Re: [FairfieldLife] Buddhist Logic, was The Hebrew Language is The DNA of Creation

2014-12-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

Richard, for me it's summed up in the only statement one can make, 
imo, with 100% certainty: awareness exists. As far as I can tell, 
that's the only thing I can know for sure. What do you think?

On 12/12/2014 11:07 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
Well I agree. All we actually know is what our senses permit our minds 
to see and hear, and we decide what it's all about for ourselves from 

You have just committed a logical fallacy akin to Rene Descartes - an 
attempted to divide the "mind" from the body. In fact, there numerous 
things we know that are not dependent on the mind-body dualism and sense 

According to my philosophy professor, A.J. Bahm:

/"If appearances derived through one sensory channel appear 
contradictory, it is natural to appeal to other senses for 
corroboration. When they contradict, which sense shall we accept as 
reliable? If we observe the naive realist closely, we will find that at 
some times he relies principally on his eyes and, at other times, on his 
ears. When different senses corroborate an error, he is still more 
baffled." /

The realist is unaware that he has no criterion of the reality or 
unreality of objects experienced. For example, the naive realist has 
faith in the reality of movie action while it lasts, otherwise he could 
not really enjoy it. /"He has faith in his own action, otherwise how 
could he really enjoy life."/ But how reliable is such faith?

Comparison of present paradoxes with past experiences simply involves 
greater possibilities of error and greater paradoxes. /"For past 
experiences, to be compared, must be remembered. But memory often fails 
us."/ What assurance do we have that it is not failing us again? Yet, 
past experiences may have been erroneous consistently. /"The realist 
thinks he sees directly back into an existing past which in reality has 
ceased to exist."/ Go figure.

Also, if past experiences can have been consistently in error, why not 
present and future experiences? How can one ever be sure that he is not 
in error?

When doubts become serious, we naturally consult others. /"Most of us 
have mistaken manikins, mirror images, and movie motions for real men. 
Or, in dreams we have consulted our friends and have gained their 
agreement."/ What proof do we have that there are real people to consult?

Secondly, even if we actually consult real people, are they not subject 
to the same errors as we? Cannot people be in agreement and yet in 
error? For centuries people agreed that the earth was flat. If others 
share our error, how can we profit by consulting them for proof?

Work cited:

*Philosophy: An Introduction*
by A.J. Bahm, Ph.D.
Wiley; First edition. 1953
p. 118-119

Suggested for further reading:

*Metaphysics;: An Introduction*
by A.J. Bahm, Ph.D.
Barnes & Noble, 1974

*Epistemology: Theory of Knowledge*
by A.J. Bahm, Ph.D.
World Books, 1995

*Polarity, Dialectic, and Organicity*
by A.J. Bahm, Ph.D.
World Books, 1988


*From:* "'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, December 11, 2014 8:22 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Buddhist Logic, was The Hebrew Language is 
The DNA of Creation

On 12/11/2014 1:24 PM, Share Long wrote:


salyavin, I think the 2 simplest answers are:
the universe never started; it just always was
or, the universe is starting at every nanosecond.
Which one of these is most wobbly, do you think?

In order to answer this question you would have to apply the
Buddhist logic of Gaudapada or Nagarjuna - science cannot answer
this question, it can only *infer* that their was a beginning to
the universe and that it is expanding, or not, according to the
"big bang theory" - it's just sheer speculation, Share, because
nothing exists outside of the conscious mind and there is only one
mind - not a body and a mind - that's a dualistic concept.
According to the logical doctrine propounded by Gaudapada's

"/There is only One - there are not two. Everything but the One is
an illusion. The One is the only Reality. The One can only be
experienced in transcendental consciousness."/

This is the cardinal doctrine of Adwaita Vedanta: There is no
creation, no dissolution; no coming forth, no coming to be;
nothing moves here or there; there is no change. There is only
consciousness, or not.

Excerpt from mANDUkya kArikA IV by gauDapAda:

/"Duality is only an appearance; non-duality is//
//the real truth. The object exists as an object//
//for the knowing subject; but it does not exist//
//outside of consciousness because the distinction//
//of subject and object is within consciousness."/

Works cited:

Raju, P.T., *The Philosophical Traditions of India*. Motilal

[FairfieldLife] Negative Posting, was What a pitiful state of mind

2014-12-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/12/2014 10:59 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
What I am referring to is the state of mind where one believes oneself 
to be enlightened when there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. I 
suppose one clings to this belief just because one wants to.

Apparently you think we care what Jim said. Maybe you should get some 
smarts - you're the only one that cares. /LoL!/

I was looking at the Peak for a minute and this post caught my eye as 
I was about to log off. I post it here

Thanks for posting this - you just proved Buck's point about the 
negativity and the /"gawdawful squabbling"/ on FFL. If we wanted to read 
The_Peak we could go there and read it for ourself. You're just preachng 
to the choir now trying to make yourself look funny or wise. One thing 
is for sure:


/"Indeed! And, the real problem is that there were two factions on FFL 
who simply didn't belong on the same forum. One faction has departed, 
and the gawdawful squabbling has ceased. As far as I'm concerned, the 
situation has successfully resolved itself."/ - Alex Stanley

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Greeks had a word for it

2014-12-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/12/2014 9:26 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

I can imagine the interaction.

Indian yogi: I have a higher state of consciousness that allows me to 
do magical things like fly through the sky, turn invisible and know 
anything at all with my mere intention.

Greek: OK, let's see you do something that the rest of us cannot do.

Yogi: Well, er, uh, it doesn't work that way because of the need of 
the time and because you Greeks are not pure enough to support miracles.

Greek: OK, then just give us one single piece of knowledge that none 
of the rest of us could know without your special state of mind.

Yogi: Well, uh, er, I can see everything in creation as an expression 
of my inner being and Self.

Greek: Yeah, we have guys claiming that here too, it is not a popular 
philosophy. Anything else that could support the claim that you are in 
a special state of mind?

Yogi: I feel really good inside myself and think of myself in the 
highest possible way as an enlightened being on earth.

Greek: (Stepping backwards carefully) Yeah, well. OK then, thanks for 
your time, good luck with that and let's just keep future discussions 
to the topic of spice trading.

Non sequitur.

/You attended MUM and they gave you a B. A. in Philosophy and this what 
you learned? LoL!/


---In,  wrote :

Yes, the direct contact of the Greeks with the Indian yogis was an 
exciting moment in world history. Unfortunately however, the Greeks - 
and Western Civilization - had just embarked, with Aristotle and his 
Formal Logic, on a different developmental path, that precluded 
understanding of Indian thought, so those who were influenced by it 
were necessarily not the mainstream thinkers. That path led to our 
modern technological phase of civilization. It would take more than 
2000 years, and Hegel with his Dialectics, for Western thought to take 
a decisive turn toward the Eastern. Maharishi's achievement of 
propagating TM  the West is one consequence of this turn.

[FairfieldLife] Unkind Words, was Unkind Words, was Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed

2014-12-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/12/2014 9:11 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Yes it is much better to use my screen name than to purposely use my 
last name knowing that I do not use it here. Only the most committed 
troll would then dig up posts, some of them before I started posting 
here, where people used my full name here.

Sorry, I can't take responsibility for Rick Archer posting your real 
name on FFL. Apparently many of your old friends want to get in touch 
with you. Why you'd object to this is beyond me, after all you are a 
public figure.

//"Curtis I met in FL when he was @ Avon Park & we became great friends 
with laughs there & long talks. I lost contact yrs ago. How may I reach 
him now  by email or tel. or address . Is he married & living in what 
town etc. THANKS in advance, Bill Leed. People were commenting on the 
quality of his songs. Was there a site where you could listen to them?"/

Rick: /"His email is here:"/

Subject: Curtis Mailloux my friend how to contact him in W.VA
Author: Rick Archer
Forum: Yahoo! FairfieldLife
Date: Mon, 08 May 2006

Of course I am aware of the articles that use my real name and I am 
proud of that work. A person who really wanted to do a serious check 
on my POV can google my full name and find them.

I am also proud of what I have written here on this forum with my POV. 
The problem with this place is that there are malicious people and 
trolls who have told lies about me in order to harm me because they 
didn't agree with my POV on the movement. So when people post my full 
name here it pushes up the google ranking so it comes up higher. So 
instead of of the articles I have been quoted in, the casual searcher 
might first find some idiotic thing you say about me.

You are not even making any sense. Whether you want to be or not you're 
either famous or infamous. In my opinion, if I were you, I'd be ashamed 
of some of the things you've posted to newsgroups and then signed with 
your professional stage name - I'm surprised you get any work at all - 
but that's just me.


So to be clear.

Let's be clear: Stop insinuating that I am a perv - don't call me 
Shirley - you know that my name is Richard J.Williams. Is that clear? 
You retract these statements and I'll never mention your name again 
professional, real, or otherwise. Deal?


Just because some of us have an off forum presence on the Web, and 
some people inadvertently or maliciously our full name in years past,

Can you spell cognitive dissonance In fact you are not supposed to be 
using your professional name on Yahoo Groups, that is is considered to 
be spamming.

/"Please don't post commercial announcements in the main message area."/ 
- Rick Archer, FFL Rule #13


YOU are not allowed to post my full name here without violating the 
policies of the site.

Maybe we should boot off  Rick for breaking his own rules, but in fact 
you yourself posted your real name to social media. You could have used 
a totally annonymous alias, but for some reason you connected your stage 
name to your real name - maybe you wanted to remind everyone that you 
were working for the TMO and maybe you thought they would be interested 
in your stage performance - I don't know and I don't care.

All I'm concerned about is your derogatory statements posted on social 
media in an attempt to demean me for the purpose of winning a religious 
debate. That was mean, rude, crude, and very unprofessional. Go figure.

/"I take responsibility for not being more informed about TM before I 
got involved. I wish I had had the Internet back in 1974."/ - Curtis 

Subject: Curtis replies to TM and Hinduism
Author: Curtis Mailloux
Forum: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 5/12/97 


Only the most hideous form of troll would need it to be explained this 
way rather than just honor someone's request to protect their personal 
and professional life.

Thanks - I will add this insult to the list of demeaning messages you've 
posted on this forum about me.

Maybe we should take this up with the moderators - I'll abide by their 
ruling and would support them removing your real name from the archives, 
but I'm not sure how you're going to get it deleted from The New York 
Times and from Google Groups. Good luck with that.

/"That very well may be, but when I think of Curtis Mailloux guru 
tripping with his deerskin or those Purusha guys with their balls 
wrapped tightly in diapers I tend to believe anything can happen." - 
/Alex Stanley

Subject: To all so called "TM- haters"
Author: John A. Stanley
Forum: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 10/14/99

Re: [FairfieldLife] Buddhist Logic, was The Hebrew Language is The DNA of Creation

2014-12-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/12/2014 6:26 AM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, for me it's summed up in the only statement one can make, 
imo, with 100% certainty: awareness exists. As far as I can tell, 
that's the only thing I can know for sure. What do you think?

We are aware of being aware is the same thing as saying we are 
self-conscious of being conscious. Obviously someone who is dead is no 
longer conscious. Humans, so far as we know, are the only species on the 
planet that are self-aware - animals and other creatures do not possess 
any self-awareness.

My position, and the position of most idealistic transcendentalists, is 
that we infer, from the fact of being conscious, that consciousness 
itself is the Ultimate Reality - because without consciousness, we would 
not exist. So, we accept that inference is a valid means of knowledge 
along with verbal testimony and common sense or observation based on 
logic. Thoughts and ideas, not being material objects, cannot be 
perceived; they can only be inferred.

According to Sam Harris, /"if consciousness means self-consciousness, 
then it cannot be identified by logic with the human body. Animals also 
possess a physical body, but not rational consciousness.  If 
consciousness is a property of the body, it must be perceived like other 
material properties."/

But, consciousness is neither seen, smelt or tasted nor touched nor 
heard. Consciousness is private and cannot be shared by others - it is 
the very constructed character of knowing - knowledge that is structured 
in consciousness.

This is the Hindu Advaita Vedanta view and to the same extent, the view 
of the Tibetan school of Vajrayana Buddhism, which was founded by Indian 
Mahasiddhas. during the Gupta Age, according to Paul Williams.

Work cited:

Williams, Paul and Tribe, Anthony, *Buddhist Thought:* /A complete 
introduction to the Indian tradition/. Routledge, p. 194.

Suggestions for further reading:

Ray, Reginald A (2001), *Secret of the Vajra World*: /The Tantric 
Buddhism of Tibet/, Boston: Shambhala Publications

Schumann, Hans Wolfgang (1974), *Buddhism:* /An outline of its teachings 
and schools/, Theosophical Pub. House

Snelling, John (1987), *The Buddhist handbook.* /A Complete Guide to 
Buddhist Teaching and Practice,/ London: Century Paperbacks

Wardner, A.K. (1999), *Indian Buddhism*, /A history of the Indian 
tradition/, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers

[FairfieldLife] Do The Numbers, was I agree with Buck 4 a time of SILENCE to reflect & go inner & come out cleansed

2014-12-12 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 7:59 PM, j_alexander_stanley wrote:
As Moderator, I officially decree that Buck and WLeed3 shall 
constitute the square root of 1% of FFL's population. As such, their 
silence alone is sufficient to bring about their stated goal for all 
of us. JGD!

So, let's do the numbers: There are 34 active posters listed this week 
on the FFL Post Count; only 3 or four are avowed atheists; and 
apparently 3 are on the fence with 1 hit-and-run. So, it looks like the 
14 "True Believers" win the debate hands down. In fact, only just a few 
informants are posting negative messages to the forum. So maybe it's 
time for the "neganauts" to take a silent vacation. Go figure.

William Leed
Dick Mays
Lawson English
Buck Hamilton
Share Long
Richard Williams
Rick Archer
Mike Dixon
John Jr.
Steve Sundar

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unkind Words, was Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 7:52 PM, curtisdeltablues  wrote:

Please delete the post using my last name Richard. immediately.

Sorry, I can't do that - your name is all over the internet and FFL - 
there must be thousands of TMers that have read your interview on Minit 
Org posted to Google Groups and Yahoo Groups and in The New York Times. 
Maybe you should take this up with Rick Archer - he's the one that 
posted your name to FFL on May 8, 2007.  Can you spell cognitive dissonance?
You are outing my last name on a public forum where I have NEVER used 
it myself.

/"You are a liar and a troll Richard."/ - curtisdeltablues

Is that better?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Greeks had a word for it

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 6:03 PM, s3raphita wrote:

Funny that you should reply to my post as when I didn't get any 
response from my original message I was going to post another one saying:

Yes, it is funny, but not unusual. I must have posted thousands of 
messages and essays to Yahoo and Google Groups without getting any 
cogent replies in over 14 years. I figure most folks just don't have the 
time to reply; or they don't know anything; or they don't care - or all 
of the above. Doesn't matter - my ramblings are just notes for my own 
book anyway. I used to get some feedback from The Corrector, but she's 
probably dead by now - so I'm really glad you joined the group. Some 
people just feel better when they have someone to talk to.


"So you don't to talk about gymnosophists. Go figure."

I resisted the temptation.

Yes, the lack of info about what effect those Indian sadhus had on the 
Greeks leaves a gap that means our imaginations want to rush in and 
fill in the details. There are probably very few scholars who are 
sufficiently knowledgable about both ancient Greek thought AND ancient 
Indian metaphysics to do the spade work that could fill in those details.

I wonder what Alexander the Great made of his encounters with those 
naked philosophers but his empire was noted for its tolerance of all 
the different religions of the peoples he'd conquered. Don't think I 
would have risked crossing him though.

Especially when he was always hanging around with a group of 50,000 
armed soldiers at his beck and call!


---In,  wrote :

On 12/9/2014 6:07 PM, s3raphita@...  wrote:


The Greeks had a word for it - "Gymnosophist"

Thanks for posting this - it brought back memories of when I first
attended several classes at my local community college - World Civ
101 and 102. I enjoyed these course so much that I enrolled in WC
101 a third time, just to get another perspective from my other
professor, Dr. Braugham. I've been fascinated with Alexander the
Great's conquests since I first read about them in junior high
school back in 1955.

Everyone probably knows that Alexander's teacher was reputedly
Aristotle, who by all accounts was a polymath, if not a genius. We
can assume that Alexander learned a lot about philosophy, wisdom
and books from his teacher.

One of the most famous stories about Alexander is his visit to the
famous Stoic, Diogenes. Briefly, the story is that Alexander
wanted to meet philosophers wherever he traveled and to find out
what they were about. Alexander is reputed to have requested a
meeting with Diogenes but the wise man couldn't be bothered to go
see the great warrior, so Alexander decided to go meet Diogenes

Alexander found the philosopher lounging in the sun. Approaching
Diogenes, Alexander posed to him a question:/"Is there anything I
can do for you?"/ To which Diogenes, lifting himself up on his
elbow replied: /"Yes you can move aside, you are blocking the
sunlight."/ LoL!

According to Roman, Alexander arrived in India in 326 BC and
apparently defeated King Porus at the River Indus. Around that
time Alexander met up with several India "gymnosophists" or "naked
philosophers". The story of this meeting is related by Vikram Chandra:

Translator: /He wants to know why you’re naked./
Sadhu: /Ask him why he’s wearing clothes./
Translator: /He says he’s asking the questions here./
Sadhu: /Questions give birth only to other questions./
Translator: /He says people who get funny with him get executed./
Sadhu: /Why?/
Translator: /Because he’s the King of Kings. And he wants you to
stop asking questions./
Sadhu: /King of Kings?/
Translator: /He came all the way from a place called Greece,
killing other kings, so he’s King of Kings, see./
Sadhu: /Fool of Fools, Master-Clown of Clowns. Maha-Idiot of idiots./
Translator: /You want me to tell him that?/
Sadhu: /I said it, didn’t I?/
Translator: /You’re crazier than he is. He says he’ll kill you. 
Right here, right now./

Sadhu: /I’ll have to die someday./

Work cited:

*Red Earth and Pouring Rain*
by Vikram Chandra
Faber and Faber, 1996
pp. 222-23

*The Campaigns of Alexander*
by James Roman
Anchor Books, 2000
p. 389

[FairfieldLife] Gnosis on the Silk Road, was YhWh is Shiva?

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 5:24 PM, s3raphita wrote:

Re "Gnosticism is probably derived from Mani's dualism. ":

Mani (3rd century AD) was too late in the day to be the originator of 

However, the Persian prophet Zoroaster (5th century BC) is the 
definitive original source of all these dualistic worldviews.

Mani had a big influence on Saint Augustine. Though Augustine later 
turned from Manichaeism to Christianity, one of his bitter theological 
opponents sneeringly said of him "Once a Manichee always a Manichee." 
And so Christendom got landed with Augustine's doctrine of original 
sin which has an unpleasant dualist ring to it.

Klimbert presents an astonishing collection of parables, hymns, 
narratives and prayers that unveil a major Christian movement primarily 
founded by the prophet Mani, who merged Gnostic Christianity with the 
radical religious dualism of Persian religion and Zoroaster. As the 
movement spread along the Silk Road from Turkey to Asia, it adopted 
prominent features from Hinduism, Buddhism, and other faiths. The result 
was a Christian philosophy and practice that was much closer to the 
mystical, meditative religions of the East.

Apparently, Mani lived in India for over two years and drank deep at 
Buddhist wells. According to Hans Jonas, writing in The Gnostic Religion:/

"Mani is the only gnostic system which became a broad historical force, 
and the religion based on it must, in spite if its eventual downfall, be 
ranked among the major religions of mankind. Mani, indeed, alone among 
the gnostic system-builders, intended to found, not a select group of 
initiates, but a new universal religion; and so his doctrine, unlike the 
teaching of all other Gnostics with the exception of Marcion, has 
nothing esoteric about it..."/

Works Cited:

*Gnosis on the Silk Road*
by Hans-Hoachim Klimkeit
UNESCO Publications Program, 1993
p. 206

*The Gnostic Religion*
by Hans Jonas
Boston, 1963 2nd edition
p. 185

---In,  wrote :

On 12/9/2014 4:29 PM, s3raphita@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


Take the *Gnostic* element. Where did Gnosticism originate?


Gnosticism is probably derived from Mani's dualism. It should be noted 
that the first dualist philosophy was the Indian Sankhya (pertaining 
to number), a Vedic first cousin to the Avestan dualism of the Persian 
Zoroaster and the Manichean Manes - Sankhya being the basis of all 
subsequent Asian dualism including Vaishnavism, Tantra, Gnostic 
dualism and  the Chinese Yin-Yang.

There are many reason for to identify the Gnostic movement with the 
the dualism and the rise of Buddhist Mahayana, which is well 
documented. There are clear links between the radical dualism of the 
Indian Sage Kapila. According to Campbell:

/"When we review these in the light of what we now have come to know, 
both from the Nag-Hamadi trove and from our understanding, recently 
gained, of the Docetic doctrines of Mahayana Buddhism (the growth and 
flowering of which exactly coincided with the high period of the 
Gnostic movement), the implications of their imagery can be judged 
with enlarged appreciation."/

Edward Conze noted that /"This Buddhism I propose to compare with 
"Gnosis" rather than "the Gnostics," because the connotation of the 
latter term is still so uncertain" and remains undefined." /Conze's 
speculations are supported and expanded by Pagels in /"The Gnostic 
Gospels"/ where she appeals to Buddhist scholars to find evidence for 
contact between Buddhism and Gnosticism.

We find evidence that Buddhist thought had major influence on the 
teachings of Mani. Barnstone cites many authenticating references 
proving the centrality of Buddhism in Mani's formulation of 
Gnosticism. Apparently Buddhist influences were significant in the 
formation of Mani's religious thought. After Mani's vist to India 
(Kushan Empire) there were religious paintings in Bamiyan that were 
attributed to Mani.

On the death of Mani:

/"It was a day of pain//
//and a time of sorrow//
//when the messenger of light//
//entered death//
//when he entered complete Nirvana" /

*Works cited:*
**The Masks of God*
Volume III Occidental; The Illusory Christ
by Joseph Campbell
Viking, 1964
p. 364

*Religions of the Silk Road*
Overland Trade and Cultural Exchange from Antiquity to the Fifteenth 

by Richard Foltz
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010

---In,  wrote :

On 12/9/2014 4:29 PM, s3raphita@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


Take the *Gnostic* element. Where did Gnosticism originate?


Gnosticism is probably derived from Mani's dualism. It should be noted 
that the first dualist philosophy was the Indian Sankhya (pertaining 
to number), a Vedic first cousin to the Avestan dualism of the Persian 
Zoroaster and the Manichean Manes - Sankhya being the basis of all 
subsequent Asian dual

Re: [FairfieldLife] UN Declares International Day of Yoga

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 4:45 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Not that they really understand what yoga is other than some form of

So, who are "they"? One of four humans, not counting a dwarf?

/"Confusion arises from erroneously identifying words, objects, and 
ideas with one another; knowledge of the cries of all creatures comes 
through perfect discipline of the distinctions between them."/ - 
Patanjali, YS 3.17.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Hebrew Language is The DNA of Creation

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 4:31 PM, Share Long sharelong wrote:
salyavin, so one question might be: what gives rise to something 
infinitely dense and infinitely hot? What's the simplest answer to 
that? Would a single wobbly electron do that? Maybe there's a moment 
in quantum tunneling that gives rise to that heat and density. And I 
wonder what is symmetry in the context of the Uncertainty Principle. 
Is there a nanosecond (you can tell I'm fond of those!) where it is 
both a wave and a particle? Or neither?

/"Because what does not survive scrutiny cannot be real."/ - Sam Harris

I can see why people become physicists (-:

Sam Harris, Ph.D. is a neuroscientist. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 3:47 PM, s3raphita wrote:
This is a physical world and I am conscious . . . how the illusion of 
the outer world is created is still a mystery

E . . . so *is there* a physical world or is it an illusion?

/"For those well versed in the Vedaanta the world is like a city of 
Gaandharvas - an illusion."/ - Gaudapaada

*Dispelling Illusion - Gaudapada's Alatasanti*
by Douglas A. Fox
State University of New York Press, 1993

---In,  wrote :

According to Sam Harris, /"there is no scientific evidence that 
consciousness exists in the physical world."/

This is a physical world and I am conscious. That rather puts the 
kibbosh on that idea.

I suspect that what we have here is a category error. Consciousness 
isn't a thing so you won't ever be able to remove it and dissect it. 
Consciousness is a process, and one that can be measured and 
predicted, even altered.

So to call this process a noun instead of an verb is your error and 
why it gets so confusing. How the illusion of the outer world is 
created is still a mystery though, but like all mysteries it is 


[FairfieldLife] The Debate, was Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 3:19 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
The real answer would be to stop all TMSP practice for about 6 months 
and see how much better he would feel, but he's too far gone for that.

/This sounds like a negative comment - so, I think you just said you 
wanted to continue the debate. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Consciousness, was Prarabdha vs Sanchita Karma and Spiritual Liberation (was Greatest Guru)

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 3:17 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
According to Sam Harris, /"there is no scientific evidence that 
consciousness exists in the physical world."/

This is a physical world and I am conscious. That rather puts the 
kibbosh on that idea.

There is no physical world without consciousness. The idea is that in 
order to be anything, to percieve anything, there has to be 
consciousness. You are not the body - you are absolute pure 
consciousness with an ego that thinks or assumes you are a body-mind. 
But, that Sir, is an illusion. Can you specify just one physical 
substance that would prove consciousness in the physical world?

I suspect that what we have here is a category error. Consciousness 
isn't a thing so you won't ever be able to remove it and dissect it. 
Consciousness is a process, and one that can be measured and 
predicted, even altered.

I suspect you have not read Sam Harris.
So to call this process a noun instead of an verb is your error and 
why it gets so confusing. How the illusion of the outer world is 
created is still a mystery though, but like all mysteries it is 

According to Harris, there is no creation, although /"consciousness is a 
mystery"/ - that's the point. Science cannot explain consciousness. 
/"Obviously consciousness is prior to everything else in the cosmos. In 
fact, consciousness is all there is in the universe. The only certainty 
you have is that you are self-conscious that you exist. Time, space and 
physicality occur within consciousness, not the other way around. The 
present is the only real moment of experience."/

*An Atheist’s Guide to Spirituality*
by Sam Harris

[FairfieldLife] Buddhist Logic, was The Hebrew Language is The DNA of Creation

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 1:24 PM, Share Long wrote:

salyavin, I think the 2 simplest answers are:
the universe never started; it just always was
or, the universe is starting at every nanosecond.
Which one of these is most wobbly, do you think?

In order to answer this question you would have to apply the Buddhist 
logic of Gaudapada or Nagarjuna - science cannot answer this question, 
it can only *infer* that their was a beginning to the universe and that 
it is expanding, or not, according to the "big bang theory" - it's just 
sheer speculation, Share, because nothing exists outside of the 
conscious mind and there is only one mind - not a body and a mind - 
that's a dualistic concept. According to the logical doctrine propounded 
by Gaudapada's Alatasanti:

"/There is only One - there are not two. Everything but the One is an 
illusion. The One is the only Reality. The One can only be experienced 
in transcendental consciousness."/

This is the cardinal doctrine of Adwaita Vedanta: There is no creation, 
no dissolution; no coming forth, no coming to be; nothing moves here or 
there; there is no change. There is only consciousness, or not.

Excerpt from mANDUkya kArikA IV by gauDapAda:

/"Duality is only an appearance; non-duality is//
//the real truth. The object exists as an object//
//for the knowing subject; but it does not exist//
//outside of consciousness because the distinction//
//of subject and object is within consciousness."/

Works cited:

Raju, P.T., *The Philosophical Traditions of India*. Motilal 
Banarsidass. 1992. p. 177.

Sharma, Chandrahar, *A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy*. Rider. p. 

Stcherbatsky, Theodore. *Buddhist Logic.* Dover, 1962. p. 281.

[FairfieldLife] Unkind Words, was Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 2:09 PM, dhamiltony wrote:

FFL was overwhelmed and overtaken by unkindness!!

Are you out of your mind, Buck? Nobody on this forum, past or present, 
would ever say an unkind word to willytex!

/"You are a liar and a troll Richard."/ - Curtis Mailloux

/"Richard J. Williams is an unmitigated prick."/ - Duveyoung

/"Fuck you, you little fascist shit."/ - Barry2

/"You scumbucket!"/ - Judy Stein

/"You had him pegged right - he's a total loser."/ - Barry1

/"Willytex-- Self-admitted substance abuser." /- Steve Perino

/"This guy is fucking obviously nuts."/ - John Manning


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is 
afloat and sailing smoothly.

 You are flailing in the ocean pretending the ship has gone down.

The  FFL Ship?  Pretending it has gone down?

The good ship of Zion which was FFL has been seized by pirates and is 
on its way to Davy Jones' Locker.  It is not too late to save good 
pieces of it.

 You have been thrown over numerous times without life preserver and 
rejected, yet you stay clinging to wreckage preferring yet to remain 
onboard a raft, out in a cold, soaking wet, lonely point because of 
some god-dammed pride and adherence to intractable beliefs in 
goodwill, truth, fairness and justice, and the Yahoo-groups Guidelines 
which no sane person would consider rational.

A religious man is trapped on his roof during a flood. A passing boat 
throws a life preserver and he refuses it saying "I don't need a life 
preserver. God will help me."

So the boat continues on its course. The emergency response team comes 
by and sees him stuck there and throw him a line. He refuses saying 
again that he doesn't need them, God will help him.

They move on to see if anyone else needs help. A helicopter then comes 
and lowers him a ladder.

"I don't need your ladder. God will help me."

Finally, the man drowns. When he goes to heaven he says "God, why 
didn't you help me?"

God says "I sent you two boats and a helicopter."

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function 
to FFL for a good while.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 12:06 PM, anartaxius wrote:
Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is 
afloat and sailing smoothly. You are flailing in the ocean pretending 
the ship has gone down. You have been thrown numerous life preservers 
and rejected them all, preferring to remain alone, out in the cold, 
soaking wet, unable to communicate with anyone because of some 
god-dammed pride and adherence to intractable beliefs which no sane 
person would consider rational.

The debate isn't over until Buck and I are arrested and put in jail, or 
we are dead, whichever comes first.

//"You have now officially been added to Interpol's Watch List, 
Raunchy."/ - Barry Wright, 11/29/2014

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ramayan in Human Physiology-with video links

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 11:56 AM, anartaxius wrote:
I'm waiting for Carjacking: The Expression of Veda and the Vedic 
Literature or Frying Doughnuts: The Nourishing Delights of the 
Upanishads and their Expression in Food.

I'm waiting for Rick to interview you on BatGap about why you went to 
see Amma. Why is it taking him so long to get around to you? Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Raise your hands, Buck! was Re: Rick

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 11:56 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
Keep rubbing that magic lamp and repeating "I wish Cotton was a 
monkey! I wish Cotton was a monkey!" till it all happens, Bucky!

Why don't you get Barry to call the Fairfield cops on Buck and/or report 
him to the campus police for posting to a newsgroup? Or, just take him 
down with a choke-hold? Raise your hands, Buck!


*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, December 11, 2014 12:10 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function 
to FFL for a good while.

Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday 
in to and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of 
something kinder like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be 
Silence until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of 
such reforming silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional 
day of January 12^th. You know, that time within the old meditating 
community of renewed spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more 
life-supporting activity as then coming out of silence.

-The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome

Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the 
posting of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given 
the course of events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to 
take back our branding of FairfieldLife once again by first 
dis-engaging the unkindness that gets posted here and letting those 
people so inclined to re-pattern their lives otherwise in reformative 
silence for a period of time.

Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take 
back FFL and recapture its franchise, the /Brand/ of FFL from the 
unkindness that has swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of 
Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a free and open forum again reserved 
and preserved as a place for kind thoughtfulness. It is time to have a 
strict No-fly Zone over FFL at Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a 
time. Give it a fallow rest.


A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a 
kindness.  Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction 
in executive action on this now as timely initiative in the 
re-alignment of FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups 

 Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife

Dear Rick;
21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day 
of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of 
Winter] should be a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's 
hibernation, a negotiating planned disengagement of the culture of 
unkindness that has unbecome FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere 
regards, -Buck

Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a /seasonal /silence 
over FFL as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral 
leadership towards reforming the general unkindness that spread across 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups, /it would be very good to extend such a 
suspended silence upon FFL even unto first day of Spring [March 
20/^/th/ /2015]/ whence fairer flowers springing might arise anew 
coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so imposed 
administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield

 Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon 
FFL even unto the first day of Spring. [March 20^th 2015]

Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral 
leadership in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this 
battlefield of FFL has become. It is time to clear the FFL field 

I would support you in this,
 -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.

Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] 
symbolic to the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the 
community that was FFL.

Dear Rick,
How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and 
/_suspend_/ all posting at all to FFL?Start then with a kinder more 
gentle FFL anew with posting on January 1st. Take some time off to 


Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been 
reading any of the posts to FFL?

Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have 
time to read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can 
take it.

Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you 
should yield FairfieldLife over to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 11:42 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

You are spaming this peaceful forum.

You just spammed us with a plug for your singing act, Curtis. Can anyone 
spell cognitive dissonance?


To what end?

Maybe it was just a satire. Go figure.

---In,  wrote :

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function 
to FFL for a good while.

Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday 
in to and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of 
something kinder like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be 
Silence until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of 
such reforming silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional 
day of January 12^th. You know, that time within the old meditating 
community of renewed spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more 
life-supporting activity as then coming out of silence.

-The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome

Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the 
posting of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given 
the course of events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to 
take back our branding of FairfieldLife once again by first 
dis-engaging the unkindness that gets posted here and letting those 
people so inclined to re-pattern their lives otherwise in reformative 
silence for a period of time.

Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take 
back FFL and recapture its franchise, the /Brand/ of FFL from the 
unkindness that has swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of 
Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a free and open forum again reserved 
and preserved as a place for kind thoughtfulness. It is time to have a 
strict No-fly Zone over FFL at Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a 
time. Give it a fallow rest.


A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a 
kindness.  Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction 
in executive action on this now as timely initiative in the 
re-alignment of FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups 

 Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife

Dear Rick;

21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day 
of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of 
Winter] should be a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's 
hibernation, a negotiating planned disengagement of the culture of 
unkindness that has unbecome FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere 
regards, -Buck

Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a /seasonal /silence 
over FFL as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral 
leadership towards reforming the general unkindness that spread across 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups, /it would be very good to extend such a 
suspended silence upon FFL even unto first day of Spring [March 
20/^/th/ /2015]/ whence fairer flowers springing might arise anew 
coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so imposed 
administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield

 Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon 
FFL even unto the first day of Spring. [March 20^th 2015]

Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral 
leadership in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this 
battlefield of FFL has become. It is time to clear the FFL field 

I would support you in this,

 -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.

Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] 
symbolic to the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the 
community that was FFL.

Dear Rick,

How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and 
/_suspend_/ all posting at all to FFL?Start then with a kinder more 
gentle FFL anew with posting on January 1st. Take some time off to 


Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been 
reading any of the posts to FFL?

Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have 
time to read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can 
take it.

Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you 
should yield FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has 
overrun and overtaken our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal 
Fairfield life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of 
unkind negativity as some mean and now narrowed successor group 
caliphate of

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Origin of Yoga [1 Attachment]

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 10:41 AM, seerdope wrote:

Vashista Yoga
Ashtavakra Gita ( conversation with King Janaka of same era)
Planetary positions in Ramayana place birth of Rama place at around 
5114 BC

Long oral tradition preceding Vashista

Thanks for the comment, but the key word in my essay, which you snipped, 
is /recorded history - /anything before that is considered to be 
pre-history or legendary and is based on conjecture. There may have been 
an oral tradition, and Lord Rama may have lived over a million years 
ago, but I have serious doubts that Lord Rama, if he even existed, lived 
before the invention of civilization.

According to what I've read, the Yoga Vasistha comes from a particular 
school of Advaita Vedanta which is represented by the term "Ajatavada", 
a term coined by the first Acharya of Advaita, Gaudapada. The Vasistha 
propounds the theory of "consciousness only" - that the universe was 
never created, things  do not move about, change is impossible, and that 
nothing was ever originated or emerged. The world of names and forms is 
just an illusion - consciousness is the only Reality.

/"So, neither the universe, nor you, nor I were ever created. In fact, 
we do not exist..."/

Work cited:

*The Concise Yoga Vasistha*
By Swami Venkatesananda
SUNY Press, 1884
Page 159

/Mahesh Yogi with Swami Venkatesananda Saraswati at Rishiksh, 1967/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ramayan in Human Physiology-with video links

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
The Movement under Liar Marshy's leadership became a cult long ago and 
has done and is doing a lot of damage to people's lives, especially 
the children who are raised in it by their True Believer parents. The 
TM Movement can kiss my ass and go to hell at the same time.

On 12/11/2014 7:17 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/While I certainly understand your feelings, Michael, I might suggest 
that having them kiss your ass at the same time they're going to hell 
might require you to go there, too. I think a better plan would be for 
them to stop by your place long enough to kiss your ass, and *then* 
continue on their way to hell.  :-)/*

Don't forget to throw your old friends and teachers under the bus as you 
guys leave for your new destination.*


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ramayan in Human Physiology-with video links

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 6:22 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
The TM Movement can kiss my ass and go to hell at the same time. 

/It sounds like you really got your feelings hurt when they fired you 
from your food service job at MIU - apparently you sucked at setting up 
tables. If you are this prejudiced against your fellow workers, I can 
imagine what you think of African-Americans and Hispanics. /

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ramayan in Human Physiology-with video links

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 11:30 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
 Before he even came on the scene with his secret fucking wife and his 
non-celibately produced progeny we all thought we'd end up like this 
guy, speaking like this guy, having it all and being holy -- and -- 
and -- and whoa Nelly, eh? 

So, this is what you learned from reading Advaita Vedanta /"daily -- for 
16 years"/ - you sound really JELLOS. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Consciousness, was Prarabdha vs Sanchita Karma and Spiritual Liberation (was Greatest Guru)

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 2:04 PM, seerdope wrote:
1)  The Process of Hypothesis Generation is Distinct and Separate from 
Testing and Validating such Hypotheses via Scientific Methods.

According to Sam Harris, /"there is no scientific evidence that 
consciousness exists in the physical world."/

Consciousness is the ultimate reality - without it people would not be 
conscious - there would be no perception. This is a dirt simple fact of 
life requiring no further proof. No rational person would claim that 
don't exist, unless they were insane or demented - it's just not 
rational. We are conscious of ourselves enough to know that we exist and 
are self-conscious. We are our self and hardly anyone denies that they 
are sometimes self conscious. So, we all have a constructed character of 
knowing that is conscious of itself.

2) Traditional Practices and Models and their Potential Partial 
Validation (via demonstrated adaptive evolutionary advantage over tens 
of thousands of experiments over 1000's of years)

My position, and the position of most idealistic transcendentalists, is 
that we infer, from the fact of being conscious, that consciousness 
itself is the ultimate reality - because without consciousness, we would 
not exist. And we accept that inference is a valid means of knowledge. 
Thoughts and ideas, not being material objects, cannot be perceived; 
they can only be inferred.

3) Personal Observation and Experience (sorting out spurious 
correlations, cognitive biases, misinterpretation, to identify 
effective heuristics in ones own life (and possibly applicable for others)

If consciousness means self-consciousness, then it cannot be identified 
by logic with the human body. Animals also possess a physical body, but 
not rational consciousness.  If consciousness is a property of the body, 
it must be perceived like other material properties. But consciousness 
is neither seen, smelt or tasted nor touched nor heard. Consciousness is 
private and cannot be shared by others - it is the very constructed 
character of knowing - knowledge is structured in consciousness.

4) Processes of Personal Validation and Acquiring Trust of Insights 
from Specialized Mentors

There is no consciousness other than consciousness, or not!

Work cited:

*Sam Harris on the Mystery of Consciousness*

[FairfieldLife] Gnostics and Buddhism, was YhWh is Shiva?

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 4:29 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Take the *Gnostic* element. Where did Gnosticism originate?
Gnosticism is probably derived from Mani's dualism. It should be noted 
that the first dualist philosophy was the Indian Sankhya (pertaining to 
number), a Vedic first cousin to the Avestan dualism of the Persian 
Zoroaster and the Manichean Manes - Sankhya being the basis of all 
subsequent Asian dualism including Vaishnavism, Tantra, Gnostic dualism 
and  the Chinese Yin-Yang.

There are many reason for to identify the Gnostic movement with the the 
dualism and the rise of Buddhist Mahayana, which is well documented. 
There are clear links between the radical dualism of the Indian Sage 
Kapila. According to Campbell:

/"When we review these in the light of what we now have come to know, 
both from the Nag-Hamadi trove and from our understanding, recently 
gained, of the Docetic doctrines of Mahayana Buddhism (the growth and 
flowering of which exactly coincided with the high period of the Gnostic 
movement), the implications of their imagery can be judged with enlarged 

Edward Conze noted that /"This Buddhism I propose to compare with 
"Gnosis" rather than "the Gnostics," because the connotation of the 
latter term is still so uncertain" and remains undefined." /Conze's 
speculations are supported and expanded by Pagels in /"The Gnostic 
Gospels"/ where she appeals to Buddhist scholars to find evidence for 
contact between Buddhism and Gnosticism.

We find evidence that Buddhist thought had major influence on the 
teachings of Mani. Barnstone cites many authenticating references 
proving the centrality of Buddhism in Mani's formulation of Gnosticism. 
Apparently Buddhist influences were significant in the formation of 
Mani's religious thought. After Mani's vist to India (Kushan Empire) 
there were religious paintings in Bamiyan that were attributed to Mani.

On the death of Mani:

/"It was a day of pain//
//and a time of sorrow//
//when the messenger of light//
//entered death//
//when he entered complete Nirvana" /

*Works cited:*
**The Masks of God*
Volume III Occidental; The Illusory Christ
by Joseph Campbell
Viking, 1964
p. 364

*Religions of the Silk Road*
Overland Trade and Cultural Exchange from Antiquity to the Fifteenth Century
by Richard Foltz
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010

[FairfieldLife] The Origin of Yoga

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
Yoga in India begins with Shakya the Muni, the Buddha, circa 463 B.C., 
the first historical yogin in India. Patanjali expounded classical yoga 
around 200 B.C., based on the meditation on the Pranava, or seed 
syllable. So, the basic TM technique is very ancient. According to 
Eliade, India is the home of the original yoga - mantra yoga. The Buddha 
was the founder of the enlightenment tradition in India. According to 
Patanjali, (Charles Johnston translation):

/"Yoga is the cessation of the mental turnings of the mind."/ - Yoga 
Sutra, I.1.2

The  Shakya formulated the 'Eightfold Path' leading to Nirvana. The term 
'Nirvana' is Sanskrit, is the central concept in Buddhism, Hinduism, 
Jainism, and Kashmir Shaivism. Nirvana is the state of being 
'enlightened', free from ignorance. A state where the mind that has come 
to a point of /"perfect lucidity and clarity due to the cessation of the 
production of volitional formations."/ Patanjali says that yoga is the 
/'cessation of the fluctuations of the mind-stuff"/.

/"Let there be soundless repetition of the [pranava] and meditation 
thereon."/ - Yoga Sutra, I. 1.28

"Chit" is thought; "citta" is consciousness. "Citta vriti" means the 
turning of thought in the mind. "Nirodha" is cessation - the turnings 
have stopped, ceased, come to a halt, stilled, blown out, made peaceful, 
"Nirvana" means release; thought has been totally left behind - pure 
consciousness, all by itself; there is no returning; no more.

Siddhis are an indicator of natural law - Causation. According to my 
professor, A.J. Bham, Yoga has to do *isolation* (Sanskrit kaivalya) 
from the prakriti. Cessation, (Sanskrit "nirodha) of the fluctuations of 
the mind-stuff and the attainment of freedom, based on the sheer 
willpower of the individual (moksha).

/"Freedom is a reversal of the evolutionary course of prakriti, which is 
empty of meaning for the purusha; it is also the power of consciousness 
in a state of true identity."/ - Yoga Sutra, IV. 34.


As a seed syllable (bija mantra), it is also considered holy in Esoteric 
Buddhism. According to what I've read, in Advaita Vedanta philosophy OM 
is /"frequently used to represent three subsumed into one, a triune, a 
common theme in Hinduism. It implies that our current existence is 
mithya and maya, "falsehood", that in order to know the full truth we 
must comprehend beyond the body and intellect the true nature of 
infinity. Essentially, upon moksha (mukti, samadhi) one is able not only 
to see or know existence for what it is, but to become it. When one 
gains true knowledge, there is no split between the knower and the 
known: one becomes knowledge/consciousness itself. In essence, Om is the 
signifier of the ultimate truth that all is one."/


According to the The Pali Canon, which is the oldest known teachings of 
The Buddha, meditation is mentioned numerous times. Other types of 
meditation taught by The Buddha are also found in the in ancient 
commentary Visuddhimagga.

Practice in detail here:

*Works cited:*
**'Yoga: Immortality and Freedom'*
by Mircea Eliade
/The standard text on Yoga; scholarly; definitive, by the author of 
'Shamanism', The Myth of the Eternal Return, History of Religious Ideas, 

Princeton, Bollingen Foundation, Second Edition 1969
p. 264

*The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Book of the Spiritual Man" *
by Charles Johnston
Watkins, 1974)Paperback

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Greeks had a word for it

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 6:07 PM, wrote:

The Greeks had a word for it - "Gymnosophist"

Thanks for posting this - it brought back memories of when I first 
attended several classes at my local community college - World Civ 101 
and 102. I enjoyed these course so much that I enrolled in WC 101 a 
third time, just to get another perspective from my other professor, Dr. 
Braugham. I've been fascinated with Alexander the Great's conquests 
since I first read about them in junior high school back in 1955.

Everyone probably knows that Alexander's teacher was reputedly 
Aristotle, who by all accounts was a polymath, if not a genius. We can 
assume that Alexander learned a lot about philosophy, wisdom and books 
from his teacher.

One of the most famous stories about Alexander is his visit to the 
famous Stoic, Diogenes. Briefly, the story is that Alexander wanted to 
meet philosophers wherever he traveled and to find out what they were 
about. Alexander is reputed to have requested a meeting with Diogenes 
but the wise man couldn't be bothered to go see the great warrior, so 
Alexander decided to go meet Diogenes himself.

Alexander found the philosopher lounging in the sun. Approaching 
Diogenes, Alexander posed to him a question:/"Is there anything I can do 
for you?"/ To which Diogenes, lifting himself up on his elbow replied: 
/"Yes you can move aside, you are blocking the sunlight."/ LoL!

According to Roman, Alexander arrived in India in 326 BC and apparently 
defeated King Porus at the River Indus. Around that time Alexander met 
up with several India "gymnosophists" or "naked philosophers". The story 
of this meeting is related by Vikram Chandra:

Translator: /He wants to know why you’re naked./
Sadhu: /Ask him why he’s wearing clothes./
Translator: /He says he’s asking the questions here./
Sadhu: /Questions give birth only to other questions./
Translator: /He says people who get funny with him get executed./
Sadhu: /Why?/
Translator: /Because he’s the King of Kings. And he wants you to stop 
asking questions./

Sadhu: /King of Kings?/
Translator: /He came all the way from a place called Greece, killing 
other kings, so he’s King of Kings, see./

Sadhu: /Fool of Fools, Master-Clown of Clowns. Maha-Idiot of idiots./
Translator: /You want me to tell him that?/
Sadhu: /I said it, didn’t I?/
Translator: /You’re crazier than he is. He says he’ll kill you.  Right 
here, right now./

Sadhu: /I’ll have to die someday./

Work cited:

*Red Earth and Pouring Rain*
by Vikram Chandra
Faber and Faber, 1996
pp. 222-23

*The Campaigns of Alexander*
by James Roman
Anchor Books, 2000
p. 389

[FairfieldLife] The Police

2014-12-10 Thread Richard Williams [FairfieldLife]
We saw them live at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Ghosts in the Machine
Tour November 21, 2007.

*Live at the AT&T Center, San Antonio, 2007*

Another favorite of mine from the Ghost in the Machine album, 1981 -
"Spirits in the Material World". These two songs are what I call "ear
hummers" - once you hear them, they keep humming in your ears for days!

*"Their 1983 album, Synchronicity, was number one on both the UK Albums
Chart and the US Billboard 200, and sold over 8 million copies in the US.
The Police have won six Grammy Awards, two Brit Awards (winning Best
British Group once), an MTV Video Music Award, and in 2003 were inducted
into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."*

The Police are Sting - lead vocals, bass; Andy Summers - guitar; and
Stewart Copeland - drums.

Roxanne - one of my favorites which was banned by the BBC. Go figure.

The Police - Roxanne

[FairfieldLife] It's All About WeeWilly, was what does " Moved to the Mountain Top Mean?

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 11:34 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/Skipping the WeeWilly content and just going for the good part, 
isn't this just The Creepiest Song Ever Written once you choose to see 
it that way?

*/I have seen it effectively used on TV shows in exactly that context, 
as the soundtrack for a stalker. /*

*Now this is really funny - Barry called the police on Ann and Raunchy 
and so they went over to Jim's forum. So, Barry went over to The_Peak to 
do some lurking to see if they said anything about him, but "WeeWilly is 
a "stalker". Go figure.

You just can'tmake this stuff up! LoL!*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain Top Mean?

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 11:26 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
Barry must be your guru because I have never seen such devotion since 
Maharishi died.

Uncle Tantra is one of my favorite gurus and I have a lot of devotion to 
him and his writing. In fact, if it wasn't for The Corrector and The 
Uncle, I probably wouldn't even be here reading and posting comments. I 
learned a lot from both of them - they are really a couple of smart 
people and they know a lot. I've been reading their comments since 1995 
- I'm a very devoted fan. Barry not so much.

/Don't call the police! Don't shoot - my hands are up. I can't breathe!/

The Police - Every Breath You Take (With Lyrics) 


The Police - Every Breath You Take (With Lyrics) 

Every Breath You Take by The Police With Lyrics I do not own the 
audio, UMG does

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

On 12/10/2014 10:18 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:


I think it means that you are looking for a little drama today.

What's wrong with a little drama? Just because Barry called Share
a "drama queen" doesn't mean that Share is a bad person, Curtis.
It is kind of funny though that Barry stalked her over to The Peak
to see if she said anything about him.

Another thing that's funny is that Buck and I seem to be the only
ones left that want to discuss Barry's police hoax. So, Barry wins
the religious debate - he owns this forum and you're his backup.
Go figure.

 wrote :

What I find VERY interesting is that no one is writing about you
all on the_peak. And yet, how many times have you all written
about them?! LOL! It's gotta mean something!

[FairfieldLife] It's All About Willy, was what does " Moved to the Mountain Top Mean?

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 12/10/2014 11:23 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> Notice that Willy dashed right over there when it started and posted 
> all of two posts and that was it.  Must've not found any walls to 
> scrawl his graffiti on. :-D 
Apparently you got left behind. So, you did a little stalking and 
lurking. Maybe you wanted to see if anyone said anything about you. 
Sorry, you weren't mention one single time. Go figure.

P.S. There's no "willy" on The_Peak.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain Top Mean?

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 10:54 AM, Share Long wrote:

How about turq?

/Oh, the Turq would never resort to drama in his posting, Share The fact 
that he called in the police on Raunchy is proof - that' wasn't drama - 
that was outright newsgroup terrorism. All it would have taken was for 
the Turq to send a few simple personal emails which could probably have 
resolved everything in a few minutes.

Turq being dramatic - never. LoL!/

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 10:18 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

I think it means that you are looking for a little drama today.

---In,  wrote :

What I find VERY interesting is that no one is writing about you all 
on the_peak. And yet, how many times have you all written about them?! 
LOL! It's gotta mean something!

*From:* "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

*From:* "WLeed3@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 3:12 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

Could it be Colorado or heaven etc. I do not comprehend?

*/You would have to ask Michael to be sure, but I suspect that by 
suggesting that Ann had "moved to the mountaintop" he was referring to 
the fact that she joined the migration of whiners to Jim Flanegin's 
new Yahoo group "The_Peak."

Reports comparing that group to *either* Colorado or Heaven are 
unsubstantiated, and probably rumor.  :-)/*

In a message dated 12/10/2014 9:03:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Ah, I must have missed that post.

*From:* "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]"

*To:* ""

*Sent:< /b> Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:10 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: George Hammond's November
30, 2014 Lecture

*MJ, Ann DID say how she knew. She said that she received an
email from Judy saying: Don't worry.


**From:* "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]"

*To:* ""

*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 3:52 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: George Hammond's November
30, 2014 Lecture

*Jr claimed that according to Judy's jyotish chart, she had
either had a bad accident involving her legs or she had become
dead (if I remember correctly). Some of us were all hoping
that Judy would pop up to prove what bs jyotish is, but she
never did. Ann claimed she knew for a fact that Judy had
neither become dead, nor had any kind of accident. Ann would
never say how she knew, and she herself is no longer living in
FFL - she has moved to the mountaintop.

*[Unable to display image] *

**From:* "geezerfreak@... [FairfieldLife]"

*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:18 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: George Hammond's November
30, 2014 Lecture
*I check in here every few months but lately it's been more
like every 6 months or more.*
*I check in today and notice Judy is seemingly gone. Really?
Can someone me the short story of what happened?*
*More importantly, I did watch George's 3 hour extravaganza on
the 30th, having been clued by several people that it was
taking place.*
*Your summations of the event remind me of why I occasionally
liked to pok

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain Top Mean?

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 10:18 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

I think it means that you are looking for a little drama today.

What's wrong with a little drama? Just because Barry called Share a 
"drama queen" doesn't mean that Share is a bad person, Curtis. It is 
kind of funny though that Barry stalked her over to The Peak to see if 
she said anything about him.

Another thing that's funny is that Buck and I seem to be the only ones 
left that want to discuss Barry's police hoax. So, Barry wins the 
religious debate - he owns this forum and you're his backup. Go figure.


---In,  wrote :

What I find VERY interesting is that no one is writing about you all 
on the_peak. And yet, how many times have you all written about them?! 
LOL! It's gotta mean something!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain Top Mean?

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 10:04 AM, jamesalan wrote:

Well, Share, I think that there are some reasonable explanations and 
also a few other aspects you didn't mention when one digs a little 

Most of the people in The Peak left here because they were not happy 
here and have moved on. They don't feel the need to look back. Good 
for them. Some of The Peak members left a residue of bad feeling here, 
and so it is not surprising that they are mentioned on FFL now and 
again. I expect that this will die down over time.

Thanks for contributing, James, but one thing you failed to mention is 
that Barry called in the law, over a button-pushing contest that he 
himself started. Nobody is going to want to debate anything seriously on 
FFL anymore with a threat like that hanging over the forum. Never mind 
that the incident was a hoax and Barry never called the police at all. 
It was a power play to the max by Barry, but nobody here wants to 
discuss it. Go figure.

Most of the remaining FFL members just go on enabling Barry to post 
stuff he makes up and to make light of the fact that he is in fact, an 
informant, reporting to the lurking reporters. The question is - why? It 
doesn't even make any sense - /Barry is the cultist! /Barry threw 
everyone under the bus including his own teachers, just to win a 
religious debate and make himself look big and powerful.

Where is Judy when we need her?

Something that you didn't mention is that a few people maintain a 
presence in both groups, and only two of these people has attempted to 
bring over something of FFL to The Peak, but nobody there took the bait.

Buck continues to post his tantrums here almost daily, but in his 
posts on the Peak does not do so, except once when he referred to FFL 
in somewhat negative way. Since nobody on The Peak followed up on his 
FFL reference, his remark was left to die, so to speak.

You have also attempted to bring over a topic from FFL to The Peak, 
and nobody took you up on this, so your remark was also left to die on 
the vine.

Now, that's gotta mean something as well.

What it means is that Share simply wants to be friends with almost 
everyone and for everyone to get along. She didn't come here to FFL or 
to go The Peak with an agenda - some people just feel better when they 
have someone to talk to. It's not complicated.


---In,  wrote :

What I find VERY interesting is that no one is writing about you all 
on the_peak. And yet, how many times have you all written about them?! 
LOL! It's gotta mean something!

*From:* "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

*From:* "WLeed3@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 3:12 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

Could it be Colorado or heaven etc. I do not comprehend?

*/You would have to ask Michael to be sure, but I suspect that by 
suggesting that Ann had "moved to the mountaintop" he was referring to 
the fact that she joined the migration of whiners to Jim Flanegin's 
new Yahoo group "The_Peak."

Reports comparing that group to *either* Colorado or Heaven are 
unsubstantiated, and probably rumor.  :-)/*

In a message dated 12/10/2014 9:03:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Ah, I must have missed that post.

*From:* "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]"

*To:* ""

*Sent:< /b> Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:10 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: George Hammond's November
30, 2014 Lecture

*MJ, Ann DID say how she knew. She said that she received an
email from Judy saying: Don't worry.


**From:* "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]"

*To:* ""

*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 3:52 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: George Hammond's November
30, 2014 Lecture

*Jr claimed that according to Judy's jyotish chart, she had
either had a bad accident involving her legs or she had become
dead (if I remember correctly). Some of us w

Re: [FairfieldLife] Karma, Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 9:55 AM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, I simply meant that even people outside of "spiritual" 
communities know the popular phrase what goes around comes around.

Of course, everyone knows that - it's written in the Bible. It's just 
that we can't fully understand using the intellect how bad people don't 
always get punished and sometimes the good people have to suffer. Also, 
if we accept the law of karma there would be no exceptions - no free will.

Personally, I accept the law of cause and effect and the law of karma 
and purposely don't go around doing bad things. The key to the law of 
karma is to do good things without expecting anything in return - that's 
Karma Yoga. Do good for the benefit of all but do not be attached to the 
fruits of your actions. I simply believe in Life - what it does to you, 
and what you do back. It's not complicated.

/"Unfathomable are the laws of karma!"/

*From:* "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Tuesday, December 9, 2014 5:45 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Karma, Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru 
the world has ever known

On 12/9/2014 11:32 AM, Share Long wrote:
For those who don't like the word karma, there's always the popular 
phrase: what goes around comes around (-:

Indeed, Share. For those that don't like the word /"karma"/ there is 
always the phrase /"cause and effect"./ Or, put more simply, 
/"Causation or Causality"/ or for those who don't even understand 
this, there is always - /"one thing leads to another."/

The question then arises: Is their also a moral reciprocity?

According to Georg Fuerstien, /"India's sages assure us that this law 
applies with equal force in the realm of the mind to our thoughts and 
volition."/ But, because science looks only at the material realm, it 
fails to appreciate the comprehensive nature of causation and 
therefore also allows for meaningless chance events.

The Causal Nexus is the root of our limited and limiting experience of 
space and time As simple as this view seems to be, it is at the same 
time, very deep and subtle. Not easily understood by the un-reflective 
individual who only makes comments without thinking them through. Go 


*From:* "'Richard J. Williams' 
<> [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Tuesday, December 9, 2014 11:16 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Karma, Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the 
world has ever known

On 12/9/2014 6:48 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 I don't buy the existence of karma itself. It started with the 
ancient Indians and spread from there to China and Japan via Buddhism.

/What happens when you drop a big rock on your toe? All things fall 
down because gravity sucks. Maybe you failed to think this thought 
before hitting the Send key./

I mean, if this is the reality of life, how come only the ancient 
Hindus figured it out? Because they lived in the land of the veda? 
All the other ancient civilizations too stupid to figure it out?

The Vedas were composed long after the theory of karma was first 
formulated. The realization that a big rock falling on your toe is 
hurtful was probably figured out long before the Stone Age.


Nope, its just some more bullshit made up by those ganja smokers

Non sequitur.
in the woods who claimed enlightenment. What better way to control 
the population than to tell them that all sorts of awful things 
would happen to you in an infinite number of lives if you didn't 
grease the palms of the priests so they would do the ceremonies to 
placate the gods and the gods of karma?

You neglected to define "karma" and so you have committed a formal 
fallacy of deductive reasoning. You have failed to follow the rules 
of logic that guarantee a true conclusion follows given the truth of 
the premises." Therefore you have determined your own argument to be 
There are a few people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani who 
either leave their body or have some sort of visions where they see 
that all is just fine with all the shit that happens all over the 
earth - no karma, no judgment on the part of the Universe towards 
any of the awful things humans do. Not that they necessarily have a 
lock on truth, but it is an interesting differing perspective.

Non sequitur.
The current popular belief in karma and it

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain Top Mean?

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 9:52 AM, Share Long wrote:
turq, I think you're wrong on two counts: that they would write only 
negative stuff about FFLers; and that they're not writing negative 
stuff out of fear. I think they're just getting on with creating what 
they prefer.

Apparently Barry just can't help himself, Share, he makes up stuff all 
the time. That's why Judy called him a liar and a poser, I guess. If 
there's one thing I have learned on FFL - don't mess with Judy, Ann or 

Since Jim formed The_Peak, Barry has been almost obsessed talking about 
the The Peakers on Yahoo Groups. He just can't seem to understand that 
everyone felt insulted when he called in the law over a silly 
button-pushing contest, that he started and fed into.

I honestly don't know why he would even show his face around here after 
pulling off an informant trick like that. Barry committed one of the 
cardinal sins of netiquette on discussion groups by calling in the Dutch 
police and putting Raunchy of the Interpol "Watch List.". I used to like 
some of the things he wrote, but now I don't like even his face.

I think he was really surprised when they went over to the other side - 
now he's got nobody to talk to, so he is left to lurk over there in 
hopes of learning something he can report to the the lurking reporters. LoL!

In many ways Barry has turned out to be a really big disappointment for 
me  - back in 1999 I was one of his biggest fans and I even took up for 
him a few times when he got beat up real bad by Andrew Skolnick. But 
over the years he's actually turned out to be his own double-mirror. 
He's got about zero credibility in the realm of mysticism anymore, when 
at one time he described himself as a an actual mystic - full of wonder.

These days he just seems to be old and cranky, posting the same comments 
over and over and over. He doesn't seem to have progressed on the 
spiritual path at all - in fact, he's even gone backwards - to framing 
himself as a rank materialist and a nihilist, who doesn't believe in 
anything and seems to think nothing can be known beyond sense perception.

It looks like Barry wants to continue the "gawdawful" squabbling - he's 
not even happy to get rid of Judy - he wants all of us to go away and 
stop picking on him - he sounds scared and insecure in his old age. Go 

Apparently Barry didn't even read the memo from Alex:

/"Indeed! And, the real problem is that there were two factions on FFL 
who simply didn't belong on the same forum. One faction has departed, 
and the gawdawful squabbling has ceased. As far as I'm concerned, the 
situation has successfully resolved itself."/ - Alex Stanley


*From:* "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

*From:* "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 4:23 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

What I find VERY interesting is that no one is writing about you all 
on the_peak. And yet, how many times have you all written about them?! 
LOL! It's gotta mean something!

*/Not true. One quick search reveals that 'FFL' has been mentioned in 
39 out of 367 messages there, or over 10% of them.

*/If no individual posters here on FFL are being mentioned, it "means" 
only that posters there afraid of being thrown off of their new "more 
free" forum. Because thinking what they do about the people they left 
behind, they can't write ANYTHING about them, because it would by 
definition be negative, and thus prohibited.

*/Duh. I'm surprised you couldn't figure this out.
*/ *did* figure it out, and were just trying to create 
trouble and be negative over here, where you could get away with it. 
Never mind... /*

*From:* "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 3:12 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

Could it be Colorado or heaven etc. I do not comprehend?

*/You would have to ask Michael to be sure, but I suspect that by 
suggesting that Ann had "moved to the mountaintop" he was referring to 
the fact that she joined the migration of whiners to Jim Flanegin's 
new Yahoo group "The_Peak."

Reports comparing that group to *either* Colorado or Heaven are 
unsubstantiated, and probably rumor.  :-)/*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain Top Mean?

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

Share wrote:
What I find VERY interesting is that no one is writing about you all 
on the_peak. And yet, how many times have you all written about them?! 
LOL! It's gotta mean something!

On 12/10/2014 9:41 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/Not true. One quick search reveals that 'FFL' has been mentioned in 
39 out of 367 messages there, or over 10% of them.


Now this is really funny - Barry stalked Ann, Share and Jim over to The 
_Peak and lurked around to see if anyone was saying anything about him. 
/Who said Barry was obsessed and jealous of Jim?/ LoL!

Message to Barry:


*/If no individual posters here on FFL are being mentioned, it "means" 
only that posters there afraid of being thrown off of their new "more 
free" forum. Because thinking what they do about the people they left 
behind, they can't write ANYTHING about them, because it would by 
definition be negative, and thus prohibited.

*/Duh. I'm surprised you couldn't figure this out.
*/ *did* figure it out, and were just trying to create 
trouble and be negative over here, where you could get away with it. 
Never mind... /*

[FairfieldLife] The Peak, was what does " Moved to the Mountain Top Mean?

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 9:23 AM, Share Long wrote:
What I find VERY interesting is that no one is writing about you all 
on the_peak. And yet, how many times have you all written about them?! 
LOL! It's gotta mean something!

/This is funny, Share - maybe about 100 times so far! And, at least 4 of 
the current informants on FFL have apparently stalked them over there 
and lurked around to see if anyone was talking about them (they know who 
they are).

What it means is that now the FFL informants don't have much of an 
audience anymore - now they are mostly preaching to the choir. I mean, 
let's face it, without Judy or Jim or Ann, who is Barry going to attack 
- Curtis? Go figure./


*From:* "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 3:12 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: what does " Moved to the Mountain 
Top Mean?

Could it be Colorado or heaven etc. I do not comprehend?

*/You would have to ask Michael to be sure, but I suspect that by 
suggesting that Ann had "moved to the mountaintop" he was referring to 
the fact that she joined the migration of whiners to Jim Flanegin's 
new Yahoo group "The_Peak."

Reports comparing that group to *either* Colorado or Heaven are 
unsubstantiated, and probably rumor.  :-)/*

In a message dated 12/10/2014 9:03:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Ah, I must have missed that post.

*From:* "Share Long [FairfieldLife]"

*To:* "" 
*Sent:< /b> Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:10 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: George Hammond's November 30,
2014 Lecture

*MJ, Ann DID say how she knew. She said that she received an email
from Judy saying: Don't worry.


**From:* "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]"

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 3:52 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: George Hammond's November 30,
2014 Lecture

*Jr claimed that according to Judy's jyotish chart, she had either
had a bad accident involving her legs or she had become dead (if I
remember correctly). Some of us were all hoping that Judy would
pop up to prove what bs jyotish is, but she never did. Ann claimed
she knew for a fact that Judy had neither become dead, nor had any
kind of accident. Ann would never say how she knew, and she
herself is no longer living in FFL - she has moved to the mountaintop.

*[Unable to display image] *

**From:* " [FairfieldLife]"

*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:18 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: George Hammond's November 30,
2014 Lecture
*I check in here every few months but lately it's been more like
every 6 months or more.*
*I check in today and notice Judy is seemingly gone. Really? Can
someone me the short story of what happened?*
*More importantly, I did watch George's 3 hour extravaganza on the
30th, having been clued by several people that it was taking place.*
*Your summations of the event remind me of why I occasionally
liked to poke in here. And now with your latest observations above
on MMY's early discourses, all I can say is bravo and nail hit
squarely on the head.*
*Any new recordings of yours I need to know about brother Curtis?*




Re: [FairfieldLife] Could it be the same Judy???

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 7:01 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
/Actually no. The rumor that Judy had cancer was started on Google 
Groups by Barry and was refuted by Judy way back in 1999. Besides, even 
if she did have cancer that would be irrelevant  to anything she posted 
to Google Groups of Yahoo Groups. Judy was not a big supporter of 
Maharishi Ayer-Veda.

The web site put up by Andrew Skolnick was actually a fan-site - it is 
considered by internet nerds to be the highest compliment to copy and 
paste fragments out of context, but really it shows frustration at it's 
highest level and indicates that a debater is unable to win his argument 
by conventional debating tactics - it is really a confession of failure./

Judy Stein-Defender of the Faith Web Site 

Judy Stein-Defender of the Faith Web Site 

PHIL DONAHUE: I want you to meet Jane Doe, a cancer patient. Jane, 
that's-- JANE DOE: [unintelligible] PHIL DONAHUE: A former -- I am 
corrected, and I'm pleased to be so. What happened, Jane?

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] TM in Context, was George Hammond's November 30, 2014 Lecture

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 3:05 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/This corresponds to my first experience of seeing him have to fill 
time (6-10 hours of talks a day for a month) at Squaw Valley in 1968./*

Sorry, Barry, I'm just not buying this story. According to everybody 
I've ever talked to about the TTC Squaw Valley, and including numerous 
messages posted by John Manning, most of the day was spent rounding, 
with talks in the evening. If MMY was speaking "6-10 hours a day for a 
month" that hardly leaves time for much rounding. Go figure.*

*/Before that, I had only seen him "perform" in short bursts, which he 
was always able to steer back to his (by then) well-practiced intro 
lecture. But at Squaw Valley he had several hundred people sitting in 
a room, and he had to find ways to entertain them. So he'd drag out 
(in my opinion) a lot of Other People's Stories and tell them as if 
they were his.


By the time of the Squaw Valley TTC MMY had already recorded numerous 
recordings and tapes for the SCI and written two books which pretty much 
outline his system. It's common knowledge that MMY was very close to the 
Shivananda Ashram at Rishikesh and it's teachers and to Swami Laksmanjoo 
up in Kashmir. In fact, if you read Dr. Coplin's dissertation, MMY's 
knowledge base was quite extensive in the Hindu context of yoga and 
spiritual paths.

*Text and Context in the Communication of a Social Movement*
by J.R. Coplin
*/The most egregious examples of this were when he'd open the 
microphone to questions, and people would ask him about other 
spiritual paths and other spiritual teachers he knew nothing about. At 
least twice I saw/heard him say things that were *completely* wrong, 
180 degrees opposite from what the organization believed and that the 
teacher taught. To this day I don't know whether he just made this 
shit up, or had heard it from someone who was also making it up, like 
Charlie Lutes.


*One thing that MMY got correct was the idea that concentration would 
not produce a blissful and enjoyable meditation. All TMers know this - 
it was one of TM's strongest points, that and the checking. Not the TMer 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Create Peace in the Middle East

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 1:04 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/This course certainly establishes how many True Believers the TM 
movement feels it has left in the world. The hotel has a maximum of 
507 rooms, 1098 beds. /*

That's 1098 more rooms than Rama had out in the the Anza-Borrego Desert 
State Park, and much more comfy as well. So, where exactly did 200 
drug-crazed hippies park their cars and go to the bathroom, when there 
is a maximum of 100 parking spaces and only two public men's and women's 
restrooms? Go figure.

Other question might include: /"Why and what were 200 hippies doing out 
in a desert park in the middle of the night and for what purpose?/ If 
they paid thousands of dollars just to witness some magic tricks, they 
may have been duped big time. On the other hand, if they went there to 
meditate in a group, they may have been practicing the Rama Effect (RE). 
So many questions - so few answers from Barry.


*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 4:21 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Create Peace in the Middle East

Let's hope this assembly will bring peace in the region.  It would 
probably be more dangerous if the meeting was held in Baghdad.

---In,  wrote :

Global World Peace Assembly to Create Peace in the Middle East 

[FairfieldLife] Karma as Moral Reciprocity, was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/10/2014 12:54 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/Nicely said. That's essentially my view as well. Karma is no more 
mystical than the reaction that follows every action. EVERY action, 
including those of "the enlightened." /*

*//The theory of karma on the physical level is dirt simple - cause and 
effect. However, whether or not karma or deeds work on the mental level 
of thinking has not been established - it's just a theory.

We know that if we toss a pebble into a still pond there will be ripples 
spreading out to the edge of the pond. We do NOT know how thoughts or 
ideas can effect other individuals. So, it has not been established that 
there is a karmic moral reciprocity.

According to the theory of karma as deeds, people who do good acts 
should be rewarded with good karma; people who do bad things, should be 
the recipients of bad karma. But, we know that the world does not work 
that way because often good people who do good things have bad things 
happen to them.

Apparently Barry has not thought this through, or he is confused, 
because he just agreed with the ME. Go figure.//*


*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 4:27 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the 
world has ever known

The way I look at 'karma' is it is just action, what comes to you, 
what you do, and the effect of past life, what happened then, cultural 
conditioning, etc. One does not even have to think of it as 'past 
lives', just 'past life'; ten minutes ago could be past life. Maybe 
you insulted someone and felt badly about that. That becomes part of 
the effect of past life. Maybe you got clobbered by a falling tree, 
but survived. That becomes part of past life. There are things you can 
do to maximise unloading the effect of past experience, but that does 
not mean it will be comfortable, or quickly, or completely disposed of.

From what I hear, most people who 'awaken' are not completely free of 
the effects of the past, and they can still do admittedly stupid 
things, be jerks, and don't know all that much, but now they can see 
past a lot of the conditioning and work toward a more pleasant state 
of experience. That is the real value of 'awakening'. It is not you 
are some cool or mystical state, but that you have the ability to 
navigate better, become more perceptive in moving toward doing this or 
not doing that. That is because most of the most problematic baggage 
you brought into the spiritual path has been modulated to some extent, 
and the baggage of the spiritual path itself is seen to be, well, not 
what you thought it was, so most of that mental baggage can be 
discarded and the load is much lighter.

With regard to the external world, I have never heard of a spiritual 
luminary coming up ideas like quantum mechanics, biological evolution, 
higher mathematics, or even basic physics. It does not appear the 
internal world and external world sync up all that well as far as 
practical knowledge of the exterior world.

When M was learning about biology and DNA, he seemed to be completely 
in the dark about what it was all about, but improved somewhat with 
time in his ability to manipulate such ideas. People have this idea 
that as soon as you are awake, in 'unity', you will know everything 
and you will be absolutely free. This is hogwash. What you will find 
out is what freedom is and what its opposite is and how they relate, 
and this makes it easier to navigate through life, but the body is 
still constrained by action in the world, and the functioning of the 
components of the body. People still get old and weak and sick, and 
eventually die. What you get is to watch the process of life with 
minimised fear and with clarity, and that makes it much more enjoyable.

Does anyone know if Maharishi ever learned to drive a car? I did hear 
once, he surprised people by ordering his own aeroplane tickets.

[FairfieldLife] Barry and Judy, was George Hammond's November 30, 2014 Lecture

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

I check in today and notice Judy is seemingly gone. Really? Can 
someone me the short story of what happened?

On 12/10/2014 12:48 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/I don't think that's ever been explained. MY 'short story' of what 
happened was that after almost two decades of reading posts from her 
that all essentially said, "You MUST argue with me, because I'm 
interesting!" /*

Almost everyone here knows this isn't true. It's not difficult to 
understand why Judy labeled Barry a liar. The fact is that Judy had 
Barry pegged as a fibbing poser and this made him go bat-shit crazy. Go 

*/I noticed the trend, and stopped either reading them or replying. My 
response therefore became, "No, because you're not."


Everyone also know this is also false - links provided on request.
*/I have no idea what HER 'short story' was, and why the 'authfriend' 
name was retired. Perhaps she wasn't feeling friendly towards authors 
any more. /*

Non sequitur./*

[FairfieldLife] Cause and Effect, was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-10 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 9:27 PM, anartaxius wrote:
The way I look at 'karma' is it is just action, what comes to you, 
what you do, and the effect of past life, what happened then, cultural 
conditioning, etc. One does not even have to think of it as 'past 
lives', just 'past life'; ten minutes ago could be past life. Maybe 
you insulted someone and felt badly about that. That becomes part of 
the effect of past life. Maybe you got clobbered by a falling tree, 
but survived. That becomes part of past life. There are things you can 
do to maximise unloading the effect of past experience, but that does 
not mean it will be comfortable, or quickly, or completely disposed of.

The term /"karma"/ in Sanskrit means action or deed. Everything we 
experience is in the past for the simple reason that the future is not 
here yet and the now passes into the past in a split-second; even a 
thought we have is a nano-second into the past. We know from science 
that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - the law 
of cause and effect. Human excrement always flows down stream - this is 
a fact, from the highest mountain down to a single blade of grass. Karma 
has no exception so long as we are bound to the earth - gravity sucks.

So we are agreed so far.
From what I hear, most people who 'awaken' are not completely free of 
the effects of the past, and they can still do admittedly stupid 
things, be jerks, and don't know all that much, but now they can see 
past a lot of the conditioning and work toward a more pleasant state 
of experience. That is the real value of 'awakening'. It is not you 
are some cool or mystical state, but that you have the ability to 
navigate better, become more perceptive in moving toward doing this or 
not doing that. That is because most of the most problematic baggage 
you brought into the spiritual path has been modulated to some extent, 
and the baggage of the spiritual path itself is seen to be, well, not 
what you thought it was, so most of that mental baggage can be 
discarded and the load is much lighter.

When the historical Buddha first /"awakened"/, that is experienced 
enlightenment he is quoted as saying, /"So simple, so transparent!"/ 
What exactly did Shakya the Muni experience? He realized in a flash of 
insight that everything is co-dependent on other things. He realized 
that the world is the result of Causation - one thing leads to another - 
there is nothing in the cosmos that is absolutely independent of other 
things. He did not see God or a Deity - he saw existence as it really is.

He saw all his past lives and the suffering he had endured; he saw his 
future lives and all the suffering would be suffering; and he saw all 
the lives of all the people in the past and in the present, all they 
suffering they had endured and would endure. He realized that all life 
is marked by suffering - he saw and realized how things really are: from 
this, that.

With regard to the external world, I have never heard of a spiritual 
luminary coming up ideas like quantum mechanics, biological evolution, 
higher mathematics, or even basic physics. It does not appear the 
internal world and external world sync up all that well as far as 
practical knowledge of the exterior world.

The highest and most universal knowledge we have is probably 
mathematics, which works on the mental as well as the physical world. 
The operation of the cosmos has two sides: intelligence, which is the 
cause of everything, and the manifestations of intelligence, which are 
the physical and psychological features of the everyday world. In the 
world of basic physics we observe that there is harmony - things do not 
just go here and there at random. Just like in billiards, there is an 
action that results in actions - the Q-ball either hits or misses but 
there is always a reaction that occurs.

The question is, does the theory of karma or cause and effect operate on 
the mental level of thoughts and volition? According to MMY /"because 
Transcendental Meditation directly approaches intelligence, rather than 
the manifestations of intelligence, it solves problems by introducing 
harmony and well-being at the most basic level, and not by dealing with 
problems themselves. That's why it is so effective." /

When M was learning about biology and DNA, he seemed to be completely 
in the dark about what it was all about, but improved somewhat with 
time in his ability to manipulate such ideas. People have this idea 
that as soon as you are awake, in 'unity', you will know everything 
and you will be absolutely free. This is hogwash. What you will find 
out is what freedom is and what its opposite is and how they relate, 
and this makes it easier to navigate through life, but the body is 
still constrained by action in the world, and the functioning of the 
components of the body. People still get old and weak and sick, and 
eventually die. What you get is to watch the process of life with 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Prarabdha vs Sanchita Karma and Spiritual Liberation (was Greatest Guru)

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 4:59 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
The observable world from the single cell organisms all the way to the 
stars show a decided lack of karma. 

Karma is defined as action or work. Everything from a single cell 
organism up to and including the stars, is dependent on action. 
Everything is co-dependent and nothing exists in isolation - there is no 

It is just a scam created by the ancient Indians. Pretty good one too 
- people are still buying into it wholesale.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, karma is not considered to be 
a "judgement" enforced by a God, a Deity or other supernatural being. 
Rather, /"karmic results are considered to be the outcome of a natural 
process of cause and effect."/

*Encyclopedia Britannica*, 11th Edition, Volume 15, New York, pp 679-680.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Prarabdha vs Sanchita Karma and Spiritual Liberation (was Greatest Guru)

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
Enlightenment does not automatically give one instant knowledge of 
Indian philosophy.

So unless it isn't a neurophysiological state, enlightenment will be 
the same whether you know anything about Indian philosophy or not. 
Wouldn't it?

On 12/9/2014 4:53 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:


According to Sam Harris there is /" evidence for consciousness 
exists in the physical world." /Thoughts and ideas are not material.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Prarabdha vs Sanchita Karma and Spiritual Liberation (was Greatest Guru)

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 1:43 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Enlightenment does not automatically give one instant knowledge of 
Indian philosophy.  That's not what it is about and why so many TM'ers 
are confused.

/Apparently they don't teach Buddhist logic at most universities, like 
they do at UT in the Center for Asian Studies, but if anyone wanted to 
learn about Western philosophy they could takes courses and earn a 
degree in philosophy at MUM, like Curtis did.

But most TMers aren't interested in academic subjects like philosophy - 
///case in point - /which is probably why they teach mainly Management 
at MUM, instead of Indian philosophy. /


On 12/09/2014 09:15 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

It appears that at least some who seek or feel that they are have 
realized an enlightened state --- and talk and walk within the broad 
framework of vedic / hindu / yogic / buddhist / tantric traditions, 
have very limited understanding of the types and range of karma 
within those traditions(1) resulting in odd pronouncements and 
claims, as well as a glaring absence of understanding of what 
realization and liberation actually mean within the traditions in 
which they practice. At times further obfuscated by their critics' 
lack of such.

The lack of understanding of the distinctions between prarabdha and 
sanchita karma is an example.   To me, that presents a large red flag 
-- regardless of whether I accept the theories of karma, 
reincarnation, realization, liberation, etc.  That is, if a person 
has consistently practiced methods with these traditions, uses the 
vernacular of these traditions to describe their experiences, and use 
criteria from these traditions to claim various attainments -- then, 
for me, it is highly inconsistent and strong warning signal if their 
understanding, words, experiences, self-appraisals of their actions 
and its effects indicate little to no conceptual and experiential 
understanding of the distinct types of karmas -- which is perhaps the 
most fundamental core factor which affects any realization or 
liberation within these traditions.

I can appreciate these inconsistencies and act accordingly (2) 
without myself necessarily accepting the theories of karma, 
reincarnation, liberation, etc.). That is I hold them as hypotheses 
which, while having some explanatory power, are not particularly 
suited to repeated large scale double-blind  placebo based studies. 
Nor are a lot of other things in life -- so one muddles along as best 
they can. Over my life, I have observed a number of interesting 
points of possible supporting evidence. All of which I realize may be 
spurious correlations  and worthless. On the other hand, these have 
at least kept the door open on my rational, skeptical mind to the 
possible validity of these traditional knowledge theories.

From these traditions' view ("traditionally") if one is incarnate, 
everyone, including fully realized, liberated ones. all still have 
prarabdha(3) karma that must be lived out. No way around it. Further, 
every incarnate being is generating kriyamana karma (karma generated 
in this life) to the last breath. And kriyamana karma has or will 
have its full effect, regardless of one’s state, realized/liberated 
or not. Bad Kriyamana karma

will have corresponding effects.  There is no free lunch, no 
freebies, no license to act badly. Kriyamana karma may return 
quickly, or later in this life, or simply add to the large stockpile 
of sanchita karma yet to be taken on in prarabdhic chunks in future 
lives.  However, with various practices, when identity with tightly 
bound sense of  individuality lessens or ceases, returning karma may 
be experienced more as a drop in a bucket than a torrential rainstorm.

Traditionally, burning off ones karma has nothing to do with this 
life, that is one does not burn off  prarabdha and kriyamana karmas. 
It is  sanchita karma, the underlying, hidden from view  karma that 
is burned off (or seeds in causal body "roasted") -- the mountain of 
karma yet to be resolved 1) in future lives, and or 2) through 
effective practices in this or future incarnations.

(Old MMY story -- MMY: "you all have a mountain of karma". Charlie 
Lutes: (apparently assuming he was far ahead of the pack): "M. do I 
have a mountain of karma left?". MMY: "No Charlie. You have more like 
a huge mountain range of karma left.")

A lot of practices such as those that promise and look towards 
"support of nature" and focus on success in worldly life as distinct 
signs of spiritual progress, as well as practices such as sponsoring 
yagyas, etc. are focussed on reducing the intensity of this current 
life (prarabdha and kriyamana) karmas. Not a bad thing in itself. 
However, it is possible one can pursue such practices and feel 
better, life becomes more successful, obstacles are removed, etc -- 
without materially affecting sanchita karma, and thus not affecting 
ones progress towards realization and libera

Re: [FairfieldLife] New World Order

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 1:41 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
And why would they do that? 

Why did the U.S. participate in renditions? You're not making any sense. 
Renditions are used primarily to disrupt a cell and remove a terror 
suspect from the battlefield.

Could it be that major corporations and financial interests had a 
stake in keeping up the "endless war"? 

Everyone has a stake in winning the war, individuals as well as large 
corporation such as Google and Yahoo.

The torture probably wasn't to get any "info" as they already knew 
many of these groups were actually other PSYOP operations. 

According to lawyers for the CIA, there is a plausible denial. The CIA’s 
rendition program is nothing new and has been going on for decades. 
Torture  is a violation of article 18, section 2340A of the U.S. 
Criminal Code. If the prisoner died during such torture, a U.S. court 
could, in theory, sentence a CIA official to death.


It was to get their "jollies".

Do you have any evidence that U.S. CIA officers participated directly in 
any "torture"? If you do, please post it here so we can read it. 
According to the report, no CIA officers have been charged with any 
crimes. Correct me if I'm wrong about this.

America is becoming a fascist state that makes Nazi Germany pale by 

Apparently you don't even know whose side you are on.

It is fiction that any CIA officers watched as rendition victims are 
tortured by foreign agents. It is also fiction that the CIA kept its 
rendition program and black sites a secret from close allies like the 


Stephen Grey. *Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA’s Rendition and 
Torture Program*. St. Martin's Press; 1st edition (October 17, 2006).

Re: [FairfieldLife] New World Order

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 1:29 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

Same as the old boss ... won't get fooled again!  yeah, right.

*Five Facts and Five Fictions About CIA Rendition*

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 9, 2014 11:05 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] New World Order

Meet the new boss:

CIA torture report brands post-9/11 program as brutal and ineffective 


CIA torture report brands post-9/11 program as brutal an... 

Report released by Senate after four-year, $40m investigation 
concludes CIA repeatedly lied about brutal techniques in years after 9/11

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Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Prarabdha vs Sanchita Karma and Spiritual Liberation (was Greatest Guru)

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 11:52 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
It seems to me that the same issues you brought up about verifying 
such claims pertain to the question of how could a human know such a 
thing in the first place? Most traditions that propose such theories 
seem to resort to: God wrote this book to account for how a human 
could get this kind of detailed mechanism that is not within our 

The Buddhist /Consciousness Only/ (vijnanavada) tradition of Asanga and 
Vasuandhu (the so-called second Buddha) is not based on a book that 
"God" wrote - it is based on an experiential and logical basis. First, 
we need to examine the valid means of knowledge (epistemology is the 
investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion) and 
decide whether some forms of knowing are valid or not. So, let's review 
the valid means of knowledge again, since Curtis apparently missed out 
on the previous discussion.  What are the valid means of knowledge?

1. /Sense perception and analogy/
2. /Verbal knowledge/
3. /Inference/

Most of what we know we experience with sense perception, mainly with 
our eyes and our ears, and sometime through touch and taste, but mostly 
our eyes and ears. We see that gravity sucks and that things fall down. 
We know things from hearing teachers and through reading texts - the 
verbal knowledge. And through observation with know things through 
inference. And, we obseve that the material world has an order - not 
from an apple tree do we get a turnip. We all have a constructed 
character of knowing - we all agree that tables are tables and doors are 
doors and most of us experience the same things. So, from this order we 
infer that there must be some kinds of laws that govern the universe. If 
there is order, we infer that there is intelligence - that knowledge is 
structured in consciousness.

Are we agreed so far? Everyone experiences the world mostly with their 
senses. But the physical world contains numerous contradictions. Are 
some senses more reliable than others?

Through observation of the world over time we take notes with our 
senses: we see a flower; watch an event; hear a sound or a voice and 
from our sense impressions we deduce and analyze. But, sometimes the 
sense do NOT perceive the world exactly as it is. When sense perceptions 
do not agree, or are contradictory and conflicting, which sense should 
we accept as true? How do we decide between conflicting senses? If 
appearances derived through one sensory channel appear contradictory, it 
is natural to appeal to other senses for corroboration.

According to Vasubandhu, consciousness is the ultimate reality - without 
it people would not be conscious - there would be no perception. This is 
a dirt simple fact of life requiring no further proof. No sane person 
would claim that they don't exist, unless they were insane or demented - 
it's just not rational. We are conscious of ourselves enough to know 
that we exist and are self-conscious. We are our self and hardly anyone 
denies that they are sometimes self conscious.

/"Pure consciousness is the only Reality. By its nature, it is 
Self-luminous." (XIII, 13). "Thus shaking off duality, he directly 
perceives the Absolute which is the unity underlying phenomena 
(dharmadatu)."/ (VI, 7) Sharma, p. 112-113

So for me the focus shifts from the theory itself to what is the 
reasoning process behind differentiating books from mythology to a 
book we could have confidence was guided or directly dictated by a God 
to explain how the world actually works. Most people don't need a 
detailed argument about Greek mythological gods today, although in 
their time they were propitiated with sacrifices and ceremonies like 
the Vedic gods. Somehow this Vedic tradition has slipped through the 
cracks for some people and treated as if they are different type of 
books that humans wrote or passed down orally in verses, from those we 
commonly identify as mythological literature.

Can you describe how you make such a distinction if you do?

---In,  wrote :

It appears that at least some who seek or feel that they are have 
realized an enlightened state --- and talk and walk within the broad 
framework of vedic / hindu / yogic / buddhist / tantric traditions, 
have very limited understanding of the types and range of karma within 
those traditions(1) resulting in odd pronouncements and claims, as 
well as a glaring absence of understanding of what realization and 
liberation actually mean within the traditions in which they practice. 
At times further obfuscated by their critics' lack of such.

The lack of understanding of the distinctions between prarabdha and 
sanchita karma is an example.   To me, that presents a large red flag 
-- regardless of whether I accept the theories of karma, 
reincarnation, realization, liberation, etc.  That is, if a person has 
consistently practiced methods with these traditions, uses the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] New World Order

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

*From:* salyavin808 

CIA torture report brands post-9/11 program as brutal and ineffective 

On 12/9/2014 1:23 PM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

*/The world responds, "Duh!"/*

So, I wonder what the Dutch police and Interpol will do with Raunchydog?

/"I think it’s a tempest in a teapot really to say: Well, Speaker Pelosi 
should have known all of this, she should have stopped this, she should 
have done this or done that. I don’t want to make an apology for 
anybody, but in 2002, it wasn’t 2006, 07, 08 or 09. It was right after 
9/11, and there were in fact discussions about a second wave of 
attacks."/ Diane Fienstein

Re: [FairfieldLife] New World Order

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 1:05 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

Meet the new boss:

/"What the Democrats are doing is classic Alinskyism, posturing as the 
defenders of the American Way and hoping like hell that nobody remembers 
that rendition prisons began under the Clinton administration."/ - 
Michael Walsh

*About That Senate Report*

CIA torture report brands post-9/11 program as brutal and ineffective 


CIA torture report brands post-9/11 program as brutal an... 

Report released by Senate after four-year, $40m investigation 
concludes CIA repeatedly lied about brutal techniques in years after 9/11

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Karma, Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 11:32 AM, Share Long wrote:
For those who don't like the word karma, there's always the popular 
phrase: what goes around comes around (-:

Indeed, Share. For those that don't like the word /"karma"/ there is 
always the phrase /"cause and effect"./ Or, put more simply, /"Causation 
or Causality"/ or for those who don't even understand this, there is 
always - /"one thing leads to another."/

The question then arises: Is their also a moral reciprocity?

According to Georg Fuerstien, /"India's sages assure us that this law 
applies with equal force in the realm of the mind to our thoughts and 
volition."/ But, because science looks only at the material realm, it 
fails to appreciate the comprehensive nature of causation and therefore 
also allows for meaningless chance events.

The Causal Nexus is the root of our limited and limiting experience of 
space and time As simple as this view seems to be, it is at the same 
time, very deep and subtle. Not easily understood by the un-reflective 
individual who only makes comments without thinking them through. Go figure.


*From:* "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Tuesday, December 9, 2014 11:16 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Karma, Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the 
world has ever known

On 12/9/2014 6:48 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 I don't buy the existence of karma itself. It started with the 
ancient Indians and spread from there to China and Japan via Buddhism.

/What happens when you drop a big rock on your toe? All things fall 
down because gravity sucks. Maybe you failed to think this thought 
before hitting the Send key./

I mean, if this is the reality of life, how come only the ancient 
Hindus figured it out? Because they lived in the land of the veda? 
All the other ancient civilizations too stupid to figure it out?

The Vedas were composed long after the theory of karma was first 
formulated. The realization that a big rock falling on your toe is 
hurtful was probably figured out long before the Stone Age.


Nope, its just some more bullshit made up by those ganja smokers

Non sequitur.
in the woods who claimed enlightenment. What better way to control 
the population than to tell them that all sorts of awful things would 
happen to you in an infinite number of lives if you didn't grease the 
palms of the priests so they would do the ceremonies to placate the 
gods and the gods of karma?

You neglected to define "karma" and so you have committed a formal 
fallacy of deductive reasoning. You have failed to follow the rules of 
logic that guarantee a true conclusion follows given the truth of the 
premises." Therefore you have determined your own argument to be invalid."
There are a few people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani who 
either leave their body or have some sort of visions where they see 
that all is just fine with all the shit that happens all over the 
earth - no karma, no judgment on the part of the Universe towards any 
of the awful things humans do. Not that they necessarily have a lock 
on truth, but it is an interesting differing perspective.

Non sequitur.
The current popular belief in karma and its originating culture is 
due to the ravings of proven huckster Helena Blavatsky who 
popularized Hindu beliefs in the 1800's that carried over into the 
20th century through her outfit The Theosophical Society and the 
bullshit writings of her compatriots Annie Besant and Alice Bailey. 
Not to mention the pedophile C.W. Leadbeater who created the myth of 
Maitreya now perpetuated by that nice old faker Benjy Creme.

Non sequitur.
Lie begets lie, and bs begets bs. Nope, I don't buy the existence of 
karma. If it was real, I think others beside the Hindus and their 
predecessors would have figured it out too. Given the sorry legacy 
India has so far offered the world (just look at the country today 
and don't bother mentioning the mythical "vedic society" that liar 
Marshy used to blabber about) I don't think I am going to give much 
credence to anything that country comes up with in terms of religion, 
philosophy or any sort of guidelines with which to live life.

Non sequitur.

Can't wait for Buck to denounce me for this post.

Non sequitur.

[FairfieldLife] Harrison Bergeron, was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 11:21 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

We seem to have some people here who have misinterpreted Buddha and 
hammers.  Kurt Vonnegut would be disappointed given his story 
"Harrison Bergeron."

/You are really cracking me up tonight! Harrison Bergeron by Kurt 
Vonnegut is an anti-communist allegory exploring the ultimate result of 
a communist revolution in America. LoL!/

*2081 Trailer*

TM, yoga and meditation are self improvement programs.  So if 
practicing makes you better then the next guy, so be it.  That's what 
you signed up for didn't you?  If practicing a guitar and taking 
lesson from a great guitarist makes you better than the next guy, so 
be it. That's what you signed up for didn't you?  You did your 
homework and the other guy didn't.  Should the teacher give you both As?

After all the materials to improve were just as available to the "next 
guy" as they were to you.  So why should they be jealous?

I've often viewed humility as a "game" people play. Maybe it too is a 
form of narcissism to be "more humble than you."

Humans are such a curious lot. :-)

On 12/08/2014 11:29 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for 
realized beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha 
karma will come to an end. There is not much to be done to alter 
that.  You lease a car for a specific period -- after that, fini.

Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the 
current body.

For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to 
the vast mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since 
the last bite due to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite 
off another chunk (of prarabdha karma) -- and start anew. Wheel of 
karma keeps on rolling.

Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the 
vast "mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, 
dry-out and extinguished the causal body.

(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning 
off that last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the 
causal body. If they say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )

I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. 
It both gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way 
for them to keep themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I 
fell for it but it was Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - 
that he was basically making it up as he went along - that convinced 
me it was all a put on. And I never heard of anyone better.

What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and 
paranormally gained "wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be 
anything more than them claiming to have attained the sort of godlike 
status we read about in the holy books. Or am I wrong and there 
really is an infinite world within this one that I can reach by 
purifying my mind to reveal a deeper truth about reality that can't 
be understood objectively, indeed can /only/ be experienced rather 
than studied? If only they'd shown us something convincing as I hate 
taking people at their word, especially as their word always involves 
them living a life of luxury being waited on hand and foot.

I've certainly seen something that could be mistaken for this sort of 
enlightenment but is the vedic explanation the best one? Perhaps the 
original holy men had the same vision I did and interpreted that as 
being something fundamental to everything else we normally experience 
and then passed that down as received wisdom when really it's an 
imbalance in the way the brain normally constructs our perception of 
the world. Questions questions.

[FairfieldLife] Butt-Bouncing, was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 6:04 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
As I have said before, the original holy men were guys who had left 
regular society because they were too lazy to work so they sat in the 
forests smoking ganja and having realistic daydreams like George Hammond.

When someone would come along and ask them "What you doing sitting 
here in this forest?" they would reply "I am a holy man!"

"Oh really, tell me holy man about your life."

"Well, there is the unseen energy that is EVERYTHING and I have become 
one with it, and I've got all sorts of amazing powers!"

And so the myths began.

Is that anything like a lonely guy sitting in a trailer house in the 
middle of the winter at a large religious university, smoking ganja and 
having daydreams about being a spiritual teacher, when someone comes 
along and asks him "/What are you doing sitting here in this trailer?/ 
He would reply, /"I am on staff in food service."/

/"Oh really, tell me about your life."/

/"Well, there is this guy named Bevan who gave me this job to learn how 
to set tables and he is EVERYTHING and I have become one with it, and 
I've got all sorts butt-bouncing powers!"/

And so the myths began.

[FairfieldLife] Spirituality, was Rolling Stone belatedly discovers Bruce Cockburn

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 10:20 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/And does a somewhat better job of factchecking and reportage than 
they did in a recent article currently getting more press.


*/Sometimes, reading Barry's comments on spirituality is like trying to 
figure out a schizoid!

So, I wonder what Cockburn would think of Barry and his ramblings posted 
on FFL if the two of them were having a glass of wine at the bar at the 
Holiday Inn?

/"The idea of God as the boundless, as an undefinable and in a certain 
way unapproachable being except by proxy, has a lot of validity," 
Cockburn says. "That means sometimes he's going to seem like a 
hallucination or a motivator of things we don't really want to see. 
There's a juicy element of chaos about that, and that's where I tip over 
into 'I don't have a clue."/ - Bruce Cockburn*

[FairfieldLife] Burning Off Karma, was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 2:10 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/As far as I can tell, based on the few teachers I've met who seemed 
to have a clue, there is NO SUCH THING as "burning off all of one's 


It's really getting deep around here. Can anyone on this forum spell 
cognitive dissonance?

/"As you sit in this light from week to week, you will transform and 
grow and develop. It washes away the samskaras, the past-life 
tendencies. It washes away the karmic tendencies from this life. If you 
can meditate on that light and allow it to pass through you - meditate 
meaning not so much necessarily to focus on, meditate meaning to let go 
to; you may start with a concentration, a focus on, but then you want to 
let go, to be absorbed, to let go, to let the light flow through you - 
this light will cause spiritual transformation. This is the highest 
octave spiritual light. Not the best, but the highest octave."/ - Rama, 
October 6, 1982 

[FairfieldLife] Woo Woo, was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 10:56 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/I don't want to get in the middle of any "the TMO killed Doug 
Henning" discussion, but in a very real sense, they did. I knew Doug 
briefly because one of my roommates at the time created 
airbrush-painted silk costumes for him. During that year, I saw him go 
from TM newbie to Absolute, No-Question-About-It TM Cultist. It was 
not a pretty transition. He always stayed a nice person, even when he 
learned that my roommate and I had backed away from the TMO, but we 
could tell he was being pressured to distance himself from us.

*/I was deeply saddened when years later I heard that he'd taken the 
"Andy Kaufman cure" and become yet another TM cancer fatality. /*

/*/Never pass up a tragedy if you think it will help you win a religious 
debate. Doug didn't want to take the Chemo, which would probably not 
have saved his life./*


*/He was really *such* a nice guy, but easily swayed by Woo Woo. /*

 Speaking of Woo Woo:
//"You're sitting in the desert and some guy comes up and stands in 
front of you, no more than two feet away, and then he just disappears.  
You can see stars through the hazy outline of his body, and then even 
the outline disappears.  You don't really believe it's happening, so you 
lean your head back and forth and shift positions to see if the 
foreground and background you can see "through him" or where he was 
standing shift perspective as they should.  They do. Then he "comes 
back," smiles big-time, and walks off."/ - TurquoiseB


[FairfieldLife] GMO's was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 10:44 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
One phone call to the chief later, and it turned out the opposite was 
true and they were hiring new officers. Randi felt that was all the 
research he had to do. Others got stuck in to the published papers on 
the ME but I would have loved to see the TMO take up the now defunct 
$1,000,000 challenge to prove they could create action at a distance, 
that would have made for some quality TV.

Maybe we should call Randi and ask him what he thinks of your /GMO/ 
theories about food. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Barry's Fiction, was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 8:36 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/There is that, of course -- the idea that any attempt at describing 
enlightenment will be by definition fiction.


We are pretty much 100% in agreement on this, Barry.

/"I've seen him project the double, as described in the Castaneda 
books.  One of him was standing a few feet in front of me and another 
one was up on top of the mountain we were in front of, waving.//"/ - 
Barry Wright


*/What I was thinking of with this post, however, was my earlier 
musing suggesting (in all seriousness) that "The Lord of the Rings" 
was as spiritual as "The Bible," if not more so. I am always astounded 
by people who allow themselves to be inspired by tales that claim to 
be true (Bibles, Gitas, Vedas, "scriptures," first-hand claims by 
supposed holy men, etc.) but won't allow themselves to be equally 
inspired by works that *admit* they're fiction. /*

*/As a writer, I'm am usually *more* inspired by a good work of 
fiction than I am by any retelling of true events. One of the reasons 
is that the people who tend to write what they consider to be 
"spiritual non-fiction" tend to do I say it...crappy 
writers. They tend to wallow in emotion and use cheap writing tricks 
like deus ex machina WAY too much. :-) /*

[FairfieldLife] Michael Jackson, was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 7:10 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
Good one! Wonder if Doug thinks that the destruction as her might call 
it of FFL and the very existence of us neganauts are part of HIS karma?

Apparently you failed to get the memo from FFL Moderator.

/"Indeed! And, the real problem is that there were two factions on FFL 
who simply didn't belong on the same forum. One faction has departed, 
and the gawdawful squabbling has ceased. As far as I'm concerned, the 
situation has successfully resolved itself."/ - Alex Stanley

[FairfieldLife] Karma, Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 6:48 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 I don't buy the existence of karma itself. It started with the 
ancient Indians and spread from there to China and Japan via Buddhism.

/What happens when you drop a big rock on your toe? All things fall down 
because gravity sucks. Maybe you failed to think this thought before 
hitting the Send key./

I mean, if this is the reality of life, how come only the ancient 
Hindus figured it out? Because they lived in the land of the veda? All 
the other ancient civilizations too stupid to figure it out?

The Vedas were compose long after the theory of karma was first 
formulated. The realization that a big rock falling on your toe is 
hurtful was probably figured out long before the Stone Age.


Nope, its just some more bullshit made up by those ganja smokers

Non sequitur.
in the woods who claimed enlightenment. What better way to control the 
population than to tell them that all sorts of awful things would 
happen to you in an infinite number of lives if you didn't grease the 
palms of the priests so they would do the ceremonies to placate the 
gods and the gods of karma?

You neglected to define "karma" and so you have committed a formal 
fallacy of deductive reasoning. You have failed to follow the rules of 
logic that guarantee a true conclusion follows given the truth of the 
premises." Therefore you have determined your own argument to be invalid."
There are a few people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani who 
either leave their body or have some sort of visions where they see 
that all is just fine with all the shit that happens all over the 
earth - no karma, no judgment on the part of the Universe towards any 
of the awful things humans do. Not that they necessarily have a lock 
on truth, but it is an interesting differing perspective.

Non sequitur.
The current popular belief in karma and its originating culture is due 
to the ravings of proven huckster Helena Blavatsky who popularized 
Hindu beliefs in the 1800's that carried over into the 20th century 
through her outfit The Theosophical Society and the bullshit writings 
of her compatriots Annie Besant and Alice Bailey. Not to mention the 
pedophile C.W. Leadbeater who created the myth of Maitreya now 
perpetuated by that nice old faker Benjy Creme.

Non sequitur.
Lie begets lie, and bs begets bs. Nope, I don't buy the existence of 
karma. If it was real, I think others beside the Hindus and their 
predecessors would have figured it out too. Given the sorry legacy 
India has so far offered the world (just look at the country today and 
don't bother mentioning the mythical "vedic society" that liar Marshy 
used to blabber about) I don't think I am going to give much credence 
to anything that country comes up with in terms of religion, 
philosophy or any sort of guidelines with which to live life.

Non sequitur.

Can't wait for Buck to denounce me for this post.

Non sequitur.

[FairfieldLife] Fiction Writing, was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 6:38 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/I figure that if I ever teach again, it will be in my writing, 
within the context of a book that starts with the words that every 
"spiritual" book, lecture, or teaching ever given *should* have 
started with:  "This is a work of fiction."/*

Thanks, Barry.

/"I've been sitting three feet in front of him and seen him go 
invisible, to the point where you could see stars through the outline of 
his body, and then no outline.  I've seen him do the same trick from the 
feet up, leaving only a Cheshire Cat smile before it went pop! and 
disappeared, too."/ - Barry Wright

[FairfieldLife] salyavin808, was Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

*/Those are Buck's mantras. When he gets his next TMO advanced
techniques, they'll become Sri Sri Neganaut Spiritual Terrorist
Period Of Silence Namah Namah./*


Apparently Barry failed to get the memo from Alex. Go figure.


On 12/9/2014 5:57 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Ooh, the irony.

So, I guess you realize that you are talking about Alex's brother, right?
Alex wrote:
/"Indeed! And, the real problem is that there were two factions on FFL 
who simply didn't belong on the same forum. One faction has departed, 
and the gawdawful squabbling has ceased. As far as I'm concerned, the 
situation has successfully resolved itself."/ - Alex Stanley

[FairfieldLife] TurquiseB was, Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 5:42 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/I suspect that the secret of following Buck's logic on all of this 
is that you need to be taking the same meds he is. /*

Apparently you didn't get the memo from Alex. I thinks it's safe to say 
at this point that you have won the religious debate.

/"Indeed! And, the real problem is that there were two factions on FFL 
who simply didn't belong on the same forum. One faction has departed, 
and the gawdawful squabbling has ceased. As far as I'm concerned, the 
situation has successfully resolved itself."/ - Alex Stanley

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 4:23 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/Those are Buck's mantras. When he gets his next TMO advanced 
techniques, they'll become Sri Sri Neganaut Spiritual Terrorist Period 
Of Silence Namah Namah./*

Apparently Barry failed to get the memo from Alex. Go figure.

/"Indeed! And, the real problem is that there were two factions on FFL 
who simply didn't belong on the same forum. One faction has departed, 
and the gawdawful squabbling has ceased. As far as I'm concerned, the 
situation has successfully resolved itself."/ - Alex Stanley/*


Re: [FairfieldLife] Srividya Temple near Rochester New York

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/8/2014 7:24 PM, srijau wrote:
So, what is /Sri Vidya/ and what is it's connection to SBS?

teaching Sri Vidya diksha without regard to caste or ethnicity

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wonder what Nabby would think?

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/8/2014 2:31 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
/The last time I checked, immigrants, if they want to be U.S. citizens, 
must be able to speak and understand English and must use English in 
public schools. Spanish and German are usually referred to as a second 
language. In the U.S., anyone can speak any language they prefer in 
their home. However, it makes sense for all immigrants to speak English 
in order to be more easily assimilated, find employment and get educated.

BBC News  Europe

8 December 2014 Last updated at 14:17 ET

  'Speak German at home' row as conservatives target migrants

Immigrants should speak German not only in public but also in the 
home, Bavaria's governing conservatives say - provoking a torrent of 

The Christian Social Union (CSU), an ally of German Chancellor Angela 
Merkel, says it is a matter for debate, and is not yet official policy.

Critics launched a Twitter hashtag - #YallaCSU 
- which became a top 
trending topic among German Twitter users.

Some express alarm about politics reaching into the home.

The hashtag is an ironic joke at the CSU's expense, as "Yalla" is 
Arabic for "let's go!"

The CSU draft proposal says "people who want to remain here on a 
permanent basis should be encouraged to speak German in public and 
within the family".

CSU general secretary Andreas Scheuer said the proposal was "well 
prepared and widely backed".

The general secretary of the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD), 
Yasmin Fahimi, said the CSU had "arrived in Absurdistan.

"It would be hilarious if it weren't so dangerous," she said. The SPD, 
like the CSU, is in coalition with Ms Merkel's Christian Democrats 
(CDU) at national level.

Language police?

The SPD's leader in Bavaria, Natascha Kohnen, suggested the proposal 
would be impossible to enforce, saying "all we need now is the CSU 
language police, to control all of this".

CDU General Secretary Peter Tauber said "I think it's nothing to do 
with politics whether I speak Latin, Klingon or Hessian at home".

And the Greens leader in Bavaria, Eike Hallitzky, joked that the CSU's 
next move might be to tell citizens to have blue-and-white carpets at 
home - the colours of the Bavarian flag.

The CSU has played a prominent role in pushing immigration higher up 
the political agenda.

EU data 
shows that Germany was the main European destination for immigrants in 
2012 (592,200), followed by the UK (498,000), Italy (350,800) and 
France (327,400). Worldwide, Germany is also the top destination for 
asylum seekers.

German official data 
that Turks formed the largest foreign-born group in Germany in 2013 
(1.5m), followed by Asians, non-EU Europeans (including Russians and 
Bosnians), and immigrants from EU members Poland and Italy.
In comments to the BBC, Paul Patel, a British expatriate in Munich, 
backed the CSU proposal.

"I want my daughter to grow up bilingual and so we use both English 
and German with her. Why not also speak German at home, whatever your 
native language is? If we as immigrants see our long-term future in 
this very supportive country, then the old adage 'practice makes 
perfect' is appropriate here," he said.

But Steve Coombs, a Briton living in Wiesloch, said that "as far as 
the language goes, my employer considers me to be German - however, 
the language I speak within my own four walls is my own concern".

Hassan Saad, another immigrant resident in Germany, said "the idea of 
speaking German at home is never implementable.

"We all have our freedom of language I believe this (proposal) 
reflects the failure of integration in Germany and the resulting 

More Europe stories 


  Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan talks with during a school
  opening ceremony in AnkaraAnger at Turkish school faith

Proposals to introduce compulsory religious classes for young
children in Turkey face heavy criticism from opponents.

  Russian soprano reaches out to rebels


  Russian liberal TV forced out

Re: [FairfieldLife] A special Edition of HuffPo just for MJ

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/8/2014 11:38 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

Arianna must love MJ. There is now an India edition of the Huffington Post

It seems to be a favorite source for the other Barry as well - he's 
posted links to the/Huffington Post/ on numerous occasions and never 
mentioned that most of the staff practice TM. I wonder if he can spell 
/"cognitive dissonance//"/? Go figure.


[FairfieldLife] Kabbalha and Bollocks, was YhWh is Shiva?

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

"Kabbalah originally developedentirely within the realm of Jewish 

On 12/6/2014 8:21 PM, s3raphita wrote:
Sorry but that is total bollocks. Kabbalistic teaching is heavily 
influenced by Greek Neoplatonic - and Gnostic - teaching (both 
philosophical and magical). The Jews' contribution is twofold: firstly 
they added Hebrew prophecy and poetry into the mix (which makes their 
writings seem less "dry" for those who find philosophy hard work but 
have been brought up in a Christian culture) and secondly the Jews 
preserved a lot of the speculation of the Late Antique Greek spirit 
when it was regarded with suspicion by the Church in its war against 
heresy and schismatics.

Sorry, I'm just not finding any evidence that Kabbalistic teaching is 
"heavily influenced by Greek Neoplatonic and Gnostic influences." 
Apparently the esoteric Kabbalah preceded by centuries any Western 
esoteric tradition, dating back to the 5th century BCE. Can you site any 
scholarly references for your information? Thanks.

Joseph Dan thinks the "Kabbalah originally developed entirely within the 
realm of Jewish thought, and Kabbalists often use classical Jewish 
sources to explain and demonstrate its esoteric teachings." These 
teachings are held by followers in Judaism to define the inner meaning 
of both the Hebrew Bible and traditional Rabbinic literature and their 
formerly concealed transmitted dimension, as well as to explain the 
significance of Jewish religious observances./


/"It is the underlying philosophy and framework for magical societies 
such as the Golden Dawn, Thelemic orders, mystical societies such as the 
Builders of the Adytum  and the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, and is a 
precursor to the Neopagan, Wiccan and New Age movements."/
/Work cited:/

/Dan, Joseph. *Kabbalah: **A Very Short Introduction.* Oxford University 
Press, Chapter 1 "The term and its uses."

Re: [FairfieldLife] meditation?

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/8/2014 8:26 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
/Never pass up an opportunity to use a tragedy to win a religious 
debate. Even if it takes blaming the practice of TM on a crazed 
terrorist who practiced a "mindfulness" meditation. //It does make one 
wonder what a guy will do next that was in a trance-induction state for 
over 12 years. Maybe someone like Barry could call in the police and put 
you on a "Watch List", //just in case you should become obsessed./

It’s also possible to practice meditation in an unbalanced way that 
results in an unhealthy form of emotional detachment and a kind of 
emotional deadening. Sangharakshita, my own teacher, has mentioned 
seeing some early western practitioners of the Burmese Satipatthana 
Method becoming very detached from their emotions and from their 
physical experience. This seems to have arisen from their having 
misunderstood the nature of the meditation practices they’d undertaken 
(or perhaps they had a bad teacher or teachers).

Dangerous Harvests: Anders Breivik Practices Meditation Too! 


Dangerous Harvests: Anders Breivik Practices Meditation ... 

Perhaps you have heard that Anders Breivik, the xenophobic terrorist 
who murdered 77 people in Norway last summer, practiced meditation.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Christian answer to ISIS and much else

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 4:22 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Christians assert that their jesus-god is the same god as //yhvh. 
However they prefer to ignore the Book of Joshua and the genocide of 
Canaanites by yhwh and his henchmen.

/You sound kind of confused. Maybe you don't to realize that the 
Israelites were the Canaanites - they was no battle at Jericho. So, 
you're thinking that God gave to the Arabs the land of Canaan, but the 
Canaanites, the original inhabitants, were ethnically cleansed by the 
Arabs, and that the Canaanites continue to encroach on the Arab's lands? 
This doesn't even make any sense.

The Canaanites were, if anyone, the original inhabitants of Canaan, not 
the Philistines who came much later. But it is a fact that the Arabs 
came after the Philistines, who were assimilated into the Canaanite 
society. So, if anyone is the 'ethnic cleanser' it would be the Arabs 
who claim their God gave them the land of Canaan.

But it seems to me that the Canaanites were the owners of the land in 
the first place. So, I'm thinking that the 'Palestinians' are either 
Jordanians or Egyptians - they are not related to the Philistines at all 
- they should give all the land back to the Canaanites and they should 
all go back home to Jordan or to Egypt, where they came from and leave 
the Jews alone./


 That very “god” of the Jews, Christian and Muslims is the one who 
offers the lands and cities of Canaan for targeted appropriation and 
all of its peoples for annihilation. The inhabitants, along with their 
lands, livestock and chattels are marked for destruction and for 
vicious slaughter at the hands of the Jews. All of the men, women, 
children and babies were either pierced or decapitated by swords. You 
gotta love this frenzied offering of the blood of babies to their 
thirsty demon//.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Christian answer to ISIS and much else

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 8:10 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

I wouldn't want to get my ass shot off for Israel either.

Apparently you wouldn't want to risk your life for anything you believe 
in. So, I wonder how you're going to participate in a "revolution" since 
you don't even seem to want to join in a street protest in Berkeley. 
Shit, you can't even seem to protest the other Barry calling in the cops 
on a Yahoo discussion group.

I mean, why would you want to support the only Democracy in the Middle 
East, when you don't even support the Democracy in the U.S. Go figure./


/"...myriad claims that there was a conspiracy behind 9/11 (Israel 
orchestrated it, in cahoots with the American government), that the 
American government is a puppet (of Israel), that the Holocaust never 
happened or was greatly exaggerated (Jews made it up to manipulate 
non-Jews), and, most recently, that Julian Assange, the man behind 
Wikileaks, is a pawn (of Israel)."/


On 12/07/2014 04:21 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I am sure Andy is right and that we all have been had (to varying 
extents and degrees). The key is figuring out by whom and by what.

Buyer Beware: Veterans Today and its Anti-Israel Agenda 


Buyer Beware: Veterans Today and its Anti-Israel A... 

Veterans Today (VT) is a website that bills itself as a "military 
veterans and foreign affairs journal." And, indeed, many of its 
contributors are militar...

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Consumer reviews of online businesses and websites

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Veterans Today 


Veterans Today 
Veterans Today is a well-produced disinformation website that runs an 
editorial line that is strongly against Israel and Saudi Arabia but 
has few negative...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Christian answer to ISIS and much else

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 8:51 PM, emptybill wrote:>

Who needs Israel when we've got such good friends in Saudi.
Why they're even lowering their sell price for crude so they
can save us from fracking-up our environment.

/Apparently the Saudis are neither lowering their price for oil or 
curtailing production. Only Iran, the OPEC renegade is doing that./

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Gigantic Hoax?

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
This looks like a good libel case against Dunham, if he chooses to bring 
one. As noted earlier, /"Rolling Stone magazine has backed off from its 
blockbuster story about an alleged gang rape at the University of 

'A Bad Week for Rape Culture'

'Rolling Stone apologizes for 'discrepancies' in UVA rape story'

/"Worse, it is increasingly clear that Rolling Stone is not only 
indulging in one of the most high-profile examples of rape apology in 
recent memory, but that it is also keen to blame the victim. In its 
retraction, the outfit squarely places the responsibility for the 
mistake on Jackie herself --- a classic move."/

National Review:
It's beginning to look like the news posted by MJ has some cracks in 
it (no pun intended). Although I used to read Rolling Stone and I was 
around when Jann Wenner founded the mag, I've always thought it was 
just a groupie rag. And Jan's editorial policy and his rejection of 
legalizing cannabis caused me to cancel my subscription, it looks like 
it's over for RS. There no credibility in it now.

Rolling Stone apologizes for 'discrepancies' in UVA rape story:

/"Journalists who contemplate such matters are now wondering whether 
the incredible Rolling Stone story about the gang rape of a University 
of Virginia student is just that: not credible."/

Is the UVA Rape Story a Gigantic Hoax?

'Rolling Stone whiffs in reporting on alleged rape' 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Christian answer to ISIS and much else

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 12/8/2014 3:53 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
*/The only thing I can imagine sadder than George Hammond's stories 
being untrue is that they are actually true.

*/If his tale about all these supposedly Bestest Spiritual Types Ever 
making all these plans and conducting all these experiments to improve 
humanity's lot *were* true, then they are by far the biggest failures 
in human history. *Nothing* they attempted worked. What a bunch of 

Good points, Barry. So what exactly would be the purpose of Rama 
demonstrating the siddhis? To impress the people in order to get more 
money for stage shows or to make people think he was the Last 
Incarnation of the God Vishnu?

/"Over the years, I saw him levitate, as in sitting in lotus and just 
lifting up off the chair and hovering there in midair for minutes at a 
time, sometimes telling a joke the whole time.  Or in the desert, he'd 
just step up off the sand and onto a "staircase" that wasn't there, and 
just climb up and down it for a while, several feet above the ground."/ 
- TurquoiseB

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jerry as a Proxy Vetting Agent

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 6:41 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
My friend Bill who was having conversations with Jerry by phone a few 
months ago has asked him for his take on the evening, but so far 
Jarvis has not answered him.

/Why don't you just call Jerry on the phone yourself and say: "Jerry 
this is Michael Jackson. Wassup?"/


*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:21 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Jerry as a Proxy Vetting Agent

In my recent viewing of the Hammond tape, the camera cut several times 
to audience shots Jerry (and Debbie) -- including what appeared to be 
their rising to their feet for a "standing ovation" at the end (or 
maybe they were just getting up to leave while still momentarily 

When things seemed a bit odd in the TMO (in pre 1975, before things 
got far more weird, IMO), I used to look to Jerry as a sort of sanity 
test / vetting process. That is, Jerry seemed fairly balanced, 
intelligent, and rational. I assumed that if he was able to reconcile 
TMO craziness, on the whole, given his larger access, context and 
history to all things MMY and TMO, the ship was probably safe and 
strong -- and headed in the right direction.
In retrospect, not my best decision, but at the time, as a teenager 
and young adult, Jerry appeared to be one of the better anchors in 
choppy waters.

I have little knowledge of Jerry's activities over the past 35 years 
or so and thus I have little basis for placing much weight on his 
current views. Yet, I still have at least some lingering respect for 
Jerry from earlier days.
Has anyone talked to Jerry (or heard second hand) his reaction to the 
Nov 30 talk (and or his presumed discussions with Hammond)?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Check out Reports: Obama Mulling Sanctions on Israel | Washington Free Beacon

2014-12-08 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 5:01 PM, William Leed wrote:

> Sanctions against Israel,  discouraging sanctions against Iran.
> There is something terribly wrong here.  What else can this president
> do in the next two years.  God help us all.  Janet
/Well, it could be worse - he could depend on NATO to protect the 
Netherlands and Finland from Russian aggression and/or pull all U.S. 
forces out of the Middle East. He could fail to prevent China from 
taking over Taiwan and fail to prevent North Korea from invading South 

He could lose the war against terrorism and fail to prevent al Qaeda 
from taking over a nuclear Pakistan. He could fail to halt ISIS 
resulting in the eventual take-over of all the Middle East and North 
Africa. //He could fail to prevent Iran from producing nuclear weapons. 
//He could fail to support Israel against Hamas.

He could fail to secure the U.S.-Mexican border and allow thousands of 
illegal aliens to enter and remain in the U.S. to get food stamps and 
free medical care and a drivers license. He could also increase 
racial tensions in the U.S. by his remarks on TV.

//He could use the IRS to audit his political opponents; let the NSA spy 
on it's own citizens and gather data; he could allow the ATF to run guns 
to Mexico; he could continue the war on drugs and shut down medical 
marijuana and the legal sale of cannabis.//

//He could neglect to make changes in the VA hospital system and force 
millions of Americans to pay higher costs for basic medical care. ///He 
could increase the national debt.

/And, he could cause the Democratic Party to be unseated in Congress and 
thus fail to win the next Presidential election for his party. /

Re: [FairfieldLife] Goon thug cops murder at will

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 3:47 PM, wrote:
//Just imagine what the Dutch police and Interpol are going to do with 
some of the informants on FFL when they catch them.//


Goon Thug Cops Murder At Will -- Paul Craig Roberts - 


Goon Thug Cops Murder At Will -- Paul Craig Roberts -... 

Goon Thug Cops Murder At Will Paul Craig Roberts Another goon thug 
gratuitous murderer has been let off by a grand jury and a prosecutor. 
Read t...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Skaktipat

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

So can you, Richard, give shaktipat?

Of course, but I don't usually give out that teaching for the simple 
reason that students can become dependent on it and thus fail to 
develop their own shakti. According to the other Barry, it's really 
no big deal - it's based on attention meditation. You develop 
kundalini every time you practice TM.

On 12/7/2014 11:04 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:

How many people have you given shaktipat to?

Being an ex-military brat for 18 years, counting my residence of 10 
years in California, and my 15 years employment at my local community 
college,  I'd estimate that I've given third-eye  "shaktipat" to at 
least 10,000 individual over a period of 70 years.

In my relationship to Rita, I've probably giver her the left-hand 
shaktipat at least once every week for the past 20 years. It's not 
complicated when you have a real Shakti to give it to, instead of just a 
paper doll.

It only seems to be esoteric to single guys, but in reality it's just 
what normal couples do. On the path of Tantra it's called "energized 
enthusiasm". Go figure.

The term "shaktipat" refers to the conferring of spiritual energy upon 
one person by another. "Shaktipat can be transmitted with a word or 
mantra, or by a look, thought or just a touch" – the last usually by 
means of the "yoni mudra" directly to the region of the solar plexus.

Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
On 12/7/2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

This is a "corporate science" article where he gives himself away when 
he advocates the Mediterranean Diet.

This doesn't really square with the other Barry's take on maintaining a 
healthy diet, so I guess you are correct - no one diet is perfect for 
everyone. But, based on the anecdotal evidence presented by the other 
Barry - his diet and exercise plan seems to be a lot simpler and more 
fun - normal food, cooked well, and walking and riding. Go figure.

This is *no one diet* that fits all.  We are *individuals* and have 
different dietary needs.  This is at the core of Ayurvedic and Chinese 
medicine.  And there is corresponding western research into 
"biochemical individuality" but it is apparently too "complicated" for 
most western doctors. Perhaps they should have been scrub nurses instead.

Things that are often called "snake oil" may often be marketed because 
they *did* work for some people. For instance the Mediterranean Diet 
will help folks who have "metbolic syndrone".   Unfortunatley 
corporate medicine treats the public as if they *all *have metabolic 
syndrome.  I don't have it.  Lots of people don't have it.  It's 
"shotgun medicine" at it's worst.

There definitely are some detox methods that work and they have been 
around for ages.  We know some of them from Ayurveda and from Chinese 
Medicine.  Some are part of western folk medicine.  And some 
heaven forbid, came from  esteemed medical clinics such as the 
Mayo and Lacy Clinic.

To throw out some of these methods, diets and so force is often 
throwing out the baby with the bath water.  Both Ayurvedic and Chinese 
medicine are based on biochemistry!  Toss out biochemistry and you 
toss out corporate medicine too.

On 12/07/2014 01:54 AM, eustace10679 wrote:

There’s no such thing as ‘detoxing’. In medical terms, it’s a 
nonsense. Diet and exercise is the only way to get healthy. But which 
of the latest fad regimes can really make a difference? We look at 
the facts

Friday 5 December 2014 04.00 EST

Whether it’s cucumbers splashing into water or models sitting smugly 
next to a pile of vegetables, it’s tough not to be sucked in by the 
detox industry. The idea that you can wash away your calorific sins 
is the perfect antidote to our fast-food lifestyles and 
alcohol-lubricated social lives. But before you dust off that juicer 
or take the first tentative steps towards a colonic irrigation 
clinic, there’s something you should know: detoxing – the idea that 
you can flush your system of impurities and leave your organs squeaky 
clean and raring to go – is a scam. It’s a pseudo-medical concept 
designed to sell you things.

“Let’s be clear,” says Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of 
complementary medicine at Exeter University, “there are two types of 
detox: one is respectable and the other isn’t.” The respectable one, 
he says, is the medical treatment of people with life-threatening 
drug addictions. “The other is the word being hijacked by 
entrepreneurs, quacks and charlatans to sell a bogus treatment that 
allegedly detoxifies your body of toxins you’re supposed to have 

If toxins did build up in a way your body couldn’t excrete, he says, 
you’d likely be dead or in need of serious medical intervention. “The 
healthy body has kidneys, a liver, skin, even lungs that are 
detoxifying as we speak,” he says. “There is no known way – certainly 
not through detox treatments – to make something that works perfectly 
well in a healthy body work better.”

Much of the sales patter revolves around “toxins”: poisonous 
substances that you ingest or inhale. But it’s not clear exactly what 
these toxins are. If they were named they could be measured before 
and after treatment to test effectiveness. Yet, much like floaters in 
your eye, try to focus on these toxins and they scamper from view. In 
2009, a network of scientists assembled by the UK charity Sense about 
Science contacted the manufacturers of 15 products sold in pharmacies 
and supermarkets that claimed to detoxify. The products ranged from 
dietary supplements to smoothies and shampoos. When the scientists 
asked for evidence behind the claims, not one of the manufacturers 
could define what they meant by detoxification, let alone name the 

Yet, inexplicably, the shelves of health food stores are still packed 
with products bearing the word “detox” – it’s the marketing 
equivalent of drawing go-faster stripes on your car. You can buy 
detoxifying tablets, tinctures, tea bags, face masks, bath salts, 
hair brushes, shampoos, body gels and even hair straighteners. Yoga, 
luxury retreats, and massages will also all erroneously promise to 
detoxify. You can go on a seven-day detox diet and you’ll probably 
lose weight, but that’s nothing to do with toxins, it’s because you 
would have starved yourself for a week.

Then there’s colonic irrigation. I

Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your bo dy. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 7:23 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/Tell me about it. I live with a family of good cooks (yes, including 
myself), so we eat well. fairly healthily, and omnivorally :-). On top 
of eating all that meat stuff, I have a glass of wine with every 
dinner and a couple of pints o'beer 3-4 times a week at my local pub. 
Lots of good desserts. My "exercise program" consists mainly of 
walking my dog and walking/riding my bike all around Leiden. Other 
than to enjoy what I'm eating, I pay no attention whatsoever to the 
supposed good-for-me-ness or not-good-for-me-ness of it, and never 
have, my whole life.


This pretty much shoots down the anti-GMO theories of the other Barry 
and MJ. Thanks for posting this report, Barry. Now I think I'll just 
eat, drink and be merry.


*/So imagine my surprise when I had to find a new huisarts (General 
Practitioner) recently and she told me that my blood pressure, blood 
sugar, and cholesterol levels are spot-on normal, and that all 
indications are that I'm as healthy as a horse. Go figure. In a way 
it's good that the people who moved on to The_Peak did so, because 
otherwise when they heard this they'd be muttering under their breath 
about how karma is even more indeterminable than they thought, and 
that the universe really, really isn't fair.  :-)/*

Re: [FairfieldLife] genocidal buddhists in Bhutan

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 1:12 PM, wrote:
genocidal buddhists in Bhutan
/We've really got a hate fest going on FFL today!

Don't you just hate those Buddhists, Christians and Hindus!? We should 
do something about these genocidal true believers and wipe them out 
along with the Muslims and the Jews. Wipe them off the face of the 
earth. Gawd - it's just outrageous!/


Bhutanese refugees - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


Bhutanese refugees - Wikipedia, the free encycl... 

Bhutanese refugees are Lhotshampas ("southerners"), a group of people 
of Nepali origin including the Kirat, Tamang, and Gurung peoples. These...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Worship of the self!

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 1:02 PM, jr_esq@ wrote:

Maybe she's starting a new type of theology, which is probably closer 
to Joel's ideas than one can imagine.  If her congregation believes 
it, then she's just voicing out the will of her congregation.  If not, 
more likely she'll be silenced from preaching it.

Joel Osteen is the Senior Pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, , 
the largest Protestant church in the U.S. Osteen was born in Houston and 
was recently in San Antonio presenting his /"A Night of Hope"/ seminar 
and it was well received - he is very popular around here. His wife, 
Victoria Iloff, is the co-pastor of Lakewood Church.

We didn't attend the seminar in San Antonio, but we watch his sermon on 
TV sometimes just for inspiration and I have read one of his books - he 
seems like a reasonable preacher.

According to what I've read, Osteen's core belief is that God likes, 
accepts, and approves of all people.

/"When I grew up, the Devil was a reason why I had a headache or the 
Devil was the reason I got mad today. We always blamed the Devil. I 
think today when I say the enemy, I like to make it broader. Sometimes 
the enemy can be our own thoughts. We’ve trained ourselves the wrong 
way. Or the enemy can be our own lack of discipline. //

//Some people preach about Hell like you're already going there, and to 
me the Gospel means 'Good News.' I'd rather say God is a God of mercy. 
So I think the people already know what they’re doing wrong, and I 
certainly believe in Hell. //

//But to me, when I see thousands of people before me, it just doesn’t 
come out of me to say, 'You guys are terrible, and you’re going to 
Hell.' I’d rather say that God is a God of mercy. You’ve got to live an 
obedient life, but for every mistake you’ve made, there’s mercy there, 
and I believe we can do better."/ - Joel Osteen


---In,  wrote :

When New Age takes over the Christians.

Victoria Osteen Comments Cause Controversy; She Says Worship And 
Obendience For Self, Not God [Video] 


Victoria Osteen Comments Cause Controversy; She Says... 

Victoria Osteen’s comments on obedience to God have got her in hot 
water with some in the Christian community, with some even calling it 
blasphemous. Osteen,

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Re: [FairfieldLife] The Christian answer to ISIS and much else

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 12:00 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
PS In short, it's not the religion, it's the evolution of the 
practioners and all have fallen short of the glory of God!

/It would probably take someone in pretty deep cognitive dissonance to 
think that Christian practitioners are anything like the Christians 
described in the New Testament, Mike./


*From:* "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Sunday, December 7, 2014 9:54 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Christian answer to ISIS and much else

Ummm Empty... ever read the Gita? Same thing. "I come to reward the 
rightous and destroy the wicked" and He instructs the devotee not to 
be concerned for those that He judges. Now, men doing the same thing, 
in the *name* of God, is in itself, wicked because it is purely 
political as opposed to God's judgement. You might ask yourself, Why 
did the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob judge those groups so harshly 
and wanted them destroyed and why everyone? In one case, the king of 
Israel granted mercy and spaired some lives,really for 
ransom,violating what the prophet had told him. One person that he let 
go, gave birth to a group of people, that hundreds of years later, 
tried to to exterminate all of the Jews, starting with those in 
Persia, read the book of Esther. The Jews were destined to produce the
Kwisatz Haderach, oops... wrong book, I mean the Messiah, who would 
bring salvation to the world. Jesus 's *pedigree* goes back to the 
Jews in Persia. God judges righously, not men. People do all kinds of 
crazy things in the names of their Gods. God is not through with those 
that have tried to destroy the Jews in the past. "I will bless those 
that bless you and curse those that curse you".

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, December 7, 2014 9:05 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] The Christian answer to ISIS and much else

Christians like to tell the rest of us that their religion teaches 
peace, love and understanding. They also are fond of saying that the 
Bible is the greatest book ever written. Well, folks, they can't have 
it both ways. The fact is that the Bible promotes genocide, the 
systematic destruction of entire populations of human beings. If 
that's Christian compassion, then I'm the Pope.

Don't believe that the Bible teaches genocide? Check out the following 
verses, just two of the many from the Bible that suggest that God 
himself thinks that genocide is a wonderful idea:

/Observe what I command you this day. Behold, I am driving out from 
before you the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Hittite and the 
Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite. Take heed to yourself, lest 
you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are 
going, lest it be a snare in your midst. But you shall destroy their 
altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images 
(For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is 
Jealous, is a jealous God.)/

Exodus, Chapter 34, verses 11-14

/You will chase your enemies, and they shall fall by the sword before 
you. Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put 
ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before 
you. For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply 
you and confirm My covenant with you. You shall eat the old harvest, 
and clear out the old because of the new./

Leviticus, Chapter 26, verses 7-9

So this is God's love: if he looks favorably upon you, he'll help you 
go out and slaughter ten thousand people just because they belong to 
another ethic group and are already living on the land you want for 
yourself. Furthermore, the Bible says that he wants you to go out and 
commit cultural genocide, destroying the religious buildings and holy 
objects of rival religions. So come on, Christians! Hop to it! Surely 
you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, don't you? 
I'll bet you can find some non-Christian temple and start your pillage 

If you think I'm being sarcastic, or am just making an academic point 
about a couple of long-forgotten verses that have no connection to the 
way that Christianity is practiced today, you're wrong. These biblical 
verses, and others like them, have been used by Christians for 
thousands of years to justify hundreds, if not thousands, of horrific 
acts of genocide. Just in the last couple of years, the Christian 
Yugoslav government led by the popular leader Slobodan Milosevic 
slaughtered huge numbers of ethnic Albanian Muslims, citing the 
Bible's genocidal language as justification.

Now, some peaceable apologetic Christians will argue that Christians 
like Milosevic have merely misunderstood the teachings of the Bible. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Christian answer to ISIS and much else

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 11:54 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:

Ummm Empty... ever read the Gita?

/Not only has he read it, he probably has a copy at his bedside. How 
many years did he say he was a member to the that Orthodox Christian 
sect?//So, I wonder if he can spell cognitive dissonance?/

Same thing. "I come to reward the rightous and destroy the wicked" and 
He instructs the devotee not to be concerned for those that He judges. 
Now, men doing the same thing, in the *name* of God, is in itself, 
wicked because it is purely political as opposed to God's judgement. 
You might ask yourself, Why did the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 
judge those groups so harshly and wanted them destroyed and why 
everyone? In one case, the king of Israel granted mercy and spaired 
some lives,really for ransom,violating what the prophet had told 
him. One person that he let go, gave birth to a group of people, that 
hundreds of years later, tried to to exterminate all of the Jews, 
starting with those in Persia, read the book of Esther. The Jews were 
destined to produce the
Kwisatz Haderach, oops... wrong book, I mean the Messiah, who would 
bring salvation to the world. Jesus 's *pedigree* goes back to the 
Jews in Persia. God judges righously, not men. People do all kinds of 
crazy things in the names of their Gods. God is not through with those 
that have tried to destroy the Jews in the past. "I will bless those 
that bless you and curse those that curse you".

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, December 7, 2014 9:05 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] The Christian answer to ISIS and much else

Christians like to tell the rest of us that their religion teaches 
peace, love and understanding. They also are fond of saying that the 
Bible is the greatest book ever written. Well, folks, they can't have 
it both ways. The fact is that the Bible promotes genocide, the 
systematic destruction of entire populations of human beings. If 
that's Christian compassion, then I'm the Pope.

Don't believe that the Bible teaches genocide? Check out the following 
verses, just two of the many from the Bible that suggest that God 
himself thinks that genocide is a wonderful idea:

/Observe what I command you this day. Behold, I am driving out from 
before you the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Hittite and the 
Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite. Take heed to yourself, lest 
you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are 
going, lest it be a snare in your midst. But you shall destroy their 
altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images 
(For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is 
Jealous, is a jealous God.)/

Exodus, Chapter 34, verses 11-14

/You will chase your enemies, and they shall fall by the sword before 
you. Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put 
ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before 
you. For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply 
you and confirm My covenant with you. You shall eat the old harvest, 
and clear out the old because of the new./

Leviticus, Chapter 26, verses 7-9

So this is God's love: if he looks favorably upon you, he'll help you 
go out and slaughter ten thousand people just because they belong to 
another ethic group and are already living on the land you want for 
yourself. Furthermore, the Bible says that he wants you to go out and 
commit cultural genocide, destroying the religious buildings and holy 
objects of rival religions. So come on, Christians! Hop to it! Surely 
you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, don't you? 
I'll bet you can find some non-Christian temple and start your pillage 

If you think I'm being sarcastic, or am just making an academic point 
about a couple of long-forgotten verses that have no connection to the 
way that Christianity is practiced today, you're wrong. These biblical 
verses, and others like them, have been used by Christians for 
thousands of years to justify hundreds, if not thousands, of horrific 
acts of genocide. Just in the last couple of years, the Christian 
Yugoslav government led by the popular leader Slobodan Milosevic 
slaughtered huge numbers of ethnic Albanian Muslims, citing the 
Bible's genocidal language as justification.

Now, some peaceable apologetic Christians will argue that Christians 
like Milosevic have merely misunderstood the teachings of the Bible. 
They'll claim that God required his followers to commit genocidal 
atrocities during the time of the Old Testament but that Jesus brought 
a New Testament which instead instructs people to turn the other cheek.

First of all, Christian history does not bear this New Testament idea 
out. Christian armies never turned the other cheek when they 
slaughtered their enemies in the name of God. Church

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 11:48 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

I think you should leave and start your own site Buck. You could call 
it "The Plateau - for people who have stopped thinking".

Why not just call in the police and have Buck placed in a choke-hold so 
he can't breath - that should shut him up. /Mr. Buck - raise your hands 
and be silent!/


---In,  wrote :

Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a /seasonal /silence 
over FFL as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral 
leadership towards reforming the general unkindness that spread across 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups, /it would be very good to extend such a 
suspended silence upon FFL even unto first day of Spring [March 
20/^/th/ /2015]/ whence fairer flowers springing might arise anew 
coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so imposed 
administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield

 Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon 
FFL even unto the first day of Spring. [March 20^th 2015]

Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral 
leadership in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this 
battlefield of FFL has become. It is time to clear the FFL field 

I would support you in this,

 -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.

Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] 
symbolic to the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the 
community that was FFL.

Dear Rick,

How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and 
/_suspend_/ all posting at all to FFL?Start then with a kinder more 
gentle FFL anew with posting on January 1st. Take some time off to 


Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been 
reading any of the posts to FFL?

Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have 
time to read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can 
take it.

Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you 
should yield FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has 
overrun and overtaken our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal 
Fairfield life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of 
unkind negativity as some mean and now narrowed successor group 
caliphate of hateful neganauts.

The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post
within the things going on right now in the Fairfield meditating

404986Re: FW: A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of

Rick,  Could reading the old FFL posts be kept open to scholarship

whilst the posting function for everyone could be suspended?

 Like, being able to look at at these whilst posting is suspended? ..

406280*Hammond's Channel of Maharishi and the DC TM Meeting*


402694*Re: An Old Index to FFL*

68*Notes of the Hammond TM Lecture*

Yes a general shutdown of posting to FFL but, One of the most urgent 
uses of FFL for scholarly purposes is research into mining of the 
archive of FFL. The amazing archive here tells a back-story of a 
community. Is there a way (?) to keep the search function of the 
archive and also the files section open whilst shutting off posting to 
FFL for a while in the FFL groups settings?

WLeed3@...> wrote :


Dear, Dear Rick; How about taking the month of December to suspend 
posting at all to FFL?Start anew with posting on January 1^st .  Let 
thy people re-pattern their lives silent as a period of time to 
reflect elsewhere. Time for a re-groove, a retreading of the tires of 
the forum that is FairfieldLife. It should be better for everyone and 
for what FFL would be.

With the Best of Regards,

The FFL Patriarch Of Positivity

-Buck in the Dome

WLeed3@...> writes :

I will leave the form to much nasty hateful thought forms via here 
via: verbiage & back biting & not enough re Fairfield IA & few good 
vibes, I agree with Buck. Col Wm D, Leed IV, best in all till it may 
be cleaned up Rick & all.

Of late on FairfieldLife it feels like that sweep of IS across Syria 
has spread and happened over FFL as an open forum.

It is now time for meditation on FFL,

Re: [FairfieldLife] A little partying going on

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 11:35 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

*/I spent so many years in and around Berkeley. This is heartbreaking.

/We are glad you're over there, Barry - you're the guy that called in 
the Interpol and the Dutch police on FFL over a word game. Can you spell 
cognitive dissonance?/


*/I'm sorry, but I'm *so* glad I'm over here, and not there. /*

*/So, how's that Ukraine situation working out over there for you?/

"On July 17, Malaysia Airlines MH17 from Amsterdam NE, was shot down by 
the Russians and crashed in south-eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 
people on board."*

Re: [FairfieldLife] A little partying going on

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 11:27 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

Some shots of police hostility in a nearby community:

/You didn't seem to have any objections when the other Barry called in 
the Interpol to break up a FFL button-pushing contest. Go figure./


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 11:10 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/With all Buddhist compassion, I must suggest that the people who 
fled to The_Peak are the ones who can't handle insanely great humor 
like this.  :-)/*

So, how would you be knowing who "fled to The_Peak"? Maybe they're just 
not posting to FFL anymore because you called in the cops and had a few 
FFL informants added to the Dutch police and Interpol /"Watch List."/ Go 


*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, December 7, 2014 6:00 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye

IMO, that one image conveys the very essence of what FFL is all about. 
The flow of the words is like a Zen koan or mahavakya in how it shuts 
down the intellect, revealing the underlying, transcendent Reality. 
The image says become as a little child, yet also conveys the aged 
wisdom of a graying beard. And you just *know* that if we could hear 
him speak, it would be with the Indian accent of spiritual authority. 
And finally, there is food. Grilled portobello with chevre. Foie gras 
or duck confit with toasted baguette rounds. Perhaps, a savory chevon 

---In,  wrote :

What other response can you make to a desire for one poster to stop 
other people from communicating with each other because he doesn't 
like what they are talking about. That picture saved me a lot of 
words, thanks.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a /seasonal /silence 
over FFL as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral 
leadership towards reforming the general unkindness that spread across 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups, /it would be very good to extend such a 
suspended silence upon FFL even unto first day of Spring [March 
20/^/th/ /2015]/ whence fairer flowers springing might arise anew 
coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so imposed 
administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield

[FairfieldLife] Barry Piracy, was Richard Williams, Doctor of Plagiarism

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 11:06 AM, seerdopewrote:

What's it called when you plagiarize yourself?

/Nobody knew Barry was such a fine artist. Go figure./

So, I wonder where are the credits for Barry's copy and paste of 
the/"Grant Wood American Gothic parody"/ from Pinterest?

[FairfieldLife] Pirates, was Richard Williams, Doctor of Plagiarism

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 3:52 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote>
*/It almost certainly IS bollocks, s3raphita, but one thing you can 
probably count on is that it isn't even Willytex's bollocks. He's just 
being a Doctor or Plagiarism again.


Oh, my Gawd! A pirate got obsessed with Willytex for copying and pasting 
to FFL. This is just outrageous! Someone should call the police and put 
a choke-hold on him and take him down: "Willytex, raise your hands!"

*/Just for fun, I ran the bolded sections of what you cited below 
through my Copyscape anti-plagiarism tool and found over 100 exact, 
word-for-word matches. I've only pasted in the first few below. Given 
the astounding number of matches, it appears that Richard is far from 
the *only* person trying to pass others' writing off as his own, but 
these results should hopefully dampen the enthusiasm of people like 
Share, who actually seems to have been taken in to believe that 
Richard actually writes the stuff he posts./*

The key words in this post are /"According to what I've read."/ Links 
are available on request, as always, but you already knew that, Barry.

So, Barry where are the attribution and credits for the recent pirating 
from Pinterest?

__ Correction:

*According to what I've read*, *"the Zohar (Hebrew - splendor or 

is the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought
known as Kabbalah. The Kabbalah (Hebrew - receiving) is a discipline and
school of thought concerned with the mystical aspect of Judaism.

It is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship
between an eternal/mysterious Creator and the mortal/finite universe
(His creation). Kabbalah seeks to define the nature of the universe and
the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and various other
ontological questions. It also presents methods to aid understanding of
these concepts and to thereby attain spiritual realization."*

[FairfieldLife] Barry, was Rick

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 1:11 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/"When Buck becometh town cop, the town becometh Ferguson."  ~ 

"You have now officially been added to Interpol's Watch List, Raunchy." 
- Barry Wright*


[FairfieldLife] Xenophaneros Anartaxius, was Rick

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/6/2014 10:12 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
Buck, a common definition of the word insanity is "doing the same 
thing over and over again and expecting it to come out differently". 
This phrase has been attributed to various people such as Benjamin 
Franklin and Albert Einstein. However, whoever wrote it, it does seem 
to apply to your clinical case as your desire to alter the character 
of Fairfield Life has failed 100% of the time. A clear demonstration 
of the *total lack of support of natural law*. You could devote your 
time to a more worthy cause, anything that might have a slim chance of 
success, such as saving frogs from extinction.

Non sequitur.
By the way, most of us here are experiencing a lot of silence, so we 
do not need to stifle Fairfield Life in order to get some. Go over to 
The Peaked and you should experience some silence over there as you 
would likely have to hold your tongue. Here it is freedom of ideas, 
freedom of expression to a very large degree, freedom to be sceptical 
and questioning, freedom to test ideas and see if they hold up under 
scrutiny. You want to be like Joseph Stalin. He underwent training as 
a priest for half a decade, so he was well prepared to enforce lack of 
dissent when he came to power in Russia. Saddam Hussein idolized 
Joseph Stalin too. Do you really want to be like these guys?.

Why don't we just get Barry to send in the cops and rough Buck up a bit? 
The Dutch police are much rougher than U.S. cops, since they learned 
their tactics from Adolph. Failing that, Barry could report Buck to the 
Fairfield police - that should be a real thought-stopper! Even just the 
threat of calling in the feds might shut Buck up: it seems to have 
worked well when Barry called in Interpol on Raunchy for posting a 
satire in response to Barry posting a smut-words, and starting a button 
pushing contest.


Congress shall *make no law* respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or *abridging
the freedom of speech*, or *of the press*; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a
redress of grievances.

Those are basically the rules under which Fairfield Life conducts is 

The basic rules under which FairfiledLife operates are the rules Rick 
Archer made when this group was founded. I can't think of a single rule 
that Buck has broken. Correctme if I am mistaken. So,let's review a few 
of those rules:

*Yahoo FairfieldLife Guidelines by Rick Archer *

1) /This group has long maintained a thoughtful and considerate tone. 
Please refrain from personal attacks, insults and excessive venting. 
"Speak the truth that is sweet" is a worthy aspiration. If angry, take 
some time to gain composure before writing or pushing the send button./

4) /Parties who feel aggrieved by statements within the forum are also 
free to contact the moderators directly and provide justification as to 
why they believe content to be libelous. If circumstances warrant, steps 
will be taken to removing the offending material expeditiously./

8) /Posting of "adult" material, either text or photos, or links to such 
materials, is prohibited. Violation of this guideline may result in 
expulsion from the group./

11) /While friendly exchange between friends is natural, try to pass on 
personal messages via personal e-mail, refraining where possible from 
sending personal messages to the whole list. /

Why then 'tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, 
but thinking makes it so. —Shakespeare

/"Omne malum nascens facile opprimitur, inveteratum fit plerumque 
robustius."/ - Cicero

Re: [FairfieldLife] hey swine here is the pearls

2014-12-06 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]
Often symbols can be a superior form of communication other than mere 
words. Before the invention of writing In India symbols were employed 
for teaching the nature of the ultimate reality. For example, the bindu 
is a symbol in/Sri Vidya/ and is sometimes mistaken to mean a symbol for 
the 'point of return' - for the shakti. However, the bindu is actually 
the point of origin in Sri Vidya based on the /Sri Yantra/, the ancient 
wheel symbol.

Read more:

SBS and the Shri Yantra:

On 12/6/2014 9:12 PM, wrote:




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Re: [FairfieldLife] Another Don't Panic! day review: "The Newsroom"

2014-12-06 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/6/2014 8:21 PM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, I have a TV set but no cable. I have a public library 2 
blocks away with a great collection of movies and TV series to borrow 
for free. That's how I discovered West Wing. But I like it so much I 
got my own set, the whole 7 season series. I read somewhere that the 
Josh Lymon character was based on Rahm Emmanuel who was Obama's first 
Chief of Staff and is now Mayor of Chicago. My favorite episode is one 
called The Supremes, about putting new judges on the Supreme Court. 
Great stuff! Also learned a lot about how our govt works.

Nice, just be careful what you watch - it can be addicting. Currently we 
are watching all the episodes of /The Big Bang Theory/. LoL!

/"Stay away from most popular entertainment. Most of what passes for 
legitimate entertainment is inferior or foolish and only caters to or 
exploits people's weaknesses. Avoid being one of the mob who indulges in 
such pastimes. Your life is too short and you have important things to 
do. Be discriminating about what images and ideas you permit into your 
mind. If you yourself don't choose what thoughts and images you expose 
yourself to, someone else will, and their motives may not be the 
highest. It is the easiest thing in the world to slide imperceptibly 
into vulgarity. But there's no need for that to happen if you determine 
not to waste your time and attention on mindless pap."/ - Epictetus


*From:* "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Saturday, December 6, 2014 8:06 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Another Don't Panic! day review: "The 

On 12/6/2014 6:27 AM, Share Long wrote:
thanks, turq, I've been a fan of Sorkin since West Wing and am just 
about to run out of Castle reruns so am looking for some good TV.

/You got a TV set and cable? Go figure./

*From:* "TurquoiseBee 
<> [FairfieldLife]" 
*To:* FairfieldLife  

*Sent:* Saturday, December 6, 2014 6:22 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Another Don't Panic! day review: "The 

*/I've taken some shit here in the past for liking this show. I warn 
you in advance you that this has not diminished my affection for it, 
so I'm here to rave about it again.

*/*Other than* considering criticism of this show the petty sniping 
of less talented writers than Aaron Sorkin (uh...pretty much 
everybody), I've never really understood why people dump on it as 
much as they do. At least liberals. We all know why conservatives and 
neo-crypto-fascists dump on it.

*/I am a real fan of what Sorkin has done in the three and a half 
seasons this show has been on the air. I think the writing has been 
just fuckin' SUPERB, and that the direction and performances by 
actors have been of the same caliber. The American airwaves haven't 
seen this much fast, snappy dialogue since "Moonlighting," and before 
that in the cinema, since the classic Tracy-Hepburn films.

*/As an unapologetic fan, I just wanted to post a short, drive-by 
thumbs up for this series, in case anyone feels inspired to check it 

*/Jeff Daniels, Emily Mortimer, and Sam Waterston just ROCK as the 
principal leads, and there is simply no finer cast of supporting 
players on television anywhere on the planet. I don't think there is 
a weak or uninteresting actor in their midst, and there is at least 
one veritable superstar. I tune in every week just on the off chance 
that the character portrayed by Jane Fonda will appear. Whenever she 
does, it's almost automatically an Emmy moment.

*/The writing is equally "hang ten" for me, both in terms of politics 
and writing excellence. "The Newsroom" is a veritable tour de force. 
If you hadn't noticed, Aaron Sorkin has been the principal writer of 
every single episode, in addition to his duties as showrunner. The 
latest episodes echo the very real pseudo-reality that journalists 
work within in these post-Snowdon days. I think he's doing incredible 
work, both as a writer and as a social activist. Your mileage may 
vary. This was the opening scene to the series. Many think it's gone 
downhill since then. I'm not one of them.



Re: [FairfieldLife] The Art of the Mask in Sub-Saharan Africa [1 Attachment]

2014-12-06 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/6/2014 8:06 PM, Share Long wrote:
Fascinating, Richard, thanks for posting. Of course what caught my 
attention was the fact that women were not allowed to wear masks. BTW, 
I enjoyed several of your knowledge posts today.

Thanks. Most of the credit for this essay goes to Rita, the real brains 
in the family. Rita graduated /summa cum laude/ from the University of 
the Incarnate Word - she can read and write Greek. Go figure. We visited 
the /San Antonio Museum of Art/ today to do some of this research for 
this report. A longer version of this essay was commissioned by one of 
our students on the /Live Expert/ site where we are tutoring students 
via distance learning.

/The San Antonio Museum of Art on the San Antonio River/

*From:* "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* Richard J. Williams 
*Sent:* Saturday, December 6, 2014 11:16 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] The Art of the Mask in Sub-Saharan Africa

*The Art of the Mask in Sub-Saharan Africa*

In tribal societies of Sub-Saharan Africa, ceremonial masks serve many 
purposes. Their unique shapes and designs have special significance to 
each culture.  Masks are used to connect the people with the spirit 
world, including the animal spirits as well as the spirits of dead 
ancestors. "African masks have had a great influence on Western and 
European art, most notably in such styles as cubism, fauvism and 
expressionism", according to Denise Murrell writing in "African 
Influences in Modern Art". The art of the mask plays a large part in 
the performance art by African shamans in which there is a ritual 
reeinactment of in which possession of the spiritual world is 
juxtaposed birth and death play a large part

"Possession" by spirits, although documented in a great many shamanism 
contexts, does not seem to have been a primary and essential element. 
Rather, it suggests a phenomenon of degeneration; for the supreme goal 
of the shaman is to abandon his body and rise to heaven or descend 
into hell, not to let himself be "possessed" by his assisting spirits, 
by demons or the souls of the dead; the shaman's ideal is to master 
these spirits, not to let himself be "occupied" by them" (Eliade 320).

When wearing a ritual mask, the celebrant is not merely impersonating 
a deity; he becomes the deity in the eyes of his tribe. Wearing the 
mask transforms the wearer into another being, and causes him to speak 
and walk differently, and otherwise take on the qualities of the 
spirit being invoked. There are many reasons to masquerade: parades, 
dances, religious rituals, wars, planting and harvest, funerals, 
weddings, coming-of-age ceremonies, speaking with animal spirits, and 
the rites of secret societies. Masks are almost always worn by men 
only, since they are imbued with power that is considered dangerous at 

Ritual masks are made by special artists who have trained for years, 
learning carving techniques from their elders. In addition to his 
woodworking abilities, the artist must also be able to communicate the 
spiritual intentions of his tribe when the mask would be used; his 
work is valued for its spiritual symbolism, not for craftsmanship 
alone.  Cathy Newman in her articel for The National Geographic, 
"Tangible Spirits" for The National Geographic, think the "mask maker 
is not trying to create a realistic image of an animal or person. 
Instead, he is trying to express the essence of abstract concepts such 
as nobility, beauty, courage, fertility, strength, alertness, 
humility, and peace of mind", according to the Artyfactory web site.

How is such a mask created? The most popular material for making masks 
is wood, although other materials are used, as well: metal, fabric, 
ivory, cardboard, shells, beads, bones, animal skin, straw, feathers, 
and paint are some of them. Generally, wood is chosen because it is 
plentiful in the forests, and because trees are thought to have living 
souls that can provide naturally comfortable homes for the spirits who 
will reside in the masks. It is customary for the mask maker to offer 
a sacrifice to the tree before cutting it down.

After cutting, the tree spirit is given a day or so to “move out” as 
the author of "Rebirth Collection African to a new tree before the 
artist gathers his needed supply of wood. Not only does the tree have 
a spirit, but also the artist’s adze, the tool used to carve the mask. 
If an adze has been passed down from previous generations, it may also 
inherit the skills of its former owner. The style of a mask depends on 
both the needs and beliefs of the community and the style (and 
ability) of the individual artist. Composition, texture, color, 
pattern, symmetry, balance, shape and embellishment all play a role in 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Skaktipat [1 Attachment]

2014-12-06 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

On 12/6/2014 7:49 PM, s3raphita wrote:

Re "Vishnu sent his discus and cut Shakti's body into pieces, the 
various body parts numbering 51, fell at various places":

An intriguing parallel with the Egyptian myth of Osiris whose body was 
cut into 14 pieces and scattered throughout the land. Isis gathered up 
all the parts of the body, less the phallus (which was eaten by a 
catfish!) and bandaged them together for a proper burial.

According to Sir James Frazer, the myth of Osiris was part of the "death 
and rising gods" myth, featured all across the Near East and is 
connected to the personification of vegetation and the yearly death an 
re-growth of plants.

My theory is that the death and dying and rebirth of the tree spirit of 
ancient Indonesia, which became associated with the Mother Earth myth 
and was transported from Indonesian to South Asia and hence to ancient 
Egypt. Thousands of stone statues have been found in the area of the 
Indus Valley and at Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, and Lothal, dating from 2500 
to 1500 B.C.E.

According to what I've read, the concept of Shakti, "as both divine 
energy and as the goddess is of great importance within Tantric 
philosophy and practice, which places much reverence on the feminine 
principle of creation. In India the Sri Yantra, symbol of the Shakti 
energy, is central to all forms of Tantric Shaktism."

See my essays on the /Sri Vidya/ and on /Eden in the East,/ concerning 
the dying and rising tree spirit.

/Shri Yantra/

---In,  wrote :

According to tantric legend in a nut shell, /Shiva/ was married to 
/Shakti,/ the daughter of Daksha, but Daksha did not like Shiva for 
some reason, and Daksha did not invite Shiva or Shakti to a perticular 
sacrifice. Because of this, Shiva got really angry because Shakti 
threw herself on a fire because she was upset. Shakti was then 
transformed into the goddess /Tripura Sundari/, also called 
/Shodashi/. Shiva was grief-stricken at the loss of his wife Shakti so 
he put her body on his shoulders and vowed to keep it there. But, 
Vishnu sent his discus and cut Shakti's body into pieces, the various 
body parts numbering 51, fell at various places which came to be known 
a the 18 /Shakti-peethas/.

The /Kamakhya  Temple/ is a Shakti temple situated on top of the 
Nilachal Hill in western part  of Guwahati city in Assam on the 
northern banks of the river Brahmaputra (the  son of Brahma), India. 
It is the main temple in a complex of individual temples  dedicated to 
different forms of the mother goddess as the Dasa Mahavidya,  
including Bhuvaneshvari, Bagalamukhi, Chinnamasta, Tripura Sundari and 
Tara. It  is an important pilgrimage destination for general Hindu and 
Tantric worshipers.

According to Swami Ageananda Bharati, the body part of Devi that fell 
here was the yoni. Go figure.

Works cited:

*The Tantric Tradition*
by Swami Agehananda Bharati
Samueal Weiser, Red Wheel Edition, 1975

*The Light at the Center' *
by Swami Agehananda Bharati
Ross Erikson, April 1976


The term "Shaktipat" is the transference of psychic energy to
another person either by means of an initiation, a sacred word or
phrase, a mantra, a touch or even a thought or a mere glance. The
question is, how or why did the Shankara Saraswati tradition
adopt the shakti doctrine?

According to this tradition, Shankara journeyed to Kamarup - the
present Guwahati-in Assam and held a controversy with Abhinava
Gupta, the Shakta commentator. Kamarupa is the site of an ancient
tantric cult of the Shakti Kamakhya which is located in Assam. It
is one of the main Shakti-pithas in the tanric Shakti cult.
Shankara supposedly won an important debate with Abhinava.
Shankara then went to the Himalayas and built a Mutt at Joshi and
a Mandir at Badri and then he then proceeded to Kedarnath higher
up in the Himalayas where he became one with the Shakti Devi in
820 A.D. in his thirty-second year.

The Sharda Temple, which by tradition was visited by Shankara in
his travels, is located in Kishanganga Valley just across the
Line of Control in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. The meaning of this
tradition story is that Shankara reached the peak of spirituality
when he converted to Shaki worship. We can get an idea of his
greatness from the fact that a person of just thirty had adopted
the worship of Sri Vidya, which is similar to Kahmir Shivaism.

As it is not possible to visit this shakti peetha, one can visit
the famous Saraswathi temple in Basara in Nizamabad district of
Andhra Pradesh. Basara is 200 km from Hyderabad. You can read
more about the Shakti Pithas here:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Americanizing of Europe

2014-12-06 Thread 'Richard J. Williams7; [FairfieldLife]

Michael Jackson wrote:

This has already been going on in the US courtesy of NAFTA.

/So, you're opposed to free trade? For the life of me I can't 
understand why you'd be opposed to the free trade of tobacco and/or 
cannabis in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

Talk about cognitive dissonance - MMY thought GMO's were bad; you 
think GMOs are bad, but you also think MMY is bad and he was a 
liar. ///You're not even making any sense. Do you ever think these 
things through before you press Send?

///"Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 among the 
three nations, the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, on December 
17, 1992, to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian 
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, 
each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, 
ceremonially signed it."//


On 12/6/2014 3:29 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
Your peers including Alex Jones hate NAFTA.  Don't you remember H 
Ross Perot warning us about it in the Presidential Debates?  He was 
right!  Libertarians hate NAFTA.  They also hate these new trade 
agreements.  They aren't about free trade either.  It's all about 
big corporate trade. Get a grip, Willie.  You aren't making any 
sense.  Go figure.

Opponents like Alex Jones and Ross Perot rely on anecdotes to make 
their case, and when they use statistics, they are very selective. In 
the battle of sound bites and bumper stickers, NAFTA has become the 
short cut for venting anger about the alleged misdeeds of 
globalization. Go figure.

According to what I've read, most economists regard NAFTA as a 
tremendous success, contributing to better jobs and higher income in 
the three partner countries, Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

On 12/6/2014 7:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Those economists wouldn't happen to hold court on FOX News, would they?

No, I don't watch Fox News on TV, I read it on online.

You so often seem to support the status quo.  What have they done for you?

There have been huge gains for the majority of U.S consumers through 
lower prices and increased variety.

/"NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I 
didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement."/ - President 
Bill Clinton

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