[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy

2013-03-30 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> Love it Ann.  Hey, he dances like me!  

Yes, this video is pure genius. This is how I dance when I feel joy and I want 
to be a little goofy and it is all about rejoicing in the music and fooling 
around with dance moves and your body. I love the lowbrow setting with this 
'regular' guy dancing away, not being cool, not wearing some skimpy outfit just 
diggin' the beat under fluorescent lights at a cheap motel. I guess Rama and 
his well heeled followers wouldn't be seen having that kind of freedom in a 
dive joint like that. Only 5 Star for them! But look at the fun they missed. 
> >
> > From: Ann 
> >To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> >Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 2:50 PM
> >Subject: [FairfieldLife] Happy
> > 
> >
> >  
> >This is what I am all about. This music, this video, this guy dancing is all 
> >exactly who I am, what I love, how I'm going out in this world at the end of 
> >it all.
> >
> >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_426RiwST8
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Europe Freezes, But Help Is At Hand

2013-03-30 Thread Emily Reyn
Ha.  Very nice.  "We are the world."  

> From: PaliGap 
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 9:15 AM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Europe Freezes, But Help Is At Hand

Re: [FairfieldLife] Happy

2013-03-30 Thread Emily Reyn
Love it Ann.  Hey, he dances like me!  

> From: Ann 
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 2:50 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Happy
>This is what I am all about. This music, this video, this guy dancing is all 
>exactly who I am, what I love, how I'm going out in this world at the end of 
>it all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-30 Thread Buck
Meditate,Worship the Unified Field.
Seek beauty;
Give service, &
Knowledge pursue.
Be trustworthy ever, in all that you do.
Hold fast onto health,
And your work glorify,
And you will be happy, in the law of the Unified Field. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> Yea, I finally got a chance to reread it as well, and I think it was an
> easy mistake to make on my part. Thanks for the acknowledgement.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson 
> wrote:
> >
> > Rereading my original post I can see how you would think I was
> referring to Girish - but I was referring to Marshy
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 10:17 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment
> >
> >
> > Â
> > Bravo Michael! I was wondering when you'd get up to speed.  Now
> let me make sure I have it straight.  Bevan and the rest had to know
> what Girish was up to, and they aided and abetted all his alleged
> activities.  You are speaking of this as though you have first hand
> knowledge of this.  An is it okay for me to use the word "alleged",
> or is that just some old fashioned western concept.
> > And, would it be a bit of fallacy to declare that Maharishi was a
> typical male Hindu and therefore misogynisitic and therefore declare
> that he embraces all attributes you have in quotes, (without a clickable
> link I might add). Â
> > I cannot take issue with the fact that there are no woman in
> positions of authority in the TMO.  I think that would be well to be
> remedied if the movement can survive, but to take that fact and
> therefore draw the conclusions you make I think is unwarranted, and a
> stretch.
> > But let's be real.  That is your usual method of operation.
> > And may I anticipate your retort.
> > "To seventhray and all those who are in deep denial about the real
> TMO, there is little hope you can climb out of you naive perceptions."
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
> wrote:
> > >
> > > I think you are looking through gold tinted glasses - Bevan and all
> the rest who were close to Marshy had to know what he was up to, they
> condoned and abetted his womanizing, lying and defrauding people
> financially, so in that sense they are good custodians of his "legacy" -
> they Girish is a Marshy student who learned the tricks of a fake master
> at his uncle's knee - its is just more of the same behavior - nothing
> else.
> > >
> > > There never have been and never will be women in positions of power
> in the TM Movement because Marshy was a misogynistic man with fairly
> typical male Hindu
> > > views of women (kitchen and bedroom), but don't believe me, let's
> see what some Indian women have to say on the matter:
> > >
> > > "For Indians, girls are a burden; the desire for male progeny is as
> > > natural to us as breathing. We utter prayers, make vows, observe
> fasts,
> > > bow before this or that divinity all for the cherished, penis-laden
> > > offspring, all so that we may not remain childless or burdened with
> the
> > > debit side of the accountâ€"the girl child. For burden she
> isâ€"practically
> > > every Indian, in almost every single region of India, barring a few
> > > areas where matrilineal systems existâ€"must be familiar with
> the idea
> > > that a girl is â€Å"paraya dhan,â€�â€"the
> treasure of another’s home. Exiled at
> > > birth, she already belongs to her in-laws, who are her
> â€Å"true� family.
> > > The word â€Å"treasure� should not fool us. We are
> commodities, chattel,
> > > goods. Why else would we have to pay a groom’s family
> for the favor of taking the girl child off our sinful hands?"
> > >
> > > from this page: http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/8529
> > >
> > >
> > > "Sons are taught that they are a blessing to be cherished and that
> > > women are there to serve them however they please. This is only
> echoed
> > > in Bollywood films, which are regrettably romanticized by the west,
> in
> > > which male protagonists depict their sexual prowess by sexually
> > > harassing the principal female character into submission. In the
> world
> > > of Indian melodramas, a "no" will inevitably turn to a "yes" after a
> few song and dance routines in the rain, of course.
> > >
> > > Women have no ally in the legislature either, as every major
> political party has candidates that have been charged with crimes
> > > against women, ranging from domestic abuse to rape. Additionally,
> Indian jurisprudence sanctions a "virginity test" to determine the
> credibility of the victim's statement. In the test, a
> > > doctor inserts two fingers into the woman's vagina to determine the
> > > presence or absence of the hymen and the general "laxity" of the
> vagina, and presumably, the victim herse

[FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

2013-03-30 Thread seventhray27

Hi Share,

Thanks for your comments.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long 
> Steve, thank you for your insight. It helps me to understand a little
more. And your idea that the core of enlightenment was still there, very

Well, my understanding has always been that enlightenment is something
permanent.  Exception being perhaps the "Strange Case of RWC"  May have
to put an asterisk on my understanding of the big "E"  there.

  I mean, even just the idea that enlightenment has a core.  Did you read
what turq wrote about all this?  He has written of hubris and I'm still
grappling with that one.

One feature of my personality, which I would call a flaw is that often
my initial impression of something is often overly positive or
enthusiastic.  Having said that, as I mentioned before, I found myself
very impressed with Fred Lenz's interviews.  I thought he presented
ideas of spiritual growth and enlightnment in clearer terms than I had
ever heard before.

It is a pretty popular thing here to ridicule Fred, and many of Barry's
recollections.  I really have nothing on which to base much of an
opinion about Lenz, other than the little I've read about him.

On the other hand, there seems to be plenty on instances of the so
called "enlightened", backsliding in some ways.  Maybe the temptation of
riches,  power and sexual opportunties are just too much to resist.  I
likely would have difficulty with all three if I found myself in such a
position.  But I think I still maintain that "core" enlightenment
remains.  It's just that it can get pretty dirty, and unseemly.

   I'd be interested in your thoughts on that.  Since I read what
turq wrote and even what Judy wrote today about Robin, I've been
wondering why genuine enlightenment doesn't have a built in protection
against hubris.

But I'd like to think that I could avoid this pitfall.  Ego, or at least
the negative attributes of ego is something of which I try to stay
keenly aware.  It has caused me so many problems that I'm careful not to
give it any fuel.  The negative attributes of ego, that is.

   I know my life certainly has that:Â  maybe a friend gets upset with
me or IRS says I owe them money or I wake up one morning with
vertigo.  Presto, any hubris that was creeping in is gone and I'm
once again clearly part of flawed humanity.Â

How is your vertigo?  So nice to talk to you.(-:

[FairfieldLife] 20 year hiatus in rising temperatures,climate scientists puzzled-Rick

2013-03-30 Thread wgm4u
Are YOU Rick, a climate change denier? (How horrible if you were, scary, to 
even be accused as one, wow!) Note, last interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump.

Climate change

The fact that global surface temperatures have not followed the expected global 
warming pattern is now widely accepted. Picture: Ray Strange Source: The 

DEBATE about the reality of a two-decade pause in global warming and what it 
means has made its way from the sceptical fringe to the mainstream.

In a lengthy article this week, The Economist magazine said if climate 
scientists were credit-rating agencies, then climate sensitivity - the way 
climate reacts to changes in carbon-dioxide levels - would be on negative watch 
but not yet downgraded.

Another paper published by leading climate scientist James Hansen, the head of 
NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, says the lower than expected 
temperature rise between 2000 and the present could be explained by increased 
emissions from burning coal.

For Hansen the pause is a fact, but it's good news that probably won't last.

International Panel on Climate Change chairman Rajendra Pachauri recently told 
The Weekend Australian the hiatus would have to last 30 to 40 years "at least" 
to break the long-term warming trend.
Digital Pass $1 for first 28 Days

But the fact that global surface temperatures have not followed the expected 
global warming pattern is now widely accepted.

Research by Ed Hawkins of University of Reading shows surface temperatures 
since 2005 are already at the low end of the range projections derived from 20 
climate models and if they remain flat, they will fall outside the models' 
range within a few years.

"The global temperature standstill shows that climate models are diverging from 
observations," says David Whitehouse of the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

"If we have not passed it already, we are on the threshold of global 
observations becoming incompatible with the consensus theory of climate 
change," he says.

Whitehouse argues that whatever has happened to make temperatures remain 
constant requires an explanation because the pause in temperature rise has 
occurred despite a sharp increase in global carbon emissions.

The Economist says the world has added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to 
the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010, about one-quarter of all the carbon 
dioxide put there by humans since 1750. This mismatch between rising greenhouse 
gas emissions and not-rising temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in 
climate science just now, The Economist article says.

"But it does not mean global warming is a delusion."

The fact is temperatures between 2000 and 2010 are still almost 1C above their 
level in the first decade of the 20th century.

"The mismatch might mean that for some unexplained reason there has been a 
temporary lag between more carbon dioxide and higher temperatures in 2000-2010.

"Or it might mean that the 1990s, when temperatures were rising fast, was the 
anomalous period."

The magazine explores a range of possible explanations including higher 
emissions of sulphur dioxide, the little understood impact of clouds and the 
circulation of heat into the deep ocean.

But it also points to an increasing body of research that suggests it may be 
that climate is responding to higher concentrations of atmospheric carbon 
dioxide in ways that had not been properly understood before.

"This possibility, if true, could have profound significance both for climate 
science and for environmental and social policy," the article says.

There are now a number of studies that predict future temperature rises as a 
result of man-made carbon dioxide emissions at well below the IPCC best 
estimate of about 3C over the century.

The upcoming IPCC report is expected to lift the maximum possible temperature 
increase to 6C.

The Research Council of Norway says in a non-peer-reviewed paper that the best 
estimate concludes there is a 90 per cent probability that doubling CO2 
emissions will increase temperatures by only 1.2C to 2.9C, the most likely 
figure being 1.9C.

Another study based on the way the climate behaved about 20,000 years ago has 
given a best guess of 2.3C.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christ Resurrected

2013-03-30 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/Noel-coypel-the-resurrection-of-christ-1700.jpg
>   (in the air version)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> >
> > by Rembrandt:
> > 
> > http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/1/924.jpg

The implication is awesome, "and the last enemy to be overcome is death" 1 
Corinthians 15:26 . Jesus resurrected his *physical* body 3 days (periods; 
physical, astral, causal) after death, his supreme sacrifice of love in the 
face of hate and prosecution is truly inspiring, (an example for us to follow), 
"Forgive them Father, for, they know not what they do". Source-The Second 
Coming of Christ, Paramahansa Yogananda.

What a great miracle, and the disciples testified to meeting him again IN THE 
FLESH. Read Autobiography of a Yogi to hear other miracles of the great masters 
of the past.

Enlightened being have the freedom to choose to Reincarnate or not as pleases 
the Divine Lord of Creation, they are called Avatars.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Sends B2 Bombers to South Korea

2013-03-30 Thread Mike Dixon
Absolutely! And give him ALL negotiating authority!


 From: John 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 9:50 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Sends B2 Bombers to South Korea
IMO, Obama should send Dennis Rodman back to North Korea as an unofficial 
diplomat to ease the tensions.  Rodman may be able to save the world from a 
nuclear war.  It sounds funny but Rodman may have found himself a new gig for 
the time being.

--- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation" 
> He (Kim Jong Un) will posture up against the US and the world vocally, and at 
> worst will instigate a minor attack against S. Korea and call it an accident. 
>  North Korea only shows enough courage to impress their own imprisoned people 
> of their power.  It's no different than a drunk thug at a bar.  He'll posture 
> up just enough to intimidate anyone who is weak or afraid, but the moment 
> someone walks up to him with any significant fighting experience, he'll shut 
> up and back down. 
> seekliberation
> --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> >
> > Obama shows the US military might to North Korea.  What will Kim-Jong-Un do 
> > to up the ante?
> > 
> > http://news.yahoo.com/us-sends-b-2s-south-korea-military-drills-121203496.html
> >


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 31-Mar-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-03-30 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/30/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/06/13 00:00:00
85 messages as of (UTC) 03/30/13 23:58:39

24 Michael Jackson 
 8 seventhray27 
 5 authfriend 
 5 Share Long 
 4 turquoiseb 
 4 Buck 
 4 Bhairitu 
 3 srijau
 3 nablusoss1008 
 3 doctordumbass
 3 curtisdeltablues 
 3 card 
 3 Ravi Chivukula 
 3 PaliGap 
 3 John 
 2 merudanda 
 2 Alex Stanley 
 1 feste37 
 1 azgrey 
 1 Ann 
Posters: 20
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

2013-03-30 Thread Share Long
Steve, thank you for your insight.  It helps me to understand a little more.  
And your idea that the core of enlightenment was still there, very intriguing.  
I mean, even just the idea that enlightenment has a core.  Did you read what 
turq wrote about all this?  He has written of hubris and I'm still grappling 
with that one.  I'd be interested in your thoughts on that.  Since I read what 
turq wrote and even what Judy wrote today about Robin, I've been wondering why 
genuine enlightenment doesn't have a built in protection against hubris.  I 
know my life certainly has that:  maybe a friend gets upset with me or IRS says 
I owe them money or I wake up one morning with vertigo.  Presto, any hubris 
that was creeping in is gone and I'm once again clearly part of flawed 

 From: seventhray27 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 6:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

My .02.  When the whole Lenz things came up on FFL  sometime ago, I read an 
interview by the Fredster, and yes, I was quite blown away.  I believe it was 
at the beginning of his time, when things were untainted.  I then read an 
interview done several years later, and the shine was off the feeling I had of 
his enlightenment, but the core of enlightenment was still there.
I guess it might be likened to sterling silver that is polished or tarnished.  
The silver content is still there, but brilliance was off.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Do you think Lenz was unenlightened and became unenlightened?  Or what?  
> Is France still Catholic enough that you all are having a 4 day weekend?
> From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 7:44 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
> >
> > Why do you think he [Rama - Fred Lenz] did himself in? 
> He *claimed* to some who were close to him that he 
> was dying of some undiagnosed and undiagnosable 
> illness, and that he just didn't want to waste away
> in some ghastly hospital. I, however, got ahold of
> the coroner's autopsy report, and there was no trace
> of serious disease. 
> My theory of The Big Why is very simple, and meshes
> well with what people who were close to him said:
> drugs. He'd gotten himself addicted to Valium, first
> prescribed after an injury, but he liked the effects
> of it so much that it had begun to affect both his
> behavior and his judgment. On the Valium label it 
> says in big, bold letters, "If you have been taking
> this drug for some time, do NOT try to stop suddenly.
> If you do, you risk side effects including depression,
> psychotic symptoms, and suicide." So what did Mr. 
> I-can-handle-it do? He tried to quit taking Valium
> cold turkey. Three days later he was dead, a suicide.
> > Were you still involved when that happened?
> No, I had left a couple of years earlier, when the
> focus of what it was like to study with him shifted
> away from meditation and things that most (including
> me) considered "spiritual," and began to focus on
> mainly business and career success. Besides, it had
> stopped being fun, so I split. Never regretted it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Question for Barry

2013-03-30 Thread seventhray27

Saw "Gatekeepers" last weekend.  Found it riveting.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
> >
> > Didja ever see Watchmen? If so what did you think of it?
> To be honest, I was underwhelmed, and don't remember
> enough about it to remember why. It was billed as the
> movie version of the best graphic novel ever, but
> because I've never really been a graphic novel fan,
> that didn't do much for me.
> This is not to say that I might not have enjoyed it
> at the time, only that it left no lasting impression
> whatsoever, like the olde story about eating Chinese
> food and being hungry again an hour later.

[FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

2013-03-30 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson 
> Experiences like these are part of the reason I no longer believe
"enlightenment" tied up in a neat package the way Marshy described it
even exists -

I think the old rishis in the ancient times were having all these self
created opium dreams (brought on by inhaling too deeply of the forest
floor molds) and made a complex system of ideas all about the

Having read some of the Vedic literature such as the Yoga Vashishta, I
really couldn't disagree more.  I mean it's a cute little slight you
make, but I suspect that over time, what once inspired you, (or me)
becomes more distant and more dim.  I don't know what would happen if I
read some of the books now.

But having immersed myself in the Upanishads, the Gita, and various
other tracts in my earlier days, I believe they contain profound truths,
and insights into higher levels of awareness, (enlightenment), as well
as a greater understanding of practical matters regarding breath, bodily
functions, and sexual energy.  Simply the whole science of kundalini,
(if one wants to call it a science) is something completely ignored by
western science.  As is the field of prana.

Maybe these tracts will have nothing to offer in this regard.  I suspect
that will not be the case.

> I have read and heard too many accounts of people like Mark Landau and
Robin who have what sound like truly fabulous experiences for months or
years and then start just being regular people again, same with the
Rama-man. I think that maybe we can all experience a plethora of states
of awareness, alternating in flavor and intensity but who knows what the
bottom line on all of it is?
> From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 11:07 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to
> Â
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
> >
> > Do you think Lenz was unenlightened and became unenlightened?
> > Or what?
> I believe that he definitely experienced what many over
> the centuries have described as enlightened states of
> mind. Like Curtis, I do not call these states of mind
> "higher states of consciousness," feeling that "altered
> states" is both more accurate and less likely to be
> misunderstood and misrepresented. No one has *ever*
> been able to prove that these states are "higher" than
> any other, only that they are different than what the
> mainstream experiences.
> Meditating with Rama in the early years was an exper-
> ience unlike any other I have had in this lifetime.
> The silence emanating from the dude was so profound
> that if you were sitting in the same room with him,
> there was no question of wanting to still your mind
> or stop thoughts. You couldn't *have* a thought.
> That said, I personally believe that two things fucked
> up the inner silence/seeming enlightenment he emanated
> in the early days of his teaching. The first was hubris:
> starting to believe his own PR, and allowing his already-
> sizable ego to grow out of control. The second was
> Valium. Towards the end he almost never meditated, and
> my belief is that the reason why is that he knew that
> those of us who had meditated with him years ago would
> notice the difference, and that he could no longer
> access -- much less radiate -- those deep levels of
> silent mind.
> > Is France still Catholic enough that you all are having
> > a 4 day weekend?
> I have a three-day weekend, as does most of Europe. I'm
> back in the Netherlands, and they're off Monday as well.
> France still has a lot of Catholics, but on the whole
> they're a remarkably secular society, as is Spain and
> the Netherlands. That does *not* keep them from taking
> advantage of every religious holiday that comes around
> as a day off of work. :-)
> > 
> > From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 7:44 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long 
> > >
> > > Why do you think he [Rama - Fred Lenz] did himself in?
> >
> > He *claimed* to some who were close to him that he
> > was dying of some undiagnosed and undiagnosable
> > illness, and that he just didn't want to waste away
> > in some ghastly hospital. I, however, got ahold of
> > the coroner's autopsy report, and there was no trace
> > of serious disease.
> >
> > My theory of The Big Why is very simple, and meshes
> > well with what people who were close to him said:
> > drugs. He'd gotten himself addicted to Valium, first
> > prescribed after an injury, but he liked the effects
> > of it so much that it had begun to affect both his
> > behavior and his judgment. On the Valium label it
> > says in big, bold letters, "If 

[FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

2013-03-30 Thread seventhray27

My .02.  When the whole Lenz things came up on FFL  sometime ago, I read
an interview by the Fredster, and yes, I was quite blown away.  I
believe it was at the beginning of his time, when things were untainted.
I then read an interview done several years later, and the shine was off
the feeling I had of his enlightenment, but the core of enlightenment
was still there.

I guess it might be likened to sterling silver that is polished or
tarnished.  The silver content is still there, but brilliance was off.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long 
> Do you think Lenz was unenlightened and became unenlightened?  Or
> Is France still Catholic enough that you all are having a 4 day
> From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 7:44 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to
> Â
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
> >
> > Why do you think he [Rama - Fred Lenz] did himself in?
> He *claimed* to some who were close to him that he
> was dying of some undiagnosed and undiagnosable
> illness, and that he just didn't want to waste away
> in some ghastly hospital. I, however, got ahold of
> the coroner's autopsy report, and there was no trace
> of serious disease.
> My theory of The Big Why is very simple, and meshes
> well with what people who were close to him said:
> drugs. He'd gotten himself addicted to Valium, first
> prescribed after an injury, but he liked the effects
> of it so much that it had begun to affect both his
> behavior and his judgment. On the Valium label it
> says in big, bold letters, "If you have been taking
> this drug for some time, do NOT try to stop suddenly.
> If you do, you risk side effects including depression,
> psychotic symptoms, and suicide." So what did Mr.
> I-can-handle-it do? He tried to quit taking Valium
> cold turkey. Three days later he was dead, a suicide.
> > Were you still involved when that happened?
> No, I had left a couple of years earlier, when the
> focus of what it was like to study with him shifted
> away from meditation and things that most (including
> me) considered "spiritual," and began to focus on
> mainly business and career success. Besides, it had
> stopped being fun, so I split. Never regretted it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-30 Thread seventhray27

Yea, I finally got a chance to reread it as well, and I think it was an
easy mistake to make on my part. Thanks for the acknowledgement.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson 
> Rereading my original post I can see how you would think I was
referring to Girish - but I was referring to Marshy
> From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 10:17 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment
> Â
> Bravo Michael! I was wondering when you'd get up to speed.  Now
let me make sure I have it straight.  Bevan and the rest had to know
what Girish was up to, and they aided and abetted all his alleged
activities.  You are speaking of this as though you have first hand
knowledge of this.  An is it okay for me to use the word "alleged",
or is that just some old fashioned western concept.
> And, would it be a bit of fallacy to declare that Maharishi was a
typical male Hindu and therefore misogynisitic and therefore declare
that he embraces all attributes you have in quotes, (without a clickable
link I might add). Â
> I cannot take issue with the fact that there are no woman in
positions of authority in the TMO.  I think that would be well to be
remedied if the movement can survive, but to take that fact and
therefore draw the conclusions you make I think is unwarranted, and a
> But let's be real.  That is your usual method of operation.
> And may I anticipate your retort.
> "To seventhray and all those who are in deep denial about the real
TMO, there is little hope you can climb out of you naive perceptions."
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
> >
> > I think you are looking through gold tinted glasses - Bevan and all
the rest who were close to Marshy had to know what he was up to, they
condoned and abetted his womanizing, lying and defrauding people
financially, so in that sense they are good custodians of his "legacy" -
they Girish is a Marshy student who learned the tricks of a fake master
at his uncle's knee - its is just more of the same behavior - nothing
> >
> > There never have been and never will be women in positions of power
in the TM Movement because Marshy was a misogynistic man with fairly
typical male Hindu
> > views of women (kitchen and bedroom), but don't believe me, let's
see what some Indian women have to say on the matter:
> >
> > "For Indians, girls are a burden; the desire for male progeny is as
> > natural to us as breathing. We utter prayers, make vows, observe
> > bow before this or that divinity all for the cherished, penis-laden
> > offspring, all so that we may not remain childless or burdened with
> > debit side of the accountâ€"the girl child. For burden she
> > every Indian, in almost every single region of India, barring a few
> > areas where matrilineal systems existâ€"must be familiar with
the idea
> > that a girl is â€Å"paraya dhan,â€�â€"the
treasure of another’s home. Exiled at
> > birth, she already belongs to her in-laws, who are her
â€Å"true� family.
> > The word â€Å"treasure� should not fool us. We are
commodities, chattel,
> > goods. Why else would we have to pay a groom’s family
for the favor of taking the girl child off our sinful hands?"
> >
> > from this page: http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/8529
> >
> >
> > "Sons are taught that they are a blessing to be cherished and that
> > women are there to serve them however they please. This is only
> > in Bollywood films, which are regrettably romanticized by the west,
> > which male protagonists depict their sexual prowess by sexually
> > harassing the principal female character into submission. In the
> > of Indian melodramas, a "no" will inevitably turn to a "yes" after a
few song and dance routines in the rain, of course.
> >
> > Women have no ally in the legislature either, as every major
political party has candidates that have been charged with crimes
> > against women, ranging from domestic abuse to rape. Additionally,
Indian jurisprudence sanctions a "virginity test" to determine the
credibility of the victim's statement. In the test, a
> > doctor inserts two fingers into the woman's vagina to determine the
> > presence or absence of the hymen and the general "laxity" of the
vagina, and presumably, the victim herself."
> > From the page:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > From: Susan wayback71@
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:30 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual
> >
> >
> > ÂÂ
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan"  wrote:
> > > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 23-Mar-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-03-30 Thread seventhray27

I would say it's generally a "weighted" report, Mikey.  Probably 8 to 1,
if I had to assign a value.  Things that don't fit your agenda assigned
a low number.  Things that fit your agenda, an abnormally high number. 
No biggie really, but if your objective is to have credibility, then one
find your opinions lacking.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson 
> As usual Stevie, you are wrong - I do not denigrate all things TMO -
the TMO has denigrated itself for nearly 60 years - I merely report.
> From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 11:44 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 23-Mar-13 00:15:02 UTC
> Â
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" awoelflebater@ wrote:
> snip
> > Weren't things like these attributed to "support of nature"? And I
think you mean does it not 'indicate' the existence of a higher power.
It "necessitates" the existence if we want them to be reinstated, given
a reprieve, allowed to go over the limit once in a while and be
pardoned. I, for one, wish both could post this week.
> Ann, I think I could do a better job of more clearly making my
points.  But, having said that.
> no, necessitateis the right word. (-:  Here Judy got so
carried away with this petty accusation, that she up and overposted
herself.  That is what I call instant karma.  And
if you believe in karma, then I think a higher power can't be
far behind.  I often like Judy's points, but this "gloating"
 thing, with its subsequent posts, seemed so off base, that I felt
it was poetic justice that things worked out the way they did.
> And I can't help feel the same about Michael with his tireless
campaign to denigrate all things TMO.    Â
> Â But since that isn't likely Steve, you better be extra
entertaining, interesting, brilliant and funny to make up for the
absence of both MJ and Authfriend. Agreed?
> Ann, you have my word as a former cub scout, that I will do my best to
FFL and my country to be entertaining, and brilliant and funny, soÂ
help me higher power. (-:
> But, just in case, can you ask Ravi to help out with the brilliant
part.  And any help with the funny part, I can leave with you.Â

[FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

2013-03-30 Thread doctordumbass
There is an easy way to discover your own enlightenment, and what it feels 
like, Michael. When you wake up tomorrow morning, before you have a chance to 
think about who you are, and what you believe in, begin your day, any way you 

All that you thought yesterday and last week, and last month, and last year, is 
again up for grabs - blank slate. Leave it there, and see if you can exist free 
of preconceptions. 

As my wife says, if you are standing at the edge of all the light you know, 
when you step into the darkness, either there will be something solid to stand 
on, or you will be taught how to fly. 

My approach is not quite as dramatic, but same principle -- Check it out. 
Rinse, and repeat.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Experiences like these are part of the reason I no longer believe 
> "enlightenment" tied up in a neat package the way Marshy described it even 
> exists - I think the old rishis in the ancient times were having all these 
> self created opium dreams (brought on by inhaling too deeply of the forest 
> floor molds) and made a complex system of ideas all about the experiences.
> I have read and heard too many accounts of people like Mark Landau and Robin 
> who have what sound like truly fabulous experiences for months or years and 
> then start just being regular people again, same with the Rama-man. I think 
> that maybe we can all experience a plethora of states of awareness, 
> alternating in flavor and intensity but who knows what the bottom line on all 
> of it is?
>  From: turquoiseb 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 11:07 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Do you think Lenz was unenlightened and became unenlightened? 
> > Or what?
> I believe that he definitely experienced what many over
> the centuries have described as enlightened states of 
> mind. Like Curtis, I do not call these states of mind
> "higher states of consciousness," feeling that "altered
> states" is both more accurate and less likely to be 
> misunderstood and misrepresented. No one has *ever* 
> been able to prove that these states are "higher" than 
> any other, only that they are different than what the 
> mainstream experiences.
> Meditating with Rama in the early years was an exper-
> ience unlike any other I have had in this lifetime. 
> The silence emanating from the dude was so profound 
> that if you were sitting in the same room with him,
> there was no question of wanting to still your mind
> or stop thoughts. You couldn't *have* a thought. 
> That said, I personally believe that two things fucked
> up the inner silence/seeming enlightenment he emanated
> in the early days of his teaching. The first was hubris:
> starting to believe his own PR, and allowing his already-
> sizable ego to grow out of control. The second was 
> Valium. Towards the end he almost never meditated, and
> my belief is that the reason why is that he knew that
> those of us who had meditated with him years ago would
> notice the difference, and that he could no longer 
> access -- much less radiate -- those deep levels of
> silent mind. 
> > Is France still Catholic enough that you all are having 
> > a 4 day weekend?
> I have a three-day weekend, as does most of Europe. I'm 
> back in the Netherlands, and they're off Monday as well.
> France still has a lot of Catholics, but on the whole
> they're a remarkably secular society, as is Spain and
> the Netherlands. That does *not* keep them from taking
> advantage of every religious holiday that comes around
> as a day off of work. :-)
> > 
> >  From: turquoiseb 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 7:44 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Why do you think he [Rama - Fred Lenz] did himself in? 
> > 
> > He *claimed* to some who were close to him that he 
> > was dying of some undiagnosed and undiagnosable 
> > illness, and that he just didn't want to waste away
> > in some ghastly hospital. I, however, got ahold of
> > the coroner's autopsy report, and there was no trace
> > of serious disease. 
> > 
> > My theory of The Big Why is very simple, and meshes
> > well with what people who were close to him said:
> > drugs. He'd gotten himself addicted to Valium, first
> > prescribed after an injury, but he liked the effects
> > of it so much that it had begun to affect both his
> > behavior and his judgment. On the Valium label it 
> > says in big, bold letters, "If you have been taking
> > this drug for some time, do NOT try to stop suddenly.
> > If you do, you risk side effects including depression,
> > psychotic symptoms

[FairfieldLife] Re: Company Offers One Way Trip to Mars

2013-03-30 Thread feste37
Michael, please acquire a sense of humor. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> You're that eager to get rid of me cause you know I'm right.
>  From: feste37 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 7:57 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Company Offers One Way Trip to Mars
> I'll sponsor MJ for a trip. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> >
> > Any takers here on FFL?
> > 
> > http://gma.yahoo.com/company-offers-one-way-trip-mars-191306571--abc-news-topstories.html
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-30 Thread doctordumbass
Hi, yeah I found Robin's analysis really helpful. As for integrity or lack 
thereof, all of us have to mature to a point where we see the long term 
usefulness of integrity. 

Both recognizing our identity in full, so that we actually know what personal 
integrity feels like, and maturing somewhat, so that immediate gratification is 
tempered with self-knowledge, make integrity a value in life. 

If on the other hand, one is unsure of oneself, emotionally immature,  and 
seeking instant gratification, then integrity is just a definition in a 

So as far as a corruption of one's integrity, that can only occur if integrity 
is recognized as a value. Everyone pretends to have it, because it is socially 
acceptable. However, there are a lot of boys running around in men's clothing 
these days, and to them, everything is merely kid's play. That is why they act, 
and get treated, like children. Emotional blindness caused by ego tripping. Thy 
'Emperor' has no clothes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
> >
> > Robin, I enjoyed both your assessment of Barry's persona
> > earlier on here, and your response to Curtis below. Sane,
> > comprehensive, honest, clear, brilliantly written,
> > deconstructed perfectly, mental molecular gastronomy. :-)
> > It was a very enjoyable process to follow and validate
> > each turn of your mind as you witnessed it. Alive and real. 
> I couldn't agree more (albeit not as eloquently). I can't say I
> blame Barry's and Curtis's fans for finding Robin's analyses of
> their heroes...uh...distressing. They were devastatingly accurate.
> I would have been deeply impressed by Robin's insights even if
> I had begun lurking on FFL right after Robin left at Christmas,
> having no idea who he, Curtis, or Barry were, but following the
> posts of the latter two.
> As I read the posts from last week, it was disturbing to see
> the increasing degree of corruption in the posts of several of
> the most vocal participants here, primarily Barry, Curtis, and
> navashok. The more they're able to get away with, the more they
> assume they *can* get away with, so the corruption is
> progressive.
> What's equally distressing is that most here *let* them get
> away with it, either because they don't care, or because
> they simply aren't perceptive enough to notice.
> (Corruption = "impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral
> principle")

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Company Offers One Way Trip to Mars

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
You're that eager to get rid of me cause you know I'm right.

 From: feste37 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 7:57 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Company Offers One Way Trip to Mars

I'll sponsor MJ for a trip. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> Any takers here on FFL?
> http://gma.yahoo.com/company-offers-one-way-trip-mars-191306571--abc-news-topstories.html


[FairfieldLife] Re: Teach meditation to 40 formerly incarcerated youth

2013-03-30 Thread doctordumbass
"But that's not all - with your basic TM initiation fee, you receive an endless 
stream of entreaties to give, give, give more and more and more money to the TM 
Movement, always, of course, for the best and highest good of the world.

In addition, if you call your nearest TM Peace Palace in the next 15 minutes 
you will also receive the opportunity to buy, at exorbitant prices, a vast 
array of ridiculous smoke and mirrors, snake oil and nostrums that will never 
lead to enlightenment, perfect health or a sublime life."

You must be on their 'Chump List', Michael. I get a harder sell, for hair 
products, after a haircut, than I do from the TM folks.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> You  are right Nappy, you do get what you pay for - when you pay for TM, you 
> get a meditation technique backed up by 58 years of fraud, deceit and a 
> manipulative guru. 
> But that's not all - with your basic TM initiation fee, you receive an 
> endless stream
>  of entreaties to give, give, give more and more and more money to the TM 
> Movement, always, of course, for the best and highest good of the world.
> In addition, if you call your nearest TM Peace Palace in the next 15 minutes 
> you will also receive the opportunity to buy, at exorbitant prices, a vast 
> array of ridiculous smoke and mirrors, snake oil and
>  nostrums that will never lead to enlightenment, perfect health or a sublime 
> life. 
> Your TM initiation also entitles you to pay big money to learn a set of 
> techniques that purport to give you super-normal abilities, yet have no 
> actual demonstrable effects - originally they were taught as the fast track 
> to enlightenment, being 10,000 times more powerful than TM alone, and will 
> lead to even more absurd promises whose actual fulfillment have very little 
> effect other than to separate you from your money and your good common sense.
> Best of all, if you mention David Lynch's name when you get your TM mantra, 
> you will have the opportunity to lose a great deal more money by having a 
> Marshy approved home designer design a new and totally unnecessary home for 
> you that will cost a lot of money and face east.
> One additional perk of learning TM is the satisfaction of immersing yourself 
> in a fear based ideology - if you don't participate in group
>  program,
>  you will be
>  responsible for not preventing any number of natural and man made disasters, 
> if you enter or exit any building with a south facing entrance you will 
> suffer mightily, if you expose yourself to a solar eclipse, you will surely 
> experience bad karma and on and on.
> All of these things are proof positive that TM is by far the very best 
> meditation technique for creating problems in life and screwing up peoples 
> minds. You can tell its the best by the price tag, and after all don't you 
> WANT to contribute to Girish's legal defense fund? Even tho he is a wealthy 
> man, of course Hagelin and the boys are gonna raise money to pay his legal 
> defense - the TM Movement and its pimps ALWAYS get TM True Believes to pay 
> the freight, rather than paying for stuff themselves.
>  From: nablusoss1008 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:58 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Teach meditation to 40 formerly incarcerated 
> youth
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > 
> > I think they're excuses, made by people who, if they
> > were being honest, cannot find any way to justify to
> > *themselves* the unconscionably high prices that the
> > TMO charges for TM, but feel the need to make such
> > justifications to others.
> > 
> > The high prices are a form of discrimination. Only
> > the wealthy or well-to-do (or those who have some
> > organization willing to pay the fee *for* them) get
> > to learn TM. The rest can go suck eggs. This is the
> > TM version of "compassion."
> DrD's comment above is a proper answer to your endless nonsense. He wrote:
> "You get what you pay for. That is why most people have never heard of these 
> two
> meditation programs - No one with any name recognition has found them to be
> successful, so rather than generating interest, or even controversy, these two
> marginal techniques are relegated to the backwaters of spiritual concern.
> Perhaps you can amuse yourself by finding all the other free and useless forms
> of meditation available around the globe, and then please share them with us.
> That is, when you aren't sticking your finger someplace warm and stinky.:-)"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> Robin, I enjoyed both your assessment of Barry's persona
> earlier on here, and your response to Curtis below. Sane,
> comprehensive, honest, clear, brilliantly written,
> deconstructed perfectly, mental molecular gastronomy. :-)
> It was a very enjoyable process to follow and validate
> each turn of your mind as you witnessed it. Alive and real. 

I couldn't agree more (albeit not as eloquently). I can't say I
blame Barry's and Curtis's fans for finding Robin's analyses of
their heroes...uh...distressing. They were devastatingly accurate.

I would have been deeply impressed by Robin's insights even if
I had begun lurking on FFL right after Robin left at Christmas,
having no idea who he, Curtis, or Barry were, but following the
posts of the latter two.

As I read the posts from last week, it was disturbing to see
the increasing degree of corruption in the posts of several of
the most vocal participants here, primarily Barry, Curtis, and
navashok. The more they're able to get away with, the more they
assume they *can* get away with, so the corruption is

What's equally distressing is that most here *let* them get
away with it, either because they don't care, or because
they simply aren't perceptive enough to notice.

(Corruption = "impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral

[FairfieldLife] Birth Chart of Kim Jong Un

2013-03-30 Thread John
To All:

The chart shows that his father was infamous, due to the conjunction of Mars 
and Saturn in the 11th bhava from the Sun.  This also indicates that he will 
follow his father's footsteps in becoming an infamous tyrant.  His friends are 
the infamous military generals who supported his father's hold into political 

However, he has several atmakaraka doshas that may affect his physical and 
mental health.  The Sun is his atmakaraka and the planets in the 6th and 12th 
houses from the AK are the doshas.  Specifically,

1.  Rahu is placed in the navamsa of Cancer.  This indicates he will have 
trouble with watery diseases and hydrophobia.

2.  Venus is placed in the navamsa of Scorpio.  This indicates that he will 
have troubles with watery diseases, reptiles and snakes.

3.  Ketu is placed in the navamsa of Capricorn indicating troubles with spirits 
and psychic disorders.

Further, the current transits of Saturn and Rahu in Libra are obviously causing 
troubles for him.  The transits may disturb his relationship with his military 
generals, indicating a possible collapse of his regime.  And, on the personal 
basis, it may affect the health of his first child if his wife is pregnant at 
this time.

These are a few of the things I've noticed in the chart.



--- In marital_astrol...@yahoogroups.com, "kaalithas"  wrote:
>||  Om Namo Narayana   ||
> Name : Kim - Jong - Un
> DOB  : 8-January, 1984  .
> Doubtful Time : 7 : 55 AM.
> Place of birth : Pyongyang
> Lagnam : Around 23 Sagitarius .
> Present Job : threatening United States .

[FairfieldLife] TED Talk on planned grazing & the reversal of climate change

2013-03-30 Thread Share Long
Allan Savory shows with photos of actual and dramatic results that 
desertification can be reversed which will in turn remove carbon from the 
atmosphere to PRE INDUSTRIAL levels!  One of the most inspiring TED Talks I've 
ever seen.


[FairfieldLife] Re: More on Nagel's "Mind & Cosmos"

2013-03-30 Thread authfriend
Interesting, yes, but I think it misses the point. The
first comment on that post does a good job explaining
the real point, but Feser's response to it completely
misses it again!

The commenter quotes Chalmers at length, concluding
with this:

"How can we explain why there is something it is like
to entertain a mental image, or to experience an emotion?
...Why should physical processing give rise to a rich 
inner life at all? It seems objectively unreasonable that
it should, and yet it does."

To put it another way, the question isn't why things--
including mental experience--seem to us the way they do,
but *why should there be such a thing as "seeming"* in
the first place?

So much philosophical discussion of consciousness takes
"seeming" for granted, when it's the very thing that
requires explanation.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PaliGap"  wrote:
> This is an interesting blog post IMO:
> http://edwardfeser.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/nagel-and-his-critics-part-viii.html
> Or http://goo.gl/QulfS
> How much of our existential anguish can be laid at the feet
> of Monsieur R. Descartes?
> "From the concrete material objects of everyday life, Descartes
> and the moderns who have followed him derived two abstractions
> (as I discussed in an earlier post).  First, they abstracted out
> those features that could be captured in exclusively quantitative
> terms, reified this abstraction, and called that reified abstraction
> "matter," or "the physical," or that which is "objective."  Second,
> they abstracted those qualitative features that would not fit the
> first, quantitative picture, reified that abstraction, and called
> it "the mental," or that which is "subjective."  Once this move
> was made, there was never in principle going to be a way to get
> mind and matter together again, since they were in effect defined
> by contrast with one another."

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and its Rock Stars

2013-03-30 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson 
> Excellent, thank you - I agree with everything you have said, although
I still have some reservations about the practice itself after having
talked with Mark Landau and due to all the old stories I have heard
about suicides, major unstressing, and
  having seen people become emotionally disconnected and unable to
function well in society
Okay, okay.  Michael,  some might say it works both ways.  You stop the
practice and..
Just sayin..
and you know how it works, "hey doc a friend of mine is in a 12 step
program" and...
"hey doc, a friend of mine seems to be a little emotionally
disconnected" and..
It's always, "that friend of mine"
just sayin, sayin

- I have seen the latter myself, so I agree that TM can be ok for some,
but it isn't without it's downside.
> And thanks for posting a cogent and well reasoned essay.
>  From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@...
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:12 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and its Rock Stars
> Â
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
> >
> > Every exchange like this just reinforces my belief that long term TM
makes ones brain turn into mush and removes the ability to think
> A belief is a thought that the world is a certain way. It would seem
the term 'knowledge' might refer to an experience or thought that
correlates with the way the world really is. In practice though
knowledge based on thought is hypothetical, that is, we cannot know a
thought represents reality without a test of some kind. And if a thought
refers to things we cannot test, then knowledge is impossible.
> I personally do not think TM turns the brain into mush. But one has to
look at the environment in which it is used. Beginning meditators
usually, if their experience is good, are enthusiastic, and one can
excuse them for that. But if they get more involved, they find
themselves enmeshed in an organisation that does not really allow
creative independent thinking - everything in that environment tends
toward doing what 'Maharishi expected people to do', which means that
your thinking has to be along the lines of that rut. The TMO does not
sanction independent thinking unless it brings in more cash (like Lynch
for example)
> I was just looking at documents on the Zen-trained Adyashanti's web
> This is the complete summary of his teaching in his own words:
> Be still.
> Question every thought.
> Contemplate the source of Reality.
> That second line is interesting, since it seems to me to be
fundamental to getting oneself out of the rut of mere belief. Spiritual
engagement is such a peculiar thing to get involved in. It takes all
sorts of bizarre forms. You need independent thinking to wade through
the morass of conflicting and unbelievable beliefs one encounters in
every kind of spiritual movement. You need to be curious. You really
have to wonder how you have gotten yourself in such a situation, and how
to get out of it what you came into it for. If you came into it to feel
good, probably you will fail. If you came into it to become part of a
community, probably you will fail in that greater task that is called
> The environment of the TMO and its suburbs I feel is not conducive to
enlightenment unless a person is very focused on being enlightened; it
will rot your brain; not the TM, that is a tool that can be used wisely
or not, but constantly having to conform to a particular mindset will
erode purpose. My experience was I began to forget my purpose. When I
left, that purpose began to re-emerge. It was a subtle kind of
> I do not mind being around dedicated TMO-ites now, because I have my
purpose and my life; they cannot infiltrate, and strangely TM had a big
part to play in this, but it took a long time to unfold, not because any
particular kind of meditation is inefficient, but because for most,
including me, it just takes a long time to break through one's
delusions. If you are aligned with a movement that fosters delusions,
you are sunk.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hoping Steve will Learn to Read

2013-03-30 Thread seventhray27
My bad.  I didn't mean to steal your thunder.  I guess I was just
anticipating the connection you were going to make in your next post. 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson 
> Evidently you need to take some classes in basic reading comprehension
- I did not say anything about Bevan and Company aiding and abetting
GIRISH - I said they did that about MARSHY.
>  From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 10:17 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment
> Â
> Bravo Michael! I was wondering when you'd get up to speed.  Now
let me make sure I have it straight.  Bevan and the rest had to know
what Girish was up to, and they aided and abetted all his alleged
activities.  You are speaking of this as though you have first hand
knowledge of this.  An is it okay for me to use the word "alleged",
or is that just some old fashioned western concept.
> And, would it be a bit of fallacy to declare that Maharishi was a
typical male Hindu and therefore misogynisitic and therefore declare
that he embraces all attributes you have in quotes, (without a clickable
link I might add). Â
> I cannot take issue with the fact that there are no woman in
positions of authority in the TMO.  I think that would be well to be
remedied if the movement can survive, but to take that fact and
therefore draw the conclusions you make I think is unwarranted, and a
> But let's be real.  That is your usual method of operation.
> And may I anticipate your retort.
> "To seventhray and all those who are in deep denial about the real
TMO, there is little hope you can climb out of you naive perceptions."
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
> >
> > I think you are looking through gold tinted glasses - Bevan and all
the rest who were close to Marshy had to know what he was up to, they
condoned and abetted his womanizing, lying and defrauding people
financially, so in that sense they are good custodians of his "legacy" -
they Girish is a Marshy student who learned the tricks of a fake master
at his uncle's knee - its is just more of the same behavior - nothing
> >
> > There never have been and never will be women in positions of power
in the TM Movement because Marshy was a misogynistic man with fairly
typical male Hindu
> > views of women (kitchen and bedroom), but don't believe me, let's
see what some Indian women have to say on the matter:
> >
> > "For Indians, girls are a burden; the desire for male progeny is as
> > natural to us as breathing. We utter prayers, make vows, observe
> > bow before this or that divinity all for the cherished, penis-laden
> > offspring, all so that we may not remain childless or burdened with
> > debit side of the accountâ€"the girl child. For burden she
> > every Indian, in almost every single region of India, barring a few
> > areas where matrilineal systems existâ€"must be familiar with
the idea
> > that a girl is â€Å"paraya dhan,â€�â€"the
treasure of another’s home. Exiled at
> > birth, she already belongs to her in-laws, who are her
â€Å"true� family.
> > The word â€Å"treasure� should not fool us. We are
commodities, chattel,
> > goods. Why else would we have to pay a groom’s family
for the favor of taking the girl child off our sinful hands?"
> >
> > from this page: http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/8529
> >
> >
> > "Sons are taught that they are a blessing to be cherished and that
> > women are there to serve them however they please. This is only
> > in Bollywood films, which are regrettably romanticized by the west,
> > which male protagonists depict their sexual prowess by sexually
> > harassing the principal female character into submission. In the
> > of Indian melodramas, a "no" will inevitably turn to a "yes" after a
few song and dance routines in the rain, of course.
> >
> > Women have no ally in the legislature either, as every major
political party has candidates that have been charged with crimes
> > against women, ranging from domestic abuse to rape. Additionally,
Indian jurisprudence sanctions a "virginity test" to determine the
credibility of the victim's statement. In the test, a
> > doctor inserts two fingers into the woman's vagina to determine the
> > presence or absence of the hymen and the general "laxity" of the
vagina, and presumably, the victim herself."
> > From the page:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > From: Susan wayback71@
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:30 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual
> >
> >
> > ÂÂ
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] More on Nagel's "Mind & Cosmos"

2013-03-30 Thread PaliGap
This is an interesting blog post IMO:

Or http://goo.gl/QulfS

How much of our existential anguish can be laid at the feet
of Monsieur R. Descartes?

"From the concrete material objects of everyday life, Descartes
and the moderns who have followed him derived two abstractions
(as I discussed in an earlier post).  First, they abstracted out
those features that could be captured in exclusively quantitative
terms, reified this abstraction, and called that reified abstraction
"matter," or "the physical," or that which is "objective."  Second,
they abstracted those qualitative features that would not fit the
first, quantitative picture, reified that abstraction, and called
it "the mental," or that which is "subjective."  Once this move
was made, there was never in principle going to be a way to get
mind and matter together again, since they were in effect defined
by contrast with one another."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Teach meditation to 40 formerly incarcerated youth

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
You  are right Nappy, you do get what you pay for - when you pay for TM, you 
get a meditation technique backed up by 58 years of fraud, deceit and a 
manipulative guru. 

But that's not all - with your basic TM initiation fee, you receive an endless 
 of entreaties to give, give, give more and more and more money to the TM 
Movement, always, of course, for the best and highest good of the world.

In addition, if you call your nearest TM Peace Palace in the next 15 minutes 
you will also receive the opportunity to buy, at exorbitant prices, a vast 
array of ridiculous smoke and mirrors, snake oil and
 nostrums that will never lead to enlightenment, perfect health or a sublime 

Your TM initiation also entitles you to pay big money to learn a set of 
techniques that purport to give you super-normal abilities, yet have no actual 
demonstrable effects - originally they were taught as the fast track to 
enlightenment, being 10,000 times more powerful than TM alone, and will lead to 
even more absurd promises whose actual fulfillment have very little effect 
other than to separate you from your money and your good common sense.

Best of all, if you mention David Lynch's name when you get your TM mantra, you 
will have the opportunity to lose a great deal more money by having a Marshy 
approved home designer design a new and totally unnecessary home for you that 
will cost a lot of money and face east.

One additional perk of learning TM is the satisfaction of immersing yourself in 
a fear based ideology - if you don't participate in group
 you will be
 responsible for not preventing any number of natural and man made disasters, 
if you enter or exit any building with a south facing entrance you will suffer 
mightily, if you expose yourself to a solar eclipse, you will surely experience 
bad karma and on and on.

All of these things are proof positive that TM is by far the very best 
meditation technique for creating problems in life and screwing up peoples 
minds. You can tell its the best by the price tag, and after all don't you WANT 
to contribute to Girish's legal defense fund? Even tho he is a wealthy man, of 
course Hagelin and the boys are gonna raise money to pay his legal defense - 
the TM Movement and its pimps ALWAYS get TM True Believes to pay the freight, 
rather than paying for stuff themselves.

 From: nablusoss1008 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:58 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Teach meditation to 40 formerly incarcerated youth


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> I think they're excuses, made by people who, if they
> were being honest, cannot find any way to justify to
> *themselves* the unconscionably high prices that the
> TMO charges for TM, but feel the need to make such
> justifications to others.
> The high prices are a form of discrimination. Only
> the wealthy or well-to-do (or those who have some
> organization willing to pay the fee *for* them) get
> to learn TM. The rest can go suck eggs. This is the
> TM version of "compassion."

DrD's comment above is a proper answer to your endless nonsense. He wrote:

"You get what you pay for. That is why most people have never heard of these two
meditation programs - No one with any name recognition has found them to be
successful, so rather than generating interest, or even controversy, these two
marginal techniques are relegated to the backwaters of spiritual concern.

Perhaps you can amuse yourself by finding all the other free and useless forms
of meditation available around the globe, and then please share them with us.

That is, when you aren't sticking your finger someplace warm and stinky.:-)"


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hoping Steve will Learn to Read

2013-03-30 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Evidently you need to take some classes in basic reading comprehension - I 
> did not say anything about Bevan and Company aiding and abetting GIRISH - I 
> said they did that about MARSHY.

Why don't you just post out and shut up ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question for Barry

2013-03-30 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Didja ever see Watchmen? If so what did you think of it?

To be honest, I was underwhelmed, and don't remember
enough about it to remember why. It was billed as the
movie version of the best graphic novel ever, but 
because I've never really been a graphic novel fan,
that didn't do much for me. 

This is not to say that I might not have enjoyed it
at the time, only that it left no lasting impression
whatsoever, like the olde story about eating Chinese
food and being hungry again an hour later. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kim Jung Un is Angry with Willy

2013-03-30 Thread John
Or from the Illuminati.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Or North Korea is taking orders from the US Military Industrial 
> Complex.  All kinds of money to be made with a big war and maybe setting 
> off a nuke (false flag) in Austin would get the fearful American sheep 
> to march in step to support a big war.
> On 03/29/2013 06:19 PM, John wrote:
> > Kim Jong Un's actions don't fit with his ayurvedic body constitution.  IMO, 
> > he's a puppet of the North Korean Army generals.  He's a type that would 
> > prefer to eat than fight.
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >> So what did Willy do to piss off the Jong Un?
> >>
> >> http://www.kvue.com/news/NKorea-orders-rocket-prep-after-US-B-2-drill-200590371.html
> >>
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Question for Barry

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
Didja ever see Watchmen? If so what did you think of it?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped her for 15 years / Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment threatens to commit suicide

2013-03-30 Thread srijau

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@...  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@  wrote:
> > >
> > > Yes her claim is seeming more and more ridiculous and implausible, you 
> > > are on record here accepting them immediately and at face value though.
> > >
> > 
> > Srijau, Is this the TM position on this now? To defend the accused publicly 
> > by attacking the victim?
> I have done nothing to attack the victim,
even at that I should have said alleging victim as it is more than likely that 
Girish Varma is the victim here, no married women was raped for 15 years and 
who was not confined. Its not attacking anyone to point out that it is 
ridiculous. People can and will say all kinds of things but it does not make it 
so, influential people get shaked down all the time by people who think they 
can extort easy money and then when the plan backfires they resort to more 
desperate measures and threats. It is not an indication that their claim is 
plausible and its no defamation of anyone to point that out.  
 that is a distortion on your part. 
>   Is this what you are hearing in the middle of TM as position? 
> I have no formal connexion to the Global Country of World Peace, no financial 
> interest of any kind and no close friendships with any of the principals.
>  Or is this your own (record)?
> > 
> > Om, Interesting piece about women in India.
> > http://www.npr.org/2013/03/28/175471907/on-indias-trains-seeking-safety-in-the-women-s-compartment
> >  
> > 
> > > > > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok 
> > wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > > I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new
> > sensitivity in India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this
> > gang-rape case, which is still going on.
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > The movement should go into quick action and fire him, 
> > > > > > > > > > otherwise
> > the movement in India will be dead.
> > > > > > > > > >  
> >  
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped her for 15 years
> > > > Rageshri Ganguly
> > > >  
> > > > 
> > > > , TNN | Mar 25, 2013, 09.21 PM IST
> > > > 
> > > > BHOPAL: In a surprising turn of events, a teacher of Maharishi Vidya 
> > > > Mandir
> > > > (MVM) Ratanpur, who had earlier alleged sexual harassment
> > > >   against
> > > > chairman of the group Girish Chandra Varma
> > > >  , went 
> > > > to
> > > > the Mahila Thana
> > > >  > > > panyid-12537.cms>  with her husband on Sunday to file an FIR
> > > >   of repeated rape in the 
> > > > same
> > > > case. 
> > > > 
> > > > Though the police did not register an FIR, the police station received 
> > > > her
> > > > written complaint. 
> > > > 
> > > > The victim alleged that the police were under pressure from Varma and 
> > > > she
> > > > would move court with a private complaint. 
> > > > 
> > > > In the fresh complaint, the teacher alleged that Varma not only 
> > > > repeatedly
> > > > raped her for 15 years from 1998, but also wanted her to bring students 
> > > > and
> > > > teachers of MVM   to him 
> > > > with
> > > > bad intention. Also, she had alleged that Varma had threatened her and 
> > > > her
> > > > husband with dire consequences, including death threats, if they did not
> > > > comply with his wishes. 
> > > > 
> > > > After coming out of thana, she alleged, "the attitude of the investing
> > > > officer of sexual harassment case changed after she received a call on 
> > > > her
> > > > mobile phone and she said that the investigation of the previous 
> > > > complaint
> > > > is still on and hence any action would be taken only after into the 
> > > > case of
> > > > sexual harassment." 
> > > > 
> > > > IO Seema Patel, on the other hand, remained tight-lipped.
> > > > 
> > > >   _  
> > > > 
> > > > Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment 
> > > > threatens to commit suicide
> > > > 
> > > > MUMBAI: The woman complainant who had charged Girish Chandra Varma of
> > > > Maharshi Group 
> > > > with sexual harassment and rape has threatened to commit suicide if 
> > > > police
> > > > failed to register an FIR. The woman had on Sunday approached the police
> > > > alleging that Varma, chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir (MVM) group, had
> > > > raped her for 15 years. 
> > > > 
> > > > The couple also demanded that Varma sho

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-30 Thread srijau

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > >
> > > In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual harassment 
> > > guideline for its employees and officers?
> > 
> > Probably not, I imagine they still hope that the stuff they
> > teach about spontaneous right action and coherent behaviour
> > is actually true and they therefore don't need a legal fall 
> > back.
> > 
> > But if this story is true, it isn't an employee it's the guy
> > at the top and he isn't going to want harassment guidelines
> > is he?
> > 
> > Still, at least he hasn't claimed he was "helping her with
> > her karma". I look forward to a full report in TM News 
> > magazine.
> >
> What is the TM administration going to do about him? [?] The Girish story 
> seems to broaden everyday.  Do a google 'news' search for "Girish Varma".  He 
> comes right up now,  Times of India every day:  Molestation, extortion, 
> attemped murder,  Sex in the back seat of an Audi.  Five-Star Hotels. Other 
> women come forward.
There is no "other woman come forward" this is not so. Show here even one news 
article to even indicate such a thing. Its all the same accuser.

  It's very unfortunate.  Jeeesus. 
> The guy could take the whole Indian TM sub-continent down with him and TM 
> Europe and the Americas too.  Who would want to be associated with him?
> http://globalpeaceproject.net/about-us/the-foundation/brahmananda-saraswati-foundatio-board-of-directors/
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> > >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Well, you know what they say... if it's got tits, tires, or testicles, 
> > > > there's gonna be trouble.
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > This is extremely saddening and I feel very sorry for everyone around 
> > > > > it now,  for all the good people who work properly with extreme 
> > > > > propriety to make things work well and achieve great things.  This is 
> > > > > disheartening sickening.
> > > > > 
> > > > > >
> > > > > > She's a very brave person.  He's a very powerful man.  
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bill Coop  
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >  Maharishi Vidya Mandir chairman accused of molestation
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > A married woman working as a teacher at Maharishi Vidya Mandir in
> > > > > > > Bhopal
> > > > > > >  has filed a complaint against the chairman of Maharishi Vidya 
> > > > > > > Mandir group
> > > > > > > of schools Girish Chandra Varma for molestation and mental 
> > > > > > > torture.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Varma has just been granted bail in a firing incident earlier 
> > > > > > > this year at
> > > > > > > Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Allahabad and came back to Bhopal 
> > > > > > > couple of
> > > > > > > days ago.
> > > > > > > The woman filed a complaint to the State Women's Commission (SWC) 
> > > > > > > alleging
> > > > > > > that Varma threatened that she and her husband, who also worked 
> > > > > > > with the
> > > > > > > group, would lose their jobs if she failed to cooperate with him.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > The woman said that the accused used to insist her husband take 
> > > > > > > her along
> > > > > > > on tours to other cities and countries. Each time, a five star 
> > > > > > > hotel was
> > > > > > > booked with adjoining rooms. Varma would send her husband away on 
> > > > > > > errands
> > > > > > > and then molest her.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > She did not say anything earlier fearing social ostracism but 
> > > > > > > when it
> > > > > > > became too much to take, she told her husband and decided to file 
> > > > > > > a
> > > > > > > complaint.
> > > > > > > There have been counter allegations that the husband had been 
> > > > > > > trying to
> > > > > > > extort money from Varma since 2011 for a new house with claims 
> > > > > > > that he sent
> > > > > > > various abusive e-mails and letters to Varma and maligned Varma's 
> > > > > > > image on
> > > > > > > social networking sites.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-03-08/bhopal/37560420_1_molestation-husband-complaint
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped her for 15 years / Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment threatens to commit suicide

2013-03-30 Thread srijau

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@  wrote:
> >
> > Yes her claim is seeming more and more ridiculous and implausible, you are 
> > on record here accepting them immediately and at face value though.
> >
> Srijau, Is this the TM position on this now? To defend the accused publicly 
> by attacking the victim?
I have done nothing to attack the victim, that is a distortion on your part. 
  Is this what you are hearing in the middle of TM as position? 
I have no formal connexion to the Global Country of World Peace, no financial 
interest of any kind and no close friendships with any of the principals.
 Or is this your own (record)?
> Om, Interesting piece about women in India.
> http://www.npr.org/2013/03/28/175471907/on-indias-trains-seeking-safety-in-the-women-s-compartment
> > > > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok 
> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new
> sensitivity in India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this
> gang-rape case, which is still going on.
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > The movement should go into quick action and fire him, 
> > > > > > > > > otherwise
> the movement in India will be dead.
> > > > > > > > >  
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped her for 15 years
> > > Rageshri Ganguly
> > >  
> > > 
> > > , TNN | Mar 25, 2013, 09.21 PM IST
> > > 
> > > BHOPAL: In a surprising turn of events, a teacher of Maharishi Vidya 
> > > Mandir
> > > (MVM) Ratanpur, who had earlier alleged sexual harassment
> > >   against
> > > chairman of the group Girish Chandra Varma
> > >  , went to
> > > the Mahila Thana
> > >  > > panyid-12537.cms>  with her husband on Sunday to file an FIR
> > >   of repeated rape in the 
> > > same
> > > case. 
> > > 
> > > Though the police did not register an FIR, the police station received her
> > > written complaint. 
> > > 
> > > The victim alleged that the police were under pressure from Varma and she
> > > would move court with a private complaint. 
> > > 
> > > In the fresh complaint, the teacher alleged that Varma not only repeatedly
> > > raped her for 15 years from 1998, but also wanted her to bring students 
> > > and
> > > teachers of MVM   to him 
> > > with
> > > bad intention. Also, she had alleged that Varma had threatened her and her
> > > husband with dire consequences, including death threats, if they did not
> > > comply with his wishes. 
> > > 
> > > After coming out of thana, she alleged, "the attitude of the investing
> > > officer of sexual harassment case changed after she received a call on her
> > > mobile phone and she said that the investigation of the previous complaint
> > > is still on and hence any action would be taken only after into the case 
> > > of
> > > sexual harassment." 
> > > 
> > > IO Seema Patel, on the other hand, remained tight-lipped.
> > > 
> > >   _  
> > > 
> > > Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment 
> > > threatens to commit suicide
> > > 
> > > MUMBAI: The woman complainant who had charged Girish Chandra Varma of
> > > Maharshi Group 
> > > with sexual harassment and rape has threatened to commit suicide if police
> > > failed to register an FIR. The woman had on Sunday approached the police
> > > alleging that Varma, chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir (MVM) group, had
> > > raped her for 15 years. 
> > > 
> > > The couple also demanded that Varma should resign from the post of 
> > > chairman
> > > on moral grounds. The complainant and wife of Rajesh Sharma told media at 
> > > a
> > > press conference here on Monday that the only way left for her and her
> > > family was to commit suicide. "Unless the police register an FIR under
> > > sections of rape against Varma I would commit suicide in front of the 
> > > chief
> > > minister's residence within a week," the complainant said. 
> > > 
> > > "We would have to take the Geetika Sharma way ( suicide )to convince the
> > > world that we are truthful," Sharma told the media. 
> > > 
> > > The couple also revealed the circumstances under which the victim was 
> > > raped
> > > repeatedly by Girish Chandra Varma, including the last time on January 1,
> > > 2013 in his Audi   car. 
> > > 
> > > The couple questioned that when the new rape law is in place, why the FIR
> > > was n

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christ Resurrected

2013-03-30 Thread authfriend
Curtis, an editorial comment, if you don't mind.

This isn't funny. No, it has nothing to do with
"blasphemy" or "disrespect" or anything like that.

It's because the mockery has so little connection
to what you're mocking. Same with your previous

I don't know whether you'll be able to see this.
It took me a little while to figure out why the
two posts fall so flat.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> Dude is totally voguing at that sausage party.  If Jesus had come back in 
> 1990 he would have cleaned up with that move. Club kid on the bottom right 
> just fell into a K hole.  Better put a mirror under that nose to check.
> Nowadays MC JC is gunna need to serve up a little Harlem shake if he wants to 
> clear some space on the dance floor for a little second coming action. (or 
> first)
> And a shower would be nice, with a little modern day hair product.  Things 
> get a little sweaty out heagh when they start mixing up some Lil Wayne into 
> Dre beats played backwards, and you can't start at "camel" on the 
> stank-O-meter. 
> Oh yeah, with all those dudes, Mr. Savior had better have Crystal and V.O. 
> flowing like the Red Sea. (coughslotsofblow)  Cuz dem threads are not gunna 
> pull any honeys other than chicks from the burbs who maxed Daddy's credgit 
> card buying those stripper heels, the push UP bra, and the "I am rolling on 
> E" mirror top with the LEDs.  They like free drinks. 
> Lots of free drinks. (coughsagainblowandE)  Good luck converting the vertical 
> to the horizontal my shizzzavior. Happy Easter. (Trim the beard, North 
> and most importantly wax down South. Nobody wants to see a burning bush 
> today.)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> >
> > http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/Noel-coypel-the-resurrection-of-christ-1700.jpg
> >   (in the air version)
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > >
> > > by Rembrandt:
> > > 
> > > http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/1/924.jpg

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kim Jung Un is Angry with Willy

2013-03-30 Thread Bhairitu
Or North Korea is taking orders from the US Military Industrial 
Complex.  All kinds of money to be made with a big war and maybe setting 
off a nuke (false flag) in Austin would get the fearful American sheep 
to march in step to support a big war.

On 03/29/2013 06:19 PM, John wrote:
> Kim Jong Un's actions don't fit with his ayurvedic body constitution.  IMO, 
> he's a puppet of the North Korean Army generals.  He's a type that would 
> prefer to eat than fight.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> So what did Willy do to piss off the Jong Un?
>> http://www.kvue.com/news/NKorea-orders-rocket-prep-after-US-B-2-drill-200590371.html

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bhairitu will enjoy this

2013-03-30 Thread Bhairitu
They both suck.  The big telecoms need to be broken up.  I also heard 
how in many areas Republicans are working against community fiber optic 
plans so that their telecom buddies can extort the public.  One thing 
about AT&T though it may depend on what system locally they took over 
because around here many of the people I deal with worked for PacBell 
which was the company that Southern Bell (now AT&T) took over.  Comcast 
is like a carnival midway and you would expect carnival music while 
waiting on hold.  Regionally Sonic is the better provider but our 
Supreme Court goons ruled that AT&T could charge exorbitantly to allow 
them to piggy back on their system and they can't be on their fiber at all.

America sucks big time!

On 03/29/2013 06:19 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Take it from someone with experience - At&T sucks big time particularly when 
> it comes to Internet - Comcast sucks as far as being a TV provider, but their 
> Xfinity internet is way better than U Verse
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEvRL9h643o
> Warning - there is plenty of profanity - also shows the down side of being 
> attached to the outcome of an activity.
>   From: Bhairitu 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 3:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bhairitu will enjoy this
> Maybe they will pay you some interest too.  When I switched from
> Earthlink to AT&T Broadband they were supposed to give me a $50 rebate
> to help defray the cost of the modem/router.  They messed up the account
> and I didn't get the rebate at least right away.  A little over a year
> later the modem/router died and though out of warranty I talked them
> into replacing it (probably because the support person thought that it
> sucked that it died just a little out of warranty).  In the process they
> must have reviewed the account and found they never paid me the rebate
> so sent a check with interest.
> When I went to U-Verse Internet and phone with AT&T they sent a $100
> gift card.  I knew to use it up within the first month or Visa would
> charge a fee.  So all purchases were done with it instead of cash.   I'm
> contemplating replacing Comcast with their TV service and I would get a
> $200 gift card and to same with it. There's not a lot of choice when it
> comes to TV and I've even considered doing without (cutting the cable).
> Most shows I really want to watch can still be seen using Hulu Plus and
> most of the cable network shows with Vudu or Amazon.  Comcast may start
> encrypting the limited basic channels anyway rendering my computer TV
> tuners extinct.
> On 03/26/2013 07:55 AM, Share Long wrote:
>> Thank you to Doc, Alex and noozguru for all the great info.  Let me tell you 
>> of my adventures yesterday with Verizon the Obsequious.  For my first foray 
>> they used the Bold Strategy of having me be hung up on while waiting for 
>> Customer Service.  But being the dauntless lass that FFL has made me, 
>> gratitude all around, I dialed in again, waffled through the automated menu 
>> and this time got an actual person!  Christian.  Christian who kept putting 
>> me on hold.  And then thanking me for being patient when he returned.
>> Dear Christian of course had no way of knowing that I loathe and detest when 
>> someone, even in 3D life, thanks me for being patient.  What in God's name 
>> makes them think I'm being patient?!  I'm pure pitta for God's sake!  
>> There's not a patient bone in my body.  Instead I follow Mark Russell's 
>> advice that the secret of patience is to do something else in the meantime.  
>> Now that's a strategy dear to any pitta's heart.  But back to Verizon.
>> Then Christian passed me to another person, Michelle.  Michelle with the Bad 
>> Customer Karma, where Bad refers both to the Customer, Me, and to her Karma. 
>>  Anyway, she made it clear how lucky I was that we didn't have to wait 72 
>> hours to access my account history.  They quickly located my December 2012 
>> balance which was $208.25!  But, you gotta love how the buts keep coming, 
>> but I had to buy another month for $15 to even find out if they would credit 
>> my account!  So I did.  Then she announced the total fee, $16.38 which 
>> dismayed me because for 8 1/2 years, as I told the hapless Michelle, the 
>> monthly amount with taxes was $16.05.  She floundered about, probably 
>> thinking at this point that I was a test customer.  Rather than simply a 
>> testy one ha ha.
>> We soldiered on, she put me on hold again, thanked me again for about the 6 
>> billionth time for being patient and then informed me that the amount was 
>> not only too high for her to authorize but also too high for her supervisor 
>> to authorize!  Talk about cults!
>> Soo, I will have to wait, patient person that they think I am, 
>> probably another 72 hours to see if I get the $208.25 credited back to my 
>> account.  They now know that 

[FairfieldLife] Europe Freezes, But Help Is At Hand

2013-03-30 Thread PaliGap

Re: [FairfieldLife] President Barack Monsanto Obama

2013-03-30 Thread Bhairitu
Probably better the US government get shutdown than for the asura 
Monsanto to poison the world.

On 03/30/2013 07:36 AM, Share Long wrote:
> noozguru, and anyone else, what about the point that if Obama hadn't signed 
> the bill, there would be no budget and the fed govt would have shut down for 
> a week?  Is that true?  How the heck did the Monsanto aspect get put into the 
> budget aspect?  Do you think the Dems allowed the situation to avoid taking a 
> stand against Monsanto?
>   From: Bhairitu 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:48 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] President Barack Monsanto Obama
> People are pissed that Obama is a shill for Monsanto.  Glad to see the
> public reacting.  Makes Michele's efforts for organic farming a bit phony.
> http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57576835/critics-slam-obama-for-protecting-monsanto/
> Do samyama on "Destroy Monsanto".

[FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

2013-03-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Experiences like these are part of the reason I no longer believe 
> "enlightenment" tied up in a neat package the way Marshy described it even 
> exists - I think the old rishis in the ancient times were having all these 
> self created opium dreams (brought on by inhaling too deeply of the forest 
> floor molds) and made a complex system of ideas all about the experiences.
> I have read and heard too many accounts of people like Mark
> Landau and Robin who have what sound like truly fabulous 
> experiences for months or years and then start just being
> regular people again, same with the Rama-man.

FWIW, Robin's case is more complicated than that. After
10 years of stable, 24/7 Unity consciousness, it took him
*25 years* of the most intense, determined effort to get
back to being a "regular person" again. According to him,
it was exceedingly difficult and involved great suffering.

I don't know what that says about the nature of
enlightenment, but my guess is that one can't really say
any one example of this sort of thing is the same as any
other. One needs to look at them on a case-by-case basis.

> I think that maybe we can all experience a plethora of states of awareness, 
> alternating in flavor and intensity but who knows what the bottom line on all 
> of it is?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Secret of the Mantras

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
all I know about Susan Shumsky is she was in Fairfield, took Bob Fickes' 
channeling class, started channeling for money, had the Dome police breathing 
down her neck for unapproved activities along with a bunch of other people who 
were into it in 1987, Shumsky was one of the few who fought back, claiming that 
her "channeling" wasn't channeling at all, but rather her way of praying - 
seemed to work, I think the Dome cops backed off.

seems to think quite highly of herself - here is her bio from Amazon

Dr. Susan Shumsky is a best-selling author, foremost 
spirituality expert, pioneer in the self-development field, 
highly-acclaimed and greatly respected professional speaker, New Thought 
minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She has authored Divine Revelation, 
in continuous print with Simon & Schuster for 14 years, as well as 
the award-winning Miracle Prayer, published by Random House, and 
Exploring Chakras, plus How to Hear the Voice of God, Exploring 
Meditation, and Exploring Auras. Her upcoming book is called Ascension. 
All her books have been published in several languages worldwide. 

 Shumsky has practiced self-development disciplines for over 40 years. 
For 22 years she lived in the Himalayas, the Swiss Alps, and other 
secluded areas, under the personal guidance and on the personal staff of
 enlightened master from India Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of 
Transcendental Meditation and guru of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra. She
 then studied New Thought and metaphysics for another 20 years and 
became a Doctor of Divinity.

Dr. Shumsky has taught yoga, 
meditation, prayer, and intuition to thousands of students all over the 
world since 1970 as a true New Thought pioneer. She has done over 500 
speaking engagements and over 500 media appearances since her first book
 was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, nationally 
syndicated TV and radio on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX, and Coast to Coast AM
 with George Noory. She is the founder of Divine Revelation®, a complete
 technology for contacting the divine presence and listening to the 
inner voice. She now travels extensively in a motor home, facilitating 
workshops, seminars, spiritual retreats, as well as tours to India, 
Peru, and other sacred destinations. 

 From: Rick Archer 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2013 1:53 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Secret of the Mantras

From:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2013 12:18 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Secret of the Mantras

Rick Archer:
> The Secret of the Mantras
Show me ANY Devangiri bija mantra in ANY Sanskrit, old 
Brahmi, Hindi, or Urdu lexicon, or in ANY Veda, in any 
Vedic Literature, or in ANY Berlitz or Rosetta Stone
Hindi phrase guide. Just one.

Or, failing that, post a flash card showing your bija 
mantra in any common prakrit; or failing that, just 
post one URL to a Yantra graphic that shows the bija 
mantra for
 Saraswati. Thanks in advance, Rick. LoL!

The answer is here:

'Exploring Chakras: Awaken Your Untapped Energy' 
by Susan G. Shumsky 

'Secret of Seed (Bija) Mantras'
by David Frawley 
I don’t know about all that. The book’s title was derived from that fact that 
when its author became an initiator on the Beatles’ TTC, MMY was giving out 
only one mantra. But that’s not the most interesting part of the book. There 
was some interesting stuff about Charlie Lutes vs. The Beatles, and other stuff 
I hadn’t known.

Re: [FairfieldLife] MGF Chat 20 March 2013 - The Maharishi Vedic Pandit Programme

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
Ahh, good old Merlin! 

Just when I thought I couldn't be rocked again by anything on FFL, and here I 
see the name of the person I disliked most at MIU, Chris Crowell. 

He was without doubt the most arrogant, elitist out to lunch member of MIU in my
 time there - by out to lunch I mean this guy had no clue what life was like 
for regular people, especially the staff who actually did the physical labor of 
keeping the place going. He would come into the kitchen and in a haughty manner 
proceed to lecture us on how we were doing our "tapas for enlightenment" and 
how he had started
 working for the Movement in the kitchen and now look at him, look what he had 

As far as any of us could see all he had accomplished was being a minor 
martinet who schemed ways to get more money for the university to pass on to
 Marshy and his greedy kin.

Had I had any sense at the time, I would have stopped TM then instead of 
continuing a few more years, if I had looked at that sob and said "Damn! I 
don't want to be like him!"

The fact that this quality of individual is a so-called Minister of Culture and 
religion makes me very glad the Global Country of world Peace is only Marshy's 
bullshit fantasy and has no actual impact or effect on anything except in the 
minds of people who fund it.

 From: merlin 
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 2:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] MGF Chat 20 March 2013 - The Maharishi Vedic Pandit 


Maharishi’s Global Family Chat
March 20, 2013

The Maharishi Vedic Pandit Programme:
Bringing fulfillment to the goals of every religion and culture 
through the enlivenment of Total Natural Law.

In this Maharishi Global Family Chat, Dr. Chris Crowell, Minister of Religion 
and Culture for the Global Country of World Peace, presented the understanding 
of how the knowledge and application of Maharishi Yoga and Maharishi Yagya can 
systematically create a more heavenly time of peace and progress for all 

The presentation began with a short video clip of Maharishi beautifully 
describing the Vedic Pandits and their ability to transform the trends of life. 
He explained how these Vedic Experts experience and function from the Unified 
Field of Nature’s intelligence, utilizing the reverberations of Natural Law—the 
sounds of the Veda—to neutralize negative influences for individuals and 

 charts from modern science, and animation, Dr. Crowell then illustrated the 
mechanics of
 Vedic technologies that maintain the connection of the vast infinite range of 
 of life with that holistic value of Total Natural Law,
 harmonizing differences between religions and cultures. 

Yoga and Yagya:
Maharishi Vedic Pandits, established in the Atma, the field of pure 
consciousness, are able to enliven the supreme governing intelligence of 
Natural Law so that a universal influence of peace is created for the people of 
every tradition in every land. 

Dr. Crowell explained that many cultures around the world have traditions of
 sound and ceremony to enliven Natural Law in specific ways. But it is only 
with Maharishi’s
 restoration of Vedic technologies to deepen the experience of the performance 
from a more fundamental level of life, to awaken individual and collective 
consciousness, that these ceremonies and recitations can regain their alliance 
with Natural Law and produce the desired results of abundance, progress and 


The presentation ended with a slide show of the history of the Maharishi Vedic 
Pandit programme from the first global Mahayagya performance in modern times, 
organized by Maharishi’s Guru Dev, Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of 
Jyotir Math, in February 1944, through the inauguration in June 1982 of the 
education wing of the Movement that specifically trains Maharishi Vedic 
Pandits, to the expansion of the first large groups of Yogic Flying Vedic 
Pandits in the mid to late 1980s, to finally, the present establishment of the 
Global Capital of Raam Raj in the Brahmasthan of India.
A Historic Vision of the Maharishi Vedic Pandit Programme: 

Decade after decade, the world’s greatest peace-creating group has guided the 
trends of time. 
Dr. Crowell ended by thanking all those well-wishers throughout our world 
family, from every religion and culture, who have contributed to the 
preservation and expansion of the Maharishi Vedic Pandit Programme for World 

“One really feels the great purity of the life of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits 
who have been trained to safeguard the destiny of the world. Thank you very 
much to every single individual around the globe who is supporting this 
historic peace initiative.” 

Four Levels of Speech: 

In a short video, Dr. John Hagelin described the necessity for Vedic Pandits to 
perform from all four levels of speech—fro

Re: [FairfieldLife] Healing the Wounded

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
Did it ever occur to you that one can experience fabulous energy in any group 
of people just because we are all composed of Universal Energy and if the group 
is in any way aware of Universal Energy one will feel good energy in the group 
and it don't have nothin' to do with TM Sidhi? 

Of course if I am right, one would feel good energy from being in a group of TM 
Sidhi practice, as long as the practitioners are not asleep or just sitting 
there looking around.

By the way, if the Marshy Effect is real, why is it that from posts on the MUM 
Secrets page, students are smoking
 pot, having sex on top of the Domes and even jerking off in the Domes - how 
can the ME not be negating such behavior?

 From: Buck 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 8:27 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Healing the Wounded

I would like to offer help to these spiritually downfallen here.  I'd like to 
suggest their looking at coming to meditate with the large group again …  This 
summer for an upliftment and re-awakening.  I should tell you the spiritual 
field affect of Shakti of the place here is profound.  I notice there is going 
to be a course in the summer for people to sample this:  
I mean, like for instance someone who is making scads of money off on temporary 
contracts, who has no responsibilities otherwise could help themselves and 
everything coming back to meditation with the group.  The science indicates 
this.  The spiritual experience is palpable.  The field effect here is 
incredible.  People should make the best use of it for themselves to come Be in 
it.  Come to Fairfield for good spiritual reasons.
Om Shanti,
-Buck in the Dome 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped her for 15 years / Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment threatens to commit suicide

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
Take a look at this one Sri, and tell me what the lady alleges in Girish's case 
is unlikely - India is one fucked up country for women


 From: Buck 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 7:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped 
her for 15 years / Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment 
threatens to commit suicide


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@...  wrote:
> Yes her claim is seeming more and more ridiculous and implausible, you are on 
> record here accepting them immediately and at face value though.

Srijau, Is this the TM position on this now? To defend the accused publicly by 
attacking the victim?  Is this what you are hearing in the middle of TM as 
position?  Or is this your own (record)?

Om, Interesting piece about women in India.

> > > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok 
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > I'm not sure people here are aware that there is a new
sensitivity in India with regard to sexism, especially in Delhi, after this
gang-rape case, which is still going on.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > The movement should go into quick action and fire him, otherwise
the movement in India will be dead.
> > > > > > > > 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped her for 15 years
> > Rageshri Ganguly
> > 
> > 
> > , TNN | Mar 25, 2013, 09.21 PM IST
> > 
> > BHOPAL: In a surprising turn of events, a teacher of Maharishi Vidya Mandir
> > (MVM) Ratanpur, who had earlier alleged sexual harassment
> >   against
> > chairman of the group Girish Chandra Varma
> >  , went to
> > the Mahila Thana
> >  > panyid-12537.cms>  with her husband on Sunday to file an FIR
> >   of repeated rape in the same
> > case. 
> > 
> > Though the police did not register an FIR, the police station received her
> > written complaint. 
> > 
> > The victim alleged that the police were under pressure from Varma and she
> > would move court with a private complaint. 
> > 
> > In the fresh complaint, the teacher alleged that Varma not only repeatedly
> > raped her for 15 years from 1998, but also wanted her to bring students and
> > teachers of MVM   to him with
> > bad intention. Also, she had alleged that Varma had threatened her and her
> > husband with dire consequences, including death threats, if they did not
> > comply with his wishes. 
> > 
> > After coming out of thana, she alleged, "the attitude of the investing
> > officer of sexual harassment case changed after she received a call on her
> > mobile phone and she said that the investigation of the previous complaint
> > is still on and hence any action would be taken only after into the case of
> > sexual harassment." 
> > 
> > IO Seema Patel, on the other hand, remained tight-lipped.
> > 
> >   _ 
> > 
> > Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment 
> > threatens to commit suicide
> > 
> > MUMBAI: The woman complainant who had charged Girish Chandra Varma of
> > Maharshi Group 
> > with sexual harassment and rape has threatened to commit suicide if police
> > failed to register an FIR. The woman had on Sunday approached the police
> > alleging that Varma, chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir (MVM) group, had
> > raped her for 15 years. 
> > 
> > The couple also demanded that Varma should resign from the post of chairman
> > on moral grounds. The complainant and wife of Rajesh Sharma told media at a
> > press conference here on Monday that the only way left for her and her
> > family was to commit suicide. "Unless the police register an FIR under
> > sections of rape against Varma I would commit suicide in front of the chief
> > minister's residence within a week," the complainant said. 
> > 
> > "We would have to take the Geetika Sharma way ( suicide )to convince the
> > world that we are truthful," Sharma told the media. 
> > 
> > The couple also revealed the circumstances under which the victim was raped
> > repeatedly by Girish Chandra Varma, including the last time on January 1,
> > 2013 in his Audi   car. 
> > 
> > The couple questioned that when the new rape law is in place, why the FIR
> > was not being registere

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped her for 15 years / Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment threatens to commit suicide

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
Its called a form of sexual slavery

 From: "sri...@ymail.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 12:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped 
her for 15 years / Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment 
threatens to commit suicide

Yes her claim is seeming more and more ridiculous and implausible, you are on 
record here accepting them immediately and at face value though.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped her for 15 years
> Rageshri Ganguly
> , TNN | Mar 25, 2013, 09.21 PM IST
> BHOPAL: In a surprising turn of events, a teacher of Maharishi Vidya Mandir
> (MVM) Ratanpur, who had earlier alleged sexual harassment
>   against
> chairman of the group Girish Chandra Varma
>  , went to
> the Mahila Thana
>  panyid-12537.cms>  with her husband on Sunday to file an FIR
>   of repeated rape in the same
> case. 
> Though the police did not register an FIR, the police station received her
> written complaint. 
> The victim alleged that the police were under pressure from Varma and she
> would move court with a private complaint. 
> In the fresh complaint, the teacher alleged that Varma not only repeatedly
> raped her for 15 years from 1998, but also wanted her to bring students and
> teachers of MVM   to him with
> bad intention. Also, she had alleged that Varma had threatened her and her
> husband with dire consequences, including death threats, if they did not
> comply with his wishes. 
> After coming out of thana, she alleged, "the attitude of the investing
> officer of sexual harassment case changed after she received a call on her
> mobile phone and she said that the investigation of the previous complaint
> is still on and hence any action would be taken only after into the case of
> sexual harassment." 
> IO Seema Patel, on the other hand, remained tight-lipped.
>   _ 
> Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment 
> threatens to commit suicide
> MUMBAI: The woman complainant who had charged Girish Chandra Varma of
> Maharshi Group 
> with sexual harassment and rape has threatened to commit suicide if police
> failed to register an FIR. The woman had on Sunday approached the police
> alleging that Varma, chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir (MVM) group, had
> raped her for 15 years. 
> The couple also demanded that Varma should resign from the post of chairman
> on moral grounds. The complainant and wife of Rajesh Sharma told media at a
> press conference here on Monday that the only way left for her and her
> family was to commit suicide. "Unless the police register an FIR under
> sections of rape against Varma I would commit suicide in front of the chief
> minister's residence within a week," the complainant said. 
> "We would have to take the Geetika Sharma way ( suicide )to convince the
> world that we are truthful," Sharma told the media. 
> The couple also revealed the circumstances under which the victim was raped
> repeatedly by Girish Chandra Varma, including the last time on January 1,
> 2013 in his Audi   car. 
> The couple questioned that when the new rape law is in place, why the FIR
> was not being registered. "In the name of investigation, police are just
> dilly dallying since March 11. When I have detailed out the circumstances of
> rape as asked by the police and have named Varma as the accused why an FIR
> is not being registered in this case?," the complainant alleged. 
> "It is also highly objectionable that police are accepting Varma's statement
> provided to them in a CD rather than interrogating him face-to-face," she
> said. 
> The victim in her complaint has stated that Varma possessed some
> objectionable pictures and videos of her taken during the rape, which he had
> threatened to make public unless she complied with his demands. 
> "Since our families knew each other much before my marriage, I tried to sort
> out the matter at the women's panel. But since that has proved futile, the
> police should file an FIR in this matter," she said. 
> The complaint also alleged that Varma had used her husband's e-mail account
> since October 2011 for sending mails and money transactions which later made
> out as proof 
> against her. "Also, my husband was made to sign on many blank papers while
> he was his pe

Re: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
Experiences like these are part of the reason I no longer believe 
"enlightenment" tied up in a neat package the way Marshy described it even 
exists - I think the old rishis in the ancient times were having all these self 
created opium dreams (brought on by inhaling too deeply of the forest floor 
molds) and made a complex system of ideas all about the experiences.

I have read and heard too many accounts of people like Mark Landau and Robin 
who have what sound like truly fabulous experiences for months or years and 
then start just being regular people again, same with the Rama-man. I think 
that maybe we can all experience a plethora of states of awareness, alternating 
in flavor and intensity but who knows what the bottom line on all of it is?

 From: turquoiseb 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 11:07 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Do you think Lenz was unenlightened and became unenlightened? 
> Or what?

I believe that he definitely experienced what many over
the centuries have described as enlightened states of 
mind. Like Curtis, I do not call these states of mind
"higher states of consciousness," feeling that "altered
states" is both more accurate and less likely to be 
misunderstood and misrepresented. No one has *ever* 
been able to prove that these states are "higher" than 
any other, only that they are different than what the 
mainstream experiences.

Meditating with Rama in the early years was an exper-
ience unlike any other I have had in this lifetime. 
The silence emanating from the dude was so profound 
that if you were sitting in the same room with him,
there was no question of wanting to still your mind
or stop thoughts. You couldn't *have* a thought. 

That said, I personally believe that two things fucked
up the inner silence/seeming enlightenment he emanated
in the early days of his teaching. The first was hubris:
starting to believe his own PR, and allowing his already-
sizable ego to grow out of control. The second was 
Valium. Towards the end he almost never meditated, and
my belief is that the reason why is that he knew that
those of us who had meditated with him years ago would
notice the difference, and that he could no longer 
access -- much less radiate -- those deep levels of
silent mind. 

> Is France still Catholic enough that you all are having 
> a 4 day weekend?

I have a three-day weekend, as does most of Europe. I'm 
back in the Netherlands, and they're off Monday as well.
France still has a lot of Catholics, but on the whole
they're a remarkably secular society, as is Spain and
the Netherlands. That does *not* keep them from taking
advantage of every religious holiday that comes around
as a day off of work. :-)

>  From: turquoiseb 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 7:44 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Why do you think he [Rama - Fred Lenz] did himself in? 
> He *claimed* to some who were close to him that he 
> was dying of some undiagnosed and undiagnosable 
> illness, and that he just didn't want to waste away
> in some ghastly hospital. I, however, got ahold of
> the coroner's autopsy report, and there was no trace
> of serious disease. 
> My theory of The Big Why is very simple, and meshes
> well with what people who were close to him said:
> drugs. He'd gotten himself addicted to Valium, first
> prescribed after an injury, but he liked the effects
> of it so much that it had begun to affect both his
> behavior and his judgment. On the Valium label it 
> says in big, bold letters, "If you have been taking
> this drug for some time, do NOT try to stop suddenly.
> If you do, you risk side effects including depression,
> psychotic symptoms, and suicide." So what did Mr. 
> I-can-handle-it do? He tried to quit taking Valium
> cold turkey. Three days later he was dead, a suicide.
> > Were you still involved when that happened?
> No, I had left a couple of years earlier, when the
> focus of what it was like to study with him shifted
> away from meditation and things that most (including
> me) considered "spiritual," and began to focus on
> mainly business and career success. Besides, it had
> stopped being fun, so I split. Never regretted it.


[FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

2013-03-30 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Do you think Lenz was unenlightened and became unenlightened? 
> Or what?

I believe that he definitely experienced what many over
the centuries have described as enlightened states of 
mind. Like Curtis, I do not call these states of mind
"higher states of consciousness," feeling that "altered
states" is both more accurate and less likely to be 
misunderstood and misrepresented. No one has *ever* 
been able to prove that these states are "higher" than 
any other, only that they are different than what the 
mainstream experiences.

Meditating with Rama in the early years was an exper-
ience unlike any other I have had in this lifetime. 
The silence emanating from the dude was so profound 
that if you were sitting in the same room with him,
there was no question of wanting to still your mind
or stop thoughts. You couldn't *have* a thought. 

That said, I personally believe that two things fucked
up the inner silence/seeming enlightenment he emanated
in the early days of his teaching. The first was hubris:
starting to believe his own PR, and allowing his already-
sizable ego to grow out of control. The second was 
Valium. Towards the end he almost never meditated, and
my belief is that the reason why is that he knew that
those of us who had meditated with him years ago would
notice the difference, and that he could no longer 
access -- much less radiate -- those deep levels of
silent mind. 

> Is France still Catholic enough that you all are having 
> a 4 day weekend?

I have a three-day weekend, as does most of Europe. I'm 
back in the Netherlands, and they're off Monday as well.
France still has a lot of Catholics, but on the whole
they're a remarkably secular society, as is Spain and
the Netherlands. That does *not* keep them from taking
advantage of every religious holiday that comes around
as a day off of work. :-)

>  From: turquoiseb 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 7:44 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Why do you think he [Rama - Fred Lenz] did himself in? 
> He *claimed* to some who were close to him that he 
> was dying of some undiagnosed and undiagnosable 
> illness, and that he just didn't want to waste away
> in some ghastly hospital. I, however, got ahold of
> the coroner's autopsy report, and there was no trace
> of serious disease. 
> My theory of The Big Why is very simple, and meshes
> well with what people who were close to him said:
> drugs. He'd gotten himself addicted to Valium, first
> prescribed after an injury, but he liked the effects
> of it so much that it had begun to affect both his
> behavior and his judgment. On the Valium label it 
> says in big, bold letters, "If you have been taking
> this drug for some time, do NOT try to stop suddenly.
> If you do, you risk side effects including depression,
> psychotic symptoms, and suicide." So what did Mr. 
> I-can-handle-it do? He tried to quit taking Valium
> cold turkey. Three days later he was dead, a suicide.
> > Were you still involved when that happened?
> No, I had left a couple of years earlier, when the
> focus of what it was like to study with him shifted
> away from meditation and things that most (including
> me) considered "spiritual," and began to focus on
> mainly business and career success. Besides, it had
> stopped being fun, so I split. Never regretted it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

2013-03-30 Thread Share Long
Do you think Lenz was unenlightened and became unenlightened?  Or what?  
Is France still Catholic enough that you all are having a 4 day weekend?

 From: turquoiseb 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 7:44 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Career As Path (was Re: Majorca Spain to turq)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Why do you think he [Rama - Fred Lenz] did himself in? 

He *claimed* to some who were close to him that he 
was dying of some undiagnosed and undiagnosable 
illness, and that he just didn't want to waste away
in some ghastly hospital. I, however, got ahold of
the coroner's autopsy report, and there was no trace
of serious disease. 

My theory of The Big Why is very simple, and meshes
well with what people who were close to him said:
drugs. He'd gotten himself addicted to Valium, first
prescribed after an injury, but he liked the effects
of it so much that it had begun to affect both his
behavior and his judgment. On the Valium label it 
says in big, bold letters, "If you have been taking
this drug for some time, do NOT try to stop suddenly.
If you do, you risk side effects including depression,
psychotic symptoms, and suicide." So what did Mr. 
I-can-handle-it do? He tried to quit taking Valium
cold turkey. Three days later he was dead, a suicide.

> Were you still involved when that happened?

No, I had left a couple of years earlier, when the
focus of what it was like to study with him shifted
away from meditation and things that most (including
me) considered "spiritual," and began to focus on
mainly business and career success. Besides, it had
stopped being fun, so I split. Never regretted it.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
Rereading my original post I can see how you would think I was referring to 
Girish - but I was referring to Marshy

 From: seventhray27 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 10:17 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

Bravo Michael! I was wondering when you'd get up to speed.  Now let me make 
sure I have it straight.  Bevan and the rest had to know what Girish was up to, 
and they aided and abetted all his alleged activities.  You are speaking of 
this as though you have first hand knowledge of this.  An is it okay for me to 
use the word "alleged", or is that just some old fashioned western concept.
And, would it be a bit of fallacy to declare that Maharishi was a typical male 
Hindu and therefore misogynisitic and therefore declare that he embraces all 
attributes you have in quotes, (without a clickable link I might add).  
I cannot take issue with the fact that there are no woman in positions of 
authority in the TMO.  I think that would be well to be remedied if the 
movement can survive, but to take that fact and therefore draw the conclusions 
you make I think is unwarranted, and a stretch.
But let's be real.  That is your usual method of operation.
And may I anticipate your retort. 
"To seventhray and all those who are in deep denial about the real TMO, there 
is little hope you can climb out of you naive perceptions."
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> I think you are looking through gold tinted glasses - Bevan and all the rest 
> who were close to Marshy had to know what he was up to, they condoned and 
> abetted his womanizing, lying and defrauding people financially, so in that 
> sense they are good custodians of his "legacy" - they Girish is a Marshy 
> student who learned the tricks of a fake master at his uncle's knee - its is 
> just more of the same behavior - nothing else. 
> There never have been and never will be women in positions of power in the TM 
> Movement because Marshy was a misogynistic man with fairly typical male Hindu
> views of women (kitchen and bedroom), but don't believe me, let's see what 
> some Indian women have to say on the matter:
> "For Indians, girls are a burden; the desire for male progeny is as 
> natural to us as breathing. We utter prayers, make vows, observe fasts, 
> bow before this or that divinity all for the cherished, penis-laden 
> offspring, all so that we may not remain childless or burdened with the 
> debit side of the accountâ€"the girl child. For burden she isâ€"practically 
> every Indian, in almost every single region of India, barring a few 
> areas where matrilineal systems existâ€"must be familiar with the idea 
> that a girl is “paraya dhan,â€�â€"the treasure of another’s home. Exiled 
> at 
> birth, she already belongs to her in-laws, who are her “true� family. 
> The word “treasure� should not fool us. We are commodities, chattel, 
> goods. Why else would we have to pay a groom’s family for the favor of 
> taking the girl child off our sinful hands?"
> from this page: http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/8529
> "Sons are taught that they are a blessing to be cherished and that 
> women are there to serve them however they please. This is only echoed 
> in Bollywood films, which are regrettably romanticized by the west, in 
> which male protagonists depict their sexual prowess by sexually 
> harassing the principal female character into submission. In the world 
> of Indian melodramas, a "no" will inevitably turn to a "yes" after a few song 
> and dance routines in the rain, of course. 
> Women have no ally in the legislature either, as every major political party 
> has candidates that have been charged with crimes 
> against women, ranging from domestic abuse to rape. Additionally, Indian 
> jurisprudence sanctions a "virginity test" to determine the credibility of 
> the victim's statement. In the test, a 
> doctor inserts two fingers into the woman's vagina to determine the 
> presence or absence of the hymen and the general "laxity" of the vagina, and 
> presumably, the victim herself." 
> From the page: http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/30/world/asia/misogyny-india
> From: Susan wayback71@...
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:30 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"
> >  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > In a modern world the TM-movement still does not h

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 23-Mar-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
As usual Stevie, you are wrong - I do not denigrate all things TMO - the TMO 
has denigrated itself for nearly 60 years - I merely report.

 From: seventhray27 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 11:44 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 23-Mar-13 00:15:02 UTC


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> Weren't things like these attributed to "support of nature"? And I think you 
> mean does it not 'indicate' the existence of a higher power. It 
> "necessitates" the existence if we want them to be reinstated, given a 
> reprieve, allowed to go over the limit once in a while and be pardoned. I, 
> for one, wish both could post this week.
Ann, I think I could do a better job of more clearly making my points.  But, 
having said that.
no, necessitateis the right word. (-:  Here Judy got so carried away with this 
petty accusation, that she up and overposted herself.  That is what I call 
instant karma.  And if you believe in karma, then I think a higher power can't 
be far behind.  I often like Judy's points, but this "gloating"  thing, with 
its subsequent posts, seemed so off base, that I felt it was poetic justice 
that things worked out the way they did.
And I can't help feel the same about Michael with his tireless campaign to 
denigrate all things TMO.     
 But since that isn't likely Steve, you better be extra entertaining, 
interesting, brilliant and funny to make up for the absence of both MJ and 
Authfriend. Agreed?

Ann, you have my word as a former cub scout, that I will do my best to FFL and 
my country to be entertaining, and brilliant and funny, so help me higher 
power. (-:
But, just in case, can you ask Ravi to help out with the brilliant part.  And 
any help with the funny part, I can leave with you.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and its Rock Stars

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
Excellent, thank you - I agree with everything you have said, although I still 
have some reservations about the practice itself after having talked with Mark 
Landau and due to all the old stories I have heard about suicides, major 
unstressing, and having seen people become emotionally disconnected and unable 
to function well in society - I have seen the latter myself, so I agree that TM 
can be ok for some, but it isn't without it's downside.

And thanks for posting a cogent and well reasoned essay.

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:12 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and its Rock Stars

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Every exchange like this just reinforces my belief that long term TM makes 
> ones brain turn into mush and removes the ability to think clearly.

A belief is a thought that the world is a certain way. It would seem the term 
'knowledge' might refer to an experience or thought that correlates with the 
way the world really is. In practice though knowledge based on thought is 
hypothetical, that is, we cannot know a thought represents reality without a 
test of some kind. And if a thought refers to things we cannot test, then 
knowledge is impossible.

I personally do not think TM turns the brain into mush. But one has to look at 
the environment in which it is used. Beginning meditators usually, if their 
experience is good, are enthusiastic, and one can excuse them for that. But if 
they get more involved, they find themselves enmeshed in an organisation that 
does not really allow creative independent thinking - everything in that 
environment tends toward doing what 'Maharishi expected people to do', which 
means that your thinking has to be along the lines of that rut. The TMO does 
not sanction independent thinking unless it brings in more cash (like Lynch for 

I was just looking at documents on the Zen-trained Adyashanti's web site.

This is the complete summary of his teaching in his own words:

Be still.
Question every thought.
Contemplate the source of Reality.

That second line is interesting, since it seems to me to be fundamental to 
getting oneself out of the rut of mere belief. Spiritual engagement is such a 
peculiar thing to get involved in. It takes all sorts of bizarre forms. You 
need independent thinking to wade through the morass of conflicting and 
unbelievable beliefs one encounters in every kind of spiritual movement. You 
need to be curious. You really have to wonder how you have gotten yourself in 
such a situation, and how to get out of it what you came into it for. If you 
came into it to feel good, probably you will fail. If you came into it to 
become part of a community, probably you will fail in that greater task that is 
called enlightenment.

The environment of the TMO and its suburbs I feel is not conducive to 
enlightenment unless a person is very focused on being enlightened; it will rot 
your brain; not the TM, that is a tool that can be used wisely or not, but 
constantly having to conform to a particular mindset will erode purpose. My 
experience was I began to forget my purpose. When I left, that purpose began to 
re-emerge. It was a subtle kind of suppression.

I do not mind being around dedicated TMO-ites now, because I have my purpose 
and my life; they cannot infiltrate, and strangely TM had a big part to play in 
this, but it took a long time to unfold, not because any particular kind of 
meditation is inefficient, but because for most, including me, it just takes a 
long time to break through one's delusions. If you are aligned with a movement 
that fosters delusions, you are sunk. 


[FairfieldLife] Hoping Steve will Learn to Read

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
Evidently you need to take some classes in basic reading comprehension - I did 
not say anything about Bevan and Company aiding and abetting GIRISH - I said 
they did that about MARSHY.

 From: seventhray27 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 10:17 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

Bravo Michael! I was wondering when you'd get up to speed.  Now let me make 
sure I have it straight.  Bevan and the rest had to know what Girish was up to, 
and they aided and abetted all his alleged activities.  You are speaking of 
this as though you have first hand knowledge of this.  An is it okay for me to 
use the word "alleged", or is that just some old fashioned western concept.
And, would it be a bit of fallacy to declare that Maharishi was a typical male 
Hindu and therefore misogynisitic and therefore declare that he embraces all 
attributes you have in quotes, (without a clickable link I might add).  
I cannot take issue with the fact that there are no woman in positions of 
authority in the TMO.  I think that would be well to be remedied if the 
movement can survive, but to take that fact and therefore draw the conclusions 
you make I think is unwarranted, and a stretch.
But let's be real.  That is your usual method of operation.
And may I anticipate your retort. 
"To seventhray and all those who are in deep denial about the real TMO, there 
is little hope you can climb out of you naive perceptions."
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> I think you are looking through gold tinted glasses - Bevan and all the rest 
> who were close to Marshy had to know what he was up to, they condoned and 
> abetted his womanizing, lying and defrauding people financially, so in that 
> sense they are good custodians of his "legacy" - they Girish is a Marshy 
> student who learned the tricks of a fake master at his uncle's knee - its is 
> just more of the same behavior - nothing else. 
> There never have been and never will be women in positions of power in the TM 
> Movement because Marshy was a misogynistic man with fairly typical male Hindu
> views of women (kitchen and bedroom), but don't believe me, let's see what 
> some Indian women have to say on the matter:
> "For Indians, girls are a burden; the desire for male progeny is as 
> natural to us as breathing. We utter prayers, make vows, observe fasts, 
> bow before this or that divinity all for the cherished, penis-laden 
> offspring, all so that we may not remain childless or burdened with the 
> debit side of the accountâ€"the girl child. For burden she isâ€"practically 
> every Indian, in almost every single region of India, barring a few 
> areas where matrilineal systems existâ€"must be familiar with the idea 
> that a girl is “paraya dhan,â€�â€"the treasure of another’s home. Exiled 
> at 
> birth, she already belongs to her in-laws, who are her “true� family. 
> The word “treasure� should not fool us. We are commodities, chattel, 
> goods. Why else would we have to pay a groom’s family for the favor of 
> taking the girl child off our sinful hands?"
> from this page: http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/8529
> "Sons are taught that they are a blessing to be cherished and that 
> women are there to serve them however they please. This is only echoed 
> in Bollywood films, which are regrettably romanticized by the west, in 
> which male protagonists depict their sexual prowess by sexually 
> harassing the principal female character into submission. In the world 
> of Indian melodramas, a "no" will inevitably turn to a "yes" after a few song 
> and dance routines in the rain, of course. 
> Women have no ally in the legislature either, as every major political party 
> has candidates that have been charged with crimes 
> against women, ranging from domestic abuse to rape. Additionally, Indian 
> jurisprudence sanctions a "virginity test" to determine the credibility of 
> the victim's statement. In the test, a 
> doctor inserts two fingers into the woman's vagina to determine the 
> presence or absence of the hymen and the general "laxity" of the vagina, and 
> presumably, the victim herself." 
> From the page: http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/30/world/asia/misogyny-india
> From: Susan wayback71@...
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:30 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"
> >  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > 

Re: [FairfieldLife] President Barack Monsanto Obama

2013-03-30 Thread Share Long
noozguru, and anyone else, what about the point that if Obama hadn't signed the 
bill, there would be no budget and the fed govt would have shut down for a 
week?  Is that true?  How the heck did the Monsanto aspect get put into the 
budget aspect?  Do you think the Dems allowed the situation to avoid taking a 
stand against Monsanto?   

 From: Bhairitu 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] President Barack Monsanto Obama

People are pissed that Obama is a shill for Monsanto.  Glad to see the 
public reacting.  Makes Michele's efforts for organic farming a bit phony.


Do samyama on "Destroy Monsanto".


[FairfieldLife] Obama Signature on Monsanto Protection Act Ignites Massive Activism

2013-03-30 Thread nablusoss1008
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While Monsanto executives may be rejoicing behind the closed doors of
their corporate offices, they have also just stabbed themselves in the
heart with the blatant and cocky decision to go through with the
Monsanto Protection Act
 . Obama's social media
profiles are being blown up with thousands of enraged activists and
concerned citizens who are demanding answers.

NationofChange is a 501(c)3 nonprofit funded directly by our readers.
Please make a small donation to support our work.

Thanks to the alternative news covering every angle of the Protection
Act and the absurd fact that Monsanto actually wrote the rider itself,
people have now come to fully understand just how deep the corruption
goes when it comes to Monsanto's Big Food monopoly. And it
doesn't exempt the President.

It's a well known fact that the Obama family actually eats from the
White House   organic garden which was
planted in 2009
  and has
full time staffers who maintain and harvest organic produce that comes
from the garden. Many high level politicians actually refuse
  to eat anything but organic, as they are fully aware
of what's in `conventional', GMO-loaded items. Yet, despite
this knowledge, they are quite eager to push Monsanto's GMOs and
ruthless business model on the citizens of the United States.

And the people are fully aware of the betrayal.

Scanning just a few comments amid the thousands calling out Obama for
his signature on the spending bill that contained the Monsanto
Protection Act, we find seriously frustrated activists and voters who
can't believe what they are seeing. Even many Obama campaigners who
came to the realization that Obama didn't represent what they
thought he did. One specifically mentions how Obama promised to label
GMOs in 2007   upon taking
the seat of the President. A promise that never came to fruition. In
fact, no real attempts were made at all.

Here are a few comments among the thousands that I found interesting on
Obama's wall  :

* Darlene Taylor: Barack Obama – 2007: "We'll let folks
know if their food is genetically modified because Americans should
know." 2013: He signed the Monsanto Protection Act making GMO giants
immune to the law.

* Erica Ecker: Apparently part of protecting our children no longer
includes what goes in them. Thanks for signing the Monsanto Protection

* Keri Kline: I am an activist for President Obama, and I am outraged
he has failed to listen to the `American people he represents'…
President Obama knowingly signed the Monsanto Protection Act over the
insistence of more than 250,000 Americans who signed an urgent letter
asking that he use his executive authority to veto H.R. 933 and send it
back to Congress to remove the Monsanto Protection Act from the bill.
Regretfully, President Obama failed to live up to his oath to protect
the American people and our constitution.

Overall, the decision to go with such a major act of corruption has jump
started a massive movement to hold politicians and corporations
accountable for their betrayal of the U.S. public. It's a move that
has blown up in the face of those who thought they could slip it through
into law.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-30 Thread seventhray27

Bravo Michael! I was wondering when you'd get up to speed.  Now let me
make sure I have it straight.  Bevan and the rest had to know what
Girish was up to, and they aided and abetted all his alleged activities.
You are speaking of this as though you have first hand knowledge of
this.  An is it okay for me to use the word "alleged", or is that just
some old fashioned western concept.

And, would it be a bit of fallacy to declare that Maharishi was a
typical male Hindu and therefore misogynisitic and therefore declare
that he embraces all attributes you have in quotes, (without a clickable
link I might add).

I cannot take issue with the fact that there are no woman in positions
of authority in the TMO.  I think that would be well to be remedied if
the movement can survive, but to take that fact and therefore draw the
conclusions you make I think is unwarranted, and a stretch.

But let's be real.  That is your usual method of operation.

And may I anticipate your retort.

"To seventhray and all those who are in deep denial about the real TMO,
there is little hope you can climb out of you naive perceptions."

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson 
> I think you are looking through gold tinted glasses - Bevan and all
the rest who were close to Marshy had to know what he was up to, they
condoned and abetted his womanizing, lying and defrauding people
financially, so in that sense they are good custodians of his "legacy" -
they Girish is a Marshy student who learned the tricks of a fake master
at his uncle's knee - its is just more of the same behavior - nothing
> There never have been and never will be women in positions of power in
the TM Movement because Marshy was a misogynistic man with fairly
typical male Hindu
> views of women (kitchen and bedroom), but don't believe me, let's see
what some Indian women have to say on the matter:
> "For Indians, girls are a burden; the desire for male progeny is as
> natural to us as breathing. We utter prayers, make vows, observe
> bow before this or that divinity all for the cherished, penis-laden
> offspring, all so that we may not remain childless or burdened with
> debit side of the accountâ€"the girl child. For burden she
> every Indian, in almost every single region of India, barring a few
> areas where matrilineal systems existâ€"must be familiar with the
> that a girl is “paraya dhan,”â€"the treasure of
another’s home. Exiled at
> birth, she already belongs to her in-laws, who are her
“true” family.
> The word “treasure” should not fool us. We are
commodities, chattel,
> goods. Why else would we have to pay a groom’s family for the
favor of taking the girl child off our sinful hands?"
> from this page: http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/8529
> "Sons are taught that they are a blessing to be cherished and that
> women are there to serve them however they please. This is only echoed
> in Bollywood films, which are regrettably romanticized by the west, in
> which male protagonists depict their sexual prowess by sexually
> harassing the principal female character into submission. In the world
> of Indian melodramas, a "no" will inevitably turn to a "yes" after a
few song and dance routines in the rain, of course.
> Women have no ally in the legislature either, as every major political
party has candidates that have been charged with crimes
> against women, ranging from domestic abuse to rape. Additionally,
Indian jurisprudence sanctions a "virginity test" to determine the
credibility of the victim's statement. In the test, a
> doctor inserts two fingers into the woman's vagina to determine the
> presence or absence of the hymen and the general "laxity" of the
vagina, and presumably, the victim herself."
> From the page: http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/30/world/asia/misogyny-india
> From: Susan wayback71@...
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:30 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment
> Â
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"
> >  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual
> > harassment guideline for its employees and officers?
> > > > >
> > > > > Probably not, I imagine they still hope that the stuff they
> > > > > teach about spontaneous right action and coherent behaviour
> > > > > is actually true and they therefore don't need a legal fall
> > > > > back.
> > > > >
> > > > > But if this story is true, it isn't an employee it's the guy
> > > > > at the top and he i

[FairfieldLife] Re: My traditional Easter greetings to all...

2013-03-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
I wish I had thought of that first.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:
> It's been a long winter for many in parts of the US.
> Here's to hoping that when he roll that rock away fromhis burial crypt
> he doesn't see his shadow. Six more weeks of winter would just be a
> bitch.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> >  [http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8534/8602185749_228f1be19c.jpg]
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christ Resurrected

2013-03-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
A picture really IS worth a thousand words.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> >
> > Dude is totally voguing at that sausage party.  If Jesus had come back
> in 1990 he would have cleaned up with that move. Club kid on the bottom
> right just fell into a K hole.  Better put a mirror under that nose to
> check.
> >
> > Nowadays MC JC is gunna need to serve up a little Harlem shake if he
> wants to clear some space on the dance floor for a little second coming
> action. (or first)
> Harlem Shake, my ass. That's for copycat wusses. If he really "rose up"
> these days, my bet is that he would "get down" as a B-boy, break-dancing
> at the Vatican sausage parties:
> [https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/398837_371670836\
> 280293_78018402_n.jpg]
> > And a shower would be nice, with a little modern day hair product. 
> Things get a little sweaty out heagh when they start mixing up some Lil
> Wayne into Dre beats played backwards, and you can't start at "camel" on
> the stank-O-meter.
> >
> > Oh yeah, with all those dudes, Mr. Savior had better have Crystal and
> V.O. flowing like the Red Sea. (coughslotsofblow)  Cuz dem threads are
> not gunna pull any honeys other than chicks from the burbs who maxed
> Daddy's credgit card buying those stripper heels, the push UP bra, and
> the "I am rolling on E" mirror top with the LEDs.  They like free
> drinks.
> >
> > Lots of free drinks. (coughsagainblowandE)  Good luck converting the
> vertical to the horizontal my shizzzavior. Happy Easter. (Trim the
> beard, North and most importantly wax down South. Nobody wants to see a
> burning bush today.)
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu" yifuxero@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/Noel-coypel-the-resur\
> rection-of-christ-1700.jpg  (in the air version)
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > by Rembrandt:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/1/924.jpg
> > > >
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson
I think you are looking through gold tinted glasses - Bevan and all the rest 
who were close to Marshy had to know what he was up to, they condoned and 
abetted his womanizing, lying and defrauding people financially, so in that 
sense they are good custodians of his "legacy" - they Girish is a Marshy 
student who learned the tricks of a fake master at his uncle's knee - its is 
just more of the same behavior - nothing else. 

There never have been and never will be women in positions of power in the TM 
Movement because Marshy was a misogynistic man with fairly typical male Hindu
 views of women (kitchen and bedroom), but don't believe me, let's see what 
some Indian women have to say on the matter:

"For Indians, girls are a burden; the desire for male progeny is as 
natural to us as breathing. We utter prayers, make vows, observe fasts, 
bow before this or that divinity all for the cherished, penis-laden 
offspring, all so that we may not remain childless or burdened with the 
debit side of the account—the girl child. For burden she is—practically 
every Indian, in almost every single region of India, barring a few 
areas where matrilineal systems exist—must be familiar with the idea 
that a girl is “paraya dhan,”—the treasure of another’s home. Exiled at 
birth, she already belongs to her in-laws, who are her “true” family. 
The word “treasure” should not fool us. We are commodities, chattel, 
goods. Why else would we have to pay a groom’s family for the favor of taking 
the girl child off our sinful hands?"

from this page: http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/8529

"Sons are taught that they are a blessing to be cherished and that 
women are there to serve them however they please. This is only echoed 
in Bollywood films, which are regrettably romanticized by the west, in 
which male protagonists depict their sexual prowess by sexually 
harassing the principal female character into submission. In the world 
of Indian melodramas, a "no" will inevitably turn to a "yes" after a few song 
and dance routines in the rain, of course. 

Women have no ally in the legislature either, as every major political party 
has candidates that have been charged with crimes 
against women, ranging from domestic abuse to rape. Additionally, Indian 
jurisprudence sanctions a "virginity test" to determine the credibility of the 
victim's statement. In the test, a 
doctor inserts two fingers into the woman's vagina to determine the 
presence or absence of the hymen and the general "laxity" of the vagina, and 
presumably, the victim herself." 
>From the page: http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/30/world/asia/misogyny-india

 From: Susan 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan"  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"
>  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > In a modern world the TM-movement still does not have sexual
> harassment guideline for its employees and officers?
> > > >
> > > > Probably not, I imagine they still hope that the stuff they
> > > > teach about spontaneous right action and coherent behaviour
> > > > is actually true and they therefore don't need a legal fall
> > > > back.
> > > >
> > > > But if this story is true, it isn't an employee it's the guy
> > > > at the top and he isn't going to want harassment guidelines
> > > > is he?
> > > >
> > > > Still, at least he hasn't claimed he was "helping her with
> > > > her karma". I look forward to a full report in TM News
> > > > magazine.
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > What is the TM administration going to do about him? [?] The Girish
> story seems to broaden everyday.  Do a google 'news' search for "Girish
> Varma".  He comes right up now,  Times of India every day:  Molestation,
> extortion, attemped murder,  Sex in the back seat of an Audi.  Five-Star
> Hotels. Other women come forward.  It's very unfortunate.  Jeeesus.
> > >
> > > The guy could take the whole Indian TM sub-continent down with him
> and TM Europe and the Americas too.  Who would want to be associated
> with him?
> > >
> http://globalpeaceproject.net/about-us/the-foundation/brahmananda-sarasw\
> ati-foundatio-board-of-directors/
> > >
> > Agreed, he could take the entire TMO down.  At the very least, there
> will need to be major restructuring, looking over finances (that is if
> there is anything left for the TMO as opposed to the family members!). 
> Girish could be the legacy that gets remembered. Starts with MMY and the
> Beatles and the finale is 50 years later with Girish. Somewhere here are
> lessons to be learned.  It could be that TM-USA will separate from
> Indi

[FairfieldLife] Re: My traditional Easter greetings to all...

2013-03-30 Thread azgrey
It's been a long winter for many in parts of the US.
Here's to hoping that when he roll that rock away fromhis burial crypt
he doesn't see his shadow. Six more weeks of winter would just be a
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
>  [http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8534/8602185749_228f1be19c.jpg]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christ Resurrected

2013-03-30 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
> >
> > Dude is totally voguing at that sausage party.  If Jesus had come
> in 1990 he would have cleaned up with that move. Club kid on the
> right just fell into a K hole.  Better put a mirror under that nose to
> check.
> >
> > Nowadays MC JC is gunna need to serve up a little Harlem shake if he
> wants to clear some space on the dance floor for a little second
> action. (or first)
> Harlem Shake, my ass. That's for copycat wusses. If he really "rose
> these days, my bet is that he would "get down" as a B-boy,
> at the Vatican sausage parties:
> 280293_78018402_n.jpg]
> > And a shower would be nice, with a little modern day hair product.
> Things get a little sweaty out heagh when they start mixing up some
> Wayne into Dre beats played backwards, and you can't start at "camel"
> the stank-O-meter.
> >
> > Oh yeah, with all those dudes, Mr. Savior had better have Crystal
> V.O. flowing like the Red Sea. (coughslotsofblow)  Cuz dem threads are
> not gunna pull any honeys other than chicks from the burbs who maxed
> Daddy's credgit card buying those stripper heels, the push UP bra, and
> the "I am rolling on E" mirror top with the LEDs.  They like free
> drinks.
> >
> > Lots of free drinks. (coughsagainblowandE)  Good luck converting the
> vertical to the horizontal my shizzzavior. Happy Easter. (Trim the
> beard, North and most importantly wax down South. Nobody wants to see
> burning bush today.)
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu" yifuxero@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> rection-of-christ-1700.jpg  (in the air version)
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > by Rembrandt:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/1/924.jpg
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] My traditional Easter greetings to all...

2013-03-30 Thread turquoiseb

[FairfieldLife] Re: La Mer [Was Majorca Spain]

2013-03-30 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PaliGap"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PaliGap" 
> >  wrote:
> (snip)
> > >> A decade or so ago a friend of my Mum's went on such a trip
> > >> and had a fabulous time. She is the town's ex-vicar's ex-
> > >> wife. Following her divorce she discovered a love for the
> > >> sea and for many years sailed a 26' yacht around the
> > >> English South West coast (where the Spanish Armada began to
> > >> get unstuck) and around the Med.
> > 
> > > Now, that's what I'd *really* like to do. Sadly, a 26-foot
> > > yacht ain't in the budget. Motor or sail?
> > 
> > Sail. Her boat "Kate" was I think a Westerly Centaur 26. Such 
> > as this:
> > http://goo.gl/F4BJJ
> *sigh* I've never been on a sailboat, except a Sailfish 
> on a lake once many, many years ago.
> > They were sturdy boats built in the seventies. Many are still 
> > seeing action and trading hands for not such big bucks. 
> > 
> > For an inanimate object, Joan had a pretty profound 
> > relationship with Kate. I believe failing health finally 
> > forced her to sell up in the end; but that was just a few 
> > years ago in her eighties. I'm sure she was gutted.
> > 
> > Memories of Kate...
> > 
> > On one occasion Joan took Kate out for a day trip from her 
> > home port of Salcombe with a few friends (including my mother).
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salcombe. Unfortunately a thick 
> > sea fog descended just as they were heading back. In those 
> > days no one had GPS - you had to plot your course on a chart 
> > and use "dead reckoning". Everyone had the utmost confidence 
> > in Joan, who was both highly experienced and proficient in 
> > navigation. But even so they all got a bit of shock when the 
> > fog lifted slightly and revealed that they had just inched 
> > through an extremely narrow gap between a large rock and the 
> > headland. You can just make it out here:
> > http://goo.gl/tXU4q
> Ai! Did she do that deliberately, or by very lucky
> accident? If deliberately, why??

Oh, no, not deliberately. Even with all her experience and
skill, navigation by dead reckoning is very fallible.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christ Resurrected

2013-03-30 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> Dude is totally voguing at that sausage party.  If Jesus had come back
in 1990 he would have cleaned up with that move. Club kid on the bottom
right just fell into a K hole.  Better put a mirror under that nose to
> Nowadays MC JC is gunna need to serve up a little Harlem shake if he
wants to clear some space on the dance floor for a little second coming
action. (or first)

Harlem Shake, my ass. That's for copycat wusses. If he really "rose up"
these days, my bet is that he would "get down" as a B-boy, break-dancing
at the Vatican sausage parties:


> And a shower would be nice, with a little modern day hair product. 
Things get a little sweaty out heagh when they start mixing up some Lil
Wayne into Dre beats played backwards, and you can't start at "camel" on
the stank-O-meter.
> Oh yeah, with all those dudes, Mr. Savior had better have Crystal and
V.O. flowing like the Red Sea. (coughslotsofblow)  Cuz dem threads are
not gunna pull any honeys other than chicks from the burbs who maxed
Daddy's credgit card buying those stripper heels, the push UP bra, and
the "I am rolling on E" mirror top with the LEDs.  They like free
> Lots of free drinks. (coughsagainblowandE)  Good luck converting the
vertical to the horizontal my shizzzavior. Happy Easter. (Trim the
beard, North and most importantly wax down South. Nobody wants to see a
burning bush today.)

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu" yifuxero@ wrote:
> >
> >
rection-of-christ-1700.jpg  (in the air version)
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > >
> > > by Rembrandt:
> > >
> > > http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/1/924.jpg
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] I guess...

2013-03-30 Thread card

...almost everyone else knew, that 'dalai' is a Mongolian word,
*not* Tibetan... :/

Cf. *kublai* khan 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Willkommen zurück, Michael and Judy

2013-03-30 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> >
> > A week in the coop, now you're back in the loop.
> >
> German might be one of the most musical languages
> on this planet, because almost all of the most
> appreciated classical composers spoke German as
> their first language??

That's right, the best are obviously german :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Heretical teachings

2013-03-30 Thread Buck
Just as the ski patrol did in this vision, those who are aware of what's 
happening must take swift and accurate action. Their weapons of warfare must be 
aimed at the peaks and the 'avalanche terrain' to dispel the lies. All 
Spiritually experienced Meditators, Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors 
and teachers must be willing to drop spiritual bombs, fire anti-heresy 
missiles, and even drive into the danger zones armed with explosive truth to 
confront this potential avalanche. The generals of this generation must leave 
the war room and put their years of experience on the front lines.
-Buck in the Dome

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> It is helpful to compare play-books on this. We see these same things with 
> Unified Field and meditation deniers.  It's all such a sorry ignorance of 
> spirituality and poverty of spiritual discipline.
> The "white-out" of spirituality:
> "So-called 'Pastors' and 'teachers' worldwide have succumbed to heretical 
> teachings including universal reconciliation, deification of man, challenging 
> the validity of the Word of God including His judgements, and even lifting 
> any boundaries, claiming His amazing grace is actually "amazing freedom." You 
> are free to live according to your own desires. Sound familiar? "They had no 
> king and did what was right in their own eyes" (Judges 17:6). These popular 
> self-proclaimed ministers of the gospel are covering the "slopes" and will be 
> held accountable for the spiritual death of millions."
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> >
> > Preacher Steve Hill ("the fiery evangelist from the Brownsville Revival") 
> > claims to have had a Divinely inspired prophetic vision from God:
> > http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/34894-steve-hill-the-spiritual-avalanche-that-could-kill-millions
> > .
> > Charisma Magazine April 2013 says "False teachings running rampant within 
> > he American church have a created a "whiteout" condition for millions of 
> > believers. Here's how to detect - and overcome - these destructive 
> > doctrines before it's too late".
> > ...
> > Then Hill lists 7 heretical teachings in the possible "avalanche" 
> > overcoming beleivers:
> > ...
> > 1.  Overemphasis of Prosperity
> > 
> > 2.  Exaggerated View of Grace.
> > [my comment: this refers to "hyper-grace" teachings of some who 
> > "live in sin" and use hyper-grace (i.e. readily available
> > forgiveness) to justify repeated sins. In other words, do what you
> > want since all the Christian needs is forgiveness to eradicate 
> > sin, then repeat the process.]
> > 
> > 3. Antinomianism - "against law" [this is an extreme form of 
> > hyper-...grace]. "In practice, it means that "anything goes" since Jesus 
> > ...has set us free."
> > ...
> > 4. Deification of Man "We are in grave danger worldwide as millions upon 
> > millions gaze upon man rather than God".
> > 
> > 5. Challenging the Authority of the Word [truth comes from God via the 
> > Bible].
> > 
> > 6. Rejecting Hell
> > 
> > 7. Universal Reconciliation. 
> > 3.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Heretical teachings

2013-03-30 Thread Buck
It is helpful to compare play-books on this. We see these same things with 
Unified Field and meditation deniers.  It's all such a sorry ignorance of 
spirituality and poverty of spiritual discipline.

The "white-out" of spirituality:

"So-called 'Pastors' and 'teachers' worldwide have succumbed to heretical 
teachings including universal reconciliation, deification of man, challenging 
the validity of the Word of God including His judgements, and even lifting any 
boundaries, claiming His amazing grace is actually "amazing freedom." You are 
free to live according to your own desires. Sound familiar? "They had no king 
and did what was right in their own eyes" (Judges 17:6). These popular 
self-proclaimed ministers of the gospel are covering the "slopes" and will be 
held accountable for the spiritual death of millions."

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> Preacher Steve Hill ("the fiery evangelist from the Brownsville Revival") 
> claims to have had a Divinely inspired prophetic vision from God:
> http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/34894-steve-hill-the-spiritual-avalanche-that-could-kill-millions
> .
> Charisma Magazine April 2013 says "False teachings running rampant within he 
> American church have a created a "whiteout" condition for millions of 
> believers. Here's how to detect - and overcome - these destructive doctrines 
> before it's too late".
> ...
> Then Hill lists 7 heretical teachings in the possible "avalanche" overcoming 
> beleivers:
> ...
> 1.  Overemphasis of Prosperity
> 2.  Exaggerated View of Grace.
> [my comment: this refers to "hyper-grace" teachings of some who 
> "live in sin" and use hyper-grace (i.e. readily available
> forgiveness) to justify repeated sins. In other words, do what you
> want since all the Christian needs is forgiveness to eradicate 
> sin, then repeat the process.]
> 3. Antinomianism - "against law" [this is an extreme form of hyper-...grace]. 
> "In practice, it means that "anything goes" since Jesus 
> ...has set us free."
> ...
> 4. Deification of Man "We are in grave danger worldwide as millions upon 
> millions gaze upon man rather than God".
> 5. Challenging the Authority of the Word [truth comes from God via the Bible].
> 6. Rejecting Hell
> 7. Universal Reconciliation. 
> 3.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chat With a Martian

2013-03-30 Thread Share Long
Lila of pink rocks bathroom walls melting 

ice words escaping into laughter tears all
wise remembering slow forgetfulness

 From: merudanda 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chat With a Martian

With All That We Say Is Ours
Wise words, she said
A timely escape
Let's laugh 'til we all fall down
Nobody hears what we say
Hidden in the games that we play
Somebody's knocking at the bathroom door
Let's always stay a little longer
Do not mind anymore
Now we're writing on the bathroom walls
Always sleeping on someone's floor
The Frost is slowly falling
The Ice  melting  sorely away
Let's forget all the things  we say
There's now no someone's calling
We'd better run for it now...
to the Mars blushing? Yes-
Those rocks are so calming on  Mars far away
they too have been listening to all that we say
pink they've become from so much blushing 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Those rocks are so calming on far away Mars
> they too have been listening to all that we say
> pink they've become from so much blushing 
>  From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:51 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chat With a Martian
> Google Earth 5 - 3D Mars! 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QtXFLL7Y2g 
> Google's 3D map program, called Google Earth, now has a Mars expansion pack. 
> So you can sail through a 3D Red Planet - and if you take  nablusoss1008 
> with you , you'll meet a Martian too.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vjcrQzSt6o 
> Type "Meliza" in the search window while looking at Mars (look for the planet 
> icon at the top of GE 5 and switch to Mars). This will fly you to a place on 
> mars with a place mark labeled "MELIZA". Click on that and the place mark 
> bubble will open and start talking to you. The program is based on an old 
> computer application called "Eliza"the old Eliza online therapist program.
>  I'll bet therapy works way better on Mars because all those pink rocks are 
> so calming.
> have pun


[FairfieldLife] Re: Willkommen zurück, Michael and Judy

2013-03-30 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> >
> > A week in the coop, now you're back in the loop.
> >
> German might be one of the most musical languages
> on this planet, because almost all of the most
> appreciated classical composers spoke German as
> their first language??

Well, as I like to say in my affected stern, heavy German accent, "Tcherman iz 
ze langvage ov luff."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Willkommen zurück, Michael and Judy

2013-03-30 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> A week in the coop, now you're back in the loop.

German might be one of the most musical languages
on this planet, because almost all of the most
appreciated classical composers spoke German as
their first language??

I guess almost everybody even in Minnesota might
be aware of what Arthur Rubinstein said about
the relationship between a composer's native
language and the quality of his/her efforts?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Atoms

2013-03-30 Thread Buck
Here's an excellent quote about cultivating Vedic Atoms:

Vedic Atoms:
Class 101, 
"A quiet mind is all you need. All else will happen rightly, once your mind is 
As the sun on rising makes the world active, so does self-awareness affect 
changes in the mind.
In the light of calm and steady self-awareness, inner energies wake up and work 
miracles without any effort on your part."

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> >
> > What were Vedic Atoms and what happened to them - any good stories about 
> > them?
> >
> Vedic Atoms?
> Unified Field Sub-macro units.  They are transcendental.
> Everyone around here who kept meditating knows that
> by virtue of the ongoing eternal experience of the un-manifest Self expressed 
> in the human physiology.
> Wish you were here with us again,
> -Buck in the Dome

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Atoms

2013-03-30 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> What were Vedic Atoms and what happened to them - any good stories about them?

Vedic Atoms?
Unified Field Sub-macro units.  They are transcendental.
Everyone around here who kept meditating knows that
by virtue of the ongoing eternal experience of the un-manifest Self expressed 
in the human physiology.
Wish you were here with us again,
-Buck in the Dome  

[FairfieldLife] Sidha of 82 yrs of age

2013-03-30 Thread card

A Sidha and Dalai lama fan (82 yrs) last summer at my sister's
summer residence:


In my understanding his program of several hours per day consists
of all kinds of stuff, including I Chuan (sp?). I'm not sure
if he still does YF...

He recently started aikido!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chat With a Martian

2013-03-30 Thread merudanda
With All That We Say Is Ours
Wise words, she said
A timely escape
Let's laugh 'til we all fall down
Nobody hears what we say
Hidden in the games that we play
Somebody's knocking at the bathroom door
Let's always stay a little longer
Do not mind anymore
Now we're writing on the bathroom walls
Always sleeping on someone's floor
The Frost is slowly falling
The Ice  melting  sorely away
Let's forget all the things  we say
There's now no someone's calling
We'd better run for it now...
to the Mars blushing? Yes-
Those rocks are so calming on  Mars far away
they too have been listening to all that we say
pink they've become from so much blushing
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long 
> Those rocks are so calming on far away Mars
> they too have been listening to all that we say
> pink they've become from so much blushing
>  From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:51 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chat With a Martian
> Â
> Google Earth 5 - 3D Mars!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QtXFLL7Y2gÂ
> Google's 3D map program, called Google Earth, now has a Mars expansion
pack. So you can sail through a 3D Red Planet - and if you take 
nablusoss1008 with you , you'll meet a Martian too.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vjcrQzSt6oÂ
> Type "Meliza" in the search window while looking at Mars (look for the
planet icon at the top of GE 5 and switch to Mars). This will fly you to
a place on mars with a place mark labeled "MELIZA". Click on that and
the place mark bubble will open and start talking to you. The program is
based on an old computer application called "Eliza"the old Eliza online
therapist program.
> Â I'll bet therapy works way better on Mars because all those pink
rocks are so calming.
> have pun

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chat With a Martian

2013-03-30 Thread merudanda
With All That We Say Is Ours
Wise words, she said
A timely escape
We laugh til we all fall down
Nobody hears what we say
Hidden in the games that we play
Somebody's knocking at the bathroom door
We always stay a little longer..
Do not mind anymore
Now we're writing on the bathroom walls
Always sleeping on someone's floor
The Frost is slowly falling
The Ice  melting  sorely away
Let's forget all the things  we say
There's now no ones calling
We'd better run for it now...
to the Mars blushing?
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long 
> Those rocks are so calming on far away Mars
> they too have been listening to all that we say
> pink they've become from so much blushing
>  From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:51 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chat With a Martian
> Â
> Google Earth 5 - 3D Mars!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QtXFLL7Y2gÂ
> Google's 3D map program, called Google Earth, now has a Mars expansion
pack. So you can sail through a 3D Red Planet - and if you take 
nablusoss1008 with you , you'll meet a Martian too.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vjcrQzSt6oÂ
> Type "Meliza" in the search window while looking at Mars (look for the
planet icon at the top of GE 5 and switch to Mars). This will fly you to
a place on mars with a place mark labeled "MELIZA". Click on that and
the place mark bubble will open and start talking to you. The program is
based on an old computer application called "Eliza"the old Eliza online
therapist program.
> Â I'll bet therapy works way better on Mars because all those pink
rocks are so calming.
> have pun