[FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

2019-10-11 Thread ultrarishi
I was initiated in San Francisco in 1975 during the Merv Wave.  Does anyone 
know what happened to the various teachers in San Francisco between 1975 and 

 One of my favorite personalities at the center was Catherine (Katherine?) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hidden agenda behind Trump's Wall

2019-01-29 Thread ultrarishi
If ever there was a True Mantra for politics, it is "follow the money".


 Huxley said, "behind every fortune is a crime".

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bliss feeds the devatas

2019-01-22 Thread ultrarishi
So, if the devatas are part of our digestive track, could they be part of the 
microbiome?  Are they feeding on BHB (beta hydroxbuterate)?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rajneesh Documenatary

2018-03-20 Thread ultrarishi
This is pretty  good so far.  I've watched the first episode and started in on 
the second.  I have lived in Oregon since 1993 and it's interesting watching 
and listening to the "survivors" of the situation from the local perspective.  
Our local PBS station did a really good 2 part documentary on the compound 
several years ago, but this goes above and beyond that.

I will probably watch another chapter tonight.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mars will be great, if AI doesn't kill us first": Elon Musk

2018-03-15 Thread ultrarishi
I just love it when billionaire tech genius like Mr. Musk miss the obvious. 
Earth is in trouble because its resources are being depleted by 
over-population.  Over population is the driver for global warming,etc.

Why don't we invest HERE and convince people there are enough people already. 

By the way, Musk has 5 kids.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Americans who practice yoga contribute to

2018-01-31 Thread ultrarishi
Cultural approbation is a garbage term.  I mean, come on, should we stop using 
algebra because ancient Islamic cultures invented it.

The so called HIndu Indian culture incorporated many cultures in its evolution 
that it would be hard for them to claim total originality in their essence.

And just to set the record straight, all cultures arise out of prehistoric 
relatives leaving Africa and intermingling with Neaderthals, Denosivans, etc.  
Had those species survived would the be bitchin' about our stealing their 
culture.  We interbred both figuratively and culturally.  White supremist 
believe in a racial myth: race.  Race does not exist in any pure form.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics' Offers Practical Advice For Stressed-Out Cynics

2018-01-11 Thread ultrarishi
Along the lines of Dan Harris, he was a guest this week on Joe Rogan's show in 
an expansive and off the chain interview.

https://youtu.be/QtPs6Kuqjs0 https://youtu.be/QtPs6Kuqjs0

[FairfieldLife] Re: Primordial Sounds

2017-12-27 Thread ultrarishi
Was there more than one mantra or puja on the Primordial Sound cassette?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Did Satan Create Catholicism?

2017-10-23 Thread ultrarishi
Having worked in the corporate world for decades, I came to realize that 
corporations function much like cults as well.

[FairfieldLife] Billy Elliot clip 2 minutes

2017-10-01 Thread ultrarishi
Kind of reminds me of...


[FairfieldLife] Re: AI Could Spark WWIII

2017-09-04 Thread ultrarishi

[FairfieldLife] Incense used in puja

2017-08-31 Thread ultrarishi
I was wondering if TM Initiators have to use a specific incense for puja.  I 
have noticed over the decades that the incense in the pujas I've been part of 
seem consistently the same type even though I have had many different teachers 
in different parts of the country perform the ceremony.

I've also noticed that the asian / indian markets in my area, of which there is 
an abundance, don't carry the type that would be appropriate for a TM puja.  
The stores in my area offer sticks that are just too floral, even the sandwood. 
 Nothing is subtle.

Any thoughts?

Any brand recommendations and on line source markets for good incense.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Poor People Need Not Apply

2017-06-23 Thread ultrarishi
Fact:  Capitalism does not connote or denote Liberty or Democracy.  See China, 
for example.

Fact:  Capitalism works against Free Markets, thus limiting "membership" it its 
wealthy elite.

Fact:  Capitalism is destructive to representative governments.  The obscene 
money thrown at politicians is to guarentee that no competition, regulation, or 
other impediment exists against its cancerous growth and operation.  Congress, 
courts, and presidents are used to indemnify corporations and provide unequal 
protection under the law when compared to citizens and small businesses.

Fact:  There are more people in slavery at this moment, than any other time in 

Fact:  Capitalism kicks the can down the road to government, powerless 
communities, next generations, by abusing the law so that they can, for 
example, create a toxic clean up site in a population area, but walk away from 
the responsibility of cleaning it up because they went bankrupt (on paper).

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Dismantling of Trump

2017-06-10 Thread ultrarishi
i think Comey, Clapper, and others are parsing this investigation of tRUmp a 
bit fine.  Technically, tRUmp is NOT under investigation as a specific focus 
and thus deniable.  However, he IS under investigation since he is part of the 
organization campaign that IS a focus of investigation.  They are having it 
both ways.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Dismantling of Trump

2017-06-10 Thread ultrarishi
Trump is done and it is just a matter of time.  The Republicans are going to 
try to ride out the bad optics of the situation so they can get as much of 
their corporate and billionaire overlords' agenda through, but they will cave 
to impeachment eventually.  My reason for this is that they are tanking in the 
polls are have shown their true colors to enough of their constituents that 
they will lose the 2018 election if they don't impeach Don John.
It's probably too late for their party, but they will impeach him before the 
end of next summer so that they don't look complicit and salvage the November 
election as much as possible.  If they want to hold onto as much power as 
possible, then the Republicans will need to impeach him.  I think this because 
I believe enough damage will be done to Pence as well, that Ryan will become 
46.  Otherwise, they face the nightmare that losing the 2018 election will put 
Pelosi in as Speaker, because the Democrats take the house and they will 
impeach Trump and Pence and she will be our first female president.

On another note, Comey did not say obstruction of justice.  He said the matter 
is to be decided by the Special Prosecuter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More on cool VAGUS Nerve actions

2017-05-16 Thread ultrarishi
Thanks for mention these in relation to Parkinson's.

Once again, this proves that we are ruled by idiots in congress and the justice 
dept. since the therapeutic benefit of these items is definitely there.  But, 
what would Big Pharma do if it couldn't make toxic garbage that is given an  
unfair advantage in the health marketplace?

[FairfieldLife] More on cool VAGUS Nerve actions

2017-05-14 Thread ultrarishi
Here is a link I got from Dr. Rhonda Patrick about how their is a gut-brain 
interaction related to the syndromes of Parkinson's Disease that was affected 
by vagus nerve severing. 

Mind Body Interaction coolness.




 We Just Got More New Evidence That Parkinson's Starts in The Gut - Not The 
 We're just scratching the surface.
 28 APR 2017 

 Scientists have found more new evidence that Parkinson's could start in the 
gut before spreading to the brain, observing lower rates of the disease in 
patients who had undergone a procedure called a truncal vagotomy 
 The operation removes sections of the vagus nerve 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagus_nerve - which links the digestive tract 
with the brain - and over the course of a five-year study, patients who had 
this link completely removed were 40 percent less likely to develop Parkinson's 
than those who hadn't.
 According to a team led by Bojing Liu from the Karolinska Instituet in Sweden, 
that's a significant difference, and it backs up earlier work 
 linking the development of the brain disease to something happening inside our 
 If we can understand more about how this link operates, we might be better 
able to stop it.
 "These results provide preliminary evidence that Parkinson's disease may start 
in the gut," says Liu. 
 "Other evidence for this hypothesis is that people with Parkinson's disease 
often have gastrointestinal problems such as constipation 
 that can start decades before they develop the disease."
 The vagus nerve helps control various unconscious processes like heart rate 
and digestion, and resecting parts of it in a vagotomy is usually done to 
remove an ulcer if the stomach is producing a dangerous level of acid.
 For this study, the researchers looked at 40 years of data from Swedish 
national registers, to compare 9,430 people who had a vagotomy against 377,200 
people from the general population who hadn't.
 The likelihood of people in these two groups to develop Parkinson's was 
statistically similar at first - until the researchers looked at the type of 
vagotomy that had been carried out on the smaller group.
 In total, 19 people (just 0.78 percent of the sample) developed Parkinson's 
more than five years after a truncal (complete) vagotomy, compared to 60 people 
(1.08 percent) who had a selective vagotomy.
 Compare that to the 3,932 (1.15 percent) of people who had no surgery and 
developed Parkinson's after being monitored for at least five years, and it 
seems clear that the vagus nerve is playing some kind of role here.
 So what's going on here? One hypothesis the scientists put forward is that gut 
proteins start folding in the wrong way, and that genetic 'mistake' gets 
carried up to the brain somehow, with the mistake being spread from cell to 
 Parkinson's develops as neurons in the brain get killed off, leading to 
tremors, stiffness, and difficulty with movement - but scientists aren't sure 
how it's caused in the first place. The new study gives them a helpful tip 
about where to look.
 The latest research isn't alone in its conclusions. Last year, tests on mice 
 showed links between certain mixes of gut bacteria and a greater likelihood of 
developing Parkinson's.
 What's more, earlier this year a study in the US 
 identified differences between the gut bacteria of those with Parkinson's 
compared with those who didn't have the condition.
 All of this is useful for scientists looking to prevent Parkinson's, because 
if we know where it starts, we can block off the source.
 But we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves - as the researchers behind the new 
study point out, Parkinson's is complex condition, and they weren't able to 
include controls for all potential factors, including caffeine intake and 
 It's also worth noting that Parkinson's is classed as a syndrome 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syndrome: a collection of different but related 
symptoms that may have multiple causes.
 "Much more research is needed to test this theory and to help us understand 
the role this may play in the development of Parkinson's," says Lui 

 The research has been published in Neurology 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My Enlightenment Delusion - new book

2017-03-26 Thread ultrarishi
I'm glad you put out this book and that I am reading it now.  I took up TM in 
1975 while in college. I am part of the Merv way of initiations from that era.  
By in large my 40+ years of TM and the Sidhis has been smooth.  However, 
several months into being a meditator I developed kriyas.  Nothing 
uncomfortable, but distracting and disconcerting. I started to get these fling 
arm limb movements, especially on the right side. 

I went in to the local center for a checking and they guy who checked me did 
have any comment other than to say the standard line about unstressing.  He did 
teach me the basic set of asanas in the hopes that would smooth things out (it 
didn't, but I took up yoga anyway for a number of years since I enjoyed it).

I still have the kriyas, but they are easy to control, especially in a public 
situation.  I think they come about when I allowing too much pure awareness in 
at that time and it just overwhelms my nervous system.

When I took the Sidhis in 1981 it made no difference in the kriyas either.

The only other unusal experience I had over the years is when I returned home 
from a visit to MIU in 1989.  I had mild mind expansion incidents while on 
campus, but when I got back to San Mateo, California, I had a crisis where my 
mind was suddenly feeling very open.  For a number of days I felt like my body 
was on fire even though I was not experiencing fever. I never talked to any 
fellow TM people, especially teachers, about this shit. I learned early on that 
all anyone ever wants to hear is "is it easy".

I discovered the work of Stan and Christina Grof and Lee Sannella and that help 
me understand my Kundalini Crisis better than any TM teacher

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should the Pope Resign?

2017-03-04 Thread ultrarishi
Hell, no!

As a non Catholic outsider, I've seen this Pope as one of the best 
respresentatives of their faith.  The Church has issue most of them coming from 
its lack of acknowledging the reality of the modern world.  This Pope gets it.  
And he gets it in a way that also seems to convey the message of Christ (spoken 
in love and absents of judgement).  The previous Pontiff was pretty old school 
and unlikable.  He didn't reflect a spiritual nature.  He just seemed to be a 

Steve Bannon has been visiting with the conservative elements of Vatican and so 
has probably been sewing his seeds of evil and Holy War with them.  As 45 would 
say "he's a bad dude".

I personally would like to see the liberals when out here.  I think the Church 
has much to lose in the US if it goes the other way.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Wants to Increase Pentagon Budget

2017-02-28 Thread ultrarishi
My feeling is that vanity projects like going to Mars are going to get dumped 
pretty quickly as the American economy spirals downward under the Republicans.  
They are directing essentially all cash into the 1% and killing any safety net. 
 What has been outsourced or shipped overseas will never returned.  Immigrants 
who make our food cheap because of their exploited labor will not be around so 
crops will go to waste unless Billy Bob gets off his lazy, NASCAR ass and works.

Welcome to Rahu's Shit Show.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Elon Musk’s Secret to Staying Calm Under Pressu re: Transcendental Meditation

2017-02-28 Thread ultrarishi
Tim Ferris though is kind of a bad meditator.  I've been listening to his 
podcast for years.  He seems to only do the morning meditation and usually for 
about 5-10 minutes. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Wants to Increase Pentagon Budget

2017-02-27 Thread ultrarishi
It's also a bogus jobs program.  Since we DO manufacture defense weapons here 
this becomes a reinvestment in the stateside economy.  Unfortunately, it pretty 
fucking sad that all we make are instruments of death.

'Murica:  Morally Bankrupt.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How ot Build a Boondoggle and Blame the Mexicans for It

2017-02-11 Thread ultrarishi

https://youtu.be/ELD2AwFN9Nc https://youtu.be/ELD2AwFN9Nc

[FairfieldLife] Re: How ot Build a Boondoggle and Blame the Mexicans for It

2017-02-11 Thread ultrarishi
Then there's this ingenuity...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Fwd: Reminder - January 12 Celebration, 1:15 pm

2017-02-11 Thread ultrarishi
About 10 minutes into Naga I turned on the subtitle and found that much of what 
people were speaking was translated into English that the narrator was not 
mentioning.  So the first holy man was actually going on quite a bit about how 
the ass is star stuff (shades of Sagan) and that he is covering his body in 
stars.  No mention of this by the narrator!

Our Netflix accounts are set up similarly with the 4K goodness going to one TV. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What is Conscionable, in TM?

2017-02-11 Thread ultrarishi
Thanks for the tip on the Naga documentary on Netflix.  I'll give it a look.  
They sure gave it a brutal 1 star rating, but I'll still watch.  I like to see 
programming of this nature.

Lately, I have been watching a ton of documentaries on Netflix, amazon, and 
Showtime.  2 on showtime that were fascinating was Zero Days about the Stuxnet 
Virus and Spycatcher:  CIA in the Crosshairs.  Cause for some sleepless nights.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Happens If Mexico Doesn't Pay for the Wall?

2017-01-26 Thread ultrarishi
Trump is trying the old "Go Big or Go Home" strategy with his administration.  
Sucker punched everyone with no honeymoon period for the press, fed agencies, 
and our allies.  And while we are getting buyer's remorse and suddenly waking 
up the morning after the questionable pick up at 2AM for cheap sex, we are 
finding out how truly vulnerable our democracy was and is.  When got complacent 
and Saruman the Orange in the bargain.

The wall will not get built.  Trump is going to fail.  The wall is symbolic and 
absolutely impractical.  Trump will learn rather quickly that there will be no 
people to pick our crops and the food we import, like avacados, will become 
luxury items.  

NATO will go it alone and do better,

England will beg to go back to the European Union.

The American court system will be filled with civil rights and constitutional 

Trump will find a warm some where, as per usual with low approval presidents, 
and have to institute a draft to find willing soldiers.

Marshall law will be routinely declared.

If he hasn't fucked too much with voter roles, he will be facing a Democratic 
Senate 2018 and possibly a blue congress as well.

Good times!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Calexit in 2018

2016-11-23 Thread ultrarishi
While I would hate to see the Union breakup, I would love to see a referendum 
on the ballot in Calfiornia just so it can flex its muscle a little in front of 
the rest of the country.  Most Republican states I heard get more in Federal 
money than they pay into the system via taxes.  California gives more than it 
gets financially, and god knows it overachieves in other areas too.


[FairfieldLife] Re: ivanka trump

2016-11-19 Thread ultrarishi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why would Islamists Cheer a Trump Victory?

2016-11-13 Thread ultrarishi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillarious humour: shortest honeymoon...

2016-11-08 Thread ultrarishi
I'm getting a "This video was removed by the user" message on youtube.  What 
was clip?

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Link: Leonardo Di Caprio's moving documentary about Climate Change is free for the next 4 days.

2016-11-05 Thread ultrarishi
This documentary is quite good.  Watched it earlier in the week.  It's also on 
Amazon Prime.and youtube.

[FairfieldLife] Re: On the More Serious Side - Comey

2016-10-31 Thread ultrarishi
It's amazing how much the Internet has become part of this election cycle.  The 
biggest take away from this is how ill prepared and ignorant the key players in 
this cluster fuck have been.  Trump is obviously oblivious to the "cyber" world 
is knows jack shit.  Hillary on the one hand benefits from leaks while at the 
same time condemning Snowden in the past and Assange and Wikileaks presently.  
She, Podesta, Wasserman-Shultz and DNC all need to spend a weekend workshop in 
how to use Lastpass, VPN's and not use gmail, for God's Sake.

I held my nose and voted for Hillary since she's pretending to be Bernie-Lite.  
Of the 2 candidates she is the least offensive, but my hopes for real change 
are pretty darn low.  She doesn't listen.

Every day I fight with my family and friends about internet security while the 
marvel at all the new IoT devices and phone apps that are grooming them for a 
big rip off.  It must be doubly hard to do this politicians and their big egos 
and arrogance.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread ultrarishi
Releasing a political story on a Friday is known as a news dump.

Sorking wrote an episode of the West Wing about how this was a strategy to hide 
big stories by releasing them at a time when folks are concerned with movies 
and ball games or that it gets buried in a deluge of many stories.

Take Out the Trash Day http://westwing.wikia.com/wiki/Take_Out_the_Trash_Day 
 Take Out the Trash Day http://westwing.wikia.com/wiki/Take_Out_the_Trash_Day 
"Previously on the West Wing" spoken by Sam "Take out the Trash Day" is the 
thirteenth episode of the first season of the West Wing.
 View on westwing.wikia.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary's outfit

2016-10-20 Thread ultrarishi
Hillary's outfit reminded me of Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers' movies or the 
source element, Dr. No.

Trumped reminded me of the Mormon toddler next door who is always getting time 
outs for misbehavior.

My favorite line today from the pundits is from Keith Olberman saying Trump is 
working on his book today "My Struggle".  Almost choked on my Starbucks Pike 
Place at 60 MPH.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Tweeting the Debate

2016-10-10 Thread ultrarishi
It's interesting watching Mr. Tic Tac on the big screen.  He still has problem 
with some sinus thing.  He can't blame the microphone this time since he was 
holding it.  He keeps sniffing like he's fighting for air.  I guy that corrupt 
I guess has a huge prana deficit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Tweeting the Debate

2016-10-09 Thread ultrarishi
My wife and my 86 year old Mom (who is a dyed in the wool Democrat) and I will 
be at a local movie theatre watching on the big screen.  We've done this with 
the 1st Pres. and the Vice Presidential debates so far and have done so in 
previous years.  I'll be reclining in a comfortable chair with a glass of Pinot 
Noir and a sort of gourmet pizza and salad with my fellow Portlanders (the 
Oregonian ones).  As a courtesy, I will not be tweeting, but, instead, laughing 
my ass off at Mr. Tic Tac.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trump brags about groping women

2016-10-09 Thread ultrarishi
So... I see a name change for the Republican Party in the near future.  It will 
go from being called the GOP to being relabled as the GrOPe.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kuurma-naaDii and nervus vagus!

2016-09-26 Thread ultrarishi
I'm glad you mentioned Dr. Harrigan's work.  I've been a meditator / siddha for 
almost 41 years.  However, since the beginning, around the 3 month after 
initiation I started experiencing kriyas. Mostly, it's my right arm flopping 
around, but not limited to just that phenomenah.  I'm able to keep them from 
being disruptive, so I am not a nuisance or freak in public or on a course. 
But, I've never have been able to get any real insight into it.  

The one person I spoke to in the movement just had be practice asanas, thinking 
that might help.  Not really. And I got the classic trope that it's just a sign 
of... wait for it... "unstressing".  Whatever.

To this day I just live with it and I actually avoid talking to anyone who is 
connected with the Movement. I want to keep my options open.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kuurma-naaDii and nervus vagus!

2016-09-18 Thread ultrarishi
You might be interested in the work of Stephen Porges and his Polyvagal Theory.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where does Hillary stand on GMOs?

2016-09-10 Thread ultrarishi
Actually, at this point in the election, as much as an anti-GMO advocate that I 
am, I don't want to hear about it from Hilliry.  I just want her to win, not 
because I am a fanboy (not even close), I just think she will do less damage 
and maybe some good as president.  Trump is a sociopath and a fraud and I am 
supporting Hillary to prevent him from disenfranchising the next generation and 
the vulnerable in our society.  My first choice was Bernie but shameful DNC and 
its corrupt leadership under Dirty Debbie is criminal.  But, I'll take arrogant 
and reckless Hillary over arrogant and reckless Donnie Darko.

The GMO issue would be pretty divisive at this point and distract.  Also, I 
have no problem getting GMO free and organic products and produce living where 
I do.  I know many folks don't  have the option living in food desserts.  But 
half of the GMO issue is that folks don't even know what it means.  Even if 
fast food were organic it would still fucking kill people just as fast.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Human Sacrifice at CERN?

2016-08-23 Thread ultrarishi
Jesus. CERN administrators need to get a life.  This is a fabulous prank.  Why 
does genius and inquiry have to be divorced from comedy.  I am a big fan of 
Richard Feynman.  He was quite the prankster at Los Alamos during the 
development of the atom bomb.  Constantly got arrested from various harmless 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Third Eye Demonstration

2016-08-17 Thread ultrarishi
Why does this look like bad Bollywood (I know, bad Bollywood is redundant).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ben Hur

2016-08-05 Thread ultrarishi
This looks like one of the failures at the top of management where they think 
"well... we own this property and it paid for itself before, so let's do it 
again".  The 1959 classic is perfect just the way it is that they can't really 
do justice to it in a remake.  If you look at the chariot race CG in the new 
film, it is lacking, cheesy, and adds no spectacle that the 1959 remake had in 
spades.  My wife and I saw last year in Seattle a presentation of the 1959 
version in an 8K restoration.  The original 65mm negative was so sharp that the 
huge screen was beautiful filled with grainless and sharp imagery.

If this trend continues we will probably see a remake of Gone With The Wind.  
Enough already.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neanderthals Were Cannibals

2016-07-11 Thread ultrarishi
I may have mentioned this here before, but I did have the 23andme genome test 
done for my mother, my, and myself.  It turns out we all have about 3.1 % in 
our family's heritage. So... be nice to me... or I'll eat ya'.

I'm thinking fava beans with a nice Chianti tonight.

Here's the picture from my Dome Badge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Greenpeace to Nobel Laureates: It’s Not Our Fault Golden Rice Has ‘Failed as a Solution’

2016-07-03 Thread ultrarishi
Yeah.  This is nothing new.  One of the original founders of Greenpeace got 
disenchanted with how he was treated by the organization.  He became a 
mouthpiece for these issues like Golden Rice.  It's all covered in the great 
documentary on Netflix streaming called "How To Change The World."

Golden Rice sounds like a miracle, but did any researchers look to see if any 
of the other 1000's of rices out there could be used or hybridized without gene 
splicing?  Did anyone think that maybe this area of the world is growing food 
inappropriate to the region?  Does anyone get there are too many fucking people 
on the planet, and population reduction by birth control is the solution, not 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Srila Prabhupada

2016-06-22 Thread ultrarishi
This guy never looked happy.  Kind of a bad advertisement for Krishna 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex Haley and Roots

2016-06-06 Thread ultrarishi
My wife, my mother, and I did our 23andme tests several years ago.  It was 
interesting that I am pretty much 99% English / Irish Northern European mixture 
(plain Vanilla).  However, I did have .1% sub Saharan African, which is 
interesting and very cool.  My mother tested same as I except her percentage of 
sub Saharan African was .2%.  This cracked me up since I would have sworn it 
would have come from my father's side of family.  He was from the south and my 
mom's side is out of Minnesota.  However, with percentages so tiny, these 
ancestors were probably from the time of Revolutionary America.

Mike, congrats on your distinguished and famous ancestry.  I still remember 
watching the original Roots in first run and how the world came to a stand 
still to watch it that week.  Good times, then.  Today, the reboot sort of gets 
lost in the 500 channels of overwhelming content, not the 4 networks I grew up 

[FairfieldLife] How the brain produces consciousness in "time slices". Science Daily article.

2016-04-13 Thread ultrarishi


 Date: April 12, 2016 Source: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Summary: 
Scientists propose a new way of understanding of how the brain processes 
unconscious information into our consciousness. According to the model, 
consciousness arises only in time intervals of up to 400 milliseconds, with 
gaps of unconsciousness in between. 


 EPFL scientists propose a new way of understanding of how the brain processes 
unconscious information into our consciousness. According to the model, 
consciousness arises only in time intervals of up to 400 milliseconds, with 
gaps of unconsciousness in between.
 The driver ahead suddenly stops, and you find yourself stomping on your brakes 
before you even realize what is going on. We would call this a reflex, but the 
underlying reality is much more complex, forming a debate that goes back 
centuries: Is consciousness a constant, uninterrupted stream or a series of 
discrete bits -- like the 24 frames-per-second of a movie reel? Scientists from 
EPFL and the universities of Ulm and Zurich, now put forward a new model of how 
the brain processes unconscious information, suggesting that consciousness 
arises only in intervals up to 400 milliseconds, with no consciousness in 
between. The work is published in PLOS Biology.
 Continuous or discrete?
 Consciousness seems to work as continuous stream: one image or sound or smell 
or touch smoothly follows the other, providing us with a continuous image of 
the world around us. As far as we are concerned, it seems that sensory 
information is continuously translated into conscious perception: we see 
objects move smoothly, we hear sounds continuously, and we smell and feel 
without interruption. However, another school of thought argues that our brain 
collects sensory information only at discrete time-points, like a camera taking 
snapshots. Even though there is a growing body of evidence against "continuous" 
consciousness, it also looks like that the "discrete" theory of snapshots is 
too simple to be true.
 A two-stage model
 Michael Herzog at EPFL, working with Frank Scharnowski at the University of 
Zurich, have now developed a new paradigm, or "conceptual framework," of how 
consciousness might actually work. They did this by reviewing data from 
previously published psychological and behavioral experiments that aim to 
determine if consciousness is continuous or discrete. Such experiments can 
involve showing a person two images in rapid succession and asking them to 
distinguish between them while monitoring their brain activity.
 The new model proposes a two-stage processing of information. First comes the 
unconscious stage: The brain processes specific features of objects, e.g. color 
or shape, and analyzes them quasi-continuously and unconsciously with a very 
high time-resolution. However, the model suggests that there is no perception 
of time during this unconscious processing. Even time features, such as 
duration or color change, are not perceived during this period. Instead, the 
brain represents its duration as a kind of "number," just as it does for color 
and shape.
 Then comes the conscious stage: Unconscious processing is completed, and the 
brain simultaneously renders all the features conscious. This produces the 
final "picture," which the brain finally presents to our consciousness, making 
us aware of the stimulus.
 The whole process, from stimulus to conscious perception, can last up to 400 
milliseconds, which is a considerable delay from a physiological point of view. 
"The reason is that the brain wants to give you the best, clearest information 
it can, and this demands a substantial amount of time," explains Michael 
Herzog. "There is no advantage in making you aware of its unconscious 
processing, because that would be immensely confusing." This model focuses on 
visual perception, but the time delay might be different for other sensory 
information, e.g. auditory or olfactory.
 This is the first two-stage model of how consciousness arises, and it provides 
a more complete picture of how the brain manages consciousness than the 
"continuous versus discrete" debate envisages. But it especially provides 
useful insights about the way the brain processes time and relates it to our 
perception of the world.
 Story Source:
 The above post is reprinted from materials 
provided by Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 
http://www.epfl.ch/index.en.html. The original item was written by Nik 
Papageorgiou. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
 Journal Reference:
 Michael H. Herzog, Thomas Kammer, Frank Scharnowski. Time Slices: What Is the 
Duration of a Percept? PLOS Biology, 2016; 14 (4): e1002433 DOI: 

[FairfieldLife] The "What Could Go Wrong" department.

2016-03-24 Thread ultrarishi
Ancient virus found hibernating in the human genome—and it might wake up 
 Ancient virus found hibernating in the human g... 
 In DNA dig, scientists unearth more viral code, which makes up >8% of our 
 View on arstechnica.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

We're just the delivery vehicle.

There is no "I", there is only "we".


[FairfieldLife] Re: Justice Scalia Dies in Texas

2016-02-14 Thread ultrarishi
The Republicans are truly the "do nothing" party.  They would delay for an 
entire year the appointment of a SCOTUS justice until the next person is 
President.  What if that President is Sanders?  Think about that!

I make no apology for saying "good riddance" to the passing of Antonin the Anti 

I look forward to a liberal 5-4 majority, and the eventual revisiting of this 
nonsense that Money = Speech and that Corporations = People.

And... Elections Matter!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Randy Bikram Guru fined $7+ million

2016-01-27 Thread ultrarishi
Who's sweating now, baby!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alan

2016-01-14 Thread ultrarishi
What a sad week.  These guys were awesome.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Billions

2016-01-05 Thread ultrarishi
"Billions" looks like fun!  We watched the pilot on Amazon Prime and think we 
just may have to see this one through.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vegetarian diets may be bad for the environment

2015-12-16 Thread ultrarishi
I think there is something to be said for your theory.  When you think of the 
fact that the cells of our body are out numbered by the bacteria in our gut I 
kind of wonder if we only think we are in charge.  We actually exist to serve 
the microbiome.  We humans are a convenient host at this time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vegetarian diets may be bad for the environment

2015-12-15 Thread ultrarishi
I'm gonna have to call bullshit on the researchers.  Check out this cute little 
chart from the city of San Francisco, my birthplace and former stomping grounds


It's taking 20 gallons of water to make the pint of beer I'm drinking now and 
500 gallons to make the Levis I'm wearing now at the computer desk..

Measure for measure:

Ground Beef (1 pound or 453.6 grams)   
   Protein = 65 grams
   Fat  =  136 grams  (20 grams is saturated fat
Calories  = 1, 506
Feed (grain) to produce edible meat = 20 pounds

Lettuce (1 pound or 453.6 grams)
Protein  =  6.3 grams
 Fat  = 1.3 grams  (0 grams saturated fat)
Calories  = 63

And I don't see eggplant, celery, and cucumbers requiring antibiotics in their 
production and, thus further ruining our health like beef, pork, and chicken.

The meat industry is pushing back hard because they know the data is daily 
piling up against their product and especially their practices.  Consumers do 
not pay the real price for meat, but take it up the butt for vegetables.  The 
meat consumer only pays in the end with financial bankruptcy from medical 
procedures and drugs.

[FairfieldLife] The Science of Compassion

2015-12-12 Thread ultrarishi

Short interesting lecture about the Autonomic Nervous System, meditation, 
healing, pranayama, etc.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Wants to Ban Muslims from Entering the US

2015-12-08 Thread ultrarishi
Trump is TeaBag 2.0.  The GOP got in this situation themselves when they 
decided they are not a party of principle.  They are lobbying and business 
governance entity which manipulates its message to attract whatever will get 
them enough votes to get in.  Their main purpose is keeping a populace ignorant 
and consuming while that same populace loses its freedom at the expense of 
business needs.  In the 80's it was the Reagan fantasy that we can be great 
again.  In the 90's it was the Newt vision of "we're the adults, let us be in 
charge".  Under GW it was be afraid because (fill in the blank) they are coming 
to get us.  The rise of the Tea Party was an usurp populice movement that was 
more or less a Tupperware Party put on by the Koch Brothers and friends that 
made intolerance and lack of cooperation at the expense of progress a virtue.  
Now, with Trump, we got someone from the business world like Romney who isn't 
afraid to hide his stupidity or his hatred.

I am so glad he is running and on the GOP side of things.  It really shows how 
bankrupt the party has become in moral fiber, vision, and concern for the 
country as a whole.  Divide, divide, divide.  I think the world is a little 
worried because they have seen how Congress has done nothing the past 5 years.  
A Trump presidency (spit!) would be more of the same on global scale.

How's that John Galt thing working out?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mental Health Risks Associated With Meatless Diet

2015-12-06 Thread ultrarishi
So, I think I have an interesting perspective on the anxiety issue with those 
who shun meat based on what has happened in the past few years in our home.  
I'm an omnivore.  My wife in 2012 was diagnosed with rectal cancer and after 
successful chemo and radiation treatment is still with my partner in crime.  
After treatment I showed her the video Forks Over Knives which got her to 
investigate going plant base diet wise.  This has been a good lifestyle and 
health choice for her.  A number of different things can cause the cancer she 
had and she has gone about eliminating those causes to the best of her ability. 
 Going plant base, eliminating alcohol, oil, fat, sugar, refined carbohydrates, 
and addressing a wheat alllergy have gone to mitigating inflammation of her gut 
which is probably one of the primary causes of her cancer in the first place.

However, she seems more stressed in some respects too, because when you adopt a 
vegan life style you also fall into the vegan media message which points out 
how bad we treat animals for food in their factory farms. Additionally, vegans 
begin to see that our greatest energy cost next to transportation is in the 
production of meat. They become aware how much water is wasted (2400 gallons of 
H2O for 1 lb of beef).  They see the corruption of our politics and agriculture 
and health by the big / big pharma / big oil syndicate.  GMO corn and soy for 
feed with Roundup for feed for animals getting fat with antibiotics that become 
useless to us.  Meat is cheap because of the lobbying brought about subsidies 
while fruits and vegetables with the most nutrition cost an arm and a leg.  
Vegans like my wife don't see any hope for the planet with this system.  As 
Westerners get more obese she sees them as a threat to the healthcare system 
she fought so hard to get in place.

I don't think it is the absence of meat in the diet that drives vegheads nuts.  
It's the entrenched infrastructure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Peace Assembly for EU Meeting

2015-11-29 Thread ultrarishi
Yeah... the whole coupon thing at the check out stand drives me nuts especially 
when there is a problem with the coupon and a long discussion ensues and the 
manager is paged for.  Meanwhile, my 1/2 gallon of Organic Vanilla Ice Cream is 
melting on the belt.

I also go crazy with the folks who still write checks and don't begin filling 
in the details until they get the total.  Only then it comes out of the purse, 
etc., and the person starts to log the entry in the checkbook and then fill out 
the check.  Argg!

I also have no patience for the same type of person (as in I'm the only person 
in the world and my actions don't affect others attitude)  who is at the coffee 
and condiments self serve counter.  They insist in adding their condiments and 
judiciously stirring it while block acess to the the coffee pump. It drags on 
as they then decide they need a heat sleeve and a lid (whose size is never 
correctly chosen the first time)  They don't pull to the side to engage in the 
gastronomic preparatory machinations while letting the rest of us get on with 
our lives.  I drink it black so I am in and out of there in the time it takes a 
gnat to fart.

I should switch to decaf, I know.

[FairfieldLife] Re: LOL

2015-11-29 Thread ultrarishi
This shooting was so eerily preceded by Sunday nights episode of the great 
series The Good Wife.  Diane Lockhart, who is a feminist and pro choice 
character in the show, has to defend a right wing client on a free speech 
issue, since they were "outing" a Planned Parenthood physician who was secretly 
videoed talking about selling aborted fetus parts.

It was a great show (I kind of love its very left wing stance on many issues), 
because it parsed the issue about how we on left will throw one civil liberty 
under the bus, in this case, free speech, to protect another liberty which is 
privacy (of the physician) and access to safe medical proceedures.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kainchi Dham Ashram

2015-11-01 Thread ultrarishi
It wasn't monasticism in Jobs and Zuckerberg that I was referring to, but the 
development of a soul.  Both never lost their avariceness, but learned the 
samskaras that lead to profit.  They understood peoples' desires, but not what 
liberates people.  No transcendence, just more bondage.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pat Robertson: Halloween is a Satanic Celebration

2015-11-01 Thread ultrarishi
I think they need to change celebration name to "Highfructosecornsyrup-ween".

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kainchi Dham Ashram

2015-10-31 Thread ultrarishi
2 tech giants visit an awesome ashram and come away not "getting it".  No 
reflection on the Baba.  He just had bad material to work with.  He did better 
with Krishan Das and Ram Das.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Planets support Hillary!

2015-10-22 Thread ultrarishi
I think this guy typifies today's capitalism.  Let's raise the price of an 
inexpensive AIDS drug 5,455% because we can.  We will create a wealth at the 
expense of human decency.

Martin Shkreli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

 Martin Shkreli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Shkreli Martin Shkreli (born April 1, 
1983) is an American hedge fund manager and entrepreneur, specializing in 
healthcare businesses, and is a co-founder of MSMB Capital Management and the 
founder of Turing Pharmaceuticals AG. He is a co-founder and was the chief 
executive ...
 View on en.wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Shkreli 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Much of capitalism today is based on false value created by legal manipulations 
to create artificial scarcity.  This false scarcity inflates value.

As far a species survival, economics has very little to do with it progress, 
but much to do with its demise.  Wealth is not necessarily "pay it forward".

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield on Blacklist

2015-10-18 Thread ultrarishi
This would be the second correlation of Fairfield with James Spader in recent 
media.  The first is his appearance in the new developing small frontier town 
of Fairfield, Iowa in the film "The Homesman" which satrs and is directed by 
Tommy Lee Jones.

Now all we need is Kevin Bacon...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 29% of Americans Would Support a Miliary Coup

2015-09-21 Thread ultrarishi
I'm sure this more Crossroads / Koch Bros. / Right Wing Butt Boy narrative.

Been there, done that, got the T Shirt:  Smedley Butler - Wikipedia, the free 
encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler 
 Smedley Butler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler Boxer Rebellion
 View on en.wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was It Planned to Go Viral?

2015-09-21 Thread ultrarishi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Interesting fact "D-Day"

2015-09-21 Thread ultrarishi
I think the observances that are appropriate are Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Don't think D Day is a National Holiday

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was It Planned to Go Viral?

2015-09-21 Thread ultrarishi
While I think Dawkins is off the mark here, I would love it if the kid actually 
did punk the whole media world, the school, his parents and the cops.

However, as Hanlon's Razor says "Never attribute to malice that which is 
adequately explained by stupidity (or innocence)."

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Debate from Hell'

2015-09-19 Thread ultrarishi
Republican Playbook page 34:  In debate talk about hot button issues that will 
never change but always rally support.  This includes, but not limited to 
abortion, flag burning, gay rights, prayer in school, secured borders, etc.

Avoid really issues like domestic jobs (as oppose to jobs for domestics), 
favorable trade, reducing green house foot print, outlawing lobbying, ending 
domestic surveillance, alternative energy, foreign wars, science, etc.

Nothing to see here, keep moving.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cobb Mountain Today

2015-09-14 Thread ultrarishi

i was just going to post this myself, but glad somebody got it up.

I have fond memories of Cobb / Hoberg's.  Went there as a 9 year old in 1963, 
later on as a teen.  It was not too far from San Francisco for a family to 
retreat to.

Did the flying block of Citizens Invincibility Course VI  (CIC VI) there in the 
early 80's.  Good times.

Global warming / drought sux.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Terraform Mars Quickly

2015-09-12 Thread ultrarishi
Adoption, very cool.  I have an adopted sister and I glad folks find the heart 
to do so. 

Wether one is rich or poor, or chooses to adopt or procreate, 5 kids is a lot 
of kids at one time.  I don't see how the average Joe manages with just a 9 to 
5 job, let alone a creative CEO like Musk with his fingers in many pies.  A 
parent's most valuable asset is time when it comes to their children  Smaller 
families would allow more time.  Also, I just think we should think about 
making this planet habital, not terraform Mars.  The human race's stress on the 
planet's resources, especially by countries like the US, is just inhumane and 
wrong.  And the rest of the developed and undeveloped world wants to follow our 
bad example.

Smaller is beautiful, baby.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apple running out of ideas?

2015-09-11 Thread ultrarishi
I think both Apple and Microsoft have lost their way.

Apple does "me too" better than most folks by coming out with their "new" 
innovated product after everyone has introduced the same (mp3 players, smart 
phones, watches, media players, etc)  At this point their innovation seems 
really stale and they charge just way too much for what can be had cheaper and 
better.  And they abandon products and software way to quickly.  

Microsoft and the clusterfuck known as Windows 10 is just the biggest PR 
failure ever.  Even folks who don't want Windows 10 are suddenly finding it has 
been secretly and without conscious authorization have had it downloaded into a 
6 Gig directory on their computer.  Talk about strong arming the consumer.  My 
paranoia tells me that this is really a secret initiative to by the NSA to get 
backdoors into as many consumers as possible worldwide while getting the new 
shiny interface.  It makes the computer an advertising deployment area for 
Microsoft to sell screen space to vendors.  Its cloud services are just a data 
mining wet dream to marketers (and 3 letter acronym agencies).

In 2011 I did a year of phone support for Apple and in 2012 I did the same 
thing for Microsoft.  Microsoft treated the folks who polish their corporate 
overlords' turds better, but not by much.  Both companies cannot emit to their 
many errors of judgement.  I had expected better form Satya Nadella as the new 
head, but it seems to be getting worse.  Maybe Ballmer wasn't so bad after all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Terraform Mars Quickly

2015-09-11 Thread ultrarishi
Elon needs to stick to making cars and knocking up his wife.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Terraform Mars Quickly

2015-09-11 Thread ultrarishi
With 5 kids, Elon is part of the habitability problem of THIS planet.

[FairfieldLife] Soma! Now in 70mm

2015-09-09 Thread ultrarishi
Somaflex-65-70MM, India's First 65mm Camera 
 Somaflex-65-70MM, India's First 65mm Camera 
http://in70mm.com/news/2015/india/index.htm in70mm.com • Rumour Mill • Sign up 
for e-news • Seach page • Updates in70mm News • 2015 | 2014 | 2013 • 2012 | 
2011 | 2010 • 2009 | 2008 | 2007 • 2006 | 2005 ...
 View on in70mm.com http://in70mm.com/news/2015/india/index.htm 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Netlix doc. pick: "An Honest Liar"

2015-09-05 Thread ultrarishi
For those of us who study cults or who grew up watching lots of talk shows like 
Carson, et. al., James Randi's names comes up every now and then.  Netflix has 
for streaming this great documentary about his life, the scandals he has 
uncovered and few secrets of his own.

Very entertaining and appropriate for most folks here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Portlanders Say GTFO to Californians

2015-09-05 Thread ultrarishi
This is really sad since I am a native San Francisco (born to a mother born in 
Portland).  I lived most of my life in The City and also on the Peninsula.

I was transferred to Portland in 1993 by 3M Company to service the equipment we 
had in the state.

I now fully embrace the life of living in the NW and don't see me ever 
returining to live in the very gentrified Bay Area (as much as I love it).

Portlanders, though, got an attitude that is hurting them.  They gave Internet 
and Venture Capitalist creative, Kevin Rose and his wife tons of shit about the 
delapidated house they were going to tear down (too costly to upgrade).   Very 
short sighted of the neightbors.

Kevin Rose sells NW Portland house he planned to demolish; new owner 
considering options 
 Kevin Rose sells NW Portland house he planned to demoli... 
 Tom Saunders, a longtime Portland redeveloper who describes himself now as 
mostly retired, says he isn't yet sure what he's going to do with the house.
 View on www.oregonlive.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Drink Vodka

2015-08-27 Thread ultrarishi
Our recert instructors here in Portland spent time in The Ukraine for the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Opinions Regarding Windows 10 Upgrade

2015-08-18 Thread ultrarishi
Right now Windows 10 is trying to force it way on to 2 of our home PC's.  It's 
actually blocking security updates for Windows 7 that have shown up, but won't 
install because 10 wants to butt in.

From what I am reading on arstechnica.com and hearing on various computer 
related podcast I am going to make 7 and 8.1 last as long as I can.  I will 
then most like go Linux.

Microsoft doesn't learn from its mistakes.  When XP came out initially it 
didn't have the firewall turned on.  So many machines around the world got 
infected that the mess never got cleaned up. Even when SP2 for XP came out 
which forced on the firewall, it was too little too late.

Microsoft seems to disregard user safety and privacy for ease of use and to 
corral people into other services now with their cloud offerings. I want to 
private.  I don't want to be used for data mining so I can be pestered to buy 
crap I don't want.  Windows 10 is connected to so many services that want to 
suck up personal data that the NSA might as well shut down Prism, Echelon and 
many of its other spying initiatives.  Microsoft and Google i am guessing get 
lots of undocumented regulatory breaks because they have in place commercially 
the very collection tools the NSA would love to have.  So, Uncle Sam says we 
will keep off Microsofts' and Googles back if they will drop their drawers and 
share what is being gathered.

I also use Windows Media Center with my Xbox 360 to record TV over the air.  
This feature goes away with Windows 10.  Rat bastards!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd:

2015-08-18 Thread ultrarishi
First off, the list is moronic.  I don't know where they are getting their 
facts, but here is what CBS posted last February.  The only thing they have in 
common is both agree Detroit is #1.  BTW, what kind of car are  you driving 

America's 11 poorest cities 
 America's 11 poorest cities 
http://www.cbsnews.com/media/americas-11-poorest-cities/ Years of economic 
upheaval, along with the Great Recession, have left many U.S. cities 
financially battered
 View on www.cbsnews.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Top 15 Worst Cities to Live in the USA

2015-08-16 Thread ultrarishi
In other news 15 cities thank Gleen Beck for informing his goose-stepping radio 
listeners for not want to live in them.

Greetings from Portland!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can Genes Make Us Liberal or Conservative?

2015-08-06 Thread ultrarishi
This is fascinating.  The past few weeks my wife and I have been vigorously 
discussing genetics, telomeres and, especially epigenetics.  The conversation 
got launched because we both were listening to Neal Stephenson's new book The 

Political persuasion may turn out to be more of an epigenetic phenomena.  Here 
are to very funny and informative Ted Talks about this.

Epigenetic transformation -- you are what your grandparents ate: Pamela Peeke 
at TEDxLowerEastSide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udlz7CMLuLQ

 Epigenetic transformation -- you are what your grandpar... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udlz7CMLuLQ Dr. Peeke is an internationally 
renowned physician, scientist, expert and speaker in integrative medicine. 
Acclaimed as one of America's top physicians, Dr. ...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udlz7CMLuLQ 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Identically Different: Tim Spector at TEDxKingsCollegeLondon 

 Identically Different: Tim Spector at TEDxKingsColl... 
 Tim Spector is a Professor of Genetic Epidemiology and Founder of TwinsUK. He 
has demonstrated the genetic basis of a wide range of common diseases, pre...
 View on www.youtube.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gurus Purnima

2015-08-03 Thread ultrarishi
Went to the Guru Purnima held by the local TM Center which was a pot luck event 
at the vastu home of one our members.  It was fun.  About 30 people, mostly 
older teachers but some younger members too.  Came for the puja which is always 
powerful in a Shakti sense. Boring video of MMY followed.

The local center has one of the newly minted teachers.  Young guy about 30.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey Rick, Thanks for All the Good Times

2015-07-20 Thread ultrarishi
Rick, thanks for the forum.  It is one of the gifts of the internet that made 
the internet personally useful in ways I never imagined possible.  It's nice to 
connect with folks about TM and a million other subjects without having to 
necessarily be politically correct at local center.  We have been able to 
express our concerns without that passive agressive behavior so many governors 
and teachers engage in.  I firmly believe that being critical in a constructive 
manner is not going negative.

All the best.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How To Find A TM Hooker In Fairfield

2015-07-18 Thread ultrarishi
And the best answer goes to S3raphita.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How To Find A TM Hooker In Fairfield

2015-07-17 Thread ultrarishi
Q:  What does a TM Hooker say?

A:  Was it easy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Heartbreak Of TM's biggest failure

2015-07-15 Thread ultrarishi
Are you saying TM the movement failed or TM the technique failed?  I don't 
see either as a failure, albeit the movement sure lost its way.

The TM technique works just fine for what it is.  I got my mantra and my 
siddhis and said Hasta vista.  I wanted no part of the movement and none was 
required of me to get my stuff .  I had my own goals and my own Samsaras to 
fulfill and they were not aligned with the Organization.  My karma, baby, not 

The TM movement as an entity whose main directive to disseminate TM is a 
middling success.  It teaches the technique universally and reliably.  Its only 
failure is that they charge too much and have focused on other seemingly 
unrelated programs, like the Pandits, which does not help get the technique to 
the masses in any direct way.

i think the FatAsses you speak of would have been fat asses any where including 
the 700 Club, $cientology, the Masons, or Promise Keepers.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hmmmmm, is this a FFL instruction manual?

2015-07-12 Thread ultrarishi
I am definitely going to bookmark this URL.  It will serve me way when 
commenting on arstechnica.com and theguardian.co.uk

[FairfieldLife] Re: My two cents

2015-07-08 Thread ultrarishi
I'm Spartacus!

[FairfieldLife] Re: My two cents

2015-07-07 Thread ultrarishi
reddit anyone?

Let's initiate Ellen Pao and put her in charge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More TV

2015-07-07 Thread ultrarishi
How does the English language version compare to the Swedish version in regards 
to Humans?

[FairfieldLife] Re: More TV

2015-07-07 Thread ultrarishi
Speaking of European Television.  We started watching the Danish comedy Rita 
and that is quite good.  It pop up on Netflix last week and something about it 
grabbed my attention and made we want to find out what is was about.

Looks like it may get an American remake with Anna Gunn.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More TV

2015-07-07 Thread ultrarishi
The Missus and I watched the first 2 episodes of the British Humans and we're 
hooked.  Thanks for the link to the Vimeo segments.  Going to give it a watch 
as well.  And thanks for the recommendation.

I'd been hearing about the program the past several weeks on various podcast 
and was very apathetic about watching it.  It wasn't until I saw the trailer on 
Youtube with the great cast that I thought it was worth exploring.  Hoping the 
quality keeps up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Cures All

2015-07-02 Thread ultrarishi
I've written the follow up book Fifty Shades of Gayatri.

My wife and I always crack up at the job title Life Coach.  To me it's a 
synonym for unemployable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Cures All

2015-07-02 Thread ultrarishi
Valerie Gangas's Tandem skydive! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_mwCGyWqUY 
 Valerie Gangas's Tandem skydive! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_mwCGyWqUY 
Valerie Gangas's tandem skydive on Saturday, October 27, 2012 with Jeff Brown.
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_mwCGyWqUY 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Next?

2015-07-01 Thread ultrarishi
Kimmy learning to meditate would give a whole new meaning to rounding.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Next?

2015-07-01 Thread ultrarishi
A Kardashian at the SF Commonwealth Club is proof that these are the End Times.

[FairfieldLife] Marriage Equality

2015-06-26 Thread ultrarishi
So, are the Cons gonna now ask the Pope to speak out against marriage equality 
after they asked him to shut up about global warming?

Can't wait for 2016.  GOP:  Party of Hate, Ignorance, Bigotry and Death.

  1   2   3   >