[FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@... wrote:

 Who here has the guts of these guys?
 You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are heroes 
 --  wizards of holding onto rights.  
 Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
 righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
 trying to lead was kicked out, right?
 I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
 braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals.  
 And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
 doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of 
 ordinary human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same number 
 of saints as any other town its size.

That reminds me of my TM instructor stating that TM won't make
you cool as a cucumber (in Finnish: 'viili-pytty'* [püttü]),
in fact it might make you more sensitive... When I heard
that, I was that close to decide to not learn TM, because
then I thought I can't afford to become emotionally more

* viilipytty: a pot of thick sour milk, Swedish 'fil' (feel).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 * viilipytty: a pot of thick sour milk, Swedish 'fil' (feel).


[FairfieldLife] By far the best??

2013-03-14 Thread card



Nokia (for Windows Phone 8 devices)

Nokia gambled on the Windows Phone platform, and so far it's paying off for 
customers. It delivered, by far, the best satisfaction ratings in our survey.


[FairfieldLife] The C-word Clique

2013-03-14 Thread turquoiseb
I think it's appropriate, towards the end of a posting week in which
they have embarrassed themselves even more than usual, to spend a little
time examining the motivations and mindset of a small group of people
here, whom I will refer to (sparing poor, sensitive Share the horror of
words actually spelled properly) as the C-word Clique.

At this point, there are pretty much only four diehard C-words left --
Jim, Judy, Ann, and Nabby. They have become such a parody of themselves
lately that even Ravi is distancing himself from them, and Raunchydog
stopped mindlessly piling on some time ago. Former C-word alumni like
Robin and Bob Price seem to have bitten the dust and can't be relied
upon to pile on to the group hate-screeds any more, and most posters
here pretty much ignore what they say, so as a result the C-word Clique
has devolved to talking amongst themselves, *to* themselves. Just as a
hint to any C-word Clique members who may be reading this -- you should
KNOW you're in deep shit when even RAVI is too embarrassed by your
behavior to be associated with you...just sayin'.  :-)

Everyone is pretty much aware of what the C-word Clique members DO. It's
*not*, after all, as if they have the option of doing anything *else*,
being driven by their obsessions and all. Their habitual behavior is to
react mindlessly any time that someone on their Hit List posts something
that other posters find interesting or worth discussing, and then
attempt to smear them any way they can think of.

With three of the CC -- Judy, Jim, and Nabby -- there is almost always a
get the anti-TMer undercurrent to what they DO, as they try to
demonize any critic of TM, Maharishi, and the TMO who presents arguments
that people find believable. Their quest at that point is *consistently*
to say anything they possibly can to undercut the critics' credibility.
Since they cannot challenge the actual points the critics bring up, they
expend all their efforts on trying to get the people who brought up
the points, making up things about them or calling them liars. Classic
C-word behavior. The fourth CC member, IMO, just piles on because she's
more than a little of a B-word, and is trying to emulate and gain the
praise of this forum's Queen B-word, Judy. So in a sense she's sadder
than the other three -- she doesn't even have a belief system to
protect; she's just doing it to impress the other members of the clique.

As to WHY they consistently DO this, that's anyone's guess. My guess is
that all three of them have been so unconsciously indoctrinated by
behaviors they've seen around them in the TM movement for so many years
that they've come to believe that acting like a C-word is not only
normal, but admirable. Like C-words the world over, they feel that it's
*normal* to overreact to someone challenging a mere *idea* that they
believe in, and that such an intellectual challenge is the equivalent of
a physical slap in the face, and thus an invitation to a duel. In a very
real sense, they're duellists, addicted to opposition.

One of the reasons for this, of course, is that none of the four of them
seem to have anything to say *unless* it's in opposition to one of their
perceived enemies. Their lives are essentially boring, but unlike,
say, Curtis and myself, they can't even think of ways to write them up
so that they become entertaining enough for other people to read. So
what they do instead is become intensely, sometimes pathologically
JEALOUS any time one of their announced enemies gets some attention
for writing up their beliefs or the events of *their* boring lives in an
entertaining fashion, and lash out in a fit of jealous rage, trying to
bring them down a notch or two. This compulsion is one of the
hallmarks of a C-word -- reacting to someone else's good fortune or good
news or just having written a good rap as if by putting them down
they'll raise themselves up. Never happens. All they wind up doing is
embarrassing themselves, as even Ravi commented on this morning.

I think it's all very sad, and lamentable. *In theory* these people
could possibly have interesting things to say here, but IMO they've all
become intellectually lazy, falling back on the same old same old
behaviors and lashing out at the same old same old enemies. Their
behavior is a perversion of the olde Maharishi-ism Every question is
the perfect opportunity for the answer we have already prepared. For
the C-word brigade, every question and almost every post becomes a
perfect opportunity for them to lash out with their prepared putdowns of
the same enemies, usually Curtis and Barry, now that Vaj is no longer
around. Sometimes they bash Vaj *anyway*, in absentia, just to stay in
practice should he reappear. :-)

One of the other hallmark behaviors of the C-word bunch is something
that they actually *admit* from time to time, as Jimbo did yesterday.
They don't just want to put down the people they consider enemies, they
want to drive them off the forum. Judy has admitted 

[FairfieldLife] Barry and Curtis's hubris [was Re: A lie is only a lie]

2013-03-14 Thread navashok
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

to Jimbo

 Your reaction to that Girish's post was disgusting to say the least. 

Yep! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to see it like this. 

I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new sensitivity in India 
with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this gang-rape case, which is 
still going on. The movement should go into quick action and fire him, 
otherwise the movement in India will be dead.

[FairfieldLife] NWT of John 1:1

2013-03-14 Thread card
Rendering of John 1:1
Main article: John 1:1The New World Translation has been criticized for
its rendering of John 1:1. Most English translations render[75] this
verse: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God. By contrast, the NWT renders[76] the verse: In [the]
beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a
god. Controversy regarding the translation of John 1:1 is not unique to
the NWT; translations with a similar rendering include Wilson's Emphatic
Diaglott (interlinear reading) and Goodspeed's An American Translation.
Seem to recall the origianal goes something like this:
en arkhe en [ane] ho logos kai ho logos en [ane] pros ton theon kai
theos en [ane]ho logos.
Note that there is no article (ho) before 'theos', so translatingis a 'a
god' seems to make some sense, now does it??
1 εν
joh+1%3A1ent=1722  αρχη
joh+1%3A1ent=746  ην
joh+1%3A1ent=2258ent2=5713  ο
joh+1%3A1ent=3588  λογος
joh+1%3A1ent=3056  και
joh+1%3A1ent=2532  ο
joh+1%3A1ent=3588  λογος
joh+1%3A1ent=3056  ην
joh+1%3A1ent=2258ent2=5713  προς
joh+1%3A1ent=4314  τον
joh+1%3A1ent=3588  θεον
joh+1%3A1ent=2316  και
joh+1%3A1ent=2532  θεος
joh+1%3A1ent=2316  ην
joh+1%3A1ent=2258ent2=5713  ο
joh+1%3A1ent=3588  λογος

[FairfieldLife] Repost: NWT of John 1:1

2013-03-14 Thread card

Rendering of John 1:1
Main article: John 1:1The New World Translation has been criticized for
its rendering of John 1:1. Most English translations render[75] this
verse: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God. By contrast, the NWT renders[76] the verse: In [the]
beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a
god. Controversy regarding the translation of John 1:1 is not unique to
the NWT; translations with a similar rendering include Wilson's Emphatic
Diaglott (interlinear reading) and Goodspeed's An American Translation.
Seem to recall the origianal goes something like this:
en arkhe en [ane] ho logos kai ho logos en [ane] pros ton theon kai
theos en [ane]ho logos.
Note that there is no article (ho) before 'theos', so translatingit  as 
'a god' seems to make some sense, now does it??

[FairfieldLife] Judy gone really stooopid (was Re: A lie is only a lie)

2013-03-14 Thread navashok
Just to make sure you all GET this, it's hilarious:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:


Basically all what Judy knows, which goes beyond superficial
beginner level comes from what has been said by people *here*
on one of these forums who were more involved in the past.
   Says navashok, *citing what I myself just said* as if
   it were his own analysis.
  Oh, come on, how silly is this? Just because we came to the
  same conclusion, as it is simply the TRUTH, doesn't mean I
  have copied or even seen your post that was actually just
  sent 8 minutes before.

Now Judy's hilarious reaction:

 It was in the post you're responding to, you utter nitwit.


 You *quote* it below. How STOOPID can you *get*?


 Have you ever heard the term own goal?

And now comes the quote of herself she was most likely referring to:

   And I've never claimed my knowledge goes beyond what
   is taught to the rank-and-file and what I've picked
   up from teachers on this and other Web forums. Oh,
   and during my stay at the TM facility in Asbury Park
   back in '95-'96.

Now dear reader, please count the arrows before the quote:

3 arrowsin the quote of Judy above, and 4 arrows in the quote by me at 
the top. That means, her comment in *this* post regarding herself is 
AFTER my comment, she is just repeating what she had said elsewhere. And this 
elsewhere is most likely this post: 

#337947 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/337947

It's not even addressed to me, and was just posted a few minutes before mine, 
indeed at the time I was composing it, so I hadn't seen it, and therefore my 
analysis, completely correct according to her own admission, was in fact MY 

So, to summarize: Judy complains that I copy a judgment she has made of 
herself, then repeats this judgment in the very same post, to just say that I 
commented on it. She's so confused, blinded by her mindless anger that she 
makes a very stupid mistake. To make stupid mistakes is something that can be 
excused, but this very childishness of thriving in *finding* something to 
denigrate the other person, to the point where you make it up, that's 
disgusting. In this case we call it OWN GOAL. 

[FairfieldLife] Barry and Curtis's hubris [was Re: A lie is only a lie]

2013-03-14 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@... wrote:

 I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new sensitivity in India 
 with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this gang-rape case, which 
 is still going on. 

The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise the movement 
in India will be dead.

The Movement must listen to this old soul and take strong action to save itself 
immediately! Seeing the Movement dead in India will otherwise make navashok 
very distressed and unhappy indeed ! (chuckle)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Blessed are platitude puking Gurus !!! to Xeno Ravi

2013-03-14 Thread Share Long
dear neurotic Ravi no love dear neurotic Aunt Share no more?  Very sad.  Even 
rainbows are weeping.  Not to mention the retardlets (-:
PS  Xeno, without your writing, the FFL rainbow would be a pretty pathetic 
rainbow in my unhumble opinion, not that you're worried about it or my nit 
picky opinion even one iota (-:

 From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 11:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Blessed are platitude puking Gurus !!!


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 9:20 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com 

Blessed is Guru Xeno and blessed are all platitude puking Gurus - resolving 
life's puzzling, bewildering, baffling complexities through a set of banal, 
inane platitudes and beliefs. No need for any pain, burden, guilt at life's 
contradictions when one can easily numb them with the mere mention of one of 
Guru Xeno's platitude pukes.

I and my dear Aunt Share are such big fans of Guru Xeno - oh we bow to you - 
The Maitreya, The Mayan Messiah of Morons !!!

and my dearneurotic Aunt Share ..that is - I don't want to offend her.

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartax...@yahoo.com wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 Yep, Judy has only done twenty four thousand and ninety sessions of TM 
 since 1980, compared to Barry's ZERO. And Barry thinks this is impressive, 
 and argues that 24 thousand meditations is not even worth comparing to his 
 *complete lack of experience*. If anyone wants to know about pure hubris, 
 this is a textbook example.
 Same with Curtis. Both these yokels feel themselves so superior to the rest 
 of us on here, that they don't even have to practice TM to state their 
 opinions on it. Gawd, I am embarrassed for both of them.
 Anyway, Curtis, per your exhaustive points on beliefs, this is where belief 
 gets you. Both nowhere, and out of touch with reality. Enjoy, but please 
 don't either of you try to get taken seriously around here, again. 
 Some of us caught on long ago. Bullshitters like you two are not welcome on 
 FFL. Please find Vaj (remember him?) and the three of you go have a pity 
 party - K?

Based on what Alex has said, unless you violate a few simple rules, everyone 
is welcome on FFL. That includes bullshitters and those we might consider 
saints. You also have to be careful about spiritual pedigree as it is called. 
How many meditations you have had or not have had may be no indication of how 
advanced or retarded you are spiritually. People younger than me, who have 
meditated less than me have awakened when I was still struggling with various 
issues. You never know if your next meditation, or just a walk in a gas 
station convenience mart is going to be the moment things open up. You don't 
know if the guy sifting through trash at a dumpster might be just a day away 
from some great spiritual insight.

No one here has a complete lack of experience, but we do have differences.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: NWT of John 1:1

2013-03-14 Thread navashok

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 Rendering of John 1:1
 Main article: John 1:1The New World Translation has been criticized for
 its rendering of John 1:1. Most English translations render[75] this
 verse: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
 the Word was God. By contrast, the NWT renders[76] the verse: In [the]
 beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a
 god. Controversy regarding the translation of John 1:1 is not unique to
 the NWT; translations with a similar rendering include Wilson's Emphatic
 Diaglott (interlinear reading) and Goodspeed's An American Translation.
 Seem to recall the origianal goes something like this:
 en arkhe en [ane] ho logos kai ho logos en [ane] pros ton theon kai
 theos en [ane]ho logos.
 Note that there is no article (ho) before 'theos', so translatingit  as 
 'a god' seems to make some sense, now does it??

[FairfieldLife] Barry and Curtis's hubris [was Re: A lie is only a lie]

2013-03-14 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  Yep, Judy has only done twenty four thousand and ninety sessions of TM 
  since 1980, compared to Barry's ZERO. And Barry thinks this is impressive, 
  and argues that 24 thousand meditations is not even worth comparing to his 
  *complete lack of experience*. If anyone wants to know about pure hubris, 
  this is a textbook example.
  Same with Curtis. Both these yokels feel themselves so superior to the rest 
  of us on here, that they don't even have to practice TM to state their 
  opinions on it. Gawd, I am embarrassed for both of them.
  Anyway, Curtis, per your exhaustive points on beliefs, this is where belief 
  gets you. Both nowhere, and out of touch with reality. Enjoy, but please 
  don't either of you try to get taken seriously around here, again. 
  Some of us caught on long ago. Bullshitters like you two are not welcome on 
  FFL. Please find Vaj (remember him?) and the three of you go have a pity 
  party - K?
 Based on what Alex has said, unless you violate a few simple rules, everyone 
 is welcome on FFL. That includes bullshitters and those we might consider 
 saints. You also have to be careful about spiritual pedigree as it is called. 
 How many meditations you have had or not have had may be no indication of how 
 advanced or retarded you are spiritually. People younger than me, who have 
 meditated less than me have awakened when I was still struggling with various 
 issues. You never know if your next meditation, or just a walk in a gas 
 station convenience mart is going to be the moment things open up. You don't 
 know if the guy sifting through trash at a dumpster might be just a day away 
 from some great spiritual insight.
 No one here has a complete lack of experience, but we do have differences.

Most souls have great binding; some souls have little binding; a few souls have 
very little binding; and a very few souls have
absolutely no binding.
All these souls (atmas) of different consciousness, of different
experiences, of different states are in the Over-Soul (Paramatma).
If, now, all souls are in the Over-Soul and are all One, then why
is there any difference in the consciousness, in the planes, in the
experiences and in the states?
The cause of this difference is that the souls have different and
diverse impressions (sanskaras).*
-Meher Buck

[FairfieldLife] Re: Blessed are platitude puking Gurus !!!

2013-03-14 Thread seventhray27

Ravi, if you want neurotic, all we have to do is revisit the
description of your recent meeting.  At least you were big enough to
recount how you totally flubbed it.

Next time, follow my advice better, and I think you can have a better

Still lovin ya, though.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 9:20 PM, Ravi Chivukula

  Blessed is Guru Xeno and blessed are all platitude puking Gurus -
  resolving life's puzzling, bewildering, baffling complexities
through a set
  of banal, inane platitudes and beliefs. No need for any pain,
burden, guilt
  at life's contradictions when one can easily numb them with the mere
  mention of one of Guru Xeno's platitude pukes.
  I and my dear Aunt Share are such big fans of Guru Xeno - oh we bow
to you
  - The Maitreya, The Mayan Messiah of Morons !!!

 I and my dear neurotic Aunt Share ..that is - I don't want to offend

  On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  anartaxius@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@
   Yep, Judy has only done twenty four thousand and ninety sessions
of TM
  since 1980, compared to Barry's ZERO. And Barry thinks this is
  and argues that 24 thousand meditations is not even worth comparing
to his
  *complete lack of experience*. If anyone wants to know about pure
  this is a textbook example.
   Same with Curtis. Both these yokels feel themselves so superior
to the
  rest of us on here, that they don't even have to practice TM to
state their
  opinions on it. Gawd, I am embarrassed for both of them.
   Anyway, Curtis, per your exhaustive points on beliefs, this is
  belief gets you. Both nowhere, and out of touch with reality.
Enjoy, but
  please don't either of you try to get taken seriously around here,
   Some of us caught on long ago. Bullshitters like you two are not
  welcome on FFL. Please find Vaj (remember him?) and the three of
you go
  have a pity party - K?
  Based on what Alex has said, unless you violate a few simple rules,
  everyone is welcome on FFL. That includes bullshitters and those we
  consider saints. You also have to be careful about spiritual
pedigree as it
  is called. How many meditations you have had or not have had may be
  indication of how advanced or retarded you are spiritually. People
  than me, who have meditated less than me have awakened when I was
  struggling with various issues. You never know if your next
meditation, or
  just a walk in a gas station convenience mart is going to be the
  things open up. You don't know if the guy sifting through trash at
  dumpster might be just a day away from some great spiritual
  No one here has a complete lack of experience, but we do have

Re: [FairfieldLife] The C-word Clique

2013-03-14 Thread Share Long
Never has a crowing cockadoodledoo so competently contrived to combine 
compassion and cleverness thus cunningly.  Congratulations!

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:04 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The C-word Clique

I think it's appropriate, towards the end of a posting week in which
they have embarrassed themselves even more than usual, to spend a little
time examining the motivations and mindset of a small group of people
here, whom I will refer to (sparing poor, sensitive Share the horror of
words actually spelled properly) as the C-word Clique.

At this point, there are pretty much only four diehard C-words left --
Jim, Judy, Ann, and Nabby. They have become such a parody of themselves
lately that even Ravi is distancing himself from them, and Raunchydog
stopped mindlessly piling on some time ago. Former C-word alumni like
Robin and Bob Price seem to have bitten the dust and can't be relied
upon to pile on to the group hate-screeds any more, and most posters
here pretty much ignore what they say, so as a result the C-word Clique
has devolved to talking amongst themselves, *to* themselves. Just as a
hint to any C-word Clique members who may be reading this -- you should
KNOW you're in deep shit when even RAVI is too embarrassed by your
behavior to be associated with you...just sayin'.  :-)

Everyone is pretty much aware of what the C-word Clique members DO. It's
*not*, after all, as if they have the option of doing anything *else*,
being driven by their obsessions and all. Their habitual behavior is to
react mindlessly any time that someone on their Hit List posts something
that other posters find interesting or worth discussing, and then
attempt to smear them any way they can think of.

With three of the CC -- Judy, Jim, and Nabby -- there is almost always a
get the anti-TMer undercurrent to what they DO, as they try to
demonize any critic of TM, Maharishi, and the TMO who presents arguments
that people find believable. Their quest at that point is *consistently*
to say anything they possibly can to undercut the critics' credibility.
Since they cannot challenge the actual points the critics bring up, they
expend all their efforts on trying to get the people who brought up
the points, making up things about them or calling them liars. Classic
C-word behavior. The fourth CC member, IMO, just piles on because she's
more than a little of a B-word, and is trying to emulate and gain the
praise of this forum's Queen B-word, Judy. So in a sense she's sadder
than the other three -- she doesn't even have a belief system to
protect; she's just doing it to impress the other members of the clique.

As to WHY they consistently DO this, that's anyone's guess. My guess is
that all three of them have been so unconsciously indoctrinated by
behaviors they've seen around them in the TM movement for so many years
that they've come to believe that acting like a C-word is not only
normal, but admirable. Like C-words the world over, they feel that it's
*normal* to overreact to someone challenging a mere *idea* that they
believe in, and that such an intellectual challenge is the equivalent of
a physical slap in the face, and thus an invitation to a duel. In a very
real sense, they're duellists, addicted to opposition.

One of the reasons for this, of course, is that none of the four of them
seem to have anything to say *unless* it's in opposition to one of their
perceived enemies. Their lives are essentially boring, but unlike,
say, Curtis and myself, they can't even think of ways to write them up
so that they become entertaining enough for other people to read. So
what they do instead is become intensely, sometimes pathologically
JEALOUS any time one of their announced enemies gets some attention
for writing up their beliefs or the events of *their* boring lives in an
entertaining fashion, and lash out in a fit of jealous rage, trying to
bring them down a notch or two. This compulsion is one of the
hallmarks of a C-word -- reacting to someone else's good fortune or good
news or just having written a good rap as if by putting them down
they'll raise themselves up. Never happens. All they wind up doing is
embarrassing themselves, as even Ravi commented on this morning.

I think it's all very sad, and lamentable. *In theory* these people
could possibly have interesting things to say here, but IMO they've all
become intellectually lazy, falling back on the same old same old
behaviors and lashing out at the same old same old enemies. Their
behavior is a perversion of the olde Maharishi-ism Every question is
the perfect opportunity for the answer we have already prepared. For
the C-word brigade, every question and almost every post becomes a
perfect opportunity for them to lash out with their prepared putdowns of
the same enemies, usually Curtis and Barry, now that Vaj is no longer
around. Sometimes they bash Vaj 

[FairfieldLife] Barry and Curtis's hubris [was Re: A lie is only a lie]

2013-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
Oh Ravi. As a highly born Indian, you of all people should know that 
enlightenment is impossible to discern by actions. Why? Because spiritual 
evolution is just that - evolution. So it isn't something like graduating from 
engineering school, and then being able to build a better widget. It moves. 
Enlightenment moves. So once the initial Liberation occurs, and we are 
established in Silence, it is a continuous process of growth, much more quickly 
than before.

Glad we got that out of the way. What is next? 

Oh yeah, how you cringe whenever I claim my enlightenment. Please get over it. 
It doesn't somehow magically revert my consciousness to that of one ignorant to 
his fundamental nature, to someone unenlightened, when you or Barry do not like 
me saying such a thing. Like Byron Katie says, you can argue with reality, and 
you'll only be wrong 100% of the time.

So yeah, no one EVER says they are enlightened, as if it is like uttering a 
curse. That is why I do it - It is both accurate, and causes severe cognizant 
dissonance in people like you. Oh goodie!!

As for the rest of your opinion, yeah, I don't like you much now, either. I 
think that covers it, kiddo.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Oh Jimbo bimbo - lay it off dude. You come across as very pathetic in your
 opposition to Curtis and Barry, you lack the conviction and strength of
 character that Judy and Robin have. You come across as a TM fanatic, a TM
 TB'er - not experience but some fantasy. Your reaction to that Girish's
 post was disgusting to say the least. Barry's right - no one believes that
 you are enlightened, I cringe whenever I see you say that, how fucking
 clueless you are. You say enlightenment is very common - as if it is some
 kind of achievement - you want to set the bar so low that you and Nabby can
 just hop across - it doesn't work that way dude..LOL
 You can be very witty, intelligent - not sure why you need this deception -
 I suppose I don't know what your emotional, psychological problems are that
 you have to project yourself as enlightened. If you want to engage in some
 TM induced fantasy enlightenment and platitude puke the BATGAP list is a
 better place for you. I had read some of your posts on FFL from way back
 and it was embarrassing, not to mention you pretending to be a woman and
 creating some other id's to go after Barry. I just can't imagine how you
 could get Barry's throwing shit on the fan routine to bother you so much -
 really lame. You should perhaps read how Ann and or even RD respond to
 On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 9:39 PM, doctordumbass@... 
 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  OK, they can stay here on FFL, but only because you said so, and Alex,
  deep apologies for this transgression. Thankfully, Easter is coming up, and
  I can flagellate myself properly for my sins. Sort of a Biblical *twofer*.
  But this has nothing to do with a spiritual pedigree, Zee-know. I was
  simply pointing out that Judy is far more familiar with the practice of TM,
  than Barry is, due to her additional twenty thousand plus experiences of it.
  I agree with your point about spiritual pedigree. That is why I suggested
  in an earlier post that Barry would have been better off by *not* beginning
  meditation in this lifetime - He isn't ready for it yet; no consistency or
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius
  anartaxius@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
Yep, Judy has only done twenty four thousand and ninety sessions of TM
  since 1980, compared to Barry's ZERO. And Barry thinks this is impressive,
  and argues that 24 thousand meditations is not even worth comparing to his
  *complete lack of experience*. If anyone wants to know about pure hubris,
  this is a textbook example.
Same with Curtis. Both these yokels feel themselves so superior to the
  rest of us on here, that they don't even have to practice TM to state their
  opinions on it. Gawd, I am embarrassed for both of them.
Anyway, Curtis, per your exhaustive points on beliefs, this is where
  belief gets you. Both nowhere, and out of touch with reality. Enjoy, but
  please don't either of you try to get taken seriously around here, again.
Some of us caught on long ago. Bullshitters like you two are not
  welcome on FFL. Please find Vaj (remember him?) and the three of you go
  have a pity party - K?
   Based on what Alex has said, unless you violate a few simple rules,
  everyone is welcome on FFL. That includes bullshitters and those we might
  consider saints. You also have to be careful about spiritual pedigree as it
  is called. How many meditations you have had or not have had may be no
  indication of how advanced or retarded you are spiritually. People younger
  than me, who have meditated less than me have awakened when I was still
  struggling with 

[FairfieldLife] Autism Spectrum Disorder: Can Transcendental Meditation help these children?

2013-03-14 Thread merlin

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Can Transcendental
Meditation help these children?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

   Habemus Papam!
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea commodo 
John jr_esq:
 We're impressed with your Latin.  But what does it say?

Thanks, John - Latin, like Sanskrit, is a dead language. 

Currently I am learning not only Latin, but Spanish, French,
Japanese, Sanskrit, Hindi, Tibetan, and Urdu.


In fact, Sanskrit has never been the spoken language of
any people, anywhere.

There are no bija mantras mentioned in Rig Veda, and no
bija mantras are found in any Vedic Literature.

There is a lot of information about Sanskrit coming out 
of Texas lately, some of it is true and some of it is 
just plain misleading.

However, in reality, there are not that many ordinary 
folks around here who can read Sanskrit or understand it, 
much less recite the nicknames of all the devas in a 
foreign tongue!

We depend on hearsay for most of our information, usually
overhearing phrases at camp-meets. A few bhogis like to
read newsgroups on the Internet and post by day, but many
of us adepts do not even like to use overseas languages 
for communication among ourselves, preferring instead our 
own native Tex-Mex dialect, called Lingo, which is ideally
suited to household life.

However, a lot of folks around here are bi-lingual to a
certain degree. In fact, San Antonio has been described 
as one of the most diverse ethnic cities in the U.S. I 
guess that is why they call that amusement park 'Six Flags 
Over Texas'. LoL!

Anyway, we local yokels aproppriate our phrases from Yaqui,
Spanish, English, German, and French words. In addition,
we make use of a lot of place names that we ripped off
from the native indigenous population, such as Pontiac,
 Taos, and Milwaukee.

This notwithstanding, there has been an increased interest
in Oriental vernaculars, such as Hindi and Tibetan, due to
an influx of tourists, immigrants, and International

The resident Swami here is said to be able to speak five
 languages, including  fluent English and Urdu. The Swami,
who recently gave a speech in Hindi, has an interesting
habit of omitting certain dipthongs when using Sanskrit
words, e.g. Yog for Yoga, etc.

In addition, there has been an increased interest in
learning Sanskrit on this very newsgroup. One informant,
sometimes posting under the handle 'Chief Shitting Bull',
claims to have a special apprenticeship with a certain
'Mullquist', who is reputed to be somewhat of a linguist
somewhere up in Nokialand.

Apparently, the language called Sanskrit was not spoken
by the Vedic population of ancient India, being a dead
language akin to Latin, and used solely for oral liturgical
purposes by priests during the Homa ceremony.

Written Sanskrit was invented later by Panini, who lived
long after the Vedas were first recited by the ancient
rishis and sages. It is a fact, that the first known
written vernacular in India is from the pillar of King
Ashoka at Sarnath, and it is not written in Sanskrit.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread Share Long
Edg, I'm not sure what you mean by the conventional processes of ordinary 
human psychology.  What do you mean by ordinary?  What do you mean by 
conventional processes?  Did somebody say FF has more saints or Arjuna pals 
than other towns of comparable size?!  I think I missed a post but thought I'd 
attempt a reply anyway.  Probably a bad idea but also want to thank you for the 
youtube clip (-:     

Lastly, does ANYTHING really change ANYONE'S basic personality?

 From: Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 6:46 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being 
resisted by polite activists.

Who here has the guts of these guys?

You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are heroes 
--  wizards of holding onto rights. 

Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone trying 
to lead was kicked out, right?

I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals. 

And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of ordinary 
human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same number of saints 
as any other town its size.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders to navashok

2013-03-14 Thread Share Long
Good for me to remember.  I got in trouble last time because I didn't 
immediately recognize you with your new alias (-:

 From: navashok no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:14 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders to Ann and navashok


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Whaat?  That wasn't me who made the joke about 
 you going to Paris with turqish delight.  Was it?Â

No, it wasn't aimed at you.

  I admit I'm beside myself what with fluffy unicorns from you and cute 
spammish meeses from Ann.  Thank you both and happy trails to navashok.  
Will you have a new handle when you return?  (-: 
I'm back as Navashok. I usually change my handle only if I'm away for a longer 

  From: navashok no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 5:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders to Rick and navashok
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  Navashok, just to say again, there is a checking for TMSP. 
 Okay Share, just to let you know that I have seen this. I'm going out of town 
 tomorrow, so will be back only next week, and still have to pack, and no, I 
 am not going to Paris ;-)
  I know people who have had it.
  Rick, maybe I don't get booted because I'm not a gov.  Even when I was a 
  grad student and open about going to tantric workshops of David Deida, no 
  one said anything to me.  EFT tapping is based on acupuncture meridian 
  points so I don't see how that would be objectionable.  And last but not 
  least, my pastoral counselor has been on IAA since the beginning!  Would 
  she be if therapy was objectionable?!  
   From: Rick Archer 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 11:21 AM
  Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders to Michael
  From:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
  On Behalf Of Share Long
  Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 10:32 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders to Michael
  There ABSOLUTELY is a checking for TMSP.  I know of people who have had 
  it.  Does that change your idea that the mantra theory is nonsense?  
  Speaking as someone who has done therapy and energy work over the years, 
  including EFT tapping, I would say this:  TM is necessary for emotional 
  and energetic healing.  But it is not sufficient for someone who may 
  have major trauma especially from early childhood.  I think TM developed 
  my wisdom and common sense to the point that I sought out other 
  modalities.  And I would say this to anyone in the TMO.
  Actually I think it's proof that TM is not a cult, the fact that someone 
  like me goes to the Dome every day twice a day and wisely seeks out 
  whatever healing modalities I think I need.  
  I don’t know about current policies, but in the past people have 
  been booted out of the dome or kept off courses for doing that.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-14 Thread Buck
 Interesting this comes out now.  We were just talking here comparing TM and 
the Papists the other morning.
Such synchrony.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@ wrote:
  I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new sensitivity in India 
  with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this gang-rape case, 
  which is still going on. 
 The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise the movement 
 in India will be dead.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual harassment 
 guideline for its employees and officers?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or testicles, 
  there's gonna be trouble.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for everyone around it 
   now,  for all the good people who work properly with extreme propriety to 
   make things work well and achieve great things.  This is disheartening 
She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop williamgcoop@ wrote:

  Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation
 A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya Mandir in
  has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir 
 of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental torture.
 Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier this 
 year at
 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to Bhopal 
 couple of
 days ago.
 The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission (SWC) 
 that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also worked with 
 group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with him.
 The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband take her 
 on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five star hotel 
 booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband away on 
 and then molest her.
 She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but when it
 became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to file a
 There have been counter allegations that the husband had been trying 
 extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with claims that 
 he sent
 various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned Varma's 
 image on
 social networking sites.


[FairfieldLife] Beats Amy Camus?

2013-03-14 Thread card

10 octaves: beats Amy Camus aka Yma Sumac!

[FairfieldLife] Fluffy Fouls Out (was Judy gone really stooopid (was Re: A lie is only a lie))

2013-03-14 Thread authfriend
Poor Fluffy continues to bungle in his blinding eagerness
to get me. See below.

As this is my last post for the week, following my response
to Fluffy is a quick comment noting one of Barry's especially
ugly lies about me from his rant this morning

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@... wrote:

 Just to make sure you all GET this, it's hilarious:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
 Basically all what Judy knows, which goes beyond superficial
 beginner level comes from what has been said by people *here*
 on one of these forums who were more involved in the past.

Says navashok, *citing what I myself just said* as if
it were his own analysis.
   Oh, come on, how silly is this? Just because we came to the
   same conclusion, as it is simply the TRUTH, doesn't mean I
   have copied or even seen your post that was actually just
   sent 8 minutes before.
 Now Judy's hilarious reaction:
  It was in the post you're responding to, you utter nitwit.
  You *quote* it below. How STOOPID can you *get*?
  Have you ever heard the term own goal?
 And now comes the quote of herself she was most likely referring to:
And I've never claimed my knowledge goes beyond what
is taught to the rank-and-file and what I've picked
up from teachers on this and other Web forums. Oh,
and during my stay at the TM facility in Asbury Park
back in '95-'96.
 Now dear reader, please count the arrows before the quote:
 3 arrowsin the quote of Judy above, and 4 arrows in the quote by me at 
 the top. That means, her comment in *this* post regarding herself is 
 AFTER my comment, she is just repeating what she had said elsewhere. And this 
 elsewhere is most likely this post: 
 #337947 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/337947

There's a reason Fluffy doesn't quote this post but only
links to it. It's because if he quoted it, readers would
see that I was quoting myself *from an earlier post*:


 It's not even addressed to me, and was just posted a few
 minutes before mine, indeed at the time I was composing
 it, so I hadn't seen it, and therefore my analysis,
 completely correct according to her own admission, was in
 fact MY own.
Sorry, no. Post #337767 was made on 3/11, plenty of time for
Fluffy to have seen it before making his comment.

So, in fact, Fluffy's analysis was something he picked up
from me but is pretending was his own idea. And when I
caught him at it, he freaked and devised this elaborate
lie in an attempt to cover it up.

 So, to summarize: Judy complains that I copy a judgment she
 has made of herself, then repeats this judgment in the very
 same post, to just say that I commented on it. She's so
 confused, blinded by her mindless anger that she makes a
 very stupid mistake. To make stupid mistakes is something
 that can be excused, but this very childishness of thriving
 in *finding* something to denigrate the other person, to the
 point where you make it up, that's disgusting. In this case
 we call it OWN GOAL.

The projection is just delicious, isn't it? And all over such
an essentially minor point.

OK, now to Barry, who wrote this morning in

 One of the other hallmark behaviors of the C-word bunch
 is something that they actually *admit* from time to time,
 as Jimbo did yesterday. They don't just want to put down
 the people they consider enemies, they want to drive them
 off the forum. Judy has admitted as much many times over
 the years, and gloats when she manages it, as she did with
 Sal Sunshine.

This is not a minor point. It's made up out of whole cloth,
deliberately and maliciously.

And it's another instance of projection. The list of people
Barry has driven off the forum is a long one.

The rest of his post is so deranged it doesn't warrant
comment; everyone who reads it will recognize it for
what it is.

Whatever additional lies Barry and Fluffy tell about me
between now and Friday evening, I'll take apart over the

[FairfieldLife] Did Hugo Chavez Tell Jesus to Pick a South Amercan Pope?

2013-03-14 Thread John
That's the talk in Venezuela today.  But it appears that this is more likely a 
political ploy by the acting president of the country to gain support among the 


[FairfieldLife] Free Man In Paris, v1.08

2013-03-14 Thread turquoiseb
What makes art Art? What is it that differentiates a velvet Elvis
painting from the Mona Lisa? They're both just portraits of a smiling
person, after all, but one is kitch and the other is Art.

My theory is that the thing that makes art Art is the same thing that
makes the ordinary extraordinary, and that makes enlightenment
Enlightenment -- how much attention you bring to the experience, paired
with how much you bring to the relating of the experience to others.

The ordinary really isn't. There are no such things as ordinary days and
extraordinary days; there are only days. What turns the former into the
latter is just paying attention, and noticing that *every* day is
extraordinary. And it's the same thing with enlightenment; nothing
whatsoever changes, except your perception of everything.

So, to expand upon my theory, just noticing that the ordinary is and has
always been extraordinary isn't Art. Just noticing that you have always
already been enlightened isn't Art. Both are purely subjective
experiences; only the person experiencing them experiences them.

It's when you attempt to convey these subjective experiences to others
that Art happens. If you can bring the same level of attention that you
brought to noticing the extraordinary and noticing enlightenment to the
attempt to convey it to others, *then* you have the possibility of
creating Art.

What distinguishes the velvet Elvis painting from the Mona Lisa is the
degree of attention the painters brought to the creation of them. If
they did a good job, the extraordinary or enlightened visions they
experienced subjectively somehow get captured in the artwork, and come
through the painting, such that other people can get a sense of the
artist's subjective experience. That's my theory, anyway. How you see
things don't mean shit, and don't make you an artist. But if you can
manage to allow other people to see things the way you see them,
sometimes that becomes Art.

Paris is a great town for art. There are 204 museums in the city (not
just 153 as Wikipedia thinks), and all of them are open FOR FREE one
evening a week and one day a week. I'm looking forward to cruising a few
of them. If I find any of them extraordinary, I'll try to report my
subjective experience here, and see whether anyone can catch a buzz off
of it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread John

It appears that Texas has many talented people, including George W. who has a 
hidden talent for painting dogs.  As far as learning languages are concerned, 
are you studying these languages on your own or do you have teachers to help 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

Habemus Papam!
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea commodo 
 John jr_esq:
  We're impressed with your Latin.  But what does it say?
 Thanks, John - Latin, like Sanskrit, is a dead language. 
 Currently I am learning not only Latin, but Spanish, French,
 Japanese, Sanskrit, Hindi, Tibetan, and Urdu.
 In fact, Sanskrit has never been the spoken language of
 any people, anywhere.
 There are no bija mantras mentioned in Rig Veda, and no
 bija mantras are found in any Vedic Literature.
 There is a lot of information about Sanskrit coming out 
 of Texas lately, some of it is true and some of it is 
 just plain misleading.
 However, in reality, there are not that many ordinary 
 folks around here who can read Sanskrit or understand it, 
 much less recite the nicknames of all the devas in a 
 foreign tongue!
 We depend on hearsay for most of our information, usually
 overhearing phrases at camp-meets. A few bhogis like to
 read newsgroups on the Internet and post by day, but many
 of us adepts do not even like to use overseas languages 
 for communication among ourselves, preferring instead our 
 own native Tex-Mex dialect, called Lingo, which is ideally
 suited to household life.
 However, a lot of folks around here are bi-lingual to a
 certain degree. In fact, San Antonio has been described 
 as one of the most diverse ethnic cities in the U.S. I 
 guess that is why they call that amusement park 'Six Flags 
 Over Texas'. LoL!
 Anyway, we local yokels aproppriate our phrases from Yaqui,
 Spanish, English, German, and French words. In addition,
 we make use of a lot of place names that we ripped off
 from the native indigenous population, such as Pontiac,
  Taos, and Milwaukee.
 This notwithstanding, there has been an increased interest
 in Oriental vernaculars, such as Hindi and Tibetan, due to
 an influx of tourists, immigrants, and International
 The resident Swami here is said to be able to speak five
  languages, including  fluent English and Urdu. The Swami,
 who recently gave a speech in Hindi, has an interesting
 habit of omitting certain dipthongs when using Sanskrit
 words, e.g. Yog for Yoga, etc.
 In addition, there has been an increased interest in
 learning Sanskrit on this very newsgroup. One informant,
 sometimes posting under the handle 'Chief Shitting Bull',
 claims to have a special apprenticeship with a certain
 'Mullquist', who is reputed to be somewhat of a linguist
 somewhere up in Nokialand.
 Apparently, the language called Sanskrit was not spoken
 by the Vedic population of ancient India, being a dead
 language akin to Latin, and used solely for oral liturgical
 purposes by priests during the Homa ceremony.
 Written Sanskrit was invented later by Panini, who lived
 long after the Vedas were first recited by the ancient
 rishis and sages. It is a fact, that the first known
 written vernacular in India is from the pillar of King
 Ashoka at Sarnath, and it is not written in Sanskrit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-14 Thread Buck

  Interesting this comes out now.  We were just talking here comparing TM and 
 the Papists the other morning.
 Such synchrony.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@ wrote:
   I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new sensitivity in 
   India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this gang-rape 
   case, which is still going on. 
  The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise the 
  movement in India will be dead.

 According to the newspaper accounts
it is more than sexual harassment,
'twas molestation and predatory.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual harassment 
  guideline for its employees and officers?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
   Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or testicles, 
   there's gonna be trouble.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for everyone around 
it now,  for all the good people who work properly with extreme 
propriety to make things work well and achieve great things.  This is 
disheartening sickening.

 She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop williamgcoop@ wrote:
   Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation
  A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya Mandir in
   has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi Vidya 
  Mandir group
  of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental torture.
  Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier this 
  year at
  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to Bhopal 
  couple of
  days ago.
  The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission (SWC) 
  that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also worked 
  with the
  group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with him.
  The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband take her 
  on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five star 
  hotel was
  booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband away on 
  and then molest her.
  She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but when 
  became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to file a
  There have been counter allegations that the husband had been 
  trying to
  extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with claims that 
  he sent
  various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned Varma's 
  image on
  social networking sites.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

 In addition, there has been an increased interest in
 learning Sanskrit on this very newsgroup. One informant,
 sometimes posting under the handle 'Chief Shitting Bull',
 claims to have a special apprenticeship with a certain
 'Mullquist', who is reputed to be somewhat of a linguist
 somewhere up in Nokialand.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread merudanda
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia 
and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in 
Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language 
ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it 
with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which 
roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful 
Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost 
unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the 
name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The 
Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad 
Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind 
Text didn't listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial
into  the belt and made herself on the way. When she reached the first
hills  of the Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline
of her  hometown Bookmarksgrove, the headline of Alphabet Village and
the  subline of her own road, the Line Lane. Pityful a rethoric question
ran  over her cheek, then .
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

Habemus Papam!
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea commodo
 John jr_esq:
  We're impressed with your Latin.  But what does it say?
 Thanks, John - Latin, like Sanskrit, is a dead language.

 Currently I am learning not only Latin, but Spanish, French,


 not to forget


not to forget
De ruffen laacht blëtzen dee. De net rifft Kléder däischter,
geet Bänk Noper den as. Onser iweral Nuechtegall hu dee, d'Blumme
hannendrun sou hu. Dé Land d'Wéën Fielse dén, spilt Stieren hun
Wär gemaacht Dauschen si. Eise Kënnt hun en
not to forget
Festonomo familiano ik dio, unt edzo rilativo miriametro o. Cento
frazospeco for jo, iv ism unuo halt' esceptinte. Neado kazablanko ke
ont, oni ve kurta jugoslavo kondicionalo. Kelka duontono ian ar, vato
trioleto matematika kv poa.
not to forget
Su apprende distinguer concretisation nos, web il unic parlar
connectiones, como cadeva del su. Nos studio traducite independente da,
subjecto promotores se nos. Africa personas pro al, tu nos ascoltar
immediatemente. Web al ultra publication..
not to forget
Fárë inyo palla cua vi, nauva nuquéra yen é, oa pitya
valdë ataquë car. Fárë axan ré loc, ná talta ninwa
hantalë var. Fum valda ataquë yá, nírë vórima
órë nó. Engë pahta wilwarin má nal. Hérë torma
naitya ëa nar, fëa sa amorta amilessë. Mí sírë
úcarë metta tar, oi vëa ilma engwa varnë
not to forget
Brat kozxa dusxijm ona mi, vi ulca ovocx scxastie tut. Sos to mlodica
premnog svekrotec, bez es ribaf premnog. Des to malju robijt zapalka.
Divajm cxesajut dom on, oni on insxto pomocijt. On vse ostaj mezxu
usmehili, detes gotovit kazahzem on eda. Iskate zapalit ekonomju om sol,
es podpor zveris zxiznuf oni. Glosuf mlodju vcxera dva ti, podpor
politju tof to.
not to forget
Ine dite giuma akama ta, kini pogin amadaci co vio. Imi agaden finyuri
tu. Ino ne amio ilocio. Ma itone nedini ika, visu boro purojen on jio.
Aga cagun tebin iraxin zu. Tu aci pana denda pekaba..
not to forget
unpa utala ni jan, vi kule utala ike. ale jaki awen nasa mu, ni nena
suwi sike mod, ale linja kulupu ko. vi waso sina oko, ni pipi seli wawa
ike. vt anu loje monsi. ale mi olin toki seli, en pipi prep anu.
li kasi utala akesi oth, en pipi unpa ali. kasi nanpa pi kin, mama
not to forget
Si finots panemon pösodis lif, fat fa igleipom telans ulelifikom. Beg
po blufön klotem. Pas abel begom ün. Mö moö flapön
lügons utanes.
Elaboms getedön fut fa. Daifafideds..
not to forget
P1x y4 fr33) 5umm4|213z, 1nf0 1nd1c473z0r 4s z33, iz d0nT F1lt3r
INt3r35+3d vve. Da @R3 p@gE$ 3|53wh3r3. FOr da tH4T wIlL pR0dUc+, @nD 0R
j00'|| 3n4b|3d,. Kl1x 3nT3R 5O f4q. 54y, f34tUr3 t0 fOr, y4 p1x |-|@v3
r35ul7, INFoRm4T10N, 534r(h 717|3z c0mm4ndz 1T H45.

not to forget
-··· ···-- · ··· · ·-· -- ·
·-·-·- ··--·· -·-· --··· ---·· --- · --
·-·· · -·- -· --- ·--- · --- -- ·-··
- ---·· - ·-·· ··--·· ---  ·-·· --
-·- ·· --· - · --··· -- --- ·--· -·--

not to forget

AND not to forget
etcetcetc  etcetcEtcetc etc etc etceEtctcetcetcetc etc
etcetceEtctcetcetc, etc .Etc etcetc  etcetcetc etcetcEtcetcetcetc..


 In fact, Sanskrit has never been the spoken language of
 any people, anywhere.

 There are no bija mantras mentioned in Rig Veda, and no
 bija mantras are found in any Vedic Literature.

 There is a lot 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread merudanda

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@
  In addition, there has been an increased interest in
  learning Sanskrit on this very newsgroup. One informant,
  sometimes posting under the handle 'Chief Shitting Bull',
  claims to have a special apprenticeship with a certain
  'Mullquist', who is reputed to be somewhat of a linguist
  somewhere up in Nokialand.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-14 Thread Buck
This is really a fabulous opportunity for the new movement to come forward and 
say,We are not that! and put good people in to those facilities with an 
expectation of good and honorable behavior from the whole movement.  Make it 
clear.  Make a break from the past.  Even for the guy at the top.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

   Interesting this comes out now.  We were just talking here comparing TM 
  and the Papists the other morning.
  Such synchrony.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@ wrote:

I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new sensitivity in 
India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this gang-rape 
case, which is still going on. 
   The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise the 
   movement in India will be dead.
  According to the newspaper accounts
 it is more than sexual harassment,
 'twas molestation and predatory.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual harassment 
   guideline for its employees and officers?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
   j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or testicles, 
there's gonna be trouble.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for everyone around 
 it now,  for all the good people who work properly with extreme 
 propriety to make things work well and achieve great things.  This is 
 disheartening sickening.
  She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.  
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop williamgcoop@ 
Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation
   A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya Mandir in
has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi Vidya 
   Mandir group
   of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental 
   Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier 
   this year at
   Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to Bhopal 
   couple of
   days ago.
   The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission (SWC) 
   that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also worked 
   with the
   group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with him.
   The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband take 
   her along
   on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five star 
   hotel was
   booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband away on 
   and then molest her.
   She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but 
   when it
   became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to file 
   There have been counter allegations that the husband had been 
   trying to
   extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with claims 
   that he sent
   various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned Varma's 
   image on
   social networking sites.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread merudanda
Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet,
consectetur, adipisci velit . . .
There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to
have it, simply because it is pain ….
  De finibus bonorum et malorum,(On the ends of good and evil) a treatise
on the theory of ethics written in 45 BC
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:


 It appears that Texas has many talented people, including George W.
who has a hidden talent for painting dogs.  As far as learning languages
are concerned, are you studying these languages on your own or do you
have teachers to help you?


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@
 Habemus Papam!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea commodo
  John jr_esq:
   We're impressed with your Latin.  But what does it say?
  Thanks, John - Latin, like Sanskrit, is a dead language.
  Currently I am learning not only Latin, but Spanish, French,
  Japanese, Sanskrit, Hindi, Tibetan, and Urdu.
  In fact, Sanskrit has never been the spoken language of
  any people, anywhere.
  There are no bija mantras mentioned in Rig Veda, and no
  bija mantras are found in any Vedic Literature.
  There is a lot of information about Sanskrit coming out
  of Texas lately, some of it is true and some of it is
  just plain misleading.
  However, in reality, there are not that many ordinary
  folks around here who can read Sanskrit or understand it,
  much less recite the nicknames of all the devas in a
  foreign tongue!
  We depend on hearsay for most of our information, usually
  overhearing phrases at camp-meets. A few bhogis like to
  read newsgroups on the Internet and post by day, but many
  of us adepts do not even like to use overseas languages
  for communication among ourselves, preferring instead our
  own native Tex-Mex dialect, called Lingo, which is ideally
  suited to household life.
  However, a lot of folks around here are bi-lingual to a
  certain degree. In fact, San Antonio has been described
  as one of the most diverse ethnic cities in the U.S. I
  guess that is why they call that amusement park 'Six Flags
  Over Texas'. LoL!
  Anyway, we local yokels aproppriate our phrases from Yaqui,
  Spanish, English, German, and French words. In addition,
  we make use of a lot of place names that we ripped off
  from the native indigenous population, such as Pontiac,
   Taos, and Milwaukee.
  This notwithstanding, there has been an increased interest
  in Oriental vernaculars, such as Hindi and Tibetan, due to
  an influx of tourists, immigrants, and International
  The resident Swami here is said to be able to speak five
   languages, including  fluent English and Urdu. The Swami,
  who recently gave a speech in Hindi, has an interesting
  habit of omitting certain dipthongs when using Sanskrit
  words, e.g. Yog for Yoga, etc.
  In addition, there has been an increased interest in
  learning Sanskrit on this very newsgroup. One informant,
  sometimes posting under the handle 'Chief Shitting Bull',
  claims to have a special apprenticeship with a certain
  'Mullquist', who is reputed to be somewhat of a linguist
  somewhere up in Nokialand.
  Apparently, the language called Sanskrit was not spoken
  by the Vedic population of ancient India, being a dead
  language akin to Latin, and used solely for oral liturgical
  purposes by priests during the Homa ceremony.
  Written Sanskrit was invented later by Panini, who lived
  long after the Vedas were first recited by the ancient
  rishis and sages. It is a fact, that the first known
  written vernacular in India is from the pillar of King
  Ashoka at Sarnath, and it is not written in Sanskrit.

[FairfieldLife] Iowa Fashion Week Begins

2013-03-14 Thread turquoiseb


[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

  According to the newspaper accounts
 it is more than sexual harassment,
 'twas molestation and predatory.

Gives me some Uday Hussein vibes.  Forcing a couple to travel with him so he 
could cuckold the husband has more of a power than sex overtone. Humiliation 
being part of the turn-on.  

Although perhaps in India where women are watched more closely, he didn't have 
the luxury Maharishi had of lots of nubile young things away from their parents 
or any chaperones. So the only way he could exert his alpha chimp sexual power 
without drawing attention to it was this kind of arrangement. And we don't know 
what kind of understanding was in place until the wheels came off.  Proximity 
to power has its perks.  Do they view him as a realized guru in the Indian TM 
movement?  I wonder.  I always think that this makes the power differential 
even worse.

So there may be more than one perspective on what went down.  Girish is another 
version of the rich, entitled, power-positioned asshole playing alpha to some 
woman he hired.  How far he strays into darker territory will hopefully come 
out if the Indian press has the same interest in sex-power stories we do here.

Spoiler alert: they do.  Inquiring minds want to know.  Atcha!

   Interesting this comes out now.  We were just talking here comparing TM 
  and the Papists the other morning.
  Such synchrony.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@ wrote:

I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new sensitivity in 
India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this gang-rape 
case, which is still going on. 
   The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise the 
   movement in India will be dead.
  According to the newspaper accounts
 it is more than sexual harassment,
 'twas molestation and predatory.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual harassment 
   guideline for its employees and officers?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
   j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or testicles, 
there's gonna be trouble.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for everyone around 
 it now,  for all the good people who work properly with extreme 
 propriety to make things work well and achieve great things.  This is 
 disheartening sickening.
  She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.  
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop williamgcoop@ 
Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation
   A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya Mandir in
has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi Vidya 
   Mandir group
   of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental 
   Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier 
   this year at
   Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to Bhopal 
   couple of
   days ago.
   The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission (SWC) 
   that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also worked 
   with the
   group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with him.
   The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband take 
   her along
   on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five star 
   hotel was
   booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband away on 
   and then molest her.
   She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but 
   when it
   became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to file 
   There have been counter allegations that the husband had been 
   trying to
   extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with claims 
   that he sent
   various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned Varma's 
   image on
   social networking sites.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread Duveyoung
All I know is that all the changes in my personality -- the few I can spot -- 
have come from VERY HARD KNOCKS.  30 years of TM still found me with low 
esteem, almost-clinical narcissism, and a denial engine that was churning out 
magical thinking rat-a-tat-tat.  I was not funnier, smarter, kinder, wiser or 
whatever-er than anyone else after 30 years of TM -- and those qualities are 
easy found in others who didn't meditate during similar evolutionary periods. 

Sure, going to the dome, being in the FF community mind-set, teaching TM -- all 
those had ordinary impacts on me in that I was dealing with people, money, time 
use, and on and on -- and those things mature a person because those processes 
are iterated and hardwired and must needs have impacts on other processes.  
Obviously anyone who would put as much time into Scientology or Catholicism as 
I did for TM would have similar stories and personal growth just from all the 
people business that has to be part of that.

And all the folks I ever met in FF and the TMO sure seem like they never 
changed.  I never not once met someone -- decades after teacher training say -- 
who was not immediately recognizable as the same person.  Anyone detect any 
changes in any of the long timer leaders?  Aren't they all at about the same 
level of ass-hole-ish-ness as when you first knew of them?  

I like the same foods, I like the same lifestyle, I like the same sex style, I 
like the same everything and hate the same hatefuls.

And I have to take more naps at 68 years old, and I'm aging like all the rest 
of youand so did and are all the TMers -- especially the so-called 

And, I still don't get sick -- knock on wood -- as it always was for me in days 
gone by, no colds or anything for 15 years.  So, at least TM didn't make me 
more likely to get sensitive to various germs -- so that's a benefit, now is it?


No one gets measured at the beginning of TM to establish a tare weight. BAH!  
And worse, no one can be measured in such a way that it would be scientific -- 
decades later -- to assign cause to any changes.  

Remember that our environment has 50,000 chemicals being pumped into it by 
industry -- and almost none of them actually tested for toxicity -- a micro dot 
of LSD can make you crazy -- what to speak of all those other chemicals and 
their effects?  If someone HAS improved over the decades it could be because 
they live downwind of the one chimney in America spewing the one chemical that 
that one person gets affected by -- like that -- all longitudinal research is 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Edg, I'm not sure what you mean by the conventional processes of ordinary 
 human psychology.  What do you mean by ordinary?  What do you mean by 
 conventional processes?  Did somebody say FF has more saints or Arjuna pals 
 than other towns of comparable size?!  I think I missed a post but thought 
 I'd attempt a reply anyway.  Probably a bad idea but also want to thank you 
 for the youtube clip (-:     
 Lastly, does ANYTHING really change ANYONE'S basic personality?
  From: Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 6:46 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being 
 resisted by polite activists.
 Who here has the guts of these guys?
 You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are heroes 
 --  wizards of holding onto rights. 
 Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
 righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
 trying to lead was kicked out, right?
 I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
 braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals. 
 And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
 doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of 
 ordinary human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same number 
 of saints as any other town its size.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@ wrote:
  In addition, there has been an increased interest in
  learning Sanskrit on this very newsgroup. One informant,
  sometimes posting under the handle 'Chief Shitting Bull',
  claims to have a special apprenticeship with a certain
  'Mullquist', who is reputed to be somewhat of a linguist
  somewhere up in Nokialand.

Hey Card,

That was hilarious.  You just made my day!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Man In Paris, v1.08

2013-03-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
This is a great art rap Barry and a topic I've had on my mind.  I think your 
perspective has merit.  You are talking more about the inside of the artist, 
and I will talk about the outer expression.  I would like to add two things 
that apply across art forms.

One is that technical skill in itself can be entertaining but can also come off 
as superficial if the artist is not using it for a deeper purpose.  But the 
combination allows for an expression of not just more subtle things, but the 
kind of subtext mix that is closer to how people feel.

Examples would be the way an actor can portray not only the joy of winning but 
as a sub-emotion the embarrassment of so much attention on them.  Meryle Streep 
is famous for the ability to convey two things at once, something under the 
surface that draws us into a question about her characters. You can't sum up 
the Mona Lisa as 
happy chick. There is so much more being expressed by her expression and 
pulling that off so even a cretin like me can recognize it is not easy. 

So for a velvet painting to be what I consider the best art, it would have to 
have two things with the second thing more important.  First the actual 
painting technique would have to be subtle enough to be able to express the 
kind of detailed depth I am talking about.  It would have to be able to express 
not only Elvis' grinning magnetic charm and confidence, but somehow, like the 
enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa, express his inner conflicts, something in how 
the eyes mismatch the smile, that would let us know that there is something 
under the surface of this star's megawatts.  Something human that touches us 
and that we can recognize in ourselves.

And Elvis had this quality in his personality.  No matter how much he embraced 
his star quality on stage, he always conveyed a slight smirking inside joke 
vibe, that let you know he wasn't taking himself completely seriously.  It was 
endearing and would be very hard to capture in art.

That is always my goal in music.  To express more than one feeling in the 
complexity of songs about relationships and life's mortality.  And the early 
bluesmen had this quality, both in their lyrics and in their style of 

I've got a kindhearted woman, do anything in the world for me,  
I've got a kindhearted woman, do anything in the world for me,
But those evil-hearted women, they will not let me be.

I've got a kindhearted woman, but she studies evil all the time,
Ive got a kindhearted woman, but she studies evil all the time,
Ya wells to kill me baby, just to have it on your mind.

Robert Johnson 1936-37

I look forward to the Paris art reports.  My favorite museum there was near the 
Eiffel Tower I think, the small impressionist museum.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 What makes art Art? What is it that differentiates a velvet Elvis
 painting from the Mona Lisa? They're both just portraits of a smiling
 person, after all, but one is kitch and the other is Art.
 My theory is that the thing that makes art Art is the same thing that
 makes the ordinary extraordinary, and that makes enlightenment
 Enlightenment -- how much attention you bring to the experience, paired
 with how much you bring to the relating of the experience to others.
 The ordinary really isn't. There are no such things as ordinary days and
 extraordinary days; there are only days. What turns the former into the
 latter is just paying attention, and noticing that *every* day is
 extraordinary. And it's the same thing with enlightenment; nothing
 whatsoever changes, except your perception of everything.
 So, to expand upon my theory, just noticing that the ordinary is and has
 always been extraordinary isn't Art. Just noticing that you have always
 already been enlightened isn't Art. Both are purely subjective
 experiences; only the person experiencing them experiences them.
 It's when you attempt to convey these subjective experiences to others
 that Art happens. If you can bring the same level of attention that you
 brought to noticing the extraordinary and noticing enlightenment to the
 attempt to convey it to others, *then* you have the possibility of
 creating Art.
 What distinguishes the velvet Elvis painting from the Mona Lisa is the
 degree of attention the painters brought to the creation of them. If
 they did a good job, the extraordinary or enlightened visions they
 experienced subjectively somehow get captured in the artwork, and come
 through the painting, such that other people can get a sense of the
 artist's subjective experience. That's my theory, anyway. How you see
 things don't mean shit, and don't make you an artist. But if you can
 manage to allow other people to see things the way you see them,
 sometimes that becomes Art.
 Paris is a great town for art. There are 204 museums in the city (not
 just 153 as Wikipedia thinks), and all of them are open FOR FREE one
 evening a week and one day 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

John jr_esq:
 As far as learning languages are concerned, are you
 studying these languages on your own or do you have
 teachers to help you?

There's a Tibetan and Indian diaspora in Texas. Also,
I'm getting much help from Prof Mullquist.

Apparently the earliest epigraphic evidence on languages
employed in India comes from the inscriptions of Asoka
inscribed in third century B.C.

Asoka took care that his messages were intelligible to
all and he used a particular kind of Prakrit. Even more
remarkable is the fact, which has been recently
discovered, that for those people who at the time lived
in Afghanistan, his message was given in Greek as well
as Aramaic.

One of the Greek inscriptions is a translation of the
Kalinga Edict, and the Greek of the inscriptions is not
inferior in style to the classical Greek of Greek
literature. In such circumstances neglect of Sanskrit
by Asoka, if the language was in use, would be contrary
to all his practice.


So, the absence of Sanskrit in his inscriptions
indicates that it did not exist at that time, as
otherwise he would have certainly used it.

According to Chaudhuri, ...before Christ in India there
were many foreign invasions which introduced many foreign
languages. These mixing with the early Indian languages
led to what is often called a Prakrit which was diverse
in nature. There was a confusion of languages, and this
led Indian scholars to develop Sanskrit which borrowed
from the earlier languages existing in India.

The first evidence of classical Sanskrit is attested by
an inscription dating around A.D.150 in the Brahmi script.
It records the repair of a dam originally built by
Chandragupta Maurya, and also contains a panegyric in
verse which can be regarded as the first literary
composition in classical Sanskrit.

It is at Girnar in Kathiawar and was inscribed by
Rudradamana, the Saka Satrap of Ujjayini, on the same
rock on which the Fourteen Rock Edicts of Asoka were
also found.

It is significant that Rudradamana employed classical
Sanskrit in a region where about four hundred years before
him Asoka had used only Prakrit. This definitely proves
that in the second century AD Sanskrit was replacing
the dialects.

Even so the language did not replace Prakrit everywhere,
but it continued to be used in inscriptions for something
like one hundred years or even more after this date.

However, from the fifth century A.D. classical Sanskrit is
seen to be the dominant language in the inscriptions.

Work cited:

1. Hinduism, by Nirad C. Chaudhuri, Oxford University
Press,  USA, 1979.

 Habemus Papam!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea commodo
  John jr_esq:
   We're impressed with your Latin.  But what does it say?
  Thanks, John - Latin, like Sanskrit, is a dead language.
  Currently I am learning not only Latin, but Spanish, French,
  Japanese, Sanskrit, Hindi, Tibetan, and Urdu.
  In fact, Sanskrit has never been the spoken language of
  any people, anywhere.
  There are no bija mantras mentioned in Rig Veda, and no
  bija mantras are found in any Vedic Literature.
  There is a lot of information about Sanskrit coming out
  of Texas lately, some of it is true and some of it is
  just plain misleading.
  However, in reality, there are not that many ordinary
  folks around here who can read Sanskrit or understand it,
  much less recite the nicknames of all the devas in a
  foreign tongue!
  We depend on hearsay for most of our information, usually
  overhearing phrases at camp-meets. A few bhogis like to
  read newsgroups on the Internet and post by day, but many
  of us adepts do not even like to use overseas languages
  for communication among ourselves, preferring instead our
  own native Tex-Mex dialect, called Lingo, which is ideally
  suited to household life.
  However, a lot of folks around here are bi-lingual to a
  certain degree. In fact, San Antonio has been described
  as one of the most diverse ethnic cities in the U.S. I
  guess that is why they call that amusement park 'Six Flags
  Over Texas'. LoL!
  Anyway, we local yokels aproppriate our phrases from Yaqui,
  Spanish, English, German, and French words. In addition,
  we make use of a lot of place names that we ripped off
  from the native indigenous population, such as Pontiac,
   Taos, and Milwaukee.
  This notwithstanding, there has been an increased interest
  in Oriental vernaculars, such as Hindi and Tibetan, due to
  an influx of tourists, immigrants, and International
  The resident Swami here is said to be able to speak five
   languages, including  fluent English and Urdu. The Swami,
  who recently gave a speech in Hindi, has an interesting
  habit of omitting certain dipthongs when using Sanskrit
  words, e.g. Yog for Yoga, etc.
  In addition, there has been an increased interest in

[FairfieldLife] Master Higgs Sacrament of Confirmation

2013-03-14 Thread merudanda
confirmed the confirmation of GOD's bosom [;)]


The Higgs is sometimes referred to as the God particle, to the
chagrin of many scientists, who prefer its official name.

Buck [:D] , however, LOVE


that name.
If physicists can definitively detect the Higgs boson and determine its
mass, the discovery would have wide-reaching implications. Here are five
of the biggest.

I've had them waiting far below me,
When I scrambled down the net.
There in all that darkness,
Was I scared? Well, you bet!

And if ol' Master Higgs,
Is alive in this here day,
Let's give him a party
Just so we can say,
Many thanks, Master Higgs.
You've done yourself real proud!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
 Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor 
 sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit . . .

Omne malum nascens facile opprimitur, inveteratum fit 
plerumque robustius. - Cicero

[FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@... wrote:

 And all the folks I ever met in FF and the TMO sure seem 
 like they never changed. I never not once met someone -- 
 decades after teacher training say -- who was not immediately 
 recognizable as the same person. Anyone detect any changes 
 in any of the long timer leaders? Aren't they all at about 
 the same level of ass-hole-ish-ness as when you first knew 
 of them?  

Good rap, Edg. As a commentary, once after years away from
both TM and the TMO I happened to pass through Fairfield.
Curious, I parked my car and spent a little time wandering
around the town and the campus. This was a few years after
I had started studying with the Rama guy, and although I
had certainly felt subjective changes, I wondered if any
of them would be evident to anyone I ran into who had
known me previously. 

Alas, I didn't run into any of those people. Until I real-
ized that I needed to mail a letter and didn't have a 
stamp, and went to the Post Office, as I remember the one
either near or on campus. There was a long line, and while
I was waiting I noticed a woman also waiting in line whom
I had known back in L.A. and on various TM courses. I 
smiled, but she didn't seem to acknowledge it. We were in
parallel lines, and thus arrived at the window at the same 
time, so I turned and said hello to her. 

She looked at me as if I were a complete stranger. 

We had slept together. 

[ Ann is free to insert one of her bitchy remarks about
how less-than-memorable sex with me must have been, and
she may well be correct. But the issue was genuinely not
that she remembered me less than fondly, but that she
didn't recognize me at all. ]

I finally had to introduce myself, and at first she smiled
and brightened and said, Oh yes...Barry...my God, I didn't
even recognize you. But then she paused, and her face
darkened, and she said (I shit you not), But wait...didn't
you leave the Movement (it had a capital letter the way
she said it)? Didn't you go Off The Program (three capital

I laughed and admitted both. She left hurriedly. She may
have actually taken a bath when she got home to wash the
Cooties off. :-)

One of the differences I have noticed between some spiritual
traditions and TM's is that in the former, people seem to
visibly change, and often. In the TM movement, they don't.
People may believe that they've changed on the inside, but
it rarely seems to make it to the outside. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread Bhairitu
Speaking of jury duty, I got a jury summons the other day for a county 
courthouse 20 miles away!  I live at the county seat and the main 
courthouse is right here just a few miles away.  So why the fuck are 
they wanting me to go to that courthouse?  And why in a county with over 
a million population why do I get a summons every two years?  That's 
just not right.  The reason why is probably like the dumb ass DHS jerks 
many of the people who work in government are out of touch with 
reality.  They just behave like robots.  I'm going to fight this summons 
and try to get the issue publicized.  However a friend who lives in this 
town says that courthouse is supposed to be closed. Perhaps just 
postponing my jury duty might push to the date where it is closed and 
the cases moved locally.  What a jerk off place the US is becoming.

On 03/13/2013 07:40 PM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:
 I was recently excused from a jury after stating to the prosecutor that both 
 the practice of convicting someone with intent to commit a crime, when they 
 did not have the intent, and the practice of using inmate testimony against 
 the defendant, were legal concepts I could not accept. Also said that I could 
 not automatically trust the testimony of a police officer (due to life 
 experience). I wasn't belligerent, and framed my responses clearly and 
 respectfully. Gotta stand up for our rights - no one else will.

 On the other hand, I am very grateful to have a police force in place, though 
 there are obvious limits on their power.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@... wrote:
 Who here has the guts of these guys?

 You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are 
 heroes --  wizards of holding onto rights.

 Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
 righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
 trying to lead was kicked out, right?

 I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
 braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals.

 And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
 doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of 
 ordinary human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same number 
 of saints as any other town its size.



[FairfieldLife] Obesity (was Re: World Naked Bike Ride 2013)

2013-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

  So. Now. Let's get into what upset you so much about
  this that it stuck in your mind, and led you to believe
  that I would be ashamed of it?
 Because, all your Ex's live in Texas? LoL!
 http://youtu.be/lMNw_-yUm_0 http://youtu.be/lMNw_-yUm_0

I remember that old Frio River
Where I learned to swim
But it brings to mind another time
Where I wore my welcome thin
By transcendental meditation
I go there each night
But I always come back to myself
Long before daylight


  First, where does it say in the story that she was 19?
  More important, where does it say that I had sex with
  her? I intentionally left that part a mystery, as
  it should be.
  Tell us, what really *bugged* you about this? We can
  tell that something did.
  Was it me using FFL as an audience and just rapping
  about the real events of my real life? I can under-
  stand how that concept might be foreign to you.
  Or was it the idea that a young woman found me (not
  to mention my decor) attractive? I can see how that
  experience might not have crossed your path, either.
  Boy, if you couldn't handle that one, this one must
  have fuckin' flipped you out.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment, innicent till judged by court!

2013-03-14 Thread wleed3
Suspension till case is adjudicated or settled in some manor!!! All are  stand 
innocent in law, till proven, in law or other wise!

In a message dated 03/14/13 12:13:56 Eastern Daylight Time, 
dhamiltony...@yahoo.com writes:

  Interesting this comes out now.  We were just talking here comparing TM and 
 the Papists the other morning. 
 Such synchrony. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, innocent no_reply@ wrote: 
   I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new sensitivity in 
   India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this gang-rape 
   case, which is still going on. 
  The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise the 
  movement in India will be dead. 

According to the newspaper accounts 
it is more than sexual harassment, 
'twas molestation and predatory. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote: 
  In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual harassment 
  guideline for its employees and officers? 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
   Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or testicles, 
   there's gonna be trouble. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote: 

This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for everyone around 
it now,  for all the good people who work properly with extreme 
propriety to make things work well and achieve great things.  This is 
disheartening sickening. 

 She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.   
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop williamgcoop@ 
   Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation 
  A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya Mandir in 
   has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi Vidya 
  Mandir group 
  of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental torture. 
  Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier this 
  year at 
  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to Bhopal 
  couple of 
  days ago. 
  The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission (SWC) 
  that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also worked 
  with the 
  group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with him. 
  The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband take her 
  on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five star 
  hotel was 
  booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband away on 
  and then molest her. 
  She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but when 
  became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to file a 
  There have been counter allegations that the husband had been 
  trying to 
  extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with claims that 
  he sent 
  various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned Varma's 
  image on 
  social networking sites. 



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Drinking coffee made from snow....

2013-03-14 Thread Bhairitu
On 03/13/2013 08:15 PM, Ann wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 Sorry to use you as an example but what I wanted to point out that often
 when I come across people who say it's simple to lose weight I think
 they've never had to diet at least not lose weight.

 As a sports trainer haven't ever come across people who get tired within
 a few minutes of exercise?  Some of these people often have an adrenal
 insufficiency which is unimaginable to people without it.  And most
 people who become sports trainers DON'T have that problem except for the
 few who have taken on the problem and solved it and in the process
 became trainers.

 I also know that many athletic trainers are hip to the metabolic
 concepts.  That one book I mentioned buying a few weeks ago online was
 one I had not yet seen on metabolic typing by a sports trainer to the
 stars Philip Goglia called Turn Up the Heat.  He has attempt to
 simplify the process of determining the metabolic type without extensive

 Yes, theoretically if we burn more calories than we take in it should
 work.  That's sort of the bottom line but I'm just sayin' that there are
 complicating factors.

 A friend who is a psychology professor told me there is research into
 why people can gain weight just looking at food.  IOW, this seems to
 happen with some people.
 I am far from any expert in metabolism or of the factors that go into diet 
 and the organs that metabolize food. I am not a dietician, nutritionist, 
 ayurvedic expert or doctor. You seem to have a fairly sophisticated knowledge 
 of this field. And I know it is ongoing as far as the discovery of new and 
 relevant data on food groups, body types etc. etc. Very complex. I only know 
 what my body has responded to over the years in terms of diet and how it is 
 changing on the outside now. I would love to have a body of a 25 year old 
 again but this old carcass is all I've got and I try and look after it by 
 making it work a little and by eating what I believe to be healthy foods in 
 moderate amounts. But I also need to find a balance between what I crave ie 
 Chocolate Haagan dazs sundays and what I believe will keep my physical shell 
 functioning optimally. Indulgence vs healthy practice.

Have you tried to recall your consciousness at age 25?  The body is very 
malleable and it might find it pleasing and will try to adapt to it.  
IOW, samyama of being 25.  It may reverse any damage due to aging.  Yes 
metabolism is sort of complex and it also can change. Your original 
statements suggested slow oxidizer but your later admissions suggest 
fast oxidizer.  I'm not trying to diagnose or anything but just mention 
some things I learned along the way.  I've mentioned it before but one 
of the leading experts in metabolic typing is a TM teacher I knew back 
in the 1970s.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread Bhairitu
Locally one of the chemicals the refineries are spewing into the air is 
estrogen.  It's feminizing the men as well as contributing to obesity. 
So are many of the chemicals in processed foods.  I'm sure if I posted 
on the local news blog about the estrogen release I might have an 
accident. There is also an accusation that fluoride in the water acts 
as a mild tranquilizer and the real reason it's there rather than to 
fight tooth decay. Actually it's there as a way to get rid of a 
difficult toxic by-product of aluminum industry.  It tends to make 
American passive.

My tantric guru said personalities won't change a lot due to 
enlightenment as the samskaras responsible for personalty don't tend to 
get burnt away.  Sort of the remains of ignorance that Maharishi 
talked about.

If I want a nap in the afternoon I know something is off about my 
metabolism and do something about it.  At peak performance I need only 
4-6 hours of sleep.

Also sounds like you are not really a people person but got put in 
charge of jobs where you had to be.  I hear you on that. ;-)

On 03/14/2013 09:15 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
 All I know is that all the changes in my personality -- the few I can spot -- 
 have come from VERY HARD KNOCKS.  30 years of TM still found me with low 
 esteem, almost-clinical narcissism, and a denial engine that was churning 
 out magical thinking rat-a-tat-tat.  I was not funnier, smarter, kinder, 
 wiser or whatever-er than anyone else after 30 years of TM -- and those 
 qualities are easy found in others who didn't meditate during similar 
 evolutionary periods.

 Sure, going to the dome, being in the FF community mind-set, teaching TM -- 
 all those had ordinary impacts on me in that I was dealing with people, 
 money, time use, and on and on -- and those things mature a person because 
 those processes are iterated and hardwired and must needs have impacts on 
 other processes.  Obviously anyone who would put as much time into 
 Scientology or Catholicism as I did for TM would have similar stories and 
 personal growth just from all the people business that has to be part of 

 And all the folks I ever met in FF and the TMO sure seem like they never 
 changed.  I never not once met someone -- decades after teacher training say 
 -- who was not immediately recognizable as the same person.  Anyone detect 
 any changes in any of the long timer leaders?  Aren't they all at about the 
 same level of ass-hole-ish-ness as when you first knew of them?

 I like the same foods, I like the same lifestyle, I like the same sex style, 
 I like the same everything and hate the same hatefuls.

 And I have to take more naps at 68 years old, and I'm aging like all the rest 
 of youand so did and are all the TMers -- especially the so-called 

 And, I still don't get sick -- knock on wood -- as it always was for me in 
 days gone by, no colds or anything for 15 years.  So, at least TM didn't make 
 me more likely to get sensitive to various germs -- so that's a benefit, now 
 is it?


 No one gets measured at the beginning of TM to establish a tare weight. 
 BAH!  And worse, no one can be measured in such a way that it would be 
 scientific -- decades later -- to assign cause to any changes.

 Remember that our environment has 50,000 chemicals being pumped into it by 
 industry -- and almost none of them actually tested for toxicity -- a micro 
 dot of LSD can make you crazy -- what to speak of all those other chemicals 
 and their effects?  If someone HAS improved over the decades it could be 
 because they live downwind of the one chimney in America spewing the one 
 chemical that that one person gets affected by -- like that -- all 
 longitudinal research is suspect.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
 Edg, I'm not sure what you mean by the conventional processes of ordinary 
 human psychology.  What do you mean by ordinary?  What do you mean by 
 conventional processes?  Did somebody say FF has more saints or Arjuna pals 
 than other towns of comparable size?!  I think I missed a post but thought 
 I'd attempt a reply anyway.  Probably a bad idea but also want to thank you 
 for the youtube clip (-:Â  Â Â

 Lastly, does ANYTHING really change ANYONE'S basic personality?

   From: Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 6:46 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being 
 resisted by polite activists.

 Who here has the guts of these guys?

 You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are 
 heroes --  wizards of holding onto rights.

 Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
 righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
 trying to lead was kicked out, right?

 I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment, innicent till judged by court!

2013-03-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wleed3 WLeed3@... wrote:

 Suspension till case is adjudicated or settled in some manor!!! All are  
 stand innocent in law, till proven, in law or other wise!

I hear this invoked a lot and can appreciate that until we have the facts we 
don't know what went on as I said in my post about this.

But the legal standards of  judging cases really has little to do with how we 
judge things in our daily life.  (I don't even know if what the legal standard 
in India is, do you?)  Throw in the very dubious influence peddling in India by 
the rich and powerful and it is probably unrealistic to expect us not to weigh 
in as the statements are published about what went on, to form opinions as best 
we can with what we know.  I mean are you expressing faith that an Indian 
justice system (or ours for that matter) will deal impartially with a rich guy 
like Girish who has probably cultivated many powerfully alliances.  Remember 
how well connected Sai Baba was.  that basically made him untouchable.  

Settled in law doesn't mean guilty or innocent to me.  OJ got off remember.  
But he did it. 

 In a message dated 03/14/13 12:13:56 Eastern Daylight Time, dhamiltony2k5@... 
   Interesting this comes out now.  We were just talking here comparing TM 
  and the Papists the other morning. 
  Such synchrony. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, innocent no_reply@ wrote: 


I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new sensitivity in 
India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this gang-rape 
case, which is still going on. 
   The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise the 
   movement in India will be dead. 
 According to the newspaper accounts 
 it is more than sexual harassment, 
 'twas molestation and predatory. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote: 
   In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual harassment 
   guideline for its employees and officers? 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
   j_alexander_stanley@ wrote: 

Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or testicles, 
there's gonna be trouble. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote: 
 This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for everyone around 
 it now,  for all the good people who work properly with extreme 
 propriety to make things work well and achieve great things.  This is 
 disheartening sickening. 
  She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.   
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop williamgcoop@ 
Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation 
   A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya Mandir in 
has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi Vidya 
   Mandir group 
   of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental 
   Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier 
   this year at 
   Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to Bhopal 
   couple of 
   days ago. 
   The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission (SWC) 
   that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also worked 
   with the 
   group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with him. 
   The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband take 
   her along 
   on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five star 
   hotel was 
   booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband away on 
   and then molest her. 
   She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but 
   when it 
   became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to file 
   There have been counter allegations that the husband had been 
   trying to 
   extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with claims 
   that he sent 
   various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned Varma's 
   image on 
   social networking sites. 


 To subscribe, send a message to: 
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread feste37
You are as usual talking complete rubbish, but of course, with you, anything 
goes as long as you can endlessly, unceasingly attack TM and the people who do 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  And all the folks I ever met in FF and the TMO sure seem 
  like they never changed. I never not once met someone -- 
  decades after teacher training say -- who was not immediately 
  recognizable as the same person. Anyone detect any changes 
  in any of the long timer leaders? Aren't they all at about 
  the same level of ass-hole-ish-ness as when you first knew 
  of them?  
 Good rap, Edg. As a commentary, once after years away from
 both TM and the TMO I happened to pass through Fairfield.
 Curious, I parked my car and spent a little time wandering
 around the town and the campus. This was a few years after
 I had started studying with the Rama guy, and although I
 had certainly felt subjective changes, I wondered if any
 of them would be evident to anyone I ran into who had
 known me previously. 
 Alas, I didn't run into any of those people. Until I real-
 ized that I needed to mail a letter and didn't have a 
 stamp, and went to the Post Office, as I remember the one
 either near or on campus. There was a long line, and while
 I was waiting I noticed a woman also waiting in line whom
 I had known back in L.A. and on various TM courses. I 
 smiled, but she didn't seem to acknowledge it. We were in
 parallel lines, and thus arrived at the window at the same 
 time, so I turned and said hello to her. 
 She looked at me as if I were a complete stranger. 
 We had slept together. 
 [ Ann is free to insert one of her bitchy remarks about
 how less-than-memorable sex with me must have been, and
 she may well be correct. But the issue was genuinely not
 that she remembered me less than fondly, but that she
 didn't recognize me at all. ]
 I finally had to introduce myself, and at first she smiled
 and brightened and said, Oh yes...Barry...my God, I didn't
 even recognize you. But then she paused, and her face
 darkened, and she said (I shit you not), But wait...didn't
 you leave the Movement (it had a capital letter the way
 she said it)? Didn't you go Off The Program (three capital
 I laughed and admitted both. She left hurriedly. She may
 have actually taken a bath when she got home to wash the
 Cooties off. :-)
 One of the differences I have noticed between some spiritual
 traditions and TM's is that in the former, people seem to
 visibly change, and often. In the TM movement, they don't.
 People may believe that they've changed on the inside, but
 it rarely seems to make it to the outside.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread merudanda
Verum praeterita omittamus [:D]
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

  Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor
  sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit . . .
 Omne malum nascens facile opprimitur, inveteratum fit
 plerumque robustius. - Cicero

[FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
Yep - I get summoned all the time too, though I am hoping my latest discussion 
in the courtroom has tempered that. If the courthouse is that far away, show 
up, tell them you don't have reliable transportation and it would be a hardship 
to get back and forth. They will excuse you. Lots of folks try to say they are 
too valuable at work - not a valid excuse vs. civic duty, though losing money 
as a consultant sure is, as a financial hardship. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Speaking of jury duty, I got a jury summons the other day for a county 
 courthouse 20 miles away!  I live at the county seat and the main 
 courthouse is right here just a few miles away.  So why the fuck are 
 they wanting me to go to that courthouse?  And why in a county with over 
 a million population why do I get a summons every two years?  That's 
 just not right.  The reason why is probably like the dumb ass DHS jerks 
 many of the people who work in government are out of touch with 
 reality.  They just behave like robots.  I'm going to fight this summons 
 and try to get the issue publicized.  However a friend who lives in this 
 town says that courthouse is supposed to be closed. Perhaps just 
 postponing my jury duty might push to the date where it is closed and 
 the cases moved locally.  What a jerk off place the US is becoming.
 On 03/13/2013 07:40 PM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
  I was recently excused from a jury after stating to the prosecutor that 
  both the practice of convicting someone with intent to commit a crime, when 
  they did not have the intent, and the practice of using inmate testimony 
  against the defendant, were legal concepts I could not accept. Also said 
  that I could not automatically trust the testimony of a police officer (due 
  to life experience). I wasn't belligerent, and framed my responses clearly 
  and respectfully. Gotta stand up for our rights - no one else will.
  On the other hand, I am very grateful to have a police force in place, 
  though there are obvious limits on their power.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Who here has the guts of these guys?
  You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are 
  heroes --  wizards of holding onto rights.
  Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
  righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
  trying to lead was kicked out, right?
  I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
  braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals.
  And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
  doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of 
  ordinary human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same 
  number of saints as any other town its size.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread merudanda

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 Verum praeterita omittamus [:D]
  quo in fundo propter insanas illas substructiones facile hominum mille
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
 richard@ wrote:
   Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor
   sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit . . .
  Omne malum nascens facile opprimitur, inveteratum fit
  plerumque robustius. - Cicero

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread Share Long
Edg, I won't attempt to comment on the development or lack of with regards to 
public figures or my acquaintances.  I don't feel qualified to assess that at a 
distance.  But I can say that in myself and in my close friends I have seen 
just the developments that you list:  funnier, kinder, etc.  However we have 
been practicing TM AND experiencing very hard knocks so who's to say whence 
cometh the growth?  I do think practicing TM gives a resilience to deal with 

And to follow up on what Bhairitu commented, I'd say that roasted seeds is a 
good way to describe the growth I see in myself.  I can feel the presence of 
those lifetimes old samskaras.  But many of them are dormant now, inactive and 
unable to be triggered, even some of the oldest and deepest.  But not all.  I 
know that too.

I'll say a little more about the people person thing too.  Years ago I had some 
very extensive career testing.  It found me to be 50% introvert and 50% 
extrovert.  And it's only been in the past few months that I've become 
comfortable with my introvert side.  My pastoral counselor recommended Quiet: 
the Power of the Introvert by Susan Cain and I never looked back (-:

Your paragraph about chemicals reminded of Maharishi's famous quote about how 
even the smell of a stinking bus could be what pops someone into enlightenment. 
 This is a paraphrase of course.

As for Barry's experience with his ex in the post office, I don't think there 
are very many people like that woman any more in FF.  Yes, there are some, but 
I can't even remember the last time I heard the phrase off the program.  Oh, 
it was probably the last time I read it on FFL.  How's that for irony? 

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program 
being resisted by polite activists.

Locally one of the chemicals the refineries are spewing into the air is 
estrogen.  It's feminizing the men as well as contributing to obesity. 
So are many of the chemicals in processed foods.  I'm sure if I posted 
on the local news blog about the estrogen release I might have an 
accident. There is also an accusation that fluoride in the water acts 
as a mild tranquilizer and the real reason it's there rather than to 
fight tooth decay. Actually it's there as a way to get rid of a 
difficult toxic by-product of aluminum industry.  It tends to make 
American passive.

My tantric guru said personalities won't change a lot due to 
enlightenment as the samskaras responsible for personalty don't tend to 
get burnt away.  Sort of the remains of ignorance that Maharishi 
talked about.

If I want a nap in the afternoon I know something is off about my 
metabolism and do something about it.  At peak performance I need only 
4-6 hours of sleep.

Also sounds like you are not really a people person but got put in 
charge of jobs where you had to be.  I hear you on that. ;-)

On 03/14/2013 09:15 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
 All I know is that all the changes in my personality -- the few I can spot -- 
 have come from VERY HARD KNOCKS.  30 years of TM still found me with low 
 esteem, almost-clinical narcissism, and a denial engine that was churning 
 out magical thinking rat-a-tat-tat.  I was not funnier, smarter, kinder, 
 wiser or whatever-er than anyone else after 30 years of TM -- and those 
 qualities are easy found in others who didn't meditate during similar 
 evolutionary periods.

 Sure, going to the dome, being in the FF community mind-set, teaching TM -- 
 all those had ordinary impacts on me in that I was dealing with people, 
 money, time use, and on and on -- and those things mature a person because 
 those processes are iterated and hardwired and must needs have impacts on 
 other processes.  Obviously anyone who would put as much time into 
 Scientology or Catholicism as I did for TM would have similar stories and 
 personal growth just from all the people business that has to be part of 

 And all the folks I ever met in FF and the TMO sure seem like they never 
 changed.  I never not once met someone -- decades after teacher training say 
 -- who was not immediately recognizable as the same person.  Anyone detect 
 any changes in any of the long timer leaders?  Aren't they all at about the 
 same level of ass-hole-ish-ness as when you first knew of them?

 I like the same foods, I like the same lifestyle, I like the same sex style, 
 I like the same everything and hate the same hatefuls.

 And I have to take more naps at 68 years old, and I'm aging like all the rest 
 of youand so did and are all the TMers -- especially the so-called 

 And, I still don't get sick -- knock on wood -- as it always was for me in 
 days gone by, no colds or anything for 15 years.  So, at least TM didn't make 
 me more likely to get sensitive to various germs -- so that's a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Man In Paris, v1.08

2013-03-14 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 This is a great art rap Barry and a topic I've had on my
 mind.  I think your perspective has merit. You are talking
 more about the inside of the artist, and I will talk about
 the outer expression. I would like to add two things that
 apply across art forms.

 One is that technical skill in itself can be entertaining
 but can also come off as superficial if the artist is not
 using it for a deeper purpose.

Like guitarists who can play fast, but without saying

 But the combination allows for an expression of not just
 more subtle things, but the kind of subtext mix that is
 closer to how people feel.

Like Jimi.

 Examples would be the way an actor can portray not only
 the joy of winning but as a sub-emotion the embarrassment
 of so much attention on them. Meryle Streep is famous for
 the ability to convey two things at once, something under
 the surface that draws us into a question about her

That's interesting. I never thought about her acting that
way, but now that you've said it, it makes perfect sense.
One of my favorite scenes of hers is from a little-regarded
1984 film she did with Robert De Niro called Falling In
Love. She plays an unhappily married woman who meets
unhappily married Robert De Niro and begins a long flirt-
ation with him. It culminates with her showing up at his
doorstep for their first sex date. The camera is essentially
across the street, looking at the doorway, so Meryl has her
back turned to us.

Nevertheless, she managed to convey the conflicting emotions
she was feeling by standing there, subtly shifting from one
foot to another, and then putting her hands behind her back
and wringing them together nervously. How many actresses
would have *thought* of that? It's a pivotal scene of the
film, and her fuckin' back is turned to the camera. What
to do?

But now that you mention it, in this scene -- with her back
turned to the camera -- she managed to convey two things
at once -- her excitement at seeing her new lover for their
first sex date, and at the same time what she was feeling
as a cheating wife. Magic.

 You can't sum up the Mona Lisa as happy chick. There is
 so much more being expressed by her expression and pulling
 that off so even a cretin like me can recognize it is not

Wouldn't it be a hoot if art historians discovered evidence
that she was just suffering from an acute case of 'rhoids
that day? :-) Hey, things like that have happened in the
world of art. Do you know Yousouf Karsh's famous portrait
of Winston Churchill? The bulldog look?

How Karsh got that was to put up with Churchill's posturing
and interruptions and failure to cooperate for a while, all
while trying to get him to pose. Finally, Churchill, sitting
in front of the camera, whipped out one of his trademark
cigars and lit it, ruining the shot until he was finished.
Karsh said not a word, but -- still holding the cord with the
bulb that activated his camera -- walked over to Churchill
and ripped the cigar out of his mouth and threw it on the
ground. Then he turned and walked away, squeezing the
shutter bulb with his back turned to Churchill. This
is the result:

Here's a little something that I discovered today, and that verges on
Art for me.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt's short film:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 Yep - I get summoned all the time too, though I am hoping my latest 
 discussion in the courtroom has tempered that. If the courthouse is that far 
 away, show up, tell them you don't have reliable transportation and it would 
 be a hardship to get back and forth. They will excuse you. Lots of folks try 
 to say they are too valuable at work - not a valid excuse vs. civic duty, 
 though losing money as a consultant sure is, as a financial hardship. 

Try telling them you believe yogic flying is a type of levitation,
that'll get you off the list double quick ;-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  Speaking of jury duty, I got a jury summons the other day for a county 
  courthouse 20 miles away!  I live at the county seat and the main 
  courthouse is right here just a few miles away.  So why the fuck are 
  they wanting me to go to that courthouse?  And why in a county with over 
  a million population why do I get a summons every two years?  That's 
  just not right.  The reason why is probably like the dumb ass DHS jerks 
  many of the people who work in government are out of touch with 
  reality.  They just behave like robots.  I'm going to fight this summons 
  and try to get the issue publicized.  However a friend who lives in this 
  town says that courthouse is supposed to be closed. Perhaps just 
  postponing my jury duty might push to the date where it is closed and 
  the cases moved locally.  What a jerk off place the US is becoming.
  On 03/13/2013 07:40 PM, doctordumbass@ wrote:
   I was recently excused from a jury after stating to the prosecutor that 
   both the practice of convicting someone with intent to commit a crime, 
   when they did not have the intent, and the practice of using inmate 
   testimony against the defendant, were legal concepts I could not accept. 
   Also said that I could not automatically trust the testimony of a police 
   officer (due to life experience). I wasn't belligerent, and framed my 
   responses clearly and respectfully. Gotta stand up for our rights - no 
   one else will.
   On the other hand, I am very grateful to have a police force in place, 
   though there are obvious limits on their power.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   Who here has the guts of these guys?
   You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are 
   heroes --  wizards of holding onto rights.
   Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
   righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
   trying to lead was kicked out, right?
   I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
   braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals.
   And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
   doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of 
   ordinary human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same 
   number of saints as any other town its size.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread Alex Stanley
I've only had jury duty two times. First was in Federal district court, 118 
miles away, in Des Moines. I had to drive there twice, and I was not selected 
for a jury. 

Second time was here in FF, and I was selected. County attorney got it into his 
head that he could somehow magically turn a chick fight into a felony. We, the 
jury, smacked his sorry ass down and called it what it was: simple misdemeanor 
assault. The county attorney's case was so stupidly bizarre that afterwards, I 
actually called up the defense attorney, Ken Ketterhagen, to talk about it. Ken 
was a nice guy, may he rest in peace.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 Yep - I get summoned all the time too, though I am hoping my latest 
 discussion in the courtroom has tempered that. If the courthouse is that far 
 away, show up, tell them you don't have reliable transportation and it would 
 be a hardship to get back and forth. They will excuse you. Lots of folks try 
 to say they are too valuable at work - not a valid excuse vs. civic duty, 
 though losing money as a consultant sure is, as a financial hardship. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  Speaking of jury duty, I got a jury summons the other day for a county 
  courthouse 20 miles away!  I live at the county seat and the main 
  courthouse is right here just a few miles away.  So why the fuck are 
  they wanting me to go to that courthouse?  And why in a county with over 
  a million population why do I get a summons every two years?  That's 
  just not right.  The reason why is probably like the dumb ass DHS jerks 
  many of the people who work in government are out of touch with 
  reality.  They just behave like robots.  I'm going to fight this summons 
  and try to get the issue publicized.  However a friend who lives in this 
  town says that courthouse is supposed to be closed. Perhaps just 
  postponing my jury duty might push to the date where it is closed and 
  the cases moved locally.  What a jerk off place the US is becoming.
  On 03/13/2013 07:40 PM, doctordumbass@ wrote:
   I was recently excused from a jury after stating to the prosecutor that 
   both the practice of convicting someone with intent to commit a crime, 
   when they did not have the intent, and the practice of using inmate 
   testimony against the defendant, were legal concepts I could not accept. 
   Also said that I could not automatically trust the testimony of a police 
   officer (due to life experience). I wasn't belligerent, and framed my 
   responses clearly and respectfully. Gotta stand up for our rights - no 
   one else will.
   On the other hand, I am very grateful to have a police force in place, 
   though there are obvious limits on their power.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   Who here has the guts of these guys?
   You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are 
   heroes --  wizards of holding onto rights.
   Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
   righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
   trying to lead was kicked out, right?
   I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
   braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals.
   And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
   doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of 
   ordinary human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same 
   number of saints as any other town its size.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread Share Long
noozguru I appreciate your comment about not being able to find those movie 
clips wherein an official is asking to see the papers of a citizen.  Because I 
do tend to think of google and youtube as expressions of freedom and openness.  
Good to be aware of the possibility that they're not.

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being 
resisted by polite activists.

On 03/13/2013 06:43 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 On 03/13/2013 04:46 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
 Who here has the guts of these guys?

 You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are 
 heroes --  wizards of holding onto rights.

 Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
 righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
 trying to lead was kicked out, right?

 I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
 braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals.

 And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
 doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of 
 ordinary human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same number 
 of saints as any other town its size.



 I've always stood up to cops.  Most of them are a pushover.  The ag
 inspection at the California border is innocuous though and they usually
 just if you are carrying any fresh fruits or vegetables and most people
 aren't (and if you do it really doesn't matter that much).  Sometimes
 they only stop trucks.  And they might even go away with the budget cuts.

 Always stand up to illegal inspections like these.  DHS is the American

Another thing.  I thought that a YouTube post in response might be a 
short scene from one of many WWII movies where a Nazi asks for papers. 
Looking on YouTube about the only thing you'll find is the short clip 
from Casablanca but what I wanted was Germans in Gestapo outfits.  There 
has to be many scenes from movies like that and from movies in the 
public domain.  Perhaps it is true that Google and YouTube are part of 
the evil scheme and have deleted such clips.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-14 Thread Susan

At first hearing - yes. After thinking about it - not at all
Five star hotels?  H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@... wrote:

 Indeed it is. Are you surprised?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  Wait, is this the same person who is related to MMY and is the head of the 
  TM org in India?  The one who is in the photos we see of events in India?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual harassment 
   guideline for its employees and officers?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
   j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or testicles, 
there's gonna be trouble.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for everyone around 
 it now,  for all the good people who work properly with extreme 
 propriety to make things work well and achieve great things.  This is 
 disheartening sickening.
  She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.  
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop williamgcoop@ 
Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation
   A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya Mandir in
has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi Vidya 
   Mandir group
   of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental 
   Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier 
   this year at
   Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to Bhopal 
   couple of
   days ago.
   The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission (SWC) 
   that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also worked 
   with the
   group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with him.
   The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband take 
   her along
   on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five star 
   hotel was
   booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband away on 
   and then molest her.
   She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but 
   when it
   became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to file 
   There have been counter allegations that the husband had been 
   trying to
   extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with claims 
   that he sent
   various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned Varma's 
   image on
   social networking sites.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A lie is only a lie when it's about Judy or someone she likes

2013-03-14 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@ wrote:
  If I may say something more esoteric here, for me Judy is still a young 
  soul, despite of the age of her physical body. There will be always a 
  conflict with older souls here, who draw from a wider field of experience 
  and thinking, who have come a longer way, and that manifests usually early 
  on in this life.
 If it wasn't a sad and arrogant statement from the above I'd say it will 
 qualify for: JOKE of week !

No, no, no. get it right Nabby. BOLLOCKS of the week. Jeez, talk
about self-aggrandisement...

Then again, this is quite common in debate these days, no? You
don't just *disagree* with someone. You also wheel in some pseudo-
crappy theory about WHY they disagree with you. e.g. The wrong
bits of the brain light up, or they are in denial, etc etc.
It's a nice short cut to avoid dealing with the very messy 
nitty-gritty of logic, argument and evidence.

PaliGap's Thought-de-Jour:  Treat with great suspicion anyone
who uses the word brain when any perfectly serviceable English
word such as me or mind is available to do the job at hand. 

And also watch out for the word epistemology. It does NOT mean
how we justify belief (Karl Popper would be rotating in his
grave at a rate of knots). It means the theory of knowledge
(as Emily correctly ascertained).

Just sayin'

BTW Is Virish (or whatever his name is) guilty until proved
innocent? I say this as someone who whilst once running a
small organisation, got accused of sexual harrassment
myself. It's not nice. In my case the biddy was a nutter, we
were not in the public eye, and it came to nothing. 

At least that's my story!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-14 Thread Susan
Buck, has there been any Tmo official response to this in Ffld or India?   And 
who is in charge of all that money in India now that Girish is going?  There 
must be some scrambling and realigning of the rajas and folks in charge

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 This is really a fabulous opportunity for the new movement to come forward 
 and say,We are not that! and put good people in to those facilities with an 
 expectation of good and honorable behavior from the whole movement.  Make it 
 clear.  Make a break from the past.  Even for the guy at the top.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
Interesting this comes out now.  We were just talking here comparing TM 
   and the Papists the other morning.
   Such synchrony.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@ wrote:

 I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new sensitivity in 
 India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this 
 gang-rape case, which is still going on. 

The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise the 
movement in India will be dead.

   According to the newspaper accounts
  it is more than sexual harassment,
  'twas molestation and predatory.

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual harassment 
guideline for its employees and officers?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:

 Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or 
 testicles, there's gonna be trouble.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for everyone 
  around it now,  for all the good people who work properly with 
  extreme propriety to make things work well and achieve great 
  things.  This is disheartening sickening.
   She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.  
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop williamgcoop@ 
 Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation

A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya Mandir 
 has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi Vidya 
Mandir group
of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental 

Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier 
this year at
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to 
Bhopal couple of
days ago.
The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission 
(SWC) alleging
that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also worked 
with the
group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with 

The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband take 
her along
on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five star 
hotel was
booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband away 
on errands
and then molest her.

She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but 
when it
became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to 
file a
There have been counter allegations that the husband had been 
trying to
extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with claims 
that he sent
various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned 
Varma's image on
social networking sites.



[FairfieldLife] Woo Woo News Just In -- Jesus was a shapeshifter

2013-03-14 Thread turquoiseb

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread Bhairitu
This county has over half a million registered voters so no way in hell 
should I be called every two years.  This is just harassment.  Maybe I 
should tell them that they're lucky they called me because I'm a tantric 
and can remote view the crime and also do the astrology for the 
event.  Maybe then I'll never get called again.

On 03/14/2013 10:41 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:
 Yep - I get summoned all the time too, though I am hoping my latest 
 discussion in the courtroom has tempered that. If the courthouse is that far 
 away, show up, tell them you don't have reliable transportation and it would 
 be a hardship to get back and forth. They will excuse you. Lots of folks try 
 to say they are too valuable at work - not a valid excuse vs. civic duty, 
 though losing money as a consultant sure is, as a financial hardship.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 Speaking of jury duty, I got a jury summons the other day for a county
 courthouse 20 miles away!  I live at the county seat and the main
 courthouse is right here just a few miles away.  So why the fuck are
 they wanting me to go to that courthouse?  And why in a county with over
 a million population why do I get a summons every two years?  That's
 just not right.  The reason why is probably like the dumb ass DHS jerks
 many of the people who work in government are out of touch with
 reality.  They just behave like robots.  I'm going to fight this summons
 and try to get the issue publicized.  However a friend who lives in this
 town says that courthouse is supposed to be closed. Perhaps just
 postponing my jury duty might push to the date where it is closed and
 the cases moved locally.  What a jerk off place the US is becoming.

 On 03/13/2013 07:40 PM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
 I was recently excused from a jury after stating to the prosecutor that 
 both the practice of convicting someone with intent to commit a crime, when 
 they did not have the intent, and the practice of using inmate testimony 
 against the defendant, were legal concepts I could not accept. Also said 
 that I could not automatically trust the testimony of a police officer (due 
 to life experience). I wasn't belligerent, and framed my responses clearly 
 and respectfully. Gotta stand up for our rights - no one else will.

 On the other hand, I am very grateful to have a police force in place, 
 though there are obvious limits on their power.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
 Who here has the guts of these guys?

 You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are 
 heroes --  wizards of holding onto rights.

 Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
 righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
 trying to lead was kicked out, right?

 I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
 braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals.

 And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
 doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of 
 ordinary human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same 
 number of saints as any other town its size.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 You are as usual talking complete rubbish, but of course, with you, anything 
 goes as long as you can endlessly, unceasingly attack TM and the people who 
 do it.  

Like trying to be taken serious as a lover of art in his latest post forgetting 
that he recently admitted not understand anything of the work of David Lynch, 
and that it therefore couldn't be labeled as art. 
Everyone else understood that he hates Lynch because he is champion of TM :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread Bhairitu
They've been known to take down perfectly legal clips just because they 
were controversial. Companies have this decorum thing which is not 
appropriate for places like YouTube where the First Amendment must take 

On 03/14/2013 11:13 AM, Share Long wrote:
 noozguru I appreciate your comment about not being able to find those movie 
 clips wherein an official is asking to see the papers of a citizen.  Because 
 I do tend to think of google and youtube as expressions of freedom and 
 openness.  Good to be aware of the possibility that they're not.

   From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program 
 being resisted by polite activists.

 On 03/13/2013 06:43 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 On 03/13/2013 04:46 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
 Who here has the guts of these guys?

 You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are 
 heroes --  wizards of holding onto rights.

 Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
 righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
 trying to lead was kicked out, right?

 I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
 braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals.

 And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
 doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of 
 ordinary human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same 
 number of saints as any other town its size.



 I've always stood up to cops.  Most of them are a pushover.  The ag
 inspection at the California border is innocuous though and they usually
 just if you are carrying any fresh fruits or vegetables and most people
 aren't (and if you do it really doesn't matter that much).  Sometimes
 they only stop trucks.  And they might even go away with the budget cuts.

 Always stand up to illegal inspections like these.  DHS is the American
 Another thing.  I thought that a YouTube post in response might be a
 short scene from one of many WWII movies where a Nazi asks for papers.
 Looking on YouTube about the only thing you'll find is the short clip
 from Casablanca but what I wanted was Germans in Gestapo outfits.  There
 has to be many scenes from movies like that and from movies in the
 public domain.  Perhaps it is true that Google and YouTube are part of
 the evil scheme and have deleted such clips.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program being resisted by polite activists.

2013-03-14 Thread Share Long

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Illegal border patrol stop and frisk program 
being resisted by polite activists.

This county has over half a million registered voters so no way in hell 
should I be called every two years.  This is just harassment.  Maybe I 
should tell them that they're lucky they called me because I'm a tantric 
and can remote view the crime and also do the astrology for the 
event.  Maybe then I'll never get called again.

On 03/14/2013 10:41 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:
 Yep - I get summoned all the time too, though I am hoping my latest 
 discussion in the courtroom has tempered that. If the courthouse is that far 
 away, show up, tell them you don't have reliable transportation and it would 
 be a hardship to get back and forth. They will excuse you. Lots of folks try 
 to say they are too valuable at work - not a valid excuse vs. civic duty, 
 though losing money as a consultant sure is, as a financial hardship.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 Speaking of jury duty, I got a jury summons the other day for a county
 courthouse 20 miles away!  I live at the county seat and the main
 courthouse is right here just a few miles away.  So why the fuck are
 they wanting me to go to that courthouse?  And why in a county with over
 a million population why do I get a summons every two years?  That's
 just not right.  The reason why is probably like the dumb ass DHS jerks
 many of the people who work in government are out of touch with
 reality.  They just behave like robots.  I'm going to fight this summons
 and try to get the issue publicized.  However a friend who lives in this
 town says that courthouse is supposed to be closed. Perhaps just
 postponing my jury duty might push to the date where it is closed and
 the cases moved locally.  What a jerk off place the US is becoming.

 On 03/13/2013 07:40 PM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
 I was recently excused from a jury after stating to the prosecutor that 
 both the practice of convicting someone with intent to commit a crime, when 
 they did not have the intent, and the practice of using inmate testimony 
 against the defendant, were legal concepts I could not accept. Also said 
 that I could not automatically trust the testimony of a police officer (due 
 to life experience). I wasn't belligerent, and framed my responses clearly 
 and respectfully. Gotta stand up for our rights - no one else will.

 On the other hand, I am very grateful to have a police force in place, 
 though there are obvious limits on their power.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
 Who here has the guts of these guys?

 You'd think all of us would have suchlike, but not me.  These guys are 
 heroes --  wizards of holding onto rights.

 Where did TM ever push the concept that we'd all turn into heroes of 
 righteousness of any sort?  The TMO wanted sheep not shepherds.  Anyone 
 trying to lead was kicked out, right?

 I don't think contacting the transcendent EVER made me even a titch 
 braverlet alone one of Arjuna's pals.

 And I haven't heard shit-one from any TMer here about my concept that TM 
 doesn't change personality -- except for the conventional processes of 
 ordinary human psychology.  IT DOESN'T.  Fairfield has the exact same 
 number of saints as any other town its size.




[FairfieldLife] creativity vulnerability and shame

2013-03-14 Thread Share Long
A great TED talk by Brene' Brown about the epidemic of shame in the world.  
Around 5 min she explains that after her first TED talk on vulnerability 
companies sought her but didn't want her to talk about vulnerability and shame. 
 They wanted her to talk about innovation, creativity and change.  She answers, 
Vulnerability IS the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.

She also asserts that vulnerability is the most accurate measure of courage.

Towards the end of the talk she talks movingly about
 the difference between men and women with regards to shame.  


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 15-Mar-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-03-14 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/09/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/16/13 00:00:00
650 messages as of (UTC) 03/14/13 21:35:57

50 authfriend 
48 seventhray27 
48 doctordumbass
47 curtisdeltablues 
46 turquoiseb 
44 Ravi Chivukula 
43 Ann 
41 Share Long 
40 Bhairitu 
29 nablusoss1008 
26 Buck 
19 John 
17 merudanda 
17 card 
16 salyavin808 
15 navashok 
11 Richard J. Williams 
11 Emily Reyn 
10 seekliberation 
 8 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 8 Alex Stanley 
 7 sound of stillness 
 5 merlin 
 5 emilymae.reyn 
 4 Yifu 
 3 sgrayatlarge 
 3 raunchydog 
 3 laughinggull108 
 3 Susan 
 3 Rick Archer 
 3 Bill Coop 
 2 feste37 
 2 Mike Dixon 
 2 Jason 
 2 Duveyoung 
 1 wleed3 
 1 sparaig 
 1 hermandan0 
 1 gita 
 1 William 
 1 Richard 
 1 PaliGap 
 1 Joe 
 1 Anna N 
Posters: 44
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Habemus Papam!

2013-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
 Verum praeterita omittamus [:D]

Novus Ordo Seclorum.

   Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor
   sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit . . .
  Omne malum nascens facile opprimitur, inveteratum fit
  plerumque robustius. - Cicero

[FairfieldLife] Re: Woo Woo News Just In -- Jesus was a shapeshifter

2013-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Jesus was a shapeshifter...

Which one?

Maybe so, but, the very first religion of man concerned the 'Luck of the Hunt', 
expressions of which remain in the Neolithic cave paintings of Southern France. 

Here, in small groups, early man retired inside dark solitary places in order 
to perform ceremonies dedicated to obtaining food with the use of a fire fetish 
and with rhythmic movement of hands and feet in certain prescribed patterns, 
accompanied by vocalization of non-sense gibberish. 

The Hunt, based on the religious belief in man's free-will to move about in 
search for food, was the first universal religion of man, and its High God was 
the energetic Arch Hunter, thus Animism whose bounty was called Manna.

With the invention of the plow, agriculture, and animal husbandry, the second 
religion of man became 'Nature and Society', governed by laws, both secular and 
divine. Fixed laws are opposed to man's free-will. 

Laws are ascertained by observing the heavenly planets and the seasons. A faith 
in the bountiful harvest, which was a boon from the sky gods, who could be seen 
of man by the clearing of the fields. In this religion of rule revelation, 
truth was thought of as a fixed expression of cosmic order, with a firmament 
above, the stars being the shinning gods, or chinks in which light entered the 
world of man below.

Here, in towns and villages, men gathered in large groups, to perform 
ceremonies and rites, by use of a pole and a sacrifice fetish, offered in 
return for a good harvest, and with rhythmic movement of hands and feet in 
certain prescribed patterns, accompanied by vocalization of non-sense 

The Harvest, based on the belief in cosmic law was the second universal 
religion, and its High God was the industrious Arch Harvester, thus Naturalism 
whose bounty was called Maat.

A duality thus arose in the minds of men and women, that is, those humans were 
separate from a Creator, being the created of the 'One on High'. This duality 
produced a conflict among the people, between those who believed in free-will 
and those who believed in fixed laws.

A fight began between the Rangers and the Sedants, which became The Great War, 
the third Religion of man. In which the Gods themselves, armed to the teeth, 
fight with themselves and with man for Lordship over the land and the people of 
the new society, in a cosmic battle of Light versus Darkness, or the forces of 
Good and Evil, as expressed in the Vedas of India, the Avesta of Persia, the 
Bible of the Levant, and the Book of Thoth in Memphis, that is, Osiris and Seth.

With the invention of metal and the spoked wheel, in plains and fields, men 
gathered in larger groups, to perform ceremonies and rites, by use of various 
weapon fetishes, in order to obtain success in rapine, plunder and pillage, and 
with rhythmic movement of hands and feet in certain prescribed patterns, 
accompanied by vocalization of non-sense gibberish. 

The Great War, based on the belief in revealed might, and the glory of 
militarism, was the third religion of man, and its High God was the ingenious 
Warrior, thus Arch Archer whose bounty was called Booty.

So, it's all about free-will hunting: moving about, a fixed law harvest, fetish 
placement, and the cargo cult. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment, innicent till judged by court!

2013-03-14 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wleed3 WLeed3@ wrote:
  Suspension till case is adjudicated or settled in some manor!!! All
are  stand innocent in law, till proven, in law or other wise!

 I hear this invoked a lot and can appreciate that until we have the
facts we don't know what went on as I said in my post about this.

 But the legal standards of  judging cases really has little to do with
how we judge things in our daily life.  (I don't even know if what the
legal standard in India is, do you?)  Throw in the very dubious
influence peddling in India by the rich and powerful and it is probably
unrealistic to expect us not to weigh in as the statements are published
about what went on, to form opinions as best we can with what we know. 
I mean are you expressing faith that an Indian justice system (or ours
for that matter) will deal impartially with a rich guy like Girish who
has probably cultivated many powerfully alliances.  Remember how well
connected Sai Baba was.  that basically made him untouchable.

 Settled in law doesn't mean guilty or innocent to me.  OJ got off
remember.  But he did it.

And must We be to judgment brought,

And answer in that day

For ev'ry vain and idle thought

And ev'ry word We say?

We are passing away,

To that great judgment day.

Yes ev'ry secret of thy heart

Shall shortly be made known;

And thee receive thy just dessert

For all that thee have done.

We are passing away,

To that great judgment day.

How careful, then, ought We to be;

With what religious fear,

Who such a strict account must give

For thy behavior here.

We are passing away,

To that great judgment day.

Interesting this comes out now.  We were just talking here
comparing TM and the Papists the other morning.
   Such synchrony.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, innocent no_reply@


 I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new
sensitivity in India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after
this gang-rape case, which is still going on.
The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise
the movement in India will be dead.
  According to the newspaper accounts
  it is more than sexual harassment,
  'twas molestation and predatory.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual
harassment guideline for its employees and officers?
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:

 Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or
testicles, there's gonna be trouble.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for
everyone around it now,  for all the good people who work properly with
extreme propriety to make things work well and achieve great things. 
This is disheartening sickening.
   She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop
williamgcoop@ wrote:
 Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation
A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya
Mandir in
 has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi
Vidya Mandir group
of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and
mental torture.
Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident
earlier this year at
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back
to Bhopal couple of
days ago.
The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's
Commission (SWC) alleging
that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also
worked with the
group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate
with him.
The woman said that the accused used to insist her
husband take her along
on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a
five star hotel was
booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her
husband away on errands
and then molest her.
She did not say anything earlier fearing social
ostracism but when it
became too much to take, she told her husband and
decided to file a
There have been counter allegations that the husband had
been trying to
extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with
claims that he sent
various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and
maligned Varma's image on
social networking sites.

  To subscribe, send a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-14 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 Buck, has there been any Tmo official response to this in Ffld or India?   
 And who is in charge of all that money in India now that Girish is going?  
 There must be some scrambling and realigning of the rajas and folks in charge

Nothing here local yet, too new.  Lot of our poobahs and people are still out 
of town to the inauguration of the big Temple to Maharishi's Presence in India. 
Mostly just underlings here now.  Dome numbers are generally subdued with 
people still traveling.  Likely still some discovery going on.  Indian 
Newspapers are saying some other women are coming forward with similar 
complaints about Girish. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  This is really a fabulous opportunity for the new movement to come forward 
  and say,We are not that! and put good people in to those facilities with 
  an expectation of good and honorable behavior from the whole movement.  
  Make it clear.  Make a break from the past.  Even for the guy at the top.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
 Interesting this comes out now.  We were just talking here comparing 
TM and the Papists the other morning.
Such synchrony.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@ wrote:
  I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new sensitivity 
  in India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this 
  gang-rape case, which is still going on. 
 The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise the 
 movement in India will be dead.
According to the newspaper accounts
   it is more than sexual harassment,
   'twas molestation and predatory.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual 
 harassment guideline for its employees and officers?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
 j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or 
  testicles, there's gonna be trouble.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for everyone 
   around it now,  for all the good people who work properly with 
   extreme propriety to make things work well and achieve great 
   things.  This is disheartening sickening.
She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop williamgcoop@ 

  Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation
 A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya 
 Mandir in
  has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi 
 Vidya Mandir group
 of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental 
 Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier 
 this year at
 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to 
 Bhopal couple of
 days ago.
 The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission 
 (SWC) alleging
 that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also 
 worked with the
 group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with 
 The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband 
 take her along
 on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five 
 star hotel was
 booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband 
 away on errands
 and then molest her.
 She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but 
 when it
 became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to 
 file a
 There have been counter allegations that the husband had been 
 trying to
 extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with 
 claims that he sent
 various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned 
 Varma's image on
 social networking sites.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Woo Woo News Just In -- Jesus was a shapeshifter

2013-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
more shape shifting - very cool, and inspiring:



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Man In Paris, v1.08

2013-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

 This is a great art rap Barry and a topic I've had on 
 my mind.  I think your perspective has merit.  You are 
 talking more about the inside of the artist, and I will 
 talk about the outer expression...

The inside of the artyist is the creativity. The
outside is the peak experiences, the intense ecstasy, 
and the pathology. 

According to Anthony Campbell, in 'Seven States of 
Conciousness', there are two main modern approaches to 
the study of mysticism. One is to say that ALL mystical 
experience is pathological. Another approach, popular 
with progressive psycologists and writers such as Maslow, 
and Wilber, is that mysticism can be explained without 
reference to an absolute. Says Campbell: This would 
imply that mystic experience has a function, which could 
be called the promotion of self-integration.

In her remarkable study entitled 'Ecstasy', Marghanita 
Laski rejects all attempts to label the mystic 
experience pathological: 

While some pathological states can produce experiences 
in some ways similar to intensity ecstasies, it seems 
certain that these experiences are typically produced in 
people of good mental health. Her subtle and original 
argument, which, in brief, says that intensity ecstasy 
is linked to the synthesis of mental material. 

It is, in fact, an accompaniment of the re-arrangement 
of ideas which we call creativity. Ecstatic experience 
is valued, Laski believes, not primarily for the delight 
it brings - which is great - but because of its 
association with the organizing, creative power of the 
mind. Its occurrence is thus a sign of psychological 
good health. 


I do not believe that any explanations of these 
experiences can be satisfactory if they suggest that 
ecstasies are only this or only that - only a phenomenon 
of repressed sexuality or only a concomitant of some or 
other morbid condition. Certainly convictions are an 
insufficient substitute for evidence, but both people's 
convictions of the value of these experiences and their 
subsequent influence on outlook and language persuade 
me that these are of some evidential value in justifying 
the conclusion that ecstatic experiences must be treated 
as important outside religious contexts, as having 
important effects on people's mental and physical 
wellbeing, on their aesthetic preferences, their 
creativity, their beliefs and philosophies, and on 
their conduct (373). 

Campbell: Laski's theory is the most successful attempt 
so far, to explain mysticism on a purely psychological 

Reorganization of  mental material goes on in the depths, 
at the subtlest levels. Creativity consists in the ability 
to appreciate and make use of these subtle levels, and 
this ability in turn depends on the capacity of the 
individual to allow his mind to the surface as perfectly 

The strokes of the artist's brush gain their certainty 
and vitality through the depth of his moments of silence
interspersing his painting activity. Bringing our 
conciousness repeatedly to pure creativity and inteligence 
eventually brings pure creativity and intelligence into 
all our concious life. - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Collected Works:


Works Cited: 

'Creative Intelligence'
By Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
No. 1, 1971, Quoted in Campbell, 1974

'Seven States of Conciousness'
A neurophysiologist considers the vision of possibilities 
suggested by the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
By Anthony Campbell, M.D.
Harper  Row, 1974

'Ecstasy: A Study of Some Secular and Religious Experiencies'
By Marghanita Laski
Cresset, 1965

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Man In Paris, v1.08

2013-03-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
Nice one Richard.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

  This is a great art rap Barry and a topic I've had on 
  my mind.  I think your perspective has merit.  You are 
  talking more about the inside of the artist, and I will 
  talk about the outer expression...
 The inside of the artyist is the creativity. The
 outside is the peak experiences, the intense ecstasy, 
 and the pathology. 
 According to Anthony Campbell, in 'Seven States of 
 Conciousness', there are two main modern approaches to 
 the study of mysticism. One is to say that ALL mystical 
 experience is pathological. Another approach, popular 
 with progressive psycologists and writers such as Maslow, 
 and Wilber, is that mysticism can be explained without 
 reference to an absolute. Says Campbell: This would 
 imply that mystic experience has a function, which could 
 be called the promotion of self-integration.
 In her remarkable study entitled 'Ecstasy', Marghanita 
 Laski rejects all attempts to label the mystic 
 experience pathological: 
 While some pathological states can produce experiences 
 in some ways similar to intensity ecstasies, it seems 
 certain that these experiences are typically produced in 
 people of good mental health. Her subtle and original 
 argument, which, in brief, says that intensity ecstasy 
 is linked to the synthesis of mental material. 
 It is, in fact, an accompaniment of the re-arrangement 
 of ideas which we call creativity. Ecstatic experience 
 is valued, Laski believes, not primarily for the delight 
 it brings - which is great - but because of its 
 association with the organizing, creative power of the 
 mind. Its occurrence is thus a sign of psychological 
 good health. 
 I do not believe that any explanations of these 
 experiences can be satisfactory if they suggest that 
 ecstasies are only this or only that - only a phenomenon 
 of repressed sexuality or only a concomitant of some or 
 other morbid condition. Certainly convictions are an 
 insufficient substitute for evidence, but both people's 
 convictions of the value of these experiences and their 
 subsequent influence on outlook and language persuade 
 me that these are of some evidential value in justifying 
 the conclusion that ecstatic experiences must be treated 
 as important outside religious contexts, as having 
 important effects on people's mental and physical 
 wellbeing, on their aesthetic preferences, their 
 creativity, their beliefs and philosophies, and on 
 their conduct (373). 
 Campbell: Laski's theory is the most successful attempt 
 so far, to explain mysticism on a purely psychological 
 Reorganization of  mental material goes on in the depths, 
 at the subtlest levels. Creativity consists in the ability 
 to appreciate and make use of these subtle levels, and 
 this ability in turn depends on the capacity of the 
 individual to allow his mind to the surface as perfectly 
 The strokes of the artist's brush gain their certainty 
 and vitality through the depth of his moments of silence
 interspersing his painting activity. Bringing our 
 conciousness repeatedly to pure creativity and inteligence 
 eventually brings pure creativity and intelligence into 
 all our concious life. - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Collected Works:
 Works Cited: 
 'Creative Intelligence'
 By Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 No. 1, 1971, Quoted in Campbell, 1974
 'Seven States of Conciousness'
 A neurophysiologist considers the vision of possibilities 
 suggested by the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
 By Anthony Campbell, M.D.
 Harper  Row, 1974
 'Ecstasy: A Study of Some Secular and Religious Experiencies'
 By Marghanita Laski
 Cresset, 1965

[FairfieldLife] Fluffy Fouls Out (was Judy gone really stooopid (was Re: A lie is only a lie))

2013-03-14 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 Poor Fluffy continues to bungle in his blinding eagerness
 to get me. See below.
 As this is my last post for the week, following my response
 to Fluffy is a quick comment noting one of Barry's especially
 ugly lies about me from his rant this morning
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@ wrote:
  Just to make sure you all GET this, it's hilarious:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  Basically all what Judy knows, which goes beyond superficial
  beginner level comes from what has been said by people *here*
  on one of these forums who were more involved in the past.
 Says navashok, *citing what I myself just said* as if
 it were his own analysis.

Oh, come on, how silly is this? Just because we came to the
same conclusion, as it is simply the TRUTH, doesn't mean I
have copied or even seen your post that was actually just
sent 8 minutes before.
  Now Judy's hilarious reaction:
   It was in the post you're responding to, you utter nitwit.
   You *quote* it below. How STOOPID can you *get*?
   Have you ever heard the term own goal?
  And now comes the quote of herself she was most likely referring to:
 And I've never claimed my knowledge goes beyond what
 is taught to the rank-and-file and what I've picked
 up from teachers on this and other Web forums. Oh,
 and during my stay at the TM facility in Asbury Park
 back in '95-'96.
  Now dear reader, please count the arrows before the quote:
  3 arrowsin the quote of Judy above, and 4 arrows in the quote by me 
  at the top. That means, her comment in *this* post regarding 
  herself is AFTER my comment, she is just repeating what she had said 
  elsewhere. And this elsewhere is most likely this post: 
  #337947 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/337947
 There's a reason Fluffy doesn't quote this post but only
 links to it. It's because if he quoted it, readers would
 see that I was quoting myself *from an earlier post*:
  It's not even addressed to me, and was just posted a few
  minutes before mine, indeed at the time I was composing
  it, so I hadn't seen it, and therefore my analysis,
  completely correct according to her own admission, was in
  fact MY own.
 Sorry, no. Post #337767 was made on 3/11, plenty of time for
 Fluffy to have seen it before making his comment.
 So, in fact, Fluffy's analysis was something he picked up
 from me but is pretending was his own idea. And when I
 caught him at it, he freaked and devised this elaborate
 lie in an attempt to cover it up.
  So, to summarize: Judy complains that I copy a judgment she
  has made of herself, then repeats this judgment in the very
  same post, to just say that I commented on it. She's so
  confused, blinded by her mindless anger that she makes a
  very stupid mistake. To make stupid mistakes is something
  that can be excused, but this very childishness of thriving
  in *finding* something to denigrate the other person, to the
  point where you make it up, that's disgusting. In this case
  we call it OWN GOAL.
 The projection is just delicious, isn't it? And all over such
 an essentially minor point.
 OK, now to Barry, who wrote this morning in
  One of the other hallmark behaviors of the C-word bunch
  is something that they actually *admit* from time to time,
  as Jimbo did yesterday. They don't just want to put down
  the people they consider enemies, they want to drive them
  off the forum. Judy has admitted as much many times over
  the years, and gloats when she manages it, as she did with
  Sal Sunshine.
 This is not a minor point. It's made up out of whole cloth,
 deliberately and maliciously.
 And it's another instance of projection. The list of people
 Barry has driven off the forum is a long one.
 The rest of his post is so deranged it doesn't warrant
 comment; everyone who reads it will recognize it for
 what it is.

I just couldn't get up enough stamina to read it. I saw the title and that was 
about it for me. It was like hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock and I 
had just gotten up so I really didn't want to fall back asleep. I just can't 
take any more of the mind numbing armchair analysis by Barry. When, Judy, do 
you think he will figure out these kinds of repetitive rants just aren't 
interesting, juicy enough or even marginally based on what's really going on to 
read? My estimation: never. I've only been on FFL a year and at first I figured 
he couldn't be serious with these kinds of posts but, alas, it's all he's got.
 Whatever additional lies Barry and Fluffy tell about me
 between now and Friday evening, I'll take apart over the