and revealing look at the leadership of the worldwide church
of Scientology. The week-long series, Scientology: A History of Violence,
will examine allegations that Scientology leader David Miscavige has for
years beaten, kicked and choked top members of the church. These are
allegations the church aggressively denies, saying violence from inside came
from those making the claim.

Anderson Cooper will speak with former, high ranking members from the
Church's inner circle, who says the David Miscavige not only carried out,
but encouraged the culture of violence at the highest levels of the church
management. Cooper will also speak with members who claim extreme hardships,
and some say intimidation, the church imposes on anyone who decides to leave
and speak out.

Scientology: A History of Violence will air at 10pm ET on CNN and will also
air on CNNInternational. Anderson Cooper 360° airs weeknights on CNN at 10pm

[FairfieldLife] How Free Is the Free Market? - Raj Patel

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi off-stage - is there a video archive?

2010-03-25 Thread mainstream20016
 The question is whether an audio or video record exists of Maharishi's 
non-public life – such record could give a view of Maharishi's more earthly 
ambitions, talents, actions, and achievements.  We know from anecdotal accounts 
of Maharishi's immense drive and activity behind the scenes to further the TMO. 
  It would be great to see a documentary record of his non-public life that 
highlights his worldly actions.  Not looking for a holy grail - just the 
opposite – a record of his practical actions dealing with earthly matters to 
get things done.   Such a documentary would enhance his legacy, not threaten 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> > On Behalf Of mainstream20016
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 12:55 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi off-stage - is there a video
> archive?
> >
> >
> > Every public moment of Maharishi's life was recorded for posterity,
> probably
> > beginning in '70 or so, right ? The public Maharishi, for all of his
> > expounding of Vedic knowledge .."It's such a joy".. In reality offers
> a very
> > incomplete perspective of Maharishi and the evolution of the TMO. The
> TM
> > movement was shaped by Maharishi during his extensive activity behind
> the
> > public view. Might an extensive audio and/or video record exist of
> Maharishi
> > `s activities behind the public veil ? What a documentary such a
> record
> > could become...
> > There was tons of stuff taped that sits in archives not being viewed
> by
> > anyone, but in all the smaller, more private meetings I was ever in, I
> > didn't notice any taping going on.
> Right Rick
> In the beginning of the movement at Olson's place , may be
> but then
> Never ever fortunately ---there are some private notes, written records
> after organizational (and spiritual personal)meetings  and many many
> cherished memories ---and few private recordings by some movement's
> bystander without  real responsibilities
> (BTW--of course there are some assembly meeting recording in the earlier
> years and recording during the courses with  course participants-- not
> to be public  seen)
>  but  to get to the point
> there are no secret archive!
> there are no secret private archive! and  starting with such a myth and
> rumor let's ask the question
> Cui bono? and
> I really do not understand the question.
> Were there not enough misuse of private and personal remarks given by
> Maharishi and said under special circumstances and situation  ONLY  and
> hasn't it  not enough damage done to the movement in the last 40(I
> certainly know of) years?
> In search of a hidden GRAIL OF PRIVATE ARCHIVE what an idea
> Now HE is laughing
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] From Salon

2010-03-25 Thread WLeed3
This minority is NOT willing to life with our federal construction being  
violated by the  present.,majority  in congress & the white house  etc.
In a message dated 3/25/2010 6:06:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
carc...@yahoo.co.in writes:

Divide and conquer. 


 From: Sal Sunshine  
To: Yahoo Group  
Sent: Thu, 25 March, 2010 10:43:50  AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife]  From Salon

"A political minority that isn’t willing to live with  being on an election’
s losing end is the classic recipe for political  violence. Obviously, we’
re generalizing here: it's not clear how widespread  this attitude really is 
on the right, and we don’t know exactly how much of  this kind of 
thuggishness there has even been so far, much less how whether  there is more 
to come.

But what does seem apparent is that the  proportion of opponents of the 
president and his agenda who think this isn’t  some negligible fringe."

_http://bit.ly/9rvgKg_ (http://bit.ly/9rvgKg) 


To  subscribe, send a message to:

Or  go to: 
and click  'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

(Yahoo! ID required)



The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! _See your Yahoo! Homepage_ 
(http://in.rd.yahoo.com/tagline_yyi_1/*http://in.yahoo.com/) . 

[FairfieldLife] (unknown)

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008
Raj Patel on "The Value of Nothing" Reshape Market Society and Democracy DN 


Dr Raj Patel on the World Food Crisis 


STUFFED, STARVED & SPRAYED: Raj Patel on Agro-Ecology & LBAM 


[FairfieldLife] Eric Cantor’s Bullet

2010-03-25 Thread do.rflex

A bullet went through a window in Rep. Eric Cantor's (R-VA) Richmond
office over the weekend.  Here's the relevant part of the police
A preliminary investigation shows that a bullet was fired into the air
and struck the window in a downward direction, landing on the floor
about a foot from the window. The round struck with enough force to
break the windowpane but did not penetrate the window blinds. There was
no other damage to the room, which is used occasionally for meetings by
the congressman.
If a Democratic Congressman made the same claim, his lack of knowledge
of guns and ballistics would be roundly ridiculed by Republicans and his
manhood, in general, would be questioned. Instead we're going to see
wall-to-wall "threats of violence affecting both parties"


[FairfieldLife] Raj Patel on GMO crops

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] From Salon

2010-03-25 Thread ditzyklanmail
War is peace. 
Black is white. 
Them and us.
Those people...
Love and peace. 

From: "wle...@aol.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 25 March, 2010 5:19:50 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] From Salon

This minority is NOT willing to life with our federal construction being 
violated by the  present.,majority  in congress & the white house 
In a message dated 3/25/2010 6:06:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
carc...@yahoo. co.in writes:

>Divide and conquer. 

 From: Sal Sunshine 
>To: Yahoo Group 
>Sent: Thu, 25 March, 2010 10:43:50 
>  AM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] 
>  From Salon
>"A political minority that isn’t willing to live with 
>  being on an election’s losing end is the classic recipe for political 
>  violence. Obviously, we’re generalizing here: it's not clear how widespread 
>  this attitude really is on the right, and we don’t know exactly how much of 
>  this kind of thuggishness there has even been so far, much less how whether 
>  there is more to come.
>But what does seem apparent is that the 
>  proportion of opponents of the president and his agenda who think this isn’t 
>  some negligible fringe."
>http://bit.ly/ 9rvgKg
> - - --
>  subscribe, send a message to:
>FairfieldLife- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
>  go to: 
>http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/FairfieldL ife/
>and click 
>  'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links
>  Traditional
>(Yahoo! ID required)
>FairfieldLife- fullfeatured@ yahoogroups. com
 >  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

  Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am the master of Idli,dosa and uttapam and you can be too!

2010-03-25 Thread sgrayatlarge
Very nice Curtis. When I spent a few months in DC, I also ate at Parus, when in 
town. Guess what? When I moved to LA in the early 80's guess who also moved 
there? Parus! Got to know the owners son Kanan over the years, excellent idly, 
dosas, and sambar. It's a great little restaurant. LA has a bustling Little 
India as well and their are some places that also make a mean south indian dosa 
/ tali.

They all come pretty close to the Saravana Bhavans in Tamil Nadu, the all time 

Glad you cracked the code Curtis, the Tamil ladies don't share a lot, but you 
re-engineered the elusive dosa, that's fabulous!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> Certain foods have been a holy grail quest for me.  Ever since I ate the best 
> idli I have ever had at the vegetarian Parus restaurant near Dupont Circle 
> and the Leroy Place TM center 25 years ago I have been on a mission to 
> replicate their sour fluffy perfection.
> The South Indian lady who ran Parus taught me a lot.  She was a generous 
> spirit.  I learned from her how to toast coriander seeds before grinding them 
> and to toast coconut shreds to make great tur dahl sambar. I learned how to 
> roast and brown uncooked urid dahl and use it as a flavoring in coconut 
> chutney from her.  But no matter how much she taught me about making idli my 
> results were mediocre.  Not so bad, better than most restaurants, but not 
> like hers.
> I have made it from scratch (soaking and then grinding rice and dahl 
> separately is very imprecise so the texture suffers) and from mixes.   Along 
> the way talking to Indian women I learned to mix yogurt into the quick idli 
> mixes rather than water which gives it a good sour flavor but the texture is 
> off, too light and poofy.  For the last few years I have been buying pre-made 
> fresh batter from an Indian store.  It is excellent but not as sour as I like.
> I finally cracked the code!   The thing is that I had to think of Idli batter 
> like sourdough bread.  The specific yeast and bacteria in a symbiotic 
> relationship in the air are what make it good bad or great idlis just like 
> sourdough bread.  And most natural yeast and bacteria in the air kinda sucks. 
>  So I bought some coarsely ground idli rice (2 parts) which takes the 
> guesswork out of grinding and fine ground urid dahl (1 part) and I added my 
> San Fransisco sour dough culture (www.sourdo.com sells it)to the batter and 
> voila! Bubbly sour batter that cooks up fluffy and deliciously sour just like 
> I remember them!  And if you fry up some veggies including onion and some 
> whole cumin seeds and then pour the batter on top in a fry pan you get 
> perfect Uttapam.  Thin it down for dosa. 
> Only someone as food obsessed as I am can appreciate this breakthrough.  This 
> is huge.  I can sour the batter for a few days to get it exactly how I like 
> it. With the introduced culture taking over there is no fear of spoilage from 
> nasty bacteria.  My San Fran yeast and bacteria (actually called 
> Lactobacillus sanfrancisco) take over the bowl in hours.
> I am publishing this secret here in a sign of good will toward all men and 
> women who know the difference between a good idli and a great one!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi off-stage - is there a video archive?

2010-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016"  
>  The question is whether an audio or video record exists of Maharishi's 
> non-public life – such record could give a view of Maharishi's more earthly 
> ambitions, talents, actions, and achievements.  We know from anecdotal 
> accounts of Maharishi's immense drive and activity behind the scenes to 
> further the TMO.   It would be great to see a documentary record of his 
> non-public life that highlights his worldly actions.  Not looking for a holy 
> grail - just the opposite – a record of his practical actions dealing with 
> earthly matters to get things done.   Such a documentary would enhance his 
> legacy, not threaten it.   
> -Mainstream

That ofcourse is an interesting angle, and I do agree with "mainstream". But 
the fact is that all this Knowledge, all the tapes you have never seen are kept 
private for a reason.

Everything Maharishi taught will be made available in time, everything ! 

But you don't have to go further than to Rick Archer's tricky, stab in the back 
FFL to see that the time for this has not yet arrived.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The History of Om

2010-03-25 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Mar 25, 2010, at 5:13 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > The article by Georg Feuerstein on Omkara is worth reading. 
> > 
> > However, Tamil legends and Dravida political memes are propaganda only 
> > useful for stirring up a particular cultural group. There are no reasons to 
> > propagate such arkhana here on FFL. If people really want Tamil 
> > political/cultural themes then they can go take mantra-diksha from 
> > Amritanadamayi and (unconsciously) get memed. 
> > 
> So you're saying the hugging Saint Amma, a.k.a. Amritanadamayi subconsciously 
> imprints Tamil political propaganda in her students? I would suspect that 
> comments like that would be more unwelcome on FFL than post hoc Vedic 
> declarations on Shaiva grammars.
> I found your Brahmanic interpretation of the Shaiva Maheshsvara-sutra 
> interesting, but I find Sw. Karpatri's history more reasonable.

OMG! Vaj, puhleeze, read e.g. the Wikipedia 
article on Shiva-suutras... :/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Call Me Brian"

2010-03-25 Thread Bhairitu
Joe wrote:
> I said "concert" on purpose since it seemed to me like they were concerts in 
> the sense that he would go on and "take the stage" and "perform". He would 
> truly BE Maharishi on stage.

My tantric guru calls this "the show" and is what many gurus do.   
Before I became a teacher I saw Maharishi in San Francisco in 1974 and 
that was not close up.  He came at the end of my TTC in Biarritz and 
then the next time I saw him was in 1978 when he came to Seattle.  I do 
note that he would start out meditating for awhile.  Wonder what he 
would have been like if he didn't?  That would build up some shakti 
which was evident as he walked past me though I've seen a number people 
with nice shakti auras.  Many meditators have it just coming out of 
meditation even if it is just in the face. 

> Afterwards, after the concert, his vibe was much more "normal". When he had 
> tantrums about something or someone I would allow myself to consider the idea 
> that what I was seeing actually WAS just what it seemed.a petty tantrum 
> and not something with huge cosmic significance. 

I only saw the practical side when he made us teachers.
> Like you, I very much enjoyed my time in the circus. Wouldn't trade it for 
> anything dude. It;s made me far more tolerant and understanding of other 
> forms of spiritual obsession. When I see someone going all freaky speaking in 
> tongues on one of those big Jesus healing gatherings on TV, I just remember 
> what we all sounded like in the hopping room. Not much different and equally 
> frenzied.

My tantra guru once had me assist him with a "exorcism" and the guy was 
behaving just like someone in the "hopping room" talking in what seemed 
like tongues.  I told my guru I had seen that before with TM flyers.  
But I was not entirely convinced the guy was possessed but instead 
putting on an act to see what my teacher would do.  The guy put on big 
healing tent shows in India and I think he wanted to find how to imitate 
an exorcism.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am the master of Idli,dosa and uttapam and you can be too!

2010-03-25 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge  wrote:
> Very nice Curtis. When I spent a few months in DC, I also ate at Parus, when 
> in town. Guess what? When I moved to LA in the early 80's guess who also 
> moved there? Parus! Got to know the owners son Kanan over the years, 
> excellent idly, dosas, and sambar. It's a great little restaurant. LA has a 
> bustling Little India as well and their are some places that also make a mean 
> south indian dosa / tali.

Great story. It is funny that South Indian food is comfort food for all of 
India just like Southern food is in the US!  I knew the two daughters at the DC 
Parus.  They were super smart and knocking off degrees in the sciences.  They 
also thought my fascination with Indian cooking was completely wacky!  

> They all come pretty close to the Saravana Bhavans in Tamil Nadu, the all 
> time champs.

That must have been great to go there and eat the food.  I would love that.

> Glad you cracked the code Curtis, the Tamil ladies don't share a lot, but you 
> re-engineered the elusive dosa, that's fabulous!

The funny thing is that introducing a specific culture would never catch on for 
Indians. That is what I love about being an American cook making international 
foods, we have total freedom.  I remember making a dish for my Thai GF when I 
was knee deep learning to cook Thai.  She would say, "we never use that 
vegetable in that dish but it is delicious." Most traditional cooks are just so 
locked up in their traditions.

I have found women of most traditional cultures eager to talk about their 
cooking and amazed that a man would be interested.  An exception is China where 
there is a strong tradition of male cooks.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> wrote:
> >
> > Certain foods have been a holy grail quest for me.  Ever since I ate the 
> > best idli I have ever had at the vegetarian Parus restaurant near Dupont 
> > Circle and the Leroy Place TM center 25 years ago I have been on a mission 
> > to replicate their sour fluffy perfection.
> > 
> > The South Indian lady who ran Parus taught me a lot.  She was a generous 
> > spirit.  I learned from her how to toast coriander seeds before grinding 
> > them and to toast coconut shreds to make great tur dahl sambar. I learned 
> > how to roast and brown uncooked urid dahl and use it as a flavoring in 
> > coconut chutney from her.  But no matter how much she taught me about 
> > making idli my results were mediocre.  Not so bad, better than most 
> > restaurants, but not like hers.
> > 
> > I have made it from scratch (soaking and then grinding rice and dahl 
> > separately is very imprecise so the texture suffers) and from mixes.   
> > Along the way talking to Indian women I learned to mix yogurt into the 
> > quick idli mixes rather than water which gives it a good sour flavor but 
> > the texture is off, too light and poofy.  For the last few years I have 
> > been buying pre-made fresh batter from an Indian store.  It is excellent 
> > but not as sour as I like.
> > 
> > I finally cracked the code!   The thing is that I had to think of Idli 
> > batter like sourdough bread.  The specific yeast and bacteria in a 
> > symbiotic relationship in the air are what make it good bad or great idlis 
> > just like sourdough bread.  And most natural yeast and bacteria in the air 
> > kinda sucks.  So I bought some coarsely ground idli rice (2 parts) which 
> > takes the guesswork out of grinding and fine ground urid dahl (1 part) and 
> > I added my San Fransisco sour dough culture (www.sourdo.com sells it)to the 
> > batter and voila! Bubbly sour batter that cooks up fluffy and deliciously 
> > sour just like I remember them!  And if you fry up some veggies including 
> > onion and some whole cumin seeds and then pour the batter on top in a fry 
> > pan you get perfect Uttapam.  Thin it down for dosa. 
> > 
> > Only someone as food obsessed as I am can appreciate this breakthrough.  
> > This is huge.  I can sour the batter for a few days to get it exactly how I 
> > like it. With the introduced culture taking over there is no fear of 
> > spoilage from nasty bacteria.  My San Fran yeast and bacteria (actually 
> > called Lactobacillus sanfrancisco) take over the bowl in hours.
> > 
> > I am publishing this secret here in a sign of good will toward all men and 
> > women who know the difference between a good idli and a great one!
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The History of Om

2010-03-25 Thread Vaj

On Mar 25, 2010, at 6:44 PM, cardemaister wrote:

> OMG! Vaj, puhleeze, read e.g. the Wikipedia 
> article on Shiva-suutras... :/

Your point?

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-03-25 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Mar 20 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat Mar 27 00:00:00 2010
566 messages as of (UTC) Thu Mar 25 23:52:17 2010

49 authfriend 
43 WillyTex 
42 nablusoss1008 
39 off_world_beings 
34 lurkernomore20002000 
33 Rick Archer 
30 TurquoiseB 
30 Bhairitu 
27 "do.rflex" 
21 Buck 
20 ShempMcGurk 
19 Vaj 
14 curtisdeltablues 
12 tartbrain 
12 Jason 
11 Sal Sunshine 
10 ditzyklanmail 
10 Joe 
10 BillyG 
 9 mainstream20016 
 9 feste37 
 8 Mike Dixon 
 7 It's just a ride 
 7 Duveyoung 
 6 John 
 5 uns_tressor 
 5 emptybill 
 5 cardemaister 
 4 wayback71 
 4 wle...@aol.com
 4 Alex Stanley 
 3 raunchydog 
 3 merudanda 
 3 hermandan0 
 3 PaliGap 
 2 sgrayatlarge 
 2 carol caldwell 
 2 Marcelo 
 1 shukra69 
 1 obbajeeba 
 1 merlin 
 1 brian64705 
 1 brian l 
 1 Yifu Xero 
 1 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 Alex S 
 1 Absolute Truth Network 

Posters: 47
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The History of Om

2010-03-25 Thread emptybill
I have not met her myself.

However I have a good friend who lived in India for 15 years (sometimes
running just ahead of a "Quit India" summons by the local constable). He
installed my Shivalingam (not a Narmadeshwar linga). He taught me how to
do the Panchratra Vidhi for Maha.Rudra.Abhisheka. He knows his stuff.

Last year he went to FF with a friend who was getting diksha'd by the
lady. He noticed a lot of Tamil memes getting passed around the diksha
mandala by her disciples. Most Westerners don't have clue about this so
they don't notice - much less understand.

He was not particularly concerned about it for his friend nor did he
consider it much himself except to note that politics shaped her
teachings, her personal circle and her attendants - just like in India.

This is the unconscious part.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Mar 25, 2010, at 5:13 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > The article by Georg Feuerstein on Omkara is worth reading.
> >
> > However, Tamil legends and Dravida political memes are propaganda
only useful for stirring up a particular cultural group. There are no
reasons to propagate such arkhana here on FFL. If people really want
Tamil political/cultural themes then they can go take mantra-diksha from
Amritanadamayi and (unconsciously) get memed.
> >
> So you're saying the hugging Saint Amma, a.k.a. Amritanadamayi
subconsciously imprints Tamil political propaganda in her students? I
would suspect that comments like that would be more unwelcome on FFL
than post hoc Vedic declarations on Shaiva grammars.
> I found your Brahmanic interpretation of the Shaiva Maheshsvara-sutra
interesting, but I find Sw. Karpatri's history more reasonable.

[FairfieldLife] Obama picks up books for his girls at Iowa City's Prairie Lights

2010-03-25 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trivedi Guruji vs. Master John Douglas

2010-03-25 Thread Buck
Yep this all reads well like some lot of FFL pharisaical sophistry.  A lot of 
mental gymnastic about other people's experience.  Should have been there but 
you weren't.  You missed it, again.

And also who is saying there is no science?  This Trivedi bursting on the scene 
is about that. Science.  He's come like Christ and is saying hook me up and 
don't hide the results.  'Show everyone the science'.  He's been trying for 
that and That is what they did up on campus here last week.  That science of 
spiritual phenomena is what Trivedi is about doing.  John Douglas too is 
getting looked at. Enjoy the show, it's the real deal by experience and science.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> I think you deepened the discussion with the consideration of how people's 
> beliefs can have an effect on their health.  And if the cost of belief is a 
> lump of cash in this society rather than some deferential relationship with a 
> village elder shaman priest then so be it.  I was responding more to 
> Douglas's site where he misuses terms like "quantum level" to make it sound 
> sciencey like Chopra.  And perhaps he believes his own rap so it is innocent 
> on both sides.  I believe there is a lack of ethics in giving false hopes on 
> health matters despite the placebo effect.  Because we also know that it is 
> not permanent, it fades.  Whatever we have to learn about our amazing mind 
> body relationship is not aided by people claiming surety without good 
> evidence. 
> I'm not sure how anyone could distinguish the cause and effect of an energy 
> like "shakti."  How anyone could say that the source outside yourself was 
> known.  I am more inclined to believe that it is self generated.  My own 
> "experience" of what I thought at the time was Maharishi's "darshon" is 
> probably my best reference.  After a while it kind of went away in India 
> after seeing him day after day.  But with suggestibility heightened by long 
> meditations we were all ripe for generating all sorts of experiences. 
> When I was dropping out of TM I had a brief phase of trying stuff like Reiki 
> healing.  I had all sorts of experiences with it being a good little 
> suggestible meditator.  Everything I tried "worked" in the sense that I felt 
> all sorts of stuff much to the delight of any teacher of whatever I came 
> across. But is was all subjective, I never healed any conditions with it, not 
> even heartburn! Like Maharishi said, once the field is prepared any seed will 
> grow.
> What I see lacking in personal healer's presentations is a genuinely honest 
> attempt to test their claims.  Their utter contempt for skepticism and the 
> right for customers to see something that would reasonable support their 
> claims makes them seem dishonest to me.  We all know how to test such 
> specific claims about the physical world.  But somehow they have convinced 
> people that those rules of evidence do not apply to them.  Instead we get 
> anecdotes from people who had spaces filled inside their own imagination. 
> Perhaps it is an entertainment expense for people.  They get their ticket and 
> they get their ride.  And everybody is happy till the next MRI.   
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Seems both Trivedi and John Douglas are approved as healer 
> > > > teachers to go to.  Which one is more cost effective?
> > > 
> > > I would go with the equally reliable process of flushing single 
> > > dollar bills down the toilet whispering the phrase "heal me oh 
> > > great pooba" with each flush.  You should feel the same relief 
> > > you would get from a magical healing session plus it will help 
> > > make sure your septic system is flowing properly. Since you are 
> > > just flushing single dollars you will come out ahead of any lump 
> > > sum process of  being played as a mark by a "healer."
> > 
> > I am glad you weighed in on this, Curtis. I was tempted
> > to write a similar reply to Buck yesterday but didn't
> > have time. 
> > 
> > I see two factors at play here. The first is *hope*, 
> > the value of which can never be discounted. Call it a
> > "miracle," call it the placebo effect, having a strong
> > belief in a "cure" can often affect one. Look into the
> > recent studies that have shown that the placebo effect
> > seems to be growing *stronger*, to the point that it
> > is now difficult to perform accurate medical studies
> > because the percentage of people gaining relief in the
> > control group -- taking only placebos -- is often as
> > high as the percentage of people gaining relief from
> > the actual medicine. It appears that the main factor
> > is the fact that they are taking a pill, period. This
> > seems sufficient to trigger whatever mechanism that
> > provid

[FairfieldLife] where MMY went wrong

2010-03-25 Thread anatol_zinc

siddhis + ego = riddhis

just a guess

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Call Me Brian"

2010-03-25 Thread Joe
Hi Nabby. I guess if I were being cavalier, I would just say I moved on to 
If you want specifics, I'd be happy to supply them. You know some of itthe 
bit involving ECM Records and Manfred Eicher.

I really and truly VALUE the time I spent with MMY. It gave me an experience I 
will never forget and one that I remain fascinated byhence my occasional 
presence here on FFL.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"  wrote:
> > 
> > Like you, I very much enjoyed my time in the circus. Wouldn't trade it for 
> > anything dude. It;s made me far more tolerant and understanding of other 
> > forms of spiritual obsession. When I see someone going all freaky speaking 
> > in tongues on one of those big Jesus healing gatherings on TV, I just 
> > remember what we all sounded like in the hopping room. Not much different 
> > and equally frenzied.
> > 
> > It was a great time, a wonderful learning experience. I'm very glad to have 
> > moved on.
> Ah, moved on seems to be a mantra on FFL, all the fools in here claim they 
> have moved on ! 
> If I may ask, you moved on to what/where/ ?
> > > > http://rajpatel.org/2010/01/25/call-me-brian/
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anderson Cooper Week-Long Investigation Of Scientology

2010-03-25 Thread Joe
Be there or be square! Lots to learn by observing this group IMO.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> March 23, 2010
> http://www.newsonnews.net/cnn/2282-cnn-s-anderson-cooper-360-explores-the-ch
> urch-of-scientology-s-leadership.html
> In a special series beginning Monday, March 29th, CNN¹s Anderson Cooper 360°
> takes a close and revealing look at the leadership of the worldwide church
> of Scientology. The week-long series, Scientology: A History of Violence,
> will examine allegations that Scientology leader David Miscavige has for
> years beaten, kicked and choked top members of the church. These are
> allegations the church aggressively denies, saying violence from inside came
> from those making the claim.
> Anderson Cooper will speak with former, high ranking members from the
> Church's inner circle, who says the David Miscavige not only carried out,
> but encouraged the culture of violence at the highest levels of the church
> management. Cooper will also speak with members who claim extreme hardships,
> and some say intimidation, the church imposes on anyone who decides to leave
> and speak out.
> Scientology: A History of Violence will air at 10pm ET on CNN and will also
> air on CNNInternational. Anderson Cooper 360° airs weeknights on CNN at 10pm
> ET.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The History of Om

2010-03-25 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Mar 25, 2010, at 6:44 PM, cardemaister wrote:
> > OMG! Vaj, puhleeze, read e.g. the Wikipedia 
> > article on Shiva-suutras... :/
> Your point?

You said:

"I found your Brahmanic interpretation of the Shaiva Maheshsvara-sutra
interesting, but I find Sw. Karpatri's history more reasonable."

Speaking about "Brahmanic interpretation" of IMO purely technical
(PaaNinian) Shivasuutras seems rather nonsensical...


Within the tradition they are known as the akṣarasamāmnāya, 
"recitation of phonemes," but they are popularly known as the Shiva Sutras 
because they are said to have been revealed to Pāṇini by Shiva (also 
known as Maheshvara).