[FairfieldLife] Was it Oprah?

2011-12-12 Thread Ravi Yogi
Forwarded message from Bob Price addressed to FFL.

- Forwarded Message 
From: Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
To: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
Sent: Mon, December 12, 2011 12:39:53 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Open 'Performance' Letter to Ravi Chivukula


I will be with you through our emails as often as possible, but I think I 
stay away 

from our FFL for at least this week. I'm not sure if the following post coming 
from you makes any sense,

quite possibly not, I'll leave it you your able wisdom. Maybe you just want to 
hold it for a rainy day.

Lots of love,


Subject: Was it Oprah 

I'm writing from the great cavern of NARAKA (purgatory)
where I have gone to make penance at the Holy Feet of YAMI (sister of Lord 
Goddess of the river YAMUNA---that flows around the Lord of The GOPIES (the one
in the blue Armani). 

I have journeyed here to repent for my man-boy behavior; the
Goddess of *TRUTH* (that can never be diluted) graciously brought to my 
the error of my ways, and possible ill will---if not
malice, with overtones of hypo-hypocrisy, and *odors*
of the early onset of *Bubblemania* that may, as I write, be taking possession 
of my immortal soul. 

I have no problem groking my hypocrisy (that's one of the
many things children teach us); I've come to believe it takes a rare 
Goddess of Truth, to avoid the seduction of short cuts, that make hypocrisy so
enticing; no, it was not seeing my hypocrisy, nor the deep paper cut, to my
soul, caused to me by the understanding that my behavior may have shown malice
aforethought underlying my actions---it was the overwhelming realization that
what I thought was a cure, may have become worse than the disease, and my soul
is now in danger of an incurable infection of Bubblemania. 

Needless to say; it was this SATORI that started me on my
journey to Naraka; after crawling through mountains of landfill, small 
razor sharp edges, dark passages filled with leather back Brunei Spiders---That
Never Stop Talking---pockets of ghost slime, the ice belly of a Ukrainian pink
whale, molten fire opals, the parched bones of those that failed; to finally
join the cue of supplicants that stretches farther than the length of the
entrails of the *Lord* who considers the Milky Way so much dandruff. So here I
am, alone with my habits, and commercial warrior I consider myself to be, I'm 
it at 3.87 times eternity before I reach the Goddess, and the outside
possibility of redemption, for my actions, that could lead me back to my
beloved FFL (assuming his inspector (ness) would consider my re-qualification
and re-admit me to the holy of holy's). The good news is, I was not aware of
this, you can read all FFL posts on the web without an active subscription, and,
even more importantly---they have WIFI in purgatory. 

So I've noticed a few of my fans made a comment or two after
my departure, and so I'm hoping that no one will be offended if Raja Ravi Yogi
(A.K.A. His Silver Surfer (ness) does a Rick, and posts on my
behalf (remember, I'm presently suffering what's looks like a very long slog in
purgatory---so paaalaseee, show a little heart, if not a little leg.)


1. Alex, was it Oprah that called Bob Price passive aggressive, and have you 
considered getting a dog? 

2. Steve, *the Wife* thanks you for your concern (they have
SKYPE in purgatory too) for her very beautiful ears, but she is wondering if
you could be convinced to revert to your five word sentences as your more
recent attempts are somewhat more jarring to her ears then Ravi's words, that
must not be used on TV, and, as a sidebar; don't worry about her exposure to
grown men, acting like twelve year olds, she married one.

3. HH and Bubbles, it seems fitting that I do a twofer for
the less than two of you--- as it seems, you've both been trying to grow
a pair---which look a lot more like one, between the two of you. I did
notice Bubbles picked up on my parting reference and felt compelled to remind us
of his martial arts bona fides; I was surprised he didn't mention HH, as he
normally does, in the same sentence; are you two trying to establish some
independence, unfortunately that weld at your hip looks like its there to last;
speaking from experience, there is nothing like hypocrisy to turn an 
into a marriage; the real test is if you are able to take to take a pie in the
kisser for each other; which brings up my thought for the day: loosen up,
whatever those martial arts lessons did for you, they did not help your sense 

I'll let the two of you sort out who is the star of this show.


4. Emily, you can call me hot any time you like; its so hot
down here, I just saw Dante wheeling a barrel of skulls down a hill.


5. RD, your lassie clip melted this young gezzers heart


[FairfieldLife] Ode to my beloved Rukmini

2011-12-12 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Obba,

Are you not my Gopi? I'm so thankful for your love and support.

I wrote an ode to my beloved Rukmini on Facebook - I spent the last 11 hours 
dedicated exclusively to my beloved (of course I was checking my emails but you 
get the point, I'm full of love for my Rukmini).



Throughout time, the Goddess manifests Herself in different ways - sometimes 
is the wife or even the mother, sister or daughter of various Gods. Lord 
became the King of Dwarika and he was a warrior who fought adharma (injustice 
and unrighteousness). Rukmini was a manifestation of the Goddess who was a 
princess. Her brother had chosen her a husband but Rukmini longed to marry 
Krishna and she wrote him a secret letter. Krishna was impressed by her bhakti. 
He came to her and carried Rukmini away in front of her family. He married her 
and she was his main Queen and mother of his children.

Rukmini represents devotion, firmness, steadiness and loyalty to the Divine. 
is also the embodiment of bravery and strength. She was always fascinated with 
Krishna's bravery in battle and she accompanied him when he fought the demon 
Naraka. Naraka had been given a boon that he could never be killed by a man. He 
threw a mace at Krishna which missed him but hit Rukmini. She raised up 
Krishna's mace and threw it at Naraka, killing him and saving the universe from 
a wicked foe. Rukmini means the radiance of shimmering gold. Rukmini was an 
incarnation of Lakshmi who is the goddess of wealth and is symbolized by 
dazzling gold coins and jewels. Rukmini was glowing with pure, spiritual light 
the light of the Divine and self-realization of one who is united with an 
incarnation of Vishnu (Krishna).

My comments 

Rukmini means the radiance of shimmering gold...

Rukmini represents devotion, firmness, steadiness and loyalty to the Divine. 
is also the embodiment of bravery and strength

The playful, loving lord Krishna always let Rukmini be in charge, she led the 
battle against Naraka and she killed him.

The older women, the Gopis adore Krishna, Krishna left Radha in Brindavan and 
married Rukmini and they ruled Dwarka till the end of their lives.

Rukmini was much younger than Krishna (FYI - I felt very bad when I realized 
young she was, but I couldn't help it)

The legend has it that Lord Krishna, being the showman he is, impressed Rukmini 
with love and playful humor.

Krishna made Rukmini jealous by being playful with other women. But he only 
loved Rukmini.

He left Vrindavan to Dwarka in the search of his beloved. He loved Rukimini the 
first time he saw her.

But he waited patiently for Rukmini to express her love for him since he wanted 
Rukimini to lead, take charge, since Rukmini needed to be embodiment of 
and bravery.

And Krishna waited in loving bliss of his Rukmini.

Now this is ridiculous - why does Krishna have to wait when he knows Rukmini 
loves him? Because that's the divine plan. OK off to bed now.

Love - Ravi

From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, December 11, 2011 8:40:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Open 'Performance' Letter to Ravi Chivukula

Ravi, I am throwing my body across this track for you!  Do not use up all of 
your posts for the rest of the week answering the weak minded!
(you too Judy and Emily!) : )

Post one really good kick for each remaining day  as you see the provocateurs 
are playing the chess game to silence you out the rest of the week!
Then we will have to watch crop circles and cat videos and political figures 
paid for by corporations, for the remainder! Ugh!
Don't fall for the trap! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPjhEsZr8Nw 

Shht! Don't ask questions! Just do as you are told by your mommy durga, you 
absorb the nectar instead, baby.
There, there. Hush, hush, shh, shh, Wait. 

Stop, don't do it,mot even for cowboy curtis because he is going to make you 
post, subliminally http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWI-5b2MHNI

Make them wonder..unless of course you could post a live web cam of you and 
beloved, then we can go inside and watch you the rest of the week without the 
post limit!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 I am beginning to detect a pattern, something cyclical.  Where is Dr. Pete 
we need him? 



[FairfieldLife] The three manifestations of the divine mother

2011-12-12 Thread Ravi Yogi

The existence hasn't been letting me sleep for more than 2 hours for the
past several days. I took a break from listening music and absorbed on
my beloved to glorify the divine mother energy - Ravi Yogi.

The Divine mother, the existential energy, shakti has 3 forms. The whole
purpose of the divine mother energy for a sadhak (spiritual aspirant) is
her ability to provide moksha (liberation, enlightenment,
self-realization) by transforming the shadow energies to the pure
creative energy.

Mother Kali - the slayer, the provocateur.

Kali works on the Shadripus - the six defects that give rise to the
false self (ego), the siz defects of Kaama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha
(greed), Moha (attachment), Mada (pride) and Matsarya (jealousy).

Kali provokes, attacks the spiritual aspirant so the shadripus can rise
to the surface so she can quickly, metaphorically slay the shadow
energy. She sucks the shadow energy, transforms into the higher, pure
creative energy. Hindu scriptures denote the rabid energy of  Mother
Kali that sucks the negativity, transforms into bliss. Mother Kali fumes
and rages in bliss till she is subdued by Lord Shiva, the Guru.

Hence the importance of a Guru in Moksha.

She is also resident in the subtle body, hidden deep in the Muladhara
Chakra (the sex center).

Mother Durga - the unconditional love

Durga is the unconditional love energy of the divine mother, pure,
white, bright, radiant, smiling.

Mother Mohini - the beatiful, playful enchantress

Mohini is the form of the enchantress, that through her sheer beauty and
sexuality attracts the demons - the stupid and the arrogant ones.

The 2 strategies of the divine mother.

The Kali - Durga move.

To provide spiritual progress and moksha to true sadhaks.

Kali provokes, abuses, punishes the sadhak so that the shadow energies
surface for her to slay. As the sadhak is stunned by this violent,
ecstatic energy of Kali, the energy turns into Durga, the unconditional
love to soothe, caress and love the sadhak.

The Mohini - Kali move.

Is for the dull minded demons, metaphorically the stupid and the
arrogant, deeply steeped in their ignorance and layers of deception.

The Mohini, enchantress tempts the demons, talks and praises the demons
so they get attracted to her. As they bask in the attention and start
glowing with their pride, Mohini dramatically transforms to Kali, the
slayer, she then humiliates and insults the demons so they may progress
to the level of a saadhak.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ode to my beloved Rukmini

2011-12-12 Thread Ravi Yogi
Oh there we go, I am running short on posts but I want to post out anyway 
because Krishna and Rukmini might be going on a date soon !!! I will post 
pictures if my Rukmini agrees, because Rukmini is Krishna's boss..LOL..

But oh my dear Obbagopi, you made my day - that was really hilarious, extra 
large Trojans..hmm..OK Gopi you can have fun as long as you remember the love 
and sweet antics of this Ravi Krishna.


From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, December 12, 2011 5:05:48 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ode to my beloved Rukmini

Dear Krishna,

Gopi from the place one calls home of bananas, finds your loving words sweet as 
a mango ripened by the sun, dripping the nectar into the Lassi and with 
sprinkled on top. 

That's what little Gopi's are made of. 

Your dedication to Rukmini softens all Gopi's hearts. We are here for you, Lord 

Love, Go Pee 


Some are comparing this weeks posts to the shining on another thread, so Lord 
and Master, please give me instructions on how to conduct myself for your 
bidding to mix the mind drugs in proper strength. The nurse told me to be 
careful, but it is possible to get a good experience from them as long as I 
avoid alcohol. 

The good Doctor just wrote the prescription without seeing me, knowing I am a 
good patient. Plus the guys at the pharma store at the grocery market love 
(their faces get a wide smile on them.) when I purchase a box of Trojans, extra 
large, when I pick up my order. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Dear Obba,
 Are you not my Gopi? I'm so thankful for your love and support.
 I wrote an ode to my beloved Rukmini on Facebook - I spent the last 11 hours 
 dedicated exclusively to my beloved (of course I was checking my emails but 

 get the point, I'm full of love for my Rukmini).
 Throughout time, the Goddess manifests Herself in different ways - sometimes 

 is the wife or even the mother, sister or daughter of various Gods. Lord 

 became the King of Dwarika and he was a warrior who fought adharma (injustice 
 and unrighteousness). Rukmini was a manifestation of the Goddess who was a 
 princess. Her brother had chosen her a husband but Rukmini longed to marry 
 Krishna and she wrote him a secret letter. Krishna was impressed by her 

 He came to her and carried Rukmini away in front of her family. He married 

 and she was his main Queen and mother of his children.
 Rukmini represents devotion, firmness, steadiness and loyalty to the Divine. 

 is also the embodiment of bravery and strength. She was always fascinated 

 Krishna's bravery in battle and she accompanied him when he fought the demon 
 Naraka. Naraka had been given a boon that he could never be killed by a man. 

 threw a mace at Krishna which missed him but hit Rukmini. She raised up 
 Krishna's mace and threw it at Naraka, killing him and saving the universe 

 a wicked foe. Rukmini means the radiance of shimmering gold. Rukmini was an 
 incarnation of Lakshmi who is the goddess of wealth and is symbolized by 
 dazzling gold coins and jewels. Rukmini was glowing with pure, spiritual 

 the light of the Divine and self-realization of one who is united with an 
 incarnation of Vishnu (Krishna).
 My comments 
 Rukmini means the radiance of shimmering gold...
 Rukmini represents devotion, firmness, steadiness and loyalty to the Divine. 

 is also the embodiment of bravery and strength
 The playful, loving lord Krishna always let Rukmini be in charge, she led the 
 battle against Naraka and she killed him.
 The older women, the Gopis adore Krishna, Krishna left Radha in Brindavan and 

 married Rukmini and they ruled Dwarka till the end of their lives.
 Rukmini was much younger than Krishna (FYI - I felt very bad when I realized 

 young she was, but I couldn't help it)
 The legend has it that Lord Krishna, being the showman he is, impressed 

 with love and playful humor.
 Krishna made Rukmini jealous by being playful with other women. But he only 
 loved Rukmini.
 He left Vrindavan to Dwarka in the search of his beloved. He loved Rukimini 

 first time he saw her.
 But he waited patiently for Rukmini to express her love for him since he 

 Rukimini to lead, take charge, since Rukmini needed to be embodiment of 

 and bravery.
 And Krishna waited in loving bliss of his Rukmini.
 Now this is ridiculous - why does Krishna have to wait when he knows Rukmini 
 loves him? Because that's the divine plan. OK off to bed now.
 Love - Ravi
 From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sun, December 11, 2011 8:40:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sometimes crazy wisdom is just crazy

2011-12-12 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Judy,

No. 49 for you.

I can only say wow.

That clear intellect again, I don't want to sound patronizing but this is your 
best post ever that I have read.

I know you were standing alone bravely facing the metaphorical demons of 
ignorance and deception caused by deep emotional wounds - the Curtis's, Barry's 
- piled on by naive idiots like Rick, Steve who wanted to be always on the 
right side of these intellectually deceptive bastards with their layers of 
POV's and these MF'ers even reduced *truth* to *opinion*.

Then some retarded conspiracy theorists like Barry 2, disciples of their 
equally reatrded Gurus like the Abhayanandas, the crooks, fraud Gurus from 

What to say about my Uncle Kamsa, Vaj, the liar - luckily we had Sadhak 
emptybill to balance him.

I salute the warrior, the divine Mother Judy for battling the demons for so 
long. You will surely be rewarded since you are the epitome of dharma, 
Kshatriya dharma, the spiritual warrior.

Yes with Bob, Obba, Denise started the heart centered approach. Bob and Obba 
are all heart. Then Robin, Judy with his intellect and heart, Alex, Raunchy

Love - Ravi.

On Dec 12, 2011, at 8:48 AM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786 no_reply@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   As for intellectual clarity, have you ever read any of
   the books by Chogyam Trungpa? Some are utterly brilliant,
   despite the fact (as we know now) that he was totally in
   the bag (meaning falling down drunk) while writing most
   of them. 
  I know him mainly through the writings of others, which
  is about exactly this topic.
   Go figure. I guess my point is that while one
   may admire Trungpa's writing and its clarity on the one
   hand, you wouldn't really want him driving you anywhere
   or making decisions that strongly affected your life,
   would you?
  He's never been my cup of tea.
 Couple things. First, any addiction that constitutes
 a self-destructive behavior (e.g., gambling) is
 classified as a psychiatric condition because doing
 harm to oneself isn't considered normal. But an
 alcoholic isn't crazy simply on the basis of his or
 her addiction. Some alcoholics may be seriously
 mentally ill as well as addicted, but others may not
 be. It's a matter of degree.
 Second, alcoholism is by no means unknown among
 some of our most greatest writers. It almost seems
 to be an occupational hazard:
 Third, intellectual clarity or coherence is
 generally a pretty good sign that a person isn't
 crazy in the sense of psychotic. Obviously you
 wouldn't want an alcoholic to drive you anywhere,
 and letting somebody make decisions that would strongly
 affect your life isn't a great idea no matter who
 they are. But that doesn't mean an alcoholic can't have
 significant insights about Life, the Universe, and
 Everything that are worth one's attention.
 Bottom line, Trungpa isn't a very relevant example
 in the context of the unusual behavior on FFL recently
 that Barry's complaining about.
   I guess I bring this up because I see an increasingly 
   disturbing trend here on FFL. Many people seem to have
   lost any sense of perspective on the things that happen
   here. It's just a chat forum; maybe a total of 40 people
   interact on it regularly. But for some it seems to have
   become a deadly serious business. They regularly LOSE 
   IT over -- let's face it -- minor insults or petty 
   affronts that a sane person would hardly notice. Some
   develop grudges and then recruit teams to help them
   obsess on their common grudgees. 
  Yes, agreed. This is part of the usenetization of the 
  internet, not uncommon at all. The mechanics has nothing
  to do with TM or spiritual movements per se.
 People just
  lose it as they get involved, you could say it is a lack
  of detachment.
 You could say that. On the other hand...
   THIS is what 30 to 40 years of TM does for a person?
  Or doesn't do. I get your point is, that TM ers were
  supposed to be more detached than the average internet
  user, but obviously they aren't.
 ...if by detachment you mean what is generally
 referred to in the context of enlightenment as
 nonattachment, it's not necessarily obvious at all
 on the basis of behavior. Nonattachment is a subjective
 quality that may or may not be evident from behavior
 (especially when the only behavior one sees is the 
 words a person writes in an electronic forum).
  Another issue, I think is old age. With some people,
  reaching a certain age, mental abilities start to fail.
 True. But again, intellectual clarity in a person's
 writing would tend to rule that out.
  Then there is the issue of lonliness, isolation.
 Also true. But in many if not most cases, you can't
 tell whether a person is isolated or lonely on the
 basis of what 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bob Price Unsubscribes at FFL

2011-12-11 Thread Ravi Yogi
Retribution (towards Bob) - don't agree.

(Bob) apologist for Ravi - yes, he is a lover.

Ironically, I think Bob Price was as alive and creative as any poster at FFL. 
- WTF? I would say Bob Price was the most alive and creative poster at FFL.

(Bob) offensive or uncharitable - sure if you sliced and diced his words as 
words really meant anything in the first place.

From: maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, December 11, 2011 1:09:28 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Bob Price Unsubscribes at FFL

So Bob Price has unsubscribed (according to Alex). This is a pity, for he was 
undoubtedly one of the most thoughtful and witty and sophisticated posters FFL 
has seen.

And there was a real sweetness and tenderness there. Even as he proved 
fearless—and evidently unanswerable—in challenging certain formidable 
personalities at FFL 

His use of youtube was Mozartian. I doubt there is anyone out there more adroit 
and discriminating—and culturally attuned—in their deployment of specific 
as commentary on various posts and posters at FFL.

His sense of humour through his choice of videos was unsurpassed in my opinion. 
He brought delight and instruction to me a multitude of times with his video 

But then, just as a writer he was fluent and coherent—and it seems to me 
entirely unprejudiced [in the subjective sense]. Despite his becoming an 
apologist for Ravi at the end, I nevertheless felt that his sincerity and 
fair-mindedness was never in question. In fact I deem him to have written some 
quite brilliant posts.

Bob Price is a remarkable human being and I imagine to meet him in person 
(anyone here had the experience?) utterly gracious and charming—and terrific 

I could even say that in his having removed himself from the context of FFL 
there is a void there, and I wish someone would persuade him to change his 
Not necessarily right away, but in the future. 

I think his backing of Ravi was from within his heart and that he said nothing 
which came from something small-minded or constricted in himself. I am sorry 
comments produced a reaction which, I must assume, was, at least partly, his 
reason for exiting FFL.

I think it almost a form of retribution that we are now deprived of his wit and 
fluency and deep intelligence.

Bob Price proved to be equal to anyone (IMO) in his ability to represent what 
true and real.

There will be readers (and posters) at FFL who no doubt will disagree with me 
(and think me a homer), but I am going on the record as saying that Bob Price 
was a prince of a person—no matter if he appeared in the hearts and minds of 
some persons here at FFL to have been somewhat offensive or uncharitable in his 
defence of Ravi.

If he made a misstep in the opinion of certain posters at FFL, there was still, 
within even these posts, the evidence of someone trying to do justice to what 
felt was the truth. And I will argue with anyone for the validity of this 
judgment of him.

This sounds like an obituary/eulogy And if it does, then that just means there 
was a little death in the FFL family last night.

Ironically, I think Bob Price was as alive and creative as any poster at FFL.

I am sure, though, his absence from FFL will be quite a relief to certain 
posters who came under his inspired scrutiny—That is, especially those posters 
who knew they would make matters worse if they attempted to answer him. And so 
they didn't.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is Barry Wright's Birthday

2011-12-11 Thread Ravi Yogi
Happy Birthday Barry !!!

From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, December 11, 2011 5:25:59 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Today is Barry Wright's Birthday

Nabby? Judy? Ravi? Robin? Now’s your chance to shower him with love and kisses.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bob Price Unsubscribes at FFL

2011-12-11 Thread Ravi Yogi
Robin - thank you for kind comments and the clarifications.

Yes, that makes sense - Reality's retribution, I'm hoping he will return to FFL 

From: maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, December 11, 2011 5:43:38 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bob Price Unsubscribes at FFL

Ah, that would be retribution from reality—reality having inspired BP to 
unsubscribe—directed, enacted against *us*. Not towards Bob—it's just that we 
didn't realize what would happen if we—in some measure excessively—turned 
against BP. Retribution therefore took the form of BP unsubscribing. This is 
only way we could know what we had done. The awareness of the loss of Bob Price 
at FFL, that *is* our retribution.

Yes, I agree: I erred seriously in my damning BP with faint praise. That is, 
failing to say it outright: Bob Price was the most alive and creative poster 

You got me there, Ravi. And now my conscience is clear.

Yes, you are indeed a lover not a mere apologist. And I for one envy you your 

You, it seems, are the only one here who truly understood the soul of BP.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Retribution (towards Bob) - don't agree.
 (Bob) apologist for Ravi - yes, he is a lover.
 Ironically, I think Bob Price was as alive and creative as any poster at 

 - WTF? I would say Bob Price was the most alive and creative poster at FFL.
 (Bob) offensive or uncharitable - sure if you sliced and diced his words as 

 words really meant anything in the first place.
 From: maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sun, December 11, 2011 1:09:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Bob Price Unsubscribes at FFL
 So Bob Price has unsubscribed (according to Alex). This is a pity, for he was 
 undoubtedly one of the most thoughtful and witty and sophisticated posters 

 has seen.
 And there was a real sweetness and tenderness there. Even as he proved 
 fearlessâ€and evidently unanswerableâ€in challenging certain formidable 
 personalities at FFL 
 His use of youtube was Mozartian. I doubt there is anyone out there more 

 and discriminatingâ€and culturally attunedâ€in their deployment of specific 

 as commentary on various posts and posters at FFL.
 His sense of humour through his choice of videos was unsurpassed in my 

 He brought delight and instruction to me a multitude of times with his video 
 But then, just as a writer he was fluent and coherentâ€and it seems to me 
 entirely unprejudiced [in the subjective sense]. Despite his becoming an 
 apologist for Ravi at the end, I nevertheless felt that his sincerity and 
 fair-mindedness was never in question. In fact I deem him to have written 

 quite brilliant posts.
 Bob Price is a remarkable human being and I imagine to meet him in person 
 (anyone here had the experience?) utterly gracious and charmingâ€and 

 I could even say that in his having removed himself from the context of FFL 
 there is a void there, and I wish someone would persuade him to change his 

 Not necessarily right away, but in the future. 
 I think his backing of Ravi was from within his heart and that he said 

 which came from something small-minded or constricted in himself. I am sorry 

 comments produced a reaction which, I must assume, was, at least partly, his 
 reason for exiting FFL.
 I think it almost a form of retribution that we are now deprived of his wit 

 fluency and deep intelligence.
 Bob Price proved to be equal to anyone (IMO) in his ability to represent what 

 true and real.
 There will be readers (and posters) at FFL who no doubt will disagree with me 
 (and think me a homer), but I am going on the record as saying that Bob Price 
 was a prince of a personâ€no matter if he appeared in the hearts and minds 

 some persons here at FFL to have been somewhat offensive or uncharitable in 

 defence of Ravi.
 If he made a misstep in the opinion of certain posters at FFL, there was 

 within even these posts, the evidence of someone trying to do justice to what 

 felt was the truth. And I will argue with anyone for the validity of this 
 judgment of him.
 This sounds like an obituary/eulogy And if it does, then that just means 

 was a little death in the FFL family last night.
 Ironically, I think Bob Price was as alive and creative as any poster at FFL.
 I am sure, though, his absence from FFL will be quite a relief to certain 
 posters who came under his inspired scrutinyâ€That is, especially those 

 who knew they would make matters worse if they attempted to answer him. And 

 they didn't.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-11 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Steve,

Thank you and thanks for previous email that you were no longer angry on me.

But your mind is very quick to change, I'm guessing that by the time you get to 
read this message - you are most likely mad on me again.

No worries because I like this game :-).

Love - Ravi.

From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 10, 2011 5:31:24 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
 Bob if you were to declare that you have become a bisexual, and it was OK 
the wife for you to have a lover - I will be your bitch for this lifetime.

It took awhile, but finally you are talking some sense.  Welcome to the 
civilized world. (-:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bob Price Unsubscribes at FFL

2011-12-11 Thread Ravi Yogi
Home wrecker..ha..ha, thanks Raunchy, he is mad that I didn't support him 
enough, so he is actually mad on me but he will be back.

From: raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, December 11, 2011 6:17:20 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bob Price Unsubscribes at FFL


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Robin - thank you for kind comments and the clarifications.
 Yes, that makes sense - Reality's retribution, I'm hoping he will return to 


Me too, Ravi. I feel like a home wrecker in the middle of a divorce. I'll miss 
him for all the reasons Robin so eloquently expressed.


 From: maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sun, December 11, 2011 5:43:38 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bob Price Unsubscribes at FFL
 Ah, that would be retribution from realityâ€reality having inspired BP to 
 unsubscribeâ€directed, enacted against *us*. Not towards Bobâ€it's just 
that we 

 didn't realize what would happen if weâ€in some measure excessivelyâ€turned 
 against BP. Retribution therefore took the form of BP unsubscribing. This is 

 only way we could know what we had done. The awareness of the loss of Bob 

 at FFL, that *is* our retribution.
 Yes, I agree: I erred seriously in my damning BP with faint praise. That is, 
 failing to say it outright: Bob Price was the most alive and creative poster 

 You got me there, Ravi. And now my conscience is clear.
 Yes, you are indeed a lover not a mere apologist. And I for one envy you your 
 You, it seems, are the only one here who truly understood the soul of BP.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  Retribution (towards Bob) - don't agree.
  (Bob) apologist for Ravi - yes, he is a lover.
  Ironically, I think Bob Price was as alive and creative as any poster at 

  - WTF? I would say Bob Price was the most alive and creative poster at FFL.
  (Bob) offensive or uncharitable - sure if you sliced and diced his words 

  words really meant anything in the first place.
  From: maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Sun, December 11, 2011 1:09:28 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Bob Price Unsubscribes at FFL
  So Bob Price has unsubscribed (according to Alex). This is a pity, for he 

  undoubtedly one of the most thoughtful and witty and sophisticated posters 

  has seen.
  And there was a real sweetness and tenderness there. Even as he proved 
  fearlessâ€and evidently unanswerableâ€in challenging certain 

  personalities at FFL 
  His use of youtube was Mozartian. I doubt there is anyone out there more 

  and discriminatingâ€and culturally attunedâ€in their deployment of 

  as commentary on various posts and posters at FFL.
  His sense of humour through his choice of videos was unsurpassed in my 

  He brought delight and instruction to me a multitude of times with his 

  But then, just as a writer he was fluent and coherentâ€and it seems to 

  entirely unprejudiced [in the subjective sense]. Despite his becoming an 
  apologist for Ravi at the end, I nevertheless felt that his sincerity and 
  fair-mindedness was never in question. In fact I deem him to have written 

  quite brilliant posts.
  Bob Price is a remarkable human being and I imagine to meet him in person 
  (anyone here had the experience?) utterly gracious and charmingâ€and 

  I could even say that in his having removed himself from the context of FFL 
  there is a void there, and I wish someone would persuade him to change his 
  Not necessarily right away, but in the future. 
  I think his backing of Ravi was from within his heart and that he said 

  which came from something small-minded or constricted in himself. I am 

  comments produced a reaction which, I must assume, was, at least partly, 

  reason for exiting FFL.
  I think it almost a form of retribution that we are now deprived of his wit 

  fluency and deep intelligence.
  Bob Price proved to be equal to anyone (IMO) in his ability to represent 

  true and real.
  There will be readers (and posters) at FFL who no doubt will disagree with 

  (and think me a homer), but I am going on the record as saying that Bob 

  was a prince of a personâ€no matter if he appeared in the hearts and 
minds of 

  some persons here at FFL to have been somewhat offensive or uncharitable in 

  defence of Ravi.
  If he made a misstep in the opinion

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hawthorne Heights - Silver Bullet

2011-12-11 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Denise,

Remember this American Krishna doesn't ignore his Gopis, his older women. As 
you can see I was busy :-).

I will check the links but it's Rukmini time, I know she will be waiting for me.

Check - Silver Bullet on Wikipedia, Bob sent me a link a 1960's comic strip. I 
didn't get a chance to read in detail.

On Dec 11, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:

 It wasn't this was it?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's (video) response to Curtis

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
Shoot.  That was a hella song. It's really hard to be mad. 

And the comments below..Thanks Denise. I don't know about anyone sending 
the intellect always wants answers and it's OK to indulge and enjoy the the 
various fantasies the mind projects outside of us. My mind still creates 
fantasies, I just playfully indulge or ignore them. So ultimately there is no 
answer outside of you. But please do playfully indulge in it - it's fun - yes 
Amma did send me to you..:-)

From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, December 9, 2011 7:23:07 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's (video) response to Curtis

Shit.  Well, I made it 1.5 minutes through the video.  Again, poetry in motion 
is the way to go.  Good Job.  Amma sent you to me, didn't she.  Damn these 
saints are powerful.

 From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, December 9, 2011 4:18 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's (video) response to Curtis


Dec 9, 2011 06:00 PM CST

SCENE: A tense meeting at Church of Liberalism, FFL Hinterland, US of A.

AGENDA: Cyber  Lynching of Ravi Yogi aka  Dr.  Ravi Chivukula, Psy. D, UCLA by 
the trinity of Church of Liberalism, Prozac Inc and the  Intellectually 
Enlightened Progressives.

The Church of Liberalism is brimming with its members, their significant 
and the children, who can barely contain their enthusiasm in their wait for 
program to begin.

They are also excited because the Patron Saint of the Church, the Anointed 
His Holiness Gandhi King Curtis has  condescended to personally show the raw 
video of Ravi Yogi, the tormentor of the Church of Liberalism  members ending 
his most dry three week spell of humiliating retreat due to an unrelated 
incident from the Church affairs.

The video that will unambiguously demonstrate the psychology, the mindset of 
purported brutal prison style humiliation and abuse that Ravi Yogi administers 
to the Church members.

HH Gandhi King Curtis smirked at the opportunity for personal redemption and 
finally take down Ravi Yogi who in  the past had viciously and brutally 
His Holiness by his sacrilegious references to HH's hidden Buddhist beliefs. 

HH Curtis wondered what a pain projecting liberal really meant, why did it 
bother him so much when he had no clue what it meant. He pushed his 
feelings away as he tried to focus on the task at hand.

He was thrilled inside and couldn't believe his luck since he wasn't around 
the Church members first made this accusation about 18 months back. He clearly 
believed that the earlier lynching failed because of the Church being rendered 
rudderless because of his moral fortitude and the lack of a clear unified 
agenda. He was utterly confident of his success now.

Also at hand are the representatives of the big pharma, generously sponsored 
Prozac Inc, ably led by the TM TB Retarded Psychologist Stephen Anderson aka  

Stephen is really enthused to be able to show off his own patented Lithium 
induced Darts to quickly subdue out of control, in your face enlightened. He 
smirks at how easy it was going to be with the assistance of Church of 

He had long been confined to the sidelines by all  church members and 
craved the attention he felt he clearly deserved. He only got noticed when he 
attacked Ravi Yogi during the failed lynching attempt with random labels from 
the DSM manual, this was his best  chance to forever occupy the higher 
of the Church hierarchy.

Prozac Inc also recruited two emotionally mature, thoroughly centered 
from within the Church community who would immediately cater to any children 
that could be potentially horrified and scarred after watching the video with 
overt references to Ravi Yogi's homophobia and sexism.

Mother Teresa Raunchy  Doll and Waking Down Alex were especially warned about 
well known emotionally immature, troublesome, aggressive child named King Baby 
Barry, lovingly called Bubbles by his four year grandchild. Both of these 
counselors were outstanding Church members who had been praised for their 
emotional stability and maturity.  They also led their individual groups 
the Church comprised of feminists and gays  respectively.

The Heartland Idiot Steve is feeling very nervous, the uneasy pit in his 
indicating that someone was going to come in someone's mouth and struggled 
the deep powerful emotions he was feeling, almost delusional, needing to 
his wife and kids while they didn't seem to be in any immediate, apparent 

Steve  nervously looks at the door and starts making some rudimentary 
calculations on the time it would take him to make a hasty retreat with his 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's (video) response to Curtis

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
Denise, I don't want to associate my name with Amma for too long. I plan to 
address her as my Guru, only rarely. Because my methods are totally alien to 
path and the wide cross section of people that see her. I wouldn't want to 
someone to question her for my behavior, because I'm a mad yogi answerable to 
one and she cannot be held accountable for my actions. She just was the witness 
for my enlightenment and there ended that relationship at least externally. I 
still associate with the group for various reasons but I suspect that's ending 
very soon in the near future.

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 10, 2011 12:05:30 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's (video) response to Curtis

Shoot.  That was a hella song. It's really hard to be mad. 

And the comments below..Thanks Denise. I don't know about anyone sending 
the intellect always wants answers and it's OK to indulge and enjoy the the  
various fantasies the mind projects outside of us. My mind still creates 
fantasies, I just playfully indulge or ignore them. So ultimately there is no 
answer outside of you. But please do playfully indulge in it - it's fun - yes 
Amma did send me to you..:-)

From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, December 9, 2011 7:23:07 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's (video) response to  Curtis

Shit.  Well, I made it 1.5 minutes through the video.  Again, poetry in motion 
is the way to go.  Good Job.  Amma sent you to me, didn't she.  Damn these 
saints are powerful.

 From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, December 9, 2011 4:18 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's (video) response to Curtis


Dec 9, 2011 06:00 PM CST

SCENE: A tense meeting at Church of Liberalism, FFL Hinterland, US of A.

AGENDA: Cyber  Lynching of Ravi Yogi aka  Dr.  Ravi Chivukula, Psy. D, UCLA by 
the trinity of Church of Liberalism, Prozac Inc and the  Intellectually 
Enlightened Progressives.

The Church of Liberalism is brimming with its members, their significant 
and the children, who can barely contain their enthusiasm in their wait for 
program to begin.

They are also excited because the Patron Saint of the Church, the Anointed 
His Holiness Gandhi King Curtis has  condescended to personally show the raw 
video of Ravi Yogi, the tormentor of the Church of Liberalism  members ending 
his most dry three week spell of humiliating retreat due to an unrelated 
incident from the Church affairs.

The video that will unambiguously demonstrate the psychology, the mindset of 
purported brutal prison style humiliation and abuse that Ravi Yogi administers 
to the Church members.

HH Gandhi King Curtis smirked at the opportunity for personal redemption and 
finally take down Ravi Yogi who in  the past had viciously and brutally 
His Holiness by his sacrilegious references to HH's hidden Buddhist beliefs. 

HH Curtis wondered what a pain projecting liberal really meant, why did it 
bother him so much when he had no clue what it meant. He pushed his 
feelings away as he tried to focus on the task at hand.

He was thrilled inside and couldn't believe his luck since he wasn't around 
the Church members first made this accusation about 18 months back. He clearly 
believed that the earlier lynching failed because of the Church being rendered 
rudderless because of his moral fortitude and the lack of a clear unified 
agenda. He was utterly confident of his success now.

Also at hand are the representatives of the big pharma, generously sponsored 
Prozac Inc, ably led by the TM TB Retarded Psychologist Stephen Anderson aka  

Stephen is really enthused to be able to show off his own patented Lithium 
induced Darts to quickly subdue out of control, in your face enlightened. He 
smirks at how easy it was going to be with the assistance of Church of 

He had long been confined to the sidelines by all  church members and 
craved the attention he felt he clearly deserved. He only got noticed when he 
attacked Ravi Yogi during the failed lynching attempt with random labels from 
the DSM manual, this was his best  chance to forever occupy the higher 
of the Church hierarchy.

Prozac Inc also recruited two emotionally mature, thoroughly centered 
from within the Church community who would immediately cater to any children 
that could be potentially horrified and scarred after watching the video with 
overt references to Ravi Yogi's homophobia and sexism.

Mother Teresa Raunchy  Doll and Waking Down Alex were especially warned about 
well known emotionally immature, troublesome

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nina Simone -I put a spell on you

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
Beautiful, is that how you really feel? :-).

P.S. You seem determined to post out in a day or two. Remember it's 50 per 
not 51, 52 or 62, 64 that His Holiness hit not too long ago.

From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 10, 2011 12:16:30 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Nina Simone -I put a spell on you

Dear Ravi:  



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear raunchy,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I obviously had no idea about your feelings 
concerns from that time frame since we never conversed nor did you articulate 
back then. But I do appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

I can definitely realize the various range of emotions people felt, and I 
realize it was no easy on others than it was on me. Please do realize there 
others, family and friends, around me who went through a rough time as well. I 
was, to quote Uncle Vaj's phrase in the midst of a violent digestion by the 
blissful intense energy and so there was bliss but there was also intense 
purging of my unhealed pain, my wounds so it was ugly, painful yet blissful - 
such was the nature of that energy.

I did a lot of things during this that caused me much pain, regret and 
tremendous sadness - I went through a really dark period June - September, it 
was blissful, yet lot of pain, as my mind, intellect and ego tried to make 
of what had hit me. I have to say I completely integrated, understood this 
energy and have done my best to articulate this to everyone since I realized 
pain it caused to others. It was somehow the existence's plan to go through 
process quite publicly, a brutal traumatic process for myself and others.

And I just want to say my initial posts in May 2010 started with love, I was 
attacked by Barry and his attack dogs, the spiritual thugs, projecting their 
fears, insecurities on me and I double downed and returned there shit back to 
them in such ferocity that there had no choice but to accuse me to trying to 
commit suicide, trying to kill others and labels from DSM.

But there were others who I felt didn't project anything on me, Steve aka 
lurkernomore, Susan aka wayback71, gulliblefool, there might be others, even a 
post by Alex where I just gave them my love and was neutral.

I know you may have a hard time trusting me but I have been brutally honest 
about me since the only salvation for a person utterly tamasic, caustic sarcasm 
yet love inside was brutal honesty. 

And my experiences with women are the truth. I have never exposed my mother but 
I did because she took formal vows of renunciation a year back and according to 
Hindu customs, she is now in the sanyaasa ashrama and she shouldn't too much 
emphasis on her prior phase of life i.e grihasta ashrama, that is she has 
renounced. But I'm sure she won't mind.

In fact I did several months back talked to her about all my feelings on how I 
loved and respected her for her hardship, her guts in challenging the 
traditional, stupid, conservative Hindu patriarchal culture. Trust me she was 
moved, she loves me a lot and I know she wouldn't mind me exposing her such. In 
fact she never talked about her physical abuse, I was totally unaware of it. I 
knew my dad was a asshole and that was that. It was only after my Kundalini 
I felt her pain and saw mental pictures of how my dad would violently abuse her 
and I could see her running away from the house to protect herself,(this in 
itself is a big story of its own). I felt tremendous pain as I visualized it 
because I struggled much of my adulthood trying to understand certain actions 
my mother which were very odd, such as her intense dislike for conflict. I then 
checked with her if my feelings on my dad violently abusing her were correct - 
she broke down and confirmed that it was accurate.

Love - Ravi.

From: raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 10, 2011 8:52:32 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Thank you very much raunchy, I do appreciate your forgiveness. I just want to 
 clarify couple of things - first that I didn't mean you yourself were abused, 

 just included it as a wide array of possibilities in my explanation including 
 may be a friend, family member and/or that you empathize with the pain of 

 About my suicide threats, these are not correct - these were assumptions from 
 others based upon my posts in May 2010 and it's easy to see why you might 

 been mistaken. To my knowledge I don't ever recall interacting with you 

 that timeframe.

I didn't feel I had anything to contribute to the discussion about you May 2010 
but I did lurk enough to notice a lot of people were extremely worried about 
your mental health and safety. The ultimate worry that gets everyone in a tizzy 
is that someone might commit suicide, so I assumed that was the case. Since 
had recently interviewed you for BATGAP, he became the point man for dealing 
with you. He took a lot of flack for interviewing what everyone thought was a 
mentally unstable person. People questioned his judgement and whether or not 
BATGAP project was an epic fail. 

Everything seemed to settle

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Judy, What the hell took you so long :-).

I knew if anyone could objectively see the truth it would be your clear 
intellect free of any projections, pain, fears and insecurities.

Yes I never threatened suicide, I did talk of death and dying. The energy was 

Looking back I can see much was it my body, mind, ego freaking out. But trust 
two times my body went cold, dead yet I was aware.

Once I called my ex told her I was dying and I wished to see the children. Both 
her and my roommate were freaked out. I told them they should cremate my body, 
threatened them that they should not call 911 since I just wanted to die 

Another time was in Boston, I was perfectly aware and I asked brother to check 
my pulse, he confirmed it. Again I asked him not to call 911 or involve anyone. 
Trust me it was very hard on my brother and sister-in-law. I am forever 
to them for their trust and love.

So yes plenty of posts on death and dying but none on suicide, or threats of 
suicide, killing or trying to physically harm others.

Love - Ravi.

From: authfriend jst...@panix.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 10, 2011 9:40:46 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
 I found the thread for May 2010, by searching Rick's posts.
 I read a few of them just enough to know you even fooled Judy,
 which is really quite an accomplishment. The thread starts
 here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/247869

Excuse me, in what sense did Ravi fool me, raunchy?

He's acknowledged that he was *psychotic* during those
few days:


We were right to be concerned. He wasn't crying wolf, he
was genuinely freaking out. But he did not, to the best of
my recollection, ever actually threaten suicide.

The worst of those posts are now gone from the archive,
by the way (both Yahoo's and the Mail Archive). Either Ravi
or one of the moderators deleted them at some point.

One of the reasons I'm pretty confident he didn't threaten
suicide was that I emailed Rick privately during that time
to express my concerns, and I called Rick's attention to
Ravi's having mentioned several times the possibility of
dying. *I* said I thought that might indicate he was
thinking of suicide, but it wasn't an explicit threat. He
was in such psychic turmoil it may well have seemed to him
that he was dying.

He wasn't trying to fool anybody that he was in a bad
way. He *was* in a bad way. Thank God he came through it.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Judy, raunchy,

I wouldn't judge Bob too harshly. There was the performance artist there as 
well, even as there were serious elements missef by everyone but Judy. My 
stories with links to Jefferson city mental hospitals were all done to confuse 
people on this list. I know Steve was hurt by it all because I made up a story 
on how I was on way to St. Liuis to meet him and ended up in Jefferson City.

I have clarified and apologized to Steve, though he may have not been convinced.

But Judy, yes I have respected you since you were the only person to detect how 
I was losing it, I liked the way in which your clear intellect parsed my final 
emails, detecting my psychosis, which ended being the vehicle through which my 
body, mind, intellect and ego transitioned and integrated this energy.

Yeah sorry for all this bullshit but as hard as it may sound it was not my 
choice eventhough I participated with total zest.

On Dec 10, 2011, at 10:42 AM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
  I didn't get the July message until you sent it to me today.
  So it wasn't a hoax after all? He really was crazy for awhile?
  He really wasn't faking it?
  Sorry, my bad. He said he admitted
  himself to a psychiatric hospital but didn't go. What was that 
 Not sure; he'll have to explain that one. Seems to me it
 was a response to our being so worried about him, but what
 he intended to accomplish by it, I don't know.
  He told Bob it was a surprise to him that I thought he
  was suicidal. I thought his denial meant that it was all a big
  act. If it was an act, he fooled you. If it wasn't an act, he 
  didn't fool you.
 Yeah, it wasn't an act. I think he understands now where
 you got the idea.
  It puts me in quite a quandary because I got a lot of flack
  from Bob for telling Robin about Ravi's meltdown last year.
 Bob has been *way* out of line in his posts to you, IMHO.
  When Bob told me Ravi was a performance artist, I took that
  to mean Ravi's meltdown last year was all a hoax. Now you
  tell me it wasn't an act. Fuck it. I'm sorry for stepping
  into Ravi's shit.
 It's understandable that you got confused. If Bob thinks
 Ravi's meltdown last year was just a performance, *he's*
  I'm sorry for all the bullshit on all sides
  of the story. Fuck it.
 Seems to me Ravi is sorry too and is doing his best to
 clarify, apologize, and make amends.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
I found the thread for May 2010, by searching Rick's posts.
I read a few of them just enough to know you even fooled Judy,
which is really quite an accomplishment. The thread starts
here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/247869
   Excuse me, in what sense did Ravi fool me, raunchy?
   He's acknowledged that he was *psychotic* during those
   few days:
   We were right to be concerned. He wasn't crying wolf, he
   was genuinely freaking out. But he did not, to the best of
   my recollection, ever actually threaten suicide.
   The worst of those posts are now gone from the archive,
   by the way (both Yahoo's and the Mail Archive). Either Ravi
   or one of the moderators deleted them at some point.
   One of the reasons I'm pretty confident he didn't threaten
   suicide was that I emailed Rick privately during that time
   to express my concerns, and I called Rick's attention to
   Ravi's having mentioned several times the possibility of
   dying. *I* said I thought that might indicate he was
   thinking of suicide, but it wasn't an explicit threat. He
   was in such psychic turmoil it may well have seemed to him
   that he was dying.
   He wasn't trying to fool anybody that he was in a bad
   way. He *was* in a bad way. Thank God he came through it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
To add - Bob wasn't even there in May 2010 and he didn't read all my emails 
because I had them deleted here by Rick and on the mail archive because it 
contained lot of personal references to others including my ex.

He could have come to different conclusions if he had all this information. So 
it's purely hypothetical to judge Bob on this account.

Thank you,

On Dec 10, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 Dear Judy, raunchy,
 I wouldn't judge Bob too harshly. There was the performance artist there as 
 well, even as there were serious elements missef by everyone but Judy. My 
 stories with links to Jefferson city mental hospitals were all done to 
 confuse people on this list. I know Steve was hurt by it all because I made 
 up a story on how I was on way to St. Liuis to meet him and ended up in 
 Jefferson City.
 I have clarified and apologized to Steve, though he may have not been 
 But Judy, yes I have respected you since you were the only person to detect 
 how I was losing it, I liked the way in which your clear intellect parsed my 
 final emails, detecting my psychosis, which ended being the vehicle through 
 which my body, mind, intellect and ego transitioned and integrated this 
 Yeah sorry for all this bullshit but as hard as it may sound it was not my 
 choice eventhough I participated with total zest.
 On Dec 10, 2011, at 10:42 AM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
  I didn't get the July message until you sent it to me today.
  So it wasn't a hoax after all? He really was crazy for awhile?
  He really wasn't faking it?
  Sorry, my bad. He said he admitted
  himself to a psychiatric hospital but didn't go. What was that 
 Not sure; he'll have to explain that one. Seems to me it
 was a response to our being so worried about him, but what
 he intended to accomplish by it, I don't know.
  He told Bob it was a surprise to him that I thought he
  was suicidal. I thought his denial meant that it was all a big
  act. If it was an act, he fooled you. If it wasn't an act, he 
  didn't fool you.
 Yeah, it wasn't an act. I think he understands now where
 you got the idea.
  It puts me in quite a quandary because I got a lot of flack
  from Bob for telling Robin about Ravi's meltdown last year.
 Bob has been *way* out of line in his posts to you, IMHO.
  When Bob told me Ravi was a performance artist, I took that
  to mean Ravi's meltdown last year was all a hoax. Now you
  tell me it wasn't an act. Fuck it. I'm sorry for stepping
  into Ravi's shit.
 It's understandable that you got confused. If Bob thinks
 Ravi's meltdown last year was just a performance, *he's*
  I'm sorry for all the bullshit on all sides
  of the story. Fuck it.
 Seems to me Ravi is sorry too and is doing his best to
 clarify, apologize, and make amends.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
I found the thread for May 2010, by searching Rick's posts.
I read a few of them just enough to know you even fooled Judy,
which is really quite an accomplishment. The thread starts
here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/247869
   Excuse me, in what sense did Ravi fool me, raunchy?
   He's acknowledged that he was *psychotic* during those
   few days:
   We were right to be concerned. He wasn't crying wolf, he
   was genuinely freaking out. But he did not, to the best of
   my recollection, ever actually threaten suicide.
   The worst of those posts are now gone from the archive,
   by the way (both Yahoo's and the Mail Archive). Either Ravi
   or one of the moderators deleted them at some point.
   One of the reasons I'm pretty confident he didn't threaten
   suicide was that I emailed Rick privately during that time
   to express my concerns, and I called Rick's attention to
   Ravi's having mentioned several times the possibility of
   dying. *I* said I thought that might indicate he was
   thinking of suicide, but it wasn't an explicit threat. He
   was in such psychic turmoil it may well have seemed to him
   that he was dying.
   He wasn't trying to fool anybody that he was in a bad
   way. He *was* in a bad way. Thank God he came through it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
And Bob may have gone over the line in defending me, but it was because of his 
love for me, trusting I would never have any ill will towards anyone and not 
because any malice towards Raunchy or Alex. And that should be quite clear in 
his posts to Alex and Raunchy.

On Dec 10, 2011, at 11:23 AM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 To add - Bob wasn't even there in May 2010 and he didn't read all my emails 
 because I had them deleted here by Rick and on the mail archive because it 
 contained lot of personal references to others including my ex.
 He could have come to different conclusions if he had all this information. 
 So it's purely hypothetical to judge Bob on this account.
 Thank you,
 On Dec 10, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:
 Dear Judy, raunchy,
 I wouldn't judge Bob too harshly. There was the performance artist there as 
 well, even as there were serious elements missef by everyone but Judy. My 
 stories with links to Jefferson city mental hospitals were all done to 
 confuse people on this list. I know Steve was hurt by it all because I made 
 up a story on how I was on way to St. Liuis to meet him and ended up in 
 Jefferson City.
 I have clarified and apologized to Steve, though he may have not been 
 But Judy, yes I have respected you since you were the only person to detect 
 how I was losing it, I liked the way in which your clear intellect parsed my 
 final emails, detecting my psychosis, which ended being the vehicle through 
 which my body, mind, intellect and ego transitioned and integrated this 
 Yeah sorry for all this bullshit but as hard as it may sound it was not my 
 choice eventhough I participated with total zest.
 On Dec 10, 2011, at 10:42 AM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
  I didn't get the July message until you sent it to me today.
  So it wasn't a hoax after all? He really was crazy for awhile?
  He really wasn't faking it?
  Sorry, my bad. He said he admitted
  himself to a psychiatric hospital but didn't go. What was that 
 Not sure; he'll have to explain that one. Seems to me it
 was a response to our being so worried about him, but what
 he intended to accomplish by it, I don't know.
  He told Bob it was a surprise to him that I thought he
  was suicidal. I thought his denial meant that it was all a big
  act. If it was an act, he fooled you. If it wasn't an act, he 
  didn't fool you.
 Yeah, it wasn't an act. I think he understands now where
 you got the idea.
  It puts me in quite a quandary because I got a lot of flack
  from Bob for telling Robin about Ravi's meltdown last year.
 Bob has been *way* out of line in his posts to you, IMHO.
  When Bob told me Ravi was a performance artist, I took that
  to mean Ravi's meltdown last year was all a hoax. Now you
  tell me it wasn't an act. Fuck it. I'm sorry for stepping
  into Ravi's shit.
 It's understandable that you got confused. If Bob thinks
 Ravi's meltdown last year was just a performance, *he's*
  I'm sorry for all the bullshit on all sides
  of the story. Fuck it.
 Seems to me Ravi is sorry too and is doing his best to
 clarify, apologize, and make amends.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
I found the thread for May 2010, by searching Rick's posts.
I read a few of them just enough to know you even fooled Judy,
which is really quite an accomplishment. The thread starts
here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/247869
   Excuse me, in what sense did Ravi fool me, raunchy?
   He's acknowledged that he was *psychotic* during those
   few days:
   We were right to be concerned. He wasn't crying wolf, he
   was genuinely freaking out. But he did not, to the best of
   my recollection, ever actually threaten suicide.
   The worst of those posts are now gone from the archive,
   by the way (both Yahoo's and the Mail Archive). Either Ravi
   or one of the moderators deleted them at some point.
   One of the reasons I'm pretty confident he didn't threaten
   suicide was that I emailed Rick privately during that time
   to express my concerns, and I called Rick's attention to
   Ravi's having mentioned several times the possibility of
   dying. *I* said I thought that might indicate he was
   thinking of suicide, but it wasn't an explicit threat. He
   was in such psychic turmoil it may well have seemed to him
   that he was dying.
   He wasn't trying to fool anybody that he was in a bad
   way. He *was* in a bad way. Thank God he came through it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Bob, Judy, raunchy,

I'm not going to comment on this back and forth since its clear Judy and 
raunchy have misunderstood Bob. You are picking his words apart rather than 
understanding his heart. When I came after him he just took like the man he was.

Unlike the wimps on this like  HH Curtis, Rick, tartbrain, Xeno and the latest 
entrant Jim dontbothernow7, I take clear moral stands in favor of lovers and 
the beloved.

That will be Bob in this case. Even it costs me the crumbs of the Guru 
business. I was playing with Barry when I said I would be willing to be gay for 
him, it's actually Bob.

Bob if you were to declare that you have become a bisexual, and it was OK with 
the wife for you to have a lover - I will be your bitch for this lifetime.

Love - Ravi.

On Dec 10, 2011, at 2:42 PM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:
  From: authfriend jstein@...
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 1:17:21 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   And Bob may have gone over the line in defending me, but it
   was because of his love for me, trusting I would never have
   any ill will towards anyone and not because any malice
   towards Raunchy or Alex. And that should be quite clear in
   his posts to Alex and Raunchy.
  authfriend jstein@...
  He accused them both of hypocrisy. That constitutes ill will
  on his part, 
  if not malice per se, in my book. 
 There was nothing snipped here, BTW.
  ***BP: Judy, I meant what I said about you, I think you're an
  exceptional human being; I also meant what I said about RD, Rick
  Archer, Alex, Curtis, Bubbles, Steve, Jim, and everyone else
  that *attempted* to cyber lynch Ravi this week.
 Including moi, don't forget. How come you haven't accused
 me of hypocrisy?
  I know you love words as much as I do, and that you are a lot
  more careful, then I am, about the ones you use. So if you're
  right (at this point I don't believe so) that my exchanges to
  the lady of *de* nile constituted malice per se ,
 Or ill will. I think that's the better phrase. Kind of
 hard to deny, innit?
  I think its time for me to hang it up. This will be my last
 Sorry to see you go, because you've made some splendid
 contributions when you were listening to your hummingbird
 angel rather than your sumo wrestler. Hope she can get
 your attention again in time and talk you out of it (as
 well as out of your jihads against Alex and raunchy).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
LOL.. Thanks, that was funny.

On Dec 10, 2011, at 4:25 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  I was playing with Barry when I said I would be willing to be gay
  for him, it's actually Bob.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nina Simone -I put a spell on you

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
LOL.. Thanks Dear D.

On Dec 10, 2011, at 4:29 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Dear Ravi:  I concur.  I've stepped off the soapbox and I appreciate the time 
 and effort you've taken to remediate the situation.  
 Obba thought I was slapping him on the ass like the football dudes do when 
 they score, but he was mistaken.  It was really you I wanted to spank.  I'm 
 over it and no harm intended.  
  From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 To: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com 
 Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Nina Simone -I put a spell on you
 LOL..I love women who like to take charge :-).
 I will try...How about this video? An all time favorite song of mine.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear raunchy - thank you that's so sweet of you.

I assure you Bob has no malice or hypocrisy. He wasn't even defending my 
behavior. The words can always be interpreted in any way, such is the 
limitation of words in expressing the heart.

I don't know if you saw Bob's apology to Judy, I think last month - it was the 
most graceful post that FFL had ever seen.

On Dec 10, 2011, at 4:38 PM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Bob if you were to declare that you have become a bisexual, and it was OK 
  with the wife for you to have a lover - I will be your bitch for this 
  Love - Ravi.
 Hey, Bob. Come back. Ravi, needs you. 
 Seriously Bob, maybe I'm not the person you want to hear from at the moment, 
 but despite all that has happened, I would miss your presence on FFLife. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-10 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear raunchy,

Thank you, I'm touched by your love.

You proved my hypothesis that only a woman can be a true liberal, all men just 
have theories, words, empty words, beautiful sounding empty words like His 
Holiness Curtis :-)

Love - Ravi

On Dec 10, 2011, at 5:04 PM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Dear raunchy,
  Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I obviously had no idea about your 
  feelings or 
  concerns from that time frame since we never conversed nor did you 
  articulate it 
  back then. But I do appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
  I can definitely realize the various range of emotions people felt, and I 
  realize it was no easy on others than it was on me. Please do realize there 
  others, family and friends, around me who went through a rough time as 
  well. I 
  was, to quote Uncle Vaj's phrase in the midst of a violent digestion by the 
  blissful intense energy and so there was bliss but there was also intense 
  purging of my unhealed pain, my wounds so it was ugly, painful yet blissful 
  such was the nature of that energy.
  I did a lot of things during this that caused me much pain, regret and 
  tremendous sadness - I went through a really dark period June - September, 
  was blissful, yet lot of pain, as my mind, intellect and ego tried to make 
  of what had hit me. I have to say I completely integrated, understood this 
  energy and have done my best to articulate this to everyone since I 
  realized the 
  pain it caused to others. It was somehow the existence's plan to go through 
  process quite publicly, a brutal traumatic process for myself and others.
 Ravi, Thank you for helping me understand what happened to you. Sorry for 
 doubting your truthfulness. No regrets. All is forgiven.
  And I just want to say my initial posts in May 2010 started with love, I 
  attacked by Barry and his attack dogs, the spiritual thugs, projecting 
  fears, insecurities on me and I double downed and returned there shit back 
  them in such ferocity that there had no choice but to accuse me to trying 
  commit suicide, trying to kill others and labels from DSM.
  But there were others who I felt didn't project anything on me, Steve aka 
  lurkernomore, Susan aka wayback71, gulliblefool, there might be others, 
  even a 
  post by Alex where I just gave them my love and was neutral.
  I know you may have a hard time trusting me but I have been brutally honest 
  about me since the only salvation for a person utterly tamasic, caustic 
  yet love inside was brutal honesty. 
  And my experiences with women are the truth. I have never exposed my mother 
  I did because she took formal vows of renunciation a year back and 
  according to 
  Hindu customs, she is now in the sanyaasa ashrama and she shouldn't too 
  emphasis on her prior phase of life i.e grihasta ashrama, that is she has 
  renounced. But I'm sure she won't mind.
  In fact I did several months back talked to her about all my feelings on 
  how I 
  loved and respected her for her hardship, her guts in challenging the 
  traditional, stupid, conservative Hindu patriarchal culture. Trust me she 
  moved, she loves me a lot and I know she wouldn't mind me exposing her 
  such. In 
  fact she never talked about her physical abuse, I was totally unaware of 
  it. I 
  knew my dad was a asshole and that was that. It was only after my Kundalini 
  I felt her pain and saw mental pictures of how my dad would violently abuse 
  and I could see her running away from the house to protect herself,(this in 
  itself is a big story of its own). I felt tremendous pain as I visualized 
  because I struggled much of my adulthood trying to understand certain 
  actions of 
  my mother which were very odd, such as her intense dislike for conflict. I 
  checked with her if my feelings on my dad violently abusing her were 
  correct - 
  she broke down and confirmed that it was accurate.
  Love - Ravi.
  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Sat, December 10, 2011 8:52:32 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Thank you very much raunchy, I do appreciate your forgiveness. I just 
   want to 
   clarify couple of things - first that I didn't mean you yourself were 
   abused, I 
   just included it as a wide array of possibilities in my explanation 
   may be a friend, family member and/or that you empathize with the pain of 
   About my suicide threats, these are not correct - these were assumptions 
   others based upon my posts

[FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's (video) response to Curtis

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi

Dec 9, 2011 06:00 PM CST

SCENE: A tense meeting at Church of Liberalism, FFL Hinterland, US of A.

AGENDA: Cyber Lynching of Ravi Yogi aka  Dr. Ravi Chivukula, Psy. D, UCLA by 
the trinity of Church of Liberalism, Prozac Inc and the Intellectually 
Enlightened Progressives.

The Church of Liberalism is brimming with its members, their significant others 
and the children, who can barely contain their enthusiasm in their wait for the 
program to begin.

They are also excited because the Patron Saint of the Church, the Anointed one, 
His Holiness Gandhi King Curtis has condescended to personally show the raw 
video of Ravi Yogi, the tormentor of the Church of Liberalism members ending 
his most dry three week spell of humiliating retreat due to an unrelated 
incident from the Church affairs.

The video that will unambiguously demonstrate the psychology, the mindset of 
the purported brutal prison style humiliation and abuse that Ravi Yogi 
administers to the Church members.

HH Gandhi King Curtis smirked at the opportunity for personal redemption and to 
finally take down Ravi Yogi who in the past had viciously and brutally savaged 
His Holiness by his sacrilegious references to HH's hidden Buddhist beliefs. 

HH Curtis wondered what a pain projecting liberal really meant, why did it 
bother him so much when he had no clue what it meant. He pushed his conflicting 
feelings away as he tried to focus on the task at hand.

He was thrilled inside and couldn't believe his luck since he wasn't around 
when the Church members first made this accusation about 18 months back. He 
clearly believed that the earlier lynching failed because of the Church being 
rendered rudderless because of his moral fortitude and the lack of a clear 
unified agenda. He was utterly confident of his success now.

Also at hand are the representatives of the big pharma, generously sponsored by 
Prozac Inc, ably led by the TM TB Retarded Psychologist Stephen Anderson aka 

Stephen is really enthused to be able to show off his own patented Lithium 
induced Darts to quickly subdue out of control, in your face enlightened. He 
smirks at how easy it was going to be with the assistance of Church of Liberals.

He had long been confined to the sidelines by all church members and constantly 
craved the attention he felt he clearly deserved. He only got noticed when he 
attacked Ravi Yogi during the failed lynching attempt with random labels from 
the DSM manual, this was his best chance to forever occupy the higher echelons 
of the Church hierarchy.

Prozac Inc also recruited two emotionally mature, thoroughly centered 
therapists from within the Church community who would immediately cater to any 
children that could be potentially horrified and scarred after watching the 
video with overt references to Ravi Yogi's homophobia and sexism.

Mother Teresa Raunchy Doll and Waking Down Alex were especially warned about a 
well known emotionally immature, troublesome, aggressive child named King Baby 
Barry, lovingly called Bubbles by his four year grandchild. Both of these 
counselors were outstanding Church members who had been praised for their 
emotional stability and maturity. They also led their individual groups within 
the Church comprised of feminists and gays respectively.

The Heartland Idiot Steve is feeling very nervous, the uneasy pit in his 
stomach indicating that someone was going to come in someone's mouth and 
struggled with the deep powerful emotions he was feeling, almost delusional, 
needing to protect his wife and kids while they didn't seem to be in any 
immediate, apparent danger.

Steve nervously looks at the door and starts making some rudimentary 
calculations on the time it would take him to make a hasty retreat with his 
family in tow. He was having trouble comprehending if this was any tougher than 
stealing food from the salad bar.

Steve curses his impulsive decision to associate with the Church of Liberalism, 
he was starting to realize he had nothing in common with these extremist 
believers of Liberalism and that his long, pathetic attempts to fit in the 
Church had been a miserable failure.

The host of Predictable Intellectual Arousals at the Gas Pump, a popular TV 
show was on hand. Rick was a rising star with wide popularity among the 
Intellectually Enlightened Progressives, aggressively taking down 
Neo-Adavtains, but he keenly aware that he was the absentee pastor of this 
Church, returning after a 10 year hiatus. However he was highly skeptical of 
his need in the presence of the clear moral authority of HH Gandhi King Curtis 
to whom he always worshipped.

Rick has been asked to shepherd his brethren and extend his vocal approval for 
Ravi Yogi's ban. Rick's feeling very nervous at the prospect of dealing with 
Ravi Yogi, wondering the impact this would have to his meteoric rise. He 
started having second thoughts about his long avowed principles of Intellectual 

Jim Whyevennow7

Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy's response to Ravi (was re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex)

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
 to respond to raunchydog and Alex personally, hopefully those 
post might answer some of your questions.

Love - Ravi.

From: authfriend jst...@panix.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, December 6, 2011 4:23:58 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Judy's response to Ravi (was re: Ravi Yogi's video 
response to Alex)

Ravi, I'm not buying the distinction you make between
mocking your outer personality and mocking your
enlightenment. It may seem very real to you, but it's
just wrong to expect it to be clear to everybody else
so that we can all manage to avoid the latter if we
don't want to get beaten to a pulp.

Now I'm afraid to say anything to you because I could so
easily step over the line you've drawn without meaning to
and have you jump down my throat, when all I thought I was
doing was gentle, even loving teasing. If I haven't
crossed the line so far, it's been pure dumb luck.

There are a couple of people here who are unalterably
hostile to you as a function of their own deficiencies,
but most of the rest of us, I think, have been favorably
disposed toward you, or at the least willing to give you
the benefit of the doubt.

But when you attack people who mean you no harm because
of some transgression that only you can perceive, even
your fans are liable to become blind to your many good
qualities. If that's what you want, if that's what
Existence dictates, fine, but then you don't get to
complain about it.

I want to ally myself 100 percent with what whynotnow
wrote earlier:

Its really pretty easy to just disregard the whole 
enlightenment issue here. If anyone, in any state of 
awareness goes over the line and is perceived by the
group here as annoying or insulting, what does their 
awareness have to do with it? Its apples and oranges.
No one is more or less responsible because of their
state of awareness. An asshole is an asshole and a
nice person is just that.

Trying to tie any behavior to someone's state of 
consciousness is like tying it to their skin color, 
or sexual preference. Now perhaps Ravi, having set 
himself up as some sort of yogic teacher or
expressed that desire anyway is more vulnerable to
the claims here that if a person is enlightened,
self-realized, awakened, AND a teacher, they can't
just get up in anyone's face with the excuse that
the universe made me do it.

But really it boils down to group dynamics,
exclusive of someone's perceived, expressed, or
imagined state of consciousness. If someone is being
a jerk, it gets back to them, and I personally don't
think the Universe much cares how enlightened they

That's 50 and out for me this week.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 You claim to mock yourself, but you seem to get veryuptight sometimes when 
 perceive someone else to be
 mocking you. What's that about?
 Dear Judy - as promised here's my response to you before I kicked off because 
 someone decided to show a spine :-) (If it doesn't go through I will email it 
 you privately)
 I think you ask a genuine question and I somehow missed addressing it. I will 
 try my best.
 But I feel I have addressed it in the past but will clarify again. I make a 
 distinction between mocking the outer, my personality that is represented by 
 Ravi Chivukula and the inner, my enlightenment that has been gifted to me, 
 energy that is represented by Ravi Yogi.
 The personality of Ravi Chivukula has many mock-able characteristics like 
 I smoke and Judy if you were with me and said it was disgusting I will laugh 
 along with you and will agree. In fact I had one of my lady friends, typical 
 Buddhist liberal intellectual, she got mad at me when I lighted a smoke in 
 of her. I spend a long time apologizing to her and persuading her and 
 promised I 
 won't smoke when I'm with her again. It was fun because it was a completely 
 experience for me. I would have taken offense prior to my enlightenment.
 I mostly drive slowly but on occasions I revert to my old behavior, fast, 
 cutting off. If you were sitting next to me and expressed your disgust I will 
 apologize and slow down. There were 2 of my friends that constantly made fun 
 my driving post enlightenment, I loved it and enjoyed their mocking. I would 
 have taken offense prior.
 Last weekend I went to a gentleman's club since my friend wanted to go - my 
 first after enlightenment. I sat there refused all requests for lap dances by 
 tipping the women and just talking to them. As we were ready to leave I asked 
 friend to wait while I looked at the woman that I liked started dancing. I 
 wanted to check out her breasts and I was not disappointed. It was the 
 size that I always appreciate. I was done and we walked out. If you expressed 
 your disgust about how I could support this I wouldn't have defended too much 
 and laughed along with you.
 Then there are other things - I pick my nose when no one's watching

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's (video) response to Curtis

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Alex, thank you very much, am I forgiven by you then?


On Dec 9, 2011, at 4:28 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
 That was very sweet, Ravi.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's (video) response to Curtis

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Understood and thanks Alex, you have humbled me with your love !!

Now let me work on that post to raunchydog.

On Dec 9, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 

 Of course! And I apologize for provoking you. Please understand if I 
 disengage from further discussion of this situation, as I've had my fill of 
 it and have nothing more to say about it.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Dear Alex, thank you very much, am I forgiven by you then?
  On Dec 9, 2011, at 4:28 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:


   That was very sweet, Ravi.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dulcie Dee artwork ( Ravi)

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Dee, welcome back !!!

Interesting that I have been addressing you as D and the author has the same 
last name :-).

I just saw one picture but the lingams were awesome.

I was nervous the entire week at how you were going to react at my going 
berserk, good to know you love still. You know I only behaved badly because I 
was just missing you and I must have intuitively felt your keen interest in 
lingams :-)


On Dec 9, 2011, at 5:10 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Ravi, fyi, I studied this painting all week.  YMMV.  
 In an email, Dulcie Dee announced that in her next series of paintings, she 
 will “glorify” the penis. 
 Known for her provocative erotic art – she has a collage collection called 
 the ‘foreplay series’ and another where she unrobes and fetishizes the Geisha 
 — Dulcie’s penis collection has been submitted to the Paris Erotic Museum.
 “I know the American market is very prude and conservative,” said Dulcie. 
 “Penises are somehow a taboo thing, whereas women’s breasts aren’t.”
 Born in New York to a prominent Filipino-Chinese family engaged in banking, 
 Dulcie was raised in Manila where her Chinese roots are. She earned a 
 bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the University of the Philippines, got 
 her master’s from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and returned 
 to New York to find work. She worked as designer for ad agencies, but always 
 found time to be creatively expressive. Her paintings have appeared in the 
 U.S. and internationally, including the Alameda Historical Museum in 
 California, the FusionArts Museum in New York, and the Museum of the Americas 
 in Miami. She is represented by Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery in Chelsea.
 Her deep interest in Japanese ‘shunga’ (erotic art) is evident in her Geisha 
 series and now her penis art.
 Unveiled for the first time are some of Dulcie’s sweet painted penises. If 
 you looked long enough – and I did – the penis dissolves into something else. 
 Especially where the shaft is hidden behind all the artistic graffiti, it 
 appears like a manicured finger, a slithering snake or truffle salami aged in 
 its casing. – Cristina DC Pastor  FilAm Magazine

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dear Ravi

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Dee,

Beautiful message and I appreciate your love. Please read my response to Judy 
and also my upcoming post to raunchydog. We can then discuss it later.


On Dec 9, 2011, at 5:13 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Dear Ravi:  I haven't read your posts yet, but because I expended a fair 
 amount of energy on you last week and couldn't post, I am going to send this.
 Re: raunchydog and your posts last weekend. In fact, I thrashed pretty hard 
 about it all while I was off, and I will say, as usual, the gamut of my 
 thoughts and emotions showed up on the forum, as the responses flowed in over 
 the week. I witnessed the many faces of my reality boomerang again and 
 again for reprocessing.  I appreciate that about this forum.
 1) As a woman, my initial, instinctual reaction was worry for raunchydog 
 because of what presented itself as an extremely personal and vitriolic 
 response by you. In no way does it elicit a single thought in my head that we 
 should apply standards or censorship to this forum or that you should leave.  
 I am unequivocally and completely against any of that.  Nor is it my 
 intention to appear like a sex nazi.  I would hate not to be able to 
 appreciate HotBob's new gal over in Britain.  
 I initially missed all the subtext, subterfuge, hypocrisy, symbology, etc.  I 
 couldn't figure out what you were trying to say; I was too distracted by how 
 you were trying to say it. 
 You acknowledge that  I was raging and went about insulting and humiliating 
 her. Same thing here, I don't tolerate any attacks on the yogi energy, the 
 beloved.  Defending your beloved or no, when a male describes explicit sex 
 acts such as you did, in the *personal* and *raging* manner you did, to a 
 female without her consent, he has crossed the line, IMO. I'm not shaming 
 you, btw.  Next time, I would suggest you wait 10 seconds before hitting the 
 send button and ask first. Raunchydog, I want to send you a raging angry, 
 sexually explicit email with references to the two of us engaged in fellatio 
 to communicate how hypocritical you seem to me, to defend my beloved, or 
 whatever. Is this O.K. with you?  Maybe she'll say Bring it on, Ravi, bring 
 it on.  Maybe she won't. 
 I don't believe you can't control yourself.  You sent a perfectly calm 
 response back to Robin.  You sent a follow-up explanation to Judy, asking for 
 her feedback.  You respect the posting limits.  You've been sensitive from 
 the beginning to my non-enlightened and sanskrit-challenged self.  
 2) As a woman, my second reaction was that perhaps you need to do some 
 self-care.  I don't know, but it crossed my mind.  
 Raunchydog has acknowledged her piece in the exchange and is clearly capable 
 of using the same power tools everyone else here uses with considerable 
 aplomb.  I have no intention of jumping on some lynching bandwagon for 
 either you or her.  As witnessed by the forum, it has been opened up for 
 multiple perspectives and other angles to be explored.  HotBob was triggered 
 all over the place; I am happy to have been introduced to Lenny Bruce.  All 
 ultimately a good thing, IMHO.  
 In my experience, hypocrisy flourishes when ego and judgment prevail.  I can 
 find no reason to *judge* or *condemn* you, Ravi, however I retain my right 
 to my female opinion.  I absolutely want you to stay.  You are such an 
 intelligent and interesting man - and extremely entertaining - you give a lot 
 to this forum and have unique perspectives and I would miss you. Your 
 existence is a big help to me.   ~Em
 P.S.  The next time you get that mad, feel free to divert the email in my 
 direction, if you haven't decided that the email should marinate in the Draft 
 box overnight before a possible rewrite later.  My response will likely be 
 huh?  And that will be it.  Or, I'll have to put on my Sting song :)  Or, 
 here's a strategysend it to HotBob, the quintessential marketing man.  
 He'll be able to consult with his HR department (wife) and spin it into a 
 fresh perspective for you and the rest of us, alike.
 Reply to sender |

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dear Ravi

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Oops..I apparently missed the uncharitable references to Bob.

Denise, Bob may be the quintessential business guy in his professional life but 
in his inner life, a charming, innocent, creative, dedicated to his family.

I always re-read his and Robin's posts multiple times.

Remember he put up with a very intense abuse from me. But he was able to look 
through to my consciousness and just retreated.

Now that's one special person !!!

He never asked for my apology for my abusive vitriolic nor I offered him one, 
not that it won't happen. I am always ready to apologize for my actions, only 
for the lovers and not pimps aka intellectuals.

Same with Robin. I didn't get too intense with him but he was able to cut 
through crap as well.

Both of them will have a special place in my heart for the rest of this 

Love - Ravi.

On Dec 9, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 Dear Dee,
 Beautiful message and I appreciate your love. Please read my response to Judy 
 and also my upcoming post to raunchydog. We can then discuss it later.
 On Dec 9, 2011, at 5:13 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Dear Ravi:  I haven't read your posts yet, but because I expended a fair 
 amount of energy on you last week and couldn't post, I am going to send this.
 Re: raunchydog and your posts last weekend. In fact, I thrashed pretty hard 
 about it all while I was off, and I will say, as usual, the gamut of my 
 thoughts and emotions showed up on the forum, as the responses flowed in 
 over the week. I witnessed the many faces of my reality boomerang again 
 and again for reprocessing.  I appreciate that about this forum.
 1) As a woman, my initial, instinctual reaction was worry for raunchydog 
 because of what presented itself as an extremely personal and vitriolic 
 response by you. In no way does it elicit a single thought in my head that 
 we should apply standards or censorship to this forum or that you should 
 leave.  I am unequivocally and completely against any of that.  Nor is it my 
 intention to appear like a sex nazi.  I would hate not to be able to 
 appreciate HotBob's new gal over in Britain.  
 I initially missed all the subtext, subterfuge, hypocrisy, symbology, etc.  
 I couldn't figure out what you were trying to say; I was too distracted by 
 how you were trying to say it. 
 You acknowledge that  I was raging and went about insulting and humiliating 
 her. Same thing here, I don't tolerate any attacks on the yogi energy, the 
 beloved.  Defending your beloved or no, when a male describes explicit sex 
 acts such as you did, in the *personal* and *raging* manner you did, to a 
 female without her consent, he has crossed the line, IMO. I'm not shaming 
 you, btw.  Next time, I would suggest you wait 10 seconds before hitting the 
 send button and ask first. Raunchydog, I want to send you a raging angry, 
 sexually explicit email with references to the two of us engaged in fellatio 
 to communicate how hypocritical you seem to me, to defend my beloved, or 
 whatever. Is this O.K. with you?  Maybe she'll say Bring it on, Ravi, 
 bring it on.  Maybe she won't. 
 I don't believe you can't control yourself.  You sent a perfectly calm 
 response back to Robin.  You sent a follow-up explanation to Judy, asking 
 for her feedback.  You respect the posting limits.  You've been sensitive 
 from the beginning to my non-enlightened and sanskrit-challenged self.  
 2) As a woman, my second reaction was that perhaps you need to do some 
 self-care.  I don't know, but it crossed my mind.  
 Raunchydog has acknowledged her piece in the exchange and is clearly capable 
 of using the same power tools everyone else here uses with considerable 
 aplomb.  I have no intention of jumping on some lynching bandwagon for 
 either you or her.  As witnessed by the forum, it has been opened up for 
 multiple perspectives and other angles to be explored.  HotBob was triggered 
 all over the place; I am happy to have been introduced to Lenny Bruce.  All 
 ultimately a good thing, IMHO.  
 In my experience, hypocrisy flourishes when ego and judgment prevail.  I can 
 find no reason to *judge* or *condemn* you, Ravi, however I retain my right 
 to my female opinion.  I absolutely want you to stay.  You are such an 
 intelligent and interesting man - and extremely entertaining - you give a 
 lot to this forum and have unique perspectives and I would miss you. Your 
 existence is a big help to me.   ~Em
 P.S.  The next time you get that mad, feel free to divert the email in my 
 direction, if you haven't decided that the email should marinate in the 
 Draft box overnight before a possible rewrite later.  My response will 
 likely be huh?  And that will be it.  Or, I'll have to put on my Sting 
 song :)  Or, here's a strategysend it to HotBob, the quintessential 
 marketing man.  He'll be able to consult with his HR department (wife) and 
 spin it into a fresh

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's (video) response to Curtis

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Beautiful video my dear Obba and thank you.

I was tapping in no time to its catchy tune.


On Dec 9, 2011, at 5:14 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 So beautiful! Encore!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Dec 9, 2011 06:00 PM CST
  SCENE: A tense meeting at Church of Liberalism, FFL Hinterland, US of A.
  AGENDA: Cyber Lynching of Ravi Yogi aka Dr. Ravi Chivukula, Psy. D, UCLA by 
  the trinity of Church of Liberalism, Prozac Inc and the Intellectually 
  Enlightened Progressives.
  The Church of Liberalism is brimming with its members, their significant 
  others and the children, who can barely contain their enthusiasm in their 
  wait for the program to begin.
  They are also excited because the Patron Saint of the Church, the Anointed 
  one, His Holiness Gandhi King Curtis has condescended to personally show 
  the raw video of Ravi Yogi, the tormentor of the Church of Liberalism 
  members ending his most dry three week spell of humiliating retreat due to 
  an unrelated incident from the Church affairs.
  The video that will unambiguously demonstrate the psychology, the mindset 
  of the purported brutal prison style humiliation and abuse that Ravi Yogi 
  administers to the Church members.
  HH Gandhi King Curtis smirked at the opportunity for personal redemption 
  and to finally take down Ravi Yogi who in the past had viciously and 
  brutally savaged His Holiness by his sacrilegious references to HH's hidden 
  Buddhist beliefs. 
  HH Curtis wondered what a pain projecting liberal really meant, why did it 
  bother him so much when he had no clue what it meant. He pushed his 
  conflicting feelings away as he tried to focus on the task at hand.
  He was thrilled inside and couldn't believe his luck since he wasn't around 
  when the Church members first made this accusation about 18 months back. He 
  clearly believed that the earlier lynching failed because of the Church 
  being rendered rudderless because of his moral fortitude and the lack of a 
  clear unified agenda. He was utterly confident of his success now.
  Also at hand are the representatives of the big pharma, generously 
  sponsored by Prozac Inc, ably led by the TM TB Retarded Psychologist 
  Stephen Anderson aka shukra69.
  Stephen is really enthused to be able to show off his own patented Lithium 
  induced Darts to quickly subdue out of control, in your face enlightened. 
  He smirks at how easy it was going to be with the assistance of Church of 
  He had long been confined to the sidelines by all church members and 
  constantly craved the attention he felt he clearly deserved. He only got 
  noticed when he attacked Ravi Yogi during the failed lynching attempt with 
  random labels from the DSM manual, this was his best chance to forever 
  occupy the higher echelons of the Church hierarchy.
  Prozac Inc also recruited two emotionally mature, thoroughly centered 
  therapists from within the Church community who would immediately cater to 
  any children that could be potentially horrified and scarred after watching 
  the video with overt references to Ravi Yogi's homophobia and sexism.
  Mother Teresa Raunchy Doll and Waking Down Alex were especially warned 
  about a well known emotionally immature, troublesome, aggressive child 
  named King Baby Barry, lovingly called Bubbles by his four year grandchild. 
  Both of these counselors were outstanding Church members who had been 
  praised for their emotional stability and maturity. They also led their 
  individual groups within the Church comprised of feminists and gays 
  The Heartland Idiot Steve is feeling very nervous, the uneasy pit in his 
  stomach indicating that someone was going to come in someone's mouth and 
  struggled with the deep powerful emotions he was feeling, almost 
  delusional, needing to protect his wife and kids while they didn't seem to 
  be in any immediate, apparent danger.
  Steve nervously looks at the door and starts making some rudimentary 
  calculations on the time it would take him to make a hasty retreat with his 
  family in tow. He was having trouble comprehending if this was any tougher 
  than stealing food from the salad bar.
  Steve curses his impulsive decision to associate with the Church of 
  Liberalism, he was starting to realize he had nothing in common with these 
  extremist believers of Liberalism and that his long, pathetic attempts to 
  fit in the Church had been a miserable failure.
  The host of Predictable Intellectual Arousals at the Gas Pump, a popular TV 
  show was on hand. Rick was a rising star with wide popularity among the 
  Intellectually Enlightened Progressives, aggressively taking down 
  Neo-Adavtains, but he keenly aware that he was the absentee pastor of this 
  Church, returning after a 10 year hiatus

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dear Ravi

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Damn it, sorry Denise. 

Oh well Bob,  thanks for all those posts during my absence, thoroughly enjoyed 
each one of it. There were way too many good lines to quote and praise them.

On Dec 9, 2011, at 6:05 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:

 You misread my email.  I didn't make any uncharitable references to Bob.  
 I'll check though, it's always a possibility.
 From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, December 9, 2011 5:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Dear Ravi
 Oops..I apparently missed the uncharitable references to Bob.
 Denise, Bob may be the quintessential business guy in his professional life 
 but in his inner life, a charming, innocent, creative, dedicated to his 
 I always re-read his and Robin's posts multiple times.
 Remember he put up with a very intense abuse from me. But he was able to look 
 through to my consciousness and just retreated.
 Now that's one special person !!!
 He never asked for my apology for my abusive vitriolic nor I offered him one, 
 not that it won't happen. I am always ready to apologize for my actions, only 
 for the lovers and not pimps aka intellectuals.
 Same with Robin. I didn't get too intense with him but he was able to cut 
 through crap as well.
 Both of them will have a special place in my heart for the rest of this 
 Love - Ravi.
 On Dec 9, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:
 Dear Dee,
 Beautiful message and I appreciate your love. Please read my response to 
 Judy and also my upcoming post to raunchydog. We can then discuss it later.
 On Dec 9, 2011, at 5:13 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Dear Ravi:  I haven't read your posts yet, but because I expended a fair 
 amount of energy on you last week and couldn't post, I am going to send 
 Re: raunchydog and your posts last weekend. In fact, I thrashed pretty hard 
 about it all while I was off, and I will say, as usual, the gamut of my 
 thoughts and emotions showed up on the forum, as the responses flowed in 
 over the week. I witnessed the many faces of my reality boomerang again 
 and again for reprocessing.  I appreciate that about this forum.
 1) As a woman, my initial, instinctual reaction was worry for raunchydog 
 because of what presented itself as an extremely personal and vitriolic 
 response by you. In no way does it elicit a single thought in my head that 
 we should apply standards or censorship to this forum or that you should 
 leave.  I am unequivocally and completely against any of that.  Nor is it 
 my intention to appear like a sex nazi.  I would hate not to be able to 
 appreciate HotBob's new gal over in Britain.  
 I initially missed all the subtext, subterfuge, hypocrisy, symbology, etc.  
 I couldn't figure out what you were trying to say; I was too distracted by 
 how you were trying to say it. 
 You acknowledge that  I was raging and went about insulting and 
 humiliating her. Same thing here, I don't tolerate any attacks on the yogi 
 energy, the beloved.  Defending your beloved or no, when a male describes 
 explicit sex acts such as you did, in the *personal* and *raging* manner 
 you did, to a female without her consent, he has crossed the line, IMO. I'm 
 not shaming you, btw.  Next time, I would suggest you wait 10 seconds 
 before hitting the send button and ask first. Raunchydog, I want to send 
 you a raging angry, sexually explicit email with references to the two of 
 us engaged in fellatio to communicate how hypocritical you seem to me, to 
 defend my beloved, or whatever. Is this O.K. with you?  Maybe she'll say 
 Bring it on, Ravi, bring it on.  Maybe she won't. 
 I don't believe you can't control yourself.  You sent a perfectly calm 
 response back to Robin.  You sent a follow-up explanation to Judy, asking 
 for her feedback.  You respect the posting limits.  You've been sensitive 
 from the beginning to my non-enlightened and sanskrit-challenged self.  
 2) As a woman, my second reaction was that perhaps you need to do some 
 self-care.  I don't know, but it crossed my mind.  
 Raunchydog has acknowledged her piece in the exchange and is clearly 
 capable of using the same power tools everyone else here uses with 
 considerable aplomb.  I have no intention of jumping on some lynching 
 bandwagon for either you or her.  As witnessed by the forum, it has been 
 opened up for multiple perspectives and other angles to be explored.  
 HotBob was triggered all over the place; I am happy to have been introduced 
 to Lenny Bruce.  All ultimately a good thing, IMHO.  
 In my experience, hypocrisy flourishes when ego and judgment prevail.  I 
 can find no reason to *judge* or *condemn* you, Ravi, however I retain my 
 right to my female opinion.  I absolutely want you to stay.  You are such 
 an intelligent and interesting man - and extremely entertaining

[FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear raunchydog,

I would like to express my utmost apologies to you for my behavior and I know 
has caused you lot of pain. As hard as it might sound to you and others, I have 
nothing but love for you.

P.S - I'm typing this fast so I can get this to you tonight, so pardon any 
spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors.

You may not even be reading this message and might not want to hear any of my 
excuses but I still have to put it there. But if you are please bear with me as 
I explain my actions.

May be you have read my other post to Judy and/or watched my video. If you have 
not I would suggest you do. My video was posted to show the love I feel and my 
post offers certain clues to my behavior.

I behave according to a certain gut feeling and I couldn't come up with an 
explanation for my behavior. I probably still don't but I think I do have 
something I would want you to hear.

I think you have a certain strong emotional investment in the abuse of women, 
i.e you have had some personal contact with the abuse of women by men and this 
causes some strong emotions with respect to men you think seem condescending or 

First let me explain my stance on women.

I believe I'm a strong lover of women. I grew up with a single mother who was 
physically abused my father that she suffered psychologically for a long time, 
well past my adulthood. She also had to deal with the stupid conservative 
society of India. She was a very strong liberal woman who had a major influence 
on me. I loved my mom deeply till I became a teenager. I had issues with men, 
authority, conservatives, conservative values till my awakening when Mother 
Kundalini washed out all my sins.

I also have close experiences with suicide. I once, at the age of 12, saved my 
mom's life when she overdosed on Valium. I had nothing but disgust for my 
and love for my mother. So my childhood was spent with these issues though they 
didn't seem to affect me, I was very introverted, happy with myself, treated as 
the most special by mom because I was the youngest.

Once I became there was a strong desire to deeply love a woman and then I fell 
in love and pursued her till she married me. Though untouched by others I 
completely opened myself to her, utterly vulnerable to her because I wanted 
nothing but to deeply intensely love her. However as I later realize she had 
herself was abused by men and that caused her to distrust men completely and I 
was the target of all her ire.

Anyway not going into too much details I spent my 38 years of life spending 
with women who were psychologically disturbed because of abuse by men. I 
incredibly healed all my pains, two years after my divorce. I healed the 
bitterness, pain from both my disappointments with women and disgust of men, 
authority and conservative values in one fell swoop.

I don't know if you were around my awakening in May 2010 but during the height 
of my Kundalini as I was healing all my pains, I sent an email titled - It's 
hang the men day bitches (FYI - I was calling men my bitches, Bob can attest 
this as well when I abused him that I would make him my bitch). Anyway in that 
email in May 2010, I attacked all men, Indian, my own relatives, friends that I 
deemed conservative.

So I have had an intense desire to be just loving to be helpful to all women 
since my awakening. I predominantly spent all my time with women at my Guru's 
gatherings - a majority of them older women, who adore my loving playfulness. 
There are too many stories to relate but I will share if you are interested.

I often playfully joke that I hate men and all women crack up. I have spent my 
time last year with an older gentleman of mine and we had endless discussions 
abuse of women in America and the psychological issues that derive from it. I, 
as you can see, had lot of experience.

So I believe other than my Guru there's no better lover of women than myself. 
Recently a close friend, an older woman, who adores and loves me, sent naked 
pictures of her, most likely on an impulse (it's actually a long story). Anyway 
I told her it was perfect because I had no perverted sexual energy anymore, no 
shame, no guilt and that I'm able to suck all sexual energy to heal it. She 
lot better because she became a little embarrassed, she must have noticed that 
was as loving to her as before and there was no energy of rejection.

So looking back I felt this energy in yuu raunchydog who had seen, observed, 
felt, understood, empathized the pain of women. Also the fact that you used a 
handle rauchydog which no doubt which attract some perverted men, whom you 
then take down - Mack the Knife style. Also the fact that you empathized with 
gays and that you some fixation on the male sexual organ, got offended by 
playful baiting of Mother Teresa (I have baited Curtis, tartbrain, Xeno with 
similar tactics).

And then you mistook hijra for gay. Hijra is a castrated man, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
I hope other posters honor the right of raunchydog to post her response first.

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, December 9, 2011 9:02:17 PM
Subject: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

Dear raunchydog,

I would like to express my utmost apologies to you for my behavior and I know 
has caused you lot of pain. As hard as it might sound to you and others, I have 
nothing but love for you.

P.S - I'm typing this fast so I can get this to you tonight, so pardon any 
spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors.

You may not even be reading this message and might not want to hear any of my 
excuses but I still have to put it there. But if you are please bear with me as 
I explain my actions.

May be you have read my other post to Judy and/or watched my video. If you have 
not I would suggest you do. My video was posted to show the love I feel and my 
post offers certain clues to my behavior.

I behave  according to a certain gut feeling and I couldn't come up with an 
explanation for my behavior. I probably still don't but I think I do have 
something I would want you to hear.

I think you have a certain strong emotional investment in the abuse of women, 
i.e you have had some personal contact with the abuse of women by men and this 
causes some strong emotions with respect to men you think seem condescending or 

First let me explain my stance on women.

I believe I'm a strong lover of women. I grew up with a single mother who was 
physically abused my father that she suffered psychologically for a long time, 
well past my adulthood. She also had to deal with the stupid conservative 
society of India. She was a very strong liberal woman who had a major influence 
on me. I loved my mom deeply till I became a teenager. I had issues with men, 
authority, conservatives, conservative values till my awakening when Mother 
Kundalini washed out all my sins.

I also have close experiences with suicide. I once, at the age of 12, saved my 
mom's life when she overdosed on Valium. I had nothing but disgust for my 
and love for my mother.  So my childhood was spent with these issues though 
didn't seem to affect me, I was very introverted, happy with myself, treated as 
the most special by mom because I was the youngest.

Once I became there was a strong desire to deeply love a woman and then I fell 
in love and pursued her till she married me. Though untouched by others I 
completely opened myself to her, utterly vulnerable to her because I wanted 
nothing but to deeply intensely love her. However as I later realize she had 
herself was abused by men and that caused her to distrust men completely and I 
was the target of all her ire.

Anyway not going into too much details I spent my 38 years of life spending 
with women who were psychologically disturbed because of abuse by men. I 
incredibly healed all my pains, two years after my divorce. I healed the 
bitterness, pain from both my disappointments with women and disgust of men, 
authority and conservative values in one fell swoop.

I don't know if you were around my awakening in May 2010 but during the height 
of my Kundalini as I was healing all my pains, I sent an email titled - It's 
hang the men day bitches (FYI - I was calling men my bitches, Bob can attest 
this as well when I abused him that I would make him my bitch). Anyway in that 
email in May 2010, I attacked all men, Indian, my own relatives,  friends that 
deemed conservative.

So I have had an intense desire to be just loving to be helpful to all women 
since my awakening. I predominantly spent all my time with women at my Guru's 
gatherings - a majority of them older women, who adore my loving playfulness. 
There are too many stories to relate but I will share if you are interested.

I often playfully joke that I hate men and all women crack up. I have spent my 
time last year with an older gentleman of mine and we had endless discussions 
abuse of women in America and the psychological issues that derive from  it. I, 
as you can see, had lot of experience.

So I believe other than my Guru there's no better lover of women than myself. 
Recently a close friend, an older woman, who adores and loves me, sent naked 
pictures of her, most likely on an impulse (it's actually a long story). Anyway 
I told her it was perfect because I had no perverted sexual energy anymore, no 
shame, no guilt and that I'm able to suck all sexual energy to heal it. She 
lot better because she became a little embarrassed, she must have noticed that 
was as loving to her as before and there was no energy of rejection.

So looking back I felt this energy in yuu raunchydog who had seen, observed, 
felt, understood, empathized the pain of women. Also the fact that you used a 
handle rauchydog which no doubt which attract some perverted men, whom you 
then take down - Mack

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Now are you mad at me Steve?

I called you Heartland on purpose - you are a heart centered man, don't take 
the idiot literally please - just a little something to provoke you. You are a 
loving man, your strengths are this heart centered-ness coupled with those 
quick, witty remarks and ability to steal some food off the salad line (OK I'm 
just kidding on the last one).

Anyway I was going to respond to your post I loved Ravi had an emotion 
because it was beautiful and I will surely get to it.

From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, December 9, 2011 10:15:03 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
 So somehow the existence made me provoke this pain or hatred or bitterness of 
 men you have, so I could then heal it or somehow amplify it, magnify it for 

 to look at.

(that's gonna go over swell)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Thanks Denise - I may get to it or not. When I was high on Kundalini I felt I 
could literally fly, but didn't get that psychotic to actually fly. Either way 
the view from 11th floor office overlooking 405 is pretty awesome. Anyway 
for that beautiful video.

From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, December 9, 2011 8:30:05 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
(was Bob)

Love the video - many points of light.


Ravi, I went skydiving once...it was the most incredible high - even after I 
realized I had to steer to avoid the fast-approaching power lines.  Have  no 
plans to ever do it again :).  

  From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, December 4, 2011 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
(was Bob)

Excellent choice, I trust you have  been screening the posts for her :-).

I loved free  falls after my E, prior to
which I was very scared. My kid made me do it a couple of times after he 
got scared and I totally enjoyed it. I planned sky diving with a couple of 
friends in the Bay area but it never came to fruition but I plan to do it. I 
will check with them again :-)

From: Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 5:28:17 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
(was Bob)


Here a link from the  daughter to you:


Ravi  Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2011 4:50:30 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
(was Bob)

Steve - did I clean your clock then? I hope you haven't take any offense 
I still love you.

I just wanted to show I can clean clocks and that no one can clean my clock. I 
didn't have to make too much effort to come
up with those words. I was blissful sitting on that bench in Venice, with my 
coffee and smoke just typing away. 

People are vulnerable because they insulate themselves with beliefs, whereas 
ability to clean clocks comes from my utter lack of belief, total helplessness 
and vulnerability. I'm totally open to harm, yet can never be harmed. Even 
are tied to their teachings and their followers whereas a yogi is utterly 
not even afraid of death because I have encountered death and conquered it.

So either you continue to make thoughtless statements and align with the 
perverted intellect of a raunchy, a jason, an alex or go with the top 1% that 
The Mad Yogi Inc, your choice really.

Bon voyage.

From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 2:07:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
(was Bob)

Rav, you've rendered my speechless. I can't think of a thing to  say.
 Ok.  Bon Noel.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Hear ye, hear one and all.
 Step over Stupid Sal, here comes Steve, the idiot, nay the idiot of idiots, 
King Idiot, the most simple, innocent, naive idiot, the original retard, the 
village bumpkin. 

 From the village of St. Louis, the heart land, throbbing, pulsating, 
with a thriving community of idiots,  multi faceted, multi dimensional 

 Steve, from St. Louis ably assisted by Rishi Jason, yoga man, a wannabe 
spiritual thing.
 King Idiot Steve confronts Dr. Ravi Chivukula, the renowned researcher from 
UCLA, the man of great intellect, who sacrificed his life, emigrating from 
to spend time researching
the people he so dearly loved.
 Dr. Ravi Chivukula travelled all over the vast regions of the West coast, 
the beautiful foggy beaches to the sunny plains to the ice capped Cascades.
 Studying the West coast liberals, people of  heart, yet fascinated by pseudo 
icons. He aped their mannerisms, he ate their food, he aped their language, 
their food habits, their customs, their culture.
 Now fashioned himself as Ravi Yogi, the Kali's Pimp, the mother of the 
the sex, anger, guilt, shame, the pain and the suffering.
 The King Idiot Steve confronts Ravi Yogi with the sacred teachings of the 
man. Never before revealed White man's guilt, his burden, his superiority, 
nicely wrapped now as his rules, his sensibilities, his subtleties.
 The crowd egged on by  Rishi Jason started throwing rocks at Ravi Yogi, 
then mysteriously transformed as eggs  and
boomeranged back

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

2011-12-09 Thread Ravi Yogi
Thank you very much raunchy, I do appreciate your forgiveness. I just want to 
clarify couple of things - first that I didn't mean you yourself were abused, I 
just included it as a wide array of possibilities in my explanation including 
may be a friend, family member and/or that you empathize with the pain of 

About my suicide threats, these are not correct - these were assumptions from 
others based upon my posts in May 2010 and it's easy to see why you might have 
been mistaken. To my knowledge I don't ever recall interacting with you during 
that timeframe.

I did attempt suicide in 2005 during the peak of my suffering, that's 4 years 
before my Kundalini and that's a whole different story. I had always been 
against suicide growing up and it was a very impulsive decision on my part, 
after I recovered I realized my stupidity but then it is an integral part of my 
past and very vital one.

Thanks for your understanding.

From: raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, December 9, 2011 10:47:06 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog

Ravi, I appreciate the olive branch. I'm willing to make cautious peace with 
as well. First off, I don't accept your assessment of me that I have been 
by men. I have never been physically abused by a man. I wouldn't tolerate it 
a second. I had a boyfriend slap my hand once because I was chewing off a 
hangnail. I sent him packing. I've suffered heartbreak and breakups, but I put 
that in the category of self-abuse, not emotional abuse. 

My preferred handle is lowdowndog. Yahoo ate it one day and wouldn't give it 
back so I picked raunchydog. My handle is a show of bravado, not an invitation 
for abuse.

I'd like to believe everything you say is true, but you have to understand that 
finding out your threats of suicide a year ago were just an act, and that you 
enjoy baiting people just to get a reaction, severely damages my ability to 
trust you or believe anything you say. I don't like being manipulated. It's a 
horribly, mean, sick way of dealing with people. That's all I have to say for 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 I hope other posters honor the right of raunchydog to post her response first.
 From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Fri, December 9, 2011 9:02:17 PM
 Subject: Ravi Yogi's unconditional apology to raunchydog
 Dear raunchydog,
 I would like to express my utmost apologies to you for my behavior and I know 

 has caused you lot of pain. As hard as it might sound to you and others, I 

 nothing but love for you.
 P.S - I'm typing this fast so I can get this to you tonight, so pardon any 
 spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors.
 You may not even be reading this message and might not want to hear any of my 
 excuses but I still have to put it there. But if you are please bear with me 

 I explain my actions.
 May be you have read my other post to Judy and/or watched my video. If you 

 not I would suggest you do. My video was posted to show the love I feel and 

 post offers certain clues to my behavior.
 I behave  according to a certain gut feeling and I couldn't come up with an 
 explanation for my behavior. I probably still don't but I think I do have 
 something I would want you to hear.
 I think you have a certain strong emotional investment in the abuse of women, 
 i.e you have had some personal contact with the abuse of women by men and 

 causes some strong emotions with respect to men you think seem condescending 

 First let me explain my stance on women.
 I believe I'm a strong lover of women. I grew up with a single mother who was 

 physically abused my father that she suffered psychologically for a long 

 well past my adulthood. She also had to deal with the stupid conservative 
 society of India. She was a very strong liberal woman who had a major 

 on me. I loved my mom deeply till I became a teenager. I had issues with men, 
 authority, conservatives, conservative values till my awakening when Mother 
 Kundalini washed out all my sins.
 I also have close experiences with suicide. I once, at the age of 12, saved 

 mom's life when she overdosed on Valium. I had nothing but disgust for my 

 and love for my mother.  So my childhood was spent with these issues though 

 didn't seem to affect me, I was very introverted, happy with myself, treated 

 the most special by mom because I was the youngest.
 Once I became there was a strong desire to deeply love a woman and then I 

 in love and pursued her till she married me. Though untouched by others I 
 completely opened myself to her, utterly vulnerable to her because I wanted 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-06 Thread Ravi Yogi
You claim to mock yourself, but you seem to get veryuptight sometimes when you 
perceive someone else to be
mocking you. What's that about?

Dear Judy - as promised here's my response to you before I kicked off because 
someone decided to show a spine :-) (If it doesn't go through I will email it 
you privately)

I think you ask a genuine question and I somehow missed addressing it. I will 
try my best.

But I feel I have addressed it in the past but will clarify again. I make a 
distinction between mocking the outer, my personality that is represented by 
Ravi Chivukula and the inner, my enlightenment that has been gifted to me, the 
energy that is represented by Ravi Yogi.

The personality of Ravi Chivukula has many mock-able characteristics like 

I smoke and Judy if you were with me and said it was disgusting I will laugh 
along with you and will agree. In fact I had one of my lady friends, typical 
Buddhist liberal intellectual, she got mad at me when I lighted a smoke in 
of her. I spend a long time apologizing to her and persuading her and promised 
won't smoke when I'm with her again. It was fun because it was a completely new 
experience for me. I would have taken offense prior to my enlightenment.

I mostly drive slowly but on occasions I revert to my old behavior, fast, 
cutting off. If you were sitting next to me and expressed your disgust I will 
apologize and slow down. There were 2 of my friends that constantly made fun of 
my driving post enlightenment, I loved it and enjoyed their mocking. I would 
have taken offense prior.

Last weekend I went to a gentleman's club since my friend wanted to go - my 
first after enlightenment. I sat there refused all requests for lap dances by 
tipping the women and just talking to them. As we were ready to leave I asked 
friend to wait while I looked at the woman that I liked started dancing. I 
wanted to check out her breasts and I was not disappointed. It was the perfect 
size that I always appreciate. I was done and we walked out. If you expressed 
your disgust about how I could support this I wouldn't have defended too much 
and laughed along with you.

Then there are other things - I pick my nose when no one's watching, I buy 
lottery tickets hoping it would bail me out of my obligations (stupid), I 
sometimes don't dispose my cigarette butts. There are many others sins prior to 
enlightenment that I confessed to, including soliciting prostitutes on CL to 
hurt my ex, I would explain patiently if you asked me about it. Anyway I don't 
want to go through all that since it all looks as if it happened to someone 
but I will not shy away from it.

OTOH if you like Alex thought it was cute, silly and facetious to add a rabid 
to my description of Ravi Yogi as raving, roving I will get mad and come after 
you mercilessly because I will not let anyone insult the gift of enlightenment 
that I have been graced with.

It's like a mad lover, if someone insults his beloved he will come after you. I 
gave Alex enough clues to back out but he didn't so I had to humiliate him.

Same thing with raunchy, because the energy of Ravi Yogi is not homophobic. I 
baited her with my usual routine of liberal exchange program, Gandhi, Teresa 
attacks. She got offended but decided calling me homopohobic and accusing me 
having bl**jobs with Alex was a better strategy. (I wonder why no one thought 
raunchy was homophobic).  I was raging and went about insulting and humiliating 
her. Same thing here, I don't tolerate any attacks on the yogi energy, the 

Hope this clarifies somewhat, though I understand the limitations of satisfying 
the intellect. But I love you Judy and this is the best I can do.

Love - Ravi

From: authfriend jst...@panix.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 8:55:33 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Well Judy you missed lot of context with Alex's pathetic loser 
 attempts for the last few days to call me Rabid, this video
 with its spoof on Girlie man (it's not the video itself it's
 Alex's intentions) and then a video with Indian accent.

I didn't miss any of that, Ravi, I saw it all. I love you,
man, but I think you've got Alex's intentions all wrong,
*way* wrong. He just found that stuff amusing and figured
you would too. He had no idea it would insult you.

 I think Alex is full of shame i.e. living in a closet,

I've known Alex (electronically) for over a decade, and my
impression is that he's better adjusted and more self-aware
than most of the folks on FFL. Not that he doesn't have his
problems like the rest of us--he's been very open about
that--but he doesn't inflict them on us the way some others
here do.

 he assumes I must too 
 :-). He doesn't realize that I mock Ravi's personality as
 much I do anyone else's. And I love myself

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rare video of Robin and Ravi on YouTube

2011-12-06 Thread Ravi Yogi

Mother Teresa Raunchy declares victory with the support of King Idiot Steve.

I didn't realize your standards were so low..

Oh wait you are Mother Teresa, dealing with the low is your strength..:-)

On Dec 6, 2011, at 6:00 AM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:
  I just don't get it, I guess. Must've come in after the movie started :-) 
 You haven't missed the movie, Jim. We're still in the middle of the cartoon. 
 Just to bring you up to speed, Ravi's still mad, because according to 
 seventhray1 Steve, I cleaned his clock.
 If you're interested you can follow the thread:
 RD strikes back: Gay Couples get married in India is red meat for Ravi. 
 Will he bite? Obviously, he thought the link to India's third sex was 
 delicious. It set him off on such a righteous rant about hijras, Gandhi, 
 liberals and commies, he must have shot off a gigantic wad for all the 
 jerking off he did about it. Ravi, the self-proclaimed narcissistic asshole, 
 says he's enlightened. I wouldn't want him to have a hissy fit, so I won't 
 say I doubt him. It's just that perhaps his standards aren't very high if he 
 has me confused with Mother Theresa.
 Let's see...what else gets Ravi's panties in a twist? Oh yeah. Alex and Tom 
 are gay. Tom? Unless Ravi claims he gave him a blow job, I'd say he's just 
 making that up. Amazingly, he just figured out that Alex is out of the 
 closet. Hello? Now that he's discovered a new best gay friend, he's all 
 aflutter posting videos for Alex. Why do I get the feeling he's trying to get 
 a date?
 Hey, Alex, Ravi probably isn't your type but you do have something in common. 
 You both like pussies.
 Holy Shit Cats!
 seventhray1 jumps in: I'd say Ravi just got his clock cleaned.
 Ravi can dish is out but he can't take it, so he goes on a rant fantasy about 
 RD giving him blow jobs:
 And Mother Theresa giving him blow jobs:
 seventhray1 jumps in: Do you think you'll get the reaction you want with 
 this post Rav? To say it's in poor taste, doesn't quite do it. I'll go on 
 record saying I think you should be given a one week hiatus. Rick?
 seventhray1 jumps in: I think Ravi is missing some of the subtleties of 
 western culture. He equates his use of the word blowjob with Raunchy's and 
 doesn't seem to see any difference. Raunchy is Mack the Knife. Ravi is 
 Chainsaw Massacre.
 That's it in a nutshell, Jim. I don't know why Ravi is still ranting about 
 blowjobs. Maybe he needs to find another hobby. His antics remind me of my 
 4-year old little brother gleefully waving his tiny pecker around in hopes I 
 would run shrieking, Ma! Larry is showing his pee-pee again!
 Can anyone explain why liking Vaj's link put such a bee in his bonnet? Liking 
 Vaj's link has nothing to do with liking Vaj. Or maybe it was the too close 
 to home Robin and Ravi thang? Thin-skinned, overreaction, perhaps? 
 Regardless, it was a funny video.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex - Ravi's Rules

2011-12-06 Thread Ravi Yogi
Look Steve, you have the intelligence comparable to the light of a 0 Watt bulb. 
Just let it go.

On Dec 6, 2011, at 6:21 AM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 Okay everyone.  Ravi has laid out his rules, that we are expected to abide 
 by.  And if we don't he is going to stomp and scream until we either succumb, 
 or, more likely, he simply gets exhausted.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  OTOH if you like Alex thought it was cute, silly and facetious to add a 
  to my description of Ravi Yogi as raving, roving I will get mad and come 
  you mercilessly because I will not let anyone insult the gift of 
  that I have been graced with.
  It's like a mad lover, if someone insults his beloved he will come after 
  you. I 
  gave Alex enough clues to back out but he didn't so I had to humiliate him.
  Same thing with raunchy, because the energy of Ravi Yogi is not homophobic. 
  baited her with my usual routine of liberal exchange program, Gandhi, 
  attacks. She got offended but decided calling me homopohobic and accusing 
  having bl**jobs with Alex was a better strategy. (I wonder why no one 
  raunchy was homophobic). I was raging and went about insulting and 
  her. Same thing here, I don't tolerate any attacks on the yogi energy, the 
  Hope this clarifies somewhat, though I understand the limitations of 
  the intellect. But I love you Judy and this is the best I can do.
  Love - Ravi
  From: authfriend jstein@...
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 8:55:33 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Well Judy you missed lot of context with Alex's pathetic loser 
   attempts for the last few days to call me Rabid, this video
   with its spoof on Girlie man (it's not the video itself it's
   Alex's intentions) and then a video with Indian accent.
  I didn't miss any of that, Ravi, I saw it all. I love you,
  man, but I think you've got Alex's intentions all wrong,
  *way* wrong. He just found that stuff amusing and figured
  you would too. He had no idea it would insult you.
   I think Alex is full of shame i.e. living in a closet,
  I've known Alex (electronically) for over a decade, and my
  impression is that he's better adjusted and more self-aware
  than most of the folks on FFL. Not that he doesn't have his
  problems like the rest of us--he's been very open about
  that--but he doesn't inflict them on us the way some others
  here do.
   he assumes I must too 
   :-). He doesn't realize that I mock Ravi's personality as
   much I do anyone else's. And I love myself and others with
   equal intensity, there is no contradiction.
  Look, I don't get where you're at a lot of the time. For
  many of us, you're a puzzlement. With the best will in
  the world, it's not always easy to read between your lines.
  I'm having a lot of trouble understanding your attacks on
  Alex as coming from love. And I'm willing to give you the
  benefit of the doubt that you don't have issues with
  homosexuality, but I'm not surprised that others see your
  reaction to Alex's and raunchydog's videos as homophobic.
  You claim to mock yourself, but you seem to get very
  uptight sometimes when you perceive someone else to be
  mocking you. What's that about?
   His Waking Down experiences and subsequent comments were
   very hilarious when he posted it several months back.
   Changing from TM to Waking Down obviously hasn't helped
   his hiding in a closet i.e shame and self loathing issues -
   my references to homosexuality are more of a subtext,
   closet hiding, mommy hating and girlie men. I couldn't
   avoid it since his shame and self loathing probably
   involves his issues with homosexuality, I have no issues
   with it myself.
  You weren't invited to beat Alex up with what you imagine
  his private struggles to be, whether you're right or wrong
  about them. Whatever they are, he doesn't inflict them on
  anybody here, as I suggested, and he doesn't need you to
  play therapist for what he's handling on his own. I don't
  think any of what he said to you, or those videos, came
  from anything but a sense of fun.
  IMHO, you need to take some responsibility for how you
  affect others. You can't expect that if you just say, I'm
  a narcissistic enlightened asshole and I love everybody
  with as much intensity as I love myself, they're going
  to go, Oh, well, that's all right then, he can insult me
  as much as he likes and I won't take offense.
  Crazy wisdom is all well and good, but it doesn't work
  unless the folks to whom you're dishing it out have
  accepted you as a teacher

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hey Ravi

2011-12-06 Thread Ravi Yogi
Love you dear Obba..you didn't have to do this..

You neither seem to have the same burden as our other liberal women nor suffer 
with the sensibilities, subtleties of the King Idiots.

Bless your heart.

On Dec 6, 2011, at 4:32 AM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 I have to agree with Bob and Ravi. 
 I would think the film, David Wants to Fly, is offensive to some. Do the 
 posts get blocked for that? 
 Or Mark Landau's having mentioned Maharishi's Sandals?
 Or the Indian jokes that appear funny to many, but are they Indian to speak 
 about if they are funny or not? 
 Polish jokes?
 What if a joke were Jewish orientated?
 Gay jokes? 
 Saint jokes?
 Maharishi jokes?
 Turq's obsession with mammary glands?
 The cultural understanding of what Ravi refers to from learning English from 
 his native tongue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooster
 would be a bit more defined than slang on the streets in America. 
 Another word, Ravi may see a bit different than an American 
 What I am trying to say is Ravi most likely did not get put in the corner at 
 an American public school from American public schooled parents and the shame 
 and disgrace associated with the two wikipedia defined words are not in his 
 realm of embarrassed understanding. 
 There are many creative ways to jump on Ravi if one is offended by him and 
 without the use of what he may refer to in words, where is the creativity to 
 those who challenge him? Come on, he most likely has not followed years of 
 Monty Python of British humor and of course American born Terry Gilliam, to 
 formulate a way to really piss off people without the use of a language he 
 was not schooled in his upbringing to ignore. 
 I think the only reason Ravi is being picked on, is he wins in argument, 
 along with using the words defined by American culture as vulgar, so the 
 usual would be to attack from what one was slapped on the hands for saying as 
 a child, the American culture shock terms. 
 Here, Ravi, watch this film and learn the way to insult from a western level 
 of intellect that insults no one 
 ps. I like Ravi's posts of Shiva Lingam! We need to find one with a youtube 
 puja. Close the eyes for the sensitive. Better yet, if one is blind, we could 
 let the proper experience to braille the touch?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:
  Looks like you hit the hypocrisy jackpot; guess it was just a matter of 
  time with such fertile fields, and a yogi that refuses to shoot blanks. 
  Just wondering whether Rick was reminding us that FFL has standards, or, 
  that he has standards---and, of course, we're playing at *his* house, and 
  him and the rest of the liberals will totally miss the point tripping over 
  themselves showing us how liberal they are. I have $1.59 that says this 
  will be the post that the naked emperor (another liberal) decides is his 
  road to reconstruction (not the one with a pick on his finger; the one with 
  his finger stuck somewhere besides a dyke). 
  From: Rick Archer rick@...
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, December 5, 2011 8:52:35 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hey Ravi
  Clean it up a bit or your outta here. I’m serious.
  Â  Â 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hey Ravi

2011-12-06 Thread Ravi Yogi
Very nice suggestion on your part.

Just OWS (Occupy the White Self) to fight the top 1% that is The Mad Yogi Inc.

Or prepare to be steam rolled by the meanest, most narcissistic, insane machine.

Thanks Barry.

On Dec 6, 2011, at 1:16 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:
  Clean it up a bit or your outta here. I'm serious.
 Rick, I don't read his posts, including the one
 cited above, so I don't know what occasioned this.
 Nor do I care. I pegged the guy as what he is in
 his first days on this forum and have been reacting
 (or more accurately, not reacting) to him based 
 on that assessment ever since.
 I'm commenting because I think the problem is deeper
 than just one person suffering from classic mania 
 and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The deeper
 problem is low standards among other posters, and
 them not *recognizing* when they're dealing with a 
 seriously disturbed person.
 For their *own* personality-disordered reasons, what
 seems to happen is that a small group of people glom
 onto weak-minded disturbed people when they appear 
 here. They may seek an ally in their petty grudge 
 wars, or in supporting their claims to know the 
 truth about something, or they may just have such 
 low standards in writing that they consider the 
 crazies entertaining. Whatever.
 I guess all I'm suggesting is that posters should 
 probably think to themselves before writing, Is
 the person I am about to respond to by either prais-
 ing them or ragging on them SANE? If you suspect
 that the answer is no, step away from the keyboard
 and just leave them alone. It's kinder and more
 compassionate in the long run.
 The personality-disordered FEED on attention. Look
 at Willytex. Now look at what has evolved over the
 years as most people on the forum have learned to
 tactically ignore him. He's rarely a problem any 
 more; he just spouts his craziness and everyone 
 ignores it as if it were never posted. But part of 
 the reason for this is that NO ONE would want 
 Willytex as an ally in their petty grudge or 
 dogma wars. 
 But they *DO* want some of the other crazies as 
 their allies. And IMO the reason they want this is
 that when it comes to sanity, the encourage the
 crazies crowd are a few cans short of a full six-
 pack themselves. So they glom onto the crazies and 
 cultivate them, never thinking about what that 
 kind of attention DOES to someone who is already 
 borderline crazy, or worse. 
 I guess all I'm saying is that it's your playground,
 Rick. Do whatever you want with this particular 
 crazy. I don't think my little rap here is going to 
 affect either him or the other folks here who IMO 
 brought this situation about by *encouraging* him 
 along the way with their attention. I think that the 
 major encourage the crazies players are FAR too 
 locked into their own disturbed behavioral patterns 
 to be able to hear what I'm saying. I'm just comment-
 ing to state for the record that I think *THEY* are 
 as much to blame for Ravi's aberrant behavior as he is. 
 Interestingly, Willytex himself gave us the solution
 for dealing with this brand of craziness: Don't feed
 it. Doing this *worked* on him. I'm just suggesting
 that it might work for the other crazies as well. If
 you think the way I do that many of these people 
 are delusional, do what a therapist (or even a truly 
 compassionate human being) would do and DON'T FEED 
 THEIR DELUSIONS. To do so is IMO bad karma for
 all concerned.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex - Ravi's Rules

2011-12-06 Thread Ravi Yogi
OK now this is a good one, that's exactly what I was thinking, that stupid 9:45 
meeting - I better sleep for a bit.

Talk to Ravi Chivukula because you are way too dim witted for Ravi Yogi.

Anyway I got up to check for response from my beloved only to end up responding 
to retarded emails from King Idiots and Mother Teresas.

On Dec 6, 2011, at 6:59 AM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 Ravi, you've got a 9:45 meeting.  Better get move your donkey and get there.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Look Steve, you have the intelligence comparable to the light of a 0 Watt 
  bulb. Just let it go.
  On Dec 6, 2011, at 6:21 AM, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
   Okay everyone. Ravi has laid out his rules, that we are expected to abide 
   by. And if we don't he is going to stomp and scream until we either 
   succumb, or, more likely, he simply gets exhausted.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
OTOH if you like Alex thought it was cute, silly and facetious to add a 
to my description of Ravi Yogi as raving, roving I will get mad and 
come after 
you mercilessly because I will not let anyone insult the gift of 
that I have been graced with.

It's like a mad lover, if someone insults his beloved he will come 
after you. I 
gave Alex enough clues to back out but he didn't so I had to humiliate 

Same thing with raunchy, because the energy of Ravi Yogi is not 
homophobic. I 
baited her with my usual routine of liberal exchange program, Gandhi, 
attacks. She got offended but decided calling me homopohobic and 
accusing me 
having bl**jobs with Alex was a better strategy. (I wonder why no one 
raunchy was homophobic). I was raging and went about insulting and 
her. Same thing here, I don't tolerate any attacks on the yogi energy, 

Hope this clarifies somewhat, though I understand the limitations of 
the intellect. But I love you Judy and this is the best I can do.

Love - Ravi

From: authfriend jstein@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 8:55:33 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:

 Well Judy you missed lot of context with Alex's pathetic loser 
 attempts for the last few days to call me Rabid, this video
 with its spoof on Girlie man (it's not the video itself it's
 Alex's intentions) and then a video with Indian accent.

I didn't miss any of that, Ravi, I saw it all. I love you,
man, but I think you've got Alex's intentions all wrong,
*way* wrong. He just found that stuff amusing and figured
you would too. He had no idea it would insult you.

 I think Alex is full of shame i.e. living in a closet,

I've known Alex (electronically) for over a decade, and my
impression is that he's better adjusted and more self-aware
than most of the folks on FFL. Not that he doesn't have his
problems like the rest of us--he's been very open about
that--but he doesn't inflict them on us the way some others
here do.

 he assumes I must too 
 :-). He doesn't realize that I mock Ravi's personality as
 much I do anyone else's. And I love myself and others with
 equal intensity, there is no contradiction.

Look, I don't get where you're at a lot of the time. For
many of us, you're a puzzlement. With the best will in
the world, it's not always easy to read between your lines.
I'm having a lot of trouble understanding your attacks on
Alex as coming from love. And I'm willing to give you the
benefit of the doubt that you don't have issues with
homosexuality, but I'm not surprised that others see your
reaction to Alex's and raunchydog's videos as homophobic.

You claim to mock yourself, but you seem to get very
uptight sometimes when you perceive someone else to be
mocking you. What's that about?

 His Waking Down experiences and subsequent comments were
 very hilarious when he posted it several months back.
 Changing from TM to Waking Down obviously hasn't helped
 his hiding in a closet i.e shame and self loathing issues -
 my references to homosexuality are more of a subtext,
 closet hiding, mommy hating and girlie men. I couldn't
 avoid it since his shame and self loathing probably
 involves his issues with homosexuality, I have no issues
 with it myself.

You weren't invited to beat Alex up with what you imagine
his private struggles to be, whether you're right

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hey Ravi

2011-12-06 Thread Ravi Yogi
Thanks Dear Edg, Love.

I once read your posts from way back and though you are didn't have the 
profane, mundane language of mine you did have to put up with lot of BS for 
saying the most obvious stuff.

Please recreate that magic again and post more.

This list needs people like you.

On Dec 6, 2011, at 6:58 AM, Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Yeah, let's everyone get on Ravi.
 Let's all feel good about bashing someone for using swear words
 But oh god, ain't no one better be expecting Rick to threaten to toss out the 
 a war monger has been vilely defending his Texas racism here - unlike Ravi, 
 that bastard is a truly EVIL FUCKWAD who calls for a no-rights-class of 
 citizenry for anyone who isn't a white male racist. 
 And every person who reads these words knows about whom I am writing if 
 they've even read three days' worth of FFL posts. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:
  I agree with Seventh here. Obscene rants such as we have recently seen 
  should simply be deleted by the moderator, without fuss. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   Look, I'm rushing here, but a couple things.
   IIRC, Ravi at one point, once he realized Sal was a she, and not a
   he, said he felt he should show a little more decorum. I realize I
   may get pegged as a sexist, but I'm just telling you what he said.
   So, if someone is on record with saying something like that, and then
   goes into a profane tirade, against a female he feels insulted him, or
   his beloved, then I call that being a hypocrite. Of course Ravi has a
   long history of abiding by rules he holds as sacred one day, and then
   breaking them the next. That's part of being enlightened, of course.
   Second, we are a public forum. Even though in the past, I've said I'm
   not a prude, I guess I am a little. And, blast me if you will Bob, but
   I'm thinking of some of the casual readers to FFL, and I include my
   wife in this, (although I think it is rare that she might read it). 
   Yea, I might have felt a little embarrassed by Ravi's BJ tirade.
   But since I had voiced an objection earlier, and no one else chimed in,
   I assumed no one else had a problem with it. And that was okay with me.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
I have to agree with Bob and Ravi.
I would think the film, David Wants to Fly, is offensive to some. Do
   the posts get blocked for that?
Or Mark Landau's having mentioned Maharishi's Sandals?
Or the Indian jokes that appear funny to many, but are they Indian to
   speak about if they are funny or not?
Polish jokes?
What if a joke were Jewish orientated?
Gay jokes?
Saint jokes?
Maharishi jokes?
Turq's obsession with mammary glands?
The cultural understanding of what Ravi refers to from learning
   English from his native tongue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooster
would be a bit more defined than slang on the streets in America.
Another word, Ravi may see a bit different than an American
What I am trying to say is Ravi most likely did not get put in the
   corner at an American public school from American public schooled
   parents and the shame and disgrace associated with the two wikipedia
   defined words are not in his realm of embarrassed understanding.
There are many creative ways to jump on Ravi if one is offended by him
   and without the use of what he may refer to in words, where is the
   creativity to those who challenge him? Come on, he most likely has not
   followed years of Monty Python of British humor and of course American
   born Terry Gilliam, to formulate a way to really piss off people without
   the use of a language he was not schooled in his upbringing to ignore.
I think the only reason Ravi is being picked on, is he wins in
   argument, along with using the words defined by American culture as
   vulgar, so the usual would be to attack from what one was slapped on the
   hands for saying as a child, the American culture shock terms.
Here, Ravi, watch this film and learn the way to insult from a western
   level of intellect that insults no one
ps. I like Ravi's posts of Shiva Lingam! We need to find one with a
   youtube puja. Close the eyes for the sensitive. Better yet, if one is
   blind, we could let the proper experience to braille the touch?
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:



 Looks like you hit the hypocrisy jackpot; guess it was just a matter
   of time with such fertile fields, and a yogi that refuses to shoot
   blanks. Just wondering whether Rick was reminding us that FFL has

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hey Ravi

2011-12-06 Thread Ravi Yogi
I wanted it? LOL..

You are in a hurry we understand but don't make a fool of yourselves.

My standards aren't that low, nor am I the Pope to be aroused by Mother Teresa. 
it was purely done to humiliate Mother Teresa Raunchy.

On Dec 6, 2011, at 7:14 AM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 Just for the record Edg, they weren't swear words, it was a sex act that one 
 member wanted have performed on him by another member*, or something along 
 these lines.  Why didn't you skip the first part of  your comment, and just 
 leave the part you wanted to say about about Richard.
 * don't have time to go back and get the exact comment.  sorry if I have it 
 wrong in some way
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@... wrote:
  Yeah, let's everyone get on Ravi.
  Let's all feel good about bashing someone for using swear words
  But oh god, ain't no one better be expecting Rick to threaten to toss out 
  the a war monger has been vilely defending his Texas racism here - unlike 
  Ravi, that bastard is a truly EVIL FUCKWAD who calls for a no-rights-class 
  of citizenry for anyone who isn't a white male racist. 
  And every person who reads these words knows about whom I am writing if 
  they've even read three days' worth of FFL posts. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   I agree with Seventh here. Obscene rants such as we have recently seen 
   should simply be deleted by the moderator, without fuss. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
Look, I'm rushing here, but a couple things.
IIRC, Ravi at one point, once he realized Sal was a she, and not a
he, said he felt he should show a little more decorum. I realize I
may get pegged as a sexist, but I'm just telling you what he said.
So, if someone is on record with saying something like that, and then
goes into a profane tirade, against a female he feels insulted him, or
his beloved, then I call that being a hypocrite. Of course Ravi has a
long history of abiding by rules he holds as sacred one day, and then
breaking them the next. That's part of being enlightened, of course.
Second, we are a public forum. Even though in the past, I've said I'm
not a prude, I guess I am a little. And, blast me if you will Bob, but
I'm thinking of some of the casual readers to FFL, and I include my
wife in this, (although I think it is rare that she might read it). 
Yea, I might have felt a little embarrassed by Ravi's BJ tirade.
But since I had voiced an objection earlier, and no one else chimed in,
I assumed no one else had a problem with it. And that was okay with me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 I have to agree with Bob and Ravi.

 I would think the film, David Wants to Fly, is offensive to some. Do
the posts get blocked for that?

 Or Mark Landau's having mentioned Maharishi's Sandals?

 Or the Indian jokes that appear funny to many, but are they Indian to
speak about if they are funny or not?

 Polish jokes?

 What if a joke were Jewish orientated?

 Gay jokes?

 Saint jokes?

 Maharishi jokes?

 Turq's obsession with mammary glands?

 The cultural understanding of what Ravi refers to from learning
English from his native tongue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooster
 would be a bit more defined than slang on the streets in America.
 Another word, Ravi may see a bit different than an American

 What I am trying to say is Ravi most likely did not get put in the
corner at an American public school from American public schooled
parents and the shame and disgrace associated with the two wikipedia
defined words are not in his realm of embarrassed understanding.

 There are many creative ways to jump on Ravi if one is offended by him
and without the use of what he may refer to in words, where is the
creativity to those who challenge him? Come on, he most likely has not
followed years of Monty Python of British humor and of course American
born Terry Gilliam, to formulate a way to really piss off people without
the use of a language he was not schooled in his upbringing to ignore.

 I think the only reason Ravi is being picked on, is he wins in
argument, along with using the words defined by American culture as
vulgar, so the usual would be to attack from what one was slapped on the
hands for saying as a child, the American culture shock terms.

 Here, Ravi, watch this film and learn the way to insult from a western
level of intellect that insults no one

 ps. I like Ravi's posts of Shiva Lingam! We need to find one with a
youtube puja. Close the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rare video of Robin and Ravi on YouTube

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear raunchy, wow I knew it.

I knew you were being modest when I called you the Mother Teresa of c@ck 
s$ckers and you humbly declined it.

No one would have dared to lift a finger if you had just spent your time in the 
silent inner retreat of s$cking an enlightened c@ck for the rest of your life 
on planet earth.

But by s$cking the c@ck of a proven liar like Vaj, an outcast, an untouchable, 
a self professed leper like Vaj you have shown to all intelligent, discerning 
posters on FFL that you are the Mother Teresa of the c@ck s$ckers.

May I dare another equally deserving leper - Barry, check with HH Gandhi King 
Curtis, he is well versed with Vaj and Barry.

This sacrifice of yours will not go unrewarded my dear raunchy.

After your death you will ascend to heaven and forever reside in the paradise 
of enlightened c@ckamania, the rest of eternity spending your time s$ cking 72 
of the never used, dumbed by years of useless tapas, tough to arouse 
enlightened c@cks.

I bown to you raunchy with tear filled eyes.

P.S in heaven if they offer you Jesus  Ramana's c@cks just grab it. They are 
indeed totally unused and very hard to be aroused. You will also run into many 
sexually repressed enlightened yogi c@cks from India who are equally well 

Stay away from that Krishna, his is the most used. Even virgins in India pine 
and yearn for his c@ck.

On Dec 4, 2011, at 8:56 AM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 LOL! Naked Guy gives whole new meaning to self-referral. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Emily

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi
Yaay my dear Obba !!!, thank you I knew it.

I heard Barry totally wetted his entire wardrobe into trash over the last 
several days, staring at the big fucking mirror that is the Ravi Yogi, who is 
the most narcissistic, the biggest asshole, as Bob says the Cosmic Showman that 
this world has ever seen.

On Dec 5, 2011, at 5:05 AM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Barry the Turq, is totally confused right now, obviously by his lack of 
 posts. : ) You won, Ravi! You get the golden ticket! 
 Ravi has unconditional love! I will remove the duct tape from my --you know. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  WTF..Obba? Look my love is not shallow, if you have decided to undergo a 
  change its' completely OK with me :-), OTOH, I might not have any 
  and Barry might drop out :-)
  From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Sun, December 4, 2011 6:44:56 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Emily
  That's okay to like older woman than you. The 37 in your username, my bad 
  thinking it was the year you were born. I have not hunted down pics of you 
  see you in a little pink dress. 
  Ravi and the Turq think I am a girl! Bhahaha
  Ravi is probably a midget named Anthony, born to Italian parents.
  The Turq is most likely a blue blood born in the Australian outback while 
  parents were on an expedition to study the migration habits of kangaroo and 
  boomerang tossing by aboriginal natives.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   Bloody hell, first MZ thinks I'm a girl and now you think I'm 74 years 
  Obviously, I am going to have to retool my image on FFL. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
Uncle fester was born in 1937? Just guessing. 
Exalted Shani is making its rounds in the Age of enlightenment. haha
This is good stuff. Keep talking and sending haha. 
Judy is a hot almost 70 ish woman. No wonder Turq has given you the 
  all these years. Now Fester? 
Is Christopher Plummer married? If he is not, Judy, you will have to 
  me to witness a cocktail party rendezvous, with he and you. I will sit in 
  nearby banyan tree, peering through the branches and roots. Can't believe 
  wasted a post on this. hahaha.
Always fun to chat with Judy. : )

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  Actually, some of the hottest women on the planet are in
  their sixties. Believe me, I know one of them.
 So does my boyfriend. ;-)
 But what's unseemly isn't my hotness, it's your curiosity
 about what I find hot in men.
 I mean, you could always send me your photo if you really
 wanted to know...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:

Now you're talkin', authfriend. More, more. 
   feste, for goodness sakes, I'm going to be 70 in a
   few months. There's something, well, *unseemly*
   about your enthusiastic curiosity here.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ 
 There ya go. That was really just the body, though, which
 I thought was very nice. I like a little hair on a man's
 chest. (There's a personal glimpse for you, feste.)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 

Because it's much more personal than what you usually 
here. Gives me a glimpse of the person behind the 
   Don't think it tells you much. And I've commented about
   attractive men before from time to time.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 
  Interesting to get a clue as to what sort of man 
  finds attractive.
 I suspect most women would find him at least 
 He's pretty conventionally handsome

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rare video of Robin and Ravi on YouTube

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi
Huh? It's in her handle, she is the raunchy doll. She hates to be called Mother 

On Dec 5, 2011, at 4:21 PM, whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Why the hard on for raunchy?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Dear raunchy, wow I knew it.
  I knew you were being modest when I called you the Mother Teresa of c@ck 
  s$ckers and you humbly declined it.
  No one would have dared to lift a finger if you had just spent your time in 
  the silent inner retreat of s$cking an enlightened c@ck for the rest of 
  your life on planet earth.
  But by s$cking the c@ck of a proven liar like Vaj, an outcast, an 
  untouchable, a self professed leper like Vaj you have shown to all 
  intelligent, discerning posters on FFL that you are the Mother Teresa of 
  the c@ck s$ckers.
  May I dare another equally deserving leper - Barry, check with HH Gandhi 
  King Curtis, he is well versed with Vaj and Barry.
  This sacrifice of yours will not go unrewarded my dear raunchy.
  After your death you will ascend to heaven and forever reside in the 
  paradise of enlightened c@ckamania, the rest of eternity spending your time 
  s$ cking 72 of the never used, dumbed by years of useless tapas, tough to 
  arouse enlightened c@cks.
  I bown to you raunchy with tear filled eyes.
  P.S in heaven if they offer you Jesus  Ramana's c@cks just grab it. They 
  are indeed totally unused and very hard to be aroused. You will also run 
  into many sexually repressed enlightened yogi c@cks from India who are 
  equally well deserving.
  Stay away from that Krishna, his is the most used. Even virgins in India 
  pine and yearn for his c@ck.
  On Dec 4, 2011, at 8:56 AM, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
   LOL! Naked Guy gives whole new meaning to self-referral. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rare video of Robin and Ravi on YouTube

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi
And Mr. Jim, she started it, why am I being punished?

On Dec 5, 2011, at 4:38 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 Huh? It's in her handle, she is the raunchy doll. She hates to be called 
 Mother Teresa..LOL..
 On Dec 5, 2011, at 4:21 PM, whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Why the hard on for raunchy?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Dear raunchy, wow I knew it.
  I knew you were being modest when I called you the Mother Teresa of c@ck 
  s$ckers and you humbly declined it.
  No one would have dared to lift a finger if you had just spent your time 
  in the silent inner retreat of s$cking an enlightened c@ck for the rest of 
  your life on planet earth.
  But by s$cking the c@ck of a proven liar like Vaj, an outcast, an 
  untouchable, a self professed leper like Vaj you have shown to all 
  intelligent, discerning posters on FFL that you are the Mother Teresa of 
  the c@ck s$ckers.
  May I dare another equally deserving leper - Barry, check with HH Gandhi 
  King Curtis, he is well versed with Vaj and Barry.
  This sacrifice of yours will not go unrewarded my dear raunchy.
  After your death you will ascend to heaven and forever reside in the 
  paradise of enlightened c@ckamania, the rest of eternity spending your 
  time s$ cking 72 of the never used, dumbed by years of useless tapas, 
  tough to arouse enlightened c@cks.
  I bown to you raunchy with tear filled eyes.
  P.S in heaven if they offer you Jesus  Ramana's c@cks just grab it. They 
  are indeed totally unused and very hard to be aroused. You will also run 
  into many sexually repressed enlightened yogi c@cks from India who are 
  equally well deserving.
  Stay away from that Krishna, his is the most used. Even virgins in India 
  pine and yearn for his c@ck.
  On Dec 4, 2011, at 8:56 AM, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
   LOL! Naked Guy gives whole new meaning to self-referral. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rare video of Robin and Ravi on YouTube

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi
Well the movie plot goes like this.

Ravi recognized raunchy to be a greater than Mother Teresa.

Raunchy denies and starts a completely new line of attack making up stories 
about how Ravi is interested in Alex, when it's clear that Ravi was cleaning 
Alex's clock.

Mother Teresa Raunchy meanwhile starts romping with Twisted Liar Vaj.

Ravi returns , cleans Raunchy's clocks, once, twice and counting..

End of story.

Keep an eye out for the sequels.

You can check with Barry as well, who despite Ravi not making any effort to 
clean his clocks, peed over his entire wardrobe and has been to reduced to the 
mediocrity of the status of an unpaid movie reviewer, which he so richly 

On Dec 5, 2011, at 5:37 PM, whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I just don't get it, I guess. Must've come in after the movie started :-) 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  And Mr. Jim, she started it, why am I being punished?
  On Dec 5, 2011, at 4:38 PM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
   Huh? It's in her handle, she is the raunchy doll. She hates to be called 
   Mother Teresa..LOL..
   On Dec 5, 2011, at 4:21 PM, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:
   Why the hard on for raunchy?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Dear raunchy, wow I knew it.

I knew you were being modest when I called you the Mother Teresa of 
c@ck s$ckers and you humbly declined it.

No one would have dared to lift a finger if you had just spent your 
time in the silent inner retreat of s$cking an enlightened c@ck for 
the rest of your life on planet earth.

But by s$cking the c@ck of a proven liar like Vaj, an outcast, an 
untouchable, a self professed leper like Vaj you have shown to all 
intelligent, discerning posters on FFL that you are the Mother Teresa 
of the c@ck s$ckers.

May I dare another equally deserving leper - Barry, check with HH 
Gandhi King Curtis, he is well versed with Vaj and Barry.

This sacrifice of yours will not go unrewarded my dear raunchy.

After your death you will ascend to heaven and forever reside in the 
paradise of enlightened c@ckamania, the rest of eternity spending your 
time s$ cking 72 of the never used, dumbed by years of useless tapas, 
tough to arouse enlightened c@cks.

I bown to you raunchy with tear filled eyes.

P.S in heaven if they offer you Jesus  Ramana's c@cks just grab it. 
They are indeed totally unused and very hard to be aroused. You will 
also run into many sexually repressed enlightened yogi c@cks from 
India who are equally well deserving.

Stay away from that Krishna, his is the most used. Even virgins in 
India pine and yearn for his c@ck.

On Dec 4, 2011, at 8:56 AM, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

 LOL! Naked Guy gives whole new meaning to self-referral. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rare video of Robin and Ravi on YouTube

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi
Of course once I become a star I will be willing to hire and rehabilitate Barry 
provided it's OK with Bob. Though mediocre to Bob's writing, I still like his 
writing and it will be helpful use his popularity within the low-vibe, 
slimeball community, The bottom of the can as I call them.

On Dec 5, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 Well the movie plot goes like this.
 Ravi recognized raunchy to be a greater than Mother Teresa.
 Raunchy denies and starts a completely new line of attack making up stories 
 about how Ravi is interested in Alex, when it's clear that Ravi was cleaning 
 Alex's clock.
 Mother Teresa Raunchy meanwhile starts romping with Twisted Liar Vaj.
 Ravi returns , cleans Raunchy's clocks, once, twice and counting..
 End of story.
 Keep an eye out for the sequels.
 You can check with Barry as well, who despite Ravi not making any effort to 
 clean his clocks, peed over his entire wardrobe and has been to reduced to 
 the mediocrity of the status of an unpaid movie reviewer, which he so richly 
 On Dec 5, 2011, at 5:37 PM, whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I just don't get it, I guess. Must've come in after the movie started :-) 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  And Mr. Jim, she started it, why am I being punished?
  On Dec 5, 2011, at 4:38 PM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
   Huh? It's in her handle, she is the raunchy doll. She hates to be called 
   Mother Teresa..LOL..
   On Dec 5, 2011, at 4:21 PM, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:
   Why the hard on for raunchy?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Dear raunchy, wow I knew it.

I knew you were being modest when I called you the Mother Teresa of 
c@ck s$ckers and you humbly declined it.

No one would have dared to lift a finger if you had just spent your 
time in the silent inner retreat of s$cking an enlightened c@ck for 
the rest of your life on planet earth.

But by s$cking the c@ck of a proven liar like Vaj, an outcast, an 
untouchable, a self professed leper like Vaj you have shown to all 
intelligent, discerning posters on FFL that you are the Mother Teresa 
of the c@ck s$ckers.

May I dare another equally deserving leper - Barry, check with HH 
Gandhi King Curtis, he is well versed with Vaj and Barry.

This sacrifice of yours will not go unrewarded my dear raunchy.

After your death you will ascend to heaven and forever reside in the 
paradise of enlightened c@ckamania, the rest of eternity spending 
your time s$ cking 72 of the never used, dumbed by years of useless 
tapas, tough to arouse enlightened c@cks.

I bown to you raunchy with tear filled eyes.

P.S in heaven if they offer you Jesus  Ramana's c@cks just grab it. 
They are indeed totally unused and very hard to be aroused. You will 
also run into many sexually repressed enlightened yogi c@cks from 
India who are equally well deserving.

Stay away from that Krishna, his is the most used. Even virgins in 
India pine and yearn for his c@ck.

On Dec 4, 2011, at 8:56 AM, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

 LOL! Naked Guy gives whole new meaning to self-referral. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rare video of Robin and Ravi on YouTube

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi
With regards to Barry wetting his wardrobe without me making too much effort, 
it's a tactic every adult, parent knows.

All a teacher had to do in India to control an unruly classroom was to pick the 
tallest, strongest boy and smack him. The entire class went silent, not to 
mention kids like Barry that peed in their pants.

On Dec 5, 2011, at 5:59 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 Of course once I become a star I will be willing to hire and rehabilitate 
 Barry provided it's OK with Bob. Though mediocre to Bob's writing, I still 
 like his writing and it will be helpful use his popularity within the 
 low-vibe, slimeball community, The bottom of the can as I call them.
 On Dec 5, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:
 Well the movie plot goes like this.
 Ravi recognized raunchy to be a greater than Mother Teresa.
 Raunchy denies and starts a completely new line of attack making up stories 
 about how Ravi is interested in Alex, when it's clear that Ravi was cleaning 
 Alex's clock.
 Mother Teresa Raunchy meanwhile starts romping with Twisted Liar Vaj.
 Ravi returns , cleans Raunchy's clocks, once, twice and counting..
 End of story.
 Keep an eye out for the sequels.
 You can check with Barry as well, who despite Ravi not making any effort to 
 clean his clocks, peed over his entire wardrobe and has been to reduced to 
 the mediocrity of the status of an unpaid movie reviewer, which he so richly 
 On Dec 5, 2011, at 5:37 PM, whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I just don't get it, I guess. Must've come in after the movie started :-) 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  And Mr. Jim, she started it, why am I being punished?
  On Dec 5, 2011, at 4:38 PM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
   Huh? It's in her handle, she is the raunchy doll. She hates to be 
   called Mother Teresa..LOL..
   On Dec 5, 2011, at 4:21 PM, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:
   Why the hard on for raunchy?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Dear raunchy, wow I knew it.

I knew you were being modest when I called you the Mother Teresa of 
c@ck s$ckers and you humbly declined it.

No one would have dared to lift a finger if you had just spent your 
time in the silent inner retreat of s$cking an enlightened c@ck for 
the rest of your life on planet earth.

But by s$cking the c@ck of a proven liar like Vaj, an outcast, an 
untouchable, a self professed leper like Vaj you have shown to all 
intelligent, discerning posters on FFL that you are the Mother 
Teresa of the c@ck s$ckers.

May I dare another equally deserving leper - Barry, check with HH 
Gandhi King Curtis, he is well versed with Vaj and Barry.

This sacrifice of yours will not go unrewarded my dear raunchy.

After your death you will ascend to heaven and forever reside in the 
paradise of enlightened c@ckamania, the rest of eternity spending 
your time s$ cking 72 of the never used, dumbed by years of useless 
tapas, tough to arouse enlightened c@cks.

I bown to you raunchy with tear filled eyes.

P.S in heaven if they offer you Jesus  Ramana's c@cks just grab it. 
They are indeed totally unused and very hard to be aroused. You will 
also run into many sexually repressed enlightened yogi c@cks from 
India who are equally well deserving.

Stay away from that Krishna, his is the most used. Even virgins in 
India pine and yearn for his c@ck.

On Dec 4, 2011, at 8:56 AM, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

 LOL! Naked Guy gives whole new meaning to self-referral. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rare video of Robin and Ravi on YouTube

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Judy I have a post pending to you. Don't post out, keep at least one.

Response below..

On Dec 5, 2011, at 7:08 PM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Mother Teresa Raunchy meanwhile starts romping with Twisted
  Liar Vaj.
 You go way off track here. raunchy is not fond of Vaj, to
 say the very least. (And it's raunchydog, not raunchy doll.)

Ravi is the attack dog for The Mad Yogi Inc. They do have a policy for not 
attacking women. But this was an exceptional case, look it's no easy for me. 
Bob once posted a beautiful video on that but I'm just following orders. And 
everthing's fair in protecting the love and beloved.

I'm sorry Judy I know she's your friend please don't hate the messenger. I will 
like I say address thoff is holy nexus of Ravi with The Mad Yogi inc in a post 
that I'm ready with (the content, needs to be typed).

Love - Ravi.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Hey Ravi

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi

Bravo, you finally learnt to take a stand huh? How's the feeling like to 
have a spine?

This is the first time I have seen you step out of intellectually aroused head 
so I am happy and excited for this new phase of yours.

You seriously think I give a damn if I post here or not? That I'm here to cater 
to your sensibilities and subtleties? Your double standards?

For chrissakes you allow anonymous handles, people indulging in mindless 
drive-bys and outrageous lies whereas my email, my face is accessible to anyone,

And you have no problem with people using anonymous handles to attack me?


And you had no fucking problem piling on with Barry in the past using similar 

Is it shameful for you now that you are Batgap host? And imagine it took Barry 
to get my interview on the site dominated by intellectual masturbators? 

What are the rules? What's acceptable and not  acceptable? So everyone gets to 
hear it from the moderator who finally has some balls to speak up.

Hey look everyone there's the moderator Rick - he's got new balls and a spine, 
doesn't he look awesome..LOL..

Have you ever read Indian scriptures on Shiva?



If you want me to stop posting just cut me off and get it over with dude. 
spare me your idotic, retarded, false bravado. You are 
fucking embarrassing yourself.

The Mad Yogi Inc rolls on regardless.

From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, December 5, 2011 8:52:35 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hey Ravi

Clean it up a bit or your outta here. I’m serious.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hey Ravi

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi

Thank you. I mean I love Rick - he is an innocent and naive in my book. I 
understand it's his list but if he has rules he has to let us know publicly and 
then hit than dong.

He could have privately sent me a message as well, I mean what did he expect me 
to do with his false bravado - roll over and play dead?

I unfortunately don't play like that. I can converse privately with the people 
who love me and mind you not including yourself I have many that love me and I 
love them as well.

My language on FFL is very strong and offensive but that's the nature of 
intellectuals that inhabit here.

I go to Ammachi Satsang, I'm still playful, irreverent but very loving because 
I'm surrounded by people of heart, lovers and not intellectuals i.e. pimps.

In fact I feel I lead a double life - one side with the heart centered ones, 
another side with the intellect centered ones.

And it will continue.

I have enough to engage myself privately.

From: Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, December 5, 2011 10:26:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Hey Ravi



Looks like you hit the hypocrisy jackpot; guess it was just a matter of time 
with such fertile fields, and a yogi that refuses to shoot blanks. Just 
wondering whether Rick was reminding us that FFL has standards, or, that he has 
standards---and, of course, we're playing at *his* house, and him and the rest 
of the liberals will totally miss the point tripping over themselves showing us 
how liberal they are. I have $1.59 that says this will be the post that the 
naked emperor (another liberal) decides is his road to reconstruction (not the 
one with a pick on his finger; the one with his finger stuck somewhere besides 

From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, December 5, 2011 8:52:35 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hey Ravi


Clean it up a bit or your outta here. I’m serious.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Hey Ravi

2011-12-05 Thread Ravi Yogi

Awesome video BTW, thanks for the laughs. Your point on liberals is well taken.

I liked this quote by Tom Robbins on Osho where he talks about the same exact 

One of the things that first caused me to have interest in him was the fact 
that he was so soundly and roundly rejected and attacked by both the left and 
the right, by both the unthinking masses and educated, liberal intellectuals. 
And when someone's ideas are that universally  attacked, that can arose that 
much hostility, that was a signal to me that there must be something there 
paying attention to.


From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, December 5, 2011 10:35:16 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Hey Ravi


Thank you. I mean I love Rick - he is an innocent and naive in my book. I 
understand it's his list but if he has rules he has to let us know publicly and 
then hit than dong.

He could have privately sent me a message as well, I mean what did he expect me 
to do with his false bravado - roll over and play dead?

I unfortunately don't play like that. I can converse privately with the people 
who love me and mind you not including yourself I have many that love me and I 
love them as well.

My language on FFL is very strong and offensive but that's the nature of 
intellectuals that inhabit here.

I go to Ammachi Satsang, I'm still playful, irreverent but very loving because 
I'm surrounded by people of  heart, lovers and not intellectuals i.e. pimps.

In fact I feel I lead a double life - one side with the heart centered ones, 
another side with the intellect centered ones.

And it will continue.

I have enough to engage myself privately.

From: Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, December 5, 2011 10:26:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Hey Ravi



Looks like you hit the hypocrisy jackpot; guess it was just a matter of time 
with such fertile fields, and a yogi that refuses to shoot blanks. Just 
wondering whether Rick was reminding us that FFL has standards, or, that he has 
standards---and, of course, we're playing at *his* house, and him and the rest 
of the liberals will totally miss the point tripping over themselves showing us 
how liberal they are. I have $1.59 that says this will be the post that the 
naked emperor (another liberal) decides is his road to reconstruction (not the 
one with a pick on his finger; the one with his finger stuck somewhere besides 

From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, December 5, 2011 8:52:35 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hey Ravi


Clean it up a bit or your outta here. I’m serious.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-04 Thread Ravi Yogi
Whew, Steve - thank you. I have dodged a bullet. I knew I could bank on your 
love for me bailing me out.

From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 7:11:36 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
(was Bob)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Steve - did I clean your clock then? I hope you haven't take any offense 

 I still love you.
Ravi, as far as I'm concerned, any dispute we might have doesn't do much more 
than scratch the surface.  I'd like to think that I'll always be there for you.
 I just wanted to show I can clean clocks and that no one can clean my clock. 

 didn't have to make too much effort to come up with those words. I was 

 sitting on that bench in Venice, with my coffee and smoke just typing away. 
If we don't push one another on occassion, then we don't really progress in a 
friendship.  And of course, with relationships such as these, via the internet, 
it seems that you can cycle through ups and downs a  little more quickly.
 People are vulnerable because they insulate themselves with beliefs, whereas 

 ability to clean clocks comes from my utter lack of belief, total 

 and  vulnerability. I'm totally open to harm, yet can never be harmed. Even 

 are tied to their teachings and their followers whereas a yogi is utterly 

 not even afraid of death because I have encountered death and conquered it.
Sounds great.  Quite an accomplishment. 
 So either you continue to make thoughtless statements and align with the 
 perverted intellect of a raunchy, a jason, an alex or go with the top 1% that 

 The Mad Yogi Inc, your choice really.
Rav, I'll take your suggestion under advisement.   But funny you should put it 
that way.  This whole week, the thought that has been going through my head is 
that I am part of the 99%
 Bon voyage.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: It Came From Dementia

2011-12-04 Thread Ravi Yogi
From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, December 4, 2011 12:00:37 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: It Came From Dementia

Clearly, I failed to reserve a talking crazy head in the painting below
for Robert/Babaji. Maybe he's the green/pink tentacled thing from
which the blessings of all dementia flow. Or the elephant. :-)

One thing I have to say for outbursts of insanity like yesterday's is
that they make the end of the posting week much more pleasant
by comparison. At this rate all of the crazies will have posted out
by Monday and then the rest of us can talk.

You wish Barry !!! I devised a devious plan with the help of Vedic gods to make 
sure the crazy Robin doesn't make a single post till I post out, so you still 
have to deal with him, good luck :-).

I feel you have a crush on Obba and you are trying to steal her away from me. I 
don't really appreciate that, you have been warned my friend.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: It Came From Dementia

2011-12-04 Thread Ravi Yogi
Yeah Barry, stay away from Obba. Raunchy just dumped me - she's all yours.

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, December 4, 2011 1:16:16 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: It Came From Dementia

From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, December 4, 2011 12:00:37 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: It Came From  Dementia

Clearly, I failed to reserve a talking crazy head in the painting below
for Robert/Babaji. Maybe he's the green/pink tentacled thing from
which the blessings of all dementia flow. Or the elephant. :-)

One thing I have to say for outbursts of insanity like yesterday's is
that they make the end of the posting week much more pleasant
by comparison. At this rate all of the crazies will have posted out
by Monday and then the rest of us can talk.

You wish Barry !!! I devised a devious plan with the help of Vedic gods to make 
sure the crazy Robin doesn't make a single post till I post out, so you still 
have to deal with him, good luck :-).

I feel you have a crush on  Obba and you are trying to steal her away from me. 
don't really appreciate that, you have been warned my friend.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2011-12-04 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Bob,

thank you very much for sharing your experiences, that's awesome. So my 
intuition that you had a great deal of interest in people declaring 
enlightenment was spot on after all..:-). Anyway, since cleaning the clock was 
the favorite phrase of this week, I have to say you were the only person to 
clean my clock..LOL..that takes a special, unique bird err..turkey to do that. 
And that explains my love, appreciation for you.

From: Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 8:38:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to 


Thank you; your clarification was appreciated. I certainly
agree with you about Barrykins, but not about Jim, Ravi or MZ. 

When I was a proud member of the TMO, a little shy of 4
decades ago, some initiators were popping into enlightenment, like home brewed 
beer in an over heated attic, and it used to irritate the shit out of me. I was
old school, and figured the number of people I initiated was the only metric
Maharishi cared about, and, at the time, I thought if all I cared about was
what *I thought* Maharishi cared about, my enlightenment would take care of
itself. I initiated a lot of people, and was blessed with a lot of time around
Maharishi, and, I figured---some of my enlightened peers, seemed like complete
losers when it came to my metric.

Fast-forward, 35 years after leaving the TMO, I join FFL,
and, sure enough, my metric and me pick up right where we left off. The only
problem, was that as I proceeded to try and become FFL's biggest turkey, with a
keyboard, I noticed people like Jim, Ravi, MZ, Rory and others---who had made
it clear, they were either experiencing, or had previously experienced, a
higher state of consciousness, not only seemed to be having more fun, but
seemed to be one fu*k of a lot more tolerant, and frankly, more emotionally
developed then most of us questioning their veracity. So I had this moment of
clarity when I concluded: Why not, and, Who am I to question
someone else's internal landscape. Since then I've been enjoying myself
on FFL one hell of a lot more. I'm even thinking; if I hang around, some of the
light may rub off on me. 

I had my palm read in Baalbek years ago, and this very
pretty Lebanese lady told me I was a young soul. So I figure, after I come back
as a slug, along with Barry---a few times, I may get another kick at the can,
as a human, and, if nothing else, I can say I knew Ravi, Rory, and Jim---back
in the day, when they were sentient beings.

I certainty respect your right to think everything above is
complete nonsense (except the part about the Lebanese lady being pretty); I
enjoyed your post to me and wanted to share my experience. Another possibility
is that this is just my way of trying to trick Tom into restarting his posting; 
he does, I plan to throw another I Ching for (at) him.


From: Jason jedi_sp...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 11:46:25 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to FairfieldLife

I am sorry for the misunderstanding Bob.  Pardon me, I 
wasn't refering to you.

I was refering to Jim and Barry.  Both make a good pair.  
Uncle Tantra is a pseudo-critic and a teaser.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:


Is it something we said, or something he ate---I'm going with the latter. Maybe
he's related to Sal and your pictures set him off; probably not, better chance
he lives with Vaj


From: Jason jedi_spock@...
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 9:32:14 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to FairfieldLife

And you are a pseudo-enlightened cosmic bitch
whoring your fake 'awakening' around.
And he is a pseudo-critic and an intellectual
strip queen who stripteases in internet forums.
Both of you make a good pair don't you.  You both
are made for each other.

From: whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 10:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to FairfieldLife

Ha Ha Ha! Yes, I think I sufficiently explored within the realms of
consciousness the genesis of Barry's use of the term, drama queen, which has
now been supported further with the media you have supplied. He is truly
everywhere, secure in his infinite archetype, kosmic King Baby.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-04 Thread Ravi Yogi
Excellent choice, I trust you have been screening the posts for her :-).

I loved free falls after my E, prior to which I was very scared. My kid made me 
do it a couple of times after he himself got scared and I totally enjoyed it. I 
planned sky diving with a couple of friends in the Bay area but it never came 
fruition but I plan to do it. I will check with them again :-)

From: Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 5:28:17 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
(was Bob)


Here a link from the daughter to you:


From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2011 4:50:30 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
(was Bob)

Steve - did I clean your clock then? I hope you haven't take any offense 
I still love you.

I just wanted to show I can clean clocks and that no one can clean my clock. I 
didn't have to make too much effort to come up with those words. I was blissful 
sitting on that bench in Venice, with my coffee and smoke just typing away. 

People are vulnerable because they insulate themselves with beliefs, whereas my 
ability to clean clocks comes from my utter lack of belief, total helplessness 
and vulnerability. I'm totally open to harm, yet can never be harmed. Even 
are tied to their teachings and their followers whereas a yogi is utterly free, 
not even afraid of death because I have encountered death and conquered it.

So either you continue to make thoughtless statements and align with the 
perverted intellect of a raunchy, a jason, an alex or go with the top 1% that 
The Mad Yogi Inc, your choice really.

Bon voyage.

From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 2:07:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
(was Bob)

Rav, you've rendered my speechless. I can't think of a thing to say.  Ok.  Bon 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Hear ye, hear one and all.
 Step over Stupid Sal, here comes Steve, the idiot, nay the idiot of idiots, 
King Idiot, the most simple, innocent, naive idiot, the original retard, the 
village bumpkin. 

 From the village of St. Louis, the heart land, throbbing, pulsating, 
with a thriving community of idiots, multi faceted, multi dimensional retards. 

 Steve, from St. Louis ably assisted by Rishi Jason, yoga man, a wannabe 
spiritual thing.
 King Idiot Steve confronts Dr. Ravi Chivukula, the renowned researcher from 
UCLA, the man of great intellect, who sacrificed his life, emigrating from 
to spend time researching
the people he so dearly loved.
 Dr. Ravi Chivukula travelled all over the vast regions of the West coast, 
the beautiful foggy beaches to the sunny plains to the ice capped Cascades.
 Studying the West coast liberals, people of heart, yet fascinated by pseudo 
spiritual icons. He aped their mannerisms, he ate their food, he aped their 
language, their food habits, their customs, their culture.
 Now fashioned himself as Ravi Yogi, the Kali's Pimp, the mother of the 
the sex, anger, guilt, shame, the pain and the suffering.
 The King Idiot Steve confronts Ravi Yogi with the sacred teachings of the 
man. Never before revealed White man's guilt, his burden, his superiority, 
nicely wrapped now as his rules, his sensibilities, his subtleties.
 The crowd egged on by Rishi Jason started throwing rocks at Ravi Yogi, which 
then mysteriously transformed as eggs and
boomeranged back leaving them egg shell shocked.


Re: [FairfieldLife] A Personal Letter to Ravi Yogi (Dr Ravi Chivukula)

2011-12-04 Thread Ravi Yogi
 talk and tips. One of the ladies 
started her usual talk by asking me to relaxed, and when I responded that I am 
always utterly relaxed, she nodded in agreement that I indeed was completely 
relaxed. :-)

So I can only record videos during my extroverted, blissful, manic energy times.

My deeply introverted, depressive states happen when I'm listening to music or 
spontaneously. You have to see that this state doesn't go well with recording 
myself. So these are absent to you and the world. So someone else has to do the 
recording because I'm thoroughly absorbed and some times my crying is so bad 
that I'm glad no one's around because they would most likely call 911 because 
the intensity of my anguish will unnerve anyone. Yet I'm deeply aware, my 
intellect is sometimes judging, laughing. But after I'm done I am blissful. I 
also get moved by music, animals, little children, any kind of sensitive, 
feeling, sorrowful situation yet there is a sense of detachment. So all these 
states are highly impersonal yet they do appear utterly personal to the people 
who I'm communicating with.

So I'm quite ordinary as well Robin. On a relative level I'm meeting the ever 
changing relative, the maaya in its pristine, purity, totally alert, aware, 
unfazed. Then I have my desires as well, I try hitting on women but then women 
are smart, they detect the detached playfulness and can clearly see I at some 
deeper level don't need them. I need money so I can support my mother, my 
alimony and my kids. My inability to keep my expenses under control, my 
tickets, my higher insurance, my car needs to be fixed, my dishwasher disposal 
is stuck..OMG..the relative is a big fucking mess yet it's all so blissful.

Hope this answers your questions. Already - it's a too long message as I have 
gone with a free flowing response. Plus it's too late now and my body is 
demanding rest.

From: maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, December 4, 2011 3:08:08 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] A Personal Letter to Ravi Yogi (Dr Ravi Chivukula)

Dear Ravi,

You are such a positive guy. By this I mean that with all your fooling around 
and shameless antics, you never show to me that, no matter how extreme you get, 
how far you go, that something nasty escapes from you and shows itself. That 
just might make you unique. To be as audacious and unafraid as you are, and yet 
never to express something dark and unhappy inside of you, that is a feat which 
needs explaining. You are, in effect, defying human nature as we know it, as 
history knows it.

Now, if what I have said is true: that you are 'being Ravi' in this outrageous 
and incurable way, and in your lavish spontaneity and unabashed mocking you 
remain a force of intelligence, energy, and delight—no matter how much you 
the line, and transgress all norms of decency and protocol (what we Westerns 
assume are the norms anyway)—then the question comes on: *How is this 
How can a human being be so crazy, so playful, so insulting, so unusual—seeming 
to exist and act inside a context which cannot be accessed by any other person 
on the planet (Met, ever, anyone like you, Ravi? I think not—no Guru either: 
bad you can't sense what an idiot your friend Rajneesh is—perhaps less so now 
that he has sobered up)—and yet still seem flesh, bone, and blood—human?

Now if you are the Creator of the universe, this might in some sense make 
sense—although I would feel the Creator was not showing all that I would wish 
him to be (you being him); but as it is, I doubt when you did not exist, you 
created yourself out of that nothingness. You clearly are not the author of 
breathing, nor how you developed as a foetus in the womb, and then came out 
the world as a special baby—always given the window seat on the train. Your 
existence precedes your essence. May I say that? So, then, the question for me 
becomes: what is going on here with this Ravi Yogi fellow? *How does he fit 
the universe*? What should I make of him? What should be my response to him? 
does the universe feel about Ravi Yogi?

These are questions for which I seek answers. And I know you can't help me in 
this. So I am going to try something out here, Ravi. Did you listen to Sade's 
Your Love is King? [one of the Price videos] Because if you did, the 
tenderness and poignancy of that song cannot be mocked. Even if you are in the 
midst of one of your pirouettes of perfect nonsense and delight and rudeness, 
you have to be stopped by that song—the rendition by Sade on that video. Now if 
your context of being a yogi will not permit you to suddenly be stilled and 
serious by that song—disrupting your creative and unconditioned routine—then I 
have, have I not, found a limitation? Now it is quite possible that you could 
maintain to me that you refuse under inspiration to put the breaks 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dana Sawyer needs photos

2011-12-04 Thread Ravi Yogi
Feste, even-though Vaj is a big liar he is right on some of the symptoms.

During my kundalini descension I suffered from symptoms that resemble panic 
attacks. During 2 weeks in 2006 it result in massive agoraphobia for me.

Of course I was blessed enough that existence guided me and I never had to rely 
on crooks like Vaj or big pharma.

I healed and integrated the energy naturally.

So quite possible that several people who trigger Kundalini through TM had 
these symptoms, but they have no faith and trust in the process or Guru to 
complete it.

Psychosis is another state that helped my body, mind, ego to go through the 
Kundalini ascension phase.

Again I can envision the possibility of people stuck in this state for a whole 
lifetime because they trusted crooks like Vaj and the big pharma.

I have written about this in the past. I can talk more if you are interested. 

On Dec 4, 2011, at 11:14 AM, feste37 fest...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I know nothing about meditation forms other than TM, which was the only one 
 that ever interested me, so I am unable to comment on your analogy. I am 
 aware that more than a few TM meditators have hypersensitivities, but I'm 
 not sure that is always a bad thing: they have their antennae up to detect 
 anything that might be harmful and coming their way, so as best to avoid it 
 (food sensitivities, for example). I have hypersensitivities of my own, but I 
 don't think TM or the TMSP had any effect on them, one way or another. It's 
 just part of the makeup of the personality. But that's just my experience. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:
  On Dec 4, 2011, at 1:42 PM, feste37 wrote:
   Well, that's interesting. I never liked rounding so did as little of it 
   as possible. I can imagine that if people are cooped up all day doing 
   that then they might get a bit reclusive for a while and find it 
   difficult to get back into a more integrated lifestyle, but I would have 
   thought such feelings would be very short-term. Anything more serious, I 
   would doubt were caused by long rounding, although the people may well 
   be sincere in thinking that. I suspect there must be some other 
   underlying issues in such cases that have nothing to do with TM. 
  I believe there is a cause effect relationship in this case, just having 
  observed the weird hypersensitivities in various rounders or hardcore 
  I think it's important to distinguish between meditation forms that help 
  samskaras be dissolved and those that plant sattvic seeds in the mind to 
  overwhelm the rajasic and tamasic weeds. One method is like planting many 
  flowers in a garden so that they overwhelm the weeds to the point they're 
  barely noticeable, the other is like dissolving the weeds at the roots so 
  the garden's already present state can emerge.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Emily

2011-12-04 Thread Ravi Yogi
WTF..Obba? Look my love is not shallow, if you have decided to undergo a sex 
change its' completely OK with me :-), OTOH, I might not have any competition 
and Barry might drop out :-)

From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, December 4, 2011 6:44:56 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Emily

That's okay to like older woman than you. The 37 in your username, my bad in 
thinking it was the year you were born. I have not hunted down pics of you to 
see you in a little pink dress. 

Ravi and the Turq think I am a girl! Bhahaha

Ravi is probably a midget named Anthony, born to Italian parents.
The Turq is most likely a blue blood born in the Australian outback while his 
parents were on an expedition to study the migration habits of kangaroo and 
boomerang tossing by aboriginal natives.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 Bloody hell, first MZ thinks I'm a girl and now you think I'm 74 years old!!! 
Obviously, I am going to have to retool my image on FFL. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Uncle fester was born in 1937? Just guessing. 
  Exalted Shani is making its rounds in the Age of enlightenment. haha
  This is good stuff. Keep talking and sending haha. 
  Judy is a hot almost 70 ish woman. No wonder Turq has given you the 
all these years. Now Fester? 

  Is Christopher Plummer married?  If he is not, Judy, you will have to 
me to witness a cocktail party rendezvous, with he and you. I will sit in the 
nearby banyan tree, peering through the branches and roots.  Can't believe I 
wasted a post on this. hahaha.
  Always fun to chat with Judy. : )
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:

Actually, some of the hottest women on the planet are in
their sixties. Believe me, I know one of them.
   So does my boyfriend. ;-)
   But what's unseemly isn't my hotness, it's your curiosity
   about what I find hot in men.
   I mean, you could always send me your photo if you really
   wanted to know...
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  Now you're talkin', authfriend. More, more. 
 feste, for goodness sakes, I'm going to be 70 in a
 few months. There's something, well, *unseemly*
 about your enthusiastic curiosity here.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   There ya go. That was really just the body, though, which
   I thought was very nice. I like a little hair on a man's
   chest. (There's a personal glimpse for you, feste.)
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ 
  Because it's much more personal than what you usually post
  here. Gives me a glimpse of the person behind the post.
 Don't think it tells you much. And I've commented about
 attractive men before from time to time.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 
Interesting to get a clue as to what sort of man 
finds attractive.
   I suspect most women would find him at least good-looking.
   He's pretty conventionally handsome. (Even Rick remarked
   on that in one of his posts.)
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend 
jstein@ wrote:

 I rather suspect he knows he's a hunk and wouldn't be
 aghast to find folks commenting favorably on his 
 He's most likely used to it and doesn't care as long 
 they also appreciate him for his mind. ;-)
 In any case, he's certainly out of *my* reach on a
 number of grounds, so his wife has nothing to fear. If
 he's within *your* reach, I can understand why you'd
 want to be circumspect.
 But feel free to pass on to him that you've run into 
 admirer-at-a-distance of his on FFL...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba 
no_reply@ wrote:
  He has a wife and kids. As he should. End of  
: )

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi

From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, December 2, 2011 7:48:06 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video  response to Alex


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  Look at Alex's video here - 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/296996. I
  found it hilarious that a publicly gay man would post a video
  on girlie-men.
 Why? It's a silly, campy Bollywood (or Tollywood,
 apparently) video. Alex thought it was amusing. I
 should think you'd find it amusing too.
 And you do understand why it was given the title
 Girly Man, right? You understand what the lyrics
 in the subtitles are, right? You noticed that the
 folks in the video weren't singing in English,
 right? And that the subtitles aren't English
 translations of whatever they were singing?
 If this is all a goof on your part, never mind. I
 can't always tell when you're serious.

I think to some degree it's an affected online persona, possibly with some 
actual mental illness underlying it. I do find it puzzling, though, that my 
facetious remarks and silly videos would elicit such an over-the-top response. 
Oh well... another day in paradise.

Fucking hilarious as usual Alex. So yours were facetious and silly, whereas 
were over-the-top and indicating a mental disorder..LOL.. Hmm..so why did you 
not consider mine not silly and facetious, many here did, I myself did, though 
not sure how many got the subtext of it. 
Wait a second is it because I mocked you very well in comparison to your 
pathetic attempts starting with the rabid thingie. Is this what your Waking 
Down moves teach you? That you are silly but the whole world is devious, out to 
get you so you need to hide in a closet while practicing your Waking Down moves?

What kind of paradise are you referring to? How does it look for 
closet dwellers? I haven't had an opportunity to explore this kind of  habitat 
yet - but I used to love hiding in closets till I was 9 or so - haven't seen or 
heard 55+ years old do it - you and your buddy Tom Pall are the first ones I 
have seen so pardon my ignorance on this subject.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Well Judy you missed lot of context with Alex's pathetic loser attempts for the 
last few days to call me Rabid, this video with its spoof on Girlie man (it's 
not the video itself it's Alex's intentions) and then a video with Indian 

I think Alex is full of shame i.e. living in a closet, he assumes I must too 
:-). He doesn't realize that I mock Ravi's personality as much I do anyone 
else's. And I love myself and others with equal intensity, there is no 

His Waking Down experiences and subsequent comments were very hilarious when he 
posted it several months back. Changing from TM to Waking Down obviously hasn't 
helped his hiding in a closet i.e shame and self loathing issues - my 
to homosexuality are more of a subtext, closet hiding, mommy hating and girlie 
men. I couldn't avoid it since his shame and self loathing probably involves 
issues with homosexuality, I have no issues with it myself.

From: authfriend jst...@panix.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, December 2, 2011 7:31:55 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
 Look at Alex's video here - 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/296996. I
 found it hilarious that a publicly gay man would post a video
 on girlie-men.

Why? It's a silly, campy Bollywood (or Tollywood,
apparently) video. Alex thought it was amusing. I
should think you'd find it amusing too.

And you do understand why it was given the title
Girly Man, right? You understand what the lyrics
in the subtitles are, right? You noticed that the
folks in the video weren't singing in English,
right? And that the subtitles aren't English
translations of whatever they were singing?

If this is all a goof on your part, never mind. I
can't always tell when you're serious.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Steve, OMG I can't believe your stupid, idiotic, thoughtless comments. Raunchy 
baby doll's I can, not yours.

You don't know how, with how much sensitivity, love and compassion I handled 
gay men and one perverted buffalo bill after my enlightenment.

I have embraced my femininity after my enlightenment unlike Alex and others who 
are filled with shame and self loathing. Prior to enlightenment I would recoil 
at the thought of another man sexually. 

I can see why I got picked on, i.e because of my love, approachablity and the 

In the case of Buffalo Bill, a white guy 55 year old perhaps, who tried to 
follow me - I made no attempt to avoid him. I was loving throughout, the 
existence bailed me out when I introduced my friend Carsten. He assumed Carsten 
was my partner.

And in the case of the 50 year old man, white again in Venice I was so loving 
so he wouldn't feel a trace of rejection from me. I hugged him, massaged his 
shoulder, talked lovingly which made him totally open to me. In fact he was 
totally in awe of me, asked me if I was a Hindu god..LOL..

Steve, I have so much affection for you and you have really caused me pain.

I clean people's clocks because they are so attached to their egos, 
personalities. No one can touch me, I'm untouched, untainted, untarnished.

Integrity is being totally honest with yourself, I'm totally aware of every 
single action, every sin I have performed in this life, but Mother Ganges 
purified in one fell swoop.

Now I'm sinless, stainless yet I will never shy away from being accountable for 
any of my actions.

Check with Bob or Robin - they are scary, they read me like a fucking book.

On Dec 2, 2011, at 10:21 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 Steve - wtf, what are you reading my naive friend? There's no one on this 
 planet that can clean my clock much less the retarded raunchy doll. Not 
 because I'm poweful, because my power comes from my utter powerlessness.
 Because I'm not attached to my personality, I'm untouched. I don't hide 
 anything, I'm utterly open and totally vulnerable. Are you really this 
 clueless. No wonder Judy comes after you for your stupid thoughtless comments.
 Raunchy doll is all caught up in her twisted fantasies, I'll get to her soon. 
 In fact my intention was to tick her off and I have succeeded :-). I love it.
 The word Hijra is translated to eunuch, has nothing to with gays. I have lot 
 of gay friends and love them. I have had gays hitting on me and how I had so 
 much fun, I have posted about it in detail.
 Here it is - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/294028
 I had a recent experience in Venice. This was an older man who was gay and he 
 started hitting on me. I had such fun with him. I told him I felt honored but 
 that I was straight. We both flirted with each other eventhough I'm not gay 
 myself. I fucking challenge anyone to match my behavior. We talked about how 
 straight men take offense at being hit on by gay men.
 In fact I helped him a lot that night. He got very open, very vulnerable with 
 him. He was drunk but he cried and was utterly open to me. He narrated all 
 his childhood stories, of how he could never find true love and how he 
 yearned for love. After I was done talking to him he felt really good, 
 especially one suggestion really made him feel very good. He asked me if I 
 was a Hindu god is disguise, a Guru or Kali.
 Unfortunately the next morning his ego caught up to him. He felt very ashamed 
 of crying and being vulnerable to me. He probably felt he gave away lot of 
 power to me not realizing I wouldn't harm anyone. He profusely apologized to 
 me while I was being loving throughout. And then he totally avoided me. Poor 
 fellow, he got scared :-)
 On Dec 2, 2011, at 9:10 PM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net wrote:
 I'd say Ravi just got his clock cleaned.  (or maybe take the first l out 
 of this)  (or maybe that's what needs to happen) (or maybe that's happening 
 too much)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
  Let's see...what else gets Ravi's panties in a twist? Oh yeah. Alex and 
  Tom are gay. Tom? Unless Ravi claims he gave him a blow job, I'd say he's 
  just making that up. Amazingly, he just figured out that Alex is out of 
  the closet. Hello? Now that he's discovered a new best gay friend, he's 
  all aflutter posting videos for Alex. Why do I get the feeling he's trying 
  to get a date? 
  Hey, Alex, Ravi probably isn't your type but you do have something in 
  common. You both like pussies.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Hey Raunchy baby doll,

I don't know why you are publicly humiliating with your lies.

I can't imagine your paranoid jealousy would lead to this?

You clearly know you have the sole rights to give me a blow job, and my tongue 
hasn't touched another man, never will.

You know we clearly had a blowjob section in our pre-nuptial. 

Are you now going to lie about this as well?

Baby, I hope you are not dumping me.

I an enlightened for others but always your slave.

How could I ever repay you back for the kindness of the blow jobs you have 
given me? 

The sweet ones, the sour ones, the salty, the spicy, the soft ones, the hard 
ones, and the really rocky ones. The whole range of ice cream ones, the 
vanilla, the chocolate, the strawberry, the bright full moon ones, the dark new 
moon ones.

The wet ones, the dry ones

How I can forget the blow jobs you gave in the car, the ones in the shower, the 
ones in all nooks and corners of the bathroom and the bedroom and the kitchen.

Baby I would never get tired of describing the sheer variety, I could spend the 
whole eternity writing poems on it.

Raunchy, please stop this madness.

Raunchy baby, Come back home, I'm... oops my dick is akways ready for you and 
always yours (remember that pre-nuptial)

On Dec 2, 2011, at 8:50 PM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Dear raunchy - Yes I called India a Hijra nation in a very derogatory way.
   I know you naturally have all kinds of idiotic questions about my 
   stories. But I don't make any apologies for my behavior to the retarded, 
   especially the retards who worship the pervert Gandhi and that stupid 
   bitch Teresa. I'm a narcissistic enlightened asshole - get it?
   Anyway my friend's wife was innocent, very straightforward unlike her 
   husband. And she was the one who innocently believed what her stupid 
   husband had to say and said stupid things to me. So I could only get mad 
   at her because I lived her. Of course I spent a long time at her feet 
   begging for forgiveness for my behavior because I loved her and she took 
   really good care of me post enlightenment. I can't see anyone else bring 
   separate for me.
   Anyway don't spend too much time on it, it's too much for your Gandhi 
   Teresa fascinated perverted intellect to understand, OK hon?
  Gay Couples get married in India
 Gay Couples get married in India is red meat for Ravi. Will he bite? 
 Obviously, he thought the link to India's third sex was delicious. It set 
 him off on such a righteous rant about hijras, Gandhi, liberals and commies, 
 he must have shot off a gigantic wad for all the jerking off he did about it. 
 Ravi, the self-proclaimed narcissistic asshole, says he's enlightened. I 
 wouldn't want him to have a hissy fit, so I won't say I doubt him. It's just 
 that perhaps his standards aren't very high if he has me confused with Mother 
 Let's see...what else gets Ravi's panties in a twist? Oh yeah. Alex and Tom 
 are gay. Tom? Unless Ravi claims he gave him a blow job, I'd say he's just 
 making that up. Amazingly, he just figured out that Alex is out of the 
 closet. Hello? Now that he's discovered a new best gay friend, he's all 
 aflutter posting videos for Alex. Why do I get the feeling he's trying to get 
 a date? 
 Hey, Alex, Ravi probably isn't your type but you do have something in common. 
 You both like pussies.
 Holy Shit Cats!
   On Dec 1, 2011, at 4:23 AM, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:

 Yep hijras and India was a hijra nation for a long time following its 
 Gandhian values.
 I once had a friend whom I blasted as a hijra. I knew he pretends to 
 be a nice 
 guy, he made niceness into a philosophy. He questioned me and my 
 so the existence made me lash out at her wife whom I actually liked a 
 lot. But 
 he kept on smiling throughout. I blasted him later as a hijra, that 
 his brother 
 was more of a man for challenging me and rightly married the girl 
 whom both the 
 brothers loved; that his dharma was to yell at me, get mad at me, 
 protect his 
 wife than practice his stupid nice philosophy.
 I tell you he never recovered from that.

Just to be clear, because of Gandhi's stupid values India became a 
nation of hijaras, a derogatory term in India meaning weak and unmanly, 
equivalent to faggot in this country. 

You were angry with a friend for questioning your enlightenment. So 
quite inexplicably, through no fault of your own, the existence made 
you lash out at his wife. 

Later on you called your

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Raunchy baby doll,

You clearly know baby why I always called you Mother Teresa, yet you lie baby.

You know I would never compare you to that ugly bitch otherwise.

You were and are always the Mother Teresa of blowjobs.

Can Mother Teresa ever match the unconditional love and care you took while 
offering me blowjobs?

She served many, she had variety, but you served one, sincerely, you created 
variety - the ones I describe below.

Baby I'm hurt, I'm sad and I'm depressed (make that my dick)

Please come back.

On Dec 3, 2011, at 2:34 AM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 Hey Raunchy baby doll,
 I don't know why you are publicly humiliating with your lies.
 I can't imagine your paranoid jealousy would lead to this?
 You clearly know you have the sole rights to give me a blow job, and my 
 tongue hasn't touched another man, never will.
 You know we clearly had a blowjob section in our pre-nuptial. 
 Are you now going to lie about this as well?
 Baby, I hope you are not dumping me.
 I an enlightened for others but always your slave.
 How could I ever repay you back for the kindness of the blow jobs you have 
 given me? 
 The sweet ones, the sour ones, the salty, the spicy, the soft ones, the hard 
 ones, and the really rocky ones. The whole range of ice cream ones, the 
 vanilla, the chocolate, the strawberry, the bright full moon ones, the dark 
 new moon ones.
 The wet ones, the dry ones
 How I can forget the blow jobs you gave in the car, the ones in the shower, 
 the ones in all nooks and corners of the bathroom and the bedroom and the 
 Baby I would never get tired of describing the sheer variety, I could spend 
 the whole eternity writing poems on it.
 Raunchy, please stop this madness.
 Raunchy baby, Come back home, I'm... oops my dick is akways ready for you and 
 always yours (remember that pre-nuptial)
 On Dec 2, 2011, at 8:50 PM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Dear raunchy - Yes I called India a Hijra nation in a very derogatory 
   I know you naturally have all kinds of idiotic questions about my 
   stories. But I don't make any apologies for my behavior to the retarded, 
   especially the retards who worship the pervert Gandhi and that stupid 
   bitch Teresa. I'm a narcissistic enlightened asshole - get it?
   Anyway my friend's wife was innocent, very straightforward unlike her 
   husband. And she was the one who innocently believed what her stupid 
   husband had to say and said stupid things to me. So I could only get mad 
   at her because I lived her. Of course I spent a long time at her feet 
   begging for forgiveness for my behavior because I loved her and she took 
   really good care of me post enlightenment. I can't see anyone else bring 
   separate for me.
   Anyway don't spend too much time on it, it's too much for your Gandhi 
   Teresa fascinated perverted intellect to understand, OK hon?
  Gay Couples get married in India
 Gay Couples get married in India is red meat for Ravi. Will he bite? 
 Obviously, he thought the link to India's third sex was delicious. It set 
 him off on such a righteous rant about hijras, Gandhi, liberals and commies, 
 he must have shot off a gigantic wad for all the jerking off he did about 
 it. Ravi, the self-proclaimed narcissistic asshole, says he's enlightened. I 
 wouldn't want him to have a hissy fit, so I won't say I doubt him. It's just 
 that perhaps his standards aren't very high if he has me confused with 
 Mother Theresa.
 Let's see...what else gets Ravi's panties in a twist? Oh yeah. Alex and Tom 
 are gay. Tom? Unless Ravi claims he gave him a blow job, I'd say he's just 
 making that up. Amazingly, he just figured out that Alex is out of the 
 closet. Hello? Now that he's discovered a new best gay friend, he's all 
 aflutter posting videos for Alex. Why do I get the feeling he's trying to 
 get a date? 
 Hey, Alex, Ravi probably isn't your type but you do have something in 
 common. You both like pussies.
 Holy Shit Cats!
   On Dec 1, 2011, at 4:23 AM, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:

 Yep hijras and India was a hijra nation for a long time following 
 its stupid 
 Gandhian values.
 I once had a friend whom I blasted as a hijra. I knew he pretends to 
 be a nice 
 guy, he made niceness into a philosophy. He questioned me and my 
 so the existence made me lash out at her wife whom I actually liked 
 a lot. But 
 he kept on smiling throughout. I blasted him later as a hijra, that 
 his brother 
 was more of a man for challenging me and rightly married the girl

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
OMG, thanks for the laughs in all your messages Steve..

You just don't fucking get it do you? LOL.. No worries I still love you man. 
Your innocence beats your fucking cluelessness, dumb, idiotic, thoughtless 
comments any day.

Anyway what if I had used the word kiss instead of blowjob?

Why this fascination with words? Did it cause lot of discomfort?

And you had no problem with raunchy using that word?

On Dec 3, 2011, at 6:24 AM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 Do you think you'll get the reaction you want with this post Rav?  To say 
 it's in poor taste, doesn't quite do it.  I'll go on record saying I think 
 you should be given a one week hiatus.  Rick?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Hey Raunchy baby doll,
  I don't know why you are publicly humiliating with your lies.
  I can't imagine your paranoid jealousy would lead to this?
  You clearly know you have the sole rights to give me a blow job, and my 
  tongue hasn't touched another man, never will.
  You know we clearly had a blowjob section in our pre-nuptial. 
  Are you now going to lie about this as well?
  Baby, I hope you are not dumping me.
  I an enlightened for others but always your slave.
  How could I ever repay you back for the kindness of the blow jobs you have 
  given me? 
  The sweet ones, the sour ones, the salty, the spicy, the soft ones, the 
  hard ones, and the really rocky ones. The whole range of ice cream ones, 
  the vanilla, the chocolate, the strawberry, the bright full moon ones, the 
  dark new moon ones.
  The wet ones, the dry ones
  How I can forget the blow jobs you gave in the car, the ones in the shower, 
  the ones in all nooks and corners of the bathroom and the bedroom and the 
  Baby I would never get tired of describing the sheer variety, I could spend 
  the whole eternity writing poems on it.
  Raunchy, please stop this madness.
  Raunchy baby, Come back home, I'm... oops my dick is akways ready for you 
  and always yours (remember that pre-nuptial)
  On Dec 2, 2011, at 8:50 PM, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:

 Dear raunchy - Yes I called India a Hijra nation in a very derogatory 
 I know you naturally have all kinds of idiotic questions about my 
 stories. But I don't make any apologies for my behavior to the 
 retarded, especially the retards who worship the pervert Gandhi and 
 that stupid bitch Teresa. I'm a narcissistic enlightened asshole - 
 get it?
 Anyway my friend's wife was innocent, very straightforward unlike her 
 husband. And she was the one who innocently believed what her stupid 
 husband had to say and said stupid things to me. So I could only get 
 mad at her because I lived her. Of course I spent a long time at her 
 feet begging for forgiveness for my behavior because I loved her and 
 she took really good care of me post enlightenment. I can't see 
 anyone else bring separate for me.
 Anyway don't spend too much time on it, it's too much for your Gandhi 
 Teresa fascinated perverted intellect to understand, OK hon?

Gay Couples get married in India

   Gay Couples get married in India is red meat for Ravi. Will he bite? 
   Obviously, he thought the link to India's third sex was delicious. It 
   set him off on such a righteous rant about hijras, Gandhi, liberals and 
   commies, he must have shot off a gigantic wad for all the jerking off he 
   did about it. Ravi, the self-proclaimed narcissistic asshole, says he's 
   enlightened. I wouldn't want him to have a hissy fit, so I won't say I 
   doubt him. It's just that perhaps his standards aren't very high if he 
   has me confused with Mother Theresa.
   Let's see...what else gets Ravi's panties in a twist? Oh yeah. Alex and 
   Tom are gay. Tom? Unless Ravi claims he gave him a blow job, I'd say he's 
   just making that up. Amazingly, he just figured out that Alex is out of 
   the closet. Hello? Now that he's discovered a new best gay friend, he's 
   all aflutter posting videos for Alex. Why do I get the feeling he's 
   trying to get a date? 
   Hey, Alex, Ravi probably isn't your type but you do have something in 
   common. You both like pussies.
   Holy Shit Cats!
 On Dec 1, 2011, at 4:23 AM, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Yep hijras and India was a hijra nation for a long time following 
   its stupid 
   Gandhian values.
   I once had a friend whom I blasted as a hijra. I knew he pretends 
   to be a nice

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Well Judy you are wrong on Alex's intentions. I'm sorry you are having a hard 
time with my attacks on Alex.

I can dish my crazy wisdom on anyone I choose, trust me I'm not looking for 
anyone to accept it all. 

On the contrary, my intention is to make someone mad like Barry, but unlike him 
I don't run away. I feed off that energy.

So the more a person gets upset, the better I'm because it makes me high.

So Barry, though he is such a caricature, has given us ideas. He thinks others 
are sucking his energy and it's not good.

But I OTOH love it.

If I seem uptight when someone's mocking me then that's the nature of the 
energy, I'm feeding off that energy. I remain as unruffled as I am.

On Dec 3, 2011, at 8:55 AM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Well Judy you missed lot of context with Alex's pathetic loser 
  attempts for the last few days to call me Rabid, this video
  with its spoof on Girlie man (it's not the video itself it's
  Alex's intentions) and then a video with Indian accent.
 I didn't miss any of that, Ravi, I saw it all. I love you,
 man, but I think you've got Alex's intentions all wrong,
 *way* wrong. He just found that stuff amusing and figured
 you would too. He had no idea it would insult you.
  I think Alex is full of shame i.e. living in a closet,
 I've known Alex (electronically) for over a decade, and my
 impression is that he's better adjusted and more self-aware
 than most of the folks on FFL. Not that he doesn't have his
 problems like the rest of us--he's been very open about
 that--but he doesn't inflict them on us the way some others
 here do.
  he assumes I must too 
  :-). He doesn't realize that I mock Ravi's personality as
  much I do anyone else's. And I love myself and others with
  equal intensity, there is no contradiction.
 Look, I don't get where you're at a lot of the time. For
 many of us, you're a puzzlement. With the best will in
 the world, it's not always easy to read between your lines.
 I'm having a lot of trouble understanding your attacks on
 Alex as coming from love. And I'm willing to give you the
 benefit of the doubt that you don't have issues with
 homosexuality, but I'm not surprised that others see your
 reaction to Alex's and raunchydog's videos as homophobic.
 You claim to mock yourself, but you seem to get very
 uptight sometimes when you perceive someone else to be
 mocking you. What's that about?
  His Waking Down experiences and subsequent comments were
  very hilarious when he posted it several months back.
  Changing from TM to Waking Down obviously hasn't helped
  his hiding in a closet i.e shame and self loathing issues -
  my references to homosexuality are more of a subtext,
  closet hiding, mommy hating and girlie men. I couldn't
  avoid it since his shame and self loathing probably
  involves his issues with homosexuality, I have no issues
  with it myself.
 You weren't invited to beat Alex up with what you imagine
 his private struggles to be, whether you're right or wrong
 about them. Whatever they are, he doesn't inflict them on
 anybody here, as I suggested, and he doesn't need you to
 play therapist for what he's handling on his own. I don't
 think any of what he said to you, or those videos, came
 from anything but a sense of fun.
 IMHO, you need to take some responsibility for how you
 affect others. You can't expect that if you just say, I'm
 a narcissistic enlightened asshole and I love everybody
 with as much intensity as I love myself, they're going
 to go, Oh, well, that's all right then, he can insult me
 as much as he likes and I won't take offense.
 Crazy wisdom is all well and good, but it doesn't work
 unless the folks to whom you're dishing it out have
 accepted you as a teacher. And you can't force that on

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi

On Dec 3, 2011, at 6:01 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Well Judy you missed lot of context with Alex's pathetic loser
  attempts for the last few days to call me Rabid, 
 You were having fun with the Ravi Bhogi Yogi thing, so I joined in the fun 
 with changing Ravi to Rabid. What's interesting to me is that the Bhogi 
 comment, which I assume is crack about your enlightenment being bogus, was 
 simply brushed off with great laughter and not dwelled upon. Yet, Rabid, 
 which is a perfectly apt description of some of your behavior around here, 
 set you off. Because you appear to be *profoundly* attached to the Ravi as 
 enlightened story, it makes more sense to me that Bhogi would have set you 
 off, rather than a simple observation about your posting style.

Alex, you fucking retard, I always have used Bhogi in my daily life, because it 
is so apt, since I'm totally at ease at a temple (yogi) or a nightclub (Bhogi)

You and that retard emptybill think I have been insulted, aw you stupid 
motherfuckers, LOL.. It was actually a compliment. I loved it.

I use the word yogi because I'm a fucking challenge to you retards day in and 
day out here on FFL.

If I'm attached to my story of enlightenment , my behavior on FFL isn't helping 
it, is it your dumb motherfucker?

Can't you see your contradictions you clueless motherfucker?

You can't fucking ignore me, 'cause I'm loud, I'm obnoxious, I'm offensive yet 
I have such a blast.

You pathetic motherfuckers have your reputation to protect, I have none.

You pathetic motherfuckers have shame, self loathing, insecurities and stories 
to protect. I have none.

You pathetic motherfuckers surround yourselves with words, with philosophies, 
with beliefs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Because its not about me being enlightened or not you dumb mother fucker.

It's about your concepts of enlightenment, that's why you are fucking bothered.

Alex wants to be that special, Sir J. Alexander Stanley,

As Alex walks to the stage...drum beats, man announces.Welcome the man of 
great honor, great integrity Sir J. Alexander Stanley.

(British accent) He is a man of valor, his reputation is stainless.

This is because of your shame and self-loathing. It's not I have issues with 
gays. It's you who have issues with it. For me it's just another sexual 
orientation, devoid of any moral judgement 'cause I myself am free of those. 

For you it triggers shame, guilt that neither TM nor Waking Down has obviously 
washed away.

On Dec 3, 2011, at 11:01 AM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 On Dec 3, 2011, at 6:01 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Well Judy you missed lot of context with Alex's pathetic loser
  attempts for the last few days to call me Rabid, 
 You were having fun with the Ravi Bhogi Yogi thing, so I joined in the fun 
 with changing Ravi to Rabid. What's interesting to me is that the Bhogi 
 comment, which I assume is crack about your enlightenment being bogus, was 
 simply brushed off with great laughter and not dwelled upon. Yet, Rabid, 
 which is a perfectly apt description of some of your behavior around here, 
 set you off. Because you appear to be *profoundly* attached to the Ravi as 
 enlightened story, it makes more sense to me that Bhogi would have set you 
 off, rather than a simple observation about your posting style.
 Alex, you fucking retard, I always have used Bhogi in my daily life, because 
 it is so apt, since I'm totally at ease at a temple (yogi) or a nightclub 
 You and that retard emptybill think I have been insulted, aw you stupid 
 motherfuckers, LOL.. It was actually a compliment. I loved it.
 I use the word yogi because I'm a fucking challenge to you retards day in and 
 day out here on FFL.
 If I'm attached to my story of enlightenment , my behavior on FFL isn't 
 helping it, is it your dumb motherfucker?
 Can't you see your contradictions you clueless motherfucker?
 You can't fucking ignore me, 'cause I'm loud, I'm obnoxious, I'm offensive 
 yet I have such a blast.
 You pathetic motherfuckers have your reputation to protect, I have none.
 You pathetic motherfuckers have shame, self loathing, insecurities and 
 stories to protect. I have none.
 You pathetic motherfuckers surround yourselves with words, with philosophies, 
 with beliefs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Is it? I guess I can learn a lot from Steve?

What is it about my Americanism that bothers you so much?

Is it the white man's guilt? The white man's burden? Your underlying 

That an Indian man dare love all things American?

That he can ape your manners? Ape your language and then mock it as well?

You don't have problem if it's referenced to in Hollywood movies, sitcoms and 
stand up as long as it caters to your sensibilities?

You want to have comedy but you don't want the pain right.

You will touch the shadow but get disgusted when someone revels in it?

You want to just lick the wound, go aah and then close it back real quick?

The shadow is indeed offensive, disgusting, repelling and painful. And as long 
as there's a Steve who thinks someone has honor his rules, his sensibilities, 
his guilt, his burden, this Kali's pimp will keep messing with it

Ravi is Chainsaw massacre..LOL. Now you are talking..

On Dec 3, 2011, at 11:26 AM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 I think Ravi is missing some of the subtleties of western culture.  He 
 equates his use of the work blowjob with Raunchy's and doesn't seem to see 
 any difference.
  Raunchy is Mack the Knife.  Ravi is Chainsaw Massacre.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:
  Dont get upset Steve.  Ravi is teaching us a new form of 
  He learnt it from his Guru Jim.
  On Dec 3, 2011, at 6:24 AM, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

  Do you think you'll get the reaction you want with this post Rav?  To say 
  it's in poor taste, doesn't quite do it.  I'll go on record saying I think 
  you should be given a one week hiatus.  Rick?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Hey Raunchy baby doll,
   I don't know why you are publicly humiliating with your lies.
   I can't imagine your paranoid jealousy would lead to this?
   You clearly know you have the sole rights to give me a blow job, and my 
   tongue hasn't touched another man, never will.
   You know we clearly had a blowjob section in our pre-nuptial. 
   Are you now going to lie about this as well?
   Baby, I hope you are not dumping me.
   I an enlightened for others but always your slave.
   How could I ever repay you back for the kindness of the blow jobs you 
   have given me? 
   The sweet ones, the sour ones, the salty, the spicy, the soft ones, the 
   hard ones, and the really rocky ones. The whole range of ice cream ones, 
   the vanilla, the chocolate, the strawberry, the bright full moon ones, 
   the dark new moon ones.
   The wet ones, the dry ones
   How I can forget the blow jobs you gave in the car, the ones in the 
   shower, the ones in all nooks and corners of the bathroom and the 
   bedroom and the kitchen.
   Baby I would never get tired of describing the sheer variety, I could 
   spend the whole eternity writing poems on it.
   Raunchy, please stop this madness.
   Raunchy baby, Come back home, I'm... oops my dick is akways ready for 
   you and always yours (remember that pre-nuptial)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Obba, thank you beautiful.

Thank you, my Mother Kali is the real raunchy one, why would a yogi bother with 
other one once he has gotten the blowjob from Mother Kali herself?

Obba, you once again show the love, compassion, maturity of a woman.

I salute you my divine Mother, I'm your slave.

White women clearly don't share the white man guilt, burden, superiority, 
rules, sensibilities and subtleties.

That idiot Steve is cracking me up big time..

I love my idiot Steve.

On Dec 3, 2011, at 6:06 AM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Shiva Lingam Churning with Ravi! 
 Commemorative box set available for the Holidays! 
 If you order now, you can own your very own personalized copy [insert your 
 name]of this magnificent HD production quality (Filmed in the closet) as 
 yours, for now and memories into eternity as maya and leela intertwine the 
 love locked lessons of Shiva and Kali's unrivaled, dance. [insert long held 
 $19.95 each episode, or $129.95 for the complete, Shiva Lingam Churning with 
 Ravi, commemorative box set. 
 Please call our 1-900 number now to reserve this masterpiece as copies are a 
 limited edition, while supplies last. Have your credit card ready for our 
 next available operator as she is wearing brief, for the wait. [insert wink 
 on face] 
 Disclaimer: The above material could be viewed as a bit too raunchy for some.
 If you order now, you can receive free, one of the limited edition, while our 
 supplies last, your very own TM (Registered Trademark) characters of the 
 Maharishi, the Beatles or Deepak Chopra or any Star Wars characters available 
 to add to your own homemade snow globe 
 Our operators are waiting! Please call now because, you deserve the best 
 wishes for the Holidays*! 
 *Holidays subject to commercial enterprising. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Dear Raunchy baby doll,
  You clearly know baby why I always called you Mother Teresa, yet you lie 
  You know I would never compare you to that ugly bitch otherwise.
  You were and are always the Mother Teresa of blowjobs.
  Can Mother Teresa ever match the unconditional love and care you took while 
  offering me blowjobs?
  She served many, she had variety, but you served one, sincerely, you 
  created variety - the ones I describe below.
  Baby I'm hurt, I'm sad and I'm depressed (make that my dick)
  Please come back.
  On Dec 3, 2011, at 2:34 AM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
   Hey Raunchy baby doll,
   I don't know why you are publicly humiliating with your lies.
   I can't imagine your paranoid jealousy would lead to this?
   You clearly know you have the sole rights to give me a blow job, and my 
   tongue hasn't touched another man, never will.
   You know we clearly had a blowjob section in our pre-nuptial. 
   Are you now going to lie about this as well?
   Baby, I hope you are not dumping me.
   I an enlightened for others but always your slave.
   How could I ever repay you back for the kindness of the blow jobs you 
   have given me? 
   The sweet ones, the sour ones, the salty, the spicy, the soft ones, the 
   hard ones, and the really rocky ones. The whole range of ice cream ones, 
   the vanilla, the chocolate, the strawberry, the bright full moon ones, 
   the dark new moon ones.
   The wet ones, the dry ones
   How I can forget the blow jobs you gave in the car, the ones in the 
   shower, the ones in all nooks and corners of the bathroom and the bedroom 
   and the kitchen.
   Baby I would never get tired of describing the sheer variety, I could 
   spend the whole eternity writing poems on it.
   Raunchy, please stop this madness.
   Raunchy baby, Come back home, I'm... oops my dick is akways ready for you 
   and always yours (remember that pre-nuptial)
   On Dec 2, 2011, at 8:50 PM, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:

 Dear raunchy - Yes I called India a Hijra nation in a very 
 derogatory way.
 I know you naturally have all kinds of idiotic questions about my 
 stories. But I don't make any apologies for my behavior to the 
 retarded, especially the retards who worship the pervert Gandhi and 
 that stupid bitch Teresa. I'm a narcissistic enlightened asshole - 
 get it?
 Anyway my friend's wife was innocent, very straightforward unlike 
 her husband. And she was the one who innocently believed what her 
 stupid husband had to say and said stupid things to me. So I could 
 only get mad at her because I lived her. Of course I spent a long 
 time at her feet begging for forgiveness for my behavior because I 
 loved her and she

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Hear ye, hear one and all.

Step over Stupid Sal, here comes Steve, the idiot, nay the idiot of idiots, The 
King Idiot, the most simple, innocent, naive idiot, the original retard, the 
village bumpkin.

From the village of St. Louis, the heart land, throbbing, pulsating, vibrating 
with a thriving community of idiots, multi faceted, multi dimensional retards.

Steve, from St. Louis ably assisted by Rishi Jason, yoga man, a wannabe 
spiritual thing.

King Idiot Steve confronts Dr. Ravi Chivukula, the renowned researcher from 
UCLA, the man of great intellect, who sacrificed his life, emigrating from 
India to spend time researching the people he so dearly loved.

Dr. Ravi Chivukula travelled all over the vast regions of the West coast, from 
the beautiful foggy beaches to the sunny plains to the ice capped Cascades.

Studying the West coast liberals, people of heart, yet fascinated by pseudo 
spiritual icons. He aped their mannerisms, he ate their food, he aped their 
language, their food habits, their customs, their culture.

Now fashioned himself as Ravi Yogi, the Kali's Pimp, the mother of the shadow, 
the sex, anger, guilt, shame, the pain and the suffering.

The King Idiot Steve confronts Ravi Yogi with the sacred teachings of the White 
man. Never before revealed White man's guilt, his burden, his superiority, 
nicely wrapped now as his rules, his sensibilities, his subtleties.

The crowd egged on by Rishi Jason started throwing rocks at Ravi Yogi, which 
then mysteriously transformed as eggs and boomeranged back leaving them egg 
shell shocked.

On Dec 3, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 Is it? I guess I can learn a lot from Steve?
 What is it about my Americanism that bothers you so much?
 Is it the white man's guilt? The white man's burden? Your underlying 
 That an Indian man dare love all things American?
 That he can ape your manners? Ape your language and then mock it as well?
 You don't have problem if it's referenced to in Hollywood movies, sitcoms and 
 stand up as long as it caters to your sensibilities?
 You want to have comedy but you don't want the pain right.
 You will touch the shadow but get disgusted when someone revels in it?
 You want to just lick the wound, go aah and then close it back real quick?
 The shadow is indeed offensive, disgusting, repelling and painful. And as 
 long as there's a Steve who thinks someone has honor his rules, his 
 sensibilities, his guilt, his burden, this Kali's pimp will keep messing with 
 Ravi is Chainsaw massacre..LOL. Now you are talking..
 On Dec 3, 2011, at 11:26 AM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net wrote:
 I think Ravi is missing some of the subtleties of western culture.  He 
 equates his use of the work blowjob with Raunchy's and doesn't seem to see 
 any difference.
  Raunchy is Mack the Knife.  Ravi is Chainsaw Massacre.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:
  Dont get upset Steve.  Ravi is teaching us a new form of 
  He learnt it from his Guru Jim.
  On Dec 3, 2011, at 6:24 AM, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

  Do you think you'll get the reaction you want with this post Rav?  To say 
  it's in poor taste, doesn't quite do it.  I'll go on record saying I 
  think you should be given a one week hiatus.  Rick?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Hey Raunchy baby doll,
   I don't know why you are publicly humiliating with your lies.
   I can't imagine your paranoid jealousy would lead to this?
   You clearly know you have the sole rights to give me a blow job, and my 
   tongue hasn't touched another man, never will.
   You know we clearly had a blowjob section in our pre-nuptial. 
   Are you now going to lie about this as well?
   Baby, I hope you are not dumping me.
   I an enlightened for others but always your slave.
   How could I ever repay you back for the kindness of the blow jobs you 
   have given me? 
   The sweet ones, the sour ones, the salty, the spicy, the soft ones, the 
   hard ones, and the really rocky ones. The whole range of ice cream 
   ones, the vanilla, the chocolate, the strawberry, the bright full moon 
   ones, the dark new moon ones.
   The wet ones, the dry ones
   How I can forget the blow jobs you gave in the car, the ones in the 
   shower, the ones in all nooks and corners of the bathroom and the 
   bedroom and the kitchen.
   Baby I would never get tired of describing the sheer variety, I could 
   spend the whole eternity writing poems on it.
   Raunchy, please stop this madness.
   Raunchy baby, Come back home, I'm... oops my dick is akways ready for 
   you and always yours (remember that pre-nuptial)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
A wonderful video dear Obba.

Empty, I am not disagreeing with you anymore. But I will stick to Bhogi Yogi 
having sex with Bhavani. Being a Bhogi is my outer, yogi my inner - I don't see 
any contradiction. 

From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 4:11:40 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

You dudes keep spelling bogey wrong!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 I used Bhogi because I thought it better described you. You do appear to
 be an enjoyer rather than a renunciate. That, however, does not make you
 unique since it defines most folks here on the planet.
 Maybe you should just continue to glorify yourself. In the end ... you
 be glorifying Bhavani.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  Alex, you fucking retard, I always have used Bhogi in my daily life,
 because it is so apt, since I'm totally at ease at a temple (yogi) or a
 nightclub (Bhogi)
  You and that retard emptybill think I have been insulted, aw you
 stupid motherfuckers, LOL.. It was actually a compliment. I loved it.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
I guess both of you are right.

Obba is right that I'm just joking and all offense taken is an inevitable 
consequence of it. But then Judy is right that there is a serious subtext as 

Judy - you are not alone in feeling that you can't tell when I'm serious and 
when I'm not. I recently did narrate a story of a woman who says the exact 
whenever I talk to her, she's cute, I love her. And she agreed when I suggested 
that I probably was full of shit.

I think people in spirituality take themselves too seriously. Once I was at a 
grocery store checkout at Nob Hill Foods in San Ramon and started being playful 
with a woman in the line and couple of girls who were the cashiers. The woman 
line was drunk but she immediately got it, she said - OMG, aren't you full of 
shit?. I didn't flinch as I responded with a bow - this is the biggest 
compliment anyone has paid me and all of them enjoyed my energy.

From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 4:00:12 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
(was Bob)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  From: authfriend jstein@
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2011 2:44:14 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
pre-qualification (was Bob)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  In other words; am I the only MF (er) that knows your
  recent posts had *zero* to do with *sexual orientation*
  and *everything* to do with *hypocrisy*, which, last
  time I checked, was one of the favorite apples you like
  to shoot off the heads of your fellow seekers of TRUTH.
 Only trouble is, he's picking the wrong heads to shoot
 apples off of. (And he's doing too much *telling* and
 not enough *showing*, IMHO.)
 ***Oh, I don't know---IMHO, I thought there was plenty
 of show *and* tell in his youtube posts. I hope he knows
 we both love him.

I, I saw the hypocrisy or part of it. Mr. Giggles Kali
Pimp Whore Dog ain't from no slum.
   We've all got our hypocrisies. But some of us have more
   than others. He isn't going after the big ones.
Plenty of showing IMHO too. : )
   I was referring specifically to his telling *about himself*.
   I can dish my crazy wisdom on anyone I choose, trust me I'm
   not looking for anyone to accept it all.
   On the contrary, my intention is to make someone mad like
   Barry, but unlike him I don't run away. I feed off that energy.
   So the more a person gets upset, the better I'm because it
   makes me high.
   So Barry, though he is such a caricature, has given us ideas.
   He thinks others are sucking his energy and it's not good.
   But I OTOH love it.
   If I seem uptight when someone's mocking me then that's the
   nature of the energy, I'm feeding off that energy. I remain
   as unruffled as I am.
  Exactly what he was trying to convey. LOL
 Conveying (showing) is fine. But when you have to tell
 what it is you're trying to convey, it looks like you're
 afraid you haven't been doing such a great job of conveying.
  Seriously, how can anyone believe he is serious? LMAO!
 Look, I'm a big fan, but I sure can't always tell when
 he's serious and when he isn't.
 (Ravi, please excuse our discussing you in the third
 person. I assume you'll be reading this.)

Judy, it is good you call him on his weaknesses. 
I am also a big fan of Judy. : )
Yeah, Ravi, butt out while we discuss your theatrics. : )
The giggle voice on his vid's gives way he is joking. He has no laugh track 

If one sits and has chai with a group of Indians (The non westernized ones, 
excluding Ravi because he says he is studying the culture and has to experience 
the ways to grasp the nature.) without any westerners in the room, the sound of 
laughter and giggles can be overwhelming for any foreigners observing. It is an 
awesome experience. 

IMHO, Judy he is joking. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Steve - did I clean your clock then? I hope you haven't take any offense 
I still love you.

I just wanted to show I can clean clocks and that no one can clean my clock. I 
didn't have to make too much effort to come up with those words. I was blissful 
sitting on that bench in Venice, with my coffee and smoke just typing away. 

People are vulnerable because they insulate themselves with beliefs, whereas my 
ability to clean clocks comes from my utter lack of belief, total helplessness 
and vulnerability. I'm totally open to harm, yet can never be harmed. Even 
are tied to their teachings and their followers whereas a yogi is utterly free, 
not even afraid of death because I have encountered death and conquered it.

So either you continue to make thoughtless statements and align with the 
perverted intellect of a raunchy, a jason, an alex or go with the top 1% that 
The Mad Yogi Inc, your choice really.

Bon voyage.

From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 2:07:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
(was Bob)

Rav, you've rendered my speechless. I can't think of a thing to say.  Ok.  Bon 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Hear ye, hear one and all.
 Step over Stupid Sal, here comes Steve, the idiot, nay the idiot of idiots, 
King Idiot, the most simple, innocent, naive idiot, the original retard, the 
village bumpkin. 

 From the village of St. Louis, the heart land, throbbing, pulsating, 
with a thriving community of idiots, multi faceted, multi dimensional retards. 

 Steve, from St. Louis ably assisted by Rishi Jason, yoga man, a wannabe 
spiritual thing.
 King Idiot Steve confronts Dr. Ravi Chivukula, the renowned researcher from 
UCLA, the man of great intellect, who sacrificed his life, emigrating from 
to spend time researching the people he so dearly loved.
 Dr. Ravi Chivukula travelled all over the vast regions of the West coast, 
the beautiful foggy beaches to the sunny plains to the ice capped Cascades.
 Studying the West coast liberals, people of heart, yet fascinated by pseudo 
spiritual icons. He aped their mannerisms, he ate their food, he aped their 
language, their food habits, their customs, their culture.
 Now fashioned himself as Ravi Yogi, the Kali's Pimp, the mother of the 
the sex, anger, guilt, shame, the pain and the suffering.
 The King Idiot Steve confronts Ravi Yogi with the sacred teachings of the 
man. Never before revealed White man's guilt, his burden, his superiority, 
nicely wrapped now as his rules, his sensibilities, his subtleties.
 The crowd egged on by Rishi Jason started throwing rocks at Ravi Yogi, which 
then mysteriously transformed as eggs and boomeranged back leaving them egg 
shell shocked.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-03 Thread Ravi Yogi
Hilarious video Bob - love it.

In June 2010 I was mocked when I called myself as Bhagwan Ravi Yogi and how my 
niece had lot of fun with my playful stories. I was mocked that I was a Bhagwan 
with a huge fan following of one 4 year old. I responded with 
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/249727

Even if I die with my Divine Vodka tinged Timpano being appreciated just by Bob 
and the wife I will be so fucking honored.

From: Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 3, 2011 2:19:23 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
(was Bob)


That splashing sound you hear is me swimming out to the iceberg you decided to 
back to. You is the man, the manly man; it's as if Arjuna decided to re-grace
us with his presence, and show the unwilling peasants where dwell the slings
and arrows of outrageous fortune. In other words; am I the only MF (er)
that knows your recent posts had *zero* to do with *sexual orientation* and 
to do with *hypocrisy*, which, last time I checked, was one of the favorite
apples you like to shoot off the heads of your fellow seekers of TRUTH. 


want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 
want my RAVI YOUTUBE. 

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2011 1:37:30 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
(was Bob)

Hear ye, hear one and all.

Step over Stupid Sal, here comes Steve, the idiot, nay the idiot of idiots, The 
King Idiot, the most simple, innocent, naive idiot, the original retard, the 
village bumpkin.

From the village of St. Louis, the heart land, throbbing, pulsating, vibrating 
with a thriving community of idiots, multi faceted, multi dimensional retards.

Steve, from St. Louis ably assisted by Rishi Jason, yoga man, a wannabe 
spiritual thing.

King Idiot Steve confronts Dr. Ravi Chivukula, the renowned researcher from 
UCLA, the man of great intellect, who sacrificed his life, emigrating from 
to spend time researching the people he so dearly loved.

Dr. Ravi Chivukula travelled all over the vast regions of the West coast, from 
the beautiful foggy beaches to the sunny plains to the ice capped Cascades.

Studying the West coast liberals, people of heart, yet fascinated by pseudo 
spiritual icons. He aped their mannerisms, he ate their food, he aped their 
language, their food habits, their customs, their culture.

Now fashioned himself as Ravi Yogi, the Kali's Pimp, the mother of the shadow, 
the sex, anger, guilt, shame, the pain and the suffering.

The King Idiot Steve confronts Ravi Yogi with the sacred teachings of the White 
man. Never before revealed White man's guilt, his burden, his superiority, 
nicely wrapped now as his rules, his sensibilities, his subtleties.

The crowd egged on by Rishi Jason started throwing rocks at Ravi Yogi, which

[FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-02 Thread Ravi Yogi
Alex - I'm trying something new, here's my video response to you.

Watch this video first, currently in rage in India, which is a celebration of 
the Indian accent (now this is South Indian accent, not Russell Peters's dad)

(The song is sung by a character who is dumped by a girl and now is drunk. Then 
he sings the song Why this Kolaveri di which means Why did you do this to me 
or Why you dumped me.)

My video response

Ravi Yogi's response to Alex Take 1

Ravi Yogi's response to Alex Take 2

I need everyone's feedback - with sunglasses or without?? 

P.S. Dear D, I'm bummed that you posted out because of me. You can just 
privately email me. Don't worry I'm going to fucking take Alex's closet down.

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, November 30, 2011 7:58:52 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
pre-qualification (was Bob)

Russell Peters? LOL..I love him. Is that the best the closet hiding, mommy 
hating, girlie man like you could manage? I feel sorry, for picking such an 
easy target like you and Tom. OK go run back to your closet and play ping pong 
with your buddy, I'll call you when I'm in the mood to spank again.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Alex, you fucking butthead here's a clue, if you can't deal with any 
  non-girlie man keep your big fucking mouth shut. This Kali's pimp gets high 
  on pussies like you and only settles down for lovers.
  On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
   Settle down, Beavis.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Look Alex are you sending me some subtle signals? I apologize for 
getting mad at you last night. I know you are hurt but I was tired last 
night and got upset when you started irritating me. I know you are 
bored and its not your fault that you are not mature enough to 
understand adult's problems, and it is my responsibility to keep you 

But why didn't you speak up sooner? I didn't know you were into girlie 
men, ( or is it dark skinned younger men?) Why did you then hide in the 
closet like your buddy Tom? You know his issues are different right? 
(Oh wait are they same? OMG!!) I spent all that time last night trying 
to come up with puzzles for you and now this. I'm really disappointed 
in you Alex.

What else are you hiding from me? You need to be honest if you expect 
me to entertain you. You and Tom need to stop this drama of closets, 
mothers and girlie men.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  LOL..good one dear Obba, love it..not me but I can definitely 
  imitate any move..:-)
  But dear D, I love singing and dancing as well, we can hit the 
  dance floor if I visit Seattle and if I'm still single :-)
  Why watch that loser when there are a couple of mine..


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'President Newt?'

2011-12-02 Thread Ravi Yogi
Shut the fuck up empty, don't make humiliate you on video.

I beg you to say something smart, please, please that will give me something 
for a video response. Empty please..

On Dec 2, 2011, at 4:06 PM, emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Barry Boy is only a ten-watt pen light. That's also what he carries in
 his coat pocket. It only illumines a two cubic-foot space. He can't see
 well so he's searching for the nuclear brief case codes. He probably
 used them for toilet paper.
 Too late to change now ... Das Vlad Pukin in back and he's looking for
 blood. He'sot Barry Boy all figure out.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
  What light is he carrying? It must be very low wattage.
  On 12/02/2011 02:50 PM, Robert wrote:
   Hopefully President Obama and the light he carries will be able to
 maintain until the election...
   Then, perhaps some of the Republicans will be ousted from the
 Congress, so he and we can begin to get some things done for the great
 majority of people in our country.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@ wrote:
   The sheeple watch too much FOX News and are essentially biological
   androids. Even in this blue of blue areas of the country I get
   looks from people if I wear a 99% percent button as if I am doing
   something illegal. It's a good test to see who you are going to
 save in
   a disaster and who you won't.
   But then I've predicted there may well not be an election next
   November. Welcome to life if fascist Amerika.
   On 12/02/2011 12:14 PM, Robert wrote:
   If Newt wins the Republican nomination, it will give Americans a
 clear choice between good and evil..
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Johnjr_esq@ wrote:
   The Republicans should select him as their presidential
 candidate. Let's see if the rest of the Americans will vote for him.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2011-12-02 Thread Ravi Yogi
Yeah Robin's awesome. I just enjoy the way he slowly, methodically decimated, 
with that sheer burden of those heavy, beautiful words.

I have ran into Jason before.

He is just a fucking retard. A wannabe spiritual thug.

These retards feel so insignificant, insubstantial, inconsequential yet would 
like to be special; get jealous of the people who they think have attained some 
sort of specialness that they feel vey threatened by it. Fascinated with the 
personality, the elusive, evasive, enchanting perfection of the personality, of 
the outer.

Pathetic. Sad. Pitiful.

On Dec 2, 2011, at 2:46 PM, whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Applause - Brilliant! 
 PS to Jason, yo bruvva, MZ eats yer lunch every time. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:
  He lied about receiving shakti and darshan from me when I literally 
  levitated him after he carefully and devotedly handed me a flower (while I 
  was being protected by my Vedic umbrella).
  He lied about saying we never made a snowman together.
  He said I never replaced Tom Brady when Brady was sidelined for a whole 
  year with that leg injury.
  He denied he was on the mountain with me at Arosa, Switzerland in 1976 when 
  I saw God.
  He says I was still riding a three-wheeler right into my teens.
  He says I can't dunk.
  He knocked the wind out of me on the rugby pitch—then denied he was even 
  playing that day.
  He implies Joni Mitchell is not as great a poet at William Butler Yeats.
  Do I need to go on, Jason?
  Oh, yeah, one other thing: he says spinach did not contribute to my 
  Vajra boy seems to think otherwise. Well, that he does. But you see, 
  Jason, he doesn't really mean it.
  He says he pulled Saddam out of the spider hole too.
  Sure, the real truth is he is my best friend. But I am embarrassed by his 
  posts about TM, so I decided to say I didn't know him.
  Even though we were actually lovers in a previous lifetime.
  Jason: Now you are coming to the point. What exactly did 
  he lie about you?
  Are you sure that he is a stranger to you? Vajra 
  boy seems to think otherwise.
  So, then, I must assume a person is an asshole 
  for not giving out their personal e-mail address 
  to strangers, that is, strangers who ask for this 
  information, with the intention to send e-mails 
  to oneself. It seems to me, Jason, there are 
  quite a few fucking assholes out there who would 
  sympathize with me (especially given the 
  circumstances: someone who lied about me, and 
  published that lie to the world); more than this, 
  most everyone would have been surprised had I 
  acceded to Vaj's request. You are going to have 
  to deal with this fact.
  From: maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2011 2:36 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to 
  Dear Jason,
  Compare the rhetoric of this last post of yours with the two previous ones.
  This disturbs me. If you were able to express yourself like you have in this
  last post, why did you Mr Hyde yourself in those first two?
  In the non-technical sense (literary) sense of the word, this seems
  schizophrenic. Or elseâ€I must withhold, given what you say here, this 
  interpretation†it is classic Vaj.
  So, then, you only meant to insult whynotnow and Amsterdam. This seems 
  to me, since it is unusual for someone to take a violently negative position
  about two persons who are in conflict. The tendency is to assume you are 
  for one
  or the other. Evidently in this case, that is not true.
  I will, out of deference to your good will in this, leave that aside, then,
  except to say that whatever are the merits of whynotnow's claim to be
  enlightened, he writes with passion and sincerity, and in this particular 
  he is hitting his mark. For your judgment of him to stick, you should have 
  something else to quote, as you lampoon yourself by not recognizing the
  appositeness of his little dialogue. I must suppose that the adjudication 
  of Big
  Sur did not bother you in the least, then, even as he was commenting 
  on whynotnow's little dialogue.
  As for myself, you have called me a fucking asshole, a pseudo-enlightened
  nutball [like that, Sal?] with verbal diarrhea, with a mouth of a high speed
  computer and the intuition of a snail.
  So, then, I must assume a person is an asshole for not giving out their 
  e-mail address to strangers, that is, strangers who ask for this 
  with the intention to send e-mails to oneself. It seems to me, Jason, there 
  quite a few fucking assholes out there who would sympathize with me 
  given the circumstances: someone who lied about me, and published that lie 
  the world); 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-02 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Judy - it has nothing to do with his homosexuality. Don't you think it's 
disgusting that he is gay and then he posts some stupid videos calling others 

Alex, being a moderator doesn't give you a license to indulge in blatant lies, 
you ARE still in the closet, practicing your Waking down moves. Don't you 
fucking dare lie !!

And you little bitch, my glasses are Fossil and more than the monthly mortgage, 
rent of that trailer you live in Iowa.

Very cute, pretending to not know which Tom I was referring to, it's your pal 
Tom Pall.

And dear Obba thanks for your comments. Yes I have sacrificed my life in the 
study of the West coast intellectuals since 1997, 7 years in Seattle, 7 years 
in the Bay area, and now in LA. I have aped these natives habits, mannerisms, 
their accent. That's why I talk so much about the west coast liberal, Gandhi, 
Teresa, Dolly Lama worshipping, pacifist, communist perverted intellect.

My research is coming to a finish soon !!

Feste - I'm not surprised at your response at all. I think you deserve a video 

This is what surprised about Robin, he reads me perfectly but called Osho as 
nuts, I'm as nuts as Osho, totally manic, totally psychotic, clinically insane 
in my narcissistic unconditional love, unconditional hatred.

Good one feste !!

On Dec 2, 2011, at 4:48 PM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

 Ravi, what the hell are you going on about in those
 videos? Alex has been out of the closet for years.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Alex - I'm trying something new, here's my video response to you.
  Watch this video first, currently in rage in India, which is a celebration 
  of the Indian accent (now this is South Indian accent, not Russell Peters's 
  (The song is sung by a character who is dumped by a girl and now is drunk. 
  Then he sings the song Why this Kolaveri di which means Why did you do 
  this to me or Why you dumped me.)
  My video response
  Ravi Yogi's response to Alex Take 1
  Ravi Yogi's response to Alex Take 2
  I need everyone's feedback - with sunglasses or without?? 
  P.S. Dear D, I'm bummed that you posted out because of me. You can just 
  privately email me. Don't worry I'm going to fucking take Alex's closet 
  From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wed, November 30, 2011 7:58:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
  pre-qualification (was Bob)
  Russell Peters? LOL..I love him. Is that the best the closet hiding, mommy 
  hating, girlie man like you could manage? I feel sorry, for picking such an 
  easy target like you and Tom. OK go run back to your closet and play ping 
  pong with your buddy, I'll call you when I'm in the mood to spank again.
  On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Alex, you fucking butthead here's a clue, if you can't deal with any 
non-girlie man keep your big fucking mouth shut. This Kali's pimp gets 
high on pussies like you and only settles down for lovers.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 

 Settle down, Beavis.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  Look Alex are you sending me some subtle signals? I apologize for 
  getting mad at you last night. I know you are hurt but I was tired 
  last night and got upset when you started irritating me. I know you 
  are bored and its not your fault that you are not mature enough to 
  understand adult's problems, and it is my responsibility to keep 
  you busy.
  But why didn't you speak up sooner? I didn't know you were into 
  girlie men, ( or is it dark skinned younger men?) Why did you then 
  hide in the closet like your buddy Tom? You know his issues are 
  different right? (Oh wait are they same? OMG!!) I spent all that 
  time last night trying to come up with puzzles for you and now 
  this. I'm really disappointed in you Alex.
  What else are you hiding from me? You need to be honest if you 
  expect me to entertain you. You and Tom need to stop this drama of 
  closets, mothers and girlie men.
  On Nov 30, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
LOL..good one dear Obba, love it..not me but I can definitely 
imitate any move..:-)

But dear D, I love singing and dancing as well, we can hit the 
dance floor if I visit Seattle

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-02 Thread Ravi Yogi

I knew you would love it. Tell the wife that almost everyone who sees me in my 
manic mood thinks I'm nuts, stoned, manic, psychotic, at least they feel very 
disconcerted, unable to really comprehend. 

As I say Ravi Yogi doesn't need alcohol or drugs, he is totally high on life, 
high on the divine vodka. In fact I have tried drinking alcohol and marijuana 
and now they only give me a big fucking headache.

Thanks for the suggestions. Like I said I'm waiting on the existence to find me 
an agent so I can piss off the pimps, the festes, the Alexs and entertain the 
lovers, the Bobs, the Obbas, the Emilys..


Look at Alex's video here - 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/296996. I found it 
hilarious that a publicly gay man would post a video on girlie-men.


Thank you for suggestions. I can't help laughing because not only is my beloved 
silly, I'm silly too. I'm mocking myself and my creation. Your Guru is 
outdated, all will be once Ravi Yogi hits the circuit. Kali's pimp loves 
yellow, orange, think Guru, think Surya, think Dhanush Lagna.

You can't compare me to Gurus like yours, they are conservative assholes who 
are lazy bums out here to make money or deceive others.

Whereas Ravi Yogi is the true American Yogi, Indian heart, western intellect. I 
don't need anyone's money, I didn't come here solely to make money and 
followers. I care for none. I will unconditionally hate pimps and 
unconditionally love lovers.I have supported myself, my family, paid taxes and 
love America unlike these assholes.

I'm going to rip apart loser Gurus like these. No offense to you personally.

On Dec 2, 2011, at 5:43 PM, Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 R.A.V.I. Y.O.G.I. I.S. A. F.U.*.K.I.N.G. G.E.N.I.U.S.
 With sunglasses without sunglasses; you look great!
 I say we make it a channel:
 Ravi Yogi: The Illuminated Manly Man---From Venice Beach, *With A Bullet*.
 PS: I watched the videos with the wife; I told her: finally, enlightenment 
 that works! She said: He's either enlightened or he's stoned, I said: 
 What the hell difference does it make. 
 She agreed about one thing: 
 * A Star is born! 
 From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 4:19:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex
 Alex - I'm trying something new, here's my video response to you.
 Watch this video first, currently in rage in India, which is a celebration of 
 the Indian accent (now this is South Indian accent, not Russell Peters's dad)
 (The song is sung by a character who is dumped by a girl and now is drunk. 
 Then he sings the song Why this Kolaveri di which means Why did you do this 
 to me or Why you dumped me.)
 My video response
 Ravi Yogi's response to Alex Take 1
 Ravi Yogi's response to Alex Take 2
 I need everyone's feedback - with sunglasses or without?? 
 P.S. Dear D, I'm bummed that you posted out because of me. You can just 
 privately email me. Don't worry I'm going to fucking take Alex's closet down.
 From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wed, November 30, 2011 7:58:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
 pre-qualification (was Bob)
 Russell Peters? LOL..I love him. Is that the best the closet hiding, mommy 
 hating, girlie man like you could manage? I feel sorry, for picking such an 
 easy target like you and Tom. OK go run back to your closet and play ping 
 pong with your buddy, I'll call you when I'm in the mood to spank again.
 On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Alex, you fucking butthead here's a clue, if you can't deal with any 
  non-girlie man keep your big fucking mouth shut. This Kali's pimp gets 
  high on pussies like you and only settles down for lovers.
  On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 
   Settle down, Beavis.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Look Alex are you sending me some subtle signals? I apologize for 
getting mad at you last night. I know you are hurt but I was tired 
last night and got upset when you started irritating me. I know you 
are bored and its not your fault that you are not mature enough to 
understand adult's problems, and it is my responsibility to keep you 

But why didn't you speak up sooner? I didn't know you were into girlie 
men, ( or is it dark skinned younger men?) Why did you then hide in 
the closet like

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Yogi's video response to Alex

2011-12-02 Thread Ravi Yogi
Feste, a psychotic and a mystic look alike..

as Grof (1987: 476) writes, 'While a mystic keeps the process internalized 
and does not relate to the external world until the experiences are completed 
and well integrated, a psychotic resists the process, projects its elements on 
the external world, and confuses the inner and outer reality'.

Reference: http://www.critpsynet.freeuk.com/KUNDALIN.htm

No feste, you are confused. 

It's not psycho, it's manic.

Utter mania, bliss as I feel one with my beloved. When I'm with myself, I'm 
deeply introverted as if I alone exist.

When I'm interacting with the other, it's pure extroverting, I merge with the 

On Dec 2, 2011, at 5:13 PM, feste37 fest...@yahoo.com wrote:

 You come across as a psycho. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Alex - I'm trying something new, here's my video response to you.
  Watch this video first, currently in rage in India, which is a celebration 
  of the Indian accent (now this is South Indian accent, not Russell Peters's 
  (The song is sung by a character who is dumped by a girl and now is drunk. 
  Then he sings the song Why this Kolaveri di which means Why did you do 
  this to me or Why you dumped me.)
  My video response
  Ravi Yogi's response to Alex Take 1
  Ravi Yogi's response to Alex Take 2
  I need everyone's feedback - with sunglasses or without?? 
  P.S. Dear D, I'm bummed that you posted out because of me. You can just 
  privately email me. Don't worry I'm going to fucking take Alex's closet 
  From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wed, November 30, 2011 7:58:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
  pre-qualification (was Bob)
  Russell Peters? LOL..I love him. Is that the best the closet hiding, mommy 
  hating, girlie man like you could manage? I feel sorry, for picking such an 
  easy target like you and Tom. OK go run back to your closet and play ping 
  pong with your buddy, I'll call you when I'm in the mood to spank again.
  On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Alex, you fucking butthead here's a clue, if you can't deal with any 
non-girlie man keep your big fucking mouth shut. This Kali's pimp gets 
high on pussies like you and only settles down for lovers.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 

 Settle down, Beavis.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  Look Alex are you sending me some subtle signals? I apologize for 
  getting mad at you last night. I know you are hurt but I was tired 
  last night and got upset when you started irritating me. I know you 
  are bored and its not your fault that you are not mature enough to 
  understand adult's problems, and it is my responsibility to keep 
  you busy.
  But why didn't you speak up sooner? I didn't know you were into 
  girlie men, ( or is it dark skinned younger men?) Why did you then 
  hide in the closet like your buddy Tom? You know his issues are 
  different right? (Oh wait are they same? OMG!!) I spent all that 
  time last night trying to come up with puzzles for you and now 
  this. I'm really disappointed in you Alex.
  What else are you hiding from me? You need to be honest if you 
  expect me to entertain you. You and Tom need to stop this drama of 
  closets, mothers and girlie men.
  On Nov 30, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
LOL..good one dear Obba, love it..not me but I can definitely 
imitate any move..:-)

But dear D, I love singing and dancing as well, we can hit the 
dance floor if I visit Seattle and if I'm still single :-)

Why watch that loser when there are a couple of mine..





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-02 Thread Ravi Yogi
Steve - wtf, what are you reading my naive friend? There's no one on this 
that can clean my clock much less the retarded raunchy doll. Not because I'm 
poweful, because my power comes from my utter powerlessness.

Because I'm not attached to my personality, I'm untouched. I don't hide 
anything, I'm utterly open and totally vulnerable. Are you really this 
No wonder Judy comes after you for your stupid thoughtless comments.

Raunchy doll is all caught up in her twisted fantasies, I'll get to her soon. 
fact my intention was to tick her off and I have succeeded :-). I love it.

The word Hijra is translated to eunuch, has nothing to with gays. I have lot of 
gay friends and love them. I have had gays hitting on me and how I had so much 
fun, I have posted about it in detail.

Here it is - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/294028

I had a recent experience in Venice. This was an older man who was gay and he 
started hitting on me. I had such fun with him. I told him I felt honored but 
that I was straight. We both flirted with each other eventhough I'm not gay 
myself. I fucking challenge anyone to match my behavior. We talked about how 
straight men take offense at being hit on by gay men.

In fact I helped him a lot that night. He got very open, very vulnerable with 
him. He was drunk but he cried and was utterly open to me. He narrated all his 
childhood stories, of how he could never find true love and how he yearned for 
love. After I was done talking to him he felt really good, especially one 
suggestion really made him feel very good. He asked me if I was a Hindu god is 
disguise, a Guru or Kali.

Unfortunately the next morning his ego caught up to him. He felt very ashamed 
crying and being vulnerable to me. He probably felt he gave away lot of power 
me not realizing I wouldn't harm anyone. He profusely apologized to me while I 
was being loving throughout. And then he totally avoided me. Poor fellow, he 
scared :-)

On Dec 2, 2011, at 9:10 PM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

I'd say Ravi just got his clock cleaned.  (or maybe take the first l out of 
this)  (or maybe that's what needs to happen) (or maybe that's happening too 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
 Let's see...what else gets Ravi's panties in a twist? Oh yeah. Alex and Tom 
gay. Tom? Unless Ravi claims he gave him a blow job, I'd say he's just making 
that up. Amazingly, he just figured out that Alex is out of the closet. 
Now that he's discovered a new best gay friend, he's all aflutter posting 
for Alex. Why do I get the feeling he's trying to get a date? 

 Hey, Alex, Ravi probably isn't your type but you do have something in 
You both like pussies.

[FairfieldLife] The lepers's conversations

2011-12-01 Thread Ravi Yogi
This is just hilarious..King Baby and The Liar using that private phone booth 
conversation that Jim was referring to..with one solid following of their fan 

Even HH Gandhi Teresa Curtis has stopped posting rather than lick these 
lepers's wounds. God their wounds are creating a big stench...LOL

On Dec 1, 2011, at 7:34 AM, Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Yo King Babykins,
 Be careful with I was... stories, some on the forum might have actually 
 been in Fiuggi. I don't remember you or Clint, or Einstein for that matter, 
 on that course. I do remember a stunning brunette named Cowhig, although 
 anyone could find all of that spending their whole life looking through the 
 the FFL archives.
 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2011 7:03:08 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to FairfieldLife
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:
  On Dec 1, 2011, at 8:54 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
   That certainly looks like Gemma. She was on my TTC, where
   many considered *her* crazy as a loon because she kept going
   on about being enlightened. We were warned by the person in
   charge of our small Canadian group (I lived in Toronto at the
   time) to distance ourselves from her because she was in danger
   of being sent home, and we might be perceived as being like her.
   I didn't know her well enough to pay any attention to the advice,
   one way or another. Looks as if she found the perfect hubbie.
   Two drama queens united in loving bliss.  :-)
   Isn't it fascinating that Mr. I Can Talk About Myself For
   Hours, No Matter How Boring Others May Find It has
   never felt the need to explain his supposed ability to see
   demons in others and/or expel them? One is tempted to
   think that not only is he trying to hide that aspect of his
   life, he's trying to pretend Vaj never met him to keep the
   subject from coming up, and thus having to explain it.
  Well, I try to be sensitive to the fact that this whole thing 
  has to have been very traumatic for R.
 By this whole thing do you mean someone producing
 another first-hand view of his past antics, to balance 
 the somewhat...uh...unbalanced view of them that he 
 presents? :-)
  It's amazing that none of the video has been leaked yet, but 
  really just a matter of converting the old analog video to digital 
  and we could have them up on YouTube quickly thereafter. The 
  pathology of supposed higher states of consciousness - meditative 
  disease -  is a new field really, and I think video documentation 
  could go a long way to helping jumpstart that field, potentially 
  preventing suffering from faux meditative lineages like Mahesh  
 It IS fascinating how the I'm enlightened...adore me
 meme keeps coming up in and around the TMO. Gemma was
 essentially running the same number back in Fiuggi. 
 She was having some intermittent flashes of what she
 assumed was CC, as were several others of us. Most of
 us wisely kept it to ourselves; she started holding
 court and counseling others on how they could get
 as enlightened as she was just by hanging around with
 her and basking in her darshan. Sound familiar?  :-)
   But maybe he's explained and I missed it. That's quite
   possible because as I've said often, I don't find the guy
   interesting enough to read what he writes, much less
   interact with him. The only thing that fascinates me about
   him is how many suckers flocked around him back in the
   day, and how many still do. As I've suggested before, there
   is just no accounting for bad taste and low standards.  :-)
  Well, it's the principle of charm applied to sociology: RWC 
  was and still is in many ways, a very charming man. 
 I'll take your word for it, though I have seen no 
 evidence of that here. :-)
  However I think this is a common mode of functioning in certain 
  Axis II disorders and oddly a perfect match for some Me Decade 
  types, who tended to already have similar traits, and thus 
  self-select for such courses.
 Yup. The people drawn to such adore me so-called
 teachers very often are seeking the same role for
 themselves someday. Scratch a modern-day pretend
 teacher and you'll almost always find that they 
 learned their trade from one or more other pretend
 teachers cut from the same pattern. 
  I remember specifically the moment I knew his World Teacher 
  Seminar was harming others. It was one of those late night 
  chats with other CP's and one of the course participants 
  revealed that he was gay. He wasn't just gay, he was 
  addicted to cock. Any size, shape or form he could get 
  his mouth on. Since RWC's opinion on homosexuality was 
  unknown, he was greatly concerned that if this was known, 
  he would be grilled on the stage, at the microphone and 
  be declared demonic, thus forced to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-12-01 Thread Ravi Yogi

Dear raunchy - Yes I called India a Hijra nation in a very derogatory way.

I know you naturally have all kinds of idiotic questions about my stories. But 
I don't make any apologies for my behavior to the retarded, especially the 
retards who worship the pervert Gandhi and that stupid bitch Teresa. I'm a 
narcissistic enlightened asshole - get it?

Anyway my friend's wife was innocent, very straightforward unlike her husband. 
And she was the one who innocently believed what her stupid husband had to say 
and said stupid things to me. So I could only get mad at her because I lived 
her. Of course I spent a long time at her feet begging for forgiveness for my 
behavior because I loved her and she took really good care of me post 
enlightenment. I can't see anyone else bring separate for me.

Anyway don't spend too much time on it, it's too much for your Gandhi Teresa 
fascinated perverted intellect to understand, OK hon?

On Dec 1, 2011, at 4:23 AM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Yep hijras and India was a hijra nation for a long time following its 
  Gandhian values.
  I once had a friend whom I blasted as a hijra. I knew he pretends to be a 
  guy, he made niceness into a philosophy. He questioned me and my 
  so the existence made me lash out at her wife whom I actually liked a lot. 
  he kept on smiling throughout. I blasted him later as a hijra, that his 
  was more of a man for challenging me and rightly married the girl whom both 
  brothers loved; that his dharma was to yell at me, get mad at me, protect 
  wife than practice his stupid nice philosophy.
  I tell you he never recovered from that.
 Just to be clear, because of Gandhi's stupid values India became a nation of 
 hijaras, a derogatory term in India meaning weak and unmanly, equivalent to 
 faggot in this country. 
 You were angry with a friend for questioning your enlightenment. So quite 
 inexplicably, through no fault of your own, the existence made you lash out 
 at his wife. 
 Later on you called your friend a hijara to insult him for not being manly 
 enough to defend his wife. Just asking, wouldn't lashing out at him in the 
 first place instead of his wife, have been the manly thing to do? Is it manly 
 to blame existence or your friend for your actions because he was nice? 
  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wed, November 30, 2011 9:13:24 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the 
  (was Bob)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Russell Peters? LOL..I love him. Is that the best the closet hiding, 
  hating, girlie man like you could manage? I feel sorry, for picking such 
  an easy 
  target like you and Tom. OK go run back to your closet and play ping pong 
  your buddy, I'll call you when I'm in the mood to spank again.
  India's third sex:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Bhogi (Aquinas' Quinque Subjectio, was Fanboy Robin)

2011-11-30 Thread Ravi Yogi

Thanks, awesome :-). I like that action, comedy routine.

You can't be compared to geezerfreak though, he's a total doofus.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 12:10 AM, Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From the other geezerfreak; aka Bob, your posts make this place as special as 
 it is.
 Let me know if you need any help with Vague's Buddhist  thugs from Fox News.
 From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 10:40:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Bhogi (Aquinas' Quinque Subjectio, was 
 Fanboy Robin)
 1) Why is geezerfreak aka Bob not posting - did he have a heart attack?
 Oops..I meant geezerfreak aka Joe.
 From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tue, November 29, 2011 10:14:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Bhogi (Aquinas' Quinque Subjectio, was 
 Fanboy Robin)
 OTOH I can come up with a few puzzles on the Post Count numbers to keep you 
 entertained. Because with Waking Down routines, your level of intelligence 
 and lots of free time as a moderator it must be pretty boring. You can 
 include bar or pie charts for these numbers.
 1) Reverse the numbers of the double digit posters and let me know the 
 average number of posters who would have posted out. Provide average, mean 
 and sum by the month and year.
 2) For all posters compute average, sum and median by the month and year. 
 List Top 3 winners for each month and year.
 3) What would be the average numbers of posts for Judy and Barry assuming no 
 posting limits?
 4) What are the average number of posts by Men and Women, Conservatives and 
 Liberals, Gays vs Straights, Racists vs Non-racists, Retards vs Intelligent 
 (feel free to include yourself in the retards category, yes moderators posts 
 do count). Any other categories will result in bonus points for you.
 Bonus question
 4) What would be Ravi Yogi's average posts if retards like you didn't bother 
 him. Hint: It will be much lower.
 Also a few errands that you can run for us, this should keep you occupied as 
 1) Why is geezerfreak aka Bob not posting - did he have a heart attack?
 2) Another guy I'm worried is do.rflex - someone should check on him - may be 
 he is stuck to his keyboard/mouse.
 Guys please add to this list - we don't want to lose Alex, he's an awesome 
 moderator to be lost to a rabid brain freeze.
 From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tue, November 29, 2011 9:42:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Bhogi (Aquinas' Quinque Subjectio, was 
 Fanboy Robin)
 Alex, you little bitch - now this rhymes OK - rabid friend, look at Ravi 
 Yogi huh? He can rhyme in no time, while you bitches can't. So please please 
 take a few breaths and keep practicing those Waking Down moves and you will 
 be all right and Tom will be back soon OK?
 From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tue, November 29, 2011 9:28:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Bhogi (Aquinas' Quinque Subjectio, was 
 Fanboy Robin)
 But seriously there's a reason why I took that title - just to irritate 
 others. Because they will naturally feel threatened, look at Waking Down 
 Alex, Stick by the Book Billy, Twisted Intellect Vaj and the other retards 
 around here, they will always be itching to say something about that.
 You would naturally think the Waking Down would be a little restrained, but 
 no he feels he has to make up for the absence of his rabid friend Tom. Oh 
 well they are good friends and I like that.
 On Nov 29, 2011, at 9:15 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I got a sudden mental picture of Yogi Bear :)
  From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 6:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi Bhogi (Aquinas' Quinque Subjectio, 
 was Fanboy Robin)
 LOL..this is the first time someone's called me Bhogi on FFL. So my full 
 name's actually Ravi Bhogi Yogi, just didn't want to confuse people too 
 Empty I bow down to your supreme knowledge here. But you know you will 
 always have my support in your NBFF match-ups with Vaj.
 On Nov 29, 2011, at 6:15 PM, emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:
 There are a number of us who know Vag's legal name ... even where he lives 
 and where he works.
 He chooses not to give out this info on a public forum so we maintain his 
 anonymous identity as an act of mutual courtesy. I think it is unnecessary 
 to reveal this kind of info and presume Judy

Re: [FairfieldLife] I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-11-30 Thread Ravi Yogi
 is 52 (still pondering that factoid), and then threaten 
 *My Ravi
 Yogi* with some Buddhist thugs (a word the Brits swiped from India) from Fox
 News, and not to forget today's show stopper from the Menza applicant stating
 she preferred Madonna to LG, but did not like to watch her dance. 
 For the pre-qualification, which is open to everyone, I propose bidders 
 submit ten questions / statements, and/or topics that should
 be included in the scope of work of the tender.
 1. When you ask someone if you: knew them, back in the day, and they 
 ignore you, 
 are they trying to tell you something?
 2. If you don't understand irony, should you email one of your shrinking 
 circle (circular firing squads will do that
 to populations) of FFL friends before embarrassing yourself?
 3. Is every thought that comes into your head is not an *idea*?
 4. When is typing typing or a cigar is a cigar?
 5. Before you state that you're more creative than the author of In Cold 
 Blood should you check with
 someone who has read something more than the Dharma Bums to see how
 saying that will sound to everyone (except the Madonna lady of course)?
 6. Stop threatening to stop posting on FFL, its OK---we understand, we're 
 all you have.
 7. Writing about other people’s creativity is generally not considered 
 creative, particularly if
 you’re boring the hell out of your audience.
 8. Most people, over eleven, know what's up when someone compulsively 
 tailgates rather than engages in
 exchanges, for example; when someone mentions psychedelics, don't say you met
 one of Tim's girl friends (its not the same thing), when someone mentions
 flying, don't say you managed it, but got stiffed on the price (makes you 
 naive), when someone says the speed of light might be different than we were
 told, don't say you peed on Einstein’s pants 106 years ago (makes it look
 like you can't count), when someone mentions Hollywood, don't say you lived 
 Malibu with some screenwriters (makes it look like you're too big a loser to
 own your own place in Malibu); better to stop typing and notice the waitress 
 hoping you'll move on.
 9. It's OK to admit you read and reread Judy's emails, to be able to keep up 
 with her; nothing to be ashamed
 of, having no life is like that.
 10. Rama was the last daddy you'll ever have; if MZ wanted children I'm sure 
 he'd aim higher than the
 leftovers from a guy who offed himself, rather than face prison. 
 In case this makes him cry, here are the promised working titles:
 1. Arguing with spiders in Brunei.
 2. Hand gliding a Sharjah storm front; hailstones as big as cantaloupes. 
 3. Kurds, Beirut, and Hollywood squares.
 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 2:40:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Fanboy Robin (Bob)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:
  What's goin' on Bob? What are you doing spending your time 
  outwitting KB and Vaj and others that shall not be named? 
 And who obviously don't care what he thinks of them,
 if they even bother to read it. :-)
  We want to hear from you Bob. How's it going from your 
  authentic self. 
 Have you considered the possibility that he has none?
 Think about it. How much do *any* of the folks who seem
 to live to rag on me and Vaj and Sal *ever* have to
 say, except when they're doing the ragging rag? I guess 
 what I'm suggesting is the same thing you seem to be 
 suggesting above -- that there is a possibility that 
 they don't actually *have* anything to say when they're 
 not playing Gotcha. 
 It's just a suggestion. There is a simple way to prove
 it wrong, whether the suggestion comes from me, or from
 you, or from anyone else. But that would involve any of 
 them saying something new, or original. I'm betting that 
 isn't going to happen because the capacity for doing it 
 simply isn't there. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-11-30 Thread Ravi Yogi
Bob, What's up with this My Ravi Yogi...LOL..

On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:22 AM, Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Excellent, it's my sincere hope that My Ravi Yogi (much more functional then 
 My Yahoo) with take time from his busy schedule, stacking all those books 
 being thrown at him, and provide the much needed input you have requested. 
 After reading your clarification to the *tender* I reread my PQ, and sure 
 enough, found two deviations to the scope---desperate for repair:
 Should read:
 3. Is every thought, that comes into your head, an *idea*?
 4. Most of the time typing *is* typing and a cigar *is* a cigar?
 Bye bye for now, I need to feed the turkeys, Christmas is just around the 
 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 2:13:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
 (was Bob)
 Dear Bob, I think that you may have seen my  follow up post to Barry's reply 
 and I appreciate you expanding on a scoping process for the aforementioned 
 manual project you've been kicking around.  I see immediately that it 
 reflects vast and authentic experience on this speck of dirt we inhabit.  
 This effort could very well require a team of experts and luckily, the pool 
 of candidates on FFL is colossal.
 My initial thoughts?
 The title...I'm having an emotion - it's very feminazi, wouldn't you say?  
 Excellent choice for a working draft.  
 I will have to read and reread this scope of work a few more times to fully 
 grasp its contextual genius (as I am a bit slow) and also pull out my atlas 
 and encyclopedia. To support my efforts, I want to enlist the help of my 
 right hand man Ravi and beg him to get me a key points memo.  Of course, he 
 may reply with that is the point - there is no point. If this is, in fact, 
 the case, I will be grateful for the translation and beg him to let me buy 
 him a pack of smokes and a cup of coffee.  
 Fortunately for all, being as overcommitted as I am to the self-centered idea 
 of claiming my own life, I can only serve in a hit and miss advisory 
 capacity in preparing said manual.  I may be able to provide some objective 
 or subjective perspective on feelings and emotions - real or imagined - 
 doesn't make any difference to me. I feel like I may have some untapped 
 expertise in the touchy feely department.  But, I warn you that crying out 
 loud appears to be my current modus operandi, and it can get very tiresome.  
 And yes, my motherly instincts do tend to kick in - I want to protect all the 
 puppies - another potential downside to any relevant input.  All in all, all 
 good reasons not to bid.
 In my role as complacent strategic advisor, you have my approval to 
 I am late this year in lining my marmot hole with grass, so must scurry 
 amongst the boulders tonight and collect what remains.  
 P.S.  Your topic list is an excellent beginning.  MZ, should he choose to 
 bid, could round it out for you with ease.  Judy could edit it into something 
 ruthlessly coherent and logical.  You have outed me though - I have no 
 contributions for two main reasons: 1) I don't pay full attention to most of 
 KB's posts - probably because my DVD player (the one attached to my TV that 
 broke) is not hooked up. 2)  I'm still far, far too frightened to put my neck 
 out there with what might be interpreted as accountability and would prefer 
 to just hug a tree.  
  From: Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 11:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
 (was Bob)
 I'm having an emotion. 
 No, it wasn't KB I heard say that, although you might be forgiven for 
 thinking it was. I heard a young woman
 say it, some years back, and I'm thinking it would make a great title for the
 upcoming *feelings* manual we're planning for KB. 
 I'm also thinking; I should not be such a fun hog, and assume I'm the best 
 suited to develop the manual;
 as entertaining as it is, winding KB up, like a cheap Chinese watch (current
 synonym for pushing buttons, a.k.a. winding up---if you're on the
 receiving end, appears to be *rag*), fair is fair, and many of my fellow FFL 
 have had the pleasure of receiving Barry's film reviews much longer than I 
 and therefore, I believe, the project calls for a *competitive tender*, and 
 keep things on a professional basis (can't forget: The Corrupt Practices
 Act), we should begin with a prequalification process.
 I fully understand your maternal concern that KB's recent

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-11-30 Thread Ravi Yogi
LOL..good one dear Obba, love it..not me but I can definitely imitate any 

But dear D, I love singing and dancing as well, we can hit the dance floor if I 
visit Seattle and if I'm still single :-)

Why watch that loser when there are a couple of mine..



On Nov 30, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Ravi...you've been holding out on us...this is you, isn't it?  Are you 
 smokin' more than just cigarettes?  What did you say you were full of?  I'm 
 not buyin it...you are full of the spirit of, u (my words fail me).  I 
 think you just earned a bonus... 
 From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 4:03 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
 (was Bob)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Bob, What's up with this My Ravi Yogi...LOL..
  On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:22 AM, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:
   Excellent, it's my sincere hope that My Ravi Yogi (much more functional 
   then My Yahoo) with take time from his busy schedule, stacking all those 
   books being thrown at him, and provide the much needed input you have 
   requested. After reading your clarification to the *tender* I reread my 
   PQ, and sure enough, found two deviations to the scope---desperate for 
   Should read:
   3. Is every thought, that comes into your head, an *idea*?
   4. Most of the time typing *is* typing and a cigar *is* a cigar?
   Bye bye for now, I need to feed the turkeys, Christmas is just around the 
   From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 2:13:02 AM
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I'm having an emotion / the 
   pre-qualification (was Bob)
   Dear Bob, I think that you may have seen my follow up post to Barry's 
   reply and I appreciate you expanding on a scoping process for the 
   aforementioned manual project you've been kicking around. I see 
   immediately that it reflects vast and authentic experience on this speck 
   of dirt we inhabit. This effort could very well require a team of 
   experts and luckily, the pool of candidates on FFL is colossal.
   My initial thoughts?
   The title...I'm having an emotion - it's very feminazi, wouldn't you 
   say? Excellent choice for a working draft. 
   I will have to read and reread this scope of work a few more times to 
   fully grasp its contextual genius (as I am a bit slow) and also pull out 
   my atlas and encyclopedia. To support my efforts, I want to enlist the 
   help of my right hand man Ravi and beg him to get me a key points memo. 
   Of course, he may reply with that is the point - there is no point. If 
   this is, in fact, the case, I will be grateful for the translation and 
   beg him to let me buy him a pack of smokes and a cup of coffee. 
   Fortunately for all, being as overcommitted as I am to the self-centered 
   idea of claiming my own life, I can only serve in a hit and miss 
   advisory capacity in preparing said manual. I may be able to provide some 
   objective or subjective perspective on feelings and emotions - real 
   or imagined - doesn't make any difference to me. I feel like I may have 
   some untapped expertise in the touchy feely department. But, I warn you 
   that crying out loud appears to be my current modus operandi, and it 
   can get very tiresome. And yes, my motherly instincts do tend to kick in 
   - I want to protect all the puppies - another potential downside to any 
   relevant input. All in all, all good reasons not to bid.
   In my role as complacent strategic advisor, you have my approval to 
   I am late this year in lining my marmot hole with grass, so must scurry 
   amongst the boulders tonight and collect what remains. 
   P.S. Your topic list is an excellent beginning. MZ, should he choose to 
   bid, could round it out for you with ease. Judy could edit it into 
   something ruthlessly coherent and logical. You have outed me though - I 
   have no contributions for two main reasons: 1) I don't pay full attention 
   to most of KB's posts - probably because my DVD player (the one attached 
   to my TV that broke) is not hooked up. 2) I'm still far, far too 
   frightened to put my neck out there with what might be interpreted as 
   accountability and would prefer to just hug a tree. 
From: Bob Price bobpriced@...
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 11:34 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] I'm having

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-11-30 Thread Ravi Yogi
Look Alex are you sending me some subtle signals? I apologize for getting mad 
at you last night. I know you are hurt but I was tired last night and got upset 
when you started irritating me. I know you are bored and its not your fault 
that you are not mature enough to understand adult's problems, and it is my 
responsibility to keep you busy.

But why didn't you speak up sooner? I didn't know you were into girlie men, ( 
or is it dark skinned younger men?) Why did you then hide in the closet like 
your buddy Tom? You know his issues are different right? (Oh wait are they 
same? OMG!!) I spent all that time last night trying to come up with puzzles 
for you and now this. I'm really disappointed in you Alex.

What else are you hiding from me? You need to be honest if you expect me to 
entertain you. You and Tom need to stop this drama of closets, mothers and 
girlie men.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  LOL..good one dear Obba, love it..not me but I can definitely imitate any 
  But dear D, I love singing and dancing as well, we can hit the dance floor 
  if I visit Seattle and if I'm still single :-)
  Why watch that loser when there are a couple of mine..

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-11-30 Thread Ravi Yogi
Alex, you fucking butthead here's a clue, if you can't deal with any non-girlie 
man keep your big fucking mouth shut. This Kali's pimp gets high on pussies 
like you and only settles down for lovers.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 

 Settle down, Beavis.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Look Alex are you sending me some subtle signals? I apologize for getting 
  mad at you last night. I know you are hurt but I was tired last night and 
  got upset when you started irritating me. I know you are bored and its not 
  your fault that you are not mature enough to understand adult's problems, 
  and it is my responsibility to keep you busy.
  But why didn't you speak up sooner? I didn't know you were into girlie men, 
  ( or is it dark skinned younger men?) Why did you then hide in the closet 
  like your buddy Tom? You know his issues are different right? (Oh wait are 
  they same? OMG!!) I spent all that time last night trying to come up with 
  puzzles for you and now this. I'm really disappointed in you Alex.
  What else are you hiding from me? You need to be honest if you expect me to 
  entertain you. You and Tom need to stop this drama of closets, mothers and 
  girlie men.
  On Nov 30, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
LOL..good one dear Obba, love it..not me but I can definitely imitate 
any move..:-)

But dear D, I love singing and dancing as well, we can hit the dance 
floor if I visit Seattle and if I'm still single :-)

Why watch that loser when there are a couple of mine..




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-11-30 Thread Ravi Yogi
Russell Peters? LOL..I love him. Is that the best the closet hiding, mommy 
hating, girlie man like you could manage? I feel sorry, for picking such an 
easy target like you and Tom. OK go run back to your closet and play ping pong 
with your buddy, I'll call you when I'm in the mood to spank again.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Alex, you fucking butthead here's a clue, if you can't deal with any 
  non-girlie man keep your big fucking mouth shut. This Kali's pimp gets high 
  on pussies like you and only settles down for lovers.
  On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
   Settle down, Beavis.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Look Alex are you sending me some subtle signals? I apologize for 
getting mad at you last night. I know you are hurt but I was tired last 
night and got upset when you started irritating me. I know you are 
bored and its not your fault that you are not mature enough to 
understand adult's problems, and it is my responsibility to keep you 

But why didn't you speak up sooner? I didn't know you were into girlie 
men, ( or is it dark skinned younger men?) Why did you then hide in the 
closet like your buddy Tom? You know his issues are different right? 
(Oh wait are they same? OMG!!) I spent all that time last night trying 
to come up with puzzles for you and now this. I'm really disappointed 
in you Alex.

What else are you hiding from me? You need to be honest if you expect 
me to entertain you. You and Tom need to stop this drama of closets, 
mothers and girlie men.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  LOL..good one dear Obba, love it..not me but I can definitely 
  imitate any move..:-)
  But dear D, I love singing and dancing as well, we can hit the 
  dance floor if I visit Seattle and if I'm still single :-)
  Why watch that loser when there are a couple of mine..


Re: [FairfieldLife] I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-11-30 Thread Ravi Yogi
LOL..on massage perfection, you and Robin have really spoiled me. I did look 
at the CAA link you gave me, I don't know what to do with it. I can't sell, 
market myself - it would have to be some kind of captive audience plus some 
of invitation for me start my act. I guess I don't really understand your 
intentions, I will just email you offline.

I can't tell you how bored I am at work for the last month locked in this 
office on the 11th floor for some stupid money, but then existence has given me 
a job that requires least effort, least responsibility with the most return and 
I have to support my family if I'm not doing anything anyway, so I have to keep 
faking it. At least I have some kind of fun at FFL and on Saturday. If only the 
existence can let that cute woman I asked out to return the favor, but no it 
wants to play hardball - fuck you existence, I don't fucking care OK?

From: Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, November 30, 2011 5:41:47 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
(was Bob)

Like water, from a mighty river, mixes with Russian Standard---in a

tumbler of finely cut crystal, the infinite personifies itself in the perfect
illumination of Ravi Yogi. Cosmic showman that you are; your name needs no
beginning, no middle, or end, its perfect like it is. That said, it looked like
the book throwers were trying to massage perfection; so I decided I needed to
point out how form follows function. In others words; my intentions were good,
and I ain't no book thrower! Did you check out the CAA link I posted for you---
time to get an agent?

From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 2:58:28 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
(was Bob)

Bob, What's up with this My Ravi Yogi...LOL..

On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:22 AM, Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:


Excellent, it's my sincere hope that My Ravi Yogi (much more functional then 
Yahoo) with take time from his busy schedule, stacking all those books being 
thrown at him, and provide the much needed input you have requested. After 
reading your clarification to the *tender* I reread my PQ, and sure enough, 
found two deviations to the scope---desperate for repair:

Should read:

3. Is every thought, that comes into your head, an *idea*?

4. Most of the time typing *is* typing and a cigar *is* a cigar?

Bye bye for now, I need to feed the turkeys, Christmas is just around the 


From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 2:13:02 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
(was Bob)

Dear Bob, I think that you may have seen my  follow up post to Barry's reply 
I appreciate you expanding on a scoping process for the aforementioned manual 
project you've been kicking around.  I see immediately that it reflects vast 
and authentic experience on this speck of dirt we inhabit.  This effort could 
very well require a team of experts and luckily, the pool of candidates on 
is colossal.

My initial thoughts?

The title...I'm having an emotion - it's very feminazi, wouldn't you say? 
 Excellent choice for a working draft.  

I will have to read and reread this scope of work a few more times to fully 
grasp its contextual genius (as I am a bit slow) and also pull out my atlas 
encyclopedia. To support my efforts, I want to enlist the help of my right 
man Ravi and beg him to get me a key points memo.  Of course, he may reply 
that is the point - there is no point. If this is, in fact, the case, I will 
be grateful for the translation and beg him to let me buy him a pack of smokes 
and a cup of coffee.  

Fortunately for all, being as overcommitted as I am to the self-centered idea 
claiming my own life, I can only serve in a hit and miss advisory capacity 
preparing said manual.  I may be able to provide some objective or subjective 
perspective on feelings and emotions - real or imagined - doesn't make any 
difference to me. I feel like I may have some untapped expertise in the 
feely department.  But, I warn you that crying out loud appears to be my 
current modus operandi, and it can get very tiresome.  And yes, my motherly 
instincts do tend to kick in - I want to protect all the puppies - another 
potential downside to any relevant input.  All in all, all good reasons not to 

In my role as complacent strategic advisor, you have my approval to proceed. 

I am late this year in lining my marmot hole with grass, so must scurry 
the boulders tonight and collect what

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-11-30 Thread Ravi Yogi
Yep hijras and India was a hijra nation for a long time following its stupid 
Gandhian values.

I once had a friend whom I blasted as a hijra. I knew he pretends to be a nice 
guy, he made niceness into a philosophy. He questioned me and my enlightenment, 
so the existence made me lash out at her wife whom I actually liked a lot. But 
he kept on smiling throughout. I blasted him later as a hijra, that his brother 
was more of a man for challenging me and rightly married the girl whom both the 
brothers loved; that his dharma was to yell at me, get mad at me, protect his 
wife than practice his stupid nice philosophy.

I tell you he never recovered from that.

From: raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, November 30, 2011 9:13:24 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
(was Bob)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Russell Peters? LOL..I love him. Is that the best the closet hiding, mommy 
hating, girlie man like you could manage? I feel sorry, for picking such an 
target like you and Tom. OK go run back to your closet and play ping pong with 
your buddy, I'll call you when I'm in the mood to spank again.

India's third sex:

 On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Alex, you fucking butthead here's a clue, if you can't deal with any 
non-girlie man keep your big fucking mouth shut. This Kali's pimp gets high on 
pussies like you and only settles down for lovers.
   On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
Settle down, Beavis.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:

 Look Alex are you sending me some subtle signals? I apologize for 
getting mad at you last night. I know you are hurt but I was tired last night 
and got upset when you started irritating me. I know you are bored and its not 
your fault that you are not mature enough to understand adult's problems, and 
is my responsibility to keep you busy.
 But why didn't you speak up sooner? I didn't know you were into 
men, ( or is it dark skinned younger men?) Why did you then hide in the closet 
like your buddy Tom? You know his issues are different right? (Oh wait are 
same? OMG!!) I spent all that time last night trying to come up with puzzles 
you and now this. I'm really disappointed in you Alex.
 What else are you hiding from me? You need to be honest if you expect 
me to entertain you. You and Tom need to stop this drama of closets, mothers 
girlie men.
 On Nov 30, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   LOL..good one dear Obba, love it..not me but I can definitely 
imitate any move..:-)
   But dear D, I love singing and dancing as well, we can hit the 
dance floor if I visit Seattle and if I'm still single :-)
   Why watch that loser when there are a couple of mine..



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification (was.... Bob)

2011-11-30 Thread Ravi Yogi

From: raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, November 30, 2011 10:39:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm having an emotion / the pre-qualification 
(was Bob)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Yep hijras and India was a hijra nation for a long time following its stupid 
 Gandhian values.
 I once had a friend whom I blasted as a hijra. I knew he pretends to be a 

 guy, he made niceness into a philosophy. He questioned me and my 

 so the existence made me lash out at her wife whom I actually liked a lot. 

 he kept on smiling throughout. I blasted him later as a hijra, that his 

 was more of a man for challenging me and rightly married the girl whom both 

 brothers loved; that his dharma was to yell at me, get mad at me, protect his 
 wife than practice his stupid nice philosophy.
 I tell you he never recovered from that.

So what do you have against cookies and milk?

Nope love cookies and milk.

Would you like to volunteer to be the first member of my Citizen exchange 
program? The plan is simple, this is a program for liberals, who love Gandhi 
the non-violent movement, who project their infantile pains into fascination 
communism, Mother Teresa, Pacifism , Dalai Lama. You will be given the 
citizenship of the hijra nation India in exchange for an American loving 
What do you say? Free lodging, board, meals in exchange for helping our 
which will measure the effects of relocating to hijra nations on liberal 
of non-violence, peace, age of enlightenment, age of Pisces. Who knows you 
get actually enlightened?

What do say dear raunchy?


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