[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samadhi Is Much Closer 
  You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It? 
  DharmaMitra1@ wrote:
   So, what is the redeeming value of this demonstration, this 
 thread -
  - the
   flagrantly ruthless wanton and rampant beastiality of moral 
  retards, from
   whom we must learn to defend ourselves?
  It's simply a lack of invincibility in daily life.
 It's simply a lack of cult-indoctrinated catch phrases in daily 

Your choice.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread Peter
Is that your douche bag imitation or is samadhi just
much closer than you think?

--- Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really!
-- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?

 Pay Attention!
 The question had to do with the videos presented.
 On 11/29/07, off_world_beings
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samadhi Is
 Much Closer Than
  You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer.
 Who'd've Thunk It?
   So, what is the redeeming value of this
 demonstration, this thread -
  - the
   flagrantly ruthless wanton and rampant
 beastiality of moral
  retards, from
   whom we must learn to defend ourselves?
  Pay attention:
  True karate is this: that in daily life one's
 mind and body be
  trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and
 that in critical
  times, one be devoted utterly to the cause of
  --Gichin Funakoshi
   *Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to
 convey, the most
   valuable thing to cultivate and convey to others
 is a moral
   conscience. Only such persons deserve to lead
 others, in any
   Anything less is a menace to society.
   On 11/29/07, off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
 UFC 1-6 were the best! What a shock to all
 karate/gung-fu one-punch-kills-all dudes.
 That's why
 I'm surprised that there are martial arts
 out there that still believe in some
 superduper secret
 school of one punch destroys all. Really
 quite silly.
So Peter uses reasoning to deduce that if a
 very hard strike is
to the adam's apple, or the testicles, or the
 knees, or ankles,
stomach, or break the jaw, that it is not
 dangerous and just
  carry on
as if nothing happened. You and Curtis and the
 goons on UFC
  should get
on stage with the Republican candidates for
 president that still
believe the Earth was created 6,000 years ago.
Get real imagine a hard strike to any
 number of places and
understand --- you could die or be crippled
 temporarily. One
  strike is
all it takes, and if you have not trained with
 that in mind...you
not a martial artist. Shotokan style Kmiti
 style competition is
only way to test a martial art.  Other types
 of competition are
  To subscribe, send a message to:
  Or go to:
  and click 'Join This Group!'
  Yahoo! Groups Links
 Dharma Mitra
 Helping you Say It With Panache!
 Because, how you say it can be, and often is,
as important as what you want to convey,
   and what you have to say is
  very important to you.
Copywriting - Editing - Publishing - Publicity
 I want every person to be complete in themselves. 
 Your himsa has no place
 in my mission.
 Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to
 convey, the most valuable
 thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral
 conscience. Only such
 persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity.
 Anything less is a menace
 to society.


Be a better sports nut!  Let your teams follow you 
with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Curtis, your story brought the idea that canine companionship might
 offer multiple
 benefits when you're meeting the public - 1 ) security - lots of bad
 guys won't tangle with a dog. 2.) a cute dog can be a magnet to draw
 people closer. May you move safely..
 Thanks Main!  Actually the DC tough guys often have pit bulls or
 Rottweilers now so I don't know what I could have to keep up.  I got
 chased by one manhy years ago when I was doing some mortgage business
 in the DC ghetto.  The dog was so big it made me wish it was a person
 chasing me!  I think he was very curious to try white meat, I doubt he
 had ever seen a white person before!  Yummm!  I've heard the that
 hardasses in London have taken to walking around with large monkeys!
 Being more of a cat person (pussy jokes unwelcome) I'm just gunna 
 get me a tiger and own those streets!
 The homeland security emphasis has taken so many cops off the streets
 that DC is getting pretty tough again after years of being much lower
 crime.  Since I walk around with a lot of expensive musical gear for
 shows, I always read the crime reports in the areas where I play. 
 Lately the personal armed robberies are much higher.  The combo of me
 after a gig, late at night, walking to my car with expensive guitars,
 is a nasty mix.  Lately I've been sticking to the suburban clubs till
 DC can get things back under control.  But I still love the city and
 haven't had much trouble through the years.  I'm a big fan of Haul-ass
 Jiu jitsu when I see any trouble going down!

Bethesda Row might be a good gig.  It's safe, so you can even leave your tiger 
at home; 
the throng gravitates there in search of a good time. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016
 mainstream20016@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
   steve.sundur@ wrote:
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite
and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby 
carriage, how disarming is that! 

How does that work. I love a good story. Wait, let me pull up a 
chair.  Okay, ready.
   Black guys approaches me on H street in DC up the street from the old
   College of Natural Law.  He tells me his Navy ship just pulled into
   Baltimore Harbor that day and he had a 24 hour leave.  He reached in
   his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of bills, bigger than a softball,
   waves it in front of me and tells me that with only 24 hours he needs
   a local to help him find a hooker.  And he tells me that he is willing
to part with a chunk of that big wad to the guy who helps him find a
   girl, been on the ship for 6 months and all and ready to ship out for
   another 3 the next day.  His eyes are  clear and sincere, he holds my
   gaze without flinching.  I like him almost instantly, he is radiating
   familiarity like I went to school with him or something.  He needs my
   help in the worst way if I would only show a little compassion for a
   sailor in need, serving his country and in need of a little pussy for
   one night, hell the drinks are on him, we can all party together he
   has so much money to burn he doesn't care if he lays a few hundred on
   me he'll buy me a girl too if I want and where is he going to spend
   money in the middle of the ocean on a US Navy ship and can't I help a
   brother in need for God's sake, he only has one night...
   I start to back off and tell him that he doesn't need my help in the
   Capital city.  He will do fine on his own.  Just then a woman rolls up
   with a baby in a baby carriage, kinda blocks me in with it and joins
   the conversation.  She tells me that we shouldn't miss this chance to
   work a deal and that she knows some Howard University college girls
   who turn tricks on the side.  She needs my help cuz she has this baby
   see, and we can both make a bunch of money in such a short time,
   yessereee we would be fools to pass up a chance to make a few
   hundred dollars for almost no work at all, if I wont take the free
   money she certainly will, she is no fool...
   I realize that my ass is now in a sling with two people who wish me
   harm and who knows who else in the wings, so I briskly walk away
   cutting across moving traffic to get the F out of Dodge.
   It was only later that I contemplated whether I saw a man pull out a
   huge wad of bills or a man pulling out a few bills on the outside of a
   partial roll of toilet paper.  Greed was the hook, and I didn't take
   the bait.  But I learned a nice little lesson for the street.  Now if
   someone asks me for the time, I step back first and look around me. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread Duveyoung
I'm still a believer in siddhis being possible.  Go figure.

That said, Curtis et al, how'z'bout telling us which of the martial
arts really have spiritual programs of merit. Do any or all have their
practitioners do daily meditations on martial mantras?

I think that only an enlightened person could master a one-blow
killing ability.  It is very hard to hit a moving target, and I think
that that's the key issue here -- having lightning fast reflexes that
only a ritam level mind could manifest.

As a trikker, I know that controlling the body is a never-ending
nuancing, but no way do I feel close to ritam or even approaching
ritam significantly while I'm trikking -- and I really have to pay
attention to very fine muscle control or I'll be on my butt in a
blink, but I feel like it's all staying mostly on the level of
perception.  If I started feeling very strong emotions while trikking,
maybe that would be a sign of me getting subtle.

I do think that, give how many bricks we've seen the guys from all the
various schools being able to break, that the issue of a one-blow-kill
is settled.  A skull can be crushed, but most likely only if it just
stays still and accepts the blow.  Otherwise, the fullest power of a
blow will be unused in that a  glancing blow is the result in most

Question:  where are the enlightened martial artist masters we have
all loved in movies and tales?  All I see are well-practiced sweaty
types who could kick my ass but not give me a method to look upon my
soul with clearer eyes.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

  You are making a fool of
  yourself if you think those goons of yours are kneeing someone in
 the  face over and over again with full force. ROTFLMFA ! People
 would die  if what you are watching was real ! It is all a stupid
 ratings show.  Nothing more.
 Mario Yamasaki, one of the UFC refs was my Jiu Jitsu teacher. I have
 attended live MMA events in person.  I have friends who fight in them.
  It is real.  Your lack of familiarity with Thai technique caused you
 to miss how Rich was defending himself from the knees.  The knees were
 being partially blocked in Rich Franklin's fight, but it still broke
 his nose.  Did Rich fake that his nose was sideways after the fight?
 They couldn't allow the fight to continue because these are state
 commissioned fighting events.  This is another reason how you can know
 they are real.  They are legally sanctioned as fights, not as
 wrestling entertainment shows by state boxing commissions.  They had
 previously banned them because they didn't have enough rules to be
 sanctioned fights. Worked fights are illegal unless they state that
 they are entertainment exhibitions upfront.  But they have these
 fights in most states now.  You can go to a local show if you have
 your doubts.
 Some mixed martial artists also fight in other sports like kickboxing
 or Muay Thai fights.  Not as many compete in the kind of sport
 fighting like judo, sport jiu-jitsu, tae Kwan do or shotokan matches,
 but some do.  Many of them came from these disciplines and want to
 test themselves in a different way.  No doubt anyone trying to compete
 in a highly structured sport that they don't train in wouldn't do
 well.  Send a shotokan fighter to a judo match?  It doesn't make
 sense. The original UFCs were a test of pure styles in a very few
 rules setting.  Now it has evolved into a distinctive cross trained
 Claims of the highest martial art or the highest yogic teaching are
 not claims that I take seriously.  We will have to agree to disagree
 about both of these subjects. 
 I appreciate lots of different fighting styles and think they all have
 their place. My favorite is Brazilian style jiu jitsu.  But I still
 enjoy watching people demonstrate other fighting styles, including
 your beloved Shotokan style. I'm just not a My way is the only or
 best way kind of guy, Off.  De gustibus non est disputandum.  Master
 Google can take it from here.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
 You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan
   I am a little unclear on your point.
  The point cannot be clearer:
  There are a dozen places such as you adams apple - on the human body
  where a sharp blow could easily kill you. You cannot easily defend
  them all at once. You MUST be able to block a strike, and strike one
  of those points very hard.
  Anything else is a joke and you would get killed using anything else
  in a real situation.
  You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan style
  If any of those UFC goons came to a Kmiti fight most of them would be
  humbled completely (and some bloody noses). The only legitimate test
  of the efficacy of a martial art is Kmiti, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:


 Black guys approaches me on H street in DC up the street from the 
 College of Natural Law.  He tells me his Navy ship just pulled into
 Baltimore Harbor that day and he had a 24 hour leave.  He reached in
 his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of bills, bigger than a 
 waves it in front of me and tells me that with only 24 hours he 
 a local to help him find a hooker.  And he tells me that he is 
  to part with a chunk of that big wad to the guy who helps him find 
 girl, been on the ship for 6 months and all and ready to ship out 
 another 3 the next day.  His eyes are  clear and sincere, he holds 
 gaze without flinching.  I like him almost instantly, he is 
 familiarity like I went to school with him or something.  He needs 
 help in the worst way if I would only show a little compassion for a
 sailor in need, serving his country and in need of a little pussy 
 one night, hell the drinks are on him, we can all party together he
 has so much money to burn he doesn't care if he lays a few hundred 
 me he'll buy me a girl too if I want and where is he going to spend
 money in the middle of the ocean on a US Navy ship and can't I help 
 brother in need for God's sake, he only has one night...
 I start to back off and tell him that he doesn't need my help in the
 Capital city.  He will do fine on his own.  Just then a woman rolls 
 with a baby in a baby carriage, kinda blocks me in with it and joins
 the conversation.  She tells me that we shouldn't miss this chance 
 work a deal and that she knows some Howard University college girls
 who turn tricks on the side.  She needs my help cuz she has this 
 see, and we can both make a bunch of money in such a short time,
 yessereee we would be fools to pass up a chance to make a few
 hundred dollars for almost no work at all, if I wont take the free
 money she certainly will, she is no fool...
 I realize that my ass is now in a sling with two people who wish me
 harm and who knows who else in the wings, so I briskly walk away
 cutting across moving traffic to get the F out of Dodge.
 It was only later that I contemplated whether I saw a man pull out a
 huge wad of bills or a man pulling out a few bills on the outside 
of a
 partial roll of toilet paper.  Greed was the hook, and I didn't take
 the bait.  But I learned a nice little lesson for the street.  Now 
 someone asks me for the time, I step back first and look around me. 
 Then I give them the time.  I never take for granted the power of 
 than one person with me in their sights. 
 Thanks for asking Lurk.  I hope it did not disappoint.


Sounds like a different version of the grift at the beginning of The 
Sting when Robert Redford just happens to be walking by and 
overhearing someone trying to get someone to carry wads of money for 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samadhi Is Much Closer Than 
You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It? 

 Pay Attention!
 The question had to do with the videos presented.

So please define your question again.


 On 11/29/07, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samadhi Is Much Closer Than
  You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
  DharmaMitra1@ wrote:
   So, what is the redeeming value of this demonstration, this 
thread -
  - the
   flagrantly ruthless wanton and rampant beastiality of moral
  retards, from
   whom we must learn to defend ourselves?
  Pay attention:
  True karate is this: that in daily life one's mind and body be
  trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and that in 
  times, one be devoted utterly to the cause of justice.
  --Gichin Funakoshi
   *Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most
   valuable thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral
   conscience. Only such persons deserve to lead others, in any
   Anything less is a menace to society.
   On 11/29/07, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@
 UFC 1-6 were the best! What a shock to all the
 karate/gung-fu one-punch-kills-all dudes. That's why
 I'm surprised that there are martial arts afficinados
 out there that still believe in some superduper secret
 school of one punch destroys all. Really quite silly.
So Peter uses reasoning to deduce that if a very hard strike 
to the adam's apple, or the testicles, or the knees, or 
stomach, or break the jaw, that it is not dangerous and just
  carry on
as if nothing happened. You and Curtis and the goons on UFC
  should get
on stage with the Republican candidates for president that 
believe the Earth was created 6,000 years ago.
Get real imagine a hard strike to any number of places and
understand --- you could die or be crippled temporarily. One
  strike is
all it takes, and if you have not trained with that in 
not a martial artist. Shotokan style Kmiti style competition 
only way to test a martial art.  Other types of competition 
  To subscribe, send a message to:
  Or go to:
  and click 'Join This Group!'
  Yahoo! Groups Links
 Dharma Mitra
 Helping you Say It With Panache!
 Because, how you say it can be, and often is,
as important as what you want to convey,
   and what you have to say is
  very important to you.
Copywriting - Editing - Publishing - Publicity
 I want every person to be complete in themselves.  Your himsa has 
no place
 in my mission.
 Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most 
 thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral conscience. Only 
 persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity. Anything less is a 
 to society.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
Pay Attention!

The question had to do with the videos presented.

On 11/29/07, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samadhi Is Much Closer Than
 You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
  So, what is the redeeming value of this demonstration, this thread -
 - the
  flagrantly ruthless wanton and rampant beastiality of moral
 retards, from
  whom we must learn to defend ourselves?

 Pay attention:

 True karate is this: that in daily life one's mind and body be
 trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and that in critical
 times, one be devoted utterly to the cause of justice.
 --Gichin Funakoshi


  *Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most
  valuable thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral
  conscience. Only such persons deserve to lead others, in any
  Anything less is a menace to society.
  On 11/29/07, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@
UFC 1-6 were the best! What a shock to all the
karate/gung-fu one-punch-kills-all dudes. That's why
I'm surprised that there are martial arts afficinados
out there that still believe in some superduper secret
school of one punch destroys all. Really quite silly.
   So Peter uses reasoning to deduce that if a very hard strike is
   to the adam's apple, or the testicles, or the knees, or ankles,
   stomach, or break the jaw, that it is not dangerous and just
 carry on
   as if nothing happened. You and Curtis and the goons on UFC
 should get
   on stage with the Republican candidates for president that still
   believe the Earth was created 6,000 years ago.
   Get real imagine a hard strike to any number of places and
   understand --- you could die or be crippled temporarily. One
 strike is
   all it takes, and if you have not trained with that in mind...you
   not a martial artist. Shotokan style Kmiti style competition is
   only way to test a martial art.  Other types of competition are

 To subscribe, send a message to:

 Or go to:
 and click 'Join This Group!'
 Yahoo! Groups Links



Dharma Mitra

Helping you Say It With Panache!

Because, how you say it can be, and often is,
   as important as what you want to convey,
  and what you have to say is
 very important to you.


   Copywriting - Editing - Publishing - Publicity

I want every person to be complete in themselves.  Your himsa has no place
in my mission.

Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most valuable
thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral conscience. Only such
persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity. Anything less is a menace
to society.

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
 You are making a fool of
 yourself if you think those goons of yours are kneeing someone in
the  face over and over again with full force. ROTFLMFA ! People
would die  if what you are watching was real ! It is all a stupid
ratings show.  Nothing more.

Mario Yamasaki, one of the UFC refs was my Jiu Jitsu teacher. I have
attended live MMA events in person.  I have friends who fight in them.
 It is real.  Your lack of familiarity with Thai technique caused you
to miss how Rich was defending himself from the knees.  The knees were
being partially blocked in Rich Franklin's fight, but it still broke
his nose.  Did Rich fake that his nose was sideways after the fight?

They couldn't allow the fight to continue because these are state
commissioned fighting events.  This is another reason how you can know
they are real.  They are legally sanctioned as fights, not as
wrestling entertainment shows by state boxing commissions.  They had
previously banned them because they didn't have enough rules to be
sanctioned fights. Worked fights are illegal unless they state that
they are entertainment exhibitions upfront.  But they have these
fights in most states now.  You can go to a local show if you have
your doubts.

Some mixed martial artists also fight in other sports like kickboxing
or Muay Thai fights.  Not as many compete in the kind of sport
fighting like judo, sport jiu-jitsu, tae Kwan do or shotokan matches,
but some do.  Many of them came from these disciplines and want to
test themselves in a different way.  No doubt anyone trying to compete
in a highly structured sport that they don't train in wouldn't do
well.  Send a shotokan fighter to a judo match?  It doesn't make
sense. The original UFCs were a test of pure styles in a very few
rules setting.  Now it has evolved into a distinctive cross trained

Claims of the highest martial art or the highest yogic teaching are
not claims that I take seriously.  We will have to agree to disagree
about both of these subjects. 

I appreciate lots of different fighting styles and think they all have
their place. My favorite is Brazilian style jiu jitsu.  But I still
enjoy watching people demonstrate other fighting styles, including
your beloved Shotokan style. I'm just not a My way is the only or
best way kind of guy, Off.  De gustibus non est disputandum.  Master
Google can take it from here.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan
  I am a little unclear on your point.

 The point cannot be clearer:

 There are a dozen places such as you adams apple - on the human body
 where a sharp blow could easily kill you. You cannot easily defend
 them all at once. You MUST be able to block a strike, and strike one
 of those points very hard.
 Anything else is a joke and you would get killed using anything else
 in a real situation.

 You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan style

 If any of those UFC goons came to a Kmiti fight most of them would be
 humbled completely (and some bloody noses). The only legitimate test
 of the efficacy of a martial art is Kmiti, where the fight is stopped
 after a strike. Best out of three strikes.

 Let's see them come to a Kmiti competition? ? ?
 C'mon, let's see if they are really as good as you say they are.
 Why won't they come? There are such competitions that are open to
 others, but your goons won't come because they are not true martial
 artists who train every muscle and cell... to block...and and then

  Shotokan has dominated such competitions in the past when other
 forms turned up to fight. Kmiti is the ONLY true test of a martial
 art. The rest is worse than mud- wrestling because it doesn't test
 anything. You have to stop the fight after one strike for it to be a
 legitimate test. One strike could easily kill someone, therefore
 breeching someone's defences makes your point. The fight stops. Best
 out of three wins.

 All you are proving is your usual incapacity for rational thinking
 (as you do when you criticize something proven by scientific research
 published in peer reviewed journals ). You are making a fool of
 yourself if you think those goons of yours are kneeing someone in the
 face over and over again with full force. ROTFLMFA ! People would die
 if what you are watching was real ! It is all a stupid ratings show.
 Nothing more.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan 
  I am a little unclear on your point.
 The point cannot be clearer:
 There are a dozen places such as you adams apple - on the human body 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
  choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite convincing 
  and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby 
  carriage, how disarming is that! 
  How does that work. I love a good story. Wait, let me pull up a 
  chair.  Okay, ready.
 Black guys approaches me on H street in DC up the street from the old
 College of Natural Law.  He tells me his Navy ship just pulled into
 Baltimore Harbor that day and he had a 24 hour leave.  He reached in
 his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of bills, bigger than a softball,
 waves it in front of me and tells me that with only 24 hours he needs
 a local to help him find a hooker.  And he tells me that he is willing
  to part with a chunk of that big wad to the guy who helps him find a
 girl, been on the ship for 6 months and all and ready to ship out for
 another 3 the next day.  His eyes are  clear and sincere, he holds my
 gaze without flinching.  I like him almost instantly, he is radiating
 familiarity like I went to school with him or something.  He needs my
 help in the worst way if I would only show a little compassion for a
 sailor in need, serving his country and in need of a little pussy for
 one night, hell the drinks are on him, we can all party together he
 has so much money to burn he doesn't care if he lays a few hundred on
 me he'll buy me a girl too if I want and where is he going to spend
 money in the middle of the ocean on a US Navy ship and can't I help a
 brother in need for God's sake, he only has one night...
 I start to back off and tell him that he doesn't need my help in the
 Capital city.  He will do fine on his own.  Just then a woman rolls up
 with a baby in a baby carriage, kinda blocks me in with it and joins
 the conversation.  She tells me that we shouldn't miss this chance to
 work a deal and that she knows some Howard University college girls
 who turn tricks on the side.  She needs my help cuz she has this baby
 see, and we can both make a bunch of money in such a short time,
 yessereee we would be fools to pass up a chance to make a few
 hundred dollars for almost no work at all, if I wont take the free
 money she certainly will, she is no fool...
 I realize that my ass is now in a sling with two people who wish me
 harm and who knows who else in the wings, so I briskly walk away
 cutting across moving traffic to get the F out of Dodge.
 It was only later that I contemplated whether I saw a man pull out a
 huge wad of bills or a man pulling out a few bills on the outside of a
 partial roll of toilet paper.  Greed was the hook, and I didn't take
 the bait.  But I learned a nice little lesson for the street.  Now if
 someone asks me for the time, I step back first and look around me. 
 Then I give them the time.  I never take for granted the power of more
 than one person with me in their sights. 
 Thanks for asking Lurk.  I hope it did not disappoint.

 Send instant messages to your online friends

 Curtis, your story brought the idea that canine companionship might offer 
benefits when you're meeting the public - 1 )  security - lots of bad guys 
won't tangle with 
a dog.   2.) a cute dog can be a magnet to draw people closer.  May you move 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread Peter

--- Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really!
-- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?

 So, what is the redeeming value of this
 demonstration, this thread -- the
 flagrantly ruthless wanton and rampant beastiality
 of moral retards, from
 whom we must learn to defend ourselves?

Beastiality perhaps you have a point there, but
moral retards and from whom we have to defend
ourselves? WTF are you talking about? I don't think
you have any idea what we're talking about. Also,
physical competition is something people enjoy or they
don't. It's either your dharma or it isn't. Obviously
its not your dharma so you don't get it.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samadhi Is Much Closer Than 
You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It? 

 So, what is the redeeming value of this demonstration, this thread -
- the
 flagrantly ruthless wanton and rampant beastiality of moral 
retards, from
 whom we must learn to defend ourselves?

It's simply a lack of invincibility in daily life.

 *Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most
 valuable thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral
 conscience. Only such persons deserve to lead others, in any 
 Anything less is a menace to society.
 On 11/29/07, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
   UFC 1-6 were the best! What a shock to all the
   karate/gung-fu one-punch-kills-all dudes. That's why
   I'm surprised that there are martial arts afficinados
   out there that still believe in some superduper secret
   school of one punch destroys all. Really quite silly.
  So Peter uses reasoning to deduce that if a very hard strike is 
  to the adam's apple, or the testicles, or the knees, or ankles,
  stomach, or break the jaw, that it is not dangerous and just 
carry on
  as if nothing happened. You and Curtis and the goons on UFC 
should get
  on stage with the Republican candidates for president that still
  believe the Earth was created 6,000 years ago.
  Get real imagine a hard strike to any number of places and
  understand --- you could die or be crippled temporarily. One 
strike is
  all it takes, and if you have not trained with that in mind...you 
  not a martial artist. Shotokan style Kmiti style competition is 
  only way to test a martial art.  Other types of competition are 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samadhi Is Much Closer 
   You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It? 
   DharmaMitra1@ wrote:
So, what is the redeeming value of this demonstration, this 
  thread -
   - the
flagrantly ruthless wanton and rampant beastiality of moral 
   retards, from
whom we must learn to defend ourselves?
   It's simply a lack of invincibility in daily life.
  It's simply a lack of cult-indoctrinated catch phrases in daily 
 Your choice.

Well, I've already made my choice.

I do the TM Program, something you obviously don't do.

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  You are making a fool of
  yourself if you think those goons of yours are kneeing someone in
 the  face over and over again with full force. ROTFLMFA ! People
 would die  if what you are watching was real ! It is all a stupid
 ratings show.  Nothing more.
 Mario Yamasaki, one of the UFC refs was my Jiu Jitsu teacher.

Jiu Jitsu has seldom won a serious Kmiti competition, and is likely 
inferior to a system that the only goal of which is to develop a life 
of respect and humility, then, in times of extreme need.block, 
and strike you very hard in the adam's apple, or maybe break your 
ankle instead.

 I have
 attended live MMA events in person.  I have friends who fight in 
  It is real.  Your lack of familiarity with Thai technique caused 
 to miss how Rich was defending himself from the knees. 

Ridiculous and childish technique to be kneeing someone in the face. 
Any Shotokan expert would be out of that hold in an instant (they are 
heavily trained for such ), and if he was the one in the kicking 
position, within an instant, that you cannot even comprehend Curtis, 
he would have changed his stance, swept the guy on the floor and 
crammed his heel to about 3/16 in and inch precisely into the surface 
of his jaw. Start thinking Curtis. That, if follwed though, breaks 
your jaw.

from these disciplines and want to
 test themselves in a different way.  No doubt anyone trying to 
 in a highly structured sport that they don't train in wouldn't do
 well.  Send a shotokan fighter to a judo match? 

If the fight is stopped after a serious (pulled back in force though) 
blow to the stomach, neck, knees,ankled, heart, kidneys, (balls not 
allowed under any circumstnaces in sparring of course, but in 
reality, one more place for you to defend) or jawand the fight is 
stopped, because everyone knows that that could easily break your 
ankles, knees ,or jawthen yes, there is NO QUESTION Shotakan 
would win the Kmiti, 99% of the time.

 It doesn't make
 sense. The original UFCs were a test of pure styles in a very few
 rules setting.  Now it has evolved into a distinctive cross trained
 Claims of the highest martial art 

It is not a claim  of the highest martial arts Curtis, you, the 
TurqTurd, and Peter are distorting that. I never said that.

 I said that in REALISTIC KMITI style competition Shotokan has 
dominated other styles. Others are welcome to try the MORE REALISTIC 
Kmiti competition, and I would love to see a better style than 
Shotokan emerge. I just have my doubts they would have a chance since 
they have never been able to do it in the past.

or the highest yogic teaching are
 not claims that I take seriously.  We will have to agree to disagree
 about both of these subjects. 
 I appreciate lots of different fighting styles and think they all 
 their place. My favorite is Brazilian style jiu jitsu.  But I still
 enjoy watching people demonstrate other fighting styles, including
 your beloved Shotokan style. I'm just not a My way is the only 

No, you are not, you are just being totally irrational because you 
don't want to see what I am saying. What I am saying is obvious, and 
you know it is true, yet you still continue to deny. Just like 
denying peer-reviewed research published in hundreds of scientific 


[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
Curtis, your story brought the idea that canine companionship might
offer multiple
benefits when you're meeting the public - 1 ) security - lots of bad
guys won't tangle with a dog. 2.) a cute dog can be a magnet to draw
people closer. May you move safely..

Thanks Main!  Actually the DC tough guys often have pit bulls or
Rottweilers now so I don't know what I could have to keep up.  I got
chased by one manhy years ago when I was doing some mortgage business
in the DC ghetto.  The dog was so big it made me wish it was a person
chasing me!  I think he was very curious to try white meat, I doubt he
had ever seen a white person before!  Yummm!  I've heard the that
hardasses in London have taken to walking around with large monkeys!
Being more of a cat person (pussy jokes unwelcome) I'm just gunna 
get me a tiger and own those streets!

The homeland security emphasis has taken so many cops off the streets
that DC is getting pretty tough again after years of being much lower
crime.  Since I walk around with a lot of expensive musical gear for
shows, I always read the crime reports in the areas where I play. 
Lately the personal armed robberies are much higher.  The combo of me
after a gig, late at night, walking to my car with expensive guitars,
is a nasty mix.  Lately I've been sticking to the suburban clubs till
DC can get things back under control.  But I still love the city and
haven't had much trouble through the years.  I'm a big fan of Haul-ass
Jiu jitsu when I see any trouble going down!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
  steve.sundur@ wrote:
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
   choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite
   and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby 
   carriage, how disarming is that! 
   How does that work. I love a good story. Wait, let me pull up a 
   chair.  Okay, ready.
  Black guys approaches me on H street in DC up the street from the old
  College of Natural Law.  He tells me his Navy ship just pulled into
  Baltimore Harbor that day and he had a 24 hour leave.  He reached in
  his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of bills, bigger than a softball,
  waves it in front of me and tells me that with only 24 hours he needs
  a local to help him find a hooker.  And he tells me that he is willing
   to part with a chunk of that big wad to the guy who helps him find a
  girl, been on the ship for 6 months and all and ready to ship out for
  another 3 the next day.  His eyes are  clear and sincere, he holds my
  gaze without flinching.  I like him almost instantly, he is radiating
  familiarity like I went to school with him or something.  He needs my
  help in the worst way if I would only show a little compassion for a
  sailor in need, serving his country and in need of a little pussy for
  one night, hell the drinks are on him, we can all party together he
  has so much money to burn he doesn't care if he lays a few hundred on
  me he'll buy me a girl too if I want and where is he going to spend
  money in the middle of the ocean on a US Navy ship and can't I help a
  brother in need for God's sake, he only has one night...
  I start to back off and tell him that he doesn't need my help in the
  Capital city.  He will do fine on his own.  Just then a woman rolls up
  with a baby in a baby carriage, kinda blocks me in with it and joins
  the conversation.  She tells me that we shouldn't miss this chance to
  work a deal and that she knows some Howard University college girls
  who turn tricks on the side.  She needs my help cuz she has this baby
  see, and we can both make a bunch of money in such a short time,
  yessereee we would be fools to pass up a chance to make a few
  hundred dollars for almost no work at all, if I wont take the free
  money she certainly will, she is no fool...
  I realize that my ass is now in a sling with two people who wish me
  harm and who knows who else in the wings, so I briskly walk away
  cutting across moving traffic to get the F out of Dodge.
  It was only later that I contemplated whether I saw a man pull out a
  huge wad of bills or a man pulling out a few bills on the outside of a
  partial roll of toilet paper.  Greed was the hook, and I didn't take
  the bait.  But I learned a nice little lesson for the street.  Now if
  someone asks me for the time, I step back first and look around me. 
  Then I give them the time.  I never take for granted the power of more
  than one person with me in their sights. 
  Thanks for asking Lurk.  I hope it did not disappoint.

  Send instant messages to your online friends

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samadhi Is Much Closer Than 
 You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It? 
 DharmaMitra1@ wrote:
  So, what is the redeeming value of this demonstration, this 
thread -
 - the
  flagrantly ruthless wanton and rampant beastiality of moral 
 retards, from
  whom we must learn to defend ourselves?
 It's simply a lack of invincibility in daily life.

It's simply a lack of cult-indoctrinated catch phrases in daily life.

  *Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most
  valuable thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral
  conscience. Only such persons deserve to lead others, in any 
  Anything less is a menace to society.
  On 11/29/07, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
UFC 1-6 were the best! What a shock to all the
karate/gung-fu one-punch-kills-all dudes. That's why
I'm surprised that there are martial arts afficinados
out there that still believe in some superduper secret
school of one punch destroys all. Really quite silly.
   So Peter uses reasoning to deduce that if a very hard strike is 
   to the adam's apple, or the testicles, or the knees, or ankles,
   stomach, or break the jaw, that it is not dangerous and just 
 carry on
   as if nothing happened. You and Curtis and the goons on UFC 
 should get
   on stage with the Republican candidates for president that still
   believe the Earth was created 6,000 years ago.
   Get real imagine a hard strike to any number of places and
   understand --- you could die or be crippled temporarily. One 
 strike is
   all it takes, and if you have not trained with that in 
   not a martial artist. Shotokan style Kmiti style competition is 
   only way to test a martial art.  Other types of competition are 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-30 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm still a believer in siddhis being possible.  Go figure.
 That said, Curtis et al, how'z'bout telling us which of the martial
 arts really have spiritual programs of merit. Do any or all have 
 practitioners do daily meditations on martial mantras?

I believe many of them do, but have lost that aspect in the West.

 I think that only an enlightened person could master a one-blow
 killing ability. 

Well, there are plenty of enlightened people that could die if they 
attacked an unenlightened expert in Shotokan, and there are many 
experts in Shotokan that could loose an encounter with a completely 
untrained enlightened person (a person exuding pure consciousness), 
but the chances of such an event are next to zero, since the Shotokan 
fighters quickly develop a sense of total humility and respect (even 
the HARDEST,  previous street fighting guys - of which there were 
several in the club I trained in). And the enlightened have in the 
vicinity of Yog, negativity is eliminated. Therefore, such an event 
could not occur.


[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have never seen any evidence for the one strike
  one kill myth in
  karate anywhere in any fighting system I have seen. 
  I think it is a
  story like yogis flying in the air. Well I probably
  give it a higher
  probability than flying, but you get my point. 
 I really would like to belief that such a thing is
 possible, but like you say, its like yogis flying
 through the air. I'd luv to see it, but I doubt it.
 For so many centuries these karate and kung-fu guys
 have been believing their own press releases. As you
 have noted, UFC and MMA competition put all this
 killer striking ability to rest pretty quickly.

Yep. The parallels between belief in magical
abilities through siddhis and the belief in
magical abilities through the martial arts
is a strong one. As is the posturing we see
in those who still believe the PR despite
decades in the study without ever seeing even
one demonstration of the myths.

As a general rule in the martial arts, anyone
who talks about how well they can kick ass can't.  :-)

Pretty much the same phenomenon as those who
talk a lot about their darshan and how power-
fully they can affect others' spiritual progress.
The more talk, the less effect IMO. 

The few teachers I've encountered who seemed to
really have some extraordinary abilities going 
for them -- either in the martial arts or in the 
realm of consciousness -- were pretty quiet about 
it. It was about action, not talk. And *after*
the action, they never mentioned it again or
tried to milk it for any PR or credit. They
just did their jobs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread Angela Mailander
I saw a pretty amazing guy in China do some things I'd have thought good work 
on the part of the special effects people in a movie.  I'll describe briefly 
what he did and then I'd like your thoughts on what that was all about.

I was sitting on a bench with a student in downtown Zhenjiang, a crowded place, 
when I noticed a guy starting to cross the square.  He was very very old.  No 
telling how old, but eighties at least if not nineties.  And there was 
something strange about the way he walked--like he was in a different movie 
from the rest of us in which time moved more slowly or like he was walking on 
the moon where there's less gravity or under water.  

When he got opposite  us, he was suddenly involved  with three strong young 
girls, late teens, early twenties.  He was juggling them--it's the only way I 
can put it.  They tried to get away.  He'd hold two of them, one in each hand, 
and the third one would try to run.  Then he'd grab her, letting another one 
loose, who tried to run, but he'd grab her, letting another one loose, and so 
on.  He made it look effortless. 

Finally the girls dropped to their knees and begged him to let them go.  And he 
gave a little speech, which my student translated for me.  Apparently, he'd 
caught those girls picking someone's pocket, and he was giving them a lecture 
about the social contract, and how you couldn't run a society with their 
attitude, and what would happen to them if they kept it up.  Then he let them 

I sent my student to capture this guy and ask him if he'd be willing to talk 
for a while with this big nosed ghost, and he came over and sat down.  He was 

In China, they train blind men to do massage, so I became his weekly client.  
But he never would talk to me about his martial arts background.  He was 
clearly a Daoist, though---that informed all his conversations with me, as he 
sat on a low stool and massaged my feet. 

TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have never seen any evidence for the one strike
   one kill myth in
   karate anywhere in any fighting system I have seen. 
   I think it is a
   story like yogis flying in the air. Well I probably
   give it a higher
   probability than flying, but you get my point. 
  I really would like to belief that such a thing is
  possible, but like you say, its like yogis flying
  through the air. I'd luv to see it, but I doubt it.
  For so many centuries these karate and kung-fu guys
  have been believing their own press releases. As you
  have noted, UFC and MMA competition put all this
  killer striking ability to rest pretty quickly.
 Yep. The parallels between belief in magical
 abilities through siddhis and the belief in
 magical abilities through the martial arts
 is a strong one. As is the posturing we see
 in those who still believe the PR despite
 decades in the study without ever seeing even
 one demonstration of the myths.
 As a general rule in the martial arts, anyone
 who talks about how well they can kick ass can't.  :-)
 Pretty much the same phenomenon as those who
 talk a lot about their darshan and how power-
 fully they can affect others' spiritual progress.
 The more talk, the less effect IMO. 
 The few teachers I've encountered who seemed to
 really have some extraordinary abilities going 
 for them -- either in the martial arts or in the 
 realm of consciousness -- were pretty quiet about 
 it. It was about action, not talk. And *after*
 the action, they never mentioned it again or
 tried to milk it for any PR or credit. They
 just did their jobs.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread Peter

--- curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   You cannot test martial arts without using a
 Kmiti Shotokan style 
 I am a little unclear on your point. Is it that your
 Shotokan style is
 the bestest onliest realist ultimatist super
 duperist wowy dowiest
 toppermostist of the popermostist ultraist wammer
 supercalafracilisticexpialidoshisist fantabulous Mt.
 Vendantabulous martial art.  (The one you studied)
 All other martial arts, not so much?
 Am I reading your fine point clearly? Let me
 Off has the highest martial arts teaching.
 Everyone else, doesn't.
 Are we on the same page now? 

Curtis, you must have missed the memo!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   It doesn't have to be Shotokan style.  The right
 strike ends fights in
   a flash in UFC all the time.  You don't curl in
 a ball to defend, you
   move in and out of range while striking
 yourself.  For a straight line
   attack like traditional karate the movement is
 circular peppered with
   low kicks.  
  That's the whole point. Peppering someone with
 inneffective side swipes 
  with no power available behind them in a real
 situation is a joke. You 
  might as well go play table tennis. Karate is
 designed to have the 
  whole body and the force of every muscle in the
 body and the whole body 
  lunging at full force to a cripple or kill spot at
 incredible speed. 
  Anything else is a joke and you would get killed
 using anything else in 
  a real situation.
   You cannot test martial arts without using a
 Kmiti Shotokan style 
  competition. If any of those UFC people came to a
 Kmiti fight most of 
  them would be humbled completely (and some bloody
 noses). The only 
  legitimate test of the efficacy of a martial art
 is Kmiti, where the 
  fight is stopped after a strike. Best out of three
  Otherwise it is a bar-room brawl and does not test
 what Shotokan is 
  designed for. Instead of those goons claiming they
 can beat Shotokan at 
  silly brawls that don't test what martial arts
 were designed for, let's 
  see them come to a Kmiti competition. Shotokan has
 dominated such 
  competitions in the past when other forms turned
 up to fight. Kmiti is 
  the only true test of a martial art. The rest is
 worse than mud-
  wrestling because it doesn't test anything. You
 have to stop the fight 
  after one strike for it to be a legitimate test.
 One strike could 
  easily kill someone, and you are naive if you
 think it cannot.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread Peter

--- curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Curtis, my neighbor (30 something guy) has trained
  Muay Thai for several years. He works out a lot in
  garage. I asked him to demonstrate some Muay Thai
  moves on me a while back. I'm an old judo guy so i
  know somethings on the mat. My experience was like
  yours. That behind the neck lock-up is incredibly
 I was wondering when you would join in!
 Yeah, I was blown away by the Muay Thai clinch's
 control even without
 eating knees which is how Rich Franklin experienced
 it a few UFC's
 back. I dig their low kicks too.
 Judo is such a great tough sport.  I did a lot of
 Judo in my first
 school.  Learning to fall in a relaxed state while
 being thrown was a
 religious quest for me.  One class I asked my
 teacher to throw me 25
 times in a row so I could begin to stay conscious
 enough to
 experience the throw.  It really helped.  I
 learned how to slide my
 hand on their GI as I was flying over them to slow
 down my impact. But
 even with that it is really hard on your body to get
 thrown.  Not to
 mention all the nasty ways to accelerate a throw
 that would pop up
 with certain sadistic partners!  Like my TM
 intensive days, I am
 really happy to have experienced it, and really
 happy I am not into it
 like that now.
 The discussion with Off really brings me back to all
 those debates
 when UFC 2 blew the lid off.  Those were exciting
 times when a little
 Gracie ground game could give you a huge advantage
 in a classically
 trained Jiu jitsu or Judo dojo.  Now the sport is at
 such a high
 level.  Last year I hit the mat with a purple belt
 Gracie fighter who
 I used to train with in the mid 90's.  Very quickly
 it became obvious
 that the world had passed me by, his skill level was
 so radically
 different, I couldn't do a single thing to slow down
 the inevitable. 
 What a brilliant system of body chess! But I have
 fallen off the board
 and I can't get up!  When he described all his
 injuries and how messed
 up his fingers are I remembered why I had accepted
 my fate and hung up
 my GI.
 These days IFC is on cable, the UFC reality show has
 fights every
 week, and the day after UFC you can catch the fights
 online for free.
  It is really blowing up as a sport. But 70 UFCs ago
 Royce Gracie
 changed the way I viewed martial arts forever.  And
 I sure wasn't the
 only one!

UFC 1-6 were the best! What a shock to all the
karate/gung-fu one-punch-kills-all dudes. That's why
I'm surprised that there are martial arts afficinados
out there that still believe in some superduper secret
school of one punch destroys all. Really quite silly.
I'd love to see it if it was true. I'd love to see
some guy lift a horse with his ki the same way I'd
love to see some siddha actually fly high in the
dome. But I ain't waitin' anymore! I'm always open to
the possibility but until i see it...


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread Vaj
There are a good number of techniques in Taoist internal practices  
which are similar to what you describe. Some involve internal  
practices which are linked to movement. In external reality these  
would look like someone was doing Tai Chi or walking oddly, but in  
actuality the internal process was just being done in tune with the  
external movement. The teacher who taught me saw what largely passes  
as Tai Chi forms as a martial art. It's only when they were linked to  
the inner movement of Chi that they had any real power. That was  
supposed to be capable of all sorts of capacities, for example  
rooting someone to the ground or striking a blow to internal  
points...without ever touching the person. When it's practiced one  
does this weird walking/stalking kind of motion.

Probably a Chi Kung master the way it sounds!

On Nov 29, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Angela Mailander wrote:

I saw a pretty amazing guy in China do some things I'd have thought  
good work on the part of the special effects people in a movie.   
I'll describe briefly what he did and then I'd like your thoughts  
on what that was all about.

I was sitting on a bench with a student in downtown Zhenjiang, a  
crowded place, when I noticed a guy starting to cross the square.   
He was very very old.  No telling how old, but eighties at least if  
not nineties.  And there was something strange about the way he  
walked--like he was in a different movie from the rest of us in  
which time moved more slowly or like he was walking on the moon  
where there's less gravity or under water.

When he got opposite  us, he was suddenly involved  with three  
strong young girls, late teens, early twenties.  He was juggling  
them--it's the only way I can put it.  They tried to get away.   
He'd hold two of them, one in each hand, and the third one would  
try to run.  Then he'd grab her, letting another one loose, who  
tried to run, but he'd grab her, letting another one loose, and so  
on.  He made it look effortless.

Finally the girls dropped to their knees and begged him to let them  
go.  And he gave a little speech, which my student translated for  
me.  Apparently, he'd caught those girls picking someone's pocket,  
and he was giving them a lecture about the social contract, and how  
you couldn't run a society with their attitude, and what would  
happen to them if they kept it up.  Then he let them go.

I sent my student to capture this guy and ask him if he'd be  
willing to talk for a while with this big nosed ghost, and he came  
over and sat down.  He was blind!

In China, they train blind men to do massage, so I became his  
weekly client.  But he never would talk to me about his martial  
arts background.  He was clearly a Daoist, though---that informed  
all his conversations with me, as he sat on a low stool and  
massaged my feet.

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread curtisdeltablues

First of all I am fascinated with China.  What an interesting life you
must have had there!  I know it only through Chinese friends and
reading.  I went through a rather obsessive period of reading stories
of people who lived through the Cultural Revolution and the life of
Mao.  It kind of blew all my previous worries about how the TM
organization operates out the window.  Not because there aren't
parallels, there are.  But the scale and magnitude of what went down
in China dwarfed the movement's influence so much I stopped caring
about it so much.

Now to your interesting story...

When I used to practice martial arts I used to get paired with blue
collar workers who had spent the day loading flats of plants as
landscapers.  The first time one of them grabbed me it seemed like a
supernatural force.  Their hands were so hardened from their years of
labor that, compared to my lily whites,their grip was monstrous. As
much as I train and weight lift, I never have achieved the natural
strength of guys who earn a living with their bodies.  So my first
thought is that this guy may have worked physically hard all his life.
If this guy did massage for a living, he had arms and grip that could
easily control, not only these young girls, but almost anyone who
didn't spend all day, every day working physically.  Even at his
advanced age those girls were no match.

People who work outside can look much older than they are.  My
Shanghaiese buddy is only 10 years older than I am but he looks like
he could be my dad. He spent the Cultural Revolution on a farm and it
aged him terribly.

The first time my Judo teacher shoved me with his whole body, it was
like a truck hit me.  Same with when he would pull me with his whole
body engaged.  It seemed supernatural to me until I learned to do it

Next these girls were probably not willing to really take on an elder
after having committed a crime right?  The implication of really
decking the old guy would probably bring some consequences.  So they
may have been playing a bit rather then really going all out to resist
him.  This guy would have had a different experience with some of the
homegirls in my neighborhood who wouldn't have given him any respect.

The different levels of blindness can account for an ability to
recognize shapes enough to grab a thing as big as a human.

Finally, due to the fact that it was almost as if it was a show for
your benefit, I can't rule out that it was not a bit of street hustle.
 Although you sent someone over to him, if you hadn't, he might have
approached you.  The chances that you would be a higher paying
customer than a Chinese person makes such a display very worthwhile. 
I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite convincing
and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby
carriage, how disarming is that! 

None of my speculations makes your story less interesting Angela. I am
not attempting to  explain what happened, just some possibilities
that come to my mind. Thanks for asking for our POVs on this personal

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

 I saw a pretty amazing guy in China do some things I'd have thought
good work on the part of the special effects people in a movie.  I'll
describe briefly what he did and then I'd like your thoughts on what
that was all about.
 I was sitting on a bench with a student in downtown Zhenjiang, a
crowded place, when I noticed a guy starting to cross the square.  He
was very very old.  No telling how old, but eighties at least if not
nineties.  And there was something strange about the way he
walked--like he was in a different movie from the rest of us in which
time moved more slowly or like he was walking on the moon where
there's less gravity or under water.  
 When he got opposite  us, he was suddenly involved  with three
strong young girls, late teens, early twenties.  He was juggling
them--it's the only way I can put it.  They tried to get away.  He'd
hold two of them, one in each hand, and the third one would try to
run.  Then he'd grab her, letting another one loose, who tried to run,
but he'd grab her, letting another one loose, and so on.  He made it
look effortless. 
 Finally the girls dropped to their knees and begged him to let them
go.  And he gave a little speech, which my student translated for me.
 Apparently, he'd caught those girls picking someone's pocket, and he
was giving them a lecture about the social contract, and how you
couldn't run a society with their attitude, and what would happen to
them if they kept it up.  Then he let them go.
 I sent my student to capture this guy and ask him if he'd be willing
to talk for a while with this big nosed ghost, and he came over and
sat down.  He was blind!
 In China, they train blind men to do massage, so I became his weekly
client.  But he never 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread Angela Mailander
Sounds right. I forgot to mention that he could put a candle out at a distance 
by just pointing at it.  

Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   There are a good 
number of techniques in Taoist internal practices which are similar to what you 
describe. Some involve internal practices which are linked to movement. In 
external reality these would look like someone was doing Tai Chi or walking 
oddly, but in actuality the internal process was just being done in tune with 
the external movement. The teacher who taught me saw what largely passes as Tai 
Chi forms as a martial art. It's only when they were linked to the inner 
movement of Chi that they had any real power. That was supposed to be capable 
of all sorts of capacities, for example rooting someone to the ground or 
striking a blow to internal points...without ever touching the person. When 
it's practiced one does this weird walking/stalking kind of motion. 

Probably a Chi Kung master the way it sounds!
On Nov 29, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Angela Mailander wrote:

I saw a pretty amazing guy in China do some things I'd have thought good work 
on the part of the special effects people in a movie.  I'll describe briefly 
what he did and then I'd like your thoughts on what that was all about.

I was sitting on a bench with a student in downtown Zhenjiang, a crowded place, 
when I noticed a guy starting to cross the square.  He was very very old.  No 
telling how old, but eighties at least if not nineties.  And there was 
something strange about the way he walked--like he was in a different movie 
from the rest of us in which time moved more slowly or like he was walking on 
the moon where there's less gravity or under water.  

When he got opposite  us, he was suddenly involved  with three strong young 
girls, late teens, early twenties.  He was juggling them--it's the only way I 
can put it.  They tried to get away.  He'd hold two of them, one in each hand, 
and the third one would try to run.  Then he'd grab her, letting another one 
loose, who tried to run, but he'd grab her, letting another one loose, and so 
on.  He made it look effortless. 

Finally the girls dropped to their knees and begged him to let them go.  And he 
gave a little speech, which my student translated for me.  Apparently, he'd 
caught those girls picking someone's pocket, and he was giving them a lecture 
about the social contract, and how you couldn't run a society with their 
attitude, and what would happen to them if they kept it up.  Then he let them 

I sent my student to capture this guy and ask him if he'd be willing to talk 
for a while with this big nosed ghost, and he came over and sat down.  He was 

In China, they train blind men to do massage, so I became his weekly client.  
But he never would talk to me about his martial arts background.  He was 
clearly a Daoist, though---that informed all his conversations with me, as he 
sat on a low stool and massaged my feet. 


 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread shempmcgurk

Did you ever read Jasper Becker's Hungry Ghosts; Mao's Secret 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 First of all I am fascinated with China.  What an interesting life 
 must have had there!  I know it only through Chinese friends and
 reading.  I went through a rather obsessive period of reading 
 of people who lived through the Cultural Revolution and the life of
 Mao.  It kind of blew all my previous worries about how the TM
 organization operates out the window.  Not because there aren't
 parallels, there are.  But the scale and magnitude of what went down
 in China dwarfed the movement's influence so much I stopped caring
 about it so much.
 Now to your interesting story...
 When I used to practice martial arts I used to get paired with blue
 collar workers who had spent the day loading flats of plants as
 landscapers.  The first time one of them grabbed me it seemed like a
 supernatural force.  Their hands were so hardened from their years 
 labor that, compared to my lily whites,their grip was monstrous. As
 much as I train and weight lift, I never have achieved the natural
 strength of guys who earn a living with their bodies.  So my first
 thought is that this guy may have worked physically hard all his 
 If this guy did massage for a living, he had arms and grip that 
 easily control, not only these young girls, but almost anyone who
 didn't spend all day, every day working physically.  Even at his
 advanced age those girls were no match.
 People who work outside can look much older than they are.  My
 Shanghaiese buddy is only 10 years older than I am but he looks like
 he could be my dad. He spent the Cultural Revolution on a farm and 
 aged him terribly.
 The first time my Judo teacher shoved me with his whole body, it was
 like a truck hit me.  Same with when he would pull me with his whole
 body engaged.  It seemed supernatural to me until I learned to do it
 Next these girls were probably not willing to really take on an 
 after having committed a crime right?  The implication of really
 decking the old guy would probably bring some consequences.  So they
 may have been playing a bit rather then really going all out to 
 him.  This guy would have had a different experience with some of 
 homegirls in my neighborhood who wouldn't have given him any 
 The different levels of blindness can account for an ability to
 recognize shapes enough to grab a thing as big as a human.
 Finally, due to the fact that it was almost as if it was a show for
 your benefit, I can't rule out that it was not a bit of street 
  Although you sent someone over to him, if you hadn't, he might have
 approached you.  The chances that you would be a higher paying
 customer than a Chinese person makes such a display very 
 I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
 choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite 
 and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby
 carriage, how disarming is that! 
 None of my speculations makes your story less interesting Angela. I 
 not attempting to  explain what happened, just some possibilities
 that come to my mind. Thanks for asking for our POVs on this 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
 mailander111@ wrote:
  I saw a pretty amazing guy in China do some things I'd have 
 good work on the part of the special effects people in a movie.  
 describe briefly what he did and then I'd like your thoughts on what
 that was all about.
  I was sitting on a bench with a student in downtown Zhenjiang, a
 crowded place, when I noticed a guy starting to cross the square.  
 was very very old.  No telling how old, but eighties at least if not
 nineties.  And there was something strange about the way he
 walked--like he was in a different movie from the rest of us in 
 time moved more slowly or like he was walking on the moon where
 there's less gravity or under water.  
  When he got opposite  us, he was suddenly involved  with three
 strong young girls, late teens, early twenties.  He was juggling
 them--it's the only way I can put it.  They tried to get away.  He'd
 hold two of them, one in each hand, and the third one would try to
 run.  Then he'd grab her, letting another one loose, who tried to 
 but he'd grab her, letting another one loose, and so on.  He made it
 look effortless. 
  Finally the girls dropped to their knees and begged him to let 
 go.  And he gave a little speech, which my student translated for 
  Apparently, he'd caught those girls picking someone's pocket, and 
 was giving them a lecture about the social contract, and how you
 couldn't run a society with their attitude, and what would happen to

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread Angela Mailander
Are you not quite believing my story?

Those girls were big strong girls who had also done their share of physical 
labor and they worked hard and pulled no punches I could see. They were afraid 
that the scene would bring the cops and they were doing all they could to get 
out of Dodge.  

The man was as old as he looked. I went to see him twice a week  after that for 
two years and got to know him very well.  We had long conversations and became 
good friends. 

A show for my benefit would not be beyond to the Chinese to try to pull off.  
And they're good at it.  But, like I said, I got to know this man well.  And 
so, no, this was not street theater.   At least not in the sense of something 
almost fraudulent, as you're suggesting. 

How blind was he? He was blind from birth.   There's a book by a Frenchman who 
was blinded in an accident when he was a child.  I forget how old he was.  He 
became one of the important organizers of the French Resistance against the 
Germans.  I'd read that book before going to China, so when I met Wu Zhaoqi, I 
told him the story.  He recognized some of those experiences of light in the 
head.  But exactly how blind was Wu Zhaoqi?  He had to have someone point his 
hand at the candle, but then he could put it out from across the room.  He was 
a simple and very humble man--the sort of humility I have never seen in the 

curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
 First of all I am fascinated with China.  What an interesting life you
 must have had there!  I know it only through Chinese friends and
 reading.  I went through a rather obsessive period of reading stories
 of people who lived through the Cultural Revolution and the life of
 Mao.  It kind of blew all my previous worries about how the TM
 organization operates out the window.  Not because there aren't
 parallels, there are.  But the scale and magnitude of what went down
 in China dwarfed the movement's influence so much I stopped caring
 about it so much.
 Now to your interesting story...
 When I used to practice martial arts I used to get paired with blue
 collar workers who had spent the day loading flats of plants as
 landscapers.  The first time one of them grabbed me it seemed like a
 supernatural force.  Their hands were so hardened from their years of
 labor that, compared to my lily whites,their grip was monstrous. As
 much as I train and weight lift, I never have achieved the natural
 strength of guys who earn a living with their bodies.  So my first
 thought is that this guy may have worked physically hard all his life.
 If this guy did massage for a living, he had arms and grip that could
 easily control, not only these young girls, but almost anyone who
 didn't spend all day, every day working physically.  Even at his
 advanced age those girls were no match.
 People who work outside can look much older than they are.  My
 Shanghaiese buddy is only 10 years older than I am but he looks like
 he could be my dad. He spent the Cultural Revolution on a farm and it
 aged him terribly.
 The first time my Judo teacher shoved me with his whole body, it was
 like a truck hit me.  Same with when he would pull me with his whole
 body engaged.  It seemed supernatural to me until I learned to do it
 Next these girls were probably not willing to really take on an elder
 after having committed a crime right?  The implication of really
 decking the old guy would probably bring some consequences.  So they
 may have been playing a bit rather then really going all out to resist
 him.  This guy would have had a different experience with some of the
 homegirls in my neighborhood who wouldn't have given him any respect.
 The different levels of blindness can account for an ability to
 recognize shapes enough to grab a thing as big as a human.
 Finally, due to the fact that it was almost as if it was a show for
 your benefit, I can't rule out that it was not a bit of street hustle.
  Although you sent someone over to him, if you hadn't, he might have
 approached you.  The chances that you would be a higher paying
 customer than a Chinese person makes such a display very worthwhile. 
 I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
 choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite convincing
 and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby
 carriage, how disarming is that! 
 None of my speculations makes your story less interesting Angela. I am
 not attempting to  explain what happened, just some possibilities
 that come to my mind. Thanks for asking for our POVs on this personal
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
  I saw a pretty amazing guy in China do some things I'd have thought
 good work on the part of the special effects people in a movie.  I'll
 describe briefly what he did and then I'd like your thoughts on what
 that was 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Yep. The parallels between belief in magical
 abilities through siddhis and the belief in
 magical abilities through the martial arts
 is a strong one. As is the posturing we see
 in those who still believe the PR despite
 decades in the study without ever seeing even
 one demonstration of the myths.
 As a general rule in the martial arts, anyone
 who talks about how well they can kick ass can't.  :-)
 Pretty much the same phenomenon as those who
 talk a lot about their darshan and how power-
 fully they can affect others' spiritual progress.
 The more talk, the less effect IMO. 
 The few teachers I've encountered who seemed to
 really have some extraordinary abilities going 
 for them -- either in the martial arts or in the 
 realm of consciousness -- were pretty quiet about 
 it. It was about action, not talk. And *after*
 the action, they never mentioned it again or
 tried to milk it for any PR or credit. They
 just did their jobs.

Freddy Rama, your teacher, was a black belt! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

 Are you not quite believing my story?

Truth is often stranger than fiction Angela, and you were there, I
wasn't.  It sounds like a fascinating relationship with an amazing

 Those girls were big strong girls who had also done their share of
physical labor and they worked hard and pulled no punches I could see.
They were afraid that the scene would bring the cops and they were
doing all they could to get out of Dodge.  
 The man was as old as he looked. I went to see him twice a week 
after that for two years and got to know him very well.  We had long
conversations and became good friends. 
 A show for my benefit would not be beyond to the Chinese to try to
pull off.  And they're good at it.  But, like I said, I got to know
this man well.  And so, no, this was not street theater.   At least
not in the sense of something almost fraudulent, as you're suggesting. 
 How blind was he? He was blind from birth.   There's a book by a
Frenchman who was blinded in an accident when he was a child.  I
forget how old he was.  He became one of the important organizers of
the French Resistance against the Germans.  I'd read that book before
going to China, so when I met Wu Zhaoqi, I told him the story.  He
recognized some of those experiences of light in the head.  But
exactly how blind was Wu Zhaoqi?  He had to have someone point his
hand at the candle, but then he could put it out from across the room.
 He was a simple and very humble man--the sort of humility I have
never seen in the West.
 curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  First of all I am fascinated with China.  What an interesting life you
  must have had there!  I know it only through Chinese friends and
  reading.  I went through a rather obsessive period of reading stories
  of people who lived through the Cultural Revolution and the life of
  Mao.  It kind of blew all my previous worries about how the TM
  organization operates out the window.  Not because there aren't
  parallels, there are.  But the scale and magnitude of what went down
  in China dwarfed the movement's influence so much I stopped caring
  about it so much.
  Now to your interesting story...
  When I used to practice martial arts I used to get paired with blue
  collar workers who had spent the day loading flats of plants as
  landscapers.  The first time one of them grabbed me it seemed like a
  supernatural force.  Their hands were so hardened from their years of
  labor that, compared to my lily whites,their grip was monstrous. As
  much as I train and weight lift, I never have achieved the natural
  strength of guys who earn a living with their bodies.  So my first
  thought is that this guy may have worked physically hard all his life.
  If this guy did massage for a living, he had arms and grip that could
  easily control, not only these young girls, but almost anyone who
  didn't spend all day, every day working physically.  Even at his
  advanced age those girls were no match.
  People who work outside can look much older than they are.  My
  Shanghaiese buddy is only 10 years older than I am but he looks like
  he could be my dad. He spent the Cultural Revolution on a farm and it
  aged him terribly.
  The first time my Judo teacher shoved me with his whole body, it was
  like a truck hit me.  Same with when he would pull me with his whole
  body engaged.  It seemed supernatural to me until I learned to do it
  Next these girls were probably not willing to really take on an elder
  after having committed a crime right?  The implication of really
  decking the old guy would probably bring some consequences.  So they
  may have been playing a bit rather then really going all out to resist
  him.  This guy would have had a different experience with some of the
  homegirls in my neighborhood who wouldn't have given him any respect.
  The different levels of blindness can account for an ability to
  recognize shapes enough to grab a thing as big as a human.
  Finally, due to the fact that it was almost as if it was a show for
  your benefit, I can't rule out that it was not a bit of street hustle.
   Although you sent someone over to him, if you hadn't, he might have
  approached you.  The chances that you would be a higher paying
  customer than a Chinese person makes such a display very worthwhile. 
  I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
  choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite convincing
  and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby
  carriage, how disarming is that! 
  None of my speculations makes your story less interesting Angela. I am
  not attempting to  explain what happened, just some possibilities
  that come to my mind. Thanks for asking for our POVs on this personal
  --- In 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Did you ever read Jasper Becker's Hungry Ghosts; Mao's Secret 

Oh yeah!  Really a powerful book.  I also dug the one by his personal
physician.  The guy lived like a rock star with hundreds of groupies
at dances for him every night.  But he wouldn't wash or brush his
green teeth!

There are quite a few first person accounts of people who survived the
Cultural Revolution whose titles I have forgotten.  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  First of all I am fascinated with China.  What an interesting life 
  must have had there!  I know it only through Chinese friends and
  reading.  I went through a rather obsessive period of reading 
  of people who lived through the Cultural Revolution and the life of
  Mao.  It kind of blew all my previous worries about how the TM
  organization operates out the window.  Not because there aren't
  parallels, there are.  But the scale and magnitude of what went down
  in China dwarfed the movement's influence so much I stopped caring
  about it so much.
  Now to your interesting story...
  When I used to practice martial arts I used to get paired with blue
  collar workers who had spent the day loading flats of plants as
  landscapers.  The first time one of them grabbed me it seemed like a
  supernatural force.  Their hands were so hardened from their years 
  labor that, compared to my lily whites,their grip was monstrous. As
  much as I train and weight lift, I never have achieved the natural
  strength of guys who earn a living with their bodies.  So my first
  thought is that this guy may have worked physically hard all his 
  If this guy did massage for a living, he had arms and grip that 
  easily control, not only these young girls, but almost anyone who
  didn't spend all day, every day working physically.  Even at his
  advanced age those girls were no match.
  People who work outside can look much older than they are.  My
  Shanghaiese buddy is only 10 years older than I am but he looks like
  he could be my dad. He spent the Cultural Revolution on a farm and 
  aged him terribly.
  The first time my Judo teacher shoved me with his whole body, it was
  like a truck hit me.  Same with when he would pull me with his whole
  body engaged.  It seemed supernatural to me until I learned to do it
  Next these girls were probably not willing to really take on an 
  after having committed a crime right?  The implication of really
  decking the old guy would probably bring some consequences.  So they
  may have been playing a bit rather then really going all out to 
  him.  This guy would have had a different experience with some of 
  homegirls in my neighborhood who wouldn't have given him any 
  The different levels of blindness can account for an ability to
  recognize shapes enough to grab a thing as big as a human.
  Finally, due to the fact that it was almost as if it was a show for
  your benefit, I can't rule out that it was not a bit of street 
   Although you sent someone over to him, if you hadn't, he might have
  approached you.  The chances that you would be a higher paying
  customer than a Chinese person makes such a display very 
  I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
  choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite 
  and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby
  carriage, how disarming is that! 
  None of my speculations makes your story less interesting Angela. I 
  not attempting to  explain what happened, just some possibilities
  that come to my mind. Thanks for asking for our POVs on this 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
  mailander111@ wrote:
   I saw a pretty amazing guy in China do some things I'd have 
  good work on the part of the special effects people in a movie.  
  describe briefly what he did and then I'd like your thoughts on what
  that was all about.
   I was sitting on a bench with a student in downtown Zhenjiang, a
  crowded place, when I noticed a guy starting to cross the square.  
  was very very old.  No telling how old, but eighties at least if not
  nineties.  And there was something strange about the way he
  walked--like he was in a different movie from the rest of us in 
  time moved more slowly or like he was walking on the moon where
  there's less gravity or under water.  
   When he got opposite  us, he was suddenly involved  with three
  strong young girls, late teens, early twenties.  He was juggling
  them--it's the only way I can put it.  They tried to get away.  He'd
  hold two of them, one in each hand, and the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread Angela Mailander
To Deltablues:
I understand your skepticism.  Vaj posted a story about some dude whom cameras 
couldn't capture on film because of some magical properties of his body.  Then 
he vanished into thin air in a blast of light.  I don't believe a word of it. 

Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
TurquoiseB wrote:
  Yep. The parallels between belief in magical
  abilities through siddhis and the belief in
  magical abilities through the martial arts
  is a strong one. As is the posturing we see
  in those who still believe the PR despite
  decades in the study without ever seeing even
  one demonstration of the myths.
  As a general rule in the martial arts, anyone
  who talks about how well they can kick ass can't.  :-)
  Pretty much the same phenomenon as those who
  talk a lot about their darshan and how power-
  fully they can affect others' spiritual progress.
  The more talk, the less effect IMO. 
  The few teachers I've encountered who seemed to
  really have some extraordinary abilities going 
  for them -- either in the martial arts or in the 
  realm of consciousness -- were pretty quiet about 
  it. It was about action, not talk. And *after*
  the action, they never mentioned it again or
  tried to milk it for any PR or credit. They
  just did their jobs.
 Freddy Rama, your teacher, was a black belt! 

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 UFC 1-6 were the best! What a shock to all the
 karate/gung-fu one-punch-kills-all dudes. That's why
 I'm surprised that there are martial arts afficinados
 out there that still believe in some superduper secret
 school of one punch destroys all. Really quite silly.

So Peter uses reasoning to deduce that if a very hard strike is given 
to the adam's apple, or the testicles, or the knees, or ankles, 
stomach, or break the jaw, that it is not dangerous and just carry on 
as if nothing happened. You and Curtis and the goons on UFC should get 
on stage with the Republican candidates for president that still 
believe the Earth was created 6,000 years ago. 
Get real imagine a hard strike to any number of places and 
understand --- you could die or be crippled temporarily. One strike is 
all it takes, and if you have not trained with that in mind...you are 
not a martial artist. Shotokan style Kmiti style competition is the 
only way to test a martial art.  Other types of competition are mud-


[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

   You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan 
 I am a little unclear on your point.

The point cannot be clearer:

There are a dozen places such as you adams apple - on the human body 
where a sharp blow could easily kill you. You cannot easily defend 
them all at once. You MUST be able to block a strike, and strike one 
of those points very hard. 
Anything else is a joke and you would get killed using anything else 
in a real situation.

You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan style

If any of those UFC goons came to a Kmiti fight most of them would be 
humbled completely (and some bloody noses). The only legitimate test 
of the efficacy of a martial art is Kmiti, where the fight is stopped 
after a strike. Best out of three strikes.

Let's see them come to a Kmiti competition? ? ?
C'mon, let's see if they are really as good as you say they are. 
Why won't they come? There are such competitions that are open to 
others, but your goons won't come because they are not true martial 
artists who train every muscle and cell... to block...and and then 

 Shotokan has dominated such competitions in the past when other 
forms turned up to fight. Kmiti is the ONLY true test of a martial 
art. The rest is worse than mud- wrestling because it doesn't test 
anything. You have to stop the fight after one strike for it to be a 
legitimate test. One strike could easily kill someone, therefore 
breeching someone's defences makes your point. The fight stops. Best 
out of three wins.

All you are proving is your usual incapacity for rational thinking 
(as you do when you criticize something proven by scientific research 
published in peer reviewed journals ). You are making a fool of 
yourself if you think those goons of yours are kneeing someone in the 
face over and over again with full force. ROTFLMFA ! People would die 
if what you are watching was real ! It is all a stupid ratings show. 
Nothing more.


[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samadhi Is Much Closer Than 
You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It? 

 So, what is the redeeming value of this demonstration, this thread -
- the
 flagrantly ruthless wanton and rampant beastiality of moral 
retards, from
 whom we must learn to defend ourselves?

Pay attention:

True karate is this: that in daily life one's mind and body be 
trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and that in critical 
times, one be devoted utterly to the cause of justice.
--Gichin Funakoshi


 *Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most
 valuable thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral
 conscience. Only such persons deserve to lead others, in any 
 Anything less is a menace to society.
 On 11/29/07, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
   UFC 1-6 were the best! What a shock to all the
   karate/gung-fu one-punch-kills-all dudes. That's why
   I'm surprised that there are martial arts afficinados
   out there that still believe in some superduper secret
   school of one punch destroys all. Really quite silly.
  So Peter uses reasoning to deduce that if a very hard strike is 
  to the adam's apple, or the testicles, or the knees, or ankles,
  stomach, or break the jaw, that it is not dangerous and just 
carry on
  as if nothing happened. You and Curtis and the goons on UFC 
should get
  on stage with the Republican candidates for president that still
  believe the Earth was created 6,000 years ago.
  Get real imagine a hard strike to any number of places and
  understand --- you could die or be crippled temporarily. One 
strike is
  all it takes, and if you have not trained with that in mind...you 
  not a martial artist. Shotokan style Kmiti style competition is 
  only way to test a martial art.  Other types of competition are 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan 
  I am a little unclear on your point.
 The point cannot be clearer:
 There are a dozen places such as you adams apple - on the human 
 where a sharp blow could easily kill you.

I just finished seeing the DVD of the movie Waitress directed by 
Adrienne Shelley.  When I got to the bonus features section, there 
one one feature titled Adrienne Shelley, in memorium.  So I googled 
her name and it turns out that this 40-year old 
mother/director/actress was in her Greenwich Village apartment and 
the 19-year-old fellow in the apartment directly below her was making 
too much noise so she went down to confront him, they exchanged 
words, she slapped him (according to him), he punched her once and 
killed her...

So it can, indeed, take one well-placed punch...

See: http://tinyurl.com/yg98xe

 You cannot easily defend 
 them all at once. You MUST be able to block a strike, and strike 
 of those points very hard. 
 Anything else is a joke and you would get killed using anything 
 in a real situation.
 You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan style
 If any of those UFC goons came to a Kmiti fight most of them would 
 humbled completely (and some bloody noses). The only legitimate 
 of the efficacy of a martial art is Kmiti, where the fight is 
 after a strike. Best out of three strikes.
 Let's see them come to a Kmiti competition? ? ?
 C'mon, let's see if they are really as good as you say they are. 
 Why won't they come? There are such competitions that are open to 
 others, but your goons won't come because they are not true martial 
 artists who train every muscle and cell... to block...and and then 
  Shotokan has dominated such competitions in the past when other 
 forms turned up to fight. Kmiti is the ONLY true test of a martial 
 art. The rest is worse than mud- wrestling because it doesn't test 
 anything. You have to stop the fight after one strike for it to be 
 legitimate test. One strike could easily kill someone, therefore 
 breeching someone's defences makes your point. The fight stops. 
 out of three wins.
 All you are proving is your usual incapacity for rational thinking 
 (as you do when you criticize something proven by scientific 
 published in peer reviewed journals ). You are making a fool of 
 yourself if you think those goons of yours are kneeing someone in 
 face over and over again with full force. ROTFLMFA ! People would 
 if what you are watching was real ! It is all a stupid ratings 
 Nothing more.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
So, what is the redeeming value of this demonstration, this thread -- the
flagrantly ruthless wanton and rampant beastiality of moral retards, from
whom we must learn to defend ourselves?

*Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most
valuable thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral
conscience. Only such persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity.
Anything less is a menace to society.

On 11/29/07, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  UFC 1-6 were the best! What a shock to all the
  karate/gung-fu one-punch-kills-all dudes. That's why
  I'm surprised that there are martial arts afficinados
  out there that still believe in some superduper secret
  school of one punch destroys all. Really quite silly.

 So Peter uses reasoning to deduce that if a very hard strike is given
 to the adam's apple, or the testicles, or the knees, or ankles,
 stomach, or break the jaw, that it is not dangerous and just carry on
 as if nothing happened. You and Curtis and the goons on UFC should get
 on stage with the Republican candidates for president that still
 believe the Earth was created 6,000 years ago.
 Get real imagine a hard strike to any number of places and
 understand --- you could die or be crippled temporarily. One strike is
 all it takes, and if you have not trained with that in mind...you are
 not a martial artist. Shotokan style Kmiti style competition is the
 only way to test a martial art.  Other types of competition are mud-


[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread lurkernomore20002000
I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite convincing 
and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby 
carriage, how disarming is that! 

How does that work. I love a good story. Wait, let me pull up a 
chair.  Okay, ready.

   Send instant messages to your online friends

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000

 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
 I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
 choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite convincing 
 and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby 
 carriage, how disarming is that! 
 How does that work. I love a good story. Wait, let me pull up a 
 chair.  Okay, ready.

Black guys approaches me on H street in DC up the street from the old
College of Natural Law.  He tells me his Navy ship just pulled into
Baltimore Harbor that day and he had a 24 hour leave.  He reached in
his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of bills, bigger than a softball,
waves it in front of me and tells me that with only 24 hours he needs
a local to help him find a hooker.  And he tells me that he is willing
 to part with a chunk of that big wad to the guy who helps him find a
girl, been on the ship for 6 months and all and ready to ship out for
another 3 the next day.  His eyes are  clear and sincere, he holds my
gaze without flinching.  I like him almost instantly, he is radiating
familiarity like I went to school with him or something.  He needs my
help in the worst way if I would only show a little compassion for a
sailor in need, serving his country and in need of a little pussy for
one night, hell the drinks are on him, we can all party together he
has so much money to burn he doesn't care if he lays a few hundred on
me he'll buy me a girl too if I want and where is he going to spend
money in the middle of the ocean on a US Navy ship and can't I help a
brother in need for God's sake, he only has one night...

I start to back off and tell him that he doesn't need my help in the
Capital city.  He will do fine on his own.  Just then a woman rolls up
with a baby in a baby carriage, kinda blocks me in with it and joins
the conversation.  She tells me that we shouldn't miss this chance to
work a deal and that she knows some Howard University college girls
who turn tricks on the side.  She needs my help cuz she has this baby
see, and we can both make a bunch of money in such a short time,
yessereee we would be fools to pass up a chance to make a few
hundred dollars for almost no work at all, if I wont take the free
money she certainly will, she is no fool...

I realize that my ass is now in a sling with two people who wish me
harm and who knows who else in the wings, so I briskly walk away
cutting across moving traffic to get the F out of Dodge.

It was only later that I contemplated whether I saw a man pull out a
huge wad of bills or a man pulling out a few bills on the outside of a
partial roll of toilet paper.  Greed was the hook, and I didn't take
the bait.  But I learned a nice little lesson for the street.  Now if
someone asks me for the time, I step back first and look around me. 
Then I give them the time.  I never take for granted the power of more
than one person with me in their sights. 

Thanks for asking Lurk.  I hope it did not disappoint.


Send instant messages to your online friends

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-29 Thread lurkernomore20002000
But I learned a nice little lesson for the street.  Now if
someone asks me for the time, I step back first and look around me. 
Then I give them the time.  I never take for granted the power of 
more than one person with me in their sights. 
 Thanks for asking Lurk.  I hope it did not disappoint.

No, not at all.  So the goal was to rob you at some point?

My Uncle got caught up in a gambling scam.  Unfortunately he took 
the bait.  I can't remember all the details, (will have to ask my 
Dad), but they got him into a hotel room and at some point he is 10, 
20 thousand in the hole. (after being way up of course) I forget how 
he got out of it, but somehow he did.

 Send instant messages to your online friends

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread curtisdeltablues
  I agree,  You picked out two of the least technical fighters in 
  But both are champions for another reason, heart.
  There have been Karate masters of all schools in the octagon. 
 Incorrect. You don't know a Master ehen you see one because you have 
 not practiced Shotokan and understood what one looks like. There has 
 never been a Shotokan master in the Octagon.

Lets see over 70 UFCs, Pride which is based in Japan had about 60, and
K1 has evolved from a full contact Karate tournament into mixed
martial arts, all of these opportunities to test the claims of
Shotokan and no one has stepped up to do so?  That says a lot right
there.  You may be right about no one specifically from Shotokan but
many hard Ki karate master have fought in these tournaments.

As I'm sure you know the history of Karate in Japan, you will
understand my lack of interest in whatever distinction you are trying
to draw between hard KI styles.  The point is that no striking based
martial art alone works in these tests.

The hidden masters who refuse to fight are not fighting for a reason.
  They have enough students using only Jaw-Jitsu and they look like
badasses with one their one move drills.  They are, no doubt, all
badasses compared to me. But you don't see me in the Octagon either. I
would be curious to know how well traditional martial arts schools are
doing.  Mixed martial arts is even bigger in Japan than it is here. 
My guess is that the young fighters are drifting from traditional one
system schools and the old guys are too old to compete.  So we may
never see the match up of someone you would consider a pure Shotokan
master in a MMA event.

  I'm glad you checked out some UFC fighters.  You picked two of the
  least technical strikers, but you see the effectiveness of getting
  good at a few techniques under pressure.  Have you ever been put in 
  traditional Muay Thai, two hands behind your neck, clinch? 
 Shotokan has an instant techniqque for getting out of it is a split 
 secidn and applying to devestating blows intantaneously in two 
 seperate and lethat areas before the grappler knows he has lost the 

Muay Thai Boxing, the national sport of Thailand is a striking art not
a grappling art.  Every complete martial art has counters to this move
including Muay Thai.  It is executing the counter that is the hard
part.  Have you ever seen a Shotokan Karate master use his counter
against a professional Thai fighter?   No?  So this is just something
 you know without having it tested I guess? Mixed martial arts
tournaments have given us empirical data on what works by testing all
the traditional theories.

  I have. 
  Mercifully it was not followed by the knees that meet your face as 
  is pulled down by the full force of a man's latimus dorsi muscles as
  the knee is kicked up. 
 Lol...ridiculous. A Shotokan fighter could not be pulled down like 
 that and would be out of that grip before the grappler know ehat 

It is humbling to actually be in such a clinch.  Much easier to know
what you would do.  But you may be right.  If a clinch to set up knee
strikes don't work, a Thai fighter just kicks you with low kicks until
you lose your base.  Then you get one in the head.  (I know, Shotokan
masters never get kicked anywhere by anyone.  I've got your
perspective down now.)

  I have nothing but respect for the Shotakan warriors who go full
  contact.  They are true martial artists. And all the best of them 
  now training in ground fighting and other cross training if they 
  to continue to grow.  There is a cloth of Brahman in martial arts 
   It is woven out of the threads of individual arts.  Shotakan is a
  legitimate thread. 
 My prediction that a true Shotoakan master will appear and annihilate 
 the rest will occur and you will witness it with awe. 

I look forward to it.  I'll add this to my stuff that's gunna happen
list.  I use a special roll of soft paper to write down this type of

 So is Muay Thai and so is Jiu jitsu.  You need to
  have all of them in the Bruce Lee perspective of integrating all the
  traditional martial arts into a real fighting style.
 Shotokan already has all the other styles integrated. Name one move 
 that you think is not used in Shotokan and you will find it is. The 
 only difference is that some of them are used only in minimal and 
 more effective ways. They are all in there, you just haven't seen 
 them all.

And you know this by not studying any other martial art I'm gunna
guess.  Sounds like a TM claim imposed on martial arts.  Bruce Lee
didn't hold this view.  He believed that each martial art had
strengths and weaknesses but that the practitioners of traditional
forms were blind to this reality.  Mixed martial arts has fulfilled
his dream for an empirical way to test the grandiose claims of each style.

The results are in, you have to know a lot about a few different
systems today.  If what 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

   I agree,  You picked out two of the least technical fighters in 
   But both are champions for another reason, heart.
   There have been Karate masters of all schools in the octagon. 
  Incorrect. You don't know a Master ehen you see one because you 
  not practiced Shotokan and understood what one looks like. There 
  never been a Shotokan master in the Octagon.
 Lets see over 70 UFCs, Pride which is based in Japan had about 60, 
 K1 has evolved from a full contact Karate tournament into mixed
 martial arts, all of these opportunities to test the claims of
 Shotokan and no one has stepped up to do so?  That says a lot right
 there.  You may be right about no one specifically from Shotokan but
 many hard Ki karate master have fought in these tournaments.

You don't understand Shotokan or martial arts Curtis. Go practice it 
for 3 or 4 years, 5 or 6 hard and heafty sessions a week, then get 
back to me. Then you will understand better what a martial art really 
is and how those competitions cannot possibly test what it is 
designed for. It is designed SPECIFICALLY to block and then kill on 
the second blow, third blow on a bad day. Get it yet. That's it. Its 
not designed for TV ratings bullshit.

What you are talking about is like racing a race car against a 
bicycle, only the race car has no gas in it.

Come back in 4 years when you have studied the topic properly.

 I enjoyed having this manly man conversation over beer nuts with you
 Off.  I'm starting to get you a little better.  Kind of a Yosemite
 Sam kind of dude aren't you? Entertaining for sure.

More of a mix between Bugs Bunny and a little Popeye when I eat ma 
spinach !

You sound more like 'Dylan' from the children's cartoon the Magic 
Roundabout, but you yanks won't know that. He's the scruffy hippy 
dude that hangs out under a tree smking dope and playin' geetar.

In closing:
HYyyyaa !

(Shotakan never EVER make noises like those, I was just playin' 
cartoon karate wit' ya.)


[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread curtisdeltablues
 You don't understand Shotokan or martial arts Curtis. Go practice it 
 for 3 or 4 years, 5 or 6 hard and heafty sessions a week, then get 
 back to me. Then you will understand better what a martial art really 
 is and how those competitions cannot possibly test what it is 
 designed for. It is designed SPECIFICALLY to block and then kill on 
 the second blow, third blow on a bad day. Get it yet. That's it. Its 
 not designed for TV ratings bullshit.
 What you are talking about is like racing a race car against a 
 bicycle, only the race car has no gas in it.
 Come back in 4 years when you have studied the topic properly.

My martial arts drug of choice was Jiu Jitsu and I did train hard for
about 4 years.  First I trained in a mixed martial arts dojo that
combined Russian Sambo, Akido, Judo, Tae Kwan Do with Japanese
Jiu-jitsu.  It was the closest thing to the Brazilian Jiu jitsu that I
really wanted to study.  I was using tapes and private instruction to
test the Brazilian style with what my dojo was teaching and it really
came out well.  Once a true Brazilian Jiu jitsu studio opened, I left
my own dojo right before my brown belt test to become a white belt
again.  As Bruce Lee said a black belt is useful to hold up your
pants.)  After about a year and two shoulder dislocations I had to
admit that fighting guys in their 20's in my 40's really wasn't
sustainable.  But I still train occasionally with friends and love the

I was never interested in serious striking skills.  With grappling I
could go balls out without as much damage.  But the first UFC's really
were practically no rules, so there is no reason why karate guys
couldn't be tested for real.  Now they use gloves to protect the hand
bones and it makes striking more effective while making grappling a
littler harder.  I think there is something more profound than TV
ratings going on, but this sport isn't for everyone.  

I have never seen any evidence for the one strike one kill myth in
karate anywhere in any fighting system I have seen.  I think it is a
story like yogis flying in the air. Well I probably give it a higher
probability than flying, but you get my point. 

I wouldn't characterize myself as a dope smoking hippie under a tree.
 My singing business keeps me clear of all smoke and I work out almost
every day. My guitar style is very physical so I have to train hard to
perform solo, let alone lugging my gear in an out of shows.  Exercise
is the fountain of youth.  I know you understand with your own active

So we can agree that we enjoy our own martial arts choices. That seems
good enough for me. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I agree,  You picked out two of the least technical fighters in 
But both are champions for another reason, heart.
There have been Karate masters of all schools in the octagon. 
   Incorrect. You don't know a Master ehen you see one because you 
   not practiced Shotokan and understood what one looks like. There 
   never been a Shotokan master in the Octagon.
  Lets see over 70 UFCs, Pride which is based in Japan had about 60, 
  K1 has evolved from a full contact Karate tournament into mixed
  martial arts, all of these opportunities to test the claims of
  Shotokan and no one has stepped up to do so?  That says a lot right
  there.  You may be right about no one specifically from Shotokan but
  many hard Ki karate master have fought in these tournaments.
 You don't understand Shotokan or martial arts Curtis. Go practice it 
 for 3 or 4 years, 5 or 6 hard and heafty sessions a week, then get 
 back to me. Then you will understand better what a martial art really 
 is and how those competitions cannot possibly test what it is 
 designed for. It is designed SPECIFICALLY to block and then kill on 
 the second blow, third blow on a bad day. Get it yet. That's it. Its 
 not designed for TV ratings bullshit.
 What you are talking about is like racing a race car against a 
 bicycle, only the race car has no gas in it.
 Come back in 4 years when you have studied the topic properly.
  I enjoyed having this manly man conversation over beer nuts with you
  Off.  I'm starting to get you a little better.  Kind of a Yosemite
  Sam kind of dude aren't you? Entertaining for sure.
 More of a mix between Bugs Bunny and a little Popeye when I eat ma 
 spinach !
 You sound more like 'Dylan' from the children's cartoon the Magic 
 Roundabout, but you yanks won't know that. He's the scruffy hippy 
 dude that hangs out under a tree smking dope and playin' geetar.
 In closing:
 HYyyyaa !
 (Shotakan never EVER make noises like those, I was just playin' 
 cartoon karate wit' ya.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  You don't understand Shotokan or martial arts Curtis. Go practice 
  for 3 or 4 years, 5 or 6 hard and heafty sessions a week, then 
  back to me. Then you will understand better what a martial art 
  is and how those competitions cannot possibly test what it is 
  designed for. It is designed SPECIFICALLY to block and then kill 
  the second blow, third blow on a bad day. Get it yet. That's it. 
 I have never seen any evidence for the one strike one kill myth in
 karate anywhere in any fighting system I have seen. 

Ok, with my hands tied behind my back, I will strike you in the adams 
apple really hard, while you try to stop me. Wanna try it sometime? I 
bet you don't because no SMART person wants to be in a fight with 
someone aiming hard for some place like that. If you don't think that 
could EASILY kill you with one hard strike you are a fool. 

C'mon, someone back me up here ! This is obvious .

If you don't have a strong jock strap on then that might be the other 
place that gets hit  and yes, people can joke about it, but it can 
kill you too. (Ladies in Shotokan are taught techniques for this 
early on, to stop would be rapists etc.)But it might be your knees 
getting broken in one blow instead. You just never know. Can you 
protect all three at once?

Shotokan is designed SPECIFICALLY to block and then kill on the 
second blow, third blow on a bad day. Get it yet? That's it. 

There are also other spots that are just a dangerous. Let one strike 
in, in true martial arts, and the true matial artist knows the goal 
of the whole system has been achieved. So the fight stops immediately 
in kmiti. 

 I was just kiddin' about the dope smokin' hippy thing. Gawd, lighten 

Outta here, I am skiing today, then working on computer, then skiing 
some more. Its what I would call Heaven on Earth.

I will like to hear your music one day if you ever come to Vermont, 
and we'll get a pint of Old Thumper after and have a laugh.


[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   You don't understand Shotokan or martial arts Curtis. Go practice 
   for 3 or 4 years, 5 or 6 hard and heafty sessions a week, then 
   back to me. Then you will understand better what a martial art 
   is and how those competitions cannot possibly test what it is 
   designed for. It is designed SPECIFICALLY to block and then kill 
   the second blow, third blow on a bad day. Get it yet. That's it. 
  I have never seen any evidence for the one strike one kill myth in
  karate anywhere in any fighting system I have seen. 
 Ok, with my hands tied behind my back, I will strike you in the adams 
 apple really hard, while you try to stop me. Wanna try it sometime? I 
 bet you don't because no SMART person wants to be in a fight with 
 someone aiming hard for some place like that. If you don't think that 
 could EASILY kill you with one hard strike you are a fool. 
 C'mon, someone back me up here ! This is obvious .

I had to wait this long for an across the Internet fight challenge! 
Damn I was beginning to fell unappreciated.  Hands tied behind your
back was a nice touch!

If you define one strike as more than one strike to set it up then I
agree.  There are places that can knock a person out and even kill
them if lots of things go wrong at once.  But the thing is that every
striking school starts day one with tuck your chin.  It isn't so
easy to hit someone's throat outside of a sucker punch.  That is why
most strikers use combinations to hit something vulnerable. There are
plenty of trachea crush moves in grappling but you really don't need
to do more than block the arteries for a few moments to put someone to
 sleep.  Permanent damage isn't necessary to prove a point.  

Same with nad shots, it is harder than it looks.  


 Can you 
 protect all three at once?

I can't think of a single martial art that isn't designed to do so. 
It is kind of fighting 101.

 Shotokan is designed SPECIFICALLY to block and then kill on the 
 second blow, third blow on a bad day. Get it yet? That's it. 
 There are also other spots that are just a dangerous. Let one strike 
 in, in true martial arts, and the true matial artist knows the goal 
 of the whole system has been achieved. So the fight stops
immediately  in kmiti. 

Liver and kidney shots are a bitch.   I think we are on the same page
as long as you have set up combinations to make it happen. If someone
is watching TV and you go all Kato on his ass then maybe you could do
the one shot trick.  I hope you don't go as far as the Dim Mak myth do
you?  That would be disappointing.

  I was just kiddin' about the dope smokin' hippy thing. Gawd, lighten 

I'm learning to catch your groove.  Rick's obvious affection for you
made me think I was not appreciating you properly.

 Outta here, I am skiing today, then working on computer, then skiing 
 some more. Its what I would call Heaven on Earth.
Amen to that!

 I will like to hear your music one day if you ever come to Vermont, 
 and we'll get a pint of Old Thumper after and have a laugh.

Let's see, you liquored up at your place...mmm...well OK as long as we
decide beforehand that the subject of martial arts is NOT gunna be
raised and NO challenge matches! I'm sure you are a gas in person. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread Peter

--- curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have never seen any evidence for the one strike
 one kill myth in
 karate anywhere in any fighting system I have seen. 
 I think it is a
 story like yogis flying in the air. Well I probably
 give it a higher
 probability than flying, but you get my point. 

I really would like to belief that such a thing is
possible, but like you say, its like yogis flying
through the air. I'd luv to see it, but I doubt it.
For so many centuries these karate and kung-fu guys
have been believing their own press releases. As you
have noted, UFC and MMA competition put all this
killer striking ability to rest pretty quickly.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread Peter

--- curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Muay Thai Boxing, the national sport of Thailand is
 a striking art not
 a grappling art.  Every complete martial art has
 counters to this move
 including Muay Thai.  It is executing the counter
 that is the hard
 part.  Have you ever seen a Shotokan Karate master
 use his counter
 against a professional Thai fighter?   No?  So this
 is just something
  you know without having it tested I guess? Mixed
 martial arts
 tournaments have given us empirical data on what
 works by testing all
 the traditional theories. 

Curtis, my neighbor (30 something guy) has trained in
Muay Thai for several years. He works out a lot in his
garage. I asked him to demonstrate some Muay Thai
moves on me a while back. I'm an old judo guy so i do
know somethings on the mat. My experience was like
yours. That behind the neck lock-up is incredibly


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[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
You don't understand Shotokan or martial arts Curtis. Go 
for 3 or 4 years, 5 or 6 hard and heafty sessions a week, 
back to me. Then you will understand better what a martial 
is and how those competitions cannot possibly test what it is 
designed for. It is designed SPECIFICALLY to block and then 
the second blow, third blow on a bad day. Get it yet. That's 
   I have never seen any evidence for the one strike one kill 
myth in
   karate anywhere in any fighting system I have seen. 
  Ok, with my hands tied behind my back, I will strike you in the 
  apple really hard, while you try to stop me. Wanna try it 
sometime? I 
  bet you don't because no SMART person wants to be in a fight with 
  someone aiming hard for some place like that. If you don't think 
  could EASILY kill you with one hard strike you are a fool. 
  C'mon, someone back me up here ! This is obvious .
 I had to wait this long for an across the Internet fight challenge! 
 Damn I was beginning to fell unappreciated.  Hands tied behind your
 back was a nice touch!

 If you define one strike as more than one strike to set it up then I


There are places that can knock a person out and even kill
 them if lots of things go wrong at once. But the thing is that every
 striking school starts day one with tuck your chin. 

Lol !
Tuck in your balls too boy, and make sure your knee caps don't get 
smacked off with a foot. At the same time watch your ankles boy ! 
They are easily damaged. Cover your stomach and kidneys ! And do ALL 
OF THAT ALL AT ONCE, and make sure he doesn't break your jaw at the 
same time. And, watch out for your heart being smacked into heart 

LOL...you are going to come into a fight scrunched up like a worm 
ball and then...you get swept off your feet in an instant and your 
jaw broken in the second strike. 

I would like to see ANY of the UFC goons come to a kmiti style 
shotokan fight and win. A couple of them could do well, but most of 
those goons would be too slow to know what happened and why they are 
suddently looking at the lights on the ceiling.

  I will like to hear your music one day if you ever come to 
  and we'll get a pint of Old Thumper after and have a laugh.
 Let's see, you liquored up at your place...mmm...well OK as long as 
 decide beforehand that the subject of martial arts is NOT gunna be
 raised and NO challenge matches! I'm sure you are a gas in person. 

After a pint of old thumper there is bound to be a brawl, but it will 
likely end up more like these guys:



[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Curtis, my neighbor (30 something guy) has trained in
 Muay Thai for several years. He works out a lot in his
 garage. I asked him to demonstrate some Muay Thai
 moves on me a while back. I'm an old judo guy so i do
 know somethings on the mat. My experience was like
 yours. That behind the neck lock-up is incredibly


I was wondering when you would join in!
Yeah, I was blown away by the Muay Thai clinch's control even without
eating knees which is how Rich Franklin experienced it a few UFC's
back. I dig their low kicks too.

Judo is such a great tough sport.  I did a lot of Judo in my first
school.  Learning to fall in a relaxed state while being thrown was a
religious quest for me.  One class I asked my teacher to throw me 25
times in a row so I could begin to stay conscious enough to
experience the throw.  It really helped.  I learned how to slide my
hand on their GI as I was flying over them to slow down my impact. But
even with that it is really hard on your body to get thrown.  Not to
mention all the nasty ways to accelerate a throw that would pop up
with certain sadistic partners!  Like my TM intensive days, I am
really happy to have experienced it, and really happy I am not into it
like that now.

The discussion with Off really brings me back to all those debates
when UFC 2 blew the lid off.  Those were exciting times when a little
Gracie ground game could give you a huge advantage in a classically
trained Jiu jitsu or Judo dojo.  Now the sport is at such a high
level.  Last year I hit the mat with a purple belt Gracie fighter who
I used to train with in the mid 90's.  Very quickly it became obvious
that the world had passed me by, his skill level was so radically
different, I couldn't do a single thing to slow down the inevitable. 
What a brilliant system of body chess! But I have fallen off the board
and I can't get up!  When he described all his injuries and how messed
up his fingers are I remembered why I had accepted my fate and hung up
my GI.

These days IFC is on cable, the UFC reality show has fights every
week, and the day after UFC you can catch the fights online for free.
 It is really blowing up as a sport. But 70 UFCs ago Royce Gracie
changed the way I viewed martial arts forever.  And I sure wasn't the
only one!



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[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Tuck in your balls too boy, and make sure your knee caps don't get 
 smacked off with a foot. At the same time watch your ankles boy ! 
 They are easily damaged. Cover your stomach and kidneys ! And do ALL 
 OF THAT ALL AT ONCE, and make sure he doesn't break your jaw at the 
 same time. And, watch out for your heart being smacked into heart 
 LOL...you are going to come into a fight scrunched up like a worm 
 ball and then...you get swept off your feet in an instant and your 
 jaw broken in the second strike. 
 I would like to see ANY of the UFC goons come to a kmiti style 
 shotokan fight and win. A couple of them could do well, but most of 
 those goons would be too slow to know what happened and why they are 
 suddently looking at the lights on the ceiling.

You should check out Pride Fighting out of Japan.  They have all sorts
of lifelong karate guys fighting.

It doesn't have to be Shotokan style.  The right strike ends fights in
a flash in UFC all the time.  You don't curl in a ball to defend, you
move in and out of range while striking yourself.  For a straight line
attack like traditional karate the movement is circular peppered with
low kicks.  All striking systems require a precise distance and angle
to be powerful.  That is why no one striking system owns UFC.  Even
striking focused fighters are all cross trained.  But if I had a
nickel for every time a striker's pre-fight interview included the
phrase it will never go to the ground, before it does go to the
ground, I would be rich.

 After a pint of old thumper there is bound to be a brawl, but it will 
 likely end up more like these guys:

That video was the funniest thing I have seen all week.

   I will like to hear your music one day if you ever come to 
   and we'll get a pint of Old Thumper after and have a laugh.
  Let's see, you liquored up at your place...mmm...well OK as long as 
  decide beforehand that the subject of martial arts is NOT gunna be
  raised and NO challenge matches! I'm sure you are a gas in person. 
 After a pint of old thumper there is bound to be a brawl, but it will 
 likely end up more like these guys:

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 It doesn't have to be Shotokan style.  The right strike ends fights in
 a flash in UFC all the time.  You don't curl in a ball to defend, you
 move in and out of range while striking yourself.  For a straight line
 attack like traditional karate the movement is circular peppered with
 low kicks.  

That's the whole point. Peppering someone with inneffective side swipes 
with no power available behind them in a real situation is a joke. You 
might as well go play table tennis. Karate is designed to have the 
whole body and the force of every muscle in the body and the whole body 
lunging at full force to a cripple or kill spot at incredible speed. 
Anything else is a joke and you would get killed using anything else in 
a real situation.

 You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan style 
competition. If any of those UFC people came to a Kmiti fight most of 
them would be humbled completely (and some bloody noses). The only 
legitimate test of the efficacy of a martial art is Kmiti, where the 
fight is stopped after a strike. Best out of three strikes. 

Otherwise it is a bar-room brawl and does not test what Shotokan is 
designed for. Instead of those goons claiming they can beat Shotokan at 
silly brawls that don't test what martial arts were designed for, let's 
see them come to a Kmiti competition. Shotokan has dominated such 
competitions in the past when other forms turned up to fight. Kmiti is 
the only true test of a martial art. The rest is worse than mud-
wrestling because it doesn't test anything. You have to stop the fight 
after one strike for it to be a legitimate test. One strike could 
easily kill someone, and you are naive if you think it cannot.


[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-28 Thread curtisdeltablues
  You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan style 

I am a little unclear on your point. Is it that your Shotokan style is
the bestest onliest realist ultimatist super duperist wowy dowiest
toppermostist of the popermostist ultraist wammer jammerist
supercalafracilisticexpialidoshisist fantabulous Mt. Everestic
Vendantabulous martial art.  (The one you studied)

All other martial arts, not so much?

Am I reading your fine point clearly? Let me summarize

Off has the highest martial arts teaching.

Everyone else, doesn't.

Are we on the same page now? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  It doesn't have to be Shotokan style.  The right strike ends fights in
  a flash in UFC all the time.  You don't curl in a ball to defend, you
  move in and out of range while striking yourself.  For a straight line
  attack like traditional karate the movement is circular peppered with
  low kicks.  
 That's the whole point. Peppering someone with inneffective side swipes 
 with no power available behind them in a real situation is a joke. You 
 might as well go play table tennis. Karate is designed to have the 
 whole body and the force of every muscle in the body and the whole body 
 lunging at full force to a cripple or kill spot at incredible speed. 
 Anything else is a joke and you would get killed using anything else in 
 a real situation.
  You cannot test martial arts without using a Kmiti Shotokan style 
 competition. If any of those UFC people came to a Kmiti fight most of 
 them would be humbled completely (and some bloody noses). The only 
 legitimate test of the efficacy of a martial art is Kmiti, where the 
 fight is stopped after a strike. Best out of three strikes. 
 Otherwise it is a bar-room brawl and does not test what Shotokan is 
 designed for. Instead of those goons claiming they can beat Shotokan at 
 silly brawls that don't test what martial arts were designed for, let's 
 see them come to a Kmiti competition. Shotokan has dominated such 
 competitions in the past when other forms turned up to fight. Kmiti is 
 the only true test of a martial art. The rest is worse than mud-
 wrestling because it doesn't test anything. You have to stop the fight 
 after one strike for it to be a legitimate test. One strike could 
 easily kill someone, and you are naive if you think it cannot.

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-27 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  Those UFC gorrilla goons are not even in the same league for 
  accuracy, and power, as true Shotokan. And half their stuff looks 
  like Wrestling, otherwise, if it were remotely close to real, 
  would die using Shotokan for that UFC TV ratings kind of crap.
 I agree,  You picked out two of the least technical fighters in 
 But both are champions for another reason, heart.
 There have been Karate masters of all schools in the octagon. 

Incorrect. You don't know a Master ehen you see one because you have 
not practiced Shotokan and understood what one looks like. There has 
never been a Shotokan master in the Octagon.

 I'm glad you checked out some UFC fighters.  You picked two of the
 least technical strikers, but you see the effectiveness of getting
 good at a few techniques under pressure.  Have you ever been put in 
 traditional Muay Thai, two hands behind your neck, clinch? 

Shotokan has an instant techniqque for getting out of it is a split 
secidn and applying to devestating blows intantaneously in two 
seperate and lethat areas before the grappler knows he has lost the 

 I have. 
 Mercifully it was not followed by the knees that meet your face as 
 is pulled down by the full force of a man's latimus dorsi muscles as
 the knee is kicked up. 

Lol...ridiculous. A Shotokan fighter could not be pulled down like 
that and would be out of that grip before the grappler know ehat 

 As I sparred in a Jiu Jitsu school with a guy
 with Muay Thai training I asked him about the famous Muay Thai 
  He and I locked up.  I was sure I could counter his moves.  Next
 thing I knew I felt a supernatural pressure on my head and neck
 pulling it down.  It was like a building pulling my head down and it
 happened in a split second. 

A Shotokan trained black belt would be out of it in a split second.

 I have nothing but respect for the Shotakan warriors who go full
 contact.  They are true martial artists. And all the best of them 
 now training in ground fighting and other cross training if they 
 to continue to grow.  There is a cloth of Brahman in martial arts 
  It is woven out of the threads of individual arts.  Shotakan is a
 legitimate thread. 

My prediction that a true Shotoakan master will appear and annihilate 
the rest will occur and you will witness it with awe. 

So is Muay Thai and so is Jiu jitsu.  You need to
 have all of them in the Bruce Lee perspective of integrating all the
 traditional martial arts into a real fighting style.

Shotokan already has all the other styles integrated. Name one move 
that you think is not used in Shotokan and you will find it is. The 
only difference is that some of them are used only in minimal and 
more effective ways. They are all in there, you just haven't seen 
them all.

In closing:

HYyyyaa !

That finished it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: UFC Goons

2007-11-26 Thread curtisdeltablues

 Those UFC gorrilla goons are not even in the same league for speed, 
 accuracy, and power, as true Shotokan. And half their stuff looks faked 
 like Wrestling, otherwise, if it were remotely close to real, people 
 would die using Shotokan for that UFC TV ratings kind of crap.

I agree,  You picked out two of the least technical fighters in UFC. 
But both are champions for another reason, heart.
There have been Karate masters of all schools in the octagon.  the
ship of your argument has sailed over 10 years ago.  Now no striking
style or grappling style can exist in isolation.  Those days are over.

But that said, the Shotokan full contact fighters were true badass
fighters.  They just aren't magic badass fighters.

I'm glad you checked out some UFC fighters.  You picked two of the
least technical strikers, but you see the effectiveness of getting
good at a few techniques under pressure.  Have you ever been put in a
traditional Muay Thai, two hands behind your neck, clinch?  I have. 
Mercifully it was not followed by the knees that meet your face as it
is pulled down by the full force of a man's latimus dorsi muscles as
the knee is kicked up.  As I sparred in a Jiu Jitsu school with a guy
with Muay Thai training I asked him about the famous Muay Thai clinch.
 He and I locked up.  I was sure I could counter his moves.  Next
thing I knew I felt a supernatural pressure on my head and neck
pulling it down.  It was like a building pulling my head down and it
happened in a split second.  He raised his knee up at a quarter the
speed to show me what I was heading for.  It blew my mind.  It all
came on me so fast that I would have never seen it coming.  Rich
Franklin in the UFC clip you referred to had the same experience but
the knee connected.  It was skill that won that fight.  The venerable
tradition of Muay Thai fighting.

I have nothing but respect for the Shotakan warriors who go full
contact.  They are true martial artists. And all the best of them are
now training in ground fighting and other cross training if they want
to continue to grow.  There is a cloth of Brahman in martial arts now.
 It is woven out of the threads of individual arts.  Shotakan is a
legitimate thread. So is Muay Thai and so is Jiu jitsu.  You need to
have all of them in the Bruce Lee perspective of integrating all the
traditional martial arts into a real fighting style.

So Off, all respect to the great art of Shotakan karate.  But not my
only respect.  That is reserved for an even harder collage of skills
that are now being created in mixed martial arts dojos around the
world.  You don't have to be convinced.  The world is moving on with
or without you.  But with your appreciation for these fighting arts, I
hope you are able to move with the growth of a wonderful human sport.  

We have guns and missiles now when we want to kill someone.  Martial
arts are arts now.  Beautiful arts practiced by tough guys who can
train hard.  I admire all of them, including the brave guys on the
tape you showed me.  There are some more technical strikers then the
UFC guys you posted. but the guys I like the most have combined the
best striking techniques with the best ground game.  Those are the
well-rounded fighters of the future.  
