Re: [FairfieldLife] A nostalgia moment

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Oh, I see, Barry - You don't care for what I said, and don't care for me, 
either, but, just like Curtis, have very little spiritual experience; no full 
time witnessing, no fullness of silence in activity, no establishment in Being. 
Yet you speak as if you do, as if you are capable of evaluating such things. 

 Another ex-TM teacher, out to prove how little he is, casting about uninformed 
opinions, to demonstrate his failure to achieve that which he was teaching 
others to accomplish, while working as a TM teacher, many, many years ago - has 
it been over 40, yet? I think so. 

 Another ex-TM teacher who hasn't the foggiest notion of his former teacher's 
message, because he too, never reached a point of integration and wholeness, 
that was the basis for understanding his former teacher's message - no 
permanent witnessing.

 Speaking always with great hubris about *this* spiritual topic and *that*, as 
if you actually have something to add to the conversation, Barry. You, who has 
failed to achieve the foundation, 24x7 permanent witnessing, that is the first 
unmistakable sign of enlightenment. Sure, we all know how you experienced 
witnessing for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. And it faded. Just like Curtis's experience of 
witnessing faded.

 No big deal - it will, until you are established in Being, in silence. But 
stop making the mistake the other ex-TM teacher makes, and recognize that you 
are not enlightened, and therefore cannot speak as if you are. It is arrogant, 
and makes you look terribly, terribly unintelligent. I wish you would take my 
word for that.

 So, for your sake, mostly, stick to cheerful, happy, light, and pleasant 
subjects. Thank you, in advance! :-)

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Thanks for all the Biff trivia. As should be obvious, I was just riffing on 
the fact that the character of Biff not only looks like Jim Flanegin, he acts 
like him, too.  :-)


 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 10:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A nostalgia moment
   Tom Wilson (Biff) performs The Question Song on WEBN

On Fri, 5/16/14, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A nostalgia moment
 Date: Friday, May 16, 2014, 4:56 PM
  I don't know what made me think of this, but does
 anyone else remember Biff from the Back to the
 Future movies? He started out looking like this, yer
 classic big guy with a tiny

 But over time he morphed into pretty much the same
 big guy with the tiny dick, but now sagging and experiencing
 retirement panic:

 That's all. Just a nostalgia moment. It's not
 as if Biff reminds me of anyone. Really. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: the deer this morning

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes. Like conscious jewels in his face.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Yep, I love the critters, too, and miss my feral black cat, from the Bay Area, 
who I named, 'Sylvester' - I've never tried to pet, or feed him, but he has 
taken refuge in the gazebo on many cold nights, and we blink back and forth a 

 Sylvester.JPG - File Shared from Box
 Sylvester.JPG - File Shared from Box Sign up | Log in Sylvester.JPG

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Who but an imaginative and artistic, not to mention creatively bold, God would 
think to pair such black fur with such intense golden eyes and think he could 
get away with it, that it would be believable?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Life on Mars

2014-05-17 Thread salyavin808

Interesting. The guy who designed the experiment that found life didn't say so 
at the press conference in 76 because he was a junior at NASA, but he was 
convinced his test had worked perfectly anyway and had found organic life 3 out 
of 4 times in 1976. Trouble was, there were two other experiments that drew a 
blank and a majority vote was taken that decided life didn't exist, but the 
other experiments weren't working properly because the lander had had to put 
down in a place on Mars that it wasn't designed to operate in - plus they 
couldn't even find signs of life in some earth rocks you know... 

 You'd think they'd just do it again but they decided to base future missions 
on the conclusion of no life on Mars and only do other experiments not 
connected with finding complex chemistry and all the biologists left or were 
retired from future Mars mission planning. Nice to know they finally might be 
coming round to acknowledging the mistake.

 I'm highly dubious about the conspiracy theory at the end though, why would 
NASA be trying to convince us that we live in an otherwise lifeless universe 
when it knows otherwise? It's a ridiculous idea that we wouldn't be able to 
cope with knowledge of alien life, look at Nabby, the prospect don't seem to 
bother him much!- Poor guy thinks we already have proof and that they come all 
this way just to make pretty shapes in wheatfields! 

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Maybe inside the rocks.  Will any of the enlightened members here on FFL 
comment on this issue?

 In the meantime, here's the current article discussing this possibility.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What do Ginger Baker and black coffee have in common?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I've heard in Africa the criterion for a real drummer is the ability to sing 
whilst drumming.

 By that criterion I'm not a drummer, but drumming is one of the few things I 
really love
 (and my neighbors hate, LOL?).

 I especially like to put a metronome at something like 140 - 150 BPS and play 
some quite heavily
 syncopating, almost totally improvised rhythms over(?) it.

 Another thing I like is to play in 3/4ths so that it sounds as funny as 

[FairfieldLife] To Curtis, on witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
A rap for Curtis, now that the Jim-bot has shouted himself out and probably 
fallen asleep.

For obvious reasons, I didn't want to get involved with Jim while he was busy 
doing his Biff Tanner imitation. He's clearly-out-of-control angry over the 
fact that he can't get me to react to his taunts, and that out-of-control-ness 
amuses me, so I'll allow him to continue to rant later when when he wakes up 
with a Boy-I-sure-shouted-them-down-didn't-I hangover.  :-)

But I do wish to comment on some of Curtis' comments, to add in my two 
centimes. Yes, I *do* agree with him in believing that Maharishi was WAY off in 
coming up with any meaningful interpretations of and descriptions of 
consciousness and what it means. And one of the key indicators of this to me is 
his reliance on a phenomenon that is seen as so meaningless in other meditation 
traditions that it is almost never spoken about, let alone suggested as a 
criterion for enlightenment. 

I am speaking, of course, of witnessing. In Tibetan and other more 
traditional forms of meditation teaching, this phenomenon is so commonplace and 
is considered so meaningless that it is almost never mentioned, except with a 
passing warning. The warning is to not get hung up on it, because it's so easy 
to (in MMY terminology) mood make the sensation to convince oneself that 
they're more advanced than they really are. 

That, interestingly enough, is the same finding that neuroscientists have 
gleaned from lab experiments. The phenomenon of witnessnessing can be 
*generated*, merely by stimulating the proper areas of the brain. Furthermore, 
once the subject has experienced it via stimulation, it is possible for them to 
bring on that experience again just by making a mood of it. 

That's what I honestly think happened to the Jim-bot. He had some minor 
experiences of witnessing, and having a shitload of ego problems and wanting 
some attention, he kept mood-making the experience again so that he could use 
it to justify his oneupsmanship games. This is *exactly* why teachers in more 
legitimate traditions don't focus on witnessing as anything more than a 
beginner's perception, and don't try to convince students it's meaningful. The 
phenomenon is so easy to simulate subjectively that people get themselves in 
trouble *trying* to simulate it, and wind up wandering around in a state of 
classical psychological dissociation, unable to tell fantasy from reality. 

I might suggest that this pattern is very evident in the Jim-bot. Surely most 
people have noticed his compulsion to always try to one-up anyone in the 
realm of what he feebly considers spiritual experience. Someone mentions an 
experience on Batgap or FFL, and he *can't help himself* and has to come 
roaring in claiming to have had that experience years ago. I've often been 
tempted to make up some experience that Maharishi supposedly talked about out 
of whole cloth and post it, just to see how long it would take Jimbo to claim 
he'd had the made-up experience, too.  :-)

Anyway, my point is that this compulsion to play oneupsmanship games with one's 
supposed advanced consciousness is considered by older, more established 
meditation traditions as *pretty much what happens* when one emphasizes 
witnessing and pretends that it's anything but the fleeting, everyday, 
beginner's experience it is. Witnessing is so easy to mood-make that these 
teachers don't want their students going down that path and losing themselves 
in delusion. Jim is the perfect example of what happens when they do. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis, on witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
LOL - This is Hilarious, Barry! HA! I wouldn't be so quick to denigrate 
witnessing, something you were lording over the rest of us, on FFL, just 
recently. If witnessing means so damned little to you, why does everyone on 
this forum, know how long you lasted, with your very limited witnessing, many 
years ago, before it faded? I hate to say it, but sometimes you are just...slow.

 You and Curtis, a couple of washed up ex-TM teachers, who never learned the 
techniques, they were teaching others. A real couple of lugnuts, you two, 
acting all high and mighty with that ex-TM teacher badge on, and you don't even 
know what it meant.

 Sure, witnessing NOW has no value - Hah, what a dopey strategy of yours. What 
will you decide next, that watching TV is a sure sign of enlightenment?? 

 Look, Barry, let's stop kidding ourselves. You know, and I know, and everyone 
reading this knows, that when you say you have no witnessing, no established 
silence, and try to make this a positive, you look like a complete fool. People 
on this forum weren't born yesterday, and you, my friend, are getting more and 
more exposed, by the minute. The ex-TM teacher with no clothes.

 Good night, unless you have more to embarrass yourself with. 

 Oh, and Barry? Put up, or shut up. I'll wait. - lol! :-)

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 A rap for Curtis, now that the Jim-bot has shouted himself out and probably 
fallen asleep.

For obvious reasons, I didn't want to get involved with Jim while he was busy 
doing his Biff Tanner imitation. He's clearly-out-of-control angry over the 
fact that he can't get me to react to his taunts, and that out-of-control-ness 
amuses me, so I'll allow him to continue to rant later when when he wakes up 
with a Boy-I-sure-shouted-them-down-didn't-I hangover.  :-)

But I do wish to comment on some of Curtis' comments, to add in my two 
centimes. Yes, I *do* agree with him in believing that Maharishi was WAY off in 
coming up with any meaningful interpretations of and descriptions of 
consciousness and what it means. And one of the key indicators of this to me is 
his reliance on a phenomenon that is seen as so meaningless in other meditation 
traditions that it is almost never spoken about, let alone suggested as a 
criterion for enlightenment. 

I am speaking, of course, of witnessing. In Tibetan and other more 
traditional forms of meditation teaching, this phenomenon is so commonplace and 
is considered so meaningless that it is almost never mentioned, except with a 
passing warning. The warning is to not get hung up on it, because it's so easy 
to (in MMY terminology) mood make the sensation to convince oneself that 
they're more advanced than they really are. 

That, interestingly enough, is the same finding that neuroscientists have 
gleaned from lab experiments. The phenomenon of witnessnessing can be 
*generated*, merely by stimulating the proper areas of the brain. Furthermore, 
once the subject has experienced it via stimulation, it is possible for them to 
bring on that experience again just by making a mood of it. 

That's what I honestly think happened to the Jim-bot. He had some minor 
experiences of witnessing, and having a shitload of ego problems and wanting 
some attention, he kept mood-making the experience again so that he could use 
it to justify his oneupsmanship games. This is *exactly* why teachers in more 
legitimate traditions don't focus on witnessing as anything more than a 
beginner's perception, and don't try to convince students it's meaningful. The 
phenomenon is so easy to simulate subjectively that people get themselves in 
trouble *trying* to simulate it, and wind up wandering around in a state of 
classical psychological dissociation, unable to tell fantasy from reality. 

I might suggest that this pattern is very evident in the Jim-bot. Surely most 
people have noticed his compulsion to always try to one-up anyone in the 
realm of what he feebly considers spiritual experience. Someone mentions an 
experience on Batgap or FFL, and he *can't help himself* and has to come 
roaring in claiming to have had that experience years ago. I've often been 
tempted to make up some experience that Maharishi supposedly talked about out 
of whole cloth and post it, just to see how long it would take Jimbo to claim 
he'd had the made-up experience, too.  :-)

Anyway, my point is that this compulsion to play oneupsmanship games with one's 
supposed advanced consciousness is considered by older, more established 
meditation traditions as *pretty much what happens* when one emphasizes 
witnessing and pretends that it's anything but the fleeting, everyday, 
beginner's experience it is. Witnessing is so easy to mood-make that these 
teachers don't want their students going down that path and losing themselves 
in delusion. Jim is the perfect example of what happens when they do. 


[FairfieldLife] Please watch Barry and Curtis's misdirection, and personal attacks

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
...after I pin-point their lack of spiritual experience. 

 If Barry really felt secure with regard to what he experiences, and was 
actually, beyond witnessing,  whatever that is, would he really resort to 
flat out character assassination, going on for endless paragraphs, about things 
he just makes up about me? 

 The only thing I have done, here, is pointed out the contradiction between 
what Barry says, and the limited nature of his spiritual experience. That's it.

 If he were secure in knowing his own truth, wouldn't he simply admit the 
simple fact that he has no established silence, no permanent witnessing? Why 
all the fuss? Why come after me? Why make it personal?

 These guys, Barry, and Curtis, want to keep bullshitting us. Pretending that 
they have far more knowledge than they possess, and acting like spiritual big 

 Why give these two ex-TM Teachers the time of day, or night? If they were 
enlightened, then maybe, but failing at both the techniques, and their own 
spiritual development, and then both of them, having the balls to be claiming 
victory, now? I don't think so.


[FairfieldLife] It's a Beautiful World - a film by Richard Beymer

2014-05-17 Thread nablusoss1008
New film shows David Lynch retracing Maharishi’s footsteps from North to South 
India and the start of the TM movement
 With video from India: 
 New film shows David Lynch retracing Maharishi’s footsteps from North to South 
India and the start of the TM movement
 New film shows David Lynch retracing Maharishi’s footste...
 It's a Beautiful World is film by Richard Beymer of David Lynch retracing his 
Master's footsteps throughout India, when Maharishi left the Silence of the 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Please watch Barry and Curtis's misdirection, and personal attacks

2014-05-17 Thread nablusoss1008
This is what degenerated and decadent Buddhism does to people, it makes them 
spiritually lazy and prone to superstition, which is seen on a daily basis from 
the postings of the Buddhists here, particularily the Turq. No wonder TM is 
eagerly embraced in South East Asia, finally they are receiving a meditation 
that actually works.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 ...after I pin-point their lack of spiritual experience. 

 If Barry really felt secure with regard to what he experiences, and was 
actually, beyond witnessing,  whatever that is, would he really resort to 
flat out character assassination, going on for endless paragraphs, about things 
he just makes up about me? 

 The only thing I have done, here, is pointed out the contradiction between 
what Barry says, and the limited nature of his spiritual experience. That's it.

 If he were secure in knowing his own truth, wouldn't he simply admit the 
simple fact that he has no established silence, no permanent witnessing? Why 
all the fuss? Why come after me? Why make it personal?

 These guys, Barry, and Curtis, want to keep bullshitting us. Pretending that 
they have far more knowledge than they possess, and acting like spiritual big 

 Why give these two ex-TM Teachers the time of day, or night? If they were 
enlightened, then maybe, but failing at both the techniques, and their own 
spiritual development, and then both of them, having the balls to be claiming 
victory, now? I don't think so.


[FairfieldLife] Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Well, *of course* it was the Beatles. If Maharishi had never run into them, I 
would bet that almost no one on this forum would *be* on this forum, or would 
have ever heard of TM. But the Beatles just provided Maharishi's entryway into 
the market, so they're not the only key to its popularity (for a while). I 
don't think that easy to learn was the big issue, either. Yes, it's a big 
plus to be told that what you're about to learn is so easy that you don't have 
to actually DO anything -- especially for lazy, 
pay-my-money-now-and-want-my-results-now Americans. 

I think it was the combination of easy to learn and pandering to all of the 
people who learned it by trying to inflate their sense of self-importance. 

Think about it. Right from the first intro lecture, not to mention the 
following three nights of checking and any advanced lecture you attended, you 
were told that TM was The Best. All other forms of meditation were looked 
down upon and actively derided and scorned. The very words focus and 
concentration became Bad in the minds of most TMers, within a very short 

Now add to that what happened when you became more involved with the TM 
movement, and discovered that it was WAY hierarchical. When you began to help 
out at the center, you learned immediately (and wordlessly) that TM teachers 
were on a higher level than mere meditators. A few years went by, and you 
were wordlessly taught that Governors are on a higher level than mere TM 
teachers. A few more years, and you learned that as a non-TM-teacher you can 
pay the same money the teachers paid to learn the TM-Sidhis, and even receive 
the exact same teaching, but you'll *still* be on a lower level -- Citizen 
Sidhas instead of Governors.

Even more years go by, and suddenly you've got more and more levels of 
hierarchy and perceived importance to deal with -- Ministers of the 
Department of Redundancy Dept., Rajas, and even Kings. There was simply NO 
WAY that a slacker who never even became a TM teacher was going to ever be able 
to climb that hierarchy...unless they had a spare million dollars lying around, 
that is.

But there was still one area in which the lowest of the low -- the mere 
meditators -- could still think of themselves as superior to someone. They 
could feed their sense of self-importance by believing themselves superior to 
anyone who didn't do TM. It didn't matter if these Others practiced some other 
form of meditation, or if they had been doing it for decades...if it wasn't TM, 
it wasn't The Best, so even mere meditators were taught to look down on 
practitioners of other types of meditation. 

And then the Ultimate Pander To Self-Importance tactic showed up. It was when 
Maharishi did a backhand fake and changed the TM-Sidhi program from something 
one does for oneself to something that one does for the world. Sidhas 
suddenly became the Saviors of the World. As Maharishi said many times when 
urging people to learn the Sidhis (and, of course, pay for them), the TM-Sidhas 
were *The Most Important People On The Planet*. Their collective Woo Woo was 
all that was keeping it from disappearing in a puff of bad karma. 

Suddenly even mere meditators had a level of self-importance they could 
aspire to. They could pay their money, learn the Sidhis, and they might still 
be on a lower level than the Governors, but they were STILL The Most 
Important People On The Planet. With every thud of their butts on the foam they 
heard in their heads the resounding waves of applause from the universe they 
had been taught to expect as The Most Important People On The Planet. They were 

Many on this forum still believe they are. 

Simply because they do a mental technique they were TAUGHT was The Best and 
because they thud on their butts using another technique they were TAUGHT 
turned them into The Most Important People On The Planet. TM turned tens of 
thousands of people into the very antithesis of spiritual humility. Their whole 
concept of what the word spiritual MEANS is wrapped up in the language of 
The Best and The Most Important. Competition and spiritual oneupsmanship 
are *built in* to the system, and to the mindset being cultivated.

As to what the cultivation and *encouragement* of self-importance -- programmed 
into an unsuspecting cult audience over a period of decades -- can do to people 
who fall prey to it, I suspect you need look no further than Fairfield Life.

TM became popular because Maharishi sold the people who paid for it a cheap (in 
the beginning) beginner's technique of meditation and told them that it was an 
advanced technique of meditation, SO advanced that it was The Best. Nothing 
could possibly be better. Once they believed this, then he set about trying to 
program them into thinking that *they* were The Best. No one could possibly 
be better. 

As a spiritual teaching, TM is fairly unique in the history of spiritual 
teachings in that it sells a pathway to dissolution 

[FairfieldLife] Witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
While alive, everybody has experience, consciousness. So 'something' is making 
the content of experience visible. There is always a 'witness'. The mind's 
interpretation of what this so-called witness is changes with practice 
(whichever one or ones are being used). The 24/7 kind of inner witnessing is 
one of those stages of change that many experience. My experience is that it 
basically evaporated, almost like it became a mist and soaked into the world of 
outer experience as if the outer world was a sponge and just vanished, that is, 
the so-called witness becomes identical with all other experience, with 
thought, objects, and action. So one cannot say 'I' am witnessing. At this 
point witnessing has no centre, no location, it is no longer like a receiver of 
experience, like an homunculus, like a little man in your head watching stuff. 
Descriptions and models of consciousness completely break down at this point, 
they are of no use because it is not possible to formulate a model that 
includes everything; the only thing that makes it intelligible in some way is 
the experience itself.

 What is especially intriguing is the actual experience is no different from 
the way it was prior to starting spiritual life, nothing is changed. This is 
why some teachers say one is already enlightened. It is almost as if the 
spiritual path is an aberration you have to grow out of to gain fulfilment; you 
think it is going to somehow save you and make things better, but it is just 
part of the dream you are trying to wake up from. Except you were already awake 
from the beginning. So in this sense enlightenment really does not exist. The 
Zen phrase 'selling water by the river' is actually pretty much how the whole 
thing comes down. Models are just navigation points, and roughed out 
approximations. People's experiences as they grow have wide variations that 
never seem to fit that well into the models, except perhaps for a few. So 
evaluating others' experiences on the basis of their conformity to a particular 
model has a wide possibility of error.

 The goal is to get people to have this experience of totality, not to berate 
them for their lack of conformance to a model as one is interpreting it. The 
spiritual path reeks with smugness, and none of us are immune.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The first paragraph here is a good example of what Maharishi meant by 
Knowledge is structured in consciousness. 

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 While alive, everybody has experience, consciousness. So 'something' is making 
the content of experience visible. There is always a 'witness'. The mind's 
interpretation of what this so-called witness is changes with practice 
(whichever one or ones are being used). The 24/7 kind of inner witnessing is 
one of those stages of change that many experience. My experience is that it 
basically evaporated, almost like it became a mist and soaked into the world of 
outer experience as if the outer world was a sponge and just vanished, that is, 
the so-called witness becomes identical with all other experience, with 
thought, objects, and action. So one cannot say 'I' am witnessing. At this 
point witnessing has no centre, no location, it is no longer like a receiver of 
experience, like an homunculus, like a little man in your head watching stuff. 
Descriptions and models of consciousness completely break down at this point, 
they are of no use because it is not possible to formulate a model that 
includes everything; the only thing that makes it intelligible in some way is 
the experience itself.

 What is especially intriguing is the actual experience is no different from 
the way it was prior to starting spiritual life, nothing is changed. This is 
why some teachers say one is already enlightened. It is almost as if the 
spiritual path is an aberration you have to grow out of to gain fulfilment; you 
think it is going to somehow save you and make things better, but it is just 
part of the dream you are trying to wake up from. Except you were already awake 
from the beginning. So in this sense enlightenment really does not exist. The 
Zen phrase 'selling water by the river' is actually pretty much how the whole 
thing comes down. Models are just navigation points, and roughed out 
approximations. People's experiences as they grow have wide variations that 
never seem to fit that well into the models, except perhaps for a few. So 
evaluating others' experiences on the basis of their conformity to a particular 
model has a wide possibility of error.

 The goal is to get people to have this experience of totality, not to berate 
them for their lack of conformance to a model as one is interpreting it. The 
spiritual path reeks with smugness, and none of us are immune.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: the deer this morning

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Yes. Like conscious jewels in his face.

 Good one. As I have mentioned before, I am not a cat lover although I can 
appreciate their sinewy and mysterious ways of being. They certainly do lend 
themselves well to sculptural renditions, however.






---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Yep, I love the critters, too, and miss my feral black cat, from the Bay Area, 
who I named, 'Sylvester' - I've never tried to pet, or feed him, but he has 
taken refuge in the gazebo on many cold nights, and we blink back and forth a 

 Sylvester.JPG - File Shared from Box
 Sylvester.JPG - File Shared from Box Sign up | Log in Sylvester.JPG

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Who but an imaginative and artistic, not to mention creatively bold, God would 
think to pair such black fur with such intense golden eyes and think he could 
get away with it, that it would be believable?


[FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis, on witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 A rap for Curtis, now that the Jim-bot has shouted himself out and probably 
fallen asleep.

For obvious reasons, I didn't want to get involved with Jim while he was busy 
doing his Biff Tanner imitation. He's clearly-out-of-control angry over the 
fact that he can't get me to react to his taunts, and that out-of-control-ness 
amuses me, so I'll allow him to continue to rant later when when he wakes up 
with a Boy-I-sure-shouted-them-down-didn't-I hangover.  :-)

But I do wish to comment on some of Curtis' comments, to add in my two 
centimes. Yes, I *do* agree with him in believing that Maharishi was WAY off in 
coming up with any meaningful interpretations of and descriptions of 
consciousness and what it means. And one of the key indicators of this to me is 
his reliance on a phenomenon that is seen as so meaningless in other meditation 
traditions that it is almost never spoken about, let alone suggested as a 
criterion for enlightenment. 

I am speaking, of course, of witnessing. In Tibetan and other more 
traditional forms of meditation teaching, this phenomenon is so commonplace and 
is considered so meaningless that it is almost never mentioned, except with a 
passing warning. The warning is to not get hung up on it, because it's so easy 
to (in MMY terminology) mood make the sensation to convince oneself that 
they're more advanced than they really are. 

That, interestingly enough, is the same finding that neuroscientists have 
gleaned from lab experiments. The phenomenon of witnessnessing can be 
*generated*, merely by stimulating the proper areas of the brain. Furthermore, 
once the subject has experienced it via stimulation, it is possible for them to 
bring on that experience again just by making a mood of it. 

 Of course the brain can be stimulated to mimic or to create any sensation or 
experience for a human being. Where do you think experience comes from anyway? 
Out of nothing and nowhere and we just spontaneously experience something with 
no equipment necessary to do so? All input comes through the brain (if you've 
got one) and witnessing can be triggered by something as simple as fear or when 
you are in the midst of some very strange situation. You said yourself you 
witnessed for days after having been mugged or almost mugged years ago, I 
remember that because I have had the same thing happen in similar 
circumstances, where one is thrown into a different mode of functioning because 
of either danger or threat. 

That's what I honestly think happened to the Jim-bot. He had some minor 
experiences of witnessing, and having a shitload of ego problems and wanting 
some attention, he kept mood-making the experience again so that he could use 
it to justify his oneupsmanship games. This is *exactly* why teachers in more 
legitimate traditions don't focus on witnessing as anything more than a 
beginner's perception, and don't try to convince students it's meaningful. The 
phenomenon is so easy to simulate subjectively that people get themselves in 
trouble *trying* to simulate it, and wind up wandering around in a state of 
classical psychological dissociation, unable to tell fantasy from reality. 

I might suggest that this pattern is very evident in the Jim-bot. Surely most 
people have noticed his compulsion to always try to one-up anyone in the 
realm of what he feebly considers spiritual experience. Someone mentions an 
experience on Batgap or FFL, and he *can't help himself* and has to come 
roaring in claiming to have had that experience years ago. I've often been 
tempted to make up some experience that Maharishi supposedly talked about out 
of whole cloth and post it, just to see how long it would take Jimbo to claim 
he'd had the made-up experience, too.  :-)

Anyway, my point is that this compulsion to play oneupsmanship games with one's 
supposed advanced consciousness is considered by older, more established 
meditation traditions as *pretty much what happens* when one emphasizes 
witnessing and pretends that it's anything but the fleeting, everyday, 
beginner's experience it is. Witnessing is so easy to mood-make that these 
teachers don't want their students going down that path and losing themselves 
in delusion. Jim is the perfect example of what happens when they do. 

 Oh dumbo, you do exactly what you are accusing Jim of doing - get all uppity 
and holier-than-thou and big for your britches when it comes to not only 
spiritual know-how but just about everything from living in the best country, 
eating at the best cafes and living the life only brilliant and creative people 
would dare and are capable of living. You are the ultimate bullshit machine 
here and Jim's just pushing the envelope to make you squirm. Don't you get it 
now? (Please don't think I want an answer - as of yet you haven't revealed 
anything I didn't already know about life and you're hardly going to be able to 
do so now.)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
No, that is not completely true. Of course Beatlemania makes an interesting 
observation but also makes for some wrong thinking around TM if not looked at 
in context. For instance, actually a lot of us learned because of Kurt 
Vonnegut. I started because earlier for Kurt Vonnegut TM had worked for him.  
That was the power of the word of mouth about the practice.  Didn't know 
anything about TM and the Beatles at the time.  -Buck

[FairfieldLife] The transition from BC to the state that comes after it

2014-05-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Does anyone else remember Maharishi's occasional talks on ATR courses about the 
state of consciousness that comes *after* Brahman Consciousness (BC)? I 
remember that it was referred to as SLC (for Shiva's Lingam Consciousness, a 
big improvement over the acronym SDC or Stiff Dick Consciousness he used in 
earlier versions of the talk).

As I remember the lectures, the gist of the concept is that after a few years 
of being in Brahman Consciousness (or at the very least claiming that one is), 
even the BC-ers get bored trying to convince the ignorant rabble around them 
that they're ignorant rabble because they're not in BC like they are. There is 
only so much fun you can have with this. 

So the transition from BC to SLC is achieved when the person in BC just can't 
take it any more, whips out his lingam, and starts waving it in the faces of 
the ignorant rabble, while chanting the sacred mahavakya See? I *told* you I 
was important! 

The shakti produced by a person in SLC doing this is supposedly so powerful 
that it can instantly enlighten even the most ignorant rabble. Maharishi cited 
a passage in the Shiva Sutras that told the story of how one ancient sage in 
SLC enlightened an entire village of ignorant rabble with just one wag of his 

Could it be possible that we have one of these great saints among us? I mean, 
the guy has now claimed to have so Been There Done That with CC, GC, UC, and 
BC. So is it possible that he's making the transition to SLC? 

You have to admit, this theory kinda covers all the bases...

[FairfieldLife] Re: The transition from BC to the state that comes after it

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Does anyone else remember Maharishi's occasional talks on ATR courses about 
the state of consciousness that comes *after* Brahman Consciousness (BC)? I 
remember that it was referred to as SLC (for Shiva's Lingam Consciousness, a 
big improvement over the acronym SDC or Stiff Dick Consciousness he used in 
earlier versions of the talk).

As I remember the lectures, the gist of the concept is that after a few years 
of being in Brahman Consciousness (or at the very least claiming that one is), 
even the BC-ers get bored trying to convince the ignorant rabble around them 
that they're ignorant rabble because they're not in BC like they are. There is 
only so much fun you can have with this. 

So the transition from BC to SLC is achieved when the person in BC just can't 
take it any more, whips out his lingam, and starts waving it in the faces of 
the ignorant rabble, while chanting the sacred mahavakya See? I *told* you I 
was important! 

The shakti produced by a person in SLC doing this is supposedly so powerful 
that it can instantly enlighten even the most ignorant rabble. Maharishi cited 
a passage in the Shiva Sutras that told the story of how one ancient sage in 
SLC enlightened an entire village of ignorant rabble with just one wag of his 

Could it be possible that we have one of these great saints among us? I mean, 
the guy has now claimed to have so Been There Done That with CC, GC, UC, and 
BC. So is it possible that he's making the transition to SLC? 

You have to admit, this theory kinda covers all the bases...

 Still stewing are you? Jim is playing you Bawee and laughing himself silly 
watching you continue to gripe. Keep it up, I think you're making his day, 
maybe even his weekend...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Well, *of course* it was the Beatles. If Maharishi had never run into them, I 
would bet that almost no one on this forum would *be* on this forum, or would 
have ever heard of TM. But the Beatles just provided Maharishi's entryway into 
the market, so they're not the only key to its popularity (for a while). I 
don't think that easy to learn was the big issue, either. Yes, it's a big 
plus to be told that what you're about to learn is so easy that you don't have 
to actually DO anything -- especially for lazy, 
pay-my-money-now-and-want-my-results-now Americans. 

I think it was the combination of easy to learn and pandering to all of the 
people who learned it by trying to inflate their sense of self-importance. 

Think about it. Right from the first intro lecture, not to mention the 
following three nights of checking and any advanced lecture you attended, you 
were told that TM was The Best. All other forms of meditation were looked 
down upon and actively derided and scorned. The very words focus and 
concentration became Bad in the minds of most TMers, within a very short 

Now add to that what happened when you became more involved with the TM 
movement, and discovered that it was WAY hierarchical. When you began to help 
out at the center, you learned immediately (and wordlessly) that TM teachers 
were on a higher level than mere meditators. A few years went by, and you 
were wordlessly taught that Governors are on a higher level than mere TM 
teachers. A few more years, and you learned that as a non-TM-teacher you can 
pay the same money the teachers paid to learn the TM-Sidhis, and even receive 
the exact same teaching, but you'll *still* be on a lower level -- Citizen 
Sidhas instead of Governors.

Even more years go by, and suddenly you've got more and more levels of 
hierarchy and perceived importance to deal with -- Ministers of the 
Department of Redundancy Dept., Rajas, and even Kings. There was simply NO 
WAY that a slacker who never even became a TM teacher was going to ever be able 
to climb that hierarchy...unless they had a spare million dollars lying around, 
that is.

But there was still one area in which the lowest of the low -- the mere 
meditators -- could still think of themselves as superior to someone. They 
could feed their sense of self-importance by believing themselves superior to 
anyone who didn't do TM. It didn't matter if these Others practiced some other 
form of meditation, or if they had been doing it for decades...if it wasn't TM, 
it wasn't The Best, so even mere meditators were taught to look down on 
practitioners of other types of meditation. 

And then the Ultimate Pander To Self-Importance tactic showed up. It was when 
Maharishi did a backhand fake and changed the TM-Sidhi program from something 
one does for oneself to something that one does for the world. Sidhas 
suddenly became the Saviors of the World. As Maharishi said many times when 
urging people to learn the Sidhis (and, of course, pay for them), the TM-Sidhas 
were *The Most Important People On The Planet*. Their collective Woo Woo was 
all that was keeping it from disappearing in a puff of bad karma. 

Suddenly even mere meditators had a level of self-importance they could 
aspire to. They could pay their money, learn the Sidhis, and they might still 
be on a lower level than the Governors, but they were STILL The Most 
Important People On The Planet. With every thud of their butts on the foam they 
heard in their heads the resounding waves of applause from the universe they 
had been taught to expect as The Most Important People On The Planet. They were 

Many on this forum still believe they are. 

Simply because they do a mental technique they were TAUGHT was The Best and 
because they thud on their butts using another technique they were TAUGHT 
turned them into The Most Important People On The Planet. TM turned tens of 
thousands of people into the very antithesis of spiritual humility. Their whole 
concept of what the word spiritual MEANS is wrapped up in the language of 
The Best and The Most Important. Competition and spiritual oneupsmanship 
are *built in* to the system, and to the mindset being cultivated.

As to what the cultivation and *encouragement* of self-importance -- programmed 
into an unsuspecting cult audience over a period of decades -- can do to people 
who fall prey to it, I suspect you need look no further than Fairfield Life.

TM became popular because Maharishi sold the people who paid for it a cheap (in 
the beginning) beginner's technique of meditation and told them that it was an 
advanced technique of meditation, SO advanced that it was The Best. Nothing 
could possibly be better. Once they believed this, then he set about trying to 
program them into thinking that *they* were The Best. No one could possibly 
be better. 

As a spiritual teaching, TM is fairly unique in the history 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The transition from BC to the state that comes after it

2014-05-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Because I was once a teacher, and have no wish to lead prospective seekers Off 
The Path and into distractions that will hinder their spiritual progress, I 
must post an addendum to my reportage of this important-but-seemingly-lost 
Maharishi teaching. 

At the ATR course at which I heard it, one male TM teacher -- obviously in a 
fit of renewed enthusiasm at having been presented a new vision of 
possibilities -- pragmatically but ignorantly asked, So Maharishi, if we're 
in BC but having a few...uh...erectile dysfunction issues, can we still achieve 
SLC by taking Viagra?

Maharishi pondered the question deeply, as he was wont to do when anyone asked 
him a question he'd never anticipated because he was so firmly established in 
SLC himself, and said, No. That would be like relying on psychedelic drugs to 
achieve enlightenment. The boner must spring forth from the Source Of All 
Knowledge all on its own. 

Just sayin' this so that none of the TM TBs here start searching their Spam 
folders for Viagra ads they had previously ignored. 

 From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2014 3:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The transition from BC to the state that comes after it

Does anyone else remember Maharishi's occasional talks on ATR courses about the 
state of consciousness that comes *after* Brahman Consciousness (BC)? I 
remember that it was referred to as SLC (for Shiva's Lingam Consciousness, a 
big improvement over the acronym SDC or Stiff Dick Consciousness he used in 
earlier versions of the talk).

As I remember the lectures, the gist of the concept is that after a few years 
of being in Brahman Consciousness (or at the very least claiming that one is), 
even the BC-ers get bored trying to convince the ignorant rabble around them 
that they're ignorant rabble because they're not in BC like they are. There is 
only so much fun you can have with

So the transition from BC to SLC is achieved when the person in BC just can't 
take it any more, whips out his lingam, and starts waving it in the faces of 
the ignorant rabble, while chanting the sacred mahavakya See? I *told* you I 
was important! 

The shakti produced by a person in SLC doing this is supposedly so powerful 
that it can instantly enlighten even the most ignorant rabble. Maharishi cited 
a passage in the Shiva Sutras that told the story of how one ancient sage in 
SLC enlightened an entire village of ignorant rabble with just one wag of his 

Could it be possible that we have one of these great saints among us? I mean, 
the guy has now claimed to have so Been There Done That with CC, GC, UC, and 
BC. So is it possible that he's making the transition to SLC? 

 have to admit, this theory kinda covers all the bases...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Buck and turq, I got initiated the weekend BEFORE the Merv Griffin Show in 
1975. When I came to MIU later that year, many of the people had already been 
meditating for 2 or 3 years. Many of them were from California. I don't 
remember hearing anything about the Beatles doing TM til later.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 8:31 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

that is not completely true.  Of course Beatlemania makes an interesting 
observation but also makes for some wrong thinking around TM if not looked at
in context.  For instance, actually a lot of us learned because of
Kurt Vonnegut.  I started because earlier for Kurt Vonnegut TM had
worked for him.  That was the power of the word of mouth about the practice.  
Didn't know anything about TM and the Beatles at the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Please watch Barry and Curtis's misdirection, and personal attacks

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It is irritating that this know nothing and his buddy, write pages and pages of 
opinions on here, based on NOTHING. What a phony.

---In, wrote :

 This is what degenerated and decadent Buddhism does to people, it makes them 
spiritually lazy and prone to superstition, which is seen on a daily basis from 
the postings of the Buddhists here, particularily the Turq. No wonder TM is 
eagerly embraced in South East Asia, finally they are receiving a meditation 
that actually works.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 ...after I pin-point their lack of spiritual experience. 

 If Barry really felt secure with regard to what he experiences, and was 
actually, beyond witnessing,  whatever that is, would he really resort to 
flat out character assassination, going on for endless paragraphs, about things 
he just makes up about me? 

 The only thing I have done, here, is pointed out the contradiction between 
what Barry says, and the limited nature of his spiritual experience. That's it.

 If he were secure in knowing his own truth, wouldn't he simply admit the 
simple fact that he has no established silence, no permanent witnessing? Why 
all the fuss? Why come after me? Why make it personal?

 These guys, Barry, and Curtis, want to keep bullshitting us. Pretending that 
they have far more knowledge than they possess, and acting like spiritual big 

 Why give these two ex-TM Teachers the time of day, or night? If they were 
enlightened, then maybe, but failing at both the techniques, and their own 
spiritual development, and then both of them, having the balls to be claiming 
victory, now? I don't think so.


[FairfieldLife] Roller Girl

2014-05-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Just a non-sequitur, sitting in this cafe, enjoying the sunny day. 

It is triggered by the vision of a young, tall, slim, and stunning Dutch girl 
pausing for a moment to adjust her breasts for maximum effect before continuing 
her rollerblading tour of Leiden. I watched in awe, and this song magically 
began playing in my head. I dutifully pass it along...

Dire Straits - Skateaway With Lyrics (Live On Fridays)

   Dire Straits - Skateaway With Lyrics (Live On Fridays)  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Re: The transition from BC to the state that comes after it

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Rated VL, for very lame. You know what is the funniest part of all this, Barry? 
No one has disagreed with me, and no one has come to your defense. I'll bet 
those reporters you were talking to earlier, have a fr different opinion 
of you, now that they know how pathetically little you accomplished for 
yourself, and others, during your time, decades ago, working for Maharishi's 
organization. Not even step one. 

 Now, that's funny.:-) Also kind of funny that you and Curtis, have had the 
same reaction to being outed as phonies. First you both got really pissed, then 
quickly devolved into the kind of cutesy drivel shown below. Can't one of you 
act independently of the other?

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Does anyone else remember Maharishi's occasional talks on ATR courses about 
the state of consciousness that comes *after* Brahman Consciousness (BC)? snip


[FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis, on witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, Barry is being unmistakably outed as the know nothing bullshitter he is, 
and has been, for all of these years, and boy does it sting. All I am asking 
for is a little humility from him, due to his lack of spiritual experience. 
That's it. This isn't about me. This is about being real, and successfully 
calling out those who are simply propped up by their egos.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 A rap for Curtis, now that the Jim-bot has shouted himself out and probably 
fallen asleep.

For obvious reasons, I didn't want to get involved with Jim while he was busy 
doing his Biff Tanner imitation. He's clearly-out-of-control angry over the 
fact that he can't get me to react to his taunts, and that out-of-control-ness 
amuses me, so I'll allow him to continue to rant later when when he wakes up 
with a Boy-I-sure-shouted-them-down-didn't-I hangover.  :-)

But I do wish to comment on some of Curtis' comments, to add in my two 
centimes. Yes, I *do* agree with him in believing that Maharishi was WAY off in 
coming up with any meaningful interpretations of and descriptions of 
consciousness and what it means. And one of the key indicators of this to me is 
his reliance on a phenomenon that is seen as so meaningless in other meditation 
traditions that it is almost never spoken about, let alone suggested as a 
criterion for enlightenment. 

I am speaking, of course, of witnessing. In Tibetan and other more 
traditional forms of meditation teaching, this phenomenon is so commonplace and 
is considered so meaningless that it is almost never mentioned, except with a 
passing warning. The warning is to not get hung up on it, because it's so easy 
to (in MMY terminology) mood make the sensation to convince oneself that 
they're more advanced than they really are. 

That, interestingly enough, is the same finding that neuroscientists have 
gleaned from lab experiments. The phenomenon of witnessnessing can be 
*generated*, merely by stimulating the proper areas of the brain. Furthermore, 
once the subject has experienced it via stimulation, it is possible for them to 
bring on that experience again just by making a mood of it. 

 Of course the brain can be stimulated to mimic or to create any sensation or 
experience for a human being. Where do you think experience comes from anyway? 
Out of nothing and nowhere and we just spontaneously experience something with 
no equipment necessary to do so? All input comes through the brain (if you've 
got one) and witnessing can be triggered by something as simple as fear or when 
you are in the midst of some very strange situation. You said yourself you 
witnessed for days after having been mugged or almost mugged years ago, I 
remember that because I have had the same thing happen in similar 
circumstances, where one is thrown into a different mode of functioning because 
of either danger or threat. 

That's what I honestly think happened to the Jim-bot. He had some minor 
experiences of witnessing, and having a shitload of ego problems and wanting 
some attention, he kept mood-making the experience again so that he could use 
it to justify his oneupsmanship games. This is *exactly* why teachers in more 
legitimate traditions don't focus on witnessing as anything more than a 
beginner's perception, and don't try to convince students it's meaningful. The 
phenomenon is so easy to simulate subjectively that people get themselves in 
trouble *trying* to simulate it, and wind up wandering around in a state of 
classical psychological dissociation, unable to tell fantasy from reality. 

I might suggest that this pattern is very evident in the Jim-bot. Surely most 
people have noticed his compulsion to always try to one-up anyone in the 
realm of what he feebly considers spiritual experience. Someone mentions an 
experience on Batgap or FFL, and he *can't help himself* and has to come 
roaring in claiming to have had that experience years ago. I've often been 
tempted to make up some experience that Maharishi supposedly talked about out 
of whole cloth and post it, just to see how long it would take Jimbo to claim 
he'd had the made-up experience, too.  :-)

Anyway, my point is that this compulsion to play oneupsmanship games with one's 
supposed advanced consciousness is considered by older, more established 
meditation traditions as *pretty much what happens* when one emphasizes 
witnessing and pretends that it's anything but the fleeting, everyday, 
beginner's experience it is. Witnessing is so easy to mood-make that these 
teachers don't want their students going down that path and losing themselves 
in delusion. Jim is the perfect example of what happens when they do. 

 Oh dumbo, you do exactly what you are accusing Jim of doing - get all uppity 
and holier-than-thou and big for your britches when it comes to not only 
spiritual know-how but just about everything from 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 The Beatles were later-comers-on by then. Maharishi had already been lecturing 
at the upper tier Universities by then, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, 
Cambridge University, Oxford, public lectures in places like Albert Hall, 
thence to Europe. Certainly everyone helped based on their experience and 
giving the recommend, the Beatles too. The Beatles were not a lone force in 
this. -Buck 
 sharelong60 writes:
 Buck and turq, I got initiated the weekend BEFORE the Merv Griffin Show in 
1975. When I came to MIU later that year, many of the people had already been 
meditating for 2 or 3 years. Many of them were from California. I don't 
remember hearing anything about the Beatles doing TM til later.
For instance, actually a lot of us learned because of Kurt Vonnegut. I 
started because earlier for Kurt Vonnegut TM had worked for him.  That was the 
power of the word of mouth about the practice.  Didn't know anything about TM 
and the Beatles at the time.  -Buck

 TurquoiseBee writes:


 Well, *of course* it was the Beatles. If Maharishi had never run into them, I 
would bet that almost no one on this forum would *be* on this forum, or would 
have ever heard of TM. But the Beatles just provided Maharishi's entryway into 
the market, so they're not the only key to its popularity (for a while). I 
don't think that easy to learn was the big issue, either. Yes, it's a big 
plus to be told that what you're about to learn is so easy that you don't have 
to actually DO anything -- especially for lazy, 
pay-my-money-now-and-want-my-results-now Americans. 

I think it was the combination of easy to learn and pandering to all of the 
people who learned it by trying to inflate their sense of self-importance. 



 No, that is not completely true. Of course Beatlemania makes an interesting 
observation but also makes for some wrong thinking around TM if not looked at 
in context.  -Buck


Re: [FairfieldLife] The transition from BC to the state that comes after it

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, Barry, you clearly once WERE a TM teacher, many, many years ago. We are 
all bored to death with you trotting this out, especially since it is now clear 
that you left. simply because you didn't know what you were doing.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Because I was once a teacher, snip

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The truth is that Maharishi in coming to the West was facilitated around and 
across the Pacific rim, North America and to Europe and back again based on his 
lecturing and teaching a simple transcending meditation that people liked.  TM 
and Maharishi was well launched and heading into orbit well before the Beatles. 
 The Beatles were later-comers-on by then. Maharishi had already been lecturing 
at the upper tier Universities by then, Stanford, USC, UCLA, Harvard, Yale, 
Princeton, Cambridge University, Oxford, public lectures in places like Albert 
Hall, thence to Europe. Certainly everyone helped based on their experience and 
giving the recommend, the Beatles too. The Beatles were not a lone force in 
this. -Buck 
 sharelong60 writes:
 Buck and turq, I got initiated the weekend BEFORE the Merv Griffin Show in 
1975. When I came to MIU later that year, many of the people had already been 
meditating for 2 or 3 years. Many of them were from California. I don't 
remember hearing anything about the Beatles doing TM til later.
For instance, actually a lot of us learned because of Kurt Vonnegut. I 
started because earlier for Kurt Vonnegut TM had worked for him.  That was the 
power of the word of mouth about the practice.  Didn't know anything about TM 
and the Beatles at the time.  -Buck

 TurquoiseBee writes:


 Well, *of course* it was the Beatles. If Maharishi had never run into them, I 
would bet that almost no one on this forum would *be* on this forum, or would 
have ever heard of TM. But the Beatles just provided Maharishi's entryway into 
the market, so they're not the only key to its popularity (for a while). I 
don't think that easy to learn was the big issue, either. Yes, it's a big 
plus to be told that what you're about to learn is so easy that you don't have 
to actually DO anything -- especially for lazy, 
pay-my-money-now-and-want-my-results-now Americans. 

I think it was the combination of easy to learn and pandering to all of the 
people who learned it by trying to inflate their sense of self-importance. 



 No, that is not completely true. Of course Beatlemania makes an interesting 
observation but also makes for some wrong thinking around TM if not looked at 
in context.  -Buck


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry. How many words wasted here, this morning, instead of the simple ones we 
all want to hear - Please, please please admit to us here, that you have no 
foundation in Being, no established silence, and no witnessing.  

 In other words, no foundation of Maharishi's teaching, and certainly no 

 Then we will take you for who you are - An ex-TM teacher, who could get to 
spiritual first base.

 Howzabout it?:-)

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Well, *of course* it was the Beatles. snip

[FairfieldLife] It was good, while it lasted, huh?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep, Barry and Curtis had a lng run on here, holding forth on their days in 
the Movement, challenging damned near everything Maharishi said, and acting 
like the definitive experts on all things TM.

 Seems pretty laughable now. All those years of getting away with it, only to 
be clearly exposed, as they now run amok. This forum is for those with a 
genuine desire to learn and discover. It is NOT a place where a couple of 
washouts from the TMO can sit around, bullshitting us all.

 Anyway, thank you for all the support in getting this place real. Let's send 
the ex-TM teachers back where they came from. What a couple of Losers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] It was good, while it lasted, huh?

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
jeez, Doc, I hope you're kidding! I happen to enjoy most posts from Curtis and 
some from turq too. I'd rather not vote them out of the Funny Farm Lounge.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:05 AM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yep, Barry and Curtis had a lng run on here, holding forth on their days in 
the Movement, challenging damned near everything Maharishi said, and acting 
like the definitive experts on all things TM.

Seems pretty laughable now. All those years of getting away with it, only to be 
clearly exposed, as they now run amok. This forum is for those with a genuine 
desire to learn and discover. It is NOT a place where a couple of washouts from 
the TMO can sit around, bullshitting us all.

Anyway, thank you for all the support in getting this place real. Let's send 
the ex-TM teachers back where they came from. What a couple of Losers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] It was good, while it lasted, huh?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Vote them out? No need for that - they will wither on the vine, naturally, 
though I am sure that if you want to, you can follow them to wherever they end 
---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 jeez, Doc, I hope you're kidding! I happen to enjoy most posts from Curtis and 
some from turq too. I'd rather not vote them out of the Funny Farm Lounge.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:05 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Yep, Barry and Curtis had a lng run on here, holding forth on their days 
in the Movement, challenging damned near everything Maharishi said, and acting 
like the definitive experts on all things TM.

 Seems pretty laughable now. All those years of getting away with it, only to 
be clearly exposed, as they now run amok. This forum is for those with a 
genuine desire to learn and discover. It is NOT a place where a couple of 
washouts from the TMO can sit around, bullshitting us all.

 Anyway, thank you for all the support in getting this place real. Let's send 
the ex-TM teachers back where they came from. What a couple of Losers.



[FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis, on witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes it was an interesting ride since I was trapped for two days setting up my 
new laptop. I had been resisting for years because I didn't think my non 64 bit 
professional graphics and web building programs would run on 64 bit bit 
Windows. But I had to go for it to edit videos and to my delight my old school 
programs do run and much faster! My days also included interactions with 
viruses and reinstalling the whole operating system, so lets just say I had 
time staring at a screen...

I was happy to encourage Jim run his thing because I have always had a theory 
about his experiences and this interaction seems consistent with that. It was 
interesting to watch him go. He is certainly stuck somewhere and letting him do 
an imitation of that Indian poster, whose name shall not be spoken, for a while 
should be instructive for  those on this forum who give him his enlightened 

It all made a fantastic example of one of my original points about how 
subjectively reported higher states get you zero in epistemology points. 
Anybody can say anything for all sorts of reasons and our language is too 
imprecise to sort it all out. Perhaps MRI will someday.

I think the knowledge of dissociative disorders has to be integrated into an 
discussion of spiritual states of mind. Margret Singer told me that TM people 
were the most dissociated ex cult members she worked with. If you combine this 
with a weakness toward this condition you get...well you know! It erodes the 
ability to distinguish fact from fantasy. This is one of my complaints about 
spiritual systems in general, lack of integrating psychological information and 
imprecise language with lots of social rewards for going along with people 
who are disturbed.

Thanks for the info. I think that Tibetan perspective matches how I understood 
Maharishis teaching. Jim's perspective is only his own. At its root is 
something about feeling superior based on an assumption about himself that we 
are not buying. The name Jim-bot was too perfect. The combination of what I was 
dealing with on my computer and with him was scarily parallel! But it also 
reminded me of interactions with others here who go off this bend in an 
aggressive way toward me. It is an internet hazard. 

I'm back on the road but will post when I can.

 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 A rap for Curtis, now that the Jim-bot has shouted himself out and probably 
fallen asleep.

For obvious reasons, I didn't want to get involved with Jim while he was busy 
doing his Biff Tanner imitation. He's clearly-out-of-control angry over the 
fact that he can't get me to react to his taunts, and that out-of-control-ness 
amuses me, so I'll allow him to continue to rant later when when he wakes up 
with a Boy-I-sure-shouted-them-down-didn't-I hangover.  :-)

But I do wish to comment on some of Curtis' comments, to add in my two 
centimes. Yes, I *do* agree with him in believing that Maharishi was WAY off in 
coming up with any meaningful interpretations of and descriptions of 
consciousness and what it means. And one of the key indicators of this to me is 
his reliance on a phenomenon that is seen as so meaningless in other meditation 
traditions that it is almost never spoken about, let alone suggested as a 
criterion for enlightenment. 

I am speaking, of course, of witnessing. In Tibetan and other more 
traditional forms of meditation teaching, this phenomenon is so commonplace and 
is considered so meaningless that it is almost never mentioned, except with a 
passing warning. The warning is to not get hung up on it, because it's so easy 
to (in MMY terminology) mood make the sensation to convince oneself that 
they're more advanced than they really are. 

That, interestingly enough, is the same finding that neuroscientists have 
gleaned from lab experiments. The phenomenon of witnessnessing can be 
*generated*, merely by stimulating the proper areas of the brain. Furthermore, 
once the subject has experienced it via stimulation, it is possible for them to 
bring on that experience again just by making a mood of it. 

That's what I honestly think happened to the Jim-bot. He had some minor 
experiences of witnessing, and having a shitload of ego problems and wanting 
some attention, he kept mood-making the experience again so that he could use 
it to justify his oneupsmanship games. This is *exactly* why teachers in more 
legitimate traditions don't focus on witnessing as anything more than a 
beginner's perception, and don't try to convince students it's meaningful. The 
phenomenon is so easy to simulate subjectively that people get themselves in 
trouble *trying* to simulate it, and wind up wandering around in a state of 
classical psychological dissociation, unable to tell fantasy from reality. 

I might suggest that this pattern is very evident in the Jim-bot. Surely most 
people have noticed his compulsion to always try to one-up anyone in the 
realm of what 

Re: [FairfieldLife] It was good, while it lasted, huh?

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Well, Doc, you said something about sending them back, etc. Anyway, I'm pretty 
sure we're all ending up in the same place...Enjoy (-:

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:12 AM, Share Long 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

jeez, Doc, I hope you're kidding! I happen to enjoy most posts from Curtis and 
some from turq too. I'd rather not vote them out of the Funny Farm Lounge.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:05 AM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yep, Barry and Curtis had a lng run on here, holding forth on their days in 
the Movement, challenging damned near everything Maharishi said, and acting 
like the definitive experts on all things TM.

Seems pretty laughable now. All those years of getting away with it, only to be 
clearly exposed, as they now run amok. This forum is for those with a genuine 
desire to learn and discover. It is NOT a place where a couple of washouts from 
the TMO can sit around, bullshitting us all.

Anyway, thank you for all the support in getting this place real. Let's send 
the ex-TM teachers back where they came from. What a couple of Losers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: the deer this morning

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I love cats, though mostly I am glad the adorable little bastards are the 
[small] size that they are - 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Yes. Like conscious jewels in his face.

 Good one. As I have mentioned before, I am not a cat lover although I can 
appreciate their sinewy and mysterious ways of being. They certainly do lend 
themselves well to sculptural renditions, however.






---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Yep, I love the critters, too, and miss my feral black cat, from the Bay Area, 
who I named, 'Sylvester' - I've never tried to pet, or feed him, but he has 
taken refuge in the gazebo on many cold nights, and we blink back and forth a 

 Sylvester.JPG - File Shared from Box
 Sylvester.JPG - File Shared from Box Sign up | Log in Sylvester.JPG

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Who but an imaginative and artistic, not to mention creatively bold, God would 
think to pair such black fur with such intense golden eyes and think he could 
get away with it, that it would be believable?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Almost 900 words devoted to an attempt to make TMers feel bad about themselves. 

 This, of course, is how Barry makes himself feel Special these days--by 
attributing to TMers the fantasies of Specialness that he himself entertained 
about TM. Ultimately it didn't work out, so he moved on to Rama to get his 
Specialness fix. But that didn't end well either, so he tried becoming an 
expat. Looks like that isn't doing it for him any more, so he has to double 
down on his More Special Than TMers rap.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Barry. How many words wasted here, this morning, instead of the simple ones we 
all want to hear - Please, please please admit to us here, that you have no 
foundation in Being, no established silence, and no witnessing.  

 In other words, no foundation of Maharishi's teaching, and certainly no 

 Then we will take you for who you are - An ex-TM teacher, who could get to 
spiritual first base.

 Howzabout it?:-)

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Well, *of course* it was the Beatles. snip

[FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis, on witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'd be embarrassed too, Curtis, if I were you, and looking for any possible way 
for a washed up ex-TM teacher to try to get people to take him seriously, 
again. This ain't about me, remember??  

 You and Barry, both, are spending an awful lot of time, trying to make me look 
bad. Why not just both admit that neither is enlightened? That you speak with 
the authority of fantasy? That you missed the boat spiritually?

 All of these pages and pages both of you write, instead of simply admitting 
your ego-bound bullshittery (thanks for that word - suits the situation, 

 Oh, well, time to go back to watching both of squirm. Sigh.

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 Yes it was an interesting ride since I was trapped for two days setting up my 
new laptop. snip

Re: [FairfieldLife] It was good, while it lasted, huh?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sorry, I am not conversant with all of the customs and procedures, on Planet 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Well, Doc, you said something about sending them back, etc. Anyway, I'm pretty 
sure we're all ending up in the same place...Enjoy (-:
 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:12 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   jeez, Doc, I hope you're kidding! I happen to enjoy most posts from Curtis 
and some from turq too. I'd rather not vote them out of the Funny Farm Lounge.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:05 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Yep, Barry and Curtis had a lng run on here, holding forth on their days 
in the Movement, challenging damned near everything Maharishi said, and acting 
like the definitive experts on all things TM.

 Seems pretty laughable now. All those years of getting away with it, only to 
be clearly exposed, as they now run amok. This forum is for those with a 
genuine desire to learn and discover. It is NOT a place where a couple of 
washouts from the TMO can sit around, bullshitting us all.

 Anyway, thank you for all the support in getting this place real. Let's send 
the ex-TM teachers back where they came from. What a couple of Losers.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I certainly did not expect this reaction from these two. I guess there is a lot 
at stake for both of them. Unfortunately, they will not be seen in the same 
light, again, here on FFL. Nobody's loss, though. :-) 
---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 Almost 900 words devoted to an attempt to make TMers feel bad about 

 This, of course, is how Barry makes himself feel Special these days--by 
attributing to TMers the fantasies of Specialness that he himself entertained 
about TM. Ultimately it didn't work out, so he moved on to Rama to get his 
Specialness fix. But that didn't end well either, so he tried becoming an 
expat. Looks like that isn't doing it for him any more, so he has to double 
down on his More Special Than TMers rap.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Barry. How many words wasted here, this morning, instead of the simple ones we 
all want to hear - Please, please please admit to us here, that you have no 
foundation in Being, no established silence, and no witnessing.  

 In other words, no foundation of Maharishi's teaching, and certainly no 

 Then we will take you for who you are - An ex-TM teacher, who could get to 
spiritual first base.

 Howzabout it?:-)

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Well, *of course* it was the Beatles. snip

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis, on witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Always good to hear from you when you have the time. I updated my old laptop a 
few months ago myself, and find myself remarkably enamored of 64-bit 
least after I added the missing Start menu functions back into it. 

As for the elevation of experiences to pedestal status, as I wrote earlier I 
think this was part of the plan. The only way Maharishi could convince the 
people who'd spent money on one of his products to spend more on other products 
was to promise them better experiences, and thus more groupie status within 
the perceived Importance Hierarchy. 

As should not be a surprise, I completely agree with you that the science of 
dissociative disorders pretty much *has* to be considered when evaluating 
claims of spiritual experience. If it quacks like dissociation and acts like 
dissociation but claims to be enlightenment, most sane people are going to come 
down on the side of dissociation. 

As for providing a perfect example, well, as I've said many times, my basic 
theory for how to deal with spiritual poseurs is to taunt them into posing. 
Then they *demonstrate* who and what they are. *Much* more effective than 
wasting all that time trying to *tell* people who and what they are. 

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2014 5:22 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis, on witnessing

Yes it was an interesting ride since I was trapped for two days setting up my 
new laptop. I had been resisting for years because I didn't think my non 64 bit 
professional graphics and web building programs would run on 64 bit bit 
Windows. But I had to go for it to edit videos and to my delight my old school 
programs do run and much faster! My days also included interactions with 
viruses and reinstalling the whole operating system, so lets just say I had 
time staring at a screen...

I was happy to encourage Jim run his thing because I have always had a theory 
about his experiences and this interaction seems consistent with that. It was 
interesting to watch him go. He is certainly stuck somewhere and letting him do 
an imitation of that Indian poster, whose name shall not be spoken, for a while 
should be instructive for  those on this forum who give him his enlightened 

It all made a fantastic example of one of my original points about how 
subjectively reported higher states get you zero in epistemology points. 
Anybody can say anything for all sorts of reasons and our language is too 
imprecise to sort it all out. Perhaps MRI will someday.

I think the knowledge of dissociative disorders has to be integrated into an 
discussion of spiritual states of mind. Margret Singer told me that TM people 
were the most dissociated ex cult members she worked with. If you combine this 
with a weakness toward this condition you get...well you know! It erodes the 
ability to distinguish fact from fantasy. This is one of my complaints about 
spiritual systems in general, lack of integrating psychological information and 
imprecise language with lots of social rewards for going along with people 
who are disturbed.

Thanks for the info. I think that Tibetan perspective matches how I understood 
Maharishis teaching. Jim's perspective is only his own. At its root is 
something about feeling superior based on an assumption about himself that we 
are not buying. The name Jim-bot was too perfect. The combination of what I was 
dealing with on my computer and with him was scarily parallel! But it also 
reminded me of interactions with others here who go off this bend in an 
aggressive way toward me. It is an internet hazard. 

I'm back on the road but will post when I can.


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

A rap for Curtis, now that the Jim-bot has shouted himself out and probably 
fallen asleep.

For obvious reasons, I didn't want to get involved with Jim while he was busy 
doing his Biff Tanner imitation. He's clearly-out-of-control angry over the 
fact that he can't get me to react to his taunts, and that out-of-control-ness 
amuses me, so I'll allow him to continue to rant later when when he wakes up 
with a Boy-I-sure-shouted-them-down-didn't-I hangover.  :-)

But I do wish to comment on some of Curtis' comments, to add in my two 
centimes. Yes, I *do* agree with him in believing that Maharishi was WAY off in 
coming up with any
meaningful interpretations of and descriptions of consciousness and what it 
means. And one of the key indicators of this to me is his reliance on a 
phenomenon that is seen as so meaningless in other meditation traditions that 
it is almost never spoken about, let alone suggested as a criterion for 

I am speaking, of course, of witnessing. In Tibetan and other more 
traditional forms of meditation teaching, this phenomenon is so commonplace and 
is considered so meaningless 

Re: [FairfieldLife] It was good, while it lasted, huh?

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Doc, that's ok, everything has it's pluses and minuses (-:

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:24 AM, Share Long 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Well, Doc, you said something about sending them back, etc. Anyway, I'm pretty 
sure we're all ending up in the same place...Enjoy (-:
On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:12 AM, Share Long 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

jeez, Doc, I hope you're kidding! I happen to enjoy most posts from Curtis and 
some from turq too. I'd rather not vote them out of the Funny Farm Lounge.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:05 AM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yep, Barry and Curtis had a lng run on here, holding forth on their days in 
the Movement, challenging damned near everything Maharishi said, and acting 
like the definitive experts on all things TM.

Seems pretty laughable now. All those years of getting away with it, only to be 
clearly exposed, as they now run amok. This forum is for those with a genuine 
desire to learn and discover. It is NOT a place where a couple of washouts from 
the TMO can sit around, bullshitting us all.

Anyway, thank you for all the support in getting this place real. Let's send 
the ex-TM teachers back where they came from. What a couple of Losers.

[FairfieldLife] Graduation Day

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I am in a college town, and today is the day - It got a little wild last night, 
downtown - I sat and watched all the hooting and hollering for awhile. There is 
a bar here that used to be a museum, so someone bought the museum, attached all 
the stuff to the walls and ceilings, began serving beer and burgers, and voila! 
If anyone knows Bucks in the Bay Area, this is Bucks on steroids. We are having 
a heat spell - keeping everyone outside.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what should 
be done after that. 

On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 9:54 PM, 'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On 5/14/2014 4:28 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

They consider it MURDER. Not just rhetoric; that is how they really see it, as 
the murder of a child. That is why they are so upset about it. I do not agree, 
at all, but I certainly see why they become fanatics.

At what point does abortion become murder or feticide? In comparison
to other developed countries, the procedure is more available in the
United States in terms of how late the abortion can legally be

   This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] The transition from BC to the state that comes after it

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Has anybody else noticed how obsessed with dicks Barry is lately? 

 (BTW, Barry, Viagra didn't come onto the market until long after you'd beat 
feet from the TMO.)

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Because I was once a teacher, and have no wish to lead prospective seekers Off 
The Path and into distractions that will hinder their spiritual progress, I 
must post an addendum to my reportage of this important-but-seemingly-lost 
Maharishi teaching. 


 At the ATR course at which I heard it, one male TM teacher -- obviously in a 
fit of renewed enthusiasm at having been presented a new vision of 
possibilities -- pragmatically but ignorantly asked, So Maharishi, if we're 
in BC but having a few...uh...erectile dysfunction issues, can we still achieve 
SLC by taking Viagra?

 Maharishi pondered the question deeply, as he was wont to do when anyone asked 
him a question he'd never anticipated because he was so firmly established in 
SLC himself, and said, No. That would be like relying on psychedelic drugs to 
achieve enlightenment. The boner must spring forth from the Source Of All 
Knowledge all on its own. 


 Just sayin' this so that none of the TM TBs here start searching their Spam 
folders for Viagra ads they had previously ignored. 


 From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2014 3:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The transition from BC to the state that comes after 
   Does anyone else remember Maharishi's occasional talks on ATR courses about 
the state of consciousness that comes *after* Brahman Consciousness (BC)? I 
remember that it was referred to as SLC (for Shiva's Lingam Consciousness, a 
big improvement over the acronym SDC or Stiff Dick Consciousness he used in 
earlier versions of the talk).

As I remember the lectures, the gist of the concept is that after a few years 
of being in Brahman Consciousness (or at the very least claiming that one is), 
even the BC-ers get bored trying to convince the ignorant rabble around them 
that they're ignorant rabble because they're not in BC like they are. There is 
only so much fun you can have with this. 

So the transition from BC to SLC is achieved when the person in BC just can't 
take it any more, whips out his lingam, and starts waving it in the faces of 
the ignorant rabble, while chanting the sacred mahavakya See? I *told* you I 
was important! 

The shakti produced by a person in SLC doing this is supposedly so powerful 
that it can instantly enlighten even the most ignorant rabble. Maharishi cited 
a passage in the Shiva Sutras that told the story of how one ancient sage in 
SLC enlightened an entire village of ignorant rabble with just one wag of his 

Could it be possible that we have one of these great saints among us? I mean, 
the guy has now claimed to have so Been There Done That with CC, GC, UC, and 
BC. So is it possible that he's making the transition to SLC? 

You have to admit, this theory kinda covers all the bases...




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis, on witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 As I believe was mentioned here not long ago, as far as DSM-IV is concerned, 
dissociation is to be considered a disorder only if it bothers the person who 
is experiencing it.

 As should not be a surprise, I completely agree with you that the science of 
dissociative disorders pretty much *has* to be considered when evaluating 
claims of spiritual experience. If it quacks like dissociation and acts like 
dissociation but claims to be enlightenment, most sane people are going to come 
down on the side of dissociation. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The transition from BC to the state that comes after it

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Probably still trying to work himself up, so to speak, after the 
multidimensional woman from his Rama daze, laughed at his attempts to flirt 
with her.  

---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 Has anybody else noticed how obsessed with dicks Barry is lately? 

 (BTW, Barry, Viagra didn't come onto the market until long after you'd beat 
feet from the TMO.)

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Because I was once a teacher, and have no wish to lead prospective seekers Off 
The Path and into distractions that will hinder their spiritual progress, I 
must post an addendum to my reportage of this important-but-seemingly-lost 
Maharishi teaching. 


 At the ATR course at which I heard it, one male TM teacher -- obviously in a 
fit of renewed enthusiasm at having been presented a new vision of 
possibilities -- pragmatically but ignorantly asked, So Maharishi, if we're 
in BC but having a few...uh...erectile dysfunction issues, can we still achieve 
SLC by taking Viagra?

 Maharishi pondered the question deeply, as he was wont to do when anyone asked 
him a question he'd never anticipated because he was so firmly established in 
SLC himself, and said, No. That would be like relying on psychedelic drugs to 
achieve enlightenment. The boner must spring forth from the Source Of All 
Knowledge all on its own. 


 Just sayin' this so that none of the TM TBs here start searching their Spam 
folders for Viagra ads they had previously ignored. 


 From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2014 3:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The transition from BC to the state that comes after 
   Does anyone else remember Maharishi's occasional talks on ATR courses about 
the state of consciousness that comes *after* Brahman Consciousness (BC)? I 
remember that it was referred to as SLC (for Shiva's Lingam Consciousness, a 
big improvement over the acronym SDC or Stiff Dick Consciousness he used in 
earlier versions of the talk).

As I remember the lectures, the gist of the concept is that after a few years 
of being in Brahman Consciousness (or at the very least claiming that one is), 
even the BC-ers get bored trying to convince the ignorant rabble around them 
that they're ignorant rabble because they're not in BC like they are. There is 
only so much fun you can have with this. 

So the transition from BC to SLC is achieved when the person in BC just can't 
take it any more, whips out his lingam, and starts waving it in the faces of 
the ignorant rabble, while chanting the sacred mahavakya See? I *told* you I 
was important! 

The shakti produced by a person in SLC doing this is supposedly so powerful 
that it can instantly enlighten even the most ignorant rabble. Maharishi cited 
a passage in the Shiva Sutras that told the story of how one ancient sage in 
SLC enlightened an entire village of ignorant rabble with just one wag of his 

Could it be possible that we have one of these great saints among us? I mean, 
the guy has now claimed to have so Been There Done That with CC, GC, UC, and 
BC. So is it possible that he's making the transition to SLC? 

You have to admit, this theory kinda covers all the bases...




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: commenting on enlightenment, without a clue

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, I'd appreciate it if you'd be a little more careful with snipping. 
You've erroneously attributed this bit about challenging Maharishi's 
assumptions to me when it was Curtis who said it! 

On Friday, May 16, 2014 4:52 PM, 'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On 5/16/2014 4:00 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
 I challenge his fundamental assumption that  knowledge is structured 
 in consciousness. This is epistemological bogus and psychologically 

You've totally lost me on this one. It is a standard Vedanta and 
Vajrayana theory first put forth by Asanga - that consciousness is the 
ultimate reality. Apparently they don't teach Hindu Vedanta or Buddhist 
Vajrayana philosophy at MUM. Go figure.

Duality is only an appearance; non-duality is the real truth. The 
object exists as an object for the knowing subject; but it does not 
exist outside of consciousness because the distinction of subject and 
object is within consciousness. (IV 25-27) Sharma, p. 245-246.

According to Sam Harris, to say that consciousness may only seem to 
exist is to admit its existence in full—for if things seem any way at 
all, that is consciousness. Consciousness is the one thing in this 
universe that cannot be an illusion.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
On what basis do you think this? 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what 
should be done after that. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what should 
be done after that. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis, on witnessing

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Such a red herring. And so reminiscent of those autocratic regimes, who always 
declare their detractors and critics, crazy. Calling me crazy isn't going to 
magically establish them in Being, in silence, in permanent witnessing. 

---In, authfriend@... wrote :


 As I believe was mentioned here not long ago, as far as DSM-IV is concerned, 
dissociation is to be considered a disorder only if it bothers the person who 
is experiencing it.

 As should not be a surprise, I completely agree with you that the science of 
dissociative disorders pretty much *has* to be considered when evaluating 
claims of spiritual experience. If it quacks like dissociation and acts like 
dissociation but claims to be enlightenment, most sane people are going to come 
down on the side of dissociation. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: commenting on enlightenment, without a clue

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, I love this quote from LB. I like the word gripping. I think it helps 
create an embodied understanding instead of just a heady one. I think in terms 
of enlightenment, etc. the energy body is where the rubber meets the road. 
Meaning, it don't matter much what we're thinking or sensing or even emoting. 
What matters in terms of our actual experience, is what's happening in our 
energy field. This is why I value energy work.

On Friday, May 16, 2014 9:44 PM, 'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On 5/16/2014 6:04 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 How do you feel it is a trick of the mind?

From deep personal experience, I can tell you that it is possible to 
intellectually understand that it's all maya while still remaining in 
the grip of it. - L.B. Shriver

FFL Message 5712

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It was good, while it lasted, huh?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Well, Doc, you said something about sending them back, etc. Anyway, I'm pretty 
sure we're all ending up in the same place...Enjoy (-:

 Crikey, I hope not.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:12 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   jeez, Doc, I hope you're kidding! I happen to enjoy most posts from Curtis 
and some from turq too. I'd rather not vote them out of the Funny Farm Lounge.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:05 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Yep, Barry and Curtis had a lng run on here, holding forth on their days 
in the Movement, challenging damned near everything Maharishi said, and acting 
like the definitive experts on all things TM.

 Seems pretty laughable now. All those years of getting away with it, only to 
be clearly exposed, as they now run amok. This forum is for those with a 
genuine desire to learn and discover. It is NOT a place where a couple of 
washouts from the TMO can sit around, bullshitting us all.

 Anyway, thank you for all the support in getting this place real. Let's send 
the ex-TM teachers back where they came from. What a couple of Losers.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And he would have known this how, do you think? 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what 
should be done after that. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: commenting on enlightenment, without a clue

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, the problem with Sam Harris' definition is that it might lead people 
into *trying not to be judgmental and discursive. Which of course is counter 
productive to that settled state. But if it works for people, great.

On Friday, May 16, 2014 10:04 PM, 'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On 5/16/2014 9:49 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Actually, according to the dictionary, meditation can mean several different 
things depending on the context. You can use the term in an everyday sense to 
mean to think things over, but it doesn't simply mean that, and that isn't 
what it means when we use it on FFL or in the context of a spiritual practice. 
To claim that's all it means just makes you look dumb.

According to the dictionary, meditation means simply 'to think things over'.

So, I wonder what it is in practicing TM that you do if not simply thinking 
things over? It's not concentration and it's not mind-control. What is it, 

According to Sam Harris, mindfulness is simply a state of clear,
nonjudgmental, and nondiscursive attention to the contents of
consciousness, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Developing this
quality of mind has been shown to reduce pain, anxiety, and
depression; improve cognitive function; and even produce changes in
gray matter density in regions of the brain related to learning and
memory, emotional regulation, and self-awareness. 

   This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Marshy lectured at these places because the intelligentsia of said institutions 
were curious about him and in his early days he did come across with relative 
simplicity and sincerity. Later he got greedy and venal with his machinations. 
Read the book Call No Man Master - the lady wrote it was around Marshy all the 
time and she chronicles the beginning of his creating a hierarchy of 
specialness around in, encouraging his followers to vie with one another to be 
good enough to spend time with him, and the beginning of his focus on money, 
money money money! And the Turq is correct - the Beatles really put him on the 
map. From relative obscurity he went to having every reporter in the world 
stick a camera and microphone in his face and ask him about his deal. He must 
have had them pundits back home doing the right yagyas for financial and egoic 
success cuz he shore nuff got it in that moment. Even though he dissed the Fab 
Four towards the end of his career as
 a con artist, you know, when he was in his dotage? 

On Sat, 5/17/14, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a 
 Date: Saturday, May 17, 2014, 2:55 PM
    The Beatles
 were later-comers-on by
 then.  Maharishi had already been lecturing at the upper
 Universities by then, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton,
 University, Oxford, public lectures in places like Albert
 thence to Europe.  Certainly everyone helped based on their
 experience and giving the recommend, the Beatles too.  The
 were not a lone force in this.
 writes:Buck and turq, I got
 initiated the weekend BEFORE the Merv Griffin Show in 1975.
 When I came to MIU later that year, many of the people had
 already been meditating for 2 or 3 years. Many of them were
 from California. I don't remember hearing anything about
 the Beatles doing TM til later.
   For instance,
 actually a lot of us learned because of
 Kurt Vonnegut.  I started because earlier for Kurt Vonnegut
 TM had
 worked for him.  That was the power of the word of mouth
 about the practice.  Didn't know anything about TM and
 the Beatles at the
 time. -Buck
 Well, *of
 course* it was the Beatles. If Maharishi had never run into
 them, I would bet that almost no one on this forum would
 *be* on this forum, or would have ever heard of TM. But the
 Beatles just provided Maharishi's entryway into the
 market, so they're not the only key to its popularity
 (for a while). I don't think that easy to
 learn was the big issue, either. Yes, it's a big
 plus to be told that what you're about to learn is so
 easy that you don't have to actually DO anything --
 especially for lazy,
 think it was the combination of easy to learn
 and pandering to all of the people who learned it by trying
 to inflate their sense of self-importance. 
 No, that is not completely true.
 Of course Beatlemania makes an interesting observation but
 also makes for some wrong thinking around TM if not looked
 at in context.  -Buck
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: It was good, while it lasted, huh?

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Ann, I believe that we're all ending up united with all that is. Eventually!

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:01 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Well, Doc, you said something about sending them back, etc. Anyway, I'm pretty 
sure we're all ending up in the same place...Enjoy (-:

Crikey, I hope not.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:12 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

jeez, Doc, I hope you're kidding! I happen to enjoy most posts from Curtis and 
some from turq too. I'd rather not vote them out of the Funny Farm Lounge.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:05 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yep, Barry and Curtis had a lng run on here, holding forth on their days in 
the Movement, challenging damned near everything Maharishi said, and acting 
like the definitive experts on all things TM.

Seems pretty laughable now. All those years of getting away with it, only to be 
clearly exposed, as they now run amok. This forum is for those with a genuine 
desire to learn and discover. It is NOT a place where a couple of washouts from 
the TMO can sit around, bullshitting us all.

Anyway, thank you for all the support in getting this place real. Let's send 
the ex-TM
teachers back where they came from. What a couple of Losers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Judy, important to repeat that I did not myself hear Maharishi say this. But it 
makes sense to me and if he did say it, I'd say he got it from an ancient 
source of wisdom.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:03 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And he would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what should 
be done after that. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Life on Mars

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hoagland, whose conspiracy theory it is, appears to be something of a crackpot. 
Look at the last of the links at the end, about India's moon mission:





 I'm highly dubious about the conspiracy theory at the end though, why would 
NASA be trying to convince us that we live in an otherwise lifeless universe 
when it knows otherwise? It's a ridiculous idea that we wouldn't be able to 
cope with knowledge of alien life, look at Nabby, the prospect don't seem to 
bother him much!- Poor guy thinks we already have proof and that they come all 
this way just to make pretty shapes in wheatfields! 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: It was good, while it lasted, huh?

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Ann, I believe that we're all ending up united with all that is. Eventually!

 And you don't think we're all united with the Absolute, with consciousness, 
with Being already?

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:01 AM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:



---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Well, Doc, you said something about sending them back, etc. Anyway, I'm pretty 
sure we're all ending up in the same place...Enjoy (-:

 Crikey, I hope not.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:12 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   jeez, Doc, I hope you're kidding! I happen to enjoy most posts from Curtis 
and some from turq too. I'd rather not vote them out of the Funny Farm Lounge.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:05 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Yep, Barry and Curtis had a lng run on here, holding forth on their days 
in the Movement, challenging damned near everything Maharishi said, and acting 
like the definitive experts on all things TM.

 Seems pretty laughable now. All those years of getting away with it, only to 
be clearly exposed, as they now run amok. This forum is for those with a 
genuine desire to learn and discover. It is NOT a place where a couple of 
washouts from the TMO can sit around, bullshitting us all.

 Anyway, thank you for all the support in getting this place real. Let's send 
the ex-TM teachers back where they came from. What a couple of Losers.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: commenting on enlightenment, without a clue

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Doc, I like what you say here. Meaning, it resonates with my own experience and 
I've never heard it said in quite this way. Thanks...

On Friday, May 16, 2014 6:17 PM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

it is an excellent mahavakya, but too much to not disassemble. The key is the 
identity. The more bound the identity, the less consciousness there is between 
the mind and the unified field  (not sure what you mean here, by unified field, 
but infinite correlation will do). So, as the identity expands, through Unity 
and beyond, the mind has many more resources available to it, and syncs up with 
the unified field, much more easily - more data points, easier to stay on 
track. The freedom is not only in the number of available choices, but also 
understanding the relative value of each. Hope that helps.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

salyavin, what do you think is the relationship between the mind and the 
unified field? This is what I'm pondering about the last couple of months. 

On Friday, May 16, 2014 3:52 PM, salyavin808 wrote:


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Curtis writes:
The problem was that I don't think he [Maharishi] is right about human 
My only question is: How do you know Maharishi is wrong, if you have not 
completed the first step in his model of human conciousness, Cosmic 

J: I have never come across a more close-minded and idiotic perspective on TM. 
Neither one of you is established in Being, and yet you say, without having 
experienced it, and without knowing the first thing about Maharishi's model of 
consciousness, that you deny it. 

Neither one of you is established in being It's that phrase again. Language 
is a big problem here. If I was to say I have an experience caused by my brain 
having learnt over time to experience a separation of my thoughts and the way 
the conscious substrate of qualia visualises 3 dimensional space, everyone 
would say so what? But couch the perception in holy nomenclature and everyone 
goes: Wow! are you really enlightened?

You don't have to have experienced what you call cosmic consciousness for very 
long (or indeed at all) to know that Jim's claim that you need to have done to 
have an opinion of it
is in error. The model of consciousness as an unfolding of/from some sort of 
unified field via seven stages is a description of a change in awareness but 
that doesn't mean this poor analogy of Marshy's is in any way an accurate 
description of how our brains work and integrate with the world.

Consciousness isn't the unified field, but it seems like it is when you are in 
that state - I have been there before you write in and complain - It's a trick 
of the mind. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: commenting on enlightenment, without a clue

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
keep working it!

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Doc, I like what you say here. Meaning, it resonates with my own experience 
and I've never heard it said in quite this way. Thanks...

 On Friday, May 16, 2014 6:17 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   it is an excellent mahavakya, but too much to not disassemble. The key is 
the identity. The more bound the identity, the less consciousness there is 
between the mind and the unified field  (not sure what you mean here, by 
unified field, but infinite correlation will do). So, as the identity expands, 
through Unity and beyond, the mind has many more resources available to it, and 
syncs up with the unified field, much more easily - more data points, easier to 
stay on track. The freedom is not only in the number of available choices, but 
also understanding the relative value of each. Hope that helps.


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 salyavin, what do you think is the relationship between the mind and the 
unified field? This is what I'm pondering about the last couple of months. 

 On Friday, May 16, 2014 3:52 PM, salyavin808 wrote:



---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 ---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Curtis writes: The problem was that I don't think he [Maharishi] is right 
about human consciousness. 
 My only question is: How do you know Maharishi is wrong, if you have not 
completed the first step in his model of human conciousness, Cosmic 



 J: I have never come across a more close-minded and idiotic perspective on TM. 
Neither one of you is established in Being, and yet you say, without having 
experienced it, and without knowing the first thing about Maharishi's model of 
consciousness, that you deny it. 

 Neither one of you is established in being It's that phrase again. Language 
is a big problem here. If I was to say I have an experience caused by my brain 
having learnt over time to experience a separation of my thoughts and the way 
the conscious substrate of qualia visualises 3 dimensional space, everyone 
would say so what? But couch the perception in holy nomenclature and everyone 
goes: Wow! are you really enlightened?

 You don't have to have experienced what you call cosmic consciousness for very 
long (or indeed at all) to know that Jim's claim that you need to have done to 
have an opinion of it is in error. The model of consciousness as an unfolding 
of/from some sort of unified field via seven stages is a description of a 
change in awareness but that doesn't mean this poor analogy of Marshy's is in 
any way an accurate description of how our brains work and integrate with the 

 Consciousness isn't the unified field, but it seems like it is when you are in 
that state - I have been there before you write in and complain - It's a trick 
of the mind. 









Re: [FairfieldLife] Roller Girl

2014-05-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
And here I thought you had posted a picture of Roller Girl from 
Boogie Nights which was played by Heather Graham.  It was a quite 
revealing role. ;-)

On 05/17/2014 07:42 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Just a non-sequitur, sitting in this cafe, enjoying the sunny day.

It is triggered by the vision of a young, tall, slim, and stunning 
Dutch girl pausing for a moment to adjust her breasts for maximum 
effect before continuing her rollerblading tour of Leiden. I watched 
in awe, and this song magically began playing in my head. I dutifully 
pass it along...

Dire Straits - Skateaway With Lyrics (Live On Fridays)


Dire Straits - Skateaway With Lyrics (Live On Fridays)

View on

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: It was good, while it lasted, huh?

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Ann, yes I agree, great point! That's the reality. But it's also good when 
people live it. Life is like a good wind. But to enjoy it more fully, we have 
to raise our sails.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:15 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, I believe that we're all ending up united with all that is. Eventually!

And you don't think we're all united with the Absolute, with consciousness, 
with Being already?

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:01 AM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Well, Doc, you said something about sending them back, etc. Anyway, I'm pretty 
sure we're all ending up in the same place...Enjoy (-:

Crikey, I hope not.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:12 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

jeez, Doc, I hope you're kidding! I happen to enjoy most posts from Curtis and 
some from turq too. I'd rather not vote them out of the Funny Farm Lounge.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:05 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yep, Barry and Curtis had a lng run on here, holding forth on their days in 
the Movement, challenging damned near everything Maharishi said, and acting 
like the definitive experts on all things TM.

Seems pretty laughable now. All those years of getting away with it, only to be 
clearly exposed, as they now run amok. This forum is for those with a genuine 
desire to learn and discover. It is NOT a place where a couple of washouts from 
the TMO can sit around, bullshitting us all.

Anyway, thank you for all the support in getting this place real. Let's send 
the ex-TM
teachers back where they came from. What a couple of Losers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And where would this ancient source of wisdom have gotten it from, do you 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, important to repeat that I did not myself hear Maharishi say this. But 
it makes sense to me and if he did say it, I'd say he got it from an ancient 
source of wisdom.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:03 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And he would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what 
should be done after that. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: commenting on enlightenment, without a clue

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That isn't a problem with Harris's definition, it's a problem of inadequate 
understanding of the nature of the practice (possibly the result of poor 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, the problem with Sam Harris' definition is that it might lead people 
into *trying not to be judgmental and discursive. Which of course is counter 
productive to that settled state. But if it works for people, great.

 On Friday, May 16, 2014 10:04 PM, 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 On 5/16/2014 9:49 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

 Actually, according to the dictionary, meditation can mean several different 
things depending on the context. You can use the term in an everyday sense to 
mean to think things over, but it doesn't simply mean that, and that isn't 
what it means when we use it on FFL or in the context of a spiritual practice. 
To claim that's all it means just makes you look dumb. 
 According to the dictionary, meditation means simply 'to think things over'.
 So, I wonder what it is in practicing TM that you do if not simply thinking 
things over? It's not concentration and it's not mind-control. What is it, 
 According to Sam Harris, mindfulness is simply a state of clear, 
nonjudgmental, and nondiscursive attention to the contents of consciousness, 
whether pleasant or unpleasant. Developing this quality of mind has been shown 
to reduce pain, anxiety, and depression; improve cognitive function; and even 
produce changes in gray matter density in regions of the brain related to 
learning and memory, emotional regulation, and self-awareness. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Judy, ancient source of wisdom would get it from wise and ancient women...

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:25 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And where would this ancient source of wisdom have gotten it from, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, important to repeat that I did not myself hear Maharishi say this. But it 
makes sense to me and if he did say it, I'd say he got it from an ancient 
source of wisdom.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:03 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And he would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@...
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what should 
be done after that. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Lots of rock musicians I knew back in 1968 tried TM.  Many didn't stick 
with it though. I think they thought it might be a magical key to 
stardom.  It was also a little hard to find courses in Seattle and I 
think a lot of college drops didn't have the bucks for the adult fee.  
In the 1970s they were trying lots of things.

On 05/17/2014 05:26 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Well, *of course* it was the Beatles. If Maharishi had never run into 
them, I would bet that almost no one on this forum would *be* on this 
forum, or would have ever heard of TM. But the Beatles just provided 
Maharishi's entryway into the market, so they're not the only key to 
its popularity (for a while). I don't think that easy to learn was 
the big issue, either. Yes, it's a big plus to be told that what 
you're about to learn is so easy that you don't have to actually DO 
anything -- especially for lazy, 
pay-my-money-now-and-want-my-results-now Americans.

I think it was the combination of easy to learn and pandering to all 
of the people who learned it by trying to inflate their sense of 

Think about it. Right from the first intro lecture, not to mention the 
following three nights of checking and any advanced lecture you 
attended, you were told that TM was The Best. All other forms of 
meditation were looked down upon and actively derided and scorned. The 
very words focus and concentration became Bad in the minds of most 
TMers, within a very short time.

Now add to that what happened when you became more involved with the 
TM movement, and discovered that it was WAY hierarchical. When you 
began to help out at the center, you learned immediately (and 
wordlessly) that TM teachers were on a higher level than mere 
meditators. A few years went by, and you were wordlessly taught that 
Governors are on a higher level than mere TM teachers. A few more 
years, and you learned that as a non-TM-teacher you can pay the same 
money the teachers paid to learn the TM-Sidhis, and even receive the 
exact same teaching, but you'll *still* be on a lower level -- 
Citizen Sidhas instead of Governors.

Even more years go by, and suddenly you've got more and more levels of 
hierarchy and perceived importance to deal with -- Ministers of the 
Department of Redundancy Dept., Rajas, and even Kings. There was 
simply NO WAY that a slacker who never even became a TM teacher was 
going to ever be able to climb that hierarchy...unless they had a 
spare million dollars lying around, that is.

But there was still one area in which the lowest of the low -- the 
mere meditators -- could still think of themselves as superior to 
someone. They could feed their sense of self-importance by believing 
themselves superior to anyone who didn't do TM. It didn't matter if 
these Others practiced some other form of meditation, or if they had 
been doing it for decades...if it wasn't TM, it wasn't The Best, so 
even mere meditators were taught to look down on practitioners of 
other types of meditation.

And then the Ultimate Pander To Self-Importance tactic showed up. It 
was when Maharishi did a backhand fake and changed the TM-Sidhi 
program from something one does for oneself to something that one does 
for the world. Sidhas suddenly became the Saviors of the World. As 
Maharishi said many times when urging people to learn the Sidhis (and, 
of course, pay for them), the TM-Sidhas were *The Most Important 
People On The Planet*. Their collective Woo Woo was all that was 
keeping it from disappearing in a puff of bad karma.

Suddenly even mere meditators had a level of self-importance they 
could aspire to. They could pay their money, learn the Sidhis, and 
they might still be on a lower level than the Governors, but they 
were STILL The Most Important People On The Planet. With every thud of 
their butts on the foam they heard in their heads the resounding waves 
of applause from the universe they had been taught to expect as The 
Most Important People On The Planet. They were IMPORTANT.

Many on this forum still believe they are.

Simply because they do a mental technique they were TAUGHT was The 
Best and because they thud on their butts using another technique 
they were TAUGHT turned them into The Most Important People On The 
Planet. TM turned tens of thousands of people into the very antithesis 
of spiritual humility. Their whole concept of what the word 
spiritual MEANS is wrapped up in the language of The Best and The 
Most Important. Competition and spiritual oneupsmanship are *built 
in* to the system, and to the mindset being cultivated.

As to what the cultivation and *encouragement* of self-importance -- 
programmed into an unsuspecting cult audience over a period of decades 
-- can do to people who fall prey to it, I suspect you need look no 
further than Fairfield Life.

TM became popular because Maharishi sold the people who paid for it a 
cheap (in the beginning) beginner's 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And these wise and ancient women would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, ancient source of wisdom would get it from wise and ancient women...

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:25 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And where would this ancient source of wisdom have gotten it from, do you 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, important to repeat that I did not myself hear Maharishi say this. But 
it makes sense to me and if he did say it, I'd say he got it from an ancient 
source of wisdom.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:03 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And he would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what 
should be done after that. 






Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Judy, from their own experience and that of other women they experienced as 
being mostly accurate in their perceptions and observations.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:33 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And these wise and ancient women would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, ancient source of wisdom would get it from wise and ancient women...

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:25 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And where would this ancient source of wisdom have gotten it from, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, important to repeat that I did not myself hear Maharishi say this. But it 
makes sense to me and if he did say it, I'd say he got it from an ancient 
source of wisdom.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:03 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And he would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@...
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what
should be done after that. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: commenting on enlightenment, without a clue

2014-05-17 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Judy, imo, the word judgement is one of those words that the so called New Age 
has destroyed. But probably Sam Harris isn't aware of that.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:31 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

That isn't a problem with Harris's definition, it's a problem of inadequate 
understanding of the nature of the practice (possibly the result of poor 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Richard, the problem with Sam Harris' definition is that it might lead people 
into *trying not to be judgmental and discursive. Which of course is counter 
productive to that settled state. But if it works for people, great.

On Friday, May 16, 2014 10:04 PM, 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On 5/16/2014 9:49 PM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

according to the dictionary, meditation can mean several
different things depending on the context. You can use the
term in an everyday sense to mean to think things over, but
it doesn't simply mean that, and that isn't what it means
when we use it on FFL or in the context of a spiritual
practice. To claim that's all it means just makes you
look dumb.

to the dictionary, meditation means simply 'to think things

So, I wonder what it is in practicing TM that you do if not simply thinking 
things over? It's not concentration and it's
not mind-control. What is it, exactly?

According to Sam Harris, mindfulness is simply a state of clear,
nonjudgmental, and nondiscursive attention to the contents of
consciousness, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Developing this
quality of mind has been shown to reduce pain, anxiety, and
depression; improve cognitive function; and even produce changes in
gray matter density in regions of the brain related to learning and
memory, emotional regulation, and self-awareness. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Life on Mars

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 IMO, the reason why NASA did not want to replicate the Viking experiment is 
due to the funding psychology in the US federal government.  Specifically, the 
NASA managers want to set up an experiment that has a good potential for 
successful results.  By getting positive results, they can show the American 
people and the politicians in Washington DC the success of the program and thus 
have more money to fund the future missions on Mars.

 IOW, the NASA managers are slowly making a case for a manned mission to Mars.  
But before that can happen, they have show that technologically and 
logistically it is feasible to send astronauts to go there and come back alive. 
 As such they are now preparing for an experiment to see if earth plants can 
grow there, either on hydroponic gardens or on the soil of the planet itself, 
which can eventually be used as food by the astronauts.

 After these issues are answered, then they can include the search for life 
inside the rocks of the planet by astronauts.  Nonetheless, I suspect that many 
of the scientists at NASA already believe there is life on Mars.  They just 
have to wait for the actual proof until a manned mission is conducted for 
political and funding reasons.



---In, wrote :


Interesting. The guy who designed the experiment that found life didn't say so 
at the press conference in 76 because he was a junior at NASA, but he was 
convinced his test had worked perfectly anyway and had found organic life 3 out 
of 4 times in 1976. Trouble was, there were two other experiments that drew a 
blank and a majority vote was taken that decided life didn't exist, but the 
other experiments weren't working properly because the lander had had to put 
down in a place on Mars that it wasn't designed to operate in - plus they 
couldn't even find signs of life in some earth rocks you know... 

 You'd think they'd just do it again but they decided to base future missions 
on the conclusion of no life on Mars and only do other experiments not 
connected with finding complex chemistry and all the biologists left or were 
retired from future Mars mission planning. Nice to know they finally might be 
coming round to acknowledging the mistake.

 I'm highly dubious about the conspiracy theory at the end though, why would 
NASA be trying to convince us that we live in an otherwise lifeless universe 
when it knows otherwise? It's a ridiculous idea that we wouldn't be able to 
cope with knowledge of alien life, look at Nabby, the prospect don't seem to 
bother him much!- Poor guy thinks we already have proof and that they come all 
this way just to make pretty shapes in wheatfields! 

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Maybe inside the rocks.  Will any of the enlightened members here on FFL 
comment on this issue?

 In the meantime, here's the current article discussing this possibility.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: commenting on enlightenment, without a clue

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think everyone understands the word he used, nonjudgmental. And it fits 
right in with New Age thinking about avoiding judgment. Destroyed makes no 
sense. You can't destroy a word. Plus which, Sam Harris was born in 1967, right 
at the beginning of the New Age. 

 And finally, I doubt anyone is going to start mindfulness practice based 
solely on Harris's definition.

 Your argument that it's his definition that's the problem is incredibly lame. 
I suspect you picked up somewhere that mindfulness might have negative results 
if it was misunderstood and have just been waiting to drop that idea into a 
conversation here. But you chose the wrong place to drop it, which is why 
you're having such trouble defending it.


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, imo, the word judgement is one of those words that the so called New Age 
has destroyed. But probably Sam Harris isn't aware of that.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:31 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   That isn't a problem with Harris's definition, it's a problem of inadequate 
understanding of the nature of the practice (possibly the result of poor 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, the problem with Sam Harris' definition is that it might lead people 
into *trying not to be judgmental and discursive. Which of course is counter 
productive to that settled state. But if it works for people, great.

 On Friday, May 16, 2014 10:04 PM, 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 On 5/16/2014 9:49 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

 Actually, according to the dictionary, meditation can mean several different 
things depending on the context. You can use the term in an everyday sense to 
mean to think things over, but it doesn't simply mean that, and that isn't 
what it means when we use it on FFL or in the context of a spiritual practice. 
To claim that's all it means just makes you look dumb. 
 According to the dictionary, meditation means simply 'to think things over'.
 So, I wonder what it is in practicing TM that you do if not simply thinking 
things over? It's not concentration and it's not mind-control. What is it, 
 According to Sam Harris, mindfulness is simply a state of clear, 
nonjudgmental, and nondiscursive attention to the contents of consciousness, 
whether pleasant or unpleasant. Developing this quality of mind has been shown 
to reduce pain, anxiety, and depression; improve cognitive function; and even 
produce changes in gray matter density in regions of the brain related to 
learning and memory, emotional regulation, and self-awareness. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And they perceived and observed the accuracy of this idea how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, from their own experience and that of other women they experienced as 
being mostly accurate in their perceptions and observations.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:33 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And these wise and ancient women would have known this how, do you think?


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, ancient source of wisdom would get it from wise and ancient women...

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:25 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And where would this ancient source of wisdom have gotten it from, do you 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, important to repeat that I did not myself hear Maharishi say this. But 
it makes sense to me and if he did say it, I'd say he got it from an ancient 
source of wisdom.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:03 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And he would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what 
should be done after that. 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Souls entering at three months or whenever would be a *religious* 
consideration. However, a scientific consideration is that life begins when the 
genetic material is 100% complete and unique(neither mothers nor fathers) and 
the cells begin to divide.
On Saturday, May 17, 2014 9:33 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And these wise and ancient women would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, ancient source of wisdom would get it from wise and ancient women...

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:25 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And where would this ancient source of wisdom have gotten it from, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, important to repeat that I did not myself hear Maharishi say this. But it 
makes sense to me and if he did say it, I'd say he got it from an ancient 
source of wisdom.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:03 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And he would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@...
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what
should be done after that. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A different scientific consideration would be when the fetus is able to survive 
as an organism independent of the mother. 

 I believe that that is the criterion the Supreme Court chose to use.


---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 Souls entering at three months or whenever would be a *religious* 
consideration. However, a scientific consideration is that life begins when the 
genetic material is 100% complete and unique(neither mothers nor fathers) and 
the cells begin to divide.
 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 9:33 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And these wise and ancient women would have known this how, do you think?


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, ancient source of wisdom would get it from wise and ancient women...

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:25 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And where would this ancient source of wisdom have gotten it from, do you 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, important to repeat that I did not myself hear Maharishi say this. But 
it makes sense to me and if he did say it, I'd say he got it from an ancient 
source of wisdom.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:03 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And he would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what 
should be done after that. 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What do Ginger Baker and black coffee have in common?

2014-05-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
For those interested and have Netflix WI, the Ginger Baker documentary 
is available there.

On 05/17/2014 12:24 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I've heard in Africa the criterion for a real drummer is the ability 
to sing whilst drumming.

By that criterion I'm not a drummer, but drumming is one of the few 
things I really love

(and my neighbors hate, LOL?).

I especially like to put a metronome at something like 140 - 150 BPS 
and play some quite heavily

syncopating, almost totally improvised rhythms over(?) it.

Another thing I like is to play in 3/4ths so that it sounds as funny 
as possible...

[FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk

2014-05-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Reading Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay - about half way through it. 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 18-May-14 00:15:06 UTC

2014-05-17 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 05/17/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 05/24/14 00:00:00
110 messages as of (UTC) 05/17/14 20:39:29

 25 fleetwood_macncheese
 16 authfriend
 16 Share Long sharelong60
 12 awoelflebater
 11 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
  7 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
  5 curtisdeltablues
  4 Bhairitu noozguru
  3 dhamiltony2k5
  2 nablusoss1008 
  2 jr_esq
  2 Michael Jackson mjackson74
  1 salyavin808 
  1 cardemaister
  1 anartaxius
  1 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  1 LEnglish5
Posters: 17
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
That would definitely be more... convenient. Although, it still could be 
considered murder since it is destroying another* life* which is neither the 
mother's nor the father's but a completely separate entity, regardless of 
viability. When cells divide and multiply, there is life and it;s not the 
mother's DNA that is dividing nor the fathers.It is a unique *life*.
On Saturday, May 17, 2014 12:15 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

A different scientific consideration would be when the fetus is able to survive 
as an organism independent of the mother.

I believe that that is the criterion the Supreme Court chose to use.


---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

Souls entering at three months or whenever would be a *religious* 
consideration. However, a scientific consideration is that life begins when the 
genetic material is 100% complete and unique(neither mothers nor fathers) and 
the cells begin to divide.
On Saturday, May 17, 2014 9:33 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And these wise and ancient women would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, ancient source of wisdom would get it from wise and ancient women...

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:25 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And where would this ancient source of wisdom have gotten it from, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, important to repeat that I did not myself hear Maharishi say this. But it 
makes sense to me and if he did say it, I'd say he got it from an ancient 
source of wisdom.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:03 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And he would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this
because I heard through the grapevine that Maharishi said it.

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@...
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what
should be done after that. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 Souls entering at three months or whenever would be a *religious* 
consideration. However, a scientific consideration is that life begins when the 
genetic material is 100% complete and unique(neither mothers nor fathers) and 
the cells begin to divide.

 I think the soul is indestructable, for all intents and purposes. If the soul 
seeks a human body for whatever reason then, if that body is no longer 
available, there is no harm done to the soul. A body is just a body, it is very 
fragile and very temporary. If one kills off a body the soul simply flees. So 
if one were to terminate the life coursing through a physical body does it 
really matter if a soul is present there or not? Either way you have killed the 
body, which is miraculous enough in its workings with or without a soul, so 
that alone is unfortunate on many levels. Souls are renewable in that they seem 
to be able to come and go and can inhabit and just as quickly vacate the 
premises. I am not sure the deciding factor for murder or lack of murder is 
the presence of a soul since that is not destroyed anyway. This is all 
predicated on the fact that souls even exist and are enduring in some absolute 

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 9:33 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And these wise and ancient women would have known this how, do you think?


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, ancient source of wisdom would get it from wise and ancient women...

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:25 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And where would this ancient source of wisdom have gotten it from, do you 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, important to repeat that I did not myself hear Maharishi say this. But 
it makes sense to me and if he did say it, I'd say he got it from an ancient 
source of wisdom.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:03 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   And he would have known this how, do you think?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Judy, opening a can of worms, I think this because I heard through the 
grapevine that Maharishi said it.

 On Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:53 AM, authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   On what basis do you think this?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, I think the soul enters the body at 3 months. I'm not sure what 
should be done after that. 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary's Health: An Issue in 2016

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 A different scientific consideration would be when the fetus is able to 
survive as an organism independent of the mother. 

 I believe that that is the criterion the Supreme Court chose to use.

 Maybe another question besides when does an abortion become murder would be 
when does a conglomeration of cells become a human being. This idea that three 
months is the cut off point for having committed a real atrocity is based on 
biology, not on some mystical cognition. At three months a fetus looks like 










Re: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk

2014-05-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Well I finished reading the book - a lot of food for thought there, 
particularly in Rob McCutchan's afterword. 

On Sat, 5/17/14, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk
 Date: Saturday, May 17, 2014, 8:39 PM
   Reading Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay - about half
 way through it. 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why did TM *really* become so popular (for a while)?

2014-05-17 Thread ultrarishi
I truly think it was The Merv Griffin Show that got the biggest wave of 
adherents.  It was Middle America, not hippies like moi that Merv's audience 
was appealing to and those folks became the mainstay.  Also, the movement had a 
good infrastructure in place at that time to intiate folks by the 10's of 
thousands.  MMY's movement had been steadily building up to that point, but 
that had to be the zenith in pure numbers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear MJ, what ever did you do to repair your computer that it formats so badly 
to FFL? It has been a chronic [ongoing] problem with you.  Garbled and gaps in 
text.  Nobody else has posts come through to the list like yours do.  You must 
have your own unique program.  They are often a complete pain in the rear to 
respond to because of all the re-formatting that happens with you. Does not 
seem to matter which browser. Possibly the internet itself may be allergic to 
your unique and negative content even though the internet is supposed to be 
net-neutral.  It must be something [bad] you are doing, -Buck 
 mjackson74writes: Well I finished reading the book - a lot of food for thought 
there, particularly in Rob McCutchan's afterword.

 On Sat, 5/17/14, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk
 Date: Saturday, May 17, 2014, 8:39 PM
 Reading Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay - about half
 way through it.
 yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787 --
 yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp {
 border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px
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 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp hr {
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 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad a {
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 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
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 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
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 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787photos div div {
 border:1px solid
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787photos div label {

Re: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Dear MJ, I feel that if you could just get your meditation checked, get a 
standard computer from a regular mainstay trusted outlet instead of thrift 
stores or a garage sale and updated your system from authorized places in place 
of using bootleg sources, your posts would be clearer and more useful on most 
any public forum such as FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups. It all seems to kind of 
say a lot of about you. Go figure, -Buck Dear MJ, what ever did you do to 
repair your computer that it formats so badly to FFL? It has been a chronic 
[ongoing] problem with you.  Garbled and gaps in text.  Nobody else has posts 
come through to the list quite like yours do.  You must have your own unique 
program.  They are often a complete pain in the rear to respond to because of 
all the re-formatting that happens with you. Does not seem to matter which 
browser. Possibly the internet itself may be allergic to your unique and 
negative content even though the internet is supposed to be net-neutral.  It 
must be something [bad] you are doing, -Buck
 mjackson74writes: Well I finished reading the book - a lot of food for thought 
there, particularly in Rob McCutchan's afterword.

 On Sat, 5/17/14, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk
 Date: Saturday, May 17, 2014, 8:39 PM
 Reading Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay - about half
 way through it.
 yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787 --
 yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp {
 border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px
 0;padding:0 10px;}
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp hr {
 border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}

 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp #yiv3762032787hd {
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 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad {
 padding:0 0;} 
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad p {
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 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-lc #yiv3762032787hd {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
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 .yiv3762032787underline {
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 #yiv3762032787 blockquote {
 margin:0 0 0 4px;}
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 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:hover,
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:visited {
 #yiv3762032787 div#yiv3762032787ygrp-mlmsg
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-msg p a span.yiv3762032787yshortcuts {
 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787green 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk

2014-05-17 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I'm just using yahoo mail - blame it on them.

On Sun, 5/18/14, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk
 Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014, 2:55 AM
   Dear MJ,
 what ever did you do to repair your computer that it formats
 so badly
 to FFL? It has been a chronic [ongoing] problem with you.
  Garbled and gaps in text.  Nobody else has posts come
 through to the list like yours do.  You must have your own
 unique program.  They are often a complete pain in
 the rear to respond to because of all the re-formatting that
 happens with you. Does not
 seem to matter which browser. Possibly the internet itself
 may be
 allergic to your unique and negative content even though the
 internet is
 supposed to be net-neutral.  It must be something [bad] you
 are doing, -Buck
 mjackson74writes: Well
 I finished reading the book - a lot of food for thought
 there, particularly in Rob McCutchan's
 On Sat, 5/17/14, Michael
 Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife] 
wrote:Subject: [FairfieldLife] Clay
 and SilkTo: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comDate: Saturday, May 17, 2014,
 8:39 PMReading Robes of Silk, Feet of
 Clay - about halfway through
 it.yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787
 {border:1px solid
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp #yiv3762032787hd {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp #yiv3762032787ads {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad {
 padding:0 0;}
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad p
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad a
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-lc {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-lc #yiv3762032787hd {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-lc .yiv3762032787ad {
 margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787actions {
 font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span:first-child {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span a {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span span {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span
 .yiv3762032787underline {
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 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach img {
 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach label {
 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach label a {
 #yiv3762032787 blockquote {
 margin:0 0 0 4px;}
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 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787bold a {
 #yiv3762032787 dd.yiv3762032787last p a {
 #yiv3762032787 dd.yiv3762032787last p span {
 #yiv3762032787 dd.yiv3762032787last p
 span.yiv3762032787yshortcuts {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787attach-table div div a {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787attach-table {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787file-title a,
 div.yiv3762032787file-title a:active, #yiv3762032787
 div.yiv3762032787file-title a:hover, #yiv3762032787
 div.yiv3762032787file-title a:visited {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a,
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:active,
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:hover,
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:visited {
 #yiv3762032787 div#yiv3762032787ygrp-mlmsg
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-msg p a span.yiv3762032787yshortcuts {

Re: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
No, MJ it is odd and unique. It is something [bad and unconventional] with you. 

 mjackson74 writes:

 I'm just using yahoo mail - blame it on them.
 On Sun, 5/18/14, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk
 Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014, 2:55 AM
 Dear MJ,
 what ever did you do to repair your computer that it formats
 so badly
 to FFL? It has been a chronic [ongoing] problem with you.
  Garbled and gaps in text.  Nobody else has posts come
 through to the list like yours do.  You must have your own
 unique program.  They are often a complete pain in
 the rear to respond to because of all the re-formatting that
 happens with you. Does not
 seem to matter which browser. Possibly the internet itself
 may be
 allergic to your unique and negative content even though the
 internet is
 supposed to be net-neutral.  It must be something [bad] you
 are doing, -Buck 
 On Sat, 5/17/14, Michael
 Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:Subject: [FairfieldLife] Clay
 and SilkTo: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comDate 
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comDate: Saturday, May 17, 2014,
 8:39 PMyiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787
 {border:1px solid
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp #yiv3762032787hd {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp #yiv3762032787ads {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad {
 padding:0 0;}
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad p
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad a
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-lc {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-lc #yiv3762032787hd {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-lc .yiv3762032787ad {
 margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787actions {
 font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span:first-child {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span a {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span span {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span
 .yiv3762032787underline {
 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach {
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 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach img {
 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach label {
 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach label a {
 #yiv3762032787 blockquote {
 margin:0 0 0 4px;}
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 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787bold a {
 #yiv3762032787 dd.yiv3762032787last p a {
 #yiv3762032787 dd.yiv3762032787last p span {
 #yiv3762032787 dd.yiv3762032787last p
 span.yiv3762032787yshortcuts {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787attach-table div div a {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787attach-table {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787file-title a,
 div.yiv3762032787file-title a:active, #yiv3762032787
 div.yiv3762032787file-title a:hover, #yiv3762032787
 div.yiv3762032787file-title a:visited {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a,
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:active,
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:hover,
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:visited {
 #yiv3762032787 div#yiv3762032787ygrp-mlmsg
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-msg p a 

[FairfieldLife] MJ's PROBLEM posting negative things to FFL

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 No, MJ it is odd and unique. It is something [bad and unconventional] with 
you.  -Buck 

 mjackson74 writes:

 I'm just using yahoo mail - blame it on them.
 On Sun, 5/18/14, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk
 Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014, 2:55 AM
 Dear MJ,
 what ever did you do to repair your computer that it formats
 so badly
 to FFL? It has been a chronic [ongoing] problem with you.
  Garbled and gaps in text.  Nobody else has posts come
 through to the list like yours do.  You must have your own
 unique program.  They are often a complete pain in
 the rear to respond to because of all the re-formatting that
 happens with you. Does not
 seem to matter which browser. Possibly the internet itself
 may be
 allergic to your unique and negative content even though the
 internet is
 supposed to be net-neutral.  It must be something [bad] you
 are doing, -Buck 
 On Sat, 5/17/14, Michael
 Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:Subject: [FairfieldLife] Clay
 and SilkTo: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comDate 
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comDate: Saturday, May 17, 2014,
 8:39 PMyiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787
 {border:1px solid
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp #yiv3762032787hd {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp #yiv3762032787ads {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad {
 padding:0 0;}
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad p
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp .yiv3762032787ad a
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-lc {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-lc #yiv3762032787hd {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-sponsor
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 margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787actions {
 font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span {
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 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span span {
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787activity span
 .yiv3762032787underline {
 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach {
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 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach img {
 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach label {
 #yiv3762032787 .yiv3762032787attach label a {
 #yiv3762032787 blockquote {
 margin:0 0 0 4px;}
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 #yiv3762032787 dd.yiv3762032787last p a {
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 #yiv3762032787 dd.yiv3762032787last p
 span.yiv3762032787yshortcuts {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787attach-table div div a {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787attach-table {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787file-title a,
 div.yiv3762032787file-title a:active, #yiv3762032787
 div.yiv3762032787file-title a:hover, #yiv3762032787
 div.yiv3762032787file-title a:visited {
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a,
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:active,
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:hover,
 #yiv3762032787 div.yiv3762032787photo-title a:visited {
 #yiv3762032787 div#yiv3762032787ygrp-mlmsg
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-msg p a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MJ's PROBLEM posting negative things to FFL

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :


 No, MJ it is odd and unique. It is something [bad and unconventional] with 
you.  -Buck

 I'm already getting out my flaming torch and pitchfork and gathering the mob 
to come and lynch him Buck. Never fear, we'll rid ourselves of these heathens 
and upstarts like MJ.

 mjackson74 writes:

 I'm just using yahoo mail - blame it on them.
 On Sun, 5/18/14, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Clay and Silk
 Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014, 2:55 AM
 Dear MJ,
 what ever did you do to repair your computer that it formats
 so badly
 to FFL? It has been a chronic [ongoing] problem with you.
  Garbled and gaps in text.  Nobody else has posts come
 through to the list like yours do.  You must have your own
 unique program.  They are often a complete pain in
 the rear to respond to because of all the re-formatting that
 happens with you. Does not
 seem to matter which browser. Possibly the internet itself
 may be
 allergic to your unique and negative content even though the
 internet is
 supposed to be net-neutral.  It must be something [bad] you
 are doing, -Buck 
 On Sat, 5/17/14, Michael
 Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:Subject: [FairfieldLife] Clay
 and SilkTo: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comDate 
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comDate: Saturday, May 17, 2014,
 8:39 PMyiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787
 {border:1px solid
 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid
 #yiv3762032787 #yiv3762032787ygrp-mkp #yiv3762032787hd {
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 padding:0 0;}
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[FairfieldLife] Moses and Consciousness

2014-05-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
He may have predated MMY by discussing consciousness as basis of all knowledge 
in the Bible passage:


 I don't believe the Hebrews knew what he was trying to convey back then. But 
most people today don't know either.

 The burning bush that he used as a writing symbolism could be interpreted as 
the burnt offering to the Self or Yahweh, or the thoughts that are burnt by the 
mantra during meditation.

 What do you think?





[FairfieldLife] Insert your brand name and logo at the end and you've got a commercial

2014-05-17 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
The art of saying nothing while selling everything...

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